#and then it gets to like 4-5 and I go ah I’m not tired I’ll just stay up
mirimage · 5 months
Shouldn’t be allowed to regulate my own sleep schedule I should just be forcibly sedated every evening
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom- pt. 8
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been to the hospital in the past three years, I’d have enough money to buy a bag of skittles from Target. Most of it wasn’t for me though lol I’ll add this onto the list in a bit, but I tend to do that from my desktop but I’m still currently attached to an IV drip. I’ve also never been this hydrated in my life lmao
Danny poked a puffed up pufferfish. The poison floated through his ghost form and did nothing but give him a little zap. Danny chuckled, wiping away a bit of oil that had gotten onto the fish from a nearby oil spill. Jesus fuck. Danny knew that bald headed, easily drawn Vlad wannabe from across the river would do something terrible to Gotham’s waters (not that it needed help being atrocious to Danny’s clean water appreciation).
The puffer fish- Danny gave up on understanding Gotham’s water ecosystem, having realized that it was a cursed mix of saltwater and freshwater and swamp- gave a fearful little wiggle and Danny let it go, turning to the oil particles floating around.
Danny took out his phone.
“Danny? Why the hell are you calling at three in the morning?”
Danny raised a hand and blasted out some ice, gathering the oil up. “Hey Sam. If I got you into contact with Poison Ivy, do you think you could team up to get rid of Lex Luthor’s new holding company in Gotham?”
“Danny, are you asking me to commit an act of ecoterrorism?”
“That’s not even the weirdest thing I’ve ever asked you to do.” Danny placed a hand on the ice mass and flew it, the oil, and himself across the river to Metropolis.
“Deal.” Sam’s voice gets further away as she pulled her phone from her ear. “I’ll text Tucker, see if he could futz with Luthor’s taxes. I heard her doesn’t even give his workers a livable wage, and that’s so not gonna fly.”
“Perfect! Thanks! We could totally meet up and hang out with my new friends!”
“Hah! That Tim guy? The one that wanted you to introduce Phantom to him?”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, goth girl.”
“Sure, dork. I’ll swing by Friday?”
“Sure! Want me to pick you up?” Danny phased through Lex Luthor’s frankly ridiculous amounts of security measures, still completely invisible and towing a giant mass of oil covered ice.
“Cool. Now hang up. I actually need sleep.”
“Ah, you must be dead tired. I get it.”
Sam hung up, and a second later, Danny got a pic of her holding up a middle finger with her signature purple nail polish.
Danny stared down at the sleeping billionaire. Gross. He let his face re enter the visible spectrum and lowered the temperature of the room drastically. Luthor groaned, waking up as he shivered like a hyped up chihuahua.
Danny bared his teeth, glowing green skin reflecting the black holes of the universe and imploding stars and burning planets as he leaned towards the frozen two bit villain.
“RESPECT THE PLANET,” Danny snarled. He unmelted the invisible ice as he simultaneously made the oil visible, the entirety of the oil spill coating every single inch of Luthor’s penthouse bedroom. Danny winked out, but not before snapping a quick picture of Lex Luthor’s absolutely covered in his company’s oil spill.
If Danny had made sure that there were fish droppings mixed in with the oil… that was his own damn business.
Danny floated over to a brooding Batman.
“Do you have two hundred dollars on you?” Danny asked in lieu of a greeting.
Batman grunted a yes.
“Two hundred dollars for a photo of Lex Luthor being hit with karma.”
Batman instantly handed over the cash and received a printed out photo of Lex Luthor (in his Lexcorp pjs) covered by fossil fuel.
"Is this..."
"The oil from his oil spill? Yes."
Batman stared at the picture.
"Why was this more expensive than ID'ing corpses?"
"Cause it's funnier. And dead people deserve more consideration than a egg looking ass polluting everything he touches."
Superman zoomed into the space in front of them, face eager.
"I heard you had something about Luthor?"
Danny figured that Batman probably contacted the hero, and confidently said, "$200 for personal use, $300 for commercial use."
Superman quickly got together three hundred dollars in cash and quickly forked it over. Danny gave him another physical copy of the photo and a usb drive with the photo in a digital format.
"I am so pinning this up." Superman muttered.
"Get out of my city." Batman said flatly. Superman waved a hand, beamed at Danny, and left.
"Did you know Gotham's waters is a mixture of freshwater, swamp, and saltwater habitats?"
Batman grunted.
"Also, please stop stalking Danny Fenton. It's odd."
Batman swiveled his head over. "What."
Danny stared him down. "Stop. Stalking. Innocent. Bystanders. Or else I will recreate the phrase "drowned rat" with you as the subject."
Batman stilled.
"I don't kill, by the way. I can, however, dunk you in the sea and lift you up like a goth version of Simba."
Batman relaxed minutely. "I can't."
"And why not?"
Batman gave him a despairing look. "Have you met my children?"
"... Point."
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revasserium · 7 months
hiii can i pls request zayne with prompt 60 “home”? also love ur writing btw and i look forward to reading more of ur works <333
send me one + a character and i'll write u a drabble
60. home
zayne; 2,264 words; fluff, fem!reader, no "y/n", whipped!zayne, implied sex, fade to black, zayne being a simp as per usual
summary: a friday afternoon
a/n: idk i just love writing dialogue for zayne he's so !!!!
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The Hospital - Friday, 4:36PM
Linoleum floors and fluorescent lights; the smell of antiseptic, the rhythmic beeps and hums of heart rate monitors and nebulizer machines. He spends too much time here, knows the flow of the hospital like he knows the web of arteries and capillaries in the human body, the wards branching off of each other, the hustle and bustles of nurses and staff familiar, oppressive.
It is only in the quiet of his own office, with its big windows and even bigger piles of paperwork (be it virtual or physical), that he ever allows himself to relax. He glances at the vase of brightly colored tulips on his desk and allows himself a grin. He remembers the shape of you, can feel the weight of your hand in his as you’d tugged him around the farmer’s market on Sunday morning, pointing at the various vendors, asking to try a bite of this and a bit of that, until finally, you’d come across the flower seller — a middle-aged woman with a sweet smile and a gleeful glint in her eyes as she explained about the language of flowers.
“There’s sunshine in your smile,” you’d repeated, looking down at the yellow tulips before grinning up at Zayne.
“Perfect for you, isn’t it?”
He could hear the tease in your voice, see that familiar playful twinkle in your eyes and he’d raised an eyebrow before wordlessly handing over a few bills from his wallet.
And now the flowers sit, quiet save for all their brilliance, on his desk, in a simple vase filled with crystal-clear water. He stares at it for a second longer before pulling out his phone and swiping it open to your contact.
Coming home early today, he texts. Immediately, a typing bubble appears, and a second later, a short shoomp sound as your reply appears on his screen —
oh? dr. zayne leaving work early??? is the sun setting in the east today?
He chuckles to himself before dialing your line and a second later, your voice answers, a little hesitant.
“If you’re going to be sarcastic, at least do it in person.”
Shuffling noises, and then — “Not my fault you’re never around for me to be mean to you in person.”
Zayne leans back in his chair with a sigh, “Hn. How’s shopping with Tara?”
“Fun! But my legs are getting tired…”
“I can meet you at the main shopping center around 5:30.”
A moment of quiet, and then “Ah… but that’s still an hour from now…”
Zayne scoffs, “I could stay till 7PM like I usually do —”
“No, no! That’s… that’s not what I meant — I’ll see you at 5:30, then? Don’t be late!”
You end the call before he can protest and for a second, Zayne stares at the screen, the picture of your smiling face fading after another few seconds as the phone screen darkens.
“Doctor? Your next patient is here,” the nurse calls through his closed door.
“Yes, I’ll be right there.” Zayne glances once more at the yellow tulips on his desk before pushing himself up and adjusting his white coat. He’ll have to make a note to change the water soon.
City Center Shopping Mall - Friday, 5:38PM
“You made it!”
Zayne turns at the sound of your voice to find you slightly breathless as you jog up to him, coming to a stop a few steps away.
“You sound surprised.”
A blush dusts your cheeks as you avert your eyes, “I — I’m not! I just thought… you might be a bit later than this.”
Zayne keeps his expression neutral even as he reaches out to take your hand, casually lacing his fingers between yours. He feels you give him a small squeeze and contents himself with letting you take the lead as the pair of you start to wander through the mall, glancing at the window displays.
“Oh… that smells good!” you both pause as the smell of scallions and garlic warms the air. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, “I think it’s coming from that restaurant over there! Tara was telling me that it just opened a week ago and it’s already going viral online for their stuffed pancakes —”
“C’mon then.” Zayne starts off for the restaurant.
“W-wait! We don’t have a reservation! We’ll never get in!”
Zayne keeps walking, gently tugging you behind him till you both round the corner to see a truly impressive line outside the restaurant doors. He walks passed the massive line straight to the front where a smiling girl in a flowery apron stands at an electronic podium, taking down the names of the next party in line.
“Is Liam here?”
“O-oh! Uhm, I think so!” the girl blinks, surprised as she looks down at her reservation list, “May I ask who’s asking?”
The girl nods as she slips into the restaurant. Beside him, you look up, confused.
“Do you know someone here?”
Zayne nods but doesn’t explain any further as the smiling girl comes back and motions for you both to follow her.
“Right this way Dr. Zayne! Enjoy your meal!”
Zayne gives your hand a small tug as you stumble after him, the confusion on your face blossoming into something like surprise as the pair of you duck into the bustling restaurant to be greeted by an enthusiastic young man, around Zayne’s age, his sleeves rolled up, a bandana tied around his forehead.
“Zayne! You should’ve told me you were coming!”
“It was a last-minute decision,” Zayne supplies, shaking Liam’s hand firmly, pulling you into his side even as Liam’s eyes slide onto you.
“Oh… is this the girl you were always talking about back in —”
“I think we’ll take a booth in the back, thanks,” Zayne cuts him off with a loud cough, already making for the back of the restaurant. Liam laughs good-naturedly, leading you both to a booth tucked in the very corner, away from most of the noise and bustle.
You inch into the booth, casting Zayne a curious look.
“Is that the owner? How do you know him?”
Zayne doesn’t look up as he glances over the menu before pushing it towards you.
“We went to medical school together. Pick anything you want, it’s all very good.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “And he decided to become a chef instead?”
Zayne’s lips twitch, “Is that so unbelievable?”
You shrug, looking down at the menu at last, pursing your lips, “No… it’s just… did he drop out of med school then?”
Zayne shakes his head, “No, he was one of the best in our year.”
“Oh. Then…?”
Zayne taps the menu, “I thought you were hungry.”
You blush, looking down, “I am!”
It’s not till the middle of the meal that Zayne speaks again —
“He said it didn’t make him happy.”
You look up, your cheeks bulging with food. Zayne watches you swallow with a concerted effort, reaching out to wipe at your lips with an indulgent smile even as you swat at his hand.
“Liam? About… being a doctor?”
“Yes. And… in a way, I understood him. He said that the kitchen’s always felt more like home.”
You purse your lips, looking at your half-eaten stuffed pancake.
“Then… does the hospital feel like home? To you?”
Zayne chuckles, leaning forward to add some more veggies to your bowl with his chopsticks.
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Then…” you trail off, waiting for his answer. There’s a familiar color seeping into your cheeks as Zayne looks you over before his eyes flicker down to your bowl.
“Eat. Or else the veggies will go cold.”
Zayne’s Apartment - Friday, 7:01PM
“I’m so full!” you slump down onto his couch with a long sigh, patting your stomach.
“You were the one who wanted seconds of dessert,” Zayne says, hanging up his coat and turning to join you on the couch. You make a small noise as he lifts your legs and lays them across his lap, his thumbs absently digging into the backs of your calves.
“Ow…” you make to jerk your leg away as he hits a knot but he only grips your ankle and pulls it back with a soft tut.
“Hold still.”
You bury your face in one of the couch cushions as he continues to silently knead at your calf muscles.
“There, better?” his voice is soft now, tugging on the frayed ends of your subconscious as you turn your head to blink at him, a bit dazed.
“Yeah… lots better. Thanks.”
You make to get up but he loops an arm around your back and lifts you easily from the couch, bridal style.
“You’re staying the night, right?” he asks, even as he makes for the bedroom.
“I — I am?”
He glances down at your face as he sets you down on his bed.
“I can still drive you home if you want —” He makes to pull away.
“No! I — I can stay. I mean — I want to stay.” You reach up to tug at his shirt, fingers crumpling the material as he stills. You can feel your cheeks blazing as his gaze flickers over your face before settling on your lips.
“Alright then.”
There’s a breath’s pause before you give his shirt another tentative tug and he tips forward with the motion, leaning in to brush his lips against yours.
A soft groan bubbles out of you as Zayne presses you back and back and back, until he’s caged over you, trailing hot lips down the line of your neck, skimming his teeth along your collarbones.
“Mm — Z-Zayne…?”
He pulls back, his eyes a bit unfocused as he looks you over — you can feel the weight of his gaze as it flutters over the planes and ridges of your face, from the arch of your brows to the line of your nose. You can’t help blushing beneath this intense scrutiny, and you tug once more at his shirt, your fingers somehow having inched up to his collar, one of your fingers hooked into the top loop of his buttons.
He reaches up to cover your hand with his, fingers easily curling around your smaller hand.
“What is it?”
You lick your lips, stomach twisting, the base rumble of his voice sending shivers shaking through your body.
“Nothing just… I don’t remember you drinking at dinner so…”
He leans down to press a soft kiss to the back of your hand before dropping it back to his shirt collar.
“No, but… alcohol’s not the only thing that might cause someone to lose hold of their senses…”
You watch as his eyes darken at your intake of breath, the way his grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly.
“Then…” you swallow, eyes fluttering shut as you feel his lips trail back up your neck to your jaw.
“Are you going to make me say it?”
You let out a tiny whimper as he presses a leg up between yours, his breath now hot against the lobe of your ear.
“Say… what?”
Zayne pulls back just far enough to cock an eyebrow at you. And like this, you’ve never seen anything so alluring — the sight of him with his shirt tugged open, his eyes blown dark with desire, his hair slightly mussed from your eager fingers, his lips kissed pink, his cheeks warm with color.
“Hn. Is this my punishment then?”
“For what?”
“For being late to meet you.”
You fight back a grin, “Well… you did say I could be mean to you in person.”
Zayne lets out a sigh, “Alright then.”
You walk your fingers up his chest before pushing him back till you’re both sitting up again. He waits patiently for you to push him down and straddle his hips, slowly tugging open the buttons of his shirt, loosening his tie till it hangs undone around his neck. You lean in to press a soft kiss to his chest and revel in the way he hisses.
His fingers reach up for your hips and you catch them with a quick shake of your head.
“No touching… not till I say.”
Zayne stares at you for a second before relaxing and letting his hands fall back onto the sheets.
And it’s not until you lean down to kiss at his exposed abdomen that he groans, head tipping back. Then, a second later, you find yourself pinned beneath him, breathless, Zayne towering over you with parted lips, the moon casting stark shadows along the lines of his face.
“I said you could be mean… I didn’t say I wouldn’t retaliate.”
After, when the pair of you are curled into each other like pieces of jigsaw puzzle that’s finally found its missing parts, his breath warm along the nape of your neck, Zayne finds himself smiling.
“It’s always been you…” he murmurs, though he’s nearly certain you’re already asleep, your breathing sweet and level, your body pliant and perfect against his.
He laces his hands between yours and drops a soft kiss onto the skin of your bare shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter what I do… or where I do it… because my home has always been… you.”
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hannahbarberra162 · 3 months
Can't Fix Fix A Broken Heart - Chapter 5
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Now on Ao3
Chapter 4 Chapter 6
Chapter 5 - New Beginnings With Newgate
18+, MDNI.
I realized “Moby Jr” is not canonically in OP. It's from “Oh, Sweet Child of Mine” by mamamittens on Ao3. That story got me down the OP yandere rabbit hole in general. I’m not caught up with current OP yet so sometimes I get things wrong. Please feel free to correct me.
Also, there will be more smut eventually. Just not quite yet. We’re sailing in the right direction. 
You walked down the road robotically, not thinking about where you were walking. You had said your teary eyed goodbye to the Brothers - you really would miss them. Walking, you were flanked by the four men, who were slowing down to match your shorter stride. Ace was holding your things at his insistence. You didn’t feel like talking and they weren’t asking you anything. You were already tired and wanted to nap - you didn’t have much stamina. You’d run through a gamut of emotions and fixed all those tables. Normally the fixing alone would have you snoozing. But you had a feeling there wouldn’t be a chance to sleep for a while to come. After all, it was only early afternoon. 
“Cariña, would you like me to carry you? You look like you could use a rest,” offered Thatch. You blushed a little. Carry you? Like a baby? Were you that pathetic? You still had enough pride to walk even if the offer was a little tempting. 
“Ah, no? Thank you though? We’re almost at the wharf,” you said, pointing down the road. And indeed you were - you saw the Moby Jr. gently bobbing on the water. Once the cobblestones of the street ended and the boardwalk to the docks began, your hands started to shake. It was just a lot. You couldn’t even separate all your feelings of sorrow, loss, nervousness and trepidation from one another. 
Vista, Thatch, and Ace all continued walking while Marco stopped you for a moment. He put his hand on your shoulder and turned you towards him. You looked up at him, feeling unsure and weak. He chucked your chin with one large index finger. “Chin up, it will be OK yoi. You’ll be among friends. Oyaji is intense but he means well.” You nodded silently. You weren’t sure about friends but it did make you feel better that you already were acquainted with a few crew members.
Marco moved his hand to your shoulder and you saw some blue flames leave his arm for yours. You screeched in surprise - was the fire going to burn you? Marco looked down and only smiled, keeping his arm where it was. “Don’t worry, those are just small healing flames from the Phoenix. I forget to control them some of the time.” He tilted his head and asked “are you injured somewhere? They don’t appear indiscriminately. I’ll check you out when we get back to the main ship.”
“O-oh, that won’t be necessary, I’m completely fine,” you said nervously shifting your shoulders under his arm. Marco hummed but didn’t say anything else.
Everything blurred together as you set sail on the Moby Jr. Since the visit to your island was for supplies and partying, you weren’t far from the Moby Dick itself. You felt your eyelids drooping - the afternoon sun was so warm and the sea air so pleasant. You had forgotten that being aboard a ship could be relaxing. You knew you were at your limit and needed to rest. You had a hard time sleeping in front of other people - let alone people you didn’t know that well. And the boat was rather small - it would be hard to find a spot where you felt secure enough and out of the way enough to actually sleep. You poked around a little bit and decided to rest between two of the supply crates they were bringing back. Just a quick little refresher and you’d be all set…
You didn’t know how much time had passed before you heard footsteps stop in front of you. You immediately woke up with a start, in full fight or flight mode. You had always been a light sleeper but now were attuned to any noise approaching you when you were sleeping. Marco was crouched in front of you, giving you a relaxed smile. 
“We’re here yoi. Let’s not keep everyone waiting,” he said while ruffling your hair. You took a deep breath and got up, stretching your legs.
You two were the last ones on the boat and you followed Marco to the deck. The Moby Dick was…immense. You had never seen anything like it. It made the Marine ship you had been on look like a skiff. Marco was waiting next to a rope and wood slatted ladder, motioning for you to climb first. You went up to the ladder, frowned slightly, and made the hand gesture for Fix Fix. Only then did you start to climb the ladder.
“I didn’t think the ladder was broken yoi,” Marco said conversationally while you two were climbing.
“It wasn’t yet. But the rope was deteriorating between the second and third rungs of the ladder. It’s been in use for a while and was getting worn down.”
“But if it wasn’t broken, how did you fix it?”
“Oh, um. I can sense when things need fixing, even if they haven’t completely broken yet. I prefer to fix things before they actually break if I can. Like, I can tell that the screw in the left arm of your glasses is stripped and may fall out soon. It’s an awareness I can tune into. It's really not that interesting. And, um, I can also fix your glasses when we get to the top. If you want.”
Marco laughed and said “Thank you. Such a sweet offer.” Suddenly, he let go of the ladder completely and fell as if in a dive. But before you could blink, he was rising above you in his Pheonix form. You could do nothing but stare. It was absolutely breathtaking. He was the most amazing creature you’d ever seen - or would see -in your life. The rippling blue feathery flames, his golden accents, the elegant way his body soared through the air…He was utterly and completely magnificent. You wanted to watch him fly for hours and you knew you’d still want to see more. He stretched his mighty talons as he flew by. You saw their razor sharp edges and cringed at the thought of being at the wrong end of those weapons.
He landed at the top of the ship, partially transformed himself, and offered you a hand to come over the side of the ship. You were still watching his resplendent form and took his hand. He then changed back completely into a man and said simply “Welcome home.”
You wanted to talk to him about his Phoenix form, but it was hard to focus on any one thing when you were finally aboard the Moby Dick. People were milling about, working, people were calling and waving to Marco, Thatch was already drinking and laughing with Ace…there were so many people moving around, so many things to look at, and your devil fruit was calling for you to fix a million different things. And everything was so…large. You felt like you were a kid again, sitting at a chair that was too big for you and swinging your feet. You didn’t have much time to ponder, because Marco once again put his arm over your shoulders really, a simple tap on the shoulder would do and said “c’mon. Oyaji wants to meet you.”
Marco POV
When you looked up at him at the wharf with your big sad eyes, he almost scooped you into his arms up right there. You needed someone looking after you, and he was ready for a new project. You were like a little wounded bird he could nurse back to health. And just like a wounded bird, once he earned your trust and healed you, you’d be thankful and loyal to him. 
When he saw you tucked away, sleeping on the boat? Oh, the things he’d wanted to do to you. You looked so innocent and serene - and calm for once. He loved seeing you at peace, but it brought other thoughts to mind. How would you react to waking up with his head between your luscious thighs, holding them apart, licking and nibbling as a good morning surprise? Would you mewl quietly like a little kitten or would you be loudly moaning his name as you came on his tongue? Would you taste as delicious as you smelled? He knew he’d find out eventually. 
He loved how awe struck you looked when you first saw his Pheonix form. Like he was a God come to life. He didn’t feel bad about pulling out all the stops, he knew the kind of impression his Phoenix gave. He wanted you to see how powerful he was and yes, maybe to intimidate you a little bit. A healthy dose of fear might help you remember that might makes right on the seas, and you needed someone like him.
He knew he and the others were touching you a lot and that you didn’t like it. It did break his heart a little to see you flinch every time anyone came near you. But touching you was the first step of making you comfortable with their attention. And he needed you to be very comfortable for the kind of attention he was going to give you.
Obviously, this was Whitebeard’s ship. You knew that. It wasn’t a surprise. But you just didn’t think through the idea that you would have to actually meet Whitebeard himself. Marco calmly walked you towards the rear of the deck. You were nervous, naturally. You were meeting a Yonko and requesting to be let on his ship, who wouldn’t be? You saw a dais surrounded by nurses wearing pink uniforms…and thigh high leopard boots. They were fussing over the largest man you had ever seen, who was sitting nonchalantly on a regal looking armchair. He was powerful even at rest. You wanted to stop moving closer but Marco still had an arm over your shoulders, so you were propelled along with him.
“Marco, welcome back my son,” boomed Whitebeard. “I hear we have a new child coming on board.” Whitebeard turned his attention to you - it felt like being in the center of a hundred flame dials. You started fidgeting, and Marco patted your shoulder with the hand that was already there. You briefly turned your head to the side and saw that other people had started watching the conversation from the sidelines - making you feel like you were being watched in an arena. It seemed news traveled fast on the ship.
“Thank you Oyaji. We found someone in need of assistance working with Vista’s brothers. She just got her first bounty.”
“GRARARARARA, what did you do, child? Congratulations” laughed Whitebeard.
Still fidgeting - pinching your fingers, you answered “I, um, didn’t do anything. They said I was part of a pirate crew but I’m not. I think they just want me back. I didn’t do anything, um, bad.”
“Well, there’s always time to change that,” Whitebeard remarked with a smile. Even though he was large enough to squish you like a bug, he gave you a warm feeling. You felt comfortable speaking to him, even in front of the growing crowd.
“What’s your name, child?”
Marco added “she’s also a devil fruit user. She has the Fix Fix fruit. Maybe could help us out if we ask her nicely.”
“Is that so, child?” Whitebeard said to you with an indulgent smile.
“Ah, yes,” you said, gaining a little bit of confidence. “I can fix almost anything. I’ve worked on ships before so I’m familiar with the kind of repairs they usually need. But I’ve never been on a ship like this,” you said gesturing in a motion indicating the ship as a whole. 
“GRARARARARARA no one has, child. Welcome aboard.” He tossed his head towards the nurses. “Tate can show you where the women’s quarters are. Settle in, and we’ll celebrate gaining another sibling.”
The crew raised their voices in a raucous cheer, which startled you. You had been focusing so much attention on your interaction with Whitebeard you had almost forgotten they were there.
You were astonished at Whitebeard's words - new sibling? You didn’t know that you were going to stay here on board! Did that mean you were in the crew? Or just that you were allowed to stay? Your head was spinning and you didn’t know what to say, so you said the first thing that popped into your mind.
“Um, thank you Captain Whitebeard. Would you like me to fix your chair?” 
You heard Whitebeard laugh again as Marco took his arm off your shoulders and sauntered over to Whitebeard. They started talking in low tones, with Whitebeard laughing intermittently. Tate stepped down off the dais and approached you with a broad smile.
“It’s nice to have another woman on board, Y/N! I'm Tate, the chief nurse on board. Come along with me, I’ll show you where to put your belongings. And as long as we’re going that way, we might as well give you your introductory physical.”
“Physical? Like, a doctor’s visit?”
“Oh yes. Everyone gets one when they first join. It’s standard practice. And you’ve already met the doctor, Marco.”
You gulped - this was not something you had anticipated.
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joapmactavish · 10 months
hihi! i saw your requests open, so could i request soap, gaz, and ghost (separate) trying to deescalate the reader who's been crying and on the verge of a panic attack because the work stress has been getting to them.
if that's too many characters, feel free to choose one of the three!
apologies for the sad scenario. i had a rough week (´;ω;`)
first off, im so sorry you’ve had a rough week, know that it’ll get better dude! confide in someone you trust if possible, you’re going to be ok 🫶🏻 - comments are appreciated <3
he walks into you at your desk, sitting in your chair with your arms wrapped around your legs while tears are streaming down your face. his smile immediately turns into a frown, and he walks over to you.
“oh no sunshine, what happened to ya?” he pets your head a bit and tilts your chin up toward to face him.
“it’s just been so hard soap, im trying my best every single day and yet it keeps piling up. i finish one thing and i’m already handed 4 more, i can’t do it- i can’t!” your chest starts picking up fast and you feel your breathing become shortened.
“woah woah, easy there lass you’re gonna overwhelm your system. take some deep breaths with me yeah?” he grabs your hand and puts it on his heart so you can feel his heart beat, “breathe in, 1-2-3-4. hold. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, out for 8 alright?”
you repeat that pattern with his help about 6 more times and you start to feel less tense.
“relax, im right here with you. ease your shoulders, relax your neck and unscrunch yer eyebrows.” you follow the steps and he smiles, “that feel a little better hm?”
you nod and he takes you into his arms. he grabs his phone from his back pocket, dialing a number. you hear the ringing and when you hear the name of your favorite restaurant in the greeting you beam up a bit
“can i get uh one cheeseburger - no onions! and eh… let me have a diet coke with it would ya? thanks mate” he covers the phone with his free hand, “you want the usual?” you nod and he orders your usual order. “let me also get one of those ah.. what do ya call em?” he snaps his fingers “those ice cream sundaes, yeah extra whipped cream! that’ll be all.”
“should be here in about 15 or so bonnie, ya feelin a bit better?”
you nod and he sighs in relief, “you need a break, im callin yer boss tomorrow mornin - who cares if i’ve got to lie you’re getting a week off and we’re spendin it together! no work, we can even get out of here if you want.”
“i can’t just leave work like that johnny-“
“ah ah! nonsense, i’ll make it happen.”
you don’t protest against him but rather just accept it and wait for your food to arrive with him.
“hey love! what’s u- oh no..” he stops in his tracks and finally hears your crying and heavy breathing.
he quickly moves to where you are and wraps his arms around you - squeezing a bit and pulling you in. the scent of his cologne helps your mind start to slow down.
“easy now, what’s wrong?” he pulls back and searches your face for an answer.
you look down and explain how work has been stressing you out, “i’m so tired gaz, i work all the time without any breaks and it seems like my efforts get me no where. i don’t even feel like i can stop because anytime that i do it just racks up. i know you work a lot and never complain ,i shouldn’t even be making this scene.”
“hey hey… none of that, yeah?” he boops your nose lightly and you smile a bit which makes him smile also, “there’s my sweetheart, cmere. just because i work a lot doesn’t mean you don’t too love, and i want you to know we don’t ever have to compare ourselves - we both have challenges.” you nod your head and he nods back.
- “how about you take the rest of this week off? i know your boss wouldn’t bother letting you go - you’re her best worker! call in tomorrow and we can focus on you.”
(or, alternatively if you’re a student! :>)
- “how about this week you just go in tomorrow, then take the rest of the week off. i know you’ll have to email your profs but your health comes first - yes even mentally. you’re a hard worker and you’ll be able to catch up before winter break love - but what i’m seeing now? you’re going to burn out if you don’t take this break.”
you listen to him and take the break, spending some days alone with him and he even messages his captain that he’s got to keep his eye on you.
“cap sends his best love, we all care about you.”
unlike the other guys, ghost catches on quickly that you’ve been feeling upset. as someone who has his own internal battles, he recognizes easily when someone is fighting theirs. in fact, the night before he sees you rub your temples in frustration before slamming your laptop shut, he doesn’t have a huge reaction because he doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed or upset - instead he minds his business and waits for you to be ready.
although, when the next day rolls by he sees you on the verge of a panic when your whole assignment/document completely vanishes after hours of work. at this point you’re bawling your eyes out and he can hear from his office so he quickly gets up to check on you.
“you alright in here?” he asks, keeping a bit of distance not wanting to intrude on you even though you’ve told him before that he isn’t pushing your boundaries, he prefers to tread lightly and respect your space.
you explain to him what’s happened, or what’s been happening for that matter. not only did your work just vanish out of thin air on your laptop, the workload you’ve received has been insufferable.
you’re the one who initiates seeking him out and that’s when he fully goes to you with a warm embrace, hand on the back of your head holding you softly. “it’ll be alright, i’ll ask one of the guys to help you get that work back love.”
“i’ve been feeling terrible simon, i know i don’t say anything but i think i might just explode - or i kinda have.. haven’t i.” he chuckles a bit and sighs, “i noticed but i didn’t want to make you upset by bringing it up. you’ve gotta be easier on yourself, you do a lot and even though you might not have all your work done by tomorrow you need to take a break for your well being. not for me, for you. promise me a you’ll take a break?”
you nod, “good. i’m glad you’re listening to me for once.”
“hey i do listen to you! when i want to!” you say with a sniffle.
he laughs and holds you a bit tighter, he won’t let you go through this alone. you’re gonna spend the next few days just with him - relaxing till you’re feeling better.
I HOPE THIS IS ALRIGHT! thank you so much for the first ask <3 im not like a writer of any sorts but i did try :) i hope you enjoy 🫶🏻
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myseungsunglove · 1 year
The Art of Meeting | Bc
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Pairing: Chan x Reader 
Warnings: angst, fluff to wrap it up
Word Count: 5.4k (whoopsies)
Summary: the reader and Chan are meeting up after their unlikely connection via bubble and Instagram. The reader is heading to LA to meet Chan and the boys. Will this meeting be everything she hoped for or make matters more complicated than she imagined?
A/N: Part 3. For The Master of Flirting - This one really, really got away from me. Sometimes I include so much detail because I just feel like you NEED to know, you know? Anyway, I very much enjoyed writing this part, so I really hope you guys enjoy it. 
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Feedback Welcome
「© September 3, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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Saturday, August 19th 12:15 AM CST
Chan: *received video*
Hey there, beautiful. We are on the plane and about to head out. It’s a long flight, and I’m exhausted. I can’t believe I’m going to see you in a little over 12 hours. I’m literally on cloud 9 just thinking about getting to see you. 
“Is that our lovely y/n?” you hear Han’s voice in the background. 
“Did someone say y/n?” Seungmin quickly interjects. 
It’s not long before both boys' heads pop into the frame. Stupid, goofy grins plastered on their faces. 
“Oh my god, Y/n Hi! We’re gonna see you soon. Get excited because this is going to be the most exciting weekend of your life,” Han practically yells at the screen. 
Seungmin scoffs, a small smirk briefly appearing on his face. He always pretends to be annoyed with Han, but you know the opposite to be true. His eyes don’t lie. He is extremely fond and protective of Han. 
“Seriously, you’re so loud,” he says, shoving Han playfully. “Can’t wait to see you, y/n,” He waves a tiny little wave that makes your heart squeeze in your chest. Han leans up and kisses the camera before Chan can swat them both away. 
“Anyway,” Chan laughs, rolling his eyes playfully. “Seems I’m not the only one excited to see you,” he smiles fondly. “Maybe for different reasons, but still those two don’t shut up about you. Hell, I don’t either,” he laughs at himself. “Now I’m just rambling, but I just wanted to let you know we boarded and are heading out. I know you probably won’t be up for a few hours, or at least I hope you took my advice and got some rest. I’ll text you when we land. Our flights are scheduled to arrive pretty close together, so I’ll see you at LAX,” he smiles at the camera, his eyes becoming tiny slits. 
“Byeom, darlin’” 
The video ends there and you smile contentedly at your phone. You watch the video over again, laughing at the interruption of Han and Seungmin, your heartbeat quickening when Chan admits that he can’t stop talking about you and is excited to see you. You type out a quick response, hoping you’ll catch him before his phone is put on airplane mode. 
Y/N: I’m so nervous and excited, I can hardly sleep. Though, I am getting a little tired now that I know you’re headed out. I can’t wait to see you. I’m not sure words can even explain how I’m feeling if I’m being honest. 
Chan: I was hoping you’d be asleep, but I get it. I’m gonna have to take something to make me sleep. Ah, they’re telling us to prepare for take off. I gotta go. Please get some sleep, baby girl. It’s gonna be busy once we’re in LA, trust me. My life is kind of crazy. See you soon, y/n
Y/N: I’m not sure how one misses someone they haven’t actually met, but Channie, I miss you. 
Chan: I know exactly what you mean. I miss you more, baby girl. 
Y/N: Travel safe, Channie. G’night babe. 
Chan: G’day, darlin’
You lock your phone, switch it over to silent and place it on the wireless charger. Sleep suddenly feels imminent now that you know the boys are about to be in the air. You smile to yourself as you roll over and cuddle up to your body pillow to fall asleep. 
August 19th 4:30 AM CST
Morning comes much more quickly than you anticipate. You wake with a jolt at 4:30 AM. Whoever is taking you to the airport is due to be at your house at 5:30 sharp. You peel yourself out of bed and drag yourself into the bathroom to go through some kind of morning routine. You debate on whether you are going to travel cozy and casual or dress up and actually put on makeup. You settle for something in between the two, a simple tinted moisturizer, a light powder, and some mascara. You have pretty healthy skin and it is glowing this morning despite your complete lack of sleep. Your freckles, one of your more charming features, dance across your round cheeks. Chan has mentioned absolutely loving them, so you decide to let them shine today. 
Your outfit isn’t complicated. You don’t want to look like you are going on a business trip but equally so you don’t want to look like a bum either. It is hot as hell at home, so you grab a purple sundress with white flowers on it and throw on your favorite pair of cons. 
You slip on your jewelry, a simple diamond pendant necklace, a few low statement rings, and your earrings. You assess yourself in the mirror and figure you are about as ready as you’re going to be. Your hair is short, so a little spray and a few tossles here and there do the trick. You look at the clock and it’s near 5:00, so you move to refill your water bottle and double check your luggage. You are a meticulous planner, so the likelihood you are forgetting anything with all the lists you have made is slim to none, but it doesn’t stop you from triple checking everything. 
Your phone rings at 5:30 on the dot, the person accompanying you on your journey arriving at your door right on time. You swing it open and are immediately greeted by a warm smile and a small Korean woman who looks to be about ten years older than you. 
“Y/n?” she asks. 
“Yeah that’s me,” you bow and reach out a hand to shake hers all at the same time, so nervous about the day ahead. She laughs softly and it’s a pleasant sound that calms you in an unexpected way. 
“I’m Lee Jia. It’s nice to finally meet you. Chan speaks of you with the highest regard,” she smiles and bows. 
You blush. “It’s lovely to meet you. Come in, I’ll grab my things,” you say as you usher her in. Lovely to meet you, you ask yourself. Who even are you right now, y/n? A nervous fucking wreck, that’s who. 
You scurry off to gather your things and you return to see Jia standing in your entry, looking down at her phone. 
“Ready,” you breathe. 
“Shall we?” she asks as you pull open your front door. She leads the way to the car and you’re off. The ride to the airport flies by. When you arrive at the airport, a large Korean man joins your little entourage. He introduces himself as Seok-Jin. He explains that he is your bodyguard and gives you a quick rundown of what to expect. Before you know it, you’re in line to board the plane after clearing security. 
“We can chat more on the plane,” Seok-Jin explains, “but essentially, I say, you do. Your safety may depend on that specific instruction especially once we are in LA.” 
You hadn’t even considered this side of your meeting. And suddenly you are starkly reminded that Bang Chan is in fact a world wide superstar. Internationally known. He doesn’t get to just exist like a normal person, and you’re hit with the fact that, from this point on, you may not either depending on the outcome of this trip. 
“Of course. You say, I do. Got it,” you repeat back to him. He gives you a small nod as you move through to board the plane. Chan had booked first class seats and that experience alone is shocking. You settle into your seat, both Jia and Seok-Jin close by, pull out your headphones and open up your phone. You type out a quick message to Chan even though you know he is currently somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. 
Y/n: Settled and about to take off. 
*picture sent* in the photo you have your eyes closed and your face scrunched up in a cute closed lipped smile. You hold up a peace sign feeling like a goober. 
Y/n: Guess I’ll see you in about 4 hours. I can’t believe this is real. 
You turn your phone on airplane mode, listening to the preflight instructions before take off. You look at your watch. 8:20 Everything is going off without a hitch and that makes you a little nervous but you try not to dwell on or overthink it. Things are allowed to go your way, you tell yourself. 
You stick in your headphones and turn on your music, Chan’s soft voice lulling you to sleep as you close your eyes and settle in for the flight. 
August 19th 11:00 AM PST
The flight is uneventful. You sleep most of the three and a half hour journey. Changing time zones always throws you for a loop, but with the difference only being two hours, you’d adjust easily enough. Easier than the boys would for sure. 
“The boys’ flight just landed,” Jia tells you quietly as the two of you settle at a table outside Urth Caffe & Bar. It’s located close to the terminal the boys will be arriving at. You can tell because the amount of people with cameras around is insane. Some of the people are from News Outlets, but others are just regular people, probably STAYS excited to see the boys arrive in LA.
You order a Green Tea Americano, in desperate need of some caffeine. You run to the bathroom while Jia waits at your table for your order. Seok-Jin accompanies you to the restroom, but waits a respectable distance away from the entry. It feels so weird to have someone right there watching every move you make. 
You take a few minutes to compose yourself in the mirror of the bathroom, giving yourself a little pep talk. You are about to meet someone you never expected to meet. Bang Chan still felt a little bit like a fictional character. Your brain can’t fully comprehend that you are about to actually meet him. Not only that, you are going to meet all of Stray Kids. You had formed a quick bond with Han and Seungmin, but your interactions with the other boys had been minimal thus far. That was all about to change. 
“You can do this you idiot,” you tell yourself in the mirror. “He’s just a guy. At the end of the day, he wants normal as much as you do,” you remind yourself. With that, you straighten your hair and dress one last time and exit the bathroom. 
Seok-Jin leads you back to the table where Jia is seated. Your drink is sitting on the table and you snatch it up, eager to have that rush of adrenaline in your veins that the caffeine will provide. 
“Okay, so the boys are clearing security now,” Jia starts.
You stare at her, your mouth agape. 
“Wait, already?” you ask, a slight panic in your voice. 
Jia smiles softly at you and it’s reassuring as you will your heart to slow down. 
“Already,” she confirms. “Your luggage is already on its way to the hotel. Now we just need to go meet up with them. Chan insisted that you would be riding with them from the airport to the hotel, despite my advice.”
“Your advice?” you ask.
“I’m not sure it’s the best idea for your first meeting to be here. I swear he forgets the level of his notoriety sometimes,” she sighs and you can tell she is a little exasperated. “They all do.” 
“Ah,” you nod in understanding. “That he does. Should we just go ahead to the hotel?” you ask, suddenly doubting the plan to meet with Chan here. 
Jia shakes her head. 
“We’ve got everything figured out as best as we can,” she assures you. “Seok-Jin will be right there. If he says…” 
“I do,” you answer with Jia. 
“Exactly,” she smiles. “Let’s move. We are going to head to the meeting place. We will basically meet up with them. There won’t be time for a grand meeting. Essentially, we will simply walk up and join the group. We will head to the cars from there,” she tells you. 
“Got it,” you nod nervously. 
You both stand, Seok-Jin close behind as you throw your cross body bag over your shoulder. You take a deep breath. You can feel your anxiety bubbling up as you take a step forward. There are so many things you hadn’t accounted for. So many factors you hadn’t considered. You briefly feel a little foolish for rushing into all of this, but there is no turning back. Not now. 
The three of you cover a lot of ground fairly quickly and suddenly you are rounding the corner. The noise of the crowd hits you before you actually see it. It feels like there are hundreds of people around you. They aren’t there for you, though, you remind yourself, though that doesn’t entirely help ease your anxiety. But you have a guard. You’ll be fine, y/n you tell yourself. 
“Oh my god, is that her?” you hear someone say, and you turn to look at whoever the voice is mentioning. You don’t stop moving, but when you look, you realize that the eyes are on you. That isn’t right. No one should be looking at you. 
“It is her!” someone else says, and suddenly it feels like the wolves are descending. There is a swarm of people closing in on you. They are shouting questions and pointing cameras in your face. Seok-Jin’s hand is on your back, his other on your arm as he shields you from the crowd, but he is just one person. It feels like the walls are closing in and you instantly feel like you can’t breathe. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you working on a collaboration with Stray Kids?” someone shouts from not far enough away. “Do you have plans to showcase your singing soon?” Another shouts. Your head is spinning. How did these people know your name? Why were they talking about your singing? You can feel your chest collapsing in on itself as you become so overwhelmed you aren’t sure you can keep going. 
You haven’t remotely paid attention to where Jia and Seok-Jin are leading you. At this point, meeting up with the guys is the last thing on your mind. You just want to get into a car and drive away from this chaos. Your breathing is quick and you stop, clutching your chest, trying to will yourself to keep breathing. You had not anticipated any of this. 
It’s then that you suddenly feel a pair of strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into their body. The person is too short to be Seok-Jin. 
“Y/N, I’m here. It’s okay.” 
He strokes your hair and gently kisses the side of your forehead. “We’ve gotta move, baby girl,” he whispers in your ear and suddenly you realize it's Chan. You are wrapped up in Chan’s arms and that’s all the strength you need to move again. You don’t know where he had come from or how he knew anything was wrong, but the two of you move together and head for the door which is much closer than you realize. 
What you hadn’t realized was that Jia had been communicating with Chan’s team the second things went south and people started recognizing you. She had been trying to get to the bottom of why anyone even remotely knew who you were to begin with. Chan had been filled in and demanded that he move ahead of the group to come to you. 
Chan’s arms are wrapped protectively around you as your group of five; you, Chan, Jia, Seok-Jin and Chan’s bodyguard, suddenly becomes a much larger group. You haven’t looked up at Chan yet because you are surrounded by people and completely overwhelmed. You finally take a chance to pay attention to your surroundings and you realize that the rest of the group has joined you. The crowd of people now feels further away as there were many people surrounding you and the boys. You take a deep breath and scan the faces. 
Your eyes meet a pair of round hazelnut eyes and he smiles, giving you a tiny wave. His eyes squint up almost closing completely, and even though you can’t see his smile because of the face mask, you know the person is smiling brightly at you. 
“Seungmin,” you breathe. 
You step outside the doors and the bright LA sun hits you along with a nice breeze and you take another deep breath. You feel as though it’s the first time you’ve breathed since you left the caffe. 
Chan’s guard rushes ahead of you and opens the door to an SUV. Chan’s hand is resting on the small of your back. 
“You first, darlin’” he says, guiding you into the car and following quickly behind you. The two of you settle in the back seat and Han and Seungmin jump in the seats ahead of you which are facing backwards so that you are all facing each other. You toss off your cross body bag, and let your head fall against the headrest behind you.  
“Oh my god,” you whisper, your breath coming out in a shutter as you run your fingers through your short hair. 
Chan places a firm hand on your bare thigh and squeezes lightly. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. You can hear the worry in his voice. “I don’t know what happened,” he says, speaking to the situation back in the airport. 
For the first time you look up and your eyes meet Chan’s. He has a soft, concerned smile on his face, his hand staying firmling on your thigh as his round eyes hold your gaze. His skin on your skin is enough to send a thrill through you despite everything that has transpired in the last twenty minutes.
“I’m okay now,” you chuckle a little. “Hi,” you add, not knowing what else to say. 
He laughs then with his entire body, his head thrown back at the gesture. 
“G’day darlin’” he smiles. 
You grab his hand that is still resting on your leg and squeeze it. He turns it over and interlaces his large fingers with yours. His eyes never leave yours except for the brief moment they dart down to glance at your lips. You can feel the heat rising in your chest at that small action. 
“I don’t know what happened,” he repeats again. “I don’t know how anyone even remotely knows who you are or that you are connected to us in any way,” he says. 
“I don’t know,” you echo. 
Just then Han looks up, a nervous look on his face. He’d been fiddling with a rip in his jeans the entire time you had been in the car. 
“I might know what happened. Shit, I’m such an idiot,” he mutters, looking away from you both, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
“Han-ah?” Chan looks at him questioningly. 
“I may have posted that clip of y/n singing Iris to our instagram story before we took off,” Han admits, his head falling into his hands. 
Seungmin clears his throat. 
“And I may have mentioned something in a story post after it about meeting you in LA and not being able to wait until I got to work with you in person,” Seungmin groaned, mimicking Han’s motion, putting his head in both of his hands. If it wasn’t so sad to see them beating themselves up, the gesture would have been cute. 
“Oh,” you breathe out. Suddenly you’re laughing. It’s a little bit panicked, a little bit relieved, a lot of bit manic. “You guys are kind of idiots,” you tease as you pull your hand away from Chan’s to rub your hands over your face. “I was so not prepared for this. For any of this,” you admit looking at all three of them. 
“God, I’m so sorry,” Han half sobs. You can see that he is absolutely beating himself up. Seungmin is quiet and you realize that he is crying. 
“This is all my fault,” Seungmin manages, stuttering out his words before looking away. 
You glance at Chan, a desperate look on your face at the despair of your new friends. Chan’s face is unreadable, but you can tell from his body language that he is frustrated. You on the other hand just want to comfort Han and Seungmin. 
“Hey,” you say softly, reaching across you and putting a hand on Seungmin’s leg. “It’s okay. We made it through,” you smile reassuringly. 
Han reaches out and squeezes your hand that is resting on top of Seungmin’s leg, placing his other hand on the shoulder of his friend, rubbing gently.  
“You guys were excited. Hell, I was too. It could have easily been me,” you tell them. 
“Except you don’t have millions of followers like us,” Han groans. 
“Yeah, except that,” you admit. 
“Actually,” Chan speaks for the first time in a while. “Might better check your Instagram.” 
You grab your phone, open Instagram, and have thousands of requests to follow your account. Thousands. Your message requests are practically overflowing. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, your small hand clapping over your mouth as you sit up and pull away from Han and Seungmin.  
“Looks like the video was screen recorded and shared a shit ton before anyone on our end realized it was on our story,” Chan says scrolling on his phone. “Look,” he says, scooting closer to you, your legs pressed firmly together.
“Holy shit,” you breathe as Chan scrolls through countless posts, all about you. STAYS had quickly shared your video, most of the feedback fairly positive to your singing. They had also put on their mega detective hats and found your private Instagram handle and shared it far and wide. “I can’t believe this,” you admit. 
“We’ll figure it out,” Chan smiles at you. “Together, yeah?” 
You look up, meeting his eyes and practically melt. The frustration that was there before is now replaced with determination. You’re fascinated by how quickly he can mask his feelings in order to deal with a problem. You admire it, but it also concerns you a little bit. 
“I mean, you deserve all this attention. I just wish you had been able to brace yourself for it,” Chan adds. “Obviously we aren’t the only ones who think you’re incredible.” 
You click off your phone, no longer able to look through all the posts. You’re incredibly overwhelmed and so unsure how to handle yourself. You’ve only just arrived in LA and it feels like your entire life has already been turned upside down. You slide the phone into your bag on the floor and bring your hands to rest on your legs as they ball up in small fists. Your knuckles crack at the movement, and suddenly Chan is reaching out and grabbing your hands once more. 
“It’ll be okay. I promise,” he says, holding both your hands in his, his thumb rubbing the top of your hand in a soothing motion. He has moved so that one leg is resting up on the seat between the two of you, the other resting on the floor. 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you say before you can stop yourself. 
Chan drops both of your hands and moves them so that he is gently caressing your face. A small tear trails down your cheek and he gently wipes it away. He closes the space between you. 
“I will always protect you,” he whispers, his breath now warm against your lips. His eyes search yours for permission and you don’t pull away. He takes that as a positive sign, and closes the distance that remains between you. 
His mouth meets yours in a tender, hesitant kiss. His lips are soft and full. He tastes like sweet mint and smells like fall. The kiss is short, yet surprisingly intimate for a first kiss. 
“Always,” he murmurs against you and you are chasing after his lips at those words, this time the two of you meeting in a much more desperate kiss. Your hands drape around his neck as he tilts your head slightly, his fingers dancing along the nape of your neck. Your head is spinning again, but this time in the best way possible. You knew the two of you were connected, but you couldn’t have possibly imagined any of this. 
“I think we’re almost to the hotel,” Seungmin meekly whispers. 
You and Chan are reminded then that you are not alone and pull away from each other hesitantly. You’ve never felt this immediately bonded with someone before and it’s a little overwhelming. 
“Okay, good,” Chan chuckles, moving to sit up properly in the seat again, his hand finding yours once more. “Guys, we’ll all figure this out. Don’t beat yourselves up, yeah?” he assures the two younger boys across from him. “We’ve got a busy couple of days ahead of us. We’ll come up with a game plan,” Chan says, looking at all three of you. “I’m sure Jia is already working through it all.” 
“She is,” Jia chimes in from the front seat and you all chuckle. None of you realized she had joined the four of you in the car. “Everyone can get settled in at the hotel, rest up and then we can all meet to talk about logistics.” 
“All meet?” you question. 
“Yes, all 9 of you. Everyone needs to be on the same page,” Jia says and turns back around in her seat. 
You had completely forgotten about the other members that weren’t currently in the car with you. This would likely affect all of them in some way, and you could feel your nerves creeping back in once more. 
“We’ll be fine,” Chan says beside you as if he knows the thoughts running wild in your head. He squeezes your hand reassuringly. “We always are.” 
You chuckle nervously as the car comes to a stop. Someone comes out to the car with key cards for your rooms and Jia passes them out quickly. With that, the four of you retreat from the small cramped space and step back out into the sunlight. It seems that people don’t know where the boys are staying because there aren’t throngs of people waiting here for them. As if Chan can read your mind he speaks. 
“Our hotel is always a safe haven. No one will bother us here,” he says with a confident smile. You walk into the hotel and it’s beautiful. Chan leads you to the elevator, pressing the top floor and entering it with you, Han, and Seungmin. Your car arrived before the others, so you have yet to lay eyes on the rest of the members of Stray Kids at this point. 
The bell of the elevator dings and you all step out of the small space. Your room is the last one on the hall, past all of the boys’ rooms. As Han and Seungmin depart, murmuring their apologies once again, and you realize that you are situated across the hall from Han and Seungmin, their rooms adjoined by a door inside. 
Chan opens the door of his room and pulls you in behind him. You notice a door inside other than the bathroom door and closet door and realize then that your rooms must be joined as well. In fact, the door is open. 
“That room is yours,” he says with a smile, gesturing to the open door. “I didn’t want to have to be caught in the hallway every time I wanted to come see you, so I figured requesting a set up like this would be easier,” he admitted sheepishly. 
“Smart,” you chuckle. 
You walk into your room and see that your luggage is all safely there, just as Jia assured you it would be. You throw your cross body bag on an empty chair and retreat into the bathroom. You take one look at yourself in the mirror and realize what a mess you look like. You glance down at your watch and it reads 1:00 pm. You hadn’t realized so much time had passed from getting off the plane, the whole airport disaster, and the car ride to the hotel. Traffic must have really been crazy, but you were so caught up in your own world with the boys, you had had no time to notice anything like that. 
You wet a hand towel down with cold water and dab your face gently. You decide that you can refresh your makeup later, after you’ve rested. You use the bathroom and exit the room. You immediately notice Chan laying on the edge of your king size bed, an arm draped over his eyes. 
“Are you as tired as I am?” you ask as you sit down gently beside him. 
He chuckles and it's a low pleasant sound that sends a thrill through you. Sitting here with him feels so natural. Like it’s something you’ve done hundreds of times. It feels safe. 
“That’s the understatement of the century,” he says as he moves his arm away from his face and softly smiles up at you. 
You suddenly stand, holding out your hand to him. 
“Then I propose a nap,” you say, offering your hand to him. He takes it without hesitation and stands, his free hand landing on your hip and pulling you close to him. 
“That’s a proposal I don’t think I could possibly refuse,” he smiles down at you and damn it if you don’t go completely weak in the knees as his eyes lock with yours. You can see that he wants to kiss you again, but he hesitates this time. Something about being in a hotel room makes a kiss feel much more intimate and you both know you aren’t ready for where that could lead. Not after a day like today. 
“I’m gonna change real quick. I don’t want to sleep in my travel clothes,” he laughs and steps away and back into his room. 
“You’re too right,” you agree, moving to your luggage. 
You open it up and the urge to unpack everything like you usually do is strong, but you’re also completely exhausted. That type A OCD trait will have to wait, you tell yourself as you search for an oversized T and a pair of shorts. You find your shirt that reads, “President of the Big Tiddy Committee” on it and burst out laughing. You had entirely forgotten that you had packed this. You throw it on and slide on a pair of black shorts. 
You turn around, moving towards your bed and Chan is suddenly in the doorway between your rooms again. He is wearing a black tank top that sticks to him like his skin and a pair of loose black basketball shorts. 
Suddenly he laughs out loud, his head falling backward as he laughs with his entire body. 
“Oh my god,” he giggles, his hand going over his mouth. “Your shirt.” 
You look down at it with a proud smile, pulling it away from you and reading it as if you’re reading it for the first time. You shrug, a smirk spreading across your face as you look back at him. 
“Iconic, right?” you smile at him with a cocked eyebrow. 
“That’s one word for it,” he laughs, shaking his head at you. 
You wink at him and he blushes, a red tint spreading across his chest and face. 
You pull back the comforter on the bed and crawl in, turning on the lamp beside the bed and grabbing the remote that closes the curtains, pressing the button. The room goes practically dark as night despite the fact that it’s 1:30 in the afternoon. 
“You coming or what?” you ask, like you’ve done this with him a hundred times. 
“Yeah, okay,” Chan responds nervously, but doesn’t hesitate to crawl into the bed from the other side. He quickly scoots close to you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest without hesitation. You melt into him and suddenly feel ten times more tired than you had just moments ago. You feel him sigh contentedly and you can’t help but look up at him. 
He is smiling down at you, his arm rubbing up and down your back gently. 
“This is gonna be the best nap I’ve ever had in my life, I can feel it,” he whispers, pressing his lips against your temple. 
“Hmm,” you hum in agreement and drift off to sleep, the chaos of the day on the back burner of your mind.
“Sweet dreams, darlin’” Chan whispers against your head before falling asleep too. You aren’t sure what you will have to face when you wake up, but in Chan’s arms, you feel like you can tackle just about any issue that comes your way. 
< Pt. 2: The Mystery of You |Pt. 4: The Complication of Life Connecting >
MoF Tags: @hoeinthehouse @drhsthl @chrizzlaptop @dna-black-and-blue @lynlyndoll @hufflepuffanddurinsdaughter @amararosesblog @flirtyskzbutterfly @spearb-99 @jascurka21 @colorguardlover14 @bangchansbiggestfeet08 @vxllxnsworld
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somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months
Burning Hearts Part 8
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: *SLOWWWW BURRRRN* You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
WC: 2300
Taglist: @cottoncandyloverrrr
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Burning Hearts Chapter 8: Doctor’s Visit
— — 
“Damn girl… you look like shit. Your ankle is mad swollen.” Ikkaku’s eyes rake over your body, covered in superficial lacerations and multicolor bruises in varying levels of healing. 
“Gee, thanks for reminding me.” You roll your eyes and step into the steaming hot bath. “It’s not like I have this shooting pain all over my body to remind me that I look like hot garbage.” You carefully lower yourself into the water. Every single muscle in your body cried out in agony. “Ow, ow, ow, ow…” You finally settle into the tub and sigh. 
Ikkaku continues panting her toenails a bright shade of coral from her perch on the bathroom counter. 
“I just got my period, too. I feel like I got hit by a fucking train.” You close your eyes and slide deeper under the hot, soapy water. “Can you grab some tampons out of that drawer? I want to bring some back to my room.” 
Ikkaku sighs in sympathy. She opens up the top drawer and pulls out a box. 
“You’re bleeding AND you’re beat up like that? You better stay in tomorrow and rest.” Ikkaku says. 
“HAH! Yeah right. And who is gonna tell your psycho captain that I’m taking the day off? Because I’m certainly not doing it. He’d probably cut my arms off and put them on backwards or something.” 
“Come on, like he’d harm a hair on your head.” Ikkaku responds and chuckles. 
“Umm??? Who do you think kicked my ass this bad??? He doesn’t exactly go easy on me.” You turn your head to face Ikkaku. 
She scoffs. 
“That honestly shocks me, he’s so different with you.” Ikkaku blows on her wet nails.
“What do you mean?” You inquire. 
“I can’t really explain it… he’s just been like… weird since you got here. I mean, he’s always been weird… but with you he’s extra weird.”
“What are you implying?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“Nothing!” Ikkaku throws her hands up. "All I’m saying is that there’s been some sort of shift in the guy since you came into the picture. I’m not complaining, it’s been pretty nice having someone to ‘girl talk' with, you know?” 
“Mhmm…” You knew she was hiding something, but you were too tired to pry further. “I hope you get to meet my friends some day, I think you’d like them.” 
Ikkaku smiles. 
“I’m sure I would. Now get your ass out of that tub and tell Law you aren’t training tomorrow before you fall asleep and drown in there.” 
“I think I’d rather drown.” You joke as you sink down further into the tub. 
“Come on, I’ll help you up.”
Ikkaku comes over to the side one the tub and you sit up to allow her to help you up. “Ah!” Your ankle nearly gives out as you try to step out of the tub. 
“Yeah, as much as you don’t want to believe it, I think a doctor has got to look at that…” 
— — 
*knock knock* 
Law looks at the clock. 
11:45 PM
Who was coming to his office this late in the evening?
“Yes? Come in…”
A tired looking, wet-haired Daisy shuffles into his office. Was she limping?
“Hi back… what’s wrong with your leg? You’re favoring your right. You weren’t doing that at training today.” He couldn’t help but ask… he was a doctor after all. 
“I think I twisted it… didn’t hurt until I got back. Ikkaku made me come and have you look at it. It’s probably nothing. Since I’m here, I have some cuts that might need stitches, so you should probably- woah-“ 
Daisy stumbled, her gaze losing focus. She puts her arms out in front of her. 
“I think I might-“ Her eyes rolled back. 
With a quick ‘Shambles’, Law swapped Daisy out with a sock that had been discarded on his bed in the adjoining room. He had caught her right before she hit the ground. Law rushes through the archway to assess Daisy’s situation. She was laying on his bed, barely conscious. 
“Hey… Wake up, you’re okay, you just passed out.” Law sits at her side on the bed. 
“I-I did?”
“Yes. Have you been feeling dizzy lately? Light-headed?”
“Not really. I was in a super hot bath because-“ she stops, hesitant to tell him something. “Well, because I needed a bath.”  
“Have you been drinking enough water?” 
Daisy rubs her eyes. 
“I don’t know? I thought so.” 
“Any headaches? Body aches? Fever?” Law continues his laundry list of medical questions. 
“You threw me into a tree like, six times this morning, my whole body always aches.” 
Law furrows his brow with concern. Had he pushed her too far today? She never said anything about it… A pang of guilt reverberated through his chest. 
“That would’t explain the passing out on its own… are you menstruating?” Law asks. 
“Ew, Law! That’s personal!” Daisy’s cheeks turn pink. 
“I’m a doctor, it’s a fair question to ask after a fainting spell.”
“Okay well my primary care physician is a reindeer, so I don’t need you prying into my cycle.” Daisy snaps at him. 
“So that’s a yes to the previous question…” Law catches Daisy rolling her eyes. “I’ll give you some iron pills and an anti-inflammatory. That should help. Now let me see your ankle.” 
Law rises from the bed and moves to the foot of the bed so he was standing at her feet. He pulls up her sweatpants to her left knee. The ankle was swollen with a large purple bruise. 
“Gods, when did this happen?” Law sighs as he accesses the damage. He gently picks up her foot and she winces. Daisy must have noticed the guilty, pensive look in his eyes. 
“Hey, I don’t think you did it… I probably tripped over a root or my own feet or something in the garden, you know how I am.” Daisy gave him a weak smile. Her smile did little to alleviate him of his feeling of repentance. As clumsy as you were, it probably was him that caused the injury. 
“Right.” Law finishes examining her ankle and gingerly sets it back down on the bed. “I’ll go get you that medication and some ice for this. I don’t think it’s sprained, just badly twisted. You are going to need to rest for a few days until you can train properly again.”
“I-I’m sorry…” Daisy hangs her head. 
“Why?” Law asks stoically. 
“Because I won’t be able to train for a bit… we’re wasting time… aren’t you mad?”
“Pushing you past your limits now won’t help in the long run. It won’t be more than a few days, I’m sure of it. I see the cut you were talking about, I’m going to stitch it up. I’ll be right back.” 
Law heads back into his office and collects some supplies from his cabinets and drawers, places it all on a metal surgical tray and returns to the foot of his bed. He picks up the large ice pack and the medical tape from the tray and begins fastening the cold pack to the swollen ankle. After carefully tending to her foot, Law places an extra pillow underneath the injury to elevate it. 
“I’m going to have to get closer to do the stitches, can you move your other leg?” Law points at Daisy’s right knee and she pulls it in towards her body, leaving him room to sit on the bed and work. 
“I’m going to slightly numb the area and begin. You okay?” Law checks in with a glance to her face as he readies the needle and thread. 
Daisy nods. 
“I, uh, I would look away if you’re still feeling faint.” Law says as he notices her eyes on the wound he was about to begin sewing together. 
“It’s kind of hard not to look… can you distract me or something?” 
Law’s breath catches in his throat. 
“I don’t know! Talk to me or something, so I can take my mind off it?”
“I mean, I’ll be kind of busy. But you can talk if you’d like…” 
There was a short pause. 
“So. What’s your favorite color?” Daisy asks. 
“Wha- huh?” Law cocks his head and meets her eyes. “My favorite color?” 
What the hell was she talking about? He hasn’t been asked this question since he was young and his baby sister would make him macaroni art… No, wait, Cora asked him once… he wanted to know what color sprinkles to put on his 14th birthday cake… 
“Yeah, mine’s yellow. What’s yours?” Daisy interrupts his wandering train of thought.
Law returns his gaze to the task at hand and begins stitching the wound at its corner. 
“Um. I don’t have one.” 
“Oh come on. No one’s that buttoned up.” Daisy rolls her eyes. “You’re that committed to the dark and mysterious bit that you won’t even tell me your favorite color?” 
There was a pregnant pause.
“I don’t talk about myself because it would only cause people to be sympathetic towards me, and that’s the last thing I want. Everything before I founded the Heart Pirates is nothing short of tragic, and it’s a past I’m still trying to avenge… and, blue, I guess…” Law is grateful he has to focus on stitching the wound, there’s no way he’d be able to make eye contact with her now anyway. He sees her smile softly out of the corner of his right eye. 
“Blue is nice.”
Daisy hisses as Law pierces the skin with his needle in a particularly thick spot, the numbing medication only doing so much. 
“SO,” She winces as she tries to distract herself. “You were really touchy about the record player… Who did you say it belonged to again?” 
Law stops. Silence falls again. 
“An old mentor of mine.” Law continues working. Daisy looks at him expectantly, clearly waiting for him to elaborate… but her expression was soft, not wanting to rush him. 
“Corazon… he saved my life… It’s a long story. I was very ill as a child. I’m from Flevance-“ 
“How? Everyone from Flevance died from Amber Lead Disease? I heard about it when I was real young… my dad used to tell me about it so we wouldn’t go play in the mines.” Daisy interrupts him. 
“That’s why it’s a long story… I thought you wanted me to talk to you?” Law can’t help but smirk a bit. 
“Right, sorry, go on.” Daisy giggles a bit. *How cute.* No… not cute.
“Anyway…” Law continues sewing up the gash on Daisy’s leg.  “You know who Donquixote Doflamingo is, right, yes?”
Daisy nods. 
“So when I was 13…” 
Law spends the entirety of 30 minutes explaining his tragic childhood while carefully patching up Daisy’s open cuts. 
“Gods, Law… And I thought my life sucked… I’m sorry that happened to you, I really am.” Daisy reaches down and touches Law’s clothed bicep. Law flinches. 
“Sorry…” Daisy says after feeling him recoil from her touch. 
“No.. it’s ok. I just… don’t tell a lot of people that.”
“My family was killed too. I can’t say I relate to all of the other shit, but we have at least one horrific ordeal in common. That’s how I ended up with Grey Jaw…” 
“You don’t have to tell me about it. I know that it’s-“
“It’s fine. You asked awhile ago and I didn’t answer. I guess I wasn’t ready…” Daisy sighs. “He burnt my island to the ground, taking me and the other young girls to ‘work’ for him after we watched him murder our families. I was 16. I was there for 4 years… it was all a blur really… tried to force it out of my head…” Daisy sniffles. 
Law pretends not to notice and continues his work. Daisy swallows hard.
“When I was 20, we were freed by the Marines who launched a surprise raid on the ship. I ended up on some dinky little island and bartended for another 4 years before Luffy showed up and asked me to join his crew. Aaaand now I’m here in this mess…” Another sigh left her lips. 
“But you hate the Marines now?” Law asks. 
“There are good marines. Just like there are good pirates.” Daisy looks up at Law to meet his eyes. “You can understand that, right?”
He nods, knowing all too well. 
“All done.” 
“Thanks, doc. Can you ‘shambles’ me back to my room or something? I’ve already overstayed my welcome, I think.” 
“Just sleep here. I was going to finish research and crash on the couch anyway.” Law rises from the bed. 
“You’re sure?” She asks. 
“Yeah, and here’s a hot water bottle… for the, you know…” Law hands her the heating pad. She shyly smiles as she grabs it from his hands. “Get some rest. Yell if you need something, I’ll just be next door.”
Law is halfway through the archway when he hears her. 
“Goodnight.” She smiles warmly at him. 
Law feels something tingly and foreign shoot through his veins. Looking at her, he couldn’t help but smile back. Genuinely. 
“Goodnight Daisy.” 
**Authors Note** PART 9 WILL BE UP TOMORROW FOR VALENTINE'S HEHEHE IF THAT GIVES YOU A HINT! Also PLEASE comment and let me know if you want to be in the taglist for this series! Sorry for the slowest burn on the planet, I simply am being so self indulgent...
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64yrsold · 9 months
WINTERING 5. naughty vs. nice
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twelve days of christmas writing prompts by @abiiors wintering masterlist previous (4)
“Hello?” I mumbled, answering my phone in the dark. The curtains were drawn, all the lights in the house were off, and I was on my third cold-medicine induced nap of the day.
“Hey, are you sick?” Matty asked, huffing into the phone.
“Do not come here,” I said sternly, voice hoarse and tired.
“I’m just asking!” He laughed, the sound of traffic in the background of the call.
“Who told you?” I accused, rubbing my swollen eyes.
“Nobody told me anything,” he said. 
I sniffled.
“Alright, your mum, but—“
“Why are you talking to my mum,” I groaned, burying my head into my pillow. “We are not together!”
“She phoned me!” He defended, and I could see his hands high in the air. “She said you weren’t picking up your phone.”
“I’m sleeping,” I sighed, “Really, I’m fine. It’s just a cold.”
“Right,” he said, “Christ, you forgot to lock your door again.”
“Fuck, Matty—“
“It’s fine,” he cooed, and hung up the phone. I heard his clunky footsteps in the entrance, and pulled the covers over my head. It was embarrassing to have him see me like this, red-nosed and surrounded by half-finished bottles of Nyquil. 
“How are we feeling?” He asked sheepishly, stepping into my dark cave of a room.
“I’m sick,” I reminded him, muffled from under the blankets, “And you’re not allowed to look at me.”
I could hear his smile, “Alright, I won’t look.”
“You should really go,” I insisted, “I’ll make you ill. You’ll miss your plane.”
“That’s not for a while,” he replied, setting something down on my nightstand. I felt his weight on the edge of the bed. I felt like a marble circling the drain, pulled in by him.
“I might puke,” I said, and he laughed again.
“As if I’ve never seen that before.”
I peeked out from the covers, “You need to go.”
He smiled at me, a pretty shape I could barely distinguish in the dark. It seemed more like a memory.
“I brought your soup,” he pointed at a takeout bag on the nightstand.
“I don’t like soup,” I murmured. 
“You'll like this one,” he said, and grabbed the corner of my blanket, pulling it down below my chin. “Promise.”
“I should really go back to sleep,” I complained, “The cold medicine makes me all loopy.”
“Just sit up, darling,” he grumbled, then picked me up so I sat upright, my back against the headboard.
“I’m fine,” I blinked, surprised that he had grabbed me and moved me. 
He opened the container of soup, stirring it slowly, “You need to be feeling better for tomorrow, you know.”
“I know, I’m trying,” I sighed, a throb pulsing near the back of my head. I wished I could pull him into me, to sleep with my head on his chest, to let him take care of me. His thumb massaging the back of my skull.
“Are you going to your mum’s tomorrow?” He placed the soup in my hands, the steam coming off it making me feverish.
“I want to, since it’s Christmas,” I shrugged, “But it would be horrible of me to get her sick.”
“Ah, she won’t care,” he nudged the spoon into my hand.
“Right,” I rolled my eyes, “If I’m not feeling better, I’ll just stay home.”
“Home alone?” He asked, frowning, “On Christmas Day?”
“Well, hopefully I’ll just be feeling better.”
He took a deep breath, “Can you eat the fucking soup already?”
I giggled, a splitting pain cracking up my face from my laughter. I winced. I watched him pick at his cuticles, trying not to look at me. I took a few spoonfuls of the soup, looking up at him timidly.
“You don’t like it?” He hid a smile, shaking his head as he put the soup back on the nightstand.
“I’m just so nauseous,” I whined, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he shrugged, “More for me.” He picked up the spoon, stirring the soup again.
My mouth opened, “You’re not gonna eat that, right?”
“Hm?” He grunted, then downed a spoonful.
“Matty!” I shrieked, smacking his arm. 
“What, what?” He laughed, shying away from me. 
“You’re so fucking stupid,” I covered my face with my hands, “You’re going to have this stupid cold tomorrow, and you’re going to be a baby about it, and I’m not taking care of you!”
He didn't seem bothered by the violence in my words.
“Couldn’t let you spend Christmas alone,” he mumbled, looking back to smile at me between bites.
-> next (6)
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desomniis · 4 months
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to ask for your hand (I just pray that its mine) | Chapter 4 excerpt
After clinching his third career win at the Vegas GP, Carlos wakes up to a wedding band on his finger and his teammate, Charles, wearing the exact match.
WIP | 4/5 | 28,797 words | Accidental Drunk Marriage in Vegas AU | Fluff | Angst | Drama
Down below, the circuit was a bright outline against the night. Another season, another gruelling race in Singapore.
The skyline was an architectural marvel. It was stunning during the day, but at night? it looked like a rare jewel sparkling against the black velvet night. To witness such magnificence on top of the Marina Bay Sands—dipped in the infinity pool, no less—with no one else around was a indeed privilege.
In his mind, he traced the track, imagining his car passing through Anderson bridge, making the tight left at 13 to the Esplanade Drive. Then the apex at 14, then 15, 16—a splash from the other end of the pool startled him. Charles?
Carlos was pretty sure it was Charles, the rookie this season. They never really ‘talked’ before. Their conversations always happened in passing, going along the lines off, ‘How are you? Good? How’s your car? Not good on the tires.’ He knew little about him—only that he was from Monaco and that he was set to replace Kimi at Ferrari next year. A rookie replacing a world champion. Unheard of. This kid must be a huge deal.
“It’s a beautiful city, no?” Carlos ventured. He winced inside, remembering Papá's advice about small talk and F1 drivers.
Charles jolted, his hand flying to his chest, accidentally splashing water to his own face. “Oh my god, you scared me.”
Carlos chuckled. “You’re quite jumpy, eh?” he teased, settling on the ledge next to him.
“A little,” Charles admitted with a sheepish smile. “What are you doing here? It’s a bit late, no?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I didn’t get much sleep on the flight here.”
“Tell me about it. 20 hour flights are no joke.”
“True,” Charles said. “Any tips for tomorrow? I’ve never raced here before. My first time. So, I’m a little nervous.”
A smirk crept up Carlos lips. “Have you passed out in a race before?”
“Uh, no? I don’t think so.”
“Well, here, try not to. It’s almost guaranteed.”
”What? That’s impossible.”
“Also, you might drive blind on some corners.”
“Don’t even get me started about the rain. Singapore is a totally different race if it rains.”
Worry flitted through Charles' eyes, swallowing a lump on his throat. “Oh yeah?” he said, trying to hide his discomfort.
Carlos held onto his laughter. He nodded seriously, “yeah. Seven DNF’s last year.”
Charles visibly got more anxious, the horrors of last year’s race flashing in his eyes. “Ah, putain,” he muttered under his breath.
Carlos’ laughter eventually bubbled forth.
“What? Why are you laughing?” Charles questioned, his brows knitting together.
“I was kidding. It’s not that bad, I promise.”
“I—Oh… you were trying to scare me.” Charles smiled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Making fun of the rookie, I see.”
“Don’t worry,” Carlos wiped the tears from his eyes. “Vettel and Fernando did it to me in my rookie year too. Except they waited a day before telling me it’s not that bad. I remember not sleeping that night.”
Charles laughed, and Carlos was struck. There was something about his laugh that resonated deep in Carlos’ chest, like the melody of his childhood summers spent racing bicycles down sun-dappled streets, the wind tousling his hair as he pedalled faster. It was the echo of his first karting victory, the taste of victory sweet on his tongue as he stood atop the podium, trophy held high, amid deafening cheers and applause. It was Miguel’s call, on his last day, asking him to meet at the lake so that he could steal another kiss from Carlos. There was something in Charles’ laugh that made Carlos yearn to hear it more.
“Well, I guess I’ll consider myself lucky that it was not Vettel or Fernando then,” Charles said.
“Yeah. Lucky. Just sleep well and drink lots of water before the race and you’ll do fine. I’ve seen you drive. You’re good. I trust that you can make it.”
Charles's eyebrows lifted, his head tilting slightly to the left like a puppy hearing something strange. “Really?” he asked, “you think I’m good?”
Carlos can count in one hand the amount of times he complimented another driver. It wasn't that he didn't recognise talent in others—if he was being honest, there were plenty of drivers far better than him. But he rarely voiced such acknowledgements. It’s like offering your enemy an edge.
So when he did compliment Charles, it surprised him, almost catching him off guard. There was no logical explanation for it.
Perhaps it was because Charles was young and it was his first year in F1. He could vividly recall his own struggles as a rookie. Maybe, in his own way, it was him trying to help his younger self.
Or perhaps it was how easily Charles just opened up to Carlos. Paired with his dimples, the sheepish smile, and those earnest blue eyes pleading for advice. Carlos felt an instinctual urge to protect Charles.
Or perhaps, it was something else entirely.
“You don’t?” Carlos dodged the question.
"I do. It's just that... It's rare to hear it from another driver. Everyone else says I'm good, you know? 'You're so talented, Charles. So fast. You are destined to be in F1,'" he recounted. "But they say it from the outside looking in. They don’t really get it. But when another driver say it, it means a lot more. Because they understand. You understand."
Carlos nodded slowly, the weight of Charles' words settling on him. He knew that feeling all too well. The constant need to prove his own worth, that he deserved to compete with the best of the world, that it wasn’t all because of a privileged upbringing.
“Of course,” he said idly. “So, how does this feel? All of it—the hype, the pressure, the Ferrari seat next year?”
A hesitant smile touched Charles' lips, fleeting as the Monegasque breeze. “When I drove for practice for them last year, I felt like I was going to explode in the car. I felt buzzing in my ears and my hand couldn’t stop shaking. I thought I would crash. I’m quite happy that I didn’t.
“But what’s interesting was how it all felt strange to me. All my life I’ve dreamed of driving and winning in that red car. Not only me, my father and my godfather too. I carry all their dreams with me. Now that I have the chance to do that… it’s…” Charles trailed off, searching for the right words.
“Overwhelming," Carlos offered, a hint of longing creeping into his voice. "Being in that red car… it’s something else."
The last sentence hung heavy in the air, the weight of his secret, of his father's expectation, sat heavy in his gut.
Charles chuckled, a soft, nervous sound. "Yeah. It's like everyone expects me to be a champion overnight. But then there's the pressure from myself too, you know? Like I have to live up to all these expectations, not just mine but everyone else's too." He ran a hand through his hair, anxiety swimming in his eyes.
Carlos leaned back on the ledge of the pool, studying Charles. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that surprised him. This young prodigy, who seemed to have it all figured out, was wrestling with self-doubt just like everyone else.
"Hey," Carlos said gently, "You'll be alright. You're here for a reason. You have the talent, the drive... you'll get there eventually.”
A flicker of gratitude sparked in Charles' eyes. "Thanks, Carlos. I appreciate that. Coming from you, it means a lot."
The compliment hung in the air for a moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Carlos couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about Charles disarmed him.
"Are you hungry?" Carlos finally asked, surprising even himself with the question. "Do you want to have dinner with me?"
Charles’ eyes sparkled and his lips curved up, making Carlos’ chest feel warm, like it was about to blow open. Whether it was a good or bad sign, it didn’t matter because there was only one thing he was sure of:
He wanted to see Charles smile again.
Read the whole chapter here. Ask me questions!
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i-eat-worlds · 4 months
Starcross Part 4
New perspective!
Content: Conditioned whumpee, fear of punishment, multiple caretakers, food mention
Free Space, AFS Starcross, 5/5/4763
The infirmary doors hissed as Oka passed through them, two plates of food carefully balanced in both of their hands. Ziar had stayed with the new visitor overnight, and from what Veya had said, she wasn’t going to be coming up for air anytime soon. The lights were still red. She’d fiddled with the settings to let them sleep.
Since their last stop had been on Hurulose, breakfast denitely left something to be desired. They were simple mining rations, containing mostly dried fruit slices and sticks of preserved meat. Jesse, not impressed by the options, had baked some Kuliaen flatbread out of whatever ingredients she’d been able to find on the colony. “Morning,” Ziar said, looking back from the cabinets she was rooting through. Her voice was quiet to avoid waking the sleeping human. “You can set those over there.” She pointed towards the table at the front of the room.
The exhaustion on her face was obvious. Ziar was normally one of the better rested crew members, and it was odd to see them yawning so much. “Do you want me to get you some tea? Or whatever battery acid Jesse drinks?”
“Nah, I’ll be alright.” She turned towards them, heading towards the plates, and Oka narrowed their eyes.
A bandage was wrapped around her upper right arm. “What happened?” Ziar shrugged. “They got a little freaked out. It’s fine.”
Ah. Veya probably wouldn’t be happy about that. “How are they?”
“Stable. Exhausted and scared.” A beat of silence passed. “They…they’ve been through a lot, from what I can tell. When we land I’d like them to be seen by another doctor. I can pay.”
“I’ll run that by her.” The answer would probably be yes. Zarian was more friendly to those without proper affiliation. “If you need me to watch them so you can shower and spend some time with your leg o, I can watch them for a little bit.”
Ziar thought for a moment. “That would be good, yeah. How’s your Yeran?”
They made a “so-so” motion with their hand. “It’s descent. I’m no where near a native, but I can make it work.
She hummed. “Alright.” There was an uncertain pause. “They’re absolutely terried, Oka. You sure?”
They bit their lip for a second before speaking. “I’ve done this before, Ziar. I know.”
*** The weapon could tell that there was someone else, someone new in the room.
It kept its eyes closed, kept “resting” like Ziar had asked it too, of course, but it could tell. Their voice was hushed, and it couldn’t really make out what they were saying, but its stomach twisted into knots anyway. It couldn’t be anything good.
Ziar hadn’t punished it, at least not yet. She’d let it stay in the bed, with the blanket. She’d told it to sleep, to rest. The weapon had worried that it wouldn’t be able to, but the time in stasis had made it very tired. In less than an hour, it had been out like a light switch.
She’d left it mostly undisturbed, checking on it periodically, but not hurting it. It had heard her wake a while ago, but the weapon had still not been disturbed. It was being permitted to sleep in. That had never, in the history of the weapon’s existence, ever happened.
It shuddered at the thought of having to pay for these luxuries, for these mercies. It hadn’t been punished for biting yet, either. There was going to be a lot of pain in its future, and it knew that. The fact that it also dreaded it was inconsequential. The weapon had bit its better, then taken advantage of her kindness. It was what it deserved.
The conversation stopped, and it heard footsteps start to approach the bed. Despite its best efforts, it couldn’t help but go rigid.
“Are you awake?” Her voice was soft, gentle. “I’ve brought breakfast if you’re hungry.”
Food. Poisoned, perhaps, or incompatible with its digestive tract.
Slowly, it opened its eyes, the red glow of the room not overwhelming its sight. Ziar was on their left, a good meter away, keeping her distance. Behind her was someone else, a dark-skinned Sanatori who was wearing two different shimmering dangly earrings and holding a plate of food in shiny packages.
They smiled at it, in a way that almost seemed genuine. “This is Oka, (They/Them),” Ziar introduced. It froze, unsure what to do. Was there a way they would want to be greeted? What were the rules here? “I need to leave for a little while. Oka’s going to make sure that you’re okay. Ask them if you need anything, alright?”
It nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.”
“I’m not going to hurt you, and Oka isn’t either.” She said that a lot. The weapon wondered why she did, since it was an obvious lie.
Ziar beckoned for them to step forward, and they did, much closer than the Ziar had. “Hello, what’s your name?”
The weapon did a double take. It didn’t have a name, those weren’t for humans, for things like it. Maybe they wanted its identication number. “This Unit’s designation is KM-4682, sir.”
Oka gave it a confused look. “Okay. Can I call you Kim? Like KM?”
“You can call it whatever you want, sir.” The weapon was not permitted to have an opinion about its designation.
“It’s okay-” Ziar stepped a little closer, “-if you want to be called something else.”
It was like they were pushing it towards something, trying to get it to slip up, trying to get it trouble. Then again, it deserved punishment anyway. It had bit Ziar. “Kim is acceptable, ma’am.”
They both nodded. “If that ever changes, it’s alright to tell us,” Oka said. It sounded genuine. It couldn’t be.
The weapon was not permitted to have an opinion about its designation.
Ziar spoke with Oka in another language for a little bit, then she looked back to it. “I'll be back in a couple hours. Oka won’t hurt you.”The weapon nodded, unbelieving, and Ziar left the room. It ignored the pit in its stomach as Oka tore the rst pouch of food open. What were they going to do to it?
Taglist: @whump-snob @whump-kia @itsoundslikeafury @blackberry-bloody @snakebites-and-ink
@whumpacabra @cepheusgalaxy @softvampirewhump @my-little-versaille @pigeonwhumps
@whumped-by-glitter @snaillamp @rainydaywhump @platysaurus @whumpy-daydreams
@whiskygoldwings @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @rainbowsandwhumperflies @risk606 @starfields08000
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bisexualcage · 9 months
If it’s not a problem, can I request a fluffy MK1 Johnny Cage x male reader fic where reader suffers from a lot of chronic pain? I suffer a lot from it and I’m just really in need of some comfort from my bbg Johnny. I’d greatly appreciate it if you did do this!
-🦇 anon (idk if this was taken but if not im now bat anon)
(Sorry this took a bit long!! I hope you enjoy ❤️)
A Rising (Fallen) Star ⭐️ | Johnny Cage x Male Reader
Warnings: no warnings, just very damn tooth rotting fluff!
Relationship: Johnny Cage x Male Reader, MLM
An: I didn’t really proof read so rip
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It was nearly 7 pm, Johnny had a busy day but you decided to stay in while he worked. He insisted on staying to pamper you all day but you basically forced him out, he wasn’t gonna miss a directing opportunity because of you. Or at least that’s how you saw it. Every time your chronic pain flared up you felt like hell warmed over, you didn’t want to burden anyone else too much with it and that included Johnny even though he consistently told you otherwise. That didn’t stop him from spamming your phone with texts which you’ve missed in your deep pained slumber.
“Babe, u feeling better? Take ur pain killers. U looked so tired b4 I left”
“I’m gonna buy u some stuff as soon as
I’m out of this building, I think they like my script idea! Watch out! Director Johnny Cage incoming 😎 no but seriously, u ok?”
“Hello? Honey???”
“They accepted my pitch! You’re worrying me. I’m heading over to the pharmacy to pick up some knick knacks for u stud😚”
Of course, your phone was left accidentally on silent and by the time you read these with guilt on your face you already heard the front door opening and closing, heavy steps approaching your bedroom door. You groan and yawn, sitting up weakly from the bed and rub your sore back. “Ah shit…” you mumbled under your breath.
The door clicks open and you see a worrisome Johnny with bags of stuff hanging from his hands. He takes his shades off as he spots your tired pained figure on the edge of the bed and walks over dropping the bags immediately on the floor.
“Babe, are you okay? You weren’t answering me.” He kneels in front of you and kisses your nose, his eyes so big and soft.
“My back aches so bad. I’m so sorry- as soon as you left I knocked out and-“ you rambled in guilt.
“Shhh, nonsense. Now, do you want me to start a warm bath for you?” He mumbled and caressed your jaw with his hands. “Get those muscles to relax a bit?”
You blush and nod, standing up with a wince.
“Atta boy’.” Johnny smirks and guides you to the bathroom slowly, getting the bath water going immediately.
“I’ll take it from here, okay?” You said softly, you didn’t want him to see you as weak. This has happened one too many times. It was stupid, he insisted that he didn’t see you as a burden and that he liked caring for you when you were in pain yet you just couldn’t stop being stubborn about it.
Johnny made a sigh, looking over you one last time before nodding and then peeping through the open crack of the door one last time, “Shout at me, I’ll be right outside if you need anything okay, honey?” He said tenderly.
The actor had a knowing expression, the way you were trying to act tough all of a sudden and able. You knew that he could see through your facade. When the door closed you started stripping and then submerged yourself in the warm water, you sighed in pleasure as your sore muscles relaxed. About 15 minutes passed while you were soaking in there, you winced in pain as you pulled yourself up from the bath. Carefully leaning over to get a towel, you were practically shaking.
“Christ-“ you sigh tiredly as you rubbed the towel down your torso and legs. Once you were done drying and dressing up, you started to smell something as you made your way towards the kitchen.
Johnny never cooked, not if he could help it.
Oh no. He’s cooking.
“Johnny wh-“
“Don’t worry baby, I ain’t burned the house down yet.” He turned around from the stove to face you, something simmering in a pot. Johnny looked at you up and down in your cozy pajamas and wet hair, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. He started rubbing the back of your wet head as he held you in his arms and talked.
“How was that bath? Warm enough?” He mumbled against your neck with his eyes closed, very at peace to be in your arms.
You grew warm and smile softly for the first time all day, “It was good, very nice.” You whisper, overlooking his shoulder and seeing the food being cooked. “Is that…soup?”
Johnny chuckled and pulled back, “It’s canned soup I got you from the pharmacy. Among other things.”
“Are you sure you’re cooking that-“
“Honey, I ain’t gonna stink up the house like last time I promise. It’s just simple soup I’m warming up for my, baby boy.” He smirks at you and walks over to the soup, turning the stove off.
You grow warm, whenever he called you baby boy he knew it sent you over the moon. He was being purposeful.
“Before you eat…” He looks back at you briefly and starts pouring the hot vegetable soup in to a bowl, your stomach already grumbling, “…I’m gonna give you some pain killers alright? You haven’t drank any right?”
You scratch your head, you could have sworn in your painful delirium earlier that you planned on taking them but you just knocked out immediately. “No I haven’t…damn it.”
Johnny chuckles, walking over to you with the soup in hand and places it on the kitchen island, motioning for you to sit. As you do, he takes out a painkiller bottle and gives you two pills with a glass of water. “Drink BOTH.” He said a bit sternly but with the upmost care in his eyes.
You groan, “Johnny-“
“Don’t Johnny me, I know you hate pills and swallowing them.” He crosses his arms, waiting for you to swallow them.
He was right, you hated them and you always had trouble downing them. But you took a deep breath as he rubbed your arm and swallowed them easily. It’s like his presence alone made things easier.
“Good boy! Woohoo!” He kisses your cheek, “Nothing The Cagester can’t bring out of people.” He jokes and winks at you.
“Alright alright- settle down movie star.” You smirk at him as you start practically downing the soup at a crazy pace. “These are good, no burn flavor.”
Johnny rolls his eyes and watches you eat with a small smile on his face, he was like a hawk. “I know you didn’t eat all day or take your pills.”
You look at him with shyness, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know honey, I know. I can’t imagine what’s it’s like to hurt all the time. You start to loose the energy to do basic things.” He says with an understanding face, yet he was holding something back. Biting his tongue.
“Johnny, I thank you for all of this. I know it’s not easy sometimes and I sure don’t make them easy.” You say lowly, looking down at your lukewarm soup.
Johnny looks at you with glassy eyes, or maybe that was the dim lights in the kitchen, you couldn’t tell. Nonetheless he swallowed heavily and walked between your legs on the chair you were sitting and placed both of his hands on your cheeks— looking deep in to your tired eyes.
“When I’m with you it’s like I’m a damn lovesick puppy, you make things unbelievably easy for me. I’ve told you before, I don’t care about what you got going on. You’re not a burden-“
“I didn’t say-“
“But you’re thinking it. You’re constantly thinking it. I saw it back in the bathroom. I see it now. And if I need to reassure you a billion times that you’re nothing but a star in my life then I will. I like taking care of you. I like doing these things for you. You’re my guy, you’re my boy.” He runs his thumbs across your cheeks, his eyes filled with nothing but care.
Suddenly, he leans in and crashes his lips on to yours, you’re engulfed by his warmness, his proximity, his love. He shifts his lips softly against yours, taking his time, your noses rubbing against one another. A small grunt leaves your throat and you reciprocate just as passionately. You then both pull back slightly, breathing heavily and trying to catch your breath with him. He keeps his arms around your waist, rubbing lightly at your sore back in circular motions.
“Someone’s passionate today…” you chuckle.
“For you? Always. Now eat up. After that you’re gonna lay down for me and we’re gonna try the new heat pad I bought you.” He grins with excitement.
“Another one?! I have like 5 heating pads from you already!” You laugh.
“But this one supposedly has some cotton flex technology that helps muscles or some shit, isn’t that cool?” His eyes are shiny.
“Is this what you decide to buy with your big new director money?” you laugh more with a blush.
“Hey! This big new director got his script approved today. Green lit baby! So more heating pads coming your way.” He says playfully, loving the banter between you both.
“Congratulations!” You say lovingly with a huge smile on your face, “I’m so proud of you ahh.” You squeeze him closer to you.
“Thank you, sweetheart! I told you, that Karate Zombie script was gold- wait a second are you trying to distract me from you eating your soup cause it’s cold now?” He says teasingly.
You snort loudly, clearly being caught a bit. But you were still proud of him regardless.
“Eat the soup! I will feed it through your nose if I gotta!”
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captain-mj · 1 year
Vampires Part 8
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Soap sat at the table right after sunset. His vampires, Price, and now Chuy, because apparently he decided to invite himself in, were sitting with him. Chuy was wearing his outfit again, deer skull included. It made him look very unnerving. 
“So your fiance will be here soon?”
Price nodded excitedly. “Yep. She’s wonderful.”
“She?” Ghost laughed before realizing he was serious. “Ah. Damn. Seriously?”
Price frowned. “I’m bisexual.”
“I know, I just thought better of women. Even witch women.” Ghost replied, shrugging. 
Price stared at him, slightly opened mouthed. “Damn. Cold, Simon.”
“Simon. Anyway, she’ll be here shortly. Her name is Clara.” He looked so happy that Soap couldn’t help but feel happy for him. Even if he was pretty sure Price was being used. 
Alejandro hummed. “Right. Anyway.”
Rodolfo raised his hand. “I don’t really care about your fiance, I’m more worried about the hunter walking around talking about bigfoot. Can we focus on that?”
“No. you guys gotta meet my fiance.” 
“Fuck that.” Alejandro spoke up. “I agree with my lovely husband.” He kissed Rudy’s hand, looking at him with giant heart eyes. 
Ghost groaned. “Do you guys have to be so in love?”
“Lonely ass bitch.” 
Ghost frowned. “Goddamn…” 
Price hissed loudly and they all turned towards him. He looked a little flustered, as if they weren’t actually supposed to hear him. He took a deep breath. “As the eldest vampire, I am requesting you guys please meet her.” It was said with a touch of… sincerity that had been absent from Price in a wild. 
Interviewer: I’ve been meaning to ask. Ghost puts up with Price because he’s his sire. Rodolfo seems to like him. However, you don’t seem to like him. 
Alejandro: Don’t know. Guess I miss how he was. Sometimes it feels like I got the last few years of lucidity. He probably told he was four hundred years older than Ghost right?
Interviewer: I thought he said two hundred.
Alejandro: He told Rodolfo a hundred. I thought for the longest time it was just something he did, but I think he just doesn’t remember.
Interviewer: Ah. And the comment about lucidity.
Alejandro: I think he’s half insane. It happens. Mentally, being alive a long time… it makes things tiring. 
Interviewer: I noticed the way you looked away when Rodolfo asked if you regretted being turned. Do you?
Alejandro: No. Course not. I love my husband.
Interviewer: I can see your love and devotion to him. But I’m asking, do you wish you died human? 
Alejandro: Sometimes, I do. I wish Rodolfo killed me that night. However, I’d never want to make him go through the centuries alone, so I’m glad I am here with him. 
Interviewer: Thank you, Alejandro.
“Alright, sir.” Ghost mumbled. “I’ll meet Clara.” He smiled, eyes crinkling. 
Price smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you, Simon. Rodolfo, Alejandro, Gaz, I hope you all like her.”
Simon and Chuy looked at each other and shook their heads.
Gaz hummed. “Will it be super awkward?”
“Oh, yeah.”
Gaz nodded. “That sounds nice. Like chicken soup after a hard day. I’m in.” 
Interviewer: So do you regret turning into a vampire?
Gaz: How do you know I wasn’t born an energy vampire?
Interviewer: Oh, were you? That’s fascinating.
Gaz: No, I mean I was turned. Just why did you assume?
Interviewer: I mean. I just thought all vampires were turned. Who was your sire? 
Gaz: My mom when she birthed me. I lied, I was born.
Interviewer canceled the rest of the interviewer due to “broken pencils”. 
Price smiled fondly at Gaz before quickly going to get the door, answering before Clara even had the chance to knock. She giggled as he picked her up and twirled her before leading her to the kitchen. 
“Oh this is nauseating.” 
Rodolfo hit Ghost. “They’re cute.”
They kissed passionately. 
“Nevermind.” Rodolfo hissed under his breath. “Clara?”
Clara quickly pushed Price back a little and properly introduced herself. She was how described. Dark hair and nice. 
Too nice. 
Soap liked her. She shook his head and smiled at him before moving on to them. 
“Oh!” Clara said softly while staring at Ghost. “You must be Simon.”
Price flinched and looked guilty. And a tiny bit betrayed, as if he had warned her prior.
“Don’t call me that.” Ghost got up. “Okay, this is horrible. I need to leave.”
Price grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back into his seat. “A little effort.” 
“Don’t call me something stupid.”
Price sighed and plastered a smile on his face. “Ghost.” He introduced everyone there to Clara and Clara waved just a little. She didn’t look at Price much, but when she did, she did look like she liked him. Maybe not love in any of their opinions, but that’s okay. Maybe it would blossom? 
If they stayed together long enough. 
The two of them stared at each other for just a second and Chuy got uncomfortable. 
“Alright. I’m gonna head out.” 
Clara frowned a little before perking up. “I’ve heard about a hunter in this area. Hope you’re doing okay and he hasn’t given you too many problems.”
Chuy faltered and shrank down when Reyes got brought up. Ghost wondered why he didn’t just have them get rid of the guy. It would be easier. 
“Well… yeah. He’s uh… Yeah…”
Clara noticed his hesitance and decided to drop it. 
They had a delightful conversation honestly. 
Price informed them all that the wedding would be that Friday. “Because of the goddess Freyja. May she bless our marriage.” He smiled, showing fangs. 
Rodolfo looked at the interviewer, clearly cringing. 
“That sounds wonderful.”
“May Clara stay here until then? We’re having the ceremony in the graveyard nearby.” Price took his hat off and held it to his chest in a pleading manner.
Collective groans occurred before they agreed. She could stay. 
Interviewer: The vampires think you’re after Price for his… uh…
Clara: His money? No. I’m rich enough actually.
Interviewer: No his… um… Dick?
Clara: It’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not that artificial. I just want his heart. 
Interviewer: That’s sweet. 
Gaz put his hands on the table. “Before I ask this, I promise not to feed on anyone.”
Price nodded. “Okay.”
“Can I bring Alex?”
“That dog?” Price groaned. 
Alejandro started to look at face masks and Febreze. 
“Yes. He’s my boyfriend. You can’t tell me he’s not attractive.”
Soap nodded. “And really cool too.”
“See! And he doesn’t smell bad. He smells like cologne because he drowns himself in it before he comes here.”
“Maybe that’s the problem.”
Gaz sighed. “If he can’t come, I’m not coming.”
Price rubbed his temples. “Alright. He can come. Have him invite Laswell too.”
“At that point, why not invite the rest of the pack?” Alejandro pointed out, frowning. More out of confusion than anything else now. 
“Fair. Let’s just invite all of them. And Chuy. And Koenig if the lad can ever make it here. I heard he was coming to our area a while ago.” Price pointed out. 
Ghost hummed. “I’ll reach out to him through the ether later.”
“Fantastic idea!” Price clapped, looking very excited. “I’m getting married again!” 
Interviewer: So, why do you want to kill bigfoot so bad?
Reyes: Bigfoot took someone very dear to me. 
Interviewer: You want revenge?
Reyes: Yes. Bigfoot took… well. I shouldn’t say boyfriend. We were neighbors. Jesus. He was beautiful. He was kind. Rather generous but could set harsh boundaries if needed. I fell in love with him more every time we interacted. I watched that thing disappear from his home the same night he disappeared. 
Interviewer: And why a crossbow?
Reyes: Well, the majority of hunters use them. They’re quieter, easier to certain materials, and you can reuse arrows. Plus, a lot of creatures aren’t hurt by bullets and needed something sharp that will pierce them. 
Interviewer: Fascinating. Thank you so much. What else do you hunt?
Reyes: Well, normally I hunt and kill werewolves but since the night happened, bigfoot is all I have my eyes on. 
Interviewer: Understood. And where are your plans now?
Reyes: To break into the Scottish man’s home because I know he’s harboring monsters. 
Interviewer: How can you tell?
Reyes: Only someone who knows of monsters listens to advice from someone who’s a monster hunter. He didn’t take me seriously, so he wasn’t paranoid. 
Interviewer: That’s smart.
Reyes stayed true to his word. He caught them by surprise because the interviewer wasn’t going to interfere there. With his crossbow in hand, he aimed right at Chuy. Deer skull shining in the cryptic light of the room. 
“You bastard. I am finally getting my revenge against you.”
Chuy perked up when he came into the room. Not flinched or shrank or looked to leave. He leaned into Reyes’s aim. Soap thought he was an odd fellow. 
“Why?” Rodolfo interrupted his clearly well thought out speech. He was currently sewing and seemed a bit put off about being interrupted. Everyone else was around doing similar hobbies now that Price had stopped talking to them. Even Soap was just casually drawing. 
Reyes stumbled over it, caught off guard. “As I was about to explain.”
Clara snapped her fingers. There was no blast or light. Just a simple sound. 
Reyes swallowed thickly and shook his head. “Ah…. I was saying…” He paused again and this time frowned. His nose twitched and all the bravado left him. 
The man shook and shuddered, not fully reacting yet but clearly something… internal was happening. 
Chuy stood and rushed to grab Reyes who tried to get away from him. Soap prepared himself to watch Chuy rip the man to shreds but before Chuy could even lift his mask to uncover his mouth, Reyes shrank and contorted. His body twisted and curled, enough to drag ragged, pained groans before they transitioned into squeaks. The shirt in Chuy’s hands stayed solid but the rest dissolved and bubbled into the rest of him. And in his place stood. 
A rat. 
Well groomed and with fur as dark as Reyes’s hair. It looked soft. Almost cute. 
Chuy scooped him up immediately. “Enzo?”
The rats frantic movements to escape halted as it went still, looking at Chuy with wide rat eyes. 
Chuy slid the mask off, revealing his face to the rat who continued to stare.
“Mi corazón. I am so sorry. I was so bored with my old life, I never anticipated anyone noticing me being gone. Yes, I lived as your neighbor your years, but I never realized how you looked at me.”
Alejandro stopped playing the piano. The room was silent.
“I noticed you but you were human. I couldn’t… drag you into this world when it’s so unsafe.”
If Ghost put his hand on Soap, it wasn’t noticeable. 
“I live so long. I wanted to start new. Do something completely different. You were… new. So fun. Interesting. As you chased me, I will admit, I grew affectionate for you. Maybe that was my mistake, putting you in such danger.” Chuy gently pet the rat, watching it relax. “Mi corazón, can you understand me?”
No response. 
“That is okay. It’s best you still don’t know my affections. You should go home. Be human like you’re supposed to be.” 
Chuy gently held the rat. “My sweet Enzo.” He took a deep breath and held him out to Clara. “I appreciate what you did. But I’d like you to turn him back and erase his memories of me.” 
Clara frowned. “No.”
Chuy frowned. “What. No. You don’t get to say no, change him back.”
“I can’t. I’m not able to erase memories. Not the right kind of witch for that. If I make him human, he’ll probably kill us.”
“No, listen, I can talk to him then. Convince him to leave, he has a soft spot for me, It’ll be fine.”
Clara frowned and waved her hand, but nothing happened. “Sorry, out of juice. He’s stuck.”
Chuy stared at Enzo, the rat in his hands. 
“Look, luckily with his age, you have another few months!” She clapped happily. “Plus, well, he was only human. What’s the saying? Don’t worry about breaking them, they’ll die soon anyway? Or is it don’t worry about breaking them, they’re replaceable? You said it yourself, this world is dangerous for him. At least now, you can keep him safe in your pocket. Now, I’m going to go finish planning my wedding.”
Chuy stared at Reyes in his hands, clearly seething. He growled and Soap noticed how many teeth he had. 
“Do any of you know any other fucking witches?”
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fluff-foraxil · 8 months
Until the end (Doflamingo X F!Reader) - 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - . - Chapter 10
Ah! It's me! This might not be my best chapter, but I promise the next ones will be better just believe in me and my tired brain :,) ANYWAY, how are you beautiful people doing? :)
~ 11 years later ~
(Y/N) was sitting by the pool of the castle, the gorgeous weather of Dressrosa did nothing to mitigate her. Doflamingo was getting back after participating in the Summit War on Marineford. She knew about the death of Portugas D. Ace, the defeat of Whitebeard, the arrival of not only Shanks but also Blackbeard; the world was entering a new era, a new scary dangerous era as more pirates were roaming free than even before. Things had changed in those years, Doflamingo took over Dressrosa, he became the most known broker of the underworld under the nickname Joker, he welcomed Monet and Sugar into his family and, unexpectedly, got married. It happened 8 years ago, after the fall of the Riku family; the kingdom of Dressrosa had just been rebuilt to look like it did now, when Doflamingo asked (Y/N)’s hand. The man trusted her with his heart, body, and soul to death, even though he was cold and manipulating, he still had his own demons to fight, and she showed him that he was not alone, she showed him that there were good people in that hellhole called Earth. Even after their marriage, she was still actively working for him, dealing with business, and taking care of their family, as Doflamingo said one night. (Y/N) was brushing Monet’s hair while Sugar, her younger sister, was happily eating grapes. The sisters shared a special bond with her since the first day; they would follow her around and wait for her to return from her missions, going to her whenever they needed help, asking for her advice when they had doubts, seeking her comfort after a nightmare. «Your hair always looks so lovely Monet», she complimented. «You’re too kind, (Y/N)-sama», the girl blushed. Monet and Sugar were rescued by Doflamingo, he took them in after seeing the awful conditions they were living in and for that reason they pledged their loyalty to him. She clearly remembered the day she met them after Doflamingo brought them back into the ship.
~ Flashback ~
«And who are this lovely girls?», (Y/N) put on her kindest smile. «Monet and Sugar», Doflamingo replied pointing to each one. They looked scruffy, dirty, and malnourished so, being the good person she was, she immediately took them to take a bath. They followed her without any question, they watched as (Y/N) filled a big bathtub with warm water and a floral scented bubble bath, before laying down some fluffy towels and clean clothes for them. «I’m (Y/N), by the way», she broke the silence, «I hope the clothes will fit you, but don’t worry we will get you more once we reach the next island». «Thank you, (Y/N)-sama», Monet was hugging her sister close. She bent down to be at eye level with the green haired girl. «You’re welcome», she patted her head, «Now, come on, your bath is ready. I’ll be just outside so call me if you need anything, ok?». After they were all clean and dressed, she did their hair and lead them into the dining room where supper was already served. The rest of the family had just started eating, (Y/N) sat them with the other young members of the crew before taking a seat beside Doflamingo; the two girls were a bit unsure and wary of the others, but opened up seeing that they were being treated nicely. «You still have your magic touch when it comes to youngsters», Doflamingo commented while they were alone in their cabin. «I sure do», she kissed him, «After all I deal with a man-child every day of my life». «Fair enough», he chuckled, not taking her statement seriously.
~ End of flashback~
«Welcome back, Doffy», she didn’t look up from what she was doing. She felt his presence as soon as he stepped on the island. Her observation haki grew stronger, she could feel people from miles away without effort; her combat skills got better with time as well, she still wasn’t on Doflamingo or the elites’ level but if she could complete her missions without failing that was alright. «Missed me?», he kissed her. Sugar stuck her tongue out, showing her disagreement in showing love like that, hugs or a kiss on the cheek would have been better in her opinion. «A lot. Did you miss us?», she said referring to their family. «Obviously. Could you come inside after you’re done? I have something to tell you», he smiled, leaving a kiss on her cheek. Monet was patiently waiting for (Y/N) to finish braiding her hair, the golden ring on the older girl contrasting with the locks of green hair she was holding. The girl finished the braid, but looked at it, unconvinced; looking around she told the girl to wait for her as she picked up a gazania flower and added it into the girl’s braid, securing it to make sure it wouldn’t fall out. «I’m done, Monet», she declared. Monet stood up, stretching her limbs, her pale complexion looked out of place in such a sunny nation; plus, it was weird how she wasn’t melting considering her devil fruit power. «Thank you, (Y/N)-sama», she bowed. «There is no need to bow, we are family», she assured the other girl it wasn’t necessary to use such formalities with her. (Y/N) felt Doflamingo’s presence in their bedroom, the Warlord had just gotten out of the shower and was now sprawled on the couch with just his pants on staring outside the window, a bottle of his favourite liquor in hand. The golden ring was shining as the sun hit its surface. «How is my queen doing?», he asked without turning to look at her. «She’s doing great now that her king is back. Did you enjoy the war?», she walked up to his, hugging him from behind and kissing the side of his neck. Then she walked around the couch to sit beside him, nestling on his side, the feathers of his coat tickling her skin. «Very much», he chuckled. Doflamingo was so enthusiastic to have been present in such a crucial point in time. Raising his hand to bring her face closer to his, he kissed her deeply; his nightmares had completely vanished since she started sleeping by his side, his mood in general had improved as well since they became an official couple, even more after they got married; many women tried to catch his attention at social gatherings held in Dressrosa or on other islands, but Doflamingo was loyal and only had eyes for the woman that made him feel better than ever. «I got something for you», he said after breaking the kiss. (Y/N) looked at him, waiting to see what he got for her. Even though Doflamingo was a wealthy man now, he would bring her gifts just if he found one that really reminded him of her or if the object in question was as precious as his beloved; he was walking back to the castle, greeted by his subjects, when he stopped after catching the sight of a stone with a deep blue-violet hue. It was mounted on a ring, the stone was cut in a circular shape with a sort of vine made of little white diamonds and white gold curled on one side of it, the band was adorned with little white diamonds as well; he didn’t think too much and went inside to get it, once he was inside the jewellery shop he also got a pair of earring and a necklace to go with it.
Once she opened the box he handed her, (Y/N)’s jaw fell to the floor. «The jeweller said the stone they have on is one of a kind», he explained, «It’s a type of gem that can be found only on one island and it’s also very difficult to extract». Doflamingo wasn’t big on words of affection, but she never complained about it, after all everyone had their qualities and flaws. He loved her even more for that, for being able to accept every part of him without making him feel wrong nor shaming him. «You didn’t have to, Doffy», she put the box down carefully before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him all over his face, «I was thinking about taking a night for ourselves, you know, like we used to do. Going out for dinner, then coming home, taking a relaxing bath together». He took her hand in his, kissing her fingertips. «I would love to», he accepted her request. She flashed him one of her sweet smiles, those smile that made him warm on the inside and made him ask himself how he could have gotten so lucky; since he was a child, after losing his title, he worked hard to achieve his goals, his mind constantly working and calculating the next steps and moves. He was getting tired, but when he was at his lowest, he found her, a plain commoner girl whose kindness he repaid by giving her a place to call home, someone he thought wasn’t going to play a part in anybody’s life was now his wife, his home, his safe place. «Then I better check If I have the right dress for the occasion», she kissed him, «I missed you, I was worried, you’re strong I don’t deny it, but I was just… just worried». «My Queen, I’m here with you now and I always will be», he wasn’t big on the sweet talk, but there were rare moments where he would let her know his feelings by words. The other members of the family wouldn’t worry about Doflamingo facing other pirates or the Marine, they knew he was strong but still, having someone care for you so much was the best feeling in the world. (Y/N) was going through her wardrobe, looking at all the clothes she owned, she tried to find the right outfit for their date. She remembered purchasing a dress recently that she was reserving for a very special occasion, but she couldn’t find it. «Which restaurant would you like to go to, my love?», Doflamingo asked from the couch. «We could go to your favourite one», she suggested while diving into the wardrobe. Pushing aside, looking closely, inspecting every dress, she finally found it. It was a vintage pale pink off shoulder dress, it had long puff sleeves and a bustier that kept the dress tight-fitting on the waist area while the skirt was loose to her move freely. It wasn’t a fancy dress, but she was a simple girl when it came to clothes. After taking it out a laying it down on the bed, (Y/N) looked at her husband who had taken off his glasses and was leaning his head back as he kept his eyes closed; she melted at the sight, one of the most feared men on earth looked like an ordinary man in that moment. Tip toeing to him, she took his face in her hands as he opened his eyes. She traced the scar on his left eyes before kissing it. «I love you, (Y/N)», he whispered. She rarely heard those words from him. «I love you too, Doffy, I love you more than anything», she replied before kissing his lips with passion. The married couple cuddled on the couch, music in the background, while enjoying each other company. (Y/N) was focused on listening to Doflamingo’s heartbeat, it soothed her, so whenever she felt anxious or stressed, she just needed to cuddle with her husband to make everything better. «I’m going to take a shower, care to join me?», she kissed his knuckles. «Have I ever refused?», he chuckled. Doflamingo could proudly say he had a family, a real family after all those years of suffering.
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iheartmomochi · 11 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi A•CHI•KO•CHI \No Limit!!!/ translation
Important: i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter (an entire month ago LOL), so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language.
You can listen to the cd here
[closes door] Ahhh, just cramming the luggages and it tires me already. It doesn’t make sense how I have to drive now. Ugh. I should have hired a mover to carry all this stuff. In the first place, why do I have to keep costumes at the office? If there’s no space to store them, just add a new building or something. It’s not like they don’t have the money.
Anyway, the interior of this car really sucks! Wood paneling?! Seriously, why did he buy this of all cars? I’d definitely refuse it if he offered it to me even for free. Way too lame. Well, not that it matters. It’s not like I’m gonna get in this car anymore after this. Actually, how do I start the engine? Where’s the key?
Huh? Of course I have a license. I just didn’t tell you about it. Well, I’ve only driven twice since I got the license though...Besides, I can survive in the Tokyo metropolitan area without driving. Actually, it’s a bother to have a car. What is this button? Ah, it’s on. Geez, what’s the deal? Nobody needs cars to be so high tech. Why can’t it just be like those cars at driving school? Just use a key and we’re all set. We’ll go now- ..oh right. Gotta set the navigation. I have it but it’s a hassle so can you set it up? You remember my home address, don’t yo- Ah.
Ahem. If so, then what? It’s fine. Just a slight scrape on the mirror won’t affect the driving. It’s their fault for parking next to a pillar. Put that aside, hurry up with the gps! I told you to set it up, right? Figure it out by the time we come out of this basement parking.
[beeps] Tch, so noisy. I just gotta turn right next. I know that much. [beeps] Ugh!! That red car keeps tailgating us, right? Stop bullshitting me. Now I can’t enter the right lane! Whatever. I’m going straight. [beeps] Shut up. Why don’t you drive, then? It’s not like we’re in a rush anyway. Can you not complain just because we’re taking the longer way? Ughh. How irritating. Oh. We can just enter that family restaurant. We’re taking a break. A break. [horns from other cars] Huh???! Shut it!! You don’t have to horn that loud. I can hear it just fine!
Ughhh. Huh? I just need drinks. If you wanna eat, just go ahead. Anyway, will you bring me anything to drink? I’m tired from driving. No way I can move even one step from this seat. Whatever works. Ah, but not that lemon squash from earlier. The one at this place tastes so awful. Also not coffee or tea. I’m not in the mood now. Also, don’t add any ice. It’s so inconvenient anyway. (sighs) I still gotta drive after this. It’s unthinkable we’re not even halfway to home. I’m so fed up, seriously. Ahhh! I wanna go home soon!
Tch. How long do you think I waited? You’re too slow. Come on, let’s go. Huh? Where else? Obviously back home. We’ll grab a taxi somewhere. The car? Just leave it here. I’ll just make up some random excuse and have one of the members pick it up. I can just ask them to carry the luggages while they’re at it too. I see. Then stay here by yourself. If you’re that concerned about the car.
[car slows down] Hm, I’m gonna read out the address so can you insert it in the navigation? Yes, please do- Ugh! Hey, what are you doing? You’re gonna get those hands caught! Ehehe! Sorry about that. Seems like this girl is a little drunk...Hey, what are you crying for?! Stop it! Uhh, I’ll get off for now. I’m really sorry, after I made you stop the car! Alright. [car leaves]
(sighs) Hey. Stop your bullshit. The driver gave me a weird look! Seriously, what were you thinking? Not only you wrench opened the door I’m about to shut, you even cried out loud! Nobody knows who’s watching us on this high traffic road. You’re seriously unbelievable. Come over here!
Looks like nobody’s around here. Hey, will you get over it? I’m already irritated enough..! Huh? It hurts? You got those grass as a cushion, so isn’t that fine? Or maybe I should’ve pushed you against that wall? Huh? Roses? Ahh, the thorns hurt you. I see. Huhhh..! Haha! I know, and that’s why I did it. Nggh...! Feel more pain! There! There!
Hm? Are you gonna cry again? Even when everything is your fault? I really don’t get it. Hm? Your neck is bleeding. Did a thorn pierce you? [sucks] Hey, what are you doing? It’s teared up because you moved unnecessarily. I was being kind enough, because that cloth looks new. But I guess it’s too late. You fell down the grass and you already got yourself dirty earlier. I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore. This cloth..! (tears) Ahhh, it tore up more than I thought it would. Now you’re gonna be full of scars, no? Hehe! But what can I do? Because everything is your fault..!
Haha! Feel more pain! I’ll ruin you even more while we’re at it! You have such a pathetic look right now. But that makes me feel a little better. Depending on how you behave, I might feel like driving again. Actually, isn’t it going to be inconvenient for you if I don’t drive? How are you coming home when you’re like this? Your clothes are all torn. Your makeup, hair - all messed up. You probably can’t even catch a taxi so that means you have to rely on me, don’t you agree? So, there’s only one thing that you can do. Do your best and put me in a good mood. I told you before, remember? That I’m the only one who can love a miserable girl like you. Don’t ever forget that. Your answer? Don’t tell me you already forgot. If you get it then be desperate and behave in my favor. If you don’t want to be abandoned. Okay? (kisses)
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sunshine-overload · 11 days
[BSTS] Main Story Season 5 Finale ‘Owner’s Order’ - Part 4
Part 3
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Chapter 12
-secluded street-
sotetsu: Oh, you got here before me. My bad for being late.
kasumi: I don't mind, it's only natural for a background character like me to arrive first. Though, for you to want to meet me out here must mean it's about something you can't say at Starless, right?
sotetsu: It's about your private life. Not exactly something I can just spring on you in front of other people. I mean, you don’t want anyone else to know about your little sister, do you?
kasumi: …!
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sotetsu: I may have obtained some information on her. She's alive, that much is for certain. However I don't know her location.
kasumi: …Where did you obtain this information?
sotetsu: I get that you can’t trust me. That's why I’m just relaying the info to you, I don't care either way and I’m not planning to look into it any further. But just keeping it to myself would leave a bad taste in my mouth, we're both work colleagues who joined at the same time after all. I got in contact with a new information broker after winning a little bet. They’re involved in that field if you catch my drift.
kasumi: That field, huh…
sotetsu: It's not an information pipeline I can use often, but it's a trustworthy source, I swear.
kasumi: What do you want me to do?
sotetsu: For now, nothing. When the time comes I’ll contact you.
kasumi: Fine. I’ll be ready for whenever that is then.
sotetsu: Another successful deal done and dusted.
(note: after sotetsu mentions his sister, kasumi speaks seriously and without his usual speech quirks)
Chapter 12 SideA
-rehearsal room-
akira: Wh– What do you want? Don't just drag me around! Oi, Mokuren!
mokuren: ……
-mokuren releases him-
akira: Woah! 
-akira falls over-
akira: Ouch… Don't just throw me on the floor like garbage.
mokuren: Sing.
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akira: I have been. My vocal chords are tired following a performance, give me a break here~ Aren't you being a bit too violent? Saki-chan looked pretty shocked seeing me being dragged by in the hallway before.
mokuren: I told you to sing, Akira.
akira: Haa… The hell is up with you? You want me to sing here? Now? To practice with you? I’m not interested in practicing again right after a show.
mokuren: No. I’m telling you to sing like you mean it. Both of us aren't the smartest and we both know that.
akira: What kind of new and original diss is that? Is it supposed to take us both down?
mokuren: I’m not the smartest and that's why I dance. In order to rid myself of what annoys me or gets in my way.
akira: So you're saying I should sing to rid myself of annoyances? What are you talking about? Are you trying to give me a pep talk? Cause I’ve already been given enough of those.
mokuren: I see, is it encouragement that you need then? Want me to pet your head like a child?
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akira: Gross!
mokuren: If you need to be consoled in order to sing then I’ll call Princess over and have her take pity on you. You said she was in the hallway earlier right? I’ll go get her.
akira: Don’t.
mokuren: Princess is so kind, I’m sure she’ll hear you out and sympathise with you.
akira: Quit it already! I’m not that pathetic.
mokuren: Right? Sorry, I went too far with my joke.
akira: Huh? Wait no, you're scary when you actually apologise.
mokuren: However, if you won't sing properly then I won't waver. Because I’ve discovered that provoking you like this is effective.
akira: You really are demonic, it's scary!
Chapter 12 SideB
-starless hallway-
sinju: Sorry for making you look for him with me, Saki-chan.
saki: It's fine. I wonder where Kasumi-san went though.
sinju: Doesn't seem like he's at Starless. Maybe he went out shopping? If that's the case, I wonder if he'll be back soon…
-kasumi walks by-
sinju: Ah, there he is! Kasumi!
-sinju walks over to put a hand on kasumi’s shoulder-
sinju: Kasumi, we’ve been looking for you. I need to talk to you about a shift tomorrow–
-kasumi slaps his hand away-
sinju: Woah…?
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saki: Kasumi-san…?
sinju: My bad. Were you busy thinking about something? I’m sorry if you're busy!
kasumi: Ah… (realises what he did)
kasumi: S-sorry about that~ I’m just stressing because the stock order we need to submit today wasn't where it should be.
sinju: Is that so? Do you want me to help you find it?
kasumi: No no, it's fine. Nevermind that, what did you want to talk to me about?
sinju: It's about tomorrow's shift. Maica won't be able to make it so he asked if he could swap with you.
kasumi: Got it, just text me the details.
sinju: Sorry for the trouble, and thanks.
kasumi: If that's all, then please excuse me~!
-kasumi walks off-
sinju: Maybe I shouldn't have done that…
saki: Kasumi-san looked like a lot was on his mind, didn't he?
sinju: That's true. He must be really busy! And then I went ahead and burdened him with more without thinking. I’ll try and have his shift changed to me instead. We can't make it a habit to always just rely on Kasumi.
saki: That's true. I’ll try and help out where I can too. Let’s do our best, Sinju-san.
sinju: Thanks, Saki-chan!
Chapter 13
-rehearsal room-
qu: Good morning, Mokuren. You're here early today.
mokuren: I happened to wake up early, and thanks to that the rehearsal room was free for me to use.
qu: I see, it's a lovely morning.
mokuren: Did you run here?
qu: Yeah. It’s nice to go for a bit of a longer run on mornings like this.
mokuren: Yeah, I can concentrate best in the morning. Want to use half of the room?
qu: Yes please. Thanks. Have you been staying hydrated? It looks like you’ve been laser focused on your dancing.
mokuren: …Good point. I didn't realise what time it was.
-time pass-
qu: How’s your team going?
mokuren: Not bad. It's fun when the centre is double casted. Kei and Kokuyou are completely different.
qu: I figured you'd say that. You always dance like you're at war. You're always fighting against whatever it is that you consider to be unfair.
mokuren: If something pisses me off and gets in my way then I just have to destroy it. I’ve gotten smarter and realised you can't just kick it all away.
qu: Hahah, I know.
mokuren: …….
qu: Mokuren? Is something the matter?
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mokuren: What do you mean?
qu: No, it's just… You seem a little different from usual.
mokuren: What a strange thing to say. I’m the same as I always am.
qu: True. You're just dancing as you always have. That's why you kept searching for this place.
mokuren: Is something the matter, Qu?
qu: No, it's nothing. I was just thinking is all. Why are we using the story of ‘Paradise Lost’ now?
mokuren: Angels, Devils, Adam and Eve. They're all pretty overused characters.
qu: If we ignore that you're on different teams. You, Rindou and Mizuki are all playing the same role, aren't you? You're Satan, the enemy of the angels, whilst Rindou and Mizuki are Satan as the protagonist.
mokuren: Hmph, I’m well aware. I’ve already learnt how to dance their part. Join me in my practice, Qu. I’ll be your Satan.
qu: You’ve changed your interpretation again. Sounds like fun– I’ll join you then.
mokuren: I’m always ready to dance. Let's get started.
Chapter 13 SideA
-starless office-
unei: Understood. Then I’ll book you in for the second rehearsal room on that day.
mokuren: Don't go forgetting it again.
unei: Of course not, leave it to me~! I’ll book it as soon as I finish up with these urgent documents. Oh, you can eat those cookies if you’d like. I bought them for you.
mokuren: Oh? How thoughtful of you. Were you planning to bribe me with cookies in exchange for making me wait?
unei: N-no I wa– Actually… Yes I was, please accept the cookies.
mokuren: You’ve gotten smarter too.
unei: Eheheh, why thank you. I’ll try and be even more helpful from now on!
mokuren: Hm.
unei: Hey! What kind of reaction is that? Isn’t this where you should say ‘do your best’ or ‘thanks for all the hard work’?
mokuren (mouth full of food): Dwo your best, fanks fwor all the hard work.
unei: You sound like you're reading a script! I booked the second room for you, ok?
mokuren: …… (finishes eating)
mokuren: Do your best. You’re always helping us out.
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unei: Mokuren-san…! Is… Something the matter? Were the cookies no good?
mokuren: Just take the compliment. You're hard to deal with.
Chapter 13 SideB
-rehearsal room-
saki: Hello–
rindou: Please, just give me ten, no, just five more minutes.
qu: Even if you say that, your allotted time is over. Plus, you're looking pale, I think it's best you go rest.
rindou: I’m fine. So for just a little longer– Oh, Saki-san, I didn't notice you there. Sorry for causing a fuss.
saki: Oh no, it's fine. Sorry for intruding.
qu: Don't worry about it, we're done here anyways. I’ll be taking the rehearsal room now, Rindou. Go and rest, ok? Oh I know, how about you get Saki to lend you her lap as a pillow? You can go lay down in the break room.
saki: Wha? A lap pillow? In the break room no less??
rindou: Huh? No, I couldn't ask for that… 
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rindou: I’m sorry for the trouble. I’ll go and cool my head.
-rindou leaves-
qu: Jeez, what a handful. Thanks for showing up, I couldn't get him to listen to me. I know he has a lot on his plate concerning the show but he seems way too stressed.
saki: I wonder if something happened.
qu: Ah, sorry, my bad. I shouldn't be talking to you about this. I think the nerves are just getting to him, he's the centre of his team after all. Mizuki is too of course, but he's not really someone that works cooperatively.
Next time you see Rindou looking tired or like he's pushing himself too much, could you stop him for me? Even if you have to do it by offering a lap pillow.
saki: Ok! Wait I mean, I’m not sure if I can follow through with the lap pillow but I’ll make sure to keep an eye on him.
qu: Thank you. I’ll leave it to you.
Chapter 14
-outside starless, early morning-
saki: Oh, Gui-san. Hello–
-gui steps away-
saki: (Hm? Did he not hear me?)
sinju: Something the matter, Saki-chan? Oh, Gui’s here too. Hey Gui! Good morning!
-gui steps away-
sinju: Ah, he kept walking! Let's follow him!
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saki: O-ok!
-time pass, alleyway-
sinju: He went that way. Can you keep running, Saki-chan?
saki: Yeah, I’m fine– Ah.
-saki trips-
sinju: Crap!
-gui appears and catches her-
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gui: Watch your step, Saki.
saki: Thank you…
sinju: Sorry, Saki-chan. I made you overdo it.
saki: It’s ok, I’m sorry for tripping.
sinju: So then, um…
gui: ……..
saki: ……..
sinju: Wait, why were even running after Gui in the first place?
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saki: Um well, I called out to Gui-san but I thought he mustn't have heard me.
gui: …I heard you. But I didn't know how to greet you.
sinju: Why not?
gui: I disobeyed Kei’s orders, so… I’m not sure what to do.
saki: I see, you must be feeling a bit lost.
sinju: I get it! That kind of thing happens all the time. It's not good to ignore someone when they greet you though. Did you not want to say anything?
gui: I wanted to greet her.
sinju: Then you should do it. So, does Kei already know that you disobeyed him?
gui: He knows.
sinju: Then he's probably already forgiven you, I wouldn't worry about it.
gui: But I… I didn't…
sinju: I don't really understand what's going on, but I think that there are times when you don't have to listen to someone’s orders. If you think that it isn't right, then you don't have to do it. Right, Saki-chan? We're all only human after all.
saki: I agree. Sometimes we just need to listen to our hearts.
gui: Listen to… our hearts?
sinju: You wanted to greet us, right? So you should.
gui: I wanted to… Yeah, I did. So I should? Ok. Saki, um, hello. Sinju too, hello.
Chapter 14 SideA
master: Kei.
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kei: …Master. Why are you here– No, what is it that you want?
master: You owe me a favour, you haven't forgotten have you?
-flashback, alleyway-
kei: It's me. Why are you calling?
master: Kokuyou is traveling with the young woman.
kei: I'm not happy about it, but not knowing Kokuyou's location is the only way to protect her. It's only for a few days, I can put up with leaving Saki to him for that long.
master: They're getting pretty close to that laboratory, are you still going to say you don't care?
kei: What? Close to that place... Why would he go there, of all places… No, for now it is still safer than her being here. Understood, I'm grateful for the update.
master: You owe me for this.
-end flashback-
kei: I have not forgotten. Thanks to you I was able to deal with the situation before it reached her. So, let me hear it. What is it that you wish for me to do in return?
master: Nothing for now. You don't have the power to do anything right now. You're aware of it too aren't you? You’ve spread yourself too thin. You're a performer. Not a supervisor or commanding officer. Your goal– Your aim should be just that. It shouldn't be anything else.
kei: …I am aware.
master: You haven't changed. That really is your fatal flaw as a performer. It's because you couldn't rid yourself of it that you're walking down your current path.
kei: I cannot walk the same path as you, and I do not intend to.
master: I know.
kei: I am grateful to you, Master. You taught me how to survive. The time I spent looking up to you as my teacher has made me the man that I am today.
master: You were an awful student. You acted cocky and always tried your best to take advantage of me. But worst of all, you never knew when to give up. Even now, that aspect of you is the same. People who possess a goal cannot live for anything other than fulfilling it. You were like that from the start, you really haven't changed at all from back then.
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master: Prepare yourself, Kei. And remember what your goal is. That is all you are able to do right now. –I will ask that favour of you soon.
-master leaves-
kei: To think I’ve made enough of a blunder to make him scold me face to face again. My only goal– My wish… No, I’m still far too lacking to be able to obtain this desire of mine.
Chapter 14 SideB
-park, evening-
zakuro: My oh my, a familiar face has appeared before me. Looking up to the sky whilst deep in thought.
rindou: Zakuro…
zakuro: Is something on your mind?
rindou: Yes… I mean, no, it's nothing. What a coincidence it is to see you here. Are you on a walk as well?
zakuro: I suppose I am. If you consider wandering around with no destination in mind going for a stroll then yes.
rindou: I think it counts.
zakuro: I’ve seen you with this expression once before. Your brows were deeply knit together and your complexion as pale as a ghost. 
rindou: …When was this?
zakuro: That time I saw you at old Starless. Right, it's something I only remembered recently too.
rindou: That's a strange way of phrasing that. Are you saying you only remembered it now?
zakuro: I remember at the time you told me that you had a headache. Do you have one now too?
rindou: Well, I just got news that someone I knew passed away…
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zakuro: Oh my, the passing of a friend. I am most sorry to hear that, my condolences. Were they someone close to you?
rindou: No, they were nothing more than an acquaintance. They were a journalist that worked for some magazine. Honestly I wasn't fond of him, I found him annoying and didn't want him to contact me anymore… But I still…
rindou: …… (sad sigh)
zakuro: This is just my personal opinion here, but isn't that a good thing then? He wasn't someone close, rather it sounds like he was nothing but a nuisance to you. In that case I think it's fine for you to think ‘I’m glad he’s gone.’
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rindou: That's– There's no way I could think about it like that. A person has lost their life.
zakuro: Yes, indeed indeed, very true. That right there is one of your good points, Rindou. By the way, do you happen to know what the cause of death was?
rindou: He was involved in an accident. I heard from his magazine company that it happened in November of last year. The last time I spoke with him was in October, and then, not long after that he…
rindou: Ugh…
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zakuro: You’ll give yourself a headache if you think about it too much. Your face has grown even paler too. There's no need for you to think about it that deeply. If it was an accident that killed him then there's nothing we could've done anyway.
rindou: That may be true… I’m going to head back to Starless. I need to perform today.
(to be continued)
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dream-phantasm · 2 years
Leona Kingscholar x Reader: Love Letters (5)
Oops, this was supposed to be done earlier but school got in the way as usual lol
We’ll be meeting Rook soon as well as Trey again! 
Hope you enjoy!
No spoilers or warnings for now but this might change in future installments :)
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 [!] | PART 6 | END
"You scared me. I almost thought you were Rook…" Ruggie shudders, jumping a little. "Uh, who's Rook?" You question him. 
"You haven't felt him yet? I think he's been watching you for most of the day. It's better for me if he targets somebody else anyway, shishi!" He gets up, dusting off his pants. "Oh, the weirdo in the…yeah, right! The letters! It was you, right?!" You accuse him.
He raises an eyebrow before a look of shock crosses his face. Ruggie bursts into another round of giggles. You glare at him, embarrassed. "It's not funny, dude! Just tell me." You huff.
"Hahaha! Ah-" You swear to the great sevens, Ruggie was clutching his stomach, wiping tears from his eyes. His reaction almost made you crack up as well. "You- You're so- Ahaha! I can't believe you…you think it's me!?" Ruggie sneers, his tail wagging slightly, "Just wait till he hears this!"
"He?!" You look at him incredulously. "So, you know who it is! Tell me!" You shake him roughly by the shoulders. 
He pushes out of your grip rather easily, much to your disappointment. "Nope, can't do that. Unless you have more than he's paying, my lips are zipped." Ruggie grins. You glare at him, it totally seems like he's teasing you. Almost everybody at this school had heard that you lived in a ramshackle dorm, therefore it was only natural to assume you have zero cents to your name as well. 
"Uh, what if I hurt you?" You wince upon hearing that come out of your mouth. You know how ridiculous you sound. 
"Shishishi, what are you going to do? You're in a bad spot, y'know." He taunts you. "Hm. If I give you a hint, will you call off your red blue duo and your cat? We can call everything forgiven, right?" This Valentines day has been torturous. It's really not that much to ask in return for information. You're sure he probably has an ulterior motive.
"Um, I can try. They don't really listen to me, and Grim's not a cat!" You scowl, wary. "If you're so sure about that. You better try real hard! Shishishi, if I tell you, maybe he'll start treating me better." He giggles the last part to himself. 
"Right! You've met him before. Pay attention to his face, he's exceptionally handsome and has green eyes." Ruggie tells you, you nod frantically along. 
You only knew about two people with green eyes at NRC that you had talked to. That would be Cater and some random first year who had matching green hair. You really doubted it was Cater and you hadn't talked to that other guy enough to warrant gifts and love letters. 
He also seemed to dislike you, for whatever reason. 
"I gotta go before that Rook finds me. Cya, shishishi!" He picks a handful of dandelions and runs off before you can even get a word in. "T-Thank you?!" You shout after him. "You and him owe me one now!" Ruggie cheerfully waves with his free hand. Then, he's just gone. 
In the distance, you see a red and blue blur approaching. 
"[Name]...stop…running off everywhere!" Ace yells as he sharply inhales, "I don't understand this crazy track-head." 
"Track-head, really? Track is a great sport to build endurance!" Deuce is a little out of breath but otherwise seems to be in better shape than Ace. "[Name]! You were so fast! Are you sure you don't want to join Track?" He turns to you excitedly. 
"Henchman! My legs are all wobbly, I'm so tired dazo!" Grim promptly falls on your feet. You pick him up with a sigh, "I can't, I'm already in the taking-care-of-Grim club."
"Are you sure that isn't a full-time job?" Ace snorts. "Nope, that's why I'm handing him off to you guys after school. Grim-sitting is on you guys in the afternoon." You smile. 
"Why can't I come with, henchman dazo?" Grim whines. "Because I'll be studying and doing boring things. It'll be more fun with ADeuce." You gently convince him. "ADeuce? You better not make that a thing." Ace huffs. "Ever since Cater called us that…I don't want to be associated with him." Deuce shudders. 
"You think I want to be associated with you? Please, you're not very good at making jokes."
"These two…" You and Grim share a look. "Class is probably starting soon, we should get going." You hope to distract them from chasing down that beastman.
 "Yeah, we'll avenge that lost deluxe menchi katsu sandwich dazo!" Grim exclaims. "Maybe you should focus on class more." A lying hypocrite you were. It was a miracle the two of you got the marks you did. Under your collaborative effort as a singular student, you both pass with decent grades. 
"Considering you two barely keep up, it's crazy you two haven't failed yet." Ace snickers. "Don't worry! If we work hard enough, we'll become honor students!" Deuce smiles, a look of determination on his face. You can't deny him. 
"I'll become the greatest magician dazo!" 
"Oh yeah, by the way, I got a hint bout my uh…admirer." You tell them as you all walk back. "Was it that — what did Cater call him again? — guy then?" Deuce curiously asks. "No, I don't think so. Ruggie told me he's attractive with green eyes and that we've met before." You explain.
"Wow, that narrows it down by a lot."
"Shut it, Ace. It's not my fault almost all of the students here are attractive."
"Green eyes…You don't think it's Cater, is it?!" Deuce gasps. "No way! Since that Ruggie guy seemed familiar with him, I assumed the…admirer…would be a Savanaclaw member." You suggest. "What, so you wanna go around Savanaclaw, looking into people's eyes?" Ace questions, clearly doubtful. 
You hadn't planned this far. "Uh…maybe?" You shrug. "And if it's some random Savanaclaw member, what'll you do about it, huh?" You hate to admit that Ace is making valid points.
"There's someone else who we could ask about this." You snap, a light bulb going off in your head, "Do you guys know a guy named Rook?"
Deuce's eyes widen in realization.
"Ah, I think I heard Trey talk about someone named that before!"
Your next lead would be the mystery stalker, Rook.
If you see it posted anywhere or by anyone else, it's not me.
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