#and their appartment is usually clean
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askblueandviolet · 1 year ago
do you brush your teeth
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emilys-bangs · 5 months ago
helping hand | e.p
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Tags: non bau reader, fluff, established relationship, use of petnames, no use of yn, clingy emily
Summary: anon prompt - emily comes home to her appartement after long and tiring few days away, knowing that she didn’t do the dishes and her entire flat is a mess and she needs to do the laundry and vacuum etc - only to discover that reader cleaned up everything for her and it’s super tidy and she’s just very grateful and sappy about it
Word count: 1.2k
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Usually, Emily didn’t feel anything but a deep seated relief at coming home after a long case. Home is her empty shell of an apartment, void of people or laughter or warmth. It’s just a place to rest her weary bones, recharge until the next case pulls her away from her comfortable bed.
Now, she doesn’t even feel relieved to be home. That feeling is chased away as soon as she parks her car, remembers the mess that she had left behind just before Hotch called. It was barely a day after another case that had swept them away for a week; Emily barely had time to dump the dirty clothes out of her go bag and pack clean ones in before she left her apartment, dishes still lying at the bottom of the sink, dust building up around the edges of her carpet. Now she gets out of the car, hitching her bag over her shoulder and allowing herself to sulk as she enters the elevator, punching the buttons in none too gently, preemptively scowling at the mess that will greet her the moment she opens the door.
Only when she fits her key in the lock and walks in, she doesn’t find any of what she remembered.
It’s not dark anymore. Warm light gently blankets her apartment, soft gold coming from the lamps in the living room rather than the overhead lighting. Her plate and mug—which she’d definitely left there in her haste—are cleared off the coffee table, her fuzzy blanket that she’d left in a pile among the cushions now neatly folded over the arm of the couch. Emily quietly steps inside, her lips parted as she takes in the faint scent of food in the air, the low sound of your humming floating in from the kitchen. She closes the door behind her and drops her bag on the floor, a steady lump growing in her throat as she follows your voice.
Emily’s eyes jump over her apartment. She notes the clean, shiny floors; her impressive bookshelf, its dark wood wiped clean of the fine layer of dust that had clung to it for ages. Warmth spreads through her chest, heating up the cold in her fingertips as she quietly steps into the kitchen and finds you there, bent over the stovetop.
“Hi,” she says softly. Her voice is rough around the edges, an almost imperceptible hoarseness to it as it scrapes against the back of her throat.
“Emily!” You jump. The wooden spoon in your hand drops against the side of the pot with a small clatter, and even though she scared you, she has to bite back a smile.
“Sorry,” she breathes, taking your hands and tugging you to her until her head is under your chin. Her arms wrap around your body, yours around hers, and she finally relaxes. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you, love.” Her words are muffled in a soft kiss to your throat.
“It’s okay,” you exhale, running gentle fingers through her hair. 
Emily melts into you. She literally melts, her body sagging against yours, her ear molded to your chest where she hears the fast beat of your heart. The tension leaks from her shoulders as you press a kiss to her hair, gently dragging your nails over her scalp. There’s so many words she wants to say; thank you, I missed you, I love you. Sorry, again, because your heart rate still hasn’t gone down yet.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” she whispers instead. Her fingers twist in your shirt as she nuzzles under your jaw, closing her eyes and breathing in the comforting scent of your perfume.
You go a little tense. “I’m sorry I didn’t call beforehand. You sounded tired when you called and I wanted to make sure you had something to eat before you went to bed, but I should’ve asked first, sorr—”
“I don’t mind.” Emily’s head snaps up from its hiding place. It should be strange, feeling this way. She’d always cherished her privacy more than anything, viscerally hated the feeling of being exposed, picked apart for anyone to see. Hiding parts of herself had become habit, one she still hasn’t fully broken. 
The thought of you going into her apartment in her absence should’ve made her skin crawl. But the truth is, you taking the key she’d given you and letting yourself into her home makes her feel like she’s part of something. Part of something good. 
Emily cups your face. “I don’t mind at all. I fucking love you.” Her voice weakens and she brings you impossibly closer, her thumbs gentle on your cheeks. “You made me dinner. You…you cleaned up.” 
You took care of her. No one really has before.
She can feel her eyes growing glassy, can see your expression morphing into concern. Emily blinks back her tears and leans in to kiss your cheek. “Thank you, amor. This means…a lot.” Her next breath is a little shaky, but she tries to hide it into another gentle kiss.
“Emily,” you say, your voice hushed and faintly chiding. You wrap your arms around her shoulders, firmly bringing her into your chest. It’s home, she thinks, more than this empty apartment ever was. “Honey, you don’t have to thank me. For anything. I wanted to, and I’d do it again.” The soft press of your lips against her temple makes her close her eyes. 
By this point you’re almost entirely holding her upright. The rumble of your voice reverberates through your body and through her skin, sinking into her bones as you kiss the top of her head again. “You’re my girlfriend, you know,” you say quietly, tickling her bangs when you speak, “gotta take care of you.” The pad of your thumb gently presses into the back of her neck. She’s so, so warm, your love rushing through her veins in liquid gold that makes her sigh and nuzzle deeper into your embrace. 
“Love you,” Emily mumbles.
“I love you, sweetheart. C’mon now, you must be starving.” Gently, you pull back, trying to detangle yourself from her unwilling arms.
She blinks at you with pleading eyes. “Will you stay over tonight?” Her voice is soft as she squeezes your waist, needing to maintain the contact even though she knows you’ll need to pull away.
You smile, gently brushing her bangs over her brows. “I’d love to.”
The prospect makes it easier for her to let go of you. “But you won’t have any of my shirts to wear, they’re all dirty.” Emily wrinkles her nose, her mind skipping to the overflowing laundry baskets she’d left behind.
“Oh,” you clear your throat delicately, a shyness to your expression that makes her heart clench. “You don’t have to worry about that, I did the laundry.”
Emily sighs, physically feeling herself fall deeper. “You what?” She whispers.
You shrug, your voice coming out in a mumble. “I did the laundry. Did separate loads for whites and colors ’cause I didn’t know how you usually do it and I didn’t wanna mess anything up—”
Emily shuts you up with a kiss. A long one, a very thorough thank you as she carefully cups your jaw in the heel of her hand, skims her thumb over your cheek as if you’re something precious. What’s left of her bad mood slips off her shoulders like droplets of water, the sweetness of your lips soothing what tightness was residing in her chest.
“You’re magic.” Emily says when she leans back.
You’re too flustered to reply.
taglist: @suckerforcate @sickoherd @lextism @catssluvr @i-lovefandom @haiklya @justhereforthosefics @ashluvescaterina @storiesofsvu
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dognonsense · 1 year ago
Question...how do you make your patches? They seem so fuckin cool. I'm working on a vest and a jacket atm, and I'd like for them to be done by the time a pride fest rolls around next month.
Main technique I use for making patches nowadays is linocut. Its best suited for mass production of patches.
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Make sure to remember your carving the mirror image so you have to flip all the text. Using tracing paper to flip the design is a good trick, as well as leaving graphite marks on side, then pressing that to the lino to leave the marks in the same spot. Another trick with pencil is to view what ur carving in negative space quickly, put a paper over your design and shade over it with pencil, darker marks will be where you haven't carved yet.
I use speedball fabric ink, it takes 1 week to set then will be fine to be washed. I have magenta, violet, turqouise, and white. They have a limited range of fabric colors at the store. I have seen gold and silver fabric paint for sale and I will investigate it one day.
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I use a speedball roller, i find the smaller one to be better than the big one as I can be more precise and waste less ink.
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I got a fancy handle for $40 but the screws fallen out so its broken now so just get some heavy books. I used to use a mug. Whats important is pushing your whole body weight into it.
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I got a speedball carving tool with different heads I can swap out so I can cut into the lino at different deepness and widths. The heads are stored inside the tool since its hollow and has a screwable removable bottom. I use linocut or dollar store erasers for my carvings. Make sure to wash the ink off your linocuts after your done using them.
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A thing to increase the lifespan of you're linocuts is to use wood glue, some cork or wood pieces, and glued the lino stamps onto them. I dont do that yet so my stamps fall appart from overuse sometime and because I cut way too deep into the lino since I hate chatter.
Chatter is the term for in linocutting when theres little messy lines and stuff. It makes the art more recognisably to be linocut. My work is very clean with no chatter which is why people don't notice its linocut usually. This is a stylistic choice, with diy styles having a lot of chatter can look really cool so experiment with leaving bits of extra uncarvered lino sticking out in ur stamp. I need to experiment and buy some more lino.
You can also use multiple linocut stamps together to make a patch. Some patches ive made have like 8 different stamps. Ive made a dog nonsense patch where each letter was their own eraser stamp. You can also use different colors between the different lino stamps on the same patch to add more color. An effect I like to do is first stamp it in color, then the next day I stamp it in white over the same spot but shifted to the right and down slightly. It makes the text have a cool border 3D effect I love doing.
If making a more detailed picture with colors, i reccomend hand painting patches. I use white fabric paint mixed with acrylics for color to get all the shades i need. Acrylic paint mixed with fabric softener works too.
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If doing words and you dont want a unique font reccomend using letter stamps. If you want a unique font for that i recommend hand paint for individual or linocut for mass produce.
The positive of letter stamps is the font is neat and can be done quickly. I know from lending them to my roommate that they are very helpful if you have dyslexia and have trouble getting letters right.
A visual effect of the letter stamps is that have a nice boxy edge effect, its an imperfection that adds a personally touch to it. I have both lower and upper case stamps that I got from michaels. You can use a hair band or elastic to hold a bunch of letter stamps together to make a word stamp.
You can use other stamps than letters that you find at craft stores for example my racoon print is a craftstore stamp.
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You can also find big plastic letter stencils at the dollar store that you can use to do lettering by filling in gaps with a sponge or or paintbrush. They make special paintbrushes just for using stencils.
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You can also get plastic stencils in the shapes of things, i got some for children and use a horse stencil for my horse smoking weed patch. Easier than drawing a horse myself.
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Another technique I use for more unique clean patches is gel plating. I haven't tried printing laserprint images with it as ive seen online a lot but I will try one day. What i personally do is use it to make imprints with chains and physical objects.
Another thing i use with gelplates are any stamps or linocuts that dont have words, or words ones that i fucked up with and forgot to mirror when carving. It flips mirror image twice with the gel plate so it goes back to being right again on the patch.
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Another patch making technique is using foamboard cut into shapes glued onto cardboard. This is good for a quick test of a design and is very cheap to make. It will not hold under water so is more difficult to clean.
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glossypolaroidkisses · 12 days ago
3/3 - Between Love & Leaving
Part 3/3 
— Final part based on request from anon: “thinking about long-term relationship reader and lu and how their interactions would look like right before he cut contact w/ everyone … “ Grab your tissues.
link to part 1 <3 (appartement’s floor plan is here)
link to part 2 <3
The next morning, you woke up with a light grin on your face as you reminisced on the moments before you had fallen asleep. You rolled over, reaching your arm out expecting it to land gently on Luigi’s strong chest, as it usually does. Your hand falls further than expected, hitting the mattress. Your brows furrow, eyes still closed. You attempt to force them open, the bright, sunny room blinding you as you try to see. All you see are blurry, white sheets. Empty bed. You slowly lift your body, sitting up, rubbing your eyes with urgency. “Baby?” you call out, your voice weak and groggy. Usually if he doesn't respond the first time, you hear the sizzling pan on the stove, or the faucet running for the dishes. Nothing. “Luigi???” you raspily call out, much louder this time. Forcing your tired body to carry its own weight, you stumble out of bed. 
You rush into the kitchen, standing just outside your bedroom door to observe the living space. It’s as if the world is frozen, the way everything is untouched. Everything is still, silent. One could assume you live alone. No dishes in the drying rack, everything clean and tidy. Luigi’s keys aren't hanging and his wallet is gone from the counter at the front, where they usually are.
You take a couple of steps further, your heart beginning to race. The air smells faintly of Luigi’s cologne, but something about it feels wrong, almost like it’s been lingering for so long that it’s become stale. A weight sets in your chest, confirming something must be wrong. You go from practically standing still, frozen, to rushing around the apartment, desperate for clues. 
His toothbrush is missing from the bathroom, weatherproof jacket gone from the coat rack, favourite backpack missing from the closet. His shoes, the ones he always leaves by the door, aren’t there.
In the midst of your panicked search, you rush into the living room and your heart drops. You stop dead in your tracks, almost falling forward. The only room in the apartment that you’ve come across that isn’t perfectly neat or missing items; It has something left behind. 
You sit on the couch in front of the table– where you start every morning –to find your usual breakfast. Morning coffee with jam on toast is made, just how you like it. Next to it, a large box with a folded note on top of it, perfectly centred. Scared to meddle with potentially the last untouched part you have of Luigi, you gently grasp the mug’s handle. It’s cold, so is your toast. 
You take a deep breath, feeling lightheaded, head almost fuzzy. Picking up the note, you slowly unfold. There it is, the sight of Luigi’s handwriting. 
You immediately break down at the sight of his nickname for you, in that writing you’d always make fun of him for. 
Mia stellina,
I don’t know how to explain this in a way that will make it hurt any less. I’ve turned the words over in my mind a thousand times, but there’s no version of this that feels okay. But, you guessed it. I’m not backpacking. Don’t kill me. I don’t know if I’ll ever be back.
I never wanted to lie to you, but the truth felt impossible to say out loud. I have a feeling a part of you already knew. No way to make leaving you feel like anything other than a mistake, even when I know I have no other choice.
How can I explain walking away from the one person who gave my life meaning? How can I make you understand something even if I don't fully understand myself?
What I can say with certainty, the only thing that matters, is that I love you. I love you more than I thought it was possible to love anyone. You’ve given me light in a life that’s known too much darkness, and that light has saved me in ways I can never repay. Being loved by you was the greatest gift of my life. You are my heart, my home, my peace.
And still, I have to leave.
I can’t tell you why. I can’t explain. Not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t find the words to make it make sense. There are things I have to do, things I can’t let touch you. Please don’t think this is your fault or something you could have stopped. It’s not. This is my choice, and as much as it’s breaking me, it’s one I have to make.
I know you’ll hate me for not saying goodbye in person, for not giving you a chance to stop me. But if I had stayed one more minute, looked into your eyes one more time, I wouldn’t have been able to leave. And I have to go. Even if it kills me. Even if it means walking away from the future we dreamed of.
Last night, as we looked at the stars, I tried to memorize every second. The way your face lit up when you found a constellation. The way your fingers found mine without a thought. It’s all burned into my memory now, something I’ll carry with me, no matter where I go. Just like I will carry the memory of that summer evening at the lake—the two of us sitting on the dock, your feet in the water, my arm around you. I think about that night often—how safe it felt, how you made everything else disappear. Maybe one day, if the stars align again, we’ll meet there. I don’t know if that day will ever come, but if it does, you’ll know where to find me. I will look for you in every night sky.
Also, last night, I’ve replayed the moment a thousand times. When you mentioned our future kids, I should have said something then. I should have told you that I've always wanted that, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. That I dreamt of our life together, of raising children with you, speaking Italian together. But in that moment, I froze. I couldn’t find the words, not because they weren’t there, but because I knew, deep down, I was about to leave. I knew I wouldn’t be there to make that future with you. And I couldn’t bear to tell you that. I couldn’t bear to break your heart more than I already was.
I wish I had said, "Yes, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. A family with you." I wish I had told you how much I loved you, how much I wanted a life filled with laughter, with our children running around, with us speaking Italian in our home, just as you imagined.
Please don’t think for a second that I didn’t want that with all my heart. But the truth is, I couldn’t give it to you. And I couldn’t leave without telling you this now, even though I know it may hurt you.
By the time you read this, I will be gone. I don’t know if we will ever see each other again. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. I don’t have that answer, and that uncertainty will haunt me for the rest of my life.
But I need you to live. Don’t let this letter, or my leaving, hold you back. Don’t let it steal the light from you that I love so much. Live boldly, laugh loudly—obnoxiously, please—love deeply. Be everything you’re meant to be, and do it for both of us. Do all the things we talked about, even if it’s without me. Live the life you deserve, my love, because that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. Even though the thought of you finding happiness with someone else kills me, I hope, with everything in me, that you find it. I need to know you will live a life full of joy and beauty, even if I can’t be there to witness it.
I will hold onto you for as long as I live. Your laugh, your smile, the way your hand fits in mine; they’re all a part of me now, they always will be. No matter where I go, no matter what happens, I will never stop loving you. You are my greatest joy, my only regret, my eternal hope. You are the love of my life.
I couldn’t leave you with nothing, not when you’ve given me so much. I know it won’t make this any easier, but I need you to have these pieces of me, even if they don’t feel like enough.
The hoodie. Yeah, THAT hoodie. The one you always teased me for wearing because I practically lived in it. You’d roll your eyes and say, “Again? Don’t you have any other clothes?” I can hear your voice as I write this. You’d tease and whine, then steal it off me when I wasn’t looking. I saw how you’d wrap yourself in it, how your shoulders would relax like you were safe. So it’s yours now. It’s yours for good. Hold onto it. Pull it tight when you need to feel me close. I sprayed it with my cologne, the one you love, but most of it is just me.
Your top three favourite books. Don’t worry. I bought new, hardcover copies because I know you would hate if I ‘damaged your originals’. I annotated the margins. So, if you ever want to reread them together, my thoughts intertwined with the words, it’s as if I’m speaking to you through them. Whenever you miss me, let’s read together.
The cash—it’s not a gift, and it’s not pity. It’s practicality. I know you’ll try to argue with me, even if I’m not there to hear it. But you’ve got dreams, my love. I want to make sure you can chase them. Whether it’s traveling to all the places we talked about, starting that project you kept putting off, or just giving yourself time to breathe, use it. I beg that you use it. Live the kind of life you deserve, not for me (okay maybe a little for me), but for you.
Also, because I can’t be there to take care of you anymore, I did something you might be upset about, but I don’t care. The apartment is yours. Paid off, in full. No mortgage, no rent. You’ll never have to worry about it again. Consider it my last selfish act, because I couldn't stand the thought of you struggling, of you losing the one place that still smells like us. Keep it. Sell it. Burn it down, if that’s what you need to do. But I wanted to leave you with something more than memories, and this way you have a choice.
Even if I can’t be there, at least this can. 
The ring… I don’t even know where to start. I’ve been carrying it around for weeks, waiting for the perfect moment to give it to you. Clearly there isn’t a perfect moment now. 
It’s engraved with our birthstones and initials on the inside. I don’t know what to say, except that it was always meant for you. Keep it, wear it daily, your ring finger, or not. Throw it into the ocean, wear it on a chain– whatever you need to do. But know that when I bought it, it was with forever in mind.
Okay, my turn to admit to being greedy. I took a few things of yours, too. I know it’s selfish, but I needed something of yours to hold onto, too. Something that feels like you in the most private, unfiltered way. Here goes, 
Your favourite lingerie. It wasn’t just about how beautiful it looked on you. It was about the way you carried yourself in it, the way your confidence would flicker into something soft when I traced my fingers down your spine. I took it because I couldn’t let go of that feeling. A private keepsake of the way we fit together, of the moments that were just ours.
Your sleep shirt, the one you always stole from me.. now it’s my turn. It still smells like you, like the warmth of early mornings and the way you used to curl into me, allowing your body to fully rest within each other in my grasp, before you were fully awake.
Before you get mad, there’s something else. I tore a page from your diary. Just one. Not one of the heavy ones, not the pages where you spilled your worst days or your fears (those are sacred to you, and I would never take them from you). The page I took was different. It was about an ordinary day, the kind you’ve probably forgotten. The way the sun’s warmth felt on your face, the way your coffee tasted just right, the way you caught yourself humming one of those songs you love but never remember the name of, a cute caterpillar you saw. You wrote about how the smallest things made the day feel special, and how grateful you were for moments like that.
I needed that. Your words, in your own handwriting, a reminder of how you see the world. How you find joy in the little things, how you make everything brighter just by being in it. That page is proof that you’ll find those moments again, even without me. I’ll keep it with me always; a piece of your light, folded into my pocket.
I know none of this will fill the space I’ve left. None of these things can hold you when you feel alone. They won’t make you laugh when you need it, or tease you when you roll your eyes at me. But I hope they remind you that I loved you. That I will always love you. That no matter where I go, you’re with me.
I need you to live, my love. To laugh so hard you cry, to wake up and feel like the world is wide open for you. Live for the both of us, okay? That’s the only way I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for leaving.
And if the world bends in some miraculous way, if life brings us back together when we least expect it, you’ll know it’s me when you see someone wearing that one stupid shirt, since the hoodie is yours now. You know the one.
For now, this is goodbye. But you’ll always be my light, my constant, my everything.
If there is a chance for us, a day when fate brings us back together, I will find my way to you. I promise. But if that day never comes, please remember that I loved you more than words could ever say. Our love is the kind of love that I thought only existed in, well, not MY books, but your books. Fairytale love.
I don’t have the words to say goodbye, not really. I was supposed to finish writing five minutes ago. I don’t think there’s a way to end this that doesn’t feel wrong. So I’ll just say this,
You were the best thing that ever happened to me. And I’ll carry you with me, always. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Forever yours,
You were on that couch for hours, a mess. You had no idea you were capable of shedding so many tears, wailing in ways you didn’t know your body could endure. You retraced every piece of Luigi in your life, the moments you shared, the quiet mornings and stolen glances, the touch of his hand, the sound of his laughter. But there was nothing left of him now, just empty space. 
His location, a mystery. Your texts, unanswered. Your emails, unread.
You searched for other missing things, tiny remnants of his presence that might still linger—something, anything, to hold onto. Other things he may have taken of you. For example, a sample of your signature perfume. You noticed because the bottle was out of place on the shelf, a few drops spilled carelessly onto the counter. 
He invaded your dreams, every single night; And you were in his. 
In those dreams, You’re there with him, and somehow, he's there with you, even when you woke up to the empty silence of your room. You couldn’t believe it. Luigi had gotten to say goodbye, and you hadn’t. What you would say if you could just hear his voice again… if you could just tell him everything you never had the chance to say.
Some nights in your grief, you scream out from the balcony. Your voice echoing into the still night, raw and aching. A neighbour always reminds you, shouting from another balcony that you aren’t alone in this world. You get embarrassed, but it doesn't matter. In those moments, you felt like the universe had turned its back on you, and there's no one who could truly understand.
Sometimes, you whisper conversations in the dark, pretending Luigi still beside you. You’d look into the telescope’s eyepiece, pausing for a moment, waiting for him to look as well, as if he were still there, watching the stars with you. You continued to make meals, always enough for the two of you, but the second plate would always sit untouched, always ending up as leftovers in the fridge.
You reread your favourite books, each line a memory of something you had shared. You laughed at the comments you could still hear him saying, written in that handwriting, his voice alive in the words of the stories you both cherished.
You continued your days, waiting. Not fully sure what you were waiting for, or if it was even possible, but waiting nonetheless. You worked through accepting this new reality, and sometimes that meant you were cradling his hoodie, rewatching old videos, or fiddling with the ring on your finger as you fought back tears.
In the quiet moments, something shifted. No answers, no closure, just the faintest possibility that the story wasn’t over. The world moved on, and bit by bit, you did too in the slightest, even if your heart wasn’t ready. You wondered if you'd ever see him again or if the scattered bits of memories and physical pieces would ever come together.
But that was a question for later.
For now, you carried his memory, wrapped in your heart.
a/n: wwwwwooooweeee! see why it took me so long to finish that? LOL omg the amount of times i have cried…. anyways. If you want me to continue this, feel free to comment or send anon requests to how you see it continuing. Explaining why he left, if they’ll reunite. As always, i’m open to any and all feedback. love u guys. hope u enjoyed. mwah.
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sim-patelle · 11 months ago
Francis Mosses headcanons
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sfw, nsfw mentioned ¬> MDNI
neutral!reader, it's really sweet, the tired guy, from the game "That's not my neighbor", MILKMAN
Artist from the fanart : @__kozuu on X(Twitter)
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His hands + fingers are long and slim, a little bit brighter skin tone than his usual skin (yk cus cold)
His knuckles are a bit raw, just a little bit
Has cold hands definitely
Height between 5'10 and 6'2
Definitely is slim, but a little defined six pack
Not that wide shoulders, more like average
Had Scoliosis as a kid
A bit longer arms
Always looks kind of pale because he's tired all the time
Has defined cheekbones and jawline
clothes & jewelry
Mostly wears straight black jeans or trousers
He has black cardigans
He literally doesn't know any other color to wear except white, black, Grey and grey-blue
He needs clothing education from you
Only has a slim silver ring on his right middle finger as jewlery
But also wears a watch with him, just not on his wrist but in the pocket of his jeans
Anything pt. 1
Definitely listens to true crime podcasts (how ironic haha)
But when music is on his ears, it's mostly Falco, Joy Division, Taco and The Police
Still kind of Lana del Rey coded
I'd say he has a big brother who had asked him for money several times, but Francis got tired of it
Regrets his job, or at least wants to change his occupation
If he reads he has extra glasses for it, otherwise his eyes will burn
Reads mostly magazines about architecture and daily news
He definitely is a person that reads the newspapers
Physical activity
Challenge him to a fight and he'd win easily because even though he's slim, he surely has strength in his legs and arms
Flexible as hell
Can play basketball, but you need to build up endurance with him
Took some surfboard lessons in the past, but never surely can ride a wave in perfection
Today he mostly is busy with his job and chores, that he doesn't do any sports anymore
Messy, his appartment is quite dirty, but still okay to look at
But definetly don't go into the kitchen
He only washes the dishes once in a week
Please show this man some color, his appartment is only decorated with white and black things
The plants he has are dried out, even the cacti
But Francis's bathroom is really clean
Like really clean
If you would enter the bathroom with shoes, he'd literally throw you out
He only once all 3 months has the urge to really clean his appartment
Had gone through a divorce in his mid 20's
Since then he never really trusted anyone, except you
You finally showed him how acception feels
He's grateful to have you
And he shows it by gift giving and acts of service
Since you are there, he finally tries to get his life together
Don't expect to get many words of affirmation, because you know he's an introvert
He loves to listen to you
He'd lean on the palm of his hand with his head and slightly smiles as he listens to you yapping
Then out of nowhere, he'd say how much he loves you
When you both go to sleep, he is on the side of the wall, with his back on it
He'd gently wrap his arms around you from behind, that you back is on his stomach
It's beautiful to sleep like that, when you're the little spoon
Often kisses your hand and scalp, everytime when he greets you
His hand would look so beautiful on your forearm, covering it almost fully
Nsfw ¬> MDNI
You know what those fingers could do..
And not only his fingers
Gentle Dom and Switch
Loves to see you over him as you sit down on his dick, his slim arms holding onto you as he sits on the edge of the bed
He's a hickey guy, but not like an owner thing, he doesn't really like to 'own' you, you are an individual and he loves how independent you are
He definitely loves when his eyes are covered with a blindfold when you take charge
he would also be the type who would start to whimper slightly when you put your hand over his mouth, when he's close to releasing
And when you do, god he comes so much
He's not really someone noisy, but he knows that you like it, so you hear his heavy breaths all the time and sometimes little grunts, and as mentioned the little whimpers
You always have your hands intertwined, he just loves to press your hands
It's also a safe-word thing between you two
accidently called you "mommy" one time
Mostly would say pet names like "honey", "my little one", "darling"
When you press his hand three times fast in a row, he knows to slow down or stop if you want it
It's really important for him to know you're alright
Would try out anything you want to try out with him and he'd be honest with you when he likes it or not
Is proud of you when you take his length all in you
He mostly would fuck you in the appartment, mostly on the couch or bed
But if the kitchen is clean, then definitely there, 100%
Would say things like: "I know you like that", "show me a little more honey", "you are so beautiful", "take it a bit more", "I'll be so good to you"
Anything pt. 2
Doesn't really drink Limonade or any other drink like that
Just give him water and he'll be fine
But istg don't give him milk, he'd freak out because he can't see it anymore
He'd fall asleep first when you wanna watch a series with him, you know why
Francis finally looks relaxed when he falls asleep next to you, his head leaning onto your shoulder or head
You have so many pictures of him sleeping
Francis always buys groceries when they're reduced
Drank too much energy drinks that they don't even help him anymore
When you once gave him a rose, he literally couldn't keep it together and you bet you saw a little tear in his eyes
He immediately wrapped his arms around you and didn't let you go for 10 minutes
He is just so happy to have you
And you are happy to be someone so special to him, that he got a picture from you next to his bed
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naok-iyuu · 3 months ago
It's beginning to look a lot like... - Zed Necrodopolis x F!Reader
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Summary : First Christmas you spend with your boyfriend Zed in your new appartment, not everything goes firstly as planned.
Word count : 2.7k No warning just one or two swear words.
My Masterlist for more !
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A disaster.
It was beginning to look a lot like a horribly and painfully endless disaster.
The kitchen looked like a mess as Zed tried to wrap THE Christmas present he has been searching for months around any Seabrook store. A thick layer of flour covered the counter, showing what was left of his food war with a cookie recipe which made him create things that looked way to flat compared to the cookies you usually baked.
He cursed under his breath when the originally green bow on the top of the grotesquely wrapped gif turned a slight, ugly shade of whity green. Why didn't he cleaned the shitty counter before putting the gif on it ? Maybe because he was in a rush and tried to do everything at once, leaving all his braincells behind. You were nearly 20minutes away from your lovely home and Zed could feel his heart on the verge of giving out under all of the bad luck he had received from the universe.
His hand brushed clean the wrapped box, his feet taking him to the sofa so the flour wouldn't have another great idea and this time turn his clothes white. Once done, he placed it under the Christmas tree, his eyes darting all four corners of the box scared it would run away with little paper legs who had suddently grown.
Zed had tried to cook a meal for you, a meal that didn't last long in the pan. He would have loved for you to taste it and give your advice on his performance, yeah, he would have loved it if it didn't end up half burnt. The jock wasn't as gifted as you in the kitchen, but he cooked a lot for you and Zoe ! So why was the world trying to get in his way now ?
Sooner this afternoon, he opted for food delivery when the kitchen was already crying for its own life, your favorite from your favorite place of course. He could at least do that.
He quickly moved away from his staring contest with the tree and everything on it, going to clean clumsily the flour still waiting on the counter. His stress wasn't going to bring down his spirit as he scrubbed every millimeter shiny clean. Another glance towards the oven to prevent his flat babies from burning and a sigh escaped him, at least those were safe.
"Why are they so flat..." His silent voice grunted again in exasperation. Did you had some super power to make cookies all big and chewy ? His attention got stealed by the doorbell ringing, throwing quickly the now white sponge in the sink he rushed to open the door.
Thanking the delivery guy, he brought the bag inside whining again when he unpacked the food to discover it upside down and not as correctly set up in the box as he would have like to.
"I am so not getting away with this..." Zed knew you wouldn't be mad at him nor criticize his hard work. What he wasn't so sure about was how long you would remember this day and how many times a day you were going to tease him about it.
Time had passed and he had to hurry, dress the table for you both with cute little candles molded from different shapes representing the holiday with little snowman or deer looking candle, throw colorful snow flakes confettis all over the plates and drinking glasses to add more magic, and more mess for him to clean afterwards. Finally, he unboxed the messy looking food and placed it on the plates as elegantly as he could. Maybe he could make it look like some fancy, creatively shaped master chef dish.
Luckily, the oven beeped to inform him it was ending its heating duty. He left behind the full and not looking so bad plates, ditching out the delivery bag in the trash and protecting his hands with oven mitt to place the warm cookies on the other side of the counter.
"Okay, I know I am supposed to let you guys cool off... But bear with me." Quickly yet carefully, he placed pieces of chocolates on top of the pastries and added icing sugar to give more of a christmas look to the burning delicacy.
The cookies still looked good in the baking sheet, he could maybe allow them to stay there and not stack them on a different plate to make it look fancier.
Thats when he heard the well known sound of the keys in the door lock that Zed's head snapped in the direction of the entrance, feeling his excitement flowing in his core. A last glance toward his reflection in the almost closed oven to run a hand through his greenish hair, and his feet took him to the door you just opened, slightly shaking from the winter cold. He could see a few stack of snow flakes fighting for their lives on your hair after experiencing the warmth of a loving home.
"Hi you, looking cold." He teased you as you took your coat off.
"Hi." You responded with the widest smile, eyes twinkling at the sight of your way too good looking boyfriend.
His hands were quick to take your long coat off your hands, hanging it in its right spot while you took your shoes off.
"Smells suspiciously good in here, what did you make ?" When you straightened up to finally and properly step foot in your house, Zed's long arms wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you close to him in a warm hug.
"You'll see." His overjoyed grin stole a chuckle from your mouth he swiftly covered with his own lips. Your smile grew wider against his skin as your hands made their way his pale face, brushing his cheeks lovingly.
"Your hands are cold !" He whined with a slight startle, allowing your hands to search for his warmth.
"And you're hot." Your eyes rolled when you saw the twinkle of tease in his eyes, knowing full well the impact and the direction your words were going to take.
"Well thank you love."
"My pleasure." You spotted a white stain in his hair and removed it with a gentle brush of your fingers. "You used flour ?"
His eyes widened with surprise, so the stupid flour really attacked him. "I... Tried to do something." He let go of your body, letting your feet guide you to the kitchen.
"Hence the sweet smell !" You chuckled at him before your eyes caught the well dressed meal on the counter.
It was not unusual when Zed did this kind of thing for you, hell he was always doing something even when he couldn't. What made your mouth open and close a few times was the fact that you haven't seen that one coming. There always were signs of him getting all excited about something small, or smiles that were bigger than usual betraying a surprise he had thought about on the spot. And yet, not this time.
"You even made cookies." Your lips pressed themself in a moved put, also noticing your favorite food in both your plates surrounded by adorably shaped candles.
"It's Christmas after all." Both his hands took yours, adverting your attention on him. "Here's our little schedule. Candle Christmas diner for both of us because we're the cutest couple." His words provoked yet another chuckle in your core. "After, we'll make hot chocolate together to drink with the cookies and, of course, we'll watch your favorite movie."
"Again ?" You teased him, remembering how many times you made your boyfriend watch the same show over and over again.
"Again." He nodded with big knowing eyes.
"Can I go change first ?" You were so excited that you almost forgot your habit of jumping into your pyjamas after a quick hot shower.
Yet, you knew Zed wouldn't forget about that. "Of course, your pyjamas's already in the bathroom." You squeezed his hands, thanking him about this gesture before getting on your tiptoe to give his lips a peck.
Walking toward the bathroom your eyes noticed the, not normally there, present under the decorated tree. Your eyebrows raised in surprise as your voice made its way towards Zed who was checking his flat cookies.
"You bought me something ?" It was Christmas after all, yet you couldn't help but be surprised every time.
His head perked up to see you near the bathroom corridor, your eyes looking at the wrapped gift he got you and then at him.
"Were you expecting me not to ? Wrong expectation." He knowingly nodded at you. "And if you stay there too long, imma just join you while you take a shower."
You childishly rushed to the bathroom, locking the door behind you as you took his words as a challenge. Your eyes landed on the mirror where a paper was scotched to it, 'I'll never eat your brain, because I want your heart :P'.
Zed heard your laught, making him chuckle under his breath.
You finished your hot heaven promptly, now tasting your food with content 'hm' 's and big bites. Zed even teased you on how big your fully filled cheeks looked, at which you responded by throwing a bunch of confettis that stuck to your hand at him.
You helped him gather the dishes in the sink, even though he grumbled at you not to. You took your favorite mugs from the cabinet while your lover placed all the cookies on a clean plate.
When both hot chocolates were set down on the coffee table along with the sweet pastries and you both sitting down on the sofa, your boyfriend gestured to the Christmas tree behind you.
"If you may."
You rolled amusingly your eyes at his attitude, leaning over the back of the sofa to grab your present patiently waiting on the wooden floor. Sitting back with now the green wrapped box on your lap, you imitated Zed, gesturing behind you.
"If you may." Your satisfied smile made his brows knit.
Following your request, he noticed a golden box with his name on it. "When did you even put it here-" Your eyes looked at the ceiling with tightly pursed, innocent lips. He shook his head, amused, placing the present on his own lap.
"You first, since you did all this for us." You invited him.
"You know I do this because I love you." His words warmed your heart, a sweet and touched smile at the corners your lips.
Tearing the paper apart, Zed eyes discovered a personalised photo book with within his pages, countless pictures of you, him, your respective families, and even couple pictures. Underneath the album, his fingers brushed a soft fabric. He then saw a t-shirt he once noticed in a shop he couldn't afford.
"O-Oh my god... That's too much." His incredulous eyes met your nervous yet proud ones.
"It's never too much. And there's some blank pages at the end of the album, in case you want to add some pictures." His fingers went through some of the pages before putting the album away to hug you.
"It's so beautiful thank you."
"You're welcome." He leaned back to watch your face, capturing your lips in a chaste kiss the next second which made your throat gasp.
Your hands cupped his face, enjoying the passionate and loving kiss he was offering you.
"Now you." He smiled, kissing your cheek as he gave you the space necessary for you to open the present without anything getting in your way.
As you teared open the green paper around the mysterious gift, you discovered a box you opened with ease. Your hand caught a soft a fluffy plush of your favorite animal, one big enough for you to cuddle with, followed by the hardcover of a book, collector edition, you wanted.
"How do you always find a plush that I don't have ?" You laughed as you brought the animal on your lap behind the box balancing on your knees.
You had a lot of stuffed plush of this specific animal everywhere in the room your shared with Zed, you had them way before you two moved in together. A collection the boy kept enlarging over the years you had been a couple, and even as friends, you could remember him always offering you something on your birthdays. It made you blush thinking about it.
His eyes sparkled at your reaction, falling once more. "I keep wondering the same thing." He laughed with you.
"Thank you, really. It means so much to me. And the book is freaking gorgeous !" You captured his cheeks in your hands once more, kissing his lips with a fierce passion.
When you pulled slightly away, his voice pronounced "Carefull, you missed something."
As your body leaned back with your eyebrows frowning, a last glance inside the box revealed an envelope at the bottom. When you took it, Zed removed the now empty box from your lap, ditching it on the foor at the other side of the sofa. His hand also took the book he set down on the coffee table. You thanked him, noticing the anticipation in his eyes.
You easily opened the envelope, mentally appreciating Zed and his foresightedness. You always struggled with sealed envelope. Taking out the colored paper and unfolding it, you could notice the work he put on it. It was decorated with both of your favorite colors, and the police was the one you always used on a program like LibreOffice. How does he even have all of those ideas ?
"You don't mind reading it to me ?"
You looked up, slightly surprised. "No, not at all. Hmm let me..." you cleared your throat starting your quick ready of the letter.
"Dear Y/n L/n and Zed Necrodopolis, in parentheses that's me" you chuckled again at his silliness. "I hereby declare to you, and after careful consideration amongst both parties, that a third family mem-" You cutted your own sentence with the loudest gasp coming from your lungs, your body suddenly straightening.
Your eyes quickly reading the last words in your mind, your body felt the urge to stand up with your mouth and eyes open wide.
"You're fucking me." Excitement built its way in your veins even when you tried to remain calm and steadied your voice.
"If we're talking literally-"
"Are we really ? For real ?"
Zed couldn't keep teasing you with the face you made. You both had been talking about it for months, it almost left your mouth everyday as you looked up videos on your phone. And now that you were together for quite a long time, managed your money well and had the budget. He had decided to surprise you.
"Of course we are, for real."
His words made your wide looking face even wider, he couldn't believe it was possible as another loud gasp and a squeal escaped your mouth. You jumped on your boyfriend who's large frame caught you with ease and you tightly hugged him.
"We're getting a pet ! We are !"
He laughed at your outburst, something that always filled his heart. "Our own pet. We'll go to the shelter when you feel ready and-"
"Oh we're going tomorrow." You stepped back from the embrace, looking at him with serious eyes.
"Tomorrow ?"
"I have the budget. I saved and kept it."
His throat trembled with a laught. "Of course you have." Of course you had.
You jerked forward again to hug him with strength, strength that couldn't hurt your favorite sport addict zombie of course.
You cuddled silently for a few seconds, your voice breaking the in love silent as you looked once more into his eyes.
"Are we getting a cat or a dog ?"
"Hmm, cat first right ?" He remembered how you always said you wanted your dog to have a garden of its own, outside a big house. A dog could survive in an apartment, depending on the bread. But somehow, you always pictured this specific loving pet in a huge garden.
"Of course a cat."
"Tell me we're not going to bicker for its name."
You bit your lips teasingly, your looking orbs twinkling with mischief. Of course you were going to do just that as an idea reached your mind. "I think we'll call it Flour or Cookie."
His head jerked back against the sofa at your tease with a groan.
Reassuringly, the night didn't end like a disaster.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Thank you for reading! Tell me what you thought about it! And remember people, pets aren't toys, you have to really think about it and have the budget before adopting one. And rescuing one from the shelter would help a lot and make a little soul really happy! <3
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thefangirlfever · 1 year ago
Miguel O'Hara x Nanny reader (headcanons)
Part 3
Tags: fluff, alternative universe, domestic fluff, idiots in love, mutual pinning, very self-indulgent, Miguel being a girl's dad, slightly suggestive at the end, dad bod Miguel (I'm coming back to my roots)
• reader who is always amazed at how patient and soft Miguel can turn when he is with him daughter. He is genuinely a girl's dad. Since you have never known this type of closeness with your own father, you're always surprised when you see him crouching down to talk with her, lifting her up every time she is tired or just to annoy her (in a cute way) or even plays with her
•Reader who also admires how he tries to teach his daughter Spanish and make her proud of her heritage.
• Reader who ended up learning a few Spanish words and even understood what Miguel said once, which made him smile in a way that made her feel almost giddy.
• Reader who learns how to cook Gabriella's favorite sweets and treats, like cookies, pancakes and brownies. Before each of her games, you always make her favorite dish. You even learned how to cook some of Miguel's favorite dishes, especially empanadas.
• You once found a drawing made by Gabriella of her, her father and you, which again made you feel a certain way you couldn't really describe.
• Gabriella offering you some of her drawings from time to time. You keep them preciousely and even pins some of them on the fridge at your place.
• The fridge at their appartment is also covered in Gabriella's drawings but also sticky notes, grocery lists and Miguel's planning.
• Miguel once found the two of you playing in Gabriella's room. You don't know how but she managed to get you all dressed up as some princess with one of her fake tiaras and glitters all over your face.
• Miguel who quietly laughs when he sees you sitting in his daughter's room, surrounded by plushes pretending to be having tea time, until Gabriella latches on him and he ends up sitting on the floor too, fairy wings attached on his back. And you're the one laughing now.
• You end up cleaning Gabriellas face from all the glitters and when you're all alone you wash your own face, clean off the glitters. Miguel watches you from the door of the bathroom, his usual stern expression only troubled by the soft look in his eyes. You catch him looking at you in the reflection of the mirror and the two of you share a quiet laugh, amused by Gabriellas ability to turn you into such fools, and yet loving it.
• You laugh at how ridiculous you look with the glitters on but he doesn't, not because he is unamused but because he doesn't think you're ridiculous. He genuinely finds you gorgeous with the glitters on, especially when he sees how they highlight your face, your cheekbones and your eyes.
• Gabriella who was a bit shy at first slowly turns more comfortable with you. At first she just talks about her day at school, then her soccer practices (you already know all her friend's names after a few weeks) and finally she even feels comfortable enough to talk with you about her mother.
• That one time when you had to hide from Miguel what present Gabriella had made at school for Father's day. He tries to bribe you into telling him (and it's the same on Christmas or for his birthday). You can't believe how childish he can be at times and that makes you slowly laugh.
• Reader who has noticed how Miguel has stopped wearing his wedding ring after that awkward moment in the kitchen between you. None of you talked about this ever since but this moment has been on your mind since.
• You can't quite put it into words but the atmosphere has changed ever since between you. It's true that Miguel is a very charming man but you've never thought about it this way, especially since he is your employer.
• But every time the two of you end up being alone, you can't deny that your thoughts are far from those you're supposed to have concerning your employer. But it's not your fault that every time he comes hom from work, your eyes can't leave him. You watch him tacking his jacket off, watching his whoulders flex slightly and then undoing his tie. It's not your fault that even the slightest hint of his skin makes you feel like seeing the Sun for the first time.
• It's not your fault that every time you get a whiff of his cologne when he gets too close, you imagine him wrapping his burly arms around you, pressing you against his broad chest and keeping you warm and secure.
• It's not your fault that every time he shows concern for you, your health or just wants to make sure you're not too tired from all your work, you feel a huge wave of gratefulness (and maybe even more) hit you.
•It's not your fault that every time you feel tired, every time you feel like giving up, his smile flashes into your mind and you suddenly feel an unusual warmth fill you up and you can practically hear him cheering you up.
• It's not your fault if that one day you came too early at their place and when Miguel opened the door, still half-asleep, hair dissheveled, still unshaved and wearing nothing but gray sweatpants you felt your heart sink in your chest.
• Hearing Miguel's sleepy voice apologizing, saying that he overslept, which never happens, had an effect on you that you were too ashamed to acknowledge. Since that day, you couldn't stop picturing him just the way he was that morning. No matter how hard he would try to look put together in his tailored suits, you would only remember his drowsy looks, deep voice in the morning and how good his plush skin looked in the moment. Needless to say that the thoughts this image inspired you made you feel quite guilty afterwards. But you were not strong enough to resist imagining you running your hands over his wide frame, hairy chest and smooth back... You were not strong enough to resist imagining your hands wrapping around his neck while he would crush you under his weight, nor imagining the way your fingers would slip under these useless layers of fabric...
I don't know why I have struggIed so much writing the last part 😖. I hope this wasn't too cringe to read. I'm currently working on the fourth (and last) part.
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annabelle-creart · 25 days ago
Boulder the Dino-bot. Shenanigans, part 6
Blades: *yawn* good morning- shit!
Chase: Is something wrong?
Blades: I almost slipped- WHY IS THE BUNKER FULL OF MUD?!
Chase: No. No no no no- NOOOO! Not again!
Blades: Fuuuuuuuuck- we literally just cleaned yesterday!
Chase: Where is Boulder?
Blades: damn with 'em! Heatwave NOW will hear me! To see if now he's enough confident to excuse that bot now!
*From the elevator, Cody got out*
Cody: Good morning, guys... oh
Blades: Cody, do you know where's Heatwave?
Cody: He's up with Graham and Boulder, but-
Blades: Fucking knew it!
Chase: Blades! Not in front of Cody!
Cody: guys, I knew the bunker looks terrible but I don't think we should interrupt them now, Boulder's not okay
Blades: I hope Boulder's not okay because they destroyed the floor, again!
Chase: don't exaggerate, Blades, the floor is intact, it's just muddy. I suppose Boulder was at their garden again
Cody: Still, can you give Boulder some space?
Blades: and what happened for that?
Cody: well...
Early morning, Blades and Chase were already recharging and Heatwave on the bunker. Boulder was on the house's garden
Boulder, whispering: Good morning! Are you good? You look so cold, but I promise that's good for you!
Boulder: Aw, you all are so so tiny and cute! Plants will look really really beautiful when they grow... what is this?
Boulder: why is it brown? It is supposed to be green, oh Primus, you were so tiny Boulder didn't figured out! But don't worry, maybe is just the cold, Boulder'll bring something
Boulder: Hi! Boulder found this little sheet, it will keep you warm. Wait, is that a larve? No no no- get out. Get out get out get out. Boulder needs something to take it appart, wait a bit, please!
Boulder: that's better, no more larves, and you're all warm, right? Yes you are...
*When Boulder tried to touch the tiny, tiny plant, one brown leaf fell aside it*
Boulder: ...no... no- no no no no no no no no- maybe you just need a little bit of water? Where's the bucket- or maybe some fertilizer? But it will hurt the rest- calcium! Boulder will ask for some eggshells in the morning, okay? Boulder can't use the monitor or it will disturb Blades and Chase- but Boulder still can do something! Wait a little-
Boulder: water and just a bit of fertilizer, that's better? Boulder's sorry, but can't bring the sun... wait, Boulder can! Boulder just need those yellow lights! Maybe Heatwave knows where they are- stay here, just resist-
Boulder: Boulder has them! So so sorry, plants, if you were asleep, but this one seems sick and needs a bit of sun, right? You'll be alright! Boulder will take a lot of care to you, maybe Boulder wasn't made for that but is like any other bot, Boulder surely can! And you like any other plant will survive this night, right? Boulder will not leave you alone, is a promise... please?
Boulder: ...if only plants could talk
Heatwave: it is already day? Definitely days are shorter here than on Cybert- Oh! Damn it! What is- is that mud?
Heatwave: Ahg! I thought I already talk with Boulder about sliperry floors, and today is worse. Maybe Boulder's on the garden, as usual
Heatwave: hm, Boulder had a really moved night, those are a lot of pedes-prints. B? Are you... there? Boulder, are you okay?
*Heatwave stepped outside the house, going and sitting on Boulder's side, indeed, Boulder was sit, covered in mud, but that was the tiniest of their problems*
Heatwave: Boulder?
Boulder: it died
Heatwave: what did?
Boulder: the plant... Boulder just wanted to save it but nothing happened... Heatwave, it is dead...
*Boulder brought the tiny, brown plant to its chest, it had no leaves anymore and the roots looked dried*
Boulder: Boulder should have better looked on the internet- maybe there was something else it could do- Boulder didn't wanted to go because Blades or Chase would wake up- but maybe it could find something else...
*Boulder's voice box started to chirp like a broken stereo as its optics flooded in coolant and its vents became heavier to hold any single breath, not holding itself anymore, Boulder left its chest fall over its knees, covering its faceplate on its servos and the plant on its tears. For a moment, Heatwave could hear Boulder saying sorry to the little thing, at which he placed a servo on Boulder's shoulder in consolation*
Heatwave: it wasn't your fault
Boulder: it is
Heatwave: It is not, you did as much you could do
Boulder: Boulder should have done more- it was so simple...!
*At no way of making Boulder think otherwise, Heatwave didn't said anything else, but never let go of Boulder for long time*
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magentacat · 22 days ago
RWBY: Their Kingdom Come
Part 3: Kindly Scattered - Part II
(Note: This is a mixed pitch of Mark Waid and Alex Ross' Kingdom Come and Monty Oum's RWBY)
The Huntsman of the Sorrowful Figure
Jaune Arc traveled the world, and his ghosts followed him.
In the last twenty years, Jaune has been almost everywhere on Remnant. Twice at least. His dream had been becoming a Huntsman of fame and skill who could make his family proud and protect the people around him.
Much like Ruby, he began traveling. Only instead of hunting down Grimm, he searched for injustices. Taking the settlements outside the megacities as his responsibility as a Huntsman, he kept helping people however he could.
Really, he was facing the ghosts of his regrets; Pyrrha, Penny and Alyx. All wonderful women he couldn't save, he paid them memory for saving as many as he could.
At some point he started wearing a full armor.
At some point the armor rusted.
Last time anyone saw him was months ago in the middle of Anima, when Yang found him in the middle of a destroyed bandits camp, surrounded by the wounded bandits he was tending, even congratulating them for their efforts in trying to kill him.
He seemed content with that life.
The Young Sage
Ozcar grew up into his own person. Despite the fears of Ozpin and Oscar of losing themselves once they fused, he made his peace with it after it happened.
Maybe it was because he wasn't locked in an eternal war with Salem anymore, or because he wasn't carrying one secret after another. Or maybe once the merge did happen, it wasn't as bad as everything he feared.
Either way, once he couldn't tell appart Ozpin from Oscar, from Ozma, he decided to take on his own name.
Without the fate of the world on the balance, and the Kingdoms looking more peaceful than ever, Ozcar did the one thing neither of his previous lives had done up to that point.
He lived.
The Caretakers
Ren and Nora remained Ren and Nora, but not as everyone expected them to be.
In her seeking for who she was, Nora really enjoyed her independency. She still loved Ren dearly, but not the same way as she thought before. Turns out 'just Nora' was really more than enough to have a happy life.
Ren for his part finally dropped the guards. He started helping people without having to fight. Usually as a voluntary worker with the Polendina-Nikos Foundation at the rebuilt Vale. But also by just being there for the lonely people in the street and lending them a listening ear.
With time, they opened an orphanage. They agreed it was the obvious thing to do, especially with the chaos left after the fall of the city.
They really discovered their element. Nora was a natural teacher, careful to guide the kids, but also to give them space to explore by themselves. Meanwhile, Ren ended up being a doting carer, always worried to give them everything they could need in life.
With time they would grow closer, then distant, then closer again. Almost as if routine. But however it was, they would always be there for the needed kids of Remnant.
And someone else...
The Fallen
The Juniper orphanage had another occupant besides the kids and their caretakers. She would often keep things running, fixing things around the house, keeping it clean and even managing the numbers. She was even good with the few kids who dared to get close to her.
It wasn't that she was dangerous, but her appearance was scary for the younger ones; she was missing an arm and an eye, usually dressed in all blacks.
Cinder had a life of regrets she wanted to atone for.
She knew there wasn't any good great enough in Remnant she could accomplish to balance out the many crimes she committed. At her lowest, she didn't feel like she deserved anything else but the mercy of a swift execution.
Instead, when Ren found her laying on the street, she had offered her a place to stay and something to do.
Still feeling unworthy, but eager to repay the kindness, Cinder became the backbone of the orphanage. Although Nora and Ren -along Yang in her monthly visits- would try to approach her, she was silent as a tomb and almost as cold.
Only Emerald could break her out or her silence from time to time. She still loved Cinder, even if it was never corresponded.
On her part, Cinder couldn't tell. Before, she only used Emerald's feelings as a tool, like anyone else. But now she just couldn't bring herself to try anything. In her mind, Emerald deserved someone better.
And she would forever deserve worse.
Thus time kept marching on. Beginnings, ends, all were the same in the wheel of time.
All but the people, who kept changing.
Part 1: Thus the World Kept Spinning
Part 2: Kindly Scattered - Part I
Part 3: Kindly Scattered - Part II
Once Upon a Time, Twenty Years Later
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charlenefrl · 4 months ago
Drawing Philip II of Macedon
After my first post on drawing Alexander, I'd like to talk about his father!
Here is the amazing portrait by @elfinfen:
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More to read below!
Let's start with his face: I asked for a olive skin tone and dark hair. In the novel, Philippos is usually described as having very tanned skin, so his skin may get much darker than this at the end of summer.
You may have seen several pictures of Philip II. Here are some, just in case:
Philip in the 2005 movie, with brown hair.
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Philip by J. F. Oliveras, with brown hair.
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Unknown artist, Philip with black/brown hair:
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There are a lot more pictures of him online, but all of them share two traits: Philip is missing an eye (more below) and he's got hair ranging from brown to black. Compared to him, Alexander usually has hair ranging from light to dark blond, sometimes light brown.
The truth is, we have no idea what Philip's hair color was. The frescoes in the tombs of Macedonia show us Macedonians with all hair colors, so Philip could have been blond, or have russet hair. I think the reason why he is usually pictured with darker hair is to set Alexander appart from him... but in the biographies I read, there was no hint that they didn't look like each other!
So why is my Philippos very dark haired? Since Alexandros is the son of Philippos and Zeus, I wanted to set him appart. In my story, all of Philippos' daughters, as well as his son Arrhidaios, his nephew Amyntas and his illegitimate son Ptolemaios look a lot like him. Some have straight hair, or some variations, but when the narrator meets the (dead) brothers and half brothers of Philippos, they also look so strongly like him that no one can doubt they are of the same family. This is almost a caricature, but it can be explained because Philippos' family has divine blood, descending from Herakles. There's a "type" in the family that runs strong, and they all look like each other... except Alexandros, who looks like his half siblings Hermes, Appolo and Artemis.
Now, moving to the eye: that is the result of an arrow wound in 354BC. The eye was removed surgically. We don't really know how the wound looked like, but since eye injuries ick me a lot, I asked the artist to make it a very clean wound. In Gemmel's story The Lion of Macedon, it seems like it didn't heal nearly as well.
You may have noticed that my Philippos' armor has the same shape as the one on the last picture. This is because we (and many other artists) use the same source for Philip's armor:
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This is "Philip II's armor", now in the Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aigai in Vergina, Greece.
I'm using a recreation by Hellenic armors:
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Now, the twist is that while this armor comes from a tomb which was named after Philip II, it is probably not his tomb but that of his son Arrhidaios. My source for that is @jeannereames, who knows way more about Alexander&Folks than I do, so if she thinks it's Arrhidaios' tomb, who am I to disagree? Still, I decided to use this armor as a reference, because it's pretty and because I didn't have a better one to use.
In my version, Philippos wears a scarf around his neck. There are two reasons for that: first, armor on skin isn't a nice feel, so I wanted to have some clothe visible to make it look like more comfortable. For this armor, I decided to go with a roman like scarf (picture from x-legio).
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The second reason for the scarf is to link Philippos' picture with Alexandros:
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Basically I needed to add some beige to Philippos to get the same color palette of dark red / bronze / beige.
Another link between those two pictures is the left eye. The first time I described Philippos' eye color was in the spin off, where he described himself:
I had been a small child, dark haired with forgettable brown eyes – my brothers had inherited my mother’s beautiful, deep blue irises, and I the boring muddy shade of my father [...]. Teenagerhood had ambushed me while I was stranded in Illyria; it had hit violently, spraying pimples all over my face, stretching hairy legs until they looked like knees holding sticks together, and I had a soft, ridiculous black fuzz over my upper lip.
Needless to say, I was suddenly overcome with nostalgia for Illyria, where people simply did not go naked in front of others.
A few things about this part: blue eyes were actually not favored in Ancient Greece and I have no idea if Illyrians liked to be naked or not. In between this scene and now, I changed my mind, and Philippos' eyes turned to dark blue, to share Alexandros' left eye's color. What didn't change, however, is that young Philippos describes himself as a pretty ugly teen, and though he's grown into a very confident king, in this scene with Kleitos, he is obviously not depicting himself as much prettier:
[For context, Philippos and Kleitos are discussing Philippos's relationship with one of his page, Hippostratos, while P&K have been lovers for 20years. Philippos just broke up with Pausanias, with whom he was getting along very well, except Pausanias was getting too old for that.] "He's really not the sharpest spear, that boy," Philippos mumbled [...]. "I could have told you that," Kleitos said with a smirk. "But you wouldn't have listened, right? Whenever you get rid of a boy you like, you always move to idiots who bore you to death." "What a friend you are." [...] "Oh no, believe me, I do pity you," Kleitos joked. "Your life is always so complicated compared to mine..." "Your choice," Philippos reminded you. "I've never forbade you to..." "Nah, you know, there's only one man I want." "I am really wondering why," Philippos laughed, "old and ugly as he is." "Because I'm young and pretty?"
In a later scene, after Philippos is wounded (and taking too much poppy milk to deal with the pain), he has a rather bitter conversation with the main character, Orestis/Hephaistion, who brought him a message from Pausanias, who is trying to get his former lover back:
"What does he want?" Philippos repeated. "Lands? A command? A high born spouse?" I blinked, surprised. "He told me he wanted to be with you, that's all." The laugh that followed was bitter, almost a bark - and then it turned into a great wave that shook the king with acidic mirth, until he rose his head again. "That is the most absurd thing I ever heard. Who would want to be with that? I used to be ugly, and now I need a fucking slave to get out of my bed. I'm too old for this bullshit... and even if I weren't, they come, they go, they don't care about what I feel about them and I don't care about what they feel about me. It's pointless." "He said he loves you." "Love? Was that love, when he told you to spread the rumors that killed Hippostratos?"
Okay Philou, we get it, you think you're really not pretty.
But are you? Are you really ugly?
(People usually agree that he's really handsome on this painting lol.)
At some point of the story, Hephaistion gets to see Philippos at fifteen, and his description of him is like that:
If Philippos had been at Mieza with us, and not a prince, he would have been one of those boys who, for a hopeful stare aimed at Pausanias, would have been laughed at for a full week. He was tall for his age, with too long limbs and the air of a newborn foal. With pimples all over his cheeks and a rather weak shin, heavy eyebrows, and a rather big nose, he looked like the can of boys who will try anything and everything to get his beard faster - and I had to admit, he looked much better with one.
... basically because the beard hides the acne scars and, with the right cut, strengthen the jaw and the shin. So while Philippos was probably an average teenager moaning that he is ugly (well, everyone is ugly compared to dashing Pausanias and Hephaistion in the book, even Alexandros moans that he's not pretty enough), as an adult he does know how to make the best of what he has, and actually has a fair share of charm (and the best and worst sense of humor, you DON'T want to get one of his jokes aimed at you). Oh, and the diadem of a king, which, according to Alexandros:
Hephaistion: "I don't get why Pausanias is so obsessed with him. I mean, with his eye, he is not exactly..." Alexandros : "Pretty? He is the king." Hephaistion: "So? Does being a king make you prettier?" Alexandros: "Obviously."
I'll be leaving you with a second commission drawn by the amazing Kloh.eh, of Philippos at fiften:
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One funny thing about this pic is that according to the artist, this is the first time someone came to her to ask for a not-pretty character XD But I love him that way, and it seems my readers on AO3 also like that he's a rather bland teen!
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marshmallowwitharubberband · 8 months ago
Worldbuilding idea I won't get to use bc I'm too lazy to write:
A place where both the warm and cold seasons are kinda extreme and people live in sprawling, single-story buildings, usually in multi-generational homes. Every fall, a huge part of winter preparations include the families sealing off the outside-facing rooms and essentially moving together to the innermost rooms of the house, where the heating system is, to more effectively protect themselves from the cold, leaving just one route to the outside.
There may be a cultural celebration/holiday right before, where the point is to air out and solve any grievances among family members, so those don't explode while everyone is cooped up together for the next three months. (Whether that works or not, it's still a tradition.)
Spring Cleaning is a huge thing, because it includes cleaning up the previously-sealed outer rooms to make them inhabitable again and everyone moving their stuff back into them, as those are the coolest, best-ventilated rooms during the hotter months.
It is commonplace for people to not see some of their family members at all during spring/summer. One, because the summer rooms are spread kinda far appart at the edges of the house; and two, because, after spending all winter together, they kinda need space from each other.
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hatredcurse · 10 months ago
It was a soft summer night. The dusk faded in an eternal black of the night, riddled with the stars and the moon. This is when Sasuke and Mimi came out to play. Creatures of the night, who like to hide in the shadows of the barely lit Konoha training grounds. Both the decedents of the two founding Clans, wearing the burden of expectations since their early childhood: They were expected to be strong, determined to carry on the will of fire without a second thought. But these two had second thoughts due to traumatic events. With Itachi slaughtered his own Clan, like cutting off the roots of a young blossoming tree, Sasuke tried to grow up without roots. Of course he was held and helped growing by important People in his life. But his Pillar through rainstorms and cold, freezing winter days never left his side. The young Senju girl. The gentle blonde girl and the black haired stoic boy were polar opposites right from the beginning. Mikoto and Tsunade often met with their beloved children to let them play with each other. Sasuke shared his tomatoes, Mikoto brought with her as a snack and Mimi made him a flower crown. The night after the massacre, Mimi snucked out of the old Senju compound where she lived with Shizune and her mother to reach Sasukes appartment. Without a word, everything was understood, Mimi laid herself behind the relentlessly crying Uchiha. Mimi was the place where he could show his feelings and sentiments, assured that the young Senju was always ready to gently gift stabiltiy and loyalty. Even through Sasukes darkest times, where he left the village, angry and full of hate, Mimi doesn’t disappeared out of his life. She risked being punished as a traitor herself, for meeting with a dangerous threat to the village. Gracing their bond with more importance than the will of fire, her great grandfather proclaimed. She was a frequent guest in the prison where Sasuke spent years for turning his back to the village. People who claimed being Sasukes friends or that he was their love interest stayed away for that time. But Mimi stayed, using the Mokuton to change his prison cell into a meadow with beautiful flowers growing in it, for her allowed visiting hours. Mimi always was and still is sensitive so the snarky remarks of her peers and especially the elders. She swallowed them all, to avoid conflicts, but before she starts to burst, Sasukes imprisonment ended. He gave her an healthy outlet of her feelings, she had swallowed all the years. They met for sparring sessions at night. The beginning was the same every time: Mimi sat between Sasukes legs while his hands worked her hair into a breaded ponytail for the fight. She on the other bandaged his hands. Like a king and a Queen suiting up for a fight. The ending though? Sometimes they screamed at each other, sometimes they laughed and teased each other and then there were the times where both of them were so concentrated, that they were just too focused to speak at all. Tonight started like the other days, as sasuke braided her hair, Mimi suddenly was focused on his hands touching the skin of her back, like they usually do. A little sigh, almost a moan, left her mouth. As she realised what she did, she bit her lips, being all too sure, that Sasuke heard her little slip of an emotion that she never felt or even showed towards him. || @senjumimi
Throughout everything he's endured with might and ignorant bravery, Sasuke's hands still shook. More precisely, his bad arm could never quell this nerve-deep shiver whenever he takes too a task requiring fine-motor skills. It was unnoticeable. Small micro-flexions of the first layer of muscle tensing over his entire hand and up his forearm, but when aggravated under fine-motor stress, his fingers would twitch and spasm.
Luckily, it didn't seem to affect his task, yet. The braid he worked into the Senju's long hair remained clean without a single stray. Every few minutes, he worked with his good arm to comb out the remaining long tresses straight before resuming his work, placing each plait tight with just enough volume to look glamorous rather than dull.
He pauses briefly, catching the sound of something he feels he shouldn't hear and promptly ignoring it.
Tying it off at the end with a forest green hair tie, he runs his hand under the length of it for good measure before allowing it to fall against her back. " It's done, " he says, pushing the handled mirror to her to look over his handiwork.
With her hair done, he reaches back on his belt, looking for the pouch with his bandages. He had bought new ones recently, slightly thicker than the usual brand, specifically for this. Not so much a taijutsu user in recent years in actual missions, so he didn't fret splurging a little extra for their little sparring sessions.
" Whenever you're ready, " he placed both wraps near her thigh, Sasuke, himself, rolling up his sleeves so the length won't interfere with her work.
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bigbadivy · 1 year ago
Rest With Me
"One leg after the other,"
Hero said patienly. The short walk down the dark haklway seemed to go for years. Villain would throw a snarky comment, or try and banter to lighten the atmosphere but he was so tired.
Hero slowly helped him sit and unlocked her door. Villain looked up to look at her, realizing he didn't actually see her for the last two hours.
She was often the serious one between them, but he never saw her face this... Sparkless.
He couldn't find any words of comfort until she crouched down and helped him up again. Villain laid on the sofa, finally resting his sore muscles but not comfortable.
"Wait here. I'll get first aid."
Villain noted how different the appartment was from his last visit. It was messier, even messiar than it usually is, with documents and pictures and notes covering the floor and walls. The biggest pile of crumbled papers laid in front of him, circling a hand made map of the base they barely got out of.
It was really important to her, wasn't it? He signed loudly. Of course he ruined everything.
"I think I know how to take care of your arm, if there is anything worse we will call someone."
Hero sat in front of him, actually seeing him for the first time in a few hours.
His despareation was probably shown all over him. Damm it. He could at least save her the guilt.
"They won't ask anything. I would not risk you."
The pillows surrounding him didn't feel soft. He shouldn't be relaxed. He didn't deserve to.
"Villain, is... You... "
She signed placed her hand over his.
"You can tell me anything."
She tried to smile at him, but neither of them were in the mood for it and it died quickly.She took her hand away to take a bandage and start working.
The silence was awful. Hero cleaning his wounds was such a torture that it felt like a cruel joke. He should end this.
Villain gently pushed her hand away from his cuts.
"I'll get off your back. I just... You can go rest and I promise I'll be gone tomorrow morning."
Hero froze. She stared at him speechless, lips trembling.
That was all she managed to say.
I am reckless and impulsive, but I can deal with it as long as I'm the only one who suffers from the consequences.I don't want to continue to be a burden.I have risked your LIFE.
"I- just-..."
How is he supposed to say it? Or anything at his state?
"Just leave me, hero."
The silence felt even worse now.Hero stayed still, her hand griping a wet towel. When she finally got up, instea of walking away she placed her free hand over his.
"I would never leave you,"
She said then, Villain tried to fight the butterflies he felt.
"it's only fair. You would never leave me when I need you."
"You never did."
She pressed on his hand, leaving no doubt about the sincerity in her voice.
"You came for me today, like you always did. You stood up against Supervillain."
That's what he did, perhaps, but even with that he managed to put her in danger.Hero got captured purposely, ready to go into Supervillain's lair alone to try and rescue her friends.But the moment he saw her held up, he forgot his fear of Supervillain.
By attacking him he brought the entire lair on them."I-"
"You wanted to help."
He... Well he did but...
"I would have done the same. You know that."
She would. Villain caught himself smiling. When he looked up and saw her brighter smile, he pressed joined their fingers. Being still tired and bruised and scared, he could only look at his Hero with loving eyes. Relief and relaxation visible on her face.
He wants to believe her words so bad
"I'll get you clean up, we'll rest for a bit, then think of the next step."
He nodded, hoping that she understood how much he's committed. They will heal. They will not be broken. They will save her team. Together.
Hero sat on the couch beside, getting comfortable as she leaned in and got back to bandaging. He missed her warmth in his hand but felt himself relax.
And now, finally, both of them managed to rest.
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lolbutjustabit · 8 months ago
her regular design is a margherrita and pepperoni pizza roll (you can find this design on my profile..somewhere) and she was created by accident in a lab located in pennsylvania. long story short, two of the lab's employees were eating lunch next to the cloning vats that were still in the workings, they accidentally drop their food there aaand wow boom margarett and her "sister" were created, w humanoid ish features bc the vat took some of the dna from the employee who was holding the her yk (that's why she has a bite on her head, she was bitten by one of the employees before becoming alive)
all these facts Imma say are applied to both the designs, as a regular and as a gijinka, is the same story for both so dw.
she's rlly chill, has a nice relationship w almost everyone she meets bc of that, she's rlly sweet specially w shake, but she can also be pretty assertive when she needs to, also specially w shake.
she's a stoner lol she has a hello kitty bong and frequently smokes w shake.
margarett is often losing jobs and finding new ones, also never having a stable routine, so she has the responsability to find a job, but not to mantain one lmao
her fellow creation/sister is called popcarmen, who doesn't like shake that much since he's whiny, annoying, stupid, lazy, messy....I could go on all day.
margarett had a lot of relationships w a ton of people (fun fact shes pan) before meeting shake, but she never actually wanted something serious or commitment, it was all for fun and games yk, specially bc no one actually wanted commitment w her, so she never knew what it was actually like, until she met shake ofc, clingy the way he is he prolly asked her to marry him in like the first week of knowing her lol. Took her some time to finally be his girlfriend officially, but now they're happy in a commited relationship, but still they don't think ab future, getting married and having children, they just love each other and thats it yk..
she's rlly lazy and messy, she lives in an appartment w popcarmen and she hates how destroyed margarett's room looks lol. She also has the habit of leaving junk food around the house, which pisses of popcarmen even more. And ofc, her habit is worse when shake is around, since they usually smoke together, watch movies and eat junk food, then they sleep and dont clean their mess most of the time.
margarett is rlly stupid (not as much as shake tho) and slow, so when shake tells her a joke she usually doesn't get it for HOURS, until when she finally gets it she laughs wherever she is, frequently startling ppl around her loll.
shes also pretty impulsive and can say stuff she regrets right after, she doesn't think too much before she acts.
margarett is rlly scared of being lonely and having the same feeling she felt when she was all alone in the lab when she first woke up from being created, shes rlly scared of losing ppl the loves.
most of the time she denies being wrong, not bc she knows shes wrong but doesnt admit it, but bc she ACTUALLY think shes right cus she dummmmb
she has a plutonian friend called jarvis, he helped her and her sister when they escaped from the lab. He owns a bar located in pennsylvania
hmmm theres prolly some more stuff but I cant remember it rn.. SOOO HERE U GO hope u guys like her as much as I do ^.^ AND SRRY if any of those are confusing to read, wrote this all pretty fast lol
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elslittlestories · 8 months ago
How I feel being in a relationship with Tech would really be like
Disclaimer : I held absolutely no grudges against writers describing Tech's romantic behavior a little too neurotypical to my taste.
Once Tech figures he likes you too, you'll become his new l'hyperfixation. He'll study you and gathered as much data as he can without actually have to ask any questions. If you have a friend or relative that loves to tell stories about you, they'd be Tech primary source of information.
In the first weeks, maybe months of your relationship, he might spend a LOT of time with you. He enjoys your company but mostly, he's looking for more data! He wants to know everything about you, from your favorite ice-cream flavor to your piloting skills (if you have any)
If one of your passions peeks his interest, Tech will also hyperfocus on that (side quest!!) . You might end up spending hours talking about the subject together, which is great. Until he becomes more knowledgeable than you and starts correcting you with his usual bluntness. I hope you're not too susceptible...!
He'll make a list of things you've talked about and rely on it when looking for gifts ideas. You might get a bunch of stuff you wouldn't have bought for yourself, since Tech can't really tell the difference between small talk and something you actually like a lot.
There most likely won't be much sweet talk and romantic metaphor coming from Tech. Don't try telling him you love him to the moon and back (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is) and don't expect him to do it neither. Subtle allusions to cuddles will lead you nowhere. If you want a kiss, grab his by the neck or just ask for it! He'll do the same to you.
If one day he feels comfortable telling you he loves you, it won't be a serenade. You'll have to learn how to read the emotions behind his words. Maybe he'll tilt his head a certain way, or he'll squeeze your hand or your thigh but it will be a simple 'I love you'.
If forced to it, he might ramble about why he loves you. It'll be messy, sometime incoherent like starting a sentence but changing his mind midway and going a complete opposite direction. It's cute, though.
He won't celebrate any anniversary and will most likely forget your birthday. He'll k ow the dates, but when the day comes, he won't connect the dots. Partly because his brain doesn't work like that, partly because this kind of stuff means nothing to him. If you ask him to take you on a date or do something special for the occasion, he will do it gladly though, as a chance to spend time with you. But to him it'll be just another Tuesday.
As time passes by, his hyperfocus on you will pass and this is when it might become difficult to maintain the relationship. Tech will still love you, but there'll be another fixation on his mind that he will dedicate a lot of time to. Which will lead to less time together...He'll come home late, forget about date nights, and might not listen to you as much, even intterupt you to infodump.
His gifts might become even more random. Or he'll buy you stuff related to his l'hyperfixation and might have trouble understanding why you don't find it fascinating.
He most probably won't be of any help with chores from day one. He'll do the dishes with you if it means keeping up with your conversation, but don't expect him to clean the floor on his own. If you confront him about it (rightly so!), he'll offer to pay for a house keeper. To avoid further fights, you might consider it seriously!
Tech's definition of a cuddle is him sitting on the couch with his data pad and you laying against him. He'll play with your hair and trace lines on your skin, which feels great, but the actual hugs makes him too uncomfortable.
He'll only initiate hugs in three occasions : when you cry, when you two reunite after spending a few days appart and when making out.
You might feel left out as time goes by, but getting him back to you will only take a good communication. Tech loves you, he just doesn't feel the need to show it as much as you'd want him to. Maintaining a relationship with someone like him takes work, from both of you, and a lot af talking. Chances are you're overanalyzing that thing he said or the reason with he forgot you were going out tonight. Talk to him ❤️
He'll die for you. Literally.
This is way too long but I can't help but give you these too extra treats 🙃
No cute couple photograph. The man doesn't know how to smile on picture and will look either like a retarded or a serial killer.
He'll. comment. the. movie. He'll suggest theories (mostly right so he's basically spoiling the damn movie) and point at plot holes. If it's too scientifically inaccurate, he might just leave.
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confessions-official · 9 months ago
i feel bad for wanting a different life then i do now because my appartment is stable
i do have a bed to sleep on but i cant help but feel like i never truely had my own space because i never had my own bedroom and i always slept with someone else either next to me or anything, my sister has to take calls and lectures and i have to stay quiet, i want my own desk so badly because only laying on a bed has made me drastically lazy and such, i cant even cry in peace and i have to stop stimming when my sisters friends are over when i dont want to see them
i have a full fridge but its packed TOO much, we have abunch of meat in there that gets forgotten quickly, alot of food that only my parents eat, hell the kitchen itself it so horrid by other families standards, the moment you walk in you already see a overfilled bag of trash and counters that have not been cleaned in months, me and my sister had emptied and cleaned the fridge this easter break and the moment mom and dad got home it got cluttered again, the table we use to just place food is also a mess and we leave fruits and vaggies on it causing them to spoil more quickly
my mom keeps alot of soaps, papers, bags - she doesnt even go shoping, she doesnt want us to use the special soaps she gives away (which is a full closet to clarify) and got mad at my sister when she cleaned the bathroom and used one of those, there isnt enough space to walk, and we use only 6 bags at maximum
i dont know HOW to clean, at most we vacume but thats it, with all the stuff we have laying around its hard and i dont know which spray bottle to use for which products, i dont even know how to use a washing machine or how to mop a floor, theyre both very lazy (and i dont blame them both, theyre really tired all the time and my mom sleeps most of the day) and my mom would freak out if we shower more then 2 people a day because of this really musty dirty plastic bathtub we have that she collects water with so i shower once a week, i know how gross it is i feel bad but its not as bad as my grandmas house which is very moldy and its atleast bareable to invite people in
i never got to dress myself in the morning, my parents always wake me up and brush my hair (my mom always tells me my hair is oily or not brushed well even though everyone else tells me i do a great job) and they just argue about mundane stuff and i just want peace and quiet at 6 am - they always nag me about homework and studying and due to complicated neurodivergent stuff in my head i freeze and i cant seem to find anything i want to do untill its really late and im tried by that time i wish i could just do everything at the same time but i cant, and i cant talk about it to them, but aside from being boring to listen to they care about me unlike alotof other parents who probably wouldnt have bothered despite me not needing alot of support
i wish i had a small house and not an apartment, my stimming usually involves running around and with a small apartment 1) there will be always someone in a room and i dont like anyone else seeing me 2) the neighbors below, by some luck who havent sued us yet, probably dont apprechiate it, btu i have a place to live in
i already have a stable apartment and i shouldnt be complaining at all, i dont know why but i sometimes wonder how it would be like to live in the average family american TV seems to show
maybe my life will turn around once i have my own apartment / house, hopefully by then i will have learnt a thing about cleaning or two
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