#and then i got out of there because i didn't know if being in incognito mode & being logged out of github was enough to ensure he couldn't
fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
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hoetao · 3 months
sooo sort of a masterpost of info about Wriothesley.
about his character:
hes basically incorruptible, is said to be "low profile and dependable"
‌mostly just cares about the peace and tranquility of the inmates (he's a protector at heart!!)
treats everyone equally and generally prefers to be "reasonable" rather than use more forceful methods
‌doesn't really like cruelty and violence but if the need comes, he will use it
‌he thinks of himself as "neither a good person or a villain, just another soul still living on in this world"
‌hes basically just interested in every bit of knowledge any person shares and in their unique talents
he says that he himself doesn't have many abilities, but he "knows how to find people who do and get them to work for him"
his past:
‌wanted to be convicted and spilled everything about how he killed his adopted parents (cough cough child traffickers), even though some wanted to treat him with leniency
‌learned to lockpick and create small gadgets as a child
gained Coupons in the arena of the Fortress (while injuring himself considerably)
‌when he got his vision after going to prison he just. hid it between the fabric of his clothes so that no one would know and/or steal it. and then he kinda just hid it some more, for years, until he went to the Palais to receive his title.
‌how he actually became the Administrator:
accumulated a fuckton of Coupons
got everyone's respect by being so rich, "observant, persuasive, humble and reasonable"
got his account emptied in retribution by the former administrator
‌convinced other ppl to protest and challenged the previous administrator to a duel
the former administrator run away from the fight, leaving Wriothesley on the last day of his sentence without anyone to sign his exit papers
‌"so he walked into the office and took over all relevant duties"
about his role as a Fortress Administrator:
‌has a private information network and many connections
‌rejected having a ceremony for his title of the Duke. no spotlight for good old duke.
‌basically his management style just helps the Fortress make money (with one of its main clients being the Palais); he even jokes that his title was basically bought because he's a leading tax contributor
‌after dealing with the Fatui spies he went for a swim. near primordial water. and he didn't say shit after realizing that the prophecy may be coming to pass, he just started preparing his funky ship.
relationships with others:
‌Clorinde actually admits that no one really knows all of the methods he uses to keep the Fortress up and running; it is stated that "very few people know him in his entirety"
he seems to think of Neuvillette as some sort of a. higher power that cannot show concern (BUT HE DOES OH HE DOES)
‌he indeed held out the umbrella for Neuvillette in the rain. the Iudex was polite, but distressed.
‌gifts a lot of tea to Furina.
‌got Neuvillettes trust (i think what he implies is that he got it by his actions, not words?) and the Iudex "fought hard for the title and reputation he now has"
‌when he went to prison Neuvillette told Sigewinne to take care of him and they frequently exchanged letters about his progress (and Wriothesley called her Neuvillettes spy…)
info that i find especially funky:
he's a big softie when it comes to animals and kids
‌may or may not go outside the Fortress incognito to buy snacks sometimes. he's actually too incognito to know really
‌doesnt treat boxing like a hobby, "more like a necessity"
‌melusines put stickers on him and he rarely notices them do so. they are just too good. and besides, it doesn't bother him. they also have bets on who will pit more stickers on him.
‌he would like to have a happy childhood and maybe the ability to trust people (i am BAWLING)
‌might be "a bit taller than Neuvillette"
drinks coffee with milk and tea with two cubes of sugar
‌he thinks Sigewinnes milkshakes taste of desolation
Sigewinne spiked his tea with anaesthetics when he was younger because he always refused them out of fear that they would fog his brain
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whateversawesome · 10 months
SxF Chapter 91: Perspective, History, Empathy
Let me start by saying that I didn't think this chapter would make me so emotional. Was it the same for you?
A small side character like Millie, who we saw only as one of Yor's annoying co-workers, turned out to have a very sad backstory and gave us a glimpse of how things are for young people in Ostania.
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This chapter talks a lot about people understanding and misunderstanding each other. Millie was just talking about her own experience and feelings, she was explaining why it was so difficult for her to help during an event like this, and that lady felt personally attacked because she saw things from her own point of view and her sufferings.
In no way the story discards any of those ladies' sufferings; what they went through during the war was very difficult, I'm sure. Nevertheless, comparing their sufferings and demanding Millie to act the same way just because they were able to do it, it's not right.
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They both had different experiences because their circumstances were different, so they face life in their own way. That's exactly Yor's point.
Here, Yor demonstrates her best quality (and one of the many reasons why her husband fell in love with her): Emotional strength.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; Yor is a very emotionally intelligent character. The way she stood up for Millie displayed all her emotional strength. She called out that woman in such a smart way!! She wasn't rude but her words were true and very wise.
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One of the most important things Yor mentions is that we cannot bear the same load because we're different. And I couldn't agree more👏
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Also, if we take it as a metaphor, Yor is such a strong person because she carried a very heavy load: as a child and an orphan, she had to take care of her brother. Because of this, a naturally kind person like her had to learn to murder in order to survive.
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It was a beautiful chapter. On top of everything, we learned a few important things:
1.Yor did lose her parents during the war and because of the war.
2.Donovan Desmond did NOT start the war. But plenty of young people like Millie don't know that, so it's possible that since he was Prime Minister during most of the war, he gets blamed for starting it.
3.Donovan Desmond is hated by many. That's probably the reason why he's no longer in office. And it also wouldn't be surprising that the majority of people in Ostania who voted against him want to move on from the war.
3.Melinda still wears her wedding ring and, even though she's separated from her husband, she still counts him as an important person for her. I guess, you can hate a person's actions and opinions, hate what they have become, but care about them at the same time...their marriage is complicated.
4.Not only Yor and Twilight fear the SSS because of their jobs. The general population do too because they know rich and powerful people can make them disappear regardless whether they are spies or not. That means arrests and disappearences of innocent people are common.
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5.There was a repression during war time. This means the state controls and restricts certain rights of its citizens. When war happens, the state may determine it's necessary to protect their country and citizens. Chances are that policing of others started then and Ostanians got used to living like that.
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And now some questions:
Was Melinda being sincere? In my opinion yes (for the most part). Melinda is no longer campaigning for her husband. In fact, she's going there incognito. Since her husband is no longer the Prime Minister and they don't have any elections to win, she doesn't have to support this types of events. If you think about it, once a politician retires from the public eye, their spouse generally goes back to their normal life.
Something that caught my attention was that it was mentioned Melinda has a lot of enemies; probably because her husband has a lot of enemies too. If that's the case, it would be easier for Melinda to move abroad, where she could have a care-free life, yet, she has chosen to stay in Ostania. Why?
Melinda is still a very mysterious character. We don't know her plans or intentions. We don't know why she separated from her husband. My only guess is that she's suffered a great deal and that's why she's able to empathize with Millie, even though their experiences are different.
What do you think?
Bonus (to end on a light note):
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This is the Sxf when we see Yor 😄
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weebsinstash · 8 months
I didn't notice vals coat was his wings until you mentioned it, but side note, val and vox were literally frenching it in the last episode, vox literally had vals spit all over his mouth wdym they're not dating???
Oh yeah, the wing reveal was an entire thing!
In episode 4, Masquerade, Charlie decides to put her foot down and use her authority as Princess of Hell to try and visit Angel at the studio to talk to Valentino, but, um, she cannot read a room to save her life, massively fucks it up, starts a small fire (not entirely her fault, that surge protector was a mess), and Valentino actually uses his wings and his weird smoke/pheromone powers to put out the flames (so also I've thought of him rescuing Reader from fires now because of course)
I'm not sure how the logic of the coat wrapping around his arms to form sleeves works but it fucks severely. then I also think, what are alternatives for a moth Reader? Someone sent in an ask about Reader being a silk moth so that you have the moth powers but you're ultimately helpless because you either don't have wings or they're too small for you to actually fly and escape ( because domesticated silk moths were bred to not be able to fly) and I think that would be great. Maybe Reader just has a tattoo of moth wings across their back, OR you have just, magical poofing powers where you can retract that shit back in, like Anthony's second pair of arms, and when they're hidden away, you have a tattoo. It leaves potential for hiding who you are from Val. This whole mystery of him chasing down some cute moth he sees in blurry footage from your first night in the afterlife and he doesn't realize the mysterious moth with rumors of a special dust that knocks you on your ass and makes you see stars is right next to him
I just. I keep thinking of butterfly/moth Readers and different powers they can have, like a silk moth Reader who can create silk and lowkey be Spiderman (or... bondage powers? 👀) , or the pheromone powers we mentioned before, or just a Reader who has their own fuck huge wings. Most moth species have female moths be physically larger than the males and I can just see like, a luna moth Reader who's wings are big and elegant and can become an evening gown or whatever, just a moth Reader whose wings become something pretty 😍 (ughhhh callback to my "Reader becomes an incognito Overlord called Big Blue" poeer fantasy except now I'm thinking of a Reader who's tall like Val and you're a blue morpho butterfly.
Reader being in the midst of being Val's weird pet slash forced partner, waking up and Valentino is sleeping beside you and he's just got those big ass wings open and they're draped all over the bed and they're covering you like a blanket while he squeaks in his sleep... you wind up as the filling in a VoxVal sandwich and those big red bitches are huge enough to cover everybody... also... what if Valentino used his wings lowkey like a tripwire so if you try to get up out of bed, you can't move without touching the wings, and he wakes up the instant you leave the bed, I'm talking you're 5 feet away still tippy toeing and you hear "you better get the fuck back here before I have to get you" and you're instantly scrambling back to his bed and now he's wrapping his arms around you so you can't leave again
I feel like Vivienne saying Val and Vox aren't dating is.... I saw someone phrase it as "dating is a really heteronormative concept and you'll have people be in domestic partnerships who aren't married" which is a good point and i also saw someone say "you've got two men throwing nasty hissy fits and probably having the world's best hate sex afterwards, you know Valentino isn't taking this man to dinner"
I feel like staticmoth IS sort of canon but it's not, explicitly like, they would DIE for each other or anything, idk. Maybe Valentino is only truly capable of loving himself and he loves the attention Vox gives him, and Vox is toxic codependent but he truly loves Alastor, who fucking knows, I'm still over here writing them both as my favorite problematic horny queers. Now I can just see Val and Vox fighting for "custody" of their shared darling, arguing who gets them which days, stealing them from each other, sabotaging each other's dates, just being selfish nasty evil obsessive gross dudes 😩❤️
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Nez Ha probably didn't just appear on Pigsy's Noodles doorstep, but rather probably appeared before Wukong whilst he was out on a delivery or soemthing similar, mainly because he'd have known Wukong was incognito and didn't want to risk giving any unnecessary attention like
Wu: *sees cloaked child suddenky appear behind him* Sweet Nuwa! Nez Ha!? The heck happened to you!?
Nez Ha: I had nowhere else to go
Later on Wu introduces Nez Ha as his friend 'Nez,' a family friend of sorts who's parents kicked him out
General Li Jing basically disowned Nezha for almost "setting chaos upon the world" (again), and the arguement got so heated between the pair that Nezha lost his place among the celestial guards. And since Heaven long since confiscated most of his treasures, Nezha was left almost powerless on Earth.
Nezha, in his true form and a child for the first time in milennia, just runs to the first person he can think of.
Sun Wukong.
Someone living in secret among humans because of the fallout of the Harbringer's Comet.
Nezha isn't sure how to approach Wukong, but he ends up following the ugly pig tuk-tuk around for a while before just walking up to the monkey. The reaction from Wukong is one Nezha did not expect.
Wukong: "How long have you been out on your own?!" Nezha, not understanding the issue: "A week or more. Why?" Wukong: "Have you eaten anything or even slept?" Nezha, thinking: "..." Wukong: "That's it. I'm taking you home. Until we can figure... this out, your not spending another minute out on the street." Nezha: (*confused but touched*)
Pigsy was about to protest the sudden arrival of a whole child, but noticed that "Nez" seemed super down in the dumps. And he def wasn't lying about his dad kicking him out so...
Tang: "Aww. You softie." Pigsy: (*has fed, helped bathed, warmed, and tucked in the little guy into a spare futon*) Pigsy: "Shaddup."
Now a little pink demon lives at the noodle shop. A little pink demon who's definitely seen a lot of violence in his life and is desperate for the approval of a parental figure. And is weirdly good at rollerskating. This is Pigsy's life now. Another son-figure acquired.
The Queen Mother def blows up at Li Jing for exiling his son, but when she tries looking for Nezha; she finds him in the care of a monkey-demon couple with a baby on the way + a childless human/demon pair with endless love to give. She decides that he is safer on earth for now, learning how to reign in his power and being a child again. She blesses the couple's baby for good luck.
She knows who the demon couple are. She's not a snitch.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Finally found a good picrew to make my Night In The Woods s/i thanks to the very Mae-esque @highcicada !!!
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Noelle Donada aka Mae's love interest and incognito even to himself eldritch horror!!!Noelle is transmasc genderfluid and bigender,audhd,punk(afro,solar and pastel)and a part of Mae's childhood best friends group!He's t4t with her romantically(transfem Mae is canon and so's black Mae,i would know✊🏼)and platonic t4t with Bea,Gregg and Angus and was a troubled kid on the same level as Mae but staying at Possum Springs gave him the opportunity to learn about punk culture with Gregg and find a proper outlet to his home life and mental problems,Noelle being a divorcee kid with a snowbunny chaser deadbeat dad and an abusive racist white mom.So he went from sardonic goth tomboy to anarchistic femme girlfaggot and has a part time job at his Abuela's hardware store.Mae and Noelle got that 'everybody can tell they're in love except them because it's so natural for them to show it they don't think to hide it' kinda love,him and Bea are tight too and he helps her and Mae fix the strain in their relathionship,he helped Gregg accept being trans and gay and they call eachother brothers and Angus is closest to him out of non-Gregg characters at the start!!The eldritch part is he liked messing around as a kid so much it got him in trouble with the universe and thus cursed to hold him back but he was so young he dosen't remember it but the effects are still always there
Nitw is very important to me and personal because i see so much of myself in Mae and that includes finding the game when i dropped out of school because it was too hard on my neurodivergent traumatized ass :') Didn't even make it to college but hey,at least i got the Noelle Donada route irl!!
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luvvixu · 1 year
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dazai x reader (she/her)
🏡🧵 home sweet home pt. 1
genre: fluff, domestic au
synopsis: what does it look like to have a normal daily life at dazai's household? just you coming home to your little family after a long and exhaustion work. this is the life you and dazai had been dreaming of.
warning: mentioned of breastfeeding, pranking, anxiety
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i got inspired to write a story when i saw a website that said this song is the most therapeutic breastfeeding song. and it came to happened that dazai was the last anime character i saw that day.
so i was like, hmm...what would it be like to have a family with my suicidal maniac crush? so yeah, here it is.
oh yeah, one last note, i kinda made him self-explanatory character on this one???
song - invisible string by taylor swift
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a long day just ended for you as a sigh escaped from your lips. you are on your way home to your little family after doing some shift at the agency.
while waiting for the traffic jam to untangle, you open your phone and reveal the wallpaper that never fails to make you smile whenever you see it.
a picture of your new born baby and your husband, dazai osamu.
the statement never lies, your lips crescent a smile at the sight of your little family. you also decided to call your husband who's on his day off and being a male wife for today.
within a few rings, dazai picked up the phone. the sound of your baby's laughter first rang through the phone, making your smile widen.
"hello, my love~ are you on your way home?" your husband's honeyed voice said through the phone.
your shoulder loses its tense from the fatigue just by hearing the sound of him. "yeah. i'm sorry if i didn't arrive on time, there's a small emergency happened. but atsushi-kun and i have already settled it down before it gets worse."
"of course, my wife is good at solving problems." dazai complimented you. he always knows what is best for you.
"anyways, how's things going there?"
"ooh, wait. hey emi-chan! say hi to mama." you hear a baby noise as your husband shifts his phone onto someone.
"emi-chan~" you cooed, and your five month old baby let out a cute babble just by hearing your voice. it makes you laugh and almost die on your spot due to her overflowing cuteness.
"did you miss mama?" your back rested on the seat as your vehicle started to move. luckily, you had a phone holder in front so you won't have to hold it while driving at the same time.
"yes." dazai said in his baby voice, imitating your daughter.
you let out a giggle. "mama misses you too, emi-chan. when i get home, i will kiss your chubby cheeks and watch cartoons together!"
"yah! what about me?" your another baby—i mean dazai interrupted you. a picture of him pouting already depicted on your mind.
"hmm? are you saying something, emi?" you playfully said. the noises coming from osamu intensify. he was complaining, pouting, and whining at you like a big baby. your big baby.
"ahem! sweetheart, emi-chan just asked me if you miss your husband too?" sensing that you did not plan to respond to him as your husband, he changes his tone into a deeper one, like an incognito voice.
"who's there with you, emi?! did you let someone enter the house?" you continued to play dumb until you finally pulled up to your house where your two babies are in.
dazai was whining on the phone and he seemed to want to fight his daughter just because he didn't receive any attention from you.
ignoring him, you purposely muted the call and lowered the volume as you carefully tip-toed inside the house.
"mommy is such a tease, isn't she?" and there you saw your own family. emi was sitting on her father's lap while chewing her pacifier, and dazai was on the floor, still pouting as he talks to his child who's clearly unaware.
"i'm getting jealous of you now, emi-chan." he jokingly said, booping her nose and then proceeded to bite her chubby cheeks carefully. you forced yourself to swallow the laugh in your throat.
"y/n has been unresponsive for a while, did she end the call?" dazai checked his phone when he realized you had been really quiet. the call was still on, so he sought for you.
"darling? are you still there?"
no answer.
"y/n? hello? sweetie, can you hear me?"
still no answer.
suddenly, his pout turns into a deep frown. you could clearly see that he's becoming worried now to the point that he put emi back to the cradle.
he squatted down to meet his daughter's gaze. dazai holds her little hands to give it some pecks. "emi, my cute little baby…stay here and do not do anything, alright? nothing's wrong so no need to worry. papa will keep you and mama safe."
your heart melted at the scene. no matter how worried he is, dazai wouldn't let himself show his fear in front of his daughter who cannot even understand anything, yet.
you knew you didn't make the wrong choice of starting a family with him.
"papa is just going to call mama." he continued. when you saw him about to pick up his call, you immediately ended the call.
you watch his face become more concerned when the call ends without even saying a goodbye to him.
dazai started to bite his nails, a secret habit of his whenever he feels anxious. without any second wasted, he called your number. the sound of your ringtone made him almost dashed to your hidden spot.
"y/n! my god, you're here!" dazai pulled you into a tight hug as soon as he saw you.
you let out an awkward chuckle. "hi?"
"jesus! don't do it again, please. i thought something happened to you!" dazai buried his face into the crook of your neck. you suddenly feel guilty when you sense his shaky breath.
he is really worried.
a hand if yours traveled into his head to give his fluffy brown hair a soft brush to give him comfort. "i'm sorry, baby. i didn't mean to get you worried. i just want to surprise you."
"it's alright—"
both of your heads immediately turned to the direction where the sound came from, emi was crying. you and osamu's parental instincts kicked in as you literally ran towards her.
you carefully picked her up and cooed. "shh~ mama's here, mama's here. aw, why is my baby emi crying?" you land a kiss on her cheeks that was covered with tears.
dazai gently guided you to sit on the couch. he grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears that emi had shed. "don't cry, emi-chan. we're here now." he mumbled softly.
you checked her diaper, it's not full. you tried to make her laugh, but still emi continues to wail loudly.
a sigh escaped from your lips. you gently rocked her and turned your head to your husband who worriedly gazed at his crying daughter.
"when was the last time she drank milk?" dazai ponders for a moment. his eyes widened when he realized.
"that's right! emi just woke up when you called me. she naps for like two and half hours. no wonder she cries because she's hungry." he explains.
"go and make her baby formula." you instructed him because you are busy soothing your child.
dazai chucked hesitantly. "the thing is, it ran out. emi drank the last baby formula earlier. so, i guess we're going to do the traditional way of feeding her."
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"♪ and isn't it just so pretty to think ♪" dazai sang a song you two discovered while randomly streaming on spotify.
"♪ all along there was some ♪" he said to you that this song reminded him of the time when the two of you first met.
"♪ invisible string ♪" singing the invisible string has become his hobby whenever he is watching you putting emi to sleep. the song serves as the lullaby that made her fall asleep.
"♪ tying you to me~? ♪" your husband dedicated this song to you. not only it became your couple's love song, wedding song, and now your daughter's lullaby.
overall, this is a sweet moment. but it doesn't…
you tried not to lash out of dazai when he was right there beside you, watching how you breastfeed your daughter. his hands were fixed on emi's tiny ones, caging it playfully and made her squirm. which causes her to latches on your sore breast a bit harder than the usual sucking.
"osamu, for god's sake…let her feed in peace! and why are you even watching me feed her?" you caresses her head gently, making sure that she would not freak out at your little yell.
your husband rolled his eyes. "why not? i've also experienced that before…being fed by you—so, no need to be so shy about me witnessing it." this man had an audacity to make a dirty foreshadow in front of your daughter.
a pillow flew on his straight into his face. "osamu! i swear, get out for a moment." you tried to calm yourself. but dazai doesn't care and continued to play with emi, resting his head on your shoulder.
meanwhile, your little princess was in no mood to play with her daddy. emi got irritated because she couldn't move her hands, dazai has them. so, she let out a squirm and then a whine.
acting hurriedly, you rock her while giving your biggest death glare on your husband.
"welp…" dazai took the cue as he sheepishly go out of the room, finally giving you and emi some private time together.
"daddy is such a crackhead, isn't he?" you talked to your daughter who just looked at you with her big beautiful eyes while sucking your breast. you couldn't help but to squeal at your daughter.
"and you're such a cutie, emi-emi!"
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cinamun · 8 months
hi cin! what's your take on being blocked by a big creator whom you've never done anything to? it's kinda funny to me because I actually used to be envious of this person's talent and popularity but never sent hate or anything and now I'm over the whole thing.
Considering I currently *AM* blocked by someone considered a "big creator" (in my defense, I was saying how 3B curls are oversaturated and we don't see the same representation with 4C hair) I say it happens. If you want to download something they make just go incognito and get what you want (that's how I got her cleaning bottle default replacement, just saying). If you're over it just be over it.
I have had people blocked that I didn't know I blocked and don't remember why and find out when I view the comments so I unblock as I go. I don't worry about it. I would say have fun, play your game and try not to let simblr's antics take the fun out of what you enjoy.
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longsightmyth · 1 year
I know this isn't your usual stuff you post about, but I have a friend coming to visit me next year and they'll need to stay in a hotel. Do you have any tips or advice for when the best time to book or get the best deal?
The best time is going to be variable, but it's best to start looking early (IN INCOGNITO MODE)(ON THE ACTUAL HOTEL SITES OR APPS) and keep comparing. Jump if you see a special or something. Generally you'll get better prices earlier, but they can also be nonrefundable so be sure to triple check. If you DO make a nonrefundable reservation and suddenly can't make it, do not despair: that's where NOT BOOKING THROUGH THIRD PARTY SITES comes in. See below.
Incognito: because many sites will notice you are looking at the same flights/stays and start upping the prices accordingly. I didn't actually learn that through my job but through my degree. Not every site/company does this, but it's worth being careful about.
On the actual hotel sites or apps: it is tempting to look through third party apps like expedia or priceline or their many subsidiaries because they appear to have cheaper prices. Sometimes they even do! But if you have trouble at a hotel or want to adjust dates or make special requests or ask about better prices, you WILL be shit out of luck. At a property level third party reservations are stuck. We don't have YOUR money so we can't return it (9/10, you pay the third party. Then they give us THEIR virtual card. We can't even give you a receipt, because we don't have your card or your money), and except in some very specific circumstances you don't get credit with any memberships you have. We can't adjust your reservation for the same reason, so if you have to cancel after the cut off date you are Out Of Luck. If you've made your reservation directly through a hotel's specific site/reservation line and contact the property directly and are polite you will usually find a clerk willing to at least check if, say, triple A or student or hospital discounts are available. As humans we can and often do take 'oh shit there's a hurricane and people can't travel' or 'death in the family' etc as reasonable explanations for cancelling after the cut off date, and generally someone on property will be a compassionate human and manually change the charge to $0 or something, which, say it with me: We Cannot Do If The Reservation Is Booked Through A Third Party Site (or I suppose in theory we could 0 it out, but that would only benefit the third party site and not you).
Also I really do suggest joining a rewards program or three. They are almost always free to join, you can make sure your info is on there for easier reserving, there are member-specific discounts (not always large, but even ten bucks counts, right?) and most brands are willing to go to some extra effort for members. I do NOT suggest saving your credit card to this rewards profile: while database security is pretty good these days and most places DO fire anyone found giving ANY guest info out, the starwood breach a few years ago made me wary and this will ALSO prevent someone from fraudulently using your rewards account/credit card to check in via mobile, which is where most fraud happens these days. One weekend I caught seven people. It was A Time.
I hope this was helpful to you, even if it got really long.
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ladymidnight24 · 1 year
Ok, so I know I'm totally just preaching to the choir on here, but I wanted to rant for a second and this is the only place I'm willing to do it, so-
Scrolling through the sad remains of Twitter today, I came across this post:
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And I got super excited because I feel like I rarely see people flaunting their Asexuality like this (outside of the community here on Tumblr, that is), so I was just like "Oh fuck yeah, Ace rep!"
Then I made the mistake of scrolling through the comments... and that's really what this post is about, I just wanted a quick vent over some of the more repeated sentiments that I found.
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(She responded to a few of them herself and I left in her responses, because yas queen, clap back at them!)
But anyway, quick tale of my experience as a bi-ace person: First and foremost, I think I look good/attractive/whatever and at times I do want to flaunt that because if I'm really feeling the way I look, why shouldn't I be encouraged to show off my muscles or wear a shirt that accentuates my boobs or pants that show off my ass? So yeah, I dress in a "sexual" manner from time to time, especially at pride where it lowkey feels like part of the point a lot of the time, and no, I'm not looking for any serial attention from that and yes, that is okay and normal and people need to stop acting like showing skin means you're some desperate whore (not that theres anything wrong with people who *are* hyper sexual in any way, Im just venting my own experience here).
Also, there were a lot of comments about why protection and rights matter for Ace people when at their most extreme they are A) not have sex and B) can basically go incognito in society and no one needs to know. But more complicated than that, isn't it? Because first of all, not all ace people are fully celibate (Im not) and all ace people I know personally still want to be in a relationship, just not necessarily a sexual one. In my case I got super lucky with my first major partner in that I was able to explain it to him and have him understand that I only get properly horny once in a blue moon, so if he wants sex, he needs to initiate and if Im really not feeling it at all, he needs to be okay with that. We were able to work out what the sexual part of our relationship would look like and things worked out, but, like I said, we were *lucky*.
And on the topic of commication and safety, that stuff is a two way street, it doesn't always help to be upfront about it. I have a friend who's fully non-sexual Ace and the first relationship they got into after feeling solid in that identity they *did* tell their partner right away that they're ace and explained that they're not interested in anything sexual at all and their partner responded by LYING and saying that he was fully non-sexual ace too, but then months into the relationship he tried to start shit and when she reminded him that she didn't want that he suddenly was talking about how they only think that because they've never had sex before, and they just need to change the medication they're taking because *thats* the cause and it's actually just religious trauma that makes her think she doesn't want it and he effectively tried to gaslight them into thinking they were straight when that is absolutley NOT the case and it's taken YEARS for them to feel solid in her identity again, not to mention start dating again (her current partner is lovely genuinely accepting and Im super happy for them)
So anyway, I just wanted to rant about this because it fucking SUCKS to constantly have people tell you that your too sexual to actually be ace or your unnatural for not wanting sex or your just confused or whatever and it can lead to genuinely horrifying situations of being forced into very uncomfortable situations because you're being gaslit by people who are supposed to and claim to love you.
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isleofair · 6 months
Tiger & Bunny Week Day 7/8
Tiger & Bunny Second Series Anniversary
A bit late for this, but I really like Season 2, so I didn't want to miss a chance to talk about it... and luckily the Week had an extra day for catching up! 😅
If I tried to make a list of my favorite moments this would just turn into a massive FireSky post (which is a nice idea, but maybe for some other time). So I decided to go quirky with it: since Season 2 is, especially in its first cour, heavily defined by the Buddy hero system, I picked out my favorite little character moments that are not Buddy-related.
Ryan being a dramatic dummy with Bunny
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Look at him. He decided that sunglasses and a baseball cap are enough for him to be incognito, without changing out of his blindingly flashy golden shirt. He is ready to leave the city because he thinks his partner is abandoning him, based on... her having two conversations with another colleague, one of which he secretly videotaped, only half heard, and wildly misinterpreted.
But he did go to the only person who never explicitly turned his back on him, even though they were partners for only, what, days? A few weeks, at most?
This is so ridiculous, but also so damn sad. And it made me grow so fond of this big idiot.
Someone give him a hug.
Ivan making puppy eyes at Bunny
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I still cannot believe this is a thing that happened 😂
"Gee, it sure would be nice if someone who is not me very casually gave my Buddy the exact personal information about my life that he needs to figure out why I'm currently mad at him..."
Ivan truly is one of the characters of all time, lol.
Bunny with Kaede
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I just get incredibly moved about Bunny essentially co-parenting Kaede, and episode 2x07 just takes the cake for this. He's so kind and available with her, without ever being overbearing (look at how he's giving her space here, just to mention one tiny detail).
I think if Early Season 1 Bunny could see himself here, he could never believe his eyes.
I'm so happy he got to be this soft, loving, loved version of himself, and to have some kind of family again. 💗
Pao-Lin and Ivan visiting Nathan and Keith in the hospital
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I thought it was such a nice touch to have each of them take care of the older hero they look up to the most. I'm a huge fan of the relationship between Pao-Lin and Nathan (or, as I call them, The Gender Squad); the moment Pao-Lin frees Nathan from her nightmare is SO amazing. And I love the scene where Keith reassures Ivan that he acknowledges him as a hero, and I think it's very important for both of their characters.
Essentially this little moment here is a way a callback to two of my favorite moments in The Rising... no wonder I liked it.
Keith sweating at the very thought of having to lie
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Look, I know, not much to say about this, but he's just. So. Dang. Precious. 🥹 I love this man to bits. 💙💜💙
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invisibleraven · 3 months
ooh double date, rulie + couple of your choice
Ahhhh it's down to the wire in prompt fills today, but I was determined to get this done as a little present for the gorgeous, lovely, wonderful @bananakarenina on her birthday! Love you sweetie, hope you had a day as amazing as you!
“Flynn just texted me,” Julie said, looking up from her phone.
“Like that doesn’t happen with shocking regularity,” Reggie snaked, causing Julie to stick her tongue out at him.
“She met this girl and wants to know if we would double date to give her the best friend seal of approval.”
"Didn't think she'd ever do dating again after the disaster that was Roxie," Reggie commented. "But I'd be down for judging them worthy."
Julie snorted at that and send the text off to Flynn. "Tomorrow night at Rita's Diner?"
Reggie gave her a thumbs up at that and went back to the 3D puzzle of the Millenium Falcon he had been working on.
The hext night, Julie and Reggie got to the diner first, and decided to grab a booth. "You know anything about this girl?" Reggie asked.
"Nope," Julie said with a pop. "We get to be surprised."
"I hope she's nice for Flynn's sake," Reggie sighed. "She's had a lot of stinkers."
"You mean Mari, or Angelica, or Stevie, or just fine Bex?" Julie listed off. That last one they had to intervene with because it was obvious that Flynn was settling and she deserved better than just fine.
"Or the time she tried dating Kayla?" Reggie replied. "It was just weird and awkward because they were friends for so long first."
"I mean so were we and we made it work," Julie replied.
"Damn straight we did, but we're also amazing," Reggie said, nuzzling their noses together.
"Told you they would be here being disgusting," Flynn joked, causing them to pull apart.
"You weren't wrong," her date snarked, but gave them a kind smile. "You're also adorable, so I'm not going to complain like miss allergic to PDA here."
"You're Carrie Wilson," Julie stammered.
"Holy shit you are!" Reggie said with an inhale. "We're both huge fans."
"Why do my friends know of you?" Flynn asked as she slid into the booth.
"I may be in an odd Hallmark movie or two?" Carrie said with a faint blush and a shrug.
"More like a half dozen plus you were hilarious in that limited series about the star incognito," Julie spoke up. "Did you do your own singing for it?"
"I did!" Carrie beamed. "I'm actually in the process of being signed by Capitol to put out my EP."
"Okay, hold up," Flynn said. "You never told me you were famous. I thought you worked at the TV studio."
"I mean, I do," Carrie stated. "I started there as an intern, got pulled in to do background work, and the rest is history. I still do the odd intern job between gigs, but it's helped me make connections and grow. Are you angry?" Her face turned remorseful then, like it would really upset her if Flynn said yes.
"Are you kidding me?" Flynn exclaimed, "It's super cool! Plus it gives me something else to add to the long list of brags I have about you!"
Carrie blushed and smiled softly as she buried her face in Flynn's shoulder.
"Disgusting," Reggie teased.
"But adorable," Julie echoed.
Soon enough they ordered, with Carrie finding the most vegan friendly item, explaining her dad had raised her not eating animal products and she had no desire to change that. Luckily the diner had a large and delicious section of vegan options, with Reggie suggesting the few he had tried, and Julie telling Carrie that they had great vegan milkshakes here, and their friend Willie was always raving about them.
"So how did you two meet?" Julie asked at they were munching away.
"It's funny actually," Flynn replied, her fingers lacing with Carrie's. "You know that exchange program I did senior year? Well I met Carrie there."
"I was not a nice person back then," Carrie admit. "Major diva, with a chip on my shoulder and thought the world was out to get me. But Flynn saw past that, and we formed a weird friendship."
"We lost track of each other afterwards," Flynn added. "Until the other week when we bumped into each other-quite literally-at the coffee shop."
"That is too cute for words," Julie said.
"Straight out of a rom-com," Reggie interjected.
"What about you two?" Carrie asked.
Julie and Reggie exchanged soft glances, leaning their foreheads in. Explaining how Julie caught Reggie and the rest of his band squatting in her garage after all of them ran away. How her dad fostered them and gave them a home and a family who loved and supported them.
"We formed Julie and the Phantoms after that, became really good friends...but then we both developed feelings," Reggie said with a chuckle. "It was a bit weird, because we were friends and her dad had pretty much adopted me, but we couldn't help how we felt."
Julie went on "So one night, Reggie was hiding out in the studio, and I went to have it out with him since he had been doing this avoidance routine. Only it was pouring, and the power went out, so we were trapped-so we had to talk. Finally confessing and getting together as the lightning lit up the sky."
"Wow, that is adorable," Carrie commented.
"And disgusting," Flynn teased. "We all knew it was coming of course. And if there was any guy I trust my bestie with, well Reggie tops that list."
"Love you too Flynnigan," Reggie stated, teasing but sincere deep down.
The meal passed all too quickly, with the four of them getting to know one another, and lingering over dessert to prolong the evening.
Finally, the knew they had to leave, so after a brief fight over the bill, which Reggie and Carrie agreed to split, they wandered out into the night.
"So?" Flynn whispered as Carrie stood off to the side, ordering their car.
"She's lovely," Julie stated. "And she seems to really like you."
"The feeling is mutual," Flynn assured her.
"I like her," Reggie stated. "I mean, we were already fans, but the real her is a delight. I hope we get to see a lot more of her."
"That's the plan," Flynn confessed, then brought them in for a hug. "Thanks for doing this for me."
"Anytime babe," Julie replied. "Now go enjoy the rest of your night."
"Did I pass?" Carrie joked as the Uber pulled up.
"With flying colours!" Reggie replied.
Carrie did a little happy dance at that, then beckoned Flynn over to get in the car. Julie watched them as they came together, looking natural and sift in each other's presence.
"We used to look like that," she whispered.
"Darlin', we still do," Reggie assured her. "I'm still in love with you just like I was all those years ago-maybe more. Never doubt that."
Julie turned and nuzzled into him. "I never do."
Reggie grinned and spun her out, the two of them dancing in the moonlight to the strains of some distant band, and the sound of LA ringing out around them.
"You wanna go finish this date at home Mrs. Molina?" Reggie asked, tucking Julie into his arms after their dance was over. "I think there's a pint of Chunky Monkey and a bed calling our name."
"With you?" Julie teased. "There's no where else I'd rather be Mr. Molina." She pulled him in for a kiss then, the street lights making their wedding bands shine as they embraced, and then linked hands to head on home.
And laughed when Flynn texted her a picture of the two of them nuzzled together in the booth. "Disgustingly Adorable <3"
Julie couldn't help but agree, and saved the photo to add to her collection-every single one showing the two of them being disgustingly, adorably together and in love-a state she hoped would never change. And given how Reggie looked at her as they got home that evening? She doubted it ever would.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
On my platonic yandere Batfam bullshit again thinking about, like, deliberately dramatic scenarios because I crave emotional tension
-imagine if Bruce gets called in to regressed!Reader's school because you got in a fist fight with another kid, and this kid is the son of one of his prominent business partners and Bruce, uh, doesn't immediately believe you when you state for him and the principal why you got into a fight because, hey he knows that boy, he isn't THAT bad! And Bruce scolds you and makes you apologize and even grounds you once you two are in the car alone and you're just noticeably extremely angry and quiet to the point you won't even come out of your room for dinner. And after some time has passed, days even, a couple members of the fam are in a room together with you and someone cracks a joke about you losing your temper over a misunderstanding and you just, stare directly at them as you pull out your phone, press play on a video, and walk away as they watch where you had been trying to take a photo of something like idk a flower or the weather and began accidentally filming after Selina helped dropped you off at school and the footage caught the boy outright calling her a slut for what she was wearing
And of course Bruce is upset because that kid insulted Catwoman and also got some swings back at you (he's probably proud to a certain degree that you defended Selina and shes absolutely delighted when she hears about it) but he asks "well why didn't you tell me you had proof im the first place" and you just spit at him "oh so I need PROOF for you to BELIEVE ME?" And extra bonus points if Reader has their old memories back and hits him with "after everything you've done to me, I finally ask for your help and ACTUALLY needed you this ONE TIME and you couldn't even believe me? Wow, my hero 🙄" so now he knows he's broken your heart AND you're back to the "old you" that he wants to, father all the depression and trauma out of
-since Dick, Barbara, and Reader would all be going to a prestigious school I think of like, what if your class got kidnapped for ransom while on a field trip. And Robin and Batgirl look over to you thinking you're going to panic and freak out but you're suspiciously calm, or, calmer than the anxiety stricken adopted 'sibling' they've had this whole time, and maybe despite being kidnapped by like, idk, Babyface or Black Mask or Two Face, and maybe you even just outright insult them and it becomes horribly obvious to them "oh not only do you have your memories back, they've unintentionally turned you into an explosive powder keg of repressed anger and frustration because they betrayed what little trust you had left"
You just look at Two Face and start fucking with him, this criminal looking down as a teenager starts roasting him way too casually and maybe with facts you shouldn't even know, things you remember from your time as a hero before. "Hey Harvey, what's hanging, it's been a while. Hey can I ask a question? You ever think about just outright asking someone like I dunno Bruce Wayne to fix that fucked up meat gristle face of yours? Like, I'm sure having half your body resemble the same consistency of a breakfast sausage has its uses in intimidation, but, like, I'm sure if you just walked up to Batman and said 'hey if you make me look less like a rotisserie chicken I'll quit crime' and he would probably just like, HAND the money for the sugery to you, like, do you think Batmobile money falls out of the sky, he's clearly fucking loaded"
And of course the follow up/alternative of "the stress triggers Reader's metagene or old memories or both and you just start whooping ass unapologetically and Barb and Dick are sweating because they're trying not to break incognito but like you're significantly hurting these dudes, you're clearly really angry and upset and taking it out on them" and tbh I imagine Batman already has contingencies for this possibility. He shows up in costume and Two Face has already fled but you're standing there in your preppy school uniform now dirty and torn, blood on your knuckles, about to beat a man unconscious while your classmates either cower or cheer or fear you. If Reader has some sort of magic, then he just has to get Nth metal from Hawkgirl or Hawkman, maybe he'll make it a cute bracelet, just a nice gift from Dad. Bodily autonomy to use your own powers and be an adult again, what's that? He's disappointed in you for caving into the darkness and also? you're grounded >:(
-Reader becoming a mugging/gun violence victim and now you're never allowed to leave the manor, period. I can only imagine like the projection of trauma from Bruce if, after losing his parents, he has to watch you weak and recovering from a gunshot, wheezing in bed struggling to breathe properly because a bullet went through one of your lungs. You're put in a total bubble to recover in absolute peace and sterility, but, even far after you've recovered, your "guardian" is still convinced someone will leap out of the bushes to hurt you, so, no leaving the manor unless he's with you. Like. Imagine him being so scared he doesn't even want to trust your safety with the other Batfamily members, and maybe he even cracks down on several of the other younger members because he doesn't want them to get shot too (also like, resulting trauma and overprotectiveness if one or multiple of them saw you get shot and are like, still fucked up over having to apply pressure to your bullet wound as your warm blood leaks all over their fingers and they can't do anything to stop you and-- like do you see how that would send some of them into borderline psychosis when theyve already got So Many Many Issues)
-all of them try to exert control over what you're exposed to and consume in terms of entertainment. You have spyware on your phone and any member of the Batfam who can use the Batcomputer can see your past and current browsing history and I will die on this hill. Bruce and Alfred are rigorous in making sure you don't ruin your mental health. Like you know how I talked about "what if you had a yandere that was in tech and he gave you a phone that he occasionally spies on and remotely disables if he thinks you're spending too much time on it/seeing something you shouldnt"? Bruh that's like half of the Manor, Bruce especially. He has to "make sure nothing bad happens to you". All it can take is 'one bad day', after all...
-obsessed with the idea of them getting jealous of you spending time with other alternate universe versions of themselves, in concepts where Reader is a JL member/vigilante and has the power/tech to multiverse travel anyways. Batman hasn't seen you in a couple weeks and, actually maybe he's a little concerned about you, you've kind of just vanished off the face of the earth, and he bumps into you on a Gotham rooftop with. Another Batman, and getting along much better and being more casual and friendly with the stranger than with him. Broody fucking "I am darkness, I am the night, I am vengeance" Bruce catching you like. smoking weed on his couch with the hilariously weird version of him from the Harley Quinn cartoon universe and God forbid if anyone shows signs of having feelings for you
(also could you imagine how ballistic he and or Jason would go if they caught you hanging out with, you know, one of the super violent "murder is ok" Jasons/Batmans and you tell them straight up "actually I agree with what he's doing, I want to help him, in fact maybe I'll work with HIM now instead of you" like, y'all, I think Batman would permanently never let you work as a hero or sidekick ever again because he's genuinely worried you'll fall down the slippery slope and make a mistake that ruins your life. Like depending on the depiction of Batman you're looking at, some of them admit straight up that they don't kill Joker because they know they're legitimately filled with so much anger and hatred that if they kill even one person, that'll break the barrier to killing tons of criminals outright and they won't be able to stop)
-all I'm saying is that if they ever caught you like being cordial or mildly friendly with an alternate universe version of a villain, no matter how good they are, they shut that shit down immediately. "Y/N who is that" "oh this is my bud The Jester from the universe where the Joker is actually really good and a superhero and--" *jester proceeds to be grappled back through a multiverse portal* "wait no don't freak out this poison ivy is actually really chill and she's married to Harley and she sells me really good weed and she only does a liiiiiitle bit of ecoterrorism and--" immediately thrown in Arkham
-I just genuinely think it's funny that they're probably either smoking weed with you bc trauma and stress or are vehemently anti drug. Can you imagine just in general like, regressed reader, batfam member, either way, just being an actual adult just minding your business and smoking weed and Bruce reacting like he just caught you with a loaded gun in your pocket "y/n is that a weed" "yeah its for my chronic pain--" "I'm calling commissioner gordon" like, Bruce practically acting like you need to go to rehab
-I kinda love the drama of Bruce or Dick or Barbara or just any of the Batfam members accidentally basically ruining your social life and social reputation. You were at a house party one night and eventually pics start getting texted around of Nightwing confronting you in the yard and pulling you away and now there are rumors you're a criminal on parole. You get invited to smoke weed at a friend's and suddenly Batman is in the house and suddenly everyone's parents are there to pick up their kids as he lectures about the dangers of drugs and now absolutely NO ONE from school wants anything to do with you "because what if Batman shows up and gets us in trouble"
-I feel like, as one of those vaguely morally gray areas, that Bruce would make you take medication and get treatment for, like, really anything that needs it, but more specifically anxiety and depression and just overall psychological issues. And as a dark twist what if you aren't really naturally anxious and don't even have an anxiety disorder or anything but he puts you on pills to mellow you out because you're freaking out at him for completely valid and understandable reasons like, you know, being confined in his home against your will. "What, you aren't mad about being kidnapped and controlled and lied to, you clearly just have pre existing emotional issues that keep you from reacting properly, but don't worry I'm here to help" 🙄🙄🙄
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Happy new year Storm! I hope this ask isn't too long and sprawling. These events took place when I was younger, a bit more foolish about how to behave online as a fan. But it might be illuminating for some of your more aggressive anons, lol.
This thing we keep being pummelled with (about Jikook 'not being sighted together' so therefore not being together) is so tiring.
I remember a few years back I had spent some time in a forum dedicated to another 'are they, are they not' queer couple. Western celebrities, nothing to do with kpop. I was a fan of both these people independently, so I got very curious and intrigued about the idea of them together. On this forum, there was a lot of trying to line up dates of official events/second hand accounts from friends of friends who said they had seen Person A with Person B but never got pics, etc. It was like trying to pin down water in some cases, which frustrated people on the forum who were desperate for 'solid evidence', real confirmation.
One day, a very-famous good friend of Person A, perhaps more famous than either member of this speculated couple, came into my place of work, which was pretty darn exciting on its own. It also contradicted some narratives held on that forum regarding who was where and in which countries at what times. And that made me wonder how many other times that had been the case.
Now naturally, my initial plan was to report back to this forum and tell them about briefly meeting Famous Friend at my work. This was a Mild Scoop after all, another piece to the puzzle, a correction to the records. But a few things stopped me from doing it. I had no photo evidence that this person had been there at all, so it was another 'useless' unverifiable sighting.
But much more importantly, I realised if I posted ANY SPECIFICS WHATSOEVER about who it had been and where it was, then fans with fewer boundaries than I would be able to use my information to stalk. A very determined person could probably even have used the information to figure out whereabouts Famous Friend lived. Famous Friend was apparently a semi-regular at this place, on this occasion they had been with what seemed to be an older family member, and they were clearly dressed to go incognito. Hat and sunglasses indoors, etc. My place of work was somewhere they felt safe enough to go to repeatedly in their downtime, in the knowledge that they wouldn't be bothered or harassed by fans. I didn't want to be the person who ruined that small bit of normalcy for them.
So... I never posted anything to the forum. I just held onto the knowledge in my head that one particular thing wasn't true - Person A and Person B definitely DIDN'T meet with Famous Friend in Countryland at that point, because Famous Friend was in Placecountrytown at my work. I would simply never be able to prove it without compromising the privacy of people involved. And again, I wondered how many other times this could have happened with other people. Maybe this was why it was like trying to pin down water. Maybe that was a wonderful thing, actually.
Going back to Jikook - this is why it seems SO ENTIRELY BELIEVABLE to me whenever we hear that K-Army has stuff and keeps it LOCKED DOWN. That they see them a lot, but rarely let it leak to the international fanbase. That they know stuff we don't and will probably never know. The stakes are so much higher for Jikook if their relationship is a thing. I have no trouble at all believing that there are people all over Korea who have seen them out and about, but not wanted to be the weak link in the chain that breaks their bubble of privacy.
And not hearing about them going places, not seeing photographic evidence of friendships - does NOT mean they are not close. It means that people are doing the decent thing and saying nothing.
I know you know all of this already, but it seems some of your recent anons don't. Sorry again for the rambling message! 😶
I mean, the most recent and prime example is when that white Day photo leaked. Of Jikook with some friends out at a restaurant. K army was PISSED and so were so many other people. Fans started flocking to the restaurant and asking about jikook being there. Servers confirming that they used to come there and had gone there many times. But that they hadn't been coming back lately. And we had never heard of them going there before that leak, when staff stated that they had been coming multiple times before that. They stopped going once that photo was leaked. It was no longer a safe private place for them. Someone compromised that security for them and so they stopped going there. And for the most part k army (and j army too) are VERY protective of BTS, all 7 members. And I'm glad they are. I can't imagine the amount of exhaustion that comes from constantly having your privacy invaded and never knowing who is going to treat you normal or stalk you with their phones out whenever you leave the house. I'm positive all 7 of them, not just jikook, have safe places they like to visit and go to that give them that privacy and security too.
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It's incredibly disrespectful to continuously invade their private time and their private life. And it's also incredibly disrespectful to assume they don't have one you aren't apart of because they are so famous. They will have their safe spaces and they deserve more of that. And they shouldn't have those spaces compromised.
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devine-fem · 4 months
Not an ask. Just wanted to say u always put the best stuff on my dashboard. ❤️❤️ and u have the best takes on my fav DC characters & ships 😅
AFAAFOUASHF (I'm fixated on Birdflash so I used this as a way to rant about them. I'm sorry this got a bit long ...) I appreciate this so much. I guess this is somewhat coming from my sudden fixation on Birdflash? No, I so get it. Thank you so much, @dinkgrayson. I so get it like I feel like I ship birdflash a little differently than the average person. Like I love Wallylinda like I do Clois and I also ship Dickkory really hard, so Birdflash are exes to me, it especially helps because fandom always depicts them as Robin and Kid Flash before they both met their soulmates, but I just ship them as exes, they are my favorite exes and I wish there were more fics where they were portrayed as exes and not endgame. Same thing with Supermanhunter. I ship Clark and J'onn as exes because if they were exes, it'd be so interesting. Same with Dickwally, I think the way they talk about each other just seems a little off... I don't know how to describe it but the way they grew from each other kind of felt like a breakup but one on good terms.
To me, Birdflash dated as Kid Flash and Robin [I also am so partial to them because I love Kid Flash!Wally and Robin!Dick... he's my favorite Robin... I just grew so attached to the fab five that I love Dick and Wally in those eras so much] because I feel like while they were Kid Flash and Robin they were much more unsure of themselves and would've jumped into a relationship a little bit more easily because they both desired some comfort from constant stress that no one else shared but each other because Robin and Wally at the time didn't have other robins or kid flashes to relate to. (I also use them as kind of the queer experience a little bit because in my head, I feel like they never really LABELED themselves as a couple, but they just kept seeking and finding in each other it stopped being platonic at a point. It's an envelope of the queer experience where your repressed and internalizing your emotions, especially in an era where Dick and Wally were created to be more relatable, I feel like it makes their characters a bit stronger...) Around the time Dick became Nightwing is when they broke up and on good terms, they stayed friends and purely platonic, but I also feel like they treat each other with a certain cadence of care/love that it feels very much like how you'd treat your ex. Just thinking about them being in a somewhat incognito relationship where Bats knows but doesn't say anything and they quietly break up which like helps with their development in my head is so chewy. I guess Birdflash a bit more looks down upon as of recently within the fandom because of how Birdflash shippers have treated Linda (I was surprised finding this out because it seemed so dead) but I also feel like it's not that serious because I understand that Wally is very family orientated but so is Clark. Clark NEEDS Lois and Superbat exists as to which SOME people treat Lois a bit harshly, but no one complains about that erasing Clark's character even though I really don't think Clark and Bruce are that much important to each other as everyone thinks they are (I don't like Superbat much either) Some people may treat Wally as an item to Dick but not me, I actually have read and know more about the Flashfam. I know more about Wally than Dick because I never really cared for the batfam that much... but that's just me. I'm a bit different and I wonder if like I'll post them more. Not sure. Sorry, ranting...
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tiredlittlewriter · 1 year
High & Low 🧡🧡Sannoh Rengokai Headcanons🧡🧡 for the main 6 + Naomi some happy, some sad
Remember: These are my own hcs and you don't need to agree with me! Just don't be rude or I'll make fun of you♡ I love my Sannoh Boys
- Constantly tired, but a happy tired now that the whole Kuryu thing is over
- Can do a handstand for 30 seconds
- Hates carrots unless Naomi mixes them really really well into whatever he's eating
- Speaking of food :[ has trouble eating anything he doesn't make himself or made by Naomi and even then... Yamato has to make sure he eats or sometimes he won't
- Passed out from that more times than he would like to admit
- Definitely undiagnosed depression. He doesn't think anything is wrong with wanting to self-sacrifice himself all the time. Noboru checks up on him anyway
- Cried when Smoky died (not in public though, someone needed to be strong)
- A great singer but only sings when he's drunk at karaoke
- Member of the alphabet mafia, which letter? Don't worry about it
- A big baby, cries at movies
- Would clap at the end of a flight
- Empathy king!! Whenever someone is going through something he knows how to comfort them or give pretty bad (or good) advice
- Everyone in Sannoh respects women ofc but Yamato walks the girls of the Sannoh area home if need be. His big frame comes in handy
- Bumps his head on things
- Massively protective over Noboru and Chiharu. He sees them as one in the same sometimes, loves them a lot
- Despite all of the Mugen/Amamiya beef being squashed, he and Hiroto spar every now and then
- Doesn't drink a lot (only a social drinker) because he's afraid of being addicted to something the way his mom is pachinko
- Absolutely no way he didn't have a crush on Cobra for at least a little bit. I mean. Come on
- Alphabet mafia amen
- Most normal Sannoh member (this does not mean much)
- Would probably try to go back to law school, he'd want to learn how to protect S.W.O.R.D on a different front
- Has nightmares about the day he found his gf. He's moved on from the event but the way he saw her stuck with him
- A ball of anxiety
- Sucks at cooking
- Knits when he's stressed (has a lot of scarves would you like one please take one he has too many)
- Semi-speaks English
- Works at a nearby library
- Forced Chiharu to get his GED
- mmm I don't have very many but
- A pretty solid painter, painted the sign for his shop
- Joined Sannoh because he felt like he felt that he finally had a place to belong
- Doesn't have that much family
- 2nd best cook of the Sannoh boys (Cobra is first best but not by much)
- Owner of at plenty Noboru Anxiety Scarves and puts the ones he doesn't want up for sale in his shop
- Plays the lottery and won 100 dollars once (spent it on Sannoh and never told them)
- Adhd all the way babey
- Oya High alumni (tell no one)
- Has at least 2k followers on insta
- Keeps airing Sannoh's business on socmed 😭😭
- Jailbroke an iPhone once before forgetting how to do it
- Is religious (not one of Those Types) and prayed for S.W.O.R.D whenever they had major fights
- Goes to Nameless City to help rebuild and bring food incognito (Rude Boys just pretend they don't see him)
- He's cringe so he probably has had a crush on the same girl since middle school
- Likes to scrapbook
- Stays watching horror movies
- PDA King if ur in Sannoh you've hugged him at least 10 times within the month
- Lowkey bumps to the Mighty Warriors music on Spotify
- After officially squashing the beef with Furuya, they got along as well as you can when it is Big Loud Angry Guy and Please Don't Guy
- Can and will eat you out of house and home
- Works part time at Yamato's shop
- Giving him the highest honour I can bestow (Trans)
- Told Sannoh and cried and then Yamato cried cause Chiharu was crying and Tetsu decided that was the best time for a selfie with everyone's ugly ass cries
- Kizzy probably knows
- Although not the sharpest tool in the shed he's really good at puzzles and riddles
- He's never really forgiven himself for betraying S.W.O.R.D
- Lightest of the boys, Cobra has thrown him before
- Considers them his family, since his own kinda gave up on him after dropping him at Oya
- "I am not a nurse" she says as giving stitches to her boys
- She's a certified women kisser idc argue with the waaaaallll
- Really loves her boys no matter how mean she is to them
- She's a Sannoh girl, of course she knows how to fight a bit
- She knew she couldn't go up against the White Rascals but if someone tried to rob Itokan all they'd be leaving with is an ass whooping
- Keeps trying new styles with her hair, did a side shave
- Probably has an infinity tattoo for her brother
- Has a custom made motorbike
- Forget Sannoh being protective of Naomi, Naomi is protective of her hoodlums and will in fact talk mad shit to anyone who disrespected them
- Has a running tab for each gang that happens to eat there, White Rascals has the lowest one because Rocky always pays + a nice tip and Oya has the highest because they have 5 dollars between the entire school
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