#and wednesday clearly shows that
theg4ycousin · 1 year
I like to study to soundtracks, so I've been obsevively listening to the Wednesday soundtrack.
Now, I am no music expert - I'm a scientist, so the furthest from music expert you can get - but! if you listen carefully and enough times, you can start seeing a trend in the songs that involve in some way Wednesday and Enid interactions.
I don't really know how to explain it, because again, I'm not a musician, but they are softer? like the music is always more on the high notes than the low notes (I can distinguish that, tyvm), and it's like a softer tempo - to be honest most of the time they sound like lullabies or something like that.
I'm pretty sure it was on purpose because it is not possible that they all sound kinda the same but not really, just enough to end up recognizing the pattern. Now, I don't know if they did it to show something in particular or just to establish a theme for the relationship between Enid and Wednesday, but I think it's worth looking into.
Moreso, when you listen to the song for the first kiss between Wednesday and Tyler (it's literally called "First Kiss") and you see how rough that song starts almost like any other "Enid/Wednesday" song, but ends up sounding way rougher, almost like a chase song.
tldr:: I need someone that actually understands music to help me analyze the soundtrack of Wednesday because it's also telling a story and I want to decipher what it is.
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cirque-dhomosexual · 21 days
Hey um? So you wavier (and other ship of the guy I can't remember) fans (if you exist???) Yall do realize if Netflix had an issue with the content of the book they would've a) not have employed the author or b) made them rewrite it, right? Like, are yall aware of the editorial and commission process????
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luntiian · 2 years
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hi hello marites enid and yoko doodle
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sizzy-ling · 2 years
i feel like certain people purposefully overlook the fact that after Wednesday, the Hyde/Tyler is our second main protagonist...
i feel like they purposefully overlook the fact that the show has been building up the lore of Hydes since almost day one and that the overall arc of the show is linked with Hydes and how by they end of the series the rest of the Outcast society will be, for the first time in like ever, ready to accept Hydes as a part of them..
i also feel like certain people purposefully overlook the fact that Wednesday and Tyler's story is not yet done, otherwise why would the stalker sent her a photo of the two of them, along with the rest of the photos they sent.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
Happy WW! I have to pick your brain about established relationship wincest, because I agree it has a lot of untapped potential. Like, other the years how much does “brotherly-ness” go down, and “romantic partner-ness” go up? When was The Moment that they realized there really wasn’t going to be another outside relationship, that it could be them until the end? On the flip side, with canon, how much does Sam wonder "it could have been different with us"? Bc thinking about Dean II makes me so sad!
happy wincest wednesday!! (we enjoy wincest on all the days, it's fine)
So -- I'm taking a slightly different tack at this, but I think that with a lot of married/long-term romantic partners, the sibling-ness goes up a lot over time. Once you're out of the fresh lovey-dovey stage when flowers stop puking out of the beloved's eyes every time you look at them, it's like -- okay, so you have a long-form relationship with this person where you know a ton of their background and secrets; you've been together long enough that you act like each other in certain ways and share lots of in-jokes and common language; you find each other irritating in some ways but also fun in others, and you tease each other about some stuff and joke about some stuff and some stuff you just have to ignore/roll your eyes about for the sake of the house (unless you're those shitty siblings who insist on picking fights about every little thing). And like... that's Sam and Dean.
Now, adding in actual romance of course makes it different, but the thing is that they're starting pre-equipped with all of the intimacy and long-worn grooves of knowing each other that a married couple doesn't get until they've been married twenty years -- but Sam and Dean have that already! In the new-relationship era I can obv see a jitteriness destabilizing them some -- let's imagine for the sake of argument that they aren't hatefucking to start and instead it's a relatively nice coming-together (and coming, together) -- and so maybe there's a little period where they kind of don't know what to do with each other. But then Sam still farts in the car after a burrito and Dean still sings warbly and off key in the shower and they know each other, so the fact that they're also learning about each other's dicks can't wreck all that history. And, honestly, on the "romance" side of things -- while they maybe can be softer with each other, show a more tender side, get the benefit of lowered-barriers that pillow talk etc might bring -- I absolutely 100% cannot see them, like, "dating." Sam's not gonna pull Dean's chair out at a fancy restaurant they've inexplicably gone to, and Dean's not going to ask Sam to go on the ferris wheel except as a joke. They're going to keep doing the things they always did, because they are brothers and they aren't somehow awkwardly shoving that relationship into a romcom box -- they're gonna go on a hunt and to a pie fest and to the movies, and they'll act just like they always did, but maybe with handjobs after. That's what makes it *interesting* that it's an incestuous relationship, you know?
As far as The Moment -- that obviously depends on how you're writing the incesty bits, but in honest to g canon I think it's at very different speeds. Honestly, I think Dean's there about midway through s1, but it's obviously cemented after the thing with Lisa blows up (with the caveat that I'm not sure he believes Sam can feel the same until s10); for Sam, I think it takes until s11, really, because he's always looked outward -- asking Dean if he ever considers anything else, and then not arguing when Dean blows off the question -- and really sitting there in his life like, yeah. Yeah, I think this could be it. And it feels like a peaceful realization, and that point, and not the curse he might've considered it in s1 or 3 or 9.
(Sorry, I can't quite parse the last question w/r/t Dean II etc, but hopefully that's enough wincest to be going on with.)
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
im so tired of literally everything being a reboot or a remake or revival or sequel or whatever nowadays. i dont always hate that sort of thing i can name some adaptations and reboots and stuff that i like but so many of these things arent even GOOD adaptations and the companies making them either wont make anything else or wont bother to promote any of their original shows or movies and to top it all off so many original and unique things get cancelled while the endless pool of disney live action remakes and shitty adaptations continues to grow. i cannot do this anymore velma was the final straw it looks so bad
#the fact that the owl house got a shortened final season while velma is allowed to exist makes me want to explode people with my mind#velma just looks really bad in general tbh regardless of whether or not its connected to scooby doo#but part of what makes it so bad is that it clearly wasnt written with the scooby doo characters in mind#they just put them there because theyre popular and people will watch the show for them#or maybe that wasnt their intention. but from the clips ive seen it certainly feels like it was#also people are gonna kill me for this one but. i feel similarly about wednesday.#it feels like they just wrote a show completely separate from the addams family and slapped wednesday addams onto it so ppl would watch it#and like i understand and am ok with the fact that reboots and adaptations will sometimes have different takes on the characters#im Literally a sonic fan. who likes the games and the comics and the movies and the shows. of course i know that.#but. idk. something about the shows i just mentioned#doesnt feel like a reimagining of an existing thing or an adaptation that changes a few things#it feels like something that wasnt even written with those characters in mind they were just put in there for money reasons#also the comment about original things getting cancelled isnt about insidej ob or whatver its called idk anything about that show#just felt the need to clarify since. a lot of people are mad about that rn and i thought people might asssume i was talking about that
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itwoodbeprefect · 8 months
pran's laughing complaint that "i hear this song in every café i go to. i'm sick of it" really gets a whole different layer of meaning now that i, too, have finally cottoned on to the fact that the song pat is goofily playbacking at pran is nanon's, and that is in fact pran's voice doing some neat fourth wall breaking music promotion as it's coming from the speakers of pat's sponsored car
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wild-aloof-rebel · 2 years
What shows do you think David binges? (Besides Downton Abbey) Patrick? I know a lot of fics have Patrick watching sports all the time but surely he must watch other things.
it's a good question, but i don't know that i really have an answer for you. i imagine that, like for most of us, it's a mix of things—some of what's popular, some old favorites, some that's comforting, some that's good background noise, some that they get invested in and have to watch every week rather than waiting to binge later. what we know of david's tastes in tv/film clearly covers ground both conventionally popular and artsy: downton abbey, romantic comedies, french dramas, etc. personally i feel like he isn't a fan of celebrity/rich people reality shows, like real housewives, etc., because the reminders of his old life probably aren't things he finds particularly entertaining (nor do i think patrick would like thinking about david living that kind of life either). and i think they both would prefer to watch things that aren't about people stuck being miserable or being awful to one another or whatever. but that still leaves lots of tv that they could enjoy, together or separately. i'm not the ideal person to come up with an answer beyond that though because i tend to rewatch things a lot rather than watching new stuff, so i don't have a great "library" of potential answers to pick from here, and also because i spend half the year watching almost nothing but baseball. but that brings me to a second discussion point...
i do think patrick watches other things, but i think it also should not be underestimated just how much sports there is to watch. in particular, i think most people who aren't baseball fans don't realize just how many games there are because no other team sports play as much or as often. each major league team plays 162 games over the course of 187 days, with games averaging a length of 3 hrs and 3 mins last season. so even if patrick only watches baseball and only really one team, that's still basically 6 months straight of 3 hours a night that is available to watch, and that's just the regular season; if a team is in the postseason and makes it all the way to the world series, you can add about a month more to that.
now, DOES patrick actually watch every one of those games? probably not. for one thing, some are day games while he's at work. but also the way that he and david discuss both the game itself and david's participation in watching it during "moira rosé" seems to indicate that it is not a frequent occurrence for david to be present during a game. they aren't entirely living together by then, but clearly they still spend enough time at patrick's place that david has clothes in a large section of the shelves in patrick's bedroom, so i think it would be safe to assume that they frequently spend evenings together but not watching games. i suppose david could be doing something else instead of paying attention (which is probably true at least sometimes), but for two people who really seem like they can't get enough of one another, it feels unlikely to me that they're spending half the year ignoring each other for several hours each night lol. therefore, my guess would be that patrick mostly just watches games on the nights that david doesn't spend at his place. but i do think it's perfectly valid if people want to say patrick watches sports all the time (especially if we're only talking about what he watches when he's on his own) because, as i said, there is a lot of it to watch.
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eggjaculations · 1 year
i hate when people say certain media is “relentlessly Gen Z” i guarantee you it is not considering i’m in the oldest range of Gen Z and im 24. we haven’t had enough time to get our grimy little hands on anything and ruin it yet. blame millennials for leaning on iphones in mystery shows. me and my friends are all penpals.
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writeouswriter · 2 years
My god it’s killing me who on earth does the roommate in the new Wednesday show look like I swear I’ve seen this character in something else not necessarily the same actress just the exact same character appearance down to a tee the short blond hair the cheery bubble gum style the fuzzy pink outfits and hat the everything unless it’s just Disney channel personified idk it’s killing me like is it a Disney character who are they they look so so familiar
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hillerska-official · 2 years
Okay I just finished Wednesday and I enjoyed it, it was fun and I liked a lot of the characters, but I have 2 semi related gripes regarding the last episode.
I cant say the plot twist of who it was in the end didn't make sense - it was obviously carefully planned, and the actual story lines up fine, but I felt like there was something lost in execution. They spent so much energy setting up their red herrings that they didn't bother to set anything up for the truth beyond the very basic facts, which means it was SHOCKING, absolutely, but it wasn't satisfying in the way I'd hope for a plot twist to be. There's no sense of following along at home, we as viewers are just led very firmly in each direction instead of investigating with Wednesday, which I think makes for a much more engaging story. (Maybe this was on purpose for some reason relating to Wednesdays own tunnel vision, but I think that tunnel vision could have been shown perhaps even better by having the viewer exist outside of it, able to see when Wednesday is missing or ignoring something.)
It's also clear now that they intend, should it be renewed, to go the direction of a romantic plot between Xavier and Wednesday, but I don't think it can be well done anymore because they spent so much of his story setting him up as a red herring to both the viewer and Wednesday that they didn't have any time to develop and actual relationship or chemistry. Tyler is, in terms of a love triangle, 'out of the way,' but he was the one they actually set up chemistry and an interesting dynamic with (and even that I was so so on tbh). Now the only relationships Wednesday has which have actually been developed are with Enid and Eugene, so if they INSIST upon romance (which I dont think is necessary at all, but obviously what they intend to happen) it would make a lot more sense to go with Enid (given Eugene is very explicitly associated with Pugsley). But that's not what's gonna happen because comphet is being imposed from on high, so the lead ends up with the boy who isnt evil and is tall, despite there being little to no effort being put into actually writing a positive relationship between them.
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coolspacequips · 2 years
Just watched ep1 of Wednesday and I'm so charmed by it, except for these fuckign... White boys.... I'm already fast asleep whenever they talk, like seriously the prospect of watching them lukewarm their way thru this season is a huge deterrent from watching the rest but I like Wednesday SO MUCH that I'll try. For her...
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seakrisp · 2 years
I do love the idea of the first season of Wednesday being about Wednesday getting accustomed to the school and ends up having her own fun and starts to enjoy being there. Then the next season being more focused on her relationship with friends and maybe discovering more about herself she didn't knew she had in her. and so on and so fourth
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youssefguedira · 1 year
look i just think that if your show is going to try and portray your character as a good fencer (and by this i mean ACTUAL fencing. i give fantasy swordfighting the benefit of the doubt unless it's particularly stupid) a la lockwood and co, hawk eye, wednesday, etc, you've GOT to a) at least understand what the rules are, even if roughly and b) at LEAST understand what the swords LOOK like.
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thedailybullshit · 1 year
“I will never fall in love, or be a housewife, or have a family.”
Wednesday if you’re asexual you can just say that.
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llama--plumbobsims · 2 years
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