#and then i couldn't decide if he should be smiling or not
anantaru · 2 days
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kinktober 2024. — masterlist | ao3
— including. — dan heng, moze
— warnings. — fem! reader, seeing you with lingerie for the first time, messy syx, moze turns absolutely feral, petnames used: pretty, baby, brat
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dan heng’s usually calm demeanor falls to the ground the moment you let your silky bathrobe fall to the ground as well— his eyes immediately widening right then and there.
now, he doesn't know where to look at first, or if he should continue to admire the chiffon and lacing hugging your figure so perfectly a while longer, especially how it fit you in ways that left little to the imagination.
dan heng's breathing stutters and breaks in half when you straddle his lap with it— he blinks once, then twice, trying to compose himself, parting his thighs a little to adjust the way he’s sitting.
however, the faint dusting of red on his cheeks ultimately betrayed him when you paraded your pretty tits in front of his melting face wanting nothing more but to be squished between them.
"y-you look…" his voice trails off when you take his hands to place them on top of your breasts, "i look what?"
"irresistible," he swallows through the sudden tightness in his throat, "so sexy," as his gaze flickered between his palms fondling with your tits and your hips grinding down his obvious bulge— fuck, dan heng still couldn't decide what to do, or if he should let you take the lead tonight.
he meets your eyes and quickly darts them away, like he couldn’t quite decide if he should or shouldn't look, or if he's allowed to drool over this beautiful sight before him— which was utterly hilarious when pointing out the fact that he was your boyfriend.
you felt your heart stutter, pulse quickening when he wraps one arm around your waist to help you grind down on him harder, your alluring attire getting a little messy yet— it was breathtaking to him.
you swallow thickly when he leaned forward to clumsily push the flimsy lace covering your tits aside to take a nipple in his mouth.
see, you do that to him— making him go all clouded and clumsy, his tongue messily lapping at your erected nipple as he nudged the other with his thumb and index finger, coaxing out a loud sigh of his name from you.
"fuck, you’re so perfect, so fucking perfect, my prettiest— i, sh-shit— ah" with every twitch of his bulge desperately rutting into your wet cunt, he cannot help himself but shower you in praises and singing them against your ear shell.
dan heng continues to rasp his emotions into your neck as you, sloppily now, chased your own high, your hips grinding and fucking into him as he whines into your neck, your hands cupping the back of his head to keep him there, for all time.
don't misunderstand, there was no rush— just the two of you, making each other feel real good, time and passion unraveling at your pace, your bodies craving each other dearly and most importantly, dan heng's composure slowly melting under your frame.
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⚝ — MOZE
the delicate, revealing fabric clinging to your skin ignited something raw and primal within moze— surely, he's seen beautiful women before, but you? he cannot even form a sentence now, his sharp intake of breath was the only warning before he grabbed your wrist to playfully shove you against the bed, placing himself right on top.
"you…" he chuckles lowly, his voice ruff and strained, yet his eyes were raking freely over your form, lingering on every curve, dreaming of every inch of exposed skin as he wanted nothing more but to rip those little panties aside and fill you with his warm load.
"hey now, look at me pretty, c'mon, do you know what you’re doing?" there was a challenge in your smile, and you'd be stupid to think he didn't catch it, "look at this," he points to his twitching bulge pressed against your wet folds, "this is what you do, yeah, you little brat,"
"my brat," his touch was hot, rough, wet as he licked between your breasts— fuck, it's as though your presence alone had completely undone him, had his mind break and ultimately explode into a million pieces. you could smell his cologne all over you, especially heavy against his neck, and the way his hands grabbed and fondled with your flesh, fingers digging into your sides like he was afraid you might slip away.
"oh baby, you're dangerous like this," he whispers, his lips brushing your ear before licking your lobe.
it’s messy— juices splattered everywhere with your sweat sticking on one anothery the way he pulls his cock out to slip it into you so roughly made you see stars and dreams, alhough without prepping you, making it hurt a little as your hands cup the back of his shoulders.
he coats his cock with your walls, grunting out fiercely as you shiver over inch after inch— okay so; telling a little secret, but for you personally, you loved it whenever moze was too hot and riled up to prep you, maybe lap at your clit for a little before pressing his cock in you.
without doing that, you feel so, so right, so tight as his dripping cock slumps into you fully. your vision was white, and everything around you feels like being underwater— constricted, weightless.
you feel moze all over you, can smell and repeatedly moan at his tip pressing into your sweet spot— yet he wasn't done, not before he placed a hand over your spasming abdomen, applying just the right amount of pressure to intensify that overwhelming bursts of his cock wrecking havoc in your cunt.
moze laughs and licks his lips, "you have no idea what you’ve started," and his voice changes tone, sounding drenched with carnal need for you, for this, for everything— his hips now rutting into you sloppily, messily and without purpose, barely maintaining the even pace from before yet his smacks grow in strength, bursting fireworks all over your skin.
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© 2024 anantaru  do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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loggiepj · 3 days
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For Your Eyes Only
Cheerleader Wanda x Nerd Fem Reader Short Stories
"Ooohhh, Wanda came prepared," Natasha teases her bestfriend, who's busy watching herself on the mirror while picking what swimsuit to wear for tomorrow's Seniors outing.
Wanda has no trouble choosing before, she knows she looks just amazing as she is in a cheerleader's uniform.
But when she found out you'd be going to said event, she wanted to look perfect for you that your eyes wouldn't stray to anyone else.
"Wanda, you've tried out a couple already," Maria comments. "Give it a rest. Y/n only has eyes for you, you know that."
Her friends have managed to convince her to stop trying out different sets of swimsuits. She picks the navy blue one giddily.
But when she sees Christine in a skimpy dark red swimsuit the following day, Wanda should have chosen better.
You on the other hand is fully clothed as you are busy taking pictures of everyone.
"Look at all these hot babes," Yelena says, making you turn to glance at who she is talking about.
And as if in slow motion, Wanda walks in with her friends wearing the sexiest two piece that makes your mouth almost water.
Yelena notices you staring as she jokes, "Close your mouth or a fly could get in."
You ignore your friend laughing your way as you turn back to Wanda's direction. She is now talking to Vision, the school's basketball team captain rather animatedly while the guy places his arm around her shoulder.
The sight makes you hurt so you decide to walk away from the pool, making Yelena wonder why you're leaving.
"Okay, I guess, the ocean's view is beautiful," Yelena mutters when she sees you taking photos of the seashore instead.
Unbeknownst to you, Wanda has been looking for you for quite a long time now. At least, she sees Christine talking to someone else other than you. But then she catches your friend Yelena going inside the beach house to replenish her drinks.
"You seen Y/n?" Wanda asks.
Yelena purses her lips. "Somehow enjoying the ocean's view over there."
Wanda smiles as she thanks the blonde girl, before running towards your direction.
When she sees your back as you look through your camera's photos, she creeps behind you before she covers your eyes with her hands.
"Guess who?"
The angelic laugh of Wanda makes you smile from ear to ear as you turn.
"I thought you couldn't come," Wanda adds, smiling. You try to avoid looking at her below the neck.
"Change of plans," you say, "And Piet needs some photos for this month's issue. You know how dedicated he gets."
"Come on, let's meet the others," Wanda says as she threads her fingers through yours and pulls you to the pool's direction.
"I don't know, Wands," you reply, letting the girl lead the way, "I'm not really good with crowds."
"Don't worry," she assures you with a sweet smile on her face. "I won't leave your side."
Author's note: I truly appreciate your continued support in reading my stories. You can help me create more stories by supporting my writing thru this link. Thank you so much. ❤
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An: This was requested, but i lost the request! I hope you like it if you do please like, comment, and reblog it helps keep me motivated when you all interact with my work <3 Reader should be gender neutral please lmk if I missed something and it isn't I'll relabel it! I imagined this with worst!Logan, but it could be any Logan
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Logan is clingy
After losing so many people he cared for and loved, he clings to the things he cares about now. At first, he was never clingy. He didn't want to get attached, but now that you are together and he has allowed himself to fall in love, he fell hard and fast.
He wants to make sure you're okay and safe at all times. He doesn't mean to sound pushy or possessive, but he just wants to make sure you are safe, especially if he's not with you. It doesn't matter if it's the grocery store or your job he just wants to know where you'll be in case he has to save you. He lost too much in life, and he isn't ready to lose you anytime soon.
Your alarm went off way too early for Logan's liking this morning. He knew you were going to be getting up and leaving him for work and for some reason he just couldn't accept that this morning.
He groaned slightly and clinged to you tighter as he felt you starting to get up. "Lo, baby, I have to get up." You kissed his head and tried to get out of his arms again but was met with a stronger force pulling you back into his chest. "Why? You don't even like your job," he said with his voice laced with sleep and sarcasm. You turned and checked to see what time it was before deciding that you had a few extra minutes to give him love before having to really leave. You could go without breakfast if it meant getting to lay in bed a little longer.
He smiled, knowing he won when he felt you relax in his arms again. He kissed your shoulder before falling back into a deep sleep. When you started to hear his soft snores and you just sighed, maybe you'll just call in today...
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darknight3904 · 1 day
𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘩
𝘓𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘏𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘞𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯.
𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥���𝘰𝘰𝘭 & 𝘞𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘦 (2024).
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘝𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦.
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 2.1 𝘬
𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 / 𝘚𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 / 𝘔𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
This is the alternative version of Ghostbusters. I couldn't decide which I liked more so I'm posting both...
Special thanks to @marifilue and @n4muqr for requesting a Halloween-themed one-shot.
Wade Wilson was having a wonderful day. He'd woken up with Vanessa beside him, Mary at his feet, and Al had even made him a cup of coffee.
Of course, all good things couldn't last forever and now he was in Spirit Halloween with three of the most boring people on Earth.
"You guys can't just sit Halloween out." Wade sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose
"Why not?" Logan sighs
"Because it's your first one in a new universe and since you're all my friends you have a standard to uphold," Wade says
"I thought we were just going to stay inside and watch scary movies," Laura said
"God what a snooze fest you three are." Wade groaned in Laura's face before turning to the couple in front of him, "You two finally got together and you're telling me you don't want to have a couples costume? Seriously? It's been two full stories, plus a few extra parts and no costumes? The readers are going to be so sad!"
He watches you and Logan exchange a long look before opening your mouths again, "No."
"God it's like Ebenezer Scrooge but for Halloween!" Wade leans forward and shakes Logan by the shoulders "Do you know how important Halloween is?"
"Baby, maybe you should just accept that they don't want to dress up. You guys have both had your fair share of holidays I'm sure right?" Vanessa asks as you nod in agreement.
Logan growls and pushes Wade's hands from him, mumbling a fuck off as he watches You and Laura go to look at the giant animatronics the store has.
"In the words of my queen, Cady Herron, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it."
Logan looks over at Wade like he's lost it. Maybe he has, quoting Mean Girls to a man who is pushing 200.
"Are you picking up what I'm putting down?" Wade grins
"No. I don't even know a Cady." Logan sighs tiredly as Vanessa laughs at him
"Trust me, it'll be worth it if you convince your lady to dress up. I'm talking about the skimpiest costumes to ever exist. Have you looked at the women's section here? Barely clothes. Trust me, you'll love it." Wade pats his back
"And what are you going as?" Logan asks, his voice full of doubt
"Batman." Wade smiles, "And Vanessa here isgoing as Cat Woman. She's got the latex suit and everything. I'm so excited!"
Logan groans next to him, clearly not interested in Wade's fantasies as the annoying man pulls Vanessa in for a hug.
"If you want to dress up, you can. Don't let Logan and I stop you." You say, thinking of the past 70 years, "We've both had enough Halloweens in our lifetimes."
"I dunno...What would I even go as?" Laura says hesitantly glancing around the many costumes that sit on the racks
"Anything you want." You say looking to your right where a sexy "nun" stares back.
Laura looks between you and the costume like you're crazy.
"Okay, within reason." You laugh, "No sexy nuns this year."
You follow Laura around the store as she combs over the vast selection the store has. You're pretty sure Wade has dragged you into the biggest Spirit Halloween there was.
"What about this one?" Laura asks, her hands landing on one costume
"Hey, that's a great choice," Vanessa says, catching up to the two of you.
"Perfect." You nod in approval
"Can I get one of those fake knives that has the blood in it?" Laura asks eagerly, looking at you and then up at Logan.
Logan heaves a sigh but nods anyway and watches as Laura dashes off with Wade hot on her heels, dragging Vanessa with him as he chants something about being movie-accurate.
"Ghost Face?" Logan asked you hesitantly
"Hey, she can be Ghost Face all she wants. Just be glad she didn't pick the sexy nun or the hottie nurse one." You laugh
"She'd be leaving costumeless if she asked for anything like that." Logan chuckles
Your eyes widen as Laura pulls a sword half the size of her body out of a bin.
"I don't think he had a sword in the movie," Logan says
"Laura check this one out!" Wade exclaims as Vanessa turns away from her boyfriend and pretends she doesn't know him, he swings a large foam bat with fake wire on it, "Call me JDM the way I'm about to go Negan on everyone!"
You look over a few more costumes with Logan, not intending to buy anything but, some of them were just too funny not to look at. Seriously, were people actually walking around as an inflatable banana?
"Listen if you want to dress up, you can," Logan says from his place next to you, "My opinion doesn't matter."
"I don't know what I'd be." You say looking at a giant cookie monster suit
"I meant..." Logan glances around, most likely checking that Wade isn't anywhere near him, "We...We can do a couples costume if you want."
You turn to him in shock. Logan Howlett, The Wolverine, the most stoic man you knew, was suggesting a couple costume for Halloween?
"Are you serious right now?" You laugh
"Well," Logan smiles, wrapping his arms around you from behind, "Wade said there's this big Halloween Party at that nightclub we went to a few weeks back. You need a costume to get in though."
"You just want to drink." You roll your eyes
"Like you don't." Logan pinches your side
"Alright, Alright." You sigh, pushing his arms off you, "What are we going as since you suddenly want to be Mr. Life of the Party."
"Vanessa gave me an idea." Logan smiles, "I think you'll like it. It involves me showing off my biceps."
"I'm in."
You watched as Laura pulled the mask over her face, reluctantly posing for your camera.
"Can I please go?" She groans, oversized machete in hand
"Ok, ok." You say, "But you have to text me when you get back to Brooke's"
"I will," Laura says, tossing her backpack on her shoulders
"Do you have your charger? What about your toothbrush?" You ask as she walks to the door
"I have everything." She says, pulling the door open
"Alright, have fun," You say with a smile
"No boys!" Logan yells loudly from your shared bedroom. A short pause follows before he speaks again, "Or girls! Just...stay away from everyone!"
"I know!" She yells over her shoulder
You watch from the window as Laura gets into Brooke's parent's car and disappears down the road. You had agreed to Laura's pleading to go Trick or Treating and then have a sleepover with her friend from school. Logan had been hesitant but you coaxed him into it reminding she was virtually indestructible.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" You ask Logan who is for some strange reason, still getting dressed. It was nearly 8 and you still needed to go down the road to Wade and Vanessa.
"You're the one who said she'd be fine in the first place." Logan reasons
You push the bedroom door open to see Logan still fiddling with his costume.
"This is ridiculous." He says, "I look ridiculous."
"You're the one who picked it out!" You laugh as you look at him
"I didn't think it'd be this breezy." Logan huffs
Your eyes scan his burly figure. Tonight, the two of you were dressed as Meg and Hercules. A cute purple dress sat on your figure and you had even found some temporary dark purple hair dye for your hair. A strappy pair of heels sit on your feet and your makeup was soft and glittery. As for Logan, he was in a brown and gold Hercules costume.
You had to admit, he looked hot, He always did but there was something about his upper arms and the way they were squeezing out of that cheat costume he had picked.
"Don't you think this is too short?" Logan asks, motioning to the way the skirt portion of Hercules' costume fell to his mid-thigh
"Logan I have skirts shorter than that." You look at him in disbelief
"Yeah but..." Logan sighs, "I feel like my balls are hanging out."
"Oh my god." You run a hand over your face.
"I'm not joking!"
You let the diva...er Logan preen over his appearance some more and disappear into the bathroom to make sure your makeup is just the way you want it. You mess around with your hair, trying to decide on the perfect style, and hear a knock at the door. Expecting Laura or perhaps even Wade, you swipe a bit of lipgloss on and leave the bathroom to find Logan already answering.
"Wow, look at that, it's Hercules!" A woman's voice says
"Trick or Treat!" A chorus of little voices say
You watch, amused as Logan glances around your shared apartment. Neither of you had bothered to buy any candy, expecting to be out of here before the kids showed up. Your eyes widen when Logan grabs apples out of the fruit bowl on the table for the kids.
"Sorry, no candy." He huffs
"Why not?" One child dressed as an astronaut whines when he sees the apples
"I ate it all." Logan deadpans, "That's how I got so big."
You laugh to yourself as Logan flexes for the kids, who are laughing at him.
"But wouldn't that make you fat? Not muscly?" One asks
Your eyes fall on the woman, presumably the mother of the kids. You can tell she doesn't care what Logan hands her kids, hell, he'd probably get away with stealing one right now with the way her eyes were stuck on his arms.
"Alright, apples for everyone." You smile, wrapping your arm around Logan's, shooting a glare at the woman as you let Logan drop the apples into the bags, "Have a good night!"
Logan pushes the door shut and shoots you a knowing look, "Careful, you're going green over there."
"Shut up." You say
"It's nice to know you're jealous." Logan smirks
"Ugh, can you blame me? I can't have some other lady stealing you away." You huff as he pulls you in for a kiss
"Yeah well, with the way you're dressed right now." Logan looks down for a second, clearly trying to peer down your dress
"Perv." You whisper as he captures your lips again
"Just for you." He laughs into the kiss as his hands begin to roam down to your ass, "Wanna call Vanessa? Tell her we can't go?"
"Can't let them down." You say as his hands begin to bunch your dress up, his lips falling to your neck.
Logan sucks a mark into your skin that will surely need to be covered with makeup. You groan as he whispers into your ear, "It'll be more fun stayin' in with me, trust me, darling."
The sound of your front door being slammed open as you jump away from Logan, immediately on alert, your heart pounding.
"I knew it, they were busy making out." Vanessa teases as she and Wade enter
"Don't scratch, Peanut!" Wade says looking down at Logan's claws that have appeared, "Ha! Look at that!"
You glance down to where Wade is pointing at Logan's boner which the costume refuses to hide.
"Peter, or should I say, Vanessa, the horse is here!" Wade snorts a laugh, "What a fucking stallion! Pumpkin, you take that every night?! Gosh it's a miracle you can walk straight, I mean really it's-"
Wade doesn't get to finish as three gleaming silver claws have entered one side of his face and exited the other, "Not another word, you stupid piece of shit."
"Alright, Alright." You say, pulling Logan away from Wade, "You two go on, we'll meet you at the club."
You push Wade and Vanessa out of the apartment as Wade makes another dick joke, much to Logan's dismay.
You spin around as the door shuts and lock it with a flick of your hand. Logan sits on the couch a pillow in his lap as he rubs at his temples.
"Give me a few mintues, bub. We'll get goin' soon." He says not looking at you
"Who said we were going anywhere?" You smile, pushing the pillow off his lap, replacing it with yourself.
Logan gives you a look but doesn't object, resting his hands on your hips. His lips meet yours again, this time with a passion that had you shuddering. Oh, you were definitely going to be sore tomorrow.
Your hands ran over the biceps you loved so much and tugged at the costume, wanting it to disappear. Logan's hands dug into your soft skin, gently grinding you into his now-exposed underwear. Thank god for that stupid skirt.
"Happy Halloween, Logan." You, break the kiss, grinning mischievously
"Happy Halloween, darlin'. "
Guys I got struck down by a horrible cold and my period at the same time. 0/10, would not recommend, I am feeling a bit better today so I finished this part up, hope you enjoyed.
Back by popular demand, Ash pictures:
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monstacheol · 18 hours
𝔄 𝔊𝔦𝔣𝔱 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞 𝔊𝔬𝔡 (𝔗𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢𝔯)
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ϟ 𝕻𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: God! Choi Seungcheol x Mortal afab! Reader
ϟ 𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: Your marriage wasn't the one to be envied. Marry to one of the ruthless kings due to an arrangement from your father. Being nothing more than a pawn. And you despise it all.
On the night of drinking and celebrating, you decided to turn in for the night. As you walk into your shared bedroom, you are greeted by a God, not just any other God. The God of Sky and Thunder. King of Gods himself. Who came with a gift.
ϟ 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 937 (Teaser); 4k or more (Full)
ϟ 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: Dom Zeus! Seungcheol, Sub Lady! Mortal Reader, dirty talking, breeding kink, oral (f. & m receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms and multiple positions, small amount or maybe more manhandling, a bit of praise kink or more, unprotected sex (stay safe kids), size kink, choking, your "husband" talking badly about the gods, Pet name: (y/n): darling (I feel like I'm missing out on some stuff so I'll edit it later.)
ϟ 𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: To be listed…
ϟ 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘: This was kind of inspired by a post I made and I thought about it and went "Yeah. Let's go for it." If there are some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry. I will edit them later. Supposed to be out in late September (before the hurricane hit Friday) but I MANAGE to get service so here we are. I promise I would get out and I took this chance to get out on luck. Please comment, like, reblog for support.
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You sigh as your head presses against the frame, exhausted from the day's events.
"Long night!"
You heard a voice behind you. You turned around to see a mysterious man lying on his side across from your bed, a mischievous grin on his face. You felt a jolt of surprise at the man's unexpected presence in your bedroom. "Who are you?" you asked cautiously, your heart racing uncertainly. The man chuckled softly and replied, "I'm just someone who couldn't resist meeting you."
You glanced at the man's appearance. He had a white toga draped over his shoulder and a gold cuff wrapped around one of his biceps, which was exposed. His pec was exposed, while the other was concealed under the toga. His toga was short so that you could see his muscular legs. His eyes were pierced brown, and his smile was charming. His hair was black and wet, and he was breath-taking. The more you look at him, the more you find yourself drawn to his mysterious aura. You were so lost in thought that you heard him laugh.
"What's the matter, darling? Lost in thought?" he asks with a playful smirk.
You shook your head, cleared all your thoughts, and got to the question.
"W-What are you doing here? You are trespassing, and I would appreciate it if you left immediately," you stammer, feeling a mix of fear and fascination at the mysterious stranger in your room. The man chuckles, his grin widening as he replies.
"Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the celebration of your king's victory. As if your husband needed it," the man said.
A small scoff escaped his lips. "That your husband of yours," he continued.
"That man thinks we are not the reason behind his success. He's so power-hungry and incompliant that he can't even get on his knees and thank us after what we've done to make him victorious. I must say I don't think they'll be so happy to hear about that. It's a shame. Really. How ungrateful people can be," the man said with a hint of disappointment.
You listen as this man talks badly about your husband like he knows him. Before you could speak, he continued.
"But you, Lady Y/N."
You froze as the mysterious man said your name.
"You're such a loyal worshipper. You thank the gods for every endeavor and never falter in your devotion. A woman like you should be rewarded," the man expressed.
The way the man in front of you looks at you. It was like he was undressing you with his eyes. His gaze was intense and unwavering. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you tried to maintain your composure.
"W-Who are you?" you said, asking again.
The man smirked at my question.
"I am known by many names. Zojz. Tinia. Jupiter. Zeus. But," the man said as he slowly rose from your bed, full of confidence, "you can call me Seungcheol."
Your eyes widen in shock as you realize the man's true identity. "M-My... God," you stammer, feeling two emotions at once: fear and awe wash over you. You instantly fall to the floor, bowing. "Please forgive me for any disrespect I may have shown," you say, bowing your head in reverence.
Seungcheol chuckled softly, his grin widening at your reaction. A loyal follower, he thought to himself. He slowly approached you as you kowtowed before him, his presence towering over you. "Rise," he commanded gently, offering a hand to help you stand. As you looked up at him, you couldn't help but feel an admiration and reverence for the god standing before you.
"There will be no formalities," he said. As you take his hand and stand up, Seungcheol's eyes twinkle with amusement. He was taller than you expected, and his presence exuded a sense of power and authority that made you feel equally intimidated and intrigued.
"My god."
You were speechless. You didn't know what to say, and the words hadn't even begun to form. Seungcheol noticed your awe and chuckled softly.
"You seem lost in words right now, darling," Seungcheol said. His deep voice resonated through you, sending shivers down your spine. It was as if he could read your thoughts and emotions with just a glance.
"I-It's just that I didn't expect such a sudden visit," you stammered, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Would you like me to leave?" he asked. You shake your head quickly. "N-No. Please stay. I didn't mean—"
"Don't worry, darling," Seungcheol interrupted with a reassuring smile. "Just teasing you a bit."
His smile was gentle and warm, putting you at ease. He then stepped away from you and trailed around the room. Taking in everything about his surroundings, even looking at the unfinished tapestry mounted on the wall. With a persistent and powerful head, he strolled around.
"Besides, I didn't want to leave without giving you a gift," Seungcheol stated.
A gift... for you...
"W-What kind of gift?" is all you can manage to stammer out of. "A special one," he answered.
"How special is the gift?" you asked, curious. Seungcheol finally stopped walking and turned back to you with a mysterious glint in his eyes, making your heart race with anticipation.
"What if I told you that your gift, your special little gift, was something that I wanted to show you? To thank you for showing such admiration for me?" Seungcheol responded with a mischievous smile. Your mind raced with possibilities as you waited for him to reveal the surprise he had in store for you.
"What if I said your gift was me?
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
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accio-sriracha · 2 days
The Water Is Fine
A Jegulus Oneshot
"Come in, the water is fine!" James called to Regulus, his eyes holding a challenge.
Regulus watched him with amusement from the shade of a nearby tree. He didn't swim, this was a fact they all knew well. James, however, didn't seem to care, inviting him for the third time that evening to join them in the lake.
Regulus watched his brother's concerned expression as he swam over to James,
"Mate, you know he doesn't get in the water." He said, "What's the point in trying?"
James brushed him off, his eyes never leaving the boy resting beneath the tree,
"Sure he does." He said it loud enough for Regulus to hear, "He'll get in eventually."
"You're really going to do this right now?" Regulus called back.
He had to admit, he was a little impressed by James' persistence. James shrugged,
"It's as good a time as ever, isn't it?"
Regulus knew the words had double meaning for them, but pretended not to notice as he sighed and stood up, marking his place in his book.
The rest of their groups were there as well. Mary, Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas were having a chicken fight off to the left. Alice, Frank, and Pandora were diving to collect things on the lake's floor. Sirius, James, Peter, and Remus had previosuly been playing catch with a quaffle, before James turned his attention to Regulus instead.
Barty and Evan were... well, we probably should focus too much on them.
They all turned in suprise as Regulus stepped out of his shoes, resignation written on his face, and walked towards the water's edge.
"There he is!" James called grandly, holding his arms out, "The man of the hour! Come join us, the water's nice and warm!"
If they hadn't been shocked before, they definitley were now as Regulus actually stepped into lake.
"Will you shut up already?" Regulus hissed at him, "It's fucking cold, you liar!"
He continued to mutter under his breath as he made his way to James, "Always fucking pissing me off- Never have one good day with my books, can I-"
James waved him off, "Stop whining, you'll get used to it."
"Regulus what are you doing?" Sirius was openly staring at him in shock. Regulus didn't spare him a glance, too focused on where to place his feet,
"Coming over to kill your best friend, that's what I'm doing." He gasped when a place in the water was particularly freezing.
He didn't like the feeling of everyone's eyes on him, since they suddenly decided he was more exciting than whatever it was they were doing before.
He rolled his eyes. He was in the water, so what? Just because none of them had ever seen him step foot in the lake before doesn't mean it was that big of a deal.
"I thought you didn't swim-" Sirius started again, dumbstruck.
"He doesn't." James' smile was bright, the kind of all-consuming smile that made you forget the rest of the world existed.
As Regulus got to waist high waters the familiar trickles of fear started to kick in.
Sirius had a right to be surprised, nothing scared Regulus more than this feeling.
He was toeing the ridge he had been looking for, where safe standing water met the expansive depths underneath. A drop off so sudden he was surprised nobody had died in it yet.
But as he looked up, his heart slowed. He trusted James. James would make sure he was okay.
He watched as James nodded reassuringly, his breathtaking smile easing Regulus' nerves. Regulus nodded back, reminding himself again that James would keep him safe.
So, much to the panic of everyone else, he turned around, leaned back... and fell.
Right off of the ledge and into the drop off. Water splashed up around him. He sunk five- ten feet and falling fast.
Above the waves there were shouts, his friends pushing through the water to save him because, obviously, Regulus couldn't swim.
James, Sirius, Barty, and Mary were the stronger swimmers of the group, the latter three racing against the current to get to him.
But Regulus wasn't waiting for any of them.
In seconds there was a body pressed against his own. Warm hands against smooth skin, the zooming rush of water around them.
Yes, there he was.
James held him against his chest, using magic to propell them quickly through the water. Regulus could never get enough of this feeling, like he was flying.
As they burst up to the surface of the water again he could just barely make out the gasps from their friends.
They flew through the waves, Regulus' hands looked pale against James' tanned back from where he clutched James close.
And they were quite a sight to see, bright smiles and Regulus' shrieks of laughter, James weaved them this way and that, sometimes twirling them up into the air before dropping them back down.
It was a bit of water bending magic James had learned to keep Regulus safe when he was trying to teach him how to swim a few months ago, a deal they'd made in private to save Regulus the embarrassment.
Eventually, when Regulus' fears had proven too great, they'd given up on learning and starting using magic to push them across the waves instead. He and James had come here all the time since then, getting faster and faster at it, James continuing to try out new tricks.
James kept his hands wrapped tightly around Regulus' waist, his own laugh was wild and free.
Regulus leaned happily into James, he could feel James' heart thump rhythmically against his chest.
James rolled them over so Regulus was on his back when he stopped the spell. Regulus gripped James' shoulders tightly, as he always did when James swam them back to the safety of the shore.
This was where James had developed the habit of calling Regulus his starfish, because he held fast onto him when James was swimming; like a starfish to a rock.
Regulus remembered the first time he'd said it, when he'd lectured James for making fun of someone with such a large fear. It turned out to grow on Regulus, and now he could only find the name endearing.
"Show off." Regulus called over the sound of the water, leaning back so he could feel the breeze on his face.
James looked back at him, eyes shining, "Only for you." He smiled.
They made it back to a level Regulus could stand in and James carefully dropped him off, holding him steady until he was sure Regulus was okay.
Sirius stormed over to them, hitting James' arm repeatedly,
"Never. Scare. Me. Like. That. Again." He said, each word punctuated by a punch, "You could have hurt him! What if he'd drowned, Prongs? What then?"
James threw back his head in a laugh, moving to hide behind Regulus,
"I didn't do anything!" He protested. Dodging his next few attempts to attack.
Barty made it to them next, glaring at Regulus,
"I thought you were fucking dying you arsehole!" He shouted, "I had to leave Evan to save you! Do you know how hard that is?"
"Oh the horror. You had to stop making out for three whole seconds." Regulus teased.
"What the hell was that?" Evan demanded as well, looking between James and Regulus as he trudged through the water to the four of them, "I've never seen anything like that before."
James and Regulus shared a look. James cleared his throat,
"We've had some practice." He started slowly, "It's a thing we've been working on-"
"Wait, you've gotten in the water before?" Marlene asked, amazed, as the rest of the group appeared.
"Just a few times." Regulus told them.
"More like every weekend." James snorted, as always beginning to speak before he could think, "You practically begged me last time-"
Regulus cut him off with a threatening look.
Sirius was staring like he was seeing a ghost. Regulus could imagine why, he probably wasn't used to seeing Regulus like this, usually so cut throat and intense, suddenly laughing and beaming and clinging to Sirius' best friend of all people.
"I didn't even know you guys were close." Lily frowned, confused.
Regulus bit back a smile, glancing at James as also he tried and failed to control his expression. The light reflecting off the water made him look even more beautiful.
James wrapped an arm around Regulus' shoulders, "You could say that."
Regulus rolled his eyes again, "Prick." He hissed under his breath. James shot him a flashy grin.
Finally, it seemed to click.
"Holy shit." Barty took a step back, "Evan, they're-"
"I know, B."
"You don't have to say it, B."
"Evan, they're fucking each other!"
Evan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I thought I just told you not to say it?"
"You're together?" Peter called incredolously. James smiled, turning Regulus to face him fully. Regulus knew what was happening even before Jamesx eyes dropped to his lips,
"Jamie, no-" Regulus started, even though he was already melting against his touch.
"Jamie, yes." James replied, all smug smiles and firm hands as he pulled Regulus into a kiss, right there in front of everyone.
Regulus broke, leaning his forehead against his chest when they pulled away.
He'd never felt guilt and relief so simultaniously. It was like a weight lifted off his shoulders just to remind him of all he'd done wrong to get it there.
"You're together?" Sirius repeated quietly, still watching them with that same expression. Remus' hand was placed gently on his back, a motion Regulus often did to James to calm him down. He knew it well, Remus thought Sirius was about to explode.
"We were planning on telling you, it's only been two weeks since we actually got together-" James began nervously.
Regulus swallowed hard, Sirius was the person they'd been most anxious to tell, worried about how he'd react.
"This is fucking amazing." Sirius called, pulling them both into a crushing hug, "Merlin, my brothers! I'm so happy for you both!"
Regulus wasn't sure surprised was quite enough to cover what he was experiencing right now. He needed something more intense, somewhere around the intensity of a nuclear bomb might cover it.
"You're okay with it?" James asked skeptically, his hand intertwining with Regulus' seemingly without thought.
Sirius laughed, "Well it sure as hell beats thinking Regulus was going to drown." He replied, "But, honestly, I'm happy for you guys!"
People took their turns congratulating them, eventually, when the excitement had passed and everyone went back to their own activities again, Regulus turned to James,
"Can we go again?" He asked, giving him the look that he knew made James fold every time.
"Yeah, we can do it again." James laughed, pressing a kiss to his forehead, "I love you."
"I love you too." Regulus smiled, taking a deep breath in as he walked over to the ledge. He nodded to James, who was already muttering the spell under his breath.
And off they went once more, flying through the water in their own peaceful little bubble.
Regulus had never been more happy than he was right then, with James holding him close and all of their friends having fun in the distance. No more secrets. No more lies.
He found Sirius' eyes when James swam them back to the safer water, his smile was filled with approval.
Regulus relaxed against his boyfriend, there was no place on earth he would rather be.
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“You’re a sweetheart” “Believe me, I’m really not” + Jake Seresin pls? 🥰
FE YES THIS IS SO HIM also would you like a little Jake and Venus AU? We got some language and sub!Jake here aka my favorite
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Jake Seresin had a routine.
Step one, find who he wanted to talk to have for the night. Not someone who was clinging to the corner (they were for Bob), but also not the life of the party. He didn't like to share.
Step two, make eye contact. Sometimes Jake would be able to make it happen with the power of his lustful stare. Sometimes it meant playing pool at a different table or going up to the bar.
Tonight it meant going up to the bar, to order his drink loudly, ramping up his accent and 'yes m'am's to Penny. He didn't mind, he loved the spotlight.
Once eye contact was made, he could move on to step three. Bring her a drink.
He noticed she had ordered a gin and tonic at the bar. Jake practically strutted to her table, feeling confident that he would be walking out of here with the woman of the night in less than an hour.
"Howdy darlin'. I've always been told a lady should never have an empty glass. May I?" Jake pointed to her first drink, which was nearly empty.
She pursed her red painted lips together, looking Jake up and down, as if deciding whether he should be allowed to stay. At least, that's how Jake felt under her strong gaze. He tried not to falter, fighting the urge to close his free hand into a fist.
Finally, she spoke. Her voice was seductive, dripping with honey that was not double a trap to lure Jake.
"Aren't you a sweetheart?" Her coy smile gave Jake the confidence to sit down at her table. Though, he couldn't help but chuckle at her words.
"Believe me doll, I'm really not," it was said with a wink as he handed her the drink.
"Oh, I think you are," she winked back, causing Jake's heart to skip a beat, "However, I'm not a doll."
"Then what shall I call you? I was also thinking Goddess," Jake smirked.
She playfully rolled her eyes, "Sorry to break it to ya, but you aren't the first to call me that. My name actually means Venus."
Venus. How fitting, with her full lips and big eyes and hair full of curls. Jake couldn't think of a better name. If she was Venus, he would be her Mars, her fiery, passionate lover.
Just for tonight.
"I'm Jake," he stuck his hand out. He was a gentleman, after all.
She hesitated, just long enough to see his large hand begin to tremble before taking it.
Her skin was soft, though her grip was firm. She never broke eye contact, holding her own. This woman, this goddess, was different, confident. Jake couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't out on the dance floor or talking to other pilots.
"So Venus, what brings you here? Other than faith," He asked with a charming smile.
"Work was hell and my coworkers kept saying I should go here to blow off some steam," she shrugged, "I'm just looking for a sweet man."
Jake leaned back in his chair. Her words didn't match her mischievous tone. And there was that word again, sweet.
Sweet was not what anyone had ever used to describe him. Hot, charming, driven, successful. But never sweet.
"Well Venus," he shrugged as he looked up at her, "I don't know if I can offer you that. But what I can offer is a night you'll never forget."
"Shouldn't sell yourself short, Lieutenant," she giggled before taking another sip of her cocktail, "But why don't we just see where the night takes us?"
Jake expected the night to end one of two ways; either on top of her or going home with someone else.
What he didn't expect was to be underneath her in his car, her manicured fingers stroking his cock as he whined into her neck.
"That's it," She encouraged, "You deserve it. Been so fucking sweet to me."
Jake groaned, not caring if the whole bar heard him. He continued mouthing at her breasts, not caring about the tank top she had on.
"Made me cum with your fingers, let me get off on your thigh," She admired the stain he now had on his khaki pants, "What will your teammates think Lieutenant?"
"Don't....Fuckin' care," Jake gritted between his teeth, hips jerking up towards her.
"I knew you were a sweetheart. Makes up for your ugly as sin car," Venus chuckled.
Jake didn't care about her comment on his car. Truth be told, he didn't care too much about whether he came or not.
Truth was, he was too busy thinking of what engagement ring to get his Venus.
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writerjayne · 2 days
Stiles almost missed the door being open. 
It had been a crazy day, and even though he was home there were emails to send, paperwork to file, calls to make. He was heading back from the kitchen to his office, work on his mind, coffee in one hand and his laptop in the other when he realized. Stiles paused and looked back trying to figure out what had caught his attention.
Rain. He could hear the rain. Much louder than he should have been able to inside the house. Confused Stiles headed towards the noise and there it was. 
The door out to the garage was open. Confused Stiles stuck his head out to see if maybe Derek was out here. Instead Stiles found the garage door up, with Eli sitting on a little camping chair between the Jeep and the Camero, watching the rain pour. The littlest werewolf was more still than Stiles had ever seen him and silently Stiles watched Eli watch the rain. 
Stiles looked down at his laptop and decided work could wait. He quietly set it down before strolling out to stand next to Eli.
"Mind if I join you?" Stiles asked quietly 
Eli looked up at him briefly to smile before looking back at the rain. Taking that as a yes, Stiles pulled out one of the adult camping chairs and set it up next to Eli's. 
Father and son sat watching the rain, uninterrupted and unbothered. Stiles sipped his coffee, occasionally glancing at Eli, who remained mesmerized by the rain. This was how Derek found them an hour later, both still quietly watching the rain. He couldn't help snapping a picture before he came into the garage to join them. 
"Having a rain-watching party, and no one invited me?" Derek teased lightly, running a hand through Eli's hair before leaning down to kiss Stiles. "I thought you had work to finish." 
"Work can wait," Stiles smiled softly, his eyes falling to Eli again. "I'm watching the rain with our boy." 
"Can't argue with that," Derek stood with his arm around Stiles shoulders, enjoying the warmth and content that was filling the garage, radiating off his little family. 
Stiles was right. Life could wait.
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gassydumbjocks · 2 days
Virilite 1:
Boys will be boys
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Ever since I spiked my nephew Liam's beer with a strange pill I found online when he and my brother came to watch a football match, that boy has been acting like a man, as he should.
You see, my brother Noah had a son who, don't get me wrong, I love this boy with all my soul, but god damn he had to grow up and start acting like what he was, a dude, always wearing those girly crop tops and tight-fitting jeans with bright colors because "that's who he was", I admit that I was clearly upset when he revealed to the family that he was gay, but even so I couldn't do anything and neither could Noah, so we decided to accept him as he was, until I found a way to... make him act as he should.
While looking at online articles I found this article online that was supposed to be some pills that could have an effect on the behavior and actions of the person that took them, yes, I know, very science fiction-like, still, what caught my attention was the name and objective of the pill, "Virilite" was its name, and it promised to also have an effect on the levels of testosterone produced in men, which ended up convincing me to buy it.
The instructions were simple, put them in the drink or food that said man was going to consume, once ingested the guy would enter an immediate state of trance, able to only follow the orders that another person suggested in his mind, there were even images of test subjects boys who I assume took the pill, they all had a relaxed yet funny expression, eyes crossed and some even with tongues sticking out like dogs, I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Liam looking like that.
Just as i was now, immediatly after i got Liam to drink it after offering him a beer, he letted out an involuntary loud and guttural deep belch, which from what i knew and readed online was a sign that the pill already took effect, i had Liam in front of me with a dumb smile and an eye-crossed, glazed over look, like that huge burp just took away all his thoughts and personality.
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After the first 5 minutes of calling his name and getting no response, i actually started to worry, he couldn't stay as a brainless zombie-like dumbass all his life, and Noah would find out and kill me for it, i tried to remember, i took the pill's container and readed again the instructions.
"Ohh, so i have to, uh, kinda program him?" i said and then i thought of things i could make him do, i certainly bought those pills to make the kid more like a man... So, hell, what a man i would mold out of him.
I heard him let out a dumb chuckle still with that goofy smile from before, i smirked and approached "Liam, buddy, you hear me champ, you hear uncle Dave?" i asked to make sure he could indeed hear me, he slowly nodded and let out some hiccups "great, cuz we got a lot of work to do on you, and im sure you'll love it" i say.
I think of the first command to give him, they suggest to use short and simple commands, there are plenty of manly things he needs to learn, but i think i can cover up basic stuff, i remember Noah and me asking him to join us in our protein farting contests when we relaxed in our man cave watching our team, while Liam just grimaced and waved his hand, saying it was immature and gross, i would make him change his opinion, so it was obvious what would be the command "Liam...fart, loudly and proudly, c'mon" i literally order him to fart, i just wanted to test the effectiveness of the command obeying.
Without hesitation, he lifts his right leg as high as he can, leaving his butt in the air, before a barrage of gas goes out his butt.
Its so strong, big and beefy, even for me, i have to wave the smell and open a window nearby "good lord boy! Where in the hell did you got all that gas from!?" i ask impressed, and try to recover before continuing "ok ok lets keep up!, umm, belch, a nice deep man belch" i say, waiting for it.
I didn't even have to wait when he was already patting his chest and squinting an eye to help the gas release.
And holy fuck, if Liam was concious, he'd know that beast burp would have easily beat his old man and me in our oftens belch offs, the pill was clearly making a miracle on him.
I was admitidly having fun on my nephew making all the stuff he found "gross" and "immature" under a pill's control, i gave him another command, just to get a good laugh "Liam, do some armpit farts, but in the last one, you'll ask me to pull your finger, you'll let out a monster fart, got it?" i asked and he nodded again, he then started with the manly symphony, he took a hand down one of his pits and started to produce the nasty sounds.
I saw him stop and put hand on his gut, then he talked goofily "uncle, pull my finger" he asked dumbly before laughing and extend his hand at me, i gladly accepted "oh of course kiddo, let me help you with that" i smirked and pulled it hard, unleashing the beast gas he had stuck in his rump.
An ABSOLUTELY disgusting deep-ass and loud, nasty fart erupted from him, Liam never losing the crossed look on his face, as he hiked exaggerately his leg to force the fart out, i was shocked, but in the end, finally proud of him, i couldn't wait for Noah to see what he could do! We would think on more funny stuff to do at our just guys nights! After all, boys will be boys, right?
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azrielslittleslut · 5 hours
I have a lil angst/fluff request if your still taking them. Its a single dad azriel x reader. Where he had a baby with Elain but she took off with Lucien and she left Az with the baby (lets say baby is 6 months old and has no wings). Az is kinda freakin out cuz babies and him hes a lil scared on what to do. While on a mission in day court Az then meets reader who has the most beautiful white feathered wings and hes instantly mesmerized. Hes there for such a short amount of time so he decides to shoot his shot and lands himself a few dates (not once mentioning hes a father). He notices once or twice that reader will not engage or awknowledge babies when or if they smile and coo at her, but he thinks nothing of it. On his last night in the Day Court the bond snaps for him ( but not for her) and hes so so freakin happy, he invites her to Velaris to visit his family and meet his son. Hes a lil nervous about it and when he finally introduces them shes so cold and distant, wont even hold the baby or look at him. She flys back home that same night and tells Az some lame excuse that hes nice but he should have started out saying he had a son. Anyway long story short turns out that she had struggled to have a baby with her husband, and when it finally happend she had a rough birth but holding her baby in her arms was worth the wait.
*Trigger warning*
In the end she felt she failed as a mother and couldnt protect her baby from an enemy she had made from being her husband had also died trying to protect their child, so seeing children was just too painful for her and so she tried to avoid at all costs. I see it going both ways Az waiting yrs for her to heal and coming back for her, Or Az and them working and healing together, You can end however you see fit, or not at all of its too triggering. I just hardley ever see single dad Az freaking out over a lil baby. And scared af reader.
Azriel x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: talk of child loss/difficult pregnancy, angst, language, fluff, Az being a worried dad, slight Elain slander, happy ending:)
Word Count: 7.8k
a/n: anon, i know this took ages, but i wanted to get it right. i personally have never experienced this, but i hope i did it justice. my thoughts go out to everyone on here who has experienced child loss or hard pregnancies! <3
"Please stop crying. Please," Azriel begged, his eyes looking worriedly down at the bundle in his arms. No amount of coddling or singing or rocking seemed to soothe the baby, and he was at his wit's end with exhaustion. He held his son close, savoring the warmth radiating from him. "Come on, Ky. What do you need?"
Kyrell, or Ky for short, looked up at Az, his eyes full of tears. His eyes were dark brown, just like his mother's, and Azriel felt a sharp pang in his chest every time he looked at his son. Those eyes brought back memories full of joy, but mostly pain. Azriel couldn't stop his mind from going back to a little over a year ago, back to that day that had changed everything.
"Are you sure, Elain?" Azriel asked, his voice full of anxiety. His shadows swirled around him, sensing the stress of their master. "Have you talked to Madja?"
Elain squared her shoulders, her face like stone. "Madja was the one who confirmed it. I am sure." She rested a hand over her flat belly. "She said I'm only a few weeks along, but she doesn't think the babe has wings."
Az felt a rush of relief wash through his body. He didn't want to remember what had happened with Feyre, and he would rather die than watch Elain suffer the same way. "Are you... happy? I mean, this was unplanned. We were so careful... I don't know how this happened."
They had both been taking the contraceptive tonic, not willing to take any risks since they were so secretive about their relationship. How had this happened?
Elain took a step forward and took his hands in hers. "I am happy, Az. I've always wanted to be a mother," she said, her voice soft. "Yes, this is unexpected, but this baby is a sign of our love. The outcome of a wonderful and beautiful joining that even the cauldron itself couldn't stop."
Azriel's heart swelled in his chest. He pulled his hand from hers, lowering it to rest on her belly. He could already imagine the life growing inside of her, the future they would have together. He pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her hair. "I don't know how to be a father," he admitted. "But we can figure it out together."
Elain wrapped her arms around his waist, careful of his wings. "Together," she agreed.
Those had been fake words and empty promises. Only a few days after Ky's birth, Elain had disappeared quite literally into the night, leaving everything she owned in the townhouse. Az had returned from a short mission in Winter Court to his son crying in his crib and a note on the nightstand saying that Elain had left to be with Lucien. That she had decided to accept the bond and live with him. That she wanted to leave Azriel and their son to live a happy and carefree life.
Unfortunately, being the single father of a newborn didn't give Azriel much time to grieve, or even be angry, about what happened. So he had done what he always did and buried his feelings deep down into his soul. He had a baby to take care of, and he was afraid of what could happen if he let himself feel.
Ky's wail tore through the room, bringing Azriel back to the present. He had cried like this almost every night for the last few weeks, and Azriel couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't cut out to be a father. He couldn't do this. He should have been more careful with Elain. He should have-
"He's teething," Feyre said from the doorway. She made her way into the room, her footsteps light. "They cry like that when they're teething."
Azriel looked down at Ky as he said, "Does that... hurt them?" He ignored how stupid the question sounded as he asked it.
Feyre smiled softly as she held her hands out. "It's uncomfortable for them, and crying is the only way they can tell you. May I?" she asked, her brows raised in expectation. "I do have some experience with this, you know."
Azriel gently handed Ky to Feyre, his wings drooping to the floor. He had moved into the River House after Elain had left. He had tried to do things on his own, not wanting to inconvenience his family. But after a few weeks of not sleeping, or eating for that matter, Rhys and Feyre had all but dragged him into their home, stating that if he didn't move in with them, they would order it as his High Lord and High Lady.
It had been difficult at first, but now he was so thankful for their help. They knew how to raise a baby because of Nyx, and he gladly accepted any advice they offered. They kept their distance, though, allowing Az to figure out fatherhood on his own.
"I'm sorry if he woke you," Az said quietly. "How long does this last?"
Feyre smiled down at Ky, her hand running over his tuft of black hair. "Until their teeth come in." She looked up at Az, and her face hardened as she saw his expression. "This is normal, Az. Healthy, even. It means he's growing, which is a good thing. But for tonight, Rhys is whipping together a salve we used on Nyx to help with the pain. He should have it ready in the next few minutes."
Azriel released a breath, his shadows moving to swirl around Ky. His shadows loved his son, loved swirling around him to make him giggle. "Thank you," Az murmured to Feyre. "For... for all of this. I don't think I would be standing if it weren't for you and Rhys."
Feyre smiled, her eyes bright with emotion. "You're welcome, Az. I would never let one of my closest friends and nephew suffer." She winked at him. "Besides, who else would babysit while you go on a mission?"
Right, his missions. Since Ky had been born, Azriel had gone on a few missions, but he had reluctantly learned how to delegate the harder ones to his spies. He couldn't risk something happening to him now that he had a son to raise, so he only took the easier ones, and he was never gone for more than two days.
"Ky does love to play with Nyx," Azriel murmured quietly as if that was a good enough reason for his son to be left here while he was gone. What would Az do when Ky got older? How would he explain to him the details of his job to his son? What if Ky didn't-
Az was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize Feyre had moved closer to him. "Speaking of missions," she said quietly, her voice low. "Rhys needs you to go to Day Court. Nothing serious, of course. Just routine surveillance."
Azriel nodded distantly, his mind going numb. "Of course. I can leave in the morning." His mind was already racing, preparing to become the shadowsinger and spymaster of the Night Court and not a scared single father.
Feyre smiled softly, her hand cradling Ky's tiny head. "Don't worry about Ky. We will watch him."
For a few moments, the world narrowed down to his sleeping son in his High Lady's arms. He looked so vulnerable and frail, and Az was overcome with a wave of anger and rage.
How could Elain do this to him? Azriel didn't care if she felt nothing for him, but how could she look at this perfect child and decide to leave?
Azriel locked those feelings away as fast as they came, choosing to ignore them rather than face them head-on. "I'll get the details from Rhys in the morning," he said finally. "A routine trip to Day Court can't be that difficult."
It turned out that a routine trip to Day Court could be that difficult. Immediately upon arrival, Azriel quickly realized how much training his spies here lacked. He had spent hours rehashing the basics—how to blend into a crowd, how to remain silent in the shadows. These spies were supposed to be his eyes and ears, yet they couldn’t even follow the simplest of protocols.
Most infuriating of all, they hadn’t been sharing information with each other. One claimed to know about the political shifts happening within the Day Court, but when pressed, they admitted it was only rumors. Another had no idea about the movements of the court’s key players. It was as if they were all operating independently, blind to the larger picture.
Prythian was shifting, changing, and these people had failed to notice. Azriel’s temples pulsed with a dull ache, the constant incompetence chipping away at his already thinning patience. How had it gotten this bad? How had they let things slip so far?
By the time the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the streets of the Day Court, he was no longer hiding in the shadows. There was no point. His headache had grown unbearable, a sharp reminder of how much he longed to be somewhere else—anywhere else. He thought of his son. He missed him fiercely, the boy’s infant giggle, the way his tiny hands would reach up for him when he returned home.
But now, he was trapped in this beautiful, sunlit prison, surrounded by spies who couldn’t even spy. The thought made him grit his teeth.
He had just turned the corner onto another street when he was stopped in his tracks. Before him stood the most beautiful female he had ever seen, but what caught his attention was her feathery white wings. They shimmered faintly in the sunlight, as if they had been dipped in iridescent powder.
"Hey, watch it asshole!" The yell came from a disgruntled bystander who didn't appear to be happy with Azriel's sudden stop in the middle of the busy street. With another curse, the bystander made their way around Azriel's hulking form, so obviously out of place here in Day.
Azriel shrugged it off, taking a step forward to keep walking down the street, but he was stopped by the sound of a lovely female voice.
"It's not every day we get someone from the Night Court around here," the female said with a smile.
Azriel blinked. It seemed that the commotion on the street had been loud enough to catch the beautiful female's attention. She now stood before him, her white wings tucked in tight.
"Am I that obvious?" Azriel asked finally. He had years of practice at blending in, and this female had called him out immediately.
She chuckled, the sound soft like wind chimes. "Well, black isn't really a Day Court color. And," she said, gesturing to his wings, "I don't know of another court that has winged males."
Azriel shrugged nonchalantly. "You never know. Maybe I'm from a court nobody has ever heard of. I could be an undiscovered creature, here to make a home in Day Court."
Azriel had always been good with females, never struggling to use his charms and looks to woo them. Hell, he usually didn't have to even say anything.
But right now, he honestly didn't know what the fuck he was saying. An undiscovered creature? If Cassian ever heard about this...
The female laughed again, this time tipping her head back. Azriel was mesmerized by the sound, his chest tingling. "You're not a creature," she said matter-of-factly. "You're Azriel. The shadowsinger."
Az crossed his arms, his eyes looking at the female warily. "You've heard of me?" He knew he had a reputation in Prythian, and it wasn't a good one. Normally, it wouldn't bother him if others knew what he did, but something about this female made him want to fall to his knees and repent for all of the wrongs he had done.
"Of course I have. You fought in the War." She was smiling at him, her cheeks dimpling slightly. "Besides, I've always been curious about shadowsingers, so it's only right that I would know about the only one alive."
His shadows were swarming him now, despite the bright sun. We like her, they whispered to him. She is different than the others.
Az cleared his throat, his eyes on her wings "Your wings... I've never seen any like that before."
She looked over her shoulder at her wings. "I got them from my mother, or so my father says. I wouldn't know. She died when I was young, and I don't remember her very well." Despite the dark turn of the conversation, her tone was light, her smile still plastered on her beautiful face.
Azriel found himself smiling slightly. "Well, they are very beautiful." He felt a blush creep onto his cheeks as the compliment left his lips, but her bright smile washed it away.
"Thank you, Azriel," she responded, her eyes bright. She tilted her head as one of his shadows wrapped itself around her wrists. "I like your shadows," she said with a giggle.
His shadows never acted like this with anyone, not even Elain. With Ky, they were protective mother hens, but now, they almost seemed... enamored.
Azriel was not usually the type of male to ask a female out who he had quite literally just met. But he knew he would hate himself if he didn't at least offer her dinner, so after a few moments of watching his shadows swirl around her, he asked, "Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"
She looked up from his shadows, her brows raised. She sheepishly bit her lip as her wings twitched. "I would," she said. She offered him her hand, rings glinting on her fingers. "I'm Y/N, by the way. I figured you would ask my name before asking me out on a date, but I have always heard of the strange Night Court customs."
Azriel took her hand, fighting the urge to look at his scarred skin against her perfect flesh. "My apologies. I, uh, I-" He struggled to come up with an excuse for his lack of manners, but he came up short.
She patted him on the shoulder gently. "I can forgive you. As long as you pay." She clicked her tongue, looking past him to the shops lining the streets. "Day Court is amazing, but I swear it has the most expensive food..."
Azriel smiled as he listened to her ramble on, following her as she made her way through the crowd. His shadows still swarmed her, but she didn't seem to mind.
After all, it was only one date, and then he would go back to the Night Court... and to his beloved son.
One date turned into three, and Azriel couldn't help but admit to himself how much fun he was having. He had not laughed this hard in ages, and even though he had only known her for two days, he felt more open and seen than ever.
He had told her all about his training in the camps, the wars, the Inner Circle. She had listened intently, even diving into her own life. It turns out that she worked at a small bookshop in the city, and she had two roommates in a small townhouse.
She seemed to have such a simple, perfect life, and Azriel found himself full of envy. He tried to fight it, but as he listened to her talk about her daily routines, he wondered what it would be like to live such a life.
"Why were you up at three in the morning, anyway?" she said with a laugh. They were walking down the streets, enjoying the quietness that came with nighttime in the Day Court. "Most people are asleep then."
Azriel paused for a moment. He had been telling her of the time he had found Cassian eating an entire chocolate cake with his bare hands in the kitchen. He had been up because Ky had been crying, and he had wandered into the kitchen for a bottle, only to find a chocolate-covered Cassian and a pissed of Nesta.
Azriel had told her many things, more than he had ever told anyone, but he left out the fact he had a son. He didn't know how to bring that up, afraid she would judge him, or worse... take pity on him for his unfortunate situation. The thought of someone feeling sorry for him twisted his stomach, and he wasn't ready to see that look in her eyes.
"I couldn't sleep," he said at last. "What? They don't have midnight snacks here in the Day Court?"
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Midnight snacks, yes. Three-in-the-morning snacks, absolutely not."
"Well, you're missing out. You should really try-"
Azriel was cut off as a young fae female walked up. She was pretty, with pointed ears and bright red hair. In her arms, she held a small child, no older than two or three. The child was wrapped in a pink blanket, sleeping soundly against the female's chest.
Azriel's heart clenched as a wave of homesickness swept over him. He missed Ky terribly. He knew he was doing alright, thanks to his earlier check-in with Rhys and Feyre, but he longed to be the one holding his baby. He could almost feel the weight of his son in his arms, the scent of him, the way his little hands would reach for Azriel in the middle of the night.
"Y/N!" the female greeted, her tone warm. "I haven't seen you around in ages! How have you been?"
Azriel's companion smiled, but he could see something dark in her eyes. "I've been... good." Her voice was tighter than usual, all signs of her earlier laughter gone. "And you?"
"Oh, you know. Tired all the time, thanks to the little one crying at all hours of the night." The female smiled softly, bouncing the child gently in her arms.
Azriel could understand that, at least. He would never forget the time he almost put his boots in the fridge instead of the milk because of his exhaustion.
"Yes, well. I've always heard motherhood can be difficult, but you look amazing- if that counts for anything." As Y/N spoke, Az noticed how she made it a point not to look at the sleeping child, keeping her eyes on her friend's face.
Perhaps, she didn't like children? Or maybe she wasn't really friends with this woman, and she was trying to appear uncomfortable to get out of the situation?
The other female's gaze lowered for a moment. "I am sorry. I.. I-" she stammered for a few moments before shaking her head, seeming to right her thoughts. "Right. Well, I'll leave you two alone." She smiled kindly at Az. "Enjoy your evening."
She quickly hurried off, leaving Azriel to stare at Y/N. "Are you alright?" he asked lowly, daring to place a gentle hand on her arm. Her gaze had gone nearly vacant, and he decided he would do anything to bring back the warmth from earlier.
She blinked whatever emotion she was fighting away. "I'm fine. That woman is always driving me up the walls. Always coming into my store, asking if I can spare any free books."
Azriel nodded, but something told him there was more to the story. He decided not to press it. "Shall we?" he asked, offering her his arm.
The two of them made their way down the street, once again laughing and carrying on as if nothing had happened. But there was still a shadow there, a voice telling him that there were still pieces of her that he didn't understand.
The mating bond snapping into place took Azriel completely by surprise. It was Azriel's last night in the Day Court, and she had been showing him her bookstore.
She had handed him a new arrival, her eyes alight with passion, when he had felt that snap inside of his chest. He had stumbled back into a shelf, his wings pushed against the wood, his hand on his chest. He was still struggling to breathe as she leaned over him, her voice soft.
"Azriel?" she asked, her tone full of worry. "Are you alright? Let me go get you some water-"
Mate. You are my mate. His thoughts were drowned out by a deafening ringing in his ears, and it took all of his self-control to not blurt them out in a fit of happiness.
After he regulated his breathing, Az forced himself to stand upright. "I'm fine," he murmured, his eyes on her face. She was looking at him with worry and shock, her arms out to catch him in case he stumbled again. "Are you- do you feel anything?"
Her brows furrowed as she shook her head. "No. Other than worrying about you tearing down my new bookshelf," she said, but there was a teasing smile on her lips.
I guess the bond only snapped for me, Azriel thought to himself. It made sense, of course, but it would make things a lot less complicated if she felt it, too.
It was in that moment that Azriel decided that she needs to see all of him. Where he comes from, his family... his son. If she wanted to be his mate, it would be on her terms, not his.
He ignored the voices plaguing his mind, telling him that this wonderful female would never choose him, especially once she realized the baggage he carried. No, he let himself feel this happiness, the first true happiness he had felt in a long time.
His mate. He had found his mate.
"You know tonight is my last night here," he said, taking a step toward her. "But, maybe we can have more nights together?"
She had been in the process of placing the book on a table, but her hand stopped as she heard his words. "What do you mean?"
Azriel bit his lip as nervousness filled his chest. "I mean I would like to take you to the Night Court. Just for a visit, of course." He smiled at her, feeling awkward for the first time in centuries. "So you can see all of the strange rituals we have there."
For a moment, Az thought she would decline. Her face paled slightly, and her lips tightened. But eventually, a beautiful smile bloomed across her face, like the sun rising at dawn.
"I would like that," she said cheerfully. "I haven't left Day in a while. Are you wanting to leave tonight?"
He thought his heart would beat out of his chest with happiness, but he forced his voice to remain steady. "We could, as long as you have everything in order here with the store."
She placed the book on the table and took his hands in hers. "I can talk to my roommates. They can keep eyes on the place while we're gone. I need a vacation, anyways."
Azriel laughed, the sound deep and joyous. He gestured a hand toward the door. "After you," he said. "I've been wanting to see what those wings look like in flight."
Her wings were the most beautiful things he had ever laid his eyes on. Even though it was dark, they shimmered under the moonlight, their color shifting to silver.
They laughed as they flew, and Az was surprised at how well she could keep up with him. She was able to follow his maneuvers expertly, dipping and rolling along with him. He made it a point to ask her who she was trained by later.
The River House was quiet when they landed. His shadows alerted him to the fact that Rhys, Feyre, Nyx, Ky, Nesta, and Cassian were all inside, having just finished dinner.
"It seems that everyone is here," he murmured to her, taking her hand in his as he walked up the steps. "This is your last chance to turn back."
She pulled her eyes away from her surroundings long enough to look at him. "After I flew all this way? I don't think so," she said with a giggle.
He pushed the door open, his hand still in hers. He led the way into the small sitting room, the air warm and smelling of citrus and jasmine. His family was all here, seated in chairs around the fire. His eyes roamed the room, looking for Ky, and he found him sleeping in a small basket next to the fire. Nyx was sleeping next to him, the small boy having placed his hand protectively over the babe.
Azriel felt his chest ease at the sight of his son, safe and warm. He wanted to run to him, but he needed to ease his mate into this.
"Az," Rhys greeted, standing up from his chair. "We were wondering if you would be back tonight." He walked toward them, a smile on his face, but that smile faltered a little when he saw the female next to his brother. "And who is this?"
She stepped forward, radiating confidence as she introduced herself. "I'm sorry for intruding on your evening, but Azriel offered to show me around the Night Court. I've always heard lovely things about it."
Azriel met Rhys's violet stare. A stranger in Velaris, Az? Rhys asked into his mind. You were only supposed to go on a routine mission.
Azriel decided it was best not to beat around the bush. She's my mate. She means no harm. She is kind. And nice. And I wanted her to meet all of you.
Rhys nodded slightly. He raised a brow. Everyone?
Azriel glanced over at Ky. Everyone, he responded.
Rhys must have communicated with Feyre, because she gracefully walked over to Ky, sweeping him gently up in her arms. She smiled affectionately at Nyx as she moved over to Azriel. "He's been sleeping well," she whispered. "And eating well. I swear he's gained ten pounds since you were gone."
Azriel could no longer deny his paternal instincts, so he quickly took Ky in his arms, savoring the warmth radiating from his small body. "Did you miss me, little one?" he murmured to him as his shadows swarmed the baby, searching for any sign of distress or harm.
Azriel turned, a smile on his face as he found his mate's face. He expected her to be curious, or shocked, at the sight of a baby in his arms.
But nothing could have prepared him for the look of raw pain on her face as she looked at Azriel and Ky. "Who is that." It wasn't a question. Her voice was hard and tight, and Az swore she was holding back tears.
"This is Ky," he said gently, worry and fear creeping in as he took in her expression. "My son."
She quickly tore her eyes away, searching around the room. They fell on Nyx, who was still sleeping soundly on the floor, and she stepped back as a gasp flew from her lips.
Azriel could sense the unease radiating off Rhys and Feyre, already preparing themselves to defend their family. Cassian and Nesta stood next to each other on the far side of the room, their backs straight, their eyes holding predatory intent.
It was only Azriel, who was still holding Ky, who forced himself to remain calm. "Would- would you like to hold him? He's quite small, but he's so warm and-"
"NO!" she screamed, her body trembling as she stepped backward toward the door. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she covered her face with her hands. "I can't. No. No. No."
Feyre quickly stepped forward, taking Ky out of Azriel's arms. Calm her down. Now, Azriel, she whispered into his mind, but it was the voice of the High Lady.
"Come on," he muttered to his mate, reaching for her arm to pull her outside. "Let's go outside." She didn't fight him as he hauled her through the door and down the steps. The night air was cold, but Azriel didn't feel it.
He could only feel pain, anger, rage, and a hurt like no other. What had he said or done to send her into this kind of panic? Was the thought of him being a father truly so horrible?
Once they were outside, she ripped herself out of his grasp. "I'm going home." Her voice was distant now, devoid of any emotion.
He moved to step in front of her, his eyes pleading. "Please. Let me explain all of this-"
She pushed him out of the way, her wings unfurling as she prepared to take flight. "You're a nice male, Azriel," she said. "I... like you. I do. But you should have told me about this. About him."
Azriel fought the urge to snarl at her tone when speaking about his son. "Is it really that bad that I'm a father?" Though he was angry, his voice came out broken.
She looked at him then, her eyes softening slightly. "No. It's the fact that you don't understand. You could never understand."
"Then tell me! Help me understand!"
She shook her head as she pushed off the ground, his wings catching the air, hauling her up. "Goodbye, Azriel."
Her voice carried on the wind as Azriel watched her take off into the night, taking a piece of his heart with her.
1 year later
"Come on, Ky. You can do it!" Azriel encouraged, his hands out to catch Ky. The Velaris sun was blinding, but Az kept his attention on his boy, not daring to miss the sight of him taking his first steps.
Ky was standing on small, wobbly knees, his tiny face scrunched up in determination. He took a small step forward, then another, and another-
"Gods! You're doing it, son!" Azriel exclaimed in happiness.
Ky took one more step before his tiny legs gave out, but Azriel was there to catch him, as he always would be. He swooped him up, pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek. "I'm glad to know you got that determination from me, at least," he said to Ky.
Ky gave him a toothy smile as he giggled, his attention already captured by Az's shadows as they swarmed him, seeming to offer their own form of praise.
In the last year, Azriel had heard nothing from Elain. He had heard from his spies that she and Lucien had welcomed their own child into the world, a little girl who Azriel had not bothered to learn the name of.
A year ago, he would have been heartbroken beyond repair at the thought of Elain choosing to start a family with another male, even though she already had a family here. But since then, Azriel had taken the time to heal, choosing to let go of any bitterness and anger.
Ky deserved better than having a father who was pissed off at the world, and Az had vowed to himself to be the best father the world had seen. He didn't know what a good father looked like, but he was learning, and he had Rhys and Cass and the rest of his family to help him.
There was one part of his healing that he was struggling with though- his mate. The female who had quite literally flown off into the night at the sight of Ky. Az had not heard from her since that night, so he never got an explanation as to why.
He tried not to hold it against her, hoping that, if they were meant to be together, things would work out in the end.
"Uncle Azriel!" Nyx's voice, though the boy was small, boomed across the lawn. "Want me to take Ky in for his nap?" Nyx was the best cousin to Ky, always making sure the boy was eating and sleeping properly.
Hell, sometimes he was even more on top of things than Azriel was.
"Sure," Azriel said, placing Ky in Nyx's arms. "He just took his first steps. He deserves to rest."
Nyx's eyes widened. "He took his first steps and I missed it?" He blew out a breath. "You should have called for me!"
Azriel chuckled as he ruffled Nyx's black hair. "Sorry, kid. At least you were there for his first word."
In fact, Nyx had been the first word Ky had said. Of course, it had sounded more like "Byx" than anything else, but Nyx had gloated about it for days afterward.
Azriel watched Nyx carry Ky into the house, smiling to himself. It was moments like this that he was thankful for his life. Things had gotten better, so much better. He had a family now, a place where he belonged. A son, a perfect boy who looked just like him-
His thoughts were cut short as he heard soft wing beats from above. Not Illyrian wings, he realized, but something softer, like feathers.
Azriel squinted into the sun, watching small shape grow closer and closer, until the small body of a female landed in front of him.
But it wasn't any female. It was his mate.
"Hello, Azriel," she said, her voice soft. Her face was full of nervousness, and she was biting her lip and wringing her hands. She tucked her wings in tight. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
For a moment, Azriel could only blink at her. She's here. She's really here.
"No. No. Of course not," he blurted out, taking a step toward her. His shadows swarmed her, just as they had when they first met. She smiled down at them, but the smile didn't meet her eyes. "Why are you here? Are you in danger?"
She shook her head, her hair falling around her shoulders. "No. I'm fine. Everything is fine." She went back to biting her lip again as she spoke. "I've been thinking... I think you deserve an explanation of what happened last year. I owe you that. The way I reacted was wrong, and I want to explain."
"You don't owe me anything," Az said, running a hand through his hair. "I should have told you about Ky. It was wrong of me to force him onto you like that."
She smiled again. "No. You did nothing wrong. I don't know your situation, but..." She took a step forward, craning her head up to look at him. "I would like to hear about it now if you want to tell me. I promise not to fly away again."
Despite himself, Azriel laughed. He angled his head over to a small table and chairs Feyre had set up on the east end of the house. "We can talk over there," he said. "Nobody will disturb us."
The two of them walked in silence, the soft wind rustling through the trees. Azriel was nervous, not knowing what to say to carry on an easy conversation. He could feel the unease radiating from his mate, so he decided it was best to keep his mouth shut.
“You go first,” she said once they had situated themselves in the chairs. “My story is… well- just go first, Az. Please.” Her voice trembled at the end of her sentence, her eyes watery.
Azriel reached a hand over and laid it atop her own, squeezing gently. He took a deep breath before letting the painful story spill from his lips. He told her of Elain and the short romance that had followed the War. He told her of Ky's birth and the disaster that had followed. He spoke to her of his feelings, the feelings that he had not spoken to anyone, not even his family.
By the end, silent tears were streaming down his face, and he sucked in a breath as she gently reached over and wiped them away, her face full of understanding.
"She just... left?" she asked, her voice full of something like wonder, as if she couldn't understand how a mother could do that to her child. "And you've been raising Ky on your own?"
Azriel nodded once. "Well, mostly on my own. My family has been helping me, but that hasn't made it easy."
She took a deep breath, her eyes on his face. "I am sorry that happened. I don't think I would have survived that, if I were in your position." She paused for a moment, biting her lip.
"You don't have to tell me your story, you know," Azriel said, his tone gentle. "Believe me, I understand that some things are... difficult to discuss."
"I was married once," she said abruptly, her eyes moving to look at the city. "We were so happy together, but we were only missing one thing. A child."
Azriel's heart stuttered inside his chest as she spoke. He forced his face to neutrality, not wanting the warring emotions inside his mind to scare her.
She continued on, her voice vacant, "We tried for years to get pregnant, but it wasn't easy for us. We had so many false positives, and each time it happened, I felt as if a piece of my heart broke. We finally gave up, so we were surprised when I got pregnant a few years later."
"We were happy, so happy... but I had a hard pregnancy. By the third month, I was already placed on strict bedrest, completely forbidden to leave my bed except to relieve myself or get food. The labor was even worse. It took two days for our babe to arrive, but the pain and suffering was worth it to hold him in my arms. To hear his little cries and to feel him wrap his tiny hand around my finger."
Azriel watched silently as her eyes filled with tears, but he was too shocked to move. He had a horrible pit in his stomach, afraid of where this story was going.
"My family lived in peace for a few years. We had such a quiet life, you see, filled with so much love and joy... I never thought of how fast it could all be ripped away..." The tears in her eyes spilled over, coating her cheeks. "There was a male in Day Court. He was a harsh man, but he had always liked me. He was the one who taught me how to fly. He was in love with me, so he got angry when I got married, and even angrier when I had a child. I never thought he would do anything, though. I was so wrong..."
"One night, we were sleeping in our home. The male broke in and pulled my husband and me out of bed. I was so shocked, I was unable to fight, unable to do anything as I watched him go to my son's bedroom. I couldn't do anything as I watched my husband try to fight him off, only to get killed in the process. I was helpless as I listened to my boy's cries grow louder and louder, only to be silenced as he was murdered... Because of me."
She started sobbing uncontrollably, and it was all Az could do to wrap her in his arms, trying his best to shield her from the horrors of her memories.
She was breathless as she continued on, her face pressed against Azriel's chest. "What kind of mother am I? I couldn't even protect my own child when he needed me the most. I couldn't face what I had done, so I ran after that, moving into the capital city. I didn't even bury my son. There's no place I can go to honor his memory... I tried to forget my prior life, not telling anyone what had happened. My roommates don't even know."
She pulled away from him, tipping her face to look up at his. "That's why I ran, why I couldn't look at my friend's child that night. It's too painful for me to see a child. I get bombarded with these memories, and all I can see is my son's face, screaming for me to help him."
She was silent after that, her voice broken. So Azriel held her, trying to find the words. But there were really no words to offer a grieving mother. There was nothing he could say to heal these wounds.
Finally, he asked, "What was his name? Your son?"
She froze for a moment, and Azriel worried he had asked the wrong question. But she said, "Alek was his name. He..." She shook her head. "That night when I saw you with Ky... He reminds me so much of my Alek."
Azriel released a breath. "Thank you for telling me. I can't even begin to imagine what that must feel like," he said quietly. "But I need you to know- nothing could ever take away the love you gave Alek, or the love he had for you. You carry that love with you, and you hold onto it." He hesitated for a moment, moving his hand up to cup her face. "I'm here. For whatever you need- whether that's to talk, or to sit and grieve. Just know you're not alone anymore."
Despite her grave expression, she smiled. "Now you're starting to sound like my mate. I was wondering when the sweet talking would start."
Azriel gaped at her, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "You... you knew?"
She nodded. "The bond snapped for me before I flew off that night. I almost stayed, but I knew I needed time to heal before I could be the mate you deserved. So I left, and I've been working on my healing since then. I am better, but I still have hard days, so I understand if you need more time..."
Azriel cut her off with a quick kiss. "I still have hard days, too. But we can face them together. Nobody needs to deal with their problems alone. We can't let the hard days win."
She smiled, and he felt his chest warm as the life returned to her expression. "I would like that. Together," she agreed.
Azriel took a deep breath. "Would you like to see Ky? You don't have to if it will be difficult, but if you stay here..."
"I would love to," she said quietly, her eyes shining. "I'm alright. I want to meet your son."
Azriel led the way into the quiet River House, thankful that most of his family had left for the day. Once they got to Ky's room, he quietly pushed the door open, knowing he was sleeping.
"It's his nap time," he said. "It's probably best you meet him when he's not screaming his head off."
She smiled at Ky as she walked over to the crib, placing her hand on the rails. She looked up to Az, her face warm. "May I hold him?" Her voice was quiet and filled with awe.
Azriel nodded. "Of course you can, love."
Gently, she raised Ky out of the crib, cradling him to her chest. He didn't stir other than snuggling into her warmth, his small face innocent as he slept. "He looks like you," she said quietly, her eyes roaming Ky's face.
"Thank you," Azriel said proudly, a silly smile on his face.
She gasped softly as Ky wrapped his hand around his finger, his hand so small. He murmured contentedly as he slept, and Azriel realized Ky had never had this. Of course Feyre and Nesta had held him, but he had never had someone hold him with a motherly love.
Azriel's heart warmed at the sight, and he couldn't help himself as he walked over, and wrapped them tightly in his arms.
They stood there in the quiet, and Azriel swore he could hear the sounds of old wounds healing,
6 months later
"Where are we going, Az?" she asked, giggling as Azriel pulled her to the outskirts of the city. "There's nothing over here."
He looked back at her, offering her a wink. "That's what you think, angel."
The last six months had been filled with happiness, joy, and healing. They both had hard days, but they had been there for each other every time, honoring their promise to face it together.
Ky was growing faster than Azriel liked. He was walking and talking now, and he was even learning how to eat by himself. Just earlier this morning, Azriel had whined, complaining that his son would no longer need him soon.
She had slapped him gently on the arm. "That's what babies do, Az," she had said, kissing him gently on the cheek. "They grow, yes, but they will always need us."
She had become a mother to Ky, there was really no other way to put it. She would clean him and put him to bed, doing all the things that Azriel himself had struggled to manage with ease. A few weeks ago, Ky had called her "Mama", which caused her to cry with happiness and pain commingled.
The two of them were set to accept their mating bond next week, and Azriel couldn't be happier. They had learned so much about each other, and he had found himself falling more and more in love with this female each day. There was one thing he needed to do, though, which was why he was dragging her to this place.
On the outskirts of Velaris, there was an opening in the trees to a place where many people didn't go. At least, not those who had never experienced the loss of a loved one.
As they walked up the path, he could see the small stones poking out of the ground, their engravings holding the names of the people in the ground.
"Azriel," she said quietly, her hand tight in his, "why did you bring me to a cemetery?"
He smiled softly at her, leading her to a small stone, newer than the others, its engraving easy to read. "I wanted you to see this."
She looked at the stone, her eyes filling with tears as she read the words there.
"Forever Loved, Never Forgotten"
Though your time was brief, your light will shine in our hearts for all eternity.
In the embrace of the stars, you rest, but in our hearts, you live on.
Azriel watched her face as she read, worrying if he had chosen the right words to put on the headstone. Maybe he should have made it shorter? Was it too much?
He was pulled from his thoughts as she suddenly wrapped her arms around him, throwing her body against his. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said between sobs. "It's perfect, Az."
"I know his body isn't here, but you can come here whenever you like. To remember him," Azriel said as he held her, running his hands through her hair.
She pulled away then, her eyes bright with love. "I can't wait to be your mate," she said, smiling through the tears.
Azriel laughed, his heart full. The wounds of the past would always linger, like shadows that never fade. But with those you love by your side, even the deepest scars could begin to heal, and in their place, hope could grow.
general tag list: @quiet-loser @andreperez11 @lilah-asteria
@anarchiii @inkedinshadows @panther-girl-124
@scorpioriesling @olive-main @scarsandallaz
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heartschampion · 2 days
d1 clinger — chris sturniolo
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PAIRING. chris sturniolo x reader
SUMMARY. your boyfriend is the clingest mf to ever exist.
CONTENT. fluff, um idk that's like it, kind of crack i guess, no beta, not proofread.
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even when you have to use the bathroom at night, chris won't let go of you at all. it's either you take him with you to the bathroom, or you just don't go at all. if you even try to escape from his grasp, he'll whine and pout until the end of time.
"chris, i'm sorry, but i really had to go." you sigh, trying to reason with your clingy boyfriend for the hundredth time that night. he simply pouts and beckons for you to go back to petting his hair. you roll your eyes, but do as he asks nonetheless. the two of you stay like that for who knows how long before chris finally decides that you're worthy of hearing his voice again. "take me with you next time, 'kay?" you snort, shaking your head fondly at your boyfriends antics. of course he of all people would want that. he really couldn't stand a moment apart. "fine."
walking together means holding hands through thick or thin, hot or cold. it could be the world's hottest, most sweltering of heat, and chris would still insist on holding your hand. he would rather deal with you complaining the whole way through than let go.
it was over a hundred degrees in la that day and all you wanted was to get away from the heat, but chris had another idea in mind. really, you should question why you were dating a man who insists on buying the newest addition to the lego botanical collection. to make matters worse, he would rather die than admit that holding hands was disgusting when all of your sweat pooled up in them. your hands were basically a pond of sweat. "you don't wanna hold hands with me?" chris questions, the look on his face just telling that he was offended by the mere idea of it. "no," you say with an exasperated tone. sweat. pond. hand. gross. you raise your hands up and held it up to his face, showing him what was wrong with the whole idea. "i just don't want sweat dripping down my hand." he looks at your intertwined hands for a moment, staring just as a drop of sweat rolls down onto the concrete ground. it leave a wet mark that will most likely be gone in the next minute with how hot it was. "there's nothing wrong with that." "ugh, chris!"
met a fan in the wild? he will find a way to keep his hands on you. do not doubt this man. if chris were to be a saying, he would be the embodiment of 'if there is a will, there is a way.'
you watch as the fan hugs the triplets one by one. first nick, then matt, and finally they arrive at chris. they stand there awkwardly, unsure of how to approach the situation with chris unwilling to let go of you. noticing their hesitance, the boy smiles and holds out his own arms, never actually letting go of your hand and wraps them around the fan warmly. on the flip side, you walk around the two of them, being guided by chris. you deadpan at chris, questioning if that really just happened. in response, he just smirks and gives you a cheeky wink. as the two of them seperate, chris guides you back to your spot beside him and squeezes your hand reassuringly. what would you ever do without your little big clinger? probably have some personal space, but who needs that these days anyways?
no matter what, you can could on your boyfriend to always be there by your side. he'll be there when you're sick, insisting that he doesn't care if he catches the same sickness that has you bedridden. he'll be there the day you get married, albeit he has to be there. he'll even be there as you have raging bloody diarrhea and get matt to drive you to the er.
chris sturniolo is a d1 clinger, but he's your d1 clinger.
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alwayssassydreamer · 3 days
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Gif not mine credit goes to the owner
just a silly little story about awkward Ace and Reader having trouble telling each other how they feel
thanks goes to a friend of mine who gave me this idea
warnings; none
A/N: wrote this late at night after a long and exhausting day - might have some flaws. Not proofread.
you don't exactly remember how you ended up on the moby dick. the only memory being that you were on a ship when a storm came up which caused you to go overboard and when you woke up you found yourself in the infirmary of the whitebeard pirates with marco tending to you. later on, they told you that thatch was the one who caught sight of your body floating in the sea and pulled you out. that was a few months ago and since you were all alone with no family left you were more then happy that whitebeard let you stay, the old man developing a soft spot for you.
you are a rather shy person and not used to all the attention you were receiving especially not from so many good looking men. sometimes you felt overwhelmed by it and sneaked into your cabin to "escape" the scene. at first the crew let you leave, giving you some time to adjust to this new situation but the longer you stayed the more you had to endure it, with them telling you that it's only for your own good and that you needed to get rid of your shyness. and they were right it really worked. you started to loosen up around them, joking, pranking and just having relaxed conversation with them. all worked pretty well except for the times Ace was around. you couldn't help yourself but the moment you set eyes on him you were stunned. he was sweet and caring and his smile could melt ice and that's not because of his devilfruit. you had fallen head over heels for him. what you didn't know though was that he felt exactly the same for you.
You walked around the deck when you saw Ace talking to Marco and you stared, long and deep. that's why you didn't see the chair in front of you until the moment you bumped against it almost falling over. "shit" you cursed rubbing your shin. "Instead of staring at Ace you should better watch out where you're going" Thatch who had witnessed the whole scene said mockingly. "i wasn't staring, the chair attacked me out of nowhere" you mumbled turning to face Thatch, a blush on your cheeks. "How sneaky of that chair" he said a small laugh escaping his lips, as he stepped closer, nudging your shoulder lightly. "Maybe we should throw the chair overboard so he will learn not to mess with you" "shut up, idiot." you replied pretending to be mad at him. "Come on, go over to him. We'll be reaching shore soon ask him if he'd like to explore the island with you" "No and i don't want to hear another word from you" Thatch just looked at you and sighed shaking his head. you were about to walk off but when you turned around you bumped into someone. "sorry" you mumbled when you caught sight of Ace and immediately looked away. "it's ok, i should apologize for sneaking up on you" Ace said rubbing the back of his head, big smile on his face. you could feel the way Thatch was trying to hold his laugh in while Izou and Marco, who approached the scene, just shook their heads. well it seemed that everyone on this ship was aware of the fact that you had fallen for the second commander, everyone except Ace. The three of them decided to watch how this rather akward scene would play out their snickering not helping at all. "Well, uhm, i thought that since we will reach shore soon you might uhm i mean you like to eat right" was he just asking you for a date in the weirdest way possible. "well i wouldn't say like since it's more of a need to absorb nutrients and thus survive" What the hell did you just say. you couldn't believe that your reply would be even worse than his question. please let me dissappear was all you could think about when you heard Izou clear his throat. "i guess we should leave these two alone now" he said motioning for marco and thatch to leave. the latter was trying his best to keep his laughter in - still in disbelief how horrible you two were at flirting. "Well since you need to eat and i like to eat maybe we could, you know since we're reaching shore soon, you and me could, like go get something to eat, if you want to" Ace asked after the three commanders left. hands playing with the hem of your shirt you looked up at Ace. "if pops is ok with that why not" you replied shyly making ace smile.
after you had settled your "date" in the most awkward way possible you both continued your duties on the ship. you were excited and nervous to finally get to spend some time alone with ace. once again your thoughts were so focused on Ace that you missed the last step of the stairs. a squeak escaping your lips before finding yourself in two strong arms. "not again! if you keep being so lost thinking about Ace you're gonna break something" izou, who had caught you before you hit the ground, scolded. "it wasn't my fault, I'm pretty sure that the stairs rebuilt themselves and added one more step. and i wasn't thinking about Ace, i was meditating" you pouted. "yeah keep telling that yourself" Izou sighed as he walked off. god izou was right, though you'd never admit that, but you seriously had to stop daydreaming so much about Ace. the rest of the day went pretty well, you helped marco in the infirmary which was distracting you from Ace but once again you managed to run into a non moving object the moment you caught a glimpse of Ace. marco only covered his face with his hands shaking his head. "if this keeps going on i'm going to throw you both overboard. and don't tell me that the table was attacking you and that this didn't happen because of Ace because we both know that you're lying." Marco said in a calm yet strict tone. "i'm sorry. it's just that i've never felt something like this before" you almost whispered, nervously tapping your feet. marco took a deep breath then gave you a warm smile. "you need to talk to him about it yoi." "maybe later"
when you finally reached shore you could feel a knot in your stomach. maybe you weren't ready for this, maybe you should just stay on the ship in the comfort of your own cabin. no, you had to do this, had to get this off your chest otherwise you would never know if he feels the same about you. taking a deep breath you left your cabin and made your way to the deck where Ace was already waiting for you. the moment he saw you a bright smile covered his face making you blush. "so you ready?" he asked and you nodded shyly. "Ace you better keep an eye on her and return her in one piece" whitebeard shouted after you. "Don't worry pops, i will protect her with my life" hearing this words made you blush even harder. the two of you walked next to each other for some time an awkward silence between you. "you sure this is the right way" you asked breaking the silence. Ace looked around. "honestly i have no idea" he said rubbing the back of his head. "sorry i should've payed more attention to thatch when he explained me the way" he added feeling a little embarrassed. "i don't mind, i like it here, it's pleasantly quiet. and i'm also having trouble paying attention to whatever thatch is saying" you joked making him chuckle.
a cold breeze hit you making you shiver. "you ok? if you're cold i could maybe, you know help you, since i'm hot you know." he stopped nervously. "i mean i'm great at being hot.... no i'm not like hot hot but....uhm i'm warm because of the devilfruit" his cheeks burning red as he stumbled over his words. "no i get it you're hot, hot is good! I like it when things are hot. Wait, no, not like that! I mean… you’re fine the way you are. Warm. Or hot. Or whatever temperature you choose to be" god you could face palm yourself right now. what are you doing, why was it so hard for you to have a normal conversation with him. this was Ace the sweetest guy you've ever met, the one who always looked out for you, made you smile and put up with your clumsiness. you bit your lower lip wishing to dissappear once again. when you looked at Ace you could see a mix of confusion, embarrassment and admiration in his eyes.
you took a deep breath. "maybe we should just keep going" you said while he just nodded. "you know if you want to get back to the ship we can just" "no, it's fine here, i mean you are here and that's all that matters" Ace stuttered. "i mean who wouldn't want to spend some time alone with you. You’re awesome. You’re smart, funny, and you always make me laugh. I mean, you’re like the perfect" he paused panicking after realizing what he just said "bro" he blurted out "Bro? did you just call me bro?" you asked laughing. "what? no! i mean yes i said bro but that's not what i wanted to say" he stammered. "oh god i didn’t mean it like that! You’re not a bro, you’re… you’re way more than that. You’re… someone I really care about. And I’m just terrible with words" he sighed burying his face in his hands. "seriously you think you are terrible with words. did you ever listen to the weird things i am saying. or the fact that i run into every non moving object just thinking about you" you knew this was the perfect moment to let this out and help Ace feel a little less embarassed. He removed his hands from his face and looked dumbstruck at you. "wait, you run into things because of me?" "well i guess i really really like you.....bro" you taunted. "oh come on don't call me that now" he groaned and you kinda felt bad but this was just too funny. "nah, i kinda like it and i think it's cute when you get all flustered bro" "I'm never gonna live this down, am I?" he asked utterly embarassed. "probably not" you teased. "but i know a way you could make up for calling me that" "oh and what would that be?" he asked curiously as you tugged on his shirt. you didn't have to say another word for he clearly understood what you meant. hands placed on your waist, pulling you closer while your own wrapped around his neck, he leaned in and carefully brushed his lips over yours. "i love you (y/n)" "i love you too" you said smiling like an idiot, heart pounding in your chest as your lips engaged in the most passionate kiss you've ever had. You felt like a heavy load fell off your shoulders, finally knowing that he was feeling the same way you did. As you broke the kiss he pulled you even deeper into him, holding you tightly. "I hope this means you stop bumping into stuff" he mocked his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck, where you could feel a small smile spread on his lips "definitely.....bro"
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sweetiesicheng · 2 days
jeonghan - sports day
word count : 1,400
happy birthday to hannie ~
it's sports day at school. all of the classes are competing against each other in their respective grades, meaning that there are a lot of events going on and students practically everywhere. currently, you're running in a race, trying to make sure you don't end up in last place.
"y/n! you got this!" you hear someone yell as you run around the track. you hear a bunch of people cheering you and others on as the competitors runs. you keep running and make it past the finish line, ending in third place.
"yes, y/n! you did so good!" one of your friends says to you as you start to cool off. you put your hands on your knees and take some deep breaths in.
why couldn't they have gotten someone on the track team? i thought we had someone on the team in our class?
someone holds out a water bottle to you. it's already open so you take the plastic bottle and chug a bit of water.
"thanks," you say to the person afterwards, finally standing up straight to see one of your classmates, jeonghan.
"no problem," he says before walking off, instantly joining another group of people.
"y/n!" someone yells and you feel someone throw their arm around your shoulders, "ready for the relay?" they ask.
"huh? i'm not doing the relay,” you reply in confusion.
"now you are!"
oh man...
the relay consists of six runners, each taking half a lap of the track. you notice the other runners from your class getting together and talking, so you hurry up and head over to the group.
"y/n, there you are," one of the guys says to you. you don't reply, still tired from the race you were just in. "alright, let's have you go first, and then y/n second..." the guy starts listing where everyone should be.
most of the people in the group make their suggestions for the lineup, while you just wait to hear where you'll be. after a few minutes, someone announces the start of the relay via megaphone. your group makes the final lineup, where you'll still be the second runner.
"y/n, you okay?" one of your friends asks as she walks with you to where you'll start.
"yea, i'll be okay," you reply to her. "can you hold my water?" you ask her.
she nods, "yea, i'll wait for you to be done," she says to you. "take one last sip," she says. you take a sip of water and hand her the bottle. "good luck!" she says before jogging off to the half of the track where you'll end.
soon, the race starts. you watch the first set of runners start running around the first half of the track. your classmate reaches you and easily passes the baton to you as you start running.
as you take your first few steps, you feel pain shoot up to your knee. however, you push yourself despite still being tired from the previous race to keep running. you run around your half of the track, and you make it to the next person. you almost fumble but manage to pass the baton to her. once you stop running, you get off of the track and sit down on the ground, heavily breathing.
"y/n!" your friend appears and hands you your water. you instantly grab it and chug some water. "you okay?" she asks. you nod and continue to watch the race.
run for the events today, they said. it'll be fun, they said.
i'm never doing this again.
as the last set of runners run, everyone yells and cheers for certain people. then, you watch as the person on your team crosses the line first. everyone erupts into cheers, and you smile.
at least we won.
you carefully get up from the ground and join your classmates as they celebrate. the day keeps going since there's still a bunch of events to do, but you decide to take a break.
you break away from your classmates and start walking towards the school building. you find a spot to sit down and lean back against the wall of the school. you close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out.
"you alright?"
you open your eyes and find jeonghan a few feet away, sitting on a window sill. he looks down at you with an ice cream bar in his hand.
"i'll be fine," you reply to him and close your eyes again.
you hear some movement but just keep still, trying to get some rest in before you somehow get pulled into another event. all of a sudden, you feel something cold against your forehead. you open your eyes and see jeonghan holding a soda can against your forehead.
"drink. you're gonna overheat," he says to you. "don't know why you're doing all of these events. everyone else should pull their weight."
"you should tell them for me," you say to him. you take the soda can from him and pull the tab open. you take a sip, enjoying the sugary drink in the midst of the hot temperature. "ah, this is hitting the spot," you say.
you look over and see jeonghan on his phone, holding the ice cream bar stick between his teeth.
you decide to leave and start to get up, but jeonghan pulls you back down to the ground.
"just chill over here. i told seungcheol that we're taking a break," he says to you and puts his phone down.
"oh, thanks," you reply.
you can hear people cheering from the field as you and jeonghan sit by the school.
"why did you show up to school today?" you ask jeonghan, knowing that he hasn't participated in any events today.
"seungcheol makes me show up to stuff all the time," he answers. "usually i end up somewhere else by myself for a bit, but i've never hung out with anyone during my social breaks," he adds.
"do you want me to leave?" you immediately ask, "i can leave, it's totally fine."
"don't worry about it," he instantly replies. "i was getting bored by myself anyways," he says to you with a smile. you just nod your head, glad that you are not bothering him. "we've never really talked before," he mentions.
"to be fair, i did move here last month," you say to him. "honestly, i don't think i know everyone's names still. i'm really bad at names."
"but you know mine."
"you want a prize for me remembering your name?" you respond to him. jeonghan chuckles.
then, jeonghan's phone starts ringing. he looks at the screen and sighs. "what?" he answers the phone call. "huh? what? fine." the phone call quickly ends. "there's an award ceremony going on for all of the running events. you want to go?"
"you're going to go?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him.
he shrugs, "shouldn't you go? you won."
"does it look like i care?" you reply, "i'm beat. i don't want to go over there."
"come on, you owe me a soda now."
"the sodas are literally in a cooler."
"i don't want to pay."
"and you paid for this one?"
"i ran out of money."
you sigh, "fine, whatever. let's go." you get up and pull jeonghan up with you to make sure you don't get dragged into the ceremony alone. both of you walk back to the field, but just as you're about to join your classmates, you feel someone pull your shirt from behind. "what?" you question jeonghan when you turn your head.
"soda?" jeonghan asks, pointing with his other hand at one of the stands.
you sigh and start digging your hand through your pocket.
"one sprite and one coke. yea, thanks."
you look at jeonghan as he hands cash to a student, receiving two cans of soda from them.
"ran out of money...bullshit."
jeonghan holds out the two cans to you, and you grab the can of sprite.
"so where'd you find the money? growing on a tree?" you ask him.
"yea, actually. growing over there," jeonghan replies and points behind him. both of you smile before laughing at each other. "come on, let's go," he says and throws his arm over your shoulders as you two join your class to watch the award ceremony.
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Moth!Adam having a nightmare! This takes place a few days after arriving in Hell.
@fanofstuff01 MOTH ADAM
Charlie: Hey, dad? Could you go get Adam up? He's going to miss out on the group activity!
Lucifer: Honey, if he isn't even going to put I the effort, he shouldn't be here!
Charlie: dad- please, he's only just got here. This is a big change for him. Can you just go wake him?
Lucifer reluctantly agreed and made his way to Adams bedroom. Charlie put him on a floor that had no other members, thinking it would help him get use to things.
Arriving at Adam's door, Lucifer smiled. He decided to take the opportunity to scare Adam. It was almost Halloween, after all.
Lucifer walked softly to the top of Adam's bed. He could see his antennas flicking about. Ljcifer stood by his head for a few minutes, waiting for the perfect opportunity to scare him.
Adam: mm- no, stop... don't leave... please don't leave...
Lucifer chuckled. It must have been some popr winner in Heaven Adam was talking about.
Adam: L-Lu... please stay- pick me, please... don't leave... p-please choose me-
Lucifer stopped laughing and stared at the man. Oh... it was Eden he was having a nightmare about. Shit. He backed away as Adam started to thrash, his wings unfurling.
Lucifer had no idea no idea what to do. The poor guy even started crying. He decided to wake him up. Lucifer couldn't watch Adam cry and grip his blankets. It hurt too much.
Lucifer: Adam... ADAM-!
Lucifer reached over to shake his shoulder but jumped and teleported out of reach of Adam and his wings when Adam suddenly shot up, breathing hard.
Lucifer wasn't too familiar with Moth demons, he only knew of Valentino, and even then, he hadn't had many interactions with him, so he wasn't too sure how good Adams' eye slight was.
Adam: Luci...?
Lucifers eyes widened at the nickname- and the way Adam said it. It reminded him of Eden. Adam sounded so desperate and hopeful. Hopeful that Lucifer was there with him, that his nightmare wasn't true.
Lucifer wasn't sure if he wanted to say anything, he hadn't noticed him yet. That was until he noticed Adam looking around the room, eyes landing on Lucifer.
He felt like he should say something. So he waves and smiles, but just as he's about to say something, he heard Adam choke out a sob and bury his head in his hands, his lower arms wrapped around his thin torso.
Adam: t-thats right... you hate me... why would you be here...?
Lucifers heart broke. He didn't hate Adam. He was an asshole sometimes and a bastard for attacking his daughter, but he didn't hate him. He felt like he should, but he couldn't.
After a few minutes of crying, Adam tried to find his phone. Lucifer could see it on the side table, so he made the phone float in front of his hand. Adam didn't notice the magic, but found his phone. He squinted until his eyes were met with the bright light.
Adam grounded when he saw the time. He was really late now.
Adam: ...fuck it... they don't want me there, anyway... s-should have j-just stayed d-dead
Lucifer stood in the corner of Adam's room for 20 minutes. All he did was hug his pillow and cry. He could tell Adam was tired, but he couldn't fall back asleep.
He never knew how depressed Adam was. But then again, he'd never a good conversation with Adam since he got here. Lucifer really took the opportunity to get as much payback as possible now that he had a contract with him.
He wonders if all of this started when he called him an unlovable piece of shit, that not even the scumiest angels wanted. He knew he overstepped, judging by the look on his face and the lack of response.
For the next week, Lucifer stood in Adams room before he went to sleep and before he woke up. It was always the same: Adam would cry himself to sleep, and he'd have a nightmare about being abandoned and wake up shaking, covered in tears in the morning.
As Lucifer was in his room this night, he was hoping it would be different. Adam was with Angel for most of the day and seemed to be happier. But as soon as Adam sat on the edge of his bed, he knew it wasn't going to be a good night. It was actually about to get a lot worse.
Adam started crying as soon as he closed and locked his door. Fiddling with something in his pocket. Lucifer could see him playing with something as he sat on the edge of the bed.
It wasn't until Adam sat up straight that Lucifer saw it was the angelic needle Nifty originally used to kill him. Where the fuck did he find that!?
Lucifer really didn't plan to get involved when it came to his night watching, but Adam pressed the blade against his scar from the original attack, and start to push in far enough for his dark red blood to start welling up and running down his chest.
Lucifer: NO-!
Lucifer jumped into action. Snapping the blade out of his hands and placing it in Lucifer's hands.
Adam instantly jumped and looked around. Lucifer could see the pain in his big, golden eyes.
Adam: L-Luci-fer... Luci... ?
Lucifer couldn't bring himself to say anything as Adam looked around. He covered his mouth as he felt a tear fall. Adams eyes locked him his. Shit.
Adam: ...please...? Luci?
Lucifer squeezed his eyes shut.
Adam: Not even allowed to finish the job, huh...? I'm just g-giving them what they w-want...
He opened them slowly, and he heard the rustling of Adam's blankets.
That night was worse.
So much worse.
Lucifer has never seen Adam look so small even at his towering height of 11". Adam curled up, hugging a pillow as tightly as he can.
Adam cried to himself all night. He didn't fall asleep at all. Just cried and begged for Lucifer. For it all to end.
Lucifer finally learned how good Adams eye site was. Hed often looked directly at him but saw nothing.
All night, Lucifer just gripped the angelic blade and stood still all night, hoping Adam wouldn't hear his sobbing.
Dude my fucking heart 😭
Adam knew Lucifer was there, he had to be. Blades just don't evaporate out of your fucking hand.
Why couldn't he just let Adam die for good? Lucifer didn't even want him here, nobody did. Sure he started getting along well with Angel but big deal.
Other than height being a moth demon was fucking stupid. He could barely see! He even had to have the largest print enabled on his phone so he could see to use it.
Adam ran out of tears quickly, he was dehydrated from it and he wasn't exactly drinking water to put anything back.
Lucifer never wanted him, so why not just let Adam go? To torture him probably.
Oh look, Adam did still have some tears to cry.
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bignoselover1 · 2 days
Movie Date
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Pairings: boyfriend!Jeno x gn!pather!reader
Setting: You and your boyfriend, Jeno decided to go on a date to the movies. Little did he know you had something else in mind when watching the movie.
Warnings: swearing, oral sex (Jeno receiving), manhandling, Nicknames: babe, pup, pretty boy [ Jeno calls reader Master but it's not on gender base]
Characters: non!idolJeno, gender neutral!reader
Genre: smut, non!idol
Word count: 634 words or so
Playlist: Backstage Passes by Cupcake, If u Think I'm pretty by Artemas, Deepthroat by Cupcake
Here you are sitting in the back seat of the movie theater watching a movie with your boyfriend, Jeno. The movie was nice but you had already watched it with your friend last week but when Jeno asked you to watch it with you, you couldn't say no looking at those puppy eyes and seeing that excited face waiting for your acceptance of his request. So here you are watching his smile grow when the movie started. You felt kind of bad because he asked no one else but you, He could have asked Mark or his other boyfriend Jaemin, or anyone really. but no he asked you his lovely lover (besides Jaemin). But the movie was getting boring since you know what happens next and what doesn't. You were getting bored and many weird thoughts were coming to your mind.
Until a very brilliant idea just came to your mind. You were getting excited, smirking at Jeno like a creep.
Jeno must have noticed your smirking causing him to turn and look at you. "Are enjoying the movie babe?" Jeno asked wondering what evil thoughts were behind that evil-looking smirk. You didn't respond and just straight up dropped to your knees. Crawling your way between his legs. Moving your hands to unbuckle his belt. "Babe, what are you doing?" The man above you asked in a panic. "What do you think I'm doing, pup?" You asked lifting an eyebrow at seeing the bulge in his pants harden after hearing that nickname.
"I don't think we should be doing this in public Y/n," Jeno said trying to get your hands off of his belt but it was too late the belt was off before he knew it and so were his pants hanging on his knees. "Yeah, pup? You want me to stop?" You asked smirking robbing your hand on his clothed cock. "I don't want you to stop... please keep going" There it was the green light that was telling you could still go and without a thought, you took his underwear off. There it was his thick cock steading tall waiting for a release of some sort. Luckily you were here to help your boyfriend out. "your wish is my command, pretty boy" With a wink you took his thriving penis in your mouth. Moaning at the taste of him on your tongue. Jeno's head falls back from the feeling of your warm mouth causing him to go grab your head to make you go deeper but you stop him by grabbing his hands and holding them while bobbing your head up and down trying not to make too much noise.
"Fuck... you're so good at this fuck" Jeno whined wanting more. He could feel your small smirk when hearing him trying not to moan loudly. Even when you're giving him the best blowjob he ever had in the backseat of a movie theater. "Good, I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as I'm" You responded while taking your mouth off his dick and licking the tip. Using your hands to finish him off. "Fuck. you're so good, please don't stop" Your lover is so cute when he begs that you just need more of it. "You don't want me to stop?" You ask searching for the words you want Jeno to say. "Yes Yes yes please don't stop" Jeno begged trying not to be loud. But you want more, You speed up with one hand and play with his balls with the other. "How bad do you wanna cum?" "Tell me" you ordered "So bad please, Master I wanna cum so bad. I will give you heads after this, please keep going." Satisfied you start flicking your tongue on Jeno's tip making him grasp the comfy theater chair.
"Fuck I'm cumming!" Jeno whispered yelled. You take him back in your mouth to swallow every drop of cum he left. after finishing sucking the last drops you come back up to fix Jeno's pants and gave him a kiss. "The movie's already over? ah, felt so fast" You ask acting like you didn't suck the living hell out of Jeno. "It did" Your boyfriend nodded still processing what the hell just happened. "By the way you own me heads," You reminded Jeno while getting up to clean up and go. "Can I give you one when we get to the car?" Jeno wondered wanting to give you something in return and to get a taste of you also.
"Only if you can give me another when we get home"
"Anything for you, babe"
How did you guys like it?? please let me know. And let me know if you guys want any other story too. My requests are open!!!
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kirigayariza · 2 days
Luffy’s Parental figure — ACE!
Who raised Luffy and co-parented him with Sabo.
He's the guy who actually did the teenage boom and baby Luffy. Who was really the only one to be an adult to his brother for seven years. Who raised this little bugger and was there for him through hard training and after hard illnesses as well.
Ace who's an explosive head in his own right, but still cool-headed in the most precise moments of danger.
Who knows how to make chicken soup and other kinds of soups from nutritious foods because Luffy couldn't chew and swallow like normal when he was sick.
Who in the field knows how to pick out what's edible, what's poison and what's medicine, because you learn that quickly in the jungle.
Who really with bare hands will be able to build a place for a night's lodging, to make food or water and to make a trap for safety or for fresh game.
He's a man who smiles at his little bro when he's in sight and who really shows a lot of affection and attitude through touch, because Luffy always needed physical affirmation of love and gosh that kid was very touchy-feely baby.
His life centered around his little brother, who needed to be raised, preserved, and made strong.
Teenage angst and mood swings had passed him by(so nothing unusual), because Ace was already an emotional wreck, but having Luffy around was actually a good catalyzer.
Also life amidst the trash and scum had taught him very well what to avoid, i.e. roughhousing, rapes, murders, overdose deaths, the horrors that slums can hold, especially the nooks and crannies where Ace and Sabo used to sneak around.
According to one particular scene that Luffy had somehow stumbled upon (and he had witnessed the brutality and the corpses privately, but he had never seen the bodies of dead children and girls before )
Luffy had hysteria so intense that he passed out.
After that accident Ace and Sabo decided only to walk in the more lighted and more open area if necessity would lead them to the slums.
In general, Ace isn't used to violence and direct threats, although in some cases Ace remains painfully innocent and naive, especially when it comes to himself. ( unless it involves Roger, the Pirate King )
Because of the fact that Thatch almost cut to pieces a lost in life and specifically in that bar amigo who ran into Portgas and began, in Thatch's opinion, to spread his hands.
And if Ace at first reacted friendly enough on approaching of the future corpse by thinking that maybe it was one of his brothers or inhabitants of the protected area, but when the man had crossed the line with a couple of words, he was carefully folded in unconsciousness by the bar wall.
Honestly, I just want more and more of Ace's side as the man who raised a hyperactive ball of joy. And specifically the aspect of home life, which most often of course manifested itself during meals.
For example, some dishes that for example made pirates complain due to scarcity or flavor (e.g. tomato soup/onion soup, any other specific fruit/vegetable) or the beverage (compote/juice/tea of unfamiliar pickings, etc.) of specific fruits or vegetables to be consumed based on shipboard life.
So imagine the surprise of the Marco when most of the pirates booed about the nastiness of the same grated drink with greens (or search for what foods should be consumed when living on the sea and when living in the jungle) and Ace was the most calm and even nostalgic.
Because he'd made a similar thing for his little brother himself.
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