#and welcome hooome my sweet
lale-txt · 18 days
lale, in FINALLY home, and excuse ne, the titke for part??? "𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛" ????? OH MY GOD. do u hear me? DO YOU HERe ME. that banshee yelling into the void? it me.
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umbralsound-xiv · 3 months
She was finally well enough for me to comfortably leave the house and restock on groceries. I was not long; as fast as i could be, but thought to pick up a few extra things on my outing...
An armful of groceries clutched to his chest, Eir exhales a pleased sigh. It was the first time he'd been beyond the threshold of the garden in more than a sennight, and though he was happy for the necessary outing, just as happy he was to have returned home. Wedging his elbow onto the handle, he manages to shuffle into their home, closing the door behind him as he stood upright once again in the kitchen. "I am home, my Moon!" He calls, pacing towards the countertop to set the armload of things down.
The sound of the door brings Sayuri to a pause, ears perking up and twisting a touch until Eir's voice graces them - prompting a small wiggle and a smile. She settles her pencil down upon the table next to her and scoots herself off the stool in her little art studio, skipping several steps of the staircase leading up to it until she reaches solid ground, and heads for the next set of stairs. "Welcome hooome." She half-sings, as she climbs the stairs to reach the floor above.
A handful of apples spill from one of the bags, quickly captured by Eir who settles them into a nearby fruitbowl. A few more things are put away here and there, turning his head over his shoulder to greet his wife with a smile as she pulled into view. "I… May have gone a little overboard on the shopping, but there were so many nice things on offer that i could hardly refuse…" Turning to another bag, he swiftly plucks something from the top of it, setting it behind his back where he'd hoped it wasn't seen. "I have a little surprise for you, also…"
Sayuri's gaze passes over the bags before settling on Eir, lips pulled into a soft smile. "We can afford it." She hums, head tilting curiously as he hides his hands behind his back. ".. What did you get?" She asks as she approaches, body leaning sideways as if she's trying to peek behind him.
"Only a little something." Eir leans the other way to block her view with a grin, pulling out a small bouquet of flowers from the other side to offer to her. Vibrant blue lilies and snowy little brightflowers adorn the posy, sweet-smelling and fresh. "…I promised to bring you flowers more often. I have not forgotten."
She pouts faintly as he blocks her view, yet the pout swiftly shifts into an expression of surprise as the bouquet is brought forth. Her eyes widen and ears tilt back a touch, the corners of her mouth digging downwards while her eyes seemingly threaten to water up. ".. Oh, Eir.." She murmurs, fingers gently curling around it to accept the gift. "That's so sweet.. Thank you." The flowers are brought to the side as her free arm reaches for him, seeking to embrace him.
"Not half as sweet as you. I am glad you like them." Eir hums a smile, pressing a kiss into the crown of her hair as he leaned into the embrace. "How are you feeling, this sun?" Eir asks, giving her a gentle squeeze before relinquishing her to attend to the tidying of groceries. "No other side effects, now the treatment is complete…?"
"I believe we already had that discussion a few suns past, hm?" She smiles, nudging her face against him for a moment before releasing him. She settles her attention on the dining table, where a vacant vase is conveniently placed - and swiftly becomes the new home of the flowers. "None, thank the Gods." She exhales sharply. "Some.. less than pleasant dreams, but.. that's not a side effect." A small pause, as she gently turns the flowers here and there to make it more aesthetically pleasing to look at. "I've gone so long trying not to use my aether that I'm struggling a little bit with the amount used, but it shouldn't take long to figure out."
"…I figured as much. I held you throughout them, if it is any comfort. You were… Colder than normal, though. Or perhaps i am just unused to the aether again. Not cold enough i would let go, mind." With everything away in the icebox, Eir sighs peacefully, folding up the bags to set away for another sun. "…But it does not hurt, yes? It… It worked?"
".. Is there such a thing as me being cold enough for you to let go?" Sayuri smiles, turning to face him. "Painless. Q'kura.. fulfilled his promise."
She could never be cold enough for me to let her go. I would never leave her, no matter what. I am... Glad, all is back to as it was, more or less, and surely the aether should settle down soon... It is just so... Good, to see her happy. Without pain.
"…He did. About the only good he has ever done." He closes the gap to gently lace his arms around her. "…And no. Never. Any cold you could give me would not feel half as cold as your absence."
"I was hesitant to let him treat me.. But Bexy certainly would have torn him apart if he did more damage to me. If you didn't get to him first." She hums, wrapping her arms around him in return.
Eir leans in to press his lips to her own in a soft, loving kiss. "…I am glad it did not come to that. Though…" A small pause, as some small curiosity shifts over Eir's expression. "…What will be his fate, now?"
Sayuri gently presses her lips back against his, a low, thoughtful hum leaving her. ".. There.. has been talk of possibly using him to get those like Vex out.." She pauses. ".. And while I am thankful that he fixed me, I.. still want to rip his head off for what he did to you.."
"…Which is understandable." Eir nudges his nose gently to her own. "…Suppose using him for the freedom of others is no bad thing. I do not care either way what his fate might be. A simple curiosity, is all. I am content simply never to see him again."
I meant it truthfully. I just want him to be gone, and out of our lives. I want to be left in as much peace as we are able. I know it will not always last, but i knew this when i chose her. I do not regret it for a second, but that does not mean i do not wish for as quiet a life as i can hope for.
She smiles faintly, offering a gentle nudge back. ".. It's worth doing, I think. Get the others who are there by force out.. And if he decides to run headlong back to the compound and not help them.. His fate is sealed, and I will kill him the next chance I get. But if he does help get them out..? I don't know.."
"…We can come to that conclusion if he succeeds." Eir murmurs, rocking Sayuri gently in his arms. "For now, we need not think of such things. I have you… And you have me. What would you like to do, this sun, my Moon?"
".. I'd like for him to succeed. Vex seems quite intent on getting that Seeker out.. The one.. both of you kept me from killing in the hallways of the compound. And.. his sister, I think she said..?" She furrows a brow, rocking with him. ".. It's hard not to, with.. everything that has happened.." She mumbles, ears tilting back a touch before she shakes her head in some attempt to settle nicer thoughts in her head. "Mmh.. I started drawing, while you were out.. but now I don't want to let go of you."
"…I hope he does. He was kind to me… And a large part we were able to escape. Were i any more wounded…" Eir opts to dismiss that thought, forehead pressed to her own. "…Oh? Drawing, hm?" Groceries away, Eir sees picking Sayuri up as the only sensible thing to do in the moment. "Well, now you need not let go of me. And i would like to see."
A small frown finds its way to her features, arms tightening around him while her chill picks up, just a touch. ".. Vex said his--" She pauses, opting to use the word whether or not she was right. ".. sister, helped incite the fight that served as the distraction, too." Her ears flick as her feet leave the floor, finding herself in Eir's arms - as she often does. ".. I mean--.. Fair enough."
"…Even if it fails. They will be freed, somehow…" Eir replies, though clearly not exactly sure for how that would happen, slowly descending the stairs with her in his arms. "…What were you drawing?"
".. Will they?" Sayuri asks, her tone not particularly hopeful. Again, she shakes her head and forces a tiny smile. ".. Us." A small pause, then. ".. I promised my mother a painting of the two of us in our wedding attires. It's still in the sketching stage, though."
"Well, now i want to see even more." A few steps bring him to the lower room, and his gaze casts back up to the small alcove that had become Sayuri's studio. "She will be happy to see it, i am sure."
A soft snicker leaves her, head leaning against him. "I'm sure I'll receive a pearl call from Masashi letting me know how my mother won't stop gushing over it." She flaunts a small smirk. ".. I'm going to make a smaller version for us to keep, too."
"…We can hang it on the wall somewhere. I will fawn over it in your absence." Eir half-jokes, offering a grin as he ascends the smaller staircase, gently setting Sayuri back on her feet. "…Can i see?"
"I don't doubt that for a moment." She snickers. She reluctantly releases him as she's put on her feet, one hand gesturing to the set up canvas that holds a half-finished sketch of the two, depicting them the day of their wedding.
"…It looks lovely. Moreso when it will be finished, i am sure…" Eir gently settles a hand on her shoulder, smiling fondly at the work in progress. "Shall i wait until you have finished to take our little trip to La Noscea, then?"
It is a lovely reminder of that sun, as though i do not wear it on my finger each and every day. To see us both radiant and happy without measure... She has such talent, when it comes to art.
Sayuri's head tilts to the side to nudge at the hand on her shoulder, smiling softly. "It shouldn't take too long."
"…I know. Asides, we will have to pack a few things, first. And we should perhaps eat the food i brought home before going anywhere…" Eir laughs, shaking his head. "…What should we have for dinner, this sun? Any preference?"
".. Proooobably." She snickers, gazing up at him. ".. Hmm.. No, I don't really have a preference."
"Well, i am sure we will think of something." Eir glances to the room, considering. "…I was out a little longer than i wanted to be. Perhaps i should make a lighter lunch of some description?" He asks, taking the first few steps down in that direction.
Sayuri spins on her heels and halfly skips down the steps, snickering quietly at her own little childish display. "Mmh? Works for me."
Eir grins at her little spin, hand extended for her to take as he made way back to the kitchen. "Perhaps a salad of some sort. The weather is getting a little warmer. Perhaps we can have a little picnic in the garden?" Eir asks, a little hopeful.
Her hand reaches to grasp his, squeezing it gently as they wandered back upstairs. "That sounds lovely." She beams. "..Can we have some fruit in it?"
"Of course! What would you like? We have peaches, rolanberries, pomegranate, oranges, apples…" Eir considers, quietly as he steps into the kitchen. "---Grapes, too. Oh! Raspberries. I… Ah…" He glances aside, hesitantly. "…May have overdone it on the fruit." Settled on the side, is a small, flat parcel wrapped in paper, yet to be uncovered.
Sayuri smiles, head tilting. "We can afford it." She reminds. "Hmm.. How about, some peaches, oranges and grapes?" Her gaze briefly acknowledges the parcel, before returning to Eir.
"Hah! Did you want a fruit salad instead? We surely could." Eir laughs, before his gaze follows hers. "--Ah, i managed to find this when i was out…" Picking the parcel up, it is unwrapped to reveal a simple plate. "…A replacement, for the other sun."
".. Then we should add more types of fruit." She simply responds to his question; a fruit salad certainly seeming appealing to her. Her features drop a touch at the sight of the plate, ears tilting back as she stares at it almost uncomfortably long. Dread swiftly accompanies the stare and she whips around to stare out the window as her aether stirs, the temperature around her dropping significantly and slightly jagged ice swiftly springing forth along her forearms, covering them from wrist to elbow in the blink of an eye.
Eir is halfway through settling the plate away when he notes the drop, immediately abandoning it on the side to rush to her own. "---Sayuri?" He asks, hands hovering half above her to slowly sit on her shoulders. "What… What is wrong?" Fear settled in his gaze, then. "…What is happening?"
Her... Her aether is surging once more, i... I do not know why, but it is so much... More, than it was. It rarely happens so fast unless she is upset, but she... She was fine, until a few moments ago. Happy, even... I... I do not understand... But i am worried.
Sayuri blinks, ears twisting as she turns her head back to Eir - glimpsing the ice on her arms. "--Ah-.. I-.." She swallows harshly, eyes shutting. ".. I'm okay. It's-.. it's just the.. memory of the hallucinations.." She mumbles. Despite the minor attempt of reassurance, the ice does the exact opposite of decreasing; spreading further up along her biceps and coating her hands. The floor isn't safe, either, as it begins to spread out from underneath her feet.
"No---no no. It is okay, yes? You are safe… You are safe…" Despite the ice, he attempts to pull her into an embrace, avoiding it as best he could, a faint crunch underfoot as he stepped upon it. "I am here, Sayuri…"
...The ice usually avoids my feet at her control, but she did say keeping it in line was more... Difficult. ...I am here, my Moon. I am not going anywhere, no matter what.
"..I-.. I know.." She presses her head against him to return the affection as she's pulled into his embrace, arms remaining down to keep the jagged edges away from him. ".. I know that it was just hallucinations, and yet.. They just.. felt so real.." She half-whispers, ears locking in their pinned state. Speaking of it only triggers the memory further, sending her into a downwards spiral that makes the air around her drop more and more, all while the ice continues to spread across the floor and her body at an unusually rapid pace, the spiky edges becoming a little sharper. Sayuri keeps her head buried against him, not yet having realised exactly how bad the ice is getting.
"…I know… I know…" Eir's gaze dances over the ice as it spreads, holding her closer, fighting the pained wince in his teeth as the cold sank into him. "I-it is okay. I am here. I am here, and i am… N-not letting go…" He exhales a wavery breath, then. "…You are… A-allowed to be afraid…"
The stutter is enough to make Sayuri lift her head and open her eyes - only for them to widen further at the sight of the expanding frost. "--A-ah!" The sound that leaves her is one of both surprise and worry, the anxiety opting to rear its head much more and at the sight of the sharper edges, the fear of hurting her husband kicking in, and only worsening the cold. "--E-Eir.." Her body tenses up as if she's afraid to move.
"I am here, i am here… I…" He glances around, not moving an ilm otherwise. "I am not going anywhere. Wh---What do you need? Sayuri?" He asks, the panic in his voice not doing anything to help matters.
I am supposed to know what she needs, i am her husband, i... ...How... How can i help her?
"..L-let go.." A set of words that clearly pains her to say, further showcased by the tears that immediately take to her eyes and freeze to her cheeks the moment they start to fall. "..I-.. I can't--.. I don't want to h-hurt you.." She swallows the sorrow harshly, desperately trying to get a firmer grip of her aether that threatens to burst out of her control.
Eir, does not in fact let go. He does loose his grip a little, however. "You will not hurt me, Sayuri. You will not---" The tone of her voice, the situation is enough to well his own eyes with tears, desperate to stay close even with the threat of injury. "Y-you will not…" A wavery breath full of desperation, as ice snakes over the walls, slowly taking the room. "Please… T-tell me how i can help you…"
Let go? No, no i... I promised, i promised i would be here... That i would not let go, that i would not leave her to face this on her own...!
"..E-Eir please.." It leaves her with a sob, the mere thought of hurting him only worsening her distress. Snaked up the walls and even up to the ceiling, icicles form along any edge it can find - Sayuri's struggle to keep it under control seeing the razor sharp edges dulling out only to shift back into their natural spikiness.
That plea is enough for him to let go, but he doesn't retreat from her. "P-please, tell me what i have to do, i… i…" Utterly lost for how to help, he looks around the room, fearful and afraid of the icy dwelling it was slowly becoming. "S-sayuri…!" He watches, as the ice snakes over her body, sharpened edges retreating before they extended into points once more as she struggled.
Sayuri withdraws a few steps, letting her see the room more properly, clearly not happy with what she sees. "I-.. I don't know!" She balls her hands into fists and pins her eyes shut in an attempt to focus, fighting to draw back the ice that creeps back ever so slightly, only to burst back forth even further than before. "..G-gods.."
"S-sayuri!" Eir calls out in desperation, but not for a moment does he run from her. If anything, he takes half a step towards her, reaching out as though he'd take her hand. "I am here, please, please, i swear i am not going anywhere…" Tears spill down his cheeks, fighting to keep some composure for his distressed wife. "I w-want to help…"
She staggers a step back in response to him getting closer. "--N-no!" Sayuri sobs, clearly worried about being close to him when she holds no control of the volatile aether. "..I-.. I w-will hurt you.. I can't-.. I can't c-control this.."
"Y-you will not… You will not…" He chants like a mantra, but after her response does not move after her, then. "Y-you would never hurt me, Sayuri… I…" His voice had fled into a distressed whimper, then. "I.. I do not k-know what to do…"
She would never hurt me. She would never. I trust her. Even in moments like this when her ice rages and... I have never seen it this bad, i trust her, but i... ...What good am i, if i cannot help her?!
Sayuri's gaze locks at the ice-clad floor for a moment, lingering there until she opts to pat along her pockets, peeling away some ice from herself in order to reach the little box within that holds the various linkpearls she owns. She simply clutches it for a moment. "..N-not willingly.. but t-this..? I-.. I c-can't.." A sob is choked back, the box flicked open and one of the linkpearls retrieved before it snaps shut again.
"I…" That single word is a sad, defeated sound, barely above a breath as he watches her reach for the pearls. He doesn't try to stop her, of course not, merely casting a glance to the plate he'd attempted to return to where it aught to have belonged. Eir keeps his quiet, looking away, awaiting the pearl call he knew would come.
The pearl is placed in her ear, Sayuri takes a moment to try to calm herself, failing rather spectacularly. Finally, she commits to pressing down on it. ".. B-Bexy..?"
[Eir] ...Of course she would call for her sister. Someone who can help her. Someone who has... Never failed her. It hurt. But i know i am being selfish. I... I just wanted to be able to help her...
There's a brief silence, before the fumbling of sound, and the response that came just moments after in Bexy's concerned tone. "Sayuri?" Her name was a greeting and a question, both. "…Is everything alright?" With the tone she used, it was clear she had already assumed she wasn't, the sound of footfalls on a wooden floor sounding soon after she spoke.
[Bexy] With a greeting like that, i know everything isn't. I was already on my way there. She wouldn't have called me like this if it wasn't urgent. What happened, Sayuri? I swear, if this is Q'kura's doing, i'll peel him like an apple.
Sayuri bites down to choke a sob. "..N-no.." It leaves her like a mere whisper, barely audible if it weren't for the fact it was spoken through a linkpearl. "..My-.. my a-aether.."
"I'll be there in a moment." Her voice drops into something a little firmer, some angry edge hiding behind it which she swallows for the moment, before the pearl cuts away into quiet, again.
A quiet Eir doesn't even interrupt. He remains away from her, though slowly his tear filled gaze pulls from the plate, back to her eyes, pleading.
[Eir] I wish i had not bought that stupid plate. We could have lived without it for a while. At least let the moment settle before buying a replacement. What was i thinking?
Sayuri's hand drops from her ear as the call cuts, her face burying into her palms. She rocks back and forth on her spot, desperately wanting nothing more than to find her way back into her husband's arms, but denying herself the need out of fear of hurting him.
"S-sayuri..?" Eir's voice is just as upset, but he slowly steps over an icicle to grow a little closer to her. The hand is offered again, frown etched onto his features. "…I I am h-here…"
Her hands drop down once more, teary gaze moving to him and settling on his hand. She notably hesitates, yet ends up slowly stretching her hand out towards his, even if she shows no signs to go any further than holding his hand. "..I'm s-sorry.."
He takes her hand like it's the most precious thing he's ever held, gently, delicately curling his fingers through hers. "I am here…" Eir manages, tears pouring down his cheeks. "I am n-not going anywhere."
Her icy fingers interlace with his, and she visibly struggles to keep herself from getting any closer. At this point, jagged ice coats every part of the upper floor, icicles hanging from the ceiling.
Eir's gaze drifts from her face, to their entwined hands, to the ice that now formed over the room, claiming every surface. "…I am the one who s-should be sorry…" Eir whispers, after what feels like an eternity in the quiet… Until footfalls approach the front door.
[Eir] Sorry for not knowing what to do. Sorry for not doing more. I... Feel like such a failure.
Bexy reaches for the handle, and upon trying to enter, realises it will not move an ilm at her touch. A short burst of aether later to diffuse what clung to the door, she steps inside, eyes widening immediately at the sight before her, before falling on the couple. "…I'm here. What… Happened?"
Sayuri shakes her head slightly at Eir's words, squeezing his hand carefully. Her gaze falls to Bexy as she steps through the door, ears flat on her skull. "..I-.. got emotional.." Eyes dipping to the floor, a shaky exhale leaves her. ".. I c-can't control it.."
At the mention of emotional, her eyes dart, almost accusatory, towards Eir and the hand he held, but doesn't comment. She strides across the room, ice parting for her boots, and dispersing some of the larger icicles she came into contact with. "…When did this start?" She asks, now at Sayuri's other side. "…Does it hurt?"
[Bexy] ...I don't see this often. Not this bad. Not enough to fill a room. What did you do, Eir? What... What happened? ...No, no, this... This probably isn't his fault, else he'd either be dead or they certainly wouldn't be holding hands. She needs to be calm. Calm enough for this to go away...
"..N-not that long b-before I c-called.." Her aether fights to retake the area where Bexy dispersed the ice, despite Sayuri's attempt to keep it from the attempt. She shakes her head at her question. "..N-no, I just-.. can't.. control it.."
"Right… Okay. Okay…" Bexy takes a breath, gently laying a hand on Sayuri's shoulder, unafraid of the ice that drew close to her. "Q'kura babbled something about your aether perhaps being a little wild after the recovery, but i think he was understating it. You can't hold it back? At all?" She notes Eir, how he was stood upon the ice, rather than a small area that would routinely avoid him as it usually did.
Eir does not let go of Sayuri's hand, looking pleadingly to Bexy. "She… She has been a little colder since treatment finished, but… Not like t-this…"
Again, her head shook. She inhales deeply and fights for a grasp of her own aether in an attempt to force it to retreat - achieving only the same as she did last time, the ice creeping back ever so slightly and then bursting back forth once more, to which a weary exhale leaves Sayuri.
Bexy's expression knits into something more perplexed, feeling the repression of Sayuri's aether through contact with her… And just how violently it surged forth when she could no longer keep it back so far. "…You are holding it back." Bexy's gaze traces the room, a little wide-eyed. "-This is- holding it back…!" An anxious swallow, as she reaches for Sayuri's hand, then. "We have to go, Sayuri. We have to go now."
[Bexy] ...I can feel how much she's restraining it. If she lets go, in here... I'll be fine, but Eir... ...She'd never live with the guilt of harming him, never mind worse. We have to go. For her safety, and his. I've endured this before, and i took Laurent's fingers for it. I won't let her do the same.
Eir doesn't say anything, so much as he makes a sound. A fearful, anxious whine that sees him hold her other hand that much tighter, eyes setting on Bexy's own. It was clear to anyone who could see him, he did not want her to go.
Sayuri's eyes flutter, a touch bewildered as Bexy grabs her hand. "--G-go..?" The grip she has of Eir's hand doesn't budge, for now.
"Go." Bexy repeats, teeth a little gritted. "Sayuri, you can't hold this back forever. I know it, you know it. We have to go to Coerthas, let this out safely before it gets worse." Her eyes settle on Eir, then, narrowing a little.
[Eir] Go? Go... Go where? No, no no no... Bexy, please...! Please don't take her from me!
Eir's protest is silent but present. He holds her hand just as tightly.
Sayuri's tears well up anew. She knew, of course.. And even if she hadn't known, she trusted Bexy's judgement. Her eyes slip to Eir, a faint whimper leaving her.
That look sends a pang of desperation through Eir, then. "I---I d-do not want you to go---!" The admission spills out of his lips, ears lowering on his head. He knew, too, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
"Eir." Bexy's mention of his name is almost a reprimand. "Do you want her to hurt you?"
[Bexy] For the love of the Twelve, don't make this any harder than it already needs to be! She'll be fine. I'll bring her back. I know what i'm doing. ...I have to know what i'm doing. I bring them back, i always do. ...And yet, after all they've been through, i can hardly be mad at him for not wanting her to go. But she has to.
Sayuri's gaze drops to the floor, the air around her becoming significantly colder.
"---She will not! She would not!" Eir pleaded, pulling Sayuri just a step closer to him, and away from Bexy. "T-there must be something you can do, that…"
"Eir." Bexy interrupts. "She would not, under normal circumstances. This?" A gloved hand gestures out at the ice-covered room. "This is not normal!"
Sayuri staggers at the pull, gaze lifting back to her husband. "..E-Eir.."
"I… I…" Tears spill over again, terrified of releasing her hand. "Sayuri…" Her name was a plea, but what for, he doesn't quite know.
Bexy simply allows Sayuri to do the convincing for her, if it would work at all. If not, she had other plans…
".. I l-love you, so much.." She starts, squeezing his hand. "..B-but you know she's r-right.. I-.. I can't.. keep this away f-from you.." She bites back a sob, eyes resting more steadily upon Eir. ".. I'd n-never forgive myself if I h-hurt you.."
[Eir] No, no no... Sayuri, please, i... ...I am scared. I do not want to lose you, but i do not want you to harbor the guilt you would feel if you hurt me. I... I still do not think you would... I do not want you to go. I do not. But i... I understand. ...I am scared.
All Eir can do is sob, and fight the frown that so fiercely downturned his lips as his gaze shone with sorrow. "I… I know. I know, i… I love you too. I l-love you so much…" He gently caresses her hand in his own, turning that tear-stricken gaze to Bexy, then. "…Bring her back." He asks, though it's more of a demand, strung with sorrow and pain for her leaving.
"I always do, Eir." Came her response. It had softened a little from their interaction, though there would be no way she would reconsider her actions.
[Bexy] If the wedding wasn't telling enough, seeing this display was enough to convince me how much he loves her. Gods, it... ...It hurt to watch, even if i knew what i was doing was for the better. I'll bring her back, i promise.
Sayuri keeps her grip of his hand a little longer, reluctant to let go as she gently runs her thumb over his knuckles - certainly no happier about the situation. Soon enough, she slowly eases her grip of him and begins to pull her hand back.
His lip trembles as her hand parts, bringing the newly freed palm against his chest, as though he saught to cherish the feeling of it. "B-Bexy…" Eir looked over to her. "Please… L-look after her…"
"…I will. To the very best of my ability. I will have her returned home to your side as soon as i'm able." Her promise was sincere, offering a small, if not reassuring smile. "…I promise."
Sayuri fights a pained smile. ".. I'll be b-back before you k-know it.."
Eir moves as though he'd lean in for an embrace, a kiss; anything. But instead he pulls back, forcing himself to bring distance between them. "I… I w-will be here." He sniffles, forcing a smile right back. "W-waiting, as a-always."
Wary of the upset caused by parting, Bexy pulls Sayuri back just a little. "…We have to go." Bexy quietly reminds, flashing both of them an apologetic look.
Sayuri's ears droop, gaze shifting to Bexy before her head sinks into a small nod.
"I… I l-love you…" Eir's words were stammered out, eyes glassy and tearful.
"…I'll bring her back soon, Eir. I promise." Bexy repeats, as her aether surges, beginning to muster the effort needed to dissipate the two of them and whisk them away to distant Coerthas.
"I love y-you too.." Sayuri is quick to respond, before Bexy steals her away.
As Bexy vanishes; so too does the majority of the ice, leaving only a few of the icicles and a flurry of snow in their absence.
Eir, now alone, sobs quietly to himself, reaching for one of the icicles left in their wake.
How long would it be, until he felt her cold again…?
[Bexy] I hope he understands what i'm doing is a kindness. Better than her hurting him. Better than her burdening herself with the guilt of doing so. She'll be okay. She's come this far. I always bring everyone home.
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theworldofotps · 2 years
Did You Buy Out The Store?
(Monthly Flow Series)
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader Word Count: 652 Description The drip gawd is more then willing to buy anything his baby needs when the time of the month rolls around.
Huge thank you to @auburnwrites for the idea, this one is for you! __________ Tag list @omg-im-such-a-masochist @damnnhausen @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @new-zealand-chic @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @letsgivethisonemoreshot @alination @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @cuzimacomedian @aews-four-pillars @elevennbloom @melblacc @whenimakeitshine1234 @alliwant456
 If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _________ Seth💧👑‘Hello gorgeous just finished the interview is there anything I can get you at the store?’
Babydoll🥵😏: A new uterus please
😩Seth💧👑: That bad this month? 
Babydoll🥵😏: Yes I’m cramping, too hot but yet too cold I have a massive headache and I just feel like shit 
Seth💧👑: Don’t worry baby, the drip god is on the way 
Pocketing his phone Seth backs out of his parking space and starts for the nearest store. He knew that you really struggled sometimes when your period came, and for once he was home to take care of you. Not exceeding the speed limit by too much Seth soon parks the car and pulls a cap on and his sunglasses. He was hoping he could get through this trip without attracting too much attention. 
Waving to the door greeter Seth grabs a cart and starts wandering through aisles. 
“Okay period products, let’s see pads, tampons, liners?”Looking over what seemed like hundreds of options he decides to just grab one of all three. But now there are different flows? 
Blowing out a puff of air he grabs a few more in different colors then continues down the aisle. 
“Okay, I know my baby uses this one for headaches.” 
Grabbing two bottles of your preferred medicine he continues walking around the store. His cart slowly filled as he tried to think of anything you may need. New comfy pajamas, although you’d probably just wear his shirt most of the time. A new blanket. Your favorite snacks, drinks, and flowers. A cute card he thought you would get a laugh out of and just some random shit. He even tossed in a few romance movies, he knew from rooming with Finn that they were decent selections. 
When he finally finishes Seth pushes his cart to checkout and begins scanning everything. Okay maybe he bought a little too much but when it came to you there was no such thing as too much. Taking all of his bags Seth makes his way to the car and places everything in the backseat. Sending you a text that he would be home soon, Seth starts the car and heads for your house. “I’m hooome!”
Hearing your boyfriend’s voice ring through your house made you smile and wince. Setting your phone down you call out from the living room.
“Hello baby, sorry it took so long.”
“Jeez Seth look at all those bags! Did you buy out the whole store?”
“Noooo and in my defense I wanted to be sure you had everything you would need.”
“And then some thank you for picking it all up. I really appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, now I see you already have one of my shirts on. So I’ll wash these pajamas and maybe you can wear them tomorrow.”
Sorting through the bags, Seth places the clothing in the wash along with the blanket. Going back to the living room he sits next to you placing your legs on his lap.
“I wasn’t exactly sure which box I was supposed to get so I got all of these. The wrong ones I can just have one of the girls pick up and they can keep them in the locker room.”
“That’s very sweet of you.”
Kissing his hand you smile as he brings out your favorite drinks and snacks. Then put a movie in, Seth knew that sometimes you just really enjoyed having a physical copy of movies.
“Okay beautiful let me cuddle you.”
Scooping you up, Seth lays down and places you in front of him, his hands automatically rubbing your stomach in light circles. You were so thankful you didn’t have to go through this one alone, Seth always did everything he could to make the time easier for you. He truly was the best.
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Hiyori Tomoe - 3* Feature Scout: How's the Weather with All Three Together?
Writer: Yuumasu
Season: Summer
Characters: Hiyori, Kanata, Rinne
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: hyenahunt & moricchiichan 
Kanata: hmmm. do you not like the "giant isopod"? it's so "adorable", though?
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[Location: Starmony Dorm (Hiyori, Kanata & Rinne's room)]
Hiyori: I'm home! Now that I've returned, I'd like a most lavish welcome!
...Huh? I don't hear even the faintest whisper of a welcome. Shall I try that again?
Kanata: fufu. i can hear you, mr. sunshine~
Hiyori: Gracious me, Kanata-kun, how cruel you are! Your lack of response only adds to my solitude! I'd appreciate an immediate reply, you see!
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Kanata: okay. welcome back~
you're always so blindingly bright, mr. sunshine, so i thought i would look on for a while and "sunbathe", you see?
Hiyori: I'd usually allow you to gaze upon my face as much as you'd like, but this isn't the time for that, is it?
...Mm!? There appears to be some foreign object upon my bed!
Whatever is this? Honestly, it's rather creepy...
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Kanata: hehe. that's a "plushie", the "hottest item" of "aoumi aquarium".
i thought to give it to one of my "roommates", so i brought it back. it's what they call a "token of friendship", right?
Hiyori: If this is a "token of friendship", you gave me one last time, too, didn't you? Unlike this plush, that was a rather cute... what was it again?
Kanata: do you mean the "flapjack octopus"?
Hiyori: Yes, exactly! That's what it was called!
That one was adorable, but I can't say this is nearly as charming.
Kanata: hmmm. do you not like the "giant isopod"? it's so "adorable", though?
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Hiyori: Wahhh! I'd rather you not come near me while holding it belly-up!
The sheer number of legs it has gives me the shivers!
I'd like a different and cuter plush as a present. As such, I will leave it to Rinne-senpai to give it a loving home.
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Rinne: I'm hooome~ ♪ Were ya just talking about me?
Kanata: welcome back, mr. chieftain.
Hiyori: Rinne-senpai, you're certainly carrying a lot there, aren't you? Did you win something and bring it home again?
Rinne: You got that right ♪ Lady Luck smiled upon me today! I struck a shitton’a gold! ♪
'Cause of that, I'm gonna be sharing the loot with you guys. I swapped 'em all for a mix of sweets and snacks, so go ahead and take whatever you want ♪
Hiyori: Hmm? It's all the usual confectionery for commoners, isn't it?
All the same, perhaps I'll just have a little chocolate.
Kanata: hmm, no. i'll also just take the "dried sardine" snacks, since i'm full right now. it's free "calcium"...♪
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Rinne: C'mon, you guys, what's with those reactions! Aren't ya bein' a lil' cold there? You're gonna make me cry, boohoo~
Hiyori: It's most childish to make a show of your fake tears, Rinne-senpai.
More importantly, I'd rather you take a shower right away. Those places you go off to play at have a certain smell, and I'm not a fan of it, you see?
Kanata: i "agree"~ should i spray some "deodorant" on him?
Rinne: C'mon, pachinko places are all becomin’ no-smoking zones these days, so I’m pretty sure I don’t smell that bad...
— Hey! Hold up, Kanacchi, couldja not point that at me?
Sheesh, fine. Rinne-kun's gonna be a good boy and head off for the showers, alrighty?
Kanata: ...ah.
Hiyori: Kanata-kun, what's the matter?
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Rinne: Gyahhh! It's cold as balls!
Kanata: i forgot that i was "bathing" before the two of you came back.
Hiyori: ...I see, so you left the water temperature turned down again, didn't you? Aren't I always telling you to turn it back up after you have a bath?
Kanata: "again"? that's rude. it's the first time in a week, and only around the seventh time in total.
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Rinne: Achoo! Man, I just went through hell...
Hiyori: You certainly got back fast, hm?
Rinne: I froze my ass off so I'm waitin’ for the bathtub to fill up with warm water. I'm still freezing even after throwin' my clothes on.
Hiyori: If you're cold, why not give that plush a cuddle? It should warm you up a little, yes?
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Rinne: Woah, the hell is this? Did some cryptid show up to take over my bed?
Kanata: it's a "giant isopod". it's "extra large sized", so you can also use it as a "pillow" ♪
Rinne: Is it now? Well, guess I'll take him. As thanks, go wild and have as many of those snacks I brought back as you like ♪
Hiyori: ...Hmm. I should've bought something for you both, too, shouldn't I? Is there anything the two of you would like?
Kanata: why, all of a sudden?
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Hiyori: Well, regardless of what was offered, I do appreciate the sentiment that you were both trying to give me gifts, and so it just occurred to me.
It would be rather remiss of me to do nothing in return after receiving such goodwill, no? While I can't say for sure I can grant you what you want, I'd like to return the favour, you see.
Kanata: the "souvenirs" you buy us every now and then are already enough, but... let me think~
i think i would like "fish" after all~ please bring me some "luxurious" "seafood"...♪
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Rinne: Ooh, sounds good. In that case, I'm in the mood for some tasty pizza.
Hiyori: "Seafood" and now "pizza"... Why, it sounds like the two of you intend to hold a party here, doesn't it?
Kanata: ufufu. a "party" sounds like fun~ who should we invite? if you want someone to be the "life of the party", i could ask wataru to come.
Rinne: How about we go around stickin' up notices about the party? That way we can leave the door wide open, and anyone could pop right in if they like!
Which means only one thing! We should bring in even more grub and have a party to bring the roof down ♪ Gyahaha ☆
Hiyori: These plans are getting ever grander, but I would hope you're not thinking of gathering a whole group of people in this three-person room, yes?
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Not to mention that if all you care about are food and guests, you'll only have a third-rate party on your hands. I simply must teach you all about the ways of being a good host.
Rinne: What do we have here, Hiyori-chan? For someone complaining 'bout just how small this room is, you're pretty into this whole thing too, aren't ya?
Hiyori: I'd welcome a lively crowd any day, of course. A party with no life to it would only feel empty and cheerless, and we can't have that, can we!
Surely you both wouldn't want something so lonesome, yes? If we're going to hold one no matter what, then of course we really ought to consider how to make it as enjoyable as possible.
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After all, there's nothing more important than putting smiles on everyone's faces! What fine weather that would be... ♪
✦ all ✦
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dapandapod · 3 years
#15 of the hug prompts for the pairing of your choice 🥰
15. Glomp hug
Yes my sweet, of course you can! I accidenlty got Dadralt feelings, and then it had to be so.
Please enjoy some domestic super fluff and sillyness. I accidently got very soft. Hope you had a nice day at work <3<3
Send me hug prompts?
On Ao3 Hug collection here
“I’m hooome!”
The house is suspiciously quiet when Geralt opens the door and puts down his jacket and work bag. He can hear excited giggling from somewhere, and hushing.
“He’s coming, he’s coming!”
“Shh Ciri, he will hear us.”
Geralt smiles and pretends he actually didn’t hear.
“Anyone here?” He calls, making a show of looking around the living room. Nobody behind the couch, or under the coffee table. Nothing behind the curtains. That leaves the kitchen or the bedrooms. Geralt puts his money on the kitchen, so he walks the other way, towards the bedroom.
“Are you sleeping? Any cubs tucked in?” He says loudly, stepping over a big stuffed lion and three toy cars. He opens Ciri’s room first, and it is just as dark as expected, and as messy. The ukulele he bought her lays on the bed together with her favorite morning slippers, complete with a pattern of small potatoes.
He will never understand what is so funny about that, but he supports her in everything.
“Hellooooo?” He calls, shuffling around.
Behind him he can hear more giggling and whispering.
“You think he will find us?” She whispers.
“No, we have the best hiding place.” Jaskier assures her.
Meaning, they are hiding in the little pantry. Geralt smiles and moves to the next bedroom, peering into their own bedroom, almost as messy as Ciri’s room, but with fewer toys.
Except for that ridiculous, giant stuffed unicorn that Yennefer gave Jaskier for his birthday.
“Any husbands and children in here?” He asks the dark room, and as expected, no reply.
Alright, it is time to explore the kitchen.
The excited whispers and hushing becomes louder as Geralt approaches the kitchen with deliberately loud steps.
And as predicted, Ciri can’t contain herself any longer.
She bursts out through the door, launching herself around Geralt’s legs.
“DAAAD!” She yells. “HERE WE ARE!”
Geralt expected the impact, but the little rascal is getting bigger every day.
“Darling, what a surprise!” He exclaims, hoisting his five year old up into his arms.
“Didn’t expect that at all, did you?” She asks excitedly. “We hid very well!”
“You did!” Geralt agrees, kissing her little cheek. “Is papa in there still hiding?”
“Shhh, papa said not to say.” She whispers loudly, smiling with mischief.
“Hmmm. Then we better go take a look.”
Ciri squirms with excitement in his arms when they walk into the kitchen. All is silent, nothing out of order, except for the pair of mismatched socks sticking out from behind the curtain of the pantry.
“I wonder where papa could possibly be.” Geralt asks Ciri.
Right on time, Jaskier jumps out from behind the curtain, arms raised as if he was a monster, and makes a silly roaring sound.
“RAAAWWR!” He yells and Ciri shrieks in delight. “I’m the terrible Papasaurus, and I eat little princess cubs for dinner!!”
Jaskier bares his teeth and then he jumps towards them, looking completely ridiculous, and wraps his arms around them both, burying his head in Ciri’s tiny shoulder pretending to bite her.
Geralt loves this man so much he aches. As soon as Ciri has wriggled herself out of his arms and fled to the safety of the couch Geralt pulls Jaskier into a kiss.
Warm, soft and perfect.
“Welcome home.” Jaskier murmurs against his lips, eyes sparkling.
“Thank you, Julek.” Geralt murmurs back, enjoying the shiver that runs through his husband when he says the pet name.
“I love you.” Jaskier whispers, kissing Geralt again.
“YOU CAN’T CATCH MEEEE!” Ciri calls from the couch, impatiently waiting for Papasaurus to make another appearance.
“No princess snacks before proper dinner.” Geralt teases, patting Jaskier’s butt as he makes his way to chomp on their little princess.
“No promises.” Jaskier grins, and then he is making roaring noises again, lunging after their shrieking child on the couch.
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bluereferences · 5 years
-- emoji starters.
👻 - for your muse to pick out a costume for my muse to wear.
💀 - for your muse to take my muse to a haunted house/place.
🦴 - for your muse to do my muse’s halloween make-up.
🍿 - for your muse to take my muse to see a scary movie.
🍸 - for your muse to meet my muse at a halloween party.
🔥 - for your muse to tell my muse scary stories.
🔪 - for your muse to find my muse after they get bitten by a vampire/werewolf/creature of sender’s choice.
🎲 - for our muses to do a ouija board.
😈 - for our muses to have a paranormal encounter.
⛺️ - for our muses to go camping on halloween night.
🍬 - for our muses to have a halloween-themed sleepover.
🌛 - for our muses to go trick-or-treating.
🎃 - for our muses to carve pumpkins together.
+💞 to reverse where applicable.
-- sentence starters.
“What are you dressing up as this year?”
“You’re not going trick-or-treating? What a bore.”
“Trick-or-treatings for kids! How old are you?”
“All this candy is gonna make me gain so much weight...”
“You’re not carving that correctly... Here, let me help.”
“Oh my God! What did you get bitten by?!”
“Hey demons, it’s me, ya boy!”
“I don’t think it’s wise to be messing with spirits.”
“666? I feel very welcome here.”
“I... I-Is that not a costume?”
“Getting wasted and eating a ton of free sweets sounds like a good time right about now.”
“I like Autumn. I don’t like Halloween.”
“Don’t do that! You really scared me, you know!”
“You shoulda seen the look on your face-- you were terrified!”
“Vampires and werewolves and all that stuff is all make-believe. Don’t get yourself worked up about it.”
“Aren’t you freezing in that costume? Do you want my coat?”
“What are you gonna carve into your pumpkin? I’m fresh out of ideas.”
“I don’t do dressing up. I’m going as myself.”
“Monsters aren’t scary. Monsters are pretty hot, actually.”
“Breaking and entering is still illegal, even if it’s Halloween, idiot.”
“We’re going to ignore the law for the sake of, you know, Halloween!”
“W-Was that a scream, or am I just hearing things?”
“Dude, horror movies suck. Put something else on.”
"What are you supposed to be? A clown?”
“The Ouija board is the wrong way around... idiot.”
“I-It’s scary! I wanna go hooome!”
“I... I hope that’s not real blood...”
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ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki R [Thankful Pink Rose] Tsukioka-sensei’s Flower Arranging Lecture Part 1
Itaru needs some help, and Taichi comes up with the perfect solution.
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Part 2
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Itaru: I’m hooome.
Izumi: Welcome back.
Taichi: Welcome back!
Itaru: Here, Director-san, I’m giving you this.
Sakuya: Wow, what a fancy bag!
Izumi: Thank you very much. What is it?
Itaru: A perfume sample. I got it from a client, and it seems like it’s marketed towards women.
Izumi: Perfume! I’m happy! Can I open it?
Itaru: Go ahead.
Taichi: Woah, even the packaging is stylish!
Izumi: Let’s see… “A sweet and gentle rose fragrance,” is what’s written on it.
Taichi: It’s gonna smell nice, for sure!
Izumi: Then since we’re here, want to try putting some on?
Taichi: Eh, can I!?
Izumi: Sure. Hold out your hand.
Taichi: It smells way nice!
Sakuya: It has a mature scent, too…!
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Itaru: It got such an enthusiastic reception. I’ll let my client know it got rave reviews from everyone.
Sakuya: Speaking of roses, weren’t you participating in the Rose Festival, Itaru-san?
Itaru: Ahh. Yeah. I guess I am.
Taichi: Us too! As soon as Yuki-chan finalizes the designs, I’m gonna help out with making the outfits!
Itaru: The costumes, huh...Please spare me and make a costume an adult man wouldn’t feel uncomfortable wearing, thanks.
Izumi: It’ll be fine! If it’s Yuki-kun, I’m sure he’ll make a wonderful costume that’ll suit you, Itaru-san.
Itaru: ….Well, that’s not the point I’m really worried about.
I said I’d be an escort, but I practically have zero EXP in knowledge about flowers.
I should probably just study it or something.
Sakuya: How admirable of you, Itaru-san!
Izumi: I’m relieved it seems like you’re facing it relatively head-on!
Itaru: As a geek, I should at least learn the bare minimum.
For the time being, I’ll try finding some time to look stuff up on the internetーー
Taichi: In that case, we have an even better method of learning rather than using the internet!
Sakuya: A better method?
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Tsumugi: I’m home.
Taichi: Ooh, nice timing!
Itaru: A better method, you say…
Taichi: That’s right! It’s Tsumugi-san!
Tsumugi: ?
TL Notes and Comments:
No notes today! I had this done back when the gacha was open and managed to solo yolo a copy after throwing my dia for a 10 pull LOL 
Itaru...Please don’t eat flowers.
My usual disclaimer! I’m not a professional translator so please take these translations with a grain of salt!
Part 2
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komorebirei · 5 years
Fantaisie (Music AU Drabble) - Warm Hands
(Read on AO3)
Yeah, I’m on a posting spree with this series. This happens shortly after the first chapter of Broken Fugue, in mid-December. Just some plotless fluff. :P
Part of the Rêveries, Passions Music AU.
Fantaisie: Warm Hands
Adrien: tadaimaaa! :3
The text comes in while Marinette is practicing, not surprisingly.
She sets down her violin and immediately swipes the phone off the music stand to respond. He’s supposed to be flying in from Sydney and she’s been waiting to hear from him all day.
Marinette: What does that mean??
Adrien: i’m baaaaaaaaack! ^___^ the appropriate response would be okaeri ^_-
Marinette: Yay! Welcome back!! :D :D Marinette: … Okaeri? Is that Japanese?
Adrien: yup… i’m guessing you don’t watch anime
Marinette guesses he's just watched a lot of it on the plane.
Marinette: You would be right. :P Of course you’d learn Japanese from anime. Congratulations on fulfilling the dork stereotype.
Adrien: i’m very grateful to anime-sensei Adrien: allow me to introduce you sometime
Marinette snorts.
Marinette: No thanks.
Adrien: there’s one i bet you’d like! Adrien: it’s important for your musical education
Marinette: Hmm… we’ll see about that.
Adrien: so you’re agreeing to watch it with me??
Marinette: Maaaaybe.
Adrien: i’ll accept that. Adrien: hey, are you in the practice wing?
Marinette: How did you guess?
Adrien: can you play a G major scale? :3
Marinette: …
An odd request, but she can guess what he’s up to. Raising an eyebrow, she sets down her phone and exchanges it for her instrument to do as requested.
She hasn’t even begun the descent before the door bursts open to reveal a very chipper Adrien in a forest green cashmere v-neck sweater, white polo peeping out the collar, and light grey slacks, looking like he’s walked out of a Ralph Lauren ad. “Put that down and bring it in,” he demands, beckoning her for a hug.
Giggling at his antics, Marinette frees her hands and lunges into Adrien’s arms with an enthusiastic, “Welcome hooome!”
His delighted hum rumbles through her, making the hug feel even warmer. There’s something unfamiliar about his scent. It’s a travel smell.
“When did you get back?”
“Just now,” he murmurs. “I thought I’d have an eighty-to-twenty chance of finding you here, so I dropped off my stuff and came right away to surprise you.”
“Well, I’m pleasantly surprised.” Marinette relaxes her hold to step back and look him over. His cheeks and the tip of his nose are pink, and his hair is windswept, reminding Marinette how cold the weather is these days. The practice room is a pleasant cocoon. “I missed your pretty face.”
“Missed yours.” The color on his face deepens with the words, and he coughs, looking away and shifting his weight awkwardly.
Seeing him react that way makes Marinette blush, too. It’s harder to pass it off as a joke now… and suddenly, the practice room is uncomfortably warm.
He manages to regain his composure and meets her eyes again with a grin. “Guess what?”
“What?” She pretends she didn’t notice the mood change, and the awkward moment passes easily.
“I made you something!” He seems very excited about this.
“Oh?” Marinette’s eyebrows shoot up. She isn’t aware he has any crafty talents. Or has he tried his hand at baking? “What did you make?”
With a flourish, he removes a little parcel from his messenger bag, wrapped in baby blue paper. “Open it!”
She slides a finger under the tape, splitting it in half and peeling open the wrapping paper flawlessly.
“So you’re one of those OCD people who re-wraps their presents,” Adrien observes with amusement.
“I am not OCD, and I don’t plan on rewrapping it,” Marinette huffs. “I just don’t like wasting pretty paper.”
“—Don’t judge, okay? It was my first attempt at knitting,” Adrien hurriedly warns as she removes two rectangles knit in pearlesque silver yarn and turns them over in her hands, trying to figure out what exactly she’s holding. “It was a long flight, and there was only so much I could sleep, so I figured I’d put my time to good use. I literally just watched a YouTube video and learned on the plane. It only took me the first hour or so to figure it out. I hope they fit… I had to guess what size your hands are.”
He’s babbling to distract her from what has started feeling like a shoddy and unworthy gift as he awaits her verdict.
She quickly realizes they’re tubes, and there’s a hole in each one, a couple centimeters long. Thumb holes. “Wrist warmers?”
“Yup!” Adrien seems very pleased that she’s managed to identify his creations. “Since it’s only going to get colder, and if you insist on wearing that ridiculous coat of yours, I have to do something to keep you warm. Plus, you’re always complaining about how cold the orchestra room is… you’ll be able to keep these on while playing!”
The gesture is so thoughtful and sweet that Marinette can’t help but giggle, despite the fact that he’s just insulted her favorite coat again. “You think the coat is cute,” she insists absent-mindedly, closely inspecting his stitch-work.
They’re not all the same size, and there are a few random holes she could probably fit her pinky into. She presses her lips together, reminding herself it wouldn’t be nice to laugh. It’s just so cute.
“I said don’t judge!” he reiterates, increasingly worried about her opinion. “... So? Are they acceptable? Would you wear them?”
Marinette considers withholding her judgment a little longer just to tease him, but the look on his face is so vulnerable that upon seeing it, she immediately breathes, “I love them! Thank you so much!” and pulls down his neck to plant a quick peck on his cheek.
She slips the knit tubes over her hands, even though she is far from cold, especially after kissing Adrien’s cheek. It felt natural at the time, but as seconds tick by, she starts to wonder if she was too forward. Her palms start to feel humid under the thick layer of yarn. It doesn’t matter—she wants him to feel appreciated.
Displaying her hands proudly, she sees his hand drop from his cheek and realizes he was touching the spot where she kissed him. Heat floods her face again as she wonders what he’s thinking. He doesn’t look at all bothered by the kiss. Not in a bad way, anyway.
As much as she loves the gift, she honestly can’t wait to take the wrist warmers off because it is far too hot in this room.
“I’m glad you don’t hate them,” Adrien laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thanks for overlooking my shortcomings.”
“You did a great job with the holes,” Marinette compliments earnestly. “Holes are difficult.”
“Thank you,” he preens. “What about the rest?”
“The rest looks great, too.” Marinette thinks about the holes he didn’t mean to make and can’t hold back her laugh this time.
“I know you don’t mean it, but I’ll accept your praise.” Adrien sticks out his tongue and gives her a playfully smug look. “Anyway, I’m exhausted, and it’s like two a.m. in Sydney, so… I’m gonna go back to my apartment and take a nap for a bit. I’ll probably be back here later to practice.” He rolls his eyes. “Just wanted to pass by and see my favorite human first.”
“I’m your favorite human now?” Marinette raises her eyebrow, feeling a little flutter in her chest.
“But of course, Princess,” he says, in an overly-exaggerated way that she can’t take seriously.
She tries not to feel disappointed. He’s always saying things like this, but she knows he’s smooth with the girls, and is pretty sure these lines come as easily as breathing to him. No reason to believe she’s special to him.
The way he gets flustered sometimes makes her think otherwise, though…
And for whom else has he sacrificed his precious time to make wrist warmers? She shifts her fingers, rubbing against the soft yarn. The fluttery feeling is back.
He’s picking up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
“Enjoy your nap,” she bids him, leaning against the doorway as he takes his leave.
“I’ll text you when I’m on my way back, in case you’re still here.”
“I might leave soon, but… text me when you’re hungry? We could grab food.”
“Sounds like a plan, Princess.”
Once he leaves, she removes the wrist warmers and places them atop the folded paper on the piano cover, gazing at them adoringly. They’ll be perfect for orchestra, and more importantly, Adrien made them. They’re now her favorite possession… besides her violin, a custom-ordered contemporary Guarneri copy that she still hasn’t paid off.
A few minutes pass before she can get into the right headspace to resume practicing, but when she does, the lively trills and runs of Mozart’s third concerto sing like never before.
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phcksh1tup-archived · 6 years
The android sneaks up and nuzzles into Gavins back, letting a squeak of a giggle slip through his lips. "..I'm hooome.." - c0nr800 (//EEEYYY BACK IN BUSINESS)
Gavin’s eyes widened as he felt the familiar touch and the sound of that voice he loved so much to hear. The detective turns to Connor, puts one of his hands on the other’s nape and pulls him closer. Pressing his lips against the other with love and need. Then pull away just a little, to give a big smile of happiness to his adorable beloved.
“Welcome back my sweet babe!”
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jyushifruit-moved · 7 years
I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH YOU ARE ALSO ONE OF MY DEAREST FRIENDS I THINK ABOUT YOU ON THE DAILY you are so good and so pure i Also enjoy reading the messages you send, i love hearing your thoughts and opinions on things and i cant believe im friends with someone famous I WOULD WALK ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY TO MEET YOU
im sorry im just like reall y burned out ffrom the stuff below but know that i love you with mine whole heaert
how does the bastard orphan immigrant decorated war vet unite the colonies through more debt fight the other founding fathers till he has to forfeit have it all lose it all you ready for more yet treasury secretary washington’s the president every american experiment sets a precedent not so fast someone came along to resist him pissed him off until we had a two party system you havent met him yet you havent had the chance cause hes been kickin ass as the ambassador to france well someones gotta keep the american promise, you simply must meet thomas thomas thomas jeffersons coming hoooome thomas jeffersons coming hooooome thomas jeffersons coming hooome thomas jeffersons coming hooooome thomas jeffersons coming home lord hes been off in paris for so long aaaaaa-oooo aaaaaa-ooo france is followin us to revolution there is no more status quo but the sun comes up and the world still spins (aaaa-ooo) i helped lafayette draft a declaration then i said i gotta go i gotta be in montecello and now the work at home begins (aaaa-ooo) SO WHATD I MISS? WHATD I MISS? VIRGINIA MY HOME SWEET HOME I WANNA GIVE YOU A KISS (mwah) IVE BEEN IN PARIS MEETIN LOTS OF DIFFERENT LADIES I GUESS I BASICALLY MISSED THE LATE EIGHTIES I TRAVELED THE WIDE WIDE WORLD AND CAME BACK TO THIS (aaaa-ooo) theres a letter on my desk from the president havent even put my bags down yet sally be a lamb darlin wont you open it it says the presidents assemblin a cabinet and that i am to be the secretary of state GREAT and im already senate approved i just got home and now im headed up to new york (heading to new york, heading to new yorK) lookin at the rolling fields i cant believe that we are free ready to face whatevers awaiting me in NYC well whos waiting for me when i step in the place my friend james madison red in the face he grabs my arm and i respond ‘whats goin on?’ 
Thomas We Are Engaged In A Battle For Our Nation’s Very Soul Can You Get Us Out Of The Mess We’re In Hamilton’s New Financial Plan Is Nothing Less Than Government Control I’ve Been Fighting For The South Alone Where Have You Been? 
uhhhh france? 
We Have To Win 
missster jefferson welcome hoooMISTER JEFFERSON ALEXANDER HAMILTON
mister jefferson welcome hooome mister jefferson welcome home sir youve been off in paris for so loooooong
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You’ve been matched with...
@arashino This one is a little more serious considering who the character in question is. :’D You didn’t list him as a character you didn’t want to be matched with so hopefully this is okay.
Well the scenario’s not serious because.....idk ?__?
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I feel like you’d be a good match for Akechi! The fact that you’re not someone who only maintains a single, constant demeanor is definitely a good thing for this boy; he’s not the most in tune with his controlling his emotions and all of those self-deprecating thoughts that haunt him, so having someone who can be sweet but also bold enough to go against him when needed is vital. He can be stubborn with some of those fixed beliefs of his, so he requires a person who can fight back with their own viewpoints and tear down those walls that he’s constructed. Akechi tends to hold people at a distance at first, but if you persist in staying close to him and showing him that you genuinely care, then you may find yourself gradually breaking through that carefully tailored mask. He’s definitely a very difficult person to “crack”—he’ll become very resistant and conflicted, even if a large part of him wants to accept the idea of a relationship—but he is a highly loyal and protective individual if you manage to get through. Akechi has a pretty good read on people (when it doesn’t concern himself, anyway). He’ll likely quickly pick up that you can be sensitive when others critique your flaws, and so he’d be careful to avoid doing so. If something does come up that he wants to discuss with you though, he’d approach it in a tactful manner; his desire in this case would not be to point things out for the sake of making you all the more aware of your flaws, but to help you grow past your insecurities.  If it is something that can be changed and you express the desire to try, he will be there to help you grow and improve; if it’s something that is an unchangeable part of yourself, he will simply acknowledge that everyone has their own virtues and flaws. He will accept you in the same manner that he hopes that you accept him despite all of his own shortcomings. It also means a great deal to him if you are willing to help him improve; he knows that there’s little he can do about what he’s done, but perhaps with your help he can at least be guided to a better path. He honestly doesn’t mind too much if you’re a little clingy; it’d be one thing if it was with an acquaintance or someone who he doesn’t particularly like, but it’s another if it’s someone who is cdear to him. If anything, your clinginess may even serve to reassure the boy that he is loved and appreciated, something that he has never really felt in his life. You probably should expect him to be a little clingy in return, though! Akechi will be careful not to be so to the point where it’s overbearing (I feel like he’d have insecurities about driving you away), but he’d definitely make sure to stick close to you when you’re out together.
HCs (w/ Akechi)
He prefers to have quiet evenings with you above all else. Cuddling side by side on the couch while you’re both reading books is his ideal way to unwind with you, particularly if it’s been a long and stressful day at work. Sometimes he doesn’t mind if there’s some soft music playing as well, so if you happen to be writing on a laptop or something beside him, he may request that you put something on.
Speaking of music, if he’s feeling particularly playful, he might put something on and then sweep you up in a dance. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a good dancer or not—sometimes it’s just fun to twirl around, and although Akechi usually isn’t the silly type, this is probably one of those situations where you really get to see his more carefree side come out.
When you’re out in public, you may find that Akechi will reach for and hold your hand. It helps him feel secure and happy knowing that you’re near, and he usually does this subconsciously. If you point it out early on in your relationship, he may immediately drop your hand and apologize, but if you are comfortable with the physical affection, then it absolutely becomes a frequent occurrence for him to lace your fingers together.
Some days will be hard. This boy has got a lot of things going on, and even though your relationship would make him happier than anything he can recall, it won’t repair every single crack. Patience is important here alongside making sure to acknowledge everything that he’s done wrong. Akechi doesn’t desire to fix or dismiss what he’s done, but he does want to seek out ways to grow and improve for not only his own sake, but yours as well.
HCs (w/ Phantom Thieves)
Futaba will be your anime/game, glasses wearing, and nerdy rambling friend! In all seriousness though, it seems like you two would get along pretty well in terms of both your personality and your hobbies. Whether you go to hang out at her place or she goes to yours, weekly anime viewing or video gaming sessions are definitely a thing! Akechi is a little intimidated by her (and the hacking skills he knows she possesses) but is grateful to know that you have a close friend to spend time with.
Makoto is your go-to friend when you have something to discuss about books or what you’ve been writing recently! She has a ton of great book recommendations, and is always eager to learn of new things to pick up and read herself. She’s also always willing to provide you with a listening ear if you ever feel the need to rant about anything, and is just the kind of level-headed person who gives you great advice.
I feel like Ann would be fantastic friend for you! She’s so friendly and easy-going that I think it’d be easy to relax around her, and she’s also someone who is fairly empathetic and knows when to tread carefully lest she accidentally hurt someone with her words. She’d be the type of person to encourage you to come out of your shy shell more and be comfortable with yourself, though it’s not something that she pushes if you’re obviously resistant.
Short scenario:
Futaba swings by to play video games with you, and Akechi is awkward.
Akechi going to work on Sunday was not common, but also not entirely unheard of either. It had been disappointing to know that the two of you wouldn’t be able to spend the day together as you wanted to, but you acknowledged that little could be done about that; work is work, after all. Still, the prospect of spending the day doing nothing but laze around on your lonesome didn’t sound particularly appealing, so you decided to fire a message off to your friend. Futaba, who had responded almost immediately, agreed that a gaming session sounded like fun and let you know that she’d be there within the hour. Thirty minutes later, there the two of you were, perched on the couch with your controllers in hand. Futaba was jamming hard at the buttons, as if believing that the intensity of her button-smashing would directly result how strong her character’s attacks were. To be fair, you thought that that wasn’t a totally unreasonable assumption; she was absolutely dominating the enemy units, and you even momentarily stopped playing yourself to watch her character in action. “Geez, Futaba! How on earth are you doing this so easily?” Her lips spread into a wide grin, her eyes flashing from behind her glasses.“Hehehe, I’ll never reveal my secrets!” “Aw, come on!” The two of you proceeded to engage in a silly, mock bicker, only to stop when you both heard the door open. “I’m back!” Akechi’s voice called out, the slight breathlessness in his voice betraying the fact that he must have ran, “I rushed through everything as quickly as I could so that I could come back and—“ “Welcome hooome~” Before you could respond, Futaba had paused the game and turned, peering out from over the back of the couch as she called out a greeting. You turned then too to see that Akechi had froze, one leg half-raised as he had been about to remove his shoes. His eyes were slightly wide, but he was quick to collect himself, straightening up. “Oh, Futaba-san, hello. I…I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” “Well,” Futaba answered, propping her elbows up on the back of the couch and setting her face in her hands, “Your girlfriend was getting bored without you around so we decided a gaming session was an order!” Akechi turned to look at you at that, but he didn’t seem upset—at least, not at you. That guilty look was one that you were rather well acquainted with, and you knew that a talk and some cuddling later tonight would be an order. “I didn’t think you’d be back so quickly,” you offered in apology, “But why don’t you join us?” The boy’s brows shot up. “Er, would that…truly be alright? I don’t know anything about games, and I wouldn’t want to interrupt.” Futaba rolled her eyes. “Psh, we wouldn’t have invited you if you were interrupting! Now come here, young grasshopper, and let us introduce you to the world of video games!” She wriggled her fingers at him, and then scooted over on the couch so that there would be room between the two of you for Akechi. You could see him hesitate. With a smile, you beckoned him over with a hand. After another beat, Akechi slowly removed his shoes and jacket, walked in, and stiffly sat down between the two of you. You slid your controller into his hand, and watched as he stared at it blankly and then slowly looking up at the screen. “O-okay, what do I need to do?” The rest of the day was spent watching as Futaba absolutely dominated your poor boyfriend in every single game you played. You had wondered a few times if you should step in, but the light you had seen in Akechi’s eyes made you stop.
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