#and them bragging about their kids
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midnight-weird-thoughts · 10 months ago
The funniest thing that no one talks about when discussing the Nakamori x Kogoro ship is how Conan lives with Kogoro, and Kaito is basically Ginzo's adopted son and the two would have to interact if their respective paternal figures suddenly got together. Imagine them moving in together or just getting serious with dating... Ran and Aoko are best friends already. Conan is squinting in suspicious incredulity at Kaito (if he knows KID looks so much like him, if not he'd figure it out pretty quick) and Kaito is trying to subtly inch away from the murder magnet child in case he kicks a soccer ball at him.
Meanwhile, with Kogoro and Ginzo:
Ginzo: And this is Kaito-kun. He's our neighbor and a very talented aspiring magician. His mother is basically never around, so I hope you don't mind him being around a lot. The kid needs some parental presence in his life... And he's my little Aoko's best friend... I couldn't not
Kogoro: Fucking absentee parents. The brat is Conan, his parents are using us as a babysitting service. I swear, he didn't even get one call from them in two months. By this point he's mine too...
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chloesimaginationthings · 10 months ago
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Happy Father’s Day to everyone but FNAF William Afton..
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metamatronic · 2 months ago
i know the “michael adopting gregory” idea is nothing new, but i do love the idea of michael adopting gregory primarily out of jealousy that two of his close friends from childhood now have kids around that age.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
sorry im obsessed with the saiki brothers just being normal silly brothers while also being the most insane and abnormal pair of siblings of all time
"ha! this time, kusuo, i'll finally destroy- are you wearing my sweater?"
"... no."
"kusuo, can you dye my hair?"
"im not touching your greasy stem student hair."
"i left cheesecake in the fridge earlier, do you-"
"i ate it."
"i will end you."
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pillarsalt · 7 months ago
When you grow up with dogs that have owners who treat them with respect and discipline, you learn so much about dog body language. Body language in dogs is the main way they communicate with each other. You learn how they act when they're happy and relaxed vs scared and stressed, and the difference looks like night and day. So it's a curveball to meet people who don't have that knowledge and, for example, immediately go in for a firm pat on top of the head when meeting a new dog and become surprised when the dog doesn't like it. From the dog's perspective, this random they haven't even sniffed yet is quickly coming towards a vulnerable body part from above with no warning. It's the same with small dogs who are "vicious" and nippy, they've had their bodily autonomy violated all their lives because they're small, being picked up and restrained and pushed around, so they've adapted with the only method of self defence they have.
Dogs are CONSTANTLY telling you how they feel through body language (unless they've been beaten/disciplined out of displaying those cues, now that's an unpredictable and dangerous dog,) but most people don't know how to listen. This isn't a criticism of those people, they just don't know the language. Many haven't had the opportunity to learn, and I wonder if there's a way we could give more people that opportunity. I think it would cut down many peoples fear of dogs, I've heard first hand how it causes many a great deal of stress when they encounter dogs in public. Just being able to visually verify that a dog is chilling and no threat to anyone around could be really helpful to those who are scared of dogs.
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911bts · 9 months ago
I know nothing about contracts and who's coming back. Contracts are most likely all figured out at this point, but that stuff isn't (generally) public knowledge. You'll see who's back when they're on set/in promotional material.
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stars-n-spice · 7 months ago
Crosshair is that type of kid who's always going "'my dad can beat up your dad"
But like,, "my brothers can beat up your brothers" kind of deal.
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goingpheral · 5 months ago
Very funny seeing people on tiktok saying “I never thought Dan and phil were together haha am I the only one” with people in the comments saying “omg me too! I thought they were straight”
Like… okay? Do you want a medal? Or maybe an eye test?
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Listen. As a teacher, I get pissed off, paranoid and -phobic when people from other cities come to take the already limited jobs from my city. Especially during covid when all the corporatistiTM saw teaching as a secure part-time job and then remote schooling stopped being a thing and they just vanished after fking things up for everyone.
But to be xenophobic and kinda racist towards some immigrants just working as... idk helpers? The principal got some funds and we are getting new desks, chairs and whiteboards and everyone was fking rude about immigrants moving stuff. Like... honey, your husband is home, doing nothing and living off your kid's allowance. Since he won't bother working, someone has to. Also, ethnic minorities really have the guts to complain about other people invading our nation 😒
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shannonsketches · 8 months ago
Disregard that last post, OP's definitely mad that Bulla is treated like a toddler and Trunks is treated like a teenager askljda
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 months ago
holding my mother's face to check her temperature and seeing her shrug off my touch as unnecessary and being visibly uncomfortable at being touched and going oh. that's why I'm this way.
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shoechoe · 8 months ago
this may be mean but i can't help but feel like putting stuff like "former gifted kid" in your bio when you're in your 20s is a little... i don't have the word for it but really no one cares about that stuff when you get out of school
i feel the same way about people who look down on other people who have poor grammar like man that's really something you should grow out of after you're 9 years old and get complimented in class for having a big vocabulary
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eddis-not-eeddis · 6 months ago
The truly annoying thing about college is that I'm kind of expected to be a top performer because I actually buckle down and do the work. I don't even do it that well, I just do it, and so I get decent grades (not phenomenal, but good) and I'm considered a good student. There are other kids who are waaaaaaaay smarter than I am. When it comes to raw intelligence they have me beat all hollow--they instantly pick up on topics I have to grapple with for days or weeks of careful study. They will easily answer a question that takes me four or five minutes of puzzling over to solve. But they're flunking out because they refuse to study. They're failing classes because they won't submit work. I'm only considered a good student because I muddle through it and actually submit assignments. Imagine how much better they could be if they actually studied for their exams or didn't wait to work on their projects until the day they were supposed to be submitted.
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aestheticitii · 2 years ago
do you think the gym leaders+steven all text norman to let him know how his kid is doing
because norman is the only one with a kid among the gym leaders. wattson's got a niece but she lives outside of hoenn and drake from the elite four has grandkids but like he's not a gym leader
and it's just a way to bond with norman since he clearly loves his family and the only time he gets soft is thinking of them
like roxanne gets beaten by a lvl15 mudkip and nothing else, and when she asks why, the kid is like, "actually, i want to be a water type only trainer so that i can also be a gym leader"
she lets wallace know in the group chat that he has competition
steven casually drops the fact that his kid beat up a few team magma grunts and his dad is apparently very fond of norman's kid now to one of the others and it spreads like wildfire
brawly says that his kid's been camping out for like the past three days, trying to fish for a tentacool, and then they show up to battle with like 20 potions and their tentacool as their ace
wallace pipes in briefly to tell norman that he and his wife should turn on a specific channel and watch it together.
afterwards, norman jokes that his kid really is gunning for wallace's spot and thanks him for letting him see their kid branching out. wallace starts commenting more on them because lisia tells him a lot and he's kind of happy his niece has a good friend she can hang out with
wattson happily tells him about he caught them giving pointers to wally and how they gave their marshtomp bulldoze specifically for this match and won by the skin of their teeth
and also how they nearly got into a fight with the guy who gives advice because he was like "you can't fight with water types in an electric gym!"
flannery is oddly quiet when they come to town and that is because they end up befriending each other because they WANT to be a gym leader but they know they have to live up to their dad while flannery's already trying to live up to the sort of reputation one should have
all she says is "it's a secret"
norman shares a picture of him, his wife, and their kid at a restaurant he found specifically because they like that sort of food. in it, tentacool has evolved and they now corphish and surskit and a togepi
the togepi belongs to his wife now but he mentions that it makes for a great excuse for his kid to come home more often
steven says something about how they're very passionate and when prompted to speak more about the topic, he says they nearly fought with kecleon because it was preventing them from going into the gym
winona is grateful that they asked the kecleon to go away. she's the one who has the least amount of conversation with them but she does note them trying to convince gyarados to fly, then begrudgingly resigning themselves to being a land and water dweller
(steven has to laugh at that when wallace tells him.
he never says why but when he comes back from his travels, he has a swanna for them)
the twins hear about the kid being in town but the first time they meet is at the department store while they're arguing with a kid about the last slakoth plush. they pull the "my dad is a gym leader" card and when that fails, they end up resorting to a pokemon battle
everyone floods the chat with questions after the team magma/team aqua incident. norman shuts down the gym for a bit to be there for his kid and also do gym leader stuff and the only time the kid shows up on tv is a few days later when they're trying to get to the gym and a reporter stops them
they very confidently say they can be champion, but only if they can make it past through the reporter because they need their eighth badge
norman is SO proud
for wallace, he mentions how the first thing they say after beating him is asking him where he got his milotic from. they're actually extremely mad that they couldn't find any feebas and they didn't actually want to battle him without one but they also just want to head onto victory road
this actually jogs a memory of norman's, where he remembers that he took the family to petalburg before he moved to show them littleroot and just spend time with them while they're still in johto
and on one of the screens is wallace and milotic, and after that, the three of them decide to take some time to watch one of his contests on tv, which spurs a family tradition and the declaration that they will also have a milotic
he promised to get a feebas for them, but they turned him down so he kinda regrets not pushing it a bit more
so he like talks to his kid and they basically confirm his suspicions
milotic = happy memories so my own milotic = more happy memories and since i want to be a gym leader like my old man = water types only
it's all very wholesome
norman can't stay away from petalburg much longer and his kid doesn't want him to watch the matches because they're afraid of an ungraceful showing, but they do promise to send a photo with steven after the match and verbal confirmation from the latter that they won
also norman's kid just looks up to their dad so much, like the coolest person ever, and once they become champion, they go to him for advice on pokemon—it's a running joke in the family that it should be the other way around since they're the youngest champion in hoenn
as for the feebas, someone from the weather institute finds out that they want one so they call norman to tell his kid this secret for a guaranteed feebas
the next beauty master rank has people making the spiderman meme because wallace also enters with a milotic. he wins the battle, but they win the day because their parents come to watch them and they spend the entire day together
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fizzytoo · 2 years ago
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adrien and rua take amaya to meet rua's side of the family! rua's nephew, broderick, makes his introductions too!
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas and Welcome!
As per every year, welcome to all the new players of Splatoon 3 who likely got the game for Christmas!! We're happy to have you here!
The learning curve of this game is quite steep unfortunately, as it is far more aggressive/competitive than previous games...I recommend finding a group or some friends you can play with to have a better experience!
This may fall on deaf ears (given I have seen hundreds of people bragging about 'bullying children on Christmas'), but please try to take it easy on new players! You can still try to win but ease up on the camping in Turf War; lets allow new players to learn the mechanics of the game as much as possible!
Have some fun, and I hope it goes well for y'all! <3
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