#and this one is crucial to the story....
dreamlandxrunaway · 2 years
soon 🧍‍♀️
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possamble · 1 month
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Do you ever think about the fact that like, we know NOTHING about buggy? Yes of course we all know the devil fruit thing and how he was on Rogers crew, but the sheer amount we DONT know? Insane.
1 How the frick did he get on rogers crew?? Did roger kidnap the poor the kid? Did buggy just stowaway or something? Roger wouldnt take on anybody so there has to be a reason.
2 No one else looks like buggy except maybe vivi. Is buggy some long forgotten race? Is he actually royalty but their whole race was wiped out? Is it just a genetic mutation? I NEED ANSWERS ODA
3 WHO ARE HIS FAMILY?! Who are his parents or if he has siblings or cousins??? Did they disown him or did he runaway????
4 This is a personal preference but there is NO WAY buggy is as dumb as he plays. You can’t be that stupid and still be a successful captain/businessman/leader/yonko. Whatchu hiding buggy???
5 Where did the circus act come from? When he was on rogers ship there was no circusy makeup or any mention of things related to the circus, the only thing we have about that is that buggy wore bright clothes, but ROGER wore bright clothes. So did he join a circus after he and shanks broke up?? Is there a backstory there??
6 Last one I promise. Does anyone else think it’s a little strange that there are only two people in the series that wear clown makeup and one of them has nothing to do with the circus? Rosinante and buggy have extremely similar makeup, did they know eachother? Rosinante had no reason to wear clown makeup except maybe as a disguise, what the heck was that about???
7 Okok, last one last one. Did Oda say who he based buggy on? We know that almost every character in one piece is based on someone in real life or a myth. But we don’t know who buggy, an OG of the story, is based on. Little strange don’t you think? Oda?? HMMMM?
Mmm, I agree with you in the fact that we actually lack A LOT of information about Buggy's story (and also Shanks', but that's wayyy more plausible to be told in more detail than Buggy's) and I wish we knew more about where he comes from. But I think I can answer some stuff you mentioned!!!
4. Buggy is not playing dumb in any moment. He is directly not dumb at all and he has been shown countless times being of the most strategic characters in the manga. The one thing that holds him back is not being confident in himself because he still keeps the burden of living under Shanks' shadow on his shoulders so he often acts cowardly and seemingly without any goal at all but to survive. After chapter 1082, though, I think we will see wayyy more of him acting like a boss and following his dream and showing his true abilities. It's not that he's playing dumb, it's that he doesn't let himself be brave and now that he's on the same level as Shanks, he can do whatever he wants (if Mihawk and Crocodile let him lmao). And the reason why so many people follow him despite Buggy constantly saying he doesn't want to be seen this way because he sees himself as a loser who keeps pretending to be great, it's just that he's... Great. He just doesn't see it but he has an inherent effect on people when he gets serious. Being a failguy doesn't make you any less of a genius.
5/6. Actually, I believe we won't really get an answer to that. Perhaps we do if we get another flashback but maybe it's just character design and that's pretty much it. There must be something about wearing clown makeup as a mask of their true personality and yadda yadda yadda but that's for another day.
And about Buggy's past and the theory about him being a Nefertari: It's a pretty good theory and I actually really like it, keeping in mind how much influence both Buggy and Vivi's family are having lately in the manga. But I am not really sure about that being true and I am not even sure either if we we'll get any Buggy flashback at all. So I guess we will just have to wait and see what Oda does!!!
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
You know how you can't save images or gifs from Tumblr onto a computer? They won't drag? Turns out you can save them on mobile. I sure would have liked to discover that aaaaages ago.
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skyeslittlecorner · 6 months
Can I request a Raphael x angel MC please 🥺
The Gabriel x Michelle and Lucifer x Michael were so good 😭😭
I'm stuck with you and your scenarios now 😠
You're welcome, dear~! I see my total eclipse of the brain bring some good after all. I hope I will be able to fulfill this request. Rafael is on the verge of being a character I dare write for, but let's try.
It was all your fault, that you make Raphael feel so special, then forget about it, and after all, you died. Lowly, pathetic human being. How dare you? Do you think he will forgive you for this? Tsk. Not only stupid, but naive, too. You are lucky that you chose to be reincarnated in heaven. Maybe there's still a chance for your pitiful soul.
And *maybe* you will repent if stop teasing him and start to suck.
Even though you were below him, licking his piercing and letting him tug at your hair, you knew who was boss. Poor, unaware angel. Blessing? Being the chosen one? Good joke. Only few strokes and his tip was already covered with whitish ooze. You raised an eyebrow and snickered.
“And who is the pathetic one?” 
He grabbed your hair harder. 
“Shut... up. Do your work.”
“Truly pathetic…” Your tongue stroked his trembling manhood. “Swayed so easily.”
As you opened your lips once more, he thrusted deep inside your mouth. Smiled vindictively as you chocked. He wanted you to lose your breath, to finally be quiet, and obediently end the act of his ascension. As cruelly, as holy. New madness hitted his insides as you murmured with a trickle of saliva ran down your chin.
“Better…” Those full cheeks, clenched throat and murderous intent in your eyes make you both dirty and perfect. Perfect to be used. Clouded with pleasure, he thought that he found his new favorite toy.
All Raphael stans! Let me redirect you to @livelaughlovesubs and her wonderful fics - here you got first and second part. I assume you've already seen it, if not, check it out~ She can write and catch his personality way better than me
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thefirstknife · 9 months
thoughts on Crow's character being reduced into Uldren-but-not-quite? I'm not happy with these past few weeks of dialogue, I feel like suddenly everyone treats Crow as just the guy that did those horrible things, and this week he's also taking responsibility for those actions *he did not take*. sure, his corpse did it, but wasn't a whole year of storyline based around the fact that Crow and Uldren are separate persons? why is every other character acting like none of that ever happened?
I don't think he's really being blamed for those things, it's more that he now has those memories and reacts to them in a distinctly Crow way. He's the type to take the responsibility for those things, even though it wasn't really him, but he remembers it all so in his mind, it's his problem.
It's actually a fairly complicated issue that is unique to Crow: how should Guardians who fully remember their past behave? Crow decided to make amends for things that his "past self" did, even though it's not him, because he remembers it so vividly and it bothers him. This doesn't mean that other people are pushing it on him; they're clearly not. Petra has numerous lines where she tells him that nothing Uldren did is on him, and so do other people. So I'm pretty sure they're not acting like it didn't happen, given that everyone is often reassuring him that he's not being blamed for Uldren.
But for Crow, he remembers doing those things. He didn't do them, but he remembers them and it bothers him. It's probably exceptionally difficult to think of yourself as not that guy when you have that guy's life in your head. I don't think people often consider how this must feel for Crow. He wasn't just told what Uldren did. He was given the full package directly into his head. Uldren's deeds aren't stories to Crow, they're effectively his life. A life of a stranger, but his life nonetheless.
Obviously, they could've gone with not giving him his memories back. But since they did, I think that Crow's behaviour (especially given how compassionate he is) makes sense. He remembers those things as his own, even though they're not his own, but he feels like he should be making amends for them. I think that's the crucial part of his arc; he knows what Uldren did, he acknowledges that it wasn't him, he KNOWS it wasn't him, but nobody else will make those amends and nobody else is working to fix those wrongs, so he feels responsible to do it.
That doesn't mean that the story is suddenly about Crow = Uldren; it's not. It's about Crow's choice. Crow isn't Uldren, but he's choosing not to ignore their connection even if he would be completely accepted if he did ignore it. I think that's what gives Crow's story an element worth exploring.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Are there any other wizarding families that are underexplored in canon and pique your interest in a similar way to the Blacks?
This is a unique function of what food my brain worms like to eat, but no one's doing it like the Blacks. The drama? The intrigue? The Gothic horror? The prodigal sons and lost daughters and killers and sinners and martyrs and saints? The wizard Catholicism of it all? The story of the House of Black is the best book never written.
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chamerionwrites · 10 months
Aimé Césaire saying that colonization works to decivilize the colonizer truly lives in my head rent-free
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simgerale · 5 months
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[sounds of swords clashing and rowdy cheering]
geordie: Your highness, apologies for the intrusion, but her majesty has asked me to remind you of the time.
killian: [panting] The time? And what exactly is the time?
g: Half past noon.
k: So she wished to inform me of my tardiness. Thank you, Geordie. I will be with you shortly.
k: Am I the only late one?
g: I am afraid so. Even the princess arrived promptly.
k: Drat. Dara will never let me live it down. The one time I lose track of the hour…
g: No matter, your highness. Soon you will be Knight Captain and have plenty of excuses for tardiness.
k: I sincerely hope not. I am perfectly satisfied with my rank.
luca: There you are, at last.
k: Apologies, apologies. What did I miss?
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miodiodavinci · 6 months
taking a break from working to say man. if the end up having to cut content to fit everything in 24 episodes, my favorite chapter of dungeon meshi is almost certainly getting cut skdjfhglj
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my-fancy-hat · 7 months
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did you know that if you use your damn eyes you can actually see yoshida's barehand caressing denji's hair, that is to say, not injecting the narcotics?
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Fourth Wing's Worldbuilding
I'm currently reading Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros and I adore the concept of the world, but so far all of the crumbs of worldbuilding I've been given only make me want more. I've heard that apparently she doesn't get much into it in the first book, but I love worldbuilding and I have a lot of questions I'm sure she's not going to answer so I've written them down for myself for later (hopefully) fanfic worldbuilding instead. These are very much not in order.
how is general sorrengail allowed to place violet in a quadrant made up of volunteers in the war college she's the general in charge of and kick her out of the scribe quadrant without a valid reason, is that not some sort of preferential treatment?
what is the rough technological advancement of the world, are there mass-produced weapons or singular smiths? why is not metalwork a course in the war college/another college? do they use ppl with metal bending signets instead?
is the person with the make-small-things-big signet able to do that with food? is that food nutritious? what is the common diet of the navarre and is it different between what violet as a highclass general's daughter (albeit one w a disability as opposed to a soldier) is used to eating?
how does trade work when navarre is allegedly ignoring the fuck out of the literal apocalypse happening outside its borders? are there other continents that saw the venin invasion and were like 'fuck nah, we're bailing' and just. wrote the whole damn continent off??
does the whole, brutal darwinist society mentality affect anything else in the country?? like the characters admit basgiath is brutal yes but they also talk about removing the weak for the good of the wing a lot, is this also common in other spheres of life? is infant mortality relatively high because if they have a visible disability they're seen as lesser? what does this mean for violet, does she feel the priviledge of being alive as a high-class military family member, since she has obvious internalised ableism or is she stubbornly refusing to see herself and any theoretical disabled children as one and the same in order not to think too deeply abt it (she never sees herself as explicitly disabled as far as i've read, just 'broken'); what does the theoretical darwinism of the society mean for healthcare and its accessibility? are only 'badge-of-honor' disabilities (like lost limbs or other permanent damage from battle and such mental illnesses like PTSD) valid, or are they also looked down upon? what does the existence of menders mean for healers? birth control is obviously not an issue, how are periods treated? are there mental health experts?? if a mender were to 'mend' the battle wounds of a trans man who's undergone gender-correcting surgery, will the gender-correcting surgery also be undone???
how does a culture predisposed to short, practical hair for all genders view hair-care? there's a precedent for hairdye and funky modern-world punk hairstyles in the riding quadrant, but how do common ppl see it? what haircare products and hairstyle trends are there, do high-class ppl imitate riders?
how do newbies deal with watching their comrades being burnt to ash? is there a disdain for ppl who refuse to eat meat because it seems like having a weak stomach not to want to eat cooked meat after watching your friends be cooked to death? does that mean there's a portion of ppl learning to shovel food in their mouths without tasting it in order to get nutrition and/or not look weak, which in turn makes them easier to poison? how does that intersect with probable religious cults/sects where there's food restrictions?
how come there’s 171 first years but 5-6 ppl in a squad and three squads per squadrons? am I just bad at math?
why does a dragon bond with jack who tried to kill a dragon baby? is there a possible larger disagreement in how to choose a worthy rider in the empyrean, and are Sgaeyl and Tairn on the more or less popular side with their opinion kindness is important?
why is Violet, the daughter of a war general whose siblings are soldiers actively fighting a war, so against taking a life? is it something religious, done to spite her mother, a gripe because of the way her scribe father raised her, a distaste for death? is it because they're on the same side/she wouldn't have an issue killing ppl if they were in an official skirmish?
how widespread is the erasure of culture and language after the unification?
how many languages on average should one learn if they’re a soldier, a scribe, a normal civilian? are there multiple scripts being taught or just the cyllian(?) one? how do spies and information gathering work if the larger public isn't supposed to know about venin?
what do civilians think of the 600-year war they’re supposedly leading against Poromiel, are they dissatisfied Navarre isn’t winning yet? What are they being told is the reason they're not allowed to cross the ward-borders of the country (if they're allowed to leave at all)? Does Navarre have somebody with a signet like Imogen's and are deleting/rewriting memories instead? Does Navarre even know Imogen has a signet like that at all, or is she lying about it?
the scribes have apparently been hiding the truth of the world for centuries, but as violet’s dad says history survives in folklore; does that mean there’s a sizeable portion of Navarre that remembers venin because they can’t murder every single superstitious villager? does that mean settlements around the borders are discouraged bcoz that means there’s a bigger chance of someone seeing smthn, or are border villagers discouraged from entering the army? surely talking abt myths like venin isn’t forbidden but maybe military families keep silent bcoz of class loyalty and not let common-born up the ranks but use them as canon-fodder against venin to make sure the info isn’t leaked to the civilians?
what is the common level of literacy in this society anyways?
if assassins can volunteer to come to the rider’s quadrant to take out their targets, how do they leave or get paid?
are there inside assassination jobs, like if somebody is conscripted as a punishment for a crime like the Marked Ones as a method of execution but ends up surviving, can someone be ordered to dispose of them? in that case is it an official execution or is it an illegal assassination?
why did nobody react to andarna being yellow if there’s no yellow dragons, did they just think she was a mega-weak orange??
why does dain know abt the empyrean and mentions it to violet but professor kaori the dragon expert is excited abt learning more, shouldn’t they already be aware of it?
why does the common misconception that dragons despise weaklings exist, why do the dragons not correct it or confirm it?
how do religion and dragons intersect if dragons canonically aren’t impressed with human gods? does that mean that once upon a time bonding with a dragon meant being the fantasy equivalent of a satan worshipper? if every single god has a separate temple like it’s said Amari has a temple in Aretia then does that mean that, just like in Ancient Greece, every kingdom-now-province had a separate patron god? if yes, then were they a pantheon from the beginning or were they monotheistic religions that merged together after the unification, does that mean there’s separate cults for every god, traditionalist and reformist worshippers? can you tell from what province someone is by which gods they call upon, do they have different hymns or prayers, does every god/cult/province have different superstitions and attitudaes towards different tyopes of dragons or signets, what was the historical attitude towards inntinnsics, were they priests, demigods, cursed?
do dragons know when their next bonded human will be their last, is it something to do with their power level, the closeness of their bond, and (i forgot this question but it was smthn to do w signets?)
do they or do they not use saddles and if not then what is the purpose of the pommel thing on top of the dragon they hold onto that I keep reading about?
if tairn and sgaeyl bone so fucking much then why haven't they had a hatchling yet? is there a dragon contraceptive???? is it some sort of magical 'i'm not getting pregnant if i don't want to'? is it some sort of mystical 'only on the first blood-moon in february and after we murder three virgin goats together' type of deal???
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mariocki · 2 months
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Honor Blackman guest stars as art expert Syd Lewis in Saber of London: Deep in the Heart of Chelsea (1.3, NBC, 1957)
#fave spotting#honor blackman#cathy gale#saber of london#the vise#the avengers#classic tv#deep in the heart of chelsea#1957#nbc#so im visiting parents for a week or two and taking the opportunity to catch up on my old tv watching as i have access to my beloved#dvd collection. Saber was one of the final network releases I've located (after‚ i might say‚ a long long search for a reasonably priced#copy). so. the story of Saber of London. (deep breath). SoL is really a development of The Vise; for more on the needlessly complex history#of that series you can follow the appropriate tag above. in short The Vise was a crime anthology made specifically for US tv but produced#in the UK using brit actors writers and directors. the recurring character of Mark Saber was popular enough that the show eventually became#The Vise: Mark Saber; it then became Saber of London. some sources still regard this show as essentially being a later series of The Vise#(and it does still use the og theme tune over the end credits) but considering the title change and (crucially) the fact that SoL saw the#series move from ABC to NBC‚ im gonna consider this its own self contained show and number the episodes accordingly (ie. this is series 1 o#Saber of London not series 5 or 7 (depending on your counting) of The Vise). anyway now that's all out of the way.#there's little material difference between this series and the slightly earlier The Vise: Mark Saber episodes besides new titles and a#different introductory spiel from star Donald Gray. our hero is still a plucky private detective undertaking modest cases that the show's#budget will allow. this ep concerns art forgeries and an attempt to trap the criminals responsible‚ which means Saber must call on an art#expert to help authenticate the works. enter Honor! not yet a star‚ Honor did have a decade of acting experience behind her#which is maybe reflected in the fact that she's given an unusually meaty part for a woman in this series: she's neither victim nor love#interest (which are the usual roles) but a witty and intelligent source of assistance to the hero.#unlike The Vise episodes (which could take up to a decade to appear in the uk if they did at all) SoL appears to have had a fairly regular#slot from Granada about two years after the show's US premier. this ep would have been seen by uk audiences in 1959
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I cannot stress enough that bad stories also have meanings and say things
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
It's time for me to admit something.
I am still a bit confused about how back in the beginning of the Loki series Mobius is introduced to us as "special[ising] in the pursuit of dangerous Variants." But like. That doesn't seem to be a thing that the TVA really... do? They mostly seem to spot nexus events and pop to the new branch and prune it, bringing back the person who caused that nexus event to give them a show-trial and then prune them too.
There's no reason they can't do more than one thing, but what exactly are "dangerous variants"? From the TVA perspective they're all equally troublesome, and they'll be picked up as soon as they do something 'wrong', and the TVA/HWR don't actually care about the moral value or otherwise of that 'wrong' thing. Have I got that right?
They're chasing Sylvie but a) she's targeting the TVA themselves and b) she's got a means to travel from one timeline to another, which she got from the TVA and unless those get stolen a lot..
I'm willing to just roll with it anyway if it doesn't really fit but what am I missing here? EXPLAIN. (pls?)
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knightofleo · 3 months
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