#and their owner splays a hand and the dog tries to bite them and can’t. and they are safe.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
okay okay no this is the last one I swear. scenario in which the dog is kidnapped and forcibly muzzled (probably because they kept biting their captors) and this is, understandably, extremely fucking traumatic. they want the muzzle off as soon as possible, it’s too tight, leaves deep marks that break skin in some spots on their face. getting it off them is the most difficult part of freeing them because they won’t stop moving and scratching uselessly at the edges of the muzzle like that’ll remove it.
(and probably this requires a very firm Sit and Stay that makes them calm down.)
but consider: they keep the muzzle. they aren’t even sure why, but they slip it somewhere and keep it, until one day they’re presenting this thing that was used to hurt and disempower them to their owner. and they want their owner to put it on them badly.
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If it's alright can I request a story for Helena and MC, whereby MC is forced to result to violence and killing to protect Helena?
WARNINGS FOR: Violence Blood and Gore Some Language Helena’s abuse Spoilers for Route.
Written by @evoedbd
The ground was ash. Sodden with blood and sweat, forming mountains over the bodies of the fallen. Heat clung to Kya’s body, thickening the air in her lungs as she desperately tried to claim one more breath in the chaos. The horizon was aflame with the only consistent splash of colour, deep and raging ember oranges against the backdrop of dull greys and blacks. Smoke billowed from what had once been wagons filled with grains and long-lasting supplies for the starving Capitol. What once had been fields growing crops and hosting cattle were now a remnant of what once was. Battle echoed around her, clashing steel ringing around disembodied cries and coughs. Some were strong and hearty, those men might survive if they fought well. Others were weak, somehow wet in the dehydrated desert of death. These men wouldn’t make it. No matter how hard their fingers dug into the ground as they blindly crawled in search of clean air and their salvation.
It had all happened so fast. One moment, Kya had her arms wrapped around Helena’s waist, head on her shoulder as she dosed behind the saddle. The next, explosion. An attack so vicious Kya hadn’t even registered falling from the saddle, only the screaming. Only Helena barking orders between spells, trying to protect those who were unarmed, to protect the supplies for the poor villages near the Capitol.
Everything was merely white noise in Kya’s ears, a dull swirl of chaotic sound which served as an undercurrent for a pounding heartbeat. A heart raging against reality as it shattered her bones with every jarring beat. How was she to survive when the act of breath was a war within itself? What choice did she have? The heat against her bare palms was nothing compared to the worn grip of a jagged sword. She could feel the dampness of sweat, along with the smoothed tracks where leaner, longer fingers normally grasped. A familiar knick in the grip allowed her to understand how the callused palms of its mistress has come to be. A mistress resting several feet away.
Helena Klein was battered, a vestige of war, pillaged by blade and blow. Each breath was short, a slash of a blade or chop of an axe instead of serenity. Each rattled, as if the broken bones of her ribs might be coming up her chest, ribs she desperately attempted to hold in place by tucking her right arm tightly to her side. The majestic blues of her tunic parted like the seas, giving way to a landscape of soft, snowy flesh mixed with rivers of fouled blood springing forth from a nasty gash. The touch of a blade had begun at the curve of Helena’s shoulder, caressing down to the crook of her elbow, a path Kya’s fingers often followed. Only Helena’s grimy bracer held her sleeve together, protected her forearm from the same fate. The bracer Kya had tied with a gentle smile not an hour prior. One might think it yet another physical representation of how different the loves of Helena Klein truly were. The Queen’s affection was the battlefield, the agony, the desecration of body and soul.
Just like when she was in the Queen’s service, Helena was brought low, left to support her weight on her only uninjured arm, fingers splayed in the slippery mud which oozed through them, trying to swallow her hand. Bedraggled hair hung around her flushed face; white gold tainted to mousey brown by the blood of her foes. A representation, perhaps, of what each life taken meant to her gentle soul. Stains. Darkness. The evil she defied, fixating her icy glare at her hands in rebellion, even as she tamed her trembling body, harnessed her adrenaline and pain into stillness by her sheer willpower alone. Her refusal to let the leering soldiers break her, even with their blades prone to pierce to her vital organs.
The sight of Helena in such a position set something off in Kya’s chest.
Her heart rebelled, pounding even more ferociously within the weak confines of her chest. Drums. The feeling of speakers at a punk rock concert, shaking her entire foundation, filling her with nothing save her screaming morality wrestling with the concept of mortality. She’d failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. She was meant to protect Helena, to never let this happen to her ever again, yet Kya was stuck watching those soldiers prod and taunt the Sorceress, keeping her pinned like a feral creature. The dog The Queen had forced Helena to be. That thought hurt. Kya ached. Rage and helplessness spread beneath her skin, leaving her with a physical sensation of fingers pressing against her flesh from the inside. Filling her, making everything so tight, as if she might simply explode. Shadows played across moonlight as one of the soldiers lifted his sword, mouth moving as he delivered an undoubtedly smug line. Kya didn’t hear, couldn’t hear, over her own blood rushing.
“-No! Please! Helena! Stop him! Oh god, he’s going to kill her! I can’t! Gotta move. Gotta move. Get the FUCK AWAY FROM HER! Fucking MOVE Kya!-” Her mind could only work in snapshots of a thought, missing everything save the panic. Loss pounded at her mind, threatening to take everything she cared about. Her soul sunk, falling into a blazing heat that travelled through her veins to every needed muscle. She was so tense it hurt, as if she were slowly snapping every strand of her being. She sprung into desperate action. Her hand tightened around the hilt of Helena’s blade as she leapt, rushing the man with his weapon raised.
The cry would have been worth alerting the soldiers she was charging, yet no sound escaped. It was nothing more than a shriek echoing within the confines of her mind, burning in every fibre of her existence. Try as her body might, it couldn’t force out even a single sound in the seconds it took for her to cross the distance. These fuckers couldn’t have her! They couldn’t treat Helena like some animal! Couldn’t put her down like a feral dog for biting an abusive owner. Couldn’t bridle her! Nobody had that right, and Kya was not about to let someone take it. Helena was her warcry, everything redirected to a singular purpose. To protect her very heart and soul from these fiends following a tyrannical Queen. The name caught in her throat, wheezed out in a silent burst of determination as she swung the blade with all her might. She couldn’t even care where it hit, only that she needed to save Helena.
She had seen a thousand movies involving beheading a man, where the dashing hero swung their blade and off went someone’s head. It was in a crushing moment of reality she registered that, yet again, the modern world of media had lied. Majorly.
The blade buried itself halfway through the man’s neck, grinding to a halt against bone as the soldier cried out. His gloating never met completion, the final words hanging on his tongue as blood replaced them. It dribbled down his chin, mixed with spittle, only to mix with Helena’s hair and the mud between her fingers.
“Kya!” Helena’s voice was rough with strain, yet the intensity of her command was sharper than any knife. Sharp enough to slice through the fog surrounding Kya’s mind, through logic and reason, and straight to Kya’s body. A single cry held a thousand reminders, a thousand little meanings that neither could ever put into words. Only action. Kya’s body was driven into action, even as her mind wandered further into the protective haze of mist and confusion. With a groan of effort, Helena pushed herself forwards, launching to extend her only good hand even as her shoulder and ribs came down hard into the mud. Kya was already moving, scrambling to grab Helena’s second blade, running straight for the soldier’s Warhammer. He brought it down in a deathly arc. Steel met glyph, casting sparks across the invisible dome Kya was dashing for like a child in a McDonald's playground. It was instinct to duck under Helena’s spell, slithering through the opening the Sorceress had provided. Just as Helena had taught her. This time, however, Kya abandoned her teachings of digging an elbow or a hilt into the soft underarm. Instead, she thrust with all her weight, pushing Helena’s blade until steel pierced the Soldier’s undershirt.
Again, Hollywood failed her. The blade did not slide in smoothly with a graceful thrust. Instead, it jerked with the man’s body, it met the resistance of bone, bouncing off it before sliding through flesh. For one terrifying breath, Kya hesitated. Not out of remorse or pity, but for the shock of resistance. The shock of what she had managed to do. What had she done? Oh gods, what had she just done? She’d stabbed a man. A man who’d left Helena bleeding… Her hesitation vanished. He’d cut Helena. Kya pushed harder, forcing the steel as deep as it could go. He’d tried to kill Helena. Kya clung tighter, twisting the blade was not as easy as Hollywood made it look. She didn’t expect the gush of heat over her unsteady hands as her awkward weight tore the opening of the wound wider. Nor could she have prepared for the sheer slippery yet grittiness as blood covered her hands. All she could do was cling to the hilt, allowing her body weight to fall with the soldier into the mud.
Hot stickiness coated her body, clinging to her linen shirt as she fell against the Soldier’s armor. The collision, along with the clash of hot and cold left her nerves caught between tingling and prickling in confused agony. Breath was banished from her lungs. For several seconds, the world was nothing but too much. So many sounds and feelings, a blur she couldn’t make sense of. Groaning, she forced herself to lift her head, to survey the battlefield, to make sense of what she saw.
The pink figure of Altea dancing across the battlefield, staff in hand as she yelled spell after spell at the dwindling enemy forces. The dashes of green as Isuel masterfully wove around the edges, his arm moving as a blur as he unleashed a volley of arrows to match a battalion with lethal accuracy. A dark shadow melting high and low as Searys unleashed his demonic strength upon any who drew close, indifferent to the fact they were covered in steel as his fists left dent after dent. August, a silver knight who lunged in and out, clashing with foes masterfully, cutting them down in waves with the determination of his swings. Then, the blazing red glory of Reiner, leading his Retainers with precise commands as his crossbow sung, ensuring victory every time his finger closed around the trigger.
The realisation that reinforcements had arrived was slow to dawn on Kya, yet not as slow as when she looked down to her hands.
Blood. There was actual blood on her hands, obscuring her pale skin with smears that almost reminded her of soy and chilli sauces mixed together. Then spread thinly over her skin. Had she been wearing her armor, would she have felt that at all? Stupid. She had been so, so stupid! Why hadn’t she anticipated an ambush with everything they knew? She’d been napping, not thinking at all. She’d let everyone down, including herself. If she had just worn her armor, she wouldn’t have to deal with this stickiness. Wouldn’t have to feel the blood on her hands. Wouldn’t have to see…
“O-oh god.”
She couldn’t stop seeing. Her eyes fixated on the man beneath her as she frantically pushed up to her knees, trying to flee the sight. His death had not been something graceful, with lingering peace across gentle lips. Instead, his face was twisted with horror. His lean jaw and full lips were contorted into a forming scream of absolute agony. Deep brown eyes stared listlessly back at the world, lacking the spark of life Kya was so used to seeing in everything. As soot floated down across his face, it gathered on those unblinking eyes, slowly obscuring their colour as Kya watched with a growing horror and a gurgling in her gut.
What had she done? What the actual fuck had she just done?!?
“Kya!” Helena’s voice was the closest to frantic Kya had ever heard, wavering at a higher pitch. A shrill shriek, filled with an immeasurable amount of fear. Fear more than Helena had ever felt. Helena, who had seen hells that rendered a nation extinct. Who had been tortured beyond instinct, to the point she defied the very laws of nature. Helena, who’d begged for death a thousand times over for the horror she’d endured, screeched her worst for Kya. It was a sobering footnote in Kya’s consciousness. She couldn’t hold it, couldn’t even hold herself as she collapsed backwards. Helena was there, skidding through the mud to catch the love of her life. To gather Kya into her chest, greedily pulling the smaller woman into each of her injuries in an effort to keep her there. To protect her. Once again enduring pain in silence. Helena’s desperate hands wrapped around Kya’s jaw, around her tender throat, trying to guide Kya’s gaze to meet her own. Even in her adrenalized state, Helena’s hands remained gentle, cradling Kya as if she might shatter in her palms. Worshipping, despite the chaos surrounding them. When Kya surrendered to that guidance, she found herself falling into pools of obsidian-tinged sapphire, watching the magic swirl and fade as Helena regained control of her emotions.
Helena’s eyes were so beautiful. So alive. The depth of love and need that underlaid every emotion drew Kya in, drowning her an indescribable heat that threatened to consume her if she didn’t look away. The passion there was scorching, eradicating everything save the thick veil of devotion in those lively eyes. The haze was soothing, somewhere she could simply watch from as her body moved with Helena’s gentle touches. That gentleness was not spared for her clothing. Helena’s hands were weapons once more as the Sorceress literally tore Kya’s shirt open, running that one good hand though the blood, searching for the cause. Even as that hand ran, her injured arm cradled Kya’s head, keeping her upright, preventing any chance for fluids to drown the smaller American. Then, she was lifting a vial to Kya’s lips, pressing just a little too roughly, too desperately. Glass bounced against Kya’s teeth in a shaking hand, almost causing pain as she retreated, meanwhile flailing her own hand to reject the vial.
“I’m fine! It's not my blood.” Kya dismissed the tender touch as if it were a normal occurrence, her voice completely casual in her instinctual effort to reassure Helena. The Sorceress stopped, breathing rapidly as her gaze fixated upon Kya’s once again, realisation dawning in icy eyes. Realisation. Understanding. Guilt. Horror. Regret.
What had she done?
“It's not my blood…” the second time it escaped Kya’s lips was bitter, a lowered mumble as her body caught up with the fact. She’d killed someone. No, not just someone. Two someones. She’d taken two lives without any hesitation, without any mercy. They’d tried to take from her and that had been enough for her to mindlessly take those two lives from others. Just like so many had done to her with Helena. What would those lovers care for reasons when their arms were cold and empty? What would daddy’s crimes matter to the little girl waiting for him to come home? What words could soothe a mother missing her baby? What families would get letters saying their brother, father, son or lover had fallen in battle? Was the Queen even merciful enough to have someone notify the families of her dead? Would those families spend years waiting for answers? Never knowing if their loved one would return. Would children wonder what they did for daddy to abandon them? Would…
Kya tore herself away from Helena, falling onto her hands and knees as the pressure in her stomach exploded out her throat, a warm mush that coated the ground between her hands. Mouthful after mouthful of vomit came up, each punctuated by an impossibly loud wretch. It stunk. Everything absolutely stunk. Nothing had prepared her for the strong stench of blood, the almost delicious smell of cooking flesh for a split second before disgusting burning hair.
Soothing fingers ran against Kya’s scalp, gathering up the sweat-soaked raven locks in adoring hands as Kya’s vomit became bile, the contents of her stomach emptied. It left her feeling weak, so weak her body trembled with the effort to hold herself even somewhat aloft from the mud. Everything was covered in a layer of fleece, making everything distant to her senses. Even that distance couldn’t banish the warmth of Helena’s arms as they wrapped around Kya, bringing the exhausted girl into the safety of the Sorceress’ chest. Helena’s arms became her bedrock. As the world crumbled around her, Helena’s strength and comfort held true. She couldn’t find her perverse enjoyment of Helena’s chest, nor relish the powerful flex of muscles. All she could do was find solace of the touch.
“Would that I could spare you this pain.” Helena’s voice was laden with sorrow, weighing her tones down along with Kya’s heart. Even then, Helena’s mind was on comforting as she lifted her own sleeve to Kya’s lips. The Sorceress lovingly cleaned the trails of bile from Kya’s chin, delicately tracing the soft material over quivering flesh. Her brows furrowed in guilt as she leaned closer, resting her forehead to Kya’s in an attempt to dull the pain. To flood the girl with reassurance and acceptance. Neither woman jumped at the tickle of the tip of their noses bumping, though Kya let out the softest groan of protest.
“I stink.”
“The discomfort of your pain is far worse than any fouled breath.” Helena retorted calmly, her voice near a whisper as she leaned closer, forehead to forehead. Kya’s eyes drifted closed, as if she might defy the reality of what she had seen. She couldn’t. It burned behind her eyelids. Lifeless bodies. Blood. Helena’s terrified face when she had first gathered Kya into her arms.
“I am here, Kya, for whatever you would ask of me. Please, allow me to bare this with you.
It was the gentleness in Helena’s voice which finally undid Kya. The girl broke, tears streaming down her cheeks as she buried herself within Helena’s embrace. She nuzzled, squirming into the comforting scent of parchment and herbs, of magic, of Helena. By now, Kya had smelt many a mage, many a warrior, yet none were Helena. None could make her heart race and settle simultaneously. She couldn’t help but press her lips under Helena’s jaw, to relish the feeling of a fluttery pulse at the gesture. Alive. Helena was alive. She was alive because Kya had acted, had sacrificed morals. If she hadn’t… they’d have done the same. They’d have taken Helena’s life for their Queen not to take theirs.
“I killed people. They were going to kill you, and that should make it easier but…” Kya tried, swallowing back the empty feeling of vomiting. Her throat closed up, tickled and thick at the same time, as if she might gag. As if she might choke on the blood she’d shed.
“I don’t feel sorry I killed them. That’s easy. But their families… the people left behind will suffer when they did nothing wrong.”
“It is the price of war, Kya. If only I could have protected you longer, that you would not endure such a torment now.” Helena sighed, tightening her arms around Kya for a breath before she relaxed, allowed Kya to withdraw a little. Kya’s lips fell open, disbelief etched across her face.
“Don’t. Helena, you cannot take the blame for this. You didn’t attack first or make any of this happen. Existing doesn’t make it your fault.”
“You killed to protect me.” Helena laid it out, her casualness leaving Kya reeling. How could Helena even think that? How could she so calmly blame herself for a choice Kya had so readily made? No. It hadn’t even truly been a choice. Losing Helena was unfathomable. Blaming Helena for such a thing felt like blaming her for the existence of death and pestilence. It was not Helena’s fault, no more than it was that the seasons changed. Yet of course, Helena would claim the blame before it could be laid upon her, or worse, before accountability could slip away. Before she could escape her responsibilities. Helena’s magic allowed her the power to do the unthinkable, to defy nature itself. For her to see Kya suffer, of course she would take it as a personal failure. As something she was meant to prevent. There was that touch of nobility, that spark of absorbing every problem and taking blame.
“Yes.” Kya agreed, nodding before she continued.
“That doesn’t make it your fault, Helena. You never asked me to fight, you did not force me to act. They hurt you! They were going to kill you, Helena, and I just… I had to protect you, no matter the cost. Just like you’ve always protected me. That does not make it your fault.” Kya had to take a breath. Gods, Kya loved her. She loved this noble woman so much it hurt… but curses if it didn’t frustrate her. If she didn’t want to cut down everyone who’d beaten Helena into this place. Who’d taken her nobility and weaponised it into self-sacrificing tendencies. Kya could only lift a hand to Helena’s cheek, a silent rebuttal to Helena’s brewing guilt. Something she’d soon find the words to address in-depth, once her own agony dulled, once her tongue wasn’t so heavy in her mouth. Kya stared into those deep blue eyes, lost in what she saw there. Helena understood. She understood too perfectly, even without more words exchanged. It was the price being so close to her she’d constantly warned Kya of.
“I didn’t think of any of it. I just killed when you were in danger. So many people might have moral reasons to kill you, and if they did, I’d kill them. I couldn’t be moral if you were hurt, Helena. I love you. My reason for killing those who hurt you would be moral, as would their reasons be for hurting you. As would anybody who hurt me as payback. When does it end?” Kya pleaded, looking to Helena for an answer. Violence begets Violence. That had never made as much sense as it did the moment she saw the dullness in Helena’s eyes, the exhaustion. The answer the sorceress didn’t want to give. And why should she be forced to? This cycle had been Helena’s curse since before puberty. Violence to survive, earning violence in return. A currency exchange of flesh and soul. An exchange the Witch Queen had indebted Helena so heavily to that it was doubtful she’d ever escape again. That she’d ever be truly free so long as she walked this world.
Helena could only give a sad curl of her lips, a silent expression of utter helplessness even as she pulled Kya back into her embrace, as if her arms might shield Kya from these harshest of truths. As if the world might take pause from its corruption of the tender soul cradled so close to a sullied, blackened heart.
Silently, Kya allowed her head to fall to Helena’s shoulder once more, relishing the closeness. The life. The moment of stillness. She understood now, why Helena had been so fearful, so guilt-ridden for her feelings. For her affections. Not for feeling, but for the burden such things rested upon Kya’s shoulders. It was enough to almost make Kya cry again. Here Helena was, pleading to take a burden that she’d shouldered alone for so long. A burden Kya found herself willing to carry. Able to. She had to.
There was no going back, no button to undo her actions. To rewind and alter history. The innocence Helena had fought to preserve was gone.
It was as the Sorceress said. Such was the price of war.
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dumbfuck-mojave · 3 years
Sliced Moons
Characters: Lily Chen and Maia Roberts from The Shadowhunters Chronicles by @cassandraclare
Author’s Notes: I simply do not care if this is out of character, accept it. Maia is bi, I will not accept anything less. This was planned at the beginning of the year but it’s June now. Kind of works out, happy pride month.
Warnings: It’s hurt-comfort. Maia is physically injured before the story but not to an awful extent. Talk of past trauma. Suggestive but still relatively SFW, Lily is a vampire so smexy bites.
Thank you to @highonbandcandy and @humantorch for beta reading!
The fridge in Maia’s apartment was broken. It made an awful loud humming and was frankly quite annoying when you were rummaging around in the fridge looking for drinks. Pale hands, with skin so thin you could see the workings of the body under it, were pulled from the cool box into the somewhat warm air of the apartment. Lily set the objects in her grasp down and went to open the cupboard above her. As she poured sparkling liquid into one glass and thick red into another, the furrow in her brow got deeper. With keen balance, she padded to the bedroom in the back in the apartment.
The door was open, the only light inside an artificial white emitting from the cloud shaped neon sign on the wall. Both Lily and Maia could see in the dark, but for aesthetical reasons it had appeared in the room one day, along with others. Maia herself sat upon the edge of the bed, looking down at the blood stained bandage wrapping her wrist. The bright light shone onto her, illuminated her warm, tawny-colored skin and soft curls that had fallen out of her ponytail. Lily stared for a few minutes before snapping out of her daze and walking farther in. 
“Hey, I brought drinks.” Lily said softly, stopping awkwardly again when her bare knee brushed the edge of the bed. Maia didn’t look up, instead slowly moving her wrist around. Lily set the tray down on the nightstand closest to her and nudged Maia so she could sit next to her. 
“Hey, what’s up? You haven’t said anything since we got home.” Lily wrapped her arm around Maia’s shoulders, laying her head against her warm flesh, “C’mon baby, talk to me.” 
“It’s nothing.” Maia whispered. Lily stayed silent for a few moments to see if Maia wanted to say anything else, but she did not.  “I brought drinks.” Lily reverberated, “ I brought you 7-UP. That’s supposed to make you feel better, I think, and I know you were feeling kind of sick after we finished that fight.”
Maia looked down at the shirt Lily was wearing, “I haven’t seen this one before.” 
Lily looked down at the faded Lunachicks shirt she threw on after taking a shower, “I’m not sure if I’ve worn it around you before. Jacob dragged me to one of their concerts back whenever. You’re changing the subject.”
“I like the design.” 
“Maia, talk. I’ve tried to give you time and let you come to me but it’s been a couple weeks and it just seems to be getting worse.”
Maia looked at her in the eyes for the first time, the start of a cheeky smile on her face, “I can’t believe you of all people are telling me I need to talk about my feelings.”
“Haha, real funny. That should be a sign it’s bad, if I’m making you talk about it.” Lily pulled her legs up onto the bed and faced Maia fully, “Now talk.” 
“Speak, Maia, speak. I’m a wolf, not a dog.”
Maia stood and attempted to move around the bed to where she had heard Lily put the drinks down. Before she could reach, Lily’s arms hugged her waist tightly, head being pushed into her stomach. 
“Lily, what are you doing?” Maia unwrapped the arms and set them to the sides of their owner, patting them theatrically and telling them to stay put. A few seconds later, she sits back down in her spot and hands Lily her drink. The two sat in silence until both cups were empty. 
Lily grabbed Maia’s cup from her hand, popping it into her own, “Okay, I’m going to go take these out and wash them off, then we’re going to talk. So hype yourself up.”
She saw Maia smile before leaving the room. 
Fortunately, both Lily and Maia liked to keep things clean so dishes never really piled up. Use something, it gets cleaned within the day, maximum. It wasn’t always this way with Lily, but with the introduction of actual leadership and seeing how hard Camille went with parties there had to be at least some responsibility for tidying up. She thought about how well the others were doing back at the hotel, probably causing more havoc despite her visiting regularly. The soapy water became tinged with pink as she ran her own cup under the faucet. 
Lily counted for a few seconds right outside the door before she entered the room once more.
Maia had moved farther back onto the bed while she was gone, her feet now hanging off the edge instead of reaching the floor. Her head was tilted back as she stared up at the ceiling, exposing the marring lines on her neck. 
“I just feel worthless recently.” Maia spoke suddenly, “Like I’m not helping anyone.” 
Lily frowned, “What? Maia, you save everyone’s asses constantly. You’re like, the only smart one here. The only one who knows what’s going on.” 
“That’s an insult to you and Clary.”
Maia deadpanned, “Of course not.”
Lily joined her girlfriend on the bed, mimicking her position, although her feet didn’t quite reach the edge. Maia looked down at her bandage and slowly unwrapping it. Any sign of the blade that carved a long line into her forearm had vanished, but the memory of the pain was still fresh in Maia’s mind. Her lifestyle warranted almost constant injury, but over the past few months it had plagued her mind more and more. 
“Everytime we go out on missions, I get injured.”
“Maia, everybody gets injured-”
“I DON’T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT.” Maia exclaimed, her hands moving towards her head, “I just… noticed it’s happening more. I can’t explain why I’m so upset and I don’t know what to do.”
Lily looked at her sadly, the white light illuminated the dark pools of her eyes. She crawled over onto Maia’s lap and gave a small push to her shoulders, silently telling her to lean back. Maia abided, scooting up a little so she was in a comfortable position, higher up and arms splayed out. Hands went to grasp at said arms, careful to avoid the once injured wrist instinctively. Lily lowered her face to Maia’s neck and started pressing kisses into it. Maia closed her eyes. 
“Hey, keep talking or else I’m stopping.”
Maia sighed and started again, “Um, I guess I’ve always felt out of place, amongst you guYS-”
“Like that?” Maia could feel Lily smirking against the dent of her shoulder.
“Shut up.” Maia let out a small noise as Lily grazed her neck with her teeth for a moment before resuming kissing, ‘I mean, it just seems different, you know? I can’t explain it. Bat’s way better suited for leading, I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet. Maybe?” 
Lily stopped suddenly and sunk her fangs into Maia’s neck, who in return let out a small yelp. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to that. Maia didn’t know how long she had paused until Lily’s hands roughly shook her arms. 
“Even you’re, you’re a way better leader than me,” Maia was starting to feel the effects of the bite now, the tingly feeling arising through her body. She tilted her head to give Lily more room, but once Lily heard that she shot up. Maia moaned exasperatedly at the loss of contact. 
“Me? Maia, I didn’t even want to be leader in the first place. I just had to do it to stop mini Camille from wreaking havoc on the general populace. I have no idea what I’m doing! Seriously, ask Alec, he trusts you way more than he trusts me, and I’m his best friend~”
Maia looked up flatly, still upset she wasn’t currently being bitten. Lily grinned, showing off a bloodstained mug before pressing an aggressive kiss to Maia’s forehead. 
“I know…. I’m not the best at comfort, but you’re doing alright, alright? We just have to roll with the punches.”
“I’ll forgive your subpar advice skills if you go back to what you were doing.” 
A devilish look came over Lily’s face, “As you wish~” 
The two forgot about their problems that night, saving them for the morning as Lily redressed in her discarded shirt and walked out into the kitchen once more, avoiding the small beams of light peeking in through the small curtain gap. Maia would awaken to the smell of pancakes and soft singing to a barely audible song playing on the morning radio. Lily may not give the best advice, but she sure knows how to make people feel better.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Good Morning, Sunshine
Category: Friendship Fluff, Crack Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Eijirou Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugo, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
I’m not sure how this artwork by @deliathedork led to a story about Bakugo getting his wisdom teeth removed, but inspiration strikes in strange ways, I suppose LOL This is the most crack thing I have written, ever, but I enjoyed every word of it and I hope y’all do too!
Eijirou grinned wide as he pressed the “record” button on his phone, focusing the camera on Katsuki, who was stretched out on an oral surgeon’s chair. Eijirou waited with bated breath as Katsuki’s red eyes flickered open, bleary and unfocused. He was just rousing from surgery, having had all four of his wisdom teeth removed.
Oh, this was gonna be so good.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Eijirou trilled from behind the camera. Katsuki’s head bobbled on his neck like a baby’s as he struggled for a second to pinpoint Eijirou’s voice. When he focused on the red-haired boy, he squinted his eyes real tight.
“Shitty Hair?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” Eijirou responded, a hand over his mouth trying desperately to suppress his snickers. Katsuki looked around in confusion at the oral surgeon’s office room, trying to process all the equipment and the assistant who was cleaning off the bloody tools. “You just got your wisdom teeth out, Baku-bro.”
“My what?” His voice was heavy, both with the anesthesia and the thick gauze pads shoved into his cheeks, making him look like a sleepy chipmunk.
“Your wisdom teeth!” Mina repeated with a girly giggle. She came bounding into the camera frame, putting her hands on her knees as she leaned over the hazy boy. “You just had surgery! We’re here to take you home.” 
Katsuki stared at her with fuzzy red eyes before he slowly lifted his hands to his cheeks to prod at them, as they were still numb.
“I can’t feel my face!” The camera shook in Eijirou’s hands as he snorted with laughter. Katsuki sounded more panicked than he ever had, his eyes going wide as he tried in vain to get the nerves in his face to work. “Is it gone?” 
“Buddy. Buddy,” Hanta interjected, coming on to the other side of the screen with a goofy smile. “It’s just the anesthetic, bud. Your face is still there,” he reassured him and pulled up his phone so that Katsuki could see himself in the camera. “See?” 
Katsuki brought his face super close to squint at the screen, making Hanta slap a hand to his face and quiver with barely-suppressed giggles.
“Hey, that’s me.” 
Biting his bottom lip, Eijirou flipped his camera around for a second to focus on his reddening face before uttering, “It’s only been three minutes and I am losing my shit.”
He flipped it back around to follow Katsuki as he stumbled out of the oral surgeon’s office, supported between Hanta and Denki as he fumbled on wobbly knees. He kept cursing loudly, and then walked right into the floor-to-ceiling glass window next to the exit. He felt like he was going to wet himself when Katsuki angrily kicked the window with the toe of his shoe and told it to “get the fuck out of the way”; as he splayed out his palms and crackles started going off, Mina hurriedly jumped in and dragged him through the exit door, but Katsuki kept throwing glares back at the window. 
Eijirou got real close to the window, close enough that his reflection was in clear view in the camera, and grinned, “Sorry about him, man, he’s just real out of it. No hard feelings, right?” 
He was snickering as he scampered out of the exit door after the rest of his friends. He followed the unsteady Katsuki to Denki’s car, watching him fumble with the door for a second.
“The motherfucker won’t open!” he complained loudly, and as he scrunched up his face Eijirou thought for a hot second that he might actually burst into angry tears. 
Eijirou hurriedly leaned in to open the car door for him.
“Relax, bud, it’s cool. It’s cool. Go on and get in there.” 
Head swaying from side to side like he was drunk, Katsuki half-slid, half-fell into the car and began tugging insistently at his seatbelt. After a few seconds of fumbling, he actually did manage to snap it in place, and he squinted up at Eijirou as Denki propped his chin on his shoulder.
“Hey, Baku-bro, how you feelin’, man?” the blond asked teasingly. Eijirou flipped the camera around as they waited for the boy’s response, making a few funny faces into the camera before switching it back to focus on the half-asleep Katsuki.
“I feel funny.”
“I bet you do,” Hanta laughed from the other side of the car, getting into the front passenger seat. “Come on, Denki, let’s go; we gotta get Katsuki’s pain meds from the pharmacy before they close,” he called at the blond before ducking into the car. Denki quipped a quiet, “Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’” before hopping away from Eijirou and jumping into the driver’s seat. 
Eijirou walked around to the other side to slide into the middle seat next to Katsuki, with Mina squished against his right. It was only a few seconds before Katsuki began tapping his index finger against the car window.
“Where’s the fish?”
“Yeah, fish, Shitty Hair! What kind of shitty aquarium is this? There’s no fish!” 
“Bud— oh Jesus— bud, there’s no fish. This is a car. We’re on our way to the pharmacy.” Katsuki’s head swiveled around so he could blink hazily at Eijirou. “You know, a pharmacy, where they sell medicine and stuff.” 
Mina was bent over double in the seat next to him, snorting like a pig as she tried not to burst into hysterical laughter. Katsuki looked down at his lap like he was contemplating something before tipping his head to the side and looking back at the redhead.
“Can we get some vitamin gummies?”
“I’m going to piss myself!” Denki howled in the driver’s seat, and Eijirou put the camera on him as he fell into the steering wheel and accidentally honked at the person in front of him. Hanta hurriedly rolled down the window to stick his head out and shout an apology at the old woman, who had flipped Denki the bird.
“I want vitamin gummies,” Katsuki insisted loudly, grabbing the headrest of Denki’s seat. Eijirou reached out to pull his thick arms down.
“Bud. Bud, relax, we’re gonna get you some vitamin gummies. Just sit back.” Under the influence, Katsuki was surprisingly docile, allowing Eijirou to push on his chest to ease him back against the seat. Katsuki looked out the window again and then scowled deeply.
“Where the fuck are the fish?!”
“Ahahaha! Oh my— oh my God, I can’t!” Eijirou turned the camera on Mina, who was holding her belly with tears streaming down her pink cheeks as she giggled uncontrollably. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up! Help!”
“You should take some vitamin gummies, Mina,” Hanta quipped from the front seat.
“Vitamin gummies? Where?” Katsuki demanded, leaning over the central console to grab at the sleeve of Hanta’s tee shirt. Mina let out a pained cry and began laughing harder, her bubble-gum pink face a bright shade of crimson, while Eijirou coaxed Katsuki back into his seat. Once he finally got Katsuki settled back in, he flipped the camera back on himself, pointedly looking up out of the corners of his eyes as if he were addressing God.
“Please, this pharmacy better have vitamin gummies.”
“Where the fuck are the fish?!”
“Denki, drive, I’m gonna pee myself!”
“We’ve still got three minutes! There’s an empty bottle of lemon soda on the floor back there somewhere.” 
Eijirou had his camera trained on his own face again, smirking as a resounding slap! echoed in the car, followed by Denki’s high-pitched yelp and Hanta’s snort of laughter.
“That’s gross! I’m not peeing in a bottle, especially in a car full of boys!”
“Would you do it in a car full of girls, though?” Hanta asked innocently. Eijirou mouthed “Oh my God” and grinned stupidly as Mina slapped him upside his head too. Hanta yelped and jumped forward into the dash, cradling his head.
“You’re being gross!” Mina whined. 
“Well, now you don’t have to pee anymore, do you?” Hanta griped back. 
“… Well, I didn’t until you said something! Drive!”
In the background, Katsuki kept screaming about fish and vitamin gummies. Eijirou had to inform him that no, fish could not ingest vitamin gummies, and Katsuki grunted back, “That’s fucked up. They’re missing out.”
They arrived at the pharmacy and Mina scrambled out to run to the bathroom, while Denki and Hanta went inside to purchase a bottle of extra-strength Ibuprofen. Katsuki sat patiently in the car seat, and Eijirou kept switching the camera view, making a different face each time. 
Suddenly, Katsuki unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door to climb out.
“Hey, hey, where are you going?”
“There’s a dog!” Katsuki yelled as he landed unsteadily on the concrete lot. Eijirou hurriedly unbuckled his seatbelt and slid out after him just in time to capture Katsuki lumbering over to a very confused lady walking a Chihuahua puppy. Eijirou hurriedly ran over as she shrunk in on herself.
“Hey, hey, sorry, he just got his wisdom teeth out and is a little out of it,” he explained quickly as Katsuki crouched down to inspect the puppy, who was barking insistently at him. “I think he just wants to see the dog, is that okay?” 
The dog owner relaxed and laughed, leaning down to pat the puppy’s head reassuringly and ask Katsuki if he wanted to hold it. The boy’s red eyes went huge and he nodded dumbly, mouth hanging open and a little blood dripping from the corner of his mouth onto the concrete. 
“Aw, jeez, you’re bleeding everywhere, dude,” Eijirou laughed and grabbed the front of his shirt to hurriedly wipe at his mouth. Katsuki plunked down on his behind as the woman picked up the Chihuahua, which had calmed down and was wagging its tail furiously, and set it in Katsuki’s hands. It was such a small little thing that Katsuki could easily cup it in one big palm. “Hey, thank you, miss, I— Holy shit, Katsuki, are you crying?”
“It’s so small,” Katsuki whispered as he gently petted the baby Chihuahua’s head, tears streaming silently down his cheeks. 
Eijirou was losing it at that point, trying to hold the camera steady as he wheezed behind it and ran his hand repeatedly through his spiky red hair. 
“It’s so small,” Katsuki repeated like he was in awe. The Chihuahua leaned up to begin licking the tears dripping from his chin and he literally began ugly sobbing. Eijirou squatted down because he felt like his legs were about to give out, little giggles leaking out of his chest that felt swelled to the point of bursting.
“Bro- oh my God, this is too fucking funny— bro, bro, you good?”
“It’s so smalllllllll!” Katsuki tipped his head back and howled with another ugly sob. Eijirou was crying too at this point, and he flipped the camera around to showcase watery eyes and pink cheeks.
“I’m dying, this is it, guys. This is the last thing I am ever gonna do on this Earth and it is so fucking worth it— Bro, Katsuki. Hey.” 
Katsuki angrily barked “What?!” at him, still cradling the Chihuahua as it began lapping up his tears again. Eijirou didn’t know what he was going to say because he was too busy wheezing and crying. Blearily, Katsuki looked down at the Chihuahua again and hugged it to his chest.
“So small…”
“Eiji? Hey, what are you doing over there?” 
Eijirou flipped the camera as Mina approached rapidly from within the store.
“Look, look, Mina!”
“Oh my God! A puppy! Oh my God, is he crying?”
“He’s fucking bawling.”
“It’s so small!” Katsuki yelled at her, and Mina’s knees wobbled as she almost collapsed on the spot, laughing hysterically. She had to take a minute to compose herself, and at this point Hanta and Denki came out of the store with a bottle of Ibuprofen and a bottle of vitamin gummies. 
It took a few minutes to get Katsuki to relinquish the Chihuahua back to its very giddy and entertained owner, but he finally did. The whole time she was walking away Katsuki kept cooing, “Bye-bye small puppy, bye-bye,” which left the four of them puddles in the parking lot. Somehow they managed to all get back in the car without pissing themselves laughing. Eijirou held the camera as Mina opened the bottle of vitamin gummies and handed two over to Katsuki.
“Look. Look, buddy, it’s your vitamin gummies.”
“Fuck yes,” Katsuki muttered and plucked them out of Mina’s hand. He tried to scoop them into his mouth and missed, and they bounced down into his lap. He didn’t seem to realize that and looked around for a second before screaming very shrilly and loudly, which scared everyone in the car shitless. Denki cursed loudly as he jerked the wheel, swerving for a second with screeching tires before righting the car; thankfully the road was empty. He looked back into the camera with a mixture between a scowl and a laugh.
“Give him his fucking vitamin gummies before he makes me crash!”
“Ahahahaha, holy shit, what the hell is happeniiiiiing?” Hanta was howling in the front seat. 
Snickering, Eijirou hurriedly plucked up the vitamin gummies and put them back in Katsuki’s hands.
“Hey, hey, calm down, bud, here they are, right here.” Katsuki stared at them a minute before picking one up and nibbling on it, now the epitome of calmness. Mina was back in a fetal position wheezing and crying.
“Eijirou, you’d better send me this goddamn video.”
“Oh, it’s going on YouTube, definitely. We’re going viral, guys.”
“Jesus Christ, I can’t, oh my God,” Eijirou wheezed as he doubled over, holding up the cell phone to record whatever Hanta and Denki were doing in the front seat. Dully, he could hear Mina say “Go left at the next light, Denki.” He took a minute to compose himself before flopping back upright, hitting the back of the seat. He flipped the camera around to look in amusement at it.
“This is the best day of my life.”
“Idiot! I said go left!” Mina screeched next to him, leaning over the center console to shake Denki’s shoulder.
“I did go left!”
“Your other left, dumbass!” Hanta shouted at him. “How did you ever get a drivers’ license?!”
“I’m a good driver!” Denki whined as he pulled a U-turn at a turnaround and glared at Hanta. “I just get nervous with so much going on!” 
Eijirou was making faces in the camera again, just reacting to the hell that was breaking loose in the small camera. His eyebrows began to inch up as he caught ashy blond hair creeping into the side of the camera view, and then all of a sudden, Katsuki’s head thunked against his own.
“Hey, hey, guys, shut up, he’s asleep.”
“Seriously?” Mina whispered loudly. Denki and Hanta both glanced back and identical grins split their faces. Hanta grabbed his cell phone and snapped a photo, and then grabbed Denki’s and did the same.
“Oh, man, this is gold.”
“He’s so cute!” Denki laughed as he glanced up into the rearview mirror. 
Eijirou grinned widely and bit his lip, side-eyeing the snoozing Katsuki. His mouth was hanging open, a bit of the drool-and blood-soaked gauze poking out. Eijirou reached up to pat the side of his head.
“Sleep tight, buddy. You had a hard day,” he smirked before finally stopping the video recording.
Katsuki woke up just long enough to stumble in the UA dorms and totter to his bedroom, taking a dose of Ibuprofen before passing right out. It took less than five seconds for everyone to scramble down into the common room to watch Eijirou’s masterpiece, which he kept having to stop because everyone was cackling and howling too loud to hear the precious audio he had recorded. Mr. Aizawa soon came out to ask them what the hell they were laughing so hard about so Eijirou showed him the video too, and even he managed to crack a smile and snort.
The next morning Katsuki awoke groggy but fully functional, with no memory of anything he had said while under the effect of the drugs. He kept getting really mad when they would snicker behind his back, demanding to know what the hell was so funny, and they all lost their minds when Denki snatched up Mineta and screamed “It’s so small!” at the top of his lungs. Katsuki riddled out then that someone had an incriminating video of him, and he chased Eijirou all over the dorms threatening to blow him up unless he let him see it. Eijirou finally relented when he promised not to blow up his phone, and they all gathered in the living room again to see Katsuki’s reaction to his drug-induced self.
It was almost as golden as the event itself. He went pale, wide-eyed, hands over his mouth as he watched himself act utterly ridiculous. He jumped up and started shouting obscenities when he got to the part where he started sobbing over the Chihuahua and had to be restrained from destroying the phone by Hanta, Tenya, Fumikage, and Izuku. By the time they finished the video he was red-faced and sucking in heaving breaths, far beyond the point of mortified. Eijirou, between laughs, kept telling him that it was okay and it was all in good fun. He calmed down a bit, muttering something about not putting it on YouTube. Eijirou hadn’t after all, thinking it unmanly to do something like that without permission.
But Denki did, and it had ten thousand views already. Needless to say, the video went viral and became the official meme of UA, and it was easily Eijirou’s crowning achievement.
Payback sure was a bitch, though, because Katsuki had a devilish grin and phone in hand as Eijirou was going under for his own wisdom tooth surgery… But that’s a story for another time.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Nude Wars
A commission for @chloe-gayzer with this old headcanon post as the inspiration! It’s just very cute and sexual, no real plot involved except for the fact they’re sending nudes to each other and gotta bone?
Reblogs and comments > Likes
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Bangalore/Lifeline
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Trans gal Lifeline with verbiage for her bits being cock/dick/etc, digital lovin via two gals sending each other nudes, otherwise p tame kink wise, oral is performed on both parties but NOT penetration, just very fluffy and lovey.
Words: 3.6k
It takes three weeks into their relationship before Ajay opens up about sexual ideas.
Ajay made a small error having mistaken Anita’s confidence for something more than just what it was. Anita had coughed on her water, freckled cheeks burning and a look in her eye that screamed embarrassment. It had taken everything in Ajay to not coo at her face or pinch her cheeks, and to actually talk to her openly about the idea- and even if she would be INTO that sort of thing. She was the more teasing of the two, after all.
Ajay finds herself gradually more and more open with her girlfriend as their relationship grows. Whether that meant showing something a little more, or getting to know her more than the person Anita showed herself to be on the battlefield.
She quickly finds out how Anita reacts well to selfies, then upgrading to a little more…revealing images had been the icing on the cake. After, of course, making sure that she was into something a little more. Anita’s reactions were always over the top, or matched with a similar revealing selfie, a small battle. A small way of opening up more in vulnerable ways that involved slivers of flesh that made Ajay whine with the need to bite.
But it was a battle, nevertheless, that Ajay loved to keep up with.
~Rest under the cut~
Their relationship had been a surprise to a few of the other legends. Makoa had laughed when he figured it out, clapping Ajay on the back in congratulations and nearly knocking her smaller frame right over. He’d been gleeful about the situation, considering it finally put an answer to the question of what was making his close friend smile at her phone so often and shy away from his poking, playful questions. Or her acting strangely in the arena as if she was looking for something.
Now, more open about their relationship, interviewers switched from asking them about their matches to about each other. What their inside life was like, who asked who first- the tamer questions were met with answers and a big smile from Ajay who loved to talk about her girlfriend, especially seeing as it got her red behind the scenes. That didn’t mean that she wouldn’t gently switch the conversation over to more on topic of her fight- and champion position- in the ring.
However, Anita was closed, almost flustered to talk about her girlfriend. Though a few times she could be heard quietly chuckling to an interviewer asking questions such as who asked who first. “Don’t really matter, now does it?” She’d say with her smoky tone a bit higher than normal, but Ajay would know why.
Because she didn’t want to let anyone know she turned dark red when Ajay had blatantly told her she liked her and wanted to take her out to eat. Not to mention the fact she’d pointed her manicured finger into Anita’s chest and told her that she’d seen the way she looked at her- especially on the field. Caught red handed lusting after the combat medic that had saved her ass countless times.
It was cute, endearing, really.
Now about six months into the relationship, Ajay would like to say that her tall girlfriend has gotten used to her teasing and poking. Enough to tease and poke back, but never as much as Ajay would.
Ajay’s attention is soon pulled from memories when she hears the soft notification from her phone. She’d been sitting at her desk, reading emails from various people wanting to sponsor her work in the games as well as bringing her doctoring into light with new charities opening up for the local hospitals.
She lets her eyes scan the screen as her hand pats to her right, taking three tries before securing her phone to drag over. She tucks a strand of her loose hair behind her ear, flipping open the notification before pausing when the name pops up. ‘Anita’ with a red heart emoji on either side of the name with ‘image attachment’ written right beneath it.
She’d been gone to the gym, last Ajay had checked. Anita had texted her to let her know she’d be on her way to her place after her routine- something of which she looked forward to.
“I swear if it’s anotha dog…” She muses aloud, sounding tickled at the memory of Anita eagerly texting her pictures of a dog at the gym with its owner. Ajay sighs fondly, flipping open the image only to pause and lean forward in her chair as her eyes take in the view.
Anita sent an image of herself. Clearly mid workout. Gray sweatpants rest low on her hips, only amplified for viewing pleasure is the fact she has her black tanktop pulled up to just beneath her chest. It exposes her solid abs as well as the sharpness of the muscles in her hips, creating divots of a V that make Ajay bite her lip. Her flesh is shiny from sweat, more well defined from the work out causing them to appear tighter. Ajay can see Anita biting the bottom of her tanktop, the image cut from below her nose to about upper thigh, enough to show her smirk and some people behind her to show she’s doing that in the public area.
Oh, that brat.
A sucker for pictures like that, and knowing the game Anita’s trying to play, Ajay quickly runs to the full body mirror scaling her closet door. Her hair was down, lightly waved and curling over her shoulders with her fringe pushed to the side. On her body was a large, black hoodie that was Anita’s she’d stolen, having the Apex symbol over the left breast with the hoodie itself coming to about mid-thigh on her shorter frame. Underneath were just some cute black panties with a red lace trim that did wonders for her ass.
Her hair is a bit of a mess and she looks about ready for sleep- which she was. But, she hums, posing herself and sending one right back.
The image is cute, a little saucy. Of her standing in front of her mirror, pulling her hoodie up above her chest to reveal her slender, smooth form and small breasts. She practically stands on her tiptoes in the image, her wide hips cocked to the side for eyes to wander freely over her freshly shaven flesh. There was a time in her life where she might have tried to hide between her legs, but Anita made her feel…safe. Safe and seen and understood.  
The picture shows her from head to toe. Her hand holds the hoodie up to her mouth teasingly to hide her smirk, but her sharp shaped eyes are narrowed in amusement.
When she hits send, she adds a caption right after, “Be careful with what you start, baby girl.” With three heart emojis right after.
“Yes ma’am.” Is the reply back to her near instantly, never ceasing to make Ajay’s cheeks warm and a small smile to make its way to her face.
Emails could wait till tomorrow.
Moving to her bed, Ajay flops down onto it and eagerly waits for the next image. Which comes a few minutes after.
Anita is fresh from the showers. Her tight black boyshorts frame her beautifully with a towel hung around her shoulders, the very edges hiding the generous swells of her large breasts that make Ajay squirm where she is right now. Ajay was normally a tease, but not when it came to nudes like this. She liked for Anita to whine about her body, clear and exposed for her.
But now all Ajay can do is helplessly stare at the image, biting her full lower lip as her eyes scan over the water droplets gracing her thighs and abdomen, wanting to lick them up and force her onto the bed so she could mark her territory wherever she pleased.
If Ajay were more prepared for this situation, maybe dressed in something cuter, maybe she’d be harder to react. But now she’s already half hard in her panties, huffing and squirming a bit and mad at herself for already getting this excited over a few selfies.
But, that’s what happens when your girlfriend is smoking hot.
From there, Ajay relents to dirty talk. Telling her what she’d do to her once she gets her, how she’d make Anita cry and beg for her, how she’ll mark up her throat so high up she can’t hide them. Her fingers are merciless as she types, watching the Read symbol pop up again and again, feeling satisfied every time Anita tries to type only to stop when she receives a new text.
The final blow is when she sends Anita her final picture. Lying on her back, eyes half lidded, two fingers splayed in front of her mouth and tongue lolled out to reveal the stud on her tongue, the image going all the way down to mid-thigh to show her cock peeking out the top of her panties with a flushed red head with beading pre-cum.
The reply of ‘Fuck’ is all Ajay needs to know she’s won- cheating by dirty talking, of course, but still a win.
Then comes the waiting game of Anita coming home.
When Anita does finally come home, Ajay is quick to pounce on her at the door. Literally. Leaping into her arms just as Anita is able to kick off her socks and shoes. She pulls herself up into Anita’s arms, hooking her legs around her hips and arms around her neck.  
“Hello to you too-” Anita can barely breathe out before her cheeks are being cupped and she’s being kissed. Her gym bag slides off her arm with a bit of a shimmy needed before she can hook an arm underneath Ajay’s ass to keep her afloat. She weighed practically nothing to her, easy to hold, but her muscles were sore from her workout so it was a bit of a struggle.
Her grunt only makes Ajay smile against her mouth, stroking her thumbs across Anita’s cheekbones as she guides the kiss to something deeper. Parting her full lips in a rhythm Anita matches so she can slide her pierced tongue along her girlfriend’s who makes such a pretty sound when Ajay licks into her mouth.
An exhale rushes from Anita’s nose, and Ajay is briefly aware of her back brushing the corner of the doorway in a small bonk that makes her part from the kiss with a breathy laugh. “Bit dizzy, baby?”
“You try carrying a whole person after a workout routine.”
The quick snark back makes Ajay beam brightly, showing the dimples on her cheeks that Anita absentmindedly presses a kiss to as soon as she can. Which becomes after they cross the threshold of Ajay’s bedroom door. She almost trips on the cute pink, fluffy rug Ajay has on the floor, but manages to only knock herself forward and drop her girlfriend onto the bed. Who is quick to hook her legs so Anita is forced to fall with her.
There’s laughter bubbling out of Ajay’s chest in a way that makes Anita’s heart swell, moving blindly until her lips can find the ones curved upwards into a blinding smile. The noise she’s rewarded with is a soft, delighted hum before Ajay’s cupping the back of her neck, pushing her nails up along Anita’s scalp to lightly press at her head to urge her to kiss deeper.
And just like that, they’re back in motion.
A moan blossoms from Ajay’s chest when Anita starts kissing down her neck. Open mouthed, hot, and making her shudder when she finally seals her lips to begin sucking a bruise. “Ah- do ya know how temptin ya looked out there?” Ajay manages to breathe out, her breath quickening when Anita pulls back to give her a half lidded look.
Always so hungry for her attention, her voice, her everything. Anita was such a good girl, always made Ajay feel…wanted. She finds herself briefly smiling, cupping her cheek and feeling her heart jump when she leans right into her palm, turning her head to press a kiss to the middle of Ajay’s palm affectionately.
Calloused fingers tuck under her hoodie and when Ajay nods it’s eagerly pulled up and above her chest to reveal her flesh. Anita’s breath catches as she leans over her, scooting a bit down on the bed so she can rest her weight partially on Ajay and let her lips press to her collar, lower to between her two perky little breasts and skimming over until she finds a nipple to latch onto.
Ajay’s hips press up into her, her sigh coming out shakier than intended as she cradles Anita’s head to her chest. A sensitive area, especially when her teeth scrape ever so gently across the sensitive bud. It triggers the need to be vocal near instantly.  
And oh, could Ajay talk.
“Hnh- thought aboutcha- about fuckin ya in the showers,” She starts breathlessly, waiting to her the telltale sound of Anita’s breath hitching and her tongue stilling briefly before continuing. “Ya would let me, baby, wouldntcha? Wonder if ya’d- hhhs- be loud enough to let others know that ya were a good girl.”
Anita whines low in her throat, moving down lower, ghosting her lips over Ajay’s abdomen and sinking between her thighs. Her eyes are pitch black as she looks up at her from under her lashes, nosing at where Ajay’s cock peeks out from her panties at the top of the rim and following the shape of it with her tongue.
Ajay lets herself groan low in her throat, eagerly tilting her hips up and letting her girlfriend pull them off her. Due to the E, Ajay had lessened in size and it was a bit harder to get hard. Thankfully in times where you could dirty talk your girlfriend no matter the distance, it made things a little easier to start up. She was about five inches now in length, a good handful of girth around.
But, it wasn’t the size that mattered, it was how Ajay Che was the best fuck around and lived to see her girlfriend curl up and gasp like she was dying when the expert combat medic hit her in just the right spot.
And now? She lived to see Anita nose at her cock, fluttering kisses and whining because she knew not to proceed until Ajay told her to.
Reaching down, Ajay sinks her fingers into Anita’s short curls, pulling her up a bit so she could reach down again to take her cock in hand. She pulls back the foreskin to reveal the shiny head, smearing it across Anita’s lips just to watch her eyes lid and how her lips part just the smallest bit in the hopes she could taste her. Ajay’s lips flicker up into a small smirk, “You’re droolin, baby.”
Anita’s response is to shakily whine, parting her lips a bit more just to show how badly she wanted it. And well, you can’t really expect Ajay to tell her girlfriend no, right?
Gently pulling her forward, Anita eagerly takes the initiative at her command. Wrapping her pretty lips around the head and watching Ajay’s hand that had been holding herself come up to her mouth and form a fist. Her head tosses to the side, loose hot pink hair moving with her as her breath hitches and a soft moan escapes her. Sensitive, even now.
There’s a momentary pause where Ajay doesn’t speak, letting Anita take her time taking her. But then she’s making this sound, patting Anita until she pulls up and starts to ask what’s wrong. But she gets her answer when Ajay whines out, “Take off ya clothes, ya bein’ selfish. Lemme have a taste.” In this bratty tone that both makes Anita’s ears turn pink as well as making her laugh.
“My apologies, your highness.” She teases back, sitting up to begin stripping as told. Always an act that makes her smile as Ajay watches her with the excitement a child might have on Christmas. As Ajay brings her hands up to her cheeks and beams brightly, despite herself being quite flushed and aroused, and despite the fact she’s seen her nude countless times. Countless. Of times.
Doesn’t fail to make Anita feel…adored.
“Your highness, huh?” Ajay replies after a moment, biting her lip as she watches Anita pull her sweatpants down with her boyshorts to reveal the thick patch of hair between her thighs and the glistening wetness that leaves a small string of slick connected before snapping at the distance. Fuck. “Could get used to that.”
“Is ‘princess’ not enough for you?”  
A cheeky grin makes its way to Ajay’s face and that’s enough to make Anita laugh and roll her eyes. With the eagerness of Ajay reaching for her, she lets herself be moved until her muscular thighs are resting on either side of Ajay’s head. Anita needs to slightly curl herself in to be able to be more size accommodating for how short Ajay is to reach her cock, but not like she minds.
Hands appreciatively grab Anita’s ass, spreading her apart and making her cheeks burn red when Ajay groans behind her, able to see the way her cock jerks at the very sight of her. “So wet for me, an’ just from touchin’ me? Ya spoil me, baby.” Her tone is appreciative, dripping with lust before her arms hook around her girlfriend’s thighs to jerk her down.
The first, wet, flat lick over the flesh of Anita’s cunt makes her jerk, but Ajay’s arms keep her in place. The lick is followed by a low moan from Ajay, her hips pressing up without thinking as if trying to hump the air. She always loved giving oral, something Anita found out first before anything, and that she was damned good at it. Well, when she wasn’t tracing her fingers agonizingly slow across Anita’s more sensitive areas and telling her what each medical term was.
Anita doesn’t even notice that she’s shaking and hunched over still, her breath ghosting over Ajay’s cock that jerks and drools with pre-cum helplessly as her girlfriend eats her out. The teasing, long stripes eventually settle on her engorged clit. Ajay had always appreciated its size, a little mouthful and bigger than an average size, and oh so sensitive. She’s eager to suckle on it, sealing her full lips over and stroking her tongue along the underside, mindful of the almost painfully sensitive tip.
That’s when Anita cracks, her first low groan before she finally remembers to take Ajay in hand and sink her cock past her lips.
Ajay squirms beneath her, nails pressing to the backs of Anita’s thighs with her whines reverberating through the both of them. Her suckles and licks becomes sloppier, panting over Anita’s opening and nosing at her, almost like trying to rub her slick on her face. The idea is filthy, yet, still makes Anita whine and lift up her hips only to have them possessively yanked back down.
One hand holds the base of Ajay’s shaft, squeezing as Anita focuses her time on the head. Sloppy, open mouthed kisses, to harder sucks to make up for lack of sensitivity. Just barely scraping her teeth or allowing herself to tongue the drooling slit.
It’s Anita that cums first, her thighs locking up and having to pull off to shakily sigh into Ajay’s thigh. She shudders as she cums, never too loud as her voice only shakes and shudders with every greedy lick from beneath her. Ajay holds her tight, whining and raking her nails down her thighs, as if eating her out harder would make herself able to cum.
It’s after a moment of over sensitivity does Ajay finally relent, pushing Anita off her and rolling her onto her back. Anita only whines faintly, bleary eyed and briefly aware of the pressure sinking onto her chest. She lets her eyes flutter open when a hand gently grabs her jaw, a thumb pressing at her lower lip until she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue obediently.
“Good girl,” Ajay whines, wrapping a hand around her cock and resting the head on Anita’s tongue, stroking herself in quick jerks as her body naturally begins to jerk and squirm atop her. Anita’s rough hands grab at her ass appreciatively, squeezing and letting one hand pull a little too hard to spread her open- and that does Ajay in.
Her cries are music to Anita’s ears. Ajay’s face screws up beautifully, biting her bottom lip as her brows knit together, shakes zipping through her body as her cum paints Anita’s willing mouth and lips. The noise she makes when Anita seals her lips around her to suckle the head is almost pained. A hand is quick to rest atop her head, yanking her curls back, only serving to make Anita grin in success after she swallows, opening her mouth to stick her tongue back out to show it to be clean.
“Ugh-” Ajay whines, almost a scoffing nose and patting her cheek fondly as she rolls off to flop next to her. Her hoodie is the only thing left of clothing between them, yet she still rolls over with it pulled up, pressing her bare body to Anita’s and nosing at her neck affectionately. “Next time ya decide ta be a brat, I’m gonna fuck ya throat on the floor.”
“Is that a promise, princess?”
A pillow is Anita’s answer, met with her muffled laughter underneath.  
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wildtige429 · 5 years
Have this romantic idea flowing through my mind. This one is about the close bond and connection to animals considered as family. 
Taken in the past.
Mint is super curious. More likely, suspicious.
Every day and night, she would spot Toffee going into the forest alone with a bucket full of raw juicy meat. And hours later, he’ll return with the bucket empty and she once asked what he was doing in the forest and he just answered.
“Just looking after my pets.”
Pets? If he is feeding and visiting his pets the whole time, how come he doesn’t introduce her to them rather than being secretive? Sure, she saw a couple of people have pet dogs, goldfishes, cats, hamsters and parrots. She surely wants to meet Toffee’s pets.
With that bucket of raw bloody meat he’s carrying, he could have pet wolves, that is a good point, or pet dragon cycles seeing they make great pets and mounts in their daily lives. But still, she can’t actually picture him being a dog person or a guy who is into bike riding.
And so, here she is, heading into the forest he goes into before he came back with a bucket of meat. The full moon is out so it provided her enough light into her surroundings, seeing that this forest is dense and untouched by Mewmans or monsters alike. 
She picked up an unknown scent in this big clearing where a big boulder sat. It smelled....odd. And full of warning. She can tell this scent belongs to a pack animal or animals that made this forest their domain and territory. And it’s not the smell of wolves.
“What are you hiding, Toffee?” she pondered.
She got her answer when she hears a shrill screech from behind. It didn’t sound like any animal she’s familiar with but her scales prickled with fear. And she was petrified like a statue. 
In her state of fear and terror, she hears the crunching of grass approaching her from behind her and the sound of growling. A growling that sounded guttural and filled with suspicion. Sooner or later, a face peered at her at the corner of her eye and six shapes make their way towards her.
That’s when she knew what they are. Creatures thought to be extinct on Earth.
The alpha, a white male with black stripes, hissed into her face as she tries to keep calm and not make eye contact. Making eye contact with a living dinosaur will be a death sentence if dealing with an alpha raptor. It stalked up to her front so it can screech, that tells her that she could be prey or a challenger. 
But she can’t do anything. She is too scared.
A purple female, believing to be the beta of the pack, nudged the alpha assigned after a little chuffing and approached her. Now Mint is making eye contact with the apex predator.
Shivering and sweating uncontrollably, she tries to keep calm and firm when the beta raptor leaned its head towards her face and let out a fierce hiss, deciding her fate, and let out a high-pitched scream that made her ears ring. Mint can see rows of dagger-like teeth flashing in its open maw and felt spittle hitting her face when it screamed.
Later, the rest of the raptors coughed, a sound unlike a Mewman’s or beast, with the alpha grunting and giving out a huff. 
Mint thought she was going to be dino food any second now if it weren’t for a familiar arm reaching out from behind her and gently pushing the female raptor’s face away from her.
“Shhhh-shh-shh-shhhhh,” a familiar voice hushed the raptor, to which the dinosaur responded with a chuff and stepped back towards its pack. Mint could finally breath now that she is not in danger anymore and had nearly collapsed onto her knees if it weren’t for a pair of arms catching her.
“Now you know how curiosity killed the cat if you’re not careful,” Toffee advised her, making her stand upright. She gazed up into his golden gaze and was surprised that he was not angry. But rather, amused at her situation.
“You’re not mad?” she asked, holding his hand for comfort.
He shook his head, “I should have brought you along to introduce you to them. But, you already did. I’m actually glad I came here at the right time.”
“You think? I was about to be eaten by velociraptors,” she shivered.
“Now, now, they aren’t that bad if you let them know you well,” he demonstrates by walking up to the seven velociraptors, making the dinos snarl and growl with recognition. Seeing the blood and meat-filled bucket in his grip, they almost raced in when he suddenly shouted.
“HEY! NO!!” The raptors hissed out challengingly, circling around him in an intense stand down between a Septarian and seven hungry dinosaurs. Two raptors, one golden and the other a dirty brown, snapped their jaws and nearly lunged at him when he brought out his hands, halting them and glaring intensely into their eyes.
“Mammon! Beelzebub! Wait your turn!! This is for everyone not you two alone, got it!” he scolded them. They respond with low-pitched screeches that say they are protesting but he scolded them more with more ‘Heys’. 
“You have to wait your turns, you two! Your alpha and beta won’t like it if you take everything in one go!”
Mint was in awe by what he’s doing. Who would have thought he was such a professional when dealing with velociraptors that could eat him in any moment if he did not lower his guard. But still, she fears for his safety but he gestured, his focus still locked on the raptors, that everything is going to be okay.
The two raptors he named Mammon and Beelzebub relaxed and submitted, moving back to allow the others to step up. Toffee relaxed his stance and grinned by their obedience and understanding.
“Good,” he praised. Picking up the bucket, the raptors created a chorus of purrs and hisses but he shush them down with a raised hand, that is holding a bloody liver.
“Lucifer, up!” he threw the organ at the alpha, who leapt and gulped it down in one go. He picked out a big T-bone and shouted, “Lilith!” and threw it at the purple female, who did the same thing, savouring the meat.
“Leviathan!” he threw a heart at a green male.
“Akuma!” he threw a pair of lungs at a blazing red male that gave out snarls as it gulped down.
“Belphegor!” he threw some tendons at a black raptor, who just sniffed at it doubtfully before eating it slowly.
“Okay,” he chucked the contents onto the ground away from him, spilling offals, tongues, innards and big legs. Seeing them big prizes, Mammon and Beelzebub dashed forward and furiously chomp down on the meat, fighting a little to get the good parts.
“That is for being patient, you two, now enjoy.” 
She watches him in amazement and awe, and she sees him raise his head up before he let out a cough, matching the raptor’s unexpectedly. The alpha, Lucifer replied back with the same cough and Toffee let out a squawk to which the raptor replied again.
Mint was taken back that he can talk raptor so well.
She yipped when Toffee, his hand on the white raptor’s flank, approach her and took her hand, “Let him know you’re with me. That way, you wouldn’t end up in the same situation just now.”
She gulped when he leaves her at the mercy of the raptors. She has to trust him with these predators but how can she when she’s face-to-face with Earth’s vicious apex predators that are smaller and faster than the king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex.
She lowered her head so her chin is touching her chest and stiffen when she felt Lucifer’s snout prodding into her neck and her hair. She can hear loud huffing and puffing every time the raptor sniffs her. First off, she has heard that raptors are the most intelligent race of dinosaurs that are capable of cunning, communication and planning. 
The other six watched their leader in patience for its response to the newcomer. She knew Toffee would swoop in if anything happens but she just can’t take it because of her fear. What felt like hours have finally ended when Lucifer stops sniffing her and let out a babble and a purr to the pack. 
It has recognised her as a companion to their owner, not a threat or prey.
“He now knows you’re a friend, Mint,” Toffee called out, smiling, “Try patting him.”
“Y-y-you want me to pat him!?” she yelped. She gulped.
She took a big inhale, close her eyes and reach her hand out, palm splayed and waiting for anything to happen. She is just too scared to imagine it suddenly biting down on her hand. The purple one called Lilith didn’t bite Toffee’s hand when he touched its face minutes before. She just have to trust him.
She hears a soft growl, stiffening her more, just waiting for something to happen....and her hand is met with a cool smooth surface.
She couldn’t help but laughed when she had just touched a raptor for the first time and didn’t get her hand ripped off. Confident, she stroked its smooth scales head. The alpha raptor was purring with delight, almost like a fully content kitten, and had even nuzzled into her palm.
The six raptors screeched out in an act of cheering for her welcome and stalked closer. Toffee just couldn’t help but walk out to them and laid both hands on Belphegor and Lilith’s necks, making them chuff and lay their heads on his shoulders in content.
“I never expected you to have pet raptors,” she began, “I mean, on Earth, the dinosaurs are all gone after the meteor hit the Earth 65 million years ago. How is it possible for the raptors to survive?”
He chuckled a bit, “You see, on Septarsis, dinosaurs and the prehistoric animals didn’t die out. So, we coexisted with them for generations and they’ve became part of Septarian life.”
“And these guys here are the ones I can call family.”
She was taken back by how sad he sounded but he continued, “I was just a kid when I found their eggs. I presume their parents were killed by poachers and so I raised them all by myself and kind of....learned their ways a bit.”
She can tell how close he is with his raptors and she reached out to hold Lucifer’s head, patting it, “I would feel the same way when I find an animal in need and raised them as my own.”
“But you have to teach me how to talk raptor,” she demanded, smirking, “Who knows what’ll happen if I need their help to save me from situations.”
The raptor pack screeched out in agreement and Toffee has to cough a couple times for them to quiet down so he can talk to her, “Alright. But I must warn you. Dinosaur communication will be a big pain if you’re not a quick learner.”
She folded her arms confidently, “I can deal whatever is thrown at me.”
He laughed a bit, “Alright. Your dino speech class will start tomorrow. ASAP!”
“Got it.” After a few strokes on the raptors’ heads, they bid them farewell as they scatter into the foliage of the night.
“i have a question though,” she wondered as they head home, “Does any of us have a pet dinosaur in secret?”
The grey lizard snickered and smiled to himself, “Yes. I’ve met a carnosaurus, a spinosaurus and a allosaurus. Would you like to hear who their owners are and how I first met a quetzalcoatlus back home?”
“I would love that. And you better ask them if its okay to meet them for real.”
Toffee just laughed.
So, how do you like Toffee pulling a Chris Pratt on his raptors? If you wanna know who has these three mentioned dinosaurs, here they are:-
Carnosaurus (Deathlok): Rasticore
Spinosaurus (Not Kurogane, Sharko): Ripjaw
Allosaurus (Kylo): Anya
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elleberquist6 · 6 years
Believe in Me - chapter one
Summary: Dan Howell is living at home while he’s saving money for college, which isn’t easy since his parents don’t understand him. Unlike them, he loves dogs, is a vegetarian, has no interest in the family business, and he despises the supernatural. He struggles to accept things that are illogical, even though he is a kitsune. Kitsune are foxes whose powers involve the ability to cast illusions, but Dan just wants to be normal. Phil Lester has just moved to London, where he works as a dog walker. When his path crosses with Dan, Phil is eager to get to know him. Unfortunately, Phil soon finds that being friends with Dan is far more complicated than he could have imagined.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 2618 Warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut
Kitsune fact: Kitsune tend to live in families, and work together as much as possible. Lone kitsune tend to try and make families. Even myobu prefer to drive away nogitsune, instead of killing them. [https://littlespacefox.weebly.com/kitsune-mythology.html]
2011 – London
Phil Lester woke up that morning, convinced that today was going to be the best day of his life. He didn’t have a job when he moved to London recently, and he had taken a small apartment while he searched for employment. The apartment didn’t allow pets, so when he saw a job opening with a dog walking agency, it seemed like a perfect fit – if he couldn’t have his own dog, he could spend the day with other people’s dogs.
Admittedly, he was a bit intimidated by the mental image he had of a dog walker being towed by the leashes of 6 or more dogs (he fell down often enough when he wasn’t being dragged by dogs), but his interview went well with the agency and they told him that he would be started on a trial basis with only one client – a Rottweiler.
The next day, he was happy to find that his client’s home was walking distance from his apartment. A smiling woman in her 40s answered the door. “You must be Phil! I’m Hannah. Come in and I’ll introduce you to Rotty.”
Phil grinned. “Your Rottweiler’s name is Rotty? I like it.”
“Yes, it’s short for Rotten. He’s a bit of a problem child, which is why I’m here to make sure that you two get along. He needs a firm hand. Someone who can show him who is in charge so he behaves himself.”
Phil was beginning to feel a bit out of his depth. He was prepared to give the dog some exercise, but he knew nothing about obedience training. Then Phil relaxed a bit when he met the dog, who was sitting on a bed, chewing on a rawhide toy. The dog looked up at Phil, slobber dripping from his lips, and Phil felt his heart melt. He knelt before the bed and he let the dog sniff his hand, ignoring the drool. Finally, the dog gave his hand a lick.
The owner, who was watching the exchange, cooed in delight. “He likes you! So, are you ready to take him out for a while? He loves Regent’s Park.” Phil nodded, and Hannah handed him a leash to clip onto the dog’s collar. “I’m going to be around the house today if anything goes wrong. You have my number, so feel free to call me.”
Phil’s eyes widened. “Are you expecting something to go wrong?”
“No, it’s just that Rotty has a bad track record with walkers, so I like to be prepared.” She saw the alarm on Phil’s face. “He doesn’t bite! He’s a sweetheart. But he has a habit of pulling and sometimes he gets away from people. I’ve almost lost him before because some people walking him were too scared to let me know that he had gotten away from them. So, please call me if that happens and I will come help you find him.”
Phil nodded, appreciating her straightforwardness. “I hope it won’t come to that.” He looked at the dog and gave him an affectionate pat. “You won’t try to get away from me, will you?”
As they strolled around Regent’s Park, Phil gripped the leash tighter whenever the dog seemed to pay particular interest to anything around them: a squirrel scurrying up the trunk of a tree, another dog chasing a frisbee, and in particular a pond that was surrounded by ducks. The dog was remarkably well behaved though, and he never attempted to escape Phil’s grip on the leash. It made Phil give the dog a stroke to reward him, murmuring, “You’re just misunderstood, aren’t you? You’re a good boy.”
Phil started to relax and enjoy the beautiful day. It was a rare sunny day in London, and he could hardly believe that this was his life now – he was getting paid to walk through a beautiful park with a sweet dog. It was almost perfect.
The only problem was that Phil wasn’t used to walking this much, and he hadn’t realized that he was so out of shape. His legs were killing him, and he stopped when he couldn’t take it anymore, which made the dog turn to look at him. The Rottweiler’s orange eyebrow-shaped markings gave him a surprised expression which made Phil laugh. “Rotty, what do you say about taking a quick break?”
The dog didn’t object, so they walked to a bench under a tree. There was a boy sitting on one end of the bench, so Phil sat on the other end. Phil glanced at the boy and saw that he had fallen asleep in a slumped position with a book in his lap. Phil glanced at the book curiously – Game of Thrones. The boy had good taste in books.
The dog huffed a sigh and looked wistfully around the park.
“Just give me a moment, Rotty,” Phil assured the dog. He reached down to massage the cramped muscles in his calves through his black skinny jeans. While he did this, he found himself glancing at the sleeping boy again. He was around Phil’s age, maybe a couple years younger. Something about his face kept drawing Phil’s attention. Well, not something. It was obvious that the boy was lovely. The long dark lashes of his closed eyes were splayed across his cheeks. His lightly tanned skin was speckled with the occasional freckle. His brown curly hair was shifted by a passing breeze.
Phil returned his attention to Rotty, preparing to tell him that it was time to go, but the dog wasn’t in front of him anymore. Then he saw that the dog was sniffing industriously at the paperback copy of Game of Thrones in the boy’s lap. “Rotty, no!” He hissed in a whisper, tugging lightly on the leash. “You’ll wake him up. Leave it, it’s not yours.”
The dog was ignoring him. He had stopped sniffing the book and was now sniffing at the boy under the book; he was sniffing with such intensity that Phil suspected the boy might have dog biscuits in his pockets. The dog continued to investigate the boy, completely ignoring Phil as his pleading rose in pitch from a terse whisper to shrill commands. It was no surprise when the boy woke up with Rotty now sniffing the front of his black t-shirt. The boy blinked a few times in surprise, looking between the dog and Phil. Then they were both looking at Rotty as the dog went completely still, except for his sides which were vibrating with a growl.
Phil tried to put some authority in his voice as he tightened his grip on the leash. “Rotty, what are you doing?” The dog was baring his teeth. Phil pulled the leash forcefully, but the dog didn’t move an inch – he was strong. Phil looked at the boy. “I… I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Have you got food or something in your pockets? Maybe he wants you to give it to him?”
The boy shook his head slightly. He was stiff with terror.
“Okay,” Phil’s brain was whirring. This could go very badly in the next moment if he wasn’t careful. He knew that this breed of dog had a very nasty bite. Phil stood up and planted both feet firmly on the ground behind the dog. He gripped the leash as tight as he could with both hands. “Alright, I’ve got him. Can you slide off the bench and get away from him? I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s got him like this.”
“I do,” the boy said, but he didn’t stop to explain. He scrambled off the bench and out of reach of the dog’s bite, but instead of running he turned to look back at Phil. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something. Then his eyes went wide as Rotty lunged for him. Phil saw nothing but pavement as the powerful dog pulled him over.
Phil lay still for a moment, stunned by the sensation of having the breath knocked painfully out of his chest by the fall. As he started breathing again, he heard the sound of a dog barking. Phil looked up to see the boy scrambling into the tree behind the bench while Rotty ran circles around the trunk. Slobber was trailing from his jowls as he barked menacingly. Phil got to his feet. “Rotty! Hey, Rotten. Stop. Heel! You have been a very bad dog. You hear me? Bad dog!”
Rotty stopped running to look at him with sad eyes. His ears pressed against his head and he gave a soft whimper. Then he sprinted away. Before Phil could call the dog or even see where he was running, there was a shout as the boy fell out of the tree, landing face-first in the grass where the dog had been standing a moment before. Phil heard the boy grunt in pain, so he sprinted to his side.
“Hey, are you okay?” He knelt beside him and rested a hand on the boy’s back.
He shifted under Phil’s hand and then got to his knees. His left arm was hanging limply at his side and he hissed in pain as he held it against his body with his right hand. The boy shook his head in answer to Phil’s question. “No, I’m not okay. Something is wrong with my arm.”
“It’s okay. There’s a hospital not far from here. I’ll take you there.” He tried to infuse his words with calmness, though he was freaking out.
The boy looked around, and Phil couldn’t help noticing how pretty his eyes were – brown, but not a boring shade. They reminded him of hot chocolate, the real kind of hot chocolate that you have to warm up on the stove. The eyes shifted to Phil’s face. “Where is your dog?”
“He’s not mine. I don’t know where he is. He ran off right before you fell.”
Phil thought the boy had asked because he was worried that the dog was going to attack him again, but the boy’s eyes widened in alarm. “You have to find him. You can’t leave him here. He’ll find the road, wander into it, and get hit by a car.”
“Okay, I’ll find him, and then we’ll go to the A&E. Don’t try to go anywhere. I’ll be back in a minute.” He gave the boy’s uninjured arm what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze. Then Phil stood up and looked around. He was grateful to spot Rotty in the distance, and he started running towards the dog. Rotty was happily sniffing at a German Shepherd – the dogs were spinning in circles while both trying to sniff each other at the same time – and the German Shepherd’s owner was watching with a bemused expression on her face. Before Rotty even knew Phil was there, he had picked up the leash that was trailing on the ground behind him. He waved in farewell to the owner of the other dog and started leading Rotty back to the injured boy.
“Don’t run off like that again, please.” The dog looked up at him, and he could tell from his eyes that the dog hadn’t forgotten how Phil shouted at him. Phil sighed as he fished his phone out of his pocket. “I’m sorry I shouted at you. Just behave, okay? Let’s see if your mum can pick you up.”
“Hello?” Hannah answered the call. “Phil?”
“Yes, it’s me. Something happened.” He quickly explained the situation to her.
“Oh my God, he’s going to sue me.” Hannah gasped.
“I hope it won’t come to that. Could you come get Rotty so I can take him to the hospital? Sorry about all this.” He was trying to balance his phone between his shoulder and his cheek while he tied Rotty’s leash to the bench where this all had started.
“Yes, I’m about a 10-minute walk from the park. I’m coming. Where exactly are you?” He could hear things clattering on Hannah’s end of the call, and it sounded like she was hastily tossing objects into her purse.
He looked around and described his location in relation to a bridge and the nearby duck pond, and then he hung up with Hannah’s assurance that she would be there soon. Rotty was stretched out on the pavement, ready to take a nap after his exploits, and then Phil looked at the boy. His back was resting against the tree now and his eyes were closed. Phil would believe that he had fallen asleep again if he weren’t holding his body so stiffly, like he was afraid that any movement would cause him pain.
Phil walked over and sat in the grass beside him. The boy’s eyes opened. He glanced at the dog and then at Phil. “He’s tied up,” Phil said. “His owner is coming to get him. She’ll be here soon. Thanks for telling me to find him before we left.”
The boy nodded. “Of course. I’d never forgive myself if he got hurt because you’d left him here alone.” He smiled, and he had a dimple in his cheek that made Phil’s stomach flip for some reason. “I like dogs, even though they don’t like me much.”
“I noticed.” Phil gave a slight breathy laugh, though he wasn’t exactly sure what he was laughing at. Was the boy saying that he was attacked by dogs on a regular basis? The only part of what he’d said that Phil was able to grasp was the fact that he said he liked dogs. Phil found that he was pathetically keeping a mental tally of the boy’s positive characteristics: likes dogs, check, reads Game of Thrones, check, is really nice despite the fact that he is probably in pain right now, check. Suddenly, the fact that he was gorgeous was the least interesting fact about him.
Phil gave his head a slight shake to clear it. “Seriously, how is your arm? Can you wait a few moments to get help, or do we need to go now?”
The boy glanced at his limp arm. “I think it’s dislocated. It’s not that bad until I try to move. I can wait.” He showed Phil the smashed iPhone in the palm of his right hand. “When you went to get the dog, I was going to call my parents, but it won’t even turn on. Completely broken… I must have landed on it when I fell.”
“Oh!” Phil tried to hand him his phone. “You can use mine.”
The boy tucked his broken phone into his pocket, but he didn’t take Phil’s phone. “Thanks, but I can’t remember their numbers off the top of my head. I had them all programmed into my phone.”
Phil nodded in understanding, since he couldn’t recall his own parents’ phone numbers. He opened Google on his phone, preparing to search for something. “What about work numbers? Are they at an office right now? I could look up the phone number of the business and you could call them that way.”
The boy stiffened and looked away. Phil could tell that he’d made him uncomfortable, but he couldn’t imagine why. Maybe his arm was just hurting. “No… I don’t think there’s any way to reach them. Do you mind taking me? I’m sure I’ll be fine once you drop me off.”
“I’m not just dropping you off. I’m staying until I’m sure you’re okay.”
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din-skywalker · 7 years
Snatch Your Chain
I was oddly inspired by the song “Emperor’s New Clothes” into writing this from three words out of the whole song. Oops. I wrote this a while ago but I’ve been nervous to post it but I figured I should cause I think it’s pretty good. Also, @thanxolotl probably helped a bit. This one is a bit different from my normal stories, though, so be prepared. There’s no violence or sexual activities and such, it’s just different in theme. Also a guilty shipping pleasure of mine. Please don’t take it seriously though. Anyway, here:
Anti is trying to win his land back from another group of demons, taking Mark along for the ride. Mark believes he’d rather have Anti dead. Turns out after a major fight after being stuck with him like a dog for a few months, he’s come to care for Anti and does not want him to actually die. He saves Anti by letting the demon drink his blood. This gives Anti a sudden power surge and makes it where he is able to heal and win the fight quickly.
Mark is taken to meetings and is left when there are fights in buildings nearby.
“Ya see that Mark!?” Jack asked loudly, laughing as his dice once more land on the winning numbers, gaining him even more gold. The Irishman throws a triumphant look at the owner of the casino type place they currently reside in, wriggling his eyebrows. The owner, the one many call Demon’s Hand, merely smirks in return, shrugging at the his look alikes sickeningly obvious excitement. Mark, who is standing beside Jack, rolls his eyes, taking another sip of his iced water. Jack slides his new won gold into a bag, leaving half of it on the table as he runs off to get more alcohol. As if he needs anymore. “Be right back Mark!!”
As Mark leans back onto the counter beside the table Jack had been playing on, the owner walks over, his eyes once more looking Mark up and down. Mark throws him a glare; this isn’t the first time the Demon’s Hand has checked him out, not even his first time to approach and try flirting. But Mark doesn’t swing that way and he’s growing quite annoyed. He leans back forward, arms crossing on the edge of the table as the owner fully approaches.
“You enjoyin yourself still?” He asked, his voice carrying the same accent as Jack’s. Though, he has a much deeper and scratchier tone, a much more demanding kind. “Or would you rather be off somewhere else? With someone else?”
“I already said no, buddy,” Mark replied dismissively, gaze sliding to Jack who is now running back, two beers in hand. He sighs heavily. Jack really should lay off from the drinks before he does something he’ll probably regret. He stands up, taking one of the large cups from the Irishman’s hands.
“Hey!” Jack protests, glaring at Mark.
“One more,” Mark said sternly, handing the cup to a passing waitress. He can still feel the prying eyes of the owner on his back, watching his every move. He does his best to ignore this fact. “No more after that. Jack, you have to stay sober enough for Signe, remember?”
Jack pouts, chugging a large amount of the last beer he’d be having that night. “Okay fine,” he said a bit sadly. Then he looks back to the Demon’s Hand, grinning widely as he slams his hands on the table to face the owner fully. “Ready for another round, cheapskate?”
The owner smirks, a dark look filling his eyes as he replies, “Indeed. In fact, I have a wonderful idea for our next bet.” His eyes are on Mark as he speaks, the shadows in his already black eyes growing. They seem to hold a hunger to them and Mark has to shift beneath their beady gaze.
“Oh really?” Jack asked with a smirk and Mark feels as though he should stop him now. A strange sense of foreboding had fallen over him, twisting in his gut uncomfortably. He feels as though they should be leaving now. Immediately.
“Hey, Jack,” Mark began, resting a hand on the irishman’s shoulder. Jack shoots him a look as the Demon’s Hand lightly shuts his eyes as he speaks, appearing to be drinking in his voice. “I think it’s time we left.”
Jack’s eyebrows raise sharply and the owner’s eyes snap open, lips turning down in a sneer. “What? Why?” Jack asked like a whining child.
Mark is about to answer but the Demon’s Hand interrupts, grabbing Jack by his other shoulder and spinning him back around. “Come now, my good man,” he said and Mark glares as Jack’s short attention is stolen. “Let us play one more game.”
“Jack we should really-.”
“One more game!” Jack declared loudly and Mark grumbles softly, eye twitching in his annoyance. They probably really should leave. “Now, what do you have in mind?”
“Well, Jack,” the Demon’s Hand began. But Mark doesn’t pay attention to what he has to offer, not really caring for their conversation anymore. It becomes static in the back of his mind. Until he hears his name be brought into the conversation: “If I win, then Mark is mine.”
Mark’s eyes widen and he jolts to his feet, grabbing tightly to Jack’s wrist. “Right, that’s enough,” he stated, trying to pull Jack away. But the Irishman holds still, eyes locked with his opponent’s. “Jack, seriously. We’re not betting my freedom or whatever shit this man has in mind.”
Jack meets Mark’s eyes and Mark nearly gasps at how out of it the Irishman looks. He has a strange feeling that it isn’t because of the alcohol… “It’s fine, Mark!” Jack exclaimed, yanking his hand from the American’s. “This guy fucking sucks! I’ve won every time against him! It’ll be no different! And,” he grins widely, “I’ll win that sweet sweet mansion for me and Signe.”
“Jack-!” Mark tries again. But the Irishman ignores him, leaning forward towards a large piece of parchment which had suddenly appeared in the center of the table. He grabs at Jack, tries to stop him- it looks too much like a contract for his liking- but the Irishman is already scribbling his name out, the ink lighting up. The parchment is snatched from the air and into the Demon’s Hand’s hold, a twisted grin on his face as he stares at the paper. Mark’s stomach does a flip at the sight, especially as those dark eyes land on him once more, a sickening excitement lighting them. He swallows heavily. He has a strange feeling that Jack won’t be winning this time.
“Let us begin,” the Demon Hand said, voice strangely echoing with static as he splays his hand out towards Jack, offering the first move to the Irishman.
Mark watches with bated breath as the game goes on, grinning shakily every time Jack gets a good score, breathing quicker with every low score. He's on the literal edge of his seat as he watches, eyes darting back and forth with the rolling dice’s movements.
And then the dice land on a pair of snake’s eyes. The Demon's Hand had rolled it. That’s when everything happens at once.
Jack lets out a loud gasp, turning his eyes in a panicked state to Mark who is stepping back, entire body shaking. He’s made it maybe five feet back when something cold and heavy forms around his neck, pressing against the skin with a cool touch. His eyes widen as the Demon's Hand stands fully, a mad grin twisting his lips upwards and away from sharp fangs. He raises a hand and appears to be holding something, yanking the hand back. Mark stumbles forward as this causes a golden chain to form from his neck to the owner’s hand, gasping like a fish from water as whatever around his neck tightens. He claws at it as the Demon’s Hand chuckles loudly, over the sound of Jack’s panicked pleading.
“The casino is now closed!” The Demon’s Hand announces, yanking the chain of light. Mark tries to fight against the pulling but the metal around his neck digs into his skin painfully and he chokes once more, tripping and barely catching himself mid air by smacking a hand on the edge of the table. A pair of fingers snatch his chin, forcing his head upwards. He gasps as sharp nails slide along the skin of his chin, making him meet the Demon’s Hand’s eyes, that hunger in them appearing to be slightly sated. Jack is still rambling behind Mark, his slurring voice pleading with the owner of this casino just as his eyes narrow, landing on the Irishman in a dark glare. “Get him out of here.”
As soon as this was said three men come from nowhere, tightly grabbing Jack and dragging him along with the crowd of people leaving. “Mark!” The Irishman called, snapping Mark from his frozen state as the Demon’s Hand hums softly, running a thumb along his cheekbone.
“Perfect name for such a pretty face,” the man muttered. Mark growls softly, tearing his face from the man’s hands. He stumbles backwards before catching himself, glaring at the Demon’s Hand.
“I’m not staying,” Mark informed heavily, continuing to back up, keeping his eyes locked on the amused eyes of the Demon’s Hand. He’s turning when the metal around his throat once more tugs on his neck, this time smashing his Adam’s apple. He chokes on spit and air, stumbling back again at the surprise and force of the pull. He growls softly, reaching up to the metal around his neck, clawing at it to try and find away to get it off.
“It won’t be that easy, love.” It was a whisper in his ear and he jumps forward, not realizing how close the other man had gotten. The casino is empty and Mark is now left alone with this strange man possibly holding him hostage. He swallows heavily at the closeness and tries to step forward, but the chain connected to the collar is so taut he can’t even move his head. The glowing chain is held tightly in the man’s hand as those black and green eyes once more look his body up and down. “It’s sealed around you now.” This is said with utmost satisfaction that twists in Mark’s gut.
“What the hell does that mean?” Mark demands, gritting his teeth at how the metal continues to dig into his skin, continues to bite painfully into the front of his neck.
“It means,” lips are pressed to the skin of his neck, just beneath his earlobe and he involuntarily shivers. Breathes brush against his skin as the man chuckles, wrapping one of his arms around Mark’s stomach. “It means you belong to me.”
Tell me what y’all think! I’m curious!
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sasuhinasno1fan · 7 years
A special day for a special person-HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE!
It’s the birthday of a very special Guardian Spirt of Water. Lance, my baby. I like to say all the characters are my babies, but I hold a special place for Lance, since I see myself in him a bit. I got really excited when his birthday was being announced because it’s so close to mine. If he was born on the 31st, that would have been cool and Harry Potter would not be the only person I share a birthday with. But he’s born today and everyone is celebrating. So I was a bit stuck coming up with an idea when I watched PointlessBlog’s video about celebrating his sister’s birthday and it struck me. Since this is a klance story, I also knew what Keith was gonna give Lance. YouTuber AU has always been pretty hard for me and I’ve been wanting to do them for a while. So fingers crossed this goes well and another very happy birthday to my favourite Blue Paladin, Lance.
“Don’t.” Keith ordered as Red got close to his vlogging camera, which was filming a time lapse of him making Lance breakfast. He swore, if Red knocked his camera over again, he’d be on hiatus for a week because the screen would finally be broken and Amazon just loved taking forever with his orders. The Somali cat stared down at her owner, her paw slightly raised, as if to knock the camera from on top of the Keurig where it was balancing. “You do that, and I’m throwing you outside and not letting you in. I’ll even give your birthday dinner you only get like 3 times a year to Blue, do not think I won’t do it.” The two stared each other down before Red jumped down from the counter and sauntered out of the kitchen.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Keith turned the stove off and dished the apple ring pancakes on a plate before putting on the tray. He already set out a glass of grapefruit juice, a small jug a maple syrup and a bowl of Greek yogurt and fruit. Once he was sure everything was set, he went over to his camera and stopped recording, putting the camera into his sweatpants pocket.
He carried the tray upstairs, where he knew Lance was awake, if the music coming from their room was anything to go by. He nudged the door open to see Lance splayed out on his back on, while Blue sat between her owner’s legs half asleep. At lease someone knows how to behave.
“Aww, babe.” Lance grabbed his own vlogging camera and turned it on to Keith. “Look what the world’s best boyfriend did for me. What’s on today’s menu?”
Sitting the tray on the bed next to Lance, Keith pointed out everything for Lance’s viewers. “Apple ring pancakes, actually made with red apples this time, Greek yogurt with mango, kiwi, blueberries and blackberries. No strawberries cause someone is allergic. Grapefruit juice to drink because somehow, you function without coffee in the morning. But I know for a fact we will be getting coffee later.”
“That is true, thank you.”
Keith sat down and nodded to the camera that was still focused on the food, as Lance poured the syrup on his pancakes, “have you told them it’s your birthday?”
Lance nodded, stopping his recording and putting his camera down before cutting into the pancakes. “Blue woke me up by purring in my face and rubbing her face all over mine. Also, good idea to put my phone on mute because my entire screen was filled with notifications. Mmm,” Lance moaned, “ok, red apples work better than green. This is amazing. Say ahh.” Lance ordered, holding a piece in front of Keith’s mouth.
Not even bothering to say no, Keith ate the piece, stunned when Lance snuck a kiss out of it. He chewed slowly as Lance stared him down with a cheeky smile on his face. Keith already knew his face was turning red from the look on Lance’s face.
He shook his head and pulled out his camera. Officially he hadn’t started his vlog and he had a lot planned. Flipping up the camera screen, Keith started recording again and faced it towards Lance just as he was taking a bite out of his pancakes.
“Lance, what’s happening today?” he asked, Lance putting his hand in front of his full mouth. He only smiled at the small glare his boyfriend gave him.
“It’s my birthday and Keith made me breakfast in bed.”
Keith decided to keep the camera on the birthday boy. “What are our plans today?”
“I’m going to go get my nails done while you go shopping for a possible new camera because Red is a naughty kitty who doesn’t understand the word no.”
“She almost knocked the camera down again when I was doing a time lapse. I had to threaten to not give her birthday dinner.”
“In case you guys are confused, when it’s mine, Keith’s or the cats’ birthday, we make this really fancy cat dinner. Because the cats were adopted at the same time, we consider that their birthday, so they only get it like 3 times a year.” Lance explained.
“Yeah, so I guess she understood cause she left without touching it, so this camera survived another encounter with the Great Red Beast.”
Lance almost choked on his juice. “Great Red Beast, pft. Oh my god. Anyway, after that, we’re going to chill at home because everyone got stuck doing things but everyone’s free this evening so we’re going out for dinner. After getting my nails done, we might just chill in the house?” Lance pondered out loud.
“Maybe, might go out for a little while. We’ll see where the day takes us.”
“Yay!” Lance cheered as Keith turned the camera off.
Keith started planting kissed all over Lance’s cheek and neck, making him giggle. “I didn’t say happy birthday yet, so accept my apology.”
“I accept. Babe, stop, your gonna wake Blue up. Stop.” Lance whined, not really pulling away from the onslaught of kisses.
Changed into shots and shirt, Lance stole one of Keith’s flannels and headed down the stairs, where he heard his boyfriend putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
“Don’t you have your own flannel shirts?” Keith asked, even though they both knew Keith loved seeing Lance in his clothes.
Lance only stuck his tongue out at him as he entered their video room where their main filming camera, tripods, lights, batteries and such would be. He opened the drawer that was labelled ‘Lance’s batteries’ and took one out, knowing his camera would die while he was out.
“Can you get my tripod please? I think I left it on the desk.” Keith called from the kitchen.
Lance spotted the tripod with its spindly legs. Usually the joints were grey but since they would have two of everything, Keith painted the joints red. He grabbed it and met Keith by the front door.
“Thank you. Got everything?” Keith asked, watching Lance pull on his low-cut converse.
“I need to grab my bag. You can start the car, I’ll lock the door.” Lance said, heading up the stairs back to the room.
Keith went in unlocked the car, sitting in the front seat and attached his camera to the dashboard mount before turning it to face him.
“Ok,” he said to the recording camera, “so Lance went to the room to get his bag, so I’ll be quick. Everyone was not busy this afternoon. Actually they’re at Allura and Shiro’s house getting ready for a surprise for Lance, which I’ll explain more of later.” He was quick to end that clip short as Lance came out the door, locking it behind him.
“Ready? Let’s go!” Keith pulled out of the garage and into the road while Lance messed with the radio. He couldn’t find a station he was happy with, so he plugged his phone in with the AUX cord. Keith tried not to groan at the sound of Selena Gomez’s Birthday, which Lance immediately started singing.
“Are you gonna do this every year?” he asked, noticing Lance was filming them on his own camera.
“Yep, top on my birthday playlist. Don’t worry, I have that violin cover of Growl on next. You and your secret boy-crush on EXO are all good.”
“Stop telling everyone I have a boy-crush on EXO.” Keith demanded, tempted to push the camera away from him, but couldn’t take his hands off the wheel. He knew he’d have to persuade Lance later when he was editing to cut that part out.
They soon reached the nail salon that Lance favoured.
“What designs are you going to get?” Keith asked, as his blue eyes boyfriend made sure he had everything.
“I don’t know. I got Space Ranger Vs last time. Maybe, cat whiskers? We’ll see. I’ll text you when I’m done.” Lance said, pressing a kiss to Keith’s cheek, before getting out the car.
Once Keith saw Lance getting attended to by one of the workers, Keith turned the camera to face him as he drove off.
“Ok, I dropped Lance off and now for an explanation. So like I said earlier, everyone is not busy, they are all at Allura and Shiro’s house because we planned a surprise birthday picnic for Lance. Lance and his family do a lot of birthday picnics and since they can’t be here, I got the idea for the surprise party and since we all love Lance, we made the biggest effort to make this really special. So I’m actually headed to Shiro’s house because thanks to Allura begging for it, when they got their house, they got one with a huge backyard and that’s where the picnic is. We’ve been planning this for a while. I’m just lucky Lance wanted to get his nails done and I had the excuse to get a new camera, so I can go. Also lucky that Pidge bought my new camera for me. They have it with them at the house so hopefully the next time we talk, the camera’s quality all around, will be much better.”
When Keith reached Shiro and Allura’s house, he went through the back gate, where he found everyone around a blue pop up gazebo. Two of the walls were up, blocking out most of the sunlight, and flowers were wrapped around the support lines.
“Hey you’re here.” Keith saw Shiro walking out from inside the house, holding two tables under each arm, one smaller and shorter than the other. His dog Voltron hoped out behind him.
“Here Voltron. Take to cameras.” He ordered the husky, handing her the stand. He went over to help his brother with the lager table and noticed the line of cameras sitting on the window ledges. Nice to know he wasn’t the only one who constantly did time lapses. “I couldn’t exactly force Lance to move quicker without making it obvious I wanted him out of the house.”
They rested the larger table next to one of the walls. On the inside, because of the sunlight, everything was bathed in a blue tint, making it look like it was under water. Which was perfect because the theme was anything sea related.
“Could you go inside and grab the blankets and stuff by the door? There should be pillows there as well.” Shiro asked, resting the smaller table. “Allura doesn’t want any dirt on this smaller table, so we’re gonna put them on the blankets.”
“sure.” He dodged Allura, who was bringing out another tall table, while Pidge was messing with his camera.
“The line of time lapses is done.” Pidge told Keith.
“Good, then you can help me bring the blankets out.” he said, picking up one pillow and throwing it at Pidge.
“Ah! Abuse!” they yelled.
“If Lance isn’t allowed to use that excuse, then you can’t either.” Keith said picking up the piles of blankets and outside mats, leaving the pillows and such for Pidge.
Between Allura, Shiro, Pidge and himself, they laid out all the blankets, pillows and had begun placing all the balloons when Hunk started bringing out the food.
“Keith, you might want to get your camera, because you’re going to love the cake.” Hunk suggested, as he headed back inside.
“Oh wait!” Pidge said, from their seat on Shiro’s shoulder as they attached large paper flower to each end of the gazebo. “I have your new camera, wait! Shiro, put me down!”
Keith saw Hunk heading outside while he was watching Pidge switch out his memory card from his old camera to his new one. When he actually went back outside, he saw why Hunk said to have his camera out.
“Everyone,” Keith said turning the camera to Hunk, who looked extremely proud of himself, “bow to the greatness that is Hunk.” Lance’s birthday cake was amazing. It was a two tiered cake and Hunk had taken inspiration from the unicorn cake. The top was the mermaid’s face and the bottom was covered in the pipped flowers that made up her hair, with shells and a wave motive. The crown Hunk made for it was amazing. “is that icing?” Keith asked, ghosting over what looked like a string of pearls going from the shell that sat in what would have been the middle of the forehead.
“Yep. It’s a vanilla cake with berries in the middle and I somehow got the tone of icing on the first try, so it matches Lance’s. Does it look good?”
“Hunk, this is amazing.” Allura said, as she looked over Keith’s shoulder. “You’re doing mine.”
Hunk looked so smug. Keith couldn’t blame him, both of them had been apprehensive that the idea would even work, but it did.
“I think we’re done decorating.” Allura announced. The balloons, blankets and pillows, streamers, food and everything was in its place. Now all they needed was Lance.
“How long have we been decorating for?” Shiro asked, stealing a slice of watermelon from the plater.
“Almost half in hour? I’m getting our camera and letting Voltron back inside.” Allura said.
“Let Hime out!” Shiro called after her, reminding her about their escape artist black cat.
“It usually takes him about 45 minutes to get his nails done because the people at the saloon love him and work pretty quick with him.” Keith said, doing a panorama shot of the whole set up. “It took me about 15 minutes to get here, so he should be done soon then.” Sure enough, Keith heard Lance’s ringtone from his phone and once Shiro turned off the music, Keith answered. “Hello?...hi…I got my new camera and I’ve been in the bookstore just browsing. Do you want me to come get you now?...ok, I’ll see you soon.” He hung up and faced the camera towards him, Shiro poking out from behind his shoulder. “And the pressure is on now. I’m going to pick up Lance and pray he isn’t confused as to why I’m bringing him here and then the surprise goes down.”
“Fingers crossed everyone. Godspeed Keith.”
When Lance spotted the car outside, he waved goodbye to all the workers, thanking them again before leaving the saloon. He opened the car door and slid into the seat, ignoring the camera as he pressed a quick kiss to Keith’s lips.
“Mm, you taste like champagne.” Keith commented.
“They gave me a mimosa and one of their special champagne cupcakes, which they usually charge like $4 for because it was my birthday. But I swear I’m not tipsy.” Lance stated, making it clear to Keith and the camera.
“Then I’d get to tease you about being a lightweight, but you’d complain about teasing the birthday boy. Can I see your nails?”
Lance showed him the galaxy nails with red and blue cat motifs on them.
“Wow. Are they gel?”
“They are. You are learning. I’m so proud of you.” Lance said, nudging his forehead against Keith’s. He could care less that Keith might leave this whole section out of his video, he was just happy Keith could be affectionate with him even with the camera on him. It had taken him a while to get used to it, but eventually, he was able to ignore the camera. Editing did exist for a reason.
“Hey, so I was asked something, not bad, but kinda out of our way. The person who was supposed to look after Voltron and Hime had to cancel last minute and Shiro asked if we’d be ok walking Voltron.”
“Not like we really have anything else planned. I don’t mind.” Lance said, shrugging.
“Yeah? Alright. We could pick up lunch after we walk her.”
“Yeah. That’s fine.” Lance turned Keith’s camera around while he did something on his phone before pulling out his own camera. He recorded showing off his nails, seeing how he didn’t get a chance to show the final product in the saloon and updated them on what they were doing as Keith drove them to Shiro and Allura’s place.
They arrived and were getting out of the car when Keith said, “Shiro said the back gate is open, so we can go in that way.”
Lance didn’t think much about how that would work on getting inside from the patio door as opposed to the front, but he still went the way Keith suggested. He opened the back gate and walked further into the backyard when he saw the pop up gazebo.
“What the hell?
“Surprise! Happy birthday!”
Lance let out a yelp as his friends came out from what seemed like nowhere. He couldn’t believe his eyes as he stood there kinda stunned as he was pulled into a hug from Hunk.
“Oh my god? Oh my god, guys!” Lance felt his eyes stinging once what was happening finally sank in.
“So we know that your family does birthday picnics and as much as I’d like to say that they’re here, they’re not. But we wanted you to do what you do with them for your birthday.” Keith explained, once Lance was out of Hunk’s hug.
Lance was wiping away any stray tears that had escaped. “Oh my god, thank you.” Lance said, hugging Keith before pulling away, “this is amazing. Thank you guys.”
“We got you good didn’t we?” Pidge said.
“Uh, yeah. I’m mostly surprised you kept this from me,” Lance said, looking at Keith, “especially since you’re a crap liar.”
“He got lessons from Pidge for weeks just so he knew what to say.” Shiro threw in, Pidge looking very proud of themselves.
Remembering he had a rolling camera in his hand, Lance turned around, getting everyone in shot. “So turns out that Keith can lie, with lessons from Pidge, because he tricked me into thinking that we were going to walk Shiro and Allura’s dog but instead, I come to my very own birthday picnic. I have the best friends ever! And the best boyfriend too.”
“Ok, you need to come see your cake before we get this party started because it is amazing.” Allura said, dragging Lance over to the gazebo.
“Oh my god,” Lance had a feeling he’d be saying that a lot for the afternoon, “that’s amazing! Guys, Hunk is truly one of the best people in the world. He made me a mermaid cake!”
“Yes I am and I filmed myself making this and the video for that goes up on the 31st of July.” Hunk told his own camera.
“Oh, vlogception. This means, I can give you my honest opinion on how it taste, which will no doubt be amazing. Quick thing though, can you take the top layer with the face and crown off so I can take it home?”
“I’ll do it before we cut the cake. But first, let’s eat!”
The cameras went away as everyone went to grab a plate and fill it with the amazing food Hunk made. While they were waiting, Lance was planting so many kisses on Keith’s cheek.
“My samurai actually managed to lie to me. I’m so proud of you. Should I be scared though?”
“No. It took everything in me to keep myself from giving it away this morning.” Keith said, looking like he really meant it.
“I swear, Keith is such an awkward liar.” Pidge complained, filling their mason jar with raspberry lemonade. “Teaching him how to actually lie probably was achingly painful.”
“Gee thank you for taking to time and effort to teach me.” Keith drawled, dishing himself a pasta dish.
Food was eaten and everyone was relaxed in the sun. Keith and Lance were lying on top of the Lazmac couch, while the others, except for Pidge, who was editing their video on a large pillow, were sprawled on the blankets. Lance was on top of Keith, letting the paler man play with his hair when he noticed Allura pulling out her camera.
“So Lance, we have another surprise actually.”
“What else could I get?”
“Am I that unforgettable?” an almost Australian accented voice spoke.
“Coran!” Lance yelled, getting off of Keith and running to hug the orange haired man.
“Oh great, Slav’s here too.” Shiro moaned
Slav was Coran’s Yorkshire Terrier who was scared of everything but also very good at annoying everyone. His favourite victim was Shiro. Coran on the other hand, had been the first YouTuber to colab with Lance and they had been close ever since. Lance did this series every year called ‘I have awesome friends’, where he talked about each person’s accomplishments and talking about how lucky he was to be friends with them. The first time he did it, he called Coran his YouTube dad. Lance might be a mommy’s boy but he always admired his father. Funnily enough, Coran met Lance’s parents and Mr. McClain and Coran got along great. Coran would travel the world at different times so Lance was glad he could be here in time to celebrate his birthday.
“Coran!” Slav already making quick work of annoying Shiro, by chewing at his shoe. “Get off flea bag.” Shiro growled
“Shiro!” Allura said disapprovingly.
“Ok, no. Voltron is a sweet dog who knows how to behave and listen. This monster doesn’t. Let go of my shoe!”
“I will go let Voltron back out and see if Hime lets me put her harness on her. Don’t kill my uncle’s dog please.”
“No promises.” Shiro said, leaving everyone giggling at him.
“I say, Hunk. You are going places. This cake is amazing. When are we cutting it?”
“Soon. We were going to play a few games so we can be empty enough for cake. Though mostly we’re waiting for me to finish editing.” Pidge said
“Good, I can eat a lot then. Slav, this way.”
Slav finally let Shiro’s shoe go, leaving the Japanese man to stare down at his ruined shoe. “How much do you think Allura will kill me if I make that dog disappear?”
“It’s like you don’t know your girlfriend at all.” Lance joked, laying back on Keith again.
“Doesn’t mean I’m still not tempted.”
When it came time to cut the cake, everyone held their breath as Hunk removed the top tier with the least amount of damage as possible. Everyone let out a huge sigh when the face was on the plate it was going back in.
“Alright, cake!”
Lance cut a small slice, since the circumference of the cake was quite big and put it onto his plate. “Yum berries and cream, without the strawberries cause this boy is very allergic.”
“Oh! Does everyone know the story of how Keith almost gave Lance a really bad allergic reaction?” Hunk asked.
“Hunk, no!” Keith moaned, trying to shut him up.
“Hunk yes! I wanna know.” Coran asked.
“Lance.” Keith moaned, but his boyfriend ignored him.
“So you all know we went out before Valentine’s Day right? Keith, I have a knife.” Lance warned as Keith tried to shut Lance up. Keith moaned, going over to sulk on one of the blankets. “Keith got me macaroons as a present and they were berry flavoured except Keith didn’t really know I’m allergic to strawberries. Luckily, I have to eat a whole one just to feel affects so one small macaroon just made itch badly. I start itching badly and I turn to Keith and I’m like ‘what berries are these?’ and first one is strawberry, to which I reply to ‘I’m allergic’. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone turn so pale so quick and I’ve seen Hunk on a roller coaster.”
“To be honest, he goes pale then green.” Pidge said, taking their plate. “But wow, first valentines at the hospital huh?” Pidge teased, poking Keith with their cold drink, making him glare at them.
“Shut up.”
“He got me the flower flavoured one, which I love and he always makes sure I never have anything strawberry, so he earned major boyfriend points for that.” Lance said, going over and leaning over Keith to kiss his cheek.
After cake, the group passed the time just talking, catching up, playing with the dogs and just being content with everyone’s presence.
Suddenly Pidge asked, “Wait, what time is our dinner reservation again?”
“7:30? Why?” Shiro asked, pulling out his phone and looking at the lock screen. “Oh. We’ve been taking for ages. Guys, its 6:02.”
“Oh gez,” Hunk said, getting up, “we need to pack everything up and head home to get ready.”
With everyone working together, they were able to put away all the food for leftovers everyone, the tent and decorations were taken down and Allura took possession of the balloons Lance didn’t want to keep. Before they knew it, people were in their cars back home to get ready for dinner.
Lance had gotten showered and changed, while Keith put away the food and cake, putting the balloons in Lance’s office so the cats wouldn’t be able to get to it.
Speaking of the cats, they were meowing at his feet, knowing it was time for dinner and tonight was special.
“Alright, calm down.” Keith said pulling the premade food Lance had been making the day before. It was a layer of chicken, cod and salmon and they’d pour a small amount of catnip water for it to sit in. “ok you two, sit. Red, sit.” Keith ordered, when the Russian Blue listened to him but her girlfriend kept trying to swipe it out of his hand. When she finally sat down, he waits a moment before placing the two bowls on the floor.
“Shower’s all yours,” Lance said, coming into the kitchen where the cats were eating. Keith took a moment to admire his boyfriend. He was in grey slacks, white dress shirts and blue tie, his blue boot like shoes just working with his outfit.
“You look very handsome.” Keith commented
“Aww, flattery will get you everywhere. Come on, we need to leave soon.”
Keith was quick to jump into the shower. He knew Lance was going to yell at him for his ripped jeans, but in his defence, they were only ripped once at the knee. He hated having to dress fancy, even though they were going to quite a fancy restaurant, so he tried rebelling just a bit. He pulled on the short sleeved shirt, heading over to his bedside table and at the very back was a jewellery box holding Lance’s present. Keith really hoped he liked it, because honestly it was two kinds of a toss-up. He pulled on his shoes once the shirt was buttoned up and after Lance’s present was in its bag, he went down stairs where he was greeted by Lance filming him.
“Look at this handsome man. And he’s got his hair pulled back in the way I really like.” Keith had used a hair clip to pull his hair back. Honestly Lance loved it whenever it was pulled back anyway but he liked the way it was in now the best. “Come here, I want them to see us in the mirror.”
Near their front door, they had a full length mirror. It wasn’t wide to fit them both in, but they didn’t mind as the pulled close together to show the camera their outfits.
“Ready for birthday dinner?” Keith asked.
“And my presents. Let’s go!”
They had dinner at a Maggiano’s, one of Lance’s favourite Italian restaurants. Coran had been added to the list last minute since Lance didn’t even know he’d be in town when his birthday came around.
“I know I’m supposed to wait until dessert but I can’t wait. Happy birthday my boy!” Coran had gotten Lance a solar system snow globe. It was more glitter than snow to make the stars.
“This is so cool. Where did you get this?” Lance asked, trying to make sure he didn’t drop it. It was pretty big.
“I made it myself actually. It took a while but it worked out in the end. I’m glad you like.”
“I love it, thank you.” While it was a whole course early, it just made Lance even more excited to get the rest of his presents.
Finally, food had been eaten and dessert had been ordered. In the time it would take for deserts to get there, they had time to give their presents.
Pidge had given Lance a sheet of paper. Lance was extremely confused and wondered if all the late night gaming and such had finally taken its toll when he realised it was a receipt for an online order.
“Oh, it’s those cat night lights. Look the one I really wanted.” The cat shaped light had been in Lance’s sights for a while but he hadn’t ordered it.
“They said it was supposed to be here by today, but it wasn’t, so that’s the proof I did order it. Hoping it’ll be in the mail tomorrow.” Pidge explained, as Lance came over to hug them.
Hunk gave Lance a crystal bracelet and crown from his girlfriend’s, Shay, store. It hadn’t been released to the public, plus as an apology for missing his birthday. There was also a stack of hand made coupons to redeem whenever he wanted Hunk to make his favourite treat. Honestly, Lance could see a good chunk being used in the next few days.
“Aww, it’s so cute!” Lance cooed at the large lion plush Shiro and Allura got him. It was wearing a customized ‘Paladin Lancelot’ t-shirt and even had the pricings Lance’s avatar would have.
“Thank you for making me lose my cuddling partner.” Keith mocked, watching Lance nuzzle the soft fur.
“Don’t be rude. Let’s see if you can earn back your cuddling rights.”
Keith took a deep breath. The only person at the table who even knew what his present was was Hunk, only because he needed to get the size for Lance’s neck. Hunk gave him a supporting look and once the lion was back in his bag, he took Lance’s hand.
“Hey. So we’ve been together how long?” Keith asked
Lanced hummed happily, “3 and a half years? Yeah, 3 and a half.”
“And we’ve made a lot of promises right?”
“Where is this going?” Lance asked, looking confused but not worried.
“Ok, before I freak out, you know I want to marry you but not yet but I want you to know that I do want it eventually.” Keith passed Lance the bag.
Marriage was something he and Keith talked about. It didn’t feel right yet but he was pretty sure Keith was the guy he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He had a pretty good feeling as to what Keith had given him, which made him feel slightly giddy. He opened the jewellery box and started laughing.
“What, what? Come on, I’ve been silent to let you have your moment, what did you get him?” Allura demanded, being nosy as ever. Hunk just had a knowing smile on his face.
“I was gonna get him a promise ring, but I went about it a bit differently.” Keith said, as Lance turned the box around. Sitting in it, was what the group could describe as a betrothal necklace, similar to the ones they’d have in Avatar: The Last Airbender. The choker was blue but the small stone that had a symbol etched into it was red. The symbol was two Vs, the points on top of each other and a line between the spaces. Lance’s grandmother drew the members of the family symbols like Lance’s as their own personal symbol, so the family knew who it was.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Allura said, before Lance could take the necklace out of its box. She wiped out her volgging camera and started filming the other couple. “Lance, please explain Keith’s gift.”
“Ok. Um, so you missed the very heartfelt speech Keith gave basically saying how he really wants to marry me sometime in the future and he said he’s giving me a promise ring. I don’t care how high school that sounds, this sort of stuff makes me melt and I love it. Thing is, he went a bit differently and instead of a ring, he got me a necklace. Keith, want to explain the necklace?”
“If you know Avatar, then you know that Zuko and Katara did not get a long at first. Pidge likes to say that we had their relationship, minus the whole betrayal thing. We didn’t get a long when we first met but that changed and we got close then he asked me out. Funnily enough, apparently Zuko and Katara were supposed to be end game but that didn’t happen. Pidge also likes to say we lived the Zutara version. So instead of a ring, I gave Lance a promise betrothal necklace I guess. I got the idea one day and I asked Hunk and he said to do it.”
���Hunk! And you never said anything?” Allura said, as Hunk was dying in a fit of giggles.
Lance handed the box to Keith and let him put the necklace on him. It was perfect and he loved it and it fit them so well.
“Cheers to the promised couple,” Coran cheered. As their friends cheered for them, Lance partially hid his face in Keith’s neck, who pressed a kiss to his forehead. Lance was sure of something, this was the best birthday ever.
“So amazing birthday right?” Keith asked when they were back at home and in bed, ending his vlog.
Lance nodded, his fingers mindlessly playing with the necklace. It didn’t feel uncomfortable to wear to bed and he didn’t want to take it off. He knew it wasn’t an engagement but the thought that Keith wanted it enough to promise made him feel utterly giddy.
“This was without a doubt, the best birthday ever. Everything today was amazing and I never want it to end, but it has to.”
“If it never ends, you’ll never actually fulfil your promise.” Lance teased.
“And I really have to keep that one.” Keith said, pressing a kiss to Lance’s cheek. “So we didn’t film a lot, so we’ll post a team Voltron video soon.”
“Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, I loved getting them.”
The two said their goodnights and once the camera was on the side table, Keith turned in bed so he could face Lance.
“And thank you for honestly the best birthday ever. I enjoyed every minute of it.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” Keith said, pressing a kiss to Lance’s lips. “I just hope I can make next year just as great.”
“Oh, I know you will.” Lance said, snuggling close to his boyfriend, letting his warmth send him off to sleep.
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raendown · 7 years
@purple-possibilities​ Your idea of Kakashi/Hana was so adorable I had to write it straight away for the Soulmate Collection. It was just going to be a quick couple hundred words. Apparently Hana wasn’t having any of that? I hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Kakashi/Hana Soulmate AU: the one where you have a tattoo somewhere on your body representing what your soulmate is passionate about
Hana loved her work more than absolutely everything. Working with animals was her true calling and she could not imagine a more fulfilling vocation. Every day she brought joy and health to the lives of dogs, cats, rabbits, and any number of other small animals. Her specialty, however, was in dogs and she felt no guilt about having a soft spot for them. She was an Inuzuka after all.
She was, however, slightly embarrassed to have a favorite client. She would allow her bonded companion to bite whoever pointed it out but Hana might have dressed a little nicer than usual today after seeing who her last appointment was. Hatake Kakashi was half the reason her clinic stayed in business. With eight dogs to take care of it was rare for a full month to pass by without him booking an appointment for one thing or another.  Hana adored every single one of his dogs. She also happened to adore him as well. It was hard not to considering the older man was nothing more than an oversized puppy.  
Getting through the day was hard when the one appointment she was excited about getting to was scheduled for the very end of her shift. The hours seemed to drag until her lunch break and then continued to drag afterward. Finally, as she was finishing up some paperwork about the operation from last week, Hana’s nose twitched. She smiled as a familiar scent wafted in from the waiting room. It seemed that Kakashi had arrived with Bull.
Not wanting to seem overeager, Hana waited until her assistant came to let her know that they were here before standing and making her way out of her tiny office. Kakashi was sitting on the floor with his legs splayed out. Bull sat in between his knees, attempting to bath his owners face with sloppy kisses from a slobbery wet tongue while Kakashi guarded his face with his hands and laughed. Hana took a moment to enjoy the sight in silence, allowing the man a moment to enjoy himself. Not many people were aware of her friendship with Kakashi as the two of them generally ran in different social circles. He seemed to like it that way, though, as it made her clinic one of the few places that he could let go of things and just be himself.
When Bull lifted one paw and started to push against Kakashi’s shoulder, almost toppling the poor man, Hana finally alerted them to her presence. Not that they hadn’t known she was there before. Kakashi’s sense of smell was on par with her own.
“Is that my favorite bulldog? Who’s a good boy, Bull? Who’s a good boy?” The gigantic canine immediately abandoned his owner in favor of turning to her with a deep booming woof, tongue lolling out as he grinned happily. Hana smiled and rubbed at his floppy ears. On the floor, Kakashi lowered his hands at last to peek up at her. He was wearing a grin of his own.
“Thank you,” he said meekly, obviously holding in a laugh. She shook her head in mock disapproval.
“You’re supposed to be the boss, Hatake. How can you let him corner you like that?” She tutted as she turned and walked away, Bull following at her heels and Kakashi scrambling to do the same.
His footfalls made no noise but she could hear him right behind her as he said, “Hmm, and I suppose you never let Natsuki boss you around.” Hana chose not to answer him, ignoring the way her wolfhound companion huffed amusedly as they entered the room. Instead she gathered her implements and got straight to Bull’s checkup while Kakashi collapsed in to his favorite chair in the corner. Out of the corner of her eye, she noted the way he seemed to curl slightly inward like a dog might if it were injured. She made a note not to let him get away without his own checkup.
Bull was in today to get treated for an irregularity in his breathing. She had to commend her friend for noticing something that most people might not and for being concerned enough to bring the dog in. After a few tests she determined it to be an allergic reaction to a certain kind of plant, found only in the Land of Rivers. Seeing as the Copy Ninja and his summons had just spent two weeks in that area for a mission it was easy to see where he might have come in contact with it. She prescribed him a special shampoo to wash out his fur with and an easy-to-swallow diet until the swelling in his airways went down.
Then she turned to her friend.
“Alright, your turn,” she announced in the same tone she used to make her younger brother sit up straight and do as he was told. Kakashi blinked up at her with as innocent an expression as he could manage with his face mostly covered. It was surprisingly effective. She still knew better.
“My turn? I can’t imagine what you’re –”
“Kakashi I can smell blood and it isn’t Bull’s,” she interrupted him. “Not to mention the way you’re favoring your right side. You’re injured and avoiding the hospital. As usual.”
His eyes drifted slightly off to the side, a sure sign he was hiding something, as he murmured, “It isn’t a big deal Hana, it’ll heal on its own.” When she continued to stare him down silently he widened his eye. “I promise if it gets infected I’ll get it looked at?” Hana snorted in time with Natsuki.
“No you won’t,” she disagreed. “Now get on the table.” Kakashi avoided hospitals like the plague because he had trust issues. But he trusted her and he had let her fix him up on her exam table numerous times before. Her medical jutsu were aimed towards animal anatomy so there was only so much she could do but she would do it in a heartbeat if it meant he would accept some kind of treatment.
“Really, I think I’ll be okay,” Kakashi hedged again. She eyed him suspiciously.
“You’re being cagey,” she pointed out. “What is it about the wound that you don’t want me to see?”
Hana was absolutely fascinated to watch a blush spread out across the top of Kakashi’s mask. They had been friends for a number of years now and she could only remember seeing him blush maybe once before. He raised a hand to rub at the nape of his neck uncomfortably.
“It’s – haha – why would you – no I – it’s not – uhm!” He stammered through a few more disconnected words while Hana looked on, more and more intrigued by the second, until finally he drooped his head like a puppy and mumbled something very quietly. His entire face was so red she was worried he might overheat.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” she said without mercy.
“I said it’s on my ass! I got a kunai in my ass!” His hands both clamped down on his mouth and horror filled his eyes as he registered that he had just shouted that, probably loud enough for the receptionist girls to hear. Hana bit down on both of her lips and tried – really she did – not to laugh.
It didn’t work. Kakashi’s pouting only made her laugh even harder until tears streamed down her cheeks. Bull and Natsuki, curled up together on the dog bed in the corner, had their heads buried in the soft material. Muffled canine chuckles could still be heard though.
By the time Hana finally managed to pull herself together her belly had started to hurt from the laughter. A few chuckles continued to escape as she used the collar of her white medical jacket to wipe the tears from her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed like that. She didn’t even feel bad. Kakashi had been sitting on the floor earlier so obviously it wasn’t too bad, although she had seen the man walk home on a leg broken in two places. Still. A kunai in the ass. That was funny! She patted the exam table with one hand and tried for an apologetic face.
“Okay, I’m sorry Kakashi. But you should still get that looked at.” She gave him a mischievous look. “I promise I won’t tell anyone that I saw your tushy.”
Kakashi did rise from his chair, blush not entirely gone, but he still looked hesitant. His hand tugged at the hem of his vest in an adorable display of bashfulness. She knew better than a lot of people that Kakashi didn’t cover up to look mysterious or cool. He covered as much of himself as possible because he was shy.
“It’s…not just that,” her friend mumbled even as he allowed her to lead him to the exam table by the arm. She raised an eyebrow. “It’s right next to my soul mark. That’s really private, you know?”
Comprehension dawned on her and Hana gave him arm a sympathetic squeeze. She did know. Most people kept their soul marks private until they thought they had found the person it was meant for. Hana was one of those people herself, although hers presented a common problem: it was too generalized. The vague outline of what appeared to be a litter of pups on her ribs could be absolutely anyone in her clan. For her to see Kakashi’s mark was an extremely intimate thing but Hana was of the opinion that health came before comfort zones.
“It is private,” she agreed, “but the wound needs to be cared for. You know that. I’ll try not to look too closely. I could get you something to hold over it?”
Kakashi mumbled under his breath that he was still going to have to show her his ass but he did reach slowly for the button of his pants. Hana smiled and fetched him a towel. How many girls in this village would give their right lung just to be able to see Hatake Kakashi bent over her medical table with his ass hanging out? Probably a good three quarters of them.
She tried not to smile as Kakashi faced away and slowly pulled the waist of his pants down, bringing his underwear down at the same time to reveal the palest bottom she had ever seen. His skin was almost as white as his hair and the hard-earned muscles in his butt had her wiping away a tiny bit of drool. Fighting to remain professional, she turned her eyes towards the ceiling until Kakashi had placed the towel over himself and then forced her gaze towards the wounded area.
It looked as though he had barely dodged a flying kunai instead of being stabbed with it as she had assumed. The cut was about an inch long and it wasn’t so deep that had to worry about hidden debris inside. However, it was obviously a couple days old and had not been properly cared for. Kakashi held still as she cleaned out the wound and stitched the two edges together. She knew only one basic healing jutsu that was safe to use on humans and it did little more than lower the inflammation around the area but she could see his muscles relaxing as her chakra seeped away the pain.
When she had done all that she could Hana taped a bandage over the cut. If she spent a little bit more time than necessary making sure that the adhesive tape was properly applied, that was her own business. Kakashi had a fine ass and she had no qualms with taking her opportunities as they came. When she could draw it out no longer Hana couldn’t resist a little teasing.
“All done, Kakashi. Shame. I was having fun.” She accompanied her bold words with a friendly pat on the cloth covered side of his ass, not quite prepared for the severity of his reaction.
Kakashi yelped and jumped almost a foot off the ground, half turning around to look at her in shock. Then he realized that turning around would expose certain other parts of him and he yelped again, both hands going forward to shield himself and snapping back around to face the table. The back of his neck was almost the exact shade of the clan markings on Hana’s face.
“Hana!” he protested, voice cracking in embarrassment. Hana was not paying attention. She was staring at the soul mark suddenly revealed to her, the towel having dropped in his haste to cover himself. The muscles in his lower back jumped under her touch when she pressed a hand in to him to stop him from moving. “What are you doing!?”
“Kakashi, how closely have you looked at your soul mark?” she asked in a faint voice.
“It’s on my butt, I can’t really see it. I know it’s a dog.” He was refusing to look at her but his voice carried faint traces of curiosity. “Why?”
“Because that’s my dog!”
“I – what?” That got his attention, encouraging him to actually turn his head and peer over his own shoulder as if he could see what she was talking about. “What do you mean?”
Hana found it difficult to breathe as she answered, “I mean that your soul mark is a very detailed picture of Natsuki! With a bow on her head and everything!” His eyes met hers over his shoulder and they blinked at each other for a few seconds.
“Can I put my pants back on?” he asked plaintively. One quick giggle escaped against her will but she nodded. Kakashi pulled his garments back in to place and turned around fully only when he was comfortably covered up. He shifted his weight from side to side, rubbing the back of his head, before at last asking shyly, “Can I ask what yours is?”
Hana didn’t even hesitate to pull open her coat and lift her shirt just far enough to reveal the vague mark that had frustrated her since she was old enough to know what it was for. Kakashi studied it in silence for a long time. She could see his eyes slowly rotating to look at each of the almost shapeless blobs, all of them a slightly different color and size.
“Those are my ninken.”
“What?” Hana struggled to see over the folds of her shirt without exposing the entirety of her chest. “Show me.”
Kakashi pointed to each of the shapes, naming his ninken one by one. By the time he was done, she wondered how she could have missed it. The colors and size matched each of his dogs and some of them were even identifiable by breed if you looked hard enough. Hana lifted her eyes and stared at Kakashi, who stared back. She couldn’t seem to find the words to say anything. Kakashi had been one of her closest friends for years, so how could she never have given the idea any thought? How many years had she had a crush on him without even considering that he might be her soulmate? It was all too common for people to marry within their clan; she’d thought she was going to be one of them.
Hana almost swallowed her tongue in surprise when Kakashi suddenly stepped forward and kissed her. He wasn’t a man normally comfortable with physical contact, preferring to stay covered and safely inside his personal bubble. She was therefore doubly surprise when she discovered that he was a good kisser, even through the barrier of a mask. When they parted she barely held in a protest.
“Sorry I was just, uh, happy?” Kakashi mumbled, his eyes falling to the floor while he rubbed his head. He was just so shy. Hana wondered how everyone always got the impression that he was just being cool and suave. He was the most adorably awkward person she had ever met.
And he was her soulmate. She wanted to squeal.
Instead of responding to his unnecessary apology, Hana reeled him in for a second kiss. He made a delicious noise in the back of his throat and she felt one of his gloved hands winding in to her hair to cradle the back of her head. She was suddenly glad that his appointment had been the last of the day because surely she wouldn’t have been able to get anything else done after this discovery.
“Oi! Break it up you two!” a growling voice complained from the corner of the room. “We don’t want to see that!”
Hana and Kakashi both looked over to see Bull and Natsuki staring at them with suffering expressions. Before her companion could say anything Hana scoffed and said, “Then don’t look.” Then she kissed him again, ignoring the howling from across the room. They would have to get used to it, after all.
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