#and then the way she lifts up his head omg 😳
la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
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@ god: when
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HIIII OMG I LOVE YOUR WRITING. Its so comforting but also quite accurate to the character’s personality.
I wondered if u could make a part 2 of Drunk, with Adrian and the reader.
Be free with your imagination i am sure it will turn out great!
Hi anon, sorry it took me so long to answer but I had no ideas what to write for this request. 😳
My writing has changed a little since I wrote part 1 of this. Hopefully, it'll be still up to standard.
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Days after the incident, Adrian was still haunted by the things he had said and might have said while inebriated. It seemed rather silly, considering you haven't mentioned anything about that night, kind as you were. However, the son of Dracula was shaken after exposing himself to you, in more ways than one.
At the memory of him practically showing his naked chest in your face whilst rambling drunkenly about his loneliness, he could feel his face warming up. He undoubtedly has that unflattering shade of pink on his right now. Adrian lifted his chin from his steepled fingers, pressing his forehead against them instead. Instead of moping behind the wooden table, he should be making dinner as he watched bits of dust dancing in the last rays of evening sun streaming through the Tudor windows.
At this moment, you're probably getting both their beds ready for the night. Pulling back the bedspread and making a fire in the fireplace. You made a habit of slipping a stem of lavender from the garden and putting it under the pillows. He can hear you fussing about it, even though you're one floor higher. The dhampir's senses were finely attuned to your every breath and every movement. It came to the point where it was torturous. He wasn't just trying to dull away the pain of his past, but these pressing feelings as well.
Damn him, again and again, he's becoming attached to people only to be left every time. No doubt you will leave too, once you're able to. He'll be nothing but a fond memory...
"How's the dinner? I hope there'll be someplace left on the stove for teap-"
He's dragged away from his gloomy thoughts by the sudden sound of your voice nearing the door. You stopped mid-sentenced when you saw him sitting at the kitchen table, instead of working at the stove. He felt an immediate pang of guilt.
"Apologies I've seem to be a bit addle-brained today."
Adrian offered an apology as he started pulling the cutlery from its hooks. Hopefully with his back turned and his hands occupied, you won't notice his rather obvious fluster.
"Ah, it's alright," you waved him off in a placating manner as you rounded the table towards him. "Head still spinning from the vine, I see." you teased him as he made a fire in the stove, almost making him set his brows on fire.
As you walked past him, you gently put your hand on his back to make him step away. A whisper of a touch, yet he was tingling all over, his heart beating irregularly.
He clutched the edges of the stove, ignoring the rising heat. It can't go on like this. He has to do something.
You prepared the dinner in relative silence. You chopped mushrooms as he prepared pastry into small pans. Soon, bulky savory tarts were pulled out of the stove. He watched you wolf down four tarts in the row, while his plate was left neglected, safe for the few pokings with the fork.
His head snapped to you at the sound of your voice. He noticed you were looking at him in concern.
"What is it? You've been spaced out for days now." It was your turn to study your plate as you mumbled, "Is it...about the kiss?"
He was definitely blushing now. Adrian took a generous gulp of water from his chalice as he contemplated his answer.
"Yes and no."
You looked at him in confusion and he sighed in resignation.
"I'm sorry...my friend. The thing is..." He caressed the grooves in the ground glass. Would she even understand? What kiss meant to him?
"There have been several attempts in my life. There have been people who stayed in this castle pretending to be my friend and then turning on me as soon as I became vulnerable."
Adrian closed his eyes momentarily, chasing away the tainted memory of their hands coiling around him like vines of a poisonous plant. The pleasure, and the pain. So, so much pain... He opened his eyes and there were your eyes, filled with some much tenderness he had to suppress the urge to look away again.
"But last night, you didn't... and you could, easily so."
"I'd never-"
"I know, I know," he gently cut you off by putting his hand over yours. Your palm was much warmer than his, dainty fingers covered completely by his long ones.
"Believe it or not, but you singlehandedly restored a great deal of my hope in humanity. What once had been destroyed..."
He hasn't allowed his mind to wander to dark places, not this time.
"I don't mean to bring up such depressing subjects. But when one leads a life such as mine, you tend to... figure some things out."
"Things?" You carefully prompted, pity overrun by curiosity at last.
Adrian smiled in a self-deprecating fashion. "Well, for example, I have now discovered that in this entire world, I only have one close friend. You are my only solace, the only person that I can talk to regularly."
There was Trevor and Sypha, of course, but they found solace in one another, something deeper than friendship. Adrian understood now, what those feelings meant. His next words were full of emotion.
"I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I don't know if more demons will come and I'll be forced to fight them off. I don't know if the world will end tomorrow... and that used to not bother me. I used to not mind the idea of death. To slip into the quiet sleep..."
He trailed off, and you squeezed his fingers in encouragement. He squeezed yours right back, so you know he's not spiraling again.
"However, whatever courage I have towards that cause always sours at the thought of what comes after. What does come after do you think?"
You looked over his shoulder in contemplation, you traveled places far away from here, no doubt. Thankful you're entertaining his silly musings, Adrian patiently awaits your response.
"I'd like to think it's a place where I meet all my loved ones once more." You gave him a warm smile.
He chuckles at that. "Interesting response."
"What about you? What do you think?"
Adrian shook his head, golden locks tumbling over his shoulders, "As I said, the fear of not knowing that is the only thing that kept me alive for quite some time. But now, now that I've spent some time with you, it allowed me to clear my mind of that sort of dangerous thought. I think I may have an answer, maybe not a very good one but..."
He gingerly trails his hand from yours to the curve of your elbow and you let him. He leans closer, tone bordering on a soft whisper as he looks into your eyes.
"It doesn't matter what comes next, that shouldn't dictate our actions while we are still here. If you want something, chase it." He puts the other hand on your cheek, making his intentions clear with his actions and his words. Carefully, so you can pull away at any time.
Please don't.
"You have allowed me, to come to this mindset," he sighs. "The thought that what I want is worthwhile to pursue. So I will pursue that which I want. I will pursue... you."
It is evident that his words left you speechless. You stare at him with your mouth slightly parted. Adrian lets out a small breathless chuckle.
Is it really that shocking? After our lips have already become acquainted?
"I know...I know that I'm... half human, half vampire, so at the very least I know it can work, but it's up to you, really." His thumb caressed your cheekbone, "I will continue to pursue you for as long as you allow me."
He can see your eyes glistening with emotion, and he hoped his words touched the part of your soul he wanted them to. However you still haven't said a word and Adrian needs you to voice your desires, or lack thereof, directly.
"I bid you command me now. My devotion is solely placed at your feet. I truly cherish you. Every step you take and breath you breathe."
You close your eyes and choke back a sob as he places one small kiss on your forehead.
With a voice clogged up with emotion, you finally release him from his torment.
"I... would love... nothing more... than to be pursued by you." You say as you give him a watery smile.
He lets out a relieved sigh as he presses his forehead to yours.
"Then pursue you I shall."
It takes only a moment for the atmosphere to change around you. With hunger, you never saw in his eyes, he whispers to you hoarsely.
"Come here, you..."
The kiss is devoid of any sweetness the first one had. This one is full of fire and blood and passion that takes your breath away. You don't have time to react as he pulls you to his lap. His kiss goes down your throat and settles in your belly like a fine liquor.
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Drabble request
TLTD JK fulfilling his wish to recreate that kiss scene from Love 911 with OC
I love your writing dear author, keep it up! 💖
Happy Birthday, My Love ༓ jjk
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↩︎ Too Late To Dream Couple
✑ Summary: For years, your husband's been wanting to recreate his favorite kiss scene from Love 911 with you, and lucky for him, it's his birthday today so he gets to have whatever he wants.
pairing: economics professor!jungkook x artist!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 644
a/n: I watched a clip of this on Youtube and omg SO cute! AND the fact that Kookie said he wanted to recreate this in real? 😳 TYSM for the request 🥰 just fyi oc gets a little giggly but she is in no way making fun of him for this.
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"Here, here, here!" You watch your husband jog ahead of you on the sidewalk. He's been trying to find the perfect spot for you to fulfill his birthday wish all day. "We have to do it here honey! We're in the middle of one of the busiest streets in Seoul, it'll be just like the movie."
"There's a lot of cars here," you say. Your clammy hands grip the metal sidewalk railing as your eyes scan your surroundings. "There's a lot of people walking around us too. You sure this is the right spot?"
"Of course! Now will you please come here so we can do the thing?" Your husband, only a few feet away, eagerly waits for you to come closer to him.
You chuckle, not even minding that he's a tad bit impatient. Seeing him this happy on his birthday makes you incredibly giddy.
"Hurry, faster!" he gestures with his hands for you to speed up. "I wanna kiss the love of my life in front of all of Seoul."
"Yes baby, I hear you and I'm coming as fast as I can," you reply. Once you're within arm's reach, Jungkook quickly bends his knees to pick you up, arms moving to wrap around your upper legs, just like Kang Il did to Mi Soo.
"Oh wait!" You flinch at the gentlest touch, letting out a giggle that has him taking his hand off you before getting to lift you in the air.
"What happened?" His panic-stricken face makes you feel all kinds of guilty for your random outburst.
"I'm sorry, it just tickles."
"What does?"
"Your hands under my ass."
"Oh my god..." He breaks into an amused grin and shakes his head. "I'll try grabbing tighter okay?" He goes in again and this time you bite your lip to keep yourself under control. Why are you being so squeamish? Get it together!
Jungkook's able to get your feet off the pavement this time but it's like you can't help it—you start fits of laughter again.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this today..." He sets you back on your feet and you lean your head into his chest, hands gripping his shirt. You're embarrassed at the random strangers who pass by, whether by foot or car, chuckling at the two of you, you specifically.
"No, I really want to do it," you muffle, head still buried between his pecs. "Give me a second."
Jungkook strokes your back and then brings his hands to your shoulders. "Look at me," he commands softly. "It's no big deal okay? It's just a silly thing."
"It's not silly!" You flash your eyes up at him. "I think I'm more ticklish than I thought I was. Here, let's try a third time okay?" You nod, back away from him, and give a thumbs up. You then stick your arms straight out, signaling to him that you're ready to be serious this time.
Your husband smiles at your cuteness and reaches to pick you up again. When you squeal for the third time in a row he grunts in playful irritation.
"My god, this wife of mine!" He grabs your face and starts pecking your lips repeatedly. "Just...let...me...kiss...you," he says between pecks.
All previous giggling goes out the window after this—both of you euphoric from the kissing. Your husband takes it as his queue to try lifting you up one last time and this time he's successful.
"See, you look so beautiful like this," he tells you, nothing but pure happiness on his face. "I could stare at you forever and not once get tired."
"Happy birthday my love." You cup his face from your higher position, lean down, and kiss him not a minute later as more random strangers clap in the background.
Apparently, you have more of an audience than you realized.
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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fandom-hoarder · 3 months
Walker 4x12 Reaction
I am starting it now!! Forgot about geri saying "boy listening " god
Goddamn the bark flying with those gunshots
Jfc if they shot trey i was gonna lose it. Thank fuck
Stella's hair looks so dark red in this hospital scene
When he started talking about his dream, it was soooo dorothy waking up back in kansas 👀👀👀
Lmao abby bear-hugging larry, for real though (oh, is that why she’s Abby bear??)
Ughhh fucking captionsss, turn ONNNN
StellaCordi sceeeeene 👀👀👀👀👀
Cordi tearing up 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Yeah cordi you are so hypocritical on this lmfao. She IS your daughter
"I only did what you would've done."
"Stella, I'm a ranger"
Not a little girl anymore
*hand clasp *
Ugh Geri already pissing me off lol
Lol cordi's annoyed "good morning"
Booyyy don't act like you're not suspicious
"Doctors cleared me for work" ...lol again with the doctor's note
She should've anticipated this by now, though! Like, her tone about this rubs me wrong.
Not expecting him to want to talk to the guy that tried to kill him?? CORDI?? girl you can be upset, but you're just sounding stupid rn
Yeah, you've hardly even spoken. But ma'am. You WERE distracted with your shit. And not that you can't have your shit, and not that his lying and going off on his own was ok, but YOU of ALL PEOPLE should've KNOWN something was wrong. Like, head up ass right now
Omg, not Cordi having a flashback of his dream. "You deserve the best" HES GONNA GUILT HIMSELF INTO MAKING A LIFE FOR GERI, FOR THE SAKE OF HOYT AND EMILY😱😰 i feel like i know exactly how the finale will end now and I'm kinda :/ about it but what can ya do (write fic)
She's right about making big decisions fresh after trauma. Like for real. Curttail that fucking marriage proposal
"So, tonight, after dinner. Yeah?"
"We’ll see." Hooooo girl. I know you won't but you could also run. 👀
Cassie 🥺🥺🥺
I like this song, damn
Listening to his message 😭😭😭😭
I KNEW SHE'D SAY IT (i love you) BUT GODDAMN i kinda love the voicemail aspect 👀👀 so real, so romantic
Ok... so Geri was so upset about Cordi going back, but larry seems chill about it rn so... that was more about cordi lying than going to work. Girl, then actually come to him first. It felt like she was lying in wait to see what he'd do, instead of just starting the conversation.
Girl, you run too. You could run now, yknow.
I honestly can't remember if they've had this guy on their suspect list before now
Ooh Cordell's angry face looking at the pic! His nose going red.😳
Is this guy saying things to TRY to trigger Cordi's memory??? 👀👀👀
It's her!!
Calling Cordell a "scumbag parent" for missing August's grad?? Like, it ain't good, but that's a stretch actually. Scumbag?? Puh-lease🙄🙄🙄
I love how jared falls into his memory, trailing off
They won't have enough time left in the season to have cordi go through a proper guilt spiral, but I'm stuffing this in the fic fodder, too
Having some trey bruise appreciation 👌👌
Look at abby and bonham, having a reasonable conversation
Goddd finally they are getting to the accomplice
Y'all a LOT more serial killers than that have had a partner. Not a TON, but way more than the dc snipers
Oh thank fuck they figured out the daughter. Jfc
(Fucking iphone commercial with the hugeass fish is so annoying lol. I just keep thinking about how the fish moves in a mechanical way, not the way a fish would be fighting. And there's no way this guy would be able to lift his hand off it to tap his fingers to take a pic. So then I'm like, well this is a stupid example of this phone's ability. It wouldn't even work.)
Ohhh hohoho "you and your daughter may be more alike than you realize" 👀👀👀👀👀👀 those parallels
She's gonna die, and cordell is gonna quit the rangers and work at the side step
To save stella (and give geri a life blah blah)
Yknow, it's interesting that cassie gets mad about cordell going off alone, when she's like that too. I mean, that's how she and cordell met in the first place. Everything full circle
She's gonna push herrr
Trey is RIGHT THERE lol
Omg she actually pulled her up??
The sweat on her forehead 😳😳 nice shot
I fully expected her to take both her hands and "lose her grip" lol
Goddd cassie at the press conference 🥺🥺🥺 having to stand there not crying
Luna's picture 🥺🥺🥺🥺
So pretty and distinguished
Geri coming home to cassie. 👀👀👀 i pause every time i type lol so i have no idea what she's gonna say but I'm just over here like... y'all can comfort each other over lost loves you never confessed to. And maybe fuck about it
BUT TELL ME WHY GERI SOUNDS SO BORED WHEN SHE SAYS "it feels like your world's been turned upside down and inside out"
Geri again with "don't make any life altering decisions right now" yes i agree. Can we all stick to that please? If cordell proposes to you, can you please say no? Lololol
I mean like, she IS speaking from experience lol. She sold the sidestep and ran
she is just a very weak actor imo. It's frustrating
I love themmmmm godddd
Goddd please let cordi talk it out with stella before geri lol. For ME
Lol rewatching now 😂😂
I really do wish we'd gotten a micki cameo on this
The stellacordi is a blatant parallel to the serial killers and i am like 👀👀👀👀 those two were a pair since she was a kid. Hmmmm
I'm so sad next week is the end. I'm biting my fingers over what the ending will be. Someone is gonna quit the rangers it feels like, and it feels like it'll be cordi
But omg, the way cassie looks at cordi in the opening scene, so shocked and bitter that he's alive and luna is dead
(ashley has to make up for what odette lacks in acting lmfao im so sorry)
I don't want him to quit for geri but rn it feels like we're heading that way
If they'd gotten a s5, they could do that and then bring him back lol. Or have geri leave to okc and then come back. I feel like i know where we're heading, but who knows
My brain can't not think as a writer, and put it into the perspective of serial storytelling
Stella's freckles in this episode are so cute
Cordell's "do as i say not as i do" attitude is so funny. He did not immediately learn his lesson
(A dawn commercial for professional dawn, talking about needing to do double duty cuz you're shortstaffed. Why are we putting predatory capitalism into our commercials? You're shortstaffed because it sucks to work there)
I love how roughed up and dirty Cordell's truck is
Geri is so annoyinggggg. I know my bitterness about her colors this but i cannot get over how much she treats cordell like she's his babysitter
The way she says "riiight. /the jackal/" doesn't sound like she's stressing the danger of him. It sounds like she's mocking the idea of him
Like "ooh what a scary name. Definitely what you should spend time on🙄"
Am i crazy?
Like they try to save it with "who tried to murder you" but the first half of that overshadows the paltry concern at the end
She just don't want him being a ranger
It doesn't feel like the relationship is for him. It's for OTHER PEOPLE
Cordell is a people pleaser
Even though he's absentee a lot, his decisions are often about other people and not himself personally
Sam aspect in his Dean personality
I don't want to nitpick about the "waived his right to counsel, which means he's willing to talk" because every cop show does it, but it always feels a little off kilter when they use a procedural cop show trope in this, a family drama. 😅
Like ughh. Don't like that actually. I know this guy is a serial killer, but he should have a lawyer
Cordell doesn't think about how his absence also has an effect
It's very John, actually. Trying to complete his mission to make sure his family is safe, meanwhile time passes like water through your fingers
Geri: Cordi, we need to talk. You LIED to me.
Also Geri: well I don't want to make this a whole thing, we can't have this conversation right now
Girl why did you ruin his day, actually😂😂😂😂
WAIT, is that Luna's bracelet cassie put on?? 👀👀👀👀👀👀 [bestie supplied: hair tie]
Cassie sitting on the bed with Luna's shirt vs Sam sitting on Dean's bed mourning with Miracle 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁
(The voicemail kills me cuz when my bff's mom died, she kept paying her phone service for YEARS so she could hear her voice)
Cassie puts his shirt in vacuum wrap to preserve his scent, but the longer it's in there the more it just smells like plastic 👀👀👀
Cassie holding the hair tie now🥺🥺
Is it bad that i keep seeing cody Rhodes in the jackal's face? 😅😅😅 like the jaw isn't as square but i can't stop seeing it
We don't really get a backstory for why they started killing parents like this lol. I can't believe we got more backstory in Stella's thing with joanna😅🙃
"I do get where you were coming from...with that damn boat" lol but he still spent a ton of money without talking about it, knowing she will need money for their business. Like I'm glad they talked and shit, but still
Hahh the first time, I missed larry saying "i will bring your daughter in, safely" hahhhh puts an even bigger stake on Cassie's decision, storywise
Goddd i hope we get a cassie and ben scene in the finale
Cassie's eyes, swollen with tears 🥺👌
Aaaaand fade to black for sapphic petting.👀
I'm gonna rewatch the final Stella/Cordi scene a billion times now.💝
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meetmymouth · 3 years
Hmm concepts…
Omg okay so H’s POV and he has a crush on y/n and he can’t stop thinking about her, and they’re maybe out with friends or just lounging about and he thinks her skin looks so soft and he just wants to run his hands through her hair,, and he’s thinking of ways to impress her and how they’re going to kiss for the first time etc etc ?!!? 😳
not proofread yet!!
He takes another sip from his drink, a pink gin prepared by Y/N, and tries so hard not to cringe at the taste. It wasn't as if he didn't like gin– far from it. He just wasn't fan of the pink one, though he would never voice his opinion seeing how excited she was to prepare him–not just him, couple of people who arrived later than the others–a drink, her eyes shining with excitement and the alcohol in her system.
Truth be told, he wasn't supposed to fall for her.
When they first met, through a mutual friend, she was taken. When he first saw her, sitting in a corner, alone with hands supporting a sad looking cocktail and mouth turned downwards in a pout, he knew he was fucked. He remembers her yellow dress, the colour looking exquisite on her skin, and he remembers how she lift up her head, looked around before her gaze stopped at him, and gave him a tiny smile making his insides melt.
A year into their friendship, Y/N now single for eight months, Harry constantly found himself itching– just to be near her as pathetic and cliche as it sounds, or just say and do something to make her laugh. The tiniest attention he would receive from her meant the world to him.
He looks down at his drink again, the ice beginning to melt, and then looks up to search for her in their small crowd. He finds her pretty easily, because once again, she's wearing something colourful and quirky, and he can't help but smile when he hears the distinct laugh as Tom scowls in front of her, not feeling being defeated at beer pong once again.
He sees someone else from their group put her hand on her back, to guide her towards the snacks, and he feels his cheeks redden at the thought of jealousy, and he imagines– no, longs for being the one who touches her there.
"Why are you so quiet?"
He turns to his left with wide eyes and finds her next to him, plate full of cheese and some other snacks as she looks at him expectantly.
"Where did you come from?" He finds himself asking, the question making her laugh into her glass.
"From over there. I was getting food for us."
She nods, blinking up at him a few times before she looks down at the plate. "Here."
"You consider... this much cheese to be food?"
"Either take some or I'm eating all of them."
"All right."
They stand there for a while, both munching on some cheese and Harry takes one of those tiny sandwiches, but his eyes still linger on her face, watching as she chews slowly.
She sighs, then itches the side of her mouth before turning her gaze to him, locking their eyes. He knows he's caught redhanded, caught watching her like a creep, but he reckons there's not much he can do at this time so he gives her a tiny smile. She smiles back. Then takes a step closer.
"What's up with you?"
He raises his eyebrows in question. "What d'ya mean?"
"You're so quiet and haven't moved from this corner for like... god knows how long. You okay?"
"I'm– yeah, I'm okay. Just tired, I guess," he places his drink on the small table behind them, watching as she does the same.
"Okay... weirdo."
"We've been friends for a year, I know when you've something on your mind. Is it a girl?"
Oh my god, Harry finds himself thinking, how cliche is this.
"Y/N, I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"What's gotten into you tonight, hm? Why are you being so pushy?"
She gasps. "Pushy?"
"Y'know that's not what I meant..."
"So..." she sighs, placing the plate on the table before she turns to him again. "When are you going to kiss me?"
Harry's stunned, unable to move his eyes or limbs for that matter, except for his mouth as it parts ever so slightly at the question. He keeps looking at her with parted mouth, hands on his side, and she looks so confident, so sure of herself and the brave question that she's just directed at him.
He swallows. "Kiss you?"
"Yes... I'm done playing this game," she shrugs. "Sorry, it's–"
"–No! No... don't apologise, I'm– I want to."
"You want to what?"
"Don't... now you're just being a little shit," he whispers, hand coming up to wipe his forehead.
She lets out a chuckle, feet carrying her closer to where he stands.
"You want to kiss me?"
"I do... so bad– you don't even know."
"Then come here. Kiss me."
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
I have spotted another Uzui fan! Yee! Let's have some tickles for the flashy boi.
Lee- Uzui
Lers- Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru
Spot- whichever spot you headcanon as his worst (i personally think underarms but I'll let you pick)
TENGEN FKDKFKDNFDKFKF I love him huuuuu kdkdkdf and YES YEEES I also think his worst is under his arms omg 😳 I hope you enjoy this! This one got longer than expected, sorry~
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"Ready, Tengen-sama? Lift your arms, please!" Tengen did what he was told, grinning up at Hinatsuru who smiled shyly at him. She pinned his arms down, knowing very well that he'd free himself from her grip in seconds. "Okay, so you have to stand it for one minute, Tengen-sama!" Makio said excitedly, a big grin on her face as she moved herself closed to Tengen. "Otherwise, we'll tickle you until we want to stop," Suma finished, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
Tengen breathed out, he couldn't deny he was slightly nervous. How did he got into this mess? He wasn't sure, but before he knew it, Suma and Makio were teasing him, saying that he couldn't stand being tickled under his arms, (knowing very well he was the most ticklish there), for more than sixty seconds. Were they really trying to test Uzui Tengen's prowess and stamina?! He'd show them!
"Do your worst," he said confidently, smirking at his wives. Suna and Makio giggled, wiggling their fingers just above his armpits. He felt his stomach flutter. "Very well, I'll be counting, you can start... Now!" Hinatsuru said and Suna and Makio started right away. Uzui jolted, sucking on his lips. Suna's touch was light and gentle, even shy, causing his skin to bristle, but Makio was digging in, fingers wiggling against the very center of his arm, wanting to make him lose. And he did.
He lowered his arms in exactly five seconds, trapping their hands under his arms in the process as he cackled. "Lift your arms, Tengen-sama! Otherwise we'll continue until we're tired!" He shook his head, there was no way he could lift them again! But they were his wives not only because of their beauty, but also because of their tenacity, stubbornness and strength; clearly they were going to have their fun, so between the three of them, they were able to raise his right arm, Hinatsuru quickly sitting on it to prevent him from lowering it again.
"W-Wait! You said- GAHAHAHA!" Suma and Makio wasted no time, their fingers quickly went to action and Tengen just about lost it. He couldn't do much to protect himself having his right arm pinned under Hinatsuru and the overwhelming sensations made his body uncoordinated. "I GIHIHIVE! I gihihihive!" Threw his head back, laughing hysterically. "Sorry, Tengen-sama, you lost the bet, now you have to take your punishment!"
Tengen hoped that the three of them knew that there would be a punishment for them as well once they finished making him laugh until he cried.
[3 sentence fic: send a lee, ler and a tickle spot!] - Send no more please ^^
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
Omg I love this! Bakugou adopting a girl that's just like him when he was her age! And him saving her when she was a baby makes me 😭😭😭
Knock up a brick wall? I'm crying! 😂 It's true tho!
I think 'Bakugou can't have kids' is an interesting concept in general! Like you said, he planned his whole life and even tho his career is his top priority, he also wants a family at some point! Seeing his friends having kids and finding out he can't have his own definitely affects him! There's a part of him that wanted to have a child that looked like him or had the same quirk and not being able to have that was something he never even thought was possible! I think it'd be nice to see how he deals with it and accepts it and eventually finds his child in the most unexpected way! 🥺 And he'd be such a great uncle, too! He whines when Kiri asks him to babysit but he secretly loves spending time with the kids! 😭😭
DILF content has so much potential! Cute moments with the kids but also sexy moments trying to have more kids! 😳
Good morning! How'd you sleep? 💕
I just - I love, love, love the idea of new parent Bakugo being an absolute dream with her after being told that she'll be too much of a handful for him. Like, she has a meltdown at a football game she's playing in and he just crouches down in front of her and holds the back of her neck, talking to her softly until she's able to calm down. 😭🥰
'Oi, firecracker.' He grips her neck, thick fingers pressing gentle into her skin. 'You wanna give me five things that make you smile, yeah?'
Her little fists are balled by her sides, knuckles white as her breath stutters from her chest. 'I - I...'
'Take a breath, then give me five.' Bakugo's thumb kneads circles into the side of her neck, where the joint meets with her shoulder. His voice is low, softer than he'd ever imagined hearing it, but it's worth it when she raises her head and sniffs hard.
'Uncle Kirishima, action movies, the spicy ramen we get after Saturday training, my - my dad and hugs.'
Bakugo smiles, lifting his other hand to wipe a tear from her cheek. 'You want a hug off Daddy now?'
She nods and he's on her in seconds, wrapping strong arms around her tiny frame. 'You want to go back on the pitch, or should I ask coach if we can head out early?'
Shoving him back, small hands on his shoulders, she frowns. 'I wanna win.'
'That's my girl.' There's a quick kiss pressed to her forehead and then, she's off - determination creasing her nose as she jogs back onto the pitch.
The mum's are obsessed with him. Swoon and blush at the way he handles his little firecracker, but he's always too distracted to notice. His eyes are already glued back to her, watching as she absolutely annihilates the other team.
Kirishima is the most fertile human on the planet. I can sense it. Him and his wife have three kids before he decides to get a vasectomy, his wife is on contraception and they use condoms and yet, almost six months later: baby number four is on the way.
But, yeah - I agree, there's so much mileage in imagining these guys as fathers! Out of curiosity, what do you think Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari would be like as dads?
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