#and then never stood for anything again 🙃
jakeperalta ¡ 11 days
feel like pure shit just want her back x
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enwoso ¡ 2 months
GIRLS — alessia russo
a little something mostly from alessia point of view, just to change it up a little🙃
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alessia had always felt different about you since the moment she met you. not in a bad way. actually the total opposite. however, she didn't exactly know how to express it but you were different.
the blonde saw you in a different light because to her you were the prettiest girl she had ever seen. but the blonde kept these thoughts and feelings hidden in the back of her mind cause after all she would forget about them, wouldn't she?
to her you were just a close friend, who alessia thought was pretty. alessia's would look for you first in any room her face lighting up when she spotted you. when it was just the two of you, she could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored of your voice. everytime you hugged her, alessia would be hoping it would last just that little longer as she didn't want to let you go.
but you were just her best friend and that was it.
after all she could say any of her friends were pretty, couldn't she, it didn't mean she loved them in that way.
alessia had thought about maybe talking to someone about these feelings she was having towards her friend, but she was afraid. afraid of what they would say. what they would think. afraid of judgement.
each time she tried she would back down and pretend she had forgotten what she was going to ask.
"mum, can i ask you something?"
"of course sweetheart!"
a moment of silence would pass, before the blonde would begin to stutter and tumble over her words before saying her signature line she'd said with everyone who she's tried to have this conversation with, "um, oh it doesn't matter- it's nothing"
except it wasn't just nothing.
instead alessia did what she thought was best but ultimately was the only thing she knew how to do, push them away. putting her guard up, she couldn't let people know.
all of her teammates, especially you noticed the change in the blonde's behaviour but each time you asked you were met with the same small nod and quick smile before alessia would run off in the opposite direction.
"lessi are you sure your okay?" you asked the blonde once again, having had enough of the stand off behaviour you'd been experiencing the past few weeks. her shoulders were tense as if they were carrying a lot of baggage with them but you couldn't seem to figure out what.
you thought maybe it was you that was the problem, and while you sort of were, you thought maybe you'd forgotten something. her birthday? no it was in february and it was may.
were you supposed to meet her for coffee? no cause you'd messaged her and she hadn't replied so you took that as a no.
had you said something that had offended her? not that either cause apart from the fact you could barely get a squeak out the blonde the last thing you had told her was that she looked gorgeous in her dress she was wearing for a family event several weeks ago.
so it definitely wasn't anything that you had done directly to her.
worry had been racking your brain for weeks, a little sad your best friend was acting the way she was towards you.
"y/n! i've told you, i'm fine! just leave me alone!" alessia snapped, you takjng a step back from the blonde as she finished stuffing her things into her pink gym bag. storming out the changing room as your stood with hurt filling each inch of your body.
"woah, what's wrong with less?" leah came round the corner watching the last part as alessia stormed out the room. you shrugged as you sat down on the bench in front of your locker.
"i don't think i've ever seen her snap like that. what happened?" leah asked as she took a seat next to you, you yourself confused at what you had done or maybe said to her.
"i dunno, but she's been like that for weeks. i don't know what i've done le?" you admitted at leah hummed, she herself had noticed a change in alessia's behaviour but put it done to maybe lack of sleep or just having an off day. but then the thing is you don't have an off day for four weeks straight.
"i've noticed a change in her too but i'm sure it's nothing you've done y/n, your her best friend." leah comforted you as she gave you a side squeeze you letting out a breath you hadn't even realised you were holding in.
"doesn't feel like i'm her best friend at the minute" you sighed sadly as you fidgeting with the bracelet on your left arm. the one alessia had gave you, she had a matching one she had gotten them while she was in italy a few summers ago. claiming she saw them and they reminded her of you so she just had to get them.
"hey, it'll be okay. how about i try and have a chat with her and see if i can find out what's bothering her"
the minute alessia snapped at you she felt guilty, rushing out the room as facing your sad look was breaking her heart. slamming her car door shut as she sat with her hands in her head regretting the last ten minutes. wanting nothing more than to just tell you what was on her mind, but her head wouldn't let her.
alessia knew she'd been acting different, she knew you'd noticed as well as some of her teammates. some checking in and making sure alessia was okay, but already having her guard up that she'd built up stronger the past months. she couldn't let them in.
she'd spent months trying to figure out her feelings and while she was starting to understand them a little more as the days went on, she was still having a hard time realising what they meant.
alessia drove home, having sat in the parking lot too long. she drove in silence the only sound of the other cars passing her as her thoughts began to get louder and louder.
huffing and fiddling with her house key into the door opening it after a few minutes, throwing her bag in the doorway before kicking her shoes off before going to face plant the sofa. a loud groan coming from her but being muffled by the way she was lying.
however after what felt like seconds there was knocks echoing around the room, alessia praying that whoever it was they would go away so she didn't even make an attempt to move.
"less i know your in, your car is parked outside!"
the knocks continued as alessia made a slow attempt to move to her front door, her socked feet moving along the carpeted floor as she opened her front door.
"leah?" alessia looked confused, she couldn't remember the blonde saying she was coming over but then again anything anyone told her the past few weeks wasn't exactly going into her head. unless it was something you had told her, she remembered that. she couldn't forget that.
"hiya less, you okay?" leah asked as alessia let the blonde into her home, leah as always making herself at home as alessia hummed a response to her question, knowing if she tried to answer it would make it very clear that she wasn't as 'okay' as she had been letting on the past few months.
"mhm good" leah smiled as alessia sat next to the blonde on her couch. alessia just nodding along, not really sure of leah's intentions of being at her house. there being a slight awkward silence building.
"just we have noticed a change in you, and as captain but also a good friend of yours i just want to make sure that there's nothing happening and if there is, can we or i help?" leah cut straight to the point, as it was clear that alessia was going to tell leah up straight so she was going to have to try and squeeze it out of alessia.
"i shouldn't be feeling like this, i know i shouldn’t but their just too hard to resist." alessia whispered after there being a slight pause after what leah had said.
alessia cryptic words had leah confused, now leah was smart but riddles were definitely not her strongest attribute she had in her locker.
"who, are you talking about a boy you've met?" leah asked as that's all she could kind of pull from them words but leah's face quickly changed when she realised she must have said something wrong as alessia began to cry, her eyes all glassed over. her tears falling down her cheeks leaving their mark as they fell.
"not a boy, a girl... y/n" alessia managed to get out through her tears, it coming out as a whisper.
leah paused before speaking, not entirely sure of the full picture of what has happened. "less, i'm confused. why are you crying? did y/n do something?"
"no, no! it's not y/n, she hadn't done anything. it's me.." alessia paused as she got frustrated by the dryness in her throat as the tears fell down her face. "i'm just scared-"
"less, what are you scared off?"
alessia threw her head back in annoyance. "of everything! it's terrifying me, maybe i like girls maybe i don’t or maybe i just like the attention y/n gives me? if i like girls or even if i like girls and boys, what will everyone say? what will my family say, my friends, the fans? what if i actually don't like girls and i end up just leading me and y/n on? that's not fair to her! what if i lose people that i love all because i’m too busy chasing after a girl? and then i end up being wrong. it's just, all- just, it's just-" alessia could finish her sentence as her tears got the better of her, making her choke on her words.
"okay, ok less listen to me please, take a deep breath for a second" leah paused to make sure alessia could find a normal pattern of breathing again. alessia following leah's instructions taking a deep breath in as she shakily breathed back out.
"first thing does y/n respect you?" leah began as alessia nodded slowly "yeah, so much"
"good, and when your with her, or your talking to her do you get that funny feeling in your stomach or do you feel all giddy?"
alessia let out a small smile as she sniffed, "yeah i could listen to her talk for hours, i can't get enough of her voice"
"and when your with her do you picture what it would be like with her, or imagine what a future could be like?" leah asked finally as she watched alessia's face begin to think, as that small smile appeared again as the blonde was most definitely thinking about you before coming back to reality.
"then less, you've answered your own questions. you like her. no no wait listen to me" leah quickly rushed out as she watched as alessia's breathing began to quicken, grabbing the blondes hands to try and calm her back down again.
"you like her and so what. who cares if you like boys, girls or anyone! it's non of their business. you have to do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy. those who truly love you like your family will love you no matter who your with, whether that's with a boy or a girl. they'll just want you to be happy and that's all that matters at the end of the day. and if they can't except you for who you truly are then they clearly don't care about you as much as what you thought they did cause those who love you will want you to be happy, yeah"
alessia sniffed as she looked up at leah nodding, "yeah, i know"
"then fuck everyone else and their opinions. y/n is fit you've said it yourself and if it turns to nothing or whatever then your first experience with a girl is with a worldie, which is pretty impressive" leah smiled nudging the blondes shoulder slightly as alessia hummed agreeing a small giggle came from her.
she knew leah was write, alessia had to stop hiding and put herself first for once and stop being so afraid of everyone else cause like leah said if they truly care for alessia then they would want nothing more than for the blonde to be happy.
alessia wiped her eyes as well as her red and puffy cheeks, "she's so pretty it hurts"
"yeah she is, but less talk to her. tell her how you're feeling and if she feels the same then brilliant go for it at your pace and see where it goes. and if she doesn't then at least you tried. but don't rush it cause either you'll end up hurting her which i know you would never intentionally want to do or your going to get hurt in process." leah gives alessia some genuine advice some she wishes that someone could have given her when she was going through the same thing alessia is right now.
as the famous quote goes, slow and steady wins the race!
"your right, thank you leah." alessia says with a genuine smile for the first time since leah got to the blondes home.
"of course i am, now after my expert advice i think the least you can do is make me some food!"
"knew there would be an another reason why you would be here!" alessia said with a laugh and the shake of the head. "what do you fancy?"
"smileys and chicken nuggets please, thank you less and i'm so proud of you!" leah called out as alessia had already made her way to her fridge.
its been a few weeks since alessia had her small breakdown in front of leah, where she admitted her feelings for you. but alessia was still acting weird with you, and it hurt cause you were still left in the dark non the wiser of why alessia was acting the way she was.
leah had reassured you over and over that alessia would talk to you when you were ready but you were starting to think that, that day was never going to come and maybe you had done something to upset your best friends — especially for her to give you the cold shoulder for this long.
you been keeping yourself or more your mind busy with other things to keep your self from spirilling from all the possibility’s of what alessia may say to you, if she ever speaks to you.
alessia on the other hand had been trying to build up the courage to try and talk to you, knowing you were hurting with the way she was acting. but finally she got the courage and asked you in the changing rooms after training.
“um, y/n” alessia tapped you on the shoulder, you jumping a little as you turned a little shock appearing on your face at the fact alessia was actually talking to you.
“yes alessia?” you noticed the blonde had froze as if she was rooted to the spot while alessia was trying to stop the pang of hurt that was going through her at the sound of you calling her by her actual name and not her usual nickname you had for the blonde.
although alessia did kind of deserve her nickname privileges taken away especially after the way she had treated you in the past few weeks.
“sorry, i- um do you wanna come over to mine for dinner?” alessia winced as she spoke, her brain slightly scared of rejection.
“sure what time?” you smiled simply as the blonde blinking surprise at how fast you said yes.
“is erm seven okay?” alessia stuttered checking the time on her phone as you nodding moving back to pack up telling the blonde you would see her soon as you waved her goodbye.
now when alessia says she panicked, she had panicked. she wasn’t sure what was going through her head when she asked if you wanted to come to her for dinner as she hadn’t even been grocery shopping this week. her home was a state with dirty washing scattered around a long with bags of clothes from pr lying in her hallway.
so as soon as the blonde crossed the threshold of her home, she had went into turbo mode, cleaning every floor and surface as quickly as she could as she unpacked the groceries she had stopped on the way home to get.
beginning to prep dinner, making something she knew you loved and before alessia could even blink you were knocking on her door.
letting you in, you held up a bottle of wine you’d had lying in your cupboard. alessia nodding before asking you if you wanted a glass.
alessia scrambled to find you a glass, you opening the bottle as the small talk began but you couldn’t help but feel awkward. it had never been like this, even in the day you met it always flowed but tonight it wasn’t.
you could help but think alessia was holding something from you. dinner came and went and you were both sat on alessia couch, a film you’d picked playing but neither of you were paying the slightest attention to it.
“i’ve miss this” you blurted out as alessia turned her head to you, an eyebrow raising on her face.
“missed what?”
“us, hanging out. you hadn’t exactly been very present in the past weeks” you said quietly as a sharp breath came from alessia as she nodded slightly. she knew she hadn’t and she didn’t think this conversation would happen as quickly as what it was about to.
“i know, i’m sorry y/n i am, i’ve just had a lot going on in my head” alessia apologised as you gave the blonde a sympathetic smile. you could tell the apology was genuine.
“it’s just i’ve met this person, and i just don’t know how to tell them i like them” alessia admitted as you felt your heart stop for a second.
“what is he like?” you asked, assuming it was most likely someone she met when being out on a team might out that being the main time the blonde would fully let loose.
but alessia shook her head correcting you, “she”
“oh- sorry i didn’t mean-“
“it’s okay, you didn’t know”
“whats she like” you correctly yourself, asking the question again. alessia pausing before she answered.
“wells she the prettiest person i’ve ever met, she has the kindest heart, and her smile oh i love it” alessia had to bit the side of her cheek to stop the shit eating grin appear on her face as she talked about you much to your dis-knowledge
your heart felt heavy as you heard her talk about who you thought was someone else, wishing that could be you she was talking about, little did you know.
“she sounds lovely less, why don’t you just be honest with her.” you plastered a smile on your face, you were happy for the blonde as you wanted nothing than for your best friend to be happy.
a pop of the lips came from alessia, “she is, but i think I’ve kinda messed up a little. i haven’t been treating her like she should be treat. the first time i’ve spoken to her in a few weeks was asking her to come to mine for dinner…”
alessia trailed off, her voice was quiet as she fidgeting with her rings on her finger. waiting for your reaction to putting two and two together.
your head shooting up as her last words even though quiet you heard them and then rung around your head louder as it clicked. “i’m sure she will forgive you”
“i hope so cause i really really like her” alessia whispered as she looked up to meet your eye line a small shy smile appearing on alessia’s face, your face matching hers slightly red with shy smile.
“kiss me”
alessia felt the knot in her stomach tighten as you put those words into the open, alessia at first thought she was just hearing things.
alessia maintained eye contact for another moment before she leant closer to you, your arms remaining by your side scared that if you touch the blonde would be snatched from the moment they were currently in.
when your face was in front of alessia's she allowed for her own eyes to flick down to your eyes in front of her. her view being cut off by your eyelids covering them as you closed your eyes and leant in close. now close enough for alessia to feel your breath tickling her lips.
taking a breath, alessia closed her own eyes and allowed for your lips to meet. softly pressing against each others, you both holing your breath,
you pulled back ever so slightly, your eyes opening slightly to check alessia reaction, knowing this was all new to her. alessia's eyes remaining closed as she brought her hand up to your jaw, cupping your face with her hand and bringing you closer again so your lips could meet once again.
you followed her lead, closing your own eyes again and meeting alessia's lips with yours. the blondes bottom lip moving slowly between your top and bottom lip. alessia shifted herself slightly, not wanting to disturb the kiss as she placed a hand on your thigh, squeezing a little bit as you let out a quiet moan and used your perfectly manicured nails to run to the back of the blondes head and scratch against her scalp.
alessia felt shivers go down her back, only growing when she felt your tongue touch her bottom lip, allowing her mouth to open as their tongues met as both your breathing got heavier. neither one of you dared to move, even despite the growing ache inside both of their bodies
you eventually slowly pulled your head back, alessia's eyes fluttering open as you brought your hand from the back of her head, trailing your fingers against the soft skin of her cheeks. 
"was that.. okay?" alessia whispered, her head staying close to yours as you both rested your foreheads against each other. you out of instinct bringing your hand up to brush the baby hairs out the blonde eye line, tucking them neatly behind her ear.
"ten tens, would do again!" you mumbled, a small laugh coming from alessia. the laugh that you adored and would try and get from her as much as you could.
"oh, then that's good cause it means i can.." alessia trailed off as she leaned her head forehead a little pecking your lips with a smile, "do that!"
even though on the outside alessia looked confident, she was doing her best to push down the internal panic she was feeling. she'd never felt anything like that from a kiss before, she never had a kiss take her breath away either whilst equally making her feel like electricity was flowing throughout her entire body.
but what was scaring alessia, was this was making her feelings all the more real.
you both sat in silence, kinda not knowing what to do next. the silence was thick, enough to be cut with a knife.
“so..” you broke the silence first, alessia’s eyes gluing to yours as you spoke, a small nod coming from the alessia, she knew what you were going to say.
“can we take it slow? cause this is all-“ alessia began but before she could finish you cut her off.
“you set the pace less, i’ll be here. if i have to wait a day or a million days just know at the end of the day i’ll be here” you smiled as the blonde’s lips matched your smile as she intertwined her fingers with yours, her thumb rubbing against yours.
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cissyenthusiast010155 ¡ 1 year
Finally, Always, & Forever ~Dark!Miss Peregrine xFem Immortal!Reader
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@athenodora-sulpicia-writer Request- Miss Peregrine; If you do can you write a one shot with the numbers, 2, 60 and 62 from your Mummy Masterlist all for a female reader/character? And if you write it about Miss Peregrine can you make it dark Miss P?
Hey @athenodora-sulpicia-writer !! Thanks for the request and your patience 😊 I had fun researching Miss P and now I’m happy to say that I can write for her! I got some inspiration from @valentineisrotting on this one 🙃 And I also found a Stela Cole song to go along with it! To me, Love Like Mine appeals to the dark and sacrificial nature of Miss P’s love in this plus the “I’m so good that I’ll make you wanna stay up” line😫 (and much more but that’s the main point). Hope you Enjoy 💋
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#2. “Be a good girl and tie yourself to the bed posts”
#60. “You broke the rules…”
#62. “I might do something I’ll regret…”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, little angst, little fluff, forbidden love (sort of but not really), kissing, eating out, fingering, punishment, overstimulation, gagging, mistress kink, praise kink, implied degrading kink, implied age gap (all legal), etc.
Enjoy (;
She’d told you to never visit. Not that she didn’t want you to… Hell, she longed for you to. No, because she was afraid they’d catch you.
See, you had what the scientists longed for… True Immortality. That was your peculiarity. You weren’t a simple child anymore, and if had gotten harder and harder to conceal with time. So out of preservation of both your lives, Alma had forbid you from coming to see her in her loops. It was letters only.
But once you’d heard of her loop nearly being damn near destroyed… You couldn’t help the urge to run into the arms of your lover to see if all was well.
You had heard from a friend that Miss Peregrine and her peculiar children had found a new home near New Zealand. So you travelled there and lo and behold, you found the rumored loop and house corresponding with it. You entered and walked through the front gate.
And next to the front door, talking to one of her children, stood the one and only, Alma Peregrine. You suddenly felt all childish again. You’d broken her only rule. But you didn’t care enough about that right now.
As you stood there from afar, mouth agape at your lover, Alma sensed something in the air had changed. You had started to walk up the front path to the house, when her gaze caught yours. A myriad of emotions washed over face.
Anger. Sadness. Pure joy. A little lust…?
As you walked up the house steps, Alma sent her child inside.
Before she could say anything, you began, “I know you told me… not to come… but…” you found yourself a stuttering mess, “but then I heard about you almost getting killed…?! And I just thought that I needed to know you were alright…”
Your gaze met hers as you hit your lips and blushed, unsure what she would do. Suddenly, it was like something broke inside the raven haired goddesses eyes. You gasped lightly as you were suddenly in her tight embrace.
“I was so worried for you…” she whispered.
Your eagerly returned her hug. Her lips peppering kisses all over your face and neck.
“Me? I was worried for you… Are you safe now…?” You whispered.
She nodded and pulled away slightly, growing more distant all of a sudden. Her gaze becoming darker.
“Even though we’re safe now… You still broke the rules, my dear…”
Your breath hitched slightly. Light blush crept up your cheeks as you apprehensively nodded in recognition of your disobedience.
“I might do something I’ll regret…” She warily warned you.
Afterall, she hadn’t seen you in ages. And now she was getting a chance to lay hands on you once more. At her full Control. She wanted to check in with you first.
“I don’t care.” You whispered, “Use me. Fuck me. Edge me. I’m yours.”
At that, she smirked and nodded, her hand crept up your shoulder, as she brought her lips to the shell of your ear.
“Second floor, last door on the right…” she husked, “Be a good girl and tie yourself to the bed posts…”
Your breath hitched yet again.
“Yes mistress…” you whimpered, scurrying into the house and up the stairs.
You didn’t even register to explain your presence to her children, whom you passed along the way. Luckily, Alma had you covered on that front. As you stripped and dug around her closet for her signature black lace ties, Alma explained to her children a bit about you and your presence here.
When she came into her room, you were struggling in tying your second wrist to the bedposts. You’d already ties both your feet and your left wrist. The raven haired beauty chuckled lightly, and shutting the door, she came over to you.
“Let me help you, dear…” she purred, easily tying your wrist to the bedpost.
You and she both knew this was the nicest she was going to get tonight. After that, her tone and gaze went straight dark. The kind of darkness that made your thighs clench and your breath shallow… She then moved to the edge of the bed, taking in your entire form.
“You broke the rules…” she repeated, this time with an sharp edge to her tone.
You gulped.
“I did, mistress.” You whimpered, squirming under your restraints.
She hummed in satisfaction of your recognition.
“I haven’t touched you in ages…” she wickedly purred, licking her lips.
Even after all this time, it wasn’t hard to remember that she liked verbal answers…
“No, you haven’t, mistress…” you breathily whimpered.
“Safe words?”
“Green for good, yellow for pause, red for stop, and three taps for stop if I can’t speak.”
The raven haired woman hummed in recognition and then began stripping in front of you without another word. You whimpered lightly at the sight of her body, adorning a jaw-dropping sleek, black lingerie set. Your little sounds did not go unnoticed by the other woman. She then climbed on the bed, crawling on top of you.
“You’ll have to be quiet. I won’t have the children hearing your leud sounds.” She warned, “I will gag you if you can’t keep those pretty lips closed.”
You nodded vigorously, pursing your lips together tightly.
You knew she would punish you for breaking her rules, but fuck…
Why did she have to be so fucking skilled at it…?!
Her tongue dipped into your precious cunt tasting the juices of yet another orgasm which she had pulled out of you. You were a shaking, stuttering mess, who was desperately trying to stay quiet. But your head fell back in pure bliss as her tongue slotted itself inside your core once more.
“Fuck yessssss…” you hissed, tugging on your restraints.
At this, Alma cocked her head up and removed her tongue fully from your heated center. You hit back the whimper which was bound to try and escape you. The raven haired goddess then got up without another word and grabbed your knickers, shoving them in your mouth and effectively gagging you.
The stamina of this woman, you couldn’t…
She’d been bringing you over the edge for hours, punishing you with the double edged sword of overstimulation. One particular lick to your sensitive and puffy clit, sent you spiraling and spasming. Your back arched and you screamed into your knickers in response.
“Yes, sweet girl, I know your mistresses tongue feels so good. But why are you crying, sweet thing…?” She taunted.
She wasn’t wrong… Your mascara was running down your face. All from the pure utter, overstimulating bliss the woman as bringing you.
“You asked for this when you decided to break the rules…” she wickedly purred, attaching her hot mouth to your clit and sucking harshly.
A desperate cry of painful pleasure left your throat.
“Is this too much for you…?” She taunted, attaching her mouth back quickly on your clit.
You nodded vigorously, pulling tightly against your ties, your body spasming at her touch. But she firmly held your thighs for her easy access.
“That’s odd… look at how your dripping on my tongue…” She chuckled wickedly.
You let out a particularly desperate whine, which was easily muffled by your make shift gag.
“But that’s ok, sweet thing…” She lustfully purred, “If you keep crying like that your mistress will let you cum in her mouth however many times you’d like…”
New tears of pleasure streamed down your face as she brought you to yet another climax, leaving your throat sore and your legs trembling.
“My pretty crybaby…” she cooed while cleaning you up only to go down on your dripping cunt once more.
Aftercare was a staple for Alma. So when she was done with you, she gently scooped your fragile form up and carried you to her bathtub. She ran the water and then promptly joined you, making sure to live on you and clean you up proper. Then, the two of you snuggled in the water for a while. You nuzzled into her form lovingly.
“Missed you so much…” you murmered into the crook of her neck.
“I missed you too…” Alma whispered, kissing your nose affectionately, “You don’t ever have to leave again, my Dear…”
“I’m yours. Always and Forever…” you murmured, drifting off into a light slumber in Alma’s arms.
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specialagentlokitty ¡ 10 months
Arthur x reader - our secret
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Can you do Arthur with Merlin’s sister who also has magic and uses it to save him and he keeps her secret because he cares about her.🙃🙂 - @faithm120601 💜
Running through the hallways, you were cursing your brother out for making you do this.
You didn’t want to be a part of anything, but he made a good point of Arthur probably had no idea about the intruders, and that somebody had to warn him but it was too last.
Since Merlin could keep them back a little and use his magic without Arthur being there, he then left telling the prince of Camelot to you.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” Leon asked.
“Intruders at the front! Merlin trying to hold them off!” You called.
“Go! I’ll tell Prince Arthur!”
Leon nodded his head and ran in the direction you had just come from while you carried on your route.
You were close, just a few more hallways and you were be there.
Running around the final one, you stopped to take a few breaths, walking over to the doors where there were supposed to be guards.
But there were none and that put you on edge as you approached the large doors.
You could hear the signs of struggling, and you peaked through the gap in the door.
You could see anything, but you could tell there was a fight going on inside, so, cautiously you opened the door a bit more so you could slip in.
Arthur was in there, pinned to the wall, struggling to hold back the sword that was against his neck.
You didn’t know what to do, and in your panic of not wanting to let him die, you raised your hands, eyes turning gold as you whispered something under your breath.
You threw your hand to the side, and the attacker went flying on the floor.
Quickly you lowered your hand and hid yourself behind a cabinet.
“Who’s there?” Arthur called.
He looked around, but couldn’t see anybody.
He couldn’t search the room, he needed to deal with the attacker.
After a few moments you stood up.
“Sire, there’s been intruders, Sir Leon has been told and he has gone to my brother who is at the front of the castle with them.” You said.
Arthur looked at you, then the unconscious man on the floor.
“I think the warning came a bit too late.” He snapped slightly.
“I’m sorry, I came as fast as I could.”
Arthur sighed, shaking his head.
“It’s fine, who else has been told?”
“King Uther, as well as the other guards.” You explained.
Arthur slowly nodded his head, narrowing his eyes at you a little bit.
He carried on binding the man so he couldn’t break free, and began to slowly move around the room.
You watched him carefully, making sure that he was okay.
Seeing movement behind him you looked at it.
“Arthur behind you!”
He wasn’t going to be able to turn around quick enough, you saw that.
So, you did the one thing you’re good at.
Using your magic, you used it to throw a book at the man, and you quickly put your hands behind your back.
“You have magic?!” Arthur hissed.
You said nothing.
He marched over to you, standing right in front of you, sword still clutched tightly in his hands.
“Please don’t tell my brother… or Gaius…” you whispered.
He furrowed his brows.
“They don’t know?”
You sighed, looking at him, shaking your head a little bit.
“No, I knew what would happen to me if anybody found out, I never wanted to bring them into that. They know nothing of it.”
Arthur looked a little confused.
“You know what will happen to you but still you chose to use magic in front of me? Why?”
You gave Arthur a little smile.
“Because you’re the prince, it may not be my duty to protect you, but you were in danger. I would do it over again, between you dying to some intruders, and me being executed for using magic, I guess the choice is as simple as any.”
“You were the one behind the defence last week, aren’t you? Bandits suddenly disappear, what did you do with them?”
“I am, but they didn’t get hurt. I simply trapped them in a different part of the valley to you is all. Then scared them away.”
Arthur slowly nodded his head.
“Why will you not run away?”
“What’s the use? You already know, I knew what my fate would be when I made that choice sire, why run?”
He looked at you and you smiled at him.
“Please Sire, Merlin and Gaius may be confused, but don’t tell them. Tell them I left, I had to go home, I’ll write a note, it’ll be easier on them.”
Arthur sighed softly, nodding his head.
“Of course, I’m sorry it has to come to this.” He said quietly.
You smiled slightly.
“It’s okay.”
You both turned to the door as it was opened, and Uther came rushing in with some guards.
You bowed your head in respect, stepping away from the Prince.
You listened to them as they talk, but stayed lost in your own mind at the same time, not really taking the words in.
You were trying to think of what would happen to your brother, your best friend, you just wanted at least for him to be okay.
“You did this?”
You snapped out of your head, turning to the king, nodding your head.
“Yes sire, I did.”
He looked at you, walking closer.
“You brought down a fully grown man? How?”
You went to speak, but Arthur beat you too it.
“She threw the book! She has a good throw from what I saw.”
Uther turned to his son.
“Threw a book?”
Arthur quickly picked up the book you had used your magic on, and set it down on the cabinet.
“I see.”
Uther turned to you.
“In that case, thank you. I dread to think what would have happened if you hadn’t of come.”
“You needn’t thank me. I would do the same again if I had to.”
Uther smiled a little.
“That’s reassuring to hear, I will have these two taken out and guards placed at the door, more this time. Find somebody to clean this up.”
“I will do it Sire, I’m here already.”
He nodded and left, and you began to clear up the mess that had been made in the room.
After a few minutes when you were sure everybody was gone, you glanced up at Arthur who was just about to leave the room.
You decided not to bring it up there, so you waited.
Maybe he was still going to tell his father, but over the next few days nothing happened.
You found the Prince stood near some shelves, so you walked over, pretending to clean them.
Arthur turned to look at you.
“Why haven’t you told anybody?”
“Why would I?”
You glanced at him before turning away.
“You saved my life, I owe you that much to do the same to you at least. But you need to promise me no more.” He whispered.
You slowly shook your head.
“I can’t make that promise, I would do it again if I had to.”
“Then you risk being exposed, please, no more (Y/N)…”
You sighed, turning your attention to him.
He smiled, looking around before he stepped closer.
“Thank you..”
With that, he brushed his hand against yours as he left with a little smile on his face, and you smiled as well, know at least for now everything was going to be okay.
But who knew what the future would bring
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xenyasplacex ¡ 5 months
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem!reader (Blurb)
Summary: Chris has a little present for his grilfriend
Warnings: Cursing, Spiders, screaming???? (That’s it i think, Lmk if i messed anything)
A/N: i literally never write fluffy stuff like this but here you go 🙃
Also it’s only small bc i’m about to get on my grinddddd
“Babe look at what i found” Chris yelled over the crashing of the waves as he ran over to his girlfriend who was kneeling on one of their beach towels
“I’m making a video Chris, what is it?” Y/N replied, slightly annoyed that he had interrupted her tiktok just as she had hit record.
“This is more important than your tiktok, look at this,” Chris said excitedly, shoving a huge slightly metallic looking spider in her face.
Y/n’s widened in our horror as she saw the spider in his hand. She hated spiders, not the the extent that she started to panic as soon as a spider was even mentioned but to the extent where a spider being stuck in her face freaked her out. 
“Chris, get that thing away from me. What the hell?” She screamed as she quickly stood up and backed away from him, only for chris to come closer to her.
“Oh come on babe, you don’t like my present?” He asked chasing after her as she started running away from him and towards the water.
“Chris no!” She screamed back, crashing into the water in an attempt to get away from him.
After swimming further into the ocean for a little while she turned around in an attempt to disarm Chris, but she couldn’t find him.  She turned left and right but there was no sign of her boyfriend at all, until and she felt a tickle on her shoulder coming from behind her. She quickly turned around seeing Chris right in-front of her with three hibiscus flowers in his hand. All the fear she had in her before suddenly disappeared and he heart swelled, butterflies starting to flutter at the bottom of her stomach.
“You didn’t like my gift?” He asked again, this time causing his girlfriend to laugh a little before wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing a warm, loving kiss to his lips.
The two seemingly got lost in each other, they didn’t know how long they had been kissing before The two got splashed with see water.
“You guys are gross.” Matt Yelled over the crashing of the waves followed by Nick yelling “Yeah, get a room, we’re in fucking public!”
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yninstagram: He’s such a Cutie Patootie 🎀🎀
Liked by Sturniolo.Triplets, Christophersturniolo and 507,737 others
christophersturniolo: FLOWERS ARE FROM MEEEEE
↳ yninstagram: Yesssss i love youuuu
nicolassturniolo: You guys make me sick to my stomach
↳ christophersturniolo: Womp Womp
↳ yninstagram: Mad bc the toothfairy only left you $5
matthew.Sturniolo: Ewww yall are so cute it’s disgusting
↳ yninstagram: LMAOO thanks mlll 💞💞
Xenya 🖤
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hansumswife ¡ 6 months
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ꜱᴍᴀꜱʜ! ᴘᴛ2
chris sturniolo x naomi west
outfit | pt1
warnings - smut, no protection, mentions of male being hard, fucked dumb, male x female smut, never written smut before so sorry if its bad, cant think of anything else
tags: @st7rnioioss @its-jennarose @timmyscomputer @kriissy4gov @liz-stxrn @sunrisemill @mattssluttywaist @riasturns @mx0qin @junnniiieee07 @alorsxsturn @annasturn0lo
Chris had left the tent whilst Skies prepared to perform on stage - so to waste time him and Matt decided to go watch Playboy Carti.
As the two of them walked up, the song Carti was jumping around to finished and he began announcing something through the microphone. “Yo! I wanna bring somebody out for this song, Naomi get your ass out here!”
As he said the girls name fans screamed from the mass of a crowd - Chris smiled as he would be able to watch her. He didn’t listen to Naomis’ music religiously but he still appreciated it.
He watched as she jogged out onto stage, now in a different outfit than the joggers she was wearing when he had first met her. Matt puled out the camera and recorded the stage for a minute before shutting it off again. Allowing Nars to pull him off to another section.
Chris bopped his head to the music, watching as Naomi danced around laughing with Carti. He listened as the beat changed up, watching as she grinned and prepared for her verses.
He stood off to the side as the crowd bounced up and down to her bars, the rhymes flowing smoothly. The large crowd sung along word for word.
As there was a gap in Naomi’s verse, Carti rapping for a while she turned around and began to twerk - earning screams to ring throughout. Chris could feel the tent appear again, the way her back moved and-
Gross, you just met her Chris.
He watched as she stood up, laughing brightly before rapping her shared verse. Dancing around stage with Carti once again.
Chris couldn’t focus the entire time he was on stage, barely getting the lyrics out his mouth as he jumped around stage with his idol. It didn’t help he had scrolled through Naomis instagram before hand either.
After saying goodbye he, Matt and Nars checked what was happening - hearing an after-party was happening. They decided they would go and leave if they didn’t like it.
In the ride there Matt pulled the camera out, allowing Chris to narrate. As soon as his brother put the camera back down a ring came from his phone, and a smile appeared on his face from the notification.
Naomi 💋🤍: you going to the after party?
Chris chuckled at the emoji’s Naomi had added to her own name earlier on.
Chris 😍: Yeah are you?
Naomi 💋🤍: yeah js wondering if u wanna meet 🙃
Chris 😍: Bet, I’ll tell you when I get there
He put his phone back into his lap and grinned, doing everything in his power to not think about the girls instagram posts.
As they walked into the house, music blared loudly throughout. Chris quickly texted Naomi and she told him she was near the stairs.
“Matt, I’m gonna find the bathroom. I’ll find you whenever.” he shouted into his brother’s ear who just nodded and walked off with the others.
Chris wandered through the crowds, occasionally dapping up somebody who knows him. He noticed the girl near the stairs, sharing a blunt with Carti before he took the last hit and walked off with the girl that was wrapped around his arm.
He watched as Naomi blew the smoke out of her mouth, it twirled gracefully before evaporating into the air that was hot from the amount of bodies.
He exhaled, gaining confidence before tapping onto Naomis shoulder. “You good, ma?” he teased, looking into hed low and droopy eyes. She nodded with a grin. “So what you tryna do?” he smirked.
One of his arms came and rested on the stair railing, trapping Naomi in slightly which she couldn’t help but blush at. She shrugged confidently, “Up to you baby.”
Chris’ eyes flickered over her features before he leaned in, his nose brushing hers before their lips connected roughly. His hands quickly found the girls hips whilst Naomis wrapped around his neck. “Wanna find a bathroom or something?” Naomi suggested, pulling away slightly out of breath.
Chris nodded, leading the girl down the hallway as she giggled. He pulled her in, locking the door after them and immediately connected their lips once again.
Stepping forward he caused the girl to step back, leaning her up against the wall. His hands found her hips again, one tapping her ass.
Taking the hint Naomi jumped up, straddling his waist as he pressed her into the wall. His lips travelled down her jawline and under her ear - hitting the sweet spot to which her back arched into him.
“Please, just” Naomi panted, a hand steading herself on his shoulder and the other tugging on his wavy hair. Chris nodded as he understood. Sliding her dress up and unbuckling his belt.
“Use your words ma.” he instructed, pausing his sloppy kisses, waiting.
Naomi whined at the loss of contact, giving in to speaking. “Fuck me please Chris.” the brunette nodded, muttering a ‘yes ma’am’ before going back to marking her neck with dark bruises.
Using a hand he slid his jeans off along with his boxers, looking at the girls screwing up face. He wish he could see that more often. Her panting up again the cold tiles, the marks he left scattered along her neck even dipping down to her covered chest.
“You sure ma?” he asked once again, earning a rapid nod from the girl. Using his hand again he moved the lacy thong out of the way of Naomis heat, seeing it soaked already.
Chris kissed the girl again before pushing himself inside, earning a loud moan and grunt as they adjusted to each other. Chris waited until Naomis grip has loosened on his shoulders slightly before continuing. “Tell me if you need to stop ma.” he grunted, pushing himself further inside causing her to nod her head with a whimper.
Naomi dug her head into his neck. He was way bigger than she expected and she was already fucked dumb. Chris smirked at the thought of that, thrusting faster each time he went, hair nails gripping harshly at his shirt.
The bathroom became hot, the small mirror and window steaming up as the air felt tight and had the smell of sex. Chris’ thrusts slowly began to become sloppy as both him and Naomi reached their ends.
“Imma, ‘m…” Naomi slurred slight, Chris nodding encouragingly as he too felt the pit in his stomach.
“Whenever you’re ready ma.” he soon felt her tighten and relax, riding her through it before releasing his own onto her thigh. “You’re so pretty, you know that?” he panted, pushing his hair back and chuckled, her following. Chris kissed her shoulder before grabbing a washcloth from underneath the sink.
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milunalupin ¡ 3 months
Hey! 🙃
I was wondering if you could write a Cedric Diggory x Reader where they are both selected and she is from Beauxbatons. It was her friends that put her name in so she's very nervous and anxious and he comforts her and their relationship just starts from there on. 😍😍😍
Also, Harry Potter isn't selected.
If you can't make it, than that's alright.
Have a great day/night, amazing life and the best of wishes to continue being such a magnificient writer! 💛🖤💛🖤💛
thank you for your patience lovely <3
— we are the champions
cedric diggory x reader ★ 881 words
The Goblet lit up with blue-white flames, a hush falling over the Great Hall as everyone waited to hear Hogwart's Headmaster announce the champions that will compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Three students will compete; one future champion each selected from Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. The young candidates will be put through challenges both mentally and physically, and the games did not hold back. Suddenly, the flames crackled and turned bright red. A slip of parchment flew out of the Goblet and landed in Professor Dumbledore's hands.
"The champion for Durmstrang is... Viktor Krum."
The Durmstrang students roared with excitement, staffs raised in the air as the burly Bulgarian strode confidently to the front of the room.
"The champion for Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory."
Students from all Hogwarts houses stood as they cheered on the popular Hufflepuff boy. He jogged up to the front, high-fiving his peers on the way.
"Lastly, the champion for Beauxbatons is..."
You froze as soon you heard your name leave Professor Dumbledore's mouth. Congratulatory applause filled the room once again, your friends cheering and pushing you to stand next to the other selected champions.
Confusion hit you as you looked around the room; you never entered the competition. "Quoi? Je n'ai pas entrĂŠ mon nom.."
"We thought it would be fun to put your name in the goblet, now you are a Triwizard champion!" Across the table, Corinne and Nathalie admitted to what they did, excited smiles on their faces. "Monte lĂ -haut!"
There was no time to get upset with them, Dumbledore was waiting for you to join the others. You stood up to make sure way towards the front of the hall, swallowing thickly, "Chier."
The boy from Hogwarts sends you a reassuring smile as you took your place next to him. You brushed imaginary dust off your light blue dress, staring down at your feet as the hall erupted with cheers at the final selection of the three champions. Cameras flashed and you could feel the floor rumble with all the excitement. The Triwizard champions have been chosen, the tournament is ready to begin.
Dinner had come to an end, and the students had begun to shuffle out of the hall and back to their dormitories. You ignored your friends' apologies, rushing past them with glossy eyes and shaky hands. The Triwizard Tournament was meant to bring the schools together, you weren't meant to be risking your life playing some games. You stopped as you reached the grand staircase, the moving steps adding to your frustration. A quiet cry escaped you as you dropped to the ground.
Golden boy Cedric Diggory takes calm steps towards you, bending over to meet your eye level. A flush of embarrassment takes over your face as you try to hide your tears. He offers a sympathetic smile and a hand, which you take hesitantly and pull yourself up.
"Hey, it'll be alright, yeah? The Goblet chose you because you must be a strong witch, and very capable on taking on the challenge."
"Of course I am capable, I am not weak." you snapped, your anger fading as you looked up at him. "My apologies Cedric, I did not mean to be so harsh with you. My friends put my name into the Goblet, not me. I am not weak, but I am still human - I'm still scared."
"It was unexpected, I understand you're still processing. Also, just because we're competing against each other doesn't mean we can't be friends. Let me know if anything's getting to be too much for you, and we'll figure something out together. You're not alone in this."
The last of your tears rolls down your cheek, your sniffling slowing down. You supposed he was right; you were considered to be one of the better students at Beauxbatons, and you usually weren't one to back down from a challenge. Although a serious conversation with your friends about their surprise was in store, you supposed running away from them was not the best decision.
"You are right. I suppose I was just in shock," You took a deep breathe and nodded, looking back up to face Cedric. Straightening up, you wiped your cheeks and smiled at the Hufflepuff's kindness. "Merci, Cedric, you did not need to come after me."
Warm arms engulfed you in a hug, your body letting out an involuntary sigh of relief. His chest shook as he chuckled, his gentle hand slowly rubbing your back. "I know we're supposed to be rivals or something, but I wouldn't feel right letting such a pretty girl cry."
Huffing a laugh, you pulled away from him, a new glint in your eyes. "Do not get distracted now, the competition is to begin. Just because you are easy on the eyes does not mean I will hand over my victory."
Cedric threw his head back laughing as you walked away from him, your shoulders set back and an a confident smirk on your face. Yeah he thought you were cute when you first entered the Great Hall, and gorgeous when you stood beside him after being announced your school's champion. But now, he knew he had to get to know you better. The games had begun, and Cedric Diggory was going to win his prize.
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ohblimeygeorge ¡ 15 days
For the prompts, 13. You're safe, I promise, britcedes <3
idk if George is claustrophobic irl but in this case.. he is 🙃
It had been a long weekend and the Mercedes team were all making their way back to their assigned hotel after a group meal post race. It had been lovely. The food was delicious and despite the tiredness creeping through everyone’s bones, it was nice to relax and laugh and talk about the mundane things - no work talk allowed.
As everyone split off to go to their respective floors, George and Lewis joined some of them in the lift, the machine slowly making its way up each floor, the two drivers saying their good nights as the lift emptied out. Eventually it was just the two of them left and they still had a floor to go to reach theirs.
The two were stood in a comfortable silence, both just messing around on their phones. When there was a sudden jolt, a screech and then nothing. No movement whatsoever. The jolt caused the drivers to stumble from where they were leant against the sides and when the lift came to a stop they both glanced at each other and then the control panel. The lights around the buttons had gone out and all that was glowing was the emergency help button. Then the main light flickered off, again only a small emergency light left on above.
Righting himself, Lewis swore under his breath, “Great. What a way to end the night.” He stretched his arm out to press the emergency button, listening to the crackle of the intercom and waiting for someone to speak. Nothing. The crackling stopped. Lewis pressed it over and over again, still getting no response. Feeling himself get more frustrated, he checked his phone to see if he could call anyone for help and saw he had no signal. “Fuck sake - George, you got any signal?”
It was only then that he’d realised the whole time, George hadn’t said anything, didn’t seem to match Lewis’ frustrations. He was just quiet. And his voice then sounded shaky. “George? You alright?”
It was hard to see in the small box with the light out but Lewis could definitely sense something off in George’s voice. He pressed his torch on on his phone and shone in a way that didn’t blind the other driver but that he was able to see him at least.
George was stood opposite him, stiff as a board and hands gripping onto the handrail behind him, eyes closed and he looked like he was taking deep breaths. “George, seriously, are you good? Because you don’t look it.”
Nodding, George took another breath before answering, “Yep, yeah, all fine. Just um, get a bit claustrophobic sometimes s’all.”
Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Lewis, slowly reached his hand out to rest it on George’s shoulder in what he hoped was a soothing way, “We’ll be fine, we’ll get out soon.”
“How do you know though? Nobody answered on the emergency call and neither of us have any signal to call for help either. So until sometime realises we’re missing we’re stuck here.” George replied, eyes flying open as if he’d suddenly realised something and began flitting around the space, glinting against the torch light from the tears threatening to fall, “oh god, we’re gonna be stuck here all night because everyone’s gone to bed. Shit. Fuck.”
Lewis could see he was spiralling and was honestly surprised at how quickly he was. He’d never really seen George act like this in lifts before so he was a little baffled if he was honest. He wanted to ask the question but thought it best to calm George down first. “Hey, listen, you’re okay man, you’re safe I promise, we’re gonna get out of here yeah? Look, why don’t we sit down? Rather than get tired legs huh.”
Lewis made the first move, slowly sitting himself on the ground, keeping his eyes on George the whole time, watching his eyes follow Lewis to the floor. It took a second but George followed suit, his long legs folding in a heap under him as the tremors from his panic let them fall.
Giving him a second, Lewis checked his phone again - still no signal. He reached up to press the call button again. The same crackle then nothing. Sighing, Lewis stretched out a leg, purposely letting it make contact with George’s foot, keeping him aware and grounded that he was okay and fine and safe. “So.. I didn’t know you were claustrophobic?” He asks, wincing as George’s eyes flit to the doors as a creak is heard. “George?” He prompts.
Swallowing roughly, George speaks, “Uh, I normally have it under control. I can trick my brain into knowing it’s fine, that I’ll only be in this metal death trap for a minute or so and then I’m out. So it’s fine,” he explains, clenching and unclenching his fists he didn’t even realised were tense to begin with. “Uh but like, I’ve never been stuck in lift before so this is uh, scary. Fucking terrifying actually.” The sob that catches in his throat makes Lewis’ heart ache. Seeing his teammate so vulnerable is heartbreaking and he wishes more than anything that someone would answer that emergency button right now. This was a fucking emergency dammit.
“Why don’t we play a game?” He suggests.
Blinking rapidly, George tips his head questioningly, “what game?
“Ever played the sandwich game?” Lewis grins, feeling triumphant when George nods.
So they spend the next 30 minutes playing, Lewis watching as George’s body relaxes as he’s distracted.
Eventually, the lights suddenly come back on and the lift shudders back to life, completing its journey to their desired floor as if nothing happened.
When the doors open, the two drivers stumble to their feet, silently shuffling out into the hallway before pausing.
“Um, thanks for - you know..” George started, rubbing his fingers along his jaw nervously.
“It’s cool, honestly. Glad I could help.” Lewis replied earnestly.
Nodding, George looked down the hallway towards his room before looking back at Lewis, “Could we, um, not mention this again? Please? It’s kinda embarrassing enough I acted like that in front of someone like you.” He chuckled awkwardly.
“Like me? I’m just a guy like you, George.” Lewis chuckled
“Your secret’s safe with me.” Lewis replied, softly.
“Thank you.”
“Well, goodnight, man.” Lewis said, before turning around and walking down the hall towards his room.
George watched him go before taking a deep breath and making his way to his own room, well and truly ready for a good night’s sleep.
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mcverse ¡ 1 year
Hi can i ask a scenario wherein how would the sakamaki brothers react to a guy asking yui for a date and she says yes *bcs a sakamaki × yui were having an arguement*.
Oh look, there’s one of my vitals organs on the floor… I guess I laughed too much???
Yui! Reader dead.
The person she dared to even accept is dead.
It’s not meant to be funny but I can’t help it !!! You know what they are and what they can do. 🙃🙃
Okay but maybe I’m being to quick to assume, it could be plausible it’s anything but death… for some! Let’s see how this plays out cuz idon even know yet
Reminder: The boys (+ Mukami bros) are cute ngl and have moments of genuine affection and adoration toward reader (not really Yui! Reader — same difference tho) but they are very deadly, and that’s what I based this post off. Actually, it’s what I base all my dialovers posts off.
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Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 3.2K
Warning: Death, Jealousy, Possessive, Insecurities, Yandere-ish??, Yui! Reader being self sabotage maybe, torture, not spell checked
Side bar: If you can’t tell, I love dark humor. You’ve been warned. Also this is definitely a x reader blog only, so I made the post to represent that. I didn’t want to not do the post cause the ask was really good! Some are longer than others, I got way ahead of myself. Subaru is kinda shorter cuz it’s hard to write him :/
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Sakamki brother
Shu Sakamaki
You were a nuisance. A tiny, insignificant spec inside his world all because of that man couldn’t stop scheming. The existence of you has caused so much trouble—so many anomalies—he lost count after a while.
A human girl who couldn’t leave well enough alone. One that couldn’t obey, know right from wrong despite knowing all the facts and yet still being clueless. You made his life very difficult. He proved it to you time and time again.
Yet here he was, very out of character as he stood over your broken body. The feeling from earlier upon hearing the rumor of you leaving for someone else only now left his body. He felt like he wasn’t in control of his body during what he was doing to you.
He felt every emotion under the sun screaming at him loudly, blocking the noise of his music through his headphone. It was infuriating; he just wanted to relax. Do nothing and relax… Not break your fucking legs.
But what’s done is done.
He no longer felt this unwelcome discomfort in his chest when he saw you standing near another. It wasn’t him then. He was someone else, someone mad, someone crazy infatuated.
Shu has never been one to like someone.
So where did he fuck up?
Why did he fuck up?
He was always calm, calculated. The man he was today was driven by pure rage. Your screams in agony were music to his ears, better than any of the songs he enjoyed. Your pain, your scrunched up face and screaming, it was because of him. All because of his touch.
That thought alone satisfied him as he came down from his high, expression back to its blank slate, unreadable. He scuffs as your sound turns to whimpers and at your weak attempts to crawl away. It was almost cute… almost.
Bending down, he grips one of you legs causing a whale to leave you. Your hand instantly goes to his arm to stop him. He shakes it off him effortlessly, starring intensely at your face as he yanks you to him, you are now face to face.
With a tilt of his head, he smirks, “This is your mistake. For meddling in my life… take responsibility as I drain you of everything.” He grabs your hair, yanking back your head, “The only thought in your head should be giving yourself to me.” he finishes with the sinking of his teeth in your throat.
Reiji Sakamaki
Honestly, he thought he kneeded you into the perfect pet. At this point you should know better. His teachings should have gotten you into shape, but here you are once again being disobedient. Oh, how he detested that part of you. This hurts you more than him.. perhaps you like it?
Without missing a beat, when you arrive home he calls you to his office. This insolence has to be put to rest. You have soiled his family name, much less his pride though he would never tell.
This rumor, even though it was just that, was disgraceful. And it spread, reaching his ears. As if you would be with the trash that litter these halls. Who did they think they were compared to him. They were nothing, that’s what. You knew this. So why would you think it was okay?
Yes, it brings him great satisfaction when he saw you close in on yourself under his gaze, body trembling in fear. At least your body knows his touch, your mind still seemed to show some resistance. No worries, Reiji considers himself a excellent teacher. He was never one to give up, no matter the challenge.
“I don’t wanna hear your excuses…” he starts, getting up from his seat. On his way over to you, he grabs a cup filled with liquid and stands in front of you, pushing it towards you, “Drink this.”
Scared, you shake your head already knowing it’s something bad. You remember the last time he gave you something, the nightmares are everlasting.
Reiji inhales deeply, frowning down at you, “Drink it or I’ll shove it down your throat. I’ll be anything but gentle.” Again he pushes it to you, this time settling it in your hands after his threat weighed heavy in the air.
Cautiously you take a sip, tasting a honey dew hibiscus blend before swallowing the rest. You hand him the empty cup after, noticing no effect. It confused you, was that simply tea?
You’re question was answered shortly after when your eyes felt heavy and your body light as air. You stumbled into Reiji’s arms loosely, looking at him through blurry vision. The last thing you see is him smiling.
When you came to, you found you were strapped to a chair, in what looked to be the dungeon. How could you forget? You had the worst happen to you here, a shiver travels down your spine when you think about it.
“You’re up.” Reiji, a voice you’ll never forget, spoke behind you. You tried to turn to see him, but it was difficult. He chuckles are you attempt, walking around you to face you. Your eyes immediately notice a cloth bag in his gloved hands, the bottom cut open.
“What’s that for?” You squeeze out, heartbeat picking up.
“A lesson.” was all he said when he forces it over your head till it hang around your neck. He pulls away to walk around you again, making noise behind you. Then you heard a squeak. Your breath stills.
Please tell me that’s not a—
Reiji comes back into view, holding a rat in front of your face. It was mid size, black and ugly. You were going to cry, already feel the tears pool at your eyes.
“Reiji, please!” You shake your head, thrashing around in the chair.
He clicks his tongue, “Bad girls get punished.” He holds the bag in one hand and the rat in the holder. Inch by inch the rat gets closer to your face, thrashing in Reiji hand not liking the harsh treatment just like you.
A scream rips from your throat when he drops it on your head and quickly ties the bag.
You had to learn your place one way or another.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato had to have heard wrong because there was no fucking way that you chose someone other then him. Especially knowing that you were his and his alone. This rumor had to be just that, false information spreading around the school.
He knew he didn’t have anything to worry about, it was him for crying out loud. No one can compete… but he still needed to hear how wrong everyone was from the source.
He found you easily in the girls bathroom, locking the door to avoid any interruptions. It was a miracle he was thinking clearly, usually it was so unlike him. And that’s why it was scary.
His stare was intense and focused, it made you squirm under the heat of it. He taunts you with slow forward steps, making you take steps back until your back was flush against one of the walls. He caged you in between his arms immediately, decreasing your chances to escape. As if you had any to begin with..
“Ore-sama’s been hearing some things he shouldn’t, Chichinashi.” He begin, his left hand sliding down to grip one of your shoulder, “It’s not true right? You wouldn’t dare go against Ore-sama?”
“A-Ayato.” Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. You knew what he was talking about. After having a disagreement once again between you both, you foolishly accepted a date with another. You thought it would come to nothing, little did you know that the person would spread the news like a wild fire.
His grip tightens, nails digging through your uniform into your skin, drawing blood from you. The smell was intoxicating as always to Ayato, but he was to busy seething inside to notice completely.
“It was a mistake! I didn’t mean it, I was upset. Forgive me.” You plea body trembling in both pain and fear.
A scowl stretches onto his face, his hand long left your shoulder the minute those words left your lips. Instead, they wrap around your throat, tightening as he processes your words. It came to the point, you were clawing at his hand, letting out choked gasps.
Ayato couldn’t think straight. All he can think about is you being with someone that’s not him. How dare you? Ayato should be your whole world, your first thought when you wake up and your last thought when you sleep. You should feel suffocated by his presence, otherwise he wasn’t doing his job.
Slowly he loosens his hold on you, leaving you chugging down air desperately. A few minutes pass before you glance at him, body going still when you see the huge sinister grin on his face.
“Ore-sama’s just gonna have to remind you who you belong to,” he suddenly grabs your hair and throws you on top of the faucets counter, “No matter how long it takes, everyone will know you belong to Ore-sama.” He finishes before sinking his sharp teeth into your neck with purpose.
Kanato Sakamaki
If it was any normal person, they would be heart broken and move on. But Kanato was anything but normal.
First he lets you get away with talking back to him in your argument yesterday, chosen to forgive you after you reluctantly make him snacks and now.. you had the audacity to cheat on him.
You filthy, untrustworthy mortal.
He was aware all woman were the same. Hell, he constantly reminded him despite the kind attention you gave him. He always assumed your kindness had ulterior motives. Why else would someone be kind to him? He knew he was a handful. He just didn’t care.
Now it was clear how you felt about him, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding from him. This time, you actions are unforgivable. You thought you can toy with his feelings… You’ll pay in the worst way.
When he invited you to his room, you didn’t think much of it. Somehow you were completely oblivious to the news spread throughout the school. In fact, the situation with the date was so far in the back of your head, you have forgotten it had happened. You were just upset in the moment. It was never more than just a sway of words.
That’s why after entering his room to see the person who asked lying lifeless in a pool of blood a few feet away from Kanato, were you shocked. Just a few hours ago, he was alive. Guilt quickly creeped up on you but it was shortly lived when Kanato called for your attention.
“So glad you’re here. Good to know you’re still a little obedient,” he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He points to the dead on his floor, “Remember them?” he laughs, “Of course they do! Right teddy?” he turns to the bear in his hand.
You remain still, time ticking like a bomb about to go off. Which in all honestly it could, Kanato was unpredictable and if he found out about that and this was the outcome, imagine what he would do to you.
How do you get out of this situation?
“Look at her, teddy. She’s planning something… whatever it is won’t work. No. I don’t like it.” he shakes his head, “I’d much rather your expression be twisted in pain than whatever this is…” he walks towards you, face twisting from one emotion to another before settling into a deep frown. He stops a feet away from you, your back against the door before she even realizes it.
“I do enjoy your terrified expression too, it’s adorable.” he mumbles. It felt like time froze with how long you both been staring at each other. Kanato hold on his bear tights as he stares numbly at you. It was too much, you had to say something.
“Kanato—“ your voice trails off because in a split second, a knife was lunged into your abdomen. It hurt so much, it pulsed with heat. Your mind couldn’t wrap around what was happening. Gripping the arm it was attached to, you looked the culprit in his crazed eyes, “Kan-ato..”
He sneered twisting it harshly, “Did you think you can get away with using me?! I told you I’d break you. Down to your last breath.” he yanks it out, watching your body drop to the floor, struggling to inhale.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty enough to be added to my collection,” he bends down to stab you again in your shoulder. He smiles when you haller out in pain, “To stay with me forever… you should be grateful.” he stabs your leg.
“That’s right.. look at me like that.” he repeatedly stabs you over and over until the life drifts from your eyes to nothing, “You’ll never leave me. Will you?”
Laito Sakamaki
What was this? Is his hearing finally going, has he finally reached that age? No, that can’t be it. So whst exactly was happening?
His little bitch going on a date with some that’s not him? How outrageous. Not possible. He’s the only one who can take you out on sexy rendezvous and risky trips. You liked it better when it was him. He knew that.
So why is it that hearing the rumor stirs something unsettling in him. It tugs at his undead heart and gnaws at his brilliant brain. Before he could do anything, it seeped through the cracks, drowning him.
Every memory with his mother, with every woman he encountered, every person who he thought he loved—who he thought showed him love and every betrayal he assumed or saw came full surface.
It hurt so much. He swore to never feel like this again. And it ate at his mind. If he had a breath to give, it would be ripped right out of him. He didn’t like this. He wasn’t the one in control, he wasn’t the one getting your love. He wasn’t the one playing the game. He felt like the game played… him.
When Laito found you, he all but dragged you to the roof top. A place where terrifying, haunting memories were held. The same ones that kept you on your toes, but failed you every time.
Laito was uncharacteristically quiet, his back turned to you as he stared out into the open planes. It could have been a pleasant sight if you didn’t know what kind of monster he really was.
“Y’know, little bitch.” he starts, taking his hat off to run his free hand through his hair, “There was only one other time I truly loved someone to the point of hate. All the others… they weren’t real.”
Hearing where this conversation was heading, you reach back to grip the handle when a gasp leaves you. No longer were you standing in front of the door, instead Laito has you dangling off the rails of the school on your toes. His right hand was twisted into your uniform shirt, the only thing keeping you from falling.
Quickly, you grab his arm, tears swelling in your eyes as you see the sad expression on his face. It squeezed at you heart, but maybe that was actually the fear of falling.
“Lait-o please!” You lean forward into his touch.
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at your attempt to sway him. He knew this scene all too well. The first was hard on him, he drowned himself in body after body. No doubt this would be the same. It didn’t bring him the same joy as his usual actions did. This time he truly felt torn.
“Little bitch,” he draws in your attention and you lock eyes, “It doesn’t bring me joy from this. I would have rather spent the rest of our lives together… exploring each other but I can’t tolerate the betrayal.”
It only dawned on you what he was talking about. From the start of this interaction you thought he was being moody but you should have known; play your cards just a little better but it was too late. With a easy unraveling, he lets you go with a gentle push and watches as you descends to the floor.
So many emotions raved through him as he did. He wanted to grab you back and tell you it was a joke. But he stays in place when he hears a loud splat and a pierced scream.
He couldn’t even bring himself to peek before he left. You brought up to many bad memories, how could he forgive you?
Subaru Sakamaki
Subaru really couldn’t stand you. From the moment you entered their home and disrupted his peace. It was always something with you. Always needing saving from someone or something, always needing to be reminded that you were beneath him and everyone in this house.
Yet you seem to not understand it or that you do but you completely throw it to the wind, whatever the reason it pissed him off. All your stupid attempts to get close to him, to try and understand him… to get him to open up.
Then, despite his constant attacks on you, he actually grew some form of attachment. The thought of you sicken him, but the thought of you gone made him mad more. You disgusting, weak human did something to him.
So when he heard the rumor of you agreeing to date someone else. It was like… something broke in him. All his thoughts consumed him, he was a monster. Less than trash. His mother didn’t want him nor his father. Why would you?
He didn’t even like himself sometimes. It’s no surprise the time you have another argument, you agree to date someone else. If he was in your position, he’d run to. Run so far, the chances of anyone catching him was slim to none. But you weren’t that good at running… actually, you couldn’t really run after he caught you.
There was a permanent snarl on his face as he stares down at you. A chained collar secured tightly around your neck, identical to the ones around your wrist. If Subaru wasn’t so aggravated, he could have enjoyed seeing you ruined.
He grips the knife in his left hand, which drips of your blood, “Shut up!” he shouts, listening to your whimpers, “You brought this on yourself. Stupid.. You just don’t learn.”
He moves to crouch in front of you, lifting your head up by the chin, “I told you you’ll die if you stay here.” His left hand raises as he speaks and makes another slash across your skin.
You groan loudly with shut eyes, shaking as he does it again… and again, and again till more and the same wounds bleed profoundly. It was agonizing, with how many hours he’s been at it. It felt like he was never going to lighten up his assaults.
But a miracle shines on you when he pulls away and drops the knife. He stands over you for minutes, chest heaving up and down. You never understood why they pretended to breathe, but you weren’t in the position to question.
There you laid out like a doll. So broken, bruised and bloody. Almost beyond repair. Subaru smiles at that acknowledgment. As much as he was tempted to tear your throat out, the smell of your blood begging him to drain you dry till you were foaming at the mouth; this would have to do.
”I told you… you’ll die.” was the last thing he said before leaving the dungeon, locking it on the way out.
Fuck he hated you.
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DL Masterlist
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photogirl894 ¡ 2 years
For the Fluff/Relationship prompts could you do #16 with either Wrecker or Crosshair? 🙃
I sure can! 😁 I haven't written for Crosshair in a while, so I'll do this for him! Hope this is to your liking! Sorry this took so long!
"Moonlight Confessions"
16. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”/“I think I’m okay with that.”
Pairing: Crosshair x fem reader
Crosshair watched you from a distance as you stood outside in the moonlight. Your dress and hair were flowing in the slight evening breeze ever so gently and everything about you was aglow in soft white light, it was almost ethereal. In the last few months you'd been with the Batch, you had somehow cracked through his hard outer shell and he was flummoxed as to how. There was just something about you that he found himself drawn to: your kindness, your compassion, your beauty, your wit and your intelligence. He constantly felt the urge to keep you safe and would go feral if you ended up in danger or hurt. The thought of anything happening to you set his teeth on edge and made his blood boil. For months, he silently kept watch over you more than any of the others for reasons he couldn't fathom...until this night.
You happened to look over your shoulder at him and you smiled seeing he was watching you, the light of the moon highlighting the beautiful features of your face. Your bright smile directed his way and angelic appearance made everything clear to Crosshair in that moment.
He was deeply and truly in love with you.
You gestured with your head for him to come outside and join you. It was a warm night with a nice breeze and you thought it would be better for Crosshair to come outside with you. Lucky for you, he obliged and came out of the ship.
"I thought it would be better if you came out here instead of just watching me from inside the ship," you said as he came up beside you.
"You seemed so peaceful out here. I didn't know if you wanted company or not," he stated.
You looked back up at him. "I would never say no to your company, Crosshair," you said in reply.
He returned your gaze, his eyes narrowed slightly. "You wouldn't?"
"No, of course not. Why would you think I would?"
Crosshair averted his gaze awkwardly. "I'm not someone most people like and I'm not always pleasant to be around," he responded. "I'm not...." His words faltered, not sure if he should say what he wanted to say.
That, however, didn't escape your attention and you stepped closer to him, laying a gentle hand on his arm. "You're not what?" you repeated, looking up at him with concern.
Crosshair turned back to you and seeing the pleading look in your eyes made his heart ache. "I'm not worthy of someone like you," he admitted. "You're so pure and good...and I'm not."
"Don't say that," you countered. "If you weren't a good person, I wouldn't trust you and care about you. There's no one I would trust more than you, Crosshair, even with my life."
He kept searching for face, not wanting to believe that you were actually telling the truth, but there was no deception in your eyes at all. Not that he should've been surprised. Everything about you was honest and genuine...which only added to how much he loved you.
Finally, he decided he couldn't hold it in any longer and he said to you, taking a hold of your elbows, "I think I'm falling in love with you."
To surprise him even more, you smiled even wider immediately, got up to your toes and planted a soft, ardent kiss on his lips in response to his declaration. He stiffened at the contact of your kiss, shocked that it was actually happening.
"I think I'm okay with that," you replied, "because I'm in love with you, too."
His eyes grew in shock. "You're serious?" he questioned.
You couldn't hold back an amused giggle and shook your head at his bemusement. "Of course, I'm serious. I just kissed you, didn't I?"
His hands came up to your cheeks, cradling your face with a tenderness that was most unlike him. "Say it to me again," he said.
Gazing up into his brown eyes and leaning into his touch, you humored him and told him, "I love you, Crosshair."
He let out a light sigh of relief, knowing for sure this moment was real. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"Now, in return, you should kiss me," you suggested.
Without hesitation, he brought his face down to your level and kissed you passionately, the both of you becoming wrapped up in each other's loving embrace.
In the glow of the moonlight, Crosshair found for certain that there was hope for someone like him after all.
20 Fluff/Relationship Prompts
More Crosshair fics
Bad Batch Writing Requests
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12romy ¡ 1 year
Hi Romy
This request is so random & slightly chaotic and I’m not sure if you still doing one-shots & requests but here goes nothing…
I have a one-shot prompt. 
Imagine Lewis & Charles are secretly married and they have a baby/young child (probably around 2/3 so that it corresponds with Charles age) who decided that after both his dads got a podium he wanted to be their to see them in the podium and with his granddad Anthony he run to them at parc ferme with no regards to the fact that their family dynamic is a secret🙃😅
Hi Anon!!!! What a lovely ask, thank you so much!!! I had so much fun writing this one ❤️❤️❤️
I ended up making it a slightly future fic, so this happens in 2027!
chewis kid fic/coming out~
Enjoy ^^
The second Charles took off his helmet, he heard a very familiar voice calling him, and for a second, his brain couldn't compute hearing his son scream "Papa" and standing in the parc ferme. Those were two elements that should never have met.
He snapped his head toward the voice and saw his son slip easily through the barriers and run toward him. He crouched down to catch the small kid running to him and stood up again with him secured in his arms.
"Leon, what are you doing here?" he exclaimed, finally taking in all the cameras aimed at them.
Well, fuck.
"You won!" his son exclaimed cheerfully as if it explained everything.
"And where's Grandpa? Did you run off? He must be so worried!"
Leon wasn't paying attention, however. Lewis had just popped into sight, taking off his helmet, and Charles didn't have time to do anything before Leon yelled a loud "Daddy!" extending his arms toward his father.
Lewis, just like Charles, needed a double take.
"Papa beat you!" Leon continued cheerfully as Lewis got close. Charles exchanged a worried look with him, and Lewis gave a powerless shrug.
"Yes, he did," he said, a soft smile on his lips as he looked at Charles before sobering up. "Leon, what did we say about the cameras?"
"Hmmmm, stay away?" the little boy tried with a small voice, burying his face against Charles' neck to hide from the scolding tone of his father.
"Exactly, you have to stay away from the cameras, buddy," Lewis continued, trying not to sound too stressed.
The crowd was getting agitated, and Charles could tell Lewis was losing patience.
"I swear, he gets that from you," Lewis continued to rant. "Always so reckless!"
"What?" Charles frowned. "Yeah well, your dad was supposed to look after him!"
"Don't drag my dad into this because your son-"
"My son? Oh yeah, sure, he's my son when he's misbehaving, but he's your son when he wins his first karting race? Remind me who said he could ask for whatever he wanted as a reward. I was against taking him here today!"
"I promised! I couldn't break a promise, and it's Silverstone, it's his favourite race! And you know he's been dying to come for ages-"
"Papa, Daddy, don't fight!" Leon cried out, sobbing, which was terribly efficient in shutting them both up.
"Oh, hey, no, mon coeur, don't cry!" Charles exclaimed. "Shh, it's okay, this is just a bit of a stressful moment..."
Lewis had stepped closer to embrace them both and calm their son. Charles noted distractingly that the crowd was going wild, but from the sound of it, they seemed to be cheering rather than booing. 
"Sorry for shouting, little one..." Lewis mumbled.
"I'm not little," he sniffled. "I'm four and a half, I'm big! Lila is the baby, not me!"
"Sorry, I know," Lewis chuckled, kissing the top of his head and his dark curls. "My big boy."
"At least, Lila is not running around the paddock, spilling our family secret," Charles rolled his eyes.
"Papa, you're silly! Lila can't walk yet," Leon giggled, correcting him.
His dimples were showing.
Someone cleared his throat behind them, and they turned to find themselves facing Nico Rosberg and Arthur Leclerc.
"Tonton!" Leon exclaimed, switching to French, wriggling out of Charles' arms to run to Arthur.
"AlaĂŻa was very sad not to be able to babysit you this weekend," Nico said gently, ruffling his hair. Leon took a sad expression - he had a cute little crush on the teenage girl, something that Charles found hilarious, and Lewis, absolutely dreadful.
"I'm still waiting for you to congratulate me on my podium, you little monster! " Arthur smiled, scooping him up in his arms, and Leon kissed his cheek. "How about we let your dads do their interviews, huh? Bet they have a loooot of things to say."
Charles sighed. It really wasn't how they had planned on coming out - actually, they hadn't planned anything, assuming they would take care of it once they'd both retired.
"Fine," he grumbled and snatched the mic from this brother's hand.
"Let's just do this one together," Lewis said, getting closer to Charles and putting a hand around his waist. Charles blushed, unused to the PDA after years of hiding - and despite eight years of marriage, he was still sensitive to every little attention from Lewis.
Nico's blinding smile was slightly unnerving. He was awfully smug to be the one to conduct that particular interview.
Charles smiled the entire time. Now they would be able to wear their rings without hiding.
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lightwing-s ¡ 2 years
So I was thinking about the request for Dick. Again. And here's what I came up with.
Dick s/o being a forensic scientist. And while Grayson himself is a detective, they made a bet who will crack the work case faster. One night, when Nightwing and batfamily are on mission, she sneaks into batcave to access the newest technology and software. Ofc Dick catches her red handed and calls a cheater. It all leads to teasing and fooling around (I'm thinking fluff and comedy style), up to the point where she's forced to admit he's better (maybe he kisses or tickling her to the point of surrender).
TY 🙃
There was no denying you and your boyfriend, Dick Grayson, were competitive. Hell, even your own  relationship started out of a silly competition where some friends from your precinct had a bet over which of you could go longer without any dates or hookups. Safe to say, you both lost at  the same time/ night.
Dating him also came with an exclusive pack of friends and family that would eventually become your own. To you, in particular, Alfred ended up coming  really close, trading recipes and him even teaching you Dick’s favorite dishes. He was your relationship unofficial keeper, and also your greatest accomplice.
That’s how you ended up sneaking into the Batcave one thursday night. 
The entire family was out on patrol, and you really could use the computer’s substance scan your boyfriend loved to mention. A couple had recently been murdered in one of the city’s most expensive apartment complexes, but barely any clues could be found, taking you and your team a thorough job to get even the smallest of fingerprints. Dick had also been assigned the same case, thus starting your competition of the week(s). I know, it looks very unprofessional, and borderline unethical, but your dedication to win showed very productive for the force.
Sitting in front of the large computer, waiting for the analysis of an orange substance you found in several places on the crime scene but conveniently kept it a secret from your boyfriend, you took in the environment you were once crazy to see. You had never been to the cave with anyone, let alone by yourself, so it took a lot of convincing (and some bribery) for Alfred to allow you in.
You could already feel the taste of victory on your tongue when the sound of defeat reached your ears.
“What do we have here?” you heard your boyfriend say from the elevator door. “A cheater!”
Immediately hiding under the desk, you mentally cursed yourself for not being more careful and for all the fun Dick was going to take out of your situation. Damn it, I was so close!
His silent steps reached your location, and you could see his groin leveled with your eyes under the tight suit. In any other conditions, you’d appreciate how you stood, but right now, it took everything in you not to punch it.
“If you say anything, I swear…”
“Me!” he feigned indignation, giving you his hand to pull you back up. “You’re the one showing terrible sportsmanship.”
“Oh, like you never cheated in any of our games before!”
“Never!” he faked his innocence, gaining a punch from you on his shoulder. He really could piss you off sometimes. “What are you doing, babe?” he questioned, grabbing at your hips and lacing his arms around them, trying to make you uncross your arms and hug him back.
“Nothing…” you faked, but he saw right through you, as usual, lifting an eyebrow in disbelief. “I found something in the crime scene, okay? Yes, I didn’t tell you, but I know that in the Nichols’ murder you hid information from me too. Consider this revenge! But the precinct’s scanner can’t make out what it is because it’s mixed with something else and keeps giving me inconclusive results. I knew Bruce had this new top of the line scanner that according to Tim can identify every substance imaginable so I kind of bribed Alfred with two dinners a month if he let me get into the cave.”
“You promised Alfred what?!” he asked, brushing off everything else you said.
“Shut it, Grayson. You love his food anyway and…” you were about to tell him off when the AI’s voice announce “Scan finalized.”
You instantly turned around, leaving the comfortable embrace of your boyfriend, too anxious to know what the orange powder you had been studying for days finally was. However, when your boyfriend’s boisterous laugh filled the room and you saw the bright letters spelling out CHEETOS on the screen, you knew everything you did to get where you were ended up being for absolutely absolutely nothing.
“I can’t believe it.” you said in disbelief, as your boyfriend was out of breath behind you. And worse: “Thompson was eating cheetos while we looked for evidence.”
Fuck Thompson. Your fucking lab parter and dumbest person in the world had ruined your chances, again.
“Ah, babe.” he hugged you from behind, kissing you cheek and resting his head on your shoulder. “Admit it, I’ve always been the better detective.”
Dead in the eyes, you refuse to answer. But Dick knows how to break you better than anyone, so he starts pecking all over your face, forcing a smile to spread on your lips.”
“Say it, Bart…”
Sighting in defeat, you finish: “You’re the better detective. You win the game.”
requests are open. you can also check out my updated masterlist ♡
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pipitwrites ¡ 2 years
let me crack the code
or: a little less than 800 words of superhero au piarles🙃
The window by the little dining nook next to Charles’s kitchen stood wide open, the thin white curtains blowing back and forth as heavy raindrops fell through in sheets. Charles had a bad habit of forgetting to close his windows before leaving his flat, as evidenced by the peeling paint of his window sill, but he’d been better about it this past month.
Please, Charles, Pierre had said, unusually serious, you’ve seen the news. Pierre worked for the Arts and Culture section of The Daily Herald, but Charles had conceded that the city seemed more dangerous recently, with near daily reports of the Titans defending the populace against some new corporate scientist or power-hungry CEO, of which there never seemed to be short supply. Once, Charles had even been trapped at the National Bank when the Living Spider (a silly name, Charles personally thought, but no one had asked him) had taken it hostage and Electro-Boy carried him out to safety in a dramatic rescue. A small photo of Charles’s pale face peeking out over the dark blue of Electro-Boy’s skin-tight suit had run in the news the next day and Charles’s brothers had it printed and cut out.
The sensible thing to do now would be to back out and call the police or perhaps even Pierre, who lived only two blocks away, but—Pierre was always busy these days, tired and distracted even on the increasingly rare occasions when he did have time to meet. He had not even laughed when Charles had shown him the picture that Lorenzo had stuck to the front of Charles’s refrigerator in a magnetic frame.
Phone clutched tightly in his hand, Charles edged cautiously into his apartment, the flickering light from the hallway casting eerie shadows behind him until his door swung back shut behind him. The only other source of light in the room was from the streetlamps below his studio, a softly diffused glow which barely filtered through the storm. As Charles adjusted to the heavy gloom, he could make out a figure in a familiar blue suit slumped in the corner behind his small dining table, dark streaks staining the wall and the floorboards. Charles brought a hand up to the kitchen counter to steady himself against a roiling wave of nausea, sliding down in a controlled fall. If anything the metallic tang of blood and acrid smoke clinging to the air was stronger closer to the floor.
“Oh my god,” Charles whispered, throat dry. Pierre’s head lolled back against the wall at Charles’s voice.
“Charlot, you are here,” Pierre laughed, a horrible wet sound that broke into a rattling cough. There was blood in his mouth, and his eyes were bright and unfocused, a shade of electric blue that Charles had only ever seen before behind the cover of a mask. “Am I dreaming?”
Charles shook his head tightly, unable to speak for a long moment during which Pierre’s fluttered closed again. Terrified, Charles grabbed onto Pierre’s gloved hands, which were clenched tight around something. It was Electro-Boy’s mask, Charles realized.
“No, no,” Pierre groaned, trying to push Charles away when he began to undo the wristwraps that held Pierre’s gloves in place. Determined, Charles stripped them off and tossed them aside, bracing himself as Pierre pitched forward into Charles. “I am not myself,” Pierre said weakly into Charles’s shoulder. “I shouldn’t have come here, it is not safe.”
“Who else,” Charles said. “Who else would you go to?”
There was no answer from Pierre except for the sound of his breathing, shallow and unsteady. Gritting his teeth, Charles pulled Pierre up and managed to get Pierre into his bed, heedless of the blood and dirt smearing across his sheets. Pierre’s suit was already torn in several places and with some difficulty and the use of his kitchen shears, Charles managed to cut it open. He had to close his eyes when he saw the mottled bruising and dried blood on Pierre’s chest.
Pierre sighed loudly. “Now I know I must be dreaming. You are taking off my clothes—and in bed, too.”
Eyes burning, Charles turned away to hide his face and Pierre made a soft noise of distress.
“Don’t cry, Calamar,” he said, reaching up to brush away the tear tracking down Charles’s cheek. The touch was whisper soft, but his skin felt abnormally hot, like a fever was burning through his blood vessels too close to the surface. “Look, I’m already starting to heal.”
“You were hurting for so long.” Charles forced himself to look up from the thin, almost imperceptible constellation of scars scattered across Pierre’s body. “You were hurting and I didn’t know.”
The pain in Pierre’s face mirrored Charles’s own.
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ragnarssons ¡ 26 days
so, i'm rewatching star wars, like marathoning through it...... and i gotta say............. i hate tlj more and more every time i watch this saga. and i finally put ideas around why i hate it. it's just so clear that rian johnson didn't want to make this movie. he wanted to make a star wars movie, suuuure, a star wars movie of the likes of the acolyte verse in terms of exploration of lore, expansion of possibilities, new nuances to the story, etc. but not star wars, as in the skywalker saga, as in, the middle piece of a new trilogy. there are interesting concepts explored in the movie, interesting ideas being arisen, interesting questions being asked. buuuuuuut, it takes episode 7 and goes "welp let's erase all of that!" and throws it in the trash, thus successfully destroying the new trilogy before it even had a chance to stand on its own. beyond that, and even more unnerving, it takes the entirety of the skywalker saga, ep1 through 6 and goes "welp let's erase all of that!" and more, "i can do better". NO YOU CAN'T! you just can't. because rian johnson never understood the point of the star wars story. it's just so obvious! i still 100% believe luke would never turn the way he does on episode 8. like, sure, it could've happened, a what if, a parallel universe where he gives up on vader or whatever, but this luke??? luke from the return of the sith? luke from the books? luke from the comics? luke from just anything star wars that has been created??? no. never. no. jamais. non! it doesn't even have anything to do with the force or being a jedi or whatever, it's also about leia, about han, luke would never abandon them, luke would never give up when it comes to them. i'm not saying luke wouldn't make mistakes with ben, or whatever. i'm talking about who luke is at his core, about the values of family, loyalty, faith, he's always uphold during ALL the other movies or medias in which he appeared. in this context, tlj luke just doesn't make sense. it's a luke. it's not the luke. he's an interesting concept, of a jedi abandoning the ways of the jedi, questioning them, etc etc. but it doesn't suit luke. for starters, because luke never upheld the jedi beliefs 100%, far from it. and even the characters from the new saga aren't themselves! leia isn't herself (for the little she's used). then you have iconic characters like 3po, chewie, r2 that are completely sidelined: even that, is against everything this saga has stood for. these characters are part of the team, the family, you can't build a story by sidelining them completely. all chewie does is sit by the falcon and try and eat these stupid furry pets: a reminder, HIS BEST FRIEND JUST DIED! he's right next to luke, whom he's fought wars with, loves, and is loyal to. do we even have an interraction between luke and chewie????????? 🙃 finn literally spends the entirety of ep7 learning to belong, and then he wants to leave again?????? poe is... just, not poe. like, no. there's just nothing to say about these characters cuz they're just not the characters set up in episode 7, and how do you do that? how do you take on the mantle of the middle piece of A TRILOGY and just decide to shit on what came before????? and just leave no room for whatever could come next????????????? but oh noooo, rian johnson is too busy making stylish, pompish bullshit about the force and rey-not-rey-because-ooc doing weird shit and force exploration and pretty battle on a planet that makes stylish shots, let's just ignore how he treats the characters, i meaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. 😐 anyway, I (STILL) HATE TLJ.
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ivomartins ¡ 9 months
(HS anon, yes me, again. Thought you've seen the last of me)
Allow me to ramble about Plague for a bit. Because the author did her dirty from the beginning. I hated that she was not taken seriously. Oh, she's drunk and gushing over Malbonte. Because of course she is, Malbonte is just so. Cool 🙄.
Plague. Deserved. Better. 👏 She was that bitch who deserved to be a LI. In fact, she deserved it more than Astaroth or whatever his boring ass is called.
I was more than ready to welcome her with open arms and accept her as the fucked up queen she is. But let's be real, imagine if Plague was a LI and people had to accept her as she is. No redemption arc, just bad bitch doing bad shit, throwing sick parties and enjoying it. Bitches can't accept Amen is a sadistic fuck very sexy of him in this house we stan fucked up individuals no justification whatsoever. Imagine if they had to do the same with her when she's a woman. Hell, Austie gets destroyed by fans every time she apears and this sexy mama hasn't done anything besides breathing. Like what did she do, besides the fact that she stood 5 seconds next to Lucifer and Malbonte.
This past update taught me that RC fans aren't ready for a sexy diabolical queen like Plague to be a LI. They don't deserve a bad mommy I do though. In fact, they don't deserve any bad motherfucker as a LI, when they still go pikachu mode when the evil LI does the evil thing. Shocking. I know.
my inbox is your abode anon feel free to talk my ear off always i'm living for your rants (and your taste) 💗
plague deserved so much better you're 👏🏼 goddamn 👏🏼 right 👏🏼 like she had the most potential for depth out of all the horsemen and it was completely wasted when the author chose to just depict her as an angry little girl making the entire world pay for her temper tantrum like. not even her connection with kira was explored or given any attention and in the end she died clearly because alice just didn't know what to do w her anymore smh
i never thought of the idea of her being a LI but you're so right that would have been really good i mean. vicky is out here running into the arms of lucifer/malbonte after they've spent the vast majority of the story emotionally abusing her so the same could have been done with plague ESPECIALLY because she and vicky have the mommy issues in common and they share the same temper and childish antics like pls... it would have worked and worked great especially because it would have balanced the fucked up ratio of LIs a bit by adding another woman besides mimi but this story is just too cookie cutter. i actually like to think that plenty of fans would have enjoyed romancing plague because we only get interesting femme LIs like every once in a blue moon 🙃 but i see your point for sure
don't get me started on the outrage against amen like HDKSHDKE it was so funny to me because ??? wow i guess evthys isn't the only one who needed to see it w her own eyes to know who she's dealing with HDKSJDK that was such a meta moment lol like evthys has spent an entire season and a half being terrified of this guy despite how much she's into him of fucking course there's a reason for that and he's actually as terrible as we all thought
i don't think it takes away at all from the kindness and consideration he's shown towards evthys and his genuine feelings for her because two things can be true at once and no character is ever just this or that. i still have gripes with the writing for him (a rant for another day) but i agree that the outrage was so unwarranted
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Sadly, I missed day 4 of @kaneraweek, but I have something for today! I mostly went with the prompt "Late Nights" and "Jealousy". I also thought "outside PoV" was for today, because I came up with this at 2am in bed when I, of course, couldn't check the prompts😂. But when I realized my mistake, I already had the whole thing planned out and didn't want to change everything, so... here you go with a story from Kallus PoV🙃.
It's also here on ao3:
My works for Kanera Week 2023 (7470 words) by RandomLettersIJustThoughtOf Day 5: Never Find Anything Better (Late Nights | Happily Ever After | Jealousy) Hera is about to pull an all nighter with her paperwork again, but Kanan is not having it.
Sometimes, Kallus wondered how he ended up like this. How he ended up sitting across from his former arch enemy, Hera Syndulla, at a table of an improvised office at the rebel base of Javin IV, going over plans and strategies, sorting reports from units all over the sector, and making task lists and organizations till late at night.  The life as a rebel knew no structure. It meant you stayed up until dawn on days when it was necessary, and then on another day, you could do nothing but sit around and wait and hope. It was strange, being used to the all-consuming structure of the empire, but it also felt strangely right. This was work he really wanted to do, not one he was obliged or expected to do.
So he did stay up, even though the caff had run out hours ago and the occasional chatter had died down as officer after officer left the room until only he and Hera were left, buried in the remaining paperwork and too worried to leave the plans for the next day unchecked.
Sometimes, Kallus was still baffled that they were letting him do this. That they trusted him, a former imperial, to oversee their military operations. Yes, from a strategic point of view, it made sense; he knew the enemy, and he was trained as a strategist.
Still, sometimes, in moments like this, he looked at the reports and exact plans of the next rebel attacks and remembered how much he would have given for a fraction of this information two years ago. And then he thought of all the other things he had done and was shocked by how much these people were willing to trust him and how easily they had forgiven him when he didn't even forgive himself.
Hera, who he had hunted down multiple times and whose family he had threatened and hurt, leaned over and asked him for his opinion on some starship formation tactics she was working on.
He just nodded and rubbed a hand over his face to fight the exhaustion creeping in. "Makes sense to me. You'll just have to watch out for these damn Tie Defenders. They're a nasty invention."
"Right, but there are only like four of them, aren't there? We can't possibly run into them every maneuver."
"Still, they're a risk we have to consider now. As far as I know Thrawn and the empire, there are probably more than we know of."
"So, maybe we should add a flexible fighter on both sides?"
Kallus shrugged. "Better safe than sorry."
Hera nodded and went back to scribbling. For a moment, he just watched her.  He had always known she was a skilled and determined pilot, but he had not known how much she CARED. She was not just a cocky young woman rebelling for the sake of troublemaking. No, she had a vision. She had hope for a brighter and better future. And she was ready to fight for it. She was a leader. She had a fire burning in her, and she inspired the same in the people who worked with her. Kallus could see why Zeb would follow her anywhere.  Silently, they went back to working.
The next time he looked up, it was to the quiet swoosh of the door opening. Kanan stood behind it, peeking inside.
Immediately, Kallus tensed up. Then, a moment later, he cursed himself for it and forced himself to relax. Even after all this time, his reflexes still made him go into fight mode whenever he saw the taller man, no matter how many times he told himself it was unnecessary now.  But, while his hatred for Zeb had always come from guilt and anger over the guilt he was feeling, his hatred for Kanan had always been rooted in fear. The fear not only of an extremely skilled warrior but also of a Jedi. The ones he had been thought to fear since his childhood. The dangerous maniacs who brought violence upon the whole galaxy. The traitors. The monsters he was made to believe the Jedi to be. And, even though he now knew neither Kanan nor the Jedi were anything like this, the fear was still there, just like the guilt.
So he still flinched whenever Kanan walked into him like this. And maybe rightly so. Kallus knew from experience that Kanan could beat the shit out of him if he wanted to. Not even the fact that he lost his sight could change anything about that. In fact, Kanan seemed as if he had grown even more powerful after that.
Now, Kanan was not wearing his mask, and Kallus could clearly see the scars surrounding his, now unseeing, eyes. He shuddered. He had never asked what had happened, but he knew lightsaber wounds and he knew the inquisitors. He could put two and two together. The fact that Kanan was still alive was enough to tell Kallus that maybe everybody should have the same amount of respect for this guy as him.
But now, Kanan just gave an appreciative nod to Kallus and then turned all his attention to Hera.
"There you are!", he greeted her, walking up to the desk to put his arms on every side of her paper and lean down to her.
Hera looked up as if she only noticed him now, even though she must have heard the door opening as well.
"Kanan, what do you need?", she asked in the clear tone of someone trying to play clueless, even though they knew exactly what was going on.
"What I need," Kanan answered, accusingly lifting one finger and poking her in the chest, "is you going to bed, right now. Do you have any idea how late it is?"
"Kanan...", Hera grumbled and tried to dodge him.
"Uh-uh." Kanan shook his head and interrupted her by placing his finger on her lip. "I won't hear that. You need sleep!"
Hera blushed deeply at his gesture and mumbled something incomprehensible since Kanan had decided to cover her whole mouth with his hand. A bit of wrangling ensued as Hera tried to free herself. But Kanan was much bigger than her and remained unfazed.
"I can't hear you, what was that? You're tired?", he teased her, but his tone was so gentle and filled with love that Kallus nearly blushed himself for intruding in their little moment.
He tried his best to concentrate heavily on his paper on weather conditions on Hoth rather than the gentle tussle and occasional giggling from his two teammates. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but smile a bit. These two! Sickeningly sweet.
As he shot them a few looks over the table, he realized that maybe this was the real reason he had left the empire. Yes, the obvious greed and cruelty were what convinced him in the end, but he wouldn't even have started to look or care for them if the people hadn't been so... emotionally cold compared to the rebels.  The empire was an all-consuming machine of oppression. It nipped every kind of humanity and affection in the bud, despised it, and punished it.  These people here were allowed to be human. They were allowed to feel, to care, to love. They could have little moments like this, little sparks of happiness. Of hope, even in such dark times. As he looked at Kanan and Hera, he knew: If one day he found something like this, it would be more than he ever deserved. And yet it was all he could ever hope for. All he wished for so desperately. Peace. Love. Family. He felt bad for wishing for things like that after he had taken the very same from so many people all around the galaxy during his time with the empire. He did not deserve something like that. He could never have what Kanan and Hera had. But sometimes, when he watched the ghost crew like this, when he thought about how easily all the specters, all the rebels had forgiven him, he felt a little spark of hope rise.
He looked at Kanan and Hera and saw everything good in the galaxy. And then he felt bad for having fought it for so long. None of them deserved any of the pain they had to go through. The galaxy did not deserve the destruction the empire had brought upon it. The least he could do, was to give everything he could to this rebellion, to these people. To maybe at least start to make up for everything.
"Alright, alright, that's enough!", he heard Kanan end their little tussle. "Don't make me carry you!"
"Kanan!", Hera gasped, finally free to speak now that Kanan used both hands to pick her up from her chair. "I'm not finished yet!"
"Yes, you are! Kallus, tell her she's finished!"
Kallus smiled. "It's alright, General. I'm sure I can sort the rest out by myself."
Kanan frowned at him. "You know it's late for you, too, right?"
He laughed. "I will be finished in no time, don't worry."
With an arm full of Hera, Kanan gave him a skeptical look.
"I'll send Zeb to look for you."
"No, you really don't need..." he tried to argue, but Kanan was already out of the door.
"I'm sure he'll be happy to carry you out as well!" he called back over his shoulder, and then he was gone, and Kallus was left shaking his head and wondering what the hell that was supposed to mean.
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