#and theyre both eating burgers because yes
dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
I am re-using Tumblr just for this blog, please give me some nice garbage x happy Headcanons, not need to be all romantic but like, slice of life? Plz and that k you
I don’t fully understand slice of life, but I think I did pretty good. Also this is pre-relationship, like before they even realize feelings are there. I hope you like it!
Slice of life / Pre-relationship Happy x Garbage headcanons:
Garbage starts making an extra sandwich for Happy after they become friends again. He likes making them for his crew, so why not make his old friend one too? The corgi always makes sure to give Happy the sandwich before the Venus takes off for their mission. Happy really appreciates the gesture and he loves the way Garbage makes his sandwiches.
The two of them often have one-on-one friend dates. Garbage and Happy still take time to hang out with their respective crews, but they really do enjoy getting to spend time together like old times. They mainly eat at the diner or watch movies, talking about their day or reminiscing about training. Often they gossip about the other PET teams, the dogs on the M-Bark and even the things going on in the council. Happy always has the best gossip and Garbage loves listening to him talk.
Sometimes Garbage (and the Pluto crew) invite Happy to hang out after he’s done with council meetings or after missions. Surprisingly he’s merged pretty well into their group. He enjoys spending time with them, even Ed! On the other paw, merging Garbage into the Venus group has been... challenging, but Garbage is determined to get them to like him because Happy is important to him.
Garbage isn’t a fan of video games but a certain poodle is. On a day where Nomi drags most of the crew to the arcade, Garbage runs into Happy playing on various machines. Happy finds some of the games’ repetitive patterns and gameplay to be relaxing so he often comes there to destress. It now gives Garbage a reason to go to the arcade; to watch his friend play. (Garbage still can’t believe that Happy is the one that keeps beating Nomi’s highscore on her favorite alien shooter game.)
Happy is now an honary Pluto member, whether he knows it or not, and because of this, he is obligated to join the Pluto cuddle piles -started by Garbage after becoming captain and after Nomi joined the crew. Happy usually ends up in the middle with Nomi sleeping on his chest or on the outer-ring with Garbage snuggled into his side, sometimes it’s just wherever he passes out. At first Happy was reluctant to join but he quickly found all the cuddling really nice. He does every once in awhile wonder about starting a cuddle pile with his crew, but decides against it since Atlas would probably be the only one that would like it.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
Hello, so after we finished 2x18, it started to pour like crazy and we ended up losing power in our neighborhood for well over a day. Which means this man ended the day at like 5 pm with Justin cheating and he was miserable. I forgot how horrible it is to experience this storyline for the first time. Anyway i am now here with 2x19(1/2) and the meltdown of it all: ‘awww Ted calls him Bri just like me! Look how cute he is, god damn it Justin!’ The groan he just let out at the sight of Ethan and Justin. He immediately paused it and went to get himself candy and he is so angry that he can’t drink alcohol. ‘I’m actually about to puke out the burger I just ate. This is actually making me nauseous and also making me pissed at Justin’ *mocks Ethan in a childish voice* his instrument? He’s his instrument? Id say he can shove it up his ass but he already did. CHEATER! I am begging you to fast forward it (oh how I wish i could) this is hideous! HIDEOUS! Justin, do you not feel gross with yourself?’ *mocks Ethan again* big plans tonight? YEAH BRIAN! BIGGER! BETTER! Bitch!’ He now paused the tv cause he got frustrated, it paused on Ethan and he yelled out FUCK NO and started the ep again until he could pause it on something that wasn’t Ethan. ‘That’s nice? Being a starving artist is nice? If someone said that to me I’d throw a punch! I DESERVE TO EAT EVERY NIGHT! Oh look at him, he it just itching to ask about Brian..HA HA YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SIDE DICK and not even a good one at that! *mocks him again* oh if he stayed sometime you could wake up together? I hate both of you. I hope every coffee you drink burns your tongue! You know, Brian can be A LOT but even he doesn’t deserve to be cheated on’ He got so relieved when Ethan went off screen only for Carl to pop up. He is already done with this ep. ‘……oh but they aren’t homophobic?..Debbie. fuck you. THEYRE GONNA BOWL TOGETHER? TIME FOR BRIAN TO SHINE!!!’ ‘This sounds really weird but I like it when Brian is working. Oh look what the cat dragged in. A CHEATER! Oh you were studying? Let me guess, classical music? Oh, you’re gonna shower are you? I wonder why?! oh Brian is a little suspicious. I need him to get caught. I hate this because I love Blondie so much but this? This isn’t it. So right now, he is on my shit list! THEY GOT FUCKING BOWIE ON THE SOUNDTRACK! I mean i know he was on in s1 BUT FUCK SHIT FUCK! BOWIE!!!!! I love Bowie!…*pauses tv* do you have any clue what this song is about? LOOK IT UP! *starts ep again* ….is he gonna tell him? What WAS JUSTIN GONNA SAY?! Oh you coward!’ ‘Okay, my dear lesbians. I am an *makes a weak fist* ally but I’m gonna need yall to fuck off because i have other stuff to worry about’ ‘oh look it’s Mikey and Cheat- WHY IS THERE VIOLIN MUSIC?! HE WAS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN FOR TWO SEASONS AND NOW HE’S ON EVERY FUCKING CORNER?!?! MAKE IT MAKE SENSE MY MAN. JUSTIN! NO! ENOUGH..oh fuck you’ He is so pissed off at Ethan right now that he is fake criticizing his violin playing as if he knows what he’s talking about ‘CHEATER! Yes. RAGE! Which is about his BOYFRIEND! DUDE HE HAS A BOYFRIEND BACK THE FUCK OFF! Why would you want to go watch a oui oui movie? Justin, you literally don’t like half of what this dude is talking about or offering so why are you acting so fucking smitten? MIKEY, GET HIS ASS! Oh boohoo the french movie is a parallel to Justin and Brian and this fucker, isn’t it? WHY ARE THEY KISSING! NO KISSING RULE FOR FUCKS SAKE JUSTIN YOU FUCKING SHITHEAD! No offense, my man..actually scratch that, full offense but you two suck at kissing each other. WHERE IS MICHAEL THE ONE TIME I WANT HIM- THERE HE IS MICHAEL!! GO TO BRIAN TELL BRIAN! PLEASE DO IT PLEASEEEEEE!’ He is so stressed out, he had to take his sweater off because he was getting so heated. I swear this is the only thing that makes it worth watching Ethan.. ‘TED AND BRI! I like these two, i feel so bad for Brian. Poor guy. Ted, my man, when you do porn, you become desensitized to it. It’s true I watched a video about it. Oh look at that, two besties talking about sex fantasies’
YOU LOST POWER AFTER 218??? Oh my god. I'm surprised your brother survived. I would have diedddddd.
Groaning at the sight of Ethan. YEP
Loving Bowie on the soundtrack. YEP
Screaming at Justin. YEP
Your brother is breaking down but for all the right reasons.
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Ok so this may seem random but I just binge watched bobs burger, all 10 seasons of it. And I had always heard it was like American Dad or family guy, hell when I googled "what to watch if you liked Bob's burgers" or looked for shows similar American Dad and family guy came up. Now I hated family guy and American Dad growing up, my dad watched it and I just never enjoyed it. But I watched a compilation on YouTube of Bob's burgers and it seemed decent so I decided to give it a shot and im glad I did. Unlike American Dad or family guy, two shows that have the goal to offend people, and who's humor heavily relies on steriotype or references, Bob's burgers doesn't feel dated, doesn't rely on steriotype, it bases it's humor on putting these likeable character that you love into different scenarios and having them reacting to the world around them. And unlike a lot of shows, like I said watched all 10 seasons and it never really got repetitive or boring or annoying I honestly enjoyed every episode, every episode felt new and fresh, even if the idea has been done before. Now there are several things I enjoy about Bob's burgers and I just kind of felt like talking about it so
First, they all, not only love eachother, but also actually like eachother. Now I feel like a lot of people don't quite get what I mean by that. I personally love my mom, I do not like her, I don't like the way she thinks or acts, I always say that If I had met her at school or at work or something and was not related to her I wouldn't like her. I've seen many siblings who love eachother, they'll defend eachother and take care of eachother but for the most part avoid eachother especially if they're at the same school, they don't go out of their way to talk or hang out with eachother. This family all seem to actually like eachother though.
Which leads me to my next point. The Belcher siblings are personally my favorite part of the show, I was actually confused when I first started seeing them all together, because most shows seem to have that sibling relationship of love but not like, and while that's fine and can be realistic, I don't very often see a show that shows a good healthy sibling relationship of siblings actually liking eachother which can also be realistic and is a good thing to teach kids. The Belcher siblings are great, they of course defend eachother and take care of eachother but they're also friends. They walk together in between classes, theyre all in the same friend group, they go out of their way to hang out with eachother and play togetherand have fun together, they eat lunch together and scheme together. Of course they also spend time by themselves and will hang out with their mutual friends without their siblings and have friends outside of the mutual friend group, and of course they get into arguments and disagree with eachother a lot, what siblings don't? But for the most part they get along very well. You won't see any of them embarrassed to be seen with their younger siblings in or out of school, even Tina, the teenager of the group who's going through a lot for the typical teen problems including being embarrassed often and caring a lot about what others in her grade think, will hang out with her little brother and sister, and take part in their mischief, and eat lunch with them and doesn't have a problem with it.
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The kids aren't the only one with a uniquely healthy relationship when it comes to these types of shows, we also have their parents, Bob and Linda. Bob isn't the steriotypicaltypical husband that's often portrayed in these types of shows, Bob isn't the husband that complains about how his wife is always nagging or jokes about how being married is awful. Linda isn't the steriotypicaltypical wife, Linda doesn't complain about how her husband can't take care of himself, or seem disgusted by her husband or seem exasperated by the kind of person her husband is. Strangely enough they seem to actually love eachother, and support and encourage eachother and care about eachother and enjoy spending time together and enjoy working together. They enjoy making small fun competitions with eachother and having fun and laughing together. They seem to bring out the best of eachother. And yes they aren't exactly in their honeymoon phase, and may not have that "spark" they first had when they first got together, and they're not exactly the pinnacle of romance, they are however a good representation of a happily married couple who genuinely love and like eachother and have been married for years. And of course they each have their flaws and they have their disagreements and arguments but who doesn't?
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And the Belcher kids love and like their parents as well and enjoy being with them and involve them in their antics as well.
And they love and like their kids as well. And given each of the children it would be expected in a show like this for one or two of the children to be considered "disappointments" or "not as good as the favorite child" there's usually a kid who's clearly the favorite and one or more kids who's looked down upon by the parents and everyone else in shows like these, however Bob and Linda genuinely love and are very proud of each of their kids and they both have good relationships with all of their kids. Even in the episode where they spent the entire time showing just how much of a screw up gene was, Bob took gene aside and said that while gene could get distracted and could mess up at times that he was still very proud of him and loved him.
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Bob and Linda support their kids in everything they do, even in the episode where gene got interested in "table setting" and got into a competition and his parents didn't quite understand it or understood why someone would enjoy it they still helped and encouraged him and expressed how proud they were that he found something he enjoyed doing.
It's a very healthy family and it's enjoyable to watch.
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The show itself, although it has 10 seasons, doesn't ever get annoying or repetitive, every episode seems fresh, like I said binge watched the entire show and was actually pretty sad when I got the final episode and realized I was done and couldn't watch anymore, although the first season was great it got better over time, and personally I thought each season was better then the last.
I like that all the characters seem realistic, their was several episodes with the Belcher kids where I could imagine my younger self and my friends and brother doing similar things. And like I said the parents though loving also seemed like a realistic couple that have been married for years.
I also liked the consitancy. A lot of characters over time will become an exaggerated version of their former selves. For example a character like Patrick star or homer Simpson or Cosmo from fairly odd parents, who start off the show kind of dumb and clueless but not annoyingly so and are still enjoyable, over time will become so damn moronic that you wonder how they've managed to go this long without accidentally killing themselves and it becomes annoying and frustrating and they're no longer likeable.
None of the characters in this show have a character flaw that becomes so extreme they become unlikable, in fact all of the characters in the belcher family are likeable, and stay consistent, thats the point, you want to see them go through these things and want to see them win and come out on top because of how likeable they are. Louise is mischief, she's a prankster, but it's never to the point where she's unlikeable, she's still a good kid who usually doesn't go to far and when she does shes quick to see her mistake, apologize, and try to make it right, if anything a lot of times her pranks are to help defend other people or "bring justice" to people who have been wronged.
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She may be a bit extreme but she's still a good kid and you want to see her come out on top. Gene can be loud and extreme and not really get hints, but he wants to befriend people and wants to help people, even though he can be gullible and a bit clueless and as a result can easily get roped into stuff, he tries to help people and make things right when he sees things going south, he's a sweet kid.
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And Tina can be innapropriate, and can be selfish at times and not always see the big picture, but like gene and Louise when she sees that she's messed up she immediately tries to fix it and make things right, she has a stronger moral compass then either of her siblings and usually the voice of reason and helps people out whatever situation they're in, including her siblings who can often end up in some pretty bad situations, and is willing to take the fall for the sake of others.
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Bob can by cynical, and a bit extreme about things he cares about (work, turkeys, Thanksgiving in general) and when he gets extreme he won't think things all the way through he'll just react, but he means well, he cares about his family and will put aside his obsessions for his family and is willing to sacrifice those things for his family. Hell one of the things hes obsessed with is Thanksgiving, he will make sure everything goes PERFECTLY and will get very upset if they're not perfect and will go crazy trying to make it perfect, but the reason Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday and the reason he cares so much is because of his love for his family and because Thanksgiving to him is being with your family. And even he is willing to sacrifice his Thanksgiving to be there for his friend, teddy, who's alone and without his family.
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Linda can also be extreme and not think things all the way through but like bob, she means well, the times she gets extreme is typically when it involves her family and trying to do everything in her power to make them happy, and to do what she considers the morally right thing to do, even if it means going a little crazy and taking things a bit to far while doing so. I think a good example of this was when Louise got in trouble at school for causing problems, she was causing problems because a couple of kids were picking on a smaller kid and she was attempting to defend the kid, Linda thinks it's morally wrong to punish Louise for defending a kid and breaks Louis out of detention from the window (also breaking the school's AC in the process) to get her some ice cream all while having to avoid mr.frond, the school counselor who's around the same area. It's a good example of how it makes for a funny episode and flawed characters because of how extreme they can get but how they're motivation and reasonings makes them likeable and makes you root for them.
Anyway. I know this is kind of random it just kind of bothered me that I don't really see bobs burgers being talked about very often and I see it being compared to American Dad and family guy when, from what I've seen of the two shows, it's not really similar at all
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
hi, i'm really sorry to bother, but i was wondering if you could tell some soft facts or ideas? like literally any of the characters, at any point in the timeline, just sumn soft 'cause i just read something upsetting and need to try and calm down from that... ily very much and you're doing an amazing job
Mmm lets see
Sometimes Remus has some disturbing thoughts and when they get too much he goes to Roman's room and plops in his bed and after a little while both of them go out for a walk
I mean it at anytime. It could be 3 am and theyre still going out
Remus considers Roman his best friend
Dee and Virgil's hugs always consist on Dee lifting Vee up and spinning a little bit. Always
Dee and Rem recently started to get lowkey excited about the idea of hanging out with the rest of the group
Before it was like "yeah okay sure why not" but now its like "Oh FUCK yeah the gang's all here"
Imagine them all vibing in a big park and theyre all saying random songs to see if Logan knows how to play it
At one point they all start singing Teenage Dirtbag
The gang had a strong argument about what cartoon was the best, Teen Titans or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and everyone threw shit on Logan because he chose Kappa Mikey
Virgil once called Burger King "Burber King" and these idiots thought it was the funniest shit they ever heard and now whenever they go over there they keep on saying "Burber King" at random times
The gang goes to the beach for a week at one point and they have an adventure lookin for crabs
They also go to the beach the next day even though its cloudy and lowkey cold but theres absolutely no one there so they get in the water because the waves are big
Roman and Logan stood there watching the stuff and takin pictures
Meanwhile Remus, Dee, Virgil, and Patton were slowly getting deeper and deeper in the water
Remus just fucking YEETS himself at the waves every time and it lowkey freaks everyone out GSNDHJDDH
Imagine the light goes out in the cabin theyre renting during the night and like Remus and Dee screech at the top of their lungs to scare the rest of the group
It worked, yes. But they all immediately catch up and started screaming as well
Logan at one point went "*sobs* please dont eat my ass, spirits" and Dee absolutely fucking lost it
It was the first time the gang ever heard Dee laugh so hard and at one point they were all crying bc they were laughing so damn much
In that trip to the seaside they were lookin at the stores and they found out that Uno had a new game called Dos and they all lost their shit and immediately bought it
They couldnt figure out how to fucking play it so it was sitting in a bag the whole ass trip
They tried to figure it out 3 times but the moment theyd get frustrated theyd throw it in the bag and play the Uno they brought instead GDHSGSJ
They also played Cards Against Humanity and in one round Roman said "I just wanna apologize in advance, i am so so sorry" as he put his card down and it was the darkest shit you could ever imagine and the whole group was a mixture of laughter and horrified faces
Dee for some reason kept on singing "I Miss You" by Blink-185 because he had it stuck in his head but he literally only sang the "WHERE ARE YOOOOUUU" and everyone wanted to hit him in the head
This started as wholesome but ended up as them being a bunch of stupid ass teenagers im sorry lmao
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im-not-a-joke · 4 years
can i get some cute byler date headcanons?
hi it is currently one am and im thinking about them so yes
- they very rarely know ahead of time for one of their dates
- because they like to be like “we’re going out tonight, no i do not care about that essay, you weren’t going to work on it anyway”
- mike dates are usually more adventurous, will dates are calm
- ok ok but one time mike planned this very nice and special date and actually told will in advance because he 1) wanted will to not stress about it and 2) was very excited
- but hes just like “hey we’re going out this friday, i’ll pick you up at 5″ and thats all the forewarning will gets
- but like mike has been planning this for ages so its all good
- he shows up at the byers’ and will opens the door and mike is like “you look nice” and will is confused because he looks the same as he always does but mike seems nervous so he goes with it
- mike drags him all across town, they stop at the arcade, they get ice cream, they hike to the top of the hill where cerebro is, they visit the quarry, literally everywhere
- mike is highkey waxing poetic about their memories and how much he loves will the whole time and will is f l u s t e r e d
- “have i ever mentioned just how pretty you are?” “you know i love you right” “i cant believe we found each other,” “i know we’re like, teens but you really feel like everything ive ever needed”
- mike has no pocket money so they end up getting burgers and eating them in the park because theyre cute like that
- so will get dragged around town all night and honestly he’s having a lot of fun but something feels off
- when they get back to the byers’, mike stops him
- “you know why tonight was so special?”
- “no, i really don’t”
- “well, two years ago on this day was the day i realized i was in love with you”
- important note: they’ve been together for like,, a little over a year at this point
- will is crying now because he’s just filled with love for this boy
- so he flings himself onto mike so suddenly mike almost falls
- they just kinda stand there hugging while will sobs for a while and its peaceful and honestly mike is crying too but he’s not going to mention it
- but eventually mike is like “hey i would love to stay like this forever but if i don’t get home soon, mom’s going to be suspicious”
- the last things they say to each other when mike walks off are as follows:
- “i love you more than anything, and i’m absolutely crazy about you”
- “we’re both crazy, together”
- will cant sleep that night because he’s too busy thinking about his boyf
- but mike is in the same predicament
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sportsarenotoxygen · 6 years
GOM valentine’s HCs
some late gom+kuroko+momoi x reader (separately) valentine’s hcs that have probably been done to death before but i still wanted to write some so here! please enjoy!
akashi definitely shows how happy and grateful he is when he gets your chocolates. so much that he’s almost acting strange if you didn’t know him so well
(because he remembers all those days his mother tried to give his father love and never received any acknowledgement in return. he is not repeating that with you)
he’s super freaking happy and smothers you with kisses and cuddles
then he starts giving back
really giving back like he stays with you the whole day, is a complete gentleman (but more than usual because let’s be real he always is), more affectionate, really does not let you lift a finger
you: sei you know it’s okay, i can carry one bag
akashi: nonsense, it’s my thanks for those chocolates you made. which i absolutely loved by the way
you: you...you said that when you paid for lunch. and when you drove us to the park. and--
akashi: it’s my thanks. for the chocolates i loved. did i mention they were delicious--
you, blushing: ohmygod okay okay fine
if it’s your unlucky day, midorima’s gonna be watching your back and making this day as good as it could get because yes he believes in oha asa but he will not allow bad luck to ruin your day because he knows you’ve been working so hard to make this day good for the both of you
if it’s his unlucky day, he’s gonna be on edge maybe even entertaining thoughts of whether he should be near you so you’ll have to reassure him that all will be fine
you, over the phone: but i have to give you my gifts!!!!!
midorima: your chances of having a good day will be drastically lowered if i’m with you, so i’ll pick them up tomorrow, nanodayo
you: shintaro! dont! you! dare! think! you! could! ruin! my! day! you make my day so you better!!!! 
midorima: i’m sorry y/n, but i don’t want to risk it
you: well i guess i’ll just wait at the cafe by myself...with all these couples around me...
midorima, guilty: fine. but only for an hour
he’s got your lucky item ready and his own when he gets there
you don’t make a letter for him though, you merely just give a speech about every thing you love about him from his belief in oha asa, to the way he looks out for you, to his love for basketball, his manner of speech and everything else (yes right in that cafe. the elderly couple in the next table over are giving you such fond looks)
by the end of it, he’s a blushing mess and that’s what your goal was all along let’s be honest
he pretends to think valentine’s a really tacky and stupid day and how ‘theres no point giving anything on this particular day its just stupid’
so much so that you hesitate when giving your chocolates 
you hesitate so much so that he notices and now that he notices he feels slightly bad and tries to drop some hints 
you, reluctantly: it’s really...all in your face huh 
aomine, swearing at himself: it’s not too bad
but when you go the whole day without giving him anything he starts getting worried
aomine, thinking: crap did you think i meant all that
of course, if you actually got him nothing that’s fine too but he doesn’t want the reason you got him nothing was because he thinks it’s stupid
especially when he sees how you’re pointedly trying to ignore every other couple
so, just as you two are about to part ways, he goes
‘look, you know i didnt mean any of that stupid shit. i dont mind valentines chocolates or anything i was just being stupid’
he’s scared to look at you but when he does
youre giving him this shit-eating grin
you, smug: so you finally admit it huh
aomine: what the hell y/n
you reveal that you just wanted him to say all that and now that he has, you’ve won!
he’s half red because of frustration and half because of embarrassment but well
that’s one of the reasons he loves you ofc
kise, murasakibara, kuroko, momoi under the cut!
patiently waits for his chocolates
but he has to wait hourrrrssss because he has a photoshoot that day which sucks because he’d wanted to stay over so he wouldn’t get caught with fans going over
and inevitably he does get caught by a bunch of fans and gets given loads of chocolates from them
but of course he’s waiting for yours
so he can’t wait until he meets up at your house and you greet him with a bright smile and his is equally as bright
he’s really not subtle at all
kise: hey hey y/n-cchi did you make me some chocolates?????? im really craving chocolates today!!!!!! chocolates you made!!!!! because i love you!!!!! (he had been too excited to realise mayyybe bringing over the chocolates his fans gave him would give the wrong impression so he hastily shoved them all under his coat at the last minute this boy)
you: you can just say you want some you know...i know its valentines 
when you give it to him he’s over the moon. he’s...very dramatic when he tastes them. like a lot
you, slightly worried: thanks. i think. you know if they’re bad you can just say so--
he’s crying tears of joy this silly boy
don’t go outside with this boy during valentine’s 
he will see all those chocolates and sweets and will need them
goodbye money 
you have to promise to buy them all when the clearance sales come out but you and murasakibara enjoy a day-in together maybe baking some sweets yourself because you know that he does actually like to bake despite how ‘lazy and unreluctant’ he seems
he unintentionally does the move where he kisses you and says ‘oh there was something on your face’ because there was genuinely something on your face and he does not realise what a cliche cheesy romance film move that is
you already have some sweets ready so he munches on them whilst you wait for the others to finish
and surprisingly, murasakibara gives you half of what you both made. its special because he usually just gives like...a quarter which is fair because your appetites are nowhere near the same let’s be honest
he does it because he vaguely recalls muro-chin saying something about how “valentine’s day is a special day for y/n-san” and slightly misinterprets it 
it’s a touching gesture coming from him of course
you gotta cherish it because once you two go buy those leftover sweets the next day...
you know him well enough by now that you understand that despite how small his smile is, he’s smiling wide inside when you give him the vanilla milkshake you made and maji burger coupons you made/got
he asks for the recipe to make and even though you’re more than willing to tell it to him, he insists that you need to show it to him
you, explaining: so then you just add the rest of the--
kuroko: i apologise, i do not understand, y/n-san. can you please show it to me instead?
you: are you sure? i’m sure you can do it fine!!! here, i’ll write it down!!
kuroko: no, please. i am not confident in my ability. i will be more confident with you by my side 
you blush at his words because they are so genuinely truthful but also cheesy af
so, kinda like murasakibara, you guys make some vanilla milkshakes together
kuroko smiles a heck of a lot but it’s always when you’re back is turned whether it’s getting the ingredients from the cupboard or turning the blender on so you miSS A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL SMILES FROM THIS BOY 
but in the end you two make more than enough for the both of you so you have to store some for later
it only makes the memories last all the more
well its canon that shes not...great at cooking and that goes for baking 
and contrary to popular belief, she is aware of that fact (she just tries realllllly hard to deny it because her food tastes fine!!! maybe burnt or salty af but fine!!!)
so she tries this time
employing kagami to help her through saying dai-chan will do a one-on-one with him (its not true but. but she will get the redhaired boy to help her make these chocolates the best damn thing you’ve ever tasted or else)
its hard work (kagami thinks he’s worked harder than any basketball game ever)
but the work pays off and the chocolates taste..................good!!!!
momoi is sooooooo excited to give them to you (because of course she is she’s a romantic)
you on the other hand are searching on google for “how to eat food you don’t like” “how to not gag” “how to lie”
because you love love love momoi and do not want to hurt her feelings but h o w will you eat what she makes
so you get such a huge surprise when you anxiously bite into the chocolate and it’s.......
and maybe it’s just your love for momoi making you really biased but damn it’s so good!!
momoi, worriedly because you haven’t really moved for a few minutes: is it good????
you: ...no--
momoi, panicking: *thinking* nononono but but kagami said it was good did he lie i am going to kill him ohmygodohmygod
you: it’s the best chocolates i’ve ever eaten
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decayingdirk · 3 years
2022 predictions but its only animation stuff because live action just hasnt been it for me recently:
animation hyperfixations of 2022 (new stuff only):
major: the boondocks reboot if it's bad, tmnt (i get to add it here cause its getting a movie but technically its already got a fanbase), blue lock, chainsaw man
minor: the boondocks reboot if its good (it deserves better), angry birds (i hate this), supernatural academy (the fanbase will be similar to miraculous ladybug, but at the size of tales of arcadia probably? trends when new stuff comes out, pretty much dead otherwise), gross girls, spy x family, link click (its already been talked about a bit but i think its gonna get a more solid fanbase)
western animation predictions:
stuff that will be good: the house (stop-mo, connected short stories, netflix), new spiderverse, DC league of super pets (surprisingly) (the animation will be boring tho), lightyear, puss in boots: the last wish (this is just hope tbh), Wendell and wild (stop-mo, Selick is on it), the sea beast (hope)
stuff that will not be good but ill wish it was: turning red (please let me be wrong), bad guys (i like the steps away from mass media 3d animation though), bob's burgers movie (disney has it. at least itll be 2d ig), strange world (it's the director and a writer from raya, which was full of squandered potential), blazing samurai (if anyone watches it)
stuff that will get attention like it's good but won't be: hotel transylvania, minions: rise of gru (but you already knew that), the mario film, the night at the museum animated movie, pinocchio (the animated one) (theres gonna be both a live action and an animated one this year lol) (also its directed by del toro??? who just released a live action pinocchio also??? the fuck)
this is mostly big studio stuff cause i dont wanna look for every fuckin animation project thats coming out so. whatever it is will fall into one of these categories cause big studio animation doesnt really get universally disliked it just stops being talked about. so no “its just bad” category for you.
eastern animation predictions:
donghua has already been getting more popular and its only gonna kick up. finally. 
manhwa will follow but maybe less? probably wont REALLY get going till 2023 but it is coming. finally.
stuff that will be good: chainsaw man (if it isnt... yes it is.), tiger & bunny s2 (PLEASE. PLEASE), cyberpunk: edgerunners (itll get bad reviews but i will like it), dragon ball super: superhero, spy x family (they cant fuck this up its too camp. even if its bad itll be good), tokyo revengers s2 (itll be average), blue lock, the genius prince’s guide to raising a nation out of debt, the orbital children, demon slayer s2 (dont see how they could fuck this up tbh), girls’ frontline (maybe?), link click s2, daily life of the immortal king s3 (might just be mediocre)
stuff that will not be good but ill wish it was: uzumaki (itll be fine but like in no way better than the manga), arifureta s2, sabikui bisco (honestly i prob wont even watch it cause i dont usually like post-apoc anime but this is my gut feeling), sasaki and miyano (i will eat my fucking shoe if someone does a slice of life comedy BL well), requiem of the rose king (honestly just dont wanna get my hopes up that theyll do intersex rep well)
stuff that will get attention like its good but wont be: new my hero academia content (it fell off a while ago guys cmon), dragon ball super: superhero (gotta be safe), kakegurui twin,  attack on titan: final season part 2 (i dont even watch aot anymore but its an ending i doubt theyll do justice to), heaven official’s blessing s2 (ive read the novel it cant be good when i know theyre removing the mlm stuff)
its just bad: spriggan (ive heard the manga’s good but the anime just. wont be.), my dress-up darling (this will probably just be my personal opinion lol it could very well be objectively well made and i just dont like it),  love of kill (consent? doubt it)
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skiasurveys · 7 years
1. Are you related to the last person you spoke to? no
2. Are your blankets normally kicked all over the place when you wake up? No.
3. Do you wear an eye mask when you go to sleep? Nope. but i should
4. Are family get-togethers fun or awkward for you? depends on which side and what the new drama is -_-
5. Are any of your friends hoping to be famous one day? probs
6. What do you do if someone way too old for you hits on you? ignore them. its really awkward.
7. Can you eat a whole pizza by yourself? no thats gross lol
8. Do you wear a lot of red clothes? No.
9. Do you lock the doors? yes
10. Is coffee better with or without milk? eh 
11. When was the last time you were at a hotel? a year ago i think
12. Who would you kiss right now if you could kiss anyone? connor
13. Are you afraid of the dark, or were you ever? i kind of am
14. Do you have trust issues? yeah
15. When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard? the other day
16. What are your plans for Thursday? thats today so..nothing 
17. Have you had your birthday yet this year? no
18. Are you playing hard to get right now? i dont need to
19. Do you still talk to the person you were dating five months ago? we are still dating
20. Does cuddling freak you out? no
21. Are your toenails painted? No.
22. Have you ever told someone you were in love with them? Yes.
23. Ever slapped a guy in the face? nope
24. Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
i was blonde for like 2 years then went back to brown and i prefer the brown now but i look good in both tbh
25. Did you make anything to eat today? mac n cheeese
26. Do you wear eyeliner? nope
27. What’s your favourite part of the song that you’re listening to? I’m not listening to music. <--same
28. Do you think you’re a good friend? i could be better
29. If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? Fall. <-- same
30. Could you go out in public looking like you do now? yes
31. What was on your mind mostly today? school
32. Who was the last person you got into a small argument with? mom
33. Can you handle the truth? Not always.
34. Are there some songs you can’t listen to because they remind you of someone? yes
35. Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? yeah :)
36. Where did you sleep last night? My bed.
37. Did you have a good day yesterday? it was kind of bad then went good :3
38. What was the highlight of today? nothing
39. Do you hate anyone? yes
40. Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now? dont need to
41. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
42. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe?
43. Do horror movies these days scare you? eh im not a fan of them
44. What is the best thing that’s happened in the past week? connor and i telling eachother how much we love eachother and staying up all night with him was nice too
45. What colour is your hair? brown
46. What did you do yesterday? just chilled
47. What are you doing tonight? might go to subway but idk really 
48. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger? When? kind of
49. Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? yeah
50. Do you want to fix things with anybody? kind a
51. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? i could
52. Is your hair long enough to pull over your face like a moustache? Yes
53. Do you ever find yourself making up survey questions throughout the day? No lol
54. Who is your favourite online friend? i have a lot of them 
55. What was the last thing you tried for the first time? i cant remember 
56. What was the last thing you said out loud, and how loud were you speaking? “Um”
57. What’s your favourite nail polish colour to wear or see on others? cyan
58. What was the last thing you learned? idk
59. How warm do you like your showers/baths to be? hot
60. Are there any advertisements/commercials you actually like? Which? eh i like some of them but nothing specific
61. How often do you visit your relatives? not often 
62. In your opinion, what is the scariest natural disaster? All of them.
63. What design is on your bed sheets? Theyre just beige 
64. What is your favourite brand of fizzy drink? dr pepper
65. As a kid, did you use toothpaste that wasn’t minty? yes usually bubblegum
66. What is your favourite vegetable? idk
67. Do you have any other countries’ timezones saved to your computer/mobile phone? No.
68. Is your username the same for every website? for some not this one tho
69. What do you have in your online bookmarks? facebook, tumblr, youtube, discord, and my school blackboard
70. Do you have a lucky number? Why is it so lucky? no
71. Do you set your browser to remember passwords? ye.
72. Describe the perfect burger: beef, mushrooms, cheese, mayo
73. What was the last thing you made yourself to eat? mac n cheese
74. Do you agree that the nude scenes in movies are generally unnecessary? yeah sometimes they are very pointless lol
75. Have you ever stood on a sea creature while at the beach? Uh no?
76. What’s worse; speaking in all caps, or all lowercase? All caps.
77. What’s your favourite place to go for fast food? mcdonalds
78. How many fillings do you have? A couple
79. Do you prefer warm or cold hands? Well, warm.
80. Have you ever had a mud fight? No.
81. When you see people in love, is your first reaction “ew” or ���cute”? depends on the story 
82. Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought it had actually happened? Yes
83. Do you know anyone who closely resembles someone else? Yeah.
84. When your sunburn peels, do you leave it or pull at it? leave.
85. What type of food do you find yourself craving most (sweet, savoury, meat, etc.)? savory
86. Why did you last go to the doctors? meds
87. Are you good at Name That Tune? sure
88. Do you ever know the people who pop up in your “Who you might know” list? sometimes i know of them but hardly
89. Do you ever highlight excerpts of books that you particularly enjoy? no
90. How easy is it for you to recognise what quote/lyric something is from? eh depends
91. On a scale of one to ten, how tired are you currently? 100000
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skittles-pixie · 7 years
85 statements
R U L E S : you must answer these eighty five statements and tag twenty people
I was tagged by the always wonderful @essentiallychaotic​
I would like to tag: dude idk if I know 20 people to tag but ill try... if I tag you and you don't want me to please tell me @iridescentautistic​ @mybloodyplacemats​ @wanderer-and-muse​ @standswithpotatos​ @alaskanomad​ @melodychanges​ @happydance416​ uuuuuuh idk that's 7? lol @everyone that works right?
Part 1: the last:
drink: Twist up its a lemon lime soda... idk I asked my boy for a drink and that's what he brought me
phone call: My mother she woke me up two days ago
text message: to me- my mother.... from me- my coworker
song you listened to: Brittany spears toxic started playing on the radio when I got home from work
time you cried: Last night... combination of hormones and touchy feely movie... hormones suck...
Part 2: Ever:
dated someone twice: uh ive been on more than one date with my boy... otherwise my dating history is a little unclear... several guys who acted like we were dating and then refused to actually call it a date... so yeah idk...
kissed someone and regretted it: ooooooooh yeah.....  alcohol is bad for you kids......
been cheated on: nope... ive only been in the one relationship and I have a very loyal boy
lost someone special: yes... both in passing away and by loosing touch....
been depressed: been? as in passed tense... lol try still depressed... ive learned how to handle it though, and it helps to have an outlet that's not controlled by my mother, and people who care about me. and to not be told how terrible I am every 5 minutes.
gotten drunk and thrown up: I had a crazy 21st birthday.... after that I try not to get that drunk... but it happens on occasion... lol
Part 3: Favourite colours: ALL OF THEM!!! I really like colors.. though green, blue, and blood red are prolly my top colors...
Part 4: In the last year have you:
made new friends: yes.... more like my boy made friends and introduced me, but yeah I always meet new people
fallen out of love: Naw  I love my boy too much
laughed until you cried: yeeeeah.... I laugh a lot lol....
found out someone was talking about you: yeah apparently people talk about me a lot “oh yeah I know who you are” is a phrase I hear a lot when meeting people... also I guess my boy talks about me? but from what I hear people usually say good things
met someone who changed you: yeah ive spent some time getting to know myself better
found out who your friends are: yeah.... and in the process ive lost almost all of them, but I'm done trying too hard to get people to like me. I want to be invited out not just kinda sorta included but only if somebody else takes me. So yeah... long story short I found out that my friends are simply not....lol... I do still have the good ones though....
kissed someone on your facebook list: don't have facebook.... if I did it would prolly be yes though lol....
Part 5: General:
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: yeah still don't have facebook
do you have any pets: Theyre not really mine, but I live with 2 doggos
do you want to change your name: when I was little I wanted to change my name... I wanted something more pretty like rose or diamond.... but now I'm pretty happy with my name... would only change my last name if the occasion called for it....
what did you do for your last birthday: If I remember right I went to my physics class and then chilled in the empty cabin.... my boys aunt and uncle were visiting from Germany and got me a cake and a couple of presents... but on the actual day of my birthday I was pretty much alone... but birthdays are gross anyway
what time did you wake up: 1 pm lol... I'm too much of a night owl
what were you doing at midnight last night:  I was finishing my movie and playing with my phone... I wanted to snap about how the sunlight in Alaska makes fireworks a bummer for the 4th, but I was too lazy lol  
name something you can’t wait for: not having schoolwork.... I'm so glad to be done.....
when was the last time you saw your mom: may when she came up for my graduation... it wasn't too bad... she only put  me down once....
what are you listening to right now: bobs burgers.... my boys watching it
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes.... I have a friend named tom.... we don't talk very often... but hes still my friend....
something that is getting on your nerves: my one coworker.... he pisses me off...
most visited website: tumblr.... or Netflix....
hair colour: blonde... which is kinda an ombre cause I dye it lighter and then let it grow out and then repeat so its always lightest on the bottem lol... though I'm trying to let it grow out for a bit...
do you have a crush on someone: my booooooooooooy (please read that in a super cheasy sappy sarcastic tone)
what do you like about yourself: that's a tough question... lol... But I like my ability to be stubborn... It helps me work hard to get what I want and be a better person.... and I get to prove people wrong which is great because so many people have told me that I would never really succeed because the odds were too stacked against me...
piercings: don't have any... have considered earings.. but nah....
blood type: yeah... no idea
nickname: cece ce Cebu skittles pixie.....
relationship status: dating and hopeful for the future cause this is a very good one...
zodiac: leo
pronouns: She/Her
favourite tv show: Gilmore Girls, buffy, charmed, x files.... idk I watch a lot of shows...
tattoos:  I absolutely love them... but my fear of needles and my indecisiveness mean that I don't have any nor any plans to get one... but I love henna... 
right or left handed: right handed when it comes to writing... but ambidextrous for just about anything else...
piercing: no.
sport: uuuuh I don't follow any major teams or anything... but I'm always down to watch baseball, basketball, hockey, or soccer... ill gladly play any sport but I'm sorely out of shape lol and I don't always know all the rules... football still confuses me...
vacation: everywhere lol.... but right now Germany, Ireland, las vagas, japan, or just taking time off to travel around Europe in general, are all at the top of my list.....
pair of trainers: ????? idk????
Part 6: more general :
eating: Most food is good... I will prolly die if you ever feed me spicy food tho
. drinking: water, iced tea, hot tea, coffee, some soda but not very much or very often, milk, alcohol...
I’m about to: prolly go to bed so I don't  die working the morning shift tomorrow
waiting for: it to be dark at night again lol...
want: my degree, a job that utilizes that degree, my own place.
get married: one day. ive got some time before anything happens... but I found my person....
career: Chemistry.... in Alaska.... man I'm still piecing that one together.... but environmental chemistry is super cool... and id love to work with the Alaskan environment, to keep it safe and clean and to better understand how it works
hugs or kisses: both... but mainly hugs... I'm a very touch oriented person....
lips or eyes: lips...  idk why cause I love eyes too... but I'm fascinated with how peoples lips look.... like I never understood those superhero masks that just cover their eyes because I always recognize people by their lips and how they talk
shorter or taller: taller....... when I'm around tall people I feel smaller and that makes me happy... plus like.. they can reach the shit that I cant lol...
older or younger: I'm sooo old...... not really but sometimes I feel like it so idk lol
nice arms or nice stomach: arms... always.... especially shoulders...
hook up or relationship: uh before my current relationship I was totally all for either though I focused mainly on hook ups... but now I'm content with the relationship thing....
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker... definitely... but usually its a good thing.... I never much cared for rules...
kissed a stranger: oh yeah... many times...
drank hard liquor: yup... do it a lot... but life in Alaska....
lost glasses or contact lenses: forgot where I put them a few times... but always found them... break glasses a lot tho....
turned someone down: yeeeeah... guys usually don't respond well... I know... big surprise...
sex on the first date: yup... i love sex....
broken someone’s heart: yeah.... it was terrifying... i vaguely knew him through mutual friends and similar activities...  he asked to be my valentine when id told him that id never had one before ... valentines was about two weeks away... we saw each other for like a week... he had my entire future planned out for me... and i couldn't get passed the fact that he was 14 years older than me....  when i told him things weren't gonna work he broke down bawling.... and our mutual friends told me how bad he was after the conversation....
had your heart broken: yeah... and then toyed with... it was fuuuuuun.......
been arrested: no I'm an good kid who can do nothing wrong... and anytime ive done anything illegal i was always with people who took all the attention off of me....
cried when someone died: yeah... ive known too many people that have died....
fallen for a friend: yup... it didn't work out
Part 7: do you believe in:
yourself: Its a work in progress lol.
miracles: yes. This world is not always as terrible as the people who inhabit it...  
love at first sight: you know... i never used to believe in it... but then i met my boy and i swear to god it was like i saw the puzzle pieces of my life fall into place around me... we were pretty drunk but to this day i still cant explain why i had such a strong urge to meet this man. why i insisted that he had to play pool with us... we already had more than enough people to play... but he had to be there with us.... and from that moment on my life has just gotten better and better....
Santa Claus: I guess... more like i believe that once upon a time he exsisted....
kiss on the first date: yes... again I'm a very touch oriented person....
angels: I think theres a lot of things out there that we do not understand and we are not ment to... so yeah i think angels exist...
Part 8: Other:
current best friend’s name:
Mckenzi is my go to... but Daniel is also my best friend.... I have a few others too like maddi... but if i named everyone then id be naming like all my friends and that would make me sad because I'm too social to have such a small social group lol....
eye colour: blue....
Favourite movie: depends on my mood... but i can never really pick a favorite...
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All of the bug + botanical asks. c:
Butterfly: Favorite colors? Blues, purples, and greens (:
Caterpillar: Favorite food? Pizza and fried chicken :P OH and burgers! And seafood lol 
Spider: Do you like to be alone, or with other people? Depends, usually like being alone or just with the gf
Praying mantis: Do you have any crushes? Duh! Have you seen Ryan Reynolds???
Housefly: What are your biggest pet peeves? Being asked what my pet peeves are
Mosquito: Favorite season? Fall :D I love all the colors and the weather and wearing warm clothes!
Cockroach: Have you ever been bullied? Yeah, pretty severely :/
Wasp: Have you ever bullied anyone? I have, and I hated myself for it. And I wish I could apologize to the people I treated that way
Bumblebee: What is your dream job? I want to be and make people happy. Ideally through videos, photos, or music.
Firefly: What is your dream date? April 25th
Moth: Do you believe in the paranormal? I do! Ive experienced the paranormal before
Beetle: Have you ever been in a fight? Ive been in a small handful of fights. OR maybe an average sized handful? I dunno lol
Earthworm: What was your favorite class in elementary school? Uhhhhh... I dunno? Lol I guess English
Ant: What kind of job do you have? Senior Executive Assistant to the Regional Manager
Scorpion: Biggest fears? Only getting nine nuggets in my 10pc
Centipede: Do you smoke? Yeah. All the haters in Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Millipede: Have you ever done drugs? Never
Grasshopper: Favorite bands? UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Cicada: Do you like to sing? I LOVE TO SING! Sometimes I suck, sometimes I suck less lol
Cricket: Favorite genre of music? FUCK
Stick bug: Where do you want to travel to? Nice places :3__________________________________________________________baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with: Music, vidya gaems, comfort food, stars, introversionbleeding heart: what makes you heart go mushy? @dahuntressbellflower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy? Cant Stop This Feeling by Justin Timberlakeevening primrose: what’s your sleeping playlist (give me 5 songs)? M4 EP - Fauntsforget-me-not: who is your favorite blog who isn’t following you? I have no idea lol I love my mutuals daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get? Bird of Paradise. Theyre toxic to cats :(calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening? Rainy all day foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade? Blue... Blue? Ive taken four years of art and I cant remember the difference between shade and tint lol [One Google search later] Navy blue!lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have? *crying through laughter* A normally functioning brain hahahahahlove in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember? I was a scientist/researcher Indiana Jones type person??? And found something I shouldntve. And the FBI was chasing me... And I had a cane that was a sword??? Like the cane was the sheath. I have weird dreams loldaisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice? DONT LIKE COTTON CANDY. Fav flav of ice cream is Moose Tracks :3 And my favorite juice is apple juice :Dpainter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist? Definitely instrumentalist, and then singer. Not big on dancing lol I wanna be better at painting tho!tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc? Dont wear make-up lolwaxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person? I love bees! Butterflies are nice tho too (: And I love dogs and cats, but I’d say I like dogs a bit moresugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why? I do! But my teeth cant always handle it :P MY favorite sweets are Boston Creme doughnuts, Reeses Cups, old fashioned glazed doughnuts, a lot of other doughnuts because man I fuckin love doughnuts, Twix, uhhhhhh yeahsunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid? I guess a mermaid :Psweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other? I call her lots of things. Bread. 2% milk. Sweetie pie. sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do? I can swim, I can do the doggie paddle lolwindflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them. Why would I explain why you like them?goldenrod: are you more of a baker or a cook? A cook :P My gf is the bakerbloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children? STOP EATING THE FUCKING COUCHpeony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you? I dunno. Theyre not exactly full of good adviceprairie gentian: do you have a significant other? I DO!september flower: are you more of a sunrise or sunset person? Sunsetbird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early? I wake up early-ish sometimes. I also sleep early sometimes lolmarigold: what’s your favorite tea? I like just regular black tea, green tea is also nice. I once had this citrus and something else black tea that was PHENOMENAL! peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets? Casper, Charlie, Oscar, Otis, Boogie, Lady, Po, Dobby, Yoda, Frizzo, Carter, Lucifer (Lucy), Gizmo, Bones, Sheep, and Izzyhyacinth: do you name your plants? I will when we get some!lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends? Both? Both is good.poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is? It depends on my mood really loldandelion: any special talent that you have? I can make weird noises with my mouth lol
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dmbakura · 8 years
I'm sorry for your loss. puzzleshipping? for the ask?
thank you
How did they they meet?: refer to the manga
Who developed romantic feelings first?: probably atem
Who is their biggest “shipper?”: the rest of their friends? pff gramps is their biggest shipper probably
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: they’ve probably shared a kiss in their soul room... or two
Who confessed their feelings first?: assuming atem comes back, i think they’d both confess their feelings at the same time. either they both came to the conclusion they liked each other while they were separated, or they knew before the ceremonial duel but didn’t share because they’d be separated anyway
What was their first official date?: once atem has his own body they have a ‘real’ date and probably just do their regular activities (burgers, arcade, etc)
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?: love em. the more the merrier
What do they do in their down time?: game, just hang out and enjoy each other’s presences
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: it was probably a little weird on sugoroku’s part (grandson suddenly split into two and dating each other? well alright) but i think he got over it quickly. went quite well otherwise.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: fuck what WOULD puzzleshipping fight over..... hm i think atem has a tendency not to be the most honest at times and maybe yugi notices it. its not much of a fight, its just a firm reminder that atem doesnt have to suppress his feelings
Which one is more easily made jealous?: neither of them honestly?
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?: refer to wiki
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: facing each other, not getting enough of the fact the other is there and theyre not separated 
Are they hand holders?: YES. a better question would be when are they not holding hands
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: probably a few months after they start dating? then they kinda just slide into it naturally
Who tops?: yugi
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?: *throws arms up and shrugs* it would have to be some result of miscommunication or something but IDK
Who does the shopping and the cooking?: both of them together
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: possibly atem but im not sure
Who proposes?: yugi probably
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: N/A
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: jonouchi and honda are the groomsmen... and anzu is the bridesmaid even if theres no bride lol
Big Ceremony or Small?: they’d probably want something small but kaiba’s like ‘hell nah’ and funds them a huge wedding and ALSO publicly challenges atem to a duel right when he’s walking down the aisle
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?: they’d go some place tropical to escape i think
Do they have children? How many?: they adopt one (1) child because i think yugi would want a child
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obliviousswampqueen · 7 years
200:My crush’s name is:Ya’ll don’t get to know that but he is a mutual.
199: I was born in: Idaho
198:I am really: Comfy
197:My cellphone company is: AT&T
196:My eye color is: Blue-green
195:My shoe size is: 7
194:My ring size is: I don’t really wear rings so I’m not sure
193:My height is: 5ft1
192:I am allergic to: SO MUCH STUFF Big ones are tho are bees, cats, and red onions
191:My 1st car was: 2001 Chevy Malibu
190:My 1st job was: Shelf stocker
189:Last book you read: 5th Wave?
188:My bed is: Big and cozy
187:My pet: Cute and wonderful
186:My best friend: @leeminlimer hes a really good cook but hes lonely so if you’re a cute girl hit him up lmao
185:My favorite shampoo is: Cherry Blossom
184:Xbox or ps3: I’m so bad at video games it’s not even funny
183:Piggy banks are: Cute and unreasonable for me
182:In my pockets:Probably a receipt from the grocery store 
181:On my calendar: Work and a doctors appointment on Friday
180:Marriage is: Sounds pretty cool to me
179:Spongebob can: Get really annoying but I also love it
178:My mom: She’s crazy and I love her
177:The last three songs I bought were? OK- Being as an Ocean
                                                                  Humblest Pleasures- Turnover
                                                                  Hum- Tigers Jaw
176:Last YouTube video watched: A bathroom remodel thing
175:How many cousins do you have? Cousin alone like 10? Including their spouses and kids like 18 I think.
174:Do you have any siblings? Three all older.
173:Are your parents divorced? Nope, they’ve been married for 30 years.
172:Are you taller than your mom? No -.-
171:Do you play an instrument? I used to know how to  play the guitar really badly.
170:What did you do yesterday? Helped replace the bathroom cabinets and clean.[ I Believe In ]169:Love at first sight: I guess so why not.
168:Luck: Yeah
167:Fate: Maybe?
166:Yourself: Eh
165:Aliens: HELL YEAH
164:Heaven: Yeah
163:Hell: So I think so but I have some conflicting feelings as to how I was always told we are all Gods children and he loves us and has a plan for us all but if you don’t believe in him you’re going to hell even if you’re a good person but if rapists and murders believe in God they’ll be forgiven and live eternally in heaven.
162:God: Yeah
161:Horoscopes: Nope
160:Soul mates: Yess
159:Ghosts: oooo yup
158:Gay Marriage: I like how this is in the same category as God and magic and ghosts. But yes.
157:War: Yes? I mean it happens?
156:Orbs: Like circles or ghost orbs. Yes to both.
155:Magic: Nah, I don’t think so.[ This or That ]154:Hugs or Kisses: Hella miss being kissed rn
153:Drunk or High: High, only pot tho
152:Phone or Online: Online
151:Red heads or Black haired: I look better with red but probably black hair on other people
150:Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette
149:Hot or cold: Hot
148:Summer or winter: Summer
147:Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146:Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
145:Night or Day: Night, love me some starry nights
144:Oranges or Apples: Oranges but only if theyre tart
143:Curly or Straight hair: Curly on me
142:McDonalds or Burger King: Neither?
141:White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Neither? they make my stomach hurt
140:Mac or PC: PC
139:Flip flops or high heals: Flipflops 
138:Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m already ugly and poor :/
137:Coke or Pepsi: Neither
136:Hillary or Obama: Obama
135:Burried or cremated: BURN ME
134:Singing or Dancing: Horrible at both but singing
133:Coach or Chanel: Neither I just said I’m poor
132:Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I don’t know who those people are
131:Small town or Big city: In the middle
130:Wal-Mart or Target: Target
129:Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Staying loyal to Night at the Museum, Ben Stiller
128:Manicure or Pedicure: Neither, I don’t like strangers touching me
127:East Coast or West Coast: West
126:Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday
125:Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
124:Disney or Six Flags: Never been to either
123:Yankees or Red Sox: I don’t know anything about sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122:War: I think that people fight for what they believe in at all costs but a lot of innocent people die along the way and it would be nice if people could settle differences without fighting but thats a fairys and rainbow daydream that won’t come true but on the other hand some people are incredibly shitty and need to be held accountable for their actions
121:George Bush: Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams
120:Gay Marriage: Lettem get married
119:The presidential election: It was a shitshow and now look where we are fucktrump
118:Abortion: It’s a womans choice
117:MySpace: I made one in 5th grade and had no friends on it but I felt so bad ass
116:Reality TV: I don’t watch it
115:Parents: Mine are pretty alright
114:Back stabbers: Why do people have to be so mean113:Ebay: I’ve never used it
112:Facebook: It’s alright
111:Work: I touch strangers fr a living and as I said before I don’t like people touching me so I have 40 hours of personal hell.
110:My Neighbors: They  have really cute goats
109:Gas Prices: TOO HIGH (im poor)
108:Designer Clothes: SO SPENDY (im poor)
107:College: SO EXPENSIVE (im poor but need a degree)
106:Sports: I’m bad at them
105:My family: They’re bat shit crazy
104:The future: Hopefully it’s good[ Last time I ]103:Hugged someone: Last night
102:Last time you ate: I’m eating applesauce atm
101:Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Today I saw a doc I used to work with
100:Cried in front of someone: Not sure
99:Went to a movie theater: Ummmm 7 months maybe more?
98:Took a vacation: December 2015 and that was my only vacation
97:Swam in a pool: A few years ago
96:Changed a diaper: When my nephew was a baby so fourish years ago
95:Got my nails done: Two years ago
94:Went to a wedding: Four years
93:Broke a bone: Never
92:Got a peircing: Had my nips pierced for a while about two years ago
91:Broke the law: A few days ago
90:Texted: Like 25 minutes ago[ MISC ]89:Who makes you laugh the most: Depression memes
88:Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My dog
87:The last movie I saw: Zodiac
86:The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving out
85:The thing im not looking forward to: Being in clinic
84:People call me: Sarah
83:The most difficult thing to do is: Have strangers in my personal space
82:I have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope
81:My zodiac sign is: Cancer
80:The first person i talked to today was: My mom
79:First time you had a crush: Four or five?
78:The one person who i can’t hide things from: My therapist
77:Last time someone said something you were thinking: Last night “ That’s so gross”
76:Right now I am talking to: No one
75:What are you going to do when you grow up: Be a teacher
74:I have/will get a job: Have
73:Tomorrow: Work
72:Today: Work
71:Next Summer: Be less chunky
70:Next Weekend: Go on an adventure
69:I have these pets: The best dog in the world
68:The worst sound in the world: Cutting Styrofoam or it rubbing together
67:The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself
66:People that make you happy: All my friends
65:Last time I cried: A couple weeks ago
64:My friends are: Pretty sweet
63:My computer is: Really loud
62:My School: I’m a adult
61:My Car: Is really REALLY sad
60:I lose all respect for people who: Are rude to waiters/ waitresses and children
59:The movie I cried at was: Marley and Me
58:Your hair color is: Dark brown
57:TV shows you watch: Stranger Things, The OA, Criminal Minds, The 100
56:Favorite web site: This hellhole of a site
55:Your dream vacation: Some place with lots of fun hikes and good food
54:The worst pain I was ever in was: The time I quit my job to go to the ER because my cramps were so bad I wouldn’t stand and I was crying and it was bad
53:How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak
52:My room is: Covered in dog hair
51:My favorite celebrity is: Jake Gyllenhaal
50:Where would you like to be: At a happier place in my life
49:Do you want children: Yes!!
48:Ever been in love: Nope
47:Who’s your best friend: Liam
46:More guy friends or girl friends: It’s even
45:One thing that makes you feel great is: Taking a shower
44:One person that you wish you could see right now: Any of my internet friends
43:Do you have a 5 year plan: I’m just trying to make it through the day
42:Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda
41:Have you pre-named your children: I like the name Zena for a girl
40:Last person I got mad at: My sister for being an ass
39:I would like to move to: Washington maybe
38:I wish I was a professional: Adventurer [ My Favorites ]37:Candy: Sour patch kids
36:Vehicle: 1970 Chevelle SS
35:President: Shoutput to Roosevelt for making national parks a thing
34:State visited: Washington
33:Cellphone provider: AT&T
32:Athlete: ????
31:Actor: ????
30:Actress: ???? theres to many options and I don’t remember names
29:Singer: anyone who sings sad songs
28:Band: Being as an Ocean
27:Clothing store: A lot of my shirts are from target
26:Grocery store: Fred’s is the closest so thats where I go
25:TV show: Criminal Minds
24:Movie: Pacific Rim
23:Website: Here
22:Animal: Elephant
21:Theme park: I’ve only been to Silverwood
20:Holiday:  HALLOWEEN 19:Sport to watch: Soccer I guess
18:Sport to play: None I fucking suck at them
17:Magazine: National Geographic specifically any issue on space
16:Book:I really like the Shannara Chronicles 
15:Day of the week: I really don’t mind Mondays
14:Beach: I loved the ones in Maui
13:Concert attended: I’ve never been to one :/
12:Thing to cook: Pancakes
11:Food: Fried Ravioli
10:Restaurant: Jewel Lake Pizza and Chinese Food
9:Radio station: I don’t really listen to it
8:Yankee candle scent: ??? probably apple orchard or something like that
7:Perfume: Tuscan Blood Orange
6:Flower: All of em
5:Color: Yellow
4:Talk show host: Not sure
3:Comedian: Not sure
2:Dog breed: Muts
1:Did you answer all these truthfully? Yeah
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