#he simply cannot make it on a few cups of earl grey and a binge of all the studio ghibli movies
willowser-but-nsfw · 1 year
can you imagine? you feel guilty and you’re like you know what? you’re not a piece of meat, we’re gonna play catan. sit your ass down while i make some tea, we’re gonna read in silence and enjoy each others company. and now bakugo is double as grumpy because what the fuck?! what the hell did he do wrong? why aren’t you feeding him? meanwhile you’re just trying to get some quality time in so he feels valued and he’s being pissier than ever 😫 a vicious cycle
LMAOOO HE IS PISSIER THAN EVER !!! 😭 i had this thought for a different part in which — you do feel bad, so you put a stop to it. ignore his advances for a little bit, sleep in sweatpants and yank his hand out of them if he tries anything, push him by the head if he gets on his knees behind you alfbfjskakal and he's so like 😑😑😑
tells you it's making him SICK !! making his stomach hurt and all his energy is gone, he's just a sad sack on the couch. and you're all, "yeah, yeah, i've heard the blue balls story plenty of times, buddy 😒" LMAOOO but you don't realize !! it really is making him feel worse 🥺🥺
doesn't even have the energy to try and maintain a human form, so you just have this giant balled up demon creature in your living room, sulking. you're trying to get him to watch tv !! to drink some tea with you !! YES, PLAY CATAN !!! and he just looks like he's dying LOL
"alright!" you snap, tossing your cards across the room when he slumps back into the couch for the third time. you're sitting on the ground, across the coffee table from him when his own cards slip out of his hand pathetically. you let out an audible growl, crawling across the carpet as loud as you can until you're knelt right between his legs, and he only grunts when you reach for the sweatpants you've given him.
"what're y'doin?"
what you're doing is trying to pull the material down past his ass and struggling, since he isn't helping in the slightest. "trying—to—appreciate—you!"
when you finally get them down to his ankles, you feel your face heat at the sight of him, soft against his thigh. you have to admit that he does seem a bit lifeless, lacking the glowing hue his beautiful skin seems to have; even his natural black eyes are a little dull, almost cloudy.
you get shy suddenly, having it right in front of your face. bakugou hardly makes a noise when you crawl into his lap, maneuvering his fat head around so that he has to look at you, blank as it is.
"i said i'm trying to appreciate you, stupid."
he lets out a very small, almost missable huff, which is better than nothing — though the quiet hiss he lets out when you stroke the length of him teasingly is even better.
"'s'not about appreciating me," he says, gruff. when you make a show of dripping a fat glob of spit down onto your hand, he inhales sharply, shifting his hips beneath you despite his weak protest. "'s'about me appreciating y—"
he cuts himself off with a small groan when you grab one of his horns and yank, pulling him up so that your mouths are nearly touching. in the pump of your hand, he's grown hard and — large, twitching stubbornly when you suddenly let go.
"and what if i am appreciating this?"
he's a little more lively, after that.
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