#and those with an interest/love for it dont want it to replace artists jobs!
smolmagicalmuffin · 1 year
Society needs to do better and stop shaming those with hyperempathy/heavy attachment towards things most consider nonliving. Especially if they struggle with empathy towards humans while having that extra attachment to the nonliving. You aren't a monster, or uncaring. Do not allow others to weaponize your attachment for a morality contest or say it makes you any less of an activist.
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astrohive · 1 year
I would really like to see tfp knockout join the autobots a bit earlier and not just after the war was over basically.
•Imagine him being in the base with a human reader who even though they seem reserved when they think no one is watching in the base one day you just put on the most ✨slutcore✨playlist there is(bcs we all know they were made for the quiet kids) and you are dancing to it quite well.
•Knockout secretly loves all these songs bcs they were exposed to them while searching for any autobot activity or sights of ancient relics in human software and loves your energy.
•While you are cluelessly dancing he goes like "Sweet Solus ,who would think that such a quiet fleshy hides such a diva inside."You are obviously embarrassed and frightened to death.
•After that even though he doesn't want to admit it he takes an interest in you.
•When he has finally gained the trust of optimus,the prime proposes for him to be paired with a human to adapt to the whole "hiding amongst humans" thing he goes "Oh fine,if you are going to pair me with a damn fleshy pair me with the one that at least knows how to have fun."
•You dont like being called fleshy but you appreciate the fact that he likes your taste in music.So you two get to know each other better.
•The first day he picks you up from school/university/job or whatever nearly the same songs you were listening to.You think he does this to tease you,but he just also likes them like previously said.
•Eventually you get to know each other and he quite likes you and the time you two spend together.Especially once you also open up to him.
•Despite your quiet nature you have quite smart remarks about human nature/culture and you tend to be really honest about human behaviour,without excluding yourself-trying to make yourself look better just because of those remarks.
•He really appreciates your honesty about the human species,your observations on cybertronian species and yourself.
•It turns out that you are not quiet because you are shy.You are actually quiet because you have very dark humour (or difficult to understand) and people dont like it most times.
{because they perceive you as insensitive and just feel uncomfortable around you and avoid you because they cant really figure you out.}
•Like one day during your conversation you slip a very dark comment accidentally and while you except to be met with eyes of judgement you are met with a loud wheeze and laughter for a solid five minutes.
•The poor bot is on his knees from laughter.
•If he is driving he has to pull on the side of the road to avoid accidents.
•After that incident your bond really gets stronger.
•He tries to help you to not care about what others think of you and just be comfortable and confident in yourself.
•You also help him when he needs reassurance /he has trouble adapting to his new lifestyle and gets in trouble with the autobots for it.Even when he misses breakdown you are there for him.
•You are the only person he does the activities he would with breakdown and its a big step for him because he doesnt want to feel like he is replacing him.
Favorite activities together:
•You like helping him with his paintjob and even help him find new ideas that make him look more gorgeous.If you have an artistic side he might even let you make a design on him yourself(And he looves it).
•You might even have a whole Pinterest board for inspiration.
•If you are into fashion he also tries to help you upgrade your style/skincare ect...He has great ideas and he also does a lot of research in secret.If you were gorgeous before,wait until you see after...
•Even if you are not into fashion (or dont know much) he tries to help you out .
•If you refuse he respects your decision but will always playfully tease you for it.
•He secretly still goes to illegal races,wich you always knew and never told anyone and eventually he takes you with him.
•You watch trashy american shows together.(arcee,ratchet and fowler are secretly also watching in the back)
•You love listening to music together while he is on patrol with you.
•He takes you to concerts around the world or to buy clothes/skincare products/home decorations.
•If holoforms are available and he decides to use it thats where the real fun begins.
•Once he gets used to the whole "fleshing" thing you do fun human activities shopping together,brunches,going to bars and clubs together,sleepovers ect.(He really loves his holoform)
•Only appropriate greeting :"Hi gorgeous"
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
thoughts on volume 6 (oh boi we're almost halfway someone hold me pls)
chap 1:
-OH MY GOD ITS HIM I FORGOT ABOUT HIM FOR A MOMENT (not in general, ik he's in 98)
-HOWEVER i love how yeah they are scared af but also get that vash as a person is not bad and they don't leave his side
-are we...supposed to notice how bad the state of the gun is or...?
-nono brandon is right, i would also not give good guns to cops
-vash i fucking swear-
-ok in my 1st read didnt get that, idk why but i was confused about meryl getting worried for some reason. but she has a (sad) point. will one day the ptsd related to violence and guns be enough to make vash not shoot his gun? shes asking an interesting question. shes literally asking how much can vash take imo.
-wait so...was the replacement gun...the one in stampede??? (i will compare them later)
-I didnt notice he took the punisher lmao
chap 2:
-:c wolfwood having nightmares its not even a hc, IT IS CANON
-:c im not even mad at wolfwood calling vash a monster cuz it must be fucking TERRIFYING but it still hurts :c
-you could...but youre not gonna
-"so yeah you cant be there for every problem in the pla- HOLD UP WHERE ARE YOU GOING"
-lmao meryl is like me fr
-this time i got most of the fight but i think we can all agree the mpv was the table
chap 3
-YEY LEGATO IN THE.....metal handbag?
-i remember i was so confused i didnt realize THATS HIS FUCKING TONGUE
-also did double fang kill trail of death?
chap 4:
-OH I LOVE THIS SCENE SM. i also hate walking in a place with a shit ton of people
-YES IT IS BABY, THATS THE SAME CHILD YOU [so so redacted] WOOOOOOOOO (i love this chapter)
-oh...yeah that...oh
-"we cant survive without her power, neither can you" dude...dont...just dont
-ah yes. the hair. yeap. just a cool artistic decision. yeap.
-also i forgot how fucked up the last run was here
-oh he felt it, i saw that in his eye
-oh so he also went apeshit....ohhhhh. ok so if vash went apeshit cuz of a physical fight or flight reaction (I THINK) did knives go apeshit cuz of hate? the physical need to kill people in revenge? nice
-BRO WDYM "why not just end this crusade?" YOU JUST SAW WHY HE WOULD NEVER END IT
-oh that was his last straw. one thing is him being tricked by a human but that lie affecting his brother? the one thing he's trying to protect (yes ik he's not doing the greatest job at it) from humans? yeah no you gotta die
chap 5:
-I HATE THE METAPHOR ALREADY (i love it. i want to yell at nightow my thoughts about it. i will never be normal about it)
-pls no. im begging you. pls dont make me read this again. this is when my sanity starts to break into little raggedy pieces of paper
-i just notices this change happens cuz he got HIS MEMORIES BACK WHAT IF I ENDED IT ALL
-i dont want to read anymore
-its just. so fucking hard. like ik we say hes jesus. but at the same time jesus never felt like that. jesus was born without sin but in vash's eyes he is full of sins and no one can forgive him. bro, honey, god would forgive you anything. you are his favorite im sure. but no matter the arguments for the allegory vash can never be jesus cuz he carries the pain of his "sins" everyday PLUS THE ONES FROM THE HUMANS. idk. im sad and tired. my baby. its ok i forgive you. and im sure rem forgives him. im sure. im sad
-anyway, back to the kinda normal thoughts
-also i think vash thinking he has to forgive himself is kinda flawed. like instead of forgiveness he has to accept what happened and i think those are different things. ofc yeah july was messed up but he never intended to do it. idk
-huh, those speakers look like eyes
-cant even swallow in misery in peace anymore lmao
-:c not the day drinking
-i think thats vash talking but yeah....nothing is easy for my guy. hes kinda right, better than crying ig...
-i prefer spike-isms but i will also take needle noggin-isms thank u
-that man can move in such unnatural ways *hears the uncanny vash people cheer at a distance*
-oof, the ptsd got meryl
-also the question is not whether vash was going to take the bullet or not, the real question is how hard does that question makes me cry
-OOF, i mean i 100% get meryl but OOF
-also YES THATS WHAT I FUCKING MEAN. AND I READ THIS ON [redacted] A FEW WEEKS AGO. THE BALANCE BETWEEN EXTREMES ITS JUST NULL, ITS NOT A COLOR AT ALL. his love and faith in humanity vs the pain they cause him...that balance creates a colorless emotion and IM SAD ABOUT IT.
-i hate that final page. i fucking hate milly protecting meryl from her memories while comforting her while protecting her from the rocks, i hate the people still insult vash even when he was long gone, i hate to see the children who saw the same thing as their parents try to convince them to stop because they know vash would never hurt people on purpose only to be ignored..and more than anything i hate vash apologizing for something he has no control over.
[let it be on the record that i needed a minute to continue with the volume]
chap 6:
-"how could i have known?" youre telling me you spent years studying yourself and other plants and never saw one with black hair? really? (im not saying its a plot hole, im saying he was too distracted being a dick)
-so that was his imagination im assuming
-i love her dialogue with the funny glasses lmao, she really was the only mom ever
-oh..here come the tears
-oh right..they used to be like this
-oh...oh god
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: the Lonely Hearts Job
Well with a name like that, im expecting this to either be about con-artists cheating people on E-harmony, or a legitimately tragic story about love and/or loss...
Ok so Rich man arrives with armed goons (heck of a way to make a fist impression) and is crying within 2 minutes of the episode starting... I've said before that i want to see more of the marks' humanised so this promises to be an interesting episode. Nate: "There's no evidence of wrongdoing, She left you" Sophie (to nate): "thats harsh" Wellesley the fourth: "no it isnt".
This is a guy who knows how it looks, understand that it looks that way and acknowledges it openly. Its nice to see us go from last episode's overly naive Hurley to one of the more competent clients we've seen so far. "Whatever you want... its yours. Just find my wife".
I wonder whats going through Nate's mind in this moment. Here's a guy he's been scouting as a mark begging to be taken as a client...
Gut feeling: The second wife (the one who is missing) was actually the type of golddigger it looks like, but accounting for episode name. Its gonna be one of those "the mask grows to fit you" situations where they actually fell for the guy.
So Hardisons analysis implies this guy is like, legit as clients go. He's inherited old money not new money, which is the difference between "evil billionaire CEO" and "Born with privilege, gonna use it how I can". Basically: His great granpa would've been a Leverage mark, but he himself is a legit philantropist.
Meanwhile missing wife may in fact be a black widow. (luckily this client has his own goonsquad to protect him, so we dont need to leave Elliot behind to protect him)
Parker extremely annoyed she's not allowed to steal any of the rich folks' jewelry at the auction. The Boys deciding to have an auction-shaped dick-measuring contest.
Hardison wins the bid, we are reminded that one of Sophie's aliases is a duchess.
Ok so its an entire army of Sophie's.
Need to fight the ringleader, "pick a fight with Hardisons date". Well she did what you asked her to!
--- "I promise next time, i'll use the word argument instead of fight." Clear Comunication! If only people IRL would learn this lesson.
And once more the little Parker moments "what's a Hohe Minnie?", she's consistently the only member of the Young Thieves who takes an interest in the other people's jobs in the cons they're running. She's definitly being primed as Nate's eventual replacement (wether permanent or temporary).
Nate's pajama's. Sophie is loving the idea of a con where Nate has to "pretend" to wine-and-dine her.
I agree with Elliot, the moment it turned out they were grifters, the bet was off. But also, like that we once again get a nod at his cooking skills. "do you want me to teach you about the wines again?" "thats hurtfull and presumptious... but yes."
--- I love the way that Elliot punching the guy out is framed as a shot, good transition. Elliot bribing the guitarist, photographers commentary is great. "I picked you", such a simple statement, Every other member of the group was recruited by Dunevich, but Nate brought Sophie.
They found the wife. Suprisingly she isnt dead. (Meredith seems competent enough to tie off that loose end, and i think she could've exposited on the similarity to Nate falling in love with "The Duchess". But then, without recovering the wife Nate doesnt get to have a Favor for use in the season climax)
Seeing the gifts... Im 100% certain Elliot improv'd the guitar as well, that wasnt actually a Nate plan. Just Elliot.
Final tease with Latimer, he's a bit too much of a nothing-character to be truly intimidating, which means either the showrunners are making a mistake somewhere, or he's about to take a big fall to sell the credibility of the guy who he just called. Wait.... i just got a brainniggle. The story he tried to spin to Nate: "Someone stole a guy's patents", thats the same lie used in episode 1 of season 1. This in the same episode that had a reminder about the difference with Sophie and the other members of the team (on the subject of how they joined the team)
Is Latimer working for the Episode 1 mark? Or is my brain just doing that "i've connected the dots" meme?
Guess i'll see in time.
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toxicsamruby · 4 years
hello! i have to ask: what do you think about supernatural au's where monsters don't exist/monster hunting is not a thing? do you think the characters could even exist out of that realm? i honestly have conflicting views on this because on one hand i do enjoy the character dynamics but i also feel it would be wrong to just take away something that is fundamental to this show, idk though
i LOVE this question. thank you. im going to write a very long post now
obviously there are infinite ways to interpret a story, right? but sam and dean (and castiel too of course) as characters are completely inextricable from their backstories, and their backstories are inextricable from themes of transience, poverty, loneliness, violence, familial duty, masculinity, otherness, american protestantism, horror, humanity, and monstrosity. i dont think that it’s Wrong to take away the monster hunting as an element in the story, but i DO think it would be bad storytelling to do so bc the fact is that these characters w these personalities wouldnt EXIST without a few VERY crucial plot points/themes. and thats a GOOD thing!! say what u will abt the writers (and i do. i do) but the early seasons do an EXCELLENT job of building characters who are inseparable from their stories, characters whose every action is reflective of the Story itself in a bigger sense, characters who are interesting because of the way that they’re used to tell that bigger Story. there’s a sense of cohesiveness between character and theme and narrative, and removing one of these aspects would lessen the other two. that is the mark of good storytelling (that, in my opinion, distinguishes seasons 1 and MAYBE 2 from all the rest; although funnily enough i think castiel’s arc in s4 is the best example of what im talking about outside of s1-2. but anyways).
without these crucial themes and narratives, who ARE sam and dean? why do they even matter? what’s the value of them as characters? aus that strip away all those VERY important themes and plot points strip away the actual artistic value of the characters, and reduces them to objects of the audience’s emotional whims. the only reason u have any affection for these characters in aus is because you know and understand the source material, and you remember why those characters STARTED to matter to u in the first place. this is something that happens in a lot of fanfiction i think: the most essential themes of the original work are ignored for the sake of emotionally expedient scenarios where both writer and reader can clock out of having to do a bigger analysis of the story and just focus on, for example, a certain ship getting together and/or having sex, or a certain character getting a happy ending. and like i wont deny that theyre fun to read! they are essentially transplanting already-developed characters from their already-developed stories into a new fun scenario without the themes and narratives that actually made the characters compelling. and sure, sometimes a truly good author offers us a compelling new set of themes and narratives, ones that are interesting and make us think, but i’d argue that the characters in those rare good fics are 1. not...really the same characters from the show, since the story they’re in has been so completely transformed 2. basically shortcuts for the author to cut their teeth on writing original fiction. in any case, a vast majority of fics that remove the themes and narratives of the original story DONT offer a truly satisfying replacement, so the point is almost moot.
my answer, in short, is that aus without monster hunting destroy the character-theme-narrative cohesion that all good stories require, and by extension doesn’t require either author or reader to think critically about the story as a whole. you know that joke that goes around about supernatural just being a crate full of toys that we’re all sitting around and playing barbie dolls with? that is what the fics ur talking about basically are. it isn’t seriously engaging with a story as a piece of art, it’s grabbing a few barbies from a box and putting them in different clothes. and i think the fact that supernatural does fall apart both thematically and narratively so early in its incredibly long runtime is what allows people to treat it as a box of dolls, because most of the time it seems like the writers themselves treat the show as a box of dolls instead of a story that deserves respect and care and thought. so i actually do understand the urge to play with the barbies, so to speak, and to a certain extent i dont even think it’s a bad thing. but i DO think that sometimes, especially online, ESPECIALLY with a show like this where the lines between genuine engagement with the text and playing barbie dolls gets so blurred, people actually start to lose track of which is which, and THATS what irritates me. people start to view the ENTIRE STORY as just a way to see their personal favorite character do what they want that character to do. the character (and their emotional attachment to said character) becomes the whole reason for the story, instead of the story being the reason for the characters. playing barbie dolls is fine! but it DOES need to be balanced out with actual engagement, with literary analysis, with criticism if the story needs it (and my GOD does supernatural need criticism!), and there needs to be an understanding of the difference between genuine analysis and personal loyalty to a character. 
like, not to be a snob or anything, but it is important to engage truthfully and fairly with a text. things arent good just because you want them to be good, and stories can only offer you genuine satisfaction and critical/artistic growth if you truly engage with them. engaging with supernatural means thinking/writing about monsters and the Other, and to remove monstrosity as a theme and narrative hollows out the story completely.
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ab-artist · 6 years
Buckle up fothermuckers, i have an idea
Imag: oh no
Me: shut
Anyway, who here has watched how i met you mother? Some of you? Hmm well the rest go look for a summary so u can understand
Anyway basically what im thinking is a sander sides HIMYM AU, except y'know different
Here are the HIMYM character
A kindergarten teacher/artist, married to marshal, pretty wise, will cut a bitch for her friend (not literally, except she does have a Your Dead To Me face)
Married to lily, very sweet and polite, lawyer, is very honest(and brutally honest if need be)
Architect, waiting for The One, the narrator, nice, dorky, very serious, a romantic
BAMF, newscaster, very independent, dog lover
The flirt, playboy, has a very well paying job (please), very eccentric
Alright so each of those is a sanders side. And you can mish mash whoever you want where but for me its-
I can hear you "logan? A flirt? A playboy? What? Why?" im glad u asked
You see, remember the valentines video? Sure he didnt actually flirt, but he's a smart boi he'd figure it out. Im sure if the point was to get someone to bed he'd deal with it the same way. Which is why i put him in that role. Although he'd be less a playboy and more "i found this person hot and im attracted to them so ill see if theyre interested in a one-night stand".
And now for ships and hc's for this AU
Roman x The One
(if you want to know who the one is, cus u plan on writing this, mssg me. You dont have to use the person i recommend btw)
Trans! Virgil
I think ill have virgil keep the job kindergarten teacher(/artist)
He short too (but got some muscle)
Also tall patton (not marshal tall but taller than virgil)
Hmmm i was gonna give him different jobs but i think ill keep patton as a lawyer too
Deceit is gonna be a journalist
Cus y'know the stereotype for them is that their liars and theyre assholes who dont care
Well my dear deceit(damien) fits
Except he does care, he loves his job and the stories he finds
Logans job will stay the same(please)
Now for the actual story.
(And no there wont be any roceit after the beginning. None)
So itll basically follow something similar to the HIMYM storyline.
Roman is out hanging with everyone
He's moping and complaining to logan about being single and not having found the one yet
When he sees this cute guy in a green sweater(originality is hard)
Cute guy eyes him too
He tells logan
"Just go talk to him" "what if he's not into guys" "he is giving you side glances as we speak go talk to him"
Cute guy walks over to get a drink
"Haaaaave you met roman" "wait- lo-.....hi"
I wish i could just bulletpoint the entire story but i cant. But as i said, no roceit after they first meet and date.
But as a tip just look at the episodes and pick which ones you want as chapters. As for the people roman dates
Emile picani
Steve (story time guy)
They'll be Replacing from the original, respectively as-
Pumpkin girl
Jeannette (crazy bitch)
Got it? Good. Time for last names
Virgil Storm
Patton Hart
Roman Knight
Damien Shea
Logan Berry
And thats all i got, man this sumbitch got long
My Sanders Stories tag: @allycat31415 @ninjago2020 @ajdraws0430 @singingjo @detroit-become-pan @katatles-the-fish   @sanders-trash-4ever
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zekeyspaceylizard · 6 years
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I’m sure you’ve heard by now they are doing a live action Lilo and Stitch. So lets skip past the middleman and get to all the ways they could potentially screw it up. If Hollywood’s obsession with remakes the last decade has shown, at least 3 of these will probably happen.
1.) they make lilo and her family american. american as possible. living in the northeast or far south so they have identifiable accents. blondes.
2.) they try to make stitch look more like a dog and give him a more quadruped body and more bulldog-like face. bonus points for fangs jutting out of his mouth.
3.) they make stitch more alien, which for hollywood means more like a cloverfield monster or like the mios from godzilla. long bug arms and legs
4.) pleakley and dr.jumba do not appear in the film at all
5.) the unique colorful spaceships from the cartoon are replaced with videogame-esque space helicopters for "realism". expect lots of blue lights and turbine sounds with lense flairs.
6.) stitch now has superpowers and fires beams or corrosive goop from a part of his body. possibly bum for “comedy”
7.) the other 625 experiments play a large part in the film, and have a giant fight scene with an astronomical budget
8.) any and all mentions of elvis are removed so disney doesnt have to pay royalties.
9.) child protection services (and Cobra Bubbles) are now the villains and not just frustrated people trying to do their jobs
10.) at least one shootout with alien guns vs real human guns
11.) an E.T. reference in the trailer or film. glowing finger. trail of candy. just take a guess.
12.) stitch talks in full sentences. unfitting hot young celebrity doing a bad impersonation necessary. like with the Chipmunks films.
13.) stitch is made smaller and fluffier like a Pomeranian or a gerbil or sugar glider so its easier to make toys of him
14.) movie takes place in big crowded city instead of countryside or coast so stitch can cause as much damage to cars, buildings, and other dogs as possible and get the most out of their cgi budget. gotta have lots of shrapnel flying around.
15.) movie isnt about stitch learning not to be an asshole. its about nani and lilo learning to live with the fact their pet is an asshole. stitch stays the same.
16.) at least 5-6 jokes of stitch doing "dog" things wrong. like he pees on a fire hydrant and it melts or explodes into flames. or he plays fetch and drags back a hobo’s leg. snare drum. canned laughter.
17.) one reference to ALIEN where a smaller mouth comes out of stitch's mouth
18.) cgi on stitch is jurassic world tier and he looks like crap in every scene. everyone hopes its unfinished cgi. then the movie is released and the truth dawns on us.
19.) lilo is an outcast for trivial reasons and not because she's actually got interests normally considered bizarre amongst children. she will be as bland as possible. for relatability.
20.) Stitch now wears a space-suit at all times. It produces gadgets that help him do things. Nobody finds it weird for him to wear. Bonus points if his suit talks as well in a famous comedian’s voice.
21.) Angel, from the animated series, added to films plot to give Stitch a love interest. if not Angel, a new girl monster will be invented.
22.) stitch is now a species and not a science experiment and theres almost none of him left so we can shoehorn in a badly written message about conservation or poaching into the film's story
23.) stitch now eats something SILLY!!!!! to make kids laugh. like other dogs poop or car tires or something. remember the hong kong phooey and chipmunks trailers? yeah.
24.) rather than have stitch be destructive and dangerous, because we want kids to look up to him because hollywood are stupid,  instead he is valuable for some reason but has the ability to be invisible to hide from things
25.) sideplot about FBI trying to track down and capture stitch like men in black but devoid of humor. so like Men in Black 2 basically. (men in black 3 was great)
26.) popular american pop star (gaga, del ray, good charlotte, kendrick lamar) does a cover of a famous hawaiian song for the movie’s theme and trailer. it will be forgotten a week after the film premier.
27.) lilo is played by like a 12-16 year old girl instead of a very wee child. her problems will be angsty teenage problems. she will be a snobby jerk to her sister the whole film.
28.) lilo and nani will be portrayed as being fairly middle-class and not basically living in poverty with broken inherited crap from their deceased parents.
29.) lilo and nani's parents are still alive but are simply absent for some reason. alternatively, nani is now written to be lilo’s mother instead.
30.) stitch is now grey instead of blue for realism. animals dont have colors in real life, and they sure as hell wont when they are a cgi monster either.
31.) any and all references or allusions to hawaiian culture and life is removed from the film so that chinese audiences will be more likely to see it and not be turned off by seeing people that arent them, thus potentially killing off most of the film’s potential profits
32.) no actual elvis songs in the film. instead terrible covers by modern day dubstep / r+b / country artists are included instead. bonus points if lilo or stitch sing off key in one of the songs
33.) movie is barely about lilo and stitch. it is about lilo's new love interest, some new character nobody gives 2 craps about. it worked for Ghost Rider / Green Lantern, right?
34.) lilos obsession with photographing people on the island is changed to her photographing animals which is how she finds stitch in the first place
35.) alien council want stitch back. not because he's a criminal or dangerous but because he stole [insert macguffin] and gosh they need it back right away!!! bonus points if this leads to a chase scene on surf boards.
36.) alien council dont decide to forgive stitch and leave him on earth. they try to take him back by force and have to be defeated/blown up by either stitch/lilo/the army
37.) Ohana and what it means is never mentioned in the entire duration of the film.
38.) Stitch now makes generic monster sounds you hear in every movie. are you tired of hearing elephant honks slowed down by 600% yet? TOO BAD.
39.) Stitch is played by an actual dog and they superimpose cgi quills and an extra pair of legs onto it. when he talks his mouth will be CGI and look kinda crap. like those AIR BUD movies.
40.) they make stitch more humanoid and the movie is now a romance between him and lilo. everyone will feel really uncomfortable.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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First drawing was done by an artist on the homestuck/hiveswap amino (forgot name) and second was dont by me.
EDIT 06/30/18: Thanks for the link! For those interested int he first artist, it’s Perla Megpoid over here!
Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?: Alternia
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Lexrit Kanska
Hmmm so I am assuming that much like Kazmal you picked letters that sounded nice? If we wanna theme it, the two really obvious culinary cannibals are Hannibal Lecter and Sweeny Todd, so how about Swentd Bellac?
Age: 7 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Cleaverkind
Fetch Modus: i dont really know, something like in order to get an item she would have to list out the main conponents that make up the item
I mean she kills people so how about a good ol’ fashioned Jigsaw Modus? Items are automatically split into mutliple captcha cards you’d need to alchemize the final product, and she’d need to jam stuff together to get it back out. Allows for creativity in creating new items, as well as comedy in combining incorrect ones.
Blood color: indigo
Symbol and meaning: Sagmino (Doom + Prospit) i think she might be better as derse but i honestly dont know
Nah, I think Prospit is a good assignation! She’s someone who’s exploiting existing norms rather than rebelling against them!
Trolltag: no clue
How about cookettishManeater? The first being a mashup of “cook” and “coquettish,” and the second being a work that can either mean a cannibal or a femme fatale. Gives a nice double meaning so her trolltag can make her come off as a flirt when she’s really a murderer.
Quirk: she replaces all her Os and 0s with ° Because of temperature, which plays a big role in cooking
S°unds g°°d!
Special Abilities (if any): none that i can think of
Yeah so far all we really have for indigobloods is that they’re really passionate and strong and psychically invulnerable. Which makes her powerful enough tbh.
Lusus: a Vulture (she calls him Vad. Kinda a combination between Vulture + Dad)
Personality: Shes highly manipulative to her moiral (Kazmal) and kinda treats him like utter garbage. However she is extremely sweet, caring and patient with her matesprit. She takes care of her due to her matesprite canabalizing her own arm. Which leaves her handicapped since it is a fairly recent amputation.
Aha! So I was wrong about his moirail being a yellowblood! Lemme whip up a new sprite for him real quick.
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God the color clash is atrocious I love it.
I do like that she’s different with her matesprit; I would love for you to write a little more about the reasons behind her behavior in both relationships.
Interests: she love love LOVES to cook! She loves to think of new dishes of exellent tastes with the “help” of other trolls! She is a master at tasting the difference in different blood colours (her favourites are purple and jade). She finds a sort of bliss in deciding when other trolls will die and how long they have yet to live. She loves enlisting other trolls to do her bidding for her so she wouldnt have to get her hands too dirty
Makes sense! She’s like the cook who hires others out to illegally get her truffles.
Title: Witch Of Doom
Oh yeah I can DEFINITELY see that. Especially given the association with witches and cannibalism.
Land: no idea
This one’s EASY! :D Land of Toil and Trouble, dotted with heaps and heaps of calderas!
Dream Planet: Derse??? But i dont know if prospit fits better? I have no clue.
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First off I adore that you put her in an apron as well since it gives them both a very neat visual tie-in for totally different jobs. And unlike Kazmal, I wanted her to have virtually no trace of purple on her at all, to how how unmoved she is by her moirail. Let’s go top to bottom!
Hair - I used a naphal base for her hair and gave her a very neat topknot instead of a ponytail, the better to keep it out of the way when she’s cooking!
Horns - the ones you gave her fit purpleblood norms a little better than they did indigoblood, so I gave her arrow-tipped ones that curve around her head.
Eyes - this is a basic fan-troll template that I picked for the hooded eyes, since they conveyed the calculated look I was going for
Mouth - we don’t see many “toothy” indigobloods and they tend to have humanoid mouths, so I just gave her a slight smirk
Shirt - kept it the same more or less but wanted the collar for the “line cook” look; sprite is from fan-troll.
Apron - sprite from naphal. I wanted to make it black since stains don’t show up as readily on that, which should make it all the more chiling that she’s cooked enough trolls for them to be visible. I used a sprite seet from fryingpanismyweapon for all the blood spatters. I also placed the symbol on the patch on her chest since it made more sense that it was another symbol-specific piece of clothing instead of one that she presumably painted on using a fellow indigoblood’s blood.
Shoes - from naphal
Aaaaand that’s it for my review of her! I like her a lot.
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roughentumble · 7 years
SORRY. IDK WHY I SUCK AT EVALUATING THIS MOVIE IN PARTICULAR imo, theres a LOT of emphasis put on control. they talk about dictatorships, how they repress both art/culture, AND knowledge/learning. i'm gonna avoid talking about what i think Really Happened, because i havent entirely worked that out for myself, but for themes and what they represent and why this story's being told... i think it's largely a meditation on the ways we're repressed by society at large, our smaller and more insular social groups, and the closest relationships with loved ones(so essentially, the world at large and at every level of interpersonal relationship and society in general) we're given a tale of two physically identical people to illustrate two extremes in behavior and personality, and how the same outside forces conspire in the same way to tear them apart, tear them down, and force them into roles they dont want to inhabit. it also forcibly strips them from their individuality, their personhood, and their self expression- they will never be a single, unique person ever again, because they will always know there's someone else out there wearing their face. going back to the extremes in behavior n such... it's easy to be an academic and look at someone who is an actor, or an artist, and think of them as the penultimate in self-expression and personal freedom. but at the same time, if you're a creative it's easy to look at someone in a more stable, academic or scientific role and think that they have more freedom to be themselves, in that they dont need to constantly maintain an Artsy Appearance to Stay Relevant n such. they can literally just be who they are, and if they have no inspiration they can just go back to work until true inspiration strikes. but thats ultimately not true, because NO ONE is allowed true self expression. neither of these men are allowed to be their authentic selves!! the teacher spends nights drinking wine and plowing his fuckbuddy, sure, but it's PASSIONLESS, it's rote and he's sick of it but he has nothing else. everyone(including his own mother) tells him he has a good apartment, a great career, he should be happy and thankful for what he has, but what he has doesnt FULFILL him. but he keeps doing it anyway, because it's the narrative society's constructed for him, the Correct Life Path. he's miserable, and trying to communicate so gets him shut down and told there's something wrong with him. he's held to the expectations of that life, whether he wants it or not and the actor man sees his casual fuck buddy and his complete lack of immanent baby-having and sees him as the pinnacle of freedom, because this isnt the life he wanted for himself either. anthony's miserable, he feels trapped, and he has no outlet to escape into the life he WANTS to live. he wants to be single, he wants to drink and fuck and he absolutely doesnt want a baby. he doesnt want to be a father. also, it's interesting to note how adam steps into anthony's life at the end. they both look the same because they're both put under the same pressure to conform to society's expectations, and he's capable of putting on a persona and playacting as anthony, but it's as fake and miserable and heavy as his last one. and it only brings to light how REPLACEABLE he is. even in anthony's death(assuming he died in that car crash), adam is STILL NOT GRANTED HIS OWN AUTONOMY! he still cant escape the knowlede that he's not his own person, he's a puppet of society who doesnt get to feel genuine joy or self determination because NONE OF THIS IS THE LIFE HE WANTED TO LIVE, but both are the life he's now forced to inhabit. so like.... lets talk about this from different levels. starting with the closest ring(wife, mother, best friend, other close relationships), then the second closest(work friends, neighborhood, social groups you choose to be part of like your local DnD group or soccar team or whatever your niche interest is), then the farthest ring(society as a whole) so. well actually maybe its fairly obvious, and i dont need to get into it??? hmm. well, obviously anthony feels trapped by his wife. he doesnt like that she's pregnant or that he's being tied down, and as much as adam isnt big on his current relationship, hes not exactly thrilled by the pregnant wife either, because of the way she represents a loss of self identity she shows how easily he can step into someone else's life to replace them, AND how easily he himself can be replaced, and how he can never truly be himself. she also imposes a lot of ideas of how he should be onto him. same with the mother, she's cruelly dismissive of adam's wants and desires and creative self expression, all in an attempt to love him and "look out for him"- because if he's financially stable then he's provided for and safe and that's all that matters. not his actual happiness, but rather how "safe" he is and how much she can pat herself on the back for having raised such a "respectful" child things turn awkward in adam's life whenever he expresses a dissenting opinion(he isnt a huge film fan, but most people are expected to have at least a passing interest in film, and when his coworker brings up films as a neutral topic and he expresses that he isnt a fan, it turns the conversation awkward and stilted until he's given a film to watch anyway, because that's the social expectation) what's funny though, is that despite their ultimately antagonistic relationship and the way they reflect a loss of individuality and personhood, the only reason they meet is because of the intersection of knowledge and culture, and they find in each other a sense of community, commiseration, and relatability. who do they understand instantly and intrinsically? who do they seek out? who do they actually SHOW THEIR TRUE EMOTIONS TO throughout the film? EACH OTHER. on the phone with each other for the first time, adam starts stumbling over his words and saying things in the worst possible way, and admits he only gets this way when he's excited, yet we never see him act like that again throughout the film... because nothing else EXCITES him he's excited by the thought of someone else understanding. of someone to commiserate with, to relate to. someone who feels what he feels. a sense of true community. and he gets that, but in doing so looses the one thing that he truly thought of as unique(viewing himself as one of the only- or at least the few- who felt stifled and lacking in true creative outlets in their lives) (i also think thats why anthony responds with more joy and amazement, because for him he's reassured by the communal feeling and the fact that even someone in a Respectable Job could feel that way, whereas adam is horrified because EVEN PEOPLE IN CREATIVE JOBS FEEL THAT WAY) society at large held them both down to such a startling degree that anthony viewed his wife as a spider, himself caught in a web of commitment, while adam felt every day blur together as he shambled through life in a daze, both steeped in misery. they hated their lives, lives imposed on them by a society that operates through subjugation and a suppression of individuality. and they both embodied one of the two major things you can use to combat such a society- and they were both held back and burdened by expectations specifically tailored to hold back those ideas, and keep that individuality from blossoming. but then adam's knowledge met with anthony's art/culture, and they were able to OPEN UP to one another. knowledge became aware of art, and together they forged themselves a small space to really try and feel what they felt and develop who they are as people, without all these expectations weighing them down and moulding them into people they didnt wanna be. and did they ultimately crash and burn(no pun intended)? yeah. they did. but they tried. and they only failed so spectacularly because of a society that wanted them to fail, that kept their emotional growth in that area stunted to keep them from ever rising up against these ingrained ideas that are ultimately harmful now, am i saying these were two good and pure men deserving only of nice things, who never made a mistake???? no. they were both huge assholes. i mean, anthony wanted to fuck adam's GF... WHILE SHE THOUGHT HE WAS ADAM. he tried to push her out a goddamn moving car. adam tried to fuck her while she was asleep at one point, and then fucked anthony's wife while SHE thought HE was anthony---- these are SHITTY PEOPLE. but i mean... i dunno, its, the point isnt to be about perfect people, but instead to show how badly all these limitations and expectations can fuck people up, leave them emotionally stunted and miserable, how it can lead to depression and a lack of identity or a sense of self... how it leads to tragedy, basically.
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dianaagron · 8 years
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hello darkness my old friend i’ve come back on tumblr once again (after like one month of not uploading anything or reblogging or answering messages for that matter because im a shit person who is actually very busy)
once upon a time this was called the your fave crack edits maker watched the thing earlier review but let’s be honest im not editing a flying fuck lately so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (here are part 1, part 2 AND part 3 tho)
warnings: i talk like a sailor, i haven’t been in touch with the fandom or with the whole franchise for like months and if you’re not that interested in the actual plot of the thing and you’re just watching out of love for the characters, there’s a 99% chance i’m even more disinterested than you (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧
basically if you’re looking for in-depth analysis and metas yo this ain’t the post for you my friend
good luck reading lmao
it’s a truth universally acknowledged that if a tri movie is coming out, tumblr user dianaagron (clara for friends) won’t know about it until the day after, when she’ll wake up and check twitter after 84 years of not logging in and realize that yesterday was the day. actually, this time i remembered the episodes were out the same day they were released, but still it was because of good ol’ twitter, because with all the mess that’s going on with me (part of the reason why i’m never here) even if i happened to check at the beginning of the week when soushitsu was coming out, i still managed to completely forget about it in the span of a fucking day. also, i’m fucking pissed because i’ve always watched the thing after downloading the various episodes because that way i have all my stuff and i can go back and easily find caps and other stuff like that but nope not this time because i can’t fucking find a single torrent and i’m refusing to download subbed episodes because a) it’s gonna take so long to direct download something and b) what use are subbed episodes when i know i’d be replacing them with unsubbed ones as soon as i can find working dls (this is a cry of help: tell me where i can download the episodes, im dying, thank you)
one thing to take into account: i was extra pissed for various reasons yesterday night when i watched the first two episodes, so i’m not really sure if that’s why, compared to the shit that i had to deal with in real life, the episodes (in the contrary to all expectations) weren’t bad at all. truth is i actually liked this installment? INCREDIBLE, I KNOW. of course it had its nonsense moments and parts that made me roll my eyes (im buying pizza for everyone who can guess which were those moments) and other negative parts, but i really preferred movie 4 to movie 3. i’m guessing this is an unpopular opinion because i remember everyone was so happy with kokuhaku back in the day and i was the only soul going like lmao i didnt even cry but idk, i liked this one, it wasn’t bad. btw, i said i’m guessing mine could be an unpopular opinion because i’m writing this sorry excuse of a review before reading anything else cause i don’t want to be influenced :)))))
(save me ive written 500 words on nothing) (meanwhile i finally found torrent links) (and i had to pause the review because i ended up going out yesterday night so this is me talking one day later from what you’ve read before)
once again, i feel like nothing happened in the course of these four new episodes. now, i know i’m extremely slow when it comes to get plot points and all that (not because i’m that stupid, thank you very much, but because of my attention span varies from 1 second to 2 and a half so it’s hard for me to recall what happened in the previous installments unless i go and rewatch all of them - thing i won’t ever do because this girl right here is lazy as fuuuck) but if you sit down and think about what was revealed, you get close to nothing lmao.
winning points of the movie (for me):
not too many extreme closeups like in the previous installment. it flowed better, the animation quality wasn’t as terrible as it was in the previous four episodes (im saying this just by quickly looking at the caps i took - while in the other i had so many ugly caps here they all look presentable and usable) (i say this from the point of you of someone who makes edits of course, i dont have the knowledge of an animator lmao), the majority of the shots with mimi, which are the ones that i pay the most attention to, are super pretty, but also those with taichi’s!!! his design was super on point, i have many caps im probably gonna insert later of just him looking hella attractive, and sora!!! omg sora was so fucking beautiful in these episodes i was so :)))) yay for nice designs, they make me happy.
the lack of you know who for basically two episodes. it was so good, so nice, so calming. i was loving life and life was loving me.  
HOW THEY HANDLED THE TAIORATO!!!! if you know me or if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know this already, but i’m saying this in case i have new readers (HI) or, y’know, to swipe some dust off: i’m not the biggest fan of the main three. that comes from the fact that michi is my otp and i love taishiro probably too much for my own sanity, so i tend to be on the taichi/koushiro/mimi & yamato/sora/jyou side of things (which is like, super unpopular because if it’s not taiorato then it’s yamichi, so you get why my life is a constant struggle). anyway, thing is that i actually loved the interactions between the three? it was light and it felt super real, it could easily be relatable. it was also clear to me that taichi’s and yamato’s roles in sora’s life were blatantly different and i also loved to see how the two of them while being in the same situation reacted differently, but i’m gonna touch this topic later. overall tho, good job on the dynamic between those three. im clapping my hands, i wasn’t excited about it when the movie poster came out five months ago but i’m so happy that they made me love the parts with taichi, yamato and sora.
it wasn’t heavy on fight scenes. i know. I KNOW. but as i’ve said, i’m not the average digimon fan so i’m happy with my bonds developing and less fights and all that stuff :))))
meiko exceeding all expectations and NOT CRYING for all four episodes. such sorcery. 
on the other hand tho
y’all, who the fuck is that ygdradude? am i supposed to know? did i miss a focal point? am i that disinterested in the plot to miss a fucking focal point????
also what the fuck was that part with i dont know his name, the teacher, with the white space shit and the talk about libra. what is libra, who is libra, what the hell, what the fuck
pedo gennai dear lord i felt so fucking uncomfortable 
remember when i said meiko didn’t cry? she didn’t cry because they replaced her with her partner and made meicoomon whine for 3/4 of the movie instead 
the opening scene ????????????????  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ artistic choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the fact that they basically wasted half an episode (the last one) on three evolutions. they really need to cut down the timing of those, for real
i can’t think of anything else rn 
they could’ve kept meiko away for other three episodes if it was me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then again they could’ve just kept meiko away from tri in general if it was me
warning: i have 98 screenshots ready to use, i’m gonna try to cut some stuff because that’s too many, but here we go 
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they were pulling some hikari shit right here (as well as some charlie chaplin sorcery for the whole sequence)
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that’s what i’m saying
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OKAY LISTEN, that fucking egg with the circular thing under it made me highkey hope for some sort of magic shit happening and bringing the 02 kids back because it looks like a digimental egg or however those things were called. like my hope was so highkey that i fucking ended up dreaming the night between me watching the first two episodes and the latter two that miyako was back. unfair. i hated it. i want my kids back. 
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taichi being handsome: exhibit A
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mimi being beautiful: exhibit A
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sora being incredibly pretty yet sad: exhibit A (i told you guys the design was extra better compared to the last movie) 
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random caps taken merely for the fact that taichi and mimi were next to each other looking aesthetically pleasing to the eye  (also do you ever cry about the skin tone difference between these two because i tend to do that a lot) 
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i can’t stand them hahahahah
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) frankly they could’ve shown yamato in the next scene so that way the foreshadowing would’ve been blunt and people wouldn’t still be bitching. or maybe they would anyway lmao. also look at the girls being all pretty together im so :))))
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just pretty mimi and taichi + koushiro talking i was :)))) i love them all i love my kids, especially kou when he goes on about his tea
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and i also FINALLY appreciated a koumi scene!!!! it happened!!!!! honestly, as i’ve said, i’m not entirely sure if it was because i was facing so much rl shit right before i watched the thing or what, but this time i was just enjoying what tri had to offer me without caring too much about other stuff like “ugh they’re pushing the fanservice with ship baits” and such. this was just plain cute, mimi was terribly in character, koushiro as well, and it was just the kind of interaction that i love. i love my kids pt. 2974521248 like, of course i would’ve loved for mimi to feed one to taichi, but i’m still somehow sane and i know they’ll never show something like that in canon? but still, it’s nice cause i know how differently from koushiro taichi would’ve reacted in a setting like this and i just can use it in my fanon world. goodbye.
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this is why i’m team taichi, yamato
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taichi being handsome: exhibit B
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JUST IMAGINE HIM LOOKING AT MIMI LIKE THAT BEFORE THEY KISS IM SO ??????????? im gonna make a manip just wait for it
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AH YES The Interaction™ also known as one of my fave parts of the movie lmao but it’s so nice whenever mimi talks it’s taichi the first one to answer im happy goodbye
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cutie patootie be looking at his cute patoote
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legit thought palmon was going to transform into sailor palmoon or something
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why so ugly good lord
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AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS!!!! THIS THING RIGHT HERE!!!!  let me put it into context in case you don’t remember: this was taichi asking his LEGIT CANON BEST FRIEND IZUMI KOUSHIRO TO NOT PUSH HIMSELF TOO MUCH AND REST. can anything be as beautiful as this? this made my heart defrost, im alive, y’all need to reevaluate your “taichi and yamato are bffs” business because. of. this. right. here. (im slamming my fist on the table, in case you were wondering) 
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hikari being smug af with takeru tho, that gave me life as well. also jyourato sitting next to each other <33333
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AND THE SISTER IN LAWS <3333333 under a blanket that it’s so mimi’s 
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penis shot
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taichi you fool...
a word on the so called triangle that of a triangle it has nothing but whatever: it was clear to me that yamato and taichi hold two very different spots in sora’s life, while both being important to her. there are multiple times when we see yamato trying to make taichi break the ice and talk to sora, and that’s because he is her best friend, so he should be the one who is supposed to know how to make her feel better at all times. another thing i noticed was how it was yamato to be the most sensitive to sora (unsurprisingly so): you see it especially when taichi is busy with agumon and he’s still monitoring sora, worried
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and of course this whole exchange was beautiful, and i don’t have much else to add. truly iconic. 
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[insert penis joke here]
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can we please take a moment to appreciate sora and mimi? they are so important
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DA BACKHUG DOE guess who also watches kdramas lmao
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minute 18 of episode 2 say goodbye to all your dreams of greatness 
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CRYING HE’S SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH imagine him holding a baby 
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i’m too lazy to go back and take another screenshot, but jyou with both palmon and patamon holding onto him was something else
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🙄  🙄  🙄  even here mere expression makes me 🙄  but at least she wasn’t crying
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i wasn’t
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actually, as studies say, mimi is, in fact, a libra
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why you know who tho when we all know it was sora who was supposed to be in the picture
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why you know who pt. 2 
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the fluff tho
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the contrast between hikari being the calm one and having accepted the situation vs taichi still being unsure and lost was nicely done by making her facing the light and him staying in the shadows, good job with the cinematography im clapping my hands
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F U C K I N G  W H Y  no, but seriously, i was already uncomfortable before with him being on top of her but this just just like yikes to a whole new level like i just don’t get it???? was it necessary???? just ew
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i love mimi and the lowkey koukari pass it on
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who the fuck is ygdrasil tho
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ah yes, chosen children be so fit, they be running from huge monsters wanting to kill them off, they be escaping just with their two legs. incredible. 
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digimon au: cruise OR digimon au: titanic (spoiler: meiko is jack) 
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tag urself im jyou speaking the words of wisdom
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takeru was cute here
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weird lighting aka good luck to those who gif these scenes lmao
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teach me this choreography guys don’t keep it to urselves 
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this was some weird shit right here let me tell you
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ah yes again with the superhuman strength, surviving after a fucking huge machine slams you repeatedly against a mountain or smth like that
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ur the one saying it gennai get a fucking grip 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY JYOURA HEART, JYOU BEING DASHINGGGG how can they not believe him when he says he has a girlfriend i mean have you seen the dude? he’s going to be a doctor, he can fucking catch a girl falling from 20 meters up in the sky i meAN 
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THE REAL HIGHLIGHT OF THE MOVIE. GALS BEING PALS. (for real tho, i felt so blessed? it’s in moments like these that i just feel all the love for this anime, im so :)))))) )
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and jyou comforting sora as welllllll~~~~
and that’s it with the pics you guys!!! a couple of further points
if they didn’t waste half an episode on three evolutions, they could’ve just gone further with the plot, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im not saying meiko grew on me, because i still want her out, but i can deal with her if he doesn’t cry as much as he did in the first three installments 
what’s up with that ygdradude and libra talk is my question
they still need to address the 02 kids mystery and i need my babies back 
the triangle is not, in fact, a triangle
i love my kids 
and the episodes weren’t bad, come on. they went a little further with the plot by showing that the chick whose name i don’t remember had a partner that died and so that was the reason for the reboot, so they did give some answers, and at least the pacing of this movie was faster than in the previous one. 
also, as i’ve said, idk what’s the popular opinion but i loved sora’s arc, it was nicely done and i don’t have anything to bitch about (except for meiko’s unnecessary presence). i felt for her and i wanted to wrap a blanket around her and just give her all the love.
and that’s it i think? 
im blocking out the memories of the scenes with gennai because im feeling super uncomfortable whenever i do
we’re talking first kiss between wang so and hae soo in scarlet heart levels of uncomfortable
the ending sequence was so cute <3333 especially sora and piyomon, they were my faves closely followed by taichi and agumon
and im done
thank you for reading
i’ll probably go back to my hibernation now 
ily all 
if you got to this point i’m truly buying you a pizza 
and let’s not forget the winning screencap, you can use it every day at every hour, every moment in your life
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sweetblossoms · 7 years
1-69 bay bee, I wanna know stuff
i haven’t dont one of these mass answerings since like 2015 f u c k
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Probably, yeah. I’ve had cigarettes before, but I’m not addicted to nicotine, so I’d live without having another one
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
Single as hell, and don’t care for romance tbh
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
I’d say “thanks, I know”
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
Yeah and it was prefaced with the sentence “You’re too damaged for me” bc life is gr8 to me
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?
Nope, I’m too busy getting my life on track to try and focus on anyone else
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
I’m getting a pedicure on Thursday with an old friend and my new Morphe makeup brush set should be arriving on Wednesday so it’s gonna be fuckin lit
7: Do you want to be single?
I mean I am whether I want it or not, so-
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
Stay in, I had work today and am trying out a new sleeping pill, so I’m trying to regulate my sleeping cycle
9: How late did you stay up last night?
Like 12:30 AM
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
Yeah, it was like a year and a half ago I think and it was a process let me tell you
11: Last three things you had to drink?
Water, coffee, root beer
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
Yeah lmao on the daily
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
Yeah, but that’s more directed at family, not to any partner I’ve had
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
I don’t think so, no
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Nah, it generally takes me like two weeks and I’m over it tbh
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
Yes most definitely
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
Ew no I don’t think I’ve held hands with anyone since I was like 16, I hate hand holding, it’s so awkward for me
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
Probably not tbh
20: What would you name your future daughter?
Probably some hippie white person shit like Celeste or Marina
21: Do you miss anyone?
Yeah, I’ve been missing my college friends a lot lately
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
Yes lmao
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
I think so, yeah
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I’m actually really good at hiding all my emotions besides annoyance tbh, if I’m annoyed, you fucking know it and that’s that
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
Yes, I am such an intense angry crier, I instantly tear up any time I’m mad, it’s an awful curse
26: Who did you last see in person?
My brother? I think
27: Are you listening to music right now?
No I’m listening to a podcast
28: What is something you currently want right now?
To replace my old makeup because I’m on a makeup binge rn and want it all, I’ve been obsessed with youtube makeup gurus all week
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?
“Here, take the water bottle”
30: How is your heart lately?
Still pumping blood, so it’s good I’d assume
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
Only if it’s raining because my hair frizzes up like a shitball when it rains
32: Are you wearing socks?
Ew no, I only wear socks if I have to
33: What do people call you?
Ilene, Lena, Bean, Leenie, Ling. I am a nameless orb for you to project your name fantasies onto.
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
I don’t...like anyone...???
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
An ex-fling sometime last May
37: Did you do something bad today?
I ordered a burger and stuffed jalapenos for lunch, so I’ve been real bad today ;)
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
A couple of weeks ago in a friend way. Actually wait, maybe my brother has hugged me since then, I can’t remember
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
I used to, but since getting older I realized that I don’t really get stressed easily, I just get overwhelmed easily, which are two different emotions that only slightly differ
40: Will you sing today?
I think I did earlier actually, I think I sang Hollaback Girl to my coworker
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
Yeah, I bite my tongue a lot
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
I’m not going to lie, I kind of bottle everything up and then vent in long personal posts here on tumblr and then I’m good for the next couple of weeks and then the process continues
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
No, I’ve ever actually never had to go to the hospital or ER (for myself)
44: What are you listening to right now?
The Valleyfolk Podcast
45: What is wrong with you right now?
I mean, what’s wrong with me all the time is the better question. I have no money to do the things I want in life, I’m fading away from old friends that I don’t to fade from, my depression is coming back, I live with my family instead of on my own like I used to, my job is a shithole and I want to quit on the daily, etc. etc. the list goes on and on
46: What is on your wrists right now?
Nothing?? It’s like 9:30 at night
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
It was a Christmas present tanktop 
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
Hot chocolate because apple cider is best cold and alcoholic
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
No because time is an illusion and cannot provide humans wishes. Cute sentiment though.
50: Are you a good artist?
N o p e, I wish
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
Not really, but I guess it’s cool for some people
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
I think I was actually worse six months ago, so no
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
No, I wish tho, I always wished I could drive one of those school golf carts around just for the fuck of it
54: Do you have trust issues?
Oh most definitely, not a question, I trust nobody besides myself
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
Ew no I hate phone conversations
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I...yes, but in my defense it’s a pastel tie-dye tanktop that I bought specifically for Pride because it’s the pansexual colors
57: Do you use chap stick?
Yeah, I use the organic Eos brand
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
Yes but like, as a joke, never for real
59: Do you have a little sister?
60: Have you ever been to New York?
No, I don’t really want to either? It just seems dirty and crowded and I’m too scared of heights for the skyscrapers and too cold. Love the fashion that comes from that area though
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
Probably, because my friends are the best and we all love and support each other like a true squad should
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
I don’t think so, no
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
I think I was playing Sims 4 and reading fanficiton on my phone
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
Yes, drunk-me is a little shit
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
I think maybe my friend Taylor has that covered? He’s pretty good at comic relief when I need it
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
I mean, yeah, how do you only kiss someone once? My last kiss was a hook up, so-
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
Probably alone, I get too hot in my sleep and have specific bedtime qualifications before I can rest and some people cuddle way too much for my liking
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
Nah I have to be awake at 6 am to go to work all day
0 notes
symbianosgames · 8 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
Midnight Hub is a Swedish indie studio run by former Mojang and Paradox developers. Right now we're hard at work with our story-driven mystery game Lake Ridden. Feel free to reach out on Twitter if you got any questions!
This post was originally posted on our developer blog, by our talented art director Erik Nilsson. By posting it here we hope to spread his advice on how to make a kickass art portfolio when applying for a games industry job! So, without further ado, here are Eriks' advice in his own words:
A few weeks back I found all of my usual artist work for Lake Ridden replaced by one thing: sorting through applications we had received for the available 3D artist intern position. We only had one spot but dozens of applications, so for me that meant portfolio reviews, meetings, emails and interviews all day long.
I really don’t mind it, I love looking at other people’s artwork, but as I began to dig into the pile of emails from students, one thing became clear to me: no one had taught them about presentation or what a good portfolio should look like. Almost all of the applications needed the same kind of pointers. 
An example of concept art for a "hero prop". This was actually the art test we sent some of the artist applying for the internship at Midnight Hub. Each enlarged item tells a story and shows that there is a thought out idea behind the prop.
Knowing how to create and present your portfolio when you apply to a game company, is just as important as having awesome 2D or 3D skills. If you have a badly presented portfolio you will struggle to find work.
This all left me very frustrated, portfolio creation should be a mandatory part of any game art education by now. You can't just teach people a software and then expect them to get jobs, they are competing with every other artist in the industry, or at least the country. And some of those other people certainly know how to present a portfolio.
So! In this blog post I have assembled a few tips on what I think every artist should take to heart, student or not, hopefully it will help some artists that are just now searching for their first game art job or internships. Get ready for some tough love!
Portfolios Are Really Important!
Your portfolio is king. As an artist it is the single most important information about yourself you can send to a company. Of course a short (like half a page max) personal letter is also important too: personality and teamwork is a vital part of game development after all. But as an Art Director, the first thing I will look at is your portfolio.
I don’t really care about your resume, it's always a nice bonus if you have some experience from another company, if you have shipped a title before, or are able show that you can work with other people. All that is great, but none of it matters if your portfolio is no good. As an AD I might have 50 other portfolios to review after yours, and unfortunately I don’t have the time to read a really long personal letter. If your portfolio is not interesting, an AD usually won’t bother with the other stuff.
Our producer Sara wrote a short blog post about on how to apply to a game company in general, check it out here.
Keep It Clean and Simple!
So, since ADs' and recruiters' time usually is very limited, you need to make their work as quick and easy as possible. I want to open an email, press a portfolio link and immediately see your three best pieces of artwork. One click, bam! Your best art right in front of my eyes! Don’t make me search through your email for the portfolio link, don’t make me wait for a long loading time, don’t make me download a plug-in that I might not have on my pad and never send me your portfolio as a zip. 
A robot concept from my own portfolio. As you can tell all the info you need is collected at one place, without any distractions. The contact info is included.
When I say a “good” portfolio I don’t necessarily mean a pretty looking one, don’t spend time decorating your website or blog with flashy fade effects or “cool” layouts. I am there to look at your impressive 3D models, not your pretty website, after all, I am not looking for a web-designer, right? A simple, neutral background color with a bunch of images and some contact info is all I need.
Always put your contact info somewhere at the top of every page in your portfolio, just make sure it’s not distracting me from your pretty pictures. Don’t send me just a demo-reel (unless you apply as animator), or a Sketchfab page. They are cool, but they take time to open and are usually a bit clunky. I want a portfolio page (with your reel on, if your an animator, Youtube embedding works fine). I really don’t want to open a Sketchfab window unless the model looks really cool. And they might not always give me the best first impressions of your artwork. Give me a portfolio with simple images so that I can quickly look at all of your art, even on a phone. Then give me the option to look closer through Sketchfab.
Website or Blog?
It will always look really cool if you have your own website, but today you usually don’t need one. A simple blog with your art on is often enough, or why not use Art Station? A lot of people do, it’s easy to use, clean and most ADs already know how it works. With that said, it does look a bit more professional with your own site.
What Should I Put In My Portfolio? 
When making art for your portfolio there are a few rules you should consider: 
1. Quality before quantity - You only want to show me the best images you got. If you are uncertain on a piece: drop it! Bad images might actually cast doubt on your best ones. I would much rather see five strong images than one good and fifteen mediocre or bad ones. Remember, my time is limited, if I only see three images make sure it’s your best work.
2. Generalist or specialist - Figure out what kind of company you want to work for. Or figure out what kind of work you want to do - large companies usually want people that can specialize.
If you love making every detail on a high poly rifle look kickass, but not much else, chances are you are more suited for a job at a big company. They have tons of people hired to work there and they are competing against the most advanced tech in the industry. Because of this, they would rather pay you for doing one thing amazingly awesome, than doing a lot of different things really well.
Small companies on the other hand (like we at Midnight Hub), usually don’t have the money or space to hire a lot of people, so for them it’s usually more important that you have a broad skillset. They can’t really hire you to only sit and do rifle parts all the time.
3. Adapting to what a company is looking for - If a company is looking to hire an environment artist it’s probably a really good idea for you to have some environment art in your portfolio.
You can’t always adapt your portfolio to everyone’s needs, but if you are really interested in applying for a specific position, and you don’t have anything close to that in your portfolio already, it might be a good idea to make a new piece just for that! For example, if you want to work as a character artist on The Division, try making a next gen post-apocalyptic survivor character for your portfolio before applying.
4. Presentation - Presentation of your art is key for your portfolio. A good model can easily look horrible with the wrong composition and/or lighting. If that’s the case it will also show the AD that you don’t understand these basic artistic concepts. But having good composition and lighting will not only show that you understand this, they can also help your art stand out from the crowd.
A nice 3D environment piece by my friend David Österlind. It tells a story and works great as a beauty shot. It also contains a fairly large amount of props and textures that can be shown in separate images along with their wireframes and maps. 
The same can be said for texture work and design, you want to find some way for your art to stick out from among the huge pile of other artist portfolios. Another really important thing to show in your presentation is workflow. For a 2D artist this can mean including thumbnails, sketches and variations under the final rendered design. For 3D artist you usually want to show one or two beauty shots, with a wireframe, maps, triangle count and maybe a few close-ups or in-game shots.
5. Storytelling in your presentation - Telling a story with your art is another great way to stand out. If you have a concept image of a character, try doing a few more concepts from the same world, maybe a monster, maybe a location, maybe the hero and the villain etc.
With 3D you can do the same thing, or maybe do an animation. If you made a cool tree, try putting it into a game engine, build a scene, light it, maybe add a few plants etc and try to tell a story about the location. Use that as a beauty shot and include another more technical image containing all of the props, maps, wireframes etc. Present your art in a context, rather than just as a bunch of separate images. This will show that you understand storytelling, workflow and pipelines, after all, this is probably how you would work at a real company! 
A few quick environment sketches i did a while back, they are all based on the small black thumbs and they are all set in the same world. This gives a context and a meaning when they are put together. This shows I have an understanding for the 2D workflow.
Time To Summarize!  
1. Portfolio is king. This is your single most important piece about yourself as an artist. Make it awesome!
2. Clean and simple. Art Station works fine. One click, bam! Your best art right in front of the art director's eyes.
3. Quality before quantity. When in doubt, don’t include the piece.
4. Adapt - what kind of games do you like making?
5. Presentation is 50% of the work. Include your items in a scene or put them together in exciting ways!
Thanks for the read and hope this helps! Feel free to ask me in the comments if you think I forgot something you consider important! Also, we managed to find a great 3D artist who will soon join the team, but more about that later. Now, go make some awesome art!   
- Erik
0 notes