#and they thought tomura was going to be it so they hated this picture but now with everything that happened lol
20001541 · 3 months
this is from the jump giga spring edition magazine cover (2022) featuring all the villains from current running shonen jump series. as you can see afo is front and centered as he rightly deserves.
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scary-grace · 2 months
blind date (shigaraki x reader)
After endless failed attempts to help Tomura up his game, his friends have settled on their last resort: A blind date. Even before you show up, it's not going well. No quirks AU, 2k words.
this was originally in the x reader lovers community, but I figured I'd release it into the wild as well!
Part 1 Part 2
Part 1
Tomura gets being a little late. “A little late” is practically his middle name. He waits until the last minute to do almost everything, and that means any complications mean he’s running behind. Hypocrisy pisses him off so much that he tries to avoid it all costs, so that means he has to put up with it without bitching when somebody else is a little late, too.
Except half an hour isn’t a just a little late for anything, let alone a blind date Tomura didn’t want to go on in the first place. He’s been waiting outside the bar you were supposed to meet at for half an hour, and he’s pissed.
“That’s it,” he says after the eighteenth time a woman his age has walked past and hasn’t been you, whatever the hell you look like. “I’m out of here.”
“Just a little longer, honey,” Magne says. She’s smiling, but she’s also got her arm around Tomura’s shoulders, and if she squeezes any harder, Tomura’s going to pop like a balloon. “She’ll be here.”
“No, she won’t.” Tomura crosses his arms over his chest, tucking his hands in so nothing will bite them. They’re on the waterfront, in the summer, and there are insects everywhere. Whose dumb idea was this? “You showed her a photo of me and she changed her mind.”
“It’s a blind date,” Magne says. Like Tomura’s supposed to know what that means. “She doesn’t know what you look like, either. That’s why you have to stay right here and keep wearing that baseball hat. Otherwise she won’t know it’s you.”
Tomura hates the hat. Right now he hates everything. “So she got here on time, saw me, and left. Can I go?”
Magne shakes her head. “You promised you’d try.”
“I showed up. I waited for fucking half an hour. I’ve tried.” Tomura finally shoves Magne’s arm off his shoulders. “I’m done.”
Tomura wishes he could say he didn’t know how he got here, except he does. One of his friends is getting married, and there’s supposed to be a wild bachelor weekend in Vegas, one last blast of stupid before settling down. Most of the groomsmen are planning to hook up with as many people as possible, and that’s where the problems start. According to his friends, Tomura has no game. Zero game. Negative one hundred game. If he was rolling for his game stat, it would be a critical failure – and none of his friends want to babysit him when they could be getting laid.
Tomura wouldn’t want to babysit when he could be getting laid, either. His solution was to skip the bachelor weekend and just show up for the wedding in his stupid rented suit. But apparently his friends really want him to come to the party, and they decided that what he needed was to get some practice in before the trip. Which means that for the last month, Tomura’s spent every Friday night and weekend getting dragged through his own personal hell.
They made him try dating apps, which were a disaster, even though Tomura let Toga set up his profile and make the first move. Then they tried traditional online dating, which also sucked, because Tomura’s too picky and other people have standards. Hanging out in bars and clubs worked exactly how it’s always worked – it doesn’t – and when Dabi pulled out the big guns and dragged Tomura to the sex club where he met his fiancé, the only people who talked to Tomura were guys. Tomura thought that was sort of a good sign, even though he’s not into men, until he remembered that guys will fuck anything with a hole in it. He’s not high on himself on his best day, but that was a really shitty night.
He thought they were going to quit after that, but his friends had one last ace up their sleeve – a blind date, Magne’s idea, which Toga enthusiastically signed off on when she saw a picture of the woman Magne wanted to set Tomura up with. Toga’s type and Tomura’s type line up, sort of, and Spinner giving the photo two thumbs way up sealed the deal.
It’s not like Tomura was hopeful or anything. He just wanted to get his friends off his back. Still, rejection sucks, and ghosting sucks worse. He’d rather have you show up and tell him to his face that you weren’t interested than stand him up.
Magne collars Tomura again, but her phone starts ringing at the same time, Toga’s contact info popping up. “Don’t go anywhere,” she warns Tomura as she raises the phone to her ear. “We’re here. She’s not here yet. Can you tell him –”
Tomura ducks out from under her arm and books it into the crowd of people on the waterfront, figuring he can make it to the metro stop before Magne figures out which way he’s going. But even that can’t go his way today, because he runs into somebody who’s moving at warp speed in the opposite direction, colliding at the shoulder hard enough to make him stagger. Tomura’s not confrontational, but it’s the wrong fucking day. “Can you watch where you’re going? It’s not like you matter to whoever you’re going to –”
“Are you Tomura?”
Tomura’s heart lurches. He stares hard at you as you right yourself, picking up the backpack you dropped in the collision. There’s no way this is happening. There’s no universe in which his blind date would be someone like you.
He can see right away why Toga and Spinner approved of you, but he thought you’d be someone in his league, not somebody who’s several kilometers above it. Maybe Tomura’s too excited that you actually showed up to evaluate what you actually look like. He looks away, then looks back. Nope – you’re still pretty, even though your face is flushed and you’re breathing hard like you’ve just been running. Did you run here to meet him? Only one way to find out. “I’m Tomura.”
“I’m so sorry,” you say. “My boss held me back at work, and I missed my train –”
You’re wearing some kind of work uniform. Scrubs, maybe. Are you a nurse? “And then I couldn’t decide whether to wait for another train or just run, so I ran – but I don’t really run, so it took even longer –”
Tomura doesn’t run, either. When he was doing the stupid online dating thing, he sorted out everybody who said more than one sentence about working out. You pause to suck down a breath, then keep talking. “I know everything I just said sounds like an excuse, and I know you’re leaving,” you say, “but I was hoping I could catch you so I could say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stand you up. I get it if you want to call it off.”
Before Tomura can answer or even think about what he’s going to say, Magne bursts out of the crowd. “I told you not to run off,” she scolds, collaring Tomura again. “If you don’t stay put, there’s no way she’s going to – oh! You’re here!”
You nod. Magne looks you up and down. “I told you to dress cute,” she scolds. “And to get here on time. I practically had to chain him to a streetlight so he wouldn’t escape.”
“I’m sorry,” you say. “My boss –”
“Of course,” Magne says, scowling. “He’s never met a good time he doesn’t want to ruin.”
Magne knows who your boss is? “How do you to know each other?”
“She’s a pharmacy tech at the place I go to pick up my E,” Magne says. “She’s the only one who works there who isn’t an asshole, and her boss is the biggest asshole of them all. I only go in there when she’s on and he’s off. But let me introduce you the right way. Shigaraki, this is – ”
Tomura misses your name the first time Magne says it, catches it the second time, but it barely registers except as something he probably shouldn’t forget. You’re pretty. You’re not an asshole, or at least you’re the same kind of asshole as Magne and everybody else Magne’s friends with, including Tomura. Your boss is the wrong kind of asshole, which means you probably didn’t blow Tomura off on purpose. And you ran here so you could meet him even when you knew you were really late. You must have really wanted to meet Tomura. What did Magne tell you about him?
Tomura can ask you about that later. “So?” Magne is saying expectantly. “Can I leave you two alone, or are you going to run away again?”
“No,” Tomura says. “You can go.”
You look surprised. “Um –”
Magne cackles. She snatches the hat off Tomura’s head, ruffles his hair, and slaps him on the back hard enough that he staggers. “Have fun! I want all the details later!”
“Sure,” you say, bewildered, as she kisses you on the cheek. Tomura’s going to have to talk to you about that – any details you share with Magne will be fair game for the rest of Tomura’s friends, and he’s not sure how much he wants them to know. “Um, bye.”
Magne waves and vanishes into the crowd. Now it’s just you and Tomura standing on the sidewalk. You shuffle off to one side, out of the way, and Tomura follows you. “Are you sure you still want to do this?” you ask once you’re both leaning against the railing. “I get it if you’re not in the mood. When I’ve gotten stood up, I haven’t wanted to –”
“You’ve never been stood up in your life,” Tomura says, and your expression changes from confused to offended. “Look at you.”
You look down at yourself, then back up at him. “What does that mean?”
“I didn’t know anything about you and I got here on time. If I knew what you looked like beforehand I’d have been two hours early.” It sounded like a compliment in Tomura’s head, but he can’t tell if you’re taking it that way. “People like you don’t get stood up for dates.”
“I wish that were true,” you say. You look away. “I know how it feels. I get it if you don’t want to go out anymore.”
Tomura pretends he’s thinking about it. “How far did you run to get here?”
“Sixteen blocks.”
“You ran sixteen blocks to meet me. That cancels out being late,” Tomura says. You look up, surprised for a second or two before the relief kicks in. “I still want to go out.”
“Me, too,” you say. You smile at him. Women don’t usually smile at Tomura. People don’t usually smile at Tomura. He doesn’t know what to do with it. “Thanks, Tomura. For giving me a chance.”
“Yeah,” Tomura says. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t really know,” you admit. “It’s been a while since I went on a date.”
“Same,” Tomura says. ‘Never’ counts as a while in his book. “I don’t know – grab drinks or something?”
You nod. “Can we find somewhere to sit down for a second first? I don’t usually run that much, and I don’t want to pass out on you.”
“You can pass out on me if you want,” Tomura says. You blink. Tomura facepalms even though you’re looking right at him. “There are benches back there.”
The crowd on the sidewalk is only getting denser. Tomura doesn’t want to get separated from you, so he tells you to hold onto the back of his shirt. You grab his hand instead, and you’re still holding it when the two of you find a place to sit down. Still holding it once you’re both settled, searching for something to talk about. Tomura’s not optimistic about this. You’re too good to be true – the kind of woman who’d run sixteen blocks to meet him and hold his hand is a kind of woman who doesn’t exist. Even so, it’s – nice. Tomura laces his fingers with yours and decides to enjoy it while it lasts.
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nataliepruitts · 4 months
A Light In My Dark World | Yandere!Shigaraki x Reader
Chapter 2
It's been ten years since you left Japan with your parents, you hated leaving without telling Tomura goodbye but your mom didn't give you a chance to. Now, ten years later, you're finally back in Japan to attend college. You couldn't believe your luck when you found out that you got an offer to go to college in Japan, you didn't hesitate to jump at the chance to see this beautiful country again.
As you got settled in your dorm you kept thinking about Tomura, wondering how he was doing and if you would see him while you were in Japan. You can't deny that you had a small crush on him but he scared you and you weren't sure if you could have ever had anything with him because you would always be worrying if the slightest wrong move you make, or the wrong thing you say, would set him off and make him turn against you. But despite him being a little scary and creepy, you couldn't stop the crush from forming.
Now you wonder if he even remembers you, or did he forget about you. You wonder if he found a nice Japanese girl that he decided to settle down with, your heart aches at the thought but you will be happy for him if he did. You just want him to be happy. You had hopes that he found a better life… That is until you saw him on the news one day as one of Japan's most wanted villains.
Your heart sank. Tomura is a villain?
You didn't want to believe it but when you saw his picture you knew it was him. It breaks your heart to see that he's living a life of villainy. Now you're certain that he most likely forgot about you.
You told your roommate and your friends that you know him and they comfort you. They had all been so kind to you ever since you started college with them which surprised you since they're the type of girls that you wouldn't imagine being so nice to a newcomer. When you first met them you immediately noticed how beautiful they were with their makeup on, their hair all done up in different styles, and the really nice clothes that they wear. You were surprised when they wanted to be friends with you, they're such sweethearts and you're happy that you're friends with them.
You have always considered yourself to be plain-looking and not all that attractive, even though a lot of people tell you how beautiful you are. You never had any luck in attracting boys, they always went for your friends, both in your home country and here. Though you assume that the main reason why boys in Japan don't show any interest in you is because you're a foreigner, along with the fact that they're always more attracted to your friends than you. You highly doubt that even Tomura shares your feelings, you're sure that if you ever told him that you had a small crush on him he would just scoff at you and tell you how he only ever saw you as a friend, that hurts to think about but you're certain it's true.
But you know that he was really upset about you leaving. You went to the vacation house after you arrived in Japan, only to find it completely destroyed with the ground fully decayed. The locals told you how a boy completely destroyed the place ten years ago after finding out that the girl who was staying there with her parents had left and was possibly never going to return. You knew it was Tomura who did it and you knew it was because you left, but you aren't sure if he was pissed that you left without saying goodbye or if he was really upset that his friend was gone. Either way, Tomura killed about a dozen people that day.
You have been in Japan for half a year now and you have done nothing but focus on your studies. Your friends will take you out every so often to get you away from your school work but mostly you have your nose in your books. You're not worried about boys or trying to start anything romantic because that's not what you're there for, you're there to go to school and get your scholarship.
One night your roommate and friends decide to have a sleepover, they know how you've been stressing about studies and dealing with the news that your childhood friend, Tomura, is a villain, so they chose to have a sleepover with you to help you relax and take your mind off things. You five were up all night playing video games, watching anime, eating snacks, making jokes, and laughing with each other to the point where you would almost piss in your pajama pants. It was a lot of fun and really did help you calm your nerves and take your mind off of everything. But it was a bad idea to do it on a school night.
The following morning your roommate wakes you up in a panic. "Y/n, wake up! We overslept, we're gonna be late for class!"
You jump out of bed and join your friends as you all rush to get ready. The five of you ran out of the dorms and toward the school building, but something was off. You slow down as you get this eerie feeling, something in your gut telling you to turn and run away. Your friends slow down as they get the same feeling. You guys look at the school as you slowly walk towards it. "Something's not right." You speak softly as you continue taking hesitant footsteps toward the building.
Before any of your friends could say anything, you guys see the principal of the school come running out of the building. He runs right towards you guys as he shouts at you, "Run away! Get away from here!" He gets closer to you and you can see the fear and panic in his eyes, "The League of Villains are here, their leader is looking for a certain girl!" Not a second after he finishes talking, his whole body is suddenly engulfed in blue flames.
You and your friends scream as you turn to run away but blue flames surround you guys and block your path. You turn to see a tall guy with black, messy hair, burned scars all over his body with staples holding his skin together, and some piercings. You can see smoke coming off of his right hand and you guess that he was the one that the blue flames came from. Dabi. You remember seeing him on the news.
"You girls are late for class," he says with a smirk on his face. "Come on, you five are the last girls that need to be taken to the boss. Better hurry up 'cause he's getting ready to tear down this whole school just to find this girl that he's looking for." Dabi steps to the side as he gestures for you guys to walk ahead of him, two other members of the league come out to help him usher you guys into the building.
Their leader is looking for a girl? Who is their leader? Is he talking about Tomura? Whoever this girl is that they're looking for, I feel sorry for her. I hope she will be okay. You're pulled from your thoughts when you enter the building and Dabi starts talking.
"These five girls were running late for class."
You look around and see all the other girls sitting on the floor huddled together, crying and looking completely terrified. You also see pieces of people all over the floor, some of the girls were killed. Your heart pounds in your chest as your eyes scan over the scene before landing on the guy who you know is responsible for the deaths, Tomura Shigaraki. He stands there scratching his neck as he mumbles to himself.
"She's supposed to be here, master said she was at this school. But where is she? I will tear apart this whole school if I have to in order to find her." He waited all these years to see you again. He was beginning to doubt that you would ever return until he got the news from All For One that you were finally back in Japan. Naturally, he was really pissed when he found out that you were in Japan for half a year and he was never told, but he was more than thrilled to hear that you have finally returned.
Tomura finally registered that Dabi was talking and he looked over at him before looking over at you and your friends. Once his gaze falls on you his eyes widen as he feels his heart rate speed up. You're even more beautiful than you were the last time he saw you. He moves toward you, not taking his gaze off you for a second.
You place your bag on the ground before walking toward him, your friends grab your arms to stop you but you give them a reassuring smile. "It's okay. You guys stay here." You pull away from them and move toward your old friend, you don't know what this is about or why he's here but if you can do anything to save your friends and the other girls you will do it. Your heart pounds faster in your chest as you get closer to him, "Tomura, I don't know which girl you guys are after or why you're after her, but please just let her be. All of these girls are terrified right now, she's probably scared out of her mind."
Tomura lets out the most maniacal laugh you have ever heard, "Scared out of her mind? It doesn't look to me like she's scared out of her mind, not when she's standing right in front of me telling me all of that." Your eyes widen, it didn't occur to you that you were the one he was looking for. You can see the corners of his mouth poke out from the sides of the hand mask he's wearing as he looks at you with a possessive look in his eyes. You stand there frozen as he gets closer to you. "I came to claim what is mine."
"Wha-?" You weren't able to finish your question when you felt a needle inserted into your neck, unknown fluids entering your body, fluids that were concocted together to put someone to sleep instantly. Dabi removes the needle from your neck and your body falls limp, but Tomura pulls your limp body into his arms to keep you from falling to the floor. He holds you tightly as he picks you up bridal style, being careful not to place all of his fingers on you. He turns to head for the warp gate that Kurogiri had already opened for him, completely ignoring the pleas of your friends who were begging him to let you go. He finally has you with him again and he will never let you go.
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viburnt · 9 months
omg your puppy hybrid au i love! i can totally see dabi trying to turn the tables and collar his owner instead 😭😭
Anon, you're SO right! You smart little thing, have some Collar Headcanons.
• Doberman! Dabi does try to collar up his lady, specially after you tried to place the black leather piece on his neck. It's both a way to say "This one here is mine, fuck off!" And also a way of teasing.
• He hates the idea of being treated like a pet of some sorts, and also despises the concept of control the collar means. If he wanted to be collared up, he would've stayed with his father. It also makes him feel like one of those fancy tiny lapdogs, so collars are a no no for him.
• Touya often teases Tomura about it by the way. He is aware that the collar Shigaraki uses is functional more than a prop, but he can't help but smirk and mock him.
• The first time you asked him if he'd ever use a collar, his answer was a very blunt: "Fuck no! You're not my owner." You don't try to press the topic any further since it's clear it made him uncomfortable, but sometimes (when he is alone), he thinks about it. You may not be his owner (you are) but he sure does follow your lead.
• It is when he sees you had actually bought a collar for him that something in his brain just clicks. Sure, he wasn't going to use it, but his mind drifted to places: your neck would look so pretty with that thing on! The mere thought makes him go feral.
• "Don't tell me, this lil' thing was supposed to be for me? What about you wear it instead?"
• Low-key keeps the collar close to him to rub his scent on it and then tries to sneak it around your neck. He has to mark territory!
• Dabi taunts and teases you whenever the topic surges, tugging the leather piece around your neck in playful banter. "Say, how's my little lapdog? It's not too tight, is it?"
• Likes to snap pictures of you with that damned collar, has an album full of them. His favorite ones are where you're trying to cover your face in embarrassment. "What? Shy now? Weren't you thinking of doing this to me?"
• The only moment where a collar is ok for him to use is during his heats, for reasons stated in my last post.
"I'm not wearing that!" Dabi yelled, running around the small space of your living room as you tried to place the collar on. "At least let me see how it'd look! Come on, please!" You begged, following him around. "Put it on if you want to play pet so bad."
Pouting you gave up, sitting on the couch in defeat. "Fine, I guess I can give this to- Hey! What-" You didn't feel when Dabi had taken the item off your hands, gasping a little as his rough hands secured it around your neck in a swift movement. It was tight, choking you slightly. "Don't make me walk you like a dog..." Touya chuckled.
Tagging my babes: @shionancientsblog @dabislittlemouse @trickster-kat @shonen-brainrot (feel free to tag more Dabi fans haha)
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mettywiththenotes · 1 month
Talking about an au
This is one that has been on my mind since 419 and tbh I thought for sure it could happen
Remember when Tomura shed his skin during the Floating UA battle? Well I wondered if a similar thing would happen again in Mount Fuji
Picture it. In the void, AFO eats Tomura. He's dying as he's told everything about AFO's involvement in his life. AFO takes over his body, hand formed over mouth and all. It looks pretty bad. All the stuff happens with Izuku getting his arms back, the heroes coming to his aid etc. Izuku punches AFO (end of 422, beginning of 423). Here's where it diverges from canon:
Izuku punches AFO and he starts crumbling slowly, from his gut (where the impact was) to the rest of him. Except before it even reaches his chest, his face starts to crack open. Visually we can see this crack isn't the same as the crumbling of his body. It's one we've seen before, across his face in the middle of a battle. A parallel back to this
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Except within the crack is Tomura's face. Tomura inside Tomura's body. Tomuraception
What happened? Well, the power of Izuku's will to stop AFO (the punch) allowed the vestiges that got thrown into the body to reawaken and bring Tomura's soul back. At the same time, minutes before, Tomura, slowly dying in the void, began to think. About everything AFO told him, how he was doomed before he was even born. How much that angered him, the rage coursing through his soul. He already had a strong will before, but now he really can't accept what has happened and he can't accept AFO getting away with it. Even if AFO's fate is to die, he'd rather be the one on the other end of it, alive and watching him. Better yet, being the hand that ultimately brings about his end
As a visual representation, it's like Tomura reaches out, desperate to climb out of the abyss he is slowly dying in, and he is met with several hands reaching back, taking his hand and pulling him out and back to the world. The vestiges, who have been reawakened by Izuku
Before, Tomura has not been able to die or stay dead. So why should this not be the same? With the power of rage, spite, his hero and some ghostly relatives, he lives on. He twists his own fate by accepting the hands that reach out and climbing out of the hole AFO threw him in
AFO's Tomura face cracks open. Tomura forces AFO's vessel apart from the head, almost like a butterfly climbing out of its cocoon, almost like he is actively prying his own cage open and escaping for good
AFO had been crumbling and was ripped open, but in a desperate attempt to stay together and stay alive (also fueled by anger at being pushed to the edge like this + Tomura somehow coming back from the dead), he uses his quirks (mostly drills) to keep his body intact for now (this is already shown in 423)
Also, I guess it depends on what you would like to believe, but the way I see it, Tomura could come back either with just his decay OR with the vestiges choosing another vessel for what little power they can give left and so backing Tomura up with the last of OFA. Aka 10th user Tomura. It's not as powerful as it was with Izuku but it still adds a lot, just enough to pack a real punch. Personally I think if we're already throwing away "what is realistic" then I might as well go big or go home and go with 10th user Tomura my beloved
It's from this point that he and Izuku begin to work together to kill the old body. As you can imagine, it's probably not an immediate bonding of friendship or whatever, but it's more or less teamwork formed with the general statement of "we still have things to work out, hero, but I don't care about that right now. I hate him more than anyone else on this damn mountain and I can't stand the thought of letting anyone else kill him but me" etc but then progresses as they fight
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gentrychild · 2 years
Hey Gentry! For the 5 headcannon game would you please do a blackbutler ×mha Au? With Afo as Sebastian and Izuku as Ceil!
I have been thinking about this ask a lot, not in the "I am worldbuilding this AU" sense but as... I cannot picture a world where Izuku knows that All for One will eventually eat his soul and he isn't making AFO's life a living hell every day to make him pay for it. I refuse to believe that Izuku wouldn't be ten times pettier than Ciel because, you know, Ciel wants to find out who killed his parents and gets revenge while Izuku is only still here on earth in order to make All for One suffer.
Because, if Izuku had sold his soul to All Might, it would be okay, why not, All Might deserves some nice yummy soul, and Izuku would probably feel sorry that his soul isn't more nutritious because All Might works hard. But Loser for One? That bitch? Oh, I know Izuku never meant to sell his soul and it's ON, he will make him regret ever making that pact.
On one hand, Izuku has excellent reputation because he keeps making good deeds (out of demonic powers) but on the other end, everyone knows that he hates his butler and laughs at his pain. Izuku throws his butler into whatever is the Victorian equivalent of a woodchipper, isn't arrested because it's obviously impossible since his butler was later seen in one piece, but everyone who knows him is nodding and going "Yes, surprised he didn't do that sooner, he really hates that guy."
Constant bullying, impossible requests that AFO is expected to fulfill in the next five minutes, constant psychological torment, all the malevolence a teenage mind filled with unholy sadism when it comes to one (1) being. If AFO isn't spending his nights studying demon law books in order to find a way of how to break the contract, Izuku considers he isn't doing his job right.
I want legit demons to look at AFO and Izuku and for them to have no idea who the demon is between the two. I want Ujiko to try to snap the neck of the awful child not respecting his lord only for Izuku to beat him to death with his cane. I want half of the shinigamis to be terrified at the idea of eventually being the ones to reap Izuku's soul and the other eating popcorn while this funky little feral child is running around with a gun and using his own demon as target practice.
As for the headcanons, sorry, I am not inspired, but I will try:
1.A - The servants are all demons: Lady Nagant, Tomura and Machia, because Izuku is so unhinged that the human servants kept running for the hills. They all made deals with AFO and some source of humor is the fact that they don't know what's considered as normal for human beings so they frequently bicker over who is the better at passing for human. (They all suck.)
1.B - Alternatively, the servants are all humans (Midnight, Aizawa and Mic) and they keep cooing over Izuku's antics and keep claiming to AFO's face that their young master is only acting out because he loves the butler and wants his attention.
2 - Izuku was (is?) engaged to Shouto but it's up in the air after his return to the Midoriya manor because back when Enji agreed to give his youngest, he thought that Touya would be his heir and the Midoriya family was extremely powerful. He was less keen to give out his most promising child to a family who has now a bit of a reputation when it comes to bad luck. Also, Shouto doesn't want to be engaged. Period.
3 - Izuku is terrible at using swords but really good at using knives (his loving butler helped him train, for his mere presence provided a lovely target practice.) If there is a circus arc, Izuku doesn't need anyone to qualify as a knife thrower.
4 - That's a "Chisaki is a good parent to Eri" AU as he probably replaces Lau as Izuku's connection to the criminal world. Also, cool tattoos. Because I was deprived of cool tattoos during the arc that introduced yakuza.
5 - Izuku's contract involves "getting as much vengeance as he craves" and alas for All for One, his thirst for vengeance is unquenchable. Izuku can hold a grudge against anything, but mainly AFO.
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deadboyswalking · 2 years
Why The Overhaul Arc Matters
Strap the FUCK in I just realized the actual narrative significance of the Overhaul arc.
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Eri-Tomura Parallel
At a surface level, Eri and Tomura have obvious parallels, right?
Visually, they look very similar with light hair and red eyes. Quirk-wise, they both have incredibly powerful, devastating Quirks that caused a fatal accident with their real families.
Eri hated herself because of the poison that Chisaki put in her head. Tomura hates himself for the same reason but with AFO.
They both were groomed to feel fully responsible for their traumatizing childhood accidents and for their only self-worth to be related to being useful towards their manipulative abuser and his goals.
Their parallels have been discussed at length by many people, so I'm not going to go into it except to say: no, they aren't literally blood related like some people argue. I also don't think AFO gave either of them their Quirks. Did AFO give Decay? Analysis Thread
Overhaul-AFO Parallel
That leads me to my next point: Overhaul and All For One are the same character.
As leaders, they prey on vulnerable people and buy their unquestioned loyalty (the Shie Hassaikai, Dr. Garaki, Machia, etc)
They will use these people for their purposes and then discard them at will, without any emotions or ethics to consider.
Their relationship toward their charge is NOT exactly parental. There is zero affection or even pretended affection towards Eri or Tomura and, in fact, others are doing their actual day-to-day care (various Hassaikai members, Kurogiri).
They speak in the same way to and about their charges. "You're a cursed human." "Another death on your hands." "Symbol of Fear" "You have within you the impulse to destroy that even you can't control." A huge part of their abuse is based in manipulating their charges to despise themselves and think they're inherently evil, so said charges give up on being a regular human. Further literary parallel: Claude Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Deku's Connection
AND FINALLY, my point: the Overhaul-Eri situation is directly responsible for Deku's current empathy toward Tomura and drive to save him. When Deku saw AFO take over Tomura and use his body for his own purposes during the war, especially with what he saw in the vestige realm, I think the parallel with Eri clicked.
Tomura is what would've happened to Eri if she hadn't been rescued. I fully think that if Eri had survived to adulthood without being rescued, Overhaul would have groomed her to live entirely for his benefit with full live-or-die loyalty for him (like the rest of the Shie Hassaikai, but stronger due to manipulation from childhood onwards). She would have grown to hate society for not saving her AND for being against Overhaul's goals. I honestly think she would've been even scarier than Tomura since Tomura at least had Kurogiri (who has been show to genuinely care for him on some level) rather than random gangsters as his primary caregiver.
Don't you see? It's all connected to Deku's endgame: pulling Tomura away from AFO and saving someone else who has been damned because of their Quirk and abuser. Of course, saving Tomura, a grown man who has committed A LOT of violence, is going to be much harder than saving a wholly innocent little girl, but the SEED was planted during the Overhaul arc.
I believe this is also WHY Deku chooses to see the Tenko that still lives inside Tomura.
Final Thoughts
This might be super obvious but I'd been scratching my head for MONTHS about how the Overhaul arc is significant to the narrative since the Quirk bullets storyline went nowhere and I'm not a fan of the "Eri rewinds the villains or the whole world!" take. I was so quick to discard the Overhaul arc as unimportant when the bullets didn't impact the story much, but I just completely missed the big picture.
I SAW the Eri-Tomura and Overhaul-AFO parallels but I couldn't quite figure out how the pieces went together beyond the surface parallel of two similarly abused children and two abusers. Understanding this connection also fixes what I had considered to be a huge logical plot hole in the story: why did Deku have a sudden 11th-hour change of heart and shift his focus from defeating Tomura to saving him?
Overhaul-Eri to AFO-Tomura is a direct link for Deku's endgame and the total themes of the story, I just couldn't see it before.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Dealing with a cockroach 🪳 part II
Part I right here
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"Kei, stop looking at my high-school photos and help me unpack these." You deadpanned at your boyfriend holding in his laughs at the few photos you had as you tried to get your moving done.
Hawks and you were in a committed relationship and he proposed to you two to start living together for only to propose later which surely caught you out of guard but mad enough happy no less.
"But you look so cute on those..." he snickered before you snatched the picture from his hold as he faked a pout and got up with a sigh "Alright alright baby bird."
"You lazy ass convinced me to move in with you, now help me." You flicked his forehead as he chuckled and you couldn't help to smile at him being so relaxed and just... him in your presence and only.
"But we are almost done, what else you got before that HUGE pile of clothes?"
"It wasn't huge shut up." You laughed as you went to pick a box but screamed at seeing a cockroach walking past your freacking feet.
Hawks shouted your name and came to your side holding you behind him with a few of his feathers out on attack mode already before he blinked at the insect staring back at him almost in innocence as you trembled from behind him.
"... but is a living going and it isn't threatening us dove.." he looked at you as you shook his shoulders.
You jumped on his arms when the damn roach moved an inch again as you screamed and almost cried, shaking on Keigo arms as he finally took pity on you and one of his feathers scooped up the insect and dragged away to outside if the apartment and manage to reach the ground and leave it there for other poor soul to deal with.
"Shh.. there there I took care of it, is not here anymore see?" You peeked as he smiled at you before yelping at you pulling at his ear and getting out of his hold. "WHAT DID I DO?!"
"YOU TRAITOR!" You couldn't help but laugh your ass off at the extremely offended and scared look your groom had as he screamed back with confused smile at seeing that you weren't actually serious.
Well, not too much since you still was mad because he didn't killed it, but he did got rid of it so you two only joked around for a bit before ordering KFC.
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You hissed at the game over screen from your boyfriend's lap before successfully grabbed the gaming decide of his hands before it could turn into dust.
"Stupid fucking npcs.." he growled, the vibrations of his chest echoing in your back as you hummed and placed the device aside and turned around to look at him glaring at the TV before at you.
"Is okay, try to relax a little before trying it again... no pressure." You smiled at him as he arched an eyebrow.
"I thought you would say "don't worry about it" or "You will get them next time" or at least agree with me."
"I did that all of the times and you complained though." You deadpanned before he shrugged and smirked at your fake offended gasp.
"Fair enough." He smirked as you rolled your eyes before brushing his bangs to the back of his head as he closed his ruby eyes for a bit to enjoy your touch for just a little.
Only for this peace to be interrupted by the abrupt yell and how you pushed yourself out of his lap as he widened his eyes at you falling on your butt and crawling to the corner of his room as you gagged and pointed at somewhere near him.
"What the fuck? What is it?!"
"A R-R-ROACH!!" You pointed again as he let out a confused sound before looking at his side and finally seeing the dammed thing on the ground near his chair where both of you were.
He blinked before looking at you with "really" expression as you finally collected yourself and got up.
"Tomura please just take this outside you know how much I HATE tho-""
Before you could continue you heard a "squash" and were mortified seeing how fucking easy your boyfriend just stepped on the roach with his shoes and looked at you dead on the eye.
"... not even mercy on them-"
"I killed people and you are impressed by how fast I stepped on a freacking cockroach (y/n)?" He asked incredulously as you shrugged.
"I'm used to people but not animals?"
You forbidden him to walking around with that shoe on until he washed away the remains of the cockroach body and he teased the heck out of you because of your yelp.
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"I want to buy this so bad oh my god..." You whined as he hummed before sitting up from the bed and peaking from the back of your shoulder what you were doing on your phone before smirking.
"Don't you think you have enough anime action figures by now?" He smirked, resting his head on your shoulder as you gave him back the same expression.
"Don't you think you have enough of that weapon and knife collection?" He remained serious before laughing.
"Is totally different though, I work with some of mine!"
"Yeah but others you clean even without using it and like gushing about like a school girl with your anime crush." You smirked at him at his pout before he sighed in defeat with a smile of his own once again.
"Ok I get your point." He kissed your temple "Who is it this time?"
"You know that guy from-" he shushed you for a while and you were about to complain since he was the kne asking but soon he mentioned with his index finger at the cursed cockraoch just freacking chilling on you guys nightstand.... on YOUR SIDE of the bed.
"What do we do?" You whispered in fright as he slowly took a knife out of his own nightstand and mentioned for you to slowly get out of the bed so he could reach it.
As soon as you sucefully done he carefully approach and put the knife up ready to strike.
Only to the motherfucking insect to FLY.
"IT FUCKING FLYS!" Kurono and you screamed at the same time before getting the fuck out of the room.
"... you burned a whole room because eof an insect along with your partner and expect me to give you money to repair it?" Overhaul asked in a murderous tone of voice as Kurono blinked and you trembled at only being near that man.
"Yeah. Comparing with all the shit I have to do it for you I think the least you could do is this?"
You stared in horror at your boyfriend before Overhaul sighed in annoyance and gave his back to you two.
"The money will be on your account. At least you got rid of that thing."
You stared in awe at your boyfriend as he only smirked and kissed your temple after lowering his mask.
"I think we can get that Gojo guy thing merchandise for you now."
"Hari our freacking house first."
"Oh yeah..."
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loosesodamarble · 6 months
Erika you’re so brave for that salty ask game! Let’s hear 5, 6, 9 and 27 please?
Alright, time for me to give some salt back (in a loving manner of course)~!
5) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
The MHA fandom largely ruined shipping in general for that series. Like, the one triangle I mentioned before is something I really don't get emotionally. But overall, I've become meh about shipping for that series. Fandoms are truly a force to be reckoned with (derogatory).
6) Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I've said it before and I'll say it again but I've never had the experience of a fandom getting me to enjoy a pairing I once hated.
However, so I don't bore you with the same answer twice, I'll share an example of how the source material of a series made me enjoy a ship. Impey x Cardia from Code Realize was pretty meh for me in the original game. It took me months to bring myself to finish Impey's route and I forgot how the romance developed there. But then in the fan discs! Ooooh! Cardia and Impey are just so cute together. Cardia supports Impey and he lovingly teases her and they work together. AND THEIR WEDDING! GAH! I'm gonna replay CR eventually and hopefully I'll better appreciate Impey's route and his romance with Cardia this time.
9) Most disliked character(s)? Why?
I already said the Zogratis family and Alecdora... Lemme pull from my other fandoms~!
Hero Aca: Tomura Shigaraki. His full time hater status has gotten on my last nerve. I've given up on MHA successfully redeeming him even though I'm pretty sure that's where it'll end up. I only really keep up with MHA to know how it ends.
Demon Slayer: Just imagine me stabbing a bag of milk, if you would. Also Muzan and his victim complex. Cringe, dude, so glad you're gone.
Fairy Tail: All the demons of the Tartaros Guild for being unsufferable, sadistic bastards. Now I know that's the point as demons with no humanity made for the purpose of killing Zeref (and they couldn't even manage that). Brain/Zero and the talking stick from the Oracion Seis also get my seal of disapproval for 1) preying on some traumatized children (that's Brain) and 2) being incredibly annoying (the stick).
Shadows House: Mia. That kid needs to stop being a menace for a freaking minute and give Sara some time to think some independent thoughts. And Edward, I'm not going to forgive him for the shit he pulled against Maryrose/Rosemary and Barbara.
Dishonorable mentions: Yuri Briar from SxF. Gretel from Taisho x Alice (I freaking wish he burned to death in that house). I also generally have a disdain for locked, "true route" dudes in dating sims (except Misyr, he's hot and funny and cool and a monster hubby after my own heart) but Adolphe from Virche Evermore has multiple other offenses against him so he is the worst of the annoyances.
27) Least shippable character?
I dunno what it is but Dorothy has a "single and thriving" vibe. So it's not out of dislike or disinterest that I don't ship Dorothy. It's just her energy is so independent and free that I have trouble picturing her with a romantic partner.
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quirkwizard · 6 months
Mr. Quirkwizard, as a MHA fan and as someone who likes mixing, matching and merging Quirks do you think that the main intelligent characters on the hero’s side such as principle Nezu or some other brainy character should utilize doctor Kyudai’s Quirk replication and implantation tech and his copied quirks instead of letting them go to waste? The doctor is no doubt a mad man, but his medical tech with Quirk is beyond desirable. (1/2)
The fact that he can create slightly weaker copies of “All for One” (only in storage capacity from what I’ve seen of the copies) and “Super Regeneration” is proof that this tech should be absolutely invaluable. With a copy of the “All for one” quirk plus the doctor’s medical tech, one could make a foundation that helps people with their Quirks and their Quirk’s shortcomings even though both “All for One” and the replication tech originates from mad men. The tech in my option should be used but what’s your thoughts on it? (2/2)
I'm really confused about that comment about "All For One". As far as we know, Garaki only had the one copy of "All For One" and there's nothing that implies he can copy it without All For One piggybacking off of it.
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I disagree with this notion. I've already gone over the logistical issues of it. Garaki and "All For One" can't be replaced. Without "All For One" and the decades of research, trying to recreate it would be next to impossible. Garaki's still in the picture, but there's now way anyone is letting him out. Only one who has the chance is Nezu, who I'm certain that given his backstory, wouldn't to experiment on people. Even then, there are a lot of factors that we don't know about with the process with cloning and transferring Quirks. The only consistent examples we've seen are Nomus. So either working with corpses is a lot easier, if still difficult, or that it doesn't work out so well with a living target. I mean, the only living subjects we have seen with cloned Quirk is Tomura, All For One, Garaki. The latter two were helped along by "All For One" and we all saw the terrible stuff Tomura had to go to under get the original version of "All For One". Even if you discount that as Garaki stoking the hate in Tomrua, it still only one example and it isn't an amazing one.
And even if all of that worked, there's still the problem of putting multiple Quirks in people. For most people, they cannot handle multiple Quirks. You need a lot of mental and physical discipline to even handle two Quirks. The risk for things going wrong here is permanent brain damage or death. Who in their right mind would even attempt that with such a high risk, whether it be from experimentation with it or treatment? It wasn't just Garaki's experience that mattered, but that he was devoted and delusion enough to work on it. And Nezu is somewhat unstable, but he isn't psychotic. Then there is the issue of cloned Quirks being weaker then the original. Now, there isn't a lot of great examples of this, the most we have is "All For One" being cloned, but it has been stated several times to be the case. So if it does work, it won't always work out well. That's not even mentioning the myriad of ways this could be used for devious means. We've seen the kind of stuff that All For One and Garaki has done with it. Could you imagine if that was in any one else's hands?
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cybercl0ne · 2 years
Falling For a Dead Rose // Tomura Shigaraki x Reader //(Arranged Marriage) PART 5
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TW: Mentions of rape and abuse
Summary: Shigaraki's odd behavior grows, and he reels you in for a roller coaster of emotions, leaving you stuck if you should manipulate him or actually try and start over...
The past few days have been weird with Shigaraki. You'd notice that he would come down less, only coming down to give you food while you slept. You also noticed him giving you clothes regularly and even giving you a little more room with your chain radius.
You knew that this was either a window of opportunity or this man was going to kill you. It all drove you insane. You didn't know what to think anymore. You didn't know if this man loved you or hated you but telling from the diary you though both.
You snapped out of your train of thought as the cellar once again opened. It had become a habit that he'd step down here once every so often to even just check on you. Or so you thought.
Sometimes he'd call you a 'Slut' or 'Useless Whore' or some other vulgar thing, but you had thought about how much of that he really meant.
"Get up pet." He said in his raspy voice, scratching his neck.
He came closer to you, and you seriously were a little concerned that he'd scratch his skin off. "You know it's bad to scratch like that." "If you keep scratching, you'll scratch all your skin off." You said almost as if you were joking.
Tomura stopped searching your body for "weapons" and looked at you with what you saw as glimmering eyes. You thought for a moment that the man in front of you was nothing but a scared looking man with how he looked up at you. His eyes were so full of hurt and as you stared into them you could see a little more of the big picture.
"Sit on the bed." He said, clearly not asking. You were automatically shifted back to frightened, worried that he'd rape you again. But you also knew that if you didn't comply it wouldn't matter. He'd still get you to do what he wanted. Even by force.
You quietly and nervously sat on the bed, waiting for him to forcefully ravage you when you felt a soft pat land on your legs. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head as you saw the vicious Tomura Shigaraki just laying on your legs defenseless. You didn't know where to put your hands. All you could do was think if this was a dream. Or a nightmare.
You sooner or later decided that your arms were getting tired and decided that you'd lay your hands on his soft looking hair. You gently placed your hand on his head to see his reaction. You both jumped a little before Shigaraki stopped tensing up. You found yourself being able to relax and just being able to feel a little at ease. You were able for a moment to feel like the world wasn't out to get you. Of course, you couldn't forget everything. There was still the fact that this man lying on you was the same man that kidnapped you, probably killed your father, raped you, and removed your quirk. You found only half of those things he's done to you a blessing.
You soon lost yourself to the thoughts ringing inside your head, and the amount of time that had passed before you unintentionally started humming a soft song while bushing your hands delicately through his hair.
You had no idea what Shigaraki was thinking. You couldn't see his face nor hear a peep out of him. You wanted to move but was scared that he'd go back to being that rash, scary type of a man.
But little did you know Shigaraki was at a seemingly small breaking point. His face was distorted with overwhelming emotions. He forgot what it was like to feel something so heavenly yet so small. He felt like he could cry and yet he didn't know if it was even possible anymore. And when you started humming it sent him far back, way farther than he could remember.
Shigaraki jumped up out of your lap.
"W-what?" He blurted out.
You sat there confused. You'd be a little more worried of what he was about to do if you didn't see the look of fear and mixed hope in his eyes.
"I said Shigaraki..." You said, soft spoken. You didn't know if you should've called him by his name but when you did it sent an idea to your head. A slightly evil one. You knew that this was a soft and potentially weak moment, something you had never seen in him before. If this weak moment was a potential chance of you getting as far away from here as possible you could try using this way out.
You bounced up off of the bed as you realized that you needed to go to the bathroom. He grabbed your arm, carefully keeping his trembling finger off of your soft arm.
"W-where are you going?" He said, almost as if he was pleading with you. You knew at that moment that this was his weak spot. Affection. You shook your head, not caring about such a wicked idea. You thought to yourself "If I'm getting out of here, I'm not doing it this way." You knew that if you played dirty than it would get dirty. For now, you'd act yourself. You wouldn't manipulate this clearly broken man just for a freedom you knew probably wouldn't last if you played with him like a toy. "I'm going to the bathroom." You said, half smiling. He softened his grip and eventually let go.
You walked to the bathroom, nervous that you'd lose composure to fast. The minute you closed the door you fell to the ground and started to cry. "Why?... Why can't I hate you?" You sobbed quietly. You knew that all of this was a different type of backwards, but you knew you just couldn't hate this man. After everything he'd done to you, you just couldn't decide whether you hated him or not. The emotions became overwhelming as you sat on the cold, tile floor, curled into a ball questioning everything you've known.
"What do I do mother?"
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Ok soooo, dacryphilia and cock warming (or collars) if it hasn't already been done already. love how you write Shigaraki's reaction to Dabi's tears, and the headspace Dabi has to be in to actually let himself go enough to cry. And tears of blood are usually seen as gross and/or creepy, and I can imagine how Dabi is used to people being disgusted (if he even lets himself be vulnerable enough to cry Infront of someone). But Shiggy loves them, ugh, your writing will be the death of me. And hawks can't cry so maybe learning Dabi's bastardised version. Idk Shigadabi, shigadabihawks your choice. Sorry for the long ask
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Prompt: Cock Warming, Oral Sex, Dacryphillia
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Cock Warming, Dacryphillia, Dom/Sub, Subspace, light Breath Play, light Pain Play, light Blood Play, Face Fucking, brief Accidental Voyeurism
Knew that he was in for a long punishment when he ignored Shig's texts for a week. In his defense... okay he doesn't have one. Knew that Duster needed to go off and do shit with Re-Destro as Grand Commander or whatever and that he couldn't tag along because he needed him at base making sure that everything else was in order. Ignoring his lover because he was pouting, especially when Shig made sure to text him every day to check up on him outside of work stuff, was petty and rude. But he was petty and stubborn and apparently willing to live up to his moniker of 'brat' from his lover. Had thought he was in for Duster coming home and throwing him against the nearest flat surface and putting him in his place. 
Instead Shigaraki had come back, they'd gone over work stuff, and Duster had just gotten up and left the room. Only came to bed long after he fell asleep and left long before he woke the few nights he managed to sleep at all due to his insomnia. Still will talk to him about work, never rude to him, but is absolutely getting even with him for the week of cold shoulder he'd given. Absolutely not punishing him in bed the way he'd wanted because he'd definitely figured out that's what Dabi had been angling for. Hates that this is so clearly a much more effective way of punishing him because he's getting absolutely desperate for his lover's attention. 
Breaks after three days of the cold shoulder. Breaks after another morning waking up alone in bed, Duster's side left deliberately unmade so that he knows he was there this time and left without waking him, hadn't curled up close like they usually do. Throws on his clothes, sans coat, and heads towards Shigaraki's office. Fine. Groveling it is.
Makes it to his office unimpeded and knocks on the door, 
"Come in." Pushes it open and Duster cocks a brow at him. "What is it?" 
Doesn't say anything, shuts the door and then moves over to where his lover is sitting at his desk. Still doesn't say anything before he gets down on his knees, half crawling under the desk to do so. Duster watches him, expression flat. He puts his hands behind his back and rests his temple against his knee, keeps his eyes on the floor, head lowered, the picture of submission. Stays still and quiet. Takes an agonizingly long time before Tomura sighs softly. And then there's a careful hand petting through his hair. 
"Why were you misbehaving, kitten?" 
"...missed you." 
"Would have had me back sooner if you hadn't been so rude." 
"I'm sorry, sir." 
Duster hums, keeps petting him gently and Dabi melts into the touch. Missed his hands so badly, missed his attention, missed his words-- the soft ones and the mean ones that he saves for him behind closed doors. "I'm glad you came and apologized," the hand pulls away from his hair and he nearly whines for it back. "But you misbehaved for a week, baby. Punishment's not over yet. Go do your work." 
Does let out a soft whine now, desperate to be forgiven, desperate for Duster's touch back. "Please sir, I'm sorry, I'll be good--" 
"If you were going to be good then you wouldn't be talking back to me so soon after apologizing." Voice ice cold and not deigning to look at him when Dabi risks lifting his head. Has turned back to his own work, expression closed off. Fuck. Doesn't know what to do with how sour and sick his insides are going, the tremble that's starting to go through him. Feels like he's going to drop and they haven't even really played yet. Duster glances at him and goes still. Wonders how stricken he must look to make him pause. "Oh, sweetheart," the coldness goes so suddenly, hand reaching to stroke over his cheek. 
Didn't realize he was crying until he gives a soft sob as soon as his hand is on his face. "I-I'm sorry, please sir, I won't do it a-again, please," Can't stop the tears as they slip over his cheeks. Doesn't dare reach for him, wants to hold on tight, clingy and needy. Anything to make the sharp sickness and shame soften where it's clawing at his chest. 
"Pretty boy," catching some of the bloody tears, smearing them from his skin, expression so soft and warm on him as he sniffles and tries not to sob. "You really do feel bad, don't you, baby?" 
Dabi nods weakly. 
Duster sighs, like he's still disappointed, like he's still misbehaving, and Dabi's gut goes absolutely hollow thinking that his lover is still going to send him away. "Alright, sweet thing, come here," makes him shift until he's hidden under the desk, makes him keep his hands behind his back and hope sparks sharply through him as Tomura undoes his belt and slowly pulls himself from his pants, giving his cock a few long, languid strokes as he catches the tears still slipping over his cheeks with his other hand. Eyes darker as he touches himself, as he watches him cry. Always likes to see him cry, always makes him when they're in bed together. Likes to see him cry because it's another sign of his submission. Because Duster is the only person who's gotten to see him cry since he became Dabi and delights in knowing that he can reduce him to nothing but a messy tangle of needy emotions to the point that tears are the only release for it. "Open up, kitten." 
Does so readily, leaning forward and letting his lover feed his cock between his lips. Can't help the little moan at the taste of Duster's skin on his tongue. Starts to lick along his length, sucking eagerly, more than ready to make up for his bad behavior. Not expecting a hard pull at his hair, sharp enough to make him whimper, eyes flicking up to meet Tomura's. 
"Not like that, baby. Let you stay so long as you can behave yourself but I have work to do." 
Oh. He shifts a little settling in, sucking and licking more gently, feeds him into his mouth a little slower, until he's sitting just at the back of his throat. Takes him a second to find a place that's deep enough but that isn't restricting his breathing, his jaw and lips stretched wide around his lover's thick cock, but settles. Will happily stay right here for as long as Tomura lets him. 
The hand in his hair pets him again, "That's it, being such a good boy." The sickness in his gut ebbs away with the words and soft touch. Makes way for the light, floaty fog his head goes to sometimes when he gives up control to Shigaraki. Makes everything feel softer and a little distant. Makes his eyes slip shut as he focuses on the cock in his mouth. Can't blow him the way he usually likes to. Needs to be good. Keeps stroking along his length with his tongue languidly, only swallows when he has to, keeps him pressed into his throat for as long as he can before he gently pulls off enough to breathe and takes him in again. Never pulls more than an inch or two back. Keeps as much of his lover's cock in his mouth as he can. 
Has no idea how long Tomura keeps him like this. Knows that it's long enough for the discomfort in his knees and jaw to go completely numb. That he's so distant and foggy that when Tomura shifts, hand moving to the back of his neck and pulling him a little further onto his cock, he's surprised by the muffled moan he lets out. Surprised to realize how hard he is too. Hopes that means his lover wants him to really start to suck him off, but he shifts back to petting him lightly, lets him resume his rhythm and goes right back to his work. Dabi whimpers but Duster doesn't even glance at him. Now that he's noticed his arousal it's becoming a more persistent discomfort. His cock aching and straining against his pants. But he needs to be good. Has to behave. Will be sent away if he doesn't. Does his best to settle. 
Only manages to stay still for a few more minutes. Just trying to shift a little, trying to spread his legs a little wider to relieve some of the pressure against his cock. Moves too much and has Tomura's eyes back on him, a little sharper than they were before. Pauses as Dabi stills. 
Lets out a low, mean laugh when he sees the obvious bulge in his pants. Dabi flushes hotly, working his tongue along his length more insistently. Tomura pulls his hair again, "My little whore, like being used so much. Let me see how hard your pretty cock is, baby." 
His hands are trembling, keeps sucking Duster's cock as he undoes his belt and the closures of his pants. Moans as he wraps his hand around himself, the air of the room so cool against his overheated skin. Barely has started to move his hand before the tug on his hair comes again, much more roughly. Hard enough it sends stars dancing behind his eyes, making his cock drip and him moan around Tomura's. 
"Didn't give you permission to touch yourself, hands behind your back, sweetheart." 
Torture to do it but he doesn't hesitate. Won't misbehave again when he's still in trouble. 
"Good boy." And then he goes right back to his work. 
Agony to have Tomura's hard cock in his mouth, to not be allowed to suck him off properly, to be so hard and so exposed and not be allowed to touch himself. Wants to make his lover feel good, wants to be allowed to cum. Hard to stay relaxed and keep warming his cock. Can't help the little whimpers and whines that are slipping from his throat each time he's allowed to take him as deep as he can go and swallow. Moans a little too loudly when he starts to taste his lover's pre, bitter and salty, on the back of his tongue. Makes his own cock start to drip too. 
Goes abruptly still when he hears a knock at the door, his temperature spiking sharply with his panic. Cuts through the nice hazy fog of his arousal as he struggles to remember if he locked the door behind him. Tomura smiles again, sharp and dangerous, holds him in place and fucks into his mouth once and Dabi gets the message. Starts to really work his mouth over him, tries to be quiet, shame making his cheeks burn as his lover calls,
"Come in," 
Can't be seen from where he's kneeling, but knows if he's too loud that he'll be heard in the small room. Tries to be quiet as he swallows around Shig's cock, starting to bob his head along his length, rubbing his stud against his head the way he likes, rewarded with more pre against his tongue. 
"Hey boss man, sorry to bother you," 
Fucking, god damn it. Of course it's the hero with his sneaky feathers that can hear everything. 
"It's fine, what do you need, Hawks?" And Duster's voice is calm and even as he addresses the hero. 
"I was just wondering if you know where Dabi is? Been looking for him for half an hour but I haven't found him yet." 
Duster tugs on his hair, forces him to take his cock as far as he can into his throat and Dabi tries desperately not to choke. "Any reason you're looking for him in particular?" Doesn't let him pull back for breath. Holds him in place as his throat twitches and spasms around his cock as he tries not to whimper or gag. 
"Just checking in, gonna be going to Musutafu for a team-up and wanted to let him know before I left." Black spots are starting to bloom behind his eyes. Squeezes them shut as he feels tears start to slip fresh across his cheeks. 
"I'll let him know, he's busy doing some work for me today." 
"Alright, welcome back, by the way." 
"Thanks, good luck with your hero work." A distant ringing is starting in his ears. 
"Thanks, I'll see if I can bring back something good when I'm finished. See you, boss man." The door shuts again, but Tomura keeps holding him in place for another few seconds. Until Dabi is sure he's going to pass out. Then pulls all the way out of his mouth. 
Dabi doesn't know if he's gasping for breath or choking on a sob as soon as his throat is cleared. Coughs weakly as the tears slip over his cheeks, as he gets enough breath back to realize how much closer to the edge the fear of being caught and the sharp discomfort of being choked brought him. 
"Still being so good for me baby, look so cute like this. Love watching you cry. Wonder how many more tears I can get out of you like this. Open back up, sweetheart, I'm not finished with your mouth yet." 
Whimpers but does so immediately. Doesn't know how much longer he can last like this. Knows he'll be in trouble if he talks back again. But Duster doesn't make him go slowly this time. Wraps a hand around the back of his neck and starts to rock his hips into his mouth. Dabi sobs, delirious with his relief as he starts to move, as he readily lets Tomura work up into something faster as he licks along his shaft and swallows around him every time he sinks into his throat. No finesse left in him, is drooling, sobbing, moaning, all messy and desperate as he chases his lover's pleasure, chases his own, balls tightening with each rough thrust. 
"Fuck, that's it pretty boy, being so good for me. Come on, know you can do even better." 
Didn't think he had anything left but he's desperate to be good for Tomura. Wants to be forgiven for misbehaving so badly. Ignores how badly his jaw is hurting again, ignores the way pain sparks sharply along the edges of his lips. Presses hard, pushes until his nose is buried in the nest of white curls at the base of Tomura's cock and takes him as deep as he can into his throat and swallows. has to keep swallowing as they moan loudly, Tomura spilling down his throat. Dizzy as he drinks every drop, doesn't stop, doesn't pull back. Keeps going until Duster's hands are coaxing him back. Pulls off, a few strings of thick saliva and cum clinging to his lips. Realizes belatedly he can taste blood too. That there's blood smeared over the sides of Tomura's cock. Hard to register anything because he's floating through the haze of his own orgasm, cum splattered over his stomach and soaking into his shirt. 
Duster is wiping the tears off his cheeks again, lets out another soft bit of laughter. Dabi whimpers, thinks he's going to get into even more trouble, but when he manages to look up at him, his lover's eyes are so adoring on him. "Always like getting your throat fucked so much, baby boy." 
Too raw from the treatment to find his voice but he manages to nod. 
"Come here, sweet thing." Doesn't bother to wait for him to get his limbs under him, doesn't need to. More than strong enough now to pick him up and pull him into his lap. Peppers his face with soft kisses as he tucks them both back into their pants. Dabi melts against him, still floating. "Did such a good job, baby. Made up for misbehaving this week." 
Can't help the little relieved sob he gives, tucking his face into Tomura's neck, clinging to him. "I'm sorry," voice absolutely ruined. Can barely speak at all, can't bring his voice above a whisper. 
"Oh, baby boy, shhh, I know, I know. Love you so much, sweetheart." Pets his hair and presses a kiss to his temple, holding him a little tighter. "And I missed you while I was gone. Why were you so rude, kitten?"
"...missed you." Hides his face, mumbling into his shirt, knows he's staining it with his tears and, with what he can now tell, are more blood trails from the staples he apparently pulled at the edges of his lips. "Just wanted you to pay attention to me when you came home..." 
Duster sighs, can feel him shake his head slightly, voice gently amused. "I would have paid attention to you as soon as I got back if you'd behaved, baby."
"I'm sorry," he murmurs again, nuzzling in a little closer, like at any second Tomura will change his mind and abandon him again. 
"I know, kitten. Come on, put your arms around my neck." Does so immediately as he feels his grip shift so that he can lift him as he stands. "Gonna go get cleaned up and then I'll give you my attention for the rest of the day, that sound good, baby?" 
He nods, pressing a kiss to his neck just above his collar. "Thank you, sir. Love you." 
"Love you too, firefly. No more misbehaving." 
Shakes his head. Still feels miles away from his body. Couldn't misbehave right now if he wanted to. 
Might have something else to say about that when he does eventually pull himself out of this fog. But for now he's more than content to do exactly as he's told so long as he can stay in Duster's arms. 
Thanks so much for submitting! Still accepting prompts from this list!
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epickiya722 · 2 years
We're halfway there, folks!
The usual, jokes, guesses, pictures, fangirling over characters.
Getting a recap, huh? You know since it is the halfway mark of the season!
Oooh, but why did they have to remind me about Crust?
Izuku sits like me. That has nothing to do with anything, but I sit just like that... has he ever actually criss-cross applesauce? Like, he sits like that a lot.
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I'm sorry, I just be noticing things...
Okay, Best Jeanist! Man's coming from the plane with the fibers!! Let's go!!
Imagine being Dabi. Like you just told Japan that Hawks killed Best Jeanist and then not even an hour after the video has been up, you see Best Jeanist coming at you. You unintentionally got proven to be lying about some details. You know how mad I would be?
"I just told everybody..." and see? You should just spilled your own damn business. You should have just expose Endeavor. It would have had the same effect... maybe... I don't know!
Present Mic coming in with the quirk narration! He got a lot of roles in this story...
Aw, Bakugou does care!
"That body was real." You know what, and I thought about this a lot, has anyone in this story realizes that because of how evolved the world has become that anything is possible? Like... it didn't occur to Dabi that maybe Best Jeanist's death could have been faked?
Oooh, love the fire!!
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I'M SORRY, the fact that Spinner thought to BITE Tomura to wake him will always be funny to me. 🤣🤣🤣 Especially, when Nejire comes and it's "NO, NO, CRAP! AYO WAKE UP!!"
Okay, but clap it up for that scream! Yuki Kaji, always serving with his voice acting!
Also Hiro Shimono for Dabi's laughter!! King!!
Looking like some fire demon...
Aw shit, he's waking up.
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Isn't that that worm from Men in Black 2?
As much as Dabi can hate Endeavor, which is justified, him putting his siblings in danger is just... maybe because I am an eldest sibling that I feel this way. I can hate my parents all I want but using my siblings who are innocent and victims just like me to hurt my parents? Could not be me.
"I don't feel a thing anymore." You. Are. A. Liar!!! Because if you didn't you wouldn't have cared about Twice dying and so on! Nice try!
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Mirio is like "nah, fam, six months is too long for me, I'm going to help and you will not stop me".
Aaaw, Eri! And her little cute determined face! Wanting to help out big bro Mirio! Making that my wallpaper!
"That is the reason I started training." Y'all, I am crying! How can someone be so precious?!
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Spinner and Mr. Compress, I know you're not calling his name cringy. One, that is a child. Two, one of you decided POLKA DOTS was a fabulous idea of a villain outfit and the other decided to wear a top hat. Also, kinda of responsible for Midnight, so... shush! SHUSH IT!!! I like you both, but shush it, damn it!
That exchange between Bakugou and Mirio. Ha, never change, boys. 😆
I know that's his big brother, but I would not let him hug me after he had made it aware he wants to kill me.
"You're the pitiful one." That is just like a younger sibling. I would know.
"Stay out of our family affair." This is the same guy who just blasted his family business on air. That is hilarious! 🤣
Actually, you know what, Izuku was already in the family business because of Shoto. That is also funny. Like Dabi, my guy, too late. He's already on the Christmas card.
"Todoroki is a precious friend!" STOP PLUCKING AT MY HEARTSTRINGS!! 💚
*shows Miruko* 😭😭😭😫😫😫 Like that? I don't wanna see it again...
Did she have a splinter in her... now who drew that?
I love that Iida calls Bakugou by his full hero name. That's the class rep... THAT WE LOVE!!
"How could you get yourself defeated?" I mean, man's got jumped.
Okay, but let's applaud Best Jeanist for coming in because the guy was really holding up while missing... I forgot which organ, so no wonder he was bleeding out!
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emotionalsupportweapon · 11 months
One day, I'll stop making the mistake of looking up seiyuu, because it only ever causes me cognitive dissonance and grief.
Kaito started sounding awfully familiar, so I did some digging. His seiyuu also voices Soul Evans. Okay, neat, a bit odd, but two solid characters that I like a lot, and a good voice for both of those personalities. I can dig it.
But, as this (complete BANGER of a) duel with Astral intensifies, the nagging thought persisted: Soul isn't the character I was remembering when I hear Kaito's voice. It was someone else. And then I, ever the information junkie, picked up my phone and ventured deeper into the internet.
His seiyuu does fucking Shigaraki Tomura. Zombie emo boy, facepalm king, both literally and figuratively, he who deals with challenges and setbacks with all the dignity and aplomb of me at age 7 when my Lego tower fell down. I hated that guy's character design and personality so much that I briefly quit watching MHA because of him*. I hated his too-short pants (I headcanon that he outgrew them but threw a fucking hissy fit when Kurogiri tried to buy him new ones because "I DON'T WANT NEW ONES, THESE ARE MY FAVORITES"); I hated his red sneakers (I used to wear that exact same outfit, all black with red sneakers, when I was going through the most unbearable part of my goth phase, and it looked just as damn stupid on me as it does on him); I ground my teeth every time he scritch scratched his vile gray skin, and I absolutely hate hate HATED the way he talked, this grating, petulant, affected tone that just screamed "I never matured past age 15 and I'm going to make that everyone else's problem."
This knowledge lives within me now. There is no going back. Now, I wander the earth, watching ZeXal, cursed forever, upon hearing the majestic, dramatic intonations of honestly one of my favorite YGO characters to date, to picture in my mind's eye this morose pain in the ass theater school dropout** piece of shit right here:
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You go, edgelord. Just keep lording those edges.
* yes, I know there are much more compelling reasons to drop MHA; but there are also compelling reasons NOT to, such as the existence of Aizawa Shota, who is an accurate representation of myself in the one year I spent teaching middle schoolers.
** I shouldn't judge him for this, since I also dropped out of theater school, but I'll judge him for whatever I want, because fuck this guy.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
First to Fall headcanons, please? 🥺
Ahhh I'm ashamed to say that I don't really have any! Idk I've always thought of it as very standalone??? So I'm really drawing a blank here.
So many things could happen afterward!! Shigaraki and AFO are working together, yes, but Yoichi would eventually be returned to the One For All void and the holders outnumber them, so it's very possible that Izuku manages to escape. Actually, it's probable, because Toga and Spinner like Izuku and would be the first ones to know something was wrong with Tomura, so they'd be likely to help him escape. Plus Yoichi has plenty of prior experience with manipulating convincing guards to let him go, so he can lend Izuku his expertise.
The....aftermath, of everything would probably foster some strange feelings between Yoichi and Izuku. They would be far closer than they would've been in canon. Honestly if I'm being realistic there would probably be some tension there, because neither of them would want to talk about it because they both feel guilty for not protecting each other and also for enjoying themselves when they feel they shouldn't have.
BUT before all of that, I imagine that Tomura and AFO take advantage of their captives a few more times before they manage to escape. So by the time Izuku escapes he's gone from having a minor crush on Shigaraki to having very real feelings for him—which is unfortunate for multiple reasons, I imagine, but the highest of which being that Izuku is like Yoichi in that the fight against evil will always come before his own personal feelings or well-being.
He and Yoichi probably get into an argument about Izuku wanting to save Tomura, especially now that he's accepted AFO willingly into his body. (Jesus I hate the implications of that sentence thanks Hori...)
But beyond that I can't really picture how the story goes, I can only tell you how I think they'd handle themselves or how they'd feel. Maybe they fight. Maybe they don't. Maybe they turn into genderbent versions of themselves and explode into clouds of glitter before fading into the sunset. It's up to you, really!
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cagedbyrd21 · 1 year
ShigaDabiHawks - Homesick
Keigo sat on his makeshift perch, staring at his cell phone, the blue light reflecting on his face, the bags under his eyes prominent. He had texted Tomura and Dabi, inviting them over for the night, it was a big day! A year ago today, the three of them had officially gotten together, a one year anniversary of the happiest day of Keigo’s lousy existence. Tomura had been the first to respond, something about being there but maybe a little late, meanwhile Dabi just sent a thumbs up. His wings were droopy, his stomach was in knots, and Keigo could not shake this feeling, a feeling all too familiar, but no, they couldn’t be, it was just his brain being mean, right? He sniffed and shook his head rapidly, as if to throw the thoughts directly out of his mind. The house had been decorated with the many pictures of the trio from the past year, Keigo even cooked and baked the meals they had on their first date. He really went all out, and yet…No. Stop it. Keigo growled, and checked his calendar, and the look of realization on his face was priceless. He’s about to go on his “yearly vacation retreat”. Fuck. He immediately stood up, pacing the living room, his wings twitching in annoyance as he muttered senseless words. Yeah, he had told Tomura and Dabi about his instincts, but really? It had to be this week, didn’t it? He hated his biology more than ever, as he groaned and held his head in his hands. At least he knew why he felt so emotional and alone. His “mates” weren’t there, and his inner animal was craving their scent, their presence, howling and pleading for it. 
Knock knock.
 Keigo’s eyes turned to slits, a deep growl escaped his throat, as he lunged for the door, teeth bared in a snarl. He opened the door to…… Dabi and Tomura, both holding gifts with smiles on their faces. “Hey, pretty bird.” Dabi said, while Tomura took in the avain’s appearance. “Kei, you good?” Tomura asked, as Keigo moved to let them in. They looked around, smiles growing, smelling the scent of fresh-baked cookies and chicken parmesan. How was he going to tell them? And risk ruining the moment? He wouldn’t dare to see his partners happy and content, their smiles meant more than anything to him, and he refused to ruin a perfect moment. So, he shook his head, plastering a smile on his face as he walked closer to sit on the couch with his boyfriends. He’d tell them another day, but not today. Not on this perfect day.
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