#and then i started following her work and adored it and it made me so much more comfortable with mine
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"Did you join the fucking military?"
Jason asked Tim, who blinked blankly at Jason until he noticed what he was holding. Jason was holding your military tags, which Tim's selfishly kept to himself when you "lost" them. Technically, he stole the tags from you, but you can always get a new set. You'll be matching! He did feel a little bad that you got in trouble with leadership when you asked for new ones, but he's sure you'd be fine without the old pair.
Tim didn't elaborate further. The tags have practically lived on him since he stole them. He only ever takes them off for showers, which is how Jason found them. Jason scoffed,
"Good. You'd be a shit soldier. Why do you have military dog tags?"
Tim tried to take them back, but Jason held them above his head. Your dog tags are air jailed until he gets answers. Jason needed to know.
"Answer or I'll find a place to smelt them down."
Tim knew he was serious by the gleam in Jason's eyes, so he said,
"My girlfriend is in a special forces unit for the marines. She refuses to tell me which unit she's in, but I've narrowed it down."
Jason was too stunned to notice that he dropped your dog tags. Tim snatched them off the floor and put them safely around his neck again and tucked under his shirt where they belonged. He likes to say that you're closer to his heart with your tags under his shirt with the bonus of protecting him from any potential bullets. Even when you are gone, you promise that you will always come back. He's used to your deployment and the limbo you have him in.
"When do I get to meet her?"
Dick said from the doorway. He was passing by and overheard. His little Timmy has a girlfriend? When did that happen?
Tim touches the tags while thinking of what to reveal and what to keep private. He's never been good at respecting privacy, but he has been learning for you. He knows to keep anything you say to him a secret, but what about other things relating to you?
"Whenever she wants. I'm not her keeper."
Tim answered vaguely. He's flying to see you soon, and he doesn't want to be followed. You've been together for three years, but you met kind of awkwardly. You tackled him to the ground and wrestled with him after mistaking him for one of your friends.
Your willpower eventually overcame his reflexes, and he stopped struggling. You had laughed when you pinned him down and ruffled his hair in victory. It was embarrassing to him how quickly he submitted to you. He watched your eyes widen when you noticed he's not your friend. You took in the scene too slowly. You, straddling who you had assumed was your friend with your hands pinning his wrists to both sides of his head, and Tim blushing underneath you. Tim didn't know how to react either, so you both stared at each other before you started awkwardly apologising.
Tim was a mess, but he was an adorable mess. His hair was ruffled, and his clothes were wrinkled, but there were no bruises nor any scrapes. You were always careful to leave no injuries. He was breathless, just staring at you with wide eyes and a shyness that almost made you smile. He was so cute that you wanted to squish him.
You quickly got off of him once you realised how long you've been staring at him. You pulled him up from the ground when he didn't make a move to stand by himself and actually almost fell right back to the ground because his legs refused to work for him. He was understandly stunned.
This is awkward. How do you explain the tradition of you fighting your friend on sight? Your friend does the exact same thing with you. It was excellent training for your deployment to fight each other on sight without any prep. Enemy soldiers aren't going to reveal themselves before attacking, so surprise attacks help keep your reflexes sharp.
"Sorry. I thought you were someone else."
He couldn't get the image of you pinning him down out of his head. Nobody has ever pinned him down so intimately. You were gentle. Your hold would have been easy to break out of if he didn't stop struggling. It was like you only played until one of you got pinned, and then the fight was over.
Tim was still trying to remember how to function. What does he do? What does he say? He's all shaken up. He had to look away from you. He managed to say,
"It's fine."
He tried to sound like it was no big deal, but it sounded strained. He was pretending like the wrestling really took it out of him by fake panting, but you both knew better. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, but pat his back and attempted to leave.
Attempted, being the key word. Tim caught your wrist loosely and nervously said,
"I, uh... would you... Can we... Let's... I'm sorry."
He didn't have the words with you looking at him like that. He was nervous. You smiled softly at him, and he forgot how to speak entirely. He could only stare until you took the initiative and asked him to go on a date before you leave for boot camp. He nodded, and that was that. You gave him your number and continued your run like nothing happened.
The date went amazing. It was a bit unconventional as you took him to a paint gun fight after showing him the gun and explaining the rules. You grinned every time he landed a hit and even wiped away the paint that splattered onto him with a fond expression. You opened up about the fear you have about joining the military, but your desire to help. You want to make a difference, however small or large that may be.
You kissed the bruising wounds softly and banaged the bleeding ones before he could even reach for the first aid kit you brought. You helped him up with a wild grin, and he kissed you until the adrenaline ran out. The guns were empty, and you both were messes, but your hearts were full, and Tim can safely say he hates paintballing. You took him to see a movie like a normal person next date.
Jason and Dick watched their brother soften further and further as he went down memory lane. Dick was ecstatic and already plotting to meet you, but Jason was confused why anybody would date Tim. Yeah, he's had his fair share of partners, but he's surprised every time he gets a date, let alone a girlfriend.
You were his mystery girl, and their family loves a good mystery.
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Wildflower-Part 2
Jay Halstead x Reader (Nicknamed Wildflower)
You and Jay both adjust to him being home and someone else figures out Leah’s parentage
As soon as you hit the six week mark to go back to work, Sylvie and Matt helped you to get Leah into the same daycare that Julia was in. You would drop her off in the morning when you headed into shift. It wasn’t far from the station house and well vetted by Voight. You trusted it well enough.
When you woke up the following morning after Jay met Leah you barely wanted to get out of bed. It was only a matter of time before news spread of him being back. No one gossiped more than first responders. Avoiding Hailey when you were pregnant had been a feat in itself. You worked the truck for the first few months up until you got hurt and Kelly threatened to take away your position on squad completely if you didn’t move to light duty. The times intelligence and fifty one ended up on the same calls Stella and Sylvie were amazing in running interference. You told them it was just because she was a reminder of Jay you didn’t want to face, you prayed they never figured it out.
You laid there for the longest until her little cries filled the air. “I’m coming babygirl” you called out and tossed your blanket off. She could give a damn less about any drama. All she knew was she needed her mommy to get her a bottle and a dry diaper to get her ready for the day.
You parked your truck behind Stella’s jeep and took a deep breath. You could do this. You could face this. This place was yours. The people inside were your family. They always had your back. Kelly and Stella fought for you. Matt and Sylvie comforted you. Violet crawled in the bed and supported you while you gave birth. They would never turn their back on you.
You grabbed everything you needed and opened your door, the cool air brushing across your face made you breathe a little easier.
The moment you stepped into the bays Sylvie, Stella and Violet came running at you. “Did you hear?” Stella asked and you shook your head, eyes wide “I don’t think so?” “Jay’s back. Matt saw him with Will this morning” Sylvie told you and your stomach hit your feet, fuck that was fast.
You prayed to anyone and everything listening that your face didn’t come anywhere in the vicinity of betraying your thoughts. You shrugged “Not like he could call me. I changed my number after the issues” your story had been that Leah was the result of a one night stand that the guy was just a bad decision all around. You’d told everyone you’d gone out a few nights after Jay left, which just so happened to have been Mouse’s birthday so your story was believable that you were depressed enough to end up drunk in some random guy's bed.
You’d had to fake a few harassing phone calls and texts but it protected Jay’s name by selling your story and kept a confrontation with Hailey from happening.
Stella laughed “He’s gonna be surprised when he does see you. Baby and all” you cut your eyes at her “My baby is the least of his concern. If he’s back now, shouldn't he be worried about a job and his ex wife?” all three of them started laughing at that and your shoulders loosened a bit. Ok, that’s good. They were laughing which meant they believed your bullshit, right?
Matt walked up “Ladies, shouldn’t you four be getting to work” you shot him a grin “Captain I’m on Squad three” Kelly whistled from where he was sitting in his recliner “Get to work Wildflower” and you rolled your eyes playfully “Fine Sev” and he grinned. See, this was why you loved this bunch.
Violet hooked her arm through yours as the two of you headed inside so you could shove your bag into your locker. “So, how was your two days off?” you shrugged “I cleaned, slept and washed laundry” and nodded “Productive” you laughed “Not that glamorous of a life there Vi. Single mama and all. Why do you think I always make sure you keep up with your birth control?”
She grinned “And I adore you for it”, the two of you walked through the common area and Sam turned from where he was pouring coffee “Ladies, you two want a cup?” “Yes please” you told him and he nodded “Coming right up”
Jay was trying to listen to his new boss. He would be working in private security. They worked in tandem with CPD but it was a lot lower risk and a lot more money. He would no longer be bringing danger home with him. When he first signed on for the job it was simply because he was just tired of everything he’d dealt with during his time in intelligence, now? Now all he could think about was a tiny pink bundle that fit so well in his hands and looked so much like you but had his hue of eyes.
“Halstead, you good?” he nodded “Yes sir. Little bit of jet lag” he replied and Stevenson nodded “Understandable. You won’t really be doing much today, just going over our systems mainly. They’re not that much different than you’re used to but just familiarize yourself with them you know?” He nodded “Yes sir” “Good, come with me” he stood to follow the other man through the building. “So Jay, tell me a little more about yourself. Got any family? Kids?”
Jay’s first thought was to gush about Leah. He’d just met her but god she was perfect. He wanted to talk about her but he had promised. “Um, no not yet” he felt his stomach knot with the lie. Fuck, he didn’t like feeling like he was denying her. He would simply because you asked. “Um I got divorced before I deployed so not really any time for anything else” he added and Stevenson laughed “I get that man. Well with this job it’s not easy but it’s definitely not as much bullshit as you had to eat working intelligence”
“Good, I couldn't handle any more of that” he replied with a short laugh.
You’d worked two wrecks and a water rescue. At least the day had seen fit to not give you much time to sit and think. You finally had a moment to catch your breath so you flopped down in one of the many chairs that were around the table in the bay. Food was being cooked and your stomach was growling but you needed some fresh air. You hadn’t felt truly alone before this moment. No one knew what you were going through and you were honestly terrified.You didn’t know what to do, how to deal with this.
You pulled out your phone and stared at the photo of Leah that was your wallpaper. “Babygirl I’ll protect you if it’s the last thing I do” “Everything ok?” you snatched your head around to see Stella and Sylvie standing at the end of the table “How long have you two been standing there?”
Stella nodded towards your phone “Long enough to hear you promise to protect Leah if it’s the last thing you do” you nodded “Just thinking” they exchanged a look “Did something happen?” Sylive asked and you shook your head, slipping your phone into your pocket “No, is food ready?” they nodded so you stood “Let’s go eat then. I’m hungry”
Can I see her tonight? You stared at the text from Jay for far too long before finally sending back Not tonight, ok? You knew you told him that he could see her but he’d just met her last night. You didn’t to do an every day thing.
Ok. Let me know when was his response. You took a deep breath and slipped your phone into your pocket. You could do this, you’d survived this far. You would continue to survive.
“Hey baby” you spoke lightly as Leah cooed, grabbing your fingers. Jay wanted to come see her. You’d kept him away for the last two weeks since he’d been home, using your work as an excuse. “I want him to be able to see you, I wouldn’t want to keep you from him but I also don’t want to hurt him either” you whispered, letting her play with your fingers.
You told him to go out with Will and Kevin tonight. He needed to see his brother, his friends. He texted you daily to check on her, you. You hadn’t told him you’d been at Mouse’s grave when he called you earlier. Hell you needed someone to talk to. You’d sat under the tree his parents had bought the plot next to, holding Leah while she napped. He loved Hailey enough to marry her, he had a chance to get her back now. He had a new job, a new start. He could have a new life without all the old issues. You were an old issue. You brought memories of the past, memories of pain and so much baggage.
You just wished he would have forgotten about you all together. That would’ve made things so much easier for everyone. If he would’ve forgotten about you, he never would’ve come to your place and never would’ve found out about her.
She cooed louder and you laughed “Ok ok. I’ll get us both so food ma’am. You don’t have to get all fussy Butt” and scooped her up. You stared down at her for a moment, her seafoam eyes squinting. Why did she have to have those eyes?
Jay stood next to Will, sipping his beer as Kevin racked the pool balls. He was adjusting to his new job. It was a walk in the park compared to intelligence, he was getting paid pretty well and he wasn’t getting shot at every day. “How’s Wildflower? I ain’t seen her around in a minute man” Kevin asked, cutting his eyes up at Jay. Jay shrugged “I’ve only talked to her a couple times since I got back. She seems ok. That baby of hers is adorable” Kevin grinned “Little Leah? Oh that angel is!”
Jay took a long swig of his beer to hide his proud grin. He knew she was adorable. Will nodded “Those two are both strong as hell. I thought I nearly lost Wildflower and Leah that time she got hurt” Jay couldn’t stop his head from how fast it whipped around towards Will “What?”
Will raised an eyebrow “She didn’t tell you?” Jay shook his head “No” Kevin grimaced “She worked pretty solid the first few months till she had a close call. Nearly died and lost little Leah. It was bad but she healed up pretty good” Jay nodded slowly “Good that she didn’t die or lose her baby” he was hoping he didn’t look as damn stricken as he felt. You’d nearly died, both of you. He felt sick, honestly.
The idea of you being dead and him having no idea? It ripped his fucking heart out and stomped on it. Would he have ever known? Would he have just come home looking for you and someone else be in your apartment? Would Will have had to take him to your grave? Then christ if he would’ve found out you were pregnant when you died on top of it? If he had lost his best friend, the woman he…well you and his baby? Without ever even knowing? He couldn’t even begin to wrap his head around it.
“Ok, that’s enough talking about Wildflower. You two know she hates being the topic of conversation” he grabbed a pool cue and went to line up a shot when he heard Tyler Greene, some beat cop that Kevin had spoken to that was sitting at the bar scoff.
You cut his eyes up “What’s your issue Greene?” he asked and Greene shrugged “Isn’t Wildflower that firefighter chick that don’t even know who the hell the father of her baby is? Doesn’t seem like she had any standards to me” Jay moved without a second thought, he was across the bar with one of Greene’s arms twisted behind his back and his face shoved into the bar “Say it again asshole, I fucking dare you”
“Jay back off man!” Kevin urged, grabbing his arm. “Naw, Tyler here has something to say. Let him” Kevin shook his head “He’s sorry man..aren’t ya Greene?” Greene nodded “S-Sorry”
Jay snatched the man up and spun him around to have him by the collar “Watch your mouth when you’re talking about people because you don’t know who the hell is listening” then shoved him “Get the hell out of here”
Kevin and Will both were staring at him afterwards and he shrugged “What?” Kevin shook his head “I was about to hit him so you just saved my hand” he nodded “Ok then let’s finish the damn game”
Jay was walking out of the bar to his truck when Will called his name so he stopped to look back at his brother. “Yeah man, what’s up?” Will walked closer to him and stared him in the eyes until it was uncomfortable “What are you doing?” he asked with a nervous laugh and Jay shook his head “Realizing how fucking stupid I am”
“Wow, ok? Can I go?” Jay asked and Will shook his head “No, we need to talk” “About?” Jay asked so Will took a step closer, lowering his voice to no one passing by would hear him say “My niece” Jay felt his hands go cold. He hadn’t meant for Will to find out, you asked him for no one to know.
“Will, don’t” he pleaded and Will’s eyebrows scrunched together “Why?” “She begged me not to tell anyone” Will shook his head “I don’t understand. Why not tell me?”
Jay shook his head “I don’t know. Protecting me in the way she seen fit? Man please just keep your mouth shut” Will sighed “Fine but she’s my niece, I almost lost her, I care about Wildflower too. Even if she thought you weren’t coming back. That hurts that she didn’t trust me”
Jay found himself getting defensive with his own brother too, “Hey, back off her. She went through a lot too. She found out her best friend got her pregnant then left and chose to do it solo. Please don’t put this on her right now” Will nodded “I’d never stress her out but when she’s ready, I’d really like to see my niece and her to know that I’m her uncle”
“I’ll tell her, the ball is firming in her court though. I’m not giving her an excuse to push me away” Jay told him with a small smile. Will nodded slowly then a grin slipped onto his face “You have a kid” Jay nodded, a mirror grin on his own face “I do and she’s perfect” Will pulled him into a hug “My little brother is a father!”
You had just got out of the shower when your phone started ringing. You glanced to see Jay’s name. You clicked it and heard him answer “Can I please come see you two?”
You closed your eyes and swallowed hard “Ok” “Ok?” he echoed and you shook your head “Just come over Halstead”
You opened the door and stepped back to let Jay walk into your apartment next to you. “What’s the deal with Tyler Greene?” he asked and you raised an eyebrow “Hey Jay, how are you? How’s the job going?”
He turned to face you with a smile “I’m sorry flower. Last night. Me, Kev and Will were talking about you. Nothing bad or revealing. That asshole started saying shit like you didn’t have standards because you didn’t know who the father of your child was?”
You shrugged “It happens. Should’ve seen the look on the guy’s face that Boden had everyone fighting over who got to throw him out of fifty one when I was pregnant” his face fell “How much did you deal with that?” you shook your head “Doesn’t matter. It’s just I had to have a believable story. That meant swallowing a lot of shit Jay. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself and what I can't, I can deal with”
“You don’t have to deal with anything. I’m here. Let me carry some of it” he offered and you shook your head “We’ve gone over this Jay. I’m not ruining your life”
“Our daughter could never ruin my life” he whispered and you smiled slightly “Hailey is single. You loved her enough to marry her. You could have another chance. You could find someone else. Hell you may end up leaving Chicago. Don’t allow us to stand in the way of that. I didn't keep her for a bargaining chip,I kept her because I wanted to”
He shook his head “I’ll make a deal with you” you crossed your arms “You’re in no position to bargain with me but I have to admit I am intrigued” he grinned “Go out with me as friends! Bring her. Spend time with me like we used to. You’re still my best friend” you sighed “Jay I don’t want people to talk” he shrugged “Sweetheart I don’t care”
“I guess something like lunch or if I run into you at the market and we walk around together doesn’t hurt” you offered and he grinned “Thank you” then his grin fell “There is one thing you need to know but I didn’t tell him. He figured it out the other night from a mixture of how I reacted at finding out that you almost died along with Leah” he trailed off and stared at you for a moment.
You shrugged “I’ll tell you more about that after you finish what you’re saying” he nodded “Will knows” you scrubbed a hand down your face and walked over to the couch, flopping down on it “Jay!”
“Flower, baby I didn’t tell him” he promised and you cut your eyes up “Don’t call me baby when you don't mean it and don’t act like this isn’t a big deal Jay. I’ve held this secret close at hand for well over a year. I have made myself look horrible to keep your name out of the mud. I have had Kelly and Stella fight for me, Matt and Sylvie comfort me and the day I gave birth? Violet climbed in the bed to support me. I care about you so much Jay and she is your daughter and I wouldn’t try to take her but don’t act like you know better than me. I won’t have it getting out she’s yours. That’s why I gave her my last name, why I put no one on the birth certificate. You’re free and clear Jay”
He sat down next to you “I don’t want to be free and clear. Flower, I’d be here even if you didn’t have babygirl. You’re my best friend. You know me better than anyone, always have. He doesn’t want to start any trouble. He just wants to know his niece”
You took a deep breath and nodded slowly “I’ll think about it Jay but this? All of it? I never thought you were coming home” he bumped your knee with his “Told ya I’d find my way back to you” you shook your head with a small smile “I’m so happy you’re home. I don’t know if I said that but I am. That feeling of you being outside the door? Whole and alive? Second only to her being healthy”
He grinned “I missed you every damn I was gone. I thought about you, worried about you, hoped you were ok. I thought after what happened you hated me..” he trailed off and you laughed “Why would I hate you for good sex? He barked out a laugh and you shook your head but grinned proudly “On a serious note, I will think about it and if he can keep a secret, just for now I’ll tell Will the truth”
“And I’m taking you and Leah to breakfast tomorrow?” he asked so you grinned “You’re a pain in my ass, I forgot how much so” he shook his head “Naw, I’m a delight” Leah started making noises so you hit his leg “Come on delightful. Our little monster is up and in need a bottle and dry diaper before you can hold her”
”Lead the way” he replied, letting you pull him to his feet.
#jay halstead x reader#jay halstead x you#jay halstead fanfiction#jay halstead angst#chicago pd fanfiction#chicago fire imagine#chicago fire fanfiction#chicago fire fanfic#one chicago fanfic
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I have admired the work of the amazing @anotherwellkeptsecret for YEARS, following her originally from the height of my Sherlock obsession all the way until now where she has (to my delight!) crossed over into Good Omens as well.
She also just had a baby!!!! So partly as a congratulations, partly as a thank you for being such an artistic inspiration, and partly so I could practice my own digital art techniques and play with Procreate for the first time, I asked if she would allow me the privilege of coloring some of her favorite pages from her comics while she's on maternity leave. And she said yes!
But she asked me to pick my favorites instead. So I took her at her word and chose one favorite page from each of the ten comics I have saved and loved over the years.
Exactly two weeks later (and in no particular order) here is the final result!! I am so grateful to Kelley for letting me do this, and I have discovered so much about my own style and what I like (excessive lights, apparently lol). I hope you guys like them as much as I do, and please please please go support Kelley's tumblr and Patreon, she absolutely deserves the world. 💕
One Night in Bangor (And The World's Your Oyster)

(more art below cut)
Oh What A Night

The Losing Side
(Sequel to Oh What A Night)

Points Of Interest
(Sequel to Oh What A Night and The Losing Side)

Who Wants To Live Forever

That Certain Night

A Romantic Affair
(Sequel to That Certain Night)

As Long As We Both Shall Live
(Sequel to That Certain Night and A Romantic Affair)

Change Of Pace

Temptation Accomplished

#if kelly has a million fans i am one of them if kelly has one fan it is me etcetera etcetera#this art has inspired me so much you have no idea#i used to be so self-conscious about my art for being slightly lineart-y#and then i started following her work and adored it and it made me so much more comfortable with mine#plus she was fabulous and gave me some advice when i started my own digital art for the first time#this post is a love letter to her work and i had such a blast doing it#make no mistake#this is a glorified coloring book on my end#the expressions and poses and dialogue and all the best bits are her original work#i just took some digital crayons and made the curtains blue#go support this incredible artist 💕#good omens#sherlock#bbc sherlock#crowley#aziraphale#ineffable husbands#aziracrow#fanart#johnlock#sherlock holmes#john watson#good omens fanart#sherlock fanart#fancomics#art collab#(also re: the first couple tags omg it's *kelley I'm so sorry girl 😭)
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Roommate!König who always surprises you with how quiet he is. for as tall and broad as he is, he still manages to sneak up on you. “Ah, can I get a mug, Schatz?”, you both startle, you from his sudden appearance and König from you jumping. he’s always quick to apologize, worry waning when you start to laugh, “It’s okay, I should be used to it.”. he starts to clear his throat when he enters the same room you’re in and you haven’t immediately noticed him, he always feels a little bad when you jolt
Roommate!König who quietly follows you throughout the day sometimes, no new books or documentaries to take his attention off of you. he looks for excuses to help you, folding laundry with you or dusting while you vacuum. it always makes him feel good when he can help you, turning chores into little domestic moments. fools himself into thinking this is what a relationship feels like, eyes darting over to watch you as he works, palms a little sweaty
Roommate!König who knows how to sew. his mother is a seamstress, and ever the mama’s boy, he’d be by her side as she worked as a child. she taught him how to stitch and mend clothes, the basics on how to knit too. whenever you have a shirt or pair of pants that needs mending he offers to fix it, “Let me get my needle and thread.”. it doesn’t matter if it’s a sock or shirt hem, he’ll dutifully stitch it like new. when you turn away he stitches his initials somewhere on the inside of the piece, the initials of his government name, letting you unknowingly hold on to it
Roommate!König who knows how you dress, what colors and aesthetics you adore. when holidays or events come up he tries his hand at making something for you, be it a hoodie and sweatpants or something with more flair. again, his initials delicately stitched inside, giving his name to you subtly. he doesn’t expect you to notice, and even if you did he would make up an excuse, “A special stitch my mama taught me.”, but he feels his heart pound against his chest when you wear whatever he made. heartbeat drumming in his ears, a rhythm so loud he hopes you can’t hear it
#roommate!könig#konig#könig#könig cod#könig call of duty#könig headcanons#konig x you#konig x reader#könig x you#könig x reader#cod#cod thoughts#call of duty#hit post
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01/03/25; 10:00pm
{ drabbles / headcanons }
[ when they realize that you’re the true mc from behind the screen ]
featuring: sylus, zayne, xavier, rafayel
notes: this is just my own take on the self aware au! i know other creators who’ve written their own self aware au’s (and have executed them amazingly well!), but i hope that you readers will give my story a chance, too ♡

you never understood the hype that surrounded the game known as love and deepspace-
however, the moment sylus was announced as the newest love interest for this game-
to say you were mildly interested would have been the greatest understatement of the century. when his trailer was revealed, you swore you felt your knees clash together while basking in his pure, masculine beauty.
and his voice- dear god did it sound like pure silk against your ears!
needless to say, you downloaded lads the moment sylus dropped as the latest love interest. when you made your mc, you did your best to model her after your own appearance to the best of your abilities-
however, it seemed impossible to do.
the mc was just too petite and perfect, something that you could never achieve in real life. yet despite it all, you tried your best to customize her to match your features before starting the game. as you struggled with the missions in the main story, you were essentially grinding until the moment you could unlock sylus's story branch-
and the moment when you accomplished it, you were truly on cloud 9, taking an ungodly amount of screenshots each time sylus was on your phone's screen. you kept interacting with him in game, raising his affinity with you to level 50 in a mere few weeks.
it was embarrassing how much you adored this gorgeous man made up entirely of pixels. you always spent quality time with him, bringing him with you when you worked or had to study for an upcoming exam. each time you would glance at your phone and see his devastatingly handsome features cleaning his gun, you would grin and press a kiss on your screen (directly over his cheek!)
were you shameless for feeling so deeply about a fictional man-
absolutely yes. but did you care?
after kissing sylus for what had to be the thousandth time that day, you would go back to your responsibilities, unaware that sylus could hear you and feel the sensation of your kisses against his cheek.
at first, it was maddening for sylus to realize that everything he's been through was made up by some writers at a company. every tragedy was forced upon him for the sake of a good story-
and he hated it.
he hated how his every word was essentially a script made up by that same company and how he was forced to interact with an mc that was just the same as the rest-
yet the moment he realized he could see you settled behind that woman's avatar-
sylus was intrigued, to say the least.
despite how you looked drastically different from the mc, something about you drew him to you more than the mc ever could. for starters, you were a true, living person who had a personality.
and you just seemed so alive each time sylus saw you. the more time he had spent with you, the more his feelings of curiosity turned into something tangible and real-
making sylus yearn for the day you would recognize him noticing you. he stops cleaning his gun just then, simply keeping his crimson gaze on your form as you wrote in your notebook. the hours continue to pass, yet sylus allows the quality time feature to go on even past the 30 minute mark, not stopping until you were done.
as your eyes go back to your phone, you were ready to quit the session when sylus purposely stops you, "no kiss this time? you wound me, little dove."
he basks in your wide eyed expression and the way your mouth was wide open in a gape, chuckling as you waved your hand over the screen-
and sylus was following your every movement.
"you can see me?"
"i think we've made that abundantly clear just now, little dove." he shakes his head, feeling his world tilt slightly when you pick up your phone.
"y-you just spoke to me, and i- i'm your little dove?" a dreamy expression crosses your features as you kept your gaze on sylus. he gives you a rare, tiny smile while reaffirming his nickname for you with a nod, "of course you are. you have always been my little dove since the moment i laid eyes on you."
a cute sound escapes from your parted lips, and he felt himself being jostled around when you began to spin while holding your phone. with his eyebrows lifted in response, he calls out your name while telling you, "you don't seem to be as panicked as i imagined."
"are you kidding me? i-" you cough and give him a sheepish expression, "i actually love you so much, and despite the weirdness of this all, i'm strangely happy."
your words succeed in making sylus feel warm inside-
and he knew he had to find a way to be with you soon.

zayne has always been aware of your existence, since you were a longtime player of his game and have spent most of your time together with him.
strangely enough, he took pride in having the highest affinity with you-
yet when you obtained any of the other love interest's memories, or spent some time with them-
a wave of jealousy would course through zayne's veins. he knew that he was programmed to always feel happy with whatever man you chose-
but he couldn't bring himself to let you go. after all, zayne knew that he loved you the most out of all of them.
he was the one who held your health and wellbeing above all else (even ignoring his own desires to see you during his quality time sessions with you.)
while working on his laptop at the cafe, he was aware of how late it was and was hoping that you were already safe and sound in bed-
so imagine his surprise when he sees you logging into the game, greeting him with a tired smile on your face as you opened up the quality time menu with him.
"hey zaynie, i know it's late, but i need to get these assignments done just to stay ahead. i couldn't find the time to do them earlier, so that's why i'm here."
admittedly, zayne could feel a shiver of pleasure each time you spoke to him, allowing him to bask in the sound of your voice-
yet more so than that was how concerned he was that you wanted to do your assignments at such an ungodly hour. as you pressed on the quality time session, zayne would immediately cancel it. confusion was etched onto your features, making you try again-
only to have zayne cancel the session once more.
"what the hell is going on?"
unable to hide the fact that he could respond to you (and not wishing to ignore you any longer) zayne takes a chance and speaks to you.
"it's too late for you to be studying. you should be in bed, ready to sleep."
your eyebrows furrow in response to his words, uncertain if this was part of his script (it wasn't). unable to stop, zayne continues to lightly scold you, "humans need at least 8 hours of sleep, and i know that you've barely gotten 5 hours the past few days."
"oh my god, what?!" he watches as you pick up your phone, meeting his gaze as an incredulous expression was seen on your face. "zaynie, are you talking to me?"
zayne was conflicted now, pulling at the collar of his shirt before clearing his throat, wanting to be honest with you, "yes... i am talking to you, and if you cared for me and my feelings at all, you would go to bed and work on your assignments in the morning, once you're fully rested."
it takes you a moment to take this all in.
from zayne meeting your gaze and scolding you because he was concerned about your health-
it honestly felt like such a dream come true.
your features end up breaking out into a kind smile, and zayne could feel a blush creeping up against his cheek when you nuzzle your face closer to your phone, "okay zaynie, i'll go to sleep."
cradling the phone close to your chest, you let out a hum while slowly getting into bed. once you were settled in bed, you held up your phone to see zayne looking back at you. he smiles at you, "good girl, now close your eyes and sleep."
he watches as you purse your lips before asking him, "will you stay with me, zayne?"
smiling at your request, he gives you a nod, "of course. i'm not going anywhere." he watches you once more as you cuddle into your comforter, closing your eyes while setting your phone close to you.
and as your breathing evens out, (turning softer), zayne whispers your name, filled with longing and love for you alone.

you had to be experiencing the worst cold of your life as you were settled in bed with your phone in hand, playing love and deepspace as you did some missions with xavier, your true love interest for the game.
in the middle of your battle, you let out a particularly loud sneeze, wiping the snot away from your nose while blowing into a tissue when a tiny voice was heard saying "bless you."
after blowing your nose, you said 'thank you' in response-
only to do a double take.
who just said bless you?
you take a quick scan around your room, coughing here and there-
only to realize that there was no one in sight.
you hear the voice again, this time saying your name as you realized that it sounded familiar to you. looking back at your phone, you saw xavier had already taken out the enemy and was looking directly at you.
you swallow thickly, your voice shaky when you began to speak,
"you can hear me?"
"i was able to hear you since day 1, and you chose to stick with me." xavier was practically grinning now, appearing smug while folding his arms across his chest.
by now, you were feeling dizzy as you slowly sit up in bed, feeling almost feverish while looking into xavier's gorgeous, true blue eyes. xavier has been aware of your presence this whole time-
and that fact was enough to make a surge of warmth course through you.
"you... you have always been able to see me?" you ask xavier in a shy voice, earning an earnest nod from him, "yes, and..." he trails off while pressing a hand against your screen, "i'm sorry that i'm unable to take care of you when you're feeling so sick."
"n-no! don't worry about it... i'm just happy that you're here... with me."
a sweet smile paints xavier's expression, coupled along with a gentle chuckle. "i'm happy to be with you, too. and i'm happy that you chose me over them."
realizing what xavier meant, you gave him the best smile you could manage while wiping at your nose with a new tissue, "i will always choose you, xavi."
hearing your admission causes a surge of possessiveness to course through xavier's veins. and while you smiled back at him, the philos prince was thinking of ways to forever keep your smiles for himself.

feeling the need to clean your house and do some chores around it, you decide to spend some quality time with rafayel, the hot lemurian you fell in love with ever since you began playing love and deepspace. with his pretty, pouty face on your screen, you began cleaning, moving around your kitchen and living room while wiping down each surface you could see.
you spent a few hours cleaning, with rafayel seeming to sketch during his quality time session with you, which felt odd. usually, after 30 minutes, the game would notify you, asking if you'd like to continue the session as you confirmed it-
yet now, that didn't seem to happen.
you saw no notification-
and rafayel was still sketching on your screen.
with a shrug, you figured the game probably updated and added this new feature, where you didn't have to constantly renew the 30 minutes during your quality time with rafayel. feeling thirsty now, you pick up your phone and head into the kitchen, setting your phone on the counter as you went into the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
"hey princess! where did you go?! i can't see you!"
you nearly dropped your water bottle in response, hearing rafayel's voice coming from your phone. "come on princess, don't leave me hanging, where are you?"
was this a new script?
closing your fridge, you step closer to your phone, seeing rafayel's pout. picking it up, allowing rafayel to finally see you, he was smiling now while winking at you. "there you are, princess! are you done doing all that work?"
words were unable to form as you were left gaping at him, making the artist chuckle while shaking his head, "you look like a goldfish, which is pretty cute! oh, before i forget!"
rafayel pulls back, revealing his sketchbook to you. your heart was felt clenching slightly before racing upon realizing every sketch was about you-
not your mc in game.
the realization of it all had you reeling, with your hands gripping at your counter when you addressed rafayel. "rafe, you can see me?"
"of course i can, always have been able to, princess." he has the audacity to make your heart flutter the moment he gives you another wink. "and let me just say, i've been loving what i've been seeing so far, princess."
by now, you felt like you were on the verge of collapsing, unable to hide your grin as you cling to your phone all while basking in rafayel's flirty and playful words-
yet little did you know, somewhere along the way, rafayel had genuinely fallen head over heels for you, keeping each painting and sculpture he had made of you hidden so that you would never know-
at least, not yet.
end notes: i'm so happy to write a story like this, where all the lads men truly are so META and wish to be with YOU-
and not the mc (⺣◡⺣)♡
this is currently unedited, but i shall make any changes the moment this story is posted!
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
#sylus fluff#zayne fluff#xavier fluff#rafayel fluff#sylus x reader#zayne x reader#xavier x reader#rafayel x reader#lads x reader#lnds x reader#l&ds x reader#love and deepspace
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───── KISS ME MORE 西村 力 N. RK



ꪆৎ ⋆˚࿔ trying to finish his makeup but he just can’t stop kissing you 。。 idol bf!riki x makeup artist!reader. fluff & wc. 1.4k ; lots of kissing, skinship, petnames。。
──── ARCHiVE
the backstage dressing room of the sold out arena was alive with activity. assistants rushed in and out, carrying outfits and adjusting mics, while the members of enhypen filled into the room, their energy a mix of nerves and excitement. riki, the main dancer, was the last to enter, his stage outfit already clinging perfectly to his frame. his hair was freshly styled and his usual confident grin was firmly in place.
you stood near the vanity, arranging your makeup tools neatly. you glanced up when the door opened and your heart did it’s usual flutter when your eyes landed on riki. despite working and being together for years now, he still had that effect on you.
“hey pretty,” riki greeted, making a beeline for you as the other members settled into their chairs. without a care for the busy room, he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “riki!” you exclaimed, glancing around to make sure no one had seen, your cheeks flushing pink. “we’re at work!”
“and?” he teased, his voice soft and low so only you could hear. “it’s not like they don’t already know.” you tried to keep your expression neutral, but his adoring gaze was making it impossible. he looked at you like you were the only person in the world, his dark eyes warm and full of affection.
“go sit down,” you finally said, trying to suppress a smile as you motioned to his chair. “you’ve got a show to get ready for.”
“yes ma’am,” riki said with a mock salute before plopping into his chair. the other members exchanged knowing smirks but didn’t say anything, accustomed to their maknaes antics when it came to you.
you approached him with your makeup kit, your expression shifting to one of focus. you grabbed a primer and started dabbing it onto his skin. riki leaned back obediently, watching you the entire time. his eyes followed every move you made—how you tilted your head slightly while working on his foundation, the way your lips pressed together as you concentrated.
“stop staring,” you said without looking up, your voice tinged with amusement. “i can’t help it,” riki replied, a grin tugging at his lips. “you’re too pretty when you’re in your element.”
“flattery won’t get you out of wearing eyeliner,” you quipped, picking up the next product.
he chuckled, staying quiet for a moment as you traced sharp, precise lines around his eyes. but when you leaned in to work on his lips, he couldn’t sit still anymore.
“riki, baby,” you said, holding his chin to keep him steady, “if you don’t stop moving, you’re going to look like a mess out there and i’ll let the fans blame you.”
riki grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “would it really be so bad? they might think the smudges are part of my charm.”
“charm doesn’t cover uneven eyeliner or faded lip tint,” you muttered, dipping the brush back into the product. you leaned closer, focusing on his lips. “well,” he said, voice dropping a bit deeper than before, “if it’s my lips you’re worried about, maybe you should test them.”
“riki,” you warned, but your cheeks flushed at his teasing tone. in response, he leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, leaving a faint mark of coral lip tint behind. “there, a little something just for you.”
you froze, your brush midair, and fixed him with an exasperated glare. “riki! you’ve ruined it again, that’s the third time!” he laughed, utterly unrepentant. “what can i say? your face is more fun to decorate than mine.”
“you’re impossible,” you muttered, grabbing a makeup wipe to start over. “at this rate, you’re going on stage with bare lips.”
“then the fans will get the real me,” he said with a playful shrug.
“no, the fans will get a makeup artist who quits her job halfway through the tour because of you,” you shot back, though your lips twitched in amusement.
as you leaned in again, riki stared at you with unabashed affection, making no effort to hide how enamored he was. the way your brows furrowed in concentration, the way you bit your lip when you worked—it all made his heart race.
“riki, stop looking at me like that,” you murmured without glancing up.
“like what?”
“like you’re about to—”
before you could finish, he closed the distance between you two and kissed you square on the lips. it was soft but lingering, enough to make you forget for a moment that you guys were backstage, mere minutes before showtime. when he pulled back, your carefully applied lip tint was smeared, and his own lips were a mess.
“—do that,” you finished, blinking at him.
he grinned, completely unbothered. “you make it hard to resist, baby.” you sighed dramatically, though your cheeks were pink. “i give up. you’re going on stage like this.”
“no, no, no,” he said quickly, laughing. “i’ll behave this time, i swear.” you arched an eyebrow. “you said that five kisses ago.”
“this time, i mean it,” he said, leaning back in his chair and clasping his hands in mock innocence. “scout’s honor.”
the other members started laughing. jake smirked at riki from his chair. “you’ve got it bad, riki.”
“jealous?” riki shot back, unbothered by the teasing.
you sighed, rolling your eyes but smiling as you reached for the lip tint again, applying it with quick, practiced strokes. riki stayed still this time, though you could feel his eyes on you the entire time. “there,” you said at last, stepping back to inspect your work. “you’re ready.”
“perfect,” he said, glancing at himself in the mirror. then he turned to you with a cheeky smile. “almost as perfect as you.”
“flattery won’t save you if you mess it up again,” you warned, though you couldn’t help but smile. a knock on the door interrupted them and the groups manager poked their head in. “you guys are on in five.”
“got it!” riki called, standing up. he looked down at you, his expression softening. “wish me luck?”
“break a leg,” you said with a small smile, your voice gentler now. “and please don’t kiss anyone on stage.” he chuckled. “you know my lips are only yours.”
with a wink, he was gone, leaving you to clean up your station. you could hear the deafening roar of the crowd as the show began and a small smile tugged at your lips. as exasperating as he could be, there was no denying how proud you were of him.
hours later, the concert was in full swing. you watched from backstage, your heart swelling with pride as riki belted out the final dance moves of their song. his moves effortless and smooth, his stage presence captivating as always. by now, he and the other members took their final bows and headed offstage.
riki burst into the dressing room, still glowing with the adrenaline of the performance. his hair was damp with sweat, his shirt clinging to him, and he looked every bit of the star he was.
“y/nnn,” he called, his voice still slightly hoarse. he scanned the room until his eyes found you and his face lit up. without hesitation, he strode over, pulling you into a tight hug.
“riki, you’re all sweaty!” you protested, laughing as you tried to push him away.
“and i missed you,” he said smiling, grabbing your chin, turning you to face him, and leaning in without hesitation to kiss you before you could respond. his lips still tinted faintly with the remnants of his stage makeup. when he pulled back, your own lips bore the faint coral hue.
“you just kissed off the last bit of your lip tint,” you said, your voice soft but teasing. “good,” riki said, his grin boyish and unrepentant. “it belongs on you anyway.”
their moment was interrupted by the other members filing into the room. jake let out a low whistle, grinning as he pointed at the couple. “you really can’t keep your lips off her, huh?”
“you’re gonna wear her out before the next show,” joked jungwon. riki rolled his eyes but kept his arm firmly around your waist. “jealousy isn’t a good look on you guys.”
“sure, sure,” jake said with a laugh. “just try not to kiss off her patience, too.” you shook your head smiling, “too late for that.”
riki leans down to kiss your lips again and looked into your eyes, ignoring the teasing entirely. “lucky for me, she loves me anyway.”
“unfortunately for me,” you muttered, though the warmth in your smile gave you away.
⋆。°✩ @miukidoll @flufflights
#amoressb#enhypen#enhypen ni ki#enha#enha fluff#enha imagines#enha scenarios#enha x reader#enhypen fluff#enhypen imagines#enhypen niki#enha x you#enhypen nishimura riki#enhypen riki#enha ni ki#enha nishimura riki#enha niki#niki enhypen#ni ki fluff#niki fluff#ni ki scenarios#ni ki imagines#nishimura riki#niki x reader#ni ki#niki#ni ki x reader#niki fanfic#niki scenarios#niki imagines
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Made With Love
♡ masterlist - request - emoji anons
♡ pairing - max verstappen x fem!reader
♡ summary - while visiting your boyfriend working, why not bring a little surprise sign you made for him?
♡ warnings - blushy and in love max, drivers and fans teasing max, fluffffff
♡ w/c & a/n - 1.08k | IM BACK 🫶🏻 hehe sorry yall this isn't too great but I gotta get back into the groove so pls send in thoughts or requests bc my minds a blank canvas
Race weekends were always chaotic, but the energy in the paddock today was on another level. Fans packed the grandstands, waving flags, banners, and signs - some are more simple, some are memes of the drivers, yet they were all made with the same excitement for the race ahead.
And somewhere in that sea of people, standing right at the front, was you. Normally, you’d be in with Red Bull but you went over to the fans to join them for the time being. Some had given you bracelets and asked for pictures, which you happily agreed to.
So here you stand, clutching a sign you had spent way too much time making the night before.
It wasn’t your fault, really. You had been up late, watching Max’s past races for “inspiration” (which was really just an excuse to admire him), when an idea popped into mind. With a few markers, a ridiculously pathetic and cheesy pun, glittery heart stickers, and maybe a questionable drawing of you two, you created what could only be described as likely the most embarrassing thing he would ever see before a race.
You could already imagine his reaction - probably an exasperated sigh, followed by that little smirk he always gave you when he pretended to be unimpressed but was actually very much an attempted cover up of how he falls deeper in love with you.
The drivers started their walk to the grid, and your raced just a little bit when you spotted him looking impossibly handsome. Max looked calm - focused, sharp, already in his zone - but you knew him well enough to see the tiny traces of nerves beneath the surface.
As they passed by, you lifted the sign above your head and glanced at some of the fans around you who giggled when they read it.
It took him a second, but then he stopped.
He just… stood there, staring at the sign like he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or melt into the asphalt. His mouth was parting and closing again, unsure of how to react, but you just gave him your perfect smile and it made his heart flutter. His ears went pink first, then the blush crept up his neck, blooming across his cheeks.
“Oh, for f-” Max muttered under his breath, rubbing his temple, but the amused smile on his face betrayed him.
And that’s when the teasing began.
Lando cackled loud enough for the entire grid to hear. “Oh, this is GOLD!”
Before Max could escape, Lando slung an arm around his shoulder, grinning like he’d just won the championship. “So, what’re these ‘plans’ about, mate? Anything we should be worried about? Should we clear the podium early?”
“Do we need to tell Christian?” Charles chimed in, barely holding back his laughter. “You know, just in case he needs to schedule some extra… recovery time for you.”
A chorus of laughter followed. Max groaned, dragging a hand down his face, but the pink on his cheeks only deepened. “You’re all the worst,” he grumbles.
Meanwhile, the nearby fans had caught on fast.
“Oh my god, he’s BLUSHING,” one girl gasped, tugging her friend’s arm.
“He’s practically making heart eyes, how adorable,” another comments, phone already in hand and recording the scene.
Max, looking positively doomed, glanced at you - a mix of betrayal, affection, and desperate pleading. But you? You just continued to smile sweetly with a tilted head.
“You like it.”
“I hate it.”
“You’re literally blushing.”
“I’m warm.”
“Mhm,” you roll your eyes and chuckle.
The teasing didn’t stop as he pulled out his phone and snapped a quick picture of your masterpiece, grumbling something about “evidence to haunt me later.” But before he walked away, he pointed at you, eyes narrowed.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
Your heart did a little flip and you grinned. “Oh, I know.”
And just like that, he was gone, back into the pre-race frenzy - but not before stealing one last loving glance at you over his shoulder.
Later on, the celebration was loud and chaotic. Max had finished on the podium - not a win, but a damn good race - and when he finally found you in the paddock, you barely had time to react before he crashed into you, arms wrapping tight around your waist.
“Enjoy the show?” he asked, voice still breathless with adrenaline.
“Loved it. Thought you might’ve forgotten about my sign, though.”
“Oh, trust me,” he groaned, pulling back just enough to look at you. “Hard to forget when the im being tagged in posts of it nonstop.”
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
He sighed dramatically before pulling out his phone. Everywhere, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, was flooded with clips from earlier.
Fan tweets scrolled across the screen:
“If my future man doesn’t hold up a sign like this for me, I don’t want him”
“This man is so down baddd LOOK AT THE BLUSH”
You bit your lip, trying (and failing) not to laugh. “I mean… they’re not wrong,” you poke his cheek.
Max groaned, pressing his forehead against yours. “You’re never making a sign again,” he says, although you both know he doesn’t mean it.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, swaying slightly. “Oh, baby, you know that’s a lie.”
Before he could argue, you kissed him, soft at first, teasing. But then he tilted his head, deepening it, fingers pressing into your waist like he didn’t care that people were watching.
Somewhere in the background, some group of fans started shouting.
“Oh my goshh, he’s in love!.”
“Life is so unfair! Where’s my Max?”
When you finally pulled away, breathless, he was grinning like a lovestruck idiot.
“You’re ridiculous,” he muttered, thumb brushing over your cheek.
“And you love it.”
His gaze flickered to your lips, then back to your eyes. “Yeah,” he whispered. “That I do.”
Later, when you made it back to his driver’s room, you caught him slipping the sign into his bag, folding it carefully like it was something worth keeping.
“… You’re keeping that?” you asked, amused.
He shot you a look. “Shut up.” You didn’t push it. But you did smile. He bites his lip, placing it into his pocket, knowing that no matter how many trophies he collects, this - you - might just be his favorite thing he’d ever won.
#ria writes 🦢#max verstappen#max verstappen x you#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen oneshot#max verstappen imagine#max verstappen fanfic#max verstappen fluff#max verstappen x female reader#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 fanfic#formula 1 x reader#formula 1#red bull racing#formula one#f1 one shot#max vertsappen fic#max verstappen x fem!reader
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All Dressed Up

Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky visits a gallery to support his best friend and unexpectedly meets the girl of his dreams.
Word Count: Over 2.3k
Warnings: First meeting, mild dirty thoughts, instacrush, swearing, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Okay, lovelies. A new AU. I'm sorry. @targaryenvampireslayer @tavners @starlightcrystalline @whisperlullaby @sgt-seabass @vesearlee , I feel like you all either heard me screech, encouraged, or helped me, and I appreciate you. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo and divider by the incredible @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!

Bucky didn’t dress up for most people since it wasn’t his style. He would do so for any of his brothers though, especially Steve. His best friend since childhood, and his club’s president, he always had a love and talent for drawing and painting. And after working his ass off on his exhibit it would’ve been a crime for the vice president not to show up.
Steve promised if there was ever a day when Bucky’s writing became published he’d be by his side to celebrate too. As much as they liked to give each other shit sometimes about art and how they created it, the support was there through and through. The only catch for tonight was that he had to dress nicely to get into the gallery. So, instead of the usual leather jacket or vest he wore and jeans, he went with a plain black suit and white button up shirt.
He refused to wear a tie since it wasn’t a wedding. He had to draw a line somewhere. No one paid him any mind though as they walked around the gallery, and he was more than fine with that. This wasn’t his night.
“You should be proud, punk,” Bucky said, looking over the art lining the large wall, each piece crafted with care.
“I am proud, jerk,” Steve smiled. He hadn’t worn a tie either, and it made Bucky feel a little better. “And you know you don’t have to stay the whole time.”
Bucky knew that. He also knew members and prospects would be trickling in and out throughout the evening. “Not needed at the bar tonight, so I can stay as long as I want. But I might cut out early since I see your face enough between that and the club.”
Steve chuckled. “Still haven’t sold the place, huh?”
The brunette sighed. It wasn’t the first time Steve asked if he was going to sell the bar to focus more on writing. “Where the hell would you all hang out if I sold the place?” He liked the bar. It wasn’t just a great hangout for the club, but for his other regulars, too.
“There are other bars,” Steve teased. He said that, but he loved the bar, too. “You know I just want you to-”
“Follow my compass. I know. You’ve said that so many…” He stopped talking when he saw an unexpected angel walk into the room.
Well, angel was the word that came to mind since you were wearing a white dress and the light over your head illuminated you like a halo. But as his eyes swept over you, he wondered if there was a bit of a devil in you. He wouldn’t mind bringing that side out of you if you gave him the chance.
And here he used to think love at first sight was bullshit.
“Hey. Do you know her?” Bucky subtly nodded in your direction as you spoke to another woman, jealousy flaring up for a second at the thought of his best friend knowing you and not telling him. And if you knew Steve, that was that before things even started. While the blonde didn’t have much game growing up, he came into his own after his growth spurt, and everyone adored or wanted him.
Steve shook his head. “No, I don’t,” he said, making Bucky’s shoulders slump in relief before his friend scrutinized him. “Jesus, are you eye fucking her? You are, aren’t you?”
Bucky wasn’t the least bit ashamed. “And I’ll keep doing it ‘til she looks at me,” he replied, wishing you’d at least spare him a glance and get a look at him in his nice suit. Maybe you weren’t into guys with tattoos and piercings, but he was certain he could change your mind if that was the case.
“How long has it been since you’ve been on a date?” Steve asked. “Just introduce yourself like a gentleman and see where that goes.”
“A couple of months? Something like that.” Tearing his gaze away to glance at his inked hands, he chuckled. “You think I’m a gentleman?”
He could be dangerous and downright dirty when the occasion called for it, but just because he rode a motorcycle and covered himself in tattoos and piercings didn’t mean he treated others poorly. He was raised better than that. Even with his ex-girlfriends, things never ended because he didn’t treat them well. They just weren’t the one.
“We both know you are. Sometimes,” Steve answered, smirking as a beat passed. “And she’s looking your way.”
Bucky’s head snapped up to find you looking right at him with a curious stare. You had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. Which was nothing compared to your smile. It was like watching the sun slowly rise to meet the day.
Fuck, he was being sappy. You ruined him with a single stare, and he wanted to ruin you in return. Make it so you wouldn’t want another man.
You whispered something to the woman beside you before she nudged you forward and he realized Steve pushed him to move, too. It only took three more steps before he was right in front of you, the gentle smell of your sweet perfume filling his nostrils. Need slammed into his body as you smiled again, and he actually felt the blue of his eyes shrink as his pupils widened.
If Steve thought he was eye fucking you before…
“Hey,” he said, his voice raspier than usual.
“Hi,” you said. It was a voice he could listen to for hours and he wondered what it would sound like when you said his name.
“I’m Bucky.” He took a smaller step closer, trying his damnedest to block out any other man around him so you’d keep those pretty eyes on him.
You introduced yourself, too, and it was a name he would never forget. “I like your tattoos,” you added almost shyly. Almost.
If he had his way, you’d see the rest of them soon enough. “Thanks,” he smiled, holding one hand up to show you. “Dressed like this, I bet you think I’m part of the mob.” After getting dressed and adding the gold jewelry, even he thought for a split second he looked like a mobster.
“Are you or is that information I can’t be privy to?” you asked, making him chuckle. You didn’t skip a beat, and he liked that.
“Not part of the mob, but I am part of a motorcycle club,” he replied. He wore his patch with pride and that didn’t seem to scare you, which was good. “I also own a bar.” He didn’t know why added that part. You didn’t ask and he didn’t want to brag, but there he was.
“So, you ride a motorcycle, and you own a bar?” You glanced back at your friend to ask her, “Do you mind if I…”
“I’m good. You two talk,” your friend smiled, giving Bucky an encouraging wink. He looked back to find that Steve walked away, too.
You smiled as you faced Bucky again. “Well, I’m happy to hear more about either of those things if you have time.”
“Yeah.” A lopsided smile appeared before he could stop it. “I got time,” he said. All the time in the world.
Over the next hour, the two of you stayed close together and talked in between looking at Steve’s pieces. He told you he was there to support Steve and talked a little bit more about the bar he owned. A hole in the wall kind of place he fixed up. While he wasn’t a big drinker, he loved making them for his regulars, and his profession allowed him to get away with all the tattoos.
“I’ll have to stop by sometime,” you smiled before it faltered. “If that’s okay.”
He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but his heart raced, and he wanted to see you smile again. “I’ll hold you to that,” he teased. “What about you? What do you do for work?”
You told him that you were a blood bank nurse and still fairly new to the area. While you didn’t have too many friends nearby, you liked your neighborhood and the one friend you had made invited you to the gallery since she was an art enthusiast. You also let it slip that you were single upon your move here, which he was happy to hear since he was, too, but he didn’t miss the note of sadness in your voice.
He could help fix it if you were lonely.
“I’m not seeing anyone either,” he stated.
You raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “You don’t have an old lady?” His eyes went right to your lip when he bit it. “That is the correct term of endearment, right?”
“That’s right,” he said, his eyes soft. “Both of those things are right.”
You bit your lip again and he wasn’t sure if you were purposely trying to entice him, but now he wanted to bite your lip. “So, do you do anything for fun outside of riding and work?”
He almost groaned when you said “riding” and he had to shake his head to keep his mind from drifting. He couldn’t think of you being on his bike with your arms wrapped tight around him or you riding him or anything like that. “Well…”
He explained that he wrote a bit in his spare time outside of work and the club. It was a hobby mostly, but it would be a dream come true to get his work out there one day. If not, that was okay, too, because he had a decent life and didn’t need much. His bike, his brothers.
But to have an old lady…
“Maybe I could read…” you frowned when you saw the time. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how late it was. I should get going,” you said, disappointment filling both of you.
“Oh.” He scratched the back of his neck. The two of you were having a nice talk, and he hadn’t had a chance to ask about your hobbies yet. “It’s still kinda early. Do you really have to go?” he asked, realizing just how desperate he sounded. God, if the prospects could hear him right now… He just didn’t want the night to end.
“Yeah, I do. I’m actually working a blood drive tomorrow and could use the rest,” you said, smiling sadly. He felt like an ass for asking you to stay when you had work to do. “I don’t know if you’ve heard anything about it, but you’re welcome to stop by if you want to donate. I always have this fear that people won’t show, which I realize sounds ridiculous.”
Bucky mentally kicked his ass for not knowing about a local blood drive. He was usually more on top of those sorts of things. “Where’s it at?” You gave the location and time, which was all he needed. “I’ll be there,” he promised.
And every single club member would be there, too, if they knew what was good for them.
“Really?” you smiled, your hand bumping his when you turned to face him. “You’ll go?”
He let his fingers brush yours and he smiled to himself when he felt the light shiver. “Of course, doll.”
“Doll?” you giggled. He hoped he didn’t offend you. “I hope you show,” you added in a small voice, your gaze focused on the ground.
Frowning a bit, he wondered if you didn’t believe him. Did someone let you down before? “If I say I’ll be there…” He lifted your chin, so you’d look into his eyes. He needed you to see the truth in them. “I’ll be there.”
You exhaled, staring deeply into his eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you whispered.
He grudgingly released you, knowing he had to. Besides, if he kept touching you, there was a good chance he’d pin you against the wall and show you what a work of art you were. “Good night,” he whispered, watching you go back to your friend. She linked her arm with yours as you glanced back, keeping your eyes on Bucky until you were out of sight.
He exhaled, mentally kicking his ass again. Why the fuck didn’t he ask for your number? You two hit it off, and you wanted to see him at least in some capacity beyond the blood drive, right?
Steve made a beeline for him as he stayed rooted to the spot. “It looks like you two hit it off. You know you didn’t even say hi to Chris or Sam or-”
“We’re going to a blood drive tomorrow,” he cut in. He hoped people would show, but he gave you his word he’d be there, and the club was all about giving back to the community.
The blonde’s eyebrows pinched. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Blood drive. Tomorrow. Everyone,” he said, giving his friend a hard stare. “You’re the president. Make it happen.”
“You’re the vice president, which means you supervise plans for club events or gatherings. That includes last minute things,” he pointed out, his eyebrows shooting up as Bucky got his phone out and typed quickly. “You’re serious about this?”
“Is it too much to say, ‘You better fucking be there or you’ll pay for it later’?”
The blonde grinned. A shit-eating, knowing grin, and he wanted to smack him. “This is all for her, isn’t it?”
Bucky sighed. He hadn't expected to meet someone so perfect tonight. “She’s a nurse and I wanna help. Besides, it’s good for the community and you’re all about that shit.” And he had to make a better impression after not asking for your number. “Will you at least promise you’ll be there?”
“To watch my whipped best friend fawn over a pretty nurse? Hell yeah.”
“Beautiful,” he corrected him. “She’s beautiful.”
And while Bucky would fawn over you tomorrow, he also hoped he’d get your number.
So, what do we think so far? Part of this writing style was slightly different for me, but I like how it turned out! I still need to give this reader a nickname and the AU a name, but this is a start. I can't wait for the whole club to show up at the blood drive. I also have something silly and cute planned for these two. ❤️ Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
#navybrat writes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes#biker!bucky barnes#biker!bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes imagine#bucky barnes x fanfiction#bucky barnes au#bucky x reader#bucky x female reader#james buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#sebastian stan#sebastian stan x reader#bucky barnes fanfic#winter soldier#x reader
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Dead Silent. One of the batfam ask Danny why he’s more clingy than his siblings and Danny just goes “huh??” Cuz he’s probably the LEAST clingy. Dan is Yandere Levels of clingy, Jazz is Ride or Die clingy, Dani is probably Stalker clingy, and don’t even get him started on their parents.
Danny, by comparison, is the normal one and I feel like that should be appreciated so much more.
(This is SO freaking funny and you're so right omg. It got long bc I got excited again lmaooo)
"You... you think I'm... clingy?!" Danny cried in shock, looking around for a camera. Were they serious? Was this actually real?
Duke said with a shrug, "Well... I mean, I always see you around Cass. We're just asking."
"I am literally the least clingy and the most normal out of my siblings."
Jason snorted from where he stood behind Tim's chair. Everyone was listening in but only Damian and Duke had the graciousness to not pretend that they weren't. Even Cass was staring, blinking as she was held in Danny's arms for a cuddle after the patrol.
"Oh yeah? Prove it."
Danny glared at him and pointed to his shadow, which stretched out beneath him from the Batcave's lights.
"One, the only reason she doesn't follow you around everywhere is because Jazz literally has Shadow following you whenever you go out." As he said this, two eyes blinked from within Jason's shadow and then disappeared just as quickly. "Two, she had all of your medical information on a file in her phone! And just information on you, period! Three, just yesterday, she blew up two ships and took down a trafficking ring by herself because she got reports that they put a hit on you! And don't even talk about how normal she is compared to me, because she definitely isn't! You just think she's a normal amount of clingy because the both of you have your brains rotted from romance novels!"
Jason made a face. It was one of great affront, grudging acceptance, and a wistful adoration. Danny couldn't even feel smug for proving him right because the look on his face was just disgusting.
Cass giggled from within his arms.
Dick opened his mouth and Danny pointed at him aggressively, clutching at Cass as he said, "You can't speak either! Dan is literally the most clingy out of all of us! You know what Jazz said?! He literally has abandonment issues and codependency!! Y'know what his name was before we came here?! It's "World Destroyer"! The only reason he hasn't done anything is because he really likes you and wants to spend most of his time watching you and keeping you safe instead of going around and causing destruction!"
Dick blinked. "But he also—"
"Wrong! He uses clones to do stuff while he keeps watch over you, and you're the only reason he has a moral code at all."
Dick made a considering face and then he smiled. "Aww, that's kinda cute. I didn't know he was so clingy."
Danny muttered to Cass, "Are you seeing this bullshit?"
She giggled again and patted at his arms that were wrapped around her neck.
Duke nodded, amusement on his face. "I see your point. But what about Dani? You're definitely clingier than her."
Danny made an error noise. "Nope! The entire Young Justice is codependent and clingy, so it just looks normal. And Dani just follows around Kon and Tim in intervals so you can't see either of them." He also grimaced at Tim, who was still working at the computer. "And Tim is already watching them, aren't you? You three are a bunch of freaks."
Tim looked up with a small smirk, much to Damian's audible disgust. "You got me there. I keep trackers and cameras on all of them. And Dani's usually just invisible."
Danny smiled triumphantly. "Hah! See? I'm the least clingy!"
There were murmurs of agreement and then Duke said, "I don't know, I think all four of you are clingy and weird."
Danny sulked. "No I'm not."
Duke gestured to all of him. "You're literally climbing Cass like a koala."
Okay, so his legs were wrapped around her waist and he was hanging onto her like a sticker, but so what? She didn't mind!
Cass snickered and said, "It's okay. He's light."
"Yeah, I'm light," grumbled Danny as he squeezed her.
Duke and Damian shared a look, as Duke said, "We should get out of here. Thank god these freaks are taken."
"Agreed. Thank goodness we are the most normal."
Now there were cries of outrage throughout the entire cave all over again.
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#danny phantom x dc#dp x dc crossover#ask#danny fenton#jazz fenton#jason todd#duke thomas#danny x cass#cassandra wayne#dani fenton#dani phantom#tim drake#tim x kon x dani#two for one ship#dead silent ship#dick grayson#dick x dan#bad humor ship#anger management ship#hardcover ship#jason x jazz#lmaoooo ty for the ask#kitkat-4772#jazz has a shadow friend#dark danny#phantom family
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I love how Isha copied jinx by dying her blue and even doing her tattoos they're ADORABLE oh oh goodness. Could you write about how it would go? The process and all , it could be a headcanons or anything else!!!
Yeah i was crying when I saw Isha dressed as a little jinx bro 😭 BRIG ME BACK MY GIRLS BRO I did a scenario but it prob sucks cause I haven’t in a while but eh, thanks for requesting!

You never thought you’d ever be taking care of a child, especially a mute child from the Undercity who clung to your girlfriend in the face of death.
And one that just so happened to never wanna leave your side, always having a finger looped onto your belt or gripping onto you.
Isha idolized you and Jinx since the moment you two saved her from those three goons, and you didn’t know why.
But ever since she started following you two and Sevika…
It’s like she just…fit.
She did wonders for your girlfriend, and you would sit back on the little pillow fort and watch them dance and see someone you never thought you’d ever see again.
Isha was to thank for that, but she wanted to be like the two of you so badly she’d begged for dyed hair of your hair colors, tattoos or piercings.
Though the piercings were a no go, and so were permanent tattoos, Jinx had…other ways of persuading you.
“If I’d known you were ticklish I’d have said no.” Jinx said, playfully serious as you held Isha between your legs and colored blue clouds that replicated Jinx’s onto the girls back.
Isha laughed at the feeling, trying to squirm away naturally from the cold and ticklish tips of the colorful crayons.
“And…there! How ya like em, kid?” Jinx said, looking over her work on Ishas skin with a smile, as did the little girl.
Isha had a habit of dressing like the two of you, a mixture of the two she idolized.
Isha looked down at her arm, taking a second to admire as her lips parted and she made little sounds of awe.
She then looked up at Jinx, then over her shoulder at you, before grabbing Jinx in a hug and falling back into your chest.
You made a little “oof!” Sound of surprise, before smiling at the sight of your girlfriend so shocked at the hug.
Jinx sat, in the arms of a six year old child, stunned for a moment.
It was like she never got used to be unconditional love Isha so willingly gave her, and you.
Jinx peeked at you for a moment from beside the girls head, and you met her eyes with a little smile.
She slowly settled her hands on Isha’s back, hugging her back as you circled your arms around the two while the moment called for it.
Isha couldn’t have been more elated.
She’d found people that loved her and protected her till the end, and wanted nothing more than to be like you two.
Then came time for the hair.
“Isha! Stop squirming.” You giggled at the little girls excitement, some of the dye getting into your clothes and your own hair as Jinx simply laughed at it.
“Mh-mh!” Isha said defiantly, shaking her head with a laugh as she faced away from the mirror you and Jinx had put her in front of on the stool.
“You’re gonna look so cool kid- well, you’re gonna look like me. I’m pretty cool, aren’t I?”
Jinx said, a small little mix of a smirk and a smile on her lips as she leaned down in Isha’s face and emphasized it with gently wiggling Isha’s nose between her fingers.
Isha nodded in confirmation, looking from Jinx to you with her gapped tooth smile. She grabbed your wrist, a little smile shared between the both of you.
Isha wanted you to know she thought you were just as cool as she thought Jinx was.
You shook your head with a little smile, brushing dye on the girls cheek as she squirmed back, bumping into Jinx’s hip as she laughed.
“Gonna be cooler than me and Jinx, aren’t ya?” You asked, wiggling the girls ear as she gave another bashful smile, and you loved seeing the little tooth gap between her teeth.
Little bits and pieces of Powder you couldn’t deny embedded themselves into the girl. Maybe that’s why it was so easy to love her. Or maybe it was just that.
Because she was Isha.
“Ugh- Isha! You’re getting it on me!” Jinx complained once it was time for the shower and to rinse out her hair.
You laughed at how Isha purposely moved her hair to smack against Jinx’s side, painting it the color of Jinx’s hair with some of yours mixed in.
Isha kept letting out laughs and noises of joy, even as it was time for you to wring out her hair with a towel and make it all puff out.
Isha tried puffing her hair down, squirming as she was made to sit between Jinx’s legs as she brushed out her hair. The little girl had a sensitive and tender headed scalp, so she hated this part.
She kept trying to squirm back to you and away from the brush, but you were to busy putting the little twin braids in the back of her hair from already brushed out pieces.
“Cmon Isha, not sooo bad.” Jinx dragged out, laughing as the little girl huffed in her lap when Jinx accidentally tugged at a knot.
Jinx just grinned, and couldn’t help but look at you beside her.
You couldn’t help but return the grin, tooling over your beloveds face before leaning to press a small kiss against her lips.
Jinx hummed, stopping her movements with the brush as she leaned into the kiss.
For what felt like an eternity of bliss for you, it was two seconds of torture for Isha. She rolled out her tongue in disgust, waving her hands at you and pushing your faces away from each other.
“Hey!” Jinx protested, giving a frown but she knew it wouldn’t last long as she looked at Isha. The mute girl gave a little shrug, pushing the hair ties into your palms.
You giggled at that, and with one last look at jinx, went back to braiding.
It wasn’t long before Isha was done, and sprinting happily to Jinx’s work desk and waiting for you two to reveal the work to her on top of her head.
You watched with Jinx for a moment, waiting before Jinx looked at you with a funny look. You laughed.
“You’re the one who bet her.” You said, giving a look that said “I told you so” to your girlfriend. Jinx rolled her eyes at you, waving her hand.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, toots.” She said playfully before pecking your cheek, getting up to walk over and meet Isha who jumped in place on the back of her heels.
You watched with a smile the whole time as Jinx covered her eyes, and revealed her work.
The smile on Isha and Jinx’s face made everything worth it. Everything that went wrong, everything that went right, everything in your life.
You never wanted to leave this moment.
You wish it lasted longer.
You wish your peace with the two girls lasted longer, before it was taken…before she was taken…
#arcane x reader#arcane#jinx arcane#arcane jinx#jinx x reader#arcane imagines#arcane isha#arcane reader
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Jason Todd x Single Mom!Reader
I've been plagued for many months now by the idea of jason todd x young single mom!reader. I literally made this blog this morning just to post this
this is so LONG try as i might to shorten it i've been itching to get all this out of me so enjoy this word vomit i might just make a full fic if i'm feeling extra frisky
You got pregnant in college, and now you’re fresh out of grad school moving to a new city with your 3 year old daughter
You got a job at Wayne Enterprises, leading an important new project. You and your colleagues are invited to the latest Wayne Gala, hosted at the billionaire’s own manor. All these years as a young mother and a student, you hadn’t any experience with such extravagance-- how could you say no?
the party lowkey sucks because it's all old rich people so you sneak out to a balcony where you find a young man drinking whiskey and texting on his phone.
he introduces himself as jason, and his hand is rough and calloused when you shake it, but it's warm and sends a tingle up your arm. (😏)
You chat about your work, he complains about the stuffiness of a life at Wayne Enterprises and you laugh when he warns you to get out while you can (he's joking, of course. not because he thinks it's worth staying but because if you leave he'd never be able to hear that adorable laugh again)
when you go off on a tangent about how excited you are for your project, he's not even listening anymore. the sheer passion that lights up your face has his mind going fuzzy and a full orchestra playing in the background
you're pulled back in before he can get your number :( he's so mopey all weekend he doesn't even have it in him to retaliate when damian makes fun of him for having pink pony club as his top song for this month :(
when you get home your email is flooded with warnings from other parents at your daughter's daycare about a lice scare?? okay, you think, she's definitely not going on monday, you can just bring her to work with you, right? what's the worst that could happen?
the following monday he just happens to show up at the office (He can't just stop by to say hi to his brother who he loves?) (tim calls security almost immediately)
you're not at your cubicle (in a meeting, your desk neighbor informs him) so he mills about the floor like a lost puppy just waiting for you to show up so he can "accidentally" run into you
the woman at the front desk has a chair pulled up next to hers where this little girl with pigtails is sitting, trying to console her as tears stream down her face
jason springs into action, kneeling in front of her chair to ask what's wrong
she just sniffles and holds up her stuffed animal, an elephant whose button eye has popped out, the woman watching her trying to get her to hand it over so she can sew it back on but she wont let go
he goes full grey's anatomy, fussing over the toy like it's in mortal peril and complimenting her for being so brave before gently asking if he can try to fix it
she lets him take it and he uses the woman's travel sewing kit to stitch it back on
she's ecstatic, leaping forward into his arms to give him a big hug
but now she won't let him leave because no he has to have a conversation with the elephant first and introduce himself and give it post-surgery care instructions and listen to it talk about how much she it wants a puppy and he feels like such an idiot talking to that thing but anything to make this little girl smile
she pulls a little picture book from the backpack hung on the back of her chair and asks him to read with her and he can't just say no!
so he plops down on the tile floor and starts reading out loud and even though she's standing next to him craning her neck to see the pictures he's a head taller than her
when you finish your meeting and head back to the front desk to thank gretchen for watching your kid the sight you see makes your heart absolutely melt
jason and your daughter are sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor of Wayne Enterprises as he reads to her, and he's pulling out all the stops, he's doing voices, sound effects, and she's giggling so hard she can't sit up straight
but then they both finally notice you
"mommy!" she yells, running to you and wrapping herself around your leg
you're surprised to see him, but definitely not disappointed, and if what you just walked in on indicated anything, it was that you wanted, nay, needed this man
so now you're flushed and hopeful, mind running with possibilities of why he's here; could it be? he couldn't stop thinking about you either? he came all the way to ask you out?
but jason is also surprised, astounded even, by the miniature carbon copy clinging to your leg saying something about scooby snacks
he's freaking out on the inside
through a tight-lipped greeting he excuses himself with what he hopes is a neutral demeanor (spoiler alert: it's not) and goes home to think
and you obviously know exactly what that was about, one doesn't go through pregnancy at 19 without becoming well-acquainted with the whole catalogue of surprised/judgy reactions
of course you're a mess because the early/mid 20s dating scene is hard enough as it is but with a toddler? forget it, might as well just give up now
you go home to call your best friend and get drunk over face time while she assures you that men aint shit and offers to put a curse on him (you consider it, but how are you supposed to get a lock of his hair?)
he's up all night hating himself for being such an asshole and trying to come up with a scenario in which this works, in which he can have you in his life and also a child and be the red hood because he can't stop thinking about you
so then he just says fuck it and the next morning he shows up at your office with flowers and a puppy stuffed animal and finally asks you out
#nightwing#batman#red hood#jason todd#dick grayson#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#jason todd x y/n#batfamily#dc universe#dc comics#dcu#damian wayne#dc robin#robin#bruce wayne
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ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤh. joshua x fem!reader ⪩⪨
01.ㅤۗㅤ𝙼ember . ⎯⎯⎯ joshua.
02.ㅤۗㅤ𝙲𝚆 . ⎯⎯⎯ multiple pet names, possessive thoughts, mentions of blowjobs(m.) and sex, just a very gentle guy who loves his girl more than anything.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua whose instagram is filled to the brim with pictures of his beautiful girl, sometimes he forgets to tag you but it’s okay because it takes no sherlock holmes to figure out your username since he only follows your account and a naruto fanpage.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who wants you to meet his parents in less than a month into the relationship, it’s extremely important to him to make it as clear as possible that he is serious about you, leaves no room for overthinking at all, always a step ahead of you in the “would you still love me if i was a worm?” department, the best boy indeed.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who would rather take a bullet than let you pay for literally anything, because how dare you even suggest paying for your own things? as if you don’t know the only reason he works so hard it’s exactly so he can pamper you endlessly? the absolute nerve of you, better get on your knees and start apologizing.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who is the sassiest and most dramatic guy you’ve ever been with, but can not for the life of him handle the thought of you doing any work at all, in every aspect, which, ironically, sometimes makes you work even harder to get what you want.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who makes it the world’s most difficult challenge to accept receiving head from you for the first time, he enjoys being the one doing all of the work to make you feel good, he just couldn’t see how blowing him off would please you at all so he kept denying(while completely ignoring the tent forming rapidly in his grey sweatpants) until you begged too sweetly, so softly, looking at him with so much adoration and love, like you wanted nothing more than to please him, he could have finished right there but instead he shook his head and sat down in the bed, ready to give his princess anything she could ever want, just like he promised he would! even if what she wanted was to kneel in front of him and try to fit his thick cock into her little mouth for a while.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who uses every opportunity that stumbles across his way to show off his huge arms, it’s a win-win scenario, he gets to feel all hot and manly and you get to hold onto your boyfriend’s strong biceps everywhere you go and get carried on bride style after a night out that, honestly, didn’t even leave you that drunk, but since he offered to carry you, who would ever say no?
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who adores your nails and is always super excited to see the results of your nail appointments, asks for pictures during the whole process, sends you food when it’s taking too long, and finally when the nails are done, he’s there to pick you up in his shiny car, more than ready to do the last step of your nail day, which is putting them to the test, the scratch test.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who just can’t help but adore when you leave him all marked up, he loves it, and how can you blame him? was he supposed to be normal about having proof straight on his body of just how good he made you feel last night? how could you even consider he'd do such a thing? this man is not normal about you in general.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who knows your entire wardrobe like the back of his hand, half of it because he bought it, the other half because of how often he’s watching you, definitely a “i look at you more often than you think” kinda guy. he’s very proud of just how well he knows his baby.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who remembers all of your food preferences and orders, knows all of your allergies, all of your icks and all of your friend’s gossips because he’s just so well behaved! he won't tell anyone, he never would! he's your joshy! you can trust him to keep all of your secrets, forever.
⪩⪨ boyfriend!joshua who’s very open about the fact that he wants to marry you, live the rest of your lives together, maybe with a kid if you’re into that, maybe just dogs if that’s better for you, he got his own wishes when it comes to creating a family, but at the end of the day; this man has one priority, and she has a name. whatever is best for you, it’s the best for him.
⪩⪨ husband!joshua who no matter how long it has passed since you got married, has not lost even a little bit of his obsession with you. his precious flower, his cute little thing, his darling, his sweet girl, that’s all you’ll ever be to him, all his to love and protect, forever.
#seventeen fanfic#seventeen smut#seventeen imagines#seventeen imagine#seventeen scenarios#joshua x reader#joshua hong x reader#joshua smut#hong joshua smut#joshua fluff#seventeen drabbles#seventeen reactions#hong joshua x reader
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Tyler Owens x Reader: Read Between the Lines
Request: anonymous said: "I was wondering maybeeee if you could write some protective bf Tyler ( because i would be swooning ) maybe either someone keeps hitting on her so he steps in or someone maybe in another storm chasing crew is being mean so he steps in and defends her <3 idk"
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: language, mild fighting i guess?? slight angst
A/N: sorry I haven't been posting as frequently! I started work up again and ya girl has been BUSY. Anyyywayyy, thank you for reading! please keep the comments coming! I love to see all your requests and I promise i'm getting to them as quickly as i can :)



“Need anything?” Tyler asked, leaning against the hood of the truck in a way that shouldn’t be as adorable as it is.
“I’m good,” you said, offering him a gentle smile before brushing a few loose strands of hair from your sticky forehead.
“You wanna come in with me then?”
You shook your head– the idea of sitting in a stale diner with no AC was just about as unbearable as the thought of driving another second. “No, I think I’ll stretch my legs out here.”
“Okay,” he said in a tone that indicated you’d be missing out. He gave the truck a pat before adding, “We won’t be long.”
“Take your time,” you assured him.
He offered one final nod before turning and following Dani, Boone, and Lily across the parking lot. Dexter also stayed behind. Instead of shitty diner food, he’s opted to take a nap inside the RV accompanied by his noise canceling headphones and a fan blasting right at his face.
You were exhausted, down to your bones. You and the rest of the team had driven nearly six hours that day tracking a cell that hadn’t ended up amounting to anything. You were stiff and tired and irritable– just like everyone else. But you hoped that some time alone outside might help at least level out your mood.
You extended your arms over your head, groaning when you felt something lightly pop in your back, before craning your neck from side to side. The air was stifling– thick and humid with little to no breeze for any sort of relief. The heat hadn’t broken in nearly a week, and unfortunately for just about everyone, the truck’s AC didn’t work as well as it used to.
The parking lot to the diner was relatively empty. Aside from the crew’s RV and truck, there was an SUV parked in one of the front spots and a small sports car with a steady cloud of smoke pouring out the cracked window.
You let your eyes wander past the diner parking lot at the sprawling field across the road. The windmills were agonizingly still in the stale air– like even they were desperate for some reprieve.
Your eyes fell shut as you took a few deep breaths, trying to get your bearings.
Your peace lasted for about thirty seconds. And then the sound of blaring music and screeching tires had you turning your pulsing head. Instantly, you rolled your eyes at the sight of the familiar vans pulling into the lot beside you.
Merrill Anderson and his crew started chasing in the area almost thirteen months ago. You knew because each and every moment that you’d known about their existence had been more painful than the last.
Anderson was a meteorologist out of Texas that wore a cowboy hat almost as big as his mouth and an inflated ego to match it. He made sure you and everyone else around him knew that he had a PhD, and therefore, in his opinion, was automatically more entitled to chase. Him and Tyler had hated each other from the moment they met while chasing an EF2 in Arkansas– their feud only grew each time their paths crossed.
Anderson was grinning at you through the window as soon as his van rolled by. You did your best to avert your gaze– hoping that lack of eye contact would avoid any sort of conversation.
Unfortunately, you weren’t so lucky.
“There she is,” he announced, boots scuffing against the dirt parking lot as he hopped out from the driver’s seat.
“Now what're you doin’ out here all by yourself? Your team finally leave you behind? Realized they didn’t need two uni drop outs on their team?” he asked, tone already dripping in sarcasm.
He was an antagonizer who got off on provoking others. And although you and Anderson had your fair share of unpleasant exchanges, you knew he only ever bothered you to get under Tyler’s skin.
Tyler’s biggest weakness was that he was endlessly protective of the people he loved. You saw this particular trait as a strength– but you knew that Anderson fed off Tyler's anger, which you could only imagine was his intention now. Thankfully Tyler was in the diner– hopefully gorging on raspberry pancakes as you spoke. Because if he were to see Anderson talking to you– you knew this whole interaction would escalate quickly.
“Anderson,” you sighed, leaning casually against the hood of Tyler’s truck. The smile you forced on your face was almost painful. “So lovely to see you, as always.”
You hoped if you withheld from his taunting, he might move on quicker.
Instead, to your despair, he backtracked from his van to stand across from you. “You guys go ahead,” he instructed his crew. “I’m gonna spend some time with my friend here.”
They nodded before heading towards the diner, leaving the two of you alone.
“You should teach that hillbilly- boyfriend of yours some manners. If I remember correctly, last time I saw him, he drove through a puddle to splash me.”
You bit back a grin as you recalled the moment he was referring to. “I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose,” you lied (it was absolutely on purpose).
Anderson chuckled. “You know– I don’t know if we’ve ever had a conversation just us, without him lingering around. You’re much more pleasant. Both in conversation and in looks.”
You felt a chill run down the length of your spine at his words– but the way he was looking at you was infinitely worse. You watched as his eyes flickered from your face to your chest– currently more exposed than you would like in the tanktop you wore in the stifling Oklahoma heat. You wished you had grabbed a shirt to cover up in– but they were all either dirty and packed away somewhere in your duffel.
Clearing your throat, you stood up straight and crossed your arms, attempting to shield yourself from his lingering gaze.
“Oh, hey now darlin’, don’t cover up. I’ve been stuck in the van all day with these jokers, this is the most action I’ve gotten all summer.”
You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as you tried desperately to remain level headed. Anderson was a jerk– and he’d definitely make you uncomfortable… but you couldn’t imagine that he’d ever actually do anything to harm you.
Then again, you’d never interacted with him for longer than a minute or two with Tyler and the rest of the crew at your side. This was uncharted territory that you didn’t care to explore. You felt your earlier determination to handle him on your own fade away with uneasiness.
You turned your head towards the diner, hoping you might catch Tyler’s gaze through the window or something. Of course you were too far away for that– all you caught was the glare from the sun.
“You know I’m not used to seeing you in clothes like this, usually you’re all covered up,” Anderson whistled.
As soon as he took a step closer, you instinctively moved too. Except your legs collided with Tyler’s truck– preventing you from actually going anywhere. For some dumb reason, you felt obligated to hold your ground– to not let him see how uncomfortable he was really making you. But with each passing comment, you grew more and more fearful.
Anderson now had his body angled towards you with a look that could only be described as predatorial. “God, it’s true you don’t know what you’re missin’ til you see it. We should have these heat waves more often if it means I get to take a look at this every day.”
You tried and failed to remain stoic. You wanted to yell– to tell him to shut the fuck up. But for some reason, your body and brain weren’t connecting.
“C’mon, where is she?” he taunted. “You know, your sweet side has its perks. But I much prefer ‘em a little spicy.”
He took another few steps closer to you. It was subtle, but you noticed. Anderson was so obviously getting a kick out of whatever the hell he was doing here, and you were doing a piss-poor job at withholding from it, like you’d originally planned.
“Why don’t you come on back in my van with me,” he winked. “I’m not sure how your hillbilly does it, but I can show ya a real good time.”
Get away from me, you wanted to scream. But your mouth wouldn’t move– your voice was lost somewhere inside of you. And all you could get your body to do was lean away from him slightly.
“Don’t be like that, darlin’,” he cooed. He was so close that you could almost smell his breath. Your brain told you to fight– to shove or kick or do something to get him away from you. But all those previous instincts you had to fight back faded into paralyzing fear.
Anderson reached across the space between you to move a loose strand of hair from your face as you began to tremble. “And don’t be afraid, baby doll. I don’t bite… too hard. Owens ain’t gotta know–”
Your head snapped at the sound of a familiar voice… Not just any familiar voice– Tyler’s voice. He was currently storming across the parking lot with a look of pure hatred across his face. The second his eyes landed on you– undoubtedly and obviously terrified, that anger only intensified.
“Get the fuck away from her,” he demanded. His eyes were narrowed and shockingly darker than their normal shade of sage.
“Here he is!” Anderson taunted. “Her douche bag in shining armor.”
You couldn’t help but notice Anderson didn’t step away. In fact, if anything, he looked like he was about to step closer, just to really test his limits. But then, to your relief, you saw Boone, Dani, and Lily storming out of the diner in Tyler’s wake– all coming to your rescue.
In an instant, Tyler was there, stepping between you and Anderson– forming the protective barrier you needed to finally feel safe again. Without thinking, you fisted the back of Tyler’s T-shirt for good measure.
“Easy, Rambo,” Anderson sneered. “I was just tellin’ your sweetheart here how much I enjoy her new look. Who knew she had all this hidin’ under those baggy shirts? That the reason you keep her hangin’ around, Owens? I knew she had to be good for something–”
But Anderson didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. Because before you knew what was happening, Tyler was lunging forward and connecting his fist with Anderson’s nose.
The crack as it broke was deafening, you released Tyler’s shirt to cover your mouth in shock. Tyler hit him with enough force that he went staggering back a few steps, his hands instantly moving to cup his face.
Tyler was still shaking off his hand when Anderson stood up straight, blood pouring out of both nostrils.
“Damn, that bitch must be as good as she looks if she’s worth all this,” Anderson continued to taunt. Even with a broken nose, he didn’t back down.
Without even hesitating, Tyler moved to strike again. But as soon as he did, Boone and Dani were both stepping in front of him to break things up.
“Easy, T–” Boone said.
“Stay the fuck away from her,” Tyler snarled in warning, pointing his finger over Boone’s shoulder. You’d never quite heard his voice so malicious or threatening before, and even though it was in your defense, it sent shivers down your spine.
Suddenly, Lily grabbed your hand from the side, causing you to flinch. “It’s okay,” she said, tugging you a few steps away from the chaos– like she knew how badly you needed space from everything. “You alright?”
You nodded, flustered.
“Next time you want to settle this without your little army of strays, you let me know, Owens. And next time you want a good time, Y/N, you know where to find me,” Anderson said, offering you a wink that churned your stomach. With that, he wiped some blood from his nose and began sauntering back towards his van.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Tyler snarled, still being physically held back by Dani and Boone.
“Yeah, and he’d deserve it. But he’s not worth catchin’ a charge,” Boone said. “It’s been a slow season and we don’t got the kind of money to bail you out of jail.”
“Take a breath, T,” Dani said. “He’s walkin’ away. Take a breath.”
You watched Tyler slowly come back to his body. He listened to Dani and took a deep breath– his shoulders visibly relaxing when he exhaled. It seemed to be enough for his friends to finally release him.
As soon as he was free from their grasp, Tyler turned around– his attention landing on you. “Are you okay?” he asked, his previously menacing voice now laced with so much care and concern. He stood in front of you– his body blocking all views of Anderson and their vans. His hands moved to cup your cheeks gently.
“I’m fine,” you said, attempting to convince yourself more than anyone else. But even you knew it didn’t sound convincing. Your voice subtly cracked on the final word.
Tyler stroked his thumb along your skin. The look on his face told you he didn’t quite believe you as his eyes flickered down to your trembling hands. Thankfully he didn’t ask more.
“I gotta say that was a nasty right hook, T,” Boone said, clapping Tyler on the back as he approached. “I didn’t know you had it in ya.”
“What’d that asshat say to you?” Lily asked. “You looked really shaken up when we saw you out the diner window.”
“Nothing,” you mumbled, too embarrassed to repeat his taunts. You were shocked by how self-conscious you suddenly felt with everyone’s eyes on you. Anderson’s previous words had made you incredibly aware of every inch of yourself– like there was an electrical current humming underneath the surface of your skin.
“Just the usual shit,” you tried to brush it off.
You felt grateful when they didn’t push.
Eventually, the crew disassembled– everyone focused on getting their stuff together to hit the road again. Anderson didn’t reemerge from his van, but as you sat idly in the passenger seat of Tyler’s truck, you didn’t take your eyes off from where it was parked– like you were anticipating some sort of retaliation.
You remained hidden from the team– feeling so awkward and uncomfortable– like you didn’t want to be perceived or noticed by anyone. And you hated that Anderson’s words were the ones to make you feel that way. You couldn’t find any shirts in your duffel bag that weren’t disgusting. And currently you didn’t have the time or patience to dig through your second bag in the RV. So instead, you wrapped your arms awkwardly over your chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible just as Tyler climbed into the front seat.
“Everyone else is riding in the RV, it’s just us,” he said, eyes lingering on you.
“Okay,” you said, trying your best to sound casual. You wondered if he ordered everyone in the RV so that you’d feel more comfortable. You made a mental note to thank him for that later, he was always so good at reading between the lines.
Tyler instantly noticed your uneasiness. “Baby, what’d he say to you?”
You shrugged, refusing to meet his gaze out of sheer embarrassment. “I mean, I think you caught the gist of it at the end there… Just a lot of that.”
You heard his loud exhale. “Just say the word and I’ll barge into that stupid van and kill him right now.”
The corner of your lip tugged into a small smile. “I just want you to stay here,” you admitted.
He nodded solemnly. Without another word, Tyler passed you something he had scrunched up in his fist. It was one of his T-shirts– like he knew you wanted to cover up without even having to say it. You took the shirt– the thanks you wanted to offer him remained stuck in your throat, but Tyler didn’t seem to mind.
Instead, he pretended to fiddle with the radio while you silently slipped the shirt on. Almost instantly, you felt like you could relax underneath the fabric of his clothes.
You curled your arms around yourself and tucked your knees to your chest. When Tyler asked if you were ready to head out, you nodded without another word.
It was only seven when you arrived at the motel. Tyler went into the lobby to book the rooms while everyone else hung back. Boone and Lily were going on and on about using the pool later that night, but once you’d grabbed your bags from the truck, you sort of tuned it all out.
Tyler found you sitting on the curb once he’d passed out everyone else’s room keys. He picked up your duffel from the ground before speaking for the first time in almost an hour.
“You ready for bed?”
You nodded, offering him your best attempt at a convincing smile.
“C’mon,” he motioned his head to the left. “We’re upstairs.”
Tyler led the way to your room– and even though this was a dingy motel, you’d never seen anything more perfect. The shades were dark, the AC worked, and there was a single, plush-looking queen bed in the middle of the room just screaming your name.
Tyler let you shower first. And when you emerged from the bathroom, all the sweat and grime finally washed from your skin, he was gone. But in his place, he’d laid out one of his T-shirts and a pair of his boxers on the bed for you to use. You almost teared up at the sight of just how thoughtful he was… Still reading between the lines.
You’d spent the entire duration of your shower trying to convince yourself that what had happened earlier wasn’t that big of a deal. Anderson was a jerk– of course he was going to say some jerk-ish things. It shouldn’t have been a surprise– and yet, you couldn’t shake the discomfort you felt. It was like all the words he’d said to you had nestled underneath your skin and made a home for themselves.
In an attempt to shake the thoughts away, you quickly shrugged on Tyler’s clothes before sitting on the edge of the bed and wrapping your arms around yourself.
Almost as soon as you sat down, you heard the front door to the motel open up. Tyler stepped into the room carrying his own bag and a couple of water bottles he must’ve grabbed for the two of you.
“Better?” he asked, handing you one.
You nodded and cracked it open. “Much.”
Tyler sighed before joining you on the edge of the bed. “Baby, are you sure you’re okay?”
“I-” you started and then stopped. Your hands were shaking, but you jumped when you felt Tyler’s hand close around yours, steadying them. His touch gave you just an ounce of courage to speak.
“It wasn’t even anything that bad–” you admitted. “I meant it earlier, you heard the worst of it… I just, I don't know, I can't explain it. But everything he said made me feel so gross… and dirty, and…” And, well, you didn’t quite know what else. Words were hard to come by tonight.
“Oh, baby,” Tyler exhaled. He released your hand to wind his arm around your shoulders, tugging you to his chest instead.
It wasn’t until he shushed you that you even realized you were crying, but it came out in a rush. You clung to him, instantly impressed by his ability to just make you feel so much safer.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he assured you, only squeezing tighter.
“I don’t know why this bothered me so much–”
“Because Anderson is an asshole and he intentionally said some gross shit to shake you up,” he answered for you. “You’re allowed to be upset by that.”
You exhaled against his shirt, and when you licked your lips, you tasted salt.
“I’m the sorry one,” he said.
“What?” you shook your head. “You don’t have to be sorry–”
“I should have been there.”
“You were there,” you reminded him. “Unless I blacked out or something and I was really the one who punched him in the nose…”
Tyler chuckled softly, you felt the vibration against your chest– instantly soothing you.
You sighed after a moment, trying to decide if you wanted to share what was really bothering you. You bit the inside of your cheek. It was so tempting to keep it to yourself, but more tempting than that was the idea of finally feeling a little more at ease again after just telling Tyler the truth.
“I just–” you paused again. “I–”
“Hey,” he said. You looked up at him briefly. “It’s just me.”
That was the problem– it was Tyler. And you didn’t want Tyler thinking less of you because of what had happened.
“I didn’t fight back,” you said quietly. “I just froze up– it was like I couldn’t even think straight. And he kept going and going, and I just stood there– taking it.”
Tyler ran his hand up and down your arm reassuringly. “What are you talking about?”
“It just felt like…” your voice tapered off.
Tyler waited a moment before asking gently, “Like what?”
“It just felt like I didn’t do anything to stop it,” you whispered so quietly you weren’t even sure he’d heard you. “Like I let it happen.”
“Baby,” Tyler sighed. “Baby, no. Anderson is such a jackass, it wouldn’t have mattered what you said–”
“But I could have told him to get the fuck away from me–”
“You were just trying to keep yourself safe. Baby, we can’t control how we react when we’re scared. It’s fight or flight–”
“Or freeze,” you mumbled, embarrassed.
“Or freeze. I’m pretty sure fawning is one too, now,” he said. “But it doesn’t matter– what matters is you can’t control that you froze. Just like–”
“Just like you couldn’t control punching him in the face?” you asked.
You glanced up just in time to see Tyler’s lips tug into a smile. “Exactly,” he said.
“I just wish my fear reaction was a little more effective,” you pouted. “Freezing didn’t do much.”
You let your eyes fall shut when Tyler tugged you closed to his chest. “I guess it’s a good thing you have a douchebag in shining armor to come help whenever you need it,” he smirked.
“Thanks for protecting me,” you said quietly.
“I’ll always protect you, you know that,” he said, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head.
You smiled against his chest. You really did know that. “And thanks for punching him in the nose.”
Tyler snorted. “Anderson’s had that coming for a long time.”
#twisters#twisters imagine#tyler owens imagine#tyler owens fic#tyler owens x reader#tyler owens x reader imagine#tyler owens x reader fic#twisters x reader fic#twisters fic
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~4k words, KAMPFyre Part 2, smut
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I don’t see the issue. I feel like it actually worked.”
“Oh my God!” Karina shouted, her voice brimming with exasperation. “How do you not realize that this guy basically just convinced you to give him a blowjob?”
“He seemed really kind, though,” Winter pleaded, starting to get embarrassed. “He did it to help me.”
“Help you? You realize it makes no sense, right? Letting a guy cum down your throat isn’t going to help your vocals.”
“He said it did, and I believe him,” Winter muttered quietly, looking down at her feet.
“Yeah?” Karina scoffed, crossing her arms. “Did he also say you’d dance better if he fucked you?”
“No! He never tried to force anything like that!” Winter argued back. “I’m not stupid.”
“So it was just a blowjob? That’s a relief at least,” Karina sighed, letting her arms fall to the side. “At least you didn’t do anything really stupid.”
“Y-Yeah, just a blowjob,” Winter lied, avoiding eye contact with her bandmate. “Please don’t tell anyone else.”
“Come here,” Karina said while pulling Winter into a hug. “I won’t tell anyone. In the future, be more careful, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” Winter whispered.
“It’s fine, no one else will find out,” Karina reassured her while patting her back. “It’s in his best interest to keep this a secret, not that anyone would believe him even if he did speak up.”
“I’m really dumb, aren’t I?” Winter asked while standing up, pouting at Karina.
“No, you’re not really dumb,” Karina sighed. “It’s fine, you learned a lesson, that doesn’t make you dumb.”
Winter nodded, feeling a bit better about the whole ordeal.
“So, how’d it taste?” Karina asked casually.
“What? I’m not answering that!” Winter replied angrily.
“Come on, what’s done is done,” Karina chuckled. “We might as well talk about it now, it was your first blowjob, right?”
“Yeah, my first.”
“So how was it? It’s honestly kinda exciting,” Karina pushed. “I still remember mine.”
“You go first,” Winter said, her face getting warm.
“Well, he didn’t last very long at all,” Karina said, thinking back. “He wouldn’t stop apologizing for finishing in my mouth so quickly.”
“Did you like the taste?” Winter asked, her curiosity taking over.
“I loved it,” Karina gushed. “I let him play with my tits for like two minutes, and then as soon as my lips hit his cock he filled my mouth. He barely lasted thirty seconds.”
“Wow,” Winter sighed. “Mine took… a bit more effort.”
Karina cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t feel bad, every guy is different,” she added. “You got there eventually, not every girl can do that.”
“Yeah…” Winter exhaled. “I don’t think it tasted bad, but it felt so weird.”
“You’re just not used to it,” Karina laughed. “Since apparently you love giving random dudes blowjobs now, maybe you’ll find someone whose taste you like.”
“Hey! I don’t,” Winter whined while angrily walking away.
“Where are you going, I was kidding!” Karina shouted after her.
“Going for a walk,” Winter mumbled before leaving the room.
Karina sat there with her eyes squinted at the door, suspicious of what Winter was getting up to, debating internally whether or not she should follow after her.
“I can’t believe that happened,” Karina whispered softly while returning her attention to her phone.
“I can’t believe that happened,” you muttered to yourself, still in absolute shock as you sat on the couch, scrolling your phone to find out more about Aespa. Apparently they were quite popular, which made sense seeing as how they were closing. Winter also had a bandmate who caught your eye, Karina - she was stunning.
Suddenly, there was a very aggressive knock on the door. You got up, quickly running your hand through your hair and fixing your clothes to look presentable. As soon as you opened it, you were pushed back into the room.
“Did you lie?” Winter demanded, glaring at you.
“Lie about what?”
“You know what I’m talking about,” she hissed, her angry expression being unintentionally adorable. “The load thing, was it all made up?”
“Winter, you agreed to do it,” you argued, trying to calm her down. “It was my first time hearing about the… technique… but I think it actually did work.”
Her expression suddenly softened a bit.
“Do you mean that?”
“Yeah, I do,” you lied while grabbing her hand. “What got into you? Just a bit ago you were so excited and happy about it.”
“I told one of my friends,” Winter sighed, slouching her shoulders. “She basically called me an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” you said kindly, pushing her hair back over her ear. “I’m sorry if you feel like I tricked you, that wasn’t my intention.”
“I told her that!” Winter said, her spirits lifting. “I really don’t think you did either. I’m sorry for this, I think I’m just super nervous about tonight.”
“Hey don’t worry about it, I completely understand.”
After a bit of an awkward pause where the two of you simply stood there holding hands, Winter spoke up again.
“Did you really like my voice more afterwards?”
“I did,” you answered, despite not noticing any difference. “I don’t know how I can make you believe it.”
“You don’t have to, I believe you already,” she smiled warmly at you. “I just knew I could trust you.”
“Uh, yeah,” you were starting to feel guilty. This girl was unbelievably naive and it was starting to weigh on you.
“Could I ask another favor of you?” Winter asked, stepping closer to you.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Do you think I could try again?”
This had to be a joke - you were almost convinced there were hidden cameras watching you now.
“What do you mean ‘try again’?” you clarified, reluctant to jump to any conclusions.
“Well, my friend told me she could make a guy cum just by touching her lips to his cock, I want to learn how,” Winter explained as she dropped down to her knees in front of you. “Could you please guide me?”
“I don’t know if this is right,” you hesitated as Winter began unbuckling your pants.
“Why not? You were happy to help me earlier without thinking twice about it,” Winter argued. “What will it take to get more help?”
“It’s not like that, I want to help,” you answered. “But if we got caught, or if you told anyone again, I’d get in so much trouble.”
“Please,” Winter begged. “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
“As much as I want to believe it, you did just tell me that you told your friend.”
“I’m sorry, she won’t tell anyone else, please!” Winter begged, she almost looked like she was about to cry.
“Okay okay, it’s fine,” you calmed her down, if she was this desperate to suck your cock then who were you to say no. “Alright, go lock the door and then take off your clothes,” you instructed her.
Unable to believe this was about to happen, you walked over to the couch and sat down. Winter quickly ran over to you and wasted no time in stripping down to her underwear.
“Do you want me to take it all off?” she asked eagerly as she unbuckled her bra, tossing it to the side.
“Yeah, it’ll be better that way.”
She nodded and dropped her panties down, picking them off up off the floor and placing them on top of the pile of her clothes.
“Here,” you tossed a pillow onto the floor between your legs.
Winter dropped to her knees in front of you, eagerly waiting for your next instruction. You pulled your pants down to your ankles
“Start by using your tongue,” you suggested.
She nodded her head and leaned forward, sticking her tongue out and giving your shaft a lick. It was adorable how she licked up and down your shaft, not knowing exactly what to do, but doing it so passionately.
“Good, keep going,” you encouraged her.
The girl kept working, licking each side of your cock. Up and down she licked, spreading her saliva all over. Then she started working your tip, licking circles around it.
“Oh yeah Winter, you’re getting good at that,” you moaned, closing your eyes as her tongue coated your cock. “Lick my balls too.”
She was definitely a great listener. Without a moment’s delay, you felt her soft tongue press against your nuts, licking every single bit of skin. She put them into your mouth, still licking them while she sucked with all her strength.
“Good fucking girl,” you moaned again. “Now try taking my whole cock down your throat.”
This was something you had to see. You opened your eyes back up as she lifted her body up slightly to get a better angle. She took a deep breath before engulfing half of your cock and then pausing.
“You got this,” you encouraged her as she struggled to go deeper. “Come on.”
She was pushing as hard as she could, her face getting slightly red. She got about three quarters of the way down your shaft before pulling it out and gasping for air.
“I can’t, it’s like there’s a wall,” she coughed, a trail of saliva connecting her lips to your cock still.
“It just takes practice, try again,” you reassured her gently. “Whenever you’re ready.”
She wiped the back of her mouth with her hand and took another deep breath. After giving you a look of determination, she once again turned her attention to your cock, this time immediately plunging back down to the same depth she reached last time.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped, watching her mouth stretch as she tried her hardest to push down.
It felt fucking amazing having her struggling to take your cock. The willingness was what really did it for you. Without thinking, you placed a hand on the back of her head and gave her a small push. Your cock went deeper down her neck for a moment before she immediately pulled back.
“I’m sor-”
“I did it!” she cheered. “It felt like the wall just disappeared for a second, I guess I just needed a small push! Thank you!”
“N-No problem,” you stammered, taken aback by her reaction. “Here, come up here.”
Winter got up off her knees and climbed onto the couch so that she was on her knees next to you, bending over your crotch.
“Try to relax your neck,” you instructed her as you grabbed her head with your hands and guided her back to your cock. “I’m going to help you, just let it happen.”
“Mhmm,” Winter agreed, her mouth already filled with your cock.
She moved up and down a couple of times on her own as you gave her a moment to adjust to the new position. After a few more, you pressed your hand down against the back of her head, forcing your cock down her throat.
This time, she managed to make it all the way down before launching back up and coughing. Before you could ask if she was alright, she had already pushed her mouth onto your cock. Again, you pressed the back of her head until she went all the way down, but this time she didn’t pull out - she moved back about halfway before pushing back down onto your cock.
“Oh fuck yes Winter,” you moaned loudly. “Now you got it.”
It went on for a few minutes where nothing but the sound of Winter gagging on your cock could be heard in the room. She’d pull back halfway, then push down all the way with the help of your hand. With each consecutive thrust, you felt less and less need to push with your hand - It was starting to get easier for her.
At this point, you were barely pushing the back of her head. You started to push your hips upwards, matching her pace so that each time she plunged down onto your cock you would shove your hips into her mouth.
Your free hand began to explore her body, reaching over and grabbing a handful of her ass. You squeezed it hard, gave it a few slaps, but nothing stopped the girl from throating your cock again and again. She was determined and it showed.
“Holy fuck I’m getting close,” you gasped, feeling the pressure building up. “Wait, stop.”
Winter released your cock with a plop and turned her head sideways to look up at you.
“I thought you were getting close?” she asked innocently.
“I am, I want to do it properly,” you answered, standing up from the couch and getting in front of her. “I’m going to fuck your mouth until I cum, alright?”
She nodded eagerly, sitting down and looking up at you.
“You’re doing a fantastic job,” you complimented the girl as you brought your cock to her mouth.
She opened up with a smile before you shoved your cock into her mouth. Just like last time, you started to slam your cock into her mouth relentlessly. With a firm grip on her head with both of your hands, you started thrusting with all your energy, slamming your balls into her chin each time.
The intensity of it forced Winter to grab your thighs for support, but she held strong. She took your cock like a champ, not fighting against it at all, letting you use her throat for your own pleasure.
“I’m about to cum,” you warned her, a mere two seconds before it happened.
It wasn’t clear if she even heard you, but as soon as you felt it happen, you pushed your cock as deep down her throat as you could. You held her nose to your crotch, making sure she could feel each and every gush of cum launching out of your cock.
“Fuck yes,” you gasped, letting your cock empty itself into the cute girl’s mouth.
Once it finally felt thoroughly emptied, you let go of Winter’s head. She didn’t immediately release your cock, she slowly pulled back - it was reassuring to know that she wasn’t struggling. A bit of your cum spilled out of her mouth, sliding down her chin.
“Here, let’s not waste any,” you grabbed your cock and used it to scoop up any of the white mess that escaped her lips.
She gracefully opened her mouth to suck the cum off your tip until it was all clean. After swallowing as much as she could collect, she closed her eyes and sat there obediently as you began rubbing your cock all over her face.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
Instinctually you pulled your cock away from Winter’s face and turned around, covering your junk with your hands. In the doorway stood Karina, the girl you had looked up earlier, Winter’s bandmate.
“I thought I told you to lock the door,” you whispered to Winter.
“I thought I did!” she defended herself.
Karina closed the door behind her and walked into the room, right in front of the two of you. The anger in her eyes was somewhat terrifying, but it was difficult to not be blown away by her beauty even in this moment of anger.
“So, you’re the one lying to my friend?” Karina hissed, staring right into your eyes.
“He’s not lying to me,” Winter protested from the couch.
“Shut up,” Karina turned her attention to Winter. “And why the hell are you naked?”
Winter sheepishly crossed her arms and legs to cover up.
“No point covering up now, you have no dignity left to maintain,” Karina scolded her. “And you, why are you also trying to cover up? Come on, move your hands, you clearly have no shame.”
It was odd, you couldn’t explain why you listened to her, but you moved your arms aside so that your messy cock was in the open. Perhaps it was because Karina was so fucking beautiful, you just had to listen to her. As she took a look at it, she seemed to pause for a second, losing her train of thought momentarily before snapping back into reality.
“So who’s going to explain what the fuck is going on here.”
“It was my idea,” Winter mumbled from the couch. “I was jealous of what you said, I wanted to get better at it.”
The tone in the room immediately shifted. Karina crouched down next to Winter, wearing a soft expression on her face.
“Hey,” Karina put a hand on Winter’s thigh. “I didn’t tell you that stuff to make you feel bad, it’s not a competition.”
“If it was, I’d be losing.”
“It’s not,” Karina repeated herself.
“And I know you think I’m stupid for thinking swallowing cum helps my voice,” Winter continued, the sadness felt in each syllable of her words. “But I really believe it.”
“I…” Karina looked torn, not knowing how to tell her friend she was an idiot while also not hurting her feelings. “Look, I don’t think you’re stupid for believing it, maybe it does work for some people, and maybe you’re one of those people. I don’t think it’s dumb to try.”
“You really mean it?” Winter looked up at Karina with hopeful eyes.
“Yeah, it can’t hurt to try, right?” Karina smiled back at Winter.
“Did you want to try?” you asked, suddenly feeling audacious enough to take the opportunity at hand. You wanted to see how far this beauty of a girl would go to make her friend feel better. “Maybe it works for you, too?”
Before Karina could even speak, Winter lit up in excitement.
“That’s a great idea!” Winter cheered. “Like you said, it can’t hurt to try! And then I could also learn how it’s done properly!”
“W-What…” Karina began to stammer. She was stuck and she knew it.
This felt like a fever dream. Standing there with your rock hard cock out while this drop-dead gorgeous girl consoled her nude friend. It made literally no sense. What made even less sense was what Karina decided to do next.
“I… guess I could…” she sighed, gasping as Winter jumped up from the couch and hugged her.
“Thank you for believing!”
“No problem…” Karina answered half-heartedly while she glared at you over Winter’s shoulder.
After letting go of Karina, Winter got up and sat on the couch where you joined her. Karina slowly dropped down to her knees, lifting her arms up behind her head to tie her hair into a bun. Your cock was already itching to blow again, and you tried to mentally prepare for what was about to happen, but you knew already there was no chance you’d be able to last very long.
Winter watched intently as Karina began to lean forward, giving you a clear view of her very deep cleavage. Karina didn’t even bother using her hands, she brought her lips to your tip and slowly parted them, engulfing your cock slowly.
The way she slowly inched your cock down her throat in its entirety made you realize immediately that this girl knew what she was doing. Just as slowly as she swallowed your whole cock, she moved back up until only your tip was in her mouth. She licked at your hole a couple of times before slowly going back down your cock.
Winter was in shock, watching her friend take your entire length with ease. You almost felt bad as you were reminded of how much the girl was gagging on your cock just moments ago, but those feelings lasted barely seconds as Karina’s mouth was taking over all your senses.
Just as you predicted, this was going to be fast. As Karina bobbed up and down your cock, you could feel the pressure building up already - It was almost embarrassing. She started to move faster, steadily increasing her speed, consistently taking your entire length down her throat with each pump.
Karina’s lips made a tight seal around your cock. Perfect, it meant not a single drop of cum would be wasted. She kept her lips tight, up and down your cock, using her tongue every time she came back up to coax your load out of you. It was working - much faster than your prediction even.
The thought of warning her as you were about to blow crossed your mind, but when you remembered that sexy glare of hers from earlier, you decided against it. You’d probably feel bad about it, however right now everything felt right. She was fucking amazing at sucking your cock.
One final little lick of your tip was all it took. You started unloading ropes down her throat. Karina jolted as the first spurt shot into her mouth, but just as you predicted, she kept her lips tight around your shaft. By the time your second and third shots of cum surged out of your tip, Karina had already pushed her mouth down your cock. She held her mouth at your base until you finished unloading.
Then, as slowly as physically possible, she began lifting her mouth off your cock. She stared at you with that burning passion in her eyes, those unrealistically beautiful eyes, before tilting her head back slightly and parting her lips, showing you all the fresh cum on her tongue.
Winter squealed in excitement, covering her mouth and watching intently as Karina then closed her mouth again. In one singular motion, Karina swallowed, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.
“That was so impressive,” Winter gushed, in awe at what her friend just did. “Can I try again?”
It took great effort to not burst out laughing at the absurdity of her words, but you held it together. You leaned back into the couch, breathing heavily as your cock softened in front of Karina’s face, finally receiving some much-needed rest.
“Not now, you need to go get ready,” Karina replied to Winter’s request while keeping her eyes locked on you.
Winter quickly hopped off the couch and started putting her clothes back on. Even though you could see her in your periphery, your eyes were fixated on Karina. The two of you stared at each other, it wasn’t entirely clear what was going on in her head.
“Are you not coming?” Winter asked after getting dressed.
“You go, I’ll catch up in a minute,” Karina said, still staring at you.
No more words were spoken until Winter left the room and closed the door behind her. The pause felt like an eternity, only being broken up by the sound of your deep breaths.
“A warning would have been nice,” Karina broke the silence casually.
That was not what you expected. You thought she’d be mad at you or threaten you or yell at you or all of the above.
“My bad, I was lost in the moment,” you responded, equally casually. “You’re pretty good at that, by the way.”
“I know,” Karina commented confidently.
There was a moment of awkward silence between the two of you.
“So…” you began to speak before Karina cut you off.
“What are you doing after the show?”
Random inspiration, wrote this in basically one evening. I know it's not super long or anything, but this mini series is very much just a fun side project! I don't know exactly why I find so much enjoyment in writing such a ridiculous scenario, but hopefully someone else enjoys this silliness as much as I do.
Karina is very hot. Bit of a cliffhanger at the end I guess, but I'll just confirm now; Whenever I do get to writing the next part, it will probably be very Karina heavy. I don't know, I'm just on a bit of a Karina high lately.
#kpop smut#male reader#aespa smut#aespa winter smut#aespa karina smut#kpop fanfic#smut#winter#karina#aespa
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hello may i request a logan x reader fic where they co-parent and take care of laura? it can be in an au where laura goes to school but she keeps getting herself into fights and stuff. Just thought it’ll be cute to see a family dynamic between them hehe
little family | old man logan
an: keep the old man logan requests coming 😫 i love dilfs
mutant!reader (again, same as logan 😍)
You were at work at the local library when you got a call about Laura. The young girl had gotten into another fight. She was truly a spitting image of her father. You apologized to your manager and excused yourself so you could go meet Logan at the school. Your relationship with Logan had come to an end, but you still cared deeply for each other and for Laura.
You finally made it to the school parking lot where you coincidentally parked next to Logan’s car. You headed inside the school and from the entrance you could hear loud talking coming from the main office. It was Logan’s voice so you followed it.
Laura sat outside the main office in the chairs that were neatly arranged in a row. She looked at you then ran to you in need of her mother.
“Are you hurt?” You crouched down to her level and inspected her face for cuts or bruises.
Laura shook her head. “No.”
“Was the boy being mean again?” Laura had told you about a boy that kept picking on her. Laura nodded.
You were glad she wasn’t injured. Now it was the principal you had to deal with. You told Laura to stay outside while you confronted the principal.
“How are you sure that Laura was the one to start the fight? The other kid could’ve swung first!” Logan raised his voice.
“Sir, this is the fourth grade. No kid should be ‘swinging’ their fists in the first place. We suggest you and your wife talk to Laura and perhaps look into other schools. Her teacher described her as unhinged and we can’t have—” the principal said.
“Excuse me?” You spoke. All eyes were on you now. Laura had poked her head into the office wanting to see what was going to happen. “Laura is perfectly fine. She doesn’t need this school. Don’t ever talk about my daughter like that ever again.”
Logan could see your claws slowly coming out of your knuckle as you approached the counter. He held you back by grabbing your wrist. “Let’s go.”
Just as Logan was guiding you out the door, the principal spoke again. “What is wrong with you people?!”
“Fuck off!” You and Logan shouted at her as you exited the office, Laura followed you with a small smile on her face.
Your little family of three headed outside. You were sure Logan wasn’t bringing her back to school. Maybe it was time to homeschool Laura. . .
“I can take her if you want to go back to work.” Logan said, taking out a flask from his jacket. He never really did care about school anyway.
“It’s fine. You can go back.” He exhaled, putting the flask back in his jacket.
“Actually, why don’t we go get ice cream? We haven’t done that in a while.” You suggested. Laura immediately turned to Logan and started pulling at his jacket. She loved going out with you and Logan for ice cream.
“Yeah . . . That’s . . Yeah, we could do that.”
So Logan drove in his car while you drove yours with Laura in the passenger seat to the nearest ice cream shop. At the shop, you told them about all the workplace drama and some new books you thought Laura might.
“You three are such a lovely family!” An elderly woman gushed when she saw you. “How long have you and your husband been married? I just celebrated fifty five.”
Before you could correct her about your marital status, Logan spoke up.
“Twenty five years, although it feels as if we’ve been married all this time.” He grabbed your hand from under the table and squeezed it.
“How adorable.” The woman said before saying goodbye and leaving the shop.
Laura looked at you and Logan with a smirk.As she was about to say something, Logan quickly stopped her.
“Just shut up and eat your ice cream, kid.” All you and Laura did was laugh. You loved your little family to death.
#marvel fluff#marvel x reader#logan howlett oneshot#wolverine fluff#wolverine x reader#logan howlett imagine#old man logan#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett#wolverine fanfiction#wolverine#x men#x men imagine
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What you've been missing || Worst!Logan x Reader
summary: Logan has found work at a local pet shelter but the last person he expects to see is his very cute neighbor looking for a new cat.
warnings: sad cat backstory, fluff, swearing
a/n: Here's pet shelter logan!! I'm ngl I almost started crying writing this because I want a cat so fucking bad but my dad is allergic and I still live at home so I can't get one. Also it made me think of this one senior cat I saw and I wanted so bad I cried to my boyfriend for days. Anyways I hope lives up to the og idea blurb I had. I've been feeling a little down and wanted to write something cute for a change.
"Hey watch the claws bub." Logan glares at his attacker. The one who stuck their sharp little claws into his leg as they climb his body like a tree.
The adorable orange cat looks up at him with innocent little eyes. The cutest he's ever seen. Sighing he takes the cat in one hand and places her on his shoulder.
"This is why the others think I play favorites Jeanie." he mumbles. She just purrs happily, rubbing her head against Logan's and taking her place on his wide shoulders.
This really isn't how Logan expected to spend his time. But getting pulled into a new universe meant he was starting from square one and that meant he needed a job and money. Bad. If he ever wanted to get his own place so he didn't have to wake up and see Wade walking around in nothing while making breakfast. Most places were unsure about hiring a man like Logan.
Until he stumbled upon a local pet shelter. Yeah he's not exactly what anyone would think when they thought animal rescue but the animals loved him and this shelter desperately needed help. Plus Logan always got along better with animals than humans. Logan was primarily put in charge of the cats. Feeding, changing their litter box, and playing with them.
Logan understood the cats and they seemed to understand him. They wouldn't hiss or scratch him out of fear, they inherently trusted him. He found himself a little home. He could escape the world and just be around the animals.
"Where are my babies?" He hears Wades voice come from the other room. Logan rolls his eyes as he walks in with a big bag of cat food on his other shoulder.
"There you are Shopping cart and Totino's pizza rolls." Wade scratches the two cats heads. Surprise surprise he named them.
Though as soon as they hear Logan walk in they abandon Wade without a second thought. Logan slices open the bag and pours food into each bowl. The cats scramble to eat, doesn't matter if you had fed them an hour ago they're always happy for food.
"Jeanie, you gotta eat bub." Logan raises his hand and gently pets her head. But her claws dig deep into his shirt.
"Alright come on," Logan he grabs a can of cat food and walks into an empty room.
The sound of it opening makes her ears perk up. Logan gently takes her off his shoulder and places her on the table next to the canned food. He watches as she sniffs it, taking a few small bites before looking back at him.
"More than that." He scolds and she just meows back.
"Please?" She takes one more small bite before abandoning the food and curling up by his side.
Logan sighs, pushing his hair back as takes her in his arms. Jeanie was a surrendered cat. Logan hadn't been here long when she was brought in. Her owner was an old lady who had passed away and her kids couldn't keep Jeanie.
The first week was really hard. She was sad, lonely, and would barely touch her food and water. At first Logan let the more experienced staff deal with her but she just wouldn't budge. Eventually he gave it a shot, talking to her and pushing some nice wet food towards her. To everyone's shock she actually responded to Logan. Peeking her head out of her cage and giving even sniffing his hand.
Since then she really only responded to Logan. Following him around and giving him all her love and attention. She was a mature cat, not as cute as the kittens that most people scooped up right away. It did hurt Logan just a little to see her be passed up because of her age, but Logan did enjoy getting to see her everyday. Still, he knows that with Mary Puppins at home he can't adopt her.
Suddenly the door opens and Jeanie scurries back up to Logan's shoulder.
"Logan, I have a 1:30 appointment and Kathy isn't here so I need you to cover her." Penny begs, she's the one who runs the shelter. She gave Logan the job and he does owe her, but he's never been good with customers.
"I don't know, not exactly a people person." He mumbles but she just rolls her eyes, grabbing his wrist and drags him out of the room. Well kind of, it's hard to pull a 300lb man with a metal skeleton.
"Just one appointment. Show them some cats and see if they want to adopt. That's it."
"Okay," Logan agrees, hoping it's over quickly. He tries to put Jeanie down but she throws a fit, meowing loudly until he just gives up.
"Fine, but you keep it down when I'm talking alright?" He pushes open the door leading to the lobby and stops right in his tracks.
There you are sitting on the waiting room couch. Logan knows you. You live a couple apartments down from Wade. He's seen you in passing, catching whiffs of your shampoo in the elevator in the least creepy way ever. You've shared a few hellos but that's it.
The truth is Logan's pretty...well pretty. Your crush on him wasn't surprising in the slightest but you try and stay clear of him, hoping that it will go away so that you can actually talk to the man one day.
"Logan? I didn't know you worked here?" You say, shocked to see your hot neighbor here.
"Yeah, uh anyways you here to adopt a cat?" He asks awkwardly.
"I hope," You respond.
He nods his head and opens the door for you, putting his hand out as to say you first. Logan shows you a couple cats up for adopting, they're all adorable but none of them feel quite right. On the bright side they're kittens so you know they'll be adopted soon.
Logan remains relatively quiet as you say hi to each cat. Wade's been incredibly persistent about getting him to talk to you. Saying that only serial killers smell peoples hair in the elevator and to just pop a Viagra and talk to you. Pushing Wade's stupidly aside, he really doesn't know how to talk to you.
It's stupid, he used to be great at this kind of thing. Flirting was second nature to Logan but now he can barely think of a conversation starter. Plus you don't make it easy when your laugh is so hypnotizing and your smile is brighter than the moon.
"Who's this pretty girl?" Your voice breaks his thoughts. You're pointing to Jeanie who was still on his shoulder.
"Oh, this is Jeanie." She tilts her head at the sound of her name.
"She's so cute." You lift your hand up but Jeanie shrinks away. You immediately pull your hand back, afraid that you've upset her.
"Don't feel bad, she's not great with people."
"Reminds me of someone else I know." You joke. Logan raises an eyebrow, are you talking about him?
"Me, I was talking about me." You add on quickly.
"I've never really been great at making friends or just being around people." The truth is you're lonely.
You're tired of coming home to an empty cold apartment after work. Sure sometimes you go out with coworkers or old friends but it's not the same. You like being alone but you don't like to be lonely. Does that even make any sense? Not that you want to burden Logan with your problems.
"I wanted to adopt a cat because I wanted a friend, is that sad?" You ask nervously. Logan chuckles, reaching up and placing Jeanie down on the counter nearby.
"Not at all, I get it." Logan was alone for a lot of his life and he's still adjusting to having friends. A family if you could call it that. A really weird and fucked up family.
"Play nice Jeanie, I like this one so don't go scratching them up." He whispers, but you catch his words anyways. A faint smile on your lips as you reach your hand out slowly.
"Hi Jeanie, I'm a friend of Logan's." This time Jeanie doesn't run away, in fact she sniffs your hand cautiously.
She looks back at Logan and he nods. You smile when she rubs the side of her face against your hand. Walking around slowly as she takes you in.
"I think she likes you." Logan says.
Carefully you pet her head, making sure not to overstep any boundaries and Jeanie seems to love it. She even rolls on her back surprising both you and Logan.
"Her owner passed away, that's why she's here." He explains as you continue to pet her. Her big eyes are too much to resist. You know senior cats often get overlooked but she deserves to be loved again.
"Is she adoptable?" You ask and Logan hesitates. The answer is yes but apart of him doesn't want to see her go. He's grown very fond of her. But...she deserves a home. Even if it will hurt letting her go.
"Yeah, she is." He says softly.
"If its okay with you, I want to adopt her." Logan's heart clenches, he smiles but he feels the sadness creep in.
"Of course, let me get the paperwork." When Logan disappears you see Jean start to look around, wondering where her friend had gone.
"Hey there girl, If it's okay I want to take you home. I promise I'll take really good care of you." You say gently.
Her little whiskers twitch and she gently headbutts your face. The connection you feel with Jeanie is something you just haven't felt with any of the other cats. You want to love her and give her a nice warm home with toys and treats and anything she could ever want. But apart of you feels guilty knowing how close she is to Logan.
"Just need you to sign a few things and then pay the adoption fee." Logan says, coming back through the door.
Jeanie trots up to Logan and rubs her head all over his hand and torso. Purring happily as he scratches her head. But she makes no move to get on his shoulder, in fact she trots over to you and does the exact same thing. He's always heard that cats have a good sense of character, so he trusts Jeanies judgement here.
After signing the papers and paying the fee Logan helps you carry Jeanie to your car. You can see the hesitancy in Logan's face. The sadness behind those hazel eyes of his.
"Logan, do you want to say goodbye?" You ask softly. He was never going to ask for himself but you could sense he needs it.
"If you don't mind." He mumbles.
"Of course, I'll go put the rest of the stuff in my car." You touch his arm, squeezing it gently before giving them their space.
"Alright Jeanie listen up, you gotta be on your best behavior okay? You deserve this and I know they're gonna love you real good." Logan holds Jeanie up to his face. She just meows as Logan talks.
"I'll miss you bub, don't tell any of the other cats but...you were my favorite." He gives her one last chin scratch.
Jeanie headbutts his face one more time, rubbing her head along his jaw as if to say goodbye. You watch the whole thing from your car, you feel horrible taking her away from Logan. But you know that your building has a rule against more than one pet. If anyone were to take her, he's glad it's you.
Maybe...maybe this is your chance to talk to Logan. Your crush lingers but maybe you don't have to get over it. Logan walks over and hands her to you. He starts to walk away but you call his name, chasing after him.
"You know, I could really use some help with Jeanie. I mean I don't know what food she likes or her favorite toys or anything like that." You ramble, seeing Logan's face turn to that of confusion.
"I was wondering, if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night? Help Jeanie get settled in and stuff." You ask nervously. Your anxiety building as you wonder if this was a mistake.
"You sure?" Logan asks, unsure if you're just doing this because you feel bad for him.
"Yes. I mean. I've been wanting to ask you to dinner sooner but I've never found the right moment because you're really hot and you make me very nervous but Jeanie is going to miss you and it would be cruel of me to keep you two apart so it's a win win situation and I'm going to stop talking now." The words vomit from your mouth before you can stop them.
Great now he's going to think you're creepy and lonely. Logan chuckles, a blush creeping up his face. Was it always this hot outside today?
"Dinner sounds great. I can't cook for shit but I can try for you." Your face breaks out into a smile, Jeanie purring as you hold her close to your chest.
"Then its a date." You say shyly. Logan steps closer to you, his eyes on your lips.
"It's a date." He starts to lean but Jeanie meows loudly making both of you laugh.
"Okay I should get her home, the doors always open if you miss her by the way." You tell him and he thanks you. He stands in the parking lot with a smile, watching as you drive away. Wade sneaks up next to Logan, scratching behind his ear before Logan pushes his hand off in annoyance.
"What the fuck?!"
"Look at you boy! Did someone decide to take you home?" Wade asks in fake excitement.
"Shut up." Logan grumbles, rolling his eyes as he turns around to walk back to the shelter.
"Is someone grumpy? How about we get you a new collar and some treats huh boy?"
"I said shut the fuck up red." Logan snaps but Wade just smiles wider. He's been waiting for someone to adopt his friend. Wade was this close to posting an ad on craigslist.
Old man mutant available for adoption. Loves beer, hates everything else. Is potty trained.
Wade sees the smile Logan's trying to hide. He's been waiting for you guys to get together forever.
"Aww does someone need a belly rub?"
"Touch me and die asshole."
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