#and them going the lowest they could go
souvenir116 · 4 months
Listen, I'm obsessed
First, Charles 'the tyres were off I couldn't take pole 😤' Leclerc being all smiley with even his eyes shining at his rival, which, Charles just prefers to handshake and fuck off with anyone else, because normally you don't smile that enthusiastically while congratulating someone who stole the pole from you, right?
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Then his special wink only reserved for Maxy...
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And Max is not much of a better mess lol, but his knuckles turning white from his intense hold on Charles? I'm not even going there.
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The way Charles tugs at Max's arm is not much different though.
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And you'd think Max was about to place his hand near Charles' waist/hips there:
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But the truth is how Charles snuggles so much to Max that he leaves literally no personal space for him 🫠
After all:
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Charles doesn't let Max's arm go as if he can't live without it even when congratulating Checo, literally encircling Max and forbidding any space between two of them.
+Max leaning towards him, and his pliant body language, tilting his head down.
[It's so pathetic and embarrassing that they're still not done, but let me continue.]
Charles doing the embarrassing [God knows what] gesture, Max's eyes drops down attentively, giggling, and Charles only nods contently while wasting no time to snuggle to Max AGAIN [Checo's hands are on his hips because it's not the time for the photo yet, but Charles just can't wait/ waste any opportunity to be more closer to Max.]
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Charles is still not done with the yapping after the photo, trying to seduce Max while pretending to strip, sending Checo to an internal crisis, had to be taken by a FIA officer, getting literally dragged on the floor, acting as he'd been kidnapped with a stubborn attitude to stay with Max [5th pic], and Max blinking dumbly after him with a little absent-minded sway towards Charles.
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I'm leaving this last one to yall honors, no more words.
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riickgrimes · 4 months
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rainymoodlet · 4 days
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some friendships last a lifetime — daniel taylor & jericho domhan
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cerealbishh · 2 months
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"You're pretty new at this whole relationship thing, huh?"
"... Yeah."
#outer range s2#outer range s2 spoilers#outer range 02x01#maria olivares#rhett abbott#isabel arraiza#lewis pullman#rhett x maria#um... idk i love them#but why would they do this to me? it's gonna sting so much when they break up#her teasing him is my favorite thing#but also her calling him ''wonderful''? my god the squeal i let out...#the smallest little smile and the way he looked at her before he said ''good'' after she said she likes how she feels when she's with him?!#now i'm rhett going ''don't do this'' but instead of with his truck it's with the show#my biggest gripe is that she doesn't help him that much with his broken arm... except maybe to help him shower? /hj#i get why he was the one to get the snacks... it was for the impact of the scene but still#it's great to see them laughing and smiling so much! love that!#i think she smiled at least once while her poor boyfriend was getting freaked out by cats#he could not keep a straight face for that long after saying ''what does that leave me?''#i wonder what he was gonna say before she said she liked how she feels when she's with him... was he giving her an out?#he has NOTHING pleasant to say about her not even a ''thank you'' after being called wonderful smh /j#tw: food?#my girl didn't even say ''bless you'' when he starting sneezing :(#i switched the last picture because i like the way they were smiling at each other when he got onto the bed#after maria laughs in the car after the buffalo run past them i think i can hear the lowest ''so are we-'' or ''sorry''?#and i think that may be because lew thought isa broke character?? but i'm not too sure... maybe it's rhett apologizing#but idk? maybe it's just rhett saying sorry because he felt self-conscious about maybe sounding stupid... or maybe i'm just hearing things#i think the way he even said ''okay'' after she took all the snacks was similar to the way she said it before she grabbed the snacks#look i understand not getting a shower scene but they truly robbed me of seeing rhett and maria with wet hair...#just another little nitpick but i think the ''i like who i am when i'm with you'' would hit harder if we saw maria in scenes without rhett
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deva-arts · 6 months
"And Vincent Is... Still Vincent. I mean the dude is cool and all but he still canonically eats mayo by the tub"
Excuse me WHAT
Yeah did nobody tell you
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gabriestat · 5 months
with the way sam and ruby have their sex scene in EP 09 and then dean and anna have theirs in EP 10 it is sickening anna and ruby did not fuck nasty in EP 11
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rosykims · 7 months
like out of all the many, many traumas ive given elspeth my favorite has gotta be the deep roads lol. and specifically the way she never really got OUT of them. yeah so maybe her body did but not HER. shes still down there with ruck and helspith every time she closes her eyes. and during future expeditions when she goes down into the deep roads for real, it doesnt feel like some horrible nightmare it feels like REALITY and its the surface and love and warmth and alistair thats nothing more than a pleasant dream. one shes always going to wake up from. bc even in her happiest moments she's never not aware of the darkspawn digging up towards her just a few miles under her feet. and never not feeling the eyes of the deep roads looking at her, gleefully waiting for her, and knowing its not going anywhere
#i love shale but for elspeth's worldstate i dont recruit her bc im so obsessed w the dynamic of it being elspeth/alistair/oghren/the dog lol#oc: elspeth#tay plays dao#she got SEVERE shell shock being down there in the dead trenches after the realization that came from helspith's poem#why shes never seen any female darkspawn and why there apparently arent as many female wardens either#and like. Understanding that death is the absolute best case scenario for her.#alistair had to 100000% step up as the leader because she was completely out of commission. barely able to breathe let alone fight or lead#going from this unstoppable warrior who NEVER loses her nerve or control on a battlefield#to nearly dying to the broodmother bc she was so fucking terrified. bc all she could see was her own fate mirrored back at her#finally FINALLY understanding what it means to be a grey warden. and then trying to reject that reality with her entire body and soul#she pulls herself out of it enough to get out alive but she never had a moment of like... triumph over the deep roads where she had a burst#of courage and saved the day or whatever. thats not usually how trauma works and so alistair carried them thru that#thru the broodmother and the anvil and branka and back to orzammar just as elspeth was beginning to put herself back together#afterwards the lack of closure to what was one of her ''weakest'' lowest moments rly weighed her down with guilt and shame#and its only a year later during awakening when she finally reconciles with having NO choice but to go back into the deep roads#and being able to kill the mother. THAT helped. that restored some small part of her#gave her the strength to start going back down there when the need arose. resigned to an early death but ready to put up a fight#but ye. still such a fundamentally devastating thing she went thru which altered her entire personality to the point where she starts fully#embracing being a warden (bc how can someone who's seen what shes seen and done what shes done be anything else???)#and INSISTING alistair take the throne despite having always been supportive of his desire not to. even if it means she loses him.#bc its a last ditch effort to save him from the fate she's completely surrendered herself to#sigh. this game man.#i need dadw to Confirm that the grey wardens have found a cure and alistair and hof are safe because jesus christ. my girl NEEDS a win
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philologique · 7 months
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ssruis · 2 months
Aside from the noble platypus I also feel like rui would really enjoy these animals:
Mola mola/Sunfish
Horseshoe crab
#i have reasoning for all of these beyond ‘they look funny’ trust#mola mola are just. so fucking weird man. they’re so odd. their back fin grows back on itself? they’re so rigid it reduces drag#but they ‘swim’ really slowly? they swim similar to how a bird flies. just sideways. largest bony fish. they bask to get enough warmth#to allow them to dive super deep to forage for food (cold blooded so they’d be fucked without doing that)#anteaters are interesting. did you know they’ve (the giant ones) killed jaguars and humans before#because they walk on the knuckles to keep the huge knives on their feet sharp and their threat response#is basically just ‘swipe blindly (poor vision) at whatever comes close until it stops coming back’#echidnas are fellow monotremes (only ones besides the platypus) and are just as strange#they also have electrosensors (~2000 compared to the platypus’s 40000) and a similarly low body temp#(second lowest of all mammals after. u guessed it. the platypus) and are actually decent swimmers despite looking Like That#kiwis are weird beasts.#massive eggs compared to their body size. rely more on scent than sight because their eyes are so tiny and under developed.#kākāpō are the heaviest parrot and also the only flightless parrot. they also kinda resemble owls face wise? and they’re green.#evolved with no natural predators and are currently being fucked over by invasive rats#axolotl is self explanatory#although to give a fun fact the wild type is naturally brown. the fun colored ones would be easy prey in the wild.#& they’re capable of going through metamorphosis (like how tadpoles -> frogs) if exposed to the necessary hormones#but they don’t produce it on their own#horseshoe crabs despite having crab in the name are more closely related to spiders/ticks/scorpions than crabs#& gibbons are included because 1 I’m biased towards my favorite animal 2 only species of lesser ape. live in family units.#tbf I think he’d like all apes and probably prefer orangutans/chimps but I’m saving you the extensive lecture on great apes#here at ssruis we strive to be educational.#biology cool. despite me dropping out of the program (treated as premed at my college and I could NOT do chem let alone orgchem/physics) but#i liked biolab/the units abt animals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#rui
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bluebellthesponge · 3 months
ok if any stalkers of my blog are out there, is it weird for me to talk to a 22 year old on a dating app
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basslinegrave · 7 months
eeyikes someone that got something from me couple months back is now reselling it for a few hundreds more and it doesnt truly fall into my tos but i cant even say anything cause i only put the tos up after their purchase. but. im gonna see how it plays out cause rn its quite hard to sell this stuff and i think they will have trouble selling something that literally worth like 300€ less than their asking price especially now. but if they do manage to sell it then i will know that i can price my stuff higher
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moonsidesong · 7 months
i'm a little sad planetary pieces seems to be inescapably expensive secondhand, sonic unleashed has such a good soundtrack and i'd love to add it to my collection but the price tags it goes to is. well out of the range im willing to spend on a cd
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stargazingpsychotic · 9 months
At this point I hope the next time will be successful, either in that I do manage to leave or I do something so bad it can't just be brushed off and I have to get any form of help since I cannot keep going like this
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vurelly · 2 years
Are we allowed to reblog the sticker post?
ofc! i actually really appreciate when yall do because it helps get the word around about them!
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butchdykekondraki · 9 months
is it hard dating another system? /genq
nah, if anything it's wonderful. it's nice to be understood and not have to shy away from how it is being a system. :-)
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