beta-adjacent · 2 years
U have oc's? Can we hear about them? 👀
So!!!!!!! Y’all need context. Game Grumps. Y’all know of them, remember them? It doesn’t matter if you actually do, all that does matter is that you know I’ve loved them since I was a kid. I mean, I don’t watch their shit a lot nowadays but if there’s one series I almost Always try to keep up with its their horse girl games. The genre of horse girl games are Fascinating to me. I’ve never seen a play through that actually made it to the end of one, because the end is Never the point of a horse girl game. The point is making your dream horse, riding through open maps, grooming your dream horse, completing useless side quests, bonding with your dream horse!!!!! And Game Grumps is especially great at recognizing that because improv just tends to go off the rails in those games. And everytime I watch a horse girl game they play, and listen to the silly voices they do, I think about my own fictional horse girl universe.
So, introducing!!!!!!!!!
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Lemme break down the character.
At this phase, Camila is ≈12 years old, a prime time of the horse girl phase
In fact, she’s the main protag of a horse girl game (assuming I ever made this into a playable game lol)!!!
What’s the catch? She actually had her horse phase a Wayyyyyyyyyyy long time ago. Horses are for babies. Now she’s knee-deep in her emo emo phase. Gerard Way is her boyfriend and you can’t tell her otherwise. She writes bad FanFiction.net fanfics instead of doing her homework (A/N: n her 30 followurz LUV it!! >w<) . She even dyed her “scene kid” hair with Koolaid in secret…. Until it didn’t wash off in the sink 30 minutes later. It wasn’t so secret then.
All of this “rebellion” leads Camila’s mom to enroll her in a summer camp for horse riders. Does the mom actually enroll her because she doesn’t know how to connect to her kid and her new interests? Was this actually a camp the family saved up for years for Camila to go to, and aren’t going to let the money go to waste? Is the mom just looking for a way to get rid of her kid for the summer? …I have no clue yet.
But yes, as you’d imagine, Camila goes to this horse rider’s camp for the summer and meets generic friends and she kind of hates them all at first but slowly grows to realize they’re ok. And she does end up still loving her horse and having a lot of knowledge on them (even though it turns out she’s Really bad at riding them). And there’s a Nancy Drew-ass, save-the-animals plot that happens along the way because it’s a fucking horse girl game godammit!!!!
Point is that Camila is my humorous take of a horse girl game protag that I’d actually want to play as (because I hate self-inserts, sorry). She’s a fucking snot because she’s a 12 year old who thinks she knows how the world works.
Fashion note: she tries to have the emo fashion but she fails spectacularly. Honestly she shouldn’t even have the Paramore shirt, but the pink not-matching-at-all hoodie is accurate. Maybe she got the one band tee for Christmas from her cool aunt, and it's become a bit of a comfort item
So, my horse girl game takes place in 2006, ironically the summer right before the Wii launches (which is where a lot of these games are born). Camila has, and frequently uses, AOL (before it dies in late 2008ish). And there's one, single, archaic computer at the local library outside of the horse camp that she visits every week for her free hours.
So every week she talks to her online BFF…..
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Yes folks, that is indeed “Journey” with two ‘e’s. I think the name is cringe too, but I've kept it ever since I made them back in 2017, which is an extremely rare case for me, and I treasure that. Journee's actually part of an independent story from Camila (who was made in 2022). The intention with Journee has always been an emo who couldn’t actually look emo because their parents would kill them if they did.
But that gimmick is what makes Journee's inclusion in the horse girl game the crossover of a lifetime. Because Camila and Journee both need a friend who was also into emo shit, to fuel each other's obsession with it. Journee especially needs it because they canonically grow up to fulfill their emo fantasies (I haven't decided if Camila does the same). So the two work great for each other's individual stories.
Here’s how Journee's adapted into the Horse Girl Game AU:
In the original story, Journey is a whopping 14.5 years old, a freshman in high school. In this story, they're ≈12 years old. Older than Camila but honestly not by much, maybe 4 months!
A BIG fan of emo shit but their parents (obviously) won’t let them do anything. They think, "Camila’s lucky; at least Camila’s dad actually buys her Koolaid". Journee doesn't know Camila's dad actually bought it for her younger brother, and she stole it. But still, it's the principle! All Journee has is this gross tea their mom always makes to “promote more collagen” or whatever
Speaking of, Journee is one of those kids who got acne immediately as puberty started, and is absolutely going to gain acne scars as they grow up because they keep scratching at it.
Camila and Journee are online friends exclusively for an extremely long time; they met through a fanfic site a few months before the events of the horse girl game. Years later, they realize they actually lived embarrassingly close the whole time. They hang out a lot in-person in late high school, and then become mostly online friends again as they enter the adult world.
Note on the pronouns: I use they/them exclusively for Journee because Journee has always been one when I've written them. We're at a tricky spot in Journee's timeline because they are 12, nearly three years before their gender crisis-- meaning, they wouldn't be using they/them pronouns at this age. But I don't know what Journee's agab is; all I know is that when Camila befriends them, they pretend to be the opposite gender for a while. Just, tl;dr-- If I were ever to make the game, Journee's name wouldn't be Journee and they wouldn't be using they/them yet, but it absolutely still is Journee.
And in case you were interested, here's a rough idea of what they look like grown up (around 20s?). Camila I'm still questioning what route I wanna take with her, but I have a Very specific design for Journee and this piccrew does NOT do it justice. But I still need you to understand their dynamic is exactly the fucking same as it was when they were twelve and it's Hilarious.
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These are not my first OCs by far but they're the ones I've cared about most recently (this crossover idea only happened maybe... a month ago? So the hype is still fresh). If you're interested in them, their stories, or any other characters I've made, lemme know! None of my characters/stories are particularly deep or insightful, but I still love them.
And here's the piccrews I used because I hate when people don't include links for that shit.
The solos
The group
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dovelyscribbles · 4 months
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"Are you lost?" First Meeting 💙💚
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bumblebeatrice · 2 years
“there’s a holy war coming” lilith was right and it’s between the gays and netflix
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notllorstel · 2 years
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makes Camila and Bell hang out because >:}
Scrapped panel but Eda is cute
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uldren-sov · 1 year
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When it comes to erasing the past, it looks like you missed a spot~
just saw the meme and thought of THEM lolol and some awkward moments that come from untangling yourself from a long-term relationship and going back to basics: waiting around for Lucy Duckstein to save them from situations
I commissioned the lovely bestie @artofzofia for this, thank you sm!!!
Starring Camy (Camila) Rose (oc) Seven Lawless from @infamous-if
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bro WHAT is his problem 😭😭
dont ask me about her i’ll tell you about her later 😾
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10alex01 · 2 years
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Camila, the Gorth Maid Catgirl, goes out for lunch.
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yeehawknight · 4 months
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Camila ✨ August's older sister.
i'm working on designing August's family and Camila is the only one I've sort of finished so far. I don't know if I'll actually draw all of them so here she is, in all her glory 👑❤️
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crushedsweets · 12 days
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Working on my friends crp self insert. Wannabe documentarian who goes down a reddit mystery rabbit hole and loses her mind. Antics ensue
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flame-shadow · 24 days
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Marissa the dreepy/drakloak, some of her family, and Camila the stunky
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slowthypiglordblr · 11 months
Aweirdlatina's Future Owl House AU New Hexsquad as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Style
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Azura Mercedes Blight as Espurr
An adorable little feline genius in her own little world.
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Adalyn Noceda Blight as Mew
She's a precious little wonder with a giant heart of gold and a blessing to the world.
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Regina Park as Dusk Form Lycanroc
She's the noble wolf and who's bite is as vicious as her bark.
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Olive as Yamper
A wild free spirit with an electric personality.
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Kam Noceda as Zoroark
A trickster at work, and can come in many faces. She's great fun to be with when you want to break some rules.
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Ellowyn Antlerstein as Deerling
I'm not entirely certain with this choice I'm open to any suggestions.
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And last but not least, Regichu!!!!
(This art by @aweirdlatina is the reason I made this list honestly)
(follow the link for more information)
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dovelyscribbles · 2 months
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Despite their first meeting being a memorial experience for the both of them, this was what Camila went through during that moment. 😅
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
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All rise Camilraeda nation- I present: a critter-
-Her full name is Jocelyn Stormy Clawthorne! She prefers Josie for short.
-She’s biologically Raine & Camila’s child, she was born during the rebuilding the of the Isles (she would’ve been around 1 1/2 around the time of the epilogue)
-She was in the healing track during her time at Hexside & The University of Wild Magic. She now works as Hexside’s school nurse (she frequently has her nieces in her office due to how danger prone they are-)
-Know one honestly knows what her palisman is supposed to be. He’s just a lil guy. She drew how she wanted him to look when she was like 5 and just never changed her image of him when she finally got Hunter to carve him for her. (And who would Hunter be to deny his lil sis her goofy lil guy?)
-Frequently travels between the Human Realm and Demon Realm.
-Luz and her are extremely close, heaven knows they and their sibs took the dorkiest graduation photos when she graduated from Hexside.
-Loves her nieces with all her heart, usually is the one to get them out of the dumb situations they find themselves in.
-As baby of the family all five of her sibs are very protective of her.
-She’s highly noise sensitive and prefers quieter environments. Rabbowl helps to comfort her when she gets overwhelmed.
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rogdona · 4 months
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notllorstel · 2 years
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just getting the hang of drawin Camila which then turned into scheming ;}
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rye-bread08 · 24 days
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Finally finished my Gravity Falls OC
(If theres any questions about her, please do leave them in my inbox, I will do my best to answer them, since im practically crafting her story as I go, so things I say here might not be canon in later revisions)
And to my least favourite part writing: (TLDR; Childhood friends, Stan got kicked out, years passed they met again in Vegas, Dated, Stan 'died' in a Crash, 30 years later, met 3 & 4 in the woods, went to find Stan, reconnected)
Camila "Millie" Rosaline Garcia was born and raised in Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. As a child, she spent nearly every day at the beach, this is where she met the Twins, Stan and Ford. Being just a year younger than the two, she naturally went along with them really well, and they quickly became friends.
Millie attended the same school as the twins and developed a deep infatuation for Ford. Her feelings were met with a rejection, as Ford was aware that his twin, Stan, had crush on her. Despite this, their friendship remained strong throughout high school. When Stan suddenly left without a word, Millie was understandably upset. Ford simply told her to not worry about it and to continue with life.
After Graduating, Mills pursued her passion and attended an art school neighboring Backupsmore University. Her and Ford interacted a lot in the beginning and almost started dating, but Ford prioritized his studies, and their interactions happen less and less. They eventually stopped talking and just focused on their own lives. After graduating from University, Millie traveled across America, seeking opportunities in the film and theater industries. She eventually settled in Las Vegas, where she sold paintings and worked as a background actor in films. To make ends meet, she also took a job at a local diner. One day, a familiar face randomly appeared. It was her childhood friend Stanley Pines. Despite the years apart, they hit it off almost instantly. Quite Little has changed, he's still the Big goof she knew since childhood, and still had his athletic physique and strong personality. But now, he's ever so slightly more charismatic? One thing led to another, and their renewed friendship soon turned into romance. Their relationship led them to create new memories together. For a year or two, their relationship seemed like a second chance at happiness. They enjoyed every bit of time they were together and found comfort with each other’s company.
However, their rekindled romance was short-lived. During a risky illegal venture involving Stan, he fled, leaving Millie to face legal trouble. She was arrested, and after being incarcirated, the atmosphere of their relationship drastically changed. Even after they parted ways following a heated argument, their true feelings for each other still remained.
Millie’s life was a mess after finding out about Stan’s tragic death in a horrible car crash. But she pushed through, throwing herself into her art, traveling across the Americas, selling her creations to fund her travels. Her journey took her to various countries, and she continued to support herself through her art for years.
Summer of 2012 While traveling through the Pacific Northwest, coming from British Columbia, Mills encountered two children taking refuge from the rain in a cave near her campsite. The two looked very identical. The only way you could be able to distinguish them from each other were the numbers in their cap, reading "3" and "4". The two, who introduced themselves as Tracey and Quattro, were visibly distressed and confused. She quickly took the two of them in. Providing them with raincoats and other necessities she bought at a nearby truck stop.
As she spent time with the two, their stories began to reveal hints of the supernatural. Millie was not estranged to the paranormal and the bizarre. Frankly, she had her own encounters throughout the years, and was very intrugued with the stories they told her.
tho, a familiar name surfaced in their tales: Stanford Pines? They havent talked ever since she graduated and left New Jersey. Mill figured that since shes still in the area, It would be nice to visit an old friend. With 3 and 4 guiding her, she drove to Gravity Falls, Oregon.
"Welcome to Gravity Falls" she read Driving through the town filled with debree and on going construction, It was clear that something happened ,any questions made were met with the same phrase "Never mind all that"
She finally drives up to the Mystery Shack, and saw Stanley? ... something something, insert plot, something, Im too lazy to right it now. Im going to bed. ... If you finished reading through that, Thank you. Im not usually the type to write, this alone took me a whole night to do and revise. I will definitely make more content of her in the future, interacting with other characters, writing more backstory, those sorts. For now If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.
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