#and this isnt even our first time meeting up i just fucking love her so much
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tetriminas · 6 months ago
48 HOURS UNTIL WIFE. give or take bc of potential delays.
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 1 year ago
too many teens whining for validation, this blog needs more weird and stupid so...
AITA for kidnapping my friend and trapping her in the cheesebarn?
Hear me out:
The story starts about a week before my (20 at the time ftm) 21st birthday. If you live in the US you know this isnt just some lame 7th birthday or 36th birthday, this is one of the big boy birthdays, the special ones. Its when you can legal buy alcohol and are therefore truly an adult in the eyes of the law.
Naturally my friends (20s) wanted to do something Big for our 21sts. So they asked me what i wanted to do and i said i didnt really care as long as I got a road trip somewhere with friends.
Everyone thought it was a fun idea but it was a little short notice for everyone to get time off from work, but my other friend we will call C also had her 21st exactly a month after mine to the day, and the two of us agreed to share our 21sts and not do much of anything on my actual birthday. This is important, bc it was a SHARED birthday road trip.
I agree to let C pick the destination and I provide the car. We didnt have much of a plan as we were going to meet up with C's old roommate who lives in the city we picked to show us a good time.
It was 5 of us total and about a 7 hour drive altogether there with not a whole lot on the way there. We get to the city she picked and meet the roommate and honestly the rest of this part is just standard 21st birthday shenanigans. Its when we start the drive home things really start.
Remember its a long drive with not much to see? Well that was a lie. On our way back we see it, the Real "Happiest Place on Earth" as far as places with a mouse for a mascot go:
Obviously me and the other people on the trip want to stop and see the magic, but unfucking fortunately C happens to be the only Basic White Girl â„ąïž in the entire world who hates cheese and isnt even lactose intolerant. This girl is notorious for making "petty" and "I hate Cheese" her entire personality. She would constantly make faces and gagging noises and talk about how gross and nasty cheese is if you so much as eat a grilt cheese near her.
Clearly she made it known that she wasnt on board with it. "NO! FUCK YOU ALL IM NOT GOING TO A PLACE CALLED A CHEESEBARN ON MY BIRTHDAY!!" were her exact words.
But i remembered i was driving, it was my car, and it was supposed to be my birthday too. So I put it to a vote. "Raise your hand if you wanna go to Grandpa's Cheesebarn!"
All hands raise but one. With C out voted we head to the cheesebarn.
Guys. This place is amazing. Its obviously making cheese its main draw, but yhere's so much more, its every shitty midwest tourist trap rolled into one glorious place. There's even a chocolate shop. We even got C's roommate to ditch work and come meet us bc shr heard "Grandpa's Cheesebarn" and knew she had to drop everything.
All in all a good visit, C even seemed like she had fun once we got there (she sure spent $300 on candies and dip mixes anyway). We go home. Things seem fine.
Then C drops off the face of the earth.
She wont respond to our calls or texts and at first we thought maybe she was giing through a rough patch or something and try to just keep reaching out but give her space. But then we find out that not only is she still hanging our with our other friends who couldnt make the trip with us. So clearly she's just pissed at us about something.
Finally one day a few months later i catch her at her job and just tell her "I dont care if you hate us, we'll never speak to you again if you dont want us to, but what the hell did we do to you??"
And she just looked me over and says "Well. You kidnapped me."
And she yells (bc this girl loves yelling at people) "YOU KIDNAPPED ME AND TRAPPED ME AT A CHEESEBARN ON. MY. BIRTHDAY!!!!!"
And i just said "Well it was my birthday too," and havent spoken to her since. Its been over a decade and "No ragrets" as we said back in the day, but uts baffled me for years that that was her reaction. "Im just over you guys" i can understand, and its not like she was shy about telling people she hates them and their out of her life ever before. And from what i ended up hearing from our other friends she kept talking with it really was about the cheesebarn and how we "ruined her birthday".
No but srsly AITA??? For making her go to a cheesebarn???
What are these acronyms?
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evilminji · 1 year ago
*Distant sound of frantic running growing closer*
*I throw open the door with manic eyes, breathing heavily*
Hatsume Mei! The Fenton's! Oh DEAR LORD. The Couple, the Doctors Fenton... would think she's A Lovely Young Lady ℱ! Normal even! Charming! I bet the Hatsume Adults would find to be a Charming And Upstanding Young Lad!
If the GIW got out of hand? And Amity, as a town? Said "fuck ya'll we taken our ball and going home"? All they'd NEED to do? Is shut down the portal, get the skilled portal makers stationed at side A of town to open it up, rip the whole thing up, have the mover ghosts push it IN, aaaaaand? Everyone in? Good! We close it from the inside!
Fuck those guys.
Okay, so, I'm Jerry. You're real estate officer, we got some GREAT options for you this season! How do feel about ninjas? No? Pirates? Not feeling it? Superheroes? Seeing some interest! We got a- *continues their pitch as Amity is moved*
Amity get phased into the Japanese countryside.
What do you MEAN "there wasn't a town here?" Of course there way! We have roads and everything! Why are we all Americans? What're you a cop? Mind your business, spandex man.
.....yeah, they're gonna call this one a "Quirk accident".
Pay your taxes, folks, and we promise not to care!
Fenton's? Back in business, baby! Well, never STOPPED being in business. But details! They're now a "support company"! And yes! The quotation marks ARE on all their documents AND signs! They think it's stupid!
But you want lazers?
Oh ho hoooo~ DO WE HAVE LAZERS!!!
Maddie n Jack start hitting the scene. Conventions. Conferences. Fancy parties. Weirdly? They "unnerve" people. Cowards.
Until? Gasp? They meet just the LOVELIEST couple! Who are so FUN! Who ALSO has a daughter? Danny's age no less! Oh she is just PRECIOUS? Is that her first bomb? Aaaaaw~♡.
Danny feels a disturbance in the force.
Like... like his folks are... are about to try and introduce him to a Nice Young Girl again. The last time this happened was at mom's fighting competitions. She ended up being some sort of assassin royalty. Thankfully, she accepted he could commit to a life of murder, since he wanted to be an astronaut, but it was like this whole THING and- you know what? Not important!
Where are his parents!?
(Planning his wedding! Gotta incorporate BOTH the family's completely batshit Family Traditions!)
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natspookie · 2 years ago
match made in uni
☆ teacher college au ; strict adviser!nat (science teacher) x coadviser cute!reader (english teacher)
— im sure school isnt the same for everyone butttt for me in each class we have a teacher assigned as our advisor!!! they also teach classes
— longass oneshot because i’ve been working on this for two months

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soon, it was the beginning of a new school year at nyu. natasha, a science teacher known for her strictness, is finally getting her own advisory class.
natasha walks over to to her desk at the large, wine colored faculty and the new paper at the bulletin board catches her eye.
the list of co-advisors and advisors for this school year. natasha walks towards it and racks her eyes for her name and sees another beside it.
advisor - co advisor
Romanoff, Natasha - Y/l/n, Y/n
Barnes, Bucky - Rogers, Steve
Maximoff, Wanda - Barton, Clint

natasha furrows her eyebrows at the unfamiliar name next to hers.
“wanda, who is y/n y/l/n?” natasha turns around to the other redhead. if anyone were to know who and what, it would be wanda.
wanda was always the first to get on campus, natasha second.
“oh! she’s the new english teacher. very sweet young woman, maria accepted that job in harvard, remember?” she says with a sweet smile.
“you know this how?” natasha takes her seat in front of her desk, beside wanda’s “i bumped into her as she was given a tour, you’ll love her as your co- advisor!” natasha gave a hum.
she didn’t meet you till 2 weeks before the school year started. a faculty meeting was held at the auditorium. natasha walked in, expecting to be second, but was now third. she saw wanda and a y/h/c talking.
“nat!” wanda waved her over as the y/h/c turned her head to see natasha approaching “natasha, this is y/n! y/n, natasha”
“y/n” you smiled, extending your hand for a handshake “romanoff” she shook your hand once and dropped it “oh- of course, y/l/n then” you laughed as she nodded, taking the seat beside wanda.
natasha wouldn’t lie, you were attractive. she just didn’t know you enough. the meeting soon started, briefing what would happen when the students came. the list of advisors and co-advisors came up, making each person familiar with who they were working with.
after that, natasha soon realized your desk was beside hers at the faculty. you didn’t have much but some flowers at the side and sticky notes up.
natasha didn’t see much of you till the week of school starting itself. “wanda, do you happen do have y/l/n’s phone number?” “why don’t you ask her yourself, flirty” wanda giggled
“not in that way, genius. we need to prep our classroom” “sureeee
 here ya go” wanda gave a post it as natasha grumbled, taking it.
Natasha Romanoff
Y/l/n, if you’re free please meet me
at our assigned room tomorrow. Thanks.
— N.R
Y/n Y/l/n
Sure! Around what time? :)
Natasha Romanoff
11AM Sharp.
Y/n Y/l/n
Got it! See you there!
“nat why are you being so dry to this poor woman” wanda looked over natasha’s desk as she hid her phone to her chest. “snoopy” “dry texter” “Well she’s my co-advisor! I’ve never had one and I like to handle things on my own”
“A, you’ve never even been an advisor, you need help. B, she’s kind, don’t break her. C, she’s pretty, maybe date her” wanda winked again “oh fuck you” natasha rolled her eyes “romanoff! we’re in school” “oh come on, I hear you swearing at little maximoff all day”
11am the next day came and each advisor and co had to decorate their own classroom. natasha and you decided to just make it as simple as possible. you two were decorating with quiet music playing from a vinyl player.
“sorry if ever i’m being rude or dry, i don’t trust people easily” natasha said, breaking the comfortable silence as she hung up decorations over the board.
“i don’t blame you, you did just meet me last week” you let out a chuckle as natasha climbed down the short ladder “natasha” she extended her hand “y/n” you shook it “I think this is good enough” natasha looks around the decorated classroom, satisfied.
 hey, wanna grab lunch? i know a great place around here” you suggested “why not”
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you and natasha walked over to a cafĂ© after lunch for come coffee “order?” she asked you as you took a seat “iced caramel macchiato please” she nodded and ordered for you both
natasha told you about her many stories as a teacher. “yeah this one time some kid threw a fit and ripped all the pages from their book” natasha said with a low laugh “oh lord” you shook your head with a smile
“what about you? is this your first teaching job?” natasha tilted her head “sort of? i was a student teacher for 2 years before i graduated this year”
“oh, so you’re like fresh out of college?” “yup, i kind of retook a year in grade school though so i was like a year or two older than my batch mates. they graduated 22 and 23 and me, 24” i shrugged sipping on my coffee. “that’s nice”
“what about you?” “my age? i’m 36.” your eyes widened at that “look, i know i’m old but at least don’t make it obvious” natasha laughed lowly “no! no i just- you don’t look it at all, i honestly thought you were in your 20s” you chuckled “well thank you, i’m flattered” natasha smiled
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the morning of your first day, natasha handed you an iced caramel macchiato and you blushed as she remembered your order. “nervous?” she smiled, taking her seat beside you.
natasha wore a black betau top with cream wide leg trousers. you wore a lace flare top with flare pants.
“sort of, i have 3 classes today. they’ll probably hate me” you groan and take a long sip of the coffee “unlikely, you’re very likable. you may even take wanda’s place as nicest teacher. but if they ever disrespect you or any of that, i will personally have a chat with them”
“i really appreciate you, natasha” she nodded and stood up, extending her hand “time to have our first advisory class” she winked and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“good morning class, i’m ms romanoff, your advisor this school year. and beside me is your co-advisor, ms y/l/n. i’ve been teaching at nyu for 5 years and this is my first advisory class. i will also be your science teacher.” natasha said with a straight face as she turned to look at you before looking back at the students
“hi! good morning, i’m ms y/l/n, your co- advisor and english teacher this school year! it’s my first year teaching and i look forward to getting to know everyone” you smiled
natasha briefed everyone on general instructions and the schedule. english as first period today and science as last.
“that’s it, be good everyone, thank you” natasha stopped her presentation and all the students went off to chattering. you opened your laptop, opening your slides when natasha whispered behind you. “good luck, you’ll do great” she winked and you thanked her before you heard the door shut.
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if’s been a month of teaching with natasha. you were cleaning up your things as your finished your class when natasha walked in, her class being the one after yours.
she made small talk to you while setting up her own things. she made you laugh when a student suddenly asked. “ms y/l/n! you’re a lesbian, correct?” your eyes widened at the topic
“excuse me, i don’t think it’s appropriate to ask a teacher that.” natasha shut them up as you both left the classroom, sharing a laugh
you had slipped out the fact you had a girlfriend in college to natasha on one of your café hangouts so she probably got the hint.
"what got them to ask that question" natasha chuckled "well the boys keep asking me out and i keep declining them. but don't they get they are students?!" “oh trust me, it gets better. i’ve had my fair share of questions and-” natasha halted her words when she got the hint some students were whispering as the both of you passed by the halls.
“what are they whispering about?” “i’m actually not sure as well” you said “well i’ll see you after class” you waved to natasha, making your way to the classroom.
“ms y/l/n, i don’t mean to invade your privacy or anything but- are you and ms romanof dating? everyone has been talking about it and- i- i just didn’t want to assume” a student came up to you and you choked on your spit
“i- um- no! and i’m sure ms romanoff wouldn’t fancy the idea of students talking about her love life.” you shook it off with a smile, thoughts racing through your head. no way natasha would go for you.
“students are saying we’re dating?!?”
"hey, you've been staring intently at that paper for awhile, you alright?" natasha tapped your shoulder, standing beside you.
"this interpretation is so..." "so.." "read it for yourself" you lifted the paper up to natasha "pick a line from any shakespeare poem and interpret it... the answer was..”
'my chosen poem is 'o never say that i was false of heart' and my line is 'as from soul, which in thy breast doth lie', i think it means shakespeare approves of lesbians’"
"you can laugh" you said as natasha let out a loud laugh, covering her mouth. you looked up and you saw natasha smile widely before looking into your eyes.
time went by too slowly when natasha cleared her throat and handed you back the paper. “it’s funny” she stated, sitting back in her seat. the silence was now awkward.
of course she wouldn’t go for you. “yeah” you whispered and stood up. natasha watched you as her words died in her throat.
the next few weeks were you avoiding natasha as much as you could, and her doing nothing to fix it.
you had a particularly rough week with taking an extra class since wanda was down with the cold. you happened to have a love for history as well.
the papers to grade were twice as much now. you rubbed your forehead in frustration as you were the only one on school campus.
“y/n?” you turned around to see natasha by the door “yeah” you murmured before turning back to the papers. “it’s 1 am what are you doing?!” she walked over to your desk and saw the amount of papers scattered.
“go home” she stated “not done” you whispered, leaning on the palm of your hand “you can continue tomorrow, dekta” natasha let the nickname slip but was thankful you were too out of it to notice
natasha started filing the papers for you as you rested your head against the desk. “i can take homeroom alone so you don’t have to get in till 10am, ‘kay?” she helped you stand up as you murmured a yes.
“you won’t fall asleep driving?” she asked and you shook your head. “safe travels” she watched as you drove off.
the next morning students frowned at the loss of their favorite teacher in homeroom. “alright, we finished a few minutes early so
 any questions?” natasha asked and received many raised hands
“yes, diana?” “where’s ms y/n?” natasha softened at the mention, not going unnoticed by the students “she- she’s taking a rest but will be here for your 3rd period”
“is her girlfriend taking care of her?” a student piqued. natasha stiffened “whatever ms y/l/n and her partner do is not relevant.” natasha looked at her watch and grabbed her stuff “have a good first period everyone.”
natasha couldn’t help but feel a weight on her chest by the thought of you having a partner that isn’t her.
unbeknownst to her, the students were ready in their cupid skills.
“i’m telling you, diana! she frowned and got all cold again by the mention of ms y/n having a girlfriend!” the student argued. “what if we sent fake flowers to her desk and ms romanoff got more jealous!” “that’s so childish!” “well- i am a teen?” the students bickered but quickly got quiet when their next subject teacher came.
the next day natasha’s mood got worse upon seeing roses on your table, with a note. you came a few minutes after hers.
“morning ms romanoff” natasha tried to hold her tounge at the downgrade from natasha to ms romanoff.
“morning y/n, you know you can call me natasha, right?” you nodded but smiled at the flowers on your desk
“girlfriend?” she asked and you laughed “no” you opened up the card to see a horrible pickup line that made you laugh.
“people ask me what blush i use, i just show them a photo of you and i’m all roses” you read out loud to natasha.
“corny” she snickered “yeah? you can do better than that, romanoff?” natasha spun her chair to face you “as a matter of fact, yes.” “try me” you smirked “oh you’ll see.”
since then, every morning you would get to your desk with a pickup line from natasha which were undeniably good.
it’s been four months of teaching when you left quite frantically that piqued natasha’s interest,
“what’s the rush?” she chuckled “gotta date” you shoved your stuff into your bag “bye wanda, steve, bruce, tasha!” you left before a reply
“hope she gets laid” wanda muttered, earning a slap from natasha “what! i’m being supportive!” natasha grumbled in response
the next day, natasha was surprised to see you and wanda earlier than usual. “morning nat!” wanda greeted and you forced a smile to her as well “what’s wrong?” “she stood me up
 i got a lot of work done last night though” you leaned back in your seat
“i’m sorry y/n/n” natasha set her stuff down and handed you the daily pickup line. she smiled when you laughed. “how do you never fail to come up with a bad one?!? this is like number sixty!” “one of my many talents” natasha winked.
“imma get coffee, be right back” you left and wanda immediately said “ask her out.” “what?” natasha looked at wanda “come onnnnnn! it’s been 4 months” “should i really?” natasha asked quietly and wanda shrieked a yes. a small smile was forming on natasha’s face at the idea.
the next day natasha came even earlier than wanda and set roses on your desk.
natasha fiddled with her pen when you walked in “morning wands, morning tasha” you sat on your desk and smiled at the roses. wanda quietly snuck out the door. “are these from you?” you smirked, jokingly at natasha. “yes, and this is for you, natasha said seriously and handed you a post it. in specific, a sticky note that asks you out. this one finally has her name signed on the bottom.
“i- of course” you smiled at natasha “great! i- um- i’ll pick you up tonight at your place” “alright” you smiled widely “i have a thing- i’ll be back” she nodded as you left.
you kept all post its from natasha and she was in awe when she saw them in the box.
the students all went crazy when they saw you both kissing online.
wanda was a bridesmaid at the wedding.
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sillygoblinantics · 4 months ago
Back to my regularly scheduled Lily tearing
“Jock Imoen”
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My good mutual @agramuglia covered everything up to Gen 8 in his multi-stream and comprehensive compilation/analysis of Lily orchards over six hour cognitive hazardous brain vomit barely digested review of the main line games of the Pokémon franchise.
And of course, she got many things wrong, so when ant stopped after gen 8 I took it upon myself to finish it for ant and my arceus did I suffer for lilys pokesins.
And let’s get this out of the way:
No she didn’t play arceus because she couldn’t handle the amount of control changes and lore that went into that beautiful (imo) game.
No she didn’t play the dlcs. And frankly I’m glad she didn’t because we all know she’d make the sibling story of Kieran and Carmine weird (and perverted) but she’d misinterpret the entire arc he goes through in all three dlcs)
So how fucking wrong did Lily get with scarlet and violet?
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Points to get out of the way before my reason of pain:
She continues to imply that pennie is a stalker, saying she’s the worst person who shouldn’t be redeemed and that team star terrible. Yes the bullied outsiders who formed a group to stand up to the bullies and later try to breakup only to meet up and assure Pennie that they love her and remind her that they’ll be friends even if the team splits up. In the dlc they’re even working to better themselves for Pennie trying to surprise her even. And yes Lily PROJECTS SO MUCH ONTO PENNIE!
Misgenders grusha (the beautiful snowboarder champ now depressed and detached gym leader who you learn more about the intropersonal conflict of in the dlc!)
No she doesn’t take the classes (doesn’t understand there’s more to the game or)

She leaves out the fact Nemona teaches the players about terastalization before you even get to the academy!
She disrespects the entire story line and arc of our boy Arven nor does she fucking cry over the mabostiff arc
Never explains how she got ceruledge. At all
Complains and uses spiderverse as a way to talk about crunch time (LILY I SWEAR TO FUCKING MEW IF TALK ABOUT THE INDUSTRY ANY MORE I WILL REVOKE YOUR INTERNET ACCESS)
She brings up kingdom hearts
11. Never addresses the music or even gen one references
12. (Yes that’s a loss joke)
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Now that we got those out of the way, allow me to rant:
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Lily you continue to prove your mental decline and intolerance to human traits and habits and devolve into a fucking ameba! Nemona from the start is not a jock. She is a himbo, she is the current/new student council president of the academy, she’s the champion and she is an only child of absent parents in a big *empty* home, her parents are running around who knows where and she most definitely has undiagnosed adhd or add, she has trouble with socializing because of her confident and pure genuine enthusiasm. She had trouble catching her own pokemon and even throwing which is why she wears that glove so she mostly rents out pokemon from the academy. When your character moves in she’s hoping to not just have a friend, but someone to rival her in battle, because she’s beat the league and everyone is afraid in some way of her because of how forward and high energy she is. The REASON SHE’S SO “CLINGY” IS BECAUSE FOR THE FIRST TIME SHE HAS SOMEONE WHO ISNT AFRAID OF HER REQUEST TO BATTLE! She’s mindful and has had to realize that which is sad if you’re a kid who is as high energy and has trouble waiting to speak. (A bit personal on my end but thats the read) NEMONA IS NOT YOUR JOCK SISTER GIRLFRIEND YOU INEPT PERVERTED CANADIAN FUCKWAD!
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LILY LEAVE MY MASTER CHEF SON AND HIS PUBBI DOG ALONE BEFORE I GET THE SANDAL AND BEAT YOUR PASTY WHITER THAN MILK ASS UNTIL YOU SUBMIT AND APOLOGIZE! Arven, is a boy who lives in the shadow of his absent parents who were renowned scientists, he wasn’t given the attention he needed at some point when they got busy with research but after having to leave area zero due to a grievous injury/trauma his truly only family member received he was cooped up in the lighthouse he once lived in with his parents. Arven holds so much resentment to his parents because he (validly) feels abandoned by them as they pushed him aside. Hell, he even shows a grudge and envy to our player when he learns his parent is talking to us in secret! The most painful thing we learn by the end is, arven’s mom and dad
 they had been dead for quite some time and sadly only synthetic programmed copies of them survived but then they have to leave
 arven’s story is him learning that he isnt in his parent’s shadow and realizing he doesn’t have to be alone. The friends made are his family- oh before i forget- THERE IS MORE LORE IN THE FUCKING CLASSES! THE HOME EC TEACHER WORRIES ABOUT ARVEN AND HAS A STORY LINE WITH HIM IF YOU TOOK THE TIME TO STUDY! Arven is a sad grumpy puppy, leave him alone you cynical mustache twirling puppy stomping carbon copy villain stereotype!
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LEAVE MY VEE-VEE LOVING INTROVERT ALONE YOU NTH ROOM BROWSING TROGLODYTE! Penny out of the two others has present parents, her dad, who is revealed to be peonie in the dlc, is just loves and cares about her but pennie is going through that phase where “ugh my parents are so annoying with how much they care” type personality. Kids like that exist. Penny is also a vastly intellectually gifted kid, she’s able to do so much with computers and coding and hell she used technology to make friends. She and team star are adorable. They were all bullied and penny thinking quickly hatched a plan to gather them together but when things got out of hand she panicked and thought to run from it. When you meet she takes note of how you respond to her “peril” and thinks of a way to get your help. She thinks that her friends hate her or dont hold her in high regard until you defeat each of them and get the full story. Hell I’ll grab a clip i saved! But she learns to come out of her shell during the main plot and that staying in her head she’ll shut the world and truth out. She’s also such a fucking mood!
Also lily, you hate her because she’s better than you are you eternal hermit!
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As you can see I adore this game and while I have my qualms with it I still love it and the story because that’s what I care about and appreciate in this and previous games and with what I wanted said out of the way: that’s
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
I was playing Genius Invocation yesterday, but out of nowhere this idea came to me like tge whispers of an old god.
How would the characters react to knowing they are the creator's favorite card? (Mine are Beidou and Ningguang, but if you are confortable, I would like to know yours as well)
Thank you for your patience!! Sorry this is SO FUCKING late :0 and if it’s bad! i havent rlly liked my writing the past couple pieces, so i stuck with some fun headcanons i thought of while kicking me feet and twirling my hair over this question hehehe
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU/Isekai Stuff :)
Orbit: Headcanons
Stars: Beidou, Ningguang, Kaeya, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Every fucking port knows she’s a favored one, every goddamn pirate knows it atp, hell maybe even some abyss monsters at sea too-
(Kazuha’s happy for her, but also lowkey jealous)
literally got one of her cards framed and hung in her captain’s quarters, and insisted you sign it omfg-
Ningguang isnt surprised tbh, (she knows u like strong women lol)

she gives one of the most smug smirks of her entire fucking life.
All of Liyue is gushing for her, not that she isn’t also excited on the inside, she’s just more proud than anything on the outside/for appearances
Literally set up a whole date meeting that felt like it was about to turn into a goddamn wedding proposal
I’m talking giving handcarved furniture, household necessities but they’re in pretty colors that all match (like a gold tea kettle, gold throw blanket, etc.)
Full nine-yards different kinds of teas, cakes, and all accustomed to your taste
so if u dislike super sweet stuff there are more savory items, the teas can be more bitter, or if u love sweets, this woman is giving you a bakery basically every day for nearly 2 weeks, u dont have enough space in the cabinet for all these teas- help-
so fucking smug on the outside, def brags about it in Angel’s Share and he’ll only just be tipsy he’s so fucking excited to talk abt it
whenever conversations end or get a lull, he just, “So anyway, our All-Powerful Guide, really likes my TCG card, maybe even above yours, Diluc
pls stop him he’s annoying Diluc, and slowly other patrons 😭 (there are bar rules posted on the wall, and Diluc adds one, not for the first time, specifically for Kaeya to stop talking about TCG while in the bar LMAO)
Now all Kaeya has to do is just pull out his card (cough he’s constantly got it in his pocket, the one he asked u to sign cough)
Rosaria just looks the other way like if she can’t see it it’s not real, Diluc will literally be in the middle of making a drink for one of them and just leave it halfdone and attend to somebody else, Venti’s eye twitches-
and the entire bar just groans too LMAOOO
(have a meme I made just for you <3 )
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oh no.
Look what you’ve done, you’ve seduced the General Mahamatra!!
Take responsibility, play TCG with him every time you see him now lmao, the only reason all of Sumeru knows you like his card (which makes it all that more desirable to ppl who do play, and collectors)
is bc he talked to Tighnari about it for hourssss, and then it made it’s way down the grapevine, and if they didn’t find out that way, the other was just seeing the usually stern and formidable General Mahamatra nearly vibrate out of his headpiece when you come near him every time you visit
Cyno weirdly gains like, 20x the luck when ur either playing against him, or sitting watching him play someone else, he’s struggling to find partners tbh bc “you’re my lucky charm? Of course I’m winning more.”
When you initially told him about him being one of ur fav cards, he literally looked like there was a loading sign over his head
 Then proceeded to nearly break your ribs hugging you so hard, and nearly take ur eye out with the ears on his headpiece lol
Sorry if all my writings shit for these past 2 posts! Idk im just thinking its not so good rn and idk how to fix it-
anyway I’ve started playing Breath of the Wild over the past like 2-3 months I think, and it’s amazingggg
I may or may not be both getting gender envy and also a huge crush on Link help-
Safe Travels Wandering Lantern,
♡the beloveds♡
An iced coffee? For me??
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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kyeomyun · 1 year ago
OH WOW ITS ALMOST 2024?!?@? oh wow... it's been... a year.
Yes I know. "Jada you left in like August and 2024 is literally in like 6 hours from now." YES YES I KNOW. I am not going to be writing for a while and I am kinda sad I won't be able too. BUT THIS ISNT ABOUT ME.
I want to just appreciate all of my wonderful moots who have made this year extremely eye opening for me. We haven't talked much in a while since school and 2023 being the year I regretted way more than appreciated. I took time for myself to find who I am but I think about you all every. single. day. You mean so much to me and I wish I showed you all more regardless of me building myself up.
@stormyjisung : my first ever moot ever. even before tumblr, we met on Instagram and let me tell you, we were simps for each other LMAO. nyx is literally the sole reason why I took time off anyways because her advice made me realize the internet was indeed altering my head very negatively. she is the person I run to, annoy, laugh with, and enjoy to talk to every single day. it's going to be 2 years since we met and every year I looked up to her as kind of... a role model. her work ethnic inspired me. nyx is just the type of person you will want to be around and talk to. but she will fucking discipline you when she think is needed. anyways, she is forever my heart, sun, moon, everything.
@wheeboo : OH MY BAE. THIS IS MY BAEEEEEE. rania. we have no spoken for a WHILE. it's been a fat minute since we have spoken a word but that one day we did talk to each other after I went away for my hiatus, oh my. IT WAS SO FUN. SHE IS SO FUN. it is just crackhead energy and it's amazing. rania inspired me as a writer so much yes, but HER. the person behind those extravagant stories? you will fall head over heels for this woman. she is funny, charming, loving, yes. just yes. sorry but me and rania are like đŸ€žđŸœđŸ€žđŸœ. once I get my life together, I will love to talk back to you.
@etherealyoungk : SKYE. SKYE SKYE SKYE. BAHHHHHHHHHHH. skye is like a magnet. that's how we are starting out. it's like you just want to be with her. it's just- you love skye ok. if you know skye, you know what I am saying. but this lovely person right here is just amazing. she is really lowkey yes but she is that person you can just chill with. like I imagine just us sitting in complete silence, someone say something dumb as fuck and then the conversation goes on from there. BASICALLY THE IDEAL GIRL BESTIE. I love skye so much dude it's crazy :((( ONCE AGAIN, I WILL TEXT YOU ONCE I AM WORKED OUT.
@rubywonu : NIAAAAA. we haven't spoken much but the times we did talk were so much fun 😭 every conversation was so fresh and funny. we are still in the learning about each other stage but once we do, WE WILL BE INSEPRETABLE. WE WILL TALK. TRUST.
@trblsvt : LIIIII. omg.. we follow each other on instagram and have not texted for a while wow. I MISS YOU SO MUCH DUDE AAAAAA. YOU WENT TO SEE WAVE TO EARTH AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO JEALOUS OF SOMEONE. WE NEED TO TALK MORE YOU TALANTED SOUL.
@icyminghao : NOELLE. MY LOVE. MY HYPEWOMAN. you are just a bundle of JOY. noelle is that someone you want to protect with your life because her happiness is everything. EVERYTHING YOU HEAR ME. it's also been a while since we have spoken because yk- life. but the times we did talk.... we spoke in caps so you knew the conversation was either juicy or just downright out of pocket. once again, she is a charmer. you will never fall out of love with noelle dude. the day you meet her, you are trapped. IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE OBV. anyways, WE WILL TALK AGAIN. I REALLY HOPE WE CAN.
@star1117-archives : wow.. long time no speak BAHAHAHA. I can say our text should not be exposed to the public. never. but lowkey, miles, you are the most savage person ever. LITERALLY. miles will shut you up in a matter of just seconds and make you rethink. but it's been so long since we texted man... we should lowkey do a reunion with the gang in the discord server we left dusty asf. ANYWAY, miles is the kind of dude that lowkey makes fun of you for dumb shit but in the most chill way possible. idk how else to explain it ;-;. he is just that someone you will enjoy to have and that friend that has your back no matter what. he protect.
@fairyhaos : my precious yena :((. it's been 2 months since we have spoken a word to each other but as like the others, I think about you EVERY DAY. she is one of the first moots I have made on tumblr and let me tell you, she is a sweetheart. it's like a small joshua :((. she is like a freshly bloomed flower and you need to nourish her :((. ANYWAYS. yena. love her. to the ends of the earth. she is such a gentle and caring friend, it's almost hard to believe you can be friends with her. that's until you bring up joshua BAHAHAHAHA. she becomes a whole different being ;-;. BUT WE NEED TO TALK AGAIN PRECIOUS.
@gyu-effect : OH MY GOD SARAH. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? HAVE YOU BEEN OK?? this girl right here. BIGGEST TAEMIN STAN IN THE BOOK OK. no but seriously, Sarah and I had alot of deep talks about life the times we did talk. and I mean DEEP. but her mindset is so careful(?). she is really caring with her friends I should say and that warms my heart in the best way possible because how was I able to win someone so magnificent like you in my life :((. we should really talk again babe <3
@jaehunnyy : uh oh. my WIFEEE GUYS. MY WIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. OK LET ME TELL YOU. IM HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER. ITS CRAZY. INSANE EVEN. I miss her more and more everyday man :((. everyday we don't text, it's like a gap is missing. it's been a little over a month since we last texted so IMAGINE THE SUFFERING. this babe right here though is just someone you will get on one knee for and ask for marriage. that says alot about her. you start talking to her, time skip and you are married. anyways, my wifey is such a loveable wifey. we go crazy together <3
@lvlystars : NINI I AM NOT GOING TO LIE. I KEEP FORGETTING YOU HAVE A NEW ACCOUNT. BUT YOU đŸ«”đŸœđŸ«”đŸœ she is my soul sister. we are twins. we text occasionally on instagram and let me tell you, our mind length is like- WE SEE EACH OTHER. anyways, she is my bestie, my pookie. nini is so fucking hilarious too like her sense of humor >>>>. ITS EVERYTHING. me and nini be talking to each other like we have known each other since the 2nd grade 😭😭. ANYWAYS, nini is such a character. she is always so bright but when it comes to mingyu- a whole lecture on why he is the best boyfriend. but she is so real on that so-
@mesanthropi : obv I'm not about to forget about you weiss. you see, me and weiss have a special bond. we met and decided to do a collab all in the same day. we are just built different. we are an inseparable duo that talks, doesn't talk for like weeks, and start back talking as if nothing happens. WE ARE JUST LIKE THAT. anyways me and weiss are literally besties. minecraft besties. simp besties. you name it. I MISS YOU SO MUCH MY POOKIE WOOKIE. everyday without you is like a crack in my heart đŸ–€đŸ–€đŸ–€đŸ–€
@slytherinshua : AAAAAAAAAAAA. we were still learning about each other as well but you are such a cutie patootie love :((. hopefully soon we can get to know each other more <33
@wonwoonlight @wqnwoos @idubiluv @i43shuji @odxrilove @hannyoontify @haowrld @luvhyun3 @blue-jisungs are a few extra moots which I have either just now started to talk to or was terrified to DM. either way, you guys made this year 10× amazing.
for my followers in general, thank you all so much for sticking with me. I started this account in the middle of last year but "rebranded" this year. which was kinda a mistake considering how 2023 wasn't my year (minus the concerts I've been too). but you guys made me so much more confident in writing and taught me so much in ways that did not had to be verbally spoken. I love you guys so much. everyday I come on here, I always think about how you guys are and how lucky I am to have such amazing people on here. as the days go by, I always try to remind myself that me writing is a hobby and not a competition and I have learned that very quickly with the help of you and all of my wonderful moots. once again, I want to thank all of you for racing with me to the end of this year despite all of the long-lasting breaks I have took for my mental health, thank you for simping with me, thank you for loving my way of art and expression because you do not understand... a simple reblog, a single viewer that scans our stories means so much to a writer. especially on an app where writing stories isn't the main feature. I have made accomplishments this year with my stories and my writing style but my biggest accomplishments yet was having such a wonderful audience, a loving group of moots and the sweet words you guys put in the tags. I am not going to make this very long for I have things to do going forward to the new year but... I cannot express how grateful I am for you. every single one of you.
cheers to the new year loves!!
2024, please be better for me and every other person that had to endure so many hardships this year. if not, make at least one moment where they can remember that bad things do not last forever <3
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kits-ships · 1 month ago
ok im gonna infodump about lunette's backstory.
themes of child neglect, robbery/break-ins, bribery, panic attacks, the legal system, trauma, etc.
i promise i didnt originally mean for her backstory to end up so. tragic(?)
so lunettes parents were the top two coordinators in sinnoh + they LOVED being a celebrity couple. they didnt really want kids, but lunette ended up being born so they begrudingly took two years off to start raising her. they eventually decided that parenting was boring, though, and they started to hire a nanny so they could go back to being stars + making money.
when lunette turned six, however, they decided that she was now a preteen (because they figured it was socially acceptable to leave a preteen home alone, right? even if she was only six???) that way, they didn't have to pay for someone to watch her AND they could go back to doing whatever they wanted. needless to say, lunette hated it. she didnt like being in a huge manor by herself, and it didnt help when her parents gave her pokemon to 'protect her'. a pichu and an eevee were rare and expensive gifts, sure; but they were just babies. lunette was a baby raising babies.
fast forward to when she was eleven, lunette is still being left at home for weeks at a time, struggling to provide for herself despite help from her neighbors and teachers. they bring her meals, teach her the life skills she needs, but they can never manage to convince anyone in power to help her; its too easy for lunette's parents to pay people off.
one night, however, the house is broken into and robbed, and the responding officers find lunette terrified as she hides in a cabinet with lightning + dolly. she wasn't harmed, but seeing an armed stranger shatter the living room window was not good for the ole noggin. her parents take her to the doctor. once. and then decide shes fine
four years later, she meets her grandparents by chance. they were somewhat estranged from her mom and dad due to their conceited personalities, but they'd decided to visit since they were in town. (this is the first time she meets cynthia too!) her grandma asks where her parents are, and this eventually snowballs into "oh. yeah. theyre like never here. i saw them last month though" and "yeah sometimes im so scared that i cant breathe but isnt everyone?" (no)
her grandparents react like any responsible adult would. they fucking freak out (but not around lunette)
luckily THEY have money from their jobs as archaeologists, and manage to cancel out any bribes her parents try to make. they first go to court to get her parents jailed for child neglect, then go back to get custody of lunette. her parents are also hit with charges for bribing officers, judges, etc. by now, its too late for her to bounce back from sixteen years of neglect, but her family gets her therapy throughout the process, at least!
no amount of counseling, however, will ever help her forget the look on her moms face when she told lunette 'if this gets out, you will have ruined our family and everything we've worked towards." awesome. so, instead of using their money to help lunette as she enters adulthood, they use it to bury court records and to silence news outlets, leaving their daughter with nothing but an immense sense of guilt accompanying her trauma.
because of all this, she cant even comprehend the damage they did to her, and lunette outright refuses to talk about her parents. she also refuses to talk about her mental health! sure, shes terrified of being alone and itll cause panic attacks, but she does everything in her power to suppress her emotions around the media/press. she can come up with every lie in the book to cover for any slip-ups, and denies any potential sponsorships that involve being a mental health 'ambassador.'' NO pokemon-equivalent of betterhelp for her, thanks. she'll just wallow in her feelings by herself. it hurts too much to face
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timingmatters · 2 years ago
The colored panels are so fucking pretty please
Chap 51 is gonna be the start of my fave arc i just know it
- Mika has realized something is off with Mitsumi and Shima. I have always hoped that when she finds out what went down she becomes overprotective of mitsumi. Ik Shima doesn’t deserve hate at all, but i kinda hope mika goes from her beginnings of putting shima in a pedestal, to giving him some harsh words because she KNOWS and WANTS better for mitsumi and has her back. Idk at least be there for her and a little mad at shima dhhdhd.
- Mitsumi has been avoiding Shima. Which is completely fair and honestly a catalyst for how Shima has been feeling lately and misses her. BUT I think him witnessing the fight with her sister might make them open up to each other. And tbh Mitsumi has only opened up to our Uiji boy (my god ik thats not his name i already forgot im so sorry its my boy with glasses im so sorry son). She hasn’t opened up as much about her struggles as she did with him. So i think it would be good for her to take that step with shima and really open up about her family. And in turn, Shima can also share a vulnerable side to him and actually speak about his struggles and past at least a little with her. He hasn’t done it at all and i think its such a good opportunity for their relationship to reach a new level by really opening up to each other!!
- nao-chan’s first time back since years ago (probably maybe the beginning of her transition?). I want a chapter entirely focus on her and her family relationships as well as maybe just her going around town. She’s making such a brave fucking step because in a small town everyone knew her in the past as well as the family, SHE’S SO BRAVE I LOVE HER. I hope we see her having a conversation with her siblings too. A personal conversation away from the kids.
- Mitsumi’s sister clearly likes Shima lmao. I hope Shima kinda gets uncomfortable enough and chooses ti stick even closer to Mitsumi unconsciously, which wouldn’t be weird to anyone bc they have been that one since day 1 lmao.
- can you imagine if fumi just assumes makoto and yuzuki are already dating. Idk i want them to become canon so bad COMMON GIVE THEM A SCENE UNDER THE STARS. A LITTLE KISS MAYBE. A MOMENT. SOME CONFUSION AND REALIZATION. LETS MAKE THEM CANON COMMON PEOPLE!!!!!
- lastly if mitsumi and shina do have a conversation about their families or struggles and stop avoiding each other (rather mitsumi stops avoiding him lmao). I would LOVEEE to see her family and fumi’s reaction to how close shima and her usually are and how they always go together. Because so far her friends are picking up that something is off because they ARENT as close as they usually are, but if they solve it the family will not only see how close they are, but how normal and usual their closeness is to everyone else lmao.
- also omg if shima meets her other male friends whom she has always been close to because she grew up with them, will he be jealous?? Ik is immature of me but i do want the shima jealous arc IM SORRYYY. And that arc is technically already canon bc if the rumors of Mitsumi dating her friend (im so sorry glasses boy ik is uiji or something like that IM SORRY). So ik shima is already a little self conscious and jealous, but it would be fun to be forced to watch it closely on a vacation with her suddenly being so close to guys he has never seen and knowing that they have ALWAYS been close idk djdjdj. Just a little fun we dont need to be super angsty about it. Just shima a little too uncomfortable knowing that guys are very close to mitsumi YET he isnt at the moment (pls understand this does not mean i want him to be mad at her having close male friends, just him realizing that maybe now that they are not dating and have broken up he kinda is not more special than any of her other male friends bc she is very close to others and realizing that perhaps he does want to be someone special for her)
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32ratsinatrenchcoat · 3 months ago
Chapter 13 - cowgirl
Chapter masterlist
Haley and Frisk frolick in Marnie’s cowfield
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Frisk pov
A week has gone by since I was supposed to ask Haley out. Not that I necsesarily believed my mom, I just... now isnt the right time.
I had to stop by Pierre's for groceries. He jacked up the prices an insane amount with his buy one for the price of two bullshit, but I am not going to Jojamart, end of story. Since I headed out right after tending to the animals I went the fastest way off the farm, through Marnie's. And oh boy what a sight to behold.
Her hair was blowing freely in the wind, majority of it gracefully, but some got in her face and mouth, giving me an entertaining 30 seconds of her trying to tame her hair as well as take photos. She leaned forward with her camera and focused intensely, tounge out and everything.
She smiled at her camera, seemingly satisfied with the picture. Then she frowned and turned to me, smiling a toothy grin. God I love that grin. "Frisk!" She waves me over, "Can you help me take some pictures of Marnie's cows?" She inquiries. "Sure", now you might wonder, what is this guy's moral compass? Is this even legal? Probably not. But hey, its Pelican town. I can show up to Pam's trailer at 8 in the morning and she'd have me in for breakfast. Plus Haley may have given me a teensy tiny smooch on the cheek so I really didn't think of any bad sides to the hole taking pictures of someone elses' cows ordeal.
I gave Haley a boost over the fence and jumped over myself. She looked at all the cows all giddily like a five year old. "I've never really looked at these cows before! They're so cute" she squeeled before going straight faced and looking at me, "oh my god I think youre rubbing off on me" before going back to squeeling and photographing cows. "You know I have cows on my farm too" "I need to see them!"
"Oh my god, Frisk! Take my photo! I'm riding it like a horse! I'm a cowgirl!" Haley squeaked. "Not sure thats what a cowgirl is babe" I laughed. She turned her head towards me red as a tomato, "did you just call me babe?" "N-no!... unless you liked that?" "Honestly, yea- AAA!!"
I couldnt hold back my laugh. She gave me a scowl, but I couldn't stop laughing. Face first into the mud, splayed out in the dirt was Haley laying in a not so graceful position.
Gotta take those nice photos she wanted. She started laughing too now. I offered her my hand and she intertwined our fingers instantly, before pulling me down in the mud too! I barely saved her camera from meeting the same fate as us. "Youre muddy!" Haley spoke triumphantly, "So are you!" I shoot back. "And I don't care! I don't care that I'm muddy!" She sat up on her knees and I joined her. "You don't care?" She shook her head, "not with you, and when youre equally as muddy" oh its on. I splash some mud on her and her face, oh, the betrayal evident on it. She splashes me back. "Hey! Watch your camera!" I wipe a stray mudsplat off it. "Thanks, babe" she put extra emphasis on the word 'babe'. "Youre welcome, babe." I reply in the same tone of voice.
Then she grabbed me by the collar and connected our lips. Holy fuck. I slipped my fingers into her hair as we had a good 10 minute makeout session amongst cows. We parted, and panted. "Wow"
"Thats all? Wow" she teases.
"That was..." I pause, trying to find words for it.
Haley just nodded and laughed a breezy laugh, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Does that mean we're...?" "If you'd like us to be..." "I would like us to be..."
"Then we are"
And makeout session part two was only cut short by Shane coming home from work. Whoops.
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deadxmastreedownthehighway · 7 months ago
to daddy dearest
a happy late birthday to you. i thought of you on your birthday but didnt message you. guess this is my unsent letter to you...
as a child i would naively hope that you would send a private detective to seek for us.. i woild always look at cars parked in front of the schools i would attend. i dreamed of you rescuing us from our mother. i wanted to be saved by you cuz that what dads would do right? i wouldnt be too sure since i was never worth staying back for to raise. no one ever thought i was worth the time. now should i really be as hard on my mother as i am especially since she stayed by my side and fucked me up in the process? i dont know. she made sure to tell me in almost all our fights that you didnt love me. you wanted us gone and aborted.
you never called only when we were 12.. you wanted to add us as dependents on your taxes.. i was secretly excited but you ended the call with my mother soon after.. even my oldest sister would tell me i would be a better child if you were around and that i needed you.. why werent you ever here? i struggled with math. mother would brag how bright you were with math.. she would tell me how many siblings i had in your side.. i was always alone.. i resent you.. even though i cried when i found your email at last and you answered back. it was one of the happiest moments in my life but you didnt allow me to be the greedy child i always wanted to be.. i wanted to be cuddled, comforted and be told everything was going to be alright and that you knew how to fix all of it.. i didnt want to have to build a relationship with another adult.. i wanted to pick up where we last left off when i was 7. i wanted to be a greedy kid.. i didnt to be lectured on what to do with my life.. why didnt you ask me about my fears or if i slept with plushies at night? you missed out on so much.. there was so much to pick up on.. but its never easy with an adult child huh? worse part is your child isnt fine.. it was quite the experience having to disappoint you too.. sometimes i of you too much and it makes me want to bury myself in a hole. i cant handle small talk.. i wanted badly to bond with you but i was the problem.. my expectations were unrealistic.. greedy even. once i saw you were going to provide what i seeked for i left.. i read in many articles about building relationships with a parent as an adult child and i could only think of my 13 year self that would of wanted to meet you. why did i even bother? after the last message on email and how you took so long was the part the stung me deeply.. with my toxic upbringing i assumed the worse.. i assumed it was me to why you stopped massaging.. i shouldnt have pushed beyond that.. when my mother asked i simply told her as if it didnt bother me that you didnt message me until a good while again.. i dont know why but maybe its why i didnt try as hard after when you contacted me after.. i resented you for not being in my life in the first place and after for leaving me again.. i wished emotions were easy to deal with..
surprisingly i felt like an outsider speaking to your other child.. i felt like an outsider speaking to you and listening to you speak of your other kids and even your grandkids.. absurd how you kept in contact with a grandkid in florida instead of with us.. maybe im just being a child with those thoughts.. daddy dearest i hate you and i desire to be with you but i resent you for waiting for your kid to show up to you.. i wish i was mature enough to know how to handle this.. have i met you several years before i would have begged to live with you.. to be saved from my mother.. but i was much too late for that.. i hate being a burden..
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qualityempathshoebear · 2 years ago
Fuck and Fucked
Well then, a lot has happened, some good things some bad. Ill update you.
Lets start with the good first, i have my last exam tomorrow (geo and physics) and then I never have to see these fuckers again. Very exciting, right? I have to say that I am thankful that my last couple of week of school havent been hell -I mean, they werent enjoyable but definetly not hell. Severly awkward and uncomfortable, yes, but hellish? No. Im so grateful to the girl group that took me in and made verything more bearable. I wouldnt have gotten through it without them, thats for sure. I have actually laughed-cried a couple of times with them aswell. Theyre great people that deserve great things.
Onto the bad. Yesterday my mom called me before i got home to tell me to meet her in the downstairs bedroom/livingroom/study area. She told me my sister had complained about our dad to CPS and accused him of abuse. She is so dumb. He gets andry sometimes, but he is not abusive. Im honestly so stressed by all of this and I feel this panic and anxiety heaving at my chest. She is so stupid. Does she not understand that dad could be charged, and all of us could be removed from our family. She is so fucking selfish. I talked to her and told her to fix it and she said she would but the worst part is that she isnt even bothered or regretfull at all. She is risking our livelihood and reputation for absoluly nothing. Its dusgusting. My parents have completely given up on her and my dad isnt even angry at her, in fact he is so sick of her he hasnt spoken to her at all. If this goes forward, dad could lose his job and this abuse charge could go on his permenant record and then he cant get a job abroad and move. He (we) would be stuck here, as a criminal.
Im being nice to her now, to keep her in check, and insure that she fixes this. But after this is over, I highly doubt me or anyone else in the family will speak to her again, especially dad.
Despite my problems with my family, they are all i have left. If I lose this too, I will be truly alone, and I dont think I can handle that.
Ps. I know this is silly to say considering the circumstances, but the boy with the same name as that of a south American country (except spelled with a different first letter) stopped talking to me and unfollowed me from instgram a while ago.
Also another unrelated update, my dad started applying to jobs again so hopefully we can move, if this CPS thing gets resolved.
Edit: I just found out that she told her math teacher, who just so happens to be my form tutor, and I have to see him tomorrow morning and all I can do is pretend like I dont know that he knows. I honestly feel so defeated. I just want to die. Luckily, its just 1 more day. Just tomorrow, and then im done for good.
Much love!
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aemcndtargaryen · 2 years ago
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when i say seeing the notif for this pop up (and reading it ofc) just made my entire week, im not even kidding
i knew i was gonna love the glimpse inside aemonds head and boy did this not disappoint, IT WAS EVERYTHING I HOPED FOR AND MORE
✹the highlights✹
not aemond thinking of lady L as some daughter of Lord Lannister and swearing to hate her and that she could never be his friend, boy has No Idea-
also aemond 30 seconds later:
He tells himself that he’ll hate her.
Then he meets you.
aemond going feral for her in that singular moment where shes scowling at him and wanting to bare her teeth at him for scaring her and making her spill water on herself
aemond being absolutely normal about the whole situation and in fact swearing to himself that he has control and hes being absolutely normal about all of this, then lady L says her name and its freeze frame, record scratch for our boy
i loved their first meeting and lady L being a lil smartass, the whole you could be aegon, aemond or even daeron who decided oldtown wasnt doing it for him and now seeing aemonds reactions to it all? Just Chefs kiss
being embarrassed to be wrong in front of lady L when homeboy doesnt even know what hes wrong about or why hes feeling that way
waxing poetic about her smile in his head, like I've seen many wonders of the world in my short years on this earth but none compare to the smile on your face
then immediately after; at least she isnt dumb💀
Well mannered. Pretty. A true lady. I’m the second son in a family where even the first son receives nothing. No one is excited to see me.
Viserys im in your fucking walls
ALSO otto telling aemond hes gotta make up for aegons weaknesses and aemond taking that personally, as in he has to study and be good at literally everything took me out😂💀
just lil aemond already simping for lady L, albeit cautiouslyđŸ„șđŸ˜­đŸ€§đŸ’œ
finding her beautiful, smart and kind and frankly too good to be true
when he couldnt believe she wanted to spend time with him? Just Aemond? i-đŸ€§
You beam, bright and happy, and he wonders if the real treasure in the Rock wasn’t its gold or its wealth but rather the daughters it produced.
lil babes already swapping notes on fav books and the mention of symeon star-eyes
also aemond basking in the sun/lady L’s voice as she read to them
my boy knowing he needs to stay focused so he can be the strength of his fam so theres no room in his life for distractions, not even in the form of a pretty lil lioness, so he hopes she will leave him alone BUT NOT REALLY HE DOESNT WANNA BE SO UNLUCKY I-
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dominoes cascading in a line — the meeting
Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
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You beam, bright and happy, and he wonders if the real treasure in the Rock wasn’t in its gold or its wealth but rather in the daughters it produced. or moments in aemond's life with a lady of house lannister
crossposted on ao3 masterlist word count: 2.1k notes: surprise! i'm starting a companion piece of oneshot moments in the pawn in every lover's game (my current ongoing fic) from aemond's pov! this will be updated sporadically so enjoy this first one (:
Aemond is ten when his mother announces that Daeron will be fostered in Oldtown by their Hightower kin. Daeron is seven.
As an adult, his memory of the incident will fade like an old picture; the colors will lose their shine, details will vanish, the pain will dull. But one thing he will never forget is how Daeron hadn’t cried.
He had trembled, his eyes had gone wide, and he had seemed so small, even smaller than he already was.
But he hadn’t cried.
Daeron didn’t cry when they had packed his things or even Mother had gotten the habit of bursting into tears at the mere sight of him. He hadn’t even cried when their father had shrugged off his leaving, merely giving his youngest son a more than awkward pat on the head and empty platitudes.
He didn’t cry.
Not until Helaena had mournfully informed them all that she couldn’t go with them to drop Daeron off since some daughter of Lord Lannister was coming to King’s Landing to keep Lord Tyland Lannister company and to be her companion. She had to stay to greet her. Mother had insisted.
Daeron had sobbed then. Big, glassy tears had poured down his face as he had gasped loudly for breath. Helaena, fighting her usual aversion to touch, had wrapped her small arms around him, awkward and stiff, but Daeron hadn’t minded, burrowing himself into her arms and wailing.
Aemond had sworn then and there that he would hate the little lady of House Lannister coming to be Helaena’s companion. She could be his sister’s friend. She couldn’t be his.
During the entire trip to Oldtown and his entire stay, Aemond had created a vision of the Lannister girl to hate. She’ll be mean. She’ll be snooty. She’ll sneer at Helaena and her bugs and mock her to the other ladies in court. She’ll laugh at him and his lack of a dragon, whisper about how he is no true Targaryen if he can’t claim his own House’s sigil.
Perhaps she’s only coming to the capitol to marry. That’s the only reason a noble girl would leave her family’s seat of power behind and travel after all. Maybe she’ll even marry Aegon and they’ll have cruel, nasty babies together and they’ll laugh at Helaena and Aemond for the rest of their lives.
By the time he returns to the Red Keep with one brother and without another, he swears that he’ll hate the daughter the Rock has sent and he always will. He repeats this in his head as he heads to Mother’s sitting room, where Helaena always spends her time, and he convinces himself that she won’t be there because she must be cruel and vapid and mean to keep Helaena away from Daeron. He tells himself that he’ll hate her.
Then he meets you.
When he slams the door open, prepared to comfort his surely heartbroken sister, he finds you. The slam of the door startles you and, with a small shriek, you nearly drop a jug of water, catching it awkwardly so that the water spills all over the front of your pretty gown, soaking it.
He stares. You don’t look at him for a moment, too busy staring down at the jug in stunned disbelief, but when he calls out to ask if you’re alright, you turn to face him.
And Aemond swears his heart skips a beat.
He’s seen pretty girls before. Of course, he has. They’re everywhere in the Red Keep. From serving girls to noblewomen, there’s beauty to spare in the capitol.
But you’re different. There’s a moment when he knows your mind hasn’t realized that he’s a Targaryen, when he’s just a boy that made her spill water on herself, and you scowl fiercely, looking as if you would bare your teeth if you could. It’s a short moment but a glorious one and Aemond feels his cheeks flare with heat against his permission.
Luckily, it looks like you’re just as caught off guard and you duck into a curtsey, calling him my prince.
The form of address has never sounded so nice.
“I think I’m at a disadvantage,” he says after a moment, feeling as if he’s failing a test he didn’t know he was supposed to take. “You know who I am but I don’t know who you are.”
“Oh!” You say, looking terribly flustered, and Aemond fights down a smile, struggling to stay focused. He swears he has control, swears he’s being absolutely normal about all of this, but then you do say your name and his mind freezes.
Lannister. Lannister. Lannister.
Your House name runs circles in his mind, mocking him, teasing him. You’re the lady he’s sworn to hate.
He barely has time to process when you continue talking and it’s only through years of etiquette training that he hears you.
“My uncle Tyland is your father’s master of ships. And
 at the risk of sounding impertinent, my prince, I’m afraid you’re mistaken.”
He blinks at that, feeling that all too familiar humiliated flush creeping up his neck. The worst part is that he doesn’t even know why being wrong in front of you would embarrass him so badly. “How am I mistaken?”
Aemond has seen the Hightower in Oldtown, looming high above the port city, topped by a massive orange flame, an impossible wonder. He’s seen Sunfyre, gleaming and golden as he flies through the sky, a moving marvel rather than a ferocious beast. He’s seen the Iron Throne, the thousand swords taken from Aegon the Conqueror’s enemies, ugly but striking, the very seat of House Targaryen’s power.
And somehow none of them compare to your smile.
It’s humiliating, it’s shameful, it’s the truth. Your smile lights him up from the inside, warming him up entirely, and he wishes it wasn’t real. What if you’re cruel? What if you’re mean and selfish?
You keep smiling at him and, for just a few moments, Aemond tells himself that maybe you won’t be. He has to believe it, if only to just finish this conversation. “Now you know who I am but I don’t know who you are. I know you’re a Targaryen prince, that much is easy to tell, but there are three of those. Are you Prince Aegon? Or perhaps Prince Aemond? You could even be Prince Daeron, having decided that Oldtown isn’t to his taste.”
At least she’s not dumb.
He looks at you, looking for any sign that you’re setting him up, but, finding none, he finally smiles back. “I’m Prince Aemond. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
If he thought your smile was beautiful, it’s nothing compared to your laugh.
“Small mercies then,” you say after a moment, beaming at him. “Your sister told me that you and I would get along.”
“She did?” He asks, head spinning. “Me? And you? But you’re so
Well mannered. Pretty. A true lady. I’m the second son in a family where even the first son receives nothing. No one is excited to see me.
“She said you liked to read? And study?” You say, cleaning your hand with a wet rag, and Aemond notes with a start that your finger is bloody. “I’m no great scholar but I like to read the histories of the Westerlands and the other kingdoms. It’s important to know our past to be best able to predict our future.”
For a moment, Aemond hears his grandfather’s voice, lecturing as he hands him book after book about politics and the Seven Kingdoms.
You must succeed where Aegon fails, the Lord Hand says in his mind, stern and unyielding. You will be his strength where he is weak.
Aemond had taken that to mean that he must study everything.
Caught off guard, Armond can only manage out an awkward, “You like histories?”
“Of course,” you reply, wrapping your finger with a spare piece of cloth. “Perhaps you can share some of your favorite books with me? I’m about to go meet Princess Helaena in the gardens. You could join us?”
That shocks him the most out of everything.
Being smart was one thing. Being kind was another.
But asking him to spend more time with you? Knowing that he’s Aemond Targaryen, the forgotten second son? Perhaps if he were Aegon, the rightful next king, or even Daeron, sweet Daeron who hadn’t even cursed you when you had stolen Helaena away from him, but he was Aemond. Just Aemond.
He can’t help it. He blushes. He blushes more than he has ever blushed before in his life and he ducks his head, wishing he wasn’t. “I would be honored, my lady.”
You beam, bright and happy, and he wonders if the real treasure in the Rock wasn’t its gold or its wealth but rather the daughters it produced. “I’ll meet you in the gardens then! Please allow me to get changed and could you inform Princess Helaena that I’ll be late?”
“Of course,” he stammers, embarrassed at his own weakness, and you smile once more at him, giving him a curtsey as you leave in a swirl of soaked fabrics.
He doesn’t know how long he stands there, feeling as if Balerion the Black Dread has bathed him in his flame, burning him away and leaving nothing.
Eventually, he does make his way down the gardens and, when he finds Helaena, crouched in the dirt with her hands cupped around an earthworm writhing in the moist soil, he forgets that he’s been gone for several moons.
“Is your companion kind to you?” He blurts out, skipping the emotional reunion completely in his daze. She’s lying. She has to be lying.
Sweet Helaena, however, doesn’t mind, looking up at him with glazed eyes. “Beasts of the sky, beasts of the rock, feed well the land,” she says in that odd way she always does. Before he can say anything, however, she blinks hard before smiling at him. “She’s nice. She likes embroidery. Whenever I ask, she reads me my favorites. I hope she’ll be my friend and not just my companion.”
Aemond watches her, looking for any hint of a lie, but Helaena never lies. Never ever.
He drops to the ground next to her instead, shaking his head to clear his thoughts as best as he can. He talks to his sister then, about Oldtown and Daeron and her bugs in their glass enclosures. He almost forgets.
Then you come again, carrying a heavy book, one that he instantly recognizes.
Mother had given it to Helaena on her eighth nameday — a Maester’s guide to the different beetles in the deserts of Dorne.
After getting the customary greetings out of the way, you slide to the ground, uncaring when your new dress gets covered in dirt and bits of grass. Head bowed over the book, you flip through with a practiced speed, landing on a chapter about the golden scarabs that crawl in the shadows of Sunspear.
You read with a calm and steady tone, perfectly enunciating every word, never faltering or stammering. Closing his eyes, Aemond leans back and listens, the words floating away so he only focuses on the sound of your voice, the melody.
He’s warm in the sunlight.
It ends too soon with the shrill call of Helaena’s septa ordering the pair of you to your daily lessons. Quickly, you snap the heavy tome closed, rising to your feet a beat faster than Helaena.
“Oh, before I forget,” you say, spinning to smile down at him. “What’s one of your favorite books? I’d love to get to read something other than just about the Westerlands.”
The answer pops out without his permission. “The Watchers on the Wall. Some of it is legends but it’s about the Nightfort. You know, the Rat Cook. Symeon Star-Eyes. The Night’s King.”
Your eyes gleam. “My mother used to tell me and my sisters about the Rat Cook to scare us into behaving. She said it happened to King Tywell II and if we weren’t kind to people, they might make us eat our children in a pie like him too.”
“Some say it was a king of the Vale instead,” he replies. “I hope it wasn’t your ancestor.”
“Aye,” you laugh. “I hope it wasn’t him either. I’ll be sure to read the story. Maybe I’ll be able to convince myself it wasn’t him either.”
As you leave, leading Helaena down to the frowning septa assigned to teach the both of you, he prays you won’t read the book. That you’ll take your pretty smiles and your quick replies off to Aegon to charm. He has to focus. He has to be the strength of his family and there’s no room or time for any lady.
Even still, a part of him hopes that he isn’t so unlucky.
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faorism · 2 years ago
[suggestive] okay but the happy version of pardison going back in time to meet a 20/21-yo'ish eliot is that the ot3 has been together, and postcoitial wind down for hardison sometimes looks like blabbing about random hypotheticals and what if scenarios. once hardison is like, okay but what if we went back in time and met a younger version of you, legal obviously and in a not dubcon situation, would it count as cheating if we tried to hook up with you? would you not want us to try it? parker hums and is like, okay not cheating but i would likely say no because i wouldnt trust you, so best not to attempt it.
hardison nods solemnly. and then parker nudges him to answer himself, so then hardison does a whole ass rundown including the fact that hardison himself was 21 when they first met so that might be too closely aligned with their timeline to make things not weird, but also hardison would be so fucking down also because he loves them, but (as parker pronpts him to continue) also he loves how they fell in love too? hardison thus gives his permission with the understanding that he will commit to not letting the confirmation of at least interest impact the development of their relationship.
hardison nods and is happy with his response. and parker kisses his nose for being cute. and then.... they turn to eliot. who has been suspiciously đŸ˜¶. and hardison is like, well?? you've been quiet. what's your take.
and eliot just.... very carefully says he gives his consent for a hook up even if he was a few beers in, he would appreciate the time they had esp if they have kinkier sex than one expects to have with strangers, he does not think it is cheating but sould like to be reassured that he isnt being used as some spice our marriage unicorn third, and he makes the same commitment as hardison for non-interference.
and that all is fun ha ha eliot got really specific there talk, until one day pardison gets sent back in time and they are set up against a flirty younger eliot at a bar and...
oh, im gonna kill him, hardison says under his breath at eliot keeping TIME TRAVEL IS REAL secret from him even as parker shakes her hands in a happy stim because fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah they gonna bang young eliot and just DESTROY bb!eliots gODdamn mind
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deripmaver · 3 years ago
laurent is a good person - book 1 meta
one of the most amazing things about captive prince is how the reveals in book 3 recontextualize all of the scenes leading up to them, including about laurent himself. in book one, all we see is damen pov as he’s being abused and humiliated by this supposedly spoiled, vile ice prince. when the regent comes to damen and subtly (and not so subtly) insults laurent, calling him unfit to rule - well, why would he think anything different? laurent has insulted him, had him whipped within an inch of his life, and even attempted to (and later successfully lmfao) have him raped while drugged out of his mind. 
after book 3 we can reread most if not all of book 1 as a very traumatized boy who has finally been confronted with the man who killed his brother, leaving him alone with his abusive uncle, and who he clearly has made into a complete monster in his own mind. damen of course sees him as a complete bitch, but there’s textual/subtextual evidence that laurent is well liked, and that his behavior during book 1 was actually pretty out of character for him. i’d like to provide some examples of that now!!!!
“Laurent had stopped dead the moment he had seen Damen, his face turning white as though in reaction to a slap, or an insult. Damen’s view, half-truncated by the short chain at this neck, had been enough to see that. But Laurent’s expression had shuttered quickly.” Captive Prince, Chapter One
i couldn’t resist adding this one in hehe. laurent recognizes damen!! he’s come down, knowing his uncle has devised another truly horrendous and triggering “gift” and that he’ll lose support if he calls it our for what it truly is, only to find out that it’s fucking damianos of akielos sent to him as a sex slave. a jab at laurent’s trauma about auguste and also a jab at laurent’s frigid sexuality - which ofc is completely the regent’s fault. fuck that guy so much lmfao 
“‘It’s so rare to see you at these entertainments, Your Highness,’ said Vannes.” Captive Prince, Chapter Two.
this is right before the fight between govart and damen in the ring, of course. damen sees laurent as depraved and vile as the sexual sadism on display by the veretian court, and considers him to be a willing purveyor of it. this is wrong, of course, as said by vannes here. laurent has only shown up because he wants to humiliate damen lmfao.
“He did remember being supported by two of the guards, here, in this room, while Radel stared athis back in horror. ‘The Prince really . . . did this.’ ‘Who else?’ Damen said. Radel had stepped forward, and slapped Damen across the face; it was a hard slap, and the man wore three rings on each finger. ‘What did you do to him?’ Radel demanded.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
this scene, to me, was the most telling lmfao. it’s right after damen is whipped. you could argue that radel is just a servant in the employ of the royal household, so is of course going to be loyal to the prince, but he seems genuinely surprised of the prince’s cruelty towards damen. not only that, but he slaps him and immediately assumes damen must have done something. which - i mean, technically he did lmao. not necessarily enough to deserve having the skin flayed from his back, but you know. if laurent was in the habit of torturing pets and slaves, why would the overseer react this way?
“The men guarding him were the Prince’s Guard, and had no affiliation with the Regent whatsoever. It surprised Damen how loyal they were to their Prince, and how diligent in his service, airing none of the grudges and complaints that he might have expected, considering Laurent’s noxious personality. Laurent’s feud with his uncle they took up wholeheartedly; there were deep schisms and rivalries between the Prince’s Guard and the Regent’s Guard, apparently.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
laurents relationships with his guards are also some of the biggest indicators that he isn’t just a spoiled brat, but can insire a deep loyalty in his men. even if they do all want to fuck him. ah, sexual harassment. it’s also hilarious that damen immediately assumes they’re loyal to him because they want to fuck him - nice projection there, dude. we know a bit more about laurent and his guards thanks to green but for a season, but this little bit here is interesting.
“Laurent was indeed good at talking. He accepted sympathy gracefully. He put his position rationally. He stopped the flow of talk when it became dangerously critical of his uncle. He said nothing that could be taken as an open slight on the Regency. Yet no one who talked to him could have any doubt that his uncle was behaving at best misguidedly and at worst treasonously.”  Captive Prince, Chapter Five
idek what to say here. laurent my beloved <3333
“‘When someone doesn’t like you very much, it isn’t a good idea to let them know that you care about something,’ said Laurent. Damen felt himself turn ashen, as the threat sank in. ‘Would it hurt worse than a lashing for me to cut down someone you care for?’ said Laurent.” Captive Prince, Chapter Seven
this isn’t really relevant to my thesis lmfao i just love this exchange bc it gives SO MUCH information about laurent and his uncle in just three lines of dialogue. what has the regent done, who did he cut down just to hurt laurent? when and how did laurent learn that? p a i n 
“Laurent’s fussy horse began acting out again, and he leaned forward in the saddle, murmuring something as he stroked her neck in an uncharacteristically gentle gesture to quiet her.” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine. 
HORSEY NO- lmfao this scene just hurts so badly on the reread. especially later on, in book 3 i think, where laurent says something like “i provoked my uncle.” he’s really blaming himself for his uncle KILLING HIS HORSE, his horse that his murdered brother trained, one of the only living connections to auguste... all because his uncle could not let a single miniscule plan laurent had set go through without some kind of repercussion. literally all laurent did was do something to stop an innocent group of people from being abused, nothing to undermine his uncle’s rule, but because the regent is VILE he could not let laurent have even this. he’s so good with her, too. he must have known by this point and also known that there was no way to stop this. P A I N
“‘I know that you have somehow arranged this,’ said Erasmus. He was incapable of hiding what he felt, and just seemed to radiate embarrassed happiness. ‘You kept your promise. You and your master. I told you he was kind,’ Erasmus said. ‘You did,’ said Damen. He was pleased to see Erasmus happy. Whatever Erasmus believed about Laurent, Damen wasn’t going to dissuade him. ‘He’s even nicer in person. Did you know he came and talked to me?’ said Erasmus. ‘—He did?’ said Damen. It was something he couldn’t imagine. ‘He asked about . . . what happened in the gardens. Then he warned me. About last night.’ ‘He warned you,’ said Damen. ‘He said that Nicaise would make me perform before the court and it would be awful, but that if I was brave, something good might come at the end of it.’ Erasmus looked up at Damen curiously. ‘Why do you look surprised?’ ‘I don’t know. I shouldn’t be. He likes to plan things in advance,’ said Damen.” Captive Prince, Chapter 9.
this is the first in-text confirmation we have that laurent has a good heart beneath his layers and layers of trauma-induced lashing out. book one often skeeves people out because of its graphic and, honestly, yes, kind of sexualized depiction of rape, slavery, and depravity, but beneath it all you meet these two protagonists who are going to have all of their most deeply held views about each other challenged. laurent from very early on is shaken to his core when damen refuses to rape nicaise in the ring - it cracks the very foundations of the person he’d built up in his head as this horrible monster who killed his brother in cold blood. and damen keeps defying laurents expectations by being a good person through and through. on the other hand, laurent spends the first part of the book taking out years of anger on damen, but here for the first time we see him do something just because its the kind thing to do. yes, torveld is an ally against his uncle, but laurent has clearly been scheming with him for a while now, and he’s now overlooking his hatred of damen and working with him just because none of the slaves deserve whats happened to them. it’s such a sweet moment.
“One of the other men, eyeing them, approached a moment later. ‘Don’t mind Jean. He’s in a foul mood. He was the one had to stick a sword through the mare’s throat and put her down. The Prince tore strips off him for not doing it fast enough.’” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine.
HORSEY NO- pt 2. this is just another really sweet and sad detail - laurent being so upset that the horse’s death could have been more painless. it must have hurt so much to see her in pain, and to know that the only way for that pain to end was being put down as quickly as possible. i wuv him. im sad
that’s it, though there are still a few more chapters left in the book. this isn’t providing any new information, of course, the path of the three books is to show that laurent isnt the man we meet in book one, that he’s actually sweet, and earnest, and he’s been fighting his own battle practically alone against his abuser since he was fifteen years old. also, the reveal that laurent knew who damianos was from the start makes it clear imo that all of his violence in book 1 was supposed vengence, not... him being evil. he apologizes explicitly in-text, and also, all of the acts of violence he commits cause serious problems for him in terms of his future alliance which he then needs to fix. i just love how layered these books are, how there’s so much information in them that makes rereading almost more fun than reading them for the very first time!
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moonshineandclearskies · 3 years ago
Fantasy AU Bakugou x fem!reader?? (Drabble or is this an imagine??)
From my chat with the lovely and ever awesome @loving-katsuki !
Reader is frm our world!
Tw:- mild cussing and kissing?
Pairing: bakugou x reader
Inspired by this post! By @tanimil
Okay so imagine y/n wakes up in a field, tthe plants are wild and the smell is oddly fresh she hears a sound and focuses on it while her eyes are still closed
She notices it sounds familiar and immediately bolts upright
Which makes her dizzy and she then winces and holds her head in her hand
The voice stops and she opens her eyes to see shes in someone’s s shadow
It’s bakugou and he’s looking down at her
Her heart rate quickens and before she can say anything hes like “huh ur finally awake. About dam time”
She’s confused because like wtf is happeningggg??and then she feels a little heat in her palm
She looks down to see little flames dancing across her fingertips,and they’re purple not blue or red or orange
Bakugou looks up after hearing her gasp and then even hes taken aback
She asks him how this could happen and he says its the fabled “wayfinder flame” a power that has only been granted to those who were truly lost
He explains that she really must be “really fuckin lost” if this flame has found her
And she explains how she’s not from that world and isnt even sure how she got there
He listens
And then finally agrees to help her find her way
Shes taken aback because “omg bakugou katsuki wants to help me???” But he just wants to know more about the flame and when she asks how hes gonna help her he rolls his eyes and explains how the flame actually works
It burns brighter and hotter and grows more powerful as its wielder finds their way home
Wherever that may be.
He also says that this power is rarer than “a fucking full moon” because according to the lore the only thing stopping everyone from getting this is they must first be “completely utterly and hopelessly lost for it find them” not just a certain feeling of being lost that fades away after time
And as they go on
They fight monsters meet people and grow closer
All the while the flame is growing stronger (i mean that literally AND as a metaphor for their feelings for eachother!)
The finale
They reach a lake
The water is black,a stark contrast to its beautiful surroundings but the reader feels a pull to it and katsuki has a bad feeling
She feels it call to her
And just as he remembers why its dangerous , she’s already jumped in
Its the pool of the damned
No one who goes in ever comes out
Katsuki jumps in to save her and he sees everything
Her life that lead up to this moment
Why she was feeling lost, all her moments of pain ,all her lows
He sees it in the water and in the distance he can see it all drowning her
He pushes through and swims through the abyss and saves her
But when he brings her out she’s not breathing
So he does uk
Cpr mouth to mouth
And his wakes her up
And as they deepen the kiss the lake clears and a figure emmerges
It looks like a fairy but katsuki just sees a ball of light
It tells her that she is truly found,now and asks if she wishes to return home
The being even opens up a portal to show how they’re the real deal
And y/n looks at it.. she contemplates going back but she chooses not to
She’s found her home
But it isnt back in her world
Its katsuki
Shes found her home in him
After letting the being know of her decision,the being seems to smile.it doesnt have a face but they both know its smiling
And then is disappears
Katsuki asks if shes sure about this
And she says she’s never been sure about anything more
And they kiss one last time
From there on out they were together
And they became the fiercest warriors that land had ever known
Him,well being him, and her with her now infinitely powerful flame!
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