#and then of course it involves being submerged in water and you all know how insane i get about that
blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [4/5] motifs -> bardo
All the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful or wrathful deities. [...] If there are different progressive states, then what's the last one? Death. You die.
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How do you think Matty would treat his girlfriend after they had their first sex ? like right after or morning after you know
Oh, I think this would be like the biggest deal ever. Assuming this is someone he’s serious about/ wants a relationship with. Not just a hookup. He’d go ALL OUT. The night would be preceded by a dinner. Maybe they order in, or he cooks for her. No going out. Cuz, this night is just about the two of them having some important quality time together. No other distractions in the way.
He’s said in interviews that he’s good in the kitchen but forgets to have his fridge stocked regularly. So, I’d imagine that he makes a point to go food shopping the day before. He’ll get normal snacks like a bit of fruit and maybe some mixed nuts, etc. but if his gf happened to mention her favorite chocolate brand, or like, if she prefers dark chocolate or milk chocolate or whatever, he’ll be sure to grab all her fav things. He’ll also grab a bunch of travel size toiletries. Not just for the night, but for her to know that she has her own stuff in his bathroom permanently. He’ll insist this happens at his place not hers. Cuz he wants to be able to prep everything in advance which he can’t do if it’s at her place.
He wants her to feel at home around him. So it’s a sleepover. Meaning, no going home after. Immediately after sex, it’s, of course, cuddle time. No phones. His arms all over her. Kissing, squeezing her hands, fingers mindlessly tracing patterns into her skin while he catches his breath and whispers into her ear how amazing it all felt and how he’s waited for/ fantasized about this night for so long. Tells her she was absolutely worth the wait and he couldn’t be happier right now. She plays with his hair and he gets kind of emotional and melts at her touch cuz it feels like a new level of intimacy between them. A little bit later, of course, cuz this is still Matty, he wants a smoke. She puts on his shirt which she grabs from off the floor, and goes to join him. They make jokes about how cliche the post-sex smoke is. He says he suspects he’s just a deeply repressed old fashioned person at heart. She flirtily tells him that what he just did with her in that bed proves otherwise.
They freshen up etc and fall into a long, endless conversation. You know one of those late night chats that seem to span anything and everything. He tells her about his family, his work, memories from when the band first started. She tells him about all the places she’s been, her favorite books. At some point, though neither of them is sure how/when, the record player is going. Playing some obscure music in the background. They pillow right and dance to it.
He runs her a bath. Asking if she’d prefer to be alone or together. Wanting her to know that she can ask for space if she wants a moment. She gets why someone might. Being physically intimate with a partner for the first time is, after all, quite a big step. Sometimes one might want to process all of it. Not her though. Not this time. She’s still giddy from it all, and she’s hooked on Matty. After seeing him in a new light. Hearing the way his voice gets when he moans in pleasure, seeing the face he makes and the smile on his face when an orgasm hits him, she just wants more. So they get in the bath together and he keeps making her blush with the way his eyes twinkle when he looks at her. His laugh his boyish and loud and obnoxious and she thinks it’s her favorite sound in the entire world. he looks so free spirited and happy. He leans in to kiss her sweetly every now and then. He makes funny faces when submerging his body under water and teases her about all the girlie stuff women do during bath time (but he secretly absolutely loves it and wants to be involved of course).
He gets out of the bath moments before her to light a candle. She notices that the candle wasn’t there before, and gives him a hard time about how soft he is, and he blushes a lot. They nibble on the snacks he’d bought the day before, and fall asleep wayyy late, mid-conversation, with her arms wrapped around him and their legs tangled up together.
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Hoodoo A Reglion Or Not.
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If we look at Hoodoo practice in is self. There no reason to be mixing Egyptian spirits or gods, wiccan Vodou loa or even Orishas in it. If you are or want to practice those others like myself I do voodoo, do them separately, have one space for one practice have another space for your other and a space your just your workings.
But Hoodoo is a African region that has involved from the originals & you can backtrack the Hoodoo lineage and find they are link with Vodou and Palo Mayombe, and some Orishas.
To learn what is real, you can find real teachers but pls stay off and don't listen to these sites like Facebook, Riddit. These site are not there to teach you but to confuse you.
Understand hoodoo is about balance, what we do in our workings is to balance thing back out.
What's One Of The Main Reasons People Get To Hoodoo: It attracts people to a new way of spirituality. An to others they just thought about being initiated into African religion until they realizes it's going to cost them in the thousands and then think. "Man I'm not going to pay all that money.
Then they think "Well I can do Hoodoo. I can find a book and a course online, I don't have to pay a lot of money and I'll be a pro afterwards only in a few weeks.
Well let's break it down. Vodou is a religion, Palo Mayombe, Santeria, all the other Orisha practices are religions. So why not Hoodoo, That is the question.
See people the mainstream, the marketeers that sell you stuff are telling you that Hoodoo is not a religion. They took out that world religion and added tradition. So they can have you believe what they need you to believe so they can sell you the crap and call it hoodoo.
But I'm Here To Let You Know Hoodoo Is A Reglion It Is.
Hoodoo is a Africanized form of Christianity. BOOM 🤯 💥
Let's take this further. Look at Catholics, the Protestants, the Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, all of these are religions correct. But each one of them may do some things differently. Like let's say baptisms some submerge your whole body in water, another just dunk your head, then another only use a little holy water on the forehead. But there still religions, there all a form of Christianty, they all believe in God, and teaches about God.
So the answer is Yes it is a religion.. If you use the bible as we do in hoodoo, If we use bible passages, If we pray to God, If we believe in a hight power, If we speak and honor to our ansestors, then tell me how it is not a religion.
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Cool painting of what I see as a African get-together and church service.
Churches In Hoodoo: Black churches basically are rooted/established in conjure and supernatural beliefs. Most text state during and right after slavery preachers, ministers were very spiritual had no issue with using "conjure" and/or forms of rootwork in their Ministry - because they used the Bible as their foundation. And never saw an issue with honoring their ancestors. They may or may not have had altars but they did do workings.
But conjure is still in the Black Churches today - now it may be hidden or not talked about as openly due to a lot of the stereotypes that thinks it's bad. But when you need some things done believe me those old ladies know who to go too. Rootworkers are very much still around today. But not that many authentic ones anymore tho.
One of the problems I think is that the mainstream marketeers some of the these white people are trying to take the black church out of Hoodoo, You Can Not, It's much of a part of it as the bible is. When you go to a black church there are some Root Workers who are Pastors & Reverends. It's apart of who we are and what still do. In churches the pastor might have you bring olive oil to anoint you or even give you oil and a prayer to take home with you. Now you may not have thought about it at the time but as adults with knowing and understanding what hoodoo is you realize that what there are doing is Hoodoo.
Even on the plantations the root workers are often leading service. There dancing, praying to God, remembering there ansestors, That's church, That's there own stye of church service.
How do you know if your practicing real Hoodoo? One thing you have to understand is that Hoodoo has become a Title for anyone who's practicing a form of folk Magic. Real hoodoo is a Africanized reglion that was involved in the south. Just like other sub religions some thing are different within your community but the basics are all the same.
They're are many forms of root work but we're not all going to do them the same way.
There are Curanderismo and Mexican traditional folk healing. Appalachian mountains Granny Magic, Native American Shamanism or Folk magic. They all do a form of root work or conjuring but it's not hoodoo.
Hope you enjoyed this post and have a new understanding on this religion 😄
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fairybond · 2 years
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About Page  |  Headcanon page  | Canon divs  | Verses  | Tags | Trivia
Below are points I consider to be important regarding my muse and I hope they will be kept in mind during plotting/writing. Links to specific headcanon or divergence posts may be included in the below and I may add to this post in the future, as I go back over the manga or think about things further.
Note: filler arcs/chapters and the 100 Year Quest are not included as canon here.
Gajevy is Not canon on this blog. She does not have any romantic or whatever feelings for him. When Gaj attacked her during the FT vs PL arc, it had a huge effect on her (mentally, physically, and emotionally) and there are still echoes of that even now, despite her best efforts and the fact she does view him as a guildmate (even tho she’s not in the guild but you know what i mean).
Following the brutal defeat of Shadow Gear at the hands of Gajeel, and her becoming painfully aware of her lack of physical strength, Levy trained herself to increase her speed, agility/dexterity and learn techniques that would help her use her opponents strength or size against them. She also worked to increase her magical strength and capabilities. She is not to be underestimated, especially now.
Tenrou arc – as a way to try deal with her issues since Phantom Lord and Gajeel himself, she was the one that asked him to be her partner for the S-class trials.
The One Year - she did not retain her guildmark after FT was disbanded. She maintained contact with her friends where she could and they all made effort to continue to see and support each other.
She was involved in the trials of the Avatar members as she had been involved in that mission and was working for the Law and Enforcement department.
She only temporarily rejoined FT at the revival, intending just to help them get set up and, of course, to help with getting Makarov back from Alvarez if she could. She returned to work at the Council once he was back and she realised just how bad the situation was going to get.
Therefore, she was with the Council forces during the war and was leading some of the efforts. But she did get separated and so still ended up near Gajeel during his fight with Bloodman and did witness Gajeel ‘dying’ (tho this can be omitted depending on Gaj rpers canons)
After the war, she became the new Head of Magical Law Enforcement and was involved in the situation of Crime Sorciere and other’s conditional pardons. At times, she is supervising Macbeth/Midnight.
She still keeps in contact with her friends at FT and tries to get them to behave since she doesnt really want to have to arrest them or enforce anything too harsh (but she’ll do it if it comes down to it)
During her pre-FT childhood, her family’s living conditions were very poor (lack of warmth and food) and this had an adverse effect on her physical development and immune system. She would get sick quite easily, and although her health improved greatly upon being taken in by the orphanage (and later, Fairy Tail), she still had to be careful. Her health took another hit during the events with the Tartaros guild and the poisonous water she and the others were submerged in, and then again during the war with the Alvarez empire and the exposure to the Magic-Barrier Particles (Anti-Ethernano). She has done well in her recovery, all things considered, but her lungs have suffered some damage and are unlikely to ever fully recover.
Jet and Droy are both incredibly important to her (We do not accept Jet and Droy erasure on this blog). At FT’s revival, she almost committed to returning to the guild because she missed Shadow Gear and knew the boys enjoyed the guild life. They would have loved her to come back, but knew her job at the Council was important. They stayed with FT until after the war but have since retired from the guild mage life and returned to the jobs they picked up during the disbandment, realising they got more joy from it and that the guild mage life wasn’t for them after all. Shadow Gear still regularly hang out and message/call each other frequently too.
Her father was an avid researcher, she got her love of books and knowledge from him (she was constantly reading in the hopes of finding something interesting to share with him, or reading simply to distract herself from the quiet house and hunger pangs) but he was obsessed with his research, his quest to find the cure for magical illnesses and even death itself. He feared losing Levy the same way he had lost her mother. His attention to his research was so complete,  he hardly acknowledged her, and she dared not interrupt him. She kept to herself. Part of her motivation to learn magic when she was younger, came from the hopes that in doing so, she would be good enough to hold his attention. The need to read as a means of calming herself, and the constant need to learn more and do better, are things she carries from her time with him.
Her mother died when she was very young. It became her mother’s best friend and fellow guildmate, Aubrey, that ended up mostly raising Levy. Aubrey took her away from her father when it became apparent the man couldn’t divide his focus between his work and his child, however she unfortunately became another soul lost to the cultists of Zeref sometime later. This left Levy to the hands of the orphanage in Magnolia.
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Between the Sea and Sky is a regency era IF— written with CScript— that includes the wondrous world of mermaids.
Setting(s) Atlantis || London, England
Genre(s): Historical (Regency), Drama, Romance, Adventure, and Low-Fantasy.
Warning(s): This story is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, strong language, sexual themes, alcohol consumption, and blood.
Scenario and NSFW asks are welcomed.
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You’ve never known anything besides the crystal water surrounding you. Have never felt the sun on your face for hours at a time without being half submerged beneath the waves.
You don’t know why you yearn to see the land in such a way— your father likens it to being your mother’s child— but nothing can ever stop the jolt you get whenever you see a passing ship; hear the boisterous voices from the deck.
The world connected to your own felt like it would forever be out of reach; a simple dream that would never become an actuality.
Until you make a deal that would have your father exploding with a rage…
A deal that would give you legs to find love beyond the waves…
A deal that will bring you salvation if you can fulfill it…
Or bring you damnation if you can’t…
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Play as an MC that wishes to see the world up above; is it everything like you’ve imagined?
Make a deal with a sea sorcerer that can have damaging influences on your future. Or possibly it’ll be the best thing that ever happened to you.
Interact with a variety of people as you get involved with what humans call “courting”.
Get used to the world up above as you try to find your true love.
Meet the wondrous beasts known to humans as horses (and even befriend your very own) as people try to woo you (and you try to woo them).
Customizable MC: name, gender, appearance, sexuality, and a smattering of other things that could crop up.
Romance 1 of 5 possible options; from a dashing rogue to the very individual that you made the deal with.
Will you be reminded of the castle back home in Atlantis? With all of the double talk and shadowed intentions?
Will you find your true love?
Or will you fail and pay the price?
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Edward/Elizabeth Bolton [M/F] - The Heir
28 [6’3” | Crystalline Blue Eyes | Raven Black Hair]
One of the most eligible individuals within the season. An individual that has never paid anyone— besides polite conversation— any attention. That is, of course, until they spot you from across the room. The smile that lit up their face could illuminate the entire room; you might just be the thing they’ve always been looking for you. As they might be the thing you’ve been searching for too.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw you, darling.” The words are said softly; barely a breath of air between you both. “I know how that must sound but from the first moment I saw you I knew. I knew you were it for me. My eyes adored you from then on but my soul and heart are the ones that have fallen in love with you.”
Richard/Regina Axton [M/F] - The Soldier
31 [5’9” | Light Green Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
A highly decorated officer within the Royal Navy; they don’t often come to court but this season was different. They finally wanted to settle down and build a life with the person they love most. Having, a slightly naive, hope that they’d fine that very person within this very season. Hoping that they’d find someone who’ll love them and not their station in life. You might be the answer to their silent prayers.
“I know that I’m not everyone’s first pick,” they murmur softly, gently cupping your cheek in their hand. “But I hope that you know that you’ll always be mine. No matter what I’ll always be there for you.”
Henry/Helena Hale [M/F] - The Flirt
29 [6’0” | Hazel Eyes | Golden Blonde Hair]
Heartthrob and heartbreaker is a common comparison when it comes to the elusive Hale Heir; an individual that hasn’t let anyone near them— except for promises of a good time— since the accident seven years before. Will you be able to crack the shell— comprised of witty remarks, salacious smiles, and sly jokes— or will they forever remain an enigma to you?
“I don’t fall in love, don’t you get that?” The statement is practically hissed out as they turn away from you; one of their hands running through their curls. “I don’t do roses and moonlit dinners. I don’t do happily ever afters but God do I want to do that with you.”
Scott/Scarlett Reid [M/F] - The Scotsman
28 [5’11” | Blue-Green Eyes | Dark Auburn Hair]
An individual that was almost as new to the court season as you were. Hailing from a little town within Scotland; they find all of the intricacies of the people within the court to be quite amusing. With a warm smile, a welcoming air, and a genuine compassion for those around them, you weren’t surprised that many were quite taken with them already. Would you be the one to gain their attention?
“I may not have a lot of money, dearest one.” The admission, although you were well aware of the fact beforehand, causes them to pause slightly; the slightest furrowing of their brow becoming more pronounced. “But, I promise you that as long as I have you I could never be poor. You’re all the treasure I could ever ask for and more.”
Caelum/Caelya Lancaster [M/F] - The Sorcerer
??? [6’6” | Silver Eyes | Platinum Blonde Hair]
You’ve heard whispers your entire life about the magical entity that even your father fears; an entity that can make dreams come true as easily as they can turn them into nightmares. When you first meet them you weren’t expecting the being that greeted you. The chilling gaze, saccharine smile, and husky purr meshing into a package that could only ever be likened to them, which is why you could spot them so easily from across the ballroom.
“If you fulfill our deal, my little star, then you’ll live happily ever after with whatever creature you meet up above. But—” Their grin turns into a devious smirk as they lean closer; eyes flashing with warning as their voice drops to a low husk. “If you can’t then you’ll be mine and I don’t plan on letting you go.”
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Word: injured for Hannix
She was mad at herself for getting injured. She was mad at Hangman for treating her like a child. She was just mad.
Every four years, the Navy sent its pilots for a refresher training on how to escape a downed aircraft. Though many pilots dreaded the training course, which involved a good deal of disorientation after being flipped upside down and submerged in water, it had never been a problem for Phoenix in the past. She knew what an invaluable training it was, and she always passed with flying colors.
This year, however, she’d experienced an issue getting out of her harness. Though she didn’t want to admit it, it had caused her a momentary flash of panic. Once she did finally manage to unstrap herself, she’d been worried about making up for lost time and hadn’t been thinking as straight as she should have been. She’d sliced her hand on the window while trying to escape, blood immediately pooling around her in the water. The rescue swimmer on guard had been forced to jump in to assess her injuries, much to her humiliation.
And now, to her annoyance, Hangman hadn’t stopped fussing over her all night.
“Jake, I’m fine!” she snapped when he attempted to press ice to her bandaged hand for what felt like the hundredth time in the past two hours.
“You’re not fine. Stop being a pain in the ass,” Hangman retorted, reaching for her wrist again and holding her injured hand in his lap while he pressed the ice pack to it.
“You’re the one being a pain the ass! I said I’m fine. You just—”
“You scared the shit out of me today,” Hangman cut her off, lifting his head to meet her gaze. That quieted her immediately, so he continued. “When I realized how long it was taking you to get out, when I saw the blood—I almost jumped in there myself. I know you, Natasha. I know you’re mad at yourself and I know, as much as you don’t want to admit it, that you’re embarrassed about what happened today. But you shouldn’t be. And I know you hate feeling like other people are taking care of you, but tough. Because I am. Whether you like it or not,” he finished firmly, gently running his fingers over her injury.
Smiling despite herself, Phoenix nodded slightly and leaned forward to rest her forehead against his. “Have it your way, Bagman.”
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
the crimson shell (llll)
— pairing: jungkook x f!reader — genre: mermaid au, yandere au — w.c: 4.6k — warnings: explicit sexual content! heavy dub-con touching/intercourse, forced breeding, oviposition, mentions of death/violence, general yandere themes — notes: ah, here we finally are, the last part/finale to the story! please keep the warnings in mind, and don’t read this chapter if you’re uncomfortable with anything stated above!
Part I / II / III / IIII
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been here. After the second week of just blankly staring at the never changing cave walls surrounding you, you figured there was no point in keeping track of it. What good does it do you anyway? It’s not like counting the days will miraculously get you out of here. While you might not know the number, you do know that it’s been far too many. Your skin has grown pale and gaunt from the lack of sunshine and warmth you’re so used to, and the diet of raw fish hasn’t exactly been very kind to you. The cave is tall enough for you to stand up in comfortably, so at least your circulation isn’t completely shot, but you honestly lack the energy to stay on your feet for too long. Escaping, even just back up to the island, is your only chance at survival. You don’t think you’re going to last very long down here. It’s already gotten to the point where you’ve begun looking forward to Jungkook’s short daily visits, even just the sight of something almost human enough to keep you sane.
You let out a heavy sigh, the noise echoing around the cave as you lean back against the stone wall. Over the last couple of days, the creature has begun to bring you little treasures alongside with your food. You’re not exactly sure why, but it’s nice to have something to do – even if it’s just tracing the patterns on the lockets and pendants over and over. You run your fingers over the small pile of golden jewelry by your side, trying your best to keep your thoughts away from the people it must have belonged to. Jimin might have managed to get away, but you doubt the rest of them did. Two of the pendants in your pile belonged to the crew Jimin brought with him, and you suspect that if you give Jungkook a few more days, he’ll bring you the remaining three. As if you summoned him with your straying thoughts, a small splash in the water alerts you of the creature’s arrival. You turn your head just in time to see Jungkook hoisting himself up on the ledge, another fish and a new pendant dropped at your feet. You silently scoot closer to the edge, offering up your hand to the creature’s expectant red eyes. Jungkook nuzzles into your hand with a happy thrill, rubbing his cheek along your palm. You suppress a shudder at the sound, ignoring the soft skin underneath your fingertips as you stare at the headless fish at your feet. Sometimes you wish you could share the same fate as your food.
You let Jungkook cuddle your hand for as long as he wants, knowing that denying him will only make things worse for yourself. If you look past the sharp claws and teeth, Jungkook is hardly anything more than an oversized puppy. He seems to crave constant affection and confirmation that he’s done good when he brings you food or treasures. You think you might would have found it sweet if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s keeping you trapped here – and that he’s a monster. There’s nothing sweet or innocent about the creature in front of you. You let out a small breath of relief as Jungkook drops your hand, but he doesn’t immediately sink back down in the water as he normally does. You watch in confusion as he pushes the fish closer, the gold chain around it rattling as it drags against the stone. You hesitantly pick it up, praying that Jungkook isn’t going to stay here and watch you eat it. The raw fish already makes you nauseous, and there’s no way you’ll be able to stomach eating it with an audience. Especially one that likes to punish you when you do something he doesn’t like. Call you crazy, but you don’t think gagging at the food he brings you will make him very happy.
You slowly unwrap the chain, putting the fish back down to turn over the locket in your hands. You suck in a harsh breath at the familiar design at the front, the intricate carved flowers making bile rise in your throat. You had this made for Jimin years ago, back when you were still best friends.  You two stayed friendly even after you started drifting apart, but you figured he would’ve gotten rid of the locket by now. You can’t believe he kept it all this time. That he still wore it. Your hands shake as you gently pull on the clasp on the side, a strained sound leaving your lips as you flip it open. A picture of you and Jimin smiles back at you, your faces bright and carefree. Jimin has an arm slung around your shoulders, his eyes closed into little crescent moons from how hard he’s grinning at the camera. The pure happiness in the photo makes your heart clench. Despite knowing Jimin was the one who lead you here, you find yourself desperately missing him for a split second before you can catch yourself. God, maybe if you accepted that marriage proposal from the baker’s sleazy son last year you would’ve at least been safe. Home.
You’re yanked out of your thoughts as Jungkook tugs you closer to the ledge, a clawed hand quickly snatching the locket out of your grasp. He lets out a series of chirping noises as his red eyes drag from the locket to you, and Jungkook taps your smiling face in the photo before he does the same to your leg. You stare in bewilderment as the creature drops the locket back in your hands, his lips stretched into a nightmarish version of a smile before he lowers himself down in the water. You swear your heart stops the moment you see the rows of teeth lining his mouth, and it refuses to work again until Jungkook is fully submerged and swimming away. You hastily scoot back from the edge, the locket clutched tightly in your hand. A bitter smile graces your lips as it dawns on you that you’ve figured out how Jimin traded your life for his. The picture. While you can’t be sure of exactly how he managed to communicate with Jungkook, you’re sure that being stranded here for six months must’ve been more than enough time to figure out a way to converse without using actual words. With Jimin as living proof in front of him, the creature must’ve understood that it meant that you were real too. And that if he had managed to get Jimin, then there would be a way to get to you. It was probably easier for Jimin to trade your life for his when he had something tangible to show Jungkook, when he had proof in his hands that you were out there too. A part of you hopes that maybe Jimin tried to convince Jungkook to change his mind, to take someone else instead, but you have a feeling that even if he did, the creature wouldn’t have budged. From the time you’ve spent on the island it has become very clear that Jungkook is stubborn and used to getting what he wants – but you suppose that’s only natural for a creature like him. How can something tell you no when it has already been eaten?
Of course, Jimin had no way to be sure that you would set sail for Jungkook’s island. But, while there was no guarantee you would risk travelling that far, your old friend knew how desperate you were for money, and the lengths you were willing to go to keep your family afloat. You suppose he knew how easy it would be to trick you as long as there was a bit of gold involved, and Jimin was dripping in it when he came back. You just hope he at least had the decency to spare your family a gold ring or two after you left, considering he sacrificed you to go free. You toss the locket aside, not really caring where it ends up as long as it’s far away from you. You force yourself to take a few deep breaths, trying your best to quell the anger burning through your veins. Being mad at Jimin won’t do you any good while you’re stuck down here, so you allow yourself to whisper out a string of curses at the man before you lock away the heavy feeling of betrayal deep into your chest. Seeing Jimin’s smiling face has reignited your dwindling spirit, and you decide that you will get out of here, even if it is just to hunt Jimin down.
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The next time Jungkook comes back to visit you, there are no more treasures. Instead, your eyes widen in surprise as the creature gently places a familiar shell and pearl down by your feet, next to your twitching meal. You’re certain you left them near your bonfire higher up on the beach, but judging by the scratches and roughed up skin on Jungkook’s arms, it seems like the creature probably dragged himself all the way up there to get them. You feel your throat run dry at the thought, at the fact that you weren’t even as safe on land as you had first believed. If Jungkook was willing to bring himself up on land to get them, then you’re sure they must mean something important. It can’t be a coincidence that both the shell and the pearl have the same deep red colour as Jungkook’s tail and eyes, and come to think of it, didn’t your luck begin to turn after you picked up it that evening before you left?
Jungkook lets out a chirp as you pick up the shell, the creature leaning forward to rub his head against the back of your occupied hand. You eye him warily as your mind races through what has happened ever since you left home. You really, truly, hope that you’re wrong, but based on how everything started after you picked up the shell and how the creature acts – how he provides for you, how offended he acts when you push him away and how affectionate he is, you fear you might have accidentally accepted a courting offer. You’ve seen similar patterns in animals before, and while you’re not entirely sure what Jungkook really is, you think it’s safe to assume that the same thing might apply for him too. What you can’t really wrap your mind around is why he waited so long. It took weeks before you left after Jimin returned, and you were down by the beach every night. The unexplainable fear you felt was probably something deep inside of you that recognized that you were being watched by a predator – by him – but you didn’t know enough to connect the dots. Jungkook had many chances to grab you, but he didn’t. Not until you accepted his shell. Convenience maybe? That this whole trade was easier if he made you come to him? Or maybe some weird kind of custom his kind has? He is half human, after all. But you can’t be sure. If anything, Jimin could’ve at least had the decency to teach you how to converse with him if he was going to throw you to the sharks, or rather, Jungkook. Either way, you’re sure Jungkook would’ve eventually found a way to get to you even if you didn’t leave on that boat.
You’re shaken out of your thoughts when the feeling of soft skin leaves the back of your hand. The clicks falling from Jungkook’s lips are uncharacteristically soft as he pulls himself up on the ledge, those deep red eyes trained on yours as he tugs you closer. It only takes one hard yank before you find yourself caged in underneath Jungkook’s arms again, legs on either side of his waist. Your pulse quickens as you’re reminded of what happened the last time – you’re not exactly eager to pass out again from being smothered by his weight.  
You feel like you shouldn’t be surprised that Jungkook manages to carry his entire weight on one arm, while the other begins to roam across your body. After all, he did drag himself up on land and back, and the part you had on top of you last time was hardly anything. The weight of his entire tail must be extremely heavy out of water. You know the creature doesn’t like it when you don’t pay him attention, so you let your eyes rest on his collarbones, watching as a few drops of water run down his skin. Keeping eye contact is too intimidating, those deep red irises makes it feel like you’re staring right into the depths of hell.
You dig your fingers into your thighs as Jungkook’s hand dips under the torn fabric of your shirt, the unusual texture of the web between his fingers making you squirm uncomfortably as it drags over your skin. You’re very aware of the sharp claws hovering above your delicate stomach as he explores, but at least the creature knows to not let them touch. Jungkook’s hand trails over your sides, your stomach, all the way up to the underside of your breasts. You swallow thickly as a knuckle brushes against the soft flesh, Jungkook’s motion suddenly stilling at the contact. You’ve always managed to push him off before he’s gone any further, but you can feel the shift in the creature’s mood today. You know he’s not going to take no for an answer. But, that still didn’t prepare you for the sudden gush of wind brushing across your exposed chest, your shirt split clean in two with the help of Jungkook’s claws. Before you can scramble to cover up, Jungkook lets out an excited chirp, his hand quickly moving back to your chest. Your mind goes blank as he places his palm over one of your breasts, experimentally squeezing and massaging it as he watches you curiously. You grit your teeth as Jungkook plays with it, ignoring the little tingle of heat in your stomach whenever he does something your traitorous body likes.  
You try to convince yourself that Jungkook is probably just excited to see parts of a human body he hasn’t seen before, that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. Your breath hitches as the webbed texture between Jungkook’s fingers glide over your nipples, a soft moan falling from your lips before you can stop yourself. The noise only seems to spur him on more, Jungkook repeating the motion to hear the sound again. A harsh squeeze on your breast forces out another moan, your hands flying to Jungkook’s chest. Your fingers twitch against his skin, your head telling you to push him away, while the building heat in your stomach and the growing wetness between your legs wants him close to finish what he’s started. You settle for digging your hands into his skin, grounding yourself in his body, knowing that pushing him away won’t do you any good. Jungkook lets out a happy thrill at your touch, lowering himself closer to your body as his hand moves from one breast to the other. You can feel his eyes burning into your skin, your body growing warmer and warmer under his intense gaze. There’s too many sensations at once – cold water dripping against your overheating skin, Jungkook’s long hair tickling your face, the soft and rough skin of his hand squeezing and moving across your flesh. Your eyes glide shut before you can stop yourself, forgetting your own rule of never letting Jungkook out of your sight. It’s just .. too much. Your body doesn’t know whether to hate the attention or love it, your chest tight with disgust while your stomach swirls with pleasure. At least with your eyes shut, and as long as your hands stay on his chest, he feels human. Human enough to make this whole thing a little less horrible.
Your legs tense as you feel more of Jungkook’s weight against your body, his hips pressing down more firmly against yours. You don’t pay it too much attention at first, too occupied by the hand on your chest. At least, that’s until you feel his hips begin to slowly move back and fourth, grinding against your clothed core. Your eyes fly open at the sudden friction, head spinning as your walls clench with need. You’re sure the flimsy material of your trousers must be soaked by now, and the realization that this creature is the reason behind it makes your cheeks flush red with mortification. You stifle a gasp as Jungkook pinches your sensitive nipple between two fingers, another happy thrill filling the cave as he rolls his hips harder against your mound. You can feel the heat in your lower stomach building rapidly, the coil almost ready to snap when Jungkook suddenly stills. You push down the needy whine in your throat as Jungkook removes his hand from your body, the creature pulling himself up further on the ledge.
Your confusion dies as your eyes travel down a little further past his hips, the arousal you felt quickly washed away by terror as you notice a slit in his tail, and something extending out of it. You nearly choke on your own spit as it finally clicks, trying your best to scramble out from beneath Jungkook’s hold as his cock becomes fully unsheathed. Jungkook lets out a series of low, warning clicks at your struggle, his clawed fingers digging into your shoulders as his arms keeps you caged you in. You look down in horror as you feel him resume his grinding against your clothed sex. It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before. His cock is slightly tapered at the tip, growing thicker down against the base. What you thought was just some misplaced curiosity is obviously more than that, because now, there’s no doubt in your mind that Jungkook’s plan is to fuck you. You ignore the pain as sharp claws dig into your skin, trying your best to twist out of his hold. Logically you know there’s no place for you to run to down here, and that was probably what he wanted all along. Still, your heart hammers painfully against your chest, urging you to at least try.
You don’t succeed in doing much more than twisting yourself over on your stomach, fingers clawing at the stone in an attempt to pull yourself away. You barely have time to process the hiss leaving Jungkook’s throat before the remaining fabric of your trousers are sliced clean in two, leaving you completely bare. The next roll of his hips sends his cock rubbing over your ass, your body trembling at the wetness that seems to be coating it. The scales on his hips are rough and sharp as they drag over your soft skin, and you don’t doubt they'll feel like tiny little razors if you move against them wrong. You’re still trying to drag yourself away when Jungkook’s arms comes under your body, one wrapping underneath your arm to hold the opposite shoulder, and the other curling around your stomach. The creature lets out another hiss at your squirming, pulling your flush against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat against your back, the steady rhythm such a contrast to the wild beat of your own as he once again moves against your body. The new position sends his cock gliding between your legs, the shaft rubbing along your folds and coating it with the same slick fluid you felt on your skin. You dig your fingers into the stone floor, but your body is locked up tight against Jungkook. There’s nowhere for you to go.
Jungkook lets out another warning noise before he rolls his hips forward again, the tapered tip of his cock catching on your entrance. You let out a strangled moan as Jungkook’s cock sinks into your heat, your walls stretching around him as he pushes in deeper. Your arousal from earlier combined with the wetness around the creature’s cock makes the slide painless aside from the uncomfortable burn of being filled too much, too fast. Jungkook’s excited thrill at finally being buried inside your heat rings in your ear from the close proximity, his tongue dipping out to flick across the sheen of sweat at your nape. The creature begins pulling his hips back, not giving you any time to adjust before he snaps them forward. You let out a choked moan as he fills you up again, vision growing hazy as he sets a brutal pace from the get go. You can feel the harsh slap of his hips against your ass with every thrust, Jungkook letting out a pleased hiss as he continues to slam into you. You can feel the tapered length twitching and pulsing inside of you as he moves, more wetness seeping out of his cock to mix with your own. Every thrust leaves you gasping for breath, and the hold Jungkook has around your body feels like you’re wrapped up in steel. You have no choice but to lay there and take it, but as the creature’s cock nudges over your sweet spot repeatedly, you realize to your own horror that you like it.
Lost in a daze of arousal and fear, you don’t even realize the creature has been moving the both of you backwards until you’re suddenly plunged into the cold water. You let out a startled gasp as Jungkook’s length disappears from your heat, and you thread the water forcefully to keep your head above the ripples as you try to figure out where the creature went. You feel his hands before you see him, claws wrapping around your waist as Jungkook pushes you against the ledge. You let out a pained groan as your back collides with the stone, your hands scrambling up to grip the edge of it. You freeze as Jungkook’s head slowly emerges from the water, those deep red eyes looking hungrier and wilder than you’ve ever seen before. It only takes a moment before you feel the creature’s chest pressed against yours, his cock slipping in even easier with the new position. It doesn’t take many thrusts before you’re forced to wrap your legs around his waist to keep yourself afloat, your arms shaking with the effort of keeping your head over water. Your fingers slip a little against the wet stone, your eyes widening as you seem to sink even further down on Jungkook’s cock. You’ve never been so full before, almost delirious as he picks up his pace. Jungkook’s hands are relentless as they glide over your skin, pinching and rubbing every part of your body.
“F-fuck,” You moan as your clit rubs against his tail, the roughness of the scales making a bolt of arousal shoot through your body. You don’t even realize your hips are moving against his as the tightness in your gut grows, the pressure building more and more until it suddenly unravels, waves of pleasure ripping through your body and making you see stars as you come on Jungkook’s cock. The creature lets out something close to a growl as your walls clamp down around him, and he fucks you straight through your orgasm and into oversensitivity with an animalistic pace. You whine as Jungkook’s cock begin to swell, grow, his hands stilling on your hips to pull you flush against him as he comes. He lets out a pleased chirp as the burning hot come floods your insides, a broken moan escaping your lips as Jungkook slows down the harsh pace. It’s done, you think, relieved. He’ll probably leave you alone now. So it confuses you when Jungkook’s eyes slide shut, soft clicks leaving his lips as he pushes you even harder against the stone behind you. He’s still working his hips in and out of your heat, and you realize that even though he just came, his cock is still hard and growing, still stretching your walls.
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you feel something moving up Jungkook’s cock, a firm but soft sphere spurting from the tip and into you. It takes a second for your hazy mind to connect the dots, and you realize a little too late that the creature is laying eggs. Inside of you. Jungkook is breeding you. You desperately try to push against his chest as you feel the second egg travel up his cock, but Jungkook only tugs you closer, tucking his face into the crook of your neck as his chest rumbles. You stifle back a moan as the second egg joins the first, the foreign texture brushing along your sensitive walls. The creature purrs as he released another spurt of eggs, slowly grinding his cock back and fourth as he breeds you. You cling on to the ledge behind you, disgust and pleasure wracking through your body as another egg joins the rest. A deeper click, something almost close to a groan, falls from Jungkook’s lips as he forces the last egg into your tight heat. Your eyes nearly roll back as you feel his cock nudge against your cervix; Jungkook’s slow pace fucking the eggs around inside of you. If you thought you felt full before, it’s nothing compared to being stuffed to the brim with Jungkook’s thick cock, eggs and come.
You can feel Jungkook’s breath ghost across your exposed wet skin, the harsh puffs of air sending chills down your back. Your hands finally slip from the ledge, too exhausted to keep you up anymore. Before you can wrap your shaking arms around Jungkook’s shoulders, the creature suddenly detangles you from his body, quickly hoisting you back up on the ledge. You let out shaky moan Jungkook’s cock once again slips from your heat, your body feeling surprisingly empty despite the eggs still resting inside of you.
“Shit,” You hiss as you strain to push yourself up on your elbows, gliding a hand down to your stomach. You can feel them inside of you when you press down, little bumps gliding around under your fingertips. Panic builds under your skin – you have to get them out. There has to be a reason you’ve never heard of creatures like Jungkook before. You doubt you're compatible to carry his eggs, and you don’t even know what will happen once they begin to grow. And even if you were, it’s not like you want them. Just as your hand is about to slip down to your slick folds, Jungkook hoists himself up from the water, once again covering your body. He snatches your hand away with a series of threatening clicks, barring his sharp teeth as he lies down on top of you. You twist your head with a fearful whimper as Jungkook pushes your hand into his hair instead, the weight of his body not totally crushing, but still enough to make you feel lightheaded.
You squeeze down around the eggs without meaning do, bile rising in your throat as they catch on your entrance, too big to push out without any help. Your eyes land on the crimson shell and pearl pushed over to the side of the cave. Your chest feels tight as it dawns on you that while the shell were likely a courting offer; the pearl must’ve been a mating offer. And you had accepted both. Your eyes begin to sting as you feel Jungkook’s chest rumble against yours, the pleased purrs making you feel sick. You hesitantly shift your gaze back to him, curling your fingers painfully tight into the wet locks underneath your palm as you find those deep red eyes already staring back at you. A twisted rendition of a smile blooms on his face, the rows of sharp teeth glistening as he looks down at you. The message in his gaze is clear – you’re keeping the eggs.
And there’s no way he’s letting you go.
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a/n: oh boy. hopefully only those of you that were okay with the warnings made it this far. because i know i’ll get questions: jk fertilized his own eggs when he bred y/n, and y/n will basically serve as an incubator (poor girl lmao) for a while. she’ll push the eggs out eventually and then the eggs will hatch on their own. and no – i have no plans of doing jk’s pov any time soon, and it’s up to you to imagine y/n’s fate. anyway!! i hope you uhh, enjoyed this! and thank you for all the love and support for this mini series, it means a lot to me!  as always, see you all soon and stay safe! and in case you enjoy my stories and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here! 💖
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Hot Springs (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)
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Word Count: 2,570
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, bad language, public, my shit writing, Ushijima being a beautiful man
Summary: You couldn’t remember the last time you and Ushijima got to spend proper time together, so when he suggests going to the hot springs for a date how could you refuse? Although, you two are doing a bit more than just enjoying the hot water. 
GUYS! I know it’s been a fucking minute😫 I’m still trying to get my shit together for school lmao. BUT I’ve been working on this fic for a while tbh, I was just never motivated to finish it until recently. I apologize in advance if it’s trash😂 BUT, I do have a couple of things to go over. First of all, thank you guys so much for being patient with me the past couple of weeks, I’ve definitely missed putting content out to you guys, I’ve just been super busy with life and school. Second of all, I know I have requests sitting in my inbox, I will do them. Eventually. The only reason why I’m even posting something new is because this story was already in the works, so since it’s done I decided to post it (it’s probably garbage idk lol). Third of all, I love you guys so much  😘😘😘😘 it’s been such a joy writing for you all, and I hope I continue to put out content you guys enjoy! As always, this story is dedicated to @sunshinewitchz​ because she’s the biggest Wakatoshi simp I know, and I love her so much and her endless support. 
I hope you guys enjoy the story! Please let me know what you think of it😊😊
“- Would you like to go?” Ushijima’s deep voice filtered through your ears; although you only heard the last part, you had no idea what he had said beforehand.
 “Hmm?” you finally looked up at him, the paint brush in your hand stilled.
 A soft frown coated his lips, sometimes you were far too engrossed in your art projects. Usually he didn’t mind, today was different though. It had been two weeks since the last time he had seen you, both of you far too busy to make time to spend together.
 Of course, he would want your undivided attention, he missed you. 
 “I’m sorry Toshi, what were you saying?” you smiled sheepishly at him, carefully setting down the paintbrush, your eyes focused on him completely now.
 “The hot springs. Do you want to go?” He asked again, his eyes flickering over your face.
 Your lips pursed, your brain wracking through the dates to make sure you didn’t already have a prior commitment. “When?”
 He let out another sigh, Ushijima loved you deeply, but when painting was involved… well, you were in a completely different world to the point that it was hard to hold a conversation with you.
 But he also loved your passion for it, he loved how talented you were, how confident you were in your skills. It was proven time and time again whenever you produced your master pieces.
 Although, all your artwork in his eyes were masterpieces.
 You were the best masterpiece of all. Ushijima could stare at you for hours, he could watch you paint for hours, but right now, he wanted to be your sole focus.
 “Do you want to go to the hot springs with me tomorrow?” he asked once more.
 “Okay.” You smiled brightly at him, you didn’t have anything to do tomorrow, except to drop off a painting. Any chance you got to spend with Ushijima you would take. 
 “Okay.” he repeated, a soft smile coating his lips. “Finish up, we’ll go get food once you’re done.”
 You definitely loved Ushijima.
 “Ushijima-senpai! Y/n-senpai!” Goshiki exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here!?”
 “Your grandma asked for a commission piece! I’m just dropping it off now.” You smiled widely. “I didn’t know you would be here today!”
 “I-I’m just visiting.” he stuttered out, his eyes awkwardly flickering over to Ushijima who paid him no mind, his eyes scanning the outer exterior of the house.
 “I need to collect the money; do you know where she is?” You asked sweetly.
 “She’s out in the garden, please come in.” He said awkwardly, stepping aside. 
 “I won’t be long Toshi!” You said cheerfully, pardoning yourself before you entered the home, leaving Goshiki and Ushijima standing at the entrance.
 “This is nice wood, is it oak?” Ushijima asked suddenly, his eyes tracing over the large door.
 “I don’t know Senpai…”
 Silence once again surrounded them, but like you had said, the exchange didn’t take too long as you came walking up to the volleyball players cheerfully.
 “All set Toshi! Let’s head out yeah?” you smiled up at him.
 He nodded before taking your hand into his and waving goodbye at the male.
 “Bye Goshiki! See you around!” you called out behind your shoulder.
 Sometimes it was a wonder how you and Ushijima ended up together. The concept of “opposites attract” seemed to be in play for this. 
 Your bright and bubbly personality contrasted greatly with his. Ushijima’s blunt and rough exterior was the complete opposite of your gentle and easygoing one. 
 However, you guys shared one trait, and that was the undeniable confidence you guys had in your skills. Ushijima with volleyball, and you with art.
 But despite the contrasting personalities, your relationship worked, the love and respect you guys had for one another was always present.
 “That was really nice of that lady to give us our own spring. I didn’t even know that a place like this could have private ones!” You said happily as you guys walked towards the changing rooms.
 “Yeah.” Ushijima nodded briefly, “see you in a bit.”
 You grinned at him widely before skipping off into your own changing room. 
 You bummed softly to yourself as you began undressing. The showers felt incredible against your skin and you couldn’t help but sigh in content, a trip to the hot springs was something that you definitely needed after working so hard on your commissions.
 You carefully wrapped yourself in the towel and started heading towards the spring. The change in temperature caused a shiver to run through your body, shuddering gently as the steam curled around your damp shoulders. You breathed in the soft scent of earth, sighing softly as your body relaxed in the hot springs air. 
 Your eyes scanned over the area, before pausing on a figure that left your heart racing and your stomach flipping.
 Ushijima paid no attention to his surroundings; his stare was focused on the scenery before him. But that gave you plenty of time to drink in the tall male before you.
 He was truly the most beautiful person you’ve ever met before. His broad shoulders and rippling back muscles were completely exposed to your greedy eyes. 
 How you ended up with such a beautiful man was beyond your comprehension. 
 “What are you waiting for?” His deep voice filtered through the air, your gaze met his olive eyes and you felt your face flush immediately.
 “Just appreciating the view.” You said cheekily before dropping your towel and settling yourself down into the water.
 A long sigh escaped your lips as you submerged yourself completely. This was heaven; you couldn’t remember the last time you had been to the hot springs, and the fact that you got to spend it with the man you loved the most, it was definitely pure heaven.
 “The scenery is very nice here.” he agreed, eyes scanning over the area once more.
 You laughed softly at his statement, your hand gently pressing into the bulging muscle of his bicep. “I wasn’t talking about the scenery. I was talking about you Toshi.” 
 Ushijima felt his expression soften considerably as he looked down at you. You were resting your head against his arm, your eyes closed in absolute bliss.
 This time Ushijima decided  to scan over you, and fuck… you were the best thing he’s ever seen.
 His eyes drank in every inch of your beautiful face, his gaze trailing over the strands of wet hair clinging to your face, wrapping around your collarbone and then your shoulders and…
 He shamelessly stared at your exposed breasts. He could feel his heart rate beginning to pick up as he started to register in his mind that you… no both of you were extremely bare to one another.
 Ushijima couldn’t understand this sudden shyness that began to bubble up in his gut. He had seen you bare so many times before, he’s touched you so many times before, he’s had you in every way that he could think of; and yet… What was this sudden rush of arousal spiking through his blood right now?
 Your eyes fluttered open and met intense olive colored ones staring right back. You felt your mouth go dry, your stomach twisting in a way that was all too familiar.
 The only times Ushijima has ever looked at you like that was when…
 “What is it, Wakatoshi?” You teased slightly, the flush in your face was something that you could blame on the hot water, not the fact that your hunk of a boyfriend was blatantly staring at you like he wanted to devour you whole.
 “You’re beautiful.” he said simply, reaching out to tug on a strand of your wet hair. His strong, thick fingers gently began trailing against the skin of your throat, skimming across your collarbone. Despite the hot water, you couldn’t help but shiver at his gentle touch. 
 “I meant… is there something that you want Wakatoshi?” You asked, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you stared at him through your lashes.
 “You. Always you.” he answered simply; his large hand curving gently around your jaw, cupping your face carefully.
 Your stomach twisted pleasantly, an all too familiar burn bubbling deep within your gut, but also... your heart. Once again you were in awe of the man before you, the amount of love you held for him was far too much for your heart to contain, bubbling up and spilling over the longer you looked at him.
 “You have me.” you said quietly, carefully pressing yourself closer to him, your hands rested gently against the bare skin of his chest, strong and oh so broad.
 “Then kiss me.” he demanded, olive eyes burning into yours. Love and passion could clearly be seen in them.
 So, you did. Your hands grabbing at his strong jaw, forcing him to stoop down to your level so you could properly kiss him.
 Kissing Ushijima was possibly the best thing on the planet, his lips were full and strong as they moved against yours, unhurried, but incredibly needy and forceful. 
 His tongue licked against your mouth, hot and wet and deliciously perfect. You eagerly pressed yourself against his large body, melting against him completely. You were too hot, your body overheating immediately.
 It was from the hot springs, right? Not from the hunk of a man that was currently grabbing at your bare waist and yanking you tighter against him, right? 
 Your head spun dizzily, pleasure rippling through your body, a soft whimper tearing through your throat as you felt his growing member press tight against your thigh.
 Ushijima heard you, his grip on your body tightened slightly as he continued to devour your mouth. He began moving you, carefully backing you up further away from the deep end of the hot spring, and then your body was being lifted up until you were no longer in the hot water, rather, you were now sitting on the ledge of the hot springs.
 Goosebumps erupted across your skin, your nipples hardening into pebbles under Ushijima’s watchful eyes.
 From your perched position on the rocks you could easily kiss Ushijima and he could easily…
 “W-What are you doing?” you whimpered out, the back of your hand coming up to cover your mouth, your heart was racing, faced flush, as you stared at the tall male.
 His large hands were gripping your thighs, carefully moving them apart, his eyes gazing hungrily at your weeping cunt.
 “What does it look like I’m doing?” he asked slowly, and then he was stooping down until his face was between your legs… a hot, fat, tongue sliding up your slit.
 You gasped loudly, eyes fluttering shut, as you leaned back on one of your elbows, your hand covering your mouth shot out and tangled into his damp hair.
 Ushijima hummed slightly, tongue gently flickering against your throbbing clit. 
 He wanted to do this here? Now?
 A thick finger slid easily into your wet entrance, causing your thighs to tremble at the sudden intrusion.
 Apparently yes. Yes, he did.
 When you finally opened up your eyes, the scene before you was absolutely sinful. Your swollen lips parted in awe as you made eye contact with Ushijima.
 His pupils were dilated, the soft olive color completely gone. His wet hair clung to his face, you could see his tongue flickering in and out of his mouth as he continued to eat you out.
 How was he so fucking perfect?
 “Toshi… please.” you begged, pressure beginning to build up, you were so close, but you wanted him. You wanted his thick cock to stretch you out completely right now.
 “Is there something you want?” he asked, voice deep and thick with arousal. His plush lips were wet, coated in your slick.
 Oh fuck.
 How did he look so fucking good between your legs?
 “You. Please. No more foreplay, I want you inside me already, please.” you trembled, watching as he stood to full height.
 Your eyes greedily ran down his naked body. He was just so… so fucking big, in so many ways.
 The strong muscles of his arms, his chest, his stomach, stood proudly on display for you. But as your eyes traveled lower; you could almost drool over the sight of his erect cock, standing proud and ready to be engulfed in your tight heat.
 His fist enclosed over his hard member, pumping up and down his shaft a couple of times before he finally stepped between your trembling legs. Carefully rubbing the head of his cock against your soaked folds, your eyes fluttered at the touch.
 But then with a quick snap of his hips he entered you, bottoming out immediately. 
 His lips slammed down against yours, muffling the loud moan that was about to escape your lips.
 Fuck, you were so full. No matter how many times Ushijima had you, you could never quite get used to his large size. 
 It was almost too much. But he knew that, which was why he waited for a moment, allowing you the time to get used to thick intrusion.
 One of his large hands grabbed at your hip, the other was resting near your head against the ground.
 After a few moments, your legs wrapped around his thick waist, a silent invitation that he could start moving.
 Ushijima didn’t even hesitate, his hips snapping forward, his cock pressing into the deepest part of your tight heat.
 The pace of his thrusts was unhurried, as if he had all the time in the world to fuck you, despite the fact that you guys were at a hot spring.
 “Do you hear that?” he murmured; soft squelching could be heard from your lower region. You were absolutely soaked, drenching his thick cock as he slid in and out of you perfectly. 
 You gripped at his broad shoulders helplessly, soft whimpers escaping your lips as you trembled under his large body.
 It was too much… the hot springs, his body, his kisses, the grunts that were coming from his lips, the fact that your boyfriend was fucking you in a public place…
 “I’m close.” you squeaked out, nails digging into his skin. The familiar burn, the ache for release; was coming up quickly.
 His deep thrusts began to speed up, his hips hammering into you.
 “Then cum.” he demanded, his hand reaching down to rub harshly at your swollen clit. 
 So, you did, gushing around him easily, your slick coating his hard member. He grunted loudly, immediately pulling himself out of you, his fist once again enclosing around his member as he hurriedly pumped himself, searching for release.
 Thick ropes of his warmth shot onto your lower belly, hot and heavy against your skin. 
 You watched tiredly as he brushed the wet hair away from his forehead, his eyes trailing over your bare body, a soft expression easily covering his face now. Carefully he pulled you back into the water, situating you on his lap easily as you rested your head against his strong chest.
 You sighed in content as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
 “I love you Wakatoshi.” you said quietly, you peered up at him, a sweet smile coating your lips.
 “I love you too.” he said eyes flickering down at you, a small smile appearing on his face.
 A trip to the hot springs was definitely a good idea. 
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delimeful · 3 years
(dont) take this the wrong way (5)
warnings: injury, blood mentions, past psychological&emotional&physical abuse, ptsd, sickness
Virgil woke up, which was only unsurprising for the few moments it took him to 1. realize that his head was pounding and 2. remember the two very large reasons why.
His eyes flew open, and he found himself half-submerged in a shallow pool of cool water, surrounded by flat ledges of dry rock. The sound of ocean waves lapping against the cliffside echoed around the cavern, which was dimly lit by overhead cracks in the ceiling.
In one of these beams of paltry light, Logan was slumped over on his side, glasses askew. Virgil’s relief at seeing him was instantly overshadowed by terror at what could have happened to the human after Virgil had gone and gotten his skull knocked against rock.
His headache worsened, and he lifted a hand to press against the sore spot, pausing when he found more of those stiff bandage strips wrapped around his head.
The soft sloshing of water seemed to be enough to startle Logan into wakefulness, and the human brightened slightly at the sight of him. “Virgil. It’s good to see you awake. Are you feeling any pain or nausea?”
“What happened?” Virgil replied in lieu of the real answer, which was ‘everything hurts’. “Where are we, I thought we were dead for sure—!”
“Take a few deep breaths,” Logan advised, shuffling closer to the pool and offering a hand. Virgil took it gratefully. “We’re not currently in any danger. I believe we’re at the home of the seal-hybrid mer, if—“
“We’re what?!” Virgil’s voice dropped to a horrified double pitch, his grip on Logan’s hand instantly turning crushing.
“Ow,” Logan said in a pointed monotone. Virgil eased up before his claws could turn the human’s palm into bloody ribbons. “Let me finish, please. I’ve managed to work out a rudimentary method of communication, and as far as I know, we’re not currently at risk.”
“From the giant mer-eating monsters that literally kidnapped us, you mean?”
“Yes, that was the potential risk I was referring to.” Logan pulled Virgil further upright, reaching out with his free hand. “More importantly, you’ve been out for some time. Will you allow me to take a look at your injury?”
Virgil shuffled a little closer, allowing the hand to make contact with him. He had traversed currents of all temperatures, but in chilled still waters like this, Logan’s warmth was more than welcome. “I dunno how that’s more important than our inevitable, rapidly-approaching deaths, but sure, fine. Knock yourself out.”
“I will not? You are already dealing with a likely concussion, I see no reason to double that number.” Logan squinted at him like he was concerned that the head wound had taken a worse toll than he’d thought.
“No, it’s-- it’s just an expression. Don��t actually pass out, or I’ll freak out.”
“Ah,” Logan acknowledged, his hand twitching like he wanted to grab something before returning to carefully peeling the bandages away. “My apologies. Colloquialisms are not my strong suit.”
Virgil blinked back at him, because five syllable words were a little much even when he wasn’t concussed. “No worries?”
Logan continued to gently probe the back of his head. A sharp pang made him jerk away with a muted hiss, his vision blurring with pain as the sharp motion only agitated all his other cuts. He waved off Logan’s apology before it was fully formed. “S’fine. What’s the damage?”
“The bleeding has stopped, which is a good sign. It’s swelled significantly, but the cool water is hopefully helping reduce that as well. The best course of action now is for you to rest and recover in a dark, quiet place, ideally for at least two full days.”
“Yeah, but that’s not happening unless we get away first,” Virgil shot back, irritably twitching his fins down as Logan rewrapped the injury. The human let out a slow breath.
“Virgil. I believe the situation isn’t as dire as you think.” He settled back on his heels, back stiff as he spoke. “Our captors have shown no signs of aggression or hunger, even with the significant bleeding from your head wound. It’s possible--”
“It’s not possible!” Virgil cut him off, scowling fiercely. “That doesn’t mean anything. They’re playing some kind of sick game the way they always do, and if you let them trick you, you’re going to lose!”
Logan looked back at him inquisitively, still not getting it. “What evidence are you basing this off of? I was under the impression that you’ve spent only marginally more time in their company than me. Have they attempted to trick you in the past?”
“Yes, no, I mean--,” Virgil groaned, pulling at his bangs. “They don’t have to say it. That’s just how giants like them operate. We’re smaller, they can do what they want to us, we don’t get a say in it. You escape or you die.”
“Yet, we’ve been in their admittedly less-than-ideal care for over 24 hours, and they haven’t hurt us or made any indications they intend to hurt us.” Logan gestured expansively, his hand a bit wobbly. “That’s a rather long time to pretend, and for what purpose? If it was what they desired, we have been easy targets for a meal from the moment they relocated us.”
A rather long time to pretend. Virgil swallowed down a hysterical laugh, feeling dizzy. If a day of false niceties was all it took to buy his trust, he’d have never gotten away from his first encounter with a giant mer. “You’re— you’re human. You don’t know anything about this.”
Logan frowned. “I may be human, but that does not make me an idiot. Even with a language barrier, body language and expression are invaluable tools for communication, and I’ve been doing very little but observe them while you were unconscious. Virgil, if you just tried talking to them—“
“No!” he snapped, curling in even as his fins flared wide and threatening. He wouldn’t do this again, wouldn’t be subjected to the world’s most torturous game of catch and release, wouldn’t be lured back into too-tight hands by false promises and meaningless apologies. He couldn’t do that again.
Measured, rhythmic tapping on the back of his hand slowly brought him back to the present, cool air and Logan’s steady voice by his side. His throat was closed-up-too-tight, his gills too far out of the water to switch lungs— but the rhythm was counted out over and over, breathe in, hold, and out.
“There you go,” Logan said as Virgil took in another long, shuddering drag of air. “Well done.”
The air smelled like iron. He realized that somewhere in the past few minutes, he’d dug his claws into the soft sides of the human’s hand, drawing blood. He pulled away as though he’d been burned.
Logan didn’t even twitch, still searching his gaze intently. “Are you with me?”
Virgil nodded stiffly. “Yeah, I— fuck, I’m sorry.”
“No, I shouldn’t have pushed you. I didn’t realize— but I should have.” A deep, resolved breath. “It’s okay. I’ll find you a way out that doesn’t involve interacting with them.” Logan’s gaze went distant and hazy with thought, and Virgil hesitantly drew closer, pulling a bandage free to wrap around his bleeding hand.
… He was really warm. Clammy, too, and he’d been sitting in a cold, wet cave for hours, hadn’t he? Had been completely drenched for even longer.
“You’re sick,” Virgil said, and Logan took a moment too long to refocus on him. How had it taken him so long to notice? “That’s why you need me to talk to them. You need to get home.”
“My illness is no more severe than your injuries,” he deflected, adjusting his glasses clumsily. “Right now, the priority is getting you away from triggering circumstances. If my suspicions are correct, I will be fine regardless.”
Right. His suspicions, based on his willingness to trust his own abductors. He’d trusted Virgil, too, back in those tunnels. He’d known that he might be abandoned and he’d freed Virgil anyways, taken his hand anyways. Gotten hurt for his trouble.
He’d get hurt worse if Virgil left him here.
“... Yeah,” Virgil said, tucking the edge of the bandage in carefully. “But you should sleep for now. We both should. You said they haven’t done anything yet, right?”
“Yes, but…,” Logan’s brow was furrowed slightly, as though he knew something was off, but wasn’t quite sure what. “I mean, you do need rest. If… If you’re sure.”
“I am,” Virgil replied, curling against the edge of the pool and pillowing his head on his arms to hide their shaking. “Get some sleep, Specs.”
It was early morning when Patton woke to the splash of something small dropping into the water from his air room.
The room wasn’t overly large, being designed only for occasional use when he needed some extra oxygen in his system. It was also quite a few caves up above his sleeping den, but with two delicate little guests staying over, his senses were on high alert. He disentangled from Roman, who had been clinging to him for extra warmth, waking the shark mer in the process.
“Mwha’huh?” he asked groggily, and Patton chuckled at the way one side of his hair had been pressed into a tangled bundle.
“I think they may be awake!” he reported quietly, and Roman perked right up. They had originally hovered in the room over the two of them, only leaving after the human-- busy tending to the tiny mer’s wounds-- had gotten too fed up and used charades to shoo them away, leaving them with nothing to do but sit around and think about how badly they’d messed up. As such, they were both more than eager to start fixing things.
Upon popping up into the air room, however, they found only the human, lying completely still apart from the slow rise and fall of his chest. Deep in sleep, with an empty pool at his side.
Roman and Patton exchanged a panicked look, and ducked back underwater to search through his home and see where, exactly, the injured mer had gone.
It didn’t take long to spot him. The mer had practically every fin and frill puffed out, even the ones that were still injured. The threat display as eye-catching as they got.
He was hovering in the opening of a vent crevice, one that helped circulate seawater through the caves. It was small enough that if he vanished through it, they wouldn’t be able to stop him or see where he was headed. He knew it, too, staring them down with sharp defiance rather than absolute terror.
“Don’t move,” he said, as though they hadn’t both frozen at the sight of him. “I’m going to-- to make a deal with you.”
“A deal?” Roman asked, and received a sharp, wild-eyed glare for his troubles.
“Yeah, a deal. The other one is sick,” a slight jerk of the head toward the air room, “so he won’t last long here. Probably already too far gone to even play a single game.”
Patton was torn between concern (the human was sick?) and confusion. Game?
“But I’m fine. I’ve had much worse than this.” The mer drifted back slightly, closer to the crevice. “If I leave now, you’ll never find me, and then Lo-- the human will die, and you won’t have anything to play with.”
A creeping sense of dread overcame Patton. He still didn’t know what was going on, but it was sounding more and more like something was seriously wrong here.
“So, a deal. You take the human back to where you found him, and I’ll stay-- I’ll stay here,” his voice cracked painfully, but he ignored it, staring at them with a desperate sort of intensity. “With you. I won’t try to get away or anything. I-- I swear.”
“Get away?” Roman asked, his voice going high with the same sort of horror that currently swamping Patton. The mer ducked back at the sound, gaze flitting between them, some of that terror returning.
“I will! I’ll leave, if you-- you can either have one or none, that’s the deal, I’m not kidding. I’m not!” His fins flared wider, blood beginning to leak from some of them. “He’s human anyways, he can barely even swim, you don’t want him--”
“Kiddo,” Patton cut in urgently, raising his hands peacefully and trying not to wince when the mer flinched, “if he’s sick, of course we’ll take him back to where he can get help. No deals necessary, okay?”
The little guy didn’t look reassured at all. “I want to watch. I have to see you put him back, where other humans will find him, or else the deal’s off.”
He didn't believe them. Patton exchanged a helpless look with Roman, who finally nodded.
“Of course,” the shark mer said, “You are more than welcome to accompany us back to the mainland where Patton found him, provided that you’re not exacerbating your injuries.”
The mer hissed at him, a tiny, reedy sound. “And whose fault is that?”
“Irresponsible human fishing vessels?” Roman tried, and then wilted under both Patton and the mer’s looks when the joke fell flat. He cleared his throat. “It is, of course, mine. I wanted to apologize for the way I manhandled you before. Regardless of my intentions, it was unbefitting behavior, and it hurt you. I am truly sorry.”
He bowed with a little flourish, moving slower than normal. The mer stared at his bowed head apprehensively, and then covered the look up with a distrustful scowl.
“If you’re sorry, get Logan out of this place before he gets any worse,” he finally replied, and Patton nodded and went to retrieve the human-- Logan, presumably.
Glancing over his shoulder as he left, he could see the way the tiny mer’s fins had settled just slightly, not quite as frantically overextended as before.
It was a start.
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Breathe (This love pt. 5)
Bucky x Reader
Set during Endgame
Look out for: Stubborn dad Thor, and 40s Bucky.
Previous Chapter
None of you thought it was going to end that way.
When Carol, a new friend of yours, found Tony in space with one of Thanos’ daughters, there was a spark of hope within you. But when your adoptive father chopped the titan’s head off out of rage, you knew you had to go back to the people who might be able tell you what’s next.
To visitors, the Norns’ cave felt eerie. But stepping in it for the first time after Thor took you under his care, it still felt like home. You could already feel the Norns’ presence despite not being submerged in the pool of water.
You smile at the memory of how they have the reputation of being cruel and torturous to anyone they possess, when they have never been less than gentle to you. Dipping your right leg first, you instantly felt how they made the water warmer. Walking into the middle, you waited for them to enter your consciousness.
Taking a deep breath, you laid yourself back and relaxed enough for your body to start floating on water. Then you felt them.
“We’ve been expecting you, child.” Your voice blended with theirs once they spoke up.
I’ve been meaning to visit you. I’m sorry I didn’t go sooner. You replied in your thoughts.
“You feel... broken.”
A titan got hold of the stones and snapped the universe’s population in half. I- I lost most of my family.
“We know. And now you’re here because your heart cannot rest.”
What can you tell me?
“There is a man...”
Of course, there is. You caught yourself thinking. There was a pang in your chest when you remembered how amused you were when one of your Midgardian friends rolled her eyes and said that phrase.
“Now is not the time, Y/N.” They snapped at you.
Sorry. Please continue.
“The man is stuck in a realm in Midgard, and he’s on his way.”
There is a realm within the Midgard realm? Confusion laced your thoughts.
“But remember child, it is not until resentment within your family is put aside, that you would have even an ounce of chance to fix everything.” You think back to how Stark still isn’t speaking to anyone of you. Yiu haven’t heard from him for years now.
How can I fix us?
“You can’t meddle in this one Y/N. It is only with time that the rough patch would heal.” you sighed in frustration but found yourself agreeing. If it’s for the best, then you’ll let time take its course.
“Now, you are banned from leaving the cave until you tell us about this Bucky that’s plaguing your mind.”
When you were first introduced you as Thor’s adopted daughter to the Asgardians, they were polite but you could feel that they were still unsure of you. But with spending time with helping them fish and being patient enough to teach them the Midgardian lifestyle, they now treated you as their own princess despite not being of royal blood. But since Thanos, Thor has been more distant – leaving responsibilities to you and Val.
For five years, you tried to appear as if you were doing better than most. And after taking time to just wallow in sadness for a while, you finally started visiting Nat and Steve from time to time. You were glad to hear that Steve was going to therapy, and you know he means well when he drops hints that you should go with him and join his sessions, but you always gave lame excuses, and often diverted away from any topic that would involve Bucky.
Nat however, has never been one to shy away from calling you out. “I know there’s a part of you that still blames yourself for not bending his blood and brains out.” she once confronted you when you were lounging on the couch, day drinking and eating sandwiches. You sat up and gave her a sad smile, your eyes tearing up.
“Damn it Nat, I came here to drink, not to get therapy from you.” you chuckled, grimacing at how forced it sounded.
“But it was never your fault. Believe me when I say that we all blamed ourselves at some point.” She continued, and your eyes teared up.
In the last five years you thought no one could see that you’ve been beating yourself up for not getting to where Steve and Thor were sooner. You thought that maybe if you had, you would’ve stopped Thanos, and half of the world, including Bucky, would still be here.
“Sometimes I wake up thinking I’m still in Wakanda, and that this has all been a nightmare.” you breathed out, feeling yourself about to break down for the first time. “I can’t find myself to stop waiting for him even if I don’t know if we could ever bring everybody back.” you finally admitted.
“Y/N -”
“Nat, the worst part is that I never got to tell him I love him. I know he knew and didn’t feel the same way. But I still wish I got to.” tears were starting to spill from your eyes, and Natasha was quick to get the drink from your hand before it spilled, and take you in her arms for comfort.
If you were to be completely honest, half the reason you go out of your way to visit Nat and Steve, was so you could also visit The Smithsonian Institution, and just... look at him. You’ve read what was written about him over and over, but it wasn’t enough to replace the yearning that you have inside.
In your sleep you can sometimes still see him just seconds before the blip. On other nights, it’s just the image of him sleeping soundly – his lips parted slightly, and his breathing getting steadier by the minute, the crease between his brows relaxed, and his hair pushed and tied at the back after you offered to - a sight you’ve engraved in your mind after many nights of comforting him following a nightmare.
“He loved you too, Y/N”. Steve spoke out from the doorway, seeing your state. “Maybe not like the way you do, but I know he does. And today I went out for a walk and -”
“Steve, if you’re about to tell her to look on the bright side, I’m about to hit you on the head with a PeanutButter sandwich.” Nat cut him off.
But then everyone’s attention snapped to Nat’s desk, where a notification pinged. It says that someone was outside. Sliding on the call, there was a man outside, asking if anyone was at home. You know you’ve seen his face before, and after he finally said his name, you remembered who he is.
“Is this an old message?” Steve asked after a few seconds in shock.
“It’s the front gate.”
“I’ll do it too.” You spoke up to the group.
The team was going to have two tests – one where it would be a quick time on wherever the test subject would want to go, and if it’s successful, the second would leave the test subject longer in the timeline they choose. And you just volunteered yourself right after Clint.
“No, I forbid you.” Thor spoke up from his seat. Everybody turned their attention to him in surprise. All along they thought he was asleep because he had sunglasses on and was unresponsive.
He stood abruptly and came closer to you. “This is non-negotiable, Y/N. I’ve already lost enough; I can’t lose you too." Your eyes welled with tears in surprise. For the last five years he’s managed to shut everyone out including you – leading you to believe that he doesn’t care anymore and just hasn’t kicked you out, out of honor.
“We’ll let you both talk first.” You heard Steve say in a low voice, ushering everyone else out of the room.
Thor grunted and moved away back to his seat, still wearing his glasses, while you stayed standing, leaning in the corner. Taking a long hard look at him, you understood where he was coming from. But you also knew getting things right would be the only way to possibly get him back up again. And it was a risk you were willing to take.
“There was a time when I believed you were dead.” You started talking, regardless of not knowing if he was listening. “I jumped right into anger out of guilt, and as I was ruthlessly destroying those outriders, I thought I was gonna have to stay feeling that way forever. Just plain angry.” You chuckled and pushed yourself from the wall.
“But there was a moment where that anger was replaced by worry and fright. It was when Bucky was getting too overwhelmed by the creatures’ attacks. Yes, I almost got pierced like a kebab right after, but it was also the moment I realized that I preferred feeling any other emotions than blinding anger. I don’t want you feeling that way forever too.”
“I’m not angry.” he snapped, standing up once again to get closer to you.
“Yes, you are. But above all you’re hurting.” you stood your ground in front of him.
“I am definitely NOT hurting.” He sarcastically answered.
“Really? Then take those glasses off. Let me see those definitely not bloodshot eyes.” you smiled gently up at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest, when he snorted at you. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you sniffling and trying to hide it by pretend-drinking that empty can of beer earlier.”
“gods, why are daughters so annoyingly observant.” He muttered, finally throwing the empty can of beer somewhere in the room. You can see that the team was back just right outside the glass door. You gave them an assuring smile, and faced him again.
“If it works on Clint, then fine.” He groaned, and you couldn’t help but tackle him out of gratitude.
Clint was on the ground once he returned, and Nat rushed to his side to check on him.
“Hey, look at me.” she asked him, and he turned to look at everyone. His eyes were teary, but it wasn’t from sadness.
It was hope.
“It worked!”
“Now, Y/N. This time you’re going to be there for a longer period, okay? Use your powers if defense is necessary.” Banner instructed you. You were now standing at the center of the machine in your suit. But only Nat and Steve knew what you had under it. It was their idea.
“Are you ready?” This time, Nat was behind the controller with Banner to overlook it. You gave her a small smile and a nod.
“Wait, where are you going anyway?” You heard Scott asked out loud, as Nat input the year. You looked over to where Steve was standing and he was also grinning.
“Say hi to him for me.” you heard him say before you felt yourself shrunk. And you were in.
You made it out of a tent, now out of your suit and left with the old nurse’s uniform you were wearing under it earlier. Everybody else was too distracted, cheering on Steve because he just brought back with him the soldiers from Hydra’s base.
You tried to calm your nerves, just realizing that the people around you were now most likely dead from your timeline. How many of them survived the war, and how many of their grandchildren have you befriended? And how many of those grandchildren were also taken by the blip?
When the crowd was starting to disperse and most of the people were trying to get back to their tasks, you found yourself roaming around, a little lost, trying to figure out where the medical tent is.
“Steve, I told you I feel fine.” you froze when you heard his voice a little far behind you.
“It’s better to make sure, Buck.” you heard Steve insist. You still couldn’t will your legs to keep walking. “And even if you are, you need rest. Just let me find you a...”
“...nurse! Hey, ma’am!” You weren’t sure if you were the one Steve was calling out. Turning around slowly, your breath hitched when you finally faced them. Bucky’s own face went from annoyed to entranced in a second. He was staring at you with the very same pair of orbs you’ve been missing. Only that in this timeline, they still held a glint of playfulness and innocence in them.
You cleared your own throat when you realized it’s been a few seconds since anyone said anything. “Uh, what can I do for you, S- Captain?” you gave them a smile, trying not to chuckle from almost calling him by his first name.
“You know what, Steve, I am feeling a little funny.” Bucky nudged him with his elbow. And you turned your attention to him.
“Right. Uh, allow me to assist you, Sargeant.” you walked slowly towards him, feeling like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Steve muttered to him.
He put his arm around your shoulder for support as you start walking to what you hope was the medical tent. It was only then you realized that it was left arm. Your hand shakingly reached for his wrist, careful not to go for the hand, as if you were just making sure that you would be able to help him hold himself up.
“So... what’s your name?” He started trying to make small talk.
“Y/N” you answered, trying to mask your nervousness.
“I’m James. But you can call me Bucky.” Hearing him introduce himself in such a confident manner struck you deeply. You know that after this, he wouldn’t be able to know who he is for decades to come.
You almost wanted to warn him.
“Are you okay?” He asked in concern after being met with silence.
“Yes, sir. I’m just a tad nervous. I’m kinda new here.” you gave him a tight smile.
“Please call me by my name. And lucky for you, I’m the easiest patient you’ll ever tend to, doll. All I need is some company while on bed rest.” He gave you a boyish smile.
“You got yourself a deal, James.” you found yourself returning the smile.
Entering what was thankfully the medical tent, you helped him settle down on one of the beds. There were only about 3-5 other patients, and they were all being tend to already.
“I’m kind of curious, why did you decide to serve?” he gave you a sheepish smile.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything wrong with you, soldier?” you asked him first, and he responded with a small shake of his head. Smiling, you came up with a believable answer. “My dad was a high-ranking officer, but something happened, and they lost a lot of people. And now he’s back home wallowing in guilt. I decided to serve in behalf of him, so now I’m here.” you bit the inside of your cheek. It wasn’t entirely a lie.
James was looking at you in awe, and he took your hand in his left one and gave it a light squeeze. “You don’t have a man waiting on you back home?” you could hear he was almost hesitant to ask.
You blinked away the tears threatening to spill. How would you be able to say something so heart wrenching?
“Bu... He was among those who didn’t make it.” you cleared your throat to compose yourself. This was all too much.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” he didn’t know what to say. He almost kicked himself for having a tinge of relief in knowing that you weren’t committed to anyone.
“He wasn’t really mine... I was in love, yes. And he knew but just didn’t really feel the same. And I never resented him for it. I just wish I was brave enough to really tell him before he...” you choked up and apologized to him, but there was no judgement behind his eyes.
“I’m sure he wouldn’t want for you to be filled with regrets every time you remember him. I know I wouldn’t.” He gave you an assuring smile, squeezing your hand in comfort as the tears finally run down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry for crying. Now they’re gonna think you were being mean to me.” you gave him a sad smile.
“Steve will lecture me about manners for sure.” He chuckled.
“He still does it.” You thoughtlessly blurted out, earning a confused look from him. “I- I’ve heard some people saying he’s been super righteous even way before he became the Captain America.” you sheepishly smiled, hoping he believed you.
“Yeah. Always been a punk.” He replied, but you could hear adoration lace his voice.
“I think I should leave you to actually get some rest.” You knew it was time to go.
He nodded and smiled at you. “You're the most beautiful nurse I’ve ever seen. I don't think most of us wouldn’t mind if your face is what will be the last thing we’ll see.”
“Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with you. Get some sleep, soldier.” you turned and was already near the way out, when he spoke up.
“We’re going on a raid tomorrow. Will I get to see you when we come back?”
You felt your heart drop. You knew what was about to happen to him.
You turned to face his way and walked back to him where he was now sitting up on the bed.
“James, you’re a strong man. You’re going to be okay.” eventually.
“Thank you, angel.”
It was your turn to give his left hand a squeeze. And bringing it up, you gave it a small kiss before gently dropping it back to him.
“I’ll wait for you to come back, Buck.” you smiled, and quickly left the tent before you completely break down.
It was time go back.
@eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit
@tanyaherondale @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul
Today is a great day. Fearless (Taylor's Version) + New TFATWS episode.
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 8. solo
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[warnings: underage drinking, smoking, weed, near death experience?, crying]
"never have i dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul." — You leave the roof late in the night. Sal had gotten up and retreated into his apartment a little while earlier—but you'd decided to stay and make sure he didn't come back there.
Three days pass. They all consist of fleeting glances and irresolute tension. Things remain the same with the group dynamic, except for between you and Sal. Neither of you seem to know how to continue from that conversation on the roof. No one else notices, though. They'd never suspected anything from the beginning, it seems.
The beginning of your involvement with Sal involved a little bit of buildup and then a snap which resulted in a sexual encounter (or two).
Now it was a bit different. Now things were a little less lighthearted.
It's a Saturday—you'd planned to spend it inside as usual. That's until your phone starts ringing.
You flip your phone open, read over the contact, and answer the call.
"Hi, Ash."
"Y/N," she starts. You hear the excitement to continue in her voice. "There's a party tonight."
"Oh?" You get up from your seat on your bed.
"Some stoner Larry has connections with invited him and said to bring friends. He wants to bring us—save for Todd. He doesn't do parties."
"Wait," your eyebrows furrow. "Me?"
"Yeah!" She says from the other end of the line. "It'll be fun. Cmon."
You bite your lip nervously, anxiety knotting in your stomach. "I don't know. I've never really.."
Ashley is momentarily silent on the other line. She must be contemplating what to say to convince you. "Sal's coming too. Parties aren't necessarily his thing, either—so maybe you guys could try it out together?"
You open your mouth and then promptly close it. Something inside of you suddenly really wanted to go to this party. "Um... alright. Okay."
"Cool! What're you gonna wear?"
You look toward the drawer that contained your clothes and bit your lip. "Not sure yet. I'll update you on that."
"Okay, don't forget to text me! See you at eight."
The call declined from the other line. The phone that held the phone to your ear slipped into your lap. You pressed your lips together and tried to ignore the familiar feeling of sickening nausea and anxiety.
You don't rush yourself on getting ready for the party, because the time you're due to be done won't be for a while.
You take your time with the hours you have. You shower, take your time on eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss—and finally decide on what you'll wear.
You decide on a square neck white cropped tank with short sleeves and your nicest pair of light blue, slightly washed out jeans. You slid on your favorite, sort of chunky white sneakers over white socks.
It isn't long after you finish when Ashley calls and informs you she's arrived at the apartments and Larry and Sal have already joined her out in the car. You give yourself a once-over in the mirror and then leave the apartment.
Your mother was nowhere to be found. She's either at work or drinking with her coworkers.
Once you've opened the door and climbed into the Ford Fiesta, you immediately realize your predicament—Sal is the only person in the backseat with you.
The drive there is decently long and painfully tense. Neither you nor Sal know how to speak to each other, so no words are exchanged beneath the heavy metal music emitting from the radio.
When you finally arrive at the party, it's recognizably crowded, drunken teenagers are flowing from the front door, in and out, and there's a good amount on the lawn. The newest radio hit is playing on a considerably loud speaker, and the vibrations are notable even from a distance.
"Woah," Larry says, staring at the house as Ashley pulls onto the side of the road. "Didn't realize he was so popular."
You all exit the Ford Fiesta and cross the road. You cringe as you watch someone vomit onto the grass, and another person ripping from a bong in the wide open.
Smoke flies into your face and your eyes as you enter the home. You cough, waving a hand as you blindly follow after your friends.
Eventually, the four of you find yourself on two couches directly facing each other. You on one, Larry and Ashley on the other. Sal is stood to the side.
Larry materializes a bottle of Fireball that you guessed he stole from someone on the way in, opens the cap with his teeth, and takes several gulps.
"Where did you get that?" Ashley laughs over the music, pulling the sleeves of her lavender sweater over her hands.
"Stole it," he looks to Sal and directs the bottle toward him. "Want some?"
"Sure," Sal replies, to your surprise—taking it from Larry's grasp and walking away and in your direction.
"You're drinking that?" You ask him, testing the waters.
"No, actually," you watch Sal round to the other side of the couch to linger behind you. "I'm limiting him. He'll thank me later."
Once he's out of your field of vision, you tip your head back and gaze up at him—your perspective on him being upside down. Your gaze zeroes in on the bottle of Fireball he's clutching in his hand.
"Hey," you say, meeting his eyes. "Give me some."
It was time to give him that excuse—the excuse to break the ice.
He leans in a bit, gesturing toward you with the bottle. "You want it?"
A grin pulls at your glossed lips. Instead of reaching for the bottle, you open your mouth and tilt your chin up.
Sal looks on for a moment but laughs once he realizes what you want. Everyone else at the couches seem decently distracted with each other and the overall environment—so he doesn't seem to worry about it too much.
He reaches his hand around and towards your neck, gripping your jaw in his fingers and holding you firmly. You feel his cold rings press into your skin when he tips your head further back just a bit—and then steadily pours a shot-amount of Fireball into your mouth with his other hand.
Sal stops at the right time, looks on as you pull back and sit up, and cautiously watches the back of your head as you assumedly swallow the whisky. But when you turn a bit in your seat to peer at him over your shoulder, you're holding your mouth closed and pressing a closed fist to your lips while soundlessly giggling.
"What?" He laughs, a hand moving to the top of the couch. He leans in a bit. "Can you not swallow it?"
Your shoulders shake slightly as you continue to laugh. You shake your head up and down.
"Do you need to spit it out?" Sal asks, his tone warming into concern.
You shake your head from side to side. You meet his eyes and swallow, gasping as the liquid slides down your throat and burns all the way down. You cough, the flavor of cinnamon and what tasted like Big Red gum overloaded your senses.
"God," you breathe out, giggling all the while. The alcohol is gross but you're feeling good. "It's not great."
"Yeah, that's why I'm holding Larry off, so he won't be puking his guts out later."
You look up to the boy, who's sat on the arm of the couch opposite to you. He's busy talking to some equally stoned guy, so you can't manage to catch his eye—but you catch Ashley's.
She had this look of astonishment on her face.
Had she been watching what happened? When Sal poured Fireball in your mouth?
Your face grew hot thinking about it.
Sal wanders away from you again, and you find yourself drinking more than you should. Eventually, your rationality disappears.
It's been a few hours and Sal hasn't seen you for a while. So when he hears about a girl wearing a white crop top walking across the roof of the house, he feels like he's going to vomit.
It takes him a record time of 6 seconds to get out of the door and onto the lawn. Upon looking up at the roof, his suspicions are confirmed. He shoulders past multiple people to place himself near the front of the crowd and gazes up in horror.
"Sal!" You yell, gesturing toward him with something between a wave and a point. "I'd recognize that hair anywhere!"
Multiple heads within the crowd turn away from you and towards him. He puts aside his social anxiety and the wave of unease that washes over his body and tries to focus on you. "Please come down," he rushes out, raising his voice just enough for it to be audible over the crowd.
You laugh like he's told a hilarious joke and he quickly realizes his mistake. That's the worst thing he could've told your intoxicated self. You move toward the edge of the roof, shaky and uncoordinated. "You want me to jump?"
"No!" He exclaims, his hands flying up, fingers splayed. "No. Don't do that!"
"Holy shit!" He hears Larry shout from somewhere closer to the front door of the house. Sal guesses he's just now catching wind of the current situation. Moments after, both of his brunette friends are at his side.
"What the hell is going on?!" Ashley yells, verdant eyes glued to the sight before them.
You lost your balance once again, but this time a bit worse—your foot catching on a shingle on the roof and effectively knocking the red solo cup out of your hand. It dropped onto the downward slope of the roof and the liquor inside of it spilled down the side.
Whenever Sal witnessed the toe of your white sneaker catch onto that shingle, he felt as though his very soul had been ripped from his body. Immediately after he watched you regain your footing and stable yourself, though—his heartbeat calmed to a steadier pace.
"I'm going up there," he stated beneath the chatter.
Both Ashley and Larry's heads whipped toward him.
"You'll kill yourself!" Larry exclaims incredulously. Ashley opens her mouth to assumedly second Larry's statement, but Sal cuts her off by walking away.
"Not before she does," he mutters, pushing his way through the density of bodies and forcing his way through the front door. His senses are disoriented like he's been submerged beneath water as the volume of the music scratched at his eardrums and pulsed the innards of his skull. Adrenaline courses through his blood like a drug whilst he shoulders past both mindlessly drunk and carelessly high teenagers.
Sal doesn't spare them a second glance, but their unconcern does remain in his mind. The fact that they're continuing their lives while he feels as though something that's growing into something of importance in his is about to be taken from him... it's mind-numbing.
He's never been an optimistic person, he's always tried to view things in the way they're most likely to happen—and all that's beneath that two-story house is a long drop and concrete. If you fall, you'll break your head open and you'll die.
He finally makes it to the stairs. He makes a break for it then, tripping over his own feet multiple times. Anything could happen in this amount of time, and he knew no one else was going to help him.
Sal's thoughts grow more and more disordered as he navigates the dark halls of the house. The music seems to have only grown louder, the deafening mixture of guitar and drums taunting him.
He remembers the window on the outside of the house. Sal estimates which room it would be, locates it, and approaches the door. He turns the knob, but it doesn't fully rotate.
The door is locked from the inside. Of course. Who would have a party and leave the bedroom unlocked so people could fuck all over your comforter?
He bites out a curse only he hears and prepares himself to force the door open.
Sal grabs the doorknob tightly, prepares himself, and rams the side of his body into the wood. He doesn't even feel the pain, just does it again, and again.
He goes until that half of his body is numb.
The door finally budges, and he wastes no time entering the room. He doesn't hesitate when he reaches the double-hung window he'd been seeking. He grips it at the bottom and pulls it up and open, clenching his teeth together painfully.
Sal stares out at the vastness of the night, the golden streetlights, and how they shine down on the crowd of people below him. They all seem to be looking at the same place, up, but not at him—and he can only swallow thickly.
Carefully, Sal moves to sit on the windowsill, gripping what was above him tightly, his legs outside. He then ducks to leave the room and shivers as cool air hits the front of his neck.
He starts walking the roof, steadily—like his life depends on it. Because.. it does.
Or yours. Yours depends on it.
"Y/N!" Sal calls as he finally reaches a point where you're in his line of sight. Momentarily, he's worried he'd scared you. But you turn your head, meet his eyes, and smile. Despite that, your face spells fear all over it. Something must have sobered you up a bit while he'd been inside.
"I'm going to come to you. Do not walk towards me!"
You blink lazily, because you were drunk, and nodded. You shivered, hugging yourself. It didn't seem to do much, though. Your arms were bare.
"Fuck," he breathes, gazing down at the fall that could await him if he misstepped and immediately reverted his gaze. Blood rushes between his ears as he steadily makes his way towards you.
"Please don't fall!" You suddenly exclaim, your hair tussling in the breeze. A strand blows over your face, so you quickly raise a hand to move it back in place.
He looks up from his feet and stares you in the eyes. "I won't," he affirms, you and himself, continuing across the roof. "Just stay put, okay?"
It doesn't take long to get over to you. He's mostly sober, so it isn't hard on that part. What's difficult is calming his steady heart.
He's not scared of falling. Not necessarily scared of injury or death. But he is scared of not making it to you.
Once he's at an arms reach of your shaking form, he reaches out a hand, palm facing the darkness of the sky.
You seem to read his mind, slowly grabbing his hand. Sal maneuvers your joint hands to where your palms press together and your fingers are interlaced. He doesn't know if it's the blood rushing through his ears or the distance from the ground, but it's as if everything below becomes very quiet.
You meet his gaze, your pretty eyes glossy with tears. The eyeliner you were wearing had just begun to collect beneath your lower lash line.
He squeezes your hand and leads you to be in front of him.
It's not long after that that he's gotten you off of the roof. Sal watches you slip through the open window before turning toward the density of people beneath him on the ground. He breathes in as he catches both Larry and Ashley's eyes—he can't read their expressions, but he wouldn't be surprised if there was shock written all over it—and then ducks back into the window.
As soon as the window is shut and it meets the windowsill once more, Sal whips his head toward you. "Y/N-"
Before he'd saw your face, and the language of your body as you were sat on the edge of the bed, he was going to scold you, and then go downstairs and find you some water and sober you up—all of that falls down the drain when he sees the stream of tears falling down your face. Every time you blink, more drop—quickly staining your cheeks with black makeup.
"Oh," he breathes, suddenly speechless. "Y/N-"
You attempt at taking a breath in, it seems—but it's a failure because it hitches and turns into a shoulder-shaking sob.
"I'm sorry," you cry, roughly dragging the tips of your fingers beneath your eyes. This only smears the running mascara further. "I'm just drunk."
Sal momentarily feels like breaking down in tears himself, that's how much this entire ordeal stressed him out. He approaches your trembling body and crouches down in front of you.
"Hey," he says, softly. "It doesn't matter whether or not you're intoxicated. Your feelings still matter, okay?"
You sniffle, still attempting to wipe your tears away, and reluctantly nod. "I'm sorry," you try again.
He places his hands on your knees and squeezes them firmly. "It's okay."
You jerk into a sob, leaning forward and pressing the side of your face on his shoulder. You slowly tuck your arms beneath his and cross them over the expanse of his back, palms flat on each shoulder blade. The convulsive gasps were hard to stop, making it hard to breathe.
Sal breathed out softly against the prosthetic, raising his arms and encasing them around your torso.
He didn't wonder about the reason for your tears. Assuming things wouldn't help you anymore.
"I don't know why I did that," you whisper, quieting yourself to swallow your saliva. "Maybe I do. I think I was trying to prove something to myself."
He finds himself holding you tighter, your chest pressed to his, feeling your heartbeat through the fabric that separated you both—oddly enough, even at this moment, it reminds him of that night in the car. You had been even closer to him then, though.
"It was stupid," you murmured. "Why would I do that, after what we had talked about last night?"
"What if we jumped together?" he remembers saying.
"Some things can't be explained," he replies earnestly. "You don't need to know why you did what you did. It was stupid, though. I'd probably walk across the roof of a two-story house for you again, but.."
You pull back and meet his eyes, your face wet. The majority of your makeup had been cried off and your lipgloss had been smudged.
You must've sensed his examination, breaking the visual contact and sniffling. "I know I look ridiculous right now."
Sal smiles. He knows she can't see it, but maybe she'll hear it. "I don't think so," he murmurs, looking off to the side. "I think that's a bathroom. You can clean up in there if you want."
You follow his gaze and then return your eyes to his and laugh a bit. You still sound drunk, he notes. Obviously. He'd poured a good amount of Fireball into your mouth and watched you drink plenty of other things.
"Feels kinda weird using a stranger's bathroom," you laugh, your breath hitching from the earlier crying.
Sal rolls his eyes humorously, gripping your knees tighter as he pulls himself off of the floor. "The guy who lives here is Larry's friend—and a stoner. I doubt he'd mind. And if he does get mad, I'll take responsibility for it. I forced that door through, anyway.."
Your gaze swivels toward the door, which is not shut but mostly closed. When he glances to where you're looking, he notices it seems a bit.. crooked.
He inwardly cringes. "I'll pay for it. Come on."
Sal follows you into the bathroom. You seem reluctant to enter first, so he does, opening the door and reaching to the side to turn the lights on. They do what they're supposed to—eventually. They're momentarily unresponsive before becoming alive—the illumination brightening the room with a dull yellow hue.
You step onto the tile and began to search for whatever it was you needed. You kneeled at one of the cabinets below the sink, opened it, and ducked your head lower.
"Oh!" You exclaim quietly, reaching in and pulling out two things. A bottle of half-empty makeup remover and a bag of some cotton rounds.
"Maybe he has a girlfriend?" He hears you say to yourself, standing up, nudging the cabinet closed with your foot, and placing the things you found beside the sink.
Sal reaches over and closes the door. He'd rather not have to witness the sight of some drunkards wandering in and fooling around on the bed.
"Lock it," you say. "I'd rather no one- no one see me like this."
His hand was already on the doorknob, so he just reaches down a bit and locks the door.
He watches you struggle a bit with the bag of cotton rounds, trying but failing to open it, so he reaches forward and delicately plucks it out of your grasp.
Sal slides the makeup remover over and pats the place on the counter it was previously. "Sit."
You peer into his eyes inquisitively but waste no time hoisting yourself up and onto the cold surface.
After that, he plucks the bottle of makeup remover off of the counter and douses the cotton round in the liquid. He reaches forward from the distance that your knees created between the both of you, but you spread your thighs and press the heel of your shoe into his lower back, pulling him in so he's between your legs.
Sal doesn't see it suggestively, because you're drunk—but he's glad you asked him to lock the door because, with his luck, Larry or Ashley would find their way into the bathroom and get all of the wrong ideas.
The firmness just beneath his navel presses into the edge of the counter as he cups one side of your face and began wiping away at the eyeliner and mascara and everything it messed up.
"Thank you," you say sweetly, blinking at him with appreciation in your eyes. "Where'd you learn how to do that?"
He remembers a silhouette. Her back was turned to him, golden hair cascading just past her shoulder blades. He remembers blue eyes that looked a lot like his own staring into a mirror, a hand which adorned a wedding ring wiping away makeup from the day.
"Read it on the label of the bottle," he replies, meeting your eyes and looking away.
As he's finishing up, he hears a rapping of knuckles against the locked door. He tosses the used cotton rounds into a trash bin in the corner and then locks eyes with you curiously.
"Occupied," he calls out, still looking at you. The knocking only gets louder, which makes you laugh.
"He said it's occupied!" You yell over the unintelligible music downstairs, your words breaking into a giggle. You press your knees against his waist, and he doesn't even realize it when his hands meet your thighs.
The knocking ceases, fading into a voice. "Is that you guys in there?"
Fucking Larry. Speak of the goddamn devil—that's what he would've said if he'd come knocking sooner.
The both of you seem to be thinking the same thing, locking eyes in terror. You quickly get off of the counter, and Sal unlocks the door and swings it open.
Sure enough, he's standing there—in all of his glory and highness. Larry blinks, the whites of his glossy eyes tinted red. He looks between the both of you before speaking. "Why were.."
"I had to pee," You choose to deadpan.
Sal feels himself grow even paler than he already is. "I came in.. after.. that."
Larry intakes a mouthful of whatever is in the red solo cup he's holding in his tan, lanky fingers, and swallows thickly. "Okay," he croaks, instinctively cringing as the alcohol passed through his chest. He gestured the cup toward you. "Uh..crazy stunt you pulled up there, huh?"
Sal saw your face shift in his peripheral vision. "Huge lapse of judgment," you reply.
"Nobody could tell who you were, so don't worry about that," the brunette smiles a bit. He returns his attention to Sal. "They've started playing country," sure enough, Sal hears the sound of a banjo from the speakers downstairs, effectively punctuating Larry's statement.
"Yeah.." Larry mumbles, sipping his drink and looking up and through his eyebrows. "Ash said to come find you guys so we can leave."
It doesn't take much, after that.
As you're leaving, Larry pulls the door open and furrows his brow at the condition of the hinges. "Wow. How old is this thing?" He mumbles.
Sal hears you snort.
The three of you descend the stairs, skirting past countless teenagers standing on the steps drinking or smoking. Sal makes the mistake of letting you fall behind and feels you stumble and smack him in the back. It's easy to steady himself, quickly gripping the railing—but he's concerned about you, so he turns around.
A guy with a cigarette balancing in his teeth is eying you with frustration pulling at his features. His gaze pulls from your face and down your body absentmindedly.
"Watch it," he murmurs.
"Sorry," you breathe, jerking your head away and meeting Sal's eyes worriedly. Keep walking, you express in the hues of your eyes.
Sal reaches forward and interlaces your fingers with his as he'd done on the roof. He makes a show of it, too—so the guy with the cigarette sees the rings on both of his hands. Sal gives him a distinct look when they lock eyes, rolls his jaw, and lets you lead him down the stairs, instead of the other way around.
By the time you're all nearly shot from weaving through the multitude of sweaty bodies and navigating through plumes of smoke thicker than fog, the three of you find Ashley petting what he'd assume is the host's dog.
No one questions it.
"You good to drive?" Larry asks, placing his cup on a nearby surface.
"Oh, yeah," she rises from her crouch beside the dog. The animal walks away, his golden tail wagging excitedly at the next person who would give him pets. "A gross sip of something put me off of drinking tonight a while earlier. And, uh.. the whole roof thing dried me out."
You sigh. "I'm sorry about that. It sobered me up, too."
She shakes her head, a wispy strand of light brown hair falling over her face. "It was stupid, yes, and I hope you don't do it again, but all that matters now is that you're safe."
Ashley blinks kind green eyes at you and smiles, reaching forward, taking your hand, and leading you away. Sal hears you laugh and follow after her as both of you head for the front door.
He turns to look at Larry once he loses sight of both of you in the crowd. He examines Sal with bleary dark eyes and looks as though he's about to say something, but he doesn't get to.
Even over the blaring country music, Sal hears a yell and then some fearful shouting. He whips around toward the sounds, which were toward the front of the house.
Red and blue flashing lights shine through the windows.
"Ah, fuck," Larry groaned, nimbly wrapping his fingers around Sal's wrist and dragging him into the density of the panicked crowd. "Did you see where they went?"
Sal shakes his head. "No," he knows you're intoxicated. Panic settles in. He chews his lip, his eyes desperately scamming for a girl wearing a white top squared at the neck—you. "Y/N's had a lot to drink, Larry. If the police-"
"Don't worry about the Five-O, let's worry about the girls," Larry replies absentmindedly, keeping his firm hold on Sal.
"They must've gone to the Ford," Sal shouts over the music, which, for some reason, is still playing. "We were leaving anyway. I'm sure they're in the car."
Larry releases Sal and motions toward the back of the house. "There's a back door. I'll text Ashley and tell her to drive down the block and we can meet them on foot."
It was an agreeable plan. Waltzing out of the house and walking straight up to the car wouldn't be wise.
Larry does what he'd said he'd do. Turns out, Sal was right, they had made it to the car moments before the police had rolled up. Ashley informed him it was two squad cars and four officers. Seemed like overkill for a house party—but he wouldn't know. He didn't do this often.
When Larry was on the phone, Sal was very tempted to ask about Y/N, but refrained.
On the way to the back door, they crossed through the kitchen. Larry snatched an unopened bottle of alcohol of a brand Sal didn't recognize and carried it along with him for the road.
As soon as they made it out of the house, they both made a break for it, running between houses and into multiple different backyards on their way.
They slowed down once they were at a measurable distance from the party, gasping for air. Sal panted against the prosthetic, placing his hands on his knees and slowing his gasps into slow breaths, attempting to calm his racing heart.
They stood on the side of the road, the music in the distance (albeit a lot quieter) still pounding into the night.
Sal lowered himself down onto the curb. Larry joined him, raising the bottle he'd chose to bring with him to his mouth, and opened the steel cap with his teeth. He spits it onto the road and gestures it toward Sal.
"Bottoms up," he said, bringing it to his lips and taking several gulps.
Sal rolled his eyes playfully, eyebrows rising as Ashley's Ford Fiesta cruised down the road and slowed to a stop in front of them. He stood up from the curb and pulled Larry off of it as well.
They entered the car, sliding into the backseat. Larry continued to down the beer he'd found as Ashley turned around in her seat.
"The night's still young," she says. "Any ideas of what we could do?"
It's really not. Sal's a bit disoriented so he doesn't know what time it is but he wouldn't be surprised if it was 3 AM.
You then turn around in the passenger seat and grin mischievously. "Let's go to the lake."
Oh, great.
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greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA 322 - Parallels and comparisons
Not gonna lie — the first part of this arc was really rough. Luckily, from 317 onwards we’ve had some jaw dropping, beautiful moments. This chapter came on strong with ALL the feels and ALL the imagery. (I’m not going to post those images because they really need to be read fully in context.) Bakugo and Izuku as their elementary/middle/high school selves, standing on puddles of water instead of submerged in a river, Bakugo bowing to Izuku and addressing him by his real name, Bakugo essentially telling Izuku that he is — and always has been — a hero, Bakugo racing to catch Izuku with both arms when he falls, Bakugo’s war injury bleeding as he “reopens” his childhood wound.
Here’s the most impressive part to me: Bakugo courageously lays it all bare in front of the class without demanding that they “watch him” or be his audience. He no longer cares about being vulnerable in front of them, so if they happen to be there it’s fine, but he’s not apologizing FOR them or FOR him — it’s something he has to do for Izuku. Bakugo may still have his eyes set on surpassing All Might, but damn if he didn’t just surpass Enji. And Shoto fucking knows it.
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After such intensity from Bakugo, I highkey love that we DON’T get an immediate reaction from Izuku. Instead, Izuku is inspired to offer his own mea culpa. (As always, Izuku looks up to and imitates Bakugo before thinking about himself.) The class just watched Bakugo apologize for his worst, and now they’ll watch Izuku apologize for HIS worst. I mean, Izuku said, OUT LOUD, the exact thing DvK2!Bakugo accused him of — looking down on others. If Bakugo can get past his bullshit and recognize Izuku’s heroism, Izuku can apologize for hurting his classmates and recognize their heroism. With everything out in the open, Bakugo and Izuku are no longer “proper rivals,” but TEAMMATES. There’s still a long way to go until they’re effective as a team with the rest of the class, but this is where the unity of the team begins. Kamino, the exact place where All Might ended, is now this team’s starting line, as Momo points out.
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It’s also good to see the story acknowledge, again, that Izuku isn’t dark or edgy. He IS still the same sweet kid but AFO had him trapped in a loop. He was scared out of his mind that people would get hurt because of him and because of that he couldn’t think of a strategy to find and defeat AFO, but if he accepted help from others to come up with a strategy, then they could get hurt because of him… and around we go. This is the true terror of AFO, leaving no options for a zero-risk victory.
Next we jump to an unrecognizable UA fortified with most intense wall since Game of Thrones (because that wall was so good at keeping out the White Walkers /s). Look, we all know it’s gonna fail, but in the meantime I very much enjoy rat principal building an elaborate cage for his humans.
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Also, sounds like we’ll soon see Shiketsu (Inasa! Camie! Hair dude! Meatball dude!) but no Ketsubutsu (Ms. Joke, Shindo, turtle girl). I still want to see Ms. Joke in the aftermath of the war, but I accept it’s probably not gonna happen.
It wasn’t clear from the text leaks, but looking at the images of the full chapter, it does seem Ochako’s going to try and confront the angry mob, which makes my brain think of scenes like this:
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Which is to say, I have concerns this will go well. Yes, I know BNHA is a shonen, so the teens will change the world. But even within the BNHA world, suspension of disbelief is required when Present Mic, a popular radio host and pro hero who arrested Dr. Ujiko, is getting shit from the crowd. Of course, “heroes” as a group are at fault for the war, and Mic struggled with the media the last time UA was breached.
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(But Mic does take a gentler approach with civilians vs the media.)
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If civilians are in such a frenzy that they’re angry at Mic (who DID succeed at something notable during the war raid) and Deku (a child who fought in the war and has been rounding up Tartarus-level jail breakers ever since), then Ochako needs to BRING IT like it’s never been broughten before to make a difference. While she’s never had a major media stumble, and she’s adorable AF, giving inspirational speeches and rallying the class has never been her strength. If she suddenly blinds the crowd with brilliant oratory, it’s a bit of an ass pull for her character. Jiro and Momo have more depth in this space, though Momo’s elite background may not help in this particular situation. Ochako’s become much better at working the bureaucracy, from the entrance exam where she asked Present Mic to give her points to Izuku, to appealing to Nezu in order to bring Endeavor to UA for a confrontation about Deku.
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If a crowd speech really is in store for us, then I’d love for it to involve All Might and/or Stain somehow. Both of them have incredible charisma and can inspire civilians to action. And I’ve written before about All Might’s media whoring [affectionate] being its own super power that the pro heroes are ignoring. Nobody in this arc (including Deku) has used All Might as a resource based on his decades of experience with the media OR with AFO. Why is everyone acting like All Might is useless because he’s quirkless and no longer a ranked hero? He's still got his brain and his memories. Does a "hero" need to wear a costume or hold a license to use their brain? As Kirishima says in this chapter:
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Or maybe Aizawa will finally appear to defend his problem child, just like he defended Bakugo previously? (Admittedly, my solution for everything rn is “Aizawa” because I’m dying to see him.)
Anyway….I love that Ochako was inspired by Bakugo. Her face before/during/after the apology is amazing. You can watch her recognize his courage in real time and build on it, like links in a chain. Like a power that grows as each person contributes…….huh…….
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Also, I think Izuku needs to hear Ochako talk openly about helping the heroes who protect the citizens. He doesn’t really understand her style of heroism yet, and he needs to see the strength of her ideals —especially the power of saving and rescuing — before he sets off to save Shigaraki. She also needs to tell him what happened to her in the war aftermath, because he doesn’t know any of it. How she fought Toga and how Toga cried. How she watched other heroes quit, and how she’s inspired to help heroes who are in pain. It would be great to see Ochako and Izuku bond over a shared desire to save heroes AND villains who are in pain.
Finally, I want to appreciate the Izuku-Iida-Kirishima trio for one more moment. In this chapter, Kirishima skids to a halt catching Izuku, just as he caught Bakugo for the initial escape from Kamino. In both instances, Kirishima’s understated but steady and unbreakable commitment to his friends was CLUTCH. So, so good!
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galaxywhump · 3 years
For @whumpmasinjuly, day 12!
Timeline: set after Scars + Collared.
cw: slavery whump, forced relationship, creepy/intimate whumper, defiant whumpee, forced domesticity, referenced noncon, nudity mention, suicidal ideation, discussion of drowning, referenced animal attack, alcohol mention.
It’s always warm on SV-240.
They’re near the equator, Daniel explained once, the only part of the planet able to sustain so much flora and fauna - and human life.
Wren can’t help but bitterly wish Daniel had crashed anywhere else, the lucky bastard.
There are no seasons, just temperatures fluctuating from pleasantly warm to unbearably hot, occasionally dropping to where they need to wear long-sleeved shirts outdoors; but there’s no winter, no snow, no chilly wind, and even the rain is lukewarm. Adds to the atmosphere of permanent summer vacation that Daniel enjoys so much, Wren supposes, wiping his forehead, his gaze fixed on the ground as he tries not to trip and fall on a terrain that he, unlike his captor, isn’t used to.
It’s one of the unbearably hot days, and they’re both exhausted after working in the garden in the early morning; the crops had to be harvested and watered, and the heatwave has been going on for a few days already, so waiting for it to end was too much of a gamble. Afterwards they tried to escape the heat by hiding back in the house, which didn’t offer much relief with how hot and stuffy the air was, and opening the windows did the opposite of helping. 
“I have an idea”, Daniel said after a few minutes of miserably sipping on iced tea for a sliver of relief. “But we’ll have to walk for a while.”
At least this time it seemed unlikely that the idea would involve torture. Small mercies.
And so they’re walking through the forest, still and almost quiet, as if all the alien creatures have been defeated by the weather, forced to retreat into their lairs and burrows. Trying to find a bright side to the unbearable heat, Wren hopes that the predators are too lazy to hunt too; he remembers the attack, the creature biting into his leg and trying to drag him away, all too well. Daniel knows the planet, though, and has a weapon at hand just in case - a weapon that, Wren notes with silent resignation, can only be activated by him. Of course. It would be too beautiful otherwise.
“Almost there, sweetheart”, Daniel informs, and mere moments later they reach their destination.
It’s a small lake, closer to a pond, really, with impossibly turquoise water, like a kitschy postcard saturated to the extreme - but it’s real, surrounded by lush flora, with flowers (at least Wren chooses to believe they’re flowers) of vivid colors bobbing on the surface. 
For just a moment Wren allows himself to be enamored with the view, with the underlying beauty of his prison, as rotten as his captor has made it.
Daniel exhales with contentment and throws his backpack aside.
“There’s nothing dangerous here”, he says, taking his shirt off. Other than you, Wren thinks, but keeps the thought to himself. “And the water should be cool.”
It is, Wren discovers with relief when he crouches down on the edge of the lake and dips his hand in it. The water is crystal clear when he takes some in his cupped hands, and splashing some in his face is the best feeling he’s experienced in a while. He sits down on the damp sand and takes a deep breath, closer to feeling at peace than he has been in ages.
“Come on”, he hears and turns his head to the side to look at Daniel, the illusion immediately shattered. “There are swim trunks for you in the backpack. Oh, there’s some beer and tea in there too, put it in the water so it can chill.”
“Sure”, Wren sighs, slowly getting up.
Orders are infuriating, no matter how casual and innocuous they are, but at least they’re sobering. He wants to enjoy this day at the lake as much as he can, as long as Daniel doesn’t try anything, but he can’t let himself forget that he’s here against his will, that he’s a captive, even if he’s not restrained, in the middle of a forest that he could try to hide in if it wasn’t for the tracker under his skin.
I’m always restrained one way or another. Even if he wants me to believe otherwise.
He changes into the swim trunks as fast as possible while Daniel has his back turned. Sure, he’s already seen everything there is to see, but if Wren’s given an opportunity to avoid being naked in front of him, he’s glad to take it. He nests the bottles in the soft sand, making sure they’ll stay put, and then, opting against the rational option of slowly getting his overheated body used to the chilly water, he takes a plunge.
The cold knocks the air out of his lungs and paralyzes him for a split second, thousands of microscopic freezing needles pierce his body, but the shock is gone as fast as it appeared, and he relaxes, opening his eyes and watching air bubbles rise to the surface. He feels weightless, slowly moving his hands in a steady motion to stay underwater, and he shakes his head and smiles at the feeling of his hair flowing through the water. 
He could stay down here forever.
He could.
Suddenly he feels heavier as the thought appears in his mind, echoing the one burdening him on that nightmarish day, when he was staring at the wall, wanting nothing more than to take the plunge and never emerge. And now he’s here. He could inhale the perfect water, let it fill his lungs, close his eyes and finally be free.
It would be easy, and it’s so tempting, but...
Not like this. I can’t die here.
Expelling the last bit of air he has, he pushes himself off the bottom and swims up to the surface. 
“Thought I’d have to rescue you there”, Daniel comments when Wren emerges and takes a big gulp of air. “I never asked if you can swim, did I?”
“You didn’t”, Wren replies, drifting away a bit to discreetly put some distance between him and Daniel. “But don’t worry, you won’t have to play the lifeguard.”
He regrets his words as soon as he sees Daniel’s smirk.
“So I’ll miss out on mouth-to-mouth breathing?” He laughs when Wren groans. “Just kidding, sweetheart.”
Wren rolls his eyes and disappears underwater again, escaping from Daniel’s voice into silence. He sits cross-legged on the bottom with his eyes closed, submerges himself in the cold, and with how different it is from the warmth of the planet he lets his mind carry him to Earth, to the chill of winter he only now realizes he misses so much it hurts.
taglist:   @faewhump​ @inky-whump​ @whole-and-apart-and-between​ @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab @inkyinsanity @special-spicy-chicken @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @spookyboywhump @lonesome--hunter @as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @rose-whump @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat @wildlywhumping @sophierose002 @mnmlover2002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump @kixngiggles @ohwhumpydays @whumpvp @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams
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petri808 · 3 years
A Bond Built Through Adversity
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For @itafushiweek bonus day
Bang Bang Bang “WAKE UP!!” Gojo cackled in the dorm’s hallway. Bang Bang Bang “RISE AND SHINE!!”
Slowly, but surely two grumpy faces shambled out from their rooms, each using the doors threshold to hold themselves upright. The sun had barely cracked the horizon, and neither were thrilled by the early morning wakeup call!
“What the fuck do you want?” Megumi spat out as he rubbed his eyes. “It better be good!”
But Itadori…
“Oi!” Gojo clapped his hands loudly in front of the man. “Wake up!”
… Itadori was sleeping where he stood. “Huh?” One eye cracked open. “Ye-yeah I’m up. What’s up?”
“Today we’re going on a special field trip to the mountains!” Gojo clasped his hands in front of himself with a mischievous grin. “You’re growing too soft, so a lo—ng hike is just what you need.”
“Are you crazy!” Megumi snapped to attention.
“Of course, I am,” Gojo’s smile never faltered. “Isn’t that obvious by now?”
Megumi crossed his arms in a huff. “Well, I’m not moving until you give me a damn good reason.”
“Megu—” Gojo reached out with a whiny voice, and pulled his hand lose, throwing on his saddest, please, for me smile. “Be a good boy for me, Megu…”
Yuuji quickly straightened up stiff as a board in annoyance and smacked Gojo’s hand away from Megumi. “Stop it with that cutesy stuff, just answer the question.”
“My, my, Yuuji, such a morning grump,” Gojo teased knowingly. “Fine. It’s a bonding exercise, so dress for a hike, pack a backpack with water, a towel, and be out front in 20 minutes.” But still when nobody moved. “Chop, chop!” He clapped his hands condescendingly. “It’s best to get an early start before the sun is high.”
Through the muttered swears and slams of dresser drawers, the students gathered the things their teacher had told them to pack. Megumi was the closest to a morning person of the pair and even he was fuming over being awoken at such an early hour. If it were for a mission, fine, but not some stupid hike into the mountains! They each had their reasons for being annoyed with the whole situation, but for Yuuji it was different. Frankly, he didn’t care about going on a hike, or a bonding exercise. The moment Gojo grabbed Megumi’s hand it woke him up and not in a happy way.
“Oh, hell no!” Megumi snapped as his eyes trailed up the steep, long, narrow stone steps leading through and disappearing into the thicket of pine trees. “You’ve got to be kidding us!”
“There’s a prize at the end,” Gojo wrapped an arm around Megumi’s shoulders, taking his time to lean in and whisper close to the man’s ear. “I promise you’ll like it.”
Seeing his friend’s fist ball up, Yuuji pulled Gojo off Megumi. “Come on, come on, let’s get this shit over with.”
Yuuji did his best to stay between Gojo and Megumi as they walked up the stairs, but it wasn’t easy. The incline was quite steep, following the side of a mountain, with dense brush along the edges. It was certainly a very old, worn trail and one not used very often in modern times. Could anyone be blamed for not using it? First off, it was in the Hakone national park, half a kilometer off a hidden trail, and up a ridge. Park rangers probably didn’t know it existed, so how Gojo knew of the place Yuuji had no idea. He assumed this would lead to some ancient and abandoned mountain shrine once used by jujutsu sorcerers. Maybe Sukuna would know of its existence?
‘I don’t, so don’t ask,’ the voice in his head answered the question. ‘I’m old, but I don’t know everything.’
‘Surprising,’ Yuuji growled back at Sukuna for eavesdropping on his thoughts.
‘Oi, pay attention,’ the voice growled back.
‘To what?’
‘Your boy.’
‘My—’ Yuuji cut off his response when he saw what was happening ahead of him. He’d been so focused on the natural surroundings, he forgot about the unnatural one taking place. ‘That damn, irritating!’ Yuuji walked faster to catch up with Gojo and Megumi, cutting in between and forcing Gojo to step backwards. “Less talking, more walking.”
“But Yuuji,” Gojo wrapped his arm around the man and forced him to line up with him. “How are we supposed to…” he leaned in with a grin, “bond without talking to each other.”
Ugh! Gojo’s voice was so irritating when he whined and acted childish. “You can talk,” Yuuji shoved the man off. “But talk doesn’t involve hanging all over us.”
Gasp! Gojo feigned surprise. “Yuuji are you jealous of me touching Megumi?”
“WHA— what?!” Yuuji caught himself quickly before Megumi would hear him. “I am not!” He spat back through gritted teeth. He crossed his arms. “I’m still annoyed you dragged us out here so early.”
“Oh…” Gojo chuckled. “Mmhmm, I guess that would account for your behavior today.”
For two hours the back and forth continued. Yuuji watched with a locked jaw in frustration when every chance Gojo had he took to touch Megumi. Playing with the man’s hair, hanging on his shoulder, talking so closely as if the man was deaf and it was necessary. And each time, Yuuji would cut between them. Oh, Megumi fought back too, snapping at Gojo, and pushing him away, but the man never took the hint. What was up with their teacher today! This was not the norm for Gojo. He never showed so much interest in either of the students before! So, why now? Why bring them here? ‘And what was with the obsession with Megumi!’ Yuuji snapped in his head.
It took almost three hours, but the trio finally reached the top of the stairs and breached the tree line. Okay, Yuuji had to admit the view was quite spectacular from this vantage point. On one side Mt. Fuji rose like a Goliath ready to smite any who dared to disturb it. On the other side, they could see the expansive blues of the Pacific Ocean stretching out to the horizon. And lastly, a handful of steaming hot ponds in various sizes. A couple of them were small, enough for maybe two people to be comfortable in, and one was large, almost the size of a residential swimming pool.
“Surprise!” Gojo’s arms raised above his head as he cheered. “A secret onsen! Isn’t it cool! Geto and I found it years ago by accident while tracking a curse.” He pulled the two students close, one under each arm. “It’s perfect for a little bonding time.”
Megumi shoved Gojo away. “I can’t believe you dragged us up a mountain ridge just for this.”
“Oh, don’t be like that!” Gojo flung himself onto the man in a tight hug from the back. “I wanted to share something special with you,” his voice whined.
“That it is!” Megumi completely snapped. He wiggled out of Gojo’s hold and swings a fist at the man. It misses, but that didn’t stop him from continuing his tirade. “You damn perverted teacher! Go flirt with someone who wants your attention, cause I don’t!” Without waiting for a response, Megumi grabbed his back and stomped away to one of the smaller hot ponds further away with Gojo only standing there watching him leave, with a big grin in his face.
That’s when Yuuji, who’d had enough as well, followed the energy left in Megumi’s wake to confront their teacher. He whipped Gojo around, grabbing the front of his shirt with his hand raised to strike. “Talk! What’s your deal? Why are you acting like this?!”
Gojo shrugged, his trademark cool grin never leaving his expression. “Someone had to push you.”
“What the hell are you talking about?!” Yuuji screamed.
Gojo simply flicked the hand of Yuuji’s holding onto his shirt causing the man to let go and wince in pain. His simple strikes were always so much harder than they looked. He then smoothed out the wrinkles on his shirt left by Yuuji. “Two weeks ago, do you remember the day you were supposed to be mopping the dojo?”
“Mopping the dojo,” Gojo reiterated, “as in cleaning and not dancing…”
“Yea— oh… maybe…”
“It was adorable, really, and that dip— I was impressed that you knew how to dance like that Yuuji. Your partner was a lucky… mop,” he snickered.
“Ha, ha, funny,” Yuuji pretended not to care. “So, what if I was dancing with a mop? As if I don’t do weird things sometimes.”
“Oh, that’s certainly true,” Gojo chuckled again, “but I heard you thanking your partner…” He wrapped his arms around his body in a reenactment, adding exaggerated kissing sounds for effect. “Thank you for a lovely dance, Megumi. smooch, smooch, smoo—”
Yuuji slammed a hand over Gojo’s mouth to stop him. “Shhhh!! I get it! Okay, you caught me!” His ears burned and heat dusted his cheeks in embarrassment. “So, you were actually trying to make me jealous.”
“Yup! As if it was hard to do.” Gojo jabbed a finger in Yuuji’s chest. “Now, run along young one and go bondwith your love interest.”
“Ugh,” Yuuji groaned. Did Gojo have to be this transparent?! “You’re not cute.”
“Yes, I am.” Gojo turned away to leave. “Oh, and by the way, Nitta will pick you up at the bottom road at 6pm, so don’t be late. That gives you…” he checked his phone, “at least 4 hours of cuddling time.”
Gojo winked in a side-eye with a two-fingered wave. “See you back at campus!”
‘Wanna kill him?’ Sukuna laughed in Yuuji’s head. ‘Push him off the cliff?’
“No…” Yuuji sighed, and shoulders slumped.
‘You’re so not fun.’
“Hush!” Yuuji snapped at Sukuna. “Go back to sleep or something!”
‘Pfft, suit yourself loser!’
And just like that, Yuuji was alone again. Hopefully. After dealing with Gojo, the last thing he needed was an annoying Sukuna in his ear constantly teasing him too. He had a much bigger issue to deal with now. Megumi. What to do about Megumi?!
He followed the same trail around a sheer cliff face and found the man already submerged in a hot pond at its base. It was a cute little tucked away spot, and under other circumstances the perfect place to relax away from society. But not today, and for probably the first time in Yuuji’s life he was embarrassed to undress in front of another person. He’d never been the shy type about his body, at least when it came to other men, but this wasn’t just any man he was facing. Yuuji took a deep breath with an even longer exhale in preparation.
“Hey!” Yuuji waved as nonchalantly as he could under the weight of emotions circling his brain. “Mind if I join you?”
“I don’t care.” Megumi responded. He looked around. “But where’d Gojo go?”
“Oh, um… he left.”
Megumi sat up in the water. “Seriously?! He dragged us up here only to ditch us?!”
“Yeah…” Yuuji scratched his head nervously. “Said something about giving us time alone to bond. Nitta’s gonna pick us up at the bottom road at 6pm.”
Megumi groaned and slumped back into the water. “Guess, nothing else to do but forget about him then.” He closed his eyes and leaned back. “Actually, the peace and quiet is a good thing.”
Yuuji chuckled nervously. “Oh, yeah, that’s true.”
He removed his clothes and slipped into the water adjacent to Megumi. The water was the perfect temperature, not overly hot but bearable on this light snowy day. It was deep enough to where the water almost covered their shoulders too and wide enough with legs stretched out not to hit the other’s feet. Yuuji does his best to relax, closing his eyes and letting the steamy waters melt away the torment brewing in his heart. Gojo had put them in this situation for a reason. He knew the answer, but did Megumi suspect anything? Kami he hoped not! It was his fault for getting caught in the first place. Gojo wasn’t even supposed to be on campus that afternoon, off on a mission a few towns away outside of Tokyo. In fact, none of the other students had been on campus except him. So, he’d thought, why not have a little fun? ‘I got carried away,’ Yuuji groaned in his head.
Several minutes pass by in relative peace and quiet. The only sounds were of the water anytime one of them shifted, occasional birds risking the winter air, or just the natural sounds of the forest. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Their profession could be daunting at times and breaks like this one a luxury. Yuuji couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to an onsen. Was it before he’d even become a jujutsu sorcerer? But now that he thought about it, this spot was also romantic in its own way. The natural beauty bathed in the shadow of Mt. Fuji. The random, wispy little snowflakes that fell around them, to the instrumental music of the forest lulling them into a comfortable mood. Even the heat played its role, soothing their muscles and warming their bodies. A great way to hide the emotional heat stirred up on his skin for sure! If Yuuji stopped controlling his mind, his cheeks would certainly be marred by a cherry finish.
“By the way, thanks back there,” Megumi broke the silence. “You know, with Gojo.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. He was being overly annoying today.”
“Yeah, I don’t understand what his problem was. He’s usually not this bad.”
Yuuji chuckled nervously. “Yeah, that guy is something else.”
Catching the anxiety-laden tone in Yuuji’s voice. Megumi opened his eyes and stared at the man. “Do you know why he was acting like that?”
“What?! Me, ehrm, no!”
“Now I know you lying, cause you suck at it. Yuuji, why was Gojo being an idiot?”
“He, um… It’s because he, you know, notices things.”
“Uh-huh? Like what?”
“What things?!”
“You know, like about people. He’s perceptive.”
“While I don’t disagree, I’m sensing a specific thing is the reason. So just tell me what it is.”
“I told you. He said we needed to bond more.”
“Bond? As in what? We already work together just fine, what more bonding do we need to do?”
“Um… I don’t know… he’s got weird ideas sometimes; you know that Megumi.”
“If you don’t want to tell me, then fine.” Megumi closed his eyes again in a huff.
Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Yuuji cringed all the way down until his nose barely treaded water. He could tell plain as day Megumi was irritated with him by the inflection of the man’s voice. This wasn’t good! Ugh! It was going so smoothly too! Tell him? Don’t tell him. Tell him? Don’t tell him… the choice flipped back and forth in Yuuji’s head.
‘For fucks sake just tell him you damn virgin!’
“Shut up!”
Oh, fuck! “N-not you!” Yuuji waved his hands to clear the air. “Sukuna. H-He won’t shut up in my head.” He watched Megumi’s eyebrow raise slightly before he closed his eyes again, seemingly satisfied by the answer. Yuuji breathed a sigh of relief.
‘Let me run my own life!’ He screamed at Sukuna.
‘Fine. Virgin boy, I’m just trying to help so you’d shut up about it.’
And again, silence once more in Yuuji’s mind. Oh, how he wished he could reach into his own head and strangle the cursed user! ‘I’m gonna enjoy killing you,’ Yuuji spat back a final retort.
But both Gojo and Sukuna were right. Yuuji had a choice to make. Tell Megumi how he felt or forever bury his peace and learn to live with the pining… which would include not getting jealous— ‘that’s not happening…’ Yuuji sighed internally. Lately it’s been getting harder and harder to curb those tendencies. With Gojo, well, it’s Gojo, so he’d reacted on instinct. But others, the public, victims, fellow students… Yuuji might develop TMJ if kept his jaw locked any more times just to stop from reacting. He didn’t want anyone too close, especially men. Things were getting out of hand. ‘This isn’t me! I’m the nice guy!’ And yet here he was acting like a fool.
“Yuuji, why do you look so tense now?”
Eek!! Yuuji sat up quickly. “No, why do you ask?”
Megumi narrowed his eyes. “Because you looked constipated. Talk.”
“I—” Yuuji started ready to make another excuse, but his mouth slammed shut when Megumi’s brow raised with his ‘no bullshit’ look. “Okay,” he sighed. “I’ll tell the truth.” Yuuji shrunk down as his voice lowered and eyes turned away. “I… like someone… like, a lot and well, you know how Gojo kept bugging you, he um, was actually trying to rile me up about the… person… but yeah, so that’s why I was acting weird.”
“I already know you like me idiot.”
“Wait! You do?!”
“You’re not hard to figure out. That’s why I never said anything when you kept running interference with Gojo.”
“I can’t believe you knew all this time… now I’m so lost.”
“Also not surprising, good thing I don’t mind.”
“Don’t mind?”
Megumi rolled his eyes. “Will you just ask me out and get it over with. I’m trying to relax.”
Yuuji moved over tentatively until he was sitting next to his friend. “Megumi, will you be my boyfriend?”
Megumi chuckled under his breath and simply closed the small gap between them, leaning his head against Yuuji’s shoulder with a contented sigh.
Oh, this was perfect! Yuuji sighed too and leaned his head against Megumi’s. His heart still raced, but for a new reason. It was an exciting rush to have his best friend at his side, in a new relationship built on trust and bonded by experiences. Yuuji felt invincible at that moment.
‘You’re still a virgin idiot.’ Sukuna laughed.
‘Tch. Not even you can ruin this for me,’ Yuuji spat back and closed his eyes with the biggest smile of his life.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Summary: Laxus has returned to the guild, but is still scared of not being accepted. Freed does what he can to help, and insists that Laxus attend some of the events held in the guildhall. Over the course of a year, and four different parties, the guild starts feeling like home again. And Freed, well... Freed has something to confess.
Notes: Hi. This was a little thing I wrote becuase I haven't done enough canon-verse writing; that and I want to procrastonate from uni work. I hope you all enjoy it, and sorry for any mistakes.
Links: FFN, Ao3
Part of the Party
The Summer Solstice
Freed was, despite what some might claim, rather fond of parties. Not so much in the way a typical Fairy Tail mage might do; he didn't find pleasure in getting as drunk as his body would allow, starting a fight, and collapsing in the mountain of rubble they'd created. Rather, he went to the guild parties to nurse a glass of wine, watch the inevitable decline in both intelligence and balance of his friends, and watch from the side-lines. It was his own form of enjoyment, and yet it had somehow given him the reputation as, as one of his guildmates had so eloquently put it, a boring stick-in-the-mud bastard.
That had been Natsu, who at that moment was wobbling haphazardly towards the bar, hugging Pantherlilly as if he were his own cat, singing at the top of his lungs with neither pitch nor tone. Hardly a reputable source of judgment, Freed concluded.
Still, that was the reputation he had gained, and he wasn't helping that tonight.
Rather, he was making it worse. From the moment he had arrived he had refused any drinks, had perched himself at a table on the second floor as to overlook the party but not be a part of it, and hardly spoken to anybody; not the most convivial actions for celebrating the summer solstice. It hadn't been for lack of wanting to be involved, but rather out of necessity. This was Laxus' first guild event since he had returned, and he hadn't been entirely enthusiastic to go.
It was a problem that had Freed worried. Laxus had been accepted back with open arms, and yet he was still skittish around anyone other than the Raijinshuu. He had been forgiven, but didn't seem to believe it, and avoided everyone as much as he could. Freed knew that, had he not been forceful with his friend, Laxus would have spent the night alone.
So they'd made a deal. Laxus would attend the party, but he was allowed to leave at any moment.
Freed felt that this was maybe too big a step taken too quickly, and he'd only realised that as they approached the guildhall. Laxus was… off-kilter, and this might push him over the edge. So, he had decided that if the worse did happen, Freed would be sober and waiting to help Laxus with it. But it didn't look like he needed it.
"You can't just watch him all night, you know," Mirajane commented as she walked up the stairs, holding a glass of chocolate milkshake; if he couldn't have alcohol, Freed would indulge in other ways. "You might enjoy yourself more. He's doing okay."
"I know," Freed agreed, taking the drink and placing the used glass from earlier on Mirajane's tray. "But I think, the longer he's down there alone, the better. He needs to be fully submerged without his crutch."
"His crutch being you, Ever and Bicks?" Mirajane asked, and Freed nodded. "That's why they're avoiding him, then."
"Indeed, although I suspect Ever would gravitate towards your brother no matter what," Freed chuckled a little, and Mirajane preened a little at the reminder. "Though I must admit, Bickslow, Loke and Natsu being so close does concern me. They're chaotic enough as is, I'd rather not deal with them all together."
"I think they're playing tic-tac-toe," Mirajane frowned a little. "I think it's only a matter of time before Loke suggests making it strip tic-tac-toe, but it's innocent enough right now."
"Perhaps bring me a bucket of water, I could probably pour it over them all from here should they get too involved in their game," Freed mused aloud, and Mirajane laughed a little at the thought.
They both remained in silence for a while, Freed watching as Laxus had a somewhat awkward looking conversation with Reedus, who seemed to be requesting Laxus model for a painting sometimes in the future. Freed smiled a little, hearing Laxus say that he'd consider it; a step in the right direction already. Before his excommunication, Laxus wouldn't have given a second before denying the request, it was nice for him to be making the effort.
Too engrossed in his pride for his friend, Freed missed the slightly sad look on Mirajane's face as she looked down at him. Because of this, when she spoke again, Freed found himself on the back foot and ill-prepared.
"Have you told him yet?" She asked, voice soft but words making Freed freeze. She continued. "It's just that you said that you would, and I really do think he'd-"
"It's not the time," Freed spoke softly, but with firmness.
"When will the time be, Freed?"
"He's," Freed began, but stopped and sighed. "His life is a mess right now. He has nowhere to live other than my sofa, feels like the place he's called home for most of his life doesn't want him there, and doesn't know what to do. It would be cruel to add something else onto that."
"I understand that, but it might be nice for him," Mirajane shrugged. "He likes you back, he always has. He's just not been ready for you until now."
"Well, if that's the case, then we can both wait until things are a little less precarious," Freed stated, putting an end to the conversation.
Mirajane didn't seem to want to push, so Freed looked over the banister to the lower floor to see that Laxus' conversation with Reedus had ended. He looked a little lost for a moment, and Freed let a smile flicker onto his face before it immediately died. Laxus couldn't see it yet, but Lucy was approaching him. She, more than anyone else in the guild, was the person Laxus was most scared of speaking with. He had been avoiding her like the plague, and by the expression of determination on her face, she had noticed.
Freed wanted to intercept, or at least break his own rule and be there beside Laxus. Many times, Laxus had expressed regret for how he had treated his guildmates, and more than anyone else he believed Lucy could not forgive him. Many of the others had known Laxus before his shift in character, but Lucy had only seen him at his worth. He couldn't believe that she would give him any benefit of the doubt.
He clearly didn't know her. Freed had thought that way, until he'd been forced to speak with her about fixing his issue with his hair – something that should have been humiliating, but had instead been easy, and without complication. The woman was kind, nothing less.
"He'll be fine," Mirajane assured Freed. "She just wants to get to know him, and he's been okay with everyone else. It'll be fine."
"I know," Freed said, not believing his own words.
They watched from afar as Lucy finally came face to face with Laxus. He was clearly tense, face unmoving and words stilted. Lucy seemed unaffected, chatting away as she so often didn't with enthusiasm and with cheerfulness. Freed had often wondered how so much optimism could be contained in a single person, but he was glad for it now. This was good, it was going fine.
Until it wasn't.
Freed couldn't hear what had been said, but without warning, Laxus erupted into lightning. He was consumed by it within a moment, and bolts of flickering magic shot out of the door, breaking it open and lighting up the city as it darted through the streets. Laxus was gone, and Lucy was left with her mouth agape, silent in her shock. Freed hissed, placing his milkshake on the table and storming towards the staircase. Teleportation runes had consumed him before he had reached the top step, and he found himself in his sitting room, with Laxus on the sofa, hunched over, crying weakly and trying to stop.
With a small breath, Freed stepped forward and placed a hand on Laxus' shoulder. Laxus tensed, but leaned into it.
"I am so proud of you," Freed whispered. "You were spectacular, and did so well."
Laxus didn't respond. That was how the rest of the night went, until Laxus' tears subsided, and he slept curled up, head resting on Freed's lap. All in all, despite how it had ended, Freed knew that this had been good for Laxus, and was something of a breakthrough for him. As the man gently snored, and Freed ran his hands through his hair, Freed repeated himself in a quiet whisper.
"I am so damn proud of you, Laxus."
Freed's Birthday
The singing was a little too much, Freed found.
Discordant, with its volume inversely proportionate to its talent, it sounded somewhat like a bag of cats trying to fight with a set of bagpipes in the middle of a tornado. Well, perhaps that was slightly hyperbolic and fanciful, but he'd had his fair share of champagne throughout the day and as such was allowed to enjoy his creative side.
He'd awoken to his team making him breakfast – pancakes, pain au chocolates, and cinnamon rolls – before he had been taken to the guild. As normal, it was a loud and rowdy affair. The peculiar tradition of his yearly fight with Natsu took place, a grand meal had been prepared, and he'd been sung to. Very very loudly.
Still, it was a nice day. A tradition.
It was good to have Laxus there, too. The blonde had been present for the breakfast, and Freed had expected that would be it for his inclusion of the day. A month had passed since the summer solstice party, and Laxus' time spent in the guildhall was still minimal. Other steps had been made – he'd modelled for Reedus, set up a weekly training session with Gajeel, and went on an incredibly unexpected mission with Happy – but he still struggled with the guild as a whole. He confessed that their team spirit was too much, and it felt like he was intruding.
Freed didn't want to push him. The first party had kicked him into action, and now Laxus was getting to know his guildmembers both old and new, and if doing so one-by-one was what it took then so be it.
But, Laxus had come. He'd eaten, drunk, and Freed had caught sight of him and Gajeel laughing together while the rest of the guild sang at him. It was nice to see, and it had made the signing more bearable. Slightly more bearable, anyway.
Then, the presents came.
As always, they were an onslaught of gifts, some personalised, others more general. Levy had gotten him a first edition copy of 'The Mechanics of Magic', Erza a grindstone to polish his sword on, Reedus a painting containing all of his team and Laxus in the heat of battle, and Lucy a set of quills and ink. He thanked them all graciously, touched by the effort that had been spent on them. His guildmates really were too kind.
The thought made him look up, glancing towards where Laxus had been. Freed hoped that, upon seeing the forgiveness and open kindness he was receiving, Laxus might feel more involved himself. When he looked up, he saw that Laxus had left the guildhall.
He sat through the rest of the gifts, trying to remain focused but unable to feel bad. Eventually they ended, and the party moved onto the next stage: Gajeel and his guitar. If Laxus' departure wasn't excuse enough for Freed to leave the guildhall and go into the courtyard, then the music certainly was.
Once outside, it didn't take him long to find where Laxus had ended up. Freed had hoped that his friend hadn't left altogether, and was gratified when he saw him sitting on the edge of the pool, his boots bedside him and his trousers rolled up. Freed smiled as he walked forward, kicking off his own shoes and folding his own trousers to his knees. He sat beside Laxus, letting his calves rest limply in the cold water in the pool. Laxus shifted a little, clearly in his own head and not having noticed Freed's approach.
"Hey," He murmured quietly. "Sorry I didn't… I couldn't… just got a bit much, y'know."
"I understand," Freed said immediately. "I'm impressed that you managed to-"
"You don't need to do that. I appreciate it, but I don't need you telling me that I'm making steps," Laxus argued, smiling a little. He bumped his shoulder into Freed's, as if to make sure Freed knew he'd taken no offence.
"Very well," Freed nodded. "I'm glad you're here though, it wouldn't have felt right without you."
"I can't let my right-hand man celebrate his birthday without me," Laxus grinned, and Freed chuckled quietly, lifting his foot and watching the ripples that the action caused. "Speaking of which, I should give you this," Laxus leant away from Freed for a moment, reached for something, and handed Freed a hastily wrapped box. He didn't meet Freed's eye when he handed it to him. "I was gonna give it to you in the morning, but wanted to force myself to come here so held off. So, erm, happy birthday."
"Thank you, Laxus," Freed smiled, taking the box with a smile.
"You don't know what it is yet," Laxus grinned a little. "Bicks didn't get you a speedo this year, maybe I wanted to keep up the tradition."
"If you did, then there would be a sense of irony because you'd be the one ended up in the pool," Freed chuckled. "And he did, actually. Somehow, and I can only blame Mirajane for this, he had it baked into my slice of the cake," Laxus barked out a laugh. "It was lime green. In a few years' time I'll have a whole rainbow of them."
"Wonder what he'll do when he runs outta colours," Laxus grinned, before nudging Freed again. "Open it."
Freed did as instructed, and halted a little when he realised what it was. It was an Armillary Sphere. It seemed to be made from solid gold, shining under the lamps strewn across the courtyard. He gently ran his hands over the incremental engravings, adjusting the device slowly with a look of wonderment on his face.
"It's beautiful," He whispered. "How did you…"
"I don't know if you remember, but we did a mission together a couple years back and finished it early. We got pretty pissed after, since neither of us had had a break for a while," Laxus was a little red in the face. "We were lying in a clearing somewhere, looking at the stars. And you suddenly started naming them all, telling me all the stories associated with the consolations. You kept going, you could even figure out our coordinates based on what we could see. You just kept talking about stars, and astronomy and I never forgot it. You mentioned that you used to have one of these in yer old house, and I saw it in an antique store before I came back to the guild and thought you might have liked it."
"It's incredible," Freed was a little breath taken. The fact Laxus had brought it before returning to the guild was just… "Thank you, Laxus. It's… perhaps one of the nicest things someone has done for me."
"Aw don't say that," Laxus laughed a little, but there was a quaver in his words. "Not when I've got the heights of the speedo collection to contend with. And what did Gray get ya? A monocle? Who the hell put him up to that?"
"In fairness, I did gift him a scarf for his last birthday. Which, with him is the equivalent of throwing a pebble into an active volcano with how long it'll stay on his body," Freed chuckled. "I did tell him that, so I suspect the monocle is his act of revenge."
Laxus made a little laugh, leaning back on his hands and watching the ripples across the water. Freed did the same, shifting slightly and allowing his side to press gently against Laxus'. Laxus didn't move, and Freed had a soft smile across his features as he allowed a yawn to split his lips. A party was nice and all, but this was better.
"Fuck," Laxus gaped as he looked at Freed. "You take this seriously, huh?"
Freed chuckled a little at Laxus' reaction. As demanded by Bickslow, Freed had kept his costume a secret from everyone, including Laxus. That had been a difficult feat, given that Freed had removed his desk and books from his office, turned it back into a bedroom and they had become official roommates. The costume had been tucked away in the back of his closet for a month, and this was the first time anyone other than Freed himself had seen it.
As always, the Raijinshuu went in a themed costume. This year, fighters throughout history. Evergreen had insisted on being a Viking, Bickslow had chosen an old Rune Amry uniform, and Freed had decided on a gladiator.
The costume was hardly the most accurate, historically speaking, but Freed liked it. His torso was covered by a leather chest plate, complete with straps to hold it in place, a single metal shoulder guard, and a red cape that hung to his lower back. His modesty was protected by a tunic which ended above his knees. He had also adorned sandals that wrapped around his legs, and he'd forgone the helmet as it seemed unnecessary in the end. The look was completed with his sword that was attached to his hip, as normal.
"I forgot, you haven't seen any of our costumes, have you," Freed chuckled. "What do you think."
"It's…" Laxus seemed to pause for a moment. "Good. Really good- creative, I mean. You put a lot of effort into it."
"Thank you for noticing," Freed smiled. "Are you ready to go?"
"Give me a couple minutes to change," Laxus dismissed, and Freed frowned as Laxus retreated into his bedroom.
Laxus had been adamant that he wouldn't wear any costumes at all, because he wasn't into that kind of thing. It was what Freed had expected, and honestly he was happy that Laxus was willing to come at all. Laxus had been at the guild more often lately, and Freed felt that maybe his birthday party had helped with that. Perhaps it was nice to know that Laxus could get some time alone, gather his thoughts, but still be a part of the guild's events.
Freed sat on the sofa for a moment, having to adjust his position when he realised that his tunic had a tendency to ride up and show… everything. Better to know now than to make the mistake in the guild where his friends would be delighted to mock him for it.
Maybe he should allow for another anachronism and wear some boxers…
The door to Laxus' room opened, and Freed looked towards him immediately. A spluttering of laughter slipped out before Freed could stop it, and Laxus raised an eyebrow at him, amusement obvious in his face. He stepped forward, spread his arms to better reveal himself, and grinned.
"Just as good as yours, right?" He joked.
It wasn't as good as Freed's. Laxus' costume consisted of a fairly cheap red suit, a white shirt with ruffles of all things, and a pair of red devil horns. It was put together in a rush, had no detail given to it, and was perhaps to most delightful thing Freed had ever seen. One year ago, when Freed had been celebrating the holiday without Laxus, he wondered if the blonde might have scoffed at the Raijinshuu's new found fondness for Halloween. Now, Laxus had a smile that was almost goofy on his face, wearing a costume that he'd made for himself. Freed couldn't ask for more.
"It's certainly a costume," Freed smirked, and Laxus laughed.
"You know, I'm dressed as the devil," Laxus all but sauntered forward, a good look on the man. "And if you're a demon, that kind of makes me your king, right? And, as your king, surely you should show me some respect and kneel for me."
Rather than allow that comment to affect him – boxers really would have been a good idea – he immediately spoke again. "Say that to Mirajane and I'll pay your tab for a month."
"Nah, I like my organs on the inside," Laxus grinned, walking towards the front door.
"You know that the moment Bickslow and Ever seen that you're willing to wear a costume of any kind, they're going to drag you into our tradition whether you like it or not," Freed taunted as he closed the door and locked it behind him. "I'm afraid to say, Laxus, that this," He gestures to himself. "Is your future."
Laxus paused for a moment, then smiled a private smile.
"I can think of a lot of things worse than that, Freed."
New Year's Eve
Laxus Dreyar and Lucy Heartfilia were having a drinking contest.
It was perhaps the only thing that Freed had seen that might convince him that miracles were real. But there they were, two pints of beer in front of them both, drinking as if their lives depended on it. Even more ridiculous, Laxus had been the one instigate it. He'd brought the tray of drinks over, looked Lucy dead in the eye and claimed that, if she drank hers before he did his, then he'd pay for every drink she got for all of January.
Freed watched from above, smiling a little as he leant on the banister. As normal, he had spent the party with a glass of red, watching as his guildmates got drunker and drunker, making asses out of themselves for his amusement. It had been perfect, and he was delighted that Laxus seemed to be getting involved.
"Shit," Laxus cussed loudly when he placed his glass down. "Where the hell did you learn to drink like that?"
Lucy said something in return, but it was too quiet for Freed to hear. She had clearly won their wager, and Laxus seemed to be in good spirits despite the financial loss. They spoke for a little while longer before breaking apart, Lucy walking towards her team, Laxus looking around before spotting where Freed had decided to stay.
He took the stairs to the second floor two by two, grinning at Freed widely when he was face to face with him. He wasn't drunk – Freed had seen Laxus drunk before many times – but he was in high spirits. It was nice to see.
"Hey," Laxus greeted. "You still sticking up here, huh?"
"Best place to be," Freed shrugged, leaning on the banister when Laxus was beside him. "You can see everyone stumbling and falling, and there's no chance of one of them vomiting on you."
"You really know how to party, huh?" Laxus teased, and Freed chuckled.
For a moment, they watched over the guild. Their arms lightly grazed one another, and Freed found himself smiling a little. These moments hadn't happened before. Laxus hadn't ever allowed himself to slow down, to enjoy himself. Ever since Laxus had come back, he'd been more… contemplative. He allowed himself moments of calm and time to think, and Freed enjoyed sharing those times with him. Over the last year, he'd spent many hours in silent company with Laxus by his side, and those moments had become very dear to Freed.
"Was talking to Mira," Laxus spoke up again. "Said you made a promise to her, that you'd tell me something before the year ended."
"Did she?" Freed mumbled slightly. He would be having words with the interfering woman.
"She did," Laxus agreed, looking towards Freed with a soft expression. Freed kept his gaze on the guildhall below. "But, between the two of us, I don't think you should."
Freed froze. "You don't."
"Nah, I don't," Laxus agreed. "Because everything you wanna say to me I already know. Have for a while, but I've been too shit scared to deal with it. Not anymore, though."
"Is that so?" Freed asked, not conveying tone. Where was Laxus going with this?
"Yeah. Pushing away my feelings nearly fucking killed me, and it ain't gonna happen again. And the thing is, everything you were gonna say to me, I know I wanna say to you. But I don't think I've gotten to that point yet, so instead I'm gonna ask something of ya."
"Ask what of me?"
"I'm gonna ask you make a promise to me," Laxus stated. "I'm gonna ask that you promise that," he looked to the countdown clock above the door, "in forty nine seconds, you kiss me. I'm gonna ask that you promise to go to dinner with me tomorrow night as my date. I'm gonna ask you promise me you'll let me show you how much I fucking care about you, and how much I know I'm gonna love you the second I can," His voice wavered slightly. "Because I really-"
Freed cut him off, leaning up and cupping Laxus' cheek with his right hand. He leant forward, pressed their lips together and kissed Laxus for the very first time. Bells rang and fireworks exploded around them, but neither man cared. Freed melted into the kiss, and Laxus wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him closer.
"I promise," Freed whispered, before starting another incredible, explosive kiss.
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yandearest · 4 years
May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favor (Hoseok x Reader Hunger Games AU) Chapter 5: Let The Games Begin
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Summary - Living in District 4 you never thought you would have to worry about being selected for the Hunger Games. With a training centre right near the dock of the houseboat you lived and fished from, your district was known for volunteers who trained their whole lives for a shot at glory and riches. But at age 18, your name is called and no girls volunteer to take your place. Your devastation is answered when Kim Namjoon volunteers for the males shortly after. Tall, muscular, highly intelligent and charming, the years of diligent preparation have bestowed Namjoon with the expectation of being the next District 4 champion after Finnick Odair last won 3 years ago.
Fishing for a living has granted you skills with a knife but, as your mentor Finnick is quick to describe, your beautiful face may well be your best asset.
Upon arrival in the Capitol you are quickly faced with the reality that Namjoon may not even be the biggest danger inside the Arena. Especially when you capture the obsessive attention of District 2′s own volunteer, and killing machine, Jung Hoseok. Hope soon fades from ‘survival’ to ‘the mercy of a painless death’ but Hoseok certainly has other plans.
Pairing - Hoseok x (fem)Reader
Genre - thriller, angst, yandere
Word Count 6.2K
Warnings - From this chapter onward the characters are in a Hunger Games setting which will involve Graphic Depictions of Violence and Death, Major and minor character deaths (to state the obvious the most important deaths will be in the final chapter), there is also a planned dubcon scene - which will be marked for those who do not wish to read
Fight scenes will involve: knives, swords, bow and arrows, drowning, torture, and possibly others in the future.
The following is a dark fic featuring a yandere character, violence, obsession, and coercion. By no means does writing about this in a fictional setting condone any of those behaviours, much like Stephen King writing horror doesn’t mean he approves of psychotic killers in reality. Please avoid reading if any of these warnings makes you uncomfortable.
Previous Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4
Cross posted on A03 so people can subscribe for updates/notifications
From the second your name had been drawn at the reaping, everything since then had led to this moment. Standing in a sterile white tiled room where the only object inside was a tube that would send you into the arena. Of course, from the moment you entered, you had considered trying to fight your way out, but there were armed guards stationed by the doors. Not to mention the underground location would be impossible to escape from, with multiple doors requiring security passes to open. Earlier you had “jokingly” asked Finnick what the guards would do if a tribute tried to run. He had been upfront about the fact the guards were instructed to apprehend, but not kill, anyone that tried. Finnick told you about some stories he heard of kids that tried to escape before the games in the past, none had succeeded. All of them had been recaptured, injured severely in a way that could be covered (such as a shattered kneecap hidden under baggy pants), and then forced into the arena to die in the opening bloodbath. So, when the announcement came for all tributes to step inside their tubes, you reluctantly acquiesced without complaint.
The tube was horribly claustrophobic. It was soundproof so the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat in your ears and your heavy breathing echoing off the enclosed glass. For a moment you pressed your hand to the glass, one of the identical triplet stylists watching you from the outside much like a fish in a bowl, before the platform beneath your feet suddenly began to rise. You shrieked, adrenaline starting to rush through your veins, and you dropped to a crouch to try and keep your balance.
“Whatever you do, do NOT step off the platform before the countdown finishes,” Finnick had warned yourself and Namjoon during the train ride to the Capitol, his hands making a corresponding gesture of an explosion, complete with his own ‘pow’ sound affect.
You were terrified of over balancing on the moving platform and falling off to your death. You were also terrified of the opening bloodbath about to commence, the prospect of having to potentially kill someone, and the thought of Hoseok waiting for you in the arena. The more you began to think, as the platform kept rising, the more you wondered if stepping off to an immediate death might actually be the better option.
The roof of your tube opened and the light of the simulated sun was as blinding as staring into the real thing. You winced and lowered your head, taking in your first sights of the arena upon surfacing. You had submerged from the ground onto a platform surrounded by large wet rocks. The most eye-catching feature was a giant waterfall about a hundred yards ahead of you. The fall was awe inspiring, easily over fifty meters tall and crashing down into a pool below. The pool was surrounded by rocks, upon which yourself and the other tributes were standing, all equally distanced from the cornucopia at the edge. The rocks were sloped, water from the fall continuing to flow beyond the pool and downwards. There were gaps between the rocks were multiple rivers flowed rapidly downstream. Should a tribute slip and fall it could easily send them to their death before anyone could even start fighting.
You quickly turned your head to see who was beside you, noticing that tributes were not scattered by district order. To your left were only three, before a forest appeared at the edge of the rocks. There was an unfamiliar girl closest to you, Yoongi, and then a young boy you recognized as being from District 11. You didn’t remember his name but he was memorable enough due to his small size and being the youngest tribute. You turned to see who was at your right before a loud noise and sudden ringing in your left ear snapped your head straight back to the left.
Where a small trembling boy had been shaking just seconds ago, was now a sickening display of dismembered limbs, ruptured organs, and blood now mixing into the water. You didn’t know if he had slipped, or done it on purpose, but the boy had fallen off the platform. The vision itself was awful, but what truly made the scene sickening was the scent of burned flesh lingering from the explosion, causing you to gag.
“Tributes are instructed to remain on their platforms until the end of the countdown. Welcome to the 68th Annual Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor”
A robotic voice sounded from overhead – loud enough to be heard over the multiple screams of horror – as a lit 10 appeared on the sky above. Whatever consideration you had given to the thought of blowing yourself up had vanished upon seeing the grotesque reality.
You turned back to the right, partially to see who was close to you, but mostly to avoid the sight of 11’s scattered corpse, struggling not to vomit.
The boy from 12 was closest to you, his face pale with fright and tears freely falling from his wide shell-shocked eyes, as he outright sobbed.
You couldn’t blame him for crying, if anything you were surprised at the fact you hadn’t started doing so yourself. You could hear some of the other tributes were still screaming in fear and you felt a crippling weight in your stomach knowing that nearly all of them would soon be dead too.
On the other side of 12 you saw Hoseok, who was eerily calm amidst all of the panic. He stood tall; dressed in a form fitting shirt, cargo pants that cinched his narrow waist, and a pair of black boots. With his hair parted and swept to the side, displaying all the sharp angles of his facial features, he looked like he could have been a model from one of those Capitol billboards you had seen. But the reality was he was a trained killer, obsessed with you, and after the remaining 5 seconds your life was about to be in his hands.
You wondered if the Capitol had a hand in him being placed so close to you right from the beginning. If you really were Snow’s favorite, like Finnick believed, were they entrusting Hoseok to live up to his declarations from the interviews last night?
Upon noticing that you were looking in his direction, Hoseok locked in your eye contact. His rich dark brown irises held a magnanimous pull that kept your attention glued to him, instead of looking to see who else was further beyond him or examining the rest of the arena.
He tilted his head towards the direction of the cornucopia with an imploring raise of his brow, a clear indication of his intention to follow the career pack’s plan. You shakily nodded your confirmation in return.
‘I’ve got you,’ he mouthed slowly, pointing to himself and then to you with his words. Again, you just nodded in reply, not knowing what else to do.
The last second was felt like the longest moment of your life, caught in between the security of your raised platform and the imminent danger of your life being up for slaughter. How was it that your group’s plan was to run straight to the center of the chaos? Your survival depended on the promises of people you barely knew, who would eventually have to kill each other anyway. Your only other option would be the forest on the sidelines, with no survival skills, and a target on your head for being separated from the career pack.
A thunderous boom of a canon sounded in the sky to signal the commencement of the games and you took off immediately. Your environment in District 4, living by the sea, gave you an advantage in being able to navigate the slippery surface of the wet rocks. The combat boots the Capitol had provided you with fit your foot perfectly, were lightweight enough to easily move in, and had a solid grip on the sole.
The race to the center was over a surface of uneven rocks that had gaps in between, where rivers of water rushed through – some of which were multiple feet wide and far too big to jump over. You didn’t dare look to the sides, or behind you, to see what anybody else was doing. Your only focus was the cornucopia that came closer with every step. Items were scattered around, with their usefulness depending on the proximity to the cornucopia in the center. You were beginning to pass things like bundles of fruit or a small sack of nuts on the ground, but didn’t stop to consider them for a moment. If your alliance could secure the cornucopia then you would always be able to return for foodstuffs later, and if some other tributes snatched a few things before that then so be it.
This year the cornucopia took the shape of a large rock formation, some weapons were stashed along the bottom, with the more advanced tools up higher, which would require the tributes to have to climb for them. Your lungs were burning, and the rocky surface was now starting to become a lot more uneven, but you forced yourself to concentrate on your destination, which was so close you could almost touch it. You spotted a backpack on the ground; in front of a rock you would have to climb over. You quickly swiped it up and slung one strap over your shoulder, continuing to move forward as you did. You awkwardly shoved your arm through the other strap as you came to a stop in front of a bigger rock. It wasn’t too large, just above your hips, but wasn’t something you would be able to just leap over like some of the others.
You placed your palms on the top of the surface and prepared to lift you weight over, when suddenly you were hit by a colliding weight in your back. You released a sharp cry, a combination of the surprise along with the sharp bruising pain from your hips being slammed into the rock. You didn’t know what had hit you, but it had caused your eyes to catch the glimmer of a knife’s edge that was hidden in a crack. You hurriedly snatched it by the handle, and turned around to face a terrified District 12.
The poor boy was ass down on the wet ground and staring up at you with pure fear in his eyes. You deduced that he had slipped into you by accident on his race to try and reach the weapons before the careers. He was essentially defenseless whilst you now held a knife, the weapon of your expertise, in your grasp. It would be so easy for you to just toss the blade straight between his eyes. After all he had been trying to get to the same weapons in an attempt to kill you. It would just be self-defense wouldn’t it? So why couldn’t you bring yourself to throw it? You knew you were wasting precious seconds, that every moment you stood there with the knife in your grasp, back to the rock and cornucopia behind it, you were essentially making yourself more vulnerable to other attacks. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to end the life of a terrified child. He couldn’t have been any older than fourteen, the pants and jacket the Capitol had dressed him in hung loosely on his underdeveloped frame.
There was something unfair about being eighteen and an adult, but still having to compete in a game with other children. How could you kill a kid? But really you were still just a kid too? Why did you have to die? Why did anyone here?
Your moral crisis was interrupted by a hissing whizzzz beside your left ear and the sight of an arrow embedding itself straight into the eye of 12. He was dead before his body could fully hit the ground.
“YN!” a sharp voice barked from behind you, and you turned to see Hoseok standing on one of the higher points of the cornucopia with a bow in his grip and a quiver full of arrows over his shoulder.
“JUST STAY THERE!” He yelled, before turning to his side and launching an arrow point blank into the forehead of a girl that had started to try and climb for a sword.
You flinched at his second cold blooded kill in less than a minute; clearly, he was not facing the same internal struggle that you were. By now the other tributes (who hadn’t run in the opposite direction at the start) had realized the highest ranked prospect had landed himself a long-range weapon and were starting to scatter in fright, scrambling to pick up any items they could as they made a mad dash over the rocks for the forest. Hoseok showed anyone within his range no mercy, launching another arrow into the back of a young girl, before narrowly missing another target that had been smart enough to zig zag.
You spotted that Krystal, Athena, and Yoongi had found each other and were working at the base to start gathering things they thought they would need, each holding a weapon as they did so, and constantly looking over their shoulders. You also saw that Namjoon had scaled the side of the cornucopia for the sword Hoseok’s victim had tried for. He was now jumping back down with his sight set on a girl at the cornucopia’s edge trying to carry a flint, bat, and a bag of fruit. You quickly looked down – not wanting to witness the slaughter – but you could still hear her petrified scream and the sound of the blade sinking into her flesh.
You made the mistake of turning towards Krystal’s voice – shouting in warning – instead of the direction of the male tribute from 7 as he tackled you from behind. Unlike the younger kid from 12, 7 was older, larger and his collision into your body was no accident. Though you had been caught off guard you still managed to maintain your grip on your knife as he wrestled you both off of the rocky surface and into the raging rivers below. You sucked in a deep breath before being pulled underwater. The fact 7 had opted for the water strongly indicated that he didn’t have a weapon himself, and didn’t seem to think you had one either. He had dragged you under by a grip around your neck, but he was struggling to hold it, whilst also trying to swim. The water was deeper than your height, something he probably wasn’t expecting, as the currents pushed both of your bodies downstream. His hold was painful and being held underwater was causing your survival instincts to go into overdrive. There was no sense of hesitation when you started jabbing your knife backwards, trying to get him to break his grip.
You could barely hear his gargled grunts above the rushing water besides yours ears, but when one jab landed so deeply that the knife didn’t come back out, he finally broke his hold with a scream. Twisting in the water, you kicked wildly to separate you further, launching your foot off his gut and propelling your body back to the surface.
You gasped for air, coughing out some of the water that had gone up your nose, as you allowed the water to carry you further down the river. Behind you, you could hear 7’s shouting – a combination of pain from the stab wound and frustration at his failed kill. Moving with the current, you swam with the river, kicking your legs behind your body and moving your arms in a freestyle to put even more distance between the two of you. Ahead, the river began to slow in pace, with a rock at the side sticking out that would allow you to grab on to. You adjusted your stroke and managed to catch it pretty easily, pulling your body out of the water.
For a moment you laid on your side, just trying to get your breath back and spitting out any water you had accidentally swallowed. You were grateful – from what you could taste – that the water seemed to be fresh, rather than salt, giving you a drinking source. Not wanting to risk being so exposed in the open for much longer, you pulled yourself up onto all fours. You looked around to see just how far you had fallen and realized you were now further away from the cornucopia than when the games had started. You could still see it, along with Hoseok and Krystal who had been trying to run along the rocks to help – but the currents had been much faster. They were both around a hundred yards away, looking quite small in your eye, until you spotted a third figure. At first you thought it could have been one of the other careers, before realizing that it was Hoseok pulling the boy from 7 out of the river. He must’ve caught onto a rock earlier than you had. Krystal saw you and waved to ask if you were ok – but your eyes were glued to Hoseok as he lugged 7’s body completely from the water as the latter struggled. You could see multiple stab wounds that you had inflicted across 7’s legs and torso, most of them looked like superficial cuts except for the knife that was sticking out of his thigh.
Wondering why you weren’t responding; Krystal turned her attention to your eyeline to watch as Hoseok grabbed a hold of the knife’s handle and twisted the blade in further – causing 7 to let out an agonized scream. You felt your bones chill at the sound, you had been trying to hurt him out of self-preservation but Hoseok was doing this for his own enjoyment. Like a car crash in slow motion you couldn’t look away as Hoseok ripped the blade out by dragging it all the way down to 7s knee, as 7 begged him to stop in strangled screams. But he didn’t listen, instead Hoseok’s long fingers – the same fingers that had held your face in his hands whilst professing his feelings for you – wrapped around his wounded leg to squeeze painfully, earning another pained scream.
The sight was making you sick and you couldn’t take it, hunching forwards you vomited up what little was in your stomach. Krystal, who had previously resumed climbing in your direction had also stopped – feeling paralyzed by the sound. It was like the entire arena had fallen into a stunned silence, as the sound of 7’s screams carried over the rapids and into the trees. Athena, Yoongi and Namjoon had stopped what they were doing on the cornucopia and even the other tributes in the forest momentarily paused at the sound of the noise. Everyone had known to expect death and violence, but this was going beyond into the realm of torture.
“You thought you could take her away from me?” Hoseok seethed, releasing his grip to stand back up to his full height.
7 writhed on the ground, his face scrunched in pain, and it was all he could do to beg.
“I’m sorry,” he sputtered, coughing up blood from the stab wounds in his torso you had inflicted earlier.
7 knew there was no way he could survive anymore. Even if by some miracle someone else could take out 2, there was no way he would be able to find shelter or food. His fate had been sealed.
“Sorry?” Hoseok spat, turning the knife in his hand.
“No, you’re not sorry now. But you will be”
From your position, you couldn’t hear their conversation, but you didn’t need to. You scrambled to your feet and dashed over the last few rocks towards the forest edge, trying to focus on the sound of your feet sloshing against the water of the river bank to drown out 7’s next round of screams.
It was customary to wait until the opening bloodbath had finished before sounding the canons that represented the loss of a tribute’s life. After Hoseok finally finished exacting his vengeance on 7, the game makers decided the opening round was over, firing seven canons into the air – the faces and districts of the lost tributes would be revealed later in the evening. Ripping the blade out of 7’s corpse Hoseok turned around, looking for Krystal who had been responsible for tracking you as he took care of 7. He was livid to see her back at the cornucopia without you. He wiped the blood off the knife with his shirt, before slipping it through a belt loop of his pants.
“Where is she?”
Hoseok demanded to know as soon as he rejoined the others, who were standing together at the base of the cornucopia, surrounding a pile of the best supplies they had gathered.
His eyes were narrowed in Krystal’s direction given she was supposedly the one meant to find you. She flinched, after having just witnessed his assault on 7 she wasn’t exactly keen to tell him something he wouldn’t want to hear. Sensing his sister’s discomfort, Yoongi protectively stepped partially in front of her, brandishing the axe he had claimed as his weapon.
“She’s ok,” Krystal began, and Hoseok’s pinched frown eased slightly, although he still looked angry.
“I saw her pull herself up onto a rock near the shore, further down from where you were.”
“So why didn’t you go and get her?”
“Because she saw you. YN saw what you were doing to 7 and she was terrified. She ran into the forest before I could reach her.”
Hoseok exhaled sharply, as he ran his fingers through his hair. He was pissed at Krystal for just letting her go, but he couldn’t take it out on her in front of the alliance. He was also pissed at you for running away. He had done everything that he had to 7 for you, why didn’t you see that? You should be grateful he was inflicting revenge against anyone that dared to hurt you, not hiding from him.
“I have an idea,” Namjoon spoke up, his body weight casually leaning against his sword.
“A lot of fucking help you were. Aren’t you supposed to be in love with her?” Hoseok snapped in his direction.
“You and Krystal were both closer to her than I was when she fell, there was nothing I could have done. You’re the one that let her get away because you chose to torture that boy instead of going after her,” Namjoon coolly replied.
“Anyway, your plan is?” Athena butted in, growing really tired of the arguing about you. As far as she was concerned it was your choice to run off, she didn’t come here to play babysitter.
“We take the best supplies and set up camp on top of the waterfall. We can’t camp here because it’s too wet, there’s nowhere to sleep or make a fire on this rock. We’d also be way too exposed out here in the open. If we get to the top of the cliff, we can find solid ground and also have a vantage point of watching the rest of the arena below us. Those of us with a long-range weapon,” he paused to look at Hoseok, “can keep an eye on the cornucopia from above and shoot down anyone who tries to come back here for the other supplies.”
“What about YN?”
Hoseok was surprised Krystal asked the question before he could.
Meanwhile Athena rolled her eyes at the side. ‘YN, YN, YN, YN this, YN that, Where’s YN? Why was half the alliance so preoccupied by one member? She's not even that special anyway’ But she kept her thoughts to herself, especially after having just witnessed Hoseok’s attack.
“It’s too dangerous to try and follow her into the forest right now. We don’t know which direction she ran and there’s the risk of coming across other tributes instead. I don’t want to just leave her either, but I think we might have a chance of spotting her from up there using a higher vantage point.”
“It’s getting close to the middle of the afternoon,” Yoongi spoke up for the first time. “Any time spent looking for YN is less time spent setting up a camp, and we don’t know what’s going to happen later at night.”
“What if it was me that was missing? Wouldn’t you try to find me?” Krystal frowned at her brother.
“You’re my sister, that’s different. And she’s not ‘missing’ she chose to run away. I’m not letting you risk your life over something that was her decision. You’re setting up the camp with me.”
“I’m going with you too,” Athena agreed, internally cheering over the fact that finally someone else was talking sense.
Namjoon nodded at the three before turning back to Hoseok.
“You can try and find her now, and risk going out there alone, where any group of tributes would be willing to team up together to take you down after what you just did to 7. Or you can come with us, build our camp tonight, and tomorrow we can search together.”
Hoseok raised his brow in Namjoon’s direction. It wasn’t the first time that they had argued over you, and he knew this sure as hell wasn’t going to be the last. Hoseok wanted nothing more than to leave the others and set off into the forest trying to find you, but Namjoon was unfortunately right. He was already the biggest threat based on his performance score, torturing another tribute would only serve to make him an even bigger target for the others. Going into the forest without someone watching his back was practically suicide. He didn’t trust Namjoon to watch out for him as far as he could throw him, but if they went into the forest together it would at least provide another distraction.
So, reluctantly, he agreed.
After running into the forest, you changed direction to run along the side of the river, back towards the direction of the cornucopia, whilst staying hidden behind the trees. Your logic was that if the careers were to try and chase after you, they hopefully wouldn’t be expecting you to be running towards them. You also chose to stay close to the river because you figured a majority of the tributes that had ran away would be further inland. And in the case another tribute tried to attack you, you had already survived fighting someone in the water – it was by far your preferred element compared to the woods. Secondly if you were fighting and could get back out in the open, you knew that Hoseok would instantly come running. You supposed there was some kind of irony in running away from a psychotic killer, whilst simultaneously expecting him to save your life if someone else endangered it. Maybe you would have been able to laugh if it wasn’t so sickening.
When you were close enough that you could start to hear the sounds of the career’s voices, you stopped. Ducking down behind a bush, with another tree at your back for cover, you peered through the leaves and watched them gathering items. Hoseok seemed to be the most reluctant and was continuously looking over his shoulder in the direction you had fallen downstream, as if expecting to see you walking back. It wasn’t hard to figure out that they were planning to move. You couldn’t blame them, after all the cornucopia was far too wet to set up camp on.
Exhausted from the earlier fight, and running through the trees, you slumped back against the tree behind you, feeling the bag on your shoulder collide with the bark. You startled. You had been so distracted you hadn’t even realized that you were still wearing a backpack, you were surprised it hadn’t fallen off in the fight. You pulled it from your shoulders, eager to see what was inside. You had picked the bag up on the cornucopia’s outskirts so you weren’t expecting much, but you could still feel a few items inside. Pulling at the zip you opened it up to reveal a bottle of water, a ruined flint, and a rope. You sighed, disappointed that there wasn’t a weapon but at least grateful to have something. Given you had thrown up before, along with the additional running after, you were dying of thirst. Uncapping the bottle, you took a long swig before twisting the lid back on. Even though the river water was drinkable you wanted to save your bottle as long as possible to avoid going out into the open.
You stayed in your little hiding spot for the rest of the afternoon. Cautiously you watched the career pack gather their supplies, and when they made their way towards the forest you felt your heart rate skyrocket. But thankfully they walked in the opposite direction, towards the waterfall. The careers were the only tributes you saw for the rest of the day.
As the sky began to change color in the evening, so did the temperature begin to change as well. For the most part it had been quite warm during the day. The Capitol had dressed you in a pair of khaki cargo pants, brown boots, a dark grey T-shirt and a brown bomber jacket. Despite being crouched behind a bush, it had been warm enough for your clothes to have mostly dried off during the rest of the day. You had taken off your bomber jacket and hung it over your head for camouflage, which had allowed it to dry completely. But as the temperature rapidly began to fall, you were quick to pull it back over your body, zipping it up all the way to the neck. The temperature continued to drop and you soon found yourself shivering as your breath became a visible cloud every time you exhaled. This had to be a twist from the game makers.
You vaguely remembered someone telling you before that hot air rises. You looked at your surroundings, as your body began to shiver from the still dropping temperatures. Not only was your breath becoming more visible with every exhale but it looked like the air was now holding a misty quality. Looking upwards it didn’t seem to be so dense and there were plenty of large trees with sturdy branches around you. You were definitely terrified at the prospect of snakes, bugs and other lethal animals in the trees, however there were bound to be other dangerous species on the ground too. With no way to make a fire, if you stayed where you were it was very possible you could freeze to death before the night’s end.
Climbing a ship, compared to a tree, was incredibly different. Most boats had railings and were much easier to scale. But you found that the leg and upper body strength you had built from a life of hard labor came in handy. You were agile and found yourself capable of pulling your body weight up onto the branches that were above you. You refused to look down the higher you climbed, knowing there was no water below you to break your fall if you lost your balance. There was no point in psyching yourself out; if you fall, you die. If you don’t climb, you die. The only choice left was to keep climbing. When you reached a height where the branch above you began to dip when you applied your body weight to it, you stopped. Still refusing to look down, you sat onto the branch you were currently on, gripping the wood in between your thighs tightly for security. You removed the strap of your bag from one arm and shrugged the pack over your shoulders. Unzipping it at the top you reached inside to remove the rope, before zipping it back up again.
The first thing you did was secure the rope around your waist, looping it twice before securing your makeshift belt in a fisherman’s knot. The trunk of the tree was too wide to reach around with your arms so would have to tie yourself to the branch instead, which would mean looking down. Very carefully you leaned forward to lower your chest to the branch, exhaling shakily as you caught a glimpse of exactly how high up you were for the first time.
Instead of being able to see the floor, all you were met with was the sight of a frosty grey cloud that was covering the entire arena along the lower ground, it was surreal. Not wanting to be facing downwards for any longer, you worked as quickly as possible to loop the rope around your branch four times before securing it with another knot. Relieved that you now had some security, you sat back up to lean against the branch. It would have to be an uncomfortable sleep, but it was better than nothing.
Although you were no longer in the freezing zone, you still found yourself shuddering from the cold. You bundled yourself up into a ball, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms underneath your legs. Suddenly the Panem anthem began to play and a holograph appeared in the sky. Given the fog there was also a vocal announcement of the tributes who had died, along with the usual pictures being displayed. As you watched the montage of the fallen tributes, you noticed a balloon floating towards you. At first you panicked, thinking it was a bomb or some sort of game maker twist, until you saw the basket with a bundle inside. It was a sponsored gift.
You sat up a little straighter and cautiously reached out to the balloon as it stopped to hover in front of your face. The item was soft and light, as you picked it up feeling confused. The material was too soft to be clothing. Placing it upon your lap you realized that it was a folded camouflage blanket, being held together by a ribbon with a card sticking out. You pulled the card out, flicking it over to read who it was from.
To our darling dove, Stay safe and warm Love always, YN-United.
You had a fan club? Was this a normal thing in the games? You wondered if any of the other tributes had fan clubs too. This definitely wasn’t a common thing within District 4, as you had never heard of civilians pooling resources to be able to donate for your own tributes, so it had to be a Capitol thing.
You were surprised, but not complaining as you undid the ribbon and began to unfold the blanket. It turned out the blanket wasn’t the only gift, as wrapped inside was a stunning ornate knife. You gasped, picking it up to hold in front of your eyes. The handle was white gold and decorated with patterns of flowers and vines, with tiny doves along the base. A ring of diamonds surrounded the top of the handle with a fat diamond attached at the bottom. You felt your eyes watering at how elaborate and expensive the knife had to be. Removing the sheath, your jaw fell open at the sight of the blade. You had never seen a material like it before; it was like an opal had mixed with glass. Stunning colors swirled through the blade, which was opaque enough to partially see through. It disturbed you to think that the people who had gifted you with such a beautiful item wanted you to kill with this thing.
Feeling overwhelmed you returned the sheath over the blade and put the knife down your jacket. The rope around your waist would prevent it falling out from the bottom and you tightened the chords around your neck to make sure it wouldn’t fall out from the top if you leaned forward.
Keeping your knees close to your chest you pulled the blanket over your body, sighing at the instant feeling of warmth the added layer provided. You were still far from comfortable, sitting upright on a tree, but at least you weren’t freezing anymore. By now the sun had completely set and the temperature along with it. You were safe for the moment, but you wondered how the people on the ground were going to cope in the subzero conditions. The only way you could imagine surviving would be through climbing a tree like you had, sharing body warmth with another tribute, or making a fire. Soon you began to start smelling smoke in the air, a clear indication that multiple fires were burning. But fires were dangerous.
Across the other side of the river a boy from 3 had set up a fire in desperation. He knew it wasn’t smart to make it obvious where he was, but if he didn’t create a heat source soon he was going to die soon anyway. He could only pray that the other tributes were too distracted trying to avoid freezing themselves to think about hunting others down. Unfortunately for him his prayers went unanswered. The last thing he felt before a canon boomed in his honor, was a blade across his neck as someone slit his throat from behind.
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