#and the kids end up turning it into a rap battle
I have been laughing for ten minutes straight with this on repeat 
I have no idea if the original usamerican version of the sitcom also has this scene so i can watch it happening in english, but my dumb brain wishes I could find it in english so I can imagine Jake, Lexy and Andy like this XD XD 
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cevansbrat0007 · 4 months
9,26, 34 for the best growing pains peeps
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9. What do they dislike most about each other?
So not many people know this, but Andrew Barber can be a bit of a slob, which drives Baby Girl nuts. He's the type of person whose clothes can always be found near the hamper instead of in it. Get what I'm saying?
It's enough to make our want to pull her hair out.
Although Andy makes more of an effort these days, he's been known to go back to his old ways to piss off Baby Girl when he's in a mood. He also likes to follow it up by making a lot of noise when he gets ready in the morning.
As for Baby Girl, she has a bad habit of ignoring anything to do with car maintenance. Before they ever purchased a vehicle together, he tried to teach her some basics, like how to check her tire pressure and oil levels. Both times ended with him having a tire gauge thrown at his skull.
Thank goodness our girl can't aim for shit.
She also sometimes forgets to turn the lights off once she leaves a room. It's not all that uncommon for Andy to come home to a house that's completely lit up. On those nights he has to take three solid deep breaths and count to ten before he walks through the door.
26. What sacrifices do they make for each other?
Baby Girl sacrificed her career in order to have their family - although she doesn't necessarily think of it that way. And while Andy didn't ask her to do that, there's no way they could have the life they currently enjoy if both parents worked out of the home. However, as the children get older she does begin freelancing.
As for Andy, only those close to him know that he sacrificed a potential political career in order to save his marriage. I'll hopefully be able to explore this more one day. But I can tell you that this occurred around the time of their fight in Distant.
And both of them are willing to sacrifice sleep if it means being able to catch-up and reconnect with their spouse on a weeknight.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
Plenty. No matter how old they get or how many children they birth, these two are just a couple of goofballs at heart. Lately, when one goes to rib the other about something, the person who's about to get made fun of tells the other to "save it for the mixtape".
Which is code for "save it for their Friday night rap battle". Winner gets to pick the movie (once the kids fall asleep), bragging rights, and (when applicable) the last slice or piece of whatever dessert is in the fridge.
Thanks for playing the Ask Game!
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ecargmura · 1 month
Pokemon Horizons Episode 60 Review - Horizons On Ice
I didn’t expect a one week break after the previous episode. Regardless, this was a nice breather before Roy takes his Implementation Test. This episode is mainly showing Roy and Fuecoco’s bond and how singing their Fuecoco song will be the key to their victory, hopefully.
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I find the kids’ relationship with each other super wholesome. They go shopping together, play in the snow together, search for firewood and genuinely worry about each other. Given that I grew up watching Ash argue with his female companions a lot, I feel like seeing these three kids interacting with each other without the need for argument or mean-spirited behavior feels like a nice breath of fresh air. For example, Roy was planning on traversing through Glaseado Mountain with just gloves and boots, but Liko and Dot did question why he’d not wear more layers; the next shot has him wear proper gear for the mountains, meaning he listened to Liko and Dot without arguing or talking back. The girls also don’t blame or scold Roy for running into a Beartic either. People might think that arguing is a good way for them to develop, but there are times where mean remarks can be unnecessary. Hence why I do like seeing these three be so wholesome and have fun even in rough situations like getting through the snow and cold without the need to be a total jerk about it.
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Fun fact, all of the kids’ Pokemon showed up in this episode, all at different intervals. Hattrem shows up to stop a scuffle between a Frigibax and a Bergmite before healing them with Heal Pulse. She sure is a violent healer. Kilowattrel shows up helping Roy with firewood. I felt so happy for Kilowattrel who’s now a big help to Roy compared to how insecure it felt back in Episode 52 when it still couldn’t fly well. Tinkatink shows up in the cabin using her hammer to soften up firewood. It’s nice that they allowed all of the kids’ second Pokemon to show up since they usually make their partners show up all the time.
It’s not only the kids and their Pokemon being cute, but also the featured Pokemon too! Frigibax makes its debut and it’s part of an ongoing gag of how it avoids Bergmite’s wrath by being mistaken for a snow-covered Fuecoco. I like that the conflict between Bergmite and Frigibax is presented in the anime as it’s mentioned in-game. There’s also Cubchoo and Beatrice being a source of conflict to show off how dangerous bears can be. Fortunately, nothing too bad happens and Roy manages to befriend all of them, making more memories. I think it’s cute how Roy keeps pictures as mementos of his journey. He has a picture of the beach episode, of their first day at Naranja Academy and now pictures of snow.
My only gripe is the use of the “looking for each other but just missed each other” cliche. Roy and Fuecoco were looking for each other and they just missed each other in one scene, but they did manage to reunite at the end. I know that it’s used for suspense, but still…
I honestly can’t wait to see what will happen next episode as Roy and Fuecoco’s bond strengthened here. There will be no break next week, so I can’t wait! I honestly want to see a rap battle just to see how it’ll turn out! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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britt-kageryuu · 30 days
A New Vod on the VTurtles! Channel. Titled 'VTurtles! Concert (and kinda verity show)'
It starts with a short of the 3 Purple Dragons Models with their drones rushing around trying to finish setting up for the concert.
Wyvern yelling out that the show starts soon. Then yells at Wyrm(Jason) for tripping on a wire, and almost pulling something down. She just stands with her face in her hands.
"Drake (Jeremy), take the hatchlings, and get to the controls. Wyrm, if you weren't my step brother I swear! The show starts in 10. Get this fixed or you have to deep clean the Garage with a toothbrush!"
The concert opens with Four Figures on a roof top overlooking New York City. Then music starts playing. Starting with a guitar riff, and "Rise~"
"Rise of the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles~x2
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a Half Shell Turtle Power!"
The lights turn on to reveal the Turtles Models in color coded ninja pants with their ninja gear over top, along their weapons on them. They start singing the song alternating lines as it goes on.
"Rising up against evil, paint the city Green,
Red is looking for a fight!
Blue is Making a Scene~
Mandarin's got mad skills!
Dee Rocks Machines!
With each other, they discover their destiny
And Rise! Cowabunga!!"
The song goes on swapping between scenes of the brothers fighting crime, and various villains.
Leo is doing a Solo Performance dressed in Glam Rock Fashion, singing some Queen.
Though mid song his voice cracked badly, leaving him feeling a bit embarrassed. A mumbled "I'm not a teenager anymore why?!" Could be heard as he tries to remember the lyrics.
A break in between music where Shelldon and River are teaching the 'Hatchlings' how to adjust their optics and which noises to make for max cuteness potential.
"And with this, you can get almost anyone to do whatever you want!" Shelldon says while River nods sagely.
From of stage there comes a yell of "Stop trying to corrupt your cousins!"
There's a rap battle and a dance battle going on at the same time. It's very hard to tell who is supposed to be winning.
Up until Raph accidentally sent Donnie flying across the stage with his tail. Then it was called a draw with a cut to the next segment.
Donnie, Mikey and Leo are singing Zero to Hero from Hercules, just changing some words to relate to Raph, while said Turtle is sitting on a throne with a Wrestling Belt.
Stars Model is sitting on the armrest, dressed in light blue workout gear that showed off many of her star shaped 'spots'. She looks very amused with everything, because Raph is slightly embarrassed by his brothers.
There's a break from the songs, this time Donnie is playing an AR Whack-a-Mole game. Thought the 'Moles' are foot ninja, and they're wielding a giant purple hammer.
Donnie is laughing and shouting Bonk every time they hit one of the ninja.
The game ends with showing that Donnie got a new high score.
Splinter has taken the stage singing and dancing to some classic songs. Draxum is shoved on stage to sing a duet with Splinter too both of their embarrassments.
Every one is on stage for the finale singing 'We Are (Family)'.
As they sing and dance around, there's pictures of them with their friends and family popping up on the wall. Including some pictures from when they were kids. All edited to look like 3D models overlaying the original picture.
I.E. Raph and Star posing together. Leo chatting with Usagi while Spot nuzzling Leo's cheek. April, Cass, CJ, Mikey, and Donnie baking together. Splinter reading a picture book to the turtle tots.
There is surprisingly also a couple pictures with the Purple Dragons with their drones.
I had some plans for this, but kept running into the 'which songs' dilemma, and kept getting stuck on what they would be singing.
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onskepa · 9 months
I see DJ'Otxang as a bad bitch who can do rap, trap, street dancing and many more. Can she show the sully some street dancing or hip hop??
I like to imagine O'txang teaching the na'vi kids how to spin their feet and spin on their heads. Gonna try with street dancing! Hope you and everyone likes it!
DJ O'txang in the house! , Rhythm of sound
DJ O'xtang: Hot Feet
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O’xtang has gotten some fame from the young na’vi. Being able to make human music while crafting something new from it, music soothing and up beat for the na’vi to dance with. Can even form interesting sounds with her vocal chords. Sounds that no one can ever recreate. Her talents have made her stand out and be popular. The youngsters always hear her music, her sounds. Isnt there anything else O’xtang can do? Is there any other talents she is capable of? 
And the answer is: yes. 
What other talent would that be? 
A little thing called street dancing. A form of dance still holding strong and still being free of any form of control.
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“Ok, 3, 2, 1-” 
“What are you doing?” 
O’xtang put her hand on her chest in a dramatic way as she looked at tuk who scared the living crap out of her. Tuk just giggled at her behavior as she held Kiri's hand. Everyone stood watching O’xtang doing….whatever she was doing. 
“Yeah, what are you doing?” Lo’ak repeats the question. 
“Street dancing” Spider replies casually as he passes by them. The sully eyes were on him since he was wearing regular human clothing. “Wait, what is going on? O’xtang you are swinging your legs and spider is that human clothes you are wearing?” Kiri asks in bewilderment. 
Both humans nod. 
“Why?” Neteyam asks. Such an odd day already. 
“Well O’xtang has been teaching me how to street dance, getting the hang of it” 
“Eh not really no” O’xtang answers honestly. 
“Ok hold on, back up. What is this ‘street dancing’ you keep saying?” Lo’ak asks. Spider stepped aside and turned on the music player, a familiar version of musical beats escaped the speakers. But new waves of deep vibrating sounds came through, and each thrust of a beat, O’xtang started to dance at the exact timing of it. 
Her hands sway in smooth motions but also sharp and quick. Thrusting her body side to side, lowering down and rising back up. But the most impressive part was laying down and swinging her legs in a circular motion, almost as if her legs had minds of its own. Spinning around and around. Her head on the floor spinning as well. 
O’xtangs moves were oddly hypnotizing in a way, Nothing like the siblings have seen before, yet it somehow fits with the rhythm of the music. And just as the music started, it ended with O’xtang hand standing like nothing. 
An immediate applause broke from the kids. Praising her for the fun entertainment. 
“And that is street dancing, one of many versions” O’xtang says while catching her breath. Wiping the sweat off of her brow, she take a seat. Everyone gathered around her, intrigued of what they just saw. 
“How did you learn it?” 
“Why is it called street dancing?” 
“How do you spin yourself like that?” 
“Don't you get dizzy?” 
So many questions at the same time. O’xtang hand to shush them. 
“Ok how about a few videos? I think watching it is better explained than describing it” the dancer offers. Everyone nods so she sets up the projector and looks for specific videos to play. 
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There were a mix of feelings. 
Grossed out, excited, confused, curious, intrigued, horrified, baffled, etc. 
It is odd how and weird how humans can contort their bodies to move certain ways. Almost as if they don't have any bones. And the speed of it, very fluent yet quick. And dance battles to see who can dance better? The most peaceful fight they have ever seen. 
“And that is street dancing, any questions?” O’xtang asks as she turns off the projector. There was a few seconds of silence until lo’ak raises his hand, “can you teach me?”. Everyone turned to his direction, eyebrows raised. 
“You? Street dancing?” Kiri asks, almost not believing it herself. Lo’ak nods enthusiastically, “why not? Looks fun” he reasons. He looks back at O’xtang, almost a pleading look. Spider and O’xtang shared a silent conversation between their eyes and shrugged. 
“I don't see a problem with that, spider is just learning two so you guys will be on the same level. But lo’ak, are you absolutely sure? Because I won't give you baby steps” O’xtang says, giving the full warning to lo’ak. However, being too excited, he nods, either not hearing or not caring about her warning. 
“Ok, the rest of you guys can sit wherever on the cushions. This might take all day” 
Neteyam, kiri and tuk sat where the pillows are as they get ready to see lo’ak perform those silly human dances. 
“Ready? 5, 6, 7, 8!” 
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“Oh my god…” 
“Just give up lo’ak” 
Everyone was either laughing or cringing at lo’ak’s silly actions. 
Lo’ak’s face was planted on the cold floor, his legs tangled in themselves as well as his tail. Grunting, he gets up and glares at spider who was having the time of his life by laughing at his failure. O’xtang did her best to hold back her laughter. But clearly she thought it was funny too. 
“I don't get it, I followed your exact instructions. Spider did it well, how come I didnt?” Lo’ak asked more to himself rather than to O’xtang. She stood in thought until she snapped her fingers. 
“It's your tail,” She points out. 
Lo’al looked at his tail, his siblings also looking down at theirs. “How?” He asks. O’xtang walks over to him to observe his tail and rewind how he was moving in her mind. “When swinging your legs around, you were too low to the floor, thus dragging your tail. Me and spider don't have a problem since we don't have a tail. But It will be tricky to do some moves with your tail swerving around. Not only that but when making a sitting position, you almost bent the base of your tail. However you were able to do the rest perfectly since you have extra fingers and toes. Helps a lot with your balance” O’xtang explains. 
Lo’ak listened well and thinks of how he can learn to dance. “Maybe we can make adjustments. Figure out a style that doesn't require hurting your tail” O’xtang suggests. 
“Maybe lo’ak can cut off his tail!” Tuk says happiled. Everyone turned and looked at her with horrified expressions as she smiled ever so innocently. 
“No” was what everyone said. 
“Wait, how about a mix of hip hop with freestyle? Yeah that could work, the style is different but it's flexible” O’xtang says while putting a finger on her chin. Liking the idea more, she changes her music settings to set the mood. 
“Ok, this spider will show you some examples and see if you can replicate it, ready spider?” O’xtang asks, spider nods, “ready!” 
“Ok, in 5, 6, 7, 8!” 
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“That's it! You are getting better!” O’xtang cheers for lo’ak as he posed perfectly after his dance. He was breathing a bit heavy, street dancing does take the breath out of you. Wiping off his sweat, he sits down and spider pats him on the back. 
“Not bad for a beginner” Spider teases, it earned him a small side push from lo’ak. 
“Shut up, you are a beginner too” He replies. Both chuckle as they drink huge jugs of water. 
Tuk claps rapidly and runs over to O’xtang, playfully tugging at her arm, “can you teach me too? Please please , pretty please??” she begs. O’xtang looks at tuk, tilting her head slightly. Well tuk technically is tall enough and has the energy to keep up. 
“Sure, but with you, I will go baby steps” O’xtang accepts. Tuk cheers out happily, already making silly moves as to copy lo’ak and spider. 
“You know what? I want to learn too, "Neteyam says as he gets up. Seeing spider and lo’ak dance seemed a lot of fun. Wouldn't hurt to join them too. O’xtang nods in approval and turns to kiri, “and you kiri? Want to learn too?” she asks. 
Kiri shakes her head but smiles, “no thanks, I am good just where I am, laughing at my brother's foolishness”. 
After a 10 minute break for lo’ak and spider, they all got in line waiting for O’xtang’s instructions. 
“Alright, now the music I used for lo’ak is a mix of hip hop and freestyle rap. A good combination to let the beats flow within and move with the sound of each note. You don't move with your mind, you move with the music. It guides you to the flow. The music is your dance partner. Now there are many ways to dance, there is no limitation. Creativity is key. But since tuk, neteyam and lo’ak have tails, we are going to keep that in mind”. 
It wasnt an easy task, but it was a fun one. O’xtang managed to teach the sully’s some interesting moves, no tail injury necessary. 
“Ok now follow me lead, careful, cause I got hot feet, now 5, 6, 7, 8 lets go!” 
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is all! I did my best with this one. Hopefully it is to everyons satisfaction! Until next time! see ya!
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roppongi-division · 7 months
Alternative Rap Battle (Private Party Ver.)
Bring the Beat!
I live for the pain, the fight, the glory, and the game. I'm not afraid to win. Why? Cause I'll still remain the same.
Nothing will ever sway or change me. Hate me, love me, I'll still be one of the best alive, I guarantee!
Music is my bread and butter, I create it every day. I only hope that it can pull someone from the gutter.
To my fans and friends, thank you for having my back. And to my enemies, some advice: don't turn your back on the Wolfpac!
Mayhem and upheaval, Hypnosis Mic! A rivalry of champions, Alternative Battle!
Throw us some ill beats, DJ Sparks fly off the desperation! We cram into these rhymes!
This is no exhibition, it’s a historic battle! The format is ruthless, this otherworldly magic!
We’re greedy, east, west, south, north! Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults!
Take or get taken, there’s no time to hold a grudge.
Are you game for more? Do you want more!
Worried about what the opposition might say? May I ask why? Their opinions don't matter at the end of the day.
Don't waste your time listening to the 'baaing' of sheep. Every little thing they say is like them: just cheap!
If there's something out there you want, then go get it! Work hard and obtain it, though it may take a minute.
Most of all, don't make apologies for your greed! This life is made for you to succeed!
Run and gun, Hypnosis Mic! Violently valorous rhyme power, alternative rap!
Connect these dope beats, DJ! Quickly snatching it up for real, and stuffing it full!
One for the treble, two for the bass! Painful brats may die but the flow never will!
This battle of rhymes is karmic retribution! Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults!
Take or get taken, there’s no time to hold a grudge.
Are you game for more? Do you want more?
Darn it, why'd you have to and go wake me up? I was having a dream that I was flying in the air with the birds!
Ha, just kidding! I don't need to pretend. What do I mean? Well, I'm already soaring through the sky with my wings!
Only when it's time to do my job do I finally come down. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves to be astound!
After that, it's finally time for the fun to begin! Do want you want. It won't matter. Cause in the end, I win!!
Mayhem and upheaval, Hypnosis Mic! A rivalry of champions, Alternative Battle! Throw us some ill beats, DJ Sparks fly off the desperation!
We cram into these rhymes! This is no exhibition, it’s a historic battle! The format is ruthless, this otherworldly magic!
We’re greedy, east, west, south, north. Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults. Run and gun, Hypnosis Mic! Violently valorous rhyme power, alternative rap. Connect these dope beats, DJ Quickly snatching it up for real, and stuffing it full!
One for the treble, two for the bass. Painful brats may die but the flow never will. This battle of rhymes is karmic retribution. Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults.
Take or get taken, there’s no time to hold a grudge.
Are you game for more? Do you want more?
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shezanenigma · 2 months
Eminem Album Review
5 Diamond Review
By ShezAnEnigma
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Eminem's newest album, "The Death of Slim Shady," is not just another collection of tracks; it's a reflection on his legacy, his inner battles, and the persona that has both defined and haunted him for decades. As always, Eminem draws from his own feelings and inner battles, creating a narrative that is both compelling and raw.
Since his debut album "The Slim Shady LP" in 1999, Eminem has been known for his sharp, often controversial lyrics and his alter ego, Slim Shady. Albums like "The Marshall Mathers LP" (2000)  and "The Eminem Show" (2002) showed us the provocative, unfiltered side of Eminem, with tracks that were intense and filled with intricate wordplay, dark humor, and brutally honest storytelling. 
Over the years, Eminem has consistently pushed boundaries and confronted personal demons, from addiction and mental health struggles to family conflicts and industry pressures. Albums like "Recovery" (2010) and "The Marshall Mathers LP 2" (2013) saw him addressing his battles  and seeking redemption, while "Kamikaze" (2018) and "Music to Be Murdered By" (2020) showcased his relentless lyrical skill and unyielding defiance against critics.
In "The Death of Slim Shady," Eminem takes us on a ride through the chaotic mind of Marshall Mathers, where Slim Shady's influence is still strong. The first two-thirds of the album hit hard with that familiar, in-your-face style. Songs like "Lucifer," (produced by Dr. Dre) "Evil," and, "Antichrist" bring back that vintage Slim Shady vibe, full of biting commentary and controversial takes. Eminem doesn't hold back, targeting everyone from Lizzo to MAGA pundit Candace Owens, with some particularly pointed jabs at Caitlyn Jenner and the late Christopher Reeve.
But the real turning point comes with "Guilty Conscience 2," a powerful sequel where Eminem faces off against his alter ego. This track feels like a climactic moment where Marshall Mathers finally confronts Slim Shady, leading to a symbolic "murder-suicide." It's a moment of catharsis, marking the end of an era for Eminem.
As the album progresses, the tone shifts dramatically from aggressive shock rap to more introspective tracks like "Temporary" and "Somebody Save Me," a poignant duet with Jelly Roll. These two songs are my favorites because they have a deeper emotional pull and feel incredibly personal. Eminem is known for writing from his heart, and you can sense how difficult these tracks must have been for him to create. In "Temporary," he includes snippets of audio featuring him and his daughter Hailie, reflecting on how she will feel when he dies. In "Somebody Save Me," Eminem opens up about his struggles with addiction and his regrets as a father and uncle. These songs are slower, more reflective, and deeply emotional, painting a vivid picture of a man who has missed out on significant moments in his life and is filled with remorse.
While "The Death of Slim Shady" has echoes of "The Eminem Show" and "Encore," it's not a throwback. The production and the wordplay is as sharp as ever, and Eminem's flow is versatile and confident. He may be 51 now, a long way from that kid who broke out in the 1990’s but this album proves he still has the same lyrical prowess.
Overall, "The Death of Slim Shady" is an album that demands to be listened to from start to finish. Eminem's ability to balance the raw, controversial edge of Slim Shady with his personal reflections on regret and redemption makes this a standout in his career. This album isn't just about saying goodbye to Slim Shady; it's about Marshall Mathers coming to terms with his past and looking forward to his future. It’s an emotional, powerful journey that leaves a lasting impact.
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Every Epic Rap Battle of History Ranked, Part 2
Part 1
57. Genghis Khan vs Easter Bunny
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Winner: Easter Bunny
Best line: "The Great Wall couldn't keep you out of China. Watch me rub my foot for luck and stick it right up your vagina!"
Okay, okay, this is probably higher than it has any right to be, but damn it, I just love this pairing. You have a historical warlord famous for his brutality battling with a peaceful holiday icon for kids and I think the contrast is hilarious. It's nothing spectacular, but this has to be my favorite of season 1's "two completely random characters with no relation" battles.
56. Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder
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Winner: Wonder Woman
Best line: "My rhymes are signed, sealed, and delivered on time. You're a bald has-been, I'm in my Amazon Prime!"
While I was always aware of Stevie Wonder's music, this battle actually made me look into it and appreciate it more. I love the touch of how Stevie's music style in this is a mix of his own as well as that of his actor, T-Pain. Also the quote above might just be one of my favorite lines in ERB history - I LOVE when a line can manage to mix in wordplay that relates to both rappers. Mwah, chef's kiss.
55. Master Chief vs Leonidas
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Winner: Master Chief
Best line: "300 asses need a kickin'. Give more teebags than Lipton."
We're in the section of the list of good battles with nothing to really complain about, but also with nothing spectacular so there's not really much to say. I'm not a Halo guy so some of the references went over my head - I didn't get "You're the solider they need you to be" until looking it up just now, and yeah, that's a pretty funny line that I didn't appreciate when I was younger. It was also a good call to have Lloyd still be the voice of Leonidas but cast an actual muscular man to be the body actor; we definitely didn't need another Hulk Hogan muscle suit situation.
54. Goku vs Superman 
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Winner: Goku
Best line: "There's only one way that this battle's gonna end: One more Superman who's never gonna walk again."
Ray William Johnson was a great casting choice for Goku; he brings a lively and memorable performance to the show. Although I didn't think Goku was quite so angry? Idk, I'm also not a Dragon Ball guy (forgive me for being such an uncultured swine and not knowing a lot of these series). Lloyd's Superman is pretty basic by comparison; it gets the job done, but it's like Sinatra vs Mercury where it gets overshadowed hard by the other performer.
53. Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
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Winner: Mitt Romney
Best line: "Republicans need a puppet and you fit. Got their hand so far up your rear, call you Mitt."
Man, remember when we thought Mitt Romney was the worst the Republican party could throw at us? Simpler times, man. Simpler times. This battle is the most-viewed in ERB history, which I think is kinda weird since I feel like people were way more into the 2016 and 2020 elections overall. But this was also the first election battle, and when ERB was still a relatively new series, so maybe it was the novelty of it at the time. Or maybe because Obama and Romney were both more well-liked than Trump, Clinton, and Biden. I dunno, I'm getting off-track here.
I thought for years that this battle was pretty well-balanced in terms of not showing favoritism to one side, though I thought Romney's line "I'm not gonna let this battle be dictated by facts" was a pretty biased writing choice. But it turns out that that's almost a direct quote from Romney himself, so uhh. I also love how both opponents break down into slinging childish insults at each other by the end, it really goes to show that it's not glorifying either candidate. And that's proven true by the iconic scene of Abe Lincoln coming down and bitchslapping them both. Classic.
The real Obama is known to have seen this battle too and apparently liked it given that he invited Peter and the actor who played Obama here to the White House, so that's neat.
52. John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane
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Winner: John McClane
Best line: "And lighten up, Wick, with your brooding saga. How 'bout a little hakuna matata, Baba Yaga?"
This is the first and so far only battle that's a three-way fight from the start, so that really ensures that all three characters are given ample time to all diss each other. I like it! The highlight here is definitely Lloyd's McClane, he's a delight to watch, and he perfectly captures how McClane is the lighthearted everyman of the group. Zach's John Wick is no slouch either, capturing the cool seriousness of the character. Where this battle falls flat though, and the only reason it's not in A, is Peter's Rambo. It's trying to be funny and it's just… not really funny. It's the kind of Sylvester Stallone impression that would get a chuckle out of you if your high school friend did it in the halls, but it just feels out of place in a professional production like this.
I love the subtle ways the backing track changes between characters too, with McClane getting some sleigh bells added in for his part, Wick getting a deep synth noise, and Rambo getting some somber strings. Really nice stuff.
51. Artists vs TMNT 
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Winner: TMNT
Best line: "Uh, Dona-tell me who you are again, dude, 'Cause I don't Gattamelata clue what you do."
My only complaint about this battle is that it's just too damn short. This would be a pretty short battle even by 1-on-1 standards, but when you have 8 separate characters, each one barely gets anything to say. But what's here is great. Rhett and Link and Smosh is a good pairing that gives a lot of energy to the artists, and the turtle suit that the team managed to make for the TMNT is great. When the only negative I can think of for a battle is that I wish there was more of it, you know it's a good battle.
50. George Carlin vs Richard Pryor 
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Winner: Joan Rivers
Best line: "Now there's seven words you can't say on a TV set. But this is the pissin' fuckin' cuntin' internet!"
I'm realizing now how much work this entire thing is given how much I've written so far and we're only just now cracking the top 50. Still not even halfway there, damn. But anyway, this is a great tribute to a whole bunch of legendary comedians. It's a whole lot of fun to watch, and every performer captures the larger-than-life personalities on display. Lloyd's Robin Williams is a particular highlight. The only downside is Bill Cosby's part, it's not really funny and kinda just kills the pace. But it's thankfully short so it's not enough to ruin it.
49. Mario Bros vs Wright Bros
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Winner: Wright Bros
Best line: "You might fly like a hawk, but you fight like a kitty!"
This was the first guest appearance of Rhett and Link and also the first 2-on-2 battle, and I think it does a really good job. Mario and Luigi are played absolutely nothing like their actual characters, but it's so far off that it's honestly hilarious.
48. David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini 
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Winner: David Copperfield 
Best line: "My grand illusions make your parlor tricks irrelevant. The foot of Lady Liberty is stomping on your elephant."
Now THIS is a magician vs magician battle that actually lives up to the idea visually, eat your heart out, Gandalf vs Dumbledore. While Houdini is definitely the more interesting person to watch in this battle with all of the stunts he performs while rapping, I can't help but like Peter's silky smooth Copperfield voice, it's gotta be one of my favorite voices he's done.
47. Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers
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Winner: Eastern Philosophers
Best line: "You tried to plant a new German psyche, but you just grew hate, me no Third Reichy!"
This is a very smartly-written battle, as it should be given the subject matter. Every philosopher gets a chance to sum up what they're all about, and the contrasts work perfectly - Lao Tzu's philosophy of letting life take you through its natural course vs Nietzsche saying you need to take control and fight for the life you want, and Confucius's teaching of respecting authority vs Voltaire's challenging of authority. …Socrates vs Sun Tzu doesn't really have a direct contrast like that, but hey, that's okay. You can tell a lot of research went into this one, and it's really worth looking into the meanings of the lyrics because some of it will definitely go over your head if you're not super into philosophy.
46. Blackbeard vs Al Capone
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Winner: Al Capone
Best line: "You spent time in Alcatraz, I'm sure you were fine, if you dropped the soap as little as you drop dope rhymes."
Both Peter and Lloyd were clearly having fun with this one, they're both in their element when they're playing characters with big personalities and fun voices to imitate. The lyrics are great and dense too; this was the first battle of season 3 besides Vader vs Hitler 3, and I think season 3 is really when the series started hitting its stride with rappers' verses becoming longer and more packed with deeper meanings.
I only have two minor criticisms with this battle - first, Blackbeard's beard looks way too nice and clean, and it's especially apparent when Capone has a line about how dirty it is. Second, this video was sponsored by Assassin's Creed IV, which is all well and good, but forcing in a line about Edward Kenway and having him physically appear in the background really destroys my suspension of disbelief and dates the video hardcore. But neither of these things are enough to ruin an otherwise very good battle.
45. Rick Grimes vs Walter White
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Winner: Walter White 
Best line: "Ask Gus, you don't wanna face off against me."
Okay, so, confession time: I have not watched either of the shows that are represented in this battle (Breaking Bad is on my to-watch list though). And oops, this vid's got a lot of spoilers for both series. Ah well. Despite not knowing a whole lot about either universe, I still think this battle is a lot of fun to watch. I particularly love the detail of a zombie crossing into Walt's side and getting distracted by meth - touches like that to tie the worlds of the two rappers together are always a treat.
44. Darth Vader vs Hitler
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Winner: Hitler
Best line: "You stink, Vader. Your style smells something sour. You need to wash up, dog. Here, step in my shower."
Here we go. While Lennon vs O'Reilly might have come first, I think we can all agree that this is the real start of ERB. This is what made the series into a viral sensation and it's not hard to see why. The novelty of seeing a historical figure battle his fictional equivalent in a rap battle of all things was something unseen up until that point, and it helps that the lyrics were incredibly clever to boot - in addition to the iconic quote above, who could forget "So many dudes been with your mom, who even knows if I'm your father". I'm sure Disney would like everyone to forget that the Stormtroopers were named after Hitler's troops, but this battle stands as an eternal reminder of that fact.
43. Mr. T vs Mr. Rogers
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Winner: Mr. Rogers
Best line: "I'll say this once, Laurence. I hope it's understood: Get right back in your van and get the fuck out of my neighborhood."
Peter's acting here is pretty similar to how he portrayed Bob Ross, but his portrayal of Mr. Rogers easily wins in my mind for how much more savage the insults are. Even though Rogers definitely steals the show here, Mr. T also manages to be very entertaining. It's hilarious how he's screaming at Rogers the whole time while Rogers consistently keeps his cool while hurling passive-aggressive lines.
Also, whew! We're officially halfway done with this list!
42. Jacques Cousteau vs Steve Irwin
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Winner: Steve Irwin
Best line: "I'm a wild man, you're a subdued sub dude. The only crocs you could handle are some slip-on shoes!"
This battle's an interesting role reversal - usually it's Lloyd portraying the grumpy character and Peter portraying the lively one. But it goes to show that the two of them have the acting chops to go either way. Especially Lloyd, he's really entertaining when he can let his silliness out. I love how in the part where Steve is pointing to Jacques and talking about him like he's a wild animal, you can tell Peter is holding in laughter.
41. Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky
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Winner: Wayne Gretzky
Best line: "You and I have so many world records between us. 184, that's plenty of 'em… and I set 183 of 'em!"
This is a very slept-on battle, being the lowest-viewed of any of the pre-hiatus battles (though 18 million views still certainly ain't bad). I still remember my first time watching this battle as someone who didn't really know anything about Wayne Gretzky aside from "he was a hockey player", my jaw fucking dropped at that world records line. Absolutely killer setup and execution.
40. Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
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Winner: Hannibal Lecter
Best line: "I don't mind that you're naughty, Jack. I hate that you're sloppy."
I can't imagine that this one was particularly easy to write for given the very little we know about Jack the Ripper. I was gonna say, "Oh this battle was made before we knew his true identity", but apparently it's still not really agreed upon who he really was and the mystery gets "solved" again and again every few years. Anyway, Lloyd is great as Hannibal, his faces and mannerisms are perfect, and Dan Bull provides an interesting interpretation of the type of person Jack may have been. I love that Jack spends his entire first verse purely hyping himself up and Hannibal calls him out on being a narcissist, it's something that kinda shocks you as a viewer cause it's something you probably don't even notice on the first viewing, and you're also not expecting the video itself to point it out. It really sells the "Hannibal is one step ahead" kind of vibe.
39. Vlad the Impaler vs Count Dracula
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Winner: Vlad the Impaler
Best line: "Imagine forests of corpses dripping on a buffet. You call that a nightmare? I call that a Tuesday."
Vlad the Impaler is probably the single most cold, brutal character ERB has ever had, and Lloyd gets some truly bone-chilling line deliveries in as him. Peter's Dracula is great too, the whole thing of a killer with class being disgusted by a killer who's just trying to be vicious actually makes it quite similar to Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal now that I think about it.
38. Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong
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Winner: Babe Ruth
Best line: "So c'mon, little buddy, don't look so pissed. With all that blood and attitude, you're like a menstrual cyclist."
Like Hawk vs Gretzky, this is another athlete vs athlete video, and you'd expect the odds to immediately be stacked against Armstrong by virtue of the fact that you have a known cheater going up against an athlete with integrity. But Armstrong actually manages to put up a damn good rebuttal, taking shots at Ruth's personal life instead. I still think Ruth won, but both rappers actually manage to knock it out of the park, pun entirely intended.
Also unrelated to the battle itself but I've always thought the face Lloyd makes in the thumbnail of this one makes him look like James Rolfe.
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37. James Bond vs Austin Powers
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Winner: James Bond (modern)
Best line: "After 24 films, I'm still reaching new heights. Your third movie died, guess you only live twice."
I've always kinda wondered why Peter was cast as Austin Powers in this, I think Lloyd looks a lot more like Mike Myers. I guess they didn't want to have a battle where Peter is completely excluded while Lloyd gets to play two characters. That being said, Peter does nail the Austin Powers impression, so it's all good. This battle's a really cool concept, a character rapping against their own parody version, and then an earlier version of the character comes in and disses on their modern version. The battle does basically cease to be about Austin Powers at that point, but I think it works because neither version of Bond considers him a serious opponent.
This battle is loaded with great lines too - in addition to the quote above, we also have "I'm licensed to kill, you couldn't get a learner's permit", "Spell my name, all the ladies wanna B on D, any sex appeal you might have is beyond me", "I only need one round, golden gun", and "I don't need a Q to break your balls". Brilliantly clever writing.
I will say that the background effects for modern Bond, while they definitely do look cool, are a bit too much to the point of being distracting. Maybe it was a deliberate choice to contrast with classic Bond though, as a way to convey that the modern Bond films are a lot more about flashy spectacle than the more grounded stories the early films had, I dunno. 
36. Mozart vs Skrillex
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Winner: Skrillex
Best line: "I attack, you decay, can't sustain my releases! Sidechain, Wolfgang! Bangarang you to pieces!"
This battle is everything that Bieber vs Beethoven should have been - a battle between a modern musician and a classical one that actually gives the modern one a fighting chance. Plus it actually changes the background music to match the style of whoever's rapping! This battle is great, no real notes here. Mozart's line about "in two more months the world will forget about your Skrill-excrement" has aged pretty well too given how Skrillex's star has definitely faded since this video's release.
This battle is also notable for being the only one where a real person that was portrayed in an ERB has actually performed it themselves! Skrillex, obviously, not Mozart. The real Skrillex actually came out as a surprise guest appearance in a live performance of the song and helped Lloyd finish it out. I admit, I didn't really know what Skrillex actually looked like, but seeing him side-by-side with Lloyd in costume, yeah, the team nailed his look.
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35. Ragnar Lodbrok vs Richard the Lionheart
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Winner: Ragnar Lodbrok
Best line: "Your son killed your ex, your ex killed your wife. I'm the Lion King, man, but that's a messed-up circle of life."
This is what I love about ERB, man. I had never even heard of either of these historical figures before this battle, but I watched it, loved the song, got curious what all the lyrics meant, did research on both men, and then went back and rewatched the video with the new knowledge to catch all the references. ERB is truly at its best when it's making learning fun.
Interestingly, the reason this battle was even made in the first place was because the mobile game that sponsored it reached out to Peter and Lloyd and asked if they would make a battle between two of the historical figures in their game in exchange for the sponsorship. Given that the battle was effectively made as an ad for a mobile game, it's shocking how good it turned out. You'd really never know that's how it came to be just looking at the end product.
34. Darth Vader vs Hitler 2
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Winner: Darth Vader
Best line: "Roar like Chewbacca, the voice of Mufasa, I'm on the leader of your limp-dicked Luftwaffe!"
And here we go, the second of the Vader vs Hitler trilogy is easily the best one. I feel like it struck the perfect balance - it was bigger and more epic than the first while not feeling fatigued on the idea like the third. Season 2 kicked off with this and you could immediately tell the jump in production quality from season 1. This video had an intro and everything, continuing off from Hitler being frozen in carbonite from the first battle. It's great, what else can I say?
33. Cleopatra vs Marilyn Monroe
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Winner: Marilyn Monroe 
Best line: "You still got no children after your third marriage. You lost so many babies, we should call you Miss Carriage!"
This was the first battle where neither Peter nor Lloyd play one of the rappers, even though it is not the first female-on-female battle (but we don't talk about Gaga vs Palin). But both performers do a stellar job; I love how Marilyn's demeanor goes from the giggling flirtiness we know her for to becoming increasingly pissed off and hysterical as Cleopatra hurls more and more insults at her (Marilyn's "Translate this into hieroglyphs: Your sandy vagina has a seven-year itch" would have won best line were it not for the sheer brutality of the Miss Carriage line). And getting a professional dancer to portray Cleopatra was a great choice; she's still one of the most visually interesting rappers to have ever been on the series. And no, I don't just mean that in an ogling way.
Also, I think this is the only battle where the same person starts it and closes it out? Which does lead to Cleopatra feeling like she doesn't get as much screen time, but it's certainly not a dealbreaker.
32. Moses vs Santa Claus
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Winner: Moses
Best line: "It takes nine reindeers to haul your fat ass. You took the Christ out of Christmas and just added more mass."
This battle was definitely meant to be a stand-in for Jesus vs Santa; that was the matchup we all really wanted to see. But someone somewhere must have gotten cold feet about dissing a figure that millions worship, so Jesus got swapped out for someone Jesus-adjacent. Hey, I'm a Christian, and I know I still would have found a Jesus rap battle hilarious.
But whatever, even though it's not exactly what we wanted, what we did get was still great. The fact that they actually managed to get motherfucking Snoop Dogg as a guest star because he happened to be using the same studio as ERB at the time still blows my mind; I don't think any guest star is ever gonna top that. And they certainly had some fun with having him on board - I love that they managed to make jokes referencing him while still being appropriate for Moses, like "smoking all that burning bush", or "so much drama in the IsraeL B.C.". This is a battle that just always puts a smile on my face.
31. Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison
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Winner: Nikola Tesla
Best line: "I don't alternate my flow, I diss you directly!"
I love how this battle really leans into how we now perceive Tesla and Edison, with Tesla being a hero for the people and Edison as the greedy villain who kept him down. Good stuff. Don't really have a whole lot to say about this one, it's just a good battle with two very memorable personalities, and Peter's Tesla voice is very pleasant to listen to. And of course, the electric synth in the background track was a must.
30. JRR Tolkien vs George RR Martin
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Winner: George RR Martin 
Best line: "All your bad guys die and your good guys survive. We can tell what's gonna happen by page and age five!"
All right, so, I ain't the most well-versed in the fantasy genre, but I still really like this one. The underlying argument between the two men here is something I've seen time and time again on the internet - "happy endings are boring and predictable" versus "eschewing happy endings just for the sake of it isn't automatically good". It makes for good battle fodder. Also I just love Lloyd's performance here - it's so loud and boisterous, and his "No he didn't!" is A+.
Okay folks, click here for the third and final part as we rank the best of the best!
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thuganomxcs · 9 months
tag nine people you'd like to know better
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I. favourite colours: Over the years my favorite color had really shifted, it started as orange cause when I was younger I remembered Orange Drink (not juice) was my FAVORITE flavor so I stuck close to Orange for a majority of my life then it just shifted towards green. I don't remember personally when I changed by my parents told me it suspiciously happened during the phase I started Power Rangers. SO I guess Tommy Oliver had an impact on me.
II. favourite flavours: Gimme anything Oatmeal, you know like the cookie? Mmmm I'd pretty much marry you if you baked me oatmeal cookies my whole life. I also really love the taste of barbecue.
III. favourite genres: In movies and tv shows it's horror, which is actually funny because I kid you not growing up til all in my early teen years I was a bitch, not even gonna hold you on that one. It wasn't until I became a writer is when I started watching horror and really braved through it because I really wanted to understand the story, especially if it's lore heavy like ju-on or ringu for example.
IV. favourite music: I mostly gravitate towards rap and hip-hop but really I'd listen to anything if it's a tune, if you hopped into my library of song..aside from the barrage of calypsos and soca music you'd see you would also find A LOT of anime opening, endings and video game exclusive songs. Lord there was a time Crush40 was my life. Then it turned to Lotus Juice.
V. favourite movies: Oh fam we finna be here all day so I'd just give you my top five from the top of my head. Spider-man 2, The mummy returns, Saw, DBZ Bojack unbound (don't @ me, Future Trunks' fit was fire in that one) and Into the spider-verse. These are in no particular order.
VI. favourite series: I'mma tie this to video games. There's Like a dragon, Budokai (tenkaichi), Persona, Megaman battle network, Assassin's creed, Insomniac Spider-man AND Lord believe me I can go on.
VII. last song: Mirage by OneRepublic
VIII. last series: The last series I've seen which was really last night is The Manifest. Still on going, granted I'd like to point out that the only reason I wanted to watch this was because my homie Josh Dallas is in it. I've never liked Snow White's Prince charming UNTIL this man dropped such a great performance in Once Upon a Time.
IX. last movie: The last movie I've seen was one called 'The Impossible'. Whilst I don't think it's a bad movie, I just had different expectations going in.
X. currently reading: Story from the Pizzaplex: Lally's game.
XI. currently watching: The Manifest.
XII. currently working on: Waaaay too many asks from this blog, my trailblazer and my multi.
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tagged: @ahkmourn (thanks for tagging yo boy)
tagging: @drakonairs , @dragvnsovl , @kiealer , @swordsxandxsakuras , @acoldsovereign , @eternalbxtterfly , @infintasmal , @universestreasures , @ofhardknoxxx , @devildukem , @adversitybloomed , @ofhope , @chibitantei , @thedetectiveofinaba , @fatexbound , @lady-llewellyn , @itmeanspeace , @bonescribes , @coolrpblog , @kamigakushi , @adversitybloomed , steal it homies
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poopyballz28 · 1 year
Some Baki characters if they played instruments
hello friends its me again, here with a fun revamp of a prompt i made about a year or 2 ago. realized i dont have to burn myself out writing prompts i dont like but know will be popular and i can just, write about the things i actually find cool or interesting. enjoy this one. 💯
• A really killer guitar player. Like this kid can SHRED. He gets really into the music and eventually everything around him just disappears. You can truly see the determination and skill in his hand movements when he plays his guitar.
• He really didn't expect to get the popularity that he did. He initially just wanted to play his music for himself or to show Kozue. He's a really humble guy, calling himself "fine" at best, despite all of the super hard chords and notes he's skillfully hit with no issue.
• His ability to hyper focus on the music and strike the chords he does leaves audiences in awe. It's almost like he gets better every show.
• Tends to have guitar battles with other powerful players. He tends to wanna battle the ones with the most experience and abilities, a player who could do things Baki knows he probably couldn't pull off himself. Via all the musical guitar "fights" and friendships that form from them, his strength heightens.
• Teased a bit in school for the huge guitar case he tends to carry around. It's especially not helping considering nobody has seen him actually play it. He tends to keep a lot of his playing to himself.
• See, I'm kind of caught between her being a bass girl and a piano/keyboard girl. Keyboard may seem like the most agreeable instrument for her but listen to me here. Imagine her absolutely tearing shit up on bass guitar to heavy metal songs all alone in her cute little pink room. Isn't that so true!? That's just so her for some reason.
• But don't get me wrong, keyboard totally fits her too. I see her learning and playing little Vocaloid piano medley's when shes alone.
• Silly idea where Kozue stays late after school in the music room and plays little piano melodies when nobody's around. Baki was actually looking for a quiet place to play guitar until he overhead Kozue playing down the hall in the music room. He watches her from the small crack in the door and falls in love all over again.
• Baki sneaks in and starts playing his guitar with her, adding on to the tune she's playing. She's initially a little nervous, but the big goofy smile Baki gives her lifts her spirits. The two make quite a ruckus in that little music room.
• The two walk home together smiling and talking about all sorts of music and songs they enjoy. When they show up home, Kozue turns to Baki and gently kisses him on the cheek, with a sweet "Lets play together again, okay?" before happily jogging back to her house. Baki just realized how much he loved that girl.
• Oh yeah, this guy goes HAM on electric guitar. I got no doubt about it. He'll shred so hard at a live show he'll be grinding that shit ON THE GROUND. He gets a little worked up.
• He's the type to have been in several underground rock bands but always ends up leaving them later on due to creative (or just petty) differences. He eventually starts a solo project where he completely composes his own edgy grungey sounding music.
• He gives me very heavy Orange Range vibes, probably a lot of rapping and singing in his songs accompanied with that super hard guitar he destroys on.
• His stuffs super authentic. He's gotten pretty popular for the shitty but addicting sound quality of his instrumentals. And while a lot of the lyrics you could say are crude or kind of messed up, he's always subconsciously hiding some kind of message in there. If its to do with his overbearing hatred and anger for things or simply just self doubt, theres usually something pretty heavy hiding behind those guitar strokes he uses to impress people so desperately.
• Guitar is most definitely his stress reliever. He'll just grind on that shit when he's upset or stressed out to ease his mind (which is pretty common unsurprisingly) You can see all his pent up issues release themselves through his music.
• Definitely piano. Not even particularly keyboard, just piano.
• He used to play to his mother, with all her favorite songs and melodies, he would play to her for as long as he could. So much his fingers would start to ache. The more his fingertips would strike the keys the more he was determined to cure him mom via music. If even for a day, a minute, a second, she could live without pain, he'd do anything to make it happen.
• After her passing he couldn't touch a piano without flooding memories of his mothers decrepit and declining state when she was still alive. In fact, it would fill him with anger. Why couldn't he do anything to help her? To save her?
• After taking witness to Baki's rising musical power (and quite honestly, his cheery attitude when playing) Kaoru touched a piano for the first time in a while. As he started to play some old tunes he played to his mother, memories started to fill his mind. But not bad ones. The ones where his mom was smiling and chatting with him. Teaching him, joking with him, complimenting his skills and hidden kindness. It all came back.
• Suddenly, he understood. He began playing as much as he could, practicing and honing the skills he's always wanted to achieve, though the keys felt much smaller than they used to. He realizes his mother would've wanted him to continue playing piano. But not for her anymore, but for himself.
• Very much a drummer. Following deeply in his dads footsteps, despite all of the expectations on his shoulders.
• His abilities are super impressive. Some seeing him as being one of the best drummers in the world next to his father. It seems like the more he plays the more his skill tree grows. He's often regarded as a musical genius. His improvisation and techniques on his drum set would blow anyone away.
• He tends to perform neat little tricks while he's drumming (he's a bit of an entertainer at heart, ever since his childhood) He definitely does cool "magic" maneuvers and stuff with his drumsticks.
• He does a ton of taiko on the side too. Usually joining in on parades and brightening everyone up. He's a really popular figure for his skilled drumming and fun aura.
• A true bassist. You can tell he really knows what he's doing when he plays.
• Started playing a lot of instruments during high school after really indulging himself into his musical interests, listening to tons of metal and hard rock and over time collecting a pretty lengthy cd album collection.
• But something about the bass kept his interest, he goes on to practice everyday in hopes to become one of the best bassists in Japan. Never being one to let an opportunity for a challenge pass him by.
• Started a little two person rock band with Kiyosumi that eventually broke apart thanks to an argument. While they didn't release any of their music physically or upload it to the internet, they still played their few songs at private shows together. Their songs sound absolutely sickening (in the best way possible) They definitely have some scat and screaming in them, vocal wise.
• The two have since made up but never resurrected their band back. They still tend to play and challenge each other with their string instruments regularly though, coming up with all kind of stupid challenges and crutches they force each other to use to see whose the better musician. Final verdict, they both suck.
• Okay I was really gonna put bass here, which is definitely very true but I thought of something even better. Kosho. Violin. Boom.
• A very heavy visual kei fan, would always find a clever way to add his violin into a vkei song he likes. Loves performing violin covers to music he enjoys. He's probably uploaded a few to niconico, but cropped them just enough so you can't see his face. He's tends to get a bit embarrassed about it. He still manages to wear the most extravagant and stylish visual kei outfits from his closet, though.
• His music was always his best escape from real life, the sounds of the strings taking him to a world that's simpler, devoid of all the common stresses he faces on a daily.
• He really pushes the limits on what a violin can do. He takes his playing very seriously, so he's always determinedly finding new ways to enhance his abilities. He truly honors and respects his instrument, being very well aware of its history and various play styles.
• At first he tried to keep his violin playing a secret from his brother, not really wanting to deal with any teasing. Although, it was pretty inevitable Kureha would notice the melodies flooding from underneath the door to Kosho's room.
• Admittedly yeah, Kureha does poke a little bit of fun at Kosho's little "hobby", as he calls it. Much to Kosho's dismay of course.
no guarantees but i might make another post about the characters if they became popular musicians. i realized i had some cool ideas for that too. anyways poopyballz OUT.
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bingbong21 · 1 month
"My Generation" Translation Part 1.
Hello there! I haven't seen anyone translate the BB drama track yet (and I refuse to get twitter to really double check), so I am mustering all my limited willpower and throwing my hat into the ring!
This post covers from 0:00 until 11:03. Because I feel like translating 40-ish minutes of drama track would make this unbearably long. Also if you see a number, that means there's a note I want to make because I did take some liberties.
With that said, here we go!
News anchor: Yesterday the functionality of Hypnosis Mics was restored, and reestablishment of Chuohku’s command is underway.
Ichiro: It’s been a week since the Block Party and we’re already back to normal huh?
News anchor: In addition, regarding the postponed Third Division Rap Battles, the Administrative Inspection Bureau announced that it is too early to decide to cancel the event.
Ichiro: Ha…The Division Rap Battles…
Rei: Yo! Sorry to keep ya waiting. What’d you want?  
Ichiro: Thought I’d give this back. *tosses keys*
Rei: Hm.
Ichiro: It’s the keys to the car you lent me. It’s parked over in that lot.  
Rei: Hmph. Is that so?
Ichiro: That’s all. Sorry you went out of your way.
Rei: Eh, I had work around here anyway so it wasn’t a problem to come get the keys.
Ichiro: Hmph. Later. *goes to walk off*
Rei: How are they doing?
Ichiro: Aa?
Rei: Jiro and Saburo.
Ichiro: They’re away right now.
Rei: Hmm?
Ichiro: The festival made them want to see more of the outside world, so they both went on a trip.
Rei: *laughs* Finally getting used to parenting, huh?
Ichiro: Quit screwing around. They’re still kids. Until it’s time for them to enter society, I’ll be sure to take proper care of them.
Rei: Hmm.
Ichiro: It’s common sense. Later. *walks off*
Rei: Now then, wonder what’ll happen?
Jiro: I’m back Aniki!
Saburo: Ichi-nii, I’m home!
Ichiro: Oh, welcome back! What’s this? You guys decide to come home together?
Jiro/Saburo: No way!/Not at all!
Jiro: We just happened to meet up!
Saburo: Ichi-nii, please listen. I’ve learned so many things because of my trip!
Jiro: Oi! I’m gonna talk first, so you be quiet!
Saburo: Grh…Don’t you shut up?
Jiro: What was that?!
Saburo: Aa?!
Jiro: Aa?!
*sounds of them fighting*
Ichiro: *laughs* Looks like nothing’s changed since before your trips.
Jiro: That’s not true! I worked together with them and learned a lot of different things!!
Saburo: Me too! I got a lot of inspiration from interacting with people in the countryside!
Ichiro: I get it, I get it. How about we go eat, and you can take turns telling me about it, yeah?
Jiro/Saburo: Yes!
*sounds of dinner*
Ichiro: Eeh? So Jiro, how did you end up traveling with the company president?
Jiro: Oh! I happened to be given a ride by the company while I was hitchhiking. His company was getting merged, so I helped him with a lot of different things.
Saburo: Heh. You probably just carried his bags the whole time.
Jiro: Did not! That’s a problem he dealt with himself!I got to do consultations with the investors. I also got to attend business meetings with clients and mediated fights between employees!
Ichiro: So, did you achieve the purpose of your trip?
Jiro: Yeah! It’s crazy how much I learned working with a lot of different people. Things can get pretty complicated when you bring together people with different ideas who all want to improve the company.
Saburo: Ha! You talk like you actually understand it.
Jiro: Shut up! Is it your turn to speak?!
Ichiro: *laughs* Well, I’m glad it seemed to be a good experience.
Saburo: Me too! I had a very interesting experience!
Ichiro: You went to the countryside, right Saburo?
Saburo: Yes! My idea was to bring technology to rural villages and encourage regional revitalization!
Ichiro: Oho, that’s a pretty grand plan isn’t it?
Saburo: But, after I lived there for a bit, I realized that the inconveniences and simple way of life (1) aren’t a bad thing.
Jiro: Yeah, I get ya.
Saburo: Ha? What do you possibly “get”?
Jiro: Well I mean, look at it this way: our journeys were different, but it sounds like you and I learned the same things, yeah? 
Saburo:No we didn’t! The depth and quality are of a completely different order of magnitude!
Jiro: Tch, why do you have to be so annoying?!
Ichiro: *thinking* They’ve been able to expand their horizons.
*door bell rings*
Jiro: Oh? Who could that be this late?  
Saburo: It’s way too late to be making a request.
Ichiro: Just a minute! *opens door* Yes? Chairman?!
Chairman: Apologies for coming so late. As the chairman of the Neighborhood Association, I have a favor to ask of you.
Ichiro: Ha…please, come in for now.
*re-enter home, gets tea*
Ichiro: So, this urgent consultation…is it about work for the Neighborhood Association or something?
Chairman: No, the truth is I’m currently in talks about a large-scale urban development project.
Ichiro: Urban development project?
Chairman: It seems that Ikebukuro’s biggest hope is to build a large suburban facility. The stores will be closed down, and those lots will be where culture, sports, and commerce come together. They want to build the largest desired large-area suburban facility. And that’s why I’m in a bit of trouble.
Ichiro: I’d like to hear more details
Ichiro: I see. You want a response and now your family is having a falling out.
Chairman: Yes. At first there was only opposition from the current generation of my sons, who are in charge of the stores. But recently my grandchildren’s generation has begun to rebel, and things are starting to get out of control.
Ichiro: That seems difficult.
Chairman: Here I am thinking of everyone’s happiness, but they just don’t understand a parent’s feelings at all.
Ichiro: When you say that…
Chairman: I’ll only say it here: it’s been tough, even for our family’s fish shop that supports the other stores. If this keeps up, we won’t be able to avoid bankruptcy.
Ichiro: And when that happens, your family’s way of life will be destroyed.
Chairman: Yes. This is a difficult decision for us Neighborhood Association officials. However, when we think about the lives of our sons and grandchildren, we’d rather replace the shops with the urban development.
Ichiro: Haa…
Chairman: They’ll get all the money from the buyout. With that amount, our sons and grandchildren will be able to live their lives without any problems.
Ichiro: Chairman…
Chairman: We are sad about the loss of the stores. But more than that, we want out children to have happy lives.
Ichiro: Me too…I’m my younger brothers’ parent, so I completely understand how you feel.
Chairman: I thought you would say that. But, that’s just how a parent is supposed to think. Ichiro-kun, could you help me to convince my sons?
Ichiro: Of course. Please leave it to me.
Chairman: Oh! You’ve really saved me!
Ichiro: So when is the deadline to respond to the urban development plan?
Chairman: The person in charge said it will be in a week.
Ichiro: Understood. If that’s the case, I won’t be able to gather the others’ opinions by then.
*door opens*
Jiro: Aniki! Let me help too!
Saburo: I heard the whole story. I want to help as well!
Chairman: Jiro-kun, Saburo-kun! But, you two are still just kids.
Ichiro: If it’s these two it’ll be alright. Please leave this matter to my brothers.
Chairman: Well, if you say so Ichiro-kun…
Ichiro: Yessir!
Ichiro: Let’s go over the situation again. A large-scale urban development project has come to Bukuro, and the people in the shopping district are being approached to sell their land. It looks like opinions on how to respond are divided. First we have the clients, the Chairman’s generation. Then, we have the current generation who run the shopping district. Finally, below them, is the grandchildren’s generation. Here is what each of them have to say.
Saburo: So the grandchildren’s generation don’t want to sell the land and want to continue running the store there.
Jiro: But the working generation has an option to sell the land and open a store in the new facility as a tenant. Isn’t that the best option? They’d be able to get money and keep the store open.
Ichiro: It seems that the difference in selling prices is quite different.
Saburo: I see. So in other words, there’s a difference between cashing in the right to open a store and exercising the right to open a store in the facility. (2)
Ichiro: However, it seems like the shopping district manages all the stores. Meaning that if they were to become a tenant, there wouldn’t be any hope of making a profit.
Jiro: So like the chairman said, it would be best to convert everything into cash?
Ichiro: Yeah. Everyone is getting emotional and it’s difficult to have a discussion. However the response to the developers is due in a week. If we don’t hurry, we’ll run out of time.
Jiro: In that case, why don’t we gather everybody at West Gate Park and have them listen to the full story?
Ichiro: That’s a great idea!
Saburo: There’s probably a key person for each generation. If they speak for everyone, I think it’d be quicker to talk to them.
Jiro: The leader of the shopping district union is probably the one who organizes the current generation. Which in that case would be the fish shop’s old man.
Ichiro: I heard the person who organized the grandchildren’s generation is the old man’s son.
Saburo: That means it’s a three-way struggle between parents and sons, doesn’t it?
Ichiro: Aha…Well, can I leave the gathering of the people to you two?
Saburo: Yes. It’s already late today, so tomorrow Jiro and I will split up and see what we can find.
Jiro: What do you think about scheduling the meet-up three days from now?
Ichiro: Ah, there’s no problem with that. I’m counting on you.
Jiro: Yessir!
Saburo: Please leave it to me!
Ichiro: Jiro and Saburo have really changed in such a short period of time.
Saburo actually says “mazushisa” which is poverty and I uh. Am a Saburo fan first, human being second so uh. I interpreted more favorably for him lol
This was tricky because it used “kyouju suru” which literally means “to teach” and like. Idk, maybe I’m an optimist and want to believe they have been told all their options. So I went with exercise, as in they the second generation are exercising their right to tell the new facility to give ‘em a spot
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theprettiestlamb · 1 year
Drop The Mic (The Boys edition)
One of these landed on my fyp on TT and I ended up watching a bunch of them so I present some headcanons for rap battles between The Boys and Supes.
Billy Butcher vs. Homelander
Homelander uses his public persona the whole time—smiling, chuckling, just having a good time
Sample line: “William, you really need to get a life. I know you’re real sad that I fucked your wife” (complete with *shrug*)
Definitely tacks “I’m the Homelander and I can do whatever the fuck I want” to the end of one of his verses.
Billy’s material: Homelander’s constant need for approval, dad not loving him, his sweaty wetsuit and just being a “general fucking cunt”.
Smirks when he sees Homelander do his face twitch, knowing his words can cut deep when no weapon can.
Annie vs. The Deep
Now, she’s a small town girl, but she came PREPARED. Probably listened to some records with MM.
Sample line: “It’s no wonder you can’t keep a bitch. Who wants some loser who only fucks fish?!”
He tries but his parts are lame sorry I don’t make the rules.
A-Train laughs or “ohhhh”s at one of Annie’s disses and Deep turns to him, arms out like “dude!”
Hughie vs. A-Train
Hughie isn’t all that confident, but his feelings towards A-Train and supes in general fuel him.
Sample line: “Yeah you’re right. I was a huge fan. But then I grew up and became a real man.”
Other mentions include A-Train’s soda commercial, new outfit, broken leg and heart attack.
Kimiko vs. Black Noir
Kimiko signs her verses, obviously.
Being the only one who understands, Frenchie goes “OHHHHHHHHH!”
Nah, who am I kidding. The rest of The Boys are supportive and join in.
Frenchie vs. Lamplighter
Bringing back the majorette jokes fs
Also puns about Lamplighter not retiring but being 🔥fired🔥 (or losing his fire)
MM vs. Soldier Boy
Just like Billy with Homelander, MM can’t hit him with guns so words will have to do
Gets some dirt from Grace
Queen Maeve vs. Homelander
She eats. Plain and simple.
Stan Edgar vs. Homelander
Stan sees himself above such ‘childish little games’, so he just insults Homelander outright like he normally does.
He was also sat in the back and smiling at every burn Homelander got.
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puppysdog · 1 year
im gonna be honest ive been listening to this all day
lyrics under the cut
Intro: Khantrast & DizzyEight, Both]
Yeah, yeah, damn
We did it again
We did it again
We did it again (We did it-, nah)
We did it again
We did it again
Me and my twin, we did it again
[Verse 1: Geto (Khantrast)]
Look, a bro want beef with a pro by all means, we can spark heat with a dome
Been told y'all stench like apes, turn this zoo to a homicide scene with the folks
No peace, we do the most, y'all fiends get beat by the priest get disposed
Watch your mouth, curse at me, Imma leave you knocked out while you sleep with the ghosts
Geto, devil
They dead, when it's curse, I let room
Blood red, got an army on get go
Neck fold back, now they looking like a pretzel
One hit make 'em think God switch up the show
Like I'm writing down names in the Death Note
Top two, but I feel number one
If they ask by the rest, I point down death row, uh
Who could compete with me? All opposition, I finish 'em easily, gang full of deities
Soon as they summoned, y'all best get to running, or you might end up on an EMT
You could catch me with the demons, be watch how this sorcerer outplay the game like it's DND
Y'all think I'm playing? I'm box with the best, only one living soul on this planet that equal me, woo
Who wanna clash? Ready to box, now get sneak attacked, stupid
You could get smacked, pop out the shadows, I'm smoking your pack, stupid
He want the hands, now he getting jumped, my gang on his ass, stupid
You pull up on me, I bust out the Dragon and leave him outclassed, stupid
He want the back and forth
My armada leave his ass in fourths
Kamikaze what you have in store
If you want it with me, we could scrap some more
Pack up and dash fast forward
Know he gon' get harassed and deformed
If we combat it, we bring havoc storms
Had rapping with the bro pass the torch
[Verse 2: Gojo (DizzyEight)]
Hold up, he really thought I was dead? (Stupid)
You should've went for the head
Finger snap, and it rip him to shreds
Night night, then we put him to bed, baow
Wait, I'm not the one, dummy
He really thought that he won
The battle was over before it begun
Put him down, then I father his son
Yeah, tryna beat Gojo, you gon' need more than a gun
You'll get clapped like Todo, fold bro, when I pull up, you should know that he done
Leaving 'em stunned, this what you want, shoulda told him that I do this for fun
Your block gets spun, why would I run? You see Toji, I see a hole in one
We both killers, only difference between us is that I can finish the job
And when a lame tried to have me slain by letting it bang, I walked out alive
Thought I was limited, limitless, they could be ten of him, that's just more bodies to drop
Thought he was menacing? Ignorant - I am the synonym, play with the gang, and you gaining a plot
Took an L once, now it's never again
Now I'm up, and I'll never descend
Slide up on him when he least expect it
Then it's hollow purple and his spirit ascend
I'm him, you can't win
Took a chance, now he out on a limb
What I mean is he out of a limb
Blinded by hate, now his light getting dimmed
This was a pointless fight
Orphaned your kid just to die over spite
I'm guessing he hated his life
So I packed him and sent straight to his wife
I was wronged, so I'm making it right
Came for my head, and they came with the price
You put my twin in your sights
Now when I see you, it's fatal on sight
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angelofrainfrogs · 5 months
Going Back: Ch. 23
~Coauthored by @zeitghest~
Fandom(s): Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: Things are looking up for Gregory. After putting the soul of a formerly-immortal killer to rest, he and his new family can finally begin their lives anew. Sure, Gregory might have been cursed with mysterious Remnant in exchange for being involved in this mess—not to mention his caretakers consist of sentient robots and ghosts… But there’s no doubt that the bond they share is unbreakable. They love him, and he in turn. 
All in all, life is finally starting to go right for once. 
…Unfortunately, true peace is a hard-won battle. There are other things to contend with besides William’s decrepit soul, and Gregory will learn that his role in the lives of the Aftons and Emilys is far greater than anyone could’ve imagined. 
Rating: T
Read on Ao3
It was officially reopening day at the Pizzaplex. Mike and Charlie had headed out early to help with the chaos; with no stage shows scheduled in lieu of their missing front man, Freddy and Gregory were given a pass to skip the morning rush. However, they couldn't stay cooped up in the hotel for long and headed out to join their friends at lunchtime. As usual, they went straight for Sam’s office to check in, snagging Mike and Charlie along the way who'd come to greet them at the entrance. Freddy was admittedly a bit nervous as he knocked on the CEO’s door—a feeling that he wasn’t a fan of at all. But he had his family by his side, so he knew everything would work out in the end.
“Afternoon, boss!” Michael called through the door. “Hope the day wasn’t too chaotic?”
Things were looking up for the Pizzaplex. With the large number of cars lining the parking lot, it was clear the morning shift was a success. Most of the families visiting were already at attractions and party rooms, so running into a huge crowd was unlikely. Even so, Gregory found himself scanning the halls they trailed down as if it was his first night here. Following directly behind, Charlie made sure he got to Sam's office feeling a little safer than he might have walking alone.
“Hey everyone! No—nothing too crazy yet. The day's still young, though,” Sam joked, knocking against the wood of his desk with a superstitious rap. “Sophie’s been busy. Bonnie Bowl has been pretty popular today! And Foxy's been a huge hit with the older kids, too.”
“That is wonderful to hear!” Freddy exclaimed, eyes shining with excitement. He was itching to go out and pace the floor, greeting guests every chance he got… but in his current form, he’d only come off as an over-enthusiastic employee. He’d just have to settle for the next best thing: watching over his doppelgänger in his stead.
“I’m glad things are turning out so well.” Mike clapped Sammy on the shoulder. “Any animatronics giving you trouble? Malfunctions, weird responses… being places they shouldn’t be?”
This last part was a clear dig at Ennard, who should have remained in the attendant’s little room above the stage all day. Until they got an official okay, they were only meant to observe, not interact. It was a win-win: they got to watch how humans acted, and Michael got to keep from tearing his hair out for the next few days with anxiety.
This little arrangement kept everyone happy overall. Ennard was oblivious to Michael's deep-seated hatred—or in denial; Sam really couldn't tell. Should Ennard have already broken his promise, it would be awkward for all the patrons to watch the security guard scold a grown man for trespassing on the first night of their reopening.
Sam thought for a moment, then told Mike with a sigh: “Bonnie—that bunny has ants in his pants about something. I found him smuggling a chest full of whole inflated balloons through the backrooms this morning.” The harried CEO shook his head. “Could one of you go check and make sure the party schedule in his internal calendar is working right? Just ask him what the day and time is. I don't want him filling up a room with extra party favors when there’s no birthday.”
“On it.” Michael gave a salute, then turned on his heel to search for the rabbit. The last thing they needed was an over-enthusiastic animatronic worrying Sam and spoiling Gregory’s birthday surprise…
“Is my old body ready for the personality download?” Freddy asked. Running a hand through Gregory’s hair, he looked to Sam with a soft laugh. “Have the children been asking for him? I was hoping Bonnie and Foxy would be a good distraction…”
He didn’t mean to sound conceited at all, and it was clear from his tone. It was a simple fact that Freddy was the most popular—he was still the face of Fazbear Entertainment, after all.
It was time to get to work again. Sam rolled up the sleeve, nodding to Freddy.
“Yes!” he answered, a bit frazzled and frayed due to the stress of people asking him where Freddy was. “Constantly. The kids are getting a little suspicious—either that or I’m just being paranoid."
In the animatronic stand beside the workbench and computer, Freddy’s old empty model was propped up under a canvas sheet. Sam carefully pulled the sheet away, proud of his work for polishing and fixing Freddy’s paint job. He looked as pristine as the others now; all that was left was to download him again.
Gregory had quietly slipped next to the workbench as Sam booted up the computer. Of course there was no way to replace his dad—Gregory couldn’t idolize a Freddy more than the one he called ‘father’ and went to for comfort. Still, he was excited that the whole band would be reunited soon.
“Let’s not keep them waiting, then!” Gregory exclaimed, quickly checking the cable connections before booting up the personality folder and beginning its data dump.  
Freddy stood with Charlie, watching the bear carefully for signs of life. The redhead’s face was pinched in concentration. There was no way this shouldn’t work, but he couldn’t help but worry.
It happened like all the others—gradual movements that worked up to full awareness. First, a subtle twitch of a finger. Next, a wiggle of an ear. Then a slow blink of those ice-blue eyes as the bear perked up and automatically scanned the room to assess the situation. There were four people present. The face of Samuel Emily, his creator and CEO of Fazbear Entertainment was recognized instantly. However, he didn’t know the others: a man with red hair and a bright, fixed gaze; a younger girl with dark brown hair standing at his side; and a little boy sitting by the computer workstation.
The man’s children, perhaps? Although the girl looked a bit like Sam, in all honesty… They were all watching intently, clearly waiting for something.
“Hello!” the bear greeted after flexing a few more limbs. He scanned the room with a wide grin on his face, mainly focusing on the unfamiliar faces. Guest protocol dictated he acknowledged new patrons first and foremost, especially if there was a child present. “It is a pleasure to meet you! My name is Freddy; what are yours?”
Charlie held her breath. The other animatronics waking up was routine—predictable. No one knew how much this Freddy knew. She hoped that the extra data wipe Sam had done to this particular model kept untoward memories at bay, especially over the past few weeks. Gregory would be the first to test this, getting up from the chair besides the computer with a confident strut. He had faith that this Freddy model would be just like the one he first met, friendly and endearing.
“Freddy? Can you hear me?” he asked curiously, wondering if his audio systems were online. Sam took a more silent approach, an amiable grin on his face as he came around to observe the  interaction. The animatronic turned at the voice, his smile bright as he crouched down to be on Gregory’s level.
“Hello, superstar!” he said, that familiar voice once again undercut with robotic feedback. It was a subtle difference, but those who knew the original Freddy would be able to tell which one was talking without too much effort.
As programmed, the animatronic bear performed a cursory scan of the child in front of him. He blinked once—
Accessing guest databank…
Performing facial recognition cross-reference…
—and then his eyes focused again and he held out a claw.
Match. Guest profile: male, 12 years old, name—
“Gregory Fitzburgh—that is a name fit for a rockstar!” the bear said cheerfully, waiting to see if the child would take his proffered shake or if Gregory was less hands-on. If so, he’d adjust his interaction accordingly.
Freddy’s shoulders sagged with relief at the confirmation that both the facial recognition software worked and Gregory was officially in the guest book under their new last name. Now, to see how his son responded to the friendly bear…  
Gregory met his hand with a warm and receptive shake. All systems seemed good to go from the outset. His dad never needed to worry about how the Glamrocks were going to perform without him.
“Heck yeah! Thanks, Freddy!” Gregory exclaimed, excited that his favorite animatronic could continue bringing joy to the other kids at the Pizzaplex. Naturally, he was trusting of Fazbear—but that didn’t mean he wasn’t watching the newer version of Freddy scrupulously.
Charlie could finally let herself breathe, or rather simulate the action. Freddy was never infected with the virus—but that didn’t mean there wasn’t still a smidgen of William’s viral footprint anywhere. Everything seemed alright to her, and she allowed herself to smile. Sam, satisfied so far, came around to the newest iteration of Freddy.
“It’s good to have you back online,” he welcomed warmly. “I’ve got a few surprises for you, buddy!”
Sam would act as if Freddy was powered off for routine maintenance and upkeep. Nothing strange had happened in the past few weeks since his last update.
“Oh? I am excited to hear!” Freddy 2.0 responded, getting back to his feet. When his gaze swept around the room, Fred thought it only prudent to greet the other new faces. Performing a quick scan of the girl and the redhead by her side, he was surprised to note they were in fact new employees!
...They were also not human, but it seemed like none of them thought to point out that fact so Fred decided that was a question to ask Sam when they were alone. Or, perhaps some of the other animatronics could give him some insight later.
“How nice to make your acquaintances!” the bear said kindly, reaching out both paws for Freddy and Charlie to take. “Charlie Emily...” He paused, sparing a questioning glance at the CEO. “I did not realize you had a daughter, Samuel.”
And there was that ever-learning AI at work, giving him a hint of distinct personality. With a hum of acceptance the bear turned back to acknowledge the other man. “And... Freddy Fitzburgh.”
That tilt of the head was back, coupled with a definite question in those illuminated eyes. The android watched carefully, shaking his hand with a slow greeting. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Freddy. I am a big fan of the name, by the way.”
The bear's expression shifted at his voice. It was... weirdly similar to his, but again, he wasn't going to question it—not right now, at least. He already had much to catch up on without worrying why this man seemed so disarmingly familiar.
“As I am of yours—and the pleasure is mine,” the bear responded, and it almost seemed like the pair had started a contest of wary formality. Turning back to Sam, he acknowledged his creator with a nod. “Now, what were these surprises you wanted to show me?”
For a brief moment of unease, Gregory swallowed thickly as he watched them interact. Only when his dad complimented his bear counterpart did his shoulders relax, a soft sigh exhaling through his nose. There was nothing to fear here; two of the friendliest guys ever manufactured were standing in the same room. There would be no hard feelings between people so warmhearted and good of nature.
Catching their bear friend up to speed on things might take more than a night, given his special circumstances. Sam would take it slow, knowing the more he lied the harder it was going to be to tell Freddy the truth... If it ever needed to come to that.
“Oh—how rude of me. Yes, this is Charlie! She should be uploaded into your employee file. Right along with her sister, Mari.” Sam placed a hand on her shoulder as Charlie extended her arm with a wide grin. Sam cleared his throat, moving on from the subject of family and why everyone was here to watch Freddy wake up. “The surprises! Yes—” He moved for his desk and dug through his coat pocket for the security tablet he kept. “—you're going to love this. It's something you were asking a lot about...”
Soon, a security feed was presented to Freddy 2.0, showing the front of Bonnie Bowl where an official-looking guard was chatting with his good friend, Bonnie Bunny.
“Mari... ah, yes, I see now,” the bear responded, staring into space for a moment as he accessed the employee database. There were a surprising number of new recruits, and it led him to wonder what in the world happened while he was out... However, this train of thought was soon derailed as Sam pulled up the camera feed. Freddy 2.0 gasped, eyes growing wide as he looked upon the familiar rabbit and one of the new employees he'd just read about.
“Is that... Bonnie?!” he asked in awe, glancing up to Sam in disbelief.
According to the last data point in his memory banks, Bonnie had been out of commission for a few months. It'd been a sudden replacement, his removal and transfer of bass-playing status to Monty, but to Fred it was just a sad but inevitable fact of being an animatronic performer.
“May I see him?” he asked eagerly. “I know there are still some tests we must run before I can be released onto the floor, but... is there time in Bonnie's schedule for a quick hello?”
Sam couldn't say no to that face. He supposed that was his fault for creating, in his own opinion, the sweetest iteration of Freddy Fazbear. “Of course you can! Feel free to free roam today; I freed up your schedule for you to better acclimate.”
Sam figured it would be a nice treat for the kids, too—if Freddy wasn't tied down to a party, anyone that might've missed him could get a free moment with their favorite cartoon bear. It wouldn't hurt Freddy either to get as much socializing in as possible.
“I bet you won't even guess the next surprise...” Sam laughed quietly to himself, switching the camera feeds over to Pirate's Cove. A few clicks and he was there, turning the tablet back around to show who else had joined their Glamrock crew.
Foxy stood tall with his peg leg perched on the very point of the bow, watching over a few of the older kids as they ran about the play area. A few parents took pictures, flashes from their cameras temporarily causing Foxy to appear woozy. Sam scrunched his eyebrows together at the sight.
“Ugh. Poor Foxy...,” Sam muttered under his breath, knowing he'd have to find those people later and ask them to stop flash-bombing his robots.
“Oh dear...” the Freddy's murmured in unison, then quickly shot a glance at each other.
“Come on, then—no time to waste!” the original soul laughed brightly, hooking his arm through the bear's. “We will accompany you to help control the crowds. You have been sorely missed!”
If there was anyone who knew how to handle the inevitable mob that was about to surround Freddy, it was the old bear himself. Looking to Gregory, he asked: “Superstar, are you going to stay with us for a bit, or would you like to find your friends?”
The animatronic glanced side-eyed at the redhead clinging to him. That was his term of endearment for children... although he supposed anyone could use the phrase. It's not like it was a branded trademark of Fazbear Entertainment.
The look that Freddy 2.0 gave his dad did not go unnoticed by the teen, and Gregory had to suppress a laugh. Gregory didn't want to wade through a crowd of kids that would probably tear his head off to get to see Freddy Fazbear, live and in the mechanical flesh. With a mock salute, he told his dad: “I'm gonna go find Evan and see what he's up to. Later Freddy! It was nice meeting you!”
When he turned to leave, Charlie stopped him with a grasp to his shoulder.
“Before you go—take some cash. Get a water before and try to lay off the sodas; they're bad for your teeth, kid,” she reminded, cramming a few bills into Gregory’s hand.
“And I can also get cake with this…?” he asked with raised eyebrows, trying to persuade one of his caretakers into letting him indulge in one snack.
“You can totally have cake later. But eat some actual food first,” Charlie said before opening the door for the rest of their little group. She was confident that Gregory could navigate the Pizzaplex by himself now. With friends at every turn, he would be a-okay. As Gregory passed through the door, she found herself checking his wrist and making certain he still had Mari's bracelet secured.
“Bye, Gregory!” the bear called after the excitable kid. He'd barely talked to him for ten minutes, but he liked him already. Turning to Sam, he gave him an appreciative little bow. “And thank you for the repair, Sam—I will be sure to check in later tonight.”
With Freddy and Charlie also bidding Sammy adieu, they took a collective deep breath and led the bear out into the Pizzaplex. As expected, it was chaos on sight. Most patrons were simply happy to see an animatronic up close and personal as Freddy weaved through the crowds with the two rather strong employees by his side like robotic guard dogs. The guests would shout and wave to try and get the bear's attention, but kept their distance overall.
Then, there were the ones who'd come specifically to see the lead singer. These kids—and some of their parents—swarmed the trio instantly, and it took a combined effort to push through the crowd little by little with short greetings and photos. Freddy had to lecture a few parents for flash photography, happy in the back of his mind that he was no longer affected by such an issue but knowing it threw his old body for a loop when the lights spiked in front of his eyes.
Eventually, they were riding the escalators up to Bonnie Bowl. It seemed like its namesake and Michael had retreated into the attraction, which was fine—less people around for the meeting of old friends. Soon the bear was stepping out of the elevator with Charlie and Freddy on his heels, searching for the rabbit. Upon spotting him still speaking with the man from earlier, he let out a gasp.
“Bonnie!” The bear waved brightly as he rushed over, not hesitating to pull the bunny into a tight hug. “Oh my goodness, I have missed you, old friend!”
Bonnie managed to turn Michael's lecture into a free bowling lesson somewhere around ten minutes ago. It started as a way for Bonnie to sort of escape the consequences of being caught with random party favors for Gregory, the charismatic bunny now nonchalantly standing beside the lane as he coached Mike on the way he flicked the heavy ball down the alley. 
When Bonnie heard the familiar, garbled voice he jumped a little. He nearly told them that this seemed like déjà vu, but quickly held his tongue and came around to meet Freddy in the middle of the bowling parlor. Arms were held open wide, and Bonnie hugged his best friend-2.0, giddy with excitement over seeing Freddy the way he always remembered him.
“Fredbear! You've finally come out of hiding. I missed you too, ol' sport!” the friendly rabbit drawled, floppy ears resting against the bear's head and directing a wink to the original. “Thanks for bringing Freddy here, you two!”
“Well, well!” A voice that 2.0 didn't recognize spoke, and over Bonnie's shoulder he could see the man in the security guard uniform striding over. Mike tipped his hat, grinning widely up at the bear. “Good to see you up and running, Freddy. I'm Michael—new head of security and night guard. Although, you should already know that.”
“Michael...,” the bear murmured, pulling back from the rabbit's embrace to stare down at the guard quizzically. A quick scan proved his words to be true, and the usual smile lit up his face. “Ah, yes! Michael Afton, Jr. It is wonderful to make your acquaintance—I believe we will be seeing a lot of each other from now on.”
“You bet." Mike laughed, reaching up and giving the bear a firm pat on the arm. Even it wasn't his true friend in there, it was relieving to know the animatronic was still just as sweet.
“We thought we would take Freddy to see the new additions to the line-up,” the redhead explained, catching Michael's attention. He frowned slightly, recalling what he'd seen on the camera. “...Perhaps you should join us—there are some people taking flash photography in Pirate's Cove and Foxy looked a bit unsteady.”
Michael heaved a sigh. “Yeah, I'll come along... Wrangling the crowd is part of my job, after all.”
“Good thing, too; I know I’m supposed to help manage things, but I don’t think people will listen to me very much,” Charlie remarked, walking beside her old friend with a flash of disappointment that quickly turned into a teasing smile. “They're way more scared of Mikey over here!”
Bonnie couldn't exactly leave Bonnie Bowl when there were customers enjoying the games, and he’d already gotten in trouble for wandering today. With one lasting squeeze around his friend's hand, he felt that dull aching inside his chest—knowing full well that the inseparable human part of him wanted to ditch the bowling alley to follow his friends. “Come back soon, pal.”
“It's because you're too nice, Charlie,” Mike remarked as the group walked off, jamming the elevator button to take them back to the main area. “You've gotta put your foot down a little more—show people who's boss, you know?”
After a beat of silence, Freddy 2.0 looked down at the android inquisitively. “Michael, you are a head of security and night guard?”
The silent question clearly being: How in the world do you sleep with two equally taxing jobs?
“Mm-hmm,” Mike responded, stepping out as the doors opened with the animatronic close behind. “I'm kind of an insomniac, so—hey! Hands off the bear, ma'am!”
Michael's explanation was cut off as a rather enthusiastic mom tried to rush the bear and he physically stepped in her path, barring her from practically throwing her kid into Freddy's arms.
“Sorry!” Charlie said to the very impatient mother, the good-cop to Michael's bad-cop while proving his point from earlier. “Freddy's not doing photoshoots right now!”
It was so odd how popular all the Glamrocks were, to the point that her and Michael had to strong-arm people from knocking into the heavy robots and hurting themselves. After they shooed her away, much to the apparent chagrin of that particular mother, it seemed Michael's official guard outfit warded away the crazies in the crowd. Charlie made sure to tell the disappointed parent that both Foxy and Bonnie were available to play, and quickly rushed to move Freddy along towards Pirate's Cove. There, at least they could introduce Freddy to more kids in little increments.
Arriving to the attraction, one thing was obvious—Foxy was walking very strangely. Uneven in his gait as he finished up a story, even seeming somewhat twitchy to other kid's movements. His one eyepatch was flipped up, and the glow in his eyes was uneven. He’d clearly been flashed recently and was just trying to work through it, his optics unable to adjust to the ambient lighting in the room now.
“And that's the end of my tale! I hope you enjoyed it—I can't tell if you did. I also can't tell if anyone stayed or listened! 'Fraid my sight's gone with the tide...,” Foxy told the small gathering of youngsters who laughed at what they thought was just a quirky joke.
“Oh god…,” Michael groaned at the sight of the shambling pirate. He quickly hopped on the little dock that served as a stage, spouting instructions. “Freddy, take care of Foxy—uh, both Freds, please. Attention!”
Cupping his hands over his mouth, Mike yelled to the crowd. “Flash photography is not permitted in the Pizzaplex! It damages the animatronics and then they can’t mingle with the public! Plus—” A rather threatening smile spread across his face. “—anyone caught disobeying the rules is subject to be fined for repair costs!”
“My goodness…,” Freddy 2.0 murmured as he and his counterpart moved to Foxy’s side. “He is rather, ah… ruthless, is he not?”
“He is good at his job, that is for certain,” Freddy responded with a laugh, finally latching onto the pirate’s shoulder and looking up at him. “Hello, Foxy; it is Freddy and… Freddy! Let us lead you into the backroom while you regain your sight and we can introduce you properly…”
Anyone at that point who had their phones out was quick to shove them away inside a purse or pocket. The kids watched as both Freddies came to help Foxy down from the large boat back to the ground floor. Foxy raised his hook in the air in agreement with the security guard.
“Yeah! My eyeballs are sensitive, ya scallawags!” he confirmed, nearly doing a double take at the two sets of arms. He hoped that through combined intimidation, Foxy and Mike cemented the rules yet again for the few misbehaving parents.
Charlie was surprised at the odd amount of inconsiderate mothers and fathers. It was as if this place brought out their inner children in the worst ways. She heard one say as she passed them to help guide Foxy backstage: “We paid—we should be able to take as many pictures as we want…”
Which made the normally calm and reserved Charlie inhale sharply through her nose. Mike had already explained the situation to them, but she did mention to the father in passing: “Interacting with animatronics when they’re stationed in their attractions is free, sir. You just can’t take flash photos of them; as our head of security said, it hurts them.”
Charlie found that she and the others had to hurry Foxy along as quickly as possible before she fought the guy, the attitude rolling off of him as he openly complained about the policy of the store. Though she tried her best to ignore everyone and focused solely on helping Foxy to the backrooms. Once inside, the pirate gently felt around for both Freddies—his heroes for helping him down.
“Freddy? Thank you for being my seeing-eye bear… And Human. Heh heh…” He chuckled gratefully to himself. The blinded fox reached around once they stopped to hug the animatronic, happy to finally meet the bear version of his dearest friend.  
“I am here to help anytime, Foxy,” the bear reassured, quick to hug him back. Though this was their first meeting, he too felt like they’d been friends for years. “It is so nice to make your acquaintance; I am happy Samuel brought you into the lineup!”
“These people…,” Michael grumbled as he slipped into the back rooms shortly after the others. “I swear, if there’s trouble the parents are worse than the kids most of the time.”
His thoughts echoed Charlie’s, and Freddy had to concede as well. Ironically, despite the kids usually being the ones to physically cling to the animatronics, it was often their guardians who got the most aggressive when things didn’t go their way.
“We can take a rest back here until you reset, Foxy,” Freddy reassured, patting the pirate’s hook arm before looking up to his bear counterpart. “Then perhaps we can roam the Pizzaplex and try to find the other animatronics?”
Foxy was feeling a might dizzy after the paparazzi-like flashing he received upon his public debut. Though he wouldn’t lie, the blatant harassment did make him feel like a rockstar. “Thanks for the help—my optics will reset fully in just a few, then I can go back to my adoring fans.”
He certainly sounded like Roxy’s brother—even if he shared the same voice as Security Guard Mike…
“Oh, Fred! If you see Roxanne, will you tell her I stole her comb? She’ll be angry, but just say it was important. I didn’t have a teasing comb and needed one badly.” Despite being unable to see, Foxy plumped his long mane up with his more articulate hand. Soon, he was blinking in time again, lights in his eyes turning off and on again to signal his full reset. “Thanks you all! I feel much better now!”
“I will do my best to spare you from Roxanne’s wrath,” the bear laughed, watching to make sure Foxy reset properly.
Michael was doing the same, observing even more closely. He rocked back on his heels with a satisfied smile with the fox blinked in the familiar pattern. “Perfect! Ready to go back out? Oh, and feel free to tell people off if they try to use flash again. Note their faces and names too, if you would.”
Foxy stood, amazingly balanced with one inarticulate peg leg. He straightened up and made sure to pat Freddy's shoulder on his way past the small group.
“Aye—we'll all catch up after closing,” he assured his ursine friend. Looking to Michael, Foxy relaxed some with the express permission to speak his mind, and a surprising amount of self-awareness considering his short lifespan so far inside the Pizzaplex. “It's indeed fortuitous that I'm equipped with a profanity filter, First Mate Mike...”
Charlie laughed at this, attempting to hide her mouth slightly. “Just getting their customer profiles should be enough, Foxy. If you get really mad, go take a break—play the drums a little.”
Foxy smiled appreciatively, thanking the little team before heading back out into his Cove. With arms opened wide, he'd kick the swinging door open to catch the attention of the kids. Their cheers could be heard from down the hall now.
“I'm down to help Freddy acclimate to the Pizzaplex again! Where do you wanna go first, big guy?” Charlie asked the rockstar bear.
“Hmm…,” Freddy hummed in thought, tilting his head as he shuffled through all the attractions and animatronics he could visit. He wanted to see everyone in time, but one name stuck out from the rest in order of preference. “I think I would like to visit Chica, if that is alright.”
He’d never claim to like anyone more than the others, though it was no secret there was something about the original quartet that just had a special bond those made for the Pizzaplex wouldn’t quite understand.
Charlie quickly checked her phone, looking over the downloaded work schedule for all the characters at the Pizzaplex. “Roxy's doing make up tutorial's in the Salon for another 40 minutes. That'll give us enough time to swing by Mazercise and Monty golf!”
In agreement, the group quickly hurried for the door before the kids noticed he was leaving. Following behind the bear and Michael, Freddy slipped his arm through Charlie’s and grinned down at her.
“I think this is going quite well, do you agree?” he murmured under his breath, leaning close as they stepped into the ambient noise of the Pizzaplex’s atrium. There was a hint of fondness in those ice blue eyes as Freddy gazed up at his double. “He seems to be performing without a hitch, all things considered…”
All things considered, Charlie wasn't surprised at how well Freddy was acclimating. He was an agreeable person too, happy to listen to the management of this place. It shouldn't have been such a huge change for the last updated version of Freddy anyway—to him, the Pizzaplex only made some management updates and additions to their character lineups.
“Agreed,” Charlie whispered back. “Hopefully he doesn't ask too many questions about Vanessa or Sammy's 'kids' showing up out of nowhere... not to mention, y'know—us."
Charlie always felt a little weird when lying. Though this was obviously for Freddy's best interest to keep him in the dark. Eventually, when things were a little calmer there might be a good time to explain things. For now, they would be tight-lipped and give politely neutral answers for hard to answer questions. She loosely held to Freddy's arm, happy to walk beside him through the backrooms and reveling in how much better the Pizzaplex looked with patrons to populate its fun-filled corridors.
Freddy had a feeling his counterpart wouldn't pry too much. Without anything to be concerned with, nor a ghost subconsciously whispering in the back of his mind, the robot was quite amenable to whatever changes management dictated appropriate. Arm in arm with one of his dearest friends and a soft smile on his face, Freddy trailed along after the animatronic bear as he reacquainted himself with the Pizzaplex.
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x-heesy · 9 months
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One: Skits Vicious
If they thought rap was dead tell the headz shit is resurrected
Battle royale, ya wont last a second
The rhyme gets injected like smack in ya bloodstream
Dope D.O.D. is the code for the drugfiends
Grab the frontseat and witness the crispness
Six inch syringes turn innards to liquids
I'm like Keith Flint mixed with Sticky Fingaz
Or a cross between Jason, the Fly and the Riddler
This aint horrorcore, its a Stephen King thriller
I curse yo ass worse than that fat dude in thinner
I'm tippin' a stripper that's grippin' my zipper
She whispers she never had sex with a killer
Life on the streets from the pimps to the drifters
Seven sin sickness, I spit David Finchers
Get my hands dirty and chop of your fingers
For stickin' ya nose in my business... S.V.!!!
Countdown, step into the cockpit
Take flight!
Duckdown, when you in the moshpit
Fist fight!
Sex, drugs, yeah we gonna rock it
Get hyped!
Blast off! yeah we like a rocket
Two: Jay Reaper
Yes ya best believe
Ya shit ain't affecting me
Infectious I confess like STD
Test me please if you wanna rest in peace
I'm semtex put yo chest where ya legs should be
My skin is corrosive
The state of psychosis
With coke that I sniff I'm in the state of being hopeless
Hiphop hypnosis
My flow so so soapless
And so
I'm the ghost of the Norths coast ocean
Harpoon topshotta stigmata on my body
Hear the devil say: Hakuna Matata
I'm a goon with a lotta
Pissed coons and we got a lotta shrooms in our system
Yet I'm cool with my kala
Going up and down like sisyphus
Niggas here they must be kidding us
Cause once I start to bust im Darth Sidious
Hart serious
Dark images
The force of the darkside is limitless
Countdown, step into the cockpit
Take flight!
Duckdown, when you in the moshpit
Fist fight!
Sex, drugs, yeah we gonna rock it
Get hyped!
Blast off! yeah we like a rocket
Three: Dopey Rotten
Ghosttown bombsquad we dropping it
We the shit and you full of it
I'm a old dog new tricks laughing at the punks in the bizz there's nothing left to do but reminisce
Still candy flipping got the booze in the mix
Britain's in my bloodline you out for six
Took ya spot easily ya didn't even notice
Fuck all these politics this rapgame is bogus
We coming at you ferocious the coldest hell freezes over we got it all fixed figured out the system there's more then one glitch
Reaper Vicious Rotten here to change the script
Noisia's in the house making atoms split
You can leave it up to us cause we master this
Dope D.O.D. is here just to end your bliss
There's a lot more victims on the waiting list
Countdown, step into the cockpit
Take flight!
Duckdown, when you in the moshpit
Fist fight!
Sex, drugs, yeah we gonna rock it
Get hyped!
Blast off! yeah we like a rocket
@bigbonzo @boanerges20
Rocket by Dope D.O.D.
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dogboy-flash · 2 years
are you a "the boss hit us with a curse to only speak in song are you fucking kidding me i hope it dont last long maybe this thing can stop it dude flick that is a bong the boss has gone petrified ive seen this all before hes trapped in his own mind cant control curses no more youll have to go inside its just like challenge four god what is this now i have a big plow were getting hit with a curse storm i am the magical banana now i am just an ornana yes im back to my fursona am i that dumb bitch from persona how many times have we killed dogma guys im being pulled into the sun augh i think the storms over for now flick you gotta do something sure when i went into runes mind i used this here shrink ray it worked wonders last time so ill use it here today i just grew up thrice my size much to my dismay radmar surely you have a device to help with this i did but it got sucked up by that pc vortex biz maybe one of his curses will get us out of this i must naenae made you birthday cake its not his birthday thanks rdj i am yassified what a motherfucker gotta do for a high five hey guys my name is mindy xd still sunbound and its getting windy dodging all of these explosions your next curse is to be a fusion and just like that i found a way inside of runesters brain when youre fused together your thoughts are all the same so ive won this challenge and im farther in the game" kinda person or a "storage is back the timewarping crate youre the host with the most but you cant get a date so desperate for love you asked everyone out and then got it with somebody that you once hated youre rune but you never spit no ciphers goes to show youre nothing but a shit no lifer when people smoke weed you narc and call the cops youre tempos more jank than my fucking hitbox youre a dumbass and you suck so much i am good at gaming i love league of legends youre the worst competitor ive ever seen maybe you should go and join the dream smp i can rap even faster than a car ill end you six times call that a twelve bar got eliminated once theres no one deader html5 javascript header hold on before i start my verse i just wanna give a quick shoutout to my main mom momino mominos just a nickname her full name is mammacita g ino shes from philly she lives at 9 chickweed lane postal code g4f 9jo house is painted on blue on the outside you cant miss it love you mom alright time to start my verse were domino and were awesome turn up the mic im on the attack i got the gold medals that these bitches lack so if you wanna step in my bullion vaults youre gonna be hit with a billion volts im obelisk and im here to say i first appeared in challenge 8 i am one of runes siblings i do declare i am tall and made of stone so there extending the battle to new heights fermata how do i do it its simple i gotta marker whos the best rapper weve shown fermata makes the best rap battles owned its me firey sr i forget my line sorry rune i heard you rap faster than cars shitting on the mic i call that chocolate bars its about drive its about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take whats ours dig up diamonds and craft those diamonds and make some armor get it baby go and forge that like you so mlg pro the swords made of diamonds so come at me bro huh training in your room under the torchlight hone that form to get you ready for the big fight" kinda person... be honest
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