#not all ai is bad
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runesinthenight · 4 months ago
I am a current grad student and recently took a survey from my school on the use of GenAI specifically and its use in education and my future career.
Here's the thing, AI is not all bad. There are some really good uses of AI which can and should be used in industry. AI can streamline a lot of processes especially where mass data pattern recognition is involved. Now, granted, I'm no tech expert so I don't understand all the ins and outs of AI and tech, but I do understand how it can help and how it can hurt.
Using AI for things like quality control of parts or identification of illnesses or a million other things can benefit from the use of AI. If you needed to be able to analyze huge data sets for specific values, AI can cut down the time and energy needed to complete that task, and probably reduce errors.
But when you get into Generative AI, that's where you start running into issues. Because at the end of the day, it's a computer program. It's going to do what it was told to do based on coding which almost certainly doesn't account for every possible outcome and has its own biases and flaws. GenAI is great at pattern recognition, but it doesn't understand why the patterns are they way they are. If you ask AI to write something, it can do that because it can look through its entire database of writing samples and use that to determine what words should come next. Same with art. But it doesn't understand why it's ok to say "big red barn" but "red big barn" is wrong. It just knows that big comes before red.
So when you use GenAI for answers, it can give you an answer. But it's not checking to see if the source it's pulling from is factually correct or bullshit. Depending on where the dataset it was trained on comes from, what was included, what was left out, what information is has access to, and what biases were worked into the system, you can get good or bad info. You don't know if the information you're putting into your paper is from an article from a reputable published and peer-reviewed journal or from a Wordpress website a guy named John from Cincinnati made 8 years ago. Maybe John knows his stuff, but the point is, the GenAI has no way to tell so you can't know.
Using GenAI for school isn't helping you learn, you're just learning how to input a prompt.
I just started grad school this fall after a few years away from school and man I did not realize how dire the AI/LLM situation is in universities now. In the past few weeks:
I chatted with a classmate about how it was going to be a tight timeline on a project for a programming class. He responded "Yeah, at least if we run short on time, we can just ask chatGPT to finish it for us"
One of my professors pulled up chatGPT on the screen to show us how it can sometimes do our homework problems for us and showed how she thanks it after asking it questions "in case it takes over some day."
I asked one of my TAs in a math class to explain how a piece of code he had written worked in an assignment. He looked at it for about 15 seconds then went "I don't know, ask chatGPT"
A student in my math group insisted he was right on an answer to a problem. When I asked where he got that info, he sent me a screenshot of Google gemini giving just blatantly wrong info. He still insisted he was right when I pointed this out and refused to click into any of the actual web pages.
A different student in my math class told me he pays $20 per month for the "computational" version of chatGPT, which he uses for all of his classes and PhD research. The computational version is worth it, he says, because it is wrong "less often". He uses chatGPT for all his homework and can't figure out why he's struggling on exams.
There's a lot more, but it's really making me feel crazy. Even if it was right 100% of the time, why are you paying thousands of dollars to go to school and learn if you're just going to plug everything into a computer whenever you're asked to think??
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ravynfyre · 2 days ago
I wasn't even ON the piss on the poor platform, when they started pissing ALLLLLLL over the poor.
This would be a perfect and responsible use of analytical AI (digitizing decades old fanfic zines and faded text pages)
......I wasn't talking about generative AI. Generative AI is the worst and should be abolished. I was talking about analytical AI, you know, the kind the finds cancer cells and helps archive ancient texts?
Cue me spending way too fucking long trying to get folks to understand that "AI" is an umbrella term that contains a MULTITUDE of things, of which, some of them are good and useful and responsible. Only one person gets it while the rest continue to dogpile and wonder why I am getting frustrated at the utter idiocy and willful spreading of misinformation.
But no. apparently there is NO acceptable use of AI and even people who *do* use analytical AI ONLY use it as a "backup" to "check their work". whodathunk.
kind wish that pastry sorting program had been around when my mom spent YEARS having her pap smear slides being misread by a human getting misdiagnosed as cancer free, while the cervical cancer was slowly killing her until she was FINALLY correctly diagnosed when I was 14. Gotta say, spending pretty much all of high school watching her being eaten away until she died when I was a 17 year old senior was so much fucking fun. pretty sure the AI program that correctly identifies 99% of cancer cells would have caught her cancer YEARS before when they still could have saved her life.
but guess that's irresponsible and "lazy" of me. (yea, ALL AI is "just a crutch for human laziness" and every single day, it becomes a little more obvious why my nation is where it is right now. the ignorance is.... astounding)
I think I'm just done with today.
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ificouldhelpyouforget · 2 months ago
AI hate incoming!!
Okay, I don't hate all of what AI has been doing. I love that it helps in the medical field where it's doing great things. What I hate is it being used creatively.
As a photographer (amateur at best), the AI sharpening looks so bad. I know there's always a little bit of AI in editing already, but with this heavy sharpening stuff, it looks so bad. I can tell an image has been edited via AI because it just looks... off. It's got a weird grain and unnatural look about it. I see it a ton in the k-pop photos I find. It makes my faves look weird in a not good way.
As a writer, I hate the idea of writing something strictly through AI. Personally, it feels lazy. Free thinking is dying with this dependency on a computer that comes up with only words. The things that makes writing good is the feelings behind those words. AI doesn't give well thought out scenes or characters. The words are empty and void of all the beauty of humanity. Using AI to fix grammar is one thing, but write a story? Heck no. I will not be using AI to write the fantasies in my head. You can be assured I will write all my fics and stories using only brain and mild editing software AFTER I write it.
As a researcher, I am SO SICK of the Gemini AI search on Google. I don't want any of that information when I'd rather seek out a .org or .edu for that info. I do not care if it is correct, I want to turn that stupid function off (fuck Google for not giving us the option). I don't want to lose my ability of seeking answers properly just because the answer is at the top of the page (also blaming Google for that laziness it start that I fell prey to in the past). Ew. Get it out of here.
As a fan, AI being used to take the voice of an artist and have them sing a new song is icky. Having an artist's voice be altered into smut audios using AI is a big nope and a huge lawsuit waiting to happen if those artists ever find out. I know people will be like "bUt WhAt AbOuT fAnFiCtIoN?" Fanfiction is so much easier to separate from a person in rpf. I can read the name and description of my favorites and still see a variation of that person or hear a variation of the voice. To me, it is not them at all. When you get into the voice mimickry though? No. I can know that isn't them, but as AI learns and gets better, it can be too close to real and that is crossing a line for me. No way.
Okay, I'm done ranting about this... for now. These are my four biggest icks about AI. Again, I think AI has a wonderful use in the medical world, but I want it out of my creative space. I literally cannot seek out anything on Pinterest without getting bombarded with AI images and it's annoying as hell when I want an irl example of something. Ugh 😩😩😩
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smolmagicalmuffin · 2 years ago
Society needs to do better and stop shaming those with hyperempathy/heavy attachment towards things most consider nonliving. Especially if they struggle with empathy towards humans while having that extra attachment to the nonliving. You aren't a monster, or uncaring. Do not allow others to weaponize your attachment for a morality contest or say it makes you any less of an activist.
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ink-the-artist · 2 years ago
Workplace Divinity
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qep0ermint · 1 year ago
Good evening to all who have been waiting for news about the creation of AI Yandere Wally (but to everyone else, too, a good evening and good morning!)
I started prescribing the basic code and small details to him. For now, I decided to create a banal situation for the bot and see how it will cope with it. Here is a small part of what Yandere Wally's poor attempts to get out of the situation look like:
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It is still being tested for adequacy and has not been posted publicly. I want to make it the way I imagined it, but so far it's just an awkward lump of stuttering and red tomato. I also called him just Wally because... Well, adding "Yandere" sounds a bit strange if you refer to it in dialogues, right?... Or I'm wrong. In general, I will try to post it publicly soon ^^
And please, for the future I will say that this is just a bot for a fun time, you should not take it seriously. I wish you all a good day!
(P.S. Ishimaki is just a randomly invented nickname when I registered on this site, but it sounds good, huh...)
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quirkedupkicks · 8 months ago
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Ganbare, Todoroki-kun!!
tribute to an old fav and excuse to draw the deku laugh for tododekuweek day 4: crossover! no filter & og 'Ganbare Nakamura-kun!!' cover ->
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nostalgebraist · 23 days ago
Someone asked me about that "Utility Engineering" AI safety paper a few days ago and I impulse-deleted the ask because I didn't feel like answering it at the time, but more recently I got nerd-sniped and ended up reproducing/extending the paper, ending up pretty skeptical of it.
If you're curious, here's the resulting effortpost
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lightbluesleeper · 1 year ago
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gordon freeman plays super punch out
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bulbabutt · 1 year ago
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they give the meme a different vibe entirely (its just that one beast wars episode)
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lucycalled · 1 year ago
People who try to make robots and AI look as humanoid as possible should BURN IN HELL. I want to see the mechanism...
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annabelle--cane · 1 year ago
say it with me everybody: personal health is completely immaterial to morality, including mental health. leading a mentally unhealthy lifestyle (or what you perceive as a mentally unhealthy lifestyle) does not a bad person make. no one has to socialize, exercise, have healthy coping mechanisms, or lead (what you perceive as) a fulfilling life with fulfilling hobbies in the same way that no one has to go to the doctor to get a broken bone reset. both of those types of management of personal health are likely to be beneficial to the individual, but they are in no way moral requirements or debts owed to society. they do not actually say anything about a person's principles, personality, or actions towards others. additionally, people know themselves and their own situations better than you do. maybe a person judges that the physical and financial toll of going to the doctor outweigh the benefit of getting their bone reset, maybe a person just does not have the capacity to develop healthy coping mechanisms at this point in their life, and yes, maybe a person feels like they are totally fulfilled by "media based" hobbies alone and would feel no difference in their life if they picked up a loom. just like. let people be sick without accusing them of being representative of the lazy, degenerated state of modern society.
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grand-theft-carbohydrates · 4 months ago
you should give me a han dynasty vase. i deserve a han dynasty vase. if i had a han dynasty vase id take really good care of it and put it on my bedside table so the first thing i see when i wake up will be my han dynasty vase. most of my house is carpeted so you don't need to worry about me dropping it or anything. and if i did drop it i'd glue it back together real careful you wouldn't even see the cracks.
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inkedmyths · 1 year ago
Man deleting Duolingo REALLY sucks. I felt like I'd built up a nice little learning habit, yknow? And ofc the whole "breaking the streak" feels bad. But there's no point if they're just going to replace it with AI.
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casualavocados · 5 months ago
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*colors your kiseki part 2: rainbow edition*
me when i see literally any kiseki scene: you are not immune to being color corrected. and given skintones. while Maintaining Pretty. 💝 (pt 1)
...i love working with this show ngl. & to the people who leave kind words on my sets: i love you too. 🫂❤️🥰🥰🥰
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that-wildwolf · 4 months ago
I gotta say, rewatching Carole & Tuesday now feels very different than it used to. It hits so much closer to home now, it feels like watching some kind of fatalistic future.
Everything is created by AI, huge companies and influential producers control the market and only spew out the same formula-tested hits "based on" (irl: stolen) the styles of great artists from the past. And then these two girls come by and they write their own music and people want to listen to it. People are moved by it.
And all the tech bros get so mad, and question them, who writes those songs for you? where did you get the technology for this? And they can't seem to understand that there's heart in their music, that they love what they do and that's why it's good. "People say human-written songs have a certain warmth that AI cannot replicate, but you just need to adjust the heartwarming parameters in the algorithm and��" and they don't get it!!!! They don't get it! So blinded by greed and wanting to make easy money that they ignore the humanity of it all. The game is rigged but no one's happy about it. You can't just substitute humanity with techology!
I know the second season is all about racism and immigration rights and censorship, and that's what people remember this show for, but god the first season is so vehemetely anti-AI for being made before the current "AI" thing ever began... It's a world where AI is everywhere but consistently fails to be anything but mediocre at best. The good pizza place is the one that grows their own tomatoes on the roof. The songs that inspired Gus when he was young were written by a disabled intersex man on his one piano. The thing that makes the girls' music good is that they write it with passion, about their feelings and their lived experiences. And even in that fictional future with hyper-advanced technology, that's something AI can not imitate.
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