#and troy is literally the reason abed ended up going to greendale
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#trobed#troy barnes#abed nadir#community#community tv#community nbc#heroic origins#geothermal escapism#screencaps#donald glover#danny pudi#i know heroic origins is controversial to some but i think it's cool how everyone is connected#and troy is literally the reason abed ended up going to greendale#like.#augh.
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No no because you dont understand. The reason Jeff constanly fought with abed and troy was because they were unapogetically silly. Jeff as a kid had to grow up fast and mean. Life had hurt him sooo much that he turned into a monster(in his own words) in order to survive. And so when he sees Troy(who he proabbly sees as similar to him( good with the ladies and cool)) become happier along with Abed he resents them for it. Hes jealous. Hes a 40 year old who prides himself on needing no one at his absolute lowest. And here are two young and talented kids who love eachother and are happy, They are living examples of lofe being bad but not turning evil. And like Pierce wants their handshake, jeff wants their youth.
A main point of the show is Jeffs own fear over growing older. He fears hes wasted his life and is continuin to do so at Greendale. And hes not entirely wrong. But its that reget and anger that holds him abck form not wasting his life. Hes so focused on others being happy and his ld life that he ignores how good his life could be at Greendale. Hes so preocupied with trobed that he ignores those who will love him like the Dean or Britta. Its hos own self sabatodging behabior that has and continues to make him so miserable but he cant stop.
Going even further in this direction this can explain his preocupation with Annie as well(I just have Jeffannie). She, like trobed, is young and has her whole like ahead of her. However unlike trobed she also is truely bright and driven, in a way Jeff wishes he was. She literally has her whole life ahead of her, whoile he feels like his is ending(this desire for what he doesnt have is mirrored by Annie in the finale, with her wanting jeffs life expiernce).And in a fucked up way like annie wanting to use jeff to prove she is lovable, jeff wants her to prove he can be happy.
This envy that jeff expierces makes up for most of the conflict in the 5th and 6th season, with many of the epiodes resolving around jeff being afraid of getting old and blaming it on abed(GI JEff, the movie epsiode, and more) . Even in the finale Jeff is jealous of abed and Troy and Annie . They all got to leave greendale but he’s still stuck there. He’s trapped in a hell of his own making, but in order to leave he has to acknowledge his mistakes , but he can’t.
#community#community nbc#jeff winger#im taking it upon myself to make a shit ton of character analysis#and I love jeff#hes so silly#literally everything would be easier for him if he stopped trying to be cool#but he’s too stupid#six seasons and a movie#Sparrow speaks#sparrows soliloquy
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community but make it GAY:
greendale does pride (the dean blows all the budget on floats he wants jeff to dance on. jeff is adamantly Not Gay but is ......... extremely flattered by all the attention he’s getting from guys. troy and abed go “as friends” but theyre wearing pride merch & holding hands and all the gay folks there are like ???uh guys??? britta starts an anti-capitalism-at-pride protest and no one shows up. shirley is hesitant but so many young queer students with unsupportive parents are thankful she’s there and she’s like Guess I’m Their Mom Now. annie is like I Am Making Out With These Women Because I Am A Supporter And Women Supporting Women And Female Power And All That. No Other Reason It’s Fine Don’t Question It. (pierce has died of influenza))
annie dating women but not calling it that and everyone’s like. so. you’re a lesbian. and annie is like how does this make me a lesbian??? i’m just not as repressed about female friendship as you all are. and they’re like. annie??????? she really doesn’t catch on for a comical amount of time
shirley week 1: live yalls life but youre living in sin. shirley week 2: i have joined the PFLAG
jeff gets jealous of a gay guy who has a lot of admirers and is like i’m going to show that guy up for NO PARTICULAR REASON i could have so many more admirers fuck him. im Not Bi i’m just hotter than him and i can prove it (turns out he just has a crush)
frankie has her first one night stand and she’s a W R E C K
troy and abed plan a wedding and everyone’s like. yall just became official not that long ago isn’t this a little too fast? in actuality they weren’t really planning on getting married, it was just so they could do homages & hijinks, but then the day comes and everything is already planned & they sort of realize like .... it wouldn’t really change anything if they were? so theyre like Might As Well and the ceremony is nuts but actually ends up being much more touching and earnest than anyone expected (b plot where annie is in charge of making the documentary and abed has been Training Her For This Moment and it’s like. a disaster but she does manage to get the very tender vows and its nice)
britta: I AM THE MOST SUPPORTIVE ALLY everyone: britta youre bi?? did you not know? britta: HOLY SHIT WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME???
britta: my Therapistic Diagnosis is that you have Unresolved Gay Feelings. abed: britta i’ve literally been trying to tell you this for months why do you think i made all those classic queer canon references. britta: OKAY LOOK I HAVEN’T SEEN THOSE MOVIES I’M SOR-
the story of annie edison and annie kim’s Competitive Dating
shirley suspects one of her sons is gay so she has him hang out with troy and abed for that Positive Gay Role Model Experience but so many hijinks ensue and shirly is like (8 oh god they’re hooligans what have i done
some woman arrives on campus & no one can figure out why everyone is being so cagey and awkward but it turns out frankie, jeff, and the dean have all dated her
Britta’s Parents Are Being Too Supportive And She Doesn’t Like It This Must Be A Trap
abed gets mad at the long history of tragedy in gay cinema and decides to make his own gay movie but it turns out he’s really bad at writing happy things & he’s like I’m Part Of The Problem but the real movie was the gay friends we had along the way
made in cooperation with @lil-annie-adderall and @orocatto thank you for your service
#community#jeff winger#annie edison#britta perry#troy barnes#abed nadir#trobed#frankie dart#craig pelton
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📓 💞
i would like to talk about my idea for a 'greendale does romeo & juliet' fic.
basically, the study group (minus pierce) end up in a class that is specifically a shakespeare studies class (there's literally a class called ladders, so i feel like this isn't even that weird by greendale's standards) halfway through the semester. they've missed the literature section, so they're now onto the drama part: putting on a production of romeo and juliet.
it's going to be a pretty long fic with multiple plotlines, so i'll talk about all of them seperately.
1. annie auditions for juliet and gets the role. she feels like she really relates to juliet as she also feels like she has to grow up quickly and wants to fall in love. she starts talking to a girl, marzia, who auditioned for romeo but didn't get the role, and they get along really well... really well. due to this, and some other things, she begins questioning her sexuality, and this might turn into me talking about how it's possible that juliet herself was dealing with comphet, but it's mainly about annie.
2. this plotline begins with abed deciding to audition for the roles of both romeo and juliet, and suggesting that troy also auditions for romeo so there's the chance they can play the leads together. at first, troy isn't sure, because he thinks it could be a little weird for them to play love interests (technically, they have done it before, but not for any public performances), but after a while thinks it will be fine. he doesn't get the role (and abed is cast as romeo) and he actually finds himself pretty disappointed; he was actually sort of looking forward to being the romeo to abed's juliet.
later, they decide to act out some scenes in the dreamatorium, so they can play the title characters after all. troy has a lot of fun, and for some reason he really enjoys being able to act out romantic scenes with abed (but he doesn't say that, of course), and they decide to do some more scenes another time. i don't want to give away how this plotline resolves itself, but it shouldn't be too hard to guess haha.
3. jeff (who had initially not wanted anything to do with the play) and britta both want to play mercutio and feel they have equal claim to the role. they fight and have a lot of banter surrounding it, but eventually jeff decides that she'll do a better job playing him and she deserves the role. it turns out that the teacher was planning to give her the role anway, but it's still a nice gesture.
4. i think there's also a minor plotline about shirley, but i haven't got too many plans for it, and nothing's fully settled, so i won't go into it. but it does exist and i think will give her character some growth, so yeah!
i hope you enjoyed my rambling, and this wasn't too long.
#ask#ask game#ghostotheparty#community#nbc community#trobed#jeffbritta#lesbiannie#annie edison#troy barnes#abed nadir#jeff winger#britta perry#shirley bennett#community r&j fic
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Jeff x Annie One-Shot: AU-What if Jeff and Annie actually went skiing? (Community-Conventions of Space and Time, Season 4, Ep3)
You wouldn’t catch me anywhere near an Inspector Spacetime convention; no matter how many tears Troy cried, or how many staredowns Abed and I had. Skiing on the other hand, was cool. Skiing alone, however, possibly uncool. Therefore, it made perfect, logical sense to invite Annie skiing this weekend. At least that’s what I kept telling myself. Hear me out. Abed and Troy couldn’t even be considered options since they would be at the convention. Britta would obviously be there to support Troy, unfortunately being the third-wheel despite being his girlfriend. Shirley was busy with her kids. Pierce was never an option to begin with. Who was left you may ask? Annie Edison.
“Do I look ready to shred some slopes?” Annie asked, coming out of her room. She was wearing a full-on neon pink sweatsuit. I smiled at her dorky pose.
“Maybe in the early 80s. Annie, what’s with all of the pink?” She frowned at me.
“Look Jeff, I’m just trying to stay warm, ok? I’ve never been skiing before and I wanted to be as comfortable as possible.” Classic defensive Annie. She scanned my look up and down. “At least my color palette has character. Might want to try it sometime Mr. Neutral Colors.” Annie crossed her arms. This was a battle I definitely wasn’t going to win. Like every battle against Annie.
“Okay, how about this. I’ll wear a pair of your neon pink socks, but you wear my black Gucci scarf?” Her eyes lit up. I knew she’d love the idea. Annie rushed back into her room and returned with a pair of neon pink socks in one hand, extending it to me.
“This just might be the smartest idea you’ve ever had Jeff.”
“Hey, I take offense to that. Everything I say is basically a TED talk in the making.” She laughed as I put on her socks. I don’t know why I only do stupid stuff like this for her. I looked at myself in the full body mirror and felt one hundred percent ridiculous. But, seeing her give me that wide smile she always does when something makes her happy made me think that small things like this were all worth it. I took the scarf hanging around my neck and put it on her, making sure that her hair wasn’t tangled inside it. I felt her eyes on me, making my heart beat a little faster than usual.
“There, perfect.” I said looking back into the full body mirror in front of us. She blushed.
“Perfect indeed.” Any bystander may mistake us for an actual couple. Especially with the way we were now coordinating outfits. Especially with the way we were standing right now--my hand on her shoulder, hers around my back. Even if it was just a small thought--a figment of my imagination if you will--it still made me grin...for reasons I still don’t fully understand.
When we arrived at the ski lodge, it was teeming with people carrying skis and sleds. It was way more crowded than I thought it would be. Annie instinctively held onto my arm as we were walking over to the ski rental desk, her eyes worriedly scanning the room. I knew she hated large crowds. I reassured her that we would only be in here for a couple of minutes.
There was a guy in front of us in line, along with a few of his friends. They were laughing and smiling, a little too loudly for my opinion. The commotion wasn’t helping Annie’s anxiety. I think the main guy felt me glaring at him because he turned around, his smile fading. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he noticed Annie beside me. He looked at her from head to toe, his mouth agape. I felt my hands tense up. He probably noticed how pretty she was.
“Have you guys been to this slope before? My friends and I are regulars here, and I don’t believe I’ve seen you before,” he stopped and looked at Annie. “And trust me, I would’ve remembered.” I felt my jaw clench. Annie--being Annie--blushed and giggled. She wasn’t used to being flirted with--which was something I was secretly grateful for, because something about it didn’t sit well with me. The guy, whose hair by the way looked like it had way too much product in it, extended his hand out to me.
“Aiden.” What a jock.
“Jeff. And this is my friend Annie. It’s our first time skiing together.” He shook my hand with an extra firm grip as if to say just friends? Okay. You said it, not me.
“Well Jeff and Annie, it’s your lucky day because I can give you guys some free skiing lessons so you don’t hurt yourselves out there.” This guy needed to get some more original material. Did he think we were stupid? He obviously just wanted to get closer to--
“We’d love the extra help Aiden. Thanks for offering,” Annie replied, smiling sweetly at him.
“Great! Meet me on the slopes. I’ll cover the tickets. Want a hot chocolate Annie? My treat.” She nodded her head politely while I took her arm and pulled her to the side.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I questioned with what I hoped was only a hint of annoyance.
“Jeff, Aiden was generous enough to offer us help. For free! I don’t want to make a fool of myself out there. I also don’t want to see you get hurt.” She gently touched my chest. Dang it Annie. Why did she have to be so genuinely caring all the time? I knew she meant what she said. I don’t know if I could live with myself if she ended up getting hurt on my behalf.
“You know, if you wanted hot chocolate you could’ve just asked me. You didn’t have to let pretty-boy get it for you.” At this point, I wasn’t really thinking, I was just saying what I was feeling...which normally got me into trouble, but I didn’t care this time. Annie looked at me with a confused expression, but then her eyes softened.
“Don’t worry Jeff. I know I can always count on you.”
“Good because I always want to be there for you. Even for the small things.” We looked at each other intensely and I felt myself leaning in.
“Ready you guys?” Annie and I got snapped back into reality as stupid-smirk Aiden returned with our rental equipment and Annie’s hot chocolate. She took it graciously while Aiden smiled warmly at her. His teeth were way to white. No way that it’s natural.
We walked up to one of the smaller slopes. Aiden suggested that since Annie and I were beginners it was probably best we didn’t try one of the more advanced mountains yet. Annie remained between Aiden and I, even in the ski lift up the mountain. She stared out the window with wonder in her eyes. I liked watching her many facial expressions. Her eyes glowed whenever there was a scenic view. Her soft smiles were my favorite. That was Annie’s way of living in the moment. When she got extra excited about something, she would touch my arm and tell me to look out the window too.
“So how do you guys know each other?” Aiden asked skeptically, his eyes pausing at Annie’s hand on my arm and my hand on her knee, which I don’t remember putting there.
“We go to Greendale Community College together. We’re part of the same study group.” Aiden nodded thoughtfully.
“I go to City College actually. I want to go into hospital administration some day.” No. freaking. Way. Annie turned her head towards him, suddenly gaining interest.
“Really? Me too! Well the hospital administration part, not the City College part obviously…” she replied, nervously laughing. Aiden gave her an amused look.
“We should totally meet up again. Maybe you could help me study some time?” My fists automatically balled up into fists once again. Annie looked down, noticing that my hand turned into a fist shape. She covered my fist with one of her hands, which instantly made me feel better.
“Haha yeah maybe! I’ll think about it.” She gave me a concerned look as we got off the ski lift. I had a bad feeling about this ski trip after all.
“The most important aspect of skiing is balance. The moment you lose balance is the moment where it’s game over. Believe me, falling downhill is not fun.” Balance. Sounds easy enough. I was able to get into my skis pretty easily and helped Annie get into hers without much of a fuss...except the three times that she almost tripped. Each time she caught on to a part of my jacket.
“The Leaning Tower of Pisa has more balance than I do,” Annie let out a defeated whisper. I tried to hide my slight grin. Her perfectionist tendencies were coming out. I guess it was just a part of who she was, no matter if it was academic related or not.
“Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. This is literally your first time skiing.”
“Easy for you to say. This is also your first time skiing and you're balancing just fine.”
“Can’t argue with you there.” We both smiled and it felt like the most comfortable thing in the world. Being the iceberg he was, Aiden walked over in between us with--once again--an award winning line of his.
“Before you guys go down this slope, watch me first. You’ll get to see the turning and jumping patterns I do.” He leaned forward and whispered something to Annie, resulting in a laugh before heading towards his ski lane.
“So, what do you think of Aiden? He seems nice right?” Why was she interested in what I thought?
“He seems a bit...arrogant…” I trailed off. Annie gave me a bemused expression, which then turned into a mischievous grin.
“Jeff Winger, are you jealous?”
“Pffffft. Me? Jealous? Are you being serious right now Annie? Why would I be jealous?” She was definitely enjoying seeing me squirm. I hated the fact that not only was she right, but I couldn’t think of any clever retorts because of that fact.
“I honestly don’t know Jeff. I don’t think you have anything to be jealous of--” she started, and I was really curious to hear her continue, but Annie was cut off by a bunch of spectators talking about Aiden on the slopes. I hated to admit it, but Aiden’s skiing looked really impressive. He was--in the words of Annie--shredding the slopes. All of his landings were smooth, his turns were smooth...his whole body was moving in perfect coordination.
“Wow! Aiden’s really good isn’t he? He could honestly be a professional!” Annie’s eyes were glued to him the whole time. I saw her jaw drop whenever Aiden made an impressive landing. Two could play at this game. Before Annie could stop me, I disappeared behind her and marched up to the top of the same slope Aiden was on. I had excellent balance too, you know. This skiing thing would be a piece of cake. As I jumped to start my descent, I realized that there was no going back after this.
I couldn’t open my eyes. I couldn’t move a single muscle. But I did feel this intense throbbing in my head and pretty much everywhere. Where am I? What happened? I was definitely lying down somewhere...it felt like a couch. I summoned the courage to slowly open my eyes. Everything was blurry at first as my eyes attempted to adjust to my surroundings. Man, even opening them hurt. The first thing I saw were a pair of blue eyes I could recognize anywhere in a crowd.
“Oh my god. Jeff, you’re awake! Oh my god. Thank goodness,” Annie breathed a huge sigh of relief and collapsed her face on the side of the couch. It took me a second to realize that she was holding my hand. I felt it. I gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
“Did I ever tell you how blue your eyes are?” In hindsight, that was probably not the smartest thing to say, but it was an honest question.
“I just watched you practically fall and flip over a huge mountain and lose consciousness and you want to talk about my eyes????” Annie raised both of her eyebrows in complete anger.
She immediately winced after yelling. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you, especially right now when every bone in your body must hurt. It’s just that you made me so worried and when I saw you at the bottom of the mountain all limp and bleeding I didn’t…” She couldn’t continue because she started doing the last thing that would have ever crossed my mind. She started crying. Hearing the sound of Annie crying almost hurt more than my actual injuries.
“Hey, look at me.” She turned her head upwards at me and I lifted my hand to wipe the tears from her face. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you.” She finally smiled.
“Jeff, why would you willingly plummet to your almost death? I know you do a lot of stupid things, but this may the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen you do.” She was absolutely right. Like always.
“I just...felt the need to compete with Aiden. I wanted to show you that he wasn’t some hot-shot handsome guy that could do anything.” Annie looked bewildered.
“Why would you think that? I barely paid that much attention to him.”
“Oh come on Annie. This guy was a first-class flirt. It takes one to know one.”
“Ah, ok. So he was flirting with me. I thought he was just being overly nice. Guys are just really hard to read sometimes.” She stared right at me when she said that last part. This time I had nowhere to hide. Particularly because if I tried, I’m pretty sure I would just fall over again.
“I really am a pain in the neck, aren’t I? I’m all snarky and standoffish, and think I’m the coolest when in reality I can meet my demise when I notice a guy try to flirt with you.” I don’t think I’ve ever said anything that forward before. Annie’s eyes bulged out of her head, which confirmed what I said to be true.
“You know I meant what I said earlier, right? You really have nothing to be jealous of. You have a lot going for you already. Sure you can be stupid sometimes, but you can talk your way out of any situation. I know you’re snarky, but you also have a heart made of jello,” she laughed at the end of that. She took a damp washcloth from a bucket on the floor and started dabbing it on my head. “I like you just the way you are. Even if sometimes you act like a handsome devil.” I flashed her one of my Jeff Winger smiles. My heart can turn into jello, especially for Annie.
“Have I ever told you that you make a really good nurse?”
“Maybe once or twice.”
“Well, you make a beautiful nurse, milady. Caring for a person like me isn’t the easiest.”
“Yeah well...you’re worth it to me.” I guess some good did come out of these injuries because that is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. And with that, I kissed the top of Annie’s hand. She was worth it to me too.
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britta perry and frankie dart for the character ask!
Sorry it’s taken me forever to answer this! Britta Perry
Why I like her
She’s unflinching in her beliefs (even if they’re sometimes misguided), she’s the heart of the group, she’s HILARIOUS when given the chance to crack jokes, she’s unconventionally smarter than she’s given credit for, she calls Jeff out on his shit early on when he’s still little more than a manipulative ass to the group. I could go on. She’s a gem.
Why I don’t
She’s not always the most understanding toward Abed in S1, but other than that...can’t really think of anything.
Favorite episode(s)
Modern Warfare, Origins of Vampire Mythology, Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations
Favorite season
Seasons 2 and 6 in particular are pretty good for her.
Favorite line
“Shouldn't have worn that petard if you didn't want to be hoisted by it...I guess I just assumed that in the old days a petard was a special outfit like a leotard, with a lot of fancy buckles and loops on it, and that rich people would wear them when they were feeling especially smug, but then poor people would tie a rope through one of the loops, and hoist them up a pole and then let them dangle there as punishment for being cocky.”
Favorite outfit
S1 Valentine’s Day outfit was awesome and made me go, “Okay, yeah, Britta’s bi.”
And her standard jeans/boots/leather jacket combo slays.
I’m split more or less 50/50 on the idea that her ideal romantic ending comes with Jeff or Annie.
Reasons for Jeff: The chemistry. The banter. Wearing jaded cynicism to hide inner turmoil. They always fall back to each other.
Reasons for Annie: This is more of an AU, but there’s def. a timeline out there where Annie’s comment about “I only kissed Jeff because I wanted to be sexy and cool like you” sticks in Britta’s mind for longer than it should. In said timeline, the two of them actually bond as good friends after the whole S2 save the pelicans/oil spill incident. Annie slowly realizes she’s gay and they get together late in the show’s run (probably S5 or S6).
Troy for sure! They shouldn’t have dated, but their friendship is really important and they relate well to each other.
I feel like it’s not really a headcanon with how many people have broadcasted it over the years, but Britta’s definitely bi. Also, she makes personalized mixtapes for everyone in the study group as Christmas presents with music she knows they like, as well as tracks she thinks they’ll enjoy based on their listening habits during the year.
Unpopular opinion
I prefer late-season Britta’s personality to S1. It’s not her fault she got Flanderized by the writers.
A wish
Delete the episode with her parents or have her friends react accordingly when they’ve literally all gone through some level of familial trauma. Especially Jeff considering Britta LITERALLY helped him deal with facing his dad at Thanksgiving.
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
If the movie ever somehow gets made...no using “Britta” as a put-down verb.
I mean, I don’t have a nickname for her, but I pretty much always write that Jeff or Annie (depending who I pair her with in fics) affectionally call her “Britts” from time to time.
Frankie Dart
Why I like her
She's willing to adapt to the group and to Greendale’s general insanity and works her ass off to make the school better. Also, she has the patience to deal with Dean Pelton’s antics. Mad respect.
Why I don’t
She sometimes takes the whole “I’m in charge” thing a little far early on, but, like, I get it.
Favorite episode(s)
Basic Crisis Room Decorum, Grifting 101, and Wedding Videography.
Favorite season
Season 6 lol
Favorite line
“Hope points!” or “Annie, the world will still need you after you finish your cake...we have the same dragon. Eventually you will slay it, train it, or dissolve in its stomach. Its name is helping others.”
Favorite outfit
Her day 1 “I’m here to fix your school” outfit worked pretty well.
Honestly, I don’t really ship her with anyone from the group and I think she’s completely fine on her own. Maybe Britta for the “chaotic dumbass/organized list-checker in love” vibes?
Annie is the only right answer for the type A, get shit done solidarity, and for how Frankie becomes her mentor, of sorts.
The group arranges for a birthday party or some such occasion to be held at a laser tag arena and Frankie learns she likes shooting people when there are rules and regulations to it, rather than the utter insanity of paintball.
Unpopular opinion
I don’t think I have one...maybe that she wouldn’t necessarily do well if she had to take over as the Dean? Idk.
A wish
I wish she could’ve had a few more opportunities to show off her fun side (such that it is, as a person who copped to being boring/mundane) like she did at the end of Grifting 101.
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
I wouldn’t wanna see her get written as a buzzkill in the movie if it ever happens.
Sorry again that this took so long, kind anon!
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okay. I think I’ve done it. a trobed episode master list. some of the ep numbers from season 2 might be off as I am using netflix for this, and the dnd episode isn't on there, but all the episode titles are correct. I included some summarization and reasonings but you don't have to read those. okay! let's get into it.
s1:e5 “advanced criminal law”
storyline b
abed takes the “friends mess with each other” rule too far and creates a whole language and spends a lot of money on trying to convinve troy he is an alien
“from now on, abed, friends don’t mess with each other”
1/5 gayness, pretty platonic
s1:e10 “environmental science”
storyline b
it’s the “somewhere out there” episode what more do I need to say
3/5 gayness, something’s happening fs
s1:e11 “the politics of human sexuality”
storyline c
abed keeps beating troy in athletic competitions which makes troy feel threatened, but he eventually admits abed is better than him and they make up
2/5 gayness, pretty platonic but it has its moments
s1:e22 “the art of discourse”
storyline c
troy and abed work to check everything off of abed’s ��quintessential college experience list” including pantsing someone, getting pantsed, destroying a guitar, food fight, etc.
2/5 gayness, they repeatedly put completing the list above looking cool in front of women
s1:e25 “pascal’s triangle revisited”
storyline c
troy is moving out of his dad’s house, and wants to move in with abed, but abed says no because he’s afraid they’ll eventually start fighting and hating each other
troy realizes that too much of a good thing can be bad, and agrees with abed and agrees to move in with pierce
1/5 gayness
s2:e2 “accounting for lawyers”
part of storyline a
jeff gets sucked back into his old life as he reconnects with an old lawyer friend. troy, abed, and annie try to gather proof that jeff’s friend is the one who got him fired in the first place
2/5 gayness, they’re so silly
s2:e6 “epidemiology”
part of storyline a
troy and abed have coordinating halloween costumes, but troy bails to look cooler which hurts abed’s feelings
there’s a zombie epidemic on greendale’s campus, troy and abed end up the last two to have not been turned
abed sacrifices himself to save troy
5/5 gayness, they do the “I love you” “I know” exchange like in star wars
s2:e9 “conspiracy theories and interior design”
storyline b
troy and abed construct a huge, elaborate blanket fort
2/5, just guys bein silly (and in love???)
s2:e14 “early 21st century romanticism”
storyline a
troy and abed both fall for the same girl and decide to both go to the valentine’s dance with her, after which she can decide which one of them she would like to see again
troy wins but gets upset that she didn’t pick abed, and breaks it off almost immediately
“happy valentine’s day” “it is now”
5/5 gayness they’re so in love in this one omfg
s2:e17 “custody law and eastern european diplomacy”
storyline b
britta likes troy and abed’s new friend, lukka, who she finds out is a literal war criminal but is afraid to ruin their friendship. eventually they find out
2/5 gayness they’re attached at the hip in this ep
s2:e18 “critical film studies”
random moments
although this episode focuses a lot more on jeff and abed’s friendship, there are a lot of classic Troy Gets Jealous™ moments so I decided to include it
troy is afraid jeff is a cooler friend to abed than him essentially
3/5 gayness even though they don’t actually interact a lot (troy is so silly)
s2:e21 “applied anthropology and culinary arts”
storyline c
pierce gives troy and abed money for the right to use their handshake, which corrupts it and it doesn’t work correctly until the end of the episode when they realize they were just overthinking it
3/5 gayness they get so upset when their handshake is compromised, even though it is far from the focus of the ep
s3:e1 “biology 101”
random moments
troy and abed announce they’re living together
abed freaks out a couple times because of developments with his favorite show, and troy gets really protective and comforts him
4/5 gayness troy loves him a lot!!!!!!!
s3:e4 “remedial chaos theory”
random moments
this one doesn’t have a huge amount of trobed but I’m including it because the whole episode is in their new apartment
“troy and abed’s new apartment!!!”
all their pictures on the wall etc etc
2/5 gayness they’re lowkey married your honor
s3:e5 “horror fiction in seven spooky steps”
random moments
troy tells a spooky story starring him and abed as top gun fighter pilot partners
they get sown together and develop telekinesis and defeat the villain
there’s a few other things too you get it
3/5 gayness something so casually in love about this one I won’t lie they’re soulmates guys
s3:e6 “advanced gay”
storyline b
troy is trying to decide between plumbing and air conditioning but ultimately decides all he really wants to do is watch tv with abed
gay symbolism? gay symbolism? gay symbolism???
4/5 gayness mostly for the table conversation at the hawthorne wipes gathering
s3:e7 “studies in modern movement”
storyline a
annie moves in with troy and abed. very trobedison centric we love this episode
3/5 gayness once again casually in love they’re soulmates ur honor
s3:e9 “foosball and nocturnal vigilantism”
storyline b
annie breaks abed’s $200 special edition dark night dvd set on accident, trobedison shenanigans ensue yippee!!!
3/5 gayness for the same reason as before
s3:e10 “regional holiday music”
storyline a
literally putting this one on here solely because of the trobed christmas infiltration rap
3/5 gayness it’s glee club what can you do
s3:e11 “urban matrimony and the sandwich arts”
storyline b
troy and abed decide to be normal for shirley’s wedding rehearsal
troy and abed being normal
4/5 gayness they blow off a girl to be weird again
s3:e12 “contemporary impressionists”
storyline a
study group helps abed pay off his debts at a bar mitzvah where they all impersonate different celebrities
4/5 gayness troy loves abed a lot and abed doesn’t know he’s doing something wrong
s3:e13 “digital exploration of interior design” AND s3:e14 “pillows and blankets”
storyline a
🎶troy and abed are in conflict🎶 *cries*
pillow fort vs. blanket fort
they eventually make up but not before they hurt each other’s feelings a Lot
5/5 gayness the dramatics jesus christ
s3:e16 “virtual systems analysis”
random moments
once again there’s not a whole lot of trobed, it’s more focused on abed and annie but still
abed kinda freaks out when troy and britta go on a date because it “messes with the fabric of the group” (🤨 I know what you are)
troy calls annie to “check on abed” boy you are on a date with a woman
4/5 gayness just from subtext you get it
s3:e17 “basic lupine urology”
storyline a
troy and abed play detective as they try to figure out who sabotaged the group’s biology final
4/5 gayness no explanation
s3:e19 “curriculum unavailable”
random moments
the study group is expelled from greendale and abed keeps getting arrested for spying on campus, so he’s supposed to have a psychological evaluation
troy is just very protective of him in this episode
3/5 they’re still casually in love but a lot of other stuff happens here
s3:e21 “the first chang dynasty”
including this one just for the goodbye scene at the end of the episode, where troy says goodbye to the study group and goes off to a/c repair school
there’s some trobed shenanigans throughout the ep too though
3/5 gayness
s3:e22 “introduction to finality”
storyline b
abed goes crazy without troy (who’s off at a/c repair school)
when troy comes back he prioritizes abed over britta (who he is literally dating)
4/5 gayness they’re a little codependent
s4:e3 “conventions of space and time”
storyline a
troy gets jealous of (read: goes psycho girlfriend on) abed’s new friend toby
toby essentially tries to kidnap abed but abed knows troy will find him so is calm
britta, even as troy’s gf, calls abed troy’s bf and supports him through the whole thing
5/5 gayness even though troy has a whole gf. that’s how gay this ep is
s4:e11 “basic human anatomy”
storyline a
troy and abed pretend to switch bodies, like in freaky friday, and abed helps troy break up with britta on their anniversary
5/5 gayness holy shit y’all. this ep is so internalized homophobia but maybe I’m reading into it (I’m not)
s5:e3 “basic intergluteal numismatics”
random moments
including this one because of how abed comforts troy and pushes him around in a wheelchair for the whole episode
3/5 gayness it’s the casual married-ness again smh
s5:e5 “geothermal escapism”
storyline a
do I even need to say anything
5/5 gayness especially the deleted dialogue from the last scene
alright! that's all I think. sometimes I was pretty liberal with what I included (ignore how almost all of season 3 is on this list) but do what you will with this information. in conclusion I love trobed a normal amount hashtag slay
okay i know the community fandom isn't super big on here. but. I need a trobed episode masterlist. any episodes with a lot of trobed or just quality moments. your epidemiologies and your advanced gays yk. anyway if you could put the episode name, season and number you get a cookie thanks :)
i will obviously post it here when it's done for anyone who wants it
#trobed#troy and abed#trobedison#abed nadir#abed#troy#troy barnes#autism#neurodiversity#community#nbc community#troy and abed in the morning#six seasons and a movie#they're so silly#they're in love your honor#I am hyperfixated on community right now everyone shhh
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hate meme: harry james potter, abed nadir, freddie lounds & santana lopez? ^.^
“send me literally anything and ill tell you something i hate about it”
abed nadir
sometimes got too much attention and/or narrative forgiveness
like? abed is one of my favorite male fictional characters, period, and he means a lot to me because he’s one of the only examples of GOOD autistic spectrum representation in fiction, and i know that dan harmon and the writers loved him a lot (and for that, i don’t blame them)
but look at troy’s last episode in season five (the one where they had a massive, school-wide game of, “the floor is lava” before troy left to sail around the world with levar burton, but abed tried to drag it out forever, at the expense of literally everyone else, because he didn’t want troy to go)
for one thing: on the in-universe level, abed dragged the entire population of greendale into this game and kept dragging it out without regard for the game’s effects on anyone else (and people were getting hurt, greendale’s ability to function as a school — even by greendale standards — was pretty much dead, and abed was totally fine with that)
and he massively disregarded troy’s agency in the whole matter (because he lied to troy about the purpose of the game; britta, for all her many faults, is the one who went, “uh, troy, abed is screwing with everyone to keep you at greendale”) — and this was all cast not just as sympathetic, but as ultimately more or less okay, because abed only did it because he loves troy so much and he’s terrified of both change and losing his best friend
which *is* sympathetic, and i feel abed on both counts, but that doesn’t make what he did okay???
for another thing: on the meta-level, troy’s last episode wound up being more about abed than it was about troy. like, this was going to be the last time we got to see troy at greendale and he did have an arc in the episode, but his arc was subordinated for the sake of an abed-focused ep
and if they were trying to have a “troy and abed” focused ep, then…
1. troy’s last episode was really not the time for that; abed should’ve been a secondary focus, at most
2. they did not succeed, in terms of foregrounding the troy/abed relationship, because they approached troy and abed individually, rather than looking at their relationship, and they didn’t go back to the relationship enough to make it work (like in the “pillows and blankets” two-parter)
3. there wasn’t a balance between troy and abed like the one you had in the “pillows and blankets” two-parter, or like the abed/shirley balance in “messianic myths and ancient peoples” or like the jeff/shirley balance in “foosball and nocturnal vigilantism” (or basically any jeff/shirley episode; they usually balanced pretty well, without either overtaking the other)
so, yeah. i love abed, but ffs. making him the show’s pet was really not good for anybody. to be fair, i would also say that annie suffered from this at least as much as abed did, so it’s not like abed was alone in this — but it really sticks out in a series that otherwise tried to be good about balancing its ensemble cast and challenging the typical protagonist-centered worldviews you see in most sitcoms
harry james potter
it’s less about him, exactly, and more about how tumblr fandom has taken to handling his status as a survivor of horrific childhood abuse and a few metric fuck-tons of trauma (but tbf, i think most of these answers fall into the heading of, “it’s less about the character, more about X thing in contexts surrounding them,” so)
which isn’t even exclusive to harry, because the hp fandom is totally bogus about handling abuse culture in general, and it’s rife with all kinds of double standards
—like, on the one hand, sirius attempts to commit a very premeditated murder by proxy, and even though the proxy is remus and he would’ve suffered for it more than sirius bc he’s a werewolf and the murder would have happened on the full moon, this is apparently totally 5,000% acceptable because sirius has abusive parents and the intended victim is snape
but on the other hand, you are victim-blaming, abuse apologist garbage if you think that severus is justified in never forgiving james and sirius even if his actions based on that were mostly in the wrong, or thinking that he had every right to fight back against james and sirius when they tormented him in school
(and never mind that james potter was not, at that time in his life, a victim of fucking anything. he is a wealthy, pureblooded man who came from a loving, supportive family, and is canonically regarded as both straight and white
TO BE FAIR, he is also never specified as being white, like voldemort, lucius, and draco all are — and as other readers have noted elsewhere, the way the dursleys talk about james/lily is heavily racialized, despite being about him being a wizard, in the text — so poc!james is one of the, “jkr didn’t say it’s not canon, so it could be” type of headcanons
but he’s also never said to be a poc, so that’s fanon
moreover, it can’t be treated as canon in order to make it out like james’s years of bullying snape were anything but a guy who is canonically privileged in every way that he can possibly be privileged in jkr’s universe bullying another kid who does not have most of james’s privileges [he’s male, a halfblood — less privileged than purebloods but more privileged than muggleborns — and he’s canonically regarded as straight and white; that’s it on the, “privileges that snape has in jkr’s universe” front]
—but hey, if it’s fair game to bring up all of the racialized coding in how the dursleys talk about james by way of trying to ignore the fact that jkr treats him as white in canon, then how about let’s remember all the antisemitic coding in how jkr writes about severus, even though she doesn’t outright say that he’s jewish: source (nb: this post was written in 2005, the author didn’t have dh), source, source, source, source, source
and oh, never mind how james flat-out says that he bullies severus, “more [because of] the fact that he exists, if you know what i mean” [ootp 647]
and never mind how plenty of the people who act like severus was obligated to forgive james and sirius have reblogged things about how nobody is ever obligated to forgive their abusers, and/or condemn him for fighting back while applauding when hermione punches draco [which i say without judging them bc she’s fighting back against a blood purist little snot who torments her and her friends for fun, and i love that moment too], like??
ffs, guys, you can criticize and/or condemn snape’s actions without acting like he was terrible because he saw no reason to forgive james and sirius for what they did to him, or acting like it was Totally Wrong Forever for him to fight back against the guys who meant he didn’t even get a reprieve from his abusive, neglectful home-life at school bc they decided to torment him, and they had classmates who thought it made them cool)
furthermore, it’s apparently soooo totally not sirius’s fault that he abuses kreacher because he’s stuck in grimmauld place and lashing out against his abusive parents because kreacher still loves them…… or so say people who are otherwise happy to call out the wizarding world for having this institutionalized and magically reinforced system of slavery, which i guess doesn’t matter when sirius “cinnamon roll uwu~” black is the person abusing that system to get away with his bullshit and explicitly abusive treatment of another sentient being—
which all goes back to harry because of how abuse culture ends up rearing its ugly head in how people discuss him as a survivor
like, apart from the double standards that all fandoms have toward abuse culture and survivors, there are two big sides that i’ve seen, in this trend.
on one hand, you have the people who want harry being a survivor to excuse him of things like trying to use the cruciatus curse (and successfully using it on amycus in dh!) or similar
on the other hand, there was the shit like what you saw after “cursed child” first came out, where people were going, “omg but harry is an abuse survivor, he would NEVER say/do anything like this to his kids ever” — which…… uh?
no. not how it works.
even ignoring the irl psychology parts related to abuse and survivors of it, jkr has two big models of abusers in the series:
people who are over-privileged af and bully down because they fucking can and who the fuck is really going to stop them (draco, bellatrix, the dursleys, bartemius crouch sr., umbridge, tom-mort voldingdong, albus dumbledore, and oh yeah, james and sirius);
and people who have been hurt by others before and lash out at others because of it, to the point of becoming abusers themselves (severus, sirius, barty crouch jr., peter pettigrew, arguably albus and tom-mort have shades of this as well but it’s very debatable, and if ginny, and remus actually crossed the line into abusive, rather than being, “well, they’re not abusers, but they have these examples of behaviors that could become patterns that went this way,” they’d both be on this list too, but since they don’t, they’re only getting mentioned)
(she has three big models if we include, “abusers who are not recognized as abusers in the text because she didn’t feel like it today i guess” — which mostly means the weasley parents, but other characters definitely have moments of doing shit that should’ve been called out and wasn’t, c.f. harry running around and trying to cast the cruciatus curse, hermione keeping rita skeeter in a mason jar and hexing the signup parchment at the DA, hagrid trying to attack dudley and turn him into a pig over shit that vernon said and dudley trying to eat harry’s birthday cake, fred and george full stop)
so, yeah, uh
idk guys, how about let’s NOT invalidate abuse survivors in fandom by perpetuating these ideas that survivors are and/or have to be perfect cinnamon rolls, while all abusers ever in the world are these ridiculous slobbering caricatures of all things terrible
that’s not how it works
acting like that’s how it works ends up helping police survivors and invalidate their experiences because it plays into things like the idea that all abusers are obviously abusive, which leads to real-world survivors having a harder time being believed when they try to reach out for help
which makes it all a function of abuse culture
if you really care about survivors — and if you really care about harry as a survivor — then don’t use his status as a survivor to make shit harder for irl survivors, period
freddie lounds
i guess this is more of a problem with how freddie was written tbh
but, like…… true, nbc!hannibal avoided being absolute about most things even more than hannibal himself avoids vegetarian recipes
the most absolutism you really got was, “murder is generally wrong, like. killing in self-defense is one thing, but even if you’re trying to get ingratiated with a cannibalistic serial killer again in the name of stopping him (william), murder is probably going to be wrong so you should, like…… not do that, i’m just saying” and, “eating people is wrong unless hannibal didn’t tell you that you were eating people, in which case it is still wrong but it’s his fault, not yours”
all of which is stuff that the show doesn’t really get any cookies for taking a stand on because, “in 99.999% of cases, murder is wrong and should be avoided” is…… not really a unique or groundbreaking moral sentiment
like, it’s one of the beliefs you find in, as far as i know, every human civilization all over the world, throughout history
(there are, of course, differences of opinion on how to punish murderers, and there are exceptions made for people who get around the law by being wealthy and powerful, or by virtue of having some form(s) of societal privilege [e.g., whiteness, or straightness in the case of the, “gay panic” defense], or all of the old arguments about how killing someone during a time of war isn’t a murder and therefore doesn’t count, and then there are all of the semantic debates about, “are all killings inherently murders or what”
—but still. most people tend to agree that murdering other people is generally wrong.)
but yeah, uh
one place where i would’ve liked a little less ambiguity is freddie’s relationship with and feelings toward abigail
like, i wouldn’t have needed her to suddenly develop an increased amount of sympathy toward other victims — whether in general, or even just specifically, “other victims of hannibal lecter,” and given how he treated her on multiple occasions, it’s pretty ridiculous to just expect her ever stop being a pain in will’s ass (i mean, even when she wasn’t in the right, which was most of the time, some of how will treated her was unhelpful to everyone and in the realm of, “yes, i get where you’re coming from but this still wasn’t cool”)
—but with abigail specifically, the show sort of went back and forth between, “freddie is genuinely interested in helping abigail and does have some kind of regard for her as a person” and, “freddie is just out for herself and only using abigail and her trauma to further her own career,” which was all further complicated by the fact that pretty much no one on nbc!hannibal was a reliable narrator about anything, for any number of reasons
like, beverly probably came the closest before she got totally fridged for no good reason, but even she wound up hindered by the fact that hannibal was manipulating the evidence and playing everyone around him like a really overpriced theremin
and idk
i think the best “compromise” or interpretation here would’ve been, like… “freddie starts out just trying to advance her career because that’s just how she does things in general, but eventually, she did come to genuinely care for abigail as a person and to genuinely want to help her, which would explain things like why will was open to working with freddie against hannibal in season two, since he may not have trusted her in general, but he would trust her to want to take down the man whom they thought killed abigail (even though she was secretly still alive, at that point)”
but the show itself was never really clear on that, and it’s like
okay, guys, i don’t think you need to spell out absolutely everything, and i realize that a certain degree of ambiguity in most situations and with almost all of the characters is part of your #Aesthetic
but this would be an example of you once again screwing over the characters who are not named will and/or hannibal, especially since I got a feeling like it’s less that you were leaving things vague on the, “freddie and abigail” front, and more that you just didn’t really care to figure things out about this part of freddie’s character
so……… yeah
santana lopez
okay, i don’t blame her for wanting artie out of the way when he was dating brittany back in season 2 because lmao, i did too, but for starters, artie wouldn’t have been dating brittany if santana hadn’t blown her off in the first place
—which isn’t #Problematic in terms of her character development because…… uh, well yeah, that was the point. santana created the problem by blowing brittany off and trying to convince herself that she was “totally straight, except sometimes scissoring with brittany, lmao feelings are totally pointless and should be hated and santana doesn’t have them” and it was part of the story of her coming to accept herself as a lesbian
but it was kind of, “ummm…”-inducing that she��� never actually had to accept her own responsibility for brittany/artie happening, like
first, in the duets episode, she tried to meddle and break them up by going, “brittany’s just using you for the free dinner at breadstix lmao” — which she succeeded in, because brittany and artie didn’t even sing (though they both still voted for themselves in the, “who should win” bit at the end) — and santana apparently thought that was it
tbf, it’s not like she could foresee puck and artie bonding, and puck trying to ““help”” artie get back with brittany by being so thoroughly himself…… but then brittany and artie were back on, and santana’s response was to manipulate brittany into cheating on him by going, “it’s not cheating bc we’re both girls” and expecting brittany to just go along with it
then, brittany calls her on that in “sexy” — inasmuch as brittany got a chance to do back then — and santana only accepts responsibility for anything in the sense of, “okay, brittany wants me to get more in touch with my feelings and admit that i do love her because that is how i fucked up before”
she doesn’t look at brittany’s relationships with other people, or at brittany’s feelings about anything but santana and the current state of their relationship + how it might go in the future, and so on — and this is another example of a situation where santana is presented as being sympathetic but still in the wrong, and brittany calls her on it, and it’s part of her overall growth in the end
but we never really address the manipulation in telling brittany, “it’s not cheating because we’re both girls” (which, by glee standards, is not that bad, and tbf, brittany and artie weren’t perfect angels in any of this, either, since artie was pretty ableist to brittany even before the, “how can you be so stupid, brittany!” “you were the only one in this school who never said that to me!” moment in the fleetwood mac episode, and brittany had her own manipulative moments with both artie and santana
—but it still kinda bugged me that santana had an opportunity to grow and learn more about using her capacity for manipulation for good, and it…… didn’t really go anywhere?
and you can tell that she didn’t learn about manipulating brittany — at least not until way later down the line — because a few episodes later, she’s plotting to use dave to win prom queen bc she thinks she can then go on to convince britt-britt that she’d made a royal decree that brittany had to be her girlfriend)
finally, santana was really ableist toward artie throughout the entire brittany/artie arc
……and beforehand.
…………and afterward.
………………and just in general, even without brittany needing to be involved, because to be fair, this was just one part of a larger overall pattern of ableist bullshit on glee’s part, of which artie wasn’t even the only victim (he was just one of the most notable ones because he was one of the only canonically disabled characters)
so, it’s like? yeah, santana said pretty ableist shit about artie, on a pretty regular basis — the “stubbles mc-cr*pple-pants” nickname is one example i’ll never forget
—and yeah, she said offensive things to basically everyone else on the show (c.f., calling rachel, “yentl”; calling mercedes, “wheezy”; taking her internalized homophobia out on kurt, not in the scenes like, “kurt and blarren sing about how much they love each other all over santana’s pain over being forcibly outed because that’s so what she needed to hear right now, stfu both of you” or in fairly going, “hey, shut up and quit judging MY wedding to brittany as a bad life choice just because YOU couldn’t make it work with blarren” but in all the smaller instances that you barely even notice at first; taking her internalized homophobia out on dave even while asking him to help her win prom queen/blackmailing him into it; list goes on)
but the ableist shit she said to artie sticks out to me, in particular, bc santana’s other examples of this behavior were generally cast as, “she’s witty and outrageous, yes, but you should really probably not actually say things like this, it’s asshole behavior on her part,” while the shit she said to artie…… kinda didn’t
not because the ableist shit she said to artie didn’t get called out
(bc lbr, most of the things that santana ever said didn’t get, “called out”
it got shown to be Not Cool bc it would get associated with people getting upset with her
or it would sound too much like Sue [who is almost always in the wrong, so sounding like her is something that you generally want to avoid]
or it would be used to show that santana is being selfish and rude even without it being called out [like when she called mercedes, “wheezy” before going, “we don’t have to like each other, let’s sing a duet together and win that free dinner at breadstix”]
or it would otherwise have some kind of repercussions
—but it probably wouldn’t get, “called out” as such, outside of REALLY big exceptions, like how they used, “well, but santana was bullying him” as a justification for finn getting her outed, when…… yes, her bullying him was wrong but these things are not the same
or the bit in, “silly love songs” where oher glee club kids [in order: finn, lauren, puck, quinn, tina, and rachel] bite back at santana over insulting them)
but her ableist shit toward artie sticks out because the show always kinda seemed to…… not agree with santana about it, exactly, since her saying it was still narratively seen as Not Cool?
but it seemed to give her a half-pass because plenty of the other characters who weren’t physically disabled expressed similar feelings about artie and his disability, just with less vitriol (e.g., puck, who even got to be friends with artie but still said ableist shit; he just wasn’t actively trying to be mean like santana was)
or they tried really hard to make it sound like, “well, this is just commonsense and how things are, what can you do” (e.g., MOST of them, back in season 1’s “wheels,” where rachel was pretty vitriolic in her ableist nonsense, but not directly at artie
—like, she was one of the, “but this is just how things are, don’t take it personally” when talking to him, but then lumped schue’s, “all of you will spend this week in wheelchairs to learn about accessibility!” lesson plan in with him giving kurt a fair audition for the “defying gravity” solo when she had her little diva moment of, “maybe someday, you’ll find a way to create teaching moments without RUINING MY LIFE” and then tried to storm out while still in a wheelchair)
which is all really less about santana herself, and more about how santana fit into the show’s overall patterns of ableism, but
i’m really hard-pressed to come up with something that i actually hate about santana, which is why hers is the longest answer (bc i had to dig deep and bullshit my way through it, oops)
(harry’s is closest in length but that’s because i had an actual point to make; by my standards, his answer is pretty short)
#bizeke#memes for ts#ask box tag#opinions for ts#criticism for ts#harry potter for ts#community for ts#hannibal for ts#glee for ts#harry james potter#abed nadir#santana lopez#freddie lounds#james potter#sirius black#severus snape#hp fandom#fandom problems#abuse culture#jk rowling is not a gift
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I think your dislike of Britta is warranted, that is literally the mission of the text, to get you and everyone else to dislike Britta, because she is a caricature of what Dan Harmon saw his ex girlfriends as when he was running the show. Britta is the worst, most disgusting version of the real-life women a man dated, a man who was going through his lowest most out of control moments lashing out at anyone he felt had wronged him and they fit the bill and Britta was a convenient surrogate for that anger, but I also think that the ultimate point of the show is that Britta and everyone else is not alone in being a terrible person
Every character on Community has biases, they have misconceptions and ego problems and they all have their heads up their own asses and can't see further than the mirror they placed in front of themselves, Britta has this idea of the kind of person she wants to be and she tries desparately to be that person, but she just can't, and the thing is so does everyone else around her, that's why the Greendale 7 work so well, they are all terrible, horrible, no good assholes who think they are God's gift to the world.
Jeff is self explanatory, he's an egomaniacal ass who in his own words either sees himself as God or can just use lies and charm to manipulate his way through life, he holds misogynistic beliefs, he doesn't treat Abed's autism with any kind of respect and even physically abuses Abed for his antics in season 6, he's flawed and shitty and he's at Greendale for a reason.
Shirley has tons of religious prejudices from homphobia to antisemitism, she knows nothing about the world outside her church and she sees herself as better than everyone else because of her religion. She's a manipulative control freak who uses her sweet image to make people around her bend to her whims. Shirley is a woman stuck inside her own little bubble who likes to make fun of others she thinks are different from her, she's not a good person and that's why she's at Greendale.
Abed is autistic and he doesn't socialize the same way with neurotypical people, but he also takes actions he knows will hurt his friends just to achieve whatever ends he wants from his means, he happily manipulates the people around him if it gets him what he wants usually a better movie, Abed isn't the most prejudiced of the Greendale 7, but he isn't an innocent just because of his autism, a lot of the times when he acts cruelly or callously towards a friend he knows what he's doing. That's why season 6 has Frankie saying he doesn't know any better, so you the audience are obviously given that gross feeling and you realize that she is clearly wrong amd so are you if you thought you could explain any of Abed's bad behavior on being autistic. He is an adult, he is his own person, and he knows when he is in the wrong, but he will still do wrong anyways that's why he's at Greendale
Annie is a bull headed kid who thought she knew what she was doing, that she knew better than everyone else around her, she wants to win, she wants to be on top and she will settle for nothing less, and when she gets to Greendale she still thinks she knows better and that she must get herself back on the right path and has to stick her broken pieces back into just the right place in order to be the person she thinks she has to be and she will step on anyone who gets in the way of that vision. She's stuck in her own world and doesn't see what's really waiting for her on the other side and that's why she's at Greendale.
Troy is the egomaniacal popular kid who lived on the top of the food chain his entire life, but when time finally came for him to actually become the hero they all said he was, he sabataged himself, because he was ultimately a coward who had never learned anything more than that to his friends and family he could play a mean game of football. Troy was an empty vessel that only saw himself for what other people saw in him realizing he was good at one thing, but never asking if it made him happy, he was a bully and a jerk who pushed people around and made fun of them when he was in high school and he tried to start the same thing again when he first gets to Greendale. He was just another jerky kid with his head up his own ass and that's why he's at Greendale.
Pierce is self-explanatory, and it would honestly be insulting to try, we all know why he's at Greendale.
The point of the setting of Greendale Community College is that it gives crappy people a place to sort themselves out, it's written in the text of the show for a reason, no matter what you may think of any individual character the truth of the matter is that every single one of them is a shitty, crappy human being who isn't in the right place to be a part of the greater Community yet, that's why they have they're own little crazy person community at Greendale. It's a sitcom psychward, every character is a terrible person you would never want to meet in real life for more than maybe five minutes that's why they are so compelling to watch. They are the dregs of humanity and singling out Britta is understandable, but I also think we need to take in the broader conceit of the show, that everyone here is an asshole that needs to get their shit together and Britta not really having her shit together by the end of the show is probably why she's still a student at Greendale when the credits roll. It may have been a joke, but Greendale really is a purgatory where people go through some tough shit to be ready for the heaven of the life they can make outside it's walls
(I would also just like to mention that Britta probably would not be a terf or transphobic mostly because she's the only one on the show who ever even mentions transgender people when she imagines her season 7 and says the dean is not a joke anymore and is now strictly a transgender woman and not all this other stuff which still prejudiced but she seems to respect trans identities at the least which is prolly more than anyone else on the show if we're being honest)
britta using a deaf girl abed liked to win some stupid challenge and then patting herself on the back by saying she "gave a differently abled person a job" really pissed me off.
britta has always been a fake performative activist and I recall hate it. britta herself though, this isn't a jab to the writers or her actor who all made britta. first season, she builds her whole personality on being an activist but she doesn't make any effort to do anything for the causes she talks about, then gets upset when annie and shirley start doing something for it and get interested in activism because they take away her thunder, and only then did she start trying to do real things to support her causes.
she calls herself a feminist but actively tears down women who doesn't fit her rigid standards of how to be a woman, much like the people she claims to be against. she'll turn against her friends and insult them and their family for sucking up to the oppressive male dominated patriarchy and destroying what it means to be a woman, when they were just gonna get makeovers with their mom. she'll embarrass herself and get into unnecessary fights to prove a bs point because a woman showed an extra inch of chest to get more money for a cause they both support. any instance of a woman (this goes for all non men of course (i say this as an afab trans person) but trans people haven't been ever mentioned in the show) not hating themself for being a woman, not hating their cis afab bodies, not repressing their sexuality and attraction and doing what they want even if it lines up with what a sexist man might want to see, she hates it. she treats it like women can only be happy when they are the opposite of what the patriarchy says, putting them all into the same kind of strict oppressive state, just with opposite rules.
she treats herself like she's better than anyone else simply for just being britta and refuses to even acknowledge that people are different. she constantly forces abed to function in her fake therapist neurotypical ways when her and the group fully know he's autistic and handles things differently. when he warps reality in his mind to cope, she doesn't worry more on how he commonly gets so stressed out or overwhelmed with hard situations or feelings that he has breakdowns that convince him of false realities or that he chooses to believe in realities he knows are false because he has no idea how to cope, she obsesses over how he's not coping by the book and will yell and chase him down to get him to speak his feelings, something she should is hard for him to do, in a way she knows he can't do. speaking more and abed for a minute, it was so sad when troy left because he said no one gets abed and he only got him a little bit. as an autistic, abed makes the most sense and is the best character. it's sad that no one gets him and treats him like a pet or baby.
branching off what I said before, she acts like she does the most political change but doesn't do jack shit. she admits that she doesn't even vote and still does nothing for change unless it's momentary and gives her popularity and the spotlight. she says she's an anarchist or at least a former one but she still keeps up that talk even after abandoning it, and then she has an existential crisis after seeing that her former anarchist buddies are judgemental and decide her worth based on how much activism and protests she's done (none). just in the meowmeowbeanz episode, she stages a revolution to bring everyone back to equal, but when jeff got everyone to delete the app and revert back to a rateless system, she lost her mind that people were moving to the bigger cause behind her instead of treating her as a higher entity instead of focusing on a bigger cause that actuality helps people.
this was just a rant on britta, any britta opinions are welcome. the show is still enjoyable with hey but there are often parts that piss me off. and this isn't argument or discourse, please don't take this in a hostile tone
#i hope you dont read me as being a bitch or anything#that was not my intention#im just expounding upon the analysis that can be given from your rant
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