#and the part that killed me was that as my friend kept introducing new plot things and side characters
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miodiodavinci · 8 months ago
well the last set of tags got cut off on that so long story short forgive me for rambling anon OTL
the real answer to your question is i have ADHD and very little to offer but that's okay because i'm having fun with my friends instead w
i saw that you used to hint at oc stuff on twitter (don't ask me why im digging im looking for zola stuff lmao) why don't you post more about them?
i am simply terrified that if i post oc things online someone will steal the concept and run with it faster and better than i ever could have and then i will be devastated forever and ever
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more seriously i have very little to show for any of my oc things (adhd brain making life difficult as per usual awawawawawa) and every time i've shared oc things in the past i've ended up never following up on it and it makes me feel bad and guilty so i've just convinced myself i will Never talk about my ocs until i have something substantial i can put out there
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Dead Friend Forever - Post Ep 8 Theory Recap
This has taken a few days because I wanted to get all my thoughts in order. This show continues to be amazing and it continues to make wheels spin in my head. I am very happy that more people are starting to watch this amazing show.
Firstly I wanted to shout out some amazing post I have seen since episode 8 came out:
First this post for all the people readings this that have not caught up with DFF and are worried about Triggers/Squicks and the horror stuff there is this post by @wen-kexing-apologist
This post about the argument between Non's parents by @fracturediron
This post analyzing the movie posters in Non and Jin's room and what that might mean for the plot @lukaherehelp and this other post about the posters here by @syrena-del-mar
These two posts by @mikuni14 here (which raises an important point I will eleborate on later) and here (about Non's fate, an opinion I share, aka Non is dead - Although I wouldn't personally put it past Dr Sammon to find a way to have kept him alive that makes sense, like @respectthepetty point out here both Dr Sammon and the Pit Babe writers are not strangers to a character being "dead" then revealed to be alive. Of course both writers have killed a character before, but under very different circumstances, so it's not like there is no hope at all)
And finally last but not least this theory about Tan being New that I find very interesting here by @tbhimnoteasyonmyself
Ok now onto my thoughts.
I wanted to take a moment to appriciate how nuanced the depiction of Non's breakdown was this episode. So many horror stories relay on mental illness and disability to make their killers scary or crazy or deformed, that I have been worried about how this story will use those aspect of Non going further. While those worries have not gone away completely. They have significantly calmed down.
The writing makes it really obvious that it wants us to root for Non, and wants us to be at his side, and it's also makes it very clear that Non's breakdown this episode was due to all the factors componding, the bullying, the thing with the mafia and the cops, the money, family pressure, the thing with the teacher, the thing with Phee, it all just came to a head together. The breakdown doesn't rely soley on his mental illness.
The next part I found very interesting this episode was the argument between the parents and the absense of Non's brother still.
I think the fact that we have not seen Non try to reach out to his brother for comfort at all makes me think that their parents (especially their Mom) different treatment of the two of them drove a wedge between them. Which is probably going to make New even more angry and guilty. @tbhimnoteasyonmyself pointed this out in his post and I agree I do not think New has been told about anything before Non went missing, and given the fact that he is abroad, he might have not have had the oppurtinity to come back before. Althought if he is in the USA then there should be a way for him to say to the University, my brother went missing I have to go back and be allowed to do that witouth a major impact on his school. So I am assuming he went back after Non was called missing. Either his parents caved and told him, or someone send him either the news or the video of his brother online and then he got his parents to tell him the truth.
I am very curious about his mental state and why he is being kept so secret. The fact that there are no pictures and Non doesn't talk about him can be explained by the extrangment in universe, but I am more curious about the narrative/out of universe benefits/reasons for introducing New so late in the game. If he is Tan then we lost valuable time with a memeber of the cast, and if he is not then that actor is going to have to work double time to sell us on his character in such a short ammount of time.
Which brings us to the big mysteries, the things I am most curious about besides New, which are 1) Why did it take them so long to get revenge? 2) How many killers are there, and what is their plan exactly?
Like @mikuni14 pointed out in the post I linked above, it seems really weird that it would take them 3 years to get to their revenge plan. It doesn't really feel like it would be all that complicated to get that bunch of boys drunk or high and get some information out of them. So why wait? What killed their momentum?
I read a post (that I can't find anymore sorry) talking about how Keng seem to be working for someone to get information on Tee's Uncle. And that got me thinking about the shot of the newspaper with the news about Tee's Uncle
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Which I can't translate fully but seems to hint that the uncle is being investigated about money laundry.
So, what if whover was working with Keng (probably journalist) are helping Phee and New/Tan (writing them like that because I am not sure if they are the same person or not) investing their brother but in turn they have to help them with Tee's Uncle. I'll explain.
If my theory about three killers is correct, then New is going to be someone else, someone older. He and Phee are going to connect first. Then they are going to get caught snooping by whover is building a case against Tee's Uncle (I am leaning towards journalists, Dr. Sammon as used the investigative journalist characters before), in which case Tan could be working with this other person. And this person team (side not Perth, could be a member of this other team as well, he went from background in a shot to rubbing Tee's Uncle shoulders in the most recent episode) could coinvince Phee and New to help them, you help us with the this mafia guy we help you find out what happened to Non.
I think this theory works both with New being a third person and with Tan being the brother. It would just mean that they are getting helped by someone from this other team. I am voting for Perth because he has a connection to Tee and I have seen a lot of reactions video clips from the cast to various episodes and he is always with them, like he is playing an important role not just a random side character.
It could explain why it's taking them so long, they have to take out the Uncle first, he is the big shot, the real criminal, the one with the weapons. The one that actually knows what happened to Non. Which means that if he is dead, Phi and New might have just gotten confirmation on it, which would made them pretty damn angry. And it would mean that them asking questions to the boys was less about figuring out what they did and more get them to confess.
That is all I have for now. I really love how much this show is getting me to ask questions and giving me a push to make more posts. This show continues to be great and I can't wait to see the finale.
EDIT: Literally just saw this post on @respectthepetty's blong but apparently the Uncle is dead. I am going insane.
I think my theory still holds. I am definately sure there are three killers and Perth is helping the third killer or is the third killer (depending on If Non is alive, which is looking a bit more likely, if Tan is New or if New is someone else).
I now think that this other team/person that was getting Keng to help was not a journalist but had their own motivations. Like a vigilante maybe, someone who killed before and who would be 100% comfartable taking out a guy by decapitating him, like with Uncle Dang??
But it does makes sense it's taking them this long, Tee's uncle look like a big shot it must not be easy to take him out.
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shadelorde · 6 months ago
Since you say that they're genuinely interesting, I'm going to take you up on it and pick the third “Untitled Doc” in the row for the WIP game :)
OOOH BOY you picked a good one!! This one isn’t particularly long, but it goes over a very important plot point in SAU (miqui’s and my book)
TW discussions of trafficking in a fictional context, depictions of drugging, and gore
So! This scene establishes two things. It introduces an organization of people who hunt, capture, and sell spirits, and introduces an important character I haven’t told you about yet - Janelle!
The lead-up to this scene is that Raava was captured by spirit hunters, and bought by someone incredibly rich. Amma had followed her to the mansion, but when she got there…someone had killed the man first.
So here’s some snippets! (It formatted really weirdly 😭 sorry I format within my docs for an AO3 layout)
The man was already dead.
Crushed ribs, blood spattering the walls and pooling beneath him, an entire arm ripped off without a trace of where it went.
Amma drew her baton, and with a flick of her wrist, extended the trident tip. She had come here for her wife.
Who had found Raava first?
She crept through the massive house. It was darkened, for the most part, though there were rooms with windows where the offensively cheery sun streamed in. Which one of these rooms was her wife being held within?
Amma knew of the people who hunted spirits, and she knew of the people who bought them.
The man had been rich, of course. A spirit like Raava would have been sold for a high price, and the drugs that keep spirits docile and usable weren’t much less difficult to obtain.
It made her sick.
He was lucky to have been found dead by her.
This spirit was unusual.
Janelle had saved plenty - she’d seen almost every scenario, from the freshly captured to those who had given up hope years ago, torn apart by the agony of their existence within the iron chains of the trafficking network.
This was a classic case, for the most part - this spirit was pretty, and someone had bought her in the hopes of showing her off to his fellow rich friends. A display of his money, so much that not only could he afford a spirit like this, but also buy his way out of the legal systems that were supposedly preventing the trafficking. He had also been easy to kill, unaware that there were threats that money could not save him from.
But this spirit was powerful. Janelle could smell it on her. This was no minor spirit. She did not hold power over only a territory or a forest - it was faded, but she had the unmistakable scent of a worldspirit.
How could an old worldspirit have gotten mixed up in this?
Her name was Raava. The name was imprinted into her soulsong.
Janelle didn’t know anything else about her. Her mind was so tangled and trapped by the drugs that kept her docile that Janelle wasn’t sure if Raava knew anything besides her name about herself in this state. There was only a thick haze of forced serenity.
She must have fought viciously if she was this heavily drugged.
Now, she simply stared blankly at a flower in the grass as Janelle circled, planning her next move. The withdrawal would be brutal, once the drugs wore off, and Janelle could tell by the way she moved that Raava had other - clearly neglected - illnesses.
It was her.
So that was how Raava ended up here.
“Xóchitl.” Janelle circled in front of Raava, hiding her from the view of the woman who’d clearly ruined her life. “Looking for new spirits to exploit for your experiments, now?” Bared her teeth. They were sharp, and she was quick. She would not fall prey to the scientist’s tricks again.
Xóchitl’s eyes flicked downward to where Raava was hidden from view. “Is she okay?”
Is she- the audacity!
“So you do know her. Tell me, how much of her life have you destroyed too?”
The scientist made a soft noise. Clearly, she’d gotten better at faking distress. “Is she okay?”
Behind Janelle, Raava shifted, clumsily trying to get a better view of Xóchitl. “Amm…?” She mumbled foggily.
This was the first time Janelle heard her speak. Nothing she’d said before had prompted this strange spirit to respond.
“Raav-“ Xóchitl took a step forward, and Janelle let out a loud warning hiss, scooping up the other spirit with her tail.
“Take another step and I��ll rip you apart.”
“Give her back!” Metal flashed as Xóchitl raised her baton. It might have scared Janelle once, but it meant nothing now.
“So you can continue to use her for your twisted experiments? She has injuries outside of being drugged. Old ones, from before she was captured. Moved from using iron to mercury now, have you?”
“I didn’t-“
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scarebats · 1 year ago
this is just gonna be me explaining what i like and don’t like about each bttf and going into depth x
be warned my opinions are very strong and i wrote a lot😭
i did not check for spelling or grammar so expect mistakes!!
okay so for the first movie, i personally think that it’s an amazing introduction to a trilogy. in the beginning you’re wonderinf why marty is in a room with a bunch of clocks and such, overall you’re just curious about who he is. then it moves onto when he realizes he’s late for school n stuff. from how people react to him (like mr strickland who is also stinger) you can tell that he doesn’t have the best track record of being polite or tactical. also how it’s obvious how much he cares about jennifer and his music this is actually just me explaining the movie plot shit
so again i really like how each character is introduced, and i also like how marty and george have more similar traits when they’re both 17, because then they’re basically the same person. they’re in love with a girl, and are passionate about one this but can’t handle rejections. i like how they made marty so similar to 1955 george, but then different in the original 1985 because they didn’t fall in love how they’d wanted (not the best explanation) anyways i also find it funny how doc’s appearance doesn’t change for 30 years. idk i find that funny. and how doc has pictures of famous scientists instead of like family photos in the house that he inherited from his family😭 also!! in the original 1985, doc only had his shed (where the delorian was kept) and next to it was a burger king, and that’s because he blew all of his family fortune on failed projects. very sorry that i keep gettinf off track, i am very passionate about back to the future. anyways! i like how biff is generally the same in 1955 and original 1985, just his behaviour is less justified while he’s 47 years old😭 and in the new 1985 how he’s showed that he learned his place (which kinda confuses me because it was literally a singular punch that did that) but still has that same personality revealed in the second movie
honestly i think that how marty was literally the reason his parents got together, and then 30 years later (to his parents) his dad literally says to him “30 years ago, a young man once told me, you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it” LIKE HOW COULD HE NOT LOOK AT HIS SON AND THINK “OH SHIT IT WAS YOU” ??? i’m sorry that party makes me very angry. like the REASON that you are married to the love of your life is your son, who just so happens to look exactly like the man that gave you the piece of advice that you now live by. what a coincidence! you even fucking named your son after that man. like ITS SO FRUSTRATING.
i like how doc and marty’s relationship seems more closely bind together as father-son kind of, also bttf part 2 is my favourite!!! personally, i also enjoy how hill valley generally stays the same, just modified along with the times. like how the clock tower still stands and the café is still in service. it’s also a bit cliche how each movie has basically the same plot, just different scenes. also !! i think it’s cool how they include scenes from the first movie (the enchantment under the sea dance) into the second movie and created a whole new point of view to think about while you watch the first movie again. when griff (biff’s grandson) tries to get martin (marty’s son) along with his friends, the amount of groaning is insane… i’m just enjoying this part of the movie and then marty just takes his son’s hat and pretends to be him and then griff is groaning while spikes come out of nowhere and he fr tries to kill him like what. not to mention that he son is knocked out behind the bar of the café and marty couldn’t give any shits😭 and also how rude those two little kids were when marty was showing them how to play that video game (the one the foreshadows the end of the movie and the bttf part 3) “you have to use your hands!?” YES. YES YOU DO YOU SPOILED BRAT. that’s how they envisioned 2015 in 1988 thats so crazy to me. also jaws 19 😭 that’s just the portion of the movie that’s in 2015 tho. bro how jennifer is literally passed out in an alley for most of that too is so crazy
then like she wakes up and stuff and finds her future self and all that too but that’s not that interesting for me
i like the alternate 1985 where biff turned hill valley into like the strip in las vegas. he literally could’ve actually went to las vegas but he decided to stay in hill valley😭 made a museum of himself too like what. oh yeah i also like how much marty struggles to get the sports book back from biff in 1955 and he literally hides in mr stricklands office and it ends up being some explicit magazine😭 now onto the end of the movie… marty from bttf 1 finally goes back in the delorian and then doc is celebrating that one of his inventions work and stuff. then immediately after marty is already there and he’s like “you fucked shit up”
i absolutely hate how marty and doc’s character traits were basically flipped in the third movie. like suddenly marty is being reasonable and wants to get home, and doc fr starts saying “this is heavy” LIKE WHAT MARTY WAS DOING FOR THE PAST TWO MOVIES. and then he proceeds to throw any logic that he made clear himself put the window when he met clara😭 the same clara that was supposed to die off of that cliff and then be known as “clayton canyon” or something like that. one scene “me? falling in love? pfft” the very next scene “i will throw away the future of this guy who is like a son to me and myself for you” SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO DIE. i get the love at first sight and all but you’re gonna mess up literally everything man. also i know that they’re living in the old west, but their tans look so unnatural😭 and how 1955 doc specifically tells marty to change his shoes into boots when he gets there and the first thing that happens is he gets chased by a bear and uses the boots as a distraction to get away. those shoes are iconic fr (i own the same shoes) bttf part 3 is my least favourite movie in the franchise, mainly because it completely goes against how the characters act in the other two movies. also how jennifer was sleeping on her front porch since like the middle of bttf part 2 is insane😭 i get that it’s technically been october 25th since the first movie, but please she’s been asleep for like at least a week technically. omg i forgot maddog aka buford tannen😧 he like. challenges marty to a duel and then gets covered in manure again. it’s pretty funny
thank you to whoever actually read this💕
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beta-adjacent · 2 years ago
U have oc's? Can we hear about them? 👀
So!!!!!!! Y’all need context. Game Grumps. Y’all know of them, remember them? It doesn’t matter if you actually do, all that does matter is that you know I’ve loved them since I was a kid. I mean, I don’t watch their shit a lot nowadays but if there’s one series I almost Always try to keep up with its their horse girl games. The genre of horse girl games are Fascinating to me. I’ve never seen a play through that actually made it to the end of one, because the end is Never the point of a horse girl game. The point is making your dream horse, riding through open maps, grooming your dream horse, completing useless side quests, bonding with your dream horse!!!!! And Game Grumps is especially great at recognizing that because improv just tends to go off the rails in those games. And everytime I watch a horse girl game they play, and listen to the silly voices they do, I think about my own fictional horse girl universe.
So, introducing!!!!!!!!!
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Lemme break down the character.
At this phase, Camila is ≈12 years old, a prime time of the horse girl phase
In fact, she’s the main protag of a horse girl game (assuming I ever made this into a playable game lol)!!!
What’s the catch? She actually had her horse phase a Wayyyyyyyyyyy long time ago. Horses are for babies. Now she’s knee-deep in her emo emo phase. Gerard Way is her boyfriend and you can’t tell her otherwise. She writes bad FanFiction.net fanfics instead of doing her homework (A/N: n her 30 followurz LUV it!! >w<) . She even dyed her “scene kid” hair with Koolaid in secret…. Until it didn’t wash off in the sink 30 minutes later. It wasn’t so secret then.
All of this “rebellion” leads Camila’s mom to enroll her in a summer camp for horse riders. Does the mom actually enroll her because she doesn’t know how to connect to her kid and her new interests? Was this actually a camp the family saved up for years for Camila to go to, and aren’t going to let the money go to waste? Is the mom just looking for a way to get rid of her kid for the summer? …I have no clue yet.
But yes, as you’d imagine, Camila goes to this horse rider’s camp for the summer and meets generic friends and she kind of hates them all at first but slowly grows to realize they’re ok. And she does end up still loving her horse and having a lot of knowledge on them (even though it turns out she’s Really bad at riding them). And there’s a Nancy Drew-ass, save-the-animals plot that happens along the way because it’s a fucking horse girl game godammit!!!!
Point is that Camila is my humorous take of a horse girl game protag that I’d actually want to play as (because I hate self-inserts, sorry). She’s a fucking snot because she’s a 12 year old who thinks she knows how the world works.
Fashion note: she tries to have the emo fashion but she fails spectacularly. Honestly she shouldn’t even have the Paramore shirt, but the pink not-matching-at-all hoodie is accurate. Maybe she got the one band tee for Christmas from her cool aunt, and it's become a bit of a comfort item
So, my horse girl game takes place in 2006, ironically the summer right before the Wii launches (which is where a lot of these games are born). Camila has, and frequently uses, AOL (before it dies in late 2008ish). And there's one, single, archaic computer at the local library outside of the horse camp that she visits every week for her free hours.
So every week she talks to her online BFF…..
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Yes folks, that is indeed “Journey” with two ‘e’s. I think the name is cringe too, but I've kept it ever since I made them back in 2017, which is an extremely rare case for me, and I treasure that. Journee's actually part of an independent story from Camila (who was made in 2022). The intention with Journee has always been an emo who couldn’t actually look emo because their parents would kill them if they did.
But that gimmick is what makes Journee's inclusion in the horse girl game the crossover of a lifetime. Because Camila and Journee both need a friend who was also into emo shit, to fuel each other's obsession with it. Journee especially needs it because they canonically grow up to fulfill their emo fantasies (I haven't decided if Camila does the same). So the two work great for each other's individual stories.
Here’s how Journee's adapted into the Horse Girl Game AU:
In the original story, Journey is a whopping 14.5 years old, a freshman in high school. In this story, they're ≈12 years old. Older than Camila but honestly not by much, maybe 4 months!
A BIG fan of emo shit but their parents (obviously) won’t let them do anything. They think, "Camila’s lucky; at least Camila’s dad actually buys her Koolaid". Journee doesn't know Camila's dad actually bought it for her younger brother, and she stole it. But still, it's the principle! All Journee has is this gross tea their mom always makes to “promote more collagen” or whatever
Speaking of, Journee is one of those kids who got acne immediately as puberty started, and is absolutely going to gain acne scars as they grow up because they keep scratching at it.
Camila and Journee are online friends exclusively for an extremely long time; they met through a fanfic site a few months before the events of the horse girl game. Years later, they realize they actually lived embarrassingly close the whole time. They hang out a lot in-person in late high school, and then become mostly online friends again as they enter the adult world.
Note on the pronouns: I use they/them exclusively for Journee because Journee has always been one when I've written them. We're at a tricky spot in Journee's timeline because they are 12, nearly three years before their gender crisis-- meaning, they wouldn't be using they/them pronouns at this age. But I don't know what Journee's agab is; all I know is that when Camila befriends them, they pretend to be the opposite gender for a while. Just, tl;dr-- If I were ever to make the game, Journee's name wouldn't be Journee and they wouldn't be using they/them yet, but it absolutely still is Journee.
And in case you were interested, here's a rough idea of what they look like grown up (around 20s?). Camila I'm still questioning what route I wanna take with her, but I have a Very specific design for Journee and this piccrew does NOT do it justice. But I still need you to understand their dynamic is exactly the fucking same as it was when they were twelve and it's Hilarious.
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These are not my first OCs by far but they're the ones I've cared about most recently (this crossover idea only happened maybe... a month ago? So the hype is still fresh). If you're interested in them, their stories, or any other characters I've made, lemme know! None of my characters/stories are particularly deep or insightful, but I still love them.
And here's the piccrews I used because I hate when people don't include links for that shit.
The solos
The group
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justash02 · 2 years ago
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Pairing; Min Yoongi X reader
Plot; in a world where two people, a boy and a girl. All from different district get put into a game, were the only rule is to be killed or kill. Y/n finds herself in a tricky situation when one of her friends seems all to friendly with the other tributes.
Find all my k-pop related work here -> masterlist
Requests are; open! Please if you have a request let me know :) I’ll be more than happy to make it!
Omg a post I’ve made like 2 years ago-
“Y/n L/n!”
My mind seemed to shot off as the words of Effie Trinket fell from her mouth, my leg didn’t seem to move as everyone turn to me. I could see the pity the eyes but what use did it have? Like their pity is going to not get killed in this barbaric game.
“Don’t be shy dear!” The irritating voice ran once again throughout the field filled with people who were just previously scared for their own life.
Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my arm pulling me out of my thoughts, my parents who were behind me were crying their eyes out but I was desperate not to show any emotion.
The other tributes who see me as a weak one, I’ll be the first target that they will see and the Capitol will see me just as weak. I’m not giving them that pleasure.
Before I could move the guard that was holding my wrist pulled me out of the crowed and onto the stage, almost making me trip.
“Give a big applause for Y/n L/n!” Effie exclaimed enthusiastically, the crowd slowly raised their hands and slowly clapped. Soon Effie told everyone to be quiet as she walked over to the big glass bowl full of the names of the boys.
But I payed no mind, I was too busy praying for my best friend to be safe. But the chances of him getting picked are a lot higher than mine were, in that entire bowl full of names there are 24 with his name.
“Please god. Let Jeongguk be safe.” I mumbled under my breath as I intertwined my fingers together, my hands were sweaty as I was waiting anxiously for the woman with the blue curly hair.
“Jeon Jeongguk!” My eyes in an instant went over to the crowd and my eyes immediately met Jeongguk’s ones, he nodded shortly at me before walking to the stage.
The boy soon reached the stage and Effie introducties us as the new tributes for the annual Hunger Games. “Come on, shake hands.” My eyes scanned Jeongguk as he held out his hand.
Slowly but surely and grabbed his hand with a tight grip and shook it, the crowd once again clapped as the guards walked us in the building of Justice leaving all of the people from district 12 in a somber state that once again, two young people were most likely going to die.
The guard behind me kept pushing me till I was in one of the room on my left, I tried to catch myself but it was too late. Before I knew it I was face down onto the floor as a painful yelp left my mouth, I heard Jeongguk yell at the guards but they just laughed while walking away.
“Y/n! Over here!” Jeongguk called out to me, I looked over at the boy was saw that he was trying to make a fire by rubbing the wooden stick into the other pieces of wood. I smiled and walked over to him, I softly ran my hand through his hair and watched as he got excited as smoke started moving upwards.
Haymitch had a plan, a plan where Jeongguk and I acted like lovers as a strategy to get more sponsors, and if you get sponsors the better of a chance you have of survival.
The sponsors will- well, sponsor, and when they do and haymitch has enough money to buy something for us like food or medicine it get put into a small container with a parachute that makes a beeping sound, alerting you that there has been giving something.
But the part about being utterly in love with Jeongguk isn’t hard, he’s my best friend and we’ve always been close but I saw something in his eyes as Haymitch introduced this part of the plan... he seeme excited?
Jeongguk and I, we’ve known each other since I can remember. Jeongguk is originally from districts 2, one of the more luxury districts.
Jeongguk being from district 2 means that he was trained to be in the hunger games and same goes for districts 1 and 4. We in district 12, call them careers districts.
The careers are vicious killing machines that seek pride in other tributes deaths, It’s unknown to me why Jeongguk came to 12 in the first place but I knew that it had something to do with the way people worked there.
He told me he felt disgusted by the fact that people laughed everytime as innocence lives were being taken.
“Looks like you have an admirer.” Jeongguk whispered softly pulling me out of my thoughts, I frowned as I looked up, my eyes immediately met the cold ones of Min Yoongi.
Min Yoongi, who didn’t know this handsome man probably lived under a rock, he had won the games about 3 years ago when he was 15. He was, and still is the youngest tribute to win the games.
I felt intimidated by his strong glance on me as I quickly turned around, “Maybe he wants to be allies...” jeongguk said but I could tell his voice sounded discomforting.
Min Yoongi, wanting allies? Yeah right. “I’m going to practice painting.” I spoke softly, jeongguk smiled and stood up. “Good idea, I’ll be at bow shooting.” He spoke, he leaned in and went to kiss my lips but I turned my head so he had to kiss my cheek.
I could tell from the way his eyebrows were pressed together he wasn’t happy, but I didn’t care, I’m not doing all that kissing unless it’s really needed.
He scoffed under his breath as he turned around to walk away, I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.
I still felt the eyes of the boy from district 2 on me but I decided that I would wait till he approached me. If he even was going to approach me.
From the stories that I’ve heard from other people, Yoongi isn’t a pleasant person, he’s rude, doesn’t take advice for the crew that is trying to give you tips to at least survive a bit longer in the games. And he’s just overly stubborn.
But I guess if I won the games before I wouldn’t listen to anyone either, besides the fact that he is so rude the boy is also unbearably handsome, like god really does have favorites.
I decided to just stop thinking about it and walk to the painting corner, as I got there I was quick to realize that not a lot people used this corner, a least the careers didn’t.
I walked over to the table where every color that you can even imagine was on the table, I grabbed the color that I thought I was need and walked over to the bench that was next to the table.
I sat down and start working on my arm, I tried to imagine an senario where I could possibly be need paint. Maybe I could paint myself in a tree so that I’m not noticeable, or maybe if I’m wounded I could use it so that I don’t have to travel far to be safe.
Suddenly a felt the bench shake, I quickly cover my mouth to keep a noise coming out of my mouth as I looked next to me.
Yoongi was right next to me, he didn’t look up from my arm. He carefully ran his finger over the realistic paint and nodded, as if he was approving. Slowly he leaned back, away from me making it more
“Keep working at your arm, and don’t look at me.” His voice was raspy as he grabbed the paint that was next to me, I quickly looked back at my arm as I pretended to be working on it. What is going on?
“Looks like lover boy is jealous.” He whispers as he worked on his own arm, i decided to go against his words and look Jeongguks direction, I was met with eyes that were normally so soft were now almost black with hatred.
I didn’t know where the courage came from but the words fell out of my mouth before I knew it; “I don’t know why he be jealous, you’re not that handsome.”
He laughed softly before straightening his back as he looked at me, he slowly moved his hand to move the hair that was in front my face behind my ear as he slowly smirk.
A fire filled my body that I’ve never felt before, suddenly I craved move of his touch. As I realized what I was doing I quickly pushed him away standing up myself, but before I could walk away I felt his hand on my wrist.
“The people closest to you are the most dangerous.”
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fernsnailz · 2 years ago
Hey! Recently stumbled upon your stuff after one of my friends shared it with me and it's super cool!
I've never been terribly into Archie but seeing someone try to make sense of the lore is always fun. I'm wondering though, if the IDW characters and plotlines were introduced in Archie first and Archie just kept going, how would you incorporate them into Archie's world?
Would Tangle become a leading member of the Freedom Fighters? Would Whisper join the Secret Freedom Fighters? How would the Metal Virus play out in Archie's world? That kinda stuff! Would love to see your perspective of how it could be done
oh man um. i wrote a lot for this one LMAO SORRY
i think one big takeaway i have is that incorporating the idw plotlines and characters into post-reboot archie sonic probably wouldn’t be super difficult, especially considering some of the idw plotlines were ideas the archie writers had before the series was cancelled. the metal virus saga is the most notable of these ideas, and would probably play out in a similar way to how it did in idw if it were put in post-reboot archie (just with more characters available). there could be minor differences to the idw plots like how the freedom fighters interact with the idw cast, how silver and gold’s future shenanigans affect everything, breezie the hedgehog hosting the chao race arc, some small stuff like that.
i think the main post-reboot/idw character dynamic i would me most excited to see is between eclipse and surge (and by extension kit). they have commonality in being cruel reflections of other characters, but i doubt they would bond over it. eclipse is hellbent on destroying shadow to get revenge for his lost alien race - his destructive purpose is for reasons and people beyond him, not just for himself. surge and kit’s destruction is personal and internal, driven by grudges they were never in control of. surge wants sonic dead because she’s convinced he ruined HER life, not anyone else’s. i think eclipse would find them selfish, and surge would think eclipse is a moron. they could be at odds, which would be CRAZY ironic given their mirrors (sonic and shadow) are also usually at odds. ugh the irony of it all
however, the big challenge here is figuring out how the idw story and cast could fit into pre-reboot archie. if i tried to fit all of idw into pre-reboot i might go crazy, so i’ll just go over some concepts that interest me the most. pre-reboot ideas are below the cut because i have a lot to say <3
1. whisper is an ex-secret freedom fighter
this one feels obvious (especially since you suggested it lol), it would make sense for whisper to be a secret freedom fighter since that’s literally what she does in idw. however, i think whisper would actually stay AWAY from the freedom fighters because she lost everyone on her old team. this is an important part of her character in idw, and it would still be important here.
i think this could fit into archie if there were multiple secret freedom fighters (similar to how there are multiple freedom fighter groups, like the downunda freedom fighters). it could be interesting if whisper was a part of an older secret FF group in another location, but left the freedom fighters after everyone on it was killed. and it would be REALLY interesting if whisper’s group was ALSO formed by harvey who, and she fears the same fate might fall onto the new secret freedom fighters. idk that might be a bit of a stretch, but it could be interesting
i would want to keep the tangle and whisper dynamic, so i think both of them would reject the secret freedom fighters if they were invited and do work on their own or with jewel. it would be hilarious to see tangle talk to larry lynx tho
2. the metal virus is not robotnik's creation
the metal virus saga would be very strange to fit into pre-reboot archie because… it kinda already happened? the very long war between the mobians and robotnik was initiated by the roboticizer. archie robotnik has created touch-based roboticization before, and even brought back the roboticizer for operation clean sweep (which roboticized sally right before the reboot). so why go back to it again?
i think there are reasons to be found for robotnik returning to the roboticizer plot (especially since the metal virus is very unique in how it works). however, i think the metal virus saga could have an interesting archie take if someone other than robotnik created the virus. like what if it was created by the dark legion? maybe they wanted to come up with a way to create more robotic enhancements, but then somehow it got out of hand and broke containment. it would still be robotnik's problem since the dark legion works under him, but he would see it as an issue much faster than he would in the idw version.
or maybe it was created by doctor finitevus in a plot to take out the dark legion in the most ironic way possible? i dunno finitevus's motives are mostly just "i like being evil" so maaaybe it could work?
regardless of who created it, i think it would follow a similar format to idw where the severity of the situation would cause the entire cast to unite - ESPECIALLY if the virus reached across the multiverse. let's get zonic in here babey i miss him
this would be wild given that surge is kinda the spiritual successor to scourge. i think surge and kit should still be from mobius prime and created by dr starline (i could MAYBE argue that dr finitevus could make them, but i honestly don't know why he would). once surge and kit are on their own, it could be interesting to see them join the destructix - and then it would be great to watch them completely tear it apart.
surge and scourge Would Not Get Along. they're both green and hate sonic, but why the hell does sonic get TWO green reflections? which one is the BETTER reflection? which one is gonna be the one to finally end that little blue freak's miserable life? you can get a reflection from a mirror, but if you place two mirrors in front of each other you'll only get existential dread and a desire to beat the shit out of the other mirror.
4. idw shadow accidentally destroys the mobius 30 years later timeline (OOPS!!)
ok this one’s personal becuase the 25/30 year later future (aka light mobius) is something i Do Not Like, even after ian flynn took it over. it is a bad ending for the cast. even so, i really want the prime versions of these characters to see this fucked up future - especially shadow. and it would REALLY suck for shadow to see the light mobius future after all of his fuck-ups in the idw plot (failing to beat neo metal sonic, falling victim to the metal virus, you get the idea). time travel is an easy thing to work around writing wise, maybe my boy zonic could help them get there.
but yeah, main reason i want this is to send prime shadow through a moral crisis. a future with statues of a false deity maria and a tyrannical version of him hellbent on destroying everything would terrify prime shadow - but it wouldn't surprise him. he knows very well what previous versions of him were capable of. and given that idw shadow has some plot beats and character moments that are Not Very Good, i think it would be interesting for that version of him to get a wake up call from the horror of this awful future.
i would definitely want shadow to see light mobius, but i think it would be good to have prime sonic and possibly amy join him (sonic because he would also be horrified by light mobius, and amy because she's NOT EVEN IN THE 25/30 YEARS LATER TIMELINE??? where did she go???? did she fucking DIE??? sorry i hate light mobius lol)
this is something i've thought about even before getting this ask because i love making shadow sad. i'd love to make a comic about it some day but it's definitely too large of an idea for me to do within reason lol
there are some smaller places where i think the extensive lore of archie would benefit the idw characters, like if dr starline was from downunda and worked as one of eggman's dozen. but otherwise that's about all i have! i am so sorry i did not expect to write this much but i kept getting ideas.
thank you for your ask it was really fun to try and tie some of these wack ass plots together lmao
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 3 years ago
Kalego discovers that his colleague is human. He should report it to the police, but the demon has a better option.
A new chapter of the manga has come out, and I just want to say that... I want Kalego to hug my legs too!
Next part (02)
Warnings: strange hints and a bad plot. (It looked better in my head)
I wonder how to perceive this situation: as luck or as your biggest failure?
You were on your knees, afraid to raise your head at the demon. He appeared in front of you when you were trying to escape from the maniac who was chasing you when you refused to give up your wallet. The man's eyes were wild, he immediately pulled out a knife and you would probably have been killed. But an unknown demon appeared and saved you, and then took you somewhere, stuffing you into the portal.
And that's how you're sitting here right now, afraid to say a word. You introduced yourself to him on his orders, he told you his name, and your crazy brain was trying to remember if you had read about a demon with that name before.
–I have to ask you a favor, – you flinched at the sound of his rough voice. I wanted to hide somewhere in a corner and never come out. – You will have to...  – your heart was ready to jump out of your chest from fear, tears almost appeared in your eyes. And then... then the demon's voice suddenly changed, and he said good-naturedly: – You'll have to take care of my grandson – Iruma-kun!"
You abruptly raised your head and saw a good-natured grandfather who was smiling at you.
–My grandson is a human like you. Since I saved you from the madman, you owe me something, right? I heard your human life is not too good, so why don't you start serving me?
And now you have become a babysitter for a human child in the demon world. Just fine. And it's not even sarcasm!
So, as soon as you agreed, as long as you were not devoured, a demon named Opera came to help you calm down and prepare. Soon you met Sullivan's grandson, Iruma. He turned out to be a good boy and asked for forgiveness for such an unexpected turn of events, starting to tell you that in fact the demon world is not so terrible.
Since Sullivan and Opera could take care of Iruma's needs, your task was mainly to take care of his "human nature". You had to help treat him, because many of Hell's medicines had a bad effect on people, make sure that he grew up a healthy and happy person, as well as about small things. For example, you kept Iruma company and discussed things that he could not discuss with demons or his ring.
Iruma spent too much time at school, which is why you were assigned there. As a connoisseur of the human world, you have become something like a professor from a university who comes and tells interesting things that are not studied at school. Children liked your "legends", so they were happy to go to your lessons.
You quickly got to know the teachers, especially Balam, because Iruma himself introduced him to you. The boy asked if he could tell you who you are if this demon already knows who Iruma is. So, after a short run of the "big bird" around the room and his silent screams, the demon calmed down and began to ask you about the human world with burning eyes, because you could tell what Iruma could not.
And everything would be fine if it weren't for one particular demon.
You jumped up and covered your mouth with your hand so as not to scream at the whole corridor. The demon silently watched, slowly removing his hand from your shoulder, as you tremble. Balam awkwardly scratched his temple and looked at his two friends.
Initially, you were assigned under the wing of Shichiro – an involuntary pun - and had to mainly interact with him. That's just right there was Kalego, interested in a new teacher who hangs around his friend.
And now, every time Naberius appeared next to you, you could feel his Cerberion swallowing saliva. This big golden creature seemed to be able to smell your human scent even through perfume.
You tried not to panic around Kalego, so as not to attract his attention, but it was very difficult. If you forget the fact that he is a strong demon, then you definitely need to remember that he is a very beautiful demon! You felt an aura of power from him, and this aura was very pleasant.
But you were still scared around Kalego.
–Still can't get used to me, (Y/S)? – he asked calmly. At this time, you were trying to mentally stop yelling.
–S-sorry, senpai. You just always sneak up unexpectedly!
Naberius nodded, looking at his friend. While they were shaking hands, you were watching the demons.
You didn't know why Kalego "noticed" you. Maybe because his friend was asked to take care of you. Maybe because after Robin you were a blessing, because you didn't want to stand out and were quite calm, but friendly, always doing your job and even giving Naberius a cactus "just like from the human world." Or maybe he found out a long time ago that you are a human, and now he wants to devour you.
The thought made your stomach ache. Kalego asked if you needed to see a doctor. You quickly shook your head and straightened up, smiling awkwardly. The demon looked you over with a quick glance, and then looked at Balam. The tall demon shook his head vaguely and shrugged his shoulders, looking at you.
Kalego cleared his throat, turning his head towards you. You immediately involuntarily straightened up.
–There will be a festival soon, during which students will have to compete with teachers of their choice. I will need to prepare the documents, and I want to ask you to help me with this.
–I am always at your disposal, – you smiled weakly and nodded so hard and fast that your neck began to hurt. – When will we start working?
–The sooner, the better. My class is going to get me into trouble again, so I want to sort out the paperwork as soon as possible.
You nodded understandingly and looked at Balam. He nodded approvingly. Your voice trembled less and less next to Kalego.
–Should I come to you after work, senpai?
–Then I'll see you there, – you gave him a playful salute, lowering your eyes to look at your phone. Recess will be over soon. You need to go.
After saying goodbye to the demons, you ran away, quietly tapping your heels.
As soon as you were out of sight, Kalego's cheeks turned red, and he growled softly at Balam's laughter.
–As if it's as easy as you think, Shichiro!
–I didn't say anything, Kalego-kun.
–I see that you want to say that I don't know how to ask out and arrange dates.
–I rather want to say that inviting someone to romantic work with documents is just in your style.
–I could invite her to the opera or to a restaurant, but then she would definitely run away from me screaming, like on the first day.
–You looked really scary when you came out of the office covered in fake blood, - the demon chuckled softly, remembering his friend's displeased face.
–I should give these idiots more homework so that they don't have time and energy for these useless pranks, – Kalego involuntarily wiped his forehead, from which fake blood flowed a few months ago.
The demons talked a little more and dispersed.
The staff room smelled of coffee, fresh rolls and tea. The windows were closed, holding back the delicious scents in the room. Many teachers have already left, but you were sitting and sorting out the documents with Kalego. Usually the demons preferred to do this all week, but the two remaining ones were going to finish the work in one day and go home before everyone else.
(In any case, it's better for you to come one day late than to run home all week without Iruma and his friends, knowing that you may be eaten along the way).
The phone informed you that the Opera will come and pick you up. It seems that the mention of this name made Naberius work faster, because his stack was rapidly decreasing. You continued to fill out official papers, displaying your ornate signature for the umpteenth time.
The sun shone lazily through the window, making the atmosphere, soft in many senses, also sleepy. You wanted to just lie down on the table and fall asleep, but then you have to pay for it.
After looking at the street for a few seconds, you returned to work.
–Don't you have a spare pen? – Kalego asked suddenly, raising his head and looking at his writing materials. The object quickly flew into the trash.
–There is. Catch it, – you leaned slightly across the table, throwing the necessary thing to the demon. Naberius caught it with two fingers, twirling it for a few seconds, and then began to write again.
Dust motes swirled in the rays of the sun.
At some point you decided to take a walk. When you got up, you asked if Kalego needed to bring anything. The demon seems to be interested in your offer. He asked for tea, and you went to the dining room to get drinks and something delicious.
It didn't take long before you were sitting at a coffee table in the farthest part of the staff room and drinking tea with Kalego. The demon glared at you, and you remembered again that you were afraid of him. The fear often passed when Naberius was busy working or talking to Balam, but then you looked into the demon's eyes and realized that he could easily kill you.
–Are you related to Iruma? – Kalego asked unexpectedly, and you almost spilled tea on yourself.
–W-what makes you think that, senpai?
Naberius looked you over with a quick glance. You were nothing like one particular boy, but the words of the demon did not leave your head.
–You have the same bloodline magic, – Kalego put the cup on the table and pointed at your hands. There were small scars on the skin. – I heard you can heal demons with your blood. Recently, I was reviewing the first test of my class and noticed that Iruma heals the demon-bird with his blood. And this ring... it's very similar to what our director's grandson is wearing.
You quickly raised your hand and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, feeling the sharp end.
Teachers were monitored more actively than students, so Sullivan needed to make extra efforts to protect you. A ring was found that allowed to accumulate mana. You were taught magic, helped to cast an illusion, and now for everyone you were just a demon with horns, a tail and small, small wings on which you could not fly. So there are no complaints to you!
And now, it seems, they have appeared.
You trembled slightly, and Kalego caught these movements with his eyes. He pushed to you some sweets that you brought for him. Fruit delicious things soon ended up in your mouth.
–Thank you, senpai, – you muttered, squeezing the cup harder.
–Do you want to talk about it, (Y/S)?
You didn't want to, but you had to say something so that you would never return to this topic again.
–I am indeed related to Iruma, but I am not his direct relative. And why do you ask? Do you want to complain not to Sullivan-sama, but to me?
–It's no use complaining to that old fool. At least you'll be able to react.
He frowned for a second, and you raised your hand, extending your index finger.
–If you don't stop frowning, Naberius-senpai, I will have to follow you and smooth the skin of your forehead.
Kalego looked at you, his lips slightly furrowed. The demon lowered his head and bumped his forehead into the pad of your finger.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, but automatically smoothed your skin.
–That's better, – you smiled. – Well, back to work?
Naberius looked at you for a few seconds. He opened his mouth to say something, but eventually closed it.
–Yes, (Y/S). If you need any help, just tell me.
You nodded and went to wash the cups.
Needless to say, every time you approached Kalego for help, his head moved closer to your hand, until eventually his cheek pressed against the sleeve of your dress?..
–Damn it.
–What is it? – Naberius turned his head towards you, straightening his clothes.
–Opera-san won't be able to pick me up,- came a relieved exhalation from the demon. – I... can't go home by myself. I might get killed on the way, – you trembled. – Then maybe I should spend the night at school?..
–I can bring you.
–T-then we'll have to walk. My wings are too small for me to fly on them. Don't worry, it's not far!
At the same moment, a bag of Kalego appeared in your hands. You looked at the thing and already wanted to be surprised by such impudence, but could not. You were abruptly lifted into your arms, and you screamed, but quickly shut up under the demon's gaze.
–I can carry us both away. Hold my things tight and don't fall.
That is, you can still drop me?!
Kalego took off, and you pressed the bags to yourself, hugging the demon by the neck with your left hand. Involuntarily I had to press my nose against his skin, and Naberius shuddered.
–Where do you live? – Kalego asked, flying forward, guessing what the answer would be.
–At Sullivan-sama's. Do you know where it is?
–Unfortunately, yes.
–Then I don't need to show you the way!
The demon nodded, and you enjoyed the flight in silence.
Kalego was warm, and therefore the wind that hit your skin not covered with clothes was not so scary. Let Naberius tell you not to fall, he held you tightly and strongly to him. There was something warm and cozy about him, so you pressed your face closer to his neck.
Kalego, in turn, tried not to panic. Never had his heart betrayed him. But when he was able to get to know the little demon who was hiding behind Balam, almost sobbing and pointing at Kalego, whispering that she was about to be killed, something appeared inside Naberius.
For some reason, he was hurt by the thought that the new teacher was afraid of him.
Gradually, the relationship with the newcomer was set. Kalego found her a passable mix of Robin, Momonoki and himself. At first you stuttered and tried to stay near Balam, running away when Naberius tried to talk with you. Maybe the demon was annoyed that you didn't even try to resist him. And he was going to corner you.
And did it. That's just not you, but himself. When you gave him a cactus created by your own magic and told him that people had the same in legends, Kalego's heart melted for some reason. He took the plant and put it in his house.
He has been looking at the cactus for too long and thinking about you. Maybe some psychological thing worked on him.
So, Kalego was trying to cope with his feelings, because you were so close, clinging to his neck and breathing into it, that he did not notice how the director's house appeared ahead. He had to land and leave you quickly before the Opera came to take his soul.
Before leaving, he received a polite bow and a sincere smile from you. The demon was able to hide his slightly reddened cheeks in the darkness of flight.
If you thought that everything would always be fine, then you were very much mistaken.
You could often accidentally forget something. These were usually small and insignificant things that are easy to fix. But this time was a different case.
You forgot to use perfume! Usually you sprayed them twice a day so that the smell would not exactly wear off, and tried not to go outside when the wind blows strongly there. But this time Iruma invited you to talk on nature, and the smell dissipated a little. When you came to school, you forgot to spray a second time.
Fortunately, Balam reminded you of this by thoughtfully sniffing the air around you. But it was too late.
The next day you were greeted by a gloomy and predatory face of an irritated Kalego.
–My Cerberion smelled a human.
You would have fallen into the mud if Shichiro hadn't held you back. Balam looked at his friend and blinked in surprise, panicking inside with you.
–Are you sure he can smell a human?
–Definitely. I have already informed Dali-san, and he ordered me to find a person.
–And w-why do we need this information, Naberius-senpai? – you asked, feeling your knees tremble.
Suddenly Kalego was close, taking you by the elbow.
–You are a professional in people. I need your help, (Y/S).
And you were dragged away, little tears appeared in your eyes. Balam could only hope that his friend just still doesn't know how to invite others on dates.
But Kalego wasn't going to combine work with his personal life... at least not yet.
Before the start of the "torture", you only had time to write to Balam so that he hid all your books about people. You could have confused the tall demon who sat you down on the sofa. But if he has books, then nothing will help…
–I took several volumes describing the characteristics of people from you, (Y/S),  – your panic began to rise higher when Kalego sat down, revealing familiar notes. Your works were quite detailed, as the students still perceived them as legends. – I have a couple of questions, and I'm sure you'll help me with them,  – deft, thin fingers flipped through a couple of sheets.
The vanished demon king, help me!..
–How did it go? – Balam asked anxiously, coming up to you. Iruma was sitting on the sofa and trying to drink tea, but he was too worried for that.
–Thanks to Naberius-senpai, I felt like I was back in high school. He gave me a whole survey!
–Did you tell him something important?
–No... I think not. He asked about the features and characteristics of people. I described an average person: weak, without magic, without a tail, ears and wings. Neither Iruma nor I fit that description.
–So… Will I be able to stay with my friends, grandpa and Opera-san? – the boy asked, getting up and coming up to you. – And you won't be in danger from Kalego-sensei?
–I ... hope so, – you sat down and hugged Iruma. – I think soon Sullivan-sama will force Naberius-senpai to stop looking for him. In the meantime, try not to stand out, okay? – you patted the boy on the head.
–If only I could...  –he drawled in despair.
You giggled and stood up, leading him back to the table.
–The main thing is not to panic. You are the grandson of Sullivan-sama, I look like a demon, so nothing will happen to us! At the very least, Balam-senpai will lie for the two of us!
–It's illegal to use me in this way, (Y/S),  – the demon said with a chuckle.
–I'm telling you human legends!
The "big bird" just happened to be with you quickly, ready to listen. It was an old reflex. Blushing, Shichiro moved away, but you already had time to start laughing at his reaction.
If you thought it couldn't get any worse, then you were wrong.
So, the festival came, in which everyone had to take part. Those who wanted to increase their rank chose stronger teachers, and those who just wanted to have fun or participate chose weaker teachers, for example, you. Usually you were able to parry attacks well, because the Opera taught you for a long time so that you could protect Iruma.
Unfortunately, you received a serious wound: you were hit in the shoulder with a spear. Fortunately, you were cured quickly. But now your clothes were covered in blood, and your body needed rest.
For some reason, Kalego volunteered to accompany you. He said he would help you wash the blood from your hair and bind you up again, because bandages with healing properties that will help you recover quickly are in the staff room.
(At the festival itself, of course, there were medicines. They used them when they treated you. But they were not as effective as the bandages personally created by Buer).
So, you were able to get rid of the blood and now you were sitting and looking straight ahead in embarrassment. You clenched your hands in a fist, feeling the cool hands of Kalego slowly remove your bandages.
Suddenly, your eyes moved to the ring-artifact that was supposed to allow you to conjure, as Iruma does. And you saw with horror that the stone, which was usually green or blue, turned red.
You were running out of mana. Which means that…
Kalego's hands, sitting behind, squeezed your shoulders hard.
You slowly, jerkily turned to him and saw that the demon was staring at where your wings should be. But of course they weren't there. Like sharp ears or the tail.
Perhaps you should have surrendered to that maniac then.
The demon slowly runs his hand over your wound, already healed enough that it does not bleed. You see that his eyes are clouded, and you swallow.
–N-Naberius-senpai... I c-can explain everything!..
Before you could try to explain anything, the demon's teeth bit into your shoulder. You restrained yourself from screaming, covering your mouth with your hand with a habitual movement. Your body was shaking, you just knew that these were your last seconds of life.
But it wasn't fear that made my heart beat so fast. The demon's embrace, despite the whole situation, was comfortable, cozy and somehow light, but strong, as if you were not prey, but someone whom Naberius would really take care of. That's just unlikely he will bite such a demon in the shoulder.
Kalego hugs you, pulling you closer to his chest, his tongue slowly licking your blood, let out by his own teeth. Even if you wanted to scream and ask him to stop, nothing would work. It looks like the demon was in some kind of trance, fascinated by your blood.
He's going to eat me. When someone looks in here, only bones will be left of me!
You continued to tremble, which was very difficult in the strong embrace of Kalego. The demon was quite clean, your shoulder was clean, drops of blood, as soon as they appeared on the skin, were immediately licked off by the tongue of Naberius.
–S-senpai ... – you whimpered, mentally understanding how it sounds, but still continued to speak,  – please ... be gentle with me. This is my first time…
It seems that your ambiguous words make something click in Kalego's head. He stops licking your shoulder and abruptly moves back.
–What are you talking about, (Y/S)?! 
 He shouts softly, feeling his cheeks getting redder by the second. It seems that he began to realize what he had been doing all this time.
You awkwardly grab the sleeve of your shirt and try to at least slightly cover the bitten shoulder and wound.
–You're going to... eat me, aren't you?
–Stop talking in such ambiguous phrases! – he grabs the bandages and starts bandaging you quickly.
As soon as Kalego finishes, you start taking off your shirt to put on another one, trying to look anywhere but at the demon sitting on the floor with his arms crossed.
–So... so you're... a human?
You swallow and nod, afraid to say anything.
–But how did you get into the demon world?!  – his tone is serious and a little aggressive. You involuntarily cringe.
–Let's just say... I was saved from a maniac, and now I will have to serve my savior.
–Our idiot director?
–Y-you can say that.
Kalego sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose.
–And what should I do with you, (Y/S)? According to the rules, I have to report you to the police.
Your knees involuntarily give way, and the demon has to appear next to you to catch you. You quickly find yourself in his hands, and soon on the floor.
–Will more d-demons find out that I'm human?.. – whisper in despair.
–Yes, but... I think we can make a deal.
You turn your head sharply and look into Kalego's eyes. The
demon coughs a couple of times and slowly says:
–Maybe I'm ready to forget about it and not tell anyone that you're a person if you go on a d…
Suddenly the door is kicked open and happy Robin shouts:
–Senpai, have you been there long? Asmodeus-kun wants to kill you for the sake of "Iruma-sama"! Senpai?..
The cheeks of the young demon immediately turn red, he covers his face with his palms and screams:
–I k-knew there was something wrong with you! But I didn't think you were a pervert!
–Robin, get out of here! Quickly!
The injured Robin runs away, covering the door.
Kalego exhales with relief, looking down at you. As soon as the sounds of the door opening were heard, he knocked you to the ground, pressing you with his body. Thus, the absence of wings, horns, sharp ears and tail was not noticeable. But now Kalego was pinning you to the floor.
–S-senpai, is this what I have to do so that you don't tell the police about me?..
Naberius sighs and hisses through his teeth: "You're the only pervert out of the two of us."
Kalego gets up and helps you get dressed. He generously donates his mana to your ring, and soon the "demon set" turns out to be yours again. You awkwardly shift from one foot to the other, with your head low.
–So… What should I do for you?
The demon inhales and exhales, leans slightly towards you to look into your eyes, and confusedly whispers:
–We could go on a da…
Suddenly, the door is opened again from the foot, and Robin, closing his eyes, screams:
–I still can't leave it like this!" Senpai, leave the staff room immediately!
Kalego is smiling at you, and it's not even creepy. The next second, he turns around, grabs Robin by the scruff of the neck and drags him somewhere.
–(Y/S), – he says before closing the door,  – please order your senpai a coffin. Thanks.
The younger demon squeaks in surprise, then the door closes. Then you hear only screams.
When Kalego returns, he almost presses you against the wall, with red cheeks hissing:
–Will you go on a date with me?!
You blink a couple of times, raise the camera and take a picture of the demon. Because of the surprise that flashed across his face, the photo turned out to be even more charming.
–N-now yes, – you mumble, putting your hand on the scar that was left by the sharp teeth of the Kalego.
The demon should buy a rope, because you will definitely try to escape from his beauty as soon as you finally meet him on a real date.
Bonus (?)
–(Y/N)-sensei, why do you have such a big scar on your shoulder? Did someone bite you?
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anxiouspotatorants · 4 years ago
It is time. It is finally time for the new Suicide Squad rant (and spoilers will be plentiful):
As someone who was into DC Comics and comics in the mid to late 2010s and had so much hype for the first Suicide Squad movie only to be let down, I was so nervous for this one. I knew it was going to be a roller coaster, but whether I would come out happy or disappointed was up in the air. Having just seen it I will say this: I have no idea if this was a good movie-movie. It was insane. The comedy. The violence. The high emotion. I’m still trying to take it all in. But one thing I do know is that this is an amazing Suicide Squad movie. Gunn and co took the best parts of the comic concept and went batshit with it and that is how this property should be handled (in my opinion). Screw edgelordisms, we need full on insanity free of aiming for shock-value or sexy brutality we want chaos baby.
Starting the whole movie as they did, with Savant as the POV for a mission (or part of the mission) that just goes to hell immediately and kills off so many before the title arrives is the perfect way to start this movie. Like the second I realized this was how they were doing it I was just smiling from ear to ear, this is the spirit of the property.
Part of me wishes we got more Amanda Waller, but what we had was impeccable. Then again, this is Viola Davis we’re talking about, and if she was born to play any character in a superhero story, it is Amanda Waller.
And points to her tech team, introducing them with the death bets was just a lovely way to show how regular this is and how awful everyone is in this movie.
I’m not going to pretend like Deadshot and Bloodsport didn’t have the exact same character- and plot premises… but I will say that Bloodsport felt better executed.
I love that they kept some of the past members and not just Harley. Rick Flag got to have a full personality and interactions with his team members and to be a true leader and it made me so happy for someone who initially did not give a single shit about his character. The Harley friendship? The Dubois friendship? The friendship with that guerilla leader? Amazing. The one American soldier in fictional media I genuinely like. You go Mr Flag.
The new members were… they were insane in the best way. Gone are the shitty stereotypes and present are some of the wackiest creations to ever grace the mainstream movie-sphere (aka the slightly less normal comic creations): A man who has to shoot out polka dots two times a day so as not to die from a space virus. A giant child murdering weasel. A guy who detaches his limbs and slaps people with said detached limbs. King Shark. The second person to command rats with a fancy gadget. They are all crazy and all weird and all more or less morally repulsive people and I love them.
The amount of times I did a double take over the soundtrack I swear. Jessie Reyez? The Pixies? It was so much fun to pick up on once I did.
Was the depiction of a vague Latin American country stereotypical? Yes. Was the secret American involvement predictable and felt mildly patronizing from a non-American, part Latina point of view? Yep. But damn it if I didn’t have a good time with those stereotypes and laugh my ass off at how well executed some were. I don’t know if it was meant as parody, but that one secretary has me thinking so — and if so I am pleased.
Speaking of Latino dictators Harley’s one day romance with one of the villains was something I never knew I needed. Like it was so perfect for Harley that when it happened I almost hit myself for not realizing that this kind of plot should be a normal thing for Harley. And the end of it? Perfect not only in this standalone movie, but also in conjunction with the first and with BoP.
The Taika Waititi cameo??? Oh my god??? I did not expect that and I love it?? Sir, What We Do in the Shadows is impeccable.
Rick Flag’s death actually surprised me. It shouldn’t as this is Suicide Squad, but I kind of expected him to be on Harley’s level of unkillable (because let’s face it, no one kills Harley). What I will say is that his death was good and his final words and actions made me love him all the more. I hope this spawns more Rick Flag content, or at least inspires me to look at what already exists, if he already is as this movie made him (it’s been ages since I read one of the Suicide Squad reboot comics okay).
Starro. How can a villain be so wacky and so terrifying at the same time? I did not expect a literal alien starfish to have more terrifying powers and a more tragic plot execution than Enchantress. But here we are. And that damn star just wanted to be floating in space, and instead it was stuck getting revenge by killing and puppeteering human corpses. Wow that thing was creepier the more you think about it.
I don’t know what I think about Polka Dot Man. I loved watching him on screen but also damn those mommy-issues were on a new level. Not just in his backstory but how he literally sees her in every person around him that was insane. Very funny but like also the kind that makes you laugh just because you’re uncomfortable and don’t know how else to releive the tension.
When Waller got knocked out by a staff member I immediately thought «oh my god Amanda Waller is going to kill half the staff for this», so I’m mildly surprised and disappointed that I didn’t get to see that happen. But also I should maybe expect something like this in a potential future Suicide Squad movie. We can’t have everything in a movie as packed as this.
Peacemaker was very horrible and worked really well. Don’t really have much to say about him, not because I didn’t enjoy him but because I already feel like the film itself has said it for me. But the planting and payoff for his death? Chef’s. Kiss.
Harley’s wardrobe was beautiful. Ratcatcher 2’s combat outfit felt like a steampunk plague dream. Bloodsport’s mask was supercool. Rick Flag’s t-shirt was amazing. But the best little outfit was the Mafalda-keychain and her red dress, hands down. Oh and King Shark’s fake moustache finger moment.
King Shark is shaped like a friend I don’t care how many people he ate alive on screen he looks so huggable. It feels like wanting to pet a bear. You know it will kill you but damn it look at those paws and those cute eyes!
I really need to give it to not just James Gunn but the entire production team for this movie. The aesthetic was perfect. The story was the right blend of whimsical and violent. The finished product was a literal rollercoaster and I mean that in a good way. If superhero movies have to be like amusement parks, I hope they’re more like this one and BoP.
I’ll finish on the note that while I think this movie was great and hopefully a step in the right direction for the DCU/DCEU (as in stop trying to play Marvel’s game and just do your own thing/ let your creative teams run wild and free), it is not the first step. Cathy Yan, Birds of Prey and the production team for it took a step first, and they deserve due credit and attention. If you loved this Suicide Squad movie and haven’t watched BoP yet, do so. Because they really are in the same ballpark while doing things in slightly different ways. And any good DCEU movie deserves more attention so the studios know that creativity and risks should be rewarded. I want more DC movies like this, not necessarily in genre but in creative risks. I want a Black Canary rock movie. I want Alfred in a reverse heist movie alone in the batcave against Gotham villains. I want Gotham Academy on screen play by play from the comics. I want a fully animated psychedelic-like Khalid Nassour as Dr. Fate movie. I want elevated horror movie Constantine. I want weird ass Lois Lane journalist movies with a heavy side of Superman. And I want DC movies I didn’t even know I wanted.
Support creativity in mainstream comic movies. Help me become a DC fan and happy about it again.
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babyboibucky · 4 years ago
The Match - Part 8
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You get a preview of what it’s like to be working with Mackenzie.
Warnings: I apologize as there is no smut in here lmfao but there is a stubborn Bucky lols
A/N: The jitters just never go away whenever I post a new part for this ajkcnjasncakjcnakj I find this part boring tbh but uhh things will start picking up again in the next part I promise
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Bucky decided to push through with his partnership with Wilson Enterprises. It was a big one, so it definitely required the entire team's effort and perseverance. Apparently, this is the company's biggest, most major project yet so this was going to look really good in your resume. It would also provide you with more credibility to further excel in your career.
Except that Bucky actually hired a marketing consultant to take over the entire project as his revenge.
"Any questions? About the project or about Kenzie?" Bucky asked, standing in front of the conference room, next to Mackenzie.
You confidently raised your hand when no one else did. Bucky tilted his head, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He knew you were affected, of fucking course you were!
"Yes?" he called out.
You stood up and sighed softly, "I mean this in the most respectful way, Mister Barnes." you said, emphasizing his name. "But as the head of marketing, what exactly is my role here? Given that Mackenzie was hired to spearhead the marketing aspect of this project." you said, giving Mackenzie a passive aggressive smile.
"I don't want to overstep on some boundaries here, that's why I'm asking. I just want clarity, that's all." you said.
Bucky was about to respond when Mackenzie stopped him, grabbing his arm and squeezing it before taking over the floor. You narrowed your eyes at how her slender fingers were wrapped around Bucky's arm.
"Honey..." Mackenzie started. "There's nothing to worry about, this is a collaborative work between you and I. So think of yourself as my assistant, someone to help me out with the project." she responded.
"I'm not an assistant, Mackenzie." you said, smiling at her.
Mackenzie laughed, "I'm sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have used that term. Oops." she said. "Although, I believe I have more experience in this area so maybe consider me a mentor?" she suggested.
Bucky cleared his throat, "If you have certain ideas, you can discuss it with her. She is a consultant after all. Given her impressive experience in the field, I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two from her."
The meeting was wrapped up by noon and you simply couldn't wait to get yourself out of the conference room. You didn't feel like talking to Bucky anymore in all honesty, not after what he was doing. You knew this was just to spite you, get you to cave in first and give in to him.
All the more that you wouldn't, especially not when he actually used your job against you.
Everyone started rushing out of the conference room, ready to head out for lunch. As soon as you reached the doorway, you overheard the short conversation between Bucky and Mackenzie.
"Hey Bucky, we still up for lunch?"
The bathroom was empty when you stepped inside and thank god for that because you couldn't hold back your emotions any further. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, not because you were hurt. Fuck no, you were angry and frustrated. So fucking angry at yourself for getting into this mess, at Bucky for being such an entitled prick, at the entire world for plotting against you.
You groaned in irritation as you wiped away your tears, sniffing as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You worked your ass off for this job, for your position. You risked your dignity when you let Bucky fuck you. You weren't going to let someone take that away from you.
You quickly fixed yourself when the door opened, followed by the loud clacking of someone's heels.
"Omg, are you crying?" Beverly gasped, rushing over to you.
You snickered, "No." you lied, "My eyes are itchy." you huffed out before noticing that Beverly was holding a sandwich in her hand.
"Why did you bring your sandwich here?" you curiously asked.
Beverly shrugged, "The pantry's full and the other girls don't exactly seem to like me...so..."
You shook your head and sighed, "Come with me, let's have lunch out. I need to get out of this fucking place anyway."
"Yay, omg! I knew you were nice! You're like, the only girl who actually talked to me nicely." Beverly said, tagging behind you as you exited the bathroom.
"Oh, there you are!" Mark called out. "I was looking for you. Wanna grab lunch? Oh...who's this?" he asked, noticing the blonde girl trailing behind you.
"I'm Beverly! I'm Sir James' new secretary." she introduced excitedly.
You sighed, "Don't ask me why." you said when Mark turned to you with a confused look, still not sure what happened to Bucky's previous secretary.
"So, lunch out? With Bev?" you asked.
You were completely zoning out during lunch despite the ongoing conversation between Mark and Bev, something about yoga? You honestly couldn't care less, not when you were feeling so conflicted about your current situation.
Would Bucky actually go that far just to get you back? Or does he actually hate you for saying no to him and is basically using his authority to make your life a living hell?
"So I heard about the new girl." Mark said, that snapped you out of your trance.
"Huh?" you asked.
"I find it weird for Mister Barnes to hire someone when you're here." Mark pointed out. "I mean, are you okay with that or..."
You snorted, "Fuck no. Look, I'm not gonna be the bigger person here. I was offended as fuck." you admitted.
"Yeah, it's super weird because she was hired through Tinder or something. Is that even legal?" Beverly pointed out as she scrolled through her phone.
You and Mark turned to her abruptly, "Tinder? Wait, what?" you asked.
Beverly chuckled, "I heard them talking this morning and Kenzie was like, 'It's so funny that we matched on Tinder and ended up doing business there you know' and I'm like omg Sir James has Tinder and I have one too but I never saw him there, bummer."
"Motherfucker." you hissed out.
Mark made a face, "Are you okay?" he carefully asked. "You've been really tensed since last week."
Apparently, Bucky never deleted his Tinder and have been swiping right on women. And that's how he met Mackenzie who just happened to be a marketing consultant. Now you were just furious, was he fucking her too? Has he been fucking other women this entire time?
"Hey, Bev..." you said, a plan hatching inside your mind. "Can I ask you a favor?" you asked nicely.
Beverly nodded, "Um duh, you're basically my office BFF now."
"If you ever hear Mister Barnes and Mackenzie talk about hmm, I don't know...something interesting. Maybe about the project...me 'cause you know, I'm the head of marketing and Mackenzie’s in the same field...let me know, will ya?" you asked.
Mark chuckled nervously, "I don't know what's going on but isn't that an invasion of privacy?"
"She's not going to eavesdrop, Mark. She'll just...listen closely." you explained.
"Bev might get in trouble if Mister Barnes finds out." Mark warned.
You waved a hand, "She'll be fine, Mark. She's his secretary, she has to know everything. Besides, I'm not going to let her get in trouble, if she does then I'll take care of it."
Beverly squealed in delight, "Omg, you are not my office BFF. You're like my office mom! You and Mark are literally my office parents." she said, lifting her phone up in the air.
"Selfie! This one goes to the 'gram." she said, taking a quick photo of the three of you.
She then proceeded to edit the photo while you and Mark continued eating lunch.
"Bev, you should really put your phone away and eat first. We have less than half an hour left for lunch break." Mark called out.
Beverly groaned and rolled her eyes, "Way to get into the role, Mark. You're such a dad."
You snorted, "Yeah. Loosen up, daddy." you teased.
"Playing family after just one date, huh."
Bucky's presence in the same restaurant should've really intimidated you, most especially that he just witnessed you tease Mark like that. But you were too mad at him to even care, what was the point even? He didn't believe you even when you told him the truth that Mark was just a friend.
Why even try now?
"Hi Sir James." Beverly greeted happily.
"Mister Barnes." Mark acknowledged.
Bucky ignored them and kept his eyes on you. You didn't falter under his gaze and simply stared back at him with blank eyes. It's as if a staring competition took place when the both of you merely looked at each other, neither of you looking away nor attempting to do so.
"How was that date last Friday, Jim?" Bucky asked, his eyes still trained on yours.
Mark made a funny face at the name that Bucky called him but shrugged anyway. Before he could even respond, you decided to answer on his behalf. If Bucky wanted to spite you, you'd give him a taste of his own medicine.
"It was actually great. We might go on another one this Friday." you said.
"We are?" Mark asked in a whisper.
Bucky's hand landed on Mark's shoulder, "Don't count on it, Andrew. She's going to be doing a lot of work on Friday due to the project." he said through gritted teeth.
You shrugged, "Oh, but I thought Mackenzie's doing all my work?"
"I'm ready to head back, Buck."
Speak of the devil herself. Mackenzie weaved through the tables and approached Bucky, her face brightening up when she saw you, Mark and Beverly.
"Oh, hey you." she greeted you. "Look, I think we may have started off on the wrong foot earlier. I'm not here to take your job, just here to spice things up a bit. Improve your ideas, give Bucky some assistance." she chuckled, holding onto Bucky's arm yet again.
You fought back the urge to grab your glass of water and throw it at her face. As the saying goes, kill them with kindness. So you merely shrugged and extended an arm for a handshake.
"Of course. I would love to improve your ideas as well, you know. Just a healthy discourse between two marketing professionals. We good?" you said.
Mackenzie forced out a chuckle and reached for your hand, "We’re good. I look forward to working with you." she said before turning back to Bucky who was still gazing at you.
"Let's go?" she asked sweetly.
Bucky smirked at you before wrapping an arm around Mackenzie's waist, guiding her out of the restaurant the same way he did to you. You were too focused on Bucky's body language around Mackenzie that you failed to notice that Mark was watching you closely, your expressions and how you reacted towards Bucky.
"I think I know what's happening."
"You what?!"
"Shhh!" you hushed Mark and peeked out of the empty pantry to make sure the coast was clear.
Mark noticed the tension between you and Bucky and he came to a conclusion that the both of you dated at one point. He wasn't really wrong but he wasn't right either. So you decided to tell him everything, from the moment you matched with Bucky on Tinder until your last conversation with him last Saturday.
"I honestly thought you were dating, I didn't know there was sex involved. No wonder he had been calling me weird names." he said incredulously. "Was that you and Mister Barnes that Janet reported to the HR?" he asked, stifling his laughter.
You groaned, "Yes. Ugh, gave me a panic attack when I found out about that incident report." you said.
"Hey..." Mark called out. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this. Your secret is safe with me." he reassured.
You nodded, "I think it was about time that I told someone about us anyway. This whole situation is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do next. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, I shouldn't have said that we were going out again. I don't want you or your job getting compromised because of our petty fight." you exhaled.
You had to admit, you felt so much better now after confiding with Mark. It somewhat alleviated the weight on your shoulders, knowing that there was someone aware of what you were going through. Who would've thought that this person would end up being Mark? You did have friends outside of work of course, but you felt like they all wouldn't really understand the situation.
Half would hate you for rejecting Bucky and the other half would hate you for even swiping right on him.
"Do you mind an unsolicited advice?" Mark asked.
"Not at all." you said.
"Ignore him. Don't let him or Mackenzie get to you. Do what you do best, you're great at your job and you'll be fine. That might get him to realize that you're not a prize to be won. And if he still doesn't see that, then that's his loss. You're more than just that hot marketing girl at work." Mark said.
You laughed at his last statement, "Hot marketing girl at work?" you asked, shaking your head.
"It's true. So if in any case you decide to ditch the CEO and move on, you know where to find me." he joked, throwing a wink your way.
You wanted to finish all your reports so you could focus on the huge project so you decided to work until around nine in the evening. The floor was already empty by the time you were done. Bucky seemed to be working too, given that he was still replying to e-mails at this hour. Wanting to get all the reports over with, you decided to submit it to him before going home.
During the elevator ride to Bucky’s floor, you couldn’t help but wonder whether he was alone in the office. Would Mackenzie be there with him? Even at this hour? Your grip on the folder tightened at the thought of catching them in the act.
But did you have any right to feel this way though?
Brushing off the thoughts, you exhaled loudly and prepared yourself for whatever it was you were to witness. Upon reaching the door to Bucky’s office, you slightly turned your head to listen to anything. It was quiet. No hushed whispers nor strained grunts-- they weren’t fucking, thank goodness for that.
You decided not to knock and just walk inside like you used to, reminding yourself of Mark’s advice.
Don’t let Bucky get to you.
When you saw Bucky hunched over his desk, typing away on his e-mails instead of bending a certain brunette somewhere in his office, you had to admit that you were relieved. He looked up and his eyes looked dead tired, you almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“You should really learn how to knock.” Bucky called out, slamming his laptop shut.
“Look, Bucky. I was just rushing to submit these reports so I can go home.” you explained and placed the folder on top of his desk.
Bucky frowned, “I said to call me Mister Barnes.”
You huffed out, “I honestly don’t care, Bucky. I’m not playing your damn games anymore.” you said and turned around.
A hand on your arm pulled you back, harshly turning you around to face Bucky. He was fuming, as usual. At this point, you were no longer fazed.
“You think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” he asked.
You clenched your jaw and pulled your arm back, “I’m not doing anything. You bring in Beverly or Mackenzie or whoever it is that you have up your sleeve. I don’t fucking care. I just want to focus on work.” you said and stepped away.
“And you should too, Bucky.” you added.
“I don’t believe you.” he said.
You sighed, your shoulders dropping from exhaustion at this whole shenanigan. “I’m done, Bucky.”
And with that you turned around to exit his office, leaving Bucky unsure whether you truly meant what you said. A victorious smirk graced your lips as you walked back to the elevator.
You were far from done.
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​​ @weird-mumbling​​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @mostly-marvel-musings​​ @squishybabies​​ @megzdoodle​​ @suchababie​​ @annathesillyfriend​​ @xhollycowx​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​​ @gogolucky13​​ @countonthesun​​ @iloveshawnieboi​​ @learisa​​ @borikenlove​​ @scarlet-natasha89​​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​​ @jessou893​​ @stealapizzamyheart​​ @bagelofthelord​​ @mxnt​​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​​ @ohladymacbeth​​ @wildflowergubler​​ @supraveng​​ @twinerd14​​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​​ @charminivy​​ @amelia-song-pond​​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​​ @mcubqrnes @im-squished​​ @tcc-gizmachine​​ @sipsteacasually​​ @prettyintopeerpressure​​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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scorchrend · 3 years ago
Hello there please infodump about your blorbos to me, I am willing to know about your blorbos as they sound very fun(I wanna rotate them like the stuff you put in a microwave)
Hi!!!!!!! I'm running to you at full speed. Ok. Ok. Let me introduce. My Blorbo #1.
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Euden Dragalia Lost!!
I don't know where to start because I do like being asked specific questions. But. I am skilled. At rambling with no aim. Here we go
euden is my friend he likes cute dragons and he plays the piano and hes been practicing string instruments over the course of the game. his base form tells us he "sounds like hes strangling a cat" but now in his latest alt he says hes gotten really good and wants to put on a concert at some point. he enjoys parties what with the events every two months. hes a normal guy. hes very accepting and when there is a problem, rather than moving to change the person he tries to be accepting of them. he has the fucking weight of the world on his shoulders but hes still so kind. someone get this man a sense of self-preservation. he has a sort of deadpan sassy humor. hes a fucking idiot. hes smart. hes everything. hes nothing. i cant list it all here he is just so important to me.
below readmore is kind of like a dragalia plot synopsis i just kept on typing 💀💀💀 writing this after i finished that i think ive been writing for 2 hours
(written after the readmore: yeah im all talked out for this post but if you have questions i will answer. i want to answer, especially specific questions. it doesnt have to be about euden you can ask me about my other blorbos! )
Euden is the 7th child of Aurelius, the king of Sol Alberia. He is 17 at the beginning of story (about 20 by now since the game's new year events are canonical), and he has a twin sister named Zethia. He is just a regular kind guy. Yknow standard protagonist stuff. This is likely due to him being the self-insert character, what with his name being the player's username. But more on that later.
The Alberian Royalty have dragonblood, meaning they can form pacts with dragons in order to shapeshift into them. You can't succeed the throne if you can't get a pact and shapeshift.
Now Euden over here, he has no interest in the throne. He just wants to enjoy life with his twin sibling and their faerie friend Notte, who they met at childhood. In fact, he's been actively avoiding the Dragon Choosing, so that he wouldn't be in line for the throne and create conflict between him and his siblings.
But unfortunately some shit goes down and the sacred shard (they keep fiends away) in Sol Alberia is weakening, so Euden is tasked to go and get the one from the Mistholt (an old castle in rovetelle forest that was used as the base of the founder king Alberius). You need a dragon to do this. So he goes out, along with Zethia, Notte, and a few friends he picks up on the way, and forms a pact with Midgardsormr, the windwyrm.
This is just turning into a fucking plot synopsis oh my god.
ok whatever. as they exit the mistholt suddenly his dad appears in front of them and hes like "wtf dad didnt u say you were going to the binding ruins" but then something is Very Wrong. Aurelius starts shooting black mana at them and theyre like oh fuck hes been possessed by The Other. The fiend sealed in the binding ruins. lol. uhhhh. long story short the gang loses and oddly the other wants zethia so she goes with him and is warped away and now euden has to go and get her.
i'm skipping over the parts where they chase after zethia and the other but like along this way euden finds out he can have multiple pacts just like the founder king alberius. ok. one of the dragons tried to make euden and his brother emile (6th in line) kill each other but thats a story for emile and not really for euden
Also they met a second zethia some time earlier im too lazy to insert this above but like shes been nudging the party on which way to go
anyways. they make it to the binding ruins and aurelius and zethia are there. theyre fighting!! so euden goes to shield zethia but then aurelius goes like "no!!! wtf are you doing!!!!!!" then theres a cg and BOOM zethia has red eyes shes been possessed by the other. he gets attacked but aurelius shields euden and he fucking dies. (his mana is transferred to his old dragon zodiark :) ) i forgot what was after this. uhhh the second zethia is a projection of mana from another universe and she disappears if she uses too much. but they have to escape so she warps them out then she disappears.
then zethia became the empress and renamed sol alberia into dyrenell because it was the name of the tyrannical empire in the past wow
now euden has no idea wtf to do. then he runs in with valyx (4th) then they fight then he makes his own kingdom from the mistholt— New Alberia.
in between this per chapter there are run ins with eudens other siblings, phares (2nd), leonidas (1st), and chelle (3rd). here comes chapter 10!!!
also its about 1st anniversary! euden is now 18.
anyways they get visions of alberius's fight with the other and apparently he sealed the soul of the other in the royal bloodline with a technique called the blood casket. also the others real name is morsayati. anyways thats why morsayati can body hop. i think they need to be willing but i dont remember
then stuff goes down here and all eudens siblings side with empress zethia so now the story shifts to having to fight all of the siblings.
oh boy. chapter 11 beyond. this is where the writing picks up. it felt like there was a clear change of direction (there WAS a change of direction, literally. the former director stepped down and was replaced by yuji okada from blazegames shoutouts to yuji okada my man) this was very good for euden
anyways in chapter 12 he has a fight with leonidas i know this was important but i fucking forgor
chapter 13. Oh boy. so theres this kid. they help him. he says his name is ed. ok cool. but then the kid starts spouting words. "what if your life was flipped all of a sudden" "what if you werent a royal what would you be"
then it turns out ed is actually the 5th child that none of the siblings ever met. his name is beren.
chapter 14 oh THIS IS MEATY ok theyre finally storming dyrenell. they reach the throne room and. since euden does want his sister first and foremost and is not really in the right headspace he agrees to let morsayati possess him. dude u have a whole kingdom to look after 😭😭😭 whatever. it would be very bad if morsayati possessed him because morsayati would gain access to all of his pactbound dragons. but in comes beren (he can suck black mana for his own power) and mid transfer he just fucking EATS UP morsayati. you had to be there it was hilarious. zethia still on the floor unconscious. they get intercapted by volk one of the agito and uhh idr how this goes but the agito get zethia and go towards north grastaea (alberia is in south) towards grams the holy city. euden and co chase after. (this leaves a power vacuum in dyrenell. the throne ends up with emile)
2nd zethia reappears because the morsayati worldhopping firewall is gone and she joins them. she gets a new name— Zena
CHAPTER 15 this one made me insane. chapter 14 made euden on my blorbo list but this one fucking killed me.
on the path zena gets in close calls but euden goes like "zethia ill protect u" but then zena deals with it just fine and hes like fucking hell euden thats not zethia. she doesnt need you to protect her.
ok so basically the leader of the agito appears. his name is Nedrick (💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 FUCKING NEDRICK 🤣🤣🤣🤣) and hes like ill take zethia. and theyre going to get the dawnshard for themselves (big power) and he claims that he is the REAL 7th scion. He shows them a document with the royal seal on it and it says euden, the 7th scion, died a month after birth, and after some thing with a some person named Finlorda, a new euden replaced the child.
then nedrick shows that the document lights up in the hands of a real royal. he hands it to zethia and valyx to show. nedrick holds it. and it glows. he hands it to euden
euden is like no way i can turn into dragons. multiple even. i have dragonblood! so he takes it. then it stops glowing. then we get. This
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(this was in the files for a while but this was the first time it was used. oh my god euden im so sorry but there will be many more times where this will happen.)
then he gets really fucking mad and they fight and nedrick sweeps euden and they have to warp back to the halidom. the mistholts castle. but zethia doesnt go with them. she says she will stay (she has plans but they are not evident at this point) and eudens like Fuck. I failed her again. when they get back he snaps at his friends (this is the first time hes snapped) but apologizes and goes to his room. he stays there the entire day until zena comes in and smacks some therapy in his face and it works. for now. then he apologizes to his friends and asks them if theyd still follow him, even if he wasnt really royalty. they all go like yeaaah
the rest. i am.... not fucking writing that much but
ch 16 rumor gets out that euden is possessed by the other. he gets turned on by his citizens until leonidas shows up after their fight in ch12 and a character development and fixes everything and gives rations and shit and he handles the castle while euden goes to north alberia to find the truth about himself and meet finlorda who turns out to be the faerie king
ch 18 theres like. mirage and distortion snowy mountains. and euden has visions of his friends abandoning him and his citizens turning on him. he has to be snapped out of it by his sylvan (rabbit ear people) friend Luca and luca goes like "this is the first time ive seen you want anything for yourself. and i want to see you get the truth of yourself. so lean on me more" good shit
ch19 hes revealed to be made from the body of morsayati and dragonblood. then a perfect copy of the dead euden's (now nedrick) soul. this fucks him up good but he deals with it normally now. he goes out into the woods and like. processes it. also mascula and laxi reassure him at the end of the chapter (androids they met in ch11, they share laxi's body)
i have run out of energy but now euden has come to terms with the fact that he isnt the original euden and embraces it to some extent. uhh. and in the newest event where they face off against true bahamut the creator of the world he has this powered up form thats literally made from friendship. its the cheesiest shit ever but dragalia makes it so cool not joking i love it so much. im skimming over that because the event is still on
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encrucijada · 2 years ago
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@moonssugar i said i wanted to do all the questions so i'm doing that ✨️ let's go, haze dogs!
👀 - an excerpt from my WIP
in the morning you walked home crying and covered in after-party remnants — glitter in your hair, a ripped dress, gashes on your black stockings, no shoes on, and blood artistically on your neck.
👑 - a random fact about one of my ocs
connor and ángel do archery! this is in part because i do archery but also because they really needed a hobby. i think it's also gonna be how they become close and eventually start dating.
🦀 - a favourite piece of dialogue
yay church scene!!
ángel pressed his smile to your cheek, compelled you to smile in kind. you felt the edges of his teeth like he intended to bite your cheekbone off. “you’re going to hell for blasphemy.”
“we’re all going to hell for it, my sin was being named an idol against my will.”
“and desecrating the house of god.”
“this hasn’t been god’s house for a decade, i had nothing to do with it. the place was empty,” you said, “ripe for the taking. so, i did.”
☀️ - current word count
2678 if we include the church scene and the scene of connor going to ángel's house after getting a little bit bloody. of the actual manuscript i have 474 words lmao
❄️ - toughest aspect of my wip
actually getting the ball rolling has been the hardest part. i'm banking on actually writing whenever i get to it to help me with character dynamics and connecting the plot points in my head.
🍕 - my characters' favourite foods
i feel like connor would really enjoy an empanada de papa. ángel feels like the type to say pasta with white sauce is his favourite. acacia Loves ice cream. benjy could live off of spicy chicken wings.
⚽️ - genre of my wip
low fantasy horror. at least i like to pretend it's horror but i get easily freaked out so it's might just be a little spook.
🤔 - what's the inspiration behind my wip
it's a combination of things. i wanted to write horror for reasons i forgot but the only good idea i had for a horror story couldn't lean all on the horror because of what i wanted it to do (aka disasters to sleep through which is more about healing your inner child and loneliness and love). so i had to find something new. i have a half-finished short story titled homeward & bound about two friends driving home down a creepy road with one of the girl's niece and the other's dog, and no matter how far they drive they never seem to make any progress. it's got subtle horror elements, all encompassed in the dog, inspired by a prompt i saw in one of those "southern gothic aesthetic" lists on tumblr about having to walk your dog so it's not restless and something bad happens. i decided to go from there with haze dogs, though i made without the two friends or the spooky car ride and just kept the dog. i've had recurring nightmares of being chased by creatures that want to kill me with their teeth no matter what, i used that and what little i know of stephen king's children of the corn from youtube videos with their ritualistic sacrifices to an entity that basically lives in their backyard. the cult stuff appeared when i decided to introduce ángel into the story, he's regulus black in a different font because stealing from terfs is encouraged. with his family situation coming straight from the blacks i skewed it slightly to the left and now you have a rich, manipulative mother who wants influence over the town. connor is inspired somewhat on wren from the podcast spines, most especially that initial sacrifice with her waking up in a pool of her own blood looking up at people she knows (in connor's case it's her classmates).
🎁 - prologues or no prologues, why?
none! it's better to just jump straight into the action with this one.
🎶 - wip playlist
the fruits by paris paloma
animal by pvris
you should see me in a crown by billie eilish
the unwanted animal by the amazing devil
which witch by florence + the machine
arsonist's lullabye by hozier
take me to church by hozier
the tradition by halsey
in the woods somewhere by hozier
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sy-on-boy · 3 years ago
Spy x Family predictions
These are just my personal thoughts ^_^
Yor will be assigned to kill Twilight / Twilight will be assigned to kill Thorn Princess. That was actually what I expected when I started reading, in the classic Mr and Mrs Smith style. I would be surprised if the manga ends without this arc :D
The origin of Anya and Bond’s superpowers are connected. I think this is made obvious because the same scientist(s) was shown in both of their flashbacks, but I think we’ll get a full Anya backstory some time later when she gets kidnapped or something
If Anya does get kidnapped, it’ll be the perfect opportunity for Thorn Princess and Twilight to work together. They both love Anya, and it fits in with the themes of secret identifies and family. A spy and an assassin united by their adopted daughter. Accidentally (or not) revealing their secret identities for the sake of their family.
There will be an arc in which Twilight is forced to choose between his fake family and his career. Throughout the manga, especially in the beginning, Twilight mentions how this family will all end once the mission is over. However, we know his true feelings are starting to see through and he feels genuine attachment to Yor and Anya. I’m guessing it will be like: Twilight chooses his spy career at first, then starts to feel uneasy and guilty, and sweet talks his way with WISE so he can continue to stay with Yor and Anya while keeping his mission.
Someone will find out Anya’s powers. Damian finding out has been somewhat foreshadowed twice, so he’s a likely candidate (and also it’s hilarious). Becky also makes a lot of sense because she’s Anya’s BFF and not involved in the main plot (Operation Strix), so lower stakes.
Demetrius will be somewhat of an asshole. I mean, we don’t know much about him other than 1) he has an awful hairstyle 2) he’s the perfect student 3) did I mention his awful hairstyle but through Damian we know he’s never hit Damian, but Damian also sounded nervous when calling Demetrius and even apologised for calling. Demetrius was also very blunt with his brother and said things like “you know Father is busy”. I don’t necessarily think they have a bad relationship, maybe just detached and strained.
Damian will greatly contribute to Operation Strix. I mean, this is already canon with Twilight crashing the family reunion to introduce himself to Donovan, but I think Damian will play a bigger part in the main plot. He’s connected to one of the main characters (Anya) and most of his appearances are with her at school, but he’s not just the “tsundere jerk”. He has an independent arc (the field trip with his lackeys) which shows his determination to get Stellar Stars and impress his father. Iirc not even Becky, Anya’s best friend, has an independent arc (the most is when Martha had a flashback to Becky being ostracised but even that is in a chapter with Anya). It seems like Endo is building up Damian’s character for something later.
Anya is from Westalis. Dark haired characters like Yor and Yuri are from Ostania, light haired characters like Twilight and Fiona are from Westalis. Anya has light hair. Also, during the George arc, when Anya comforted him by saying the West was good, George thought something like “she hasn’t even been to the West” which again feels like foreshadowing. (We know Anya thinks the West is good because her Pa is from the West, but man it just feels like foreshadowing.) ALSO, Twilight noted Anya was unusually proficient in classical language and mentioned something about how that language wasn’t used nowadays. Possible hint to Anya’s background in another country?
Anya’s grades didn’t improve much, so she’ll likely be in a different class from Becky and Damian next term. How will she carry out Operation Best Buddies then? The manga seems to not be focusing on this (because there are other arcs) but it’s been in the back of my mind since Ch42. Will we see a new cast of classmates for Anya? I think this is unlikely because Endo spent a lot of time establishing the Cecil kids. So unless Anya somehow does extremely well in the finals, she’ll be in another class. And because it’s annoying (plot-wise) for Anya to be in another class from the gang, I suppose there will be an arc about how Anya is going to ace her finals.
Gonna make some stretches here:
Anya’s unique hairstyle is related to her powers. In the flashbacks, we see her hair in two buns but without the black/gold cover thing. Maybe Anya added them after she ran away, or maybe one of her foster families gave them to her and she kept them as a gift. They kind of remind me of antennas to like, aid with mind reading, so maybe the hair buns are a decoy for that lmao.
That’s all I have today, may add more later :D what do you think?
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fictionadventurer · 5 years ago
I like your post about the Hunger Games and agree with most of it, but I still think the love triangle was unnecessary and people are right to criticize it. Collins could have very easily written Gale as the best friend and Peeta as her main love (based on endgame choices) or vice versa I don't even care since I'm not a big shipper of either. But she did introduce the unnecessary drama that overall did not add much to the plot, and it only took away focus. So I think I understand that crit.
Once upon a time, I might have agreed with you. These are good books, important books, and we don’t need to defile this war epic by shoving in teenage-hormone love-triangle dramatics. Then I reread the series, and I was astonished at how, for the most part, the love story is inextricably intertwined with the action-adventure elements. You can’t take out the love-triangle elements without creating a very different book with a very different message. That love-triangle, far from defiling the war story, elevates it into something better.
It starts almost immediately in the first book. We see how Katniss has a deep friendship with Gale, something that could turn into romance, except that she doesn’t dare to go down that path. There’s no place for marriage, and definitely not for new children, in their broken world. She only has energy for day-to-day survival. And once Katniss goes into the Hunger Games, romance is definitely off the table. She needs to harden her heart and make no human connections with the people around her if she wants to have even the slimmest chance of making it back home to her family. In a lesser book, she’d be right–there’d be no goopy romance to distract us from the hard-bitten survival epic that the Hunger Games is supposed to be.
But then Peeta declares his love for her. Suddenly, she’s part of an epic romance on national television. She wants nothing to do with this strategy–love makes you look weak. (And doesn’t that sound a lot like people who criticize the YA love triangle?) But Haymitch counters that it makes her desirable to the audience, and suddenly the thing that had seemed so burdensome becomes necessary to her survival. She needs to play the game–and once they’re in the arena, she needs to figure out if it is a game to Peeta. Peeta has already shown himself capable of manipulating the emotions of all of Panem–is it possible that he’s manipulating her?
This is the real brilliance of the first book’s romance. It doesn’t distract from the main conflict–it is the main conflict. Like so many other teenage girls, Katniss asks herself, “Does this teenage boy like me?”, but in this case the answer is literally a matter of life and death. If he loves her, she can trust him to help her survive. If he doesn’t, he could kill her at any time.
By the time she finds out that his love is real, she has to fake romantic feelings toward him to draw in sponsors. Now she’s manipulating his emotions to survive, and she can’t hope to untangle what’s real and what’s fake in this manufactured mess of a reality show. But Peeta’s influence has shown her that love isn’t pointless in the Hunger Games–it’s the only way for them to truly fight back. She chooses love for Peeta–whether romantic or not–over her own life, and that’s the only reason that, for the first time in history, two victors manage to beat the Capitol at their own game. Katniss won not by being the best warrior, but by showing love. The love story wasn’t a distraction–it was the solution.
It’s only in Catching Fire that she has to deal with the consequences of that. She was willing to die for Peeta, but she’s not sure she wants to live with him, especially since their relationship started under such unreal circumstances. She’d much rather leave the Games–and Peeta–behind and return to the life she knew before. That life included Gale, and Katniss is, for the first time, willing to consider him as a romantic partner. If her romance with Peeta was fake, is it possible that she could have real romance with her best friend?
This is the point where the love triangle comes into full swing, and I’ll admit this is the book where it’s integrated most clumsily. It seems like Katniss is taking some unnecessary risks in pursuing a relationship with Gale, and the plot sometimes comes to a screeching halt so Katniss can think about her emotions. But even if the plot integration isn’t as smooth as it was in the first book, the thematic relevance of the love triangle is still spot-on. Katniss has to think about what she wants–cling to her old life or dive into this new post-Hunger Games world? Does love have a place in this world at war? And when we think about the question in that way, the sloppy integration of the love story into the main action plot is kind of the point. Katniss may be instigating a war, but she’s still a teenage girl. She still has emotions, but she’s being forced to hide or fake so many of them that she doesn’t know who she is, what she wants, or who she wants to be. How can she discover her identity, hold onto her humanity, in the middle of a war?  
Mockingjay is where we get the answer to those questions. With Peeta imprisoned in the Capitol and the war underway, Katniss is saved from having to make an immediate decision about her romance. She echoes every romance-hating fan’s thoughts when she says:
The very notion that I’m devoting any thought to who I want presented as my lover, given our current circumstances, is demeaning.
There’s a war going on! There’s no time for love triangles! But it’s only when she’s not being forced to pursue romance with Peeta that she can really evaluate her relationship with Gale–and she’s finding that it’s not as strong as she thought. When she needs advice, she gets it from Prim, not Gale. When she needs someone who understands the trauma of killing, she goes to Finnick or Johanna. Now that Katniss and Gale don’t have the shared bond of having to care for their families–who are kept safe and fed by District 13–they’re finding that they don’t have much else in common. Katniss is mistrustful of Coin, while Gale is part of her inner circle. Katniss kills only when she has to during the war, while Gale treats weapon design as a fun challenge. This exploration of their relationship isn’t a distraction from the main plot. They’re what make the main plot mean something. This is the lens through which Katniss considers her views on violence, on war, on life, on what the point of their fight is. She and Gale literally have arguments about utilitarian principles! It’s only by exploring and then severing this leg of the love triangle that Katniss finds out who she is and what she really believes.
Collins couldn’t explore these issues in the same way if either Gale or Peeta wasn’t presented as a romantic interest. The nature of eros is desire, and the whole point of the Peeta vs. Gale question is Katniss figuring out what she wants out of life. She needs to be drawn to both of them, in the same kind of relationship, if the question and answer are to mean anything. Does Katniss want her old life, with Gale as the most important person, with his anger driving her to fight for survival by any means necessary? Or does she want a new life with Peeta, where they live for something beyond mere survival? Which man, which philosophy, does she want to devote her life to? If Peeta was the love interest and Gale was only the best friend, she could have both in her life. But you can’t resolve the trilogy’s central question by having Katniss compromise. Choosing one side means she can’t choose the other–and the only relationship that requires such an exclusive choice is a love triangle. Far from distracting from the main plot, the love triangle is what elevates it, takes it beyond a war story where the only question is how the characters will survive, and makes it into a story that tells us how the characters are going to live.
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hezuart · 4 years ago
That anaversary aizen looks absolutely fabulous, he looks like a figure skater xd.
I heard along time ago the last arc of the anime was being animated finally bc they pulled a 90s sailor moon were the last season was not either animated or dubbed untill decades later.
I recall near the end of the current 366 episodes there was an episode were the creapy demon ppl woke up in hell and we're all bitter, and there was the other guy who was like, iM cOmEiNg FoR u IChIgO, but then is never mentioned again after and I'm like,why? Why is lt there just plopted randomly into a different arc that seams unrelated.
And locking aizen up underground seems ok, but It deff won't hold, and he will. Escape, and he will kill, you either need that one spell from star, dubbed, the darkest spell of moon the undaunted, a powerfull dark spell that killed immortal beings, that came from best character, eclipsa, the queen of darkness.
We need that.
Or stick him I'm crystal like eclipsa was in star. Is there no one who could trap him in ice or crystal for all eternity.
How about throw him into the centre of a volcano trapped and caged , forverr being killed by heat?
I assume there's space travel, send I'm into a black whole, were a black whole don't fuckin care if your immortal or fat, you will die
Yes, I love anniversary Aizen. His original octopus-butterfly hollow design was ugly so I'm glad he's back to being the fashion icon he is.
Locking Aizen up underground once is one thing, doing it twice after saying he got more powerful by just sitting there, and he escaped to battle the Quincy Soul King God... is another. I think he should have escaped at the end of the Quincy arc. That is the only feasibility.
I heard the anime is coming back for the Quincy arc as well, but because of COVID its probably going to be delayed. (I'm not gonna watch it until the Rain section of the arc then I'm dipping out. I'm only here for Zangetsu)
and funny that you mention that hell scene in the manga :)
-> spoilers for the new BLEACH 73 page anniversary chapter / thoughts/critique on it
So hey you had a premonition! Syazel .... returned? And his hole is outside of his body??? for some reason???
(I didn't understand the explanation or why / how that happens and what that means for the hollow)
And my friend and I were laughing because out of ALL the things. Kubo could do in this anniversary. He gave Syazel his dick back after going to hell. That is iconic. (that's where his hole was located, and now that its not on his body ... well...) This is the funniest thing Kubo has EVER pulled. Kudos to you, sir.
The entire internet is freaking out over Ukitake being in hell. Honestly Kubo has done far worse, and we've established that Soul Society is a corrupt system that hasn't changed, so I'm not surprised he would pull something like this.
At the same time, Kubo 1. cheated his audience. 2. continues to prove me right that he cannot bring himself to kill his characters
1. Hollows who have commit murder in their human life are sent to hell. Syazel and Aaorniero are two of these hollows, and yet, when they are killed, there is NO gates of hell scene. We see them there later in the hell chapter (which was more of a promotion for the fourth movie and I didn't believe it would hold any merit)
But the same goes for Ukitake. We never see the gates of hell take him. What, was hell late? Did hell's gates get lost like an uber before picking him up? It's bull. Withholding such vital information from your audience, not showing the gates of hell when they should pick up this soul IMMEDIATELY is ... I mean its a lie. Kubo lied to his audience.
2. Now we are told powerful shinigami are sent to hell when they die. First of all that sounds like a security threat. Wouldn't shinigami want revenge for that? Or attempt to escape? Why would they still hold loyalty after being sent to a prison of eternal suffering?
Also "Yhwach and Aizen" were the only ones keeping Hell's gates closed is way too convenient and doesn't really make any sense. I feel like Aizen should have deliberately gone to hell to retrieve powerful shinigami / hollows for his army instead of keeping it /closed/.
This is definitely a Kubo-doesn't-know-what-he's-doing-and-is -making- stuff-up-as-he-goes, but it might have a pinch of merit because of previous plot lines.... but either way, there's some big plot holes here, but again, its Kubo, so I expected nothing less.
Again, he can't kill off his characters. He introduced zombification, he introduced immortality through the hougyoku, he has Orihime and Hachigen's reversal / rejection abilities. He brought back Luppi, friggen.... a character who's entire upper half of his body was incinerated. Like.... come on. No. He's dead, you can't bring him back like that. That's a cop out and just weird. You're taking away consequences and grief.
(Also Yamamoto and Unohana deserve to be in hell far over Ukitake, they've done some fcked up stuff in their pasts unlike him)
Also Kubo's favorite character is Mayuri, which.... you're allowed to have a favorite problematic character. But Keeping said character alive and bared from the consequences of abusing his daughter, murdering innocents, and experimenting on your own squad members? Nah. Nope. Kill him, Kubo. Kill this dude.
(his weird attachment to Mayuri is probably why he keeps bringing Syazel back, since Syazel is Mayuri 2.0, but Syazel is the bad guy who does face consequences for his actions while Mayuri is not)
Also, I'm certain Kazui and Orihime are going to be THRILLED that their precious husband/dad is going to hell when he dies :)
(I just... Rukia teased Ichigo about leaving Orihime at home. She teased him about having a house wife who he leaves all the chores to. Orihime had two panels. She checks on her son who promised he would be at home and sleep. Kazui fcking breaks his promise like it never mattered to him and JUMPS out the window after pretending to sleep in front of his mother. ... An 8 year old... alone... in the middle of the night.)
Orihime is abandoned. She is not invited to SS, she is not informed of what is going on, her son leaves her.... I...
Orihime is a side character. She doesn't matter anymore. She hasn't mattered for a long, long time.
A part of me is glad she had little screen time, since she tends to waste it, but another part of me is embroiled with rage.
I've even see people try to defend this. "Orihime and Ichigo can't be together ALL the time, that's an unhealthy relationship!" and I'm like guys... that's not the point. The point is Orihime is not part of Ichigo's other life. Any shinigami stuff from now on is none of her business. She's going to stay at home while Kazui and Ichigo go off and save the world. Ichigo is going to be fighting by Rukia and Renji while Orihime watches from the sidelines, or worse, doesn't even know what is going on with her husband and son. Orihime is going to be uninformed and abandoned, because she has not proven she is capable of fighting by their sides(go on, @ me. I will fight this. She's a failure.), and also because she prefers a human life over a dead one. Which is ironic, because she married a dead man. Ichigo is a shinigami, and he will be one forever. god forbid she ever meets his Zanpaktou. She would tremble in fear at the monsters her husband harbors in his soul, especially when she realizes they don't care about her and would rather see her dead. (Zangetsu would absolutely kill Orihime. Not sure about Kazui, but Orihime has not accepted Zangetsu, she does not like either of them, and the feeling is assuredly mutual.) frick now I want to make a comic about this
Also still frustrated over Zangetsu's shikai / bankai regression. Kubo once again lied to his audience. Ichigo has no bankai. How ridiculous is that? The main character of BLEACH doesn't have a bankai. Insulting.
(RIP to Chad. He doesn't exist anymore. He's just gone. No mention, no cameo. Gone.)
Kazui is a demon child. That character from the novels? Hikone? They're the same character. Literally same personality, same power level. Its worse because Kazui is a liar. He constantly goes behind his parents' backs. He can summon creepy fish and creepy eyeballs and open portals like is ANYONE aware of this? How has SS not kidnapped Ichigo's son and experimented on him / locked away his powers yet? All substitute shinigami require a reiatsu controlling / spy badge to keep them in line. Where is Kazui's? Or is he just a weird fullbringer?
I was worried Kubo was gonna try and pull a knock off Boruto but luckily he kept the focus on Ichigo and the others. But that being said, Ichika and Kazui are now just... sort of there? Kazui was kinda just.... having his own adventure that doesn't matter to the plot at hand, and Ichika had some nice characterization at first but she just hid behind her dad the whole time.
I have a feeling Kazui is gonna step in at the last minute or do some major behind the scenes thing that indirectly interferes with the main plot so no one will realize how powerful and dangerous he actually is. Its sad because Ichika is the superior character in personality and likability, but she clearly is not going to have a bigger part in this.
Ichigo having a normal life after everything still feels extremely boring and uncomfortable to me. Everyone's like 'I'm still bLEACH!" but.... BLEACH just... doesn't feel like BLEACH anymore. It hasn't for a while now.
There's two new shinigami characters. Didn't care for the girl, but the Sign Language kid who talks to animals is adorable ... however... he just reminds me of Chad, and I just... it hurts knowing Chad has essentially been deleted. Chad and Orihime are officially benched. They have chosen the human world, and Orihime has given Ichigo his spawn so she has no more use/purpose to him anymore... ////sigh
Also. This is claimed to be a new "arc". So is the BLEACH manga coming back? What is happening. I thought Kubo was tired and didn't want to do BLEACH anymore. I thought Shounen Jump cut him off. People made so many excuses for Kubo and why the past two arcs have been so badly written the past 6 years and now almost everything they've attempted to defend him with has been revoked.
BLEACH is going to continue to screw up its plot lines and characters, so Its probably best for it to stay dead but I've seen a lot of Kubo stans drooling over this content, they're desperate for BLEACH's return, but its already given out all its possible revelations. There's really nothing else to top here. It's just going to make things up as it goes along ,and I'm not really here for half-assed writing like that, especially since the damage of rushing the previous manga has already been done. Kubo and Shounen Jump are riding off a money nostalgia. None of this was planned.
Honestly though.... overall feeling of this chapter, not as bad as it could have been.
Syazel stole the spotlight, and he's my friend's favorite character, so that's all that really matters.
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helion-ism · 4 years ago
let’s talk about elucien
there are so many reasons why I love elain x lucien and why I think these two would not only be amazing together, but also why they belong together. one of those reasons is lucien’s sassy personality, which we already got a glimpse of in acotar (and that I miss terribly btw), and which is, in my opinion, exactly what elain needs in her life. we’re talking about lucien “your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold” vanserra. we know he’s got quite a big mouth, that’s how we got to know him, but we also know that mouth is exactly what’s gotten him into trouble before. case in point: the eye incident. lucien doesn’t mince his words and yes, that is one of the reasons why elain really needs to spend some more time with him. 
she has been coddled by not only her father, nesta, feyre, but also the entire inner circle, which has allowed her to live her life passively. yes, she killed the king of hybern, and good for her, but she did it because nobody else could have done it at that point in time. ever since the war ended, elain has not actively contributed to any plot matters, whether by choice or because someone else took the choice from her. azriel said in acosf, “there is an innate darkness to the dread trove that elain should not be exposed to.” even amren pointed out that elain is capable of defending herself, but for some reason, nobody let her even though elain said she would try to find it: “then I will find it. I might require some time to … reacquaint myself with my powers, but I could start today.” and yet,  by the end of the book, elain’s been barely in it and has not contributed at all. (I know some people claim there’s certain things already happening in the background, but honestly, I’m not satisfied with that development happening off page, so I can’t wait to finally go on her journey and actually see her do stuff)
this moment is crucial:
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does it look like she is happy with the way the others treat her? not really. when nesta snapped at her, elain started laughing. that signals relief to me because nesta, the one who has always tried to protect elain the most (nesta baby Ilysm), is the one who suddenly lost her patience. elain needs somebody like lucien, somebody with a big mouth and sassy attitude, who can coax her out of that paralysis she’s been stuck in, a bit like nesta in this scene. additionally, the banter would be top tier. I want another “if I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?” moment, please. god please. (elain blinks. “and where would you like that kiss?” — and lucien just loses his mind.)
another thing that lives in my head rent free is the fact that lucien has travelled almost everywhere and could introduce elain, who wishes to see more of the world (see: “elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers”), to the different courts and the continent. I refuse to accept that we will not get to learn more about the other courts, for my sake, but also for elain’s sake. I want her to see the spring court at least once. I want her to go and see those tulips she’s dreamt of. I want her and lucien to discover the day court as a new home, which brings me to the next point. 
elain has been craving sunshine for some time now. there’s several quotes that emphasise her connection to sunshine/light, here are a few of my favourites: 
I marveled at it, actually — that those years of poverty hadn‘t stripped away that light from elain.
the suite was filled with sunlight. every curtain shoved back as far as it could go, to let in as much sun as possible. as if any bit of darkness was abhorrent.
she had been always so full of light. perhaps that was why she now kept all the curtains open. to fill the void that existed where all of that light had once been. and now nothing remained.
what can I get you, elain? — sunshine.
elain doesn’t belong into the night court. feyre has found her family there, with rhys and the inner circle. nesta has found (or should I say accepted) cassian and found gwyn and emerie, her chosen sisters. but elain?
elain is somewhere in the background hiding with the twins and tending to gardens of the citizens of velaris. you can’t tell me that is satisfactory to you. she is currently ignoring her seer abilities, and the members of the inner circle are basically encouraging her to do so. the only time she’s been confronted lately was during that conversation with nesta and her reaction was not exactly what any of us readers would have expected, was it? that tells me there’s much more about her we don’t know yet, and I’m convinced we won’t know until she finally leaves and finds her own people, finds herself again and start dealing with everything that happened to her. elain must leave the night court, i.e. the darkness, behind in order to grow.
the same goes to lucien: he’s not at a place where he can just jump into a relationship or mating bond. he’s got so much stuff going on. lucien was forced to abandon his home and his abusive family, his “father” killed the fae he loved in front of his eyes, his best friend is an abusive pos who never appreciated him anyway, and neither has anyone in the night court. lucien is used because of his connections and because of the mating bond that ties him to elain, whether he wanted it or not. feyre knows he would never turn away from elain unless she explicitly wishes him to, and so she and rhys and the others use that to their advantage. it is smart, of course, but at the same time, they also keep important information about his own life from him that could change many, many things. so he’s spending his time with mortals in the human lands — a place where he as a fae really does not belong. 
lucien being the heir to the day court, well, to me, it feels like sjm is practically screaming it into our face: how could he find a home in the night court, the literal opposite to the day? darkness vs. light. and what about elain “he’d never once in the two years he’d known her found elain to be plain, but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court … it sucked the life from her” archeron? just looking at the symbolism, not only do the quotes from above indicate that the night court cannot possibly be her home, but also very recent quotes from the latest book. elain is a side character in the night court. and so is lucien. they both need to leave in order to become main characters — and it doesn’t even matter that both are already crucial to the further plot of the series because how can they possibly contribute to it in a place where they are both kept down? 
mor said in acofas: “stay out of it. she’s not ready, and neither is he, no matter how many presents he brings.” and “let him figure out where he wants to be. who he wants to be. the same goes with her.” mor’s power is “truth”, whatever that means. but there you have it. they’re not ready to be with each other yet, and that’s okay. 
[elain and lucien are also connected not only because of the mating bond, but also because of the plot. lucien must know quite a lot about her and her sisters simply because of all the time he spent with their father. the father who made a bargain with koschei. koschei who put a spell on vassa. lucien is therefore tied to both papa archeron as well as koschei and vassa. elain, we know, is a seer, despite her not using her abilities (or is she, and we simply don’t know?). elain is (obviously) connected to her father, but also to koschei and vassa (remember those visions she had).]
now let’s get to the mating bond stuff, and I need to say this loud and clear: elain has always had and will always have one (1) true mate. there’s no such thing as “false mate” or even multiple mates. there has been no indication whatsoever. lucien is the mate the cauldron had given her when she was born. and elain is the mate the cauldron had given him when he was born. even when she was still human, they already belonged together — tied together by strings of fate. absolutely nothing will change this fact. should elain reject the bond, lucien will remain a part of her life/her soul forever. should lucien reject the bond, elain will remain a part of his life/his soul forever.
when she was still human, lucien had already felt a pull between them and tried to save and protect her from hybern. when elain was already fae, when it came to protecting her, azriel clapped cassian’s shoulder and left (is this the true mate they’re all talking about?). it’s unfair to lucien, elain, AND azriel and this comparison alone is enough to disprove this theory.
the thing is, lucien has been nothing but respectful, kind and caring towards elain. when he arrived in velaris in acowar, he could immediately sense what she needed and said, “she needs fresh air” (vs. the response “we’ll judge what she needs”) and “take her to the sea. take her to some garden. but get her out of this house for an hour or two.” (I’m gonna make another post about this because I have a few thoughts on this)
of course, she doesn’t owe him anything, but elain herself doesn’t wish to be treated like a child, she maybe she should start acting like an adult because although she doesn’t owe lucien an apology or explanation, she has to have a conversation with him, like two responsible adults. there is no way feyre or anyone in the inner circle hasn’t told her that she can reject the bond and move on with her life. but just like her powers, this is another thing she chooses to ignore. I’m not blaming her because I know she has to work through her trauma first and heal, but by the end of the series, she has to acknowledge that at least.
in acosf, elain says “I am not a child to be fought over” when they discuss the dread trove. I wonder what she would say about the fact azriel threatens to challenge lucien to the blood duel because of her? based on literally everything we know about lucien, I can say with certainty that he would not physically fight over elain. if she only had a conversation with him and told him to move on and leave her alone, lucien would do just that. he would leave her alone and try to move on as best as he could (which we know is difficult for males). but he would never act as entitled to her as to demand a blood duel and fight to death. it goes against his principles. 
to finish this off, sjm summing up everything I just said:
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