#and will continue to be
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teadrunktailor · 2 months ago
So... 2024.
- Barney C.
- Learned some Blender basics
- Went back to Seattle and ECCC
- conceived and oversaw installation of massive new interactive exhibit at work
- conceived, designed, and produced massive temporary centennial display at work
- scored a Marriott room first try for D*Con 2025
- interviewed for and got senior curatorial position at work
- lost one of the horses to a terrible bout of colic
- lived in a cabin on an island for three days
- lost my new (very cool) boss five days ago in a climbing accident (still processing that one)
- met some of THE coolest possible people at D*Con this year
- half-assed a Blue Shift!Barney cosplay
- printed and built a whole-ass AR2
- rescued a very fresh calf that had spent the night in the ditch outside the barbwire fence
- acquired a resin printer and learned how to print 3D stuff in resin
- learned basic electronics for cosplay bullshit
- Barney's Civil Protection helmet
- got marginally better at running
- took lots of naps with the cats
- climbed one (1) mountain with @veradune
Here's to 2025!
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codenamesazanka · 1 year ago
On Chapter 414.
The memory scene with Spinner:
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is not Shigaraki's first meeting Spinner. It's the memory of Spinner yelling at Shigaraki at the start of My Villain Academia, in Chapter 220.
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Same exact words. In the same exact font and layout too.
In English:
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Other thing to note: Deku recognizes Spinner. He calls out Spinner's name. "Spinner!?"
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bri-sonat · 2 years ago
the single eye being shown somehow makes her even more malicious lookin. i love it.
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 6 months ago
asking for holy blue because thats my jam (this being sagemoderocklee)
Oof okay this one's rough, but I'll do it for you <3
Down below, I gave an explanation and then a small snippet, because that's the most you'll get of this fic in likely a very long time. But it turned into a pretty big rant about my insecurities surrounding this fic as explanation for why it hasn't had any progress in literal years, whoops. Sorry this is so long!
Basically this was one of the first fics I planned out back in 2022 when I really started properly writing fic. The last fics I'd written had been DC comics fics back when I was like 12. I think I said this once or twice, but your stories specifically actually inspired me to be like "no I CAN write a long fic actually!! Those non-porn-oneshot ideas don't just have to stay ideas forever!! I do have it in me!" which led to me plotting this fic.
I then got wayyyy too overzealous, posted a prequel (that I'm not super happy with now and would like to make some changes to before I continue posting), and plotted out the first half of a two-part longform series before I was really ready. It's halted for a number of reasons. Partly because I'm struggling to figure out what I want to really have happen in the second half of the story. The half I have plotted could be a full story in its own right, but it's meant to be continued, so the ending would be depressing and frustrating in an unsatisfying way if it wasn't continued in a second story after that. I'm stuck on a resolution, though, and on turning the ideas I have for the second half into a proper story.
Also, I got overthinking and made myself super insecure about characterization (especially in regards to Lee), as well as how much of the story was very directly inspired by several other big, incredible fics in the fandom by several different authors I hold in really high regard. The stress of living up to that inspiration combined with the fear that the story wasn't original enough in the form I had planned kind of put the brakes on the whole thing. And then I got distracted by a bunch of other fics that I felt more confident in. Horror is my strong suit, I think, and this is not that at all haha
On top of all this, there's a major plot point that comes to light near the end of the first half. It's the type of thing that I've seen written so well in a couple different fics, and so poorly in so many others. It's something that I know is not everyone's cup of tea, even when it's well-written. And I've been torn about how much to be up-front with this plot point and how much to hide it. I want people to know the direction the story is heading in for the sake of their own enjoyment; so people who wouldn't be into it can just avoid it from the get-go instead of getting invested first. But I don't want to spoil things too much. But also, if knowing the outcome of a story ruins the whole thing, then it just wasn't very well written, right? Knowing what happens later SHOULDN'T completely ruin the story. If it does, that's on me for not writing it as well as I should have.
This is the overthinking I've been doing lol this is why there's been no progress on this story. It's funny, because I probably have a higher percentage of this fic written than most of my other WIPs.
Basically, if/when I finish and continue posting this story, it's going to come after a great deal of planning and work. And I'm not going to continue it until I really sit down and parse through exactly what stories inspired it and in what capacity. And after that, if I feel that it's original enough, I'd still want to give links to the stories that inspired it when I post it.
I don't want to say TOO much about the premise, because there's a lot that's meant to be *dramatically revealed* as the story goes on, but I can give a general teaser: It starts with Lee, along with the rest of Team Gai, spending a year in Suna. In that time, Lee and Gaara begin a bit of a secret, illicit affair. Obviously, Gaara's position as Kazekage complicates things, but Gaara intends to make it happen for them anyway. Lee, however, has some hidden commitments of his own that puts an even bigger wrench in those plans. Then, the year is up, things have snowballed, and no one is ready to handle the fallout of Gaara and Lee's rush into things.
You get two mediocre snippets to make up for the lengthy anxiety ramblings <3 featuring Sand Sibs Bantering (+Shikamaru) and a first second kiss between Gaara and Lee.
Temari grinned wickedly, a look rarely seen outside the company of the family.
“Alright. We’ll be stuck with them for the next year, so get any negative comments you have out of the way now.”
“If Neji’s still got a stick up his ass, I’m gonna have to be sick for a lot of meetings down the line.” Kankurou jumped in, ready to complain at any opportunity.
“He’s way more polite when he’s in diplomacy mode, trust me.” Shikamaru had finally - after years - adjusted to the siblings’ mean streaks. He took it in stride now. “Besides, he’s mellowed out recently now that Hinata is the acting head of the clan.”
“I don’t think Tenten likes me very much.” Gaara added, unwilling to speak too ill of allies, let alone friends.
Kankurou laughed at that, “She probably just doesn’t know what to do with you, man. You know how Konoha shinobi are, they wear everything on their sleeve. Sometimes Temari and I can’t even tell what you’re thinking."
“Besides," Temari interjected, with the slightest note of griping in her tone (which Gaara knew she would vehemently deny should she ever be accused of it; Temari did not gripe, according to herself and everyone in the world, save those who've known her their whole lives.) "I’m more worried about bowl cuts one and two. There’s only so much of that energy I can take before I want to pull my hair out.”
Gaara found himself responding before he even thought about it, “Lee is just… passionate.”
“Okay we’re supposed to be complaining about Team Gai here but I honestly gotta say–” Kankurou leaned on Gaara’s shoulder, “I really don’t get what it is with you and idolizing guys who beat your ass when you were twelve.”
“I’m not an arm rest.” Gaara’s sand pushed Kankurou away, “And it has nothing to do with that. He’s very dedicated to what he does. It’s respectable.”
“What you got a crush on the guy now?” Gaara’s almost choked on his own saliva, collecting himself when he realized his brother was just – once again – taking a joke further than it needed to be.
The last thing he needed was his siblings catching wind of his ridiculous train of thought as of late.
“That’s enough, you wasted your time with it.” Temari elbowed Kankurou until he straightened out his posture, motioning to the four who had just approached the chuunin on guard duty.
“Didn’t even get a good joke in about the jumpsuits…” She muttered.
Lee’s rambling was cut off as Gaara sighed, seemingly fed up with the circles they were going in.
“Did you enjoy it or not?” Gaara crossed his arms and shut his eyes as he asked, almost like he was waiting for a blow to come.
Of course Lee enjoyed it. That was the problem, not that he could reveal that to Gaara at the moment. He enjoyed it far too much, and if he was smart he would nip this in the bud before it continued any further. Unfortunately, that would require lying, which he was never very good at.
“Yes…” but- he tried to say. The word stuck in his throat.
He didn’t want there to be a but.
Gaara’s eyes opened at that and his posture seemed to relax a bit. His torso shifted slightly as he breathed in, like something flowed through him, bringing him to life.
He took a step closer to Lee. Lee leaned in unconsciously. Gaara had to tilt his head up to look directly into Lee’s eyes.
“Do you want to do it again?” His eyes flicked down to Lee’s mouth, his neck, his chest, before pulling back up to his eyes. There was something there on Gaara’s face – a challenge, almost.
Lee could never resist a challenge, even against his absolute best judgment.
If the question was that simple…
The word had barely left his mouth before Gaara reached up and pulled their faces together.
This kiss was different from the first. Where the previous evening was all hesitance and sweetness, there was a desperation behind this one – a heat coming from them both, creeping down their necks and filling the room.
One kissed turned into two, three, four… And Lee found his tongue creeping out to meet Gaara’s halfway.
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theropoda · 2 months ago
wonder if my industrial era will ever pass or if i have truly found THE genre for me.
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rockn-berry · 3 months ago
my blog is just a series of unfortunate posts
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vonnegutism · 2 years ago
More than half the people I follow I have absolutely no opinion on they are nothing to me and I don’t mean that as an insult I mean I’m just there for the content and I actually don’t even know a single thing about them nor do I care to learn
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cherriegyuu · 2 years ago
No... but the exos...
My guys, I hope you burn that entire company to the ground until there's nothing left
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evenlyevi · 2 months ago
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mearchy · 3 months ago
my favorite genre of fictional character is like "i am terrifying to almost everyone, i'm very good at killing, i can endure anything, i've become exceptionally good at playing into my reputation, and if you try to give me positive social interaction i will react with confusion and cower in a corner like an abused animal. and i may try to shoot you. but there is also a chance i may imprint on you like a feral dog receiving its first loving touch! good luck."
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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djungleskogs · 6 days ago
it’s crazy how absolutely blatantly luigi’s constitutional rights are being breached and people seem more concerned about his appearance than a real, scary view of the power CEOs and the healthcare industry have over the legal system. like yeah he looks good in those photos i can appreciate that too but can we focus on the fact that the media is absolutely treating him as if he has already been found guilty. this could happen to anyone. anyone could be arrested over the death of a wealthy, influential person and the precedent being set right now is essentially that the prosecution can run wild and create documentaries declaring your guilt. like that’s really serious and scary.
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wormspoodle · 4 months ago
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compiled some things
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44boora · 4 months ago
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The Resurrection of Stanley Pines 🪦🩸
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schistcity · 4 months ago
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ohhh… you guys are like… STUPID stupid
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