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teddybeartoji · 2 months ago
higuruma and his nerdy assistant...................... you're always on time, you bring him coffee even though he says you don't have to do that, you finish all of your work without a single complaint or problem, you keep your desk and everything around you clean – you're literally the perfect employee.
and you're so sweet, too.
you're always asking about his weekends in the most polite manner while sliding your glasses up your nose and you always give him a sheepish smile whenever he asks about yours in return because you're a little embarrassed to admit that you spent the entire time playing this new game you've just bought.
and he really likes that.
he might seem like he wouldn't be into that but in reality, he would kill to just have a lazy weekend.
with you.
he inquires about the game and at first you think he's fucking with you but he's being so incredibly serious and sincere about it that you have no other option than to just... ramble his ears off.
you try to make it quick because you're scared that you're wasting his time meanwhile he's sipping on his coffee and making mental notes of everthing you say. he wants to learn about the game, he wants to learn about what you like.
to say that you were surprised when he comes to ask about something very specific about the very same game a few days later is putting it very mildly. but again – he's so fucking serious about it.
you stare at him with big, wide eyes as you listen to him talk about what he learned last night and then you're asking him whether he wants to come over the next weekend—
your big and wide eyes grown even bigger and even wider, and the shock of hearing the question leave your own mouth has you stunned. that's way too far. you've crossed a line because that's your employer, that's your boss. he's just trying to be nice, to make small talk, and you're inviting him over? this is unacceptable. what do you mean 'oh, do you want to come to my place? at the weekend. when you're supposed to be resting, when you're supposed to be away from work. god, you've really messed up now, he's going to think you're weird and—
"yeah, why not?"
you can't detect a single hint of a joke.
"i'll bring the food? chinese, perhaps?"
you think your heart is about to give out.
"i think that'd be lovely."
the small smile he gives you is enough to let you know that he really does mean it, that he's being serious.
he steps away from your desk as if nothing happened and then disappears into his office, leaving you standing there like an awestruck teenager who's just figured out what having a crush really means.
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toskarin · 1 year ago
of fucking course miromi is pulling an early lead on tumblr
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sheep-socks · 3 years ago
Have you come up with anything cool or anything you want to talk about for your OCs recently? :p
Recently my tabaxi monk named Miromi crushed our bard’s dreams of being a comedian… she doesn’t understand sarcasm and said he isn’t funny. He crossed it off his bucket list and everything 😭
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pumpkingghost · 5 years ago
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Ah yes my ships dynamics
Thick boy x slim boy 
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ramenhaven · 3 years ago
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Awesome shoyu from Bob Florence at Miromi
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captainkyn · 5 years ago
Miromi is scared of Misai
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richie-so · 7 years ago
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Al infinito y más allá.. 🔜 #tofly #vamosquesepuede #lavidasigue #ijustwannabehappy 🙌🏻🙏🏻🌟😸✨ #graciasportodo #miromi 😽❤️👩🏼
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teddybeartoji · 6 months ago
▹ miji - detective au; he's the grumpy and older, more experienced one and i am the weird new guy who manages to surprise everybody with my skills (i am autistic)
▹ mitoru - con-artists au; aka idiots in crime. we keep fucking each other over but there are no hard feelings other than the lovesick ones. i hate to admit that we do work really well together though......... but we're not partners. we are not. we're not. (he disagrees)
▹ mizai - office au; he doesn't seem to be working ever, just constantly bugging his coworkers instead of actually sitting down to do anything. he's also blatantly following me around the building; if i go to the cafe, he's in the cafe. if i go to the printer room, he's suddenly now in the printer room. he's really annoying and when i realized that i might have a crush on him i actually just slapped myself.
▹ misu - apocalypse au; please don't make me go into detail abt this i don't think it'll end well.
▹ mikuna - pirate au; he's the captain and i sneak on board his ship and just pretend that i've been there the whole time. of course he notices right away, but he doesn't say anything bc he's a little shit like that. gives me some gnarly tasks just to try and push my buttons, he wants to see for how long i'll keep this up before trying to just jump ship the next time we board but i never do. he has an eyepatch. i fear that i am his main entertainment there.
▹ michuu - bodyguard au; he's just trying to do his job but ever since i found out that he blushes kind of easily, i haven't stopped trying to make it happen over and over again. he's really sweet though. i think he likes me<3
▹ mihime - royalty au; the princess and her devoted knight. a brat and her loyal dog. but she's very easy to tease and she gets really easily flustered aswell and i just love love love her cute little angry face. it's very obvious that she has a crush on me:333
▹ misho - partners in crime au; but the crimes are way more serious than mitoru's theft and robbery:33333 let's just say we get our hands dirty a lot, yeah? (something ghostface duo something something)
▹ miwa - volleyball rivals to lovers au; he underestimates my darling smile and gets his ass beat in a match and he's not the same after that. plans for a death rematch but then finds himself getting pushed against the wall in between games with me inches away from his flushed face. (he is a loser)(i will make him my boyfriend)
▹ miten - strangers stuck in a lift together au; this is not an actual au i realize but i am still going to call it that nonetheless. it's only the two of us in there and we're both trying to act very cool bc the other person is so good-looking and so neither of us want to embarrass ourselves. but we are in there for like literal hours and so by the end of it we're making jokes about dying then and there and it's just the perfect way for us to bond, yk? he asks for my number when we finally get out (he stutters just a little).
▹ miromi - meet-ugly au; another one that's not really an au but just a trope buuut fuck it we ball. we run into each other at the grocery store and he drops his carton of eggs all over the floor (and me). and this happens more than once. one time i dropped a can of soda and it just exploded fucking all over the place. oh and btw we both always clean it up ourselves, so now just imagine this tired looking guy in a full suit mopping up soda alongside with a tired looking guy in hello kitty pants. it's uhh.. very romantic<3
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hadarlaskey · 5 years ago
A new online anime festival promises to broaden horizons
Even in normal times, new anime releases are often difficult to come by. Often restricted by limited theatrical windows, new releases come and go in the blink of an eye, making it tricky for new audiences to find a way in.
Anime Limited, one of the UK’s main distributors of the medium, is looking to solve two problems at once with their new online film festival Screen Anime, as CEO Andrew Partridge says, by “[taking] the film festival experience online, and at the same time [addressing] a gap we recognise from fan feedback in how theatrical anime is released to date.”
The new online festival will have a rolling curation of anime titles, updated every month along with fan events. It’s a great opportunity to become acquainted with a wider range of Japan’s animation output. For the festival’s launch, here’s a quick primer for the first selection of films:
Penguin Highway (2018)
You might not guess it from the title, but Hiroyasu Ishida’s Penguin Highway, Beautifully animated and smartly adapted Tomihiko Miromi’s science fiction novel, the story follows young Aoyama as he works to solve the mysterious appearance of penguins in his village, linked to a young woman working at the local dentist. It’s reminiscent of the work of Studio Ghibli, with its delicate score, precocious but complicated children and patient approach its main mystery which is intertwined with nature. Bringing equal amounts of silliness and sincerity to its zany premise, this might be the best starting place for those still looking for a route in to anime.
Promare (2019)
An “exciting cacophony of flames, robots, chiselled torsos and ridiculous catchphrases” (words I stand by!), Promare is a complete whirlwind of a film from the young Studio Trigger. Directed by studio co-founder Hiroyuki Imaishi, Promare is an impressive, mostly successful attempt to fully merge 2D and 3D modes of animation. Its unrestrained and self-aware antics are intoxicating, not least of all in its central (often homoerotic) rivalry between bone-headed firefighter Galo and mutant ally Lio Fotia. Ridiculous fun, and a great example of new potential avenues for visual expression in anime.
Patema Inverted (2013)
A post-apocalypse anime about the world quite literally being turned upside down, Patema Inverted makes a surprisingly effective allegory for isolationism out of its unusual premise as it details the persecution of “Inverts”, people forced to hide underground after a strange calamity. Writer/director Yasuhiro Yoshiura does well to keep their audience guessing with a number of elegantly executed twists, that will leave most unsure as to where is up and where is down. That the story is somewhat held together by contrivances feels unimportant, as every moment of empathy is well-earned.
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêmaise (1987)
Though it’s probably the oldest and deepest cut in this initial line-up, Royal Space Force is far from a relic. Brought to life by a veritable stable of talent including Ryuchi Sakamoto and Hideaki Anno, director Hiroyuki Yamaga explores a world where the space race and colonial attitudes towards it possess a religious fervour. Rough-edged and deliberately paced, it can be a rocky viewing experience – due in no small part to a scene of sexual assault which is troublingly swept aside – but for the most part, it’s a thoughtful, sometimes beautiful interrogation of the socio-political cost of technological progress.
Screen Anime launches on 25 May at screenanime.com
The post A new online anime festival promises to broaden horizons appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/screen-anime-online-film-festival/
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lascuoladiancel · 13 years ago
Sapori d'oriente: la salsa di soia
La salsa di soia o shoyu è un ingrediente tipico della gastronomia asiatica ottenuto dalla fermentazione della soia e del grano.
Nasce in Cina, ma si diffonde in tutto l'oriente, con consistenza e gusto differenti in base al luogo di produzione. Il tamari, ad esempio, è un tipo di shoyu usato in Giappone che ha la caratteristica di essere privo di glutine e quindi adatto ai celiaci (è consigliabile comunque leggere molto bene le etichette dei prodotti diffusi in Europa in quanto spesso utilizzano in modo improprio il termine tamari e possono contenere ingredienti diversi da quelli tradizionali).
La salsa di soia, quella vera, è tutta naturale. Gli ingredienti sono solo cinque: fagioli di soia, grano, lievito (come fermento viene utilizzato un fungo filamentoso detto Aspergillus oryzae o koji ), sale marino e acqua. La soia, dopo essere stata risciacquata e messa in ammollo, viene cotta in acqua bollente per 4 ore, mentre i chicchi di grano vengono tostati e frantumati in un mulino in modo da aumentare la superficie a disposizione del lievito. Quando la soia è raffreddata alla temperatura di 33°C si unisce al grano e al lievito; le proporzioni di questi tre ingredienti sono cruciali ma sono tenute segrete dalle diverse aziende produttrici. Il tutto viene lasciato in incubazione per circa due giorni all'interno di contenitori di legno, facendo attenzione che la temperatura non aumenti troppo. È noto da secoli che il fattore temperatura è fondamentale per garantire la buona riuscita della fermentazione, ma è grazie alla moderna tecnologia che se ne è scoperta la ragione: mantenere una temperatura al di sotto dei 40°C garantisce la massima produzione di idrolasi extracellulari da parte del fungo. Una indicazione che il procedimento è andato a buon fine si ha quando la superficie della miscela è ricoperta da un sottile strato di muffa bianca senza segni di contaminazioni da altre specie del genere Aspergillus (queste si presenterebbero di colore scuro, verde o nero).
Al termine della fermentazione si aggiunge una salamoia (costituita da sale e acqua) e quindi il tutto è lasciato fermentare all'interno di vecchie botti di legno per 6-12 mesi, a seconda dell'intensità del sapore che si vuole ottenere. La miscela così ottenuta, detta miromi, deve essere rimescolata spesso, soprattutto all'inizio, per fare in modo che il lievito resti attivo. L'impasto risultante, dall'aspetto poco gradevole, viene filtrato e il liquido così ottenuto è sottoposto a pastorizzazione. La parte solida rimasta viene in genere utilizzata come mangime per animali.
Il gusto tipico di questa salsa è noto con il termine umami ed è determinato da una serie di composti tra cui l'acido glutammico e l'acido aspartico derivanti dall'idrolisi enzimatica delle proteine della soia e dal glutine del frumento.
Purtroppo oggi in Europa non è infrequente trovare prodotti a basso costo preparati a partire non da soia intera, come vuole la tradizione, ma da proteine idrolizzate con l'aggiunta di caramello per mimare il colore originale.
La salsa di soia è un ottimo insaporitore, da usare comunque con moderazione in quanto molto salata; va aggiunta a fine cottura per preservarne le proprietà e poi deve essere conservata in frigorifero.
Composizione per 100 g di parte edibile:
Acqua 71,1 g
Proteine 5,2 g
Lipidi 0,1 g
Glucidi disponibili 7,7 g
Fibra alimentare 0,8 g
Sodio 5.175 mg
Potassio 180 mg
Fosforo 110 mg
Niacina 3,4 mg
Energia 53 Kcal
Machida M, et al. — Genomics of Aspergillus oryzae: learning from the history of Koji mold and exploration of its future — DNA Res. 2008 Aug;15(4):173-83
Kaneko S, et al. — Isolation and identification of the umami enhancing compounds in Japanase soy sauce — Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2011;75(7):1275-82
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia —  Banca dati di composizione degli alimenti per studi epidemiologici in Italia
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captainkyn · 5 years ago
Miromi has disappeared everywhere, detective’s wife is in hospital, and lil’ Slugger is still on the loose. Things are looking bleak for the final episode
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richie-so · 7 years ago
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Con look #androgynous a lo @leo.mendezespinoza ✌🏻de mi @cleodanina88 gracias por todo perri!! Es que te amoo mi Romi 😽❤️👩🏻 #nosmotivamos #meencantaestarcontigo #miromi #energy ➕
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teddybeartoji · 6 months ago
▹ they initiate it: mikuna, misu, mizai, misho, miten, miromi
▹ i initiate it: miji, mitoru, miwa, mihime, michuu, miyuu, pm!mizai
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teddybeartoji · 7 months ago
omg i was thinking abt how i am the one who confesses first in almost all of my selfships lmao the only exception is with satoru bc he actually ends up confessing when he's... tipsy....... AAAAANYWAY otherwise it's always me. i just can't. i can't hold it in. i'm gonna explode if i don't spit it out. i will definitely wait a little while ofc ofc buuuut absolutely every single of my beloveds is the silent type. like c'mon i'm talking abt toji and suguru and shoko.... they're all taking their time they don't even know what they want at first lmao aaand then we have utahime who i just think would be a little too nervous to say it first. aaaaaand then we have dazai. bro. will he. ever. actually confess? he teases and he makes jokes and he will say 'ily' but i never know whether he means it or not omfg please just ask me to marry you already i can't take it anymore. wait and then sukuna...... yeaaaaaah i still gotta do it. and higuruma. omg wait.......... higu.......................... i feel like he's kinda like me,, like he'd just kinda blurt it out one day aaaaaaa omfg that's so refreshing:333333 aaaanyway i still love them all and i don't mind saying it first i just need them to know that i like love love them<3333333
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teddybeartoji · 7 months ago
omg no wait bc you and higu would be so cute i actually wanna hear all about it. i think he would benefit from a little silly and you certainly could fulfill that role!!! im actually obsessed..... pls share any thoughts you have 🤲
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SOOO ME AND HIGUUUU😭😭😭 this is a bit silly bc it's not like a real Real selfship yet okay... i don't actually know him all that well so i don't feel like i can yk officially make it into one but you just wait........ it'll become real soon enough..............
OKOKOK SO WE ALL HAVE TO SAY A BIG THANK U TO MY FRIEND ARI @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat BC THEY KIND OF PUSHED ME INTO THAT😭😭😭 i think we were just talking about who of the new character i'd love and then they said that higu would definitely be one of the faves and well.. i am not disagreeing at all he seems so fucking funny and just an absolute sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooo my friend brought up the idea of me being like an intern at his law firm and............................ i folded immediately what can i say. (btw this got so long. uhm. prepare yourself?)
so imagine mickey the errand boy and higu the lawyer man:33 it all starts out super fucking slow btw (every single one of my ships is a slowburn what the fuck anyway). i am very excited to be there,, i think this sort of a job is very perfect for me aaand i think he'd find my enthusiasm very.. interesting lmao in a good way!!!! bc yk who the fuck is excited abt printing out papers and shit??!!! mee:3333
he always tells me that i can go home (cough that i can go home on time.. cough) but i refuse!!!!!!! how am i gonna leave him here all alone smhhh so i always help him finish everything he needs to get done (or at least everything i can help with yk?) aand then we go to this burger place that's just like around the corner to finally eat something and aaah idk it just feels very good with him. like very casual. the first like ten to twenty minutes are usually spent in silence just bc we're both tired and just wanna gulp down our food,, but when we're done with those.. we're talking abt the silliest stuff!!!!!!!!!! he tells me abt his cats. i know he has them ok. canon. in my head. he has two. their names are corkscrew and matilda. (????????????????)( don't ask) he tells me abt how they seems to like to tussle a lot and it makes him a bit nervous bc what if they don't get along but then they're cuddling a minute later and wheww it's all good. i love listening to him ramble btw. it's not like he does that all too often, but when he's tired he kind of spitballs a bit more and i think it's very endearing:333
and then he ofc apologizes for said ramble while tugging on his tie to loosen it up a little. he's so hot. anyway. and then he almost BEGSSS for me to talk to him too. about anything. it's very hard to feel insecure about talking too much with him bc he literally keeps telling me that he loves listening to me....................... perce what if i die
i'm making this other thing ari talked abt canon too bc oh my god their brain is huge. sooo one day. higu is late to work. and he's never late??????? had me thinking that he literally fucking dies or smth yk??? like he wouldn't answer his phone and it was just pouring outside omfg i was so fucking worried. pacing around the office, just calling him again and again and again. and then the door opens and there he is!!!!!!!!!!! COMPLETELY DRENCHEDDDDD like from head to toe, holding his coat weirdly of over his head and body idk he looked so silly (and cute). he apologized to some of the other workers before meeting my gaze and hurrying over and before i could even ask anything,, he opens his coat aND CAT!!!!!!!!!! HE HAD A FUCKING KITTEN???????? IN HIS HANDS?????????????????????????????????? HELLO???????????????????????????????? SIR????????????????????????
and then he literally just handed me the little critter asking whether i could look after it while he's working?????????????????? i was just so baffled bc wHAT. but i obviously took that task very seriously. i tried to clean up the kitty and made him like a make-shift bed from my own hoodie. and then after he got himself a cup of coffee (btw he spent almost no time on drying himself oh my god he's a bit of a loser isn't he...)(he has my heart<3) aaaaaand when he finally sat down behind his desk and looked through the glass wall...
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and he just saw me holding the bundled up little kitty to my face while i just stare at it. HE WAS JUST SO CUTE OK I NEEDED TO JUST LOOK AT IT FOR SOME TIME I LOVE CATS OK!!!!!!!!!! that made him smile though. bc he loves cats too:333 btw we just send each other cat pics too. like very randomly. he's just a room away and he's sending them to me instead of just.. idk coming over to my table to show them to me in person??? he's a workaholic ok. ahgsahgshasga i love himmmm
OKOK ANYWAY THIS IS LIKE SO MUCH INFO I'M SORRY FOR THE WORDVOMIT LMAO but i really really do like him and this little thing i have going on with him... we're still in a weird little zone between coworkers and friends and ????????????? but we're both okay with that we're not pushing anything we just do whatever feels comfortable<333333333
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teddybeartoji · 5 months ago
mickey baby i hope you're doing so so well!! i'm here to be nosy in your inbox don't mind me!!!
what is miwa's favourite summer activity to do!! what are you and the silliest boy of all time (affectionate) getting up to!!
do you have any pinterest pins of how you imagine mihime to be like? i'm such a sucker for a princess/knight combo and i love the dynamic you've written in your selfship stat post
what is miromi's first date like? i'm giggling a little at the image of the two of you in the grocery store cleaning up your messes
sending allllll the kissies mwah mwah mwah
MIWA SUMMER ACTIVITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god he loooves loves loves going to the beach!!!!!!!!!! i try not to complain over it being so fucking warm just bc i know he'll tease me for it lmao he'll wiggle his eyebrows at me and wink while flexing his biceps bc he thinks the mere idea of him being all sweaty and glorious in the sun is enough to join him every single time he wants to go (he is right) i think it's also very important to mention that he does a "slow motion" run every time we're there😭😭😭 baywatch style... (iwaizumi will throw a ball at his head)
oh and yes the other boys are always there too lmao i don't mind it though they're all so funny we get to bully oiks together:333333 during the car ride i'm always sandwiched between him and mattsun.. and oh my god they both take up so much space it's fucking ridiculous i'm just elbowing them for the entirety of the ride lmao ++ we actually go on little roadtrips all together a lot as well!!!!!!!
ANYWAY back on the beach they OBVIOUSLY play volleyball lmao ok so in the post i did say that the au would be where i play volleyball too buuuut in the original one i'm just some guy WHich means that oikawa gets to teach me . sighhhhhhh...... stands behind me and hold my hand together as he shows me how to receive a ball omfg he is very annoying (very hot) whispers into my ear and tries to play cool but if he's taking too long he's gonna be hit by another rogue ball hahsgdhgsahgdahgdhga he's actually such a fucking dork ro i love him so much
but yeah we hang out on the beach like a looot a lot we play ball and we go swimming. oh which reminds me that he's definitely a bit scared of cold water lmao so i have to drag him in every single time aaand i get to tease him too by splashing him mwahahahaha AAAND then we always go and buy smth good to eat after we're all done aand we both usually end up falling asleep on the car ride back home,, with my head on his shoulder and his head on mine it's pretty cute yes we do actually have a few pics like that too bc the other boys are sometimes okay with us being adorable:3333333333333333333
MIHIME ROYALTY AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i think i will make a proper moodboard for us too now actually bc ooh my godddd i know the second row middle one isn't necessarily a knight/princess thing but it's so perfect for the bratty lil royalty that is my utahime🤭🤭🤭 BUT WAHHHH i love her so dearly she's a little clumsy and gets flustered so easily but still tries to act so tough it's sooooo fucking cute ohhh my goddddd
MIROMI FIRST DATE!!!!!!!!!!!! asghdhgdhgasghdghas the meet-ugly is so funny i love it,, after many times of bumping into each other he's the one to finally ask for my number!!!!!!!!! i think he's the type to blurt things out sometimes not in a bad way but he just want to get it out, he hates it when he starts to overthink anything even a little so he just goes for it. and that's exactly what happened here too. he was still in his suit, buying groceries for the night straight after work while i was there buying ramen lmao and so first we just saw each other in an isle and we made eye-contact and then looked away bc well . look the whole thing is a bit comedic at this point lmao
we somewhat try to avoid each other just for the sake of not making any more messes but in doing so we fail to check behind us and so we end up backing into each other anyway😭😭😭 and that's when he's just like fuck it . so he just apologizes while loosening his tie (😵‍💫) and is like "would you like to go and grab dinner with me?" and he catches me so off guard but he doesn't take it back either and he's so like . HOT? hsdahgghadghasga he's funny and handsome at the same time it takes me a second to really realize what he's asking of me but then i agree anyway bc why the fuck not yk? aaaaand so our first date takes place at like 9pm at some random fast food place where we stuff our faces with some noodles while getting to know each other. the connection is really good btw. like there isn't a single moment where it's awkward or anything we're constantly talking and laughing and we keep on sitting there even after we're done eating too. it feels very comfortable<3333 he compliments my smile and i tease him for being a lawyer lmao telling him that he's very Fancy but he obviously doesn't take it into heart and he just offers to show me his office some day to kind of prove me wrong hehehhee we exchange numbers and we keep in touch by sending each other pics of our cats and yeah it goes veeery very smoothly from there on out!!!!!
AANYWAYYYYY I LOOOOOVE THEM SOOO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! we're all silly together hehehhee oikawa my loserboyfriend and utahime my princess and hiromi my normal guy hgasghdghasghdahs WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN RO TALKING ABT THEM MADE ME SOOO SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN FIVE MINUTES THE SUN WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOU SO PLEASE LMK WHEN IT ARRIVES:3333333333333
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