#and the other that at the end of the day he does not engage... cuz he has no reason to
coralsgrimes · 1 year
Sooooo been wrong lol it's been weeks and not even a great to see bestie perform live and support MY UNION mention
WoW he really did nothing and it's been like almost two months overall xd
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hg-aneh · 3 months
Hi,ik I've been asking questions frequently but I'mma do it again bc I'm that petty;
In the AziraCrow relationship/marriage/or whatever. Who do u think is the housewife/husband? 😀
if we're talking about traditional gender roles applied to marriage ((which i believe would NOT apply to them in canon as they're both nonbinary supernatural beings)), i have to preface this by saying that i rlly don't agree with them as a concept
[if ppl choose to engage in them and not judge others for not doing so then good for them (idgaf akfbsjf)]
i hate that they're still being imposed onto people and that they haven't been left in the past for some contexts
i also want to clarify that the following """analysis""" I'm going to make is all for the sake of poking fun at gender roles and satirizing their entire existence.
Having said that, these are my headcanons:
Aziraphale-housewife, Crowley-husband
Why? Simply because husbands are fucking useless and I like to bully Crowley cuz he stinks and he sucks c0ck and b4-
I'm just goofing around 😭
In my little bubble world, they'd be neither (or both if you wanna see it from that POV)
Let's start with this:
If we take the definition of a traditional husband, which is basically "i work and do nothing else cuz I'm a man and men have their mommies i mean wives do everything for them" and take the Work part away, which is what we'd do if we were to place the ineffables in the south downs aka their retirement shack, then you get a useless fuck
And in reality, they both do jackshit (that's the whole premise of s1) so????? does that mean they're both husbands???
For further insight let's try to affirm Aziraphale is the housewife.
Aziraphale bakes, so he's probably a decent cook too; that's "housewife" material. He also happens to be very pretty and plump and a blonde, which I've been told are pretty ladylike things to be (/sarcasm)
(There are no pretty male blondes in ba sing se good omens)
He dresses in light, dainty clothing and talks with an accent only girls and women talk with, as well as getting his nails done and using make up for his magic act, and he says "please" and "thank you", which are things only women do (I'M BEING SARCASTIC. I'M BEING VERY SARCASTIC. god i hate gender rolesAAAA)
Now this is where the comparisons end cuz let's face it, Aziraphale is a lazy fuck.
You KNOW the bookshop smells like mold and he just miracles it clean every now and then.
He'd rather sit his plump (pretty) blond ass on the couch and read the day away than actually get to doing the baking and cooking or caring for the kids (plants) if it's not a hobby activity
Now let's do the opposite and try to affirm Crowley as the housewife.
He's clean (does the cleaning), he's of service when needed, he organizes when he's stressed (read the book), he- he drives a car...
OH SHIT. MAN ACTIVITY!!!!!🤯🤯🤯 (we're still being sarcastic here, it's not over EFJSJF)
In all seriousness though, trying to fit these two into gender roles, even as a joke is kinda difficult even in headcanon-land ajbfsnf
At least that's my opinion
For every traditionally "feminine" thing you have one of them do, the other outdoes that by a mile. And vice versa with the traditionally "masculine" things, like "being useless" and "car" /sarcasm is back.
So which one would be which? I think they're both dumbasses who fight over who gets to do what in the household (neither of them wants to do anything except for cuddling) and come up with an agreement to divide each chore :)
y'know, like normal people in a functional marriage (my parents lol)
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There are straight men in power banning trans people, outlawing queer books, and banning gay marriage again, and we're about to have a woman president cosigning genocide.
I think maybe the queer community needs to stop engaging what is at this point blatantly psyop discourse meant to make us hate each other. This isn't even veiled homophobia. Like it's just homophobia. Straight men are misogynist too. Men in general even so it's bizarre that this person specified queer men.
Like I'm sorry Gay Gary fucking sucks and is a man that worships patriarchy, but he also makes minimum wage at Starbucks so maybe we have bigger things to worry about than specifically making Kevin feel unwelcome in queer spaces.
Like any of the 500+ anti-lgbt bills that were presented this year. Or actually codifying gay marriage. Or if you care about women, getting Roe v Wade codified or changing constitutional language so that the rights of men will ALWAYS apply to all genders, Not just men or white men or white women (like in the case of voting). Or you could support the Equal Rights Ammendment and organize more support for that.
Keeping misogynist gay men out of gay safe spaces isn't gonna give any of us rights or protections even if it does make the space more welcoming for women and femmes and I know ppl aren't gonna like this but if you really find that necessary then create additional spaces specifically for that purpose.
Because queer/LGBT spaces are for ALL queer/LGBT people. Being LGBT/queer is the only prerequisite.
We aren't a monolith, remember? One of the foundational arguments for our rights is that we are just people like everyone else!
Queer people are capable of being Republicans and Democrats and doctors and nurses and teachers and racists and activists and philosophers, JUST LIKE THE STRAIGHTS. Just like everyone else! And it's our right to be treated with the same complexity and freedom to be as they are.
It's not a reflection of their orientation. Nobody is going around like "yeah if you're straight you shouldn't be voting Republican" because they aren't being dehumanized and having their entire being reduced to who they do/don't sleep with and having their identities regulated by their choices.
Don't do that to each other.
The point of community is being a community. You don't abandon the community you have cuz your community will the ONLY people that have your back. At the end of the day gay Republicans also need a gay bar to retreat to and be comfortable and themselves at. And when they're there they're grateful that at the very least nobody is gonna give them a hard time for being gay.
Bitching at gay men about misogyny is basically a mean lesbian past time, besides. Stonewall happened because the Black drag king, Stormé Delarverie, who got clubbed and fighting cops was just being ogled by other lgbts who just watched and she yelled, "why don't you guys do something?" so they did. In fact, Stormé Delarverie often patrolled the area with a rifle to keep lesbians safe.
And do you think she stopped to do a tally of who's problematic and who wasn't before they started to de-arrest Stormé? Do you think Stormé would have just let lesbians be harassed if they were racist?
Cuz when that Republican gay needs backup against homophobes you know who he's gonna call? That mean lesbian who ripped into him about misogyny that one time and would fight anyone if they were acting ugly. At the end of the fucking day we are the only people who will look for each other. Quit acting otherwise and fighting with each other.
To deny someone a safe space is to deny part of their humanity.
Idk when the queer community forgot that but I hope this serves as a reminder.
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realmofthefandoms · 2 months
Red Shoes: F7 (mostly) react to sweet and chubby GN!reader (HCs)
An: for the record lets assume they start falling in love and they starts to pay more attention to your body and they end up simping hard
Warning: fluff, body shaming, ooc?, no triplelets because I'm tired, I'll add them later if ya'll can remind me
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Well sh-
He hoped for someone...prettier..
He hoped that you'd be able to, ya know break, his curse but he was disappointed
This was of course at the beginning
It's been a bit since he and the rest of the f7 met you
Now, he often found himself staring and watching you as you walked around in the base, cleaning, snacking, reading, or just curiously looking around
The way your clothes clung to your figure and how...squish-able your face was..
W-wait what is he thinking??!
He tries to ignore those thoughts and just looks down but at night he has dreams of you...
Cuddling with your softness in human form, running in fields of flowers with you making the petals float around you two as you almost share of kiss..and of course that's the time when he wakes up
As time passes he can't help but subconsciously wanna get close to you, stealing glances your way and sometimes scooting his seat closer to yours
Of course Arthur teases him for it and makes jokes which annoys Merlin
And of course the rest of the f7 join in teasing making him more flustered
And for the sakes of my imagination, you're oblivious ad very confused why they're making Merlin so...blushy
Eventually you got a bit too curious and pressed an ear up on the door to listen and the f7 telling Merlin to "fes up"
"C'mon mate! You got to tell Y/N how you feel!"
Hans chimes in "Ja ja! That you v'ant her!"
You face flushed as you put two and two together and realize Merlin has..romantic feelings just for you
You hear Merlin sigh "I-its just that...what if she rejects me?"
Thats your cue
You bursted into the room and grabbed Merlin and then walking out the base towards the stables before setting him down
Merlin was shooketh but as soon as you sat down you started ranting about how much you love him and you liked him for how much of a gentleman he was to you
Merlin could not believe what he was hearing you say, he thought you thought he was a total jerk (cuz he kinda..was)
You kept ranting though and he chose to shut you up with a kiss
Lets just say when you opened your eyes, you were not expecting a human and handsome version of the man who was just in front of you
Lets just say after a lot of talk and words exchanged, you got your happily ever after..
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He was...hesitant
When you two first met he didn't really bother giving you a second glance and chose to treat you more like someone who just....lived there and wasn't too close with you
But as you and the group went on more missions, you found yourself gravitating towards Arthur more
He'd spend time walking with you in the forest and talk about his best and most proud achievements, enjoying the way you'd laugh and smile when he's joked around about them
As you two spoke more and more, he found himself enjoying your presence
He enjoyed the way you'd engage when he spoke about his hobbies and things he liked and the fact that you remember and actually listened
Arthur began staring at your star struck eyes, loving the shine in them as you opened up more on your own hobbies and achievements
Whenever patrol is an option he insists you go with him since "I'm a strong man, Y/N, I'll protect you from any danger!" *proceeds to display muscle*
As of recently, he finds himself staring at you in awe, how..glowy and..gorgeous you looked to him..
He himself is himbo bad at realizing these feelings and doesn't really see them but the other f7 guys do
No one really says much, other than exchange a few knowing glances with each other and go about their day, occasionally subtly making references that Arthur is confused about
The only person who truly teases him out loud is Merlin which he does when the two are alone
As Merlin continues to push, Arthur has a sudden epiphany
He does...have feelings for you
You'd think he'd again ignore and act more flustered around you
You'd be right but it's only for about a week until you had enough and dragged him off somewhere private to talk
You asked him what his problem was
Thats when he blurted EVERYTHING
He almost continued but you shut him up with a peck on the lips which has him blushing
Suddenly a bright flash of light has you closing your eyes and when you look at where Arthur was standing you see...a damn hunk..
He had the same mannerism and voice as Arthur but he was...hotter.
The human Arthur runs towards you, picking you up without much effort and twirls you around, shouting about the fact the curse was broken thanks to you before hugging you tight and kissing you
Dont mind the guys in the back (not so) silently cheering but not ruining the moment ofc
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He was..definitely intrigued by you but didn't pay much mind to you
He just saw you as a roommate
Hans also didn't talk much and preferred staying in the kitchen and snacking or baking treats he wants to try
When the two of you actually start talking to each other, you wandered in the kitchen, smelling the odor of fresh cookies
When Hans saw you linger he explained he wanted to try a simple recipe just to let off steam from trying (and failing) to make another dish
He saw your gaze at the delicious looking cookies fresh from the oven, grabbing a plate and filling it with some cookies before sliding it over to you
The smile on your face as you cheerfully ate the cookies in content made him smile too...maybe his heart flutter? Nah, he's just 'feeling things'
or is he........?
Either way, you'd often wander into the kitchen due to the smell of his cooking and you eventually got promoted from "Ze kitchen theif" to "Ze test taster!"
A great deal either way though, you get yummy and nutritious food, he gets to stare at your happy face!
Err, he means, to acquire more cooking knowledge..yeah!
He often found himself missing your presence in his kitchen, tasting the food, teasing him, cracking jokes, helping around, he felt...sad without you
Every time you spend more time with Hans, you'd learn more about him every passing day, as he would you!
He learned a lot about you! Your favorite color, your most liked food, all your hobbies, nothing about you bores him anymore! He knows you better than you know yourself now
When he realized he actually fell in love with you..he was good at hiding it from the others
They literally had no clue until he confessed in front of you
While at the dinner table, Hans slid you a plate of a fruit salad with chocolate, honey, and caramel and pomegranate juice on the side (back then people thought certain foods like honey and pineapple represented love)
As you finished the dish, you were about to comment something on the dish but Hans stopped you
"*sighs* I vould like to say...I find you..m-more than a-a friend...I vould like to be able to call you Meine Liebe...m-my love.."
Everyone was shook but I mean in the end you gained a boyfriend that is the definition of a house husband
Iconic couple!
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He's....a bit more bitchy about it..
He chooses to completely ignore you as a whole
if he does talk to you, he just gives you a shallow compliment but will also say things like
"I bet you'd look wonderful in a sundress if you'd loose a couple calories."
Those kinds of comments (idk what they're called so)
But those are rare and he's probably said them like a few times
Though after a while he does eventually treat you more like a roommate than some stranger he met in a shitty walmart
He always rants about beauty stuff, makeup, jewelry designs, you name it
Once you guys enter the best friends stage, oh boy..
Jack gets you guys matching accessories for the fun of matching with someone who actually cares to match with him
At-home spas all the time
This man takes such good care of himself (and you) its unreal
Buys you face masks, emergency face masks, oil serum, hair serum, hair oil, 10 different types of face wash and a rose quartz roller
You dont even do your routine half the time so its like...bruh
You had to get extra shelves just to keep all the stuff in place also its high enough to where the currently short stacked jack the dwarf cant see you're not using them so-
As time passes, he feels...more connected in a way?
Sure he's been with a few ladies in his prime but..with you it feels..odd
Like he pays more attention to you, reminding you to eat and drink, making sure you're getting enough sleep, not letting you go anywhere without telling him
Nobody really notices but more and more signs appear
and now, much to Jack's dismay, the others picked up on it and started lightly teasing him about it
Niko, Pino, and Kio used their newly invented camera to snap pictures of you two together and sliding them under Jacks door
Needless to say, stress acne and sleep deprivation are now a common thing
Eventually he realizes all their pushing is working and he gathers the courage to confess!
He goes to one of his best jewelry dealers *imagining a breaking bad style deal* and gets a ruby heart necklace
He leads you out into the small field of flowers under the guise of flower picking
He suddenly gets down on one knee and presents the gift, serenading you in flattering words in his confession
Needless to say, he got one fat smooch and poof! He's human and as happy as can be!
He picks you up and swings you around laughing and smiling
And you lived happily ever after with your frenchie bf!!!
A/N 1: wah, I'm tired and mentally drained, work sucks to say the least and Karen's should be thrown in a pit with snakes -3-
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
How long do you think mikey stayed in dimension X?
(Personality, I think like a week/weeks, cuz no way it was just a few hours and he already knows so much about the demention)
(And, how does he get months and hours confused?)
(I don't personally think he's been there long as 2 years because that would really mess up a person)
(But if I see an angsty fanfic 🤨(suddenly I ignore everything I said, like 'yea he's been there for 73736383years now' ))
im with you on that one actually! i also think he just stayed there for a few weeks. def less than a month. because for someone like mikey, being by his own in an unknown place no matter if he was doing alright, it would still have messed him up of it got too long. he NEEDS interactions with sentient beings that would keep him company and engage with him (looks at mutagen bomb mad max apocalypse mikey). Tho! he would have understood how a lot of things worked around in that dimension just for being there a few hours tbh, taking into consideration that it's a hostile environment for literally anyone who's an outsider. With this i mean, mikey def was forced to be a quick leaner since the first second after stepping trough the portal. ( tho rn im not taking into account mikey being good with kraang tech in general because he just was good with it since the start of the show tbh. i think it has something to do with the brothers actually being related to the kraang because of the milking worm from where the mutagen came from and all but. thats a whole other can of worms to be opened lol)
Plus! the kraang base was not difficult to find at all so mikey probably spend most of his time just checking out the perimeter and a way to get in (this is from where he could have triggered some security stuff and got to fight the kraang that ended up as his skull helmet and limb accessories lmao). It actually even appears as if that's mikey first attempt at getting in to rescue leatherhead.
Also! when they got back for a bit, mikey was actually happy and excited to be back in dimension x! Meaning that he doesn't truly see that place in a bad light MEANING that he doesn't really hold a bad memory of it. MEANING that he didn't stay there by himself long enough for living more traumas in there lmao
About his time confusion, i actually tie that to his adhd because of my own experience with having adhd. The passing of time for me is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO KEEP A GRASP ON. By this i mean that it's really hard to tell hours/minutes have passed even when not hyperfixing on an activity, this also adds to mixing up days and weeks together. its hard man. ADDED TO ALL THIS, the fact that the dimension doesn't have an obvious sign of time passing (like day and night) would make mikey keeping up with it, while also just surviving, something of a nearly impossible task.
in conclusion
i still love when people headcanon mikey as staying there for literal years. i live for that angst. him eating kraang because of how hungry he got??? him getting captured by the kraang and getting tortured for months??? him getting to hate the pink color??? good stuff
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itoshi-s · 2 years
reo and rin possessive in opposite ways, reo loves flaunting what no one else will ever have (you) and (with consent) sends vids and pics of you to the group chat like it’s nothing, where as rin will literally kill anyone who dares to look at you for a second too long
AJHFAKFAAL ANON THIS COMPARISON IS SOOOO GUD BC IT'S SO TRUE !!!!! they're absolute polar opposites and tbh cannot get each other's pov for the life of them 😭 reo sends one of his s/o's thirst traps to the group chat and rin is like .. absolutely disgusted. why'd he do that. he imagines a similar situation happening with his s/o and it makes his eye twitch lol it just doesn't make sense to him... sees it as downright disrespectful in a way really even tho he knows reo's s/o is fine w it
reo is definitely a lil fucked in that head <3 loooves to flaunt u in every way possible. you're his prettiest little thing, his greatest treasure - it's a shame no one else gets to see just how stunning you are, isn't it? if you're okay with it and give him the green light, WHEWWWWW the rest of the team is lucky as hell !!!!! get to indulge on the mirror selfies of you in the newest lingerie set that reo got u,, sometimes get to hear your little moans and pleads from the other side of the wall :( cuz when reo wants you, he wants you now, and there's no point in wasting any time. he drags u to the nearest room and fucks you so good, there's still this droopy look to his eyes as you two exit the spare bedroom :( you're all over his socials as well, starting from daily lil pics with your finger getting into frame and ending on official event photos. really he just takes on any chance he gets to show how lucky he is!!
rinnie... oh rin baby :( i love him so much. he's crazy. he really is. he knows it's hard to communicate with him at times and he thanks the gods when you only give a playful roll of your eyes to his grumbling instead of getting annoyed w his antics. he just cannot help but get frustrated whenever he sees some article on you on social media, the comments downright disgusting because hello??? why would any sleaze say anythin like it about you when even the title states that you're the girlfriend of uefa's player of the year??? like yeah you're taken. he gets it - you're drop dead gorgeous, the most beautiful and breathtaking thing he's ever seen in his entire life (and he's seen a lot). and he KNOWSSS that he's the one that gets to see you daily, first thing in the morning, and that he's the only one to get the sweetest kisses and most sinful touches from you. but it's just unconscious to him sometimes </3 he glares at any guy who looks at you in a way that seems suspicious to him, even goes the extra mile to wrap an arm around your shoulders and pull you closer, until he can lean his head down and kiss you. he's not that big on pda, and whenever he does show you affection in public, it's most likely bc he's jealous lol. there's not many pictures of you on his socials until you get engaged/married and have kids (the media rly loves this whole family guy persona that they never thought he had to him lol and he's much less stiff on his sm the older he gets) BUT he does have a few pictures of you on the red carpet or some events in general <3 you look absolutely stunning and he's got no shame. posts u like he's your biggest fan (he is!!!!!!!) >_< also for the nsfw turn ........ he rly cannot make up his mind whether he hates the thought of anyone hearing your pretty little sounds or gets off on it LOL he's like, no just wait until we get home, baby, no way on some days but if he's particularly love sick, he has no restraints ! pulls you into the bathroom for just a quickie, it's not like any of the guys will notice - they're too busy celebrating by the bar, right??? he tries to reason w himself, but he knows they will notice and that they WILL hear as you whimper his name. that's the whole point really <3 feed his ego girlie he loooves it
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mythsandheather · 11 months
Because I already brought this up on Reddit, let’s talk about it here too.
Persephone knows that Hera and Hades had a thing now, right? So after guilt tripping herself all day for feeling insecure, they finally talk about it. Hades admits to having feelings for her once. Feelings, let’s be specific. He hasn’t yet said they had a relationship or a centuries long affair behind Zeus’s back.
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Persephone, as any sensible person would, asks a very fair question. Let’s ignore how disconcerting she looks for a second.
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Now the response any normal fucking person would give here would obviously be “no”, right? Or some variation. “No, I’m not.” “No, we’re just friends.” “No, that’s in the past and I love you.”
That’s the normal, reasonable, acceptable response…but this is Lore Olympus. So naturally Hades doesn’t do that.
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“Let me just preface this” oh I just know I’m about to hear some male manipulator bullshit. All that shit he just said when he could have simply said “no”. Also, why the pause?
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Never fails to make me laugh how LO Hera is supposed to be this glamorous, sympathetic, strong, aspirational figure that Persephone and the audience alike should revere, when all she is is a racist, classist, deadbeat parent and chain smoking drunk whose primary hobby seems to be putting on too much mascara just so she can cry it off every other chapter.
Also, Hades, if you had a lot of respect for Hera, you wouldn’t be telling Persephone all her business without her knowledge or consent.
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What does that even mean? “What we are now is a ghost of what we used to be.” What a weirdly vague yet specific choice of words.
What did you used to be? Hades never says what they were or how long it went for and he still never fucking says it’s over. Now it’s just…a ghost? What’s that then, Papa Smurf?
Are you still haunted by this relationship? Is it like a ghost in the sense it’s going to come back cuz that’s what ghosts do? Cuz I’m not hearing “that phase is completely done”, I’m hearing “this phase is on pause and will most definitely be picked up on again the second the opportunity presents itself”. 
Like I said, it’s such a weird, specific choice of words.
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To quote Mabel “Madea” Simmons, “look at him try to throw it on you now. It’s like if he tries to get Persephone to engage and agree with him, then it’s all okay and he’s successfully excused himself and distracted from the question at the same time.
First, a couple of petty things. One, look at how wonky his eyes are. Those were adjusted last minute and you can see it. Also his hairstyle changed with each panel. 
Second, there have always been a lot of immortal beings around. At the specific time we’re talking about back when Hera and Hades first got together, for example, there was already a whole mess of chthonic gods running around. There were nymphs, satyrs and other immortal creatures that were and are perfectly viable dating options. 
Hades just so happened to want the woman who was dating his brother and banging his dad, and Persephone just so happened to get involved with two of her cousins and then marry her uncle.
This whole “the immortal dating pool” comment feels like a disclaimer to avoid the fact that, try as she might to avoid it, Rachel ended up right back in the incest pit that all Greek mythology adaptions inevitably try to avoid yet fall into in the end.
I’m also not going to pretend that these two having such a limited word view on dating options doesn’t stem from the fact that they think basically everyone else is inferior to them.
But, in conclusion, Hades was asked a fair question that required a one word answer. One word, two letters…and he could not do it. 
Instead we get dragged on this purple prose wannabe, “I’m 14 and this is deep” diatribe that barely skims the surface of what his entanglement with Hera really was. Immediately following this, Hades goes on to explain Hera’s golden traitor title and her history with Kronos. This is also the infamous chapter where he claims Zeus has no trauma.
He was more comfortable discussing his father abusing and then brutally maiming Hera, and more comfortable minimising what happened to his brothers, than he was just saying “no, I don’t love Hera anymore”. 
Rachel does this for Hades a lot. Hades is, at least in my opinion, not one of the more interesting greek deities and the fact he’s the male lead of LO and her celebrity crush’s insert means she feels the need to beef up how important, how powerful, how desirable, how vulnerable, how lonely, how angry, how complicated he is, but does not possess the skill to do so.
So she writes herself into a corner and the mountain of evidence for Hades being a fucking awful person gets bigger. 
For example, as we just saw, Hades had a thing with Hera. He’s soooo sexy and so hot and so kind and so perfect and so irresistible and desirable that even Hera can’t resist him! But wait! Making Hades and Hera have a centuries long affair behind Zeus’s back and with Hades going into another relationship where he cheats on his current girlfriend, Minthe, with Persephone, doesn’t reflect well on poor daddy Hades! What to do??
The simple and logical route, other than just not having the stupid affair in the first place, is for Hades to just admit he made a mistake and he regrets it and is trying to do better. But wait! Daddy Hades is a complicated and edgy bad boy…but he can’t actually do anything bad cuz he always has to be in the right! 
So instead of ever admitting he’s wrong, god forbid he do that, let alone apologise, every time we get treated to what a piece of shit he is and the consequences of his bad actions and Rachel’s bad writing, we get tormented with more faux-deep prose that’s meant to paint him as a helpless lonely victim and remove any blame from him, while conveniently always minimising and dismissing someone else’s suffering.
I’d kill to see what sad, poetic, overly-wordy garbage he spins when he inevitably cheats on Persephone with Hera, because this whole exchange all but screams that the door is very much still open.
Persephone felt bad about herself for being insecure by the chemistry and contact that Hera and Hades still have, because how could she even think of misjudging poor dear Hades? IMO, she’s not worried enough. Homegirl is already on her way to ending up where Minthe was.
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desertthorn · 11 months
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Ok, I'm getting caught up in Face and BA's practically non-existent relationship. I could go on forever, but I'm on mobile with long nails, so I'll stick to some bullet points for now to preserve my sanity.
•One thing I've noticed is how fucking difficult it is to find examples of Face and BA interacting. Just them standing next to each other is a whole lot of work to track down. 9 times out of 10 Face is next to Hannibal or Murdock where he feels most comfortable, ironically the same goes for BA. BA will take an order from Face at the appropriate times, but when they stand next to each other, they hardly ever interact if at all. One exception is that BA doesn't tend to react to anything Face says unless he's angry like in 'Black Day at Bad Rock' and 'Chopping Spree' or unless he's making fun of Face. In fact, I've noticed BA almost only ever teases Face. He yells a lot at Murdock and will argue with Hannibal, but he will outright make fun of Face.
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It's also some of the only times BA smiles and laughs. Nearly every time this happens, BA isn't looking at Face at the time. He'll have his eyes on the road or being doing something with his hands that his eyes never leave. When Face ever tries to engage with BA, there is almost no reaction at all.
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Face just waits for the tiniest nod before he moves on.
But once in a great while we get something like this:
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This is one of the only times I can think of that they actually have a conversation. Face is complaining like he does, and BA responds with something insightful.
So to sum up, minus orders, there are basically three types of interactions between them.
1- BA mostly ignores Face while Face tries to talk to him.
2- BA teasing Face.
3- BA is angry at Face.
So why do you think that is?
• Here's what I've been thinking about.
Face lies for a living, BA doesn't like lying. Let's start there. I think when Face looks at BA and tries to talk to him, BA chooses to not react because it gives him the upper hand. Can't get scammed if you don't play your part. Not that he thinks he's being scammed, but BA has seen enough to almost always have his guard up. There is a lot of respect for Hannibal that let's BA feel more comfortable around him and with Murdock he gets affection whether he wants it or not, that's just how Murdock rolls. So for BA he's not making a choice until it comes to his interactions with Face. Now for Face, he has the same thing with Hannibal and Murdock, no emotional work needed there, but when it comes to BA he's at a loss. He can't scam his way into friendship with BA, but he can't be too genuine either. It's in his nature to also have his guard up, so there are two walls put up between them at all times. The biggest difference is you can tell Face wants to be friends with BA and despite the walls, Face trusts his friend/not friend probably more than he realizes. The poor kid was probably pretty lonely as a child so having this little family means a lot to him even if he is somewhat unaware of it. When Face tries to leave, he address the whole team, but it's BA who responds first. It seems to kinda take Face by surprise. So he tries to make light of the situation. Look at the two of them at the end here:
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It's probably the only time they've ever embraced and it's clearly uncomfortable, but neither of them hesitates. Their guards both drop for just long enough to be friends. I know everyone focuses on Murdock in this scene, but I always notice this more.
•One last thing I'd like to add is from 'Black Day at Bad Rock'.
While Face is pacing back and forth in Dr. Sullivan's living room talking about how BA is gonna kill him, Hannibal says "Face, BA loves you." When Face doubles back and says "he does?" Hannibal responds, "Told me himself" (those lines are from memory and may be a little off, but the intention remains). Face is genuinely taken aback by every time he is informed of or experiences BA's affection for him, cuz he honestly can't see it 90% of the time.
Then there's this:
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It was one of the only times we see them make eye contact and see BA smile. I'm not gonna get into much more here than BA starting angry and ending with him making fun of Face, there's too much here lol, but this is the best example of their dynamic.
I've gotta go, I can only type with one finger for so long, but I've been sitting on this and had to get it out. Feel free to add on!
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I feel like the worst thing they ever did to Xavier's character was putting a mild version of him on a pretty popular cartoon and then a movie where Patrick Stewart played him, cuz it made people think the man never goes full-on "the salvations begins and ends with me" pretty early on in his character biography. So when they go to the comics and he's like, a pretty complex character doing bad shit to good people with a straight face on the regular since the 80s, they go "what is this character assassination???"
Like yeah there's been stories where he was the kind voice of reason who could do no wrong, but damn man, that guy's been canonically a "in my house it's clean mutants only" kinda white savior ever since like... the Morlocks popped up. It's a cool exploration of activism from a place of privilege that shouldn't be stifled by people being used to Captain Picard being above those things. That's an adaptation cleaning up messy aspects of the source material, but the source engages with that shit for a reason.
The guy just does what's on his mind as "the kindest thing to do" so often without caring what it does to others that the X-Men didn't even notice he had been replaced by Cassandra as he was monumentally altering their lifestyles by bringing the entire X-Mansion out of the closet on national television without a heads-up or accounting for their opinions, cuz at the end of the day, that's still something he'd do to them, without really minding what it does to their lives. Because in his head, it *is* his X-Men. He means it when he calls them.
People praise Magneto's 40-year-strong character arc from genocidal maniac to symbol of hope on the same breath they basically go "hey I wish Xavier was nicer", yeah that's the point of the character! I wish he was nicer too! Don't implicitly trust your heroes just because you admire them! They're people and people are fucked! Adapt to them or they might take you down a bad path while their idealism turns cynical and their unrealistic dreams turn into realistic replacements for oppression!
It's just a bit frustrating to talk about X-Men as it comes back into the limelight and having people go "I wish the messy character with complicated opinions and too-real politics was simpler like when I was younger." Like... yeah, I get it, but you can't talk about the traps of white people putting themselves above visible minorities as the example to be followed like that. You can't talk about people being thrown in and out of conflict due to imperfect leaders who they slowly stop agreeing with like that. You can't talk about how starting a movement shouldn't elevate you to godhead status like that.
Morrison knew about it and left us clues in their works, I guess is what I'm saying. Even if that story pretty much ruins Magneto, it does bring this side of Xavier to light pretty well. The adaptations making Xavier a perfect activist and a fair and reasonable leader who's always right and only loses when he's tricked doesn't quite have that PROFESSOR XAVIER IS A JERK energy that I find vital to the character.
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alexissara · 7 months
How I'd Make FEH's Seasonal Banners Not Suck
Gacha is evil, it's bad, you shouldn't play it but as a girl with a big of a gambling addiction but see's no value in PNGs it's an outlet for me so I enjoy a few Gacha games for their fix, one of which being FEH. Seasonal banners are the worst banners of every month because their not sparkable without paying the monthly fee they want players to pay. Still imagining a better world where they had non premium spark I want to go over each months theme and if I'd keep it the same or if I'd replace the theme and with what.
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January - New Years It's a solid banner theme of holiday banners it's one of two I'd keep. Most people use a calendar that means January is the start of a new year so a banner themed around celebrating it makes sense.
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January 2 - Dessert
While the Dessert theme does have an eventual expiration date Fire Emblem does have a nice breath of Dessert cultures throughout the series that I do think is interesting to get a bit more insight into. Eventually this will have to pivot to some other type of cultural background but I do think there is smooth ways to transition into cultures although perhaps they will intersect with the Culture/Tribal banners that happen later in the year. If they really ran out of special cultures I do think they could pivot this to even go modern and explore real world cultures that inspired the characters for more modern designs which could be a fun and exciting ways to engage players.
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February - Vday While I enjoy the dead dads theme of The Day Of Devotion banner being little families connecting I do think with FEHs dual heroes that we could do an actually romantic set of banners where it has ships on dates in cute outfits with an all dual hero banner. I think this theme could or could not be game locked but I think the most fun thing is to have a thematic tie between the ships and have it not be game locked so instead be like tragic love, Eternal Love, Childhood Friends To Lovers Rivals To Lovers kinda deals where it explores a different set of dynamics and how they manifested in the series. I'd start with a Childhood Friends To Lovers theme with Alm and Celica, Florina and Lyn, Dimitri and Dedude something like that to have a nice well flavored banner.
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March - Replace Easter with Beast AU
This is probably my biggest want for Fire Emblem Heroes, the Easter Theme is not good. What could be amazing though and fix one of FEHs biggest problems is a banner that makes units into Beast Units. FEH has to make a good chunk of it's OCs beasts just so it can put a new stream of beast units into the game and has to use fairly niche characters to fill seasonal rosters all to stay canon complient but I say fuck canon, it's fun to do an AU and it would let popular characters be reimagined. In particular they could easily debut this to a best selling banner of Three Houses AUs. Flying Beast Black Eagle Edelgard, Cavalier Beast Golden Deer Claude, Armor Beast Blue Lion Dimitri, and Infantry Beast Ashen Wolf Yuri. Bam, perfect, that's a top selling banner. You pair Yuri with M Byleth since he is the Ashen demon or Naliah for a canon wolf unit. You make the tempest trail unit Fbyleth as either like a literal Ashen Demon or a dragon.
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April - Replace Kids with Futures
It will never set well with me on every single level the kids banner theme. I hate having the kids end up being stronger then the other versions of the character. I hate having kid designs in general cuz it feels weird to use babies to fight in these wars. It's a weird theme that should go. So instead I propose a much better theme of Futures where we see the characters older from their end cards in the game. This is a massive staple of Fire Emblem having characters have some nice little future and why can't we see this. The age range can vary seeing fresh faced adults of the younger characters like a Donel or a Amelia or like proper older versions of some of the more standard ages Fire Emblem lords as they enter their MILF/DILF eras. People would love to see a proper older version of characters they love, especially it could be cute for older titles where you maybe it could be like aged by the amount of years of the game and kinda a growing up with the character kinda deal. Or it could just be a thirsty Mommy Sorry kinda vibe, either way works for me.
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May - Replace Brides With cooking banner
Getting ready for the summer rather then a creepy bridal theme we could have a cook out, since Fates cooking has been a staple of Fire Emblem. I think themes like Tea Time could also move to this slot but each year could have a different kind of cooking vibe from like a summer cook out to a master chief vibe to like a cozy married life cooking banner with each capturing a new vibe while not being just the same boring white dress on woman theme.
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June - Keep Summer 1
It's fine, I don't care for the fan service but people enjoy it, keep one month of summer banners, it clearly makes money, someone gets excited about it, a lot of people do but it could also be they bring out a lot of fan favorite units and strong pairings.
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July - Replace Summer 2
I will give FEH one month of swim suits but one month is all I will give. Swim suits are not inspired, they aren't particularly interesting and we don't need two months of it. The theme that could replace it I think is space for something really fun like a cosplay theme with other Nintendo characters or a modern fashion theme that could be summery but not like just a swim suit. Something out there and exciting and can be a real talking point of the year. Personally I am found of the cosplay/crossover slot existing here.
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August - Make Explicitly A Rare Class Theme
This slot might seem random but to me the clear pattern is it's about highlighting a rare class in the series be in rare as if you get 1 per game or rare as in was only in a few games. We have plenty of Fates Birthrights classes but even outside of that we have classes like Summoner that have only ever appeared once or Bandit that have only been playable once that could be a ton of fun to see characters dressed up as and could lead to really fun designs.
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September - Keep Culture
The culture/tribal banners that show up in September are fantastic, actually using the lore of Fire Emblem. We have tons of cultures to go through that have shown up in the Fire Emblem series with countries like Sacae, Almyra, Brigid, all briming with a ton of fun potential to bring into banners and have popular characters be there to carry the flag for their country while other characters dive deep into the cultures.
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October - Keep Halloween
Halloween is fun, it's fun, it never is samey because Halloween is what you make it, they could mix it up and have FE characters cosplaying Nintendo characters even if they start deciding they wanted to move off spooky stuff but honestly the spooky stuff is all cheesy fun and the banners are not creepy at all so I think they are just good fun.
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November - Widen Ninja to be other Japanese inspired classes
I love Ninja Banners, who doesn't they just have good units from popular games and good designs but I do think expanding Ninja to include Samurai and other Hosido classes could widen the general appeal of the units and help them not stagnate but also I like Ninjas so like I feel like it should expand but not as strongly as the others I wanted to change.
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December - Replace Xmas With Snowy Cultures
I am Christmas's greatest hater so of course I want this to change but I also think it's just so boring as a theme everyone wearing the same kind of outfit and colors every single year it just isn't fun and I would much rather see an expansion to the worlds cultures like with other cultural banners and a shift to Snowy cultures like Flora's home culture and Florinas.
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astroismypassion · 6 months
Hey, I need to know your opinion here. It's totally fine if you don't wanna but just read maybe you'll enjoy 🤣
My moon and venus is in his 8h and my sun in his 7h; his sun is in my 8h, his moon is in my 9h and his venus in my 7h.
Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed— like why are you so obsessed with me?🤡 like what does he even sees in me??
He constantly tells me that he would leave his family if they tried to stop us being together (I'm assamese and he's a nepali— different tribes also his family knows about us but mine doesn't cuz they are strict asf)
I will not lie, at first I totally ignored him (for 2 year💀 kinda on and off contact- we were classmates) but there was something about him that kept pulling me towards him like crazy istg
He can't express very well nor can I wait he's actually better at expressing his feelings compared to me.
He's lost his v card and I have not. For me, my v card needs to go to someone who is gonna be my permanent not 'maybe/temporary'— he thinks otherwise. So different values and morals.
He constantly spends money and have to keep reminding him to be more strict with his finances (this one irks me so bad)
He gets jealous so fcking easily— like I do too but I try to rationalize my feelings and tell myself that "no they're are just friends, he can have friends okayyy!!" I try to control my possesiveness but no he doesn't.
This is actually my first serious relationship. I'm scared that I will lose my v card to him— no bad if we are the end game but if not then i don't wanna give other than my future hubby TT
I'm scared to commit with him bcs in his past he played around with different girls (NO I'M NOT A 'I CAN FIX HIM' ENERGY 😭) but he claims that I'm the first girl he wants to be with and commit too (his sister told me that he never cried for any girl in his past except for one but that was long ago and now he cries for me bcs I don't trust him) yesterday he told me that "you are making me crazy— are you having fun by having a guy run behind you like a dog??" I was speechless. He was drunk btw he called an hour ago apologizing (he doesn't remember anything he apologized cus his roommates kept scaring him that he told me shit) we haven't talked after that tho
Like always it's an on and off connection.
Okay there's so many things I wanna spill but I'll stop here. Thank you for reading, I hope you had fun my reading my tea lol 😹 anyways
Hm, lots of complex questions these days in my mailbox. No, but it's alright. I understand the 8th house synastry desire to vent haha. Honestly, so much is to be said, when you are in an 8th house connection.
Definitely don't rush losing v card with the said person. You sound indecisive, which often leads to a "no". Remember that when you are unclear, confused or unsure about something, it's because it's probably a "no". I think that 8th house connections (especially with Sun in the 8th or Mercury in the 8th overlay) are not really worth losing your v card, if you are not beforehand in a committed, mutual partnership with this person. Otherwise, it's just regret and kind of feeling present you would wish to wait it out for someone that you truly have a mutual respect of boundaries in the connection with. If this has not been discussed and establish beforehand, I advise to not engage in any type of sexual activity. Sex might overly complicate already complex situation and when it's sex and feelings involved, the confusion is even stronger after. Don't think that by having sex this will give you more clarity. Try to simplify things for yourself and not overly complicate them, mutual respect is very important.
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florwal · 1 year
did charles kill his wife or kidnapp whitney?! why is there a pink room that has curtains covering all the windows in there? he never had kids because his wife disappeared, so the room doesn't add up. i love your save file lmao
SPOILERS but i suggest looking at all of the posts in the #byrd household tag first / big tw cuz the story is kinda dark
charles fell in love with whitney’s grandma (cheyenne byrd) when they were younger. cheyenne thought charles was weird/creepy and didn’t like him, so she got engaged to her (now dead) husband arthur byrd.
charles wrote cheyenne a letter saying she shouldn’t be with arthur and that she should be with him, his parents had died and left their home and all of their money to him. he invited her to live with him, because the house was too big for just him. he said he’d take care of her and she’d regret marrying arthur. cheyenne never wrote him back, got married, had whitney’s mom, and forgot about him.
charles never stopped obsessing over cheyenne but met another woman. around that same time he befriended a strange yet charismatic man (john doe that now lives at the nursing home) and he was part of a cult (the cult of the mother) the real cult leader is unknown but the cult worships the mother plant and sacrifices women that are pregnant/are mothers. charles ends up marrying the other woman and getting her pregnant. that’s why there’s a nursery. he knew he had to sacrifice his wife but he didn’t care. he killed her and buried her in his backyard. he continued to kill random mothers after that. he killed the police chief’s wife and her disappearance is still unsolved.
because charles couldn’t have cheyenne for himself, he chose the next best thing… her daughter. he waited until her daughter was older to pursue her, but he had been stalking both of the women for a very long time. cheyenne’s daughter was struggling with addiction at the time of charles pursing her. he would give her any money and drugs and pretty much anything she wanted. he let her live with him, and ended up getting her pregnant. she was brainwashed into the cult and was willing to sacrifice herself to the mother. they made the plan to let whitney be raised by her grandma, and then once she was old enough and had her own child whitney and her mom would be sacrificed together.
they waited and waited until one day when they found out 17 year old whitney was pregnant with tommy helm’s child. they were watching her for a while too and found the perfect opportunity to kidnap her when she was alone at a park late at night by herself. they took her, brought her to charles house, and kept her there for a few months.
charles had set up a bedroom for when whitney would return to them. that’s the pink room. she stayed in there for a while but she was “disobedient” and tried to escape any chance she could so she ended up being confined to a closet in the room with the séance table. they put a bookcase in front of the closet door and only moved it when they fed her. she fought really hard to escape, but charles, john doe, and whitney’s mom were stronger than she was. her and her mother were both (maybe) sacrificed. there’s more than one skeleton buried in charles’ yard.
in charles’ basement is a shrine for the mother plant, pictures of women covered in blood (including whitney) and a journal explaining it all.
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ironfey-42 · 6 months
Life is a Game and True Love is a Trophy [PHOTO EDIT]
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For @rangels
I was the pinch-hitter for Rangels. I chose prompt 3 which was: I take anything. And I’ll cherish it. I ended up choosing this prompt because I wanted to do this idea I had and to make it into a moldboard and playlist.
Spotify Playlist
In this AU, Tony and Pepper end up breaking off their engagement but are still best friends. Tony survives at the end of Endgame because the Guardians of the Galaxy remember what they did when Peter held the Power Stone. Tony’s got some damage to his right arm as bad that he loses it. He does a lot of physical/occupational therapy to get any movement back in his hand and hand. Tony is retired but he still plans to train Harley to take over in the future for the iron suit.
Tony is at home in his small mansion and is bored, so he decides to get a switch cuz Peter-Man once mentioned it before the Blip and he’s heard about the new Animal Crossing game, New Horizons, and Fire Emblem Three Houses. Breath of the Wild was already out a few years ago, but he decided to also get that cuz open world. It also helps that he’s able to use the controls as a way to help with coordination for his right hand.
Tony ends up getting both games and is learning to just chill and relax without getting too anxious about what’s happening superhero-wise. He’s actually having fun with video games. Stephen visits Tony and they just hang out with each other, almost every other day because Tony has a schedule of who is visiting on which day, but he likes it when Stephen visits outside of his scheduled day. Stephen also gets to learn who Tony really is, because, in those 14,000,605 futures that he saw, he only saw what Tony was like in those fives years until the end.
(Stephen only sees that one future where Tony dies, so he thinks that he just sent Tony to his doom, he doesn’t take into account the quick jumpstart of the memory of the Guardians with the power stone)
Anyways, he learns what Tony is like after those five years and slowly they end up falling in love with each other, Stephen falls in love all over again as he fell in love with the Tony from all those 14,000605 futures and not the Tony after Endgame.
1. Fight ‘Til the End
2. The River
3. I Lived
4. Heading Home
5. Theme Song (From Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
6. How Lovely
7. 2:00 AM (From Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
8. I Think I Love You
9. 5:00 AM (From Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
10. High Hopes
11. Stale Cupcakes (From Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
12. HandClap
13. Only Me (From Animal Crossing)
14. Fairytale
15. Nook’s Cranny - Before Closing (From Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
16. I Hear a Symphony
17. Main Theme (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
18. I Want You
19. Life at Garreg Mach Monastery (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
20. Underground
21. A Place to Rest (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
22. Photograph
23. Breath of the Wild (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
24. Arcade
25. Life in the Ruins (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
26. Don’t Deserve You
27. Mipha’s Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
28. Echo of 2008
29. Great Fairy Fountain (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
30. Your Eyes Tell
31. Somewhere to Belong (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)v
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dojae-huh · 10 months
Y'all take dotae and other neo friendships too seriously calling them family and shit. Are they friends? Yeah *coworker* friends. They are crying cuz this is the end of an era, NCT127 won't ever be the same even after hc comes back. Ty isn't even deploying anywhere he will do administrative duties. Without work, dotae don't really have a pretext to see each other and that's the truth to many other kpop groups. They aren't family, much less a family with fans included, that's pure marketing, a parasocial illusion, acting parts they play bc kpop is also about selling a group dynamic - it's profitable. At the end of day, they go home to their respective families, not to each other (jaedo excluded ofc cuz they are as family as can get without a marriage license and who knows if they have one or not). Anyway, idols are ACTING, they are actors paid to sell a group dynamic and are assigned roles by the company. When they are on cam it's mostly an act to make the content engaging. Ex-idols have talked about this so people can go after sources if they want. K-pop groups aren't families, they are trauma bonded coworkers and sometimes don't even like each other, but you could never tell by watching their content. But it's much prettier to be believe dotae (or whoever) has some sort of special magical bond than see the crude reality of an exploitative and manipulative industry.
Was your day rough you needed to pour off some negativity?
I get where you are coming from, and I agree in part. Idols play up their closeness and fans often overhype. I've had enough of new readers being hurt I use "co-worker" or "not close friends" here talking about some neos. However, Koreans are collectivists, they need to belong to groups for life (first thing a Korean does abroad is finds a group of Koreans (church, Korean culture/language centre)), it is cultural to keep hyung-donsaeng relationship for many years. 127 are nakama, comrades. As a group they are more than as individuals (as in, the bond with the group as a collective is stronger than with a single neo). Do you think Yuta tattooed a lock with number 127 on his arm for fancies and to get new fans?
Trauma bonded? And how does real friendship form, may I ask? It's people who go through hardships together, who need to rely on each other to survive/overcome something become really close, develop real bonds. Not the people who party and have fun with you, then dissapear from your life once you get problems. Ever heard about loyalty of same troup combatants?
Watch TaeDo in To you. They are friends for life. And stop being bitter, eat some dessert.
P.S. Speaking of marriege licenses, someone needs to tell them Korean gays go to Taiwan for one.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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What a sweet Tea-Tai! Get it? Sweetie pie, but Sweet Tea-Tai? Cuz @teacup-tai? Is oh so sweet? Okay, before everyone boos me offstage: Tai is such a lovely soul! We don't know each other very well, but I see her bright presence from a mile away! She leaves such sweet comments (which I've been the lucky recipient of a time or two!) She's so supportive and beyond kind. Just this colorful, warm, comforting presence that fills me with all the good feels just to be near! I always love to see her name pop up and to see what she has to say, and how she's blessing our fandom any given day! And to honor such a gorgeous soul, I shall rec you a few excellent works of hers!
Breaking wild roses (stings like love's pain)
Hermione/Pansy. Rated: E. Words: 1,389. Stream of consciousness. Poetic angst. Hopeful ending.
l o v e l y
I feel like a scream is stuck inside my chest, creeping up in the deep dark hollow of my throat. It’s a mix of pain and agony. So to keep it down, I open my mouth and fill it with your soft, tender flesh. The bronze skin of your shoulder right against my tongue.
For God is love
Draco/Harry. Rated: M. Words: 3,145. Catholic priests. Sin. Angst. Confession. Religious guilt.
s t u n n i n g (also ouch)
1 John 4:8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
heart me (with your whole body)
Draco/Harry. Rated: E. Words: 9,028. Heartbreak. Unhealthy relationship. Open relationship gone wrong. Dub-con. Unequal power dynamics. Unequal sex drive. Ambiguous/open ending.
OUCH (I love it)
It was a sexy idea, exploring other bodies with Draco, engaging in sex with other people to spice things up. Something inside of him was excited about the prospect, but the nagging fear, the feeling of abandonment that follows each image that pops in his head is throwing him off. 
He would give it a go. See what it was like. He could always say no, right?
Hermione/Pansy. Rated: E. Words: 26,626. Enemies to friends to lovers. Meet-cute. Soft butch Pansy. Slice of life. Character study.
Pansy has been living a slow Muggle life in Ireland for five years now. Managing her anxiety and trauma with one too many drinks, way more anonymous fucks in loos than strictly advised, wonderful Muggle friends and a job that keeps her hands busy. Life is kinda alright -though a tad bit fucked up- until she stumbles into Hermione Granger in the Muggle Hospital. 
This is a story about childhood enemies trying a tentative friendship far from the chaotic magical world. A tale about falling in love with the cute golden lesbian and the slow, ginger path of reconnecting with things that make you feel whole.
Sacred Geography
Albus/Gellert. Rated: M. Words: 670. Lovers to Enemies.
You’ve lived a life of penance all these years because of him. And with him sitting there, across this stupid Muggle table, staring at you with a mean knowing glint in his eyes, you realise why.
Space Bodies
Draco/Harry. Rated: M. Words: 1,494. Pining. Mentions of suicidal ideation. Mentions of transphobia. Stream of consciousness. Happy ending.
She tastes like a love story.
The Truth Runs Wild
Blaise/Ron. Rated: E. Words: 3,026. Bisexual awakening. Quidditch Player Blaise. Fanboy Ron. One night stand.
It’s Harry’s fault and his whole ‘gay awakening’ and all the shit he had to hear Harry talk him through, in the name of friendship and supportive brotherhood. But honestly, if Zabini licking his lips can be this sensual, what could he do with a dick in his mouth? Ron flushes, because he cannot be honestly thinking about Blaise Zabini and blowjobs. Like, he’s straight, right. Right?
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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mane--attraction · 2 years
Playfighting headcanons addendum
A/N: I had meant to add Engineer Mark to the original list but completely forgot and ran out of energy for it. These are a slightly different style than the last ones cuz that's just how they ended up lol. Once again, MINORS DNI
Engineer Mark:
Is reluctant at first, because you're his captain! He could never fight you!
Ignoring of course the whole confrontation at the warp core
He's also secretly afraid this is a trap and you're going to turn this around on him and issue him demerits or worse
After reassuring him a few or twenty times, he agrees
He still throws the fight a couple of times, and you have to huff at him and insist he plays along or else you might actually give him demerits
(you wouldn't actually, but it gets him to listen)
After that, it becomes more interesting
Bit by bit, you find yourself losing ground to him as he starts pushing the boundaries of how much of his strength he's allowed to use
You thought the two of you were pretty evenly matched, with you in the slight upper hand, but it seems your dear engineer has done more manual labor than you expected
Some days, he's more determined than others to be the victor; if it is indeed one of those days, you find your strength waning as the wrestling drags out
Before long, you find yourself with your arms above your head and a knee pressed against your body between your legs
"So, Captain…to the winner go the spoils?"
If you don't push him a lot, it's a fifty-fifty shot as to whether or not you'll win, because as already established, he will let you win, even if you do manage to convince him to not hold back
Appears to have zero interest
"Why should I have to engage in physical aggression?" and oh my outfit will become all disheveled and he can't have that
Such a drama queen
But agree he does, shucking his coat, and you realize partway through that you're a bit more over your head than you realize
Sure, he prefers not to be physically aggressive, but he can more than hold his own if you push him enough
And push him you do; it's so easy to get a rise out of him that you resort to your usual teasing, but now he's decided to make an example of what happens when you push him too far
He…may or may not have other supernatural abilities to give him the upperhand (i.e. tentacles)—when you notice that spiral light up on his face, you somehow know it doesn't bode well for you (in terms of winning)
He is stronger at night than during the day (shocker, I know). As such, you're more likely (and probably will) win against him during the day as opposed to at night
You may have had to teasingly insult him in order to get him to play fight, or suggest that maybe you'd go to another "god" who will take you up on the offer—and with his pride on the line, plus a slight bit of possessiveness at you being his little human, he decided he had to take you up on it
There's a ferocity that comes out in moments like this, usually hidden by his whining and dramatics
(You'd be lying if you said it didn't turn you on)
Your limbs are held down by shadows, tentacles made of pure night sky, and that spiral glows threateningly as he leans in, his grin much sharper than you're used to seeing (figuratively and literally)
"Little mortal…shall you atone for your misgivings?"
Again, your chances are pretty split on winning, depending on the time of day, how far you push him, and his overall mood that day. Maybe put him in his place for once lol
As a recap: Murdock and Dark are the hardest to win against, followed by Actor and Night on certain days thanks to their supernatural abilities, and the other three I wrote about (Illinois, Damien, and Engineer) are tied as to whether or not you'll win, depending on the circumstances (although based on strength alone it would go Illinois, Engineer, then Damien).
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