#and while i'm not exactly giving her comfort right now she really does deserve some
httpisaoki · 6 months
model! ningning x stylist! reader
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(part of the billionaire! aespa series)
-> short drabble thingy cuz VERSACE NINGNING SAVE ME?!
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you had been her stylist for quite a while now, taking care of her outfits and styling her the way any model could dream for. now, in ning's flirty and confident nature, it wasn't wrong to flirt a little right?
people would notice the look of pure happiness on her face whenever she saw you, hell, even you noticed. maybe she did have a tiny feeling that you were attractive, in her eyes, you were perfect. you had a good reputation, known for your impressive styling, being a former model yourself, you had taught ningning the basics when she was just starting. once she realizes her feelings, she would be in denial. i mean, no one could even reach her standards-- but how did you manage to get her flustered?
after pfw 2024, where she had walked the runway, she came back into the styling room with steam practically over her head. you wondered what got her so stressed, her eyes cold and angry. her mutters of, "That asshole shouldn't have said that," and multiple curses followed by a name, hyunjin. it amused you to think what could have hyunjin, one of her many persistent admirers in the industry, done to make her so upset. As she ranted in a fit of rage, completely forgetting she had an interview in less than 20 minutes, you stood there listening to every word, every emphasis on her anger towards the man. "ningning, deal with him later, okay? I need to get you dressed." you softly said, rubbing her wrist with your thumb as a sign of assurance. in a matter of seconds, her gaze turned soft, almost forgetting why was she so angry.
it was what she liked about you, your calmness, how you managed to make her laugh even if you only saw her for short times.
she nodded, embarrassment in her eyes as she realized that she had been rambling. "yeah, sorry about that." she muttered, a sheepish smile on her lips.
you gave her a look of amusement, chuckling at the sight. seeing her sheepish smile was adorable, and the fact that she had so much trust in you, was better. "it's alright, you just focus on your interview." you softly replied, patting her shoulder.
while you were getting her outfit together, you took the chance to ask her, "so what exactly did hyunjin do that got your blood boiling like that?"
she took a moment to gather her thoughts, before finally answering. "he's just… really annoying, you know? he keeps insisting that I should go out with him, but I keep refusing him. it's getting to the point where he's acting like we're dating to the press,"
she groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. not only was hyunjin one of those persistent suitors, he was getting aggressive with his flirting, which had her blood boiling, and she just needed some way to release it.
you couldn't help but to feel pity for her, hyunjin was a known playboy, and she was clearly tired of him and his antics. the fact he was going so far, just to get the attention of one of the industries most well-known models, was funny.
it was getting him nowhere, and that was a good thing. "why won't he stop? does he really think this is going to get the attention of a girl as famous as you?" you asked with a laugh, trying to lighten the tension a bit.
"he really thinks he has a chance," she replied with a scoff, "he said he's going to take me out on a date after today, and when I said no, he said that the public deserves to know our 'date'." she rolled her eyes, her cheeks slightly flushed in annoyance. "he thinks I'm his girlfriend when I've already told him no multiple times. I just… I really dont know what he's thinking."
you hummed, scoffing at his ego. "I know it must be hard, but you do know that you can always report him to your agency and whatnot?" you give her a comforting smile, leaning closer to your lips before adding some blush onto her face. "he may think that he's all that but it's extremely annoying that he thinks that you'd actually like him." you rolled my eyes, fury in my eyes, making her chuckle.
her lips curved into a smile, she didn't expect you to be so protective over her, not when she was the model and you were the stylist. the fact he was so persistent, and how he had the audacity to call her his girlfriend infuriated her, especially when you were the one styling and taking care of her.
her gaze fell onto your lips, taking a moment to admire them before looking away. in that moment, all those times you helped her were all that kept rushing in her mind. she didn't expect to get infatuated with her stylist, but there she was.
as she stared down, her thoughts became interrupted as she suddenly felt her cheeks burning hot, realizing you had put blush on her. she gave a small giggle, trying to act like she was fine and normal, like you weren't noticing how attractive she was finding you. her heart was pounding as, out of nowhere, a spark of curiosity sparked in her mind. "c-can I tell you something..?" she murmured slowly.
"yes? of course," your reply was quick, wanting to know what she had to say. it may have been her first time asking you permission to say something, and you couldn't help but to feel your heart skip a beat. you could feel heat rise in your cheeks, making it slightly hard to hide a smile. you waited patiently for her to speak.
she paused, taking a moment to really think of how she wanted to say this. her eyes glanced to the side, her cheeks flushing as her heart raced. "what if i told you that i had a confession.." she spoke softly, the words catching in her throat as she struggled to get them out. she couldn't believe she was actually going to confess, especially after months of just ignoring her feelings. her heart was beating out of her chest, all while her mind screamed at her to do it, say it.
ningning hesitates, not sure on what to say, which in her point of view, was getting ridiculous because why was she so nervous? she breaks the silence with a sigh, a slight pause before finally saying:
"what if i told you that i liked you?"
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livesworthlivingau · 3 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 10
ISAT spoilers below! CW: Uhhh... talking to your family? That's pretty traumatizing right?
"30 YEARS?!" (You flinch as you hear everyone shout in unison from the other side of the wall. It took everything in you to finally tell Isa the truth, so thankfully he offered to explain it all to the others for you... Oh Isa... I swear I don't deserve you... You lay your head against the wall, pressing your ear closer to try and hear their muffled chatter.)
"So how many times has he looped this go around?"
"... He said only one but... I don't know, I don't think he's ready to talk about that yet..." (...)
"... Does he know what caused him to loop again?"
"..." (The goes silent... it seems Isa didn't want to say it either.)
"... Ah..." (Odile pipes up, having gotten whatever hint Isa was giving.)
"So does this mean Frin is the oldest now?"
"We are NOT going to discuss that Boniface." (You can't help but give a little chuckle at that, despite the overwhelming dread washing over you.)
"Let's just be sure to take it easy on him, okay? It took a lot for him to admit that... we should try our best not to overwhelm him. Let him go at his own pace, yeah?" (Oh Isa...)
"You're right, this is... a lot, for all of us I'm sure..."
"S-So this means that... Sif knows the future?! Like THAT far in the future?! Oh no this is bad, that NEVER goes well in the books! What if we mess up the timeline or something?!"
"Well the world isn't falling apart yet... I don't like the idea of simply ignoring this but... it's not exactly a rush either, now is it?"
"I guess it's not... b-but if anything weird starts happening, we should be careful!"
"Definitely, but for now, we should just be here for Sif. He must be really going through it right now..." (You sigh as you pull your head from the wall... You suppose it's time to face everyone, for better or worse. You stand up, leaving the room, and knocking at the door. You wait nervously for what feels like an eternity, terrified to face this moment. Finally the door slowly opens to Isa... just seeing his sweet smile calms you down.)
"Hey Sif... You ready to talk for a bit?" (You nod, entering the room as he steps aside. Everyone is standing there... staring at you... You retreat a little behind your cloak and hat.)
"Oh Siffrin... I can't imagine what you must be going through..." (Odile starts, Isa approaching from behind and placing a hand on your shoulder. You lean back against him out of habit and need for comfort. The rest of your family start to approach, and you give a light nod of approval, being encased in a wonderful hug from everyone. Safe, Loved, Safe, Loved...)
"Th-Thank you... Okay... I'm ready to talk." (You sigh out, trying to keep from crying again. You know they'd support it but you're just sick of it at the moment. You walk over to the nearest chair and flop down into it... just sitting in awkward silence until-.)
"So when do you two finally kiss?"
"DSKALJDSAJLSDAFJLSF" (You face burns darker, looking away as you hear Isa's very flustered noises. You take a moment before deciding to answer.)
"two months..."
"HAH!" (Odile can't control herself for snorting, Bonnie giggling to themself as well while Mirabelle looks mortified at their behavior. You don't even need to look at Isa to know he's absolutely writhing, but you do since it's fun to watch.)
"Do I become a head housemaiden?!" (Mirabelle shouts out, as if having been holding it back this whole time. You open your mouth to answer-.)
"NO WAIT SPOILERS! DON'T TELL ME DON'T TELL ME SORRY!!" (She panics, covering her ears as a precaution.)
"So much for not overwhelming him..." (Odile sighs, rubbing her temple before continuing.)
"Well, since you have some of foresight on the matter, do feel free to keep us informed of things to avoid. Especially for your own sake." (You nod in response, sharing that familiar appreciative look you both are used to.)
"Do I become a master cooker?!" (Bonnie's eyes light up brightly, leaning closer in awe as they await the fated answer.)
"Hehe... Yup, got a famous cook book and everything." (Bonnie raises their fists in triumph, running around excitedly and shouting about their future accomplishment. They help break the tension as always.)
"Uhh... Sif?... Uhm... A-Are we... Y.. Y-know..." (Isa begins, trailing off as he can't seem to find the words. You just blush some more and giving a light nod. You reach for your earlobe and rub it a bit, helping ensure you're on the same page. His face grows several shades darker.)
"Alright everyone, let's not get too focused on our futures. The more we know the less likely things will play out the same anyways. As I said Siffrin, if it feels important then please bring it up. Otherwise I think we're all best off knowing as little as possible..."
"Y-Yeah, probably a good idea..."
"Awwww, no more future secrets?! No fair, Dile!"
"Heh, sorry Bonbon, granny's orders." (You tease, thankful that you don't have to divulge your entire previous life.)
"But you're older now! That means you're in charge!"
"I said we're not discussing that Boniface!!" (Bonnie just snorts and sticks their tongue out.)
"Regardless, there's still an important detail we haven't discussed... What are we going to do about this?" (Odile asks in a serious tone, looking directly to you for some sort of answer.)
"... I... I don't know... now that Loop is back, I-"
"Loop? What do you mean they're back?" (… Crab.)
"... Right... I forgot to mention that.." (You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.)
"I can't... I can't explain everything right now, but Loop never showed up again in all those years. B-But as soon as I looped back I heard them! They're here, I saw them, b-but..." (Your voice trails off. You realize you were starting to sound desperate, everyone giving you those same concerned looks they always did whenever you got rather frantic... How do you explain this? What CAN you say?...)
"... I'm sorry... I-I just can't explain it right now..."
"Well, I suppose telling us at all is a major improvement from before, so we'll take that victory where we can." (Odile teased as she walked over, lightly ruffling your hair some.)
"And no matter what anyone says, I'm the elder around here." (She added... you weren't quite sure if that was a joke, or some sort of threat.)
"But it's been a long day for everyone, let us get some rest and maybe we'll figure out what to do about this in the near future. For now, our plans remain the same, off to Bambouche to find Boniface's dear sister." (Stars, you completely forgot...)
"Uhh… actually..."
"... She left to try and find us, didn't they?"
"... I don't remember where they ended up either..." (Odile pinches her temple and gives a long sigh.)
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acourtofthought · 5 months
I don't know if I'm being petty, but I like to think that some of Elain's actions toward Azriel are just foreshadowing for Elucien's dynamic. For example, Lucien is very thoughtful about his choices for Elain's gifts, and Elain is invested in the presents she gives to others, including Azriel, even if it's in the form of a prank. This makes me think that receiving gifts will be one of their main love languages.
The scene where Elain called Azriel's scars beautiful could mean that if Lucien still holds any insecurities regarding his scars, it'd be no problem at all for his mate to help him realize how gorgeous he is, inside and out.
And, most of all, the theme of choice would fit so much better in an Elucien romance. I mean, Azriel isn't the one banned from two courts, prohibited to see his mother, exiled in a strange land, the one who has only two humans (who will die in a few decades compared to a fae immortal life) as his only friends, and he's definitely not the one being ignored by his mate and fearful of her rejection. If there's a character who deserves (plot-wise) to be chosen, it's definitely Lucien.
Besides, it would make so much sense with Elain's and Lucien's characters and with the development of their relationship. The fact that Lucien respects her time and space (or his passivity, as some like to call it) allows Elain to make the choice of pursuing the bond when she feels comfortable and secure enough. She'd also have more agency than her sisters in the beginning of their relationships.
But these are just thoughts.
Thank you for your blog and your theories and thoughts. You make me feel hopeful not only for an Elucien's endgame, but also that they really have the chance to get the next book. You have been a light in the end of this three-years-length tunnel.
P.S. I also have a guess that the announcement will be on May 1st. Hope we are right!
Also, the scene where Elain called Az's scars pretty could actually have been Elain calling his siphons pretty because Feyre wasn't sure what she was looking at.
However, I do agree that Elain is going to find Lucien's face devastatingly handsome and the reason for that kind of ties into her mother. Which sounds weird but I'll try to explain.
Her mother made assumptions about her, that she did not dream beyond her pretty dresses and gardens and that she would marry for love and "beauty". So of course, Elain tried to follow those expectations, getting engaged to exactly who her mother would have imagined for her.
I know Elain loved Graysen and probably found him handsome but he seems cookie cutter. Even Feyre said, he was sort of the human ideal of a lord come to sweep a maiden off her feet.
Lucien's face isn't perfect. He's handsome no doubt but he has long hair (no proper mother would approve of that), a scar running down his face and his eye. He is not the image of a baby faced Lord set to inherit his fathers estate someday. He's cruelly beautiful and looks dangerous and, we're all human here, that's going to thrill the "good girls" which everyone assumes Elain to be. Graysen is the kind of guy you have missionary sex with while the lights are out. Lucien is the kind of guy you are willing to do anything, anywhere with and that's probably a bit overwhelming for Elain given her upbringing. Right now, she's still stuck in the past, how she was raised, the kind of guy her mother proclaimed she would marry rather than embracing what lights her up like a pinball machine but I have no doubt once she does break free she's going to make sure he knows exactly how appealing she finds him because of the scars, the hair, the eye. Because of how it all comes together.
And I agree regarding the gifts! I think we see bits of Elain's personality around members of the IC but she never fully blooms, it's like a quick flash then it's gone. I could see Elain and Lucien teasing one another on regular days, silly gifts, sweet little gifts, but the important days I think will be when they reserve the really thoughtful, heartfelt gifts for.
With choice, I wonder if it's so much about that as fight.
(that sounds weird too but I wasn't sure how to word it).
What I mean by that is Lucien was chosen by Jesminda. He was chosen by Tamlin. He was chosen by many friends of which we're told he has many. He was chosen by the LoA as her favorite son. The problem is nobody fought to keep him.
The same with Elain. She was chosen by Graysen, she was "chosen" by Azriel, she was chosen by the chef and servants who wanted to do nice things for her, she was chosen by her many friends. But, none of them fought for her either. When things got hard they walked away.
Lucien and Elain are parallel in that they're just accepting life as it happens to them, trying to accept that when one door closes (to their dismay) and another opens, they roll with it even if they're not happy. They haven't learned to fight for themselves, possibly because they are used to not being fought for and as a result they try not to ask for much because they realize how expendable they are to others.
But in their book, I think they'll push past that to fight for what they do want and they will fight for one another. Lucien has been doing that so far when it comes to Elain. He is the one person who despite the odds did not walk away from her. Graysen gave up after Elain was turned. Az gave up easily, moved right onto feeling calm because of another female, admiring another female, thinking of another females eyes light up, even though Elain was probably upset after his rejection for the simple fact that any rejection hurts. But Lucien though he hasn't pushed her, has quietly fought for her for two years, by showing that he is still loyal to her and only her. And I imagine we'll also see Elain begin to fight for Lucien. Fighting against those who have wronged him, fighting for him to understand that he's not guilty for Jesminda's death or what happened to Feyre, etc.
Your last paragraph before the P.S. (May 1, May 1!!!) was so incredibly sweet and I wish I had better words to thank you for it.
I hope you have a fantastic day and I appreciate your message!
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imperator-titus · 2 months
Ghost from the Past [Part 2]
once again, very rough, subject to change. I haven't fully decided if I want to integrate a tav/gale thing. I really want to try a run with Eletha with the poly mod, but I don't want to mod my game until I've finished honor mode (or beef this run because I've gotten to act 3 this time) I haven't fully gotten Gale's... tone and mannerisms right. I feel like I need to relearn Astarion's early personality. I'm still tweaking Eletha's story/background/mannerisms. I'm experimenting with in-game conversation timings and just... obviously making shit up
I'm hesitant to tag this gale content yet lmao I probably wont unless it ends up being tav/gale or he's like REALLY prominent
anyway, I hope you enjoy this bit
[edit: just did some cleaning up on the "administrative" side of things now that the title is official and all]
(Prev)[Part 1] (Next)[Part 3] [Master Post]
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[gif by half-dorks]
“What’s your secret?” Astarion asked Gale as they both sat in camp while others were out.
“What secret is that?”
“Why Eletha likes you.”
“Does she? I never noticed.”
“She’s ice cold to everyone else.”
“You must be thinking of someone else. Eletha is quite kind to everyone, until they prove they don't deserve it.”
“Fine. She’s ice cold to me, and she already knows me!”
“Have you considered that you gave her ample reason to be cold to you? Besides, she's not always angry with you.”
“How do you mean?”
“She sometimes laughs at your quips, or looks at you fondly.”
“If you can see that…” 
Later that evening, after they'd eaten and started turning in, Astarion approached Eletha.
“No need to sleep on the disgusting ground like a dog, dar- you,” he tried to coo, remembering a little too late how she prickled at his pet names. “You should join me in my tent. You would find it much more comfortable.”
“No thank you, I’m quite comfortable as it is.”
“On a bunch of grass and blankets?” He asked indignantly. After she hummed in acknowledgement, he approached so he couldn't be overheard. “The other day you said… that if I asked… well, this is me asking.”
She eyed him, but not exactly in a hateful way. Maybe Gale was right. “I'm not hearing much asking.”
“Maybe you could come to my tent, where I could ask you properly?” She followed him without much of a fight. “Would you… let me have some of your blood? Just a bit. Just to… sharpen the senses.”
“I’m aware. I knew a woman once,” Eletha explained as she pulled out her knife. He watched as she held the tip above the candle in his tent, sanitizing it.
“Should I assume you're doing this because we were… friends?” Eletha stopped what she was doing, took a deep, deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh.
“Yes. We were friends. Close friends.” “Look. I’m sorry I'm being coarse with you. Turns out, it's easy to think you've let something go until you actually have to look it in the face.”
“Well… I’m sure I deserve it,” he said sadly. She actually believed him and that hurt more than the cuts she made in the underside of her forearm.
“Not really. Now are we doing this or what?”
“I was hoping for your neck, but…” he carefully took hold of her arm like it was a precious heirloom, “blood is blood, I suppose.”
“The last time your mouth was on my neck wasn’t exactly a fond memory.” Despite this, she seemed unbothered by this offering.
He didn’t bother finding a response, the scent of her blood almost maddening. Lost in its taste, its power, he only stopped when he felt the sharp snap of her flicking his forehead. As he wiped off his face, he watched a little too intensely as she sealed the wounds with her heated knife. He met her eyes with rare earnestness.
“I won't forget this.” Eletha gave him a look that made him chuckle. “Well. Not anytime soon.”
Gale was right, Eletha was kind. Maybe too kind for his liking. Astarion would sigh in disappointment whenever she offered to help some poor idiot. Inevitably, she would give him a harrowing stare over her shoulder, he’d go ‘fine’, then she’d smile and move on. 
She defended him, vouched for him, when he came out to the group as a vampire. She made him ask, which was a little humiliating for someone like him, but she spared some blood for him. She doted on them all like a grandmother, practically pinching cheeks and shoving food in their mouths. Of course, she had to be quite a bit older than them, considering she knew him long enough ago that he couldn’t remember her. He’d forgotten a lot of things, though…
Eletha was acting cagey for the past few days. Lae’zel accused her of being a spy for these Absolutist weirdos. She promised to explain soon.
On the road, Astarion readied his bow suddenly, the only one to hear a subtle sound in the underbrush while the others were deep in discussion. They all stopped and trained their ears and eyes on what he heard.
The bushes rustled. He pulled back. He let go.
“No!” Eletha cried. His arrow sank into her back, above the shoulder blade. It was inches away from slicing open her neck. Astarion was frozen in horror.
Eletha didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she was laughing, playing with the bear that came out of the brush. It looked more like a pack animal than a bear, a leather harness strapped to its back to carry bags of things.
“Bonnet, my sweet girl!” she cooed, scritching the animal’s face. “You found me! What a good girl!”
“When you said you had a companion I was imagining a more… dog-like animal,” Wyll remarked uncertainly, a slight chuckle in his voice.
“At least it wasn’t a wolf,” Shadowheart said thankfully, approaching Eletha to deal with the arrow. She shot Astarion a look. “Are you going to apologize?”
“I-” he started, finally coming to. He was ready to apologize, but then scoffed and rolled his eyes. “It’s her fault, she jumped in the way!”
“You’re impossible.”
“Hey, let’s go back to camp,” Eletha said happily, trying to free herself from the bear’s affection. “Bonnet doesn’t fight, so I’d like to take her back and take all this stuff off her.”
“You should rest your shoulder, too,” Shadowheart reminded her, a suspicious squint to her eyes. Eletha actually seemed surprised to see the arrow’s shaft wiggling in the corner of her vision.
“Oh! I barely noticed.”
“How could you barely notice…” Wyll muttered to himself, a little horrified.
“I’ll explain after dinner. Let’s get going.”
True to her word, Eletha stood before them all.
“Look, this isn’t that serious, especially considering… One of you is a bomb, another is a vampire, one has made literal deals with devils, and, ya know, Karlach set a building on fire.” A few chuckles sounded around the fire, easing the tensions. “That’s all to say… I’m cursed.”
“What kind of curse? Where did it come from? How long have you had it?” Gale asked, a mix of excitement and seriousness.
“Well, I guess it’s not so much a curse as a… side effect? I made a deal with a fey and my payment is… I burst into flames during the new moon.”
Silence covered the campfire. Wyll opened his mouth to comment, but then thought better of it. Without waiting for anyone to say anything, she continued, rather happily.
“Yeah, so, tonight’s the new moon so I’m gonna… be naked and on fire next to the river all night.” She gave the sky a quick glance and started undoing the laces of her boots. “Kinda cutting it close, but we’ll be alright. Worst case, need to find new small clothes…”
“Wait, seriously? You’re just going to be on fire all night?” Karlach asked, the situation just sinking in. “Won’t that… hurt?”
“Oh, yes, it’s excruciating. I got used to it a while ago though.” Eletha got down to her underwear before some of them started turning colors and looking away. “Sorry. Been a while since I’ve had an audience. Forgot some people are shy.”
Karlach held up a hand like a child in class. Eletha pointed at her and she asked, “Do you think we could… touch each other? While you’re on fire?”
“Oh, that’s a good question…” Eletha rubbed her chin in thought. Then she held out her hand, palm flat, fingers to the sky. “High five!”
Karlach carefully smacked her palm against Eletha’s. The elf didn’t yell like Karlach expected, just shook it off. “We’ll try again when the sun goes down.”
They didn’t wait long, the sun was already low in the sky when she got ready for her fiery transformation. They were all varying levels of curious. Eletha seemed more bored than anything. It was an incredibly novel experience by now.
Then it started. Her blue-pale skin reddened, then split, and from those cracks came white flames. They grew and spread until her whole body was covered in an even level of fire, like a very weird wick. The hair on her head quickly turned to ash and blew away, as did her underwear. Excitedly, Eletha once again offered Karlach her hand.
They high-fived. They shook hands. They exchanged playful punches. With each experimental touch, Karlach grew more ecstatic. Eventually, she scooped Eletha up and crushed her in a massive hug.
“I can’t believe it! I’m touching someone!”
“You hug me any tighter, you might put me out,” Eletha wheezed. Karlach loosened her grip. “You gotta refer me to your tailor. I’d combust for some fire-proof clothes.”
“You’re so funny!” Karlach cried, literally in tears.
After everyone went off to bed and Karlach finally tired herself out from having a new non-flammable friend, Eletha sat on the cool sand of the riverbank, looking much like a small bonfire. 
“Mind if I join you for a bit?” Gale asked, startling her. He didn’t exactly employ a silent step. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“No, it’s just-” Eletha wiggled a finger by her ear. “It’s loud.”
“I imagine the sound of ones own ears burning like the edges of a nice roast is quite… distracting. Luckily, most people wouldn’t hear it for long.” Eletha chuckled, a little bit exaggerated in order to be heard. “Ah! You didn’t take offense.”
“I have a thick skin.” Gale laughed, but it seemed to surprise him.
“I’m curious; what will you look like in the morning?”
“No hair. My skin will be normal, but tender. Recent burns tend to go away, but unfortunately- or fortunately, if that’s how you choose to see it- old scars don’t go away.”
“Fascinating…” Gale considered some things as they sat in relative silence. “What was it? For which you are so afflicted.”
“We don’t know each other well enough for that.”
“A fair answer.” After a moment of him scratching his chin, Eletha said, “Peace of mind.”
“Mm… a rare thing. Was it worth it?”
Eletha shrugged casually. “Sometimes. A lot of the time? It’s not really relevant. But when it is? I’m really glad. And by now, I’m used to it. Sometimes it’s fun. I’m a folk monster somewhere near Arabel.”
“Do tell.”
“Age-old story. Drunk village men, doing whatever it is humans do in the woods. Be drunk, fight, make a mess. They see me, white dancing flame, lose their minds. By the time I pass through town, trying to trade pelts and such, they’ve already distributed some story about a fire elemental on the loose. I come through maybe a hundred years later, still scaring kids with stories about the scary fire demon.”
“I’m sure a bard could dress it up for you.”
“I’m not really one for stories, though I’ve had a few adventures. Wyll has me beat, though. I’m just much older.”
“I am sure this one will prove to be worth recounting in many a tavern some day.” He chuckled nervously. “I came here hoping to thank you for helping me. I suppose you… understand some of my plight.”
“We all have our burdens. You’re my friend, don’t worry about it.”
“Ah… friend? Hmm… I like the sound of that. It has been a long time since I have made a friend.”
“I understand quite well. I would shake your hand, but…”
“Yes, this camp isn’t big enough for three humanoid torches.” Gale smiled and then laughed at his own joke.
“Go to bed, Bhin. Young’uns might be full of energy, but they still need their rest.”
“Quite right. Good night, Eletha. I hope you burn a little less tonight.”
While trying to go to sleep, Gale would realize how dumb that sounded. The sentiment, however, was received in the manner it was meant.
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messinwitheddie · 2 years
I got a question, are zim and starboard kinda friends? One of the other asks has starboard ask zim for some help with something, and they both seem alright mostly.
Starboard "Zim figuratively, crimped my antenna when I first met him. His ego can be unspoochable and the property damage to the hive and forge and… yeah. Zim is an…ass? Is that the word? That sounds right. He can be a huge, abrasive ass, but he's grown on me. He's fascinating sometimes. His confidence is to be admired, for sure.
He's very tech savvy and he has more ingenuity than any drone I've ever met. Hof and Ferocity and a few others still think Zim is a pest and he can't be trusted. Half of us are still convinced we should boot him out before he caves the entire hive in on our heads.
It's impossible to get a word in edge wise around here, but I think maybe we should go easier on him. We didn't exactly give Zim a warm welcome when he and the Dib-human first landed here.
He’s trying to do less damage. To his credit, there have been 0 Zim-related disasters since he returned with the Sage. He tries to help us repair what he breaks. Maybe his loyalty isn't with our hive or not entirely. That's as much our fault as it is his. He respects Mem at least. He does what she asks of him so I think he’s trustworthy. He deserves a second chance.
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It's hard to defend him. He speaks down to the rest of us. He thinks we're backwards. It stinks to admit and I'm the only one willing to, but we COULD learn a lot from Zim. We SHOULD. We should try to do things his way; be more worldly, tech-savvy and... Zim-like.
I really want to know more about Irk, the empire and space beyond this horrible rock. Zim knows all kinds of things we don’t; things Mem and the Sage won't tell us…or they just don’t know either. That wouldn't shock me.They've been out of touch with the empire and the greater galaxies for centuries now.
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If we could learn to work with Zim and he could learn to respect US, his knowledge and skills could help us make this hive… LIVABLE! Personally, I would kill for a fully equipped PAK like a real Irken. Wings suck; they tire out quickly and rip. Metal is durable. Metal is STRONG. I want the modern tech and medicine and conveniences normal Irkens have!
If he srays here with us and we can convince the Resisty to donate the right materials, Zim could build a working ship; maybe a defense system. Who knows what else.
I would settle for tagging along on orbital recon or supply runs, but eventually I want to leave the hive for good. A lot of us really want to leave, we just can't say anything to Mem. It would crush her. She tries… we all try, but this planet isn't a good home. The days are long and blinding bright, the nights are short and treacherous and twice a year it gets soooo cold. Yes, we survive here, but we are NOT thriving. After awhile that gets exhausting. Zim might be our way out one day. We can hope.
I suspect Zim will ditch this hive when a better opportunity comes along. When I build up the nerve, I'll ask him to bring me with him; show me Foodcourtia or Casino-Major-- Somewhere fun, with a completely mechanized terrain, a comfortable artificial atmosphere and a Vortian tonne of snacks. He could rip off my primitive wings and replace them with my own leg-equipped PAK... I imagine he could and would, if I stay on his good side. That would be NEAT…
Not entirely sure if I'm on Zim's good side or bad side. Too nervous to ask. Zim is a difficult drone to read. Social cues are lost on me in most cases. I stopped messing with him a while ago, so good side, I assume. The others are learning to back off finally. Just going to wait for him to acknowledge me."
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[Excuse Starboard. He's rarely this talkative.
The potential for a friendship is certainly there. Zim has a lot of trust/ loyalty and ego issues to work through, but still, there is potential. Haven't explored the character dynamic between Zim and Starboard much. Something to explore further.]
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dancer4813 · 7 years
cracks in my heart
the living and the dead (are one in the same)
Percy comes to talk to Cassandra, before and after they go to Ank'harel. Unfortunately, his visits are less than helpful, and some demons still haven’t been laid to rest.
How has her life come to this?
Spoilers for Episode 100/101
[ao3] [Percy]
Over the past year, Percy had gotten much better at telling Cassandra about things. Especially things she might find contention with or reason to worry about, thank Pelor.
Vox Machina as a whole seemed to settle down, travelling much less than they had been previously. Vax’ildan and Keyleth had moved out together to Zephra, and the others had, generally, set up in Whitestone. Percy spent more time out of the castle than in over the first few months, helping build Vex’ahlia’s new house, or wandering town, getting to know it again after five years of being absent. But when he did come up to the castle, he miraculously found time to help with paperwork and discussions in the council, which was more than he had been doing.
Cassandra had started to get used to seeing him in the halls or around town, and was happy to see the dark circles under his eyes growing less pronounced, and his mind, apparently, becoming more at ease.
Her own mind and heart were healing as well, Cassandra found.
She no longer flinched when passing certain rooms in the castle or felt the need to lock herself in her room every night; the halls were quiet like a morning spent watching a sunrise instead of an evening lost in a snowstorm. She started to find herself enjoying the sun on her face instead of dreading the need to go back inside, and slowly (ever so slowly) she was starting to fill back out again, fitting into her mother’s old dresses instead of the ones Lady Briarwood had specially tailored for her slimmer figure once Cassandra had lost the baby fat on her bones.
Meals became easier to get down, and the cooks made such lovely desserts that she found herself finishing off full plates of scones and cookies when they were brought up to her. And when the Slayer’s Cake, a business pursuit in lieu of Vox Machina’s usual pursuits, got started up, she quite happily offered to taste any sweets they brought her, making sure they were “up to par”. Percival thought it amusing that she liked the bear claws more than the “profiderolos”, but she had always preferred heartier fare to lighter pastries with cream and excessive sugar.
(Ludwig had thought her crazy once, when she had declined the strawberry pie he’d requested from the cooks for his birthday dessert on account of it being “too sweet”. He’d told their parents that she was obviously possessed by some demon, but Cassandra remembered her mother laughing and shaking her head.
Johanna had said something to Ludwig as well, something about the tastes of de Rolo women, but the words were lost to time, and Cassandra had never felt a strong enough need or desire to remember them.)
But, as all good things did, it seemed like Vox Machina’s rest period was coming to an end, first with the Trickfoots coming to visit, then Taryon being taken back home, spurring a surprise trip to Wildmount.
And they only stayed one night until they were travelling to Ank’harel, on the complete opposite side of the world.
“It’s almost like old times,” she muttered, not bothering to keep her voice down when Percival came into her study to talk.
Percy, to his credit, didn’t seem offended, and instead hummed in agreement.  
“One of our friends came to us with a proposition,” Percy explained, though Cassandra finally knew him well enough to catch the hesitation in his voice.
“Is this a real friend?” she asked dryly, taking a sip of the tea Trish had brought her. “Or  are they more of a Seeker Asum character?”
Percy blinked, face tightening, but didn’t respond to the barb like she had expected.
Cassandra raised an eyebrow. She hadn’t expected to hit the nail on the head.
“Do I have to be worried, brother?” she asked after a moment of silence. Ignorance had caused only more trouble while the Conclave was around, regardless of what Percy had told her to the contrary, and she would really rather know what was going on around her city.
“You shouldn’t have to be, no.”
“Well, of course I shouldn’t have to be – it’s my city!” she exclaimed.
Cassandra took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, but it wasn’t quite enough.
“Whitestone is in no immediate danger,” Percy said, and a cursory search of his face told her that he, at the very least, believed his own words.
“Oh, not immediate, thank goodness,” she snipped, lowering her cup hard enough that it rattled in the saucer. “I’ll just wait for the trouble to come then, while you all seek it out.”
“Tell me I’m wrong,” she shot back, which shut him up.
And, after a moment: “I’m waiting, Percy…”
She felt like Lady Briarwood, waiting for one of the captured townsfollk to answer her questions, but Cassandra tried not to think about that.
“That’s what I thought,” she said with a sigh, “Though I suppose there’s nothing I can do to dissuade you from whatever ridiculous and dangerous shenanigans you’ll be off to next.”
“No, there isn’t,” he said, and well, that was that.
“Well, I thank you for letting me know, at the very least. Please inform me of any updates, if you can. Is there anyone who I should contact so you’re not scrabbling to find them when you return?”
“Anyone who has worked on the ziggurat, or really anyone we trust,” Percy said, as if he didn’t know trust was in such low supply for such a high demand. “Allura, Eskil… And anyone they have worked with on the problem. It’s giving me a bad feeling.”
“And a mysterious temple under our city with a potentially lethal siphon hasn’t been worrisome over the past year, brother? Good to know that your priorities are in order.” It wouldn’t be much trouble to send a message to Allura and ask her to contact Eskil – the Sending Stones certainly made that easier.
“Indeed,” Percy said dryly, though his eyes sparkled, and stood a bit straighter.
“Indeed,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I’ll do my best, and let you know the results when you next return, shall I?”
“That would be wonderful, yes.”
“Then if you would leave me to the rest of my work, I would thank you very much.”
“I’ll do that.”
As he closed the door behind him, Cassandra sighed and shook her head, brushing some hair out of her face and behind her ears. If she’d said it once, she’d said it a hundred times. Vox Machina would be the death of them all.
It’s absurdly late the next evening when Percival rushes into her office, the rest of Vox Machina behind him, but Cassandra is just getting started on her nightly tea after a long day of getting Eskil Ryndarien set up in the castle once again. The man could certainly be a pain in the arse when he wanted to be.
But Percy doesn’t calm down when he sits down across from her, and when he produces the flask and Vex’ahlia asks about the ziggurat and the rest of Vox Machina leave… Well, she knows something is not good.
So she adds a splash of the whiskey to her tea and listens through his stuttered explanations about the new ziggurat and about the people they found there.
But then he pauses, and not for dramatic effect, but for concern and fear and a hundred other emotions that play across his face even as she tries to sort him out.
“…their leader was Delilah Briarwood.”
Cassandra’s mind goes horribly, painfully blank. Except for the name. The name is emblazoned on the forefront of her mind in bold script, in flashing color too ostentatious to ignore (as if she could have forgotten).
She feels her whole body tense and then relax, and almost imagines herself crumpling to the ground under the sheer weight of the revelation he just dropped on her.
The teacup crashes to the ground instead of her, and she feels the heat of freshly-brewed tea through her boots, which draws her back to reality.
“…some plane of existence. But some form of her, whether it’s undead or otherwise… We’ll need to put it down again.”
“Yes, we do,” Cassandra says, though the words feel hollow in her mouth and her tongue feels like lead and she feels the nails of her hands digging sharply into the meat of her palms-
“I wanted you to hear it from me. There will be no running this time.”
“No running,” she echoes, and while her gaze hasn’t moved, she sees him before her in the snow-covered forest, the blue of his coat disappearing into the trees as red and white consume her vision.
“Not from me,” he says, with the sincerity of his experience weighing heavy on his shoulder, like Julius had always done when making a promise.
Gods the tiniest sliver of her wants to hug him for that, but her skin has already started to creep at the old memories lurking just beneath the surface, like they’re crawling up her bones to seep inside her and cover her mouth and hold her head to the side so her neck is free for the taking.
But Cassandra pulls herself back, because godsdamnit she is a de Rolo.
“You’ll take care of her?” she asks, her fists clenching spasmodically at her sides, and she raises her eyes to his.
“This is the end of her,” he says, and she knows it is a promise, or at least as much as he can promise. “I will be there to see it.”
Her head shakes before she can stop it, before she can stop that devotion to that woman from welling up in her chest.
“She’s escaped death once already, who knows how many times before?” her mouth says, playing advocate for the demons lurking in her mind, but she recovers, pushing past them as her fingernails dig deep enough into her palm to cause pinpricks of pain. “You have to end it.”
And he tries to assure her – there is no doubt that he tries, but it’s not enough, because it has never been enough, and even with everything that Vox Machina is, with all their power – having slain dragons and the darkest of demons…
“Shatter the soul, whatever it takes… End her, brother.”
She wants to blink away the tears that are starting to well in her eyes, but it’s getting to be too much – the crawling of her skin, the dryness of her throat, the tightness of her collar, the cold running through her veins-
“I know,” he says.
“I shall,” he says.
And she knows he will try, but Cassandra also knows promises, and she knows family, and she knows that trying is sometimes not enough. Her hand stretches out to take the flask, the amber liquid unfamiliar, but strong, and has a sudden, violent urge to laugh at how Vesper would have reprimanded her for drinking any sort of alcohol.
Cassandra remembers having a glass of wine at every meal with Lord and Lady Briarwood, and so she knocks back a swig as quickly as she can manage, the sharp burn down her throat temporarily drowning out the rest of her senses and bringing her to a place of blessed oblivion.
“I’m sorry,” he says, drawing her back to the present.
Cassandra has never had enough alcohol to forget what had happened while she was drinking it, but she has a sudden urge to drown her sorrows in drink, so that she might wake up the next morning with a headache, yes, but without the memory of this, this mind-numbing ache in her chest that seems to tear through her from throat to knees. Of a name whose title still haunts her mind and her home.
Lady Delilah,
Lady Cassandra.
She hands the flask back to him before she can’t control herself any longer, and as she takes in a deep breath of air, she feels the prickling on her skin intensify, like so many insects burrowing deep into her flesh past skin and bone and blood to the heart of her.
“I need a moment. Go, please,” she bids him, but he’s Percy and he just stands there and has the absolute gall to say that they will once again be looked up to, that they will need to be strong, that he has faith that she can be, and it turns out that those words are her limit.
She realizes this as her stomach rebels against the alcohol and she takes a shuddering breath, swallowing, trying to hold it back in lieu of decorum and her pride.
Percy has faith.
Cannot disappoint him.
Don’t let them see it.
You’re supposed to be strong.
But he finally gets it and he leaves and she’s standing there, hands trembling, collar choking her, even the unforgiving constriction of her dress restricting her, and she feels a convulsion race through her, doubling her over, hands hitting her chair. A second comes soon after, and while nothing comes up, it brings tears to her eyes, hot and fast.
She fumbles for some bowl, some vase, but she’s never been one for decorative pieces.
On the third she sees the whiskey again, and it burns even more on the way back up.
(There’s a moment where she’s glad she was too busy to have more than a light meal for dinner.)
Ears ringing and tears streaming, arms weak and legs already giving out beneath her, she fumbles in her pocket for a handkerchief, for any sort of cloth, but just as she finds it, fingers groping for the swatch of fabric, the smell hits her nose. She stiffens, hoping she can hold it back, but after only a moment she gags, retching again, and she lets what little liquid that’s left in her stomach splatter onto the floor.
Pushing herself up, Cassandra gasps for breath and a trail of cool saliva swings back to hit her chin. She snaps her mouth shut, shaking out the handkerchief, patting her face dry.
Cassandra feels proper for all of about two seconds, but then, legs trembling, she finds herself on the floor, leaning against the side of her desk as she simultaneously tries to understand why and tries not to think about it.
She can remember the feel of the blade in her hands, the weight of Delilah’s body on it as she struck the woman through her chest.
She can remember the almost orgasmic rush of joy when she saw the necromancer’s limbs disappear into the acid, her face melting away.
She remembers Delilah’s voice crooning to her from the side of her bed, a couple weeks after Percy’s escape, when she’d retired early from dinner with the excuse of not feeling well.
(“Oh, don’t worry dearest, I know you miss your family right now, but perhaps, with time, Sylas and I can be your new family, your new parents. How does that sound?”)
She remembers the anger she felt at the words, fierce and fiery in her chest.
She remembers bursting into tears that nearly made her sick, and Delilah petting her hair affectionately, always brushing that stray lock out of her face.
Cassandra recoils from the phantom touch and slams her head into the desk behind her, a blinding explosion of pain chasing away the memories. She bites back a cry – Trish was taking a well-deserved night off, but with Vox Machina in the castle she could never be sure who was listening.
“Fuck,” she grits out, and once she verbally paves the way the rest of her anger tries to follow. “Fuck fuck fucking shit son of a- uh!”
She slams her fist behind her into the desk and instantly regrets the pain that shoots through her wrist. Gasping for breath, blinking hard, Cassandra collects herself for a moment, but realizes just how little of her there is left to collect.
Cassandra gasps out a laugh that quickly turns into a stifled sob, but despite the whirlwind of the last few moments she already feels like her head is hollow, like a lake in her skull has run out and there’s only mud and muck left, quickly drying to dust.
Her mind shifts to priorities. Number one of which, according to Percival, is the ziggurat. Increased guards, increased personage… She has already garnered aid from Eskil, recruited him and his associates to study the siphon over the ziggurat some more, and she’d made contact with Allura as well, but she had said her place on the council was keeping her busy.
Knowing Vox Machina, they would be gone come morning, and then it would be herself, Eskil Ryndarien, some arcanists, the staff, and the Pale Guard in the castle.
The guard hadn’t been enough the last time, her brain reminds her, oh so helpfully.
Allura had told her specifically, “Call for me if there’s an emergency”.
The only question left is if such a thing really categorizes as such.
(An evil necromancer is back from the dead. There is trouble on the way, yet again. Does it qualify? Is it bad enough to ask for help?)
Cassandra hates what her life has become, that those are the sorts of questions she needs to ask herself.  
She makes her decision and stands, pushing herself to her feet, then steadies herself on her desk when black rushes across her vision. Almost feeling faint, she pushes away distant memories of life being sucked from her throat in lieu of the mission at hand.
First, clean up.
Second, call Allura.
Getting linens that she doesn’t mind soiling is little trouble, and Cassandra is thankful for the way the stone floor under her knees distracts her from the way bile wants to creep back up her throat. The broken china is buried underneath scrap papers in a rubbish bin, the liquids are soaked up, the tile is scrubbed clear. But all too soon she’s done, and apart from the acidic smell that lingers, none would know of her lapse in decorum.
She cannot disappoint. She must be strong.
Cassandra makes a quick stop in her bedroom to brush through her unkempt hair, then goes to the kitchen to retrieve another cup of tea – herbal, with motherwort and vervain, with a decent helping of honey.
Using the servants’ stairs so she is less likely to be interrupted (and, indeed, she meets no one along the way), Cassandra arrives at her study. Realizing just how late the hour is, however, she can’t help but wonder if the message to Allura should wait until the morning.
She feels sharp pinpricks of tarnished memories on her neck, and the murmur of honeyed words in her ears.
Cassandra takes another sip of her tea and sits down to plan her message.
Allura. Things have progressed faster than Vox Machina anticipated. You are needed posthaste. Please, whenever you are able, come to Whitestone.
Don’t worry about rushing
Not much has changed but
We need someone…
Eventually she gives up and accepts a shorter message, feeling ridiculous at the number of times she reads it through. She takes another sip of her tea when she’s finished, fishing the Sending Stone from her drawer and turning it in her hand for a moment, before concentrating and casting the spell.
There’s a moment of silence after she finishes speaking, Cassandra’s mind immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusion, but after another moment, a drowsy Alura responds-
“I suspect they got back safely then. Don’t worry, Cassandra, Kima and I will take care of things on our end. See you tomorrow afternoon.”
Breathing a quiet sigh of relief, Cassandra feels her eyes tear up for a moment. She then reassures herself and dabs at her cheek with her sleeve. Stowing the stone away once more, she takes another sip of her tea, the amber liquid clear and dark, the herbs already having their intended effect as her eyelids start to grow heavy.
And while it doesn’t take long for her to end up in bed, once she’s there her thoughts have trouble taking their rest. Shadows loom around her like they haven’t in over a year, and the spring wind against the window feels like a foreboding presence, ever looming.
Finally, after almost an hour of waiting, of tensing up just as she’s about to fall into sleep and bouncing back awake, she rises and moves to her wardrobe, rummaging through the drawers at the bottom to find the doll from her youth that her mother had made in her likeness.
Cassandra stares at herself in stuffed form, carefully embroidered eyes and a neatly sewn dress faded from years of lack of care. She traces the stitches and tries to remember her mother sewing – the careful hesitations, the clean needlework done thread by thread, stitch by stich.
She feels a different kind of overwhelmed for a moment and cradles the doll to her chest as she attempts to bite back the heat behind her eyes, but there is something about being alone in one’s room that allows sadness to flow freely, and Cassandra knows that all too well.
Tears soak her pillow when she lays her head down once again, but she finally drifts off as she holds the doll close, fingers eventually stilling against its hair, fine as her own, as her breathing calms in the early early hours of the morning.
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Hetalia | Yandere headcanons
(Remove later: Already added to the masterlist)
APH Prussia | Gilbert Beilschmidt
* Gilbert is a possessive yandere, first of all. He loves you quite a bit. What makes him more dangerous than others is the fact that he's not exactly aware that his behavior is wrong. He believes in the saying that your goal excuses the way you reach it. * Gilbert is very quick to become jealous. I mean, he trusts you, but does he trust other people? He knows how dangerous and pushy other people can be. He doesn't want you to accidentally fall victim to their sweet words. * Surprisingly, Gilbert is patient while getting you. Gilbert wants you. But does he care how he gets you? Not really. If you're not interested in romantic relationships, sure! He will be your best, most awesome friend! Just remember that he's always going to be by your side, until the day you die. * If you have a partner, Gilbert would be jealous, and would probably end up killing them. Unless you are very happy and you're really close to Gilbert. I mean, if he still comes first for you, why would he need to do something this drastic? * Gilbert wouldn't really kidnap you. I mean, all he wants is for you to want and be with him because you want that. Why would he go out of his way to make it so you would hate him and not want to be with him? * "You're my best friend! I love you so much... Never leave me, okay?"
APH Austria | Roderich Edelstein
* Roderich is a possessive yandere. He believes you belong to him and that nobody, not even you, has the right to get in the way of getting you. And if you try, well, things won't end well for you. * Roderich believes that you have to give up everything in your life and start serving. After he becomes obsessed with you, he believes that your existence exists only to please him and make sure that he is happy. * Roderich isn't the type that would kidnap you. I mean, why would he go out of his way to do that for someone that already belongs to him? But he is not below making other people track you and control you. * From the moment he entered your life, he will start controlling everything in your life. From the things you eat to the things, you put on your body. I mean, you don't want to embarrass him, right? * Roderich wouldn't care too much if you are with someone else, to be honest, as long as you give him all of your time. If that isn't the case, your partner will be taken out of the picture. * "Oh please, we both know you don't deserve my attention. Be grateful you're getting it."
APH Hungary | Elizabeth Héderváry
* Elizabeth is a protective and possessive yandere. From the moment that she laid her eyes on you, she saw you as something that needed to be protected from the horrible world that you both live in. * Elizabeth tries to control her bad habits as much as possible. I mean, she doesn't want to scare you off. She loves you! * Elizabeth wouldn't admit it, but she is a true romantic, so she would try to enter a normal relationship with you. She would try to do everything the right way. But she might just lose her mind if you don't reciprocate. * If you have a different partner, she is not above killing them just so she could be there for you, comfort you and take their place in your heart. * Elizabeth is aware of some of her bad habits, but she sometimes just loses herself and is unable to control the anger that comes over her. * Elizabeth is not above kidnapping you and keeping you to herself if the courting process would take too long, or you wouldn't be interested in her at all. * "I know you don't get it yet, but I'm doing this for you."
APH Sealand | Peter Kirkland
* Peter is a clingy yandere. To say the least, Peter can be a little bit annoying with his little puppy crush on you, but what can you do, right? It's not like he is really doing anything wrong. * Now, the problem arises when Peter starts to try and scare off the other micronations from you. As a micronation yourself, you need to have as many connections as possible to grow, so it's honestly horrible that your friends do that! * Things would become even worse when Peter starts to get his parents involved. Making his scary guardian, Berwald asks you to come over and have a sleepover with him is just not exactly something that you want. * Things reach a point of no return when Peter stabs another micronation after they don't heed his warnings to stay away from you. * You're scared, to say the least, and rejecting his invitations for playdates isn't exactly an option anymore, is it? * "Hey dude! Wanna play heroes and villains today? I'll be the hero!"
APH Turkey | Sadiq Adnan
* Sadiq is a protective yandere. He loves you quite a bit, you know that? And he's not willing to let you go, no matter how much you don't like him or are unhappy with him. * Kidnapping will always be on the table with him. Actually, he might actually jump straight into kidnapping instead of getting to know you or courting you. * Only situation where he would court you before kidnapping you is if he was your friend before his obsession with you would start. Otherwise, kidnapping. * Sadiq is not above killing people for you. If he thinks that it will help him get you, he would even start a war in your name. He loves you this much. You should be proud of it. * Sadiq is delusional enough to believe that if he tries hard enough, you will come to love him, but not delusional enough to realize that what he's doing is wrong. He just honestly doesn't care if his actions are morally okay or not. * "Hey! Don't cry... This is for the best, promise!"
APH Spain | Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
* Antonio is a worshiper yandere. You are like a god to him. No matter what you want, he will go to the world's end to get it. He needs to make sure you are happy and satisfied. * Antonio would try to distance you from other people. I mean, if you are with other people, how would he be able to dedicate all of his time to serve you and make you happy? It doesn't seem realistic. * If you would be dating someone else, Antonio would be heartbroken. He would try to be okay with it, but after seeing you with them enough times, he would snap and end up killing them. * Antonio would want you to get along with Lovino. The only person he would be okay with you dating is Lovino. He might even encourage it if you show no interest in Antonio. * Antonio would try to charm the pants off you all the time. Even if you guys are only friends, he would be flirty with you all the time. * He's very neutral on the idea of kidnapping you. He would rather not do it, but if he believes there is no other option, he will end up doing it. * "Heya, chica/o! Want to go shopping? Lovi's coming too, of course!"
APH Greece | Heracles Karpusi
* Hercules is a dependent yandere. He needs you to exist. He needs you to breathe, sleep, eat and drink. Without you by his side, he would end up dead. So, don't leave him if you care about him. You care about him, right? * Hercules would befriend you first. Make you feel safe and attached to him. I mean, he's a charming guy, it wouldn't take long before he would intrude on your friend group. And then, the manipulation would start. * It would start off small. Helping him with things. And slowly, it would get to the point where you would need to feed him, dress him up and undress him and even talk for him sometimes. * He's helpless. You wouldn't leave him, right? Even if you are dating someone else, he wouldn't really care. As long as he has all of your attention, does it matter if someone else has the title when he's clearly your most important person? * Kidnapping wouldn't be an option. As tempting as it might be, he's playing a role, and he's not going to break it. Besides, being spoiled like this is much more fun. * "You... wouldn't leave poor ol' me... right?"
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babeyvenus · 3 years
Hey! I was wondering if your requests were still open because I wanted to make a request for Bigby Wolf x black! female reader angst/fluff
A/N: Basing this off of my own insecurities, so forgive me but it's for the angst😭 This turned out more as a hurt/comfort thing
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You've seen how Bigby looked at Snow. She was undeniably beautiful even if there were guys who called her a bitch.
She walked with a purpose and power of being the "boss of Fabletown". Pale skin, pretty as the clouds, dark hair, piercing navy blue eyes. Of course Bigby would be in love.
She and Bigby were a powerful duo; anyone could see that. Though it pissed you off how quick she could put Bigby down when he was always obviously looking for praise from her.
You could give him that and plenty of words of affirmation but that wouldn't be enough for him. Your words weren't exactly the ones he was looking for and you knew it.
Yet here he was relaxing at your place like you told him to. He deserved a day off, you believed. With Snow and the town working him like a farm dog, he doesn't get any time to himself. Minus Colin popping in every now and then.
"It's not like Briar Rose didn't know about it. She had to have put something in those mattresses and sold them off to other fables on purpose. She's smart, because there was no way she would've given it to a fable like Beauty and Beast.", he vented about his day while you looked over reports on your table.
You let out a humorless chuckle. "Us side characters always get the shit end of the stick.", you joked. He paused. Turning to you from his place on your couch, he frowned. "Side character?"
You looked up from the papers. "Hm?" He sat up. "You said “Us side characters”. You really think of yourself as a side character?"
Your face fell a little. Looking back at the papers, you mutter, "That's what I heard. According to the Book of Fables, and by law," you pressed. "I am a side character. To whose story, who knows?"
He didn't know your whole story either, and honestly you couldn't blame him. You weren't exactly Fable but you weren't exactly a Mundy either so it wasn't his fault he didn't know. Though, he wishes he had known about this before.
This made him upset. To know that you had been lumped in with the side character law. The law was the same reason why so many characters had gone to the farm and he didn't like that. He loathed at the thought of you doing something that Snow wasn't pleased with and she decided that you would have to go to the farm.
It wasn't fair to you. He had just gotten used to having a friend around that wasn't Colin. "Hey… You know you're not, right? Only you can decide your story.", he says.
You gave him a wistful smile. "I know. But if I'm gonna stay in such a nice apartment,", you say with a hint of sarcasm. "I've gotta go by the rules like everyone else. Even if it meant pleasing the beautiful ice queen."
Ice queen…? Did you mean Snow? He huffed, amused. "That's what you're calling her?" You scoffed. "If that's how she wants to behave then yes."
You droned on. "Shiny navy blue hair, flawless pale skin, those eyes…" Completely opposite from you. "I don't wake up as if I were drawn to be beautiful. I can't maintain my hair like she does and just put it in a ponytail so easily. I'm not always prim and proper. She's elegant, punctual, responsible… pretty. That's everything a queen is."
His smile fell again. "She's just Mayor. She doesn't exactly have all the power."
"Yet, she has enough power to make guys fall in love with her just by her looks and power alone. I've seen it, some guys like a powerful woman." You turn to him. "Don't you?" You already knew the answer, but…
His eyes widened a bit and he cleared his throat. "Well…"
You shook your head. "Nevermind, Bigby. Forget I said anything."
Furrowing his eyebrows, he composed himself. "Now, hold on, I wasn't finished." You stood up. "It's fine. I get it. You love her, it's not any big news."
"Y/N, listen to me.", he says, getting up. You frowned at him. What more could he say that you already don't know? Bigby was smart, but sometimes he was dense and really couldn't catch a clue here and there, but he really needed to.
"I've known Snow for as long as I've become Sheriff. She's helped me through a lot and yeah," he rubs behind his neck. "I may have had feelings for her. But I can see that she just wants me to respect her. And I do."
"But?", you added. "But, she's not you. Responsibility, power, beauty; you've got that in your own way. Not because someone told you to be or wrote your story that way. You are who you are.", he smiled.
He stepped over to you. "That's what made me stick around for you. I thought you were weird but over time, I found you interesting. And I was hoping, as you find your story, that you'd let me stick around some more. If you'll have me, that is."
Your face softened. "You're not playing with me, are you? You really mean it?" He gave you his signature smirk, "Since when have you ever known me to prank someone, let alone it being a good prank?" You let out a watery chuckle.
He pulled you in his arms. "I'm sorry it took me so long. I just wasn't sure if I even deserved to have someone like you around me.", he mumbled. "You never treated me like I was a rabid dog, waiting to be given commands. You treated me as if I were just a regular person on the street."
His words made your eyes water. "Sounds like we're in the same boat. You never made me feel afraid to just be myself.", you mumble in his shoulder.
He pressed his scruffy cheek on your temple. "And you'll never have to. Like I said, you are who you are. You make your story. No one else does."
Warm tears bubbled in your eyes and poured over. "Thank you..."
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden ----Anonymity Ch. 11 (NSFW) (END)
Ch.1 Ch2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
If you are curious to know what my version of Alexia looks like, check here
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All maids are dismissed from dinner at night.
The doors are kept sealed shut. It is clear whatever the Dimitrescus are discussing is not for ears outside of their family's to overhear.
You are thankful for the windows you have to focus on repairing while they talk. It keeps you from overthinking and that keeps you sane.
Once everything is fixed, the only physical sign of the nightmarish day you had is Cassandra's sickle, still embedded within what is no doubt a priceless painting.
You approach slowly, as though the weapon has a will of its own and can turn right around to finish the job of gutting you. Your fingers close around the leather handle. The first pull does nothing. The blade is so firmly lodged it won't budge an inch.
But you are nothing if not determined.
That is what you busy yourself with until you see a familiar fly come to land on your shoulder. It doesn't cut at your flesh, but it does bite and tug on your shirt. You understand the silent command to follow.
The insect leads you to the dining room. The table is cleaned, but the daughters are all still there, talking in hushed tones among themselves, poker faces adorning their expressions.
Three sets of yellowish eyes immediately fall to the sickle in your hand. Bela raises an amused eyebrow. The redhead whistles. "That looks sexy on you~"
"Can't imagine it would look as good in me." You give Cassandra a pointed look as you pull the chair beside her, but she only shrugs and leans back, motioning for you to hand it over.
"No... did you throw it at her?" Daniela guffaws. "And you missed?"
A sour grimace comes from the brunette. "I wasn't trying that hard..."
"What if I hadn't dodged?" you ask.
"...well. It's good that you did." Cassandra looks down at her manicured nails, as apologetic as she'll let herself be in front of her sisters.
"Do I want to know what was hit instead of Alexia?" Bela carefully asks.
"You really don't." Cassandra shakes her head and they leave it at that for both their sake.
"So." Bela speaks up after a brief moment of silence. "After our discussion with mother, we are to inform you that you're free to come and go from the castle as you please. Cassandra's key is as much hers as it is yours, now. But. Should any other maid escape using it or learn of our weakness, we'll have to do something nobody here wants."
"We'll have to brutally murder you to make an example. And whoever knows." Daniela cuts in and Cassandra gives her a glare. You aren’t looking forward to learning what their interpretation of the word ‘brutal’ is like.
"Yeah I... I could have guessed that." you reply.
"But I'm sure you're smart enough to not let that happen." Bela states. "This settles everything, I think."
"Not everything." Cassandra retorts, a shadow around her eyes.
"Cassandra, drop it. You heard what mother said." The blonde's tone grows harsh.
"What did she say, other than what we already knew?" comes the sharp bite back. "Why is she so vague every time one of us asks how we came to be?"
"I'm sure she has a good reason. What does it even matter about before?"
"Because I'm sick of having nightmares about people I don't remember!" Cassandra slams her hands onto the table. Both you and Daniela flinch back a bit.
You could have already guessed Alcina is not their biological mother. But a lot of puzzle pieces fall into place before your eyes now. And this new picture you're starting to see of the Dimitrescu family isn't a pretty one at all.
The tension between the two siblings is enough to electrify the air around the table.
"Did you ever consider it's probably for the best that you never do remember them?" Bela asks, her irritation ice-cold as opposed to Cassandra's sizzling fire. "Maybe there's a reason nightmares are all that's left."
You can see your lover's jaw clench. Cassandra's fingers curl into white-knuckled fists as she sits back down. "Don't you get these flashes? These almost-memories?"
"No." Bela says as she stands to leave. "I don't get them. And even if I did, I don't much care for leftovers."
"Daniela?" Cassandra asks, turning to her younger sister.
"I uh... I gotta go do a... thing. Bye now!" The redhead disperses into a swarm right there, before any more can be said.
Cassandra huffs in an exasperated, 'of course' manner. Only the two of you are left in the gigantic room, but you're not sure if you should speak up. You're not exactly confident in your ability to comfort others, nor can you tell where she and you currently stand. It doesn't look like either of you has the energy for any type of loaded talk.
You need each other, that much is as certain as the sun’s rise and fall.
And that's enough, for now.
Within the next few days, Cassandra and you take your time gravitating back together.
You let the thought of her ripping you in half slowly bleed away and she probably does the same with the notion of you using her weakness against her.
It starts with little touches, on your shoulder or your hand, as you make plans to spend a night or two in your house at the village once the temperature allows it.
Then one evening she comes to your room complaining about Daniela just like the old times and it feels only natural to rub her back like you used to.
Cassandra leans into you like a purring cat.
"Oh, you're so warm..." she sighs, resting her head atop your shoulder.
Absent-mindedly, you bring your travelling fingers up to her nape, pressing at a tiny knot of tension there with your thumb. A little moan slips past her lips –you're aware of just how close to touching your neck they are– and it hits you straight in the gut. You've missed drawing these sounds out of her.
Cassandra shifts against you and every minuscule brush of her lithe form on yours brings sparks to life. Her finger reaches under your chin to tip it her way.
"If you want us to stop here I need to leave now." she speaks with that impatience in the edges of her voice you recognize well.
"What happens if you stay?" you ask. It's not just your body warming at the thought of keeping her close.
"Don't tempt me, Alexia." Her lower lip just barely traces yours as she says it. "I'm not good at resisting and you know it."
You know it. Maybe that's why you tempt her with another almost-kiss in the first place. You could never deny how badly you wanted her and that certainly hasn't changed.
Cassandra crashes your mouths together hungrily, like she's been left without it for too long and now she can't go another second without having you. Her leg crosses over yours to lift herself into straddling you, two strong thighs bracketing your hips tight.
She's trying, you can tell, to not tear both your clothes off and have what she craves hard and fast and right there.
You keep a smirk to yourself when you slip your tongue into her mouth and unhook the buttons of her outfit extra slow. Her nails press into your shoulders. You refuse to speed up.
"Can you go any faster?" she breathily pants once you trail your lips to her neck.
"I can." you say. And lightly bite her.
She's one step away from ripping your shirt off, you can tell from how her fingers curl on the fabric. So you make the smarter choice and distract her with another little bite where you know she likes it best, just underneath her ear, then guide her clothes off of her.
Cassandra pushes you back into the mattress and kisses you again while her cool hands make short work of your clothes. You let her grind her hips into you for some measure of relief as you continue to suck and nibble on her flushed, sensitive skin. Her hands find purchase on your sheets when she no longer trusts her control to have them on you.
"Will you touch me already?" she growls into your ear. You can feel how badly she needs it from the way she shakes on every caress near her center, but this is your payback for that sickle throw.
"I am." you give her a smirk, then lightly push a fingertip into tight, wet heat to cut off her response.
"Ah. I— fuck Alexia!" You've never heard her curse before. And you can't figure out why it's so sinfully hot. “Oh, yes, darling, there!”
As much as she deserves to be tormented for the fright she gave you, you can hardly contain your own lust when she's moving on top of you like this, calling you ‘darling’ and hers.
Both of you come undone not long after, gripping at each other, her soft cries of pleasure filling the room until she lowers her head over your heart, completely spent.
Your fingers gently comb through her wavy hair. For quite some time, Cassandra looks so relaxed you think she has fallen asleep on you.
Until she lifts her head up and nuzzles your jawline, in a way she probably knows kills you every time she does it. Her teeth trap your earlobe. That spells trouble even before she speaks up:
"You didn't think one round would do it, did you? After all, I have yet to pay you back for sneaking into my room and stealing my key, darling…"
It turns out you won a battle and started a war that lasts throughout the night. And it's only the first, you're sure, of many to come.
For once in your life, you can't wait for what's next.
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nicoleheichou · 3 years
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Now All I See Is Color - chapter 30: don't know what to do
♡ masterlist ♡ 《 previous | next 》
In a world where soulmates exist, it's uncommon for most people to find theirs. A lot of them going their whole lives never experiencing the world in color because they've never met their soulmate. But that all changes for y/n when she becomes MSBY Jackals player, Miya Atsumu's assistant. They're about to experience the world in color together. But what does that mean for y/n when both her and Atsumu are in committed relationships?
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Earlier you received a text from Semi asking if you wanted to sit with him during the game, which of course you did. He promised to save you a seat, so now you were trying to find him in the crowd of people.
You spot him, surrounded by what you assume to be some of his fangirls. He immediately notices you and motions for you to make your way over, excusing himself from the fangirls. "Semi!" He pulls you into a hug and you can't help but laugh. "How have you been kitten?" Pulling away you get a good look at him. "I'm good! And I really like your outfit Sem, the colors go well together."
"You can see colors y/n?" He questions. Shrugging, you turn to look down at the court with both teams warming up. "That's one of the things I want to discuss with you and Ushi tonight. So let's save it for then. 'Kay?" Not saying a word, the male just nods.
You get the feeling that you're being watched, so you look around for the culprit and your eyes land on none other than Atsumu. He gives you a small smile which you reciprocate. Trying your best to ignore the butterflies in your stomach you turn your attention to Semi. "So what have you been up to?" You spend the rest of the time before the game distracting yourself from the feeling in your stomach by talking with the gray haired male beside you.
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You sit in the stands with Semi, waiting for people to clear out and just killing time before you meet up with Ushijima. Your phone vibrates and you see a text from the male, telling you that he's done and waiting for you and Semi by the back exit.
"Come on Sem!" Grabbing his hand you lead him to the back exit. Passing by the restrooms you notice a group blocking your way. You can't help but let out a sigh. "What are you guys doing by the restrooms? And why are you all crowding Sho?"
Atsumu is the first to speak up. "They're ganging up on my wing spiker!" The look of confusion on your face prompts Sakusa to speak up. "Don't listen to Atsumu, they're just saying hi." Finally noticing you, Hoshiumi practically tackles you into a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you in person y/n." He says while burying his face in your hair.
"Sorry Kou. I've been so busy." You say while reaching up to pat his head. Semi clears his throat beside you, reminding you of what you were supposed to be doing. "Oh yeah! Good game tonight guys! And it was nice seeing you Kou, but I have to get going. Text me?" And with that you excuse yourself and finally head to the exit.
You notice a figure leaning against the wall and you can't help but smile. You could recognize him anywhere, what with how he towers over everyone and just by the way he's built, definitely bigger than the others. "Y/n." He's the first to speak up. "Toshi." You say with a smile before pulling him into a hug. "We got distracted, that little shrimp was having his usual run in with everyone by the restrooms again."
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"So what was it that you wanted to talk to us about y/n?" Semi questions as he shoves a spoonful of the curry into his mouth. "I feel like you're the only ones I can talk to about this. I can't go to Suna or my friends, I want an unbiased opinion because I really don't know what to do anymore." You notice that both men have stopped eating to give you your full attention.
Ushijima is the first to speak up. "What do you mean y/n?" Letting out a shaky breath, you decide to start from the beginning. "So I've met my soulmate. I can see colors now." You pause waiting for a reaction. "Holy shit! Really? What's it like? Wait. No. Who's your soulmate? What does Suna think about this? Are you going to leave Suna?" Semi fires out every thought that pops into his head, not bothering to filter any of it.
You bury your face in your hands. "I don't know what to do. My soulmate is Atsumu. And as of right now I have no intentions of breaking up with Rin but...I feel like the more time I spend with Atsumu the more I can picture myself with him." You feel someone rubbing soothing circles into your back, it's only then do you realize that you're crying. "It's okay. You don't have to make a decision right now sweetheart." Looking up you see Ushijima, his olive eyes staring back at you. There was something about his eyes, even before you could see color that almost always immediately comforted you.
"I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm going to hurt Rin. Or that I'm going to hurt Atsumu. I don't know if he remembers but one night he got drunk and told me that he's falling in love with me." It's Semi's turn to comfort you, thumbs swiping at the tears. "Kitten, it's normal to feel what you're feeling. You always put others before yourself, it's okay to be selfish sometimes, you know?"
Was it really okay to be selfish for once? "Well how do you feel about Atsumu? Just because you're soulmates doesn't mean you'll work out. You have to put in the effort like any other relationship." The olive haired male says. People always had the perception of Ushijima being a dumb jock but that was far from it. He just didn't like to talk if he didn't need to.
How do you feel about Atsumu? You've been so focused on his drunken confession that you never really got to focus on your feelings for him. "Sometimes he'll do something or say something meant just for me and I'll get butterflies. I enjoy the time we spend together. When he's hurting, I can't help but feel the same way. I don't think of being his assistant as a job because I like being able to be there for him. But I can't help but think what if I'm just thinking I feel this way because we're soulmates? What if I'm subconsciously trying to make things work because we are soulmates and not because I actually love him?"
"Well how do you feel about Suna?" Semi questions. You let out a sigh. You know your feelings for Suna. "Where do I even start? I love him. I love him so much. And I'm not saying this because I feel guilty or anything. I get excited to see his good morning texts, I look forward to our phone calls, I miss him whenever we're apart, I'm constantly thinking about him. I can see a future with him. That's why I can't help but feel guilty whenever I have these thoughts about Atsumu. They're both amazing, but I don't know what I should do. I don't want to hurt either of them."
"I think it would be best to let both of them know. They have a right to know what your feelings are for the both of them, because they're both part of it too." Although he was a man of few words, whenever Ushijima did speak, it was always exactly what you needed to hear even if you didn't want to. "You don't have to go at this alone, Suna and Atsumu are also there for you." The gray haired male gives you a quick pinch on the cheek. "And if you ever need to talk about it...we're here." He motions between himself and Ushijima. "Did you ever think of being in a relationship with both of them? I mean it worked out for the three of us."
You can't help but chuckle before playfully shoving Semi. "I think I want to be in a monogamous relationship now. It was exhausting having two boyfriends." You tease. But it was an interesting thought, could you really be with both of them? "But really, if you feel like you don't have anyone to talk to about this, we're here y/n." Ushijima broke you out of your thoughts and hearing him comforting you and telling you that you can rely on the both of them, that brought on a fresh set of tears. What did you do to deserve such amazing people in your life?
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so i really had Semi joking about a poly relationship in the drafts before y'all suggested it. lol.
the google form is still up if you haven't answered it! i'll probably keep it up for a few days so everyone has a chance to answer it. ☺
comment or message me if you want to be added to the taglist!
it's a crime that all the japan men's vball games are at 4:40am for me but will i be watching them? yes. 🥴
and have a fun weekend! stay safe & hydrated!
oh yeah sleepover is next chapter & it's pretty much a filler. but one of my faves idk.
Taglist [open]: @bakugouswh0r3 @youidiot91 @koffyee @kyomihann @szeonn @chantalkate16 @onlyonew @ntimacy @underratedmage @90s-belladonna @simpletype @toshikamo @todomaniac @sumebreaks @sammistry @pansexualproblemchild @kozuelle @roselleviennesstuff @erensnubs @fantasycantasy @choozari @starsabove-me @halesandy @encrytpta @youraggedybitch @pablopascal @qualitygiantshoepsychic @iheartkuroorin @curiouslilbeast @cannibalcuriosity @fandomsgotmefucked @xhyunjinbbyx
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May I ask for IK headcanons with the new exchange students? (Thirteen, Rapheal, Mephistopheles)
You don't have to if you dont want to tho!
ohhhh my god i'm so glad you asked this because i've been having miscellaneous thoughts about them ever since i started s4
here we go! (though do be warned, some of their personality traits are like, extrapolated from what little we're given in canon, since there isn't a whole lot of it)
i've said this before but girldad girldad GIRLDAD
she was probably nicer to ik right off the bat than she is to mc in canon, because 1. she's a child, 2. girl solidarity, and 3. she has no expectations for her so therefore everything is a pleasant surprise
at first it's more of a distant "yeah, we cool" thing, but then ik helps thirteen avoid getting into trouble with diavolo for a badly-timed trap, and after that thirteen decides that ik is her new best friend
she likes messing with her and acting like a menace in general, but internally she's always like "small friend-shaped girl!!! <33333"
(the way she interacts with her would be kinda similar to how jtta mephisto does)
thirteen's a very bad influence but also very fun, and ik clearly enjoys being around her, so lucifer's not sure how to feel about it
at one point she dresses ik up in a mini plague doctor outfit and ik is LIVING for it, she looks so COOL
thirteen starts calling her 'birdie' because the mask looks like a beak, and then that just sticks
thirteen also likes to call ik her 'little double agent' in regards to her efforts to trap solomon, even though ik doesn't actually do much double-agenting
ik's human-world background also proves to be very helpful in giving thirteen inspiration for her traps
unexpectedly, the little bit that ik knows about python from computing science proves most helpful, because thirteen converts the concept of if-else statements, while loops, etc, into a magical equivalent, which helps prevent her traps from setting off on the people she doesn't want them to
whenever they're hanging out, it's usually pretty light-hearted and high-energy - thirteen likes to coax ik out of her comfort zone and get her to try new things, though she won't push if ik is genuinely unwilling
thirteen just helps ik be more confident in general! she establishes herself as someone who'll always have ik's back and is constantly teaching her that sometimes you need to assert yourself more, and that she is fully deserving of respect
this is stuff that the brothers have been slowly been getting her to fully realise, too, but thirteen is the first to actually tell it to her
every now and then, though, while they're hanging out, they'll start having these really long, serious conversations
as a reaper, thirteen's view of humanity in general is kind of morbidly fascinating to ik, and she asks her about her perspective on all sorts of things - especially moral ones
thirteen, on the other hand, is also very intrigued by how death has influenced ik herself
not least because she, you know. did actually die once.
even though she's a reaper, she can't exactly communicate with the dead once they've fully passed on, and she's always had a lot of questions about what it's like to pass over into the great beyond
after she finds out about the whole death thing, she's a lot more stand-offish around belphie, and she also ends up becoming the being most vigilant about how all that trauma might still be affecting ik in the present
so yeah! wholesome but also chaotic girldad <3
a friend of simeon and luke is also a friend of his!
that's about as far as it gets for a while - he's nice to her because he appreciates what she's done for his friends, both the angel and the former-angel kind
but he's too awkward around her to really form a friendship independent of that - his interactions with her are solely because of simeon and/or luke, almost never of his own volition
then at some point simeon tells him about the stuff that happened during ik's first exchange year, and raphael is like [whipcrack] "WHAT"
part of it is respect along the lines of "she really did help the brothers, no wonder they feel so different-in-a-good-way", part of it is just "HOW DOES ONE SMALL CHILD GO THROUGH ALL THAT AND NOT EXPLODE?????"
and then after that he starts initiating interactions more, very subtly attempting to check up on her without also alerting her to the fact that he's aware of her not-even-that-long-ago trauma
he's similar to barbatos that, even when he's bonded with ik a fair bit, he still prefers to watch over from a distance rather than directly hang out with her
partially because, though they're both fairly chill personalities, they interact with other beings and the world around them very differently
normally they don't spend much time with each other without someone else also being there - or, more often that not, it's raphael tagging along when ik does stuff with the other angels and/or solomon
though there are times where raphael will just be like "hey ik there's this arcade place that looks kind of interesting in town. would you like to go", and they'll just go hang out together
and it goes really smoothly, actually! the conversation flows, they both make each other laugh, they're both friendlily competitive over the games, raphael nearly climbs into the claw machine when neither of them can get out the really cute panda plush
you'd think they'd spend more time with each other after that, but actually these solo hang-outs remain pretty rare - which is kind of what makes them special in the first place
raphael in general doesn't like to do this kind of thing too much, as he has a fairly limited social meter, which goes down extra fast if he's only hanging out with one person - since he's the sole other party, he feels the need to constantly be reiterating actions and words and such, rather then being able to go quiet for a bit and only interject when he wants to with groups
he enjoys it in moderation, but it'd be exhausting to do it at the same rate as, say, ik hangs out with mammon
so they're friends who help each other out and enjoy hanging out together every now and then to relax :)
i know there's probably a division between which one is preferred, so i'll talk about both A. the mephistopheles that hates mephisto's guts, and B. the mephistopheles that's actually dating him
mephistopheles A would be very elaborately friendly and overwhelmingly welcoming to ik in an effort to piss mephisto off, because he knows mephisto absolutely hates it
except he pisses off ik a bit in the process as well, because she can tell that he isn't actually interested in her wellbeing or anything in the slightest
ik's also just got a natural disdain ingrained in her for nobility (and stupidly rich people) in general, so that combined with mephistopheles' complete falseness around her means she doesn't like him very much - which mephistopheles himself can tell (it's made most obvious by the fact that she usually ignores him if he doesn't approach her first)
but as long as it keeps upsetting mephisto, he doesn't care! or so he thinks...
as it turns out, being disliked by the kid who seems to like just about everyone else becomes kind of emotionally devastating in the long run
so he slowly turns into an awkward uncle who really, REALLY wants his niece to like him, but has no idea how to correct the stuff he did to make her dislike him in the first place
he (somewhat unwillingly) goes to diavolo for advice, then (VERY unwillingly) barbatos, then (EXTREMELY unwillingly) lucifer, and in the end the thing that gets ik to seemingly change her mind about him is offering to take her dragon-riding
(it says in his profile in-game that mephistopheles enjoys horse-riding, but in jtta they don't HAVE horses in the devildom, so the equivalent is dragon-riding)
this has the bonus of mephistopheles genuinely enjoying the activity involved, so in this case both parties are having fun!
after this ik waves at him whenever she sees him, and mephistopheles is like "holy shit why wasn't i doing this before", to which all the others reply "i know right"
on the other hand, mephistopheles B would have been acting like the awkward uncle from the beginning tbh
he knows his bf likes this kid, and he also knows diavolo likes this kid, but on the other hand, so does lucifer... so he's conflicted
but ultimately his desire for approval from diavolo and his bf outweighs his contempt for lucifer, so he decides that he will also try to like this kid
it's really not that hard, but what IS really hard is actually interacting with her
you've got to remember that mephistopheles and ik are from two entire opposite ends of the background wealth spectrum
there's silver spoon mephistopheles who's never had to work a day in his life, vs ik, for whom it was an accepted thing that sometimes she'd just have to go without eating more than one meal a day in order to keep the lights on
and often the stuff mephistopheles says in conversation make it very obvious just how rich he is, which tends to make ik go quiet on him, plus his idea of bonding with her is offering to spend increasing amounts of money on stuff for her, which is. not great??
but he figures it out in the end!
it turns out that he and ik have startlingly similar senses of humour (though this is mostly oweing to mephistopheles having had his thoroughly downgraded by dating mephisto)
it gets to a point where ik will be hanging out with the mephistwo, point at a bird and say very seriously "goat", and then all three collectively lose their shit
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kiranogareru · 3 years
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WARNING: Language, but this is all fluffyyyy
A/N: I present to you, my first requested work. Dedicated to @mysticmaee I apologize for taking so long, I hope this meets your expectations. Enjoy and again I'm so so sorry it took me so long
Y/n and Bakugou -as much as he refuses to admit it- have been pretty good friends for a while and they recently started dating
Katsuki is well aware of the fact that he isn't all that good at this whole relationship thing!
He knows how a relationship is supposed to be like, he's read all those things about them in novels before and even though they appeared unrealistically perfect to him, Bakugou couldn't help but compare himself and feel inferior to those fictional men and their romancing abilities!
He has observed how well Y/N seems to be fitting the role of a girlfriend and has taken mental notes of the way she always shows him how she feels, whether that's through words or affectionate little gestures, such as simply holding his hand!
Bakugou has never really been the type for physical contact, one could even say he is quite touch starved in all honesty, which makes him a little bit timid to show her his appreciation that way, since it makes him feel uncomfortable and it gives him this weird fluttery feeling inside
The blonde thinks back to the short time they have shared as a couple and how sweet Y/n has been to him, even before, when they were just friends and he insisted on pushing her away!
Bakugou is suddenly left dumbstruck, when he comes to realize that he never even asked her out properly! She just kind of blurted out her feelings and he simply claimed her as his..and by his, he means his one weakness, but of course it goes without saying that he would never reveal that!
He then decides that he wants to try harder. He knows he can do better 'I can be the best boyfriend she's ever had, I'll be her number one!' he tells himself
'She put so much effort into approaching me and I know I made it even more difficult -I can't help it, that's just how I am- but the least I can do is put in just as much effort, it's only fair!'
He doesn't want to be a shitty boyfriend, because for 1 he knows that's not what she deserves and 2 he's the best, he's not one of those stupid extras, who would let her slip right through their fingers!
'It's time I finally lowered my defenses' he thinks, although he's still hesitant of showing his softer side and unsure of what that can possibly lead to
Katsuki walks in silence as he rakes his brain for a way to make it up to Y/n for the way he's been so far.
It's not like he's treating her bad or anything, as a matter of fact he is at his calmest when he's around her and all he does is admire the way her beautiful e/c eyes sparkle when she's focused on something she enjoys, or how her face lights up when she's happy, or he revels in the taste of her lips against his own whenever they share an unexpected kiss!
This warm feeling spreads throughout his chest and blood rushes to his cheeks, tinting them with a shade of pink, at the thought of the memories!
That's when it hits him and the perfect idea pops up in his head. If he's learnt anything from romance novels, it's the fact that every relationship starts with a date!
And that's something they haven't done yet, which gives Katsuki the opportunity to change that!
"Katsu?" Y/n stops in her tracks, making him break out of his trance and do the same
"You zoned out, is everything ok?" She asks with a soft smile, placing a hand on his cheek
"Tch, everything's fine dumbass, I'm just thinking" Bakugou returns the smile, resting his hand at the back of her neck, gently pulling her head closer and leaning in to leave a chaste kiss on her forhead
Y/n is left speechless and her cheeks burn up at the sudden action, Bakugou doesn't usually behave this way, especially not in public!
'I don't know what he's been thinking about, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this adorable change' She ponders
Y/n is quick to wrap her arms around him and bury her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of burnt caramel and cologne -something that she's grown so accustomed to, that it now brings her comfort
Bakugou's eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a breath as he relaxes, bringing one hand to her head as his other one makes it's way to her back to hold her close
They stand there in each other's embrace for a bit, before they decide to continue their walk to the dorms, hand in hand
Once they reach the dorms, they catch the attention of a few of their classmates and friends. It's only logical though, since a smiling Bakugou Katsuki is not a sight one could easily miss!
The rest of the day goes by pretty quick as usual, since everyone is studying either alone or in groups, but once that's out of the way most of the students normally spend their free time by engaging in their hobbies of choice
While Y/n is hanging out with Jirou in the purple haired girl's room, singing and having a good time, Bakugou takes that chance to go to the kitchen and set his plan in motion
He has all the time he needs to prepare a few things for later
While the ruby eyed boy is in the middle of cooking, Sero walks into the kitchen, Kaminari following close behind him
"Kacchan?!" Kaminari exclaims in surprise
"Hm?" Katsuki turns around and realizes he has an audience
"How come you're cooking today?" Sero questions in confusion
It's not uncommon for the explosive boy to cook for his classmates, but he had done so just a few days ago already, that's what didn't sit right with Sero
"All of you extras cook like shit, tonight we're having some actual food!" Bakugou's voice remains low in volume, but his usual aggression is evident in his tone
"It smells amazing, what is it?" Sero technically drooling as he walks over to check
"I bet it's something spicy!" Kaminari declares, knowing his friend's taste
"Damn right Dunce Face! Let's hope you idiots can handle it this time! Tch" Bakugou tries to mask the smile forming on his face with his signature, cocky, smirk
"Kaminari.." Sero gives the electric blonde a look
"I know right!" Kaminari laughs, returning the look
"What are you idiots on about?" Bakugou raises an eyebrow
As soon as the table is set and dinner is served, the students pick up on something unusual
"Hm? Where did Bakubro go?" Kirishima points out, while looking around the room
Kaminari and Sero stand back to back with a hand on their chin and wearing a knowing expression of confidence on their faces! The sparkles surrounding them are technically visible at this point
"What do you know? Spill the tea!" Mina interrogates with a pointed look
"Has anyone seen Y/n? I thought I saw her come downstairs earlier.." Jirou asks, seemingly popping up out of nowhere
"They are probably fu-" Sero wraps Mineta up using his tape with an unbothered face
"Shut up you nasty grape!" He scolds "They are on a date! We are sure of it!" He continues pridefully
"Who knew Bakugou could be so good with the ladies, right!" Kaminari comments, almost in disbelief
Meanwhile Y/n is comfortably sitting on a blanket behind the dorms with Bakugou. The night air feels cool on her skin, but not cold enough to give her goosebumps. It is rather refreshing if anything
They place their now empty dishes on the tray that's sitting in front of them and Bakugou pushes it aside
"That was delicious!" A look of content spreading on her features
"Hm, of course it was!" He cocky voice sounds. A winning smile playing on his lips
"Katsuki, this is so sweet..thank you" Y/n softly speaks, tilting Bakugou's head slightly with a hand on his cheek and leaving a feather-like kiss on the other
"You don't need to thank me dumbass..you deserve it!" His tone calm and loving
Bakugou lifts his hand and places it over her smaller one that is resting on his face
They lie down on the blanket, eyes staring at the wide night sky, littered with sparkling gems
"That one reminds me of you!" The excitement clear in her voice as she points at the sky
"How can a star remind you of me dumbass?" His laughs in amusement
"The way it shines looks like an explosion, it's powerful and beautiful!" Her explanation flusters the blonde momentarily, but he gathers himself and starts looking for the perfect star
"That one right there is you then!" He gestures towards it
"Is it now? How can a star remind you of me eh?" She teases
"It stands out, it's so bright and has such a stong presence!"
"Katsu..you idiot" She murmurs feeling bashful
"Huh who are you calling an idiot, idiot?"
Y/n intertwines her hand with his and Bakugou tenses up!
He still isn't used to the gentle gesture, since he has always perceived his hands as weapons, however as he eases into it he starts rubbing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb
"This side of you is so soothing, so intoxicating~" She smiles before continuing
"I'm so lucky to be the one who gets to see you so peaceful..Dynamite" He is caught off guard by the mention of his hero name, which only she knows this far
The first reaction that comes to his mind is to kiss her and his body acts just as fast, pulling both her and himself to sit up and doing exactly that
His lips connect to hers in an uncharacteristically slow and passionate kiss! It is as if Bakugou is pouring everything that he can't put into words in this kiss!
He pulls away with his confidence restored
"Do you want to be mine?"
"I'm my own person idiot and we're already dating!" She laughs, knowing what he meant, but wanting to mess with him regardless
"I know that dumbass! You think I would date some sort of weakling?" He asks matter-of-factly
"I'm already yours and you're all mine!" She boasts
"Damn right!" Bakugou cups her face in one hand, tilting it upwards and leaning down slightly to capture her lips with his once more
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(Not) Such A Good Boy
sub!bf!Juyeon x dom!fem!reader (ft. Eric, Kevin and Hyunjae)
genre: smut, slight crack, a bit of fluff towards the end
contains: dom/sub themes, degradation, oral sex (f receiving), marking, biting, spanking, Juyeon is a brat on a choker and a leash, unprotected sex (be safe y’all)
Author’s note: This man right there has been wrecking my existence lately (I blame Kingdom) and this GIF screams sub!Juyeon so yeah, enjoy this filth
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“Lee Juyeon, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me”, you scoff under your breath. You have been waiting for the past twenty minutes in the living room, outfit and makeup on point, since you were about to go clubbing with your group of friends. But apparently, your dear boyfriend had lost all sense of time, trying to get ready.
Visibly irritated, you storm to your shared bedroom, your heels angrily clicking on the wooden floor. “Juyeon, I swear to God-” you mutter and stop mid-sentence, only to see your boyfriend leaning on the door, fully dressed and a lop-sided smirk plastered on his handsome face. 
“You called, babe?”, he asks teasingly and before rolling your eyes, you give him an once-over, processing his choice of clothes - a pair of tight black leather pants that were hugging his muscular thighs deliciously, a pair of black combat boots, a cropped black sweater with holes around his clavicles and a black belt-like choker around his neck. He was the epitome of the emo bad boy that all parents hated and all girls craved. 
“Um, what is this?”, you question him with a pointing finger. "That, is my outfit for tonight", Juyeon states, the previous smirk still on his face, "What, you don't like it?". "Isn't it a bit unfair for me to wear not so revealing clothes all while you're dressed as an emo himbo?", you complain and he laughs, "An emo himbo? Wow, you're getting more creative with your descriptions, Y/N. You're right though, it's a sort of questionable outfit". You perk up at his response, hoping he'll change into something more colorful and less hole-adorned, only to be utterly disappointed, as Juyeon reached into the closet only to drape a black leather jacket on top of his broad shoulders. "Now we're good to go", he turns to you and winks with audacity. Brat, you scoff mentally and pick up the keys to unlock the door and finally leave your shared apartment.
"Finally! What the fuck took you so long?!", your friend Eric yells at you, trying to overcome the loud bass of the club speakers. "Your complaints to your friend over there, he was the one who took twenty minutes to get ready", you roll your eyes pointing to Juyeon, who was greeting Hyunjae and Kevin, your other friends. "Yooo, Juyeon, what's up with the collar, bro?", Eric amusingly points out. "It's a choker, you tasteless twat. But what would you know of fashion, since you only know how to wear t-shirts and ripped jeans?", Kevin comments and Juyeon mouths a 'thank you' to him. "Simple is the best, my dear friend. Besides, I've been getting all the girls, unlike you and your snake print jacket", Eric retaliates. "Excuse you, this jacket is a fashion statement!", Kevin bites back, feeling insulted. "Not gonna lie though, it does look like a collar. Will you put him on a leash too, Y/N?", Hyunjae comments in a snarky way, making Eric cringe in disgust. "Hyunjae, please go get some drinks, for God's sake", you reply with a dismissive manner. "Yes ma'am", he rolls his eyes and goes to the bartender.
You turn to Juyeon, who was extremely stiff after Hyunjae's comment. "You okay, baby?", you nudge him softly and he's brought back to reality. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, no worries", Juyeon replies, praying that the loud bass could cover his shaky voice. "Don't listen to Eric and Hyunjae, they have zero fashion sense, bro. I would wear that choker too, looks hella good on you", Kevin adds while pointing to the choker and Juyeon's smile is back on his face, "Thanks, bro, I really appreciate it", he replies with a chirpy tone.
The music suddenly changes into a slower jam and Juyeon smirks devilishly, as he winks at you and walks towards the dance floor. You watched as he starts swaying his hips and shoulders in the most smooth way possible, his half-lidded eyes never leaving yours. Eric and Kevin were whistling and cheering on Juyeon, all while Hyunjae was snorting at their antiques. You were simply lost in the image of your boyfriend dancing like there was no tomorrow. He wasn't just following the rhythm, he was riding it - and boy, was he good at doing so.
In fact, he was so good that he gained the attention of many people in the club. And you were lowkey proud, because that man was yours. However, a certain girl wasn't aware of that - hence why she approached Juyeon and started dancing with him. You were a bit jealous, not gonna lie, but the next moment made your blood fucking boil.
He had the fucking audacity to put his hands on her waist and dance with her - all while looking to you over her shoulder with the most smug expression on his face. That fucker, you mentally curse. This was definitely payback for everything you said before you left the house. You just knew it. You weren't even the jealous or possessive type of girlfriend to begin with.
But you'd be damned if you were to let a random bitch run her hands over your boyfriend.
Hyunjae catches up to your motions and he grabs you by your wrist. "Hyunjae, what the f-" "Shut up and listen to me. Going there and creating a scene will not end up well for you and you will give Juyeon exactly what he wants", he states and his words hit home faster that you expected. "Since when did you become so perceptive?", you raise an eyebrow and he chuckles, "I have my moments too, Y/N". "So, since your brain decided to actually function tonight, do you have any idea?" you ask in defeat and Hyunjae starts pulling you to the dance floor by your hand, leaving Eric and Kevin completely baffled. He then pulls you into his chest and leans in your ear to whisper
"Just dance, Y/N".
A Cheshire cat-like grin spreads on your lips, as you catch up to his ulterior motive and you start dancing with Hyunjae, hoping that Juyeon will notice the two of you. "Don't think too much about it, it will happen naturally", he adds, "You're too stiff, Y/N, just relax and enjoy dancing".
His words actually succeed in making you relax and you sway your hips more comfortably, actually enjoying the slow jams echoing through the club speakers. Under the dim lights, you lock eyes momentarily with Juyeon, who was licking his lips and his gaze was a mix of lust and death glares, the last one directed to Hyunjae. "Told you it would work", he comments, "You owe me this one". "Shut the fuck up, Hyunjae", you spit back and he laughs.
However, his laughter is cut short by a very jealous Juyeon, who has grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Next time I see you dance with Y/N, I'll break your fucking kneecaps", he growls and Hyunjae takes a step back, "She's all yours, bro", he raises his hands in defense and returns to the table. Juyeon then turns to you, his blood still boiling with jealousy, as you watch him with a proud smirk.
"You find this funny, huh? Dancing shamelessly with my friend?", he clenches his jaw. You then thread a finger through his choker and pull him close to your face, making Juyeon gasp. "Funny? No honey, I'm fucking fuming right now, because you decided to act like a brat and put your hands on the first bitch that threw herself on you", you retaliate, your chill facade slipping away. A sickly sweet smile adorns Juyeon's face as he watches every single movement of yours. He lowers his head, his lips hanging mere centimeters over yours and he slyly pokes out his tongue to lick your lips, hissing at the wet feeling.
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad, baby".
That was the last straw.
"Get your stuff, we're going home", you announce and he flashes a toothy grin. "Yes ma'am", he replies almost immediately and you return to your friends' table. "Guys, we'll be leaving now, hope you enjoy the rest of the night!" you announce and Eric looks between Juyeon and you. "Do I want to know what's going on?", he questions and Kevin pats him on the back while shaking his head as in 'no'. You both bid farewell to your friends and you walk out of the club, jogging towards your car. Juyeon whips out the cars keys and he opens the door for you, his gentleman-like gesture a complete contrast to his previous bratty behaviour.
The ride back home feels like it lasted for hours, when in reality, it lasted only ten minutes - maybe it's your sheer desire to fuck your handsome boyfriend to oblivion. By the time you entered your shared apartment, your lips were on Juyeon's neck, your hands roaming his toned body and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"You love acting like a bratty slut, don't you?", you sneer at him and he releases a breathy chuckle. "Yeah, and so do you", he whispers and he trails kisses upon your neck and behind your ear, nibbling your earlobe. "Are you going to punish me for being a bratty slut?".
You thought you came right there and then, 'cause fuck, he is so hot like this.
"Is that what you want? Fine then, you'll get the punishment you deserve, slut", you hiss while gripping Juyeon's jaw, your manicured nails raking his porcelain skin, "Don't say I didn't warn you", you whisper into his ear and he releases one of the lewdest sounds you've ever heard in your life. "God, you're a desperate little bitch, aren't you, Lee Juyeon?", you ask while removing the detachable strap of your bag and clasp it on his choker, creating a make-shift leash. "Only for you, baby", he replies with a sultry voice and half-lidded eyes.
You pull him by the make-shift leash, and you push him onto the couch, where you settle yourself on his lap, his hard cock straining his already tight pants. You remove his shirt, exposing his chiseled body. Wasting no time, you attack his collarbones with your lips, trailing red and purple blotches on his soft skin. You bite the juncture of his neck teasingly and he releases breathy moans, making you chuckle. You grind your clothed core on his bulge, and the sweet friction makes Juyeon mewl again. He tries to reach for your crotch with his hand, but you stop him by pulling the leash, making him gasp.
"No sweetheart, no touching tonight", you chastise him, as you pull back to remove your clothes and his pants, leaving the both of you only in your underwear. Juyeon's bulge is even more evident now, the thin material of his boxers having a wet spot, due to his cock leaking pre-cum. The sight in front of you makes your own wetness pool in your panties - your boyfriend on a leash, his perfectly styled hair now disheveled, his upper torso covered in love bites, his muscular thighs fully spread and his cock straining against his boxers.
"Baby, fuck, please do something", he pleads with bleary eyes. "Lie down for me", you order and he's laid flat on his back with one swift motion, his desperation showing. You remove your underwear and place your naked pussy right in front of his face. He reaches for your thighs with his arms, but you slap them away. "I said, no touching", you say sternly, "But-", "You should have thought twice before touching that bitch with your hands. Now, be a good boy and use your pretty mouth", you demand.
Juyeon pushes his wet tongue into your heat without second thought and he's lapping up your juices like a starved man. You can't help but moan with satisfaction, having him under your control like that gave you a huge adrenaline rush. You raked your nails from his torso to the hem of his boxers, the sensation making him moan and momentarily halt his actions. You slap his left thigh to alert him and his cock twitches, the vibrations of his moans coursing through your body as well. Juyeon now flattens his tongue against your folds with a faster tempo.
"You like it when I spank you, huh? Naughty boy", you smirk and land another slap, this time on his right thigh. Juyeon retaliates by sucking on your clit harshly, making you yelp from pleasure and you feel him smirk against your pussy. You find the leash and tug it, pulling Juyeon's face even closer to your core. "Behave, or you'll sleep without cumming tonight", you warn him and he whines, but resumes his efforts nonetheless. "Good boy, k-keep it u-up", you stutter as you feel your high approach with each passing second. His tongue is alternating between circling your clit and pumping in and out of your hole, the squelching sounds creating a pornographic scene.
You scream as you cum on Juyeon's face, your whole body shaking, as he helps you ride out your orgasm with kitten licks. You pull yourself together and turn around to face him, as he nastily licks his lips to taste your essence. "Sweet like fucking candy", he comments, "Want a taste, baby?". You pull him by the leash and crash your lips on his, tasting yourself, as your tongues dance crazily in a battle of dominance. "You're still acting like a brat, but since you did as I said, maybe you deserve to cum after all", you state and bend down to remove his boxers and free his painfully hard erection.
"Y/N, stop fucking teasing already!", Juyeon whines again and you slap his thigh again, "Where did your manners go, baby?".
"Please, Y/N..."
"Please what?"
"Please use my cock to cum"
"Fuck, such a good boy", you moan and spear yourself onto his hard cock, the sudden stretch tipping between pain and pleasure. You give yourself almost no time to adjust and you start riding Juyeon like a mad woman. He pistons his hips in unison, pounding into you with a speed neither of your brains are able to register. You put your hands on his broad chest for support and he holds your hips with his hands so tight you might get bruises the next day. Neither of you are able to contain your obscene moans nor form coherent sentences, way too lost in pleasure and lust.
"Fuck, Juyeon, you're such a good boy, so good for me", "Only for you Y/N, shit- only yours", he groans and his hips start to falter, signaling his upcoming orgasm. "I-I'm close again, nngh..", you mewl as you feel your insides clench around his cock like a vice. "M-Me too, Y/N please let me cum, let me f-fill you up baby", "Oh God, yes, fill me with your cum, babe", you moan loudly.
Juyeon moans with you as he stills himself, his cock twitching uncontrollably and flooding your cunt with his hot cum, painting your insides white. You collapse on top of him, panting heavily, the both of you sweating and spent, laughing breathlessly. You muster all the strength you have left in you to remove the choker from Juyeon's neck.
"Oof, thank you baby", he nods, rubbing his neck softly. You swipe a few dark strands of his forehead. You notice the marks on his neck the choker left and you can't help but feel a little regretful. "Did I hurt you?", you ask sheepishly and Juyeon smiles softly and presses a kiss on your nose. "No baby, you were perfect. We should do this more often, actually. You look hella sexy when you take control", he teases and you playfully smack his chest.
"So you intend to dance with random girls in clubs?", you ask and Juyeon smirks,
"No, but I intend to be not such a good boy for you".
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Let's Play A Love Game
Author's note: this one is rated 😈 so yeah. There was originally more angst in my mind but once I got to that part I was over it lol I'm the worst at angst I much rather make it naughty. It's more rushed than I wanted but I don't really have time to write 10k fics right now. But hopefully soon.
Summary: it's just pretend, right?
She hadn't meant to push the event in the corner of her mind until she forgot about it completely, so much so that when the e-vite showed up in her inbox she stared at it in wide eyed shock not even noticing Mi-Seon creeping up behind her.
"It's already time for that? I usually know it's coming because you start buying expensive dresses you can't afford and crying at your credit card bill. Maybe country life has really changed you hm?"
False. Inaccurate. Utterly wrong to the every core.
She lets out a shrill scream letting her head fall painfully on her desktop.
"I'm an idiot! Just kill me now, I deserve it." She has nothing to wear, okay the mountain of boxes in her living room, bedroom and some hidden in the linen closet beg to defer but none of that is worthy of this event. The annual dentist convention in Seoul, it's a week long getaway. It's meant to be an opportunity to build connections and attend professional learning classes, but that has long been abandoned. Now it is a fashion show and chance to show off your success and this year more than ever she has to impress everyone. They all look down on her and her cute little practice. Those judgemental snarky bitches.
"Do we have anymore patients?" She absently asks her best friend, only friend already getting up and walking away.
"No that was the last one. Do you want to call it a day?" She doesn't give a verbal reply lost in her phone and the disease that is online shopping, in the span of three minutes she has already added seven dresses to her cart.
"Chief Hong is going to have a long day."
It's just as Mi-seon says the next day the nosy know it all shows up glaring at her over the handful of packages in his arms.
"Don't tell me you're doing this again. What more could you possibly have to order? How much things does one woman need?" His voice is an air warmer than the last time they were in this very same position, but she tries not to think too hard about it. Their relationship is too confusing these days, as temperamental as the sea.
"Are delivery men allowed to complain this much when they're doing a job they are getting paid for?" She snarks back, snatching her packages from his arms with a huff. Ignoring the grin on his face as she disappears into her house.
"That better be all you order. I'm not coming back."
He comes back. At least six more trips, more boxes each time on the last day he doesn't simply leave after making his delivery.
"I'm coming in for tea because of you I've been working too hard." She squeaks indignantly as he pushes past her, their shoulders brushing in the tight space of the doorway.
She should wait until she doesn't have an audience but she's too impatient so while he's making the tea in her kitchen (so rude and intrusive), she starts to open a few boxes pulling out the contents. Dresses, blouses, shirts, hair accessories, lipsticks in all shades and hues, and of course shoes; heels, flats and everything in between.
"Your house looks like a department store." She jumps at his voice glancing up at him, almost laughing at the hedgehog mug that he's drinking out of that Mi-seon gave her as a joke. Leave it to him to pick the most ridiculous mug.
"Hurry up and go so I can try everything on." She starts to take the objects out and organize them, putting together possible outfits lazily.
"Why not have a fashion show?" He slurps loudly at the tea, sighing and smiling down at the warm beverage. Acting like he's never had tea before, such a plebian.
"A fashion show?"
"Yeah, model all that", he motions to the new boxes littering her bedroom floor, "and I'll let you know what looks good."
She scoffs, loudly looking at his lackluster outfit; a simple white tee tucked into dark cargo pants with suspenders.
"What do you know about fashion?" She replies meanly, despite the little voice in her mind that reminds her that while his outfits are more practical than fashionable there is something distracting about the way his shoulders fill out his shirts and the way his long legs sit in his pants.
He shrugs looking down at himself, "I'm the town handy man I have no need to look good. But I'm still a man I can tell you what I think looks good on a woman."
Oh. It's a nonchalant statement said with no real heat but the implications make her skin warm up, she's never once thought that he saw her as a woman; nor considered looking at him like a man. (Lies.)
"I--why woul--why?" She stutters through an answer, tongue heavy in her mouth. He looks back nonplussed, sitting down pointedly on her couch.
"Never took you for the shy kind. You growing bashful now Ms. Dentist?" His eyes twinkle with mischief and she knows that she's being played but she wants nothing more than to wipe that smug look off his face. Slamming her room door, she pulls off her casual house clothes and grabs the first thing that catches her attention- a buttery yellow dress that grazes her knee, pairing them with white heels and a high messy bun. A swipe of lip tint completes the look and she confidently opens her room door.
Du-sik is staring aimlessly at his phone and doesn't notice her reappearance at first, so she coughs loudly folding her arms and when his eyes land on her, a chill runs down her spine at the look that lands on her body. It's been a long time since a man looked at her in this way, his eyes are undressing her even though he was the one who implored her to dress up in the first place. She hates it. At least she should hate it. But she can't ignore the satisfaction that washes over her at his dumbfounded look, that smug look obliterated by her very first look.
"Well?" She pushes harder, twirling to give him the full look. His gasp is loud behind her, she knows exactly why. The deep revealing plunge that travels all the way to the small of her back. There's no way she would wear this to the convention much too suggestive but that's her business.
"Wher-" his voice cracks and this time she can't contain her smile, dimples flashing now at her clear affect on him, clearing his throat he tries again, "Where exactly are you going again?"
She hums turning back around, gleeful at the vibrant blush on his cheeks. So he is just a man after all.
"A dentist convention." She answers cheekily and he guffaws loudly, eyes narrowing at her like he knows exactly what she's trying to do. They stare at each other for a long moment and she ultimately breaks the stand still, realizing what's happening. It feels a lot like flirting.
Collecting herself, she barrels back into the room.
"What the hell are you doing?" She whispers to her reflection, face too flushed for her liking.
A hard knock at the door pulls her from her self chastisement, "You didn't even wait for my rating."
She sighs loudly covering her face in embarrassment at her own action. She doesn't even have alcohol to blame this time.
"I don't care. This was stupid, let's stop."
Of course he ignores her.
"I liked it. But it's too...sexy for convention. You should wear that for someone special. I doubt anyone with a beating heart would be able to resist you."
What the fuck.
This isn't who they are, when did they become comfortable enough for conversations like this? They despised each other, right? Confused and annoyingly flattered, she peels the dress off her body trying her hardest not to think about the fact that only a door separates him and her naked body.
"I would love to see the others. But I have to go, but if you want my opinion. Red is definitely your color."
"What?" She replies, but she can hear the too loud click of the front opening and then closing and just as capriciously as he arrived, he leaves. 
Burying something that feels a lot like disappointment she flops onto her bed, head fuzzy like its been wrapped in cotton.
"What is going on?"
They don't see much of each other the next day and it's unusual given how much they see each other on a regular basis but she refuses to think about it or even consider that he's avoiding her. He's just busy and she doesn't care anyway, they have nothing to do with each other.
The convention is in two days now, she has her overnight bag packed with all her new purchases and the messages have been pouring in their group chat. She's mostly chosen to ignore them but on a whim she decides to check what they're so excited about, only to feel her stomach drop.
Why isn't Hye Jin answering?
Maybe she's busy with her mystery man 😉
Oh! She has to bring him, we need to interrogate him!
Yoon Hye Jin don't pretend you don't see these messages!!
That she had forgotten about.
"Why did you tell them that he's interested in you? Has living here altered your brain, you idiot." She berates herself.
"Who's interested in you? Why are you an idiot?" Mi-seon looks curious from the doorway, without waiting for an invitation she hops onto the bed with two cans of beer. She grabs one, drinking it in a flash.
"Oh it's that kind of night." Mi-seon says excitedly running to grab more beers.
"So let me get this straight, you told them that Chief Hong is interested in you and that he's been chasing you but you're not interested?"
She nods meekly, wishing the floor would swallow her up.
"Why did you lie?"
That's the brunt of the issue, she's a liar. She should have sent her initial message and told them that there was nothing between them but how could she when they were all calling him handsome and acting like she finally did something right? She'd spent that entire dinner feeling like her teenage self on the outside looking in, wanting nothing more than to be someone worthy of being included.
"I know I should have told the truth."
"Yes, you should have told them that you're interested in him too."
Time stops as she processes the words that her best friend just uttered. There is static in her head as she tries to make sense of it.
"What are you talking about?"
Mi-seon looks at her unimpressed.
"You can both keep lying to yourself but the rest of us aren't as stupid. You're both interested in each other. It's mutual."
She wants to ardently deny the accusation but the words are caught in her throat and all she can manage are refusing sounds.
"You've been wearing red all week." Mi-seon says accusingly and she jumps up in huff, "So what? I'm allowed to wear colors!"
"You hate wearing red. You said it makes your skin look too pale. You hardly ever wear it. So color me surprised when I learned that red is the favorite color of a certain part timer."
That damn town chat. There has to be a way to get Mi-seon out of it. Maybe it was a mistake letting her live here. She was learning too much.
"Don't even bother to deny it. I won't believe anything you say. But I think you should ask him to go with you, you'll get some time alone to figure this out."
There's nothing to figure out. They are..... acquaintances who can admit that the other is vaguely attractive at times. His face isn't all that bad and she's pretty, so it's natural that there is tension at times, like he said they were still humans.
So she doesn't tell him about her fib, pretending everything is fine until it's the day of the convention and her anxiety has all but smothered her and her hands have a slight tremble in them as she starts to drive.
"It's going to be fine. Everything will be okay." She doesn't believe a word she's saying to herself, her heart is thumping in her heaving chest. She doesn't want to go alone. Convincing Mi-seon to leave was a failed endeavour, her and that police officer becoming inseparable. She knew what that smile meant when her best friend had realized that she would have the house to herself. She could barely get a word in as Mi-seon started frantically shaving her legs then pushed her out of the bathroom to "shave her wild cat".
With a sigh she starts driving, the car too quiet despite what she'd told Du-Sik and the Gongjin grannies. Uncharacteristically she turns on the radio, kpop blaring from the speakers. She recognizes the tune, never before has something as mundane as butter seemed so interesting but the kitchen essential was given new life by the song. She bops her head to the catchy beat, trying to ignore the fact that she's driving to the lion's den.
Some time later, she pulls into the hotel a valet already coming over to get her car. Grabbing her overnight bag, she exits the car handing her keys to the waiting hands of the valet.
Everyone is here and none of them had come alone, she was the only one without a plus one. They haven't noticed her yet so she watches as they all laugh at a joke she can't hear, unnecessarily stroking at their husband's chests as if to show off their exorbitantly priced wedding rings. Everything was always a competition here.
She shouldn't have come. Their was nothing about her life that they would be envious of. She was going to make a fool of herself. Impulsively she starts stepping back but it's too late, Hong In-A spots her and points her out and immediately all eyes are on her, they all start walking over to her and she wants nothing more than to run far, far away. Get on a bus and go to the beach and never see any of them ever again. But she's no longer a child, no longer that scared little girl; worked too hard to shed that skin.
Fortifying herself she puts on a fake smile. Ready for war.
"Hye-Jin ah, there you are. We were beginning to think you wouldn't come. You never responded in the group chat." Ye-Ri states with an attitude, looking around her as if searching for someone and eyes brightening when she sees no one. "Did you come alone?" This makes all of them perk up, looking around like chickens with their heads clucking. She swallows the shame the question elicits, "Who would I be with? I told you in already, it's not like that."
They all look at her with pity, it makes her want to slap them all across the face. Who were they to make her feel like shit, she didn't need anyone that didn't make her pathetic.
Finally one of the husbands cracks the awkward tension by introducing himself, she tries her best to ignore the pervasive way his eyes run down her body. Instinctively she crosses her arms, feeling naked under his stare. Nobody else notices her discomfort and after all the introductions, they all walk away as if she's no longer worth their time.
Lump in her throat she walks into the hotel, determined not to show them that they've gotten under her skin.
There's a scheduled lunch and she tries to find a new table but Sung-Mi waves her over and she doesn't see anyone else she recognizes or wants to sit with.
He hadn't been wrong, she has no friends besides Mi-seon.
"You were looking around, were you looking for someone? Are we not good enough to sit with?" The question is asked with a bite and sneer as if the idea is laughable that she would ever be better than any of them.
She swallows her pride, "No nothing like that. I was merely looking around."
Sung-Mi looks satisfied as if putting her in her place has righted her world.
They begin a conversation that completely excludes her, regaling drama that she knows nothing about and doing nothing to bring her up to date or invite her to join. It's the polar opposite of her experience in the countryside and with shocking clarity she realizes that she wishes she were there, it's only been a few hours but she misses it. Nobody looks down on her there, no usually she's the only doing that she notes with shame.
"I'll find the restroom." She says to no one because none of them are paying her any mind except the husband with the wandering eyes and she would much rather not have that attention.
Thankfully the bathroom is empty and she has to stop herself from splashing water on her face, her make-up was done perfectly it would be a waste to ruin it. Pushing her hair behind her ears she takes a deep breath and then another until her head is clearer, the noise lessening.
"It's only a day and a night. You've suffered far worst."
With that lacking pep talk she exits the bathroom, almost colliding into a wall. Wait, no it's just a person- a chest to be specific. She looks up ready to apologize when a familiar face stops her in her tracks.
"What are you doing here?" She stares flabbergasted at him, more dressed up than she's ever seen him. In a white suit with a white vest, the tee-shirt peeking under the only thing that feels like him to her. And his white sneakers. She can't hide her surprise at his sudden appearance and without thinking she starts to pull him to the side, to avoid being seen but she's not fast enough and soon they are swarmed by her colleagues, before she even has a chance to talk to him.
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"Aren't you the man from the picture?" Yoo-Jin asks blushing way too much for a married woman if her husband's cold stare means anything.
"The picture?" Du-sik replies, clearly confused.
"You're the guy that's chasing after her. She told us that you liked her and you were courting her." Sung-Mi answers for her, she wants to vanish. It would be better if she had never existed. Even non-existence would be better than this embarrassing moment. "I got a picture of you two last time, when you followed her."
His eyes ping-pong between the group and her and she realizes this is his chance to ruin her. After everything she's done, all her rude comments and snobby remarks about the town and people he cares for so much, this is his chance for revenge. He can laugh and deny any feelings for her, tell them all that she's a liar and he's never been interested in her, not even once. This is what is going to happen. She prepares herself for the fall out, surely after this she won't be able to show her face in Seoul again.
He starts to laugh and her stomach tightens, her palms are so sweaty.
Here it goes.
"Oh I guess she wanted to keep me a secret."
Wait. What. That doesn't sound like denial.
"We're together now. I finally bulldozed those walls and made her mine. Nice to meet you all I'm Hong Du-sik, Hye-Jin ah's boyfriend."
Her eyes widen as he bows and starts to shake hands with the husbands, the one that stared at her looking disappointed. Their handshake goes on for a second too long, eventually with the latter pulling away with a pained look. She's too confused to consider what that means.
"And you were so cold earlier saying you had no one. Did you want to make a fool of us?"
He answers for her, "It's nothing like that, my honey is still getting used to us. I'm sorry I'm so late I had something to take care of."
Her head is spinning too fast to keep up with everything happening and she's grateful when he excuses them and guides her outside with a large hand on her hip.
Fresh air is much appreciated and she takes in huge heaps of it as soon as they're free.
Then reality crashes down on her.
He knows about her lying.
He had called her bluff.
But he didn't out her.
"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" She finally manages to say, head still reeling.
But instead of answering he's staring at her legs, then slowly his eyes swivel upward cross her thighs curving around her hips, past her breasts (a bit too slow there) before moving to her collar and settling on her face.
"You look great."
She feels the heat rushing to her face. What was he doing to her?
It hadn't been in purpose but she finds herself in red again, an a line dress with criss crossing straps over her shoulder and a middle slit. It was conservative without being too formal or professional. She'd felt comfortable in it but now seeing that look on his face, comfort is the last thing she feels.
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He was distracting her and she couldn't afford that with those harpies inside waiting for her downfall. They needed to get back on track.
"What are you doing here?" She tries again, but he responds with his own question, "Why did you tell them that I was chasing you?"
"It was a mistake. They thought we were together and I just....said that for no reason." It's half the truth.
"They don't seem like your friends. You looked like you needed someone on your side, so I just found myself saying we were together for no reason."
She looks at him blankly, heart pounding now. In her moment of weakness instead of kicking her, he'd lended a helping hand. What kind of person did it make her for expecting the former?
"So what now?" She asks still in disbelief that he's here and that he'd told people that there were dating, she would be angry and offended later that they had readily believed it. Perhaps it didn't seem too farfetched now with him looking like that right now.
"Well, don't look but they're watching us through the glass."
This time she finds herself turning to look and he's the one that has to stop her, he does so by suddenly grabbing her hand and tugging her into his body. She squeaks at the collision. Leaning down so his lips are level with her ear, he speaks, "We can give them a show. I'm happy to be your pretend boyfriend."
She yearns to ask him why he's willing to go this far for her? Why was he even here when she had never told him where the convention was taking place? But his words were hot on her ear and she's tired of being their source of entertainment so she nods looking up at him, "Just this once. I'm going to lean on you. Let me borrow your eraser and copy your homework."
He stares before a blinding smile graces his handsome face.
"Let's go then." His hand is heavy on her waist as he walks back towards the hotel, taking his role very seriously it seems.
He fits in perfectly. Able to talk about a plethora of topics to anyone he's introduced to and even she's impressed by him. Be it travel, philosophy or poetry he seems well versed in everything things that even she is ignorant to and it makes her regret the way she looked down on him before, he was anything but a country bumpkin.
She leaves him to his conversation to get a drink, a whiskey on the rocks. Needing something hard tonight.
Not that. Down brain.
"Yoon Hye Jin? I would recognize that face anywhere."
Twisting to face the voice, she sees a familiar face- old classmate. Rung Do-Bae, they weren't anything more than classmates despite his many, many attempts.
His eyes sweep over her hungrily. She swallows her drink, painting on a shallow smile.
"Sunbae, how nice to see you here."
Invading her space he grabs her hand, "There is no need for such formalities. You can just call me by my name, Hye Jin ah."
As if she ever would.
Gently she tries to extract her hand but he won't let go and she doesn't want to make a scene.
Suddenly she's warmed by a body pressing into her, she knows who it is without even looking, her body relaxes immediately.
"Sorry I got lost in conversation honey. Who might this be? Another friend of yours?" He thrusts his right hand out and Do-Bae has no choice but to release her hand to return his handshake. Scarily enough she's starting to become used to his nickname, barely reacting to him using it again.
"Yes, this is my sunbae from school. Sunbae this is Hong Du Sik my....."
She knows that this is all an act, they were doing this to help her but she can't bring her tongue to form around the word, boyfriend.
"Her boyfriend." He finishes for her, pulling her tighter to his body.
But Do-Bae looks suspicious now.
"Boyfriend? I thought you were still single. You never changed your status on SNS. I've checked."
"Why are you so curious about that?" Du-sik challenges in return, doing a great job of sounding like a jealous boyfriend. She's almost even convinced.
"Hye Jin ah and I have always had a very special relationship. Beyond that of a hoobae and sunbae. Isn't that right?" He directs the last bit to her and she feels Du-sik stiffen next to her, seemingly believing these lies. So she clears that up.
"I have no idea what you're referring to honestly. We have never had anything that would constitute as a "special" relationship. I would appreciate if you didn't spread such lies, especially to my boyfriend. Enjoy the rest of your night."
She tugs Du-sik away, not waiting for a reply from the other man. The conversation was over anyway.
When they get far enough he speaks, "You have a lot of admirers."
She raises an eyebrow at the non-sequitur.
"Are you surprised?"
He brushes a hand across her cheek, making her freeze.
"No. It makes sense."
She blinks slowly before laughing, it sounds fake even to her ears.
"You should have been an actor. Your acting skills are incredible." He doesn't laugh, doesn't move before they're pulled into another conversation and she tries not to think about how tightly his body is pressed against her own.
"How is he in bed? He hasn't left you alone all day, I bet it's passionate." As soon as lunch had ended they had invited her to a spa, she'd considered saying no but she knew they would talk about her even if she wasn't there so it was best to at least know what they were saying.
Du-sik looked sad to see her go, but she told herself that she wasn't good at reading his faces. They hardly knew each other.
"I can't remember the last time I had a passionate night of sex. Kids and a full time job, leave no time for that. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me and I'm too tired to even care." Sung-Mi confesses and she's shocked when the others nod in agreement instead of threatening to castrate him, as she'd done when Mi-seon told her about her ex boyfriend cheating.
"I have no complaints. He's... attentive. He's always touching me and pushing his way into my space. He's gentle but passionate, and I like...that he's so much bigger than me." She knows she should stop, this is definitely taking the lies too far. But that night bleeds into her thoughts, making everything she's saying feel true. He'd been so gentle with her, those huge hands cupping her face. She wondered how they would feel on other parts of her body.
"Damn. Look at you getting horny just from remembering. I'm so jealous."
Jealous. There were envious of her, it was all she'd been hoping for but the happiness she expected to erupt never comes. Instead she feels cheap, like she'd used Du-sik for her own benefit. She had tainted that night. This wasn't what she wanted.
As the day had gone on she found herself looking at him too much, he'd come all the way just for her and regardless of her brain trying to minimize that, it was huge. He hated snobby people like them who based a person's worth in their monetary success and yet he put on a smile and chatted with everyone, letting them mock his way of life and call people like him useless dreamers. All while she did nothing to defend him and drank wine, happy that they were being accepted.
He was the perfect gentleman all day and he was getting nothing in return for this. It was all just to help her.
Would a friend truly go this far to help? Was she being naive or was it like Mi-seon said, was she lying to herself?
"I'm such an idiot."
Without another word, she flees the sauna rushing to the locker room and changing back into her clothes. Nobody follows her because they aren't her friends. Why had she wasted so much time trying to impress these people who aren't even truly happy in their own lives?
The drive back is long, and she doesn't know what she's going to say but she knows that she's tired of being scared.
Leaving the key in the car she rushes past the valet, into the hotel elevator pressing their floor and waiting impatiently.
It takes three tries to get into their hotel room but once the door opens, he's right there. Sitting in the seat by the window reading a book.
"You're back early. I thought you would be gone until three?" He looks up, dog earring his book and giving her his full attention. Her heart skips a beat.
"Why did you agree to do this for me? Why go through all this trouble for me?"
It's the same question he's been asking himself since he first met her. Why was he was interested in her and why did he keep wanting to save her?
It was the desire that led to him being here.
He had accidentally overhead Mi-seon talking to Eun Chol about being worried about her, the convention was overnight and everyone would be bringing someone and she'd be all alone. The thought of her alone and isolated, made him race to her without a plan. Only stopping at a store to buy his outfit so he would fit in with her crowd, he'd spent more in that shop then he usually did in a week. But it was worth it for her.
It was a miracle that she hadn't questioned his presence more, he knew it was shameless and deceiving but none of this felt like pretending to him. His jealousy had been real, he'd had to strangle the urge to kick the pervert husband with the wandering eyes and then the insistent sunbae who wouldn't take a hint. She was a vision in the red dress and it wasn't a surprise that men found her enchanting, he just didn't like them looking at her. But she wasn't his, never would be because he couldn't confess.
They weren't right for each other.
"Do you like me?"
That question again. Last time he had laughed it off, called it absurd. But it wasn't. Not liking her would have been absurd.
"I don't know why you're asking me that."
"Because I'm tired of us lying to ourselves. Don't laugh and don't you dare say it's absurd again."
He can't respond, he's stuck on the word "us". It wasn't just him, they were an us?
Hearing that gives him courage he had long thought had been most forever.
"I wasn't pretending today. Nothing was fake to me, I meant it all." It's terrifying, unchartered land for them and he waits to see which one of them will chicken out first. It's sure to happen.
"I'm going to kiss you." She says instead of running like he expected and secretly wished for.
And then she's crossing the room and leaning down to grab his face, she watches him giving him a chance to pull away but he does the opposite, this time he meeting her half way. As soon as their lips meet the kiss is already too much, she's sliding into his lap and he wraps his arms around her tugging her closer until their chests are squished together.
He hasn't kissed anyone like this in a long time.
Hasn't been this close to losing control in a longer time.
"You're dangerous." He whispers into her mouth and she giggles at the statement, wiggling in his arms and rolling into him forcing a punched out groan from his lips.
Carefully he lifts her shirt watching her face closely for any signs that she wants to stop but finding nothing but her palpable lust.
Her skin is unbelievably smooth and soft and he can't stop himself from stroking her, rubbing at her back his hands resting right above her butt.
"How long have you felt this way?" She asks softly seductively nipping at his neck and running a hand over his shirt to caress his stomach, he physically aches for her.
"I wanted you the moment I saw you. But I didn't feel this until you convinced grandma to get her implants. That was when it became more for me."
She looks surprised and he is too, that they're speaking so candidly about feelings they've always denied.
"What about you?"
She stops licking at his neck to look him in the eyes. He's nervous to hear her reply.
"I.... don't know."
He tries to hide his disappointment. Maybe she was starting to retreat back into her shell. Maybe he shouldn't have been so honest.
He's about to untangle them when she continues, "It wasn't at first sight but one day I found myself looking for you. Seeing you become the best part of my day, I started to count on you to be there for me. To expect it. Just like this, I've been scared to lean on anyone until I met you."
Now that's a confession.
Impulsively he stands with her still on his lap, forcing her to to latch onto him so she doesn't tumble to the floor. Not that this would ever happen because he would never let her fall.
"I could have fell!" She cries, clinging to his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his waist. Her half naked bra clad body so close to him is causing another biological crisis in his pants.
Walking to the large bed in the middle of the room he falls backwards, enjoying the view of her on top of him a little too much.
It's all probably too soon and they should probably slow down, but his body is strumming and he wants nothing more than to break her apart.
"I'm all sweaty. I should take a shower."
Instantly an image of her wet and naked under the downpour of a shower flashes in his mind and he has to twist away from her.
"Pervert." She accuses but he can hear how satisfied she is with his reaction. Damn tease.
"Do you want to join me?" She teases some more, having fun now that she knows her power over him.
He looks at her helplessly.
"Are you having fun? Remember what I told you before? I'm still a guy. You're sitting here in your bra taunting me, do you think I'm that much of a good guy? Do you think I don't want to throw you down, rip your clothes off and eat you alive? I'm so hard right now just seeing you naked would be enough to push me over the edge. So don't make propositions you can't follow through on."
She looks dizzy from his words, eyes hooded and glossy. He watches her gulp and then stagger off to the bathroom, without a word to him. It's probably for the best, everything is too charged right now.
A shower for her and many glasses of water for him later, she's back and it's almost time for dinner.
"I think they said dinner starts at 6. Should we head down?"
She glances at him, while opening her bag and pulling out skin creams and some fuzzy socks.
"Would you be opposed to ordering room service and staying here?"
It's the best offer he's heard all day, only second to her asking if he wanted to join her in the shower.
"What about your colleagues?" He asks to make certain that she's really okay with this.
"What about them?" She replies with a shrug and he grins picking up the room service menu.
They order too much food and not enough alcohol but neither of them want to forget this night. She tells him stories about her time in dental school and he's happy to get to know her better, chuckling at the funny stories and commiserating at the sad ones.
Before he knows it night has fallen.
And he realizes that they'll be sharing a bed. Unless she wants him to sleep on the couch.
She's wearing a big shirt and loose shorts and he still can't believe he gets to see her like this.
"Are you coming to bed?" She's already getting under the sheet and that answers his question, this is really happening. He starts to follow her lead, getting under the sheets but keeping a respectable distance between them.
"I'm cold." She announces suddenly and he starts to look for a thermostat in the room or an extra blanket, before realizing that she's looking at him over her shoulder, he stares back confused before she lifts an eyebrow and oh, he gets it. Carefully moving closer he feels her warmth surround him as they meet, forth to back.
"Took you long enough." She grumbles, pulling his arm over here body and settling back into him moving until she's comfortable.
She's so close and warm and her smell is all around him and he feels his restraint dissolving and when she presses back into him, her hip rubbing against his crotch he bites down on his bottom lip.
It's too much for him to resist and without warning or preamble, he's turning her to face him and swallowing her moan of surprise eagerly. He grabs her head firmly holding her in place and slips his tongue into her open mouth, her unique taste exploding on his taste buds. He's hungry for more. So he starts to tug down her shorts, heart beat thundering in his groin. She kicks the shorts away, and he groans at the sight of her panties she was trying to kill him, he was certain.
"You're the devil." He chokes out staring at red lace, he'll never be able to see the color again without getting a raging hard on.
"You haven't seen anything yet. Honey." The word drips from her tongue just like the real thing.
Forgetting all reason and logics he lunges at her, devouring her mouth and sticking his hand in her panties. She's so warm and fuck, wet drenching his fingers.
Simultaneously he thrusts his tongue into her mouth and his fingers in her wet folds, groaning as she melts like butter under his touch. There's no resistance, as he plunges two fingers inside her experimentally before picking up his place when she clutches onto him and grinds back on his fingers, begging the whole time.
"More, more, please!"
As if he could ever deny her anything, with one hand he grabs her ass and the other he thrusts into her opening over and over until her voice gets breathy and she starts to stutter, squirming wildly in his arms and he knows exactly what's coming: the beautiful end. So without warning he pulls back the sheet and slithers down her body, throwing her legs around his head and pushing his tongue in to the brim, hungrily drinking at her until she shakes and combusts in his arms. Sweet on his tongue, he swallows it all greedily.
He strokes her as she recovers from her high, climbing back up her body. So much for taking things slow, but he can't even think about regretting it when he sees the blissed out look on her face. He wants to imprint it in his mind. Nobody else will ever get to see this face but him.
"It's your turn." She says sounding loopy like she's drunk and he laughs as she reaches for the tent in his pants but misses his bulge and instead falls into him.
"You're tired. Go to sleep. That was enough for me, seeing you like that fulfilled every fantasy I've had. "
He truly means it. He's a giver. And it's not like he can't tug one out later in the bathroom with her face and moans playing on repeat in his brain.
She starts to argue, but her phone vibrating on the nightstand distracts her. Reaching over she picks it up before chuckling and flopping back into the bed.
"What?" He asks curious, jealous of whoever is making her smile like that.
Ignorant to his inner thoughts, she thrusts her phone into his face. The room is so dark it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright lighting of the phone, but once he can see he reads the message on her phone and starts to laugh too.
"Dusik is missing! Nobody has seen him all day!! We started a search party."
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
I have more questions because it's no longer 4am lmao.
Does Skeppy fear any animals? I just wanna know if there's any sweet moments of Skeppy clinging to Bad whilst he tries to calm him down.
I'm guessing Bad still hates things like littering and woodcutters but would he ever act particularly strongly about it or would he have more control?
I like how Rat seems to tolerate Skeppy because Bad likes him but would she ever get jealous if Skeppy started pettting another dog?
I have a horrifying image of Bad just spider climbing up a tree to fetch Skeppy. I don't know why but I feel like dude wouldn't even need branches lmao.
What other supernatural creatures/people do they come across? Were there any that were especially dangerous and did they befriend any?
Is Bad much physically stronger than Skeppy? I keep thinking of Skeppy being a little shaz and Bad just one-arm picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder XD.
Does Bad ever get nightmares of the day he became the forest spirit?
How far would Skeppy take stealing? Would he steal something he knows the owner has genuine attachment to? Would he do everything in his power to steal something for Bad even if it means getting hurt?
Who's more likely to protect the other?
Skeppy just minding his business looking at one of Bad's textbooks, turns his head and Bad's just having a tea party with a freaking bear. Surprised the man hasn't had a heart attack yet XD.
What's your favourite thing to imagine them doing?
Is Bsd an adrenaline junky? Or is he scared of more dangerous things like bungee jumping and mountain climbing.
What would their reactions be to rollercoasters?
Do they have a favourite date-night activity?
Everytime I think of this au it brightens my mood!! Thank you for making something so heartwarming!! <3
Glad to see you again :D And yaay, questions!
My pen pressure broke again, I can't finish any sketches for this ask rn, but here's a couple of old messy designs.
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1) Comforting and nightmares
Skeppy has a normal, I’d even say adequate level of fear towards wild animals, whilst Bad has it in negative numbers. And, yes, this fun juxtaposition leads to a lot of unfortunate moments of Skeppy nearly dying from heart attack when some of Bad’s animal friends show up unexpectedly, or Bad goes all out for his tea-parties with wild bears or smth.
So, yes, sometimes the comforting hugs are necessary! And no, none of them ever play up the dramaticness of the situation just to drag out the nice comforting moment They do n o t. That’d be very silly and unnecessary, and will deserve a lot of teasing. So, it’s all serious. Not only for the first couple minutes. Yes.
But If you’re looking for comfort-after-actual-hurt – Bad does have to hold and comfort Skeppy, when the stress of trying to not fuck up the good stuff around him gets too strong. And after the nightmares where they are hated and chased by people. Those dreams do not come often, but when they do, Bad is there to hold Skeppy, whisper in his hair that he is alright, that they’re both alright, and that they can handle everything that’s going on right now.
And Bad himself, well. After leaving the town, his nightmares about the night of the ritual stopped almost completely. They come rarely, only when the anxiety gets really bad. Before, in the forest, Bad had them pretty often. It’s one of the reasons he mostly slept not as himself, but in the minds of the animals.
2) Littering
Bad will not maim someone for not getting a candy wrapper in a trashcan, especially if there are people around. But if someone leaves a big mess in the nature, or even (*gasp*) does it regularly, Bad can and will try and teach them a lesson. As in: pull a cautionary (and probably slightly terrifying) prank on the misbehaving person.
It doesn’t always work out as Bad intended, and may even scare some people off anything relating to nature for good, but, according to Bad, it’s still “a fun and useful little hobby to have :3”.
3) Rat
Rat takes a looong time to warm up to any other animals that infringe on her territory. And Skeppy might be a little shit (and his own rights for Bad are debatable) but he is Rat’s territory still (by approximation from Bad). So, she can gatekeep Skeppy a little bit. Not as much as she does Bad, but the man gotta know his place – Rat comes before other dogs for him too.
4) Tree climbing and strength
Oh, Bad can an will climb down a tree like a full-on creepy creature he is: head down, using only his claws, with Skeppy tucked under one arm. Maybe not even upside down, if Skeppy is lucky, and wasn’t too annoying about wanting to stay up on the tree for the night :D
5) Meeting other spn creatures
Oh, that’s a big question (: Yes, they do meet other cryptids, befriend some, and get in trouble with some, and deal with a handful of new and old spn troubles :D
I always thought that Bad and Skeppy’s life after the main story can make a series of short stories (or one big episodic one) dealing with exactly that: the guys traveling around, meeting other cryptids, learning more about themselves and the world, trying to build a life between human and supernatural crisis going on. Just like In The Dark it can based on the mix between the real life and the minecraft-verse events.
I wanted to focus more on finishing the main story first, though, so these stories are not as sought through, I didn’t even write down any of them yet :D
But if you have more concrete questions, ideas, or suggestions (about a specific person, or a specific thing happening) – write me, I’ll think about it, and how it can work with the theme and worldbuilding I have in mind.
6) Stealing + Protectiveness
Skeppy can sometimes forget about, ahem, moral principles, or human decency… emphasis oh “human”. He’s nature and different worldview it gives, it seeps through in his life and actions even more with age. Especially after he’s been away from actual people for a long while. So, I guess, he might at times steal something that is very important to someone, or do something that could be considered weird or rude in general.
And if Bad really needs something, or is in danger – all rules are down. If there is no one to reality check Skeppy, he might proceed to walk on heads, and commit risky and reckless crimes just to help or save Bad.
They both are quite bad with that, the protecting each other thing. Bad, tho, can be more fiscally violent in his protectiveness.
7) Adrenaline and rollercoasters
Well, it’s not that Bad likes adrenaline specifically, he’s just very curious, likes to try new things, and is almost unkillable. So he can just- just go for everything that’s interesting for him with reckless abandon, and if it goes wrong – welp. Bones can heal limbs can regrow, and the cool abandoned caves will not explore themselves. He’ll have to learn to ease up with lack of selfcare though. Because Bad can’t always leave Skeppy to fend for himself, while he heals, and Skeppy does NOT like seeing Bad getting hurt so much, and not caring about himself at all.
This probably comes back to Bad dealing with his spn nature and learning to make peace between it and himself. And to his anxiety, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
And hey, it’s the same for Skeppy and his lack of adequate moral compass at times :D
There will be a lot of tension and growing they’d have to do in regards to all this.
Also Skeppy is the one who’s really into chasing the thrills :D Man spent nearly half a year annoying probably-murderous-forest-spirit just for little not-boring fun, jeez :DD
Rollercoasters are a no go, tho. They go up in the air, real high, and, once again, Skeppy and highs do not mix, they do not mingle, they will not have tea parties (with or without bears). Unless, of course, Skeppy really needs to prove something. Then he’ll go on a ride, and die an honorable death, and will never admit he screamed all the way through it.
8) Dates
(*insert an innuendo from Skeppy here*) But, ahm, actually I’d say they love going on picnics: getting food, and hanging around in the nature for a while.
And I honestly donno what I like to think about the most… I just really enjoy the vibe and the atmosphere of the whole story, and how Bad and Skeppy interact in general.
It all is a real delight to write about :D
In The Dark - masterpost
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Blackpink Reaction To Their S/O Surprising Them W/ Dyed Hair
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A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! Thank you guys for being patient with me on the requests, I really appreciate it. This is my first time writing a reaction, so let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy. Happy reading, everyone!
Everything is under the cut :)
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"Say hello to everyone," Jisoo requests through the phone, looking back up to the screen in front of her with that signature smirk playing on her lips. As fate would have it, she was in the middle of doing a live when you called. The fans love you -- especially since you're so funny and chaotic when you're around -- so you're happy to greet them.
"Hi, Blinks! I'll be there in a few minutes with a special surprise." 
Jisoo lets out a shocked noise at this, considering you hadn't told her about your plans. 
"Oye! Hurry home so we can see it." She says excitedly, lightly bouncing up and down on the bed. With a smile that's evident in your voice, you tell her goodbye.
In one swift motion, you scoop up a cheery Dalgom in your arms, laughing at how he licks your cheeks in greeting. 
"I love you, too, buddy."
After setting your bag down on the couch, you make your way to Jisoo's room. Little do you know, she has a surprise of her own in store.
"BOO!" She shouts, keeping her phone steady to capture your reaction to the scare. You tense up and shout, nearly dropping Dalgom in the process, but you recover after a moment. Both of you break out into a fit of giggles, and you look over at the computer on the bedside table to find the fans blowing up the chat. Jisoo wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes, and looks at you again; only now does she notice your new hair. 
At first, she's speechless -- only capable of looking at you with hearts in her eyes. Eventually, though, she finds her voice again. "Y/N! Wow, it looks gorgeous!" She smiles, running her hand through the newly dyed locks. Her accent made the compliment even more special, and you don't even try to stop the grin that tugs at your lips. 
Now seated on the bed with Jisoo beside you and Dalgom in your lap, you flip your hair around exaggeratedly as you show it to the audience. The positive comments roll in, and you take turns reading some of them out loud. From her position against the headboard, she can see the different hues of your hair shine and shimmer brightly in the gentle lamplight; she can't help but admire you.
After half an hour or so, she decides to end the live. You pull Dalgom into your arms again and smoosh your cheek up against Jisoo's, making sure to crowd in enough to fit into frame. Something must have gotten into her, because she leans around to press a lingering kiss to the corner of your lips, right in front of the camera. You can only imagine how much harder the fans are going to ship you now.
With a final wave and goodbye to everyone, she ends it. She wraps one arm around your back as her other comes to rest on your thigh, reaching up every now and then to pet Dalgom's head. 
"I'm so happy you like it." You say after a few minutes, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the room. She lifts her head from its place on your shoulder to look at you. "Of course I do, Y/N. Did you doubt that I would?"
"Not exactly… I was just afraid it might not turn out pretty. You know?" She nods in response, but her heart breaks a little: you have no idea how amazing you are.
"I understand, but you don't ever need to worry about that. Everything about you is beautiful because it's a part of you. You make everything pretty." She gushes, tracing little patterns on your hip. 
You attempt to dismiss her words, throwing a hand into the air while making a little "pshh" sound, but she doesn't stand for it. "I mean it, Y/N. I'm not just saying that. I'm glad to call you mine; you're so special." Her words affect you more than you thought they would, and soon tears are blurring your vision. Who knew dying your hair could lead to all this?
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, Jisoo, but I love you so much. You always know what to say." And it's true -- she does. She knows you get insecure sometimes, and she's always there to reassure you of her feelings when you need it most. 
"And I love you." She affirms, allowing her head to rest on your shoulder again now that you're happy.
Feeling left out, Dalgom lets out a little bark; he wants attention too. In an instant, the room is filled with kissy noises and the sound of your high pitched voices as you both talk to him and shower him with love.
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"Jen, I'm home!" With a shrug of your shoulders, the warm material of your coat falls down your arms. As you hang it on the rack beside the door, a smile tugs at your lips; Jennie gave you that coat, and it's always done well in keeping you warm and comfortable when she can't be around to do so. You make a mental note to thank her properly. 
With that, you amble into the kitchen.
"Yah, jagi! What took so long? I missed you." Jennie whines, her words slipping past the cute little pout that's surely adorning her face. She's preparing a snack at the counter, her back turned to you as she struggles to open the sauce jar. 
"Here, let me help," you offer, approaching her. 
As she hands you the container, she turns to look at you for the first time tonight. Her eyes widen as she does a double take at you. You don't notice, though -- your focus is elsewhere.
"Jisoo and I saw a new gaming store when we were out today and we decided to stop in. We didn't expect to be there for so long; we just got wrapped up." You tell her, answering her previous question as you finally manage to pop the lid open. Upon sliding the jar over to her and meeting her gaze, an instant blush begins to make its way to your cheeks. Her pupils are blown wide now, and her lips are pursed as she appreciates the sight of you. You never fail to send her heart wild.
"I'm convinced you can rock any color," she flirts, smiling widely at the reaction her words garner from you. 
"Why don't you come a little closer and get a better look?" You ask, fighting the shyness that threatens to take over you. She quirks an eyebrow before sauntering over, swiftly moving to tangle her hands in your hair. "It suits you so well, babe." She compliments, toying with the soft strands that fall down into your face as you lean in closer to her. Her embrace is comforting, as always, and you sigh at the feeling of her fingers against your scalp. Before she can stop herself, Jennie leans forward and connects your lips in a sweet kiss. She tastes like fruit, and you can't get enough of the flavor. Working with a sneaking suspicion, you open your eyes and glance over at her work station. Now, with your fears confirmed, you abruptly pull away.
She groans at the loss of contact, but you're quick to speak up. "You made tanghulu without me?? Woooow, Jennie. I'm hurt." You tease, acting truly upset as you take a step away from her. She shakes her head, letting out a little chuckle; for a second, she worried you were upset about something serious.
"Shush, we can always make more." 
You don't drop the act so easily, though, and the playful glint in her eye tells you that she's enjoying the banter. 
"What else have you done without me today? If you watched that new drama without me then you're sleeping on the couch tonight." A guilty expression falls over her features, and she avoids your gaze.
"About that…" she starts, rubbing the back of her neck as a dry chuckle slips past her lips.
"I'm messing with you, babe. That would be treason." She pulls you into her arms again, raising a hand and giving you a sort of "scout's honor" gesture to prove that she isn't lying. After narrowing your eyes at her one last time to ensure she's being truthful, you give in and kiss her again. 
"Fine. You'll just have to keep kissing me to make up for the tanghulu."
"Oh, really? I'll have to start making it without you more often, then." She laughs against your lips as you pinch her for that remark. Your mood brightens exponentially at the sound of her giggles, and you wrap your arms around her even tighter.
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“I'm home, my love!" You shout, slipping your shoes off and setting them beside the door. A content sigh leaves your lips as you undo the top few buttons of your shirt, finally able to relax and see Rosé. Her excited footsteps carry out across the house as she makes her way downstairs, Hank following right along. You crouch down to pick him up, smiling at the precious way his ears bounce around as he runs into your arms. 
"Oww, my heart," Rosie exclaims with a grin, holding her hand against her chest in mock pain. Nothing can compare to seeing her two loves so happy and carefree. She pads her way over to you, and you kiss the top of Hank's head before setting him on the ground. Her arms wrap around your waist, and you pull her in for a warm embrace; the two of you stand like that for a minute, swaying back and forth. Eventually she pulls back to press a kiss to your lips -- something she's been dying to do all day -- and she takes your hat off in order to run her hands through your hair. 
"I missed you, babe." The words come out quietly, accompanied by a frown. You peck her lips again until her pout turns into a soft little smile, and rest your forehead against hers. 
"Me too. But now I have the next 3 days off, and I'm all yours." Her eyes look into yours lovingly, but quickly shift to look at your newly exposed hair. 
A sound of surprise stutters past her lips -- you've truly taken her breath away. She has a special twinkle in her eye as she looks at you, completely in love. Her fingers skim across your collarbone and neck as they move to play with your hair. 
"It's beautiful, just like you." You tut at her and bring your hands up to cover your face, taking refuge behind them. She's quick to pull them away, though, pressing a kiss to your knuckles and wrists before interlocking your fingers. 
"I mean it, Y/N. You're always so stunning." There's no denying the effect her words have on you; even after being together for as long as you have, her compliments never fail to set your heart aflame. 
"How'd I get so lucky, huh?" You ask her as you let your hands settle on her hips. She's clad in a crop top and jeans, and the soft skin of her abdomen against your fingertips is a wonderful contrast to the rough material of her pants. 
It's her turn to blush now. "I love you to the mountains and back and to the far far hills--" your giggles interrupt her recital, and she just laughs along with you. "I love you, too, Rose. So much." She presses another kiss to your cheek before leading you up the stairs and calling out for Hank to follow.
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As you walk down the hallway of the dance studio, destination set on Lisa's rehearsal room, you can hear the strong beat of "Candy" by Doja Cat pulsing inside. A stray staff member passes by you, looking nearly entranced as you run a hand through your hair to readjust it and smile at her. She watches you walk away, incapable of taking her eyes off of you, and that simple act boosts your confidence tenfold. You had been a little nervous to see how people would react to your new look -- Lisa, in particular -- but all of the approval you've been receiving has eased your worries so far.
With one final, steadying breath, you release your fears and open the door. 
Your girlfriend doesn't notice you come in at first, given that she's totally in her element, her body winding around as she performs the moves expertly. You lean against the doorframe now, taking in the beautiful sight. During one particular part of the song, she does a set of body rolls, putting the muscles of her abdomen on full display as she flexes them. The low lighting of the room sets the mood perfectly, creating just the right ambiance.
"Damn, baby. Am I crazy or are you somehow getting even better?" The words startle her ever so slightly, pulling her from the other world that she was just in. She glances at you from across the room, and a look of confusion crosses her face for a split second. After she registers that you're you and not some random staff member, her jaw drops to the floor. 
Totally disregarding your previous question, she's quick to replace it with her own as she runs over to you. "Y/N! Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me??" The words come out in a rush as she engulfs you in a tight embrace, and you snuggle into her warmth. 
"I wanted to surprise you. I've been wanting to switch it up for a while, and somebody told me that this is your favorite color." You say, unwrapping one of your hands from her waist and bringing it up to toy with your hair. "Do you like it?" You ask, biting your lip as the nerves begin to creep back in momentarily. Lisa hasn't said anything yet -- she's just been studying your features with the hint of a smirk on her lips. 
"No, I don't."
"I love it, babe. You're so beautiful." She says as she rests her forehead against yours. 
With a sigh, you nudge her playfully. "Hey, don't do that to me! I thought you didn't like it." You pout, avoiding her now incredulous gaze.
"Look at me." She commands, cupping your cheek gently as she lifts your head to face her. "Did you seriously think I wouldn't like it? You could be bald and I'd still be just as in love with you as ever. But that color looks absolutely gorgeous on you." 
She always knows just what to say. 
"I love you, dork." You grin, pressing a kiss against her soft lips. 
"And I love you. Now, come dance with me." Her hands skim down your arms on their journey to your hands, and she interlocks your fingers. She walks backwards towards the middle of the room, doing a goofy little shimmy on the way. Her antics draw a giggle from you, and she reciprocates. Before long, the two of you are having a full on dance battle as another new song blasts through the speakers.
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