#and the real estate is still going ahead with the house inspection!
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anaussiefan · 1 day ago
Is a cyclone with the same name as my deceased great grandfather really about to ruin my week
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veloxinfra · 1 month ago
When is the best time to sell a house ?
Having clarified your motivation for selling and researched your local real estate market to some degree, it is now time to determine when the optimal moment to sell your property would be in order to secure the best deal. This choice, although affected by current market conditions, will primarily depend on your motive for selling.
If you intend to sell your current property to reinvest in another for improved returns, it is crucial to analyze local real estate trends and time the sale based on these trends. In this particular situation, to observe improvement in the market, you might consider waiting and monitoring for several months.
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When is the ideal moment to sell a property?
Festive Season
Beginning in October and continuing through January, this time is filled with important celebrations, including Navaratri, Dussehra, Diwali, and Christmas. In India, festivals are regarded as a favorable period for making investments and significant purchases, like acquiring real estate.
This period is generally regarded as the most advantageous time for selling property due to the optimism and elevated levels of buyer engagement in the market. Numerous firms also distribute holiday bonuses during this period, typically ranging from 15 to 25 percent of the yearly salary, thereby boosting the purchasing power of the service sector.
These elements highlight that this period can be a great opportunity to list your property for sale.
Although some modern home buyers may not prioritize auspiciousness when buying a property, this season still sees numerous real estate transactions due to many Indians continuing to cherish these traditions.
Financial Year Beginning
The majority of individuals obtain bonuses by April. Since it's a significant component, it is typically invested. This time also features festivals such as Gudi Padwa and Akshaya Tritiya, which boost market sentiments, and investments during this period could lead to favorable returns. 
With two months remaining until the new academic year begins, individuals considering a property acquisition frequently finalize the purchase to ensure they can relocate before school begins.
When the Market goes up
The ideal guideline for selling is to sell when the market rises and achieve the expected return. You should always sell when you achieve your expected returns. If you believe you will sell once your property increases in value by 20 percent, then go ahead and sell it if the market provides that level of appreciation.
Due to an Indian mindset, when the market rises, individuals tend to hold on longer, but when it falls, they sell out of fear. Therefore, always sell your property if you’re achieving the returns you want. And keep an eye on the money in your account, instead of just on paper.
Lukewarm market
The month of Shravan begins around this period, and individuals refrain from making significant investments during this time. In the south, particularly in Tamil Nadu, it refers to the 'Aadi Maasam' when no new tasks are initiated. Several activities occur during Ganesh Chaturthi, particularly in Maharashtra, which concludes when Pitru Paksha begins, occurring from September 17 to October 2 this year.
In the favorable period of these three months, individuals engage in home purchasing activities, as this marks the peak rainy season in many regions of the country. During this time, individuals make their purchasing choices to inspect the property for potential leakages or water logging problems in the community, among other issues.
If you are getting a good deal
Certain sellers often pause the transaction when they recognize that their property is receiving high worth. They believe there will be additional buyers willing to offer a higher price for their property. In this pursuit, they ultimately forfeit the best offer they possess. Eventually, their property values decrease due to several market influences. Heed my counsel: Sell if you receive the offer you want and don't cling to it; otherwise, remorse will outweigh the value of your property.
Economic Conditions
Having gained some insight into the influence of different months, the next aspect to consider is what price you are prepared to accept for your sales. To sell any property, you need to set the right price to ensure you make a profit from it. Knowing the return on investment (RoI) allows you to set a price range, ensuring you can still make a profit after negotiating with the buyer.
Strong equity
If you possess significant equity, you can sell your asset. Be aware that if you sell a property within five years of buying it, you could face losses. It's advisable to retain the investment for a minimum of five years to bolster the portfolio's strength.
This season, spanning April, May, and June, commences with well-known festivals like Gudi Padwa, an important celebration in Maharashtra and Goa (observed as Ugadi in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Telangana), resulting in an increase in property deals.
Additionally, some home buyers possess the time and patience and might prefer to wait several months until the festive season, anticipating improved deals during that time. Certain end-users with children may take advantage of their childern's summer break to explore properties, while others might choose to go on vacation with their kids during this period.
However, the heat persists, serving as a deterrent to site visits, and generally, there is less activity during this season than in the festive/winter months. Consequently, due to the few buyers in the market, you might not be able to maximize your profit from the sale of your property at this time.
Selling a house in India requires a thoughtful evaluation of market conditions and timing. Assessing the property market, targeting festivals or wedding seasons, and obtaining a favorable deal are essential elements to optimize profits. It's prudent to obtain advice from knowledgeable experts such as RERA-certified consultants to manage the intricacies of real estate dealings.
Sellers can enhance their likelihood of securing a successful and profitable sale by utilizing expert guidance and strategic timing. Keep in mind that every choice must correspond with individual objectives and market trends to guarantee a seamless and fulfilling home-selling journey. Choose Velox Infra for a smooth selling of your home.
For more details, visit our website
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harbingrs · 3 months ago
It's genuinely funny that today's posts are rounding out days of serious contemplation about my general inability to publish tumblr posts. As in, I regularly write personal posts or replies to post and... immediately draft them, never to see the light of day.
I do this multiple times per week. Sometimes multiple times per day.
Not even posts on controversial topics, usually. But I'm having to reckon with the fact that I am constantly afraid to be a person out loud.
When it comes time to press 'post' I am afraid that - in some way, shape or form - I have not adequately protected myself from potential harm, and that there will be negative consequences I have not even anticipated, and therefore have not taken measures to avoid.
And so I quietly file everything in my drafts to experience a sense of relief akin to 'cancelling plans' because I have resolved the problem an I am safe again. In other words, yes, I am Doing Compulsions About it.
And I only just realised that's what I'm doing a few days ago, puzzling over why it always happens when I have zero intention not to post it. Right up until I try to hit the button and the siren song of the 'Save as draft' compels me to click it and immediately banishes all my anxiety.
But the phrase 'do not obey in advance' continues to crop up recently and it's certainly prompting some out-of-context thoughts. As in, it keeps reminding me that all my decisions are based around Safety and Survival.
This is not new and it is a pervasive pattern. As in, when I have a rental inspection, everything needs to be beyond perfect. This is not a requirement. Here, there is a clear legal scope of what they look for (that you are not damaging the property or otherwise violating the terms of your lease). There are legal safeguards to prevent them from evicting you or otherwise penalising you for other concerns.
However. Safety and Survival is about maximising the cards I hold in a vulnerable scenario. If my apartment is /impressively/, unusually clean and well-styled, I can make myself less vulnerable. This is not just an irrational perception, but a reality.
I would not have secure housing right now if it wasn't. Because despite a patchy rental history for on-time payment in my previous tenancy, I was able to land another apartment with the same real estate agency when I needed it because they know I "take care of the place".
The owner could get an extra $150 per week for this place if he didn't renew my lease this year and put it back on the market. He could have raised my rent by $150 per week. But that would risk me leaving, and he'd rather keep me here than gamble on a new tenant who doesn't "take care of the place".
The level to which I can impress and pander to an authority figure is the power I have in this scenario.
Since my on-time payment history is still fucked, getting a positive reference direct from the owner may be the only chance I have of landing another rental if/when I need to leave this place. If I am not approved for another rental (in a housing crisis) I'll have nowhere to go.
I have a 12-month lease term ahead before that's a possibility again. But appealing to authority - making myself pleasant and desirable, being of advantage to them - is the power I have to keep myself safe.
I was taught this intentionally from a young age. As a working class person, this is how you survive.
When your boss says 'jump', you should be so dedicated to your job, you don't even need to ask how high. You never turn down a request, overtime, a last-minute shift. If you don't have transport, you say yes anyway and then you /figure it the fuck out/.
Because sooner or later, your boss will need to fire someone. If it's you or the other guy, make sure he chooses the other guy.
This was drilled into me, word for word. This is how you protect yourself. Make yourself perfect in the eyes of the people in power, because it's the only way you can keep yourself safe.
You can see how this is a problem. You can see how this makes you afraid to... literally do anything, /be/ anything less than palatable. How everything you could say or do or express comes with a risk-reward analysis attached, and the priority is always to avoid risk. It's /necessary/ to avoid risk or you won't survive. You don't even know all the ways it might come back to bite you, but you didn't hold onto that protection when you had the chance.
If you don't say anything at all, nothing bad can happen. There can be no fallout and it can't ever be used against you. And if everything you say or do has risk attached - especially the kind of nebulous, undefined risk you can't even anticipate - then it's safest to stay quiet.
You can see how this is a problem.
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nsrealestate · 5 months ago
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Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly
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Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration. And unfortunately, some sellers are in that tricky spot today.
Some of that is because��inventory has gone up, so buyers have more options. And higher mortgage rates have definitely slowed demand over the past two years, and that’s out of your control. But here’s the secret. There’s something you can control – it's also where those other sellers missed the mark. They didn’t work with the right agent.
Make no mistake, with the right strategy and agent partner, your house can still sell quickly, even today.
If time matters to you, you need to partner with an agent who understands this shifting market. That agent will be your go-to resource on what buyers are looking for right now, and how to position your home to hit the mark.
Here are just a few tips a great real estate agent will walk you through. They may seem simple, but advice like this can make all the difference.
1. Competitive Pricing: One of the most critical factors in selling your home quickly is setting the right price. A local real estate agent will do a competitive market analysis by reviewing recent sales and current listings for your area. Then, they’ll use that data to make sure your home is priced accurately for today’s market. This strategic pricing approach is the best way to make sure you’re hitting the sweet spot on price. If you don’t lean on an agent for this, it can really slow your process down. As U.S. News says:
“. . . setting an unrealistically high price with the idea that you can come down later doesn’t work in real estate . . . A home that’s overpriced in the beginning tends to stay on the market longer, even after the price is cut, because buyers think there must be something wrong with it.”
2. The Home’s Condition: Homes that are well maintained, have great curb appeal, and are updated with modern finishes tend to sell faster. So, if speed is a priority, make sure your house makes a great first impression. An agent is a key resource on what buyers will be looking for, if staging is worthwhile, and what repairs you need to tackle before you list. Ramsey Solutions offers this advice:
“In the spirit of selling your home fast, take care of things now that will be a problem in the closing process. Talk to your agent about fixes you’ll need to make to pass the home inspection, like: plumbing problems, roof damage, electrical issues, HVAC glitches. . . These are issues you’ll be expected to take care of before any buyers close on your house—you might as well get ahead of the game to help your home sell faster.”
3. Incentives and Extras: If you want to stand out from those other homes on the market, offering incentives or concessions, like help with closing costs, a home warranty, or including additional items (like appliances or furniture) with the sale can sweeten the deal for buyers. A real estate agent can suggest the right incentives to offer based on current market conditions and buyer expectations, so you can close the sale even faster.
Bottom Line
Selling a home quickly in a shifting market requires a strategic approach and an in-depth understanding of what buyers want. That’s why partnering with a local real estate agent is so important. As Forbes says:
“When time is of the essence, you can’t afford to take a chance on an inexperienced housing professional. Instead, you’ll want to work with a real estate agent who knows your market and has helped sellers in your situation before.”
Let’s connect to make sure you’re set up for success.
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thelistingteammiami · 5 months ago
Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly
Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly
Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration. And unfortunately, some sellers are in that tricky spot today.
According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average time a house spends on the market has increased over the past few years (see graph below):
A recent post from Realtor.com notes a similar trend:
“During the week ending Sept. 14, homes stayed on the market eight days longer compared to last year. With more choices available and mortgage rates expected to fall, buyers are taking their time, which means sellers will need to be patient and flexible.”
Some of that is because inventory has gone up, so buyers have more options. And higher mortgage rates have definitely slowed demand over the past two years, and that’s out of your control. But here’s the secret. There’s something you can control – it's also where those other sellers missed the mark. They didn’t work with the right agent.
Make no mistake, with the right strategy and agent partner, your house can still sell quickly, even today.
If time matters to you, you need to partner with an agent who understands this shifting market. That agent will be your go-to resource on what buyers are looking for right now, and how to position your home to hit the mark.
Here are just a few tips a great real estate agent will walk you through. They may seem simple, but advice like this can make all the difference.
1. Competitive Pricing: One of the most critical factors in selling your home quickly is setting the right price. A local real estate agent will do a competitive market analysis by reviewing recent sales and current listings for your area. Then, they’ll use that data to make sure your home is priced accurately for today’s market. This strategic pricing approach is the best way to make sure you’re hitting the sweet spot on price. If you don’t lean on an agent for this, it can really slow your process down. As U.S. News says:
“. . . setting an unrealistically high price with the idea that you can come down later doesn’t work in real estate . . . A home that’s overpriced in the beginning tends to stay on the market longer, even after the price is cut, because buyers think there must be something wrong with it.”
2. The Home’s Condition: Homes that are well maintained, have great curb appeal, and are updated with modern finishes tend to sell faster. So, if speed is a priority, make sure your house makes a great first impression. An agent is a key resource on what buyers will be looking for, if staging is worthwhile, and what repairs you need to tackle before you list. Ramsey Solutions offers this advice:
“In the spirit of selling your home fast, take care of things now that will be a problem in the closing process. Talk to your agent about fixes you’ll need to make to pass the home inspection, like: plumbing problems, roof damage, electrical issues, HVAC glitches. . . These are issues you’ll be expected to take care of before any buyers close on your house—you might as well get ahead of the game to help your home sell faster.”
3. Incentives and Extras: If you want to stand out from those other homes on the market, offering incentives or concessions, like help with closing costs, a home warranty, or including additional items (like appliances or furniture) with the sale can sweeten the deal for buyers. A real estate agent can suggest the right incentives to offer based on current market conditions and buyer expectations, so you can close the sale even faster.
Bottom Line
Selling a home quickly in a shifting market requires a strategic approach and an in-depth understanding of what buyers want. That’s why partnering with a local real estate agent is so important. As Forbes says:
“When time is of the essence, you can’t afford to take a chance on an inexperienced housing professional. Instead, you’ll want to work with a real estate agent who knows your market and has helped sellers in your situation before.”
Let’s connect to make sure you’re set up for success.
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year ago
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5 Things Homeowners Should Know About Working With A Real Estate Agent in New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
Do you need to sell your house in New Jersey? In our latest post, we offer 5 things homeowners should know about working with a real estate agent to help sell your house. 
When it’s time to sell your house in New Jersey, your first instinct may be to call up a local real estate agent to quickly get your house up on the MLS. While this works for some homeowners, there are a few things you should know before hiring a New Jersey real estate agent to help you.
The Costs Can Be High
If you decide to sell your house with a real estate agent in New Jersey, make sure that you are aware of all of the costs that typically go into a successful listing. Aside from the thousands that will be deducted from your offer when the house sells, you will have a number of expenses to deal with before your house even hits the market. To start with, you’ll need to make some basic repairs and have the house professionally cleaned. You could be faced with marketing costs such as photography and staging that isn’t covered in the scope of your listing agreement. Some homeowners will even have an inspection done on their own, so they know what to expect when their potential buyers have one done. Add all of this to your holding costs, and you’ll see how a simple listing can quickly turn into bills costing thousands.
It May Take Awhile
While this varies from neighborhood to neighborhood and city to city, it will typically take much longer for a traditional sale to be completed as opposed to a direct sale. In fact, when looking at nationwide statistics, houses will take over two months to get an offer on average. While your house is listed, you will still have to pay taxes, maintenance, your mortgage, utilities, and insurance. Not to mention, you will have no idea how long the sale can take, giving you zero ability to plan ahead. Don’t miss out on your dream property because your house is caught up in a listing agreement that doesn’t make sense.
Not All Agents Are The Same
While some agents are there to help and provide genuine service to their clients, there are others who are simply after that commission check. They will encourage you to make expensive upgrades to sell the house faster, they will encourage you to take less than it’s worth just so they are able to cash in before your agreement expires. If you decide to list your house with a real estate agent in New Jersey, make sure it is someone who comes highly referred and that you are certain you can trust.
Your House May Not Sell
Just because you list your house and ask for a certain amount, does not mean that you will get it. Many sellers get frustrated when they find themselves spending money t list their homes for sale, only to hear crickets. Just because you fix things up and spend money making the house look as good as possible, does not ensure you will get an offer. If you decide to list and spend money getting your house ready for the MLS, make sure that you won’t be devastated if you do not see the returns you are after. When working with a real estate agent in New Jersey, there is no guarantee if or when you will receive an offer. And if you do get an offer, they may try to negotiate for a lower price.
You Have Other Options
The good news is that hiring a real estate agent in New Jersey is not the only way to sell your house. For certain houses and situations, investing money into the property before selling it can be a huge waste. Factor in the commissions, holding costs, and closing expenses, and you could be looking at thousands of dollars down the drain. Another approach is to sell your house to a direct buyer such as The Cardwell Thaxton Group. Working with a direct buyer will allow you to sell your house in just a few short days without any fees deducted from the offer or money spent out of pocket. You’ll know exactly what to expect and when the closing will take place.
If you need to sell your house in New Jersey, be sure that you are aware of all of your available options and how they will affect you. People aren’t always aware of the costs, time, and frustrations a listing can entail. Homeowners have been known to brush off the idea of a direct sale because of the lower prices associated with them. However, once you factor in the time, money, and energy that goes into listing your New Jersey house, you will see that the selling methods will produce similar results. We encourage you to run the numbers for your property so you can choose the option that makes the most sense. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about what we do and how we can help you sell your house fast in New Jersey!
Working with a real estate agent in New Jersey may not be the answer for you! Explore your options by sending us a message or giving us a call today! (908) 456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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bell-arina271 · 2 years ago
Day 26-30 of Building Elsa’s Ice Palace
Oops, I forgot to post my last update. I’ll go ahead and post this in 2 parts. 1st: Things have been in a bit of a lull lately, so there wasn’t much to report. I’m going to ask people at church if they know people looking to rent so I can find a roommate or two. I can’t post anything online yet since I still have not gotten the inspection underway :/ Issues with the city and turning on the water. At this rate I may not get to close on the house until the end of July. (Closing on the house basically means closing on the deal. It’s real estate speak.) They’ll move in before me- I still have some stuff to take care of before moving out. Like unpacking some boxes lol (I’ll get there eventually.) Anyway just thought I should keep you updated. My appointment today should go well. After this I’ll finally get an appointment to see that sleeping specialist (only took like two months).
And unfortunately it did not happen just yet, the specialist has to send the readings to my primary care doctor this week, and then we’ll talk about where to go from here.
But the real news is that I finally got a hold of the inspector. He had to start the inspection without me because my phone stopped working for like 3 days so he took a look around, and long story short all the repairs the previous flippers did were really shoddy and superficial- they left all the old and damaged stuff behind and put new stuff on top, which meant if I REALLY wanted to fix it I would need to basically rip up all the “new” stuff to get to the old stuff underneath. Which, for the amount of money I was offering, was way too much work. If I’m going to buy a fixer upper, I want to buy it dirt cheap.
Anyway, it’s sad, even though it wasn’t going to be my forever home, I still had so many plans for it. My only option right now is to keep looking around until I find another home that will fit my criteria. I’m still considering getting into actually flipping houses, but I’m going to wait a few months until the market cools down. I don’t want to overspend from the get go. That should give me enough time to do some more research and recover from this disappointment :/
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darkishleaf · 2 years ago
The Top Tips for Securing Your Dream Home at a Luxury Property Auction
Securing your dream home at a luxury property auction can sometimes seem like an intimidating process. But with the right research and knowledge, you can get the home of your dreams at a great price. To ensure a successful bidding experience, it is important to take the time to prepare, be aware of the bidding etiquette, know the properties, and have a clear understanding of the regulations. With these tips, you will be well-equipped to find and secure the perfect home for your needs at a luxury property auction. Research the area and the properties that are being offered. Understand the local market to ensure you are well informed when considering the cost of the property. Knowing the bid regulations by researching them thoroughly will help you stay within the legal requirements when making your offer. Finally, do not let yourself get carried away in the excitement: stick to your budget before and throughout the auction. With these tips in mind, you will be on your way to funding and securing your dream home without overspending.
Research Luxury Property Auctions in Your Area
If you are considering buying a luxury property, one of the best ways to find a great deal is through a live auction. Whether you’re upgrade from a starter home or purchased your first property, purchasing residential real estate at an auction can be a great way to get a bargain on your dream home. Before getting started, however, you need to research luxury property auctions in your area. Dedicate some time to visit the real-estate sections of your local newspaper, attend housing auctions or contact a real estate agents in the area to find out where the auctions are taking place. Additionally, there is a wealth of information available online about the type of auctions available in your region.
Analyse the Market and Set Your Budget
The beauty of luxury property auctions is that you have the chance to bid on properties that you probably couldn’t afford in the traditional market. However, you still need to be sure you are within your budget before you start bidding. Start by researching market trends in your area to get an idea of what the average property is going for. Next, set a realistic budget and stick to it. Recognize that that there is a chance that you might lose the auction, so don’t set a price that you cannot afford if your bid is unsuccessful.
Take a Look at the Schedules for Upcoming Auctions
Once you’ve set your budget, it’s time to explore the schedules for upcoming auctions. Most auctioneers will post a schedule online ahead of time, so check their website for the dates, times and locations of the auctions. Read through the listings to see if there are any properties in the area that you’re interested in. It’s also worth checking with local estate agents to see if they have any upcoming auctions listed.
Get Advice From an Expert
It can be daunting to purchase a property through an auction and it is advisable to get professional advice before doing so. Talk to an experienced real estate agent to get an understanding of what you are getting into and the market conditions of the area. Ask the agent questions about the auction process, including the bidding process and the bidding fee structure, so that you are prepared on the day of the auction.
Inspect the Property Prior to Bidding
Once you’ve taken the plunge and identified the property you would like to bid on, it’s a good idea to physically inspect the property before the auction. Check the market value of the property, take a thorough look at the condition of the building, and make sure that there are no surprises. Also, if possible, it is prudent to get several quotes for work that might need to be done after you take ownership of the property.
Remain Pliant and Don’t Get Carried Away
The auction can be overwhelming and it’s easy to get carried away and forget your pre-arranged budget. Don’t let the excitement overtake you and stick to your plan from the beginning. Be mindful not to bid more than you can afford and resign the fact that sometimes you may not win. It’s important to remain pliant and accept the fact that it may not always go your way.
Understand When to Stop Bidding and Walk Away
It’s important to understand when to say enough is enough. Remember: bidding is a competition. Once the price is too high and you don’t think you’ll be able to get a good return on investment, it’s best to back out of the auction and look for another property. By understanding when to stop bidding and walk away, it’ll help ensure that you don’t overpay for a luxury property.
The Top Tips for Securing Your Dream Home at a Luxury Property Auction are a great way to help you plan for and participate in an auction. Whether you're an experienced investor or a first-time buyer, these tips can help ensure that you get the best deal on your dream home. Knowing exactly what to expect from an auction, understanding the bidding process, and planning ahead can all help you make informed decisions and secure your dream home. Additionally, working with a trusted real estate agent and doing your research can help you prepare and give you an edge over other bidders.
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jeremy-durham · 2 years ago
Distressed Properties - Things You Should Know before Investing
Distressed Properties - Things You Should Know before Investing  Distressed properties include houses that are about to be foreclosed, or under foreclosure, because of the inability of the owner to meet the terms of their mortgage or property tax bills. A property could also become distressed because of a liquidation that occurs during a divorce or bankruptcy. Sales of distressed properties became commonplace in the late 2000s, and from 2008 to 2011, a significant portion of the homes sold in the US fell under the distressed property category. However, in recent years, the sales of distressed properties have dropped significantly, despite predictions from real estate experts such as Charles Koch that the sale of distressed properties would increase in 2021. But even with the current state of the distressed property market, investors can still make solid profits from these investments if they understand certain things and take certain steps. One such step is to properly study the area where the distressed property is before investing, and avoid buying properties in areas in decline. This is because buying a property in an area with falling real estate values, or an area where many of the residents are moving out, is a very risky move. Investors who make such a purchase might end up holding onto the property much longer than they wish after they renovate the building, as the neighborhood might not be enticing to new buyers. After the investor studies the neighborhood of the property and deems it worthy of an investment, the investor then needs to get a professional inspector to carry out a thorough inspection of the property before going ahead with a purchase. This inspection should give the investor a clear picture of the state of the property, the repairs the property needs, and provide a rough estimate of how much the investor will need to spend to get it into good condition. Also, the investor should hire specialized inspectors to check for pest issues and mold, assess the property’s septic system, and look for other issues that might be hard for an untrained person to detect. This is important because a typical inspector might do a general inspection and overlook some issues that could become major problems for the investor later on. Additionally, investors should ensure they have a clear budget for both the purchase and the renovation of the property. This budget should be carefully set up to ensure that the investor can achieve their goals with the property they purchase without putting a strain on their finances. Investors should also avoid purchasing properties at a price that forces them to go above budget, as this could affect the amount of capital the property requires after purchase. Finally, investors should ensure they have a solid exit plan in place before heading into a distressed property deal. This is because real estate investments can be very capital intensive, and distressed properties are even more capital intensive than most real estate deals. As a result, investors should be careful with how much money they invest in a distressed property, and should set a limit on how much they will spend before exiting the deal permanently. While exiting a deal prematurely would most likely mean a loss of capital for the investor, it could also be a good strategy to avoid a significant loss that could limit future investments. via Blogger https://ift.tt/GLi90Vu March 21, 2023 at 04:05AM
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frankiekatt · 4 years ago
My Ghost (Part 1)
Characters: Denki Kaminari 
Notes: Ghost AUs fuel my soul so I had to write one myself. This will be a 3 part series!
Warnings: Mentions of death!
Words: 4K
Synopsis: Denki knew deep down any outcome would just lead to disaster and sorrow. After all, he was a dead man who never aged and who could never leave this house. And you - you were the complete opposite. You were a living, breathing girl with your whole life ahead of you.
Being alone in a brand new house with all its creaks and groans was definitely not your idea of a perfect summer. If you had gotten a choice in the matter, you would have gladly followed your two best friends to Costa Rica, or went vacationing with your father to Greece, or visited your grandmother in Hong Kong. Anything but being stuck home alone in a brand new house that didn’t even have all of your furniture in it yet. 
But sadly, your mother had finally decided to get married to her long-time boyfriend, and the two of them had made the exciting decision to honeymoon in America all summer. Which meant that you would be cat-sitting for your new step-father’s tabby, Charles, in the new family house. All summer. All by yourself. 
The house that your mother and new step-father had moved the three of you into was a two-story brick building with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a small library on the second floor. The real estate agent that had sold your family the house had explained that no one had lived in this house for over 30 years, due to a death taking place in the upstairs attic, which creeped you out a bit, but your parents were quick to put down a down-payment on the house due to the unusually low price. 
Now, for the next three months, this house would be a constant for you. That, and the black and grey tabby you were now responsible for. 
Though, there was one more thing that would be in your presence for the remainder of the summer. You were not yet aware of the blonde boy’s presence in your house, but he was very aware of yours. 
The very first day you and your family had moved in, Denki was completely smitten with you. He hadn’t seen a girl in this house that wasn’t over the age of 45 and trying to sell this place in well over 30 years. And definitely not a girl this cute. 
He watched you explore the house, following behind you as you went from room to room, admiring the paintings his mother had hung on the walls years ago or inspecting the oak cabinets in the kitchen with a curious look in your pretty eyes. 
Denki adored you. He watched every night as you and your two parents unpacked boxes in every room. He watched every night as you decorated your room - which was once his - with posters and drawings and hung up your clothes in the small closet on the right side of your room. On the third day, while you were downstairs with your mother, Denki decided to look through all the clothes you had hung up the night before. Most of the articles of clothing were sweaters and hoodies with a couple dresses and skirts here and there. 
That’s how you dressed normally, Denki observed. Always in a hoodie or sweater with shorts or jeans. Denki thought it was odd at first, as it was the beginning of June and the sun was scorching. But the more Denki watched you, the more he found you absolutely adorable. 
Denki hadn’t felt the touch of another human being since the day he died in his attic, and seeing you walk around his house each day, bundled up in big hoodies and sweaters, made him want to touch you more than anything. You just looked so soft. On the fourth night, after you had already gone to bed, Denki decided he was going to touch you. Just a little, just on your cheek. Nothing too creepy or too serious to wake you up.
You looked so pretty when you were sleeping. Your eyes were closed, which meant they couldn’t hold that annoyed look you seemed to perpetually have whenever your parents would talk about leaving for the summer. Your brows were rested, no longer drawn together in irritation. You looked completely and utterly peaceful. 
Denki reached out towards your face, hand shaking like a leaf. He hadn’t touched another human in so long, and here you were, right in front of him, unconscious, vulnerable, smooth and soft. Denki had forgotten what human flesh felt like, so when he brushed the back of his fingers against your cold cheek, he almost jumped away. 
You felt like spring to him; growth, new beginnings, blossoming, life. You felt like everything Denki had been longing for for over thirty years - hell, even before then. He had only touched you with two fingers, and he already felt like fate had pulled him into its eventful little game. It was frightening to him, how many emotions were drifting in and out of his chest all at once. 
He didn’t know you. The only thing he knew about you was your name and he only learned that four days ago. And yet, he here was, standing in his - your- bedroom, watching you sleep, falling in love with everything about you. 
You stirred slightly at his touch, which made Denki jerk away. He quickly made himself invisible to the human eye once more and stepped away from your bedside before your eyes opened slowly. 
Your room was unusually chilly. You got cold fairly easily, so you often kept the temperature of your room higher than normal, but now it felt like someone had left your window open during a frigid winter night. Sitting up, you pulled the large red hooding off the side of your headboard and slipped it over your t-shirt. Why is it so fucking cold?
Your bedside clock read 3:33am, which meant you only had a couple hours until your mother and step-father left for their 7am flight. Soon, you would be all alone in this house, in a new town, with no one to keep you company other than the fluffy grey cat that was currently sleeping at the foot of your bed. You were now wide awake and freezing cold, so you saw no point in trying to fall back asleep for a measly few hours, so you decided to explore the one room in this house you hadn’t quite gotten to see yet; the library.
The library was exactly as the real estate agent had said it was; completely untouched since the last family moved out. It was a small room, filled with one desk in the center, and two wide bookshelves attached to each wall. There were papers and notebooks littering the mahogany desk, as well as envelopes and wax stamps. The room smelt of dust and pine and was colder than your bedroom had been a couple minutes ago. Still, you ventured into the dark room, stopping by the large desk to turn on the small lamp that sat at its edge. 
Light filled the room, showing off the rows upon rows of books that decorated the large brown bookshelves. Some books were very old, such as ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’, and some were not so old, such as a couple of Louis Duncan novels. Some of the books, as you saw, you had read, and most of them you had not. You spotted one of your favorite novels on the south wall bookshelf, and shuffled towards it to look over the dusty cover. Before you could grab the spine of the book, however, something caught your eye. 
Something very human-like, and it was definitely not one of your parents. 
He was only visible for half a second before he seemed to just cease to exist before your eyes. In that half a second though, you were apple to make out spiky blond hair, and piercing yellow eyes that were staring directly at you. 
A scream rose in your throat, but you were able to choke it down before it could escape and wake everyone up. There was no one else in the room but you. You whipped your head around, scanning every corner of the room for the blonde boy who had just been right by your side moments ago, gazing at you. But there was nothing. No mysterious boy in the library, or out in the hall. Maybe the lack of a full night’s rest had you seeing things. Yes, that had to be it. 
But Denki knew the truth. He had gotten distracted by you for not even a second, and had managed to make himself visible to you. He knew the second your eyes had widened in fear, that you had spotted him. Denki’s heart leaped out of his chest as he quickly made himself invisible and backed away from you. You were now looking around frantically, terror written all over your face. In the midst of back away from you quietly, Denki accidentally bumped into the large wooden desk, sending papers flying to the floor. 
The sound of a thud and the fact that papers were now drifting downwards as if someone had picked up a stack and threw them on the floor had you second guessing if you were just imagining things. 
No fucking way, you thought. You weren’t exactly a non-believer of the supernatural, but you had never in your life imagined that you would encounter anything non-human. The thought of it almost made you laugh as you stood frozen in fear. This was just ridiculous. Okay, so maybe you had thought you had seen a boy standing next to you and the next second he was gone, and maybe something made a loud noise and a stack of papers coincidentally fell to the floor. That did not mean that there was a ghost or a demon or some kind of invisible man in your house. Did it?
Denki decided to let you know it did, in fact, mean that. Making himself invisible to the human eye for four days straight had drained him of almost all of his energy, and you had already seen him and heard him twice. So, fuck it. 
The scream that you had been keeping bay for the last 60 seconds had finally decided to rip free. There was the blonde boy again - standing right in front of you. A minute ago, he had been more translucent and blurry, but now you could see him clearly. This thing you were seeing was a tall blonde boy with yellow eyes, wearing all black. He was cute. But he was also someone who could disappear and reappear in a matter of seconds, and that was not what normal cute boys do. 
You were screaming and backing yourself up against the wall, trying desperately to make yourself as small as possible so this magical invisible blonde boy would leave you alone.
“No! Shh! Stop, it’s okay, everything is okay! Please stop screaming!” 
The fact that the blonde boy was now speaking to you, made you even more afraid. You inhaled deeply, preparing to let out another scream, hoping one of your parents would wake up and come save you, but the blonde boy lurched forward and clamped a hand down on your mouth before you could make another sound. 
“Please,” he pleaded. “Please don’t scream. I’m not going to hurt you, I swear.”
His golden eyes were boring into yours, begging you to stay quiet. The urge to scream slowly dissipated as you realized this boy’s body was pressed against yours - this incredibly cute boy was pressing himself against you. 
“I’m gonna take my hand away, okay?” The boy whispered. His eyes were just as wide as yours. 
You nodded slowly at him, which prompted the blonde boy to let his hand slip away from your lips, inch by inch. Once your mouth was completely free, Denki took a step back to allow you to catch your breath. 
“Alright, so, you probably have some questions.” He chuckled nervously. 
Without meeting his gaze, you pushed yourself off the wall and nodded. Uh, yeah I have questions. Why are you in my house? How are you in my house? What exactly are you?
“Well,” he started slowly, “My name’s Denki. I, um, I used to live here.”
“Live here? So, what, you're mad I’m in your house or something and you’ve come to magically take it back or something?”
He shook his head and focused his gaze on his feet. “No, that’s not it. I kind of still live here, just not by my choice.”
What the blonde boy - Denki - said, seemed to ignite a memory in the back of your mind. The real estate agent had told you and your family that there had been a death in the house over 30 years ago - a boy who got electrocuted in the attic. The fact that Denki could make himself visible and invisible at will, clicked everything into place. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered. “Y-your d-dead.” Your hands were now trembling. 
Denki looked up at that moment. His eyes were sad and bleak, which almost made you feel bad for stating the obvious. 
“That’s right,” Denki lamented. “I’m dead.”
* * *
You spent the next three and a half hours cautiously speaking to Denki, processing the fact that you were conversing with a ghost in the creepy library of your new home. 
Denki explained to you that he had died on November 11th, 1989, in the attic of this house when he attempted to set up a couple extension cords for his tv he liked to play video games on during a storm, and ended up electrocuting himself. Denki didn’t seem too  upset describing the day he died to you, but he did start to shed tears when he choked out how he had to watch his parents fall apart in the halls of this house over his death. He cried as he remembered how they finalized the divorce a year after his death, and put the house up for sale. Denki weeped when he looked back on the day when his eternal loneliness began. When his parents left him in this big, cold house all alone. Dead and lonely. 
Once he was finished telling his story, he quickly wiped his tears away and smiled as brightly as he could at you, trying to hide his sorrow. “So,” he drawled. “What about you? What’s your story?”
You felt silly, sitting on the floor of the library, telling a dead boy the story of how your parents split when you were 12 due to an affair your mother was having with her now-husband, and how your dad decided to travel the world instead of wallowing in his heart break. You told Denki that living with your mother and her new boyfriend who had ruined your parents’ marriage was hard at first, but gradually became easier the more you realized what a nice guy your mother’s now-husband was. He was awkward around you, but always polite, and he seemed to be infatuated with your mother. Though you hated to admit it, you saw love between your mother and her boyfriend that you never saw between your mother and your father. 
Denki reached out to hold your hands in his when your voice began to waver when speaking of your mother and father. It was a hard topic to talk about for you, but Denki’s cool hands gave you comfort. 
You both shared stories of your childhoods, your favorite memories, what you both were like when you were younger. As 6 ‘o cock rolled around, you had forgotten that you were chatting and laughing with the ghost of an 18 year old boy. It was a strangely nice feeling. You had just discovered that ghosts were real, and now you were making friends with one. Denki was nice and funny and his infectious laugh had managed to pull a smile from you numerous times throughout the three hours you sat talking to him about anything and everything. 
While Denki was rattling on about his favorite foods and how much he missed eating them, a thought popped into your head. “Denki,” you started, “have you been watching us for the past four days?”
Denki blinked at you before grinning and nodding furiously. “Yep! The way you dance while folding laundry is super cute by the way!” His favorite thing to do at night was watching you blast music from your phone and dance around your room while folding fresh laundry. 
A slight blush coated your cheeks. “So, did you...see everything I did then?”
Oh. That.
Denki instantly knew what you were referring to. On the third night of staying in your new house, you had waited till both of your parents had gone to bed before locking your bedroom door and slipping into bed. Denki had been sitting in your computer chair at that time, leisurely watching you go about your room for the past half hour. The moment you had fallen into your bed though, made Denki shoot to his feet with a tomato red face. 
You had slipped your delicate hand into the waistband of your night shorts. It had been several weeks since you had had a chance to release any of your stress in any type of form, and tonight you were alone, horny, and frustrated. Your small fingers were now stuffed inside your cunt, moving in and out in an attempt to relieve yourself, and Denki was unable to look away. He knew he shouldn’t be watching this - watching you - but he couldn’t make himself leave, couldn’t make himself respect your privacy. 
You looked so helpless and so cute sprawled out on your bed, hand moving around in your shorts, your wet lips letting out soft little mewls. Denki felt utterly disgusting as he slipped his own hand into the waistband of his jeans to knead himself at the sight of you. He wanted more than anything to make himself known to you, to touch you, to tell you he had practically fallen in love with you the first time he saw you and you should let him pleasure you instead. 
Denki had to settle for fucking his fist to the sound of your moans, unfortunately. He could almost imagine how wet and tight and how good you would feel around him. He hoped someday soon, he would get to be the one forcing moans out of your mouth instead of your own fingers. He hoped soon, he would be able to kiss your neck as he fucked into you, reaching his high. He really, really hoped that he would be able to release inside you, stuffing you full of his cum, of his passion, of his love.
Denki’s face flushed at your revelation. He had just revealed himself to you, and had managed to get you to stay and talk to him for hours - he did not want to ruin it by admitting to violating your privacy in the worst way possible. 
“I know you watched me that night,” you said, barely above a whisper. “I-I think I heard you. H-heard you moaning.”
Denki didn’t think his face could reach a higher temperature. He wanted to say something - anything - but was completely stuck watching you stutter and blush, his own mouth glued shut. 
“I thought I was just imagining it, that I was fantasizing about something like that. But I wasn’t, was I? It was you in my room that night. Watching me.”
Your voice wasn’t the least bit defensive, nor was there any trace of accusation on your face. Shouldn’t you be angry at him? Shouldn’t you be yelling at him in embarrassment? Calling him a pervert?
But you weren’t. You looked flustered for sure, but not like you felt violated in any way. In fact, the thought of Denki watching you touching yourself - touching himself at the sight of you - made you feel good. Denki was extremely attractive to you, and it was thrilling to know that he thought the same of you.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N.” This was humiliating. What if you never wanted to talk to him again because of this? What would he do then? “I never meant to do that sort of thing! I j-just, I don’t know, you looked so pretty and I had already come to like you so much that I just-”
Watching Denki fumble with his words in an effort to not upset you was almost laughable. You didn’t want nor need an apology from him. You liked that he had watched you. That he had touched himself to you.
That’s why you were now kissing him. He had begun to stutter and raise his voice so much that the only way you saw fit to quiet him was to press your lips against his. His lips were smooth and full and cold to the touch just like his hands were. Your sudden intrusion shocked Denki so much that he almost forgot to kiss you back. He hadn’t kissed anyone since he was 12 years old, and even then, the girl who kissed him was only acting on a dare and had laughed in his face before running away after taking his first kiss. Now, he had you pressed against him, your lips dancing upon his in the gentlest way possible. 
When he began to reciprocate the kiss, Denki could have sworn he saw ‘the light’ everyone talked about seeing when they died. It was beautiful and warm and exciting and it was all you. You slipped an arm around his neck to tug him closer and deepen the kiss, which incited a soft groan from Denki’s throat. Breathing had become a distant memory for the both of you; all that mattered in that moment was claiming each other’s lips. 
“Y/N,” your mother called from downstairs. You both jumped away from each other at your mother’s voice, panting heavily, lips swollen. 
“What, mom?” Why did she have to be awake now? 
“We’re leaving in a few minutes, sweetie! Please come down here!”
For fucks sake. You knew you should go down there and bid her farewell. She would be gone for three months, after all. But Denki’s presence made everything else in your life seem so small. You had only just met him, only kissed him once, and now it felt like he was invading your mind and making a permanent home in your brain.  “Alright! I’m coming!”
You turned back towards Denki who had a goofy grin on his face. “So you do like me back?”
You scoffed, letting your hair fall in front of your face to hide the redness that was blossoming across it. “Shut up. You’re just kind of cute. That’s all” A complete lie. 
Denki leaned forward and took your chin in his hand, forcing you to look him in the eye. “Well,” he said, “I like you. And I want to do that again, if that’s okay?”
A slight smile found its way on your lips. You were about to take him up on his offer before your mother shouted back up at you to hurry down. Denki smiled at you and said, “Go, before she comes up here and catches you making out with a ghost.”
Tearing yourself away from him was surprisingly hard. You felt compelled to stay with Denki like that, centimeters apart, lingering in your own little bubble. But he was right. Your mother was starting to sound agitated. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
Denki nodded at you encouragingly, and watched as you rushed out of the room and down the stairs. His smile quickly fell from his lips once you were gone. 
You had kissed him. And he had kissed you back. Denki wasn’t sure what this meant, but he was secretly hoping it would continue. 
Though, even with that hope, Denki knew deep down any outcome would just lead to disaster and sorrow. After all, he was a dead man who never aged and who could never leave this house. And you - you were the complete opposite. You were a living, breathing girl with your whole life ahead of you.
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tiramisiyu · 4 years ago
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Main Story 7-11 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 7 – Rains of Monte Cristo: 7-1 / 7-3 / 7-5 / 7-7 / 7-9 / 7-11 / 7-13 / 7-15 / 7-17 / 7-19  ♦️ ♦️  7-20 / 7-22 / 7-24 / 7-26 / 7-28 / 7-30 / 7-32 / 7-34 / 7-35
In the afternoon, Yan Wei received Lu Jinghe and I at the city police station.
Yan Wei: So it was you who took on Wang Chunchong’s case?
MC: Yes, Leader Yan, I’ll have to trouble you again.
Yan Wei: No need to be so polite.
Lu Jinghe: We’ve already gotten an initial understanding of the case, though there are a few questions that we’d like to confirm with you in detail.
Yan Wei: No problem, go ahead.
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Murder Case Details
MC: This murder happened at the beginning of the year, so the police must have dealt with it like a missing persons case back then, yes?
Yan Wei: Indeed.
Yan Wei: At the end of January this year, Hang Jiahe reported to us that her parents Hang Fei and Qi Yu might have gone missing.
Yan Wei: The unit immediately dispatched people to their residence for investigation, but…
Yan Wei: Aside from noticing a few washed plates on the bar counter and some dragging marks on the nearby floor…
Yan Wei: There were no abnormalities in the home.
Yan Wei: After, we obtained the surveillance videos of the apartment and a few nearby streets, from which we did not discover their whereabouts either.
Yan Wei: So back then, this case could only be temporarily deemed as a “missing persons case”, to await the appearance of more clues to make a conclusion.
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Lu Jinghe: But this wait went up until one week ago?
Yan Wei: Yes. I believe that you know what happened after.
Yan Wei: We detected only the fingerprints of the third person on the murder weapon – Wang Chunchong’s fingerprints.
Yan Wei: And the G24D found within the bodies of the victims is only being sold by Wang Pharmaceuticals…
Yan Wei: Thus, using Wang Chunchong as the focal point, we re-investigated locations related to the case.
Yan Wei: This time, aside from the nature park’s entrance surveillance video, we also discovered something new in the victims’ home.
MC: Discovered something new…
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Police’s New Discovery
Lu Jinghe: What did you notice in the victims’ house?
Yan Wei: We detected a large amount of abnormal scalp tissue residue on the sofa cushions.
Yan Wei: That residue was not due to typical skin cell shedding, as there was also a small amount of blood on it.
Yan Wei: Combined with the dragging marks we discovered during the first investigation and the cleaned dishes…
Yan Wei: We believe that, on the night of the crime, Wang Chunchong first brought food with G24D in it and entered the victims’ home.
Yan Wei: When the victims lost consciousness and the ability to resist, perhaps to prevent blood from splattering, or perhaps to muffle the sound…
Yan Wei: He carried the two onto the ground, placed the sofa cushions on their heads, then started to deal aggressive blows at them.
Yan Wei: This resulted in the deaths of Hang Fei and Qi Yu due to intracranial bleeding.
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MC: (It sounds overall like a reasonable course of events, though I still need to confirm details.)
MC: (Aside from that, why was the scalp tissue residue only detected on the second time?)
MC: Leader Yan, can you confirm that the inspected sofa cushion was always the same one?
Yan Wei: We confirmed with the photos of the crime scene from before – they’re the same.
Yan Wei: Additionally, we also investigated Wang Chunchong’s related circumstances at the same time, and discovered the proof that he took G24D, as well as his crime motive.
Yan Wei: Combining these with the nature park surveillance videos and the murder weapon creates the chain of evidence that we accused Wang Chunchong with.
MC: (Right, there’s also the surveillance video from the nature park.)
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Surveillance Video Abnormalities
MC: Leader Yan, regarding the nature park’s entrance surveillance video…
MC: This video only records entrances into and exits from the mark. It does not involve any movements after one enters the park.
MC: Why did the police judge that Wang Chunchong went to discard the corpses when he appeared in the video?
Yan Wei: This comes from combining with the fingerprints on the murder weapon, as well as the time that Hang Fei and Qi Yu died, deduced by forensics.
Yan Wei: According to the inspection results and the final actions of the victims before death, Hang Fei and Qi Yu were murdered at 10pm.
Yan Wei: We retrieved the entire surveillance records of the apartment’s main entrance as well as the nature park’s entrance between 10pm to the next day at 12am and compared them.
Yan Wei: We ended up discovering that within this time period, Wang Chunchong just happened to be transporting items towards the nature park.
Yan Wei: Of course, to exclude the possibilities of others performing the crime, we also audited all others who appeared within this time period with suspicious actions.
Yan Wei: But the detection results still indicated that only Wang Chunchong’s suitcase had the victims’ DNA. No one else was out of the ordinary.
Yan Wei: Thus, we concluded that on the night of the crime, Wang Chunchong discarded the corpses in the nature park.
MC: (Could it have to do with the victims’ final movement trails…)
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Victims’ Final Movement Trails
Lu Jinghe: How were the two victims’ final whereabouts confirmed?
Yan Wei: Based on the apartment main door’s surveillance videos.
Yan Wei: The video indicated that on the night of the crime at 9pm, Qi Yu once left the apartment.
Yan Wei: 45 minutes after, she returned. After, she and Hang Fei never appeared again.
Lu Jinghe: Are you sure that the person who appeared then was Qi Yu herself?
Yan Wei: We’re sure. The security guard of the apartment saw her back then.
Yan Wei: Are you sure that the person you saw was Qi Yu herself?
Security Guard on Duty: I’m sure. I even helped the madam carry two suitcases onto her car.
Yan Wei: Suitcases? What for?
Security Guard on Duty: The madam said that they contained clothes and blankets she was preparing to send over to a new house in the suburbs.
Security Guard on Duty: Those two cases were pretty heavy, and it was quite exhausting for me.
Yan Wei: Then did you feel like something was up with Qi Yu back then?
Security Guard on Duty: Aside from how she wasn’t very talkative that day, and was also wearing a facemask and hat…
Security Guard on Duty: There were no other abnormalities.
Security Guard on Duty: It was near midnight, after all, and quite cold that day, which is why the madam would be like that.
[Flashback end]
MC: (It sounds like there aren’t any issues, but regarding the details… I feel like it’s strange.)
MC: (I’ll record it first, then investigate it after.)
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Yan Wei: Although about that apartment, there’s something that I’m not sure if you two know.
Yan Wei: Hang Jiahe, Wang Chunchong, as well as the murdered couple lived in the same building.
Yan Wei: Hang Fei and Qi Yu lived on the tenth floor, Wang Chunchong lived on the eleventh floor, and Hang Jiahe lived on the twelfth floor.
MC: These three sets of people actually lived in the same apartment?
Lu Jinghe: Yaofu Community is a very well-known high-end community.
Lu Jinghe: Many of the wealthy who live in Stellis City and those who’ve returned from abroad have all purchased real estate here.
Lu Jinghe: It’s not too strange for them all to live here.
Yan Wei: Although, the locations of their homes are also somewhat particular. You two can go see the location after.
MC: Sure.
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MC: Leader Yan, what was the proof that Wang Chunchong had G24D?
Yan Wei: When we examined Wang Pharmaceuticals’ warehouse outgoing goods records, we noticed that in a period of time before the case…
Yan Wei: A small portion of G24D was signed off and taken by Wang Chunchong.
Yan Wei: Are you sure the person who took the drug was Wang Chunchong?
Yan Wei: We aren’t extremely certain about this. It’s been a while since then, and the warehouse management couldn’t quite recall.
Yan Wei: The only thing that we could draw conclusions from was the signature on the warehouse record.
MC: …
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Wang Chunchong’s Murder Motive
MC: Leader Yan, how did you decide on what Wang Chunchong’s murder motive must’ve been?
Yan Wei: Regarding this, you can see the victims’ examination reports first.
I opened the examination reports that I’d received earlier.
Yan Wei: Forensics noticed that when the crime occurred, multiple fierce blows were dealt.
MC: Many times… then if the murderer was not severely fearful, then they were severely angry…
[Obtained Hang Fei and Qi Yu’s Inspection Reports!]
Yan Wei: Correct. After, we interviewed the neighbors around them, and found out that Wang Chunchong had gotten into a conflict with the couple due to the betrothal gift before.
Yan Wei: It’s said that they had quite a few fights, and there was once when the fight almost got taken to the police station.
Yan Wei: We suspect that Wang Chunchong has held a grudge over this the whole time…
Yan Wei: So under the excuse of an apology, he entered the victims’ home on the day of the crime and carried out the murder.
MC: Then how is the relationship between Hang Jiahe and the murdered couple?
Yan Wei: Based on the interviews, their relationship is decent, and they’re a happy family.
Yan Wei: The neighbours often seen Hang Jiahe go out on vacation with her adoptive parents, and the family will also have dinner together on set dates.
Yan Wei: There are also neighbours who say that, though Hang Jiahe and Qi Yu are not biologically related…
Yan Wei: But their physiques, appearances, as well as their attitudes and relations with each other are just like a biological mother and daughter.
Yan Wei: We also investigated Hang Jiahe’s actions that day. She has ample evidence that she was not there.
Lu Jinghe: …
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Proof that Hang Jiahe was not there
Lu Jinghe: What was the proof that Hang Jiahe was not there?
Yan Wei: On the day of the crime, Hang Jiahe left her residence at 7pm towards a suburban vacation villa to rest.
Yan Wei: She stayed there until the morning of the next day.
Lu Jinghe: Can anyone attest to this?
Yan Wei: We looked up the vacation villa surveillance videos. It matches her actions.
Lu Jinghe: …
MC: Then what were Wang Chunchong’s actions like on the day of the crime?
Yan Wei: Aside from the hour when he headed for the nature park, he stayed at home all day that day and never left the apartment.
Yan Wei: As for what he went to the nature park to do, he said himself that to the eastern shoals of the park to stargaze.
Yan Wei: But that shoal was not open at the beginning of the year due to the water level rising, so it couldn’t be entered.
Yan Wei: So…
MC: I understand.
MC: Aside from Wang Chunchong and Hang Jiahe, has the proof that any others related to the case weren’t at the scene of crime been investigated?
Yan Wei: All of it, yes.
Yan Wei: Hang Fei and Qi Yu stayed abroad before and only returned to Stellis City in the past few years. Thus, their interpersonal relationships are extremely simple.
Yan Wei: Aside from their daughter Hang Jiahe and son-in-law Wang Chunchong, they basically had no interactions with others.
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MC: (Not even with Xu Yin? But compared to the relationship she described between her and Hang Jiahe…)
MC: (There shouldn’t be no relationship at all between her and Hang Fei and Qi Yu, right?)
MC: (Could it be… Xu Yin was lying before?)
MC: (Or… there’s something else fishy going on between Xu Yin and Hang Fei, so they didn’t want others to know about their connection?)
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 Lu Jinghe: Right, Leader Yan, have you investigated who Hang Jiahe’s biological parents are?
[Obtained Police Investigation Results!]
Yan Wei: That we haven’t. Hang Fei and Qi Yu claimed that they adopted Hang Jiahe.
Yan Wei: But we didn’t find the adoption records for that year. They might have gone through an informal process.
Yan Wei: Because there is proof that Hang Jiahe was not at the scene of crime, as well as how clearly this case points toward Wang Chunchong…
Yan Wei: Our prior investigations centered on Wang Chunchong, and we didn’t have time to perform deeper investigation on Hang Jiahe’s matters.
Lu Jinghe: Is that so…
Lu Jinghe and I traded glances.
MC: (Looks like Xu Yin and Hang Fei didn’t let others know about Hang Jiahe’s true identity.)
MC: Leader Yan, have you already made a judgement regarding Hang Fei and Qi Yu’s case?
Yan Wei: Not yet. For one, we haven’t been investigating for very long, and the evidence we’ve obtained requires additional confirmation.
Yan Wei: For another, Wang Chunchong has insisted the whole time that he didn’t kill anyone. This requires high-level attention.
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Lu Jinghe: But the information circulating outside is everywhere, and they’re almost on the verge of convicting Wang Chunchong. This…
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Yan Wei: We also found it weird – the investigation of this case was always a secret, and we have no idea how it got leaked.
Yan Wei: Plus… to be honest, I feel like there’s something odd about this case.
MC: Odd?
Yan Wei: Yes. First, when we were inspecting Wang Chunchong’s suitcases, though we did detect DNA of the victims…
Yan Wei: But that DNA only came from a few strands of hair.
Yan Wei: Based on my experiences, cases that are used to transport corpses won’t be left with such few traces.
MC: (Plus, Wang Chunchong was able to think of discarding the corpses, yet he didn’t think of dealing with the suitcases?)
MC: (Why are the suitcases still there after so long? Why not throw them away?)
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MC: (Going back another step, if Wang Chunchong theoretically really was this careful, even if he didn’t discard the suitcases…)
MC: (He’d still end up cleaning the suitcases to make them seem normal…)
MC: (Things like hair should be much easier to clear out than blood or sebum, right?)
MC: (Is it really possible for the police to detect that this easily after an entire half-year?)
Lu Jinghe: …
Yan Wei: Additionally, when we were investigating Hang Fei and Qi Yu’s interpersonal relations, we noticed…
Yan Wei: It seemed like Hang Fei had a gambling hobby, but Hang Jiahe claimed that she and Qi Yu knew nothing about this.
Yan Wei: Can a gambler really hide their habit from their family members and have the money and time to live a “happy life” in the eyes of outsiders?
MC: It is a little strange…
Yan Wei: That’s why we kept the case investigation a secret before, in fear of omitting something.
Yan Wei: But…
Thinking of the inexplicable leaking of case information, Yan Wei couldn’t help sighing.
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Yan Wei: But now that you guys have joined in, I can actually relax.
Yan Wei: If there’s anywhere where you need my help in the upcoming investigation, don’t hesitate to find me.
MC: Thank you, Leader Yan. If we notice anything, we’ll also let you know as early as possible.
After sending off Yan Wei, since Wang Chunchong hadn’t arrived at the meeting room yet, Lu Jinghe and I had a simple conversation.
Lu Jinghe: For now, it doesn’t seem like there are any major issues with the police’s investigation results.
MC: But there are some specific parts that don’t seem to be quite right. We’ll have to hold off on making a judgement until after we finish asking Wang Chunchong.
Lu Jinghe: Right. Plus, based on Leader Yan’s description, the relationship between Hang Fei’s family and Xu Yin is also worth pondering over.
Lu Jinghe: I feel like there’s some sort of secret hidden in this family.
MC: …
MC: Let’s also ask about this when we see Wang Chunchong.
Lu Jinghe: Yep.
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tlwamerica · 4 years ago
Real Estate Trends 2021: What You Need to Know
Real Estate Trend #1: Slim Pickings for Home Buyers
For perspective, inventory was down nearly 30% in the early months of 2021 compared to the previous year. There just weren’t enough houses for sale over the year to meet buyer demand.
What Slim Pickings Mean for Buyers
Low inventory means you need to be on your toes when you go house hunting—the best homes will likely be snatched up fast. At the start of spring 2021, most homes sold around 20 days faster compared to the past several springs.3 That doesn’t leave much time to hem and haw over your home search. If you want to find a good home in this slim market, here’s some advice:
 Sacrifice some wants. If you can’t find the house you want, be willing to give up some “nice-to-haves” for your “must-haves.” Find the least expensive home in the best neighborhood you can afford and upgrade over time.
 Expand your search. What if the location where you’re planning to buy is too competitive? You might be surprised at the gem you can find in a less popular neighborhood. Working with a real estate agent who really knows the area is the best way to find a home that fits your budget and lifestyle.
 Get preapproved ASAP. Getting preapproved for a mortgage before you go house hunting is a must in any market. But in a market with such a limited home supply, not doing this legwork ahead of time gives a preapproved buyer free reign to swipe the home you want right out of your hands.
What Slim Pickings Mean for Sellers
Low inventory means low selling competition! You can probably expect to see offer letters flooding your mailbox the same way Hogwarts sent Harry Potter his acceptance letters. Since your home will be one of the (relatively) few listed on the market, you could be in the driver’s seat. So enjoy possibly picking the best offer and moving at a pace that best suits your timeline.
But after your home is sold, you probably won’t be in the driver’s seat anymore (if you’re buying again). So decide on plans for your next home before you sell.
Real Estate Trend #2: Home Prices Are Still Rising
Next up: home price trends. In the early months of 2021, home prices grew by nearly 20% compared to last year—rising to a national median of $300,000–400,000!4 Sellers, this should put a big smile on your face! And hang tight, buyers—we have some advice for you too.
What Higher Prices Mean for Buyers
If you’re going to buy a home in this expensive market, you absolutely must find out how much house you can really afford. Commit to staying within that budget amount no matter how much pressure you feel watching competitors pluck good homes off the market.
To feel confident about buying a home this year, follow these tips:
 Limit your house payment to no more than 25% of your monthly take-home pay. This payment includes principal, interest, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance and, if your down payment is lower than 20%, private mortgage insurance (PMI). Plus, don’t forget to consider homeowner’s association (HOA) fees when preparing your budget.
 Save at least a 10–20% down payment. A 20% or more down payment helps you avoid PMI—an extra fee added to your mortgage to protect your lender (not you) in case you don’t make payments. Anything less than 10% will drown you in extra interest and fees. Saving a big down payment like this is possible! If you stay patient and motivated, you can save for a five-figure down payment by this time next year.
 Choose a 15-year fixed-rate conventional mortgage. The overall lowest cost home loan is a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage. Rip-off mortgages like the 30-year mortgage, FHA, VA, USDA, and adjustable-rate ones will charge you so much extra in interest and fees and keep you in debt for decades. No thanks.
Now crunch the numbers yourself with our mortgage calculator and figure out a monthly payment your budget can handle. And then work with an expert agent to find houses for sale within that budget.
What Higher Prices Mean for Sellers
A nice profit may be on the horizon! And that’s great news because you’ll really want that extra money when buying your next home. To get the best offer for your home, work with an experienced real estate agent who really knows your local market.
And be sure to wait for the right offer. Some buyers may try to gut punch you with a low number. If you aren’t in a hurry to move, wait for an offer that gives you the most profit. Remember, the less desperate person always has the upper hand when negotiating.
Real Estate Trend #3: Mortgage Interest Rates Are Still Super Low
What Lower Rates Mean for Buyers
Sure, interest rates are low right now—which can help with affordability. Just be careful not to let that pressure you into buying a house when you aren’t really ready. A super low interest rate on a house you can’t afford is still a bad deal. So remember to stick to our advice on monthly payment limit, down payment amount and mortgage type (see Trend #2) and you’ll be in great shape!
What Lower Rates Mean for Sellers
If interest rates stay low, buyers will be more motivated to buy your home sooner than later. But if interest rates do start to increase later in the year, just plan for your house to be on the market a little longer. If you don’t plan on moving anytime soon, you might still be able to take advantage of these super low interest rates and shorten your payment schedule by refinancing your mortgage.
Real Estate Trend #4: Online Real Estate Services Are Growing
No doubt you’ve heard of real estate services like Zillow that allow you to browse or list homes for sale online with the click of a button. But did you know that online services are now offering to buy and sell your house for you?
Third-Party Buyers
Here’s how it works: You tell companies like Zillow or Opendoor about the house you want to sell. They buy it from you, pump some money into it to resell at a higher price, handle all the home processing stuff like inspections, repairs, and home showings, and then charge you pretty much the same as an agent commission for selling costs—plus, some of these companies include an additional service fee (icing on their cake). They promise less hassle, but it may mean less profit for you than working with a top-notch agent who could sell your home for more money.
Using a “Virtual” Agent
Hybrid services like Redfin aim to reduce traditional agent commissions by handling things online. This gives you partial services that are similar to working with an agent, but for a fraction of the cost. Think of it as a middle ground between selling with an agent and selling by yourself. But when selling a home, be wary of the middle ground. Your home is your biggest asset, and you get what you pay for!
Mobile or Online Closings
In related news, digital technology is also making it easier to handle document-based tasks virtually. For example, many home transactions are using electronic signature apps and remote online notarization to streamline the process.7 In other words, there’s a chance you can buy or sell a house this year without getting out of your car or ever changing out of your bathrobe and slippers.
Real Estate Trend #5: Risky Buying Options Are More Accessible
First, if you’re itching to buy a home but can’t quite afford it yet, some sellers like Divvy offer a rent-to-own agreement. In this deal, you agree to rent the home for a specific amount of time (could be several months to several years) before becoming the owner. The plus side of rent-to-own is that it allows you to bypass the time it takes to save for a down payment and get into a house fast. Also, it means you don’t have to qualify for a mortgage right away.
The downside of rent-to-own is that it makes your rent more expensive because some of your monthly payment will go toward future homeownership. But if you later decide you don’t want to buy the house or something breaks your contract, all those extra payments will have been a waste. Plus, you may be required to handle repairs and maintenance yourself even while renting! This option leaves you in a very vulnerable place financially.
Bottom line: If you feel like you can’t afford homeownership, it’s best to wait until your financial ducks are in a row.
Loans for Down Payments
Another risky buying option to avoid is taking out a personal loan to fund a down payment. Purchasing a home with no money down is never a good idea. Remember, you want at least a 10–20% down payment. Buying a house with anything less will rob you of your other financial goals by having you pay too much extra in interest and fees. Thankfully, not many mortgage lenders allow you to do this—plus, it can even hinder your ability to qualify for the amount of mortgage you need.
Origined from: https://www.tlw.com/news/view-121.html
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hitsuackerman · 5 years ago
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 4
Here is the part 4 of A Different Hashira
You can click here for part 1 :)
You can click here for part 2 :)
You can click here for part 3 :)
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The day had finally arrived where your crows carried messages for your missions. Both of you were assigned on solo missions. Your birds arrived while the two of you were enjoying a quiet breakfast. Somehow, you had managed to talk him into having breakfast with you. Not believing what you saw, Giyu turns out to be a groggy person in the morning. Seeing him with hazy eyes gave you a new sensation in your tummy.
You did learn one thing about Giyu. When his crow arrived, you saw his eye twitch visibly. He did give him a thanks before the crow flew back out the window.
"Does your crow make you... nervous, Tomioka-san?"
As he ate his rice, he nodded and stifled a yawn.
Other than that, it was a very tranquil breakfast. The washing of the dishes fell on Giyu as you cleaned the table.
Both of you then proceeded to mind your own businesses.
You were feeling frisky so you decided to wear your slayer uniform with a skort instead of the usual pants. Instead of your usual ponytail, you sported a half up half down. Because, why not?
You did linger around your choice of blade. Bringing two would be too troublesome, so you opted for your other blade instead. It had also dawned to you how the other pillars haven't really seen your real sword since you kept on bringing the fake one.
The thought also entered your mind. Ubuyashiki-sama never really mentions what pillar you were when the others were present. Not even Kyo or Mitsuri knew. To them you were a generic pillar of some-sorts.
In your mind, you were reviewing what your raven had relayed to you.
Your mission was to go to the village 4 hours from the estate. There was an abnormal raise of demons to the point where some swordsmen have disappeared. You were to stay there for only 3 days before falling back to the estate should nothing happen.
By the time you finished preparing, you finally wore your haori. It was always the best feeling in the world.
When you went downstairs, Giyu had already left. There was a tinge of sadness to you, he could've just said good bye. With a sigh, you left the estate and head off to your mission.
- -
The trip was pretty bland during the first few hours. Things took a turn when Karasutori came flying to you once more.
"(Y/N). You are to follow Ubuyashiki Amane tomorrow."
You wanted to ask why but you knew too well that your bird was a stubborn one despite training it to be level-headed. Nodding your answer, you gave him a soft pat on the head till he was flying in the air once more. At the same time, the village was now in view. All you wanted to do now was to take a rest and nap. And probably eat some manju.
After wandering and assessing the village, your eyes came across the familiar House with the Wisteria Family Crest. Practically running towards it, you were greeted by Hisa.
Showing you to your room, you were served food and tea. And surprisingly, manju. Because you've been branded as a frequent visitor, Hisa showed up with your yukata. It was an all black yukata that had red gradients on its sleeves.
The night finally arrived and you were munching on your dinner till you heard the familiar voice of a pillar. Once the tatami doors slid open, you were greeted by Sanemi.
"Hello~" Stretching out your hand, you offered him some of your food. "Ohagi?"
There was a slight falter in his anger. With hesitation, he took the ohagi and ate it in peace.
"You like ohagi, Sanemi-san?"
"What's it to you?" The usual anger in his voice was there despite you not sensing it anymore.
"You look better when your calm." Slowly, you placed another ohagi onto his plate. He didn't reject. A thought entered your mind. Sanemi was one of the pillars that you never really made a bond with, so this was a once in a lifetime chance. "How many ohagi's can you fit in your mouth, Sanemi-san?"
His line of sight jerked to you. He caught on with the teasing tone of your voice.
"Are you fucking challenging me, (L/N)?"
A surprised smile entered your face at the sudden change of mood between the two of you. Not long after, Hisa came in with the biggest amount of ohagi you had ever seen. She must've been eavesdropping seeing that they were no bigger than dango's.
 Within a few seconds, you and the Wind Pillar were stuffing your mouths with as much ohagi as you could. For an added challenge, after each piece you had to say the word 'Nichirin'.
It was all fun and games till you had 5 in your mouth. Sanemi on the other hand, had 7.
"Nghihiring" You tried your best. You felt the drool dripping onto your yukata. It felt cold and gross.
"Nihkherin" He muttered as he took in another piece of ohagi.
Just as you were about to regret the decision of starting the game, Your messenger birds arrived with news.
"(L/N). Shinazugawa. Proceed to north west part of the forest. Demons have been attacking."
With puffy cheeks, the both of you chewed on your ohagi's while going towards your respective rooms.
Minutes later, with your blades hanging on your sides, the two of you were now running at full speeds to where the demons were reported to be. When the two of you felt the familiar aura of demons, Sanemi signaled and the two of you ran even faster.
Coming to a halt, you bumped into his back.
"Draw out your blades, (L/N)."
Following his order, you stationed yourself by his right hand and carefully forwarded with caution.
Hearing a rustle coming from the bushes, both of you pointed your blades only to be met by Amane.
"Amane-sama!" You both knelt and greeted at the same time.
"Rise. It is only I. The other demons have made their exit as we speak. However, we must look for a house with two boys. I fear they may be badly injured."
Sanemi accompanied her as you made your own way.
After moving forward and searching, you stumbled upon nothing and made your way back to the others. When you arrived at the rendezvous, Sanemi's crow was waiting for you. And just like his master, the crow bit your cheek. Slapping the bird away, the crow tugged on your haori and motioned you to follow him.
You halted when you saw the body of a demon severely killed. Almost as if it was killed with the primal instinct to survive. You could also see just how ragged the lines were indicating that it was not a sword that was used in killing the demon. It was splayed right outside a house.
Moments later, Sanemi came out of the house with a badly injured boy with long black hair. Running towards the two of them, you could smell the odor of a decayed body. Further inspection of the boy, you saw how some maggots had found their way to the scars on his body. Making your way inside, you saw Amane covering the body of , what seems to be the brother.
"We were too late. Luckily, the boy Sanemi-san is tending to now is alive."
The House with the Wisteria Family Crest gladly took him in. They treated his injuries just enough for him to stabilize. The mission was now over and you were to head back to the Ubuyashiki Manor the next day.
Sitting on the engawa by the garden, your meditation was cut when you heard footsteps. Sanemi was walking towards you with a tray of manju and tea. Placing it beside you, he sat down, tossed a manju into his mouth, and sipped on his tea.
"Does this mean I won, Sanemi-san?" You teased while chewing on a manju.
"Who the fuck said you won? Just wanted to say that was a good way to waste some shitty time here."
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When the three of you arrived, Amane had instructed Sanemi to take the kid to their manor. Following orders, you were left alone to wander off to wherever you wanted.
You chose to head home.
Hearing the familiar stream of water gave you the energy you longed for. Your mind then fell unto the status of cleanliness the estate had. 2 days had passed and because you left a lot of windows open, dust was sure to greet you.
Greeted with the familiar silence, you hopped to your room and checked if your Nichirin sword was still in its place. Seeing it in place made you feel relaxed and safer. Though the Water Estate was safe with a bunch of wisteria trees planted around it, you were still as cautious as ever. After hearing about what Tecchikawahara had to warn you about your Nichirin sword, you were paranoid to some extent.
Locking the doors once more, you changed into your yukata and sat down by the engawa. You felt sleep slowly take over your body. The breeze was a temperature lower today. Having to walk all the way back was a little tiring, you weren't going to lie.
The main doors slid open and you turned your back.
"Hello." Giving Giyu a smile as he entered the manor. He bowed his head as he walked past you.
"Do you want something to eat?"
"No. It's fine."
There it was again. The ticklish sensation in your tummy. It always made you feel giddy when he answered back.
"Well, I want something to eat. Accompany me?"
Giyu stopped walking and glanced at you over his shoulders. Though there was a considerable amount of distance, you saw how his eyes had darker circles. If anything, it seemed as if the color in his eyes became a shade darker.
His mind seemed to be working overtime at the sudden invite. Looking at you, he could tell that you were tired from the mission. You could have chosen to just eat alone yet there you were, in a yukata with messy hair. He failed to notice that you were already an arms length from him. He could smell a hint of lavender on you.
"I'll take your silence as a yes! Let's just cook a simple meal and go on our separate ways, is that okay?"
With a toothy smile, you let him go to his room to freshen up. Inside the kitchen, you were left to ponder on your thoughts.
'Shit. What food does he like?'
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year ago
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3 Options For Selling Your House in New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
When selling your house in New Jersey, there is more than just one way to go about it. Every situation requires its own unique solution. In this post, we offer information about your available selling options so that you can sell your house fast and move on. 
Do you need to sell your house in New Jersey? Our team is dedicated to helping homeowners in the New Jersey area who are looking for the best way to sell their home. Take a look at the options below and do the math for your property. You might be surprised by what the numbers say for you!
Hire A New Jersey Real Estate Agent
Hiring a real estate agent in New Jersey is usually the first thing people think of when they decide they want to sell a home. The process is ideal for some properties and costly and time-consuming for others.
The Good
When selling your house in New Jersey in good condition and are working with the right New Jersey real estate agent, the listing process can be very beneficial. As long as the variables go in your favor, you can have great results when working with an agent. Your property should not require a lot of money to be spent on repairs. You will need to be able to sell the house quickly in order to save on holding costs, and you will need to have the property priced at the sweet spot in order to attract buyers and yet still retain a profit.
The Bad
The trouble with working with an agent is that there is so much left up to chance. You may end up working with the wrong agent, your house may not sell right away, and you may be forced to lower your asking price. You will need to have the house cleaned and make the needed repairs before putting the property on the market. You should also be prepared for potential buyers to request additional repairs be made after the inspection process. There can be many costs involved when listing your house in New Jersey, which is why for some homeowners, working with a direct buyer can be the better choice.
Sell The Property On Your Own
Selling your house on your own can seem like a wise choice, and for some people, it is. However, it is also important to understand the time and money that will need to go into a successful sale in this manner.
The Good
Using the For Sale By Owner (FSBO) method to sell your house in New Jersey, will save you money on the agent commissions. Many see this as a reason to sell on their own, however, you can quickly get in over your head if you lack real estate experience. With a little luck and some real estate experience under your belt, you can sell your home without the use of a New Jersey agent.
The Bad
The truth is, selling your house on the open market without the help of a professional real estate agent can be a lot of work. When you choose to sell this way, you will spend your time fielding calls, answering questions, showing the property, marketing the property, and dealing with negotiations, inspectors, repairs, and all of the legalities. In addition, working with an agent will typically help you sell the house for more money. A great agent will be a pro when it comes to negotiation, ensuring you get the most for the house as you possibly can. People hire agents for a reason, and truth be told working with the right one can be worth their weight in gold.
Sell Your House Directly To The Cardwell Thaxton Group
The Good
Working with The Cardwell Thaxton Group will allow you to sell your house fast in New Jersey, without any waiting, commissions, or repair costs. Our process will save you time and money. Selling this way will be the most straightforward and convenient choice. You will be able to compare your options, learn about the pros and cons, choose your closing date, and have the ability to plan ahead. For many homeowners, in many situations, speed, convenience, and a guaranteed sale far outweigh the risks of a traditional listing.
The Bad
The only perceived downside of selling your house directly to The Cardwell Thaxton Group is that you may not receive the full retail price. That said, the thousands of dollars you will save in commissions, repairs, holding costs, marketing expenses, and closing costs, can more than make up the difference.
At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we think it is important that home sellers get all of the information they need about selling their houses in New Jersey. We encourage you to look at all of your options, weighing the pros and cons of each. Every property and situation are a bit different, which is why we are proud to offer alternative solutions to help our clients reach their real estate goals!
Are you thinking about selling your house in New Jersey? Our team can help you explore all of the options available to you!  Send us a message or give us a call today! (908)456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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theavenir36-blog · 4 years ago
Exactly how Condo Buyers Can Prevent Paying Too Much: Ten Important Tips
Whether you're the first-time buyer or a experienced professional in the real estate video game, purchasing a condominium can be an overwhelming task, fraught with monetary pitfalls as well as potential earnings. It's an emotional procedure filled with difficult choices-and every decision you make has cash riding on it. Finding the right condominium for your family's needs is actually tough enough; knowing how to prevent paying too much for that wonderful living space is another job completely.
As a professional Realtor® that has helped countless buyers discover their dream home as well as save money at the same time, I've created this guide to help you avoid the possible hazards inherent in the condo-buying process. I'll show you steps to make certain you've found the best home, as well as how to make a deal a price to your advantage. These are training you truly can't pay for to learn through trial and error.
Suggestion #1: Determine Your Condominium "Minimums" Ahead of Time.
Understand that you will find two condos out there competing for your attention-one that satisfies your needs and one that satisfies your desires. In a ideal world, you could choose which three-bedroom condo with space for your family to grow, but still have the perfect floor arrange for entertaining and social events. Is that big kitchen more vital to you than a few additional rooms?
When you begin shopping for your own condo, you'll encounter attributes you'll fall in love with for different factors. It's best to list the features that you would like before you start shopping. Break your current list into two categories-"Needs" and "Desires"-and prioritize the things accordingly. Understanding what you really need in your condo instead of what you'd like to have will assist you to keep your priorities straight while you shop around .
Don't let emotion fog up your judgment. Satisfy your requirements first, and if you can satisfy some of your desires along the way, so much the better. What's essential is to understand the difference prior to getting caught-up in the excitement from the hunt.
Tip #2: Acquire a Pre-Approved Mortgage.
If you are not buying with money, getting a loan pre-approved may be the smart way to shop for a high-rise apartment. It tells sellers that you have been a serious prospect, and you understand in advance the maximum mortgage you are able to afford.
I've seen purchasers make the mistake of studying what they qualify for, but not obtaining pre-approval in writing. You've eliminated this far, so make next step-get it on paper.
The good news is that it's easier than ever to be approved for a home loan.
Tip #3: Communicate with Your Realtor.
Through finding the right condo to home inspections and negotiating the best offer, the condo search method can be exhausting for the actual hardiest souls. That's why sensible condo buyers have a Realtor® in their corner. Most retailers you encounter are definitely going to have professionals on the side. Having a pro on the team is the safest method to ensure that you get the best deal feasible.
Once you have a clear, detailed image of the condo you want, make sure that your agent has the same photo. This communication is critical. Or else, you'll both waste time taking a look at homes that hold little attention for you.
Also, make sure your Real estate professional knows your priorities. Your own shared goal is to you should find an excellent condo that fulfills all of your needs; your Real estate agent will then try to satisfy as numerous of your desires as possible.
Idea #4: The Cliché holds true... Location, Location, Location!
The actual desirability and resale associated with your condo-to-be depends on area more than any other single element. Again, don't let emotion enter the way of a wise investment. Absolutely no condo is an island, and also the value of yours is influenced in what surrounds it.
There are several components that combine to create a great location. Your first consideration will be the neighborhood itself. Every community has its own unique character; you have to make sure you'd be comfortable within the one you're thinking of residing in. Take a long walk and also observe carefully. Do individuals take pride in their building? Speak with the neighbors and ask queries that give you a better really feel for the property. But take care not to appear judgmental-you might be speaking with a future neighbor. The Avenir showflat
If the creating is to your satisfaction, search for units on the market in the area. Very large units surrounded by smaller sized ones tend to appreciate not more than a large condo among some other large condos. Conversely, the tiniest unit in the building is usually "pulled up" by the additional units in the building. But it might take longer to sell an inferior unit when the time arrives because many people are unwilling to pay for extra for the neighborhood.
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The exterior edge of a neighborhood is generally not good for resale value. You will find noticeable dividing lines among dissimilar neighborhoods. It could be a positive change in architectural styles, house use or something else. Choose a condo in the middle of a area of similar buildings; it is going to hold its value much better. The Avenir showflat
An exception to this rule is really a building on the edge of the neighborhood bounded by drinking water, parkland, a golf course or even other open space. Organic boundaries appeal to buyers, these types of "edge" condos can actually control a better price. Be mindful, but of the planned use for your open space. A general public park is nice; a brand new freeway, strip mall or perhaps industrial center isn't.
Other activities that can negatively affect home values are traffic, noises, smells, etc . Be sure to provide the neighborhood a long, hard appear. The condo you're interested in might be perfect, but if the neighborhood offers problems, your investment will not be worth as much when the period comes to sell.
Tip #5: Enjoy the Present, but Think about the Future.
Buying a condo is actually a big investment. If you can extend a little today financially to order unit that you can grow with-whether it's having a child, managing a home-based business, or turning an extra room into your personal gym-do it. In the long run, it will oftimes be less expensive than moving up to some marginally larger unit once the need does arise.
Hint #6: Pay Attention to Red Flags Whenever Evaluating a Condo.
When analyzing the advantages and drawbacks of a specific property, be sure you know the distinction between acceptable and undesirable problems.
Some issues-peeling color, worn carpeting, ugly wallpaper-are cosmetic and can be easily cured. You can even use these "problems" during negotiations to lower the actual asking price. After all, you'll need to spend cash to bring the condo as much as snuff.
Make careful notice of the issues you identify that can be used to your advantage. Avoid nit-pick, however-if taken to extreme conditions, you could end up alienating owner and creating a hostile environment.
In my experience, spending a few 100 dollars on a professional house inspection is the best investment you will ever make. A professional inspector brings experience in analyzing a great many homes, good assessment standards, and an impartial perspective. And a written statement can be an excellent negotiating device.
Don't let a condo's good attributes blind you to really real problems. If you do, the probabilities are good that you'll end up investing much more money than you actually expected at some point down the line.
The good thing for buyers is that the legislation now requires sellers to create complete disclosure of recognized material defects. Make sure to understand this in writing. And carefully think about how these defects may influence what you're offering.
Tip #7: Some Fixer-Uppers Are "Good-Byes, " Bad Buys.
You may be the sort associated with person who looks at a condo needing significant work as "a challenge" and an opportunity to make money. Lots of people have bought fixer-uppers at below-market rates, invested a little perspiration equity or more than a small money on renovation, after which eventually put it back on the market in a profit.
But if your unit isn't very priced low enough, you will not recoup your investment of your time, trouble and expense. Before you decide to proceed, do a careful analysis of what you'll have to commit. Then, consult with your Realtor to understand what you can reasonably be prepared to earn when you put the device back on the market. And be absolute to consider the unexpected-there's no such thing like a "sure thing. "
Word of advice #8: Put on Your Best Online poker Face.
One of the costliest errors you can make is letting the vendor know how much you love his / her condo. Once you've let it slide, you can just about forget about discussing the price-the other part knows how motivated you might be. In fact , a seller could see this as an opportunity to press a little more money out of a person even when you've made a good provide to start with; no matter how wonderful a house is, keep it to your self.
Keep your own situation in order to yourself as well. Information may be used against you. How much if you're willing to spend, the size of home loan you can afford, your move-in deadline-it all can be used to draw out more money out of your pocket. Make sure to tell your agent everything she or he needs to know to be effective in your behalf-whether you plan to pay funds or the size of the mortgage loan you can afford, etc . Still keep your personal circumstances along with timeline to yourself.
Inversely, knowledge is power. The reason why behind a sale can often be utilized to your competitive advantage throughout negotiations. For example , a owner whose company has moved him to another city is most likely more motivated to sell compared to someone who is still looking for a brand new home.
Other signs of any motivated seller include a vacant product, or a condo that's been available on the market for several months with cutbacks in the asking price.
Tip #9: Don't Be Pressured, but Perform Negotiate.
While you want to shift expeditiously once you're within negotiations, don't let the other aspect pressure you into a fast close. It may be a sign that there are something you should know, but avoid. And the reason could be really worth money.
Sometimes, the seller's Realtor will try to frighten a hesitant buyer using the threat of another severe potential buyer. Don't get into this trap-it will only set you back money. If there is another purchaser, then the seller's agent will attempt to get a bidding war began. In these situations, whoever is victorious also loses because the customer ends up overpaying.
If there is not another buyer, there's a very good chance that "the various other deal" will fall via and the seller's agent can come calling. Be sure to let the different side know that you might be curious if this were to happen, before you decide to walk away.
You may be the type of person who else prefers a hard-and-fast price on everything. "I don't like to be able to haggle, " you state. But negotiation is the key to get a good deal! If your goal is to get the best property possible for the least amount of money, then you definitely better be prepared to play. Your current Realtor can assist you with these sometimes-stressful negotiations.
Tip #10: Prepared - Set - Buy!
Good properties move quick! Once you've made up your mind to get condo and you've arranged your Realtor, be prepared to create decisions quickly. If you find the proper unit today but not necessarily ready to buy until the next day, you may already be too late. It can that simple-if you have dropped in love with a particular condominium, another person in the market probably has too.
If this all sounds like lots of work, it is. But this really is to be expected when you're purchasing anything of such excellent value. And you'll thank oneself and your Realtor when the end result is to your satisfaction.
Make sure you feel free to call me if you want further explanation on these tips, or if you have any kind of real estate questions at all.
The mission is to share the data and insights I've collected from years of experience in the market in order to help you optimize your home investment.
The Avenir by GuocoLand. Hotline 61006768. Get Discount, Direct Developer Price, Brochure, Floor Plan, Price List & More. Former Pacific Mansion at River Valley
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theavenir17-blog · 4 years ago
Just how Condo Buyers Can Stay away from Paying Too Much: Ten Crucial Tips
Whether you're some sort of first-time buyer or a expert professional in the real estate online game, purchasing a condominium can be an daunting task, fraught with economic pitfalls as well as potential income. It's an emotional course of action filled with difficult choices-and each and every decision you make has funds riding on it. Finding the right rental for your family's needs will be tough enough; knowing how in order to avoid paying too much for that amazing living space is another job totally.
As a professional Realtor® who have helped countless buyers locate their dream home in addition to save money at the same time, I've produced this guide to help you avoid the prospective hazards inherent in the condo-buying process. I'll show you making certain you've found the correct home, as well as how to loan provider a price to your advantage. These are classes you truly can't find the money for to learn through trial and error.
Suggestion #1: Determine Your House "Minimums" Ahead of Time.
Understand that you can find two condos out there eager for your attention-one that fits your needs and one that suits your desires. In a excellent world, you could choose that will three-bedroom condo with area for your family to grow, nevertheless have the perfect floor policy for entertaining and social get-togethers. Is that big kitchen more vital to you than a few added rooms?
When you begin shopping for your own personal condo, you'll encounter qualities you'll fall in love with for different causes. It's best to list the features you want before you start shopping. Break your personal list into two categories-"Needs" and "Desires"-and prioritize those items accordingly. Understanding what you genuinely need in your condo rather than what you'd like to have will help you keep your priorities straight when you shop around .
Don't let emotion impair your judgment. Satisfy your preferences first, and if you can accomplish some of your desires at the same time, so much the better. What's crucial is to understand the difference before getting caught-up in the excitement in the hunt.
Tip #2: Obtain a Pre-Approved Mortgage.
In case you are not buying with dollars, getting a loan pre-approved could be the smart way to shop for a loft apartment. It tells sellers that you are currently a serious prospect, and you realize in advance the maximum mortgage it is possible to afford.
I've seen customers make the mistake of understanding what they qualify for, but not having pre-approval in writing. You've removed this far, so take next step-get it written.
The good news is that it's easier than ever to be approved for a home loan.
Tip #3: Communicate with Your Realtor.
Coming from finding the right condo to examinations and negotiating the best package, the condo search practice can be exhausting for the particular hardiest souls. That's why smart condo buyers have a Realtor® in their corner. Most vendors you encounter are undoubtedly going to have professionals particular side. Having a pro on your own team is the safest solution to ensure that you get the best deal achievable.
Once you have a clear, detailed photograph of the condo you want, make sure that your agent has the same graphic. This communication is critical. In any other case, you'll both waste time considering homes that hold little curiosity for you.
Also, make sure your Agent knows your priorities. Your own personal shared goal is to it is worth it to find an excellent condo that complies with all of your needs; your Will give will then try to satisfy as much of your desires as possible.
Idea #4: The Cliché is valid... Location, Location, Location!
The particular desirability and resale associated with your condo-to-be depends on place more than any other single aspect. Again, don't let emotion get involved the way of a wise investment. Simply no condo is an island, as well as the value of yours is influenced in what surrounds it. The Avenir showflat
There are several factors that combine to create a fine location. Your first consideration is a neighborhood itself. Every local community has its own unique character; you should make sure you'd be comfortable inside the one you're thinking of moving into. Take a long walk as well as observe carefully. Do folks take pride in their building? Speak to the neighbors and ask concerns that give you a better sense for the property. But try not to appear judgmental-you might be conversing with a future neighbor.
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If the developing is to your satisfaction, try to find units on the market in the area. Incredibly large units surrounded by more compact ones tend to appreciate not more than a large condo among some other large condos. Conversely, the actual unit in the building is commonly "pulled up" by the additional units in the building. Nonetheless it might take longer to sell a smaller sized unit when the time will come because many people are unwilling to cover extra for the neighborhood. The Avenir showflat
The outside edge of a neighborhood is normally not good for resale value. You can find noticeable dividing lines in between dissimilar neighborhoods. It could be a change in architectural styles, property or home use or something else. Search for a condo in the middle of a location of similar buildings; it will eventually hold its value far better.
An exception to this rule can be a building on the edge of your neighborhood bounded by h2o, parkland, a golf course or maybe other open space. Normal boundaries appeal to buyers, and the "edge" condos can actually command word a better price. Be mindful, still of the planned use for that open space. A community park is nice; a fresh freeway, strip mall as well as industrial center isn't.
Other stuff that can negatively affect residence values are traffic, seems, smells, etc . Be sure to supply the neighborhood a long, hard seem. The condo you're interested in could be perfect, but if the neighborhood provides problems, your investment defintely won't be worth as much when the moment comes to sell.
Tip #5: Enjoy the Present, but Look at the Future.
Buying a condo is often a big investment. If you can stretch out a little today financially to obtain a unit that you can grow with-whether it's having a child, operating a home-based business, or turning an extra room into your personal gym-do it. In the long run, it will oftimes be less expensive than moving up into a marginally larger unit if the need does arise.
Hint #6: Pay Attention to Red Flags While Evaluating a Condo.
When assessing the advantages and drawbacks of a certain property, be sure you know the big difference between acceptable and unwanted problems.
Some issues-peeling fresh paint, worn carpeting, ugly wallpaper-are cosmetic and can be easily dealt with. You can even use these "problems" during negotiations to lower the particular asking price. After all, you'll need to spend some money to bring the condo around snuff.
Make careful take note of the issues you realize that can be used to your advantage. May nit-pick, however-if taken to two extremes, you could end up alienating owner and creating a hostile ambiance.
In my experience, spending a few hundred or so dollars on a professional condominium inspection is the best investment likely to ever make. A professional inspector brings experience in evaluating a great many homes, good review standards, and an neutral perspective. And a written review can be an excellent negotiating application.
Don't let a condo's optimistic attributes blind you to extremely real problems. If you do, the possibilities are good that you'll end up wasting much more money than you ever before expected at some point down the line.
Fortunately for buyers is that the regulation now requires sellers for making complete disclosure of identified material defects. Make sure to fully grasp this in writing. And carefully take into account how these defects may possibly influence what you're ready to pay.
Tip #7: Some Fixer-Uppers Are "Good-Byes, " Negative Buys.
You may be the sort regarding person who looks at a condo looking for significant work as "a challenge" and an opportunity to make money. Many individuals have bought fixer-uppers at below-market rates, invested a little sweating equity or more than a tiny money on renovation, and after that eventually put it back on the market with a profit.
But if your unit basically priced low enough, you may not recoup your investment of the time, trouble and expense. Prior to deciding to proceed, do a careful examination of what you'll have to spend. Then, consult with your Realtor to master what you can reasonably anticipate to earn when you put the model back on the market. And be certain to consider the unexpected-there's no such thing as being a "sure thing. "
Word of advice #8: Put on Your Best Holdem poker Face.
One of the costliest blunders you can make is letting the vendor know how much you love their condo. Once you've let it fall, you can just about forget about settling the price-the other area knows how motivated you happen to be. In fact , a seller often see this as an opportunity to squash a little more money out of an individual even when you've made a good offer you to start with; no matter how wonderful a property is, keep it to on your own.
Keep your own situation for you to yourself as well. Information can be utilized against you. How much most likely willing to spend, the size of loan you can afford, your move-in deadline-it all can be used to acquire more money out of your pocket. Make sure you tell your agent everything he / she needs to know to be effective with your behalf-whether you plan to pay income or the size of the home finance loan you can afford, etc . Nevertheless , keep your personal circumstances and also timeline to yourself.
Inversely, knowledge is power. The causes behind a sale can often be accustomed to your competitive advantage in the course of negotiations. For example , a vendor whose company has transported him to another city may perhaps be more motivated to sell as compared to someone who is still looking for a fresh home.
Other signs of a new motivated seller include a vacant system, or a condo that's been in the marketplace for several months with savings in the asking price.
Tip #9: Don't Be Pressured, but Carry out Negotiate.
While you want to proceed expeditiously once you're inside negotiations, don't let the other edge pressure you into a speedy close. It may be a sign there's something you should know, but may. And the reason could be well worth money.
Sometimes, the seller's Realtor will try to discourage a hesitant buyer with all the threat of another significant potential buyer. Don't fall under this trap-it will only cost money. If there is another consumer, then the seller's agent will endeavour to get a bidding war started out. In these situations, whoever benefits also loses because the client ends up overpaying.
If there just isn't another buyer, there's a excellent chance that "the various other deal" will fall by means of and the seller's agent should come calling. Be sure to let the different side know that you might be fascinated if this were to happen, prior to deciding to walk away.
You may be the type of person who also prefers a hard-and-fast cost on everything. "I don't like to help haggle, " you point out. But negotiation is the key to secure a good deal! If your goal is to get the best house possible for the least amount of money, then you certainly better be prepared to play. Your personal Realtor can assist you with these sometimes-stressful negotiations.
Tip #10: All set - Set - Obtain!
Good properties move quickly! Once you've made up your mind to get a condo and you've prearranged your Realtor, be prepared to help to make decisions quickly. If you find the ideal unit today but usually are ready to buy until down the road, you may already be too late. Is actually that simple-if you have decreased in love with a particular condominium, somebody else in the market probably has also.
If this all sounds like plenty of work, it is. But this is certainly to be expected when you're getting anything of such fantastic value. And you'll thank by yourself and your Realtor when the result is to your satisfaction.
You should feel free to call me if you'd like further explanation on some of these tips, or if you have virtually any real estate questions at all.
Our mission is to share the information and insights I've obtained from years of experience on the market in order to help you optimize your house investment.
The Avenir by GuocoLand. Hotline 61006768. Get Discount, Direct Developer Price, Brochure, Floor Plan, Price List & More. Former Pacific Mansion at River Valley
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