#and then probably take a week off tracking before i decide to start my next project. which is a few more smtiv fic ideas i have on my dock
gothamcityneedsme · 1 month
current sm/tiv fic is almost done yayyy. it's 17k right now and im on the final scene (which wont be much longer)
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klipkillakai · 7 months
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|pt 2|
humming the smooth melodies of jhené aiko’s music, you slowly walk down the aisles of the bookstore, picking up books and looking at the back reading the synopsis, this morning you woke up and decided you wanted to go to the mall..
usually you go with your bestie but she’s been in florida all week, so you decided to go by yourself, this was a little anxiety inducing but you went straight to your safe haven.. barnes and nobles.. where you can pick any escape you want
you decided you wanted to pick up some romance novels, it probably having to do with it being february and your new found crush but your gonna be delusional and pretend that’s not the case..
you think about him as you look through the books, you haven’t seen him at school all week and you feel worried? it’s odd because you wouldn’t have noticed before but now it’s different..
you haven’t attempted to text him out of fear, but you notice he hasn’t texted you either, it hurts a bit and deep down you can’t help but feel like it was too good to be true..
you shake the thoughts away and collect your books and head to the cashier..
connie silently follows the guards as they lead him out to intake, he’d been locked up the past few, some bullshit about a warrant.. he knew that was a lie.. he knew they needed to get him on something, but unfortunately for them he has one the best lawyers in the country..
he smiles when the guard roughly uncuffs him, muttering for him to get dressed.. the guards leave and immediately he shoves off the jumpsuit wrapped around his waist pulling on his cargos and tee he was last in, he opens the ziplock baggie with his phone in it, calling his employee, he tucks the phone between his ear and shoulder and laces up his shoes
“im out, send the car”
connie hangs up and shoves the phone in his pocket along with his keys and wallet and zips up his jacket, before pressing the button notifying he was done changing—
you hop off the bus, and start walking back to your house, you carry the few bags of things you bought and shiver at the bite of the cold
“oh nah” you whisper and start to walk a bit faster
a few blocks in you feel the urge to look behind you, you peep a hellcat going slow down the street but you don’t recognize it exactly, you think that’s odd so you keep walking silently keeping note, starting to feel paranoid you turn around again and it’s still following you.. not knowing what to do you keep walking faster until the car finally pulls up next to you and rolls down the window, you prepare to tell the whoever in the car off until you hear
“hey mama”
you stop dead in your tracks and turn to look at the man you’ve been thinking about this whole week
you walk closer to the car and he puts it in park and gets out, before leaning on the door, he smiles
“you missed me?”
wanting to say yes you shrug and say
“where you been? i haven’t seen you at school since last week”
he slowly slides his hands in his pockets and looks at you for a beat and says
“i was locked up, got pulled over on a warrant or sumn, but i got out quick because they had nothing to stand on”
you brows slightly furrow “jail? what kind of warrant did they say it was?”
connie slowly walks closer to you and, softly grabs the bags from your hand and nods towards his car..
“cmon, take a ride wit me real quick”
he goes around the other side of the car opening the door, before you slip inside, he places the bags on your lap and mutters a “seatbelt” and shuts the door quickly walking around to his side and looking around before slipping in the car, the car starts and plays loud drill music before he quickly turns it down and pulls off..
“you didn’t answer my question..” you say softly looking at him
his jaw ticks for a second and his thumb taps the wheel, “ion want you to worry about that aight?” he shoot’s a lazy look towards you..
“should i worry about it” he shakes his head no and you ask..
“is it gonna happen again?” he softly licks his lips and says “i’m gonna make sure it doesn’t”
you look in his eyes as he says that and you get the slightest flash of something sinister behind them, that erupts butterflies in your belly and you softly squeeze your thighs together
“okay” you whisper, and he looks at you again with a slight smile..
after 20 mins of driving you finally ask with a little laugh “where we going?” he pulls up to a parking garage entrance and pulls in before saying
“my crib” your heart skips a beat and, your feel yourself get a bit hot.. “oh” you whisper
“is that okay?” he asks with a teasing smile, pulling into a parking space, “yea i just didn’t expect that”
“don’t worry your safe, your always safe wit me”
you look up at him with a bright smile, and connie nearly wants to fall to his knees, he looks at the brightness in your eyes before it quickly lowers to your lips and he looks away, almost wanting to laugh at how smitten you’ve gotten him..
he opens your door, taking your hand and you walk away hearing the car lock, he leads you to an elevator, and he presses the fob to the button and presses the 10th floor..
you feel his thumb softly go back and forth on the back of your hand “you cold?” he says softly and you nod.. “i could tell when you were outside” he shrugs off his big carthartt jacket and drapes it over your shoulder.. the elevator dings and he pulls you into the hallways stopping at his apartment door, pulling out his keys, unlocking it and nodding you inside
you walk through the door looking around, it smells just like him, the fresh masculine smell, slightly twinged with weed, he kicks he shoes off and you do the same, pulling off your hot pink crocs and neatly placing them next to his shoes…
“so did you just get home today?”
“yea a few hours ago actually, i haven’t been home in a week, i fucking missed it” he pulls off his hoodie causing his shirt to lift under it and you catch a glimpse of his happy trail.. you want to scream because you find that so attractive but you look away fighting back a smile..
you walk further into the seemingly large apartment, looking around at the masculine decor, the black couches and large tv mounted on the wall, you slowly turn and notice a book shelf, you slowly walk towards it, hearing connie in the back opening a fridge.. you graze your fingers on the books about finance, stock investing… and your finger stops on a book about secret society’s.. you look back at connie before you keep scanning the books.. others filled law.. others about cars and guns…
“you like to read?” you ask connie
“that’s how i learn, knowledge is power” connie says as he stands behind you, slowly dragging his hand up your arm.. then slowly moving your braids to one side.. and dragging his lips up your neck inhaling your sent at the same time..
you let out a slow breath.. and you feel his large hands slowly press against your lower belly, and you feel heat slowly pool there..
“your so beautiful you know that?”
you softly smile.. “sometimes i don’t”
he softly pause before slowly turning your face towards his.. “i’m gonna ensure you do”
he looks in your eyes for a beat before letting your face go, “im gonna hop in the shower rq, then we’re gonna dip aight?”
you let a breath “mhm” you nod for reassurance and he smiles a bit before turning around and walking down the hall..
10 mins later you sitting on his couch tapping through stories.. you start to think about who connie is.. he got out of jail today and you still have yet to know what.. and.. and that phone call! the last time you were in the car together he told you the same thing “don’t worry about it” do you trust him enough to not worry about it? are you going to let curiosity kill the cat?
you hear the bathroom door open cutting your thoughts short, you look up at connie.. the towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets rolling down his abs.. gold chain dangling around his neck.. and his tattoos.. god you love his tattoos.. a snake winding around his arm.. a cross on the side of his neck and a large chest and back piece..
“i can feel you staring pretty girl”
you immediately look away feeling your body heat up from embarrassment.. he laughs a bit and shakes his head.. “it’s okay.. i stare too” you softly turn towards him and look in his eyes.. “i really like your tattoos”
“oh yeah?” “yeah” you whisper back shyly and he smiles at that, connie likes making you nervous.. he likes catching you stare and that little dazed look on your face..
“your gonna come wit me to pick sumn up, and we gon get food after or sumn aight?”
“you know.. you never ask.. you just tell” you say with a teasing smile..
“would you like me to ask? even if i knew the answer already”
“what makes you think i’ll say yes?”
“you haven’t said no yet..”
“maybe i will”
“well let me know when you decide to do that”
you roll your eyes and connie slightly smirks before walking into his room and changing clothes, he goes into his closet looking behind him before grabbing his piece and tucking it his pants, he covers it with his shirt and grabs a thick jacket and pulls on his timbs..
he sprays some of his cologne and slips on his rings and opens his nightstand and grabs his other phone slipping it in his pocket and leaving..
he walks out the room and sees you still patiently waiting on the couch, hearing your nails tap against the screen.. “cmon mama”
he watches your pretty head snap up, you quickly hop up, pulling up your pink sweatpants and rounding the couch walking towards him..
he grabs your hand and you walk out the door together, heading to the elevator and eventually ending up in the parking garage again, this time getting into a different car, he quickly pulls out, nodding to the security guard and pulling into the street..
he zooms pass other cars as he picks up his phone from the cup holder, calling someone..
he looks around before he turns, and starts to speak
“im pulling up, have it ready” soon after he pulls into a warehouse building, you hear his tires crackle against the the gravel and a man stands there holding a large black duffel bag, connie rolls down the window, dapping the man up before reaching down and opening his trunk, silently plopping the back the trunk and shutting it, without another word he begins to walk inside, connie pulls out the driveway pulling out into the street again..
you almost open your mouth to ask what’s in the bag but you choose not too, do you really want to know? do you need to know? it seems connie doesn’t think you do.. so you stay quiet..
connie softly looks over to you.. “whatchu want to eat?” you smile a bit thinking about it “mmm i dunno you pick” he shrugs and smiles “i don’t care about what i eat, i’ve been eating prison food for a week”
you think about it, and you smile getting an idea “let me cook for you” connie slightly pauses and looks over at you, his heart slightly soars and he says “forreal?” “mhm” you nod and connie looks at you with an amused expression on his face, like there’s an inside joke he’s having with himself..
“aight, bet” he quickly makes a u-turn zooming pass cars and soon after pulls into a whole foods.. he parks and nods for you to get out too, you walk hand in hand inside the store and you grab a basket quickly pulling on his hand, leading him to where you need to go..
you stand in the aisle looking at different types of beans as connie stands close behind you, softly rubbing your back “what are you making?”
“rice and beans with jerk chicken” he groans softly and whispers “sheesh” you smile and continue shopping, quickly grabbing all the ingredients and heading to self check out, connie helps scan and pays of course and you quickly put the bags in the car and head back to his place..
the tv is playing in the back as you cut up vegetables, the meat is already marinating in the fridge, and your just focusing on the rice and beans at this point, connie is standing next to you washing the rice..
connie loves this, cooking with someone, allat wifey shit.. that gets him bad, he hears you giggle at a joke from the show and he smiles, when you proposed the idea of cooking for him he almost fell in love with you on the spot, he likes that wifey shit because he knows he can match that energy by providing, he’s always wanted to be that.. a provider.. it’s just in his nature, he knows dudes who want a wife but act like bums when the opportunity arises, nah he’s gon take care of you back.. always.
he finishes cooking the rice and looks over to you “you need me to do something else?” you finish giggling at the joke and shake your head no “no thank you” you say sweetly.. and he nods before pressing a kiss to your cheek.. “i’m gonna be in my room aight?” “mhm” you nod and he walks down the hallway as you cook..
an hour later your rolling balls of cookie dough and placing them on the baking sheet in front of you, you hear the door open and connie’s comes out the room, he changed into grey sweats and a wife beater he smells the kitchen “damn it’s smells good in here”
you smile and grab the sheet, placing it in the oven and go to the sink to rinse your hands off “we can eat the food is done, i was just making some cookies”
he walks behind you, reaching up grabbing two plates and forks handing them to you, you go over to the pots on the stove and start making his plate..
“you eat alot? you ask and he walks up behind you softly rubbing your lower back “mhm” he hums and you start to put more rice and another piece of chicken and you hand him his plate before making yours..:
you end up on his couch, he puts on a movie and you start to eat.. “you wanna smoke?” he asks and you smile “you stay trynna get me high” he laughs and shakes his head before reaching on his coffee table, grabbing a box and starting to roll up, he sparks it and hits it before passing it to you, you pass it back and forth until your both faded and you start eating
connie takes his first bite and groans softly, pointing and nodding at the food “this is so fucking good mama” you smile knowing that it’s good and you take your fist bite “shiiit” you say and you both laugh high asf..
you talk and eat for the rest of the evening, you open up about yourselves, telling each other things about your insecurities, your outlook on life.. who you want to be as people, and that draws you closer, you both begin to understand that your just people that want love, and company and support.. and that connects with both of you, both of you falling deeper and deeper and not even realizing it..
you and connie cuddle, both wrapped around each other eating the warm cookies fresh out the oven, the high still hitting, you feel his hand softly rub small circles on your hips, and you feel butterflies erupt in your belly, and heat slowly trickling down..you softly adjust yourself, and connie notices looking down, he softly smiles and against his better judgement he slides his palm down, softly rubbing your lower belly, his pinkie lightly grazing under the waistband on your sweats and you softly bite your lip..
you reach back softly, and rub his hand on your belly, softly rubbing it, connie softly presses a kiss to your cheek, slowly moving down to your neck, nipping and sucking softly, your eyes lower and you shudder, you softly turn around, sitting up and connie follows,
you slowly climb on his lap, and his hands immediately finds your waist, you both hold eye contact only breaking it it look at each others lips,he leans in looking up at you for consent, you softly nod and he captures your lips in a kiss, you kiss him back the kiss is slow and sensual, as if your both making a map, slowly figuring each other out.. his tongue grazes your lower lip and you open your mouth , you tongues now dancing around each other, you slowly roll your hips into his his, and that sends a sharp shiver down your spine.. you almost gasp at it..
he hands slides up your chest and up to your neck, grabbing it and squeezing it, pulling you closer, the pace of the kiss becoming faster, more passionate..he softly pulls back softly biting your lip before kissing you again.. you wrap your arms around his neck, your nails grazing against the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder and his bulge under you twitching, this slightly intimidates you.. your a virgin and all of this is new to you.. your just going with the flow.. but damn does it feel good.. it feels better than any words you’ve ever read when reading your silly little romance novels.. even better than when you touch yourself late at night..
you slowly pull away, a string of saliva connecting you both, not wanting you to separate, his eyes are low and filled with lust.. he leans back and groans softly rubbing your ass “you gonna drive me crazy mama” your face heats and you smile “yeah?” you whisper sweetly while you softly rub his chest..
he watches you, and you lean in, laying your head on his chest, he softly rubs your back.. this combined with the weed and food, starts making you sleepy, your eyes begin to lower and connie notices..
“you can sleep baby, i’ll drop you off later” you sleepily nod and you feel connie pull a blanket over you and press a kiss to your forehead.. and you drift off to sleep, feeling safe and warm..
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yalll! did you miss me?? hehehe i don’t think you guys understand the bull i just went through!!! tumblr dead deleted half my draft! i’m officially traumatized guys! i see why you guys write in word or like google docs or sumn! but i just wanted to say thank you for over 1000 notes on soft thug 1!! like ermmm i did NOT expect that thank you so much guys!! ily 🩷
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zoofzoofxx · 4 months
(Pt. 2)
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Pairing - Joost Klein x fem!reader
Summary - Following an attempt to ignore Joost and act as though nothing had happened, you both meet on a rainy day while waiting for the bus. He offers you a ride but first takes you out for a dinner and shows you the beauty of Amsterdam at night.
Genre- fluff, maybe little bit of angst.
Mentions - @dozcan123 , @multifilmfan & @mrschandlerbing
About three months back, something went down with Joost Klein. We chatted at first, but then I got busy, and Joost wouldn't quit trying to get in touch. I brushed off his messages until I finally blocked his number. After that, he stopped trying to reach out on other social platforms. I felt a bit guilty, but I figured he probably moved on. Sometimes I thought about unblocking him and telling him how I felt, but when I saw he was into Eurovision, I hesitated. 3 weeks ago, he dropped a track called Europapa, and it blew up. The song brought back memories of Joost, making me consider going to Eurovision with my sister. Lost in thought, a message from my best friend Zofia interrupted me, signaling her arrival. We decided to grab a drink and catch up, with Zofia's unexpected entrance and our trip to a nearby bar helping clear my head.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 3 hours later ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
I checked my bus app to see when my bus will arrive. I still had 35 minutes left but the walk wasn’t short so basically I already should be on my way. I escorted my best friend to her place; she was completely wasted, and so was I. It was the usual routine - she'd get super drunk, I'd have to take her home, and then make sure I got back to my flat safely at night. I glanced at my friend before asking if she could at least get ready for bed and sleep. She agreed, closed the door, leaving me alone. I turned on maps to find the nearest bus stop direction, and just as I did, a few raindrops fell on my screen, signaling the impending rain. And sure enough, it started pouring. I began to run, and as I was about to cross the street, a car came speeding towards me, honking loudly, nearly hitting me. Shocked, I turned around, not knowing what to do. The car was already gone, so I tried to forget the scary moment and went to sit on the bench at the bus stop just a few steps away. Sitting there, rain pouring down on me as there was no roof over the bench, I stared at the ground, hoping the bus would arrive soon, even though I still had 10 more minutes to wait in the cold rain.
“Y/n?” A low male voice with a pronounced Dutch accent addressed me. I turned looked up to find a recognizable individual standing directly in front of me. I was taken aback by the sight of him drenched from head to toe, standing there as confused as I was.
"Joost?" I uttered, rising to my feet and adjusting my coat. An extended pause ensued, with neither of us certain of how to initiate this dialogue.
"It was you crossing the street? Please be more cautious next time," he began, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.
"I apologize." I glanced aside and then back at him. He appeared altered. His hair had brightened notably, nearly reaching a platinum blond tone. His demeanor was grave. It seemed like he wasn't content to see me, and frankly, I wasn't excited either.
"How are you?" Were the only words that escaped my lips.
"I'm good. Have you been drinking?" He inquired, moving a bit closer, though there was still a noticeable gap between us. I caught a whiff of his cologne once more. It was the same scent from three months back when he assisted me in zipping up my jacket.
"Tipsy, not drunk," I corrected him, settling back onto the bench, which was once again damp. I glanced down at my shoes, feeling embarrassed.
"I can catch a whiff of the alcohol from here," he remarked, and I simply pouted, unsure of how to respond. He moved closer and settled beside me. Our shoulders brushed together. In a sudden impulse, I rested my head on his shoulder, shutting my eyes and relishing the moment. It dawned on me how much I had missed Joost.
"Y/n, do you want a lift?" Joost interrupted my thoughts. I hesitated a lot, unsure if I should say yes or no.
"Sure." I say standing up. He stood up as well, and I just followed him. It was a 1-minute walk until we arrived at the car I almost got hit by. I sat in the passenger seat and inhaled the scent, Joost's specific cologne mixed with cigarettes. I yawned, leaning on the window. He started his car, and we drove through the city. There was complete silence between us until there was a loud growl. I covered my stomach with my arm and started to daydream about what I would eat when I arrived home.
“What are you doing?” I inquired as Joost made a sudden right turn.
“I’m starving, do you like McDonalds?” He asked and I furrowed my brows.
"I suppose so, but I've got some food at home, so I'll decline," I replied, earning a chuckle from the blonde guy.
"Ha, that's totally a classic mom move: 'We've got food at home,'" he mimicked, leading to a moment of silence as we both pondered our next words.
"It's on me." He stated, breaking the silence as he parked his car in the parking lot and switched it off.
"Please," he uttered, casting me those identical pleading eyes as during our initial encounter. Exhaling deeply, I release my seatbelt and unlatch the car door.
"Macdonalds around midnight just hits differently," Joost remarked as he savored his first bite of the Big Mac.
"Would you like some?" He inquired, flashing me a comforting smile.
"Thanks, but I'm good," I replied, smiling back, enjoying my chicken nuggets. I noticed Joost eyeing them, so I pushed the box towards him and nodded, signaling he could give them a try.
"May I?" He inquired, gazing at me. He looked very handsome. His beautiful blue eyes peered through his thick-framed glasses. He wore a Burberry scarf around his neck. His sharp jawline was what made him truly attractive.
"Sure," I replied, looking down, aware that I was blushing intensely.
"You know I've never tasted chicken nuggets," he remarks as he takes one, slyly snatching the sauce I was using. He sampled the nugget while I indulged in some French fries that I also relished. I glanced out the window; it was entirely dim outside. Then I shifted my gaze back to Joost.
"Why did you block my number?" He inquired out of the blue. I sat upright, unable to provide a response to his query.
"I was occupied," I replied curtly, feeling a bit anxious that this conversation might escalate. He simply nodded, unsure of what to say. After a moment of contemplation, he finally broke the silence.
"Occupied with someone?" He inquired, prompting me to tilt my head slightly. I needed a moment to ponder and craft a thoughtful response. I wasn't preoccupied with anyone. I was simply engrossed in self-care, focusing on my mental well-being, striving to improve my life even just a little. My daily routine felt monotonous - waking up, having breakfast, heading to work, eating dinner, sleeping, and repeating the cycle. I grew weary of this routine. I longed for my parents, my younger sister, and the carefree days of childhood.
“No.” I replied dryly, as I took my final sips of coke. Joost had already pushed the box back, but I nudged it back to signal that he can have the last nuggets. He accepted the food, pondering his response before blurting out something foolish.
“So you were occupied with…?” He prompted me to complete the sentence. I simply sighed in response.
"My mental health," I respond, causing his eyebrows to shoot up in surprise.
"You could have informed me that you were having a tough time. I would have been there to support you," he says, gazing at me with concern.
"I just needed some time to myself," I say, hoping to end this conversation.
"You know, I felt foolish when you blocked me. You could have simply mentioned you weren't interested in me, and I would have backed off," he says, sitting upright, with a hint of remorse in his eyes as he gazes at my hands. I was fidgeting with my sleeve.
"Feeling tense?" He asks, taking hold of my hand. I wanted to say no, but deep down, I knew I could only answer yes.
"No. Not really." I respond, attempting to avoid the eye contact he's seeking.
"Do you desire any more food?" He inquired, and I simply shook my head to decline.
"Let’s go then." He suggests, gently patting my back. We exited the building together.
"I can walk home from here," I say, glancing at him. He was tall and had a very masculine appearance.
"Can I accompany you home?" He questioned, and unsure if it was a wise choice, I sensed it might be our last meeting for a long time, or possibly never again. Nevertheless, I nodded, and he grinned. We began walking towards my house.
"I like your scarf," I mentioned, breaking the silence. He didn't say anything but gently removed it and wrapped it around my head.
"It looks much more flattering on you," he remarks with a smile, reaching out to grasp my shoulder, drawing me closer to him. Suddenly, he makes a wrong turn.
"That's not the route to my place," I mention, furrowing my brows. I was nearly sober.
"I know. There's a spot I'd like to take you to," he mentions as we reach the bridge. The wind was strong, messing up Joost's hair. He tried to fix it quickly, but it didn't really work. I couldn't help but laugh, and he rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue in response.
"Hey, what's so funny?" he says playfully, giving me a gentle push.
"Nothing," I uttered as he drew me closer once more, and I simply relished the moment. It dawned on me that I was thoroughly enjoying the time with the tall Dutch gentleman. A quiet interval ensued until we reached a bridge. It was truly a sight to behold, and I couldn't resist capturing it in a photograph. Stepping back, I ensured Joost was also in the frame. He glanced at me, posed with a smile, and shaped a heart with his fingers.
"Aww, adorable!" I say with a smile, and he approached without a word. I tucked my phone away, and Joost simply embraced me. No words. No sounds. Just two individuals embracing at the bridge. Two hearts beating in unison.
"I deeply yearned for you," is the only utterance he managed.
"I missed you as well," I reply softly, maintaining the embrace. We linger in the moment before eventually deciding to head back home as the chill of the evening sets in.
"When do you plan to depart for Sweden?" I inquire purely out of interest.
"My manager mentioned they're counting on me to be at the hotel tomorrow," I respond, nodding in understanding.
"Are you not keen on joining me?" He inquired. He had already asked me this question during our meal.
"I'd be happy to join, but I need to find a way to make some money," I respond, to which he pouts in disappointment.
"I comprehend. Please inform me if your decision changes," he states, and I offer a smile. Upon reaching my residence, we bid our final farewells. He mentioned I could keep the scarf but requested something in return. As I lacked valuable items, he noticed my bag and a small keychain, a fluffy pink heart. He inquired about exchanging it, to which I happily agreed, asking if he desired anything else, but he declined. We shared a parting hug, and he mentioned he would text me. After he left, I unblocked his number but never received a message from him again.
A/n - guys I’m so sorry this is so shitty 😭 I feel like I made so much grammar mistakes. English isn’t my native language so if you see any mistakes please contact me 😘 BY THE WAY I DONT KNOW IF YALL NOTICED BUT Y/N’S BEST FRIEND IS ACTUALLY ME 😍😍😍😍😍THANK YOU SO MICH FOR 60 FOLLOWERS ILY! leave a comment behind please it gives me a lot of motivation ✌🏻 I’m actually thinking if I should make a part 3 but idk lmk 😊 PEACE OUT 😇✌🏻LUV U GUYS 🥰❗️💋💋💋💋💋
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Mirror, Mirror | One
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Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: The thought of something more had never really crossed Wanda's mind when it came to you. Best friends for 10 years and there hasn't even been one instance of accidental sexual tension. You're her best friend, that's all—until someone points out that you obviously have a very specific type when it comes to dating.
Warnings: best friends to lovers. shenanigans. jealousy, jealousy. sexual tension. pining. yearning. sexual thoughts. spicy (tumblr's version). stupid steve. neurotic nat. brat & stinky. bug as in shutterbug.
*explicit version will only be available on Ao3 & will be posted there after series is completed*
Note: i'm back!!! Nothing like coming back and posting a mini series. Enjoy this superior trope. Updates will be on Tuesdays! As you can see, we're trying something new with explicit content lol 😬
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: ~4.1k
It's strange how sometimes a single sentence can change someone's entire life. 
Wanda's thought about what sentences could change her life—usually, they're morbid and depressing.
'You have cancer.'
'Someone you love has died horrifically in an accident.'
'Your cat actually finds living with you miserable and would prefer the dangers of living in the streets.'
Never in a million years would Wanda ever think it'd be, 'Hey, have you ever noticed how your best friend exclusively only dates girls who look like you?'
And don't get Wanda wrong. It wasn't a morbid or depressing change; it was just...a change. An irrevocable change because now, Wanda couldn't stop thinking about it or noticing it. 
This was all Steve's fault. 
Because if someone like Stupid Steve could notice something like that, it had to mean something, right? But as Wanda remembers about the past girls you've hooked up with and brought around, she doesn't know what to make of it.
A part of Wanda wishes she had never talked to Steve that night at the bar. 
"Where's Vis?" Steve asked, looking around.
"With Tony playing pool, I think," Wanda shrugged. She doesn't particularly keep track of where her on-and-off boyfriend goes. She thinks they might be on an off-period right now, anyway. 
"And where's—oh, nevermind, there she is," Steve started to say but cut off when they both saw you across the bar talking with the bartender, flirting over drinks—which were probably free if Wanda could guess. 
Wanda's slightly annoyed because it's been a long week without seeing you, and Wanda's been used to seeing you almost every day for the past several years of her life. But you've been gone on a work trip this week for a wedding shoot and only came home just a little after lunch and needed an immediate long nap before tonight's get-together. 
That meant Wanda was sorely missing out on best-friend time, and now you were off flirting shamelessly with the hot bartender. Wanda's rooting for you, make no mistake. The bartender is definitely easy on the eyes, luscious hair, and lips—something Wanda knows you're weak for. 
Plus, Wanda's worried you're not anywhere near getting close to settling down. She wants you to be in a happy, fulfilling relationship. But she supposes she's in no position to talk herself. 
Wanda loves Vision without a doubt, but their relationship is definitely chaotic, and Vision keeps pushing for something more serious now that they've been dating (sporadically) for a long time. She's been considering it in her downtime and thinks it might make sense as the next step.
Best friends do everything together, right? So, maybe if Wanda decided to take the next step in a serious relationship, you'd find someone to commit to seriously as well. 
Then, both of you could get married at the same time. Then, they could buy a house in the same neighborhood right next to each other. There'd be endless double dates and vacations together. Wanda wouldn't have to miss you.
But first, Wanda needed to regain lost best-friend time, one-on-one style.  
"Hey, you know what I just noticed?" Steve said, breaking Wanda's drifting thoughts. 
Wanda makes a face at your nickname. Granted, it was Wanda's fault you ended up with it back in your first year of university. You never let her forget it, especially now that you're a professional photographer.
"—over there has a very specific type she goes after for girls," Steve mused, sipping his whiskey before continuing. "I mean, they always have green eyes and brunette—wait, that's not true. She had two red-headed girlfriends in our last year of university. They still had green eyes, though." 
"Oh," Wanda said, unsure what to say since she's never paid attention to the girls you were dating. On average, they were a brief fling, and only a few lasted longer than half a year. "I guess so?"
Wanda distantly thinks about how she dyed her hair auburn in her last year of university because she was looking for a change that year and Natasha was insistent that she'd look amazing. Wanda recalls you were a fan of the look.
"Yeah," Steve nodded along. "Ironically, they always look like you in some way. Check out that bartender now—long, wavy-haired brunette with green eyes. She's got thick, long lips and even does that dark eye-shadow makeup thingy like you."
Steve just laughed it off, finishing his drink, thinking nothing more of it before he started talking about Bucky.
But it was like something clicked into place in Wanda's brain. A daunting realization that she was wholly unprepared for and not equipped to do anything about. 
Wanda watched as the bartender clocked off for the night and dragged you into a corner booth, drinks in hand. It gave Wanda the perfect view that the bartender wore many rings just like she did. 
In the poor privacy of the dimly lit corner booth, there was a staunch and needy kiss from the two of you, and Wanda swallowed roughly. 
From here, if you were none the wiser, Wanda could be easily mistaken for the girl in the booth with you. 
Sometimes, Wanda believes she's just being absolutely ridiculous. So what if you go after girls who share the same features as her? That didn't have to mean anything. You've always told Wanda she was beautiful, and it was perfect how you said it. 
It didn't feel insincere or creepy. It felt good to know her best friend thought she was absolutely gorgeous. But just because you thought she was beautiful doesn't mean you harbored secret feelings for her. 
You'd be insulted if you knew Wanda had ever thought that. She'd just be another one of those girls Wanda's seen you humble on multiple occasions when they found out you dated women, and they were worried you might have a crush on them. 
But then, Wanda couldn't stop thinking she actually might be one of those girls because then she'd think about if you didn't consider her like that, it wasn't about her looks but something about her personality that wasn't your type. 
And what could that be?
Wanda thought long and hard, trying to remember the girls you've introduced her to. 
Sometimes they were funny, and Wanda was funny. She made you laugh all the time. She specifically remembered one time in high school when she made you laugh so hard you peed your pants just a little. 
Sometimes they were intellectual, and while Wanda didn't have an IQ of 160, she did fairly well academically and was on the right track in her career. 
Sometimes they were charming, and Wanda was the type where she got more charming the more you got to know her. 
So, Wanda just doesn't understand. She's nowhere further with her thinking ever since this weird information has been bestowed upon her.
Maybe it all just means nothing. You just didn't feel that way about Wanda despite the type of girls you dated suggesting otherwise. You didn't need a reason for it, and maybe the fact you only felt friendship for her was the reason. 
"Wanna order pizza in tonight?"
Wanda turns her head from the tv and notices you've put your book down. "Hm, not really. We had pizza last week," Wanda shakes her head. 
"How about that Greek place that just opened up on Willington Ave?" You suggest. "Pretty sure I heard you grumbling about wanting Greek food earlier this week."
"I was not grumbling!" Wanda scoffs but smiles when you raise your eyebrow at her. "Okay, I was grumbling a little."
You snicker as you pull out your phone to order delivery. "Oh, sweet golden best friend of mine, whatever shall you do when you get married to Vis, who hates Greek food. Do I foresee a life of Greekless cuisine? Oh, the suffering you'll go through!"
"I don't need him to like it," Wanda slaps your arm, sticking her tongue out before she cuddles you. "I have you to eat it with."
You laugh unabashedly, a sound that Wanda's accustomed to hearing the joyful sound. "Better hope the person I marry also hates Greek cuisine. I don't know if I can live a life of eating double the Greek food. I love tzatziki sauce, but if I grow to hate it from eating it too much, I will make you suffer the consequences of that."
Your voice trails off as you focus on ordering food, unable to see the cogs in Wanda's head turning. 
It's all so easy. There's no tension, no electric vibes happening. Just best friends enjoying the banter and making plans to eat. 
It was all in Wanda's head, right? You're her best friend, so of course you'd know everything about her. 
The right type of friendship is fulfilling and soul-connecting, and that's what Wanda has with you. When you have a one-in-a-million connection like that, the line between friendship and romance is thin, isn't it?
Wanda hates Steve. She'd never think about this if it wasn't for Stupid Steve. She can hear his dumb laugh, blissfully ignorant about the observation bomb he dropped upon her. 
"Do you wanna get ice cream after?" You ask, throwing your phone to the side. "I'll even treat you to the gelato despite knowing I'm going to suffer through your crazy farts later."
"Oh my god, I'm going to trap you under the blanket with it just for that!" 
Within two months, Wanda forgets about it. Forgets, as in that she decides to drop it (let it linger in the deep depths of her brain that she refuses to acknowledge), and resolves that Steve has no brain cells and has no idea what he's saying. 
"Have you seen my strapless black top?" Wanda shouts from her room with the door open. "The one with the v-shaped front!"
"In your closet!" You yelled back from the living room, not taking your eyes off your phone. 
"I can't find it," Wanda whines, and she hears you sigh as you get up. The footsteps approach her room, and she finds you standing at the door with an unimpressed look.
"I don't want to hear it," Wanda sniffs. 
"Hear what, brat?" You say with a brow raised before you start rummaging through her closet. The nickname was a joke you started that Wanda was entirely a spoiled person, exhibiting bratty behavior at times. "That I'm not gonna be your roommate forever, so you need to learn to fold it yourself before putting it away?"
Wanda makes grumbling noises that are mostly nonsensical but smiles when you pull out the top she was looking for. 
"You are the apple of my eye, stinky," Wanda grabs the top from you before she runs into her washroom to briefly change into it. 
"A match made in heaven, yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes with good humor. "Hurry up, Natasha will kill us if we're late for Yelena's birthday. They're on an upwards mend in their relationship, so she's been so unbearably uptight lately to make sure nothing goes wrong."
"I know, I know," Wanda mutters, carefully pulling the top over her head to not ruin her makeup. 
"Alright, I'll hail us a cab, meet me outside."
"Wait, wait!" Wanda calls out. "I need help putting on my necklace."
You chuckle, walking back just as Wanda steps out of the bathroom with the delicate necklace she wants to wear. 
"Alright, alright, relax," you tell her. "Your accent gets really strong when you're stressed."
"You're stressing me out by rushing me," Wanda scrunches her nose even though you can't see it. "I'm also stressed knowing that you have to rush me, or I'll spend the party getting lectured by Natasha."
Wanda's voice comes out husked with the accent, something she's struggled between hating or loving, but mostly loving since you've expressed how lovely it is.
You grab the necklace from her hand, and Wanda moves her hair out of the way. The routine of it all starts to bleed the tension out of her shoulders. 
Then, that horrible Stupid Steve Sentence kicks into her brain. 
 It's only as you put your arms over, placing the necklace against Wanda's chest, and focusing on trying to get the clasp in. Wanda can feel your warm breath against her neck, summoning goosebumps along her arms. You're so close, and she can feel the heat of your body radiating onto her, your fingers just barely brushing against her.
The tension comes suddenly, squeezing inside her chest as her breathing slows and shakes. Her body warms in an unexpected way. 
"Ah, got it," you say, but Wanda can only focus on your voice and breath on the shell of her ear. "Cute necklace but the clasp is so annoying."
You pull away and start walking off. "C'mon, I bet if we tip our taxi driver an extra $20 bucks, they'll speed and we can pray we're on time."
Wanda's left standing there, knowing she probably sounds like she's fresh out of Sokovia with how stressed she is. Her right eye twitches.
Was that...Wanda gulps. Was that sexual tension?
And was she the only one who felt it?
She's going to kill Steve.
Natasha's absolutely neurotic when they arrive. It's just a simple backyard party, but it almost looks like a wedding venue with all the catering and flowers. 
Wanda's pretty sure Natasha's only being like this because she's overthinking about whether to cling to Yelena or give her sister some space to mingle with others. She seems to be sizing up Kate, who Yelena might be seeing, but it hasn't been confirmed. 
Yelena looks between exasperated with Natasha and secretly happy about the entire thing. Wanda can sympathize with her. After all, she's also a little sister, and Pietro can also be way too overprotective. Sometimes she's glad he's abroad in Europe for work while she remains in New York, but she misses him more often than she admits. 
"Alright, alright, Natasha," you groan, and Wanda's mind slips back into the conversation. "We're 3 minutes late, relax, will you? Damn, are you always gonna be like this until you and Yelena get back into whatever sibling bond you had before? Hope you're just like this with us because otherwise, you're gonna scare away all her friends, and she's going to hate you."
"Oh my god, do you think she'll really hate me?" Natasha bites her bottom lip in worry while looking around at all the people that they can only assume she's nagged about being late or whatever mishap. 
"Oh, man," you sigh, putting your hand on her shoulders before pushing her towards the bar. "You need some drinks and maybe some desserts in you."
Wanda's about to follow you when you turn around and nod your head in a different direction. She looks over and sees you're nodding toward Vision.
"You should go say hi to him," you tell her. "You've been complaining about not seeing him all last week, even though I don't know why you guys won't just FaceTime, but I digress. Come find me later, or I'll find you after."
You look over at Natasha, who's peering on her tippy toes to see if she can find Yelena.
"And, hopefully, I'll have ditched this nutjob," you whisper conspiratorially and laugh when Natasha turns around to smack your arm. 
"I heard that!"
Wanda chuckles as you walk off with Natasha while she turns and heads toward Vision. Despite how she was complaining about not seeing Vision last week because she did miss him, her expression was sour as she made her way toward him. 
Vision spots her immediately and waves at her with a warm smile. Wanda feels herself somewhat loosened at his expression. They'd also been friends a long time before they started on-and-off dating, so at the very least, she does miss his easy friendship. 
"Hey," Vision hugs her, slightly rubbing her back before he pulls away but keeps his arm around her. "It's been a while; you look lovely."
"Thanks," Wanda smiles with a shrug. She looks around and sees he's standing with Tony and Pepper. "How are you guys?"
"Could be better," Tony sighs dramatically. "Natasha won't let me do any of my cool party tricks as if I'm going to ruin her little sister's party. If anything, I could make it the party of the century!"
Pepper rolls her eyes good-naturedly. "We were just talking about how we're thinking of going to the Bahamas for vacation in December and escaping the cold. We've invited you and Vision along since it's been awhile since we've all gone together. Of course, we can also invite Bug and Natasha."
"Oh," Wanda says for a lack of anything else to say. She doesn't know how to feel about it, but she peers over at Vision, who's just smiling at her and looking eager about it. 
"I need another drink if I'm going to suffer through this party," Tony sighs. "Maybe I can convince Yelena instead!" He grins, dragging Pepper along, and they walk off together. 
"So, what do you think?" Vision asks when they're alone. "I didn't want to reply on your behalf since I wasn't sure, but I think it'd be good for us. I've missed you," Vision pauses as if he's about his next words but then says, "a lot."
"Yeah, me too," Wanda starts to say, but then her brain gets all haywire because it feels like a lie. She did miss him, but did she miss him a lot? "I think."
"You think?"
Wanda wants to smack her forehead because she didn't mean to say that out loud. "I mean, I was complaining a lot that I haven't seen you in a while all last week."
"Yeah, work has just been overwhelming. I get so tired after work, I just can't keep up with the texting or calls."
But you can, Wanda thinks. Granted, you're her roommate, so it's easier. But even when you have to go on work trips, you regularly text her no matter what time and squeeze in a quick call, even if it's just to say goodnight. 
The entire thing makes Wanda bite her tongue because why was she even thinking about that? That was completely irrelevant to Vision. 
Then—because as if just thinking about you wasn't enough—her eyes trail across the room, and the scene before her makes Wanda even more confused about her feelings.
You're standing there with Natasha at the bar, but it looks like Natasha's calling someone over to introduce you to them.
Another brunette with long, wavy hair, like she just had a blowout done. Wanda's not 100% sure from this distance, but she has an inkling that the brunette also has green eyes. She's wearing a white halter top and wide-legged sage green pants. She wears a lot of rings, but her makeup is lighter and more summery compared to Wanda's darker, smokey eye makeup.
In short, this woman was the clean girl aesthetic version of Wanda. 
And you look interested. 
This was ridiculous, Wanda fumes, feeling her stomach sink and cheeks flare hot in anger. As quick as the anger came, it dissipated.
Why was she so angry?
She feels betrayed, and her thoughts are turning very ugly. Wanda is definitely not being a girl's girl right now with how much she's thinking she's better than the girl in front of you. 
But that just makes everything so much more confusing. 
Wanda turns her head back to Vision. He looks concerned, and even when his eyes trail toward what Wanda's staring at, there's no additional reaction. He's not upset that she's staring at you, and that has to mean something, right?
It must mean there was never a concern about how Wanda might've felt about you. Sure, there were a few things Wanda couldn't be without, and you were one of them, but nobody can't be without their best friend. 
No one had ever blinked twice about you and Wanda.
Except now.
And that person was Wanda herself. 
The more Wanda thought about the entire thing, the more she became curious. The idea of you dating people who looked like Wanda was intriguing. She wanted to ask questions but didn't know what to ask.
It might mean nothing, but it also might mean something. 
And if it does mean something, Wanda wants to know what exactly it is. 
Therefore, Wanda needs nothing in her way to find out the truth and exactly what she wants, regardless of the answer. 
This was insane, wasn't it? Wanda's always been ambivalent about dating women. She's never gone out of her way to try it since she had Vision. Never mind entertaining thoughts about dating her best (girl)friend. And now, she was giving everything up in the pursuit of finding out what it could mean that her best friend was dating her lookalikes—and why she cared.
Wanda doesn't even know what she'll want to do with that information. 
Wanda looks at Vision, peering at his features she's always found handsome. When she thinks back, she's not even sure why she complained to you about how she hasn't seen or heard from him lately. She hadn't even gone out of her own way to do something about it.
"I'm not going on the trip. I don't think I actually missed you like that."
The girl introduced to you was named Raye, Natasha's coworker that recently moved from Nashville. It was also confirmed she has green eyes, though they had specks of brown in them. She was a southern belle with a bold attitude, witty, and a wicked sense of humor. All in all, undeniably charismatic. 
At least, that's what you told her in private because all Wanda could feel was unrestricted aggravation with the other girl. The southern twang made Wanda's eye twitch, mostly because she knew you were head over heels for accents.  
"And then before I knew it, I was panicked and more lost than a blindfolded turkey on thanksgiving!"
You burst out laughing while Wanda's expression is stony, but when you look at Wanda, she forces a smile on her lips.
"Hahaha," Wanda dryly let out. "So funny."
But it wasn't. What the fuck did that even mean?
Raye continues to talk while you listen with rapt interest, and Wanda takes the time to observe your features in a way she's done many times before but with a different mindset. 
Your lips are curved in a smile, glistening from your chapstick. They're shapely, and they look soft. It rivals her favorite feature of yours, which is your eyes. They've always been so expressive with her, and Wanda's been around long enough that she knows what every expression means. She can tell when they glint with mischievousness or are soft with immense compassion and empathy. 
"So, what did you think of Raye?" You ask Wanda as you leave the party.
"She's cool, I guess," Wanda answers nonchalantly. 
The rest of the party was excruciating between Raye constantly hanging around you and Wanda also being too nervous to be alone with you. 
"Really cool," you sigh with a grin. "Glad I got her number. It's been a while since I've met someone so funny."
Was she funny, though? Wanda wonders.
"Funnier than me?" Wanda finds herself asking.
"No one could be funnier than you, brat," you smirk. "I almost peed myself laughing again when you almost knocked off Yelena's cake. I thought Natasha was about to enter into a coma." You snicker while Wanda rolls her eyes with a smile. 
"Glad I can always give you the biggest laughs, stinky."
Wanda glances over at your face, recognizing the excitement by the brightness in them. It's just another reminder that, as your best friend, she knows you like the back of her hand. 
But lately, when Wanda watches you pick up girls, she can tell when they're heady with desire. That look hasn't been directed at her, and Wanda wants to know what it'd be like if it were.
Wanda recalls the night you kissed the bartender and imagines if it had been her instead. She pictures your hand sliding across her jaw and cheek while your other pulls her closer at the waist. 
It's horrifying when a slow pit of arousal builds in Wanda's gut and...other regions. It feels utterly frightening and wrong like she's betraying the friendship for having and then reacting to such thoughts about you. 
But there's another part—the part that tells Wanda there's nobody in this world that she loves more than you. The mere idea of ever being apart from you was unfathomable. Wanda could and has endured so many things, and it would always be okay as long as she had you. 
So, knowing that Southern Belle Raye has the potential to be more than a one-night stand to you, Wanda realizes that she has a very small window to not only come to terms with her newfound feelings but also act on them as well. 
If this didn't go well, Wanda would definitely murder Steve.
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folkloresthings · 2 months
❛ HEAVEN KNOWS ❜ ❨ lando norris x singer!reader ❩
📻 track three: you’re just a boy (and i’m kinda the man)
in which the they were the perfect couple, until they weren’t. or in which we take a look back into what made heaven itself fall apart.
… OCTOBER 2023
INSTAGRAM. october second.
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liked by irisapatow, rachelzegler and 810,673 more
yourusername time for another track! 🤡 i first started writing you're just a boy (and i'm kinda the man) after listening non-stop to taylor swift and shania twain and i decided what i really needed was to take those feelings and make a female power song of my own. so i wrote one! it helped me to remember that losing the love of a man does not make you any less of a person, and i hope it can do the same for others. oh, and it's also a bop.
view all 499,020 comments
user QUEEN
taylorswift you're kinda making me feel like... i'm the man 💪👸
user i fear this will tear lando's ego to shreds
⤷ user it doesn't feel fair on him, like he doesn't get to tell his side of the story
⤷ user girl there's definitely a reason he's kept quiet 😭
lissiemackintosh soooo excited for this one!!!! my new karaoke song?
⤷ yourusername come at do it at the concerts
⤷ lissiemackintosh i like your fans too much to do that to them
"guess what, guess what!"
lando was mid-game when you rushed into the living room, glancing up from the television when you bound into view. he slips back one side of his headphones, eyes following suit a few moments later once the screen is paused.
lando sighs, but a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. “lewis finally retired?”
“no, silly.” scoffing, you slap at his arm and plonk down next to him on the couch. “management just called — i’ve been asked if i want to do a world stadium tour. the bowl, wembley, madison square garden!”
lando’s mouth fell open in slight shock, your excitement obviously contagious as his eyes light up. in a split second he wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly.
“holy shit, babe,” he murmurs, squeezing your waist.
“i know,” you squeal quietly, muffled against his shoulder. “they just need to set up the next album release and then announce the dates.”
behind your embrace, the cogs of lando’s head start to turn and calculate the information. sitting back, he looks at you with confusion set in his brow.
“when would that be?” he asks, head tilted.
you shrug, not noticing his growing resentment of the news. “depends. they want the album done for late summer, so that means an autumn release. so probably in the new year.”
“the second half of the season?”
lando’s cold tone makes you smile, almost uncomfortably, waiting for his former excitement to return. uneasily, you nod.
“well, yeah, but—”
“i thought you said you were going to come to all the races, since you’ve only been to monaco and silverstone this season?” he cuts you off. you catch the frustration in his eyes like a hawk, shifting off of his lap before it bubbles over. “you’re not going to be able to do that if you’re on tour.”
“that’s not true,” you try and reason, hopeful that your calm tone might balance his. “there’s texas and vegas. besides, i don’t even know what dates i’ll have shows yet, i could fly in for race days.”
lando shakes his head, pushing himself from the couch cushions and onto his feet. “that’s not the point. you promised you’d be there for me this season. i actually have a chance for once, and you don’t even care.”
the dismissive tone that spits off his tongue makes you flinch, a heavy frown falling around your cheeks. “what am i supposed to do? turn down my biggest tour yet to come watch you race every single week?”
“yes!” lando exclaims, turning sharply. “that’s what good girlfriends do — look at kika and lily!”
anger pricks at your eyes and throat, swallowing hard to keep it at bay. “you haven’t been to one of my shows in months. you don’t even have time to listen to demos when i ask you to. there are two of us in this relationship, lando. it isn’t always about you.”
you see his defence ready behind his lips but you’re quicker, ready before he can speak.
“i went to every single race last season,” you tell him. your tone is calm, steady — making the words even more intense. “every one. i have been your biggest fan since day one. so don’t ever, ever, say i’m being selfish.”
lost for words, lando stares at you. only because he knows it’s true does he halt his argument there, turning and storming into the bedroom to preserve some dignity. you stare at the slamming door and wonder how he can watch on so easily as you slip through his fingers, and not want to do anything at all?
INSTAGRAM. november twenty—fourth.
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liked by danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 928,244 others
yourusername always your #1 fan (even when you dnf) 🫶
view all 630,737 comments
carlossainz55 did he get a lollipop for being a good patient?
⤷ yourusername and a sticker 😄😄
user poor lando
landonorris my favourite nurse ❤️
user they’re sooooo cute
user that crash looked bad
yourusername dw guys i’m giving him lots of kisses and rubs better !!!!!
⤷ landonorris not as many as i’d like 😏
⤷ yourusername you’ve got a hello kitty plaster on your head you cannot be seductive right now
"oh, shit."
the fight that dreaded evening had hung over both you and lando for weeks, both of you much too stubborn to admit to any wrongdoing or, god forbid, apologise. but you carried on. if anything it was worse than not speaking. it was like nothing had happened, as if the conversation never even happened, as long as neither one of you mentioned it. still, there was a tension holding you at arms length from each other.
so to not bring up the same argument again, you followed lando to the next few races. come vegas, you had given yourself so much time to think about things and the way lando had handled it all that your mind was screaming at you to leave. to book a flight home, pack up your stuff and go. because how much more of this could you take? you weren't the trophy girlfriend, the wag whose only job was to look pretty beside her accomplished boyfriend.
you would do it after vegas, you decided. there was a few days off; time for you to talk to lando and explain your feelings, before walking out with your head held high just in time for the next race. then, the worst happened.
chatting idly to lily, the race only just beginning, you almost missed it. for a moment, you thought it was oscar spinning out. the bright orange sparks masked which number was painted onto the car, spinning drastically until the nose of the vehicle slammed into the barriers. lily grasped your arm, her sympathetic eyes making you look twice. number four, lando.
in a daze, you followed the one of the marshalls through the busy paddock until you reached the ambulance area. he had already been loaded in, paramedics and mclaren employees surrounding him. there wasn't enough room, they needed to go now.
"hop in, i'll drive you," charlotte's gentle voice appeared beside you, guiding you into the car as the ambulance hurried off. "they said he's probably fine, they just want to do the usual checks."
you nod, trusting her. you could always trust charlotte, right?
after what felt like hours, you arrived to the hospital and didn't think twice about elbowing every single person out of your way until you reached lando's room. he was laid still on the bed, eyes watching the small television in the corner. his leg was strapped up, an iv stuck into his arm, various bruises littering his skin and face. he looked up when he heard you, a crooked smile playing on his lips.
"it looks worse than it is," he assured you, noticing the panic in your eyes straight away. you breathe out some of the relief, the rest coming in a sudden pool of tears. "hey - hey, c'mere."
lando outstretches the arm that doesn't hurt like a bitch, ushering you to his side. you don't hesitate, lip wobbling as you hurry over and perch yourself on the side of the bed. tucked into his shoulder, you nuzzle as closely as you can without hurting him.
"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry," you mumble, and you both know just what you're apologising for. what was a stupid fight worth when chalked up to all of this?
"me too," lando replies quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
sitting back, you look over his face. a small scratch from the helmet, just above his cheekbone. his eyes are drooping, tired from the impact and the drugs. you sniffle and smile sadly, thumb brushing over the wound.
"i'm going to move the tour," you tell him, and note that he doesn't protest. "if i'm on the other side of the world and something happens, i—”
lando shakes his head, cutting you off with a kiss. "nothing's going to happen. i'm still in one piece, aren't i?"
you hesitate, then nod, letting him shift over so you can lay next to him. resting your head on his chest, both of you quietly watching the rest of the race, you feel your head spin. maybe he had been losing you, but could you survive losing him?
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writers note: we're back baby. lando count yr days my man
taglist: @openthenyoor01 @racingheartsworld @celestialend @cha-hot @gr1mes-cc @bingussthirdtoe @destinyg237 @theonottsbxtch @allywthsr @imsorare @youdontknowmeshh @bellewintersroe @orangetreekid
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eccentricallygothic · 5 months
please i need a pedri fanfic where his gf gets horny in public and starts teasing him until he takes her somewhere private and fucks her
I love your stories theyre amazinggg
I am (was) on my period hence huge feelies so I added those to this because I am very tender on Pedri as it is. I also see him as a very dominant and caregiving person as well as lover so I hope you don't mind what I've made of your request and enjoy it <3
| Unusual |
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Pairing: Bf!Pedri | Gf!You. 
Warning(s): Smut with plot, unprotected p-in-v, d/s undertones (it's literally Pedri), m!dom, f!sub, Daddy kink, suggestive exhibitionism, doggy style, spanking, hair pulling, dirty talk, creampie, marking, Pedri calling you vida because I am very fond of that idea, caring Pedri, he's also intimidating bc he's Pedri.
Pedri sighs as he arrests your impish wrist in his hand for the umpteenth time today and peels it off his thigh before carrying it back to your knee. 
"Vida…" Usually, a stern look is enough for you to mend your ways and start behaving yourself, but today seems to be the day where you decide to grow immunity towards his warnings.
And it usually never comes down to this tone of his because it hardly ever means anything ideal for you. 
But you just can't keep your hands to yourself today. 
You whine under your breath when he resumes his conversation with Gavi; one of his best mates, again. When you are still not paid the attention that you so desperately crave, you sigh and glance around the table at everyone present. 
It is a boring Saturday lunch that the two of you are having with some of your boyfriend's club mates and their girls. You are not to be taken the wrong way. These kinds of things are usually quite fun for you. 
The keyword is usually. 
Because the exception is days when your mind cannot think of anything other than your man's cock while your insides burn. 
The past week was a busy one for Pedri and you are a good girlfriend so you patiently waited, thinking he was gonna give you what you needed most on the night of the big game when he wouldn't have anything left to worry about for a while after. But he was so exhausted when he got home last night that you postponed the fulfillment of your need for the next morning. 
Except, you woke up to your love making breakfast and then informing you over it that the boys had invited you two for lunch. If that wasn't messy enough, he had had some errands to run before said lunch which further crushed any hopes of something quick as well. 
And now, here you are. 
Frustrated, on edge, excited beyond measure, moody, iffy and extremely noncompliant. 
Then, on top of it all, the food is taking forever and the conversations are way too mundane for you; a horny girl who was busy needily ogling at her boyfriend. 
It isn't your fault, really. He looks too fucking great to resist. You know a shave is probably coming and you love him either way but Pedri looks just so hot with the light stubble a few days of negligence has caused on his handsome face. Then his thick dark hair rests on his forehead in the most perfect way as his naturally stern eyes move along with his strong, manly hands each time he makes a gesture. And the way his lips move when he speaks… Your thighs clench at the memories of all the times they have been between them.  
You break against your forced resolve once more when he hums along to whatever Ferran is saying and leans in your direction to pour you a glass of water to drink because you can not track your hydration to save your own life. The sheer dominance in the way he does not break his conservation even once but places the Tumblr in front of you causes a wave of burning hot love to wash over you and then you just can't take it anymore. 
Where you had played with his fingers, snuggled into his arm, groped his thigh and then stroked his leg with your foot before, you think fuck all and 'drop' your napkin which just happens to fall between his feet. 
"Woopsie" of course, Pedri knows you are up to no good when you bend down to 'fetch' it and place your hand on his knee for support. You take your time with 'finding' said napkin and your hand shamelessly trails to his dick in the meantime, hurriedly taking a fat, mighty squeeze before your claw can be pried off its prey. 
Your boyfriend has realized by now to not expect anything innocent from you today because although you are the shy one between the two of you usually, your antics since the moment you took your seats have been of the naughty sort. 
Today is a very unusual day indeed. 
Pedri stills and stops mid sentence, his whole body stiffening as he realizes what is happening. Your party grows concerned over his sudden silence and his ears redden at the awareness of you not coming back up, instead choosing to remain 'searching' for your napkin while clinging your fingers to his now hard cock like your life depends on it. 
"Oh" but of course, the young man is much stronger than you and so your hand is easily manhandled into his. "I see" he pretends as though you have said something to him before standing up and facing your lunch companions. "She needs my help navigating the place for a restroom, we will be right back" the way he cares for you like one would a child is nothing weird for your close friends and family anymore. Pedri helps you out with the smallest of things and the most basic of tasks and that is just the dynamic the two of you share. 
However, there is nothing tender in the way he drags you behind him with a firm hold on your wrist. You whimper when you are taken to a deserted hallway and then pushed into some sort of a cctv-less maintenance room because unless Pedri wants whatever he is about to do to you playing on every other news channel by the evening's end, this would have to do for now. 
"Tsk, tsk, vida" you gulp as you blink repeatedly to get your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the room. The door slowly clicks shut behind you and you feel your shoulders jump at the sound due to how quiet it is otherwise. You want to turn around and face your lover, perhaps inquire why he's done what he has done but you're both too intimidated and excited to do so. 
Before you can decide what you want to do, his arms snake around your waist from behind to press your back into his chest as his lips brush against your ear. "What am I going to do with you, hm?" A shudder sets off in your bones as his hands begin to re-explore the bumps and crevices of your body. 
You instantly relax in his embrace and crane your neck backwards to lean your head against his shoulder. "I- I dunno…" The two of you move in a sync and his lips find the crook of your neck. "W- What are you going to do with me…?" Though you intend for your words to be one of fear and panic, what ends up dripping from them is pure excitement. 
Pedri groans before your body is pushed up against the many shelves that are mounted on the middle wall that you face. "I think a lesson in basic manners is a good place to start with" you try your best to feign consternation but the eager way in which you fold your arms over one of the shelves and spread your legs as your boyfriend raises the hem of your skirt from behind gives your intentions away. 
"Oh, no!" Yet you push on; so frustrated and needy at this point that any touch from him is good touch for you.
Pedri clicks his tongue before squeezing your panty clad cheeks. "I spoil you too much, don't I, vida?" You let out a soft sound that you subconsciously make when thinking but your boyfriend cuts off your thought process with a loud slap that catches both your cheeks at once. 
"Ow!" You found out just a few days into dating him that he was much stronger than you with how effortlessly he lifted heavy things and manhandled you when you got more comfortable around each other. So it always hurts like a bitch when he's in a reproachful mood. 
"Already?" He taunts you mockingly and lands another mean spank on your buzzing cheeks. "But vida," your eyes flutter close and you have to slither in a heavy gasp when he drapes himself over you from behind, one hand tracing its way up your side to palm one of your boobs, "I haven't even started with you yet." 
"Hnnng, please!" You push your ass backwards to try and turn him on. That is when you realize that he is rock hard already. 
Well, that explains the edge in his usually calm and collected tone. 
"Being a fussy little brat throughout breakfast" two slaps on each cheek. "Refusing to get out of the shower" you hadn't even realized that you had started 'bratting' out of your ire. You whine and bounce as he settles upon a rhythm. "Scrolling your silly little social media instead of getting ready for lunch" he suddenly yanks your panties off and despite the sting in your backside, you feel your needy hole clench before releasing a thick blob of pure hot arousal. "And then behaving like a perverted little maniac throughout–" the sound that the meeting of his unforgiving fingers with your nether lips -due to the gap that your squirming has caused between your thighs- creates is stunning enough to momentarily mum your boyfriend who is usually a composed know-it-all. 
"Hm~!" The sound is tugged out from deep within your vocal cords. Your knees tremble when you feel Pedri's prying fingers worm their way between your crack before he spreads your privates out. 
"Geez, vida" his breath is hot on your pucker and the snort he lets out when the sensation causes it to clench unconsciously makes blood rush to your face. "I know you're a horny little thing but fuck have you made a mess?" He can act as judgemental as he wants but you know that he loves every little drop of the need that he makes you feel. 
Which is all the time. 
You pout and instinctively push yourself closer to his face. "N- Need you… D- Daddy…" 
"Need me?" Your teeth trap your bottom lip between them when you feel one of his thumbs inch closer to your sopping cunt. "Where do you need me, baby?" 
You whine as your forehead creases. "Y- You know where!" 
He chuckles. "I don't think right now is the time when you push your luck, vida" your features push themselves upwards when you feel the tip of his thumb graze against the outline of your pussy lips. You let out an icy whimper in response so he adds; "Come on, if you tell me how you need me I'll give it to you" though he pretends as though he is unaffected by the sight he faces, you can hear the agitated urgency in his voice.
Your hips timidly try to move against his finger that refuses to give you anything beyond enticing yet unfulfilling strokes over your squishy petals. "I- I… n- need you i- in…" You hear clinking behind you but you are too busy in your desperation to find something pleasurable in the thumb that presses against you. "Inm- mypussy,Daddy" the questioning hum that he lets out rings in your ear when he is behind you within the next second and the way in which his cock jabs its way through your eager entrance at the same time causes for your eyes to bulge out. 
"What was that, baby?" Pedri has to clamp one of his palms over your mouth to keep you from moaning out loud. The sudden bustle that sounds right outside the wardrobe as if on cue causes him to quickly pull back and fuck into you harder as you clench to aid him. It is greedy and rushed; the both of you aware of how you are dangling by a thin thread but the franticness to devour one another so extreme in your bodies that you want to finish before you are caught. 
It is the only goal. 
"I couldn't quite catch that" the way he roughly whispers in your ear to avoid detection from the manager who is busy barking orders at the staff outside while wrapping a hand around your hair has you arching your back as you get fucked into the shelf. When you refuse to respond, he has to add with a mean fondling of your boobs; "Come on, vida. Now you know better than to disobey Daddy when he can very easily destroy you for it" your lust-drunk body springs up in alarm. 
The executions of his threats are always deadly and edging is not even the last thing that you want right now. 
"I…" His cock is too pleasurable inside you as he pushes in before pulling out its length through your tight entrance with each speeding thrust, its girth putting the most knee weakening strain on the band of your pussy as his bulging veins and coarse edges rub against your sensitive walls in a way that causes your head to spin. 
Your head is yanked back by your hair. His lips ghost over the skin of your temple that gets overwhelmed by his irregular breathing. "Go on, vida. You're doing so well taking my cock" his other hand parts from your boobs to reach for one of your knees before it is bent to be propped against one of the lower shelves. Your mouth falls open and your eyes shut to clench themselves at how far up you feel him, his thick tip colliding with your special spot as a result. "Say it for me." 
"I- I need you i- in my pussy, Daddy!" Your cry is rather loud but neither of you are in the mind to care about that anymore. Your hips tighten when the snapping of his hips escalates to full on pounding and the towels and little bottles placed on the shelves begin to rattle and tumble all over. "Always need you in my pussy, Daddy!" He rewards you with the dipping of his fingers between your thighs.
"Good girl" the digits easily find your squelching cunt and he uses his grip on your hair to pull your head to one side so he can bury his face in the crook of your neck. 
The gliding of his fingers is too much for your desperately worked up and frustrated pussy to handle so when his hand uncurls from your hair to pinch one of your nipples while his teeth nibble on that one sensitive patch of your skin, you can't help but throw your head back to let out a gut wrenching moan. 
Your vision fills with neon colors and your hearing declines. The tension within your hips is pulled loose and heat surges through every single knot that has formed in your muscles over the week. Pedri's hot cum that fills you soon after is the perfect end and you finally feel in place after days. 
Sex has the opposite effect on the both of you; while it helps Pedri clear his head, yours gets fuzzy instead. So it is him who fixes you up when he decides that he is done with you for now. You meekly stand like a baby– his baby as he pats your disheveled hair down, adjusts your bra and mends your outfit to the best of his ability. 
"Look at the mess you have made, vida" you whine and snuggle into his chest so you can hide your flushed face when he points out the wreck that you two have made of the place. Pedri chuckles as he fishes out some compensatory money from his wallet and places the bills on one of the shelves before taking your hand in his and helping you walk back to the table as you happily waddle behind him, senses numb but relaxed. No one says anything or even acknowledges your long absence but they know.
The flaming red hickey on your neck is the evidence to their suspicions. 
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eowynstwin · 2 months
Hi everyone. It's been a while—exactly a month since I last posted to this blog. How have you been?
A month isn't really all that long, but it's enough time to be able to look at everything that happened and understand it better. In the end, the whole situation (I've been calling it The Fuckening in my head) really didn't have anything to do with me. I was unlucky enough to run across someone willing to hurt anyone they could for attention, but also lucky enough that everyone who mattered to me in this fandom went to bat for me.
So I’ve decided to come back to this blog. I'll be posting about call of duty again as well as posting my writing. I also plan to blog about other fandoms (I’d already been doing it anyway); I've been getting back into rdr2, for example, and there's some writing I'd like to do for that.
There’s more context which I’ll put below the cut, but that’s the most important part of what I have to say; I often regret how long winded I can be, so the rest is just self indulgence if you can forgive it. I’ve thought a lot about this choice and I’m satisfied with my decision. I hope none of you will mind.
So, lol, things were not great outside of fandom stuff when it all kicked off, though I didn’t mention it publicly because we all know by now that asking for any sympathy when you’re the target of a mob is more likely to just get you raked over the coals harder. I’m still not entirely sure about talking about all of this, but I have a bad tendency to clam up when I really should be asking for support. So:
I mentioned briefly before the accusations started flying that I was dealing with bedbugs—turns out it was actually something else, but leading up to a doctor’s visit I was convinced I had an infestation, and I was stripping my bed every day to look for them. I had alarms set to wake me up twice a night to see if I could catch them, so I was not sleeping all that well. I couldn’t find anything, but I had no other explanation, and it was driving me fucking crazy. Post doctor visit it turns out I had a viral infection. No idea where I caught it, and nothing to do but wait it out. I had a massive, gnarly looking rash all over my body, and to add insult to injury I developed a fever that took me out for a whole weekend. (I’m recovered now but I have a nifty new scar on my hip from getting a biopsy.)
Next to that, I was having some PTSD flareups of my own. This was (mostly) unrelated to The Fuckening. Now, I understand that that might be hard to believe, given “Myka’s” claims, and I can’t make you believe me. Nor will I provide details to convince you, other than to say there were some things going on in my neighborhood that recalled a period of time in my life that was extremely unstable, and I found myself irrationally terrified to go home every day. For those of you who don’t experience the symptoms of PTSD, I think it’s appropriate to note that it isn’t just emotional turmoil; I, personally, experience physical pain in my entire body that lingers for hours, days, or even weeks after being triggered. (Everything regarding this, too, is fine now. I have a great therapist and a supportive family.)
All of this to say, I wasn’t exactly thinking rationally when I decided to leave this blog and fandom. And I regretted the decision almost instantly.
However, I didn’t want to let grief make any decisions for me, and also I was still VERY scared Myka was going to hunt down my personal information and either dox or harass me elsewhere. I think this fear was justified; it has happened to other writers in this fandom before.* So I decided to take some time to cool off and watch the situation develop without me.
I don’t think I need to get into the details—although if you’re interested in them, @fulltacs has been keeping track of the drama. Given the most recent development with the four obviously sock puppet blogs that popped up and immediately began stirring shit up again, I realized Myka probably would have done what she did with or without me. I just so happened to give her the ammunition she needed to do something REALLY big. It was pure bad luck.
(Also—and I’m sorry if this is just stirring the pot, but after everything they did to me I feel I deserve to make the accusation—I’ve suspected for a while that the two loudest blogs leading the witch hunt against me were far more involved in this farce than anyone has assumed. I have no proof and I do not want anyone to do anything about it on my behalf, leave them the fuck alone. But I will not forget the distress they caused me for a long fucking time, and the only way for me to let this go is to say my piece. So there. Done. Let that be the end of it.)
Having this hindsight, I feel comfortable coming back. I’m still very touched by everyone’s support, which in the end was louder than the harassment. I also think it’s important for people who care about fighting racism in any community not to run at the first sign of trouble, which I did, and I feel pretty sorry for.
That’s the gist of things. If you’ve read all of this, thank you for doing so!
*I was going to add a paragraph about halfmoth-halfman’s situation but decided against it. For one thing, she wants to be left alone, and for another, talking about the experiences of fans of color, particularly black fans, deserves its own post separate from my white experience, if I should even post about it at all.
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kimpossibly · 2 years
THE CHAIN -> e. roundtree PART ONE: drummers' curse
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PAIRING: eddie roundtree x fem!reader WARNINGS: mentions of minor injuries (NOTE: some warnings for this story include MAJOR spoilers for this series down the line, so I'll put those beneath the cut. If you don't want to get the story spoiled, then just ignore it ― but I did want to provide the chance for you to get an idea of how the story will go later down the line if you have any sensitive topics you'd like to avoid. please prioritize your mental wellbeing!)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Apologies in advance for making Y/n the drummer and putting Warren on rhythmic guitar. I just loooooooove female drummers. Also can you tell that I love Karen and Camila? Because I love them with alllllll my heart and soul. Another sorry in advance because this one may break your heart a little ― it sure broke mine. NOTES ON THE WORK: I used the timeline from the book, mostly because I couldn't keep track of it in the show haha. I read the book twice before watching what episodes of the show were out, so the lines may blur between the two. For your convenience (and mine, tbh), I'll put the year all the characters were born underneath this note so you can reference it when you need to. I just couldn't keep track honestly. I think in the show they start the band when Graham is fourteen, but in the book he's around 18 when they add Warren on, so it's kind of confusing?? I decided to stick with the book because it was a more physical timeline. Anyways, enough talking, here's your guide! ― YEARS BORN (in order of age) Billy Dunne -> 1947 Camila Dunne -> 1949 Graham Dunne -> 1949 Warren Rhodes -> 1949 Eddie Roundtree -> 1949 Daisy Jones -> 1951 Y/n L/n -> 1951
WARNINGS (SPOILERS INCLUDED): reader has a terminal illness. Discussions about death and loss, depictions of grief, hospitals
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It's no secret that the renowned 1970s band Daisy Jones & The Six went through its fair share of ups and downs. Until their inexplicable split on July 12, 1979, they were undeniably one of the biggest bands in the world. While a more detailed account of the band's history will be recounted in a more thorough transcript, this advanced edition will focus specifically on two of the band members: Eddie Roundtree and Y/n L/n. More specifically, it will focus on their individual and combined roles they played in the band's eventual downfall.
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THE RISE OF THE SIX (1965 - 1972)
GRAHAM: Y/n grew up next door to us. She was a little younger, two years or so, so we never really gave her a second look. Until the day she wandered into our garage during band practice out of nowhere. She practically ripped the drum sticks out of Chuck's hand and just started...wailing on 'em. I mean, she could make your head spin. Here was this thirteen, fourteen year old girl next door, this kid, and she was the best fuckin' drummer we'd seen. I mean, in the neighborhood. She wasn't Mitch Mitchell, but she was the closest thing we had. And she was too good to be shoved in the back with a tambourine. But we couldn't just take Chuck's spot away and hand it over to the new girl.
CHUCK: I knew right then and there that they wanted to give my spot to the new girl. There was no doubt in my mind. And, you know what? I got it. This chick was good. Way too good. Did I feel threatened by her? Hell yeah, I did. And at the time I probably wanted to tell her to screw off, but now...now I get it.
EDDIE: She was good. Amazing, actually. Graham and I looked at each other and knew that she was something we'd be stupid to pass up on.
BILLY: When Chuck told us he wanted out, we were pissed, of course. We were heading off to open for Winters that week. It felt like things were going to look up, just like I always knew they would, and he was ditching. I know now that that wasn't really what it was ― he'd gotten into college, fan-fucking-tastic. It was a good opportunity for him, a sure thing. But right then it felt like a betrayal.
WARREN: So he ditched, and Billy just turned right to Eddie and said, "Go tell Y/n she's in." And he was just...terrified.
EDDIE: I said, "why me?" You know? It wasn't my band, it was Billy's. And here he was, ordering me to tell some new girl she was in. I was fifteen and could barely ask a waitress for ketchup. At the time, that was probably the last thing I wanted to do.
GRAHAM: He asked why it had to be him, and I told him the truth: he was the least intimidating. Billy, you know him. He had a tendency to get too focused on the task at hand and could get a little...harsh. And Warren? He had one of the biggest personalities you could find. He'd scare her off before we had a chance to offer her the spot...[Pauses] I probably could've done it, in all honesty. I just didn't want to screw it up. Eddie was better with words than I was, and we needed her in our band. Badly.
EDDIE: And I remember thinking, "Here goes fucking nothing."
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The doorbell ringing was what got her attention. No one ever used the doorbell. It was always a knock ― that, or someone just walked in. The L/n's front door was hardly ever locked back then. Y/n's mom was a nurse, formerly a school nurse. She didn't want to risk the chance that some kid took a spill and had to limp home on an injured leg. So all the neighborhood knew, if you got hurt playing outside, you could march on over to Miss L/n's place to get yourself fixed up.
Y/n had her own share of walk-ins, too. By the time she was ten, she had seen her mom help out enough kids that she was practically a nurse herself. She could disinfect and bandage and stitch up any old case that walked through her front door. And if someone who was too busted up for first aid? She knew where the keys to the family Winnebago was and how to drive herself and them to the local hospital. She was only fourteen and didn't have a license, but it didn't matter. She was a safer driver than most everyone else on the road.
So when someone rang the doorbell, she assumed that it was someone too injured to knock. She grabbed the car keys and made sure her suture kit was within reach.
When she opened the door, she didn't see the blood and broken bones she was expecting. Instead, Eddie Roundtree stood on her front porch, hands shoved anxiously in his pockets. He looked all right, but that didn't stop her from asking: "You're not hurt, are you?"
"Um. No," Eddie said quickly, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"Okay," she said slowly, eyes narrowing. "Do you want to come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Y/n turned and walked further into the house, prompting him to close the door and follow her. She led him to the kitchen. "Lemonade? I made it this morning," she offered, already opening the fridge.
EDDIE: That jug of lemonade was bigger than she was. [Laughs] I could barely watch her get it down. I was afraid she'd drop it on her foot. But she just took her time getting it from the fridge to the table. I found out later that her mom bought a pound of lemons a week because Y/n wanted something to offer every kid that came through their front door. [Pauses]. She was just like that.
He gave a nod. Y/n stood on her toes to grab two glasses from the cabinet. She poured one glass, hands shaking from the weight of the jug, and Eddie realized that this awkward silence was probably the best time to transition into his real reason for visiting.
"Chuck left the band."
"Oh," she said simply. "Sorry."
"Don't be."
She paused, looking confused. And Eddie, who's will to live was slowly draining from this conversation alone, raced to finish what he had (awkwardly) started.
"I just mean that...you're in. The band. If you want to be our drummer, you're in."
Y/n paused mid-pour, setting the pitcher down on the counter carefully. She turned around until her back pressed into the kitchen counter, arms crossed over her chest. "And you thought I'd jump at the chance to join?"
"No. No," Eddie said quickly. "We just wanted to offer you the spot if you still wanted it."
"Did I say that I wanted it?"
"No, but―"
"Okay, just making sure," she handed him a glass and hopped up onto the counter, crossing her legs underneath her. "So you need a drummer?"
"Yes. Badly."
She took a sip from her glass and paused, as if weighing her options in her mind. She swallowed. "Are there any other girls in the band yet?"
EDDIE: Yet. Like she knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time.
"No, not yet." he replied.
"Then be honest with me: are you guys sleazeballs?"
EDDIE: Sleazeballs. She didn't sugarcoat things. She wanted to know if we were creeps or if we'd let her play drums in peace. I get that, one hundred percent. but back then, it felt like she was trying to accuse us of something.
"No," he said quickly, "Well...Warren can be a little much, but he means well."
She took another slow sip, once again weighing her options in her mind. "When's your next gig?"
"We play pretty much every night, wherever we can find. It might take us a bit to teach you the songs, but―"
"I can learn them," she said confidently. "How soon do you need someone?"
"Soon as possible."
EDDIE: By then, I was terrified she'd say no. All these questions and never once did she seem really interested in joining. I was already trying to figure out which of us would be the least shit at the drums.
"Okay. I'm in."
EDDIE: And that was it. She said yes. I didn't appreciate how much she'd saved our asses right then, but I was relieved. That was for sure.
GRAHAM: Eddie came back, told us she said yes. She couldn't join practice until her mom got home ― she didn't want the house to be empty if some injured kid wandered by ― so we had about an hour and a half to teach her every song.
BILLY: She picked 'em up like [snaps] that. Never doubted it for a single second, either. Once she knew it, she knew it.
EDDIE: She showed up to the first gig in overalls and sneakers. She let Camila put a little makeup on her, too, but we could all tell she hated it.
CAMILA: She was sweet. And, surprisingly, a little shy. I could tell she was a little scared of the boys. That's why she was a little cold to them at first. But she was just the coolest kid. I mean, fourteen years old and joining a rock band? She was a little rockstar, right off the bat. She asked me to put some makeup on her before her first gig with the band. When I gave her a mirror after and asked her what she thought, she said, "I like it, but it makes me feel like a doll. Not a drummer." She liked the glitter the most, though. It became her trademark. She put it on her cheeks, in her hair, everywhere that would catch the light. She'd come off stage and you'd see a little pile of sparkles behind the drum set.
EDDIE: Right off the bat, first gig. It was enough to freak anyone out. She joined the band six hours ago, learned the songs three hours ago, and now she was playing in a club to a couple dozen people. It seems so small now, but back then? It was like starting at Wembley.
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Y/n shook out her hands for the eighth time. It wasn't about loosening up for the gig anymore, she just needed something to do that didn't involve throwing a punch or screaming at the top of her lungs. She looked up at Billy, standing at the front of the group, cool and calm as ever, and she had the distinct urge to kick him in the shin. Why did he get to be so calm when she was right behind him, on the verge of throwing up?
She turned to anxiously twisting a single drum stick between her fingers, around and around, faster and faster. Eventually it became so mindless that she barely noticed as the stick slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor. She bent to retrieve it quickly, hoping no one had noticed.
But, of course, someone did.
"Hey," Eddie said, looking back at her.
"Warren knocked it out of my hands." she said quickly.
Eddie glanced over at Warren, who was a solid two feet ahead of her, physically unable to have knocked a drum stick out of her hands. Y/n knew from that glance that he could see right through her lie. Now she really wasn't in the mood to talk.
EDDIE: She was terrified. And she was lying her ass off about it. I didn't want to run the risk that she choked up in the middle of the show and screwed up our set. So I figured I'd just, talk. And if she wanted me to screw off, she'd tell me. She had a way of saying exactly what she wanted.
"You've heard of the Drummer's Curse, right?" he asked.
She frowned in a way that told him no, she did not.
"First, there's the obvious stuff: drummers have to lug around the most shit out of anyone in the band. Drums sets are heavy and expensive, so there's that. But the worst part is that they're easy to overlook, you know? They're at the back of the stage behind all this shit, everyone stands in front of 'em. Drummers can fade into the background real easy. The best drummers can outshine anyone else onstage. You'll do that one day, but if you're freaked out now, just let yourself fade a little. You'll play better than anyone up there and the crowd'll know it, but you can let them focus on someone else if you want. You get what I'm saying?"
EDDIE: For a second, I thought she was going to punch me.
But then she nodded, wiped off some of the pink lipstick Camila had put on her with the back of her hand, and pushed her bangs to the side. "Drummers' Curse, huh?"
"Some people believe in it, some don't."
"And you?" she asked, turning to him. "Do you believe in that kind of stuff?"
Eddie paused. Shrugged. "Sure. Seems true enough to me."
Y/n nodded. "I don't. It sounds like bullshit to me."
Eddie frowned. She looked up at him. "I'm not going to let myself fade because I'm scared. I signed up for this, you know. The least I can do is own my place. If I outshine you, it's just because I'm that good," she said matter-of-factly. "I will need help carrying the stuff, though."
EDDIE: I didn't know what to say. I mean, [laughs] what the hell do you say to that?
He felt like he'd had the rug pulled out from under him. And then, he surprised himself: he laughed.
And Y/n surprised herself then, too ― she smiled.
EDDIE: That was just...[Shakes head. Smiles.] I don't know.
"I think we can manage that." he said with a smile.
"Ladies and gentlemen...The Dunne Brothers!"
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WARREN: If I were still the guy I was back then, I would completely undersell her to you right now. I'd tell you she was an average drummer who was more in it for the thrill than the craft. But that wasn't it at all. She got up there and she just...shined.
GRAHAM: We all knew she'd be scared before the first gig. In fact, she looked about ready to throw up when they announced us on stage. But the second she hit those lights, it was like she was a different person. She waved and smiled like she'd done it a hundred times. The only other person I'd seen do that ― I mean really become another person on stage ― is Billy.
BILLY: That first show with Y/n was a little bit of a trainwreck. We were at least a half beat behind the entire show. And I'm not saying I blame her, but she was new and shiny. We got through it just fine, but I think we all felt it wasn't our best show.
WARREN: That show was bitchin'.
GRAHAM: It was a great show.
WARREN: Back in those days, we'd get off stage and start cheering for ourselves like we'd just won the goddamn lottery. Somewhere along the way, that stopped. We'd just pat each other on the back, say 'good job,' and that was that. But when Y/n got backstage? She was screaming and yelling like it was the best night of her life. And all of us joined in without a second thought ― well, maybe all of us except Billy. He was kind of a hard ass, even then. None of us had ever heard this girl talk louder than a glorified whisper, and then she came out of nowhere with this full-body scream. And who did she run to? Well, I think you can guess.
CAMILA: She just about jumped into Eddie's arms.
Adrenaline is a funny thing. For one, the effect is had on different people can be vastly different depending on who it was. Some people mellowed out, some people amped up. Y/n fell into the second category.
The second she got off the stage, a giddy laugh ripped from her chest, turning more into a scream of triumph halfway through. She was buzzing. Literally. Her hands felt numb ― or, more accurately, they felt like they felt more. Everything she touched was sharp and blinding.
The next person to join in on the screaming and jumping around was Warren. Then Graham. Then Eddie. And then, reluctantly, Billy. Eddie was the last to come off stage, slinging his guitar off his shoulders, and Y/n, without thinking much about it, ran straight to him, leaping directly into his unsuspecting arms.
The others were too hyped up on their own adrenaline rushes to notice that anything out of the ordinary had happened. She wrapped her legs around his waist hanging onto him like a koala. And Eddie, who couldn't deny adrenaline, held onto her back without a second thought.
After a moment, she leaned back, arms still wrapped around his neck, faces inches apart. "Drummers' curse, huh?"
EDDIE: She didn't fade. She couldn't, not even if she tried.
Eddie just smiled and shook his head. "Sounds like bullshit to me."
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pollymorgan · 3 months
Coach Negan Part 2
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Warnings: Negan beeing Negan, hot table sex
Okay, I did it again! Have fun with the second part! 🤭
When I wake up, I briefly think I had a pretty intense dream. But when I see the phone lying next to me on the pillow, I realize that unfortunately, it was real.
Oh man, I've started some pretty weird actions lately. Somehow, my life seems to have gone a little off track. But phone sex with my daughter's hated gym teacher pretty much tops it all.
At least I didn't oversleep, not even once this week! Who knows, maybe I'll still be "Mother of the Year."
Feeling a bit off-kilter, I shuffle to the bathroom to freshen up.
With the toothbrush in hand, I let my thoughts wander. Okay, the whole phone call was a bit sexy. Well, actually, pretty hot. My cheeks start to flush as I think about Negan's voice and how dominant he was.
Damn, the whole thing was more erotic than anything I've experienced in the last 5 years. At least! Although that's not saying much....
Suddenly Negan's last words come to mind.
"Okay, I'll expect you tomorrow at 3:30 pm for a parent-teacher meeting at the school, and without panties.. Good night!"
Fuck! My ex-husband is picking up the kids today. At least, that's the last I heard. From experience, I can say that can change at any time. Anyway, I absolutely must not run into Negan at this time, preferably never again. But that will probably be a bit difficult...
The morning goes by thankfully without any major catastrophes. A few arguments, two forgotten homework assignments, and spilled milk later, I've dropped off my three kids at kindergarten and school on time.
Feeling somewhat relieved, I return home. There's chaos in every room, but it's quiet in the house. After calmly drinking a coffee, I decide it's really time to start filling my social media channel with content again. After all, it's become my job, albeit somewhat involuntarily. I'll make a post about a nutritious, quick meal for stressed out mothers. At least I don't have to go shopping again. I have all the necessary ingredients in the fridge, and it's not too time-consuming.
Just as I'm preparing everything, my phone vibrates. Assuming it's a message from my ex, canceling the meeting with his kids for some flimsy reason, I open the message annoyed.
"Be on time today, otherwise it's detention! 😉 Negan."
Oh God, I had hoped this whole thing would just fizzle out. Feeling a bit nervous, I set the phone aside and try to focus on what I actually had planned. But that's not so easy! I keep staring at my phone, afraid of receiving the next text or out of desire? I can't even define it myself.
Screw it! I was married for 19 years and I've based my whole life on this man. Taken care of the kids and the household and always put myself last. Only to be left. So, what's wrong with having a bit of fun?
I quickly grab my phone and reply.
"Just detention? 😯 I expected a more creative punishment! 🙈"
I hesitate for a moment, but then I send the text. My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I see the two checkmarks next to the message. It only takes a few seconds before I receive a reply.
"You naughty girl, don't challenge me ...".
I can't help but grin.
Quickly I type, "As they say, 'Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go on the teacher's desk' or something like that ...😉"
"I can't wait ... Room 319, in the big gymnasium," I receive as a reply.
I look at the clock. It's just after 12 pm. I quickly finish my Instagram post to have enough time to get ready.
After a thorough shower, I stand somewhat desperate in front of my closet. I absolutely must not show up too sexy at Peggy's school. But my obligatory gray jeans and a plain t-shirt that has been my wardrobe staple lately won't do either.
I'm as excited as before a first date, and in a very strange way, that's what it is.
In the depths of my closet, I find a royal blue knee-length pencil skirt and a matching white blouse with large dots in the same color, with the price tag still attached. I put it on and critically examine myself in the mirror. I've always been slim, but the impending divorce has cost me at least another five kilos.
I loosely tie up my hair and apply light makeup. Then I put on my favorite scent, a mix of vanilla and cherry that I've worn far too rarely lately, afraid the bottle might run out.
Now there's no time for doubts. Determined, I go to the car, start the engine, take a quick look in the rearview mirror to remove mascara smudges under my eyes, and head towards the school.
There are only a few students left on the grounds. Most have already finished, just like my daughter. Thankfully! He actually managed to pick her up. Miracles do happen after all!
I have the terrible feeling that everyone is watching me and knows exactly what I'm up to, although that's obviously nonsense.
Feeling a bit nervous and with a pretty strong flutter in my stomach, I go to the big gymnasium. Disoriented, I roam the narrow corridors and then stop in front of room 319. Okay, so I'm really going to go through with this.
The door isn't closed, just ajar. I take a deep breath and then push it open further. Negan is sitting at the desk, focused, with some papers in hand, and suddenly startles. As he catches sight of me, he begins to grin, his perfect teeth shining through.
Oh man, has he always looked so damn good? He's wearing a khaki jacket over his jeans shirt and glasses with a dark rim. Determinedly, he stands up and walks directly towards me, while I remain rooted to the spot, staring at him.
He stops right in front of me and leans against the door frame with one arm. I have to look up at him because he easily towers over me. The woody, masculine scent of his cologne envelops me and literally clouds my senses.
"Never heard of knocking?" he smiles at me and then lightly licks his lower lip with his tongue.
Finally, I find my words again. "Well, I seem to be a really naughty girl, but at least I'm on time...".
Dramatically, he looks at his golden wristwatch. "Right on time..." he states curtly and gestures for me to come in, before immediately locking the door. At the sound of the lock, my heart gives another heavy thump.
So, I'm really here now.
I quickly glance around the room, feeling his eyes on me the whole time.
"Sit down!" he commands and goes back to his desk. Just as I'm about to take a seat on one of the two chairs in front of it, he protests.
"No, here..." He taps the table clearly and sits on his chair, never taking his eyes off me. After a brief hesitation, I sit down, as ordered, directly opposite him on the table, crossing my legs. As confidently as possible, I look down at him. When our eyes meet, small electric shocks run through my entire body, seemingly converging in my lower abdomen. His gaze continues to roam over my body, to my legs and back up. We remain silent for a moment, but then he breaks the silence with the sentence, "And did you remember not to wear any panties?".
My cheeks blush even more intensely, I have to swallow hard before I can respond. "Yes."
"Okay, then show me..."
Slightly confused, I try to think. This man hasn't even touched me, let alone kissed me yet, and I'm supposed to present my most intimate parts on a desk to him?
"Come on, don't be shy..." he adds demandingly, noticing my hesitation.
As if on command, I jump off the table in one go, pulling up my tight skirt until it barely covers my butt. I then brace myself on the desk with both hands, ready to jump up and slightly spread my legs in front of him. Negan leans further forward and stares unabashedly at me. He grasps my knees to open my legs a little more.
It's the first time I feel his warm hands on my bare skin.
"And shaved just for me, that wasn't necessary..." he states, satisfied and self-assured.
His hands slowly continue to my thighs, then he lightly rests on them and positions himself directly between my legs. His face is only a few centimeters away from mine, and I feel his breath just as heavy as mine. I examine every pore and every small scar thoroughly until my gaze falls on his lips. Without thinking further, my arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to me.
Finally, our lips meet. The kiss is immediately wild and without any restraint. Full of desire, our lips press against each other, and our tongues immediately explore each other.
All I can think about is how good all of this - how good he - feels.
Negan firmly grips my butt with both hands and dominantly pushes my pelvis closer to him. The fabric of his jeans presses against my bare skin. I feel how hard and big he already is. I can clearly feel him, right at the spot that yearns for him the most. I softly moan into the kiss.
"Damn, that's the sound I wanted to hear! I haven't been able to think of anything else since last night..." he exclaims excitedly.
Then he swiftly takes off his jacket and starts to slowly unbutton my blouse. My black lace bra is revealed. Before he kisses me again, he looks down at me.
"Fuck, look at you...you're so incredibly beautiful," he says softly.
My hands move confidently to his pants, feeling for his belt.
"Not so fast...first, I want to taste you...every damn inch of your perfect body!"
He grins at me, and I immediately do nothing but eagerly wait to see what he has in store next.
Negan slowly takes off my unbuttoned blouse and skillfully unclasps my bra. He immediately grasps my breasts firmly with his large, warm hands and plants delicate kisses on my sternum. His beard scratches against my delicate skin, giving me goosebumps. His mouth moves to my right breast, and I let my head fall back. I thoroughly enjoy the feeling of his tongue on my sensitive nipple. His hand firmly grips my left shoulder and pushes me down. Now I'm completely lying on the desk, while his kisses travel deeper and deeper.
Without hesitation, he grabs my knees and presses my legs firmly against my body. Then I feel his warm breath on my wet vulva. Automatically, I press my pelvis further towards him, and he starts kissing along my inner thighs, while I eagerly await feeling his lips on my pulsating clitoris finally.
My whole body is tense as he continues to tease me, his mouth gently returning to my thigh.
Impatiently, I slide back and forth on the desk.
He releases his firm grip from my knees and gives me a light slap on the butt.
"Damn, it's sexy how turned on you are... I could continue like this all day..." he remarks with a grin, unbuttoning his jeans shirt as his dark chest hair is revealed. I prop myself up on my forearms, looking at him expectantly.
"Okay, okay... Who can resist such a look and such a sweet pussy..." he says, leaning back between my legs to finally touch me where I need it the most.
Skillfully, his tongue wanders to my most sensitive spots, applying just the right pressure and perfect tempo.
I moan in relief and lean back again. He softly sucks on my swollen clit, and my legs start to tremble. I grab his hair and hold onto it tightly because I feel like I need that support. The orgasm hits me unexpectedly. I never thought I could reach the peak so quickly.
Negan grabs my wrists and swiftly pulls my upper body back up. Breathing heavily and utterly exhausted, I look at him, and he smiles contentedly, his lips moistened with my wetness.
"Wow, okay..." he says.
"Wow, okay..." I reply and pull him closer to kiss him.
"Now I want to fuck that perfect pussy..." he whispers in a deep voice into my ear, opening his pants with one hand. Then he briefly separates from me to open the drawer of his desk and retrieve a condom.
I watch him, and suddenly I seem to be able to think clearly again. At least, I can imagine how many times he has done this before. How many lonely, abandoned mothers he has already screwed on this desk, that he even keeps condoms in his drawer.
Without saying anything, he seems to notice my gaze very precisely and knows how to interpret it.
He grabs my chin between his index finger and thumb and turns my head decisively towards him.
"Hey, don't even think about it, okay? ...I only placed it there today, in the slight hope that you would seriously consider my nice offer..."
He lets me go to put on the condom without breaking eye contact.
My eyes wander between his dark ones, and I get lost in them.
I nod hesitantly and flinch slightly as I feel his tip pressing against my entrance.
Negan runs his thumb over my mouth. My lips feel dry and sensitive.
"Don't close your eyes now, look at me as I enter you..." he says unequivocally.
I already feel him slowly pushing deeper and deeper into me. When he is all the way in, he places his burning hot forehead against mine. His mouth is slightly open, and his breath is heavy. I enclose his lower lip with my lips. It is an incredibly intense feeling to be so full. I feel my lower abdomen contract repeatedly as he slowly starts moving inside me. It doesn't take long for his thrusts to become faster and harder. I realize he is close to coming.
"Sit on the chair, I want to be on top of you!" I say, trying to gain some control and at least once have the upper hand.
"Okay, whatever you want... really anything!" he says, breathing heavily, and sits back on the chair behind him.
He looks incredibly sexy. With those piercing eyes, his slightly swollen lips from the intense kisses, the unbuttoned shirt revealing his slim hairy chest, and his large hard penis that I immediately want inside me again.
I jump off the table and climb onto his lap. With my right hand, I grasp his pulsating cock and let him glide into me. Negan holds onto my hips, and I place my hands on his shoulders to support myself. Slowly, I begin to move, and he penetrates deeper into me.
"Damn, you're finding spots in me that I didn't even know..." I smile and then bite my lower lip in concentration. I mean it literally. I have never felt anything like this before. My movements become faster, and I feel the tension running through Negan's body.
"Let's come together..." I whisper softly to him.
"Okay, baby..." he says decisively, and his hand moves purposefully between my legs. Quickly and with quite a bit of pressure, he circles my hypersensitive clit with his thumb.
I feel like I can hardly breathe from excitement. My lower abdomen almost cramps painfully.
I manage to groan "Now..." just before another intense orgasm floods my body. But not only me, I also feel how Negan is coming intensely. Exhausted, I collapse on his lap. His arms embrace me and press me firmly against his bare chest. For a moment, all you can hear is our exhausted breathing, then he whispers softly while still deeply inside me.
"That was insane. When can we do this again?"
I grin at him contentedly. "I have the whole weekend free from the kids... so I'd be happy to do it again tomorrow..."
Then I kiss a bead of sweat off his forehead.
He pouts, "Why wait until tomorrow? ...How about tonight and then the whole night... Believe me, I want to explore a few other spots in you..."
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featherandferns · 13 days
guilty as sin : where are they now?
jj maybank x routledge!fem!reader
word count: 700
read guilty as sin (part 1) | Thank you so so much for 1000 followers!!! Since starting this blog in May of 2023, I have written so many characters and storylines. I get so many lovely anon messages telling me about their favourite universes and wondering what happens next after my fics have ended. So, I thought to celebrate 1000 followers, I’d indulge. Here’s the (current) where are they now for all of my fics so far…
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Raleigh airport was rather slow paced compared to Denver. People moved with minimal urgency and staff didn’t feel the need to yell at half-asleep passengers at three in the morning at TSA. It didn’t feel all that long ago that you were here last, but as a person, you feel years older. Your eyes stay steady on JJ, who’s wandered up to a departures board and is studying it intently. He turns around, half-smiles, and walks back over to you, hands in his pockets. 
“A’right,” he says once he’s near. “Says Gate B21. They ain’t boarding yet but…”
“I should probably go through soon,” you mumble, finishing his sentence for him. You purse your lips and look at the TSA queue. It’s not very long. Sensing your hesitance, JJ runs a hand down your arm, guiding your attention back to him. There’s a queasy smile on his face. It’s reassuring but also somewhat reluctant. 
“I’ll see you soon,” JJ says, “just two weeks.”
“In hell,” you mutter. 
Chuckling shortly, JJ shrugs. “Yeah, well, two weeks for a life in Kildare. A deal’s a deal.”
“True,” you sigh. “Just kinda wish you could come with.”
The PSA announcement for a different flight serves well as a prompt to go through TSA. There’s no point in delaying the inevitable. Besides, JJ was right: only two weeks. You had your bag full of ever growing art supplies, including the paints from JJ, to keep distracted. Your mom had “requested” you return to Colorado at least three times a year, one of which being for one of the holidays. It was finally time to hold up your end of the deal. 
“Well, guess I’ll see you later,” you say, smiling up at him. 
JJ dips his head and plants a kiss to your lips. It’s short and fleeting, but stings just as much knowing that you won’t feel it for two weeks. It’s a tough pill to swallow after being attached at the hip for the past three months. 
“See you around, Little Routledge,” JJ tries to joke.
He picks up your carry on and hands it to you, and you begin to walk towards the TSA line. You turn one last time to give him a wave and JJ waves back, smiling that same smile from before. Two weeks, you tell yourself. Two weeks of your mother’s prying questions and her boyfriend’s abusive arrogance. Your friends from Colorado made you somewhat excited to return. They’d been making plans since you said you were coming back to visit, including a three-day stay at a campsite by the lakes, which already granted you some escape. Besides, you knew this time that you were coming back to Kildare. More importantly, you knew you were coming back to JJ. With that final reminder, you pass through security and venture to your gate. As promised, you drop JJ a text when you board and another just before you take off, switching to aeroplane mode. 
About an hour into your flight, you decide to dig through your backpack to retrieve your smallest palette of paints. The pocket sized sketchbook you pull out serves almost as a journal for Kildare, keeping track of the houses, the stores, the beaches and the marshes. Littered amongst the scenery are sketches and paintings of your friends and, of course, JJ. There’s a couple of pages littered with JJ’s doodles too. Cartoonish things, one of which is you circled in a love heart. It’s purposefully sappy and sweet, and it makes you smile every time you flip through that page. Just before the next blank page, something catches your eye. A short note that you didn’t write. You recognise the hand though. It’s JJ. 
Little Routledge
I’m not good at writing letters so I’ll keep it brief. I miss you and can’t wait for you to come back home. Stay safe in Colorado and call whenever you need. Happy Thanksgiving. 
Love JJ
You smile to yourself. It’s nothing that Shakespeare might envy but you know JJ isn’t the sort to write letters or leave love-notes. These few lines mean the world and more. You’re careful not to mark the page as you begin to sketch on the opposite side of the book. Today’s drawing? Of JJ, just moments before, as you recalled him in the airport, waving goodbye (for now). 
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
so, recently, my art skills have been taking off from silly little doodles, and I'm now starting a headshots sketchbook of DR characters! I started this a few months ago, and got back on track a couple weeks ago, so here is my progress!
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I started by drawing Peko back in April, it's messy but I was proud of it.
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Then I continued by drawing Mondus and Celes. Still a bit messy, but I had fun experimenting.
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This drawing was a week ago, I was planning on making an oc but changed it up and now we have an inaccurate genderbend shuichi because why not.
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A bit messy, but I had so much fun drawing some headcanons with miu! (Messy hair, BIG lashes and eye-liner, scars from her accident, yadayada)
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Then I drew rat-ho (rantaro) and I didn't like how it turned out, but I did try some new things which meant that in my eyes I did well. (Backgrounds, perspective, folds/different sleeves, different kind of hair)
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So why not draw smoogie next? She planned everything super well but lost in the end, she probably felt numb. I still like this piece :3
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This is from like... yesterday😭👍 I GOT OVER MYSELF AND DREW KOKICHI AND IT WORKED!!!! I'm super happy with how this turned out, and decided to experiment with the background. I was just doodling things about kokichi but then I decided to draw kaitos jacket because yk.. that scene... with the smoosh. (Sorry for the minor spoilers people)
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Then I doodled Angie during her non stop debates with the sun and flowers etc. Bc... why not. I also dos this with the light of the TV only so... that's fun!
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And now my favourite drawing of my least favourite character lmao. Hiyoko! Her smile looks genuine here imo. I also started to learn how to refine the lines so it didn't look so sketchy, I experimented with backgrounds again (second island) and now I have ny latest wip!
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Not my favourite, but I decided to talent-swap it. I hc this character to love (the genre of talent) and go ALL OUT. She's from sdr2, who do you think it is? Which talent does she have?
Means I'll be drawing shsl (character ultimate) with the other character she swapped with... which will be hard.
I can try and draw characters together in fanart if you request it but I haven't done that before so beware lmao.
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 5 months
Okay so more for my Hazbin Hotel co-parenting au
I was just thinking about other people's reaction to this weird thing they've got going on so here is all of Hells reactions
The first one seen with the baby is Alastor (he's on his way to show Rosie that he's acquired a baby) Everyone freaks out about it because "Did the radio demon have a child?" "Did he steal that baby?" "He's on his way to cannibal town HOLY SHIT HE'S GOING TO EAT A BABY"
So as we all know hell loves to gossip so that's what they do. A ton of theories go around but when they don't see him with the baby again they decide it probably met a terrible fate. So they drop it UNTIL...
Angel is seen with the baby next. They're just out buying baby clothes but people are like "huh? When did famous porn star Angel Dust have a baby?" People start taking pictures and posting them on the Internet and the people that saw Alastor and the baby in person are like OH SHIT so now the rumors are worse. Most people think Angel and Alastor are together and raising this baby.
They're still talking about all this when Charlie is seen with the baby. They're just chilling going for a walk. Hell is in an uproar. Polls are going around asking people whose baby they think it is. There's definitely memes. All in all everyone is way too into this.
So the Vees being social media demons have been keeping track of this. Vox has been pissed from the very beginning because it started with Alastor and we all know how he is. Val is writing a list of ways to use this against Angel in a sparkly pink notebook. Velvette wants this to end she's sick of everyone talking about this it bores her and she's not getting as much attention as before SO she decides to interview Angel.
She asks a simple question "is this baby yours? The radio demons? Or the princesses?"
Things are worse than ever. Nobody understands what's going on. Their first thought is poly but as more demons are seen with the baby they decide that's less and less likely (and the Radio Demon in a poly relationship? Yeah okay). They realize everyone that lives in the princesses hotel is helping raise that baby so now they think if they move in they become a parent (which is not how that works)
It's not even a mystery but nobody can seem to wrap their head around it so at this point they're just waiting for all the attention to dial down or some different drama to take everyone's mind off of it
Also Alastor has no idea any of this is happening because he doesn't have social media and nobody thought to tell him
BONUS: Rosie and Cherri's reactions
Rosie: First of all she definitely goes by Auntie Rosie but anyway she's super supportive of Alastor and is so happy for him. She spoils this kid so much it's ridiculous. She's just an amazing aunt like when the kid is older Rosie is usually the one she goes to for advice. And yes she definitely tries to give the kid demon flesh but most of her parents say no.
Cherri Bomb: She's just confused like last week her and Angel were clubbing and now he's a dad? Obviously she's happy for Angel and is super supportive. Angel even starts referring to her as Auntie Cherri which melts her heart. She's a little annoyed though because now Angel hangs out with her less than ever. She definitely misses going out and doing irresponsible shit because he rarely does that anymore. She's also a terrible influence and is not allowed to watch the baby alone. She's the fun aunt but a bit too irresponsible for comfort. Also she tries to make the baby's first word a cuss word. She will be sitting with this baby for hours just going "fuck... Fuck...fuck" which is another reason she's not allowed to be left alone with the baby.
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changetyre · 1 year
Teasing II Carlos Sainz
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SUMMARY: You and Carlos have been dating for a couple of months, you spend almost every waking minute together, and one of your favorite things to do as a couple is tease each other in public.
WARNINGS: Terribly written smut, squirting, edging, overstimulation? kinda, probably some other things I'm forgetting 😪
A/N: I wrote the non-smutty version a while ago over on my Wattpad but I thought I'd give it a go adding a little more spice to it ;)
Last week had been the hardest so far, I don't know how he did it but Carlos always found a way to make his teasing bigger and better every time. I also don't know how I keep falling for all of the things Carlos does to me given our history.
Last weekend Carlos gave me a present that came in a really nicely wrapped thin box, It was morning and he had already left for the gym before I got in the shower. I opened the gift up to reveal some really nice lingerie.
You're not allowed to wear this today, I have interviews, but we'll have fun tonight.
Te amo. Carlos.
I read the note inside the box. I giggled.
After all this tie did he actually think I was going to listen to him? I lifted up the almost nonexisting fabric taking a good look at it.
I decided to put it on and above it, I put on a black dress Carlos had also bought me a while back that zipped up from the front, something he loved for the 'easy access'.
The day carried on as usual, really light teasing here and there but at some point when no one was looking I zipped down my dress in front of Carlos slightly revealing the lingerie set he had bought me.
Carlos's eyes went wide but I noticed his smile soon turned into a smirk indicating to me I was in big trouble.
Little did I know Carlos had all of this planned out. The lingerie set he bought me was not the kind I thought.
With the use of an app on his phone, Carlos had a thrill that day activating and controlling the vibrations that came from a small almost undetectable plate that was placed directly over my nipples and over my bud.
Today however it was my turn to get him back and I had everything planned out.
Carlos left for the gym, as usual, I got up showered, had breakfast, and got dressed in a new dress I bought specifically for today. Carlos loved seeing me in black and even though it was meant for his eyes only I chose to wear it to the track.
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Amor💘 : Amor are you ready? I'm pulling up?
I read the text from Carlos as I finished brushing my hair.
You: I'm coming
I quickly texted him back.
I made my way downstairs. I opened the door and Carlos stepped out opening the door for me. As I walked up to him I saw him bite his lip as he looked me up and down, he immediately wrapped his arms around me resting his hands on my ass and giving it a tight squeeze.
"Morning my love." I kissed him letting my hand graze over his pants ever so slightly.
His fingers began to drop in between my cheeks but I moved quickly before things could advance.
I felt him tense up as I stepped away from him and into the car.
He opened his mouth to say something but resisted and simply grunted shutting the door for me and walking to the driver's side.
At the track Carlos had to do some testing, I stayed in his driver's room while I waited for him and plotted my next moves. We were meant to go Golfing this afternoon and after Golf we were headed straight home because Carlos had a work call to join.
There wasn't much I could do to tease him now that he was on track and I was growing bored so I decided to go out with the rest of the team and find another way to get Carlos's attention when he drove back to the pits.
I was chatting with some of the mechanics and Caco and just as Carlos was parking in front of the garage I stepped to the side, my back facing him.
As he began approaching me I discreetly started hitching my dress up starting to reveal my butt as he stepped out of the car. He took his helmet off and as soon as he noticed what I was doing he rushed over to me.
In a panic he placed his hand over my ass, using his fingers to pull my dress down before sliding his hand around my waist. "Come on mi amor." he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to his room.
"That was a good practice run." I acted like nothing happened as I stepped in, Carlos closing the door behind him.
"You can't do that, what if some of the guys saw you? There are cameras around." I knew he was partly annoyed but at the same time, his smirk gave him away. He enjoyed the risk as much as me.
I stood up and walked up to him, I reached behind him locking the door before starting to zip his suit down for him.
"Whatever you say, baby." I pulled his suit off his shoulders and started sliding it down his body, once I got to his waist I kneeled down as I continued pulling his suit down. I heard his breath hitch as my lips grazed all the way down his chest, to his v-line, and I let out a deep breath when my lips were in front of his crotch.
Carlos's head fell back and I could see the tent growing in his pants as he expected me to go further but as soon as I pulled his suit down to his ankles I stood back up.
"There you go babe, I'll meet you in the car." I kissed his cheek.
"Are you kidding me?" Carlos cursed under his breath cupping himself with both hands as I opened and shut the door behind me.
I giggled as I made my way to the car not without saying goodbye to Caco and the rest of the team first.
Before I got to the car I made a quick stop in one of the bathrooms putting on my new golf outfit for the day.
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I went to the car and leaned back against the front as I waited for him to come back. Only a couple of minutes later I saw him walking towards me wearing his golf attire.
As soon as he laid eyes on me he stopped on the spot shaking his head and taking a deep breath before he continued walking.
"Get in the car." He instructed as he walked to the back of the car to put his things away. It took everything in me not to let him bend me over the hood of his car right now.
"Yes, Mr. Sainz" I replied knowing how much it turned him on when I called him that.
"You're gonna be the death of me." Carlos bit his lip as he shut the trunk walking to the driver's side.
During the car ride, I kept sliding my hands up Carlos' leg and leaving little kisses on his neck and cheek. Carlos was completely silent and I knew he was trying to control himself, not give in to my teasing, not wanting to let me win this time.
Once we made it to the golf course Carlos and I got in a Cart and drove to the first hole. The course was relatively empty except for a couple of workers here and there so I knew I could have fun here.
Carlos was about to start as he positioned himself but I took this as my first opportunity at our new location.
"I'll start." I quickly called before he could take his swing.
I walked towards him, stepping in front of him and as I bent down to place my ball I made sure to graze Carlos's dick. I hear Carlos groan as I straightened back up and leaned forward to position myself.
But before I could do anything else Carlos grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him and I knew I'd already achieved what I wanted. I could feel him through my skirt.
"I just got rid of it at the track are you kidding me?!" Carlos whisper shouted at me and I could only laugh.
"I love you mi amor." I turned around in Carlos's grasp bringing his lips towards mine and giving him a deep kiss.
The kiss began intensifying and Carlos was the first to pull away. "That's it we're leaving." Carlos held his hand over his pants as he started packing our things back into the cart.
"We haven't even started." I laughed and I didn't move from my spot.
"I can't golf like this so we're going home now get in the cart or I promise you'll regret it later." He grabbed my hand pulling me into the cart.
Carlos kept a tight hold of my hand as we walked back to the parking lot. I decided to push it a little more and ran ahead in front of him getting to the car first.
Once inside I quickly took my panties off placing them on Carlos's seat. He opened the door and took a huge breath in quickly grabbing them and putting them in his pocket.
"I love you so much, but you've really done it this time," Carlos smirked, I laughed as he started the car and took off at a speed he'd never normally reach with me in the car.
"Joder que me has calentado demasiado." (Sh*t you've gotten me so horny) He whispered to himself but I knew what he was saying which made me more satisfied with myself. 
As soon as we got home I got out of the car before Carlos even stopped the car and ran inside pushing it further.
I nervously giggled as I heard the door shut and Carlos run after me. I jumped in our bed and just as I did Carlos had already appeared in the door shirtless and in the process of taking his pants off.
"What about your work call?" I reminded him.
"We have enough time, for like 5 rounds" he smiled jumping on the bed on top of me, his legs on either side of me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him down for a deep kiss. "I love you," I whispered as his hands explored my body.
"I love you more." He whispered. As he began leaving kissed down my neck, down my chest. "I love you so much." He whispered as he reached the hem of my skirt.
I reached for the hem of my shirt and was about to pull it off me when I felt Carlos hand pull my hands back.
"Don't." He smirked. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "You look so hot in this, let me enjoy it." You couldn't even respond to him since he began attacking your pussy.
He was rushing, something that was uncommon with Carlos since he always liked to take his time with me but I was also aware of the time crunch we were in.
I was already soaking wet from the car ride home so Carlos really ate me out for pure enjoyment because there was no need for prepping.
It was crazy how much control this man had, the way he lapped at my bud having me writhing in bed inching closer and closer to orgasm only after a few minutes of going at it.
"Carlos- please....don't stop." I moaned as Carlos picked up the speed with his fingers.
"Not quite yet Princesa." He pulled his fingers out just as I was ready to let go.
I groaned in annoyance watching as Carlos licked his fingers clean before stripping his last piece of clothing off.
He aligned himself with my entrance, tapping his dick on my pussy several times making me twitch on the bed.
"Please Carlos," I begged. It was ironic how I went from holding the power the whole day to begging Carlos to pleasure me.
"You had your fun today...it's my turn," he smirked.
He placed one of his hands beside my head as he leaned down to kiss me, it was sloppy, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth, I could still taste myself on him.
I was so distracted by the heated makeout that I didn't realize when Carlos had aligned himself again and pushed all the way inside me.
I let out a loud moan at the action which was muffled by Carlos's own mouth as he pulled me back in for a kiss.
He began pulling out slowly before pushing all the way in with a lot of speed and force making me gasp at his action once again.
I tried to kiss him back but it was proving so hard as I couldn't keep myself quiet with the way he was fucking me. His pace was confusing, he was slow when inside me but so aggressive when pushing back in, having lapses where he'd fuck me faster than his car and then going back to a slow and torturous pace stopping me from cumming.
I had no idea what he was doing but I was quickly growing limp by the way he was making me feel. My legs would tense at his actions and then relax and it felt like I had run a marathon.
"Carlos- I can't...I can't please." It was hard to even speak and even though we'd only been at it for a couple of minutes it felt like Carlos had been fucking me for hours and the way my pussy ached was unlike anything I'd felt before.
I needed a release and he wasn't giving it to me. I could tell it was hard for him too, he wanted to cum so many times but the pleasure was too much, the way I was putty in his arms was better than letting go just yet.
"Just a little longer amor." Carlos whispered as he kept kissing my neck, I was sure I was filled with marks all over my chest, collar and neck from the way Carlos had been kissing and sucking everywhere.
Even my lips hurt and where swollen from how much Carlos had been kissing me.
I clawed at his back and at this point I was sure I'd drawn blood already but he didn't seem to care.
"Carlos!" I was in the verge of tears from the way Carlos was hacking at my pussy, I'd never been so desperate to cum before.
"You ready amor." He pushed himself up pulling one of my legs over his shoulder now hitting a new angle which had my eyes rolling to the back of my head in seconds.
"I'm gonna cum!" I shouted.
"yes amor, let go." Carlos pushed in and out at just the right pace.
"Sh*t." I cursed before I let out a pornographic moan at the long-awaited release of my body. I was squirting all over Carlos's chest all while he kept thrusting his dick in and out of me.
"Ah yeah, that's it, baby." Carlos moaned before stopping his movements and laying his chest against mine. I felt his cock throbbing in me filling me up as we both came down from our high Carlos kissing under my ear and all around my neck once again.
"I love you." Carlos sighed tiredly.
"I love you more." I whispered back to him as he placed soft gentle kisses on my lips.
He layed on top of me, half his weight on the bed as we both caught our breaths but our peace was soon interrupted by his phone ringing.
Carlos grabbed it off the shelf where he'd left it. "Sh*t I'm late for the meeting he said as he grabbed his shirt wiping his chest before grabbing another off his closet and quickly dressing.
I laughed at his actions from the bed watching him rush to look decent before running out of the room.
"Run a bath amor, I'll be back in a few." Carlos hollered at me as I heard him run down the stairs.
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caffedrine · 2 years
This is just a very quick and dirty plot summary up to chapter 10. Lots of spoilers, I'm leaving out a lot of information, and there's no guarantee that it's accurate.
I made it so that I could follow along with the plot, keep track of the mysteries, and a few of the interesting scenes.
Spoilers for Gilbert's route
Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers
Not all of the officials in the castle are aware of Emma being Belle, so after the ball they’re about to throw hands with her in the domestic faction’s office. From their POV - mystery woman shows up out of nowhere to ‘study’ at the castle, and then a week later she’s dancing with the Obsidian Prince at the ball.
The princes all saying that she’s trustworthy and fine doesn’t really convince them, and Emma leaves so the domestic faction can get some work done
Gilbert finds her and immediately drags her off on a ‘date’ to a store he has reserved for the night.
It’s Emma’s old workplace, and Gilbert starts talking about how much of her he already knows.
The book comes up - it’s game of thrones but everyone is extra evil. Emma doesn’t really know where it’s from, just that the bookstore owner gave it to her after his last trip. It’s currently Emma’s favorite book. (Sorry Sonia)
Gilbert tells her that they’re going to be friends and spend as much time together as possible over the next month.
When they come back, Chevalier immediately drags Emma into his secret library and directly asks her what Gilbert asked her to do.
He is absolutely flabbergasted when she tells him about Gilbert’s Project BFF.
He recovers quickly enough, and tells her that since she’s now ‘friends’ with Gilbert, she can be Chevalier’s exclusive spy/agent. Which also means that she doesn’t need permission to make decisions on how to handle Gilbert. He’ll take responsibility for the fallout.
Also, this is also a secret from everyone who isn’t Chevalier - including Sariel and Rio. Gilbert has several spies in the castle, and it could be anyone but Chevalier.
To signify this arrangement - he gives her a pin with his seal.
Chevalier also warns her that as much as that pin will help her, it might also get her head cut off - so yeah.
The next morning, Gilbert has Emma join him, Keith, and Silvio at breakfast - unlike what Silvio’s done in other routes, Gilbert fawns over her.
There is an interesting scene where Emma drops her fork, and when she bends down to grab it, Gilbert grabs her hand and ‘reminds’ her that grabbing things off the floor is what commoners do.
Also - Gilbert has enough pastries on his plate to feed 10 people. He very generously and loudly (in front of Keith, Silvio, and the servants) transfers enough food to feed 3 people from his plate to Emma’s.
During this scene, Gilbert starts talking about all the things he knows about Emma - events that go back before Emma even met Rio.
Keith and Silvio are now convinced that Gilbert is a creepy stalker - and Silvio gives Gilbert a new nickname.
Gilbert adds that since he and Emma are good friends, he’s going to help her help the princes with their duties. He’s obviously expecting Emma to balk at this, but thanks to Chevalier’s pep (?) talk, Emma pulls out the pin, fastens it openly on her blouse and welcomes his help.
Instead of getting angry, Gilbert starts laughing and praising Chevalier.
The first business is perhaps the most awkward carriage ride ever, with Leon, Yves, Gilbert, and Emma going to investigate an orphanage. Gilbert makes it very clear that he already knows what’s going on, and Emma is completely in the dark. Yves begins to ask Gilbert about his (Yves’) mother but Gilbert immediately shuts him down, he doesn’t want to talk about her, and he hates Yves.
At the orphanage, Gilbert immediately begins playing with the children. Leon and Yves go with the director to investigate the ledgers, and Emma decides Mr. ‘My Hobbies Include Training Spies’ probably shouldn’t be left alone with the kids. The play ends with them outside in the garden, and Emma sees the way that the director is acting with Yves (pretending that he’s not there and only looking at/speaking to Leon)
It turns out that while the orphans are raised well and treated nicely at the orphanage, when they age out they are essentially ‘sold’ to a baron who uses them for slave labor.
The group confronts the baron at his mansion, who literally has a dungeon of teenaged slave laborers and a fight ensures.
The baron tries to run away, but Emma and Gilbert cut him off.
Interesting - while Rhodolite has a full justice system - Obsidian is more of a dictatorship. If they were in Obsidian, since he’s part of the Royal family, if Gilbert decided the Baron should die because he didn’t like his socks, it would be legal to kill the baron.
This is also the scene where a Gilbert starts referring to Emma as his prey, and gets violent when he thinks his prey is threatened.
Later that night, Emma brings Gilbert a cart of 100 cookies to thank him for saving her during the fight with the baron. He invites her into his room for tea and cookies - and we find out that Gilbert is here without an entourage. He is his own servant, so he personally serves her the tea.
Emma also finds a familiar black book in his room, and Gilbert admits that he’s been reading it. It’s the sequel to Emma’s book. It’s very popular in Obsidian, and Gilbert offers to loan the book to her. He also does the whole ‘you aren’t leaving my room tonight schtick’ Emma then leaves his room that night.
Over the next few days Gilbert is very diligent with helping Emma, he goes over battle formations (with Emma) in the foreign affairs office, he helps Emma with documents with the domestic affairs office. He is her partner for dancing instructions (and warns her about stepping on his feet again lest he gets violent in response) He also adds supplemental instruction alongside Sariel. He even tries to get Emma to call him Gil-sensei.
Things come to a head, where one day Gilbert isn’t with Emma, and a mean aristocrat woman trips Emma badly enough for her to sprain her ankle. The woman and her maid start to make fun of Emma, but Yves comes in for the rescue and after yelling at them, makes them leave. Remembering how Gilbert got after the baron threatened to hurt her, Emma asks Yves to let it go or else someone will report it to Gilbert and the lady and her maid might get murdered. Yves does, brings Emma to her room, bandages her up, and gives her a pep talk about how it’s really okay to stand up for yourself.
They have an interesting discussion about Gilbert’s motives. Yves can tell that he’s trying his best to isolate Emma from the court, but he doesn’t know the end goal. He was thinking that Gilbert could be trying to start rumors that whomever she chose would be influenced by Obsidian, or even really influence her decision, but he doesn’t think so anymore.
While all of this has been going on, Emma has been giving daily reports to Chevalier. After her talk with Yves, she goes to report, only Chevalier isn’t in his secret library. Emma exits only to find Gilbert waiting for her. He’s decided that since she’s become familiar with Chevalier the prince, it’s time that she meets Chevalier the beast. He takes her out to the gardens.
He does pause briefly when he realizes that Emma is in pain while walking. He asks if she has anything to say to him, until Emma finally gives in and says that she’s tired and needs a small break. Gilbert stops for a little, then announces that his cane is too cumbersome for him to carry, so Emma has to carry it for him. Emma accepts the cane and finds that it’s weirdly heavy. Using Gilbert’s cane, they continue.
Because of the surprise break, they don’t make it in time to see Chevalier mow down assassins in the garden. But they’re still early enough to see the bodies, the blood everywhere, and Chev (for once in his life) wiping down his sword. While Emma BSoDs, Clavis pops out from behind the garden gazebo, and complains that Gilbert did this on purpose. Gilbert responds that he was just bringing Emma to Chevalier.
Emma recovers enough to say that Chevalier is obviously in the middle of something, and she’ll talk to him later.
Clavis manages to separate Gilbert from
Emma by promising him food, and takes Emma with him to calm down by the garden pond.
As revenge for what Gilbert did, they dig a pit trap for him. After he’s done eating, Gilbert happily hops into the pit trap, and announces that in recompense, he wants an invitation to Clavis’ next soirée. Three of them.
That night, Emma goes to Chevalier’s room to report/consult with him. Chevalier is mildly impressed with Emma willingly facing him, and we get our first sighting of Lucien, the guard who’s monitoring Gilbert in the events.
Chevalier doesn’t blame the assassination attempt on Gilbert - though doubtlessly he was involved. He tells Emma a little about Obsidian’s history, about how there hasn’t been a major war since 10 years ago. Instead, the countries Obsidian has taken over since have all willingly surrendered without bloodshed. This is Gilbert’s true power, and the reason he should be feared.
Chevalier and Emma come to the conclusion that Gilbert doesn’t see the people around him as ‘human’.
The next day, Gilbert, Emma, and Luke go through Clavis’ trapped mansion, with Gilbert pointing out the traps and Luke very skillfully dodging them. They find the anti-monarcy fist fighting with the pro-democracy faction in the party room, but they quickly recognize Gilbert. About half the room is happy and excited that he’s there, and the other half are pissed off. We start hearing about the Blood Stained Rose day 10 years ago, and seriously, how has Emma not heard anything about that?
Gilbert starts talking to the room, and remembering her talk with Chevalier the previous night, Emma asks if this is how he gets nations to surrender and join Obsidian without bloodshed.
Yes, this is Gilbert’s MO.
Someone else tries to stab Gilbert, and Emma tries to jump in and save him. Instead her collar is roughly grabbed, and Gilbert throws her into a nearby wall, and takes care of the assailant himself.
Emma takes this moment to speak - not to Gilbert - but to the crowd. She reminds them that if they close all dialogue, they’ll be no better than mindless beasts.
At this point, Clavis shows up to his own party, fashionably late. Luke and Emma agree that they’ve seen enough, and leave Gilbert to continue speaking with the anti-royalty factions.
Rio was waiting for them at the castle gates, and he is upset. Since Emma had gotten involved with Gilbert, she has gotten quite beat up. He is about to run off and attack Gilbert, but thankfully Luke stops him. Emma also tries to stop him, but Luke just picks her up, while holding Rio down.
They manage to convince Rio to not run off and pick a fight with Gilbert, but both men agree that Emma should cut herself loose from whatever hold Gilbert has on her.
Emma considers this, and ultimately decides not to.
Later that night, she follows Gilbert to the castle chapel, though she’s not a good tail so Gilbert knew she was following him the entire time. He was hoping to avoid her tonight, since he’s still very angry with her and can’t guarantee he won’t get violent. Emma doesn’t care, she needs to talk to him when he’s like this. She understands that he’s angry that she put herself in harms way and might of died, but she doesn’t regret the action. Even if he’s the final boss/main villain, he’s still a human and she doesn’t want him to die. Though, he really could take care of himself.
Emma has a new plan, just as Gilbert has been trying to isolate her into his cold desolate world, she’s going to resist him. Instead, she will drag him into her warm world full of human kindness.
Emma asks Gilbert to become her friend. Gilbert warns her that if she’s being his friend of her own accord, that means that she must promise never to betray him or he’ll be so sad he’ll kill her himself. Emma clarifies what he means by betrayal - if Emma becomes someone else. With that promise they kiss each other’s cheek, and Emma asks if this is a tradition in Obsidian.
No, it’s not.
They part ways, and Emma immediately goes to Chevalier’s secret library, only to find Clavis there as well.
Emma bluntly asks Clavis if he’s betraying Rhodolite, and they get into the whole kingdom vs. people, good vs. evil talk. Chevalier cuts in and asks Emma to report.
Afterwards, Clavis wonders again about what Gilbert’s plans are - specifically what was up with introducing her to the anti- factions. Is it to sow discord? Emma thinks it was some kind of test he was putting her up to.
Chevalier thinks she might be right - and furthermore, Gilbert might be using Emma’s reactions to make his own decisions going forward. They wonder about how Sariel picked Emma to be Belle, and just as Rhodolite is using her to decide it’s next king, Gilbert is using her to decide his next course of actions.
Chevalier orders Clavis to investigate the anti-Royal faction further, and to take Nokto with him. He is told not to involve Luke.
The next day, Gilbert brings Emma out with him on a date. And like all the best dates, he brings her to a sketchy deserted alley where Emma is convinced she’s going to be raped and murdered - maybe in that order. To put her mind at ease, Gilbert tells her it’s already too late, no one will come and rescue her.
He holds hands with her, and brings her to a desolate door, opening it and politely letting her in first. It’s a weirdly ordinary flat - and Gilbert explains it’s his safe house in Rhodolite.
While proudly bragging about how he just had it cleaned, Gilbert does not react well to the lingering dust and nearly keels over. Emma gets him a glass of water and rubs his back until his breathing gets under control.
Gilbert explains that back in the day, when he was a kid, the relationship between Rhodolite and Obsidian was pretty good, so he used this flat when he was visiting. Which he now bequeaths to Emma. He explains that this is the last time he will ever visit Rhodolite, so it might as well get some use. Even if he conquers Rhodolite in the future, he will not use this room.
Gilbert also reveals that he used to have four other brothers, all who died in ‘accidents’ and implies he’s the cause of the ‘accidents’. Emma thinks he didn’t kill then and is sad about their deaths.
Emma promises to take care of the flat - it’s not the request of an enemy prince, but the request of her new friend.
Gilbert is standing against the light in a way that she can’t make out his expression, but when he repeats the word ‘friend’ he sounds conflicted.
For some reason, Emma thinks this flat smells familiar.
Also, Gilbert reeeeealy wants her to start calling him 'Gil'.
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softestnatalie · 1 year
Abandoned corridors of the heart
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!reader
Timing: Season 1
Chapter Summary: There are a few complications on Merle's rescue mission. Your group is forced to leave the camp as chaos erupts.
Warnings: swearing, mild language, blood, gore, character death
Autor's note: School's starting again in a week and I'm NOT ready. I'll have much less time to write :( so updates will proably take a few more days as soon as I have classes again, hope you can understand. Also, reader crying because of Daryl got my heart aching :( And the reader gets to see sb she thought she'd never see again ;)
Chapter 3: Everything changes
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You're stronger than you think.
That's what your mother used to tell you whenever you needed to hear it - whenever something was putting you down. And right in this moment, you were trying so much to hold onto her words, an axe in your hands and a geek on the ground, a few men of the camp beating it up. Still, no matter how many punches they delieverd, it didn't die. You didn't exactly know how to help, but you did remember the moment you saved Daryl - he shot it right through the eye as soon as he'd been able to grab his crossbow. After that, it didn't move anymore, so you assumed the head was the important part.
You were just waiting for the right moment to interfere and when Rick hit the geek with a pitchork, the spikes piercing it's abdomen and forcing it to stay on the ground, you quickly pushed the other men out of the way, raising your arms high above your head before bringing them down with as much force as you could, cutting it's head off in a swift movement.
All of you were breathing heavily, drops of sweat running down your foreheads. Rick looked at you and nodded, saying thank you for your help. You nodded back and drooped the axe right next to the bodyless head, blood leaking from the open throat.
"That's the first one we had up here," Dale spoke after a few heavy seconds of silence, "They usually don't come that far up the hill."
"Maybe because the cities are getting empty," you decided to speak your mind, "I mean as far as we know, they bite humans - we're their food - they're searching for more," your eyes trailed to the poor deer laying on the ground, it's neck wide open and chewed up. Your heart ached for the animal, which had to give his life for no reason at all.
You jumped when you heard more rustling from the woods, grabbing Rick's arm - since he was closest to you - and hiding behind him. He turned his head to you and raised an eyerbrow, making you lower your head in embarrassment.
Shane raised his gun instantly, pointing it at the forest and waiting for the creature to show itself. You grabbed Rick's arm a bit harder when the rustling got closer as you held your breath, body tensing. You relaxed though, when you realised who it was.
Daryl stopped in his tracks, looking at the gun in shock before his eyes trailed to the dead deer on the ground, geek laying next to the animal. His shock turned into anger, "Son of a bitch," he walked closer, "That's mah deer. Been trackin' it fo' miles."
The geek's head started to move again, making you cringe and Daryl scoff, "Don' ya know anythin’, people? Gotta be the brain," he lifted his crossbow and just like the first time you'd met him, he shot an arrow right through the eye.
Your group decided to leave the deer for safety reasons since nobody knew if it was still edible after it got bit. And you really couldn't say you were disappointed about the news, you probably wouldn't have eaten it anyway - your guilty conscience way too big. Though, the squirrel Daryl brought back with him wouldn't be any better.
But before you went back to the camp, there was one thing you desperately wanted to do; bury the deer. You wanted to give the poor animal at least a little bit of peace. So, you begged Shane - since he was always the one to make desicions - to help you. And after a few minutes he actually agreed, shoveling a grave before laying the deer inside.
After you were satisfied, you made your way back inside the camp, Shane following behind you. And the first thing you saw was Rick arguing with Daryl, and you could only imagine what the argument was about.
Daryl was rubbing his forehead, his eyes narrowing in anger as you and Shane walked closer. It probably wsn't the smartest idea to interfere in what was happening but you were curious and you did want to know how Daryl would take the news about his brother.
"Hold on, lemme process this," Daryl turned away from Rick, rubbing over his eyes with his elbow - and you thought he looked close to crying by the way his face twisted up for only a second before he turned to face Rick again, "Ya sayin' ya cuffed mah brother to a roof," his voice raised in volume, practically screaming, "And ya fuckin' left 'im there?"
Rick put his hands on his hips - a move he seemed to be doing a lot, you noticed - and nodded, "Yeah," unlike Daryl's, his voice was calm.
A 'pfft' left Daryl's lips and he pursed his lips, pressing them together and trying to supress his upcoming rage. It didn't seem to work though as he grabbed the rope hanging on his left shoulder and threw the squirrel he'd caught into Rick's direction.
The situation escalated even more when Daryl pulled his knife out of the holster he had on his left hip, swinging his arm around widly, trying to hit Rick with the weapon. Luckily, Shane was able to put Daryl down before he actually got to hurt anyone.
Soon after, they decided to go back and get Merle and for some weird reason Shane decided to send you with them. He came up to you while the boys were preparing the truck, you about to go back into your tent when he spoke to you, "Think you should go with them."
You turned around and your mouth opened in shock when you realised he meant you. You. "Wha- why me?"
Honestly, the last thing you wanted to do was to go outside the camp because, really, you didn't have a death wish. Moreover, you had close to no experience killing geeks and the others having to look out for you constantly would just slow them down.
Shane shrugged, his left eye twitching a little, "You were doing a good job earlier, you know, helping us with the geek."
You shook your head quickly, a confused chuckle escaping your lips, "Shane, I had no idea what I was doing," you pulled the hair tie Lori had given you only a few hours ago off your wrist and put your hair up into a ponytail, "Really, I'd be more of a problem rather than help."
You tried to talk your way out of it but by the way he was looking at you, you knew there was no chance of you staying at the camp, "You're going," he walked away and continued talking with his back to you, "I'm sure it'll be okay."
And then he was gone. And you were left standing there, your eyes trailing after him until he disappeared from your sight and if looks could kill, he'd have died on the spot. His words didn't make any sense to you.
You've done great.
You surely hadn't done great. You had a conjecture and acted on it, basically trying your luck without knowing how it would go. And it's not like you actually killed the geek - Daryl did.
I'm sure it'll be okay.
You wondered how he could even say that after the situation which had happened just a day ago. The last group to leave the camp was faced with death and almost didn't make it back - and you were sure they were far more experienced than you. You were also sure about one more thing; you really didn't like Shane.
You were standing beside the truck when you had prepared yourself to go - and with prepared you meant getting a knife from Dale. You were still hoping someone would come and safe you from having to go since you were sure the four men would be fine without you, and there really wasn't any reason for you to go. Again, you questioned Shane's intentions.
"Oh," you lifted your head at Glenn's suprised voice, Daryl standing next to him, making you even more nervous. The absurdity of the situation wouldn't allow you to give the young man a smile. You. Going on a rescue mission to safe the brother of a man who acted like he despised you.
"Yeah," you muttured, nodding your head.
Glenn seemed to realise you didn't really like the idea of going with them - and he could understand, of course - so he didn't answer anymore, just nodded and gave you a reassuring smile as he opened the back doors of the truck to let you inside.
The ride was awkward. Glenn was driving the truck, Rick siting next to him in the passenger seat. Daryl and T-Dog were in the back with you, each one of you sitting in a different corner. None of you said a word.
It didn't take long before the vehicle stopped - the brake squeaking - and Glenn turned around to face the three of you, "We'll walk from here."
Daryl was the first to stand up and jump outside while you and T-Dog started at each other before he slowly stood up as well. You allowed yourself a few more seconds to take a few deep breaths, rubbing your thighs with your shaking hands as Glenn reached out his hand in order to help you out. And, honestly, Glenn was about to become your favorite person and, hopefully, a good friend over time.
The walk was short and only took a few more minutes until you were standing in front of a large building, the sun blending you when you looked into the sky to see the roof as best as you could. You just wanted to get Merle as fast as possible so y'all would be able to go 'home'.
But to everyone's suprise, the roof was empty, only a bloody and cold hand was left behind.
You covered your mouth as your eyes widened and a gasp left you, staring at the limb before you looked at the redneck when he started to scream for his brother. And you were almost scared he would attract geeks with how loud he was being.
Your group followed the trail of blood in hopes of finding him somewhere inside the building. But it didn't change anything.
Merle was gone.
"I lost my police bag when Glenn saved me," Rick said as he stopped Daryl from searching for his brother on his own, "We can go and get it. It's full of weapons - guns, lots of guns - and then we can look for him together."
Daryl stepped away from Rick's touch and thought about the spoken words before he gave a curt nod, "We can do tha'."
And so it was decided. Your group made a plan how to get the police bag first and for that plan to work, you had to be in pairs. And, of course, just your luck, you were paired with Daryl. While Glenn would be the one to run and get the bag, Rick and T-Dog would wait around a corner while you and Daryl would wait around another corner to be able to help Glenn if anything went wrong.
And, oh, a lot of things went wrong.
Before you could react, there was a boy standing in front of you, screaming in a language you couldn't understand - but you assumed it sounded like spanish. Daryl raised his crossbow but before he could do anything, two older men came running towards the three of you, pushing Daryl to the ground and giving him a kick in his side.
Right in that moment, Glenn returned with the bag and a hat in his hands, looking at Daryl before his eyes trailed to you. His expression matched yours; mouth opened wide just as well as your eyes.
You ran to get Daryl's crossbow, which was laying a few meters away from him, as soon as the men's attention was on Glenn, sprinting over to him. It was heavier than you thought and your arms burned a bit when you picked it up and gave it to Daryl, who managed to shoot an arrow into one man's ass.
The next thing you knew, you were picked up and thrown over a shoulder before you got pushed inside a car, Glenn right after you.
"Daryl!" you screamed a few times until the car started moving and there was nothing the redneck could do to safe you. The car was small, you and Glenn sitting shoulder to shoulder, so he could feel your shaking body right next to him.
"We're gonna be all right," he whispered but it did little to calm you. And you loathed Shane for forcing you to go on that stupid mission, all you had done was give Daryl his crossbow, so why were you even there?
It took at least an hour until your kidnappers reached their destination. One of the men opened your door and grabbed your arm, pulling you out and leading you and Glenn inside what looked like a hospital.
"Ese," there was a light voice calling and the man behind you turned around, looking at the source of the noise, "What?" the unknown man lifted his arms, pointing them in your direction and having a look of utter confusion on his face, "Who are they?"
You lowered your head as the two of them started to discuss about you and Glenn, rocking back and forth on your feet. You were scared of them and what they would or could do to you. Nobody would be there to help.
"I said grab the bag, not bring two strangers with you!"
The voice pulled you out of your thoughts and only a few seconds later were you led further down the white corridors. And the sight you were met with almost eased your fear just the tiniest bit. Old people. A lot of old people. They were sitting in their chairs, just enjoying their time and it almost looked like a retirement home.
"You can just sit down if you want," the unknown man said, pointing at a few empty chairs. You and Glenn looked at each other and you raised your eyebrows as if to ask him what he thought, him responding with a little shrug and a nod. So, the both of you walked over in small steps and sat down.
That was pretty much how you spent the next few hours, just sitting there and watching the old people talk, occasionally standing up to change position or help somebody. At some point, you were brave enough to start talking to Glenn, not being all too scared anymore.
It was pretty late already, the sun starting to go down when the man from earlier walked in again but this time with a familiar face.
You nudged Glenn with your shoulder as soon as you saw the member of the camp, nodding into his direction so that Glenn could see him as well. Daryl and T-Dog followed soon after, looking around skeptically.
"I thought you two were bein' eaten by dogs," T-Dog said when he saw you and Glenn walking towards them. And you almost laughed when the korean man raised an eyebrow and turned around, looking at the three tiny chihuahuas as they started barking as if they could understand our words.
You and your group got pulled into another room to talk about the situation without the seniors having to hear.
The unknown man - what seemed to be the leader of that hospital - explained their story. They didn't mean any harm, didn't even plan on meeting other people on their way to get the weapons. They were just as scared as you were.
Rick decided to give them a few of the guns and ammo we had inside the bag, showing his understanding. Still, he kept most of the weapons to himself and saved them for the camp. After the conversation, your group could go 'home'. The leader of the Vatos - that's how they called their group - said a big 'thank you' before he led y'all out.
But, of course, the relief you felt didn't last very long. Because when you and your people walked outside, the truck Rick and the other two had came with was gone.
"The hell is the truck?" Daryl asked at the same time Glenn spoke, "Who'd take it?"
"Merle," Rick pursed his lips as he seemed to realise Merle wouldn't want anything positive for the people who had left him behind - even if it was by accident. And if he found his way back to the camp, nothing good would happen.
And since y'all didn't have any other options, the streets being empty and no other car in sight, you started jogging towards the camp, trying to be there as soon as possible to prevent anything negative from happening.
You didn't think it'd be that bad.
The five of you could hear the screams from a distance and you could feel your heart sink once you knew they were coming from your camp. At first, you thought Merle was the reason for the loud noises, you didn't expect to see the entire - once peaceful - camp filled with geeks.
All you could hear was the screams of the people living here and the loud gunshots as they tried to defend themselves. It was dark by then but, still, you could see a lot of blood on the ground, coming from the people who had got bitten already.
You thought about running away, somewhere safer than there, but everything you had on your mind left you at once when you looked into an all too familiar face. It wasn't as beautiful as it once was, the skin being a light shade of gray and the teeth hanging out in an unnatrual way.
You took a step forward, almost as if you were in a trance, but jumped when another gunshot sounded and the face you couldn't seem to stop looking at fell backwards, blood spraying from the bullet wound.
"No!" you screamed, the tears that had been welling up in your eyes finally rolling down your cheeks. Your body reacted before your mind could as you got on your knees and crawled over to the body on the ground.
The others killed the rest of the geeks as you sat on your knees, practically sobbing at this point, tears blurring your vision, "Mom," you whispered shakily, touching her hair carefully.
You didn't even realise how quiet it got as your screams echoed around the woods, holding your mother's cold hand tightly. You didn't think you'd ever get to see her again and you were just trying to accept that, but seeing her like this put you at least three steps back.
Please don't leave me, I need you, you thought, your eyes wandering around the group for the first time since your parent got shot. And only then did you realise you weren't the only one crying. Amy - the girl you had tried to comfort just a day ago - was lying on the ground, her neck wide open and bood all over her. It was obvious that she got bit.
How ironic. Amy had been so worried about Andrea's well being, scared they'd get seperated way too soon and now it was the other sister laying motionless on the ground.
The sight made you cry even more. So many lives. And they got taken away as if they didn't matter at all. The others were darting their eyes back and forth, looking at you and then at Andrea.
You looked back down at your mother, your tears wet her white and dirty shirt. Your story wasn't supposed to end yet, you wanted a happier ending for her.
You sat like that for the rest of the night, the sun raising after a few hours and you thought the worst part was sitting there the next morning, realising she was gone for good. That morning, you felt physical pain for the first time - a deep ache consuming your whole body but mostly your heart - without actually being hurt.
Daryl came over to you after some time, sitting on his heels next you and your body tensed uncomfortably.
"We gotta-" he started to talk but you didn't even let him finish his sentence.
"Stop," you spoke curtly, shaking your head at whatever he had to say, "I wanna bury her," you waited for a response but when you got none you allowed yourself to look at him. His eyes weren't as hard and cold as they usually were - still distant but not cold. Maybe because he could actually understand you considering the current situation involving his brother.
He nodded softly and stood up, grabbing your mother by her shoulders, making you tense up even more, "Hey, hey! What are you doing?"
He stopped his actions, looking at you again, "Help ya dig a grave."
You stared at him for a few more seconds before you eventually decided you could use the help, so you let him continue, "Okay," you whispered.
And it was all going okay until Shane thought he had to tell his opinion even though nobody asked for it, "Hey," he called, walking over to you and Daryl, already beginning to shovel the grave up again, "We don't bury geeks. She wasn't one of us."
Daryl scoffed at him, his eyebrows furrowing into a glare as he stopped shoveling, "Ain't yer business."
Shane shook his head and licked his lips, "Sure is," he tilted his head a bit to look at you still working to close the grave, "We don't bury them."
You shut your ears after that, focusing on your task since you really couldn't care less about Shane in that moment. And you honestly couldn't even explain how much you hated him. The argument between Daryl and Shane got more heated and at some point it just kind of escalated.
"Hell with y'all," Daryl exclaimed, waving around with his arms, "Ya had this comin'," he pointed at your mother's grave with one hand before slowly gesturing to the other bodies as well.
And this got your attention.
You had this coming.
How dare he say these words? Innocent people died. And he has the audacity to act as if they deserved it? And point at your mother - the mother you'd just lost a few hours ago - while doing so? His words hurt and they cut deeper than a knife ever could. Did she deserve to die? Did you deserve to see her like this?
Too many questions you didn't know an answer for, but you did know one thing; You didn't want to see Daryl anymore.
"Go," you suddenly spoke up, "Both of you, I can do this alone," your voice cracked towards the end, your face twisting up in pain, showing how much Drayl's words actually affected you.
The redneck started talking again, seemingly realising his hurtful words, but you didn't let him finish, raising your voice instead and telling him to fuck off. Both men left eventually, leaving you alone to do your work.
Only a few hours later did your group decide to leave the camp behind in order to find help for Jim since he got bitten. So you packed your stuff just as well as the rest of the group to head to the CDC - hoping to get a cure and save Jim.
You said goodbye to your mother before you left, sitting at her grave for some time before eventually moving towards the van. You were hoping your group would be able to come back as soon as Jim got the help he needed.
You didn't think about a lot of things when the van started moving, but in the end you realised something.
Everyone leaves at some point.
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@goth-cowgirl-03 @paintlavillered @hotgirlsshareaccounts @tiedyedghoulette @alialiclouds
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julessworldd · 2 years
Having modern!Cregan take care of you when you’re on your period
A/N: hey babies! Mother Nature has decided to make me emotional and needing cuddles so here’s the next best thing. Cregan and his golden retriever bf vibes 💚 @valeskafics @daenerysapologist my fellow Cregan lovers 😘
Warnings; mention of periods, blood, implied smut, soft golden retriever bf!Cregan. Possibly grammar errors. Tried my best to make it gender neutral
Cregan is definitely one of those boyfriends that track your cycle in his phone calendar. He knows when you yell at him for leaving his clothes on the bathroom floor. You’ll probably be starting soon
Sure enough he was right, you started two weeks later in the morning. You called out of work because it was too much to not be in bed. Lucky for youu it was his day off.
He goes to the store for some supplies for you. Also gets you extra goodies: A soft blanket, chocolates, sour candy, a thing of soup that you like. A pair of fuzzy socks because why not
Definitely the kind to throw your sweatpants and hoodie in the dryer when you’re showering. Puts your socks on himself as you comb out your hair.
Throws on your favorite movie or series and brings you your surprises from the store. Lays in bed with you. Let’s you cuddle him how you want to or when you do. Doesn’t mind you tossing or making a spot like a cat to get comfortable. (Period people, yk it’s a bitch to get comfortable and no cramps happen is a hard sport)
Rubs your tummy while holding you to him. Kissing your head every so often, playing with your hair. Attempts to braid it but ends up knotting it by accident
Isn’t afraid to go get you tampons, pads, whatever you use in that time. He takes a picture of the packaging and saves it to his notes app. Gets a couple boxes each time so you never run out
One of the guys in the world that gets why you yelled at him and then want cuddles. He’s like “if I was bleeding every month just to tell me I’m not pregnant I would be angry at the world too”
Also doesn’t give you shit if your cramps are from satan himself. He’s like if you could give me the pain I would take it away and let it happen to me. Cregan our king 💚 such a good boy
Doesn’t freak out if you accidentally bleed onto the bed sheets. Just picks you up takes you to the bathroom for you to clean up. He puts them in the washer and gets new ones on before you come back to bed. He’s like it’s blood isn’t gonna kill me. More concerned if you’re okay and if you need anything else.
Suggested period sex or going down on you to help with cramps. He did his research for anything to help his baby out. Doesn’t pressure but tells the offer still stands, doesn’t matter if it’s the elevator scene in the shinning right now
We all need a Cregan in our life during that time or anytime really 😂 if you have a Cregan good for you baby, does he have brothers or sister that is the best caretaker 🥴
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