#and then when we realise we did something earlier so we don't have to worry about it now we say thank you to our past selves for it
thethingything · 1 year
okay I took painkillers an hour ago so I'm a little out of it but I just realised after how bad this month hit us with various stuff and how bad our depression's been, we have managed to start getting back on track with stuff:
changed our bedding (which was a big task we hadn't had the energy for in a while)
started getting the motivation to draw again
caught up on a bunch of journaling over the last few days
cleared off part of our desk
joined a party on Habitica which seems to be helping with getting the motivation to do stuff again
started getting back into language learning a bit more (we've kept up with it but only like, the bare minimum)
and probably other stuff I'm forgetting...
but anyway like, our mental health is still kinda fucked, but we're at least doing things, and that little burst of starting to do more after struggling to keep up with anything is usually a good sign for us
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jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
I saw the rules that NSFW is fine & things u don't write for the NSFW, soo may i req hcs of Savannaclaw's dorm with gn!s/o (f!s/o is ok too) where s/o asks the boys to breed them? Ummm is my req still alright? do tell me if u feel uncomfortable with this. Thank u!
Yes, of course, your request is perfectly fine! One interesting proposition towards the Savannaclaw dorm coming right up! Thank you for diligently reading the rules! ♥️ I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Nsfw under the cut!
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See, he gets it. You're dating a beastman. Of course you'd want to get a taste of the wild side - the primal urges, the possessive bitemarks, the delicious feeling of being full to the brim, like a good little bitch in heat. He gets it. ...But that doesn't mean he won't have some fun with it.
"Breeding, huh? You think just 'cus I'm a beastman, that we call it breeding, that it comes natural or something? Wanna live out your little creampie fantasies through me, huh?"
Oh that accusatory tone, that sharp glare.
Just as you were about to apologise, he interrupted you.
"You'd stand correct, herbivore."
Oh, that piece of-
And he was on you, pinning you to the nearest surface, which ended up being the bed itself. (Lazy lion be lazing) Sharp canines scraped over the pulse point on your neck, as his hips ground into you.
"You wanna be bred, huh? Filled to the brim, marked and scented, so that everybody will know who you belong to? Careful what you wish for, little herbivore."
"You might just get it. Now spread your legs."
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He right about *choked*.
You? With him? Now?!? But he's not prepared for fatherhood. He'd want to have a steady income to provide for his family and - and it's so tempting, and you're pulling him in with those glassy eyes, and delicious lips and-
Oh, you meant in like-. Oh You just really want to be filled, don't you. Okay. He can work with that.
He'd be for sure frazzled at first, but very quickly get into rhythm. The more ye imagines it, the more obsessed he gets with the image of your hole dripping with his cum, reddened, used and thoroughly bred.
He'd have to wait until nighttime, when he's free, but the moment you two were left to your own devices he was quick to shed your clothing, nearly ripping yours from your body.
Surprisingly eager, considering the state of pure panic he was in earlier that day. All teeth, and growls, and breathless moaning, and all just for you.
"Shishishi, and here I thought I was the wild one. Oh doncha worry, I'll fill you plenty~."
Somehow that sounded more like a threat than a promise and you were content with both.
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Every single fiber within Jack's body was screaming at him to take you right then and there. His instincts were going haywire at the prospect. He needed you carnally, viscerally... and you were just offering yourself to him?
His tail was a dead giveaway, as to the whirlwind of emotions coursing through him, as he stared at you. His fingers were twitching, aching to get a hold of you.
"You....do realise what that entails, right? We uh...we mate for life. I know you find it..uhm.....attractive, but I have to warn you."
He figured you were aware, he just couldn't believe it. His breeding also entailed a knot after all. You had to be warned. And you already knew. Of course you knew, you'd been together for years. After hearing your wholehearted confirmation, he felt the thin thread of his self-control snap within him.
A deep guttural growl left his throat, as he stepped towards you, grabbing your face and pulling you in for the kiss of a lifetime. Big, rough hands travelled from your face, to your neck and down your body, only to lift you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"I can't wait to paint your insides white. You'd look so good, full and sated, my perfect mate."
Who are you and what did you do to my Jack?
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Prologue
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 7839 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together.
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
Long summary I know, but I'm attempting something that I haven't tried to do in a long time and I've had this thought in my head for ages so I've just got to get it out now. This story will cover the plot from Season One to the beginning of Season Three. Apologies if anything is vague or inaccurate, I haven't watched the show in a while and cannot be bothered going back to get it right when the main plot of this story is entirely of my own design and not canon. Also, for the sake of the growing-up-together part, I've brought Dick's family's death up so he is taken in by Bruce earlier than 12 years old. I've always loved this version of Dick Grayson (Nightwing) in Young Justice and I hope I do him justice for those of you who also loved the show and him xx
(10 years old)
'Don't worry, my beloved,' Diana said in a soothing voice, patting her daughter's head gently as the car pulled up. 'It's not so scary on the inside.'
Wayne Manor was made of grey columns and dark shadows it seemed to little ten-year-old Y/N, who couldn't shake the feeling that the house was full of ghosts. It was an imposing structure, making her wonder how anyone would choose to live in such a cold and lifeless place.
'I want to go home, Mother,' she whimpered, backing away from the car window.
Diana turned her daughter's head to face her, giving her best reassuring smile to alleviate some of her daughter's worries. 'We will, but I need to take care of something first and I can't leave you at home alone. My very good friend has kindly offered for his butler to look after you while we sort our business out. He has a son that I think you will get along with quite well.'
Y/N couldn't believe that a child lived in the scary house outside, but she knew when not to question her mother.
Her mother was always busy, it didn't matter what time of the day or night. Y/N didn't quite know what her mother did, but she knew it was dangerous, as her mother would come home with cuts and bruises, exhausted from whatever she'd just been doing. The partial truth of it all came out just last week, as Y/N and her nanny had been attacked in their small apartment in Washington DC. The nanny had locked Y/N in the bathroom when the men attacked so Y/N didn't see what happened to her. But Y/N had heard her screams, had heard the men laughing at her anguish. She'd heard her mother finally arrive and slaughter the men. And when Y/N was finally let out of the bathroom, her mother's red, white, blue and gold metallic outfit was covered in blood, as was the sword she'd dropped as she pulled Y/N into her arms tightly.
Whatever kind of work her mother and her mother's "good friend" were involved in, if she said Wayne Manor was the safest place to be when she worked, then Y/N wouldn't argue.
It didn't stop Y/N from squeezing her mother's hand to the point of cut off circulation as they walked from the car into the scary house.
'Miss Prince,' a man in a tuxedo said in welcome. He was partially bald and his moustache twitched when he spoke.
'Alfred,' Diana said, giving the older man a warm smile. 'So good to see you again. And please, I am Diana to friends and family.'
'Of course,' Alfred said, a cheeky smile on his face, 'but forgive me if I prefer to be a little old-fashioned, Miss Prince.'
'Very well,' Diana said, turning her gaze down to Y/N. 'This is my daughter, Y/N.'
Alfred smiled warmly down at Y/N, crouching ever so slightly to hold out his hand. 'A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Y/N. Welcome to Wayne Manor.'
Y/N hesitated in taking his hand. She'd always been taught to be cautious around strangers.
'Come on, Y/N,' Diana insisted. 'Don't be rude.'
Y/N, with her free hand, accepted Alfred's outstretched one, giving it a firm shake like she'd seen her mother do with people she had meetings with at work and at home.
'My, you certainly have your mother's strength,' Alfred commented as he stood back up, shaking his hand a little. 'I'll be sure not to mess with you when you grow older.'
Y/N didn't have time to process what Alfred meant when two dark figures walked down a grand staircase into the lobby they stood in. As they drew closer to the light, Y/N distinguished one as a tall and broad-shouldered man with dark hair, neat attire, and a stern face. Beside him was a small child close to her height, also with dark hair and flashing blue eyes. Unlike the taller man, though, his face was bright with intrigue and mischief.
'Diana,' the tall man said by way of greeting as he reached the ground floor with the boy.
'Bruce,' she replied, walking herself and Y/N over to him and the boy. 'Thank you for offering to look after Y/N tonight.'
'Well, it won't be me personally,' Bruce replied, 'but I'm sure Alfred will be able to look after them while we're gone.'
'If I could raise you to be the man that you are today, Master Bruce, I am sure two beautiful children won't be much of a task,' Alfred called out casually as he closed the front door and exited the room.
'I've contacted Clark,' Bruce continued. 'He says he'll meet us at the rendezvous point. We should leave soon.'
Diana nodded. 'Okay.'
To her surprise, Y/N found Bruce's gaze on her, and his stern expression softened as he looked her over. 'This must be the famous Y/N I've heard so much about.'
Y/N remembered her mother's lessons on etiquette and nodded politely. 'Nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne.'
Bruce surprised her again as a small smile broke out, making him look younger and less intimidating than before. 'It's nice to meet you too, Y/N,' he said, looking down to the boy beside him. 'This is my ward, Richard.'
The young boy groaned in annoyance. 'It's Dick, Bruce. You know I don't like it when you use my real name.'
Bruce sighed, but conceded. 'Sorry, this is Dick. I hope the two of you get along tonight, Y/N.'
Before Y/N could reply, Dick stepped forward so that they only stood a step apart. His blue eyes were so bright as they scanned over her, and it took all of her will not to hide behind her mother.
He squinted sceptically at her. 'Do you like sparring, Y/N?'
'Dick,' Bruce exclaimed, eyes wide with horror. 'That's not something you should ask-'
Y/N ignored Bruce's protests as she locked eyes with Dick. She saw the challenge in them, and whatever fears she had about coming here faded away. A fire sparked in her, and she couldn't help herself but grab Dick's unsuspecting wrist and flip him over her and land him on his back. Before he could get up, she pressed a knee to his neck softly as she held him down.
'Y/N!' Diana exclaimed. 'That is not how we treat-'
She was cut off by the sound of Dick laughing, a sound so pure and light it brightened up the gloomy interior of the manor. Dick looked up at Y/N, not even bothered by the fact she was an inch away from cutting off his airway. 'Oh yeah, we're going to get along just fine, Bruce.'
The last of her apprehension to the arrangement disappeared as she released Dick from her death grip and helped him to his feet, a bright smile gracing her features.
'Where'd you learn to flip like that?' Dick asked.
'My mother,' she answered proudly. 'We've practiced for thirty minutes everyday since I was eight. I've also been taking classes back in Washington in judo and karate.'
'Cool!' Dick said. 'Maybe you can teach me some moves?'
'Sure!' Y/N answered.
Without even hesitating, Dick grabbed Y/N's hand and took off running to who knew where, words falling from him like a dam that had just been broken. 'Awesome! And then I can show you some of the cool gymnast tricks I picked up in the circus.'
'You were in the circus? That's so cool!'
The two of them were lost in their own world as Bruce and Diana remained in the lobby, looking after their children lovingly before they disappeared completely. When silence filled the room once more, they turned to each other.
'How much does she know?' Bruce asked.
Diana sighed. 'Enough to know that she will never have a normal life. Not after the incident last week. I thought I had a bit more time.'
Bruce placed a hand on his friend's shoulder comfortingly. 'I'm sorry, Diana. Truly. It's hard enough protecting a child who isn't your own. At least Dick has known death before. He knows everything.'
Diana nodded her appreciation, patting Bruce's hand before he let it drop. 'She will know, one day, what all this means. What her destiny is. Until now she has shown how much of Steve she has in her.' Diana paused at the memory of her fallen lover, feeling the tears rise up whenever she thought of him. 'But I fear she will grow to inherit my power, my responsibilities. I don't know if I'm ready to let her become that for the world. Not yet.'
'Diana,' Bruce said softly, 'she might not have a choice one day. I fear the same thing for Dick. You and I won't be around forever. The world will look to them to help, one day.'
Somewhere in the distance, Y/N and Dick's laughter resonated through the manor, giving it a warmth Bruce hadn't felt in a while. He smiled at the sensation. 'But for now, they have a choice. They can choose to be kids. Until the world no longer needs us.'
(11 years old)
'Uuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhh,' Y/N groaned as she flopped onto Dick's bed, textbook flattening over her face in defeat. 'I give up. I'm never going to pass this infuriating maths exam next week.'
All Y/N received was an amused laugh from the dark-haired boy, resulting in her throwing her textbook at his head where we sat on the floor. But Dick had always been quick, dodging the book easily. He was even more quick since they'd started training with each other since she moved to Gotham permanently for school.
She was enrolled at the same school as Dick: Gotham Academy. It was the best school in the area, and when she'd received her scholarship, her mother couldn't refuse her wishes to move. Y/N stayed in the boarding house for the most part, but being friends with the Bruce Wayne's only son certainly had its perks. Such as getting out of the boarding house whenever she needed to study and train without prying eyes.
Dick laughed again. 'Come on, Y/N,' he said, picking up her strewn textbook and offering it back to her. 'It's not so bad. We're just trying to find x.'
Y/N rolled over onto her stomach so Dick wasn't upside down anymore. 'Yes, and it is impossible! I mean, they give us nothing to try and figure out a and b, but we need them both to find out x. How?!'
When Y/N didn't take her book back, Dick put it on the ground and shuffled forwards. He did so until he was half an arm's length away from Y/N's face where it rested in her hands.
'All right, let's have a break,' he said. 'Focus on something else. How about... Ooo, I know! What would your vigilante name be?'
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed. 'What?'
'Your vigilante name,' Dick reported. 'You know, like a code name for ordinary people to refer you by. Like Bruce for example, he's Batman.'
'So like my mother too, who is Wonder Woman,' Y/N added.
Dick nodded. 'Correct. When we start fighting bad guys - and we will some day - we will need alter egos so villains don't pursue us outside of an ordinary mission.'
Y/N sat up as Dick jumped to his feet, pulling out all kinds of ninja-karate moves, many of which Y/N had taught him herself over the last year. 'I think I'll be something winged too. Batman needs to be accompanied by another flying animal, don't you think?'
'That is... logical,' Y/N admitted, though not understanding his motives for the specific topic. 'I haven't given much thought to the matter, honestly. I'm too busy trying to find this dumb x value.'
Dick landed a slam kick against thin air before he took up a normal standing position in front of Y/N. He smiled down proudly at her. 'I was thinking of just bird,' he confessed, taking a seat beside her on his bed, 'but then I thought that was boring. Batman and Bird, yeah sooooo intimidating. So I was thinking maybe Hawk, or Sparrow-'
'Why does it have to be intimidating?' Y/N asked.
Dick paused for the first time in the conversation and looked at her as if she was crazy. 'Because Batman is intimidating. I don't want to be seen as a sissy when I rock up beside him to fights. I defs won't feel the aster, then.'
'But shouldn't a hero be giving people reassurance and hope when they come to save people?' Y/N countered. 'Why would you want to be something that all people dread when you enter the door. I think a hero's name should be strong and encouraging. Something like my mother's.'
Dick rolled his eyes. 'You're just saying that because she's you're mum.'
Y/N shook her head. 'No I'm not. I've seen it first hand. When my mother shows up to lend a hand, the people cry with joy and relief because they know she will do all that she can to save them. I'm not saying Batman - Bruce - doesn't do the same thing, but I just know that when I have to be a hero, I would hope my name inspires people to keep hoping. Not fear me.'
Y/N watched Dick process her words, saw his piercing blue eyes grow distant as he looked down at his hands. For a moment, Y/N worried she'd ruined everything. That she'd overstepped. Dick and Bruce's relationship - it was more of an arrangement, in her opinion - was tenuous to say the least, the two of them always dancing on a very thin line that could snap at any moment when push comes to shove. Either way, it wasn't her place to comment on how Dick should handle his relationship to Bruce.
However, when Dick looked up to Y/n again, she was relieved to find he wasn't angry at her. In fact, a soft smile had bloomed on his lips.
'You're right,' he said softly. 'I don't have to be scary. Bruce has that all covered.'
'Glad to hear it,' Y/N replied with a a reciprocal smile. 'So... anymore ideas on your name?'
'Well, I still believe it's got to be a bird of sorts,' Dick answered. 'But let's steer clear of the birds of prey, shall we? Maybe Jaybird, or Bluebird. No, that's stupid. Raven? Nah, that's going backwards...'
'How about Robin?' Y/N suggested, and Dick's smile broadened to the point Y/N was scared he'd split his mouth right open.
'That's perfect!' he exclaimed, bringing her into a hug. 'Batman and Robin. It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?'
'It sure does,' Y/N said, grateful to have helped.
When Dick let her go, he said, 'Now how about you? What do you think your vigilante name should be?'
Y/N thought about it for a moment, but could only come up with one name. 'I like Wonder Woman, but mother already has that. I don't think two of us would make it easy for the public, especially if she is still working.'
'That is true,' Dick replied, turning away from her as he delved into deep thought. Y/N could tell he was thinking deeply as his tongue was poking out ever so slightly - the thing he always did when he was concentrating really hard. Y/N always found it amusing since the day she met him.
Y/N jumped a little when Dick suddenly cried out with excitement. He turned back to her and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look directly at him. 'How about we take inspiration from your mother? Use part of her name to create yours. Like Wonder Girl!'
Y/N shook her head. 'No, that's really lame, Dick.'
'Wonder Kid?'
'Wonder... Child?'
Dick snapped his fingers and his eyes brightened as Y/N assumed a great thought popped into his head. 'I've got it: Wonderess! You know, like Wonder Woman and goddess put together!'
'Wonderess...' Y/N tested it out on her tongue, and she smiled at how easy it rolled off. It was simple, it was to the point. She could just hear the world now, shouting and screaming and crying her name for joy, for help.
She couldn't stop her smile from widening and matching Dick's. 'I love it.'
'Great!' Dick slid back down to the floor and grabbed the forgotten textbook she'd thrown at him earlier. 'Now, oh mighty and powerful Wonderess, time for you to conquer the alluding and difficult enemy that is mathematics.'
Despite her earlier anguish, Y/N felt rejuvenated and took the book from Dick and opened it back to the page she'd failed to understand. 'Then conquer mathematics we shall, oh sneaky and charming Robin.'
Dick flashed her one of his dazzling smiles. 'Oh yeah, I can see it now. Robin is going to be popular with the ladies when I'm older.'
Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't contain her smile. 'Don't make me throw this book at you again.'
Dick raised his hands in mock surrender before they both dove back into their respective homework. But after five minutes of work, Y/N had another thought.
'Dick. What does "aster" mean?' ~~~
(13 years)
When Y/N had walked into the Hall of Justice earlier that day, she never imagined that she'd end up helping her best friend and the sidekicks of the Flash and Aquaman break into a top secret and highly secured lab centre, get captured by the mad scientists running the show down there, break out and now be standing in front of the Justice League as a Superman look-alike (that they'd broke into for and out of with) stared down his creation's inspiration.
'Start talking' Batman said, finally breaking the tense silence.
Between Kaldur, Wally, Dick, and Y/N (Superboy, Y/N realised early on, didn't talk much), the story of how they ended up at Cadmus and pretty much destroyed it was eventually told. Afterwards, the blockbuster monster they'd fought was taken away by Green Lantern and some other League members. Y/N couldn't help but peak at her mother as Wonder Woman herself conversed with Superman and Martian Manhunter. For a brief moment, Diana looked her daughter's way then quickly averted her gaze. But Y/N knew from that one look that her mother was unimpressed by her actions today.
'Cadmus will be investigated,' Batman said, after Superman said a frosty goodbye to his younger clone. 'All fifty-two levels. But let's make one thing clear-'
'You should've called!' the Flash finished, crossing his arms, clearly disappointed in his sidekick's efforts.
'End results aside, we are not happy,' Batman continued. 'You hacked Justice League systems; you disobeyed direct orders; and you endangered lives. You will not be doing this again.'
Y/N's heart faltered at the very notion. Despite the wreckage and the stress and the struggles they had faced, Y/N very much liked working with Dick, with Kaldur and Wally too. Even the Superboy was enjoyable at some points. To never work with them again was not something she expected she would miss after one mission.
Kaldur and the other boys must've read her mind, as he stepped forward, standing tall and speaking with a strong voice well beyond his years. 'I'm sorry,' he began, eyes never leaving Batman, 'but we will.'
'Aqualad,' Aquaman started, stepping up behind Batman. 'Stand down.'
'Apologies, my King. But no,' Aqualad replied. 'We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do. Together. On our own. We forged something powerful. Important.'
'If this is about your treatment at the hall,' the Flash started, 'the four of you-'
'The five of us,' Wally corrected, looking directly at Superboy as he did, 'and it's not.'
'Batman,' Dick said, stepping to the front of the group. 'We're ready to use what you taught us. Or why teach us at all?'
'Why let them tell us what to do?' Superboy interrupted, pushing past Dick to take the lead. 'It's simple, get on board. Or get out of the way.'
Y/N joined her friends in staring down the heads of the Justice League. It was an intimidating figure they all posed, but Y/N knew she was doing the right thing. That her and her friends had done the right thing tonight.
Diana joined Batman, the Flash, and Martian Manhunter, her face unreadable and voice monotone. 'Are you sure this is the path you would like to forge, Wonderess?' she asked, her voice echoing in the crater they stood in.
Apart from Dick and Bruce, no one else (to Y/N's knowledge) knew that Wonder Woman and Wonderess were related in any manner. Not that either disguised themselves like other heroes did - purposefully hiding their faces to conceal their identities like Batman and the Flash - but neither outwardly acknowledged their true relationship either.
However, Y/N could tell her mother wasn't just asking her as her sidekick, but as her daughter. Was Y/N really prepared to risk all she had trained for, for some... strangers?
Y/N eyed the golden lasso that hung at her mother's hip, and opened her hand to summon the seemingly never-ending rope into her hand. It wrapped around several times, then glowed as Y/N clenched a tight fist around it.
'I am more certain than I have ever been, Wonder Woman,' Y/N replied, feeling the lasso urge her to speak all her truth. 'While I still endeavour to one day be your successor, my place is with my friends right now. We need to walk this path together, wherever it leads. I know this to be absolute truth.'
Y/N sucked in a breath as she let go of the lasso, feeling slightly drained from the power it had over her. Dick put a hand on her back to brace her as she recovered. Once Y/N had caught her breath, she spared Dick a grateful smile, which he reciprocated.
Just as it had been from day one, they would ride this wave together. No matter how rough.
The very next day, the five of them were taken to Mount Justice, the backup facility for the Justice League as Batman explained. Upon arrival, they met M'gann, Martian Manhunter's niece, and soon after Artemis was brought into the mix.
Soon, they were the Young Justice.
(13 years old)
'Congratulations team, you have won the day,' Red Tornado said as he laid dismembered on the ground.
The rest of the team had just reconnected as the Justice computer phased a date and time code onto one of the glass walls of the Watchtower. It read: January 01, 00:00 EST.
'Happy New Year, Justice League,' the computer announced.
To no one's surprise, Wally picked up Artemis and pulled her in for a long-awaited kiss. M'gann and Connor paired up, so did Rocket and Aqualad surprisingly.
Y/N felt uncomfortable watching them all making out, so she turned to her best friend so they could give them all some privacy. 'Hey Dick, let's go-'
But as she turned around, Y/N saw that Dick had also paired off with someone: Zatanna. This time, Y/N couldn't help but stare as the two of them made out.
Since day one of Zatanna joining the team, Y/N had noticed Dick had a thing for her. Who wouldn't? She was beautiful, she was just a year older than them but that just made her more desirable, and she was good with magic!
Something stirred inside Y/N, something that twisted her guts to the point she thought she'd throw up. Was it jealousy? No, she wasn't the jealous type. Besides, Dick was her best friend, no one could change that. He could kiss whoever he wanted to kiss. At the end of the day, they'd still talk and laugh and spar and go get ice cream together.
'Human customs still allude me,' Red Tornado said from his place on the floor.
'You're not the only one...' Y/N mumbled to herself, standing all alone.
(16 years old)
Y/N was just sparring on a test dummy when Dick entered the training ring looking a little worse for wear, his usual mischievous smile not visible.
'Hey,' Y/N said, finishing up her combo of kicks and punches, heaving in deep breaths. 'What's up, bird brain?'
He didn't reply straight away, instead standing on the edge of the fight ring as if afraid to step out of the shadows and into the light. Y/N raised an eyebrow in confusion. 'Dick?'
When he didn't respond again, Y/N walked over to him. And when she got closer, she realised why he remained in the darkness.
'Have you been crying?' she asked softly, scared to speak too loud in case he ran away.
Dick wasn't an emotional guy. He just wasn't. He was the mischievous gremlin who kept the team together with his witty remarks, charm, and sheer intelligence. And even though Kaldur had been the leader of their team for years now, Dick always wanted to be a leader like Bruce was for the Justice League. He never gave himself room to be emotional.
So for him to stand in front of Y/N with red-rimmed eyes and tear marks streaking down his face, whatever had just happened had to be so impactful it finally broke his resolve.
He averted his eyes. 'Zatanna,' he started, biting his lip to suppress sobs falling out between the words. 'She broke up with me.'
Subconsciously, Y/N had been dreaming about hearing those words for a long time. She didn't quite understand why, as Zatanna was a close friend and Dick was by far her best friend so of course she only ever wanted happiness for them. But now that Dick stood in front of her so broken and sad, Y/N only felt sorry and remorse.
'Oh Dick,' she said. 'I'm so sorry... How can I help?'
Dick shook his head vigorously, eyes still averted from her. 'Can you just... Can we spar please? I think I really need that right now.'
His tone was restrained, as if he were holding back what he really thought. Y/N had half a thought to suggest they just talk, but when he finally looked directly at her, how could she refuse her best friend? After all, she was the only one he never wore his glasses around. Even after all these years with the team, he trusted no one else but her with his identity.
The original members knew, but even then he still wore his shades around them half the time if he wasn't in his vigilante suit. But not around Y/N, though. Never around Y/N.
'All right,' Y/N conceded, walking with him back to the centre of the fighting ring. She stood in her usual starting position, hands raised and feet split ready to fight. 'Same rules as last time?'
Dick nodded. 'No flying from you, no gadgets from me. Just us.'
Y/N launched into a heated sparring match, much more heated than any other match she'd had before with him. Sparring matches are usually to practice a skill, usually some punches can be pulled. But not now, Dick was throwing himself into everything, becoming sloppy, opening himself up. While the first few jabs Y/N got in were small victories, she soon grew worried as he grew more and more reckless as the match progressed.
'You're opening yourself up too easily, Dick,' Y/N commented between heavy breaths. 'Tighten up your stance.'
Dick groaned with frustration in answer, throwing another punch at her which she easily ducked and palm-punched his abdomen hard. He stumbled back as he caught his breath, but Y/N took it as her chance to end the fight as she charged at him, crash-tackled him to the mat with a bit more super-strength than she'd been using and pinning his limbs to the ground.
Dick struggled under her, but she refused to let go. 'Concede, Grayson. Now,' she demanded.
She rarely used his last name, only when he was in serious trouble or when she really needed him to listen. So he stopped, and he looked up at her and he nodded. 'I concede,' he said between huffs of air.
Y/N nodded her head in acknowledgement before stepping off him and helping him to his feet. For years they had been the same height, but once Dick had hit fourteen, he shot up fast. He was still lean and more on the skinny side, but he was toned in certain places and he now stood a head taller than Y/N. But she didn't let his new height stop her from locking eyes with him.
'Do you feel... somewhat better now?' she asked cautiously, feeling that Dick was on the brink of an explosion, she was just unsure what kind it would be.
To her surprise, Dick's piercing blue eyes welled up with tears. 'No,' he said.
Y/N immediately wrapped her arms around him, and Dick fell into her and wrapped himself around her as if she were a warm blanket on a cold night. They stood like that - with Dick crying silently into her shoulder and Y/N rubbing soothing circles into his back - for who knew how long. A minute, two, an hour maybe. It didn't matter, Dick needed Y/N'S help so she would stay there as long for as it took.
'She said she couldn't do it anymore,' he said finally, tears finally finished running, but he still didn't break from Y/N's embrace. 'The long distance.'
'Being promoted to the Justice League is a huge commitment, Dick,' Y/N offered.
'It's not just that, though,' he said. 'I think she couldn't take me anymore. Ever since Jason-'
His voice cracked on the mention of his fallen brother, the next ward Bruce had taken under his wing. When he joined the team, Jason took over the Robin mantle, giving Dick freedom to explore a new path of vigilante identity. One outside of Bruce's shadow and the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin. He'd settled upon Nightwing - another name Y/N helped come up with - and he'd taught Jason everything he knew about being Robin and how he could find his own meaning for the role.
But Jason never got the chance to do the same for the next Robin, who Bruce mentioned would never be found after Jason's death. Jason had been killed on a mission with the Batman himself only a month ago, and Dick had secretly been a wreck ever since. He'd learnt from his sponsor who to hide his emotions, but Y/N assumed he had to let it out to someone or someones every so often. Those people were herself, and no doubt Zatanna.
Despite her bubbly and adventurous personality, Zatanna knew death, knew grief. It suddenly angered Y/N at the thought that Zatanna had dumped Dick because he was grieving and couldn't give her the attention he had become known to give her daily.
Y/N held her tongue as she pulled him tighter, though. Now was not the time to rub salt into his open and bloody wound.
'You don't have to explain yourself to me, Dick,' Y/N reassured him. 'I understand.'
He squeezed her tighter. 'First my family, then Jason, now Zatanna. Promise me you won't leave too. Promise.'
'I promise, Dick,' Y/N answered. 'I'll always be here if you need me.'
Dick finally pulled away from her, but only far enough that he still held her in his arms and she had to angle her head harshly upwards to look him in the eye. Despite the redness, Dick's eyes still shone a blue that didn't seem quite real - like the colour of the purest, cleanest ocean.
So beautiful.
'You're my best friend, Y/N,' he said softly, a grateful smile finally breaking through his sadness. 'You know that right?'
Once upon a time, Y/N wouldn't have hesitated in answering. Yes, she would say, because it was the truth. It was the truth still, but a discomforting feeling in her stomach squirmed at the words "best friend". What he meant to her went past the simple label, at least in her opinion. But she just couldn't quite put it into words yet.
'Y-Yeah, I know,' she stammered out quickly. She had paused way too long to answer. 'Just like you're mine, bird brain. Don't think a bunch of tears is going to scare me off so easily.'
She was so glad to be the one to make him laugh then. It was the most melodic sound she'd ever heard, even though she'd heard it a thousand times before. Dick could never be tiring to her.
Finally - and thankfully - Dick stepped out of her arms, allowing her to suck in air that had previously been missing from between them. But he stole it all right back when he flashed her that charming smile of his.
'Guess I'll see you tomorrow, Wonderess,' he said. 'Thanks again for the sparring. I'll be sure to tighten up for next time.'
'G-Great, good, excellent,' Y/N stumbled over her words, unable to breathe when he smiled so causally yet so beautifully at her. 'See you tomorrow.'
Dick gave her a tiny wave as he left the room. As he left, Artemis and M'gann strolled in wearing civvies. They greeted and farewelled Dick before continuing to walk to Y/N, who stood frozen where Dick had left her staring after him.
'You okay, Y/N?' Artemis asked, waving a hand in front of Y/N's face. 'Helloooooo. Earth to Y/N?'
'Maybe she's fallen into a hypnotic state,' M'gann suggested. 'Or worse! A mind ant has taken over her brain! I'll have to go inside her mind to weed it out.'
That finally disrupted Y/N from her stupor. 'No! No need for that. No mind ants here,' she frantically said just M'gann was about to enter her mind.
'Then why were you looking like Medusa had risen from her mythical death and frozen you in place?' Artemis asked, deadpan.
'First of all, Medusa was a real person. Greek Mythology is real, or therefore my mother and I wouldn't be here today,' Y/N countered. 'Second of all... I think I a have a crush on Dick.'
As soon as she said the words, she knew them to be true. She didn't need to discuss it with the girls, she already knew.
Y/N Prince, daughter of Wonder Woman, had a huge, fat crush on her best friend, and son of Batman himself, Richard 'Dick' Grayson.
'Shit,' all three girls said at once.
~~~ (18 years old)
Y/N watched with sad eyes as two of her closest friends walked away under the cover of darkness. Again. Kaldur and Artemis - the latter now legally dead - waved farewell before they entered a small submarine, on their way to continue infiltration of the Light on Kaldur's father's ship.
Two figures stepped up beside Y/N. 'Well,' Wally started, 'I guess that's that.'
'For now,' Dick said. 'I promise, Wally, we'll bring them both back.'
'Yeah, whatever,' Wally said, turning to leave. 'You're my bro, Dick. But if Artemis is really killed because of this, I will never forgive you.'
Wally's footsteps resounded through the empty fishing warehouse as Y/N continued to stare out at the ocean. Soon, it was just her and Dick.
'We should head back to headquarters,' Dick suggested. 'Someone might start to wonder where we are.'
But Y/N didn't turn to leave, still transfixed by the ocean. 'I thought I was okay with all this,' Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. 'I convinced myself that this was for the greater good. But now I'm not so sure.'
'What do you mean, Y/N?' Dick asked.
'The lying, Dick,' she answered, finally turning to him. 'The secrets, the faking of deaths and undercover betrayals. If we keep this up, it'll tear the team apart.'
'It won't,' Dick reassured her, his voice so certain and sure. 'When this is all over and we explain it all, they will understand. I expect some disappointment and hostility for a while, but one day they'll understand why we did what we did. But this team we've built, Y/N, it is stronger than all this. I know it.'
Y/N shook her head, wanting to believe him but unable to put aside the horrible feeling in her gut. 'I know they are strong. I just wish there was another way for us to win.'
'Trust me, if there was, I would've taken it,' Dick said, and even with a mask on, Y/N knew he was telling the truth. 'I want all of us fighting this together. For now, we've just got to trust in Kaldur and Artemis that they will succeed.'
Y/N nodded, her gaze returning to the flat ocean waters where her friends had long since left behind. 'Maybe you should've sent me like I suggested,' Y/N said half-heartedly. 'You're a great substitute for leader, Dick. Truly. But the team took Kaldur's betrayal heavily, and Artemis and Wally were out of the game. We shouldn't have brought them back in. Wonder Girl is trained up enough to take my place. You don't need me.'
'Don't say that.'
Y/N could barely react as she was grabbed by her shoulders and forced to face Dick, who had crouched so he was eye-level to her and leaned in so she could see the slightest gleam of his pupils through the white mask.
'Don't say that,' Dick repeated, his grip on her shoulders firm and grounding. 'We do need you. You're a founding member too, Y/N. Regardless of if it were Kaldur or not, the team would've struggled without any one of us. And the only reason I was able to lead this team this past year is because I knew you had my back the entire time.'
'Really?' she asked, the one word a struggle to get out.
His expression softened and he loosened his grip. But Dick didn't release her yet. 'Y/N, you are always the one giving hope to the team whenever I can't raise their spirits. You were the one to console them after Kaldur leaving. You are strong and brave and you never give up, especially when the chips are down. And they have been down on us a lot lately.'
Y/N caught her breath as Dick released one shoulder to use his pointer finger to hold her chin up, making her look directly at him. 'It kills me that you don't see yourself how everyone else sees you. Which is amazing, Y/N. Amazing and wonderful.'
Y/N swore Dick could hear her heart thudding rapidly against her chest. In the two years since realising it, her crush on her best friend hadn't faded like she'd hoped. Instead, it had grown and blossomed but Dick still couldn't see how much she absolutely adored him. She'd resigned herself to the fact that he would never feel that way about her, and also if they were to date, then it would just make working together all the more complicated. She couldn't compromise on the team's relationship.
But as Y/N looked into Dick's eyes now, a little spark of hope flickered inside her. He was so close to her, he had to feel her heartbeat. He had to know... right?
A wind of doubt blew out the spark and she stepped away from Dick so her head would stop spinning. 'You just had to get a pun in there, didn't you?' she said, surprised at how calm and casual her voice came out all things considered.
Dick took a moment to gather himself, as if he too had been lost deep in thought. But soon that infamous smile of his stretched his lips and Y/N knew she could never say no to him. 'What can I say? I'm an opportunist.'
'I thought you were a gymnast.'
'I am also your best friend, and so I am legally obliged to slip in puns about you whenever possible.'
'Oh, do you now?' Y/N asked, lightly shoving him as she made for the warehouse door. Dick was right, they needed to head home before anyone started questioning their whereabouts.
Dick quickly caught up. 'I mean it Y/N. You are my best friend.'
'I know,' Y/N said nonchalantly, trying not to let the words sting too much. But she managed a soft smile as she said, 'And you are mine. Always have been...'
Dick flashed her a genuine smile, no charm, no hidden agenda behind it. He held his pinky finger up, to which Y/N linked her own with. '...Always will be,' he finished.
As they went home, Y/N felt better about Kaldur and Artemis' mission, as well as her place in the team. But she was now even more confused about Dick and how he felt about her. They were best friends, had been through so much together, it wouldn't be wise to ruin all that now.
But the way he'd looked at her, maybe there was a chance after all.
(18 years old)
'You're leaving?'
Y/N and Kaldur couldn't believe what they'd just heard. One minute, the three of them were discussing the team's next move after foiling the Reach's invasion plans and splitting the Light in half, and the next...
'That's correct,' Dick said. 'I just... I think I need to take a break for a while.'
'For how long?' Y/N asked, finally getting over the initial shock of his announcement. It had been a hectic day, full of surprises and sacrifices nobody saw coming. Right now, in her opinion, everyone needed to band together, not... leave.
Dick shrugged his shoulders. 'I don't know. But it definitely won't be quick. This team has been my whole life for five years now. I think it's time I stepped away, let Kaldur take the reins again.'
'The team will not be the same without you,' Kaldur offered.
'The team already isn't the same,' Dick said solemnly, and the slightest crack in his voice indicated to Y/N what he was referring to. 'You, me, Y/N, Wally. We founded this team. Without him...'
Dick didn't need to finish. Y/N had felt Wally's absence since the moment he fazed out of existence. He saved the world, but he'd been too slow to combat the chrysalis' energy. Not even the Flash or Impulse could save him. It made Y/N so mad, because Wally must've known he wouldn't come out of it alive. He knew he was too slow, having been out of the game for so long.
And yet he did it anyway, because that was who Wally West - Kid Flash - was.
'I understand,' Kaldur said, placing a comforting hand on Dick's shoulder.
'Thanks,' Dick said, then looked to the boom tubes of the Watchtower. 'I should probably go.'
'What? Now?' Y/N asked. 'At least see the day through, Dick.'
'There's nothing else for me to see through, Y/N,' he countered, already making his way to the boom tubes to make his exit. 'Kaldur is back, and so is the Justice League. I am no longer needed.'
Kaldur didn't follow Y/N as she chased after Dick. 'At least let the team know personally you'll be leaving. Don't you think they deserve that much from you after all we've done?'
'All I did was sign Wally's death sentence,' Dick answered harshly, not even bothering to turn around and face her. 'Yeah, the team really deserves that from their substitute leader.'
The two of them stopped before the boom tubes, facing each other one last time. Y/N grabbed Dick's wrist before he could dial in his code to exit the Watchtower.
'Dick, please,' Y/N pleaded, voice tight with desperation. 'I know you're hurting right now. We all are feeling Wally's death. But the team needs you right now. I need you...'
It was a last ditch attempt at convincing him that he meant more to her than just a friend. That he was her glue, that he was important to her and the team. That, even if he was nothing else, he was her best friend, and she was his.
Always have been... Always will be.
Don't go, she wanted to say, but the words never came out. It's like Dick had always been a part of her life; she now couldn't imagine her life without his witty remarks, without his odd use of words like "aster" and "traught", without his charming smile and kind eyes. She couldn't imagine life without him. Please, don't go.
Dick's sad expression told her he'd made his mind up before he even spoke the words.
'I'm sorry, Y/N,' he said softly, pulling her into a gentle embrace where he pressed a feather-light kiss to her forehead. 'But I can't deal with this right now.'
As if in a dream, Dick stepped out of the embrace and dialled in his code for the boom tube.
'B:01 - NIghtwing,' the computer announced as the boom tube activated.
Dick was a step away from leaving Y/N behind when she called out, 'Don't be a stranger!'
She knew he had already made his mind up. But that didn't mean the two of them couldn't still be what they had always been. Best friends.
To her joy, Dick stopped and turned back around, a melancholic smile on his face as he held up his pinky finger. 'Always have been...'
Y/N reciprocated his smile as she too held up her pinky finger, imagining hooking it with his. '...Always will be,' she replied softly.
And then he was gone, and Y/N was left standing alone in the Watchtower.
She didn't realise she was crying until Dick was gone, until her senses had returned fully and felt the sensation of tears rolling down her face. That's when she acknowledged she was truly, utterly, hopelessly sad.
Because for the first time in seven years, Dick was no longer by her side. She didn't have Dick to fall back on when things got tough; she didn't have Dick to talk to about her issues with the new recruits; she didn't have Dick to laugh with after a night out at the arcade where he had failed epically at every game; she didn't have Dick reassuring her that everything would be okay, even when the world was telling them otherwise.
Dick was gone, and that was something Y/N had never expected to deal with.
Y/N wiped her tears away before she turned to see who had called her. It was Kaldur, and based on his sympathetic expression, she knew he had heard everything.
'Batman and the rest of the Justice League wants to speak with us all,' he said.
'Right,' Y/N said, composing herself before walking over to join her friend.
Dick was gone, but she was still an integral part of Young Justice, and they needed her more now than ever. Whatever was to come their way now, they had to be strong, a united front.
Even if her heart yearned for someone who had completely abandoned her.
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dreamescapeswriting · 8 months
Home Movie ~ KNJ
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⤜GENRE: fluffy, established relationships, marrying one another, cute, Namjoon being a nervous husband to be, the boys being chaotic 
⤜PAIRING: Namjoon x fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
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Bright lights were burning your eyes so much that you could feel them drying up, how did Namjoon do this all the time? The lights were brutal enough but then there was the added extra heat coming from the cameras in the room, you could have sworn you'd started to sweat some weight off your body.
Your hands were clammy and you did your best to rub them on your jeans and try to shove off the anxiety that was building up but it was hard when there were four cameras on you and a whole room full of people staring you dead in the face. When you'd been told to come to work earlier than usual this morning you hadn't expected to be in a room full of cameras. You instantly worried that HYBE had discovered what you and the boys had done in Vegas but no one knew. Everyone swore to take it to the grave that day until Namjoon could come up with a way to tell his boss.
"Relax, I promise everything will be okay," Namjoon whispered, running his hand over yours causing it to free mid-rub on your thigh and you let out a shaky breath. The whole morning he'd been trying to convince you that they had no idea, that this was probably just a routine they wanted to do with you. With Namjoon at your side, you usually felt as though you could do anything in the world, that nothing was impossible as long as you had him there with you but right now it didn't feel that way.
Sure, he eased off some of the anxiety but it was still there, biting and chewing away at you piece by piece as the interviewer - Brenda - finally sat down across from you with a bright smile. She'd been with the boys for almost two years now, filming everything they were doing as well as interviewing them for the documentary series that they were making. 
"Don't look so nervous, this is just a little interview for the series," She said with a shrug of her shoulders as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"What?" Your voice cracked a little from how dry it was, you hadn't realised how thirsty you were until you went to speak. Why were you suddenly being interviewed for it? The boys were the sole focus of the show and sure staff members were going to be featured but most of their faces were going to be blurred for the most part and none of them had been interviewed. Maybe it was because you'd been with them for so long but you knew staff that had been there from the start that hadn't been interviewed yet. Something felt off about all of this.
"Well, we have to get the inside scoop, Mr Bang, agreed for us to do this." She smiled at you both before getting her papers together and making sure everyone in the room was ready but Namjoon was frowning now.
At first, he thought it was going to be a routine shoot, that they would ask you about your time with the boys - since they'd all mentioned you so much in their own interviews - but now something was chewing inside of him letting him know that something about this wasn't normal.
"To what are you referring?" Namjoon arched an eyebrow, holding your hand and putting a stop to your leg that was now bouncing up and down on the spot. The air turned thick as Brenda turned to you both with a pleasant grin on her face, 
"Your marriage." And just like that your heart throbbed against your chest and she giggled a little at the shocked expression that you and Namjoon were showing. 
"Tell us everything that wasn't recorded, who's idea was it?" Brenda questioned as the cameras started to roll and all you could think about was all of the different ways you were going to kill Jungkook for filming the wedding in the first place.
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"You want to do what?" Seokjin stared at his leader in complete and utter shock. Namjoon was normally the one who was usually level-headed, the rule follower in everything but this came as a shock to everyone. You giggled from beside Namjoon, buzzing with excitement as you bounced a little on the spot, just rocking back and forth from your heel to the ball of your feet.
"We're going to elope," Namjoon told them all again. When Namjoon first suggested the idea you'd been unsure about it, you'd been engaged for almost a year though and you knew that no matter how much you planned nothing was ever going to get done until you just did it. And being in Vegas was the perfect opportunity, there was no one to stop you - besides the guards but the boys knew how to slip them after years of being together with them.
"In the middle of the night? Is yn pregnant?" Seokjin questioned, giving you a small glance and smiling weakly, he knew the two of you wanted to get married but in Vegas? It all seemed too sudden, and he worried that there was something wrong, were you both just rushing because you were merely sick of waiting or was there something else going on?
"I WANNA BE THE GODFATHER!" Two voices rang out from the other side of the room, sending Jimin and Taehyung into a bickering match back and forth with each other.
"Not pregnant, not for a long while yet." You laughed and shook your head, sitting down beside Jin who was staring at you a little unsure of this whole thing. Normally he would want to back you both 100% but he needed to make sure you were both very okay with this.
"You know what it'll mean if someone catches us? Or if it gets out." He directed this at you, the only reason your relationship had been such a huge secret was because you were afraid of the attention that would no doubt come along with it but you were ready for it.
"We'll cross the bridge when we come to it." You stated with a genuine smile, that you were ready and you knew it. There was no more waiting for the right time, was it a rush? Sure. But were you only going it because you were sick of waiting? No. You were truly in love with Namjoon and couldn't wait any longer to be married for the rest of your life. Tonight was going to be the start to the rest of your lives together and you couldn't wait to get started on that.
"I think it's a good idea. You guys have waited too long for this." Yoongi was behind you both, he'd been with you on planning for months now. The two of you had been discussing everything you'd wanted but it all seemed pointless when all you wanted was a marriage. No big fancy party, no big church. All you wanted as you, Namjoon and the boys to bear witness to your marriage since they'd been there throughout your whole relationship.
"We could record it all!" Jungkook suddenly yelled from behind you, everyone turning to look at him, including JImin and Taehyung who had stopped bickering at one another.
"What? Why?" Namjoon frowned, Jungkook held up the camera that one of the documentary members had left behind and he smirked. He'd been dying to use these cameras for almost a year now and it was finally he shot to do it and record something good with it.
"It'll be like a home movie." You liked the idea of it, getting to watch the wedding back when you were so old you could barely remember what day of the week you were on.
"I guess it would be cute to look back on one day." You giggled as Jungkook smirked, checking to make sure the camera was fully charged. 
"And we can all rent suits!" Taehyung yelled out to Jin who seemed to be smirking now, getting more and more on board as time ticked by.
"And I need to find a dress," You sounded a little defeated, you knew you didn't want anything majorly fancy but a white dress of some sort was a must.
"And flowers," Yoongi added, Hoseok was already googling where you could find everything you were going to need.
"And a chapel." Jin finally said with a smile, he could see how much you wanted this. You squealed a little giving him a huge hug and snuggling into him. Jin was like a brother to you, you weren't going to elope without his blessing, it was strange but over the years you'd grown so close with them all that it was like they were your own family members.
"Good thing we're in Vegas, the city of loveeeeee," Jimin dragged out the word and you all groaned and shook your head at him,
"That's Paris," Yoongi chortled at him, shaking his head before Hoseok smirked. He'd already found the perfect place where you could get everything you needed all in one spot.
"There's a chapel down the street, it's a five-minute walk. It has flower, Dress and Suit rentals." He told everyone, glancing back down at his phone and reading for a few seconds before laughing to himself.
"Oh and if you want Elvis can marry you."
"I think we want a priest," You said to him, giggling a little at the thought of an Elvis impersonator marrying you both together.
"Let's go. Yn can go to her room and let the staff know we've all gone to sleep. We'll meet at the chapel, okay? No running because it'll wake everyone up." Hoseok told everyone and suddenly it felt as though your wedding was turning into a mission from a mission-impossible movie and you couldn't hide your excitement.
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Everyone was at the chapel and ready, you were hidden behind a changing screen as you didn't want Namjoon to see you. Even though it wasn't like a Church wedding you still didn't want him to see you in the dress that you'd picked out just yet.
"You're sure you weren't followed?" He quizzed Jimin and Taehyung who had been the last ones to arrive.
"Sure as sure can be," Taehyung smirked, the two of them had made sure to leave the TV playing softly in the background to make it seem as though someone was still awake inside of the room but for the most part no one was going to go in and check of them.
"You know I'm the best man right?" Jimin said as he did his bow tie up, staring at Taehyung who scoffed loudly at him. Lori - one of the men who seemed to work inside of the chapel turned to look at them, aiming the camera in their direction since Jungkook had tasked him with being their cameraman for the night. 
"I think you'll find that I'M the best man, right Joonie?" Taehyung turned to look at your husband, who had already left the area and gone to wait at the altar. 
"Yn, tell him that I'm Namjoon's best man," Jimin begged, you rolled your eyes a little. If it wasn't them arguing over who the godfather to your non-existent child was it was going to be this, letting out a heavy sigh you came out from behind the screen and they were still bickering back and forth. It looked like something out of a cartoon as they argued with one another.
"Jimin, you can be my best man and Tae can be Joonies. How about that?" You put your hands on your hips, after years of dealing with them you knew how to handle their little bicker matches. The boys turned in sync to look at you, their squabbling with one another ending as soon as they saw you and let out small gasps.
"Yn, you look beautiful." Your whole body heated from Taehyung's completment and you smiled shyly looking down at the dress. It wasn't anything extravagant since this was a chapel in Vegas but it was your favourite one on the rack. It was an elegant white knee-length dress, that hung just off your shoulders and had some lace detailing on the front, with a veil to match.
"You think he'll like it?" You were a little unsure if your husband-to-be was going to like it.
"I don't think Namjoon will care, you could walk down the aisle in sweats, three-day-old hair and not brush your teeth all day and he'd still marry you." Jimin laughed a little making you giggle, Namjoon had always told you that he'd marry you in his underwear as long as he got to marry you that was all that he cared about.
The door to the left side of you burst open and Jungkook walked out wearing a bright pink suit, holding a bouquet and a basket full of what looked like rose petals. Your hand flew over to cover your mouth to prevent you from laughing,
"Never fear! Flower boy is here!" He cried out, beaming at you as he handed you the bouquet of fake roses and chuckling to himself.
"I couldn't find a flower girl dress so the closet thing was this pink suit," He spun around once more and smirked at Lori who was holding back a laugh as he recorded everything for you. 
"You were going to put on a dress?" Jimin laughed a little as Jungkook nodded, he saw nothing wrong with it, it wouldn't have been the first time he'd worn a dress and it probably wasn't going to be the last.
"Yeah, why not? I want to give this wedding my all." He yelled out with a giant laugh afterward making you giggle a little before kissing his cheek softly.
"Thank you, flower boy." You whispered before the doors to the chapel opened, you caught a glimpse of Namjoon who appeared to be looking a lot more nervous than you were right now. Was he having second guesses about this?
"Taehyung you can go and stand with Namjoon, Jimin stand on Yn's side and we'll join you soon," Yoongi told them both as you smiled at Jin who appeared to be tearing up at the sight of you, Lori came closer with the camera so he could get a good shot.
"You look great," Jin choked out making you whine at him, your eyes were starting to well up and you knew if she started crying now you weren't going to stop.
"You're going to set me off," You moaned, reaching out and wiping the tears that had slipped down his face with your hands but Yoongi handed you a tissue.
"I came prepared." He winked, shaking his head as you threw your arms around the two of them and started to whimper a little in their arms.
"You'll both walk me down, right? I need you both there." You sniffled a little pulling back and looking at them as they smiled warmly down at you.
"We wouldn't have it any other way," Jin whispered before nodding for Lori to go into the other room and capture some footage of Namjoon.
"How's Joonie?" You laughed, wiping the tears that had slowly escaped your eyes and Jin chortled to himself,
"Nervous but Hoseok's got him." You nodded a little and took in a deep breath when you heard the music beginning to start, it was almost time and your nerves were starting to show now.
"Jungkook, you'll go first when the singer starts to sing and we'll follow," Yoongi instructed as you looked ahead of you, you were finally going to marry the love of your life.
Inside the other room Namjoon was sweating so much he knew he wasn't going to be able to return the suit he rented and he could feel himself beginning to shake, he was more nervous than he thought he was going to be.
"You're going to marry her and everything will be okay," Hoseok told him, the music playing softly as the singer waited for the all-clear that everything was a go.
"I know, but what if she regrets this later in life."
"Then you can renew your vows with a huge wedding," Hoseok smirked, nodding at the singer and not giving Namjoon a chance to talk himself out of this. 
The doors at the end of the room opened and Jungkook came through first, throwing the petals onto the floor making Namjoon chuckle to himself but when you came through it was like the air was sucked out of his lungs. 
Though it was impossible Namjoon could have sworn there was a spotlight on you, lighting you up rather than letting him see anyone or anything else in the room. His eyes stared deep into your soul, burning holes into your head as you walked toward him with the biggest grin on your face.
"Hell future Mrs Kim." He winked as you reached him, your whole body burning at the name.
"You take good care of her, or we'll kill you." Jin teased before kissing your left cheek, Yoongi kissing your right and both of them left to go and stand at the side of you. 
"You ready?" Namjoon whispered as he took your hand in his, all of your nerves melting away as you held onto your future husband's hand.
"More than ever."
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"It was a spur-of-the-moment thing? That's quite romantic." Brenda had a few tears running down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away and you smiled up at Namjoon. After telling your wedding story you felt a little less nervous about it all, HYBE knew and you hadn't been fired for your actions yet that must have been a good sign.
"That's all we really needed from you. We're going to cut in bits of the wedding video and make sure the fans see everything." Brenda explained and you nodded a little. You were still nervous about it all being out in the open to the public but you knew Namjoon would never let anything bad happen to you, nor would he let any bad-mouthing happen or if it did he'd say something and no one wanted to be told off by Namjoon.
The camera crew were packing everything away as you and Namjoon headed out into the hall to see the boys waiting for you, all of them looking more guilty than the last.
"Who tattled?" You folded your arms over your chest and waited for one of them to admit it but none of them did.
"I won't bake this Christmas if you don't tell me," As soon as the threat left your mouth they all began talking over one another, getting so loud that you couldn't tell who was speaking anymore and what they were even saying.
"Jungkook did it." Yoongi finally said as everyone fell into silence.
"They found the camera footage, actually. Don't throw me under the bus when you were the one who went to Bang PD without him even knowing." Jungkook breathed out before you turned to Yoongi who was now blushing bright red,
"I thought he knew, I figured if they had the footage he knew about it..." You bit your lip a little, you could never stay mad at any of them, besides it was all going to be okay as long as you weren't going to get fired.
"Mr and Mrs Kim, may I speak with you." Bang PD's voice came from behind you and you slowly turned to see him, his expression completely unreadable and you followed closely behind him as he went to an empty office.
"I hear congratulations are in order," He stared at you both and you bowed your head a little.
"Thank you, Sir, I know-" You tried to say sorry to even excuse your behaviour but he held his hand up for you to stop and you bit down on your lip,
"Please, let me finish." You nodded and he took out an envelope from his back pocket and handed it to Namjoon.
"I would normally chastise you for disobeying rules...both of you," You were ready for the envelope to be something letting you know you were being let go but he nodded for Namjoon to open it.
"A week away?" Namjoon frowned looking at the tickets and back at his boss who was now smiling warmly at the pair of you,
"Hawaii, it's a good honeymoon spot and you're less likely to get noticed while we handle the media here."
"We can't accept this,"
"You can, I expect you back in a week to continue working for me but until then you're on official leave, go and celebrate your wedding with a proper honeymoon...Even if it is late." He winked at you both before you both bowed deeply to him and he left you both alone.
"A honeymoon does sound nice." You giggled, looking at him as he blushed and nodded.
"Let's go back, I'll pick you up," Namjoon said as he pulled you into the hall and began walking toward the elevators.
"Hey, this means we can move in together and I don't have to keep sneaking in and out of the house anymore!" You cried out, laughing together as you both began to plan your future together. One without hiding. 
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makeitmingi · 9 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 6]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
"Where's (y/n)? Did she have dinner?" San asked first.
"Oh, she's just taking a breather. Hwa hyung already kept a portion of food for her." Wooyoung waving him off, taking another bite of his own food.
"Is she okay?" Mingi asked.
"Yeah, don't worry about her." Jongho replied. Well, if your friends were saying not to worry, who was Yunho to worry? Why was he even worrying? It's the guilt he felt from his comment before dinner service. You just started working together and he didn't want to cause any bad blood on Day 1.
"Hey." You entered the kitchen, your hands tucked into the pockets of your jeans. Yunho's head perked up at your voice. Your nose and cheeks were slightly red.
"Yah, did you not wear a jacket out?" Seonghwa frowned, leaving his food and coming over to you.
"I'm fine, Hwa." You leaned away from him before he could touch your face.
"You're going to get sick. Come, have your dinner before we start prep." Seonghwa led you over to where the group was. You opened your mouth to say something but Seonghwa shot you a look.
"Thanks for the food." You mumbled and took a bite, although everyone could sense your reluctancy.
"So, how was the dinner service?" You asked.
"It was good. The customers love the food, the feedback was all good." Hongjoong smiled, giving all of you a thumbs up. Wooyoung and Jongho hi fived.
"They liked the roast chicken, infusing western and Korean flavours. The cioppino was liked as well, reminded them of a non-spicy haemul jjigae." Yeosang added. Seonghwa wrapped an arm around you, patting your back as you smiled at each other.
"And a lot of people ordered one dessert each, they like the Western and Korean option." San grinned.
"Finally, Mr Owner, any words of wisdom?" Mingi grinned, drawing all attention on the taller male who had been silent so far.
"Uh... Well, I guess thank you to everyone here. I would say the first day of this place was a huge success, more than I'd ever imagine." He smiled nervously.
"The people like the food, they like the options of Korean flavours and Western flavours, even in combination. Even for the desserts. I think we should continue like we did today." He finished.
"We will try to make dishes that incorporate more Korean flavours, of course." You nodded.
"You're not mad?" Yunho winced, realising he said that out loud when it was meant to be an internal question.
"Why would I be mad?" You blinked in genuine confusion.
"Because of what I said earlier about the food possibly being too fancy. I was afraid that it was offensive or something. I think you all cook amazing, your skills are definitely more than I could ever imagine having, and the food is 100! It's just that this is my first time doing this and I'm afraid and nervous." He blurted.
"Yunho. None of us took what you said personally or to heart. You're the owner and our boss, we follow your direction. I'm personally grateful you were honest with us." You raised an eyebrow.
"Told you." Mingi slapped Yunho's shoulder.
"There's nothing to be worried about. Trust us, we have faced worse insults and criticisms from others before." Jongho laughed.
"Told you." Yeosang mimicked Mingi and slapped Yunho's other shoulder, making Yunho shove his friends away for slapping him with a scowl on his face.
"Please be honest with us. We always look for improvements and ways to be better." Seonghwa smiled.
"We're tougher than you think." You chuckled. Yunho blushed, feeling a little immature now and he felt like he just embarrassed himself in front of you. You noticed how his ears had turned bright red as he looked away with a small pout.
"Alright! We need to start preparing so if you aren't going to help, please step aside." Wooyoung put his hands together with a big smile. Hongjoong and San helped do the remaining dishes.
"Wait, stop. Don't go." You stopped the others mid step. They all froze, turning to you.
"Think of what we can serve tomorrow. We haven't decided that." You said, looking at the 3 chefs, who nodded in agreement.
"But we don't know anything about cooking. I don't think we can offer anything remotely helpful." Mingi rubbed the back of his neck. You grabbed your notepad and marker.
"That's fine. Yunho believed he was bad at cooking but he made the berry tuile." You pointed out.
"She has a point. If Yunho can make something that nice, we probably can too." Yeosang shrugged, making Yunho glare at him and jab his side considering Yeosang was also a bad cook. Yunho would argue that Yeosang is actually a worse cook than he was since he actually burnt the bbq last time.
"Do you know how to make a quiche? I always love quiches." Hongjoong said from his spot at the sink.
"Good idea. We should do something savoury, maybe 2 savoury items?" Seonghwa looked at you. You nodded slowly and looked to Yunho for comments but he didn't say anything.
"Let's do a quiche and a galette. Kimchi, bacon and cheese quiche. Galette can be mixed vegetables with goats cheese top." You thought out loud.
"A galette is like a french pizza but it uses flaky pastry instead of pizza dough." Jongho explained.
"Ohhhhhh." The 5 nodded.
"That sounds good. I like the quiche idea with the kimchi. I'm still not sure what a galette is but I trust all of your tastes." Yunho said. You let out a small chuckle.
"The last baked good, open faced apple danishes? Then we paint apricot jam over." Wooyoung suggested. You wrote that down.
"Now, cakes." You tapped your marker against the metal suface.
"Actually, some customer today were saying they liked that seashell cake because it was good to have on the go with coffee. So maybe we should have a cupcake or muffin sort of item for them to have on the way to work." San said.
"Yes, I did hear people say that. Maybe blueberry muffins? They seem like a nice breakfast muffin." Yunho grinned, his eyes sparkling again at the though of fresh muffins.
"No, no. You need to have chocolate muffins." Mingi wagged his finger at his best friend in denial.
"No, Mingi ah. Blueberry muffins are better, especially with that crunchy, sugar crust on top." Yunho frowned, crossing his arms.
"Chocolate muffins are the best. Everyone loves chocolate muffins, even better with chocolate chips inside. Warm, chocolate muffins." Mingi argued.
"While you two debate on that... For the full cake, let's do a carrot cake." You asked.
"I was thinking matcha cake and we use the leftover strawberries from today." Seonghwa said. You nodded, writing the ideas down. There seemed to be some sort of voting that happened between the 5 because it seemed like chocolate muffins was the decided. Plus, Mingi was doing a happy dance.
"You do know you're the owner right?" You tilted your head, raising your eyebrows.
"I-I know that! But if the rest think that chocolate muffins will be more liked then maybe it is better to do that." Yunho said, concealing his sad tone.
"Okay then. Let's start prepping the pastry dough. We're doing it for quiches and galettes." You instructed.
"We're going to need a lot of butter and flour." Jongho snorted and went into the walk in.
"Let's split. Two people make dough for galettes and the other two will make for the quiches." You said, taking the equipment and putting them into the freezer temporarily.
"Why are you putting the mixer stuff into the freezer?" Yunho asked.
"We don't want the butter to melt so we're making everything as cold as possible. The more pieces of butter we have in the dough when we bake, the more steam and flakiness we get from the pastry." You explained to him. He nodded his head.
"You guys can head back and rest for the night. We'll lock up when we are done here." Seonghwa said to the 5.
"Yeah. We've all had a long day." Wooyoung agreed.
"That's okay, we want to watch." Mingi smiled. You all looked at each other and laughed. Jongho and Wooyoung weighed everything out before you and Seonghwa retrieved the cold mixer parts.
"Looks like we'll need to do it twice. This isn't going to fit into our Kitchen Aids." Jongho sighed.
"It's fine. It's just the initial mixing stage anyway, we'll do the final incorporation with our hands." You said.
"I'll get the cold water." You went out to the front, coming back with two containers of ice water. Once the butter, flour and salt/sugar were crumbled, you and Wooyoung slowly added the cold water into the mixer for the doughs to come together. Jongho helped you to manually bring the dough together.
"Let me." Seonghwa said to Wooyoung, who poured the crumbles onto the metal work surface. Seonghwa gathered it all with his hands, pressing it together.
"Here." You threw some flour and handed them the rolling pin.
"Woahhhhhhh." The 5 said in awe at the way you threw the flour onto the dough and work surface.
"It's like those professionals on television, the way they throw the flour and make it into a cloud. It spreads so evenly." Yeosang said.
"They are professionals!" San elbowed Yeosang. It was amusing, like demonstrating things to a group of kindergarteners. Jongho and Seonghwa rolled the dough out and did two book folds.
"Do you not knead the dough?" Hongjoong asked.
"Not for this dough. Kneading the dough activates the gluten in the flour and creates chewiness. You would want that for bread but not for pastry like this. You want to avoid creating any chewiness so we don't touch it." Seonghwa explained.
"This 'book fold' just creates more layers of butter. If we were doing croissants, we would do it a few more times, that's how you get the layers in a croissant." Jongho added.
"Woo and I will wrap it." You and Wooyoung went over to wrap the slabs of dough, writing on top of the plastic to indicate the use.
"That's it. We'll roll and blind bake them tomorrow morning." Wooyoung said.
"Thank you for teaching us." San smiled kindly.
You did the washing up with Jongho while Wooyoung and Seonghwa cleaned the work surface of butter and flour. The 5 other boys waited for all of you to be done.
"Let's go." Seonghwa grabbed your coat for you. Yunho watched as Seonghwa helped you put your coat on.
"Goodnight. See you all tomorrow." Mingi waved, along with the others. The 4 of you bowed and waved before heading to Wooyoung's car. Yunho and Mingi went to Yunho's car while San and Yeosang rode with Hongjoong. Mingi played the music, waiting for Yunho to start the engine.
"So, how do you really feel?" Mingi asked.
"What do you mean?" Yunho chuckled, confused by his best friend's sudden question.
"It's just the two of us, it's the first day of opening your own restaurant. You can be honest on how you really feel after today. It's okay to hate it." Mingi said.
"Hate it? I don't hate it. For from actually... I honestly thought it was going to be a disaster but it wasn't." Yunho blinked.
"I guess we fit well with the kitchen team then." Mingi said. Yunho hummed in agreement.
"They're professionals, they've worked in so many restaurants before. So I was worried that they would see how much of an amateur I am and quit but they didn't." Yunho confessed.
"Yunho ah, you need to have more faith in humanity. See? (y/n) said they weren't made when you were honest with them." Mingi teased.
Yunho rolled his eyes, knowing that Mingi was making fun of him. But it was Mingi's way of comforting Yunho. You were right, you were tougher than Yunho thought. Something bloomed in Yunho's chest, a whole new feeling of excitement.
"Well, I hope we have a long partnership with them." Yunho said with a soft smile. Mingi turned to his best friend's side profile, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.
"You're ever so positive." Mingi chuckled.
When Yunho walked into the cafe the next morning, he was smiling, coffee cups in hand for his kitchen crew to thank them for a successful first day. But his smile dropped slightly when he noticed only 3 people working in the kitchen.
"Where's (y/n)?" Yunho blinked, handing out the coffees.
"She told us she'll be coming in late today so we started first." Jongho shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee.
"I noticed (y/n) making a drink for you yesterday so I assumed that you are not a coffee drinker... Is a berry smoothie okay?" Yunho turned to Seonghwa.
"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks for noticing." Seonghwa blinked, stunned that Yunho took note of that.
"So... (y/n) is okay?" Yunho cleared his throat.
"She is. If not, Seonghwa hyung wouldn't be here now. He would be busy nursing her." Wooyoung teased. Seonghwa turned to glare at the younger male. He took a sip of the smoothie and continued working on what he was doing. Yunho just stared in confusion but nodded his head.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Right on cue, you walked in. There was a container you were cradling in your hands. But no one could see what was inside, there was tin foil covering it.
"Morning." Yunho followed you in while you were putting your stuff in the small locker room.
"Hey." You replied.
"Are you alright?" Yunho asked, twidling his thumbs. After putting your bag in the small cubby, you turned around to face him, raising an eyebrow.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You asked back. Your questions back made Yunho flustered.
"N-No reason." He smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. You hummed and grabbed your apron from the rack, tying it around your waist. You dug into your bag to take your knives out.
"Don't worry about me being late, I told the boys I'll stay back later to clean up after them, make up for however late I was." You spoke. Yunho wasn't worried about that, he knew that you would work schedules out with your team better than he could.
"Also, here." You shoved the container you were carrying into his hands and walked out, not wanting your team to wait any longer.
"Wait, what is-" Yunho stopped when he opened the container and saw fresh blueberry muffins inside. Touching one with his finger, he felt how they were still warm.
'Since blueberry muffins didn't win the vote.'
Was all your scribbled on the post it note that was stuck to the side of the container.
"Yunho ah. Why are you just standing there?" Mingi walked into the small space, appearing behind his best friends. He curiously peeked over Yunho's shoulder.
"Are those muffins?" Mingi asked and reached out for one but Yunho slapped Mingi's hand away, quickly closing the container.
"Ouch! What was that for?" Mingi hissed.
"Those are mine. Get your own." Yunho frowned, holding the container to his chest like it was a treasure chest filled with gold. Mingi looked at Yunho but held his hands up in defeat. Clearing his throat, Yunho went out to the front, where he was alone. He grabbed his coffee and tore open a muffin to eat.
The burst of gooey, slightly tart blueberry, coupled with the crunchy top and warmth of the muffin was the perfect accompaniment to the coffee he had.
"What's Yunho doing sitting there?" Hongjoon asked after seeing his friend sit at one of the booths.
"I can tell you what he's not doing, and that's sharing his muffins." Mingi scoffed. Hongjoong cast the taller a strange look.
"I'm going to kitchen to steal samples." Mingi said and entered the kitchen. San was already snacking on the off cuts of the carrot cake that you were cutting, wanting to edges to line up to frost.
"Hey, I want some too!" Mingi said.
"Here, have this." San held a small piece out to him. Yeosang stood by Jongho's side, watching Jongho fan out the apple slices on top of the pastry.
"That's so pretty." Yeosang complimented. Jongho nodded with a hum.
"I'm not cutting through, just scoring it so the sides around the apple slices will puff up but the middle won't." Jongho explained. Once he lined up all the apple danishes on the tray, he did a light egg wash on the exposed pastry and put the tray into the oven.
"What are you doing next?" He asked.
"I have to thin out this apricot jam to brush over the apples when it is done. It will give a nice shine and sweetness." Jongho explained.
"Who is making the quiche filling?" You asked the kitchen as you were whipping up the cream cheese frosting for the carrot cake. Wooyoung raised his hand.
"Let me just put the matcha cakes in the oven before starting on that." He said.
"Jongho, when you're done with the apricot glaze, you can start slicing the strawberries that will go in the cake." You instructed.
"Sure." Jongho nodded.
"I've started the chocolate muffins. We still need someone to put the galettes in the oven after the apple danishes come out. The vegetables have been prepped and sliced." Seonghwa said.
"I'll do it after frosting my cake." You replied. After having your 3 layers of carrot cake, you frosted them with the icing.
"What icing is this?" San asked.
"Cream cheese icing. The same as the one on the red velvet cake." You took a plastic spoon from the cup and scooped out some to let him have a taste. But before he put it in his mouth, he put some of the cake crumbs on top to have it together. He ate it and let out sounds of happiness.
"So good!" San said with a big smile. You chuckled and started the frost the cake. You were not the best at cake decorating so you just topped it swirls of the frosting, it looked pretty in a rustic way.
"Let's put this in the fridge." You brought the tray to the smaller fridge and put it in there.
"What am I working on next?... Oh, galettes." You said and grabbed the metal containers where Jongho had sliced the vegetables.
"Have the aubergines been sweated already?" You asked.
"Yes. Done and rinsed." Jongho replied. Sometimes, aubergines could be bitter so you usually sprinkle salt on them to draw out the moisture and rinse off the salt afterwards.
"So what's in here?" Yeosang came up next to you, looking at the sliced vegetables.
"Zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, onions and aubergines. So we'll bake this then crumble some feta cheese over." You said.
"That sounds good and I don't even like vegetables." Hongjoong chuckled from the doorway. Mingi and San seconded. It slightly amused you that these men were so open about their distaste for vegetables like children.
"We'll make you like vegetables for as long as we're here." Wooyoung joked.
"Yes, we're good at making vegetables tasty." You smiled.
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lathalea · 5 months
Entangled 2/10
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The first question I'd like to ask you today is: Do you remember a little fic called The Best Day of My Life I wrote a while back? Don't worry, me neither ;) It simmered in my head and what started off as a standalone ficlet, grew into something bigger. Back then, it was written in the first-person narrative, but as it grew into a longer story in my head, I decided to change the subsequent chapters to the third-person perspective. This story was born from an inspiration I found when researching certain medieval traditions, especially when it comes to arranged marriages in royal families, and the role women played in these arrangements. It inspired me to wonder what it would look like in Dwarven societies of Middle Earth. I hope you enjoy it! Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield x Dwarf OFC (The Hobbit) Rating: G (subject to change) Warnings: ANGST Summary: Arranged marriages are common among the dwarven nobility. After reclaiming the Lonely Mountain, the Kingdom Under the Mountain needs to be rebuilt. Thorin agrees to marry a lady from the Blue Mountains, securing a mutually beneficial alliance with the Broadbeam Dwarves. Lady Mista is said to be a practical and hard-working dwarf-woman, willing to give him an heir who would secure the line of succession. A decent queen material, his advisors say. If only Thorin could let go of his past… You can find this fic on AO3 (search for lathalea). Special thanks for @legolasbadass for all your help and support 💙 ✨ Chapter list: Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 ... ✨ Entangled Masterlist
Khuzdul: Azsâlul'abad - the Lonely Mountain (both the mountain and the dwarven kingdom known among Elves and Men as Erebor) Uzbad ra zabdûna undu ‘Urd - King and Queen Under the Mountain
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TA 2942, one year after the Reclamation of Azsâlul'abad
“Your Majesty, My Lady, brothers and sisters in stone, we have all eagerly waited for this moment,” The High Priest’s sonorous voice rang out in the festively decorated Great Hall of the Lonely Mountain. “May the Pleating Ceremony commence!”
It was happening. 
Mista swallowed. It felt as if the eyes of every single person present in the cavern were on her. As instructed earlier, Mista took off the veil that had covered her hair which was unbraided and adorned only with minuscule diamonds, and stepped stiffly towards the King. Her hands were clammy, and she tried not to stumble. The slippers and the opulent ceremonial gown she wore were incredibly uncomfortable and heavy. What a blunder it would be if she landed on the floor face down at that very moment! The court etiquette did not forbid her to wear her glasses, so at least she could see her surroundings clearly… including the crowds that gathered for the ceremony in the Great Hall. 
Closing her eyes, she focused on her breathing, then something brushed against her temple. Mista flinched like a startled pony.
“No need to be alarmed, My Lady.” A low, rumbling murmur reached her ears. It was the King’s voice; she could have recognized his calm, confident manner everywhere. “Allow me to choose a suitable lock of your hair.” “By all means, Your Majesty,” Mista mumbled, feeling how close he stood to her, his arm brushing against hers, and how his fingers slowly ran through her hair. She did not know that a male touch could be so gentle. The only people allowed to touch her hair before this day were her mother, sister, and personal maid.
“Thank you, My Lady. Would you allow me to compliment you?” the King said and, not waiting for her reply, he  added. “I do not think I have seen such exquisite hair before.”
“I… thank you, Your Majesty,” she whispered, attempting to calm herself. Did the King himself truly think her hair was exquisite? A realisation dawned upon her. Of course not; he must have referred to its uncommon length, that was all. It was the only source of Mista’s pride — perhaps the colour of her hair was plain and common, but she had always kept it long, and currently it reached almost to her knees. And now, the King’s nimble fingers ran through it, once, twice, and then began pleating her hair slowly, each of his movements deliberate. It was a surprisingly pleasant sensation, but even then, she did not dare to open her eyes especially when the tips of his fingers lightly brushed against her cheek, making her tremble at the sensation.
“It may help you to imagine that there is only you and me here.” His quiet voice reached her again. 
“Pardon?” Mista’s breath hitched.
“During straining official functions I tend to imagine that there are only stone statues around me, carved in amusing poses. It helps to tackle the nerves.”
Mista’s eyes fluttered open and met the King’s azure gaze. An encouraging smile danced on his lips moments before he returned to braiding.
“I did not know someone like you could feel… nervous, Your Majesty,” she heard herself say.
“My coronation felt ten times worse than facing the enemy during the Battle of the Five Armies.” His reply made Mista chuckle. His smile widened, making his handsome face even more alluring. For a heartbeat, she forgot how to breathe, simply staring at him. 
The King clasped his bead around her new braid. Gold encrusted with onyx contrasted with the plainness of her mousy hair, but the pattern made it somehow more refined. She took the braid into her hand and admired its even, elegant weaves.
“It is beautiful, Your Majesty,” she whispered.
The King gave her a thankful nod. Mista felt his intent gaze on her. His Durin’s apple bobbed. Something was not right… Why were his features so tense?
It took her a moment to understand. With her cheeks burning, she took a step towards him. How could she have forgotten that now it was her turn?
“May I…?” Her voice failed her, but no words were necessary. The King lowered his head towards her, his hair flowing freely in front of her eyes. 
With trembling fingers, she picked a thick lock of hair on his left temple and divided it into four parts. His hair was smooth and thick, making her think of a wolf’s fur, but it smelled like sweet oils from faraway lands in the South. Mista wanted to keep on braiding it for as long as she could. She thanked Mahal that she knew her personal pattern by heart — otherwise, she would have surely entangled his hair or ended up with a bunch of knots instead of the braid. Focused on plaiting it, she forgot about everything around her — there was only the King, Thorin, the Dwarf who unknowingly captured her heart a long time ago. Now, with every weave, she was willingly bestowing her whole self upon him.
Her bead was made of bronze and tiny sapphires from the Blue Mountains. For some reason, it refused to close around the King’s braid, making Mista sigh, but then one of his large, warm hands encircled her fingers that held the bead, and pressed it harder together. 
It was done.
Mista’s heart beat faster and faster as the King Under the Mountain took her hands into his. They were facing each other in a way that allowed everyone gathered in the Great Hall to see them from the side.
“Foreheads,” the High Priest whispered, barely moving his lips, holding something in his hands that glinted in the light of hundreds of lanterns.
The King squeezed her hands gently and lowered himself towards her once more. Mista took a deep breath and stood on her tiptoes so that their foreheads could meet.
His skin was pleasantly warm against hers, his nose brushed against hers, and she could feel the warmth of his breath on her face. Instinctively, she closed her eyes, but the last thing she saw were his lips, slightly parted, and so close, so very close to hers, and there was his beard too, and she wondered how it would feel if…
“What Mahal has joined over the marriage anvil, no power shall break apart until the end of days,” the High Priest exclaimed, his voice loud and clear, like the sound of a gunmetal bell, drowning all of her inappropriate thoughts. 
“Thorin, son of Thrain, Mista, daughter of Milva, you are now husband and wife. Uzbad ra zabdûna undu ‘Urd!”
Loud cheers filled the spacious cavern as the white-bearded priest bound their hands together with a thin but unbreakable mithril chain — a symbol of the eternal bond they forged a moment ago. This was one of the most revered traditions of Mahal’s Children: Dwarves married only once. Mista read a treaty once that explained the origin of this ancient tradition: one of the oldest Dwarven legends said that each of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves had one spouse, and that each couple was made from one piece of stone, destined to be always together, as one mind, body, and heart. A long time had passed since Mista was an overly romantic lass who believed that each Dwarf had their beloved Other Half somewhere in the world. Now she was over one hundred and thirty years old, and during her lifetime, she saw too many dalliances, clandestine affairs, and broken promises to believe that her people were capable of loving only once and only the right person. Dwarves were a fiery race, with molten lava running in their veins rather than cold pieces of rock. Nevertheless, their marriages were the cornerstones of society, crucially important to every family, and so a wedded couple was supposed to be like a rock: steady and unbreakable. That was Mahal’s will, as the priests said. Therefore, the dissolution of marriage was impossible. If a Dwarf broke their marital vows — which, as dishonourable as it was, happened from time to time — they would still remain married to their spouse. Even death did not end it, as her people believed that they would remain married even in the afterlife, in the Halls of Awaiting. That was why Dwarven courtship would often last many years so that the future spouses had ample time to know each other well before they made this irreversible decision.
Mista’s courtship lasted one month. That was how much time Lord Tair, her father, needed to finalise negotiations with the King Under the Mountain. During that time, she never saw her future husband. That was to be expected — the Blue Mountains were almost half a world away from King Thorin II’s kingdom, Azsâlul'abad. Instead, his envoys arrived with the marriage contract signed in his own hand and a chest filled with customary gifts for his future bride: jewellery, hair combs, and a traditional courtship cloak. There was also a letter addressed to her. It contained all the obligatory niceties along with His Majesty’s apology for his absence due to the fact that his kingdom was being rebuilt and needed all of his attention at the moment. He assured his bride, however, that he was looking forward to meeting her in person and offering her as much hospitality as he had received in Tumunzahar years ago.
He remembered.
Over one hundred years had passed, and he still remembered his visit to her home city. Precisely like Mista. She never forgot how gallant and handsome he was, how his words dried her tears, and how he made her feel as if she, the ugliest girl at the feast, were the only woman in the whole world.
Perhaps that mawkish idea of Dwarves finding their Other Halves was not true, but she was certain of one thing: she still loved the same Dwarf as she did all those years ago. Her heart belonged to Thorin Oakenshield.
And now she was his wife. Her eyes were still set on the glistening links of the mithril chain that joined her hands when she heard the High Priest’s words.
“My King, My Queen.” He bowed with reverence, “It is time for your wedding feast.”
The only thing she could think of at that very moment was how good her hand felt in her lord husband’s reassuring hold.
The feast that celebrated their nuptials was an event like no other. Mista had never seen any revelries that were full of equal splendour. Countless guests from all seven dwarven realms were entertained by minstrels, musicians, dancers, and other performers. The food was delicious; wine and other liquors flowed endlessly, like the River Running, and everyone was merry. Mista sat on a grand chair placed on the King’s right hand. Now, both of them wore their crowns and royal insignia, and together, as the newlywed ruling couple of the Kingdom Under the Mountain, they accepted countless toasts and congratulations from the well-wishers throughout the evening. Mista tried her best to act with decorum worthy of the queen she had become hours ago, and she even managed to appear unflustered whenever the customary “May Mahal bless your union with countless heirs!” reached her ears. 
From time to time she managed to steal a glance at the King’s – her new husband’s – majestic profile, struggling to believe that this day was not a dream. But then she remembered the marriage braid hanging at her temple – and a similar braid in his hair. She truly was the great Thorin Oakenshield’s wife.
It was two bells after midnight when the weariness started to creep up on her.
“Is the feast to your liking, lady Mista?” the King turned to her, clearly noticing her attempt at stifling a yawn.
“Indeed it is! Forgive me, the celebrations took a toll on me, I’m afraid,” she explained, feeling the growing heaviness of her crown on her temples.
“It is perfectly understandable,” Princess Dis, the King’s sister, said. “It has been a long day. Perhaps it is time for you to repose.”
“May I…? Does the protocol allow it?” Mista took a hopeful look around the Great Hall where the feast was as lively as it was at its very beginning.
“May I remind you that now you are the Queen?” the King offered. “You may leave whenever you wish to do so.”
“And my brother will accompany you,” Princess Dis interjected, and then addressed the King. “Tonight you are only allowed to leave together.”
Mista caught a strange look they exchanged, and – after a noticeable pause – King Thorin said, “Very well.”
“Shall we, then?” He rose from his chair and held out his hand to Mista.
Leaving the Great Hall was not as easy a task as Mista expected. They had to endure another round of the official farewells, wedding toasts and felicitations from their numerous guests.
“Have a wonderful night!” Princess Dis exclaimed in a sing-song voice as they were stepping over the threshold.
“Aye, and a long one, too!” Dwalin, the King’s Captain, added, and they both laughed.
Their words sounded innocently enough for Mista at first, but they made the King clear his throat in visible embarrassment. 
And then it dawned on Mista. One more thing awaited her.
The wedding night.
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✨ Chapter list: Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 ... ✨ Masterlist 💙💙💙 Read it? Like it? Spread the love and reblog it! 💙💙💙
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10 & 11 with Paul please?
10. So apparently we have a vampire in the attic?
11. "I am not going to rob a hospital so you can drink blood."
With a sigh, I closed the trunk, carrying the final box inside the house my best friend and I just bought. It had been an absolute steal - an old wooden house that was well taken care of for only a hundred thousand dollars. Amy and I had found it rather suspicious that a house this big would go for such little money, but miss Emerson had assured us that she wanted to sell it to some folks who would love the house as much as she once did.
So, knowing we had to move to be able to work around Santa Carla - Amy in the hospital and me at a dispatch centre - we decided to just take the deal. It was good. The place was awesome. We had enough space to live together, but we could also definitely have our own spaces.
"Was that it?" Amy asked as she stood in the kitchen, unpacking some of the supplies we'd brought along. I chuckled as I saw an "old fart" sign inside the fridge as she opened it.
"Yeah. I'm putting it upstairs, we can decide on rooms later. Is it okay if we do take out tonight?"
Amy nodded, handing me a leaflet - but as she realised I couldn't exactly take it from her, she put it on top of the box I was holding. As I walked upstairs, I couldn't help but feel that this was exactly right. No more big city drama, no more crazy things happening at the job. Just an easy live, in a calm and quiet town.
After calling the local pizza parlour for our order, Amy and I spent the rest of the night unpacking. We had decided on rooms, her taking the bigger one since her shifts were irregular, and she would need to wake up earlier - or come back later. That way, she could do so without worrying about the noise. Besides, the room I'd picked was nice as well. It had a walk-in closet of sorts and a big spacious window looking out on the grassland outside.
The next two days we spent like that, unpacking, decorating, organising - and in those two days the house began to feel like a home. I smiled as Amy left to go to work, enjoying the fact I'd have the house to myself that evening. Yesterday, we found the attic, and I had been planning on getting all our Christmas decorations and other stuff up there.
There weren't many boxes that had to go up there, but it took me a while to get them there. When I got up the attic with the last box, I tripped over some loose planks, stumbled forward and was about to drop the box when-
"Here, let me take that from you."
I screamed as a guy took the box from my hands, pushing me back into balance.
"Who the fuck are you?!"
"I live here."
"Who are you?!" I had grabbed an old, plastic Christmas topper and held it in my hand as if it were a knife. It was a pathetic weapon, but it was all I had at the moment. The guy was blocking the exit.
"I'm Paul."
"Okay, Paul," I said his name, not sure if it truly belonged to him, "I need you to get out of my attic."
"Eh- yeah, I can't do that."
"And why not?"
"Did Lucy give you the house papers?"
"Miss Emerson? Yeah, she did. Why?"
"You got the house. Not the attic."
"Then why weren't you downstairs in the past three days, hm? What, you're just creeping up here watching us sleep or something?"
He laughed - he actually laughed at what I had just said. "Why would I do that? Sleeping humans are lame, you know that!"
"Yeah, it's what you are, right?"
"And you're not?" I asked him, even though I absolutely wondered how ridiculous this conversation would get. Surely he was just as much human as I was?
"Then what are you?"
Double shit. I looked at him, at the Christmas topper in my hand, and I shook my head.
"Listen, I don't know what you're on, but I'd advise you to get clean, alright? I'll look through the papers, and if what you're saying is right, the attick is yours. You're not invited into the rest of the house."
I didn't know if vampires worked that way, but if he truly was a vampire, not inviting him seemed like a good idea, right?
"There's no reason to be scared." He said as he saw me walk towards the wooden steps. He had moved aside, standing in a beam of light coming from outside.
"We just bought a house with a strange guy living in the attic. Excuse me if I am not totally relaxed right now."
"You know my name, and what I am. I mean, if you want me to not be a strange guy you could get to know me."
I was halfway down the steps.
"I don't even know your name!" He called after me, but I ignored him, looking for the papers he'd mentioned. I found them in the kitchen drawer, and sear he'd through them to find anything about the attic.
The attic belongs to Mr. Paul, who has chosen not to use a last name. He is allowed to live in the attic as long as he meets the following conditions:
1. He promises not to harm any of the living staying in this house.
2. He won't bring any of his victims in or near the house.
3. Nor will he clean up evidence of his feedings inside the house.
4. If present or future residents ask him to leave the attic, he can only do so if they have provided him with another sun-free location.
Mr. Paul has proven himself to be a vampire but has agreed to the terms and conditions in this contract in order to heal from his injuries sustained in an accident back in 1987.
I sighed as I dropped the papers. These were legal. Fucking legal papers talking about a vampire? Living in our - I picked up the phone and dialed Amy.
"What's up?"
"So apparently we have a vampire in the attic?"
"Yes. Exactly."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah? I mean, he didn't hurt me or anything but-"
"Is he for real? Like - vampires?"
"I don't know? The papers say so."
"What papers?" Amy asked.
"The contract, you know, the ones we signed to buy this place."
"Shit, I knew we should gave read through them."
"Yeah," I sighed. "But we can't evict him, and by law he's bound by rules like not to kill us or to bring kills home or evidence of kills..."
"But if what he's saying is true, we're living with a vampire?"
"Alright," Amy sounded a little light-headed, "I think I'm going to hang up and faint for a bit, alright?"
"Amy? Amy?!" But I got no response. I hung up the phone, and decided to go back upstairs. If he really was a vampire, I needed proof. Also, if he really was a vampire living with two humans, I needed to know more about him.
"So, I found the papers."
"Good!" Paul sat on the ground, a joint in his hand. "So, whats up?"
"I need proof."
"What more do you need? Those papers are-"
"Not about you owning the attic, but about the whole vampire thing." I looked at him. "It sounds far fetched."
He grinned, and within seconds his kind - what? - face had turned demonic. His face had sharpened, his eyes turned an orange so bright it seemed to glow, his teeth razor sharp.
"You've got nothing to worry about!" He grinned as he morphed back. "I have made a vow to not hurt any living being in this house."
"But if you're hungry and we are outside?"
"Depends on the kind of roommates you are."
I paled, realising that if he was serious, this could also be a very serious problem.
"So, ehm, if we were to stay here, you know - and live with you - is there anything we need to be aware of?"
"I've got all I need up here, basically. But, if you want to be kind, I could do with some bloodbags."
"And how would I get those?" I mean, of course I knew how to get them, but no way would I ever do that.
"Just rob the hospital."
"I am not going to rob a hospital so you can drink blood."
"You could ask your friend, she works there, right?"
"I'm not asking Amy to steal blood for you!"
With a pout, he looked at me. "Then you leave me no choice but to eat you."
"I know where you sleep. I will fucking stake you if you even think about it."
"I was kidding!" He said quickly - too quickly if you asked me. Suddenly it clicked.
"Wait, you - someone staked you?"
He shook his head. "No, my best friend. He died before my eyes."
He sighed. "We wanted revenge, you know. Eye for an eye, and that kind of thing. Dwayne got electrocuted. He burned up the minute that arrow hit him. David survived initially, not being staked through the heart, but when the Emersons found out, they laid him out in the sun to burn."
"How did you survive?" I asked quietly.
"I didn't. A dog pushed me into a tub with holy water, and I practically exploded. There were pieces of me everywhere. Lucy was the one to clean everything up, and as she had a bucket filled with pieces of me, she accidentally cut herself. Her blood started to heal me. Little by little, she fed me some blood, and after almost a year, I was back to my old self. She kept me here so the sun wouldn't get to me, and her sons wouldn't find out."
"You're welcome to stay here," I said softly. "And if you promise not to bite either me or Amy, you're also welcome to hang out downstairs if you want."
He has a soft smile on his face.
"We won't do any blood deliveries, but I am willing to cook for three."
I smiled, taking his outstretched hand. "Well then, nice to meet you, Paul."
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rustingcat · 1 year
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She heard Lena's angry steps as she got closer to the med bay. She should've probably heard them sooner, but her current condition left her more exhausted than she realised.
The door opened with more force than necessary as a furious Lena Luthor headed in her direction. 
"Good luck sis." Alex provided her with a small pat on her shoulder before leaving the room. Giving Lena a small nod as she left.
"You better have a very good explanation for that." Lena's tone carried so much untamed anger, it almost sounded like a threat.
"It was just a heist gone wrong." She started, attempting to sit up on the bed and failing as she felt the wound on her stomach pulse in excruciating pain. She let out a small groan she tried her best to suppress, and continued with the best smile she could master. "I'm fine though!" She promised. "I just didn't know about the alien weapons. Don't worry Alex is looking into them."
"You were reckless and stupid!" she hurled at her. "You could've waited for reinforcement when you suspected they were using something bigger." She took the seat next to her, seemingly needing to ground herself.
"It was quicker that way! I had the element of surprise and as you can see I'm fine." Kara tried again, attempting to put a hand on Lena's before she shook her hand away.
"You're clearly not fine Kara! Look at you! You should've taken the safer option. Always take the safer option."
"Lena, I really am fine, I promise."
"No!" Her eyes were beginning to water when she met her gaze. "You listen to me Kara Zor-El Danvers! In a few months we are going to have children together, kids who are going to need both their mothers, do you understand that?"
"I– "
"And they don't need you to fighting criminals in the streets for them–"
"It was a heist–"
"They need you home with them!" She didn't think she’d heard Lena this emotional, not since the fortress. Kata turned off the sun lamp so Lena could get closer. Lena didn't hesitate and embraced her, making sure not to squeeze her too tightly. "I need you Kara." She whispered in her ear between sobs.
Something bloomed within Kara's chest and she didn't think it was the blast from earlier. Lena felt perfect in her arms, she always did, but there was something about that moment that  - Kara realised she didn't want to let her go. Simply holding Lena in her arms felt more healing than a thousand sun lumps.
"Sorry," Lena cleared her throat as she pulled back.
"No, no it's fine. I'm sorry." Kara smiled back, her heartbeat quickening all of a sudden. She moved a stray hair from Lena's face and felt as if the world stopped. Lena's face was all that existed, her eyes still red glistened in the fluorescent lights of the bay, they were the most beautiful things that Kara had ever seen. And her lips were so full and red. Were her lips always so soft looking?
"Kara!" Alex's voice broke her out of her haze. She wasn't sure when she got so close to Lena's face. "Are you okay? Your heart rate skyrocketed!" 
Despite not having superspeed, she moved back from Lena faster than she thought was humanly possible, her face red as a tomato. She groaned loudly as she did once the pain from the sudden movement surged through her body.
"Why is the sun lamp turned off? Kara, do you need me to remind you of the importance of continuance healing?"
"I know, it's just–"
"Sorry Lena, I think I might have to have some words with my sister."
"It's okay. I'll be on my way." Lena composed herself quickly and walked out of the room. Kara couldn't help but follow her figure with her eyes as she went, even after she left her field of view. 
She wasn't sure what, but something felt different.
Read everything in order on AO3
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yoonmoonn · 1 year
Hiya Leo! Can I request a angst/fluffy au for Jungkook x male reader with situation prompt 2. "He walks behind you when you're in online class" where after Jungkook walks past reader(they're in a secret relationship), readers classmates try to befriend him just so they can meet Jungkook. After class reader feels sad that they only want to be friends just because of Jungkook and Jungkook comforts reader and they cuddle in bed.? Have a good morning, day, night <33
online saddness | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x male!reader
genre: fluff, angst
warnings: none
word count: 920
a/n: i'm so sorry this took so long but school has been beating my ass 😭 in the weekend i'm probably post something so 👀
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you hated online classes. the interrupted sound and the pixelated images, having to wake up earlier than usual for some classes and all the connection problems. the only thing that was keeping you sane through all of this was your boyfriend - jungkook.
when covid hit, you both decided to quarantine yourself together at his house, wanting to spend all the free time together. you yawn for the nth time before looking at yourself in the corner of your boyfriends monitor. a figure walking behind you catches your eye and you quickly turn around to see your boyfriend looking shocked at you, a worried and regretful look on his face.
he quickly gazes at the monitor, making sure you were muted before his wide eyes look back into yours "shit. i'm so sorry my love, i didn't realise your camera was on" he whispers. your gaze softens at the sight of his worried face "it's okay koo, don't worry" you whisper back. you turn to your lecture again to see some of your classmates' eyes wide, shock evident on their faces "shit" you silently curse. you forgot that some of them were ARMYs.
you look at jungkook, who was in the kitchen, before looking back at your notes. as the teacher announces the homework, signalling the end of the class, you hear your phone buzz. "let's hang out in the meet after the teacher leaves" one of your classmates' texts in the class group chat. you notice some classmates sending in thumbs-ups, so you do too "i should socialise with other people rather than only koo and bam" you chuckle.
like he was reading your mind, the doberman walks over and plops down by your feet, his head resting on the fluffy blanket that laid in your lap - one that your boyfriend made sure you weren't missing, muttering something about the coldness in his house and you wearing shorts. you pet bam's head as you watch your teacher leave the meeting after bidding everyone goodbye.
turning back to jungkook, you watch him for a few as he makes lunch for the both of you "hey koo, i'm gonna stay with my classmates for a few more minutes, just tell me when lunch is ready, okay? " you smile when he nods, his cute pout making you giggle.
you put your headphones back on and turn on your mic, saying a quick greeting before one of the girls in your class interrupts you, a fake smile on her face "hey y/n! how are you? "she asks, but before you can answer she interrupted you again "why did you never tell us that you knew jungkookie oppa? is he as hot as everyone says?" she giggles and some of the others join her "you know, when all this online thing finishes we should all go out sometime, you should bring him too." someone else exclaims before the rest of your classmates join in to agree.
you feel tears well up in your eyes. how come they never even really talked to you until now? before anyone can say anything else you exit the call, trying to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. you close the computer and hurry to the bedroom, trying to suppress a cry. closing the door, you sit down on the bed and finally let the tears fall.
you couldn't understand why you were feeling like this. shouldn't you be happy that they want to hang out with you? shouldn't you be happy that jungkook gets recognised? your thoughts get interrupted by a knock on the door and jungkook pocking his head with a frown evident on his face. "baby? what happened ?" he rushes to you when he sees the tears on your face.
kneeling down in front of you, he cradles your face in his hands and wipes the tears off your red cheeks. you shake your head, embarrassed to tell him you're crying over something so stupid. seeing the frown on his face you sigh, looking down at your lap "some of my classmates who never even talked to me before suddenly wanted to hang out after they saw you.
i don't know, it just made me feel bad. i'm sorry, i know it's childish-" he cuts you off before you could even finish, lifting your head so you could look him in the eyes again "first of all, it's not childish, and second, don't you dare apologise. it's not your fault. just ignore them okay?" he whispers as he gets up and pulls you in bed with him, throwing your favourite fluffy blanket on your bodies.
his warm hands wipe the new tears from your face before he presses a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose. "they don't deserve your tears" he smiles, wrapping his arms around you to protect you from the chilly air in his house. he pulls the blanket further on your shoulder and starts tracing thoughtless patterns on your waist.
his free hand pushes your head further into the crook of his neck before playing with your hair. your bodies were like puzzle pieces, fitted perfectly together under the fluffy blanket.
he presses short and sweet kisses all over your face, before pressing a final one on your lips "i love you" he whispers. you smile softly and nuzzle further in his chest "i love you too bunny" you mutter before the both of you fall into a slumber, lunch long forgotten on the kitchen counter.
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luveline · 2 years
ok so i’ve been thinking about a line in one of your steve zombie au drabbles where steve says something along the lines of “you only stop taking to me when you’re mad” . Maybe we could get a fic where they get in a fight and that happens? i love your writing so much 🫶🏼
thank you for your request ♥ steve zombie!au ♥ I am not good at writing fights so I did them making up! fem!reader 1.2k
The silence is icy cool. You look up at your bedroom ceiling and its small yellow line of water damage and blink. You haven't cried since your argument, though you've felt like you could a couple of times. 
It's the longest gap of quiet you've had with each other in a long time. Not counting when you're asleep, you and Steve talk a lot, and when you're sleeping you're touching, so it doesn't feel like you aren't talking. 
Now you're both straight in bed, on your backs, hands close but not touching. Not talking.
The window is open, springtime air infiltrating the room. It smells like the wet mulch of sycamore leaves, chilling your skin uncomfortably. You cover your chest with your arms. 
"You want me to close the window?" Steve whispers. 
Your words feel like mush in the back of your throat. You worry you'll cry if you speak. 
Fuck, you hate fighting with Steve. It's a great thing to communicate with one another, and you're good at it — you'd spent a long time learning to get along. Love makes it easier to forgive infractions, but fights still happen. 
It's the possible consequences of a fight that freeze you up. 
Steve says your name softly. "Come on, don't give me the silent treatment." 
"I'm sorry," you say genuinely, your voice all stuck together like you've swallowed a big lump of taffy, "I don't mean to." 
"I know. I'll close it, okay? It's…" He stands up. "Cold." He sighs. 
You're still mad. You're upset by some of the things he'd said. Underneath that is a searing, unquenchable thought. What if he dies tomorrow and you wasted tonight being mad? What if he gets bit? Shot? Has an aneurysm? You want to stop being mad but anger doesn't work like that. You can't will it away. 
Steve closes the window. The frame plunks. You turn your head to watch him climb back into bed, and, buoyed by your looking, Steve slides in on his side and meets you head on. He smells like hand soap and the low hum of a day's worth of sweat. It isn't the worst smell in the world —you're used to far worse— and you kind of like it. You tilt your head toward his and breathe in sync. 
"I was wrong when I said you were being selfish," he says quietly. "When you explained it to me, I got it. But I really would be happier if you tried to keep the room clean."
"I'm sorry," you say again. 
You try not to fall back into the defensiveness you'd felt earlier. You'd taken your insecurity in yourself and projected it on your relationship.
Steve waits. 
"I didn't realise you were cleaning up after me so much." 
He puts his hand on your hip, a warm handprint seeping into your skin. "I don't really mind cleaning up after you," he says sheepishly. 
He shouldn't have to, though.
You're being honest, you hadn't noticed that he was keeping things in certain places, organising your stuff, turning your tiny room into a clean, safe space for the both of you. But when he'd tried to tell you, you'd gotten defensive, and he's quick to frustration, and tada, your first fight in the loved up months had occurred. 
You don't know what to say. You don't really want to talk, your body focused almost completely on the shape of his palm where it presses into you. 
"Just talk to me," Steve says. 
"I don't know what to say." 
"Say anything," he encourages, his hand travelling under your t-shirt to squeeze at the naked skin under your chest. 
"I don't want to fight again." 
"Then we won't." Steve bursts forward and kisses you. Despite its sudden nature it's a soft thing, close-mouthed. He pecks you twice and breathes a sigh against your lips. His hair brushes over your cheek so lightly it tickles. 
"I shouldn't have said you were selfish. I'm sorry, baby." 
He'd actually called you a selfish asshole, which had hurt a shocking amount. Name-calling isn't really a thing you guys do anymore, and it had surprised you, but… 
"I think I deserved it for brushing you off. For not noticing how much you do in here," you murmur. 
"We've haven't talked about it before, I don't blame you for not taking it seriously." His hand moves to the small of your back. He pulls you in, and only after he's closed the gap between you does he ask, "Can we stop fighting?" 
"You're not still mad?" you ask. 
"Not really. Are you?" 
You wrap your arms around him. "Maybe a little," you admit. "I don't think it's your fault, though. I don't know." 
"Be mad if you want. Have space if you need it, even if it's gonna drive me crazy, but please don't stop talking to me." 
His voice sounds uncharacteristically small. 
It might be silly, but any anger you'd been holding onto dissipates just like that. You tuck your face into the nook over his shoulder, fingers splayed over his back. You kiss his neck gently. 
"Stevie," you mumble. "Sorry. I'm not mad, okay? Are– are you?" 
"I just told you I'm not." 
"I know, but sometimes I think you'll tell me what I want to hear." 
Not to be full of yourself, but you know Steve loves you. It makes a lot of things easier, most things in fact, but it makes understanding how he's feeling in moments like this harder. You both want to sweep it under the rug and be sweet on one another again, but avoiding the issue will only make it bigger. 
"What do you want to hear?" he asks lightly. 
"Steve." You laugh, rubbing the tip of your nose against the neckline of his shirt. It pulls. 
"I'm not mad. I think all the mad kind of went away after I called you an asshole. Which I'm sorry for." 
"You've called me worse." 
"I'm sorry for that, too." 
You drop your head back on the pillow to get a good look at him, locking your gaze onto his. His eyes look very dark in the dim light of the room. The sun is setting quickly. Soon, it'll be night time. 
"So we're both sorry," you say, twisting a piece of his hair around your finger. "And I'm not gonna stop talking to you. You couldn't make me. You could break up with me and I'd still follow you around asking stupid questions." 
He tries not to smile. A laugh bubbles between his lips, and it's like the sun comes out right there in your tiny dorm room in Michigan. 
"Shit, I love you," he says. 
You push his chin up to kiss the underside of his jaw. "I love you too." 
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 11 months
Royalteeth fic idea, A coding error or glitch in the digital circus makes Caine act out of character/off and Kinger tries to take care of him while his coding tries to fix it
As ordered, my friend! Well, probably longer than ordered, but what're you gonna do?
Ragatha, Pomni and Kinger were near the stage, with the first two talking while Kinger stared into the distance. Gangle, Jax and Zooble had been there earlier as well, but upon realising Caine wasn't there to force them into an adventure, they all promptly left to their respective rooms to enjoy the peace. The other three had believed he would show up at some point, so they had stayed. It had been multiple hours now, and they were starting to get worried. Ragatha and Pomni were, at least.
"Kinger?" Ragatha peered at the chess piece, already bracing herself for his loud reaction.
"AAHH!! Oh, sorry, you scared me, Ragatha. Did you need something?" She started to approach him.
"Well, it's just that Caine hasn't shown up in a while, and I was wondering if you knew what might be going on? You do spend the most time with him out of all of us."
Caine was missing? That didn't happen, practically ever. He would at least greet them in the morning. "I'm sure he's fine! Caine's always fine. It's not like he could be hurt or anything. Yeah, how could he get hurt?"
Kinger trailed off, sounding more and more like he was trying to reassure himself rather than the others. Pomni's concern was growing further, and Kinger's forced certainty was not helping.
"Caine isn't necessarily the best ringmaster, but I still don't want him to be in pain or- or whatever getting sick is for him." She nervously fidgeted with her hands. "Is there a way for us to find him? Somewhere he usually spends his time?"
"Hmm, I guess we could check his room. He doesn't spend much time there, but I'm pretty sure it's the only place we can access," Kinger suggested.
"Wait, he has a room too?"
"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't he?" Because he was an AI. Because he didn't need rest. Because he didn't need a place to put personal belongings he didn't have or could easily fit in his hat. Pomni knew she wouldn't get many answers from Kinger, so she didn't bother asking. She already had plenty of questions nagging at her mind, what were a few more added to the pile?
That was when Bubble zoomed into view, surprisingly frantic.
"You guys have to come quick! Something's wrong with Caine's code, he's in his room and he's being really pissy!!"
"Alright, calm down, Bubble. We were just going there anyway." Ragatha turned to Kinger. "Guess you were onto something after all."
Kinger wasn't listening. Caine's code? That was important! It made him who he was! While Bubble was trying to lead them, Kinger was rushing ahead to get to Caine's room. He knew the way by heart.
When they arrived, the chess piece would've kicked the door down if he had the legs to do it. Caine had never been hurt before, his code was always in perfect shape. Alright, he may be exaggerating there, but he thought it was perfect!
"Caine?! It's me, what's wrong?!" Caine was sitting in the middle of his room, legs pulled tight into his chest. Kinger immediately went to him, but came to a halt when the ringmaster snapped at him.
"Would you stop yelling?!!" Pomni flinched at the doorway while Ragatha stopped her anxious inching forward. The chess piece would admit that it stung a little, but he probably deserved it for his slight overreaction. He tried to calm himself down and approach differently.
"Caine? Bubble said there was something wrong with your code. Can you tell me what's happening?"
"Bubble brought you here?" His tone was unreadable, but he still shot a look to Bubble that made him leave. "I'm fine. I don't need you. Just go away already!"
Ragatha solemnly nodded at Pomni, signifying for them to leave. The jester stared at Caine for a moment before giving Kinger as determined an expression as she could manage. "Feel better soon, Caine."
Caine's head snapped up just as the door closed behind the two.
"Was that Pomni?" He sounded terrified. "Did... did I yell at Pomni?"
Kinger kneeled in front of him. "Yes, but you can apologise to her later. I know she'll forgive you. You didn't mean it." The chess piece reached out a hand, but paused mid-air. "Can I touch you?"
Caine nodded. Kinger place a hand on his shoulder and rubbed gently. "Are you ready to tell me what's going on?"
There was a long bout of silence before the ringmaster spoke up. "I-I don't know. Some glitch has happened and i just don't feel like myself. I don't know what to do, Kinger." His voice was full of worn out panic. This much raw emotion was rare to be heard from him, even for Kinger.
"Do you know how to fix the code?"
"W-well yes, but... I just," Caine was getting increasingly frustrated already, "can't."
"Is there something you need for it? How can I help?" Caine's teeth shut, a harsh grumble, close to a growl, escaping him. "Caine, I'm trying to-"
"NO!" His teeth shot open again, his hands grabbing at the front of Kinger's robe, drawing a startled cry from him. "NO NO NO! I CAN'T, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, I CAN'T LEAVE, WHAT IF-" His yelling was abruptly cut off by a gasp.
Caine sank back down, his grip loosening, his eyes locked with Kinger's. The chess piece wanted to cry at his horrified look.
"O-oh God. Kinger, I'm so sorry. I'm so- F[@&%]!!" Kinger was still taken aback. He'd never seen Caine lose his temper, let alone swear. It really was bad. The ringmaster started to sob, head facing the floor, still clinging to the other's robe. Kinger softly embraced him, quietly replying to all of his apologies with loving forgiveness.
When the crying turned to occasional sniffles, Kinger spoke up again, barely above a whisper. "What do you think will happen if you try to fix your code?"
Caine squeezed Kinger's body before responding. "I-in order to fix the code, o-or change it at all, I can't do anything with my physical body. I can't see, I can't move, and- and fixing a glitch like this might take a while. What if- what if something happens to you? What if one of the NPCs act up? What if one of you gets hurt? What if one of you gets lost? God, what if one of you abstracts?" His fingers dug into Kinger enough to hurt, but he made no complaints.
"E-ever since Pomni found that 'exit' and got lost in the void- everything Kaufmo did- all because I was careless and got distracted, I'm just so scared of leaving again." Kinger slowly dragged his hand up and down Caine's back, waiting to see if there was anything else. When he was sure Caine was ready, he pulled back.
"If you're so scared, that means you aren't careless. You care a lot. How about I stay here with you while you fix the code, and if anything happens, I'll 'wake you up'. Does that work?"
"I guess it does... e-everyone's in their rooms, right?" Kinger nodded. "Can you take me out into the hall, then? J-just so I can be a bit closer to them."
"Of course." The pair stood and left the room, sitting down again just outside of Caine's room, leaning against the door. With it being at the end of the hall, it gave Kinger a good view of all the rooms and their doors. They sat in silence, with Caine's head on Kinger's shoulder.
"I think I'm ready now." The ringmaster cuddled closer to Kinger before the chess piece lifted him and placed him in his lap, the rising blush on his gums not going unnoticed. "Bring me back if anything happens, okay?"
Kinger brought up a hand and lightly stroked Caine's face. "Okay."
"Thank you." With that, Caine's eyes unfocused and became filled with green code.
For a long time, Kinger sat there, keeping watch. The circus performers would come by to check on the two and chat to Kinger as well as trying to find out Caine's progress, but they could never tell how close he was to being fixed.
Jax even showed up as well, but it was mainly to bother them and to see if he could disturb Caine. He got bored quick, though, with the only reaction he could get being Kinger's glaring before Zooble dragged him away.
Eventually, Caine came to, having finished fixing his code.
"Kinger, my dear?"
"Huh-? AAH!" Caine couldn't help but smile. He had really sat with him this entire time and still got startled by him. "You're awake! How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling great! And..." his voice quietened, nervousness creeping in, "I'm sorry for being so... agitated."
"I forgive you." Kinger touched his forehead to Caine's, both of them content. "Oh! You'll be happy to know that nothing went wrong while you were out. Some of the others did come to check on you, though. I had some nice talks with them."
Caine could never describe how grateful he was. He'd still have to make it up to everyone, especially Ragatha and Pomni, but he was fine with staying here for now. "Tell me all about it."
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autumn-foxfire · 17 days
Ran was nervous and Shinichi was not helping.
"I mean, if you like-like her, just ask her," was his helpful advice, "We know she's a lesbian so it's not like you don't have a chance."
Ran glared at her friend, "I am not taking advice from a man who has a big fat crush on a phantom thief and thinks flirting is aiding and abetting him instead of just telling him your feelings."
At least the splutter that Shinichi let out at that helped distract her from her feelings. Why did she tell Shinichi she wanted to confess to Masumi today? Oh yeah, she thought he'd actually be helpful and not the insufferable ass he likes to be.
She should have asked Sonoko for help. Sure, she'd make some grand scheme to help Ran confess that would most likely blow back in their faces some way but at least an attempt would be made! At this rate Ran was going to ditch the date (not that Masumi knew that was Ran's intention) before she even made it to the cafe she had asked to meet at.
"It's different!" Shinichi insisted when he finally found his words again, "At least you know Sera likes girls!"
Ran rolled her eyes at that, "Shinichi, KID has been giving you red roses for a long time now, take the hint," she paused and scowled, "But this isn't about your weird courting rituals with the thief, you're supposed to be helping me find a way to confess to Masumi-chan."
And because her friend is, as she said earlier, an insufferable asshole, he too rolled his eyes, "You're telling me to take the hint but you haven't noticed all the times Sera flirts with you," he said as if it was extremely obvious.
"Ran you look so pretty today! Ran you're so cute and stylish! I'll do it for you Ran!" Shinichi mocked in falsetto, "Ran I am so in love with you, me Sera Masumi!"
"Well I don't sound like that but you're not wrong," a third voice joined their conversation and Ran's heart skipped a beat as she recognized Masumi's voice and laugh.
She whirled around to face her and paled when she realised Masumi had just heard their conversation.
"M-Masumi-chan!" she squeaked, "W-What are you doing here?"
Masumi cocked her head in confusion and Ran's heart squeezed at how adorable she looked, "You invited me here?" she replied, "Said you had something you wanted to talk about."
It took Ran a moment to realise they had reached the cafe. Her cheeks burned red in embarrassment.
"Y-Yeah, I did-do," she stuttered, "I'm sorry about Shinichi," she elbowed him hard in the stomach and ignored how he collapsed to the floor.
Masumi laughed and it was the sweetest sound Ran has ever heard.
"Don't worry, I'm not offended," she assured Ran, "Beside, I said he wasn't wrong, even if he's a terrible mimick without that bowtie of his."
Wasn't... Wrong... But Shinichi had said-
Ran's cheeks were on fire, "R-Really?!" she asked, eyes sparkling with hope.
Masumi, calm, cool and collected, confident in what she wanted, nodded her head and offered a hand out for Ran to take, "And now I'm pretty confident that you feel the same way, so should we start our date, Ran-chan?"
Ran was beaming as she took Masumi's hand and followed her into the cafe, stepping over Shinichi who was still gasping in pain on the floor.
Perhaps asking for his help hadn't been the wrong choice after all.
I decided to put this on AO3 because I thought it was cute.
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writing-house-of-m · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,100
Summary: You get caught staring at your crush
A/N: I did have some angst I wanted to post today but I don't like it so you get some of the sweetest fluff I've written because I found it in my docs lol
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You don't know what it is but Wanda looks different today.
You were standing in the kitchen area when she walked past.
With Nat obstructing her view, she didn't see the small group standing some meters away from where she took a seat with Nat.
You haven't been able to look away. Your crush for her deepening everyday but today she's glowing. You don't get how someone can look the way she does.
Steve's words have turned into white noise as you look at the auburn woman.
She must feel someone's eyes on her because she abruptly turns her head to see you.
You make eye contact so she smiles at you and you give a quick smile back feeling your cheeks heat up. She turns back so she continue her conversation with the black widow.
After getting caught staring you realise you should turn your attention back to the men in front of you.
Two pairs of eyes are waiting for you.
Only hearing the last word from the Captain, you rush out your words, "I'm not distracted."
He furrows his eyebrows, confused, "What?"
You really have to get it together.
Sam smiles because he knows you weren't paying attention.
"What?" You question.
With the same puzzled look he explains once more, "What do you think about Sam and me asking Nat to accompany us to infiltrate while you and Tony cause the distraction?"
He relaxes his face into one of sympathy as he continues, "If you're not up for something like this so close to returning to the field, I'm sure we can ask someone else to take your place. Possibly Yelena? I know she's been looking for more work."
"No!" You blurt out. "No. I'm fine. I'm ready," You exclaim.
Now that you're caught up and understand what's going on, you exhale, "I think that's a great idea, it will mean less of a risk of you guys getting into a firefight," you nod, finishing your conclusion.
Steve, still concerned about your well-being, asks, "And you're sure you're alright? That you're definitely up for this?"
"Yes, definitely. I've spent too much time in the compound, I need to stretch my legs," you reply with a scoff.
You get a chuckle from the other two men then the three of you split up after Steve says he'll speak to Tony and Nat.
The mission isn't for another few days so you spend the rest of your day between the gym and the medical wing, getting yourself ready and making sure you feel one hundred percent.
All the while, the witch hasn't left your mind.
Her smile. Her eyes. The way her nose scrunches up. She's irresistible, taking your breath away each time you see her.
That evening when you're in your room towel-drying your hair you hear your door open.
"I caught you staring again earlier," Wanda speaks with a smirk as she closes the door. She continues as she walks over to you, "but it was the weirdest thing, I couldn't hear anything in your mind, detka."
You grin as you rub the back of your neck. Looking to the ground for a second and meeting her eyes again the next.
Admittedly, your mind does tend to go blank when you see her.
As she gets close to you, you put your towel on the bed. Wrapping your arms around her waist she moves hers around your neck as you both share a short, sweet kiss.
You rest your forehead against hers and speak lowly, "Well I have something to confess," you can't help the smile on your face.
"Yeah? What's that?" Wanda replies, with her own bright smile.
You pull back slightly so you can look her in the eye better as you speak, "I have the biggest crush on you, Mrs Maximoff-Y/l/n."
Wanda lets out a soft laugh through her nose, as if it were possible her smile turns brighter and wider, "And here I was worried you were having second thoughts about going back out on a mission."
It's your turn to scoff. You give her another peck on the lips, "Well, as much fun as it has been you nursing me back to health," you move your hands to place them over her stomach, "one of us has to work so we can finally move out of here before this one arrives."
Wanda had been exhausted with all the prodding over months of different trials in an attempt for her to get pregnant.
The day the two of you found out she was pregnant you were elated. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you would be here, falling in love, married and now making your own family.
"Then, milaya, you should be paying attention to what your teammates are saying," she says in jest as she remembers your facial expression when you thought you got caught looking at your wife, "I saw you all flustered."
"I wouldn't say I was flustered," you say, knowing you weren't fooling anyone.
Taking advantage of your closeness you lean in again kissing her a little longer than before.
"I love you little witch, and I already love this little witch too," you rub Wanda's slightly swollen belly, "even if they are giving you a hard time."
"I'm sorry honey, but if this little one gets your puppy dog eyes, I might have to take their side over yours," you speak your mind as you think of the possible mischief this child may bring.
Wanda raises an eyebrow, "Ah, I should have known I was going to lose you to this little one," she jokes as she places her hands over yours. "I owe Nat a dollar, she said you would be a sucker and take the kid's side."
"Damn that woman! Is she always going to undermine me?" You say, smiles never leave either of your faces. "I guess I will have to work even harder if Nat is going to keep getting a dollar out of you."
Pulling away, Wanda heads to the bathroom, "Alright, that's enough about finances. Let's go to bed," she finishes for the both of you.
As you lay in bed with Wanda already asleep in your arms, staring at the ceiling, you think about a life with your wife and your newborn, a smile never leaving your face.
Eventually you fall asleep to thoughts of chaotic breakfasts and peaceful nap times.
Little did you know, this one baby was in fact two. And no amount of training would get you ready for the mission that was your family.
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sparring-hyena · 4 months
It's been a while since I saw the Becca tag alive, so I just wanted to request something before it's too late.
No worries if you cannot do it, I just wanted to ask...
Could you maybe write a jelaous Becca in a non-toxic way? Since I romanced Kaitlyn before Becca, it could be something along the lines of Kaitlyn wanting to get back together and Becca and MC are still hiding their relationship...pretty please 😊
Love your writing by the way ❤️❤️❤️
after an absolute eternity, i present to you... this!
it's not jealousy. it's just-- it's curiosity, is what it is.
Becca's at the drinks table getting a refill--her hand hovers over the fruity concoction Zach made earlier in the day. it smells awful but tastes okay, bit too sweet but drinkable. she settles on a tequila sprite mix and makes it a double when she spots Alex and Kaitlyn leaning close around the edge of the yard.
so it is curiosity that she feels, but there's irritation too and she hates that it's there at all. because she knows that Alex and Kaitlyn are friends, but sometimes it bugs her. just a little bit.
the point isn't that she's worried or doesn't trust Alex. because she does trust her--more than she thinks she's ever trusted anyone before, and maybe that's part of what's making her scared. but that's definitely a conversation for another day.
no, the point is that she has to act like it's all fine even though it's not and she can't just go up to them and cause a scene--
"hey, stranger."
Becca jumps at Alex's voice but still feels herself ease a little against her. not enough to be noticed, just enough to feel the light brush of her fingers.
"hey." Becca takes a sip of her drink and thinks she may have made it a triple by mistake. she pulls a face and offers it to Alex.
"what is it?" Alex asks. she cups her hand around Becca's as she takes the cup.
"tequila and sprite. think i made it too strong."
"you don't like tequila." Alex takes a small sip and makes a face too. definitely too strong.
"i don't, just..." she shrugs. "what were you and Kaitlyn talking about."
Alex sighs and returns the cup to Becca's hand. she takes a step away and Becca feels the cold air of late October immediately. they've probably only got a few more weekends of outdoor parties until it gets too cold. shame, because it really is nice: the lights and stars and gentle ground beneath her feet.
"sorry, i didn't-- i'm not trying to make it bigger than it needs to be. i know you two are friends, i just-- i'm curious."
"hey, it's okay," Alex takes Becca's hand softly behind the table and squeezes. "come on, we should probably talk."
Becca's eyes go wide.
"no! sorry, not that. no." Alex squeezes her hand again and Becca can see the way she's itching to lean forward and press a kiss to her cheek to soothe her insecurities. "sorry."
"it's okay. follow me?"
Alex nods. Becca keeps their hands linked as they slip away from the backyard party. she leads them inside and upstairs to her room. far enough away so that the music softens to a gentle thump.
"so," Becca starts, "having a fun night?"
"Kaitlyn said she wants to get back together."
Becca can tell, even in the low light, by the look on Alex's face that she hadn't meant to just spit it out like that.
"sorry, i didn't mean to--"
"no you don't--" Becca moves a step closer, wants to reach out but isn't sure how to. "what did you tell her?"
Alex tips her head to the side and she gets this look that Becca's only seen a handful times. it's a rare look, only comes out when Alex is genuinely confused and trying to understand something.
"what do you--"
"you two have a history so the situation is obviously far from ideal, especially since we all live together--"
Alex leans forward and pulls Becca against her. she kisses her hard and desperate, like she's trying to tell her something, make her understand something.
"oh." they pull apart and it takes Becca a moment to realise that she's pushed Alex up against the door. she moves to step away but Alex drops her arms to Becca's waist and holds her in place.
"okay, first of all, i have no intention of just picking someone else and leaving you. we're taking this slow, and i think that's a good thing. what we have is special and important."
"i'm sensing a but." Becca tries to laugh but it doesn't feel right.
"not but. just that. plain and simple." Alex squeezes Becca's waist.
"i told her that i'm not interested and maybe that was too harsh, but i didn't want to tell her that i was seeing someone because then she'd ask questions and i don't want to lie but i also know that you're not ready and that's fine--"
"Alex, breathe, it's okay."
"no, it's not okay, because she wouldn't have asked me that if she knew about us, and i'm not trying to pressure you, okay? i would never. i just wish that i could say i'm unavailable and have that be the end of it until we're ready."
Alex finishes her speech and tips her head back against the door.
Becca knows that so much of this could be easier if she was more adjusted, but she knows--knows in her bones and cells and heart--that Alex is telling the truth. she's not pressuring her, she's just frustrated that nothing around them is letting them move at their own pace.
"unavailable, huh?" Becca smirks and watches the way that Alex shifts, embarrassed, under her gaze.
"well, i just-- i mean--"
"i like it."
Becca hums and nods. she fixes a loose piece of Alex's hair behind her ear and cups her cheek gently. "i'm not saying we have to do a whole announcement."
"you don't want to scream from the roof how much you like me? i'm hurt, really." Alex pulls a face but only manages two seconds before she's grinning again.
Becca can't help but smile just as wide too. "all i'm trying to say is that i wouldn't mind if you wanted to tell people you're unavailable, or whatever. doesn't need to be specific."
"we're unavailable together. i like it. it's cute."
"i know it's not ideal but--"
"hey, it's fine." Alex lowers herself just an inch against the door so she's eye-level with Becca. "at our own pace, remember."
Becca softens. "thank you."
"of course." Alex kisses her quickly. "now do you wanna go back right now?"
"i'm sure they'll be fine without us for ten more minutes."
"only ten? i was thinking at least fifteen."
"oh really?"
"twenty might actually be better now that i think about it."
Becca laughs as she leans in again and feels a heavy weight lift from her shoulders.
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nobadyasked · 9 months
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°°°°°°°°°°Special place°°°°°°°°°°°
Pairing: non.idol!Jake × afab!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Authors note: sorry for not writing anything for soooo long, I'll try my best to be more active. According to vote results here's the fic with Jake. Enjoy ~
* chat *
Jake: so...
Y/n: ?
Jake: what about a date?
Y/n: when?
Jake: eh.. next Sunday, only if you're ok with it
Y/n: yeah, but where are we going to go?
Jake: well, first we'll go for a walk, then I'll take you somewhere special
Y/n: where?
Jake: secret
Y/n: ok, so Next Sunday, 17:30 at our place?
Jake: sounds perfect
*Time skip because the writer doesn't know what happened *
It was that Sunday when he was supposed to take her for a walk and then to that special place. They were meeting at their usual place. The fact that they have already developed "their" place made her heart (go bum chiki bum) race like a roller coaster. She was worried about the new place she didn't even know a word about, while he was nervous to take her there. Well it's somewhere he'd only visit all by himself, whenever he needed comfort.
He was standing there looking at his shoes thinking about topics to discuss with her when he heard footsteps and looked up. It was her. It was her wearing that simple yet flattering black coat, that pointed out her sharp features, her perfect nose, her plump lips which were definitely rubbed by cherry lip balm several times, oh how he wanted to kiss them, make sure they're marked as his, her eye bags that pointed out her Ocean blue eyes in which he could drown for hours, her dark eyeliner which was supposed to make her appearance darker but for him, she still was that cute girl he could fall for over and over again, not regretting a single time. And she smiled. Oh that smile. It never failed to make him go crazy, want to hug her closer to his heart, squeeze her to let her know about the love he held for her, kiss her face, cause she was so perfect. Her imperfections made her so so perfect, her impurities made her so so pure and lovable. How could he show her the love he held in his human sized heart.
- Hey- she said, trying to catch her breath. Well öbviously. She was rushing to meet him. Woke up hours earlier than usual, did pilates and workout, ate breakfast, got dressed, did her simple yet breathtaking makeup. Yes, that's what he made her do.
- hey- he said smiling. Just smiling. Oh how his heart was aching cause he couldn't kiss her lips or even hug her. - let's go-
Their walks were still nervous. He wanted to hold her hand and she wanted him to hold her hand. But they didn't know about that. They'd comfort each other, talk about shit that happened to their kid selves and laugh realising their trauma causes. Maybe that's how they show their love. But that's definitely not only how they wanted to show love.
- where are we going?- she asked confused when he turned the other way
- special place- he said smiling. Now sure that she's the one he will take there.- I'm sure you'll like it
- love the confidence- she commented as both shared laugh
- heyy, is it your house?- she stopped and questioned when they were about to enter a building
- no dummy, I don't live in garage
They climbed up the stairs and reached a tiny door. The kind of door that usually takes either to dwarf world either to rooftop. Obviously it was NOT dwart world.
-oh- she sighed when she saw the view. Nothing special, just a rooftop. But the sunrset that they could see. Just the two of them sitting on the rooftop watching the sunset
You guys are sitting on the rooftop, watching the sunset. He suddenly looks at you. So you turn to look at him back. He smiles and you smile back in your awkward smile and ask him if there's something wrong. But he just laughs and shakes his head. He leans closer, your lips almost touching. Your breath hitches when he looks at your cherry red lips and says " can I " . You gulp and nod. He leans closer making one last eye contact before connecting your lips together. The kiss was smooth and passionate he put his palm on your cheek while yours was on his muscular chest. After he pulls off and looks at you adoringly and whispers on your lips " you're gorgeous"
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cousmemes · 9 months
dialogue starters from VARIOUS DOCTOR WHO SPECIALS. feel free to edit for context / continues under the cut.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Do you know, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before."
"Whatever happens tonight, remember you brought it on yourself."
"Don't treat me like an idiot."
"Sorry, I didn't realise I was boring you."
"What's happened? What are you not telling me?"
"I don't care. I'm not like you. I don't even want to be like you. I don't and never, ever will care."
"Give me your hand and come to me."
"Everything has got to end some time, otherwise nothing would ever get started."
"I don't need anyone else."
"That wasn't there a second ago. It just appeared, from nowhere."
"What's wrong with silly?"
"Where are you going? I thought we were just getting acquainted."
"How refreshing to see you taking an interest again."
"Don't worry. No one's going to hurt you."
"Don't try to run away. Stay where you are."
"Why would I run? I know what's going to happen next and it's funny."
"What's wrong with dangerous?"
"I'm begging you. I'm on my knees."
"Children are not really my area of expertise."
"Yes? What? I'm trying to read."
"This isn't the sort of thing I do anymore."
"You missed this, didn't you?"
"Do I always have to state the obvious?"
"Blimey, you really know how to sulk, don't you?"
"Well, for your information, I'm not sweet on the inside."
"I don't know why I'm crying."
"Remember this. This right now, remember all of it. Because this is the day. This is the day. This is the day everything begins."
"What is the point of blaming yourself?"
"Will you come away with me?"
"Don't you think, after all this time and everything I've ever done, that I am owed this one?"
"We saved the world, you and me. We really, really did."
"Next time, would it kill you to knock?"
"What's our cover story for this?"
"Am I having a midlife crisis?"
"You don't seem to be kneeling. How tremendously brave of you."
"Is something funny? Did I miss a funny thing?"
"Oh, goodness, you're not actually dead. Oh, that's tremendous news."
"Emergency! You're my boyfriend."
"No, stop, stop, don't move. Don't do anything."
"There you are. What took you so long?"
"You didn't even say goodbye!"
"Why did you send me away?"
"Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually. Everything ends."
"Why didn't you call me? I could have helped."
"Oh. I died. It's funny, the things that slip your mind."
"He just looked so beautiful standing there. I wanted everything to stop. I wanted nothing to change ever again."
"Don't hug me so tight. You'll break something."
"Were you always so young?"
"You're going to stay here. Promise me you will."
"It's started. I can't stop it now."
"It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror."
"We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives."
"I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear."
"Stay calm. Just one question. Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?"
"Talk to me. I never thought I was going to see you again."
"Don't make me think about them!"
"Don't you dare. Don't you dare say that."
"Who are you? Why are you dressed like that?"
"We never stood a chance. How did we survive that?"
"Seriously? You're trying to help?"
"Well, that's not a very nice attitude, is it?"
"You're always talking like you're so clever, going on and on. So tell me what to do!"
"You're always such a downer."
"I'm sorry. I was stupid. I should have come back earlier. I wish that I had."
"No. It isn't all over. It's far from being all over."
"I knew it. I knew you couldn't be dead."
"That is - That is not happening. That's totally not happening. Agreed?"
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Why am I wearing these?"
"Quite beautiful, really, isn't she?"
"Can we just pretend that that never happened? Can we just never, ever talk about this again?"
"I hope we talk about it loads. I hope we spend years laughing about it."
"I'm afraid. Very, very afraid. I don't normally admit that to anyone else."
"You're a bit of a legend these days."
"Well, that would be a nice story, wouldn't it?"
"The real world is not a fairytale."
"I'm so tired of losing people."
"How was this our fault?"
"I think I'm ready now. But I should like to know - are you?"
"Whatever you decide, good luck."
"Can't I ever have peace? Can't I rest?"
"Thank you. Thank you for everything that you were to me."
"You wait a moment. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you."
"Laugh hard, run fast, be kind."
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