#and this is not taking into account tommy in the begins episodes
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hi do you mind me asking what your feelings on BuckTommy are? mine are pretty mixed at this point so I was curious what your thoughts/feelings are?
hi! i don’t mind at all! honestly, if i ignore the whole messy fandom side of it, i don’t feel any different about bucktommy that most of buck’s past relationships. their relationship is not special, and definitely does not have the potential to be endgame. he’s been buck’s li since 7x04 and the relationship still hasn’t developed past two people getting to know each other. their conversations/interactions are brief and there’s barely any emotional connection. the only reason tommy is important to buck’s story is because he’s his first bf. otherwise, the relationship does not look any different from buck’s past relationships.
#uhhhh yeah#idk how much sense im making#but it’s basically that tommy is just another li who’s not really developed past being a li#and im actually interested in the way they’re gonna create conflict between them in s8 and how it’s gonna be handled#because buck is an incredibly emotional person and tommy can’t show an emotion to save his life#and this is not taking into account tommy in the begins episodes#because while it’s something that i hate with every fiber of my being it’s something that the show is steadfastly ignoring#so it’s not gonna be part of their story#maraskywalkers#asks
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I was talking to a friend earlier and it got me thinking about something.
B*mmy stans project all of the stuff they do onto us to an extent I've never seen with any other fandom discourse before.
They call us homophobic for not liking B/T or T*mmy. Yet they hate on people for shipping Buddie or seeing Eddie as queer. To the point of harassing people for including Eddie and Buddie in pride posts. Continually harassing the 911news account and even trying to dox a journalist for posting about Buddie.
They call us delusional for having watched two men love and support one another for 6 going on 7 years and for thinking there could be something more than friendship there. Even though Oliver, Ryan, and Tim have all said they see what we see. Yet they've seen Buck kiss a guy twice, have very minimal screen time or development and they headcanon that they're in love and will get married in the coming season.
They say we fetishize Buddie. Yet most of the time when our fandom is discussing our ship we're talking about the emotional connection between them. Or how we want to see them finally be together in a canon romantic relationship or as a full fledged family (with Chris). Or have their first kiss. Meanwhile most of their posts are the kind of sex they headcanon Buck and T*mmy have. Hell after that that dinner scene tons of them changed their urls to something with daddy in it (referencing the out of place daddy kink joke). To be clear there's nothing wrong with headcanons about fictional characters sex lives. But the main reason most of us ship Buddie is not just because they're two hot guys who we want to think about f*cking, it's because we're invested in the story of their life together. The same can't be said for B/T.
They say we feminize Buck for Buddie:

Meanwhile most of their fics/art/headcanons involve T*mmy being the big strong protector rescuing the "damsel in distress" Buck. They constantly talk about how hot it is that T*mmy is this big older "daddy" firefighter who can take care of Buck and guide him in what it means to be in a m|m relationship.
They say we've made Buck's coming out all about Buddie but 1. Eddie and Buck's feelings for him were heavily included in Buck's bi awakening ep. 2. They have made T*mmy synonymous with buck's coming out to the point of saying Buck wouldn't have even realized he liked men without T*mmy. They've even said that if T*mmy and Buck were to break up in s8 that it would ruin Buck's coming out story.
They accuse our fandom of being mean and of harassing the actors including of sending death threats to Lou. Of chasing Lou off of social media and being the one who caused him to stop his cameos. They say we're the reason Oliver chooses not interact with Lou or anything B/T related online. When there has been no proof of any of this. Meanwhile there is proof from their own fandom that Oliver and Ryan have blocked some of them. They have repeatedly tried to pressure Oliver to interact with B/T posts and Lou. They were also leaving comments on the the video of the podcast Ryan did (with Tommy DiDario) where he talked about his s*icide attempt, telling him he should have finished the job.
They call us a cult or BoBs (Buddie or Bust) yet they dress up like Lou and would still be paying for his videos if he was still willing to put them out. They prioritize Lou/T*mmy above any other character on the show. They talk about how T*mmy should get a begins episode. How T*mmy should be a main character. They defend everything T*mmy has ever done including when he was racist and homophobic to Chim and Hen. They harass anyone who has a negative word to say about their ship or Lou or T*mmy much like a cult would protect their leader. They to this day act like everything Lou ever told them in his cameos is the gospel truth.
911 fandom has grown increasingly toxic ever since B/T became a thing and I honestly just can't wait for the day we either find out T*mmy isn't coming back or when his last ep will be. I mean in some ways our fandom won't ever be the same after this. I've seen a lot of ugly sides to people who I had followed for years as Buddie shippers.
It will never not confuse the hell out of me that some people who were big time Buddie shippers for years not only dropped Buddie but turned completely against the ship and our fandom. And all for a ship that is seriously underdeveloped and one that it's clear the show is telling us in flashing neon lights isn't meant to last.
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Idk how to explain it like coherently but one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of Tommy dating buck is that he just seems.. Mean? I'm watching the season 8 Halloween episode and especially when it comes to bucks little quirks and everything, he just seems so dismissive. Even Eddie feels a little extra rude in this ep but in general when it comes to bucks whole "curses are real and I'm being haunted" thing, he's more.. Endeared? Is that the word? Like Eddie doesn't really believe in it all, but when buck gets wound up, he seems to have a nice balance of finding buck kinda cute and keeping him from spinning out too bad over it, but Tommy just seems cruel about it, like he thinks buck is stupid? Idk am I reading into this too much? I'm a lil out of it tbf fjdlxsl
It's funny, because I just saw a tweet yesterday talking about this scene and in it, OP said, "Eddie is laughing at the idea of a curse, Tommy is laughing at Buck," and I've been mulling it over ever since.
On the surface, you might say, There's literally no evidence for that interpretation, you just think that because you hate the guy, and you would be correct on both accounts.
I don't like Tommy as a person because least of all, Tommy is canonically unkind, to say nothing of his worse qualities and in the scene itself, there is no evidence whatsoever for that interpretation, so it would be easy to dismiss it as character bias.
But I think to a large extent, OP was on the right track, and I think the evidence for it comes from each character's prior interactions with Buck.
Because historically, Eddie has always been dismissive of the idea that jinxes or curses are real, no matter who it is. He's teased the whole team about it in at least two different episodes based around those subjects.
But that teasing, however pointed, has always come from a place of camaraderie, love, and respect. These are His People. They've been through so much shit together, so he's allowed to make fun of them when they're being silly, just like they make fun of him.
And yeah, you're right in that Eddie often finds himself soft-domming Buck calming Buck down when he gets wound up. He knows how to talk to Buck in a way that eases the spiral.
So it's easy to look at that scene and explain Eddie's behavior away as, "Buck's spiraling out hard and Eddie is being extra nonchalant so that it can calm him down."
Because Buck actually does take a lot of his cues from Eddie, whether he realizes it or not.
Tommy's behavior feels different because he's a character with limited screen time, but with that limited screen time, we've been shown that he is always dismissive or belittling of other people's feelings.
Chimney's feelings in his Begins episode, Hen's feelings in her Begins episode, and every single interaction he has with Buck.
During the interaction with Eddie and Marisol, Tommy makes a very pointed comment about a closet, all but trying to out Buck right there in the middle of the restaurant.
Then, without so much as a conversation about what happened, he's tells Buck, "You're not ready," and leaves him behind. He decides Buck's feelings for him.
When Bobby is hurt, Buck tries to open up and be vulnerable with him, and Tommy's only response is the innuendo-ladened, "I hope you have Daddy issues."
Et cetera, et cetera.
Tommy has been crafted to be a character that cares primarily about his own wants, needs, and feelings with little to no regard about those things when it comes to other people.
The only time we see him emotionally vulnerable is when he's breaking up with Buck and we've never once seen someone be emotionally vulnerable with him where that vulnerability was met with understanding and kindness. He's downright cruel when it's Chimney and Hen and he's dismissive when it's Buck.
He takes himself too seriously and doesn't entertain or join in with the sillier antics of the 118 crew because he doesn't want to be seen as childish. There's a lot of insecurity in Tommy, even at his big age, and it shows in his treatment of others.
It genuinely makes me wonder why a man like Tommy would even date a man like Buck, because Buck is a wonderful guy, but he is also a silly little goose. He has big emotions and many spirals and a lot of anxiety that doesn't really get talked about, but most of all, he's still a big kid at heart. He still finds joy in the sillier things in life, like dressing up for a bachelor party, and he wants a partner that finds joy in it, too.
Tommy is not that man. He's never been that man, he won't ever be that man, and he very obviously finds those traits undesirable in other people. Their incompatibility should've been apparent early on to him in particular.
So, yeah, when you examine each of their characters, take their two histories with Buck into account, and then look at that scene in the hospital, it's a lot easier to swallow Eddie's reaction than it is to swallow Tommy's.
We know even before that scene that Eddie loves Buck. He's shown it throughout their entire friendship. He's shown up for Buck emotionally, he's talked Buck off more than one ledge, he meets Buck where he's at, silly costumes and all. He and Buck have been emotionally vulnerable with each other more than once.
In many ways, you could say Eddie has earned the right to laugh.
Tommy hasn't done any of those things, though, and he's shown more than once that he doesn't really care about Buck's comfort or his feelings.
That's why his laughter feels mean.
#nani asks#greenberg replies#9-1-1 meta#anti tommy kinard#in the a/n for one of my fics I said 'if a man treated me like Tommy treats buck I'd have his balls in a jar by my bed'#and I STAND BY THAT#(I am not using the main 911 tag on this post bc primarily people who like Tommy are in it and I don't need that kind of beef today)#(sorry in advance to anyone who has that tag blocked)
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With a bit of distance, I can actually see one consistent flaw in Tommy's character that we as fans completely missed out on and that is him being a very self-centred person. I'm not saying he's selfish because we have clearly seen in both s7 and s8 that he does turn up for other people - at the very beginning with the cruise ship, then for Buck (especially in 8.05) and he is definitely not in firefighting for the clout.
What I mean is that from the very beginning, he seems incapable or should I say, unwilling to go past his own experiences and hurts. We could take the first date into account (not a lot because he was a bit valid there) where he wrote off Buck, immediately assuming he was not ready. I don't think they say it clearly and I don't have the energy to go and check but it is implied that he has experienced this, whether in himself or in a previous partner.
We see this flaw come back again in the dinner scene where while Buck is talking about Bobby and his issues with his father, he falls back on his own experience again. I don't think he was doing it out of malice or in order to take away Buck's moment, but he genuinely couldn't seem to empathise with it without looking through the lens of his own relationship with his father and with Gerard.
The grand climax of this flaw came out this episode where in the beginning, he is extremely flippant towards what he did to Abby. He is focused entirely on how hard living the lie was for him, so much so, it doesn't seem to even clock for him that his self-preservation tactics hurt a woman so much. This again comes back in the break-up scene where the moment he considers himself under threat, he pulls back completely. He again writes off Buck, telling him basically there is no way you aren't breaking my heart because that is what my experiences tell me is about to happen. He doesn't even really wait to see where Buck is coming from or have a conversation about it. He puts words in Buck's mouth, says of course this is the only way it goes and then practically runs away from there.
I'm not saying all this to portray Tommy as a bad person but more as a flawed person which actually makes me like him more because I can't help but wonder why he is like the way he is. Is it innate? Has he always been like this but has never had anyone call him out on his bullshit? Is it something he made a conscious decision to do because he felt like no one else was putting his feelings first? is he not over his past the way he pretends to be? it also makes me sad because if played out differently, we could have had so much fun with it because Buck is completely opposite to him in this regard and down the line, if they couldn't make it work, it would have been a great moment of personal growth for Buck (again) as well where he would learn to put his hurts first.
[and wow, I think I just played myself because I am a little more obsessed with Tommy than I was before writing this out]
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This is gonna be a little long but here we go.
Not one of the regular spies but I’ve been keeping my eyes on things the last few days and I can tell you in the discord group I’m in, it’s mixed between buddie fans and BT fans. There are a couple…loud (nice word for it) ones especially who are very much trying to push hard core right now that between the messed up fics and that tumblr account the other day, Buddie fans are “out right declaring war” against gay men specifically due to their “homophobic attitude” toward Tommy. Like the amount of times in of them said “against gay men” in their latest rant in discord, if it was a drinking game we’d all be hammered.
If someone asks questions because they aren’t familiar with what’s going on because they have things blocked or filtered then it’s immediately on the defense of “you need to clam down” and “maybe if you didn’t burry your head in the sand over buddie you’d see how this is affecting real life gay men” or the fan favorite rhetoric of “if your a woman then you don’t need to speak on the matters and you should be supportive of Tommy right now”
It’s honestly getting really wild how much they are losing it. And even when myself and other queer have said something we just get ignored and accused of being “self hating homophobic”
Then on the TikTok and Twitter side, they seem to have launched this rhetoric that kinda goes along with what LW was saying about changing the narrative about Lou/Tommy and mental health. One of the louder BT fan TikTokers even made this wild video today about how people need to really try and step back from their hate and understand that when we saw Tommy in the begins episodes
“it was 2005 and that kind of stuff was just the normal hazing and stop reading into it.”
So pushing the racism/misogyny as just normal hazing now instead of what it is.
There has been some push back against that video by both POC creators and white creators being like uh no that’s definitely not hazing and it’s definitely not your place to dismiss it as such etc. but the comment section is unfortunately mostly with people agreeing with the BT creator and that people need to “let it go and try and understand Tommy better”
Twitter they are trying to push hard on the narrative that they know they aren’t going to see Lou until either 8.01 or after 8.01 “but it’s for his mental health to not be seen so it’s for the best”. And it’s of course the buddie fandoms fault he needs to take such actions and can’t be seen until then. But very big push right now on trying to get them all on board with the “it’s for his own good and we should be proud of him for standing up for himself and staying where he needs to be so he can be safe and happy”
That’s all I got for now
Hello darling ��️
This was a lot. Be supportive of Tommy? When he's a canonically bigoted character and people keep saying gay excuses racist while attacking real life queer women and poc people for having opinions on a fictional character? I'll pass. When the show gives me real proof he evolved as a human, maybe, until then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I did see the calling the comments he makes "normal hazing" which is out of touch to say the least and considering tiktoks algorithm, unfortunately, that only gonna show up for people who agree.
And, look, I think he's gonna be in the season too, but this narrative that we are so bad for Lou's mental health is... Tommy and Lou are not the same, so like, opinions on Tommy are not attacks on Lou as a person and I'm still waiting to see proof of this awful bullying we are doing to Lou that leads to this. Even more when we've seen multiple of them attack Ryan very explicitly.
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So you’re pretty sure of him being next season still around… glad to know, because I totally agree, cause a lot of people is sure that they’re going to break up soon…and honestly, if that was the case, story wise, it wouldn’t make any sense to me…
Maybe you’re right and the ILY will arrive next season, but this season I would love for them to take the next step and label themselves as a serious relationship…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tommy will stays at least for season 8. because of story they are making and because of how bucktommy was taken by fandom and the thing that Lou was followed by 911 ig account. For me it all speaks "we want more of him"
You're absolutely right that story wise for now there's no reason for Buck and Tommy to break up. They for now was only on two dates(and we will not see the time skip to wedding I guess but still I believe it's several week after coffee date so we also can add some more dates+ wedding) and they are absolutely smitten with each other and want to try to know each other. Tim, Lou and if I'm not mistaken Oliver all said they want romcom and I can't see them break even at the end of the season,but I can see them taken more serious step as calling each other boyfriends. Oliver also said there's gonna be more kisses and Buck initiate some of them, so Buck definitely feels more confident in his relationship and I can see him only trying to make them deeper and more meaningful, but not "clinging" because he's scared to be alone, but because he really likes Tommy
When they didn't want someone for long, Ali for example, they barely gave us anything about the character. We literally just knew that where she works, that she was dying her hair blonde for a lot of time and that's all. About Ana, who stayed for pretty longer, we jts knew her work, that she has sister(right before break up) and that's all. Even Taylor had backstory only in 5s when I guess they tried to make Bucktaylor work.
About Tommy we already know some things from begins episodes and that's btw makes everything easier. Tim said that they chose Tommy because he was already existed in the universe, they don't need to create new person, but they made Tommy deeper. We literally had Tommy in 6 episodes (in one barely) and we already know more about him we know about Tailor who was around for 1,5 seasons. They showed us where he works, said that he was in the army(in begins it never mentioned), made his story we saw in begins deeper with saying "yeah, he was in closet.", told us about his interests like Muay Thai, cars, basketball, we know he's a movie fan like Chim (begins). We know he loves Love,actually and craft beer. They made him Eddie's new friend. Also they let Lou to share his ideas how he sees Tommy (hard unstable childhood) which I'm sure wasn't for nothing. I see them making Tommy the character on the Karen's level at least .The LI of the main character, who is regular with enough backstory to make them interesting and lovable to the audience, but no need to make them main. Also Tommy's job allows him to make appearance any time they want. And his friendship with Eddie, Chim and Hen too. So he doesn't need to be just "Buck's boyfriend". Tommy has way better treatment any gf of Buck or Eddie had and we have him as a LI for only 3 episodes. Imagine what they can do till the end of the season and during next one? Make him loveable LI who is not plot device, but also no need to make him main. And as Tommy not in 118, 911 don't even have to go through standard plot of "oh, we are working together and it's gonna be a lot of drama about it". Too old
#diana answers#how you can see I love Tommy and talk about him#thank you for aks 💙😘#bucktommy#tuck#tevan#tommy kinard#lou ferrigno jr
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I think your takes on BuckTommy coming together stronger than ever are really good! I want to believe that they’ll have their romcom moment and be each other’s forever loves. But the way this week has gone was terrible timing - plus Lou’s exit interviews indicate they’re done for good (at least until 8a before the hiatus).
A lot of people are deactivating their accounts on X (which they should’ve done ages ago….) and people are stating they’re dropping the show.
How can we still look forward positively for Buck and Tommy? 😭
Okay this is my very personal opinion on all of this, I'm just talking about what I think about Bucktommy and also a little about the show in general.
So. I'm not a professional writer, but the reasoning and build-up behind their break-up immediately caught my attention. They spend a considerable amount of screentime on Buck questioning his relationship with Tommy, getting reassurance once again that Tommy is a good guy (this time from Josh) and having him realise "you know what, the Abby thing doesn't matter because I like Tommy anyway and I can see a future with him". And then on Tommy's side it wasn't "Hey, no offense but we're not there yet" or anything, no - Tommy broke things off pre-emptively because he already liked Buck too much.
The entire episode they showed how happy Buck was in this relationship, how comfortable Tommy made him feel and they also framed Tommy as a really sweet, sensitive guy throughout the breaking up process. Which doesn't make any sense to me if this is supposed to be a permanent good-bye.
It still would've been sad had Buck said "I really do like him and he's been amazing, but I'm just not sure I can see a future with him". Or Tommy could've been against settling down on principle instead of this weird "you will break my heart" thing. They could've gone the "Tommy has to move for work" route or so many other things. We still would've felt for them. But instead they spend an entire episode telling us how great Tommy and their relationship are for Buck and then broke them up anyway. This screams for a "to be continued".
But. Story aside, I also have read the interview by now. I know that LFJ has said his good-bye to the show and that sounds very permanent. I personally can't help but feel like this storyline isn't finished, so if LFJ does make another appearance in the future, I wouldn't be surprised. However it's more likely that we won't see him again, at least for a while.
If he doesn't come back, maybe ever - well, we knew this could happen. He was only supposed to be in season 7 for 3 or 4 episodes. We got a lot more than that which is cool. We always knew that despite the potential for more he might just be Buck's bi-awakening and not much else. I'm sad if this is truly it for Bucktommy, but it's not like this is completely unexpected.
A lot of criticism against Buck's coming out arc and Tommy were concerns I actually shared. Their chemistry felt a little off in the beginning, Buck didn't seem to be queer outside of dating a Tommy (he had no heart to heart with Hen, no wikipedia deep dive about labels, once he got over the initial confusion there was nothing), Tommy was barely if ever even mentioned when he wasn't on screen anyway, we barely saw any of their milestones (until tonight)... There were signs.
For a lot of us this was a very realistic possibility from the start and shipping them was never about whether Buck and Tommy would last, it was about having fun, playing with ideas, making up cute scenarios and headcanons. We knew Bucktommy endgame was just one of the many ways this show could go and that's fine.
Also Bucktommy won't just disappear. Those episodes, the fan art, the gifs, the fanfiction, the shippers - we'll still be here. There'll be a shit ton of fix-it content coming (I can almost hear the first ao3 authors already typing).
About the people deleting their accounts and leaving the fandom. If you really are just watching the show for one ship and your ability to enjoy the show depends entirely on them being canon, then by all means. Leave. What else am I supposed to say to that? For me there's other things going on in the show that'll be interesting. I was never here just for the ships, I care about the characters being put into situations. Even when I was still a Buddie shipper I didn't watch the show just for Buddie.
So yeah. Bucktommy are cute together, I will always love them, if they're over now I'll move on. If Tommy does come back at some point, great. I'll see you guys on ao3 or blogging about 8x07 next week.
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The Room (featuring Space Ghost bumpers) | April 1, 2010 - 12:00AM | Special
The time-honored April Fools stunt for 2010 was a repeat showing of The Room, with a twist.
Tonight’s viewing of The Room was augmented with special bumpers featuring Space Ghost interviewing a befuddled Tommy Wiseau. He seems perpetually perplexed about what exactly is going on, and most of the footage of him is very outtake-centric. In addition to interview segments, there are also short bumpers of just him on the Space Ghost monitor saying something to the effect of “you are watching The Room on Adult Swim” and mentioning April Fools. He fumbles this repeatedly, and we see the results in these bumpers.
I remembered this rather fondly, and this time around I was eager to sink my sterling chompers into these bumpers again. I quite confidently put these on my list for stuff to cover as if they weren’t going to be relegated to an EPHEMERA CORNER. Really, it’s about 50/50 as to weather or not that was a sound decision. These are technically bumpers. Added up they almost make up the length of a Space Ghost episode. Well, it’s longer than ���The Mask”, at least. I watched a compilation of the bumpers on archive.org, and if I’m to believe that these are in the same order they aired in, then what happens is the interview segments actually run out and all that’s left are those brief bumpers of Tommy ID’ing the program you’re watching.
Some have a natural aversion towards Tommy Wiseau, and I don’t blame them. I legitimately love watching The Room, and think he’s entertaining in his awfulness. This charming badness takes a hit when he's trying to be funny, but some of the good stuff sneaks in, by the nature of Space Ghost's emphasized use of unguarded moments. The very last bumper has Tommy beginning to complain about the fact that the studio space was in close proximity to some annoying neighbors. My money's on Dinner and a Movie filling the studio with the pungent aroma of their Monster-In-Law-sagna.
A few moments in these bumpers are funny; like when Space Ghost and crew just talk about how bad The Room is without accounting for the fact that they’re saying it to the creator’s face. That's a benefit of retroscripting; they weren’t REALLY being nasty to Wiseau’s face, but far after the fact. The magic of non-live television.
Other earmarks of Space Ghost silliness include George Lowe prattling on about Lens Crafters advertising, as well as a segment where Moltar and Zorak trade The Room quotes to a confused Space Ghost (this is actually the only thing I remembered with any clarity from my original viewing of this in 2010).
Space Ghost also references Tommy by the Who, and then bruskly explains “that was a reference”. That style of reference is common on Space Ghost, and that sort of deconstruction almost gives this an air of finality… that is, if one wanted to consider this a final Space Ghost episode. Problem is: It sorta isn’t. Stringing the interview segments together doesn’t seem like it would result in anything cohesive, and I wonder if there was ever some idea that this would result in a new 11 minute Space Ghost episode. The final product doesn’t seem to suggest so.
This was a welcome return from Space Ghost, but I think it’s only marginally better than the GameTap episodes. I can’t even discern if this was written by members of the old crew or the GameTap team or perhaps some interloper. And I assume we will never know.
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I figured out how to make a timeline using google documents, so I made a timeline of Annaleigh's Yu-gi-oh! verse. :) If you'd like to check it out, you can here :: Google document.
Given what I know about the Manga and Anime, I imagine canon lasts 3 years, if you count Dark Side of Dimensions. I also imagine that KC Grand Championship takes place right after DOMA, but if that's wrong, let me know and I can update things. Because I remember in the anime, right after they defeat Dartz, the next episode shows Mokuba inviting them all to the championship.
And I also took Tommy's and Annaleigh's birthday's into account. Though I haven't mentioned it on this blog, Tommy's birthday is at the end of August / beginning of September. I can't remember the exact date, so I'll have to check one of her old blogs. Annaleigh's birthday is April 5th, I'm just dumb and forget it every year on that day. So that means she got pregnant while still 16 and turns 17 during her pregnancy.
In my head, she's 21 at the time of working at Kaiba Corp.
Annaleigh was not apart of Duelist Kingdom. She did not go into the Virtual World during Battle City. And she wasn't there for the final duel between Atem and Yugi.
I also figured she probably wasn't around much for the main plot in Dark Side of Dimensions either.
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Hello Harley! nice ask week query for you! give me your top 5 Lone Star scenes please and thank you 💜
Top five scenes??? Gosh, This is hard!!
Before we start, Hello. My name is Harley and I love angst. My choices here probably explain a lot...
I am doing this off the top of my head because I have never put a list together until now. It is also very late so if I forget an iconic scene that would be criminal for me to leave out, I'm sorry. I will definitely correct myself in the morning and add onto this if that is the case.
The best scene in the entire show HAS to be the TK waking up/Grace giving birth sequence, right? I think it's safe to say that nobody is doing it like her. Just the two extremely emotional situations that could only really be described as miracles, both coming to fruition after four episodes of angst. The music choice?? The acting??? TK and Carlos finding their way back to each other and barely having to say anything, and Grace and Judd being able to have this experience together in spite of everything that stood in that path. The pain you can feel from Owen as he watches a new life coming into this world, unaware that his son is waking up at the same exact time. Like the choices that were made here were just brilliant. Push, my beloved, there is a reason I just wrote 23k words about you.
This is a combination of two from the same episode, the first one being that period of silence after Tommy finds Charles in 2x13. It's one of the most emotional scenes I've ever watched in any show, and it does so much without relying on sound. The second one is at the end of the same episode where she is finally able to cry, and this is also one of my favorite musical moments from the show, if you recognized the lyrics in my blog title!
The entire plane landing sequence in 3x08. Another favorite musical moment of mine, but also just an amazing scene in general. I'm a sucker for all the 'begins' type episodes, and the way that scene switches between the past and present is really well done and definitely gets me crying every time.
I absolutely have to include the scene in 2x02 where we get a glimps at each character mourning after Tim's death. It's another one of those scenes that does a lot with very little. Incredible acting, and it gave us that beautiful moment where TK comes home to Carlos and collaspes in his arms. Such a memorable scene for me.
I'm going to be on my Owen bs for a hot second here so please bear with me. It had actually been a while since I watched this scene so I almost forgot how much I enjoyed it, but I watched 3x18 again recently and the scene where Owen is hallucinating talking to Gwyn fucking broke me. As well as the rest of the scene that followed where he's rescued. The best way I could describe their love story is a beautiful tragedy. You can tell Owen has carried around a lot of guilt for how it ended, and you can't help but wonder how different things could have been if they had worked out, and if she had lived. I think it was an incredibly important scene to have as well, if you also take into account everything we learned about Owen in 3x15 and 3x16. His journey over the past two seasons is something I have appreciated immensely. We learned that he lost his brother and his father in different, yet equally tragic ways, he lost the love of his life, he lost a brother AGAIN so soon after metting him, and after all that loss he still had to find a way to focus on the people who were still there. I think that 3x18 scene in particular is beautiful, but it also sums up a lot of the emotions I have surrounding his character and why I love him so much.
Honorable mentions include: soulmates scene, proposal scene, intro scene in 4x18 where they postpone the wedding, the entire being alive sequence, the call between Grace and that astronaut in 1x10, Hen and Owen talking when they're trapped in the mine in 2x03, Carlos crying after the fire, Marjan keeping herself alive by hallucinating her younger self in road kill, and literally any scene from saving grace and shift-less.
Plus many others that I have inevitably forgotten. Please yell at me and tell me what I missed because I can be a ding dong sometimes and I am overdo for a full rewatch.
#I apologize to any owen haters who stumble upon this#my blog is not an owen-hater friendly environment#I unapologetically adore him and he is my favorite after TK and Carlos#I am biased for good musical moments as well as flashbacks of any kind if that wasn't obvious#I love you character development I love you cinematography#I love you to whoever it is that works at 911 and 911ls who decided to include a shinedown song in both shows YOU ARE MY HERO#the how did you love scene also goes hard#okay I have rambled wayyyy too much and I have no idea how to format this in order to make it more readable#I'm so sorry my brain just doesn't know how to shut up#asks#911 lone star
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'on the 10th anniversary of its original debut. Featuring an ensemble cast led by Cillian Murphy as the ambitious Tommy Shelby, the show officially came to an end with the season 6 finale in 2022. However, an upcoming Peaky Blinders movie is set to wrap the main story and is anticipated to begin production sometime later this year.
On the 10-year anniversary of Peaky Blinders airing season 1, episode 1 on BBC Two, the show’s official Twitter account shared a statement from Knight teasing more details to come.
Saying that the show's “story is not over yet,” Knight tells viewers to “watch this space.” This comes months after Knight teased Peaky Blinders' future beyond plans for the upcoming movie.
What We Know About The Future Of Peaky Blinders
Originally intended to tell the story of the Shelby family between the events of World War I and World War II, Knight has previously revealed that the upcoming Peaky Blinders movie will extend his original plans and take place during World War II itself. While this historical backdrop may lend itself to all kinds of stories, it is likely the film will depict Tommy enacting his revenge on his fascist rival, Oswald Mosley. In real life, the actual Mosley was imprisoned in 1940 and his British Union of Fascists were disbanded, and it is possible that Tommy Shelby could play an integral part in bringing these events to fruition.
Yet once Tommy get his revenge, it may not be the end for the critically acclaimed historical drama. In July this year, Knight also teased that there are plans beyond the upcoming movie, igniting hopes for multiple spinoffs. Though it is not clear what form these potential Peaky Blinders spinoffs may take, many viewers are theorizing they may follow Sophie Rundle’s Ada Shelby or even Tommy’s estranged son Duke (played by Conrad Khan).
Either way, Knight’s most recent statement bodes well for the show’s already passionate fanbase, who are keen to see more stories set within the world of Peaky Blinders. With any luck, there may soon be an indication of when the Peaky Blinders movie will officially arrive, as well as a taste for the other properties to follow after it.'
#Peaky Blinders#Steven Knight#X#Sophie Rundle#Ada Shelby#Duke#Conrad Khan#Cillian Murphy#Tommy Shelby
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Drabble request, vampire kid Tommy
Thank you for the request!! Sorry for this taking a little long, but this was really fun to write!! This was all over the place but I think it has an...unexpected ending. Things to note: -Flits/flitty = homosexuals/gay(term from the '40s I believe) -Mild language
Tommy was walking to school one day. After his whole…episode…when Orel tried to “help” his misunderstanding of God, his mother didn’t really care about how he dressed. If he was so far from God already, what’s a little more that couldn’t hurt? At least in her eyes. So, Tommy had his fake fangs in, and a cape that tied in the front that was red on the inside and black on the outside. He knew he would be made fun of, but he didn’t care much about the opinions of others, for the most part, especially since people viewed him so low, to begin with.
He walked into his special classroom and the kids in there looked confused since it wasn’t Halloween, it was just an ordinary day in March after all. Not much about his outfit was said that day for the most part. That was until he had to step outside of his special classroom, he heard a few murmurs of slurs under people’s breaths, likely to try and not get in trouble with the principal, not that he would care much.
Despite the slurs, he carried himself proudly, he felt good dressing like this. He went to lunch as usual and at this point, his mother should just stop packing his lunch, since it was all mushed up so he wouldn’t choke. He only took it so she felt important for doing something in his life. So, he sat his stuff down, got up, and got in line. Once he got up there, he realized he had no more lunch money in his account and his mom, being as idiotic and forgetful as she was, forgot to give him any money. Sometimes he wondered if she drank. He sighed, the only way he was going to get more than a snack cake was to ask the person behind him for money. He turned around. Oh boy.
It was Joe. Of all people, why did it have to be Joe? He would have liked Orel better, despite the fact they weren’t really friends. However, he didn’t really have much of a choice if he wanted to eat today.
“Hey, Joe…do you have any money? My lunch is out…”
Joe stared at him for a few moments. Tommy was confused but thought he was just looking at how he was dressed today more than anything else.
He pulled out a fat stack of cash from his pockets and gave him the bare minimum, a dollar. “Just be lucky I stole this from the rich kid…” He shoved the money at him as if it was worthless.
Tommy found this strange. Joe of all people giving somebody like him money? The same person who hurled rocks at him and his friends? “Wow…uh thanks Joe…”
“Shut up, goofy-toons, before I change my mind!” Ah, there it was, classic Joe.
He handed the dollar to the lunch lady and got his lunch and ate normally. Still, though, it confused him. Why? Why Joe? Why today of all days? He shrugged, he wasn't going to pester somebody over a kind action, still though it made him wonder.
He continued wearing his vampire outfit every day, and eventually, it just became a part of his reputation. Not only was he one of the dumbest kids in school now, but he was also the weird vampire kid. He didn’t mind very much, at least he was dressing how he wanted to now, although his mother thought he was dressing satanically. To avoid his mother in the mornings, he had to use the bicycle helmet he already wore every day to good use.
On this particular day, he put his bike on the bike rack and went inside the school. Today, he had also brought something else with him to make him even more like a vampire. Plus, it wasn’t technically immoral or illegal since he remembered drinking it at the communions before he realized he was an atheist.
When he went into the special classroom, Ms. Stoopdown looked depressed, but he disregarded that. Today was the day he would at least look like he was a real vampire. He readjusted the fake fangs in his mouth that he got from Buried Pleasures recently. As she taught rudimentary math, he started to think as to why he even wanted to drink it in the first place. Sure, it would look like he was drinking blood and all, but it might also make him act peculiarly, given it would be killing his brain cells in the process of him consuming the liquid he hid in his cape. Still, though, he wanted to at least try and look like a vampire because it was one of the few things he enjoyed because people saw it as satanic, it was a way for him to rebel without breaking any written school rules.
He waited until lunch had already passed into recess before even thinking of taking it out. He would have shown the other kids that the school deems special, but he didn’t know any of them well enough to actually trust them. Plus, ever since he was put into the special class, he was always the backup friend to Orel’s friend group. Not that he was ever at a forefront of his friend group, but it grew worse when they realized he was an atheist and learned differently than others.
He went out to the farthest tree he could that he wouldn’t get yelled at for going. He sat down on the dry grass below. He opened up his cape and let the bottle of wine fall out of his pocket. He looked around quickly, just to make sure no goody-two-shoes would snitch on him for bringing it because despite it being at communion, he knew how hypocritical this town and its people were. The only people he saw were Joe and some random kid he was wailing on. Perfect.
Now was the time to drink the liquid of his choice. He tried to pull out the cork with all of his might. The people on TV sure did make this look easier than it was… He continued to try, going to the point he had his foot on it and trying to pull it out that way, hoping the pressure would help the cork pull through. It did not. Then, he tried to get it out by scratching out the cork that way, but all that did was hurt his fingernails. Well, this thing was a bust, now he wouldn’t like a vampire, well not as much of one anyways. He let out his frustrations by shaking the wine bottle furiously. Why couldn’t he just couldn’t have this one thing? He knew it was dumb to even try to consume an alcoholic beverage at school since he was underage, he would get caught, and alcohol only damages the mind, but still. For once he wanted to put his logic aside to feel something other than being invisible but he couldn’t even have that. He just sat there, defeated as he pitifully still tried to open it, despite knowing it wouldn’t bust.
Meanwhile, Joe was finishing chewing out the kid of the week he decided to pick on. “And never talk shit about the nurse again, got it?”
The boy in question nodded before scampering off. Joe wiped the blood on his hands onto his shirt. He started to head back out to where the majority of people are, when he saw a bottle of wine, belonging seemingly to Tommy of all people. Wow, he was cooler than he thought.
He plopped down beside him. “Can I have some?”
“If you can open it…” Tommy sighed.
Joe tried to get it open the same ways Tommy did before just smashing it against the tree.
“Jesus Joe, do you want us to get caught?”
“Well, I got it open didn’t I?”
“Yea but how are we gonna drink it?”
“Like this, dummy.” Joe proceeded to drink it out of the broken half of the bottle, somehow not cutting himself. “Hey, this isn’t half bad.”
Tommy took the other half of the bottle and carefully sipped it. Oddly enough he never really considered the flavor of the wine itself, more so just that it looked like blood. But he was right. “Hey you’re right, this is pretty good.”
“So…goofy-toons, why do you even have this in the first place? I thought you were a dumb goody-two-shoes.”
“Thanks. Well, my reputation is already through the floor and ever since the principal ushered me to the special classroom, nobody pays attention to me anyways. Plus, it makes me look like a vampire, don’t you think?” He asked as he opened his mouth to show the “blood” dripping off his fangs.
“The hell are you obsessed with vampires so much anyways?”
“Well, it’s a way to rebel I guess since everybody thinks I dress satanically.”
“Yea, after you started wearing it. Why did you start?”
He pulled on the neck of his cape. It was a bit odd to be telling something a little personal to somebody like Joe, but he seemed alright enough. “Well…vampires are always cool, especially when they’re alone. Have you ever seen a vampire being made fun of for being lonely or being too nerdy? No, they’re always shown as edgy love interests or powerful villains, never pathetic. I guess I was just tired of being viewed as pathetic I guess.”
“Damn…” Joe said as he gulped down some more wine.
“Now I got a question for you.”
“Hit me with it.”
“Why do you care? Why are you listening to me?”
“Well…you aren’t the lamest kid at school.” He responded as he looked at the grass below them, picking the grass from the ground.
“Really? Why’d you pick on me so much then?”
“None of your business,” Joe said oddly defensively.
Tommy was a bit caught off guard. “C’mon I told you somethin’ personal…”
“Didn’t have to.”
He rolled his eyes. Why did he think he could have a competent conversation with Joe? Before he was about to get up and leave, Joe finally decided to respond.
“Well…you’re smart, whether you believe it or not. Guess I was intimated or some edgy bullshit ‘cause I’ve always been called the dumbest at home.”
Tommy gulped, his face beginning to grow oddly warm. “Thanks…it means a lot…but you’re not dumb. Trust me, I’ve seen dumb and you’re not. Plus, nobody can be dumber than Doughy.”
He giggled. “Yea ‘guess you’re right.” He looked at his face. “Why are you so red?”
“J-Just wasn’t expecting you to say that is all…I’m not a flit or anything…”
Joe smirked a little. “Never implied that, plus I don’t care about that kinda stuff. I’ll kill you if you tell but…I think I’m a flit myself.”
“Really? Never took you for one.”
He shrugged. “Dunno…I just feel somethin’...odd..”
“‘Round who?”
“...doesn’t matter…” He began turning red himself.
Tommy looked at his face turning redder, despite Joe trying to hide it. He scratched the back of his neck. “Y’know…there’s nobody out here…we can be flitty if you want to…”
“Why would I want to with you?” Classic Joe.
“Well you sure are red for one…plus…I have a strong regard for you…”
“‘I have a strong regard for you’ who the hell talks like that? Do you like me or not?”
Tommy nodded. Joe’s mouth slowly crept into a smile as he got closer to Tommy. “Well…?”
Tommy gulped but nodded. “Heh…you look like closeface…”
“N-Nevermind…” Tommy could feel not just his stomach fluttering but his heart pounding. He never thought he would feel this way around somebody like Joe but the universe has a funny way of working. Due to his nervousness, he didn’t do much, despite just consuming an alcoholic beverage on school property.
Joe rolled his eyes. “For fuck’s sake, you’re going to make me be the flitty one, huh?” Before Tommy could respond, Joe had already kissed him. Tommy was surprised because even though it was obvious it was going to happen, it did happen suddenly. He let his body relax into the kiss as he held Joe’s hand.
Joe pulled away after a few moments and looked at the red tomato named Tommy. He smiled. “Who’s the flit now?”
“Y-You’re not exactly straight yourself, idiot.” He continued to hold onto Joe’s hand.
“Heh…do you wanna be flitty together…?”
Tommy nodded, his mind was still whirling from the moment before. He never thought he would be kissed in his youth, especially by a boy, but he didn’t mind. He liked him and Joe liked Tommy and that’s all that mattered at that moment.
Soon enough though, recess had to end but their relationship didn’t, they continued sneaking kisses and exchanging gifts with one another behind the trees. If anybody did see them, Joe would take care of them.
A vampire kid and a goth kid, who would have ever thought?
The End.
A/N: Fun fact, Britta Phillips who sang Closeface also voices Tommy so it can in a way be interrupted as a Tommy love song, anyways I know this is kinda weird and random but I hope you enjoyed it
#flits#flitty#moral orel#tommy littler#vampire kid#vampire#tommy is a vampire#mild language#writing#drabble#creative writing#asks#request#lucyaskz#lucyfanficz#lucyreqz#lucyshipz
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my unpopular dsmp opinions, some of which genuinely should be popular
c!dream has crossed the moral event horizon and is irredeemable. once you cross that threshold, you're no longer a 'morally grey' character.
pre-recorded, heavily produced lore killed the lore. it was cool, sure, but you completely misunderstand the magic that the smp had when people watched it initially. the story is improv and that's how we like it. we can tell the cc's have lost interest in it, you can admit that to us, we'll understand, just stop lying to me.
c!dream's pov isn't necessary to understand his character or his motivations. if you've watched literally any c!primeboys stream he's basically spelled it out for you.
i don't understand how fans can dislike l'manberg or have claimed to be against it since the beginning. i honestly don't get it. what's so bad about wanting your own spot where you make your own rules and skirt accountability that has been used to technically oppress you before - and, before someone who never saw the earlier streams tries to disagree with this, the og l'manberg crew were imprisoned for shit that everyone else on the server was practically encouraged to do. also, what do you have against fun and happiness?
i think some of you forget that 'hybrids' aren't a thing, discounting c!ranboo. there's no piglin hybrids, c!techno is just a pig. there's no avian hybrids, c!phil is just a man with wings. there's no creeper hybrids, c!sam is just a creeper who's indecently exposed from the hips down. canonically there's no hybrids, and therefore no hybrid discrimination. people ran with that concept too much.
the loss and the fanon rewriting of the early lore up until pogtopia has ruined fandom perception of c!dream and the og l'manberg boys. c!tommy is more morally white than you think he is, and c!dream has always been a villain - he massacres and he kills and he destroys and he schemes and he always has broken his own rules. no wonder the boys wanted their own space after how they were treated.
i think ranboo oftentimes forgets his own lore. he brings stuff up that c!ranboo may have done, such as exploding the community house to frame c!tommy, holding onto Cat, and it goes absolutely nowhere. we've gotten all of these developments in his story but they have never been expanded on, and we're nowhere closer to figuring out his relationship to c!dream and what his other side is and honestly i see no hope that we'll be any closer to knowing even by the end of the year.
your characters don't all have to be morally grey for the story itself to be morally grey. this is fiction - some people can be nothing but evil and others can be nothing but good. being purely good or evil doesn't mean that you're one dimensional, either.
c!dream apologists have ruined c!dream for me. he's not a good person. how about you let me enjoy a villain for who he actually is, rather for than your percieved woobified ragdoll you pass off as c!dream.
the story was better when there was a central writer. it was brilliant back when wilbur wrote it to be that the environment drives the characters and the story, and it was really good in early s2 up until techno's execution day when it was more character driven. since then, the amount of autonomy people have over their characters without any central 'director', as it were, has been a detriment to the story overall. there needs to still be one overarching figure or director or writer.
not everyone is a main character. just because they have a pov, doesn't mean they're a main character. some characters have such little impact on the overall plot and describing everyone as a main character oversaturates the story and makes some characters seem more important than they are.
the egg lore had so much potential up until it didn't. all that built up threat that we were expecting and we still don't even know what the egg wants really other than just controlling people. does it hatch?
genuinely, if there's no major plot developments by the end of the year (and let's be honest, it's a very big possibility at this point), a few of the more prominent members of the server should do a podcast style stream talking about where the story would have gone, because at least then we would have gotten somewhat closer to a conclusion.
c!techno is a villain and an asshole and a bad person. he stops caring for people once their interests don't align with his or if they look at him funny. he makes meta-jokes about his own tyrannical and oppressive nature. stop taking that away from him. he's a bad person. cc!techno does a fabulous job portraying that in a comedic manner and the balancing of him being a deeply flawed person with deeply flawed morals and ideas with his comedically-portrayed stubbornness and lack of willingness to hear out opposing viewpoints is incredible. i want to like characters who are arseholes for the sake of being arseholes, and who refuse to take into account the hurt they've caused either out of self-righteousness or because they don't care, so let me. he's the anti-peacemaker, LET ME HIM ENJOY HIM FOR THAT!!!!
i think tommy and wilbur's way of doing lore is my favourite. relies heavily on improv, voice acting, sprite acting and facial expressions. really shows off the acting props and they pull off the emotional moments well for the insanity of the creative medium.
i'm not a fan of fan-music. i find songs about media i'm into difficult to listen to. coincidentally i'm also not a fan of shit like slam poetry or live music/musicals/pantomimes.
the death of l'manberg killed people's motivation to go on the server casually. i've talked about it more in depth before, but destroying what was a central, driving environment for the story killed momentum and motivation. imagine in an episode of she-ra, the princess alliance just nuke the freight zone and all of the members of the horde just have to deal with it. that would be shit.
until season 3 has some momentum, i'm counting the end of the smp as january 20th. that had a conclusion. season 3 has... whores, technoblade and tommyinnit. that's about it.
i wasn't a fan of the development of c!tubbo joining las nevadas. i preferred snowchester and the walled city conflict. give c!tubbo some backbone and some badassery. also tubbo where's the fucking nuke bro if you're shelving that plotline just tell us on like an alt stream what the plan was i beg
add like 2 or 3 new people to the server so that michael mcchill has someone to talk to and so that there's something always happening on the server. it gives the og's more motivation to return if things are happening in and out of canon and it'll help with momentum, and who knows? maybe they can write their own story/stories.
i really think that c!sam is an underrated character. he's multilayered, extremely interesting, and the dichotomy of his loyalty to his job and how far down the rabbithole that's taken him versus the genuine love he has for his friends that drives him to do what he does out of wanting to do right by them is brilliant. i don't talk about c!sam enough.
STOP HAVING FUCKING VILLAIN ARCS!!! I'M FUCKIN SICK OF IT!!!! i want to see more characters who see everyone else being absolute selfish, abhorrent cunts and go 'if nobody else is going to be a good person, i fucking will'. GIVE ME SOME MORAL WHITENESS!!! IT'S INTERESTING AND MORALLY GOOD CHARACTERS ARE FUN!!!
let tommyinnit build cobblestone towers. everyone bullied him too much for how ugly they were and the one he built outside of the prison looked genuinely really nice. it gives the boy something to do.
i'm a fan of the revive book and the canon lives system. don't ask me why, but i think it might just be the morbidity of it. it adds to c!dream's god complex persona, and i think the fragility of death itself is a really fun concept. not enough fan cc's have made connections with that and c!mumza, and it could make for cool fanfic.
ranboo your house is fucking ugly. it's an eyesore
c!niki, and to some extent now c!jack and c!fundy, are boring me and ruining my mood. i think c!jack is the closest to being an actually interesting sympathetic villain, mainly because nobody else seems to realise that c!niki is a villain. not a good one imo, but she's a villain. c!jack just has the problem of starting a new project over and over and over and over again and because of the slow in momentum for the primary cast, there hasn't been a lot of recent development for him.
not really a dream smp opinion, but if philza went full geordie accent, i would love it. i want him to, in canon, say shit like 'me n ye' instead of 'me and you' and use geordie dialect. i want him to be physically unintelligible because it's funny.
i don't really know what's up with c!foolish but i think he's a dumbass. he had a while to think about c!q's proposal and then changed his mind about joining the guy to admitted to letting him die just because. moron
i wish there was more c!eret lore. i wish he was an actual king with an actual kingdom and actual subjects and royal advisors. c!eret is far too fucking cool to be the king of nothing and nobody. fatten up the kingdom and the castle with people who work with c!eret, and don't just make it tyrannical and dictator-y to prove the point of the server's 'anarchists'. make it a healthy working environment, please - if you want moral greyness, have 'anarchists' who claim to care about the welfare of the server oppose a kingdom of happy people under a fair and just ruler because their ideologies clash.
the server needs more characters who oppose anarchy in more peaceful ways, or passively wish for systems to be a part of. i think a chaos vs order conflict ending only in mutual understanding where everyone understands that they should just leave each other alone would slot nicely into the story that's been created so far.
you need to have watched all of the previous arcs to understand the story. i've seen people argue that they don't need to know about earlier lore to understand the prison, but that's the equivalent of only watching the final season of pretty little liars and expecting to understand the context of what's going on.
some characters aren't that morally grey. some characters, take c!tommy for example, are definitely on the whiter side for the morality scale, he's just an asshole. he's abrasive and rude and a dickhead but he also doesn't agree with terrorism, he's patriotic, he strives for a better world, he's apologetic, but he's also a fucking BITCH.
you can add onto this if you want, but not if you're a c!dream apologist. nobody likes your opinions
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The First Two Weeks of Dream SMP Season 2: In Review
So two weeks of Dream SMP Season 2 have passed, and so far it’s been unlike any post-war period before. Far from being a peaceful lull, Season 2 has been perhaps the most chaotic, tension-filled, dramatic “peacetime” the SMP has ever had.
Let’s summarize!
Overall, the tone of Season 2 has been both similar to Season 1 while taking on some new changes. For one thing, there’s a far greater emphasis placed on lore, backstories and family dynamics.
Questions from the ridiculousness of Season 1 are being answered in Season 2, sometimes with some strange or cursed-sounding results. For example, the circumstances of Fundy’s birth were mostly a joke in Season 1 (I’m pretty sure they went literal months without even mentioning Sally’s name once), but now that there’s effort being made to explain it, as well as the birth of certain other Sleepy Bois, we’ve gained some...interesting...developments...*cough* Phridge *cough*
Since Season 1, Tommy’s become a Sleepy Boi and is therefore incorporated into the SBI family dynamic, especially now that Philza’s joined the server. Ranboo may or may not be Niki’s brother? Fundy and Dream are getting married soon, and Puffy and Niki have a romance as well.
New Members:
In one of the largest waves of new members in SMP history, several new people have been added to the server in a very short amount of time.
Captain Puffy
Schlatt’s Funeral
Schlatt’s funeral, overseen by Badboyhalo, was held at the edge of New L’manberg. His organs were looted by the citizens. Everyone keeps hinting at possibly reviving Schlatt somehow. Currently, Schlatt’s remaining organs are kept on sale in Puffy’s L’Targay, a new structure on the server replacing Purpled’s Walmart.
Ongoing/New Building Projects
Some important ongoing building projects / new builds include: Karl’s Party Park, HBomb’s L’Cast, Vikkstar and Lazarbeam’s Boomerville, the Prime Path Shops, Purpled’s Skull Base, Awesamdude’s Place of Business, Punz’s house and Eret’s Museum
Important Plotlines/Character Updates:
Tommy’s done his best to make everyone on the server angry with him, which has currently led to the border skirmish plotline going on right now. He’s destroyed Puffy’s house, George’s house, griefed Fundy’s house and moved Ponk’s tower, leading to some animosity with all of them. His griefing of George’s house especially has led to Tommy being on probation. Will Tommy be exiled? Or will this lead to another war? L’manburg is looking awfully flammable right now.
One of the other main plotlines that’s been going on has been Fundy’s character arc with Wilbur. Now that Philza’s on the server, and Wilbur’s perma-dead and ghosty, Fundy’s family drama can finally come to a head and break some hearts. Fundy reprises his role as the “main character” of the story for this particular plot, something that hasn’t really happened since the Pet War. This arc started at the very beginning of Season 2 when everyone was rebuilding L’manburg.
Related is the arc of Ghostbur in particular. Wilbur’s stuck around after death, seemingly for some “unfinished business.” He doesn’t remember any negative memories, and continually forgets them whenever somebody tries to hold him accountable for his past crimes. Will Ghostbur ever settle his issues and gain a peaceful rest?
There’s been some talk of the Disc War Continuation in the future, especially concerning the Badlands. Skeppy still has one of Tommy’s discs, but who knows when that drama will sort itself out. Dream brought up the discs when talking with Tubbo about exiling Tommy. While Skeppy has one of the discs, Dream wants to put Tubbo in a tough enough position that Tubbo has to give Dream the other disc, which would put both discs functionally in his hands.
The Dream Team has been a lot more active on the SMP recently, which is interesting. George, the new king, is actually on the server! So far he’s mainly participated in multiple dress-up roleplay sessions, cosplaying Simpsons characters, Professor Snape, and Dream himself. Sapnap has streamed recently as well, continuing his ongoing relationship drama with fiancés Karl and Quackity. Dream has gotten himself into some shenanigans, including vandalism and muggings, and is currently reprising his role as the main Big Bad of the server. It’s almost strange seeing them so active on the server again, but a welcome change! Even Callahan’s dropped by to join in - the SMP’s funniest reindeer, everyone!
Quackity may or may not be possessed? Puffy’s mentioned that Quackity wants to bring back Schlatt, but Puffy is currently in possession of all of Schlatt’s body parts. She’s also mentioned that Connor is looking to revive Schlatt as well. Connor hasn’t gotten super involved in the storyline yet, mostly just vibing on his own, but perhaps he will eventually. Quackity has also taken the role of honorary vice president in Tommy’s absence.
Tubbo’s been acting a little strangely as well too, recently. While he’s been the most responsible president of L’manberg by far, he’s shown that he’s not immune to corruption, to the point where even Philza’s started questioning loyalties to L’manberg. Tubbo’s handling of the situation with Tommy shows maturity, but when he’s put between a rock and a hard place, what will come first? Tommy or L’manburg? And is Tubbo prone to the same corruption that Wilbur and Schlatt went through?
Meanwhile, Techno’s almost nowhere to be seen. He terrorized Fundy a bit at the beginning, and he’s logged on to say his own name of course, but besides that the Blade has been remaining as mysterious as ever. Wanted posters bearing his image have sprouted up all over New L’manburg.
One side effect of Fundy’s adoption plot is the plotline’s relation to Eret, who has been dethroned. Will Eret try to take power back from Dream? What will their relationship be as father-in-law and son-in-law, if the adoption goes through?
The newest members - Phil, Puffy, Connor, Vikk, Lazar and Ranboo, have all gotten started settling into the server. Who knows what their relations will be to the plots? Will they get involved, or stick to the sidelines where there’s peace?
So far, besides Phil of course, Puffy and Ranboo have been the most involved in the main plot. Dream seems to like getting into chaos on Puffy’s streams in particular, having her as a “witness” to his actions. Puffy is an agent of chaos herself and has unofficially “adopted” Dream as a sort of pet, driving her loyalties towards the Dream Team. Despite this, she has also been on a date and promised herself to Niki, who is of course loyal to L’manburg. If Puffy ends up siding with Dream, will Niki be able to keep her loyalty to L’manburg, or will she switch sides to be with Puffy?
Meanwhile, Ranboo has been suggested to be Niki’s brother and was an accomplice to Tommy’s crimes against George. Tommy defended Ranboo from consequence, but considering how short of a time it took Ranboo to get wrapped up in the plot, who knows what will happen in the future?
Vikkstar and Lazarbeam have also joined the SMP as a pair, and similar to Connor, they’re currently just vibing doing their own thing in a new town called Boomerville.
The Elytra Challenge should be happening soon? Maybe? Whoever gets the elytra will have a huge bargaining chip on the server, an item as valuable as the discs or Spirit’s leather. What that also means is, there’s the possibility of them also having a target on their back...
In Summary:
We really need that beach episode.
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911 Lone Star Season 4 - My Thoughts
[Long Post Warning]
Oh hey tumblr, it's me! I've had this idea in my head for a while and thought that since most of my tumblr following is Spam-bots and inactive/deleted accounts (There's a few of you who are still active, so heyyy thanks for still following me!) that I would do my first one on Tumblr. I would love to start Youtube channel, but I still feel a bit shy.
I used to write a lot! If you have been following my blog since, geez, 2012 you know that. Unfortunately, I have been in a very long period of writers block. I'm hoping getting creative ideas on the page will help me start to write again.
The idea I have is to explain what I would want to see happen, or what I would do if I was one of the story writers of some of my favorite shows upcoming seasons. Or even what I think will be happening in these upcoming seasons. I hope this makes sense lol!
The first show I want to deep dive into has been my hyper-fixation show for the past several months (thanks @iboatedhere 🤣). I mean, I have watched the first three seasons of this show maybe 15 times at this point! I just found out a couple weeks ago that they have started production for season 4, and I am so excited to see what is in store! Of course the show I am talking about is 911 Lone Star!
Let's begin:
What I think will happen/What I want to happen
Sectioned by character:
This man annoys me 10/10 so I hope we see him continue to go to therapy.
I really enjoyed the storyline they gave us at the end of season 3 with Owen returning to California to say goodbye to his father.
I could see the half-brother doing the same thing, coming to Austin trying to connect to his father's past. I also love that irl the actor playing Owen's half-brother is Rob Lowe's brother. That is cool!
Owen telling TK about his past. Does TK know he's named after Owen's brother?
I want Owen and Catherine back together - I know they're toxic af, but I love two type-A characters bouncing off each other!
TK/Carlos (they're together because their relationship is a main storyline)
If they injure this man again...*clenches fist*
Role reverse with Carlos? Carlos gets injured, and TK is at the bedside.
Here's how I would do it: Carlos takes his detective test, passes. Gets put on this high profile case. While investigating, gets kidnapped. Not just for several hours like TK/Tommy/Nancy is that one episode, but for weeks. Then the TK sobriety storyline could tie into this as well. Obviously, when he is found he's relatively okay. They could also tie this into the Judd PTSD storyline too.
Tarlos wedding
less fade to black scenes...this is why I wish that this show wasn't on cable TV. They do fade to black for all the romance aspects. Nancy and Mateo, TK and Carlos, Owen and Catherine.
I just want this man to be HAPPY! Please 🙏
I would love to see the sister come back in some way, that would be a cool idea
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Wyatt storyline! I think it saved his character tbh
I would love to see more from this storyline, but from the season 3 finale it made it seem like Wyatt is going off to college and won't be around.
More about the accident at the beginning of the show. PTSD doesn't just go away like they portrayed.
Maybe during a BBQ the grill does that thing that grills do where the flame
Much like Paul, I want Marjan to be on a call and click with someone they are saving.
Maybe she gets hurt on a call. Nothing big, but needs to be out for a couple weeks.
She bumps into this person during that time and starts to secretly date them.
OF COURSE Paul is the first to sniff that shit out! He is her BFF, obviously!
I want to know why she decided to become an EMT. In the O.G. 911 they did this for Hen and it was a really cool concept.
Similar, there is an episode where she talks about her sister, show me the family!!!
More scenes between her and Mateo. I STG is the writers make them break up I will do something detrimental...
(similar to Nancy) GIVE ME A BACKSTORY!!
They hinted at a backstory several times: Dad being in Guadalajara, and being a DREAMER. That is great bones for a backstory! Just saying.
You can tell that Mateo and Nancy's characters were never meant to be apart of the ensemble, but the audience loved their characters so much that they now have storylines. I am excited to see where the writers take them.
One of the twins starts getting in trouble at school
Maybe series finale, or series middle finale the twin sets a fire in the school? Or does that seem too much?
Tommy embracing the single Mom life, finally feeling steady in her routine.
It also would be a good idea for Tommy to think that she see's her late husband at one of their scenes. Starts seeing him everywhere. It's not him though, just a man that looks like him.
What I would write
🚑 Judd goes to surprise visit Wyatt, only to find out that he dropped out of college. He can't get a hold of him, and goes to work. On a call, a new firehouse shows up with fancy gear, tech, truck and their new tech guy...Wyatt.
🚒 Add a single season character, who's exit at the end of the season makes for good drama! AKA this character gets k!lled off. My initial thoughts would be a untamable, young firefighter with survivors guilt, like Judd, gets sent to Owens team
#Thishasbeeninmydraftsforawhile#911 lone star#owen strand#tk strand#judd x grace#wyatt harris#tommy vega#nancy gillian#mateo chavez#marjan marwani#paul strickland#carlos reyes#tarlos#let me know your predictions
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Judd Ryder Screen Time Meta Post
Welcome to the fifth post in the series analyzing the screen time of 911 Lone Star characters post season 2. We’re half way through the main characters! The previous characters were Owen, Marjan, Tommy, and Paul.
This post we will be looking at Judd’s screen time!
Check out my analysis below the cut!
Season 1
Judd’s arc dealing with the aftermath of the loss of the original 126 played a big part of the first season, and his screen time is very reflective of that. He came in fourth for most screen time of the season (behind Owen, Michelle, and TK respectively). The most screen time Judd saw in season 1 was actually for the pilot episode (1x01) with a little under 8 minutes. He also saw around 7 minutes of screen time for 1x07 (”Bum Steer”) and 1x09 (”Awakening”).
The least amount he saw in the first season was in 1x08 (”Monster Inside”) with a little over 2 minutes. Other than that, Judd got over 3 minutes, usually around 4-6 minutes.
Season 2
Judd’s screen time for season 2 is actually quite interesting because in the first half of the season, 2A he really didn’t have a lot. In fact 2B episodes (episodes 9-14) account for actually 65% of his screen time for season 2; aka more than half, and that’s across 6 episodes, verses only 35% across the first 8 episodes in 2A.
Of course this is largely due in part to 2x09 (”Saving Grace”) - which essentially served as a Judd Begins. While it’s telling the love story of Judd and Grace, it’s all framed from his POV (I discuss more of my thoughts on that in this post). But that episode accounted for 52% of Judd’s screen time in 2B, and 34% of all of season 2. At 22.5 minutes, that is the most screen time for a character in a single episode yet, and the only two characters that come close are Tommy in 2x13 (”One Day”) with 21 minutes, and Owen in the pilot episode with 20.75 minutes.
When it came to lower numbers, the lowest 5 episodes all occurred in 2A, with the lowest being 1.25 minutes in 2x08 (”Bad Call”).
Total Screen Time
Judd’s total screen time for season 1 was 50:30 minutes, and for season 2 was 66 minutes - bringing his total time for both seasons to 116.5 minutes (or 1 hour and 56.5 minutes). As always, it’s worth reminding that season 2 had 4 more episodes than season 1, which is why the characters total screen time for the second season is higher, and why looking at the average screen time is much more indicative if you want to see any changes between seasons.
Average Screen Time
Judd’s average screen time for season 1 was 5 minutes, while for season 2 it dropped to 4:45 minutes. This should not be a shock, considering half of the episodes in season 1 were over 5 minutes, while only 4 out of the 14 episodes in season 2 were over 5 minutes, one of those being “Saving Grace”. It was pretty clear Judd was not getting as much screen time in the most recent season as he did in the first.
His average for the series remains at 5 minutes.
When it comes to episodes that are much higher, or much lower than what Judd usually sees, there were no outlier episodes in season 1, and unsurprisingly the the 22.5 minutes in 2x09 (”Saving Grace”) is an outlier for season 2. Additionally, that episode is an outlier for the series (seasons 1 and 2 combined).
What happens when you remove the outliers?
When you take 22.5 minutes out of the data set for season 2, the average drops significantly down to about 3:15 minutes. Which, while still more than the lower billed characters, is still a big change from Judd’s average with the number included, showing what an impact this episode had on Judd’s data.
Taking that episode out of the data set for the series, Judd’s average would be 4 minutes, which is also a fairly significant decrease.
Closing Thoughts
It’s not a shock that Judd’s character is one with some of the higher numbers considering how high Jim Parrack is billed on the show. But I do think he is one of the more interesting characters to look at in season 2 because of the impact 2x09 had on the data. Even with that episode, his screen time was slightly less than what was seen in season 1. Without that episode, his screen time would have been significantly less. It does make you wonder if that episode had been done differently, for example focusing on Grace more over Judd, or even making it more even, how would that have impacted the data?
But overall, we have to include it because that was a deliberate decision the writers and directors made to place the focus on Judd for that episode. But it also shows how they took the camera off of him a lot more in the second season, compared to the first. I definitely think season 3 will be interesting when it comes to his character and seeing which direction he goes in.
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