#and the shadow cause yknow she named her shadow and all
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mylittlestims · 8 months ago
Autumn Blaze stimboard? :)
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Autumn Blaze Stimboard for @sleepingorchids
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(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
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luna-loveboop · 21 days ago
I dreamed that Wars punched Wild and Time threatened to punch Wars back and the fandom was in SHAMBLES
In the dream they were talking about the drama with the shadow to work it out yknow but then Wars made a slight on Zelda and Jojo said Wild takes insults to Zelda personally so it escalated. Also for some reason Wild didn't flinch at all when Wars hit him just stared at him and walked off to find Time- then they were chased by wall masters. The others heard them in the hallway cause Wars was tripping on his scarf and going slower and yelling and Wild was screaming down the hallway and rolling to narrowly avoid the monsters. Dream me forgot Wild can't roll. They burst out of the hallway and accused each other of lying to Time. Time had the Disappointed Dad Face tm and Four climbed on top of Wild's head. Time ordered Wild to take half a potion bc he was bleeding a lil from Wars punch and Wild was not going to but Four made him. The teams were rearranged to Four being with Wild and Wars going with Time and the Sailor. Wars was just standing there staring and was sad. Four guessed Wars thoughts from his place atop Wild's head and they split up in the new groups. Then Wind not very subtly said he had punched people before and also stabbed a man in the head cause he was one upping wars but then he had an instant regret didn't mean to say that look on his face but Wars and Time let it go. Then Time informed Wars that he was gonna sit out for the rest of the dungeon with Epona and join them at the boss fight. He pulled Wind to the side because he had been holding Wars hand and a wallmaster grabbed Wars and yoinked him out of the dungeon. New updates then had a page with Wars chilling outside the dungeon with Epona braiding her hair and thinking aloud and asking if she thought Twilight would be mad if he rode her and then happily doing so. Also Time got fed up with calling each other by their occupations and started using the cool names we call them by. Legend and Hyrule found their boomerangs and there was a lot of fire so I think they decided arson. And in the dream online with the fandom everyone was screaming over the drama. Every Lu post was all caps. I stopped making posts and just watched for a bit pondering. Oh. Also I think Wild threatened to (but did not) draw his blade if Wars touched him again and Four was just like COPYCAT and they bonded over having the others be violent towards them
What a dream I guess
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cupcait · 3 months ago
saw something dumb on tiktok and now i need to rant about caitlyn under the cut bc it's long and. spoilers yknow.
i rly. hate hate HATE that arcane brought on a certain group who knows nothing abt the characters before arcane & has defaulted to calling people who love caitlyn??? names??? and everyone has just this. absolutely ridiculous view of her because of her actions in s2 and i just.
did we watch the same show? almost every single character has done something that isn't... good?? there's so many who just so grossly misunderstand her character and her arc and it's so incredibly frustrating. yes it's awful seeing her morals falter due to her anger. it's awful seeing her allowing grief consume her and it'll never justify her actions. but like..... it's very human to be blinded by guilt, rage, and especially when mourning.
in act 1 she feels like it's her fault her mom died. like she failed, because she didn't do the one thing in her mind that would have prevented that. she feels her discipline and morals are what led to not only her mother dying, but two other members of the council. the entire point of her arc in the beginning is that cognitive dissonance. she isn't acting herself! she's going against her beliefs! THAT'S THE POINT!!! it doesn't mean they no longer exist in her. the way she behaves in the first two acts are VERY drastically different from the caitlyn we see in league, and in act 1. but she grows from it. she learns from it. & that won't erase the pain she caused during this period, but it is what serves to ground her again, putting her back to dedicating herself to healing.
also... she has not even AMBESSA in her ear, BUT POSSIBLY LEBLANC???? i know it doesn't drop her name but she has leblanc's exact eye makeup, and it's apparently leaked lb is getting a rework (more aligned w her appearance in arcane?) but mel says this line, sorceress/leblanc calls her a sly girl, and then we see ambessa tell her she is the wolf.
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also this shot in the opening? ambessa's eyes glowing just like shadow lb?? leblanc's entire thing is being the deceiver it's rly not surprising lb as ambessa would have been able to perfectly pull the strings & make cait act out of character.
regardless of all of that, caitlyn says very clearly hating jinx made her hate herself. we are not supposed to like or side with her during her siding with ambessa, because she doesn't like it either. she doesn't even side with herself. people say she folded the minute vi called her cupcake and like, that's funny, but it's more that seeing vi again was a reminder of what the hell she actually wants to be fighting (or shooting) for. "ambessa" wanted caitlyn to have a distraction from vi for a reason.... it'd bring out her heart, rather than the fear that could be easily manipulated.
ppl saying she kissed vi to manipulate her in act 1 and i just..... i have to laugh..... we're talking about the same caitlyn who had to snap herself out of it to avoid kissing vi after healing her wound w the shimmer.... riiiight..... people acting like she didn't immediately have an expression of regret after hitting vi w the butt of her rifle... RIGHT.... SHE KNOWS SHE FUCKED UP we literally see the shift before she leaves. goes from looking like she cant believe what just happened to looking like she's about to cry out of guilt before she turns and leaves. it's awful seeing her do this to vi, and again, we aren't supposed to like it. i just think it's really clear she doesn't either. 😭
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also idk i just think it's weird to call people names over characters they like especially considering the amount of people who will forgive other characters who have. arguably done worse.
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huntingrays · 7 months ago
Jason revival fic ideas poll (starring valgrace)
i have several revival ideas but don’t know which to work on after my current long wip. i saw someone else doing it with their wips so i decided to do it for all the revival fic ideas i have, to see if there’s one ppl rlly like. so… i suppose vote for which one you all like best! no promises but wanna hear people’s thoughts
oh also if you wanna snatch any of these ideas, go ahead! well, you can take any except for the first, that one is my baby, i’m attached to it. but all others are free game. i just ask to be credited for such a cool idea 😌 cause i’m so cool and awesome /j
(some of them might be kinda nonsense… but it’s about the vibe yknow)
1. Flames of Fate.
one of two that’s currently a wip (but hasn’t been touched for so long). basically, leo is staying with piper cause his mental health tanked after jason’s death. he’s having a good time until they run into rachel who gives them a prophecy. leo, piper, and thalia are part of the prophecy so they all go together. during it, leo gets a power where he basically becomes a jack of all trades. basically, if he knows the name and godly parent of any living demigod, he can borrow their power. there are drawbacks since using the powers of someone else drains him (think shadow travel level draining) and the powers don’t always listen to him (since he isn’t a kid of that god). also, he can’t use his powers during until he swaps back to his own. during the end of the quest, he panics and summons the power of jason, the last person who made him feel safe and loved. to his surprise, the powers come, are as easy to use as his own, and his own powers stay. while recovering at chb, he summons the powers again and they come. as he watches the sparks and lighting dance up and down his arm, he realizes this means jason is alive (since he can only summon the powers of living demigods). on the quest, they went to get a dangerous box left by the fates, one that would kill the person who opens it. leo opens it and finds a string aside, one that attaches to his pinky finger the moment he touches it. he realizes he has to follow this string and he sets off on his own, not wanting to put his friends in any danger. basically, in this au it’s a thing where like jason was never supposed to die and the fates intended for leo to use the cure. originally, jason and leo’s lives got connected after his death, and they were supposed to die at the same time. however, their fates were messed up due to apollo and the whole mess he made, so jason died when he wasn’t supposed to. their solution was the string and sending three people who would be desperate to get him on a quest (his ex and best friend, his sister, and his best friend who loves him). however, the string doesn’t lead him to jason but instead to increasingly dangerous situations. eventually, he winds up in tartarus and dies. suddenly, jason is revived bc like this wasn’t their fate. and he panics bc dead leo and becomes a human defibrillator. and yay! leo is revived! emotional reunion! but… they’re still in tartarus and now have to escape together. not much plans for that, but after they escape leo is slowly dying (he can’t catch a break) so he uses his last remaining strength to shadow travel them somewhere… which isn’t the best idea since he’s shit at it. last time he did it was on the quest where, in a dangerous situation, he shadow traveled them out of it. he meant to go back to piper’s new cali home (apollo helped them out a bit) but instead brought them to percy’s closet at his college dorm (coming out jokes ensue). so, he only things that he needs to get them somewhere safe… which winds up being sally jackson’s apartment. poor sally, she just wants to celebrate the holidays with her family and her son’s gf when suddenly a boy who’s supposed to be dead comes stumbling out of her bedroom with a boy who looks like he’s dying. and basically after that jason iris messages will cause he’s the only doctor he knows. yeah, this one is like… the most thought out. i think it’s the only one that’s been seriously plotted out. so, that’s why it’s so in depth. I took rick’s habit of tossing couples into tartarus and applied it to valgrace (this may become a theme).
2. Red string of fate (that kills you)
basically, in this one the fates go to the seven (plus nico and reyna) and tell them there’s been a situation. jason’s soul never went to the underworld. his soul is missing and they have no idea where it is or how to get it back. they made a way to track him but they need a demigod to take on the job. basically, it’s a red string that will lead the demigod to his soul, attaching the two. however, there’s a draw back. it’s incredibly dangerous to attach two souls. if they die while on the quest, both of their souls will be destroyed. basically, permanent death, no after life or second chance at life. despite loving jason, everyone is hesitant, not willing to take on the risk of destroying not only their own soul but jason’s as well. no one… except leo. he volunteers for the job. in his eyes, an afterlife isn’t worth it if he has to spend eternity without jason. he’d rather cease to exist than to never see him again. he won’t abandon jason, to leave his soul to wander wherever it is lost and alone
3. Werewolf Jason
jason comes back but like… comes back wrong. he’s a werewolf now awoooo. he hides it from leo bc he doesn’t want him to think he’s a monster. however, leo finds out and doesn’t care bc he adores jason. wolf shenanigans ensue.
4. Nyx fucks around
basically, in this one if nyx takes a life due to a broken promise in the styx, she gets their soul. so, she gets jason’s soul. she remembers the prophecy about one of zues’s sons overthrowing him so she decides to revive jason and train him. she wants to have fun, to fuck around and find out. also, everyone hates zues anyway. it’s a win-win. she won’t allow jason to visit his friends until she decides that he’s done. however, she does allow him to have dreams about them. meanwhile, leo is going on a quest with his friends on a rebuilt ship. it’s not as cool as the argo II but still p cool. while he’s talking to percy on the deck, percy gets possessed by eidolons. they force him to fight leo. leo is fucked since he isn’t a great fighter, they’re right next to the ocean, and he doesn’t want to hurt percy. percy tries to fight them off but there’s two of them and every time he fights one off, another takes its place. eventually, the fight results in percy being forced to kill leo. oh also he gets like stabbed through the back like jason :) possessed percy pushes leo into the water to drown him, ensuring he dies. while underwater, with hands around his throats, leo mouths “i’m sorry” to percy since he knows his friend will blame himself. before leo dies, his last thought is that he will get to see jason again. also, percy is suddenly knocked out somehow. when poor percy wakes up, he ofc asks “where’s leo?” bc that’s the classic heartbreaking question. poor percy get escape guilt. nyx is watching and she kinda needed an alive leo for her plans (since jason went on long, love sick rants to her) so she uses her powers to just pluck his body to her place (which is why his friends couldn’t find his body). jason wakes up from having a dream about that and rushes to nyx and finds leo’s dead body lying there’s. he’s ofc devastated and breaks down into tears, holding leo’s dead body and sobbing his heart out. jason’s grief results in his powers going wild and nyx thinks he’s strong enough. she says that she can’t revive leo, but that there’s somewhere jason can go and ask for a favor from the gods. perhaps, one of them will make a deal with him and bring him back. she places a spell on leo so his soul will stay in his body and his body won’t decompose. so, jason sets off on a journey while carrying dead leo’s body and he’s very emotional. when he appears at the place, eros shows up cause he wants to have some fun. he says he’ll revive leo is jason makes a deal with him. i have like… two thoughts for the deal. one is that he admired achilles and how crazy he went after the death of his lover. the deal would be that if leo gets hurt, he’ll be filled with the ‘rage of achilles’. the other idea is that he wants to punish jason for how his father is, not wanting him to follow in his steps. that deal is that jason has to be loyal to leo, even if they aren’t dating. if he dates or is romantically with anyone who isn’t leo, he’ll slowly die. jason doesn’t care and would be willing to agree to anything to get leo back. (if achilles curse he sees at as a better way ti protect leo. if loyalty curse, he would rather remain single than live in a world without leo. also, if he and lie ever dated, he’d NEVER cheat on him). whoo leo is revived and they’re happy! but also they have to track down their friends and finish the quest (there was a line in the prophecy about seven demigods and reuniting the seven. he now realizes it means the og seven). shenanigans and gayness ensue
5. Valhalla
i died and ended up in the afterlife of an entirely different pantheon?! yeah jason in valhalla. basically, his soul is kinda just… around after his death, no afterlife. sam finds it and brings jason back. confusion comes when he says that he’s the son of jupiter. now, they have to find out how a roman ended up in the nordic afterlife. also jason befriends the gang and copes with his death. they go on a quest and at the end of it, magnus asks his reward to be jason getting revived, getting a second chance at life. magnus also decides to help his pining ass by calling annabeth and asking where her friend leo lives. he tells jason and jason goes there the moment he gets his life back and has an emotional reunion with leo
6. Monster Jason
basically, hera decides to sneak around. she takes jason’s soul and makes a new body for him. however, around fall time, jason’s soul gets restless and she’s worried about the gods finding out. she goes to echidna, wanting help to make a new body and hide him. she can’t make exactly make humans so she makes him a human body with monstrous qualities (my idea is just like… very tall and crazy strength with wings, claws, and a like feathered mask around his eyes). hera asks where they can keep him while she works on finishing his human form (so he can switch between the two forms). echidna’s solution is to just… throw him into tartarus. so they do. and he’s down there… for MONTHS. so he’s very changed by his time there. he’s more ruthless. one day, leo falls in while on a quest. when jason hears about a human, he investigates and is shocked to see leo. he hides from him but secretly watches and takes care of him (by giving him food and protecting him). he doesn’t want leo to see him and think of him as a monster. even if leo sees him and doesn’t think so, he’s been with his thoughts. he knows he’s lost some of his humanity. it’s easier for him to hurt, to kill. eventually, leo sees him when jason protects him from a sudden monster attack. he is just happy to see his best friend again. by now, the time hera needed to make jason a new body is up so they escape tartarus together. jason gets a new body and leo gets a tall, strong bird bf.
7. Psyche and Eros
current has a short wip. same as last one, but they decide to rebuild the eros’s palace. basically, nobody can see his face or say jason’s name. if they do, he won’t be hidden and the gods will know what hera did. also, he wears like a skull to hide his face. however, he has like a mirror that shows him his friends. he sees leo in danger and goes to save him. he… goes a bit crazy and takes leo back to his palace (while he’s unconscious) to heal him. however, he decides that leo will be safer there and decides to keep him there. when leo wakes up, he’s ofc very angry about being kidnapped by some weird bird man. he’s even angrier when the guy won’t let him leave and instead gives him a mirror so he can still see his friends. jason hates leo being upset with him (and that he can tell him the truth) so he says that leo can ask for whatever he wants and he’ll make it for him. he also makes a whole room in the palace where leo can invent it his heart’s content. eventually, leo warms up to this nice bird man who gets him what he wants and is more than happy to hear him ramble about his inventions. eventually, against his better judgement, he confesses his feelings and he and jason get together. despite jason’s warnings, he’s curious about the bird man. so, when jason is sleep, he lights a flame in his hand to see and takes off the skull mask. he’s shocked when he sees jason. his flames accidentally go out of control due to his emotions and he accidentally burns jason. jason wakes up and is upset that leo didn’t listen to his warning bc now his life is in danger. so, the palace crumbles and leo is left with his regret while jason flies off to go hide. what happens after this? idk haven’t planned that far
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iravaid · 11 months ago
sry if this is random but will u tell us what english au is? i remember seeing it passing re: codposting and im so curious
Hi i'm so happy you asked
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English AU came about when me and @farramint started bonding over how much we hated the comics and talked about how things might look if Roba was more competent.
English AU sprouts from the concept of what would happen if Simon let the brainwashing 'work' and started complying with Roba, to an extent, as his personal attack dog. Both as a way to get the torture to stop (so he would be healthy enough in the future to escape on his own, when the opportunity arose), and to stall Roba getting bored with Simon and killing him (as, in this AU, Roba had Sparks killed, leading Simon to realise his time is limited here, and dependent on that sadist's interest in him).
It's also a fun, morbid enough exploration on how low Simon will be forced to stoop while 'working' for Roba (murder, torture and such, yknow how it is), as well as the harassment, humiliation, and torture (of all kinds) he'd have to tolerate within the Zaragoza cartel. Things like forcefully being tattooed, mocked for the sexual assault and torture he'd been subjected to, and being referred to by 'English' as opposed to his actual name. I can see Roba subtly holding Simon's family hostage (to where they don't know they're in danger), and making sure Simon knows that any step too far out of line will lead to their harm. Gripped by the idea that the first time Simon hears his brother's, or mother's, voice in months is a conversation secretly recorded between one of them, and someone Roba had planted in Manchester in order to keep tabs on them.
It also lead to the idea of Roba, in all his arrogance, seeing a weakness in Las Almas following the upheaval within the cartel causing El Sin Nombre to rise to prominence. And this spurs him to try and expand operations. One thing leads to another, and Valeria convinces 'English' to help her against Roba, in exchange for his own freedom. Roba eventually dies, Valeria and Simon are violent girlbosses in arms, and Simon is coping sooo well after the torture nexus that he's just going to brutally hunt down the remaining Zaragoza cartel lieutenants while in this tenuous alliance with El Sin Nombre, who is also unsure how much to trust this man, as well as unsure if she wants to even let him go - Simon is very good at what he does, and in all honesty he knows too much about her identity. Also extremely to draw parallels between Valeria and Rudy, but if people want to read about that lmk because that's a separate post entirely.
And it makes sense for the 141 to eventually appear, maybe somewhat faithful to the plot of MW2, with the missiles and such <3. Except now there's some ulterior motives from Price, who might be aware of the MIA SAS serviceman who got tangled up in rumours of corruption and cartels. Leading to him trying to find Simon Riley and bring him back home with this sense of duty/honour to uphold, in the wake of higher-ups failing this man.
Simon then going from one master (Roba) to another (Valeria) to another (Price) is very fun to consider, as well. Valeria giving Simon more independence than Roba ever did, with shreds of respect to stop him from rankling under her thumb as badly (but still keeping Control, at the end of the day). Price is very much a man who knows how to utilise the men under him as Weapons, and while he respects his subordinates as people (versus Roba seeing Simon as a convenient attack dog he used to make kneel naked, arms behind his back, in a wire kennel for hours on end), Price ultimately values them by their individual abilities to keep the 'bad guys' afraid of their own shadows, and to 'save' the world.
This au has everything. Alejandro-Valeria bitter divorce, competent Roba horrors, Graves is there for some reason (he explodes in the tank again), Simon slaughter hashtag girl momen with a cunty silk buttonup a (with the buzzcut no less)(and houndcoding)(and corruption. but how much is merely just building off his sas conditioning), Price's vague sense of corruption but 'for the greater good', Soap and Gaz's horror at Simon's situation in a 'this very easily could've been us' way, and Gaz gets thrown out of another helicopter.
augh this became long, i hope it makes sense. The idea is ultimately that simon gets to go home, too, and tries to readjust to a 'normal' life, reuniting with Tommy and Sharon and Beth and Joseph. But I can see Price convincing him to return to the service (he knows a lifer when he sees one, and why waste a good soldier), potentially as a private contractor with the 141.
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thegamingcatmom · 6 months ago
A thing that hasn't left my mind for a bit. Hear me out.. MC Is a witch.
Now not Like some scarlet witch type witch, but a person who like sacrifices things 😅
I truly don't know I just have the idea of kate being all smug asking about what MC can do and MC just looks at her like "bring me a *something dead*" Kate believes it's bullshit untill MC does her thing and next thing you know they get a lot of money randomly. (Omg add to MC actually being like Salem witch trials old😭😭)
BUUUT if we wanna go the way of her actually having powers I was thinking of Morgana Pendragon! Katie Mcgrath my love, did an amazing job as Morgana. (Sorry had to show some love)
Excuse my rambling yet again! I honestly just was thinking of MC with the Feral sisters but she's a witch. Perhaps she's actually a lot stronger than the sisters and she thinks it's amusing?
Hellaw frosty!
That has crossed my mind as well. Like, before I started on the first chapter I was contemplating having MC not be human because I was like "What makes her special? Why would the Denalis fall head over heels for her? How does one manage to charm an entire family of vampires?"
It was certainly tempting because I´m absolutely digging that concept of the Denalis being all smug and cocky, believing MC to be yet another mouse they can play with before going in for the final blow. Only for MC to...play along. Play the part of the innocent, because her appearance wouldn´t lead anyone to believe otherwise. To the public eye, she´s just an ordinary woman. A mortal.
The Denalis entertain her, so she´s willing to see where this goes.
...For now.
On the inside, however?
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I ultimately decided against it because it just didn´t fit with what I had in mind. I´m a sucker for Beauty & The Beast type of stuff. Yknow, being held somewhere against your will by something that could snuff out your existence in the blink of an eye, but it decides not to because, for some strange reason, it seems to have a soft spot for you. Everyone else can f off though, no mercy.
It also helps that the place is actually quite nice to look at. Despite its rather...peculiar inhabitants.
Sooo yeah, I needed MC to be your ordinary human girl, facing off against forces that could wipe out entire armies in a matter of seconds. Because, in my books, there´s nothing sexier than having those forces at your beck and call, absolutely smitten with you, willing to kill for you, while you´re just there like-
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(The last one is so MC & Kate yall. Kitty Kat, you hopeless case. 😭)
I gotta admit, the money thing has me a bit confused. Is that a thing? Like, making a sacrifice and getting a shit ton of money in return? Does that happen in any tv show or movie? Honestly curious cause I very rarely watch anything anymore. I´ve become more of a gamer and writer over the past couple of years. 😅
I do know Morgana Pendragon, but I haven´t actually seen her in anything cause *points to the aforementioned*. But I know a lot of ppl got the hots for her. I don´t blame them, lmao.
Okay so, I had to google Salem Witch Trials (don´t judge me) and-
I love love love history so ofc we gotta make a quick lil smt, yes? Yes:
Imagine MC (a witch) living in Salem Village, the place where the accusations of witchcraft began. Those accusations were false, obviously, but it made blending in much more difficult for her kind. People have become wary, paranoid, forcing MC to a life in the shadows. She watched from afar as men and women alike - some of them close friends - were brought to trial. Some of them never returned home.
To this day, MC is plagued by feelings of guilt for merely watching as good men and women were executed in the name of "justice". She should have done something, could have done something. She has that power. But her heart had been gripped by a power mightier than her own: fear.
She can´t change the past, but she can ensure a future.
She now works from the shadows to preserve the light. A light that draws in creatures far more dangerous than herself. How she despises them.
Witch!MC claps eyes on the sisters, dragging some poor fella away. Fella´s already dead, so there isn´t much she can do. However, that doesn´t mean others can´t be saved. So she follows them, cloaking spell firmly in place, in the hopes they´re gonna lead her to their hideout. Because she couldn´t live with herself if she didn´t at least check, yknow?
Well, nobody´s there. Nobody with a heartbeat, that is.
She turns around, about to leave (because she might despise them but she doesn´t start fights without good reason), when-
"...Who´s there?"
Cue MC revealing herself. Cue MC acting all naive and innocent. Cue MC pretending to be human so she can infiltrate The Lair and find out what´s so special about that weird ass family that causes her powers to malfunction.
I dunno, lmao.
I just know it´s gonna be a mess à la The Sisters from there on out. The Denalis obsessed with the fake!human, while said fake!human is just there like-
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Not even realizing she´s bewitching (hehe) an entire family of vampires - her sworn enemies - because she´s rather busy being a confused gremlin.
(Do you sense a pattern here?)
She might have to annihilate them after all.
We´ll see.
Apparently, I can´t write an MC who´s not completely dense when it comes to just about anything.
I apologize.
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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ominous-faechild · 8 months ago
all of your wips sound so cool! i'm really interested in 'soren magic puppet guardian' and 'lynsmouth's 'families',' if you mind sharing some stuff about either of those :)
Sorry for taking so long to get to this! I wanted to be able to give you a good quality answer and have either been busy with other stuff or haven't had the energy to address this yet! (To anyone wondering, this is an ask from this tag!)
Fair warning: this is going to be LOOOOOONG!
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"Soren Magic Puppet Guardian"
So! This (as were all of my threads, haha) was a very on-the-nose name. Soren Ula--the dad of Freya, the MC of Sun and Shadow--is a well-renowned merchant. He owns a massive shipping company that spans most of the world, but what few know about him is that he's both an avatar (an agent of a god) and a faerie!
I've yet to explain what exactly faeries are in my writing, so I'll give a quick explanation! Faeries are almost sub-gods--powerful creatures that technically aren't even "creatures" so much as they are sentient clouds of magic. Most create physical bodies for themselves, but few leave the Faewildes and even fewer attempt to live "normal" lives.
Soren is a faerie of the ocean. Meaning, he is lowkey an actual god of oceans. In-story he's mentioned to have powerful ocean magic--that's because he is the ocean in many ways. He's just long-since taken on a human form to the point that he doesn't even feel dysmorphic in the form he lives in today (which is unheard of in faeries! They always have some aspect of "themselves" on their physical body, or they'll feel detached from and/or uncomfortable in it)!
The reason I explain this faerie business? If you haven't been able to tell, faeries are incredibly powerful creatures with both their own magic and minor reality-warping abilities within The Real World. (The Faewildes is also Real, but... not "the Real World". Just accept that for now, haha.)
(Skipping Spoilers!? 👀)
When Soren found Freya, his long-lost daughter, in Drønhals, he immediately set to getting her a home in the area. He had a vast amount of wealth from his work and he was long-since known to be an avatar of Levebol, so he had little to no problems doing so.
Except... he'd built a life in the time since he'd lost his family. He had his company, he had his work with Kieran Caron, and how many questions would be raised if he suddenly stepped down from it all?
No. As much as he wanted to stay with his daughter, it would be dangerous for him to. And as much as he'd tried hiding his involvement with Caron, it was entirely possible that people could find it out, track him down, and then find her. And she was just a little girl! Not even five!
(Yes, you are reading that correctly. Long-lost daughter. Implications of at LEAST decades passing. And yet she's not even five years old yet? 🤔🤔🤔)
No, he couldn't stay with her. He'd do anything to protect her... including practically abandon her.
Except, Soren didn't have to abandon her, even if he left to pretend everything was exactly as it was before. He still had power, even if it was nowhere as much as he used to. So he created a magic charm with a little bit of his soul in it.
This "charm", containing both some of Soren's soul and a good bit of his magic, is capable of creating a "puppet" of sorts that's more of a semi-tangible hologram. Thanks to it having a bit of his soul (something literally only possible thanks to him being a faerie), he's able to "consciousness-switch" with it, letting him, well... be an actual guardian for his daughter.
Or, well, y'know. The closest thing to a guardian you can be when you're essentially puppeteering a robot from thousands of miles away to take care of her.
Long story short! Freya grew up with a "magic puppet guardian" of Soren that he could use to simultaneously always be by her side and, yknow... literally never be there for her. It's caused a LOT of complexes in Freya, and is also the main source of the tension in her relationship with him.
When she was younger, she liked it--it was like having her father with her at all times! And she lovesd her dad! But by her teenaged years it turned into resentment for being a sort of half-measure of his in order to "be there for her". She's actually not aware that he did it to basically minimize the likelihood of Bad People™ noticing her and going after her to hurt Soren, but... tbh it wouldn't change her feelings much on the matter if she did know.
In fairness... it's not like he was never actually there. He'd spend time with her in the form of the puppet whenever he didn't have anything else to do in His Real Body on the Slumbering Serpent (his ship). "He"/the puppet would take care of her in small ways, driven on by the small bits of his consciousness within it to carry out tasks he wished he could do. And, hey! He'd sometimes be able to stop by and spend a few days to a week in his real body whenever the trade routes allowed for it! But, yknow... didn't much make up for the fact that, besides what was essentially a zombie a majority of the time, Freya grew up completely alone (and oh boy there's more to that).
The "puppet" wasn't always active by the way--the charm could be manually disabled/enabled, and the puppet and its magic would withdraw into it as commanded. Whiiiiich is what turned into the case in Freya's mid teens, as she started getting angry with Soren and her whole situation. 😅😭
In case you were wondering! Yes, Soren could see/hear/feel/and everything else through the puppet and charm! When he wasn't "possessing" them, though, it was very faint sensations, like the tiniest of breezes across the cowlicks on your head. Freya personally wondered on more than one occasion if he ever used it to eavesdrop on her (as she ALWAYS kept it with/on her), but he never actually did.
What? He's already basically neglecting her, he didn't need to make her resent him for also invading in her personal business and giving her trust issues!
(Don't worry, though, she got those anyways. 😙👌)
Don't get me wrong--he didn't avoid eavesdropping just because he didn't want to give her trust issues. (Just.)
He also did it as a sign of respect for his daughter! Y'know, because he loves her!
Note: Freya lost the charm at sea during the shipwreck that destroyed the Slumbering Serpent in the first chapter of Sun and Shadow. Who knows where it is now, what will come of it, or if it'll ever appear elsewhere again?
I mean, probably not, right? After all, it got lost at sea! It would be ridiculous for it to end up on land!
... like Freya did. 🤔
Aaaaaand... I think that about does it for "Soren Magic Puppet Guardian"! 😄
This was a LOT, so I think I'm actually going to leave this post here, haha. If you'd also like to hear about Lynsmouth's "Families", please send me another ask! Hope you enjoyed reading and/or that this was as satisfying as you hoped it would be! 😊
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Divider from @cafekitsune
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zannyblogging · 2 months ago
Heya, have a question, what is the basic concept of your The Amazing Digital Circus au? and do you have any name ideas yes, if you have the concept, perhaps that would help figure out a name?
Hi thanks for this ask, since this is one thing I've been struggling to pin down, but I do have some ideas, I'll put all the info below a Read More though since it's, a lot of waffling, sorry lol
Okay I imagine the setting to be a sort of mix between modernish day, 1920's and 1830's, yeah huge difference in stuff, like the 1830's would be the society sorta thing, for example, Jax was heavily inspired by Dodger from Oliver Twist and the boys from Newsie's
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1920's would be the setting of how the world looks mostly, but also for costuming sort of, not every character follows this rule though, for example Kinger will look abit more modernish.
Modern day would be technology to an extent, tv's from the 90s, trams, maybe cars not sure there, elevators etc.
That's the setting, but I also imagine the theme for the setting to be similarish to Sonic SATAM
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The world isnt 100% safe, it isnt 100% hostile, but there is a big bad (whom I imagine might be the company, C&A itself) and our gang are part of the plucky resistance, mostly.
They have to 'live' normal lives, some in the public view such as Ragatha being a seamstress who I imagine is pretty famous for her work, and others who have to live in the shadows, such as Caine (and possibly Zooble? I have some idea's for them but nothing concrete)
The residents in the world are the manaquins, and the NPCs we've seen, the enemies are a mixture of abstractions and these little robotic bugs ala Badniks from Sonic, specifically only bug versions, for reasons.
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Basically I just wanted to draw a world where folks got to have giant weapons of unusual items, Ragatha with her giant needle rapier, Jax with his giant wrench for example, but the rest of hte stuff I've explained all begin popping up in my head, here's what I know of the other cast members.
Jax: a street urchin, but he has a one room place he lives initially, he works as a mechanic, but mostly pick pockets and steals from richer folks cause that's easier. He's good at fixing other things, but when he tries to build things they only have a 15% success rate of not exploding or back firing. And only a 3% chance of them surviving fully operational how intended.
Ragatha: A semi-famous seamstress, she isn't super famous so her name isn't well known, but she has made outfits for the likes of Princess Loo. So she has some connections to the upper class. As for her vigilante role, she can fight with the best of them, but doesn't want the notoriety to affect her day to day so she has the disguise, which works surprisingly well; in the Sailor Moon sense lol. She fights to defend innocents from the Abstractions, injust and the bugs.
Now for the ones i've not drawn yet.
Kinger: Kinger is so adorable, but he's still got a few screws loose cause it wouldn't be him fully yknow? But ok his design would be the same except for the robe, instead of a robe he would have a fuzzy scarf made by his (late?) wife Queenie and a lab coat, because he's the inventor of the robot bugs, yes, he works with C&A BUT he thinks he's working with the good guys, he made the bugs to defend innocent folks from evil, not realising that meant they were protecting C&A, the abstractions and stuff such as that. Why's he working with C&A otherwise? Well I imagine that's due to Queenie, she was abstracting, but Kinger prevented her from fully abstracting putting her in like stasis, so she's asleep, C&A found out about this an offered to heal her if Kinger helped them protect the world from those with ill intent. So he has no clue they're the reason for the abstractions and everything.
Caine: I imagine Caine is the de-facto 'leader' of the resistance, trying to find the cast members to bring them all together to help fight C&A, so far he's only found 2, Zooble and Gangle, he usually tries to stay hidden since C&A would really like to get their grubby mitts back on their 'ring master'
Zooble: They're interesting, but very obvioiusly a cast member, due to their unfortunate circumstance of their body being a big give away; they were the first Caine found, so they both 'work from the shadows' but Zooble with more 'humanish' body parts can somewhat pass without raising much suspicion, unsure what their weapon will be yet, BUT they are very very close to another cast member, the next one infact.
Gangle: She i imagine is a news reporter, not the kind where they go and get the news, just the writer and cartoonist. BUT that doesn't stop her from doing her own journalist investigation in her off times that doesn't involve her drawing and visiting art galleries. I imagine she sort of has a vigilante self too, but less The Mask of Zorro and more Sailor Moon, but dont know what her weapon is yet either.
Bubble: I imagine bubble is very very susceptible to being corrupted and taken over by C&A so like Caine and Zooble, Bubble stay's hidden, and is more like a guard dog, letting the gang know when any unwanted attention is lurking near. They're still weird and cheeky but also a bit more timid in general.
And finally, Pomni: The newest member to the resistance, and the freshest face in this 'world' so she has the most potentional to blend in, she's the one that will stumble upon Jax and Ragatha when out one day, so it's trying to convince them to join the resistence, I imagine she has a big weapon too but still thinking about what that could be.
NOW after all of that, I have one more new idea, this is still the digital world, so headsets an such still apply, but the Abstractions happen the same, folks loosing themselves, sometimes forced too by C&A because they're trying to make more realistic NPCs, unimpressed by Caine's NPCs they began well, torturing other players til they lost themselves, so C&A could 'reprogram them' into NPCs, some were successful, like Gummigoo and Princess Loo, but most were not, Abstractions, Queenie.
I imagine the cast are aware this world doesnt feel right, but not sure what it is. Some have more idea that this world is just 'another adventure' such as Zooble and Caine (and bubble) others have some idea's like Gangle and Jax, they're like 75% sure this world seem's...not right. Ragatha and Pomni are around 50% like normal folks, is this real? nah it isnt, is it? It feels and seem's real. Kaufmo (I have NO clue for this fellow) and Kinger (Current) are fully immersed, Queenie and (old) Kinger were pretty sure this world wasn't all it seemed too.
Jax and Ragatha though at some point I can see joining forces, making their own 'resistance' unaware of the other cast til Pomni happens upon them.
And yeah that's...Pretty much all I have, it's a lot but at the same time it's not much, yknow?
Oh, but this gif makes me think of Zooble and Gangle (and alil of Ragatha and Jax when they join the resistance)
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But yeah sorry this was all over the place, but thank you so much for the ask!
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helluvapurf · 2 years ago
-Oop, almost forgot about today being the debut of the newest HB episode "Unhappy Campers" lol Lets talk about it!~ :>
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*Spoiler warning ahead for those who didn't see the ep yet-*
Soooo to start things off, lets get to the Positives!
*-M&M get to stand out more in the main A-story for a change, yay! 👏👏And even including a bit of drama for the couple to deal with as they started to clash over their roles in this "mystery"-solving; especially with Millie revealing to carry some insecurities over not feeling "appreciated" outside of a supportive role/killing-machine… poor girl :c Glad to see she was able to have her moment to shine on stage by the end while Moxxie "took care" of their suspect, the gal deserved that time to just let loose on her own, yknow? 🥺
*-The summer camp aesthetic was a fun change of scenery for the story here, and I liked the designs for characters like the blue demon client at the start, alongside Millie & Moxxie's human disguises ("Moxxine" & "Millard"), they were cute~ :3
*-While Blitz didn't play too big of a role here in the long run, his gentle coaxing to his sister Barbie Wire at the end to try and amend things was rather touching to see (not really seeming to mind her pronouncing the "O" in his name either, unlike with other characters)… even if ultimately tragic given her rejection at the end :(. I really hope we get more insight of their family background later, 'cause there's alot of story potential for Blitz to try and face the "shadows" of his past (outside of just general exes-drama), in a meaningful character building way imo 👍
*-Not quiiiite as strong on the humor aspect (which I'll get into in a sec-), but I'll admit there's still some good chuckle-worthy moments like the "kid-stuck-in-a-crater" gag, along with this one still-shot during the Blitz & Moxxie VS Barbie fight lol
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*-Nice to see a return of those Asmodean crystals, ever since their cameo in "The Circus" I've always been curious to see them in-action given their role as another portal-making item :o the crystalline-looking portals made from them look so pretty too~
As far as the Negatives of this ep are concerned? …Ehhhh-
*-As much as I enjoyed the M&M spotlight… I'd be lying if I said I didn't find the execution a bit… "clunky" at certain points ^^; Mainly on Moxxie's end 'cause… oof did he feel rather cringey at times, getting randomly hung up about some camp kids not liking him over Millie? :| Like… okay sure, its one thing to criticize her not prioritizing the "investigation" mystery as seriously as she should've… but I mean, you're basically doing the same thing trying to win over everyone as this ditzy teen girl, Moxx so like… who are you to talk? :/ Thankfully he got over that by the end and made things right by his wife but still… smh, dude >>
*-For a character as hyped up as Barbie Wire's been by the fandom since the pilot… I'm surprised that her first-ever reveal is only in the last few minutes of a B-plot? .-. Like… this is the long-lost sister of our main character, mind you, and her presence alone through that one photo in "Ozzie's" was enough to shake up Blitz to the core… so, why wasn't she given more of a major story to come back into her brother's life? 🤷‍♀️ I don't even mind that she's not interested in making amends with him atm (esp. with his stalkerish behavior here I can't really blame her tbh, as much as I love the guy- ^^;), but still…more additional context in-general could've helped make her debut a lil more interesting imo (same with Stella's brother Andrealphus).
*-Humor wise… ehhhhh yeah, some of it didn't really sit right with me tbh :/ Like, okay I get HB's always been a rather "raunchy" show since its inception, and I'm all for some clever adult humor when done right…
…But I mean, did we really need bits like M&M pretending to be "siblings" while disguised (when… idk why they couldn't have just pretended to be a regular teen couple tbh? .-.), only to then having that big "steamy" moment in front of a crowd of campers…? :| Idk, humor IS subjective at the end of the day so, I guess your mileage may vary on some of these joke executions… 🤷‍♀️
*-Pacing felt a bit imbalanced (again), with moments like the big ending fight scene feeling rather… "stiff", in some parts? : o Idk, probably could've benefitted from adding in a few more minutes or something to make it flow a lil better .3.
*-Fun as it was seeing Millie getting her own song for a change (that's not just another love duet with Moxxie)… idk, it admittedly wasn't the most memorable compared to some previous HB songs (minus the lil lyrics popping underneath like a cheesy music video, that was funny lol) 🤷‍♀️That and Moxxie's own "solo" attempt at the campfire scene was… again, cringey (though I think that was the point lol) :P.
…Aaaaand yeah, that about covers my initial first impression thoughts of the ep! If I had to give my own rating again… prooobably somewhere around a C-rank? Again, I still enjoyed the M&M (+mainly Millie's) spotlight overall, but with the rushed-over Barbie Wire addition & some of the cringier humor bits… Iiii just don't know if I'd consider it among my fave eps anytime soon, imho ^^;
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voidwritesstuff · 1 year ago
Shadows in the radio static. (Shadow! Alphonso AU)
->created by: @graceandtheidiotsquad .
Summary: the rainbow chemical has unexpected side effects,like keeping the dead amongst the living.
->cw: a scene of harrasment, mentions of PTSD.
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Theres a lot of noise in the air, gunshots, air planes,screams,garbled noises from the radio. The Sky is black with no stars,the mud is Sticky on his boots as he runs up a tree, he sees his lieutenant, Lucas Cole, and thanks god hes not alone.
But even then,alphonso feels out of it too, the world shifts between this hellish swamp and his backyard in the appalachias. But he managed to climb up that tree, Lucas is not there mentally, his eyes are wide and his gaze is lost and wild.
He watches his lieutenant raise his gun. A sharp pain shatters into his nervous system, and only as his eyelids feel heavy does he sees Lucas lean over him and tell,tears in his eyes. He hears "im so sorry,im so sorry! Oh crap Alphonso! Stay with me!--stay"
It feels like an eternity in the dark void,he tries to follow the voices and cries for help of his fellow soldiers but they vanish when he tries to touch them.
But then he sees Lucas...hes not longer on the swamp though, hes in the medical bay being treated for his injuries. This time,when he tries to Grab his shoulder he falls to the floor, no longer on that void.
--kid! Kid?! Do you hear me!?--He yelled right in his ear. But all Lucas does is flinch and shuffle away.-- the hell am I? Some kind of ghost?
Thats how he finds himself following Lucas around,the few times he manages to make contact is through dreams. But he soon finds his lieutenant either doesnt remember them or chalks it up to ptsd.
--Damn it kid!!-- He huffed, sitting with him as hes shipped back to the USA. But then he sees Lucas slowly fall asleep, instictively leaning towards him. Alphonso sighs and leans his head on his, side hugging him. His anger melts and he just says-- alright then, just rest...
He finds himself watching Lucas as the years pass by,the few times hes made contact his Friend has woken up in a cold sweat or made him a little paranoid.
Nothing changes until Lucas finds his way towards Milton-Haven, Alphonso can see this weird ghost Lady that he speaks to sometimes.
--How do you manage to get yknow- an actual physical form?--He asked her once, she was by an electric tower.
--pull energy- from radios, or--electricity-- she replies-- can be- temporarily, not sure if permanent
Alphonso nodds and sits with her-- How do you do that?
This ghost Lady takes his hand and puts it to one of the legs of the tower, theres sparks and then suddenly hes training the Power with her.
--We might end up causing a black out-- he half joked, and the ghost Lady laughed-- I never asked ya yer name
The ghost Lady looked at him through her glasses, her curly hair in a ponytail swaying with electricity, and her Angel wings that looked like radio waves shuffle. Light blue energy zaps around her like a Tesla coil. Its intimidating but somehow inviting.
She replies-- Doctor Rosemary James.
Alphonso doesnt try to materialize until the Next night, sucking up all the Power he could. Needless to say there were Many reported temporal black outs and lights acting funky.
Lucas had just come back from his first Real date in a while. Hes tinkering with a radio, murmuring "creep" by radiohead, hes too concentrated on his work and todays events that he doesnt notice the first flickers of light.
But then they get worse, a second passes by and he looks at the light on the ceiling-- what the- its the third time this week!
Lucas feels the hairs in the back of his head stand up, he drops the tool he was using and looks behind him, then he hears a -- That would be my fault,kid.
His eyes go wide and filled with tears-- what the hell
He sees a Man, mid fortys, wearing a ww2  uniform. A piece of his cheek is missing, his skin is deathly white, red spider lillies grow from his helmet and his Pointy dog ears pressed against the side of his head.
--Youre dead-- he says matter of factly,hands shaking.
--Gee,nice GOFO, lieutenant-- the bastard has the Audacity to smirk. Then he pulls him for a tight hug.
Lucas expected him to smell god awful,but he senses the sweet aroma of flowers and his usual cologne. He hugs his friend tight and sobs into his shoulder, the moss on his clothes soft against his skin.
--is-is this Real?--He asks,voice barely a whisper.
--Yup. As Real as it gets,kid-- he whispers, stroking his back-- 'm guessing you want an explanation, dont worry,we have all the time in the world now
Alphonso starts to explain everything that happened since the very beginning, how he got here and who taught him how to materialize, upon hearing the name, Lucas looks at his Friend with wide eyes.
--Wait- Rosemary?! Shes still with you?
--There are days where she cant even talk to me, but im sure she'll give us an answer if I ask-- the other Man said with a shrug.-- hey,grab us a beer so you can tell me about your hot date
--You saw everything?!-- he asked with dark cheeks.
--Nah I gave you two lovebirds privacy. Just stayed around the area.
Lucas sighs and stands up, gong to Grab two beers from the fridge,shaking his heas-- oh fuck me. --He growls in disbelief.
Few seconds later hes opening a beer,but before he gives it to Alphonso he says--Ya sure you can drink this?
Wheeler clicks his tongue and snatches the beer--Give me that shit-- his friend laughs and then takes a sip-- god,I missed this.
The ex radioman chuckles-- hmm, I imagine -- but then he sees his captain smile wide, his sharp,yellowed teeth showing.
--So, tell me about the girl-- He said,a little too smug.
Lucas almost chokes on his drink-- well- uhm. I met her because I thought was running late. We share the same therapist, turns out I got there really early, and uhh we started talking
--Thats sweet-- Alphonso says-- whats her name?
--Jerico-- he replied-- jerico Castro, shes very sweet and shes got the prettiest smile. Man,you shoulda seen me when I met her, my breath left my chest and I got so red in the face, you and the others wouldntve let me live it down
The other Man chuckles, his completely white eyes twinkling with mirth-- hm, bet
So,they both spend the night talking, up until Lucas falls asleep. Alphonso chuckles, he picks up his friend with ease and carries him to his room, fireman Carry style.
--Dude. Get a bed-- he murmurs and sets him down on the cot, covering him. Then,he goes to rest on the one person couch outside his Friends room. He almost seems to curl up like a dog, his ears down.
For the Next few days,alphonson follows Lucas around his usual schedule. He walks beside him to his therapist's Office, helps him to Get groceries (wearing a beanie, a jacket with a hoodie and a bandana around his face,with sunglasses).
--Ya dont gotta follow me 'round-- Lucas teased,putting the groceries on the table.
His Friend shrugs-- I guess I still Belive youre my boy-- he ruffles his lieutenants curly black hair-- guess yer a Man now
Lucas smiles with warmth, he chuckles and hugs his friend-- thats very sweet,you know? I guess in some way yer still my captain
Wheeler shakes his head-- You are yer own Man now.
A few more days go by of this routine. Alphonso was more than happy to watch and help his friend, every day Lucas would wake up to Alphonso sleeping on the one person couch Next the door of his room,Like a Guardian dog.
--Dont try n lick me now-- he joked once.
--cant make any promised-- his captain replied with a shrug.
One night, Lucas is fixing himself up in the mirror,he struggles to fix up his tie-- jesus fucking christ,55 Years and I still cant-
Wheeler sighs and fixes up his tie-- just like bootcamp
The other Man chuckled-- just like boot camp. Thanks
--s'nothing. Good luck,tiger-- his captain winks.
During the night, Alphonso keeps a healthy distance between him and Lucas,who walks hand in hand with his date.
--Man,dont you look stunning-- the ex soldier whispered, nuzzling his dates hair.
-- have you seen yourself in the mirror? -- jerico whispered with a smile,leaning on him-- love the cologne
He shrugged-- thanks, a friend reccomended it
--Hes got good taste-- both walk past a Group of men,who look at jeri with less than friendly intentions. Lucas purses his lips and covers her with his arm, pulling her closer.
Two of the guys follow them to the restaurant they were going, the ex soldier is aware of this and Gently tells his date-- babe, go to our spot,okay? Ill be there in a moment.
Jerico whispers a "be safe" since she noted the men too, and leaves to their table. Lucas Turned to the men with pursed lips-- do we really have to do this?
The two men dont reply, but before any of the two can do something, Alphonso jumps on them, mouth billowing hot smoke. His clawy hands rip the two men away and says-- Go,I can handle this
Lucas watches both impressed and in horror as his Friend pulls the men to a dark alleyway. He knows his moral compass wont let him forget that easily,but in reality he just wants to continue his date.
So,he rejoins his date. And the rest of the night goes swimingly.
He drops her off at her house, giving a tight hug and a nice passionate kiss, she gladly kisses back and hugs his neck.
--Hey, what about the guys from before? -- jerico asked, stroking his jaw with her thumb.
--'Eh,I wouldnt worry 'bout it. I scared them off
She chuckles and says-- uh-huh, sure thing tough guy.
The ex soldier kisses his dates forehead-- sweet dreams,hon.
Lucas drives back to the cabin with joy and warmth in his chest. He opens the door of his house with a sigh And drags his feet to his bedroom,ready to pass out.
--hey! How did the date go?--Alphonso asked,curled up on the one person sofá, one of his eyes Open and one of his ears raised as his tail wags lazily-- n' before ya ask I just gave them a good beating.
The radioman chuckles-- not a scratch on ya,guess ya never lost yer touch. N' it went well, I dropped her off, we had fun. She specially liked that I kept in mind her food sensitivities.
--Always paying attention to the little details-- wheeler replied with a tired smirk-- thats good. Get some rest,kid.
--Ten-Four captain-- the other Man replied, giving a pat on the head to his friend and going to his room. He loosens his tie and then undoing his hairbun, his black curly hair bouncing a little-- night!
--Night!--Alphonso replied,closing his eye and tucking his ears against the side of his head. For the rest of the night he keeps watch on the house.
Lucas decides that even if it was a little odd, it was good to have his captain,his mentor, his friend back.
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chipistrate · 1 year ago
What's your take on what's going on in Princess Quest?
TLDR; General take on the timeline of events would be; -Vanessa makes Princess Quest as an intern at Silver Parasol Games -Vanessa gets glitchtrapped before finishing them(but continues working on them whilst Glitchtrapped) -Vanessa moves to the Pizzaplex and abandons PQ -SPG ports the games to arcade years later for some reason and they end up in the Pizzaplex -A piece of Vanessa gets trapped in the PQ machine as the Shadow Princess as well Glitchtrap deciding to make it basically its home Then it splits down two paths; Path A: -Princess is her own character that helps Gregory defeat Glitchtrap and free Vanessa from his control, then dies once he's gone as all the PQ machines shut off and eventually get destroyed when the Tangle tries to tunnel out of the Pizzaplex.
Path B: -Cassidy is the PQ Princess who possessed the machines after Glitchtrap started inhabiting them, but wasn't able to do anything to defeat him on her own because of how the machines are set up (with them needing someone to play them in order or else the others wouldn't turn on) -Gregory comes by and helps Cassidy get through the games and defeat Glitchtrap -From here I'm not sure. I would assume Cassidy would go back to UCN once Glitchtrap is dead, but the mystery surrounding this theory makes me think that, if this is canon, they'll be elaborated on later which makes me think they're not (entirely) gone.
Rest is going under cut cause it's long and ramble-y
Honestly I've got a few takes- it really depends on who you think the Princess is, her identity changes the entire plot depending on who she is. It's tricky trying to piece together PQ since there's just so many possibilities and so many pieces of the puzzle we're just missing currently.
My most "stable" interps across every take is basically that Vanessa made Princess Quest with Tape Girl (or on her own if we're going more canon-oriented since we don't know if the two know each other), and that's why it's connected to Vanessa specifically. And also a piece of her is trapped inside and shows itself through the Shadow Princess (cause I have no idea who else that would be). I think it'd make the most sense is PQ was something Vanessa made as an intern for Silver Parasol Games that they later ported to arcade for some reason, and they ended up in the Pizzaplex where they were then tied to Vanessa and Glitchtrap.
First take would be that the Princess is her own character who just wants to help Vanessa be freed from Glitchtraps control.
Second would be Cassidy being the PQ Princess- the theory just makes a lot of sense to me + I think it could add a lot of depth their character. The only thing I don't really like about it is that people would probably see it as some sort of gateway for other spirits returning- I don't want old characters returning, I don't think it'd be a good idea from a writing standpoint. But Cassidy would make the most sense since they're the only spirit we know hasn't moved on yet (besides Willy A. but he's suffering in hell for eternity), and that being specifically cause of Afton. Someone mimicking their killer and hurting people using his legacy, I feel, would be a good reason for them to come back for a bit just to knock him down again and then go back to the real deal.
Below is a kinda huge Cassidy PQ rant I ended up going on by accident lmao
I like thinking Cassidy is the Princess because of the old man in PQ2 that has the same palette as OMC and talks similarly to him (iirc he literally tells the Princess that her quest is over and she can rest, but she ends up not listening and going through the glitched door to continue her quest. Sound familiar?), as well as the princess being golden (yknow, like golden freddy and TOYSNHK spirit) and having her name in the files originally be "Cassidy", and there obviously being some sort of force outside of Glitchtrap infecting the machine with how they work- how you have to beat them one at a time in order or else the others won't turn on/let you play them. That and also there were the graves in PQ1 that seemed like an obvious hint at the MCI/dead kids. But then they took Cassidy's name out of the files- which doesn't negate the rest of the evidence, but it also makes me wonder why they took it out. I see people argue that it was a mistake and it was meant to be a hint at Cassie, but I genuinely don't see the tie between Cassie and Princess Quest + the rest of the evidence doesn't line up with Cassie. They have to bring PQ up again eventually- there's so many mysteries about it and if Cassidy is the Princess or has some sort of ties to the Princess then I wonder if that'll ever be brought up again.
I like thinking that Cassidy is canonically the Princess and is gonna be brought up later, or was meant to be the Princess in SWS mind/story based on a miscommunication with Scott.
But if PQ ending is canon I'd imagine Scott would have a heavier say in stuff like the PQ arcade machines- he said he had a clear idea of the canon ending for SB and that miscommunications made it a bit muddy, but I'd assume he was the one that wrote the PQ games or at least had a heavier say in them cause they're literally the keys to getting the canon ending in the first place- and there's no way everything that ties back to Cassidy is just a huge coincidence.
Idk- I just hope they elaborate on Princess Quest and the other arcade machines, whether the Princess is Cassidy or not I just want more information and clarification lmao
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your-old-sins-tournament · 1 year ago
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John [@mx-yip-yip-hooary] (he/him)
ok so from what i remember they were the most stereotypical oc in the history of ocs. also i made them when i was a gacha kid. sue me.
Ok so John is this kid who has like a shit family. his parents aren't physically abusive, but they're very neglectful. this leads to the kids being very mean to each other, as they each blame the others for their parents' lack of care. one day, after a particularly bad argument, john runs off to blow some steam. he finds this sword just lying in the middle of woods and picks it up. surprise surprise the sword was possessed by a angel general who fought in a ancient "demons vs angels" war. (the lore is that centuries ago there were three groups; angels, demons, and humans. humans came along later, and both the angels and demons didn't like them and therefore hid from them. but the thing is angels and demons don't like each other too, and kept having fights. it escalated into a war that destroyed both societies. the remaining magic from the battle still lingers)
john now has powers! yippee! he can summon weapons when he feels like basically. but the thing is he doesn't know that he has powers. because yknow he doesn't really think of summoning weapons most of the time. but he is aware theres Something Else in his head. huh. the general keeps trying to get john to collect more magic and build up the angel forces again but john just has no clue what the guy is talking about. one day though john snaps at his older sister and almost accidentally kills her. his parents to disown him.
but good thing for him there's actually now a group dedicated to finding out what these magical residue marks are and helping people affected. so hes taken into that and joins a friend group :]
Shadow [@oreganosuace] (she/her)
Edgy middle school self insert/fursona!
- her eyes would change color based on her emotions
- she had stitches all over that could open up and release shadowy dark magic
- she would wear a shock collar purely cuz it's cool
- she had an animatronic form named Twisted Shadow that functioned similarly to the Funtimes FNAF animatronics (stomach cavity, luring abilities, can cause hallucinations)
- She was shipped with Antisepticeye (yes, jacksepticeye's evil alter ego)
- She could smell blood for miles like a shark
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years ago
Aitheaca: About Flash’s clothes, are they reflective? Is it made to look like gold (with gold embellishments) or is his jacket like actually gold (assuming it’s something similar to gold leaf but for fabric and lightweight)?
If his clothes are reflective, I think combat with him could be really fun, because he just causes blindness on the battlefield on sunny days. It’d also be fun with someone on the crew didn’t realize who they were talking to upon first meeting him because looking directly at him is hard. So, they don’t know the danger they’re in until it’s too late.
Also! What’s crew dynamic looking like? I saw you mentioned Spark was on the crew a while back, but just to confirm, who’s officially on the crew?
Out of all the Aitheaca designs, who’s your favorite?
Thank you so much for the questions!! I appreciate it a ton, it means an absolute lot that you're interested in my sillies :D
With Flash's jacket, hell yeah! I wasn't specifically going for a reflective surface, but I did want his jacket to appear as if it was weaved out of fibered gold (that Im assumin would be like gold leaf in texture), that is yes lightweight man's gotta be able to move fast... like a flash of light haHA-
When light reflects off it in certain ways it could absolutely be used like a flashbang to blind enemies during battle, I'm imagining AND YESSS the crew would have zero idea, like in the plot I have in my head so far, Tom, Sonja and Spark are the first ones to encounter Flash, they just see a shape of a man in the sunbeam ahead, too bright to tell who exactly it was. Initially they think it could be Jordan, but its actually Flash, who was tipped off to their location based on Tom's Mecha-Dianite quintessence (that still puts off a pretty strong signature despite the cloaking sigils Wag had given him). Like you mentioned, he's really hard to look at, because while he's standing in the sun he's not creating a shadow, he's reflecting it. And its in this time they don't notice him pull out his weapons and BANG
Mer and co. end up having to come in to come in to help them out-because they don't exactly have experience fighting someone who is wearing basically a mirror for a jacket in direct sunlight- wearing wearing some kine specialized obsidian sunglasses because yknow this is isn't their first rodeo with this yellow dipshit (Merina's not as affected as Will and Cass but she's gonna wear em anyway for the bit)
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I think of the designs, probably either Merina, Cass and Ianite are my favorite! Ia because I just had a lot of fun designing her armor and coming up with a darker color palette costume design that wasn't just dark purple, and working with different armor styles to get the specific celestial warlord look I wanted her to have :D Cass was just a fun design to do overall because his aesthetics have been something I dont get to work with much, a very patchwork vintage kind of thing, which is supposed to be a callback to Inter Amorem et Timorem , a short screenplay I wrote for school where- aside from it being a Tom reference- he was named Cassell because his emotions were spoken through cassette tapes C: But Merina's design might just be my favorite, I am a sucker for nautical designs and trying to figure out what a coraldragon hybrid might look like compared to a typical merling was a ton of fun :D Also trying to work in the color palettes of the Watchers was how I landed on the blueish purple scheme, because initially she was going to be teal and orange to call back a little to Sonja across the multiverse
(I promise I also love William equally but too much of his design was me making jokes about Joel/Pix/Bdubs)
And the crew! Currently as I have it, the peeps that end up in Aitheaca are Jordan, Tom, Capsize, Sonja, Martha, Spark (Tucker I was thinking about including, but I'm not sure how to work him back in, but basically they would find him in a different SMP prior to this; where the reconciliation between him and Sonja starts) Its very interesting to have 3 different Sparklez variants in the same timeline, surely nothing could go wrong /hj, but the dynamic can best be defined as "a group of people who desperately just need to figure their shit out because damn they have not really had a proper chance to rest and feel safe doing so"
While Tom and Jordan had their reconciliation arc during Isles (source: just trust me m8), Capsize, while having gotten a hang on being undead is carrying a lot of resentment and unresolved issues she's not sure about because she can't clearly remember the entirety of (specifically towards Jordan) and Sonja kind of holding a little resentment towards Tom, but more importantly her decision to choose to stay Mianite's champion despite her post-S2 not being sure and owning that choice. no longer even after Tucker he drifts away (and then how that comes into play when Tucker rejoins them, basically the stuff I allude to in the mini animatic) its essentially Embersduo and Zombiecaptains but they have trouble getting along, not because they're sick of each other, but more like damn We all Went Through a Ton of Shit and we're not good at talking about it or working through it together,but goddammit we're still gonna try to get along. That being said I do think they have moments where they can be their silly shenanigan selves :D
Martha's her own ballgame, in the sense that she's very endgoal oriented in trying to problem solve, and her reaction to Aitheaca!Ianite is very drastic as well, it just must be really weird to see a basically evil version of your mother. She and Sonj aren't great friends, but her and Capsize have caught on pretty well, and she doesn't mind Jordan (Tom's iffy, but at least they can connect over being new gods in a way) Spark's just along for the ride, he was supposed to get back home to help out Dia, Mot and the Wizards but the portal fucked up lowkey :] He's not exactly overjoyed to be parading about the multiverse but he's fine with Martha, Sonj and Capsize so he mostly hangs around them. It'll be interesting that's for sure, but this is the main chunk of the post-series stuff I want to do so yeeeee
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year ago
Vic x Michiko? I know they’re friends in your canon and I’m honestly desperate to know more about their dynamic. xD (can’t remember if I’ve asked before, sorry)
oml the besties, the co-conspirators-
are you ready for me to ramble? cos im going to- the readmore is a warning tbh
I have 100% considered them as a couple -- a polycule actually tbh, Smasher wedged his way in there as he's wont to do -- and i haven't exactly ruled it out just yet. One of the sticklers for my consideration is Michiko's husband Marc and his position/role in it all, or if i want him alive at all.
The foundations for it is already there, or will be if i ever actually write but yknow,
Victoria and Michiko's companionship starts with a simple basis: the mistrust of Yorinobu Arasaka. I'm operating soundly on headcanon here, but I reckon any corpo worth their lick of salt would feel something in the air before Yorinobu stole the relic; an anticipation, kinda like when your hair stands on end before lightning strikes too close.
For Victoria, Michiko is more appealing than any other of the Arasaka bloodline, and while she holds no love for the family she recognises them as powerful pieces of the board: if change is to happen, it has to be with one of them at the helm. Yorinobu made it clear he held no love for his father and the company in tandem, and Victoria holds something of a grudge after he attempted to have her replaced as Smasher's netrunner. Hanako would be more appealing were she not confined to a compound for most of her adult life - too sheltered, even from the teeth of their own company. Victoria doubts she could solve a conflict if the weight of her family name wasn't enough.
And that leaves Michiko; the black sheep. Once sheltered herself but thrust into the public and Arasaka eye following the death of her father. And while once Victoria did fall for that sweet, naive act that she held up like a shield, it was soundly shattered in her eyes once she learned the girl and Smasher had a thing. Her founding and the success of Danger Gal also raised her quite a bit in Victoria's opinion.
For Michiko, Victoria is another ally in her pocket but perhaps one with more gusto than the rest of the Hato faction - Michiko despises talking ill of her own people, but a majority of them think that her leading them is enough for victory. She knows it is not, and she wasn't going to turn down the opportunity of having a damn good combative netrunner with a direct line into Yorinobu's dealings on her side
Beyond that practical reason, Michiko did just genuinely want to get to know Victoria as well. She was curious of the woman, but noted her aversion to companionship and so wanted to think her approach through carefully - kinda like building trust with a stray cat, done gradually with consistence
Later in Victoria's canon, when Yorinobu is dead and Hanako has retreated to Japan, not quite with her tail between her legs but certainly shaken by the sharp turn taken by the Hato faction, Victoria and Michiko's dynamic become what it would remain if they were to be a couple; the empress and her shadow. Very much a 'they shout my name, yet whisper yours' sort of thing
Michiko doesn't want to destroy Arasaka in the same way her uncle did, reform is enough for her. Rebuilding, restructuring (because unlike her uncle, she doesn't spew moralisms and then turn around and destroy livelihoods with the same self-righteous folly he condemned his father for-) but she's not naive, and she trusts Victoria to reel her in when her ideas border too closely to ideals.
Just as she is there to reel it back when Victoria's suggested methods are a touch too brutal to be acceptable, too much how things used to be done. She understands that force and fear are necessary at times, but the netrunner tends to push it too far; her bloodlust more readily apparent when its not being overshadowed by Smasher - and as much as its a steady cause of conflict between them, it is something that draws Michiko closer to Victoria. she has a thing for danger, she guesses
It would bring them together, already close as they are after planning a coup within a coup - placing an explicit trust that paid off for them both, solidifying their companionship into friendship and then potentially something more
so yes, 10/10. absolutely am considering Michiko as a potential partner for Victoria
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flutteringfable · 1 year ago
bnha fantasy au blurb because i have it on the brainnn
featuring kento because of course it does. since the canon fantasy au seems primarily based on western folklore, to get kento to fit in im just gonna have to squeeze in a tiny bit of japanese folklore. bc. yknow. kitsune.
kento is a kitsune who guards a well known shrine outside the city. he spends almost all of his time there, since priests in the city don’t take too kindly to his presence. he does, however, sneak around at night to visit taverns and do some trading and shopping.
one afternoon, kento catches wind of some new visitors passing through; the barbarian prince and his dragon companion. kento has heard plenty about them (mostly about the prince’s quick temper), but he’s curious to know if the rumors are true. so, he decides to take a risk and visit the city a little earlier than usual to see if he can spot them.
unfortunately, while he’s sauntering about and browsing the shops, kento is seen by a woman who recognizes him as a kitsune and accuses him of stealing products from the shops. he tries his hardest to defend himself, to no avail, and is instead hit by a weak spell she casts in his direction.
it does little to hurt kento, but he lies stunned on the ground for a moment. he prepares to fight back or teleport, but is instead covered by the large shadow of a person who’s leapt in front of him. he looks up to see a man with draconian features standing above him, wings outstretched.
“oi, kirishima! the hell are you doing?” a voice growls from somewhere in the surrounding crowd. “this ain’t our fight; get back over here!”
kento hears a rumbling growl from the half-dragon (supposedly kirishima) in front of him. “no, i’m not letting this guy get hurt!” kirishima’s voice softens as he addresses the woman who had attacked kento, reassuring her that kento had done no harm.
eventually, the conflict dissolves, and kento quietly dusts himself off and sits up. he’s surprised to see kirishima now looking at him, crouching down to make sure kento is alright.
“i’m really sorry i caused you so much trouble,” kento mumbles, embarrassed. “i don’t normally leave the shrine so early in the day, but i was hoping to see the visitors the whole city has been gossiping about. just my luck that i ended up like this.”
“no worries!” kirishima replies. “i’m just glad you’re okay! i would offer to treat you to a meal, but kats— ah, prince bakugou probably wouldn’t let me. he’s stubborn like that.”
wait. “prince bakugou…? OH GODS—“ kento leaps to his feet, fidgeting awkwardly as if he was unsure of how to properly address the other. “i’m so sorry, i had no idea! if anything, i should be the one treating you two to a meal, as payment for the trouble!”
kirishima laughs, replying, “hey, easy there. no need to get all formal. it’s really no issue, even if prince bakugou might disagree. it’s reassuring enough to know you’re alright— uh… sorry, i don’t think i caught your name.”
kento introduces himself, still burning with embarrassment. “my name’s kento sasaki. i’m the guardian kitsune of a nearby shrine, but i tend to visit the village at night to get things done. since… well, you saw what happened. people don’t take super kindly to kitsune around here.”
“well, i guess you got lucky then, since i take kindly to pretty much everyone!” kirishima beams, and kento notes his incredibly sharp teeth. “can’t say the same for bakugou, though. he’s… not exactly the most friendly guy.” the dragon pauses, glancing about to make sure no one was listening. “don’t tell him i said that.”
kento laughs. “of course not. well, thank you for the help… kirishima, was it? i heard your prince say your name earlier, i think. thanks for protecting me. i’m not a huge fan of fighting, since i feel like it sort of tarnishes the already bad reputation kitsune have around here.”
“no worries,” kirishima replies. “i’m always happy to help!”
“making a new friend, stupid scales?”
kento jumps, startled by the new voice. standing next to kirishima is a grumpy-looking blonde with a fur-lined cape. is this…?
“ah, yeah! this is sasaki, he’s a kitsune!” kirishima seems undeterred. “sasaki, this is prince bakugou!”
bakugou glares at kento for a moment.
“sorry for the trouble,” kento apologizes again, shrinking under bakugou’s piercing gaze. “but kirishima is a really good companion, i imagine. i hope you both take good care of each other.”
“‘course we do,” bakugou scoffs. “you think i wouldn’t look out for this idiot whose heart’s too big for his own good? he’s always sticking his neck out for people like you; it’s stupid.”
kento bites back a laugh as kirishima elbows bakugou. “don’t be rude to him! you’ll leave a bad first impression.”
“whatever, stupid scales,” bakugou retorts. “‘s not like we’ll be coming back to visit or anything.”
“still!” kirishima huffs, crossing his arms. “sorry about him, sasaki.”
“no worries,” kento replies warmly. “it was an honor to meet the both of you. forgive me for prying, but where will you two be headed after this?”
bakugou opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by an overeager kirishima. “we’re visiting my family in the southern mountains! i haven’t seen ‘em in ages, i’m super excited to go back again!”
kento raises his brows. “oh? i’ve heard about the dragon tribe there; i guess now that i’m looking more closely i can see the resemblance. i hope you enjoy your reunion, kirishima. maybe when you two make your way back through the city, i can treat you to a meal. consider it a thank you from me.”
i’m so normal about them. i don’t have any more writing energy atm, but maybe i’ll make a follow up with shorter general headcanons about them in the future <3
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apenapaperandadoofus · 3 years ago
So listen: from what I remember (I read the manga like two weeks ago and it was during exams time so my memory is fuzzy) Operation Strix is supposed to be a peaceful way for Loid to talk to Donovan and put an end to the war- obviously through negotiation.
Now I assume that means that they will not put Donovan in harms way (example, just killing him instead- obviously that would be stupid for so many reasons but they do want peace)
A thing Loid said at the end of this week’s episode just- it destroyed me
At one point in the end he said something along the lines of “anyway if it comes to it there are plenty of ways to kill Donovan secretly/without anyone finding out”
And like I guess that’s just the last resort plan bUT IMAGINE LIKE
An au where there’s angst (bc I love breaking my heart :D)
So imagine; even though Anya and Damian become close, for some reason or other, let’s say Donovan decided to speed up the war’s process- anyway the thing is the spy agency finds no other solution than to kill him.
Afterwards the Forger family does stay together, we can say Loid got attached and they find out about their secrets etc etc so they move away, get new identities and leave.
Damian suddenly comes home to find his father dead, and him and his brother being questioned by da police or smth.
I don’t remember how old Demetrius is so we’re going to skip over that part but anyhow
Damian finds out about his father and he’s obviously mad but for drama reasons (and something I can strangely see happening to him if it came to it) he does a complete 180°. He obviously wants to impress his father, I mean iirc he says he wants to be like him and stuff- and anyway since he’s so young he gets so angry by this that he decides to avenge him. Yup you heard that right (all soap opera drama in here lmao)
Anyway since he’s so young and he doesn’t really understand why what his father wanted was yknow, wrong, he gets raised in a really military-ish ambient. He drops out of Eden and also moves somewhere else. NOW I want more drama (when do I not lol) SO even though Damian’s brother is full on set to cause war and havoc again, all Damian wants is to destroy the people that killed him (AKA WISE, aka Loid) but he doesn’t really get in his brother’s way.
Since he’s the second son he doesn’t get full control of his fathers company- that’s Demetrius’ job- b u t he can still be second in command (hey maybe even be a part of the police Yuri’s a part of? Maybe??? I think Yuri worked for Donovan aNYWAY) so Damian becomes business man by day, and spy/police officer (?) by NIGHT. He mostly focused on stealing info tho, he’s not really the one you call for action packed missions but mostly for more tactical stay in the shadows and steal info kinda ones.
Now- let’s go back a bit and talk about Anya.
She moves away and both Loid and Yor find out about her powers, along with a few higher ups at the agency. Loid obviously doesn’t let them touch his precious daughter, so they decide to recruit Anya as a spy, since her abilities are obviously an added plus.
Anya grows up learning from Loid and Yor how to fight and how to be a spy. She’s more of a fighter though, and becomes pretty amazing combat wise. (You see where I’m getting at pft Ying Yang y’all)
A few years down the line the Desmond company has grown again, and they find out that the new heir is trying to start up war again.
Anya, having already formed part of Operation Strix gets called into Operation Strix 2.0 (or smth I’m not good with names)
Anya gets sent back to where she used to live before and starts working for the Desmond’s company and gets tasked with getting near to one of the sons to get information about the war. Her main task: kill the remaining Desmonds and stop war (since they weren’t able to gain peace, they realized they should destroy all the Desmond’s, since the whole thing can happen again so it’s better to just nip it the bud) idk if I used it right English isn’t my main language aNYWAY
Damian was working overseas, and Anya somehow managed to get in kahoots with his brother (she went high up on the ladder quickly and they’re “friends”), who unlike Donovan is out and about in the open, making him an easy target for Anya.
While she’s getting to know ya boi DUN DUNNNN
Damian appears!!!
Now keep in mind Damian has only heard rumors about Anya’s family so he doesn’t know Loid was the one behind his fathers death- but he knows she had something to do with it.
So he starts off with Anya on the wrong foot (they meet somewhere in the company where Damian explodes, he is not happy with Anya and Anya ain’t taking any shit from him)
Like he is legitimately mad at her now, since he feels betrayed and hurt and he wants to hold her so badly but nO she had something to do with his father.
NOW for more drama, Demetrius comes to him and tells him, hey Anya might actually be a spy, I want you to get as close to her as you can and uncover all the secrets so we can finally get ahead on the war.
So Demetrius (who doesn’t know they met before) presents them to each other and tries to get them together so Damian can yknow, find out things about WISE.
So now Damian and Anya both are put in a situation where even though they don’t like each other, they gotta get close to the other one to find out things about the other party- and obviously fall in love because YES.
Now the thing is I think both Damian and Demetrius will get some info from some spies that there is an esper working for WISE and Damian figures out it’s Anya, which is why he’s able to keep her in the dark.
Anyway obviously that’s all I have for now lol I came up with it on the spot but like? Isn’t it good and angsty lmaoo
I also want to add Becky since we know the Blackwells are associated with the Desmond’s so either she’s also a spy or like information worker (like Frankie) or she can just be a regular worker. But she’s a bit mad at Anya for leaving her alone all of a sudden but they do get back into friendship mode quickly!
Also I want both Loid and Yor to have a little thing because like: imagine it’s Anya’s first solo mission- she’s a good spy but she’s always worked with her father.
So both Loid and Yor are proud parents but worried parents, so unbeknownst to Anya they FOLLOW her to see how she’s doing- they would never interfere with her mission obviously (she’s made it clear she will be mad at them if they do) they’ll just uh- push her in the right directions sometimes.
I also just find it funny for them to try and hide from Anya while she’s working- and since they know she can read minds now they can keep hidden from her a bit easier and i just find it hilarious for some reason these two going all the way to try and get Anya to not suspect them (which even if they go over the top ridiculous she never seems to figure it out-) also imagine a cute scene where she’s talking to an old man on a bench in the park when she’s all sad (and she doesn’t know it’s Loid) and she’s sad because she just wants to make her family proud and Loid gives her words of encouragement and is so proud but like also oops sir you’re not supposed to blow away your cover and PFtt it’s so cute!
Anyway might write it? Idk maybe? I mean classes are going easy so I could sneak writing a few chapters or two while in class 👀
So what do y’all think? Should something else be added on? Or any other ideas? Cuz idk I think it’s nice shshshs
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