#and was going back for abuto
firedragon1321 · 3 months
Dominating the Shinkalion tag with 0 note shitposts like a boss.
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landofsamurai · 28 days
Being a Vice Commander is Hell
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During this trip, all Kamui has done is talk to that damn earth girl. At the very least, Abuto was harassed by him a lot less. But usually he'd make everyone do a lot of sparring, given his obsession with strength, and wanting everyone to follow that ideal.
But no. Since the minute the girl came onboard, ALL the commander's attention was on her. It was as if no one else existed They were also really touchy feely with each other. Hugging, hand holding, cheek kissing. . . .
Not to mention he was pretty sure he heard Kamui call her cute and beautiful about a million times.
Yet were only best friends. They were both idiots actually. Especially after making everyone else witness this disaster.
When they finally did part from each other, it was only when Namida had went to the bathroom. Although, when that happened Kamui looked over at him. Abuto immediately looked away, noticeably sweating since he knew what was about to happen.
''A-b-u-t-o ~!'' His commander said his name with such a cheery sing-song tone it genuinely gave Abuto chills down to his core. The vice commander looked over at Kamui with a look of dread.
''What is it? Finally stopped flirting with that earth girl?'' Abuto questioned, though he noticed the smile immediately dropping from Kamui's expression which was never good.
''What did you two talk about when you bumped into her on earth?'' He got right to the point, not even acknowledging what Abuto said.
''Are you afraid of me stealing your girl or something?'' Abuto questioned with a quirk brow.
''Answer the question.''
An annoyed sigh breathed past the vice commander's lips, ''I happened to encounter her during an errand I was running, saw you two talking, and when she was alone I warned her you was too dangerous to be around.''
Kamui looked at him skeptically, ''Errand? The hell kind of business would you have to take care of on Earth anyway?''
A silence persisted between the two, just staring at each other.
A forced, and very pissed off smile was back on Kamui's face. ''Abuto, you know I hate liars. Are you trying to make me more mad?''
Kamui was unfortunately really good at seeing through lies, which Abuto absoutely hated. So there was no choice but to be honest. ''Me and the other guys were curious on what you were always doing when we came to earth, since we figured out it wasn't solely just to see your sister. So one day I followed you, and that's when I saw you and that girl.''
Kamui was quiet after hearing that, his sapphire gaze looking up at Abuto.
Abuto was currently counting the seconds. . . . .
1.... 2....3....4.....5.....
There it was, he felt Kamui's fist collide into his face. A feeling he's grown pretty accustomed to. At the very least, he only staggered back instead of completely falling to the ground this time around.
''I don't want you alone with her again, ever. If you go against what I say, I'll seriously kill you.'' The murderous intent behind those blue eyes managed to instill unease into Abuto.
''During this trip, I want her all to myself. You and no one else is going to ruin that for me. She's my best friend. And only mine. I don't care how dangerous you think I am.''
What was this character type? Oh yeah, a yandere. Except, the yandere in question didn't realize he was crazily in love with his so called best friend.
Abuto clutched his now swollen cheek, ''As if I'd be stupid enough to try anything with a girl you're fawning over.''
Anyone would have to be insane to do something like that. But this girl was insane as well for involving herself with someone like this.
The biggest idiot wasn't Kamui.
It was Namida.
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youatemylollipop · 1 year
Reaction of Otae, Tsukki and Abuto with a partner that took the initiative and kissed them first? Scenario or headcanons, as you prefer. Thanks!
A/N: I’m sad bc I couldn’t find any pictures of a flustered Abuto.😔 Oh, and btw, I kinda made the theme “first kiss”, since it was the first thing that came to mind.
Ft: Abuto, Shimura Tae & Tsukuyo (Gintama).
Part Two: Kamui & Okita Sougo ➵ Gintama
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➸ Abuto is a very laid-back individual. The guy’s gotta have nerves made of steel in order to deal with his bloodthirsty commander on a daily basis. So it’s pretty hard to take this man by surprise.
➸ He is—if I remember correctly—somewhere in his early thirties. This means that he must’ve had his fair share of relationships. Because let’s be realistic, Abuto does in fact hold a certain charm to him that has most people drooling over him. Not only is he attractive, but also very chill and a good conversationalist as well. 
➸ But here’s the deal. His s/o is not just any other person. In fact, they’re the person who had somehow managed to catch the yato’s attention and made him actually want to enter a serious relationship with them.
➸ After all, as a member of the Harusame pirates, there is no wonder that the man preferred to keep everything casual before they had entered his life. In fact, there’s a high probability that his s/o was a member of the Harusame pirates themselves.
➸ If not, then Abuto would make sure to visit them whenever he could. But I doubt that a relationship like that would’ve lasted too long.
➸ It’s just that Abuto has this sense of responsibility and can’t just leave Kamui without any supervision. Even tough his presence might not provide any major changes, it still has a certain impact on the young commander.
➸ I’m blabbering, aren’t I? Let’s get back to the kiss.
➸ I believe that Abuto and his s/o had only entered the first stage of their relationship at this point. Since Abuto has never had any experience when it comes to romantic relationships, aside from casual affairs with random people.
➸ So the amanto probably figured that the best course of action would be to take things at a rather slow pace. And this applies especially if his s/o had never been in a relationship before either.
➸ This man is very respectful when it comes to his s/o’s boundaries and will make sure that they’re comfortable 24/7. But I guess that the downside of this is that he had not even once attempted to make a move on his s/o yet.
➸ Well… At least, that was what his lack of action had been indicating so far. And that is why his s/o had decided to take matters into their own hands.
It had gone a few months since you and Abuto had officially started dating and due to the affiliation with the Harusame, you had not exactly much spare time to go on a proper date. Especially with how adventure seeking his superior could be at times—which was practically always. So it was particularly hard to find an empty schedule for the older yato.
You were glad, though, since today it was finally going to happen. Perhaps you were being a bit mean and it wasn’t very nice to be happy about the vermillion haired amanto’s sickness. The younger had apparently eaten some bad food at one of the planets that their ship had been visiting. Some type of food that his yato body could not handle, so it seemed. But had it not been for this incident, you doubt Abuto would ever get to spend another day like this with you.
You were currently at a festival that was, much to your luck, held on that exact day. Abuto wasn’t really a “festival-goer”, but if it meant that he could spend time with you without any nuisances tagging along, he was more than happy to do so.
You were currently eating some cotton candy, as it was the easiest thing to stuff yourself with after trying out many kinds of foods. While Abuto was busy looking around the various types of stands, your own gaze was fixated on his face, and suddenly the only thing you could think of was how much sweeter his lips had to be than the treat you were munching on a few minutes prior.
Packing up enough courage, you quickly tapped him on the shoulder. The male cast you a curious look as you motioned for him to come a bit closer. You purposely made it look as if you wanted to tell him something, before quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a sweet and delicate kiss against his slightly chapped lips. All the male could do was blink at your actions in surprise, which earned him a pout from your side.
“You were supposed to get flustered!” Abuto smirked at your obvious frustration as you crossed your arms exasperatedly, while facing the other side. Perhaps he wouldn’t say it aloud, but he found your dramatism rather amusing, not to mention charming.
Ignoring your childish tantrum, he simply leaned in and left a quick peck on your puffed out cheek. He then took a hold of your hand and began dragging you through the festival, not paying any mind to your endless whining.
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Shimura Tae
➸ What’s there to say about Shimura Tae? I guess that the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Otae is that she’s the embodiment of a humanized volcano. Or is it a human-volcano? What matters is that her reactions can differ greatly, however, still keep one big common denominator: Explosiveness.
➸ I swear! This woman is literally the definition of a human-sized detonator! It doesn’t matter if someone decides to say something insulting or flattering, she’ll still react equally violent. It’s kinda scary, if I were to be honest.
➸ Shimura Tae is a sweetheart, two-faced, but still very likable. I don’t think that her s/o has managed to go through a day without wanting to kiss her.
➸ She’s just so easily flustered, which kinda makes up for her sometimes “gorilla-like” demeanor. Though, I think that we all “Otae-lovers” would agree that this particular characteristic only adds to the charm.
➸ Despite having so many occasions where her s/o could imagine themselves actually doing it, they never do. Well… That’s until Kondō and Kyūbei come into the picture.
➸ When having so many rivals, it kinda forces her s/o to take action. Even if both parties haven’t exactly been able to surpass her s/o, while trying to court her. If one could even call that courting.
➸ Despite wanting to shove it in their faces that her s/o is the only person Otae will ever pick, they still only decided to act on their feelings once the two of them were somewhere alone.
➸ Privacy is something important for her and her s/o did obviously not want to make her feel uncomfortable. Otae is still a very sensitive soul, after all. Yet, the action in it self had come much more spontaneously than her s/o had earlier planned for it to be.
You were currently sitting on the floor, waiting for your friend to return from wherever she currently was. As weird as it might have sounded, the second you entered their family dojo, the woman had only told you to “sit down and wait” while she prepared some surprise for you. Even though you’ve already been sitting here for a while, you still had no idea of what kind of surprise she could have possibly been making at this point.
‘Are surprises even supposed to take this much time to prepare?’
Soon enough, the young woman entered with a tray in her hands. And as the sight greeted your own field of vision, you visibly paled. However, the changes in your face were not drastic enough for the female to realize the reason.
“[Name]-chan, would you like to try out my new dish? I’ve been trying to learn a new receipt these past two weeks.” How could you possibly say no to that pretty smile? The answer was simple: You couldn’t. And the second a barely audible “yes” escaped your lips, you realized you were a goner. Because so far, there had existed no creature in this universe that was miraculously able to survive as much as a taste from her homemade food.
The young woman was watching you eagerly as you took the spoon and guided it slowly towards your lips. However, before you would need to put it in your mouth, an idea popped into your mind.
“Tae-chan, wouldn’t you like to try it out as well?” You had never called her that before, and judging by how red-faced she had become, you figured your plan was a success. However, what you did not take into account was the fact that she would look utterly adorable like this. You had simply forgotten about how weak you were for her flustered expressions.
“T-Tae-chan?” She barely managed to squeak out as your lips were already on her own. Yet, instead of pushing away as you had expected her to do, she remained completely unmoving. Like a statue. Not wanting to make her even more uncomfortable, you decided to withdraw yourself from her. A pregnant pause soon followed as you waited for her to say something.
“C-Could you kiss me again?”
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➸ This woman is the definition of tsun-tsun when it comes to romance, I swear to god! When I first saw her in “Yoshiwara in Flames” arc, I believed there was no way a badass like her could be so cute! But, guess I was proven wrong…
➸ Something tells me that the first kiss had happened way before the two of them started dating. Another thing that I’m certain about is that in this case, her s/o most definitely was the one who took the initiative—unless she got sh*t-faced, that is. However—even if that was the case—I doubt she’d remember anything, so I guess it’d be her s/o’s call either way.
➸ The both of them were most likely having an argument about something. During this so-called “argument”, instead of focusing on the problem at hand, her s/o starts thinking about how pretty she looks when she’s angry.
➸ Obviously, they started spacing out and she called them out for it, which then proceeded with a half an hour long scolding session. And Tsukuyo is too busy, walking around with hysterical steps to notice whatever it is that her s/o might be doing at the moment.
➸ Her s/o is too immersed to actually pay attention whatever it is that she’s talking about. They had, in fact, stopped listening after the first five minutes. Tsukuyo, on the other hand, is mentally too far away to take notice of this fact.
➸ As the kiss finally happens, I get the feeling that her s/o will not even be aware of what it is that they’re doing. So in this case, it wasn’t even intentionally—just like in Tsukuyo’s case when she had hypothetically kissed them, while being intoxicated.
➸ The difference is, however, that the both of them are now aware of what’s actually happening this time. Well, at least when they begin to pull away, that is.
You in all honesty, don’t even remember what that argument had been about. Yet here you are, listening for the past thirty minutes about god knows what. You’re not even paying any attention to her words! And for someone whose main goal is to talk some sense into you, she sure does not put any effort into making you listen.
The longer you watched her, the more you began to realize how pretty she actually was. However, the amusing part was perhaps the fact that she had still not noticed the dazed expression that you were currently having. A part of you wondered just how pissed off she had to be to become this blinded by her rage.
Obviously, this wasn’t the best way to deal with the situation that you had suddenly found yourself in. But the longer you sat there, the more curious you grew. You simply couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like if you had ever managed to sh*t, the “Courtezan of Death”, up by an unexpected kiss.
So that’s what you did. Kissing her right in the middle of her speech. Her lips were surprisingly soft, but the thing that surprised you the most was the fact that she was actually kissing you back.
“What the h*ll do you think you're doing?”
“Me? I just wanted to know if I could make that mouth of yours do something more productive for a change.” If looks could kill, you’re pretty d*mn sure that you’d be six feet under by now. But did you regret doing it? No, you did not.
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
wait wait wait can we go back to yato seiji???? like what kinda interactions would he have with abuto and kamui and yan now that they’re all the same race?
Mmm it's the remix 😔🎶 Yato!Seiji is still a loner. Still a troublemaker too, but instead of being confined to just Edo, he's made the whole universe his playground.
Still a self-proclaimed intergalactic playboy, but actually the intergalactic reject— absolutely no maidens whatsoever, across any race, human, yato, and even gorilla.
Still a money loving, snake-oil salesman scammer. Still a putrid, slippery eel of a bastard with a flippant, could-care-less attitude. All of that hasn't changed. Roll. Eyes.
All Yato are strong, but it's hard to gauge exactly how powerful Seiji is. He's such a ridiculous, larger-than-life character, and unlike most of his brethren, Seiji has no real interest in killing in general ("where's all the fun if they're dead?"). You probably wouldn't even guess he's Yato if it weren't for the way he playfully picks up trees to hurl at Gintoki or makes his own entrances by casually walking through Yorozuya walls. Only sometimes might you get the shivering feeling that he might be more of a monster than he lets on.
Kamui and Seiji. Both smiley bastards. Kamui thinks Seiji barely makes a worthy opponent; he's an annoying fly that's somewhat impossible to kill, but doesn't that make you want to try and kill him even more?— is Kamui's thought process. Seiji declines the fight every time (he has no interest in men, he says) and besides, Kamui to him is a 'kiddo' or 'brat', 'where's the respect for your elders?' He teases Kamui at the risk of his life and slips away before Kamui gets his hands on him.
Abuto thinks Seiji's one real troublesome dude to deal with ("Oi, don't rile up my captain too much. I'm the one who has to deal with it, you know?). A clash of verbal play-on witticisms between them, but other than that they're both pretty neutral about each other.
Seiji calls Yan a 'big oaf'. Yan stays up at night, fretting about it.
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lostusagis · 4 months
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Kamui's literally like 5'7' not really tall, but not short either.
Kagura's 5'1'' sooo... short.
Well, some of Kamui's men are taller but they know better than to tease him about his height. It's never posed an issue for him so it doesn't bother him.
Kagura fucking hates being short, a lot of people tease her over it especially Gintoki & Okita sooo lol
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE?
Both of them have REALLY soft, silky hair. It's well taken care of.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR    /    GROOMING?
Believe it or not, Kamui spends time on it to an obsessive degree sometimes which is ironic given that it gets ruined during fights occasionally.
Kagura does spend a decent amount of time on her hair, but she's a bit lazy and usually just stuffs it into her hair ornaments.
Kamui does not give a fuck about what people think AT ALL, however he always wants his hair to look good. For his own sake more than the sake of how others look at him.
Kagura honestly... it depends on the day. Sometimes she'll look presentable or sometimes she'll go out looking like an absolute gremlin who just woke up. She's not looking for anyone's approval, so she does not give a fuck.
Outdoors for both of them.
Rain. The sun is basically their enemy.
Precious metals for Kamui, Gems for Kagura.
Flowers for both.
Honestly, they both go for personality.
Kamui isn't a huge big fan of being alone, y'know how those invasive thoughts gets.
Kagura is fine with either, since there are days where she'd rather not deal with anyone tbh.
Fuck authority!!!!
The truth, always.
I guess science???? magic doesn't really exist in the gintama universe lol.
Kamui is always looking to cause conflict.
Kagura just wants everyone to get along.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY?
Niiiight, given that the sun isn't actively trying to kill them at night.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN?
Dusk since it's still dark.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD?
Kamui loves the cold because of how cold all the bodies he's killed thus far have become.
Kagura definitely prefers being warm.
Kamui isn't someone who just 'makes friends', the closest thing he has to a friend is probably Abuto, his vice commander. That's someone Kamui trusts a lot, and has pretty much been there since Kamui was a kid. Even saved him and his sister from bullies sooo... yeah. Maybe more like a father figure or uncle I dunno.
Kagura has a lot of people she considers close friends. The list goes on. She's actually willing to open up and trust people.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME?
They both prefer playing a game.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS?
Kamui's response to something that pisses him off 90% of the time is to just punch it, or to just punch SOMETHING.
Kagura sometimes has a habit of sinking her nails into her arm when she's like really frustrated and she's trying to hold herself back.
They lost their mother.
Kamui took it the worse. Blaming his father, gaining strength in order to kill said father, and even tried killing his sister too because of how much she reminded him of their mother. He claims this was him trying to 'empty' himself of all attachments so he can be the strongest.
It hurt Kagura a lot yes, and their mother's death basically broke apart the rests of her family too. However, she managed to move on. She found more people to love and share her pain with.
To no one's surprise, Kamui's fond memories are from when his mother was still alive. He has a lot of fond memories of all the times Kouka told him about how much she wanted to visit earth with the entire family. All the times she used to take care of him while he was sick, make his favorite food when he was feeling down. Also, he'll never admit to this but another huge fond memory of his was when Kagura was born lmao. He was really excited to have a sibling. Also, the memory isn't COMPLETELY pleasant but a fond memory of his was when Kagura tried protecting him from bullies. She got hurt though unfortunately.
Kagura's fond memories are all family related too. Pretty much the same with Kouka telling her about earth, and honestly times she spent with Kamui when he uhhh was a decent brother actually. Anytime all of her family was together are honestly fond memories for her. Also meeting the people from Yorozuya is a super fond memory for her too, that's basically her second family and who took her in when she had no one. ALSO another big fond memory is when after her family was back together again and they were all able to fight together on earth. siiighs.
Kamui yes, he's killed so, so, SO many people and has NOT thought twice about it. Nor will he ever. Awful person actually.
Kagura hasn't killed anyone before, and she never wants to. She actually values people's lives.
Really depends on the situation, but Kamui is kind of the type to have the worse breakdowns. 90% of the time he is calm and collected, mostly because he's BOTTLING EVERYTHING UP. If it's something related to despair, when he actually breaks down it's REALLY ugly depending on what triggers it. If someone purposely taunts that into happening, well bye. Nice knowing you I guess.
Kagura, well... she's the more emotionally mature one she won't like... full on violently rage if someone pushes the wrong button like Kamui. She does, however, ugly cry. Breaks down into full on sobs and everything. She's more of the type to isolate when she has a breakdown, but she doesn't mind comfort during it either from people important to her.
Kamui isn't someone who trusts so easily like that. Probably only trusts Kagura, and Abuto with his life. His father is on thin ice, but he somewhat trusts him too.
Kagura pretty much trusts everyone she considers family with her life. Which is a large group.
Kamui is a bit insufferable. He doesn't realize he's in love at first, someone has to spell it out for him or else he's going to assume the weird feeling in his chest is heartburn from eating too much (lol). But he noticeably gets really clingy, wants more attention, overly jealous, yeah.
Kagura, well.. She's more... normal. But she'ss another clingy type. WON'T be demanding like her brother though. She's not AS clueless as Kamui when it comes to romance, but she's also not the most knowledgeable either. At the very least, she can recognize when she has a crush on someone. It takes awhile for her to actually say anything about it though.
Tagged by: Stole this while lurking lmao
Tagging: Whoever wants it ig
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shinobi98 · 1 year
Rewatching Gintama, the Battle on Rakuyou arc in particular, I was reminded of how I was pissed the first time I watched it. I was always under the impression that Kamui was Kagura's enemy (as in, the antagonist in Kagura's story, as opposed to Takasugi, the other major antagonist for the first part of the anime, that was Gintoki's). So I felt the battle at the end of the arc underwhelming became Gintoki, Umibozo, Abuto and even Shinpachi fought with Kamui more than Kagura, and in the end she wasn't even the one to take him out. And as someone who likes battles in shonen, there's a part of me that still feels like that, but I realized that was never the point.
It was never Kagura's intention to win against Kamui, and ever really to fight him. To begin with, just like she wants to fight against the Yato blood, she oblivious doesn't want to be like all the other Yatos, that keep fighting even with the people they love - just like Kamui and his father fought until Kagura herself butted in.
Secondly, she wants Kamui to go back to being "family". She knows firsthand that infighting is what tore her family apart to begin with. She has nothing to gain from fighting him, and only really starts throwing punches back at him when he gets taken over by the Yato blood.
This is all over the place but what I mean is that it would have been against Kagura's character if she earnestly took Kamui on in a serious fight to solve her problems.
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Which Gintama char would you have liked to have been given a full fledged fight scene?
honestly there are so many characters I we got to see go all out in a fight so here's my list:
-Katsura (we fr needed more feral, serious katsura, especially in fights)
-Oboro (i know this sounds so biased but he went from being the weakest to the strongest in the naraku, plus his fighting style is so cool with the pressure points and poison needles, I just know he's DEADLY. I also wished we saw his and gintoki's fight back in the war
- isaburo (his gun + sword combo was deadly)
-fights during the joui war with the joui 4
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braveryhearted · 11 days
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"Hey, 'suke... Since you died, I think I'm gonna have to revive you then kill ya. How dare you die before we can fight eachother?"
Why yes, he is being serious.
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This place must be hell if Shinsuke can still hear Kamui's voice. Either that or the idiot himself got killed somehow. Probably got blasted into the sun or something. Whatever the case was, it wasn't Shinsuke's problem anymore. He passed on. The earthling had no reason to come back.
"I must be hallucinating. Go fight Abuto or Gintoki".
All he wanted to do was rest and here his subordinate wanted to revive him for something so trivial. Shinsuke thought fighting Gintoki again would even be the better outcome than this idiot's plan. How was Kamui even going to revive him? Use the philosopher stone from FMA or something? He is sure this can't be done. Only in the land of fanfiction.
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tides-of-clarity · 4 months
"You know Saku, if I'm going to be training you, at the very least you should be more willing to put what i teach you to good use. Am I the only one who has to get violent when someone crosses boundaries? Even if you ARE an angel, you're wasting my time if you don't fight back more."
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It was not everyday Kamui would say something like this. Normally it was something adoring or perverted, but once in a blue moon his zero filter likes to peak out. On those days Saku really was tested. "You got a lot of nerve to say that, darling."
Taking a huge breath he channeled all the teaching he has had to patience. A calm mind really is a better approach when talking to Kamui. He honestly didn't mean to upset Saku at all. It just he didn't understand emotions that well.
"I am doing everything I can to better myself. From who I was before meeting you to how I am now is so different. I am improving myself for me and also for you. Also for your information the times I have been violent you weren't around. So don't judge me for something you never seen. You can even ask Kagura, I punched a guy cause he was talking to her funny. No words just punch and go. If you think it is a waste to spend time with me fine. I will go ask Abuto. At least he won't think I'm a waste."
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ravexn · 3 years
🎬 ━━ 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. gintama.
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. when gintama characters being clingy to you!
𝐂𝐖. fluff, suggestive theme.
𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄. gintoki, takasugi, abuto.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄. bulleted points, grammatical errors, not proofread.
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↷ gintoki is a shameless man. but he kept his love life private between you and him only. he never do something more than a simple hug when everybody is around.
↷ but when the both of you isolated from anyone, he would totally a different person, still goofy but more clingy. sulking and complaining when he lost skin contact with you.
↷ yorozuya's day off is his favorite day. shinpachi wasn't around, and kagura probably hanging out with some punk in the park along with sadaharu. gintoki can finally lazying around on the sofa while reading jump.
↷ the thing is, he read it while he's on top of you. his body lay between your legs, he put the jump on your chest as he demand you to play with his hair, his feet swinging on the air, humming happily.
↷ sooner or later, you notice his half-lidded eyes getting heavy, he enjoyed your massage on his scalp he's now on the way to his nap time. his face, god dammit, his sleepy face is just fucking so cute.
↷ gintoki put his jump away, his arms holding you tightly as he mumbled, “c'mere, i need to recharge myself.”
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↷ this mysterious man, it's hard to guess what's happening in his head. his exterior be hard as fuck he barely let his guard down, even when with you, especially.
↷ but there's that one night when he felt tired of this world, when it's colder than any other nights. he'd put down his shamisen, looking out for your presence.
↷ takasugi would brought you to his room, he sat down with his legs crossed, putting you on his lap as he wrap his arms around you waist, leaning his side head to your neck, nuzzling his nose to your neck, savoring your sweet scent.
↷ you'd plants a few peck on his ear and shoulder, leaning your cheek on his head, your hands caress his back, his haori smooth against your palms. he wouldn't want to let you go any time soon.
↷ there's no need for words. a comfortable silence is more than enough for you two, considering a lot of bickering between matako and the lolicon ossan never missed a day.
↷ but you eventually break the silence when it's almost midnight already, “are you not going to bed, shinsuke?”
↷ “no. i'm bedding you down tonight.” takasugi replied, his rough hands caress your back under your clothes.
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↷ abuto is a busy man. he didn't have a lot of time with you because babysitting his own commander is one hell of a job. he lost an arm while at it.
↷ however, when he's about to reach his limit, he'd come to find you and bring you to his place just so he can spent his day off with you.
↷ abuto would just throw himself down to the bed. his legs wide open before pulling you to lay on top of his body. his hands immediately find your back and rest them on it.
↷ you'd just chuckled when he let out a rough sigh as you start caressing his cheeks and kissing him all over his face. he'd pat your lower back repeatedly, leaning into your soft touch.
↷ his tired face staring back at you, his chest rise and fall against your chest. ooh, what a sight. and when your cheeks burst out red, abuto smirked.
↷ “watch it, doll. don't give me that face if you don't wanna get fucked.” he warned.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
I need to get back into Shinkalion so I can push people to watch it. Yes train robots but also this boy-
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This yokai nerd child.
I babbled about Shin all the time on Twitter. But I also talked about Abuto there and not here. Shameful!
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Here he is with his anime baby Yoda surrogate brother.
I could write an entire rant about this boy. He's half-Teoti (alien), which is central to his character development. He sides with the Teoti- who are the main antagonists. But the Teoti have their own struggles and people to protect. They're not one-sided. Abuto stumbles to reconcile these sides of himself. Eventually he figures out how to switch between human and Teoti form.
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Just look at this design! He stays in this form outside the robot, too! It felt like an acceptance of his Teoti side, even with all the negative developments he was going through. When the good guys figure out the truth about the Teoti and Abuto rejoins them, he goes human again and doesn't swap back. And this annoys me to no end.
This is just the short version. Maybe I'll rewatch and go super in-depth on here about Abuto because there's so much to unpack.
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landofsamurai · 28 days
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@jiraipink asked:
(For Abuto!)
You know... When Kamui said he has a ship he gets on to travel to other planets with, back when he was sick, SHE WASN'T EXPECTING AN ACTUAL LIKE BOAT? It's so big! It's fascinatingly-weird happenings like these that remind her she's in a different universe. She doesn't know why she thought of a rocket space ship, as if anything about this world is normal. Wait... Is he also implying this ship can fly?! Despite how mind blowing that would be, that's actually really cool to imagine. How else is this ship going to travel to other planets? Definitely not by sailing through earth's waters. Oh my God she was really looking for to experiencing something so magical with him! Err... She'll be able to breathe when traveling through space, right? He's an alien, so it's fine for him, but has a human ever traveled through other planets on his ship without some sort of safety measures? M-Maybe she'll be fine? This universe doesn't make sense, so it should be fine.
After Namida had been introduced to his men and politely greeting them with a guarded smiling mask, she noticed a familiar face among the many Yato. "... Eh?" She blinked like a dumbfounded bird a few times at the man, before pointing at him when realization struck. "Oh! It's you!" She remembers him. He approached her that one time and expressed his concerns over Namida associating herself with a "really violent" ( as he put it ) person like Kamui. She thought he was just a kind bystander that wanted to warn her about his bad reputation for her safety, but it seems he wasn't a stranger who simply knew about how infamous Kamui is. This whole time, he was one of Kamui's personal men! Wow. So he went through the trouble himself to speak to her about him? Huh... Maybe not everyone here is as scary as she initially thought when arriving. After all, she doesn't exactly have the BEST memories being surrounded by lots of gruff men. They're not samurai, but they oozed that cliche of "bad guy's henchmen." Ah. So that's why Kamui asked her the first time if she still wanted to come since he travels with other people. H-He's always so considerate of her feelings... Ba-dum ♡
Perhaps this is someone she can at least feel a LITTLE less guarded around while staying here with Kamui. Though, regardless, she's not going anywhere alone on this ship without Kamui, the one who makes her feel so safe, by her side. She's gonna be glued to her best friend's side at all times. He's the reason she wanted to take a vacation, beyond everything. Namida graces the tired-looking man with a thankful smile. "Thank you for your concern back then, mister. As you can see, there's nothing to worry about heheh! We're best friends, right Mui?" She asks as she directs her attention back to Kamui with the sweetest smile only he can manifest. It's clear to anyone how really comfortable and happy she is around Kamui.
(Wanted to write a scene during when Namida's on Kamui's ship to travel to that cold planet he wanted to take her to. I can already see his men overhearing "best friend" and "Mui" like 😏 Mhm surrrrre mhmmmmmm LMAO Just smugly chuckling at how obviously in love those two are smh)
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His commander had mentioned someone was going to come along, and Abuto was PRETTY sure he knew who it was. Kamui wasn't at all subtle, given that he had a picture of him and that earth girl being affectionate with each other. Him and the other men were still betting and making predictions on when those two would actually hook up. Although, it's gone on a lot longer than any of them thought. To no one's surprise, since their commander was clueless when it came to romance and the ways of love. It was blatantly obvious how Kamui felt and yet he, himself didn't even realize at all.
Just thinking about the whole thing made Abuto's head ache, he was really too old for this. But seeing Namida come onboard the ship, he saw he was right. He's never actually talked to her aside from the time he warned her about the dangers of associating with Kamui. It wasn't even the fact that his commander was a well known criminal. It was the fact that Kamui was blood thirsty, and just an overall dangerous person. Abuto was surprised this girl was even alive, looking unharmed. He couldn't help but still be concerned though.
Abuto would watch as she introduced herself to the other men, and then she pointed him out. It was a surprise she even remembered him, although given the fact that she made it clear they met before, he could feel Kamui's eyes burning holes through him. He'd look over and saw him giving that malicious smile he'd always give anyone he was likely to put a hole through.
''Yeah, we're definitely best friends.'' Kamui gave her a more enamored look when spoken to, and it was the oddest of things to see. Hearts might as well be popping up above his head with the way his commander looked at her. Him being in love with her was even more obvious. Along with the nickname she gave him.
How are these guys still not dating? It was nauseating just watching them. Even the other guys were giving the two odd looks, and whispering to each other about it. A lot of them were snickering too.
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''I see you're also the type of idiot who never listens, just like him. At the very least can you two not be so affectionate in front of everyone? It's embarrassing to watch.'' He was also getting annoyed as well. Namida seemed nice, but it was almost like Kamui had her under some kind of spell. He didn't know the whole story between them since the guy never spoke about anything he did when visiting earth, but how the hell could anyone fall in love with him? Abuto had a lot of respect for him and his leadership skills but he was also insane!
''Anyway, commander we're heading-'' Abuto paused mid sentence because he noticed Kamui obviously wasn't paying attention due to him being too busy staring at Namida with hearts in his eyes practically.
''Commander. Commander!'' Cue a weary sigh as he clutches his forehead. This trip was going to be one of the more exhausting ones with this girl onboard.
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imagininggintama · 3 years
okay but abuto is like kamui's dad (;O;) can I request a hc of kamui falling in love with someone? and what abuto would think about it bc yknow Kamui is weird af O.o
I hope you don't mind, I'm going to do Abuto's reactions/thoughts to Kamui falling in love and dating. :P
Abuto Yato
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When he first saw the way the teen was looking at them... He froze. Abuto just KNEW something awful was going on in that stupid little head of Kamui's.
He just didn't realize that it was sudden desire to want someone romantically or sexually or... whatever happened to be flailing in his mind.
He initially assumed that Kamui wanted to rip them piece from piece.
Unlike when he lusts for blood and wants to fight or kill... he just told the guardian like figure "I want them."
"Beg pardon?" "I want them. :)))" "Exactly how do you want them?" "I hadn't thought of that yet. Oh! I know! Like how baldy wanted my mom. :)"
"... You want to date them?" He is SOOOO confused. Like it goes past 100% of how confused he is.
Abuto.exe has stopped working.
He has to force Kamui to take a step back and actually work through his feelings. He doesn't want his impulsive tendencies to scare them off...
There are situations in which he's walked in and Kamui has already gotten them and is cuddling... To which Abuto brings out a rolled up newspaper or the spray bottle.
He forces Kamui to go do something else and apologizes on his behalf. He would explain to them everything.
They'd be flattered, still a bit weirded out but would thank him for his help.
He would keep Kamui at bay until they expressed feelings for him as well, to which it would be more problematic to try and stop the boy.
He does still spray him with the water bottle from time to time when he's going a bit overboard, but not nearly as often anymore.
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
You ocs + the final??? What were they doing 🥺🤲🤲🤲
Yan is there on the defensive position against the amanto hordes outside the terminal, alongside with the rest of the 7th division, and at the same time, trying to not get hit by all the amanto Kamui's tossing around (and Abuto exasperatedly going, cut it out! we're on the same side as you, you know! in the background). I would've LOVED to see one last action sequence from our friendly neighborhood yatos but alas 😞
And of course, Teito is fighting inside the terminal back-to-back with Hijikata, Sougo, Kondo, Robozaki, and the other Shinsengumi members. At one point in the battle, he has to play mediator between Hijikata and Sougo, encouraging them to talk their feelings out (oh they talk their feelings out alright; hijikata with his potty mouth and sougo with his bazooka) like they're not currently in the middle of an important fight to protect Earth (Kondo going, uh guys!? please focus on the fight?!)
Scenes later, Takasugi has finally gone still in Gintoki's arms. And Gintoki's head is lowering, permed hair covering to shield his eyes—
until a foot breaks across the screen and smashes into Gintoki's face.
Get off my patient. You can have yer boy love scene later.
(There's a small cut before, where you see Seiji's back swiftly running through the injured, calling out some helpful-entirely-unhelpful medical advice free-of-charge from the goodness of his heart along the way; 'better some pressure on that or you'll be eating yer taiyaki with one hand' (isn't taiyaki usually eaten with one hand anyway though?!) or 'call yer girlfriend and let her know she'll be mourning your loss in looks' (that's not an injury, that's just the way he naturally looks like— you're just insulting him!). Snaps open his justaway watch, saying "My, look at the time! The main character [referring to himself 🙄] can't be late to the most important scene in the show!")
Seiji's involvement with Takasugi is revealed, their connection going back to the fight between Oboro and Takasugi— well no, you could say it started even longer before any of them had a clue about each other... but that's not really important right now is it? You have some brats to protect doncha, Gintoki? Get going already.
Thank you... Seiji.
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sparks-joy-imagines · 3 years
I was stalking your blog and simply LOVED those playboy bunny headcanons☺️
May I ask for some more for Abuto?😳
hi anon, I love these playboy bunny requests too 😭😭💕 - niob
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Abuto’s reaction to his s/o in a playboy bunny costume
he (and his dick) really likes what he sees when he walks in on you fixing the bunny ears on your head
a wide grin forms on his face immediately
he will take his time to grope you everywhere from your ass and thighs to your boobs and inspects your get up thoroughly
he coos into your ear how good you look and how much you turn him on like this
he decides on a new nickname for you which is my little bunny, and he will call you like this every time you are dressed in that costume or when he would like to see you wearing it again
you better wear it during a time where he has enough time and doesn’t need to go back to work because he won’t be able to take his hands off of you for the whole night
he will make sure you are not able to walk the next day by fucking you until you pass out or you tell him to stop (whichever comes first)
when you two are done the costume will unfortunately be shredded to pieces (unintentionally of course) but he will get you a new one the next day
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lostusagis · 2 months
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@lachrymosestorm asked: Dez ran her hand through her hair. She really wanted to tell him face to face but he was being stubborn. "I'm pregnant."
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''You're.... pregnant......'' Kagura was really shocked when she said that, just staring at her. She was going to assume Dez was sure she knew it was Kamui's given this situation.
She immediately went back to talking on the phone, ''Abuto, she's pregnant with my brother's baby. Tell him that.''
There was a loud 'WHAT' that could be heard from the phone. Although after a few minutes she'd look back at Dez, ''Kamui said he'll meet you at your apartment later today.''
She ended the call after that, quiet for a minute. Kagura didn't look at Dez for a few seconds, rubbing her arm awkwardly.
''Umm.... good luck with him. He's really stupid and clueless but... yeah he.. does have a good heart when it comes to people he cares about. He's just... not good with his feelings. I hope things go well with you two though, he talked about you a lot whenever he visited me.''
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