dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
I am re-using Tumblr just for this blog, please give me some nice garbage x happy Headcanons, not need to be all romantic but like, slice of life? Plz and that k you
I don’t fully understand slice of life, but I think I did pretty good. Also this is pre-relationship, like before they even realize feelings are there. I hope you like it!
Slice of life / Pre-relationship Happy x Garbage headcanons:
Garbage starts making an extra sandwich for Happy after they become friends again. He likes making them for his crew, so why not make his old friend one too? The corgi always makes sure to give Happy the sandwich before the Venus takes off for their mission. Happy really appreciates the gesture and he loves the way Garbage makes his sandwiches.
The two of them often have one-on-one friend dates. Garbage and Happy still take time to hang out with their respective crews, but they really do enjoy getting to spend time together like old times. They mainly eat at the diner or watch movies, talking about their day or reminiscing about training. Often they gossip about the other PET teams, the dogs on the M-Bark and even the things going on in the council. Happy always has the best gossip and Garbage loves listening to him talk.
Sometimes Garbage (and the Pluto crew) invite Happy to hang out after he’s done with council meetings or after missions. Surprisingly he’s merged pretty well into their group. He enjoys spending time with them, even Ed! On the other paw, merging Garbage into the Venus group has been... challenging, but Garbage is determined to get them to like him because Happy is important to him.
Garbage isn’t a fan of video games but a certain poodle is. On a day where Nomi drags most of the crew to the arcade, Garbage runs into Happy playing on various machines. Happy finds some of the games’ repetitive patterns and gameplay to be relaxing so he often comes there to destress. It now gives Garbage a reason to go to the arcade; to watch his friend play. (Garbage still can’t believe that Happy is the one that keeps beating Nomi’s highscore on her favorite alien shooter game.)
Happy is now an honary Pluto member, whether he knows it or not, and because of this, he is obligated to join the Pluto cuddle piles -started by Garbage after becoming captain and after Nomi joined the crew. Happy usually ends up in the middle with Nomi sleeping on his chest or on the outer-ring with Garbage snuggled into his side, sometimes it’s just wherever he passes out. At first Happy was reluctant to join but he quickly found all the cuddling really nice. He does every once in awhile wonder about starting a cuddle pile with his crew, but decides against it since Atlas would probably be the only one that would like it.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Ooo I really enjoy your headcanons (especially that Pepper one!) do you know how Pepper would be when she has a crush?
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Pepper having a crush:
Pepper unknowingly starts to be more soft with you, petting your head whenever she can and always finding time to talk to you. She doesn’t understand why she’s drawn to you.
It’s pretty obvious to the rest of the crew and they find it cute how clueless Pepper seems to be about it. (Maybe it’s obvious to you too and you’re just giving her time to figure it out on her own)
Pepper is only made aware she has developed a crush on you when she starts getting distracted by you on missions. She finds herself thinking too much about you instead of the mission.
It takes a lot of pushing (and an excessive use of the word “logically” by Ed) from the rest of the crew to get her to finally confess. She’s only doing it because it will be a tactical advantage, and not at all because she feels like she might burst if she keeps it in any longer.
A confession from Pepper would be very direct but really sweet. She wants there to be no confusion about her feelings for you. She’d also ask you to walk with her to a date at the diner.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Happy x garbage headcannons
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I have gotten at least 3 requests for this ship and I was very hesitant writing for them but... I love this ship so why not? It’s my blog, I can do what I want lol
Happy x Garbage headcanons:
They’re still constantly teasing eachother and bantering with eachother but it’s more like flirting. Their rivalry still exists, but now they’re trying to impress the other. It’s cute but also a little annoying at times for their respective crews.
Garbage and Happy definitely had feelings for each other back in training but never got to express them because of what happened. I feel like it’d take them a while of being friends again for those feelings to come back.
Garbage and Happy spar whenever they can. They really like honing their skills... and, you know, getting so close to each other in a completely platonic bro way /s.
Happy is the first one to realize he has feelings for the other dog. He may or may not have freaked out a little over it.
Garbage may or may not ramble to Chelsea about Happy a little too much in his messages. That’s probably when he realizes his feelings.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Any dating headcanons for our kleptomaniac Ed?
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Dating Ed headcanons:
Ed will often steal jewelry for you. The pieces are usually not too expensive, he still wants to make money afterall. He just likes to treat you with something nice. If jewelry isn’t your thing, he’ll steal other things for you too.
Stealing from you is off-limits, but he does steal your wallet every once in awhile to pay for dinner -and pretends not to notice when you pickpocket his wallet as revenge.
At night when you’re both alone, Ed will tell you about the heists he’s done and the cons he’s pulled. It’s almost like being told a bedtime story. You love these moments with his whispered retellings the only sound and you wrapped snuggly in his arms.
Dates with Ed usually are eating at the diner or going ‘shopping’ on an alien planet. On more lazy days the two of you would be cuddling on the couch with a movie playing in the background.
The Pluto crew adore you, mainly because you somewhat keep Ed’s klepto tendencies in check and you make him happy.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Sorry I haven’t been posting any requests. I’ve started losing interest in Dogs in Space (two other shows dropped/started new seasons recently) and my phone died. I really prefered writing on there than desktop. Anyway, I really want to try and get most of my requests done and I might close my inbox until I do. I might cut back on the screenshots on each post because taking screenshots on my pc can be a little annoying but I will try my best to use what I have. Please be patient with me, I’m only one person. Also my cat is doing fine, I love them so much.
Edit: The inbox will technically still be open but I’m not accepting requests right now.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
I would like to request light angst. How would Happy be after him and his s/o have a disagreement? Would he be sad for majority of the day?
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Happy after a disagreement with his S/O:
No matter who was right, Happy would be angry after the argument. He’d be irritated for a few hours, every once in awhile becoming calm again until he was reminded of it.
Eventually he’d start to feel sad. He doesn’t like arguing with you at all. He’d plan how to make it better. He’d make your favorite meal and the two of you could have a long, open conversation about what happened.
When it’s all talked out, he’d demand cuddles on the couch and your (him and yours) favorite movie. It’s a sure thing that you’ll have more disagreements, but they will never get in the way of your love.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Whenever you get enough posts, have you thought about a masterlist? (basically a post of all the headcanons/fanfics you've done) an example is here:
That's a really good idea though I'd probably forget to keep it updated haha. I'll start working on that soon.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
How do the Pluto crew react if they find out he is actually a cat who disguised himself as a dog
Sequel to this post.
How the Pluto crew reacts to finding out their new member is a cat spy:
The Pluto crew finding out doesn't go well. If he had told them on his own, maybe it would've been better. But he didn't and now they know and now he has to face the consequences. Will they turn him in or protect their new friend?
Ed, even though he suspected the guy, wasn’t prepared to find out he was a cat. It’s not that he dislikes cats, its more the fact that humans lied to them, again. He doesn’t really know how to feel about his teammate. Sure he lied about what and who he is but, he’s still his buddy right? He can’t just turn him in.
Garbage feels almost sad knowing his feelings were right. He didn’t like cats but... he’d started getting used to having the guy around. It didn’t feel fair that he was actually a cat. Garbage felt like he has to turn him in, but would that be the right thing to do?
Chonies feels furious on Garbage’s behalf. He never really cared too much about the guy but watching his best friend grow despondant over the news really bugged him. If the rest of the crew agreed, he’d turn the cat over in an instant... for Garbage. (Chonies doesn't want to think too much about his own feelings on the situation)
Nomi is a little hurt at first. This is too much like the Kira incident. But the new guy hasn’t really hurt anyone (yet), he’s just spied on them. Sure that’s probably really bad, but he’s really cool and he likes us, right?
Stella feels hurt. She gave him the benefit of the doubt and he turns out to be a spy? She wants to trust he's actually a good guy but... She can't. She can't even trust herself to make the decision on what to do.
Loaf now has a new phobia. He really doesn't want to think about the guy being a cat spy. The rest of the crew can do what they want with this information. He'll just be hiding in his apartment.
Pepper doesn't know whether to be impressed that her holograms called it or be upset that her new teammate was lying to them. She isn't sure what to do now. Turning him in is the most logical and tactical thing to do but... it doesn't feel right.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Could you do Garbage having a crush headcanons?
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Garbage having a crush:
Garbage is very oblivious to others' and his own feelings so he doesn't realize he's falling for a long time.
He doesn't know why he wants you to notice all of his awesomeness but he does. He spends a lot of time bragging to you about his missions. If you're on his team, he'll try to show off so much he risks the mission, much to the annoyance and amusement of his crew.
After a scolding from Stella, he'd move on to giving you lots of gifts to get you to like him. He'd go out of his way to buy your favorite treats and look for clothes he thinks you'll look good in -why does you wearing them make him feel so warm??
He'd be a little jealous at first when seeing you with other dogs. He just doesn't want anyone else stealing your attention. This is probably when he realizes he likes you.
Garbage tries to make his confession extravagant. He wants to sweep you off your feet, make you swoon... but, per usual, it goes badly. Garbage can never catch a break. At least you return his feelings so it wasn't too bad.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Hey, my followers. Sorry if I don’t post in a while. I just got a kitten and she’s my top priority right now. I’ll try to work on requests as much as I can but she’s a handful.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Any terms of endearment Happy would use for his s/o?
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Terms of endearment from Happy and when they're used:
my darling -you're having a bad day and he takes care of you
sweetheart -all the time
glowworm -when he's sleepy or very cuddly, and sometimes when he feels so much love for you he might burst
love of my life -when he catches you doing something silly, very fond
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
The puppies are born in the M-Bark. Happy, Garbage, Kira, Peoper and Loaf babysat the puppies.
How they would babysit puppies:
For the first time ever on the M-Bark, puppies are born! Everything is going great until the parents need to go on an important planetary mission. Since everyone else is busy, Happy, Garbage, Kira, Pepper and Loaf are given the job of babysitting them much to their chagrin.
Happy actually really likes puppies. He absolutely will be the one that ends up under a pile of sleeping puppies at the end of the day. He'd make sure they eat the healthiest food his paycheck can afford. Throughout the day he'd have a few in his arms and multiple clinging to him. The puppies really like playing with his ears.
Garbage loves puppies! They're cute, fun to play with, and will probably see him as their hero. He regales thim with tales of his adventures as captain of the Pluto and reenacting some of his battles much to the puppies' delight. He feeds them the only thing he can make, sandwiches, and eventually passes out on his bed with puppies all around him.
Kira would pretend to be annoyed about having to take care of the puppies but really she finds them so cute. She'd teach them important things they need to know like how to forage for food and how to recognize dangers in the wild -though its hard to do either of those on the M-Bark. She'll eventually wear them out with all the running around and she'll return a bunch of sleeping puppies to their parents.
Pepper is not too big a fan of puppies. Sure they're cute and have such tiny little paws but they're way too unpredictable for her. She'd do her best to keep them entertained with movies, toys, and food so she doesn't have to worry about them getting into trouble. At the end of the day she'll be sleeping through the credits of some movie with puppies curled up beside her.
Loaf is not at all happy to be a babysitter. He's constantly worrying over the puppies getting hurt. Though the day would almost be a nightmare, he'd actually later realize he faced a lot of his fears. He wouldn't do it again though.
All of them babysitting the puppies together would be chaotic. They'd probably keep the puppies in one of their apartments, Happy's maybe, so they don't lose track of them. Happy and Pepper will be trying to keep Garbage and Kira from getting the pups in trouble -aka letting the puppies get into everything, while Happy will be also trying to actually make the puppies their food. Loaf would probably end up fainting from the stress of it all.
The puppies episode was my favorite for a while so I made a gif specifically for this request. Let me know if it’s too fast to look at and I’ll replace it with something else.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Oh hey same anon here! Yes that would be lovely (if you could do that for the other ones that ask what terms of endearment _______ uses)
The Garbage one is edited now, and the other one in my drafts (probably also yours) should be posted later today.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Hey anon that requested the Garbage terms of endearments, is it okay if I edit the post to add when Garbage uses those endearments? The post felt too short to me and I did it on a similar post in my drafts, so I wanted to ask you about it.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Any terms of endearment Garbage would use?
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Terms of endearment from Garbage and when he uses them:
sweetie -when you're having a bad day
babe -when Garbage is trying to be suave, it doesn't work that well
honey -when you've caught him doing something he shouldn't like eating the last cookie
my lovely -when you two are cuddling and he's feeling sleepy (you think he means to say 'my love' but its too cute so you never correct him)
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
This might be a doozy, but could you do dating Pepper headcanons?
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Yesss, Pepper is my girl, haha.
Dating Pepper headcanons:
Being one of the bigger dogs on the M-Bark, Pepper likes to pick you up whenever she can. When you first started dating, she'd always ask permission but now she knows when it's okay to do so. She just really likes to hold you close without having to get on her knees every time. Also she loves to use you struggling to get something from a high shelf as a way to pick you up by the waist. (Benefits of a tall girlfriend!)
Pepper is very matter-of-fact with her words. She doesn’t sugarcoat anything. It took a while to get used to, but you’ve come to prefer her honesty. It really makes her compliments even more nice because you know they’re all true.
Dates usually consist of you napping with your head on her lap while she uploads new data, hanging out in the diner and, on really good days, messing around with her hologram program to find the weirdest scenarios. They're very lowkey and the two of you really enjoy them.
There are three ways you and Pepper sleep together; with her being the big spoon and holding you close, with you laying on top of her, and with you two holding hands in your sleep.
Despite learning not to analyze everything, Pepper can't help but use her skills to keep you from getting seriously hurt. You don't mind it as long as she doesn't treat you like you're fragile.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
Why is Happy such a romantic? I was not expecting that coming from someone who antagonized Garbage 😂
Hey, we don't know everything about Happy. Maybe this is actually canon. /lh
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