#//wb hon!
victoriadallonfan · 2 years
Thoughts on Victoria x Lisa?
Victoria x Lisa is so funny to me because like... they absolutely would never ever ever date. The idea would never cross their minds, because their pride/egos/orientations (Lisa being ace and possibly aro) would get in the way.
They have that vibe, ya know? Like, if you watched them from a distance, with no knowledge of their history you'd think, "Oh, they totally dated in the past".
They are absolutely, absurdly catty with each other, but then you'll also see them enjoying light teasing, or pet names (honey and hon are TT's faves) or comforting each other with words and physical contact.
This only increases by the end of the story, where Vic has just accepted TT as her (Not) Friend and TT is literally too shy to admit how much she cares about Victoria (even though she is making sure Vic will never have to worry about her abuser ever again out of the goodness of her heart).
And people notice! Sveta wonders why Vic gives TT so much leeway, Imp constantly jokes that Vic and TT are flirting/an item, and even Vic is like, "Yeah, we are both Ex-Wives".
It's not even that they are physically attracted to each other (Lisa makes several remarks about not caring about how attractive Vic is; She's grossed out by potential nudes that Teacher might leak, the idea of Vic and Anelace hooking up, and the "I don't care about your boobs" joke in the final arc), or emotionally attracted to each other either (Vic really does not like how TT handles the kids sometimes or any sign of emotional weakness really)...
It's just that they have such a vibe that you could imagine that they had some sort of fling or something that went down in the past, and now they are just in this... Ex-Wife, (Not) Friend, limbo state of being.
I kind of wonder if WB ever considered making them like... actually an item or broach that relationship, before deciding it worked a lot better for them to be Respected Partners.
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phcksh1tup-archived · 6 years
The android sneaks up and nuzzles into Gavins back, letting a squeak of a giggle slip through his lips. "..I'm hooome.." - c0nr800 (//EEEYYY BACK IN BUSINESS)
Gavin’s eyes widened as he felt the familiar touch and the sound of that voice he loved so much to hear. The detective turns to Connor, puts one of his hands on the other’s nape and pulls him closer. Pressing his lips against the other with love and need. Then pull away just a little, to give a big smile of happiness to his adorable beloved.
“Welcome back my sweet babe!”
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Drawn for me by the wonderful @dymitre. Thanks hon!! 💙💚
Riley Cadherin is mine. Osmosis Jones belongs to WB.
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alipeeps · 5 years
Wei Ying’s expression is tight and unhappy, his entire body held rigidly away from Lan Zhan.
He doesn’t look at Lan Zhan as he says, “You don’t have to worry, Lan Zhan, I’m never going to touch you.”
The distaste in Wei Ying’s voice makes Lan Zhan’s blood run cold.
“Just because our families have arranged this marriage, we don’t have to be together… like that…” Wei Ying’s mouth twists unpleasantly. “It can be a marriage in name only. A…” he swallows, looking like he might be sick, “…a business arrangement.”
So hey @sarah-yyy, I only went and wrote you a fic!
This was 100% inspired by your awesome WB-verse fics because it turns out angsty mutual pining/misunderstanding is like 1000% my jam and I love your stories so much! This was meant to be a birthday fic for you but it is horrendously late because, yet again, it turns out I am congenitally incapable of being concise! I would love to be able to craft short, perfectly-worded, feels-inducing ficlets the way you do but I just can’t, no matter how I try. So here, have 10,000 words of mutual pining angst instead! :D
This fic was also based on a prompt from a list of Arranged Marriage prompts (which I have promptly lost!) and the prompt I chose from the list was “You don’t have to worry, I’m never going to touch you.”
It should be noted that I don’t write ship fic. Like, ever. I write whump. I have verrrrry occasionally written smut. And I have once written fluff. I have never written an actual ship fic and I blame the fact that I am now doing so entirely on a) The Untamed, b) Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, and c) you! :D
I also need to thank @stebeee for cheering me on with this fic when it seemed like it would never end and for giving it a speedy partial beta-read for me. :)
Anyway, happy belated birthday hon, I hope you enjoy the fic.
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malicemismanager · 5 years
Been a while since you updated any fic. Is everything okay? I hope so, I love your writing! And if it's not (or even if it is lol) then *hug*
Aw thanks, hon! It's been pretty up and down, but it's not that bad atm. I've actually had the first draft of WB written for weeks, I just need to do some editing (and try to write myself out of the corner I got myself into with a future chapter but that's neither here nor there XD). But mostly the impromptu hiatus is because I've just been busy with other things that have snagged my attention. Focus has been pretty fickle lately, because of course. 🙄
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hcnnybcnny-archive · 6 years
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LEGAL NAME: Honey Bunny. ( Honey Lou Bunny is her unofficial ‘full’ name )
NICKNAME[S]: The Amazing Honey Bunny. Honey Bun / Hon ( Bugs ). Daisy Lou. Mrs. Bugs Bunny.
DATE OF BIRTH: May 2nd, 1942
AGE: 76 ( turning 77 this May! )
GENDER: Female.
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Her primary home is a small apartment on the outskirts of Toon Town. She lives there mostly to go to work as her waitress job / club singing job is nearby. She does have a multitude of burrows around the world, though.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: As a toon Honey has trained to be able to speak and understand multiple languages. We actually hear her speaking in Japanese for a couple of Japan-only Looney Tunes commercials she did alongside Bugs and Daffy!
EDUCATION: Honey actually did attend college as shown in her comics! We also see her as a college woman in some official art as well. I’m still headcanoning on what she went for. But I do know she took a dance class there and is shown a fascination with business / technology / literature so I imagine she must have a degree or two.
OCCUPATION: Adventurer. Waitress at a 50′s themed diner and current main performer at a human-based nightclub called the Recherche Club. ( Former Occupation: Far too many to list. Mains being a former toon celebrity from WB Studios, a Broadway / Opera singer, actress, toon model, lingerie model, etc. )
CRIMINAL RECORD: Does not have a criminal record but has committed a few minor crimes before. Mostly because she was forced or did so accidentally on her adventures.
LIKE[S]: Adventuring / traveling. Motorcycles. Fashion. Technology. Vehicles in general ( motorcycles, race cars, planes, boats, etc ). Sports / exercise / fitness. Skating ( rollerblading / ice skating ). Snowboarding.  Modeling. Fashion. Singing. Certified ‘shopaholic’.
DISLIKE[S]: Being called ‘Bugs in drag’ and being ignored for her other looks. Being called a ‘playboy bunny’ by men or people she performs for. Loud shrill noises.
FEAR[S]: Dip. Being picked up by humans without her permission. Being replaced.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Adventurous. Toon silliness ( has the remarkable optimistic nature and silliness most toons possess. aka: charismatic, charming, colorful, etc. ). Mischievous.  Guarded / distrustful ( routinely treated poorly by the studio she loved, was replaced, and had to face constant emotional abuse from people there to the point where she can barely trust those she loves out of fear of being hurt  ). Flighty ( always seeming to want to be on the move and gets bored in one spot if there too long ). Determined.
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N }
EYE COLOR: Blue ( sometimes green depending on the artist )
HEIGHT: 3’1” ( around 3’7” if you include her ears standing up ; sometimes appears around 4” because of heels she wears as well )..
WEIGHT: as a toon she weighs very light ( thanks toon physics! ). it’s why she can jump so high and can easily float on a parasol. she pretty much weighs next to nothing.
TATTOOS: Two actually! She has a skull and crossbones on her upper arm and a heart with an arrow through it on the top of her foot. She will always have her ‘lovers’ name on her foot as well under the heart depending on the verse.
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]: Candy Bunny,Sugar Bunny, Buttercup Bunny [ DECEASED BECAUSE OF DIP ], Spice Bunny, and Tootsie Bunny 
PARENT[S]:  Horatio Bunny. Designed for Honey’s comic debut 20 years after she was first inked. A lazy con artist type. His idea of fun is going to a Playbunny Club, sleeping on the couch, and demanding food. While he does have a good heart, plus is shown to highly support and encourage Bugs love of his daughter ( even in the comics giving Bugs advice ), he’s not exactly the ‘father of the year’ material. He tends to be weak and often will run from a fight. A mother was never mentioned.
CHILDREN:  Honey was supposed to have children with Bugs but they were never fully drawn. In her Dodgers verse she has 4 kids with the youngest being a infant.
PET[S]: A poodle she’s had since the 90′s called ‘Bee’.
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In mainverse she’s single as she’s the former ex-wife of Bugs. But she has a crush on a certain redhead ( @krupnick ) that she does her best to hide but she’s a dumb bun and constantly gives her feelings away. Wears her heart on her sleeve, she does!
tagged by: @krupnick ( ok i saw honey’s tag and i nyoom’d on it lmao ) tagging: take it :’)
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ohheyalex · 3 years
Hey beautiful lady! Happy New Year! 💜 I wanted to send some positivity your way. I’m really growing tired of the negativity on this app from the fandoms to people just existing… unless it’s warranted cause people are crazy! Anyways I’m so behind on the flash I haven’t watched the last two episodes. I’m about to give up… especially now with the possibility that the CW will no longer exist. They could’ve had people if they did things right but they haven’t. It’s sad cause I watched the WB and UPN growing up before the dumb merger. Anyways hope things are good for you if not then they will at some point. This life is beautiful but so damn heartless at the same time. Anyways much ♥️🙏🏾💜🥰 to you. Good for good people like you on here.
Happy New Year hon! 🥰
Aww this ask was so sweet of you!! Yea the negativity can be irritating to deal with and last year I was guilty in a way for even allowing myself to get swept up in it. But I finally just had enough and I decided to make my experience on here better and more enjoyable. So I’ve unfollowed anyone who I felt had a part in it and it was the best decision I could’ve ever made.
I don’t blame you at all, The Flash hasn’t been good since S3 and the new show runner is literally just making it worse. I mean if you’re bored and have nothing to watch then I’d say go ahead. I know I might come back to this season when it’s over because I have so many shows that I’m watching right now and that are way more interesting to me. Are you looking forward to Superman and Lois? I can’t wait for it since it’s coming back this week 🙌🏽
I heard about that and honestly I’m surprised it’s taken this long for them to sell it because the decisions they’ve made to cancel certain shows and keep others has made a lot of people not want to continue to watch their shows. Yes!! I also watched it when it was UPN and WB, they had great shows and it really just ruined the channel.
Again, thank you for sending this sweet message you’re always so positive and I appreciate it. I hope your year is filled with nothing but happiness 🥰💜
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gialailtd · 3 years
Ngân hàng Nhà nước: Kiều hối về Việt Nam hơn 12 tỷ USD
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Năm 2021, kiều bào gửi về nước khoảng 12,5 tỷ USD, tăng 10% so với năm ngoái nhưng vẫn thấp hơn mức dự báo 18 tỷ USD của WB. source https://vnexpress.net/ngan-hang-nha-nuoc-kieu-hoi-ve-viet-nam-hon-12-ty-usd-4409205.html via Blogger https://ift.tt/3EAX309
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 years
Head’s up, I don’t mean to start a fight or come off as rude, would just like some clarity.
Do you mean the Animaniacs fanbase, the 1993 show, the reboot, the Pinky and the Brain spinoffs or all of it?
It’s such a broad franchise with an equally broad fanbase, so I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint a specific flaw that isn’t already being discussed in some corner of the fandom. Like most Animaniacs fans I know (that mainly being teens and adults) are still actively critical of Animaniacs in one way or another.
The og Animaniacs. I have a whole schpeel I plan on doing why the 90s era WB stuff was not appealing to me- I never cared too much for it's fanbase more specifically which I think really overhyped the damn show into being the funniest thing in the universe and it's just...okay. To me, anyway. I don't find the Warner siblings appealing tbh.
Like South Park, it's a show which could be forgiveblly problematic if it's fanbase wasn't so gunho about this show having the answers to EVERYTHING.
That kinda attitude by fans kills the vibe and fun criticism to be had of any series tbh. For example, I adore Avatar: The Last Airbender both because it's good and I grew up with it, but I think people are so gung ho about some shows not living up to their monumentally huge Avatar standards and are just like 'well Avatar did this better because'- HON, stop using my fav to dunk on show's you don't like.
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qualitypeacedestiny · 3 years
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First time in Eastern India – 3 Year Bsc Hons in Digital Forensics What you will get: ·      All Faculties From Industry ·      MAKAUT, WB Partner Institute ·      100% Hands-On Practical ·      100% Placement Guarantee
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lol-jackles · 7 years
Oh, to be a fly on the wall with the brewery business....Jensen seems very happy lately. Think he has another project lined up already?
Gino: Making beer is fun.  I bet I can make buttload of money making beer, I can’t believe nobody thought of it!
Danneel: Jack hon, give my brother a brewery, K?
Jensen: He’s already sleeping on the couch what more do you want?
Danneel: To get him out of the house.  Walmart won’t let him back in after he ate all their helium.
Jensen:  Fine.  Hey #SPNATM… er, I mean #SPNFamily, the #SPNbrewery is gonna open in 2017. In spring!
Gino: Hey Jack, what is a business plan and how do you write it?
Jensen: make that opening in late spring.
Gino: the Alcohol and Tobacco Trade and Tax Bureau are bunch of mean fuckers!
Jensen: Summer.  WB’s brewery is gonna open this summer.
Gino: Holy smokey there are so many licenses required.  Like, we need all the licenses.  Did you know that even the tap room needs a license?
Jensen: I’m supposed to advertise this on the Ginger Giant show.  Fuck, where’s Jared, he’ll let me use his birthday to pimp the beer.
Gino: Wow this bill from the municipality wastewater treatment is huge.  Do we really need to clean so much?
Jensen: I’m about to go on the Kelly and backstabby Ryan show, are we or aren’t we ready to open?
Gino:  That reminds me, the health inspectors came by and they left looking kind of mad
Jensen: So Ryan, you’re looking good.
Ryan: where’s my goddamn beer you promised?  You owe me a keg back when we were roommates.
Jensen: December, you’ll get your goddamn keg in December.
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actuallyavo · 4 years
Hear me out,
A story about a narrator who is being narrated and is confused why, so they pull the reader into the story and they have to fight an evil non-binary person named Writes Block (writer's block) and when they do, WB turns into a bunch of flowers, creativity flowers. The narrator has to talk to the other narrator, because they felt a bit controlled by them. Both of the narrators come to terms with each other and improve. The narrator then lets the reader back into their own world and thanks them. The narrator then goes back into reality, with the other narrator there. Narrator 2 says "What cha writing, hon?" And Narrator 1 then proceeds to tell N2 about a crazy story they wanted to write. N2 sits down and listens, tearing up because N1 has been trying so hard to write a story, and now they have one. Months and months later, N1 finally publishes a book, and they look at the 4th wall, mouthing "Thank you."
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orchidcactus · 7 years
lady-halibuts-chambers replied to your post “I’ve been gone too long and need some help with basic Tumblr stuff…...”
WB hon!
fistfulofgammarays replied to your post “apocalisse replied to your post: I’ve been gone...”
Yes, welcome!
lindira replied to your post “I’ve been gone too long and need some help with basic Tumblr stuff…...”
AAAAHHH!! Welcome back!
Thank you all! I’m really happy to be back. :)
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
Joyce:  Hi, hon. How's it, uh, going with the talent show?
Buffy:  It'll be over soon.
Joyce: It can't be that bad! I, for one, am looking
forward to seeing your act.
Buffy:  Seeing? I-in the sense of actually attending?
Joyce:  Of course!
Buffy:  Uh-uh! No, Mom, y-y-you can't! And, I mean, if I know you're
out there watching, I'll freeze up, stage fright.
~~The Puppet Show~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Compromises (Giles/Jenny, G) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
The Angel Investigations Epic Bonding Pool Party (Angel/Lorne, G) by zahnie
The Mature Plan (Buffy/Angel, T) by GraceNM
The Adult Plan (Buffy/Angel, M) by GraceNM
Cosas que no cambian (Buffy/Spike, T, Spanish language) by delirante
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Any BTVS ship + strikhedonia (Buffy/Faith, G) by left-handed-moth
Xander and Oz: “It’s okay, dude. I got you.” (Xander, Oz, G) by daisys-quake
Fuffy 43 (Faith/Buffy, G) by daisys-quake
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(Five by) Five Kisses (Buffy/Faith, T) by dazliousdinosaur
Monitors (Giles/Jenny, T) by dazliousdinosaur
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Like Stone, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Angel, M) by Cornerofmadness
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Modern Domestic Bangel AU, Part 1 (Buffy/Angel, worksafe images) by anawkwardterrier
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Soft Whispers, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by prismdreams
Mina: The Vampire Slayer - The Watcher Diaries, Chapter 1 (OC, K) by Calidor
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Spikes Gift, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Sweetie88
Notes from the Hellmouth, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by All4Spike
Need a Second to Breathe, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Axell
Match Made on the Hellmouth, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Assthorn
Crazy Eights, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by spikes_heart
Unburied Hearts, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by fancyflautist
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: 30 Icons and 6 Banners - Dark Carnival Theme (worksafe) by fancyflautist
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Manip: Taake's Art again... and again and again and again... (worksafe) by Taake
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Artwork: Galactic Cannibalism (worksafe) by mercurys-niece
Manip: Men's Rights (Faith manip, worksafe) by elizadusku
Manip: We'll Be Okay (Buffy/Angel moodboard, worksafe) by stelenah-is-destiny
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Video: Here is a compilation of Giles getting annoyed because of Cordelia by lurkernotacreeper
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Video: Every Buffy Episode in Vines (likely nsfw) by fuliajulia
[Reviews & Recaps]
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A Buffy rewatch 3x06 Band Candy by ettadunham
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More Links than a Bag of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Reminder: Sunday, May 12th, is a free-for-all day by Seasonal Spuffy
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Help!! I run a podcast with my friend and... (request for The Body script) by buffythevampireslayerquote
[Fandom Discussions]
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Dance me to the end of Love (Buffy/Angel meta) by we-pay-for-everything
The added understanding of “Killed By Death” you get in “Normal Again”... by anarchxst
Here’s an idea: a Buffy spin-off called Kendra the Slayer Vampire... by bidet-of-evil
observations from browsing the annual fan surveys on r/buffy (n=300-ish) by impalementation
today’s mood: xander and oz talking about being bi.by daisys-quake
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Kennedy appreciation thread by Mylie
Angel Rewatch: 1.01 City Of by nightshade
Top 3 Buffyverse couples by PaulParmar1
Discussion of Angel #0 - Released 4/17/19 (Boom! Studios) by Buffy Summers
How come Michelle Blake and Holly Charleston won the Homecoming Queen crown in the "Homecoming" episode by Buffyfan69
Discussion of 2.04 "Inca Mummy Girl" - Aired 10/6/1997 (WB-US) by Willow Rosenberg
Discussion of 2.07 "Darla" - Aired 11/14/2000 (WB-US) by VisionGirl
Willow and Tara Graphic Novel by nightshade
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Tom Lenk is more than one character by curryrye
My wife was under heavy medication today and... by themickeym
Buffy and Faith by Samof94
Rowan and Kennedy are the worst by Nicki_cam
Buffy Season 8 Continuity Error? (Comics Spoilers Ahead!) by YouCanPutItInMyVideo
Angel 0 is the first time in years ive gone out of my way for a single comic. What do you guys think by DyslexicSantaist
Rewatching Buffy for the third time and ended up at the worst episode for Mother's Day. by trekpeddler
Hulu should have the option for me to add Buffy and Angel to a playlist where it alternates between by chibipan222
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Kickstarter Spotlight: Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer – BtVS Style Afropunk Period Comic by NerdBastards
PUBLICATION: BOOM! to Collect Rare and Out-of-Print Comics in Angel Legacy Edition by Bleeding Cool
PUBLICATION: How Buffy the Vampire Slayer Inspired Marvel's Cloak and Dagger's Action Sequence by TV Guide
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robbialy · 6 years
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Sexualundervisning är inte självklart i de polska skolorna, och när några föräldrar nyligen donerade en pedagogisk bok om Snigeln Sam("sam" betyder ensam på polska!!) till skolbiblioteket i Olsztyn blev det problem. Sam är som andra sniglar hermafrodit, och skolstyrelsen ansåg att inte det lämpligt att barnen skulle göras uppmärksamma på att sniglar är pojke och flicka på samma gång. Skolstyrelsen ansåg boken så skadlig att man upprepade gånger skickade iväg inspektörer som skulle kontrollera att inget exemplar av Snigeln Sam smugit sig in bland andra böcker på hyllorna. Rektorn fick besked om att det är skolstyrelsen som bestämmer vilka böcker barn ska få läsa, och att det ju finns en förteckning som skolorna kan välja från. Boken handlar om Sam, som inte vet om hen är en han eller en hon. Hen skäms och drar sig tillbaka i sitt skal, men får så småningom kontakt med skolpsykologen som löser hens problem. Och Sam träffar an apfamilj med en mamma och flera pappor, en fisk som har bytt kön och en familj med två storkar (manliga) och två ekorrar (kvinnliga) som tillsammans uppfostrar sitt barn. Vi ville visa läsarna att det finns olika modeller för familjebildning i naturen, säger författarna Maria Pawłowska och Jakub Szamałek. Ju tidigare vi får veta att alla inte lever på samma sätt, desto bättre. Skolstyrelsen var emellertid av annan åsikt. Historien påminner om hur kommunfullmäktige i en polsk stad för fem år sedan stoppade uppförandet av Nalle Puh som lekskulptur i en park. För björnen har ju ingenting på underkroppen. (kobieta.onet.pl och wB mars 19) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bumt5BYBWXhx7V2rj2I2WPWpTad7iCSQp-RAhA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10btfzsstokhz
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clark3wayne · 6 years
I feel you, hon'... the news is heartbreaking and it's taking everything inside of me not to scream in frustration. We've lost amy adams, we've lost zack snyder, we've lost ben affleck and I just... the least WB can do is release the snyder cut, if only to allow the fans to say goodbye to the characters and give them a sense of closure.
The Snyder Cut would be absolutely amazing, but I don’t think we’re ever gonna get it, nonny :s I hope I’m wrong, I really do, but releasing the movie now (a movie that was supposed to be part of a JL trilogy ) when they’re trying to erase Snyder’s imprint on the dceu isn’t the smartest thing to do.
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