#helena x mc
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demisexual-deesaster · 2 years ago
Oh my gosh I love you so much, I've been starving for Lovestruck content. This comic is like an oasis, please continue 😭😭😭
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Another Altea/MC/Helena comic I started... to be continued??
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girl-named-matty · 28 days ago
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Domestic Sharp family my copium 🙏💕
♡︎ - toddler outfit mod by @ominouscorridors
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helena-thompson · 4 months ago
I headcanon that the Slytherin seventh years only have one roommate instead of three, and Sebastian and Ominis are obviously paired up together.
And somehow, despite having a somewhat private bedroom in the Room of Requirement, a couch in the Undercroft, plus a myriad of other secret little hidey-holes around the castle and grounds to be alone in, Helena and Seb still end up getting frisky in Seb and Ominis' room... so Sebastian starts charming the door handle to give Ominis a little "shock" anytime they're in there messing around, so he doesn't accidentally walk in on them—like the wizard's version of a "sock on the door," if you will.
I just think it will be hilarious when Seb and Helena attempt to go in there one day and the doorknob shocks them, and they're like "Finally, Ominis is getting some action!" and meanwhile, Ominis is inside just chilling, reading a book or something, and charmed the handle so he could get some damn peace and quiet and not deal with their shenanigans. 🤣
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helenadurazzo · 7 months ago
A Wonderful World of Color
Ended up being able to throw together a new story just in time for the HPHM Ship Weekend. For this, I took the prompt of the Soulmate AU. In this universe, before a person makes eye contact with their soulmate, the world is coated in shades of grey. Normally, people know who their soulmate is right away, yet not for Helena.
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Helena often wondered what the world would look like if it was in color. Oftentimes the world seemed rather drab with it being drowned in shades of grey. The world was how it was though and as many people said, fate would be the determining factor in if the world would erupt in color for you or not. And sometimes Helena figured that her time would never come.
Mum never really talked about soulmates, saying that she had never met hers like father. Yet while Dad certainly never met the person he was meant for, she knew his words were genuine even though he did find happiness in what he was able to get. Yet Mum was a whole other story, sometimes Helena would hear her stumble her words and wondered if she could indeed see the world in color like those who had met their soulmate. She supposed it would be proper for a person with a passion for herbology and nature would be able to see in color, yet Helena never pushed to uncover her Mum’s past. Perhaps that day when she met Dad in that coffee shop she figured a life with someone was better if she could not be with her own soulmate. Yet in such situations, it was wise to not tread on such sensitive subjects. Helena wished she could ask Jacob for advice yet he was still missing, and Helena thought lingered on him endlessly. At least she had her peers and the joys that being a student at Hogwarts had to offer, it was the only way to keep her mind off of the cursed vaults after all.
She supposed Hogwarts was a common place for soulmates to meet, possibly one of the most common places to do so in the country. Yet between herself, Rowan, Tulip, and Badeea, only Badeea was the one who was able to see in color, when she and Talbott discovering they were soulmates not too long into the school year yet while they both did spend a lot of time together both decided to revisit that topic later. She would describe in great detail the colors of her paintings that it almost felt like Helena could indeed see their vibrancy. And Tulip had started making bets of which out of the three of them would meet their soulmate next.
But for now a quidditch game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw would do plenty to keep her and her roommates occupied without focusing on something that perhaps they could never find. Helena watched the match intently, after all, it was hard to tell the differences of who was who on the team as without seeing colors, it was a challenge, yet Badeea always provides more personal commentary and answers to questions that Murphy simply couldn’t provide from his seat in the highest place as the commentator.
“The Slytherins are on their game this year.” Tulip remarked as the players flew around on their brooms at top speeds.
“Certainly.” Rowan nodded, cheering as Skye Parkin, a Ravenclaw the year above them who hailed from the famous Parkin Family who founded the Wigtown Wanderers, successfully threw a quaffle that evaded Slytherin’s keeper. “Perhaps this will be the year for Ravenclaw.”
“I hope no one gets hurt in this match, Slytherin players can be quite aggressive, especially that Erika Rath.” Helena noted, knowing if one of the chasers was injured, she would be brought onto the pitch. Normally it would be a chance to gain great honor, yet Helena pondered how she would react when she was on the pitch playing for a crowd with people in the supposedly the colors of each house judging by the shades of grey and matching facepaint.
When she turned her head away from her friends and back to pitch her eyes widened at the sight ahead of her with surprise as a bludger rushed straight towards her face. She instinctively ducked and was lucky the bludger did not hit her in the head, since she would have likely been knocked out and would have woken up in the hospital wing. Yet when she got the courage to look back at the pitch, her eyes met one of the other players. The sudden burst of unexpected color in the world made her feel so entranced by those blue eyes, similar to her own yet with a slight more hint of green perhaps? Maybe it was teal? Before she could once more gain her senses whichever quidditch player that was had flown off to another area of the pitch and was gone. However, there was one thing Helena was sure of, that mystery quidditch player was her soulmate, they had to be.
“Helena are you ok?” Rowan panicked, adjusting her glasses as they went down her nose due to the sudden turn of her head. “That bludger nearly knocked you into next week!”
“I… I can see…” Helena stammered as she looked out to the pitch. Observing the quidditch players in dark blue and emerald green flying back and forth depending on where the quidditch balls were and carefully evading bludgers with swift movements. On the other side of the stands, everyone was dressed in similar shades of the two colors, it was bright and radiant, “Colors, its… it’s really something…”
“Congratulations!” Badeea cheered before noticing what was like an uncertain look on Helena’s own face, “Sorry, I guess it’s not the best time…”
“No you’re fine.” Helena softly smiled at her friend.
“So who’s the lucky quidditch player who you are destined to be with?” Tulip smirked, “It’s got to be a quidditch player who is your soulmate right?”
“I… I don’t know.” Helena confessed, still catching her breath. “I only saw their eyes due to that bludger. They were a bluish green.”
“I know I don’t know any of the quidditch players, much less their eye colors.” Tulip noted, “but that isn’t a lot to go off of. Yet I suppose we can take off Orion and Skye off of the possibilities, not only have you talked with both of them but the eye colors don’t match.”
“Now that you mention that.” Helena realized, “Unless they put in a rookie or a substitute I have met all of the people on the Ravenclaw team. If my soulmate was one of them I should have known that by now.”
“So your soulmate must be a Slytherin.” Badeea concluded, “Perhaps they’ll come to you, surely they are also wondering the same things you are.”
“They would probably have more trouble figuring that out than Helena does.” Rowan pointed out. “Where Helena has seven Slytherin Quidditch players it could be, this quidditch player has anyone in the general vicinity of us.”
“Let’s just enjoy the rest of the match.” Helena insisted to her friends, “It’s fine, don’t worry about me, if we are soulmates surely our paths will cross again, or the universe will give me a sign to who it is.”
Even being at home for the weekend could not quell Helena’s perplexing feelings. She supposed it was nice to see her mother again, she just thought she would have more than a week before she would have to deal with the possibility of telling her mother. She didn’t even know how to bring it up. And knowing her mother, it was only a matter of time before the conversation would finally come up. If only her father wasn’t on a business trip and her brother wasn’t who knows where, perhaps they could have helped easy the tension her brain insisted was there
“Helena, dear, you have hardly touched your food.” Her mother observed much sooner than Helena planned, “Is everything alright?”
“I am fine Mum.” She attempted to give her a reassuring smile. “I… I guess I have just been thinking… about someon- thing! Thinking about something” she cringed at her stumbling of words, there went her attempt at surviving this break from school without her mother finding out what happened at that fateful quidditch match. Her face likely looked even more like she was hiding something, and her mother was able to read that like a book.
“Sweetie.” Her mum softly eyed her with concern, “You know you can tell me what’s going on.”
Helena sighed, “I’m sorry… I guess I was just worried about bringing it up. It’s just… back at that quidditch game… I saw colors for the first time and-“
“You met your soulmate?” Her mother’s eyes widened and brightened with happiness that nearly startled Helena due to its suddenness, “That’s wonderful!”
“That’s the thing…” Helena awkwardly continued her previous statement, “I would not say I have ‘met’ them. What happened was I was nearly hit in the face by a bludger, don’t worry, I avoided it. But when I looked to see where it came from, I met eyes with one of the Slytherin quidditch players and the next thing I could know I could see color and that quidditch player was somewhere on the other side of the quidditch pitch.”
“I see…” Her mother breathed, looking as if she was thinking about something.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.” Helena apologized, “I wanted to tell you, I need to talk with someone other than my roommates at some point. I just… didn’t know how you would react. You were never really open about it before…”
“I suppose I haven’t.” Her mother agreed quickly rather than denying her flaws, “I apologize if I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me about that. I guess I just let my own experience take control, but I suppose I should tell you the story. Might be a bit of a tangent but you’ll get the point I promise.” Her mother sighed, “I was one of the ones who saw colors early on, back in my first year of Hogwarts. My father, your grandfather, had sent me a howler that day, furious that I was sorted into Hufflepuff rather than Slytherin. One of my classmates, a Ravenclaw, approached me to see if I was alright and we connected the dots after the world burst into color before our eyes. He was my closest friend, yet I knew my fate. I was a pure blood where he was not, and my father already had very little patience. I was… scared of what he would say. So many pure bloods ignore the soulmates for the sake of preserving social status, and I knew my parents would be the same way. So before our graduation, I ended things with him out of fear and we never crossed paths since. A few years later I took charge in my life when I met your father and found another form of happiness.” Her mother’s bright blue eyes moved back towards looking at Helena. “All of this is to say, I don’t want you to lose your soulmate because of what others may think, including myself and your father. You know better than any one of what makes you happy. Don’t let your chance at love slip through your fingers.”
Helena gave a small smile after a few moments of silence to let her mother’s words sink in, “Thanks Mum. I just need to figure out who it is first…”
Another week of classes had passed and Helena found herself once again at another weekend. Yet unlike the previous one where she spent it with the comfort of her mother’s company, this one would be spent at Hogwarts. And that certainly wasn’t a bad thing but just something that left Helena once again at the mercy of her own thoughts.
It was why Helena did what she always did when she was stuck in her own thoughts and needed some time to reflect, going outside. Breathing in the fresh air always seemed to alleviate any stress she had, and even this particular flurry of thoughts of hers seemed to lessen even if only slightly. Being the daughter of a renowned herbologist, it had always been natural for Helena, who spent a large amount of her childhood in the greenhouse. Of course, even she felt some variety was necessary and found herself heading to the training grounds when the flying classes would be hosted and the quidditch pitch was in sight.
In the distance, she could even see some quidditch players participating in a friendly match. It seems to be Gryffindor and Hufflepuff judging by the ruby red and golden uniforms, so she didn’t feel pressured in walking all the way over there. If she was to figure out who her soulmate was, she would need to figure out more about the Slytherins who were a part of that match that fateful day. She didn’t even think about talking to Skye or Orion but it likely wasn’t worth it. Orion would likely give her some philosophical riddle she was not in the mood to solve while Skye would simply insult the competition rather than enlighten her on who her soulmate could have been. Perhaps her soulmate would come to her, but it seemed unlikely, it had been a couple of weeks since then after all.
As she walked along one of the dirt paths, she found herself turning her head to the right and noticing a blonde Slytherin practicing on the training grounds. She had heard from Penny enough about the Slytherin’s reputation to know it was Slytherin’s star beater, Erika Rath, who practiced non-stop whenever she wasn’t on the pitch or keeping up her marks in her classes. Perhaps she was better with Skye and other quidditch players in that regard as many neglected their studies for the sake of quidditch.
Erika looked so intensely focused on the training dummies as she swung her beater’s bat with all her might and watched with satisfaction as the bludger managed to knock each of the dummies down one by one. Helena pitied the chasers who opposed her and supposed she was thankful that she had not found herself in such a position. Skye had always talked about Erika Rath in the worst light, saying that she used her brash actions on purpose and desired to cause harm to express her own prowess. Helena pondered how much of that was true, for what she did know, Erika appeared to be a bit of a loner, simply keeping casual acquaintances with her peers and teammates.
Before Helena knew it, she watched as Erika looked over the sight with satisfaction and wrestled the bludger back into its case, latching it securely. Erika swung around rather quickly and eyed her causing Helena’s face to redden, especially as she recognized those bluish green eyes of hers from earlier. Someone must have casted Lumos to enlighten her on the soulmate topic as after looking at Erika once again, she did not even feel the need to look at the other Slytherin quidditch players as the eyes surely matched Erika’s. She probably looked like a fool in that moment, stopping in her place and simply staring, and Erika did not take long to observe her mannerisms.
“You came to watch Durazzo?” Erika commented with a peculiar smile on her face.
“I was just walking in the area…” Helena awkwardly rubbed the back of her head, pondering if Erika had connected the same dots she had. Judging by her quite uncharacteristic behavior perhaps she had. “It’s a nice day after all.” She added before instinctively walking over towards the blonde Slytherin.
“I meant to apologize for that bludger a couple of weeks ago.” Erika surprisingly apologized, so unlike how many of the rumors interpreted her.
“That was you?” Helena’s eyes widened before realizing that she did only have a fifty-fifty chance between the two beaters, and with someone as such a ruthless reputation as Erika it was always bound to be her.
“Yeah.” Erika shrugged, “Ended up hitting the bludger with my bat at an awkward angle due to a missed perception of the bludger’s location, and before I knew it, that bludger was heading towards the stands. I know we don’t know each other that well, but it’s good to see you not be locked up in the hospital wing.”
“So you…?” Helena blushed.
“Yeah…” Erika smiled in a way that was so perplexing given her tough exterior. “It took me a bit to figure it out. But your hair was what gave you away to me. And ever since I was trying to figure out how to interpret our fate and those feelings.”
“I have been too.” Helena looked off to the side. “But regardless, I think we will have a bright future ahead of us.”
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lauperak · 5 months ago
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Helena is an owl, hoot hoot 🦉
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missnight0wl · 2 years ago
Hey, quick question. Is your MC Helena exclusive with anyone?
In the game, Helena is exclusive with Jae. But to be completely honest, I decided to go exclusive mostly because of the 6-energy bonus. I don’t really care about in-game dating, and I ignore most of the romantic quests.
In my version of the story, Jae has a crush on Helena, but she remains oblivious to it, and she doesn’t date anyone during her school time. It’s not necessarily that she has no feelings for Jae, but she’s so busy with the Cursed Vaults and everything it includes that it’s simply easier to just accept the conclusion: “we’re very good friends”. Funnily, the Cursed Vaults are also why Jae keeps his crush secret. He believes that everything Helena is dealing with is more important than his feelings.
They eventually do get together in their adulthood, but I don’t think it’d happen until they’re in their late 20s or maybe even early 30s.
Thank you for asking! :)
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canigetahoyaaa2007 · 2 years ago
Love & Legends The Harem Sisters.
New character information.
So this is only a new character info and after this will be first chapter, I try to do it well enjoying but I won't promise it'll be cringe. Let me introduce the new character of the story... Natalia Harem!.
Natalia Harem.
Age: 28.
Sexuality: Lesbian.
Has any abilities?: Yes, she can turn into a wolf if she wants she can be partially wolf meaning she has her wolf ears and tail. Her rank is also an Alpha but as she is a human she doesn't belong to any pack. Her only pack is her sister and their new friends (and future sister in law).
Personality: Protective, cold, soft (if needed), overprotective big sister mode is always on.
Look: Natalia has the same hair color as her younger sister, her eyes are brown, she used to have her hair down with a bun. She mostly wearing black clothes instead others. She always has a cold stare on becouse she promised her parents that she will protect Halsey (MC's name of mine) from anything and anyone also she killed many ex of her younger sister.
Nicknames: Nati (by her best friend and Halsey), Sis (By Halsey), Furry (By Koda (her best friend and older brother of Sophie (idk what Sophie's age might me)), Little Wolf (By Altea Bellerose), Puppy (By Helena Klein).
Was in relationship: Never, but it'll change in the story.
Also story will contain Altea's Route, what later you find out yourself.
That's all. See you in the first chapter!.
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megatraven · 2 years ago
one day i really will make my alex x mc coffee shop au a reality
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daydreamsonacloudyday · 2 years ago
I went a little apeshit on Helena's character page.
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glitzglamgunpowder-if · 2 months ago
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"You were destined for a life better than this. A life free from violence, from bloodshed. But here you are once again, it's like you never left."
YOU were a child destined for greatness, for your name to be written into the pages of history. Whatever happened in your past didn't matter anymore. You were born with raw talent and charisma that couldn't be wasted, that people can only dream of. But your innate gift didn't mean your path would be easy. After the circus shut down, you stumbled through life delivering each performance like it was your last. You thought you've reached your peak, until a mysterious offer suddenly throws you into a life of crime.
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Play as a male, female, or nonbinary performer
Customize your MC’s physical appearance, façade personality, and choose a pseudonym for them
Befriend or Romance 4 ROs
Dedicate yourself to honing your natural talent
Choose your end goal and earn the fame you have craved your entire life
How do you want the public to perceive you? To be respected, or to be feared?
Learn more about the secrets of your dark past. Will you learn how the circus fell? How you ended up here of all places?
Will you acquire the fame you deserve, or will you fade into history?
Outline of Stats/Routes!!
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Alistair/Alice Delacroix - THE RIVAL
AS you adjust to your new life, you hear rumors about your fated rival. One whose mind was poisoned to despise every fiber of your being. It's no surprise they're known for their ambition, their cunning, their ruthless nature. Their path led them to inevitable darkness, but will yours?
Trope: Forbidden Romance/Enemies to Lovers
Samuel/Samantha "Sam" Kaminski - THE BOSS
YOU are an acquired talent on behalf of the current wealthy owner of the elusive Spotlight Syndicate, one of the most popular bars of its time. They're one of the few people who don't question your mysterious past, who trust you as implicitly as the air they breathe. You know deep down they have a soft spot for you, one of their greatest assets, but they're motives are...difficult to discern. But is there a possibility your relationship could go beyond transactional business?
Trope: Boss x Employee/Age Gap
Hendrik/Helena Rietveld - THE BODYGUARD
YOU don't know much about them, nor do they seem willing to give you any more information than necessary for your safety. But one thing's for sure, they're loyal to the ones they serve. And given your new...circumstances, that may be exactly what you need: someone who would travel from heaven to hell and back if their duty called for it. Will you be the first to crack the unsolvable's code?
Trope: Bodyguard Romance/Potential Grumpy x Sunshine
YOU never expected to see them again after...never mind that! They stand before you now, a completely reinvented version of themself. A stranger to everyone they encounter. Will you be able to slip off the carefully curated mask they've built and heal from your past together? Or will that smoking gun be laid to rest once and for all?
Trope: Childhood Friends to Lovers -> Detective x Potential Criminal
Physical Description of the ROs!!
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Despite being a frequent IF player, this is my very first time trying to create an IF myself as someone with little coding experience (I'm more of a writer if anything). I'm definitely learning as I go, and I understand this may lead to mistakes or disappointment at times, so I preemptively apologize for them. I tend to become overly ambitious, and I want to make sure I always deliver on the promises I make. I say this because some of you may have ask about certain features being implemented and I will have to say "Sorry, I don't really know how to do that yet, but I'll try and learn how!" Hopefully, this will be a fun learning experience, and you all have a fun time on here! Sincerely, Mira <3
tagging: @interact-if
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girl-named-matty · 2 months ago
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He can be romantic. Only when the students are gone though, you wouldn't catch him dead participating in PDA.
pose by @/pheexblack
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helena-thompson · 11 months ago
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ANGEL IN A SPRING FIELD Summary: Helena and Sebastian celebrate the coming of the spring season. Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Female MC Words: 1,285 Rating: Explicit Tags / Warnings: Oneshot, POV Third Person, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Kissing, Established Relationship   
Sometimes, when Sebastian looked at Helena, she looked like an angel.  Especially now, with the sun shining on her dark blonde hair, giving her an ethereal, golden glow. The flower crown she wore was like a halo, and the sound of her laugh filled the dark recesses in his soul, lifting him up.
Read on AO3 →
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savingsallow · 2 months ago
Quick Thank You From Val
Shout out to all the MC and OC friends that Val made in 2024!!! 📢✨
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When I became active in the fandom around July/August of last year, I didn't expect that my little sassy but sweet kid would make so many friends.
So here's a quick thank you and shout out to all of you from Val ❤️‍🔥
🌟 @ravenwind-75: shout out to the lovely and chaotic jo 💜! you're one of the first mcs that val gets to interact with and she's thankful that you two are now friends and even in the hcu together! 💪🏻
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🌟 @acslytherpuff : shout out to the baddie ✨cassie luna✨ aka val's human moon best friend 🌙 and soul sister 🤍 cassie def has a special place in val's heart and will protect and support her no matter what! 🫂p.s. shout out to alvin and alex as well!!!✨
🌟 @espressoristretto-patronum: shout out to the kind but fierce tori! ☀️ not only that tori and val are both grumpy without coffee in their system 😆☕ but val also looks up to tori for always being so kind, funny, and overall positive and light energy to be around!✨
🌟 @ps-cactus: shout out to nomnombelyn alyn! 🩵 aka val's first adopted introvert here! 😆🫶🏻 val says that she loves alyn very much and is thankful that they became friends! 🥺🫂 now she'll def spoil her with chocolates 🍫 and books 📚!!!
🌟 @diana-bluewolf: shout out to (grumpy but lovable) chris! 🐺💚 another introvert that val adopted 😆 who knew asking someone for snacks could be the start of a friendship 😌🍬 val says thank you to chris for tolerating her and letting her hang out with him 😆🫂 oh! and for offering different points of view and a calming presence✨
🌟 @fulminare-within-her-soul: shout out to euphie! 🐉💙 a total badass and academic weapon✨ euphie and eleazar are always fun to hang out with and there's always something new and intriguing with you guys! 🤩 i guess opposites do attract 🤝
🌟 @syrooo: shout out to renn! 🔥 aka val's long lost sibling or version of her in a different universe 🤔❤️‍🔥 the lore is still in the kitchen and cooking 😁 there's not much interaction yet but i'm already excited for these two!!! 🔥🔥🔥
🌟 @myokk: shout out to the best cousins ever, eloise and leo!!! 💚family gatherings are waaaay better when there's eloise and leo! val is sending many hugs and love to these two 🫂🫂🫂
🌟 @ozunafieldguide: shout out to this enigmatic cutie, lo! 💙 very interesting and deep, a few traits that val admires about lo 🤭 i hope these two get more interaction soon and val would love to braid lo's hair✨
🌟 @leaping-toadstool-caps: shout out to this big babie, jaimsen!! 💛 a big foodie like val and she appreciates his sunshine personality so much!! ☀️ shout out to florence as well!! ngl but he and val could be besties, too! 🤭🩵
🌟 @girl-named-matty: shout out to this beautiful specimen, callan!aka val's s/o in the hcu and her first oc x oc ship!! ❤️‍🔥 val is always in awe of him but she won't admit it 😆🫶🏻 shout out as well to the amazing matty ♥️ cutie theo 💛 and helena (mother) 🥵🔥
🌟 @theladyofshalott1989: shout out to the very patient, damien! 💙 another foodie like jaimsen and val! she admires damien's patience and his fun personality! always a fun guy to be around✨
🌟 @accio-bagel: shout out to the hottest lovable rogue, ellie! 💚✨ aka val's biggest girl crush and fAvOrItE rOoMaTe 🤨 val went from adoring her from afar to now being homies with ellie 🤭 and she's more than grateful to have her around!! ❤️‍🔥
🌟 @freddiestheproblemchild: shout out to roan!! 💚✨ this isn't really from val but from ale 😆 he wants to thank roan for having more adopted siblings and he says he'll continue to be a good brother to them!!! 🫂❤️‍🔥 p.s. shout out to freddie, the croft triplets, and lucinda!✨
more shout out to all the mcs that val interacted with last year! 📣
🔥 @alibasnur: to chen from the hogwarts food club! ♥️✨
🔥 @ask-felix-aberg: to this lovely and kind lad, felix, that val respects bc of his kindness and warm presence! 🫂🩵
🔥 @rypnami: to auri, phillip, and elsie! their interaction may be short but val is sending them all some warm hugs!!! 🫂🫂🫂
🔥 @thursdaymoonrise11: to the very fab phoebe!! 🩵✨ val would certainly try to hang out more with phoebe this year cuz she loves her overall vibes!!! 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
🔥 @starry-slithers: to the cutie cariad! these two need more interaction but val certainly adores her! ❤️‍🔥
🔥 @theravenchild: to the very lovely hellendil! 🩵✨ he and val don't have any official interaction yet, but she'd love to have a tea party with him sometime! 🍵✨
🔥 @pikadrawsthings: to these bunch of lovable af traumatized children, elijah, lilith, raymond, and weiss!!! 💛💚♥️💙 val is very excited to get to know them more and have more interactions with every one of them! 🤩 (don't worry, i'm cooking their interaction 🫡 just really slow 🫠) sending love to all of these cuties!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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there are more mcs that val adores but has no interaction yet 😅 but dw! she'll make her first move at some point this year! 🫡
so watch out 😏✨
again, thank you to all and sending love and support to each and every one of you! ❤️‍🔥
— val
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helenadurazzo · 2 years ago
7 and 23 for Helena x Erika and Marie x Phineas? ☺️
7. Who Are The Maids of Honor and/or Best Men? Why and How Were They Chosen?
Helena chose her cousin, Serafina, to be her maid of honor. Helena was quite nervous ahead of her wedding due to the necessary planning, and figured with her cousin by her side, who had recently gotten married, everything would go smoothly enough.
Erika values her Holyhead Harpies teammates, regardless if they are the main lineup or reserves. As such, she chose Gwenog Jones to be her maid of honor with other members of her team being her bridesmaids. Not only did she know Gwenog the longest, but Gwenog was also one of the people who inspired her to pursue quidditch.
Marie decided to make Zsuzsi her maid of honor. She had many friends who she did make her bridesmaids, however ultimately decided on Zsuzsi who was a muggle born she first befriended in her first year. Marie also stood up for her when a snobbish pure blood insulted her during the wedding.
Phineas debated on whether he wanted to make his best man Sebastian or Ominis, as both were his close friends from his Hogwarts days, however he decided on the latter. To make it up to Sebastian, he promised him that he could be the godfather of one of his and Marie’s children.
23. If The Couple Could Describe Their Wedding In One Sentence, How Would They?
Despite all the stress that came from planning, the wedding turned out to be simply remarkable.
An enchanted evening, everything was simply perfect and remarkably beautiful in its own way.
There are many beautiful things from the wedding I’ll never forget, the music, the food, the flowers, Sebastian being… Sebastian.
Perhaps it was a little chaotic but all events are, that’s what makes them fun after all.
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wlw-lovestruck-fiction · 2 years ago
Hello, dears! Here's part 2 to the Vampire Helena AU I'm writing for @loveinthekeyofx! It's a Love and Legends/Havenfall is for Lovers crossover! I do hope some of you will enjoy it ❤️ it is quite lengthy (just under 7k words), so part of it will be under a cut! - Mod Runa
TW: Discussions of insecurities, References to trauma, Body image issues.
You chuckled as yet another tiny spark of fire flew by your head and turned into smoke right before hitting the mirror, making Morgan sigh in frustration as her hand flinched. Smudging an otherwise perfect line of eyeliner.
"Jordan, I swear to everyone that isn't your Father. If you do that ONE more time!"
JD let out the most dramatic groan you had ever heard in your life and slinked a little further off their bed.
"But I'm so booooored. And you won't let me help with anything!"
You could see the reflection of their upside pout in the vanity, which only made you laugh harder. Morgan pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
"If you recall.. I gave you one very important job to do, JD.. the outfit. You're the one who decided to come up in here with a black leather bodysuit!"
JD smirked. "I stand by my decision. That bodysuit was fucking hot."
Morgan shook her head, turning her focus back to doing your make-up.
"Do you see what I have to put up with, Frances?"
"Pfft! You love me." JD replied with a wide, charismatic grin.
"They've got you there, Morgan." You chuckled.
"Ohh no.. don't you dare feed into them!"
You laughed before giving JD a tiny wink in the mirror. The last few months in Havenfall had probably been your most interesting thus far. Even without Helena coming into your life, finding out that not only were "monsters" real, but that you'd been living amongst them since you'd moved to the small town was almost too much to process at first. You could still remember the look of utter horror on Morgan's face when a slightly buzzed JD let their true identity slip.. and then how it grew when they proceeded to out everyone else inside Havenfall's Finest. At first you were convinced it was all a joke. The idea that the local bowling alley was run by a djinn and the town Sheriff was actually a werewolf seemed all too preposterous to even imagine, but the moment JD released their wings and shot a fireball off over the lake you knew they'd been telling the truth.
"The Jersey Devil? As in the Jersey Devil??" You had exclaimed.
"The one and only." They'd replied with a smirk.
To be honest it felt like just yesterday that you'd found out, but also that a part of you'd already known. The sleepy Midwestern town had always seemed to hum with unseen magic.
And now, you knew why.
"Alright! All done."
Morgan sat back in her chair and smiled, placing the tube of mascara back onto JD's dresser.
"I still say you should have gone with the bodysuit."
"Hush, Jordan. She looks great."
You couldn't argue with her there, the woman had done a damn fine job on your make-up. The subtle gold eyeshadow and flipped cat's eye accentuated the green and black top she had picked out perfectly. And your breasts had never been propped up higher in your life. You looked… good.
"I'm not saying she doesn't! But who wouldn't want to see those curves wrapped in leather!"
"I wouldn't." You answered with a laugh.
"Pfft.. you're both crazy. I'm going downstairs to check out the buffet- .. I mean, see if Razi needs any help."
"Please, do not add any of your crazy concoctions to the mix, JD."
The devil turned, giving their partner a faux look of hurt and betrayal.
"But.. you said you liked my pickle and mustard pie!"
"Jordan, please. Remember what we talked about."
They sighed, rolling their eyes. "Fineeeeee."
You chuckled as they stomped their way down the stairs to the bowling alley - the sounds and smells of Havenfall's Finest getting everything together wafting through the now open door.
"I hope you weren't too hard on them, Morgan. It's just Helena and I."
Although, "just Helena and you" couldn't be further from the truth. There was nothing "just" about the gorgeous blonde that had waltzed into your life only a few months prior. And even though the two of you had had your fair share of … Visits? Hangouts? Whatevers? ... you were far more nervous than you would ever let on.
"Listen.. I love them dearly, you know that, but if JD had it their way, that table would be filled with the most abominable culinary creations either of you have ever seen. And I don't want Helena getting scared away by Jordan's horrendous taste in food before any of us have even had a chance of getting to know her."
You put your hands up in surrender, chuckling even harder. "Alright, alright."
"Still.. we should probably make our way downstairs before they get any ideas…"
You snorted. "Good thinking."
The sun had just started to set when Helena walked out of the front doors to her apartment building, washing the vast Indiana sky in warm hues of oranges, reds and pinks - a stark contrast to the crisp bite that came with the late Autumn evening air. A soft ping from the blonde's phone and the hushed sounds of a stealthy stride were all that were to be heard as she walked down the otherwise empty street. A subtle smile coming to Helena's lips when she finally stops to check the notification on her phone.
Frances: Of course it is! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine :)
She breathed in a sigh of relief. Even though she knew Frances would be understanding, she still felt a little bad for inviting Vanessa along. Unfortunately the vampire knew it was the best opportunity for the Huntress to be able to meet everybody. To be able to tell her if anyone within Havenfall's inner circle had had anything to do with the coven that turned her. For one thing, the Sorceress' keen senses gave her the gnawing feeling that pretty much everyone who had connection with that bowling alley was likely not human - that she was almost certain - but as for the specifics, those she was unclear on.
That's where Vanessa Helsing came in. Coming from a long line of vampire hunters, she had been tracking the same coven as Helena for months, eager to take them down - to wipe them out. She was the only person Helena knew who had seen almost every person of importance within Dagon's coven. So, needless to say the two had quite a bit they could gain from one another.
Helena had told the Huntress to meet her at the bowling alley, and there she stood. Cladded in black leather under a dim street light - her dark hair almost rivaling the night sky above.
"Good evening, Vanessa."
"Evening, Helena. You sure you want to do this?"
The blonde nodded.
"Your knowledge has been immeasurable in my progress, Helsing. Even if we find no accord within, your presence is still appreciated. Frances means a great deal to me. I need to make sure she's protected."
Vanessa smiled before nodding. "Alright, then. After you."
"Wait.. what do you mean she's bringing someone? Like, a friend?"
You placed your phone face down onto the counter and shrugged.
"Ah.. more like a colleague, I guess? I don't really know much about her, honestly."
Helena had only mentioned Vanessa once before to you, months ago when she named her as the client she'd met with that day at the bowling alley. (Though, according to Morgan, the two of them never even made it there that day.) But other than that, the specifics of their relationship were a complete mystery to you.
"Mhm.. well, I'm going to be keeping an eye on said colleague."
You were about to tell Morgan not to bother when the doors to the bowling alley abruptly opened, a rush of cold air as Helena and who you presumed was Vanessa walked in. You couldn't help your mouth from falling open a little at the sight. Helena, of course, looked breathtaking - radiant. With a deep cerulean low cut shirt covered in a red blazer. The colors a perfect contrast to her moonlit hair. The woman next her to her, though… I guess when you had thought of the word 'colleague', she wasn't quite what you had in mind. Morgan leaned in a bit, nudging you softly before whispering.
"Oh, I am definitely going to be keeping an eye on her."
You chuckled. "She's allowed to have friends, Morgan."
"Not friends who look like that and dress completely in black leather.. and, is that a bull whip connected to her belt??"
"Heh, my kinda friend." You heard JD mutter under their breath from behind you, which only led to Morgan scowling.
You cleared your throat. "Just.. be cool, guys."
You walked away from the pair before they could say anything else. And they weren't wrong. Vanessa was incredibly beautiful. With hair as inky as a night sky and a body that screamed nothing but self discipline and rigorous routine. But the way Helena's eyes lit up and how her smile widened at the sight of you definitely helped stifle some of the intrusive thoughts that were slowly trying to move in.
"My dear Frances, good evening. A pleasure as always." She exclaimed with a low bow. "This is Vanessa. I appreciate you allowing her to join us tonight."
You nodded. "Of course! Nice to meet you, Vanessa."
"Please, call me Van. And it's nice to meet you as well."
You turned just in time to see the rest of Havenfall's Finest coming up behind you. At least three of them with their mouths fully agape. You had to chuckle, fully aware of the effect Helena tended to have on people.
"Helena.. this is Razi, the owner and proprietor of this fine establishment. Mac, the town's Sheriff. Diego, Havenfall's finest doctor. And, last but not least, JD and Morgan, our resident chaos demon and their loyal girlfriend. Everyone, this is Helena."
Razi and Mac both gave the blonde a very exuberant "Hello!", shaking her hand. You even swore you saw tiniest hue of pink rising to the Sheriff's cheeks as Helena responded with "A pleasure." Diego on the other hand, seemed more anxious than anything, his gaze shifting back and forth between the two women. As for JD and Morgan, while both were as friendly as ever, Jordan wouldn't be Jordan if they didn't do their best to lay on the charm.
"So, this is the woman that's been stealing our friend away from us… not that I can blame her."
Helena, of course, chuckled gracefully. "Much apologies."
"Mhm.. I'm sure."
You gave JD a pleading look, hoping they'd take the hint and stop before they said anything else. Which thankfully they did, giving you a playful wink instead.
"And this is my.. colleague, Vanessa."
The group gave the mysterious woman a unified greeting, all except for Diego who only nodded and JD who whistled low.
"If that's a colleague, I really need to get myself into the security business."
Both Vanessa and Morgan glared in their direction, an act that quickly made the enby rub the back of their neck nervously.
"A-anyways, let's get this party started, shall we?!"
"Very smooth, Jordan." Morgan replied, rolling her eyes.
You had to hand it to them all, the bowling alley looked absolutely enchanting. And while you were well aware that Morgan and JD cared greatly for you, the lengths that the rest of Havenfall's Finest went to to make sure the evening went as smooth as possible was, needless to say, incredibly heartwarming.
The ceiling was strewn with more twinkle lights than you had ever seen and the long table in the center of the main room had just about every guilty pleasure food you could possibly think of. You made sure to make a mental note to thank Razi later for not letting JD have any say in the buffet. Though, you had to laugh when you came across a small, yet very suspicious pie at the bottom of the table with the distinct aroma of mustard coming from it. It was almost crazy to think how in just a few short months this hodgepodge group of cryptids had almost become like a second family to you. Even Mac was dressed in something other than her usual sheriff's uniform.
You were just about to walk over to where Helena and Vanessa were standing when Morgan pulled you aside. Her brow slightly furrowed.
"Hey, I didn't want to say anything in front of JD because they'd just go all detective mode on us, but I know I've seen Vanessa somewhere before. And Diego seemed on edge as soon as she walked in."
Your gaze lingered over to where the two women stood talking, obviously in the middle of a rather serious conversation.
"Hm.. wish I could say I knew more about her. Helena isn't very forthcoming about the ins and outs of her job."
"Yeah. Well, if I think of anything, I'll definitely let you know."
You nodded. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."
Morgan gave you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before wandering off to find JD. Even with the party finally starting to get under swing, your mind couldn't help but begin to drift off to more unsavory thoughts. Just how often did Vanessa frequent Havenfall if both Diego and Morgan seemed to recognize her? Did that mean Helena was meeting with her more often than she'd let on? Were they closer than just colleagues? I mean, you couldn't blame her for choosing someone who looked like Vanessa over someone who looked like.. well.. you..
She was hot.. fit.. beautiful in a way you could never be.
And you were, well.. you.
You subconsciously pulled at the blouse that just a few moments ago had filled you with such confidence, wondering if there was even a point. How could you compete with that? With.. her? How could you be expected to-
You were jerked abruptly from your thoughts, Helena's pensive face in front of yours.
"Is something the matter? You looked a thousand miles away."
Immediately filled with embarrassment, you quickly shook your head.
"Oh! Yes, no.. I'm fine.. really, I'm fine!" You answered, chuckling nervously.
The blonde hummed low before linking her arm in yours.
"Well, then.. come and accompany us over by the stage, hm?"
The.. stage??
As you followed Helena past the lanes and towards the back of the arcade room, you found that the blonde was right - there was indeed a small platform back there. One that you were certain hadn’t been there before.
"What in the-"
"Ohhh, just wait! You guys are gonna love this!" JD exclaimed as they practically ran over to the two of you. More excited than you'd ever seen them.
"JD.. what.."
"Fuck! Is Razi ever gonna regret buying this." They laughed, holding up a small microphone.
Karaoke. Razi had actually purchased a karaoke machine. Gods, save us all.
The moment JD slipped on their sunglasses, stepped onto the stage and started dancing around it, Morgan's sigh was all too prevalent in your ear as she came to stand beside you - a low baseline coming through steadily from the speakers. You chuckled before turning to her.
"That bad, huh?"
She sighed again. "Jordan's actual singing voice is really quite nice, but of course they'd never be caught dead using it properly in public."
"Ah, gotcha."
You laughed and shook your head, trying to figure out where you had heard that guitar riff before and why it sounded so familiar. You were fairly certain the song choice was of the Metal genre - which would be on par for JD's taste in music - but the underlying melody reminded you of something else. Of something you'd heard a million times before but couldn't quite put your finger on-
Oh.. oh no
JD smirked as the intro diminished, the first lyric sung boastfully from their lungs.
"We're no strangers to looove…"
Morgan groaned immediately. "Jordan! For fucks sake, no!"
"You know the rules, and so do IIII…"
Helena turned to you, obviously a bit amused at the crowd's reaction.
"I am afraid I do not understand the reference. Why are so many people opposed to this song choice?"
JD sang even louder. You wouldn't get this from, any other enbyyyyy."
You did your best to speak loud enough for the blonde to hear you, giving her a quick background of the song and what it meant to be "Rick Rolled". Helena laughed and nodded before turning back to the entertainment, her foot tapping along with the melody.
"Never gonna give, gonna give.. give you up!"
Much to her dismay, you couldn't help but laugh and cheer every time JD pointed to Morgan during the chorus. An act that only made her groan even louder. And the moment the song ended, you could hear Razi yelling from the back of the room.
"I'm docking your pay for that, Jordan!"
The enby bowed dramatically, giving you a little wink before hopping off the stage.
"Mh.. seems that is my queue, little one." Helena whispered to you, giving you a smirk.
You stood, a blush already dusting your cheeks and your mouth agape. She was.. she was going to sing???
You took a deep, steadying breath. Completely unaware that the blonde could even carry a note let alone that you would be graced with whatever celestial sounds were about to part from that delicious mouth of hers. But there she was, basked in a kaleidoscope of colors from the lighting above and looking absolutely ethereal.
"Hold steady, Frances."
You swallowed hard, side-eyeing Morgan. "I'll do my best."
And while you had never heard of the song Helena had chosen before, you knew the moment the first note left her lips that you were done for. A hauntingly beautiful melody - smooth Alto notes sang in a soft (what you assumed was her native tongue) German. Your mouth was still open when JD came to stand next to you, nudging you softly in the ribcage.
"Hear something you like? Hm?"
They wiggled their eyebrows at you but all you could do was stare. Of course she sang like a fucking goddess. Of course she was fucking perfect.
Too perfect.
Too fucking perfect.
And here you were, with your mediocre self, expecting her to feel the same? Pssh.
"Psst.. you know what has to happen now, right?" Morgan whispered, her eyes glued to the stage and the incredible being that was on it.
"Yes! You'd blow her away and you know it."
"No. Not a chance."
"Yess, you have to."
"Are you even listening to her right now? It's-!"
"Don't you dare tell me it's pointless, Frances. Just because she has a gorgeous voice doesn't mean that yours isn't just as hot!"
For the first time since Helena had started singing you looked away from the stage, staring blankly at your friend. "... y-you think… I'm.. ah-"
"Yes, I think, and so does JD… and Razi.. and everyone else in Havenfall who's heard you sing to yourself. So.. you're going to get up there and you're gonna make that woman breathless!"
You sighed, admitting defeat. "Fine, but I choose the song!"
"Fine! Which?"
You smirked. "Rooms on Fire. Good luck finding it."
Morgan smirked even wider and you immediately swallowed. "Bold of you to assume JD hasn't already programmed Stevie Nicks' entire discography into that thing. They've had a thing for her since forever."
You swallowed again. "... Fuck."
Helena's body was all a buzz as she stepped down from the small podium. Electrically charged and tingling from the applause of her soon to be peers. She wasn't even sure what had made her get up and do it. And by the look on Frances' face, she was just as stunned. But there was something about being in the round woman's presence that always gave Helena a boost. That gave her the type of courage that made her feel like she could do just about anything. And in that moment, all she wanted to do was to show that warm, delightfully kind woman one of her gifts.
And hopefully - just hopefully - receive some of hers in return.
So you can imagine the look of surprise that sprung to the vampire's face and feeling of elation that rolled over her when Frances stepped up onto the stage. As the same warm light that had just washed over her casted the woman in a brilliant hue, making her look even more beautiful to the Sorceress than she already did.
A brief lapse of time, a single breath of silence before the song started. And it was that moment, when the first flawless note fell from Frances' lips, that Helena knew. Knew why she'd initially been drawn to her and what had kept her so enthralled since.
After all this time, searching between the two realms in which she had inhabited, she had finally found her. A soul as pure and kind as the woman who had saved her from the darkness many years ago. The woman who bore the same face as the one who had stripped her of everything and gave her a life renewed. She had never once, in all her years since leaving the realm she then called home, came across another person who had shone as bright as that woman did.
But here, in that solitary moment of clarity, as the melodic notes rang out from Frances' body and danced across Helena like a lullaby from some other place - like a spell from some archaic time that sang out into the heavens and carved itself into sky - that's when she knew. That's when it all became clear, that Frances was also a keeper of that light - of that bright soul that soothed over the vampire like a celestial balm.
Helena also knew that from that point she'd no longer be able to ignore her feelings for the woman. That her tendencies to mute her emotions and stifle those desires within that seemed to burn with the heat of a thousand suns would no longer be possible.
And as she watched the music take hold of this incredible creature, with all of Frances' curves swaying to the melody - eyes closed and cheeks a gorgeous hue of rose - she made a silent vow to both herself and the woman in front of her. A promise that she would no longer take the coward's way out when it came to her heart and what it deserved. That she would channel that courage she always felt when Frances was around and finally tell her..
Finally tell her that she was, undoubtedly and without measure, falling for her.
You opened your eyes as soon as the last note faded off, the crowd before you standing stunned - in awe - almost in disbelief at what they'd just witnessed. And while you were more than used to people's reaction to your voice, you still smiled proudly to yourself. A subtle blush dusting your cheeks as a resounding applause rang out from some of your favorite people.
"Holy shit, Frances. That was incredible!" JD beamed. "You did our girl Stevie some serious justice."
You chuckled. "Thanks, Jordan."
"They ain't lying, friend, that was the best I've ever heard you sing." Added Morgan as she handed you a tiny piece of cloth for your forehead, which you gratefully took.
"Thank you, one might say I was a little inspired."
"Well, inspiration suits you well, then, little one."
Helena's praise caught you off guard, immediately making you turn and face her.
"I- .. uh.. th-thank you? I mean.. ahem.. yeah.. ah, thanks, Helena." You stammered, rubbing the back of your neck.
Helena only nodded but you could tell the blonde had wanted to say more. A fact that must not have been lost on Morgan either as she quickly cleared her throat and hooked her arm into JD's.
"Well, we'll leave you two to talk."
"We will?? But I was just about to ask Frances if she wanted to-"
JD's words stopped mid-sentence the moment their eyes caught Morgan's.
"Oh.. right.. I mean.. we'll leave you two to .. talk."
The enby's subtle tone and small wink was more than enough to fluster you before they sauntered off, your cheeks heating up ever so slightly.
"That Jordan is a rather peculiar person. They remind me of someone I knew back home."
For some reason the thought of Helena being friends with their own version of JD made you feel incredibly warm inside, almost as if an invisible thread had always connected the two of you.
"Really?" You laughed.
"Mh, indeed. His name was Iseul. Your friend Jordan has a very similar spark of mischief to them." She answered, the deep blues of her eyes seeming to wander off in thought for a moment before she continued. "You remind me of someone I once knew as well, Frances."
Now that.. that..
You took a deep, steadying breath as a wash of warmth spread over you like a freshly drawn bath, re-igniting the desire in you that you had, admittedly, done your best to ignore over the past couple of months.
You felt your cheeks heat up a little more before you spoke. "O-oh? Really?"
The blonde hummed, looking almost sad. "She was, until now, the kindest woman I had even known."
You swallowed hard, not even sure how to respond to that information. In all honesty, there was nothing more you wanted to do than grab onto her, hold her close, and scream out into the heavens how much she meant to you. But you also knew that, of all places, the local bowling alley was not the place to make such affections known.
Nor was it the right time…
As you collected your thoughts, you took a moment to scan your surroundings. Razi and Mac had seemingly found themselves in a rather heated game of bowling as Diego watched, sipping silently from the tiny flask that he normally kept on him. As for the arcade area, you couldn’t help but chuckle when your gaze landed on JD and Vanessa going head to head in a very excited round of DDR, the sound of Morgan cheering them heard throughout the entire bowling alley.
You swallowed again before smiling and tentatively took the blonde's hand in yours.
"What do you say we take a walk after all of this? There's a place I'd really like to show you, if that's alright with you?"
Helena smiled in turn, her eyes brightening to almost match the color of her shirt. "I would like that very much, little one."
The crisp autumn air met Helena like an old friend as she stepped out onto the curb - the wind softly blowing just cold enough to bite at her cheeks, reddening them. With a large moon above them, the Huntress walked silently beside the Vampire, biding her time until they got to her van.
"I want to thank you again for coming, Vanessa." Helena spoke, breaking the silence.
"No worries at all. I had fun actually."
The blonde chuckled. "As did I."
Vanessa shifted nervously from one foot to the other, smiling in a way that made Helena more anxious than she would've liked. The idea of Frances not being safe when she wasn't around.. well, that was a thought that only made the Sorceress' heart sink.
"Out with it." She said plainly.
Vanessa sighed.
"Well, the good news is that I can confidentially tell you that nobody in Frances' immediate circle is part of Dagon's coven."
Helena nodded. "That is good, at least."
"That being said, I can also tell you that most of the people within that circle.. aren't human. And that at least one of them is a vampire."
Helena's gaze shifted quickly. "Which?"
The blonde hummed in thought.
"What about JD and Morgan?"
"Morgan is human as far as I can tell. JD is.. well, I'm not exactly sure what JD is, but it's an energy I've never encountered before. So, whatever they are, it's something rare."
Helena chuckled to herself, recalling the time when Frances had called JD 'one of a kind'.
"That does not surprise me. In your opinion, though, would you say that Frances is safe?"
Helena asked the question simply, for that was the most important thing. Everything else was secondary. Everything else could be discussed at a later time. On a night when the air wasn't so clear and she didn't have that incredible woman waiting for her.
The Huntress nodded, a curtain of dark hair falling into her face.
"I do. At this point anyways. I still have some digging to do, but I'll contact you if I find anything that makes me feel otherwise."
"You have my gratitude, Helsing. Thank you."
"Anytime. You just leave all the boring stuff to me and enjoy the rest of your night." Vanessa replied with a wink before climbing into her van.
The blonde smirked. "Oh, that I intend to."
To be perfectly honest, you'd been planning on taking Helena to the lake ever since the plans for that evening were first made. And when Jordan had found out, the spark of mischief and excitement in their eyes was so bright it almost lit up the whole room. Even before you had left the bowling alley they pulled you aside.
"You're still taking her to the lake, yeah?"
A cheeky wink and subtle smirk was all you got in reply when you answered 'yes', which only made you slightly nervous. You knew deep down that if JD had some sort of surprise in the works, it would only be in your favor. They knew how much Helena had meant to you. And honestly, other than Morgan, they'd been the most supportive through it all.
The sky was littered with thousands of twinkling stars as you pulled up to the lake, all paying homage to the bright moon that hung among them. That casted a brilliant reflection into the still water and made you all the more confident in your decision to bring her there. It was beautiful, just like Helena. Almost so that it almost seemed too luminous to be real…
… Just like Helena.
"I see why you like this place, little one." The blonde said, closing her door.
"Mh, on a night like tonight, it almost looks like a painting."
You smiled, wanting to say more than a quiet "That, it does." As if any sight could compete with how the moonlight danced upon Helena's rosen cheeks and frolicked throughout her hair. How her eyes sparkled and gleamed, making the stars above only pale in comparison. She was a literal work of art, a masterpiece within herself. A goddess walking on earth. She was-
Her soft tone caught you off guard, and when her gaze met yours you'd almost forgotten how to speak entirely. She looked at you in a way no other person had, as if you were a lifeline and she were a rope. Tethered and frayed and yet oh so beautiful.
"Ah, sorry.. was I staring?"
"Mh.. a little." She chuckled.
When you rubbed the back of your neck subconsciously she took your other hand.
"Do not be."
Her voice was soft but the look in her eyes was even softer. A subtle heat coming to your cheeks as she took your other hand in hers, leaning in ever so slightly.
Did she want to-
Was she going to-
Helena took another step closer and you almost immediately fell back, moving away with such abruptness that you nearly toppled over the hood of your car. But, of course, Helena caught you.
"Fuck. Sorry. I.. ah.. shit."
"It is I who should be sorry, little one. I should not have assumed."
For the first time since you'd met her, the blonde looked embarrassed. Which honestly only made you feel worse. You shook your head vehemently.
"No, no. Please. Fuck. You did nothing wrong, Helena. It's just.. ah.. there's some things about me we should probably talk about before this goes any further."
With that Helena took a step back, looking at you thoughtfully and nodded.
"By all means. I am, as they say, all ears."
Before a single word had even fallen from your lips you could feel the subtle sting of tears - pooling at the corners of your eyes and betraying your emotions. You hated this part. You always had. When the love interest finds out your secret and opts for just being friends instead. Though, admittedly, you had genuinely hoped for just a little more time before having to say goodbye to Helena.
"Frances." She said softly, your hands still in hers. "There is, without doubt, not a single thing you could tell me about yourself that I would not be able to accept."
There was a shadow of something darker that lurked within the blonde's gaze that instantly made you believe her. Her eyes a stormier blue than you'd seen before - heavier, sullen - as if they held an untold story of long ago. You took a deep, calming breath - for you knew that, despite your fears, there was nothing in the world you wanted more than to trust her.
"Alright, well.. you see, I'm.. demisexual."
You could tell by the look on her face that it was a phrase Helena hadn't heard before, her eyes giving you a once over.
"I apologize, Frances. I have not.. is this something similar to a demigod?"
At this you couldn't help but laugh, an act that was honestly much needed and actually made you feel a lot more relaxed.
You snorted. "I wish. I'm afraid the only "super power" it gives me is being somewhat sexually stunted."
Helena moved to stand next to you, leaning back against the front of your car - her gaze looking out thoughtfully onto the water.
"Would it help you to know, little one, that, in my own way, that is something I quite understand."
You turned to face her, fingers still locked in hers and resting on the hood of the car. She looked so open, so attentive to whatever it was that you had to tell her. Her eyes shimmering in a way that almost seemed magical. You took another deep breath and pushed back the tears that still were begging to be released.
"Alright.. here goes nothing.." You let out a heavy sigh and felt Helena squeeze your hand a little tighter. "Being demi.. basically means that without a strong emotional bond with a person, my sexual desire for them will be… lack thereof."
The blonde stood quietly, only listening, so you continued.
"While being demi is a spectrum, and some people may only need a strong friendship connection to feel that, for me… well.. it's usually always taken a very strong.. and albeit long.. romantic connection for me to feel, well, aroused with someone."
Helena nodded. "I understand."
"That being said.. you, Helena.. you've made me feel things that I very rarely ever feel, almost immediately.. and to say that I haven't thought of or wouldn't like to sleep with you already is well.. ah.." You felt your cheeks immediately redden and chuckled, shaking your head. "Here I am just assuming that's something you'd actually want from me."
Helena looked at you silently for a moment before speaking."... You assume correctly, Frances. I find myself very attracted to you."
And now you were blushing even harder.
Helena chuckled. "You are an incredible woman, Frances."
"I.. well.." You took yet another deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts within the chaos of your mind. As if saying what you had to say wasn't hard enough already. "But see.. that's the thing, Helena.. like, you're so beautiful and kind and intriguing and sexy and to say I haven't thought of us together more than a few times in the last few months is well.. it's different for me and I... ahh-"
The blonde inched herself a little closer to you and hummed. "Breathe, little one."
And you did, deeply. Closing your eyes as you let the crisp Fall air and subtle undertones of juniper that rolled off of Helena wash over you.
"Attraction aside…" You exhaled, ".. with how my sexual desire works.. I have no clue when that would actually happen for us."
Helena nodded again. "I understand."
"And so, this is probably where you leave. And I can't even blame you.. 'cause who wants to wait months or even years before becoming sexually intimate with someone? Other than me, that is, but I'm an outlier and shouldn't be counted."
"My dear Frances, you should always be counted."
"Well, that.."
You grinned all too widely and looked down at your hands that were still interlocked. The subtle pink that dusted your round cheeks swiftly deepening and painting them in a warm crimson.
"And as it was, little one, I have absolutely no intention of leaving you. When I say that I find myself very attracted to you.. it is not solely on a physical level. You see, my soul feels lighter when you are near. My thoughts warm when I think of you and my heart seems to ache when I have not had the pleasure of your company for awhile. I believe that I am, wholey and without doubt, falling for you, Frances."
You stared at her blankly for a moment, no words to be had.
"As for my own shortcomings.. sexual and emotional trauma finds me on a similar acumen as you. So, please, do not feel as if we are far apart on these understandings."
You immediately almost felt angry at the thought of anyone mistreating her. This goddess of a woman who deserved to feel nothing but love and compassion for her rest of her days.
"Fuck, I am.. I'm so sorry to hear that, Helena."
The blonde waved her hand dismissively and closed the last bit of distance between you.
"It is a lifetime ago and a story for another night."
You nodded. "Just know I'm always here to listen whenever you're ready to talk about it."
"I know, dear one." Helena smiled, so openly and warmly that you felt your heart lurch a little. The subtle lines in the corners of her eyes creasing as she leaned in closer to cup your cheek. "May I kiss you?"
You felt your cheeks warm beneath the cool touch of her fingers, soft tears forming in your eyes and a laugh upon your lips. "Yes, Helena. You may."
And as her lips touched yours, fireworks lit up the world around you. Not just metaphorically - but physically. Bright and untamed - fire in the sky - that reached out across the heavens above you.
JD's surprise.
It had to be.
You smiled even wider as your kiss deepened. As sparkling embers rained from the sky and your hands came to frame Helena's face. You kissed her softly - tenderly - wanting nothing more than for her to feel just how absolutely precious she was to you. And when the kiss finally broke, you were both crying. Happy tears of emotions long felt. With bright bursts of reds and blues, of oranges and yellows, reflecting across the still of the water as the two of you embraced.
"I'm so glad you came tonight, Helena."
"Mh.. as am I. It was a lovely evening."
"Heh, that it was."
"And who would have thought, that all this time I was in the presence of such a remarkable vocalist."
Helena smirked, making you blush.
"Psh, speak for yourself! That song you sang was beautiful."
The blonde hummed, smiling. "Thank you, little one. It is named 'Diese kalte Nacht'. It is by the band Faun. I am rather fond of them."
You chuckled to yourself. You knew if JD were there they would have made one of their legendary puns right about now.. "Oh, so you'd say you're... FAUNd of them?"
"Well, I can't say that I understood any of it, but you sang it beautifully."
"As did you, Frances. I do not know of this Stevie Nicks, but I have to wonder if her voice is anywhere near comparable to yours."
You looked at her for a moment, mouth agape.
"Oh, that's it. We are so having a Stevie Nicks night at my place!"
"Mh.. consider it a date."
You had just crawled into bed when your phone went off.
Morgan: Yoooo.. you awake?
You: Yep! Just got home, actually lol.
Morgan: Oh? How'd it go??
You: Really, really good. We uh.. we kissed.
Morgan: I knew it! We knew she liked you! Jordan is gonna be fucking ecstatic when I tell them.
You: lol You guys are the best.
Morgan: Well, you deserve it :]
You: Thanks lol
Morgan: Ah.. not to add some unwanted mystery to the evening... but I figured out why Vanessa looked so familiar. Had a little chat with Diego after you left.
You: Oh????
Morgan: Um.. yeah.. she's a fucking vampire hunter.
You: A.. WHAT?!
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bastart13 · 9 months ago
What's the game you're making? What's the premise?
Love and Legends is a fantasy isekai dating sim, originally written for and produced for the Lovestruck app. The app shut down a few years ago, and though the game is archived in videos here (x) I wanted to give remaking it a shot.
The premise is that one day, the MC has just got out of work, only to be struck by lightning and teleported to a fantasy world of knights, elves, fairies... and evil queens. And turns out she looks just like the evil queen, the one killed three years prior. People in the world either want her in a dungeon or to restart war as their despotic overlord and she has to learn to navigate the world, chosing someone to stay by her side.
There are seven love interests:
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Lord Reiner Wolfson - A second-born son of the former leader of his domain, forced to become leader after his family died fighting the Witch Queen. A kind, considerate leader with a love of bad jokes, prepared to but the weight of the world on his shoulders to protect what remains of his loved ones.
Altea Bellerose - A young, gifted wizard who's devoted most of her life to refining her art and fighting for justice. She's deeply curious, quick-witted, and determined to prove herself against those who might dismiss her.
Prince Iseul Idreis - An elven prince with a family history with Reiner's, who served him in war and now takes time to enjoy the peacetime. Laid-back and sharp-tongued, he seems to take nothing too seriously but cares deeply for his friends.
Saerys - The last known demon after the Witch Queen launched a brutal extermination of his people. Isolated and marked, he struggles to find his place in the world. As much as he loves and trusts his allies, he does not believe he has a place among them.
Sir August Falke - Reiner's most loyal knight and fiercely protective of their won peace. He does not allow any threat to pass, even if it leaves him a little uptight. Taking care of his beloved noble steed, Wyndsor Royale, shows off a softer side to him.
General Helena Klein - The Witch Queen's general, former lover, and apprentice, Helena's gift with magic breaks bounds. Though she has a long, dark history of pain, even when she thought it might be love, she hopes for a way to escape.
General Alain Richter - The Witch Queen's longest-standing general and oldest friend, he followed her down an evil path, sowing pain whenever she commanded it, he wants nothing more than to return to a time where he and his love find peace together.
The writing is overall very impressive, with a strong sense of character chemistry and dialogue. There's a lot of variety between the characters and routes, each following a unique story with variations on the world's lore. The MC is a surprisingly strong character in her own right, allowing interesting dynamics between her and the love interests rather than a default.
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