#and then he doesn't have a ship tease trope? now that is fucked up
epickiya722 · 3 months
It is so "amusing" that on the TvTropes site on BNHA characters and you go to Miruko's section, she has ship tease as a trope and this highlighted part "counts" as ship tease.
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Mind you, Aizawa also lost a leg and an eye, so why this included as "ship tease" is... I don't even know.
On top of that, how come Miruko has the Ship Tease trope for Hawks but Hawks doesn't have it listed??? Bullshit.
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teddybeartoji · 27 days
▹ miji - detective au; he's the grumpy and older, more experienced one and i am the weird new guy who manages to surprise everybody with my skills (i am autistic)
▹ mitoru - con-artists au; aka idiots in crime. we keep fucking each other over but there are no hard feelings other than the lovesick ones. i hate to admit that we do work really well together though......... but we're not partners. we are not. we're not. (he disagrees)
▹ mizai - office au; he doesn't seem to be working ever, just constantly bugging his coworkers instead of actually sitting down to do anything. he's also blatantly following me around the building; if i go to the cafe, he's in the cafe. if i go to the printer room, he's suddenly now in the printer room. he's really annoying and when i realized that i might have a crush on him i actually just slapped myself.
▹ misu - apocalypse au; please don't make me go into detail abt this i don't think it'll end well.
▹ mikuna - pirate au; he's the captain and i sneak on board his ship and just pretend that i've been there the whole time. of course he notices right away, but he doesn't say anything bc he's a little shit like that. gives me some gnarly tasks just to try and push my buttons, he wants to see for how long i'll keep this up before trying to just jump ship the next time we board but i never do. he has an eyepatch. i fear that i am his main entertainment there.
▹ michuu - bodyguard au; he's just trying to do his job but ever since i found out that he blushes kind of easily, i haven't stopped trying to make it happen over and over again. he's really sweet though. i think he likes me<3
▹ mihime - royalty au; the princess and her devoted knight. a brat and her loyal dog. but she's very easy to tease and she gets really easily flustered aswell and i just love love love her cute little angry face. it's very obvious that she has a crush on me:333
▹ misho - partners in crime au; but the crimes are way more serious than mitoru's theft and robbery:33333 let's just say we get our hands dirty a lot, yeah? (something ghostface duo something something)
▹ miwa - volleyball rivals to lovers au; he underestimates my darling smile and gets his ass beat in a match and he's not the same after that. plans for a death rematch but then finds himself getting pushed against the wall in between games with me inches away from his flushed face. (he is a loser)(i will make him my boyfriend)
▹ miten - strangers stuck in a lift together au; this is not an actual au i realize but i am still going to call it that nonetheless. it's only the two of us in there and we're both trying to act very cool bc the other person is so good-looking and so neither of us want to embarrass ourselves. but we are in there for like literal hours and so by the end of it we're making jokes about dying then and there and it's just the perfect way for us to bond, yk? he asks for my number when we finally get out (he stutters just a little).
▹ miromi - meet-ugly au; another one that's not really an au but just a trope buuut fuck it we ball. we run into each other at the grocery store and he drops his carton of eggs all over the floor (and me). and this happens more than once. one time i dropped a can of soda and it just exploded fucking all over the place. oh and btw we both always clean it up ourselves, so now just imagine this tired looking guy in a full suit mopping up soda alongside with a tired looking guy in hello kitty pants. it's uhh.. very romantic<3
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What do you think of this? Apparently Bryke themselves said Katara loves Aang like a babysitter or brother. I don’t understand it? This is coming from the actual creators of the show even though I never got that vibe from Kataang despite what the ZKs say. Does that mean they were right?
If Bryke had said "Ozai is not abusive, he is just strict" it would not suddenly erase the canonical proof of abuse that is literally burned into Zuko's face. Yang can say he didn't write Zuko to be an abusive piece of shit in the comics, but I saw him literally throwing Azula in a place that, by Yang's own admission, only made her condition worse.
I saw Katara get jealous when other girls were paying attention to him as early as episode four of the first damn season, and then ten episodes later looking intrigued and even happy at the possibility that maybe they are fated to get married when they're older.
I've seen her blushing next to him like she did with Jet and Haru. I saw her doing a romantic dance with him. I saw her wanting to kiss him and then getting offended when he said he didn't want to kiss her.
If I saw a babysitter doing that to a child, I'd call the freaking cops. And if Katara had done any of that stuff with Sokka, Nickelodeon would not have let Avatar air (I'm still surprised the bedroom scene in The Awakening didn't get scrapped or at least severely altered).
And speaking of Sokka, I never saw Katara teasing Aang in a sisterly way like she did with Sokka, and with Zuko. I never saw Aang say that, when he thinks of "mother", he thinks "Katara" like Sokka does.
Instead I saw Aang and Katara hanging out, and him reminding her, IN THE FIRST EPISODE, that she was ALSO a kid. And then Katara immediately got attached to him because, in her own words, he had brought FUN back to the vilage.
(And before someone inevitably brings up her dressing up as his mom in "The Headband" - she also dressed up as Sokka's heavily pregnant wife. Read into it if you want, but be consistent. You can't cherry-pick one aspect of the scene and ignore the entire context).
They're children. They're peers. They're friends. Maybe Bryke wanted to add a "But she's also the mom/older sister/babysitter" aspect to it, but if that really is the case, then they fucking failed at it in an absurd way.
Like, if you want her to be "the babysitter" make her baby him, not treat him as an equal even when she's in the role of Sifu with him as the student.
Now, if Zutarians want to use this word of God moment as undeniable proof that Kataang is "weird", fine by me. I'll disagree because I actually DO like "weird" ships and Katang didn't interest me for the longest time exactly because it LACKED any weirdness, but whatever.
But if they expected that shut down differing opinions, once again, they gotta be consistent: Bryke also said that Zutara is toxic, would have no future, and that characters don't like each other like that.
If they want to have the right to disagree with them on that, they can't turn around and say "But you gotta take their word as law when it validates half my point!"
Either everyone is free to agree to disagree, even if they're disagreeing with the creators of the show, or no one is. Either everyone can engage in Death Of The Author when they genuinely think the intention doesn't match the text, or no one can.
If they wanna disagree with Bryke on the anti-zutara thing, but agree with them on the babysitter thing, fine. But they don't get to act all shocked when people do the reverse and pretend it's somehow hypocritical of us to do the same thing THEY are doing.
(Also it's very funny of zutarians to constantly cry "Male gaze" because "Oh, it's just young boy having a crush on an older girl" like they aren't CONSTANTLY using "What girl goes for the younger guy instead of the older one?" as an argument for their ship. Funny how fantasies and tropes are only bad when it's not THEIR fantasy or prefered trope)
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Hello! I wanted to know your opinion on a pairing. How do you feel about Mammon being paired with Mephistopheles?
Hi! I didn't know people shipped it but it's really not for me. I don't really care what other people ship so I hardly ever dislike a ship even if I don't ship it but now that you brought this to my attention - turns out it's one of those ships I just don't like :/
I'm usually big on canon facts and what those add up to (even if canon says "actually no♡" eg: all the evidence that Diavolo's into Lucifer despite canon saying he's into MC cos this is a dating sim) so for me Mephisto × Mammon doesn't really make sense...
I'll breakdown why I personally don't like it under the cut, so if someone sees this and gets pissed it's their fault :D
1. They genuinely dislike each other? And I'm usually up for enemies to friends to lovers (very much so! Probably my favourite ship trope! No matter how fucked up it is *gently sweeps my batman fics under the rug*) but umm not this time around... It just rubs me wrong for some reason🤷🏻
2. Mephisto called Mammon an idiot
• During the lesson where Mammon outsmarted EVERYONE
• Mammon genuinely gets upset when people call him an idiot (to the point that I had to write a 6k fix it fic after MC did so)
3. The first time we see Mammon & Mephisto interact is when Mammon comes to MC's defense because Mephisto is being a little shit to MC/kinda picking on them being human. Ever since then Mammon reacts like "🙄" whenever Mephisto enters the room.
a.) this is hilarious I'm so sorry
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b.) Mephisto is one of the people who still didn't like MC being part of the exchange program and this is how Mammon (the least violent of the brothers even when violence is warrented) reacts to said people;
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c.) the whole thing gives the energy of your best friend catching someone being a shit to you (in this case (fantasy) racist) and holding a grudge against them for you
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4. Mammon's canonically had sexual partners before MC but no long lasting romantic partners. There are 3 things that canonically made Mammon attracted to MC as a romantic partner. Mephisto goes against 2 of those 3 things;
a.) Being kind towards Mammon
• Mammon has commented on MC's kindness to him multiple times - even commenting on how weird it is because no one else is that nice to him
• He has commented multiple times on how he can always count on MC & how they're the only one there for him
• This leads to him kind of listening to MC's advice above others because he trusts them - closing his eyes for his b'day surprise in 2020, steering the ship in the pirate event etc
• Whenever MC is even the slightest bit (genuinely - not in a teasing manner) mean to him it really hurts him and he shows it
• In the "Thanksgiving" event Mammon said the thing he values most about MC is their kindness towards him
• Mephisto has not being kind towards Mammon and has called him an idiot or something close, while in front of Mammon, at least twice
b.) Being partners in crime
• Mammon has singled MC out as his partner in crime at least twice (has actually used those exact words)
• He constantly takes them along on his schemes and/or ideas
• He needs someone there to go along with his shit
• I don't see Mephisto doing this at all?????? A person who is so rich they've never seen a hamburger before is not going to spend a day selling stolen tea on the sidewalk or stay up all night designing clothes or subject themselves to repeatedly pricking their fingers while trying and failing to mass produce hand sown panda bear plushies
5. Mephisto actually dislikes Lucifer
• For however much Mammon & Lucifer may fight, they're each others favourite brother. Mammon does care about Lucifer and what he thinks of Mammon.
• Mammon has tried multiple times to get MC & Lucifer to be closer (from setting them up on a date in a devilgram to finding the necklace MC gave Lucifer during his b'day to commenting on how MC & Lucifer should have a more enthusiastic reaction to each other when meeting after a while apart in the main story to telling MC where to find Lucifer when he was upset despite being pissed at Lucifer himself)
• Mammon absolutely needs someone he can honestly talk about Lucifer with (they have so many unaddressed issues that the game hints at but never goes in depth) and he does this with MC - from complaining about Lucife to talking about how great Lucifer is as a brother
6. Whatever the "love triangle" between Mephisto-Diavolo-Lucifer is
• You've played the game, you've seen it
• They get enchanted to dream about their fantasies and Mephisto dreams about Diavolo?????
• Lucifer is the only one who matches Mammon in the "oh god it's Mephisto🙄" department
• Mephisto & Lucifer's continuous dick measuring matches???? The way if Mephisto wasn't a nobleman and Lucifer wasn't literal Pride they would have thrown hands by now
So yeah, not my cuppa.
I don't ship it but Mephisto × Satan makes more sense only because they'll do it to piss the fuck outta Lucifer
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bruhstation · 2 years
I'm just gonna assume someone beat me to asking Henry x Gordon, but in case that's not true that's my submission for the ship ask game. If it is true how about Edward x James (mostly just curious since I think it's popular but I don't go through the main Fandom tags very often)
no one has asked for henry x gordon before! as for that ship....
1. What made you ship it?
(spongebob screaming image) I LOVE OLD PEOPLE WHO ACT LIKE BICKERING OLD MARRIED COUPLE!!! also it's all thanks to many episodes such as "henry's special coal", "henry takes the express", and "it's good to be gordon" :3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
their dynamic for sure. they constantly tease each other in so many episodes and my brain was like "okay. this train stuff is getting crazy!"
like in "henry takes the express" gordon was sulking because henry got assigned to take his express and henry was like "fuck did I even do bro!!!" AND THEN with his 2000 iq brain henry pulled a psychology game on gordon by saying "oh well.... the flying kipper can only be pulled by strong engines.... I guess you're not up for it" AND GORDON BLASTED THROUGH THE DOORS OF HIS BERTH AND LEFT A HOLE THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE OUTLINE OF HIS FIGURE okay I made the last part up but you get the idea. they're both so damn silly. it's like they're trying to outjoke one another in any given chance yet both end up being the clowns at the end of the day
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not sure if this is unpopular but damn I wish people would stop treating henry like he cannot defend for himself and write gordon as the person who would constantly come to his rescue. bro's got a really sharp tongue especially in the earlier seasons!!! but oh well I know exactly why this issue came to be
now about edward x james
1. Why don't you ship it?
DON'T GET ME WRONG tbh I kind of like 2x5. a handful of friends and mutuals here draw awesome content of it. it's just that.... it doesn't really click for me personally? probably because I hc james to be aromantic and have edward be put in the 2x3x4 polycule
2. What would have made you like it?
if more people knew that there's more to edward besides being a nice perfect old guy and more to james besides being a self-absorbed ""tsundere"" I would've liked it more.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
many friends and mutuals drew such kickass art of 2x5.... especially @/shelli-gator and @/wreckontherails. and despite me not shipping them, edward and james have a friendship going on in casa tidmouth (it's a twist to the trope I've mentioned in point 2 with edward keeping secrets for the sake of everyone contrasting with james having enough of this whole "ignorance is bliss" thing)
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takashi0 · 4 years
So, what's going on with HS2 in general?
The Short answer is that it’s a complete slap in the face to all of Homestuck’s characters and a smorgasbord of every bad Fanfic trope from:
-Demonization of Actual Heroes That Make It Clear The People Hussie Hired Do Not Understand Certain Characters AT ALL (God, Jane, I’m so fucking sorry)
-Even If I Accepted The Premise That You Turned Jane Into A Female Donald Trump Because You're Trying To Appeal To Communist Edgelords And Jane Is Guilty Of The Irredeemable Sin Of "Being Competition For Dirk To Earn Jake's Feelings", If She's Supposed To Be Horribly Bigoted Against Trolls, Why The Fuck Did She Name Her Son TAVROS?
-Just NuJane In General, Who's A Mini Version Of The Condesce Even Though Most Of Her Character Was About Rejecting The Condesce And The Only Time She Ever Went Along With What The Condesce Would Do Was When She Was Fucking BRAINWASHED. And Worst Of All She's Not Even Good At It, Because HIC Had So Many Ways Of Successfully Keeping The Troll Populace Oppressed And Jane Doesn't Even Have Half The Means HIC Did. 
-Characters Who Do Morally Abhorrent Things But Are Treated As Heroes Because The Writer Says So
-Seriously Hussie Actually Managed To Redeem Vriska And The First Thing You Have Her Do Is Firebomb An Entire Town Of Innocent People For Unjustifiable Reasons, Eat A Fucking Cock
-Shoehorned Political Commentary For A Work That Either Had None Or Was Written With Subtlety and/or In Ways Where It Actually Worked With the Setting
-Characters Being Derailed Because They Get In The Way of Certain Ships
-Infidelity/NTR Of A Loving Canon Couple For The Sake Of Cheap, Unneeded Drama And An Illegitimate Child (If I Shipped JadeRose I’d Be Absolutely INSULTED That This Was The Way It Came About, Poor Kanaya.)
-Poorly Written OC Children That Verge From Borderline Sues To Having No Importance Whatsoever
-Seriously Why The Fuck Would You Unironically Name Your Child YIFFANY Of All Fucking Things Do You WANT Them To Get Bullied?
-And Furthermore Why Does Jade Have a Dog Penis When Bec Was A First Guardian And Therefore Probably Didn’t Have Genitalia If Doc Scratch Is Anything To Go By?
-”EAT THE RICH” Says Writers Who Paywall Content Behind Patreon And Whose Excuse For Not Including Animations Anymore Falls Flat When They Both Have A Slower Update Schedule *and* More People To Work On It Despite Being Backed By A Fairly Large Corporation
-”Why The Fuck Does This Completely New Universe We Created Resemble Modern Day Late 2010′s/Early 2020′s IRL Earth But With Aliens, Right Down To the Aforementioned Shoehorned Political Commentary?”
-How Fucking DARE You Bring Problem Sleuth Into This Abomination After Years Of Teasing His Appearance In Homestuck Proper
-There’s Like Three Separate Characters Named Vriska, Who Thought This Was A Good Idea?
-Dirk's Happy Ending Was Overwritten With A Sudden Suicide, Followed By The Reveal That He's Now Nothing More Than A Meat Puppet Being Piloted By His Heart Aspect (Which Is Absurd Given How We Had No Indication Such A Thing Was EVER Possible Prior To This) And Is Responsible For Fucking Everything Up Because "MUH METANARRATIVE"
-And To Add Literal Insult To Injury He And Jasperosesprite Are The Writers' Way Of Telling People Who Have Every Reason To Loathe This To Go Fuck Themselves Al A Teen Titans Go/Thundercats Roar
-The Whole Meat/Candy Timeline Bullshit, Which Is An Interesting Premise Marred By Multiple Factors Ranging From The Obvious Problem Of "How Do You Keep This Shit Straight Having To Jump Back And Forth Between Two Different Narratives?" To "The Candy Timeline Is Apparently SUPPOSED To Be Bad/Nonsensical/Inconsistent" Because That's Not A Lazy Handwave At All /S
And to top it all off, pretty much everyone in charge of it except Hussie (who BARELY has any involvement, and if the quality of Hiveswap, Friendsim and Pesterchum are any indication it’s clear that’s because his focus is elsewhere) is a chode who actively antagonizes the fandom well beyond Hussie’s well-intentioned ribbing, including some who are downright toxic and need to be fucking fired ASAP if for no other reason than being a PR liability. 
I’m sure there’s plenty fucking more, but that’s what I’ve been able to gather from the outside looking in because unless my friends and I get that AU up and properly running there’s no fucking way I’m subjecting myself to this flaming garbage barge. 
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shiplessoceans · 3 years
I've never seen 'Scream' or any of its sequels and it is halloween and yeah let's do it. Live blog below:
-Drew Barrymore so dumb you could have done 50 things different to not die, far out lady
- Skeet Ulrich looks like Johnny Depp and sounds like Rami Malek. Insert love child theories here.
-i'm suspicious of Billy. Why is "Don't fear the reaper" playing while they make out?
-Courtney Cox's hair....that's all.
-Neve Campbell so beautiful, had such a crush on her character in The Craft.
-HENRY WINKLER? Holy crap the cast on this is amazing.
-...did Matthew Lillard just gatekeep murder? "It would take a man to do that"
-It says a lot that it's hard to differentiate teenage boys dialogue about gutting people or a murderer bragging about their sociopath accomplishments. Masculinity. It's a hell of a drug. Eh so far they both have alibis.
-OK, I like that they know that you are expecting a jumpscare and then it doesn't happen.
-ohhh what? Her mum? That's horrible:(
-OK...the caller sounds just like her boyfriend....
-Yaaas Sydney, drag those tropes
-I simply would not have gone out there.
-OK but how can they see through the mask?
-"the stupid girl runs upstairs" SYDNEY WTF
- OK so it's not Billy. Unless he's working with someone else.
-Billy is a trash human. Full stop.
- It's Stu and Billy isn't it. He had no reason to defend him in the video store like that. He has every reason to suspect him same as everyone and he stood up for him. Also they were making weird eye contact while teasing the video store guy. Like they were really enjoying tormenting someone.
-Wait, Sydney's dad? Nah. Don't buy it. I reckon the dads dead and they are using his phone.
-A house party? It's like these teens are trying to die.
-oh dear sweet Dewey.
-The only person we haven't seen at the party is Billy so I guess he's the one in the killer costume this time. They must be taking turns.
-Guys is it gay to have your bro kill your girlfriend.
- oh honey not the doggy door.
-Why wouldn't you just stand up and pull your head back out if the door...she wasn't stuck? *sigh*
- I liked Tatum. Humph.
- Gail's hair has changed colour like 3 times I swear to God
- Oh and look who just turned up now they the murder is done.
-"It's all one great big movie" ok so we are definitely meant to know that it's him then.
-I mean maybe it's a fake out. It's definitely not the cop.
-Omg the horror movie rules, amazing!
-Stu is not looking for Tatum when she went to get him beer so yep. I'm convinced.
-The dubbing on Gail's "Be right back" is so bad lol
-Nice try movie, it's not Dewey.
-"Here comes the obligatory tit shot!" OK I love a self aware movie.
- Oh shit I forgot about the principal!
- Dewey and Gail? I ship it.
- I still don't think it's her dad. I reckon he's dead. The killer/s could have taken his car.
-Finally Sydney is waking up.
-Run Syd! RUN!
-Omg Tatum... I forgot about her.
-Randy narrating his own murder like "turn around!" Phew he got away.
-This is so well done btw. I'm loving this.
-If Dewey dies I riot.
-Did Gail just die? God what a clusterfuck.
-Dewey no!
-It's definitely Stu in the costume I just don't know why. Hard to hide how tall he is.
-Oh I wouldn't give him the gun.
-omg they killed her mother. What in the fuck.
-so they like to impale each other. Uh huh...
-"My mum and dad are gonna be so mad at me!" ROFLCOPTER
-omg can these guys die already.
-"Not in my movie" ICONIC.
OK that was awesome. 10/10 ghostfaces. Keen for the sequel.
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Brave police j decker character review!! (1/5)
Alright you guys! Lets get to reviewing the BEST part of this show. The characters!(note, i will not include all villians, despite them meeting my criteria. Too many goddamn people, that honestly? We won't remember. Humans first, bots second, and any other creature last. Bots will have their alt modes.)
Yuta Tomonaga!!;
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Yuuta!! The boss of the brave police! While young,(about 9-10) Yuuta has more passion in his pinky finger than any of the adults on the show. Loving, caring, and determined, Yuuta has proven time and time again that hes a worthy leader, and an incredible friend. He's faced more than most kids his age should've honestly, and the nightmares and trauma needs to stop for him. He just needs ONE goddamn day with him hanging out with his friends and family, with plenty of good food.
Verdict:10/10. Hes adorable, and i wanna hug him and give him a golden sticker. Take him home, feed him and Deckerd.
Juuzo Saejima!!;
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He. Is the most EXTRA bitch ever. Seriously, he's essentially a 12 year old in a 44 year old body. Constant upgrades for the team, constant new names and abilities. Hes an oddball, but despite this immaturity, he's a GOOD person. He listens to Yuuta and his opinions, and treats him as an adult, and treats the bots as humans. He deserves all he has, and honestly? Underrated character.
Verdict:9/10. Wish we had more background on him, but overall a character that i enjoyed seeing on the show. Take him home, be prepared for him to be SUPER extra.
Shunsuke Toudou!!;
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SUCH. A surprising character. He made his one and only grand appearance in one episode, and i surprisingly??? Fell for the guy. He cares about the bots, and cars. He puts in effort, probably more than his entire team would. Even as a mechanic, this guy does more than his fair share of work fixing up the bots, physically mostly, but we've seen him do so emotionally as well.
Verdict:10/10. Hes the father we all need??? He GETS people. He knows what you're gonna say before you're even gonna say it, and buys you feel good snacks, and drives you around a few times while you talk to him. You've heard of mama bear, well this is papa bear. 10/10, take him home, talk to him about cars.
Seina Onoue!!;
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(First of all. Yes I've been getting her name wrong this entire time. Im still putting her as 'Seina' and not 'Seia' for tag reasons)
My girl Seina! Gorgeous, headstrong, and and underestimated, sweet gal. Military lady, she's quite firm handed, but thanks to her boyfriend, McCrane, she's learned more about being human and embracing life. For someone who specializes in Japan's offensive branch, she's surprisingly shy and self conscious. Its sweet, in a way.
Verdict:9/10. She's a sweetie! She cares, an fights for whats right. Plus, she's a total historical figure, being one of the first few women who smooched a bot! She demands respect, and damn does she have it.
Ayako Kimizuka!!;
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Our fellow reporter lady! (And Seina's best friend)She's the person who sinks her head deep into the news sand, fully commiting herself to her reporting. She dives in headfirst so strongly and quickly, the rest of the world melts away. A bit abrasive, but i grew to like her, and I've approved her to date my boy, Dumpson.
Verdict:9/10. Shes cute, flighty, and honestly cares about Dumpson! She teases him often, and i appreciate it. Plus...she's kinda gorgeous, honestly.
Regina Argine!!;
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Me and her got off on the wrong foot. She treated bots, her own Duke included, as mere tools, to be molded perfectly into whatever was requested of them. However, upon almost losing Duke and meeting Yuuta, she learned. She had basically mentally abused Duke, and she can't un do. She can however, grow and try to make amends. She is now highly favored amongst the team, and no longer has this strong sense of entitlement. Most importantly, her past is no longer hurting her. And she's had such an impressive change, honestly. Duke cares about her immensely, and now? I do too.
Verdict:9/10. She's adorable, and now i absolutely adore her whenever i see her. She's just a delight to have around, honestly.
Azuki Tomonaga!!;
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Yuuta's older sister!(who i just learned is 16) despite being the eldest, she doesn't behave as though she has the authority. Timid, a bit flighty, and incredibly sweet, Azuki is honestly just a cinnamon roll. I adores her the second i saw her, and i want whats best for her. She's essentially considered Shadowmaru's best friend (though my boy wanted to go to the pound, we all know what i mean), and although doesn't get many opportunities, shes a surprising emotional support, and a wonderful caretaker.
Verdict:9/10. An absolute bun! She'd absolutely make a nice, cinnamon cake for her neighbors, just because. Take her home, she'd just absolutely love to cook for you and your folks.
Kurumi Tomonaga!!;
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The second eldest of the Tomonaga family! Shes adorable, albiet a bit abrasive and gossipy. Towards the end, she was considered friends of Shadowmaru, along with her sister, but honestly? She...kinda doesn't do much in this series. We wouldn't lose much having her leave, but i liked her personality, and shes pretty relatable.
Verdict:7/10. She...didn't really do anything in the series, plot wise. She was more of an extra. She worked, but really, she wasn't that important of a character.
Eva Farhzeug!!;
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I know i said i wasn't going to include every villian. But i AM including her, mainly because i like the whole 'some other force was in control of shit getting messed up, and is now controlling everyone in a giant ass ship, and is a mixture of hot and creepy ' trope. I found her interesting, and honestly? Led to an ending that i didn't expect. She had a good villian motivation, was visually appealing, and had quite the surprising tie to the plot. I mean, the mother of all robotics??? No way you could've seen that coming in the first watch.
Verdict:8/10. She was good plot wise, but not an overwhelming character. I just wanted to point out that i liked the role she played. Don't take her home. Bitch is NUTS.
Emily, Kikjmaro, and Masaki!!(right to left;
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These three are essentially labeled as Yuuta'd and Power joe's best friends. Id give them their own spots, but honestly? They're almost always together anyway. Emily is essentially kinda spoiled and whiney, and honestly? An itty bitty bitch. But shes cute, and she cares. Sometimes. Kikjamaro is the smart guy, basically, acting as the more level headed and reasonable of the group. Masaki is the dumbass. He's got anger issues, and is prone to being pretty fucking annoying. This group by themselves are honestly useless. But i fucking LOVE them when they're with Power joe. They think hes the shit, and hes DAMN right.
Verdict:7/10. This is PURELY because we have one thing in common. They love Power joe. Unless Power joe is with them, id kick them out tbh.
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blogenana · 6 years
Doctor Who - Earthshock Live Review
So I have my crisps and lemonade and im ready to continue my journey through classic who - idk why I just started live blogging it...
• People are climbing
• So they've found something- an alien I'm assuming- why do humans always tamper with things we shouldn't
• Oh they haven't found something theyre looking for people
• I hate how classic who drags on so slowly
• Sinister music
• 'probably nothing" foreshadowing...
• Okay get to the killing already
• Wow I forget they must have their own rooms in the Tardis
• Lots of books in Adrics room
• "why should that interest me" ooh okay Adric getting a bit sassy
• Why's he fed up
• looool "I'm tired of being considered a joke" "why am I being constantly teased" maybe because you're annoying and you make sexist remarks?
• oh chill
• The doctor don't have time to deal with this
• aww okay Adric being jealous that Nyssa and Tegan get more attention from the doctor than him is kinda cute
• 'I give you my word' 'just as you gave your word to Tegan" okaaaaay go off (spoiler alert) ik Adric dies in this because I saw a spoiler so this is very sad foreshadowing that the doctor will break his word to Adric about making time for him- kinda sad
• I hate the celery stick
• okay Adric kick off
• Doctor can't take criticism which is interesting because the last time he was probably ever blamed for something was One with Barbara and Ian. I don't remember any companion ever criticizing him like this before
• 'Well it can wait' you'll regret that
• "I'm tired of being an outsider" this would make sense if we had seen him being an outsider before - in my opinion Tegan is the outsider as she's new and not as mathematically advanced as the others. also I would say that Adric is the closest to the doctor out of all 3 so his point isn't really valid
• I guess this is the writers way of making adrics death more tragic
• ooh Adrics theme
• I swear he was an outsider amongst his own people too
• 'the tools would go missing" why do these people never take the hint
• forgot Adric was from e space- tbh what was the doctors plan when he did demand to go home eventually- did he wanna travel with him till he died?
• "e space is another universe, there isn't a taxi service that goes back and forth"
• Romana mention!
• "im not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction" the doctor has never experienced a companion death before - also foreshadowing
• "you know I think since his regeneration he's become decidedly immature" this is funny also like 4 was soooo mature
• I like Adric and Five's relationship
• the actor who plays Adric has gone better
• Nyssa is the most mature out of this entire group
• "breathe deeply and relax" why is Tegan a meditation instructer out of nowhere
• the doctor didn't take much convincing
• lol the doctor bopping Tegans nose was cute
• Ooh Dinosaur bones
• let me guess - the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was an alien spaceship or aliens killed them
• Someone screamed
• Ooh yeah she be dead
• Okay the villains look like they're wearing gimp costumes
• Reminds me of American Horror Story Murder House & the leather monster
• Aah doctor who giving a lesson on how the dinosaurs were killed. We love a show that educates
• Did I mention how much I hate the celery stick because I hate it honestly whose idea was it
• Bro chill why is this man grabbing the doctor like that what he do
• Calm the fuck down mate
• Gimp people be shooting
• Okay they may be androids but they'll always be gimp people to me
• Android vision
• Why they gotta hit us with the plot twist like that i wasn't ready
• The Cybermen looks sad
• Hehehe the face is funny
• Gimps be strong
• Why do the Cybermen sound muffled
• I find it more creepy when they have human voices than Robots because it makes It more real that these machines have humans in them
• hHaven't seen them in some time
• I love Tegans sarcasm
• I'm cracking up at the Cybermen voice
• 1 gimp down 1 to go
• tThe gimps be dead
• 'prepare to activate the devise" dun dun DUN
• Damn the Cybermen be skinny
• I'm bored i want doctor/cybeman action
• Okay it's getting intense
• Cybermen be SHOOK
• "cyber technology is too advanced for earthlings" figure it out then mate
• He's recognised the Tardis
• I'm geeking out
• Imma watch this bit a few times hang on
• Aah I loved that it was so cool bloody hell I'm a nerd
• The 2nd Cybermen looked shocked while he was watching
• "have you no emotions sir" classic
• "Adric do you have a moment" "I'm hungry" Okay I like him in this one he's a mood. Why is he suddenly likeable the ep he dies
• "all part of the daily routine" see what I mean
• Well your daily routine Is gonna end soon
• He doesn't wanna go home!!
• Doctor is relieved it's cute
• Ah this is sad
• It would be easier if i didn't know he was gonna die
• Cos I do like their relationship
• Okay we're being introduced to new people
• "you're beginning to bore me" the writers knew
• I'm trying really hard to concentrate I've zoned out
• Ah the doctor has got my attention "I want to announce my presence, see what the reaction is" course
• aaaand the doctor is caught and he's being accused for murder again
• Don't they have cctv just check it
• "apprehended why can't he just say caught" me in English classes
• 'even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a time lord"
• I thought Cybermen had no emotions but this Cybermen just said he wants the doctor to suffer for their past defeats - revenge is an emotion which is v ironic
• Hh SHIT the Cybermen are walking
• lol tegan " im just a mouth and legs" she's such a mood
• The Cybermen music is cool
• The doctors face when he sees them
• Aah the soldier has betrayed them
• Why is it that whenever there's a women in charge the men who is second can't handle it and goes rogue
• iIt's such a typical trope
• The dialogue for the doctor is great
• "you know them"
• "oh yes, we go back a long way"
• Haha "I'm surprised they didn't mention me" 'well perhaps you overestimate your importance" "oh I doubt it" doctor is and will always be that bitch
• The doctor is doing doctory things
• "that's very clever" "oh it is" the doctor bragging about how clever he is starts here
• Damn tegan she just shot a Cyberman
• Flashback to "the doctor makes people into weapons"
• Finally the doctor vs Cybermen showdown
• Lol I knew they would kill the betrayer
• "our records indicate that you have a fondness for earth" (especially earth girls)
• "this time we shall succeed in destroying the earth" no you won't mate
• Ah the Cybermen coming out of plastic Wrap is a throwback to the 2nd Doctor Cybermen story
• Tegan looks like a badass with the gun
• So they're destroying the leaders of various planets before they destroy the Cybermen
• Tegan has no idea what she's doing
• I love how Five says the most savage lines with the most polite tone
• He could tear you down and look like he's complimenting you
• Tegan has been caught
• Cyberman in the Tardis is weird
• 'who is this woman' - 'no-one of consequence' - 'thanks a lot - gotta love Tegan
• Okay wow that scene between the doctor and the Cyberman about emotions gave me goose bumps what a thrilling scene
• The Cybermen has a point- he can control the doctor because he has emotions
• I'll never get tired of the debate about emotions between them because it genuinely feels like the Cyberman defend the concept of having no emotions to defend their existence
• Five looks hot when he's defending emotions
• Fuck they need to leave Adric behind
• Shit I'm getting nervous
• His theme is playing!
• The Doctor looks conflicted
• Adric leaving his hand out after the doctor let go...
• "I'll see you soon" this is the actors best performance because you can see in his eyes he knows he won't
• The Doctor has never had a companion die before so he walks away without looking back
• "it will once you start getting rusty" Tegan is funny
• Adric is plotting
• The Cybermen say they have no emotions but forcing Tegan watch her own planet getting destroyed is extremely sadistic
• Clever Adric
• The Earth looks different
• Okay so Adric's cleverness is what gets him killed because he knows he can crack the code
• The Dinosaurs! I knew it!
• Oh crap Earth is safe but Adric doesn't know that
• I think this comes down to Adric wanting the doctors attention and wanting to be the best to have his attention
• The Doctor has his pin!
• Five suffocating and shooting a Cyberman is shocking to see
• Adric whyyyyyy
• This Cyberman walking towards him is bloody persistent
• "Now I'll never know if i was right" such Adric last words
• Id like to believe he was
• Damn.
• The Doctors face. The fact that it could have been avoided if he just left the ship
• Adric is the first companion that died on the Doctor's watch
• Adric died thinking the Earth was going to be destroyed and he could have stopped it
• The credits!! his gold star! the silence! this must have been a shock to the viewers. If i didn't know beforehand through spoilers I would be going crazy
• Earthshock had it's ups and downs, the downs in regards to the pace of the plot however the story was good and the Cybermen were fantastic especially their interactions against the doctor. Tegan and Adric were great. Nyssa didn't really have much to do. Davison was amazing. I liked the writing.
• Also I liked the structural shift of the story to the cave androids to the bomb to the spaceship to dealing with The Cybermen to saving Earth and then to Adrics death
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
You said it would happen in s4, it didn't. Then you said it was set up for s5, it didn't happen either. What makes you think s6 will be any different? a "we keep teasing and it seems like yes, finally! but at the end we won't commit". Hope this doesn't come as rude, it's a genuine question.
Okay. Here’s the thing.
I am not a magic 8 ball. I can’t predict how the story will go because it’s NOT MY STORY. (If it were my story, I wouldn’t tell you though.) . All I’m doing is reading the canon and putting together the pieces to see what the picture is.
I, of course, bring my biases to my interpretation. I have been completely forthright about my bias. I have always been, and remain, #teamfuckingkissalready. 
I have, multiple times, had problems with reading the timeline of the story they are telling, because I pick up on the themes and tropes and archetypes and allusions, and I think, “Okay this is the story they are telling, it will be done at the end of this season.”
BUT, as I have discovered over the years, they are NOT TELLING a one season story. The only story that is one season is whatever the big bad is for that season. THOSE are one season stories and you can just watch it for that seasonal story and have lots of fun. They are less predictable because that’s the story with all the twists and turns and reversals and deaths and 
But there’s another layer of story underneath it, and those are character and relationship stories that stretch out for multiple seasons. It is hard to know how long those stories last. Bellarke is a story that is being told over the entire course of the show, but it is not the only story being dragged out. Clarke’s hero’s journey is another one that I keep expecting to reach completion and it just…. hasn’t. Bellamy’s HAS, though. Finally. He was the hero of book 1, in case you didn’t notice. He’s the one who saved the day. It was his transformation from selfish ass to inspirational leader that allowed EVERYONE to survive that last war, while Clarke has had to sacrifice her own soul to just keep humanity from dying out. I don’t mean to take away from Clarke as the hero of the story. She still is, but they are co-protagonists, and it was Bellamy’s actions in s5 that saved the day. And it looks like Clarke is FINALLY able to move forward from all her damage to be able to do the same thing in Book 2. Which is so super exciting to me. Okay. But these are still continuing stories. Clarke becoming the hero she’s meant to be and Bellarke becoming canon romantically. Neither of those stories reached their conclusion. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. BOTH stories are still in action and MUCH closer to completion.
When my theories don’t pan out, I stop and look again at the information I picked up on, look to see if I read any of it wrong, look to see how I can adjust my interpretation with the new information and see if my theories have been tanked.
And here’s the thing. Except for the kissing, my theories are STILL GOING. Some of them were complete crack theory )long shots and actually have been confirmed. Like the cryosleep. Some of them were about the essential vision of the story. I said that maybe it wasn’t a tragedy after all, and maybe we would have a “comedy” (in the classical sense) as the ultimate ending, as in victory, marriage, happiness.  (we got that in actual canon with Marper and symbolically with Bellarke.) 
I said that Bellarke would be lose the war, that they would be expelled from the garden and lead their people on an exodus, and when it became clear that space was a possibility, the exodus theory connected with that, and I said it would be likely that they would return to space.   I said that Bellamy and Clarke would end up the season (and the show– or book 1) TOGETHER. And they did. Despite it seeming that all would be lost for them. In fact, I said THAT would happen too. I said it would seem like Bellarke was over and it would seem like they could never get back together and in the end it would be about choosing each other. And they did. These are story structures and mythic archetypes and genre tropes that I picked up on.
Did they kiss? No. But my interpretation of them being “together” has always leaned towards the KISS expression, and it has not gone there yet. My interpretation is borne out of my bias. Shall I state it again? #teamfuckingkissalready. 
Does this mean that the rest of what I said would happen doesn’t work? No. It all still works. And the questions of romance, while not revealed in a kiss yet, are actually STILL in play. 
If they weren’t still in play, I would reevaluate my speculation about Bellarke going romantically canon.
But the thing is, every time I go back in to readjust my speculation about the romance between Clarke and Bellamy, it is not only CONFIRMED but it is also deepened.
I don’t have to depend on my evidence from s3, or 4 or even 5.01. The relationship between Clarke and Bellamy has CONSISTENTLY gotten deeper, more romantic, and closer in every season. They are ALWAYS closer to romantic at the end of the season than they started out being at the beginning of the season. ALWAYS. Including this season. Whether they are physically separated or are together.
Do I still think they should just fucking kiss already, come on enough with this. YES.
DO I appreciate the attention and care going into developing Clarke’s feelings for Bellamy (s4) and then into developing Bellamy’s feelings for Clarke (s5)? YES.
I speculated on canon romantic Bellarke because that IS the endgame for the story I see. I speculated on it being NOW, dammit, because as a shipper, I want to see it now. 
I can separate my shipping from my analysis. But my analysis supports my shipping. Because Clarke and Bellamy are the backbone of the story. And they are developing it to be romantic.
And I also believe it is canon. Bellamy was stated in canon to love Clarke in the same way as he loved his (canon) romantic partner. Clarke’s feelings for Bellamy were EXPLICITLY paralleled to Lxa’s feelings for Clarke. Lxa told her not to betray her love the way she betrayed her (canon) love. THIS MAKES THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER CANONICALLY ROMANTIC. 
The introduction of the love triangle ALSO makes it canon. Because you cannot have a love triangle without having three love interests. They have, in canon, contrasted Echo and Clarke and their feelings for Bellamy and his for them multiple times, jealousy, comparisons, confrontations. They have left us with a love triangle that has not been resolved but that has been acknowledged by the man caught in the middle. So that means, that is the story for next season. Not just the mere presence of a love triangle, but the DILEMMA has been placed before Bellamy. It must be addressed. Maybe y’all think he’ll choose Echo over Clarke?
So, while I got the kiss wrong. 
Did I REALLY get the canon romance wrong?
I didn’t. I don’t think so. I’m happy with it, and with the direction of Bellarke and feel like what I said was happening is still happening, even if the kiss didn’t come yet. It’s very definitely a “yet” proposition.
They’re together. They love each other romantically. They have not addressed what that means yet to their relationship. Or to Bellamy’s relationship with Echo. They have to.
We were not baited at all. This is the setup. It is canon and explicit. 
It isn’t teasing. It is THE STORY. 
If they hinted at something and then went the other way, maybe. But they hint at it, and then back away, but keep heading towards it, getting closer every time. If you don’t like it. Don’t like it. But stop acting like it’s supposed to be a different story than it is, and learn to appreciate it for the story that is on screen.
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