#and then they joined forces and stole stuff together. and got together.
allthegothihopgirls · 7 months
taylor swift's 'getaway car' except its dick and barbara
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0104-vikita · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Circus 🔎Episode Speculations🔎
With friends we tried to make up different scenarios and speculations based on Episode 2's trailer. Most of them are about the episode, but some can apply to the show in general. I felt like sharing them.
NPC Awarenesses/Sentience
NPCS and Locations don't get erased. Instead they can be reused over and over. The Candy Cannon has been used for humans that to this day are already abstracted. The NPCS might remember.
All NPCs are aware of their role as simple additions for Caine's adventures. They are almost like actors that may not get out of their role.
Only SOME NPCS are aware of their role AND as sentient as a human, while others just get reset. Those who are aware feel depressed and trapped as a result. Has major impact in the Lore
The NPCS are not aware, but become so and find out the truth towards the end of the adventure, leading to an existential crisis. Has major impact in the lore
NPC Awarenesses and "we were just acting" is instead played as a Joke where they all hang out before the main cast returns to the circus.
Storylines, Plot and Escenes
The gators are bandits and present a major issue for the kingdom. Is the main cast's quest to stop them or interfere with them (@notnights)
The gators aren't necessarily bad guys, and the quest has nothing to do with them, but the main cast does something that bothers them (maybe the truck they ride is theirs and stole it) getting into conflict
There is a BIGGER threat lurking in the Candy Cannon, the gators and the main cast are forced to work together (@gen-toon)
I like to think the reason Gangle is shown driving is because of the fact she's the most likely to get carsick (said by Goose previously). Being the driver diminishes the chances of getting carsick (for some)
There will be a chase and shooting scene in the episode
The close up eye picture belongs to either one of the gators (what I thought at the beginning) OR some creature we have not met before (the eyes look different from the gators) The lightning suggests a different location and lore relevancy.
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Overall there will be lore related scenes suggested by the different non-candy cannon scenes on which Pomni appears worried, scared and overall nervous.
There is a mannequin running behind Gangle in what appears to be their entrance to the Kingdom. This is most likely the reason her mask breaks.
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One of my friends (@gen-toon) realized that there's a mosaic that looks oddly similar to Kinger. But it could also be Caine (@notnights). It makes more sense to be Caine's since he's like a God almost. Maybe they worship him
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Jax (there's stuff I wanna say about this bitch specifically)
There's a scene in which Jax appears to be in danger of falling from the truck while being eaten by the monster. This scene made me think about the possibility of Jax getting in danger and the cast REFUSING to help him or at least hesitating to do so cuz bro is a bastard.
He notices this hesitation/refusal, this occurrence makes him think (leading to the "sad Jax" scene) but it does NOT lead him to be better, instead, it leads him to be worse because "they hate me anyways"
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This scene could also be the result of other possible plot scenes suggested by my friends:
The gators have been defeated and tied up. They attempt to manipulate Jax into joining them by hitting on his weak spots. (@notnights )
The gators and the cast are bonding together. The gators' boisterous personality drifts him away. The only way he socializes with people is by being boisterous and annoying, so the fact that these gators might be boisterous AND nice will take him out of focus. It will show that he in fact does not know how to form a genuine connection with others. (@gen-toon)
Maybe he's considering shooting the captured gators to get over with the adventure. (@notnights )
Maybe bro's hungry and is just eating the chocolate on the floor idk (got that idea from @corpseacoast fanart)
I will just keep adding stuff as I remember, speculating is kinda fun.
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Good golly gumdrops I'm gonna go absolutely apeshit real quick here
Disabled Buggy Ideas!!!!!!
Buggy who uses his Devil Fruit as a mobility aid on days when his joints are Extra Sore, especially his ankles/knees/etc.
Buggy who sometimes gets vertigo and so cannot always float around bc of the dizziness. On days like that, he has physical mobility aids.
His first aid was a can - Mohji and Ritchie stole it when the crew was still pretty new - Buggy was about 15, Mohji about 11, and Ritchie was a tiny little thing. They had noticed Buggy cringed a little more on certain days, when he walked or got up or sat down. They presented it to him with big smiles and Buggy wound up crying. They decorated it together.
His second aid was another cane, this one a gift from the crew, now bigger. They carved it and went absolutely ham with decorating it but sealing it well - his first one was a little worse for wear, paint chipping, wood a little roughed up. That one gets retired to a place of honor for Buggy's precious keepsakes. The new one is a bit sturdier too.
The third one came from someone on the crew actually. It was a hand me down. One of the tailors on board had recently gotten gifted a new walker to replace their forearm crutches. And when she was downsizing, she asked Buggy if he'd ever used them before, if he knew anyone who did. Those become his favored items because of the versatility, the cuffs, and how it evens out the pressure on his hands/wrists/elbows/shoulders.
At some points, he also gets braces, compression stuff, etc.
After Impel Down, his body was damn near debilitated. He was good for playing up the prestige and audacity and faux confidence, but Shanks saw through him immediately when he offered a ride on the Red Force. Luckily, an allied ship under them was also there and had the means and room to carry Buggy's accidentally-acquired men, women and others who sworn fealty to him. With strict orders from Buggy to mind their manners and to assist where they could, deferring to the ship's crew, they were set up there by majority. Few remained on the Red Force specifically.
Once away from prying, assessing, worshipping eyes, Buggy drops a few of the many masks he wears. He sags a little, moving to squeeze his eyes shut, pressing his palms over his eyes and grimacing as he tries to shift his weight.
A warm, calloused hand presses over his eyes. Buggy inhales shakily, letting his own hands move so Shanks could block the light from his gaze. He leaned into the touch.
"Hey," the redhead says softly, "Hongo wants to check you over. Do you want my room or the medbay?"
A strangled noise, not unlike a drowning cat, escapes the clown's mouth. Shanks shuffles closer, not touching, but close enough for his body heat to be felt.
"Okay," he breathes, "Okay, I've got you, Bugs..."
Buggy lets himself be led by his best friend, his Red, his Shanks, docile and blinded and dizzy. At some point he can Feel two people join them, and Shanks's voice, carefully soft and quiet and familiar, guides him along with gentle murmurs of "step in two, yeah, there you go"s and "duck your head for me, perfect"s.
At one point while stepping down the stairs, Buggy's right knee gives a sharp and deafening CRACK, white-hot-ice-blue pain shooting up and down his leg and hip. He chokes on it, body trying to split, to get away from the pain, and he teeters, teeth grit and breath stolen. A warm chest at his back steadies him, and Buggy gags at the disoriented agony. Shanks is oozing worry and anxiety, Hongo is nearly vibrating, Buggy is trying to keep from just falling to pieces on the floor- so Benn just rubs the blue haired pirate's shoulder. "It's alright," he soothes softly, gently, baritone warm and assuring. "I'm going to pick you up, alright? It's alright, I carry Cap over there all the time when he gets drunk as a skunk. Can I touch you?"
Buggy barely manages a nod, and he's only mildly ashamed of how tightly he clings when Benn lifts him so carefully, so kindly, breathing through the bubbles in his eyes and throat, the electricity in his veins and nerves. The soft pop-clicks of his body splitting and reconnecting filled the air.
They take Buggy to Shanks's room, hoping it would be less stressful. The preliminary check could be done with the generic things Hongo can grab and bring along, anything requiring something more severe would need preparation anyway, and it would take time to be able to execute safely. It was a hefty choice, but one none involved with could regret when Buggy, still coiled tightly and far too pale, clung tightly to Shanks's wrist, hand still over his eyes, like it was the only thing keeping him sane. Bad blood aside, he really was rather attached.
Maneuvering was tedious but nobody breathed a hint of complaint, not even Benn when Shanks immediately climbed into his own bed, gesturing to have the other captain given to him.
Hongo's initial assessment had him pursing his lips and breathing through fury, had Benn aching for a cigarette and Shanks visibly counting aloud to avoid an explosion of his Haki. Buggy was semi coherent through it all.
The next day, Hongo strictly tells Buggy to rest Or Else, to Especially Not Climb Or Run, to minimize walking as well. The stress fractures alone were bad, but the inflammation, the swelling, the EVERYTHING had his nerves on edge. Buggy, knowing not to question a medical professional, concedes. Shanks capitalizes on the Buggy Time, and he whines and complains the whole time he has to be away from his Bugaboo.
Galdino is a little skeptical, especially given how his own injuries were deemed not as severe. Buggy's embarrassed by the princess treatment, as Shanks calls it ((as Roger once called it when they were young and Buggy's flare ups really began in full, to Crocus's endless worry and frantic searches)). Meeting up with the Big Top yields answers yet brews more questions in turn as the other's immediately touch base with Hongo while some others scurry off once updated to 'grab the goods', only to return with a forearm crutch and colorful ace wraps.
It's a wild ride start to finish and Galdino is left with many, MANY questions, the other's as well, but Buggy's crew as well as Shanks's set them straight pretty quickly. After all, someone else's medical records are not your business and you have no right to pass judgement on someone's use of aids.
It's normalized for people in the Buggy Pirates to use different mobility aids, to see people out and about with things that they can use to better their quality of life and express themselves therewith.
Buggy's pillow case outfit is a play on that - on using his Devil Fruit for movement and ease of motion, for hiding his braves or wraps and for the additional bonus of playing on the perceptions of others.
Mihawk and Crocodile, once they join, are not privy to what is beneath the onesie. The former can, however, tell on occasion when Buggy's having a bad flare up, though not why.
It's only after Buggy tells them, either by choice or circumstantial events, the truth that they put together these pieces.
And from there? Well, neither of them are particularly Typical themselves. Mihawk has a nerve disorder which gives him difficulty with feeling pain. Crocodile is an amputee. They're not about to judge for any of that. They will however judge Buggy's tendency of pushing himself too far too frequently.
Just. Chronically ill/disabled Buggy. I love himmmm
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salarta · 3 months
Do you have any fun facts about Lorna?
I mean, fun fact here is dependent on what the focus is meant to be. On the meta side of things:
Second woman to join the X-Men
Started out more feminist than Jean, before later writers and editors screwed her over
One of the first, if not THE first, case of mutants combining powers to do something great (flinging Krakoa into space, after powered up by Storm, Cyclops, and Havok)
Has a history of being the first to do or introduce something interesting, then people at Marvel giving those things to other characters because they seem to think she doesn't deserve them (latest case being X-Men 97 letting Rogue take over all the Genosha genocide storyline while Lorna was completely left out of it)
Has existed since 1968
Didn't get her origin story told until 44 years later, vs Havok getting his told back in the 70s
Didn't get to lead a team as its intended leader until 46 years later (All-New X-Factor) despite having taken on replacement leader roles for decades prior
Despite past stories saying Lorna has the potential to be her father's equal, already was his equal, or surpassed him at various points, and in violation of its own rules, the Krakoa "era" Omega classification said Magneto was an Omega mutant but insisted Lorna wasn't
That's a handful of that kind. But if you want fun facts on the more playful side of things:
Lorna COULD use her powers to use the internet, use pseudo-psychic powers (e.g. telepathy, influencing memory), affecting visual spectrums, put out fires and more. Lots of modern research and applications for her powers that go beyond flinging metal around.
We've never seen Lorna's adoptive parents, the Danes, and the only direct thing we know about them is that they adopted her after her mom and stepfather died. Though you do have to wonder why Lorna would feel the need to hide her green hair prior to learning she's a mutant, and why she never put two and two together that it must mean she's a mutant.
There was a short what if strip at one point that basically suggested that if Lorna had been on the space ship that had been the impetus for Jean connecting with the Phoenix Force, she could have guided the ship from the inside and the whole Dark Phoenix saga could've been avoided.
Lorna very briefly had a red and gold uniform that got nixed because of real world attitudes that it was "too showy" for her. Think the uproar over Sue Storm having that Fantastic Four costume with the 4 boob window, but even tamer.
Fantastic Force in the late 00s presented an AU far future descendant of Lorna named Psionics, which was the first occasion of seeing a character based on her genetics.
There's a lot of in the gaps headcanon stuff out there for various periods and depictions. Like, one I've thrown out is that perhaps the godawful panels of Lorna afraid of Sabretooth and wishing Havok would save her could be explained as Malice already possessing her and being an asshole by pretending to be Lorna while acting that way. Or that perhaps some of her actions like getting with Havok happened because Xavier used his powers to put them together out of fear that she would otherwise become like Magneto.
If you're new to Lorna, you should know the coffee thing is entirely new. It started with Duggan writing her on X-Men after she won the X-Men vote, and while it's a fun quirk, sadly some writers started to misuse it by making that her whole character instead of exploring meaningful things with her.
Dauterman's said before how Lorna's energy hair in Dark Seduction partially inspired Scarlet Witch's hair for the Hellfire Gala.
To my knowledge, Lorna was the first character to utter the now famous words "Magneto Was Right" within a flashback to the Genoshan genocide.
There's some debate as to whether or not Lorna was the first character to have a secondary mutation, which tends to be attributed to other characters. This is based on when Zaladane stole her powers, and she ended up with entirely different ones. For my money's worth, I don't think of those powers as actually Lorna's. I headcanon that they were powers forced on Lorna by Zaladane to hurt and humiliate her.
Lorna's currently the youngest living child of Magneto.
I can't think of anything else at the moment. I might add to this if I think of more, and I encourage other fans to toss things in too.
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isindismay · 1 month
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @goblininawig!
Unusually for me, I'm working on new chapters for two fics at once, and here's the proof!
First up, chapter 4 of Stronger Together, Cobra Kai, (primarily) lawrusso
Daniel takes the flask and takes a sip, then starts coughing. “Oh god, what is that?” Johnny nods and takes the flask back. “Good stuff, ain’t it?” “What are you drinking?” the driver asks. “You want some?” Johnny asks, holding the hip flask out towards her. “I really shouldn’t, but-” Daniel grabs Johnny’s wrist. “Hey, knock that off,” he says. “I want us to get to the bar in one piece.” Johnny freezes, and lets Daniel pull his arm away from the front of the car. It’s just a casual touch, but after that time at the hospital, he’s so hyperaware of Daniel’s touch. He’s not applying the full force of his strength, in fact he’s being pretty gentle. Daniel doesn’t immediately pull his hand away. Johnny thinks about how easily he could just curl his fingers around Daniel’s. The hip flask slips out of his hand, spilling cheap whiskey on the floor of the car. “Oh, crap.”
And the long time coming chapter 21 of Question of Time, Disco Elysium, trantjean
“No. I thought you were funny.” “Funny?” “Your sarcasm, your quick wit. I always liked it when you walked past my desk. I would sometimes make excuses to go to your part of the building.” “You did? I didn’t notice. You started in A-wing, right?” “That’s right. Before you stole me.” The way Trant smiles and flutters his eyelashes makes your breath catch in your throat. “And I was quite happy to be stolen.” You clear your throat. “Yes. They weren’t making good use of your talents.” “No. But you appreciated me.” “Which is why you stayed and accepted several pay cuts.” “Yes,” he says. “I’d say it has paid off well.” He smiles. “I finally got you to notice me.” You stare at him. It’s hard to believe that Trant had an interest in you from the start. You shake your head. “Why didn’t I notice you?” you say aloud.
tagging: @lullabyes22-blog @hannibalcatharsis-zero @gay-victorian-astronomer @harvestar (as always totally optional & anyone i haven't tagged is also welcome to join if you've got WIPs to share!)
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Okay. I've already talked about how the comics...pretty extensively screwed over Azula both in my own posts and in reblogs to other posts on the website. So I'm gonna take a break from that and talk about how...the comics screwed over another character I'm fond of.
...I really need to think of other topics.
So anyways, Mai.
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Again, I already touched on how Mai was handled in the comics with my post about how the entirety of the Fire Nation was whitewashed and Azula was used as a scapegoat. But I kinda want to dive into Mai a bit more since it damages her character in particular along with some other questionable narrative choices.
Starting with, obviously, her relationship with Azula. Again, I already went over how they tried to retcon her friendship as being something she was "forced into" and actually holding a grudge against Azula, so I'm not gonna go treading the same grounds again.
What I am going to go into is how freaking pathetic they make Mai look in trying to make this grudge out to be.
See, one of the incidents that apparently Mai hates Azula for is...stealing mochi from her mother's kitchen. Seriously. That's a reason.
Yes. Apparently one of the reasons Azula was a bad egg was she stole mochi the one time. Yep. Something stupid they did as a kid together. But we can discuss how the comics tried to demonize Azula as a child another time to focus on something...well...take a look.
Yeah...for some reason, they had Mai hold it over Azula's head about the time they stole mochi together.
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...forgive me for stating the obvious, but how does Mai look better for seriously holding it against Azula for something that happened when they were literal toddlers? If nothing else, it makes her like a complete womanchild.
And womanchild is not something that should be ever uttered in reference to Mai ever.
Cause Mai's grudge against Azula? It's practically out of control in Smoke and Shadows. I know it's popular to assume Mai hates Azula, but she never actually held much of a grudge against her in the series proper outside of the Boiling Rock incident. But stuff like this:
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This is too much.
But why am I harping on Mai's sudden hatred of Azula all of a sudden?
See...one of the things Smoke and Shadow seemed to do was to try and paint Azula as Mai's nemesis. The source of her childhood trauma or whatever. That overcoming her fear of Azula will make her a stronger person or whatever.
Except...no...no it's not.
Azula wasn't the source of Mai's issues growing up. You want to know what is?
Mai: What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted ... as long as I behaved, and sat still, and didn't speak unless spoken to. My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. We had my dad's political career to think about.
Yeah...that's what Mai's problems came from.
She was passed over her younger brother by both her mother and father and was constantly conditioned to reign her emotions in and basically be a piece of furniture. Mai literally joined Azula's group just to get away from her toxic family.
Hell, guess who's one of the biggest obstacles in Smoke and Shadows?
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Yeah. Ukano. Her own father.
This could've been something big for Mai. Finally standing up to her father for all the bullcrap he put her through, the real source of all her problems. You know, something that was actually hinted at in Rebound, the Free Comic Book Day issue.
Instead, it all gets scrapped. Mai actually defends her father while showing more hatred for Azula. To me, that's the equivalent of Zuko's tantrum of blaming Azula for everything in The Search while Ozai doesn't even get a mention. Mai would rather throw her friend under the bus while sticking her neck out for her traitorous, neglectful father.
As someone who actually enjoys Mai, this damages her character so much. It doesn't make her stronger. It just makes her look like a coward not standing up against those that put her through hell while projecting her issues onto somebody else. In this case, Azula. And since Ukano's been arrested, now there's no way to properly resolve Mai's issues that way.
That's why I hate what these comics did to Mai. She honestly deserves better than what she got. For a character with as much potential as her, she got a raw deal. Big time.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Who Will Be Odium’s Champion?
[Major spoilers through Rhythm of War!!]
Poor Odium. He needs a champion to fight Dalinar, and none of his plans have been working out. He tried to get Dalinar to be his champion, but that failed. Then I think he tried to get Kaladin, if I understood Rhythm of War correctly, but that also failed. And he needs a willing champion, so it has to be someone he can convince, and it needs to happen within the next ten narrative days.
So let’s write a list that will probably age very, very badly! Who are some candidates for Odium’s champion-to-be?
1. Moash
How Odium would pitch it: “Hey man, want to be my champion?” I mean, I feel l like this one would be easy. Moash works for Odium. Moash was already willing to kill Teft and volunteered to drive Kaladin to suicide. Plus Moash lowkey wants to die himself. Asking Moash to fight Dalinar to the death would be like asking him to go grab some eggs from the grocery store.
Likely Effectiveness: Not high, to be honest. I’m not convinced that Moash would win a fight with Bondsmith Dalinar--especially under the assumption that we’re going to get a big Bondsmith training montage in Book 5. And I feel like this wouldn’t be narratively satisfying either. Moash vs. Kaladin? I’m already sobbing. Moash vs. Dalinar? I mean...kinda meh, right? 
2. El
How Odium would pitch it: “Hey, man, want to be my champion?” El is one of the Fused, and works for Odium. He’s the guy who appeared right at the end of Rhythm of War and killed the Pursuer, if you don’t remember. He used to be Vyre. He likes humans. He wants Humans & Singers to join forces under Fused rule. So presumably he’d be up for the Champion business.
Likely  Effectiveness: Somewhat high. We don’t really know what El is capable of, but he appears dramatically at the end of Rhythm of War and the Pursuer seems scared of him. So presumably he is very powerful. I don’t know how emotionally resonant it would be for El to fight Dalinar, but I do wonder if that’s why he’s being introduced.
3. Nale
How Odium would pitch it: “Singers are the rightful rulers of this planet, and I am their leader. I am the highest law.” Nale and the Skybreakers have joined forces with the Singers, arguing--and they have a point--that it’s the Singers’ planet to begin with. Nale follows the law of whatever land he is in, and he kills criminals. If Odium presents himself as the Law and Dalinar as the Lawbreaker, then, well...
Likely Effectiveness: Pretty high. Nale is a Herald and has gone through all of the oaths. We haven’t seen him in many fights, but he has been fighting for a very, very long time. And he knows what Bondsmiths can do, so he’ll be ready for whatever Dalinar has learned. 
4. Kelsier/Thaidakar or Restares
How Odium would pitch it: “Hey, do you want to finally get off of this fucking planet?” I’m putting these two together because I think the pitch would be the same. Kelsier and Restares are both bound to their planets, and they both DESPERATELY want off. Kelsier also needs a body. If Odium could make that happen for them, would they be willing to kill one dude to make it happen? Maybe. This feels to me like a very Taravangian-esque plot, too. 
Likely effectiveness: Pretty high. Restares is a Harald, so the stuff I said about Nale applies to him as well. If Kelsier got a body back AND could use his powers, then he could almost certainly give Dalinar a run for his money. Plus, wouldn’t it be cool to see a stormlight vs. allomancy fight? 
5. Ishar
How Odium would pitch it: “Ready to take your rightful place as the new Honor?” I ran out of ideas and stole this one from Kaladin22 from this forum. Kaladin22′s post is very detailed, whereas my post is jokey, so I’ll just point out that Ishar believes that he is a god-king and wants to rule the land. If Odium offered him that at the price of Dalinar’s life, how could Ishar refuse?
Likely effectiveness: Very high. Ishar is a bondsmith like Dalinar, but one who actually knows how to use his powers. A Bondsmith vs. Bondsmith fight sounds incredibly cool. Plus Kaladin is heading to Shinovar specifically to therapy Ishar better. If instead Ishar decides to go kill Dalinar, that would break Kaladin. And if there’s one thing Sanderson likes to do, it’s to make Kal suffer. 
6. Baby Gavinor
How Odium would pitch it: “Do you want to get revenge for your father’s death? It was Dalinar’s fault, you know.” Once again, this idea is stolen--this time from PootisPoot on this Reddit thread. Gavinor is a serious and traumatized child who knows his dad was murdered. The idea is that Odium could pretty easily twist that--and that Taravangian-Odium totally would. 
Likely effectiveness: Very high. Dalinar killing his brother’s son, after failing to protect Elhokar? When the price of losing is just Dalinar’s own soul? I think Dalinar would throw that fight. 
7. Jasnah
How Odium would pitch it: We’re back to my ideas! Jasnah is logical and cares deeply about the greater good. If Odium could convince her that his winning is actually the key to protecting Roshar in the coming, all-Cosmere war, then perhaps Jasnah would listen. 
Likely effectiveness: Very high. Not only is Jasnah extremely badass, but I’m not convinced that Dalinar would be willing to kill her, no matter what. Whereas if Jasnah had to kill Dalinar? I think she’d do it. And I think she’d do it well. 
8. Zellion
How Odium would pitch it: I mean...we know very little about this character. I suppose it would be something like: “Hey, Zellion. You know that thing that you, Zellion, value above all other Zellion things? You, Zellion, shall have it!”
Likely effectiveness: Assured. So far as we know, Zellion has never failed at anything. 
Opinions? Take the poll!
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stawpny · 11 months
anyways, ik a lot of ppl go on here and see when I post, hoping it’s headcannons and I just disappoint them
so here’s some hc’s for u children
ny and the south edition! (pls I don’t know much about the south so don’t kill me 😭 I’m a new yorker)
(the quotes with names on it are southerners communicating with NY or whoever else u want, but more specifically NY)
- NC and SC always force NY or any other state who would hate it to sing and/or play the banjo when singing a song at a campfire. Even if they suck at singing or playing the banjo!!!
-speaking of campfires, I believe that the states usually have fires every Summer and Autumn. most get together and sing songs and stuff (u can use this idea if u want)
-New York was forced by Gov to make sure a southern party didn’t go terribly. He stood by the door while Texas wouldn’t leave him alone. He stole Texas’ hat when they all passed out, drunk and still has it to date.
-as (maybe) stated before, York plays a lot of instruments, and sometimes they force him to play the acoustic guitar, harmonica, banjo, electric guitar, etc. The NE makes fun of him for it.
-acts gay especially in front of the south just to make them pissed. he’ll flirt with them and make them uncomfortable with the high amount of gay in the room with them. Florida just goes along with it, laughing and pointing at all the southerners that turn away out of embarrassment.
-made fun of Texas and California when they were outlaws and they just joined the union. “I’m tha toughest cowboy ya will ever meet!” “Mhm.” “DONT JUS’ HUM AT ME!!” >:( -Texas
-They know better than to mess with a northerner. Texas doesn’t though, he’s just stupid. York punched him once and he swore he saw him crying to Virginia after.
-has bit many southerners, does not regret it
-“Gimme yer best ‘yeehaw’” “yeehaw..” “Ya can do better than that! I’ve heard ya yell at Jersey.” “yeehaw.” “York, I swear-“ “YEE- FUCKIN’ HAW!”-Texas
-“just add some ol’ bay, it’ll make it taste better.” “No it fuckin’ won’t. Keep that shit away from my brownies.”- Maryland
-played poker against Texas, won and almost got shot by him. (Sore loser)
-“what are yous gonna start growlin’?” “GRRRRR-” -Kentucky
-“nah yer good ‘ere.” “Yous are ontop of me. I dunno if I should feel turned on or uncomfortable..” -Georgia
-“off-brand me.” “southerner you, which makes better.” -also Georgia (Empire State and Empire State of the south)
- “who made you this way..?” “The man yer datin’, Y’know, Mass’.” “He would never-“ “Gin, yous even know the answer to this question, it’s an obvious yes.” -Virginia
-“get rid’a the car at this point.” “Hey! I spent my life savin’s on ol’ reliable ‘ere! I ain’t gettin’ rid o’ her if she jus’ has a leak!” “Life savin’s? Jesus, what’s wrong wit’ yous?” - Tennessee
-“ that’s ‘cause Sippi’ wants a sip of that dick.” “WHAT. I ain’t gay!” *crickets* “GUYS PLEASE-“ -Mississippi
-“are yous happy to live in this shithole?” “Hey! I work hard to make this house a home!” “Work harder next time. This looks like if a hillbilly came in ‘ere trashed the place. Y’know, that makes sense knowin’ that yous idiots live ‘ere.” *walks away* “HEY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” -Alabama
- “I HATE YOU!” “NUH UH! I HATE YOU MORE!” “‘nuh uh’ really proves yer point, north.” -NC & SC
- “Mais sha, ya really know how shade the south, huh?” “I’ve had enough of all of yous and I’ve seen ya at yer highest and lowest, so I know what will make yous cry later.” “Uh huh, do me then.” “Nah. Don’ get me wrong, yer barely tolerable, but ya don’ get one.” - Louisiana
(loui was upset later bc he didn’t get one 😭)
-“I swear, ya say anythin’ about me bein’ in ‘misery’ then I’m gonna-“ “Nah, I don’ care ‘bout that. What I do care about is why you like mules better than horses. Isn’t that like the whole southerner thing? Horses and idiots with hats?” -Missouri
-“are yous even apart of the south, or are you like the West Virginia of Kansas?” “JESUS IS GONNA NEED TO BLESS YER ASS SOON, WHAT THE HELL DID YA JUS’ SAY TO ME?!” “I’m Jewish.” -Arkansas
-“yer mid-atlantic, but I understand why ya don’ go to family dinnahs wit’ the Northeast. If I had an excuse, I would use it too.” “You guys are scary up there, I’m shocked you still go to those things. In the ‘contract’ they said they were optional.” “FUCKIN’ OPTIONAL?!” -Delaware
-“I will eat your face.” “Uh huh.” “PAY ATTENTION TO ME OR IM GOING TO DO SOMETHING DRASTIC!” “Uh huh.” “AAAAAAAAA-“- Florida
could u tell I got lazy at the end?
anyway, I hope you liked
I spent so long on the quotes, trying to come up with a good one was the hardest part.
and I know half of them are reaaally bad 😭
I have no clue what to do for the next chapter of a fic
but anyways, ily guys
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Do you think any of the sb era characters who ever show up in the fallout au? Like Vanessa, Gregory, and Cassie? I feel like GR Freddy as some sort of mech suit Gregory walks around in would be sorta cool
Oh do I!! Settle in because this is going to be a very very long one
(New Jerusalem and the mormons of Vault 70 are a thing in fallout lore and like the only thing confirmed to be in Utah. Because of that amusing it for my AU lore. Though by the time of Jeremy All of the vault 70 mormons are basically dead or scattered and New jerusalem is in ruins. And yes I know it's from a canceled game and not technically cannon but it's all I've got on Utah okay???)
Vanessa was the illegitimate child of raiders who after their group disbanded abandoned her As a young adult. She spent a couple years in the wasteland until wandering upon the remnants of The Freddy fazbears Pizza Emporium. You see a couple of the less fanatic mormons from vault 70 Stole one of the geck's from the settlement of New Jerusalem as it was collapsing due to infighting. Over the years thanks to the geck Freddy fasbury's was A Great and thriving settlement! Vanessa was able to get a job working as security for some of the higher-ups in the settlement. After a while though She's offered 300 cap to go investigate a abandoned vault... Williams vault... When she gets there she finds the place still stalked with like lots of food, Medical supplies and science junk. She also finds Williams burned dead body, But most importantly next to that body she finds a completely intact computer Of course intrigue she immediately turns the thing on. Then out of nowhere a mask gets shoved on her face. You see this thing was Williams first plan To survive radiation before thinking of putting himself in a suit He had Uploaded a copy of his brain onto the machine which Vanessa had just turned on. Specifically His mind was in the mask that was now attached to Vanessa's face. Of course upon realizing he now inhabited a human body William immediately started freaking out fearing the radiation would consume him, Once he calmed it down he realized something:
Old flesh and blood William had failed, So now it was his duty to shove everyone in the waistland into Suits and Also control those suits to kill all of the violent people were still up on the surface! Vanessa didn't agree with this plan but Since William was now in control of her brain She was forced to do what he said. So once they got back to her settlement Vanessa began to tamper with the old world tech that the people of the settlement hadn't had the know how to mess with, Making new suits and Automatons. And then specifically Luring children into the Suits..
Gregory was one of the kids Vanessa tried to do this too. He lived on the streets in hurricane and often visited the Pizza Emporium To pick pocket and play with the still functioning kid friendly stuff in the Emporium. Being a street boy he was one of Vanessa's first targets until William realized that he wasn't nearly as tainted by radiation as everyone else there. Because Gregory was originally from a vault.... He doesn't exactly remember which one all he knows is his Vault was very far away and it got rated and he was taken away when he was very small. Realizing how important Gregory William immediately tried to take him over impartially succeeded before Gregory escaped using one of the suits it was Glamrock Freddy, Who had been repurposed from one of the old animatronics from the Emporium. Freddy's ai was still functioning so Gregory had just stolen himself a new friend :). The 2 roamed the wasteland for a bit together fighting off the atomatons that kept on coming after them, Until one of them seriously harmed Freddie and Gregory decided to go back to the Emporium to fix him and defeat William.
And so then he does so and frees Vanessa and the 2 of them Join up together and The gack in The Emporium kind of exploded and released radiation everywhere and like completely destroyed the settlement... So the 3 star fam do some serious wandering Looking for any other automatons or anyone trying to continue William's work.
As for Cassie... Her dad was a member of a small contact team stationed at the pizza imporrium By the NCR who had just started to make contact with Utah. (You see due to the automatons and prevalence of like old world technology Produced by Afton robotics and fazbear entertainment the people of Utah are both incredibly good with tech and also very good at violence. Making it a good place for the NCR to like in velvet)
She lived there happily with her dad for a long time and be friended Gregory, Then you know Her dad mysteriously disappeared and she was sent to live in the greater NCR outpost stationed in hurricane. Then she got a message that Gregory her old friend needed her help and she went back to the Emporium and a fallout version of ruin happened. I haven't really figured out what happens after that yet....
Sorry this is so so long :)
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wormed-woman · 9 months
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After the mysterious death of a B-list movie star Juliet Heartwood, people from her past start looking into her case.
After coming back from the death herself, still not having any idea what happened to her, she finds herself in a tangle involving UFO's, psychics and a mining corporation
NOTE: this is kinda rambly, ill answer any asks and stuff that come my way from this ✌
Setting; 1995 Nevada,
Juliet Heartwood, birthname Juliet Barker.
Juliet was a teenage runaway who left home after an altercation with her mom, where she threatened to send her to a private school if she didn't stop doing ''witchcraft'' with Jack. Juliet ended up stealing Jack's car to run away which broke their friendship.
Years later, Juliet was trying to make it as an actress. She found a partner she was happy with, but he died before their son was born. Grief-stricken and broke, barely being able to look after herself and the newborn, she gave custody of her son Lazlo to her ex-SIL.
Juliet ended up reconnecting with her high school friend Aston Morris, and the two began dating seriously.
While Juliet's future seemed to become brighter, with a new partner and getting a role in a rather notable movie, it was cut short due to her getting killed in a strange UFO event.
Jack Gore (he/him trans woman)
Jack is a psychic who was high school friends with Juliet, planning to help her run away from home together, but their plan was scrapped when Juliet outright stole his car.
After cutting ties with Juliet and finding out that his brother Vinny was moving away because he was divorcing, he decided to join him as a supernatural aid, even thought Vinny was a more sceptic type.
Vinny had ended his marriage to the mortician Heather Jason, after in a paranoid state, she had spent the couple's savings on a nuclear bunker after having a vision which Vinny dismissed.
While on his own, Jack met Jo Tamashiro and had a fling with her. While not an official item, he was her partner and a mother to her child, Cabby.
In June 1995, Jack got some of the worst news of his life. Not only was he going to die from liver failure, but that Juliet had died. Despite holding grudges, he wanted to talk to her a one more time.
Before he could even process everything, the Gore PI agency was contacted by Heather, informing them that she had acquired Juliet's body to experiment on a new form of contacting spirits.
While both were hesitant, they agreed to help her with the experiment.
The initial goal of the experiment was just to contact Juliet's spirit by hooking up a modified spirit box to her corpse, but in an unexpected turn, Juliet's spirit attached itself to the body, not quite resurrecting it, but haunting it like a doll.
While Juliet was now back, she had no memory of what happened to her. Just lights.
Before Jack could make it to the house, an alien creature named the Collection attached themselves to Jack. The Collection, a shapeshifting parasitic entity was sent by the mining company MantiCORP heiress, Midge ''Mittens'' Mantis, for unknown purposes why she was so interested in the case.
Despite seeing each other again, the relationship between Juliet and Jack is cold but volatile, both holding resentment and grudges, but being forced to be around each other to solve the case. It doesn't help that there seems to also be other parties after them for unknown reasons.
Aston Morris, despite being cleared of being a suspect in his girlfriend's death, wasn't so cleared with his boss, Mittens.
Years before, Aston had wanted to become an astronaut, but because of some head trauma he gained as a teen, he was kicked from the program. His anger lead him to jail, but he was bailed out by the heiress. She gave him an offer he couldn't refuse; work for me and you can see space.
The job ended up being a corporate spy and a hitman for MantiCORP. He hated every second of actually doing the killing, but he felt like he was in too deep. Back on earth, Aston found success in a sitcom that lead him to be a successful mainstream actor, eventually leading him to stumble into Juliet again.
Mittens is the heiress to the MantiCORP mining company, which she had to fight for due to her family trying to swindle her out of her fortune. She first started with the recruitment of the Collection (experimenting on the assassin behind her father's death) and Becky, who would later become her wife.
Coll was always Mittens' right hand man, but after massive screw up at the job, she demoted them and made Becky their overseer.
After Becky disappeared after a recovery mission, Mittens kept Coll's current position due to the lack of evidence that they had anything to do with it.
While this whole thing is mostly ramble-y, I do plan on elaborating some of this. I am working on the comic version of this, but this is all the lore that hasn't been elaborated on. TY for reading!
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soot-and-salt · 2 months
I and M for the ask game! ^_^
Dr Prince! I hope you're doing well!
(Question from this list of fanfic author questions - come ask me more!)
I. Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Hmm! Mostly my guilty pleasure is reading and writing fic entirely. I've spent my time in the literary publishing trenches so none of my friends in other online spaces know I do this. It almost feels shameful. A friend of mine literally is up for a HUGO AWARD and here I am shoving cartoon characters together to make them kiss. So it's my little secret. But publishing made me so miserable, you know? At least when I release something onto AO3 I know I won't get a dismissively worded rejection email after waiting six months for a response...
But uh to answer the question in the spirit it was asked, I'll read basically anything if it sounds interesting enough and the writing is good. I've read some truly bonkers stuff that way and sometimes the most unhinged, original ideas are the best fics out there. GEE WHO COULD HAVE WRITTEN SOME OF THOSE I WONDER, HUH, PRINCE?
M. Got any premises on the back burner you'd care to share?
Oh man, I am chomping at the BIT to finish this one crack fic. To not give TOO much away, Alastor has to join forces with someone he'd much rather NOT give the time of day to, so they can rescue Vox from being kidnapped. Well, I say "kidnapped", but someone shoved a USB dongle into the back of his head at a club and stole his consciousness. I'm delighted to say Alastor and this other demon get the absolute shit kicked out of them until they figure out how to work together.
God, it's so fucking stupid, I'm so excited.
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humm-bird · 2 years
So! I'm taking it upon myself to summarize everything that happened to me before Watts showed up.
There's likely a lot of history that I am missing, likely with Gavamont, Ratazom, and Evilwizard, but this is just what I know. Forgive me if I mess up any details.
Before I joined the Council
When I first showed up, I got into a ruckus with the Council. Basically, they were (and still are) enforcing their laws and shit on a place where the gods had repeatedly told them to fuck off. That place is my home dimension.
This incident was specifically about taxes. I got into an—honestly very unfair, given that it took place in my home dimension and practically everyone there wanted the Council to fuck off—court case against the Council's only tax wizard at the time, @greywizard-reporter-jim.
The Council lost, and the god of justice (who really should take it's job more seriously, but I digress) teleported an adult thermonuclear moth into the City of Towers.
Unfortunately, I was stupid and told the Council that the moth was close to detonation and they promptly handled it.
I got Jim fired (sorry bout that) and started hanging out with him. Pretty cool guy, not gonna lie.
We did various things to fuck with the Council, including causing havoc at the... uhhh... I think it's called the Vault of Relics? Something like that. Anyways, all you need to know is that it's where the Council keeps their super powerful magic items. Side note, that was my first test of my Mithril Hydra!
Anyhow, while the bureaucratic fucks were distracted, Jim stole a bunch of documents from their archive.
We kept trying to fuck them over until I realized that I couldn't just defeat them. That's when I made my deal to join them to try to make change via policy rather than force.
Also, pretty soon after Jim started doing crime, his ex, @battlemageserioth, came after him. The story of how they got together is long and complicated, but basically Jim seduced Serioth to get a position on the Council. They were actually kind of in love but they were both complete messes at the time so it didn't really work out.
Working for the Council
I quickly became better acquainted with Serioth, and had a... friendly rivalry, I guess, with him. Basically, he was very devoted to the Council and didn't understand that it was pretty shitty.
He was tracking down Jim, but Jim learned how to combine tax magic an necromancy. Those skeleton mafia debt collectors are quite formidable.
Around this time, @djitch wanted to be a cook for the Council. I put in a good word with her, and she's currently working at a restaurant in the City of Towers that I cannot remember the name of.
Next big event!
The age of gretchen (aka everyone panics about a monster that ended up as a friendly eldrich horror)
Okay. So. @gr3tchn. You might know her from fucking with M.M. recently. She is basically the concept of hunger given physical form.
When she first appeared, I was one of the first people to respond. Uh, actually, before that, some context.
On Raazaa, attacks by monsters are very common. The big ones are by far the most dangerous. Well, except for the mermites. Those things will fuck you up. Anyhow, as a consequence of the preferred method of deterring giant monsters, my first response to seeing one is generally "hit it until it goes away."
I blasted a giant hole in Gretchen (sorry bout that) and she just turned into another mouth. By the by, she could barely talk at the time. The blast also sent a bunch of chunks flying everywhere.
Let's make this quick. Various pieces of Gretchen messed up a lot of stuff and met a lotta people. For example, @effervescent-and-frothy used to be a wizard but is currently Gretchen's... daughter?
@feyosha figured out that Gretchen changes based on context. For example, the bit that mothered Effer became very motherly, the one that visited @wizard-council-librarian became very studious, you get the gist.
By this point, Gretchen was fully sentient and I was just being stupid and rude by trying to fight her.
FeyOSHA "defeated" her by having sex with the giant eldritch horror. Not my kind of thing, but I don't judge.
Let's see... the next big event was...
Oh. That motherfucker.
Serioth started having weird memory lapses. Nobody knew what was up until he wrote down that it was some sort of bug. He also was suspecting something up with Werill and a certain spot in the Board's chambers.
First, some background on Werill. He's a power-hungry shithead who was on the Board of Archmages, proposed a bunch of greedy bullshit, you get the gist.
Serioth went down a secret passage in the Board's chambers and found a massive underground... cathedral? I don't know. Anyways, Werill was in there, along with a LOT of memetovores. For those who don't know, a memetovore is a weird bug that eats memories.
Werill monolouged for a while before he sicced the little fuckers on Serioth and my guy barely escaped.
I heard all the commotion and went down to investigate. Werill was kinda kicking my ass too but I summoned my mithril hydra and that pretty effectively squashed the memory-eating bastards.
I managed to capture Werill, but I couldn't hope to kill all of the bugs and they had access to the underground portal room so they quickly fucked off to a buncha parts of this multiverse.
Now, cut to Serioth real quick. He and Jim are (I think, I could be wrong) still yearning for each other and Serioth's nearly memoryless subconscious lead him to Jim's old tower.
Something you need to understand is that Serioth was a revenant, clinging onto life via his duty to the Council. Now that the Council has betrayed him, he's fading away.
Anyhow, Jim turned him into a lich so that Serioth could live.
As for Werill, he's got a fucking false hydra in the ruins of the Council portal room, and we need to deal with soon.
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blossoming-sun · 1 year
Smh why are there so many AUs focusing on Sheriff but none on the other characters? Now I have to make AUs for all of them.
Mutant Shooter AU (hear me out hear me out)
So basically I was watching the earlier episodes and realised that… Shooter is really not smart. He doesn’t even know what a dictionary is (edit: he calls it a “thing made of paper”, does he even know what a book is?)… which annoyed and confused me so much that I decided to make an entire AU based off it. You are welcome. 
Order of stuff: Storyline, design + powers for shooter, bonus notes, stuff that changes
So basically straight after the great fart, there were still a lot of people left, and most of them were kind to each other and formed little survivor camps. Mutant Shooter was wandering around, saw some humans and was fascinated by them. He loved watching them work together and be intelligent and stuff, and was particularly fascinated by their technology. He found an old gaming console one day and became obsessed. After seeing how great humans were compared to mutants, he decided to become one. But he didn’t really know how to be human. He had no idea how to do most of the things he saw humans in survivor camps do. He wanted to ask them, but even when he was disguised, they chased him away. One day, he saw a human (Sheriff) being chased by a horde of toothys. He drove them off and made a deal with Sheriff: He taught Shooter how to become human, and Shooter would protect him while he stole things. Sheriff was hesitant to trust a mutant especially after everything that had happened, but got used to Shooter after a while. Shooter wasn’t like the mindless beasts that “killed” his brother, so Sheriff was able to trust him more easily. Everything was going great for about 6-8 months, until the day Sheriff stole the morphonite. Shooter couldn’t control how compelled he was to just have it, and insisted on being the only one allowed to touch it. Sheriff was confused, but was like “sure whatever idc”. And then Vegan and BP showed up and demanded the morphonite. Sheriff and Shooter both refused. So they had a massive fight, but while they were doing that, a horde of toxic eyes appeared and they were forced to work together to defeat them. In the fight, Vegan sneakily stole the morphonite and ran away with BP. Shooter was really really mad. Sheriff was also mad. So they chased after Vegan and BP and arrived just in time to see Dr White be transformed into a human. Shooter got really really excited by this  and wanted to know how they did it. Dr White explained the antidote to them but left out the fact that it only worked for colossuses. Shooter wanted to join La Resistance to become human (he didn’t tell the others this, he just seemed really excited to join). Sheriff just wanted to continue stealing things with Shooter, but was practically forced to join thanks to Shooters nagging/ begging. 
And Panic Island happens and Wart is like “WHY ARE YOU ON THE HUMANS SIDE ISTG” and then boom- exposed and Vegan and BP are not happy about this and Sheriff is just so casual about it (and enjoys provoking their reactions) 
Also oh boy, things are not gonna go well when Shooter discovers that the antidote won’t work for him…
Everybody felt too guilty about his excitement to become human to tell him that it wasn’t possible, and he didn’t find out until Sheriff finally took him aside (some point between episode 36-37) and was like “I just wanted to make sure you knew” he did not take it very well, and was kinda depressed for days after. Then Vegan gave him a speech about how humanity is about your actions and stuff, and although he didn’t really understand it, it did make him feel better
Shooter design:
He has scales all over his body (like an alligator) that are mostly blue, with yellow and black patches (like his shirt in human form) He has spikes along his back and on his elbows and the back of his thighs, and is semi-humanoid? He also has horns, and a tail that looks like an electrical cord (Do not try to plug it in. Sheriff tried this, and it did not end well.) and I’m just gonna draw him because this is too hard to explain
Creating complex illusions, but it’s limited (he can make himself look like other species, but hasn’t quite mastered anything other than humans yet. When he looks like a human, he will feel like a human and be practically indistinguishable from a human. He can also become invisible (like tongueX)
Yeah no that’s his only ability lol
Bonus notes:
Shooter can read, but at a very basic level
He doesn’t know what a lot of things are and will make up words to describe things
Shooter can’t do math. This has never impacted him at all because this is the apocalypse and you don’t need to know maths in the apocalypse
Sheriff is very protective of him and sees him like a younger brother (Uses him to cope with Ryan dying)
He is a child, but because he was so immature in canon to begin with there isn’t that much of a difference
BP trusts him a bit, Vegan barely trusts him (but warms up to him over time), and Valley thinks he is an adorable lil baby 
He likes to sing, and it’s very adorable. Sheriff finds his singing hilarious but has to force himself not to laugh so he doesn’t hurt Shooters feelings
Shooter can attack things by brute force, but prefers to use guns because they’re way cooler
Stuff that changes:
Sheriff is not part mutant
Brutux never joins La Resistance, and neither do Apocalipsis Samurai and Katani
Brutus would probably appear as a minor antagonist at some point, because he is literally a mafia boss theatre kid and he would make such a good antagonist
Sheriff is not the leader of La Resistance. He was really unhelpful and unenthusiastic about the whole thing, and was an asshole to everyone but shooter until episode 29, when Vegan saved him. Although he is a better person now, Vegan and BP are still kinda salty towards him
Shooter does not have any romance with vegan or Valley, because as I said before, he’s a child
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
City of Walls & Secrets Re-Watch
Oh wow, this episode, ok. I was mainly focused on Jet & Zuko (again oops) during this episode. But, that's not to say the rest of the episode wasn't interesting, because it absolutely was. I loved the opening scene with the Gaang seeing the city, & Sokka & Katara's excitement was cute. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a tiny village where everyone knows each other & then see a big bustling city like that.
Joo Dee is right away so terrifying. Sorry Ozai, but you've got nothing on this chick. She is the stuff of nightmares to me.
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It's the subtle, consistent creepiness for me. The feeling that something is not quite right. The way she shakes her head, smiling, at everyone that the Gaang tries to talk to & they shut their mouths. I love the underlying creepiness of Ba Sing Se. "Why do you keep all the poor people hidden & separate?" The dawning realization that there's something very wrong here. Also, Aang's continued lack of luck finding Appa is so depressing & I remember not being able to focus on much else because I was so worried about Appa the first time I watched.
I love Sokka & Aang pretending to be fancy rich people & goofing around. Sokka & Aang's bestie-ism moments where they're just being dorks are so precious. +100 iconic behavior points each. Another A+ comedy moment that gets me every time is everyone's confusion at the notion of just a regular old bear. Katara & Toph dressed all fancy was so cute, & I love Toph shutting down Katara responding to Aang's compliment like "don't speak to the commoners!" That moment just cracks me up. Katara gets +300 iconic behavior points for getting them into the party & +100 for making Toph's fake name "dung." And some people think Katara isn't funny!
Jet becoming increasingly obsessed with Zuko & Iroh is just so sad. What's important to note is that Jet was actually obsessed with Zuko before he found out that Zuko & Iroh are fire-benders. He wanted Zuko to join the Freedom Fighters because he felt a connection with him after they stole the food for the refugees together. He was following Zuko around & trying to convince Smellerbee & Longshot to give Zuko a chance & that's the only reason he was paying enough attention to see Iroh fire-bend. It's the betrayal & tragedy for me <3 Wow, I love a good ol' tragic fucked-up whirlwind love-hate romance dynamic.
And like - the thing is that Jet is right! He's more right than he even knows! Zuko & Iroh ARE fire-benders but not only that, they're Fire Nation royalty. Like not even just "yeah, they are fire-benders," no, they are literally both personally directly responsible for harm caused by the Fire Nation. Yet everyone around him treats him like he's crazy. Even his closest friends think he's becoming too obsessed. And it's understandable. Smellerbee & Longshot both want Jet to move on for his own good. They want to move on with their lives & stop obsessing over vengeance, & the Fire Nation. They want a new life, but Jet is still stuck in his obsessive hate. And like.....the thing is, the thing that gets me, Jet is not wrong to be stuck? The more I think about it, the more right he is. As we know, Zuko eventually personally helps the Fire Nation conquer Ba Sing Se. Like??? Hello??? Jet was literally 100% right to be obsessed & concerned.
Anyway. Jet & Zuko obviously both get +1000 iconic behavior points for having a dramatic gay sword fight in a teashop. I'm losing track of who's winning, but they might be at this point. Katara's also doing pretty good. Anyway, I will never get over Jet attacking Zuko to try & force him to fire-bend. It's dramatic, it's hilarious, it's tragic, & it's a great fight scene. They really do have the range. I absolutely love Zuko popping out with his dual swords like - "I'll give you a show!" Dramatic fucking king, I love you so much Zuzu. Also, can we just like, acknowledge that Zuko apparently had his swords on him while waiting tables? Good for him.
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The end of this episode is pretty chilling. Jet getting arrested is just a rough scene. And the introduction to the creepy brainwashing that happens? Terrifying.
When the new Joo Dee shows up & she smiles creepily & says "I am Joo Dee"? Eugh. Chills, every time.
This is a great episode. Very creepy & foreboding. I love the introduction to Ba Sing Se. I just love a setting where Something is Wrong.
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dead-cr0w · 16 days
((Not a vent but still bad stuff below!))
last year was so shitty tbh
so uhm.. heres all the random bad/things that happened! (minor inconveniences and like life changing things are all in here)
third week of school. immediately sent to a mental hospital
as soon as I got out, the bullying started
everyone forgot my birthday
I got SA'd by my ex bf
my ex bf started SAing, harassing, threatening and stalking like 3 of my friends
he tried to shoot up the school
he tried again
he got brought to court and I narrowly missed being forced to go
two other boys brought guns to school together
my mom crashed her car with me in it
I got hit and got a concussion
pretty sure I broke a rib
...she got mad because I didnt keep a drink still and it spilled
I never ended up going to a hospital and my concussion went untreated
im terrified of cars now :3
never got to join any school clubs cuz the car was broken
I got accused of theft
death threats
mental hospital trip #2
the hospital stole my phone
woah! turns out the concussion fucked me in the head! now im super depressed and it's never gonna go away
they put me on like 20 different meds
the school nurse always lying to my parents and saying im not sick when im literally throwing up
I didnt get to do the talent show
because my old friends were going to do it with me, we were gonna play Mr. Loverman (me as bass) then they switched songs and didnt let me play with them
everyone wrote "cut deeper" "kys" "nice stripes" ect in my year book
aaaannnnd over the summer my only friends started hating me! now I only talk to one person irl (my wife) and the people of tumblr!
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ghostly-clown · 2 years
HEY, I saw your hc about living with slashers can you do a romantic version??
Yes I can and thankyou for the ask :D
(I'm so sorry this took so long life stuff was happening 😔)
Original here ->
Living with slashers but romantically <3 (still sfw)
Doing all the same as last time:
Jason Voorhees, Sinclair brothers, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, gohst face (Billy and Stu)
Jason Voorhees
- straight up your gonna have to share everything, or more, he will share all his stuff with you
- you won't have to do as much stuff because Jason wants to do it for you (lil helper man)
- he'll pride you above everything else in the camp and make sure your perfectly safe at all times
- he's a very worried person so make sure you tell him where your going otherwise he'll freak out
- I can imagine he would set up surprise movie nights to keep you entertained (he even stole all your favourite snacks from the town)
- however as clingy as he can be, he will respect your privacy
The Sinclair's
~ Lester
- many road trips and camping out under the stars on cool nights with his dog
- contrariety to what his brothers think, he's actually pretty romantic (in his own Lester way)
- like dating a best friend type deal, he's super easy to talk too, and you just feel comfortable around him
- he will make fun of his brothers for not having a partners, it's your choice to join him in this or not but heed thyn warnings if you do
- you will have to force him to clean his truck tho, I'm sorry but it's nasty there's blood and bones everywhere
~ Bo
- he's a real gentleman lover when around his brothers, acting like your the perfect couple in everyway
- he likes to be in charge and will make all these rules but if you just say 'no thanks' he'll get all pouty and try to make a compromise
-not a hand hold, but a leaner, he's always leaning on you (taller or shorter he dosnt care)
- he will be even more competitive on game nights and complain to you all night about how vincent cheated at scrabble
- he's not clingy but he truly enjoys your company
- he's also a very playful flirter and loves to see you all blushy
~ Vincent
- sweet baby is nervous to do anything around you
- he genuinely loves you but feels like you can do better, after a while when your still only interested in him his confidence will go up
- after that confidence boost he will be alot more affectionate
- he loves hugging you and just holding you close to him
- he won't force you to hang around him all day cause the wax room is HOT, but if you are down there he'll show you how he likes to sculpt and even make some stuff for you
- he is a very soft and caring lover so be sweet to him
Thomas hewitt
- he try's his best to be a true gentleman in a relationship
- always trying to help you with any and everything, u can't reach the top shelf? He will drop what he's got and run to assist
- he loves being physically affectionate
- take him on picnics, he will love these and want to do them every day, plus it'll be fun
- he is very anxious about your safety tho, he dosnt have the 'Nicest' family so he will always be just around the corner
- he shows his love through acts of service and small gifts
Brahms Heelshire
-woah he's never dated before, but he is surprisingly good at it
- he knows how to be all proper and such but he's a huge softy who will melt to your touch
- he says he's 'the man' of the relationship but he's hopeless without you
- he will try and help with some of your chores, he won't be good at them and he'll probably give up, but he's trying
- note he will be very clingy at the beginning of the relationship
- lock the bathroom doors cause he will just follow you everywhere
- imagine an affectionate cat, that's brahams
Michael myers
- he wants hugs and to be touched but he dosnt want to ask for it, so his genius idea is to just hover over u until he gets his affection
- he will make things around the house harder for you just so you can ask him for help (he loves the feeling of being needed by you)
- he's not a mushy lover or anything but if you point it out he will act that way out of spite
- give him something and he will treasure it for the rest of time (no matter what it is, it could be a small rock but he will carry it everywhere in his pocket)
- when he's flustered he will just turn around and avoid looking at you
- btw make sure he's looking after himself, he will forget to clean his cuts and they'll get infected
~ Billy
- this is a man who will get jealous very easily
- he knows it too and he will be open about it, you just gotta reassure him that he is the only one you'll love
- he will stand between u and Stu, he always wants to be the person next to you
- will scare you alot, just so you'll jump into his arms afterwards
- can be a little clingy but he trust you to not do something stupid
- another non-hand holder, he likes to stand behind you and lean on you like that
- otherwise he is a fun lover who will move a mountains for you
~ Stu
- stu is very touchy and now that your dating he will be even more so
- always holding your hand, leaning on you, playing with your hair
-will force you to watch all his favourite films and get as obsessed as he is
- he is a huge talker, as well as a surprisingly good listener, he will remember every little fun fact you ever told him
- I honestly don't think he would get jealous at all, even if someone else flirted with you he would be like "i told you your hot"
- he is so proud to have u as a partner and will gladly announce it whenever he can
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