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**On Indefinite Hiatus** check out daily_gara on twitter ♥This blog serves as a fanpage for Japanese visual kei band MERRY (メリー), formed in 2001. Features reposts of the band's pics, plus exclusive high-quality scans of both old and new content that won't be found anywhere else.
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fymerry · 5 months ago
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fymerry · 5 months ago
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fymerry · 5 months ago
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fymerry · 5 months ago
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fymerry · 5 months ago
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fymerry · 7 months ago
Wataru. WA.TA.RU.
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The other goth-looking person has to be the vocalist of Velvet Eden, he almost didn't change, the way he wears his lipstick & corset is literally the same & of course the claws :')
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fymerry · 9 months ago
FOOL’S MATE 2007.6月号 「MUSIC DAY’z “Vol.4” ~”少年”の夢が叶った奇跡の夜~ 清春&メリー、共演イベントレポート」より
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fymerry · 9 months ago
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fymerry · 2 years ago
The Freedom of Expression: Vol 11 - Looking back on 25 years of Dir en grey (Niconama)
K: Ok, here we go, this is Kaoru from Dir en grey with The Freedom of Expression on our Nico nico channel. 
T: And I'm Tasai from Tokyo Sports. 
K: So, today we have a guest with us. Its Gara from Merry. 
G: I'm Gara, happy to be here. At last I'm here! 
K: It was quite short notice, so thanks for coming. 
G: No, no, if I get a call from you, my schedule is open anytime!
K: haha
T: Ah, a comment asking, 'Where's Joe?'. As before, our friend Joe is having a day off today. 
K: Basically, he's not here if we have a guest. 
T: Haha, yeh. Whats all that about?
K: You could say that its because Joe's not here, that we actually invite guests.
T: Haha 
K: Things would get bad if it was just me and you. 
T: Ah, is that it? A guest will keep the show in check?
K: Hm, maybe. 
T: Anyway, Kaoru, how's the baseball going?
K: Haha, baseball? Well, its already over for Hanshin...
T: But they made it into the Climax series, right? 
K: Yeh, they burst through the first stage, and they made it to the final stage, but Yakult were just too strong. 
T: Yeh, they were kinda overwhelming. 
K: Mm, even now, Yakult are doing the Japan Series, and they are still doing well. 
T: By the way, do you watch baseball, Gara?
G: Not much recently. But I did actually play baseball a lot when I was in elementary and junior high school. 
K, T: Ohh!?
G: I was a baseball kid. 
T: Wow, I would never have imagined that!
G: Yeh, I was even in the newspaper taking part in the Gunma prefectural tournament. 
T: Wow!
K: In the newspaper?
G: Yeh, I... (*2番セコンドで出てた...baseball, I dunno*)
K: I see. 
G: But you know, back then there was that Giants player, Kawai, right? People in my hometown used to liken me to him, I used to bunt everyone. 
K, T: Hahaha 
T: You were like Gunma's own Kawai?
G: I was. 
K: Haha, I see. Well, actually, if Hanshin had actually made it to the Japan series, we were thinking of watching a game again today. 
T: Right? The timing would have been right. Hey, but maybe next year. 
K: Yeah. 
T: Ok, lets get on with the show. So, Kaoru, its Dir's 25th anniversary, and you've just started the new tour, havn't you? How were the opening shows?
K: Well, they were fun, yeh. 
G: I saw the setlists, they were incredible. 
T: Yeh, but we won't reveal them. 
K: Yeh, we won't talk about them here. They weren't incredible though, not at all. 
T: So, today we'll be looking back on the past 25 years, and our theme will be 'Anniversary talk '22: From TFOE, looking back on 25 years of Dir en grey'!
T: So, Gara, you are the perfect guest for this talk. I think everyone already knows this, but could you just tell us what your connection with Dir en grey is? 
G: Well, I just discovered something new actually. I'd always seen myself as the  unofficial first roadie for Dir en grey, but now Kaoru tells me he doesn't think I was first. 
K: Well, yeh, we just recorded a subscribers-only video before starting this broadcast, right? And while we were talking about it, a memory came to me that Gara wasn't actually the first one. 
G: But I don't remember meeting anyone who was there before me.  
K: No, I think there was someone. I don't remember who it was though. 
T: You don't remember who??
G: Well, I didn't meet them. 
K: Oh, was it that guy...I've forgotten...some guy who was the vocalist in another band?
G: A vocalist? Was there someone like that?
K: Yeh, briefly, I think. 
G: Eh, really?
K: Yeh, if he was there even briefly, then he was the first. 
G: I don't remember that at all. It must have been very briefly. 
K: Mm, I get the feeling it was. But if we're talking first, it was him. 
G: But I was with you since Missa, so it must have been before that. 
K: Yeh, it was, probably. 
T: Someone in the comments saying, 'Kaoru, don't you like Gara being the first?'
K: No, I'm just looking at the reality. I wouldn't mind it if Gara was the first, but strictly speaking, I don't think he was. 
G: If the person in question is watching this, I'd really like them to comment. 
T: Haha, thats a good idea. 
G: I'd really like to sit down with them with a drink, and have a thorough talk about this. 
T, K: Hahaha.
T: By the way Kaoru, do the other members see Gara as the first roadie?
K: My memory is sketchy, its like they wouldn't say he is, but they wouldn't say he isn't either. But actually, Die definitely says Gara wasn't first. 
G: Yeh, he said to me before, "You were only there from the minus era to the zero era".
K: Yeh, thats right. 
T: Haha, what does that mean?
G: Like, when the band first moved to Tokyo, they didn't really have roadies before then. It became a normal thing from around the time I started. So I don't know much about what happened before then. 
T: If anyone knows who this first roadie was, please comment!
G: Yeh, I really want to talk with them. 
T: Ok, so as its the 25th anniversary, we are asking for lots of comments and messages from viewers. If you have any thoughts, opinions, or requests, please send them in, anything is ok. If you are on Twitter, please use the tag, TFOE. Anyone can watch the first part of this show for free, but the second part is for channel members only. If you become a member, you can watch this live broadcast as many times as you like for free in the archives for 1 year. And we also have special videos for members only, so please join using the link at the top of the screen, and enjoy this broadcast to the end. The link is there, right Kaoru?
K: Yep *points*
T: Right, well regardless of whether or not Gara was the first roadie, lets have a look back at some history. 
G: Lets just say I was for now, ok?
T: Haha, ok. So, I thought we could first look back at the years from 2015 to now. 
K: Starting in the middle? Oh, right, we'll talk about the early years later?
T: Yeah, later on. Ok, lets look at your artist photo from 2015. 
*Kaoru's Ningen wo kaburu solo shot is shown*
T: This is from the 'kaburu'(wearing) era?
K: Haha, yeh, and im 'wearing' that. 
T: What do you remember about this photo shoot, Kaoru?
K: Nothing in particular, except I was wearing that hat, so it felt a bit different from usual. 
T: Any unique points?
K: Well, it was quite an unusual costume. The sleeves were a bit weird, so it was an interesting outfit, but you can't really see it on this photo, can you?
T: No, we can't see any of that. 
K: Our style became kinda dark from this point onwards. 
T: Ah, I see. Gara, what do you think of this photo?
G: Oh, Dir's artist photos are always amazing, but Kaoru, do you guys decide on your costumes after you have the song? How do you do it?
K: Oh, afterwards, yeh. After we decide to make a video, then we decide on our outfits. 
G: Do you have like a group discussion about it?
K: Oh, no no. 
G: You just see what the others are wearing for the first time on the day of the shooting? 
K: Yes. Its like, 'Ahh, so this is what they chose!'. I admire their choices.��
G: Its amazing that no one ever turns up wearing the same outfit!
K: Yeh, I don't think thats happened. 
T: Someone commented, 'At what point do you start thinking about your outfit?'
G: Yeh, I'd like to know this. 
K: Well, a certain amount of time is needed to make it, so probably about a month in advanced. I inform my tailor of the date of the shoot, and then I'll send my requirements, which fabrics I want, I'll draw sketches, find images etc, and they make it for me. 
T: Gara, how do Merry go about this kind of thing?
G: Well, we also start thinking about outfits after we have a song and a title, but we do have a group meeting to talk about what to wear. We tend to go for similar themed costumes. Like, all back, or all in suits etc. 
K: You guys always used to wear suits when you started, right?
G: Yeah, we did. 
T: Ok, lets take a look at the time line on Dir's official homepage. Lets look at 2015 first. 
K: What did we do in 2015? Oh, tours?
T: Yeh, tours. Its hard to see. Namba Hatch, Jan 6th. 2014-15 BY THE GRACE OF GOD.
K: Ah, we went overseas that year too. 
T: Oh yeh, you toured Europe. Do you have any memories of this? THE UNSTOPPABLE LIFE tour. 
K: I don't remember much from back then. 
T: Like, the places you went, and stuff? London, Germany, Warsaw...is that Poland?
K: Oh yeh, we went there too. 
T: Belarus?
K: Yeh, and there. 
T: What was it like in Belarus?
K: I don't remember. 
T, G: Hahaha
K: Basically, we travel by bus, but we don't stay over in the cities. The bus driver also needs time to sleep, so we stop in places that are a bit removed from the cities, you know like out in the countryside. The bus is parked in the hotel parking area, and we reserve hotel rooms for members and staff just to take a shower. I mean, we can sleep there too if we want, but we usually sleep on the bus. 
G: So you don't do a lot of sightseeing?
K: Well, we sometimes take the train into the city, or like, go out and find somewhere for dinner. Thats about it. 
G: Were you ok with all the food overseas, Kaoru? I got the impression you were quite picky with food. 
K: No, Im usually ok. 
G: Is food one of the things to look forward to on overseas tours?
K: Well in Europe, its more or less the same everywhere you go. Its only Japan that has such a wide variety of foods in different regions. America is more or less all the same too. But I guess there are differences in European food in places that are near the ocean, and places which are inland. Oh, actually, I didn't really like some of the food in South America. It tasted good in Brazil though. 
T: Yeh, that meat with loads of sauce, right? Someone said in the comments, 'Gara is really picky with food'. 
G: Yeah, there are loads of things I can't eat, just because of how they look. 
T: Like what?
G: Well, I can't eat KFC. 
K: It looks disgusting?
G: That shape just makes me think of a chicken out in the countryside. When I see that chicken leg, i can't eat it. 
K: The shape makes you think of thighs?
G: Yeh. Stuff that puts an image in my head, I can't eat. 
K: So if its minced/ground chicken, its ok?
G: Yeah, thats fine. Yakitori is also fine. Its just things I look at, and then I can't. When we went overseas I basically lived off cup noodles and crackers. 
T: Oh, that sounds tough! Ok, shall we have a look at 2016? 
K: Oh, we did Arche at Budokan. 
T: Yeh, and then a tour straight after that. 
K: Oh, this was when we started the Mode of tours. Its was for our 20th anniversary. 
T: 2016 is also when this show first started on the radio, and Utafumi was released this year too. Do you have any memories of this year, Kaoru?
K: Well, yeh, I remember the Mode of tours. We decided to start with Vulgar...actually, I think we decided in advance to do Vulgar and Dum, but after that we kinda just decided to continue depending on the response each time. Limiting the number of shows per tour was also important, because it would be tough for the less popular albums otherwise. 
G: I get the feeling you played a lot of live shows in 2016 though. This year was also Merry's 15th anniversary, and I don't know if Kaoru remembers this, but this was the year I asked him if we could do a live together once. 
K: Merry and Dir?
G: Yes. I actually contacted each member individually during this year, for our 15th anniversary. But it turned out they were too busy to manage it at the time. When I went to ask Kaoru though, he said he liked the idea.(*or words to that effect. This part confused me a bit*)
T: Do you remember this, Kaoru? 
K: I remember that conversation, yeh. 
T: Gara, how did you feel then?
G: Well, it was the first time for me to ask such a thing, so I was really nervous. And we are under the same label so I worried a bit about asking through the office, so I contacted each member individually. It was Kyo who said to me, "I don't mind, but you know we'll crush you". 
T: Haha, of course he did. 
G: But each member was basically like, 'If its Merry, we'll think about it'. 
T: Oh, what a great story. 
G: Yeh, so I remember this year well. 
K: Well, there's no benefit for us in it. 
T: Haha, you're not supposed to say that!
K: Hahaha
G: It was the year I found the courage to ask. 
K: Well, we don't know what the future holds, there is still a chance it could happen. 
T: Ahh!
G: That would be great. 
T: Ok, should we move on to 2017? What happened in 2017? More Mode of tours, and, Ah! In July you did Androgynous. 
G: Ohh, I had a lot of thoughts about this. 
T: Tell us. 
G: Well, when I was a roadie, Dir and Pierrot would play the same events, but they would have seperate dressing rooms, and never talk. I really sensed tension between them. And even the roadies didn't talk. So for both bands to play Yokohama arena together...even I went to see them. 
T: Ahh, did it remind you of how it used to be back in the day?
G: Yeah, was that really 2017?
K: Yeah, 5 years ago. 
T: People commenting that they want you to do more of this kind of thing. Oh, this came up in that Tanabata video that we did. 
K: Oh yeah.  
T: Maybe you might try it again if the opportunity arises?
K: Well, maybe, yeh. 
T: Someone commented, 'I was so happy then!'
K: It might be interesting to include more bands if we did it again. Instead of just two bands. 
G: Oh, thank you for the suggestion! Of couse we will be free. 
K: Eh?
G: Our schedule is open. 
K: Haha, is it?
G: Yes!
T: That was fast!
K: But I dont know about having bands that are from the same label?
G: Thats fine, isn't it? Its fine. 
K: Hahaha, really?
G: Yes, Im sure. 
T: Haha, someone commented, 'Reservation done'. 
G: But actually, we did a Halloween event with Baroque in 2017 at Akasaka Blitz, and thier guitarist Kei suggested inviting a guest, specifically Kaoru. But he told me to contact Kaoru about it. So I contacted him and asked him to take part, which he did. 
T: Kaoru, you are really generous!
K: No, no, Im not. Its just that the timing was right. 
G: But it was like a dream come true for me, seeing Kaoru playing our songs. I was so happy. Afterwards we decided to go for drinks, but when we got to the bar, we realised Baroque had gone home! It was just Merry and Kaoru. 
K: And there were no staff, it was just me and them!
T: Haha. Ok, lets look at 2018. You put a best of album out. Any thoughts on that, Kaoru?...Vestige of Scratches. 
K: That must have come out on our 21st anniversary then? Hm, well, we formed in the February, so its still around the right time maybe...Im not sure. 
T: The best of album was released on the 2nd of Jan, right?
K: Yeh, January. Gara, have you guys ever done a best of album?
G: Yeah. 
K: Don't you think its pretty difficult?
G: Not really, I mean, ours was when we had just moved from indies to major, so we didnt have that many songs. It was pretty easy. 
K: Ah, for us at this time, we already had 9 albums...8 or 9. 
T: Yeah, Arche was the ninth. 
K: We had a hundred songs, so it was so hard choosing which songs to include. It ended up as 3 disks. Like, it would be boring if it were only singles, and stuff. But even then we had 30 singles!
G: You'd even need three disks for the singles. 
K: But these days, people make their own best of's by making playlists. I doubt best of albums will be a thing for much longer. 
T: Yeah. So you released your 10th album in September of 2018. 
K: Yeah, The Insulated World. 
T: Ok, we don't have much time left. Lets look at 2019. 
K: Oh, look! Free-Wil Slum, we DID do that! haha 
G: Yeah, this was the first time we appeared at an event with Dir, this event held by our label. 
T: Ah, in January. 
G: Yeah, I was so nervous beforehand. We were in the dressing room doing our make up and stuff, then a staff member came an announced that Dir en grey were coming, and we were kicked out of the dressing room!
K: hahaha 
G: We had to just stand in thr hallway and wait there untill it was time to perform. I was like...what?!
K: hahaha, Im sorry. 
G: Oh, no, its ok. But I mean, the dressing room door said Merry and Dir en grey on it...but we were asked to leave and stand in the hallway outside when Dir en grey arrived. So that was Free Will Slum for us...standing in the hallway before the live. 
T: Haha, there is some sympathy in the comments for you. 
K: How was the live...Oh, I think I watched you. 
G: It was good, but after you guys played, I felt like you dwarfed us. It motivated me to try harder. I remember talking to Tommy about it. We volunteered to go before Dir, it was only us before them. But it made me realise how high the Dir en grey wall actually is. 
T: Ahh, Kaoru, do you remember this?
K: Yeah. I remember them being chased out and wondering where they went, haha.
G: We were all at the same level there. No one did rehearsals, we all just had to go on stage and play, but still, I was amazed by Dir. 
T: Yeah. You also released your 30th single in 2019, The World of Mercy. 30 singles is incredible, isn't it?
K: Well, we have been around for 25 years, haha. 
T: It was a long song. Anything to tell us about this?
K: Well, it was hard, haha. Hmm, it was put out between the end of one album, and looking towards the next one, so we thought we could make it long. But it didnt really look towards the next album in the end. It was quite difficult. 
T: Ok, 2020. There was Covid, cancelled tours...
K: Yeah, covid happened just as we were finishing touring in Europe, after starting in 2019, and going to North America too. When we were at the airport before going to Europe, masks were on sale in stores as normal, so we bought a load, just in case. But when we returned, there were none left.
T: Ahh. Did it worry you when you saw the situation? 
K: Well, I saw it on the news a bit, but there was nothing in Europe at that time, so it wasn't that easy to see. But masks became indispensable since, right?
T: Mm, well, you released your first digital single during covid too. So covid had a big effect on you. 
K: Our tours were cancelled, so we thought we had to do something, so thats why we made it. But there was nothing to look forward to or work towards, so it was hard for the staff, as well as the members. 
G: Yeah, it was so hard to stay motivated. Its like, you make songs to play them live, so without lives, what do you do? I remember seeing Dir's live broadcast. It was a year of changes. We (Merry) talked a lot about what to do because even if you postpone, you don't know how long for. It was a year I will never forget. 
K: You played at Hibiya Open Air Concert Hall though, right? 
G: We did, yes. Kaoru and Die came to see us then. 
T: Oh, I bet you were happy about that. 
G: I was really happy. And it was a bit hard to invite people under those kind of conditions, but he still came. 
T: Ahh, Kaoru, you always go at the best times. 
K: I mean, I don't really, haha. 
G: I was really happy though. 
T: Well, Dir have gradually restarted touring in 2021 and 2022. So, Gara, can you tell us about Merry's recent activities etc?
G: Well, this year is our 20th anniversary, so on the 12th of November, we will hold our White Sheep/Black Sheep live at Kanda Square Hall. The first part will be mainly acoustic, with a piano. But for the second part, the Black Sheep part, we are asking fans and aquaintances to each request 3 songs for us to play. And then we will make a setlist from that. So, Kaoru, Id love it if you could suggest 3 songs to us too. 
K: Eh? I don't really know your songs though, haha. 
G: No, no, Id really appreciate it if you could. 
K: I only know the old ones. 
G: Thats totally fine. 
T: Ok, so in the second part of the show, we will talk about the times from the Indies era up to 2014, I wonder what stories we will hear from Gara. 
G: I have some deep things to tell. 
T: Really?
K: Well, he used to come over to my place a lot back then, in the indies and debut eras. 
G: Yeah, I did. 
T: Ohh, this will be good to hear about! So, the second part is for channel members only, so if you want to watch it, you need to subscribe. This will then be in the archives for one year, and we will also put out another members only video in the next few days. Ok, how to join...Kaoru is pointing to it now. If you click the link, a payment method screen will appear. Choose your method and click proceed. Then you can input your details. If you havnt yet joined, please do so now. And don't forget to check out Merry at Kanda Square Hall in November. And Kaoru will be doing the 25th anniversary tour...
K: Oh, someone commented Orix took the lead! (*baseball*). 
T: Thats more important than the anniversary tour. 
K: hahaha 
T: Ok, see you in a min!
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fymerry · 2 years ago
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Merry gara instagram story 2021.09.20
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fymerry · 2 years ago
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MERRY new look
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fymerry · 2 years ago
The Freedom of Expression Vol:12 - Again, looking back on 25 years with Gara.
K: Hi, here we are with The Freedom of Expression on our Nico Nico channel. Im Kaoru from Dir en grey. 
J: And Im Joe Yokomizo, who has just been for a beer in the Chinese restaurant near the studio. 
T: And Im Tasai from Tokyo Sports. 
K: And we also have someone who was with us last time, and he just didn't talk enough, so he's here again this time. Its Gara from Merry. 
G: Good evening, Im Gara from Merry. 
J: The staff have told me you're pretty annoying. 
K, T: Haha 
G: Not at all!
J: Kaoru, what would you say? In your view, is he annoying?
K: Haha, no, he's not. 
J: Gara, I wanted to ask you, were you Dir's first roadie? 
G: For the past 20 years, I always thought that I was, but after the show last time, I was in the dressing room, and I got a message from Shinya. He told me the name of the guy who was there before me. So I thought, 'Aghh, there really was someone before me!'. I wonder if that guy actually counts though?
J: Haha, Leader, what do you think? This is quite important. 
G: It was only for a short time. 
K: Yeah, but it still counts. As soon as I heard it, I thought, 'Oh yeh, of course!!'
G: Kaoru, that means Im the second roadie?
K: Yep, you are the second. I was right after all. 
G: I must have forgotten, because I never thought there was someone like that before me. 
J: Do you kinda feel like he's stealing your glory a bit now?
G: Yeah, I always thought I was the first.
J: I see, haha. So, from now, your are Dir's second roadie?
G: Yeah, Ive been exposed by Shinya. Im the second roadie. 
J: Do you feel a bit like Shinya should have kept quiet about this? haha
G: Yes, I really do. 
J: Haha. Yes, well today we are joined by Dir en grey's second roadie, Gara. So, last time you were looking back at Dir en grey's history, from the Indies days, to now, right?
K: Yes. 
J: I was unable to join last time due to my work schedule. 
K: This is the first time for you to be here when we have a guest, right?
J: Yes, thats right. 
K: He always disappears somewhere whenever we've had a guest before. 
J: Oh no, not intentionally though. Its purely by chance!
K: It was as if guests would come because you weren't here. 
J: Yeh, I've heard that. I don't know about that though. Anyway, today we are gonna be looking back at the indies era in detail. There'll be loads of great stuff to hear, so stay tuned. Please send in your comments too, questions, thoughts, messages of support, anythIng is ok. People using twitter can use the tag TFOE. The first part of this show is free for anyone to watch, but the second part is for channel members only. If you become a member, you can watch this live broadcast in the archives for a year, and you will also be able to access members only videos. Please click the blue link at the top of your screen to joIn, and enjoy this broadcast to the end.  Leader was just pointing to it. Dir's second roadie was pointing too, weren't you?
G: Haha, yes...second...I'm quite sad, I tried so hard back then too. 
K: Surely, trying hard has nothing to do with whether or not you were first? 
J: Maybe you are just slightly envious. Ok, well, as for today, we will have another look at photos from back in the day. (*Indies photo of Kaoru appears on screen*) Here we go, since we are looking closely at the indies era today. How do you feel about this, Leader? Do you recognize this photo?
K: Well, we used this photo last time. Only you wouldn't know that. 
J: Oh, I see. I do apologize. Maybe I should stick to the script more.
K: Haha, no no. 
J: But anyway, we'll be digging deeper into the Indies era today, but first we have a quiz. Its time for the "Does Kaoru remember?" quiz!!
J: Ok, so Dir's second roadie, Gara... 
K: Haha, you just want to keep saying that, don't you?
J: Yes, haha. 
T: He is the first one in my mind!
J: You are first in your heart, but second in reality. Anyway, Gara has created a quiz for Kaoru about the indies era. So Kaoru, try your best to remember. There are quite a few questions, but we will try to do at least 5. Try to get them all right, Leader. 
G: You'll be able to to tell if i really was first, and whether there really is a bond between us from this. 
T: Haha
J: Right? We need to look out for that. Ok, Gara, I'll hand over to you. 
G: I start from Question 1, right? Ok, Where was the place where I first met the members of Dir en grey? I said last time that the first live show I saw them was at Shinjuku Rock, but this time I'm asking about our first meeting, so its not a live venue. 
J: Ok, so Q1 is asking for the place you first met. Leader, you have a sketchbook in front of you to write your answers. For some reason, myself and Tasai also have sketchbooks, although its not likely that we will know the answers...
T: Yeah, we will just try our best. 
J: Yes we will. So, Gara, is this with no hints, right?
G: Yeah, the meeting place, this was an important moment. 
J: If he doesn't remember this, it could seriously damage your trust in him. 
G: Right. 
J: Haha, but look at Leader's face! He totally looks like he can't remember. Can we get a camera close up on him? This is important! If you'd never met, we wouldn't be here now. 
G: This was earlier than the live.
J: Ah, they want you to get this right in the comments. Gara, you probably spoke about your love towards Dir en grey last time, but this time its all about how far Kaoru's love extends to you. Ok, Tasai, you write something too, make it Tokyo Sportsy if you want. 
T: Ahh, its difficult. 
G: Kaoru is writing something now. 
J: Ah, a comment saying 'Kaoru looks cute when he's thinking'. And 'A forfeit if he gets it wrong!'...'Leader's love is deep!'
G: Its the first meeting, remember. 
J: Yeah, the place. 
T: By the way, how did you feel when your first met?
G: Well, I'd only ever seen them in magazines before then, so I was nervous, but I still remember introducing myself. 
T: Ahh, I wonder where it was...
J: Hmm, ok, Tasai, you show us your answer first. 
T: So this was when you were new in Tokyo, right? Ok, here's my answer. 'A bus stop at Tokyo Tower'. Like maybe they decided to meet up here for some reason. Maybe there were just there for some reason. 
J: Ahh...Ok, I don't quite understand this, so moving on...haha. 
T: Haha 
J: No no, you mean, maybe they had planned to go somewhere, so they met up there first?
T: Yeah. 
J: Well, the real question is whether Leader remembers. The place he first met Gara. Leader, lets have your answer. 
K: The studio in Kōenji. 
J, T, G: Ahh. 
T: That sounds more like it. 
J: Ok, Gara, tell us the answer. 
G: The correct answer is, an in-store event at Like An Edison. 
K: Don't remember that! Hahaha 
J: He doesn't remember!
G: It was an in-store event to coincide with the CD release, so I went and met the members for the first time. Meeting in the studio was after that. 
J: Well, he must have been close with this answer, right? If you met for the second time in the studio?
G: Yeah. I have a tonne of memories from that studio too. I saw them making new songs and and stuff there. I used to always drive the equipment truck too back then, but at the time I didn't have my own parking space. They told me to be responsible for truck, even though I didn't have a parking space, so I had to park it on the street in front of my place for about a month. 
J: Ahh, I bet you got a tonne of parking tickets. 
G: Yes. 
J: Ahh, that sounds painful. And despite this you still might be the second roadie! Leader, why did you think the answer was Kōenji?
K: Well, he was just there a lot. 
J: It seemed likely to be the place?
K: Yeah. 
T: Kaoru, do you remember this in-store event? 
K: No, we did a tonne of events like that back then. 
J: If any of the viewers were at that event in Like An Edison, please tell us in the comments. I wonder if anyone was? Not that we can give them anything if they were, except say, 'Oh wow!'. Haha. Well, that was question 1. A comment there says, 'A shock for Gara!'
G: He was close though, because I was often in the studio at Kōenji. 
K: You were following us, haha. 
J: Its like, he was only a little bit wrong. 
G: Ok, shall we move on? The next question is this. 'Where was the first region (outside Tokyo) that Gara travelled to as a roadie? And what was the amazingly delicious restaurant where Kaoru took Gara out to eat for the first time?'
K: This is hard! haha 
J: The restaurant name. 
T: Is this maybe a hint? You told us the region you are from last time, right, Gara?
J: Eh? Where are you from??
T: No no no, don't tell him! haha. 
J: Eh, whhhy? Ok, whatever. But we need the region Gara first travelled to as a roadie, and the name of the delicious restaurant where Kaoru first took him out to eat. 
T: Joe, you write something first. 
J: Its not WHAT you ate, right? Its the name. 
G: Yes. If I say what I ate, I think Kaoru will know where it was. 
T: Kaoru, do you know? 
K: Well, I'm just not sure about the timing as for the region. 
T: Its difficult!
J: The restaurant name is tricky too. 
G: But its something that everyone has heard of. 
J: Oh, so its not lIke an independent, local place, right?
G: Yeah. But back then, it was only...oh, I'll give it away if I say that. 
K: Back then it was only..?
T: Ok, lets write our answers. Some comments saying, 'Gara is causing trouble for Kaoru', 'Leader, think!', 'I think I know it'. If you know it, don't tell us! 
J: Well, I really have no idea, but this is my answer. For the region, Hokkaido. And the restaurant, Dosanko Ramen. This is what I would eat after a concert, so I thought it could be this. 
G: That's a good answer. 
J: Thank you. Ok, Leader, your turn. 
K: Osaka, and Kamakura (ramen).
G: Oh, that's correct!! That makes me so happy! 
G: He told me about this incredible ramen, and took me to try it. So my first time trying Kamakura was with Kaoru. 
J: Ah, great! You got it right. 
G: You remember that?
K: No no, I just used to go there all the time back then! 
T: You don't actually remember going with Gara? 
K: Well, he said the words, 'Back then it was only...', which reminded me that this place became a national chain a little while later. Haha
J: Ahh, I see. 
G: Ahh, I gave it away with the hint. 
J: So it wasn't your memory, it was the hint that got you there. 
G: Kamakura ramen was totally different from any of the ramen I'd had before then. I didn't realise ramen could be like that. 
T: Ahh, yeh, its good, isn't it? 
J: Did you go there to finish a night of drinking or something? 
G: No, I think Kaoru just took me there. 
K: We still couldn't really afford to go out drinking much back then. 
J: Ah, financially, right? Eat loads of ramen instead, right?
K: Yeah. 
J: Ah, well, we got a correct answer! Shall we move on? 
G: Ok, the next question is this. 'What was the first song on which Gara helped during the recording?' 
J: This is quite important, right?
G: Yes. 
J: This is the first question related to the actual job. Hmm, a song from the indies era? 
G: Yes. I was able to see how the recording process worked. 
K: I'm trying to think what the timing would be...haha. 
J: Hmm, when would it be?
K: Yeah, I mean, within our timeline. 
J: Tasai, do you have any idea?
T: Well, hmm, I don't think we talked about this kind of thing last time...I might be wrong. 
J: Hold on a sec..Gara, you want him to get this right, yeh? 
K: Ahh, I dunno.  
J: You just wrote something though!
G: I saw the while process of recording the song with this one.
J: So, you were there watching the whole time?
G: Yeh, from when they started making the song in the Kōenji studio. 
K: Well, in that case I think I've got it right. 
T: Well, this is kinda vague, but my answer is, 'That song you recorded in an old house somewhere'.
G: Oh, that was Jealous. 
T: Yes, Jealous. 
J: Ok, Leader?
K: Haven't you written anything?
J: No, I haven't. Haha. 
K: Ok, my answer is Ash. 
G: Correct!!
K: Well, I thought it was likely to be this. 
G: Yep, I was there during the recording. 
K: For that omnibus album?
G: Yes. 
K: Yeah, he said 'which song', so that means it wasn't part of a collection of songs. And if it wasn't a single, then it would have to be this. 
G: I remember I went for Tendon with Die. 
K, J, T: Hahaha. 
J: Is food all you remember?! Haha. So you saw the whole recording process. Do remember making any new discoveries about the secret to Dir en grey's sound?
G: I didn't understand the secret to it at all!
J, T: Haha. 
J: But you remember the Tendon. 
G: Yeah. Well, it was only one day. From the drums, bass, guitars, and even to the vocals, it was all done in one day.
T: Amazing. 
J: Yeah, but with a few hints, Leader got it right. 
G: Impressive!
J: Yes, two out of three correct so far. Ok, do we have time for another one?
G: Ok, next question please. 'There was once a mid-summer outdoor event back then, (which I attended as a roadie), but what did Kaoru say to me in the car on the way home, which to this day, I can never forget?' I can give you a small hint, it was a bit of a shock. 
J: So it wasn't something moving, or meaningful?
G: No
J: He wasn't commending your abilities or anything?
G: Not at all. My response was more like, 'Ehh? Kaoru, did you really say that??!'
J: It was something a bit shocking?
G: Yes. 
K: Did it have some connection with the event?
G: Yeah...this mid-summer outdoor event
K: Ah, I see.
J: That's a hint! Mid-summer, outdoor event. Ahh, there is some interest in the comments too. 'Gara, this quiz is fun' etc. 
G: Thank you. Its been 20 years, but these words of Kaoru's have stayed with me. The main hint is probably that it was shocking. 
T: Well, since you've been talking about food, Gara, I think its about food, so my answer is, 'I just ate shaved ice, but I hid it from you'. 
K: Haha
T: Like in the heat, he ate it all. 
J: Ah, like Gara would resent Kaoru for it?
T: Yeah, he'd be shocked. 
J: Well, since it was summer, my answer is this. 'Your sweat stinks!' It'd be shocking to be told this, right? Ok, Leader? I wonder if you remember. 
K: My answer is this 'What are you doing with us??'
T: Ahh, that would be bad. 
K: Well, it was an event, so there might have been some other bands playing that he liked, you know?
J: Ahh, so it wasn't like a solo event. 
G: Well, one time Kaoru came over to my place, and I had posters of all sorts of other bands up everywhere, so maybe he wondered what I was doing with Dir?
T: Did any of us get it right?
G: Actually, one of you did! Shall I tell you what he said to me? He said, 'You stink of sweat!'
J: Yeahhh!
K: Hahaha 
T: How did you get that??
G: Well Done, Joe. 
J: He really said that to you?
G: Yeah, it was the middle of Summer, and I was moving all the equipment around by myself, I worked so hard. Then at the end I got in the car and sat next to Kaoru, and he said, 'Ugh, you stink of sweat!'
K, J, T: Hahaha 
G: I was like...I've been working hard for you all day! I've never been able to forget it. 
T: Kaoru, do you remember?
K: No..
G: I was pretty young, so it was quite a shock for me. 
K: But I vaguely remember him telling me about how I said that to him once. 
J: Did you tell him about it?
G: Maybe when we when out drinkIng once, I might have mentioned it. But it really was the most shocking thing to hear from him. I mean, that's how a roadie should be, right?
J: It shows that you've worked hard. If you weren't sweaty, you wouldn't have been doing your job properly. 
G: Right? That's how I should be. 
J: Its a sign that you did a good job. 
G: Yes 
T: Someone commented, Kaoru should apologize. 
J: Haha 
K: I'm sorry. 
J: Ahh, an apology from Leader!
G: I feel purified, haha. 
J: Ohh, that's good. Ok, next question.
G: Ok, the next question is, 'Which food which Gara hates did Kaoru force him to eat, all in one?' This was a thing when I used to go for drinks with Kaoru, hated foods or stuff like that. 
J: Well, you DO stuff like that when you are young, don't you?! I mean, if we don't know what foods you don't like, we are never gonna get this, but Leader probably knows. Its just a matter of choosing the right one. 
G: Yeah, this particular food, I still can't even eat it. 
J: You can't eat it?
K: Something that can be eaten in one go?
G: Er, we talked about this last time, but he also made me do 'Pistachio all in one' before too. 
J: Ugh, that's like hell. 
G: I wasn't allowed water, so I just had to keep crunching away until I could swallow.
J: That sounds tough, you cant really swallow it all at once either, can you?
K: Inside your mouth was shredded, wasn't it?
G: Yeah. 
J: Ugh, really? Well, viewers, please write in the comments if you have any ideas about this one. Someone just wrote pizza, but its something you still can't eat, right? If its something even an adult can eat, it must be something with quite a distinct taste?
G: Ah! Yes. 
T: Ahh, I've already written something. 
G: *reading comments* Century egg? Ohh, that would be tough!
J: And expensive!
T: Ok, lets reveal our answers. So, last time Gara said he doesn't like chicken much, and I thought if he's done 'pistachio all in one', maybe he might have done this too, 'Fried chicken cartilage all in one'
J: Ah I see. Well, my answer is this. 'Goya' (bitter melon). A lot of people  hate this, and it tastes very distinct. Ok, Leader?
K: Haha, I don't even remember, but..'Pickles'. 
J: Gara, are any of us correct?
G: One of you is close. 
J: Ohh, ok, tell us the answer. 
G: The correct answer is, Okinawan pickled onions (島らっきょう). So 'pickles' is nearly right. 
K: Goya is kinda there too, haha! (*Goya is an Okinawan vegetable*) Ahh, pickled onions, I think I kinda remember this now. 
T: Like, how did that work?
G: Well, all the onions were in the bowl, and I had to put them all in my mouth at once, and swallow them without a drink. 
J: Ahh, the things you got up too. 
G: I can still remember the disgusting aftertaste. 
K: The taste lingers, right?
G: Yeah. 
J: Ahh, is that the time already? Did we do 4 questions?...5? We did 5. How many did Leader get right? 2?
T: 2.5, right? With 'pickles'
J: Ah, ok, yes. 2 correct answers, and 1 good try. Half correct. What do you think Gara?
G: Yeah, I think he remembers a lot, since he was close with that last one. If this were baseball, he would be (*baseball reference, I dunno*)
J, K, T: Yeah, haha. 
G: It was a good result. 
J: Ok, Leader, 5 questions about the indies era from Gara. What did you think?
K: I don't remember anything.
J, T, G: Hahaha
K: I just worked out the answers from the hints. I don't actually remember. 
G: We were close though, we we working together practically every day. 
K: But it was only one year out of 25, haha. 
J: Well, yeah...
G: Maybe that's the fate of being the second roadie...haha. 
J: Ok, we're going to have to finish the first part of the show, but we'll learn more about Kaoru in the second half. We'll continue talking about Kaoru and Gara's history, so please become a channel member to see that. I'll just let you know how you can do that. The second half of the show is for members only, so you need to be a channel member if you want to see it. If you join, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for a whole year, and we also have members only videos, where we challenge ourselves to all sorts of things, so you can enjoy those too. Ok, how to join. Its very simple. There is a blue link at the top of your screen. Kaoru is pointing now. Click this link, and you will get a screen asking you to choose your payment method. Choose your method and click proceed. Then you can enter your payment details, and you're done. If you haven't yet joined, please do, and enjoy the rest of the show. Ok, now, some news from Gara?
G: Yes, thanks. Uh, on Dec 25th Merry will hold our 'Very Merry Xmas' event at Shinagawa Club eX where we will show the history of Merry (*etc*).
J: Ok, thank you. Leader?
K: Hm, was there something? Ah, well, we are mid-tour now. We still have Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Osaka. And then an extra date on Dec 16th at Shinjuku Blaze. Uhh, I think there are quite a few venues with tickets still available, so people can definitely come by on the day and check it out. 
J: I saw you at Zepp Haneda recently, but I'd love to see you in one of the other regions if my schedule allows it. 
K: Please do. 
J: Ok, a quick break here while we change over, but channel members hang tight. Lets continue The Freedom of Expression in the second half!
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