#and the loan installment is coming up
leconcombrerit · 8 days
Well this week has definitely been weekin' hasn't it
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ultimateumbreon33 · 5 months
every time i have a favorite professor, they leave the next year… even with tenure…
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hotseok · 1 year
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helping out
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mousedetective · 7 months
Please Help A Mostly Queer/Disabled Homeless Family Pay Off Their Debt?
VENMO: @penaltywaltz | CASHAPP: $afteriwake23 | ZELLE: DM me for email address
So good news! We're in a 30-day shelter with a caseworker and help from the City of Encinitas Homeless Support Program to get housing with 30 days. It's a brand new shelter and we're all together in a room with the cats, and they're really eager to help get us out of our homeless situation.
Right now, we have about $1000 in money we can save up each month. If we can pay off the debts that my mom owes that she's in credit consolidation for, that frees up another $187 each month. If I can pay off my installment loan, which is four payments totaling $475, that frees up another $124 a month. I think my mom just paid off a credit card debt, but we have $100 debt that I think has gone to collections, $500 we need to pay on a card before that one goes to collections, and $300 for my PayPal 4 in 4 payments. We also have two payday loans I'd like to pay off before they're due at $600.
So if I can cover all that debt this month, we'll have well over $1,500 to put towards a rental payment in May, if we can get help with a security deposit and first month's rent through housing programs. We might be able to afford a two bedroom apartment in Fallbrook with that much. We'd need to come up with money to move our stuff out of storage as well, but a friend of mine has covered the big units until April 1st and may cover them an extra month if needed.
Any help would be amazing. We are so close to getting out of hotels/our car and into something stable. I'm setting the goal at $3000 for now because I don't have wifi at the shelter and can't check exactly how much my mom owes for her debt consolidation still.
But any extra will help with gas to get to places where we can get things we need (birth certificates, Lena's social security card with her dead name, Lena's psych eval, my mom's dental stuff, and doctor/therapy appointments) and food in case the snafu with my food stamps isn't fixed right away (we get three meals here, which is fine for me and Lena, but my mom is basically still on a soft food/liquid diet and they're still needing to get stuff for her and the gentleman here who has no teeth).
Please help if you can, and please reblog as well! We would all greatly appreciate it.
EDIT: We found out today that Lena is currently uninsured. The meds she was prescribed for her mood disorder are $1,500 out of pocket. She needs the medication badly. Please help?
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steviewashere · 8 months
Dream Come True
Rating: General CW: Minor internalized ableism on Steve's end Tags: Established Relationship, Married Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Future Fic, Adopting a Child, Parenthood, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Let Them Live a Quiet Life God Damn It, Mild Hurt/Comfort
For the @steddielovemonth prompt: "Love is about healing each other's wounds."
They haven’t discussed children since the second month they were together. Was that probably a little too early in their relationship? Probably—Eddie will be brave enough to admit that right now. But, considering where they’re at now: Steve is forty-seven and Eddie’s forty-eight, their wedding bands are simple and gold (something easily spotted amongst the silver ones that Eddie still wears), the house they took a loan out for is painted yellow with white shutters installed (well, they paid Dustin and Will to do it. They were happy to help), they live in Massachusetts away from public eye, and though they don’t have a dog—not yet, the service dog process has been a long and weary one on Steve’s end—they have their little brown tabby cat. They’ve got a well furnished home. And years of love between them.
Nearly twenty-eight years in total. Nineteen years wedded. Six years of that are legally recognized. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is they stopped talking about the prospect of having kids.
Eddie’s initial answer at the beginning was, “Maybe. I think it would be neat. But, I’m gay, Steve. That isn’t really a possibility.” He chuckled a little bit. “I meant like adopting, but in a technical sense—Considering what’s in my pants, the possibility is still out the window.”
Steve’s was changed from what he told Nancy in that Winnebago. “I still want children. Or, just one. I want a quiet life. Even if you make it as some big rock star, I want a quiet private life.”
It was doable. What Steve had whispered on Eddie’s shoulder, that was doable. The question for years though was, When does he want that? And also, When will he leave to pursue that?
The answer was clear. Steve was never going to pursue that. That, sure, they’d have the quiet life. But never have children. And Eddie saw him wilt a little further and further. When they passed by the playground at the park. The daycare up the street from their home. After the seizure diagnosis, Steve stopped looking and thinking about it all together. It hurt Eddie’s heart.
He may have got the quiet life. And Eddie may have lived out his simple dream. He’d been a rockstar for a little bit in the late nineties and early two-thousands, retiring before they got married. But…Steve hasn’t lived his dream. Eddie hates that he thinks it’s being held back from him. Eddie’s determined to heal that hurt inside him.
——— Steve comes home from his Wednesday teaching shift around four in the evening. Eddie’s already on the couch, combing Poncho’s fur, watching the local news. He’s got a very important print out laid neatly on the coffee table. He hears Steve set down his briefcase on the dining table, his footsteps retreating to their kitchen to rinse out his thermos, coming back to the front door and placing his loafers on the shoe rack, and he hangs up his coat. Then, he enters the living room, hands scrambling to undo his tie, body leaning over the arm of the couch to press a kiss against Eddie’s mouth.
But then he pulls away, turning his whole body to watch the news. And that’s when he spots it. The flyer. He shuffles over on his mismatched socked feet, hands falling away from the collar of his dress shirt. He swipes up the paper. Behind his glasses, he squints.
It’s advertisement for the adoption agency some forty minutes out. Eddie hopes, by everything, that this will heal the pain in his own chest, and the emotional line of thinking in Steve’s brain. Hopes with everything that his body can physically give.
“What’s this about?” Steve asks. His voice is neutral. Almost…dare Eddie say, steely. Okay, maybe he made the wrong move. “We haven’t even—“
“I know,” Eddie immediately says. “I know we haven’t talked about it. But, sweetheart, just listen to me, alright?” At Steve’s confused and hesitant nod, Eddie tries to arrange his words. “This is something you’ve been wanting since forever ago. And I know that I haven’t really voiced my wants on it. But I also thought that it would never happen.
“That it would never be something people like me—“ He raises his eyebrows and points to the keyring attached to Steve’s belt loop. The short rainbow garland that sits discreetly among his keys. “—Would ever get the chance to do. But I—Steve, god, I want it so bad. I want to be able to be a dad and chase around a kiddo of our own while you’re busy at work. I want to see one off for school for their first day and cry like I’ll never see them again. Wanna make them a lunch they can bring to school, the same time that I make your lunch for your school. I want to watch them grow up with your goofy dancing skills and our combined love for music. And I—I want to be a better parent that I could’ve ever imagined.
“I want it with you,” Eddie breathes. “I want all of that with you. And I know that you still want it. Your forlorn looks at couples with babies. Every time you see Lucas and Max and their spitfire teenager, your eyes get this brightness to them that I—I have to be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen you happy like that since we got married.” He swallows at some of the implications there. And it’s not meant to be accusatory, but gosh does Eddie notice. The way his sunflower wilts. “This is just something for you to think about, okay? I know my decision on it. But think about it.”
Steve’s grip on the paper trembles. And his eyes are searing Eddie in a way that melts him. Blazing with adoration and love. “You want that?” He shakily asks. “You want to raise a kid with me?”
Eddie nods. “Yeah, baby. I really, really, really do.”
“Even though…Even though I have seizures that could scare them shitless? And I get so angry some days that all I can do is hide in our bedroom and cry? And I—You want that with somebody like me?” He hesitates to ask again. Eddie doesn’t answer, but his arms open in comfort and his eyes soften with earnest. Steve doesn’t move from his spot, though. He looks back at the paper. “What’s the—Our first step?”
“We apply. And they determine if we’re worthy and that it’ll be safe,” Eddie answers. “If they see us fit, they’ll look at our house and things like that. We’ll come back to that later on. If that’s something you still want.”
“Okay,” Steve states with fervor. “Let’s do this.”
——— After a tedious process, Eddie realizes how correct he was.
It’s a Saturday. The curtains are open. Dinner is simmering on the stovetop. And Eddie stirs the soup while he listens in on Steve’s activity in the living room.
“There you go, sweetheart,” Steve is cooing. “Good job, Carmen. Look at you.” He’s been supervising her tummy time everyday he’s able to. Loves being able to lay on his back on the floor, eyes watching their daughter, his fingers combing through her hair as she uses her wide brown eyes to wonder about the world around her.
Eddie bites back a smile.
“That’s Poncho,” Steve is saying. He’s introducing them like they’re all acquaintances around a water cooler. Eddie, maybe, snickers a little bit behind his hand. “He’s gonna be your buddy. He likes the space between his shoulder blades scratched. Just like you, huh?” And hears the moment that Steve dully traces his fingernails on Carmen’s back. She gurgles a little excited babbling. “That feels good, doesn’t it?” Steve murmurs. “Daddy likes that, too.” He’s talking about himself. Because he practically fought tooth and nail for that title. Eddie wouldn’t have it any other way.
From the kitchen archway, Eddie surveys the display on the living room floor. And Steve’s on his back in his pajamas. Glasses smooshed awkwardly up his face as his cheek is pressed against the carpet, eyes gone soft and glistening while Carmen is on her belly. Her hands are sprawled in front of her, squeezing at the soft toys they had gotten. He’s brushing his fingers through her short, curly wisps of brown hair. Then, his hand travels back down to massage and scratch at her back again. She’s wearing a pink striped onesie and a pair of white socks on her little feet.
He clears his throat to make himself known. Steve looks up at him, softly smiling. “I reckon things are going good in here?” Steve only nods, too enamored with petting at Carmen’s back. Eddie finally smiles at him. “Good,” he whispers. He leans his weight on the doorway. A dish rag thrown over his shoulder, arms crossed low over his belly, hair thrown up in a loose bun on his head. Domestic life has really begun to suit him, if he’s honest. He finds himself at ease about it now.
As he turns back to the kitchen, to serve up their bowls of soup, Steve calls his name. He immediately turns back around. Greeted with his husband’s soft face, his deepened smile lines, his messy hair spread on the carpet. He’s more youthful than ever, fatherhood has changed him for the better, at least Eddie thinks so. He hums to see what Steve needs, because by god, he’ll do anything for him.
“Thank you,” Steve whispers.
“For what?”
“Making my hurt go away,” Steve says. But Eddie’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. And Steve clarifies, “Allowing me to accomplish my final dream. I’m really happy that it’s with you.”
Eddie crosses into the living room, crouching down to kiss Steve’s forehead, pecking Carmen’s soft head, too. He combs his own fingers through Steve’s hair. Smiling at the way he keens. “You made me believe that I could be a good dad,” he admits. “I can’t wait to do this right.”
Steve brings a hand to Eddie’s cheek. His index finger softly tracing down the side of his face. “Love you,” he murmurs.
Turning his face, Eddie kisses the tip of Steve’s finger. “Love you, too,” Eddie easily says in return.
Sure, he got to be a rockstar, but he thinks that this life—Steve soft and middle aged and smiling at him, petting down their daughter’s back, cooing soft as if he’s not almost fifty—is much better than anything he could’ve ever dreamed. Maybe filling the hole in Steve’s soul, the remedy that their daughter brings—Maybe that heals something for Eddie, too.
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diresang · 8 months
            ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 ✦․⁺  ↳ @tangledfate
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of all the deals husk had made in his life, this was the toughest one he had to hash out. the cat had numerous casinos, but they were all ones he had inherited from contracts━ but this one, his newest one, was all his. designed by him, he had been in charge of the building, and now he was in charge of the advertising. many regulars of his previous casinos were happy to try out one of husk's own creation━ the amber lion. but he needed more business.
and what sold better than sex.
though it ended up with dancer's poles in select casinos ( husk refused to install any into this new one ), he had brokered a deal with the overlord valentino. after all, when overlords weren't killing each other, they were figuring out ways to become more powerful. this way, they both were gaining more influence. the deal was a simple one; valentino gets VIP rooms and spots for dancers in a few casinos, and husk gets valentino's prized porn star on loan━ angel dust. the plan was that if angel could charm some suckers, and be seen as the face of this casino, the money would come pouring in.
husk stared down the spider from across his office's desk, a cigar between his fingers. 'all yours' came the sultry voice of the moth, a hand tracing under angel's chin, before he left the two alone. husk seemed unassumed by the display, scoffing in disgust as soon as the door shut behind him and flicking ashes into the ash tray on his desk. with a puff of smoke, husk walked around to the side of the desk, closer to angel but still giving him space.
            ❝ too bad you had to deal with that guy, kid. but for now, you're dealing with me, alright ? i ain't the kind of prick he is, but act out of line and i will remind ya' that for time being━ you're mine. ❞
husk paused, giving a moment to angel to acknowledge that before continuing on.
            ❝ all i need for you to do is make me money. and i ain't talkin' sleepin' with the chumps, i'm talkin' getting 'em to spend their money with your charm and good looks. distract 'em, give 'em bad advice, anything that'll work. ❞
another puff of his cigar, and husk turned his head to blow the smoke away from angel's direction. his gaze is cold, but it's serious━ it's truthful.
            ❝ i'll be providin' for your clothes, food, booze and even your goddamn bed━ so i'm expectin' ya' to treat me well. anything ya' want, it's yours, so long as i'm makin' money . . . any questions before i show you around ? ❞
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foone · 2 years
Concept: fursonas with non-human senses. Not just canine "can smell better" ("My fursona has no nose." "How does she smell?" "Terrible!"), but actually different senses. (Under a readmore because big surprise, I write a lot)
Sharks who walk into a dark room and go "hey guys!" to the people about to shout "surprise!". Electroreception, yo. They can feel the electric fields in bodies. They have a good job as an electrician, because they can tell which wires are active and which aren't, without needing a tester. One of the guests is a snake who says "I told you this wouldn't work", as they can see in the dark through thermoception.
Corvids who don't watch human movies, especially not in theaters. They're just flickery slide-shows to them. Their vision is too fast, persistence of vision doesn't kick in until like 200 FPS.
I know the mantis shrimp colors aren't real (it's actually just a thing where they have extra cones to make up for not having enough brain to merge them. Like, humans have red/green/blue cones, and we see "yellow" when the red and green cones are both activated, but shrimp can't do that merging. So they have a yellow cone) but fuck it, this is fantasy. Make your fursona have access to all the forbidden colors.
Hell, have them able to see outside the "visible" spectrum! Imagine a furry working at a human-majority office who gets pulled into a meeting with her manager one day, who has to tell her that even if she's covered in fur, she can't wear a top that revealing, they have a dress code. She goes "what? But.. Sally in accounting wears that semi-transparent blouse most weeks!" and then they both come to realize that humans can't see near-IR and therefore don't realize that a lot of their clothing choices are transparent to that wavelength. The furry has just been seeing all these exposed chests and going "wow, I had heard the humans could be prudes about nudity, what with not having fur, but apparently not." and decided to join in one day. Whoops.
Hell, let them see radiation! Who needs a giger counter? They're digging through an junk shop and WHOA, shouldn't this be in the back or in a safe or something? The owner (a Shetland sheep dog) is like "what do you mean?" and they go "it's pretty radioactive, man! Can't you tell?" "uhh.. No. Why don't you put that down quickly and I'll go grab a lead bucket."
An octopus that goes to see a 3D movie but turns down the glasses. No need. They can see circularly polarized light just fine on their own.
You go over to visit a bat's warehouse to get an old computer they offered to loan you and they sheepishly (is that offensive to sheep?) admit that they never bothered installing any lighting inside. Why would they? They can see fine with echolocation. And their friend Skippy never complained, either! Mind you, they are a dolphin.
A park ranger who is a jewel beetle. They can detect fires miles away, but only if pine trees are involved. They're a firefighter in a pine tree forest, so that's fine.
A bee who keeps giving directions in terms of cardinal directions and forgetting that not everyone has an innate sense of North/South thanks to being able to sense the magnetic field of the Earth. And this is after they went to all the trouble of giving the directions in words, instead of dancing!
Tangent idea: a bee pirate who writes a pop song, and it's not until another bee hears it years later that they realize that the dance instructions in the song are actually a treasure map.
Creatures who can sense RF directly. Some of them can't even get near human-style cities, as they're "too noisy". It takes the more mundane inhabitants a while to realize they aren't talking about sound, and earplugs won't help.
Others can pull off amazing mental tricks like the Scramblers from Peter Watts' Blindsight, and the first time they get near a human city they figure out how to decode all these FM signals and within minutes they can watch TV, listen to the radio, or log onto the wifi. They're not robots or cyborgs, they're just unholy smart and frighteningly fast.
And there's no reason it should be limited to natural things... The supernatural is there as well. A furry who mentions they hate going to some human cities because they're so crowded with ancestors. It's not for a while until someone realizes that word isn't being translated exactly right, and they don't just mean "old humans". They mean the ones who lived there before, but are dead. They still see them, and are surprised that the humans can't.
Hell, how about a fursona with an asymmetric design? Different fur patterns, heterochromia, things like that. But it swaps sides from time to time. It's not an art mistake, they really do that. No one understands why until they casually point out a missing item is in the drawer of there, the locked one. Then they reach around all six sides of the drawer and pull it out. What, you can't see in four dimensions? Yeah, sometimes their body swaps left/right because they rotated through the 4th axis and inverted their body. No big deal, but they have to be careful with what food they eat sometimes. All those chiral molecules... You don't want them backwards. Fortunately they've got a pretty strong digestive system so it's not a big deal. And vodka always goes down smooth, alcohol is symmetric!
Speaking of which, fursonas with vulture-like digestive systems. They yell at their roommate for throwing out that expired meat. It's only expired by human standards, and they're just a bunch of wimps who can't handle a little putrefaction in their lunch.
And I know I said "not like canines with just better senses of smell" but there's some interesting options for having beings who can smell things humans just can't. A fursona that detects a gas leak because they can smell carbon monoxide, not just the bitterants added to help humans detect it. Or can pick up on human pheromones, although that one is often covered in werewolf media, I hear. But instead of just arousal/fertility/pregnancy, they can also be like "hey you smell different... Have you talked to your doctor about testing for diabetes? I think your a1c might be high."
Speaking of pheromones, how about fursonas that do things like ants, who automatically put down invisible scent trails and follow them? They are a pain to go hiking with, since they just assume you can follow them if they get out of sight, and you gotta remind them to slow down sometimes.
Hell, fursonas who have quorum sensing, either type. The bacteria-like type have gene expression that changes based on population density. Members of their species in the wild, in rural areas, and in urban areas have radically different phenotypes. The social insect type make decisions with an implicit silent democracy, bordering on a hive mind. They are always surprised when humans and similar want to talk out decisions. Can't they just tell what the majority want and just do that? It seems so much similar.
Speaking of which, ACTUAL HIVE MINDS. You're dating a nice worker bee and and another member of the same hive comes by and says "hello love!" and gives you a big kiss. Your partner is surprised you had any problem with this. They're the same person, basically? And they feel their love for you just as much. (obligatory A Miracle of Science reference: Mars thinks you're cute)
Combine that with insect-like lifespans for some extra weirdness: the one you're dating isn't even the one you started with. The bee-people only live a month or two, and you've been dating for nearly a year now. Hell, even when your first partner was still alive, it wasn't always the "same" bee that came by to visit. Of course, that's putting a human-like kind of perspective on if it's the same bee. To the hive-mind bees, it is. It's the same hive. They have the same mind, just in 70,000 separate bodies. So of course it's the same person. Just not the same body.
Heh. How about magnetic sense? This may be overly specific to my interests, but you hand a furry a floppy disk and they hold it for a few seconds and then hand it back. "Thanks!" "oh, don't you want it?" "oh yeah. But I already got all the data off it." "but... You didn't put it in a floppy drive?" "no? What's the point in that? I just read the flux transitions off the surface. It's not hard."
More esoteric senses, too. You're driving down California one with your partner, listing to some Decemberists and they idly go "huh, Diablo Canyon is still running? I thought they had shut it down!" You're like "what?" They point out the window at the two cooling domes. "The power plant! It's still running. Can't you taste all those neutrinos?" "uh, no." "what, really? They're quite fresh compared to the usual solar ones." "I can't 'taste' those either" "oh. Weird!"
Your plasma-lifeform boyfriend who evolved in space sometimes has dizzy spells where he nearly drives his containment vessel into a wall. "sorry, that was a big one. Those gravity waves must have been from, like, an 80-90 solar-mass black hole merger? A close one too, only a few dozen megaparsecs."
You've long since given up explaining that you have no way of detecting events that take place over 30 million light-years away.
The atemporal energy being who proposes the first time you meet. You're shocked, but they point out why? You have/are/will spent/spending (tenses are hard) over 60 years of your experience of years with them. They just don't really see how this time is different from all the times you have/will spend together. They thought humans liked this "till death do us part" ceremony, even though death has no meaning for them. They're not immortal, but their death is just like their birth (or the energy being equivalent): a discontinuity on the edges of their lifeline. They don't exist past there, just like you don't exist outside of the 3D volume of your body. So what does it matter? Besides, we've had this conversation before, or is it later? Either way.
A hive mind being who only has one body you can see, because they're actually a hive mind across themselves in different timelines. They sometimes get mixed up which version of you they're talking to, and ask odd questions like how your son is doing in college. You don't have son, or any kids for that matter. "whoops, that's the other you. Lemme... You're married to Tony, right?" "Who's Tony?" "Obviously not. Uhh, is Sarah your girlfriend?" "no? I'm not a lesbian!" "Not this you, at least. Oh, I've got it. You work at the newspaper?" "yeah. I'm an editor" "oh cool. Got it. Sorry, it's easy to get all the yous confused sometimes."
Later that week, your boss introduces you to a new reporter, Sarah Torres. You can't help but wonder of this is the Sarah another you is dating. You don't see it. But apparently another you does.
And that tangent makes me think of another one: mind reading, either full or just empathic, isn't that unusual in aliens and such, but imagine a race that doesn't go around reading minds unless given permission, but they have a persistent problem with pronouns. See, they can just tell what your gender is. And closeted trans people keep getting outed accidentally. Sometimes outed to themselves, because they call you by your "true" pronouns, not the ones you're using now.
And the same goes for orientation. Like your coworker will be like "why don't you ask out Steven on a date?" and you're like "Steven? I don't even know if he likes guys, I've never gotten any hints from him..." and they go "what? No, of course he does. Can't you tell?"
(I just invented a species with perfect gaydar. That's weird, right?)
Someone who has that ESP "there were strong emotions and events here" sense, but it goes both ways. They would never visit Hiroshima for the same reason they will never visit Chicago. They don't want to explain to you what will happen there, but they go a bit teary-eyed when you bring it up.
A species that magic tricks just don't work on, and no one can figure out why. They can't see through solid objects, they don't seem to have a super-fast vision, they can't read minds, but everytime you show them a magic trick they're like "the ball is in your hand" or "you have a fifth ace in your sleeve" or "there's another rabbit under the table". They don't even seem to realize it's supposed to be a trick. They're just slightly confused at what you're trying to do.
A species that has the equivalent of a spectroscope/chromatograph built into their body. You hand them a drink and they can list the molecules in it and their concentrations. You'd think they'd mainly be scientists, but a lot of them are bartenders. They make perfect mixed drinks (down to the nanoliter of exact composition) and they can spot a spiked drink from across the room.
A species that can taste your DNA when you touch them. They're a weird blob that rewrites their own DNA on a daily basis, and find static-DNA beings "weird and unusual" and always want to help you with that. Wouldn't you be happier if you had a couple extra arms? Maybe claws? How about switching sex? Just for the weekend, they can put you back to "normal" if you want. Or maybe you'd like to spend some time as a dog? Your two species are pretty close, evolutionary speaking. It shouldn't take more than a day or two to rewrite every cell in your body. Sometimes you "humans" are so boring. They can't imagine staying in the same form for more than a few days, and you fuckers do that for, what, up to a century? Before you "get old and die"? You know, that's a choice. They can fix that. You don't have to age, if you don't want to.
Speaking of which, species with radically different lifespans and approaches to life.
The Dragon's Egg beings occasionally give humans gifts, of books of poetry about their unrequited love for you. There's no point in responding, even if you do come to love them from their writings. By the time you have opened the first page of the book, they're dead, their children are dead, and their grandchildren are getting old.
Similarly there's a race of trees where you can be dating one for 40 years before they reveal that they've considered this just a minor flirty bit of fun. They don't get involved with humans and human-likes, they'll be gone in the blink of a century, so what's the point. You ask them their age one time and have trouble grappling with the fact that when they sprouted, your ancestors hadn't yet mastered the written language. Their still-living parent remembers visiting earth before it had any life outside the seas. You had dinner with them last Thanksgiving. They liked your broccoli casserole.
So... yeah.
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
Belong pt.7
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, Omegaverse
Synopsis: The pack seems to be falling for you but Jungkook doesn't like it one bit. What happens when he learns you are his mate
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Jungkook walked into his professors office. Along with Namjoon as his guardian. The instinct to hide behind his pack alpha was pretty strong.
"Don't worry." Namjoon comforted rubbing his back. "I have all the papers here about Y/n's friends admittance to the hospital. I'm sure we will figure it out."
Jungkook nods biting his lip in worry.
They knock the professors door.
"Come in." The voice calls.
"Oh Jungkook ssi. And this must be your guardian."
"Pack Alpha. Kim Namjoon."
"Yes. Please take a seat."
Namjoon explained the situation to the professor.
"I'm not sure how much I can help you. You understand that he could have submitted before and its an important project for the final grade."
"Ofcourse professor. But it would be very gracious of you if you could offer us any solution."
The professor thought for a moment.
"While usually I don't do this but to raise your grade you may volunteer to supervise the freshmen trip. I'm the Head of the committee and we could use some man power."
"Thank you. Thanks a lot professor." Namjoon says flashing her a very bright blinding smile and Jungkook would be jealous except he knew how Namjoon always giggled when he was truly happy. The professor seemed charmed.
Namjoon rubbed Jungkook's back reassuringly.
"Everything will be fine now."
"Thanks hyung."
"You're welcome."
Jungkook fiddled with his thumbs. Unsure how to broach the topic of you. He almost hated that you came in their lives but in reality he hated himself for being insecure.
"Hyung." Jungkook started.
Namjoon's phone began to ring.
"Give me a moment Jungkook." He said before answering the call.
From the end of the corridor, a figure waved. Jungkook waved back to his friend Eunwoo.
"Hyung, I'm going to go meet Eunwoo. See you later."
Namjoon nodded and gave Jungkook a side hug before leaving.
"Still need Mr. Alpha to protect you." Eunwoo joked as Jungkook neared. Jungkook only rolled his eyes in response. He had enough of his friends teasing. Yes they had to listen to him show off about his pack and he might have gone over board. But nobody can blame him, he felt so good with his pack.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.
"Nothing important just dropping off some forms. You?"
"I kind of missed an important deadline so Namjoon hyung came to talk to the professor."
"You should be careful kook-ah." Eunwoo cautioned his friend.
"I know. I know."
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Working together with your soulmate had to be the best thing ever. Jimin thought.
The two of them had been very busy after their break they had to set up a new exhibition. And setting up a new theme was never easy from looking into artworks, their aptness, setting them, having the backdrop and lighting changed to fit the new theme, archiving carefully the old ones, separating the loaned ones and returning them before their due. Making sure new pamphlets and posters are printed according to the guidelines.
The two of them had been working overtime because of all that. So when their boss instructed them to overlook installation of some of the artworks that had been bid on previously. They took the time to have a lunch break.
The restaurant was nice and casual. It was famous for its latest addition. A Polaroid wall for people to make memories. They gave you a free picture if you left a review. Otherwise they'd just put your picture on the wall. Whoever planned it, their plan was working the place was packed.
"What do you want to order?" Jimin asked.
"Chese burger and potato wedges." Taehyung answered perusing the drinks section.
"Fine I'm having the lemon chicken bake pasta. What about drinks?"
"Mojito." Tae decides
"The Berry slushie sounds good to me. You want dessert?" Jimin says.
"We can grab churros on our way back from that bakery we saw while we came here." Tae suggests.
"Ok. I'm going to go order now." Jimin replies.
"Am I seeing things or is that y/n" Tae wonders aloud.
Jimin turns and there you are. A sight for sore eyes. He misses your company but there is nothing he can do about it.
Taehyung tugs his sleeve. "Jiminie ok"
Jimin nods.
You too seem to notice them as the server guides you to the table. You nod your head in greeting but focus on Yeonjun.
Jimin feels a flash of possessiveness and jealousy.
"Do you want to share the milkshake?" Yeonjun asks. "Their large one is cheaper but I can't finish it alone."
"Yes, it's fine." You reply. It's weird to sit across Jimin and Taehyung and not with them.
Their faces look tired but you suppressed your curiosity about them. There was no point of being overly friendly.
"Are you going to the camping trip?" Yeonjun asks.
"I think I will Suyeon send me the brochure. It sounds fun. What about you?"
"If you're going I'll go." He says smoothly causing you to blush.
Jimin can feel his temper rising. My omega his brain screams.
"Yeonjun." You whine and hit him playfully.
"It's true I've already been there with my pack so I'm only going if there's good reason."
"So I'm your good reason?"
"The best."
Taehyung's eyes narrow. Both of them can't help but eavesdrop on your conversation.
You chuckle.
"Sure sure. I'm sure I'm not that special."
"You are. You are special to me." He replies.
The server comes with your meals.
They try to ignore it. They really do but you sharing the Milkshake with Yeonjun's the last straw.
When the time comes to pay the bill you learn that it has been paid and they leave you a note.
Have a nice day Y/n
Love jiminie and tae
"Do you know them y/n?" Yeonjun asks.
"Yes they are omegas I'm close with."
"Oh." Yeonjun said. It wasn't unheard of for omegas to court omegas but it was odd for friends to behave this way. Maybe they were trying to warn me. Yeonjun thought.
Taehyung and Jimin share a look. They need to tell Jungkook. If he doesn't get his act together now he never wouldn't even get a chance to try.
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You call your mom when you reach home. You hope she'll let you go on the trip.
"Hello?" You ask as soon as she picks up.
"Hello Y/n everything ok?"
"Yes everything is fine? How's your day going?"
"Good good things have been busy here but it's nice. How's the pack?"
"Good... they're fine." You answer.
"I remember courting your dad. What a time it was. Make sure you enjoy it."
"Mum actually our college is going on a trip can I go. I'll send you the details."
"Ah my baby has grown up. Ofcourse you should go. I will send extra money ok. Buy yourself nice clothes and things you need too. "
"Thank you mum."
"Anything for you. Now I'll check the brochure send me any forms I might need to fill."
"Ok understood. Thank you. Love you. Bye."
"Bye love you too." Your mum replies before hanging up.
You feels so happy you do a little dance of celebration.
You text Suyeon.
Y/n: I got it. I got permission. This is going to be the best trip ever
Suyeon: fr fr. I'm so happy congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳
Y/n: ☺☺
Y/n: let's go shopping 🛍 for cute outfits.
Suyeon: 🤑
You giggle to yourself.
You called Suyeon. You were supposed to go shopping together but you hadn't heard from her all day.
"Hello y/n. What's up?"
"Where are you ? We were supposed to go shopping today?"
"God that was today. I'm sorry actually Soobin's birthday is coming up so I'm with his pack. Rain check. Let's go tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow I have to study for a class test."
"I'm sorry. Honest mistake... why don't you go with the pack."
"The pack."
"Yes its not like you are not close to them. Things might be awkward because of a certain someone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't hang out with the others. I mean you always miss them. And you did go out shopping with them before."
You find yourself being convinced. So you knock on their door.
Yoongi opens the door.
"Is everything ok?" He asks looking over you to see any signs of panic and injury.
"Hi yeah. It's just that Iwasgoingshoppingandwonderedifanyonewouldaccompanyme?"
"Slow down biscuit."
"I sorry I'm a bit nervous."
"No need to be nervous. Now did you need something? Why don't you come in first huh. Its so hot you might get a sunburn."
You nod and follow him inside.
"I wanted to go shopping because there is a University trip and I was wondering if anyone would like to come with me?" You tell Yoongi.
As you enter the living room. You see Jin and Taehyung snacking watching anime in the living room.
"Y/n!!" Taehyung is the first to notice you and calls you excitedly.
"Y/n come sit we were just talking about you. You'll like this one." Jin said patting the empty space next to him.
You felt your heart warm.
"Y/n needs to go shopping for... where are you going?" Yoongi tells them.
"Camping." You supply.
"Oh I have just the thing for you. Guys take care of her."
"Do you want to go right now." Jin asks turning of the TV.
"Yes I was supposed to go with Suyeon and she's busy and then I'm busy so today I'm hoping to find something good but if I go by myself it'll take longer to find myself things."
"Give us 15 minutes." Taehyung says and he rushes into his room.
You nod. Jin goes to the kitchen and brings out cookies.
"Here's a little snack. I will be back quick." Jin says.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome sweetheart."
As Jin leaves you sit on the couch and munch cookies. You feel comforted by the packs scent. You didn't realise how much you missed the pack. In a way you were grateful your best friend made you come to the pack.
Yoongi enters the room smiling fondly at you. He places a box infront of you.
"What's this?" You ask.
"A first aid box and some camping essentials. If you need anything else ask me. Me and Jin hyung go fishing so we have enough camping supplies no need to but things you will only use once. I can teach you some things if you want as well. There is basic first aid supplies and then there are fire supplies to light up campfire post rain as well and other things."
"Thank you." You say touched.
"Anytime biscuit." He replies feeling good.
Taehyung and Jin come out of their rooms dressed up. You can't help but admire how good they look. Jin is dressed in a button down and black ripped jeans and Taehyung's dressed in a tshirt with rips and faded blue jeans and a beanie.
"Come on let's go. Y/n." Jin says.
"Ah yes." You look at the kit.
"You can take this when you come back." Yoongi says.
"Come on Y/n-ie we are getting late." Taehyung says.
Yoongi comes to drop you all out. Even opening the door for you.
"See you later. Have fun." He says.
You all wave him goodbye.
Jin turns the radio. You sit next to him and Taehyung is in the back but leaning front.
"So do you have any outfits in mind?" Taehyung asks.
"No not really. Something comfortable but also I look good in and avoid material that can get damaged in a camping trip." You reply.
Jin's and Taehyung's phones both go off at the same time. Taehyung looks at the phone and his expression turns into neutral, Jin looks at Taehyung via his back mirror, Taehyung mouths 'tell you later'.
"Is something the matter?" You ask.
"Nothing. Why don't you tell me have you thought about buying boots?" Taehyung answers.
Namjoon: pack meeting to discuss Jungkook and Y/n situation. Everyone needs to be present tonight.
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All I'm going to say is that rereading this to collect info I just made up along the way makes me reflect on the bizarre writing process. Anyhow I made notes not to forget from now on.
When I write it feels like going up a mountain but reading was just like walking down a hill.
It's been a while I got busy with life and a little writers block I hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts.
Taglist @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @goooood-vibes ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky ; @kyrah-williams ; @thedarkwinterrose ; @realswimshaddy ; @emu007 ; @jcrml ; @scuzmunkie ; @angel-121 ; @passionandsuga ;@popcatx0 ; @exfolitae ; @raineandskye ; @notsooperfect ; @toriluvsfics ; @northspiritstorm
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octuscle · 7 months
So I just got my Chronivac and noticed that it's saying that I used to be a country boy stud with a redneck boyfriend and don't remember any of this, did someone else use one on me without my knowledge
Phew! As far as I can tell, you have purchased a special edition of the Chronivac with a preset already activated. And you started the activation by contacting support. I'm afraid there's not much I can do… At least not until the transformation is complete.
You're sitting in a sports bar with one of your frat brothers. You've just come from rowing training. You're both stars of the university team. Still! Because while you're waiting for your non-alcoholic beer, something starts to change… You were just talking about the upcoming exams. And suddenly you're talking about football. Somehow out of the blue. Fuck university. University pisses you off.
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You may not notice it, but the smell in the bar starts to change. Sweat. Beer. Sawdust. Frying fat… Your eyes fall on the man next to you at the bar. Stephen, the captain of the lacrosse team, was just standing there. Now there's someone who looks a lot like Stephen. But he's wearing a sweaty undershirt, has one thumb tucked under his massive belt buckle and has a bottle of beer in the other. His jeans are dirty and he's wearing dusty biker boots. And they are no longer standing on a stylish concrete floor but on an old floorboard covered with sawdust. Stephen turns up his nose. And spits on the floor. What the hell?!?!?! Your bro asks you if you have snuff. You're too confused to be surprised that you pull a can of Copenhagen out of your back pocket. And before you put the tin away again, you take a big pinch yourself.
Something is different. But you don't know what… Caren comes over and asks if you'd like another round of beer. And if you want something to eat. Damn, a big portion of chicken wings and a pitcher of beer would be just the thing right now. But before the food arrives, you have to take a piss. And actually get rid of any other pressure. You glance in the direction of the toilets. The stall has just become free. You signal to your bro that he should follow you straight away. As an appetizer, he gets a load of what's currently building up in your balls.
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It was a damn great evening in the bar. The food was good, there was plenty of beer and you were able to cum twice. But you and your buddy had to go to bed early. You had to be at work at 07:00. At the latest. There's a lot to do at the moment. Due to the economic crisis, your fellow citizens have to drive their cars longer than usual. And that means more work for you and your buddy in the workshop. But you love your job!
But you love the end of the day even more. Tonight is burger night at the sports bar. Eileen makes the best and biggest burgers in the county. And every second pitcher of beer is free. And today you have something to celebrate. A city slicker broke down with his show-off car. You don't have that much experience with German tin. But the car eventually purred like a Bavarian cat again. And the snob had to bleed for it. And you finally have the last installment for your garage together. Tomorrow you'll go to Pete at the bank and then tear up the loan agreement. And you'll spend today a local round on that fact. It's only half the price today. Hehehe.
You're the hottest studs in town. Rumor has it that you've bedded every woman under 40. Many women brag that you got them pregnant. You like to jerk off to these stories. Preferably as a couple. You keep your trucker hats on. The one or other dried cum stain can tell stories.
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A few weeks ago there was some chick who took pictures of you and shared them on one of those shitty social networks or whatever. She got in touch a few days later and said that the response had been amazing or something. She could turn you into stars. You don't want to be stars. You're already studs. That's quite enough for you. But the good thing is that a whole lot of guys are now coming to your place who want to be fucked by you. And you don't need to be told twice. Your food is on Hank. Because of you, his motel is almost always fully booked since the chick's visit.
The sports bar is still called "Eileen's". Just like it's still called "Hank's Motel". They haven't owned it all for a long time. It's all yours. It may not be obvious to your bro and you, but you're by far the richest people in town. It all started when some rich guy you two were shagging in Hank's presidential suite had a heart attack shortly afterwards. And left you both a million dollars each. There were several cases like that. Inheritances, gifts. One guy even wanted to adopt you both. Shit, you had a stressful time. The workshop during the day, you had to look after your fans in the evening. That damn chick. Until her visit, you had a really relaxed life.
Hell, your life is as relaxed as it can be. There are so many people in this village who owe you a hell of a lot. Literally. And figuratively. You might not have as much energy as you used to. But you still have a hell of a lot of sex!
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Caren comes over and asks if you'd like another round of beer. And if you want something to eat. Damn, a big portion of chicken wings and a pitcher of beer would be just the thing right now. But before the food arrives, you have to take a piss. And actually get rid of any other pressure. You glance in the direction of the toilets. The stall has just become free. You signal to your bro that he should follow you straight away. As an appetizer, he gets a load of what's currently building up in your balls. Good things never change!
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high-fantasy-sw · 1 month
That's Right. Worldbuilding Wednesdays are Back
This installation: Technically Part Two of Clone Culture, even though it's the first Worldbuilding Wednesday for that particular topic. Part One can be found by clicking the link.
HUGE shoutout to @majorproblems77 for helping me come up with, like, 90% of this lore. Thank you so much, Major, I really couldn't have done this without you :)
Also, I'd like to keep this consistency up, so if you're so inclined, let me know in the tags what you'd like to know more about in the AU, and if you're even more so inclined, don't hesitate to send an ask and help me talk it out! I love hearing your ideas for how I could make this AU better :)
@whyoneartheven @anime-obsessed @magpie-sherlock
Edit: Well, crap. I accidentally posted this instead of scheduling it. Oh well, I guess you get Worldbuilding Monday today.
Identification Rings
Every Clone, at birth, is given an identification ring: a plain iron band with his number stamped on the surface. This ring, purportedly, serves a two-fold purpose. As well as being his official identifying information, it’s also an enchanted artifact: the Kaminoans claim that, as powerful as their alchemy is, it’s not strong enough to create and sustain an entire human being on its own, especially with modifications such as advanced aging; the rings are therefore created with a spell that supposedly splits the life-sustaining alchemy between itself and the Clone in question, and once a Clone reaches the age of nine-eighteen, he is told he must wear the ring at all times or his alchemy will begin to unravel and he’ll die. (Prior to this, cadets wear their rings on chains around their neck, as seen in their concept art; apparently, Kaminoan magic can hold itself mostly together until a Clone reaches adulthood.)
The Clones are extraordinarily protective and even possessive of their rings. Besides their life-preserving properties, they’re also the only items the Clones can truly call personal possessions, the only thing they can really point to and say “That’s mine.” (True, once the war breaks out and they bond with their Jedi Generals, many of them receive numerous gifts from their newfound families, but in truth they often have trouble really seeing these presents as truly theirs, since in the walls of Kamino Fortress there was an unspoken understanding that everything they had- armor, clothing, room and board, anything and everything they touched- was really on loan and would be given to the next batch of brothers when they couldn’t use it anymore.)
Since these rings are so important to the Clones, a culture of sorts has sprung up around them:
As noted earlier, Cadets (Clones under the age of nine-eighteen and/or who have not passed their final exam) wear their rings on chains around their necks. As part of their coming-of-age ritual, their rings move from their necks to their right hands, and they reconfigure their chains from a single loop to this cuff design:
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This new chain has both a practical purpose and a symbolic one. Practically, it prevents the ring from sliding off of a Clone’s hand and being lost (the chain is non-removable; all the links are closed). Symbolically, however, the chain has a much deeper meaning. It consists of two segments: the chain of identity (seen in red in the diagram) and the chain of brotherhood (seen in blue). 
The chain of identity is the segment that goes over the back of the hand and connects the ring to the chain of brotherhood. It symbolizes the connection that an individual Clone has to his brothers, and also his own individuality and personhood. Many Clones use this chain to express their own quirks and personality, painting it or attaching small mementoes to it. 
The chain of brotherhood is the segment that goes around the wrist, and to the Clones is the most important segment. It represents the brotherhood between all the Clones, and- eventually- between the Clones and their Jedi generals. There is a very important ritual associated with this chain: they are painted in memory of fallen brothers and Jedi, one link (usually; it can be more, depending on who or how many died) for every slain friend, in the color or colors of their armor (or, in a Jedi’s case, the color of their lightsaber). The inch or so of chain right over the back of the wrist, where it meets the chain of identity, is considered the most personal segment of the chain, and is usually reserved for fallen batchmates (though there have been exceptions to this norm- for example, after Ahsoka left the Jedi, Rex painted his section green for her.)
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
so you know the tiktok hiding guy? this guy;
so picture Chay as this guy. he loves to hide things, but has nothing to hide (well. he kinda does, he hides some of the more sentimental things from loan sharks and uncle Arthee, but besides that). but he keeps hollowing out books and making sneaky can hideaways and picking up hide-a-keys from dumpsters and thriftstores, because enrichment. Porsche enables this 200%, because Porsche enables and encourages Chay in anything he does.
so picture if you will, Kim's first visit to snoop. even before Chay rushes to lock his door, Kim notices a few...odd things about Chay's home. a book with the wrong edges worn. a too thick picture frame. a can that rattles wrong. he is all very calm and patient and Not Thinking About It Too Hard while he and Chay play guitar, then he sends Chay off to go get noodles and starts tearing through the house as quick as he can. the locked landing door is calling him, but first a quick stop by that picture frame that's been bugging him. it opens easily and Kim finds...an old song notebook? what??? grabs a nearby can that's out of place and unscrews it to find...tylenol? Kim's used to hiding pills, but???? tylenol????? checks one of the books that was bothering him and four come away to reveal a hollowed core hiding...a candle??????
Kim is. so confused. so intrigued. starts tearing through the living room to uncover more and more hideaways hiding completely innocuous stuff. every time he thinks "wait, what about that door?" he gets distracted by something that isn't quite right and he jumps to dig into that. what the fuck does any of this MEAN.
Chay comes back to Kim wearing guilt like a coat and surrounded by trails of the random shit he's hidden over the years. he stares at Kim, stares at the mess, then bursts out laughing and asks if Kim's found the hidden safe or key yet. !!!!! goes Kim's brain and he's off to the races. they definitely forget about their noodles while Kim has a blast going on a seemingly never-ending scavenger hunt and Chay eggs him on.
this eventually carries on to when they get together. think Chay's hidden polaroids move but dialed up to 20, nothing is safe. forget clearing out half his closet, Kim clears out a wall safe for Chay and gets kissed against the wall right next to it. eventually they install a closet with hidden compartments worthy of a hollywood blockbuster. Chay is still hollowing out books and converting cans into hideaways even with the fancy stuff. Kim is on an eternal scavenger hunt. they are having so much fun.
[[ ask me about fics im not writing ]]
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turianhumanclient · 1 year
What I know about the situation at Zaum Studio OÜ, developers of Disco Elysium
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Perhaps you've heard of the deplorable situation of Disco Elysium's fired leads, of the oust by majority shareholder and CEO, of the lawsuits and rest of the cultural association and 'old guard' still at work there, quiet and held quiet by corporate policy and perhaps embittered by the 'auteur' theory holding parasocial public.
What I am going to share with you is information that is publicly available through Estonian and United Kingdom company registers. I haven't seen any news outlet feature this information yet.
Ilmar Kompus, the current CEO who was installed in 2020, had actually been a shareholder all along since Zaum Studio's founding in Estonia.
Kaur Kender, the author in his own right and producer at Zaum, has founded a lot of game development companies in Estonia and United Kingdom, while Zaum worked, published and updated Disco Elysium. These apparently went nowhere, some of them are now defunct. All of them had Ilmar Kompus or some ZAUM subsidiary as shareholders, and some also shared correspondence addresses with ZAUM's UK subsidiaries.
The 'game pitch' that cost Zaum 4,8 million euros and funded Kompus' acquisition of majority share from Linnamäe, the so called Pioneer One, has been previously reported by one gaming news outlet to have come via Anu Reiman's YESSIRNOSIR Limited. I have discovered that Kaur Kender held a game company in UK called Pioneer One Ltd that was active between years 2018-2022, and it had an Estonian artist Kristiina Ago as its secretary. I cannot prove that it was this entity that sold it instead, but it is a glaring coincidence nevertheless.
Kaur Kender and later Ilmar Kompus have founded a succession of ZAUM studios (Zaum London, Zaum UK, Disco Elysium UK and now Zaum Studio Limited) which have held the main development operations in UK. Kurvits and Rostov/Taal hold minority shares in Zaum UK. The later ones are all Ilmar Kompus-held in shares. I suspect this is a method of his to sever the fired leads' means of control to the company's branches in UK.
Both the 'main line' of Zaum's UK companies and Zaum Studio OÜ back in Estonia have loaned money to the tune of millions to Newelysium and Revachol in UK (Note, Revachol OÜ in Estonia is held by ZAUM cultural association members and is not a game studio)
What does it all mean then? I am not certain. I have not practical experience in game dev industry to say whether constantly making side companies or shells is a sign of a healthy leadership.
However looking at all the shell companies made near annually, and how the successive ‘main studios’ have consolidated into Kompus’ hands, I am going to speculate a bit. This has been a long con. Whether there was going to be a product that sold well or not, Kompus, Haavel and Kender were going be the ones collecting the jackpot. There were shell companies being established even as the game was floundering after the estonians’ walkout. All the ‘artists’ had to do was just do the work and not get in the way of money.
But then ZA/UM made an award-winning darling game of the year. TV show adaptation deals. Lead developers like Kurvits and Hindpere standing at the Game Awards Show spotlight. Audience eating up all that and latching onto whatever crumb and morsel might come next.
A clean exit sale out of a modest studio became impossible. Now there were developers in the studio who knew they were worth A LOT and with shareholders’ power both in Zaum Studio OÜ and Zaum UK Ltd to hamper any sale to Tencent, Amazon or Microsoft. Now we reach the part of “toxic misogynist auteurs trying to steal the IP for themselves.” who had to be let go.
Kender's lawsuit around the turn of 2022-2023 and divestiture of his Zaum Studio OÜ shares as result muddles the water for this speculated theory even more as he still holds directorship in a number of shell companies with Kompus back in UK. There is also Dark Maths Studios that he founded this April in UK, so it remains to be seen what he'll do and if its with Kompus and Haavel or alone.
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bluepotion85 · 3 months
The Golden Ratio - Chapter 1
The Straw hats are tricked into a massive dept inside the biggest entertainment city in the world. To make sure they come back to pay, they have to leave Zoro as a prisoner on the island. Zoro is confident his crew will return to save him, but what he doesn't know is that his captor has bigger plans for him.
(The following story contains male weight gain, food play, BDSM, kidnap, encouragement, and feeder/feedee scenarios. If that's not for you, then go to church or something vanilla dude.
This takes place during and after the events of the One-Piece film GOLD. For a better experience see the film on your local streaming service.
This story is written in collaboration with @bee-wg )
Seeing Strawhat's crew's expression from shock to despair is exactly what I live for.
Their captain had naively bet against me, the king of the casino, with the twenty million berries I loaned them. In total, they have to repay three hundred and twenty million berries.
“You know we can't pay you a damn thing!” said the cat burglar, Nami.
“Then I guess you would have to work your debt off. If you refuse, I will have to collect your debt by force.” I replied.
After eating, drinking, racing, and gambling, they have dug themselves into a hole they can't crawl back from.
“I’ll handle this. Taking out the boss is the quickest way to end a fight,” said the pirate hunter, Zoro.
“Interesting statement, so you’re going to beat me? Here, in this city?” I asked.
“Easily,” he replied.
He charged toward me, and with a single gesture of my hand, his body solidified into gold where it stood. Only the pirate hunter´s head is left untouched as he screams, “Stay behind!”
“Good call, another second, and they would all be golden statues,” I said.
“What's this power?” said the green-haired pirate.
“I ate the gol gol fruit. I can control any gold I've touched, and you were all covered in gold flakes when you entered this city, weren't you?” I replied.
“Like everyone else, once you entered this city, you were completely under my control,” I shouted.
With a kick, the pirate hunter falls to his back.
“Now then, I’ll have you return the money we loaned you. With your three hundred and twenty million berry bounty, that is,” I say.
“So, from the beginning you …!” Said Nami.
With a laugh, I reply, “Nobody can oppose me!”
“Don't get cocky! she replied.
My main singer and servant, Carina, approached them and put a knife to Nami´s neck before saying, “Don't move.”
“Who-?” Nami asked, looking at the knife.
“Shut your mouth and obey,” Carina replied.
You- We will pay our debt,” said Nami.
“Perfect, from now on, you shall work for me. I will take this man as insurance over your debt. If any of you try to betray me or escape, I will have him executed before a live audience!” I replied.
With gritted teeth, they looked as Nami said, “Fine, we agree,”
“Of course you do. After all, this is just another one of life's gambles. Will you pay off your debt and save your friend, or will you end up slaves for the rest of your lives?”
Their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, the man capable of defeating Doflamingo lies uselessly, his expression filled with rage and impotence, while my workers drag the golden body of his crewmate.
“Be sure to entertain me thoroughly. I look forward to it!” I said.
We walk through the hallways that connect the VIP room to my studio. Dice drags Zoro's body while he struggles foolishly to break from my golden bind.
“What is the most dangerous mission we can send them to, Baccarat?” I asked.
“We could make them capture the legendary bird of Garuda Island, Steal the treasure of the Ataraxia kingdom, or even dig out the remains of the former Phrygia king,” she replied.
“Send them on all three then, and install Den Den Mushi on their ship. I want everyone on Gran Tesoro to see their gamble run,” I replied.
My laugh drowns the hallway before I hear him speak.
“You will regret this,” said Zoro.
“You still have some spirit in you, pirate hunter,” I say, leaning closer to him.
“It's going to be entertaining beating that energy out of you,” I add.
With a single kick, I put him to sleep.
My eyes open to find an office. No, a Lounge? Just where am I? The last thing I remember is Tesoro taking me hostage.
Looking around the room, I see golden decorations everywhere and a massive desk in front of me. That's when I noticed. I'm half attached to the room with both my arms and legs deep within the golden walls.
I need to get out of here, reunite with everyone and get the fuck away from this gold prison. The door to the room is underneath me. It opens up to reveal Tesoro. He walks to his desk without even looking at me. When he sits down, he grins at me and says.
“Our guest has woken up. Have you enjoyed your stay in my studio?”
“It’s ugly,” I reply.
“Lie to me all you want, but you know these walls are paradise. I guess you can't comprehend your luck,” he added.
“Luck? After getting kidnapped by a golden eyesore?” I replied.
“To be a trophy on my wall, only the most luxurious of pieces are here. Also, to be here and not like your friends running around, desperately to pay your debt,” he replied.
“I would rather die like a man out there with them than live here as a wall decoration,” I said through gritted teeth.
Tesoro laughed at that and added, “Let's make a gamble of our own then. Will you stay this strong till your friends come to your rescue, or will you beg to stay here at the Gran Tesoro before your friends can pay up their debt,”
“What's in for me?” I replied.
“If you win by a miracle, I will forgive your friend's debt, and you can take the three hundred and twenty million berries with you. But if I win, you will be my slave for the rest of your sorry life,” he said.
“I´ll buy some good booze with that money,” I reply.
“I can't wait to break you, Roronoa Zoro,” he replied before exiting the room.
I stayed there waiting for hours or days, wondering if Tesoro was planning on leaving me here to slowly starve to death. In the darkened room, I could only sense the smell of cologne and him. It's a suffocating thing. As the hours pass, I feel a strange burning sensation spreading all over me. It begins in my chest and extends to every inch of my body. My heart starts to pump faster, and sweat runs through my forehead. I try to ignore it the best I can, but with every breath I take the sensation grows stronger, and the temperature in the room continues to rise.
I keep thinking that my nose will get used to it, and my body will adapt to whatever makes it react like this. But the more I stay here, the more I can smell it in the air.
For three days, I stayed in the wall. With some meditation, I tried to keep my strength. My muscles remained steady in this position, and a puddle of my own sweat formed on the floor. Even with all of my efforts, my body betrayed me. A haze of need clouds my eyes. I crave release.
Occasionally, a golden tube will descend to try and give me food or water but I refuse to. After getting turned into a gold statue from golden flakes, how could anyone trust them with food?
Finally, Tesoro came back to his studio at the end of the third day.
“What a great show that was! It's a shame you couldn't see it, pirate hunter,”
I don't reply, as I am at my limit. My body can withstand three days easily without food or water, but this goddamn smell is making me mad. I need to get off this wall! If I open my mouth, I'm not sure what I will say.
“I see you are withering away while everyone else is out there enjoying your friends' adventures. It is the ultimate entertainment.”
“What are you talking about?” I replied.
My mouth is dry, and the words come out dry and slow, but that doesn't bother him. If anything, it makes his grin grow.
“I sent your friends on treasure hunt missions and live-streamed their misadventures for everyone to enjoy. The hottest new show at the Gran Tesoro, Straw Hats Adventure!” he replied.
I can feel my rage bubbling inside me when he says.
“I could show you if you want, under one condition,” he says.
”What?” I reply.
“You have to do everything exactly as I say when you are off that wall,” he said.
My body has been running in high gear for the last three days. Through the haze of the heat, I wonder if I should accept what he will make me do. I need to know they are safe, yet I trust them to be on their own. Before my brain can come to a conclusion, my broiling body responds for me.
“I knew you would be smart and agree,” he said.
The gold of the wall turned liquid and descended me onto the floor. I collapsed to my feet after days of not using them.
“What's the matter, a cramp?” He says, looming over me.
“Show me,” I replied.
His mad eyes looked at me with a twisted pleasure as he pushed a button on his desk. A Den Den Mushi descended from the roof, and after opening his eyes, a projection appeared in front of us.
“Incredible isn't it? A live projection of their adventure twenty four hours,” he said.
I couldn't listen to him because I was too focused on watching Luffy and the rest fight a hoard of beasts so expensive I couldn't see the end of it.
“Garuda Island, they have the strongest beast in the new world. A legendary bird capable of laying golden eggs is said to be nesting there. Bringing a batch of their eggs seemed like a simple enough first mission, don't you think?” He said.
A giant turkey takes Luffy with its beak and throws him off the view. The bird approaches Ussop, and I know he is dead meat.
“Now, for payment. You have to do as I say,” said Tesoro.
He presses another button on his desk, and a group of women show up at his door with a trolley filled with food.
“You have rejected every meal for the past three days. I have to commend your dedication, but we can’t have you dying out of starvation. Otherwise, our show will end too soon. So, I want you to eat,”
“I'm not hungry,”
My stomach betrays me and rumbles. Damn it. I take a spoonful of the saffron rice and shrimp they gave me; the taste is good, but nothing compares to the perv cook. If that twisted eyebrow freaked knew, he would never let me live it down.
“Good to see you cooperate. You know, I have a couple of collaborators near the island. They could lend a hand to your friends. Make sure they are safe on their mission if you eat a second plate of food.”
“I trust them to survive on their own,”
At that moment, the bird catches Usopp and throws him as well, but I see Luffy intercepting him mid-air.
“Gum Gum Balloon!”
They will survive on their own. I can't allow Tesoro to poison me with whatever could be in this food.
Then I noticed Luffy left Usopp drop, and I wondered if the second plate might be necessary at some point.
“Suit yourself. It's more exciting to see them struggle. In any case, What do you think of the food? The best ingredients in all of the new world,” he asks.
“Shitty, I have tasted better stuff from a pervert,”
“You will see it has an acquired taste. For now, enjoy it,”
He stayed there watching me eat. Like he said, with each mouthful my palate got accustomed to the flavor until my fork hit the empty plate.
Tentacles of gold stretch from the wall and drag me back to it as soon as the plate is off my hands.
“What the fuck?”
“Well, you said you only needed that one plate. Your friends are safe and sound, and know you are back to being my trophy. Ain't I a man of my word?”
“What gives?”
“What, you wanted some private time or something? Don't forget Roronoa Zoro. You are my slave now. I don’t need to give you shit. Every meal, every drop of water is a gift out of a merciful king,”
“Damn you,” I replied.
“If you want something in particular, and I can see what it could be,” he said, eyeing me.
“Then beg for it like the lowlife you are,” he added.
We stayed silently there for a minute. Then he broke the silence with a laugh.
“Millions of people enter the GranTesoro with dreams of winning a fortune. Like them, you too will succumb to despair. Try as much as you want to look strong, it won't help you in due time,”
He exited the room, and I lowered my head in defeat. By the time I wake up from my nap, they will be here.
Next Chapter >>
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kaile-hultner · 2 months
GoFundMe Update, 8/12/2024
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Hey y'all! it's been about a week since the last GoFundMe update. We've hit a pretty predictable slow period in this fundraiser, a kind of doldrums, but I also got super busy over the last seven days, so it's all good there. So what's been going on in the past week?
To start with, as I mentioned last week I'm down to just one installment loan. This in itself has already made a massive difference just even in terms of how I'm feeling. It no longer feels like I'm being crushed by this massive weight on my shoulders or chest. I know I've mentioned this a lot, but it's such a weird feeling after experiencing the opposite for most of my adult life.
With that, things are already starting to change rapidly: my credit score has gone up 23 points in a week and a half, for example. I hate that this is even something we should have to pay attention to, but I can't help but feel relieved when number go up instead of down. The number of phone calls I'm getting per day, in the evenings, on the weekends - all the debt collection calls - has dropped dramatically. Now it's mostly just spam and companies trying to get me to take out more loans with them. I've experienced a burst of creative energy that has gotten me back in the game-playing-and-reviewing saddle - I just wrote a piece about "A Short Hike" as a donor request fulfillment exercise. (You can check that out here.) I was able to get through an entire weekend of work at my side-gig with no issues or delays—something I haven't been able to say for a few months. And when I finished that work? You'll never believe it, but I didn't feel stressed out or exhausted! I felt normal!
This doesn't automatically catapult me into 24/7 comfortable living, and now I really have to focus on the hard and dirty work of living within my means, building a budget and being an adult when it comes to daily choices, but I always knew that. This GFM has never been the magic bullet that would solve all of my problems - and I've never wanted it to be. However, it's helped assuage such a significant portion of my problems that I can focus on other things for once, and navigating that for the first time has been a pretty significant experience! This comes after months of having to transfer my paycheck from my bank to my Apple Pay account and a litany of other sketchy shit just to make sure it didn't all get swallowed up by various debt repayments and years of sometimes paying rent in parts instead of all at once. With most of that gone and cleared out, I no longer have to do all that! I don't feel like I'm constantly between a rock and a hard place, and that's… honestly pretty significant.
So what's next? Why am I still moving forward with the GFM towards $8000 and eventually $10000+?
Well, as I've said in prior updates, it's still pretty unbelievable that we reached $6500+ and I genuinely have no expectations about getting even a cent more. If nobody else donates, I think I would be pretty pleased with what this GFM was able to accomplish. But I don't think I'm totally out of the woods yet. Thanks to your help, I've upgraded from "basically completely underwater" to "balancing precariously on the edge of the dock," and there's a WORLD of difference between those two states. But that doesn't mean I don't ever again have to worry about the possibility of almost drowning.
Goal 4 would help me pay off my remaining installment loan, and with that close the book on that chapter of my life altogether. I've got these two annoying (paid monthly) loans in the background, but paying $40 and $78 a month respectively for them isn't really all that bad. It's not moving the needle the way these installment loans (paid every two weeks on my payday) were. I'd like to get rid of this final installment loan pretty quickly if possible. I'm currently just a bit under $1400 away from that goal, and I think it's pretty attainable.
Goal 5, $10,000, and Goal 6, $10,000+, are maybe my vaguest goals, so I want to flesh those out a bit. For those goals, I'm thinking of my long-term future more than anything immediate. If I can get anything past $8K, great! That will be money I put into a savings account and start adding to on my own. The reason I'm putting these goals at the end of this GFM is because in a little bit less than a year, I'm looking at the end of a pretty long arrangement I've had at the place I'm living, and the situation is that either rent is going to raise pretty significantly or (more likely) I'm going to be finding a new place to live. Having some money in savings is going to help me out with this in two ways: first, being able to pay a deposit on an apartment or absorb some of the cost of raised rent. Second, being able to put down a down payment on a car. My (smaller) worry is that, even with the radical erasure of my most immediate and crushing debts that this GFM has already afforded me, I may not have enough time to save this kind of money on my own, and/or that my credit score won't heal fast enough to qualify me for cheaper car payments, apartment deposits that aren't an arm and a leg, and so on. For context, I live in Oklahoma, which has a relatively cheap cost of living, but it's practically impossible to get around without a car as OKC's transit system is bootycheeks.
Finally (and least importantly), I promised when I set this GFM up that it would be the last time I asked for money from the Internet for this or any reason, outside of like a medical emergency. I set $10k up as a moonshot goal, something I didn't think it was possible to achieve - and yet here it is, barely $3400 away. If we make it to the end, that's gonna feel like a wild achievement! I'd finally be able to rest easy.
Here's a bad car metaphor I just thought of: you know how when you jump a car, you don't just plug up the jumper cables from one car to another and call it good when the car in need of jumping starts? You have to give it a little bit of extra juice in order for the car to restart its own charging capacity? That's kind of what this GFM is. I'm the car being jumped. The fundraiser is the other car revving its engine and giving me a bit of extra juice after I was able to start my own engine again.
See? told you it was bad.
Anyway, as always, I cannot thank those of you who have already donated enough. None of this would be possible if it wasn't for you, and my inbox is always open if you want to suggest cursed internet artifacts for me to look at. Someone suggested the entire series of Eyewitness children's science documentaries to me. I have no clue if I'll be able to find them. I've been vibing on the theme song for days tho. The only thing I would ask of you at this point is to share this GFM on social media, maybe link back to this update directly, and let's see if we can't find some extra wind for these sails to get us closer to that final goal. If you can't donate, please don't feel pressured to donate! Just reblogging it is more than enough help.
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Wolves At The Door; Part Six
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Eventual Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: The man tongued at the inside of his cheek nervously, the faint taste of hot chocolate abruptly cutting through the phantom smell of iron.
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our sixth installment! Enjoy!
Tag List: @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @a-smol-witch @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @silver-quinn01 @velvet-paradox @hijackser @mrs-wolfwood @nonstop-haikyuu @mic-sunderland @somethingthatsaysbubbles @fullofmoonsandstars @stargazerofgoldenwords @imthegreenfairy86 @karlskitten @nitrogennightmare @chunnies @thirstworldproblemss @highly-unknown @tartimaar-bloggeth @thesmartbiscuit @spoopyredacted @crowtrobotx @kotall-ohh
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, graphic depictions of mental duress and unprotected sexual acts between two consenting adults. Stay safe!]
Despite his unfamiliarity with the terrain, Karl would say the two of you were making good time. Even with your heavy pack on you were always ahead of him, gliding effortlessly through the snow. It made carrying on a conversation difficult, of course, but he didn't mind the quiet all that much. If anything it seemed to suit the hushed aura of the forest, all noise dampened by the towering forms of snow-covered spruce trees. Intermittent birdsong did break the stillness, as well as the occasional squirrel scolding them from their impenetrable fortresses of boughs. Those interruptions were invaluable to Karl, because it meant that the wildlife was behaving normally.
He had offered to come along because privately, secretly, he was immensely concerned about lycans coming across you while you were out in the woods unattended. It wasn't even a concern at this point, he would grudgingly label it a legitimate fear. So if hauling a sledge loaded with gear and crates of jars was what he needed to do to stay near you, then Heisenberg was going to be as docile as a fucking lamb about it. 
It would be pretty poor form if he let you get eaten by those freaks, especially since you had been so hospitable.
The sun was just barely peeking through the clouds overhead when you called for a halt, settling yourself carefully down on a boulder alongside the vague outline of the road. Karl was grateful for the pause, if only because he wanted to take the moment to get his bearings. Being forbidden to leave Miranda's clutches hadn't done his sense of direction any favors! Oh certainly, he could always feel where north was, but that didn't do much for him if he didn't know where he was.
"If we keep up this pace, we should have no trouble reaching the lean-to before dark." You patted the rocky surface next to your thigh. "Take a breather. The sled's not giving you trouble, right?"
Karl shook his head, dropping onto the rock and taking a sip from the old water bottle you had loaned him. "Light as a feather, sugar." Without his input, his eyes strayed to your lips while you had a drink as well. 
He hadn't minded kissing you at all that fateful evening. If he was being honest, it had been on his mind in a fairly insufferable way. He chalked it up to maybe just some weird development with the cadou; the Black God must have gone up in flames with the rest of the madhouse so it made sense that there would be variances in his cadou's behavior.
He realized he was staring after a moment and averted his gaze, busying himself with dusting some of the snow off the toe of his boot. "What's on the list for supplies, anyhow?"
You squinted upwards at the white sky as if you were thinking hard. "Staples, of course. Sugar, flour, oatmeal, peanut butter, lard... Is there anything specific you want me to add? No promises, but if there's extra credit left over we can prioritize it."
Karl bit his lip contemplatively. Most of the things that immediately came to mind would pose a spoilage problem. "Nah," he said instead. "I'm content."
"We'll impulse buy, then!"
The two of you arrived at the halfway point by a little after three o'clock, if your watch was anything to go by. You immediately got to work, unstrapping your boots from your skis and then using your gloved hands to sweep the gathered debris out of the corners of the lean-to. Seeing the usual dry leaves and piles of acorn shells left by the local wildlife gave you a warm feeling of familiarity; though the past year had been so, so odd, some things had stayed consistent. 
"Want me to clear a space for the fire? We could use those leaves for tinder." Karl suggested and you agreed, pointing him in the direction of the folding shovel you had strapped to the sled. The rusty metal barrel base that you had always built the fire in previously was in useable shape, so the man began to excavate the snow from its interior. 
It looked like the lean-to roof had survived unscathed, though a few large limbs rested on top of it precariously. More detritus from that last wild storm that had ripped through the area, no doubt. The small woodpile that you had carefully stacked and covered with a canvas cloth last winter had been toppled as well, but it hadn't done the wood much harm. You were just glad the canvas had gotten caught by the fork of a nearby tree instead of entirely blowing away to parts unknown.
With the base cleared out, Heisenberg began the careful process of coaxing a small fire to life. Luckily whoever had left the barrel had cut the sides high enough to block most of the wind, though Karl did end up reshaping them into more of a curve for added protection.
For your part, you untied the thick wool blanket you had lashed to the bottom of your pack and rolled it out on the concrete floor of the lean-to, then placed both bedrolls down as well. After that, you rummaged around in your backpack for the mess kit and the carefully-packed remains of cured boar meat, getting started on melting some snow for safe drinking water.
Karl sidled up, pilfering a fatty piece of cold gristle and chewing it meditatively. "Where's that road go?" He asked, gesturing at a well-worn track that branched off from the one you followed into town.
You shrugged. "Dunno'. Never checked." Now that he mentioned it, though, the other road did seem a bit more traveled than the last time you had seen it. Maybe you were imagining things; it had been at least a year since your last visit. The trees also appeared to grow thicker together further down that road. Despite their leafless forms, their branches met overhead in an ashen arch that for some reason reminded you of gnarled, bony fingers.
You shook your head at yourself, annoyed with how unnerved you were by trees. Granted it wasn't as if the pines were much better; what little you could see of the greenery on them under the snow read as nearly black against the white foreground. They stood as stoic sentries for their brittle brethren, filling in what gaps remained on the forest floor with their multitudinous, quick-spreading seedlings.
It's just because it's darker over there, you told yourself in an effort to rationalize how weirdly uneasy the road made you feel. It's been a strange year. Vowing to put it out of your mind, you began heaping more snow into the small pot over the fire and then dug back into your backpack. "I brought cocoa," you sang at Karl, flapping the two packets in the air. 
The man practically lunged at you to snatch a packet, his expression one of unbridled delight. You made a mental note to get chocolate chips if you could swing it. Judging from his reaction, his sweet tooth had been neglected a little too long! You didn't anticipate the kiss on the forehead he gifted you in thanks, your face immediately flushing with heat.
Night fell as the two of you settled into an early dinner, and even while you tried to ignore it, you couldn't shake the creeping sensation you felt anytime your eyes strayed to that other road. Karl seemed to be in good spirits though, the man savoring his cup of prefab hot cocoa with the air of a seasoned connoisseur enjoying a decadent treat. 
"We should do this more often." He mused, his words giving you an odd little thrill, only for him to dash the feeling when he continued, "I can't even remember the last time I had hot chocolate." Heisenberg paused, as if attempting to recall. His voice bore an uncharacteristic softness when next he spoke. "Always with a little caramel drizzled on the spoon, so it would melt when you stirred it."
You added caramel to your mental list, taking another sip of your cocoa. "I usually don't bother with premade stuff. The packets get damp sometimes and then it's just wasted product, y'know?" 
He nodded, shifting in place alongside you in the lean-to until his thigh pressed to your own, the man somehow putting off heat that threatened to put the fire to shame. It was a companionable silence that the two of you shared for a while after that, interspersed only with the crackling of the small fire. 
"What time do you usually get to the town?" Heisenberg queried quietly.
"Depends on a few things. I've gotten there as early as one in the afternoon and as late as six at night."
Karl's brow furrowed, the man seeming confused. "What, and you made it back here that same night?"
You realized the source of his confusion and hurried to elaborate, "no no, there's a campground on the outskirts of the town. It's kind of a tourist spot, or at least it was once. The terrain around here attracts a lot of people." You then gestured at the sled full of crates. "Backpackers and those 'finding-myself' types love nothing more than purchasing local goods at inflated prices. That's the only way I managed to strike a deal with Emil."
"He's the man who runs the supply store in town. He used to buy all the pelts off my family when they would swing back into town after an extended stay at the hunting cabin, but obviously I'm not much one for big game," you sighed. "I'm not sure if he'll even be interested in the rabbit skins this year, truth be told, but no harm in trying. They aren't exactly heavy."
You kept melting snow after the two of you had eaten, making sure it was boiled sufficiently before starting to refill your water bottle. His was next, and you sternly told him to finish at least half of the bottle before he went to bed. 
Karl gamely did so, not overly worried himself with dehydration but touched by your concern all the same. "What time are we up?" He asked while you carefully poured the last of the water into an old hot water bottle.
You fastened the plug on the bottle, shaking it a bit to make sure it didn't leak before stuffing the bottle all the way down into the base of your sleeping bag. With that done, you brushed off your hands and offered him your most eloquent shrug. "Probably a little before sunrise? It gets too bright to sleep late out here, even when it's cloudy." Heisenberg nodded, his eyes drawn once more to your mouth when you absently licked your lips and muttered something about needing chapstick.
Stop it, stop it. Frustrated with himself, he once more directed his attention elsewhere. Specifically, towards the darker area down that other road. It wasn't even so much the actual darkness, but the feeling of it. Knowing that it was there whether he looked or not, but also grappling with the sensation that if he looked away, it would somehow change, get larger, swallow the area-
Karl didn't need a map to know that the road led to Miranda's village. It was insidious, an echo of a trace of scent in the air; dull ochre of rust and gray of decay filling his mind with thoughts of his time before you. Deep down he knew he was just imagining it, he had to be. Either that or the bitch was tormenting him from beyond the grave, more mind games just when he had finally started to think he could live peacefully.
The man tongued at the inside of his cheek nervously, the faint taste of hot chocolate abruptly cutting through the phantom smell of iron. Plum spice cake. He found himself willing the pleasant memory to the forefront of his mind: your smile of relief, the way your eyes had looked, cinnamon and sugar and the bright, rosy stains from the plums on his fingertips…
He knew he was being stupid, seeing things that weren't there, but it almost seemed like the waning fire burned a little brighter. You leaned into his side companionably, banishing the rest of his past specters with the simple comfort of your presence.
"Thanks for coming with me." You murmured. "It can be a little spooky out here all alone."
Karl draped his arm around your shoulders. "Don't worry," he assured you with a confidence that he didn't feel, "I'm the scariest shit in these woods."
"Oh of course. Absolutely." You were humoring him, your tone suspiciously dry, but the man ignored the jibe in favor of unzipping his sleeping bag and casually wrapping it around himself. You followed suit, squirming down into your bedroll and then issuing a long sigh of contentment. "I know I'll regret not owning a sleeping pad or something to put my bag on aside from the blanket, but it just feels nice to lay down at this point."
"You can curl up closer to me." Karl offered rapidly before he could think better, grimacing and then amending his words, "I mean, uh, if you get cold."
"Thanks, I'll definitely leech a little heat from you." You laughed, wriggling your sleeping bag over until the two of you were side by side once more. "The hot water bottle can only do so much for me and you don't seem to be suffering from these balmy temperatures."
Karl shrugged, "I don't think my temp can drop below a certain level." The cadou wouldn't allow it, he privately believed. It had nearly killed him with fever responses in the past.
"Keeping yourself warm with static electricity, huh?" 
"What? No, that doesn't even–why do you say things, damn." Karl huffed in bewilderment, narrowing his eyes as you began to snicker. "Fuck you're odd."
"And yet here you are with me. What does that say about you, weirdo?" You mused playfully, coaxing a grudging chuckle out of the older man. "In all seriousness, I tease to let you know I'm okay with…how you are. I may not totally understand how your everything works, but I don't want you feeling like I'm walking on eggshells around you."
Heisenberg opened his mouth, thought better of it and just spread his sleeping bag out over the two of you, burying his face in the nylon so that you couldn't see how red he was positive he had gotten. "Go to sleep." He muttered gruffly, rolling over so that his back was to you. That way, he could keep an eye on the road. It had nothing to do with not letting you gloat over his…embarrassing expression.
You woke to darkness and Karl's rumbling snore overhead, so you guessed it must still be in the middle of the night. Your watch let you know it was a few minutes before two a.m., and you shifted your weight as your back began to protest your current position. 
The rustling fabric of the sleeping bag must have woken your companion, because you felt him start. His hand gripped your leg when you tried to move it, so you whispered, "just me."
You didn't get a response, which was a bit unnerving. Karl's hand groped upwards, ending up on your shoulder where he paused, seeming confused. After a second or two of silent fumbling, the man's fingers caught the hood of your jacket and tugged it off. He then rested his hand on the back of your neck, heaving a sigh before using his other arm to pull you bodily against his chest. His mouth pressed a prickly kiss to the area just above your left eyebrow, the facial hair brushing your skin in a way that left you tingling. 
Gods, he was so warm. Despite him keeping his sleeping bag unzipped, he was still radiating heat. You curled up in his arms, accepting a few more haphazard, lazy kisses before the man apparently fell back to sleep. His hold on you tightened momentarily, and then went slack.
You, for your part, simply buried your face in his chest and pressed even closer to him, hooking a leg over his hip to steady yourself. Heisenberg groaned at your movement and you realized suddenly that he was hard. Not only that, but that you had slotted your body against his in such a way that you couldn't really avoid rubbing against him. You, certain that your face was about to burst into flames from embarrassment, attempted to ease yourself back, but a soft, shuddering exhale stopped you in your tracks.
"You keep wriggling on my dick like that, sugar," Karl murmured, now very obviously conscious, "I'm goin' to pin you down."
"Sorry," you squeaked out, "was cold and trying to get comfortable. Didn't mean to wake you." 
Heisenberg rocked his hips into your own, startling a little noise out of you when his rigid cock ground against you. "Well I'm awake now."
"I can tell."
"How about I fuck the two of us to sleep, hmm?" Karl breathed, the filth of his words only amplified by another insistent shift of his pelvis. "Warm you up a little, you poor thing." You stammered momentarily, incredibly flustered, and Heisenberg seized the opportunity to mouth around the shell of your ear. "Trust me sugar, I'll be as gentle as a lamb." He promised in a searing whisper, and you could feel the curve of a wolfish smirk against your skin. 
"Oh." Oh. "B-But we don't…I mean, you want to?" You had to make sure, certain you must have misinterpreted. Somehow. 
"Do you want to?" He asked, the heat still in his words. For a moment you believed you could see the reflection from his eyes in the darkness, as if he was no longer a man but some kind of animal. Hungry, wild and sharp and yet…patiently waiting for your answer.
"I…I do, yes." You admitted softly. 
Karl no longer cared about the damn darkness that had encroached upon his already-uneasy dreams. He no longer cared about anything really, aside from getting your pants off without tearing them. He got the feeling you'd be a little pissed off with him if he ruined the integrity of your gear. 
Yes. Was it being greedy if you wanted it too?
Gods, he couldn't think straight. How could anyone think straight when they were confronted with something like this? Confronted with the reality that even without intimidating, conniving, taking, he could just…have something. He could have this, without scraping, without scheming. 
You wanted him. It was…beautiful in its baseness. 
Karl had no idea whether this was affection. He would certainly be the last damn person to know if it was, but whatever it was gentled his touch, held his greed at bay for the moment in favor of savoring the sensation. 
Unbidden, however, a memory surfaced. Well, it was more like a piecemeal of dozens of similar interactions. "You're so strong, Heisenberg." Miranda had often sighed, gazing upon the carnage he had wrought in his latest fit of temper. "My special, powerful child."
Strong, that was what he was. He needed to be just to survive the implantation process, and everything after that had served as lesson after lesson beat into his stubborn skull. Karl had grown from a child desperately seeking love into a jaded, spite-filled man driven by the need to both fawn and lash out, alternating between the two methods with a sinking, baleful sense of inevitability to get what he required to succeed. 
I must kill her.
The last thought before his mind had snapped, the last, hateful oath of the man he had been. Maybe it was a little too ambitious to say he had been that man, as if he wasn't still that man. All the progress in the world wouldn't fix the damage that had been done to him, the damage he had done to himself.
"Poor Heisenberg, so strong you ruin everything you touch," Miranda cooed from his memories.
Karl's brow furrowed, fingers flared across your collarbone while he felt your chest heave. "I'm gonna' be real careful with you," he murmured, half to you and half to the echo of the false mother from his past. He offered you a faint smile he was sure you couldn't even see in the darkness, continuing, "bear with me, alright?"
You nodded, your hand grazing his shoulder before coming to rest on his cheek. Heisenberg, without meaning to, leaned into the touch. Something in his chest ached with a foreign need, an unknowable desire he couldn't put words to, and Karl made a soft noise in his throat before he could stop himself.
"Guess the Duke was right," he muttered reluctantly, "seems like you may have tamed me." Your thighs framed his hips and you raised your pelvis to meet his own, making Heisenberg rumble out a curse and seize your pants at the waist, the man yanking them down to your ankles so you could kick them off. "One or two to start?" Karl asked, his mouth pressed to your ear while he tapped two fingers on your stomach. 
"One, please." You requested softly. Karl knew you couldn't see him because you kept focusing your eyes somewhere past his left shoulder, but that was alright. Normal human night vision wasn't exactly something to write home about. He would just be careful.
Please. You had said please. 
Karl bit his lip, walking his fingers lower until he could slide his hand into your underwear. Your body moved without his urging, propping yourself up a little, and you struggled out of your underwear. Then, you were fully exposed to him. 
Heisenberg wasn't proud to say he froze. Despite his bravado, he wasn't exactly knowledgeable when it came to this specific act. He took in the sight of your body for a moment, commiting the visual to memory, and then slid his finger into your waiting entrance. The heel of his palm ended up pressed to your pubic mound and you were hot, so wet, Gods, his mouth was suddenly dry. 
You whimpered something, fingers plucking at his clothes in the dark and Karl settled into a slow, plunging rhythm with his hand. Back and forth, curling his index and gently rocking the heel of his palm over your clit, the man eased himself against you, into you. For what he would argue was the first time in his life, Heisenberg let himself be led. Your reactions were his heading; soft sighs or nails digging into his arm or sweet, needy kisses that left him struggling for breath…it all urged him onward and Karl almost mourned the debaucherous moment. Somewhere deep in his soul he knew that this was important, gravely important, there would only be one time to do this right.
Should he lose himself and hurt you, even accidentally…that would be it. He would never trust himself near you again, would never take another risk like he was taking right now. And so, the man did his best to be tender. Clumsily, motions unsure and hands trembling a little despite his attempts to steady them, but his best all the same. Making certain you were ready before he inserted the second and third fingers, letting you beg and plead with him before he finally allowed you to unzip his pants, cautious. Everything moved at a maddeningly slow pace, yet you didn't push him at all. Your requests were gentle, honeyed with want and braced by the steely heat that he loved…that he enjoyed so much about you.
If he didn't know any better, Karl would have thought that you could hear what was going on in his head.
Even after you helped him shove his pants down, Karl continued to work his fingers inside you. "Let me know when you want me." He muttered, and you felt his free hand clench into a nervous fist beside your hip.
"You're b-being awfully considerate," you pointed out, more than a little breathless as his thumb rubbed circles around your clit.
"Bare minimum. I'm not small and I don't want to hurt you," was the curt reply. 
"Can I…?" You trailed off, your face hot even while your hands rested on the outside of his thighs. 
"'Can you…?'" Karl taunted, making you puff out an annoyed sigh and slide your hand over the divot of his right hip. Christ, if you weren't already used to how warm he was, you might have been concerned. 
"Yeah, can I?" You mocked him right back, your palm pressed to a promising thatch of curls. 
Karl hitched in a breath through clenched teeth and his fingers stilled inside you. "Y…Yeah. Please." His voice was so soft you nearly missed him saying it, practically a whisper. 
A little stunned by the sudden change, you just nodded, assuming he could see you in the dark better than you could see him (which was not at all, by the way). "Spit or dry?" You asked, unprepared for the groan he let out at your simple query. 
"Fuck, sugar, spit please, m'sorry." He mumbled, burying his face in your shoulder and plunging his fingers inside you with renewed vigor. 
"Shh, I asked because I know it matters to some people," you tried to soothe him, confused at his apology but more than willing to acquiesce. Plus, if he kept moving his fingers like that-! Well, it was only fair that you oblige him in what he liked, he had been so considerate and thorough. 
You licked your palm, pausing and letting a little extra saliva pool in the creases. Then, you reached out, seeking blindly with your other hand until you located his groin. 
He certainly hadn't been selling himself short. You swallowed hard and Heisenberg choked out a laugh against your neck, obviously guessing what you were reacting to. "Sorry, sugar. Tried to warn you." He breathed. "Should we scrap the whole idea?"
"No." Your voice was louder than you intended it to be and Karl laughed for real this time, a little hysterically but you couldn't really blame him. Unable to articulate something to get your sincerity across, you chose to simply close your slick fingers around his cock. It throbbed in your grip and Karl's laughter turned into a moan, the large man panting into your neck while you stroked him. His hips kept pumping forwards into your palm and he slurred out a swear when you swept your thumb over the head of his dick, his free hand fumbling to shove up your shirt so he could toy with your breasts.
"I want–to fuck you." It sounded like he was having difficulty speaking, but maybe you were just having difficulty comprehending. This was more stimulation than you'd had in years and you were finding it nearly impossible to focus on one sensation, your mind adrift in a haze of different pleasures. The rub of his fingers, the rough skin of his palm grazing one of your nipples, his voice grating out the request he had issued…it was almost too much to handle. "Sugar. Please–want to fuck you."
Please. That word, spoken the way that it was, made your pussy clench down on his fingers. You exhaled raggedly, caught off guard by your own reaction. "Okay." You breathed into his ear, "okay."
"Tell me you want me." He ordered, and you were sure you saw that faint eyeshine once more. "Please, sugar, lemme' know you want this. I just…I need to know."
"I want you." You assured him, whining unintentionally when he withdrew his fingers. Karl ducked his head, swiping his tongue over one of your nipples while you tried your hardest to get your hand to cooperate and line him up. Teeth teased at your nipple, making you sob out an embarrassingly loud, "fuck, please!", and Karl snarled in reply to your desperate noise. Finally you felt him nudge your entrance, but you were so wet his cock slid upwards to bump your clit instead, the hot pressure making your whole body quiver. 
Heisenberg took himself in hand then, gently tapping your clit with the head of his cock and chuckling at the way you writhed pitifully underneath him. "Exhale for me now, sugar. Nice and slow," he coached, his voice almost maddeningly soft. Obediently you complied, and you felt the tip of his cock breach you. Overhead, Karl swore again, his body surging forward momentarily before quickly halting. "Fuck, sorry, sorry." He apologized breathlessly, then, "you're so wet sugar, fuck's sake."
"Good thing, too," you managed to respond, your ankles hooking into the back of his thighs so you could urge him deeper. Karl nearly toppled over, just managing to catch himself with his hands, and you tipped your head back in ecstasy as his hips met your pelvis. A low, wordless cry made its way from your mouth, the noise exclusively born of wanton need, and your nails dug into the back of Karl's shirt. "Yes," was all you could think to gasp against his cheek and Karl growled, snapping his hips forward.
The pace he set would have been absolutely punishing if it was anyone else doing it. You were still pretty sure you'd have bruises in the morning, but you couldn't bring yourself to worry about them. As Heisenberg panted and rutted himself against you, your mind was, for one blessed moment, utterly devoid of thought. You surrendered wholly to being cherished in the most feral way, and you let Karl work you through to your climax while chanting his name in his ear like a prayer. The man reached down abruptly, his thumb rubbing your clit, and you had to bite down on his shoulder to keep yourself from screaming as you came apart at his touch. 
Karl shuddered violently at the bite, quickly withdrew himself from your body and began to stroke his cock. "Where?" He rasped, his voice wrecked. 
You pressed your breasts together, hearing him groan seemingly in response. Then, the tip of his cock was bumping into the base of your breasts, his knuckles grazing your abdomen as he rapidly moved his hand back and forth. "Come for me, Karl?" You begged softly, listening to his breathing stutter. Karl started muttering curses one after another with no real rhyme or reason, his motions getting more and more frantic. Something began pooling beneath your breasts, the hot fluid making you shiver. 
Heisenberg snapped to a halt and you felt his cock twitch as he came. "Oh, oh fuck." He panted, thrusting his dick absently up into the valley of your breasts. "Fuckin' hell, sugar." His come smeared with his movement, some of it dribbling down your side and making you yelp due to it tickling. Karl flinched at your sound, clapping a hand to your ribs and then issuing his own noise of dismay. "Shit, sorry, sorry sorry, I'll–here, my sleeve, I can just-" he fumbled to wipe at the drips and you couldn't help your laughter, batting his hand away.
"I've got it, I've got it." You continued giggling, muscle memory guiding you through the dark to the front section of your backpack where you kept some spare cloths for washing up. "Always prepared for any occasion. Including getting railed in the woods in the dead of night."
"Aren't I lucky." Karl remarked dryly. You found your mouth captured by another kiss, the man whispering, "get some rest, sugar. I'm not gonna' go so easy on you next time." 
"Next time?" You asked curiously after he pulled away, the man settling in alongside you while you were doing your best to mop up the mess that was migrating towards your stomach. 
"Yeah. Next time." You felt Karl's shoulder shift against your own in what was clearly a shrug. "If you want, of course." 
You retorted, "I'll let you know if I can walk in the morning," making him snort. "Let's hope for the best, okay?"
"Mmhm." Heisenberg's arms wrapped around you, the man pulling you into his chest once more. 
Without really thinking about it, you reached upwards and started stroking the back of his head. Your fingers gently untangled some of the knots in his hair, smoothing the messy, wavy strands back into some semblance of manageability. Karl went still against you for what seemed like an overly long time, and then suddenly a trembling sigh issued from him, his breath gusting out over your head. "This okay?" You whispered, somewhat concerned. "Not pulling or yanking on your hair, right?"
"I…" Karl hesitated, as if he was struggling with something. "Never had anyone touch me like that, that's all. Caught me off-guard."
Your chest ached at his admission, and you caught yourself biting your lip to stave off the tears. "Well," you finally said, proud that your voice didn't waver, "I'll do it whenever you'd like."
"Yes, really." 
"I'd…I'd like that, yeah. I-If you want to. If it's not a nuisance." He was speaking painfully slow. "Sorry, I'm uh…I'm not used to this. You can forget about it, if you want."
"You're fine." You murmured. You ended up finger-combing his hair until the two of you fell asleep, your face buried in his chest and Karl's arms still holding you tightly.
Part Seven
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penig · 2 months
So we're having a rough summer and I haven't been talking about it because why brood but it's different when you talk about people being nice. So, thumbnail sketch:
We finally (as I've been wanting to do for years) got an estimate on getting the house rewired (pretty sure some of the original wiring installed in 1910 is in use) and partially replumbed (can't use the shower tub because the iron pipes are too clogged), and the paperwork for the loan took forever, and then a high wind came along (on my birthday) and dropped a dead redbud tree on our porch and a large branch on our car, which was totaled, and we had to buy a new (used) car and get a tree service to come out and take care of the fallen wood and trim the trees so no more wood falls, but the cost to take care of the big branch and woodpecker damaged tree in the back yard was more than we could afford with the car business, but that could wait a few months assuming no more high winds come along; and the loan comes through and we get the car squared away and the tree service is scheduled to come and we're starting to breathe again -
And I spy somebody putting what I recognize as a code violation notice on the front gate so I open the door and come out to tell her that if this is about the redbud tree on the porch we've already scheduled the work and she says: "It's everything on the lot. Cut it down to 12 inches. You have ten days" So I point out that most of the tall stuff is legal garden plants that should not be pruned in August, that it's two years since I've been physically capable of doing yardwork of any kind, that the work she's demanding is impossible in that time frame and oh yes, it's August, in Texas, with triple digit temperatures predicted for the foreseeable future and it could very well kill me to try. She thought there might be a local program to help me (No; they're all for structural work) and wouldn't budge. So that was like being shoved back underwater when we'd almost crawled out on shore.
But we put out a call to our friends, and people came over Saturday and did miracles, and almost every day this week somebody has come over (in addition to the people putting holes in our walls and ceilings and arguing over how to run the wires and occasionally turning pale at what they find) to help me in the mornings before the third digit kicked in. We did not, of course prune any of the poor heat stressed legal plants, but great inroads were made on the rest of it, and one friend even cut up the big branch in the back yard and the tree service people hauled it off, along with a collapsed picnic table which they told me, when they quoted the price for this small secondary job, that they would not take.
This morning I could barely move. I'm getting a lot of pain in the good leg as well as the bad leg, and in my back, plus I was just weak with heat and tiredness, and for the first time in almost a year I decided I'd better break out the cane again, at least to take the stairs and walk in the yard to discuss with the friend who came today, the last day before the inspection, where best to put his effort (because it was plain to both of us that I wasn't lifting a finger) in order to convince the inspector that we really had done the best we could and to let the stuff we couldn't get to slide until fall and spring.
And I guess one of the workmen noticed the cane, and noticed that the handrail on the upper staircase had pulled out of the wall on one end (it had been anchored to the sheetrock, not the wall proper; the other end was anchored in paneling and was fine; this happened a couple of months ago and we had bigger worries), and just - fixed it. Because it's certainly fixed now. As is typical in Texas most of the workmen are people I can't even talk to because my Spanish is as bad as their English, so it's not as if we've made friends with them. And I didn't see it done, nor did the foreman know who did it when I brought it up and asked him to thank whoever it was, so it wasn't somebody looking to make points. They just saw a chance to do a small simple thing to benefit a total stranger, and did it.
The point here being that two people - whoever called in the code complaint (seriously, that should be illegal in August, at least for yard code with no clear and present danger) and the city employee who wouldn't listen to reason - went out of their way to force me to focus on the least pressing problem facing us right now at the expense of my own well-being. But they are far, far outnumbered by the people who have gone out of their way to help us, just because we needed help.
So, suck it, cynicism!
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