#and they're also the destination at the end of his story
undead-moth · 3 months
I've seen a few people mention how the sauce Carmy makes in Apologies is black with white spots, and how in that very scene Sydney is wearing a black bandana with white polka-dots. From what I can tell, most people are interpreting this as an intentional writing choice, which I agree with, but they also seem to be interpreting the sauce as something Carmy did subconsciously.
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I saw one person say that Syd is Carmy's "muse" and she's inspiring his cooking without him even realizing it. Another interpretation I saw was that this dish was evidence of Carmy metaphorically not choosing Sydney, since he throws the dish in the trash in the next scene.
While anybody is allowed to interpret the sauce scene however they want, I thought I would point out that it likely wasn't the writer's intentions for us to interpret this as something Carmy did subconsciously, because the point being made in that dish, or at least what we are supposed to understand about that dish, is that the polka-dot sauce is not supposed to be polka-dotted.
That is a broken sauce. The white dots that are popping up and spreading in it aren't supposed to be there. If this sauce had been made properly, it would have been one consistency, and therefore one color. Chefs don't break sauces, and breaking a sauce is something you're specifically meant to avoid. In the universe of this show, Carmy didn't intend for that sauce to break, and that is why he throws it in the trash. Given that it doesn't make sense for him to have broken the sauce on purpose, that means that he also didn't purposefully mimic Syd's bandana.
In fact, the head chef at the NYC restaurant once mocked Carmy for a broken sauce. At the funeral dinner for Ever, Carmy is thinking about the abuse he endured by that chef, and one of the insults he thinks of during a montage of memories from his past is the chef implying that breaking a sauce makes Carmy broken. It's one of the insults haunting him this season.
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(Edit: I have been informed that chefs do sometimes intentionally break sauces, and it’s called a split-break. I still personally interpret it as unintentional in the show, but it’s interesting to consider the difference in meaning if it’s not.)
That being said, I don't think this means that Sydney's bandana and the sauce coincidentally match each other. This scene takes place in the penultimate episode, directly before the funeral dinner at Ever where Carmy confronts the NYC head chef, and where Chef Terry gives a speech that, in my opinion, is meant to deliver the message of this season.
Throughout the season, the pressure Carmy has placed on himself has only increased. This has affected his ability to cook well. We see Carmy throw away multiple dishes in different episodes. We can assume he screwed these dishes up, but it's impossible to know since Carmy's standards are so high nothing is good enough for him anyway. But with something like a broken sauce, we know. We know that he's not simply being a perfectionist when he throws the broken sauce away. He's definitely screwed the sauce up.
At this point in the season, Carmy's reached his breaking point. This is represented visually in his broken sauce.
However, they could have used any broken sauce, in any colors, couldn't they? It's not a coincidence that they used a sauce that, when broken, is black and white. I think in part the reason they chose the colors black and white is because of what those colors usually represent - darkness vs lightness, wrong vs right, bad vs good - and Carmy is caught in between. At this point in the season, he's on a path toward something dark - but he can choose the light, and both are waging a war inside of him at this moment, breaking him.
It's also still significant that Syd is wearing the black bandana with white polka-dots. Especially because Chef Tery - the foil to the chef who abused Carmy, the narrative good, right, light, representing the path Carmy should be on and needs to choose in the future - also wears a black bandana with white polka-dots this season.
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Together, this all represents what Carmy risks losing if he continues on the same path, and inversely, what he could gain if he chooses the right one. Carmy, the character, is not conscious of any of this, and in the universe of The Bear, none of this means anything - but they do mean something narratively.
Carmy is screwing up, and because of that, he's breaking. He screwed the sauce up, and the sauce broke. The bandanas worn by Chef Tery and Syd represent what he's screwing up, and how that is breaking him. They also represent what he needs to choose in the future to avoid breaking, and to make things right.
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boxingcleverrr · 9 months
Popular Hades & Persephone "retellings" are, rightly, getting dunked on all over the socials right now and, as a Pagan who has an altar to the Queen, I could not be happier. But also, I feel like a lot of people miss WHY they're bad - aside from just plain bad writing and lazy tropes. Which are, yeah, also REALLY bad.
Pretty much all retellings try to wave away, or excuse, or twist the whole kidnapping bit. And I actually do have sympathy and understanding for why, when speaking from a modern perspective.
But honestly...you gotta get over it. There are other stories to play fix-it with, not this one.
The Abduction is The Thing.
Were I a little more sober I could bring up chapter and verse of the Hymn to Demeter but frankly, if you know even the middle school mythology curriculum version of the story, you SHOULD know the themes. The story of Persephone was one mothers and daughters in the ancient world held dear, because it was a reality: you will, one day, be swept away from your home to go cleave to a man you most likely know nothing about. You will miss your mother, but chances are very good that he will be a good husband, once you get to know him, certainly better than Zeus or Ares, and he will make you a queen of his home.
Leaving home to marry was often scary, and violent (look up the history of the tradition of Bridesmaids, if you don't already know it - they were originally decoys on the marriage road). Centuries later we'd have tales like Beauty & The Beast serving the same function: comfort, hope, you are leaving your safe loving home to figure life out with a (often older, powerful) stranger. Your trauma over this sudden ending of your childhood made manifest in a Beast, or a God of The Underworld.
It's wonderful that we don't NEED stories like this anymore to comfort us (here, at least, in this culture). But if you try to force them into modern vernacular it just will not work, not really, because you're gutting out the whole point just to have a more tidy romantic male hero.
I have read MANY very good ...novelizations? fanfic(? however you would frame them, but they're certainly not "retellings"), etc. that simply take advantage of the blank spaces in the myth, and there are many!
It's not explicit that sexual assault happens - "The Rape of Persephone" as a title was coined in much earlier eras, when the word was just as often used to simply refer to abduction.
"She was starving!" the gods didn't need to eat. So it's easy to read her eating the Pom seeds as a deliberate choice on her part. Like, shit, people, scholars have written whole papers on the symbolism of this moment, between marriage rites and even yeah, Seph choosing both worlds with her husband's knowing consent.
And that, I think, is the real heart of the thing. People want an utterly mundane, spelled-out story here, as opposed to what it really is, has always been, just like any other myth or religious parable: IT'S A METAPHOOOOOOR.
They don't need to be destined, or meet at a goddamned BALL and then CONSPIRE to fake her kidnapping, or shit, I once saw one where Hades got MIND CONTROLLED by Zeus?! Jesus.
Persephone was yoinked into the Underworld against her will.
That's how it went.
I don't mean this in a "stay out of my belief system!" way, shit I'm a white American chick with delusions of witchery. I mean this in a "stop stressing yourself out trying to make things palatable" way:
This is a very real, very precious myth to many people, BECAUSE for at least that one event, Persephone had no autonomy, BECAUSE for thousands of years most women had no autonomy. Erasing that, sanitizing the fact that a girl is ripped out of the spring, from her mother's arms, is erasing the thing that gave comfort to women for centuries. And people can and should still find power and healing in it now!
Fill in the blanks the story leaves in whatever manner seems fit to you, there's plenty of room, but. Come the fuck on.
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its-your-mind · 8 months
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ORV as textposts 39/???
[Photo ID - 10 images from the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint manhwa with Tumblr posts pasted upon them.
The first image shows the backs of nine members of the main cast as they look toward the sun in the background. The text post is by Tumblr user daisies-on-a-cup and reads, "THEY DID IT THEY ESCAPED THE NARRATIVE!!! THERE IS A WAY OUT!!! THE STORY CAN BE ALTERED!!! YOU ARE NOT STUCK-THERE IS AN ESCAPE!!!! THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL BUT YOU HAVE TO WALK TOWARDS IT!!!!"
The second image shows Kim Dokja in a suit with his hand on his hip. The text post is by Tumblr user yuridefender and reads, "i do love stories that start out with the protagonist going "hi! 👋😀 i am such a normal guy. the most average person ever. 😄 an average joe even. i have no friends or enemies. i spend my time reading books and sing to myself on occasions. nothing to see here! ^^" and it turns out that not only are they a liar but also the most fucked up person ever. and a cunt"
The third image shows Kim Dokja with a shocked face. Yoo Joonghyuk is clutching Kim Dokja's shoulder as he falls. Lee Hyungsung is behind Kim Dokja on the viewer's right, and Yoo Sangah and Shin Yoosung are running toward Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from the viewer's left. The text post is by Tumblr user littlespoonsokka and reads "oh and btw the love was there and it changed everything. if u even care"
The fourth image shows Kim Dokja. The text post is by Tumblr user tomwambsgirl and reads, "being an unreliable narrator is inherently homoerotic". They reblogged with an addition that reads, "what do you have to hide? your sexuality?"
The fifth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk yelling dramatically. The text post is by Tumblr user fembutchboygirl and reads, "He's a cis man. He's transfem. He's nonbinary. He has 35 genders. He's a cis woman. He's a trans man. Gender, he barely knows her. He's transmasc. He's gnc. He doesn't know what a pronoun is. I didn t say his name but he popped into your head didn't he"
The sixth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk staring at Kim Dokja while he holds him by the throat. Kim Dokja is slightly beaten up and smirking back at him. The text post is by Tumblr user neilgayman69 and reads, "They have never canonically fucked. But also they have, and they should, and it would be a horrible idea."
The seventh image has Yoo Joonghyk hunched over in the foreground with Lee Hyungsung to his left and Shin Yoosung to his right. Kim Dokja is in the background with Yoo Sangah on his right and the viewer's left. He's facing Yoo Joonghyuk and the viewer slightly and is hunched over with a sword in his hand. The text post is by Tumblr user billypotts and reads, "stories about time travel are about two things. number one is inevitable tragedy. number two is seeing that inevitable tragedy and saying oh god I will make this right please even if I can't fix it I will try to make this right. also I lied they're about three things and third is obviously love"
The eighth image is a close-up of Kim Dokja with smile and dull eyes against a black background. The text post is by Tumblr user raylangivins and reads, "I love a character who's like "I know exactly who I am and I'm being very authentic about it" and then when you analyse his behaviour even a little bit you realise his self perception is completely selective and delusional."
The ninth image shows Han Sooyoung, Yoo Joonghyuk, and Kim Dokja. Yoo Joonghyuk is leaned over Han Sooyoung's back while Kim Dokja is slightly off to the viewer's right with a confused expression. The text post is by Tumblr user notsoni and reads, "Not soulmates but it always had to be them and they weren't destined to be together but they were doomed to be but also it took everything for them to get here and also it was never supposed to happen but also it always was and had to happen this way. Hope this helps"
The final image shows the members of Kimcom sitting around a garbage-can fire with drinks. The text post is by Tumblr user gothritsu and reads, "if theres no found family what is the God Damn Fucking Point". /End ID]
ID by @incorrect-web-novels tysm!!!
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houserautha · 6 months
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These Destined Ends
Part 3
Summary: Jessica fulfilled the wishes of the Bene Gesserits to produce a daughter. You’re now burdened with the task of not only marrying the na-Baron, but also bearing his child — the Kwisatz Haderach. Will you take your fate into your own hands? Or will it always belong to those who control you?
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: mentions of killing/death, naked concubines (man and woman), threats via penis manhandling
A/N: I have a vague idea of where I’d like the story to go because I love the fun in discovering different things when writing on a loose plan. This chapter ended up longer than I thought it would be but Feyd is just so damn fun to write😂
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You tried not to linger on the implications of your shared quarters.
Angrily you strode after Feyd-Rautha. “What is going to become of my parents?”
“I don’t care.”
You wanted to grab his arm and spin him around, force him to face you. But you were afraid of touching him again, afraid that any little contact would result in an even trade — and you did not want to confront the flicker of attraction you felt when the Harkonnen dragged his lips across your skin. A second reaction would be indicative of something more, and you were determined not to let another scenario arise to find out.
The best you could do was stomp after him. “Well, I do.”
“Nothing will happen.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I just am.”
You mull over this response. Would he tell you differently? You sensed that Feyd-Rautha tended to be brutally honest. Probably because he never had to deal with any consequences in his life. How could he, as na-Baron?
You fail to think of anything else to say and lapse into silence, trusting that he is telling the truth and your parents will be fine. Besides, you comfort yourself, the Emperor would be furious if the Harkonnens just slaughtered one of the other Noble Houses like that. There were laws in place to discourage such atrocities.
Feyd-Rautha continues his unofficial tour, winding through a complicated series of interweaving corridors without speaking. You see several servants along the way, all who keep a cautious distance from you both. You couldn't ignore their curious looks. How strange you felt among them - pale and unblemished like stones smoothed over by a river's constant force. It didn't aid in your comfort.
"Do you not know any of them?" You ask. Feyd-Rautha is anything but a pleasant conversational partner, but at least if you're talking you don't have to listen to your rampant thoughts.
"The servants," you reply, brow furrowing.
He grunts in a noncommittal fashion. "Why would I?"
"Because they work for you." You were on friendly terms with the staff back on Caladan and trying to befriend the Fremen employed to you on Arrakis. The natives were untrusting of you, rightfully so. But you couldn't imagine just ignoring them.
"They're disposable," Feyd-Rautha comments with a wave of his hand. A pair of servants scurry by.
You watch them turn the corner and vanish. "They're afraid of you."
"Am I?"
"Are you what?"
He casts you a sideways look. "Everyone is disposable once their use has expired. Thus is the way of the Harkonnen."
You contemplate this, frowning. "Even you?"
A dry, brittle laugh erupts from him.
"Are you planning on killing me already, wife? Perhaps you'll adapt just fine here."
That wasn't the compliment he thought it was.
You pointedly ignore him. "Are you telling me that there's not a moment that would make you disposable like the rest of us?"
"There is," he says, seemingly unbothered by the threat of his mortality, unlike you. "My uncle has promised the Baronship to me. If I am an unfit ruler then I would be challenged. Thus is the —"
"— way of the Harkonnen," you finish.
Feyd-Rautha flashes you a smile as sharp as the blade of a dagger. "You are quicker than you look."
"But what of the Noble Houses? The Emperor?"
Feyd-Rautha lifts a shoulder. "House Harkonnen has proved powerful for many, many generations. No one dares challenge us. Nor will they," he adds thoughtfully. He pauses. "Do you fret for our children?"
You inhale sharply, swallowing, and it sticks in your throat. You cough out an unconvincing, "I'm fine!" then set to composing yourself, confident that your sanity would be doubted by anyone who happened by. What a way to be viewed by your subjects. Feyd-Rautha just stares at you in poorly veiled amusement.
"I try not to think of our children," you say after you're sure you're done coughing. Something akin to embarrassment burns you skin.
"Pity," Feyd-Rautha says. "These are our quarters."
Feyd-Rautha's quarters are much more grand than your room on Arrakis. He leads you into an antechamber with a skylight, pouring the strange light from the black sun into the space. There's a sunken level in the floor furnished with dark colored furniture — two love seats and a sofa. A handful of glowglobes float aimlessly by.
Feyd-Rautha crosses the room, forgoing the sunken level, to the other side of the antechamber. You have no choice but to follow.
You don't know what you expected from his — your — room. Perhaps a chamber of torture. But it's not the sleek, elegant display before you, a full sized bed with plush bedding and tasteful curtains covering a bank of floor-length windows. It's impeccably neat.
And, to your abject horror, features three naked figures sprawled out on various surfaces. Two women and one man.
Feyd-Rautha ignores them, even as they slink from their positions to greet him, bodies slender and completely hairless, free of any visible blemishes. You feign an interest in the ceiling. It's not that you're naive to nudity or sexuality, but the sudden exposure to it roots you in your place.
"Do you need an invitation?" Feyd-Rautha asks.
When you force your gaze from the ceiling, you find him settled casually in a chair with a low-slung back, the two women kneeling on either side of him and the man behind. You follow their hands as they wander his body.
"No. No."
Where are you supposed to go? If he believes you will worship him like the others than he's sorely mistaken. You walk to the bed, ghosting your fingers over the bedding and confirming its softness. You hate the way that you can feel him watching you, clearly amused by your discomfort; you rally your courage to meet his stare, refusing to acknowledge the naked bodies draped across him.
"Are you quite alright, wife?"
"Fine," you grit out. "I didn't realize we would have company."
"Would you like me to tell them to leave?"
A loaded question, one that you were aware would set the tone for the rest of your life with Feyd-Rautha. A challenge. You control the slight quiver in your voice, "Leave. I wish to be alone with my...husband."
The concubines hesitate, obviously waiting to hear from Feyd-Rautha. He continues to hold your gaze. "Leave."
Uncurling themselves from around him, the women and the man are all white limbs and smooth skin, a multi-limbed creature. Whether or not they are disappointed by this development, they don't reveal, simply sauntering out of the room to wherever they go when they aren't waiting naked for Feyd-Rautha. A feeling of annoyance stirs.
"There's no need to be jealous," Feyd-Rautha says as the door closes.
You bristle. "I'm not."
“Then come here, wife.” Feyd-Rautha spreads his legs, indicating his lap and his powerful thighs. You resent yourself for noticing. “If you dismiss my concubines, then you must come to me now and offer me your warmth instead.”
Another challenge. You wonder briefly if he is playing with you, testing your boundaries, but just as you refused to show weakness in the throne room, you refuse now, crossing the carpeted floor. A surge of bravery — or maybe stupidity — prompts you to wedge your knees on either side of his waist, straddling him, the skirt of your dress hitched up to ensure mobility.
The look on his face is worth the cost of the heat reigniting in the pit of your stomach. You chase it away in pursuit of the heady high you receive from asserting your dominance. He might’ve had the upper hand but you were in control now.
“Warm enough?” You ask him innocently.
“Not quite,” he replies. He’s tipped his head back to examine you, leaving a blazing trail where his gaze goes.
Brazen beyond you imagination, you work the buckle to his pants just enough to slip your hand inside and grab his cock.
That bastard. He was already hard. Not fully erect, you observed with conflicting feelings, but clearly you had your effects on him. Feyd-Rautha showed no shame or guilt about this, however. Like it was expected — normal for women he’s just met to reach into his pants.
And it probably was.
Injured hand screaming in defiance of your actions, you grab the head of his cock and twist, slightly backwards and to the side. You apply pressure, hopefully enough to hurt him, he wouldn’t dare reveal it to you anyway.
“Do not,” you hiss, “embarrass me like that ever again. I will not tolerate looking like a fool.”
Feyd-Rautha’s throat bobs. Except instead of agony he looks totally enthralled. “Or what?” He mocks. “You’ll wrap your pretty hand around my cock?”
“You won’t have a cock for anyone to wrap their hand around.”
“Is that a promise?”
You release him and climb off his lap, figuring it would be more impactful to leave him wanting then lustful. His utter indifference, his arousal, gives you pause to just who you’ve been arranged to marry.
“You disgust me,” you spit out.
Feyd-Rautha’s mouth twitches slightly. Did he really have to find everything funny?
He says, “We’ll see.”
A month passes at Giedi Prime in a disconcerting blur. To your surprise, besides the first afternoon, you hardly ever see Feyd-Rautha. Always busy with important meetings or sparring sessions. Or whatever he did in his spare time. You didn’t ask.
Ever since that day when you’d straddled his lap, you’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. He had said clearly that you were even after the slap but then you’d unexpectedly turned the tables — did he intend on returning the favor?
You informed him that you would sleep on the couch in the antechamber until your wedding, to which he never remarked upon. That first night you lay awake, afraid and absolutely convinced that he would try something. But he never came.
The days passed without event and your anxiety dwindled. Besides, while Feyd-Rautha was busy with na-Baron affairs, you were forced to schlep through a mountain of preparations for the wedding ceremony. You didn’t care, frankly. You chose the first sample of whatever you were offered — tablecloths, menu items, decorations — until one of the servants accompanying you threw down the sample booklet and scowled.
“This will be the most horrendous wedding in the history of the galaxy,” the servant said in exasperation. “And all of them are too afraid of your husband to say anything.”
You had raised a brow, secretly thrilled by this confrontation. At least it broke the monotony of your life here thus far.
“Do you question my taste?”
The servant glared at you. “What taste?”
A moment passed. The other servants stared in horror, undoubtedly convinced that their demise was imminent. Perhaps that was one benefit to being betrothed to the na-Baron. He wielded a certain type of power.
You busted out laughing. In fact, you laughed so hard that tears stream down your face.
“You’re right,” you said, laughter weakening into an uncontrollable giggle. “It will be a horrendous wedding, but that has nothing to do with the decorations. Will you help me?”
The servant’s name is Asha, and in her you found a companion. She chased away the other servants that day and set to work rectifying your wedding decisions, weighing in on current trends on the planet and admonishing you for your Caladan tastes. “Absolutely not,” she deadpanned when you inquired about floral bouquets.
Out of everyone on Giedi Prime — well, really just the Harkonnen fortress, as you weren’t permitted to leave — Asha became your friend. No one else bothered or cared to talk to you, and now that you had bonded over wedding preparations, you spent infinite amounts of time together strolling the halls arm-in-arm and whispering about servant gossip since you had nothing to contribute.
Asha made your miserable new life interesting.
“Are you scared?” She asks you one day, plucking at your eyebrows.
You outright refused to shave them off in order to conform to the hairless style of the Harkonnens, but regrettably agreed to a touch-up. You kept one eye on a nearby mirror just in case she got any ideas.
“Of what?”
Asha yanks at an eyebrow hair, and you cry out in surprise. “Oh, stop, you’re fine — I mean are you scared of Feyd-Rautha?”
“No. Why would I be?” You avert your eyes from her probing stare. Asha, unfortunately, is able to read your expressions better than a trained Bene Gesserit. You learned that this stemmed from the combat trainings that all young children received on this planet.
“Because,” Asha stresses. You frown when she fails to elaborate, and your friend issues a long-suffering sigh. “I’ve heard things about him, you know, in bed.”
“Oh.” You twist your hands in your lap. “What kinds of things?”
Asha grins triumphantly. “I knew you were scared!”
You laugh and shove away her hands as she playfully jabs at your sides. “I’m not scared,” you say, fending her off. “I’m just curious. Aren’t all brides?”
“Just you. We aren’t all Noble daughters with arranged marriages. We fuck —”
“I get it,” you interrupt. “Consider yourself lucky.”
You’re about to prompt her again about the things she’s heard when there’s a light rap of knuckles on the door. Asha shoots to her feet. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes — of course she’s respectful to Feyd-Rautha but not you. But you supposed it was the basis of your only friendship, so you couldn’t exactly complain.
“You’re back,” you say, standing up slowly.
Feyd-Rautha rests, hip and elbow, against the doorframe into the antechamber. He hungrily drinks you in.
“Indeed,” Feyd-Rautha replies. Last you’d heard of him he had left for an offworld obligation without saying goodbye. Something stirs in you at the sight of him after so long.
“I hope your trip was well.”
Feyd-Rautha scans the room before his gaze returns to you. “I would prefer to be here. The Baron seems determined to keep me occupied until the ceremony.”
Did you detect a trace of resentment in his words? And why would the Baron keep him from you? The heir wouldn’t exactly conceive itself; though he would have no way of knowing that you had been sleeping on the couch all this time.
“Retrieve the present I’ve brought back for my wife,” Feyd-Rautha suddenly instructs Asha. She secretly meets your eyes before dashing away.
You fold your arms over your chest. “A present? And I thought you’d forgotten I existed.”
If he picks up on your anger, he doesn’t show it. Feyd-Rautha crosses the room to you, replaces Asha in the chair across from you.
“It’s for tonight. The Baron has requested our attendance for dinner.”
You bristle slightly. “The Baron? Tonight?”
You had been exceedingly lucky to avoid the monstrous head of House since your arrival. But perhaps it was because you ran the other direction at the mention of his name, or the fact that you hadn’t strayed from your quarters.
“Yes. You needed something…acceptable to wear.”
“My clothes aren’t acceptable?”
“Yes,” he answers. “I have no doubt that my uncle has planned something magnificent for tonight. You will need to look the part.”
Your careful, fragile existence on Giedi Prime was crashing at your feet. From wiling away the hours to suddenly being thrust into the explosive political landscape that was House Harkonnen.
But no matter. Jessica had raised you for this very purpose.
“Fine,” you agreed coolly.
Both of you turn as Asha returns from her errand, a garment bag folded over her arm. She goes to deliver it to your closet but Feyd-Rautha halts her in her tracks. “I want her to open it here.”
Part 4
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hexhomos · 17 days
The 'Talis' hypothesis
So I think the S2 trailer confirms something central about Arcane I've wondered for a while. This has plot bearings to it, namely what nebulous purpose 'Magic' serves in the story -- how they're changing the role Hextech has in the game lore, incl. its power system & ruleset -- and what kind of hubris is associated with it historically. But it also answers something that has always nagged at me: why the fuck did they change Jayce's name?
So let's talk about this picture. And I'm going to give you the rosetta stone in 5 seconds:
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This is Hextech now. Like that is just an incredibly concise and complete descriptor of Hextech-in-Arcane, right. It 'harms' Jinx, it 'protects' Jayce in the snowstorm, it 'heals' Viktor to a degree. It is installed permanently in architecture; the Hexgates ARE the brand.
First off, we have this fucker carrying around a talisman from back when he was 7, and the cinematography of the show agonizes over showing you this throughout all of ep2:
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Jayce's bracelet is a bang-on definition of a historical talisman. The way hextech *functions* in the show is inextricable from the promises and rites associated with talismans, a word appropriated/popularized by the French - which I'm going to conservatively argue Fortiche would be familiar with;
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Which brings me to the subject of what Hextech is, and how Hextech was changed for the tv show (and what its possibly being retconned to in the game)
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Hex'tech' is not technology. The name is a carryover from a bygone era of leagueoflegends speak; Hextech in Arcane, and presumably in expanded lore going forward (given Skarner's rework and other things) - is the study, development, and the building of an industry around the craft of practical Talismans. If you want to understand how this shit works you need to promptly abandon the assumption that it is 'manufactured' magic -- its pure magic. It's raw magic. The tech part is a red herring misnomer.
The beliefs around this already cover links to 'the Arcane' as another, ethereal destination realm with Inhabitants that learn and change, ontop of rune-carving as magical instruction;
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This also covers Viktor's impending transformation and the changes made to his character.
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IN MY OPINION, via the content released so far and what we've already witnessed in S1, Viktor has been shifted away from becoming 'the machine herald' and re-positioned to become the Herald of Divine Rune Alchemy or whichever name they end up using.
I don't doubt that he'll get the armor at some point, because that's a recognizable visual and as much fanservice as they owe his decade-long fans, but... I would temper my expectations around the thought of machine evolution. It's not what this Viktor does, and it's not what he (or the narrative,) is interested in -- My guess is that the armor comes into play as a secondary way to AVOID overusing limited magical power, as we've seen runes can be depleted, and the hexcore tends to kill things in exchange.
Now that we've established all that, here is the bridge that I'm going to sell you.
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Now, for today's homework, I expect you to run off to do something useful and homoerotic with this information.
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autistichalsin · 7 months
Halsin's autism coding really jumps out in his camp confession scene
Both the romantic and platonic one. Starting with the romantic one:
He thinks asking about his past lovers is a sign of interest (I notice a lot of autistic folks like us tend to never get it "right"- when we guess that someone might be interested because of cues we were told were romantic, we get it wrong, whereas when someone is showing certain cues, we think it's just friendly!)
The way he feels the need to explain why he thinks you're interested in him before you accept or reject. This one isn't explicitly explained, of course, but it is very easy to read it as an autistic person afraid of being harshly rejected/told they're insane to think there was a connection, so he puts out an explanation first in the hopes of softening the blow if he turned out to be wrong.
Halsin completely, and adorably, misinterprets the player if they tell him "maybe your heart stirs easier than you think"; he doesn't understand that the player is partially slut-shaming him (which is rude af on the player's end, but he misses this because he's honestly un-slutshamable, so he would never be offended here) and partially asking for clarification- how can you have had many lovers yet your heart doesn't stir easily? Not understanding this, Halsin goes on to tell stories of his past exploits, which are hot and very welcome, but also very much not what the player as getting at.
If the player is an absolute asshole and mocks him by comparing him to a deep rothe, he is crushed, but stays calm, simply telling them that they could have just said no- he doesn't call the player a jerk like they deserved. Just feels very true to the 'tism experience.
This line alone could stand as proof, I think: "Nature gifted us our desires, and the means to act on them. But we muddied its beautiful simplicity with rules, social strictures... clothes." He hates social structures for their complexity, and prefers something simpler. The dislike of social structures, of their nebulous nature, is a core autistic experience.
If the player says they only helped because he's a useful ally, he once again misreads; he misses that the statement was a rejection, and responds earnestly that he sees them as much more than an ally.
For the new platonic path:
If the player tells him they just want him to carry heavy things for them, he responds differently based on his approval levels to them (I.E. based on how close they are and how kind he feels the player is); at low approval, he is deeply hurt by this, and sadly muses that "perhaps not all friendships are destined to be balanced and reciprocal." Yet... he still considers it a friendship, even though that is in practice no friendship at all. A lot of autistic folks have this experience of being friends with people who don't share the same level of affection, or even outright mistreat, us.
In fact, the same thing happens in another variation: if the player snarks about Halsin inviting himself along (a way of saying "get lost"), he laughs and warmly says that he guesses he did invite himself along, and that he will be "more tactful when trying to make friends in future." Declaring oneself friends with others is such a classic autistic experience, but even MORE so is declaring yourself friends with someone who only tolerates, or even actively dislikes, you. It's quite sad- but also very endearing, because I feel so SEEN in that moment.
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mrsfancyferrari · 3 months
Destiny's Will
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Summary: You and Carlos were childhood friends until you two were separated before he got to F1. The next time they meet, they're enemies.
Song: Under The Influence by Chris Brown
Author’s note: This might be the longest story I've written! I hope you enjoy this long journey which may take a full day to read. Warning: sex scenes at the end. Please like, reblog and share this! <3
Word count: 18.6k
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You and Carlos had been inseparable as childhood friends, spending countless hours playing and exploring together, until your parents had to move and you were separated. It was a painful time for both of you, as you mourned the loss of your dear friend.
You both knew that life would take you on different paths, but you were determined to find Carlos again.
Years went by, and you grew into your own person. While Carlos pursued his dreams in F1, you dedicated yourself to studying mechanics. You knew that being with Carlos would require you to be by his side, and you were determined to find a way for that to happen.
Fate had a different plan in store for you. One day, McLaren, one of the most prestigious teams in F1, offered you a job. It was an unexpected turn of events, but it felt like a sign that your paths were destined to cross again.
With this opportunity, you realized that not only would you have the chance to work in the same industry as Carlos, but you could also potentially be reunited with your childhood friend.
The excitement and hope filled your heart as you eagerly accepted the job offer, knowing that this was the beginning of a new chapter in your lives.
It was the opportunity of a lifetime, and you couldn't resist.
However, little did you know that this decision would make you an enemy to Carlos. . . .
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Today, you were going to get a tour of the paddock and the McLaren's garage.
As you stood in front of the mirror, you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nerves. You wore a sleek black McLaren team jacket, proudly displaying the team's logo on your chest.
Underneath, you had chosen a crisp white shirt, symbolizing your dedication to professionalism and attention to detail.
Completing the ensemble were tailored black pants and polished leather shoes, reflecting your commitment to excellence in every aspect of your life.
Adjusting your tie one last time, you took a deep breath and reminded yourself that today was not just about impressing your colleagues, but also about showing Carlos that you had made something of yourself too.
As you looked at the bracelet that you wore, a surge of nostalgia washed over you. You remembered the day you and Carlos made those bracelets for each other, promising to always stay connected no matter where life took you. It was a symbol of your unbreakable bond and the unwavering friendship you shared.
When you heard the honk of your Uber, you quickly left your apartment, excitedly locking the door behind you. As you settled into the car, you couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation building up.
The ride to the paddock was filled with thoughts of what the day would bring, wondering if you would have a chance encounter with Carlos and how he would react to seeing you in the McLaren team jacket. . . .
As you walked through the bustling paddock, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement. The smell of burnt rubber and the sound of engines roaring filled the air, creating an atmosphere of adrenaline and anticipation.
You couldn't wait to see the state-of-the-art equipment and meet the talented engineers who made it all possible.
Stepping into the McLaren's garage, you were greeted by a symphony of metallic clinks and the sight of mechanics working diligently on the sleek race cars. The precision and attention to detail were evident in every corner, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride knowing that you were now a part of his world.
As you stood in awe of the McLaren garage, a staff member approached you and introduced themselves as Sarah, the tour guide assigned to show you around.
"Welcome to McLaren! We're thrilled to have you here," she said enthusiastically. "Let me show you our state-of-the-art facilities and introduce you to some of the talented engineers who make it all happen."
You followed Sarah, eager to soak in every detail and seize this opportunity to learn from the best in the industry.
As you walked together, Sarah pointed out various areas of the garage, explaining the intricate processes involved in preparing the race cars for competition. You listened attentively, asking questions and marveling at the level of expertise displayed by the mechanics.
The conversation flowed easily, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie as Sarah shared stories of her own journey within the team.
It was clear that everyone at McLaren shared a passion for excellence and a dedication to pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the world of motorsport.
"Since you are assigned to be Lando's engineer," Sarah stated, "you will have to be able to keep a professional relationship with him. It's important to establish clear boundaries and maintain a focus on your responsibilities. However, don't worry, Lando is a great guy to work with, and I'm sure you'll build a strong working relationship with him."
You nodded, taking in Sarah's advice and feeling a renewed sense of determination to excel in your role as Lando's engineer.
As you listened to Sarah's advice, a flood of memories rushed back to your mind. You couldn't help but smile as you remembered the days when you and Lando were childhood friends, racing go-karts together and dreaming of one day making it big in the world of motorsport with Carlos.
Despite the professional boundaries that now needed to be established, you were grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend and work alongside him in this prestigious team.
Deep down, you knew that your shared history would only strengthen the bond between you, both on and off the track.
"Oh there he is, Lando Norris," Sarah said, seeing him talking to Oscar in the room.
As you looked over at Lando, you couldn't help but notice how much he had grown since those go-karting days. He carried himself with a newfound confidence and maturity, a testament to the years of hard work and dedication he had put into his racing career.
Gone were the boyish features and wide-eyed enthusiasm, replaced by the steely determination of a seasoned professional.
Yet, despite the changes, there was still a spark in Lando's eyes that reminded you of the child who would stay up all night discussing racing strategies and dreaming of victory.
It was a reminder that, underneath the polished exterior, he was still the same passionate and driven individual you had known all those years ago.
His eyes then went to you as his name was called, his eyes flicked from identifying you to recognizing you, and a wide smile spread across his face.
It was a heartwarming moment as you saw the genuine excitement and warmth in his eyes, confirming that the bond you once shared as childhood friends was still alive and well.
"Lando, this is-" Sarah tried to introduce you but there was no need. You already knew each other too well to forget.
"Y/N! What the hell?" Lando yelled in excitement, running towards you and leaving Oscar in a flash.
Sarah was shocked when Lando had said your name, looking at you for some explanation. She looked at you, waiting for an explanation as to how you knew each other so well.
As Lando reached you, he enveloped you in a bear hug, lifting you off the ground for a moment. The familiar warmth and strength of his embrace instantly transported you back to the countless playful wrestling matches you had as kids.
It was a nostalgic reminder of the unbreakable bond that had formed between you, a bond that had withstood the test of time and distance.
You couldn't help but chuckle at her bewildered expression. "Surprise," you said, flashing a mischievous grin. "Lando and I go way back. Childhood friends, in fact."
"Y/N! I can't believe you're here!" Lando repeated, his pitch getting higher with excitement.
"Lando, it's so great to see you too," you said, returning his hug with equal enthusiasm. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to come and support you at such a momentous race. Plus, I wanted to see the incredible racer you've become with my own eyes."
Lando beamed at your words, his eyes shining with gratitude and excitement.
"I can't wait to catch up and hear all about your journey," you added, knowing that there were countless stories and experiences to share since the last time you saw each other.
"So you were the new engineer that graduated from that rich school huh?"
"I've gotten some skills under my sleeves," You smirked, giving out your hand. "It's nice working with you Mr. Norris."
Lando looked disguised at your formalities to him, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter at his reaction. "Mr. Norris? Seriously?" he exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Come on, Y/N, we're way past that. Just call me Lando, like you always did."
You chuckled and nodded, realizing that no matter how much time had passed, some things would never change between the two of you. "Alright, Lando, you got it. Let's get to work and show them what we're capable of."
"Oh Oscar, come over to meet my childhood friend Y/N!" Lando called over Oscar, who looked shy but intrigued.
You extended your hand and gave him a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Oscar. I have heard so much about you. We're going to make a great team."
Oscar's shyness melted away as he shook your hand, and he replied, "I'm looking forward to it, Y/N. Lando speaks highly of you."
As you and Lando started reminiscing about your childhood adventures, Oscar's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Tell me more! What kind of mischief did you two get into?" he asked eagerly.
You and Lando exchanged mischievous grins before launching into a series of stories, recounting the epic treehouse battles, daring bike stunts, and secret hideouts that defined your friendship.
Oscar listened intently, captivated by the bond you both shared and excited to be a part of the team.
"Have you met Carlos? I knew you were very close to him before you had to move," Lando asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
"Actually, I haven't had the chance to meet Carlos yet," you replied, a hint of nostalgia in your voice. "We lost touch after I moved, but I'm glad to hear that you've stayed close. How is he?"
"I'm sure he'd love to catch up with you," Lando said with a smile. "He's doing well since he moved to being in Ferrari. You should find out yourself, Y/N. I know he would be thrilled to reconnect with you."
"I will, when the time comes," you said, understanding the importance of not distracting Carlos before an important race.
"Today is all about getting to know the team and settling into our new roles. But I'm definitely looking forward to catching up with Carlos and hearing about his experiences in Ferrari."
You spent the rest of the day learning about McLaren's garage. The McLaren garage is a state-of-the-art facility that houses the team's cars, equipment, and personnel.
It is a highly organised and efficient workspace, designed to maximise the team's performance on the track.
The garage is divided into several distinct areas, each with a specific function. The main work area is where the mechanics and engineers work on the cars, making adjustments and repairs as needed. There is also a separate area for the pit crew, who are responsible for the lightning-fast tyre changes during pit stops.
The garage also features a dedicated area for the team's data analysis, where engineers pore over telemetry and other data to identify areas for improvement.
The attention to detail and the level of organisation in the McLaren garage is truly impressive, and it is clear that the team leaves no stone unturned in their pursuit of success. . . . .
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After the race, you went up to Lando to congratulate him on getting on the podium.
"Lando, that was an incredible drive! You really showed your talent out there today," You said, giving him a hug.
Lando smiled, still buzzing from the adrenaline of the race. "Thanks Y/N. The team has worked so hard, and it's great to be able to deliver a podium for them."
"You were so composed under pressure, especially towards the end when you were defending that position. It must have been nerve-wracking, but you handled it brilliantly," You commented, impressed by his mature performance.
Lando nodded. "It wasn't easy, but I just focused on hitting my marks and not making any mistakes. The car felt great, and I knew if I could just keep it together, I had a shot at the podium."
"Well, you more than delivered. This is just the start for you, I'm sure. With performances like that, the sky's the limit. Congratulations again, Lando. You should be very proud of yourself today," You said, giving him a warm pat on the back.
Carlos had gotten 2nd place, which you were extremely happy about. He had put in so much hard work and dedication, and it was wonderful to see that effort pay off. As he was bombarded with interviews, you tried to talk to him, to offer your congratulations and share in his success.
However, the throngs of reporters and cameras made it difficult to get a moment alone with him. You could see the pride and excitement on his face, and it filled you with joy to witness his achievement. Even though you couldn't speak with him directly, just being there to support him meant the world.
As Lando stepped up to the podium, the opening notes of the British national anthem began to play. A hush fell over the stadium as the crowd rose to their feet, placing their hands over their hearts in a show of respect and national pride.
The stirring melody filled the air, evoking a sense of tradition and history that resonated deeply with the British athletes and spectators alike.
Carlos was second place and looked proud of himself as he looked over at the crowd. He had given it his all during the competition and was pleased with the result. The hard work and dedication he had put in over the past months had paid off.
As Carlos stood on the podium, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He knew that coming in second place was no small feat, and he was grateful for the opportunity to showcase his skills. The crowd's cheers and applause filled him with a surge of pride, and he couldn't wait to celebrate his achievement with his team and loved ones.
You were in the crowd, supporting Lando, but your eyes were fixed on Carlos the whole time.
Carlos has always been a handsome man, even from a young age. His chiselled jawline and piercing brown eyes have always been captivating, drawing the attention of those around him.
As he has matured, his features have only become more refined and attractive.
Now, in his later years, Carlos' good looks have only improved. His once youthful features have developed a distinguished, sophisticated air about them. The slight lines around his eyes only serve to enhance his rugged charm, making him all the more alluring.
It is clear that Carlos has aged gracefully, his natural handsomeness only growing more pronounced with time.
You've always had a crush on him, ever since you two were young. There was just something about him that captivated you - his kind eyes, his infectious laugh, the way he carried himself with such confidence. Even back then, you found yourself drawn to him, stealing glances when you thought he wasn't looking.
And now, seeing him face-to-face again after all these years, those feelings have only grown stronger. The way he smiles, the sound of his voice, the little mannerisms you had never forgotten - it's all flooding back, and you can feel your heart racing.
You find yourself falling for him all over again, and you can't help but wonder if he feels the same way too. . . .
Carlos stood on the podium, a wide grin spreading across his face as he gazed out at the crowd. His eyes scanned the sea of faces.
He remembered the time when they were young and he came in second place, and you were there cheering me on like a madman.
He couldn't help but chuckle, the memory flooding back to him. "How could I forget?" he muttered to himself.
When the results were announced, you threw your arms around him. "Second place, you legend! I'm so proud of you."
He looked at you, eyes shining. "Thanks, my friend but I wish I had gotten first place for you,"
Your face blushed at his words, a mix of joy and embarrassment washing over you. "Oh Carlos, you don't have to do that. Just having you here, seeing you succeed, is enough for me," you replied, your voice filled with sincerity.
"Just make sure you're here when I get first place okay?"
"Of course! I'll always be by your side!"
It was one of the last races you saw of Carlos and you were there with him to cheer for him all the way to the finish line . . .
He continued to scan the crowd, his eyes darting from face to face until they suddenly caught someone else's eyes.
His eyes widened in surprise as he tried to identify them, but he was certain that it was you. Memories of your shared past came rushing back, and a mix of emotions flooded over him - excitement, curiosity, and perhaps even a hint of nervousness.
Your features were still the same from when you were young. Your bright, expressive eyes had the same warm, captivating gaze that had always drawn people in. The gentle curves of your face, the delicate structure of your cheekbones and jawline, remained unchanged, giving you a timeless beauty.
Even the small, unique details - the faint freckles dusting your nose, the slight upturn of your lips when you smiled - were exactly as they had been years ago, a testament to your enduring allure.
Time had done nothing to diminish the striking, natural elegance that had always been a part of you.
When our eyes met, your face fell as you realized he was staring at you. The intensity of his gaze caught you off guard, sending a shiver down your spine.
In that moment, you felt exposed, like he could see right through you. His unwavering stare made you suddenly self-conscious, unsure of how to react. The tension hung heavy in the air, leaving you feeling uneasy and uncertain.
You knew instinctively that he would stop at nothing to track you down and locate your whereabouts.
No matter how hard you tried to evade his search, you were acutely aware that his unwavering resolve would lead him directly to you.
You weren’t ready to face him, to face his younger self, who just wants to yell at you for leaving him at his worst moment. . . .
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When the podium celebration was over, the McLaren team went into the garage to celebrate more for Lando's win. The team was ecstatic and filled with joy after seeing their driver secure a well-deserved victory.
Inside the garage, the mechanics, engineers, and the entire crew gathered to congratulate Lando and toast to the team's success. It was a moment of pure elation as they savored the triumph and looked forward to more victories in the future.
You were walking to the celebration when suddenly someone grabbed your arm. You whirled around, startled, ready to defend yourself.
But then you recognized the person - it was Carlos.
Carlos was still a sight to behold, even as the years had passed. His features had only grown more refined and distinguished with time. Standing just a few centimeters away, one couldn't help but be captivated by the striking symmetry of his face.
His strong jawline and chiseled cheekbones gave him an air of rugged masculinity, while his deep, soulful eyes conveyed an intensity that was both alluring and compelling. The subtle lines that had formed around those eyes only served to lend him an air of wisdom and experience, a testament to the life he had lived.
His full, sensual lips remained as tempting as they had been in their youth, beckoning to be kissed.
Even his brown messy hair added to his undeniable charisma, a visual representation of the maturity and refinement that now graced his appearance.
"Carlos, I... I didn't expect to see you here," You stammered, caught off guard by Carlos' sudden appearance. The words tumbled out hesitantly, as you struggled to regain your composure.
Carlos spoke quickly, his tone rushed and urgent. "Y/N L/N, it is you. I wasn’t being delusional. I'm sorry, I just - I had to come to see. I couldn't stay away any longer."
I felt my heart racing, unsure of how to respond. "Carlos-"
“Hey guys, what’s going on here, a family reunion?” Lando said, coming out of the corner and unaware of the tension.
“You knew?” Carlos asked his best friend, clearly offended that this was hidden.
“Of course I knew, she’s my engineer, I have to know her,“ Lando stated as he stood beside you, “Well I knew today but we all have history don’t we?”
Carlos was still in shock at your sudden appearance. We had been close friends when we were young, but you had disappeared years ago. Now, here you are, unexpectedly reappearing as Lando's engineer.
Carlos couldn't believe his eyes. After all this time, you had suddenly reemerged, and in such an unexpected role. Carlos struggled to process what was happening, as you stood before him, once again a part of his life, but in a completely new capacity.
The reunion was undoubtedly surprising and disorienting for Carlos. Just the sight of me, after so long, was enough to leave him reeling. It was as if the past had come rushing back, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions and questions.
“I’d hate to ruin your reunion but I’ve got a win to celebrate and the team wants to toast our lucky charm,” Lando explained, gesturing to you with a smile. “But you two have the dinner to talk,”
Lando didn’t even give you time to say goodbye before dragging you away.
When you looked back to even get a glimpse of him, Carlos' eyes locked onto your, burning with a raw, primal desire. The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down your spine, igniting a spark deep within you. His eyes smoldered with an unspoken hunger, yearning to devour you wholly.
There was a wild, untamed quality to his stare that made your breath catch in your throat. You could feel the weight of his desire pressing against you, electrifying every nerve.
You must have seen his expressions wrong because there was no way he liked you or desired you in that way.
The McLaren crew and Lando welcomed you with open arms, and you spent the rest of the night celebrating Lando’s win together. Over drinks and laughter, you got to know the team on a more personal level, gaining insights into their passions, aspirations, and the camaraderie that fuels their success.
It was a night filled with shared stories, friendly banter, and a genuine sense of excitement for the future. As the evening drew to a close, you felt a deeper connection to the McLaren family, inspired by their dedication and the palpable energy that permeated the room.
It was an unforgettable experience, and you couldn't help but feel honored to have been a part of it.
As you unlocked the door to your apartment, a wave of guilt washed over you. It was in this moment that you recalled how you had abruptly disappeared from Carlos' life without any explanation.
The weight of your actions settled heavily on your conscience, and you couldn't help but feel remorseful for leaving him in the dark. The realization hit you hard, and you knew that you had to find a way to make amends for the pain you had caused.
But with no contact information for Carlos, you were left feeling helpless and unsure of how to reach out to him.
No matter how hard you tried to focus on the data in front of you, Carlos's presence lingered in your thoughts like an unwelcome guest.
Each line of code and every spreadsheet cell seemed to remind you of his piercing gaze, his touch, and the unspoken tension between you. It was as if the numbers and figures on the screen were mocking your attempts to escape the memories of that night.
As you scrolled through the data, a mix of longing and regret washed over you, fueling a desire to find a way to reconnect with Carlos and make things right.
But with each passing minute, the task of finding his contact information felt more daunting and elusive, leaving you in a state of uncertainty and longing.
You'll see him at the group dinner. You'll explain everything to him at the dinner party. You tried to reassure yourself but it didn't reduce the thoughts of Carlos hating you even more.
You rehearsed the words over and over in your mind, hoping that they would come out just right when you finally saw Carlos at the group dinner. You wanted to apologize, to explain yourself, and to make things right between the two of you.
But deep down, a part of you feared that your words would fall on deaf ears, that Carlos would never be able to forgive you for what you had done.
The thought of facing him at the group dinner filled you with a mix of anxiety and anticipation, as you prepared yourself for the difficult conversation that lay ahead.
There were two possible outcomes that weighed heavily on your mind as you prepared for the conversation with Carlos at the group dinner.
Either he would listen to your explanation and find it in his heart to forgive you, or he would remain resentful and unwilling to give you a second chance.
The uncertainty of which path the conversation would take only intensified your anxiety, leaving you on edge as you awaited the moment when you would finally face Carlos.
You just hoped that he would listen to you with an open heart and give you the opportunity to express your remorse.
You knew that words alone might not be enough to mend the broken trust between you, but you were willing to try anything to salvage what was left of your relationship with Carlos. . . .
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As you stood in front of the mirror, examining the various necklaces laid out on your dresser, you couldn't help but feel a wave of indecision wash over you.
Should you go for the delicate silver pendant that your mom had given you on your last year? Or perhaps the bold statement necklace that always seemed to catch everyone's attention?
The weight of the decision felt overwhelming, as if the necklace you choose could somehow determine the outcome of the conversation you were about to have with Carlos.
As a knock came on your door, Lando's voice came through, breaking your train of thought. "Hey, are you ready?" he asked, his voice filled with excitement.
You turned away from the mirror and walked towards the door and opening it for him, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. "Almost," you replied, trying to hide your indecision. "Just give me a few more minutes."
Lando nodded understandingly, and you couldn't help but wonder if he could sense the weight of the decision you were about to make.
As you glanced back at the mirror, you couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that this choice was more than just about a piece of jewelry. It symbolized your inner struggle and the uncertainty of the path ahead.
The weight of the decision seemed to hang in the air, intertwining with your emotions, as you knew that whatever necklace you chose would carry a piece of your heart into that conversation with Carlos.
"I would pick the silver necklace, if that's what you're debating about," Lando commented as he leaned against the wall.
"Thanks Lando! We can go now," You replied, quickly clipping the necklace and grabbing your handbag before heading for Lando's car.
As you sat in the passenger seat of Lando's car, the nervous energy in the air was palpable. The drive to the restaurant felt like a journey into the unknown, not just because of the impending conversation with Carlos, but also because you were about to reunite with the other drivers who were once your childhood friends.
Memories flooded your mind as you thought about the times you spent racing through the streets, laughing and dreaming together.
But now, things were different. Would they still see you as the same person? Would they understand the choices you've made and the struggles you've faced?
These questions swirled in your mind, adding to the already overwhelming weight of the decision you had made in choosing the silver necklace.
Meeting them now, with the weight of your decision hanging over you, felt like a moment of truth - a chance to showcase who you had become and how far you had come.
As the car pulled up to the restaurant, you took a deep breath, clutching the silver necklace for strength, and stepped out into the unknown, ready to face whatever lay ahead.
As you walked into the restaurant with Lando, a staff member guided you to the reserved area where your childhood friends were gathered.
The familiar faces brought a mix of comfort and anticipation, but you couldn't help notice the absence of Carlos, Charles, Oscar and more.
Their absence added an extra layer of uncertainty to the already weighty decision you had made, leaving you wondering how their reactions would shape the conversation to come.
"No way, is that Y/N?" Max yelled as soon as he saw you, being one of your childhood friends.
The excitement in his voice eased some of the tension you were feeling, and you couldn't help but smile, knowing that at least one person was genuinely happy to see you.
Max rushed over to you, his eyes wide with excitement. "Guys, you won't believe who just walked in!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards you.
As the rest of the group turned their heads, Max introduced you one by one, each of them greeting you with warm smiles and expressions of surprise. The atmosphere shifted from uncertainty to familiarity as you engaged in lively conversation, reminiscing about the good old times and catching up on each other's lives.
It was a heartwarming reunion that reaffirmed the deep bond you all shared, reminding you that despite the choices and struggles you had faced, your friendship remained intact.
"Sorry we're late," Charles' voice came through the restaurant and everyone turned around to see them. Their arrival brought a mix of relief and anxiety, as you wondered how they would react to your presence.
As you turned to look at Carlos, your heart skipped a beat. He was wearing a crisp white shirt that accentuated his tan skin, paired with dark jeans and brown leather shoes. His hair was neatly styled, and a silver watch adorned his wrist.
The sight of him brought back a flood of memories, and you couldn't help but notice the slight curve of his lips as he caught your gaze.
It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that his presence could either strengthen the bond you once shared or further complicate the weighty decision you had made.
As you locked eyes with Carlos, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, unsure of what his reaction would be.
You followed Carlos with your eyes to his seat, which happened to be right in front of you at the table.
As you settled better into your chair, you couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in the air. Carlos glanced at you briefly, his expression unreadable, before turning his attention to the conversation at hand.
The aroma of the freshly cooked dishes filled the air as the waitstaff brought out steaming plates of food, placing them in front of each person. The sight of the delicious spread added to the already palpable tension in the room, as everyone's focus shifted from conversation to the culinary delights before them.
As the group began to dig into their meals, the clinking of cutlery against plates filled the space, momentarily breaking the small silence that had settled over the table.
With each stolen glance from Carlos, you couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through his mind. His eyes seemed to hold a mix of curiosity, longing, and perhaps a hint of regret, leaving you even more uncertain about the impact of your presence on this reunion.
You decided to break the tension by joining the conversation with Lando and Max, discussing the latest Formula 1 race and sharing your own insights. As you spoke, you noticed Carlos listening intently, his eyes flickering between you and the other two.
As you engaged in the conversation with Lando and Max, the room seemed to come alive with energy.
The three of you exchanged ideas, shared laughter, and debated passionately about the race. Carlos, though still observing from afar, seemed captivated by your animated discussion, his eyes betraying a mix of admiration and intrigue.
When the last morsel of food was taken away, you finally mustered the courage to break the tension. With a subtle gesture, you motioned for Carlos to follow you away from the table.
He looked momentarily surprised, but nodded in agreement and followed you. As you walked towards a quieter corner of the room, you could feel your heart pounding, unsure of what would transpire in this private conversation.
The moment had come for you to address the unresolved emotions and confront the weighty decision that had brought you both here.
You turned around, and for a brief moment, you were able to admire Carlos. His face, usually stoic and unreadable, now held a hint of vulnerability mixed with determination. His eyes, deep and intense, seemed to search for answers within your gaze.
The way he carried himself spoke of a man accustomed to command and control, yet there was a softness to his demeanor that you had never seen before.
With a deep breath, you began the conversation, ready to confront the emotions and decisions that had brought you both to this pivotal moment.
"First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry for leaving you before without any answers," you started, unable to look into his eyes. "I never meant to hurt you, Carlos. It's just that... I was confused and scared."
"It's okay Cariño, you being here is all that matters to me," Carlos said, his voice filled with sincerity and understanding. "I've missed you so much, and I just want to hear what you have to say."
As you quickly looked up at the nickname he used, the same one that he used to call you before you left, you felt a rush of nostalgia wash over you. It was a bittersweet reminder of the connection you once shared.
You smiled at his choice of words, realizing that despite the time and distance apart, a part of him still held onto the memories and feelings that had brought you together in the first place.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts, and began recounting the events that had transpired since the day you left with your parents.
From the sacrifices you made to pursue your dreams of becoming an engineer, to the challenges you faced in your journey, you poured your heart out to Carlos. He listened intently, hanging onto every word, as you shared how your hard work and dedication led you to the opportunity of a lifetime - being hired by McLaren as Lando's engineer.
As you spoke, you could see the admiration in his eyes, mixed with a hint of pride for your achievements. The weight of your decision and the emotions that surrounded it slowly lifted, replaced by a sense of relief and hope for what the future held for both of you.
The more you shared, the more you realized how much you had missed having him by your side.
The conversation flowed effortlessly, as if no time had passed, and it seemed that both of you were willing to confront the emotions and decisions that had brought you to this pivotal moment.
"Wow Y/N, it looks like you've been through a lot," he said after you finished talking. "I can't imagine how challenging it must have been for you."
As he spoke those words, tears welled up in your eyes, catching you by surprise. No one had ever shown such genuine empathy and understanding towards your struggles before.
The tears were a release of all the pent-up emotions you had carried within you for so long, a testament to the profound impact Carlos had on your heart.
In that moment, you realized that you had found someone who truly cared about your happiness and well-being, and it filled you with gratitude and a deep sense of connection.
You were brought into a warm embrace, your face tucked into the crook of his neck. The familiar scent of his cologne enveloped you, and you felt a sense of safety and comfort that you hadn't experienced in years.
As the tears continued to flow, you could feel his steady heartbeat against your cheek, a rhythmic reminder that you were not alone. All the pain, the sacrifices, and the uncertainties faded away, replaced by a profound feeling of being understood and cherished.
After a moment, he finally spoke, his voice filled with a mix of pain and hope. "I've missed you every day since you left," he repeated, his vulnerability echoing in the quiet corner of the room.
You took a deep breath and held onto his embrace a little tighter, feeling the weight of his words. With tears still streaming down your face, you whispered, "I missed you too, Carlos. More than you'll ever know."
In that moment, time seemed to stand still as you both stayed there, wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the presence and comfort that only each other could provide. The outside world faded away as you reveled in the joy of being reunited and the realization that this was where you were meant to be.
The tears of both pain and happiness continued to flow, but they were now accompanied by a sense of renewed hope and a shared understanding that together, you could face whatever challenges lay ahead.
After you then realized that you had spent more than an hour away from the group, you quickly moved out of the embrace, embarrassed of taking so much of Carlos' time.
"I'm so sorry," you stammered, wiping away the tears. "I didn't mean to keep you for so long. We should probably go back now."
Carlos gently held your hand and smiled, "Don't worry about it. This time with you is more important to me than anything else."
You smiled back at Carlos, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "Thank you for understanding," you said softly. "It means the world to me to have someone like you in my life."
As you and Carlos continued to talk, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter, shared memories, and genuine connection. It was as if no time had passed since you last saw each other.
The more you talked, the more you realized how much you had missed his presence in your life. Finally, mustering up the courage, you asked Carlos if you could have his number to stay in touch.
Without any hesitation, he smiled and gladly gave it to you, expressing his own desire to keep the connection alive.
"Should we join the others now?" You asked reluctantly.
"Cariño, I only came here to talk to you. We can do whatever you'd like."
"Even. . ."
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That's when you woke up in your bed, the remnants of the dream still clinging to your thoughts. What had happened last night? Was it all just a figment of your imagination?
The emotions and sensations felt so real, but now they have slipped through your fingers like sand.
Even though it felt so real, you couldn't help but question whether it was all just a dream. How could something that intense and meaningful have happened overnight? Was it just your imagination playing tricks on you?
As you lay there in bed, the memories of your encounter with Carlos lingered, leaving you wondering if it was a sign of something more or simply a figment of your subconscious.
You thought of the only thing that could confirm your time with Carlos was real. His number.
You reached over to your nightstand and grabbed your phone, heart pounding with anticipation. Scrolling through your contacts, you found Carlos' name right where you had hoped it would be.
It was a small but undeniable confirmation that your encounter with him had indeed been real, and that the connection you felt was not just a figment of your imagination.
As you stared at Carlos' name on your phone screen, a sense of relief washed over you. It was a joyful realization that you had indeed reconnected with your best friend, and the bond you thought you had lost was now restored.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as you realized that today was the last day in Canada before everyone had to travel to Spain for the next grand prix.
You knew that you had to leave the comfort of this dreamlike encounter with Carlos and return to the reality of your responsibilities in the paddock, helping the McLaren crew.
As you gathered your thoughts and prepared to face the day, you couldn't help but carry the memory of your connection with Carlos with you, finding solace in the fact that even though the dream may have ended, the bond you shared was still intact.
You knew that as the last day in Canada came to an end, all the drivers would be either already at Spain or were getting a plane there now.
Carlos would be among them, and the thought of not seeing him for the next few days filled you with a sense of melancholy.
However, you took comfort in the fact that your encounter had been real and that the bond you shared was still intact, even if you were physically separated for a while.
As you prepared to face the day and fulfill your responsibilities in the paddock, you carried the memory of your connection with Carlos with you, knowing that it would sustain you until you were reunited again.
Putting on your McLaren uniform, you felt a surge of excitement and determination. You climbed into your car and drove off to the paddock, excited to do your job and tried to place Carlos at the back of your mind.
As soon as you arrived at the paddock, you were immediately put to work gathering data for the upcoming race. Your focus shifted from thoughts of Carlos to the tasks at hand, as you meticulously collected and analyzed the necessary information.
The hustle and bustle of the paddock provided a welcome distraction, allowing you to immerse yourself in the fast-paced world of Formula 1 and temporarily forget about the melancholy of being physically separated from Carlos.
Every second counted, and you focused all your energy on fulfilling your responsibilities with precision and efficiency.
The staff relied on your expertise, and you worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was in order for the upcoming race in Spain.
You were responsible for coordinating with the engineers and mechanics to gather and analyze data on the car's performance.
This involved monitoring telemetry, conducting simulations, and making adjustments to optimize the car's setup. You played a crucial role in strategizing race tactics, analyzing competitors' performance, and providing valuable insights to the team.
Your attention to detail and dedication to your responsibilities were vital in ensuring the team's success on race day.
When you were finally able to take a break from your intense work in the paddock, you leaned against a nearby wall, gasping for breath. The physical and mental exertion had taken its toll, leaving you feeling drained and in need of a moment to recuperate.
Slowly, you closed your eyes and let the sounds of the bustling paddock fade into the background, allowing yourself a brief moment of respite before diving back into the fast-paced world of Formula 1.
Suddenly, something cold touched your face and you jumped at the feeling, opening your eyes to see what it was. To your surprise, Carlos stood before you, grinning mischievously as he held a can of ice-cold soda.
"I thought you could use a refreshing break," he said, his eyes sparkling with warmth and affection.
"Carlos? Aren't you supposed to be in Spain?" you asked as you took the soda from his hands and allowed it to cool your body.
Carlos chuckled and leaned in closer, his eyes locked with yours. "I wanted to see you before I leave," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
You froze, his words sinking in. What did Carlos mean by "I wanted to see you"? Was he hinting at something? Your mind raced with possibilities, unsure of how to interpret his words.
The uncertainty gnawed at you, leaving you with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, trying to hide your own feelings of confusion and excitement. "It's great to see you, Carlos," you replied, your voice betraying a hint of curiosity. "But why did you want to see me before you leave? Is there something you wanted to talk about?"
As he tucked a hair strand behind your ear, his hand lingered, conveying a tenderness that left you breathless. "Because I want to see you every day," he whispered softly, his eyes searching yours. "I don't know what it is, but I missed you even though I saw you yesterday."
A shiver went down your back as Carlos's words sank in, and a smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
You were filled with happiness and relief that there were no paparazzi lurking nearby, ready to capture this moment between the two of you and twist it into a scandalous rumor. It was a precious moment, meant to be cherished in the privacy of the paddock.
"You must have missed me because it's still a shock that I'm here with you after all these years, right?"
"Nope," he denied, his eyes trained on you. "I miss you because I'm not going to be able to see you every day from today,"
"We still will. We can still talk over the phone when either of us isn't busy,"
"But that's not enough Cariño," Carlos continued, his voice barely above a whisper.
You could feel the heat coming from your cheeks, a rosy blush creeping up as Carlos's words sank in. You weren't used to someone expressing their feelings so openly and directly, and it both thrilled and unnerved you.
It was a vulnerability you hadn't experienced before, but deep down, you couldn't deny the warmth and excitement that filled your heart.
Reality then hit you like a ton of bricks. You were just an engineer of McLaren, while he was a popular F1 driver with a massive fan base and a glamorous lifestyle.
The difference in status and fame between the two of you was undeniable, and it suddenly dawned on you that pursuing a relationship with Carlos would come with its own set of challenges and potential complications.
Despite the warmth and affection in his words, you couldn't ignore the practical obstacles that lay ahead.
"Oh my break is over, Carlos," you quickly said, gently pushing his messy hair out of his eyes before running off. "See you in Spain,"
As you made your way back to work, your mind was filled with conflicting emotions.
On one hand, you couldn't deny the deep connection you felt with Carlos, but on the other hand, the practical obstacles and potential complications of a relationship with him were impossible to ignore.
You knew that maintaining a long-distance relationship would be difficult, especially with both of your busy schedules.
Carlos couldn't help but smirk as he watched you run off, your hair flowing behind you. He watched you intently as you ran over to the other staff, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
He knew that pursuing a relationship with you would be challenging, but he was willing to take on those obstacles.
As he stood there, he made a silent promise to himself that he would do whatever it took to make it work, even if it meant defying the odds and finding a way to bridge the distance between you.
"Cariño, don't worry, I won't let you slip away this time," he muttered to himself, determined to overcome the challenges and bridge the distance between them, no matter what it took. . . .
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Sitting alone in your apartment, you couldn't help but feel a sense of regret wash over you. You wished you hadn't run away from Carlos earlier, and now you were anxiously counting down the days until your flight to Spain.
As you looked out the window, you couldn't help but wonder if you were making the right decision. Would the challenges and complications be worth it in the end?
Only time would tell, but for now, all you could do was wait and hope for the best.
You then looked at the McLaren uniform that was on your bed and remembered that you were basically enemies, working in different teams.
The competitive nature of your respective careers added another layer of complexity to the already challenging situation. It seemed like fate was playing a cruel joke on you, intertwining your lives in a way that presented both opportunity and conflict.
Would you be able to navigate the delicate balance between love and rivalry, or would it ultimately tear you apart?
As you arrived in Spain, you couldn't wait to go to your room and finally get some much-needed rest. The long flight had left you exhausted, both physically and mentally. You hoped that a good night's sleep would help clear your mind and bring some clarity to the complex situation you found yourself in.
As you opened the door to your room, a sense of tranquility washed over you. The soft, muted colors of the walls and the gentle glow of the bedside lamp created a soothing atmosphere.
Your eyes were drawn to the large window, through which the warm Spanish sunlight streamed in, casting a golden hue on the room. The curtains gently swayed in the breeze, inviting you to relax and unwind.
You took a moment to appreciate the simple yet elegant decor of the room. The comfortable bed, adorned with crisp white linens and plump pillows, beckoned you to sink into its embrace.
A small desk tucked away in the corner provided a cozy space for you to work or reflect, while a plush armchair in the opposite corner offered a spot for quiet contemplation.
The room emanated a sense of serenity and possibility, providing the perfect backdrop for you to gather your thoughts and make sense of the intricate web of emotions that entangled your heart.
You immediately jumped into the bed and fell into a deep sleep, the exhaustion finally catching up with you. As you drifted off, your mind was filled with dreams and fragments of the tumultuous journey that had brought you here.
In that moment, the complexities of love and rivalry faded away, and you found solace in the peaceful embrace of sleep, hoping that clarity would come with the dawn.
"So how did you sleep for your first coming with McLaren?" Sarah, a staff asked you as you walked through the new paddock of Spain.
You smiled and replied, "I had the most restful sleep in a long time. The tranquility of the room and the gentle breeze made all the difference."
Sarah then proceeded to outline your tasks for the upcoming month as an engineer. She emphasized the importance of fine-tuning the car's aerodynamics and optimizing its performance to ensure that Lando would have every advantage on the track.
She emphasized the need to carefully analyze data from previous races, identify areas for improvement, and collaborate with the rest of the team to implement changes. She expressed confidence in your abilities and reiterated the team's goal of securing a podium finish once again.
With renewed determination, you eagerly embraced the challenges ahead, ready to contribute your expertise and help propel McLaren to further success.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as you settled into the small open office to analyze the data. At first, the solitude seemed like a blessing, allowing you to focus without distractions.
But as the clock struck midnight and you found yourself the only one there, the isolation became suffocating. The hum of the air conditioning seemed louder, the darkness more oppressive, and the weight of responsibility heavier than ever.
As the days went by and the drivers finally arrived at the paddock, you devised a plan to avoid Carlos. You strategically planned your tasks and schedule, making sure to coordinate with Sarah to ensure minimal overlap with Carlos's presence.
You focused on maximizing your productivity during the times when he would be occupied with his own responsibilities, effectively minimizing any potential encounters and maintaining a professional atmosphere within the team.
"You should take a break," someone whispered behind your back. Startled, you jumped at the voice and turned to see Carlos standing there with a concerned expression.
"Carlos! How did you get here?" You yelled, looking around for any cameras that could capture the both of you.
"I came to see you, I told you that I miss you when you're not around," Carlos said effortlessly as if it didn't just give you a heart attack.
Your cheeks flushed at his words, and you found yourself becoming shy under his gaze. The way he effortlessly expressed his feelings made your heart race, despite your best efforts to maintain a professional atmosphere.
You couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to balance your personal connection with Carlos while also prioritizing your responsibilities to the team.
As you stammered a response, your mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation.
Did Carlos really miss you? Or was he just playing with your emotions?
You couldn't deny the flutter of hope that rose within you, but you also knew that getting involved with a teammate of an enemy could jeopardize your professional relationship and the harmony within the team.
You then heard footsteps approaching the office, and the voices became louder, causing you to freeze in your spot.
With a sinking feeling in your stomach, you realized that the rest of the team was heading towards the office. The last thing you needed was for them to discover your moment with Carlos and potentially create tensions within the team.
In a panic, you quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him into one of the smaller rooms before locking the door behind you.
In the confined space, your heart raced even faster, unsure of what to say or do next.
The room was dimly lit, and as you stood there, heart pounding, you couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension. You knew that this impulsive decision could have consequences.
"Carlos, you can't just come in here whenever you feel like it," you tried to emphasise it to him but none of your words passed through his head.
As you looked into Carlos' eyes, you noticed a flicker of sadness mixed with longing. It was as if he was transported back to the time when you were together, before circumstances tore you apart.
"I know I can't just show up like this," he finally whispered, his voice filled with regret. "But seeing you again, after all this time... I couldn't resist. You still look as beautiful as the day you left."
You were left speechless, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Memories of your past together flooded your mind, causing a mix of emotions to swirl within you.
Part of you wanted to give in to the undeniable chemistry between you, but another part knew that the stakes were too high. You had worked so hard to establish a harmonious dynamic within the team, and getting involved with Carlos could jeopardize everything you had built.
Taking a deep breath, you mustered the strength to respond, "Carlos, we can't go back to how things were. We both have responsibilities to the team, and getting involved again would only create chaos. We need to focus on our work and maintain professionalism."
"Cariño, I don't care about work, I care about you," Carlos replied as if it was the simplest thing in the world. His words hung in the air, tempting you to abandon reason and give in to your desires.
But you knew deep down that prioritizing your personal relationship over the team's dynamics would be a dangerous path to tread.
Gathering your thoughts, you looked into Carlos' eyes and said firmly, "I understand your feelings, but we need to consider the consequences. Our focus should be on maintaining professionalism and preserving the team's harmony."
"We wouldn't have this problem if you would work for Ferrari and be my engineer," Carlos muttered, slowly coming closer to you.
"Well it can't helped," You replied.
Carlos frowned. "So if you got a chance to go to Ferrari, would you take it?"
You paused for a moment, feeling torn between your commitment to the team and the allure of an opportunity with a prestigious racing team.
Finally, you looked at Carlos and said, "Yes, I would take it. But right now, our priority should be on the team and maintaining professionalism."
Carlos smirked and walked over to you, his eyes filled with a mixture of determination and longing. Your back was against the door as he slowly placed his hand over your head, trapping you in his gaze.
The intensity of the moment was palpable, and a part of you yearned to surrender to the passion that still lingered between you.
As his lips brushed against your ear, he whispered, "I hope you stick to that, cariño," before pushing the door open and leaving you in a daze.
A mix of emotions swirled within you, but deep down, you knew that prioritizing the team's dynamics and professionalism was the right choice.
You took a moment to collect yourself before diving back into your work, determined to maintain the harmony and focus of the team.
'Don't focus too much on work - CS' said a note was on your desk with your favourite coffee beside it.
You smiled at the note, trying to remember when Carlos had placed it on your desk. As you took a sip of your favorite coffee, the taste brought back memories of the times Carlos had surprised you with little gestures of affection when you were young.
"Geez Carlos, you're making me lose my mind," you muttered to yourself as you couldn't concentrate anymore with him running in your mind. . . .
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During qualifying races, you found yourself spending a significant amount of time with Carlos.
While he had always been present nowadays, there was something different about his demeanor during these specific events.
You noticed him making an effort to avoid being spotted by the paparazzi and the public eye when he was with you especially after giving you a fright last time.
One morning, as you two sat alone in the grandstand, Carlos turned to you with a mischievous grin on his face. "I can't help it if the paparazzi keep catching glimpses of us together," he said, his voice filled with a hint of flirtation. "It's just the nature of the sport."
You blushed, feeling a flutter in your stomach. "I understand why you have to be careful but you don't have to make it a thing to see me every day," you replied, looking away to hide your embarrassment.
"But I must admit, it's a little frustrating not being able to be fully ourselves."
Carlos leaned closer to you, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't deny that," he said, his eyes locked on yours. "It's a struggle, but I manage it for you."
Before you had the chance to respond, the sound of Carlos' phone echoed through the stands. Carlos' face lit up with excitement as he jumped up to his feet. "I have to go but I will see you tomorrow." His voice was tinged with a hint of regret.
You watched as Carlos sprinted off to where his sleek red car would be racing around the Spanish track. You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as he disappeared into the distance.
Despite his efforts to keep the paparazzi at bay, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.
Throughout the day, you couldn't help but think about your conversation and the enigmatic racing driver that had made such a lasting impression on you. His charm, confidence, and undeniable charisma had left you wanting more.
Only time will tell, but for now, the memory of our conversation and the thought of Carlos racing around the track lingered in your mind, fueling a flame that refused to die. . . .
You and a Mercedes staff were having a casual conversation in the break room, reminiscing about the days of your careers as engineers. As you shared your experiences and exchanged stories, you couldn't help but notice a certain tension between the staff and yourself.
Although you didn't realize it at first, the staff's behavior seemed to hint that he was being flirty. However, you decided to brush it off and maintain a professional tone, focusing on having a friendly conversation with him.
"So what about your dating life?" the staff asked, his voice full of lust.
"Yeah... so how does being George's engineer feel like? It must be a lot of pressure?" You avoided the question, changing the question for the sake of your patience with the man.
"Yes, it gives me a lot of stress but do you know what would take the stress off?" the staff said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You,"
"Oh, that's flattering," you said, slightly irritated by his persistence. "But I'm not really interested in that right now."
"Oh come on," the man insisted, coming closer to you.
"I'm sorry but I'm really not interested," You said, trying to get the message through the staff's thick skull.
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The staff's demeanor became stiff, and he averted his eyes, seemingly distracted by something behind you. Confused, you turned to the staff, questioning him but he didn't answer you.
You turned your head to find Carlos Sainz glaring at the staff angrily. The staff excused himself abruptly, leaving us alone.
"What was that all about?" You asked Carlos, turning around to face him.
"Who was he?" Carlos quickly asked, staring at the back of the man's head as he was still walking away from both of you. His eyes only returned to you when the staff wasn't in sight anymore. His eyes were now filled with happiness but jealousy.
"He's just a staff member," you answered. "Why do you ask?"
"Why do you let him talk to you in public but not to me?" Carlos asked, now sulky. You sighed.
"Carlos, you are a Formula 1 driver while he's just a staff member. You'll be hated by the public or questioned by your team. I don't want to jeopardize your career or mine." You explained.
"You know that I don't care about jeopardizing my career if I get to see you," Carlos said without any hesitation.
"Carlos! You can't say that," You said, surprised by his statement.
"I just don't want to lose you again," Carlos whispered. His eyes were on the ground as he didn't want to hear you hear him say it.
Your eyes softened at his words, and you reached out to gently touch his arm. "Carlos, that's not going to happen again, I promise," you said sincerely. "We've both grown since our past, and I'm committed to making this work. But we need to be careful and considerate of the circumstances."
Carlos nodded, a mix of emotions playing across his face. "I understand," he replied quietly. "I just... I can't help but worry."
As you sensed Carlos' vulnerability, you slowly brought him into a hug, not caring about getting caught or the potential consequences. His arms instinctively wrapped around your back, while your hands found their place around Carlos' neck.
"You said the same thing all those years ago, that you would never leave me," he muttered into your shoulder.
"Well I was a child then, now I'm an adult," you reassured him. "I can make my own decision now so my decision is to stay by your side for as long as you will have me,"
"Then I will have you forever cariño,"
"Good because I'm not leaving," you stated and you could feel Carlos smiling against your shoulder, making you grin at your achievement.
Carlos then pulled back to look at you with eyes filled with love, causing your heart to skip a beat. Was this the feeling of love that you were experiencing? Was this the love you had been longing for? Were those butterflies in your stomach a sign of something deeper?
The rhetorical questions swirled in your mind, but one thing was certain - in that moment, you knew that you never wanted to let him go. . . .
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"Alright, Lando, the final qualifying race is about to start. I've done the final checks on your car, so you're all set to go out there and give it your best."
"Thanks Y/N! You're the best!" Lando said, giving you a fistbump before entering the racing car.
As the race began, you kept your eyes fixed on Lando, watching his every move. But you couldn't help but glance over at Carlos' progress as well.
As the race progressed, Lando showcased his exceptional driving skills, maneuvering through the twists and turns with precision and speed. He maintained a strong position throughout the race, overtaking opponents and defending his place fiercely.
The intense competition on the track fueled his determination, and he pushed the limits of his car to extract every ounce of performance.
To your delight, Lando secured pole position, but your heart sank as you saw Carlos finish in 17th place.
You watched on the screen as Carlos stormed out of his car and quickly made his way to the Ferrari garage, his frustration evident.
After congratulating Lando on his impressive performance, you turned to him and said, "Lando, I'm worried about Carlos. Could you help me get over to the Ferrari garage without drawing too much attention?"
"Of course, anything for my favourite engineer," Lando agreed without hesitation.
Together, you and Lando made your way to the Ferrari garage, strategically navigating through the bustling paddock. Lando, being the quick-witted and charismatic driver that he is, effortlessly made excuses to pass through the crowd without drawing too much attention.
You knew Carlos well enough to sense that something was truly bothering him, and you were determined to find out what it was and offer your support.
When the coast was clear, you knocked on the door to Carlos' drivers' room, but there was no answer.
"Carlos, it's me," you called out loud enough for him to hear you if he was inside the room.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and Carlos ushered you inside. His eyes were filled with a mix of disappointment and anger.
He quickly closed the door behind you before going back to sitting down on his couch, his face in his hands to hide his disappointment from you.
You cautiously approached Carlos, taking a seat beside him on the couch. The room fell into a heavy silence as you waited for him to gather his thoughts.
Finally, he looked up at you, his voice filled with frustration as he confessed, "I can't believe I let my team down like this. I had high expectations for this race, and I feel like I've disappointed everyone."
"You didn't disappoint me," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Racing is unpredictable, Carlos. You gave it your all out there, and that's what matters. We win some, we lose some, but what's important is how we bounce back from it."
Carlos looked at you, and with a hint of a smile, he replied, "Thanks for saying that. It means a lot coming from you."
Getting a closer look at him, the dark circles were more visible to you now. It was clear that Carlos had been under a lot of stress lately. You realized that you hadn't been seeing him as often as usual, only exchanging quick greetings here and there.
It was time to dig deeper and find out how he had been truly doing.
"Carlos, how has your sleep been?" you asked, concerned about his well-being.
Carlos hesitated for a moment before replying, "Oh, you know, just the usual. A few restless nights here and there, but nothing too serious."
However, you could tell from the weariness in his eyes that he was not being completely honest with you.
You then patted your lap and Carlos looked bewildered by your action. "Put your head here, just like when we were young," you said, trying to lighten the mood. Carlos hesitated for a moment before finally resting his head on your lap.
The familiar comfort seemed to wash over him as he closed his eyes, allowing himself to finally release the weight of his disappointment and frustration.
As you gently stroked his hair, you whispered, "You don't have to carry this burden alone. Let me help you, like we used to help each other."
Carlos sighed in relief at your head massage, his tense muscles gradually relaxing under your soothing touch. "You're right," he murmured, his voice filled with vulnerability. "I've been struggling to handle everything on my own. It's been overwhelming."
You nodded understandingly, your fingers continuing their gentle rhythm in his hair. "You don't have to face it alone, Carlos," you reassured him. "We're in this together, just like we've always been. You can lean on me whenever you need to."
"I'm going to be late for the media if I fall asleep," he mumbled but he didn't budge like his body was fighting for sleep but his mind was fighting for being awake.
As Carlos' body relaxed against your lap, you could see the toll that sleep deprivation had taken on him. His eyes kept drooping, fighting the urge to close, but eventually, his body succumbed to exhaustion.
You gently covered him with a blanket and whispered, "Rest now, Carlos. I'll make sure you won't be late for the media. Your well-being is more important."
Carlos's resistance faded as he succumbed to sleep, finding solace in your presence and the promise of support.
As Carlos drifted off to sleep, you noticed the deep lines etched on his forehead, evidence of the stress he had been carrying. His shoulders slumped forward, burdened by the weight of his fatigue. Even in his sleep, he seemed restless, his body twitching with the remnants of anxiety.
Carlos's body seemed to sag against your lap, as if all his energy had been drained from him, leaving behind only weariness and the need for rest.
Carlos' face was incredibly expressive, even as he slept soundly. You continued to gently stroke his soft hair, mesmerised by the subtle shifts in his features - the occasional twitch of his brow, the slight curl of his lips.
It was a captivating display, and you found yourself endlessly entertained by the nuances of his sleeping countenance.
You didn't know that one hour had flown by until you heard a loud knock on the door. You froze, hoping that it wasn't some Ferrari staff looking for Carlos until you heard Charles' voice behind the door.
"Carlos! The media want to take your interview now. You can't stay here forever." Charles said while opening the door.
Charles' face was filled with worry and fear before he saw the two of you on the sofa. His face immediately changed to a relieved look as he looked at the sleeping figure of Carlos on your lap.
"Oh hi Y/N, how long has he been like this?" Charles now whispered as he closed the door behind him.
You looked at the clock, shocked at the time. "Around an hour or more."
"You've been like that for one hour." Charles repeated in shock.
"He was tired. What else was I supposed to do?" You whispered after feeling him stir into your lap, your hand returning back to his messy hair.
Charles sighed after he noticed how your eyes softened when you looked at Carlos and he knew it was over for you.
"Just tell him that the media are waiting for him now," he said gently before leaving the room.
Slowly, you roused Carlos from his slumber, watching as the grogginess gradually overtook him. A faint smile crept across your face as you observed the dishevelled state of his usually neatly styled hair, now tousled and unkempt, a testament to the deep sleep from which he was emerging.
The light came from the ceiling, casting a warm glow on his face, highlighting the drowsiness in his eyes. He blinked repeatedly, his movements sluggish and disoriented, a stark contrast to his typically alert and composed demeanour.
You couldn't help but let out a gentle giggle at the endearing sight of this usually put-together man, now rumpled and disoriented, his messy hair a playful reflection of his current state of mind.
“What happened?” Carlos muttered, slowly sitting up to face you.
“You still have media to do,” You reminded him, standing up to stretch from the sitting position you were in for an hour.
Carlos sighed at your words, rubbing the back of his neck. "I completely forgot about the media," he admitted with a hint of frustration. "I guess I needed that nap more than I thought.
"Thanks for being here for me, Y/N."
"It's no problem Carlos, oh wait, let me..." you started but your voice went in vain after you looked at Carlos.
His shirt was wrinkled, and there was a faint crease on his cheek from where it had been pressed against your lap. Nevertheless, he still managed to look effortlessly charming, his tousled hair adding a touch of disheveled appeal to his already handsome features.
"Let me fix your hair," you muttered, stepping closer to him and gently running your fingers through his tousled locks. Carlos smiled gratefully, his eyes sparkling with appreciation as he allowed you to tend to his messy hair, cherishing the intimate moment between the two of you.
"Thank you, Cariño," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you. You always know how to bring me back to reality and take care of me."
You smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "It's my pleasure, Carlos. Taking care of you is something I love to do."
"There, now you're ready," you said with a playful smile, gently patting his cheeks to remove any lingering traces of sleep. Carlos chuckled, his eyes brightening as he looked at you.
"Thanks, love. I feel much better now," he replied, his gratefulness evident in his voice.
As he started to walk to the door, he stopped in his tracks and turned around to you. "Will you be here when I come back?"
You looked at Carlos with a soft smile, your heart fluttering at the hope in his eyes.
"Carlos, McLaren will get worried about where I am," you replied, your voice filled with regret at the change on Carlos' face. "I'll check on you later okay?"
He nodded before leaving the room, but you couldn't help feeling a twinge of disappointment. As much as you wanted to stay by his side, duty called, and you knew you had to prioritize your responsibilities.
"Off to go celebrate Lando's pole," you muttered to yourself as you left the room, a mixture of excitement and disappointment swirling within you. You knew that supporting Carlos meant sometimes sacrificing your own desires, but it didn't make the longing to be by his side any less intense. . . .
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As you prepared for your dinner with Carlos, you carefully selected a glamorous outfit that exuded elegance and style. The dress in question was a captivating red number that perfectly complemented your complexion. With its intricate woven design, cowl neck, and lace-up back, it exuded captivating allure.
The Shape Red Woven Cowl Neck Lace Back Mini Dress was a short, figure-hugging dress that accentuated your curves. The vibrant red color added a touch of vibrancy to your overall look, while the woven pattern gave it a unique texture. The cowl neck oozed sophistication, while the lace-up back added a touch of playfulness.
As you adorned yourself with various accessories, you carefully placed a delicate gold necklace around your neck. However, it didn't quite sit right, and you found yourself struggling to achieve the desired look.
Just as you were about to give up, there was a knock on the door. It was 7 PM, and to your surprise, it was Carlos standing in the doorway, holding a bouquet of vibrant red, black and white flowers. His smile lit up his face, and your heart raced with anticipation.
He then looked shocked as he took in your outfit. His eyes widened, and his mouth formed a silent "wow" as he admired the captivating red dress that perfectly hugged your curves.
The intricate woven design, cowl neck, and lace-up back emphasised your elegance and style, leaving Carlos momentarily speechless.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity, wondering if you had made a fashion blunder.
"Is it bad? I can change it if you want to," you ranted, scared of Carlos' expressions.
"Wow," Carlos finally managed to say out loud, his voice filled with surprise. "You look absolutely stunning in that dress. I never would have imagined you could look even more beautiful than you already do."
You blushed at his words, feeling a mix of relief and delight. The insecurity that had crept in earlier began to fade away as you realised that Carlos genuinely appreciated your efforts and found you stunning in the dress.
His sincere compliment filled you with confidence, and you couldn't help but smile back at him, grateful for his presence and the way he made you feel.
"Thank you Carlos, you can come in," you said shyly, letting him walk into your apartment.
As you walked back to your dresser, you picked up the necklace and walked over to Carlos. "Can you help me with this?"
With his cold hands gently touching your skin, you inadvertently shivered, feeling a surge of goosebumps. Despite his gentle touch, they managed to give you an unexpected thrill. As you turned around, our eyes locked, and a surge of warmth washed over you.
"Thank you."
"My pleasure cariño,"
In a car adorned with luxurious leather seats, you two drove to your dinner date. The fancy restaurant Carlos had taken you to was the epitome of elegance and exclusivity. However, as you two entered, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The glamorous ambiance and foreign faces made you feel like an outsider, despite the glamorous attire you wore.
Carlos, ever the gentleman, pulled out your chair for you, ensuring you were comfortably seated before sitting opposite you. The anticipation in the air was palpable, as you two exchanged fleeting glances, waiting for the right moment to break the silence.
As we settled into our seats, we began to engage in conversation, discussing anything and everything.
"So, how do you like the restaurant?" Carlos asked, breaking the silence with a charming smile.
You took a moment to observe the elegant surroundings before responding, "It's certainly impressive, but I can't help feeling a bit out of place."
Carlos squeezed your hand reassuringly and replied, "Don't worry, my love. You belong here just as much as anyone else. Besides, I brought you here because I wanted to spoil you and show you how special you are to me."
His words melted away your unease, and a sense of gratitude washed over you. As you continued your conversation, you couldn't help but feel lucky to have Carlos by your side, making you feel like the most important person in the room.
After indulging in a delicious meal, our conversation continued in comfortable silence. The soft ambiance of the restaurant and the lingering warmth of Carlos's presence created a peaceful atmosphere.
As you two savored the last bites of dessert, you couldn't help but reflect on how lucky you were to have found someone like Carlos, someone who made you feel cherished and valued with every word and gesture.
"So do you still feel bad about yesterday's race?"
"Not anymore, not after you are right in front of me," he replied, grinning at your shy reaction.
"Carlos, you have to be focused for the grand prix tomorrow," you said, trying to steer the conversation back to the upcoming race.
"Yeah, I am focused," he replied, his gaze still fixed on you.
Despite his flirty demeanor, you couldn't help but feel a shyness creep over you, making it difficult to concentrate on anything other than his captivating presence.
Carlos' magnetic charm emanated from his piercing blue eyes, which seemed to hold a universe of depth and mystery. The way his dark, tousled hair fell effortlessly across his forehead only added to his ruggedly handsome appearance.
With a fit and athletic physique that hinted at his prowess on the racetrack, Carlos exuded an undeniable allure that made it impossible to look away.
The evening was coming to a close when we were caught by something unexpected.
The paparazzi had gathered outside the restaurant, snapping pictures of us. Their presence brought a sudden realisation to both of us. In that moment, we realised that our evening had been captured, immortalised for the world to see.
The potential consequences of the paparazzi's photos being made public loomed over you both. The invasion of privacy could subject you to scrutiny, judgment, and even hate from the public.
The intimate moments shared between you and Carlos, which were meant to be cherished and kept private, could be distorted and sensationalized, leaving you vulnerable to the harsh realities of fame and public opinion.
Carlos immediately took your hand and led you to the back of the restaurant where a staff member was waiting with his car ready to go. In a swift and coordinated move, he opened the car door for you and helped you inside, shielding you from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.
As the car pulled away, you felt a mix of relief and gratitude for Carlos's quick thinking and protective nature.
Carlos whispered, "Don't worry, I'll make sure your face will not be seen by the public."
You reply with a grateful smile, feeling a sense of comfort in Carlos's reassurance. "Thank you, Carlos," you say softly, appreciating his efforts to protect your privacy amidst the chaos of the paparazzi.
"Anything for you Cariño," He said with a grin on his face, taking a look at you before looking back at the road. "So which house are we going to? Yours or mine?"
"I think it's best if I go home and get a good night's rest for tomorrow," you stated, feeling the heat creeping up your cheeks.
"Sure Cariño," he replied with a gentle nod, his eyes flickering with a mix of concern and longing.
Inside the car, a comfortable silence enveloped you both, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine. As the city lights blurred past, a sense of intimacy filled the air, as if the world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the two of you and the promise of a new day ahead.
When you arrived at your apartment, Carlos was about to turn to leave after saying goodbye, but you quickly grabbed his hand to stop him. "Carlos," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and longing.
He turned to look at you, his eyes searching yours for a moment before a smile tugged at his lips. "Yes?" he replied, his voice gentle.
"Stay," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "At least stay with me for a while since our dinner was cut short."
Carlos's smile widened, and he squeezed your hand reassuringly. "I would love nothing more," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I'll stay with you as long as you need me, Cariño."
As you both entered your apartment, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and nervousness. The atmosphere was charged with unspoken feelings, and you wondered if this was the beginning of something more than just friendship.
Closing the door behind you, you turned to face Carlos, your heart pounding in your chest.
"I've enjoyed our time together tonight," you said, your voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope.
Carlos's eyes softened as he looked at you, his body language reflecting a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently brush against your cheek.
Your breath hitched at his touch, your heart racing in response. The air crackled with tension, both of you feeling the electricity between you, unsure of what would happen next.
"I don't want to rush things, but can I kiss you?" he whispered, his voice filled with longing and desire. The question hung in the air, intensifying the tension between you.
"Okay, but remember you have an important event tomorrow-" you warned. Your voice tinged with concern. However, Carlos hardly let you finish your sentence.
With a surge of desire and longing, he closed the distance between you and kissed you passionately, his lips capturing yours in a moment of undeniable connection. In that electric embrace, the worries about the future faded away.
As his lips melded with yours, a rush of warmth spread through your body, igniting every nerve ending. Time seemed to stand still as the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the intoxicating taste of his lips and the intensity of the moment.
The kiss held an undeniable spark, a perfect harmony of desire and affection that left you breathless and craving more.
Your hands instinctively found their way to the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair, while his hands tightened their grip around your waist, pulling you closer. In that moment, the world disappeared, and it was just the two of you, lost in the intoxicating rhythm of the kiss, savoring the electrifying connection between your bodies.
When you finally broke apart to catch your breath, you couldn't help but smile. The taste of his lips still lingered on yours, and the intensity of the moment hung in the air.
As you moved back slightly, you couldn't help but notice a faint trail of saliva connecting your mouths, reminding you of the raw passion that had consumed you both.
The anticipation and desire that had built up before the kiss only intensified in its aftermath. Both of you were left wanting more, your hearts yearning for the next encounter, as the taste of his lips and the lingering connection between your bodies filled your thoughts and fueled your desire.
"Do you still want me to stop?" Carlos teased, reminding you of your words before.
But as you looked into his eyes, filled with equal parts mischief and desire, you couldn't help but shake your head and pull him closer, surrendering to the undeniable electricity between you.
"We can't do anything that will weaken you and your legs before your grand prix tomorrow. Just kiss for now," you muttered reluctantly.
With a mischievous grin, Carlos whispered, "You better come to my driver's room after my home win then." The anticipation of what may happen next filled the air, fueling your desire for him even more.
"Of course," you replied with a mischievous smile. "But only if you promise to make it worth the wait."
Carlos chuckled. His eyes lit up with anticipation. "I'll make it a race you'll never forget," he whispered, before capturing your lips once again in a passionate kiss, leaving you both eagerly counting down the hours until his victory. . . .
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As you sat on your break, scrolling through the Twitter posts about you and Carlos from the previous day, a rush of excitement and anticipation filled you.
You couldn't help but smile as you read the comments and speculations from fans and followers. They were intrigued by the mysterious person who had captured Carlos's attention, wondering who you were and what your connection to him might be.
Although most of the pictures didn't fully reveal your face, they were captivated by the chemistry and passion that radiated from the moments captured.
The passionate kiss you shared replayed in your mind, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
The passionate kiss with Carlos had ignited a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions within you. It was as if a flame had been sparked, intensifying your desire for him and leaving you eagerly anticipating the next encounter.
The memories replayed in your mind, making it impossible to think of anything else but the electrifying connection you shared.
"Are you ready to celebrate with me after I win?" someone whispered, a hand sliding onto your waist. You turned to see Carlos, his eyes shining with excitement and anticipation, and couldn't help but feel your desire for him grow even stronger.
"Carlos, shouldn't you be talking to your team before the race?" you asked, turning around to face him.
But his gaze was unwavering, and with a confident smile, he replied, "I've already done everything I need to do. I just needed to talk to my good luck charm and my future engineer."
"Remember our promise? You said that you would work for Ferrari if I won this race?"
You sighed. "Why don't you win the race before we discuss that?" you said, trying to hide the nervous flutter in your stomach.
Deep down, you knew that if Carlos won, everything would change between you, and the thought both thrilled and terrified you.
The mischievous glint in Carlos's eyes only grew stronger as he leaned in closer, whispering, "Oh, I will win. And when I do, you better be ready to fulfill that promise."
With a mixture of excitement and apprehension, you leaned in closer to Carlos, playfully brushing your lips against his ear as you whispered, "Oh, I'll be ready, Carlos."
Carlos couldn't resist the playful challenge in your voice, and as he grinned, he pulled you even closer, his lips meeting yours in a passionate and electrifying kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the world around you faded away, leaving only the intense connection between the two of you.
"Good luck," you muttered as you broke away to the sound of the speakers announcing the start of the race.
The anticipation and excitement in the air were palpable as Carlos gave you one last lingering look before heading towards his team, leaving you with a mix of hope and uncertainty for what the future held.
"So you're cheering for the enemy now?" a voice said behind you, and you turned around to see Lando, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Well, I always knew you had a thing for bad boys," he teased, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.
"I wouldn't call it cheering for the enemy," you replied, returning his smirk. "Just enjoying the thrill of competition. Besides, a little friendly rivalry never hurt anyone."
"Just remember that you're my engineer, at least for now from what I heard."
"Lando-" you tried to explain but he stopped you.
"I understand, I can't stand in the way of true love," Lando said with a bittersweet smile. "But it's not like we're going to lose contact again, right? We'll still be friends, even if things change between you and Carlos."
You smiled reassuringly, placing a hand on his arm. "Of course not, Lando. We may be on different teams, but our friendship goes beyond the track. We'll always stay in touch."
Lando nodded, his smile widening. "That's what I like to hear. No matter what happens on the racetrack, our friendship will remain strong. And who knows, maybe one day we'll even end up as drivers and engineers again."
As the speaker asked again for the drivers to get ready, Lando rushed over to get ready for the race. His excitement was palpable. Meanwhile, you focused on your role as his engineer, meticulously checking the data and making last-minute adjustments to ensure that Lando had the best possible performance.
The countdown had begun, and the adrenaline surged through your veins as you prepared for the start of the race. . . .
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The roar of the engines filled the air as the cars lined up on the starting grid, their sleek bodies glistening under the bright lights. The anticipation was electric, with the crowd holding their breath in anticipation of the exhilarating race that was about to unfold.
As the signal for the start of the race was given, the cars shot forward, their tires screeching against the asphalt, and the drivers expertly maneuvered through the first turns, jostling for position.
Each lap brought new challenges and heart-stopping moments, as the drivers pushed themselves and their machines to the limit, battling for victory.
The atmosphere was intoxicating, a heady mix of adrenaline, strategy, and sheer determination, as the race unfolded with breathtaking speed and precision.
The roar of the engines filled the air as the cars lined up on the starting grid, their sleek bodies glistening under the bright lights. The anticipation was electric, with the crowd holding their breath in anticipation of the exhilarating race that was about to unfold.
As the signal for the start of the race was given, the cars shot forward, their tires screeching against the asphalt, and the drivers expertly maneuvered through the first turns, jostling for position.
Each lap brought new challenges and heart-stopping moments, as the drivers pushed themselves and their machines to the limit, battling for victory. The atmosphere was intoxicating, a heady mix of adrenaline, strategy, and sheer determination, as the race unfolded with breathtaking speed and precision.
In the end, Carlos proved his skill and expertise, crossing the finish line first with a triumphant roar from the crowd. Lando, though disappointed not to take the top spot, showcased his talent by securing a solid second place, earning him well-deserved recognition and applause from the spectators.
Despite the competitive nature of the race, the friendship between Lando and Carlos remained strong, with both drivers acknowledging each other's abilities and celebrating their shared passion for the sport.
You were filled with a sense of pride as you watched Lando secure a solid second place, but deep down, you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness for Carlos. Seeing him cross the finish line first, his skill and expertise on full display, was a moment of pure joy.
You knew that this victory meant so much to him, and you couldn't help but celebrate alongside him, grateful for the camaraderie and shared passion that united everyone in the thrilling world of racing.
The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause as Carlos crossed the finish line, their jubilation echoing throughout the stadium. Flags waved, horns blared, and spectators jumped up and down in excitement, caught up in the exhilarating moment of victory.
The atmosphere was electric, filled with a mix of admiration, awe, and sheer joy for Carlos's well-deserved triumph.
As you looked around, you realized that you were surrounded by fans of Lando's team, who were understandably disappointed by his second-place finish. Feeling slightly awkward, you tried to contain your excitement and join in the applause for Lando's impressive performance.
But deep down, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret that you couldn't fully express your joy for Carlos's victory among like-minded supporters.
You stayed with the McLaren team throughout the podium celebration, witnessing the bittersweet mix of emotions among the fans.
Some were still caught up in their disappointment for Lando, while others couldn't help but applaud Carlos's remarkable achievement.
As Carlos stood on the first-place podium, his eyes scanned the crowd, searching for you. When his gaze finally met yours, a wide smile spread across his face, and he raised his trophy in triumph.
In that moment, you knew that your support and shared joy meant everything to him, and you felt a deep sense of pride and happiness for being there to witness his victory.
Throughout the celebration, Carlos had been winking at you whenever he had the chance, a secret gesture that only the two of you understood.
As you locked eyes with him during the podium celebration, he winked at you once again, a silent reminder of the special connection you shared and the unspoken bond between you. In that moment, the world around you faded away, and it was just the two of you, celebrating his victory together.
You couldn't help but blush as Carlos's wink hinted at the private celebration that awaited you in his driver's room.
The teasing and flirty gesture only added to the excitement and anticipation that filled the air, making you eagerly anticipate the intimate moments you would share after the public festivities were over. . . .
You quickly changed out of your McLaren staff clothes into some casual attire, ensuring that you wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention as you made your way into the Ferrari garage.
With the ID that Carlos had obtained for you, you confidently walked past security and into the inner sanctum of the team.
As you entered, the atmosphere shifted, and you could feel the excitement building as you prepared to celebrate Carlos's victory in a more private setting.
The Ferrari garage exuded an air of opulence and exclusivity, with sleek Italian design elements, polished surfaces, and dimmed lighting that added a touch of mystery.
The atmosphere was filled with the intoxicating scent of leather and the faint sound of engines purring in the distance, creating a sensory experience that heightened the anticipation of the private celebration that lay ahead.
When you made it to Carlos's driver's room, you knocked on his door and immediately the door opened, revealing Carlos standing there with a wide grin on his face. He pulled you into a tight embrace, whispering how grateful he was that you were there to share this moment with him.
As you looked into each other's eyes, you knew that this victory was not just his, but yours as well, and you couldn't wait to celebrate together in the privacy of his sanctuary.
With a mischievous smile, he whispered in your ear, "I've been waiting for this moment all day." As you melted into his arms, you knew that the private celebration you had been eagerly anticipating was about to begin.
"I'm so proud of you," you whispered, your voice filled with genuine admiration and love. Carlos's eyes sparkled with joy as he pulled you even closer, cherishing the words that meant so much to him.
You felt a surge of heat course through your body as he pulled you into a tight embrace. His arms wrapped around your waist, and his body pressed against yours. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your neck as he leaned in close.
"You look beautiful," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. 'I'm so glad you're here."
You reached up and ran your fingers through his soft, dark hair. "I couldn't miss this, "You whispered. "Congratulations, Carlos. You were incredible."
"Thank you, mi amor," he said. "I couldn't have done it without you."
With that, he leaned down and kissed you. His lips were soft and warm, and I could taste the champagne on his tongue. I felt a surge of desire wash over me as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring the contours of my mouth.
"Can I touch you?" Carlos whispered, staring from your lips to your body, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and anticipation.
You nodded, unable to resist the magnetic pull between you, as his hands gently traced the curves of your body, igniting a fire within you that only he could quench.
He tastes of mint and victory, and you feel the hard muscles of his chest against your breasts as he pulls you tight against him. Your hands explore his strong back, feeling the power in his body, the sinewy strength that has just won him the race.
Pulling away slightly, Carlos nips at your lower lip, his eyes burning with a hunger that matches your own. "I need you," he growls, his breath hot against your ear. "Right now."
You whimper at his words, all shyness forgotten in the face of your overwhelming desire. "Yes," you plead, arching your back, offering yourself to him. "Please, Carlos."
His response is to lift you up and sit you on the nearby table, his hands gripping your thighs as he pushes your legs apart. You can feel the hard length of his cock pressing against your core, and you grind your hips down, wanting to feel him inside you.
With one hand, he reaches between your legs, his fingers stroking your wet pussy through your pants. You gasp at the contact, your head falling back as he teases your clit with his skilled fingers.
"So wet for me already," he groans, dipping his head to suck at the sensitive skin of your neck.
"Please," you beg, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. "I need you now."
Carlos chuckles, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine, and then he pushes your pants down for them to fall on the ground, his fingers finding your aching cunt.
With one sharp thrust, he pushes a finger inside you, and you cry out, your hips buckling at the sudden pleasure.
"That's it, baby," he whispers, adding another finger, stretching and filling you. "Take it. Take all of me."
You can't form words, your mouth open in a soundless cry as he fingers your pussy, his thumb rubbing your swollen clit in circles. Your juices coat his hand, and he adds a third finger, scissoring you, stretching you deliciously.
As you hover on the edge of an orgasm, Carlos pulls his fingers out, leaving you whimpering and desperate. Before you can protest, he hooks one of your legs over his shoulder and lines up his thick cock with your waiting hole.
With one swift thrust, he sinks deep into your wet cunt, burying himself balls-deep.
"Fuck!" you cry out. You claw at his back, your legs tightening around his waist, pulling him closer, needing him deeper.
Carlos begins to move, his hips snapping as he pulls almost all the way out before slamming back into you. The table shakes with the force of his thrusts, and you meet him thrust for thrust, your bodies moving in perfect rhythm.
"You feel so good," he grunts, his eyes screwed shut as he concentrates on the feeling of your tight pussy gripping his cock. "So fucking tight."
Hearing him talk dirty sends you over the edge, and your orgasm crashes over you, your body shaking uncontrollably as you cry out his name. Carlos doesn't stop, pounding into you as you ride out your climax, your juices coating his shaft.
With a few more hard thrusts, Carlos tenses, a growl tearing from his throat as he spills himself deep inside you, his hot cum filling your hole. He slumps forward, his forehead resting against yours as he catches his breath, his cock still buried deep.
You wrap your arms around him, holding him close, feeling your hearts pounding in unison. "That was..." you start, unable to find the words to describe the intense, passionate sex you just shared.
"Incredible," Carlos finishes for you, kissing you softly. "But I have a feeling this is just the beginning for us."
You catch your breath and look into Carlos' eyes, a satisfied smile playing on your lips. "Incredible doesn't even begin to cover it," you say, your voice filled with a mix of desire and anticipation.
"Wanna do round 2 in your bedroom?" you smirked, your eyes glinting with mischief as you playfully suggested taking the passionate encounter to the next level.
Carlos grinned back at you, his fingers tracing gentle circles on your skin. "I thought you'd never ask," he replied, his voice filled with anticipation and desire. . . .
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 1,702,847 others.
yourusername: Life has a beautiful way of surprising us. Carlos and I met when we were just kids, and we instantly became the best of friends. Unfortunately, circumstances pulled us apart, and we lost touch for years. But destiny had its plans, and we found each other again. Now, we're not just friends, we're partners, and our bond is stronger than ever. Our journey has been filled with twists and turns, but it's led us to this incredible place. 💖
view comments below
carlossainz55: 🥰🥰
carlossainz55: Mi amor, I thought we agreed not to post that picture of me
yourusername: But baby you looked cute in it! Can I still keep it on??
carlossainz55: of course mi amor, anything for you ❤
*liked by yoursername*
user1: OMG they are so cute!!
charles_leclerc: congratulations on your relationship!
yourusername: OMG Charles Leclerc! Can I have your autograph?? charles_leclerc: sure! I'm sure I will meet you in the paddock to give you one 👍
user3: Y/N is actually living the dream 🥹
landonorris: Great podium mate 👊
carlossainz55: Thanks mate, got the love of my life and a home win in the same day. Best day of my life 🥰
*liked by yoursername*
landonorris: Stole my best friend 😒🙄😮‍💨
yourusername: Lando you know you will always be my number 1 bestie 🫶
landonorris: I GOT MY BESTIE BACK 🥰🫶
carlossainz55: What about me?????
*liked by yoursername*
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aniseya · 2 months
“He has to be a witness to what she finds out about herself. It was very important that she had her own agency and that she made this decision independently of him. But I agree, him witnessing it draws them together so much more. So, it went: buffoon, terrifying villain, seductive possible teacher, and then romantic lead. [Laughs] So, I had to find somebody who could play all four characters — buffoon, murderer, a gentle teacher, and then as a romantic lead. You can imagine as I'm writing this, I'm just like, “Who the fuck are we gonna get for this part? Who is going to be able to do this?”
“But I think the way that you see The Stranger and Osha almost immediately Yin and Yang-ing, there's also an argument to be made there.”
“Actually, in earlier drafts, The Stranger had a line from that movie, which is, "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." A lot of Gothic romances were referenced - Jane Eyre, Rochester and sort of the Byronic hero for those two.”
“I was sort of struggling with what the last moment was. I was kind of struggling with it. It was very important that they feel like equals. It was very important that they felt, honestly, like a power couple. I didn't think he should kiss her because, while he's earned her respect, she's earned his, he's earned her allegiance, and she's earned his, I don't know if he has earned that level of intimacy with her. There have been displays of intimacy, but it felt like they weren't there yet. And so I said, “What's a kiss but not a kiss?” [Laughs] I was like, “I’m sorry, I can't think of something.” And the actors came up with holding the lightsaber together, and as soon as that happened, Hanelle [Culpepper], the director of that episode, set up this gorgeous shot. I realized, I was like, “Oh my god, this is the end of Fight Club, and I'm obsessed!” The last line of that movie is, “You met me at a very strange time in my life.” [Laughs] It just didn't feel like we were quite there.”
“Oh, yeah! Again, they’re Sith. It's a different vibe. To me, it's gonna hit different because of their allegiance and who they are. So, yes, it is framed as romantic, but I do think, again, it's not gonna turn out great. I think if he's training her, “One to hold the power, one to crave it.” So they're starting off as equals, but what's gonna happen? Like in Romeo and Juliet, it's amazing because right at the beginning they're like, “Okay, these two die. Let's start the play.” As you're watching this incredible love story unfold, and it's one of the most beautifully iconic plays ever written, in the back of your mind, you're like, “This is not going to turn out well.”
“I want to clarify: They are not necessarily doomed or destined to fail as a team. But the Sith rule of two denotes a power imbalance. Which clearly, due to the final shot, is not their relationship. Also, Plagueis complicates their journey as Sith, because we know his apprentice is eventually Palpatine. They will not defeat him.”
— leslye headland about oshamir for collider
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brookstolemybrand · 4 months
Another post because I have more thoughts on the ASL brothers
(btw is there a better word for them bc I kinda feel bad about possibly clogging the search results for the language?)
Anyway, I was thinking about how Ace and Sabo represent different big brother archetypes for Luffy:
Ace is the big brother who has the closest relationship with Luffy. They very much grew up together, Ace trained him, protected him, lightly bullied him, all the classic big brother things. And both of them gave each other companionship, they both kept each other from getting lonely, especially after losing Sabo
Ace is also the big brother that Luffy looks up to, who Luffy strives to follow, who's like the older, stronger, cooler version of Luffy. He has similar (though very crucially still slightly different) ambitions: he also wants to become a notorious pirate. He's also the pioner, trailblazing ahead of Luffy. Luffy is always in some sense following in his footsteps, even as far along as Wano!
(And of course this is why he's the brother who had to die for the narrative....)
His role in the story is also to introduce Luffy to the wider world of pirates, the big league pirates. He is the connecting link between Luffy and Whitebeard and arguably also Luffy and Blackbeard
I also feel like as a big brother he's primarily Luffy's protector; whether he means to or not, he ends up saving Luffy over and over again, from the marines, from Blackbeard, from Akainu...
Meanwhile Sabo is the brother who kind of ends up taking the role that Luffy might have played in another timeline where Dragon raised Luffy as his own. I'm never going to bother arguing over whether Sabo or Ace was actually older, but here Sabo kinda plays the role of the oldest son, destined to follow in the father's footsteps.... except of course for the fact that Dragon isn't originally Sabo's father! He's a father figure Sabo chose for himself!
It's a very funny twist of fate
Sabo is the brother who takes the role that was arguably destined for Luffy, but that Luffy didn't want
So that Luffy can be free to do what he actually wants to do
Because that's what SABO's role is as a big brother, and the role he plays in the story; he takes Luffy's place in order to free Luffy. He does this in Dressrosa obviously, but he also does this in a more general plot level by fighting the World Government and the Celestial Dragons directly while Luffy is busy elsewhere. This is all very protagonisty stuff that would better fit the main character, but Luffy simply does not have the time to be doing it and can't divert from his path
This is kinda meta in fact, he's taking a necessary role in the story in order to free Oda from needing to make Luffy do awkward detours and mess up the pacing (particularly with the Reverie; imagine if Luffy had to go all the way back to Mariejois... and hell, he almost does when he hears about Vivi! But even here it's actually partially thanks to Sabo that Vivi managed to escape on her own and didn't need Luffy to come and save her, although this was very indirect and unintentional of course)
He also plays the role of the Hero of the People that Luffy explicitly doesn't want
So where Ace is Luffy's protector, Sabo is Luffy's liberator
Ace protects Luffy while he's still too weak to always take care of himself and teaches him important lessons early on, but he has to die so that Luffy can stand on his own feet and become his own man, not the little brother protected by an older brother
Sabo frees Luffy to follow his own path, mainly on the meta level but occasionally also very literally (such as Dressrosa), and that's why (for narrative reasons) he's brought back when Luffy starts to become more adult and more independent and is starting to get threatened by (gasp) responsibilities (and as the plot becomes too big for one protagonist to handle all alone)
Both of them act as conduits for Luffy to be able to continue this adventure, and they show up exactly when they're needed and exit when they're not
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Due to my obsession with the devils from abbadon (Phenix is underrated). I DEMAND (kindly ask) you to hand over all your headcannons about them.
Since you're asking so politely, I shall give it to you
Abaddon headcanon (Tw: Abaddon)
Since Abaddon is THE sex dangeon of all of Hell, and you can see public sex everywhere, I think that the people in Abaddon don't have the concept of consent. Everyone already wants to fuck and doing it in public with strangers is just the norm, so if any Abaddon nobles got a boner they'll just get undressed and fuck you right then and there
If we want to get really dark, we could even say that cries for "stop" and "no" are just taken as dirty talk. You can't tell me someone in Abaddon isn't into cnc.
Asmodeus likes seing his subjects fuck so he invites his nobles over and uses his powers to get them to rail eachother for his entertainment. Who needs porn when you can just make two of your people fuck for you?
Weirdly enough, Abaddon demons are actually very interested in romance. Their king was the only one that had a wife and kids, so they can do more than just fuck
Even someone like Phenix can be quite romantic when Asmodeus is asleep or something.
When Paradise Lost first became the ER of hell, it was filled with Abaddon demons because a) they're neighbouring countries b) they try very dangerous stuff for sexual pleasure and it usually fails
Abaddon was the first to lose healthcare priveledges and that's why Asmodeus and Lucifer don't talk with eachother.
Now they only have Marbas as the countries doctor
Marbas used to be just a normal demon before he was assigned to Abaddon. Since he was exposed to more of Asmodeus' charm, he started acting more violent and horny, so Lucifer had to tie him up
Asmodeus' charm is kind of like nuclear energy, where, the longer you're exposed to it the worse the symptoms get. And then you end up like Phenix.
The noble with the most one night stands to his name is Ronové. You can randomly ask a devil what their experience with Ronové was like and they'll have a story about it
Asmodeus used to take Ronové to meetings with him as an assistent, but he kept talking about how beautiful amputated feet are so Asmodeus gags him now.
Masturbating is a form of prayer towards Asmodeus.
Asmodeus is autistic and his special interest is sex. He's also a strong believer in learning by doing
Phenix was Asmodeus' caretaker when Asmo was little and that's why he's the most affected by his charms.
Asmodeus is the only demon in Abaddon that you can have a conversation with that doesn't involve sex. He'll still flirt tho
Abaddon demons can heal by having sex, which is how Dantalian got his kink
He got really badly wounded and was about to die before Phenix fucked him and his wounds closed off enough that he could walk himself to Paradise Lost
In that sense, Abaddon demons are healers but only to other Abaddon demons
Abaddon is the top honey moon destination in Hell.
The country they're closest to is Avisos because they have similar views on sex.
Asmodeus is the only demon king that can go to the human world at will without any complications. Even Satan gets shit for leaving for half an hour, but Asmodeus could be gone for days and nobody would complain.
He's closest with Belphegor but only by proxy. They're not friends, but they don't hate eachother so that's a plus in his book
None of the other kings really like him because when Asmodeus wants something, he would do anything to get it. And I trully mean anything. Nobody trusts this charming little back stabber.
Asmodeus has a statue of his former lover in the royal garden. If anyone tried to touch it he would brake all the bones in their body. He sometimes just stares at it and laments her death
He wouldn't even let the decendent of Solomon touch it. That's his wife and you can go find another.
He still has the makeshift wedding ring on his finger and he plays with it when he's bored. When Dantalian was little he stole it to try and get in danger with Asmodeus, but he almost shat his pants when he saw the absolutely terrifing glare Asmo had on.
When there's no battles to be had, Phenix goes to Asmodeus's chambers and humps his leg like a bitch in heat. Asmo sometimes picks him up on his lap and jerks him off while he works.
He'd be on a phone call like "Don't worry about the screams, my dog's in heat."
All electronics in Abaddon are waterproof... or more specificly, cum proof.
Ok wow, fuck this was longer than expected and I still have some. Abaddon is my second favorite country and we'll see if it because the first by Christmas.
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sanflawoah · 23 days
Black Myth: Wukong ramblings because I'M GOING INSANE.
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(Lengthy words and massive spoilers below!)
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First minutes into the game I was all chill expecting the opening to be a long prologue cutscene about JTTW, explaining core things you need to understand, a helpful guide for those unfamiliar with the lore beforehand. But NOOOOO....we jump straight ahead fighting ERLANG SHEN AND THE FOUR HEAVENLY KINGS. We're WIDE AWAKE.
About gameplay, the devs stated repeatedly that it's not a souls-like game, and more like a God of War ish. Yet so many still questions whether it's a souls-like and then went into the game just to say "meh not souls-like". Amazing density of head.
I really don't demand much for whatever mechanic they serve, I'm really just here for the monkey smash experience and the childhood nostalgia and the fresh aesthetics.
The character design?? The environment?? The architecture?? The statues?? Soooo beautiful oh my god you really need to stop and admire these things (when you don't have a boss shredding you) up close. Look up their inspirations and concept arts, some statues and buildings exist in real life and it's really mind boggling how they incorporate it into the story. The part where you fight with Yellowbrow at Thunderclap temple, what a creative choice, the idea of "miniature fight" on the temple altar. I'm farming so many screenshots for art references. 10/10 visuals, graphics will definitely fry your PC.
Again with the character designs. I'm really loving the absurd looking bosses one, really fresh take. Then to the celestials and yaoguais, I just..... OH they're ALL hella gorgeous. I've seen some people going "WOULD" towards Wukong or The Destined One and I don't blame you. I've had my fair share of neuron activation moment.
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Erlang yoo, I was stunned at first with the way they present his personality during the opening, but turns out we got the reason for it near the ending :"(((. He was helping us all along ughsjsjsjsksdsd. Also, they know EXACTLY what they're doing by casting Andrew Koji as the english VA.
White Clad Noble? Half snake man hissing at you to get off his lawn. I feel kinda bad for him lmao, dude was just minding his business and we go monkey smash all over his place.
Keeper of Flaming Mountain? Neat hat and cool makeup bro, awesome yin yang palette and battle area design. BANGER THEME I'll get to it.
The Third Prince in Pagoda realm prison, why does he looks so good, you encounter this guy in his cell just suffering, and somehow he's still serving looks.
The girlies damn, the spider sisters are gorgeous, and YES even madam violet spider, come look at spider granny serving fashion and arachnophobia.
At first I was scared that they're going to sexualise the hell out of the spider sisters or any of the female characters, since the book itself tells their trait as luring men with their beauty (to be eaten though). But actually?? They're a lot tamer than I expected? I mentally prepared myself for the worst, like racy sexualised outfit and personality, but turns out they're all very normal. Like how you would see Tang dynasty inspired ladies. I braced for GTA or cyberpunk-like explicitness but thank god it's not the case, not at all.
Rakshasi and Pingping having the relatively "sexy" look, but then both of them had a moment where they're not actually their real selves, but rather a transformation of Zhu Bajie and Red Boy LMAO. Funny boner killer.
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Talk about this boi, our Destined One. To be honest I was kinda disappointed when I found out he doesn't speak at all. Banters, insults, cackles, anything you would expect a Wukong-like personality, he doesn't have it.
I tried to think of a reason, and I think the dev's choice of making The Destined One silent kinda has a root to it. Our MC is NOT the Wukong himself, we are literally just some monke, and we're tasked to gather the six relics Wukong had scattered by retracing his journey. Also, I think it's a funny thought that probably it's just their personality difference, Wukong the loud, Destined One the quiet. Wukong sometimes does chaos for shits and giggles, our Destined One does chaos because we have to.
My theory: our Destined One is just non-verbal! Zhu Bajie even acknowledged it. When we first met him after defeating Kang-Jin Loong, he bantered "A furry coat and a pinched face, luck's all you've got", and he looked confused when we don't say anything back because Wukong would've returned the favour, "Great, another mute. Let's not dally". So the game actually acknowledges it, it's not like they intentionally muted us and have the NPCs acting as if we talk back to them all the time.
Non-verbal and asexual coded? I'll take it.
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THE ANIMATED CUTSCENES??? OH MY GODDD. Impossible to put ALL the epic frames here. I really don't expect this from a game at all, real time cutscenes are great, but a WHOLE 2D AND STOP MOTION ANIMATED SCENE?? No wonder the full development took SIX years. You could pause the scenes at any frame and it's worthy of analysis.
The stop motion one really surprised me, how are they that dedicated. The plot as well, it started out romantic and escalated into HORROR real quick. Batshit insane, love it.
For many players, the animated cutscenes may be confusing on the first watch. So many references to JTTW, metaphors, mix of Chinese Taoism and Buddhism. I personally encourage people to look around in forums for explanations, plenty of the Chinese words are untranslatable into English, but it's all so worth the knowledge.
Enjoying the JTTW shows and contents as a child is all about the fun and giggles, understanding the lesson of it all as an adult hits me like bricks, especially with the way they're adapted in this game.
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I CRIED?? A LOT??? Of all characters I could cry for, ZHU BAJIE?? Man is literally a nasty pervert in the book, living to the pig form indeed, but in this game he's a bit better. Sure he's still his natural pervert self, but since the game took place after JTTW, he surely had some character development. His animated love story cutscene, loorddd they have no business making it so full of freshly diced onions.
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Love how each character in animations have different styles. Erlang's design in particular are different in each scenes. Most of the time he has dark hair, in others he has white hair and different armor, same goes for Wukong's design. I'd imagine the devs struggled to choose for one consistent design and decided to just fuck it and put them all in lmao.
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And then THE SOUNDTRACKS, THE SOUNDTRACKS YALL. Love love love it when they incorporate buddhist prayer chants flawlessly into the soundrack. The soundtrack during the chapter one ending animation caught my attention with it, I asked around what mantra is it and they say it's probably Cundi Dharani? Please correct me if I'm wrong. The track is called "I See" in the official playlist. The lyrics too, my god, the way they narate the animations.
During the fight with Keeper of Flaming Mountains, IS THE SOUNDTRACK A RENDITION OF "FISHERMAN'S SONG AT DUSK"? IS IT? Losing my mind because it's my favourite chinese traditional piece. Half expected him to pull out a guzheng and blast me with phantom blade from the strings, IYKYK.
And of course, a new rendition of the classic JTTW theme. This will be my neighbour's favourite music for a while.
Some tidbits I like, apparently if you're idle for a while and Zhu Bajie is with you, sometimes he'll start to talk about past stories or lectures you. If you push him around for a few times he'll get annoyed, if you keep pushing him then he'll struck you with his rake lmaoooo. Perhaps we weren't so different from Wukong after all.
Another insane stuff is the headless singing guy. GoW has a talking disembodied head, now BMW has a HEADLESS singing man, literally a reverse Mimir.
The rematch with The Four Heavenly Kings YOOOOO I love their design so much. They look like statues from temples jumping straight to life. The stances! Throwing hands with them is the true Monke of War experience. The East King with his Pipa literally playing the background music, excellent touch.
This has been an insane scroll of yappings, I'll stop here (for now) and take a moment to touch grass. If you've been reading ALL THE WAY to this line, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to harm your braincells.
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tossawary · 8 months
For several different reasons, I'm not personally a big fan of "Soulmate AUs" (universes where there is some way to determine your destined romantic partner, often by some kind of magical birthmark), though I will admit that I have read and enjoyed some of these stories before. There are lots of fun and interesting ways to explore and subvert these tropes.
But past the coercive amatonormatism of it all (which I have seen many people consciously explore in neat ways), one of the things that sometimes bugs me is the worldbuilding or lack thereof. Often, the author of a Soulmate AU is not interested in expansive worldbuilding for a short fic and that's fine and fair. They're explicitly not here to explore what known soulmates throughout history would do to culture, both in terms of social norms and actual laws of government, in a 2k meet cute fic about people finding love.
The world being largely unchanged in a Soulmate AU sometimes makes me wonder if soulmate marks or whatever ARE relatively recent in these worlds, especially when so many of these worlds have magic. How did this HAPPEN? Some of these soulmate setups are so specific and artificial in their design (timers, written words, etc.) that I can't fully suspend my disbelief that it's at all natural. I replace this system's origins in my head with the "a wizard did it" excuse. Then it would make more sense for this world to be more or less identical, just with soulmates slapped on top by a mischievous or angry god.
I have seen many people go with various kinds of "it's a blessing from the gods" explanations and I think that's fun and fine worldbuilding. (And for most people's stories, there just isn't really a need to actually explain this magic system.) I'm currently interested in the idea that someone, not necessarily a divine being, intentionally or even accidentally cast a soulmate spell RECENTLY. Some people are thrilled and other people HATE this.
"Yeah, we've only had 'soulmates' around for about 200 years, since that big mysterious spell, and it's been a big fucking mess ever since." That's a funny mild subversion of the trope in my opinion. And also, I mean, personally speaking, I think that "let's go on a quest to argue with the god wizard who says you're not my soulmate (and maybe kill him and end his stupid spell)" is potentially an incredibly romantic storyline.
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princeasimdiya12 · 7 months
Bucchigiri Utena Parallel-The Greek Chorus
In many plays and stories, the Greek Chorus refers to a group of characters that either commentate on the main storyline or have their own subplot that parallels or foreshadows the main story that appears. It's rare when they actually interact with the main characters but their role is meant to emphasize the meanings and plot events that occur.
In Bucchigiri, we have Nyan Nyaight Love which is their version of the Shadow Play Girls from Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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For those who aren't familiar with the Shadow Play Girls, they serve as an actual Greek Chorus in the Utena anime. Every episode, the girls put on a cryptic and bizarre play with a message that correlates to the ongoing events or conflicts that Utena, Anthy and the Student Council deal with throughout the series. Some are straight forward and easy to understand, others are straight up wackadoodle and have layers of meaning to comprehend. But each skit contains a hidden but vital message that relates to the main storyline in Utena.
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While Nyan Nyaight Love may not be as complicated or bizarre as the Shadow Play Girls, they still do their part in paralleling the Bucchigiri storyline.
Episode 1: Introductions
The first episode features the customer contemplating whether he should go into NNL or if he should leave. It isn't until he sees Arajin being chased down the street by the NG Boys that he enters out of fear of being spotted.
The customer serves as a parallel to Arajin. He too is a wimpy, unappealing, jittery, hopeless, mopey, delusional everyman. And just like how the customer was unsure as to whether he should enter a shady, controversial place like NNL, Arajin also struggles with entering the dangerous and colorful world of the Ichizu Gangs. And his involvement in their lifestyle has mainly been a forced reaction, as in he jumps into the fray while fearful for his safety. The NNL Receptionist can also be seen as a parallel for the colorful banchos and bad boys that Arajin, and the audience, meet in their upcoming encounters.
In the world of Revolutionary Girl Utena, one of the ongoing themes was fairy tales and stories that are told from one person to another. The Shadow Girls fit that theme by putting on plays for the audience about their own stories. So there are clear parallels of the main storyline.
And then we "meet" Jasmine.
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Just like it's the customer's first time in a place like NNL, it's also Arajin's first time in the world of Ichizu's gangs. And his meeting with Jasmine is a clear parallel to him meeting Mahoro for the first time. This is more apparent when you take in the Disney movie with Arajin (Aladdin) meeting his beloved Mahoro (Jasmine).
It's also worth noting that the customer asks if he can use the honorific "chan" which is mainly used for people/girls that someone has a close relationship with. And despite meeting her for only one day, Arajin is the one who proposes that it is "fate" that brought him and Mahoro together and how they're destined to be lovers. Clearly he's skipping multiple steps in the relationship making process expecting Mahoro to feel the same way.
Episode 2: I Couldn't Stay Away
The second time, the customer returns and is scared into entering the building after Senya drags along Arajin. Despite some hesitance, he asks the Receptionist for Jasmine again.
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So it's pretty obvious, the customer is in "love" with Jasmine and is hooked onto her. Even when she starts to "cling" to him.
At this point, Arajin has fallen head over heels for Mahoro and can't get her out of her head. His new motivations begin and end with conquering Mahoro's heart so he can use her to lose his virginity. And to conquer her heart and be as close to her as possible, he's more than willing to go through a shady and morally ambiguous place like the gang life.
Though the clingy part comes off as self-delusion since Mahoro absolutely hates him and wants nothing to do with him. Even making it clear constantly from this episode onward. Yet Arajin isn't bothered and is eager to make her his.
However, this does set up as it's first example of foreshadowing for the following episode.
Even though Mahoro hates him, she decides to play along with his infatuation with her when he's recruited into Siguma Squad. She's "clinging" to him in order to sway and manipulate him so he'll be able to take over Siguma Squad as it's new leader, forcing her brother to graduate so she can have him all to himself. Or so Arajin will get beat up badly, she's down for whatever. And because Arajin is stuck in his self-delusion about Mahoro and their destined love life, he doesn't see the red flags and falls for her claws. Eager to continue hanging out with the violent happy SS regardless of the peril he may face.
Episode 3: This episode did not feature a NNL segment.
Episode 4: Please Forgive Me
The customer is once again contemplating whether he should go in or not, even saying that he should just quit. Alas, a chubby Arajin scares him inside where he once again asks for Jasmine. Only now he's in hot water for having left her for so long.
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While normally this would be a stand in for Arajin and his hopeless love for Mahoro and how he's failing her, this time, the customer represents another character.
In this case, it's Matakara.
Earlier in the episode, he gets into another conversation with Arajin over the upcoming Gang War and how they should stop it. But it soon turns into another plea for him to rebuild their friendship and how he wants to become Honki people with him like before. Despite his efforts, Arajin tells him to get over it and orders him to leave him alone. Just like a cat turning her back on the customer after their absence.
And just like the customer blames himself for her anger, Matakara believes he's at fault for their friendship failing. Because he was too weak to fight the thugs who beat him up which is why Arajin abandoned him. And much like how the customer never viewed at any other "cat", Matakara has his eyes and heart only for Arajin. Even after making new friends in the Minato Kai club, his idol has always been his childhood friend who inspired him when he was just a weak boy so many years ago.
And he'll make that fact known to Arajin everytime they meet; reminding him that he's someone of great importance in his life and that he just has to believe him. No matter how many times he's turned away, Matakara still holds him dearly in his heart.
Episode 5: The Next Level
The customer returns and declares that it's a big day for him. This time he gets scared in by Kenichirou and the Minato Kai Gang making their way to the upcoming warzone.
Hoping to patch things up with Jasmine, the customer presents a gift.
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The way I interpret this scene, it comes off as taking his relationship with Jasmine to the next level by giving her a choker. For pets, giving them a choker can be considered the same as giving them a collar. Usually to signify your bond as master and pet. Or in this case, it comes off as the customer treating his precious Jasmine to a gift in the hopes of raising her mood.
For this scene, I see it as a parallel to everyone's relationships and how they're moving on to the next level.
This takes place during the Gang War two parter with both gangs going at each other only for the NG Boys to stage their attack. The fighting persists until Arajin steps in to protect Mahoro from being killed by Akutaro. And while fighting, he gains a major power boost from Senya as his merge rate increases as a result.
And once he defeats the NG Emperor, everyone's mood cheers up for the better and their relationships improve as a result. The rival gangs are more friendly with each other and are able to get along in spite of their rivalry that's lasted for years. Matakara gets to have a bonding moment with Arajin which is a huge step compared to how coldly he's been treated in the past. And Senya is super excited that the merge rate between him and Arajin has increased.
Everything and everyone is in better spirits now.
To bad it won't last for very long.
Episode 6: This episode does not feature an NNL segment.
Episode 7: A New Cat???
The customer is once again worried about whether he should enter NNL and is scared into coming in when Arajin rushes by due to being late for the Group Date.
The receptionist welcomes him into the establishment and asks if he wants his usual. But to his surprise, the customer has someone else in mind.
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It's hard to say why exactly the customer decided to go for a new cat instead of Jasmine. Perhaps it's because he's become used to the NNL environment and is bold enough to try someone different.
But what strikes me fancy about this part is not so much the change in cat but the receptionist's reaction. All this time, we've seen him as a silly catboy who loves to tease the customer and rolls with him coming to see his precious Jasmine. But it's the change in cat that causes him to react this way. He loses his silly front and shows actual shock and maybe concern over such a drastic change. He doesn't even revert back to his playful self as it cuts straight to the customer meeting Pu'er-chan (Fun fact: Pu'er is a type of tea that's specially grown in China. And taking Jasmine into account, the cats at NNL are all named after Chinese tea flavors).
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So he goes on with meeting the new cat even though he still has feelings for Jasmine. And he's greatly surprised to see Pu'er accept him with relative ease based on his elated reaction.
So to start, this segment is ripe with foreshadowing as it features the customer deciding to take a break from his old cat of interest and goes for a new cat. The customer changes his old cat for a new one. And who do we know who's interested in choosing someone new at the end of Episode 7?
"Do you know? Do you know? Do you know who he chooses?"
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And mixed with the receptionist's reaction of shock and concern, the series itself has underwent a change in tone based on everything that happened in Episode 8. The comedy and jokes are significantly toned down in order focus on the more serious and heartbreaking elements of Matakara's brother being suddenly hospitalized and Arajin confessing that he was a coward all along which all leads up to Matakara falling into the palms of Ichiya, our presumed villain of the show.
Another things I want to mention/theorize is that when the customer brings up how he couldn't get Jasmine out of his head, that was a parallel to Ichiya being unable to get Senya out of his head. The two genies have a long, hidden but deep history with each other and it's implied that Senya did something to warrant his wrath. And given that Ichiya has a grudge in his heart that he intends to resolve, his goals in using Matakara are all but stated to be part of his masterplan of taking revenge against Senya.
And the last part with Pu'er fully embracing the customer will be foreshadowing of Matakara accepting Ichiya's proposal and power with minimal hesitation. With him at the brink of despair and with no one to turn to for emotional support (sorry Minato Kai boys), he'll be desperate and eager to follow Ichiya's will no matter how questionable or corrupt it may be. It isn't clear as to what type of wish Mataraka will make or what Ichiya will offer him to go along with his revenge, but the boy is clearly at his most vulnerable and weakest. He'll accept anything and fall into Ichiya's hands just to make the pain more bearable.
The Nyan Nyaight Love segments are meant to serve as a Greek Chorus for the Bucchigiri series. Paralleling the dynamics and conflicts between the main characters (Arajin, Matakara and Mahoro) while also providing foreshadowing for events to come. Much like the Shadow Play Girls and how they would parallel and foreshadow the main events in Utena. And under the assumption that we'll get more NNL segments, then the scenes with the customer and the receptionist will foretell more of what will happen throughout the show and the relationships between the characters.
And those are my thoughts on this nonsensical skit. What do you guys think? If you have your own interpretations for these segments or if there was something that you agreed or disagreed with, please feel free to reblog this and share your comments. It's worth mentioning that the plays that the Shadow Girls held had various ways of being interpreted so there's really no wrong way to go about this.
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venussaidso · 2 months
Rewatching Destined With You and it's actually not as bad as I remember it to be. It's not perfect but it's actually engaging and wholesome; it's also a nice little display of an archetypical dynamic between a Mercury nakshatra native and a Ketu nakshatra native. Ashlesha-Magha, to be specific. Both completely their nakshatras' stereotype if you watch.
The Ashlesha is a highly educated, wealthy, "cold" lawyer who has been cursed from generations and he meets a lonely quirky Magha civil servant who discovers that she has ancestral powers in witchcraft (couldn't get any more Magha than that). Both are into occult knowledge, the Ashlesha more than the Magha.
The gag is they're both tied by destiny and have unresolved karma starting from lifetimes ago WHICH COULDN'T GET MORE OBVIOUS THAN THAT SINCE THE GANDANTA POINT IS ONE WHERE THE WATER SIGNS UNTIE THE KARMIC KNOT (where all karmas/generational curses & blessings last stand as I've so briefly touched on in my Revati/Mercury Dominant Themes exploration) AND FIRE SIGNS ARE WHERE A NEW KARMIC KNOT TIE. The Ashlesha native's curse has been passed down through family generations and it is he, the Mercurial, who decides to end it in his current lifetime. But not without the help of the Magha native who, SPOILER ALERT, was the one who cursed his ancestors (yes the ketuvian being the one to tie a new karmic knot and whatnot YA GET IT NOW???).
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Anyways this post is kinda overhyping this specific plot, I'll have you know the drama is more romance-centric and this story doesn't hold a lot of weight. I just find it awesome that they casted the perfect nakshatra natives for these roles. On point ASF.
Didn't I once make a post about gandanta nakshatras just being drawn to each other? Must be a heavily karmic thing going on, especially where there's that gandanta knot. Also they kinda look alike ngl. Especially them Revatis and Ashwinis mm mm.
EDIT: LMAOOOO I JUST REALIZED MY GRANDPARENTS ARE LITERALLY AN ASHLESHA X MAGHA DUO AMEN!!!! Grandma was a famous preacher who had the streets wrapped around her finger, very cult-like, which isn't surprising as Ketuvians have the power to ignite a cult around them. Grandpa was resourceful and very crafty which is Mercurial as hell, he moreso followed her lead though.
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harocat · 1 year
Why People (Especially Gay People) Should Watch Mysterious Lotus Casebook
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Thirty plus year old former greatest martial artist in the world, Li Lianhua, travels around in a poor man's version of Howl's Moving Castle dispensing sometimes quack, sometimes seems to be pretty accurate medical care to people throughout the land for a quick buck. He is dying a potentially preventable death because he was poisoned ten years ago and refused to seek treatment from his martial arts sect because he felt like he let them down (a lot of them died, and they think he died too). Hopefully he doesn't die for real at the end. He's been stripped of 90% of his martial arts powers, so he basically is just some guy. He does not GAF about almost anything. He likes to cook. He's smarter than everyone. He's our hero.
He has a cute dog by the way. Its name is Fox Spirit, but it is very much a dog.
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Along the way he meets Fang Duobing, an annoying, oblivious to class consciousness (but still lovable) rich kid who makes it his mission to travel together with Li Lianhua so they can solve crime. He has huge puppy energy. He wants to be an official detective, and he needs LLH to help him out. He has a serious case of heart eyes for his shifu, and he shows zero interest in any woman ever. He believes, due to a previous encounter, that he's destined to be Li Xiangyi's student in martial arts. Oh and Li Xianygi is Li Lianhua's true identity, so he's kind of like, FDB's shifu twice over. He has no idea that LLH is actually the swordsman of legend.... yet.
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Along the way they solve murder mysteries and also get involved in tomb raiding adventures complete with Indiana Jones style booby traps, backstabbing, and weird, creepy kids.
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By the way, LLH's archrival from a decade ago, before he left the martial arts world, was Di Feisheng. He leads up an alliance that LLH's was pitted against, and one that was viewed as a scourge in the martial arts world.
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LLH's last battle before his 'death' was with DFS, so the martial world believes DFS killed him, as does DFS. Di Feisheng finds him again, and is super DTF (fuck, or fight? actually both), but when he finds out that LLH lost his martial arts powers, he makes it his mission to restore them so they can have the final showdown they deserve.
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The fight scenes rule.
Were they friends in the past before they became rivals? We don't know yet. All we know is that they have extreme divorced energy, and DFS wants nothing more than to get remarried. He's gay. He's so gay. He's legitimately confused when he finds out that LLH has an ex girlfriend. He's seriously like 'I NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D BE INTERESTED IN WOMEN.'
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You bet your ass LLH is wearing a wedding dress here.
So all three of them travel together to solve murders, which they do, with aplomb. The whole time DFS pretends he doesn't care while making moon eyes at LLH and making sure no harm ever comes to him. Fang Duobing is confused and probably jealous.
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Yeah he really did pledge to marry Li Lianhua in like, episode two.
He also, at that point, has NO idea the true identity of either of them.
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Right now DFS is no longer traveling with them, but I believe he'll be back to them soon (he's still plenty involved in the story and present), and the three will continue their shenanigans. And anyway, he's still annoying LLH despite them not traveling together (to be fair, pretty much everyone annoys LLH). There's also sect drama! Secret alliances! Completely wack murder mysteries! And always with a side-dish of heavy homo. They're going to be the best found family.
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There's eighteen episodes of forty out right now, and it's streaming on IQIYI or wherever you choose to pirate your Chinese Dramas. It's EXTREMELY entertaining every single episode; funny, addictive, and yeah, pretty gay.
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antianakin · 6 months
I'm starting to see some very funny (and by funny I mean infuriating) takes on what Andor was actually ABOUT and the way it utilized its more adult narrative within the context of Star Wars. Andor as a show followed Lucas's themes BRILLIANTLY even while choosing to look at them a little differently.
One of the primary themes in Star Wars is that there really isn't much of a "middle ground" in life. You are either choosing to be selfless and compassionate, or you aren't. Trying to stay in the middle or run from making this choice inevitably ends up badly for the people who try. And one of the other primary themes of Star Wars is that being selfless and compassionate often requires LETTING GO, most often letting go of the people you love and accepting that change happens in life.
I've seen people argue that Andor is able to be a morally grey story because its characters aren't Jedi or Sith who tend to be more bound by these cosmic themes or good vs evil, but I'd argue that Andor actually represents that theme JUST FINE.
Despite many of its characters living in a "morally ambiguous" area, we still have to see them make the choice to be selfless and compassionate or selfish and greedy. One of the primary themes for the characters is how well they can LET GO or not. Cassian is constantly having to figure out how to let go of his plans for his future, let go of his mother, let go of his dreams of a normal life. Cassian is ruled by fear for much of the first season and it's only once he is pushed into a situation where there's no longer any way to run, he starts finally fighting back and refusing to bow to the oppressive force that wants nothing more than to see him discarded like so much refuse. The people of Ferrix have to let go of their desire to stick their heads in the sand and simply hope the Empire won't notice them.
And on the other end of the spectrum you have Syril Karn and Dedra Meero absolutely fixated on their respective goals to the point that they're willing to kill and betray innocent people to reach them. They've convinced themselves their goals are selfless, but their motivations are in fact actually SELFISH, they serve nobody but their own ambitions. And both of them end up paying for it.
So Andor ABSOLUTELY gets the central theme of Star Wars, it isn't actually trying to change that. What it DOES do is take that theme and just digs slightly deeper, looking at this theme from a slightly different angel even when it ultimately comes to the same conclusion. Andor asks if selflessness and compassion always looks like "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!" Or if maybe sometimes making the selfless choice means burning yourself to light a fire to lead someone else to safety. Are all people who make the selfless and compassionate choice considered heroes, or are some of them having to make those choices down in the dirt and destined to be forgotten by history? Andor asks how many variations of selflessness might exist and then explores them in its wide, colorful ensemble.
Andor also is looking at what selflessness might look like in characters who are forced into making a choice between standing back when they see evil happening and dirtying their hands just to make the smallest difference because forces of evil outside of their control are making the purer options impossible.
And that is the EXACT SAME THEME explored with the Prequels Jedi. The Jedi who want so badly to be selfless and compassionate, whose philosophies and ideologies lead them to use violence only as a last resort and love everyone and everything in the galaxy equally. The Jedi who are thrust into a war where there's no way to win because the Sith are running both sides of it and the Jedi can't just NOT FIGHT because that will get innocent people killed and will help no one but themselves, but they have to compromise their morals as a result. The Jedi who see a politician slowly amassing unreasonable amounts of power he's unwilling to let go of and a Senate too controlled by fear and greed to see the danger, so their only option is to commit treason to try to remove the corruption personally.
The Jedi LOOK the hero part a lot more than the characters in Andor do. They're strong, confident, powerful, and wield swords of light. They fight out in the open rather than from the shadows. Cassian, Luthen, Saw, Mon Mothma, Vel, and Cinta all manipulate things and threaten people and lie and cheat their way towards victory. Both Mon Mothma and Luthen fully admit to choosing to act like their enemy in order to defeat them. And it's not that the Jedi's way of fighting is any worse than the way the people of Andor have learned to fight. The people of Andor would LOVE to be able to fight like the Jedi used to do. But they can't. Palpatine has created a world in which being heroes that way is NO LONGER POSSIBLE. He started with the Jedi, by forcing the Jedi into a situation where fighting the way they once did was the wrong choice to make. There were no longer any right choices, just better choices. The only choice.
The Jedi stood as a bulwark between the darkness and the people of the galaxy. For years they chose to dirty their hands in order to fight the battles no one else WANTED to fight because it was the ONLY CHOICE TO MAKE. So what happens when the Jedi are gone?
The rest of the galaxy is now faced with the same choice. Do you stand by and let darkness grow? Or do you dirty your hands a little because it's the only choice you CAN make?
The people in Andor are picking up the torch that fell out of the Jedi's hands when they were murdered and persecuted by the Sith. Only the people who are left don't have magic powers or swords of light, so they use the resources they have at their disposal, which mostly amounts to manipulation and trickery and striking from shadows. The fight looks a little different now, but it's still the same fight the Jedi were fighting for years.
So Andor is taking those bigger cosmic themes from the Jedi/Sith conflicts that permeate the rest of the Skywalker saga and asks what those themes might look like when applied to the little people. What kind of choices might THEY make, what kind of things might they have to let go of in order to make those selfless choices? What kind of consequences might happen when they DON'T make the selfless choice? It's the exact same theme Lucas has ALWAYS had in his stories, just viewed from a different angle or through a different lens.
But the stories we've been getting recently that are trying to argue that being selfish is actually totally fine so long as you're doing it For Love, that the Jedi were in fact the source of everything that went wrong in the galaxy, that the Jedi were DESTINED to be destroyed, those all go completely against Lucas's themes. They're the direct OPPOSITE of his intended message. It is in fact entirely possible to write a more adult story with grittier content that STILL SENDS THE SAME FUCKING MESSAGE AND FOLLOWS THE SAME THEMES and doesn't try to get edgy in its interpretation of the source material.
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