#and what does that have to do with the moon !?!?!?
pretentious-blonde · 3 days
patched up
pairing: remus lupin x reader
summary: you help remus clean up after the full moon, reminding him once again how much he is loved, even if he thinks he is underserving
warnings: cuts, wounds, physical pain
a/n: all i write is hurt/comfort, and I'm not even mad
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Remus sat on the old leather couch, a book in his hand that just couldn’t seem to grasp his attention. His free fingers traced small circles on your legs, which you had ungracefully thrown over his own as you lounged together in the living room. It was still early, just coming up for noon, you both were aware of the time. Even if the knowledge was unspoken. 
It was the full moon tonight, and despite the routine that you both had become familiar with, the boy couldn’t shake the nerves that coiled and twisted inside of him. 
You pretended not to notice what he was doing, glancing at the door every couple of minutes, waiting for the inevitable knock. James and Sirius would arrive any moment now, take him away, far away for yet another transformation. You were used to it by now. 
One thing that was always constant was that they had always been there for him, he appreciated that, but he hated leaving you. Especially when you gave him that soft, reassuring smile. Like everything would be fine. Like everything was fine.
“Rem,” you spoke softly, catching those big, brown eyes. His body was tense beneath you. 
“I’m alright, dove,” he gave you a weak smile, his fingers stopping their patterns to give your calf a light squeeze. “Just… you know.”
And you did know. Painfully so.
You nodded, understanding him completely. You were about to speak more, but were interrupted by the shrill ring of the doorbell. He stiffened even more at the sound. Hand stilling.
He sighed and closed the book, setting it aside. His gaze moved to the hand on your leg, not wanting to move it, wanting to keep the inevitable away for just a second longer. 
“It’s time,” he tells you quietly, like he does every month. His voice carried a sadness that he couldn’t hide completely. 
You place your hand on top of his own, your smile gentle but knowing. “I’ll be right here. Waiting for you to get back, okay?”
He stood up, pulling you with him, tall body towering over your own. He let his hand linger on the small of your back as you both headed to the front door. When he opened it, James and Sirius stood waiting outside, both smiling softly as they knew what was to come. The car behind them was still running, headlights cutting through the fog, casting a warm glow behind them. 
“Hey, mate,” James begins, smiling up at Remus. “You ready?”
Sirius leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest, his usual smirk missing from his face. “We’re ready when you are,” he said. His voice light in an attempt to ease your boyfriend’s nerves. “If you need a breather before we go, just say the word.”
Remus shook his head, he would rather just get this over and done with, no more stalling. You could feel the stress in his body increase as the hand on your waist held on a little tighter. 
Sirius, sensing the clear tension that settled heavily in the air, finally cracked a smile. “Don’t worry,” he waved his hand in front of him. “You’ll be back here with your girl before you know it.” He said, winking in your direction.
James also turns his attention to you, giving you a mock salute, “He is in safe hands, don’t you fret.”
“And we won’t allow him to get too grumpy when we return him,” Sirius added, side-eyeing the man standing next to you. Remus runs a hand over his face at their teasing.
You rolled your eyes and gave them a half-glare, happy that they were trying to keep things light. 
“I trust you both,” you say, tone teasing but nonetheless truthful. “Bring him back in one piece.”
James nods. “You have our word.”
Remus lets out a small, grateful smile before turning his attention back to you. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, allowing his hand to linger on your cheek for a moment. “I’ll be back tomorrow evening, darling. I promise,” he tells you, his gaze was intense. The act of leaving you now was painful. 
You leaned forward and hugged him tightly, his own long arms wrapping around you immediately. Secure and firm, he never wanted to let go. 
“I know you will,” you whispered into his chest, voice muffled by his worn jumper. “I’ll be here.”
Remus reluctantly loosened his embrace, kissing your forehead gently as he allowed himself to linger. 
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he murmured as he held your chin. Warm, tired eyes burrowing into your own. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you say quickly. He already knew that but—god—did it feel good to hear you say it back. He turned towards the car behind him, giving you a small wave before climbing in. 
Remus settled into the back seat as the other two slid into the front. He watched you as the car sped away, trying to push down the knots his stomach was tying. Sirius leaned back, tossing him a lighthearted grin from the passenger seat.
“Come on, Moony,” Sirius said, trying to help him relax. “It’s just another moon. We have done this hundreds of times now.”
"Another moon, another miserable night,” Remus grumbled, no longer having the will to fake a smile. You weren’t there anymore. 
James glanced back from the driver’s seat, a sympathetic look now in his eyes. “You’ll be alright, mate. Besides, from the way you’re moping, I’d say you’re just lovesick.”
“Definitely lovesick,” Sirius said, nodding his head in agreement.
Remus sighed, staring out the trees flying past the window. “Yeah,” he said softly. “I am. I’m damn lucky to be.”
James and Sirius exchanged a quick, knowing look, but didn’t tease him further. Remus just wanted to get through this—so he could go back to the one person who made everything else worth it.
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Remus tried his hardest to be silent when he entered, opening the door gently to lessen the loud creak, his movements were slow and heavy as he stepped inside. It was late—much later than he intended to be—every inch of his tired body screamed in protest at the slightest movement. He winced as a sharp pain shot through his ribcage, having to reach out and steady himself against the wall, closing the door behind him. 
It had been bad this time. Really bad. James and Sirius had confirmed it, as if the fresh wounds couldn’t tell him that already. Their concerned faces still clear in his memory. 
The cuts on his body were deep—deeper than usual—one stretching across his chest, another on his arm, and a particularly nasty one that covered the side of his face. He had no recollection of how he acquired them, but they offered a fresh reminder of what he was. What he could become. 
He trudged up the stairs, each step more painful than the last, eventually making his way to the bathroom. He avoided the mirror, the last thing he wanted to see was his reflection—the scars, the bandages, the tired eyes that always seemed more hollow after the events of a full moon. He quickly redressed the lacerations on his torso, delaying touching the one on his cheek. 
He didn’t want to see what it looked like, but he had no choice. He needed to change it. He would just have to do it fast. 
Glancing up quickly, he caught a brief glimpse of himself. He felt the air knocked out of his lungs. Immediately he looked away, biting down another wave of familiar self-loathing that flowed through him. 
He hated this—hated how he looked, how his body was always going to be a physical reminder of how cursed he was. How much of a monster he was. 
With shaky hands, he removed a bandage from its plastic casing, placing it on his face as swiftly as he could. He pulled out a loose set of pyjamas and quickly slipped them on his aching body, just wanting to crawl into bed and pretend the previous night never happened.
He opened the door to your shared bedroom and paused in the doorway, taking in the sight of your sleeping figure. You were lying peacefully on your side of the bed, the soft rise and fall of your chest, the sound of your breathing drew him closer to you. 
He paused before he got in, just standing there for a moment, taking you in, a bittersweet smile tugging at his lips for the first time in over twenty-four hours. He loved you. God, he loved you. The one thing in his life he would never get near his tribulation. The one thing that kept him going. 
Carefully, he slipped in next to you, taking extra care not to rouse you. The ache in his arms flared up as he pulled back the heavy duvet, but he forced himself to ignore it. After all, what was a little discomfort when he could be close to you?
He shuffled closer, wincing at the pain that shot through his muscles, but it appeared to melt into the background as he felt your warmth permeate his skin. 
For a moment, he was content just laying there next to you, watching you sleep. If you were awake you would probably call him a creep. He stifled a chuckle at the image that formed in his mind. 
His heart ached—not from the wounds or exhaustion he had sustained, but from the overwhelming combination of emotions he felt for you. He hoped you were sleeping well, lord knows he wouldn’t be. Not with the soreness that was coursing through his drained body, but his own well-being didn’t concern him right now. What mattered was that he was here, with you. 
With a soft sigh, he gently pulled your sleeping form closer to him, his arms trembling slightly with the strain. The throbbing in his chest flared up again, but he ignored it. Instead, he buried his face in your hair and let the steady sound of your breathing soothe him. He kissed the top of your head, whispering into the silent room. 
“I’m home, love,” he murmured, voice almost inaudible as sleep began to pull him under. “Promised I would be.”
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The first thing you felt when you stirred was a familiar warmth, strong arms wrapped around you, and for a brief moment, your heart swelled with relief. He was back. He always came back to you. But every time he managed to crawl back home you couldn’t help but worry if it would be worse than the last time. You shifted slightly, turning in his embrace in order to get a better look at him—that’s when you noticed. 
The fresh bandages, hastily applied, peeked out from his long sleeve, another covering the side of his face. You ached for him at the sight of them. You pulled your arms from beneath the duvet, reaching out to touch the dressing. Your fingers hovered just above it, pausing mid-air as you stopped yourself. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt him more. You didn’t know what lay beneath them. 
You wriggled out of his hold, taking additional time and care so as to not wake the man sleeping soundly next to you. He needed the rest. You were certain he would be in pain as soon as he rose, and as much as the idea of staying in his arms sounded heavenly, you decided to make yourself useful. 
Padding quietly to the kitchen, odd socks on your feet, you grab two cups from the cupboard above your head. You had to go on your tiptoes to reach them. Usually, Remus would insist on getting them for you—he had once seen you clamber up onto the counter and it nearly gave him a heart attack—but he was preoccupied today. 
The kettle bubbled softly as you pulled out the jar of tea, along with the packet of biscuits—chocolate, of course, his preferred choice. You prepared it in the way he taught you, letting it brew for a good couple of minutes before removing the teabag, pouring in a healthy glug of milk. You returned to the bedroom, steaming mugs in hand and the packet of biscuits under your arm. 
The brunette began to stir at the soft crackle of plastic as you placed the treats on the bedside table, holding your own mug close to your chest as you sat on the floor beside the bed. You watched his eyes as they fluttered open. 
“Hey,” you whispered, tilting your head to the side to look at him horizontally. “How are you feeling?”
He winced as he shifted over, his body still unbearably sore. His tired eyes met yours, and despite everything, he managed to give you a faint smile. It was hard not to when you looked at him like that. 
“I’ve been better,” he replied, his voice husky with sleep. 
You shook your head at his attempts to downplay his clear discomfort, trying to mask the worry in your eyes that was surely present. 
“I made you tea,” you gesture to the cup next to you, pale wisps dancing around the top of it. He liked it hot, straight from the kettle. It amazed you how he could handle drinking it so fast. “And your favourite.”
“I’m a lucky man,” he said as he sat up, voice slightly strained as he finished his sentence. He reached out and dipped the biscuit in his mug, making a sound of relief as he popped it into his mouth, allowing the rich flavour to melt over his tongue. 
He took a sip of his tea, sleeve rolling up slightly as he leant over, bandage visible. You didn’t want to mention how poorly they had been applied, you didn’t want to remind him. But it had to be done, for his sake. 
“Rem,” you began gently, not wanting to upset him. “You need to change those.”
Immediately, he stiffened, his body pausing mid-sip. He loathed this part—being looked after and the vulnerability that came with it. 
“Do I?” He muttered, voice lacking the spark it had when he woke up, clearly embarrassed at your statement. 
You nodded solemnly, cringing at the discomfort in his eyes. “It might get infected,” you tell him. “You’re tired. Let me help you, please?”
He hesitated for a moment, an internal battle occurring in his head, before giving you one of his kind smiles. “Alright,” he responded, trying to keep the sadness from his voice. “Can I finish my tea first?”
You giggled, worry easing just a little. “Of course,” you say, nodding your head. “We’ll do it after.”
He placed his soon-empty cup on the side next to him, sighing heavily as he nodded to you. “Alright, love,” he said reluctantly. “I’m ready.”
You stand up slowly, reaching out to take his hesitant hand, leading him towards the bathroom. He traced your knuckles with his thumb as you both continued down the hallway. When you opened the door, he immediately hopped up on the counter silently. Ignoring the mirror and instead choosing to look down at his lap.
The first aid kit was under the sink, a pack that you always kept fully stocked. You quickly grabbed it before returning to your place in front of him, standing in between his spread legs. Your heart felt heavy at how exhausted he looked. How broken. But you refused to let him see that. He didn’t need to worry about you being worried about him. He had enough to deal with as it is. 
“Can I take your jumper off?” You ask him softly, afraid of raising your voice. You needed to take care of him, and from the looks of it, he wanted to be as far away from this situation as possible. 
His eyes left his lap and locked with yours. For a second, he looked as though he might say something, but instead, he just nodded. Words seemingly too hard to form right now. 
You tried to keep your hands steady as you reached out, gently pulling the fabric over his head, keeping the material as far away from his body as you removed it. You folded up the material and placed it to the side, allowing him to get more comfortable with his bare skin showing before you gave him your attention again. But nothing could have prepared you for what you saw. 
Bandages—there were so many of them, scattered haphazardly across his torso and arms. Each one was a significant reminder of what he had been through the previous night. You swallowed hard, putting on a brave face as you knew he was watching your every movement. 
“You ready?” You asked, needing verbal confirmation as you knew this was going to hurt. Not just him, but yourself as well. 
His lips twitched up into a half-smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” he quipped, trying to take the edge off, but the pain was clear in his low voice. 
You peeled off the dressings, not earning a large reaction from the boy sitting in front of you. Most of them had become unstuck as he slept, making your job easier. You reached for the cloth and antiseptic, deciding to start with the easier gashes first. Your touch was diligent and gentle as you cleaned him, dabbing carefully at the blood and dirt that clung to his skin. 
He must have been shattered last night to skip this. That fact made you even more determined to fix this. To fix him. You couldn’t offer much, but you would do whatever you thought would help. Every few minutes, you’d glance up, wordlessly checking on him. Waiting for the swift bob of his head as he urges you to keep going. 
“Am I hurting you?” You knew the answer already, but you needed to know how much. 
“Only a little,” he lied, a faint smirk appearing on his face. “I’ve been though worse, dove.”
You roll your eyes at his ill attempt of humour, but at least he was able to crack a joke. That was a good sign. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better,” you murmered as you pressed down on a particularly nasty cut, earning a small hiss from him. You hurried up when you heard the noise, not wanting to be the one behind his torture. 
Finally, you turned your attention to the injury on his face, the angry red line that ran from his collarbone all the way up to his cheek. The sight of it yanked at your heartstrings and you knew you failed to mask your reaction, his body stiffened. Eyes darting away from yours as he attempted to look away. You caught his chin before he could withdraw into himself, forcing him to look at you. 
Big, doe eyes filled with guilt, shame even, and it devastated you. He cleared his throat with a sharp cough, his voice gravely. “You shouldn’t have to do this,” he muttered, gaze dropping again despite the grip on his chin. “You shouldn’t—have to take care of me like this.”
You removed your hold on him, allowing both of your hands to continue working, dabbing gently as his mouth curled at the stinging sensation. “Remus,” you whispered, your voice filled with compassion. “I want to take care of you. I love taking care of you.”
He shook his head slightly, the conversation paining him more than your actions. “You’re too good to me,” he tells you, his voice monotone as if he was just speaking a fact. “Look at me, darling. I’m—I’m a mess.”
You smiled at the angelic boy in front of you and placed a kiss on his cheekbone, just above the cut. He really couldn’t see what you saw. What his friends saw in him. How he treated you all. He was the most selfless person you had ever met, going above and beyond for each and every person he cared for. 
It wasn’t a skill that could be taught. It was innate. It was Remus. Always had been. 
“You’re not a mess,” you say firmly. “You are mine. I love you—every scar, every mark, every part of you.”
You saw his throat bob as he swallowed, his eyes slightly glassy as he stared at you. He always struggled to allow people to give him affection, not believing he deserved it. He didn’t know where to put all the love you gave him. He always felt unworthy of it. 
But in that moment, just the two of you in the cramped bathroom, illuminated by the small ceiling bulb. It felt right. Your fingers brushing over his scars, some fresher, some older, he thought maybe…just maybe. It would all be alright. 
You finish the last dressing, smoothing it over his skin with the same tenderness you treated all the others. “All done,” you tell him, feeling proud of your handiwork. 
Remus lets out a relieved chuckle at your pride. “I’d say you’ve missed your calling, love. Should’ve been a nurse.”
“Oh yeah?” You laugh, feeling the tension leave the room. “Maybe I’ll change careers.”
“I take it back,” he says quickly, eyes softening with affection. “I want you all to myself. I’m selfish.”
“Well, you’re in luck. I have the whole of today off,” you say, throwing the used bandages and their wrappers into the bin by the door. “We can do whatever you want.”
He raised an eyebrow, your words tempting him. “Anything?”
“Yep, anything at all,” you nod at him. “Within your...physical capabilities,” you quickly add. There is no way that would be happening in his condition. 
“Well you’re no fun,” Remus frowns playfully, mischief still swimming in his eyes. “But I’m sure I can come up with something riveting for the both of us.”
You put your hands on your hips, assuming a determined stance. “I’m ready for whatever you’ve got in mind.”
He hums, pleased with your statement, lowering himself down from the counter and pulling his jumper back on. Grimacing as it brushes his skin. He motions for you to follow him into the living room, watching as he winces as he sits down on the couch, his face briefly tightening in pain. But then, true to form, he opens his wide arms and looks at you expectantly. “Come on then.”
You go to take a step forward but hesitate. You would love nothing more than to drape yourself over him, but the sight of his bandages stops you. “I don’t want to hurt you…”
A look of warmth crossed his face, shaking his head with a tender smile. “It’ll hurt more if you don’t let me hold you, darling. Come on.”
You can’t help but melt at his kind words, you gently ease yourself onto the couch, mindful of his injuries and not putting your full weight on him. His arms encase you instantly, pulling you impossibly closer despite the clear discomfort it caused him. 
“You’re stubborn, you know that?” You scold him, your cheek resting on his chest, mindful of the dressing on the opposite side. 
“Stubborn? No.” He quips, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Hopelessly in love? Maybe.”
You giggle, feeling his chest rise and fall beneath you in a steady rhythm. “A bit of both, I think.”
It’s his turn now to chuckle, his tired bones relaxing further into the soft cushions. “You might be right.”
You both just lie there in a comfortable silence, the sound of the world beginning to wake up outside only added to the ambience. He was at peace with you In his embrace, glancing down at you as you gazed at him softly. Fingers tracing gentle circles on an unharmed piece of his chest. 
“So…” you begin, continuing your motions. “Any grand ideas for today?”
He shakes his head, stopping to meet your eyes, lips curling into a lazy smile. “Honestly? Just this. Just you.” His voice is playful but his words have never been more true. “Don’t need anything else.”
“Smooth,” you say sarcastically, suppressing a smirk of your own. 
“I’m serious, love,” he chuckles. “I can’t think of a better way to spend today.”
Your heart soared at his words, you carefully shifted to cup his face. “I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
He pushes himself further into your palm, eyes closing for the briefest of moments, his hand coming up to cover your own. “Have I mentioned that you’re too good for me?” He tries to make it sound like a joke, but the familiar self-doubt can still be heard in his voice. 
“Unfortunately, far too much,” you playfully glare. “You stubborn man.”
He reopens his eyes, now filled with an overwhelming amount of affection. It almost takes your breath away. 
“Then I’m sure you’ve heard me say how lucky I am as well,” he teases, his expression never faltering. 
“I’m the lucky one,” you grin cheekily, brushing back a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “My boyfriend makes an excellent cup of tea.”
“Is that all I’m here for?” He asks in mock offence, pulling you flush against him, despite the twinge of pain it caused. “Keeping me around for my tea-making skills?”
“Exactly,” you nestle your head against him. 
At that moment, everything felt right to him. Just the two of you, safe, together. Nothing else mattered to him apart from the girl in his arms. He knows the pain will linger—the scars, the transformations, all of it. But with you—his anchor—it feels just about bearable. And for the first time in a long time. He allows himself to feel hope. The hope of your future together. 
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venomhound · 23 hours
Hazbin Hotel - Vox Kink Headcanons
Personal kink headcanons for my beloved tv man Vox. Not doing the more obvious/universally accepted kinks. Instead I'm writing about some of my more... niche takes.
WARNINGS: Gender neutral reader, but is AFAB for the last section; all the kinky shit obviously; Valentino mention (18+), MDNI, NSFW below the cut ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Domestic Kink ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
For those who don't know, a domestic kink is being turned on by doing everyday couple things. Things like cooking, cleaning, that type of thing. Vox basically gets turned on by you two being a couple and taking care of each other. The man is so love starved he just gets sent to another planet by those simple everyday shows of affection.
If you start helping Vox get dressed in the mornings, he will melt into a puddle. Every. Time.
It started simple enough, Vox was in a rush so you thought to help him put on his coat. Sliding it onto him, adjusting the collar, straightening his bowtie... You didn't notice how still he went until you went to fix his sleeves and you looked up into his wide, almost feral eyes.
Vox desperately crashed his lips against yours as he pulled your bodies flush together causing you to squeak. Only then did you feel how hard you had made him as he grinded into you... Needless to say, Vox had to reschedule his entire morning.
Vox will come home to you cooking dinner and just bend you over the counter. Whispering in your ear, 'Your so sweet doing this for me, Sugar. Now let me take care of you."
I have had the scenario floating around of you making Vox breakfast in bed one morning just as something nice to do for him. You dont think too much of it, he has been so tired and overworked lately so you figure any extra sleep he can get would do wonders for him
Vox however, absolutely fucking loses it. When you wake him up with tray in hand, he... just kind of stares at you. What do you mean you already made breakfast? Wait you have breakfast? For him? For him in bed?
You actually thought the man might have bluescreened. It takes you setting the tray down and grabbing his hand before he starts moving again.
Vox pulls you into his lap and starts peppering kisses all over you. He just cant believe that this is actually happening; that your here with him, that you did such a sweet thing, and oh god does he love you so much.
He actually is daydreaming about it the rest of the day and bragging about it whenever he can.
Comes home early that evening just to surprise you and spend a romantic evening together (totally not because he accidentally pent himself up gushing over you all day ABSOLUTELY NOT).
Recording/Being Recorded ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
(This one might not be a niche take but I'm putting it here anyway cause I want to yap about it)
I wasn't quite sure if there was a specific name for this kink. But what I mean by this is Vox loves to specifically record you two having sex. Like an amateur porn thing. However. These videos are meant for his eyes only.
Vox would murder anyone who so much as tried to get their hands on these videos. God help them if they actually saw one. Its not even a matter of honor or anything, its a matter of only Vox is allowed to see you come apart like that. Vox is the only one allowed to hear you make those sounds.
Vox honestly isnt going to even bring this whole 'recording you two' thing up unless he trusts you completely. Even then he is super sheepish the first time he asks about it. Vox knows your going to be suspicious and, yeah, you rightfully are due to his association with the porn moth.
It takes a bit of prodding for you to get out of Vox that he sees it as a different way to enjoy you. To experience you. He will get to see your beautiful body at angles he never could while he plows into you. He can finally see the look of pure ecstasy on your face as he eats you out, diving his tongue as far into you as it can go.
Vox is over the moon when you finally agree to let him place a camcorder in your shared bedroom.
You viscerally notice how much more relaxed and strangely content Vox seems to be next time you two have sex. Vox always had this certain tension to him and its just... gone now.
What you don't realize is that 'tension' was Vox's underlying fear of how transient you were. He was always trying to absorb as much of you as he could, to memorize every part of you. But now he felt like he could truly let himself enjoy the moment knowing that he will be able to listen to your heavenly sounds on repeat, analyze every little twitch he causes, and fully see every expression you make.
A deep, deep, dark part of Vox want to tell Valentino to cancel every shoot he has for a day. To reserve the studio just for you two. To spend an entire day taking you in every way imaginable. Bringing you to bliss in every messy way he possibly can. Getting you to make every obscene noise that beautiful voice of yours can make.
But Vox knows that he could never trust Valentino to not make a copy of you two for himself. So he will stick to his amateur recordings. Anything to keep you safe and to himself.
Whenever Vox is missing you at work (or whenever he gets a free moment honestly), he starts watching back one of your now countless sex tapes. He will let the odd feeling of comfort wash over him as he sees the adoring looks you give him and hears you two exchange words of love. God, he can't wait to get back home to you.
Cock Warming ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
OKAY. I think I've gotten the point across that Vox is a certified lover boy™ who basically wants to imbibe your very being. Whelp. This is just more of that.
Don't get me wrong, Vox loves sex. Sex is great. But having you on his lap, his cock inside you, the two of you as close as two beings can physically get, and just- enjoying that... It hits differently you know?
Say its due to his mechanical nature all you want, (insert joke about 'plugging in' here) but Vox loves to feel like you two are truly connected. When your bodies actually become one like this, he is just that much closer to perfect.
As stated previously, will let you sit on his lap and cockwarm him anytime you please. Vox's absolute favorite times are when he has to do work ironically. He can never stop the blissful smile he makes as he has you in his lap. Vox will gently hold you with one arm while the other tries to get work done. You always end up giggling whenever you kiss up the side of his neck or monitor and Vox lets out the most contented sighs.
Honestly, just start going to work with him, becoming his personal cocksleeve whenever he is in his monitor room. A blanket draped over the two of you to hide what's actually going on.
Since the poor guy has no choice but to sleep on his back; you can easily do the same thing for bedtime. Climb on top of him and delicately slide him inside of you. Vox will just look up at you with the most lovedrunk expression as you bend over him and nuzzle into his neck, your body draping over his, and Vox pulling you impossibly close as you both fall asleep.
Its times like this that Vox questions why anyone would even need heaven.
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The new seawing in the reef
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Sunhunter waited silently in the sand. She hated being so… out in the open. Especially now. She jumped hearing a dragon rise from the water.
"Relax. Just me." Snapping turtle shook off a stray piece of seaweed. His spots gave a faint yellow flash in the moonlight. "If your here just to tell me that I'm in danger I know…" sunhunter frowned at the familiar look the seawing held.
"I'm here to offer you a way out actually." He trudged through the sand as it began to clump on his wet talons. He shook the sand off and opened his talon. Within it was an earring, a shiny pearl carved in the shape of a star. "Oh its beautiful… but how is jewelry supposed to help me?" Sunhunter took it into her talon to further examine.
"Argile made it so he could come with me into the deep palace. He doesn't really come into the ocean these days." He glanced toward the deep blue "it's enchanted. It'll turn you into a seawing as long as you wear it."
Sunhunter felt her scales shiver "Snapping turtle… I can't… all my visions... they come in water I don't want to imagine how awful it would be in the water…" she shook her head. "How do you know? You've never been in the ocean." He leaned forward "Sunhunter you don't really have a lot of options here. The skywings are after you… they can't go into the ocean."
Snapping turtle was right. The mercenaries and assassin's were getting more crafty. Even those against the skywings would give longing glances at her. No doubt gaging whether or not the bounty was worth it. "I..I dont know how to be a seawing.." she frowned "I don't know aquatic or how to swim or or-" "I'll teach you." Snapping turtle flashed a rare smile. "What about the talons? I still want to help the peace effort…" she looked at the earring. "Oh for moons sake forget the talons! This is your life in danger!" He exasperated "Sunhunter… please… I dont want to see you become some trophy for the skywings.." His eyes were weirdly desperate.
Sunhunter sighed and slipped the earring on. A deeply cold chill ran through her scales. She shut her eyes tightly as the world spun, she stumbled forward and met Snapping turtles chest. Past the pounding in her head she could hear him "Its alright… Argile struggled a bit as well…"
Her scales stopped tingling and the pounding headache faded. She felt snapping turtles wing on her back, brushing softly. She also felt her new gills, webbed toes, and flashy spots. She opened her eyes to find her new night vision. Also finding herself needing to look up toward snapping turtle "Oh making me shorter than you is unfair." Snapping turtle snorted "Welcome to being the short and stocky tribe."
Sunhunter stumbled steadying herself. She used to be shoulder heavy but now her weight was all over. She felt stronger despite being shorter. Snapping turtle stared and sunhunter rolled her eyes "I know I look stupid don't I.." "No.. I think you look good as a seawing. I like that the earring chose a mix of more saturated green-ish blue scales. Unique in pattern but not out of place for a seawing." He smirked "but I do miss your original look."
Sunhunters face scales felt faintly like her sandwing warm ones but it went away quickly. She smiled "I have a great hunger for fish now." "Beats those awful roasted tarantulas you used to eat." He stuck his tongue out. "You never tried them so don't start." Sunhunter raised her head, her shiny sea ready scales catching the moonlight. Watching the moons for a moment she turned back to snapping turtle "Well what should my new name be? Sunhunter isn't... seawing... like."
He glanced away "hm.. clam?" "Clam?" Sunhunter retracted "Are you saying I have a big mouth?" She glared. "No! I just- ugh ill get something else…" He rubbed his chin "I'm not good at names…"
Sunhunter sighed before flopping into the sand. A faint dizzy feeling hitting her like a wave "So when does the dizzness stop?"
Snapping turtled perked up as she curled into a C "Cove! Your new name should be cove." He smiled as sunhunter titled her head "Hm... I do like it... but it doesnt mean something dumb does it?"
"No no... A cove is just a small bay often secluded. The waters often have a greenish blue look." He nudged her with a wing "I can show you."
"Ok... but dont let me drown..." She steadied herself and headed toward the water
Snapping turtle chuckled "Of course."
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mourning-sapphire · 22 hours
bruised fruit | aemond targaryen | teaser
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Summary: he wasn’t the warmest man on earth, he walked ashed fields and scattered fruitless seeds, that was until the sun delivered him the ripest fruit from the arbor, his to harvest. The story of a man learning to love his saccharine ladywife and all her softness.
Pairing: aemond targaryen x redwyne!wife
Warnings: For this teaser, none.
Word count: 2067
a/n: Just a small teaser to introduce our lady Redwyne - enjoy~
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“I’ve heard they’re closer to the gods than any of us,” She could hear the tinkling voices of the maids from her place on the balcony, their hands busy packing her things into trunks, “Some say they shed their skins at night for their true scales” The giggles were something the young Redwyne girl would miss in these moments.
“Gods can you imagine,” She could hear the deep laugh of the older maid, Meredyth, chortle, “Waking up next to one and seeing those slits of eyes, gods i'd be paralysed.”
“Oh, I’d scream the bloody keep down!” Tayra, one of her other maids gasped out loud with a ringing laugh, “Run for Visenya’s hill and walk on foot back here.” Their laughter was infectious, and she felt her chest rumble with amusement.
They never heard her coming as she rose from her hammock on the balcony, bare feet warm against the stone as she strode back into her chambers; the sheer curtains kissing her shoulders as she peeped back in with a smile.
“I’ve heard their hair is silver because once upon a time a dragon rider flew to the moon,” Her voice was a gentle tilt as she smirked softly, the maids turning with wide eyes as they listened to her, “And the gods decided to spin magic into the strands, blessing them for making the long journey.”
There was a pause as she stopped with a smile before the women in the room started laughing again, their laughter contagious as the winter fever as she settled on her day bed, body warm from outside with a content sigh; her fan doing little to cool the heat of outside.
“Now that’s a story,” Meredyth smirked, her hands busy folding one of her summer dresses, “Be sure to tell your silver prince that one, petal, you might just make him laugh for once.” She could only roll her eyes.
“Be nice,” She sighed softly, relaxing into the daybed, “I’m sure he’s not what the stories make him out to be, Meredyth.”
“I’ve heard he hides his eye because the other could turn someone to stone,” The youngest maid, Mara, tutted softly, “Careful, my lady, lest they ship you back here to be a pretty statue in the gardens” She could only smile softly at that.
“Really?” The Lady Redwyne smiled as Tayra piped up, “I’ve heard he’s a ferocious fighter, trained by a man from Dorne; but prettier than the rest of them” Tayra huffed with a smile as she was packing up the jewellery.
“The Targaryen’s are pretty…” Meredyth sighed wishfully, her smile was almost a smirk as she recalled something beyond their years, “I remember seeing Prince Aemon in my younger years, now that was a prince” She raised her eyebrows lustfully at the young girl.
“Was there ever a Targaryen that wasn’t pretty?” She could only tilt her head as she sighed out her question, her hand delicately moving her fan to keep her cool, “I’ve heard stories that they’re just born looking godly, it’s unfair really.”
“Isn’t he called one-eye?” Tayra stopped packing to ask with a furrowed brow, “Something about losing an eye at a young age?”
“Does it matter?” She sighed softly, her hand reaching for a glass of chilled fruit juice; the juicy peach taste coating her mouth delectably, “Tis only an eye, he seems like a strong man regardless if the stories are anything to go by.”
“Let’s hope he isn’t like the other prince~” Mara sang softly, “My sister told me, that someone who works there told her that the Keep is constantly having to find new maids because the older prince Aegon is too... Handsy” Mara received a smack from Meredyth at that.
“Don’t scare the girl, Mara” Meredyth hissed softly, her eyes looking at the young Redwyne as she lounged on the daybed; the beginning of her lip starting to worry with her teeth, “I’ve heard the two princes are completely different, Prince Aemond takes after his mother.”
Alicent Hightower.
She could scarcely remember the woman, but she remembers her father Otto visiting The Arbor some years ago for business; or friendship, her father was a funny man to understand sometimes so people visiting could never pinned for business or pleasure. But from what she understood, the Queen was devoted and tense, but a lady in every textbook definition of the word.
“Well, if he’s anything like the youngest, Daeron, I’m sure he’s a charmer” Tayra mentioned with a soft smirk towards the young girl.
“Isn’t the youngest more Hightower than Targaryen?” Mara raised an eyebrow at Tayra, her hand stopping folding nightgowns, “He’s been in Oldtown since he was a lad, has he not?”
“Does he have a dragon?” Meredyth rolled her eyes, the crow’s feet around her eyes smoothing out at she looked at her two younger maids with a look that said ‘tread carefully’.
“Well yes,” Tayra hummed, “A blue thing from what I’ve heard from the mainlanders, couldn’t tell you the name.”
“Then he’s a Targaryen,” Meredyth tilted her head for a second, “The royal family and their bloody… Lizards” She mumbled as she folded yet another gown
She could only repress a soft smirk at that, truthfully, she’d never imagined ever meeting a dragon – let alone marrying someone who had one, but she supposed that this was going to be her new life now. A princess of the Realm who shared a bed with a dragon rider.
“Do you think the prince will show you his dragon?” Mara asked innocently, “He rides Vhagar doesn’t he? The last of the big dragons or something...” Mara waved her hand like she was trying to recall some intricate title, but the little lady Redwyne could see the smirks forming on Tayra’s and Meredyth’s faces at her wordage.
“Oh, I’m sure that the prince will show her his dragon alright,” Tayra smirked lustfully, much to Mara’s shock whose jaw dropped; Meredyth cackling as she watched the two girls, “If you catch my drift.” Tayra winked at her.
“Tayra,” Mara screeched softly, her face aflame as she threw one of her rolled-up nightgowns at her, “Not in front of the Lady” Tayra reached over to swat her for that.
“It’s alright, Mara,” Her face was aflame much like Mara’s, the implications of Tayra’s words warming her cheeks more than the blistering sun outside, “You can speak freely, I must be prepared I guess.”
“Are you nervous?” Meredyth asked softly as she placed some of her gowns gently in the trunk, “Meeting the man you’re going to marry is no easy task, it’s okay if you are” She could have smiled at that.
Despite having four sisters of her blood, the little lady Redwyne was the youngest of the bunch, and by the time she had reached her moon’s blood; her sisters had been off into the world and married to various lords of the Realm. She rarely had women to counsel her and soothe her fears, her mother no longer with them, so she was thankful for her gaggle of maids; they took care of her like they were her blood.
Meredyth was the oldest of them all, a woman well into her fifties, who had served her family since she was a young girl; she had seen every side of her and her family, travelled with them everywhere, and took care of the young girl when her Septa’s could no longer handle her. She was less a mother figure and more an aunt, her tongue loose like she wasn’t serving a lord and his family, but her openness was welcome.
Tayra and Mara were her wards in a sense, she showed them the ropes of the house; made sure they did every task to her perfection but remained youthful and fun. She’d be damned if she saw their light go out despite their position. They were like the little Redwyne’s sisters in a sense, they joked and prodded each other like so, and made sure that she was never lonely in the large house.
So, she felt comfortable joking and gossiping with them like this, her oldest friends in a sense, there to soothe her worries about the new chapters in her life.
“Truthfully?” The young woman hummed softly, looking down into her glass of juice, “I’m terrified, being away from home… It’s an ache in my chest that I can’t seem to shake” She tutted softly, taking a sip.
Her eyes were cast out the open doors of her balcony; her room faced the cliffs that overlooks the crystal clear waters of the Arbor. The air a mix of salt and the waft of florals that kicked from the fruit fields.
“I’m not sure what scares me more,” She shrugged, “Not seeing this place for a while, or the fact that I am going to get married to a man I’ve never met.”
“It’s okay to be scared, petal” Meredyth sighed softly, dropping her folding to wander and sit on the edge of her daybed, her hand reaching and squeezing her knee through her dress, “No one expects you to just be completely okay with being sent to King’s Landing.” Her lips pursed at that.
“You won’t be alone,” Mara settled down on the ground in front of the day with a gentle smile, her hand reaching out to touch her arm, “Meredyth will be with you, and your father till the wedding is over…”
“Yes, I know…” She sighed placing her glass off to a side table, “But what if we do not get along, what if he hates me?” Her eyes were wide as she stared at the two of them scared as a lamb.
It was a possibility she had rolled around her head in the many days since her father had told her she was going to be married; the prospect of marriage was something she knew would happen but just not like this. She was well over-considered ‘of age’ but she never thought it would be to a prince of the Realm, she thought as the youngest she would marry a lord of the reach and that would be it.
She remembered her father’s face as she was summoned to his study, that afternoon he broke the news to her. The way he looked both overjoyed and hesitant to talk to her; she could tell as soon as she entered the sun-washed room that whatever he had to say, was going to change her life.
“Sit, my petal,” Runce Redwyne was weathered by the years as Lord of the Arbor; his once orange hair was faded to a grey, tufts of the burning stands still visible in the sun, and his face tense and aged from years of dealing with five daughters and no sons, “We must speak.”
She didn't look like him, the man cursed with no sons had also been cursed with five daughters that looked exactly like their mother.
He hadn’t been the same since her mother passed from what she heard, the spark for life he has was snuffed out as he became quieter and more reclusive in his older years. She had only been a babe when a striking fever took her mother, but the pain of losing her still wore on her father’s face.  
“What was so urgent that you called me away from my studies, father?” She had asked so softly as she sat in one of the chairs that he used for when he held meetings, the leather soft and worn as she played with a string on the arm, “Is everything alright?”
“My petal” His smile was reserved but still there as he spoke the news like he was granting her the greatest wish of all, “I’ve just had an interesting proposition from King’s Landing…”
The rest of that afternoon was a blur, from the shock of hearing that her father had found a marriage for her, to the even greater shock of finding out it was to a Dragon Prince of the Realm no less; she was practically a husk of a woman by the time she’d left his study. The blood rushing in her ears, and the fright of change grasping at her heart like death's cold hands.
Marrying a Lord of the Reach was one task, having to learn to tame a dragon was out of her reach.
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Full thing coming soon....
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peeperscreeperz · 2 days
does ford know about the elements of harmony or the current mlp stuff...i think it be funny if he found out about that...like that 9/11 ford joke but a mlp version of it.
Like all the events of MLPFIM is one big 9/11 joke.
"We have a new PRINCESS?"
"ELEMENTS OF HARMONY? Dear celestia, I predicted this 30 YEARS AGO!"
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cemeteryvalentine · 2 days
astro observations part 4 !!! ^____^
(specifically based off my family :3 pleaseee don't get offended at anything that doesn't resonate)
🗝️: one thing about a sag placement, they are gonna hang up FIRST !!! i swear, if anyone misses flip phones, it's a sag placement/dominant. i just know they miss snapping that phone shut in a petty manner LOL. my mom is a sag moon AND rising, and she'd call me and demand me to do something in such a bitchy tone and then hang up on me like girl who tf do u think u areee 😭😭😭😭 LMFAO. but honestly good for her, i love being petty like her.
like i swear i take after my mom because everytime she does that annoying hang up before i can respond thing, i call her again just to say a snarky remark, and hang up on her back!
🐇: i swear, virgo placements have no problem being the grossest people alive, but suddenly it's a problem when someone else does it :/// it's really annoying. my brother has a pigsty of a bedroom, doesn't wash his hand when he pisses unless i make him, and leaves his trash everywhere, but constantly gets on my sister for the same things 😭. like the calls coming from inside the house !!! i think basically, (some) virgos are like picky(?) with what areas they'd want clean. like they're only really comfortable with THEIR mess and no one else's.
🗝️: i love how pisces mercury communicate because it's like what the hel are u awn about 😭 in the NICEST way though :3 they're so kewl and interesting to talk to, plus they're so nice and understanding. maybe because they're water mercuries after all. speaking of, my favorite artist ever kurt cobain was a pisces mercury and it SHOWSSS. a lot of nirvana lyrics feel artistic and metaphoric, or just realllyyyy silly. liiike "angel left wing, right wing, broken wing. lack of iron and or sleeping" from milk it, one of my nirvana faves. and "i vomit C*M and DIARRHEA". like girl whatever that means !!!! (song, mexican seafood)
🐇: mars influence on the asc makes for prominent features. especially eyebrows. my brother has an aries rising and he has such a bad case of RBF. i swear he never looks happy 😭 his virgo sun and cap moon definitely don't help at all either. then im a mars rising and i have big eyebrows like my brother. like we're the only ones with big eyebrows, while our parents brows look invisible LOL. also i'm a virgo rising !! and ppl are always saying i look mad which honestly pisses me off :P so in conclusion, mars influence + virgo placements = major rbf
🗝️: i HATE to add on to the cancer hate train since i'm one myself and i loveee being one + we get soo much hate, but i feel a (unevolvled) cancer makes for the worst pick me girl ever !!!! this def doesn't apply to all cancers, but the few cancer women i know can be so mean to other women so unprovoked. especially my mom, it gives me the ick when she calls random women b*tches or makes fun of them to me for their features or success or soemthing. i used to be a pick me too up until i was like 13 (im soooo happy i grew out of that mess QUICK!). i would constantly strive for male attention, it was embarrassing 😭. ik another girl who values her shitty boyfriend over her (girl) friends and i haaate it. like ive only known a few cancer women, but a lot of them are like the meanest pick me bitch ever, or such a sweeet, caring soul :). i feel like being a pick me stems from cancers being feminine AND traditional. yk? i pray i make sense, but yk how it's traditional for girls to be perfect for her man, and value him no matter the circumstance ?? and cancer/moon being **traditional** ? yeahhh 😭
anywayzzz that's all :3 tyyy for reading !! i had sm making a new observations, considering it's been a year since my last LMFAOO. and again, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. ty bye ^__^
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barrenclan · 1 day
HI i just finished reading the comic and it's so so incredible!!!! your art is gorgeous and your work with the story is completely unmatched <3
I've been listening to the song Butcher Vanity by Vane Lily a lot and it strikes me as a Deepdark song!
Thank you! I'm so glad you like the comic. I agree, Deepdark's desire to kill and eat and never stop consuming is what defines him. I'll use the chance to share a PMV by my pal Katti, the creator of The Exiled comic who made a really excellent PMV with the song :)
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I think someone else had the same idea as well, it looks like it's already been suggested before :) but yes it does fit very well! Any song about a land/town/etc that's been cursed and rotten forever works great.
Tell me now of the very soul that look alike, look alike Do you know the stranglehold covering their eyes? If I call on every soul in the land, on the moon Tell me if I'll ever know a blessing in disguise
The curse ruled from the underground, down by the shore And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
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I never knew this song was from the Justice League movie?? Wow, that's wild. It is a good song for PATFW as a whole.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows
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I have! In fact, the song "Hellfire" is the character theme song for Cootstorm. I made a drawing of it awhile ago.
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Did you know that in fact someone made an animated video with Rainhaze to this very song? It's really cool, you should check it out!
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Yeah, it's pretty Rainhaze! Especially in his post-Asphodelpaw murder manic phase.
If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see You’d look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream And I know that meaning can be such a pretty thing to keep But I got facts and I’m not afraid to use ‘em, take the good with the bad, take off the back you make a new front Some days I'm glad that I am a madman and I’d rather be that than An amicable animal, mild-mannered cannibal
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Aww wait :(
Looks like the cat did a number on you Vienna, oh He took a brick off the side of the stoop Poor vienna It'll be over soon Your mamas waiting for ya But you're not coming home
Your mamas been so worried Cause you never came home Beneath the ground you're buried In memoriam
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Yes I think it could be! Even more, I think it's exemplary of Deepdark's general charisma and desire to recruit people into Defiance, reminiscent of his speech from Issue 28.
You and me should go outside And beat 'em, beat 'em, beat 'em, beat 'em, beat 'em All pathetic flag waving ignorant geeks And we'll eat 'em, eat 'em, eat 'em, eat 'em, eat 'em
Come join the cause, come join the cause Who wants to come with me and come join the cause? Hide in the sky, hide in the sky Who wants to come with me and hide in the sky?
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Oh, my mom loves this album, I grew up listening to it. This does remind me a bit of them, how sweet and sad.
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes Let them know you realize that life goes fast It's hard to make the good things last You realize the sun doesn't go down It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do you realize That you have the most beautiful face? Do you realize?
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What a unique take on their relationship! I do like the theme of Ranger guiding Rainhaze's hand, and the parent-child energy is very interesting for them. Interesting take on Mordred, for that matter.
Guileless Son, I'll shape your belief And you'll always know that your father's a thief And you won't understand the cause of your grief But you'll always follow the voices beneath
Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty only to me
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yourlocalzombiewriter · 21 hours
Okay May I request Lego monkey kid Wukong and Macaque with minor deity Reader? Reader lives in a garden and was isolated for so long she genuinely forgot what the outside world was like at times. (Cause humans were getting greedy and they been emotionally and physically hurt at times). Reader values connect so deeply and the garden is hidden by a talisman and guarded by her pet aka giant monster. Headcanons pls and apologies if it too much. I love your work. You can do Black myth Wukong too if you want
Oh, but love grows where my Rosemary goes,
And nobody knows like me.
(Lego Monkie Kid head-canons,
Black myth: Wukong head-canons.)
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Author note: hello!, thank you so much for your request!, I hope you enjoy. Thank you for requesting!. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Just to reiterate, English isn’t exactly my first language so I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
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Lego Monkie Kid:
Loves visiting frequently!, especially when your peaches are in season if your garden homes them.
This is a little head-canon of mine, but he knows how to make flower crowns. He use to make many when he was younger for the other young monkeys.
He always picks the ones he deems prettiest for you.
Depending on if he met you when he was younger (during Journey to the west) or older (during the time of him mentoring MK), he use to love playing hide and seek in the lush trees and bushes. But now older, he loves taking naps under the shade the beautiful trees provide.
Shoo’s off any demons or humans wondering too close to your garden for his liking. Especially after hearing what happened in the past for you to disconnect yourself from the outside.
He knows you have a guard animal but he still does his part as a boyfriend, after all he doesn’t want you to go through unnecessary stress.
Loves your guard animal!, though, the few first times of visiting your garden he either had to trick it or you had order them to stand down.
Once him and your guard animal are more acquainted he loves messing around with them, or feeding them treats. He knows their supposed to be scary and all but he just can’t help it!. Also does that thing where one person is the owner and the other isn’t and sees who the animal chooses first.
If you ever do wish to go outside, he’ll be right there to help you, and lead you to wherever you desire to go.
He loves watching you maintain the garden, he usually hangs up on a tree munching away at whatever fruit is nearest as he watches you water the flowers and crops with such care.
Brings you gifts from the outside as frequently as he can, and if your interested he’ll catch you up on the latest news.
Sometimes he manages to bring two steaming bowls of noodles from pigsy’s to you.
He loves admiring you as you relax on the soft grass, and the sun bathing you softly with its light, you look un-real to him.
Sometimes, when it’s a particularly hard day, he enjoys hiding away in your garden as well. Cuddling up next to you for comfort as you both lounge around the garden.
He doesn’t mind quite moment’s, when it’s so silent you can hear the grass shift with the soft wind, or hear the leaves rattle. How could he?, with you sitting there looking off so peacefully, and him looking at you so happily.
You are his version of your garden, a safe place, and home that no one can intrude upon.
★ ✧ ★
He teleports over frequently when he feel’s overwhelmed with the noise of the outside world.
Because all he can hear is your sweet voice and the comforting sounds of the nature your garden nurtures.
He loves sneaking up behind you from the shadows of the trees. He loves the reactions he gets from it!.
Keeps his distance from your guard animal, but warms up to it eventually!.
Loves visiting at night and seeing the moon light bathe the place with its soft light.
He adore the tranquility of it all, it feels like time slows when he’s there with you. His fast paced days now coming to a slow stop when he’s laying in your arms and watching the flowers dance and sway side to side from the soft blow of wind.
Uses his shadow clones to help around the place if you ever need extra hands.
Has memorized every plant and flower you grow in your garden, but doesn’t stop you from spilling facts about them.
Mk sometimes wonder where he lounge around at when he’s not with the group. Of course, a good guess is his dojang (I believe that is what his home is called apologizes if it’s not!) but in reality he’s resting with you on flower beds.
Never mentions your garden to the crew unless you give the go ahead, but even then he tip toes over the subject, knowing your past experiences.
Puts on shadow plays for you on a particularly uneventful day. He likes seeing the smile that graces your face everytime.
His ears always picks up someone approaching your garden before your guard animal does so he’s quick to alert them.
He adores you, he truly does believe that your as beautiful as your garden, the center piece. He doesn’t understand the good karma he has received to meet you but he’s so greatful.
☀︎ ☁︎ ☀︎︎
Black myth: wukong
Bajie probably stumbled upon your guard animal and Wukong had to jump in.
Paranoid of leading enemy’s to your garden, not that he isn’t assured in himself that he can beat it. But he’d rather you not be stressed out or worry about it.
This doesn’t stop him form pranking you from time to time by transforming to a bug and buzzing around annoyingly. Prepare to have your patients tested by him.
If you have a big enough tree, he probably climbs and chills out in the branches.
Sometimes pulls you up with him and lets you rest and balance on him. He counts this as rest and bonding time.
Absentmindedly picks a flower and places it in your hair in the middle of a conversation.
On cold months, depending on how your garden on works, he either brings the finest cloths and blankets to you. Or if your garden is magically frozen in a spring or summer season then he spends the whole winter season with you, so good luck with that.
Although not one to be picky with fruits, he just prefers the one from your garden the most. To him they taste richer, and juicer.
When a certain fruit is growing on a tree and it’s time for them to be picked, he always picks you up and lets you rest on his shoulder so you can reach them easier. Could he just pick them himself?, yes, but how could he pass an opportunity to show his strength to you.
If you ever wish to venture out of your garden, he’d greatly recommend his mountain as its already protected from demons. He’d happily feel you cling onto him as he flys you over in his nimbus cloud.
On his way to visit your garden sometimes he does see people or demons lingering too close for his comfort. He easily scares them or defeats them before your guard animal encounters them.
Speaking of your guard animal, he’d be pretty neutral about it, he’s glad that he can keep some sort of peace of mind when he’s away from you knowing your under protection. But at the same time not very interested in it. Maybe annoys it from here to there when it’s off duty but aside from that let’s it do it’s job, knowing how important it is.
Brings you some souvenirs, ranging from gold incrusted bracelets and necklaces. To flower’s you may not have in your garden that he thinks you’d enjoy!.
You have on multiple occasions, almost ran out of peaches due to his rapid consumption of them. It’s almost concerning watching him be able to stomach all of them in one sitting.
He likes the peacefulness you and your garden bring him, like as if nothing was wrong, the world is silent and inhabited by only you two. He gets agitated when this peace is disturbed by intruding strangers. And although he has learnt the virtue of patience’s, he can’t help but take offense on your behalf for the intrusion. He likes the thought of you and your garden being only something he gets to indulge in. Your to much of a lovely sight for mere demons and humans to admire.
❁ ☀︎︎ ❁
Thank you so much for the request!, i hope you enjoyed it!.
( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭⁾⁾
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 days
Bambi!Wanda x Reader
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Your amazing doe was carrying your baby girl. You and Wanda were over the moon with excitement. And so were your twin boys Billy and Tommy. Everyone from Natasha to Tony were super excited for your little girl’s birth.
It couldn’t have been better. And then came the pain and constant pressure for your doe.
It was month seven. You found your doe letting out a little grunt as you walked into the living room.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” You quickly ran to her.
“There’s all this pressure on me, detka” she groans.
“Work? The boys? The press?” You began rubbing her shoulders.
She shook her head, her own hands gestured to her breasts and stomach.
“Pressure there, my doe?”
She nodded. Your wife takes a hold of your hands and guides them to her breasts. “Can you lift them, detka?”
You nod, gently lifting them a bit. She breathes out a sigh of relief. You hold them for a couple minutes before running and grabbing the breast pump. You guide your doe to the couch, putting down a couple pillows for back support.
You sat down and guided your mate to sit down between your legs. She had grown to love leaning on you. Natasha said you made for a pretty great lumbar support.
You attached the pump to her and began the process. Wanda gently moaned as she felt the pressure leaving her.
Your hands snaked down to her belly and you gently lifted her pregnant belly up a little. Wanda gasped at your touch.
“What are you—?”
“I read an article saying it helps a little,” you shrugged. “Anything I can do to help you, I’m gonna do, my doe”
“My buck” she whispers, gently lulling off to sleep in your arms.
Your doe, your mate, your bride, all names you called your goddess Wanda Maximoff-(L/N).
Tags @lifespectator @aloneodi @olsenmyolsen @revanshand @texaswolf23 @russianredassassin @idkwhatever580 @iiconicsfan25 @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @multi-fandom-enjoyer @julieromanoff
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jackiepackiee · 1 day
𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇
𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇! 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓎𝒶
𝒲/ 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
GN! Reader expect for Tengens part
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𝒮𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓂𝒾 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓏𝓊𝑔𝒶𝓌𝒶 - 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Contrary to a lot of headcanons I’ve seen, Sanemi would be happy about this
Obviously not outwardly smiling and laughing, but a reserved and peaceful relief
He wants the best for his younger, and now only, brother
And he wishes for nothing more than his happiness and has always hoped for a lover for him to make happy
Family that Genya could have that wouldn’t leave or be tainted like he was
Kind and loving
Now… he wasn’t expecting this lover to be a fellow demon slayer
Especially another Hashira
Sanemi and you, before all of this, get along fine
He respects the other hashira, and obviously sees your strength and drive
But he’s not overly kind, he’s just himself and standoffish
When he does find out about this however, don’t expect a huge reaction
Because he doesn’t know how to react
It’s most likely that you wouldn’t tell him outwardly, and Genya doesn’t speak much with him
Whatever the situation may be, he looks at the two of you for a second
Genya, having grown up with him, recognizes the look in his eyes
It’s the look he’d have with their mother and younger siblings
Yet much fainter now
Sanemi is protective, and this new fire is to cradle you two with your feelings
He wants the best for his brother, and you’re perfect for him
Kind, incredibly powerful, and strong willed
Another person to look out for Genya while able to give him the affection Sanemi fails to deliver
For the sake of happiness, let’s say Sanemi and Genya speak more
Sanemi tells Genya to not be an idiot and treat you right
Before a date he’ll sometimes silently approach Genya and fix his little arrangement of flowers with a huff
“Make sure they put them in water…”
As for your relationship with Sanemi
It’s more like you two are enemies and comrades at the same time
You’re upset at his harsh behavior, talking back at him when he berates anyone
but also willing to die for Genya just like he is
Although he’ll make sure that never happens
Unbeknownst to you, you’re now on his protection radar too
How can Genya be at his best without you?
Lucky you! Dating Genya and getting his scary brother as your new bodyguard
𝒢𝒾𝓎ū 𝒯𝑜𝓂𝒾𝑜𝓀𝒶 - 𝒲𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Giyuu is, like most things, indifferent
He’s happy for you, and happy that you could find love
It’s admirable how you find time to balance work and a more domestic life
But… he’s him
And won’t pay it too much mind
Not wanting to get into your business
To add a little more to this, let’s make a scenario!
You and Giyu are on a mission
And on this mission you’ve been instructed to assist at a small village
Multiple lower rank slayers have gone missing
Sooooo, you both make the journey
Only to find out Genya is a victim to a lower moon
Along with a bunch of other lower ranks of course
You and Giyu make quick work of the smaller demons, but the lower moon obviously poses a challenge
It’s relatively normal until he sees the demon go directly for Genya
It had read your feelings and went for your most important emotional connection
Just before the sharp nails reached Genya, Giyu severed the hand off
He wasn’t sure what made his body move on its own, but seeing you happily embracing your boyfriend after the battle was enough to pull a small smile onto Giyu’s face
Willing to do anything to assist his fellow hashira
𝒦𝓎ō𝒿𝓊𝓇ō 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑜𝓀𝓊 - 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Despite being only slightly older than you and Genya, Rengoku acts like a big brother
Laughing (in his way, not a mocking way) while patting Genya’s back
Genya of course blushes and acts like it’s something to ignore
Rengokus enthusiastic response makes him embarrassed!
Now this man is probably one of the first to know (because Mitsuri gossiped to him and his brother over lunch)
And while his energy is over the top, he won’t share the secret
He’s a smart man, and very in tune with emotions
So he knows that it can’t be easy for you
Demons are enough of an issue, no more pressure trying to keep a secret as big as a relationship
Now he loves to talk just as much as he loves to listen
You’re like a little sibling and he’ll listen to all your rants
“The way he wore his hair today. It curled up after the rain and..!”
He won’t judge you for your blushing while recounting the events
Instead he’ll try his best to make that situation happen again
Genya happens to have his hair like that everyday now?
It’s because Rengoku told him that leaving his hair the way it is after air drying is healthy!
(He totally lied, he just knows you think it’s cutest right after it dries)
And Genya believes him, always taking the advice
Which leads to cuter and kinder Genya and more often occasions of you swooning
𝒯𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓃 𝒰𝓏𝓊𝒾 - 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Oh boy…
You’re both in for a ride
Tengen is probably also one of the first people to know
The man has three wives, he knows what it looks like when two idiot teens are in love
Especially when one of them is you who’s never been distracted from training expect when Genya is with you
And with Genya who seems to train even harder to not only impress Sanemi but now you too
Speaking of his wives, they’re probably the reason you know they Tengen found out
It was some “secret flashy plan”
It was early in you and Genyas relationship
And Suma, Hina, and Makio suddenly snuck up on you and stanched you away into the sound hashita estate
They gave you a makeover
Makio and Suma picked out a pretty outfit while Hina gently did your hair and a little bit of makeup
The entire time you four all gossiped, which ended up in your blushing while blabbering about Genya and your early stages of dating
Genya… he wasn’t so lucky
Tengen stole him away and was on his “make over” duty
Not that Genya and Tengen are bad in their respective rights, it’s just…
Genya is a hard around the edges boy and Tengen is Tengen
But he eventually cracked and gave him some serious advice that wasn’t just “I have three wives, I’m a ladies man”
All while helping him find an outfit that isn’t his uniform
“Girls… they’re less complicated than you think. And that one, she’s in for the hell of it. So you have to treat her nice, and she’ll do the same. You’re both good kids, you’ll be fine.”
This all leads to you looking like an angel by your makeover and him blushing furiously
And… Tengens plan may have just set up the date when you two had your first kiss!
𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑜𝒷𝓊 𝒦𝑜𝒸𝒽ō - 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Shinbou is very intelligent
She knows patterns and human behavior
And she’s familiar with Genya after his demon consumption
So it’s very obvious to her what’s going on
Especially after he’s the first to visit you and visa versa
She remembers the day she really found out though… wasn’t a good one
Genya had eaten demon flesh again, even if instructed by everyone to stop
Gyomei said it was immoral, Sanemi said it was stupid, and Shinbou said it was unhealthy
But you, you hated it the most
Seeing him become something he’s not
You loved him, not a demon
And hated the danger it proved
So when this night came, hell broke loose
He had eaten demon and transformed for the night
It’s just that you saw him right before sunrise
And we’re unsure if he had transformed back into a human before the sun
Leading you to leave the battlefield, covered in bruises and pushing past every slayer who tried to speak to you
When you met Shinbou, you started crying
Genuine tears one only cried after the loss of their life
Being herself, she hugged you
And tried to help by inquiring your emotions
“G-Genya! Sniffle Is he here? He was still a demon minutes before sunrise.”
She understands and ushers you someplace
Genya is fast asleep, making a cute face as if he was dreaming
You never outwardly told her, but she’ll never forget the fear at the thought of losing him, and the relief in your eyes and you feel to the ground in tears at his survival
𝑀𝓊𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓇ō 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓉ō - 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇
Unbothered king
Now he’s friends with Genya but both are rather reserved people
Not the type to share much about their lives and feelings
Let’s pretend this is after his memory is restored
Muichiro is a good kid, and your friend as well
But is pretty unaware of romance and honesty not that interested
Not that he won’t listen
You could talk him ear off about anything and he’d hum in acknowledgment
He just doesn’t have much input
You three do hang out together sometimes
If you’re more extroverted it works well
You pull them along to do fun things
You three really getting to act your age and mess around
If you’re more introverted this is one of the chillest groups ever
When Genya is around people he trusts (his lover and friend who are both Hashira) he never yells or acts over the top
He’s actually rather quiet just like Muichiro, especially when in his presence
The one real involvement of Mui in romance is Genya asking if the flowers he picked are good and Mui nodding even though he knows absolutely nothing about gift giving or flowers
𝑀𝒾𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓇𝒾 𝒦𝒶𝓃𝓇𝑜𝒿𝒾 - 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Either your best dream or worst nightmare
She is more enthusiastic about this relationship than you are!
Expect weekly letters inquiring your dating status
Have you had your first kiss?
He held you hand?
You had a sleepover?!?
And the second she sees you she’s bouncing in excitement
Pulling you to the nearest place to sit and interrogating you
For being the love hashira, she’s pretty clueless
She always wants to know every cute detail
“You kissed his cheek? The scar or the other side? Did he blush? He always blushes around you!”
This is what I mean by dream or nightmare
Either you get embarrassed about the question or love the gossip about your lover
She’s the more supportive, giving you amazing date ideas
Even if most of them have to do with eating
She’s the first to know about your first kiss and this girl wants the WHOLE story
She definitely tells Obanai too (if you’re okay with it)
She doesn’t talk to Genya much though :(
Especially since the first and only time she tried to ask about your relationship his face lit up bright red and he seemed to freeze
“All I did was ask about your relationship and he didn’t respond! The conversation was fine before that!”
But he is never surprised when he gets a visit from her crow with a letter of all your new favorite foods, places, and items
She’s an excellent gift giver and wants to help him
As if he didn’t already know all of that, he genuinely appreciates the effort
This girl is your biggest fan!
𝒢𝓎ō𝓂𝑒𝒾 𝐻𝒾𝓂𝑒𝒿𝒾𝓂𝒶 - 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Gyomei knew first
He’s a wise older man and a observant mentor
And while you may be off most of the time, Genya is always training under him
And he doesn’t fail to notice Genya always hitting that much harder whenever you are gone on a long mission
I’m saying this man knew Genya had a crush before Genya knew that himself
And he was moved, brought to tears and not paying attention to Genyas huffs of embarrassment
Genya would never yell at him of course
Gyomei is a smart man
And with that he knows a lot about kids (he considers you both kids)
So he’s well aware of your dancing around your feelings
And that upsets him
Your time on this earth is very likely to be short as demon slayers, so you both shouldn’t be wasting it
That is why, as the oldest hashira, he gets some plans in motion
Why are you suddenly on more missions with Genya?
Why do you both end up at the same wisteria house?
Why is it that you both happen to have the same days off?
Gyomei Himejima is why baby
He wants what’s best for the people under his care, even you can take care of yourself
And if he has to put in some forced proximity? So be it
𝐼𝑔𝓊𝓇𝑜 𝒪𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒶𝒾 - 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Obanai does care
Not some bullshit of him being uninterested with other people’s lives
He sees you as a child (you’re obviously around Genya’s age) and knows that only so many things could make a child in the demon slayer corps happy
He knows neither of you have had good lives
If you had, you wouldn’t be in this damn job
That being said, with how withdrawn he is you’d probably think he didn’t even know you and Genya were an item
But he’s observant
And cares for his fellow hashira just like everyone else
He won’t have much to do with anything
But best believe he listens to both Sanemi complain and Mitsuri babble about you two
Sanemi is trying to seem tough
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thedemonsurfer · 1 day
Back on my bullshit with trying to guess character motives feat. Dark Sun
Sooo Dark Sun (or 'Just Sun') finally rolled up to talk to Sun in todays SAMS ep, and naturally I'm putting him on the high-speed cycle in my head trying to parse what his motives are. What does he GET out of this?
Because he was leaning on Sun really hard to kill Nexus-- specifically, he wants Sun to see Nexus as a representative of the worst kind of person Moon can be, and to recognize that as a threat that needs to be killed.
But-- why?
Roll back a bit: Dark Sun has been involved in every step of Nexus' fall from grace.
He did something to New Moon at their very first meeting.
He provided Eclipse with the means to bring back Solar, and then prevented him from acting until Dark Sun wanted him to.
He dropped Ruin off on New Moon's doorstep when Moon was at a point where he could have accepted Solar's death, causing Moon to double down on his efforts.
He plucked New Moon out of space and pulled the chip containing Old Moon out of his head and left it for Monty to find.
He's provided Nexus with a new base of operations and enables his monkeying around with dark energon dark star energy, despite the damage it's doing to Nex.
Dark Sun needs Nexus to make himself into a threat. Because that's what he does, he sets up the dominoes and pulls the strings, but he doesn't outright tell others what to do (unless it's bossing Ruin around, but Ruin is his bitch so he doesn't count.)
And today, he was leaning real hard on Sun to see Nexus as a threat. to see all Moons as a threat (though, curiously, not mentioning Old Moon).
So what is he getting out of this? Why does he also need Sun to see Nexus as a threat that needs to be stopped? Why does he want Sun to 'understand' that he has to kill his brother?
Dial back the motives. The most compelling and strongest motives are Simple and Selfish: Eclipse didn't actually want power, he wanted Moon to pay attention to him. Ruin did want to prevent a total catastrophe, but he also wanted revenge on the Creators for destroying his life and world.
(As an aside, this is why I feel that Bloodmoon didn't make a good antagonist, and why Ruin's initial appearance was kind of boring. 'I'm here just to fuck shit up' isn't a very compelling motive.)
What do we know about Dark Sun?
He lied about having killed his Moon and actually kept him to torture-- or he DID kill his own Moon, and the one Ruin met was a substitute
He never gets his hands dirty, he gets others to act for him
He's obsessed with Sun
He fucking hates Moon
Dark Sun tells Sun that 98% of dimensions lose their Sun, and Moon is often the one that kills them. But it's not exactly that straightforward, is it?
Atlas points out that Dark Sun is counting dimensions where Sun was reset as him being 'dead'. Dimensions where Eclipse has a hand in Sun's death could be considered Moon's fault, since Eclipse is a byproduct of the killcode. Ruin's situation resulted in the ego death of both his Sun and Moon, on his Moon's suggestion. Ruin also wiped out 5000 dimensions and I think that's gonna skew some of the numbers.
And... how many dimensions have we seen a dead Sun in the show? Two, I think? The one where they never split up and Moon consumed Sun after the killcode took full control, and Solar's. And in Solar's, that Moon went mad trying to bring his Sun back.
Almost every instance we've seen, Sun and Moon coexist just fine once they're in separate bodies.
And I think that's what Dark Sun wants. I think he's trying to justify killing his own Moon before they ever got a chance to get along.
Moons MUST be evil and unable to change, they MUST be cruel. It's impossible for a Sun to get along with a Moon for any length of time, and that Sun is in the right when he has to kill his Moon.
And he's going to use Sun and Nexus to prove how right he is.
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saystrinity · 2 days
when i tell you i have been WAITINGGGG for someone that writes for charlie. my saviour omg ANYWAYS WE’RE GOINF OFF TRACK
could you write something about charlie with a partner (who isn’t relatively famous) and he teaches them how to play minecraft on stream?? tysm ‼️‼️☹️
i love feeding the masses with my charlie content >:33 and this is the CUTEST idea omg!!
enjoyyy :)))))))
˚ ༘ ೀ charlie slimecicle: learning curve ⋆。˚
- insisted on you doing a bit for the stream intro (disgustingly teary puppy eyes until you caved in)
- and so he buries you under a pile of plushies in a corner of the room moments before the stream starts, the two of you cackling as you descend further into the fluff dimension, drowning in fuzz
- he plays his best cool as the stream starts up, idly chatting as he flicks through tabs, distracting chat from the lack of actual content so far (the title being ‘I AM STREAMING. I AM LIVE.’ under the ‘just chatting’ category)
- the build-up soon begins; “actually, chat, i just wanted to tell you guys about the brand new slime story plush coming out, pretty soon..”
- you do your best to contain your giggles, as stoic as possible for someone hidden under a mountain of stuffing.
- squealing as he digs you back out, swiftly taking you in his arms and proudly presenting you to the camera, his arms pulled tight around your middle as you attempt to wriggle from his relentless grasp, wildly (and futilely) kicking your legs
- settling into the desk chair he’s placed beside his for you, watching with a shy smile as chat explodes; ↳ maeronpa_: STRANGER gem2day: CHARLES THAT IS NOT A MARKETABLE PLUSHIE luca_on_mars: STRANGER DANGER WHO IS THIS
- “stop- chat, it’s not stranger danger!” he laughs out, turning your chair to face his as he fits a headset over your head, thumb lingering reassuringly against your cheek for a second as he brushes loose strands of hair back
- charlie’s audience knows you, but not as you - as more of a cryptid, than anything; a muffled voice from behind the door of his office, mid-stream, or as a loud bubble of laughter behind the camera of his instagram stories, maybe even a flash of hair in the background of a picture every once in a blue moon.
- the decision to actually show your face, you in your entirety, was one you agonised over for a long time. on one hand, you wanted to make yourself actually known to the world - a person, rather than a poltergeist.
- on the other, you worried about the consequences of putting your face on such a large platform as charlie’s.
- ultimately, you decided to go through with it
- something charlie was very much ecstatic about
- like leaping and bounding around the house when you asked him to teach you minecraft - on stream
- half due to the fact he could finally show you off, let everyone know he managed to bag someone like you, and half so he could prove you actually existed in the first place ↳ (the matter of your existence being brought up on an episode chuckle sandwich, schlatt’s remark of “if they even exist..” being met with charlie’s exasperated yell of “YOU’VE LITERALLY MET THEM”)
- the steady realisation from chat that you’re you, screen lighting up with thousands spamming your name, alongside sentiments such as “FINALLY” and “WAIT THEY WERENT A BIT???”, then devolving into hostage situation accusations; ↳ scslimed: ARE YOU DOING THIS WILLINGLY dishevelledavocado: kidnapping someone for the bit is crazy taypotts: WAIT WAIT BLINK TWICE
- you simply giggle as he scrambles to defend himself, promising chat he found you “organically” (”char, what does that even mean?” “like, in the wild!” “are you saying i’m an animal?”)
- finally delving into the game - him more or less perched on your shoulder the entire time, as he peers at the screen from beside you, out of frame hand splayed on your thigh to hold himself up
- having to move said hand to frantically take control of your mouse most times
- you failing almost exactly 1 minute in when, instead of sticks, you simply start crafting shit tons of buttons
- ignoring charlie’s desparate pleas for you to stop, instead grinning wickedly as you watch your stock of oak planks deplete
- “do not dig straight down,” he warns, tone grave as anything. “okay!” you chirp, digging straight up instead, karma hitting you in the form of a steady stream of gravel piling down on you
- shrieking as he intervenes just in time, lunging for the mouse and dragging you away from immediate death
- throwing a minor (major) fit the first time you do die, the only sounds you can hear being the quiet crackling of the virtual lava you walked straight into, and charlie’s hysterics, his hiccuping laughter as he sympathetically pats your head, which you’ve placed on the desk in a moment of true defeat.
- “can we not just call phil? mr minecraft?” you whine, lifting your head just to throw it into your hands. "WE DON’T NEED HIM!” charlie exclaims, reaching over you to hit ‘respawn’.
- desparately trying to tame every animal you come across - spending up every single bone on every single wolf, spending your time in villages fishing so you can get yourself a cat
- soon becomes one of charlie’s longest streams, him knowing the two of you were in the deep end the moment you declared you were going to ‘beat that damn lizard’
- several hours (and deaths) later; you finally step into the end
- so blinded by your satisfied excitement, you don’t even register that you’ve stepped a block too far on the tiny island you loaded onto
- face dropping instantly, watching in stunned silence as you simply just fall into the void, exchanging pained glances with charlie as the death screen fades in, the tauntingly tempting dilemma of ‘respawn’ or ‘title screen’ glaring right back at you
- streamendsabruptly.gif
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You'll Be Mine and I'll Be Yours ~LA!Mihawk Imagine~
Summary: Mihawk finally asks you to be his.
Author’s Note: Now that the live action One Piece officially announced who Crocodile and Robin is and I'm in the Skypiea arc on the anime, I am posting my drafts with my Enchanted series.
Based in my Enchanted Series
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: none, fluff
Do not repost this anywhere!
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“Is it bad to say that I don’t want to go home yet? Or at least not sleep just yet?” You asked Mihawk one night.
He had come back to you from being gone for so long. You hated to admit that you missed him a lot. After a dinner together, you felt like you couldn't sleep or had the feeling of wanting to go to bed. For once, you wanted to stay up.
“Why’s that?”
“Don’t know. Just not feeling sleepy right now,” you tell him.
“Then how about we take a stroll?” Mihawk asked you.
“A stroll?”
“If you’re worried about it being dangerous, don’t. I will be joining you to make sure you don’t get hurt,” Mihawk tells you.
“I wasn’t worried. I knew you’d join me even if I said no. I know you follow me to make sure I’m safe.”
“I see you finally noticed.”
“Yeah. But I’m okay with a stroll. Come on,” you tell him.
You both walked along a path side by side. The stars glowed beautifully in the sky.
“So, what does a warlord like yourself have to gain?” You asked him. The full moon shined so brightly, you didn’t need a lantern to guide your way.
“Gain from what?”
“This small village. There’s nothing really here,” you pointed out.
“You’re here aren’t you?”
You looked at him, the blood rushing to your cheeks. It began to feel a little hot to you. Damn his words always somehow got to you.
“I guess.”
“What about you? You said you were alone. What do you have to gain staying here?” Mihawk asked you.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I just keep hoping my boys will come back to me.”
“Tell me about them,” Mihawk said.
“Well they’re both pirates now. One of them is just a boy who is determined to become King of the Pirates. I used to take care of him since he was a kid along with two others. And the other one is around our age. He is a captain of a pirate crew.”
“Was he your lover?”
“Yeah. He told me he’d come back but he hasn’t," you sighed softly.
“This ex lover of yours sounds like a fool,” Mihawk said.
“Why say that?”
“Because if I had a woman like you, I could never leave her and not come back,” Mihawk tells you. You stopped walking as you stared up at him.
“You don’t mean that,” you softly spoke. You didn't want your heart broken again by another pirate.
“I do. I could never leave a woman like you alone,” Mihawk said as he held your hand. You looked down at your hands before looking away.
“Maybe we should go back,” you tell him.
“If that’s what you want.”
You nodded before letting go of his hand and heading back to your home. The walk was silent besides your footsteps on the graveled path.
When you got back to your home, you felt Mihawk take your hand into his.
“Will you be mine?” Mihawk asked. You turned to face him. Mihawk got closer to you, caging you in between him and the front door.
“Be mine? I've fallen for you Y/n. I know you have fallen for me as well. And I swear to you, I would never let anything happen to you,” Mihawk tells you.
"I don't want my heart broken again," you tell him.
"I will never hurt you. I'd die first before hurting you," Mihawk tells you.
“Alright. I’ll be yours,” you nodded at him.
“May I kiss you?” Mihawk asked you.
“Yes please,” You nodded. Mihawk cupped your cheek before leaning in to kiss you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back. You felt Mihawk pull his hand away from your cheek and move down to your waist. He pulled you in closer as he kissed you.
You pulled away from the kiss for air. Mihawk gently pressed his forehead against yours, taking in a couple of deep breaths as well.
“Do you want to stay the night?” You asked him.
“If you’d have me,” Mihawk tells you. You nodded before turning around to open the door. You pulled Mihawk inside before shutting the door and locking it.
When you woke up, you smelled food. You noticed Mihawk wasn’t next to you, making you sit up. You got out of bed and walked to the front to see him cooking in your kitchen.
“Nice to see you awake,” you tell him.
“Morning. Breakfast will be ready in a moment,” Mihawk tells you.
“So we sleep in the same bed together for the first time and you make breakfast? Any other secrets I should know about you?” You teased.
“It’s not really a secret. You’re mine now remember? I have every intention to spoil you,” Mihawk tells you. You smiled before walking over to him and kiss his cheek.
“Aren’t you romantic,” you tell him.
"Only for you my love," Mihawk says to you before kissing your cheek.
"So what do you want to do today?" You asked him.
"I was hoping to help you get over your fear of the ocean," Mihawk asked.
"Why's that?" You asked unsure.
"You've been cooped up in here for too long my love. I'd like to show you the world if you let me," Mihawk said.
"Okay. You're gonna have to be patient with me though," you warned.
"Of course," Mihawk said, giving you a quick kiss.
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misstiramisssu · 3 days
I am having an aggressive emotional hangover after playing the To The Moon Beach Episode and need to talk about it. I want to talk to other fans about it but alas, I am alone in my fervor rn.
Polite spoiler break (just in case) but tldr I am satisfied with the end but also an aggressive romantic so I've just been CRYING
How dare Neil say the things he says and do the things he does? The man's been dead since the first game? And yes this whole series has always been about managing grief and loss and living life to the fullest and we knew, we knew, we KNEW he was going to die but the undying flame of hope still burned in my heart for a sliver of happiness for these two but we instead get to see our beloved Eva crumbling and broken in the wake of her closest confidant's passing and how she has to keep going on despite that. Yet she keeps crawling back into the comfort of his last gift to her and ruminating in a world that'll never be. I'm aching FOR these sweet characters never being canonically able to express their feelings, to share a shred of their reciprocated feelings... and that's okay.
Part of me wants to read and write fan fiction where they get to simply be. The fantasy and all... And that's part of what fan fiction is for... At the same time, I jokingly wonder if that would be doing the same thing as Eva, ruminating... It's a dramatic stretch I won't linger in but I hope my intention comes through?
And what really got me was how dare this man only tell her he was in love after he died? And by his computer shadow self? That must have been so devastating for her to hear. Though she doesn't say I love you too in the game she's upset that he made that decision for her and is so reluctant to let him GO? That she fights with the virtual version of him to have the one she actually loves even if it's only an echo of the self? It's so MUCH.
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I’m curious to know more about Mothchirp, we haven’t gotten to see as much of him as of his sisters! His traits have always been things like loving but he seems like such a little stinker in the moon updates /pos
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Mothchirp | 13 | Loving He/Him | ???
Moth is Sootsnows favorite out of the triplets, this is something all three of them know about. His sisters don't hate him for it, they know Moth isn't exactly happy about it either.
Moth is a little shit to his family, it's his way of showing love- along with doing favors for them, which is why he helps out Silkglide with their duties often.
Unlike his sisters, Moth doesn't have a Gift, not as such anyway. But he is more sensitive to changes than a normal cat would be, so he's more aware if someone or something is watching him.
He's also very queasy, and can't stand sticky feelings or sounds. He will get sick if he sees too much blood or gore. His family often drains his prey of blood before he eats it.
He hates clan life, he'd be much better off as a kittypet, but he doesn't know what that is… Not that he can leave anyway.
Moth is pretty okay friends with a lot of the cats he sees across the Rift. And just like his sisters he sneaks out alone, but he just does it to socialise.
Definitely the one most at risk of being Taken.
Despite being well-trained by Dewbat, Moth forgets how to fight. He’s great at teaching combat, but he can’t actually fight himself.
He battles a lot with self-worth, he doesn’t feel like he is anything worthwhile, much less a contributing member of his family. 
He often wished Sootsnow had left him with his mother, he mourns the cat he could have been. Even if he can’t really tell why.
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nitw · 3 days
the whole sigcorp franchise is about grief -- life, death, grief, and moving on. but i really appreciate how each game handles the topic differently and paints a new perspective of it via the characters in focus:
in to the moon, johnny struggles to cope with a loss and a sense of guilt he can't rationalize. the game asks if it's fair for johnny to be happy if his happiness outweighs the real memories and consequences of the life he lived... but ultimately, it's not up for the doctors (or us) to decide -- johnny's love for river was real, and that mattered to him more than anything else deep down. nothing could change that fact, and he subconsciously held onto it, even as the fabric of reality broke down around him.
in finding paradise, colin struggles to accept his own life coming to an end despite having little to no regrets, and uses fantasy as an excuse to justify his dissatisfaction. the game asks if there's any clear difference between "real" memories and "the fiction we tell ourselves"... but when so much of our lives is fueled by a natural fear of death and loneliness, the distinction barely matters. every moment can be meaningful if you just want it to be, even if it's in retrospect. even the little things.
in impostor factory, lynri struggles with seeing worth in her own life, yet simultaneously does everything she can to leave a lasting mark on the world -- while quincy struggles to be her anchor, as he becomes increasingly aware that they can't live a normal life together. the game asks if lynri has the right to be selfish and pursue her goals at the expense of any chance at happiness with quincy, or if quincy has the right to be selfish and keep lynri grounded if that just seals her fate... but there's no correct answer to that. life is too complicated for there to be a singular, perfect thread of choices. sometimes pain is unavoidable, so all you can do is make the most of what you have while it still lasts.
and every time, these dilemmas are directly mirrored through eva and neil. it always circles back to the hypocritical nature of what sigcorp does, to eva putting on a strong face and trying to see these issues in black and white to protect herself, to neil genuinely believing in the value of his work but failing to take his own advice.
i think the beach episode was the perfect conclusion to all of this. we don't know how eva's gonna carry on now... but we have to imagine that she is. we have to hold onto that hope, for her sake and for our own. we, the audience, have to accept this as the end of the series, and believe that the moment we press the escape key, eva accepts it as well.
these fictional people's lives meant something to us. and if there was hope for them, there's hope for us, too.
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