#and then split the cost because youre awesome too!!!!
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ive heard you were injured. dunno if the rumor is true, but here's a single spongebob band aid for all of your issues. normally i'd take a hundred bucks for this, but you're awesome, so get healed for free
//your tags murdered meeee
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FOR ME???? THIS IS THE BEST, THANKS!! makes the pain of falling down the stairs almost bearable :') <3
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mayakern · 1 year
Minority opinion obvs, but I was actually kind of bummed by the shorter mini lengths? I have some OG minis that don't quite cover as much of my booty as they used to, so I was hoping the longer back panel would help, but with the new sizes, it's more like the butt coverage is the same and the front is just shorter 😩 But the new sizes seem REALLY popular, so maybe this is a sign that I'm just not built for minis anymore!! I'll just have to keep an eye out for the next round of midis, and I'm SUPER excited to try out the wrap shirts, they look amazing!! Thank you to you and your team for being awesome!
they’re defs not for everyone!
but i wanted to make a true miniskirt this time around, since the minis before were really just skater skirts and not true miniskirts. especially bc in order to achieve the same length for the largest size as the smaller ones, with the skater skirt length the size D would have to be like 23-24” long and our midis are only like 25-27” long so the midi and skater skirts ended up being a little too similar in length/silhouette for my taste
there is potential for us to maybe eventually fill that middle length at some point but it would likely be a different type of skirt and it could be years in the future.
to draw back the curtain so what: we are a really small brand and it’s important for our different products to be significantly different from each other, since doing lots of small variations is more likely to split our consumer base and complicate our back end instead of expanding our consumer base. like imagine if i’m selling 2 shirts with the same design, but one is on red and the other is on black. there are some people who have absolutely no interest in black shirts and will ONLY buy a red shirt, but most people are gonna be happy with the black one and adding a red option mostly just serves to split the existing customer base instead of adding to it, and because i know have 2 very similar but separate products and because i have to hit a minimum order quantity per garment type/color (bc the fabric is made and dyed to order and there is a minimum quantity to make this worthwhile for the manufacturer), i’ve basically doubled my minimum required inventory, my cost and logistics without significantly increasing sales.
i hope this explanation makes sense haha! and sorry the new miniskirts don’t meet your needs 😅
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] Sun Sun Laundry | Fluffy Compensation
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Misumi: Ah, Sakuya!
Sakuya: Misumi-san!
Misumi: Are you coming home from your part-time job too~?
Sakuya: Yeah!
Misumi: Good work today~.
Sakuya: Good work to you too, Misumi-san.
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Misumi: …
Sakuya: …?
Sakuya: Something wrong, Misumi-san?
Misumi: I made a mistake at my part-time job and ended up getting my uniform a little dirty… And I have my job again tomorrow too…
Sakuya: Really? I actually ended up getting my apron dirty too.
Sakuya: Well, if we do the laundry as soon as we get home, it should be fine for tomorrow, right?
Misumi: That’ll probably work! Let’s get home and do our laundry together~.
Sakuya: Yeah, let’s do that!
Sakuya: Though, it seems like it’s getting kinda cloudy.
Misumi: You’re right…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: We’re home!
Kazunari: Welcome back~.
Kazunari: You had your part-time job too, SakuSaku?
Sakuya: Yeah. I ran into Misumi-san on my way back.
Kazunari: It’s raining pretty hard~. You guys okay?
Sakuya: We’re fine. But…
Kazunari: But?
Sakuya: My apron got dirty at my part-time job, so I thought I’d just wash it…
Misumi: I wanted to wash my stuff too, but now it’d just get all wet…
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Kazunari: Gotcha~. ‘Cause of the rain, right?
Juza: ‘M back.
Misumi: Welcome home~. Where are you coming from, Juza?
Juza: Rehearsal with Yuzo-san.
Juza: Got another one tomorrow, so I wanted to wash my practice clothes, but…
Sakuya: So you wanted to do laundry too, Juza-kun.
Kazunari: Maybe it’d dry indoors if we get the dehumidifier running~.
Izumi: What’s everyone gathered in here for?
Kazunari: So… Everyone’s a little screwed because they’ve all got stuff they need to have washed for tomorrow, but it’s raining.
Izumi: So that’s it. How about a laundromat then?
Sakuya: That’s a great idea!
Kazunari: Way to go, Director-chan!
Kazunari: But do we even have one near us?
Izumi: There’s this one in town! I can drive there if you want.
Juza: You will, Director?
Kazunari: With rain like this, your driving might be a bit…
Izumi: …?
Sakuya: It might affect your visibility.
Misumi: Then I can drive everyone there safely~.
Izumi: You will?
Misumi: I drove when Summer Troupe went on our trip, so leave it to me! You can just tell me the way there, Director-san!
Izumi: Ah, but…
Juza: ?
Sakuya: What’s wrong?
Izumi: It’s just that this laundromat is known for making your clothes super fluffy, so it’s a little more expensive than a regular laundromat…
Juza: Should be fine if we just wash everythin’ all together.
Sakuya: If we split the cost between the three of us, it’ll be cheaper!
Kazunari: And anything’s fine as long as Frooch-san doesn’t find out!
Izumi: …I guess so. Well then, let’s go.
Misumi: Set sail for the laundromat!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Kazunari: Damn! This place has even better vibes than I thought it would!
Kazunari: Hey, hey, let’s all take a pic together!
Misumi: Yeah, yeaah! I wonder if there’s any triangles~!?
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Sakuya: There’s a café here too.
Juza: Just what kinda laundromat is this…
Izumi: You guys can use the stuff over by where it says “WASH & DRY”!
Sakuya: I’ll put my laundry in this one.
Juza: Can you throw my practice clothes in too?
Misumi: …
Kazunari: Sumi, what’s with the sad vibes all of a sudden?
Misumi: Everything’s round!
Misumi: There coulda at least been triangle washing machines or something~…
Izumi: (A triangular washing machine seems like it wouldn’t spin easily…)
Izumi: Maybe there’s some triangular cake or something at the café!
Misumi: Really!?
Kazunari: Alright, let’s hit up the café while we wait on the laundry!
Sakuya: Sounds good!
Juza: Yea.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Guys, look, look! They’re all triangles~!
Kazunari: Awesome! All the cakes really ARE triangular!
Juza: They all look good.
Sakuya: It’s so hard to choose!
Misumi: Thanks for telling us about this laundromat, Director-san~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: You’re welcome!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: You’re welcome!
Misumi: I’ll get this cake with the triangle-shaped cream on it~.
Izumi: It says it’s a rich cheesecake. Sounds really good!
Misumi: Which one do you wanna get, Director-san?
Izumi: I’ll get… This shortcake.
Misumi: The strawberries on top are really cute~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: I’m glad there are triangles here!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: I’m glad there are triangles here!
Misumi: I’m so happy to see lotsa triangles~.
Misumi: And all the cakes look super tasty!
Izumi: The cakes here are super cute and really good too.
Misumi: I can’t wait to try one!
Izumi: Fufu, I know, right?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: I’ll get the chocolate cake!
Sakuya: And I’ll take the baked cheesecake.
Juza: I’ll take the milk crepe, no-bake cheesecake, and the chocolate gateau.
Kazunari: You’re getting three things, Hyodle!?
Juza: Couldn’t pick just one.
Izumi: Ahaha, how about we get drinks too?
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Kazunari: Amazing! It really is super fluffy~!
Sakuya: Just like you said, Director!
Juza: Feels nice.
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Misumi: My uniform is all fluffy again~!
Izumi: Fufu, I’m glad.
Kazunari: This on top of the totes tasty cakes, this laundromat is the best!
Sakuya: Yeah! I kinda wanna bring some stuff back for everyone.
Sakuya: Excuse me, can I get some stuff to-go?
Shop Worker: Yes, of course.
Juza: Aight, then I’m gonna get this cake for Muku and Tsumugi-san.
Juza: And then this quiche for Kumon…
Sakuya: I’ll get some cake to bring back to everyone too!
Misumi: Me too~!
Kazunari: Laundry done, lil’ surprises bought, it’s almost time to head on back!
Izumi: We are out a little late.
Misumi: Then I’ll drive us all back safely~.
Izumi: Thank you, Misumi-kun.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: We’re home~!
Sakyo: You’re all out late.
Omi: I’ll get some dinner ready for you guys.
Tsumugi: What were you five doing out together?
Izumi: Everyone had things they needed washed for tomorrow, so we went to a laundromat because of the rain.
Kazunari: BTDubs, we got some lil’ surprises for everyone!
Juza: This cake is for Muku and Tsumugi-san. And this quiche is for Kumon.
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Muku: Waah, thanks, Ju-chan!
Tsumugi: It looks really good.
Kumon: Thanks, Nii-chan!
Sakuya: I got this cake. There isn’t a lot of it, but everyone’s welcome to have some.
Itaru: All triangles, huh.
Sakyo: Tch, even if they’re gifts, there was no need to buy that much stuff.
Tsuzuru: Wait… You guys said you went to a laundromat, right? Why’d you go all out of your way to stop and get stuff for us?
Sakuya: Actually, there was an attached cafè.
Misumi: There were lotsa yummy triangle deserts there.
Omi: Huh, I’m glad you found them.
Misumi: Ehehe, and it was a really good laundromat, so our clothes got super fluffy~.
Sakyo: …What?
Juza & Kazunari: Ah.
Sakuya: U-Umm! But it was only a few hundred yen more!
Izumi: (That’s not good…!)
Sakyo: …I suppose because of the rain, the laundromat was unavoidable.
Sakyo: However, there are plenty of cheap laundromats around if you just go and look.
Sakyo: And if you start with buying unnecessary things, the more money you’ll end up wasting…
Misumi: Sakyo’s eyes are triangles…
Kazunari: Not now, Sumi!
Sakyo: Oi, the hell did you just say?
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Kazunari: Nothing ☆
Izumi: (I’ll start looking for a cheaper laundromat…)
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
So, @lysistra was nice enough to tag me to name four albums I’ve been listening to intensively in recent weeks (thank you!). It was a tough decision and I literally lost sleep over this, so everyone please be nice to me or I’ll never do this again.
And they are:
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#1: Sweeping Promises: Good Living Is Coming For You. Their debut, Hunger For A Way Out, was an essential Pandemic Autumn jam and I was drawn to it because of the d.i.y.-ethos album cover. I listened to that album the most out of any others that season. Now this came out with very little heads-up and I reached for it immediately, effectively taking me back to those Pandemic feels. They stuck with the same post-punk-driven, Pylon-influenced formula and these ten songs come with a slightly dirty, muddy splash in their production values. There’s a few new tricks that vocalist Lira Mondal has tried out and they show. They’ve also retained that d.i.y. method of creating records throughout all of their projects and their entire discography. Still not enough? There’s the orphaned single “Pain Without A Touch” and their other just-as-awesome project Splitting Image. And look at this CMYK artwork?!
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#2: Free Love: Luxury Hits. I’m elated to say that I’m the only one here amongst my mutuals who know about this Scottish electronic duo, and that started with Apero, a record that stamps my move into my current residency. Formerly Happy Meals (because they can’t be bothered naming themselves after cancerous toxicity), this married couple have that magic touch in their sound that no one else has. They have such a special soul that could take you to another world; one that could’ve possibly existed but per chance could be a reality. Luxury Hits contain two personal favorites / footnotes of mine: “Tomorrow Could Be Heaven”, one denoting an Autumn Sunday trip out to Greenpoint, and “Pushing Too Hard”, part of a soundtrack to a colorful and vivid but complicated Summer. The latter is a charmer thanks to Suzanne Rodden’s charismatic vocals, and any release of theirs is super high-resolution, sweet colors, and lush sounds. I still hope to keep Free Love as a personal gem only I can have to myself. Maybe not after you see this.
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#3: Kontravoid: Too Deep. Whenever I’m not blasting hardcore music while busting my ass at the gym, I turn to synthwave instead. After hearing the electrically-charged sounds of Kontravoid, I’m becoming more a fan. This all started when Boy Harsher featured Kontra's-“Maskerade” on a one-and-done post and the rest was game over. The original full-length has some severe high-voltage bangers (“Turn Away”, “So It Seems v.2”) and some superior anthems included (“Too Deep”, “Cost Of Life”). If you’re headed for the remix album, go on right to Fractions’ version of “So It Seems”, then tell me that you didn’t lose your shit over it because it’s that crazy.
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#4: Black Marble: A Different Arrangement. It’s Summer, and you know what that means: it’s time to reach for the record that one of my fellow dee-jays opened my eyes to. Black Marble gives me a elevated feeling of superiority thanks to not only its art direction but also its frigid beats and moderately warm but lush-as-heaven synth work. Chris Stewart’s project is so good that I saw them twice: one at Brooklyn’s Warsaw opening for Cold Cave, and closing out Sacred Bones’ 15th at Queens’ Knockout Center. Both amazing experiences. Bonus points for its’ Eighties sentiment which reminds me of Dead Or Alive’s “Brand New Lover”, and double that for being the soundtrack of me moving into a new neighborhood.
And…because I can’t settle for four albums, I’ll throw in a bonus:
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#5: SpaceGhostPurrp: IntoXXXicated. Holy shit. Talk about a venomous Naga-grade pit-viper of a rap release. This has to be the most exotic bars mixtape I ever heard. If you’re looking for a good drugs, money, and sex record? Well...then here it is! It’s super hot.
This time, I will tag: @sibelin, @charliemonroe, @kate2, @tewzz, @aleprouswitch, @sheisthesisterofnight, @restwaerme, @misterwhirly, @maldoror-est-mort, @sclr, @justmakesuresheeatsthemouse, @chickenshit-conformist, @urban-hieroglyphs, @iamdangerace, @the-land-of-rape-and-honey, @testure-1988, @rivetgoth, @theonlycure, @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face and anyone else who wants to play.
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fandoms-in-law · 1 year
Stories Chapter 5
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
Summary: In which Steve takes a few friends paint shopping and makes an awkward comment to try ensuring 2 know he's a safe space
authors note is added at the end
"So let me get this right," Robin started, clearly ready to rant as Steve led her, Eddie and Will into the home decoration store. "You scoff and let both me and Eddie go through subtly bringing redecorating up to you, act like it all has to be theoretical and are now, not a week later, taking not just us but Will off to get paints and see how much redoing your bathroom might cost? Why Will? And when did you tell him anything about this when we said no kids involved?"
Steve shrugged at her. "I need him to help with a couple rooms. He's just getting the tiny pots of paint and all I've decided on is the bathroom and colours I'd like the rooms to be. Also you two decided to do it that way because you knew I'm just as likely to try making my house fit your tastes as I am to let the kids take over if they try to."
"It's my turn to be Steve's favourite anyway. Dustin and Max keep refusing to let anyone else have the chance." Will agreed.
Eddie grinned,nodding at the statement before nudging Steve. "Come on then. Tell us why Will is oh so essential to your home redesign? What can't the three of us achieve?"
"A decent looking mural. I've asked him to do two and his sketches after I tried describing my idea when I called the Byers last night look awesome already." He explained easily.
That gets him a frown and Eddie reaching for his bag, forgetting it was left in Steve's car. "I'll show you that I could do that later." He states instead.
The other three all pause at that before Steve smiles widely. "Better idea. I'll commission you to do a painting I can get framed to replace the one in the dining room. I know you've been covering my parents portrait up every time you're around. Work with Will if you want ideas of what will work since one of the murals is opposite it."
Robin smiled at him now, her teasing annoyance over the redecorating plans going differently than she expected forgotten in curiosity over what he'd chosen. "Come on, give us the list of colours we're looking for. I know you have one if you did this planning without us." she nudged his shoulder. "And I want to see what you decided."
"Only so I can have some peace in here: Have some swatches to find. Eddie gets some too and we'll split up to see who finds their colours first. Meet at Will in the tester pots section." He offered them over, not bothering to explain the stars indicating the colours he wanted. It seemed clear enough that neither of his friends would try getting all the colours on a swatch.
Steve was last to meet up with them and by the time he did he was muttering under his breath, more frustrated than he would be by an out of the blue demand for a lift from Henderson that could have been mentioned far earlier.
"Were those colours that difficult to find?" Robin began, ready to tease but hesitating so she could check on him.
"The bathroom fitters don't give straight answers and didn't much like me saying I could go to a gay bar and get clearer replies than their hemming." He grumbled. "In good news, I should be able to afford to get the bathroom I want done. In annoying news, I'm going to have to find anywhere but here to do it since they seem to be homophobes as well as missing braincells."
Robin nodded slowly, ignoring Will and Eddie staring as if utterly confused by the sentence Steve just shared. "So you can have your corner tub deep into the floor of your bathroom?"
"That I can. Also either of you know if there actually is a gay bar around? So I can see if anyone there has recommendations for plumbers or bathroom refitting?" Steve continued glancing from Robin to Eddie.
At both of them shaking their heads in disbelief and Robin elbowing him again he dropped the subject with another grin. He'd checked before speaking at all that the area was empty of people other than their group and kept speaking quietly the entire time, but had deliberately mentioned it, trying to confirm he was safe to both Eddie and Will. It had been something he'd thought about recently when Robin mentioned she hadn't come out to anyone other than him and didn't want to just over a crush; that in a place like Hawkins, even with their trauma bonded family, his friends still couldn't be sure everyone was safe and Steve knew that even if he couldn't make everyone prove themselves accepting, he could at least make himself a safe place for others.
Eddie grinned back at him. "Can't say I do, not any that's nearby at least,but we could get recommendations from around the trailer park. I know who's cool already and even if you get overcharged for rich area privilege I bet it'd be cheaper than somewhere like here, looking for the wealthy home renovators, quoted." He offered instead.
"Mum and Hopper probably have some recommendations too." Will quietly spoke up, holding his sketchbook up for Steve to see before pointing out various tester pots in the colours he wanted. "How many of these can I have for the mural?"
"Do homes really take this much paint? It looks like there's no way you could ever use all of this." Eddie groaned, looking over the checkout with all the paints they'd collected over it.
Steve shrugged, "Not a clue, but I did check guides on how much a can will cover for the amounts I asked you to get of each colour and as you're all fond of reminding me, my house is big."
"I'm drawing pictures on your walls and then filling the gaps in if you seriously think I can stand just painting a wall in one colour." Eddie warned, grinning to show it was mostly teasing.
He got a laugh in reply. "That's why we've got paint rollers to make it quicker to do, but sure, go wild with it and see if the things you draw can still be spotted after everything is the same colour."
"Hey Dingus, stop chatting and help with putting this all back in the trolley. I swear your brat got a mini pot of every colour in existence." Robin grabbed their attention from where his paints were now being scanned.
"Will isn't a brat. He's an occasionally brutal angel compared to the rest of them, except maybe El." Steve corrected while squeezing past the trolley to help as requested.
"So this is actually being made into a home after all these years?" Hopper asked, stood outside of Steve's house only there to drop Will off but smiling and clearly ready to wait and chat if he wasn't about to volunteer to help with the painting.
Steve nodded, "Doesn't seem real, but apparently believing it's my biggest challenge yet."
Most of their group would argue, point to Russians or anything the Upside down had thrown at them to contradict him, but Hop just sighed. "Guess so. Making big changes deliberately instead of letting them happen around you is always tough."
"I did want to ask you something though." Steve hesitated now, knowing Hopper was the best person to ask the thought that had been in his head since he spoke to Jonathan about owning his home, but unsure if it would change anything.
He got a nod encouraging him to continue after a moments silence though. "Is there a way to contact Doctor Owens? The fact I have this place and nobody else seemed to get quite this much doesn't sit right so I want to challenge the unfairness with him."
"I've got a number for him but most of the time he just shows up after everything has gone to shit and been fought back." Hopper admits, moving towards the house. "But for now, let's get at least part of your house properly painted. I bet none of your friends have ever painted a wall in your lives."
Steve grinned at him, "No, but it doesn't seem too hard. We are just aiming for a flat colour, other than Will."
"You'd think so, but I'll show you the knack to it." Hopper grinned, rolling his shoulders and following the noise of voices through to Steve's living room.
Having new colours on the walls unnerved Steve. He'd be doing something and then pause wondering why the light was different for a moment before remembering. It felt kind of ridiculous to realise but just repainting the walls changed how the house felt completely.
"What's going on?" Dustin stared at the hallway through to the living room as if something would attack him.
This was the first clue and only possibility that the kids beyond Will would realise Steve owned the house early and he'd mentally been preparing himself to tell the most useful lie in avoiding demands to interfere.
"My parents barged in last week, said this friend of theirs was saying how unfashionable their decor was of the flat they keep in the city so apparently every property including this house needs redecorating urgently." Steve groused. "I'm just hoping it stops with repainting."
"Does that include your room? Cause anything has to be better than that wallpaper." Dustin immediately asks. "Actually, can I see how they've done your room? I need to judge it."
"They haven't done anything to it yet but they will and hell no. You lost any chance to look around when you decided to snoop and invade my privacy when I wasn't even here. You are restricted to the living room alone." Steve countered, unsurprised when he felt someone leaning over his shoulder a moment later. Honestly part of him wanted to show off the changes, and forget about Dustin rooting through his notebooks but Will had started with the mural in his room. If the ruse that this was dictated by his parents was going to continue then none of the other kids could see that. 
Eddie had been in the kitchen with Robin catching up and joking about their dream homes so both had probably heard that Dustin had arrived for Hellfire now. 
"Yes Dusty-buns, a few weeks does not erase the memory of that. Why are you here an hour early anyway?" Eddie cooed, reaching over Steve's shoulder to remain draped on him while messing up Dustin's hair.
"Will keeps mentioning coming round to help Steve with something and I'm his little brother. I should be the one doing all this helping." He glared at them, ready to argue just as much as actually ask what Steve needs help for that he wouldn't be approached about first. 
Steve grinned at that too, shrugging as he headed through to where Hellfire would soon be playing. "Don't think you can, Henderson. The Byers are the experts in art and photography. You're my audio and tech expert and honestly, the sound system I have is already good and the radio works fine."
"So what? You're actually getting a say in what's done?" Dustin scoffed. "That means you need my help even more. Let me see your room a so I can-" 
"Shut up. So you can shut up cause whatever say Steve does or doesn't get in how anything is decorated does not need dictating by you, shithead." Eddie interrupted, pushing off Steve to shove Dustin through to the living room. 
authors note: No I don't know or remember what I thought Steve spoke with the bathroom dept about, just that the comments online about lesbians being good at home repairs was in my head. The idea that that's how Steve tries to show Eddie and Will he's either an ally or part of the lgbtq+ is now just a scene I love because of its awkwardness
Chapter 6
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aurora-313 · 2 years
For the Fanfic Writers meme!
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share? 🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom? 🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
From Once More To See You Again.
For context, Teen Kaien lost a bet at school. As a result his mullet is gone and he's got an undercut that's slowly growing out. This snippet takes place after his powers are restored and memories reawakened (just in time for Rukia to be kidnapped and SS arc to kick off luckily enough):
"Stop it, that tickles!" Kaien jumped, chuckling with a hand resting protectively over the fluffy scruff of his undercut (feels weirdly short since he remembered the hair being a lot longer as a Lieutenant.)
Nejibana blinked once. Then she leaned in, predatorial look in her eyes and it out Kaien on edge (dear god, he prayed she doesn't turn back into a dragon hollow again. Being bitten nearly in half once was quiet enough, thank you.)
His unease compounded into abject fear when mischief danced across that sun-kissed face. A look that reminded Kaien far too much of a younger Kukaku when she was on one of her pranking sprees.
"Ticklish, you say?"
"Nejibana..." Kaien warned reproachfully, but his Zanpakutou spirit already leapt into action.
"Neji-NO!" Next thing Kaien knew, Nejibana has him in a headlock and her claws ruffling his stubby do. "S-stop it-haha!!"
"Never~!" Nejibana trilled happily, Kaien squirming and laughing hysterically in her grip.
Most fics I read pose Nejibana as this prim and proper yet fierce woman to balance out Kaien's rough and tumble attitude. My Nejibana is a chaotic gremlin and Kaien's enabler/partner in crime. I've described her to my beta-readers as 'Kukaku-lite'.
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
My sister-in-law actually. When I wasn't even a teenager, a tween, my sister-in-law pointed my brother and I to this series as a fun monster-of-the-week story before we got hit with the Soul Society arc. We were blown away by Aizen's reveal as a traitor and it was so cool. Admittedly all of our interests flagged quite a bit, I stuck around until the end because of sunk-cost fallacy but my siblings+in-laws departed.
What got me interested again was the TYBW being animated. I was perhaps a bit too optimistic about how they might change it for the better (I'm sorry to say so far I'm not impressed.)
But as a magic system and a world, its an awesome sandbox to play in and the concept of your power manifesting as a life-long companion is romantic in a lot of ways. The idea of 'You will never be alone, whatever trials you face you will have a companion at your side, no matter what.' - it speaks to me.
The fandom itself has seen better days. The years since Bleach's abysmal unsatisfying conclusion has firmly split it down the middle.
Then again, that's most fandoms these days.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Not milestone so much as, I just want to write more content for a character I'm really in love with and was cast by the wayside in the canon.
I mean, think about it - the last we ever see of 'Kaien' is a psychotic Arrancar Puppeting his corpse. What thing to send him off on! What a horrific final impression to leave! I want to explore what the story would be like if certain scenarios allowed him to survive. Which spawned BB verse, OMTSYA (although he did die, he has reincarnated) and in other upcoming stories I have on the back-burner.
I think the potential relationship between Kaien and Ichigo would've been exactly what Ichigo needed throughout most of the story.
Although if I have to give a tangible milestone? I'd like to finish Part 1 of Black and Blue this year. But I'm running out of steam a bit on that one, so that might be pushed to next year instead.
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About Fujiko, Goemon, (and the au concept in general).
A few ppl have some really good ideas about Fujiko wanting to find a cure no matter the cost and Goemon being off training, not even knowing the apocalypse is happening. But I figured I'd throw my two cents in cos I'm a fan of this idea (and watching the last of us got me thinkin' about what would happen if the loop gang was in a zombie au too, lol).
Anyways, maybe you could pair Fujiko with Goemon or Zenigata...?
Maybe Zeni and Fuji were doing that team-up betrayal scenario they do sometimes, or maybe Goe and Fuji were doing their own thing elsewhere as they also tend to do, when things hit the fan.
The apocalypse kicks off in the middle of their usual heist shenanigans and the gang gets split. Since Lupin is alone in the one-shot fic you already have written (which is awesome), I'm assuming that's the case? Which would be pretty dramatic and great for an intro/prologue tutorial scenario.
But I guess that would depend on how all of this started. I'm curious as to the cause of this outbreak and if Lupin and Co. might have been involved or not, because depending on which route you've decided to go with you could tie in some gameplay mystery elements (figuring out what happened and how).
Maybe Lupin and Jigen would run into Fujiko that way, as they are uncovering where and how everything went pear-shaped. Oh, and I could see Zeni working with Fujiko for a cure too, with how his priority as an inspector is to help as many people as he can (next to catching Lupin, but I think that goal is thoroughly out the window in this au lol).
I could see him being more of an in-the-field type (are there other jobs other than runners and gunners?), hunting zombies to use for research or trying to pinpoint/ deduce the cause of the outbreak, like Lupin and Jigen.
Maybe he'd join your group when you do missions for Fujiko?
Unless you already have a plan for him to be zombified or something, lol. That could make for a good gameplay/story point in and of itself.
Sorry if this was long, like I mentioned earlier, the last of us really got my brain churning. I'm looking forward to reading where you take this 👍
Aww thank you so much for the asks! These ideas are truly top notch and I love hearing about them, so don’t worry too much about the length in which you send! :D
I’ll answer what I can in parts to make it easier to get to everything or at least the things that I can answer accordingly!
The apocalypse kicks off in the middle of their usual heist shenanigans and the gang gets split. Since Lupin is alone in the one-shot fic you already have written (which is awesome), I'm assuming that's the case? Which would be pretty dramatic and great for an intro/prologue tutorial scenario.
Ok TBH, when I originally wrote that fic, it was intended to take place a while after the outbreak, with Lupin being forced to huddle up in a abandoned mall after either getting separated from his gang or while being out on a scav mission, getting himself in trouble forcing him to stay put until the sun came up and it was safe to move.
Now that you mention it being like a intro/prologue tutorial. I really LOVE that idea! The gang getting split up in the midst of the outbreak, and you being forced to find a safe place to hide, all the while a tutorial plays where you learn how to attack and use your watch grapple to parkour across the buildings and such! All the while not knowing what happened to your friends and just listening to hell descend upon the city your in. The screams, the growls, the breaking of glass.
Meanwhile your friends are having the absolute time of their lives! (I say sarcastically xD)
But I guess that would depend on how all of this started. I'm curious as to the cause of this outbreak and if Lupin and Co. might have been involved or not, because depending on which route you've decided to go with you could tie in some gameplay mystery elements (figuring out what happened and how). 
Well the original idea was to basically have it like how Resident Evil/Outlast starts.
Where your basically just dropped in the middle of a outbreak/occurrence, and all the world building comes after. I always liked how Resident Evil did it, where it just dropped you into the action and then gave you time to find out what happened afterwards (if your like me and actually liked to read the documents) or like how outlast did it in the first game where you got a small bit of world building in the beginning, the action starts shortly after, and THEN the world building starts up.
Lupin and Co. are not involved in the outbreak THANKFULLY but they are stuck in the middle of it which somehow sounds even worse xD.
I could see him being more of an in-the-field type (are there other jobs other than runners and gunners?), hunting zombies to use for research or trying to pinpoint/ deduce the cause of the outbreak, like Lupin and Jigen.
Actually yes there is! 
All together there are a few “factions” that act like Jobs!
Bandits (a more aggressive form of scavenger)
and Researchers. 
Researchers, also called Biologist’s are a relatively small faction specializing in researching and surveying the various Mutants and Undead inhabiting areas throughout the city. Similar to how Runners are, Researchers would often go outside QZ’s in order to do their research and study, which mostly consisted of researching new monsters, outbreaks, what causes mutations and stuff like that. Originally they were in charge of attempting to find a cure. However when places became more and more militarized as time went on, they were essentially put on a watch list by various military groups like the watchers.
Originally, the reasons for this change ranged to something similar to what they used for the Runners. That anything/anyone leaving a QZ was a danger to those inside whether they be infected or not. Another reason that is often used was they did it in order to prevent the looting of dangerous materials and to prevent the unauthorized entering of any individuals.
The real reason however? 
Essentially Power. 
As I mentioned before, as time went on, many had started to agree that they didn’t actually wish for the world to go back to the way it was before the outbreak. Many, including the power hungry, actually preferred the “New World Order” so to speak, and feared that, even if there was a chance to make things “safer” that odds are in due time things would go back to the way they were, resulting in stabilization and the risk of power being reverted back to its originally proprietor’s. 
Researchers as a result are often highly scrutinized for this, as they are the first line in a cure being developed then anyone else. As the years went by, the Researchers Faction has essentially been disbanded, with many of their members either being killed or imprisoned or driven off.
However in LIIIRnG, one researcher has managed to survive within the QZ, working underground in secrecy. Meeting him will open up what are known as “Slaughter Quests”
SLAUGHTER QUESTS are Objectives that require you to slay a set number of a specified mutant! Most of the time, these targets are small, but occasionally, you'll be tasked with felling highly dangerous one’s as well. Once a monster has been slain you can report back to the researcher in order to get your reward as well as sell him any monster part you don’t wish to have!
While these are often times Side-Quests; which are missions that are not necessary in order to move along with the story, they often serve as a enjoyable and fun way to gain blueprints, materials, and items. Certain Slaughter Quests will also allow the spawn of rare and “exotic” Zombies and Mutants known as “Legendaries” that are not able to be readily discovered, similar to Legendary Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2 that spawn on the map at random!
Legendary mutants are a particularly nasty breed of creature for the most part, except for the few that are just plain elusive, but either way they'll test your hunting mettle if you try to track down and kill them. However, there are bigger rewards than just bragging rights for eliminating them as you'll also claim rare trophies once the hunt is completed. There are many of these impressive beasts to locate, with each roaming their own patch of land spread across the four corners of the map. Hunting down these trophy kills so that you can collect their individual trinkets requires a knowledge of both their location, and the tactics in which you must employ when you come face to face with them so they aren't scared off – or they don't tear you to shreds – depending on the size of the foe you're dealing with. 
Legendaries can be encountered in some missions, but will appears as a rare occurrence in the wild as time goes on. Once players enter an area that contains a legendary, they will begin receiving a series of messages from the researcher and monsters that you have not yet encountered will be designated as ????in the message until you ultimately discover them
Far warning tho that if your encountering them in the wild, Legendaries don’t stay around forever! Sooner or later they will leave and you’ll simply have to wait until a new one spawns or hope that after a while, you’ll get a mission that’s tasks you with felling the beast of your choosing. But remember quests from the researcher don’t always stay as well! 
Every day is a new day, which means with every new day that’s past, new quests will be added to the roster while old ones are removed, so visit the researcher whenever you get the chance to see what interesting things he has in store for you and what prizes you can get! 
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jodilin65 · 1 month
Feeling hopeless when it comes to my fatigue and sleep issues and trying not to let them get me down. Not doing a very good job, though.
My homemade cheese crackers came out awesome! I'm making another batch now.
I'm learning recipes from Kathy, and Jessie is learning from me. She wants to make the crackers and the chicken dinner I made. I slow-cooked a chicken thigh in the small cooker with a butter ball, sugar snap peas, and mushrooms.
I just got done whipping up a creamy cucumber shrimp salad, and that too, is pretty good.
Brought out the rabbit silkscreen and began another painting which I'm sure will end up looking pretty bad when I'm done with it, but I hate to let things sit there unused and waste the money. I'm letting it dry and then I'll slowly add detail to the rabbit as well as the background.
Looks like the first Temu package, which was split into three, will arrive with my foot callus remover. I got Keri lotion because it’s a bit greasy and thought it would be good for my dry skin. It definitely helps. I like the way it smells—sort of like suntan lotion. You wouldn't think one’s skin would be so dry in a humid climate, but not only am I older, but when you're indoors with AC running nearly year-round, it will dry your skin out. My scalp is just the opposite. I've always had an oily scalp.
He sprayed for ants, but I saw one running around the edge of the sink again after not seeing any for a few days. They seem to show up right after sundown and always by or in the sink, so I'm guessing they are coming in by the window next to it. I thought ants were active in the daytime, though. Well, not these ants. They're pretty big too. I don't know if they bite, and I'm not going to find out either.
So I was up later yesterday after napping, and the same thing happened tonight when I woke up tired and napped later on. Only this time around, the nap seemed to help until a little while ago when I felt my energy deflating like a popped bubble. It's frustrating as hell. I need to get out and into the sunshine, but that's not easy to do when you're up all night. I should be able to catch some morning sun in a few hours.
To work on the site I work on, you have to answer a series of screening questions so they know which studies to include you in. Well, just like they consider Tom old, I guess they consider me suicidal because I got a long study with several questions pertaining to that, but it paid well. I just feel empty and hopeless, even though my life is mostly ideal, and I'm not suffering physically or emotionally nearly as much as I did from 2014 to 2021.
The problem is, I just go right into a new long-term issue when I finally get rid of one, and now it's fatigue and lack of energy.
While I haven't been feeling like I want to kill myself, I've been feeling like my life is over, mostly because of my lack of energy and sleep issues. The other part is not having a lot of extra money. Other than Tom, Jessie, and Andy if he found out about it, I realize that no one would give a shit if I dropped dead right now. I mean, really give a shit.
I honestly can't remember the last time I was grateful to be alive. Maybe after we survived the recession was the last time. I almost feel like I'm just going through the motions of life until it's over. Like I'm in this unseen waiting room that lies between life and death. Like my life has ended, and I'm waiting for the death part of it. I don't know why I feel this way, even though I have plenty of things to do around the house to keep me busy. But even with all those things, I do the same things every day, and more than half the time I don't have much energy. I don't get out nearly as much as I'd like to due to a combination of being on nights half the time and not having much money to do anything. Life seems to be about having energy and money.
At least it won’t cost anything to go sit in the back later on and make use of our new bench. I want to try to get 10 minutes of sunlight every day that I possibly can.
I definitely didn't sleep as well and remember waking up a lot, as well as to use the bathroom. Again, the ophthalmologist was in one of my dreams, and I'm trying to figure out why the hell he's popping into my dreams like this. It's really weird. He never made any impression on me, good or bad, so it must be something on his end, although I don't see what kind of impression I could have possibly made on him either way. I mean, what's unique about me that could have stood out? We only spoke about my eyes and nothing else. Okay, so my eyelashes are a little longer than most, and I have green eyes, which is the rarest eye color, but in his profession, I'm sure he's seen his fair share of this.
Anyway, in the dream, Tom was somewhere else, and I had to wait so long to see the doctor. In fact, due to the long waiting times, he set up a bunch of beds in his waiting room, lol. After a 4-hour wait, he came into the room with a heavy-set, middle-aged blonde woman who had her hair in a ponytail. He told her to make sure she did something, although I'm not sure what that was. Then I thought I should text Tom and let him know I was finally going to be seen soon so he could be ready to pick me up.
In another dream, Tom and I drove up to Massachusetts. We would never even fly up there. Haven't been there since 1992, and I can't imagine ever returning.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Popular DJ and crypto investor 3LAU (Justin Blau) has caused a stir in the crypto community after suddenly opting out of decentralized social media platform Friend.tech. Explaining the decision, the DJ highlighted concerns over the regulatory risks that the platform may pose. In a Sept. 15 X (Twitter) thread, 3LAU revealed that he stepped away from Friend.tech after “understanding more of the risks.” “I think it’s an awesome product, but a bit too risky for me (unfortunately). I will be donating the 8-ish ETH to a music-specific charity that I’m passionate about called the Paid In Full Foundation.”Because people will ask…Just off-boarded after understanding more of the risks.I think it’s an awesome product, but a bit too risky for me (unfortunately).I will be donating the 8 ish ETH to a music-specific charity that I’m passionate about called…— 3LAU (@3LAU) September 15, 2023 3LAU added that his main concern was around the automated market maker (AMM) that enables the trading of user keys (formerly know as shares) on the platform. He suggested that such a feature on a social media platform sits in a regulatory gray area that could cause issues for users down the track.“I don’t think the risks are *high* but I certainly have a responsibility to not engage in less-clear regulatory space[s],” he said, adding that: “Everything there is probably fine minus the AMM mechanic, which holds more risk, and I don’t want my brand to have an AMM associated with it, in this way.”The move caused a significant reaction on X, with the 3LAU hashtag fielding a long list of tweets from people adding their takes to the situation by either showing support or criticizing the DJ. Looking at the comments responding to his post, there were some people accusing him of dumping his shares on his followers, or using them as “exit liquidity.” However, 3LAU has since stated that he will be reimbursing anyone that bought his keys. translation: you dumped on your holders pic.twitter.com/XAJDMYznlG— Tom (@thomasjeans) September 15, 2023 Friend.tech was launched in mid-August and the platform enables users to tokenize their social presence by buying keys from other users, or selling their own. Given that the keys can financially impact users as they cost money and they can fluctuate in value in response to a myriad of factors, the move from 3LAU highlights a challenging situation for those who no longer wish to use this type of social media platform. In a follow up post, 3LAU clarified how he will compensate impacted key holders after noting that there had been “too much drama” surrounding his initial announcement. “Making a split contract to return all of this ETH to 3LAU Friend.tech key holders pro-rata at the block at which I sold the first key. Still donating the full value of all my keys to charity. We cool now? Will follow up w/ transaction once we get it done.”Just saw your post. One of my cofounders @MartyDevin has similar concerns.And the way you exited was solid. I actually sold everything other than my own keys a couple weeks ago when they were about to go anti-competitive. https://t.co/bD6UAoLiFm— Flu | wafflesbrah.eth ⚡️ (@DeFinalFantasy) September 15, 2023 Source
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wutheringmights · 3 years
Can I be greedy and ask for all of the boys ? And any characters you have strong opinions on? Pretty please? With lots of cherries and chocolate on top? ( for the ask meme ofc)
Anon, I'll finish up all of the boys in the Chain just for you. And trust me, I have an Infinite Amount of Strong Opinions. You have no idea how Opinionated I Am.
If anyone is coming in late to this, here are the boys I have done already and a short summary of my thoughts (click the hyperlinks to get the full Opinion):
Warriors: he's best when he's the trashy anti-Link, and I like him so much
Twilight: kind of boring, but I have a soft spot for him anyway because you never forget your first
Wind: should have been aged up a little so that he can have that identity crisis I'm craving
This... gets long. Really long. 3-hours-of-work-long. Before you read, please note that even when I speak negatively about something, it’s not to diss anyone who does like the thing. I’m not vague posting or being passive aggressive. This is all written in good humor and good faith. 
That being said, let’s a-go!
What I love about them: He has one of the best character arcs of all the Links. I love that he starts off being lazy and kind of a jerk, but grows as a person because he wants to save his friend. And I love that he's truly the most courageous Link. He has no other successful hero of past or legacy to lean back upon to reassure him. He walked into that fight with Demise with no assurance from anyone that he would succeed. Yet, he does it anyway. Because he's a true hero and someone had to be one. And he's rewarded with a curse that he does not initially take seriously. He thinks he's saved everyone, yet he's cursed his spirit, possibly his bloodline, and his entire legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule into a doomed cycle of destruction. All because he dared to face evil incarnate. I love him.
What I hate about them: You know how I called Twilight boring? I should have saved that critique for Sky. LU Sky is actually the most boring interpretation of his character. All of his negative traits? Gone. All of his positives? Also gone. He's the blandest version of himself, and like Twilight, I now feel like I gotta add some spice to him to make him more interesting while still keeping him recognizable. Even so, he's still one of my favorite Links.
Favorite Moment/Quote: When he kicks Twilight's ass at sword fighting. That's stuff is *chef's kiss*
What I would like to see more focus on: You would think that there would be more angst out there about him realizing that he's actually been cursed, but it's still kind of hard to find. He's the Cursed Knight! The beginning of a terrible legacy! Imagine meeting a bunch of heroes for the first time, and instead of being relieved at having someone who understands your experiences, you're filled with horror at realizing that your victory was a false one. You didn't win. Your spirit will never be at rest. Imagine dealing with that realization for the rest of your life. You could never be at peace.
What I would like to see less focus on: I love that he loves his wife, but he's more just the fact that he's married, y'know? I would like to see a little less blind devotion to Hylia and Zelda, and more complicated feelings about being manipulated into being the hero.
Favorite pairing with: Sun/Link/Groose OT3! I have no reasoning behind this other than I like Groose and Groose definitely had a crush on SkSw Link.
Favorite friendship: I won't answer Groose again even if I want to, so I'll say Warriors. I cannot begin to describe how elite this friendship would be if you gave it a chance. They're just two boys dealing with unique positions of leadership and responsibility. They would probably even bond over being shitheads at different ends of the shithead spectrum. It's so good, okay?
NOTP: Ghirahim. I'm not too adverse to this one, but the ship hinges on whether you can redeem Ghirahim or not. In my opinion, Ghirahim is awesome because he's such a fun villain. Redeeming him ruins the fun.
Favorite headcanon: I have a whole life story planned out for Sky. Basically, he lives to be close to 500 years old by the power of the Triforce. He is the Link throughout the Era of Chaos who banishes the Dark Interlopers to the Twilight Realm and seals the Triforce in the Sacred Realm. He actually seals himself in the Sacred Realm as well to keep the Triforce safe, and he fought Ganondorf in when he broke in. Sky, like Time and Wind, does not get a happy ending.
What I love about them: Four is origin of the heroes of Hyrule being known for being children. What a legacy to leave behind. He's such an interesting case of an incarnation of the Hero's Spirit, too. He fought Vaati, and he did his job so well that Demise's next incarnation had to be Ganondorf. Four did his job the best out of everyone, and it came at the cost of creating a magic sword that changed him permanently. I like to think that the Four Sword was not meant to split him, that it was a mistake he made with the design. And it's sad, isn't it? You made a defective sword, and like any good sword, it has a symbolic double edge. It gifted you with so much, and yet he can never be the same again. And his story is never well-remembered because it is overshadowed by the Links who fought the King of Evil. He's does so much, yet his legacy is underappreciated.
What I hate about them: I want to prepare you for this Opinion, because I know it's unpopular. Are you ready? Okay. I don't like the Colors. I'm sorry. I want to like them, but they don't interest me at all. Because they are parts of Four’s personality, they have to be one-note archetypes which does not make for exciting storytelling. I also haven't found a fic yet that has been from Four's POV that did the internal monologue of the Colors in a way that wasn't a pain in the ass to read. Maybe if someone can figure out how to do the Colors in a way that doesn't feel like a drag, I would like them more. But in the end, I think Four himself is more interesting than the Colors.
Favorite Moment/Quote: The fact that he didn't want to touch the Master Sword because he doesn't trust magic swords. That is every I need to know about his opinion on his own adventures.
What I would like to see more focus on: I want more of Four as Four. It's getting harder to find content of Four being his own person first and the Colors second.
What I would like to see less focus on: Four being the Colors first and his own person second. There is something about viewing Four as this cover identity for the Colors that doesn't feel right. There's a balance that needs to be strike between his ability to split, how that affects his every day life, and his own identity of being Four. I think I may have read one fic that hit that sweet spot for me, but still.
Favorite pairing with: Shadow. I'm such a sucker for befriending and falling for the enemy. That is all.
Favorite friendship: Dot! Their friendship is super cute. I like the idea of them being super close when they were younger and struggling to keep the friendship going as they age due to how much their paths in life diverge.
NOTP: This isn't necessarily a Four or an LU problem, but people who ship the Colors together? Bro. C'mon.
Favorite headcanon: I'm torn between two different Four and the Master Sword headcanons. On one hand, Four thinking that the Master Sword is just legend until he meets Sky and everyone else is just a fun idea. He sees the legendary sword for the first time and his mind is blown. On the other hand, I also like my Four with a side of hubris. What if he had the option on his quest to draw the Master Sword himself? What if he could tell that if he did that, the consequences would be terrible. He's not sure what would happen, but he knows it would be terrible. So he decided to make his own sword instead to disastrous results. Wouldn't that be tragic or what?
What I love about them: Last winter, I did a two hour powerpoint for my friends about the Legend of Zelda timeline. During that powerpoint, I was rating every iteration of Link. What I said about the Hero of Time then holds true to my thoughts of LU Time now. Time is the original Link, more so than Sky in the lore and Legend/Hyrule in real life. Every other hero is a reflection of him. So the fact that his story is about the loss of childhood and the tragedy of that is incredible, and you can see those themes reflected in every other game. Moreso, he’s the only Link with a confirmed tragic ending. Not only does he end his life unsatisfied, but his adventure is failure on every timeline. In the adult timeline, Hyrule is swallowed by the sea. In the child one, Ganondorf returns again. In the fallen timeline, Hyrule fell. I like the idea since that the games themselves are the legends that are past down about each hero, Hylians have also remembered Time as a tragic figure. Yet, they also remember that the happy moments for his life come from small acts of kindness. Even someone as sad as him finds joy in helping others, even if it’s just to small deeds that will not be heralded as grand heroic quests. It’s beautiful.
What I hate about them: This is more about Mask than Time, but Mask is not an adult in a child’s body. He did not rewind time in Termina enough to be considered mentally an adult. He’s a young teenager at best, and that’s me being generous. He is a child who was forced to be an adult and despite the gods being done with him, he cannot conceive of ever having a childhood again. So he can say all he wants that he’s an adult, but he is not. That’s just what he thinks he is.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Anytime we get a flashback to him being a younger adult is great. I want to see more of his in this his early adulthood.
What I would like to see more focus on: I think I just want more of Time being... not a bad leader, but being an imperfect one. I honestly think he’s only the leader because he’s the oldest and enough of the heroes recognize the title of Hero of Time. But he is not the leader type, and he is struggling to keep it together and has to defer to Twilight and Warriors for help a lot. 
What I would like to see less focus on: I’m not the biggest fan of Dad!Time for any of the Links. He’s not emotionally ready for it. And I think he defaults to treating the boys like adults because that’s how he wanted to be treated when he was their age. 
Favorite pairing with: Malon. He has this great partnership of equal respect with her and it’s just. So good.
Favorite friendship: Linebeck. I know. This exists only in my head. But if these two ever meet, you cannot convince me that they would not get along swimmingly. It would be so good (once Linebeck gets over his crush on Time and stops hitting on him, of course).
NOTP: Child Timeline Zelda. Let me explain: I fully believe in Bi Time supremacy, and when in OoT, he definitely had a crush on Sheik. However, one of the worst parts of rewinding time and being in the child timeline is that Zelda is a completely different person now. They may have been friends in the other timeline, but her life experiences are completely different now. She is not the same person as he once knew. And it’s tragic to know someone as who they could have been, not as they are.
Favorite headcanon: After Termina, Time spent a lot of time with the Nabooru because out of everyone he knew, she’s the only who took him seriously even as a child. She has big older sister energy, and he considers her a part of his family. However, being treated as such made it easier for him to ignore his issues and put off his healing process by a few years.
What I love about them: Veteran of Heroes! What a freaking title. I love that he keeps on finding adventures, and that he keeps hustling. Even if he complains about never getting a break, you can tell that he loves helping others. He loves being on the road, never settling down, and finding adventure after adventure. Honestly, if any of the Links had a calling to be a hero, it’s him. Is he tired? Sure. Is he a little jaded after having saved Hyrule and a bunch of other kingdoms multiple times? Yes. But at the end of the day, he likes being a hero. This is who he is. His complaining is not genuine; he just plays the martyr because, at this point, he’s earned the right to.
What I hate about them: If you can’t tell by now, I have a, uh, different interpretation of Legend from popular canon. Fandom Legend is not right to me. He is unrecognizable. It is hard to write him because I feel like I have to balance what other people think Legend should be versus how I think he is. The people who are big Legend enjoyers probably feel the same way about my version of Warriors, and that’s fine. I’m not going to gel with every character and I don’t expect everyone to gel with how I see characters either. It’s goes both ways, y’know.
Favorite Moment/Quote: I like how subtly he tried to approach the Wolfie problem at first, trying to ask questions and get more proof before confronting Twilight. It’s a good touch.
What I would like to see more focus on: If I had to choose one thing, it’s this one throw away line about him never wanting to settle down. I’m telling you, folks! He likes his lifestyle! And did you see him when he does presenting the origins of the hero? He’s not bitter about being a hero! Legend is moody, but he is not angsty about the whole hero thing. Have fun with him please!
What I would like to see less focus on: If you can’t tell by now, Legend is my least favorite Link. There is a lot I want to see less of, but just to name one thing, it’s the headcanon that Fable is his sister. I live and die by common born Link, and whether he’s a legitimate heir or the royal bastard, I am more than bored with the persistent Prince!Legend content.
Favorite pairing with: Marin. It’s a good tragic story and I like it well enough. She’s cute, and he’s cute with her.
Favorite friendship: Warriors. I’m with everyone else on these two have peak sibling energy. They tease and pick on each other, but only they are allowed to mess with each other. They’re each other’s bully, and it’s always good to see.
NOTP: I do not have enough energy to have a lot of strong opinions about Legend’s romantic relationships, but I will mentioned that I have lost a lot of love for Ravio recently and am liking seeing him with Legend less and less. I have no better reason for this than the fact that I finally played ALBW and hate how many of my hard earned rupees he’s taken from me by withholding important, lifesaving items. Rat bastard.
Favorite headcanon: Remember my headcanon about him being the coolest bad boy folk hero on the block because everyone thinks he kidnapped Zelda? Yeah, I still stand by that one. I did good there.
What I love about them: If there is any Link that I would call a gutter rat, it is this one. I struggle a bit to talk about Hyrule since his games gives us so little, but in the end, I always fall back on him being a hero of the people. He is the one who has nothing and relates the best to people who are at their lowest. Yet, he is still a hero. He earns the right to be a hero because he helped Impa in her time of need. He’s selfless and competent. Even if he never got a traditional education, I bet he’s wicked smart too. He is the Link that symbolizes all of the parts of the Triforce the most. And, god. I cannot talk about him without mentioning the blood sacrifice part of LA. It’s such a cool concept, and I cannot imagine what it must be like to go from being the rough and tumble, win-at-all-costs fighting to protecting yourself first because if you don’t, the consequences are disastrous. It’s paradoxical, and it must be such a different mindset to fall into. But it must also be a blessing in disguise since now he has a reason to finally care about himself.
What I hate about them: Who started the Hyrule is innocent headcanon? Come over here because we need to exchange some words. If there is anyone who would be a realist and know how the world works, it’s this guy. And while we’re here, who came up with the Hryule is always lost headcanon? I also have some words for you. And you know what? WHILE WE’RE HERE, who let him be named Hyrule? I’m have more than choice words for you. His name scheme is the bane of my existence and the express reason why I don’t write him more. God.
Favorite Moment/Quote: That one panel where he takes utter delight in Warriors hiding from his scorned lovers? That is a central pillar in my understanding of Hyrule.
What I would like to see more focus on: Again, his relationship with other people. Even if his games are lacking in NPCs, we know from lore that he’s a good guy who will jump in to help others. He must know plenty of people, and I want to see who exists in his world with him. 
What I would like to see less focus on: I have an on-going joke with my brother that certain characters are Catholic, even if Catholicism does not exist in the world of the thing we’re watching or playing. Of course, we’re not being serious. we’re just joshing around. So imagine the gut punch I feel whenever I see people say Hyrule is Christian and realize that they’re being serious. I just can’t take it seriously.
Favorite pairing with: Aurora. It’s cute and I’m a sucker for that hero and royalty dynamic, especially when the hero is a peasant. It’s so cheesy, but I love it.
Favorite friendship: Legend. But not the way everyone else pairs them up as the grumpy one and the sunshine one. I think of it more as them being the pinnacle of boys being boys. They’re shitheads. They do stupid shit together. They both have a dark sense of humor. They joke that they’re practically the same person sometimes.
NOTP: uhhhhhhhhh.... Is he paired with anyone else?
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea that he just likes his way of life and refuses to accept anyone saying otherwise. Legend wants to teach him to read? Sorry, but he’s never had to read before in his life so he’s pretty sure he’ll never need it anyway. Want to participate in the treasured Hylian tradition of piercing your ears when you come of age? Why would he ever do that when a monster could rip those earrings off? He’s stuck in his ways and it frustrates everyone else to no end, but he has no interest in ever changing.
What I love about them: When I was 9, I spent my time online on Legend of Zelda forums. I remember one of my forum friends saying that they wanted a Legend of Zelda game where Link lost. And I think of that friend whenever I think about Wild. BOTW Link is the best Link that has ever been. He is the epitome of every trait we associate with any Link. He’s smart and sassy. He’s hard working and kind. But underlining all of that is the fact that he’s still the one who failed. If Demise’s Curse in SkSw is the set-up, the Great Calamity is the payoff. And I haven’t even talked about how confirming him as being non-verbal before the Calamity does so much for his characterization. I don’t even know where to start or how to articulate it. By game storyline alone, Wild is one of my favorites.
What I hate about them: You guys knew this one was coming, but I’m going to have to say it anyway. Fandom Wild.... not good. I’ve said it for half of these boys so far, but god is it true. I have a way I see Wild that is rarely done in the fandom. Fandom Wild has a lot of the traits I also see in Wild, but to all of the extremes. I will mention one thing in particular as being a pet peeve, and it’s how some people headcanon him as always being nonverbal. I know what they’re trying to do, and I think they’re on to something, but they’re also missing the point of what BOTW Link’s character arc is. I just wish more people would forget fandom and work more off of the games for how to characterize him.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Weirdly enough, my favorite moment is when he got mad at everyone for making fun of his Gerudo outfit, so he dumped Goron Spice in his cooking. It’s encapsulates a part of his character I think a lot of people forget about.
What I would like to see more focus on: I think he has a really complicated relationship with his past. He said himself that his old self felt like a different person, and I think that should be explored a lot more. That idea actually fascinates me so much that instead of CTB, I almost wrote a character study fic about Wild. His emotions are not as simple as feeling guilty about letting his friends die and not preventing the Calamity. His emotions would be so complicated and because I don’t have the time to explore it, someone else needs to do it for me.
What I would like to see less focus on: There is a weird fascination with Wild having memory loss and essentially being like a kid again. And this feels infantilizing to me. It honestly bugs me a lot every time I see it.
Favorite pairing with: I can’t decide between Zelda, Mipha, and Revali. They’re all different dynamics and they’re all good.
Favorite friendship: Paya. I firmly believe that Paya is Wild’s best friend. I am the only one in the world who believes this. But I am also the only one in the world who is correct. 
NOTP: Wild is good with everyone. Good for him!
Favorite headcanon: An essential scene of my Wild character study I will never write is one where his horse dies. He goes into shock and walks back to Kakariko to talk to Impa. But once he goes to her, he breaks down in tears and has an absolute melt down over the horse. And Impa sagely says, “It’s not about the horse, is it?” She’s implying that he’s actually mourning the loss of his friends, Hyrule, his life, everything-- but through his tears, he keeps tell her that she’s wrong. He barely remembers them. He doesn’t know them. He doesn’t have any feelings about them. He just really loved that horse. But Impa refuses to listen to him, just repeating over and over again: “it’s not really about the horse.”
And that’s it! That’s all of my opinions! I know a lot of my opinions are polarizing, but everything I said is in good faith, and I am not trying to diss anyone for how they approach these characters.
I welcome you to send me your Opinions on the Links, even if it’s just to disagree with me. I’m cool with it, and I like knowing what everyone else thinks!
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lou-struck · 3 years
You’re not the Stripper, are you?
Police Officer Daichi Sawamura x F reader.
~A little mix-up at your Best Friend’s Bachelorette party works in your favor.
WC 1,000+
While your best friends story started with one knee and a ring, your story started with a sparkly bottle of Champaign that said “Will you be my Maid of Honor?” Of course you said yes, she is your best friend after all and the two of you have been planning her wedding for ages everything was organized in dream journals and Pinterest boards. However, the one thing that was never planned was her Bachelorette party because you told her long ago that that is the job of her Maid of Honor.
Now that you are older, you understand what exactly it means to be a Maid of Honor. It is a huge time commitment and planning an awesome bachelorette party and so you and your best friends matron of Honor decided to split the responsibilities (and the cost) that comes with planning an all-out rager.
Due to the strict work schedules of the others, you decided to book a rental property in the city. The house is huge, it’s too much of a score to just leave it all night unattended so incorporating the house into the party became a pillar in the party planning process.
Arriving at the house early Friday afternoon the group decided to play the routine how well do you know the bride games, relax by the pool, and get a little tipsy. However, being the great friend you are, you are maintaining a semblance of sobriety so that your friend can let loose this weekend before she ties the knot.
After a few hours of dancing and partying, its the late evening a loud knock on the door catches your attention drawing you away from the rest of the guests. Opening the door you are surprised to see a very attractive man wearing a police uniform. His well-built frame and easy smile lead you to believe that he is the stripper that the Brides sister was talking about booking.
“Hey there, come on in and I can help you get set up.” you smile at the handsome stranger who is taken aback by your words.
“Miss, some neighbors have called in a noise complaint about this residence. Is everything alright?” He says looking a little confused with your invitation but comes inside with you anyways just in case there is something happening that you can’t talk about outside.
You lead him to the unoccupied living room where gifts were opened earlier. And begin to move aside some of the leftover paper scraps to make an open space for the Stripper.
“Where in the room would you like to set up? The bride isn’t very interested in going too far so just a lap dance would be….” you look over at him again a little closer and realize that he has a full belt of equipment, strippers usually don’t carry stun guns and radios. “You’re not the Stripper are you?” you ask suddenly feeling really stupid.
He looks just as embarrassed his face is red and he is really trying to not burst out laughing in your face. “I’m afraid not Miss, Bachelorette party?” he questions.
You begin to apologize profusely telling him, “I am so sorry, I’m an idiot, you’re not a stripper.” your face feels so warm that you may just drop dead right thereof embarrassment, it too much and you go to sit down on the couch burying your face in your hands.
“Can I ask why you thought I was a stripper,” he asks sitting down next to you wanting to make sure that you are okay.
“Um... Because you are like really good-looking, I thought you were a stripper., this is so embarrassing. I am so sorry Officer…”
“Officer Sawamura Daichi and I don’t mind a bit, this will make for a good story one of these days.” He looks at you kindly making you feel not as embarrassed. “But if you want to make it up to me, could you please tell me your name?” He asks. Are you hallucinating or is he flirting with you?
“It’s Y/n, sir. My friend is getting married next week and I may have stretched myself too thin getting ready for her wedding.
“He nods politely and gets a little smile on his face. “Oh, so you’re the Maid of Honor then, would I be too forward if I asked if you had a plus one.”
“Oh shit!” you think to yourself, “He really is flirting with you” You look at him and send him a sly smile “I don’t, are you interested Officer?”
“As a matter of fact I am,” he says before his radio begins to go off, you quickly jot your number down on a piece of wrapping paper and send the fine officer of the Law on his way.
You rejoin the group and get back to the party helping everyone wind down and clean up so you all can do a brunch the next morning. Going to sleep feeling utterly exhausted you forget about your encounter with the false entertainer and drift off into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning you head downstairs to head to brunch with the rest of the girls sitting next to your friend in the uber on the way there.
Your phone buzzes and you look down to see a text from a new number.
Hey! It’s the “Stripper” from last night. If you’re still interested would you maybe want to grab coffee with me later this week?
You cant hide your smile and you text him back a, yes only to meet the eyes of your Bridal Bestie, who can tell that there is something on your mind. You fill her and the rest of the party in on what happened to you last night.
Two weeks later, you give your toast at the wedding meeting the familiar chocolate brown eyes of your date who shoots you a quick wink as he raises his glass for the happy couple.
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joontopia · 3 years
Teach Me | KNJ Oneshot
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pairing: wolf hybrid!namjoon x human!female reader
genre: smut, slight angst, dashes of fluff, basically porn with a dollop of plot
au: hybrid au, roommates to lovers
rating: explicit, nsfw, 18+
word count: 6.6k
warnings: slight angst, some pining, first time sex, public sex, unprotected sex, biting, scratching, hickies, breast play, knotting, cum holding, cockwarming, slight breeding kink, size kink (joon got a big cock), fingering, oral (f. recieving), multiple orgasms
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House Jincubus presents: Room of Restraints
AU Type: Hybrid AU
Theme: First Time Sex, Public Sex
Kinks: Biting, Scratching, Hickies, Breast Play, Knotting, Cum Holding, Cockwarming, Breeding Kink, Size Kink
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a/n: Finished this just in time... Didn’t mean to go so long without posting anything but please accept this as an apology. Thank you, thank you, thank you to my soultwin @escapingreality4now​ for running to my aid when I hit multiple writing blocks with this piece. your support and wisdom saved me. you always know what I need to help me through before I even think of it and i love you. Also, big big thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ for looking over this last minute to help me make sure everything flows. you are awesome and i love you! 
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“What have I gotten myself into,” you think to yourself as you walk through your front door from packing up your car. 
The loud sound of something large hitting a wall somewhere in your apartment greets you upon entry. You peer down the hallway towards the bedrooms, eyeing your roommate’s, Namjoon, closed door as you make your way to the kitchen. The moment your feet touch the tile of the kitchen, you stop in your tracks. Eyes growing wide at the mess of your countertops. Various amounts of Tupperware half filled with chopped up meat, fruits, and cheeses are scattered around the room, proving to be the aftermath of somebody’s abandoned attempt at meal prepping. Another loud bang comes from behind Namjoon’s door, startling you as you let out a sigh. You walk up the counter and start to organize the food into the containers in equal portions as your mind begins to wander. 
It’s only been nine months since you and Namjoon moved in together. Being best friends throughout college, the both of you decided to stay in the city after graduation. Agreeing to move in together to help split the expensive cost of rent that came with living in the heart of the city. You thought the only thing you’d have to worry about is the secret crush you still harbored for him and if it would affect you being able to live together. How naive of you to think that would be the biggest issue. 
Namjoon is a wolf hybrid. You’ve never lived with a hybrid before. It’s not that you regret the decision, you just wish you would have thought to research what it would be like to better prepare yourself. Especially for one who is about to go through their heat. 
In the beginning, living with Namjoon was going great. The close quarters and seeing each other every day brought you two closer and it didn’t take long for you to feel as if your crush wasn’t so unrequited. Only a few weeks ago Namjoon was placing soft good morning kisses to the top of your head or resting his hand briefly on your waist as he brushed past you. But just as soon as it started, it all had stopped. You continue with your task of sorting the food as you think back to the day he told you what was going on.
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2 weeks ago
“Joonie, what’s all this meat for?” You ask, a slight giggle to you tone as you walk back up to the shopping cart. Namjoon stands there with two stacks of meat in his hands, the muscles in his arms flexing as he places the items into the cart. His pointed ears perk up at the sound of you walking up to him. His tail wagging sheepishly as he blushes, dimple ghosting his cheek as he gives you a shy smile. You can’t help but inwardly swoon at how attractive he looks. The bangs of his dark brown hair falling into his face as he stands up straight.
“Well, uh… My heat is coming up. Need to make sure I have enough food to make it through,” he says, eyes on you as he watches you process the news. 
“Ah.” You nod your head in response. Not sure why you are as it’s not like you fully understood. Being human, hybrid heats weren’t exactly your expertise. You take another step towards the cart, placing the bottle of laundry detergent you had gone to retrieve on top of the growing pile. You hear a small cough and look up at it’s owner. You notice Namjoon staring at the detergent bottle with furrowed brows.
“Did I get the wrong kind?” You ask, looking back down at the item. You could have sworn you grabbed the right brand. The smell of this detergent being one you would know instantly. The subtle woodsy fragrance being one you associate very much with Namjoon.  
“No, it is the one I buy. It’s just, um…” Namjoon trails off, scratching the back of his head as you look back up at him.  He averts his eyes, avoiding eye contact with you as he starts again. “I was actually going to grab a bottle of yours.”
He continues speaking before you can say anything, answering your unspoken question. “I was going to take it with me to the hybrid hotel. In case I started to miss you,” he mumbles shyly.
You feel your cheeks heat at the sentiment. A blooming warmth in your chest begins to grow only to be cut off by your mind fixating on the rest of his words. “Hybrid hotel?” you repeat, your brows furrowing in curiosity.
Namjoon shuffles slightly on his feet as his eyes finally meet yours. “It’s a place for hybrids to go during their heat. Where other hybrids can get together for, umm…” He pauses, clearing his throat as his face turns a darker shade of pink. “... for help.”
“Help?” you parrot back in confusion before your brows shoot up. Your mouth dropping open as you let out a soft ‘Oh’ in realization. “Oh! Right, okay. Uhh, yeah. I’ll just go swap them out then.” You rush out the last of your words, snatching the bottle from the cart and turning around. You practically run back to the laundry aisle, not giving Namjoon a chance to say anything more.
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As you place the last bit of meat into the last container, you remember how hurt you felt. Still feel if you were being honest. You wonder if he ever thought about asking you for help. You’d consider it, even though you don’t know what all that would consist of being. You remember thinking it would be something more comfortable to go through in your own home. Maybe he chose the hotel because he didn’t want you around. This thought is what led you to make the choice that you did. Considering his reaction when you told him your plan, it only added to your realization of how sorely uneducated you are on hybrid heats.
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1 week ago
“You don’t have to go to the hotel. You can stay here.” You didn’t mean to blurt it out, catching Namjoon off guard as soon as you got home after work. You just didn’t know how to bring it up and you’ve barely talked to him, let alone seen him, since the grocery trip a week ago. So when you walked into the apartment and saw him folding laundry on the couch, you acted without thinking.
You can tell you startled him at the slight jump of his shoulders. He turns to look at you. A look of surprise displays across his face as he replies, “You… you want me to stay?”
“Yeah. I figure it would be more comfortable than any hotel,” you explain, walking into the living room and sitting next to him on the couch. A mix of his woodsy detergent and another scent hitting you as you get closer.
He looks at you curiously, a twinkle of wariness in his eyes as he goes to fold the blanket in his hand. “Are you sure you’d be okay with me being here?”
You let out a small giggle as you give him a reassuring look. “Joon, this is your place, too. Why wouldn’t I be? I just figured I’d help anyway I can.”
His ears perk up as he takes in your words. Eyes wide in shock as he looks at you. Mouthing dropping open to speak, but you cut him off before he gets a chance. ”Which is why I’ll be staying elsewhere for the week,” you rush out. “I have a coworker who's dating a fox hybrid and she’s offered a place for me to stay.”
You watch as his pointed wolf ears fall just slightly as he looks away. His features darkening as he clenches his jaw, grabbing his folded laundry and placing them into the basket. “So, you won't be here,” he deduces from your words, placing the last piece of laundry into the basket.
“No,” you reply cautiously. “I figured you’d want your privacy? I didn’t want to get in your way in case…” In case you wanted to bring someone to help. You finish the sentence in your mind. The words cause an uneasy feeling in your stomach. 
Namjoon nods at your words, still looking at the basket in front of him. “Right,” he clips, grabbing the basket as he stands from the couch. “Well, thanks,” he mutters, his tone laced with annoyance as he walks past you. You get another small whiff of the other other scent coming from the laundry as he passes, identifying as the mystery scent as the lavender detergent you use. You watch as he walks down the hallway, still not looking at you as he slams his door, disappearing into his bedroom.
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Another loud thud startles you, pulling you from your memory. You look down at the completed meal preps and let out another sigh. You make sure the lids are secure on the containers and begin to stack them in the fridge. You place the last container of food in the fridge and wipe down the counter. You inspect your t-shirt and jeans, making sure no food stains have found their way onto your attire, prompting for a wardrobe change. Having no other distraction to delay your departure to your coworker’s house, you decided now is as good as any time to hit the road. 
Walking out of the kitchen, you stop in the hallway, looking back down towards Namjoon’s room. You figure it would be rude of you not to tell him you were leaving. You walk towards his door, raising a fist to knock when you hesitate. Wondering to yourself if he even wants you to say bye to him. You debate if you should ask him to give you a call should his heat end early. Or if he would like for you to call and check on him. Or even drop in to make sure he eats. “Oh god what if he has someone over?” 
Before your mind could dwell too much on that thought, the door in front of you swings open, bringing you face to face with the tall, brown-haired hybrid. His ears pointing up in shock to see you standing there.
“Why are you just standing here?” He asks you as he holds open his door.
“I, umm,” you stammer, the sudden appearance of him catching you off guard. “I’m about to head out. Just wanted to tell you bye before I…” You trail off, taking in his appearance. He had a plain shirt and gym shorts on. Sweat is building on his hairline as you notice his breathes seemed slightly uneven. Your eyes trail down his arms, ogling at how noticeable buff they look, wondering if his upcoming heat has anything to do with how they look larger than usual. You catch the sight of his house keys in his hand and nod to them. “Are you going somewhere?”
He looks down and clears his throat. Taking a step forward around you and closing his door. “Uh, yeah. I forgot to settle something at the bookstore. Didn’t set for Jimin to have access to process payroll. It needs to be sent out while I’ll be gone,” he says, walking down the hallway to the front door. 
You follow him, grabbing your keys from the kitchen counter as you pass by. “Do you want me to drive you and drop you back off? I don’t mind.” 
“No, I got it. I’ll take my bike.” He grabs his jacket and reaches for the front door. You try to shake off the feeling that he doesn’t want to be around you and go to offer again.
“But, Joon it’s…” You’re cut off by the loud curse Namjoon lets out as he opens the door, taking in the state of the weather outside.
“It’s raining,” he finishes your sentence. The sound of raindrops hitting the pavement hard filling the brief silence that follows. He turns to look at you as he lets out a small huff. “Yeah, a ride would be appreciated. Thank you.”
You give him a soft smile as he holds the door open for you, closing it behind him as he follows you to your car.
The drive to the bookstore was silent. The rain drowns out any music playing from the radio during your short drive to Namjoon’s work. You pull up to the curb, parking right in front of the storefront to give Namjoon the shortest trek in the rain possible. He unbuckles his seatbelt, grabbing the door handle before he stops and turns to you. “You can come in if you want. I don’t know how long this will take me and it will probably be more comfortable than waiting out here.”
You give him a smile, nodding at him as you pull the keys out of the ignition. You both speed out of the car and towards the shop, managing your best to stay as dry as possible in the short distance. Locking your car, you follow Namjoon into the bookstore. Once inside, a warm, angelic voice greets you. 
“Welcome to Cypher Bookstore! Oh, Namjoon! Didn’t expect to see you for another week,” the cute blonde male behind the front desk addresses your roommate, smiling when he notices you standing behind him and reaches out his hand in greeting. “Hi, I’m Jimin. Namjoon’s favorite employee. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You’re my only employee,” Namjoon grumbles as he walks around the counter towards the back office, stopping briefly as he turns and motions towards you. “This is my roommate, Y/N. I’ll be here for just a little bit. Forgot to do something before I left yesterday.” 
You shake Jimin’s hand, giving him a smile as you see his eyes light up. A sudden realization forming in his mind as he looks at you. “OH, YN! I’ve heard so much about you,” he sing-songs, letting out a little chuckle as he notices the faint trace of confusion on your face. “You’re one of Joon’s favorite topics,” he whispers as he raises his hand to block his mouth. It was only for show, seeing as his volume was still loud enough for Namjoon to hear from the office. The wolf hybrid pops his head out of the open office door, interrupting Jimin before he could say anything else.
“Hey, Jimin. Why don’t you go take a quick lunch while I’m here? I can watch the store. We shouldn’t get very much traffic with this kind of weather.” By the way Namjoon glares at Jimin, you both can tell it was more than just a suggestion. Jimin gives Namjoon a thumbs up as he smiles, winking at you as he walks around the counter and heading towards the door.
“It was nice to finally put a face to a name. See ya!” You wave him bye as Jimin bounces out the door and into the rain. You watch as he disappears out of sight when you hear Namjoon call for you, turning to look at him from across the desk. 
“You can take a look around if you want. I’ll just be in here if someone comes in or if, you know, you need anything,” he says, giving you a half smile. You nod your head, huffing out a small “okay” as you turn around, venturing into the small two story shop. 
You roam around, taking in the numerous shelves of books, all sorted by what seemed to be genre and author. In the middle of the room, you notice an iron spiral staircase leading up to another section of the store. A loft area that would overlook the entire bookstore if it weren’t for the long curtain that blocked it off.
You walk up the staircase, entering into the cozy little section as you make it to the top. You notice only three bookcases in the small area. The rest of the space fitted with a table in the middle and a medium sized couch against the wall behind it. You figure it’s an area created for study groups or research. Your assessment is confirmed when you browse the loft’s reading contents. Various informational books and research journals line the shelves once again sorted by genre. Your eyes stop on the label marking the start of the ‘Hybrids’ section. Eyeing the titles, you find one that catches your attention. You reach for it without a thought as you read the name of the book in your mind. A-Z on Hybrid Heats. Flipping it open, you turn and walk around the table, sitting down on the couch as you stop on the page titled Heats. 
Heats are a biological mating cycle all hybrids go through. Heats can last 4-7 days and begin with fever and increased pheromone production (see Pre-Heat). 
You continue down the page, skimming the sections leading into information on heat triggers and heat suppressants. You come up on the section of breeding, reading through prevention options when your eyes stop on a word that catches your eye. Knotting. You flip to the page it points you to. Your eyes grow wide when you’re met with an anatomical picture of what knotting is. You continue on, taking in the brief explanations the book offers on knotting, marking, and various other terms. You knew heats were a time where a hybrids sex drive was high, but you had no idea it consisted of all this. You didn’t realize sex for a hybrid would be that much diffierent. 
As you look back up at the anatomy diagrams, your mind wanders to the wolf hybrid just a floor below you. Is this what happens with him? Does it hurt? Has he ever marked or claimed anyone before? Surely not, as it seems like a one and done type of ordeal. You would know if he had someone in his life like that, wouldn’t you? 
“Would he ever consider me?” you think to yourself, eyes closing as you picture what it would be like between you and Namjoon. Would he be rough? Would he be gentle? You begin to fantasize what it would feel like. Him buried to the hilt inside you, his knot growing as he grabs your chin. Moving your head to the side, exposing the bare canvas of your neck as his other hand roams over your body. Mumbles of how you belong to him and only him falling from his lips as he plants kisses across your body. The mental imagery causes you to squirm in your seat. You rub your thighs together, trying to find some relief as you feel your growing arousal start to leak from your core. 
“What are you doing?” Namjoon’s voice comes out of nowhere, snapping you out of your day dream as you shoot up from your seat, the book dropping from your lap and onto the floor.
“S-sorry, I was just reading while I waited,” you stammer under his gaze. Feeling like a little kid caught looking at something they shouldn’t. You take a look at Namjoon, noticing how he was now drenched in sweat. The knuckles of his hands turning white as he holds onto the railing by the staircase. “Are you okay?”
“My heat,” he growls. The tone of his voice is an octave lower than usual, the deep rumbles of his baritone causing another slick of arousal to leak from you. Namjoon’s eyes flicker down to your groin before looking back up at your face. His eyes watch you hungrily as he speaks through clenched teeth. “It’s starting early.”
“Oh, okay,” you nod, bending down to grab the book you dropped off the floor. Trying your best to hide the cover as you walk around the table. Hoping he won’t see the title when you pass him. “Let me put this up and we’ll hurry and get you home. Namjoon?!?”
You barely make it past him when he reaches for your arm, snatching the book from your hands and glancing at the front cover. “Why are you reading this? He asks, a single brow quirking up in half amusement. 
You reach for the book, letting out a small gasp of surprise when Namjoon stops you, catching your wrist with his free hand. “Answer me.”
“I was just reading to pass the time.” You can tell by the way his ears twitch that he could sense the lie in your words. He tosses the book to the side. A soft thud echoes in the small loft as it hits the ground. He starts walking you backwards into the room, hand still wrapped around your wrist. 
“I can smell you, you know,” he drawls. Your eyes grow wide as you blink back at him. Cheeks heating with embarrassment as you immediately know what he’s referencing. “Is that what was getting you all worked up? Reading about my heat?”
You feel the back of your legs hit something solid. Placing your hand on the surface behind you, you realize it’s the table. “Why read that book?” he asks again, his dark orbs piercing into yours as he waits for your answer.
“I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help.” Your voice is hardly above a whisper, but considering his close proximity, you know he’s able to hear you. He eyes you carefully, moving his free hand to brace itself beside yours on the table. You notice the strain in his arm muscles. As if he was trying to hold himself back from you, despite how little of a distance there already was.
“Help,” he mimics. You notice one of his pupils is already half blown, something you think is a cause of his brewing heat. He leans in closer to you, his nose barely touching yours. “Like more than just giving me my privacy at home?”
You push yourself slightly off the table, trying to stand up a little straighter as you look the wolf hybrid in the eye. You take in a deep breath, replying to him with as much certainty in your tone as possible. “Yes. More than just giving you privacy.”
You barely register his growl before you feel his lips on yours. His mouth devouring you hungrily as you return his kisses. A small moan slips past your lips as his free hand cups your face, tilting it to the side as he traces small nips across your jawline, ending just by your ear. 
“You know, I can teach you so much more than that little book,” he purrs. The insinuation of his words traveling down your body and straight into your core. Your hips grinding up into his out of instinct as he pulls away from you just slightly.
“I need to know you want this,” he says to you. Breathing heavily as he searches your face, looking for any traces of doubt.
“I want this, Joonie,” you answer him, moving your free hand to cup his face. You watch as his eyes flutter shut at your touch, a low growl rumbling in his chest. “Teach me.”
The moment the words leave your lips, his eyes shoot open. His gaze full of hunger and lust as he no longer holds himself back. His lips come crashing back down on yours. He lets go of your face and wrist and reaches for the button of your jeans. You help him remove them, sliding them down your legs and kicking them off as he lifts you up. Sitting you down on the edge of the table as your legs wrap around him, drawing him in closer to you. He presses his hips into you, his growing bulge pushing right into your weeping, cloth covered core. Your panties, soaked from your arousal, were sticking to your skin as you grind your hips in him. Namjoon’s hands scour your body. He lets out a soft moan as he brushes his hand over your breast, giving one a soft squeeze as he trails his hands down to the hem of your shirt. He breaks the kiss, lifting your shirt up over your head, a soft groan of approval at the sight of your lace covered chest. You take the opportunity to do the same to his, tossing his shirt to the side before grabbing his shoulders and bringing him in for another kiss. He rips at the back of your bra, breaking the clasp as he tears the offensive fabric from your body. You find it hard for you to care, feeling his desperate need for you too much of a turn on to dwell about the ruined garment. 
He lays you back on to the table, kissing down your body and stopping at your breasts along the way. He wraps his lips around a hardened bud, massaging the other between his thumb and finger tips. He sucks lightly, pulling off with a pop as you let out a soft moan. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this,” he confesses, trailing kisses across your skin before circling your other nipple with his tongue. He takes it in between his teeth and gives it a small bite. You breathe in sharply from the sensation, gasping out your response as he starts to trail kisses further down your body, sinking to his knees in front of you.
“Me, too, Joonie. Wanted you for so long.” You take in another sharp breath as he moves his face between your legs, nudging your clit with his nose before moving your panties to the side. He runs his tongue up your slit, gathering your leaking juices on the tip before flicking it against your sensitive bud. He brings his tongue back into his mouth. A deep guttural growl resonating from his chest as he savors your taste. “All for me” he growls as he reaches for the top of your panties. Pulling them down your leg and tossing them to join the previously discarded clothing. 
He leans back into your core, planting soft kisses around every part of you except where you wanted him most. He moves over to your thigh, giving the soft flesh a nibble before sucking on the skin leaving rose colored patches trailing back towards your center. You feel him place his fingers on either side of your entrance, splitting your lower lips apart as he makes a V with fingers. You let out a small whine, reaching down to find the top of his head and weave your fingers into his hair. “Joonie, please. No teasing,” you beg. 
The breath from his chuckle tickles you as he leans back in, flicking your clit again with his tongue. “So needy for me,” he mumbles, taking your clit between his slips. A soft moan slips past your lips as he slowly begins to suck rolling his tongue around your swollen bud. You feel him gathering your wetness on his fingers, slipping two of his digits into your slick hole with ease. You arch your back, mouth dropping open at the stretch as he pumps into you, scissoring his fingers every other thrust. “Need to prep you quick. Can’t wait any longer, “ he huffs out between licks, inserting a third finger into you as he picks up his speed. You thread your fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands each time he brushes against the small patch of nerve inside of you. Your walls start to flutter around him, alerting you both of your oncoming orgasm. Namjoon continues with his pace as he wraps his lips once again around your sensitive bud. “Come for me,” he demands. The words are muffled but your body hears it, obeying him as if it knows nothing else. Your orgasm leaves your body quivering, your toes curling in as a high pitched whine falls from your mouth. 
You feel Namjoon pull away from, a soft groan rolls through your chest from the loss of him inside of you. You look at him through hooded eyes as he stands, hovering over you as he sticks his fingers in his mouth, cleaning them of your release. Your eyes flicker down to his large bulge, watching as his other hand busying itself as he palms himself over his shorts. Leaning up on your elbows as you observe Namjoon’s every motion of dropping his boxer and shorts. 
Your eyes grow wide the moment his impressively large, erect member is released from its clothed cage. He grabs a hold of himself, pumping his throbbing length as he moves closer to you. Namjoon is huge. You can’t help but not feel surprised considering the build of him. You feel your core begin to clench, your pussy crying to be filled by him. Your mouth starts to water, your tongue wanting so bad to lick the precum leaking from the mushroomed tip. “I want to taste you,” you purr, pushing yourself up off the table. A pout forming on your lips as he shakes his head, laying you back down as he lines himself up with your entrance.
“Later baby,” he groans as he rubs his cock between your swollen lips. “I need to feel you.” He slowly starts to push in, catching your lips in an opened mouth kiss, swallowing every one of your moans. The feel of him stretching you open burns slightly, the sensation overridden by pleasure as Namjoon slips his hand between your bodies and rolls circles around your clit. You swear you could feel him in your stomach when he stops, still pleasuring your swollen bud as you adjust to the size of him. You want to tell him to move, breaking apart the kiss to do so when he speaks first.
“Just a little more baby. You think you can take in all of me?” He asks you, a shit eating grin splitting across his face as he notices the shock on your face.
“There’s still more of you?” You breathe out, peeking down in between your bodies at where you’re connected.
“Oh yes baby,” he coos, trailing kisses down your throat. “And it’s all for you.” Namjoon takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly as he pushes his remaining inches inside you. Your back arches, pushing your breast further into his face as he bottoms out. A deep groan rumbling through his chest as he starts grinding into you.
“Move, Joonie.” Those words were all Namjoon needed to start up his pace. The first few pumps were slow, his hips stuttering ever so slightly as you can tell he was trying to hold back, to ease you in. His control falters as you pull his face up to you from your breast, whispering “faster” into his ear as you wrap your arms around his back. Your nails anchor into his muscles as he unleashes at an unrelenting pace.
Namjoon pumps into you with fervor. The storm and your surroundings fading into an abyss as the small room is filled with the sound of your shared wanton moans. Each thrust pushes Namjoon deeper and deeper. His length makes it easy for him to hit you in all the right places. Your nails leave red welts on his back with every pass of his tip over the rough patch inside of you. By the occasional hiss that leaves Joon’s lips, you can only guess a few of your love marks broke skin. Very soon, you feel a warming sensation building inside of you again. You shut your eyes, trying to sooth your body to hold out just a little longer. 
Just as you feel yourself near the edge, Namjoon slams into you, pausing his relentless onslaught as he lifts you up from the table. Your legs wrapping around his waist for balance. He starts walking you around the room. The accumulating sweat of your naked bodies causes you to slowly lose group. You slip from his grasps just a little, your nails clawing into his shoulders as you squeeze your legs tighter around him. The action makes your walls clench around Namjoon’s member, still buried to the hilt inside of you. The sensation causes Namjoon to stumble, groaning as he braces you up against the nearest bookcase. “Fuck, baby,” he mumbles as he buries his face into the curve of your neck, nipping at your skin as he slowly grinds his hips up into you. “If you keep doing that, I’m not going to last much longer.”
You make your walls give him a playful squeeze, not able to help the giggle that escapes your lips as he pulls his face from your neck and glares at you. “Is that how you want to play?” He growls as he pushes you further against the bookcase, grabbing ahold of your waist as he reels his hips back. He pounds into you furiously, your head tilting back as your mouth drops open. You feel the warmth in your center resurfacing, growing fast as Namjoon bounces you harder on his dick.
You didn’t realize you had moved away from the bookcase until you feel the soft fabric of the couch hit your back. Namjoon lets out a soft grunt as he falls slightly on top of you, readjusting the two of you into a comfortable position in between each thrust. He shoves his face into the crook of your neck again, nipping along your collarbone as he transitions his movements into a slow grind. You feel like he’s holding himself back again and you silently hope you don’t ruin the mood with your next words. “You can mark me, Joonie. Only if you want to.”
You feel Namjoon’s hips pause as his shoulders tense under your arms. He leans up, wide eyed as he meets you face to face. “Y/N… You don’t know what you’re asking for. I mark you, I claim you. You’re mine forever.” He cups your face in his hands, his eyes watching you so intently, you feel as if he could peer into your soul. “Are you sure that’s what you want?” 
“Yes, Namjoon. I’ve only ever wanted you.” The look in Namjoon’s eyes turns feral as he dives down, taking your lips into a passionate kiss. His hips pull back, reigniting his pace with one hard thrust as he once again begins to pound into you. Releasing you from his kiss, he grabs your chin turning your face to the side as he whispers into your ear. 
“All mine, huh? Pretty baby wants me to claim her? Want me to mark you? Mate you? Fill you up with my pups?” He continues to fucking into you as he insuates each point of his speech with hard thrusts. “You want me to pump you full of my cum? Fuck you until you’re good and pregnant?”
His words have your mind turning to mush. Thoughts of being his and only his taking over your every thought. A future where you bear his children. A future with him. You can hardly make out the words of agreement that fall from your lips as your entire body starts to tingle. Your walls begin to flutter, the subtle indication causing Namjoon to quicken his pace, helping you chase your release alongside his. 
“Come with me baby.” Your mind barely registers Namjoons words as waves of euphoria flow through your body. The power of your orgasm minimizes the sudden stab of pain on your shoulder from where Namjoon’s canines pierce your skin from his bite. You feel his length twitch inside of you as spurts of his come fill you to the brim. Suddenly, you feel an uncomfortable pressure just past your entrance. The excessive stretching of your walls causes you to whine as you try to squirm free. Namjoon caresses the side of your face as he peppers kisses around his mark, whispering to you that it’s okay. You let your body relax as much as possible. The ringing in your ears subsides. The only sound you hear now is the mismatched heavy breathing between the two of you.
Namjoon places his arm next to your head, trying to prop himself up to keep as much of his body weight on top of you. He leans up just a bit, the movement causing his knot inside you to slightly tug at your entrance and you wince. Namjoon freezes before lowering himself back down a bit. “Sorry,” he huffs out in a chuckle. Kissing you on the lips as he rubs tiny circles with his thumb on your hip. “I know this can’t be comfortable, but it’ll go down soon.”
“It’s okay,” you breathe out, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck. “I can handle it. Anything for you.” 
He smiles at your words, leaning in closer to you to rub the tip of his nose against yours as you smile back at him. You both lie there for a few minutes, relishing in the feeling of being so full of him as his cock slowly softens inside of you. The feeling doesn’t last much longer as the realization of where you still are sinks in. “Um, how soon is soon though?” you ask. Your nerves make you feel suddenly very exposed under the fact that anyone could have walked in during your activities.
Namjoon leans back up and gives his hip a little test tug. With no signs of resistance, he continues to pull completely out of you. The both of you wince at the loss, you once more as you feel the mixtures of your releases starting to spill out of you. Namjoon catches the escaped fluids with his fingers, pushing it back inside of you. “Fuck, I need to get you back home,” he says as he moves off the couch, retrieving your discarded clothes and bringing them back to you. “Seeing you like this will definitely be something that could set off my heat again.”
You let out a giggle as you grab your panties, slipping them on before any more of his release tries to slip out. “We’re lucky Jimin didn’t get back early.” 
As if on queue, you hear the front door chime, alerting you of someone’s arrival. “Hellooo! Joon Y/N? You guys still here?” Jimin’s voice trails up the stairs as you and Namjoon look at each other, eyes growing wide in panic. You both scramble to throw on the rest of your clothes. Barely getting the final pieces settled in place before Jimin’s blonde hair comes into sight. He stops at the top of the stairs, head cocking to the side in curiosity as he sees you and Namjoon standing awkwardly by the couch. Mischief twinkling in his eyes as he crosses his arms. “What have you guys been up to? Y/N, what’s that on your neck?” 
You reach up to your shoulder, feeling part of the bite mark sticking out of your collar and pulling your shirt to cover the rest. Namjoon lets out an awkward cough, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the stairwell. “I was just showing Y/N around. But it’s time for us to go, see you in a week.” 
You give Jimin a wave by as you follow Namjoon down the stairs. As you make it to the front door, you hear Jimin call down from the loft, “I hope you have a great vacation, Joon. Have fun you two.”
You see Namjoon’s cheeks flush pink as he pulls you faster out the door and towards your car, the weather taking a temporary break from the rain. Opening your car door for you, he waits for you to start to get in before tugging on your arm, bringing you back to standing in front of him. He pulls you in for a kiss, the both of you breaking into a smile before it ends. Oh yes. Fun you two will most definitely have.
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hoperenae · 2 years
Turning Heads (a Haikyuu fanfic by hoperenae)
PART 4- The First Spark
All next week, the Karasuno boys volleyball club worked on their coordination and communication as a team. They were still pretty clumsy, and they had a practice match coming up next week with Aoba Johsai, a major powerhouse school. To say everyone was on edge would have been a severe understatement.
On Tuesday, they split into two teams and played a practice match. However, one of the guys was missing because of family obligations, so one team was one player short.
“Arya, you should jump in!” Nishinoya exclaimed. Daichi glanced over at me, ready to defend, but I spoke up.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” I replied tentatively.
“But I saw you tossing the ball around the other day. You’ve totally got this!” While I appreciated Noya’s confidence, I was sure if I could match it. But I had to admit, I did feel the itch.
“Well, maybe I could at least give it a try,” I conceded. Daichi raised his eyebrows at me, but I reassured him with a smile.
I walked over to take my place at the net on the side with Suga, Asahi, Noya, Yamaguchi, and Ennoshita (A Team). The other team consisted of Tanaka, Hinata, Kageyama, Kinoshita, Tsukki, and Daichi (B Team).
“What position would you prefer?” Asahi asked with empathetic eyes.
“Um, I used to be a wing spiker, if that’s ok,” I offered.
“Of course,” he replied. We traded places so that I was on the left and he was in the middle. 
“How do you like your tosses, Arya?” Suga asked.
“A little high and close to the net.” Suga nodded and smiled. 
Since they were my brother’s best friends, Suga and Asahi knew about my accident. I expect that’s why they were being particularly kind to me, and I really appreciated it.
The match kicked off with Ennoshita serving. I made some dumb mistakes that cost us a few points, but I cut myself some slack because, after all, I hadn’t played an actual match in months. My only advantage so far was that they weren’t used to playing against a lefty. But once I got into a rhythm, I nodded to Suga, his signal that he could start giving me tosses now. When it was our turn to attack, Suga sent me the perfect toss, just what I asked for. I launched myself into the air and slammed a perfect cross-shot to the other side. Just like riding a bike; I still had it in me.
All the boys on A Team rushed over to pat me on the back. I grinned and noticed from across the court that Daichi was smiling too. I’m sure he was anxious about me being back on the court, but it was just one game. Still, that rush of adrenaline coursing through my body was like a little spark of a fire, waiting to burst into a beautiful inferno.
Despite, Hinata and Kageyama’s weirdo quick and Tsukki’s skilled blocking, A Team ended up winning (the score was 25-22). Adrenaline was rushing through me, and I was pretty sure I hadn’t stopped smiling since I scored my first point. Playing with these boys was too much fun. They weren’t necessarily highly skilled, but they were far better than any of the girls’ teams I played in middle school. I liked the challenge. I didn’t feel like I was being left behind or lacking; I was right on par with them.
“ARYA-SAN!” Nishinoya cried as he ran toward me, arms outstretched for a double high-five. “That was AWESOME! You were so cool! I didn’t know you could play like that!”
I blushed and busted out laughing. “Thanks, Nishinoya. It was a lot of fun.”
“Man, it’s too bad you can’t be on the boys’ team,” he sighed. “That would be epic.”
“Yeah, too bad…” I replied. Suddenly, the gears were turning in my head, and I knew I had some research to do.
At home that night, I broke out my school handbook and scoured the internet for the rules for high school volleyball tournaments in Japan. After a couple of hours of research, I came to the conclusion that there was technically nothing stopping me from playing on the boys’ team. There were no rules against it.
I knocked on Daichi’s bedroom door, and after a few seconds, he hollered for me to come in. He was sitting at his desk with a textbook and notebook in front of him, chewing on the tip of the pen again. 
“What’s up?” he asked, turning around in his chair to face me.
“I’m gonna play volleyball again,” I declared. His face held a mix of emotions, but after what he saw at the practice match today, I think he could tell my mind was made up.
“The girls’ team could definitely use a good spiker,” he said. “They haven’t made it very far in tournaments in a long time.”
“Actually,” I began, shuffling back and forth on my feet, “I was thinking I’d join the boys’ team.” I paused and glanced over at my brother. His brow was furrowed.
“Why would you do that?” he asked skeptically.
“There’s no rule against it. Also…” I hesitated. “How I felt when I played with you guys today…I’ve never felt that before. The adrenaline, the excitement, the challenge. It was incredible. I need it.”
Daichi sighed. “Arya, I understand your feelings. But boys’ volleyball isn’t like girls’. It’s even more dangerous sometimes, and if something happened to you again…” He trailed off.
I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, looking down at him with fierce determination. 
“I can do this,” I affirmed. “I’ll get better and stronger so I can receive any kind of serve and block any ball without risking anything. I promise.”
His face changed from uncertainty to something I had never seen before. What was it? Resignation? Defeat? No, it was much different from either of those.
“Sometimes I forget you’re not a little kid anymore,” he said, smiling sadly. I realized it was nostalgia I was seeing in his eyes. I released my arms back to my sides and stepped back as he stood up from his chair. He held out his hand for me to shake, which I thought was odd, but I did it anyway.
“Welcome to the team, little sis.”
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olivia200312 · 3 years
Another Lombax?!~ Ratchet x Lombax! Reader
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Plot: Ratchet loses Clank in another dimension but is shocked when a female Lombax appears and offers to help.
This is kinda or is Rift Apart. Please watch trailers or 15 min gameplay. IT'S SO AWESOME!
I only watched how Ratchet and Rivet meet and how Rivet lost her arm. I didn't want to watch the rest since I don't want to lose my excitement. I WILL one day make videos of Rift Apart but it costs a lot of money. I'll wait until the price is down.
P.S. some fans are judgemental because I ship Ratchet and Rivet. So? It doesn't matter. Yes, I know that Ratchet and Talwyn are boyfriend and girlfriend because in the art book and live. Insomniac Games confirmed that. But I don't ship them. So don't judge me for shipping the Lombaxes together.
Today is a normal... or should I say a crazy day for a certain 18-year-old Lombax, along with his best pal, Clank? The Lombax is a male named Ratchet. Yes, he's named after the wrench. Ratchet wasn't on his home planet named Veldin, a hot deserted planet. Honestly, you can compare Veldin to places like America or Egypt.
Ratchet is now somewhere walking with Clank next to him. Both pals are heroes and everyone adored them a lot, even a mysterious female Lombax that has a fluffy tail. She has a tail like a raccoon, think about Sly Cooper for example. So anyway, the heroes looked around, until the famous crazy doctor appeared, Nefarious.
"Nefarious!" Ratchet shouted in anger, not happy to see his main enemy at all.
"What do you want, Nefarious?" Clank calmly asked with you can hear the anger in him.
Nefarious laughed while he is on his flying ship. He then grabs his new weapon gun and stared evilly at the heroes! "I will with the fight in my own dimension!" He then mysteriously opened a new dimension, causing Ratchet and Clank to get sucked in. Ratchet was screaming and the evil let out, like usual, his famous evil laugh. But then, Ratchet and Clank suddenly split! It just suddenly happened!
That's when the two best buddies lost each other by being in another dimension that they aren't familiar with. Ratchet screamed while he was like moving and spinning, his arms kicking in the air. Clank didn't understand yet what's happening but he was terrified.
Not only that but while the best friends were on a pirates' ship, a cannonball almost hit the pals but... they got separated! Clank suddenly got disconnected from Ratchet's back and he disappeared into another dimension.
With Clank~
Clank almost screamed when he hit a hard metal ground. He sadly lost his one arm so he had to use his only other arm to push himself up. He took a look around and saw that... he was in a completely different world! A world that he wasn't familiar with. He had now many questions. But how in Qwark's name did he got separated from his best friend?
Just as Clank asked where he was and where also Ratchet was, a figure landed beside him. Clank quickly looked and was shocked who he saw: it was a female Lombax!
The female Lombax was beautiful. She had F/C fur and with S/F/C stripes and had gorgeous F/C eyes. It completely suited her. Clank started to wonder how Ratchet would react to meeting a female Lombax. The small robot just also realized something: she had a fluffy tail! Like a raccoon's tail! Does it remind you of Sly Cooper himself?
"I knew that there's a male Lombax around! For years, I believed that I was the only one!" The female Lombax said as she fixed Clank's arm.
Clank smiled. "Then you will meet him soon. His name is Ratchet. He thought too that he was only Lombax left. My name is Clank."
"Y/N." She then shook Clank's hand and let it go. "I will try to do everything to bring you back to Ratchet."
"I appriacte it a lot, Y/N."
The Clank explained further about Ratchet. So, he was named after a wrench (if that's correct)? Y/N couldn't help but feel interested. By Clank's description of how Ratchet looks, he has beautiful emerald eyes and has gold fur with orange/brown stripes. Now Y/N really wanted to meet him in person. Since she has a good, kind, and strong heart, she will of course help Clank to get him back to Ratchet. It will be very challenging.
Y/N walked deeper into the building with Clank connected against her back. Like with Ratchet, right? Y/N wore a strong F/C armor and has a special hammer as her weapon. Ratchet has OmniWrench for example.
That's when Y/N saw a figure like a small meters away. It was a Lombax! A male Lombax! Hold on... is that Ratchet? That's him! Y/N gulped nervously and took a deep breath as she walked closer.
Ratchet heard footsteps behind him and he turned around. His eyes went wide when he saw a female Lombax! A female with a cute fluffy tail like a raccoon has! The young hero couldn't help but blush a lot. She was just... so gorgeous. She had F/C fur, S/F/C stripes that matched her fur, and had even E/C eyes.
"Hi," Y/N said with a nervous smile.
"H-Hi," Ratchet said also with a nervous smile.
"I, Uhm... brought your friend, Clank. I also fixed his arm." Y/n took Clank out and gave him to her.
"Clank!" Ratchet was very happy to see his best friend and pal that he took him immediately. He was very worried when Clank disappeared into another dimension. Ratchet looked at the female Lombax in awe and thanked her with all his heart.
But then both of them said at the same time: "Wow... another Lombax."
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Dad!Mob!Tom Holland x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x reader, Parker Holland x Charlotte Owens
-Warnings: Language, Blood, Death, Fighting
-Words: 3.6K
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Author note: I really love this chapter. I love all the comments and would appreciate nice constructive criticism (please don't butcher my work lol) if you want. Feel free to leave in the comments or message me directly your feelings while reading the chapter :))
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Word: 3.6K
“Haz are you okay mate?” Tom asked, seeing Haz freak out, they were about to land at Heathrow, on their way back from Dublin.
“No, I just heard from my neighbor that Henry never came home last night. With everything that happened yesterday, I’m just worried. I hope he is not lying in a ditch somewhere.” Harrison explained.
“He probably crashed at ours, everything will be ok.” You said as you comforted Haz. Oh boy, were you wrong.
Back at home, Parker awoke to his impending death once you and Tom, his parents’, find out what happened to their beautiful mansion. One party did all this damage. The curtains were torn down, there was red party cups everywhere and all the liquor bottles were displayed on the table. One amazingly epic party did all that.
“Bloody hell! That’s it I’m dead. I’m dead. I will never be allowed to leave this house ever again.” Parker said to himself. Picking up his phone he noticed 4 missed calls from you. Each one had a message and if there was one thing he knew about you is that you only left more harsh and frantic voice messages the more you called.
He only played the most recent one, you sounded really peeved “PARKER JACKSON HOLLAND! Please call me, I’m worried about you. I can’t get in touch with the staff either. I will be home in 20 mins, you better have a good fucking explanation for everything.” Parker’s eyes nearly flew out of his head when he saw that was sent 15 mins ago. Any moment now he would hear the Rolls pulling into the driveway.
The poor kid could only move so fast, he quickly gathered the liquor bottles and threw them into a plastic trash bag along with all the red solo cups that seem to be multiplying. All the meanwhile corralling all the squatters, from last night, who crashed there. He found some people by the pool and others passed out in the dining room. Running like a madman through the house, he caught a glimpse of what would be the reason for his demise. The door to Tom’s office was open. He swore to god he locked it, someone must’ve broken in. They could’ve taken anything, all the information about the mob was stored in that one tastefully decorated room. Parker quickly shut the door and hoped nothing would happen, he couldn’t live with himself if this one stupid party cost his family their livelihood.
“Rosie? Henry? Where are you guys? Mum and dad will be home any minute, I need your help.” Parker called out throughout the house. He didn’t expect Rosie to show up because of their fight last night, but where the fuck was Henry.
You and Tom pulled up along with Harrison in the black Rolls Royce, coming to a screeching halt. You all walked along the cobble stone path to the two large, intimidating front doors. You all simultaneously freaked out when you saw the door was ajar. Tom and Haz pulled out their guns and made it a priority to keep you safe by shoving you behind them. You all had no idea what you could be walking into.
Tom whispered to Haz to split up, Haz took the East Wing while Tom checked the main rooms. Rounding the corner he could her footsteps.
“Darling, stay behind me. I don’t want you getting hurt,” Tom whispered and you nodded in response.
“On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3,” Tom screamed as he jumped out, holding his gun straight ahead. He found his son disheveled, carrying grocery bags filled with empty beer cans and liquor bottles.
“DON’T SHOOT! DON’T SHOOT! Holy fuck! Dad is that you?” Parker screamed, dropping the bags to the ground, glass shattering and raising his hand up in innocence. Scared for his life her quickly caught his breath when he realized who it was.
“Parker, what the hell? Why the fuck was the door opened…. wait? Did you have a party!?!” Tom thundered as he realized what his son did. His voice gradually growing more furious. Parker just stood there with a shameful look on his face.
“Mum, dad. How was Dublin?” Parker sneaked to quickly change the subject.
“Don’t try to get out this, explain now!” You scolded, just as furious as Tom
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it, I just needed to blow off steam.” “What the fuck do you think a sorry is going to do? I run a fucking mob, Parker. Are you a fucking idiot? Parker, for fucks sake, anyone could have stolen some information from my office or gotten into the gun room. What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I’m not that much of a div, I locked your office and I don’t know,” Parker explained.
“You’re not as dumb as I thought. Hope you were smart enough to lock the liquor cellar too,” Tom concluded.
“Yeah…about that,” Parker mumbled as Tom ran off to his liquor room. A loud clash and curse sounded throughout the house when he laid his eyes on his ransacked priceless collection.
“Mum, say something?” Parker pleaded with you as you just stood there in silence.
“2 months. You’re grounded for 2 months. No dates or parties, just school and home. I don’t think you understand how lucky you are that nothing serious happened here.” You said, your voice drenched with disappointment. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about what dad and you asked me and —” Parker whispered as he was soon cut off by Haz walking in.
“Did you find Henry?” Haz interrupted.
“No, I’m going to check upstairs. Will you check on Tom?” Harrison nodded as you ascended the staircase. Making your way through the halls, coming upon Rosie’s room.
“Roo, honey you awake?” You said walking into Rosie’s room
“AHHHH! Oh my fucking god! Rosie!” You screamed at the sight in front of you. Your sweet, slightly bad tempered daughter asleep with a boy in her bed.
“Darling? You alright?” Tom yelled from downstairs after hearing your scream.
“Mum, what are you doing here?” Rosie exclaimed frantically.
“Hi, Y/N.” Henry whispered, praying he wasn’t going to be berated. You were a mother figure to him after his own mother left his father and never looked back. “This is my house and hi Henry. What the fuck is Henry doing here in you bed? What the fuck are you doing here?” You questioned bouncing between the two of them to get some answers.
“I can explain. But, firstly are you gonna tell dad?” Rosie inquired.
“The fact that he is already fuming downstairs, no. Not right now. And please explain, you have 5 seconds, but first you need to get Henry out of here.”
“Thank you mom, I just don’t —.“
“Ehh, eh, eh! Shut it, I’ll deal with you later,” you barked.
“Henry, I suggest you take the window and your dad is looking for you,” you said.
“Shit! Thanks Y/N… I mean Mrs. Holland” Henry said as you shot him a glare.
The moment Henry was in the clear, Tom barged in with his gun in hand. Someone needs to tell this man to put it down. All morning he has been traumatically scarring his kids for life, first with Parker and now Rosie.
“What? Is everyone all right? I heard a scream.” Tom exclaimed out of breath.
“Umm, yeah. I just saw a spider.” You stuttered.
“Oh love, you can kill a man in cold blood but can’t handle an itty bitty spider,” Tom joked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“You're afraid of them too, Thomas.” You quipped with a side eye. If looks could kill, yours definitely would.
“And for you missy, you’re grounded along with your brother.” Tom said, looking down on Rosie. “Me? What did I do?” Rosie asked in a high pitched voice. “You attended this party correct? And since this is also your house, you threw it by association. Am I right?” Tom inquired.
“I guess so,” Rosie huffed.
The twin’s exile was worse than they prepared for. Not only were they responsible for cleaning up the entire mess but they were given a list of chores to complete. This was no ordinary list. It was devised by you and Tom along with inputs from the maids and capos.
On it read:
Wash the Rolls
Clean the guns
Reorganize the pantry
Mow the lawn
Re-order all stolen liquor and stock the liquor room
Drain the pool, clean the pool, fill the pool back up again…
The list was never-ending. Each task more pointless than the next. It went on forever. The household staff was happy for their load was to be lessen for a couple weeks, unlike the kids. Harrison even forced Henry to partake in the chores.
The kids were only a couple days into their quarantine and were already going stir crazy. Parker was having withdrawals from Charlotte, missing her even more. The boy was whipped for her, really smitten. They would talk the night away. Some nights never getting any shut eye as their conversations would prolong hours.
Parker couldn’t believe this was where he was now. One night of unadulterated juvenile fun equated to 2 months of misery. Today was Charlotte’s birthday and he was supposed to take her to the London Eye on a surprise birthday trip, but all his plans were ruined the moment his parents came home and grounded his sorry ass.
“I can’t believe your parents grounded you. Assholes.” Charlotte said over the phone, fuming he couldn’t celebrate with her.
“I can’t go babe. I really wish I could but I’m grounded for life remember.” Parker said, the cold shoulder Tom and you had been giving him was killing him.
“Parker its my birthday. You have to come,” Charlotte pleaded
“There’s no chance in hell I’m allowed to leave.”
“Geez you just threw a party, it’s not like you killed someone,” Charlotte added. He might as well have. If he killed someone he wouldn’t be burdened with this punishment, probably praised instead, carrying on the family tradition.
“Just sneak out. Come on, we are all going to this nightclub downtown. It’s gonna be awesome. And I’m such a good girlfriend, I can’t let you miss it.” Charlotte pleaded.
“Alright, Char you wore me down.”
“I knew it. Pick you up at 11 tonight.”
“Park around the block, I’m going to have to climb out my window. Remember my house is like a fortress.” Parker said. He wasn’t lying.
Meanwhile, Tom was in and out of meetings in his office all day. He received one odd phone call in particular from his dad, Dominic Holland. “Hi dad, how are you” Tom said as he picked up the phone.
“I’m fine son, so how did the talk with Parker go. I’m excited to teach him all my mobster tricks,” Dom exclaimed. “Actually dad, he reacted like I did.”
“Oh well, he will come around just like you did” Dom said encouragingly.
“I don’t know if he will. Anyway it wouldn’t be so bad if he had his own path in life.” Tom murmured trying to stick up for his son’s decision.
“Tom, you know what will happen to this family if that happens,” Dom yelled.
“I know dad. I just don’t want him to feel trapped, like you did to me,” Tom exclaimed growing more annoyed by the minute.
“What I did to you got you to where you are today. Your life is thanks to me son and don’t you forget it,” Dom said with a stern, menacing voice.
“Understood sir,” Tom quipped. “Maybe Parker needs a push, in the right direction.” “Dad, I swear to god, don’t fucking do anything. Y/N and I are handling this” Tom yelled. “We’ll see how that turns out” Dom ended the phone call. Leaving Tom frustrated that his father sees him as his own puppet.
The night soon fell and Parker’s plan had been put into motion. He bribed a few of the Tom’s men with his allowance to let him sneak past. He jumped out the window, carefully walked on the roof as to not slip and make any noise. Finally on the ground, he scaled the iron fence to be met with Charlotte’s ice blue eyes. She was dressed in a pink party dress that hugged her figure perfectly.
“Wow princess, you look *chef’s kiss. Happy birthday baby,” Parker said while making his way back to the ground.
“Thanks doll. Now come on, before someone catches us,” she yelled whilst hopping into her silver Mercedes.
Arriving at the nightclub, everything was in full swing for 11 o’clock at night. Parker, Charlotte and her other friends were treated like royalty the moment Parker let his name slip.
“Right this way Mr. Holland and I will have someone bring you a bottle of champagne, on the house of course,” the hostess said as she sat them at their table.
“Oooo fancy, you should drop your name more often,” Charlotte whispered in Parker’s ear.
“Oh it was nothing, love.” Parker said while pouring himself and Charlotte a glass of bubbly. “Seriously Parker, how’d you do this? If I didn’t know any better I’d say your dad owned the club or something,” Charlotte said dumbfounded, causing Parker to choke on his champagne at her remark.
It was amazing what power could do. Having enough power to make your enemies disappear was unimaginable. Parker knew what turning down his father meant. He would have the name and the look of a Holland, but he wouldn’t be one anymore.
How could he give all that up. He enjoyed his cushy lifestyle. Sure it was day after day of worrying about your image but, he felt as though he belonged in that world. How could he go on being a kid for two more years knowing there was a metaphorical expiration date on his life.
He desperately wanted to want to be like them, his family. You, his mother, are the strongest person he knows. Having you in his life keeps him grounded, literally at the moment. Also his dad, Tom is a very loving and amazing father. He was there at all the football games (English football) cheering him on and at the spelling bees, also when he felt his first heartbreak, Tom was there.
Family has been the one constant in his life. Now it was being eclipsed by power, a power that could ruin lives or affect change. Turning his back on his family means they would never get see his future.
No one would be there at his graduation from college or when he first child was born, only Charlotte would be there. The girl he hoped to marry and have his kids. He couldn’t give up his future with her, no way. Parker eyes glanced at her, mesmerized by her beauty. He thought to himself, “This was it. This, she is all I’ll ever need, my princess.”
Most of Parker’s pet names for Charlotte were derived from Tom. He had heard his dad refer to his mother as: princess, queen, doll, darling, love. The list goes on. As long as Parker had his princess he knew he would be ok.
They danced the night away. Song after song. Feeling like the only two people in the room. Getting more drunk as the night progressed and other guests started to fizzle out. Leaving Charlotte and Parker alone on the dance floor.
“Char, I think it’s about time we head home. We are the only people left,”
Parker chuckled.
“Just two more songs please,” she muttered with her head nuzzled by his neck.
“It’s two hours til sunrise!” Parker exclaimed.
“Just a little while longer, I don’t want this moment to end.” “Me neither baby, I want to stay in your arms forever” Parker said. In a moment of love, coupled with champagne and a few tequila shots, Parker whispered, “We should get married.”
“What? Are you serious? Do you mean now or in like 5 years?” Charlotte asked as her voice slowly diminished
“Umm… yes and now. I love you,” Parker murmured. “YES! I will marry you!” Charlotte exclaimed pulling her boyfriend into a deep, passionate kiss. Parker’s dream was coming true and all he had to do was leave his family.
Just then a group of tall, stocky men, all dressed in black, funneled through the door of the club. They didn’t bother with sitting down, they just stood there blocking the only exit.
One of the men spoke up, “Parker Holland? I have a message for you.”
“Can’t it wait til morning, just tell him I’m sorry and he can ground me even longer,” Parker replied thinking the message was from Tom.
“It’s not that kind of message,” all the noise drifted away as the other man drew his gun. Both Charlotte and Parker grew tense at the sight of his pistol.
“Charlotte, get behind me,” Parker whispered, scared for both their lives.
“Boy, it’s not from your daddy,” said the leader of the men. “Do you know who my father is? He will have all of your heads if you so as much lay a finger on me,” Parker responded
“So the girl is up for grabs?” “Charlotte, RUN!” Parker Screamed
“Eh, not so fast. I’m going to enjoy this one.” The guy said, seizing Charlotte in his grip and motioning for this associates to grab Parker. Two arms holding Parker back from protecting Charlotte.
“Why you hanging out this rift raft? I’m sorry but he needs to atone for his mistakes.” “Parker..” Charlotte whimpered.
“Such a pretty girl and such a waste” the man snickered as he pressed the gun into her abdomen. Tears slipped down her face as she felt the cool metal against her.
It was the shot heard round the room. Everything stood quiet as Charlotte collapsed to the floor. The leader of the men shouted he need a drink. “NOOOOO! ” Parker screamed as he was let go and raced to Charlotte’s side
“Hey, hey, baby look at me. Look at me,” Parker said as tears flooded down his face.
“I’m sorry, we should’ve left.” Charlotte whispered with labored breaths while blood poured out of her wound. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Parker cried while rubbing his thumb on her cheek. Blood pooled around them and he could only be focused on one thing, the love of his life dying in his arms. “Parker, it hurts so much,” Charlotte cried. The pain was mind-numbing. Threatening the life inside her.
“I know, love. Just keep your eyes on me love, keep’em open”
“I’m so tired Parker… I want my last words to you to be I love you. I love you ok? So much.” she whispered, then broke into a coughing fit. Blood filling her mouth and running down her chin, scaring Parker.
“Don’t, don’t fucking start that now you, hear me. You’re gonna be fine, we’re gonna get married and have kids and grow old together,” Parker exclaimed as her eyes threatened to shut.
“You said yes, Char. You have to be okay. You said yes. I asked you to marry me and you said yes.” Parker cried as tears refused to stop coming. Charlotte’s eyes growing more and more to a close.
“Please, don’t leave me baby. Charlotte don’t leave me. Don’t fucking close your eyes. You hear me. Don’t.” And with that, the hand Parker held so close to his heart was limp. Her eyes had closed and heart stopped beating. She was gone.
“No! No, no no, hey hey hey, come on, come on baby stay with me. Stay with me please.”
“Wake up, darling. Please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Just come back to me baby. , I need you,” Parker whimpered. He burst into a fit of sobs and hugged her close to his body, not wanting to let her go because then it all became real.
The woman who changed his life, no longer walked this earth. The love of his life was gone. All the bubbling life inside of her, vanished like it had never existed in the first place. Parker’s demeanor flipped like a switch. His sadness became infused with anger, he was out for blood.
“You bastards! Why did you do that? She had nothing to do with this?” Parker thundered as blood coated his knuckles. “I’m sorry kid, but it had to be done” The leader spoke.
In a fit of rage, Parker grabbed the empty champagne bottle and smashed it over one of the guy’s heads, knocking the muscular guy unconscious.
“Big mistake, kid. Thought you were smarter than that.” The leader said as he stood in front of Parker and delivered him a swift punch to the jaw, flooring Parker.
“She really wasn’t enough of a message? Want her death to be in vain?” He spat as he kicked Parker in the stomach.
Several kicks followed, two more to the stomach, one to the groin and one final blow to the head, demobilizing Parker. He laid on the ground coughing up blood, trying to gather enough strength to get home.
He looked once more over to the girl he had loved, lifeless with a whole in stomach, knowing if it weren’t for him she would still be alive. Charlotte was the only thing on his mind as he succumbed to all the pain and everything faded to darkness.
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas Series Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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