#and then there's the archery festival too that's either being skipped or going to see Lyla attend it like in the LN
shidoukanae · 30 days
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Lineart to lineless art progress thingie (for funsies! and also bc im running out of things atm to put in queue lol). My fashion sense is very basic but i really like the left & right designs for Helene!
It's interesting to see how many details get lost/added in the process between lining things out/turning the lines to full color. Helene's face on the left loses the angle I was going for (OTL) and i fiddled with the anatomy a bit to make it better on the right
Wanted to make this as a glimpse at what a modern AU!version of Helene would look like (and im really hoping to see her on Earth and her reactions to being on Earth! but atm it's hinted only dragons are capable of tracking down people across 'verses so im just saying...hey Paris...regarding Helene and your Dragon Pact powers...).
#TME art#for how much i obsess about Helene I don't draw her often lol#partly bc it's really hard to draw her right in my eyes#on things i really hope happen in the manhwa: it's PARIS who gets to visit Lyla on Earth first and learn her real name because in the LN-#he WAS the first one to find out her name so it'd be kind of a fitting homage to his LN self if he learned her Korean name first#and teleported to her first the way he did in the LN before Fian did#PLUS PLUS PLUS#I've been thinking about it a lot but irl!Lyla and Paris look like they could be siblings#and it'd be REALLY FUNNY if Paris appeared on Earth and was mistaken as a long lost brother or something#plus im ngl i kind of want to see him build a bond with Lyla and big brother her the way he did in the LN#either by protecting her from her shitty family or scaring them off#but also it'd be really funny to see Twilight's reaction to Paris in particular appearing on Earth#(also god i forgot Twilight was a plot point in the manhwa bc she never shows up in the LN lmao)#but at least i get to have hope we might get a IRL arc with Paris or Fian or Helene (or hopefully all 3!!!)#plus i don't think it's Twilight who found Lyla when she last passed out bc the person who saved Lyla didn't look like Twilight#so im wondering if either that was Fian from the future his reincarnation in this world or someone else?#now that im thinking of Twilight im wondering who she is even more now beyond being the author#is she really Sienna reincarnated like speculations assume?#perhaps even the old Lyla herself?#and will Twilight get to meet Helene aka the heroine she royally screwed over in more ways than one?#and what would Twilight think of Paris getting close to Helene considering what she knows about their OG relationship?#gosh im looking forward to the manhwa and how it handles Twilight/the dragons hopping dimensions (hopefully w/ their gals)#also just saying but Helene probably is the only one who has the capacity to reach Lyla atm bc she knew about Sienna's teleportation magic#and hypothetically she can reverse-engineer it to reach Lyla once she learns what the hell is going on#but considering Helene doesn't know Lyla's an imposter much less that she comes from another world would she be willing to do so?#and then there's the archery festival too that's either being skipped or going to see Lyla attend it like in the LN#waaaaaah i love all the changes the manhwa introduces it makes me so excited to see how Yuria will shake things up#especially since this round Lyla IS an imposter separate from the OG!Lyla and not someone who will end up turning into Lyla#i have SO MANY THOUGHTS on this manhwa and its direction esp compared to the LN jfc#im DEFINITELY waiting for the promise of Paris going to Helene to finally ask for her help
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE Expo II - FE16 Stage Drama Translation
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
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Fire Emblem Expo II - Stage Drama
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
“A Lively Arts Festival Meeting”
Cast: Claude, Dorothea, Felix, Ignatz
BGM: ‘Everyday Life at Garreg Mach Monastery’
Claude: Umm, first, I’d like to thank you all for gathering here today.
Dorothea: We don’t need the introduction, so please skip to the point.
Felix: Could you hurry up and get this over with? And I don’t need these tea sweets.
Ignatz: Hold on, everyone! Let’s listen to what Claude has to say.
Claude: ...I, um, tried to start this groundbreaking meeting that overcomes the boundaries between our classes with so much care that it would inspire all of you, but now it seems like my efforts were lost on every single one of you...
Dorothea: I heard about our task from Eldie. There will be an opening event before the White Heron Cup, and us four will organize it.
Claude: ...Wait, you heard about it?
Felix: Sylvain harassed me and forced me into representing the Blue Lions. Said he was going back into town. Argh, why am I stuck doing something like this…
Ignatz: So Sylvain was the first choice? I agree that he certainly would have been better.
Claude: Those chosen were gathered because they are the most artistic of Garreg Mach’s students. What makes every event stand out is, of course, the arts. Dorothea is the Mystical Songstress, Ignatz’s hobby is painting, and… Sylvain seems like the type to appreciate the arts.
Felix: Then I’d be of no use. And you don’t need me here to watch, either. Let me know what my responsibility is after you’ve decided on it.
Felix tries to leave.
Claude: Hey, wait a second! Um, think about it, you’re, uh, really good at repairing weapons and stuff, right? That, in a way, requires something of a sense of aesthetics, doesn’t it?
Ignatz: Though you only seem to do it to improve how well they can cut…
Dorothea: Don’t say anything more than you have to!
Felix returns.
Felix: ...Hmph. ...Continue. And be quick about it.
Claude: Then allow me to start. In short, this is meant to get everyone excited for the White Heron Cup, but we can’t take it lightly just because it’s an opening act. It’s like the preparations before enjoying a party. Think of it as an important duty that will get everyone excited for the big event.
Felix: The White Heron Cup, huh…? Why that…?
Dorothea: Awww, Felix! It’s too bad you weren’t chosen to be a dancer, isn’t it?
Felix: Ch… Who would pick me to be a dancer? I was just thinking about how relieved I am that I wasn’t chosen.
Ignatz: Hey now, don’t change the subject. That’s not what we’re here to talk about.
Claude: First, shall we try sharing the ideas we each think might be good, one by one? Dorothea, you’re first.
Dorothea: Of course, I think an opera would be best. A burning, passionate love story is sure to mesmerize our audience.
Claude: That’s not a bad idea, but doesn’t it take away from the dancing a little bit? What do you think, Ignatz?
Ignatz: How about we host an art gallery of works from the students talented in art? That would invigorate everyone, and it wouldn’t be a festival without any divine ornaments!
Felix: If there’s a decorative sword… then that’s not a half bad idea.
Ignatz: You think it’s a good idea too, Felix!? Then let’s make something together!
Claude: What are you thinking of, Felix?
Felix: How about a duel to get everyone’s blood pumping? It’ll double as training.
Dorothea: I knew you’d say that!
Claude: Ha ha ha…
Ignatz: So how about you, Claude?
Claude: A duel would injure some students, and then they wouldn’t be able to enjoy the festival we all worked so hard to put together… I know, how about we have a long distance archery tournament?
Felix: You… just want to showcase your archery skills, don’t you?
Claude: Figured it out, huh? Then how about we gather up some food and drinks suitable for the occasion, and make some noise?
Dorothea: You just want to have a feast!
Claude: Figured that out too, huh? Hmm, we can’t seem to make a decision, huh?
Dorothea: Perhaps we should try thinking up what ideas everyone else would propose.
Claude: For example?
Dorothea: Hubie would suggest a tactics seminar. Ferdie would want a horseback riding exhibition. And if Ingrid were here, she’d surely… I know! She’d suggest to open a bunch of different food stalls, or something like that.
Ignatz: Lorenz would likely agree with my art gallery idea. And Hilda seems to like accessories, so I think she’d be on my side, too.
Felix: You’re supposed to be suggesting people who would have different ideas than you.
Ignatz: Y-You’re right. Raphael and Lysithea would agree with the food stall idea Dorothea mentioned. Lysithea really likes sweets.
Felix: Hmph… sweets, huh? ...I wouldn’t vote for that, but Ashe might get excited about it. And accessory related stuff sounds like Annette’s thing…
Ignatz: Felix, no matter what anyone else says, you really pay attention to your classmates!
Felix: Ch…
Dorothea: Petra knows a lot about Briggid’s unique culture, so maybe she would collect many rare items from her homeland, then host an exhibition of them.
Ignatz: And Leonie seems to collect used, worn-out things, so she might have something we could put in an exhibition, too. Each of us would gather up things we want to display, and maybe we’d even critique them.
Claude: Hmm, Marianne would suggest an exhibition as well, but she seems to like animals more.
Dorothea: Wow, we’ve come up with a lot of different ideas, huh?
Claude: We certainly have! But now we don’t have a way to choose which one to go with… hm? Hey, I’ve got an idea! We have the perfect person to ask for an opinion, don’t we!
Ignatz: Yeah, you’re right! We were so slow to realize it!
Dorothea: We really were! They’re almost always quiet, but we’ve always had someone right next to us who leads us to the best decision at times like these. Tee hee.
Claude: Ha ha, we certainly have. The person who usually fishes all day, eats too much at lunch, and is the most reliable out of everyone, was right here all along. Alright then, let’s try asking them. What do you think about that?
All Four: Professor!
All four look at the audience seating.
Claude: Hmm, you seem to be more quiet than usual today. Um, then, for the time being, let’s do this. Could you please clap for whichever of the ideas we came up with together that you like best?
Dorothea: Yes, let’s do that! I’ll start. The opera, combining song and theater, is best, isn’t it, Professor?
All four look at the audience seating.
Ignatz: I’m next! What do you think about the art gallery, Professor?
All four look at the audience seating.
Felix: My turn. Nothing is better than a duel. You think so too, right?
All four look at the audience seating.
Claude: And last is me! A feast!
All four look at the audience seating.
Dorothea: H-Hold on a minute! You wanted an archery tournament, didn’t you?
Claude: Oh yeah, that was it! An archery tournament, Professor!
All four look at the audience seating.
Claude: Hmmmm… There was a difference in how loud their clapping was for each option, but I feel that Professor is saying they really want to see them all.
Dorothea: This is bad! Even if we ask Professor, we still can’t decide! What are we to do?
All four look at the audience seating.
Claude: I wonder… Huh? What is it? You have a really good idea? ...Uh-huh. ...Uh-huh.
All four look at the audience seating.
Claude: What!? You’re suggesting we try them all!?
Dorothea: You mean the opera, and the duel, and the art gallery?
Ignatz: Together with the food stalls, and the rare items critique!?
Felix: Hey, how much work do you think we can do!?
Claude: But in the end, if everyone has their own thing they want to do, deciding to reject their feelings outright wouldn’t be right. Asking each person what they’d like to do, procuring the location and necessary items, then providing assistance from the background in order to not get behind and get everything ready in time for the White Heron Cup, might be all the work us main four have to do…
Ignatz: Yes, I think so too! We don’t have to quarrel over the best idea, and this way, everyone will likely be able to work hard in a positive environment.
Dorothea: It is a good idea, isn’t it! Let’s try it! If we tell everyone about this plan, surely they’ll cooperate with us.
Felix: If I can make it into a competition, then I won’t mind whatever it is I’ll have to do. If possible, I’d like to work with Dimi… I mean, the boar prince.
Claude: Ha ha! Then let’s try it out! Us four, as the representatives, will spread the word. Thanks, Professor!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Antonio and Pablo Agama headcanons
Leoncio Renato Braganza-Olmos was a dashing cavalry officer, just recently promoted when he met Altagracia Luna Quelempan-Agama,a healer working in the army camp. It was during an army dance, this being the years before Shuriki, and the camp was celebrating its recent victory. Like a classic fairytale, their eyes met across the room. He introduced himself and bowed, they danced, and fell head over heels for each other. Their backgrounds were quite different with Leoncio coming from a long line of esteemed army men much like the Villalobos of Avalor City. In fact, the Villalobos family was one of their greatest rivals for the Olmos family wanted to move out of serving the borders of far away villages and achieve glory in war on foreign land or against dangerous malvagos that seemed to attack the city.
Altagracia was a mestiza, a mixed race girl of indeginous tribes that prided themselves from descending from the great Maruvians and of the more pure blood Spanish descent. Altargracia was very much inspired by her indigenous side, working hard with others to keep their culture and knowledge of medicines and textiles alive. Though, there was not much discrimination for her mixed blood, as many actually wanted to learn the secrets of ancient Maru, people still sometimes taunted them for their superstitions and outdated ideas. Both their families cautioned them from getting married, fearing that their backgrounds would be too different.
However, the couple did not care. Their backgrounds meant little compared to their love for one another. She wanted to support him in his army battles and patch him up in the privacy of their own home and Leoncio adored his at turns intelligent and fierce wife who may not be able to hold a spear but could verbally spar with the best of his fellow soldiers.
Though the life of following army camp after army camp was tiring, they leaned on each other and were thanful to have the other by their side. Eventually came the day when Leoncio got a sword through his thigh. It broke stright through the bone and sidelined him for nearly a year. He eventually healed despite fears that he’d have to be amputed, but he would live with a permenant limp and had to retire from his life of sword. It happened to be excellent timing for Altagracia was pregnant with their first child.
They settled into Altagracia’s home village where Leoncio was aimlessly lost at first, unsure that he had any skills for citizen work but with Altagracia’s guidence and help, he found his way to work as a part-time picker on pepper plantations while Altagracia continued to work and sell her weaving wares and herbal medicines.
Their first son, Antonio Lautaro Agama-Olmos was born at dawn, a loud and robust baby. A direct contrast to their second son, Pablo Sergio Agama-Olmos who was born at midnight, similarly loud but skinnier.
The family was small but happy. Leoncio being a particularly proud father, trying to teach his sons fighting tricks and boast of his great victories. However, one day, Leoncio left without a trace. Perhaps he left because life in a small village bored him, maybe he had found another woman, or maybe he wished to start over fresh in Avalor City without the burden of caring for a family or the hauntings of his former officer glory. It could have been any one of these reasons but no one would ever know for he left no note.
Altagracia received no sympathy from her family who had warned her that a wealthy man like he might get bored with her, warnings she blithely ignored. She had more help from the Olmos’ who pitied her and felt similarly abandoned for Leoncio sent no word either to them. Besides it went against their honor to abandon someone who was part of their family. They sent Altagracia an “allowance” of sorts monthly and Leoncio’s younger brother, Fernando even offered to marry her to make up for his brother’s grievous actions and give the boys a father. Altagracia politely refused, her pain was too strong and she  wished never to see any of her husband’s kin ever again.
Altagracia reluctantly accepted the money as she needed it for her sons, and packed up, took up her old name, and moved to the village over the plateau. (I imagine it to be very similar to Curicó in Chile. You know, mountains on either side, a central fertile valley for agriculture, humid and wet). She couldn’t stand the humiliation of everyone knowing her husband left her and wanted to start fresh even though the rumors and pitying stares still plagued her when she moved to the new village near Mesa Roja. Words traveled fast.
Despite the money sent to her, she couldn’t buy a house with enough space for all her weaving so she couldn’t open her own weaving shop. But Altagracia was determined to make do and used the stables that adjoined her home to house her looms and set to work by herself to create the most elaborate, quality ponchos, clothes and other items till she became the known as “la mujer de la telar.” The money the Olmos did sent them was set aside for special nonessential things like archery sets or a professional portrait since Altagracia decided any essential items like food or clothing, she would pay with her own work. Those luxeries Pablo proudly boasted about since it set them apart from their little less-off farming neighbors, and he’d often sell these goods for a price. That is until Altagracia found out and threatened to stop buying him things if he wasn’t going to use it himself.  
Antonio had been 7 at the time, Pablo only 6, and if that one devastating event wasn’t enough. That was the same year that Shuriki came to power. Music and the old festivals were banned. Altagracia was one of the few people who was happy with this new arrangement since she’d much rather not be reminded of dances or anything happy like that. The boys however, were sorely disappointed by the thought of no more spring harvesting festivals with the children’s races or the games and such. And the addition of Shuriki’s guards patrolling the perimeters to quell any underground rebellions was an unnerving new normal to add to their lives.
Though the boys were too young to truly understand the full context of what was going on, they came today follow their mother’s mantra of “make do with what they have” and made their own fun without the festivals like marbles or pretending their were great trapeze artists like the traveling circus they saw or exploring their new home and the surrounding wild. Antonio’s particularly favorite game was pretending to find lost treasure which influenced his later career.
By the time Antonio was a teenager, he came to think of himself as the new man of the house. He saw how Leoncio’s departure affected their mother. She threw herself into her work, and doted on them more than ever. But she was so distrustful of others especially the rich who she now thought saw people like her as playthings or beneath them. He heard the rumors and taunts of other kids that “they” were the reason their dad ran away. And he vowed that he’d bring fortune to the Agamas name. They’d be known for something else than their disappeared dad.
The one obstacle to his big plan was his own brother. It seemed Pablo had inherited their father’s propensity for wanting glory and their mother’s sly tongue. He fancied himself as a poor man’s merchant (more accurately a con man) and had been cheating people out of their money with goods that he overhyped or stole from people for them to buy it back at exorbitant prices. Antonio often chewed him out for these things especially since it could reflect badly on their whole family but Pablo defended that they wouldn’t want their dear Mama to worry more than she had to, beside he was doing his part as a dutiful son to give her money any way he can. Even though he made plenty of enemies that way. Their neighbors, the Palomas, especially. 
Their mother did notice the tension between both boys and often had to drop subtle reminders and wise proverbs like “Family isn't an important thing. It's everything,” or “The important thing in a family is not being together but being united.”
But they both possessed the same stubborness and their differences grew anyway. Antonio was a studious student, paying attention in class while Pablo often skipped because he felt there was no point. Most people didn’t use the lessons on geometry or English in their daily lives, they learned their family trade and that was that. He much preferred to wager and make bets with the boys and flirt. Antonio had also entertained thoughts of marrying girls he had crushes on but he knew that would doom his dream. Once he got married, he’d have to stay settled down and he didn’t want that so he staye dcelibate though many women, allured by his muscular build, did try to tempt him much to Pablo’s disgust (Poor Pablo, he wanted to be tempted. That's all he wanted!). But Antonio was different. Their teacher, Professora Risquez thought Antonio had potential, he had a passion for history and the stories of treasure hunters so she told him about the field of archeology. It sounded like a dream to him! Being able to find lost civilizations that told them of where they came from and what they did just like the ancient Maruvians.
He couldn’t get the kind of education at home. Not there where the highest level was 12th grade. Professora Risquez offered to sponsor him to go to the University of Avalor. He would live with her parents in their house in the city and he could pursue a degree in archaeological studies. It was a perfect plan and Altagracia was thrilled for her son, and Antonio was similarly thrilled. He was getting one step closer to his dream of bringing fame to the Agama name.
The only one who was less enthusiastic was Pablo who thought Antonio was acting stuck up and superior to him which he kind of was. This led to their first major fight, leading them to never speak to each other for the next twenty eight years.
Antonio hunkered down on his studies, but it had been quite a shock when he first arrived in the city. They had so many more modern convencies like carriages instead of carts and shops for everything and the port brought all sorts of peoples and stories of distant lands that he could never imagine. He even saw a professional circus that put the traveling circus he saw in his childhood to shame.
 Then there was the actual university, the small school with its few teachers and lackluster substance had not prepared him for rigerous testing and academic tone of the unversity. But Professora Risquez’s parents had been former professors themselves and helped him with his study habits and time management. As for the kids, some were nice, some were snobs, a regular crowd of all kinds of people. Though sometimes those classist snobs sniffed at his “village peasant” accent and how fast he talked (Chilean spanish accents is known for being the fastest-spoken) so he learned to modify his fast to his slower, guttural sound. 
It got stressful at times but the one thing that kept him going was the passion for archeology itself. Each book he read, he yearned to know more, to learn more, to go out and explore and find the routes himself which he did every summer, even managing to secure his first glimpse of fame when he found the Heiroglyphic Staircase of Maru.
Pablo stayed at home, helping his mom with selling her wares and occasionally take odd jobs about town. Eventually, he got bored with the poor provincial village and decided to set out for his own. Altagracia gave her blessings since she had enough money to get by on her own with her work and the allowance from the Olmos. Besides she felt that maybe it would encourage Pablo to grow up a little especially now that he was out of Antonio’s shadow. He offered his services as a salesman to various small businesses but often quit when he felt ready to wander again or because he wanted a larger cut than his employers were willing to give him. He also decided to do his own version of treasure hunting and find items from the trash or wild or sometimes laying around someone’s backyard and sell them, often adding they belonged to some famous royal or legend or had magic properties. Then splitting town before his angry customors found out they were tricked.
Meanwhile, as Pablo scraped by, Antonio was sending money and letters to their mother with each new discovery he found. He had gotten his biggest dream as a result with the fame and universities begging him to come vist and give lectures. He did so especially if Professora Risquez asked, but he found the fame wasn’t as appealing as he thought it would be. Lectures, especially preparing them, were boring and he didn’t sell his items rather he gave them to museums to study. He much preferred the thrill of the adventuring and the excitment of finding treasure than anything else.
Then came the day he ventured to Obsidian Island. He had been so sure of himself, having sort of bought into his own hype, and that this would be his greatest find yet. But he had not anticipated for the gecko curse to be real! He freaked out when he was first transformed finding his brain sharing the instincts of a gecko’s and he’d often be distracted by his gecko instincts. Which he had stayed in that form for years.
Meanwhile, Pablo had come home from his itenerite wanderings after his mother wrote to him to come back. He had been 5 years since she had last heard from Antonio. Pablo had no information to give her on that front, but it didn’t matter because she needed him now that her arthritis was acting up and it was harder for her to move. Eventually, she had stopped moving completely and needed to move around in a wheelchair. Pablo cared for her during her final days and then Antonio came back.
He finished his adventure at Obsidian Island, and no longer a gecko, he had to apologize and explain to everyone he had known what had happened. His first trip was to his dear mama who had wept with joy seeing Antonio alive and well and that he had not abandoned her as she had thought. Pablo was put-off. Finally, he had time with their mama but once again Antonio, the golden boy outshone him and “saved” the day.
The next day, Altagracia died, seemingly ready to move on after seeing her son again. Pablo and Antonio tersely arranged the funeral together, maintaing some politeness to each other. But that all exploded after the funeral. Pablo made some comment of how nice it was for the famed and renowned Antonio Agama to find time to visit and how he had done all the work when Altagracia was ill and Antonio made her think he had left them just like Leoncio. Antonio shot back that he didn’t mean to not contact them. He was a freaking gecko! Those were exnuating circumstances, and it wasn’t like Pablo was so concerned about his welfare since he hadn’t written him so much a letter since Antonio left for college. This left them in fury and they refused to talk to each other again.
Until the will came and both were given parts of that treasure map aka The Family Treasure. After the events of that episode and Elena’s song getting stuck in their head thus reminding them, they decided to patch up their relationship and spend more time with one another with Antonio even inviting Pablo to his next archeological adventure so they’d have plenty of time to talk or find more things to fight about, but they’ve come to sort of like it that way.
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rubyredsparks · 5 years
Blossoming Souls  Ch. 13
Relationship(s): Romantic Logince, Moxiety; Platonic every other relationship
“Tags” for the whole story: morally grey!deceit, Deceit, Remus, Thomas as a character, Romance, Minor violence, someone’s potty mouth, Foul language, Minor homophobia (it’s not that bad), Miscommunication (this one is though), Friendship
Chapter Summary: Virgil and Logan get acquainted only to argue with each other. Roman asks Logan an important question. And there’s a special visitor arriving in Eiehde.
Virgil covered his face with a sigh, hands blocking all sight.
He leant back in his chair, the quiet murmurs of the librarian cataloging a welcome distraction.
He needed to get away from the senators and governors, pulled into a meeting the night after the King had retired from the ball. He knew they meant well, expressing concern for the King and wanting to be involved with the wedding. But he couldn't handle them anytime soon.
Roman and he had issued a statement about Thomas’ health yesterday morning, the public slightly downtrodden that their King wasn’t going to be at the tournament. It had been a longstanding tradition every other month that Eiehde’s royalty would host a tournament and festival to celebrate the peace.
The people had only been slightly mollified that the tourney and tournament would still continue. They had been less happy that the festival would be cut a day, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. And Virgil was practically begging for some peace and quiet. A time where his King wasn’t just poisoned.
The sun was close to rising. For some reason he was still in the library, and he was pretty sure that the librarian had locked him in last night. He paused, listening to them cataloging right now.
He thought he might've lost a few hours to sleep because he remembered writing something down before blackness was his last memory. He must've woken up without realizing and written notes less than an hour ago.
A migraine was rising up with a vengeance as he thought about the night's events. His King just had to get poisoned, hadn't he?
Thomas just didn't do things by halves. And then Joan had said they saw Roman and Logan together, alone, in the gardens.
Without a chaperone.
That idiot prince must have been in the midst of some dramatic proposal with the Prince of Eiedhe.
And now the Father of the idiot wanted to continue with the tourney when there would be thousands of eyes on the kingdom and security would most certainly be lax because of the festivities.
Not to mention that there was an assassin in their midst intent to kill. Kill King Thomas dead.
And the wedding was getting closer by the minute and it seemed that the husbands to be have not been planning their wedding at all.
This wasn't what he signed up for, becoming the Royal Advisor. He should just be called a glorified babysitter and be done with it.
He sighed, dropping his hands and massaging his temples. Thirty three and looking after adult-children was making him go stray. Don't get him wrong, he loved the royal family and would absolutely murder anyone who would dare harm him.
But it was getting infinitely harder to enjoy his job with how much anxiety he was earning from it.
Mindlessly, he tapped his fingers against the desk. Now he had to be planning the tourney with Roman.
Virgil pursed his lips. He supposed he could plan around the welcoming speech for the competitors, make it shorter.
No doubt Roman wanted to be in more than just the longsword part. And that was the first part of the competition.
The young man was gifted in weaponry, no doubt. His preference of swordsmanship was known all throughout Eiehde. Even though the kingdom was well known for their navy.
Without the prince as the captain of the royal guard whipping the soldiers new and old into shape, they would've been seized ages ago.
Virgil paused, he was never admitting that out loud to the prince. He was arrogant enough without Virgil stroking his ego.
The joust Roman could skip, surveying that one instead. And it would allow for the fresh blood to be debuted without being dealt with a thrashing from their Prince.
The archery competition Roman could skip as well. That boy was a decent shot, but he really didn't enjoy as he did with the close contact weapons.
Javelins as well could be avoided. Virgil scribbled it down. If he was going to shorten the welcoming speech, then he could move the longsword part to the front and let Roman open up with that.
It would make for a nice opening, showing interpersonal relations with the people and the royal family, showing that they all enjoyed fun.
Yes, Virgil tapped his pen on the table. That would do nicely. He would have to tighten security around the King's quarters as well as the entrances and exits of the tourney.
The tournament just had to be today. King Thomas just had to have the tournament continue even though he had been poisoned. Virgil just had to agree to plan it again even though he had already planned it to a T weeks before. And now he was rushing to finish it before it began in a five hours.
Dropping the pen, he clasped his hands in front of his face, resting his elbows on the table in front of him. He leaned his weight forward, stomach nearly touching the edge.
He was exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Since the King had been poisoned only last night, he had been the unofficial ruler in place. Sure, there was Roman. But Virgil wouldn't trust him with this responsibility when he hasn't even taken his wedding into account yet.
Not to mention that Patton had seemed to be avoiding him lately. The past two days, Virgil had seen neither hide nor hair of the red-headed knight. He supposed that he hadn’t done anything to actively seek him out either.
Just thinking about what happened that night of the ball made him blush a deep red. Patton had looked so handsome in his clothes, leading him in a dance that had nothing to do with the music.
The inch difference between them was noted, and he only had to slightly tilt his head up to meet those blue, blue eyes hidden behind black glasses that were so sincere. And that smile.
That smile that stretched across his lips, hiding a thin scar at the corner of his mouth. And those puns. How he entranced the King.
How he himself was entranced with Patton as well.
"Oh, hello." A surprised voice greeted. "I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here. Are you enjoying the quiet this corner has to offer too?"
Virgil stiffened, sleep shaken off in a matter of seconds. Prince Logan of Aowhea.
Great, just what Virgil needed. "I can go." He stood up abruptly, chair screeching against the wooden flooring. His hands were on top of his papers, no doubt being smeared by his palms. Hopefully, he didn't ruin them too badly.
"There's no need. You were here first." Prince Logan said, and Virgil got a good look at the prince for the first time.
He had been there, of course, welcoming this Prince into his home, his country. His first reaction was intimidating. The young man’s back was straight, arms held behind his back, shoulders level with each other, and eyes staring forward to meet Thomas’.
Virgil was just behind the King, taking in the envoy with a cursory, curious look. Half hidden behind shadows and the throne, he was struck by the Prince’s eyes. They were as blue as crispest winter night. Intense and cold. Emotionless and shielded.
Virgil could’ve felt his stomach drop at the resemblance; they were just like his Father’s. The same intense, cold and dead eyes that Ernst always had.
He suppressed a shiver at the memory, cautiously taking a seat again. He eyed Prince Logan, wary. He knew that the Prince wouldn’t do anything. The Prince was a guest here, he could easily be thrown into the dungeons if he did do anything.
The Prince tilted his head, “Well, I suppose I shall have to find another spot to write my theses and study then.”
He looked at the Prince carefully. The man was dressed in casual wear, long navy blue sleeved shirt with a white undershirt peeking out in the ‘V’ of the neck. His long grey pants hung on his hips, loose and comfortable looking.
A bag rested on his shoulder, a leather satchel that was worn and weary, tattered. It was obviously a well-used and well-loved satchel. The contents of it sunk the bag down to near the Prince’s knees with how much was in it.
He didn’t look like a threat. And it must be his sleep deprived brain that made him say, “You can sit here, your Highness. I don’t mind.”
What was he thinking? What was he saying? He did mind, he minded very much!
“Oh,” even Prince Logan looked pleasantly surprised as he took in what Virgil said. “If you’re sure, then I shall.”
The Prince hesitantly pulled out a chair, gingerly making sure that the legs of it did not scrape against the flooring. He set his bag on the floor next to him, left wide open. Wide open for easy access to a weapon?
Virgil watched as the Prince picked up a book and started reading, glasses glinted to obscure his eyes. Virgil narrowed his eyes, watching him for a moment before cautiously going back to his own work.
He pulled out the paper that had the opening speech to the people for the tournament. He could see the words and letters but he wasn’t making neither hide nor tails of any of it.
“Tell me, Advisor Virgil, are you practiced in the sciences?” the Prince asked, and Virgil blinked at the sudden question.
“Er, yeah, I guess.” He didn’t know if he wanted to know where this was going.
“Are you familiar with the theory of the earth being flat?”
Virgil snorted, “Duh, who isn’t? It’s stupid. The earth is obviously a cube.”
Prince Logan’s eyes sparkled in challenge, the blue eyes light as the day sky. “Oh? Are you prepared to defend your statement?”
“Bring it on, Prince Nerd.” Virgil shot back. Oh, that was not going to lend him any favours with the future Prince consort.
But it was too late.
Prince Logan was already pulling out notebooks and texts, spreading it all in front of him on the desk. He organized them, opening and flipping through various pages before settling on the one he wanted. He brought out notebooks and a pencil, settling a pencil in between his fingers as he brought the tip of the pencil to one notebook.
“As there is no moderator for this impromptu debate, we shall have to make due with it just being the two of us as I do not wish to flag down a servant from their duties, especially a servant with no credentials. Have you ever been in a structured mock debate, Lord Advisor?”
Virgil shook his head in growing confusion.
“Well, you’ll be having to open with your argument and I shall with mine. This is a mock debate as well and I shall forgive the fact that you would be unprepared with notes, and have there be no point values in this. With that, I expect you and myself from making any derogatory statement towards each other. No aggravating the opponent and to let the other have their own turn.” Prince Logan looked at him expectantly, and Virgil realized he was looking for agreement.
“Er- yeah sure. Seems legit.”
“Satisfactory. Your opening statement?” Prince Logan prompted him.
“Um, the earth is a cube?” Virgil answered, confused.
“I shall be taking the opposing side and proposing that the earth is flat. Now then, Lord Advisor, you shall provide one piece of evidence that defends your statement.”
“When I walk along a certain path in this Kingdom, there would be a feeling of gravity pulling along my naval making me want to vomit. Since the earth’s a cube, when someone walks closer to the edge or vertices of the earth, there’s less gravity there, making it feel like I’m walking somewhere up a cliff instead of flat land.”
Virgil had no idea where this was going, he had no idea what he just talked about. He was purely reacting with whatever came out of his mouth. Yet he was oddly interested in this debate and was wondering where it would go, and feeling rather proud that he could think of something to say with no moment of preparation at all.
The Prince’s face didn’t change, scribbling whatever Virgil just said down into his notebook. “My argument against that is that the gravity of the statement wouldn’t actually work, since it pulls toward the centre of the disk. With that, the ‘pulling of gravity along your naval’ would just be the earth’s compensation of rotations along its flattened axis points.”
“If the earth was flat, wouldn’t the gravity be too weak to work?” Virgil argued. “On a two dimensional plane, gravity would vary on different sides making it so that people wouldn’t be walking along flat ground without being pulled toward one place.”
“Actually, that would only be if you got farther and farther away from the centre of the earth,” Prince Logan refuted. “The further away, the more horizontal things get. For example, trees would grow more horizontal since they grow away from the centre, and there are numerous cases of trees growing horizontal.”
“Okay, but what if those were flukes,” Virgil argued. “Trees are stubborn motherfuckers and would grow anywhere and in any direction if there was enough sunlight and space to accommodate them.”
“In multiple cases?” Prince Logan raised a brow. “Unlikely. Especially in the town Nealdan, horizontal trees are infamous there.”
“Okay, what about the sun then.” Virgil pointed out, hands in front of him and pushing him up as he got more fired up. “If the sun were flat, it wouldn’t be able to orbit the earth whereas if it were a cube it would still be able to do that because the axis and focus points would still fundamentally work as the two orbit each other, giving us night and day.”
“The sun and moon hover over the earth, like a desk lamp over your papers,” the Prince said as if it was obvious, and Virgil was already getting worked up that he missed the flare of amusement and competition in the Prince’s eyes.
“Because it does, it loops the number of days, simulating night and day. The distance the sun is from the earth would allow for the sun to go across the planes of the earth.”
“Okay, that one didn’t even make any fucking sense! My grandmama would’ve made a better argument and she believes that alcohol makes good medicine when you have a cold.”
“Well, if you’re not going to comply with the rules of the debate, then you concede.”
“Like hell I do!” Virgil exclaimed. “This is stupid, you’re stupid, everything is stupid.”
“With all of these expletives, it seems like you’re unable to form another valid point for your argument,” the Prince pointed out. “That means that you have no more statements or arguments for your side. Thus conceding the match.”
Virgil stayed silent, knowing that the Prince had a point. He settled for a harsh glare, receiving one back.
They held each other’s glares.
Virgil broke first and dissolved into giggles. And Prince Logan’s lips twitched as he sat back down, hands folded in front of him.
“That was so stupid,” Virgil gasped out in between laughs.
Prince Logan allowed himself a small laugh as he tilted his head, eyes softer than he had ever seen them.
“You don’t--” Virgil struggled to get a hold of himself, “You don’t really believe that the earth is flat, do you? Because if you do, I’ll have to fight you.”
“I believe it as much as you truly believe that the earth is a cube,” Prince Logan said it with so much derision, nose wrinkling in offense. “The earth is round. Well, the more scientific description is oblate-spheroid for it isn’t truly and perfectly round.”
“Thank the Lady.” Virgil paused, tilting his head as he looked at the Prince, “Why did you ask me if I thought the earth was flat then? Actually, why did you instigate a debate if you knew that I knew that we were both wrong.”
“Ah,” Prince Logan clicked his tongue, looking away before answering. “That would be Patton’s fault.”
“Patton?” Virgil raised an incredulous brow. “What does Patton have anything to do with it?”
“He noticed that you looked stressed the past couple of days, and he asked me if I could ask you or help in some way,” Prince Logan explained, putting his notebooks and papers back inside his bag.
“Ah, so you’re the buffer.” If Virgil’s bitter tone was noticed by the Prince, he didn’t show it.
“No,” Logan corrected, neatly stacking his books in a pile. “Though I suppose it can be interpreted that way. Patton was afraid that anything he would’ve done to get your attention would be rebuffed or that he would come on too strong. He didn’t want to metaphorically step on your toes when trying to help you.
“So he sent me in his stead, and I must confess, this meeting was also self-motivated.”
“Oh?” Virgil leaned forward, intrigued.
Logan nodded, adjusting his glasses. “I had wanted to meet you for some time now as well. Royal Advisor Virgil, you’re quite well-known in the country. The people speak highly of you. I can see that it is not undeserved.”
The Prince fixed him with a piercing stare, though not an unkind one, that made Virgil shiver. “You are a very intelligent man, Lord Advisor, and a very worthy opponent. I enjoyed our debate very much as baseless in facts as it was, I hope to have another one soon, my Lord.”
“Call me Virgil or Virge,” Virgil said after a long pause as his brain rebooted to try and process the compliments.
“Virge then if you’ll call me Logan,” Logan tipped his head in acknowledgement. “I understand that it may seem odd, but Patton does care for you. He had wanted to see you himself, but he was busy with other arrangements regarding the tournament.”
“I… I think I care for him as well,” Virgil muttered, ducking his head, curls falling in front of his eyes.
Logan’s smile was all teeth. “Excellent.”
“Logan? Nerd? Where are you? The servants said that they saw you come in here.”
Logan and Virgil exchanged glances.
They could hear him rummaging around, calling for Logan again. Logan gave Virgil an apologetic smile. “I suppose I should answer otherwise he’d be even more annoying.”
Virgil gave a derisive snort. “I’ve known him for twenty years. He’s always going to be annoying. Good luck dealing with him for the rest of your life.”
Logan frowned, opening his mouth.
“Oh, Logan, there you are!” Roman popped out from behind a bookshelf. “I’ve been looking for you for ages. I’ve got something to ask you. Come on.”
Roman tugged insistently on Logan’s arms. “Wait- Roman, my books-!”
The red-brown haired Prince swiped the other’s books into his arms, grabbing the bag on the floor, swift and neat, and tugged the bespectacled man out of the library.
Virgil shook his head. Roman was never going to change. He shook out his nerves, feeling more relaxed and got back to work.
Logan felt slightly annoyed. He had been having a lovely time debating with Lor- with Virgil. Truth be told, he felt that he had found a friend in this kingdom.
Over the two weeks he had been here, he hadn’t had time to go around seeking companionship. And Patton, bless his heart, was talkative enough for Logan to feel satisfied about any other sort of company.
Princ- Roman.
Roman had avoided him until the incident with the library as well as the time he spent with him during the ball. He wasn’t able to inquire after him because of his anger as well.
The other had been oddly… sweet after the ball two days ago. He had spent more time with Logan, sticking almost dangerously close to Logan’s side some days. They spent much of their time talking about poems and books, which Logan hadn’t thought Roman was capable of spending longer than an hour without getting restless.
(He lasted two.)
Logan wasn’t sure, but he thought that the Prince regarded him as a friend. He had said so to Noble Joan that night. And he felt oddly touched with an emotion he couldn’t comprehend.
He had asked for the details of what had happened. And while Roman seemed very reluctant to share. He told Logan all that had transpired in the King’s room. The whole thing had been... an ordeal, to say the least.
Of course, there was also the gifts.
The many, many, many gifts that the Prince had sent to him and his room the past two days.
It had started innocently enough, a vase of wisteria when he woke up. Then an hour later, a servant handed him a box of chocolate with a note from Roman saying that he wished him a good day.
Which was weird enough because he was allergic to chocolate, so he just gave it to Patton and went on with his day.
But the gifts didn’t stop there.
An hour after that, a servant with a dog on a lead walked up to him as well when he was reading in one of the gazebos. That sent him into a fit of sneezes and a red face because of course, he also was allergic to dog fur.
The servant and dog had to be sent away before he nearly broke out into hives.
He had to spend the rest of the day in his room, resting from his allergic reaction. There had been numerous knocks on his doors as he rested that he had to steadfastly ignore. But he had welcomed oblivion as he fell asleep.
And when he recovered enough a few hours later, he found a neatly wrapped box on his desk. Which promptly threw him into a panic because what if the assassin had left him a poison in that box? What if it had been the assassin?
Letting Patton handle the box opening hadn’t been his best decision either because the knight had opened it to find a rose dipped in gold.
The humiliated and embarrassed flush as Patton read the note that was much too embarrassing to remember in exactness only grew redder as Logan snatched the gift away from Patton when he knew that it was safe. That did not stop any puns as Logan ushered the man from his room.
The gifts hadn’t stopped coming.
A golden, diamond encrusted watch.
A dark red and blue silk handkerchief.
A self-help book about how to live a better life.
(Was the Prince trying to tell him something with that one?)
A golden set of dominoes.
A golden telescope.
A set of gold cufflinks with a constellation on it.
(The Prince seemed to have a thing for gold.)
A singing troupe that followed him for five hours. If he heard another ditty about his eyes or how strong Prince Roman was, he would stab someone.
A red leather journal with a wisteria and aster twisting together on the cover.
A caricature of Prince Roman slaying a dragon.
(That one he burned.)
Countless others that he couldn’t keep track of and had to give to the villagers in lieu of any other place to put them. His room ran out of space the second day when he woke up to petals in his face and a room filled with vases and vases of flowers.
“Now that I’ve got you alone,” Roman was saying, hands gesticulating and drawing Logan back to the present.
The two were in Roman’s room after he had dragged Logan off, the other Prince waving off any servants inquiring them and practically clearing a path to his destination.
They entered, and Roman set Logan’s things on the ground, standing in front of him, nervous. Logan took in his surroundings.
The Prince’s room wasn’t what he had been expecting. Logan imagined that the extravagant Prince would have tapestries and canopies and drapes hanging everywhere in fine silks and cottons.
Logan thought there would’ve been more space, canvases of art and busts of odd sculptures. Red and gold covering every single square living space.
It was nothing like that.
The room was bare, to say the least. There was a bed pushed into a corner of the room, an armoire next to it. A table a few feet away from it and a desk pushed into the other corner away from the bed.
The desk seemed to be the only evidence that the Prince lived there. The chair had his armour laid messily upon it, sword laid atop the desk. Papers strewn across the top of the desk in disarray that made Logan’s eye twitch.
It was still bigger than Logan expected. Easily double the size of his own. The windows as well were the size of two men stacked atop each other as well with simple black drapes tied to let in sunlight.
But other than that, it was empty.
There was a space far across the other side of the bed that was empty, left alone and wide open with no furniture and bare enough that Logan bet that there must’ve been some other pieces of furniture that was taken away.
“I wanted to ask you a question.”
“That it had to be asked in your room and couldn’t wait until later?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes,” Roman said. He smiled sheepishly, “Okay, maybe not so much. But I didn’t really want anyone else to listen in on us. And I wanted to ask you right away.”
How important must this be question be for Roman to seek him out straight away?
“Well?” Logan crossed his arms. “What is it?”
Roman flushed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. He fumbled as he tried to open it, nearly dropping it as the paper crinkled.
“You wrote it down?” Logan asked, highly amused by the scene playing out in front of him.
Roman shot him a feeble glare, finally managing to open the paper. He took a deep breath, opening his mouth.
Only for no words to come out.
“I’m sorry, was I supposed to hear a question or…?”
The Prince flushed a brighter red, his eyes flashing with embarrassment. He mumbled something that Logan couldn’t make out, stuffing the paper back into his pocket.
Logan couldn’t help but feel immense pleasure at seeing the Prince squirm. The usually well spoken man at a loss for words.
The man took a deep breath, “Will you give me a token for me to wear during the tourney?”
Logan froze. Did he hear right? Did Roman really ask him for a token? Him, a neighboring prince and a man.
“Because you’re my friend,” Roman said simply. “And I want to wear a token from you.”
“But I’m a male,” Logan said. “Shouldn’t this be a question for your Destined?”
Roman frowned, tilting his head in confusion. “It doesn’t have to mean anything,” he said slowly. “I just wanted to ask.”
Logan didn’t know what to do. Should he agree? Should he decline? To decline seemed terribly rude when the Prince went through all of this to ask him alone, taking into consideration how private this moment should be.
But to agree would be to enter a situation he wouldn’t be able to take back. This would be a big gesture, something open and public should he give Roman something.
Everyone would see that Roman was unavailable for courting. That he was taken. Taken by Logan. And that was a situation that he was uncomfortable with.
He didn’t want to be the sole reason Roman would be unable to court anyone. Because this gesture, as innocuous as it seemed, was a big gesture.
“Are you sure? This is… this is something big.” Logan said, because he wanted to, but he also didn’t. It would be that he supported Roman, but also a million other things that would be incriminating.
“It can just mean something between friends,” Roman reassured him. “Someone to support me in the tourney. Loads of knights and challengers have one from family. Why? Does it mean something in Aowhea?”
Logan gulped. “It’s- it’s basically like a courting mark. Something to claim one as the other’s Destined.”
Roman nodded slowly, as if unable to comprehend why this would be so bad. “It doesn’t have to mean it like that here. Please, Logan, please give me a token from you.”
Logan looked away from those pleading brown-red eyes, biting his bottom lip. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth, unable to find an answer. On one hand, he could decline and just walk away from this whole scenario.
On the other, he could just agree and have it marked under Aowhea’s traditions, just ignore the implications of his own traditions. He was in Eiehde after all.
“Please, Logan?”
It was the sentence that broke him.
“Fine,” he heaved a sigh. With trembling fingers, he untied the dark blue ascot around his neck. He delicately folded it and, with hesitant hands, handed it over to Roman.
“Thank you, my Prince,” Roman said softly, taking the ascot gently and giving Logan a heavy look that he had to avert his eyes.
“Princess, where the fuck you at?” Remy’s obnoxious voice broke the moment as he slammed open the door. “Where have you been? Virgil has been harping me for hours, asking where you were. He needs you for the opening speech, dumbo. Why aren’t you-?”
He spotted the two of them standing. “Oh. Ohhh. That’s where you’ve been. Well, I’m not one to stop a romantic rendezvous but Virgil needed you like yesterday. And I am not above dragging you to him. So stop snogging, and come on.”
Roman sighed, closing his hand tightly around Logan’s ascot. He walked over to his desk and grabbed his armour and sword. “I’ll see you later, my Prince.” It was said with a tender look, and Roman’s hand lingered as he patted Logan goodbye.
Logan nodded dumbly as he walked away, whacking Remy on the shoulder and hearing, “You could not have worse timing, Remy.”
The bespectacled man stood, frozen, in Roman’s room. Remy’s words caught up to him.
“Did- did Remy say romantic?! Did he think we were romantically involved?!” This was not good. If word got out to his Father… Logan didn’t even want to think about the consequences of what may happen.
“Your Highness? There you are,” Patton’s voice came out of nowhere. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You’ve got a guest.”
Patton grabbed his arm, tugging him out of the room. He was still speaking, but Logan’s mind wasn’t comprehending his words, just letting himself be dragged along.
All he could think about how unhappy his Father would be with him. He sent Logan here as an envoy, a representative of Aowhea, something that made Logan proud.
If someone told his Father that he was off- off gallivanting out with someone, a male someone at that, there would be hell to pay.
“Here we are, Highness.” Patton pushed him into his own room, and Logan blinked, not grasping the situation. “Your Majesty, His Highness has arrived.”
There was a man standing in front of the window, his back to Logan. He had a long, black cape trailing down to the floor that prevented him from telling who it was exactly .
But then the man turned around, and Logan felt the blood drain from his face.
The gold was the first clue. His second was the famous burn mark on the left side of his face. His third was the greeting.
“Hello, son of mine.”
King Ernst of Aowhea was here.
Logan’s Father was here.
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Survey #212
“counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.”
Have you ever fired a gun? No. Have you ever tried archery? No. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? A day or so. Do you have any scars? Whew, a lot. I scar easily tbh, though me being so so pale probably contributes to making them more noticeable. Are you a good judge of character? I don't really know. I think so, but then again I'm very very paranoid when meeting new people and look TOO deep into how I expect someone to be. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Just British. What is your favorite accent? British generally, but I find French sooo pretty with girls, then Scottish is cool. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I have no clue. Probably my leather boots. Can you curl your tongue? Yes, surprisingly... I just tried and I can with the slight curve in my tongue ring. Most used phrased? Probably "what a mood" or something like that lmao. Most used word? Besides the words in most sentences, I'm sure it's probably "fuck." How long does it take for you to get ready? Am I taking a shower? Then just like... less than 20 minutes. Without a shower, it's like less than ten minutes. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both. Can you name all 50 states of America? No. I'm a sad American. Have you ever started a rumor? No. How fast can you type? I took a test awhile back for a job application purpose and it's 72 or so wpm. How fast can you run? I can tell you NOT FAST without even trying. Color of your bedspread? Navy and black. Have you ever had a really bad haircut? I don't think so. What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I don't have one. Do you wear eyeliner? If I ever wear makeup, that's the one thing I will wear. Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn’t cry? Yes, probably early 2017. I was so numb until I started to "feel" recovery. Even as I got better, I had a hard time crying. Last year was a pretty "I can't cry"-type time, too. What’s your favorite type of yogurt? Not a fan of yogurt. What are your favorite type of calendars? I don't have one? Do you have a full-length mirror? Yes. Do you have a piggy bank? No. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? No. What’s your favorite DIY crafts YouTube channel? I don't watch DIY crafts. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? At my current age, bottom. What kind of popcorn is your favorite? Probably caramel corn. But buttery and salty is great too. Does your town have a big fountain in it? No. What is your town known for? Probably nothing. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? If yes, what is it? Hm. That's a long ways off, idk. All I know is it'd be great if Sara was here. And then there's the yearly urge to get a tattoo that day lmao. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? I think The Shining. Watched it for the first time and loved it. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Hey could I have money right now. Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? If so, what? English/Language Arts. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? No. What is the best hairstyle you’ve ever had? I love what I currently have. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? Dyed hair. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Straight. Do you have bangs? No. What’s your favorite rock band? I'd say Marilyn Manson. (I'm excluding metal, 'cuz that's a different story.) Who’s your favorite country singer? I don't mind Tim McGraw. Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? I didn't. When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Actual baby pictures, usually no. Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Yes; I was born dirty blonde. Do you wear matching socks? Yeah. Do you decorate for Halloween? We don't really anymore. What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Just swim around, relax. Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? I think so. What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? Only ever black. Do you see yourself as a sensitive person? I'm extremely sensitive. Do you still leave/receive voicemails? Yes. Are you a festive person? Do you enjoy holidays? I'm not very festive, no. The only holidays that really excite me are Halloween and Christmas. What is your favorite subject to learn about? Meerkats. You’re feeling down - do you listen to sad music or happy? Sad. It usually comforts me/makes me feel less alone. Even though I might cry. Is there a song or artist that you secretly enjoy, but don’t want to enjoy? I like a decent number of Blood On The Dancefloor songs. Has your parents' taste in music in any way affected what you like? Yes. When I started getting into rock naturally, I began listening to my mom's CDs, and that's when metal stole my heart. You’re looking for some new music - what’s your preferred way to discover? YouTube recommendations. Do you still own any CD’s/records/tapes? Mom has CDs. She may or may not have tapes from when my sisters and I were really young for memory's sake; we had a lot of kid ones, like Raffi. Do you ever hear a new song on TV that you like and find it? When I watched TV, yeah, rarely. Do you watch the news? No. What about the weather channel? No. What’s your favorite holiday movie? Maybe Hocus Pocus. How do you feel about adult cartoons? I don't have an opinion. Do you still watch shows that you grew up watching? No. What about movies that you grew up with? Yeah. Do you identify with any organized religion? No. If so - is it how you were raised, or have you found your own? I was raised Catholic, grew to simply a Christian, then left that behind a year or more ago. Have you ever protested or been on strike? Does not eating at Chick-fil-a count as some kind of "protest?" That place was hard to let go of, but nah man, I'm not supporting your business when your higher-ups contribute to anti-LGBT efforts and such. Is gun control necessary or no? Some degree of control absolutely is. Are you happy with the political state where you reside? HAHA no. Should abstinence or sex education be taught in schools? Education, but I do believe in heavily advising smart sexual decisions such as not just doing it with just anyone. Have you read the book 13 Reasons Why or watched the show? I read the book. Should shows like this be available to everyone or could it be a trigger? Fuck the show. Do you like animals? Of course. What is your absolute favorite food? Probably pizza. Do you have bad anxiety? If so, do you take any kind of medication for it? You don't know the half of it. I literally cried the first and last day of my last job because I couldn't find the gloves when I needed to. So yeah, I take meds, but I don't think either do very much, honestly. Who was the last person you felt you were wasting your time on? A former best friend. I cared when she didn't. One thing you’ve experienced that you thought you never would have? I never in a million years thought I was going to have a bad - traumatic - breakup when I was kid because I "knew who to pick." I was so sure. What was the last thing someone said to you that kept repeating over & over in your head? The guy who helped in basic training with me saying "well that was a waste of my time" when my co-worker told him what was going on with me. Literally, it won't get out of my head. If a random person were to look through the photos on your phone, is there anything you’d be embarrassed about? lmao I have Mark wallpapers stored, my friend. Don't find my collection. How often do you have late nights out? Never. Ever. Do you currently have any mixed feelings about someone? As far as friendships go, yes. If you could, would you work from home? Do you think that would make you more or less productive? No no no no no. I want a job to get OUT of my house. I know I'd be less productive, too. What were you like in middle school? Weird and probably annoying. If you could give one charity a million dollars, what charity would you donate money to? I'm not sure. I'd have to look more into ones with causes I'm passionate about. Most likely something about conservation. Would you ever be an organ donor? I am. Which do you think is harder: realizing you haven’t changed or realizing you have? The former. Is there something that you really need to do, but can’t seem to get motivated to do it? Plenty of things. Have you ever won some sort of prize or prize package from a contest? What did you win? Yeah, a few. I don't remember most; I only really remember the Silent Hill one I've mentioned before. What is something you’re surprised hasn’t been invented yet? A cure for cancer, I guess? I dunno. Most disturbing movie you have ever seen? Probably The Entity. Has a life goal or dream ever come true for you yet? If yes, what is it? If no, do you think you’ll achieve it? lol by golly do I wish. I don't fucking know if I'll achieve any. What one thing has always bothered you, but seems to bother no one else? I get legitimately bothered by people going in/out the wrong door. Do you still own a VCR and VHS tapes? No. What’s your favorite color gummy bear? I don't care. What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex’s body? Shoulder blades why do I love shoulder blades????? Where do you sing the most, in the car or the shower? I dunno. Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? Probably. Do you have freckles? Not on my face. I did as a kid though. Weird. How many languages can you say “Hello” in? Three. What’s the last video game you played? So not computer? I believe... The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon? Or Shadow of the Colossus. I don't remember. Can you do the alphabet in sign language? No. Do you like your feet? I don't like feet to begin with, and I don't like mine. My feet are so dry and callused to HELL from when I used to walk all the time. I need to see a doctor to get rid of the worst ones on my toes honestly because they annoy the fuck out of me because ugly. Candles or incense? Incense. Reason behind the last time you laughed until you cried? I don't remember. Are you one who brags a lot? I don't have anything to brag about. Do you face your problems head on or do you run away from them? Depends on the problem, I guess... What is the latest you’ve stayed out before? I remember there was one night in particular with Jason where he dropped me off like... really late. Around 3 or later in the morning. I don't remember why I got home so late. Are you confrontational? AVOID! AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! COSTS! Do you stand your ground? Usually. Who do you know without a doubt cares about you? Mom, Sara, and Dad. Have you ever caught yourself talking in your sleep? For the past year and more, I've started sleep talking frequently... and yeah, I've woken up in the middle of doing it plenty of times. Did you do anything stupid/anything you regret today? I probably do something stupid every day. Little things like procrastinate on everything are certainties. Have you ever switched primary care doctors? Do not. Get me FUCKING started. On the doctor who kept me on a medication that resulted in gaining like 150 pounds and blaming it all on me. Yeah, I switched. If yes, what was the reason? lol see above. Do you ever sleep on your bedroom floor just for fun? God no. Sleeping on the floor is a last resort. Are you worried about your current financial situation? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Do you know anyone who’s had a stillbirth? Probably. Who was the last person you know (or that you know of) that died? Uhhh I'm not sure. Possibly the old lady Mom watched. Do you need a new phone? Desperately. Would you rather get a big tattoo or small tattoo? A big one. Do you identify as a supernatural being..i.e., unicorn, alien, goddess…? Uh no. What’s one thing you are tired of seeing or hearing about on Facebook? Guys I don't understand the "me and the boys" meme laskdfjalwier make it go away. What theme do you want for your wedding? Halloween-ish. What theme would you choose for a baby’s nursery? Idk. I don't want kids, so this isn't something I think about. What color would you paint a baby girl’s nursery? Pastel pink. Not for stereotypical reasons, my favorite color just happens to be pink and I think it's cute for a baby. Does your first crush know that he/she was your first crush? No. Which family member did you get your height from? Mom and I are pretty much the same height. Do you like your butt? NO I have a pancake ass. Who was the last friend of yours to have a baby, and what’s the baby’s name? An old high school friend recently had a baby named Jaspen. Are all of your friends having babies right now? I think most of my old friends have at least one kid by now. Do you know anyone who’s given birth to twins? Yes. Growing up, did you listen to country music? Yes, when my older sister started controlling the radio. Do you have a gazebo at your house? No. Where were you going the first time you rode a plane? Ohio or Michigan. Do you like tomatoes? Not really, no. The only time I ever have was fresh ones with bacon and light mayo on a sandwich. What’s your favorite brand of bottled water? Essentia. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? Why is there a small dolphin in the corner of our back yard?????? What annoys you more: slow talkers or slow walkers? Slow walkers. Have you ever been to a night club? No. If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Something about being prone to anxiety, I guess. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Not in the slightest. What is your MBTI personality type? INFP Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No. Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky. Are you androgynous? No. Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No. Well I kiss my niece's and nephew's cheeks when telling them bye, but they're the only ones. What is the youngest age you can remember back to? I have at least one memory from when I was two. Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today? It's too short for that. What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort? Slaughterhouse worker was the first thing to come to mind. If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own? No. What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why? I don't think I've stayed in a bad one... What was the first kind of alcohol you ever tasted? A daiquiri. Do you use any styling products on your hair? No. Do you have a favorite local band? Who are they? No. What’s the most confusing book you ever read? Even though it's my favorite book, Johnny Got His Gun takes the cake here. The way it's written is very confusing, though I think I get why Trumbo chose such a style. Do you like your personality? I like some things, hate others. Are your legs long or short? I'd say they're proportional to the rest of my body. How many phobias do you have? A lot. Where do you think your last ex is right now? He's probably sleeping since he works 3rd shift. What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve seen in the last week? I don't know. Probably the sky during a car ride or something. Who was the last person to comfort you as you cried? My mom. When was the last time you felt like throwing up? A week ago or so when I had an anxiety attack the night before my first day of work. I got myself so worked up. Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? For the two fucking hours I lasted at my last job lmao. Do you use the Facebook chat often? No. Do you own a robe? What color is it? Nope. Who ended your last relationship? Me. Do you still remember your first kiss? Yeah. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? Yeah, other than being long-distance. How many kids do you want to have? None. Have you ever purposely given someone the wrong number? No. Who’s the last person you smoked weed with? I haven't. Though by this point in my life, I wish NC would catch up with the times and legalize it medicinally because I've given up enough to turn to that for my anxiety. Who was the last person you talked to, other than family? My old VR coach. When was the last time you flew in a plane? Last December. Is there a girl you absolutely can not stand? No. At least not off the top of my head. Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? No, I was that person lmao. Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? Yes. Say your last ex walks up to you and hugs you, what do you say? We're still friends, so. At the current time, a random hug from him would probably make me cry though because he's not very affectionate and I haven't been stable for days. I need the comfort alsdjfakljwer Who was the last baby you held? It's probably been like a year since I've held a baby when I was still friends with Colleen. But y'all my sister is pregnant & next year GUESS WHO I'M HOLDING. Do you have any siblings that moved away to college? She did, but she's long since graduated. Who was the last person who cried around you? I'm sure it was Mom. What was the last thing you cried about? My life. Who’s the last guy to give you roses? Tyler. Would you rather have nice eyes or nice lips/smile? Smile, I suppose. Do you have a common first name? Yes. Do you like your middle name or your first name more? My first, I guess. Do you wear more rings or necklaces? I always have a ring on. Have you ever been engaged? No. Can you see your veins through your skin? In some areas. Did your parents let you have pets when you were a kid? Yes. Do you like spicy chips? Yes. What band was on the last band t-shirt you wore? Metallica. Do you have any tattoos on your arms? Yes. Have you ever owned or known someone who owned a black cat? Both. Who scheduled your last doctor visit? My mom. I don't drive, so she drives me around, and so things have to fit into her busy schedule. So she just does it. Do you have any holiday themed socks? True shit, I think most of mine are, lmao... Like you know, socks are a common gift on Christmas. What’s the last funny movie you watched? Idr. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Yes. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? I'd say it depends on the person, but in general, I suppose snakebites? What brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? Splat is the only brand that has ever stuck to my hair. Lasted months. Did/do you ride the bus to and from school? Only Jason's junior and senior years sometimes to go to his house. Are you any good at applying make up? No. I have tremors in my hands, and it makes it an absolute nightmare. Are you someone who likes to make simple things difficult? I certainly don't try to, but I somehow always end up doing it. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? Rolls and honey ham. And that is /literally/ it. I don't like Thanksgiving food. Do you like Techno music? Yeah. Is your second toe longer than your big toe? They're like the exact same length. Do you say "merry Christmas" or "happy holidays?" The former. Who do you talk to on the phone most often? Mom. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? I've only ever been to Alice Cooper, but it was great. I'm supposed to be seeing Ozzy plus supposedly Judas Priest and Megadeth (you're not allowed to die, Dave) next year, and that. That will be. My preview into Heaven. I will sob. How did you meet your best friend? Over YouTube via the meerkat RP community. Do you need money to be happy? Try living really poor and come back to me claiming money can't ever buy happiness. What is something you do well? Dig way, way too deep into absolutely anything and everything. What’s a good idea you’ve had recently? I've started to count calories on top of fasting. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Ahhhhh, cinnamon rolls. How far in advance do you prefer to plan? For most things, a few days or a week. Bigger things, maybe like a month+? How many slices of pizza do you usually eat? 2-3, depending on my appetite. Would you like to live in a different country? If so which one? I wouldn't move there, not with all my family and such here, but I think living in Canada would be better sometimes. Do you prefer the aisle, middle, or window seat on a plane? I strongly prefer the window seat; I've found that if I'm not looking out the window and the plane changes altitude or direction (takeoff is the worst), I get VERY dizzy. I usually always wind up in the middle seat, and there and in the aisle seat, I have to close my eyes at times like those. What’s your favorite song from a movie? As far as original songs, probably "Be Prepared" from The Lion King. A goddamn beat. What’s your favorite city? I haven't been to many. Idk. Who was the last person to ask you to hang out? Did you agree to hang out with them? Hell, I have no idea. Is there a food that you eat basically every day? What food is that? I usually have a granola bar as a snack or even just a meal in place of breakfast or lunch. Is there a food you eat that others find weird or gross? I grew up sometimes eating waffles with peanut butter and syrup as Dad loved it. It's definitely different, but it's absolutely delicious. What was the last fast food restaurant you went to? Did you get anything? If so, what? I think Sonic? I got a double bacon cheeseburger. I fell in love with their burgers. Can you remember the first video game you ever played? What about your first video gaming system? I'm not sure, but it was probably Spyro The Dragon. My first gaming system was a PS1. The last video game you played - did you play alone or with someone else? Alone. If there is a disc in your computer, what disc is it? There isn't one. Do you shut down your computer every time after you use it, or do you leave it on? I leave it on. Do you know anyone who has ever been in a movie? Who and what movie were they in? What was their part? No. Describe the last shirt you saw that you really liked. Where did you see it? Omg I saw this shirt online of a really cool demonic pig that said something like "Save the animals, eat humans." It was actually a vegan shirt, but I nevertheless wanted it, lol. I support veganism, but yeah... I could never do it. But anyway, it was too expensive. Do you live in a very diverse community? Not really, no. Do you know anyone who has had salmonella? Did you ever have it yourself? What about e-coli? No; no; no. When was the last time you brought a pet to the vet? What was wrong with it? Sigh. We put Cali down. Something ruptured in her abdomen and there was also a mass on her liver or gallbladder, and her abdomen was filling with blood. It compressed her lungs so much she could barely breathe. Surgery was extremely expensive, but more importantly, we were told it likely wouldn't save her. Do you get motion sick easily? If so, does it prevent you from going on any rides at amusement parks? I've never gotten motion sickness, but I don't risk that shit with amusement park rides or boats out at sea. I'm terrified of vomiting. Do you have any bug bites on you right now? If so, where? No. Have you ever made your way through a corn maze? No. Name something that you used to do with your family that you no longer do with them or at all? Easter egg painting. Have you seen Inception yet? Thoughts on that movie? I never saw it.
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch.8)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: Some cursing, NSFW 
Note: It’s a long chapter, but I hope you enjoy! Also thanks for all the incredible love and support I received from the last chapter! It REALLY means a lot to see it so thank you!!!!! <3 <3  Also, if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know, I’ll be more than happy to do so! (Or removed) 
Word Count: 3834
Summary: It’s the day of the Five Kingdoms Festival, but not everything goes as planned. Drake tries to help Emma unwind a bit and they reveal they’ve both been struggling since the attack at the Homecoming ball. 
Chapter 8: Army (Lady Antebellum)
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On the front line, she's a statue, a safe place to run to The strength I need to get through every day
So if anybody thinks I'm a hero When they watch me walk right into the flames I'm just marching to the sound of her heartbeat Yeah, I'm a soldier but if I'm a solider She's an army, an army, an army Yeah, she's an army, an army, an army
I ain't never been one to back down for the battle, yeah And she knows that better than anyone When I'm under fire when it's down to the wire I know she's my loaded gun
Down in the boutique, Bertrand frantically searched through the racks before finding the perfect outfit. A royal blue blazer with a pink satin blouse underneath, tucked into some black pants with a Cordonian broach to complete the look.
“It’s perfect Bertrand, thank you.”
Liam held his arm out to Emma and smiled.
“We should be getting to the festival then.” She took his arm and they strolled out. Citizens and nobles mingled among the various booths, full of food and drink, and some games. Mara nodded, giving them the all-clear, the festival was safe. Emma took a look around and noticed that despite the size of the crowd, it was lacking energy. She spotted her friends over by the fountain and made her way over.
“Is it just me or does the festival seem to have a grey cloud hanging over it? This is a big deal.”
“It does. That's why it's so important for all of us to be seen out here enjoying ourselves. If we don't feel safe in the wake of the attack, then there's no reason they should either.”
“So, as the King, you're ordering us to have fun?” Maxwell grinned.
“If we plan our time carefully, we can make it to every booth!” Hana began working on a plan in her head.
“Wait. I signed up for a good time, not a fixed schedule.” Before Hana could defend her idea, Olivia strolled up.
“Emma, I see you're okay.” Emma rushed over and pulled Olivia into a hug. She stood there stiffly, just briefly returning the embrace before Emma let go.
“Don't ever do that again.” She scowled.
“I'm happy to see you too.” Press snapped pictures as Olivia straightened out her dress.
“How did you get out of the ball? I didn't see you after the lights came back on.”
“I was in the back of the crowd. Almost got trampled by a bunch of fleeing nobles, far more dangerous than those mask-wearing cowards.”
“I thought you were leaving court. Does this mean you've decided to stay after all?”
“I have. You and Liam could use all the support you can get right now. A few men who choose to hide behind masks won't scare away a Nevrakis. I should be off though, shame anyone who dares think it's okay to turn their backs on the King.”
“Well, she seems to be doing fine.” Emma turned back to her friends.
“I have to go tend to some last-minute arrangements before the press conference. Before I go, as King, I have decided that Hana gets to pick the first activity.” Drake began to protest.
“It's okay Drake, I'm picking archery. It can't be that hard!” A few rounds in, Maxwell and Drake still hadn't hit their targets, but Hana had made almost every shot perfectly.
“Of course, Hana excels at everything,” Drake grumbled.
“Are those scary targets getting to you, Drake? It's okay you can tell us.” Emma teased.
“They're part of Cordonian history. A symbol of the defeat over evil.” Hana said.
“I don't think it's symbolic if you have to lecture me about it.”
“Show him how it's done, Emma!” Hana handed over a bow and arrow. Emma faced down the target when there was a loud pop behind her in the crowd. Her grip loosened on the arrow but she forced herself not to flinch. She saw Drake flinch and grab his shoulder out of the corner of her eye. Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her grip on the arrow and let it fly, it found it's true target. The crowd around them applauded and Emma let out a breath she had been holding in.
“You okay?” She whispered to Drake. He nodded and took a few deep breaths to steel his nerves. When she looked around she found the source of the noise, a child whose balloon had popped and was now crying over it.
“We're safe.” She squeezed his hand and he nodded.
“Hana, have you made every bull's-eye?” Maxwell gawked.
“Yes! I've had plenty of free time to explore new hobbies since I'm no longer doing what my parents expect of me.”
“I've had enough of this. I'm picking our next stop.” Drake meandered over to the makeshift bar. Emma started to follow when Mara came running up.
“Emma!” she turned to see a hooded figure running towards her. Mara was getting ready to tackle him, but Emma realized it was just a man in a Five kingdoms costume.
“Mara stop!” Mara skid to a halt just before she was going to tackle him. The crowd let out relieved sighs as the man obliviously ran by to a pie station.
“I'm sorry your Grace. He was moving too quickly.” Emma took a deep breath and smiled, reminding herself to stay calm for the people.
“It's okay, Mara. No one got hurt. We're all fine.” Emma said finally joining her friends.
“Drink tasting huh? It's not just Cordonian apple cider and apple juice?” Drake grinned.
“No! One of the ancient kingdoms brewed an ale that was decent. It was called the Skullcracker ale.” Emma raised an eyebrow.
“You want to drink something that has Skullcracker in the name?”
“Their descendants are keeping up the tradition.” Drake took a pint of dark ale and passed out cider to everyone else.
“To making Cordonia proud.” Hana held up her glass and everyone followed suit. The cider was sweet with a sour aftertaste that made Emma want to drink more.
“How's your shoulder, Drake?” Emma asked.
“It's getting better every day.”
“Good. I hope you know how grateful I am Drake. How grateful we all are, Cordonia especially. The country owes you and your family a lot.”
“If you say so, Barnes.”
“You're worth more than all these stuffy nobles combined.” Drake snickered.
“I can think of lots of people who'd disagree with that.”
“Fuck them all, Drake. They're all wrong.”
“Maybe you're right, Barnes.” Drake's lips began to twitch into a smile.
“Of course, she's right Drake! We've finished our drinks though, let's go bob for apples!” Maxwell practically skipped over to the apple bobbing station.
“So, what’s the history behind this? Was there a great famine and the nation survived off of only apples?” Drake snickered at the sarcastic comment.
“Actually, it’s just kind of a national pride thing.” Maxwell shrugged. One by one their friends approached a bucket, except for Maxwell. He shuffled, squatted, and stood, mumbling something to himself about angles.
“What are you doing, Maxwell?”
“The queen to be bobbing for apples, it’s the perfect photo op!” Emma rolled her eyes.
“Not everything has to be about the press Maxwell, you’re starting to sound like Bertrand. Today is about having fun! Come on, try to get an apple!” Emma spotted the perfect apple, a Cordonian Ruby floating near the surface, she leaned in and carefully bit the apple, pulling it up for everyone to see. The crowd cheered, and the press snapped pictures as she took a bite. People finally began to approach the booths, encouraged by the other's participation. Maxwell sat up with an apple in his mouth, beaming.
“I got one!”
“Nice work.” Liam strolled up.
“Are you going to join?” Hana asked.
“Unfortunately, not this time. I’m here to fetch Lady Emma, official business.”
“Right, the press conference.” She wiped the water off her chin and followed Liam to the small podium set up by the entrance to the palace. The press was already waiting, eager to hear what they may have to say. Liam began with his opening remarks about the festival being a symbol of strength and unity, leading right into Emma’s announcement.
“Now. I believe Duchess Emma would like to make an announcement while we are on the topic of unity.” Emma stepped forward to the front of the podium giving Liam a warm smile.
“We would like to announce that despite recent events, King Liam and I will still be moving forward with plans for our wedding. That being said, we are announcing a sort of engagement unity tour. We will be visiting all the noble houses of Cordonia to personally invite them to our wedding which will be taking place at the end of the tour.”
“Trend will also be running an exclusive with their engagement photos and some behind the scenes of the wedding planning.” Ana de Luca added.
“That’s correct, thank you, Ana. I’m sure you all have plenty of questions about the tour.” Reporters near Ana clambered to try and get a first look at the engagement photos when someone finally asked the question that had been on everyone’s mind.
“How safe is Cordonia after the attack on the palace?” Emma and Liam shared a look, she decided to take the question.
“I understand that many of you are still nervous. The royal guard and King Liam are doing everything in their power to prevent another attack and find those responsible.”
“Thank you, Duchess Emma, I’m sure the Cordonian people will feel safer just hearing that.” Liam flashed Emma a grateful smile as the press continued to ask another question, but they were interrupted by the sound of a news alert going off across everyone’s phone. Emma was suddenly reminded of the night the pictures of Tariq in her room leaked, she knew it couldn’t be good.
It was a video from the attackers, they wore the same tactical masks they used the night they attacked the homecoming ball. They accused Liam of being unfit to rule as they felt he was part of an already corrupt family, they demanded that he give up the throne or else there would be blood. The festival around them erupted into chaos. Reporters on their phones with editors, people running around looking for their children, the calm that had settled over the crowd was gone.
“If everyone could please remain calm.” Liam tried to gain control of the crowd, but it was no use, the people were scared, and frankly, so was Emma, but she knew she needed to do something.
“Listen up!” she yelled in her booming New Yorker voice, demanding the attention of everyone, the crowd fell silent.
“Thank you. This video is very disturbing, but I promise that we will do everything we can to find those who are responsible for it.” Liam looked out on the crowd, his face set with determination and anger. No one threatened his people and got away with it.
“What about their demands, King Liam? Are you going to give up the throne?” The question caught Liam off guard.
“What kind of King would he be if he did? Only a weak king would give in to the demands of men who can’t even show their faces when they threaten us. Liam would never allow Cordonia to fall into the hands of such cruel people and you shouldn’t be asking him to.” Liam stepped up alongside Emma.
“Emma is right. I will never give in to the demands of terrorists!”
“Forgive me for asking your Majesty. I’m sure that our readers and all of Cordonia will feel safe, knowing the crown is dealing with this threat.” Liam nodded and they both waved to the crowd, the sound of clapping surprised them. Despite the video that had rattled the attendees, they were reassured by Liam and Emma’s words.
Later that evening, Bertrand came rushing up.
“I saw what happened today. It was a PR miracle.” Emma sighed.
“I’m glad we were able to make the crowd listen and put them at ease, not that it’s done anything for my nerves.”
“We got lucky today, it confirmed what I thought, we need to get you a new press secretary until this is resolved.” Emma rubbed her fingers against her temple, she really didn’t want another person telling her what to do, she’d had enough of that over the past few days.
“I can handle myself, Bertrand. I think today made that very clear, besides, House Beaumont can’t afford it.” Bertrand shook his head.
“It’s a necessary expense Lady Emma, despite how ready you think you are. I have the perfect candidate in mind, but I’ll need to make some phone calls before moving forward. Goodnight Lady Emma.” She sighed and started to head back to her room, it had been a very long day. Before she could get there though she ran smack into Liam.
“Lady Emma.” He nodded.
“Liam.” She started to walk away but stopped.
“I wanted to thank you, for not lecturing me and Drake about the orchard earlier. We really are being careful, I just needed some fresh air and didn’t realize he’d followed me.” Liam sighed and gave her a small smile.
“You handled it well Emma, just please do try to be more careful on the grounds. We can’t have this blowing up in our faces before it’s even started. That being said, you really helped me with the press today, so thank you.” Emma gave him a small smile and nodded.
“Goodnight, Liam.”
“Goodnight, Emma.” She rounded the corner to her room and groaned, she could see a figure lurking in the shadows outside of her door.
“What now?” As she got closer, she realized it was Drake and relaxed.
“Drake. What are you doing here?”
“I figured, you’d had a really long day and maybe you’d want to relax?”
“Does this relaxing involve alone time with you?” Drake mischievously grinned.
“It can.”
“Lead the way.” She followed Drake to an upper level of the palace and into a deluxe bathroom. A deep bathtub, countertops that glittered with gold trim and fresh white towels.
“This is more impressive that my favorite spa in New York.” Drake grinned and began filling the tub with hot water.
“Sometimes it pays to live at the palace. As nice as that outfit looks on you, I think you're overdressed for this occasion.”
“You're one to talk.”
“I came here for a bath Barnes, I'm getting there.”
“Well with your injured shoulder you're moving a little slower, how about I help you out a little bit?”
“I wouldn't mind.” Emma smiled and pushed Drake up against the counter with her body. She started with his shirt, sliding her fingers up his bare chest she pulled the shirt with them, carefully slipping it off without hurting his arm. His bandage still wrapped tightly around his body, she nibbled at the skin on the edges of it. Drake moaned softly and pulled her head up so he could kiss her deeply as he fumbled with her shirt. When she pulled away, she could clearly see the dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn't been sleeping well either. She thought about asking him but decided she'd rather enjoy the moment, so she unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants down. As she made her way back up, she ran her hand up his leg, to the inside of his thigh before stopping to grab his cock that was starting to get hard. Drake gasped in surprise and Emma let go.
“You like to take a hands-on approach to helping don't you, Barnes?” Emma winked and took a step back to take off her the rest of her clothes.
“Stop. I only think it's fair I return the favor.” Drake started just under her ear, kissing the sensitive skin down her neck and chest until reaching her bra. He expertly unhooked it with one hand and flung it to the side, teasing her nipples with his tongue before continuing his trail of kisses down her stomach. Emma could feel the heat pooling inside her as he kissed above the waistband of her pants. He carefully unbuckled them and began pulling them down. Emma was even more excited, thinking he was going to kiss her clit, but he surprised her by kissing down the inside of things to above just her knee. He stopped, and Emma kicked off her pants, frustrated.
“Is the water ready yet?” Drake knew he had gotten her all riled up, he could tell by her snappy tone. It was payback for all the times she had done it to him. Emma stepped into the water at one side of the tub and Drake in the other. She could feel the tension leaving her muscles as she sat there in the tub with her eyes closed.
“How'd you find this place?”
“I was searching for Liam one time, playing hide and seek, stumbled upon it. After the long day you had, I thought you might want to relax and this seemed like the perfect spot.”
“Thank you, Drake.” Emma slipped her head under the water and when she came up, she reached for the shampoo bottle.
“Let me.” Drake scooted up behind her and began lathering the shampoo into her hair with gentle circles, the roughness of his calloused hands a welcome contrast to his soft touch.
“That feels amazing.” She leaned back against him.
“I'm not always rough, Barnes.” Emma slid back under the water to rinse her hair.
“Are you feeling more relaxed now?” Emma just sighed in response.
“Definitely. Except I could do with some more kisses.”
“I can definitely help with that.” Drake spun her around and she straddled him, diving in for a kiss. It was sloppy, Emma's hair sliding down in front of her face. They laughed as Emma pushed it aside.
“Where were we?” Drake grabbed both sides of her face as Emma tangled her fingers in his hair, eliciting a groan from him as she rocked her hips against his.
“You know,” he pulled away breathless, “I was thinking we should pick up where we left off before we got in here.”
“I was thinking the same thing.” Drake shifted Emma so he was deep inside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and threw her head back as she began rocking her hips against his, his cock hitting her g-spot every time.
“Barnes.” Drake found his rhythm and began moving in sync with her.
“Yes, Drake.” She could feel herself coming undone, Drake knew it too as she raked her fingernails down his back. He increased his pace.
“Fuck!” Emma screamed in surprise and pleasure. They came together, calling out each other's names. When the waves of pleasure stopped they took a minute to catch their breath.
“That's how you unwind.” Drake's voice cracked as Emma climbed out of the tub. Emma smirked and grabbed a towel.
“I couldn't agree more.” She helped him towel off, careful again not to get too close to his injured shoulder. When she was done, he dried her off and pulled her into his arms.
“It's late. We should get some sleep.” Emma wiggled her arm out of his grip and cupped his cheek in her hand. He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.
“You haven't been sleeping well, have you?” Drake let her go and turned his back, getting dressed.
“Drake, there are circles under your eyes. Talk to me.” He sighed.
“I wake up almost every night in a cold sweat. I keep seeing the gun pointed at you, I jump in front of it but I'm too late. Then I wake up and you're not there, I begin to worry that the nightmare is real.” He squeezed his eyes shut and Emma felt a tear roll down her cheek.
“Drake.” She whispered, grabbing his hand and putting it on her chest over her beating heart. He opened his eyes and she saw his tears.
“I'm alive. I'm here. You saved me.” He kissed her forehead and waited for her to get dressed. They walked to her room in silence and Emma considered telling him about her own nightmares.
“Goodnight Em.” Em. He rarely ever called her that, it was something reserved for just the two of them.
“Drake, wait.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into her room.
“I have nightmares too. You're lying in my arms, bloody and not moving. I keep trying to wake you up, but it doesn't work. I can never save you. I wake up and I know it's not real, but I can't fall back asleep, it feels too real. Every time I close my eyes, I see you lying there. She latched onto him and breathed in his scent, a strange mix of freshly cut wood and whiskey, she knew that if she asked him to stay with her that he would. She also knew that there'd be consequences, to hell with them she thought. The only way they were going to get any kind of sleep was with each other. The last time she had slept through the night was in Drake's arms at the safehouse.
“What are you saying, Barnes?”
“I'm saying I want you to stay with me tonight and to hell with anyone who has something to say about it.” Drake grinned and watched Emma pat the bed next to her. He climbed on and pulled her as close as possible. He easily fell into a deep sleep to the sound of her even breathing, it didn't stop the nightmares, but he was always able to fall back asleep. Emma didn't wake once, not even when Drake's breathing was ragged against her back. The next morning Emma woke up in Drake's arms and felt well-rested but all the bravado she had about someone finding out what gone. She checked the time and panicked, roughly shaking Drake awake.
“Huh? What?” He sat up abruptly and looked around before he realized it was Emma shaking him.
“Barnes? Where's the fire?” Drake was not a morning person, neither was Emma.
“You need to go!” She whispered jumping off the bed. Drake scowled.
“Morning to you too.” he climbed off the bed and went to the bathroom, Emma groaned and chased after him.
“Drake!” She whispered furiously, knocking on the door. She didn't have to be in there with him to know he was rolling his eyes.
“It was such a nice night, why are you so cranky this morning?” He asked emerging from the bathroom finally. Emma sighed and checked the clock again.
“I'm not!” She snapped and instantly regretted it. “I'm sorry. I had a wonderful night Drake, I slept well. I just need you to go before someone comes to wake me up. We should at least try to make an effort for Liam's sake. She flashed him the same smile that got him, every time.
“Okay Barnes, I see your point. Can I come back tonight? I haven't slept that well in a long time.”
“Only if you don't get us caught!” she stuck her head out the door and glanced down the hall and motioned for Drake that it was safe to go. Drake slipped past her and Emma smacked his butt playfully on the way out. Drake turned around surprised and shook his head, a smile playing at his lips, as Emma winked at him.
Tag List: @notoriouscs @sleepwalkingelite @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo @princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore @leelee10898 @roonarific @indigo39 @skyila @speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad @blackwidow2721 @drakewalkerfics @findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv
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jayniebear321 · 7 years
You’ve got a point
AN: This fic is a long time in the making and is written for my friend @weaponized-glitter. I hope you enjoy love. I own nothing.
It was a dreary day in Paris when Marinette Dupain-Cheng awoke to a small bug like creature shaking her awake as an alarm blared in the background.
“Marinette! You need to get up, school starts in 10 minutes!” the small creature urged.
“Crap!” she yelped, jumping out of bed. “Tiki, you have to help me get ready!”
Resembling a small tornado, Marinette hurriedly dressed while Tiki assisted by passing her items like a hair brush and socks. Once she was dressed, and passable to attend class, Marinette grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs, with Tiki safely tucked away in her purse.
Marinette arrived at Dupont Academy just as the bell was ringing for the day to start. Running up the stair, skipping every other one, she arrived just as Miss Bustier was closing the door to the classroom. After sliding in her seat next to Alya, she heaved a great sigh of relief realizing that she made it in time.
“Hello class,” Miss Bustier smiled, “Has anyone given any thoughts on the project I assigned you all to research last night?”
“Yes Miss Bustier”, the class replied in unison.
“Good! Yesterday I asked you all to research an Olympic sport and to decide on one you would like to present on. Would anyone like to discuss what they found?”
“I don’t understand why this even matters,” complained a young blond girl sitting in the front of the class. “The Olympics aren’t even for another year and they aren’t being held in Paris either.”
“It’s wonderful that you brought that up Chloé,” Miss Bustier calmly replied.
“Principal Damocles was speaking to Mr. D’Argencourt and they both agreed that with the summer arriving, it was time to have a school wide sports festival. Everyone is welcome to choose an event to perform in. Each class will compete against each other and the class that has the highest overall score will be crowned school champions and will be rewarded with a dance at the end of the event.”
The class began to whisper excitedly about the prospects of a school wide competition.
“Miss Bustier, when will the sports festival take place?” Alix excitedly asked.
“In about two weeks.”
“What events will we be able to compete in?” Kim called from the back of the class.
“Well, that’s what your research homework was about last night. What sporting events are typically held at the Olympics?” Inquired Miss Bustier.
“I know!” yelled Max “In the winter Olympics, athletes can compete in skiing events, snowboarding, ice skating, bobsleigh, and speed skating!”
“Nice going, dork. How are we going to have winter sports when we are having this competition in honor of summer?” Chloé snapped.
“There are summer events too, Chloé. No need to be harsh.” Alya shot back with a glare.
Chloé opened her mouth to argue back, when Marinette stepped in with her arm in front of Alya to prevent any more fighting.
“You’re right Chloé, we can’t do winter sports at the end of spring, but we can still have speed skating with rollerblades.” Marinette pointed out, with Alix and Kim high-fiving in the back of the class. “Also, there are many summer events like running, discus, archery, swimming, and fencing.”
“Yeah the school even has a fencing team, it’s a lot of fun.” Adrien added.
“Adri-kins, I didn’t know you were so into athletics!” gushed Chloé. “If it’s something you enjoy, then it must be amazing.”
“Well it seems like you all did research last night, since you are so responsive. Okay class, we will put it to a vote. All in favor of competing in the school festival say ‘aye’.
“Aye,” chorused the class!
“Good, then let’s begin today’s lesson with your French homework from last night.”
The school day came and went with the class whispering excitedly about the upcoming sports festival. At lunch, Mr. D’Argencourt posted the events that would be held at the festival. Apparently, Miss Bustier took Marinette”s suggestion to heart and mentioned it to the PE teacher because the list included; speed roller skating, track events like hurdles and a relay races, discus, archery, swimming, and fencing.
Below the list of events, Mr. D’Argencourt included a sign-up sheet that would allow students to choose which event they wanted to compete in. The slots so quickly that Principal Damocles and Mr. D’Argencourt set a rule that each student is only allowed to compete in two events to allow every student to have the opportunity to participate.
Once the day was over, Alya, Nino, and Marinette walked home together discussing what sports they wanted to try.
“I think I’m going to try archery and swimming.” Mused Alya, walking hand in hand with Nino.
“Man, I’m terrified to see what you could do with a weapon like a bow and arrow.” Nino replied with a mock shudder.
“Would you rather me with a sword?” Alya laughed, nudging him with her shoulder.
“No ma’am!” Nino said quickly, with real fear in his eyes. “I mean if it’s something you really want to do, I’ll support you, but I fear for your opponent’s safety.”
“Nah, I think Mari’s going to be the one to choose fencing, isn’t that right girl?” Alya teased, poking Marinette out of her silent musing.
“Huh? Me? Fencing?” Marinette stammered. “No way, why would I choose fencing, I’d do better at hurdles or discus.”
“As if girl! With your luck and clumsiness, you’d either trip over a hurdle or hit someone with the discus. Anyway, after Ladybug and Chatnoir fought with Darkblade, didn’t you take up an interest in sword fighting?” Alya pointed out.
“You are right,” Marinette said slowly. “But I don’t even know how to fence!”
“Don’t sweat it Mari! Adrien is a great guy, he would be more than willing to teach you.” Nino added.
“Plus this way you can hang out with your boy Adrien some more!” Alya grinned sharkishly.
“Ha ha, no. I can’t even form a coherent sentence around him.” Marinette argued.
“Don’t worry, you can do all your talking with a sword. Plus you both will have those goofy masks on so you won’t be able to see him long enough to be nervous.” Alya reasoned.
“Look, I’m interested learning how to fence, but I’ll find another way to learn that isn’t a lesson from Adrien.”
“Fine, but I’m holding you to it. Tomorrow you have to sign-up at lunch.”
“Deal.” Marinette and Alya shook on it. “Well, here’s my parents shop, I better get going. I’ll see you both tomorrow!”
“I’ll text you later, girl.” Alya hugged her friend, and continued down the street with Nino.
Marinette waved to her friends and entered the shop.
“Hello mama, papa!”
“Welcome home, Mari! How was school?” asked Sabine.
“It was fine. The school is hosting a sports festival event in two weeks and the winning class receives a dance.”
“Sounds like fun! What events are you going to compete in?” Tom smiled gently at his daughter.
“Fencing, and maybe the relay race.”
“Fencing? I didn’t know you were interested.” Sabine replied. “I used to fence as well when I was young and my old gear would fit you.”
“Mama, I didn’t know that you fenced!”
“Oh yes Mari, your mother was a fierce competitor!” Tom beamed at his wife.
“Would you be able to teach me?” Marinette asked hopefully.
“Sorry love, I haven’t fenced in years, you’d do better learning from your friend Adrien.” Sabine suggested.
“Thanks but no thanks, mom.” Marinette groaned. “I’m going to go upstairs and start my homework on the balcony.”
“Ok Mari. We’ll call you down when it’s time for dinner.” Sabine smiled.
The night continued without much ado. Marinette was brushing her hair before bed, when a knock on her window startled her from her task.
“Quick Tiki, hide!” Marinette whispered as the kwami hid in her bed. “Who’s there?”
“Just a lonely cat, won’t you let me in my Princess?” A dark figure called from the balcony.
Marinette ran to the balcony door and a teenager clad in a leather cat suit slinked into the room.
“Good evening princess, I was on patrol tonight and I saw your light on so I figured I’d take a paw-se and say hello.” Chatnoir smiled.
“Hello, Chat.” Marinette smiled back. “How is Paris this evening?”
“Quiet. It’s a nice night out, better now that I have a friend to talk to.”
“Isn’t Ladybug on patrol with you tonight?” Marinette asked, fully well knowing that it was Chat’s turn for patrol and tomorrow she’d be on duty instead.
“Nah, I imagine my bugaboo is getting her beauty sleep, not that she needs it.” Chat mused.
“What about you, kitty?” Marinette replied, hiding her face so he didn’t see her blush. “Don’t you need a cat nap sometimes?”
“You wound me princess!” Chat sighed dramatically, clutching his chest. “Are you implying that I’m not already beautiful?”
Marinette giggled and covered her face at his antics.
“Oh kitty, you are just as cute as a cat should be.”
“I guess I can let your insult slide this time, since you said I’m cute.” Chat said with a wink.
“Not what I meant, kitty, but ok.” Marinette grimaced.
“So what’s new princess? Anything interesting going on? How’s school?” Chat asked, settling down in a chair.
“Don’t you have a patrol to finish?” Marinette asked with a huff, settling down on her own bed.
“I already did a few rounds, I was heading home before I stopped here. I haven’t visited you in a while, so I wanted to check in and say hi. You are my favorite civilian, you know.” Chat mopped. “You aren’t going to kick me into the streets like some stray are you?”
“No, I guess not. School’s going well. We have a sports event starting soon and I was hoping to try fencing but I don’t know how.” Marinette sighed. “I want to help my class win, but I won’t be any competition if I don’t know the sport.”
“Oh really, princess? I think I can help you out. I know how to fence, and even protected my partner once when we had to face an akumatized knight.” Chat stretched. “It would be easy to tutor you if you’d be interested.”
“Are you sure Chat? What about fighting akumas and patrols? Will you have enough time?” Marinette asked breathlessly.
“Sure, we could meet up every other day and I’ll give you lessons. You’ll have to practice on your own when we aren’t together, but I can make it work. The competition is in two weeks right? I can at least get you to an intermediate level by then.” Chat grinned.
“Thank you, Chat!” Marinette ran up to hug the boy hero. “This means a lot to me. In return, I’ll make sure to bring you baked goods from our bakery.”
“Your family’s chocolate croissants are the cat’s meow.” Chat laughed, as Marinette shuddered at the pun. “Well princess, it’s time for me to get home and for you to go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm at the Dupont academy’s school yard?”
“Definitely! Be safe chat and I’ll see you then.”
“Good night Princess.” Chat patted her head and with the stretch of his baton, was lost in the night.
As Marinette shut the door and climbed into bed, she thought about her conversation with the cat themed hero.
“Tiki, I’m so thankful Chat is willing to teach me how to fence, but I wonder how he knew that the sports festival was in two weeks.”
The two weeks leading up to the sports festival moved quickly. Between patrols, lessons with Chat, school and work at the bakery, Marinette barely had any time to think. By the night before the competition, Marinette was thankful that the day was upon them that she could put her skills to the test.
Marinette thought back on the lessons she had with her kitty. Chat was a patient and kind teacher, though he was quick to make use of a mistake to disarm Marinette during practice. To avoid embarrassment, Marinette quickly learned Chat’s tricks and was soon able to hold her own against his attacks. By their last day of training, Marinette was able to beat Chat at his own game with a move she created herself.
To avoid being disarmed by Chat, Marinette would side step Chats strike, while staying within the lines. Once off balance, Chat would stumble forward since he carried more weight than her, and she could quickly either disarm him or tap him with her saber for a point.
Chat was proud of how fast she was able to learn how to best him, and encouraged her that she would do amazing at the competition. Slowly their trust had grown and they had become friends. Marinette confided in him that her interest in fencing came from his battle with Darkblade and since one of the students in her class had a keen interest in fencing himself. Chat nearly smiled when Marinette told him the student’s name, and said that he was sure that Adrien will be impressed with her ability to fence.
Finally the day of the sports festival was upon them. Marinette made sure to wake up on time so she could get her gear together and make it to school with plenty of time. Marinette ate a quick breakfast, fed Tiki a few cookies, packing some in case of an emergency later and left for school.
Most of the other students had the same idea as Marinette and arrived at the school early so they could warm-up before the events. Alya waved her over to where she was stretching out by the pool.
“Hey girl!” Alya smiled warmly. “Ready to kick fencing butt?”
“You know it!” Marinette said confidently.
“That’s my girl. You’re events are later in the afternoon right?” Alya asked.
“Yeah and you have all morning events so we can support each other.” Marinette confirmed.
“Awesome, our class will definitely win. I have to go get ready for the swimming race.”
“I’ll make sure Nino and I are cheering the loudest for you!” Marinette gave her friend and encouraging hug. “I better go meet the rest of the fencing team and warm up.”
Marinette turned to go find her teammates, when she ran directly into Chloé.
“What’s your problem Marinette? Can’t you watch where you’re going?” Chloé snapped.
“Sorry Chloé, I was just trying to find the fencing team for our class.” Marinette replied, trying to keep her annoyance out of her voice.
“Don’t tell me you’re fencing too? Ugh, why can’t you do something else and let me have time with my Adri-kins.”
“I have no interest in getting in your way Chloé. I just enjoy fencing and wanted to try it out.”
“Whatever. Come on, Sabrina. We don’t have time to deal with pathetic losers.” Chloé stalked off with Sabrina hot on her heals.
Marinette shook her head to clear it. I hope she gets her attitude in check, otherwise we might have an akuma on our hands later today.
With that thought the school bell run and the sport festival officially began.
The morning events went off without a hitch, with Alix winning the speed skating event, Alya winning archery much to Nino’s fear. Discus, hurdles were won by the opposing class leaving the score tied 2-2.  With only three events left after lunch the competition was heating up along with the Chloé’s hopes of securing the dance for their class.
“All I want is to be able to wear a beautiful dress and have Adrien ask me to dance.” Complained Chloé.
“You’ll definitely get that chance.” Sabrina assured her friend. “We just have to make sure we win 2 of the 3 remaining events.”
“Oh don’t worry, I have some ideas on how we are going to ensure our victory and my victory dance.”
After lunch, the fencing event was scheduled to begin. The first match was Chloé versus a member of the other class named Matt. Matt was a kind student, but tough when it came to competitions. He easily bested Chloé at fencing and knocked her out of the competition, with his next opponent being Adrien. Marinette was set to fight another student from the opposing class, but her competitor forfeited after suddenly being hit with food poisoning.  
As Matt and Adrien chatted before their match, both of them being friends from the fencing team, Chloé snuck up behind Matt and put honey in his mask.
“This will prevent him from seeing, and attract bees to his helmet. This way he won’t be able to beat my Adri-kins,” Chloé chuckled. “Come on Sabrina, let’s go watch from the crowd so we don’t get caught.”
The boys shook hands, put on their gear and got into their positions for the match.
“En garde!” cried Mr. D’Argencourt.
The two boys slid toward each other quickly and began to dual, but soon it was noticeable that Matt was struggling with the match. It didn’t take long for the score to add up on Adrien’s side, with the winning point being scored by Adrien when Matt ran off the field with a horde of bees following him until he jumped into the pool. Scrambling out of the water, Matt ran off into the locker room hiding his face in shame. Removing and throwing his mask to the side, Adrien ran after his teammate to find out what happened, but was stopped by Chloé.
“Adrien, you won!”  Chloé cried, “I’m so proud of you, I knew you could do it. Now you just have to face Marinette who I know you can definitely beat and you won this event for our class!”
“Yeah, Chloé I’m not worried about that. I need to find Matt.”
“I’m sure he’s fine. He’s probably just getting changed so that he can compete in the next event. You’re last opponent is Marinette and you have to beat her so you can be the class hero.”
“I guess you’re right.” Adrien conceded, picking his mask off the ground. I can’t wait to see what Marinette is able to do after those lessons with Chatnoir.
Returning to the fencing platform, Adrien walked up to Marinette and offered her his hand.
“Whatever happens during this match, it was an honor facing you Marinette,” Adrien smiled. “No matter who wins our class get the victory, but we both should do our best, right?”
“Uh…of course, A-Adrien.” Marinette stammered, as she put her mask over her head. “Best of luck to you and let the best swordsperson win.”
The two classmates turned and walked to their respective sides, and at Mr. D’Argencourt’s command, the match began.
Marinette kept all of Chat’s advice in her head as she faced off with Adrien. As much as she was uncomfortable talking to him, she was much at ease competing with him at fencing. I guess this is Ladybug’s confidence and competitiveness coming through, Marinette thought with amusement. If only Chat knew who he was teaching to fence these past two weeks.
The match continued until there was a loud roaring at the back of the crowd. Screams soon followed the roar as a tall beast stepped forward, clad in a ripped fencing suit with an intact mask.  
“Behold, I am the Gardeian, student of Darkblade. Adrien Agreste, I thought you were my friend, but you have cheated me! My defeat was not a fair battle and I demand that you repay this dishonor with your head.”
“Woah, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” cried Adrien, taking off his mask and putting his hands out to try and calm his akumatized teammate. “We’re friends and I would never cheat to win a competition.”
“Lies! If you didn’t cheat, then you had one of your classmates do it for you!” The Gardeian screamed, “if you won’t tell the truth out of your free will, then I’ll force it from you!”
The Gardeian swung his sword and cut the fencing platform in half. Adrien and Marinette jumped separate directions. Marinette was able to escape to the girl’s bathroom, but she lost sight of where Adrien went.
“Tiki, we have to get out there and fix this before someone is hurt,” Marinette worried. “ I don’t think Adrien would cheat, but I can imagine one classmate who may be bitter enough in her defeat to cheat for him.”
“You’re right Marinette, but there’s nothing we can do about it now other than stop the akuma.” Tiki replied grimly.
“Tiki, spots on!”
One magical girl transformation later, Ladybug was running through the crowd to find Adrien and the Gardeian. It didn’t take long to find the akuma. Unfortunately he had both Adrien and Chloé cornered against the side of the school.
“Now which one of you cheated!”
“Ok, fine it was me.” Chloé admitted, “it wasn’t like you’d be able to beat Adrien anyway.”
“You will pay for the dishonor you brought me,” cried the Gardeian, raising his sword.
As he brought his blade down, a yo-yo wrapped around the Gardeian’s sword and pulled it away from the two students.
“Hey pokey, watch where you swing you’re blade. You could poke someone’s eye out with that thing,” Ladybug teased.
“Ladybug, stay out of this. I’m trying to serve justice and keep things fair.”
“Not going to happen big guy. If you want to fight them you have to go through me,” she challenged.
“No problem. I always wanted to skewer a bug.” With a roar the Gardeian charged towards Ladybug.
“Lucky charm!” A saber appeared from the lucky charm and landed gently in Ladybug’s hand.
“Figures,” she muttered darkly. “En garde, Gardeian.”
“With pleasure.”
Adrien watched in horror as Ladybug did her best to fend off the Gardeians attacks. Matt was already a powerful swordsman, and with Hawkmoth’s additional power from the akuma, he was a force to be reckoned with. The last time, Ladybug had to fight a swordsman, Adrien was able to protect her has Chatnoir. Now he was trapped between a wall and the sword fight. To his surprise, Ladybug was able to fend off the Gardeians attacks until he charged forward to try and score what would be a point in normal fencing. In this case, it would only end in Ladybug being skewered.
In a move that was so familiar to Adrien, Ladybug side stepped the attack and as the Gardeian tripped forward, she disarmed him in a single swipe. Off balance, the Gardeian hit the ground with a crash, allowing Ladybug to remove the mask and break it in half.
“Bye bye little butterfly,” she smiled as the now purified butterfly flew away. “Miraculous ladybug!”
A swarm of ladybugs cleared the damage and reverted Matt back to his original form.
“What happened,” the teen groaned, rubbing his head.
Adrien lowered his hand and helped his teammate up.
“Don’t worry about it man. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, just bummed because I lost.”
“You didn’t lose. The matched was fixed, so it wasn’t a fair fight. You can go to the finals instead. I didn’t earn this spot and it’s only fair you get another chance,” Adrien placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“Are you sure?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, but there’s no guarantee you’ll win anyway. You still have to fight Marinette and she’s one heck of a swords person.”
“Speaking of which, where is she?” Alya asked, appearing from the crowd.
“I’m right here!” Marinette called, as she ran from the school building. “I hid inside the school when the akuma attacked. Is everyone ok?”
“Yeah! Hey Marinette, I’m going to forfeit my spot to Matt since he didn’t get a fair shot earlier. Are you ok with facing him?” Adrien asked with a smile.
“O-of course Adrien.”
“Cool! Good luck to both of you,” Adrien turned to join the crowd with Alya, but stopped. Slowly Adrien walked over to Marinette and spoke softly so only she could hear. “Good luck my lady, I believe in you. And you might want to close your mouth so bugs don’t fly in.”
Marinetted just stared at Adrien, as his grin grew wider.
“Chat got your tongue my lady?”
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drakefridge44-blog · 5 years
Ideas For A Healthier Bachelorette Party
You’re getting married! Or maybe you’re invited to a bachelorette party, here’s how to keep it on the healthier side.
Chances are you’re a great friend or family member planning the night of festivities for the bride to be, and if you’re the bride, then all the more reason to read these ideas for suggesting a healthier bachelorette party to your bridal party.
Do you remember this article on the Best Wedding Diet? I was inspired to write that from personal experience of being a bride to be (we’re getting married in January 2019!), along with the large number of emails, DM’s, and Instagram comments I’ve had over the years from fellow brides to be about their diet plans. Hint, hint that article shares what our society demands of us when it comes to the wedding industry, which is a $53.4 billion as of 2013 dollar industry by the way.
A Spin On The Typical Bachelorette Party
If you haven’t read that article yet, then I highly recommend opening a new tab and reading that one (and sharing it with your friends and bride to be) after you read this one. But, let’s move on to the festivities, the fun, the parties, the gifts, the food, and let’s touch on the point of drinking which is often an activity associated with bachelorette parties.
First things first, I technically live in what’s known as the bachelor and bachelorette party city of the US—Nashville! Nashville has quickly become one of the most popular destinations for pre-wedding parties and it takes any local to tell you that they see at least 20 a weekend during the months of March-September. But, I also have to say, not many of these parties are on the path of “healthy” gatherings, most include bar hopping and binge drinking.
So are there ways to still enjoy alcohol, feel great, and engage in activities that might be up your alley with like-minded people?
Bachelorette parties definitely have a stereotype, but break away from it, if those activities don’t serve you or speak to your uniqueness! Try something new or outside of the box when it comes to celebrating this new upcoming chapter for you as an individual and as a soon to be a partner. Just a personal note, I plan to have my bachelorette party in December with a small group of close girlfriends doing so many of these activities on the list!
6 Things To Do For A Healthier Bachelorette Party
1. Retreats
This obviously is a bit of a fancier and more expensive route, but if you have access to this, it could be a beautiful getaway for the bride to be and you (the group!). Think of destinations that are the brides favorite, that can include group activities like hiking or spending time outdoors, are relaxing, exploring the city around you, etc. The list goes on, but one of my favorites is Blackberry Farm just outside of Nashville.
2. Yoga
Talk about setting up your girl with some support for her mental health! Yoga or even a meditation class can be a beautiful way to give the gift of stress management and relaxation. It may sound simple, but this act can help nourish you and the bride to be with a couple of strategies to learn deep breathing, finding gratitude, and calm amongst a busy season.
If yoga isn’t your jam or the brides’ jam, then try something else like a deep breathing class, kundalini class, meditation workshop, etc. Think of it as a fun activity for everyone to explore and try out—no one has to be an expert here, just enjoy!
Nashville specific idea: if you’re in the mood for dancing while doing yoga, try Inner Light Yoga. Otherwise, try Liberation or Shakti Yoga.
3. Outdoor activities
If you live or are visiting somewhere (like Nashville) for the bachelorette party, then check out some outdoor activities to do during the day. Some examples could be going on a hike, paddle boarding on a lake or ocean, going out for a run, taking an outdoor boot camp class, archery (little Hunger Games action anyone?), rowing, and the list goes on.
Nashville specific idea: hike at Radnor Lake followed by Centennial Park to view the Parthenon (photo opp), then grab a healthy snack or juice from Franklin Juice in 12th South.
4. Pampering
This is such a treat, and if it’s accessible to you, then booking a spa day filled with massages, getting your nails done, and facials can be elaborate but a real treat! If you’re on a budget, try another amazing option which is to throw a party at your hotel/Air Bnb and make it a spa day at your place! The latter is more engaging with everyone involved, and it can be fun to delegate a task for everyone to do—someone in charge of the nail polishes, others in charge of getting the facial care products you need, etc.
Nashville specific idea: check out Escape day spa, Cured nails or Poppy and Monroe (if your party is small), or Vetiver for a quick massage. Also, Lemon Laine for an oil bar appointment (mention Nutrition Stripped and you’ll get a special surprise). Pure Sweat and Float is also a great place to try sensory deprivation float tank.
5. Cooking class
This is truly a class and a gift that keeps on giving—what a better way to sharpen everyone’s skills involved with a cooking class? Better yet, if you can hire a private chef to come to your home or the Air BnB, then you can make it for your dinner right afterward.
One incredible part of my job is being hired for private workshops, I organized a healthy bachelorette brunch for a group of women from Canada who came to Nashville to celebrate. I started with a demo and made food for the group. Our menu was Turmeric Milk, mimosas, hot tea, Coffee Elevated, Almond Butter Waffles, Veggie Frittata, fruit tray, and a local greens salad with homemade dressing. It was such a hit! If you know someone who can offer than in your area, reach out to them, otherwise, I host workshops and private events such as these.
Nashville specific idea: check out Eat Placemat for all your cooking and private catering needs with a healthy spin.
6. Art class
Thinking outside the box of a fun activity, try looking up local art classes from painting, sculpture, drawing, mixed media, the list goes on! This is such a fun group activity no matter how artsy you are. There are so many art classes, paint by number classes, etc. that a good google search can help you out with when planning.
Recipes For A Healthy Bachelorette Party
If you have a weekend to celebrate and ideally if you’re staying in an Airbnb or a friends house, then it would be great to incorporate homemade meals. You can make healthy recipes to snack on, to have for breakfast before your busy days start, and to unwind with a nice dinner.
Obviously, many people will opt for going out to dinner to celebrate and enjoy(and if you do, here’s a list of my favorite healthy spots in Nashville), which you can totally incorporate as well, but also try out some of these crowd pleaser recipes that’ll last you the whole weekend with simple prep and cooking. Not to mention, cooking together is such a fun activity!
Veggie Frittata (great leftovers)
Strawberry Banana Smoothie (classic most people will love)
Hot tea, coffee, Turmeric Milk or Matcha Latte if you’re feeling fancy
Fresh fruit trays
Fresh fruit juices (try organic, cold pressed green juices to give you a little boost of nutrition)
Almond Butter Energy Balls or basic trail mix (on the go snack)
Massaged Kale Salad (great for a salad base, quick!)
Popcorn, Four Ways
Blueberry Chocolate Bars
Cracker Bites with Lemon Cashew Cheese Dip
5 Tips For Feeling Your Best While Partying
Remember to take pictures, but not too many. It’s great to capture the memories, but also implement a no-phone rule for some of the day/evening so you all can be fully present with each other to enjoy and celebrate.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. No matter what you’re up to, what you’re eating or what you’re drinking, staying hydrated is key especially if you’re incorporating some of the fitness activities earlier. Try carrying around a reusable water bottle if you’re on the go all day.
Don’t skip meals. Bring some of those recipes you made at the Air BnB or wherever you’re staying with you for a quick snack to stay fueled.
Maintain a healthy relationship with food. Unfortunately, I often see clients who are engaging in weekend activities like parties or bachelorettes and leading up to the weekend are either cutting XYZ food group to “look” a certain way, or to plan ahead by eating less so everything “evens out” on the weekend when there’s excess (eating and drinking). I urge you to check out this article where I talk a little bit about having a healthy relationship with food and what that may look like. If you ever need help, make an appointment with a dietitian or email me.
Sleep in if you can, it’s okay to rest up! Especially if you’re traveling to and from the bachelorette party weekend, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re taking care of yourself by sleeping enough or at least finding the time to catch up on sleep.
Delegate tasks to each member of the party—unless you’re an organization wizard and feel great about planning the whole weekend for everyone, then call on help! A more traditional option is to not let the bride have a hand in any of the planning!
Schedule activities for mid to late in the day so everyone can join with ease, not everyone is an early riser!
Make it a slumber party vibe! Remember those days where everyone slept in the same room with sleeping bags and stayed up late swapping stories, this is a great way to make new memories with everyone.
At the end of the day, think about how you can help support and create an experience the bride to be will remember forever? It can be easy to let big groups with lots of personalities come together and forget the North Star of the weekend—celebrating the bride!
I would love to hear your thoughts on having a more health-positive/focused bachelorette party! Have you thrown or planned a party for a bride to be, how did it go? Please share your thoughts so the rest of our community and all the brides to be and friends who are planning these parties can read this with appreciation!
Enjoy and have fun!
Source: https://nutritionstripped.com/healthy-bachelorette-party-ideas/
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