#and the spit like yeah that’s what you get lmaooo
jazzy-tzw · 1 day
I can't even with him
Impulsive thoughts caught up to him😭
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inkykeiji · 4 months
Touya apologizing to Shoto? Touya-nii would never.
All jokes aside I’m running back to the Touya-nii universe after this ending because I am… not a fan of it. 🙃 I thought I had prepared myself mentally for whatever Hori had in store but now that I’m seeing it for myself I just feel even more angry for Touya. It doesn’t feel like justice for him.
HAHAHA literally exactly what i said too, yes!!!!! he’s shouting weaaaaak! at canon touya, and while his voice is strong and harsh and stone cold, his eyes are glazed with the thinnest layer of tears—so thin you can only see them when the light catches on his eyes juuust right.
no i completely agree. i talked about it a little bit here but yeah, i’m really upset with the way everything is being handled. it just feels so insanely disrespectful. i could write you a whole essay on how upset i am and why i’m so upset but i am just so tired of talking about it LMAO ugh ._. well, at least we got shaggy-haired touya :( who looks exactly like my touya-nii does :( if nothing else, that’s one positive from this chapter!!
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ironmanstan · 1 year
#sometimes i wonder if i should just go by maryam professionally#i feel like this would extremely lower my chances of getting outed on accident lmao.#all my branding is centered on my renegaedz username anyway like if i switched over itd alter pretty much nothing.#my dad simultaneously being so neglectful but such a fucking busybody and all my transphobic irls literal only reason id need to do this.#in theory i would not have to have literal separate art identities to keep up the facade but then i would have to play a balancing game#but then this means letting everyone i know irl into my little zone lmaooo i hate everyone .#i hate so many of my irls lol you all make me so fucking mad and make me hate being trans so fucking much sometimes.#why do i have to compromise on who i am just so i can fucking exist#'what if i compromise on how i present myself so i dont need to worry about being open about my art ventures'#all this so i can be open to people who i went through hell for over a decade to#connect to who rejected me already just because im autistic . everyday im violent.#people who would want me to fucking die and spit on my existence forever if they knew i didnt hate gay people#let alone that im fucking trans haha ? hahaha yeah so true i should suck up forever and vie for the attention of people#who hate me already and keep me around to be nice#i hate everyone so fucking much sometimes honestly. you all act like youre on some moral warfront fighting against westerners pushing queer#as if historically queerness was pushed out of muslim communities and south asia because of FUCKING COLONIZATION#i fkjhckjhk يا الله the people on this earth are in their stupidity arc#i hate u all i hate u all . acting like we must fight to protect our communities but then turn a blind eye to how u hurt ur communities.#there aint no fucking queer epidemic and even if it WAS haram you know what is worse? fucking LYING. go worry about THAT#vent#sorry i am so insane rn i have suddenly gotten so mad for no reason lmao
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captjprice · 9 months
Not sure if you’re open for requests so please ignore if I missed it!
Humbly asking for a ‘How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop’ but we are the tootsie pop. And Simon is trying to see how many licks it takes for us to cum on his tongue
Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
A/n: I loved how u worded this LMAOOO also yes. This is so. Yes.
Mentions: Nsfw, domsimon, subreader, oral f!Receiving, degrading(?), pussy slapping, Simon's mean about it
''Simon, ah! Mffhh..'' Your voice muffles as you throw your head back, placing your hand over your mouth in a pathetic attempt to keep quiet as Simon had his mouth on you like he was a starving man. 
When he first brought up the idea, it caused you to blush and laugh– He couldn't be serious.. Right? Counting how many licks it'd take for you to come on his tongue was.. insane, but also an idea you didn't really want to say no to. Before him, you hadn't had a man between your thighs before, and now it felt like you were having your pussy eaten daily.
Simon grunts as you cover your mouth, temporarily pulling away to yank your arm down. His chin is covered in spit and your arousal, and his lids are heavy. ''I want to fuckin' hear you,'' He grumbles, pinning your hand down by your hip. His other hand pulls away from your thigh, landing a slap on your sensitive pussy. You yelp, jolting a little.
You thanked the gods he wasn't counting out loud, you would've near died from humiliation.. Although him doing this wasn't new, it seemed different this time. More.. primal, somehow. The way he watched you, daring you to cover your mouth again with those eyes. His tongue was on you in seconds again, licking long stripes between your folds and slowing down as he reached your clit.
It caused you to mewl, your hips raising off the bed slightly as you arched your back. You were close, and it was kind of embarrassing how quick the feeling was building up. Your eyes flutter closed, and you try to enjoy the bliss from the feeling until Simon smacks your thigh, pulling back again. ''How many times do I have to goddamn tell you? Eyes stay on me, yeah? Fuckin' slut..''
His head lowers again when you give a weak nod, keeping your eyes lazily focused on him. You can tell he's enjoying it– The way he's bucking his hard-on against the edge of the bed, the way he looks so pussydrunk. 
The whole sight of it gets you squealing, one of your hands grabbing onto his hair. He grunts in response, speeding up a little. ''Simon, Simon.. Ah, Si..'' His name falls like a sacred mantra from your lips, your hips rolling to give more stimulation. His grip on your thighs tightens, and his lips wrap around your clit. The feeling of it sends you over the edge, and you whine out, still pulling at his hair. 
You can feel him grin against your inner-thigh, and he peppers kisses along it as you come down from your high, panting. After a few minutes, he crawls over next to you, wrapping his arms around you to pull you snugly against him.
''Forty-two,'' His voice rings out, and you need a moment to process.. What? Fort- Oh.
It's way less than you thought it'd be, but then again, Simon just.. does those things to you. ''You're just.. too good.'' You whisper softly to him, pressing a lazy kiss to his chest. He hums in response, running his hand through your hair. ''I'll clean you up, yeah? Be right back.''
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writesleah · 11 months
the way i loved you ౨ৎ m. riddle
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౨ৎ mattheo riddle x reader, brief cedric diggory x reader
౨ৎ angst/fluff
౨ৎ after a hard breakup, you had finally moved on and found your perfect man. he was everything you could’ve asked for, but the lingering thoughts of your ex take a toll on you
౨ৎ swearing, mentions of blood and fighting, borderline betraying cedric :(
౨ৎ 1.8k words
౨ৎ if it’s not already completely obvious, i was listening to the way i loved you by taylor swift when i thought of this lmaooo i couldn’t fight the taylor references so there is a couple in here, it’s just my deep rooted swiftie mindset
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“hey baby. you look beautiful today,” cedric smiled, sitting down at the slytherin table next to you, a bold move for a hufflepuff, but everybody thought he was far too good looking to say anything. well, some people.
mattheo riddle had the absolute nerve to speak up, as if he hadn’t completely ruined your life only months before.
“alright, diggory?” he snorted, looking your boyfriend up and down with disgust. he and cedric probably could’ve gotten along just fine if it wasn’t for the clashing common interest that seemed to have mattheo spitting as many nasty comments as he could - you, “i see you’re still pissing about with her.”
he didn’t even bother to say your name when he was talking about you. twat. you felt your anger starting to pool up in your stomach, a force threatening to take over until a soft hand placed itself on your hip.
“just ignore him, okay?” cedric smiled down at you, encouraging you to do exactly what he was doing. you nodded.
“it’s fine. he’s just… yeah,” you sighed, scrunching your eyes a couple times before continuing to eat, doing your best to ignore mattheo’s presence on just a couple seats down.
“he’s perfect,” pansy sighed, practically drooling over your relationship.
you had shown the girls the card he had made for valentines day, which was honestly the smallest thing he’d done for you on the day. he had a tendency to show his affection as much as he possibly could, making you experience every single love language at least once a week.
“that’s adorable, oh my god,” daphne gushed, reading the card over and over. it was a sweet message where he described his love for you, and it definitely warmed your heart, “i’m actually so jealous of what you guys have, it’s not even funny. astoria, come read this.”
astoria made her way over to the group and took the pale pink card from her sister’s hands, her eyes scanning the words that practically formed a letter with how many cedric had written. the three of you watched as her face contorted into an expression of admiration and light jealousy, her cheeks slightly pink.
“stop it, you’re going to make me cry knowing that i don’t have a man that loves me like this,” she whined, punctuating her words with a small laugh.
cedric was your ideal boyfriend. he was attractive, sensible, smart and kind. he got along with your parents and siblings, and always made sure to compliment you in some way every time he saw you. he said everything you ever wanted to hear, and was just perfect for you, so why couldn’t you get mattheo out of your head?
“i need to ask you all something,” you blurted out, a little annoyed at yourself for doing so, but also relieved that you could get it off your chest.
the trio looked over at you with raised eyebrows, waiting for you to continue.
“what is it?” pansy murmured, her head tilted just slightly as her eyes studied you.
"okay, let's just say... hypothetically, you have the most perfect, incredible boyfriend and could never ask for anything better, but… there’s this pesky little lingering thought about a certain past endeavour that you can’t get out of your head.”
the girls looked at you a little confused, though daphne’s expression quickly hardened. she knew exactly what you were talking about.
“please tell me you’re not still thinking about riddle,” she groaned in disappointment, shaking her head whilst running her hands over her face. the other two expressed disapproving noises and sighs, looking at you as if you’d just told them you were going to kill someone.
“it’s mattheo, what do you want me to do?” you mumbled defensively, helping it would support your case a little, but it just made them give you a glare.
“i don’t get what you see in him. he’s a boring, lazy prick who skips every class he possibly can to smoke weed and get plastered with his equally as boring and lazy roadman gang,” astoria huffed with a small shrug, looking at you with more concern than anything, “all you guys would do was scream at each other and cry about it all, and then go and make out in the rain or something, which i suppose is pretty hot, but it doesn’t make up for all the arguing.”
“you go insane when you’re with him. i didn’t even know it was possible to feel that much, but you definitely proved that it is,” pansy snorted, though it was clear her comment wasn’t really a joke.
you just sighed and brushed it off, promising that you wouldn’t do anything. it was just something on your mind, right?
you were walking in the corridor on your own, cedric just having left to get to his class, which was on the complete other side of the school to yours.
“rare to see you without prince charming these days. have you broken up already?”
you knew who it was when the first word was spoken, and after days of trying to get him out of your mind, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“do you have nothing better to do than terrorise me and my relationship, riddle?” you spat, turning around to face the boy, though your expression quickly dropped when you saw crimson blood spattered across his face, “why am i not surprised?”
“wow, last name basis now, princess?” he chuckled, brushing off your comment about his injuries with a small huff of either annoyance or amusement, you couldn’t really tell.
you tried to walk away, not wanting to involve yourself in his antics when you couldn’t trust yourself to not snap without somebody nearby to warn you not to. it was hard to control yourself around mattheo for some reason. probably all the pent up anger you had from the relationship and its ending.
“just piss off. i honestly can’t be bothered with you right now,” you sighed, shaking your head. his face dropped at that, seeming much less entertained now that you had say that you genuinely didn’t want to speak to him. he didn’t like that.
“no, absolutely not. what you’re not gonna do is act like a bitch because you’re in a mood about something,” mattheo scoffed, grabbing your wrist to pull you back, leaving a faint, bloody handprint on your skin, to which you groaned at.
“can you not?” you murmured, trying to wipe it off, but only smearing it across your arm further. at this, he sighed and pulled you into the prefect’s bathroom, the nearest place with a sink.
“here, since you apparently need everything done for you. i see some things haven’t changed,” he tugged your arm under the sink and lightly rinsed it away, rolling his eyes as he did so, and taking the chance to wash his own hands, “you’re a real piece of work, you know that? especially these last couple months. i don’t even know what’s happened, but it’s annoying.”
“what happened is we broke up. i’m not going to be your sweet little angel every single day, riddle,” you retorted, shaking your head and patting your arm dry with a paper towel.
“i still don’t get why we ended things,” the brunette shrugged, as if the comment he had just made meant absolutely nothing, “i mean, you’d probably be sat in my lap cleaning me up right now if we hadn’t.”
his words were a harsh reminder of how much things had changed. if he had come to you battered and bruised when you were together, which he had done multiple times before, you would end up sitting in his lap whilst cleaning off all the blood, reprimanding him for getting into fights again whilst trying to fight the incessant butterflies that flapped around so aggressively in your stomach. you were feeling those same butterflies now, too.
“well… we’re not, so you’ll have to settle for some water and a paper towel. maybe you’ll get a plaster if you can find one somewhere,” you scoffed, trying to act as nonchalant as he was.
“come on, princess, don’t be like that,” mattheo groaned, looking at you with a frustrated expression. you didn’t get why he was still calling you princess. he’d taken the pet name he loved using for you so much and turned it into a mocking insult. that hurt you, you had to admit, how he took something so precious and made it into a nickname only used for when he wanted to be rude.
you glanced over at him, meeting his eyes. those eyes. those perfect, dark eyes that, when in the sunlight, turned into a gorgeous, flowing blend of various chocolate shades that sparkled and told so many tales in such little space. you had to chastise yourself for thinking about him so fondly when you swore you disliked him so much.
“why are you doing this to me? acting as if everything’s just perfectly fine and like there isn’t so much shit between us?” you sighed, running your hands over your face out of pure annoyance. why was he acting like this? why were you okay with it?
“i know you. i know every single facial expression you make. every single word you say,” he muttered, studying your face rapidly, “and i know that half the smiles you show off when you’re with diggory are fake. he’s boring you, i can see that clear as day. at least when you were with me, it was fun.”
you shook your head at his words, a soft huff of disbelief forcing itself out of you. deep down inside of you, you know that everything he was saying was true, but you couldn’t admit that. cedric was your boyfriend, you loved him, didn’t you?
“stop it, mattheo,” you pleaded, looking up at the blood-drenched face of the boy you didn’t know whether you adored or despised.
“i was your first… everything, princess. you can’t just deny that what we had was special,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes as if he was getting annoyed again, his soft facade crumbling.
“what do you want me to do? apologise?” you breathed out in disbelief, looking at him as if he was insane, “if that’s what you want, then this is me standing in front of you and saying that i’m sorry for what happened that night, and it hurts my pride to say this, but i sometimes find myself wishing i could change my mind. is that what you want from me? i’m sick of these games.”
mattheo seemed to pause at your words, each syllable playing over and over in his head as he registered what you had just admitted. it was as if his entire body just glitched, every muscle coming to a standstill, though his eyes flicked back and forth as if he was reading the words from a book. it took a moment, but he eventually cracked a small smile, his head tilting.
“did you just reference a taylor swift song in your apology, love?”
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nqify · 2 years
faceriding hcs? like extra sloppy, messy, nasty yk. spit, slurping all the noiseeeee aaaaaaaa plsplspls!
the amount of people that actually requested this!!! it’s filling my request box lmaooo!! this is for all the ppl that wanted face riding hcs UR WELCOME
face riding headcanons. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairings. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warnings. oral for f!reader. dirty talk. lil spit play. and ofc daddy kink duh?.
note. y’all were rlly onto smth requesting this!! I 100% headcanon quaritch to get pussy drunk!!
so we can agree on that miles loves eating pussy. he doesn’t do it for you, oh no, he does it for himself. the way your body struggles and shakes just by his tongue and fingers??? def makes go through the roof.
so when u asked him, “uh, miles, can i sit on your face?” oh this boy is going feral. he’s ears would perk up and his tail would start to wag a little, literally a dog.
bc this guy has a size kink he would love and I mean LOVE!! having you on top of him. The way ur body is so small compared to his and the fact ur struggling just to sit comfortably on his lap. HE IS IN AWE
youd be a little nervous to sit on his face, like duh?? this guy is so hot and u don’t want him to die. but he reassures you, “no, no, it’s okay mama, ride my face, c’mere”
your legs would wrap around the sides of his head, his big hands would settle on the back of your thighs, “don’t be so nervous baby, ima make u feel so good” u r purring fr
this guy is so sloppy and noisy when he eatsFR!! he’s slurping, humming and groaning in your pussy!!! “shit baby, u taste so good”
you’d be hesitant to grind on his face, only doing little movements instead, but OHNO!! this mf wants u to literally ride his face. He’d grab your thighs to lift you off his face a little to say, “mama, need u to ride my face, you can do that can’t you?? u wanna make daddy happy right?” YOU R WHIMPERING AND NODDING!!
you start to slowly grind on him, his hands having a firm grip on your thighs. you can practically hear him moaning in your pussy, “mmm so good” or or “want more, gimme more mm” GIRL!!!:&!,&,
GETS PUSSY DRUNK YEPYEP!! y’all have to listen to me on this one. miles loves ur pussy, like is in love with it. so when u ride his face, it def triggers smth in him. He starts to mumble under his breathe, he gets more vocal and I mean vocal like WHINING!!! he’s just so pussy drunk
lets just say your rlly get into it, riding him and shit and all of a sudden miles says, “fuck baby, gimme more, I want more of pussy pls” HOLY SHIT WHAT???
Now now, he will not go all subby and bottom out. That ain’t him!!! he’ll just start to get more whiney with his words, more eager to have ur pussy.
Youve already came three times now and miles still hasn’t had enough. Like I told you, he eating you out for his pleasure not yours girl!! “you can cum one more time right baby?? yeah? u can??, good girl” yeah ur cumming over and over again
cuz he’s so pussy drunk his dirty talk gets so much more hotter. Like omg, “shit mama, ur pussy is fucking delicious, gonna eat it every day, u hear me baby? gonna make ur pretty pussy such a mess for me, mm” oror when ur about to cum, “yeah keep going princess, keep grinding on my tongue, gimme ur cum baby, need it bad” He’s literally begging for you at this point.
kinda feel like miles would use face riding as some sort of punishment for you. like he’d make u sit on his face and force out every orgasm you have.
just imagine your being the biggest brat ever. Not listening to a word he’s saying and just being a big tease. This guys pulls you to your shared bed and makes u cum OVER AND OVER AGAIN!! OVERSTIMULATION KINK BRRR
he has full control over you, holding your thighs still, while overstimulating ur poor pussy!! girl u r aching rn, “had to be such a brat huh? u just wanted daddy’s attention didn’t you?? yeah that’s right, c’mon baby, cum for me”
def would spank you. ur doing smth he didn’t like, or ur going outta line, SPANK!!! just bc your on top of him doesn’t mean u get control. He wants u to let you know that ur pussy is his and his only, “who’s pussy is this baby?” he’d slap your clit a little, “yours miles!!” girl GIRL, “say that again mama, who’s pussy is this?” yours daddy
bc this guy is a messy eater he will spit on ur pussy. Like cmon now??? Ur grinding on him and all of a sudden BOOM spit on ur pussy!! he wants it to get messy and sloppy, he absolutely loves it when it runs down his chin cuz later UR LICKING THAT OFF FR!!!
hey loves!!! sooo requests are still open but only for a little while longer. send through all the stuff u can now before they close🫶🏼🫶🏼
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rosyjn · 1 year
jake sully masterlist
MDNI, adult works on here.
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-wax play, avatar mating season day ??
-aftercare, avatar mating season day 1
x human reader!!
-riding dilf Jake’s face
Long time no writing..
Y’all are just sooo needy and horny that the sex is clothed!
- eye contact 👁️
Gentle, like has some casual dominance if you squint
-jealous dilf
breeding, spitting in mouth, hand on throat STEAMY
-riding his abs
-day 11 kinkmas
-kinkmas day 2 2023
Titty fucking
-kinkmas day 1 2023
-tits guy.
You already know…😈
- random thought
Nsfw, porn without plot
-just seggs w Jake
nsfw just short sexy time
-dilf!jake disciplines you after you guys get home (smut)
self explanatory
-you and Jake are a little too loud… (smut)
when you and jake are fucking in the tent but unfortunately norm and grace can hear
-taking Jake to Utraya Mokri (smut)
"we've been goin' at it like rabbits, how are you still horny??"
-dilf!jake can’t control himself when he sees human reader with an ice cream (smut)
-part 2 of above (also smut)
-you get drunk and Jake has to discipline you 🙄
rough smut! spanking!
-short lil fic abt overstim w Jake and then the aftermath (smut)
again self explanatory
-jake sully headcanons (contains nsfw)
- human Jake and reader have a lil fun when she gets locked out of her room (smut)
little angsty if you squint but mostly funsies!
-just a lil thought abt ma jake..
sex in the tent w/ him
-"are you sure you want this? if i start, i  might not be able to stop..."  smuttt jake sullyyy
cute little fun nsfw he fucks you on the ground
-Husband!jake headcanons
-"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention," JAKE SULLY X READER SMUTTTT
jake being annoying and then sex lmao
-Dilf!Jake w his little halloween traditions from earth (no smut🙄)
sweet one sfw
-"What? Does that feel good?" dilf!jake sully messing around with you during a party. (SMUTT)  (Not proofread sorry guys 🙏)  
mischeivous and then weird angst, then nsfw
-rough seggs w jake bc jealousy SMUTTT
-jake sully x chubby reader smut
not genuine smut but he gets into it, then the story cuts bc im lazy
pretty long one compared to my others. reader is a sciencey girl.
-POV: You get a letter from Jake… &
all sweet and then jake gets long-distance-horny
-“Bed. Now.”
face down ass up 😈
-Roommate (human Jake)
longest one yet i think, but yeah SEX AND RIDING :)
-Dilf!jake who wants to get his human girl pregnant (SMUT)
read the title lmaooo
-“let me fuck the problem away”
stress relief..
-getting her to confess (dilf Jake)
jake has his own unique way of getting words out of you
-dilf!jake w virgin reader
first time with him
-“Let me show ya”
Jake giving you your first aftercare
-“You like rough? I’ll show you rough,”
reader says she wants jake to be less gentle during sex, so he fucks her dumb right there.
-birthday present.
unconventional birthday treat...
lana del rey lyrics, how they relate to jakey
-giving him a handjob, kinktober 2023 day 1.
lunaskinktober 2023
-him eating you out, kinktober 2023 day 2.
lunaskinktober 2023
- riding his thigh, kinktober 2023 day 3.
lunaskinktober 2023
-dilf!jake spanking you, kinktober 2023 day 4.
lunaskinktober 2023
-Jake x human reader
doing it in the bathroom :)
-bf!jake thoughts
Slight nsfw
-giving dilf!jake a blowie, kinktober 2023 day 7.
lunaskinktober 2023
-dominant Jake
little nsfw, just a blurb abt him being casually dominant and reader getting drunk.
-dilf!jake and you while you’re in restraints, kinktober day 11
lunaskinktober 2023
-jake sully fingering you, kinktober day 12.
lunaskinktober 2023
- first 69 with Jake, kinktober day 14
lunaskinktober 2023
- size difference, kinktober day 15.
lunaskinktober 2023
-how he loves your tail
A1 Jake and na’vi reader
-my man, his bruises
kind of sad, not nsfw
-begging, kinktober day 17
lunaskinktober 2023
-just a thought
with mating press and breeding..
-edging, kinktober day 20
lunaskinktober 2023
-In rut 🥶
-toruk makto>
cocky Jake!
-biting you, kinktober day 23
lunaskinktober 2023
-Rough, kinktober day 24
lunaskinktober 2023
-the best medicine
him doing you while you’re sick to cheer you up!
- catching in you the act, kinktober day 25
lunaskinktober 2023
- overstim, human!jake x reader kinktober day 26
lunaskinktober 2023
- praise with subby Jake, kinktober day 28
lunaskinktober 2023
-dirty talk with dilf!jake, kinktober day 29
lunaskinktober 2023
-A1 jake eats you out when you’re mad at him
Lowkey feels unfinished I’m sorry y’all
-sub Jake hcs
so so so short
- dilf!jake and bratty reader
- dilf!jake catching you in your first heat
Not proofread sorry! Tell me if there are errors.
-Jake using his tail …
short, pretty sfw.
dilf Jake w virgin reader
- using the safe word
-missionary blurb, random af.
-Jake feeling bad after forgetting aftercare
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lowkeyrobin · 8 months
your writing is so cool btw
can I request a cricket crew with a classical musician partner or friend? (I play cello btw and I have a performance soon, rlly need some cricket crew brainrot)
hiii thank you 🫶🫶🫶 ; and yes of course!! idk much about instruments so bare with me, I had to do some research LMAOOO
HANDSOME BROS ; classical musician
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu
warnings ; language, jokes about killing
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tries to learn how to play your instrument
"Tommy, you're holding it the wrong way-"
"I've got it!"
good god it's... it's something
your ears are bleeding /pos
"You're gonna break it!"
"No I'm not!"
he's infatuated with hearing you play your instrument
will never miss a concert, he'd rather die than not be in the crowd cheering you on
if you got the lucky chance that the director gave you a solo, he will be recording and he will be posting it to the main insta to show your talent off
he's 100% your biggest supporter
loves watching you tune your instrument and maybe trying to learn how to do it
has you play it on stream sometimes too LMAO
bro turns on medievalcore yeah! by usher and gets you going 💀💀
you covering their favorite song with your instrument is 100% their ring tone
their voice-mail message is you playing some romantic tune in the bg while they go over the "send a message!" shit
he's going to all your concerts and will be rewarding you afterwards
probably got you to do some tunes for the genloss soundtrack tbh
will just awkwardly pose with your instrument in post-concert/rehearsal pictures like 😊👍
will talk to you post-performance like a proud mother 💀
you'll barge into his room, instrument in hand as you cover some popular meme song as he's streaming to just interrupt
you'll dedicate a whole stream trying to teach them how to play your instrument
it goes fairly well for someone who's never touched an instrument before
he knows piano and guitar, you're 100 percent covering songs or making joke songs for the bit 24/7
if you play brass instrument, he'll constantly, lightheartedly, complain about the spit, leading you to play out the window or in the bathtub 💀
your biggest fan at concerts, will give you a standing ovation at the end, he will be like a proud parent watching their child graduate
you guys probably start a duo band for the hell of it
sometimes you both get a little too bored and why not post your music?
he's accidently gotten hair dye on your instrument somehow
luckily it came off
if he's streaming, too bad, you'll purposefully play your instrument and/or walk in like a one man mariachi band
"y/n/n what are you doing?"
"being a musician, freddie!"
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hungharrington · 1 year
i would uh.. like to put my own little menace!steve in bed thoughts out here.. they will make ZERO sense and will be all jumbly n gross but it’s like midnight n i have to be up at 6am so BE KIND <3
as someone who is 100% very shy/extra nervous at first, no noise, trying to mask facial expressions and hide parts of my body. this type of reader especially?? oh ho ho
menace!steve doubles as sorta loving!perv!steve. he can and will fantasise abt cumming on ur tummy and move his way up the best he can - still cumming - until he shoots some onto ur boobs as well. on his come down, all out of breath and smiling with his eyes closed, he can’t wait to open em and see ur blushy, shocked little face, and ropes across ur chest, across ur tummy, maybe he even dribbled some across ur pussy cus he didn’t time it right and shot a bit early (no complaints)
menace!steve who is all slow thrusting with his entire body, borderline begging u to take the big shirt off, he wants to see you all bare so bad.. he’s naked and skin on skin would feel so much better for u baby! steve who, when little noises do embarrassingly slip out, he lights up, copies em; he’ll nudge ur nose with his as ur eyes try and screw shut from embarrassment, his own eyebrows knit up in mocking and his pout mirroring the one he saw, all oh did that feel good sweetheart? oh, it felt so good right there, huh? look at me, look at me.. look at me, or im gonna make u cum.. right now.. so close to me, make u cum with my face so close to urs huh? with his hand trailing down towards ur clit threateningly (because the only thing more embarrassing than making noises like what u just made, would be cumming so quick and hard and probably very noticeably lmaoo)
menace!steve who notices that u like him beefy and hairy. imagine him laying in bed while ur getting ready, and he’s shirtless???? with the covers bunched over his hips, n he just busts out some little quip about how he’s been dreaming about u cumming on his chest so bad. wants to make u ride it, but he doesn’t think he’d be able to have ur pussy that close to his mouth without tugging u up onto his tongue. ur stood there with ur hair tie half done, frozen, bc he looks so nonchalant saying that with his huge biceps crossed over his chest.
menace Steve who wants to simultaneously cum inside u, suck it out, sloppily spit it down ur tits and into ur mouth and makeout, JUST AS MUCH as he’d want to cum inside and then not move. breeding kink menace Steve’s brain goes wee-woo-wee-woo empty when he sees u eyeing his cock when it leaks pre-cum. the man just cannot have his dick in ur mouth, he’s so serious he wants to make every drop count, but he also makes u want it so bad that whenever he gets the vibe that u just need it/need him, u come back into whatever room ur in to see him stripping. he’s so fucking coy abt it too, just shrugs and waves his hands for a second like duhh?? get with the program..
LMAOOO out of left field, but menace!steve who maybe does smthn mundane, like ur pipe breaks (i am NOT a plumber I don’t know what im talking abt), but while he’s down there, laid with his head in the cabinet tinkering around, he tries to role play a ‘oh no my pipes burst and oh? hunky plumber man came to fix it!’ porno scenario. but he doesn’t tell u. just works himself up and lets himself get so noticeably hard that ur like.. are u alright stevie?? n he just has to tell u to pls for the love of god ride him like he’s just some maintenance guy n ur just a hot babe who needs some good dick. take it from him - he’ll keep working (n if it’s a reader who like previously mentioned, isn’t at that point yet.. yea icl I’d do it. don’t judge me but if he’s all sighing and giving up like honey PLEASE take my dick out.. yeah 🫶)
menace!stevie who at every inconvenience, when his little princess is huffing and puffing abt something, rolls his eyes, tugs her under him like god okay babe, i hear you, u need eating out okayy i get it, need to let me kiss u down there for a bit as if he wasn’t the only one out of the two of u thinking that, but boy menace!steve?? can make an excuse out of ANYTHING. oh they gave u crinkle cut fries instead of french? his eyebrows raise as he sighs all dramatic, fully prepared to try n finger u in the diner booth. the dress ur trying on in the changing room doesn’t fit like u wish it would? he’s clicking his tongue, caressing ur hair back just to bend u over infront of the mirror, raring to go and dry hump. the reason??? he’s is. a menace. and kinda bitchy. but it fits.
(also, when ur making out and straddling him, he’d definitely break away, massive grin, just to tease u abt how he can feel that, yknow?? FEEL WHAT??? yknow.. ur heartbeat, baby? the grin is still there, head tilted down to look at u through his lashes. manhandles ur hips harder into his lap and u finally get what he means)
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i’m also a no noise & quiet, ‘can i keep my shirt’ on babe and this felt like a direct ATTACK. steve trying to make his plumber porn fantasy to come true is peak steve 😭 and i would fucking indeed. get his dick out and ride it while he fixed my pipes :)
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s2 episode 1 thoughts
here we goooooo!
(i started to imagine the sound of a really long and celebratory air horn to commemorate starting s2... but then that mental sound was awful so we ended that pretty quick)
it opens with mulder providing some gentle asmr about aliens and space with a thinly disguised undercurrent of rage in his voice, nice...
he starts talking about a guy named "richard bryan" cutting an alien survey program and that is such a generic name i figured they made it up for the show. and wrote "haha wouldn't it be funny if that was a real guy. and they made this whole episode just to mess with him."
chat. you're never gonna believe this. richard bryan was real and he did in fact cut the alien program. how do you think he felt being name dropped here? neeeeed to get his side of the story
(they also talk about the voyager a bit here which is really cool i won't lie)
now, what has our duo been up to in the time away from the x files? mulder is listening to men talk about lap dances and spitting sunflower seeds... i am not surprised here... all in the name of Research...
but scully is teaching at the academy!!! oh this delighted me to no end!
she starts getting emotional over the concept of a life being contained within tissue and her student is like "you sound spooky" ha. ha. i see what they did there. mulder you're a terrible influence.
they run into each other and she is so happy to see him but he totally blows her off! i was so sad!!!!
AUGH HE HAS HIS SISTER'S PHOTO ON HIS NEW DESK. aughhh man hold on. hold on.
scully is waiting outside watergate (wild they hadn't rebranded at that point tbh) for a shadowy figure and it is mulder! a very cranky and tired looking mulder! he's like we shouldn't be meeting, what do you need me for.... omg rude??
"so what did you want?" "to see if you're alright" (sound of me being sucked into emotional quicksand rapidly)
to answer her question of "are you okay" he begins to ramble about telescopes which is very in character
he says he saw deep throat's funeral but i remain suspicious....
the x files project being shut down has destroyed the man we used to know as mulder! he says that he isn't even sure if what happened to his sister is real anymore! they killed his spirit! "seeing isn't enough... i need solid evidence. i learned that from you" HEY OUCH?????
he's on the ground filled with a deep sadness and she runs her fingers through his hair, at which point i made this note: "y'all i'm only on season 2 i can't do this. i'm gasping so aggressively my mouth is hurting" so safe to say that i will be in for a hell of a ride moving forward... keep me in ur thoughts
baby fox flashback! we see his sister's abduction, which is obviously supposed to be very heavy and traumatic but i was laughing at the skinny little alien throwing her through the window lmaooo i love you 90's cgi <3
PAUSE. we see mulder waking up in a cold sweat from reliving his worst memory. but i see something new in the background: a fish tank in his room. this is a striking development that shall not slip by unnoticed.
and then some guy bursts into his room? and takes him to "the hill" to meet with a politician, who keeps calling him fox? who says they're being listened to? and tells him he needs to go to puerto rico where they're hiding evidence?
(tbh that sequence raised a lot more questions than it answered but i did love that mulder can name the bach piece that is being played because of his college music class lol)
SKINNER MENTIONED!!!! okay i figured out who he is: he's the one with the glasses and the fancy desk and the sidekick who is ALWAYS smoking. glad to have a name to the face. like yeah he was there last season but i had other things to focus on i guess.
cutscene to mulder lounging in a truck bed in puerto rico. niiiice. climbing compilation- niiiiiiice. and busting things open? hell yeah niiiiice
gasp... scully broke into his place (which i think is an entirely new set? or at least from a different angle. but um. okay i'll try and ignore that. but can anyone confirm or deny...?)
anyway she puts her glasses on and slips into password guessing mode and succeeds... i would have thought the FBI would keep tighter passwords on their personal devices than "trustno1" but hey maybe he did that so she could strategically break in!
and some dudes bust in and ask why she's here so she's like ummm i feed the fish lol.....
(and then she refuses to endanger the fish by overfeeding them because that's the type of person she is... and if it provides cover for sneaking out something printed from his computer well that's just a bonus!)
back to puerto rico!! guy in the bathroom reveal!!! mulder cannot speak spanish (smh mulder you were supposed to be the humanities one) but the dude draws a picture of an alien so i guess that proves that art is a universal language <3
scully is taking his paper she printed to some guy to analyze idk her freckles were distracting me again. sorry. NOT! i refuse to apologize. not during june.
(but she goes through some flight records and sees his alias and realizes where he's going and follows)
again, back to puerto rico! our new friend jorge is running for his life into a storm so our patient pal mulder naturally runs after him. into the jungle. and ohhhh jorge is dead now? that was quick.
he does a DIY autopsy on jorge while speaking into the voice recorder- which he addresses as "scully", while sounding like he is going to get sick, kicking things, sweating profusely, and doubting himself. hell yeah baby this is tv! i wanna see that man in situations!
"before i could only trust myself, now i can only trust you, and they've taken you away from me... my life up until this point has been about seeing her again, but what would i do if they really came?"
(now the first part of that is WILD. they've taken you away from me. that phrasing... also, they have successfully gotten the man to doubt his entire existence. sneaky little fbi trick there, making "trust no one" include himself)
BUT the skinny legend aliens return and he is brought back to his sense quickly. he gave it a good go (shot at it a bunch of times) but weirdly the gun didn't fire... probably a good thing. imagine the complications to alien diplomacy that would create!
he wakes up on the floor to scully explaining who she is and asking if he remembers her. he bolts awake, grabs her shoulders, and says that it was the same alien that took his sister. she is already deeply concerned when he then kicks aside a dead body and says we have to analyze it and her face in this moment was delightful. it was very much giving "mulder you're scaring me" just with the eyes
she has to make him realize they can't smuggle a body back to the states OR any of the paperwork really so he just grabs an audio thing that was clearly a better choice. but i want to know how he thought they were gonna get jorge out of there. because the alien hunters were coming to kill him and speed is hard enough for alive people.
"evidence doesn't matter if you're dead!" -dr. dana scully
they crash their way through the jungle, getting shot at and generally destroying what i'm sure is a very important ecosystem but still. they made it out! sorry to the environment </3
mulder gets called into skinner's office (i know that guy's name now!!! i'm so proud) and yelled at for blowing off his case work... and cigarette sidekick is also yelling at him but skinner kicks ciggy man out... is he... an ally? he tells him to go back to work on the job mulder finished like 2 weeks ago...... okay so what i'm seeing here is a boss who is willing to let a man pursue his passions
at the very end we see our duo reunited and it appears the audio he smuggled out of puerto rico had nothing recorded on it!
she tries to encourage him and he seems to be doing better: "i may not have the x files, scully, but i still have my work... (looong pause) and i still have you... (looong pause) and i still have myself" <- okay so looks like we're getting our boy back!!! who cheered?! meee!
he returns to the recording of men discussing strippers and she grasps his hand and then leaves him to his task...
BUT! the minute she leaves, he puts the first audio file back on and it seems to be working now... so why didn't he want her to know???
what is going on!!! i thought "trust no one" would logically mean mulder not trusting himself, but to not trust scully? well, this is madness! what have they done to the man?!
i suppose i will have no choice but to stay tuned and see if his mental state improves a bit with the return of the aliens...
i was really excited to start s2 and i took a lot of notes even for me LMAO some of which i cut out because it would take me forevvvver to capture all of my thoughts in even more detail than i have here but-
as the kids say: we are sooooooo back baby!!!!
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willowser-but-nsfw · 1 year
can you imagine? you feel guilty and you’re like you know what? you’re not a piece of meat, we’re gonna play catan. sit your ass down while i make some tea, we’re gonna read in silence and enjoy each others company. and now bakugo is double as grumpy because what the fuck?! what the hell did he do wrong? why aren’t you feeding him? meanwhile you’re just trying to get some quality time in so he feels valued and he’s being pissier than ever 😫 a vicious cycle
LMAOOO HE IS PISSIER THAN EVER !!! 😭 i had this thought for a different part in which — you do feel bad, so you put a stop to it. ignore his advances for a little bit, sleep in sweatpants and yank his hand out of them if he tries anything, push him by the head if he gets on his knees behind you alfbfjskakal and he's so like 😑😑😑
tells you it's making him SICK !! making his stomach hurt and all his energy is gone, he's just a sad sack on the couch. and you're all, "yeah, yeah, i've heard the blue balls story plenty of times, buddy 😒" LMAOOO but you don't realize !! it really is making him feel worse 🥺🥺
doesn't even have the energy to try and maintain a human form, so you just have this giant balled up demon creature in your living room, sulking. you're trying to get him to watch tv !! to drink some tea with you !! YES, PLAY CATAN !!! and he just looks like he's dying LOL
"alright!" you snap, tossing your cards across the room when he slumps back into the couch for the third time. you're sitting on the ground, across the coffee table from him when his own cards slip out of his hand pathetically. you let out an audible growl, crawling across the carpet as loud as you can until you're knelt right between his legs, and he only grunts when you reach for the sweatpants you've given him.
"what're y'doin?"
what you're doing is trying to pull the material down past his ass and struggling, since he isn't helping in the slightest. "trying—to—appreciate—you!"
when you finally get them down to his ankles, you feel your face heat at the sight of him, soft against his thigh. you have to admit that he does seem a bit lifeless, lacking the glowing hue his beautiful skin seems to have; even his natural black eyes are a little dull, almost cloudy.
you get shy suddenly, having it right in front of your face. bakugou hardly makes a noise when you crawl into his lap, maneuvering his fat head around so that he has to look at you, blank as it is.
"i said i'm trying to appreciate you, stupid."
he lets out a very small, almost missable huff, which is better than nothing — though the quiet hiss he lets out when you stroke the length of him teasingly is even better.
"'s'not about appreciating me," he says, gruff. when you make a show of dripping a fat glob of spit down onto your hand, he inhales sharply, shifting his hips beneath you despite his weak protest. "'s'about me appreciating y—"
he cuts himself off with a small groan when you grab one of his horns and yank, pulling him up so that your mouths are nearly touching. in the pump of your hand, he's grown hard and — large, twitching stubbornly when you suddenly let go.
"and what if i am appreciating this?"
he's a little more lively, after that.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
im pretty sure you've been asked for all the ocs at this point separately but i have a tiny pea sized brain and cant remember LMAOOO but who are your fcs for the ocs? doc/andrew/jess/derek/kristen/marta/elias/etc. (im sure im missing some)
my brain definitely manifests them a certain way but im curious to who you imagine!!
So I left a lot of these non-existent or vague so people can plug in themselves and people they love BUT here’s who I picture 😍
Doc: I don’t really have an actor who fits her so I made this AI thing when I was thinking up the character? But I’ve pictured her as fairly petite (5’2”-5’4” ish?), small but not skinny, rounded but not thicc. Basically just the personification of softness and femininity. She’s got a lot of hair that’s wavy/curly that gets out of control easily and her personal style is the thrift shop version of Jess from New Girl. She looks like someone the apocalypse will chew up and spit out.
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Andrew: my sweet baby angel! When we first meet him, he is 110% Lucas from Stranger Things. Fairly baby faced but brave in the face of it all - and still able to find happiness and joy. By the time Doc leaves the QZ, I’m kind of leaning Donald Glover? Someone mentioned they cast him as Andrew Garfield and I kinda love that too lol
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Jess: Our third member of the codependency squad (who was honestly way understanding of her boyfriend/husband’s weird attachment and we love her for it) and resident comedian is, in my head, Doctor Who era Karen Gillan. Red hair, vibe of sass and strength but also naïveté (and so pretty that we can’t blame Andrew for gawking at her for months) we love her.
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Derek: the good guy who might have been if it weren’t for trauma and Joel! He’s 40 year old James Marsden. Just… *chef’s kiss* Look between him, Joel and Tommy? Doc can PULL. Someone said they cast Oscar Isaac here and look… Oscar is like maybe the one man I might find more attractive than Pedro, it depends on the day BUT I cannot cast him as anything but a leading man. Oscar and Pedro can only be end game in my book (but I will accept any and all HC castings lol)
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Kristen: Our favorite, competent as HELL trauma nurse! I pictured her as being unexpectedly feisty coming from a small, pretty, blonde package. Does she seem like someone you’d underestimate? Poor choice on your part but that’s her. Malin Akerman is who she is for me!
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Marta: our tough still figuring it out assistant turned expert nurse! I wanted someone sweet but strong who could be both naive and brilliant, so Ana de Armas it is! Only realized just now that her name in Knives Out is also Marta lol I FORGOT THAT BUT OH WELL!
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Elias: Our stalwart dogooder under the umbrella of FEDRA turned exhausted man trying to keep people alive, Elias is a kind hearted leader trying to do the best he can with what very little he has. His caring and drive I think are exemplified in Jimmy Smits - especially West Wing era Jimmy Smits at the beginning of the fic.
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So yeah! That’s how I see all these lovely lovely characters! I hope this enriches or informs the reading for you. Thank you so much for reading and asking! Love you!!
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hood-ex · 6 months
Finished JJK 0
I didn't know the movie was a prequel. I just wanted Yuji to show up the entire time lmao. The blorbo effect of me having a hard time focusing unless blorbo characters are involved.
No but I did manage to focus well enough, and I like that I got to know the year 2 students (or year 1 in this case) better, especially Maki. It makes things more interesting with her sister as well.
I've decided I hate the fact that Toge can only say a handful of curses before he has to tap out. I get that it's a weakness factor of his ability, buuut I still wish he could spit curses for longer than that.
Hearing "goddamn" in a Japanese accent was funny.
Oh yeah the heart nipples dude like what lmao.
I'm interested in seeing how Yuta and Yuji will interact with each other. I feel like their priorities are a bit more in sync in terms of saving/protecting people.
Todo and his Takada-chan agenda lmaooo. That's honestly such a hilarious motive to kick ass faster.
The entire time I was like is Kenjaku that forehead scar dude from season 1. I don't remember if his name was ever revealed in season 1, if so, I clearly didn't hear or memorize it. And then I always just recognized him by the forehead scar, so since he didn't have that in the movie I was like hmm is that the same guy. Are they different men entirely.
Naaaur I just wanna see Yuta and Yuji kicking ass together tbh. Not sure if Yuta returns in season 2, but I feel like he would since the movie was about him.
Ughhh I keep wanting to refer to the characters by their last names instead of their first names since in the sub they always go by their last names. Gojo feels more correct to me atm lmao so anyway I get Gojo's eyes are doing something but idk what, and I don't really care, I just know shit will rock harder when his mask comes off (*cough* Kakashi vibes *cough*) . And no yeah keep your mask on please sir bc those eyes are like elves on cocaine at the Christmas shindig.
Ummm what else... Nanami being a boss as usual. I don't usually buy geek merch, but I'm suddenly wanting a Nanami something of sort. Sticker maybe. Maybe I can slap him over the Nightwing sticker on the back of my phone case.
Kasumi is just a cutie patootie. Looks like a cinnamon roll... could actually kill you. Her hair makes me want to eat a blue Icee though.
I've been wondering who Gojo's teacher was and bam. No teacher reveal. But! Gojo and uhh what's his face... scar man. Scanning my above points quickly to try and find his name... oh Kenjaku. Yeah them being classmates wasn't necessarily surprising. Just because Kenjaku obviously knew a lot about Gojo based on season 1.
I don't remember if I was distracted or it simply wasn't mentioned, but I don't know what Yuta's skills are now. Like what's her face dead girl love monster, her curse self died, and so he shouldn't have access to her assistance now, right? But is her curse energy still embedded in the sword? So he's just a cursed sword user now? Or is he still insanely powerful?
Welp on to season 2 I suppose. I need Yuji's loud annoying ass back in front of my eyes pronto.
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k3uuu · 1 year
Just remember, you asked for this!
Who is your fave character in the story and why?
What fragrance of anal douche is Tom going to use next chapter?
I know Tom shaves his legs…and his arms…and his face…so, spill…does the carpet match the drapes?
Are we going to get a scene of papafag giving Tommy the sex talk??? Because I might just die if that happens!
Love you and your lil effed up universe and if y’all ever wanted to setup a discord for all of us fagettes to join, it would make my millenium.
1. I’m incredibly biased here, but probably PEEPFAG. I have reasons both in and outside the story, things that have been posted and parts that are not yet there, and for not LS reasons as well. He’s been in the story’s plot since the original Lover’s Spit, and yeah. I’m guilty and he’s my favorite. Super close to first but ultimately second is Tom, of course. My little gorefaggy, how can you not love him? He’s so psycho and kind of delusional, but it fits him so well. My beautiful little menace to society. <3
2. I’m not gonna lie, I am very bad with scents in general. I also can’t find fragrances online for anal douches. So unless Amelinda decides and writes it out explicitly, it’s a free for all LOL. I was looking up what Harry smelt in canon with Amortentia but I doubt there’s a treacle tart anal douche smell.
3. Shave? No, he doesn’t shave his pubes. He waxes them. Yup, there are no carpet* to be found. Riiiiiipped off. 🤭
4. I can’t answer that but this gave me so many immediate hilarious mental images, like my first thought was Thomas giving Tom the talk like, right now in the story timeline. Then my second thought was Thomas giving the talk in juvie- so ridiculously funny, like Thomas you are late and you know it!
LMAOOO LOVE YALL. I definitely would be up to having a discord, but that’d be something I’d have to discuss with @pinktom , my better half, the one who doesn’t have to fight the urge to post spoilers every two minutes.
*wrote wrong word rip
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ranting about spn. really messy, just typing down where ever my thoughts decide to wander.
honestly kind of indifferent to wincest, its whatever dude, im not going to start tilting over FICTIONAL incest. the writers purposely put subtext in there, its a whole thing, so whatever, it get it... not as indifferent to destiel tho, kind of confused why ppl insist they are canon, its clearly one sided, but whatever, i do not give enough of a shit to care. same same whtever. idgaf, you do you. (only problem is when they start attacking others for different opinions, or they start getting so delulu they see shit that isnt there) the reason i dont ship both, is not because im a anti heller, or because im anti wincest or whatever. i just lowkey started hating dean the more i watched spn.😭😭😭LIKE THAT EMOTIONAL CONSTIPATION WAS FUNNY AT FIRST, BUT THEN IT JUST BECAME FUCKING STUPID AFTER 15 YEARS. NAH FUCK OFF ACTUALLY, BRO MIGHT HAVE LEGIT DEVOLVED AS A CHARACTER😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOOOOO SHOT, I SWEAR DOWN THIS MAN GOT ME MOVING DIFFERENT STLYYYYYY. sammy is cute, but like only when hes suffering, or dying, or sick. like thats the only time i like him😭😭😭 and castiel, yeah i just dont really like the guy, hes damn mid knn cb. who i like tho??? KEVIN. THAT GUY IS FUNNY LMAOOOOOOOO. bro was soooo fr when he started raging about being dead, dude was fucking TWEAKING, LMAOO. like me too bro, i woulda been so pressed. and i alos really liked BELA. 😭😭 this bitch was LITTERALLY ME. LIKE ONG. she loved money, and god knows i only value money in my life. twiinnnnnn.😭😭also, really liked garth and john. garth because he was litterally just chilling, and john because bro did NOT care about nothing. OKKKKAYYY OK OK!!! spit your shit lil bro, i see you frfr, i see the vision uno. IN CONCLUSION: fuck the "team free will" (STUPID ASH NAME BTW, FUCKING LAME ASS NAME LMAOOO), and we stan the other chacters who know whats up.
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l13 · 2 years
♡ cod men and their nsfw visuals part 2 ♡
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part 1 here
WARNINGS : NSFW, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, the links are literally p#rn, proceed at your own risk.
CHARACTERS : alejandro, gaz, keegan, ghost, soap, price, könig
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alejandro vargas
♡ this man just doesn't give a single flying fuck. He's gonna control the pace, if he wants to, and that's a promise. Holding you by the back of your thighs and bouncing you on his cock is just one of his fave ways to do so- "Shit- such a wet fucking pussy you have, cariño" "Let me ruin it,"
♡ well. if you're gonna beg him so sweetly to fuck your face... that means you're ready for it right? Wrong. You'd never be ready for how this man face fucks even if you took monthly courses for it. The fact is, no matter how dirty, rough and down right sinful this man treats you when he's face fucking you- he'd gaze down at you softly each time he pulled out, "You good, baby?" grinning lazily as you assured him you were fine- tears running down your cheeks as you heaved, "You sure?"
♡ i am mentally not okay. "Stop crying, mi vida, we're not done yet."
kyle 'gaz' garrick
♡ think it's safe to say gaz seems like he'd enjoy anal don't you? LMAOOO "babe please can we try somethin'? I bet you'll love it." oh you loved it alright.
♡ sometimes kyle is just so desperate for you- he can't even wait till your clothes are off and he's situating you over his cock, grinding his hips up at you as you roll your own, and there's sweat dripping down his temple as you both get lost in the pleasure, "Shit- just like that," "Ffuck yeah, baby- you're so good t'me," he truly almost loses his mind at how good you feel even over all of your clothes
♡ if he's fingering you, gaz is taking his sweet time in doing so- he's soft and slow as he uses his fingers to rub your pussy- pressing needy kisses on your parted lips each time you moan, "You like this, babe?" "Want me to go slower?.. No? Y'want me to go faster?...Nah that doesn't sound right"
keegan russ
♡ what can i say he's a 'i'll paint your pussy with my cum and shove myself back inside immediately afterwards" kinda guy, gets the biggest ego boost each time he fucks you fr "Ah fuck- baby..." "Best fucking dick you ever had, isn't that right kid?"
♡ RAUDGDGHH i'm so sorry ill contain myself- basically he would gladly spend hours just in between your legs, teasing you, touching you over your underwear no matter how many times you beg him to hurry up and do smth already he just chuckles lowly, "Nah, I'd rather be doing this.." fucker has the biggest hard-on as well but just won't stop playing with your pussy
♡ no because- no becauuuse listen to me. LISTEN TO ME. I'M RIGHT. KEEGAN LOVES FUCKING TEASING YOU and he runs with it. "Pussy's so wet, doll.. Why's that, huh?" spits on your pussy for good measure and resumes sliding his cock over your puffy clit, "You fucking love this, I know you do,"
simon 'ghost' riley
♡ not even gonna say anything
♡ there's nothing in this world ghost loves more than when he gets you absolutely drunk on his cock, head thrown back, thanking him repeatedly as he thrusts inside you like there's no tomorrow-as he fucks you so well. "Fuckin' cum on me again, love. I know y'want to," "Ah fuck-Pussy's gripping me so tight, jus' let go and I promise I'll give you more, yeah?"
john 'soap' mactavish
♡ john 'i want to engrave you and your body in my soul' mactavish. man just wants to worship you fr
♡ sometimes soap just wants to make you feel good, no matter how hard he is, no matter how much you tell him you don't have to- he wants to. Absolutely loves to rub your sweet cunt, making you come undone as many times as he can, and also loves how needy you get- pressing kisses all over his face, so thankful by how good he's treating you<3333
♡ y'know what- soap would definitely film smth just like this on his phone, and he'd just love watching it when he was away, groaning as he looks at your hot body on his phone, his fist not making him feel nearly as good as yours would. But he makes do, imagining that it's your hand that's holding his cock, your hand he's rutting up to as he moans, eyes rolling back. "Yeah, yeah just like that. Mmso fuckin good-baby fffuuuuck" God, he needed to see you.
john price
♡ tears in my eyes. tears in my fucking EYYYYESSSS. Price loves nothing better than coming home after a long ass day, and just make you come over and over and over, whispering praises on your ear, his cock twitching in his briefs each time you jump and try to escape his hold, too overstimulated to form words- and this asshole just chuckles, "Stay right where you are, or I won't fuckin' stop till you're cryin' for me to put my cock inside you."
♡ price is a patient man unless he's pushed to his limits. Now, imagine he's trying to sleep after the most gut wrenching day he's had this week, and his brain just not shutting the fuck up to let him sleep. What better way to get over his insomnia than to wake you up and fuck you till he's pussy drunk? At least then he'll go to sleep thinking of you. "S' good, darling" "pussy's s' fuckin' good for me, innit?" "So good lettin' me use you like this, honey.."
♡ in the rare occassion that john fucks you doggy style, you stay down like a good pup. Or else.
♡ Even König gets mad sometimes. And yeah, he does get mad when you openly show affection to someone that isn't him. And he was this close to bash ghost's face in if you hadn't pulled him aside, clueless eyes staring up at his now cold ones. "Who's fucking you now, hm?" "Can he fuck you like this?" (he prob can but yknow) "Maybe I should invite him to watch how dumb my sweet liebling gets on my cock."
♡ yup. yup yup yup.
♡ könig will cum so fucking hard just by rubbing his cock on your pussy, head tilted to the side and brows pulled together as he pants, eyes never leaving the movement of your hand as you rub his dick back and forth on your cunt-
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no thoughts head empty just cod men.
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