#and the idea of standing in the hot sun... I feel cooked just thinking about it
coldswarkids · 2 months
I've stopped going to volleyball on Sundays as often because A) viking and I go to the gym after church instead, which is a lot better of a workout than volleyball, and B) it's just absurdly hot outside at 3 PM ... but I do feel like a bit of an evil traitor... there is a little bit of FOMO...
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antisocialties · 1 year
Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: in which the reader is chris’s best friend and goes to Hawaii with the triplets and madi but chris confesses his feelings when they’re alone on the beach.
Warnings: as always profanity is used, reader is for sure female in this one bc it was written for my close friend! happy birthday cayse!! <3
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You couldn’t get over the beautiful sun and the pretty clear blue water.
It almost felt like you were in a movie.
“You good?” chris asked you from the water.
You and madi were comfortably sat in beach chairs under an umbrella because you were both literally being cooked by the sun.
“Yes, i’m great.” you laughed, sending him a grin.
He laughed in response walking up to the shore and towards your chair.
“Did you wanna get in with me?”
You were honestly baking in the rays of the sun and were completely ready to get into the water, you were just anxious as per usual.
“Yeah, it’s really hot over here.” You laughed, getting up to stand next to him.
“Did you want to come?” You turned around asking madi.
“No i’m gonna keep tanning for now.”
You nodded, walking towards Chris.
“C’mon, I don’t even know how you lasted this long, i’ve been roasting.” Chris chuckled, grabbing your hand and leading you to the water.
You watched in awe as the crystal clear blue waves washed over your legs and upon the shore.
You silently admired nic and matt splashing around in the water a few feet away, and madi soaking up the sun, still in her chair.
“It’s so pretty out here.” You gushed, turning to your side and looking up at chris with your squinted eyes.
“Honestly I haven’t ever seen a beach this pretty, i’m so glad you agreed to come. I would’ve been so bored without you, y/n.” chris spoke.
“Are you joking? it’s been one of my dreams to come here, I can’t even believe madi asked me to come!” You smiled at him.
“I don’t think any of us would want to be here without you, are you kidding? You’re so fun. Madi loves you, and you’re honestly my emotional support friend so I couldn’t have come without you.” Chris spilled, sending you a genuine smile.
“I’m glad, you’re mine too.” You blushed, hoping he wouldn’t notice the color change on your cheeks.
“Have you ever thought about maybe being more than friends?” He blurted quietly, avoiding your eyes at all costs.
“You mean like, us?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Definitely have, I just know in the past you’ve said you weren’t really ready to commit to anyone.” You spoke softly, meeting his eyes that were currently squinting due to the sun.
“Well you aren’t just anyone, so…”
You felt a smirk pull on your cheeks as you looked up at him.
“Yeah?” You snickered.
You noticed his cheeks instantly get 2 shades pinker than they already were.
“I mean, Yeah. I just said that.” He chuckled, looking away at the approaching waves.
You moved closer to him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.
“So was that you trying to ask me out?”
“Uh yeah, that’s kinda all I had as a proposal to that idea.” He laughed, turning to meet your eyes once again.
“Well then yes chris, i’ll be your girlfriend.” You grinned, picking up his and and walking further into the water.
You both comfortably enjoyed the silence, and you could feel his hand sweating before you guys hit water that went above your waist.
“So how much do you wanna bet they’ve been watching the whole time?” He questioned, referring to his brothers and madi that weren’t too far behind you.
You looked back, noticing the lot of them wearing shit eating grins staring directly at chris and yourself.
You waved as a giggle made it’s way out of your mouth.
Chris copied your actions, following it up with flipping them all off.
“So can we go eat now that your little moment is over?” Nic shouted.
“Yeah, i’m hungry!” Madi shouted, standing in water just above her ankles.
You held back a laugh and dragged chris out of the water with you, staring the three of them down with an amused look on your face.
“Didn’t know if he’d actually be able to do it.” Matt snorted, grabbing his towel off of his beach chair.
“Fuck off.” Chris retaliated, smacking him with his own towel.
“Well I guess you got your answer.” You replied.
“I literally did not think this kid would ever spill his fucking guts, I was genuinely starting to get irritated waiting.” Nic ranted.
Madi laughed beside him.
You guys packed up your stuff, lugging it to the car before deciding to go pick up food at a local restaurant and bring it back to the house you were staying in.
You fiddled with chris’s hand the entire car ride home, watching the scenery outside of your window and silently expressing your gratitude for Hawaii being what brought the two of you to finally confess your mutual feelings.
That night after you all returned you laid in bed with a soft smile on your face, thinking about chris as you drifted off to sleep.
happy birthday casey!!! sorry that it’s corny and short, i just really wanted to make sure this was finished and proofread before your day <3
also my requests for both matt and chris are still open! feel free to send in any other requests you have, as long as they’re sfw! don’t forget to comment or pm me if you’d like to be added to the tag list! :)
tag list: @caseysturniolozzz @im-a-matt-girl @sturniolomads @stxrniqlo @mettsturniolo @orangetreekid @iluvmatt @lomlolivia @thetriplets3 @fake-coolbeans
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cloudninetonine · 10 months
A Player's Aid: Chapter 15
Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Linked Universe
A/N: Hey guys! Finally more APA :))) There's been slight editing to this chapter as it got too long so those memes I made are a little incorrect :')))
Warnings: Bad language, Talk of conflict, talking of fighting (both verbal and phsyical), mentions of past pain, Tears spoilers (Purah Pad)
Waking up the next morning had never felt so draining.
The muscles in your eyelids fought desperately to stay closed, eyes stinging from the sun’s light with a tiring red edging your sclera and dark bags hanging in a show of your exhausted expression. God, you were tired. Void of any energy, your body felt a mere husk in the light of the morning sun as you lazily glanced around the entirety of the area, gaze falling once again to the fire pit that had been moulded by the boys the day before.
The scene differed in this instance, the sleeping bodies that once surrounded those burning embers were now animated frames ambling about for their morning routines; packing for the oncoming journey that awaited you and others simply standing for the sake of standing, chatting amongst themselves while their residential cook got to work on breakfast.
God, the idea of walking for another ten hours only brought a sickening sensation to your gut, churning with an audible curdle that caught the attention of some closer to you.
Hyrule’s face broke out in relief as he crouched down just beside you, his hand coming to gently cup your cheek. “I feared you wouldn’t wake until late afternoon, how do you fare?”
Closing your eyes your body naturally sought the comfort the brunette could so easily give you. “I’m tired.”
The back of his palm pressed gently against your forehead. “Are you ill? You do not feel warm.”
“No, just tired, Rulie.” Just wanting to curl up in a ball, cover your head and hoping to stay in the comfort of your blanket and floppy sleep mat.
Nearly dying would do that to a person.
“The Champion is preparing something easy for your stomach.” Time had stepped a little closer, not yet decked out in his usual intimidating chestplate and chainmail skirt as he leaned down in a similar fashion to your impromptu nurse. “He expected possible ailment or fatigue- tell me, do you think you will be able to journey today?”
The look Hyrule sent the eldest was smouldering, bubbling hot anger with a side of daring. “You can clearly see, they are not.”
The blonde sighed. “They can speak for themself, traveller-”
“Oh? Is that right? Is that what they did when you thrust your little plan onto them?” Your eyebrows furrowed at those words, glancing between the two in a quizzical manner as you watched the hero practically spit pure spite. “Or did you even let them speak? Just assumed they would be so eager to please you and would sacrifice their life for the sake of your precious theory?”
Ah, now you got it. Understanding the weight behind his actions, you knew it would have taken Time a while to finally bring forward what he did. He was a noble man, one able to admit his faults and wrongs in the faces of the many, that was the vibe you got from him anyway- and you were right. It came soon, sooner than you had expected but here was the proof right before your very eyes.
A very angry Hyrule.
If you knew he was going to throw such burning words you would have told the eldest hero that it best this secret lay low.
“Traveller!” Twilight snapped, walking forward- Oh? Is that why you felt a little more lonely that morning? Such a shame, Wolfie was so comfy. “Watch your tongue!”
Hyrule’s head snapped back. “Just like you watched your own? You just love to lick your ancestor’s boots, don’t you, ranch-hand?”
The whole group gaped- Time included.
Oop. Gagged.
“So eager to please the man you let sleeping dogs lie?” Twilight flinched at that. “You make me sick. Both of you do.”
Tension rose from 0 to 100 real quick. The expressions on everyone’s face held similar tones of surprise and nerves at the aggressive growl that their usual passive and caring healer held. You didn’t like it, not one bit, you hated the very obvious disgust that Hyrule plastered on his face as he looked between two of the oldest heroes, his brothers. 
Glancing back at Wild, you expected him to react- nothing. The blonde continued to stir the cooking cauldron with a grouchy pinch to his lip.
Him too?
Legend’s words seemed to grow truer and truer with each passing day, at least to your eyes. You in no way wanted to cause a wedge between these men, this group of heroes who shared the same name and adopted an unyielding affection towards each other from the hardships that they all faced. You didn’t want to drive them apart, to drag any away from their beautiful bond just because of mistakes. A mistake. A stupid mistake made by a man who held the weight of the world on his shoulders.
You refused to be the person that Legend so strongly believed you to be.
“Watch your mouth, Link.” Hyrule paused, turning back to look at your hardened expression- you didn’t want to be rude to the man, you had come to care about him so, but if it was your job to put him in his place then so be it. “You have every right to be upset but you shouldn’t say such horrible things to your friends.”
Time seemed surprised; Twilight looked surprised; Hyrule was surprised.
“Everything turned out okay.” God, would they stop staring at you? You hated being acknowledged. “He needed to know something important and he got his answer. Yeah, it was a stupid and shitty thing to do but for the sake of literally billions of people I would let him do it a hundred times if it meant it had you guys one step closer to defeating the Shadow.”
“...Are you listening to yourself?” He asked, not venomous but certainly not kindly. “You could have died, (Name). Died because of his selfish little want-”
“It’s not selfish if he was thinking about the well-being of others-”
“Stop defending him!” You jumped a little at his voice, blinking wide with a look of surprise burned into your features at his own panicked eyes. “Stop. Stop putting yourself below others like you’re some insect in the mud, you are better than that-”
“You don’t fucking know me!”
The yell echoed through the air, sharp as it sliced the tension similar to a butcher knife with fresh meat, the others around the camp turning all eyes on you as you pushed your body up, your finger pointed right in the face of the traveller. Gaze burning, slightly wet with tears as trembling emotions swam through your bloodstream with repressed memories gnawing at the back of your mind.
“You don’t know where I come from, you don’t know who my family are, nor my friends or who the hell I even am!” The scream from yesterday had torn at your throat leaving an uncomfortable hoarse feeling as you yelled, voice cracking from the strain. “Don’t speak like you fucking know me, Link! You bloody well don’t! For all you know, I could have deserved to die on that day!”
Everyone flinched; Sky stepped forward.
“Now isn’t that going a little too far-”
“Shut up, Sky!”
He fell back, sharing a look with Four at your yell.
Turning back to Hyrule’s expression you almost faltered. He looked like a kicked puppy, face fallen, eyes wide with hurt and confusion with his hands up in surrender- he didn’t want this and neither did you, but hey, maybe this would get Legend to back off if Hyrule decided to avoid you after this. “Don’t you ever assume my character. You don’t know it, we met a week ago for fuck's sake! Do yourself a fucking solid and don’t ruin your damn relationships over this damn burden.”
With not much room for an exit, you collapsed back into your bedroll and dragged the blanket over your head, blocking out the view of them all in an effort to hide your wobbling lip and misty eyes. You hated confrontation, you hated making people upset, and seeing Hyrule look so broken over your yelling only made you feel like dog shit. How could you talk to your hero like that? Such a kind, humble man who only wanted what was best for you?
Here you were, acting so childish because he cared.
You turned your back to him, not that it mattered being covered by the comforter, but you needed to hide yourself even further and to you, this was the only way how.
Hide. Hide like the coward you were.
There was movement- the sound of footsteps in grass and the gentle call of one of the boys, the concerning, soft “traveller-” only squeezing at your heart, tears running down your cheeks at the thought of Hyrule wandering away.
There was more movement, more talking but you didn’t budge. You stayed there, curled into a ball with your mind only focused on the feeling of melancholy as those things happened around you. Even when Hyrule returned, even when Wild shook you gently to eat breakfast and when a group of footsteps collectively began to move back towards the castle, a lessening silence hanging over you and another soul hovering around the camp. Curled, still silently crying.
“They didn’t mean that.”
The traveller’s head lifted slowly, glancing over to the Hero of the Wild with eyes still dim as the Champion kept his slacking pace, the others near yards ahead.
“You don’t know that.” The ache in his chest still present, the brunette kept his gaze to the dirt of the castle path. “The emotion in their voice was very heavy.”
The blonde spared him a sympathetic glance. “A lot has happened to them these past few days- I don’t think they meant the malicious tones.”
To see such raw emotion directed towards the fairy boy certainly wasn’t something fun. Hard on his heart, it weighed down all the way to the dark pit of his stomach as your words from that morning replayed in his head like a broken record. 
“You don’t even know me!���
It was a harsh hiss echoing through his head with every step. Every lasting memory in his mind taunting him as he thought about that guiding light back then. 
So bright, so mirthful and so wise- you followed him everywhere in the place of his courageous heart, motivating him at every turn. You helped him through puzzles, you sang his praises through every battle and tended to his wounds in the evening glow by the dancing fire while telling tales of old- you knew of the old hero too, his predecessor and even his predecessor’s predecessor. You had been with him for more than just those two journeys, no, you had been there for him for lifetimes.
And now here you were. Still bright, still mirthful and still wise- but your mind fogged at the mention of your honoured title. To you, you were not his guide, held so highly in the light of his eyes, but the burden cast upon the shoulders of the heroes, on top of the already heavy duty of protecting Hyrule.
“We don’t really know them…do we?” Hyrule’s voice was small, hesitant to speak the words. “We know a version of them that has seemed to be lost to time but-....is that really them, back there? Our Guide?”
Hyrule had doubted in those past few days, of course he had. You may have had their voice but that did not mean you were his guide- maybe he had been mistaken that day? Caught up in the shadows of sweet memories hearing the kindness and care that honeyed your words. Did he really know you?
“...I don’t know.” Wild’s eyes stared ahead, focused on the backs of the many other heroes. “But I do know this- they care for us, just like our guide did.”
The brunette glanced over, a feeling washing over him at the light that sparkled in the reflection of the blonde’s eyes- glowing in the sun, they resembled the beauty of a blue sapphire as he continued.
“It’s all I can see. In their eyes, in their actions and in their words, I don’t remember the last time I had ever seen such an emotion after finally waking from my century of sleep- handled with such softness.” He sighed, blissful, “And I know they don’t remember, I know they may not even be who I long for- but still, they feel the same. They feel like home. Like a bed after a hard day's work and I feel safe, brother.”
…Hyrule knew that feeling. He knew exactly what he was talking about. The traveller felt the same around you, felt that long awaited sense of comfort and stability that came with your mere presence. It was why your words felt like a dagger in his chest, your anger sharper than any blade that scathed his skin.
“Those nights ago, when I said it hurt that (Name) did not remember, I meant those words but- not as much as I expected. I am a new man, one born from our time together and from being with all of you. I want them to experience the new me and I want to experience the new them- make new memories.”
Hyrule wanted that too- he wanted you to know the new him. Know how your influence had changed him for the better.
Wild’s hand came to rest on his shoulder and Hyrule shared a look with him, understanding. “...I pushed them a little, didn’t I?”
“You were upset but yes, I believe so.”
Hyrule released a wet laugh, rubbing at his eyes. “I will apologise once we return.”
“Good plan, brother of mine.”
“Are you going to stay underneath this blanket for the rest of the day?”
The glow of Gilda’s magic was calming, a forest green that hummed with the magic of old as she laid comfortably against your chest. She had joined you a little after the boys had left, fighting her way underneath the heavy fabric of your duvet to see your face still wet with tears after your ‘confrontation’ earlier that day. The fairy did not press you, only stayed a quiet presence- well, until now.
“Yeah maybe,” you croaked, sniffling slightly, “maybe I’ll just stay here and die like I deserve.”
The fairy’s wings fluttered gently, “don’t say stuff like that.”
“I shouted at Hyrule-”
“My brother will not collapse over some words said in anger.” You looked down at her as she shifted, her eyes catching yours through the soft glow of her magic. “Even if you were the person to say it- my brother has gone through worse hardships than being yelled at.”
You felt tears once again grow in your eyes. “But I was still so rude and he was just trying- he-”
Gilda shushed you gently, crawling up to your cheek and wiping at your eyes gently while you whimpered. “Oh Guide, the legends were true about your bleeding heart, it seems.”
You blinked in confusion, voice wobbly with confusion. “Legends-”
“(Name)? Are you okay?” Sky’s voice caught your attention, muffled by the comforter around your head. “....do you want to talk about it?”
No. No you did not, but you didn’t seem to have much of a choice when Gilda quickly flew up and dragged the blanket off your face to reveal to the Skyloftian knight the internal conflict that currently raged in your own head. A dirty trick by the dancing green wisp, your hand swiped to grab her but she had already zipped away to Epona and hid in the strands of her beautiful platinum blonde mane.
“...I’m fine.” A sight to behold, a mess of snot and tears as you laid in your bedroll, “I don’t need to talk.”
Sky paused before readjusting himself, the piece of wood he had been gently carving settled onto his lap along with his carving knife. “....do you need to eat?”
You glanced over.
“Sometimes when I’m upset I just need to fill up my stomach- pumpkin soup usually does the trick.”
“...are you asking me if I’m hangry, Link?”
“....I think?” He shrugged his shoulders, gesturing with his head towards the cauldron of food that Wild had left. “Would you like me to make you a bowl?”
You laid there for another moment, considering your options for just a few passing seconds before finally pushing your body up into a seated position with a small nod. “Yes please.”
It was…awkward. The man stayed quiet through the whole ordeal, just spooning some simple morning porridge into a bowl and handing it over to your awaiting hands. You thanked him quietly, sitting back with your eyes focused on the soft meal so as to not catch his gaze, as you could feel his stare still focused on your hunched figure.
You knew you couldn’t just wallow in this self-pity for the rest of the day, but it felt like the only familiarity to you after being away from home for so long. It was like greeting an old toxic friend after a ghostly parting, you couldn’t quite dismiss them but you did not want to welcome them in any shape or form. However, after already so long, the rest of the Chain now away in that castle of darkness and pain- you knew you couldn’t run from your own actions forever.
You started off slow. “I’m sorry.”
Sky hummed but you still refused to look his way. “For what I said earlier- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”
“That’s alright-”
“No, no it’s not alright.” You raised your head, you couldn’t hide from this. “I didn’t want to be interrupted but it was still wrong of me to tell you to shut up, I’m sorry for how I said it.”
“But not what you said?”
“....I needed to finish what I was saying earlier….I didn’t want to, but it had to come out before it became something worse than it was.”
The knife against the wooden carving gently chiselled further along its surface, a shape being moulded from the small piece of timber the further along Sky worked. It was interesting to see him actually craft, in Skyward Sword it was only ever hinted that the man liked to do such hobbies, and never in your life would you think you would be able to see Link himself actually whittle right in front of you.
“...what are you making?”
“A remlit,” looking closer, you could see the two giant ears to the cat-like creature in full. “An animal from my era- they’re quite sweet usually but in the night they would become temperamental.”
“...” You knew that a little too well, dodging too many attacks from those little shits while trying complete missions on the mainland of Skyloft. 
“My instructor, Mr Horwell, he used to say that the reason they would get temperamental was because they would bottle up every negative emotion in the day and let it out during the night- as everyone slept they would rage, and whoever would come across them would deal with the consequences..” You watched another wooden flake fall onto his lap as he carefully sculpted the face. “But they were kind creatures, purring and pawing the next day with love in their eyes. They never did want to cause harm, but sometimes it’s just inevitable. That did not mean they were cruel creatures- they were still worthy of love.”
“...ah.” You weren’t quite sure what to say. You knew where the knight was coming from, you could decipher the metaphor he so smoothly hid under the words of his old instructor and felt appreciation for his subtle attempt to make you feel better- everyone had bad days, sometimes the wrong people could be hurt from them but that did not mean you were a bad person. You could fix what you had damaged. “....thank you, Link.”
His smile was cute, lips upturning with ocean blue eyes warm with a beautiful kindness. “For what? I was just repeating the words of an old professor, that’s all.”
You huffed a laugh, “yeah, sure.”
Sky brought the remlit carving to his lips and gently blew at the statue, ridding it of any remaining shavings before gently grabbing your hand and placing the figure in your palm. “Please, have it. I have many more back in my own home.”
“Oh you don’t have to-”
“I insist.”
After a moment’s hesitation you carefully brought it up higher to inspect the beautiful detail that Sky had put into the carving.
…you needed to apologise to Hyrule.
“Well, that was uneventful.”
“You could say that again.” Wind moaned, trudging behind Warriors’ form with a disgruntled look on his face. “The Shadow couldn’t even bother to stay? We just trekked over a whole fucking castle for nothing!”
“Language, sailor.” The captain’s quip wasn’t as fast as usual, a tired drip to his tone yet his disappointment did not yield. “What have I told you about your unnecessary curses?”
The young boy’s mouth opened, his eyes swirling with a devious intent only for his lips to slam shut at the look that the eldest of the group sent him. “Be calm, sailor, I don’t think now is the time.”
Wind deflated and that was that from him.
The castle search was deemed tedious- it was empty. Every corner of the palace swept proved  vacant, only the webbing of the hulking arachnids left behind, with the few remains of the usual skulltula drops that they only strayed away from- the men were overflowing in materials and a mere monster claw here and there wasn’t the biggest of discoveries that they cared to deal with.
So, after a few hours of wandering, investigating, and turning up seemingly more empty-handed compared to how they were when they entered- the boys left. It wasn’t that late when they had, mid afternoon with the sun still fairly high in the baby blue sky, puffy clouds dotting the expanse of colour with a calming silence as they continued to trek the dirt path leading up the famous Hyrule Castle.
Hyrule’s fingers unconsciously fiddled with the material of his vambrace, nails scratching against the old, weathered leather with the tips of his fingers pressing against the seams. The nerves were stronger now, thoughts of returning to the camp causing uncomfortable palpitations that almost mimicked sharp talons digging into the beating muscle with a cruel vigour that only seemed to make the panicked beating worse-
“Traveller.” Wild’s hand came to rest on his shoulder, “it’s okay, everything’s going to be okay.”
Hyrule ignored his reassurance. “Do you think they’re still upset?”
“I don’t know how I’ll be able to resolve this- what could I even say?” Had he not already been walking the brunette would have been violently pacing, his footprints making dents in the dirt. “I know I need to apologise for pushing but what could I possibly say-”
“Link.” Tightening his grip, Wild tugged the man back before he could push himself into a dead sprint- he was always a good runner. “You won’t know until you face them- let’s not get in over our own heads, aye?”
However, Wild was never really good at comforting others and by Hylia did he feel awkward in his attempt.
Hyrule bit nervously at his nails, pupils shrinking at the sight of the camp growing bigger and bigger, along with your hunkered figure beside the Skyloftian Knight with an easier expression compared to that morning. Ah, his heart seemed to relax at that, maybe this would be easier?
Your eyes turned to him and suddenly he felt like that little 10-year-old on his way to face the incarnation of Evil in his dungeon of destruction and darkness.
You weren’t Ganon, of course you weren’t but the shadowing feelings of insecurity and doubt made him want to run like you were.
The two of you stood to greet them all, Sky moving to talk to Time as the eldest moved closer but you pretty much rushed past them all, not bothering to glance at the others as your eyes stayed focused on the brunette and blonde duo with a cocktail of emotions swirling in your gaze. He wasn’t sure what he was looking at, unable to decipher the intentions behind them, when you had finally stopped just a few paces before them, awkward but not backing down.
“....Can we talk for a few minutes?” You glanced between them, “Both of you? I think there’s something we need to talk about.”
You left no room for argument as you quickly grabbed their hands and began to drag them away. The many others turned to look at your trio quizzically as you rushed off into the haze of trees surrounding your camp, wandering a distance further enough so the others wouldn’t hear your talk as you finally turned to the boys, standing there awkwardly with a look similar to constipation as you tried to figure yourself out.
Moments of silence passed.
You finally opened your mouth-
“I’m sorry-”
Hyrule blinked, glancing to Wild who shrugged in confusion as you cleared your throat, fidgeting nervously on the spot, your hand dived into your pocket to toy with the small remlit. “No, I’m sorry- you shouldn’t say sorry. Well, not to me maybe Time, and Twilight- but that’s not the topic of the moment. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for snapping at you, I’m also sorry for the fact I probably look like I’m ready to pass a kidney stone- leave the questions till after Wild- I find it hard to apologise about things that present themselves as moral dilemmas. I feel like I was right about what I said but the way I said it wasn’t right- which leads me to saying this.”
Grasping their hands, you brought them together in an action of care, thumbs gently running over the skin of the back of their hands. Hyrule’s was softer compared to Wild’s, the champion’s skin marred with burns from those guardians that long century ago- you brushed it with care.
“I….I don’t remember.” The weight on your shoulders seemed to lessen, but you weren’t quite there yet; you continued. “I don’t remember a thing about being the guide. I don’t remember your journeys, I don’t remember the stories you talk about and I just don’t remember being your guide. I’m not sure if it’s some mental block from being from another world, or my memories were taken after finishing your games- hell, I don’t even know if I am the guide. I know you guys seem so sure but if I was someone this important I’d remember, right? I don’t know, I just- just-”
Your head was cast downwards during this talk, a mixture of shame and fear climbing up the expanse of your spine as your throat seemed to tighten with each word. You rambled, you were a rambler and you couldn’t help it- you needed to explain and you just couldn’t stop: the truth, your own feelings, your own doubts, your own fears and so much more. In your mind you had been tricking these men, deceiving them, living a life of lies that you let them crown you with like it was a veil of honour instead of what it really was- a mistake. They were mistaken. You were probably mistaken and if you were the person they had spoken so highly of all this time then you would finally spill the beans.
Looking at their face, you couldn’t fight back the tears. “I don’t want to trick you guys. I don’t want this to come back and bite me- a little selfish but the truth. I don’t want you guys to mistake some rando to be this highly respected entity. Maybe I am somehow related to this person in some weird soul link but I will no longer let you believe a lie that would only serve to harm both you and me.”
Gasping for breath, you hiccuped. “Please. Please forgive me for not saying anything earlier I-”
Wild’s hand moved gently, taking his scarred appendage from your grip to gently hold your cheek, catching your eyes with his own. “We know.”
A few seconds passed, you blinked as you managed to whisper a cracked, “...what?”
“We know you don’t remember.” Hyrule’s face filled with guilt, eyes shining with regret as he continued. “We’ve known for quite some time- we just didn’t want to place that weight over your shoulders.”
“But it seems we did so anyway.” A single tear that fell was gently brushed away by Wild’s thumb. “Forgive us.”
You hiccuped once again, “but- but why didn’t you say anything-”
“We thought maybe with time you would remember- with your name, your presence and your affiliation with magic, it never really crossed our mind that maybe you aren’t them. So, we decided to wait for the memories to come in.” Wild looked pained, “to force important memories would not be good for your health, (Name), trust me I know what that can do to one’s mind.”
More tears and more sobs, your body shook with the exhaustion of the emotional turmoil that once hung heavy on your shoulders, now free from the strain and feeling lighter than they had for days. Carrying guilt like this was always a burden, breaking you down day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. You were never one to easily carry lies like they were leaves in your pocket- they felt more like a tiger stalking an antelope, following and following until one day they would strike.
Being pulled into the arms of the heroes was solace, collapsing into their warmth, still crying from the whirlwind as they held you protectively in their grip.
“I’m sorry, (Name).” Hyrule’s voice was heavy with emotion as he spoke, “I would have never said those things if I knew you felt that way, I-”
You tightened your grip, “it’s okay, Link-”
“No no it’s not and you don’t need to think it is.” When the brunette pulled back his face seemed soft but his eyes burned with a passion that was almost too bright, “However, I will stand by what I said- whether you are our Guide or not you are just as important as the rest of us. I will not have you be any kind of bait ever again, nor will you come close to death for as long as I live.”
When your eyes met his, you almost melted at the affection. “I would rather give my life than let you ever step on death’s doorstep…okay?”
“....Okay- but-”
Wild groaned, “dear goddesses, you're as stubborn as a mule.”
You pressed a finger to his lips, smiling when his eyes crossed to see it. “Shush pretty boy- this goes for you too. Anyway, I also want you to apologise to Twilight and Time for how you acted- not what you said. I know why you said it, don’t get me wrong, but as I said earlier, you’ve known these men longer than you have me, you’ve got a brotherhood with them and the way you spoke to them earlier was not okay.”
Hyrule huffed, “They needed to hear it.”
“Time did and he had, from both me and Twilight, but the rancher didn’t deserve that- he was just defending his old man,” you joked, gently booping Hyrule’s nose. “So, if you’re dishing apologies make sure to plate those two as well- okay fairy boy?”
Ears flickered happily at the name while his face was downturned, red seeping into his cheeks as the traveller tried to avoid your warm expression. “Okay.”
Glancing to Wild, you raised a brow. “Well?”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Knowing you, you probably poured bugs into their sleeping bags!”
“No- that’s something the sailor would do, but I-”
“Oh, shut up.”
Tugging the two boys close once again the three of you shared lighter laughs, the tension that once hung heavy now gone within a moment as you joked mirthfully in spite of the earlier stress. You were grateful for the break, needing a moment away from the horrors of reality and trauma from earlier days that you knew unfortunately lurked in the depths of your mind, waiting for the worst moment to pounce.
However, right here, right now, you didn’t have to worry.
“Let’s rejoin the others- you both need to apologise.”
Both groaned, but did not fight your insistence as you tugged them back.
An awkward apology at the least- Hyrule was able to manage the words, his usual kinder nature allowing him to offer both the old man and his descendant with only the most subtle hint of hesitance while Wild stewed in his defiance, kicking at the dirt with a harrowing sigh. The blonde only really broke when you sent a glare across the camp, eyes narrowed with a scowl that grew with disappointment every passing second until finally he managed to grunt a “sorry” that you knew wasn’t quite true but you let him off when the two older men seemed to accept it.
Silence rang out.
“Can we have dinner- I’m dying over here!” But thanks to the sailor’s flapping mouth, in the next half hour plates were served with steaming dishes of herbs, spices and the usual dinnertime chatter made sure to pave the way for a much calmer evening.
Sat between Hyrule and Wild, you felt more at peace compared to the last day and a half, spooning the contents of the champion’s amazing cooking into your mouth as you watched everyone converse. Wind joked with Warriors, the young sailor throwing playful jabs at the older captain while next to him Legend and Four were idly chatting. Twilight and Time seemed more interested in their food similar to you as Wild and Hyrule discussed in unwanted detail the scarring that marred Wild’s left side with Sky’s disturbed look not even hidden as he stared at the two with a disgruntled look.
Quiet, you raised the spoon closer to your face, more aware of yourself than you had been for a long while when you finally noticed, your hand gloveless- the yellow of the Sheikah eye.
Since when?
Pulling back the appendage, you studied it in confusion. The veins that ran up your arm had a similar tint, having changed from the luminous blue that had once decorated your skin into the sunshine yellow. How had you not noticed this? When did this happen? But then again, running for your life in the palace was probably more important than studying yourself in a mirror.
Glancing over to your side you caught the glimmer of Hyrule’s sword, shimmering in the light of the evening sun. Without hesitation you grabbed it, being careful with the beautifully crafted blade as you slightly pulled it from its sheath and stared at the reflection of the polished steel-
Your eye also glowed in a similar way, with only a single ring of Sheikah blue surrounding your iris.
“What the fuck…” You breathed, pulling at the skin under your eye to get a better look. “....looks like fucking piss. Piss eye.”
Piss eye.
Thank fuck your friends weren’t here- you couldn’t deal with hearing that for however long this new development stayed.
“Huh?” Sky seemed to zone in on you, looking at you with the same odd expression on his face he had already been wearing. “Are you okay, (Name)?”
Hyrule and Wild’s conversation stopped instantly, glancing over to you along with a few others- you weren’t exactly paying attention to them, still looking in the reflection of the sword.
“My eye is yellow-” Hyrule’s speed was almost comical as he leapt to his feet, grasping your face to study your current predicament.
“Does it hurt?”
“Are you sure?”
“Hyrule, I’m alright.” You laughed, pushing his hands away. “Don’t panic yourself because then I will panic and I think I’ve had enough of that recently.”
Wild’s hand gently ran over the skin of the glow, studying the mark closely as the yellow reflected off the skyline blue of his eyes. “Reminds me of Stasis on the slate.”
“That thing you used to freeze the Shadow?” Wind hopped over to poke at the sigil. “Would be pretty useful if they could use it, huh?”
Four looked sceptical. “And how would that work, sailor?”
“Well, uh-”
“I did use it.”
Another silence hung over the camp when the words had left you, Hyrule stopped, Wild stopped, all eyes were on you as scenes from the other day played in your head. Yes, yes you had used the Stasis, you remembered how the yellow chains jingled and how the Shadow raged ferally in his imprisonment, those manic red eyes glaring down at you like a rabid dog ready to pounce-
You swallowed the anxiety building up in your throat, hands suddenly shaking in your lap as you blinked away fearful tears. “I- I used it on the Shadow- I- I stasised him when he was going to kill me-”
You let out a shaky breath.
Were the trees suddenly closer? Was it getting darker around you guys? But the evening had only just begun, it wasn’t supposed to be dark yet- no, the darkness was moving. Oh God, was Dink here? Was he coming to get you? Were you about to die?
Blood pumped in your ears viciously, drowning out the earlier noise as you frantically glanced around for any sign of the monster that lurked in the shadows, waiting to pull that dark sword of his and finally slice your neck-
“Hey!” You managed only a small yelp when Wind shook your shoulders, the world falling back into view as you caught ocean blue eyes staring back at you. “It's not here, okay?”
“Wha- what-”
“The Shadow isn’t here.” Hyrule moved back into view as Wind finally released you, looking concerned along with the rest of the group- minus Legend, the man just looked unimpressed. “....it must have been pretty scary if mentioning it made you this upset.”
You looked down.
“...I’m not used to running for my life.”
The animals of Hyrule chittered.
“Let’s see it in action then.”
You made a sound of confusion only to tense up at the sight of an apple heading right towards you. Muscle memory kicked in, all those PE sessions of tennis balls, cricket balls, shuttlecocks and more flying towards you at a speed that seemed more mach 2 than anything causing you to ball up with your arms flying to protect your face. A squeak of slight fear left your mouth as you braced for impact.
And waiting.
“Vet! What is your problem!?”
Peeking open an eye, you saw a hand reached out, the fruit that had been previously hurled towards you secured in its grasp as the champion stood taller with a look of rage plastered on his face- you could practically hear the apple cracking under the pressure of Wild’s seething grip.
“What?” Legend shrugged, leaning back. “If it appeared when they felt in danger it was really the only logical option.”
Twilight stood when Wild growled. “Champion, step back.”
“If he wants a fight I’ll give him one-”
Legend grinned snidely, also standing. “I’d like to see you try, cook.”
More people were standing and the tension quickly jumped to dangerous levels, heat growing on your face from the sudden nerves as you also hopped to your feet, rushing to grab Wild’s shoulder and yank him back.
“Let’s not!” You yelped, tightening your grasp when Wild tried to shrug you off. “I don’t need to be defended! Walk away!”
“I suggest you listen, Champion.” Time looked furthest from pleased, his scarred eye opening to reveal the milky white that encompassed the whole of the organ. “Walk away, there will be no fighting in this group.”
Tension threatened to bubble out of the pot, bursting into a horrid brawl that would only serve to pull the boys away further than they already had from one another. Legend was a prick, that was your impression of him at least, but you also knew that he wasn’t always a prick from the friendships he had formed with each one of these men. If they were willing to defend him as they did each other then you didn’t want to cause more unnecessary drama, you may not have liked him in this moment but that did not mean you were about to have people fight him just because he was a dickhead.
Wild scowled. "He started this-"
"And I'm ending it." Time stepped closer. "I will see to it that he doesn't do it again, go cool yourself down."
Wild stood for a few more moments, still glaring at Legend who glared right back before taking a deep breath and turning his back towards his friend- out of sight, out of mind. You smiled at him encouragingly, feeling proud when he managed a smile back-
"I guess the ranch-hand isn't the only obedient mutt."
It felt like slow motion. Time turned with an angered look, lips pulling back to scold the veteran with Wild spinning in a similar raged way, eyes narrowed. Twilight also seemed to be disturbed by the words, all around the boys looked both surprised and unnerved by the veteran’s cold hiss. Even the man himself looked slightly surprised by his own words, a flash of regret reflecting in his eyes-
Just before your fist made contact with his cheek.
Not much was said amongst the crowd, only a shared look of shock as he stumbled a few steps, red quickly blooming on his cheek while you ground your teeth together in a burning fury, hissing.
“Watch your fucking mouth!”
He didn’t even give you a second before he shook it off, everyone frozen as he stopped his stagger and spun back around to deliver a similar blow right to your own cheek, the surprising force behind his fist strong enough to send you back on your arse with a pained flinch.
Silence once again gathered around you all.
Wind blinked, “Damn.”
And suddenly they all kicked into gear.
The shouting was loud as your world spun, the burning sensation on your cheek from Legend’s punch dulling the throb of your knuckles from your own attack as you tried to differentiate up from down. You could see bodies moving rapidly but you couldn’t quite focus on what was happening, even as you were quickly tugged to your feet and heard a voice right by your ear that you couldn’t quite focus on. 
Fuck, that was embarassing.
You had been downed so easily by a man shorter than yourself- but honestly, what had you expected with punching an experienced hero?
“I have had enough of this!” Time’s voice was very distinct, much deeper compared to the others with a growl that could freeze armies upon hearing the rage in his tone. “Acting like brats at a time like this!? You are not children, I will not have you fighting as such and the mere fact that I have already had the need to repeat myself, multiple times, about this is ridiculous!”
You blinked, finally focusing in- Legend had been grabbed and restrained by Warriors, the anger still evident but overshadowed by shame while Twilight held back a near frothing Wild, Hyrule in a similar position with Time, huffing as he stared down the veteran with burning eyes. Taking in your surroundings you noticed you had also been restrained, glancing back to see Sky with his brows furrowed and lip upturned as he watched the scene- your eyes making contact made you shrink in guilt.
‘....That had been an over reaction.’ He hadn’t even said that to you but why would he even say that about his friends in the first place?
“Take a walk- all of you!” Time’s hand had moved to hold the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I cannot handle the sight of any of you!”
Legend roughly fought his way out of Warriors’ grip to stomp away, the captain very close behind him. Wild and Hyrule had similar reactions, stalking off in a different direction with Hyrule quickly grasping your wrist with a gentle touch once Sky had finally released you, pulling you away from the scene and disappearing into the surrounding wooded area as the complaints began to spill from their mouths.
So much for trying not to split the group.
The next morning was quiet.
Way too quiet.
The guilt ate at your stomach from the silence, keeping your head focused on the food currently sitting on your plate to not see the obvious tension on everyone’s face. The sudden brawl (if you could even call that embarrassment a brawl) last night had left everything strained, a horrible stillness over everyone once you had returned with no more words exchanged except for nervous goodnights from those like Sky and Four- you really hadn’t meant to cause something like this but here you were it seemed.
Legend hadn’t glanced at you once which you were honestly more thankful for. Having an enraged glare on you after everything would have only made you feel worse, especially with the belief that you were the one to go overboard the evening prior. You really just weren’t in the mood to have his acknowledgment over your shoulders with everything else.
Getting ready was a little more eventful, quiet chattering amongst the men as they gathered all their belongings to stuff them away for travel. You stood away with Gilda sat on your shoulder, leaning against the side of Epona who playfully nipped at your hood, her huffs shaking the piece of fabric laid over your head- it wasn’t exactly raining but the clouds certainly did not look good in those dark shades of grey.
You wanted to help pack up but the fear of the men’s anger overshadowed your want to help, merely keeping your head down while waiting patiently until finally everyone had their things gathered and once again you were on the road.
The settlers had waved you off from a distance, some wishing good luck while others stayed silent as the view of Hyrule Castle got smaller and smaller the more you walked, following the path Eastward that held Hebra Peak just on the horizon. You had no real idea where exactly you were all headed but you prayed to the heavens that if you were to somehow end up walking towards the beauty that was Rito Village that you would have the chance to speak with the amazing musician, Kass.
Man, that would have been cool.
Your heart dropped a little when instead of following the path your group broke from the stone trail and began to tread the grassy plains of Hyrule Field, the visual of Central Tower an hour or so ahead.
Something looked off though, your eyes narrowing to catch the sight of small movement and splodges of brown that seemed to encase the entire thing, working its way down the tall, slim Sheikah device and disappearing behind the hills that laid before you.
Wind had slowed down to meet your pace.
“Ya know-” He started, seemingly nonchalantly, face folding with a familiar cheeky grin as he looked up at you. “That was a good punch.”
You blinked and from behind you Twilight let out a grunt. “Sailor, knock it off.”
“I’m just saying!” His hands flew out, showing he meant no harm. “Listen, the Vet ain’t got the same strength as the ranch-hand but he’s got the resolve of a hero and we don’t go down easy! You nearly knocked him on his arse!”
Taking a glance to the front of the group you could see Legend glance back with a scowl and quickly moved your gaze when you nearly locked eyes. “I just surprised him.”
“Nu-uh.” Wind’s arms crossed with an even more evil smirk. “If I talked shit all the time I would learn to expect to get fists thrown at me- actually, I already do-”
Warriors came to yank Wind’s head towards him, gloved hand moving to cover the boy’s loud mouth as he let out muffled cries of frustration and tried desperately to rip off the older man’s palm.
“Maybe we need to sew your mouth shut, pirate.” He raised an eyebrow towards the smaller blonde when you noticed his mouth moved- “You licking me will do nothing.”
You tried to hide your smile.
“I will say though- I think it’s high time we gave you a weapon.” Finally releasing the youngest hero the Captain clapped his hand on your shoulder, shaking off his spit covered hand behind him. “And we'll teach you how to fight- that first.”
Your heart dropped- fighting? Like going up against actual monsters? ….Had your heart just stopped?
Wild and Hyrule exchanged a look at your haunted expression. “Maybe we should give it a while-”
“Learning now would be best if (Name) will be joining us indefinitely.” Squeezing your shoulder gently, he finally released his hold. “I know for some who have not held a blade before it would be a daunting thing to achieve but you will be learning from the best, I assure you- and we will not throw you into conflict by your lonesome- uh.”
When his expression curdled into something awkward you couldn’t help the laugh, your hand coming to rest over your stomach as you belted out a belly laugh that only made your companions sweat- the sudden foreboding feeling now replaced with comical mirth at the sight of Warriors’ face.
“You look like you sucked on a fucking lemon! AHAHA-”
So the handsome man could fumble- that was good to know.
Scaffolding. It had been scaffolding around Central Tower- tall and honestly intimidating as it encased the Sheikah construct while fellow Sheikah and Hylian folk seemed to….tear the build apart.
Scurrying, they used unknown tools to yank and pull the contraption apart. While the tower’s platform still remained it would only take a few more working men for it to leave the once intricate monolith to an intimidatingly tall spike within the surface of Hyrule’s great field. How sad…and here you thought that maybe you’d be able to try climbing one to experience just what Wild had to go through each time you hauled his arse up those things.
You wouldn’t have lasted getting a foot off the ground- nevermind a 100 feet-
“‘scuse me!” You side-stepped carefully, watching some more tradies walk past with the massive dripstone that bore the Sheikah mark over their shoulders- casket style. “Thank you!”
You heard the subtle whispers of Sheikah craft, the eye flashing a soft blue before it fell silent once again as the men hauled the abnormal tech towards a reinforced wagon bearing two horses.
“What are these guys doing?”
Wild’s eyebrows pinched, “I’m not quite sure.”
The Chain shared similar quizzical expressions, unsure of what to say. It seemed none of them had heard of the news, nor did they understand what was happening, but that was no surprise really, after all Wind had told you not much had happened in those months they were stuck in Hateno. Sure, Wild would teleport them here and there for updates but they preferred to leave the younger man’s timeline’s business to him- and if he had no such idea as to what was going on then why would the rest?
You saw Time open his mouth-
Boisterous yet far, the whole group glanced around at the mention of their name before finally glancing up at the tip top of the tower, noticing a small head of white hair leaned far off the monument. Their body leaned forward so only the tip of their toes touched the edge (a petrified looking Sheikah holding desperately onto their form) as they tried to get a closer look towards the blonde just by your side. 
Hold on…was that?
Wild placed a hand over the arch of his brows, squinting. “Is that you, Robbie?”
The mad scientist laughed, an old man's cackle that echoed around the surrounding field. “Perfect!! Just the hero I wanted to see!!”
After a few minutes of frantic running with Jerrin, his wife, following after, demanding he slowed down lest he died on this scaffolding from hell until finally he was with your group. Poor old Jerrin looked wiped, panting up a storm while still hunched over from her sprint down the not so safe looking staircase while Robbie greeted you all brightly.
Throwing you his famous pointed pose with a dazzling little smile.
…did you just hear a guitar riff?
“What are you doing here, Robbie?”
The scientist leapt back into a normal position, smile still plastered as a conversation brewed- you quickly tuned it out as you glanced around. Similar to most of the Champion’s land, rubble and ruin surrounded you in the form of crumbling stone. This was once a great structure, you could tell, intricate and great as it stood tall- a church? A baron’s home? A noble’s? The stone beneath your feet bloomed stray strands of grass as nature slowly swallowed this great building and returned the stone to its rightful place, the soil below.
“-you!” You yelped when something was thrust in your face, pressed lightly against your nose from the apparent height difference between you and Robbie as he addressed your figure. “What’s your name!?”
“Just who Purah described- come! I want to see about those marks of yours.” The old man began to waddle towards a tent in the far corner of the yard, feet fast despite his old stature before he turned towards you, still frozen in surprise. “Come on then!”
Ah, great- once again prodded by scientists.
“An interesting find indeed.” Robbie’s eye was massive within the magnifying glass, staring right back into your own Sheikah infested pupil for proof for the mad theories his mind had conjured. What did he search for? You had no clue but you did know that if he snapped some weird contraption at you again you would start biting.
And you bit hard.
Some people knew that from experience.
“And you say that you actually stasised the monster, correct?” You leaned back when he leaned forward.
“That’s right.” Pressing a hand against the tool, you pushed the older man back into his seat in an effort to gain your personal space back, and in a victorious moment he finally caved. Placing down his instrument while he tapped his chin in interest and muttered some words you couldn’t quite catch before he turned away to scribble down something into a notepad behind him. 
A mirror just by your hand showed that the ghostly yellow had fully taken over, sclera finally enveloped with your pupil a more pastel in the sea of lemon gold. You wondered how odd you looked to passersby with the magic that swirled, you wondered if it was hard for the others to sleep with the bright horrid glow that came from your person- god you’d probably have to start covering that up.
“Got any ideas for us, Robbie?” Wild asked from the corner, sat with Hyrule and the three other eldest as they waited patiently for the scientist’s upcoming ramble.
“Well...” Building up an atmosphere was probably something this man seemed to love, jumping off his tall stool as he placed hands on his waist and waited patiently for everyone’s attention. The heroes, of course, grew intrigued by the silence, their curiosity singing as they all leaned in for the old man’s news.
Robbie’s hands moved up with his shrug. “I got nothing.”
Warriors sighed. Twilight sighed. Time sighed heavily, dragging a hand down his face. “Is that it?”
“Your guess is as good as mine! I’m an alchemist- not a doctor!” Robbie grumbled, crossing his arms. “Sheikah magic has always been an odd magic, but this is unheard of! Taking refuge in someone’s eye- you’re better off to ask the goddesses how such a thing could occur!”
Another dead end- the roots of knowledge only decayed further and further in the soil of the unknown. The measly plant that you had dubbed your mind withered the longer you thought about how exactly you were supposed to get answers for this. Would Hylia be your best bet? Would she even answer? Gag, the thought of getting on your knees to pray only made your stomach churn from both the anxiety and the scenario- if she were to answer, how could your mind cope with the knowledge that such a higher being actually existed? And if she didn’t? Well then you’d just be a tart kneeling before a statue in another universe.
You’d rather shit in your hands and clap.
“I guess there is one thing we could try! Or maybe two.”
The Purah Pad was a tool that Robbie had created using the scrap of existing Sheikah tech and the ruins of Guardians strewn across the land. Similar to the Sheikah slate in a certain way, it didn’t carry as much power as Wild’s important tool but still allowed things like teleporting and communication between others- like him and Purah, of course. Nifty little device it was, quieter than the Sheikah slate as the magic whispered and twitched, voices of hundreds rather than thousands harmonised as Robbie slapped his hand against his desk to reach for it and lay it gently in your hands.
“So!” The old man watched you, “You feel anything?”
Your eyes stayed focused on it for a few moments, then you slowly shook your head. “Not really…it’s just…talking.”
“Hmmm….” Robbie held his chin, tapping a finger against his cheek before he clicked his finger. “Ah! Come now.”
You followed the scientist outside: first, like a shadow, Hyrule close to your side along with your second, Wild, following behind. The eldest trio didn’t look too sure as to what was about to happen, abandoning the tools within his workshop to the open world outside his tent as the small man led you over to the Sheikah stone that you had passed earlier.
“If the pad is too quiet, I’m sure the slate is the same- so why don’t we try something bigger.” Patting the vacant object, he grinned. “Go ahead and touch it.”
The remainder of the Chain, who had scattered to explore the small area or simply rest watched with an interest as you stared at the grey eye, void of magic. “It’s not even on.”
“And you currently have its magic flowing through your veins- something could happen, but only if you try.”
That was a good point- but what would happen if you did that? Schrodinger’s cat, both dead or alive until someone opened the box. Was the Sheikah stone the cat and you, the unfortunate soul to open the box? The one to see the ending result, no matter how pretty or ugly such a thing turned out to be- this wasn’t something you wanted. You remembered the screaming of the teleportation magic when Wild had teleported you to the tip of the Dueling Peaks, loud and irritating. Though it did not compare to the pain of that day back in Purah’s lab.
Your mind had blocked out those memories for your own good.
“You don’t have to do it.” Hyrule said quietly upon seeing your hesitation. “Don’t push yourself for our sakes- I’m sure we’ll know soon enough.”
Wild seconded that motion along with Twilight. Warriors gave you a friendly smile and Time nodded his head in a similar understanding. The man had learned it was not his place to push.
But…there were answers that you needed. Why did this mark now paint your skin? Why did its magic flow through your veins? So many questions with so little answers, the longer your eyes glared back into the mark of the Sheikah etched into the stone, you wondered if maybe you could finally understand.
When a hand came to hold your free one you paused, looking down to see Wind’s face. “I got ya in case anything weird happens.”
It took a moment before you were able to smile. “Thanks, little man.”
You ruffled his hair and he playfully smacked at your hands.
People around waited with bated breaths, the other tradesmen also stopped their relentless work to watch in interest as your hand hovered lightly over the rock’s smooth surface. 
Was this a remedy to the unknown or another deep dive into a world of pain? Back at Purah’s lab was certainly agonising, a brutal hit to your seemingly weak body as such a devastating power possessed you- would you really be reduced into a spasming mess on the floor once more? Your brain pounded in sync with the nervous churn of your stomach at the mere thought, hand shaking from strain. 
You would never really know until you tried, right? Many theorists risked their own lives for answers that lay just beyond your reach, but then again some even sacrificed others for their own self preservation. Were you the theorist or the sacrifice in this moment? Hell, were you even a thought to the people you stood amongst?
You pressed your hand against the stone.
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punkshort · 5 months
Remember the 10 likes and dislikes you did for sheriff!joel?, would you consider doing it for Pornstar!joel? <33
Ok YES I love this and it was such a great mental exercise for myself because as I was thinking about my answers I came up with a few ideas for future chapters so thank you very much for the inspo!
Let's dive in, shall we?
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1. The rain: he loves it when it rains. He's not sure why. Maybe it's the smell, maybe it's the sound, but he just loves it.
2. His family/mom: as we discovered in chapter two, Joel cares very much for Mama Miller. Both he and Tommy are mama's boys, through and through, and even if he brushes off her advice at the time, he definitely takes it to heart.
3. Weddings: he may not be a marriage guy himself, but he loves going to weddings. He loves a good party and just simply loves love. It makes him happy to see other people happy.
4. Pool: he's gotten pretty good at it over the years, especially since Tommy became a bartender. He's been hanging out and all sorts of bars, waiting for his brother to get off work, and he's gotten a taste for pool. He's even won a few bucks off some drunks when they try to test his skill.
5. Sundresses: at the end of the day, Joel is still a man. And if he sees a pretty girl in a sundress, he's going to look twice. He can't help himself. Something about the ease of access and the air of innocence really gets him going.
6. Board games: Joel is competitive. Blame it on Tommy, but he loves a good board game and he really really loves to win. Doesn't matter what it is, Monopoly or Candy Land, he will give it his all and he will get super pissed off if he loses.
7. Sleeping in: Alright, he usually works late hours sometimes and he likes to sleep in. There's nothing like waking up naturally, letting the sun seep through his curtains and slowly rouse him from his slumber, and even better if he has a warm body next to him in bed.
8. Driving: He loves driving. He's not really into cars, per se, but he likes the act of driving. The open road, windows down, radio up... perfection.
9. Breakfast: He might like to sleep in but he will eat breakfast any hour of the day. Pancakes and bacon are his weakness.
10. Classic rock: Anything from the 70s will make him happy. He knows just about every hit and every band. Doesn't really care too much about current music, his radio is always tuned to classic rock.
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1. Leather sofas: Ok, the leather sticks to his skin and he doesn't like it. It gets hot in Texas and he hates the feeling of his skin unpeeling from a leather couch when he gets up. It's especially terrible when trying to hook up with a girl - the sound, the feel... it just kills the mood.
2. Snobs: People who think they're better than him or his friends/family can go to hell. He really dislikes snobby people, rich people, people who treat others differently, people who think their shit doesn't stink - can't stand it.
3. Drugs: Unfortunately in his line of work, he's seen a lot of his coworkers get sucked into drugs. He doesn't mind weed, but the harder stuff he can't stand. He's been in a handful of situations where it was obvious to him the girl he was working with got way too high before filming and it completely ruined the vibe for him. He doesn't like the idea of girls feeling like they need to get messed up to fuck him, but that's a whole other situation.
4. Cooking: He's terrible at it. He typically orders food in, gets something from work or heats something up from the freezer. If you're helping him, however, that changes things...
5. Sage: He can't stand the scent. It's too overpowering and it reminds him of his aunt's house when he was younger. A house that was most definitely not designed for children and more like a museum, where his mother would constantly scold him and Tommy, making sure they didn't touch anything breakable.
6. Olives: They are slimy and taste awful, and he will not be fielding any more questions on the matter.
7. Fake nails: He doesn't care if girls have their nails done professionally but the really really long, sharp ones freak him out. Especially when a scene partner has them and they are wrapped around his dick. He's always afraid one is going to accidentally stab him somewhere way too sensitive.
8. Blood: Joel gets woozy at the sight of blood. He doesn't know why, it's always been that way and Tommy has teased him about it for years.
9. Ties: Absolutely despises dressing up and wearing ties. It feels like someone's lightly choking him all day when he has to wear one. If he absolutely must, he always tries to make it as loose as possible without looking sloppy.
10. Golf: Because all my Joels hate golf. For no particular reason at all.
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eliecasa · 10 months
Moody Man Simon Riley LOVES the holidays. I will not accept any arguments as this case is CLOSED!
(ノ´ з `)ノ!🎄 I’m feeling festive ¡
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• A constant side-eye during turkey day dinner, knowing you’ll make him and everyone else get up and help with the decorations sometime soon.
• Simon complaining about the stench of cinnamon sticking to him for days on end.
* “C'mon Simon, you smell great!” You tease, patting him on the arm. The man merely waved you off and headed to bed with red eyes. “I think I’m allergic to that stuff.” to which you would scoff and reply with “And I’m allergic to washing the dishes, you don’t see me complaining.”
• Your bulky husband hiding upstairs when your nieces and nephews visit; knowing you’ll force him to put on that itchy fake beard as well as the too-squeaky boots that he tried to get rid of.
• Simon randomly deciding to mess with you by pouring a cup of snow on you whilst you were in a trance, watching ‘The Polar Express’.
* “Thats payback for the cinnamon shampoo.”
• Having to keep replacing the tree’s candy canes because of someone being a peppermint addict.
• Simon dying on the inside when carolers show up.
* Looking at you for an escape that you avoid with false claims of checking on a nonexistent baby.
• Having tiny disputes on where to set the tree.
* “Why would you want it directly in front of the window? Blockin’ the sun out,” he reasons, standing in front of the tree as a guard. Your eyes turn to slits. “Because I worked hard to decorate it and the neighborhood should see it.” He’s unconvinced, eyebrows pinching as he stares back at you, but he doesn’t say anything further. He would rather implode than admit that he would maybe enjoy the sight of the winter's first snowfall.
• Simon has a preference for older Christmas movies and says the new ones are all cringeworthy romcoms or too emotional.
• Inappropriate sweaters together <3
* SWEATing his ass off when your parent insists that he takes his coat off for dinner. Maybe stopping by with a reindeer shagging another on his sweater wasn’t the best idea.
• Flirting with him, asking to sit on his lap for a new ‘wish’ every day.
• Simon having at least three different videos of you slipping on ice and busting your ass.
* “Simon~” you whine, eyes getting watery from anger and pain. Your husband would let out a haughty laugh and begin to trek through the snow. “Don’t cry, I’m comin’,” he would tease you until his boots suddenly gave way and threw him face-first into muddy snow.
• Lovey-Dovey cuddle days, holding hands and playing with his ringed hand.
• Taking credit for Simon’s beautiful handwriting on gifts with a massive grin on your face.
• Kissing him when you notice that his lips are chapped.
* He would smirk, looking at you with confused pleasure. “What was that?” to which you would just shrug and coyly look away, paying mind to the Christmas parade. “Thought you looked a little chapped ‘is all.”
- He would SO call you cheeky for that.
• Your husband getting protective when your male coworkers give you gifts that just seem (in his words) ‘Too Thoughtful’
* “Simon, seriously?” you scold, hand on your hip and he seriously pouts on the sofa, “It’s just a cheap perfume.” But those dark and untelling eyes would glance at you before he turned back to the television, grumbling “Bought you that because he wants you to smell nice for him.” He’s such a man-baby during the holidays.
• Simon being passionate about hot cocoa.
* Do NOT make your cocoa with water around him. This man will look at you as if you were drinking a mug of dirt.
• You stuffing him with treats and seasonal recipes as he watches you cook.
* Smiling with a cupcake in hand, you trot over and gently lift his chin, “Mint red velvet with some caramel, trust me.” But he would pause and slowly bring his eyes to the cupcake in horror. You lost him at ‘Mint’. But hubby would never say no to you.
• Making each other search for their hidden gift on Christmas Eve.
* You’d follow Simon to your bedroom, rubbing your hands together like a mouse. You hid his gift in your toiletry drawer. It was the perfect strategy and he would never-
“Is it in there?” he would stand in your shared bathroom, pointing to the only drawer he's never used, his eyes blankly blinking at you. “You cheater!”
• Husband putting his cold hands in the back pockets of your jeans.
• The two of you deciding to pull an all-nighter for Christmas, drinking wines and dining on finger foods until it was time for gift opening.
• Underneath your tree would be LOADED with gifts for each other, more than your friends’ gifts combined.
• Simon giving you that look as you beam at him, holding the very thing he said he wouldn’t buy for you because it was apparently “Too expensive.”
• Smothering him in kisses and thanking him in different ways.
• Watching your husband as he cooly tries on the new clothing and shoes you bought him. He would shrug his new coat on and look at you with a smirk. “Like it?”
- Heart Eyes.
• So many pictures are being printed after New Year's, and most of them are candids of your friends and family, as well as your dearest, Simon Riley.
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sneaking back into the writing game👀
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luveline · 2 years
i've been in a james mood so if you're still doing baby blurbs what do you think of one with james and a touch starved reader <3
i think it’s the best idea ever, waiter!james x cook!reader <3 fem!reader
"Watch out, coming through! Oh, god, I'm so sorry."
You seize up, the warmth of James' hand lingering on your hip.
"I'm sorry," he says again, "I didn't mean to grab you like that."
James is your friend. He's also a waiter, and it makes sense for him to touch you. It's a busy kitchen and you're likely much more distracted than any line cook has a right to be. It's a necessary evil to be pushed around sometimes.
Still, James can see on your face how it's made you feel, and he's standing there with a plate in hand that he should really take out into the restaurant before he gets in trouble looking worried.
"It's okay," you say weakly, because it is. It's fine.
"Sorry," he says again. He grimaces at you and then spins on his heel. You watch him go, and you don't look up from what you're doing again until the end of the night.
James is smoking a cigarette just outside of the staff door. You should walk to your car and get home — it's late and cold and your legs and arms ache from hours of work — but he really is your friend, and you don't want him to think he's pised you off.
"I didn't know you smoked."
He smiles around his cig, takes it out and quickly blows a stream of smoke away from you. "I don't," he says, dropping the cig and stamping it out.
This is never going to work. Not when he's as charmingly handsome as he is. "Goodnight," you say awkwardly.
"Wait, wait!" he says, following your too quick footsteps. You startle and stop. "I really am sorry. For touching your waist like that, I thought you were gonna knock the plate out of my hand, s'all."
"It's okay, seriously." You smile sheepishly.
"No, 'cos- Because it obviously freaked you out. Sweetheart, I'm not trying to make a pass at you. It wasn't okay."
"You stopped me from getting a bowl of hot soup down my back, James. There's nothing to forgive."
He gives pause for a few seconds. "Alright," he says, slapping his thigh gently. "If you're sure. I'll see you tomorrow."
Your smile is much warmer as you reply, "See you tomorrow."
You're about five feet away when the want to tell him, to tell anybody, gets heavy. It works up your throat and you can't help it, you turn back around and catch him as he's about to go back inside for close.
He turns around. The overhead light is white and stark and makes him look a shade from his usual sun-kissed brown. He takes another step toward you and it eases, dark hair halo'd by light.
You want to tell him so badly. It's hard to say. Harder to explain.
"People don't touch me, much."
He hides his surprise quickly but not quick enough. "No?"
You pull your hands out of your pockets. James takes a few amicable steps toward you until you can see the honeyed brown specks in his eyes. There's a softness to them that comes with patience, an openness that makes your confession a little easier.
"It's been a really long time and you surprised me. It wasn't because you freaked me out, or that I... didn't want you to."
And may a higher power smite you down where you stand, you could not have made it anymore embarrassing for yourself if you'd tried.
You can always count on James to be direct. "A long time?"
"I don't remember." The last time someone touched me nicely.
"Do you want me to do it again?" He takes a hold of his bicep in one hand, the firm lines of his arms shifting. "I could actually use a hug, if you wanted one too. It's been a really long day."
"I don't know if I know-"
"Of course you do. Like riding a bike, you don't forget."
He opens his arms.
If he were just a coworker you'd say no, but you and James get along really well. You've worked together for a few months and he's genuinely lovely, he spoils you with compliments and you feed him all the best bits of the kitchen leftovers. You genuinely believe it's friendship. Makes it easy to step into his open arms.
He doesn't tug you in like you're expecting. He waits for you to feel his hips, and his touch feels almost burning warm as he gets his arms over your shoulders. "See," he says, crossing his arms behind your shoulders, "s'easy."
You fold him in. Then, after a second, you readjust your arm. You can feel the planes of his back and the lean muscle underneath. It might be pathetic to admit, but you're overestimulated immediately. You shudder at his hand spreading wide over your shoulder blade, again when he digs his fingertips in lightly, clasping you through your jacket. Your skin tingles.
"You smell nice for someone who just spent eight hours frying garlic knots," he says nonchalantly.
You laugh into his ear. "You smell nice for someone who just smoked."
"Don't think that happened."
His hand moves tentatively to the back of your head. He cups your head and encourages your face into the smooth curve of his neck. Each movement feels as though it's being made through a layer of molasses.
You try not to gasp in breath against his throat.
"Relax," he murmurs, quietly enough that you might've made it up.
It's a good hug. He squeezes you again and you count the seconds. One, two, three, four...
You pull away. James let's you go without a fight. You can barely look at him. You miss the hand he brings to rake back his misbehaved hair, the way his eyes flit from your downturned eyes to your trembling hands.
"I don't know about you, but I feel better already," he says.
"Potter! What are you doing?" someone says suddenly. "I'm not closing by myself."
You spring away from him like you've been caught doing something wrong. He does the opposite, his arm crossing the gap, a hand held toward you reassuringly.
"Sorry, Frankie-pie. I'm coming."
Frank rolls his eyes and goes back inside. James simply smiles. He starts for the door, pausing at the stoop to smile at you from over his shoulder.
"Best hug I've had in ages. Let me know if you want another one tomorrow?"
He leaves before you can answer. You stare at the door as it scratches closed, an image of his dark eyes burned in place.
James hadn't been exaggerating. You feel better already.
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igglemouse · 6 months
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A scattering of seeds, a sprinkle of water, and one passing night brings forth new life. Little green bushes sprout from the dirt, promising a revolution and proving the Flower Bunny correct. Spring is in full bloom and flowers aren’t the only thing promising to blossom.
How could I not speak of the kiss between Pascal and I, after all? A tender moment between us yesterday that had my mind lingering with thoughts of him. Was that single moment under a warm spring day the sign of something more enduring?
Or could it be that my relationship with him will wither under the hot summer sun when it comes?
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But today is a new day and with it comes new possibilities. With it being Friday I figured I would open the stand a little later, catch people coming home from work and ready to wind down after a busy work week. People that might not be up for cooking themselves who would be willing to part with a few simoleons to have a meal from someone else.
This decision gives me a gift of time for the morning, time well spent with laundry so that I too could prepare for what I hope is a busy and fulfilling weekend.
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The weekend starts with a workout!
Pascal’s introduced me to this gym and I mean to become a regular here if for no other reason than he endorses it. He’s a professional athlete after all so if this place is good enough for him then it must be good enough for me.
It does not take long to find the appeal. There’s a calm vibe to the gym, a quiet that is only filled with the clanking of weights, machines, and sharp exhales of effort.
The treadmill’s themselves are meditative, the belt thrumming smoothly under each step I take on my journey to nowhere and everywhere all at once. Before long I begin to lose myself to the session, each step a building block towards someone better, each minute proof of my will.
Yeah. I could definitely get into this.
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I wipe the back of my hand against my forehead, moistening it with my sweat, satisfied but not yet content. What’s that old phrase? No pain, no gain! I’m sweating but my legs still feel fresh and tell me that there’s still more to go. I reach down on the treadmill to increase the pace-
“You new here?” a woman asks, her voice smacking aside my focus like a clank of weights. “Just wanted to let you know that this one,” she looks down to the treadmill. “Can be a little quirky.”
“Yeeep. It likes to challenge people randomly every now and then or maybe it likes the taste of face,” I look at her confused. Perhaps something was lost in translation here because I have no idea what she means. “It’s broken,” she clarifies. “Just a warning!”
“O-oh! Gracias!”
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Since I could not afford an injury at this time I stopped off the treadmill right away and followed her outside. Not the wisest of ideas. The sun seemingly mocked the idea that it was spring at all and instead hinted at what a summer day would feel like here in Oasis.
We stopped on a rightfully empty basketball court because who would want to play anything outside in his heat?
“Sorry, Simlish es no my first language,” I tell her as a precaution because I have a feeling she’s wanting a conversation. “I’m Frida.”
“Frida…cute accent! Marjorie but you can call me Marge,” she says with a welcoming smile. “How long have you been here?”
“Not a week,” I reply with a breathy chuckle.
“And already here at the gym? I like your style,” she says with a nod of her head and a wipe of her brow as well. The heat was definitely going to have us seeking shelter.
“You’ll find me here most days,” she continues, tossing her head back towards the gym. “Don’t forget about that treadmill either, better safe than sorry, right? See you later Frida.”
Perhaps I’ve met a new friend.
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I get home and sink into a tub of water that has been bombed with a freshly sweet lavender scent. I think I’ve used too much because there are so many bubbles that they foam over the edge of the tub but what does that matter? It’s Friday and I plan on squeezing as much enjoyment from it as possible.
It’s not like I even get weekends off. I run a business by myself. Sola. That means my schedule is filled with work which also means I need to savor every moment of peace I can find.
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But just because my schedule is filled with work doesn’t mean it’s actual ‘work’ if you catch my meaning. Cooking, as I’ve said before, brings me joy. Maybe I am easily pleased but buying a new pizza oven and making my own pizza, standard cheese pizza, the classic, completely makes my day!
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I think pizza will be a very important part of my stand, it’s affordable and munchable and I can charge per slice! Perfect! Let’s just hope it’s actually good!
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I step outside ready to begin my daily sale but am met immediately by a stranger. My neighbor, he claims tobe at least. “Just wanted to say hello and officially welcome you!” His voice is filled with the zeal of an overly enthusiastic neighbor. “I’ve been keeping my eye on you-”
“Oh?” caution leaks from my one word reply. The last thing I want is some neighbor keeping watch over me after all.
“O-oh! No, not like that!” he catches my caution and realizes how his introduction must seem to me. “I’m just down the road and across the street. It’s just a phrase I guess.” He then introduces himself as Oscar Fuentes.
“Hola Oscar! Cómo es-”
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“No no no no, sorry, I don’t speak Selvadoradian,” he cuts me off quickly bringing a smirk to my lips. I kind of guessed he might because of his name but it’s actually better that he doesn’t because…
“Sorry, no speak Simlish!” I tell him and basically shoo him along. I have a feeling this is the nosy neighbor type and if that is true then the less interaction with him the better.
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“Oh! No, it is I that is sorry! I just wanted to say your food stand adds a real punch to the neighborhood! I wanted to thank you personally and…” his words drift as I give him my best confused look to really drive the point home. “Ah, I see, well, hopefully another time. See you around?”
“Yes, yes, bye.”
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Oscar takes the hint and leaves me to setting up my stand. I must admit that doing it much later in the afternoon just initially has a better feel to it and that is because of the weather.
One thing about hot climates is that there is always a perfect time of day, the sweet spot, and right now I was settled in the middle of it. Maybe that’s why my voice had a bit more pop and energy to it and maybe that’s why I pull in 166 simoleons.
It’s not a huge sum to be sure but it is a pattern, a hint of some consistency, proof that maybe I am catching on and maybe there is a future here for me after all…
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A guard blocks the exit to the room with a posture that said he would be ready to defend order with all that he had. Which, in this case, was a simple can of pepper spray. Here at ADX Desierto it was all a guard could have because the risk of a prisoner wrestling away a baton, knife, or gun, was far too much. While a prisoner couldn’t plot an escape with either he could send a man just doing his job to an early grave and anyone who called his place home had little to lose. Some even welcomed the execution that might come from such an option.
Thankfully, this particular guard was here more as a formality. The prisoner who shared the room with him had been one of those tamed with time and religion, a man who only wanted to find redemption through the watcher and through his daughter.
A daughter he called once a week to absolutely no reply. The guard had hoped this week would be different, that she would pick up her phone and offer the man a pinch of hope, but as Anthony slammed the phone down against the receiver he knew that she was still avoiding him. Perhaps even had him blocked…
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The guard was ready to escort Anthony back to his cell because usually the man, the killer, he reminded himself, would only try to call his daughter and that was it but today he held up his hand for a moment and started to dial another number.
For a moment the guard thought to warn him that all calls were recorded. Some prisoners, men whose ego were larger than the desert they were housed in, would try to conduct business behind bars and that would only add to their punishment or their time (as if a man with over 100 years left on his sentence cared much about added time). The guard thought to warn Anthony but then reminded himself again that this was a killer. Despite the calm and now tame demeanor all it took was one look into his eyes to know that this was a man who could shoot him dead in the head and think nothing of it.
So he remained in his spot, guarding the door, and instead eaves dropped on his conversation which was mostly pushed through quick and hushed phrases…
“Just make sure she’s okay….she never picks up…just check on her….got it?”
Was all he could make out. Eventually, his 15 minutes were up.
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And eventually the guard is back into the heart of the facility, the corridor with steel bars on either side of him, so full and packed that a prisoners can talk to each other (and often do) and even reach across the hall to pass things around.
The guard’s steps are silent, the quiet approach taken more for necessity than fear as this time of night had given way to rest which meant even the more unpredictable prisoners had opted for sleep. Even still, just walking these halls had made him nervous. Sometimes, the best that can happen is prisoners throwing things at you, sometimes even feces, and even still that is better than the story of an officer being pulled to the cage and getting choked out and nearly dying.
Thankfully for him Anthony’s cell was not far and even better, no one messed with Anthony and so it felt more like Anthony was escorting himself to his cell and not the other way around.
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The guard’s farewell is soft and filled with a hint of sympathy that would flee with the click and lock of his cell. Leaving Anthony alone in a place he had learned to call home and even appreciate.
He was told when he made his pledge to the cartel that there were only two ways out, in a casket or behind bars, he thought the former was always the only real option. He’d go out in a blaze of glory before submitting to order and begging mercy from the law…and yet, he’s glad to still be alive.
His past is one of death, a thread of lives all worthy of being ended and yet lives all the same. The faces of his victims blurs at best, the names never placed into his memory and the emotions attached to them completely non-existent. He was given a target and a bag of simoleons when the job was done. No questions asked.
It brought him simoleons, that’s all that mattered then, and it allowed him to live a life he could have only dreamed of. A life he would have happily snuffed out himself if it meant being here locked in a maximum security prison for the rest of his life with no chance of escape.
But this was a debt he learned he had to pay and his confinement had left him with his thoughts, his own thoughts, not those tainted by powder or drugs, but thoughts of a father who had once seen the promise of a life he had turned down.
He would survive, he would serve the rest of his hundred year sentence because it is what she asked of him. It is what he owed her. He never planned to father her, he barely knew her mother after all. His concept of family were the men who paid him and never anything more than that. He fought for them, he killed for them, but the cold concrete and steel of this building had taught him that family isn’t who you fight for, its who you live for.
He knew there was no redemption here, that the Watcher would be insane to ever forgive the list of sins he’s committed, his soul had been judged and condemned.
But there was still time for Frida…
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geekyimagines · 2 years
The Walking Dead
Maggie Greene/Rhee x GN!Reader
Romance, fluff, slight!angst
Set mid season 11 at Hilltop. Reader is crushing on Maggie and thinks it's unrequited. It is indeed requited. Maggie is also kind of stressed because, well, *gestures vaguely at her life*.
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Barely anyone went with Maggie to Hilltop after the Commonwealth made their offer. Those that did struggled with the lack of food and the near constant onslaught of walkers. It was a hard life and many were reconsidering their choice to go to Hilltop.
You never did.
You had known Maggie since the farm. She had always considered you her best friend, the one person she could always rely on. Meanwhile, Maggie was your secret crush.
Of course, you never admitted your feelings to her. Whether it was because of her absolute love for Glenn or the fact that you couldn't imagine her being interested in you, the idea of actually confessing how you felt made you nauseous. If confessing didn't ruin your friendship, it would at least make things unbearably awkward. Maggie meant too much to you to lose her like that.
You loved her.
So of course you followed her when she became a leader, and you never once regretted choosing her over the Commonwealth.
Even now, as your empty stomach gnawed at itself and hot bile rose to your throat in the heat of the midday sun, you couldn't bring yourself to regret your decision. You were busy hammering up sheets of old metal to patch up the holes in Hilltop's wall. The Whisperers had ruined the place, but by god you were going to rebuild what they had torn down even if it killed you. This was where Maggie and Hershel called home. This was where Glenn was buried. Hilltop was important.
A light chuckle came from behind. You smiled at the sound, knowing who it was without having to look.
"You tryin' to go for the world record for sweat in a shirt?" Maggie teased. "You're close to beating Daryl at this point."
You turned and gave Maggie a smirk. She was standing in her stained red shirt and jeans, her blonde hair loose, and her hand shading her eyes from the sun. There was a toothy grin on her face. It was one of the rare times she seemed to be in a genuinely good mood.
"Just doing my job, boss," you replied playfully.
"I think it's time you took a break. Don't want you fainting out here 'cause you overworked yourself."
You were going to argue when you felt a bead of sweat roll down the length of your spine and another slide over your left temple. It was a hot day and you had been working all morning on the wall. It was better than having to go out and deal with the dead, at least.
"I suppose a little rest wouldn't be too bad," you agreed, setting down your hammer on a nearby bench.
"Good, cause I wanna talk to you about somethin'."
Maggie nodded her head towards the mansion. "Inside," she said. "You need some time outta the sun. Any longer and you're either gonna cook or burst into flames."
"Probably burst into flames," you mused, squinting up at the clear blue sky. "It feels like a 'burst into flames' kind of day."
Maggie huffed a laugh and together you headed into the mansion. Only Lydia was inside when you both entered. She was sitting in one of the armchairs sharpening her knife. She flashed you and Maggie a kindly smile as you both headed upstairs.
When you reached the top, Maggie led you into one of the bedrooms and closed the door behind you. You sat on the corner of the bed, relief shooting through your sore limbs, and wiped the sweat off your brow with the back of your arm. Maggie watched you with amusement dancing in her eyes. You gave her a puzzled look.
"What's so funny?"
"You must have been real tired to look that happy to sit down."
"Well, going for the 'most sweat in a shirt' record is hard work."
A solemn look darkened Maggie's face. She came and sat beside you on the bed.
"It ain't fair you workin' this hard."
"We all have our part," you reassured her. "I don't mind. It's just what we have to do until things get better."
"Hershel's out guarding wall with Elijah," said Maggie, clearly lost in her own thoughts. "You're working to the point of dropping. Everyone's starving. I know we just gotta keep going, but I hate seeing everyone suffer like this." Her sad green eyes turned to you. "I hate seeing you suffer."
"I'm fine, Maggie," you assured. "You don't need to worry about me."
"But I do worry about you. All the time." Maggie shook her head, her eyes drifting up to the ceiling. "God, every time you go out beyond the wall I just keep thinking of ways I'm gonna lose you too."
"Hey, I'm fine." You gently grab her hand, which she quickly clasped between both of hers and held like it was the only thing keeping you from disappearing altogether. "I'm not going anywhere."
"You know why I can't lose you, don't you?" she asked, looking you directly in the eye. A small smile tugged onto her lips. "Why I can't have you burstin' into flames out there? Apart from Hershel, you're the most important person in my life."
Your heart fluttered. Even though you knew you would always only be her friend, it was good to hear that you mattered so deeply to someone you loved.
"Well I know you're the most important person in my life," you replied happily. "I'll always be there when you need me."
"Good," said Maggie. A mischievous glint came to her eye. "About time you came clean though."
Your mind went blank, confused. You blinked at her dumbly.
"Come clean?" you asked.
She raised her right hand and brushed her fingers across your cheek until her palm was flat against the side of your face. Her hand was warm, even against your overheated skin. The wide grin she wore was somewhere between adoring and downright wicked.
"You know I know about your crush on me, don't you?"
You choked on air.
"I-I'm sorry?!" you spluttered, alarmed.
"Relax!" she laughed, dropping her hand from the side of your face, only to grab onto your hand again. "I've known for a long time now. You're not as good at hiding it as you think."
"Oh god..." Your stomach felt like a hole had been punched through it. This was everything you had feared. "Maggie, I'm so sorry -"
"What are you sorry for?! It's a good thing!"
"I-It is...?"
"Of course! It'd be really awkward if I was the only one with feelings here."
"Y-You...? Huh...?"
"How about I make myself a little clearer for you then?"
Maggie gripped the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. Her lips were soft and moved gently against your own. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears. Your mind had already been flung out of the window at her confession. All that was left was bubbling joy and the wonderful feeling of Maggie.
Maggie was kissing you. It wasn't just a fantasy anymore. This was actually happening. Maggie was actually kissing you.
When she eventually pulled away she was smiling broadly. However, one look at your dazed, lovedrunk expression and she burst out laughing. You laughed with her.
When Maggie sobered from her amusement, she rested her hand on your arm and gave it a light squeeze.
"I figured it was time I told you," she said. "I want to move on with my life. I want to be happy. I want to be with you. You think you're up for that?"
You placed your hand over the top of hers on your arm.
"Always have been."
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oceanbaby888 · 2 years
Astro Observations by Claude #3 🦋✨💛⚖️
Don’t steal my observations. If I can think of my own opinions so can you. Owned by TarotLadyTalks LLC.
-Since it’s Libra season, I want to share that with Libra being Saturn’s exaltation, yes it makes sense that Libras are conscious about compromise and balance because Saturn is as well. Saturnian folks may have at an early age been at a position to where they had to sacrifice and compromise. And there had to be a balance of everyone’s will vs. theirs. And we see that with Libras as well. ⚖️♎️
-With that being said, Libras are not people pleasers like y’all put them to be because I’ve noticed with my Libra peers the times they do put themselves first people act as if they committed a crime. And being naturally ruled by Venus, they don’t wanna argue as to why they put themselves first. And you don’t have to Libra. Take care of yourself and fuck the rest of em ☺️😘
-Take it from someone who has grew up with multiple Capricorns around her. Capricorns either have the best or worst sense of time. I know one of my Capricorn mentors was very strict and punctual. Yet, my Capricorn father is always late and does stuff last minute. Not to throw my papa under the bus because I have another Capricorn friend who is always late as well. I’m gonna study more about this. 🤔👍🏾
-Speaking of time management, I think Mars-Saturn may have a hard time with time management. Or at least judging when is the right time to do things, esp if it is a harder aspect (Conjunct, quincunx, opposition, or square). These two planets are like hot and cold (pun intended lol). One wants to do it now, the other later. One wants to jump in, the other wants to contemplate. 🙃
-If you’re someone who is deeply spiritual but have been feeling disconnected, look to your 9H and/or the ruling planet and it’s house placement on how to get back aligned. This is just a theory, but let’s take an example. Lately, I’ve been feeling disconnected because of life. Yet, when I started feeling connected again is usually when I stay with my family, cook, clean, and clean my altar while at home. My home and lineage is deeply connected to my spirituality. My 9H is in the sign of Leo, and the Sun is in Pisces in my 4H! My spirituality (Pisces) is deeply tied to my family and private life (4th house). Very interesting when I thought about it. 🤯🧘🏾‍♀️
-I already mentioned this earlier, but I honestly think Mercury-Saturn aspects have to have some sense of structure everyday of else things may not go well for the day. It’s the sense of stability and knowing what to accomplish for the day is what keeps us calm. 🤣😫
-Pisces placements repeat after me: it’s okay, I don’t have to feel bad for not saving people who couldn’t be saved. It’s not my fault. It’s okay to let it go. 🥲🥹
-I do think after some reflection that the 1H may be more about how you observe the world around you while the 10H is how others think you observe the world. This may even go for your progressed chart as well🤔
-Wanna know what you’re supposed to be learning yet don’t feel like it ties into your NN? Check your progressed NN and the house it’s in + the aspects.
-Sagittarius placements may get the rep for being teachers and preachers as they get their ideas to the masses, but I feel like Aquarius are the teachers whose impact stands. Especially with people ostracizing Aqua placements, just for those same shunned ideas to be utilized years later. Aquarius placements are the true social teachers. Their ideas really do change the world. Princess Diana is the first example that comes to mind too. ♒️
-Mars and Pluto placements will get they lick back. Right, wrong, or indifferent these placements can’t really go to sleep knowing they let things slide. Whether they do it loud (Aries) or quite (Scorpio), they’re gonna get that lick back. Revenge is their healing ointment. 🤣🤣🤣 (I’m jk, or am I ? 🤔)
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Scary stories
"It was sometime in June when it happened."
Lyle said, holding out the kebab that he and Spider had made together over an open flame, slowly roasting it.
"It was uncomfortably hot, even at 2 PM, so I kicked off my covers and took off my shirt and pants. It was still too hot." 
They were sitting around a campfire. Them being Spider and the recoms. It'd been a long day of looking for Jake; which thankfully had been unsuccessful. As Alpha Centauri A slowly lowered past the heavens, they opted to make camp. And thankfully, they hated RDA food just as much as he did, so they hunted and cooked their own food.
"I couldn't sleep, I was sweating like a pig in that room. So I decided to get up and get a glass of water. No big deal, right?" 
They all listened to his tale intently. Spider did too, from his position between the bald Na'vi and Quaritch. He'd never really heard stories about earth, so this was something new. He'd also never really been invited to stay and listen to the Na'vi stories when the elders would sit with the youth and regale the most thrilling stories of history with them, complete with puppets and dances and the works. He hears them secondhand from his friends, and that's good enough.
"So I get up, and I start heading to the kitchen. The hallways are pitch black, but I know my own house well enough to navigate it even in the dark. It's still so hot, and I'm genuinely considering just sleeping naked that night."
He chuckles, and they all have a laugh at that. Of course Lyle would sleep nude. Quaritches ears flicked at the idea, a little too excited by it. Lyle smirks and winks at him, and Spider gagged beneath his mask. Lyle flicked his head, to which Spider responded maturely to; by slapping at him. This barely affects the laughing recom.
"As I'm walking, I keep hearing this noise, like glass being moved around. I try not to think about it, I figure I'm just tired and imagining things. So I get to the kitchen, but someone is already there. They're standing in front of the open fridge, and I can feel the cold air pouring out of it. I thought it was just my dad or my mom, but the figure is too small. Keep in mind, I was like 10 or 12 when this happened."
He tried to imagine a young Lyle in his head, but everytime he tried, he just got a half naked, small bald man. Lyle being a child was just not something that made sense. He figured he sprouted from the ground, fully grown. Would explain why he tried to fit his entire body in his ikrans' mouth though, the man didn't have any formative years.
"So I end up just kinda standing there for a hot second, then I'm like 'hey, who are you?' And they don't respond. Instead they close the fridge and step to the side. I can't see their face, they're standing with their back turned to me, but I can see that they're holding something."
"So at that point I'm kinda freaked out, so I try to go back, call my parents or something, but I can't. It's like my feet are glued to the ground, and I can't move no matter how hard I try. Then the figure starts walking closer, and I get a better look at em; small, brown hair, brown eyes, light skin. It stopped right in front of me, and then I was looking at my own face, but wrong. The mouth was too wide and the eyes were too sharp, like someone tried to draw me from memory."
He leans towards Lyle subconsciously as the man speaks.
"The thing put its hand up and I finally saw what it was holding. It's got this big ass knife in its hands, and its holding it right up to my throat," he says as he brings up his hand and runs his thumb across his throat in threatening manner, "and it drags it right across. As it's doing this, it's looking me right in the eye with this big smile."
Lyle leans towards the group, and Spider just now notices that he's gripping onto Quaritch. The man has his arm around his shoulder.
"It starts speaking with this horrible voice, like its vocal cords had been ripped out and dried in the sun. It said, 'Lyle. Lyle, I'm going to kill you one day. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day. It doesn't matter where you go or what you do, you cannot escape me. You'll live the rest of your life in fear of me. When you hear the trees rustle or the wind howl or footsteps behind you or tapping on the glass, that's me. I will follow you to the ends of the earth.' And I just remember this blinding fear. Like lightning through my veins, willing me to do something."
"But before I can do anything, it disappears before my very eyes. Since then, I've seen it everywhere, even on Pandora. It left me alone when I died the first time, but I think it knows I'm back. I hear it in the trees around us, getting a little bit closer every day. But it's probably nothing."
He finished, like that wasn't the scariest story he's ever heard. A creature that wears your own face trying to kill you? And it's on Pandora now? Good Eywa, why hadn't Jake or the scientists noticed this! Since Lyle came back as a recom, was the creature now a recom too? How could Spider defend himself from it then?
Lyle laughed when he saw Spider's face. "Don't worry," he said, ruffling his hair, "You're safe." 
Spider obviously didn't believe him, so he wasn't surprised when he couldn't sleep that night. Every sound had him flinching, wishing he had some kind of weapon so he could defend himself. 
In the end he woke up Quaritch. "I'm scared." Was the only explanation he could force himself to give to the half-asleep man. "Because of Lyles' story? Really?" He muttered, and Spider immediately regretted his decision, feeling stupid and embarrassed. He wasn't a child, and Quaritch wasn't his dad, he shouldn't have–
He squeaked in surprise when Quaritch held out his hand to him, an offer being extended. With hesitance, he curled up beside Quaritch. The warm arm around him made him feel safe. Distantly, as he drifted off to sleep, he thought about the last time someone held him when he was scared. He couldn't remember.
Finally getting rid of unfinished drafts (will do my best to give em some kind of ending tho) so get ready to eat some tasty whatever was in my fridgeeeee. Btw i love all my drafts and will be trying to trick myself into thinking that I'll finish em properly so its a slow process.
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magician-kitty · 8 months
Beach Episode
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It was a hot day today at Megapolis, and when I mean hot. I mean very, very hot. Like it's so hot that you could probably cook some eggs on the sidewalk.
"Sizzle, Sizzle, Megapolis City. It's hot out there! But don't fret it or sweat it. To beat the heat, you just gotta hydrate and refrigerate. Get yourself a nice frosty ice cream cone. Stay out of the Sun, or you'll end up well-done. Find some shade, or better yet, go on and get wet, wet, wet! Talking about a fishing hole or a swimming pool, fool! Stroll down to your friendly neighborhood river, lake, or stream, and leave the cool tubes to me."
"Ugh it's so hot..." MK groaned as she was fanning herself, sweating a lot.
"You said it, MK. Today is very hot." Mei replied as she was sweating too, her jacket wrapped around her waist and slouching over her chair.
"Hey, why not go to the Weather Station?" Mei suggested, MK shook her head. "Can't, it's still being repaired after Red Son took over it."
MK groaned in frustration, the one day she couldn't be more mad at the fire demon.
"Pigsy, Tang? You guys, okay??" MK asked, she glanced down and sees them sprawled down on the floor. "Stupid hot weather." Pigsy groaned, wiping sweat from his face.
"I think...this is the end for me." Tang groaned as well, his glasses halfway off his face. "I always knew we'd go out together, my sweet."
"Aw that's swell Tang."
Mei was about complain until she came up with the perfect solution. "Ooh, I know! We should all go to the beach!!" Mei said as MK, Pigsy, Tang liked the idea.
It's been such a long time since they all went to the beach--probably because everyone just goes to the Weather Station instead.
"Ooh! That's sounds like a great idea, I can buy me that swimsuit I saw the other day!" She grinned excitedly, scrolling through her phone for swimsuits.
"It better not be inappropriate, young lady!"
"Yeah, I think I could get used to this," Tang sighed in relief at the cool shade that was the umbrella he laid under, swirling an icy drink in his hand, he glanced over to the grumbling pig at his side. "C'mon, cheer up hon, Enjoy yourself."
"How can I, I told the kid not to pick that damn swimsuit." Pigsy murmured irritatedly, eyes darting around the crowded coast. A hand grasped his, comforting thumbs that traced over his knuckles.
"As much as you don't like it she Is growing up, and you're going to have to accept that."
The chef demon just grumbled, "Hey c'mon, take a break and relax. Please, My big strong noodle maker?~" Tang cooed, scratching Pigsy under his chin, making him squeal in delight.
A soft smile growing on his face, before turning to the sea with uncertainty. "Okay, Okay, hon. Whatever you--Aaugh!!" His face was caked with sand as a volleyball hits him in the face.
"My bad, Pigsy!" Mei called out.
"Me as well!" Sandy called out.
Pigsy growled and was about to yell at the river demon and dragon girl, until they all heard screaming, they looked to see everyone running away. "What the heck is going on?" He questioned.
"Oh no..." Tang sighed, having a clue to what's happening.
"Peasants!!" A familiar voice shouted, The group sighed in irritation.
The bull prince, Red Son stands before the group with millions of his Bull Clones behind him. He wears a white visor, a pair of sunglasses with an indigo rim, a black tank top, a pair of indigo swim trunks with a white stripe running down each side, and brown flip flops.
"What do you want, Red Boy?" Mei demanded, tapping her foot on the sand. "We don't really feel like fighting you today."
He scoffed, taking off his shades. "Please, As if I wish to fight you peasants today, I'm here to enjoy myself, As like the rest of you."
"That's reassuring." The pig demon grumbled, sitting back into the shade. Red Son looked around, as if someone was missing. "What? Noodle girl isn't here to save you all today?" He cackled.
"For your information MK's here, she's on the other side of the beach enjoying herself." The dragon girl pointed to the other side of the beach, towards the water.
She let out a loud cheer as she jumped into the water, riding the waves wearing a black two-piece swimsuit with flower prints.
The brunette screams as she looses her footing off the board and into the ocean. MK's head shot up from the water as she laughed, feeling her body relaxed from the intense heat. "Whoo! Now this is more like it." She then started swimming as she got out and dryed herself with a towel.
She lie down on her beach towel and starts reading a Monkey King comic book. She started reading but five minutes later, she was just starting to doze off when two shadows appearing over her startled her awake.
"Huh? What the?" She murmured, sitting up to stretch, She looked up and saw two demons that were gawking and grinning at her.
"Oh no, not this..."
"Excuse me pretty lady, but me and my friend couldn't help but admire you from afar~" one of them said seductively, waggling his eyebrows.
He had dark green eyes, a pig-like nose, buck-tooth grin, and short, messy red hair.
"Yeah, smokin' hot in that bikini!" The other agreed. He had slicked back black hair, black and white horns, lavender skin and a little stubble on his pointy jaw. His brown eyes glinted with mischief.
MK rolled her eyes at their crude remarks. "Wow, that's very sweet of you to say," she said sarcastically before going back to her comic book. "But please go away, Thank you."
"Aw, no need to be so cold darlin' I'm Stone, this is my friend, Wayne." He introduced himself and his friend.
"Say, wait a minute," Wayne suddenly said, eyes widening in recognition. "You're that Monkie Kid chick!"
"Really?" Stone leaned in towards MK, getting far too close in personal to her face, peering at her with narrowed eyes. "Hey! You're right, She is!"
"Yeah, what of it?" She crossed her arms, clearly not in the mood to be bothered by these guys.
"Aw, no need to be so cold darlin' We're really huge fans of yours you know." Wayne nudged his friend in the arm, grinning.
"Hmph! Yeah, I'm sure you are."
"Oh, no, it's true, we are! Ain't that right, Stone?" He nodded quickly.
"Definitely! So whatcha doin' here all by yourself?" Stone asked.
"That's None of your business, jerk." MK replied hotly. "Look, leave me alone, okay?" MK shoved past them, heading back towards the water where she hoped she could cool down, not only from the heat of the sun, but from having to put up with these perverts.
"Aw Cmon darlin' don't leave," Stone growled as he and Wayne chased her down and gripped her both arms tightly. "Not without an autograph at least~" He cooed, wiggling his eyebrows.
"No fair, you cheated!"
"I did no such thing. I won your little game fair and square!"
"You didn't have to hit the volleyball that hard, you little punk!" Pigsy scowled the fire demon while tending to his unconscious husband, who has a shiner on his head.
As they continued bickering, a loud, panicked scream pierced through the white sandy beaches, Sandy's ears perked, his large amber eyes went out towards the area, scanning it. He gasped. "Oh no, no look!" He points to a spot further out into the deeper section of the water.
Red Son followed his gaze, squinting to find what the gentle giant was referring too. Once he saw it, his eyes widened then narrowed in anger.
He growled.
"Hey, what are you?"
Before Mei could question him, Red Son was shoving past the group, zooming towards the water, shoving past anyone in his path.
"Alright, I'm warning you pricks to buzz off, Or else I'll show you what happens to those who mess with The Monkie Kid!" MK hissed, towering over the boys hoping they'd buy her bluff and leave her alone.
Unfortunately, these two were smarter than she anticipated. "Oooh, sounds like fun! Can wanna see~!"
MK shrieked as she suddenly felt her bikini top loosen, the strings falling across her shoulders. "GET OFF ME!" MK screamed, She cried out when she found herself tackled from behind.
Oh, that's it she swore she would handle this and not pull out her staff but that's it!!
Unfortunately, someone has already beaten her to the punch, literally. An incoming fist landed on Stone's face, sending the jerk flying inches away from MK.
Both MK and Wayne froze when they heard the deep growling and the smell of smoke. MK glanced over Wayne's shoulder and saw the familiar red headed demon, His normal green eyes were glowing with a red burning rage, his hair blazing fire, smoke snorting from his nose and his mouth was drawn back in a menacing snarl, revealing his very sharp and deadly-looking teeth.
"I believe she told you both to 'Go away'," Red Son rumbled. "Or are the both of you hard of hearing."
"Woah, c-calm down pal. W-we were just playing around with her! Just having a little fun is all!" Wayne insisted, but immediately fell silent with the icy stare that was sent his way.
Red Son quickly glanced over to MK, who had her back turned to them, attempting to retie her top--surely to have come undone by those guys, The mere sight of her trembling state made his heart ache inside.
And he did like it. One. Bit!!
Red Son grabbed the two creeps by the back of their necks, holding him up in the air. The two yelped and struggled, but the fire user's grip was too strong.
"You hideous second rate demons have the audacity to harass an innocent young woman just because she said no!? It's filthy peasants like you who make it hard for women today to enjoy the beach comfortably."
"Wow, who knew Red Son was such a feminist."
"You can't help but try to get your grubby little hands on them and then assault them when they don't want to have anything to do with you. Well, let me just warn you..." He shoved them to the hot sand, hovering over them, a wicked grin plastered on his face.
"If I ever catch you fuckers pestering her or anywhere near her again, I will personally show you what happens to those messes with me, Understand"
Y-y-yes s-s-s-sir!" The demons stammered, giving him a shaky salute. "W-w-we promise! J-j-just spare us!"
Red's mouth turned up into an impish smirk. "Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of touching the likes of you, however..." he let his sentence hang there.
Wayne and Stone nervously turned around and his Bull Clones surrounded them, General Ironclad pounding on his robotic fists.
Extremely satisfied, The Bull prince left them to the beatdown they were receiving. He goes over to MK's side, who had finished fixing herself up. "Honestly, Noodle Girl, surely you could have put up a better fight than--" He was cut off when MK launched herself towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug, making him freeze up.
"Thank you..." She whimpered, burying her face into his chest.
"I-I-I..." Red Son stood there flustered, his entire face pink, his heart pounding, he could swear he saw little hearts floating over him. "Y-You're...Your Welcome?" He finally managed to say.
"MK, are you alright?" Mei asked frantically as the prince wrapped his towel around her shaking frame, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm okay," MK fixed her best friend with a tired smile. "Just a little worn out is all."
"Thanks for helping me, Red," the Monkie kid eventually spoke, smiling. The fire demon looked away uncomfortably, still trying to keep his composure. "I mean, I-I, Uhh..." He stammered, trying not to blush.
"Wow, never took you for the gentlemen type, Red Boi.." Mei said, crossing her arms.
"It's Red Son! And How dare you," Red Son screeched, looking rather offended. "I may be a villain but I was taught to respect a woman!"
MK gaped in awe as she could feel her heart race, 'A woman? Wow that doesn't sound half bad' Her face as red as a tomato at him referring to her as a woman rather than girl.
MK took a glance at the viewers watching, or reading.
"I think he's starting to grow on us, don't you think?"
"Uh, MK who are you talking to?" Sandy asked her.
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mmmoicca · 2 years
Angel can[‘t] cook?
Angel/David Shaw
Mostly fluffy, slightly angsty feels ahead.
It has been a hot minute since I last wrote anything at length in English, and I fear it will take some time before I’ve managed to scrape off all the rust that’s built up over the years.
Regardless, I found myself word-vomiting this onto a google doc last evening after this idea has been living in my head for the last couple weeks.
Also posted over on ao3
Throughout the years, Angel has found themself on the receiving end of many a description from both coworkers and friends, some arguably more accurate than others: dedicated, dependable, forthright, passionate, energetic, silly, snot. The fact that “liar” wasn’t included on that list was not by coincidence. 
And yet, as they were standing in their and David’s shared kitchen, tomato sauce sizzling happily in the pot behind them on the stove, one of the two homemade pizzas heating in the oven while the other laid half-assembled on the countertop, buffalo mozzarella drying in a sieve by the sink, themself covered in flour and their man, their mate, the love of their life standing in front of them with his work bag in hand and a look of mixed worry and confusion furrowing his brows, they found themself wishing they were a better liar. 
Because truth was that Angel, try as they might on rare occasions, was a terrible, terrible liar. Sweaty hands, flush cheeks, flickering eyes; the whole shebang and then some came tumbling over them whenever they had to lie about something, no matter how trivial. So just like how the sun is known to rise in the east, or how the tide ebbs and flows with the moon, Angel is known not to lie. 
The irony of the situation was not lost on them as they stood in the kitchen, face flushed and wringing their flour-covered hands while their mate was staring them down. They felt like a deer that after nine months of carefully and thoroughly painting the floor had finally been caught - with crumbs strewn around them and the empty cookie jar on the floor beside them - sitting in the metaphorical corner.
“You’re back early,” they hurried to say when David started opening his mouth, no doubt to ask when they’d hit their head and if they were in need of medical care. Unfortunately their poor attempt at distraction did nothing to ease the concern-slowly-morphing-into-suspicious look on his face. 
“The clients came to an agreement quicker than anticipated,” he put his bag down, eyes firmly glued on Angel as if the entire kitchen would spontaneously combust if he looked away for nare a second, “so yes, our trip was shortened by a day”. 
“Ah,” they mumbled. Eloquently.
“Angel,” David closed the distance between them, joining them by the kitchen island, “what do you think you’re doing?”
“...cooking?” as if that alone would in any way explain how Angel, known noodle lover and Kitchen Wrecker only second to Asher, was making a whole ass meal by themself. From the ground. The various bowls with the different toppings not yet cleaned off the counter.
The timer on the stove beeped, alerting them to the first pizza already being done.
They hadn't meant for this… slight alteration of the truth… to go on for this long.
There was no secret that if you looked up the definition of “hardworking” in the dictionary, the first word you would stumble across would simply read: “Angel”. The problem with definitions though, is that they leave precious little wiggle room for deviation. So when life gets hectic and Angel finds themselves in the midst of a hurricane of papers and reports and meetings and timetables, they tend to forget (to their own immense chagrin) that they're also a human being with human needs.
The point of this is to say that when David came along and entered their life, Angel was barely operating as a functional human being. Work had at that point been a living nightmare for the past three weeks, and the majority of their day-to-day was spent in the office. They slept an average of 5 hours at night, got maybe another half hour on the train to and fro, and since they’re fortunate enough to have a relatively good cafeteria at work, cooking at home quickly became the lowest of priorities.
Once things started settling back into the normal amount of stress-per-day, and Angel at long last found the spare time to invite David over for a long overdue movie night, their excitement had sort of, maybe, perhaps made them forget to restock their fridge and pantry in advance. The memory of exasperation on David’s face though when he went to search said fridge and pantry to get the designated movie-night-snacks, and found little else in there other than a couple stacks of ramyeon noodles, some cans of beans, one pack of coconut milk and a half full bottle of ketchup, almost made all future teasing they would receive on the subject worth it. 
Indeed, that little incident had in fact stirred quite a few jabs from him about how Angel couldn’t possibly survive on preprocessed food like that, and that if they wanted to live a short life then there were easier ways to go about it than starving their body of all necessary nutritional needs.
Problem was, the teasing had been fun! Angel found immense joy in riling David up, and had therefore not made it a huge point to correct him in his assumptions about their cooking-abilities. Whenever had they tried to comment on the fact that they weren’t, in fact, completely useless in the kitchen he would disagree and say they were a disservice to Darvin’s theory about natural selection while they laughed and made some half-baked, farfetched innuendo about servicing, he grumbled and rolled his eyes so far back that by now they were sure he must be painstakingly familiar with the inside of his head, they kissed him on his nose, he kissed them on the mouth, scandalous little man that he is, and they both went about their day!
And, alright, so maybe that little “almost accident” he had been witness to a few weeks into living together didn’t do a whole lot to change his mind about whether or not they should be allowed in the kitchen. In their defence, a new deadline at work had been closing in, and having only gotten a few restless hours of shut-eye that night, the toast they’d been heating up for breakfast had promptly been forgotten when they started dozing off by the dining table.
It had taken the entire day to air the remaining smell of burned bread out of their home…
And then, bless this man’s heart, David had taken it upon himself to try and teach Angel how to cook. And he’d gotten up all close and personal and touchy and feely, pressing himself up against their back, covering their hands with his bigger ones, his calloused fingers caressing theirs, soft breaths tickling the hairs at the nape of their neck. No way in hell were they going to turn around and tell him that they were quite capable in the kitchen, thank you very much, despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary. Not when they could feel his chest expanding with each breath against their back. So they stayed put, kept quiet, and enjoyed every second of their Basic Cooking 101 lesson, (not offering a single thought to the actual learning part of the lesson, mind you).
Their little… secret (not lie!) had almost been revealed one evening when Angel had invited a small group of friends over for dinner. One of them had made a comment on how sweet it was to see Angel not being the one responsible for dinner for once, allowing themself to take the time and actually talk and hang out instead of flying around trying to make everyone else feel comfortable. David had snorted and muttered something about how he wouldn't have let Angel within a ten metre radius of a kitchen if he could help it, before disappearing around the corner to finish up the last preparations for the food. 
The looks they had received from their friends had them squirming in their seat, and with sweaty hands, flushed cheeks and flickering eyes they’d stuttered their way through the Toast Incident in hopes of satisfying their suspicion before quickly changing the subject, sighing in relief when neither of them had comment any further on their strange behaviour.
If they were being completely honest with themself… it was nice having someone else do the cooking for a change. Growing up Angel often had to be in charge of dinner, with two parents working their asses off trying to make ends meet for their little family. They had never blamed their parents for relying on them to act as a stand-in parent for their younger siblings at times; not even when they had to get a part-time job in the kitchen of the local italian restaurant, spending the hours after school to clean and chop and stir in various pots and pans, just to come back home and do the exact same thing there.
Their parents were doing their best with what means they got, and so was Angel.
After graduation they’d stayed another year at the restaurant to earn some extra money for their family and to try and save up some for themself, learning how to make the perfect pizza and lasagne and bolognese and carbonara and risotto (and gods the tiramisu) along the way. They’d enjoyed it, all things considered, but it was also exhausting.
And then there came David - sweet, gentle, stubborn David - who had started lecturing them about the importance of feeding themself properly, and they hadn’t found it in them to correct him. When he had dragged them to the store the morning after their first movie night at their place to fill up their barren food supply, they’d let him. When he started showing up every other day at their apartment after work to cook them something to eat, they’d simply dug around for their spare key and given it to him.
Because for once someone had been concerned about their health, and it felt nice. 
In just the few short minutes it took for him to unlock the front door, untie his shoes, hang his jacket and move to the kitchen, their rose-golden bubble was popped, and in the process their world had abruptly shifted three inches to the left, leaving them frozen in vertigo not knowing if they should stay put or try to follow. After having lived together for seven weeks and four days (not that Angel was counting…), they had not once attempted to correct his misconstructed impression of their cooking skills. Because it had felt nice.
They hadn’t meant to lie.
It wasn’t a lie.
They had actively told David that they could cook. Just purposefully hadn’t demonstrated it yet…
So why did it feel like one fat, neon coloured lie now that they were facing their mate with what felt like a crime scene surrounding them? 
…it had been so nice.
Whatever their face was doing must have been quite the sight, cause’ while David was surely still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Angel was seemingly apparently quite capable of replicating the entire italian cuisine in their kitchen on their own, the sceptical look on his face was quickly replaced with concern as he reached forward to softly brush his fingers against their cheek.
No, Angel was not a good liar. Never had been. So now, when the truth was so clearly written out behind them on the counter, they felt their shoulders sag and a breath they hadn’t realised they’d been holding for the nine months they’d known each other rush out of them in a choked sigh. 
“I- um…” they cleared their throat before trying again, voice a bit steadier this time: “dinner’s almost ready?”
They could still see the sceptical worry clear in his eyes and the dozen questions forming in his mind, but whatever he read on their face made him shelve them for later, opting instead to kiss them softly and promise to be right with them after he’d put his bag in the bedroom and gotten changed to something more comfortable.
He returned just as they were placing the second pizza - fresh out the oven - onto the dining table and they smiled as he sat down across from them. 
They would answer all his questions tomorrow. Tell him everything he wanted to know about their suffocated love for cooking that they hadn’t realised they’d missed until they had gotten themself so tangled up in their accidental lie that they felt themself unable to cook, whether they wanted to or not.
But that was tomorrow, after they had eaten and cuddled. After David had showered and unpacked, and they both had had a good night's sleep to replenish their depleted energy stores. They would make them breakfast, they would sit him down, and they would talk about it. But not now.
For now, dinner was served.
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opie-nixx · 2 years
Recovering Downes' Debt (Filler CHAP)
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Lets go a bit back for some romance. Shall we?
Y/n: "You don't think I can recover the debt?"
Arthur: "It's not that, it's just-"
Strauss: "Women tend to only be useful for cooking and cleaning more than being stern..A man's job." Arthur clear's his throat and rubs his eyes. I unsheathe my knife and threateningly point it at Strauss.
Y/n: "Just because I lack a dick doesn't mean I won't fuck you with one, you ball less snake." I spit venomously, stepping closer to Strauss as he backs up. Arthur intervenes placing 1 hand on mine that's gripping my knife and the other on my hip as he gently pushes me back. Strauss takes his chance and scurries off with his damn log book. I sigh as Arthur stares down at me.
Arthur: "Why are you makin a big deal about this debt anyway?"
'Maybe because this is your life that you would be tampering with and I wanna avoid that. Fictional or not I'm covering my ass and ensuring you get a life you deserve.'
I sheathe my knife and sigh, he removes his hands from me and folds his arms.
Y/n: "I don't think I'm asking for too much. In fact, I'm offering to take a work load off of you."
Arthur: "Its dangerous."
Y/n: "I'm being generous and I'm not letting you stop me on this." I turn on my heel and make my way over to my horse. Arthur hot on my heels.
Arthur: "At least let me follow behind you and back you up. I don't want you getting hurt."
Y/n: "Arthur, if you follow me, I wont speak to you for a long time." I put my foot through the stirrups and climb up. He comes to my side and grips my ankle.
Arthur: "Just be careful and don't lead the law back. If anyone makes a move you ride back. I don't want you getting hurt."
Y/n: "Well, Mr. Morgan if I didn't know any better I would have to assume you have a small crush on me." I smile and wink at him. I grab the reins and adjust them in my hands as I signal my horse to pick up speed as I leave the camp.
Arthur sighs as Javier approaches him, cigarette in hand.
Javier: "She's not wrong Arthur, whole camp has an idea about how sweet you are on her."
Arthur: "Shut up." He scoffs.
My horses feet thudding into the ground, slowing in pace as I pull back on the reins, I take a look at my surroundings before my eyes land on Thomas who's hoeing his crops.
Y/n: "Mr. Downes? You owe money?" I swallow thickly as I dismount.
Downes: "I know. I-I ain't exactly got it yet. If I could get a bit more?"I take a few steps towards him but keep my distance.
Y/n: "I wanted to speak to you about that." I hear footsteps from his wife and boy come running to his side. His son beside him as his father begins to wobble and his wife stands in front of him as she eyes me suspiciously.
Y/n: "I want to pay your debt and give you some more. I know you don't have much time left..."
'Beating or no beating, he's got a month tops.'
I pull out $100 I earned from either robbing or doing some odd jobs for a hooker in Valentine. I extend my arm to offer it to them.
Y/n: "Take it." His wife's eyes falter and her breath gets a bit shaky as she slowly takes the money.
Mrs. Downes: "Thank you.."
Mr. Downes: "Why are you doin this?" I look at the ground kicking the dirt.
Y/n: "Ive seen the alternative and I wanna avoid it... At all costs." I turn on my heel and begin to make my way to mount back up. The sun was beginning to set meaning to me I should make my way back or Arthur will worry. I trot off with my horse and begin to make my way back to camp. Lost in my own thoughts as I get ready to turn into the beaten path. I notice a smell of hard liquor and mud. I scrunch my face as I feel hands grab my leg and yank me out of the saddle. I manage to get out a small scream before a hand gets slapped over my mouth and his other grabs a chunk of my hair as he drags me behind a tree. My face hardens as I bite his hand and grit my teeth making the attacker take his hand back but tighten his hand in my hair.
Micah: "Fuck!"
Y/n: "Micah! Let go!" I thrash around as I hear a disturbance coming from the camp. I ball my fist and throw it in Micah's gut causing him to double over and loose his grip on me, I take my opportunity and make a run for it.
'Isn't someone supposed to be on guard duty?"I think to myself before I begin to eat dirt. Micah tackles me and presses a knife against my throat. My breathing becomes hitched and uneven as I eye between the blade of his knife which glistens in the moonlight. He slowly angles the blade between my breasts and begins to slice off my shirt.
Micah: "Don't say a word." My mind goes blank as my forehead thickens with sweat and my back goes cold, he takes his time slicing my corset.
Suddenly a shadowy finger flings him off of me. I hear punches be exchanged. I regain my composure by sitting up and trying to tug my corset back over me to regain some modesty. I sit frozen yet again as my eyes land on Arthur's large figure hunched over Micah as his fist and face become a bit bloody from beating Micah and Micah throwing a few here and there. My face hardens yet again as I pull myself up from the ground and make my way to Arthur, shoving him off and taking his place. My own fists make contact, breaking skin. I give him everything I have, anger, audacity. Revenge. I wanted to make him feel everything I had. I then feel big arms pick me up and pull me off of Micah. I scream and thrash as a line of profanities leaves my mouth.
Dutch: "Calm down!" He shouts to me, I slowly begin to calm down as Micah digs himself out of the ground and brushes the dirt off of himself as he gives me a cocky smug look as Dutch slowly loosens his grip of me. I yank myself out of his grip as he tries to get what happened out of us.
Y/n: "You reek of alcohol and self misery." I seethe as I begin to complete ripping my shirt off, leaving me in my bra and turning on my heel to make my way back to my tent.
Micah: "I was hoping to see more before cowpoke interrupted us.. Maybe I'll get to make you my own whore next time." I stop in my tracks and take a threatening lunge towards Micah, but Dutch catches me again. I see Arthur deck him in his jaw sending him right back into the dirt.
Dutch: "Not you too, Arthur." Arthur scoffs before shrugging his coat off his shoulders and draping it on mine. He grabs my arm and begins pulling me towards his tent. Most of the gang had thrown some questioning looks but paid no real attention to us. I feel my heart beat quicken as my face becomes flushed. He pushes me down on his cot as he digs around for something in his trunk.
Y/n: "What are you looking for?" Arthur avoids looking me in the eye, but I see his cheeks become red as well.
Arthur: "A clean shirt for you." He mutters. Goose bumps form on my arms as I take a deep breath and shrug his jacket off and yank a shirt that was on his bed. He sighs and takes a seat next to me.
Arthur: "You don't deserve that. I'm real sorry that hes like that." I nimbly button the shirt and fix my hair, taking a deep breath.
Y/n: "Its fine...He'll get his 1 day."
Arthur: "Sure." I stand up to take my leave as does Arthur.
Arthur: "Why don't you sleep in here tonight? You'd be a lot safer and I'd feel better knowing he won't try to hurt you again."He grabs my arm gently and pulls me back to his bed.
'I will never deny sleeping in your tent, Mister.' A smirk tugs at my lips and I try to resist not showing my joy and excitement. I take a seat on his bed as he stays seated at the edge of the bed. He tilts his hat over his eyes and sighs. I take the chance and lace my head in his lap which causes him to flinch and stir. I shut my eyes and place 1 of his hands over my head. I feel his body unclench as he begins to play with my hair. Lulling us both to sleep.
Days went by, Arthur made a point to keep very close to me or where he can at least see me. So, if he was leaving camp as was I. If I was doing chores he was helping or he was watching while cleaning his guns or sharpening his knife. Dare I say I cannot complain. Its nice to know someone cares...But I shouldn't think to much of it...I really cant help it. practically worship the ground he walks on.
Currently I had my feet kicked up on a table in camp as I was sharpening my own knife. Javier poisoning his and Arthur doodling in his journal. We were making small talk and cracking a few jokes here and there when I notice Charles walking someone in who was holding a pan covered with a cloth. I drop my knife, clattering to the table causing Javier and Arthur to become startled. My eyes widen as I begin to make my way over to the visitor, I feel Javier and Arthur's eyes burn into me as I walk away. It was Archie with a nervous look. I wave off Charles the closer I get and grab Archie by his arm and dragging him back out.
Y/n: "How did you know where to find me?" I whisper shout.
Archie: "Some folks in town gave me an idea where you were staying. I didn't mean to cause any problems. My mother wanted to drop you off some bread." I stop dragging him for a moment to face him. He extends his arms out, handing me the pan of bread. I accept with a smile on my face. I lean over and check behind Archie to see Arthur leaning against a tree by the horses.
Y/n: "You should get outta here." Archie nods before pressing a kiss to my cheek and scurrying off. I drop my head as my face warms up, my h/c h/l hair covering my face. I do a walk of shame back to camp.
Arthur: "Who was that?"
Y/n: "No-one." I respond as I make my way over to Pearson's makeshift kitchen. Arthur hot on my heels pressing for an answer. I set the pan down at Pearson's table; taking a deep sigh I turn on my heel and face Arthur. Meeting his piercing gaze I stand on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his cheek. His beard scratching my face.
Y/n: "Will you shut up now?"
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bf-skz · 2 years
24 to 25 days of SKZMAS | December 12th - Hyunjin
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pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
genre: fake dating
synopsis: Hyunjin is one of the best writers at JY Publishing. As the end of the year comes, he is one article short for a raise. The chief editor gives him the task of writing date ideas till Christmas which is also coincidentally his most hated holiday. Luckily, he does have a roommate with a great Christmas spirit.
warnings: -
words: 877
12th day of SKZMAS
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December 12th
“Good morning.” Hyunjin wakes up with a groan, voice all groggy. You woke him up at 8, blasting Christmas music. He is surprised to see you in full Christmas attire, skidding around the house with a lengthy list in your hands. “What are you doing?”
“Good morning to you too, my sweet little apple pie!” you greet him and watch Hyunjin cringe at the petname. “Why, we should get ready for our date of course!”
“Oh my god.” Hyunjin groans, throwing his head back. Sure, it was his idea but he isn’t gonna pretend to be happy about the assignment. “Couldn’t we wait until the sun comes up?” 
“Nope! We have about 10 days for 24 dates, so we need to do as much as we can today!” you tell him enthusiastically.
At first, you were quite shocked by the fact that Hyunjin wanted to fake date you for about two weeks. You thought he somehow figured out your giant crush on him, but Hyune seems to be clueless as ever – and immensely uninterested in you. Which is fine, you have gotten used to the feeling… but you still feel the urge to overdo it.
“Ugh, what kind of torture do you have planned for us today?” he groans, slumping down on the dining chair where a cup of coffee along with freshly cooked eggs wait for him. 
“Thought you might be hungry.” you say with a shrug and try not to stare at Hyunjin's little smile. “But we have a whole list for today! Let's see.” you start, skimming through the list. “We are going to the gingerbread themed Christmas market, then to the shopping mall before we go skating! Are you readyyyyyy?” you ask in a singsongy voice.
“Absolutely not.” Hyunjin says, looking down at his pj pants and catching a glimpse of his reflection in the vase on the table. Gosh his hair is so messy. “I need to get dressed and all.” 
“Do you need me to help you wash up?” you ask him, wiggling an eyebrow, and dodge the snarky comment he is about to throw at you. “Kidding! I’ll go and pack a bag for you so we can go ASAP!”
“You little-” Hyunjin mutters under his breath before standing up to get ready for the day as well.
A few hours later the two of you had done a handful of programmes. You built and decorated gingerbread houses, drank hot cocoa, took a walk in the Christmas market, drank some mulled wine, went ice skating and went gift shopping. The latter Hyunjin did not enjoy one bit as he kept complaining about the crowd. Now you are at the tree market to choose the perfect Christmas tree. It's already pretty dark and extremely cold.
“Just hurry up and pick one. It will wither in a month anyway.” Hyunjin whines, his hands planted deep in his pockets.
“You cannot keep looking at things like that.” you sigh, weaving your arm around his as you walk along the trees. “You will never learn to enjoy things if you are worried about the future.” you say, before shrugging. “But now that I think about it, it explains a lot.”
“What do you mean?” Hyunjin frowns.
“Well, you haven’t been in a relationship for how long?”
“Um, that's personal and also fuck you that has nothing to do with anything.” Hyunjin scoffs.
“Personal my ass. Not when I hear you with whoever you take home every single night it happens. The walls are paper thin. Like, the toilet paper we buy at the end of the month kinda thin.”
“Oh my god.” Hyunjin blushes, hiding his face. “Why are we talking about my love life? What about yours?” 
“I am not the one who has to write an article about dating, mind you.” you respond with a shrug, then add. “And you are really cute when you get shy like that.”
“Oh shut up.” he scoffs. “What about that one? It's bigger than you.” he nods at a tree close. That's when a tiny snowflake lands on his nose and he wipes it off. Huh. He doesn't remember the last time he watched the snow.
You gasp, looking up in the dark sky and in the light of the lamps illuminating the market, you see it. “It's snowing!” you all but squeal, forgetting about your banter altogether. You extend your arms in front of you to catch the snowflakes on the sleeves of your black coat. “Hyune, look, look!”
“Yeah, I can see.” Hyunjin chuckles at your cuteness, watching the snowflakes gather on your sleeve. He then looks up at your face and his mouth falls open. The way your face is illuminated by the fairy lights and your cheeks are stained red from the cold, it makes you look like a muse he aches to paint.
“Look at the little details.” you say before looking up at his handsome face, then at the falling snow. “So beautiful, isn't it?”
“Yeah…” he mutters as his heart skips a beat. He can't look away from your face… “Beautiful.” he whispers but he is not talking about the snow. Luckily, you stay oblivious, too mesmerized to see the way you took his breath away.
to be continued...
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mylittlesyn · 1 year
Woah, congratulations on 1000 followers! 🤩 Very well deserved! I’m submitting on anon because I’m shy, lol, but I’ve been a follower for a long time and I’m really happy to see you having such success! 🥰
May I have a matchup from Naruto or FMAB? I use she/her pronouns, and I’m okay with any gender of match.
My big 3 signs are Aries sun, Sagittarius moon, and Libra rising, and I think that combination actually fits my general personality pretty well. A few words that describe me are optimistic, adventurous, assertive, and witty. My biggest flaw is probably bossiness/control issues. It’s mostly from a place of wanting to know the people around me are comfortable and enjoying themselves, and that I’m useful/helpful to them. But sometimes I do just get really caught up in my own ideas and thinking that the way I would do things is automatically the best. My ideal partner would be strong-willed enough to push back when I overstep, but even-tempered enough not to be hurt or offended. I work in a job where I’m usually “in charge,” which I do enjoy, but in my downtime I really want someone who will be an equal partner with me - and even convince me to give them the reins sometimes.
As for hobbies, I like baking and making drinks (both coffee and cocktails). It’s fun to experiment with ingredients and ratios. I also like camping, traveling, gardening, and all things creepy - books, movies, games, and I tell a mean ghost story too. 😉 My dream is to learn and experience as much about the world as I can, ideally alongside a special person, but alone is fine too.
I like dates that are active and seasonal - ice skating in the winter, leaf watching in the fall, beach dates in the summer, etc. My favorite relationship trope is fwb to lovers. Something about going into a situation like “just bros being hoes, no boring relationship stuff here,” and then getting swept up in genuine feelings for the other person is just 👌 Sexually, I’m for sure a switch and I guess dom-leaning. Even if I’m the “sub,” I’m going to be very bratty and stubborn about it, lol. Top kinks are lingerie (on both/either of us, but it’s especially hot when a man is willing to dress up for me ngl), rope play, orgasm denial, and hair pulling (on me). I’m realllly not into anything daddy/mommy related or any pregnancy/breeding talk.
Congratulations again, and thanks for this event!
Your match for the event is:
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Tenzo/Yamato from Naruto!
Although he's rather passive, I do believe he's the type to stand up for things he considers important.
He'd probably find your 'bossiness' attractive, in a take charge sort of way.
I honestly can't see Tenzo knowing how to cook, but for the most part he's decent with up keep around the house.
That being said he will maintain a wonderful veggie garden for all cooking endeavors. (with some fresh fruits and herbs for your cocktails)
He would be extremely happy doing all things outdoors with you. Camping, gardening, swimming, travelling
He'd love to travel with you, but make sure you let him nerd out about all the historical architecture he's seeing along the way
Very happy to go camping with you, keep you warm at night by the fireplace as you take turns telling each other ghost stories while looking up at the stars.
Now for the spice!
I do firmly believe he's a switch that leans toward submissive.
He's not super kinky, but he does enjoy playing with toys. (has many and knows exactly how to use them)
When he's dominating I can see him being a little more soft, and more about service.
He would very much be willing to dress up for you, even if he's blushing the entire time about it.
I HC he's a grower, but it's a decent size while flaccid.
I can see him pulling hair in the heat of the moment kind of thing, and I believe he's hand with rope. He's just not super into things like mommy, daddy, degredation, kind of the like mind sets that can go along with kink... I think he keeps it pretty simple when it comes to mind set stuff.
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oracleofapollon · 2 years
“I love you, okay? I know I don’t say it enough.” With peter please 🥺
that was such a cute concept, i feel like i didn't do it justice :(
pete x reader, gn!reader, hurt/comfort, crying, anxiety and r having mean thoughts about themself
As soon as you lock the door behind you, it becomes too much.
Too much work, too many projects, too many expectations to meet (most of the expectations you set yourself, and are pretty unrealistic). Every single thing coming towards you seems like a burden—the unmade bed or the need to think what to have for dinner. Small tasks add to the big pile of stress, uncertainty, and gradually start to envelop you, trapping you like a metal chain you can’t free yourself from.
So there you are, standing in front of the mirror, washing your hands, crying at the thought of doing the laundry. You mentally scold yourself for being overdramatic. Taking a big breath you head towards the kitchen to see what you can cook.
You never get to the kitchen, though. As soon as you see the sofa you crash onto it, stretching and yawning and fighting merciless sleep. An idea crosses your mind—you could watch silly TV programmes—but you feel too worn out to grab the remote, let alone focus on anything. So you sigh and look around, exhausted by the warmth of tears in your eyes. It makes you feel uncomfortable, on edge, dirty, in a way you can’t really explain.
Laying there, staring at the bookshelves, you notice a picture of you as a child. In the photo you were no older than 5 years, smiling at the camera, lacking two teeth. You remember the place—a park you used to live next to, the place you visited often. It was clearly summer, you were surrounded by bushes of white flowers and a cute pink hat was shielding you from the scorching sun. 
You blink once, twice. Then you burst into tears again. 
You were so sweet, so innocent, you trusted the world with everything you had. You wanted to be an adult so badly, you wanted to be a Disney star, then an astronaut, then a teacher. You couldn’t wait to be the current you.
And you really can’t take it. The way you are mean to yourself, putting so much pressure on yourself, hating everything you do. And you realize you’re hurting the little kid grinning at you from the photo. You didn’t even make any of the sweet baby’s dreams come true.
You’re shaking now, gasping for breath, sitting up to not choke on your own tears and snot. You can’t think about the picture, your youth—missing the carelessness, sweet lollipops and playing in the sand, big dreams, evenings on the swing—and blaming yourself, and the hot eyes and cheeks annoy you more than anything. You panic more when you hear the door unlock.
“I’m ho-ome!” sings your boyfriend playfully as he closes the door. You clear your throat and make a beeline for the bathroom.
“Hi, Pete,” you say in a weak voice and immediately curse at yourself when it comes out exactly like a person who was just crying.
You close the bathroom door seconds before he appears behind them. “Are you okay?” of course he notices something’s wrong. He always does. He cares for you so much, pays attention to all the details about you, takes care of your soul in the gentlest ways. You hate yourself for thinking you don’t deserve him.
“Yeah,” you reply, trying to sound confident, and failing miserably. Ripping off a piece of toilet paper you try to blow your nose as quietly as possible.
“Can I come in?” Peter’s concerned voice breaks your heart. He always wants the best for you and you always make his life a little bit harder. As if it wasn’t hard enough.
You want to say no to spare him the view, but you know him. You know he will be anxious, scared he did something wrong, terrified someone could have taken their revenge on you for being the love of Spider-Man’s life. You love him too much to keep him worried, and you would most probably do anything he asked you, ever.
“Always,” not a second passes when your eyes meet Peter’s in the mirror. His brows furrow even more when he sees your red, wet, puffy face. “Not a big deal,” you reassure him before he has a chance to open his mouth. “Jus’ havin’ a bad day.”
His shoulders drop and he comes closer. You feel his hand close to you and you are sure you’re going to cry again if he doesn’t take you in his arms. He hesitates, though. “Can I touch you, sweetheart?” he asks simply and it breaks your heart in half.
“Please, please, please do, Pete.”
Maybe you were begging. Maybe it sounded pathetic. Maybe you looked pathetic, hell, maybe you just are pathetic. But none of it matters when you get trapped in his warm embrace, strong arms around your waist and rubbing your back, his chin on the top of your head, the air he’s breathing out tickling you and slightly moving your hair. Your chests pressed together, thighs touching. You feel safe, seen, appreciated, not alone. You don’t try to fight the tears dripping down your cheeks. 
“I got overwhelmed. Anxious, insecure,” you confess, your voice muffled in his shirt. “I’m better now,” you add. “You make me feel better, always.”
Your lovely boyfriend starts to rock you two from left to right, peppering your forehead in kisses. “I’m sorry you felt that way, baby,” he says against your skin, and his mouth tickles you when it moves. You hug him closer and his grip tightens. “Mean thoughts haunt all of us sometimes. But you have a tendency of believing them,” his words are true and you know it. Embarrassed, you close your eyes, trying to ignore how wet his shirt got from your tears. “You deserve everything, you know? Everything the best, the sweetest, the loveliest in the world. Everything that brings you happiness, smile, joy. You’re too harsh on yourself.”
“I know,” you nod lazily. “It’s that way for me. Hard to be gentle to myself. I try.”
“I know,” he hums. “D’ya want some food?” he adds when your stomach grumbles.
“Mm. Can we stay like this for a while?”
“Anything you want, my lovely.”
You laugh, sniffing. “You’re corny.”
He snorts and tickles your side—strongly enough to make you squeak, softly enough so you don’t try to wiggle out of his arms. “I love you,” he whispers. “I love you, okay? I know I don’t say it enough.”
He says it enough to make you smile like a fool and feel all giddy. You part away from Peter slightly, just a bit, so you can kiss him hard.
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