cardwellthaxton · 11 months
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How To Sell A House in New Jersey Without Sinking Any Money Into It
By Cardwell Thaxton
Are you tired of owning a property that you don’t want or can’t afford? Putting it on the MLS can be expensive and take up more time than you care to spend. In our latest post, we can help you learn how to sell a house in New Jersey without sinking any money into it in less time than you may think!
When most people go to sell a house, the first thing they do is search the internet or ask a friend to recommend a good agent. While some agents are great and worth their weight in gold, this isn’t always the best way for a homeowner to sell. For some homeowners who need to sell a house in New Jersey, selling as-is or a direct sale to a local home buyer can be the best way to go.
Before you decide how to sell, get the facts, and determine the selling method that will make the most sense for you. After factoring in time, money, and energy, your ideal selling method may be different than you had thought. First, let’s take a look at what listing your house in New Jersey could cost you and how to sell a house in New Jersey without sinking any money into it.
What Will Listing My New Jersey House Cost?
Listing a house in New Jersey can come with a lot of costs that people aren’t always aware of. A few of these costs include…
Costs to make repairs both before and after the inspection process
Expenses to clean and stage the home for property showings and open houses
Marketing expenses not included with your listing (virtual tours, professional photography, etc.)
Holding while the house is on the market and through the escrow process
Closing costs which can amount to 1-3% of your final sale price
Agent commissions which are typically around 6% of your final sale price
According to NerdWallet, you should plan on spending at least 10% of the final sale price on the costs of listing your home. So, if your house ends up selling for $250,000, that is $25,000 out the door. That said, your costs can be higher or lower depending on the property and situation. It is essential for home sellers to understand these costs, so they know exactly what to expect when selling a house in New Jersey.
How To Sell Your House Without Spending Money
There are a couple of ways to sell your house in New Jersey without spending any money. You can either list your house as-is on the MLS or work with a direct buyer to purchase your property outright without the help of an agent. For some homeowners in New Jersey, one of these alternative options can prove to be a better way to sell your house.
Listing Your New Jersey House As-Is
Some owners choose to list their houses as-is, which will make things less expensive for the sellers. While listing your house as-is in New Jersey will save you money on cleaning, repairs, and upgrades, you will still have to factor in commissions, holding expenses, and closing costs. All of these bills can add up to thousands of dollars, and that is without any promise of a return. Also, your house won’t get the same level of attention and appeal to as many buyers when listing your house as-is in New Jersey. Your property will need to photograph well and not come with a long list of needed repairs.
A Direct Sale To The Cardwell Thaxton Group
Selling your house directly to The Cardwell Thaxton Group will help you to avoid all of the listing costs, including repairs, marketing, holding costs, commissions, closing costs, and more. You will not have to worry about spending any money at any time during the sale. You will be able to get an offer without having to worry about any deductions or hidden fees. While our price isn’t full retail, the amount you can save may more than make up the difference, and that’s not to mention all of the time you will save.
Why Sell As-Is?
So why would somebody want to sell as-is in the first place? Wouldn’t fixing up the property add value, thus creating higher returns? In a perfect world, yes. However, when listing your house in New Jersey, you won’t have any guarantee that your repair costs will translate to a higher sales price. Fixing up your home can be a gamble. While it can add value in some cases, sinking money into a house you would rather sell can prove to be a poor use of your funds. By selling as-is, the buyer assumes the risk and you will be able to put your money into your new property, not the one you want to get rid of.
Are you ready to sell your house in New Jersey? Before you hire an agent in New Jersey, find out what we can do for you! You don’t have to list your house in order to sell it!Ready to sell a house in New Jersey? Reach out to us to learn about the fair and cost-free way to do it! Call today!
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 11 months
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5 Ways To Sell a House in New Jersey No Matter What Is Going On In The World
By Cardwell Thaxton
Do you need to sell a house in New Jersey sooner than later? In this post, there are 5 ways to sell a house in New Jersey no matter what is going on in the world.
With all of the market uncertainty, the thought of selling your house in New Jersey can feel overwhelming. Hiring a real estate agent, listing, cleaning, marketing, showing, and waiting can all take a toll on a homeowner. That said, there are other ways to sell aside from the traditional route which includes hiring a New Jersey real estate agent. Below we offer a few tips and ideas to help you sell your house in New Jersey without any of the costs and hassles homeowners often face.
Work With A Professional Buyer
A professional buyer will be able to purchase your house quickly. You will be able to sell as-is, without having to spend money cleaning or fixing up your house. In most cases, you will be able to close right away, saving you even more on your holding costs. Most importantly, when working with a direct buyer to sell your house in New Jersey, you won’t have to spend money on commissions or closing costs. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all buyers are the same. At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we will work with you, always working on your timeline and schedule. We will make an offer, free of costs and fees, without any obligation whatsoever. Our process is completely transparent, so you will always be in the loop, knowing exactly what to expect.
Utilize Technology
Many people are harnessing the power of the internet to help them virtually market and show their homes. You can get creative in your digital marketing efforts by doing some paid Facebook advertising or creating an elaborate virtual tour that is bound to catch the attention of your potential buyers. Remember, creating virtual tours in addition other marketing costs can get expensive fast. Before you opt for advanced marketing options, make sure you know what it is going to cost. Sometimes, when you add everything up, spending all of the extra cash simply isn’t worth it and you are better off with a direct sale to a New Jersey home buyer.
Rent To Own
If you don’t need the full sum of the sale right away, selling it via rent to own can be a great option. You’ll want to be sure you have a legal and comprehensive contract in place so that no disputes arise during the duration of your agreement. You should also have great tenants/buyers lined up, so you won’t have to worry about being back at square one several months down the road. Using a rent to own agreement to sell your house will open up the property to a whole other pool of potential buyers, plus it can offer you a steady income until the house has sold.
Get Granular With Your Marketing
Why is your ideal buyer? What are they looking for and what can they pay? You need to ask yourself a lot of questions about who your potential buyers are. Once you have answered these questions, you need to determine how to reach them. What do they read? What do they watch? What can you do to get their attention with your marketing? To find a traditional buyer who is ready to go right now, you’ll need to know who they are ahead of time so you can market the property accordingly.
Spend Some Time Fixing It Up
Giving your house a little face life will help to garner more attention to your property. Choose small projects that will really stand out to potential buyers. You should also remove any clutter or personal belongings, and have the house professionally cleaned. All of this should be done before you take your listing photos. You’ll want to understand the costs and the expected return on your efforts. You don’t want to spend time and money fixing up a house, only to find you are still stuck with it months down the road. Make sure that it makes sense to invest in your unwanted property before selling it. For many homeowners, selling as-is to a direct buyer ultimately leaves the seller with more cash when all is said and done.
While things may be a little crazy with the economy right now, there is no reason why you won’t be able to sell a house in New Jersey. With the right tools and strategy, you can still generate profits. At The Cardwell Thaxton Group we buy houses directly from local homeowners. There are never any fees or obligations. There isn’t a catch, and you will never feel any pressure to sell your house to us. Get the facts and learn about your options before moving forward with the sale of your house in New Jersey!Do you need to sell a house in New Jersey? Find out what our team can do to help you! Reach out to us today for more information!
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 11 months
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5 Things You Can Do To Sell Your House Right Now New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
Are you looking for a way to sell your house right now in New Jersey? In this post, there are 5 things you can do to sell your house right now in New Jersey. We will provide you with all the information you need so you can sell your house fast!
With the ripples in the economy and so much uncertainty for the future, many people are thinking about selling their homes. However, when you work with a real estate agent in New Jersey, the process can take a long time. Ultimately, the longer it takes for you to sell your house, the more it is costing you. We offer some tips to sell faster and what you can do instead of listing your house in the traditional manner. As always, if you have any questions about the market or your property, feel free to reach out!
Work With An Investor
Working with an investor is the fastest and most convenient way to sell a house in New Jersey. That said, not all investors are the same. When working with an investor to sell your house in New Jersey, you’ll need to work with someone who is experienced, fair, and has a genuine desire to help you with your situation. At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we will make you a no-obligation offer for your house in New Jersey. If you decide to sell to us, we can close in only a matter of days. By working with an investor, you will be able to sell your house almost immediately, without any cost to you.
Price It Low
If you decide you want to put your house up on the open market and you need to sell if fast, you’ll need to price it to sell. This means going lower than what other comparable houses are listed for. While this strategy can help you sell fast, you do have to factor in your other selling costs in addition to the deep discount you are offering on your asking price. If you price your house to sell fast and you are working with an agent, you will have a number of other costs to contend with as well. Between commissions, closing costs, marketing expenses, and the continued holding costs, you may be out more money than you think. Before pricing your house low, run the numbers to make sure it makes sense for you. Working with a direct buyer will typically net less than retail, however, you won’t have to worry about any of those additional costs.
Fix It Up
It may seem counter-intuitive to spend money on a house you want to sell, but by fixing it up, you will likely be able to attract more potential buyers. That said, investing in an unwanted house can be risky as there is no guarantee you will see a return. Try to avoid any large projects that will consume your time and money. Instead, focus on smaller, more cost-effective improvements that will have a big impact. Changing out hardware, adding some plants, and a fresh coat of paint can all work wonders for attracting people to your house.
Amp Up Your Marketing
With the economic shift happening, some experts believe that there will be a lot of people needing to sell their houses in New Jersey. If you are trying to sell in the traditional way, you’ll need to ramp up your marketing to help your house stand out from the competition. You can host interesting open houses, create a one-of-a-kind virtual tour, or advertise in places where your competition isn’t. You should also enlist the help of a professional photographer and staging company to help showcase your property in its best light. When stepping up your marketing game, make sure that the costs are justified. You don’t want to spend a fortune marketing the property with little to no result. Photography, virtual tours, and open house costs can quickly add up, make sure your efforts are worth it!
Utilize A Short-Sale
While this method isn’t always ideal for home sellers in New Jersey, it can get you out of a tough situation rather quickly. With a short sale, the homeowner works with their lender to determine an agreed-upon price for the sale that is less than what you owe. Only certain homeowners are eligible for a short sale. To qualify, you will need to be able to show your financial hardships. The process can take a while, so be prepared to wait around for a while for the process to be completed and isn’t always the best option when you need to sell your house fast in New Jersey.
Selling a house in New Jersey can feel overwhelming, especially with everything happening in the world right now. Working with The Cardwell Thaxton Group will give you the power to sell your house fast, without any costs, hassles, or waiting.
We can help you sell your house right now in New Jersey. Reach out to us today to find out how we can help you. (908) 456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 11 months
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5 Things Homeowners Should Know About Working With A Real Estate Agent in New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
Do you need to sell your house in New Jersey? In our latest post, we offer 5 things homeowners should know about working with a real estate agent to help sell your house. 
When it’s time to sell your house in New Jersey, your first instinct may be to call up a local real estate agent to quickly get your house up on the MLS. While this works for some homeowners, there are a few things you should know before hiring a New Jersey real estate agent to help you.
The Costs Can Be High
If you decide to sell your house with a real estate agent in New Jersey, make sure that you are aware of all of the costs that typically go into a successful listing. Aside from the thousands that will be deducted from your offer when the house sells, you will have a number of expenses to deal with before your house even hits the market. To start with, you’ll need to make some basic repairs and have the house professionally cleaned. You could be faced with marketing costs such as photography and staging that isn’t covered in the scope of your listing agreement. Some homeowners will even have an inspection done on their own, so they know what to expect when their potential buyers have one done. Add all of this to your holding costs, and you’ll see how a simple listing can quickly turn into bills costing thousands.
It May Take Awhile
While this varies from neighborhood to neighborhood and city to city, it will typically take much longer for a traditional sale to be completed as opposed to a direct sale. In fact, when looking at nationwide statistics, houses will take over two months to get an offer on average. While your house is listed, you will still have to pay taxes, maintenance, your mortgage, utilities, and insurance. Not to mention, you will have no idea how long the sale can take, giving you zero ability to plan ahead. Don’t miss out on your dream property because your house is caught up in a listing agreement that doesn’t make sense.
Not All Agents Are The Same
While some agents are there to help and provide genuine service to their clients, there are others who are simply after that commission check. They will encourage you to make expensive upgrades to sell the house faster, they will encourage you to take less than it’s worth just so they are able to cash in before your agreement expires. If you decide to list your house with a real estate agent in New Jersey, make sure it is someone who comes highly referred and that you are certain you can trust.
Your House May Not Sell
Just because you list your house and ask for a certain amount, does not mean that you will get it. Many sellers get frustrated when they find themselves spending money t list their homes for sale, only to hear crickets. Just because you fix things up and spend money making the house look as good as possible, does not ensure you will get an offer. If you decide to list and spend money getting your house ready for the MLS, make sure that you won’t be devastated if you do not see the returns you are after. When working with a real estate agent in New Jersey, there is no guarantee if or when you will receive an offer. And if you do get an offer, they may try to negotiate for a lower price.
You Have Other Options
The good news is that hiring a real estate agent in New Jersey is not the only way to sell your house. For certain houses and situations, investing money into the property before selling it can be a huge waste. Factor in the commissions, holding costs, and closing expenses, and you could be looking at thousands of dollars down the drain. Another approach is to sell your house to a direct buyer such as The Cardwell Thaxton Group. Working with a direct buyer will allow you to sell your house in just a few short days without any fees deducted from the offer or money spent out of pocket. You’ll know exactly what to expect and when the closing will take place.
If you need to sell your house in New Jersey, be sure that you are aware of all of your available options and how they will affect you. People aren’t always aware of the costs, time, and frustrations a listing can entail. Homeowners have been known to brush off the idea of a direct sale because of the lower prices associated with them. However, once you factor in the time, money, and energy that goes into listing your New Jersey house, you will see that the selling methods will produce similar results. We encourage you to run the numbers for your property so you can choose the option that makes the most sense. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about what we do and how we can help you sell your house fast in New Jersey!
Working with a real estate agent in New Jersey may not be the answer for you! Explore your options by sending us a message or giving us a call today! (908) 456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 11 months
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📢👀𝟓 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲🏡
By Cardwell Thaxton
Are you ready to start downsizing your home in New Jersey at The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we know all about it! Take a look at a few of our tips below and reach out to us if you would like an offer for your house as-is! We’re buying properties in the area and will purchase outright no matter what you want to leave behind! 
They say that what’s around you is a representation of your mental state. Many people find that downsizing helps them eliminate clutter, making it easier to focus on what’s important. Whether you just want to eliminate clutter, or you are looking to downsize your house in New Jersey for something smaller, there are some mistakes you will want to avoid. Keep reading to learn more about our tips for downsizing and what the team at The Cardwell Thaxton Group can do to help you!
Mistake 1 – Not Having a Plan
Before you start tearing your house apart, determine how you want to approach things. Are you going to go through one room at a time? Closets first? Kids toys? Or maybe you’ll group like things, deciding what to toss later. A good idea is to begin by creating piles. One can be stuff you want to throw away, another for stuff you want to donate, the next for things you aren’t sure about, and finally a pile for the things you know you want to keep. People organize themselves differently, however you decide to do it, make sure you have a plan, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Mistake 2 – Throwing Away The Wrong Things
Once you start seeing things disappear, you may feel a sense of relief. It can be easy to get carried away, throwing away things you probably shouldn’t. Try to be mindful of your actions when throwing stuff in the trash. Is there a chance you or someone in your family will need it at a later date? If you are dealing with old paperwork, for example, you could opt to scan and save before throwing it in the trash. When in doubt, it’s better err on the side of caution instead of setting yourself up for regret down the road.
Mistake 3 – Not Throwing Away Enough
For many people, getting rid of things can be hard. Often times, the items can be tied to a particular person or memory and giving it up may feel impossible. When deciding what to get rid of, try to be methodical about it. For example, with clothing, if it something you haven’t worn in ages, donate it. It will get better use somewhere else than taking up room in your closet. While you don’t have to throw away everything you own, you don’t need to hold on to all of it either. Remind yourself that it is just stuff, and you will feel better once all of the unneeded clutter is gone.
To make it easier, if there are things, you’d like to keep but know you probably shouldn’t, you can take a picture so that the memory is never lost. This is great for kids’ projects, souvenirs, and other sentimental items that you can’t bear to part with, but you know are taking up too much space. Consider creating a digital photo album, so you can look back on your fond memories whenever you choose.
Mistake 4 – Not Doing It Sooner
Imagine what your life would be like with fewer items, a smaller house, and less to maintain. Once you simplify your life, you will wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner. You will have less stress, while saving both your time and money. If you have found yourself living in a house that no longer meets your need, that is too large, or that is packed with too much stuff, downsizing is the answer.
Mistake 5 – Trying To Do It Alone
If you are dealing with years with of accumulated possessions, the thought of downsizing can be overwhelming. If the process is too much for you, you can hire a professional organizer to help or at least get you started. If you wish to sell the house, working with a direct buyer such as The Cardwell Thaxton Group will enable you to sell your house as-is, no matter what you want to leave behind. This allows you to focus on keeping the things you really want without having to deal with all of the rest. We will buy your house even if it has a lot of stuff you’d rather not take.
Downsizing your home in New Jersey will offer you a number of great benefits. We are always prepared to answer all of your questions about the process while providing you with options to make it easier to downsize your house in New Jersey!
Are you thinking about downsizing your home in New Jersey? Find out how our team can help you! Reach out to us today to learn more about what we can offer! (908) 456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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📢👀𝟒 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐯𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐀 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲🏡
By Cardwell Thaxton
Do you need to sell a house right now in New Jersey? In this post, we will offer tips to help you sell your unwanted house, quickly getting you the cash, you need in less time than you might think! 
With everything going on with the real estate market and the New Jersey economy, many people are trying to figure out the best way to sell a house right now in New Jersey. While it may seem challenging to sell your house almost immediately, it can be done! Savvy homeowners know that there are many ways to sell a house in New Jersey and that a traditional listing isn’t always the right option. Below, we offer some tips to help you quickly sell your New Jersey house without any waiting, surprises, or red tape.
Work With A Direct Buyer
Working with a direct buyer is the quickest and easiest way to sell your house in New Jersey. That said, you will want to work with a buyer that is always fair, understands the market, and knows exactly how to create a transaction that will benefit everyone involved. Not all buyers are the same. When you work with a direct buyer to sell your house in New Jersey, make sure you are working with someone who you can trust… someone who isn’t solely looking out for their own best interest. They need to be experienced, knowledgeable of the area, and dedicated to creating a fair deal that all parties will love. At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we pride ourselves on being all of those things. We will never make any false promises or put you under any obligation to sell. Working with The Cardwell Thaxton Group will give you the peace of mind you need when selling your house directly in New Jersey! There is never any obligation when receiving an offer, plus it can be a great insight into the true value of your home!
Sell As-Is
If you want to sell your house right now in New Jersey, you don’t want to spend the time and money renovating or making repairs to the property. Doing so can take weeks or even months, often costing you more than you had planned on spending. If your house needs a lot of work, your pool of potential buyers may be very small. Not everyone is in the market for a fixer-upper, plus the photos are often looked over with so many other properties on the market. Selling your house as-is in New Jersey can be risky for a buyer but it is a great way for someone to sell a house fast that they no longer want to deal with. While finding a buyer can be more challenging, there are investors out there willing to buy your house as-is, right away. The Cardwell Thaxton Group will give you a great price for your property right now no matter what condition it’s in! A direct sale to our team makes it easy to sell a house as-is in New Jersey!
Price To Sell
To sell a house fast on the MLS in New Jersey, you’ll need to compete with other properties that are currently listed. Take a look at what comparable houses are listed for as well as what they are actually selling for, there can be a big difference between the two. To get the attention of buyers, you’ll need to list your house for a lower price than the others on the market. You’ll have to run the numbers to determine if this will make sense for you. Lowering your price in addition to paying out commissions and other miscellaneous fees associated with the listing can really cost you. Keep in mind, that with a direct sale to The Cardwell Thaxton Group, there are no commissions or fees. We offer a fair price and a fast closing.
Rent To Own
Another way people are selling their homes fast is by setting up a rent to own agreement. This is for those property owners who don’t need the entire sale amount upfront, a rent to own agreement can be the way to go. There are a few reasons why this method appeals to property sellers. For starters, you’ll usually be able to charge higher than average rent, ensuring you a great rental income each month. Your buyers will have a greater motivation to pay on time as not doing so could void the agreement, costing them the opportunity to buy outright. While a rent to own agreement to sell a house isn’t always the first option, when you think about it, it can be very beneficial!
At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we help homeowners who need to sell their homes quickly and without any costs or hiccups. We will buy your property directly, closing quickly on the day we say we will. You will never have to worry about getting stuck with a New Jersey house that you no longer want!
Do you need to sell a house right now in New Jersey? Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you with one of our thoughtful solutions!
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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3 Options For Selling Your House in New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
When selling your house in New Jersey, there is more than just one way to go about it. Every situation requires its own unique solution. In this post, we offer information about your available selling options so that you can sell your house fast and move on. 
Do you need to sell your house in New Jersey? Our team is dedicated to helping homeowners in the New Jersey area who are looking for the best way to sell their home. Take a look at the options below and do the math for your property. You might be surprised by what the numbers say for you!
Hire A New Jersey Real Estate Agent
Hiring a real estate agent in New Jersey is usually the first thing people think of when they decide they want to sell a home. The process is ideal for some properties and costly and time-consuming for others.
The Good
When selling your house in New Jersey in good condition and are working with the right New Jersey real estate agent, the listing process can be very beneficial. As long as the variables go in your favor, you can have great results when working with an agent. Your property should not require a lot of money to be spent on repairs. You will need to be able to sell the house quickly in order to save on holding costs, and you will need to have the property priced at the sweet spot in order to attract buyers and yet still retain a profit.
The Bad
The trouble with working with an agent is that there is so much left up to chance. You may end up working with the wrong agent, your house may not sell right away, and you may be forced to lower your asking price. You will need to have the house cleaned and make the needed repairs before putting the property on the market. You should also be prepared for potential buyers to request additional repairs be made after the inspection process. There can be many costs involved when listing your house in New Jersey, which is why for some homeowners, working with a direct buyer can be the better choice.
Sell The Property On Your Own
Selling your house on your own can seem like a wise choice, and for some people, it is. However, it is also important to understand the time and money that will need to go into a successful sale in this manner.
The Good
Using the For Sale By Owner (FSBO) method to sell your house in New Jersey, will save you money on the agent commissions. Many see this as a reason to sell on their own, however, you can quickly get in over your head if you lack real estate experience. With a little luck and some real estate experience under your belt, you can sell your home without the use of a New Jersey agent.
The Bad
The truth is, selling your house on the open market without the help of a professional real estate agent can be a lot of work. When you choose to sell this way, you will spend your time fielding calls, answering questions, showing the property, marketing the property, and dealing with negotiations, inspectors, repairs, and all of the legalities. In addition, working with an agent will typically help you sell the house for more money. A great agent will be a pro when it comes to negotiation, ensuring you get the most for the house as you possibly can. People hire agents for a reason, and truth be told working with the right one can be worth their weight in gold.
Sell Your House Directly To The Cardwell Thaxton Group
The Good
Working with The Cardwell Thaxton Group will allow you to sell your house fast in New Jersey, without any waiting, commissions, or repair costs. Our process will save you time and money. Selling this way will be the most straightforward and convenient choice. You will be able to compare your options, learn about the pros and cons, choose your closing date, and have the ability to plan ahead. For many homeowners, in many situations, speed, convenience, and a guaranteed sale far outweigh the risks of a traditional listing.
The Bad
The only perceived downside of selling your house directly to The Cardwell Thaxton Group is that you may not receive the full retail price. That said, the thousands of dollars you will save in commissions, repairs, holding costs, marketing expenses, and closing costs, can more than make up the difference.
At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we think it is important that home sellers get all of the information they need about selling their houses in New Jersey. We encourage you to look at all of your options, weighing the pros and cons of each. Every property and situation are a bit different, which is why we are proud to offer alternative solutions to help our clients reach their real estate goals!
Are you thinking about selling your house in New Jersey? Our team can help you explore all of the options available to you!  Send us a message or give us a call today! (908)456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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Selling With a New Jersey Real Estate Agent vs. Selling To A Local Investor
By Cardwell Thaxton
Do you need to sell your house fast in New Jersey? It important that you understand the options available to you. There is more than just one way to sell your New Jersey home. In this post, we will dive into two of the most popular ways, selling with a New Jersey Real Estate Agent or selling to a local investor, so you can decide which selling option will be right for you.
Hiring A New Jersey Real Estate Agent
The Money
You likely know you will have to pay your agent a commission of about 5-6% if they are able to successfully sell your house in New Jersey. However, there are also a number of other costs that will come into play when listing your house for sale.
Marketing – Many home sellers want or need to utilize marketing that goes beyond the scope of their agent. This can be professional photography, virtual tours, or premium listings.
Repairs – Even if your house is in great shape, there will likely be something that will need fixing. Whether it is a new coat of paint, replacing a leaky faucet, or patching a hole in the wall, these repairs will add up fast.
Staging – When you list your home you will want it to look its very best. This means you should take some time to hide away the clutter and decorate it in a warm and inviting fashion. Whether or not you hire a professional stager in New Jersey, making the house pretty can cost a pretty penny.
Holding Costs – The holding costs include things like your property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, utility bills, and maintenance. These costs don’t stop when you list your house. In fact, keeping your house in tip-top shape can actually drive your holding costs up even higher.
Closing Costs – As a home seller, you will usually pay somewhere around 2% of the final sale price toward your closing costs.
Cleaning – Before you list and while to is on the market, the house will need to be kept clean. Many people opt to have it cleaned professionally before it is listed, maintaining the home while it is listed. You should also consider professional carpet cleaning, power washing, and yard clean-up and hauling expenses.
That said, working with an agent has the potential to get the highest price possible. Just be sure you have deducted all of the costs mentioned above to be sure listing with an agent in New Jersey makes sense for you.
The Time
When you hire an agent to help you sell your house in New Jersey, they will shoulder a good portion of the effort that goes into selling. That said, the process will require some of your time and effort as well. For example, you will likely have to spend time…
Keeping the property clean and ready for those last-minute showings
Making repairs and upgrades to the property before it hits the MLS
Marketing the property on sites other than the MLS
Vacating the property when someone requests to come see it
Waiting for an offer, hoping you will get your asking price
Reviewing offers from potential buyers
Negotiating with potential buyers
Waiting for the escrow process to be completed
Dealing with inspectors and appraisers
The worst part is that you could go through all of the above, only to have the sale fall through at the last minute. If you’ve spent any time shopping for homes in the past, you’ll often see properties go pending, only to be relisted when the funding falls through.
The Unknown
One of the most difficult parts of selling your house with an agent in New Jersey is the unknown. You won’t know if you will get your asking price, when, or if your improvements will provide returns. Not only is this stressful, but it also makes it difficult for you to plan ahead.
Selling To An Investor
The Money
It’s no secret that when you sell your house to an investor in New Jersey, the sale price will not usually be as high as retail. That said, the amount you can save will more than make up for it. Most direct buyers, including The Cardwell Thaxton Group buy houses as-is, which means there are no repair costs to worry about. You will also not have to pay commissions, closing costs, or extended closing costs.
The Time
In most cases, we are able to close in just a few days, potentially saving you a fortune in holding costs. You won’t have to do a thing other than pack up the items you wish to keep. We will handle everything else, including any items you wish to leave behind. Working with The Cardwell Thaxton Group will help you sell your house in less time, offering you convenience and a fair price.
When you consider the time and the money involved with working with a New Jersey real estate agent vs. selling to a local investor, your idea of how to most efficiently sell your house may change.
Learn more about selling your house with a New Jersey real estate agent vs. selling your house to a trusted, local, investor! Give us a call or send us a message today! (908)456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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6 Things You Can Do To Stop Foreclosure of Your New Jersey House
By Cardwell Thaxton
For homeowners who want to stop foreclosure in New Jersey, the future can look pretty grim. In our latest post, we offer 6 ways homeowners can stop foreclosure of their homes in the New Jersey area.
Has it become difficult to pay your mortgage each month? Are the bills piling up, with no end in sight? At some point, before the bank comes in and takes your home, you need to find a way out. Keep reading to learn more about what you can do and how The Cardwell Thaxton Group can help you stop the foreclosure of your house in New Jersey.
Sell Immediately
In order to stop foreclosure of your house in New Jersey, a direct and fast sale is often the best way to go. The Cardwell Thaxton Group is a professional buyer in New Jersey that will help you sell your house fast, stopping the banks and avoiding the destruction of your credit. Not all buyers are the same – The Cardwell Thaxton Group is dedicated to helping homeowners in difficult situations, providing fair solutions that make sense for all parties involved. While you may not receive the retail price, you will be able to sell in just a few days saving you thousands on commissions, repairs, and holding costs. Giving up your home can feel difficult, but it is better to sell by choice than to have the bank come in and forcefully take over the property.
Borrow Money
For some homeowners, borrowing money from a family member can be a quick solution to stop the bank. However, this isn’t a long-term solution to your financial struggles. If the mortgage has become difficult to pay now, it’s likely that it will be difficult to pay going forward. Getting into a pattern of continuously borrowing money will only get you into more debt, but this time it will be with multiple creditors. Borrowing money from loved ones can also strain your relationships with the people that you care about, making your difficult situation feel that much worse.
Ask For Forgiveness
One option when you are struggling to make your mortgage payments is to reach out to your lender and explain the situation. In some cases, you will be able to defer a payment or work out a payment plan to make up what you owe. That said, you will still have to find a way to pay your debts. Deferring the problem will only push things back, it won’t magically get you caught up or erase the debt you are in. Asking for forgiveness is a one-time thing, to help deal with an unexpected situation… not something to bail you out long term. Loan forgiveness is also known as loan forbearance and is used after an illness, a loss, or anther one-off circumstance.
Refinancing your property can help you to achieve a lower monthly payment, but there is a cost. If you choose to refinance with a hard money loan, your interest rates can be through the roof. While this may help you to save your house from the bank, it will ultimately cost you more money in the long run. You can also work with your current lender to refinance your current loan; however, you need to prove you will not have trouble with your payments going forward.
Rent The Property To Someone Else
If you aren’t able to pay the mortgage yourself, maybe someone else can. Of course, This means that you will need to quickly find somewhere else to live at a price you can more easily afford. You’ll first need to find high-quality tenants who you can count on to pay the rent each month. If your situation allows, you could also choose to rent out a bedroom in your home for some extra cash, while you continue to live in the home as well. Just make sure boundaries are set on both sides so that everyone is comfortable with the living arrangements. Having the wrong people move in can cause you to default on your mortgage, anyway, ending up with the same result of losing your New Jersey house to foreclosure.
Declare Bankruptcy
Nobody is thrilled about having to declare bankruptcy, but it orders to fight off foreclosure, it may be the answer you have been waiting for. Declaring bankruptcy will restructure your debt and create a payment plan to get you back on track. While this won’t look good when applying for loans in the future, it can be a way for you to keep your current home, stopping the banks in their tracks.
At The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we want to help you stop the foreclosure of your New Jersey property. Our team can help you review your options and make you a no-obligation offer to help you sell quickly. Let our team help you quickly and efficiently handle any difficult property or situation you are dealing with.
If you are having trouble paying the mortgage, we can help you stop foreclosure of your New Jersey house! Send us a message or call The Cardwell Thaxton Group today! (908) 456-1593.
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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A List of The Paperwork You’ll Need To Sell Your House In New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
There is a list of paperwork you’ll need to sell your house in New Jersey. The stack of paperwork you’ll encounter when selling your house is a big one. There are papers you’ll need before listing, documents for listing, documents when an offer is made, and documents for the closing. While it might seem like a lot, don’t fret! Handling one piece of paper at a time will make things easy for you. Get your ducks in a row to sell your house in New Jersey!
Selling your house in New Jersey will require a lot of paperwork, but you don’t have to feel overwhelmed. In this post, we will review some of the paperwork required to sell your house in New Jersey. Keep in mind that there are different requirements depending on where the house is located, so you’ll want to confirm everything with an agent or lawyer before you begin the selling process.
Documents For Listing
CMA Report
Before listing your house, you’ll want to obtain a CMA for your property. The CMA will provide you with information on recent area sales so you can determine what you should be asking for your house.
Listing Contract
Your listing contract will give your agent the exclusive right to sell your house in New Jersey. Before agreeing to a listing, make sure you understand what is included and what isn’t.
In addition to these documents, some states have special items they require while the property is listed. Make sure you have everything required so you aren’t subject to any costs or fees!
Any defect or problem with the house will need to be disclosed to your potential buyers. You’ll need to provide this information on a disclosure statement. This is the law and can be considered fraud if known items aren’t disclosed.
Receipts and Repair History
Your buyers are going to know what was done and when. They’ll want to know who was used, what services were performed, who did the work, and what sort of guarantees are offered. It’s a good idea to keep a folder of all of your home repair documentation so everything is in one spot and easily accessible.
Preliminary Title Report
A preliminary title report will show your potential buyers that the house is owned by you, that you are up to date on your taxes, and that there are no liens against the property that can impede the sale process.
Warranty Information
Your buyers will want to know about the home warranty as well as the warranty of any appliances that are included in the home sale.
Paperwork After An Offer
Purchase Offer
A purchase offer lays out the initial terms and framework of the deal. It expresses your buyer’s intent to buy. It is not the final contract as the terms of the purchase agreement may change as more is discovered about the property.
If your buyer is working with a lender to purchase your home, an appraisal will be required. If the house appraises for less than what is being offered, you may find yourself in negotiations with your buyer and their bank, or the sale may end up falling through completely. (With a direct sale to The Cardwell Thaxton Group, you won’t have to worry about an appraisal or the deal falling through.)
Inspection Report
The inspection report will show if there are and structural problems, infestations, or issues with the property that need to be dealt with. If there are problems with the house that weren’t mentioned in the disclosures, your buyer will negotiate on price or ask you to repair before the sale is finalized.
Purchase Agreement
The purchase agreement is the final contract to buy the home. It lays out all of the details of the transaction and protects all parties involved. It will clearly lay out what is being paid, what is owed, and the timeline for the selling process.
The deed is the final document in the home sale. It legally transfers ownership from one person to another. The deed will need to be filed and recorded as quickly as possible.
Leave The Paperwork To Us Instead!
The paperwork mentioned above covers just a few of the things you will need to sell your house in New Jersey the traditional way. That said, when you sell your house to The Cardwell Thaxton Group, all of the paperwork will be handled for you! You won’t have to waste time wondering if you have the right document, if you filed it with the right person, or if you filled it out correctly. We are very experienced buyers who can help you through the entire process making sure everything is handled legally and timely. If you’re ready to sell your house in New Jersey, let us provide you with a great offer! We’ll handle all of the details to make the sale a success!
Ready to sell your house in New Jersey? Learn about the paperwork you will need to facilitate the process! Reach out to us today to learn more! (908) 456-1593 
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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Key Real Estate Terms To Know When You Want To Sell Your House Fast in New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
If you are hoping to sell your house fast in New Jersey, there are some real estate terms you should become familiar with. Below, we’ve compiled some of the lesser-known terms you might hear when selling your house in New Jersey. Please feel free to reach out to us if there is anything else you would like to know about the selling process. We are happy to answer all of your questions.
Appraised Price
An appraised value is an evaluation of a property’s value by a professional appraiser. This can be done during the mortgage origination process or by the buyer or seller privately to help determine the value of the property. An appraisal can also be used for tax purposes or after a divorce.
Assessed Value
The assessed value of a property helps determine how much a homeowner will need to pay in property taxes. The property appraiser will take into account location information, inspection information for the home, and recent home sales in the area.
Carrying Costs
The carrying costs are the costs you are facing each month to own the home. This includes things like your tax payments, insurance premiums, utility bills, and maintenance costs.
Clear Title
A clear title means that there aren’t any other ownership claims to the property, nor are there any liens against the house.
Comparative Market Analysis
A comparative market analysis, or CMA, provides information to help determine the value of the property. It takes into account recent sales to help you figure out what your house is currently worth.
A contingency is a stipulation in the contract that needs to be met before the contract is legal and binding.
A covenant formal agreement in which one party gives the other certain assurances. An example would be covenants of warranty in a warranty deed.
A delinquency occurs when a homeowner defaults on their loan. This is when a lender will actively begin the collections process, even initiating foreclosure.
A disclosure is a document that the seller provides the buyer, letting them know about any problems, defects, or known issues with the property. Failing to disclose a problem with your home can be considered fraud.
An encumbrance is a claim against the property that restricts its transfer or use. A property lien is considered an encumbrance.
A foreclosure occurs when a homeowner fails to make their mortgage payment, typically for 90 days. The owner waives all rights to the property and the home becomes the possession of the bank.
Inclusions are personal property that is included in the home sale. This can be things like appliances, furniture, or outdoor items.
Market Value
Market value is a valuation of the property in which the parties are free of pressure to complete the transaction and all details of the house are known. It can be formulated by finding the average between the highest price a buyer would pay and the lowest price a seller would accept.
Mechanic’s Lien
A mechanic’s lien is a lien against the property which will secure the payment of contractors, laborers, and those who provide materials.
Negative Amortization
While amortization refers to paying off your loan, negative amortization happens when the payments you are making aren’t enough to cover the interest and the amount you owe becomes greater as opposed to less.
Quitclaim Deed
A quitclaim deed transfers the interest in real property from one person to another.
A sale-leaseback occurs when a buyer purchases a property and then leases it back to the occupant.
Short Sale
A short sale occurs when an owner sells their property for less than what is owed, allowing the lender to recoup some of the cost of the loan as an alternative to foreclosure.
The title refers to who has legal ownership and who can legally use the property. Just like a car, it is how you claim ownership of the property.
Title Defect
A title defect is when there is an adverse claim, somewhere in the chain of ownership. It can have an impact on who has legal rights to the property.
Voluntarily giving up a right, claim or privilege. It removes liability for the other party in the agreement.
When trying to sell your house fast in New Jersey, you will likely hear a lot of real estate jargon thrown your way. It’s important to know what is being said and how the terms used will impact you. Do your homework before selling your house fast in New Jersey so you don’t miss something you should have been aware of!
If you have questions about these, or other real estate terms when selling your house in New Jersey, don’t be afraid to reach out! We are happy to answer all of your questions, providing you with the info you need! Contact The Cardwell Thaxton Group today to learn more! (908) 456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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6 Signs You Don’t Need To Hire A New Jersey Real Estate Agent To Sell Your House
By Cardwell Thaxton
Did you know that you are not required to hire a real estate agent if you want to sell your house in New Jersey? In fact, for some people, selling a house through a traditional listing takes up more time and money than it’s worth. Below, we offer 6 signs that selling your house with a real estate agent in New Jersey may not be the best choice for you! 
There are many reasons why local New Jersey homeowners choose not to hire a real estate agent in New Jersey to help them sell. Some people want to save time, others want to save money. Some people will be able to do both by avoiding the MLS and agents altogether. Keep reading to learn more about why a direct sale of your house to The Cardwell Thaxton Group, may be the solution you have been waiting for!
You Have Another House You’re Ready To Buy
If you are ready to buy another house, you don’t want to have to wait around for your New Jersey property to sell. Listing with an agent can take months, plus the process can be very expensive. If you are ready to buy another house, especially if you have already picked one out, selling your current house with a real estate agent may cause you to miss out on the purchase! This can be devastating to people who find their dream home and have to watch as someone else moves in. If you have another house, you are ready to buy, selling your current New Jersey property to a direct buyer may be the right choice for you.
You Don’t Want To Make Repairs
Depending on the condition of the house you want to sell in New Jersey, you may not want to worry about making repairs before you sell it. For some houses, it can cost a fortune to make them competitive with others on the market. You could find yourself spending thousands of dollars, without any return. If you want to sell your house as-is, without making any repairs, it can be best to work with a direct buyer to sell your house fast in New Jersey. We will buy your house as-is, so you can finally sell no matter what condition the house is in.
You Don’t Want To Wait Around
Waiting around to receive your cash can cost you a fortune. Listing with a real estate agent can take months, all the while you are having to deal with the bills and expenses that come with owning the house. You will still have to pay to keep the lights on, mow the lawn, and for the property taxes as long as you are the owner. Selling your house directly to The Cardwell Thaxton Group will allow you to close in a fraction of the time, while still receiving a great price for the home. You’ll be able to end all of your ownership costs in just a few days instead of months down the road.
You Don’t Want To Deal With Showings
Having to keep your house staged and ready for showings can be a lot of work… especially if your agent is doing their job by garnering a lot of attention to the property. Dealing with showing after showing, having strangers walk through your house, and dealing with keeping it clean can be one of the biggest hassles when you decide to list. With a direct sale, you will be able to sell your house as-is, without any property showings to worry about. You won’t have to clean the house or invite strangers in to see your property. Many home sellers are grateful to be able to skip the showing process altogether!
You Don’t Want To Market The House
Marketing a house for sale can take a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of money. Between the buyer questions, phone calls, online ads, property showings, people stopping in unannounced, photography, and other professional marketing services, the process can cost a bundle and take up a lot of your time. Some agents include all of this in their services, while others only provide the basics. You could find yourself spending a lot of time and money marketing a property without any real returns which is frustrating for anyone who wants to sell their house fast in New Jersey.
You’re Dealing With A Difficult Situation
Selling a house in New Jersey can require a lot of work. For homeowners in certain situations, working with an agent isn’t the best choice. If you are dealing with a difficult problem such as trouble paying the mortgage, a sudden move for work, foreclosure, or an inherited house, you may be looking to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
You do not need to hire a New Jersey real estate agent to help you sell your house! Give us a call or send us a message to learn more about what we can offer! (908)456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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5 Tips To Help You Sell Your House In New Jersey As-Is
By Cardwell Thaxton
Ready to sell your house in New Jersey As-Is? Before you spend money making repairs, taking the time to clean it, or signing a listing agreement binding you to an agent for an extended period of time, you may want to learn more about your other options. Find out how selling your house directly, as-is to a professional buyer will benefit you! There are 5 tips to help you sell your house in New Jersey As-Is.
There are many reasons why someone would want to sell a house in New Jersey as-is. Maybe they are worried about foreclosure, getting a divorce, tired of bad tenants, or they don’t want to make the repairs necessary to sell the house on the New Jersey area MLS. Selling as-is makes things easier but may not net you the price you are after. With our tips below, you will be able to sell your house in New Jersey as-is, so you can quickly and easily move on with your life.
Showcase The Potential
When selling your house as-is in New Jersey, it’s important to show your potential buyers what can be. With a little love and some elbow grease, the property could become the house they have always dreamed of, and it is up to you to let them know. You can even use a simulation program to design, repair, and furnish the space, giving your buyers an idea of what could be after they put in a little work. If your house requires a lot of repairs, renovations, and upgrades, you will have a lot of potential buyers who take one look and walk away, but don’t give up! It is possible to sell your house as-is in New Jersey. While the MLS may not always be the right place for the house, there is a direct buyer out there who is ready to purchase your house as-is in New Jersey!
Focus on The Positive
When trying to find a buyer for your house in New Jersey, and you want to sell as-is, you’ll want to highlight all of the great things the property offers. Maybe it is in a great location, maybe there is a new HVAC unit, or maybe the schools in the area are some of the best around. If your house isn’t the most aesthetically appealing on the block, make sure to bring your buyer’s attention to what makes the property so great. Be sure to highlight all of the great things about the home so that is what they remember instead of the things that are wrong with it. By highlighting the positive, your buyers will have less time to dwell on the negative aspects of the home. That said, make sure any property defects are properly disclosed so you don’t have to worry about defrauding your potential buyers.
Lower Your Asking Price
Sadly, when homeowners choose to list their homes in New Jersey, in order to sell it fast, they will likely need to lower their prices. There might be a lot of competition out there and in order to really get a buyer’s attention, you’ll want to price your house to sell fast. If you have had the house on the market for a long time, this may be the best way to say goodbye to your unwanted house once and for all. Keep in mind that a low price, plus agent costs, commissions, repair costs, and marketing costs may not be the solution you’re after. You may want to sell your house directly to avoid having to also spend money on the sale itself. Keep in mind that a direct sale will help you sell your house as-is and walk away.
Offer A Credit
If the house you want to sell in New Jersey requires a number of repairs, it may make sense to offer your buyers a “credit” they can use to make repairs or fix up the property as they see fit. Many buyers actually like this idea as they will be free to make the improvements to the property according to their personal styles and preferences. Of course, this will take away from what you ultimately receive at the closing table, but it can be a great way to attract more buyers to the property.
Find A Direct Buyer
The fastest and easiest way to sell your house in New Jersey is to sell your house to a direct buyer who is ready to purchase the property as-is. Working with an agent can cost a lot of money as can the repairs that are required can add up to a small fortune. But when you work with a company like New Jersey, the process is quick and easy. We’ll let you know what we can offer without having to worry about a low-ball offer, red-tape, or obligation.
Do you want a fast and fair way to sell your house in New Jersey as-is? Reach out to The Cardwell Thaxton Group to find out what we can offer you! You might be surprised at what we can do! (908)456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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Sell Your Unwanted House In New Jersey To Take Advantage of The Low-Interest Rates
By Cardwell Thaxton
Now is the time to sell your unwanted house in New Jersey to take advantage of the low-interest rates! 
Price Appropriately
The number one thing that will sell your unwanted house in New Jersey is to offer it for sale at an appropriate asking price. Spend some time and research the recent comparable sales in the close area to the property. Make sure to analyze all aspects of the property: whether or not it has a pool or access to a body of water or canal, the year the property was built, the proximity to shopping plazas, grocery stores, or other points of interest in the neighborhood. Determine the appropriate asking price by using the most recent sales possible, preferably in the past 6 months. If there are no recent comps in the offer, consider using other properties in the area and subtracting or adding value based on features that your property does or does not have. If you offer the property for sale too far below market, then buyers might believe there is something wrong with the property.
Sell to a Home Buyer
If you are in an urgent need to sell your house in New Jersey, selling to a professional home buyer might be the option for you. They usually provide cash offers with an extremely quick closing time frame and may or may not require an inspection first. The home buyer will usually have a large network of investors with multiple portfolio types and can easily add your property to it. You can use this quick cash to have your down payment for your next property to take advantage of the low-interest rates.
Offer Owner Financing
There are many future buyers that are looking for a lending alternative who may not have the best financial history on paper but are honestly trying to improve their situation. Offering owner financing might be a great option to open up your house to more buyers, just make sure to do a background and reference check. Owner financing would also be a great option if you are looking for long term monthly payments. This would be a great option if you already have the down payment for your new house.
Find a Property
It is important to do research on your next purchase before jumping into something to take advantage of the low-interest rates. Check out the schools, entertainment, access to shopping and groceries. Check that the taxes are paid, check the zoning, verify if the property is in a property owners association, this will cost you over time and eat into your rental profits. Make sure you conduct an inspection of the house you are interested in; most lenders will require this anyway. You want to make sure you pick a house with a good structure, a comfortable floor plan, and some curb appeal.
Find a Mortgage
The mortgage rates are at a low point right now, take advantage of this opportunity! Lower interest rates mean the lenders are more willing to originate loans. Shop around different mortgage companies to find the best rate you can get with your financial situation. Keep your credit score in mind and contact multiple lenders to see what they can do for you. Choose the lender that has the lowest interest rate with the length of payment and type of loan that works for you and the property you plan on purchasing. Having a pre-approved letter in hand will give you the advantage when making an offer on your new house.
Call The Cardwell Thaxton Group today at (908)456-1593 or send us a message to discuss selling your unwanted house in New Jersey to take advantage of the low-interest rates!
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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5 Things You Should Do To Sell Your House Fast In NJ
By Cardwell Thaxton
You could be selling your house for any number of reasons, but once you decide you want to sell, of course, you want to sell your house fast in New Jersey. Here are some things you should do to sell your house fast in New Jersey.
Appropriate Asking Price
The number one thing that will sell your house fast in New Jersey is to offer it for sale at an appropriate asking price. Spend some time and research on the recent comparable sales in the close area to the property. Make sure to analyze all aspects of the property: whether or not it has a pool or access to a body of water or canal, the year the property was built, the proximity to shopping plazas, grocery stores, or other points of interest in the neighborhood. Determine the appropriate asking price by using the most recent sales possible, preferably in the past 6 months. If there are no recent comps in the offer, consider using other properties in the area and subtracting or adding value based on features that your property does or does not have. If your asking price is too high, you may not receive as many offers because that lends a buyer to believe you do not really want to sell your property. If you offer the property for sale too far below market, then buyers might believe there is something wrong with the property.
Aesthetic Improvements
Making affordable and necessary upgrades and improvements to the property will definitely help sell your house fast. If a buyer can walk into the house and imagine themselves and their family living in the house, this will definitely help sell the property faster. Offering a unique feature in the property such as a custom bar on the back porch might help a buyer fall in love with the property and make an offer quickly and be willing to pay a higher price.
Host Open Houses
Hosting an open house will help sell it fast. This will encourage the local real estate professionals to visit the house in hopes that it will meet the criteria of one of their clients. If a real estate professional is out searching for client houses, this means that their clients are pre-approved and ready for a quick sale. The real estate professional may even like the property for themselves! Other potential buyers will also attend; however, some of them may not be pre-qualified or even able to obtain a loan. 
If you are an investor who flips properties, you most likely know other real estate professionals, or professionals of related fields, such as pool cleaners, property inspectors, or contractors. These connections have access to a large word of mouth database made of the customers they do business with and can mention your property to them, especially if they mention that they are in the market for a new home. Even if you are not a real estate investor, make sure to tell all of your friends and family your house is on the market. This is a great way to spread the word.
Prepare a Proforma
For multi-family property or even single-family residences, preparing a proforma for the property will be another tool to sell your house fast. This will be especially attractive if your property is multi-family because this is the most important part of an investment: the return on investment! Doing your research on the rental market in the area will definitely be worth it because it is the backup of your estimated rental amount. Investors will be able to compare this with the initial investment they are making and determine if it meets their investment goals.
Call The Cardwell Thaxton Group today at (908)456-1593 or send us a message to discuss these and other things you should do to sell your house fast in New Jersey.
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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cardwellthaxton · 1 year
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How To Sell A Hoarder House In New Jersey
By Cardwell Thaxton
If you are dealing with a property with years and years’ worth of acquired possessions, the idea of selling can seem overwhelming. Below, we offer some tips to help you sell your hoarder house fast in New Jersey, without the costs or stress you may expect! 
Do you own a hoarder house in New Jersey? Or maybe you want to help a friend or family member sell a house that has most stuff than you know what to do with. Either, way, the tips below will help you sell your hoarder house fast in New Jersey. And remember, we will make you an offer for your hoarder house as-is, making it easy to sell without any hassles. Keep reading for more great tips!
Get Organized
When you see all of the items piled up, filling closets, cupboards, and rooms, you may feel very overwhelmed. It can be difficult to even know where to begin. You’ll want to organize yourself in the way that makes the most sense. You can start by putting like-kind items together. This way you can go through said items, determining what to give away and what to keep. Or you could plan to go room by room through the house, deciding what to do with the items as you go. You’ll want to designate space for the items you want to take with you, what you want to sell, what you want to give away, and what you want to throw in the trash. Not only do you need to organize the house, but you will also need to organize your plan of attack.
Be Ruthless
A lot of the items will have to go. You need to be mentally prepared for this before you say goodbye to your stuff. Take heart in knowing that your usable items are going to people who need them. If you have a lot of things, you are keeping out of sentiment, it can be a good idea to take photos, which can be stored digitally, not taking up any space. Even if you decide to print a few out, a photo album takes up much less space than your boxes of trophies, old clothing, and books you don’t want to forget about. You can implement some of the strategies taught by Marie Kondo to eliminate all of the excess clutter once and for all. You need to be ruthless and remind yourself that stuff is just stuff. If you really want to sell your house without the help of a direct buyer, you may find that you have some work to do. Your only option is to get in there and do the work.
Focus on The Good
If you decide to list a hoarder house, showing it before everything has been cleaned out, you’ll need to get creative in your presentation. Seeing the piles of junk that have piled up over time can send many people running the other way. You want to help your buyers see what can be. Highlight the big windows, the big yard, or the new appliances. Whatever is great about the house, make sure it is highlighted front and center. People base a lot of their buying decision on their first impressions of the property. If you are selling a hoarder house in New Jersey the traditional way, you’ll want to do everything you can to make your prospective buyer’s impressions of the house a good one! When you highlight the great things about the house, hopefully, the not-so-great things aren’t as apparent. That said, you will need to disclose every potential problem with the house to your potential buyers, not doing so can be considered fraud.
Sell The House As-is… Junk and All
The fastest, easiest, and most stress-free way to sell a hoarder house in New Jersey is to sell it to an honest, professional, and experienced homebuyer such as The Cardwell Thaxton Group. When you sell to us, we will but the house as-is, no matter what you want to leave behind. We will handle your unwanted hoarder house in New Jersey, junk and all! You will be able to sell the house without any cleaning, repairs, or property showings. You can have all the time you need to clean out what you wish to keep… we will close whenever you are ready.
If you need to sell a hoarder house in New Jersey, reach out to our team before committing to an agent. Our team will make sure the selling process is fast and easy so you can sell your house fast in New Jersey without any extra costs, hassles, or wasted time!
Do you need to sell a hoarder house in New Jersey? Whether you have more stuff than you know what to do with, you inherited a house, or you’ve had a hoarder tenant occupying the home, our team can help! Reach out to us today to learn more! (908)456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] https://www.sellmyhousefastnewjersey.org/
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