#and the friendship is LIKE EQUAL TO ROMANCE BRO
Anytime I think of Suhak and the trio I get so sad, like seeing moments of Hak still protecting Su-won after everything... 
It’s so obvious that they all loved one another deeply in a life-long friendship/familyhood kind of way, like the bonds were THAT strong except Il and Yu-Hon’s dumb shit corrupted it. The saddest thing is that Su-Won literally HAS NO GRUDGE OR DISTRUST TOWARDS HAK. Like with Yona, she’s related to Il and is Hiryuu but Hak has zero connection and has been NOTHING BUT KIND TO HIM. 
I mean seriously, the trio is the heart of this story and it’s so tragic because I know they can’t be besties anymore for the rest of their lives yet there was NOTHING as close to them as THEM ok, NOTHING! 
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personasintro · 7 months
Romance Is Not Dead | jjk
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; it’s valentine's day and you're single
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: brother's best friend!jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst (?)
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mentions of sex (it's mentioned quite a lot), reader's brother is kinda dick, alcohol usage, men (that deserves a warning alright), drunk people (it's a party), angst (?) honestly I'm not sure if there's any angst but it's a story with a few realistic topics that are kinda sad if you think about it, it's not your average fluff story lol
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7.7k+
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a/n: happy valentine's day! mind you this was supposed to be a short drabble like around 2k lol, I had no proper idea of where this will go and somehow I ended up with quite a long story haha. but I'm happy I got more into writing, I wasn't expecting writing this much. if there are any mistakes, please ignore them hehe. I rushed to post it so I could make it on february 14th. I don't know what even is this story but i hope you enjoy it hahah don't forget to like and reblog ♡
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“Argh! Who even invented Valentine's Day?”
The groan that leaves your mouth – or more like a loud complaint – rolls around the room, not stopping you from tossing your bag on the kitchen's table to show your annoyance more than actual anger.
“Hello to you too, sis.” Your brother throws a peace sign your way, not particularly fazed by the lack of greeting on your side.
From your peripheral vision you could easily tell they're right there. Your brother and his best friend have been best friends since high school, they go way back and somehow, they've managed to stay super close till now. It's quite admirable, you have to admit. You don't think you've ever seen or heard them fight. Overall, their friendship seems to be more relaxed in this sense than most girls' friendships.
Yes, that mostly happens between guys. They're not as dramatic or bitchy as some girls can be. God. None of your current friends are your friends from high school. You've parted ways eventually.
However, the amount of drama free that's clearly not present in their precious brotherhood is equalized with loud burps, unfiltered talks about girls and sex through male eyes. You would've mentioned farting but luckily, you haven't heard your brother's best friend to be that nasty in front of you. Which can't be said about your brother but well, that's a part of having a sibling – regardless of their gender.
It's quite cliché.
Your brother's older, therefore he's protective yet loves to embarrass you at any chance. He thinks he's all that and sometimes, it feels like he thinks he's your third parent. That's what's more annoying – perhaps even more than overrated Valentine's Day. 
“Did someone decline you on Valentine's Day?”
There he goes again.
Teasing you. It's a never-ending circle. Luckily, you've grown resistant to his pathetic attempts to embarrass you – especially when his friends are present. Yeah, your brother can be a dick and you're not afraid to tell him.
Though, you don't stick to the names and curses and instead turn it into something more powerful. 
Scoffing, you swipe your hair back and give him a look. “Please, look at me.”
“I am, that's why I asked.” 
You waste no time in grabbing one of the stupid empty cans he always has laying around and throw it at him. Did you mention he can be a pig sometimes?
Your aim has gotten way better throughout the years and when he curses at you once it hits the side of his head, you smile happily. His friend chuckles at the two of you, lifting the can that has fallen onto the floor and sets it on the table.
“Yeah, and that's why you chase every man that comes my way.” you comment, knowing well damn you're right. 
He frowns, “Those men can hardly be called men, sis.”
“Well, bro, I wouldn't know since you like to be the pain in my ass.” you smile at him tightly, seeing him looking before he goes back to playing one of his stupid video games. “Not that I have a man to look up to in the first place.”
They've been doing that a lot. Lame. 
His best friend's snort turns into a laughter that he barely gets to hold in. That makes you smile because you see it as a success in getting back at your brother. And perhaps your little crush you've had on him has something to do with it. But we don't talk about it.
Your brother glares at him but he's not affected, not even a bit. It's hard to put it into words or make any definition, but he's always been slightly more… intimidating? He has an aura around him that makes you appreciate even a little reaction from him. 
It's humorous. You've known him for years, merrily just from always seeing him next to your brother (because there were never other opportunities), yet it feels like you barely know anything about him. Even though he used to occupy your living room almost every day. And today doesn't feel much different. The only difference is that none of you live at your parents' house. 
“Who hurt you today?”
“Don't be a dick. I can be a bitch too.” you remind him sweetly, leaning forward against the kitchen counter and grab a grape that lays in a single bowl. Probably the only healthy thing he has in this kitchen. 
He flips you off and frowns once he doesn't win the game. Karma. “Anyway, are you gonna tell us why you came here so annoyed or you're gonna eat?”
“I can do both,” you shrug. “I just don't get the hype about Valentine's Day.”
“Oh, you asked who invented it? Probably a pair of groupies in love.”
You roll your eyes, “I don't think that's it.”
“It's about romance. It's romantic, sis.”
You snort, “And how would you know anything about romance?”
He chuckles cockily as if the next words he says is something to be proud about; “I don't. But the girl I fucked said something about it.”
“Ew!” you gag, stopping yourself from reaching for another grape. “You're gross sometimes.”
“You don't talk about sex with your friends? C'mon, it's normal.”
“Yeah, with my friends. Not in front of you.” you justify. 
“Jesus, we didn't have to hear that.” Your brother scolds you, clearly uncomfortable at the thought of you talking about sex. 
You sometimes make sex jokes in front of him just to mess with him. It's pretty funny and it never gets old. You don't do it often though, but perhaps you should. 
“I hear only you complaining.” you sign out, pointing out the obvious and for the first time since you've arrived, you give proper attention to his best friend. 
He's been awfully quiet. What's there for him to say anyway? You and your brother bicker most of the time, no matter how old you are. He's pretty much used to it by now. He just stuck to playing the game and other than cackling at your previous comment, he's been quiet. You hate that you're slightly annoyed by the lack of attention he gives you. Not that you're an attention seeker or desperate for his attention.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out he sees you as his best friend's little sister. Even though you're not as little as when he first met you. 
“JK is the last person who wants to hear your complaints.”
“Why don't you let JK speak for himself?” you question, a little edge to your tone as your brother huffs out, muttering something under his breath – obviously aimed at you.
“Chill out, you two.” he mutters, voice slightly deeper than you remember it even though the last time you've seen him was last month. It has a little rasp to it and you wish your eyes wouldn't glue to him automatically. 
He lays comfortably on the couch, man spreading with a game controller sitting in his lap while his big thumbs rest comfortably against the buttons. You might've mentioned you are not friends with people from a high school anymore, but you have friends. One who would kill for a moment to spend with your brother's best friend. Just to be in his close proximity.
Though, it's no secret he's not any better than most guys his age – including your own brother. In a weird way, you love your brother (even though you wouldn't probably ever say it out loud because he's a weirdo and he would just make fun of you), but you can easily tell he's not someone you would ever want to end up with. Personality and morally wise, of course. 
He surrounds himself with people with the same values, or the lack of. 
And perhaps, it's one of the reasons why you suddenly got annoyed because of today's day. February 14th. You're the type that simply brushes off any guy who comes your way that you don't have any interest in. There's no need for your brother. He's a dick and he chases the ones that might not be husband material, but they're hot and charming. You're not necessarily looking for a marriage. God. You're too young. You don't want to be the one that gets locked in a marriage with someone they just met. 
Definitely you don't want to get knocked up either. Fuck, they're so many scenarios that run inside your head. Ones you don't want to live in. 
Regardless of your current stance when it comes to your life and relationships, you're still romantic. All of your friends have dates today. Any other day or year, you wouldn't even think of it – but you've seen everything in the shape of a heart today. Not mentioning there's everyone kissing and hugging at every corner of the street. 
And you didn't get a discount on your cake because you were alone with no partner around. Who does that? That's discrimination!
Valentine's Day is overrated. Maybe you think that way because you're single. Have been for too long. And while you don't necessarily miss it, you kind of crave for someone's affection and touch. It's not even about sex. 
“Listen, we're having a party tonight. I wouldn't normally invite you–”
“Wow, thanks.”
He shoots you a glare again before he continues, “But seeing you so miserable, maybe you could come too.”
“Party? Is this another one of your gangbang parties?”
“I have never been a part of that, stop calling my parties that.”
“There are literally hundreds of people who are there to hook up.” you inform him.
He snickers, “That's like every party.”
You lift up your eyebrows, not quite believing him. It's like every party he hosts or is invited to. People his age make parties slightly less wild. Not that he's too old but still. He's acting and living too wild for his age. 
“I'm not hosting it.”
“Who is?”
“JK here.” His brother says, head motioning toward the man next to him. “I'm sure you don't mind that I'm inviting her.”
The said man looks at his brother, shrugging. “I don't.”
“Well?” Your brother looks back at you. “Are you coming?”
“Are you gonna chase everyone that comes my way? Y'know, my friends are all having dates and if I don't wanna spend tonight alone, I would rather have fun.”
“You're allowed to come. And yeah, probably I will.”
“You're a douche. I'm an adult, stop treating me like a child.”
Your brother sighs, already knowing what argument is about to come. It's about the same stuff every time. 
“I'm doing it for your own good. The people that are gonna be there, guys that are gonna be there are like us, sis.”
There's a certain softness behind his voice, though it still stays vigorous as if he's trying to get something through your thick head. You know all of that, though. You know he doesn't hang out with the best people. But they're just dicks. And they're thinking with dicks. But you can take care of yourself. Besides, he's going to be there as well. 
JK, or Jungkook like you refer to him in your head, briefly looks at you. But you spot it and stare at him as his eyes drift to your brother. “You can't protect her forever.”
“That's something an asshole would say.”
“I never said I'm not one. But let her have her fun.”
“You know what? Don't come. I don't want you there.” Your brother stands up and shoots you a glare before he walks away. 
God! He's such a dick!
JK chuckles and you realize you've been frowning this whole time. You hear the door slam close and you scoff. “He's such a child.”
You eye him with no embarrassment whatsoever, tracing all the tattoos he has gotten throughout the years. The white shirt fits his torso perfectly, even though it's oversized his muscles peak through. 
Your friend told you he's at the gym almost every day. It sure looks like that. 
He suddenly stands up and you straighten automatically, watching him make his way toward you but not before tossing the game controller on the couch. He stays on the other side of the table, reaching for one of the grapes while still staring at you. 
God. He's doing something purposely.
For the first time today, your confidence slightly falters but you do your best not to show it. You stare as he pops one of the grapes into his mouth and chews on it. 
“You're still invited. That's if you still wanna come.”
You blink, “But my brother–”
“Is like a child sometimes. You're gonna be fine there.”
Gulping, you mutter; “How are you so sure?”
He doesn't answer but there's a small smirk playing on his lips. “You would still come, wouldn't you? Just to piss him off.”
That causes you to let out a soft chuckle because yes, he's right about that. Your brother needs to understand you're not a child. “I would.”
“Alright, then come.”
You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue and lift your brow, “I will.”
You will go to the party. Even if your brother would burn down the city.
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One of the few things you've learned about your brother's best friend – Jungkook – is that he comes from a wealthy family. You know he got his own place in the city center, that alone tells you he's got money. Whether they come from his parents or by his own hard work is unknown to you. Either way, it's quite clear he's always been slightly privileged than most kids your age.
You've never been to his parents' house. There was never a reason for you to go there, plus, you're not your brother and he didn't exactly bring his little sister with him whenever he went somewhere. The only time he would have to spend time with you alone was when he had to babysit you. But you would always stay home and he would let you know how annoyed he is because of that.
A typical teenager who wanted to chase girls and experience his first hook-ups rather than having to babysit his little sister who was born with sharp tongue and big mouth. You're probably his karma for all the hearts he already managed to break. 
Anyway – you know JK's parents' house is settled up the hill, away from the city and in a rich area where all the big houses were built. You've never seen it, hence your first reaction when you spotted a huge gate and a house that looks more like a mixture between mansion rather than a small family house.
Before he parted ways a few hours ago when you last saw him, he gave you the address. Seems like you've arrived just in time. There are many people, outside and inside – everywhere. It looks like the college parties you get to see in movies but more upgraded.
The thing about you is that you would never go to a party alone. Even if two people you know are here. Well, your brother still doesn't know you're here and he's about to get pissed once he sees you. Suddenly, the idea to piss him off doesn't seem so alluring.
But this house – or mansion or whatever this building is called – is the only place that is not filled with heart balloons. They might be couples and strangers that are glued to each other, the romance is simply not present. It's nasty and explicit to a certain extent. 
A part of you is disgusted at how easy some people seem to be, letting themselves to be groped by strangers, but there's something alluring. Perhaps even more than doing this just to prove a point to your brother. 
You don't get a chance to look around the place, since it's crowded and you're trying not to get shoved into, you're looking for a bigger space and maybe something to drink. You make it into the main room it seems. A huge couch in the shape of U looks massive but it fits into the big room perfectly. There are people everywhere and there's not a single space on the couch. However, once you make it closer and spot a tiny space, it's all forgotten and your vision naturally travels to the couple sitting there. 
You would spot those tattoos everywhere.
Jungkook's there. And a woman sitting on his lap as you see them making out explicitly, tongues brushing against each other. Alright, a part of you envies the woman but looking around and seeing more of them staring in slight irritation and jealousy, you're not alone. You scrunch your nose at them not caring and just making out with each other in front of everyone. There's no way they don't know everyone's eyes are on them. The guys ignore them though. It's mostly women.
The one that sits on his lap and seems to be ready to jump his bones, is wearing a tiny top and mini skirt. You can see her panties and you feel embarrassed to witness the tiny piece of underwear. Well, she doesn't seem to care.
His hand is on her waist, gripping it tightly as he pulls away and mutters something into her lips. She giggles, all her attention focused on him. 
Despite knowing him for years, you've never seen him in this element. And maybe that's what your brother didn't want you to see. Not even Jungkook but everyone here. You've witnessed a few parties, but this one is completely on another level. It looks straight out of a movie and perhaps completely out of your comfort zone. 
But you don't leave. You stick in your spot and just stare at your brother's best friend flaunting his charm all around him, but mostly aimed at the woman on his lap. 
Since your brother that eventually came out of the bathroom told you to get out, you've decided to come after all and give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe not exactly the same but that's why you chose one of your tight dresses. They're not special. Just a dress that almost every woman owns. But this one has thin straps and you don't get to wear a bra in it, that's how tight it is. It's the only clothing you're wearing, minus the panties of course. 
You look good. You know you do and that's why you chose this outfit particularly. You thought the heels are perhaps too much, but luckily you opted for them instead of your sneakers. Everyone seems to be dressed like they're in a club. Not even one outfit on a woman here looks completely comfortable. And they show more skin when they wear clothing. Not that you're judging. You're not the one to talk.
And you know this choice of clothing is not only a magnet for eyes, but for unwanted touches you were counting on eventually. It's sad but it's the truth. That's why you never come alone to these things. You always have your friends with you. You would kick asses for each other and overall, you feel more protected and safe. 
The hand that slaps your ass – that definitely looks good in this dress – causes you to turn and twist your face in anger. You spot a wasted man that smiles stupidly as if he did something cute. You shove him in the chest causing him to stumble into a few people who start to curse at him and complain.
“Touch me one more time and I will fucking kick your ass.” you spit at him. 
Your ass might look good but that's not an open invitation for strangers or anyone to touch you unwillingly. 
He gains his balance and his drunk features twist into anger. You see it. He's angry because you're not all over his dick because he touched you. First of all, he's not even hot. And he's wasted out of his mind. There's nothing hot about it. 
He doesn't make it too close because you push him again, causing him to fall this time.
“You bitch!” he yells, having a trouble to stand up and you cover your mouth to shield the giggle that makes it out. 
One of the guys that he stumbled into turns around, ready to curse. But as your eyes lock, all the amusement fades away and your eyes widen in a sudden fear. Shit.
It takes a moment for your brother to register that it's you – perhaps the exposed skin causes him to widen his eyes too before they twist into anger.
“What the fuck.”
“I was invited.” you automatically argue, yelping once he makes his way toward you and grabs you by your forearm. He kicks the bastard that still tries to stand up and starts leading you elsewhere. No, he's not leading you but dragging you with him.
It's not the initial reaction you had in mind. You wanted to smirk, to show him that you're here and there's nothing you can do about it. But that's out of the picture because in the end, you're just a little girl that maybe loves to piss off her brother, but once you truly piss him off you back away.
That realization causes your anger to come back and you dig your heels into the wooden floor, trying to get out of his hold. “Stop squeezing me like that!”
“Would you like to be squeezed by strangers?!” He yells over the music, both of you stopping next to a staircase.
It already happened, you wanted to say but decide to stay quiet.
He couldn't see what the stranger did to you. He only saw the man falling and stumbling into him. So the fact that he's this pissed off to see you here without even seeing what happened just minutes ago, makes you think he needs a psychiatrist. What would he do if he saw what happened?
“Maybe I want that!” you yell at him. “And there's nothing you can do about it!”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and tries to calm down. “What are you doing here.”
“I told you. I was invited.”
“I uninvited you.”
You scoff, “It's not your party, you moron.”
“JK invited you?”
“Yeah.” you shrug just to piss him off some more.
He stares at you for a moment, glaring but you glare back before he shakes his head and takes a deep breath. “Fine. But you're not leaving my side.”
You scoff but he grabs your shoulders tightly. 
“I mean it.”
“Stop touching me.” You slap his hands away, his touch fading away as you're about to open your mouth to curse at him some more.
Before you can do it, someone nudges him from the left side. Your brother is about to pounce but once he sees his best friend in the flesh, he stays down but not before he's reminded of what you told him. 
“What are you doing.” He questions your brother but he just scoffs in return.
“You invited her?”
Jungkook rolls his lip piercing as he shrugs, “I did.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Me? You invited her first if I recall.” 
Your brother stares at his friend in disbelief before he glances at you. You shrug, lifting your brown. 
“You two are fucking unbelievable.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, probably thinking your brother is just dramatic. Which he is. While they're too busy arguing, you don't pay attention to anything that's being said. You shamelessly eye Jungkook, spotting how blurry his lips are from the make out session you witnessed a while ago. He's got a similar outfit like you've seen him during the day. The only difference is that he's wearing all black. 
“Listen you two, I will stay out of your sight, okay?”
“No fucking way!” Your brother argues while Jungkook sighs in exhaustion. 
“I'm just gonna have a few drinks and meet new people.”
“These people are not for you to meet or be friends with.”
“Who said anything about being friends?” you mutter, causing your brother to curse at you once more.
“No–” He stops you before you can interrupt him, “You invited her, so you will look after her.”
“Me?” JK frowns, disliking the idea. While you would be slightly offended by the lack of interest when it comes to you, you're also irritated that your brother here is acting the same. Only this time he's giving the responsibility to Jungkook. 
“Yes, you! You invited her, so you'll watch over her tonight. If anything happens to her, I will personally kill you,” 
God. He's so full of himself. If Jungkook wanted, he could knock him out with one punch. But you don't say it to hurt his male ego and boost Jungkook's one. It seems they're full of ego. 
“And I'm not joking.”
He brushes past you two and leaves angrily. To probably shove his tongue down to any first girl he sees. 
And from the looks of it Jungkook looks like he would rather much do the same. But then he looks at you, reminded of his current responsibility. You. 
“Listen–you don't have to look after me–I can handle my–”
“Are you okay?”
He stares you down, not in the creepy way to stare at your body but almost looking for anything that could give him answers to his question.
“I've seen what happened.”
“You've seen it?” you breathe out, “I'm fine.”
“You sure?”
“I handled it.” you grit through your teeth.
“You did,” he agrees much to your surprise. “Or maybe you were just lucky.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” You trash with your hands, but he catches your wrist. Gently. But he has his hold on you and your breath catches in your throat. He pulls you closer.
“What if it was someone who wouldn't be so wasted? Hm?”
You gulp, glancing at his lips for a split second before you find his dark eyes on yours. “It happened with people around us. Someone would step in.”
He scoffs, “Don't count on it too much.”
“They would–”
“Some of them. Not all of them,” he informs you. 
You're reminded that he knows these parties. He knows how it's going. And while no one would mess with him personally, it doesn't mean everyone is as safe as him. Let alone any women. That much you've realized and you haven't even been here for a half an hour. 
“What if he waited until you're drunk to take you somewhere else?”
You breathe out shakily, “Stop.”
“What if he dragged you upstairs? And that's just the start of what he might've done.”
“Fucking stop.” you warn him with your eyes but he doesn't budge. 
He tames you like you're a fucking dog.
“Your brother's right. You're staying with me.”
“And staring at you making out all night?”
You shut your mouth as soon as your response gets out. Jungkook tilts his head tiniest bit to the side and the corner of his mouth lifts up. “You were watching.”
“It was hard not to. Everyone was watching.”
“That's not an excuse.”
You inch closer, licking your lips. “It wasn't supposed to be.”
He stares at your lips before his touch disappears and so its warmth does. “You're not leaving my side.”
You scoff but he glares at you which surprisingly shuts you up. 
“I can give you alcohol, you can have fun. But you're not leaving my side.”
“You're worse than my brother.” That's a stretch and you both know it, but you've never seen Jungkook acting like this. He never really cared. He never had to in the first place. That's what your brother was for. 
He inches closer, hovering over you like only his presence can. “I can be worse.”
And somehow, that sounds like a promise. Once he motions for you to follow him, you do like a lost poppy with gritted teeth and anger bubbling inside you. But you don't disobey. Perhaps it's the shock or the weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you buzz with excitement. 
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It's not hard not to have a crush on someone like Jungkook. He's hot, he's confident but not in the way where he's full of himself. He has every reason to be confident.
And just like he promised, he has managed to give you drinks that surprisingly taste good. They're not too strong and something tells you he purposely picked those out for you. You don't complain. They don't cause you to make grimaces at every gulp and you can feel yourself relax. In the corner your brother watches you with glare, reminding you of something that should feel like punishment. 
Perhaps it does.
Jungkook has you seated next to him, back on the couch. The woman he made out with sits on the opposite side, sending daggers next to you. You roll your eyes very publicly, scoffing and making sure she sees you. 
“JK, can we go somewhere else?” You hear her annoying sweet voice, while Jungkook himself looks slightly irritated that he has you on his watch. “Upstairs?” she suggests.
“Sorry, love, can't.”
She huffs out, “Why? Because you're babysitting?”
You move sideways to face her, leaning through Jungkook as you glare at her. “Maybe he just doesn't want your tongue shoved in his mouth.”
Jungkook sighs, lifting his hand to your collarbones to move you back but you don't budge. 
“Oh yeah? He wants more than that.” she informs you. 
“God, you're so desperate.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Behave.” Jungkook warns you, pushing slightly harder and finally, you plop back onto your spot and fume with arms crossed. 
“Tell your bitch to behave.”
“Y/N.” Jungkook warns through his teeth. You stop, realizing that this is the first time he said your name. Still fuming, you give him a glare before standing up.
“What did you just call me?”
“Come on.” Jungkook stands up too before you can make things worse and he's going to be caught up in a girls fight. This is not the night he planned.
He doesn't drag you like your brother did. He still rests his hand against your back and leads you in a direction. You don't protest. You want to but anything's better than being in the blonde's presence one more second. 
When you realize you're standing next to your brother who's leaning against the wall, watching the two of you with a knowing and quite pleased smirk. 
“Dude. That's enough.”
“Are you having any issue with my sis, JK?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “You made your point.”
“No, I don't think I have.”
“You two are annoying.” he sighs, closing his eyes.
“Excuse me? What have I done?” you exclaim, hand on your chest as he gives you a knowing look that shuts you up.
It's more than clear. Jungkook has brought you to your brother, so he could deal with you rather than he has to. It bruises your ego, but only slightly because you don't let any guy do any permanent damage. But you have to be honest. It's slightly embarrassing how he wants to shake you off. Clearly his plans for tonight have been different and watching the blondie still waiting for him patiently makes your night even worse, knowing what exactly he had planned. 
“You made me a huge cockblocker, bro.” you interrupt their bickering. It feels refreshing not to be the one bickering with your brother. 
Which reminds you that for the first time, you actually see them in some sort of argument even though it's not exactly a fight. Your brother as always is a pain in the ass and Jungkook's now experiencing it. You don't understand why Jungkook just doesn't let you go? Why did he insist on having you by his side at all times? 
Most likely, he doesn't want to piss off your brother.
Jungkook throws you yet another glare, but you brush him off pretty easily. “It's not about that.”
You give him a look which makes him groan.
“It's not just about that.”
And then they continue again. Your brother complains about your presence here, blames Jungkook rather than your own decision to come. He knows you. He knows you've done it to mess with him and it worked. But he expected better from Jungkook. 
You don't want to hear any second of it any longer. You don't wait for Jungkook's response, not even when you see his frown deepen and you know he's getting angrier by every word your brother spits in his face.
Using the tiny chance where they don't pay you any attention, you distance yourself from them. When you're in a safe distance and are not stopped by one of them, you make a run for it. Grabbing a wine bottle from someone's hold, ignoring them complaining, you make it upstairs and try to find a place where you can be alone. Before they find you.
You know once they notice you're not there, they'll be looking for you. Well, your brother will for sure. Even though he can be a dick, he's worried. But let him. That's what he gets for not letting you enjoy tonight. 
Passing by people who either mingle or make out, you try a few doors that are locked. Wise decision. Another reason why Jungkook seems to know how these parties go. It seems almost impossible to find a place where no one is. 
Just when you become tired and desperate, you make it to the quieter part of the house. It's weird because there are people everywhere. It's impossible to find somewhere quiet and empty. 
Luckily for you, you end up in a room that seems to be some sort of office. It's medium sized, definitely not one of the biggest rooms in this massive house, but still bigger than your kitchen and room together. 
It seems Jungkook has forgotten to lock this room. There's nothing special about it though. But he definitely doesn't want anyone to have sex on the wooden desk you pass by. There are a few shelves with books and a lamp, but other than that it's pretty empty. Oh, and there's a small couch. It looks expensive but it seems like they've brought it here just to put it somewhere. Not that it doesn't fit in here.
But it definitely doesn't look as expensive as the furniture you've managed to see in your short stay here. What has it been? Two hours? Two awful hours and no fun. 
Making it onto a small balcony, you sigh in relief when you find it open. It's facing the back of the house and your mouth drops when you see a fountain, pool and a garden in the distance. He's filthy rich. His parents are.
Sitting on the cold ground, you take a sip of the wine. Your features scrunch in disgust but you force yourself to drink. It's more from the whole annoyance and anger you've been feeling ever since you came here.
Maybe they were right.
This place is not for you.
You have no idea how long you end up sitting there. 
You just stare, hearing the blasting music in the distance and the chatter of people. You wonder if any neighbor called the police on him. But they're in the distance, probably they don't hear it as much.
There's a forest around you. There are no cars, no barking and no city noise. You wonder how this place feels like when there's no party. It must be calm and relaxing.
“Here you are.”
You hear it as soon as the balcony door slides open, ignoring the hint of annoyance in his voice as you take another gulp.
“You can't disappear like that!”
You chuckle, “Really? Watch me.”
“Your brother went crazy when you disappeared.”
“Sounds like a him problem.” you shrug.
“Are you drunk?”
You give him a look, a lazy smile making it onto your face.
“Where did you get that?”
“You know this is the most you've spoken to me since I've known you.” you take a note out loud.
He ignores you though. “You're gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a me problem, no?”
“God, you're such a brat,” he groans, “And get off the ground, you're gonna get sick.”
Snorting, you shake your head. “You're acting just like my brother.”
“You're irresponsible.”
That causes you to get a whiplash from how fast you glare at him. “I am not. Y'all act as if I can't do things on my own. Not only does my brother try to control me and watch over my shoulder every goddamn minute, you started doing it too!”
“He's worried about you.”
“Whatever,” you grumble, “Go back to blondie and leave me alone. Or snitch to my brother about my whereabouts, I'm sure he will get me out of here.”
He stays though. He doesn't move and doesn't speak for a moment. Instead, he sighs and sits next to you. 
“I wanted you to have fun.”
“Well, that didn't work, did it?”
“Look at you,” he chuckles, nudging lightly on your shoulder. “You seem to have fun on your own.”
“Yeah, spending Valentine's Day alone on the balcony of my brother's best friend is just so much fun.”
He laughs. He actually laughs and gives you an approving nod once he realizes you're right. “You're not alone anymore.”
You give him a look but before he can elaborate, he motions toward the bottle in your hand with his head. 
“Give me that.”
“No, this is the only fun I have.”
“C'mon, I will drink with you.”
Your surprise comes out before you give him a suspicious look. “You will?”
“Yeah.” he agrees and takes the bottle you hesitantly give him.
He takes a small sip, not a few gulps as you expect him to. “Is that all you got?”
“For tonight, yeah.”
“Why?” you question.
“I will take you home.”
You scoff, but then he continues. 
“After you decide you wanna go home.”
“Really?” Your surprise makes it out again. “You're not gonna kick me out?”
“I would never kick you out.” 
You make a face, “But my brother–”
“Your brother can be a dick sometimes.”
“Don't act like you don't know it.”
“I do, but I'm just surprised you're the one saying it.”
He sets the bottle on the other side of him. It doesn't go unnoticed by you but you decide not to fight with him, especially once you feel the alcohol doing its job. 
“Well, I've seen it from his side and I gotta be honest, he's protective. Sometimes overly but he's not doing it because he hates you, y'know?”
“I know he doesn't hate me,” you inform him. “It's just annoying sometimes.”
“But now I've seen more of your side and he should just let you live.”
You nod in appreciation with lips pursed, “Wow, thank you.”
He smiles, “You still do a lot of stuff just to get back at him. You're not making it any easier, huh?”
You laugh, “It's my rebellion.” 
You sit there for a moment in complete silence. Jungkook stands up and leaves. You act as if you're not disappointed but before you can reach for the bottle that Jungkook has left here, the door slides open again and Jungkook wraps a blanket around you. 
“Don't look so surprised.”
“Wow, JK does something nice for a girl?”
“I can do a lot of nice things.”
“Is there a double-meaning or?” you trail off, causing him to laugh as he shakes his head.
“Not like that.”
Yeah, because you're his brother's best friend.
Not that you would ever want something with him. Only in your most secretive dreams but that's beside the point. Jungkook is not boyfriend material. You've seen it today more than ever. But you can't deny that he attracts you in the weirdest way possible. You have never experienced that with anyone. 
He's your type. When it comes to looks. And you're slightly ashamed to admit that some of his behavior attracts you. Basically, it's a red flag but what do they say? I'm color blind?
“How are you not freezing?”
It's February and you're sitting on a balcony. 
“I'm drunk.”
God, you're going to end up sick. Even your drunk self scolds you. 
“You wanna go home?”
“Not yet.”
He nods, not protesting as you both stare ahead. Your thoughts run wild, even in their slow pace because of alcohol flowing in your system.
“I was so annoyed because today's Valentine's Day,” you start, chuckling at yourself. “At first I thought I was just annoyed because everyone's in love and everything about today is about love. I do think it's overrated though.”
“I don't know, I never cared about it to be honest.”
You laugh, “Did you make today's party for all anti-romanticists?”
“No, I would've done it either way.” he chuckles. 
“Did you ever make something romantic for Valentine's Day?”
He makes a face, frowning but silently laughing amusingly at the thought of it. “No.”
“You know what? I think I was more annoyed that secretly maybe I crave for something romantic. Not necessarily a relationship.”
“Or maybe you just feel the pressure of today's ridiculous holiday and people around you.”
You snort, “You're just saying that because you're not in love.”
“Love's not for me. Not that kind at least.”
“And what kind?”
“I loved our family dog.”
You laugh, “That's different. I'm not talking about that.”
“I know you don't. Just sayin', love has all forms.” 
You hum, sighing before you start shivering. 
“Come on, let's go inside. You're freezing.”
“We don't have to go home.”
“Or maybe I should. I'm getting tired. And I think I'm gonna throw up.”
“You were mixing hard liquor with wine. You will.” he agrees and once you nudge him, he laughs at you. “C'mon, you little brat. It's time to go home.”
As he makes sure you don't fall on the stairs, giving you the support you almost stumble when your brother makes his way toward you, breathless and relieved once he sees you.
“Where the hell have you been?! I've been looking for you everywhere. We've been looking for you! Why do you have the blanket?”
“Found her on the balcony.”
“What were you doing there?!” He screeches.
“Don't worry, I wasn't going to jump. But if I'm gonna have to keep up with your annoying ass for one more second, maybe I will.”
“You're drunk.” He scoffs.
“And honest.” you add.
“And where are you going?”
“I'm gonna take her home.” Jungkook answers, helping you with the last step as your brother stares with mouth wide open. 
“Like the hell you will! You were drinking.”
“I wasn't,” he responds. “Not since I was with her anyway.”
“Doesn't mean you don't have alcohol in you.”
“I don't. I'm fine.”
You didn't even realize he wasn't drinking anymore. God. You really can be a pain in the ass too. But that's your brother's doing though. He should've never ordered Jungkook to look after you. 
“You're the one who reeks of alcohol,” Jungkook informs him calmly, “Or you want someone else to take her?”
He shakes his head, still hesitant. He walks closer to you and wraps the blanket tighter around your form. “Are you gonna be fine?”
“Yeah, I trust Jungkook. Don't you?”
“I do.” He doesn't hesitate. 
He gives one final nod to Jungkook as he leads you out of the house. As you're walking out of it, you spot blondie with a group of what seems like her friends, glaring the shit out of you. You stick out your tongue when Jungkook's busy opening the door for you. The look on your face causes you to smirk.
Jungkook gets you inside his flashy car and you're kinda doomed that you're too drunk to look around and appreciate the expensive type of vehicle. You're drifting in and out of your consciousness. But you notice Jungkook stopping in front of a convenience store, informing you he'll be right back. And he is. It seems like he's been gone for a minute because you close your eyes, open them and he's already there.
The drive and walk to your home is quick. You get to walk on your own, much to your embarrassment there are no accidents of stumbling or falling. As soon as you make it past your doormat, you make it inside your bathroom and throw up in the sink. It's embarrassing once you hear Jungkook behind you, helping you with your hair. He doesn't say anything, just letting you throw up everything that's currently in your stomach. 
“I should take a shower.”
“Fuck that. Go lay down. I will lock the door.”
“Your brother gave me his spare keys.”
After a few minutes of bickering, you still insist on taking a shower. Jungkook sighs and lets you do your own thing, patiently waiting in the living room. Once you make it out in your pajamas that consist of your brother's huge t-shirt, you find him scrolling through his phone. 
“You gonna be fine?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You're seconds from passing out. You might've stumbled in the bath a few times but you hope he didn't hear that. 
You drag your feet to your bedroom and fall onto bed. You'll cover yourself later. As soon as you lay down, you ignore your spinning head and the disgusting taste of vomit that is still present, even though you've brushed and rinsed your teeth even in your drunken state.
The night is wild.
You throw up a few times, finding a prepared bucket beside your bed but unfortunately, you don't make it into it the first time. Once you wake up with a messy and aching head, you notice vomits on your floor and you cringe at yourself. Disgusting. 
You wake up around twelve, finally in a better state to leave your eyes open without having to vomit everywhere. You're about to reach for your phone, knowing you're going to have at least a dozen messages from your brother. But you stop yourself as you stare at things that weren't on your nightstand before.
There's a glass of water. A box of painkillers and a chocolate bar wrapped in a package filled with pink and red hearts. 
There's a note stuck to it. 
'Happy Valentine's Day, JK'
You stare, reading the note over and over again. 
And they say romance is dead.
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suguboos · 2 months
jjk headcanons 🔞
this post contains mild nsfw headcanons about satosugu (goge) and shokohime (just shoko's) and how they found out they were gay + the preferences I personally think they have.
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DISCLAIMER: Written 'cause I'm bored, if you disagree w my takes, just scroll. I'm not engaging in top/bottom discourse.
english is not my first language so bear w me, okay.
satosugu (goge)
I'll start with them since they have my entire soul and heart on a chokehold right now
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Satoru thought he was straight all his life, being born and raised in a conservative clan, he was taught he'll have to look for a suitable wife once he comes out of age, if he didn't, then he'll have to marry out of convenience to a noblewoman from another prestigious jujutsu clan; chosen by the Gojo elders. So, he automatically believed there was only one option to choose from, women.
Also, he didn't give a damn about romance, since he was entirely focused on perfecting his abilities at the time.
Then he turned 16 and met Geto Suguru, immediately finding him interesting; Suguru's pretty black hair, soothing voice, unusual bangs... bangs, bangs, bangs. Gojo liked his style and personality a lot, he kept Gojo on check and rapidly become his equal. They trained together, ate together and played videogames together. Gojo loved being surrounded by someone as strong as him, even being scolded by Suguru was kinda fun instead of annoying, so without noticing, Suguru became Satoru’s first best friend and crush ever.
He thought he only admired Suguru a lot at first though, that was, until he had a wet dream starring no other than his best friend in it.
In his dream, they were kissing profusely and touching each other in a warm embrace, entangled in his bed without a care for the world. It was a pleasant dream, Suguru touching Satoru's abs and chest, ass and cock, exploring his body; coy, foxy eyes staring at Satoru, which made him harder than he's ever been. Satoru never thought about touching another man's cock but found himself very happy to explore Suguru's dick. In his dream, Satoru jerked him off and even put him in his mouth, that morning, Satoru woke up with a very painful hard on and a lot of questions in his head.
Gojo never told Suguru about his dream and attraction for him, instead, Satoru set on a “I’m very gay but I don’t care about coming out” mindset, which was surprisingly easy to live with.
Their friendship only grew from that point, Satoru teased and flirted with Suguru, it became a casual bro thing between the two, sometimes Suguru flirted back too--which always led to Satoru's heart jumping so hard it made him choke.
Two years later, he found gay porn, his eyes were glued to it at first, this new discovery was both very arousing and life changing. Then a question popped in his mind, was he a top or a bottom? Or a switch? He entertained the idea for a while, staring at the ceiling, thinking what gets his dick harder, being fucked or fucking someone...? He didn't get the answer right away.
That was until a very hot afternoon, when the sun was ablaze and they planned to a friendly outdoor sparring, he witnessed something that radicalized him: Suguru in tight shorts.
Tiny, tight, black shorts.
He never knew Suguru hid all that.
Suguru looked delicious, long, thick legs and an ass so fat Satoru wanted Suguru to sit on his face to suffocate in it. Suguru also had a pretty snatched waist, his body had a special harmony, it was muscles and curves that sent Satoru's mind on a spiral. Suguru's high ponytail did nothing to ease Satoru's internal gay turmoil too, his neck was all sweaty and that white t-shirt he was wearing was very much see through; pink pretty nipples on plain sight.
And Satoru had seen Suguru wearing only a towel before, but he never paid special attention to him until now that he had become some sort of simp, if Suguru asked him to bark, he'd bark and roll over, so as the dog he is now—he saw more skin and had a neuron activation moment.
He wanted to manhandle Suguru and sit him on his lap to kiss and lick him all over, then Satoru would fuck him while griping that slutty waist and fat ass, yeah, there was his answer; he was born to pound some ass, more specifically--Suguru's ass.
It did happen of course, as time went by, Suguru ended up confessing and Satoru will never forget that day, the loveliest day ever--their first time was sloppy and messy but it was fun, Suguru turned out to be a pillow princess when cumdrunk and a power bottom on special nights, it was so hot.
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Suguru never had an issue with labeling himself, he always knew he was gay but of course that wasn't public knowledge since he was born and raised in the countryside--but that never stopped him from accepting himself for who he was and what he liked.
So when he moved to Tokyo, he felt more free and accepted, he didn't date anyone though, but he felt more at peace on a big city with more open minded people all around.
When he met Satoru, Suguru was dumbstruck. His white hair and vibrant blue eyes, he was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Of course he kept on a collected face that day, he wasn't going to crumble right away.
What surprised him about Satoru was his personality, he seemed all serious when they were introduced, after that, they didn't get along that well--fights broke now and then, Satoru was bratty as fuck and Suguru valued order and good manners a lot. Despite that, the more time they spent together, the more they showed their true colors and started caring for each other.
Suguru learned they matched their personalities really well, when he let the curtain of correctness down, he behaved as goofy as Satoru did--they both liked pranks, wacky jokes, playing videogames until midnight and escaping from class to go to the arcade.
He never showed Satoru how flustered and nervous he felt to Satoru's teasing when they were just friends, that one time Satoru put an arm around him and gave him a kiss on his cheek, Suguru faked annoyance. That one time Satoru pushed his messy bangs behind his ears, he shoved Satoru's hand away.
But alone and locked in his room Suguru blushed and smiled thinking about it, that´s when Suguru knew he had developed a hopeless crush on Satoru before becoming best friends.
When they were officially inseparable, he felt like teasing back and flirting too, it was so fun because he could mask his advances as friendly behavior, sometimes it made him a bit sad though, but he learned to live with it as time went by.
They went on missions together all the time and spend summer, winter and spring together. Rides on bicycles, they went to Okinawa once, they also went to karaoke together, sometimes even Shoko joined them...
Suguru felt his crush developing into love when their second spring as best friends hit Tokyo, and Satoru insisted on even spending more time together outdoors, whether it was taking a long strolls together to enjoy the weather or share popsicles or spar, that spring was the best season of his life.
Of course not everything was cutesy and pure, he also wanted Satoru to fuck him stupid. He often thought how good it’d be to have Satoru inside him, Satoru’s large, pretty hands all over him, on his waist, on his ass, on his neck… He knew he was a bottom when he played with himself there years ago and busted a nut so hard he passed out. It was laughable how he simply blacked out to a hard orgasm, but it happened, so ever since then he has fantasied about Satoru doing it to him rather than his own fingers.
Time passed and Suguru couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore, so he bashfully asked Satoru out one day. Satoru was blushing and giggling the entire 'date' and that's when he had a boost of confidence and simply confessed, Satoru hugged and kissed him so hard they had to move it to their rooms, where they messed around and fucked for hours.
They immediately started dating after, no one was surprised, and four years later (in an alternative universe where gege is a kind person) they got married and adopted Megumi, Tsumiki, Mimiko and Nanako.
They are happy gays in my universe, okay?
so, they're my favorite lesbians ever but sadly we don't have lots of crumbs about them so this is like... 100% made up lore by me (when i catch you, gege)
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Shoko has had multiple people, men and women, confessing to her and never really caring about them at all, just declining one after another--she thought love wasn't for her, she wasn't interest in it, they only thing she cared about was fooling around, hanging out with her friends, just living in general, a classy carefree life.
Even Gojo and Geto were surprised she never accepted any dates at all, they once questioned her about being a lesbian since she only had expressed her profound love for female idols, but she doubted about being one, she did reject some girls before so... maybe it was just pure fanatism and nothing that actually labeled her.
But then she met Utahime, it was insane how clingy Utahime was and how Shoko never felt annoyed by her, she'd let Utahime give her bone-crushing hugs all the time and never stopped her, they even shared cigarette breaks when Utahime agreed on escaping from class. It was a nice friend at first, until Shoko felt like her company was all she needed and looked forward to after class.
It wasn't a revelation but much more like something that just happened, they forgot an umbrella one day, having gone to walk around the forest near jujutsu high and the rain surprised both of them. Utahime was distressed, her white miko was all soaked and dirty and Shoko felt really bad about it. They walked back to the school and suddenly found themselves running, it was fun and exhilarating. They started laughing all loud and competing on who's faster and shit until Shoko needed to rest against a tree, Utahime stopped and stayed next to her in a second.
Utahime's face was so red and her smile was wide and just perfect, Shoko couldn't help herself and kissed her. They ended up making out messily in the rain. Shoko pushed Utahime against a tree, bumping her lower body against her, both a panting mess and completely lost in the feeling. That's when Shoko knew both things: that she was indeed a lesbian, and that if she didn't eat Utahime out at that very moment, she'd die. So she did, Utahime's tears merged with the rain, moaning loudly and that was the beginning of their relationship (and their exhibitionism kink LMFAO)
They kept it a secret for a while, not telling anyone about it until they graduated and Utahime was offered a position as a teacher in Kyoto. Shoko was really sad, watching her leave broke her, the dorms where suddenly so empty. Utahime insisted on not breaking up despite the distance, Shoko agreed even if she felt stressed about it, she learned she needed Utahime's bone-crushing hugs to have a good day.
Years passed and Gojo found out about it a night when they went out to drink. Gojo had fought with Geto and vented about it, which lead and gave Shoko the will to confess to his friend that she had been dating Utahime all this time. Gojo was shocked but not surprised, Utahime wasn't the best person when it came to hide her feelings after all.
Gojo offered to help, (in exchange of Shoko talking and convincing Geto to forgive Gojo) being a clan leader of an important jujutsu family, in a blink of an eye he had Utahime and her students moving a whole season to Tokyo so they could compete in a friendly tournament. It worked and Shoko passed all the time with her beloved, she was the clingier one now.
In this universe, they also got married and went on double dates with Gojo and Geto, bowling, KFC, karaoke, you name it.
My gays lived happily ever after :,)
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watatsumiis · 2 years
hello..! I noticed you reblogging ayato itto gorou thoma content and literally just this week I have started to obsess over ayaitto (as a relationship generally, not necessarily romantic but not excluding romance either) so I was wondering if you have headcanons or other thoughts about it?? just an open prompt for you to ramble if the fancy strikes you, but if you don't have anything to say that's cool too, either way thank you for putting them on my dash in this time of obsession ^u^
Okay I know this is such a late response but this has been sitting in my ask box for ages and occasionally triggering small bouts of brainrot in me so I just really need to try and get it all out aha! Sorry if your AyaItto obsession is over already </3 I tried my best 
I genuinely adored seeing art of that poly ship, it made my heart so happy! Though AyaItto isn’t my Go To Ship for either of them I think it’s genuinely such a fun idea and so I figured I’d toss some headcanons out there :D 
Some rambles below the cut!
So like… their dynamic in canon fascinates me, the fact that Itto, through whatever shenanigans, has no idea who Ayato is, and Ayato seems to have no desire to tell him, so their relationship is pretty relaxed.
I’d imagine Ayato kind of lets loose a little when he’s with Itto, allowing himself to relax and indulge in ‘frivolous’ things that he doesn’t get the chance to when he’s around others. Thoma and Ayaka aren’t aware of their friendship (at least at first), and Ayato often finds himself sneaking out to go and see his silly oni friend. 
Though Ayato finds Itto’s escapades downright ridiculous, he may find that this big goofy teddy bear has just managed to rope him into some harebrained scheme that could get them both into a fair bit of trouble. Though he’d never admit it, Ayato loves the thrill that he gets from letting go of the high expectations set for him and just letting himself be a bit silly. 
Itto isn’t really someone who cares about rankings and the like. Everyone is equal to him, and the fact that Ayato puts up with his shenanigans and continues to come back, even offering him advice or encouraging words, means that he quickly comes to consider Ayato one of his best bros. 
This isn’t to say that Itto doesn’t get influenced by Ayato in return, though. Sometimes Ayato’s lecturing actually sinks in and Itto will sometimes act unexpectedly refined or well-mannered in situations where it truly matters. Though Ayato definitely also teaches him some tips and tricks he’s picked up over the years spent dealing with the bureaucracy. Not that Itto uses them for anything other than juvenile pranks and talking his way out of trouble, but the fact still stands. 
They often have beetle fights together, and play rounds of Genius Invocation. While Ayato is a master at the card game and trounces Itto handily every single time, he seems to have a knack for picking out beetles that are a little less inclined to engaging in combat, meaning that he’s one of the few people that Itto can actually beat in a beetle fight, and boy that oni will never let him forget it! No, Ayato doesn’t pick out the piddly looking beetles on purpose, why would you even ask something like that?! How absurd. 
Itto finds Ayato really funny and entertaining to be around, and Ayato finds Itto to be somewhat soothing and relaxing to be around, despite his boisterous attitude and loudness. He likes seeing the stark differences in their lifestyles, and may even occasionally find a way to swoop in behind the scenes and save Itto from an ill-timed arrest or something along those lines! 
They’d have a really interesting dynamic together I think, and I feel like it’s something I’d love to explore in writing some time! 
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Thank you so much @altocat for including me!!! Plz plz go drop your dinner and check out her blog! There is SO much effort and heart poured into everything she writes—stories or asks. They’re really gems!
Now, let’s see how these questions fare against my stunningly metaphysical intellect *plops laptop in water to see if it floats*
Three (Friend)Ships
Soooo I actually don’t dabble with romance *dives behind a couch.* It’s never been my jam. My jelly tho? That would be the interactions between characters and exploring how deep their bonds go! The words “best friend” send me to another world <3
1 ~ Zack Fair & Sephiroth (FF7) If you know me, even just the most microscopic tad, then you prolly know these two have organized the Louisiana Purchase on my heart. They are BEANS! I love them SO MUCH!!!! Adorable polarity aside, I’m just absolutely infatuated with the story these two share. I will always imagine their mutual tie to Angeal being what draws them together, able to empathize with each other’s grief in a way nobody else can. They need each other: Zack needs someone to look after him, protecting his enthusiasm, and Seph needs someone to mend his trust… and make him smile <3 <3 They become inseparable, all that bitterness Banora and Modeoheim stirred faded into nothingness. Come Nibelheim, and those books and mumsy have nothing on these two. Sephiroth already has too much to cherish to throw it all away <3 Poor mumsy. Can’t brainwash someone who’s gotta pupper who loves him more than you :3c
2 ~ Hiccup & Toothless (HTTYD) There is NO animal-human friendship that beats this one. Nope, nope! Sorry! Vetoing that thought (pssst your opinions are wonderful and valid). I think what makes these two SO powerful to me is that Toothless is never treated as a pet; he is Hiccup’s bestest friend and they are equals. They love each other to death and would do anything to protect the other <3 Seeing their bond evolve and the parallels unfolding between them is magical. I don’t think there will ever be a scene that tops Hiccup and Toothless walking towards the door, Toothless with his prosthetic tail and Hiccup mirroring that with his leg. It is godly <3 (I’m also always using these two as springboards for my writing. Small details like Zack always referring to Seph as “bud” are plucked right from here!)
3 ~ Mikey & Leatherhead (TMNT) Their friendship begins with Mikey spoon-feeding soup to the adorable, scaly bean, who’s plopped right on his bottom. The frequency of the SQUEAL I made. This is just one of the healthiest, most wholesome friendships to ever exist and I will love them forever!!! Mikey has unwavering trust in him from the moment they meet, helps him gain control of his rage, and offers his teddy bear for emotional support <3 Nothing but not judging a book by its cover and earning a true blue buddy as a result.
First (friend)ship: Hmmm… ig any two smash bros characters I visualized having a movie night lmao! l got my hands on a controller when I was 4. The first character dynamic I fell in love with tho was prolly Ash & Pikachu!
Last song: Hailee Steinfeld/DNCE, Rock Bottom
Last movie: Malignant & Ferdinand (watched back to back for some genius reason. The shift in tone was like being slapped with a trout)
Currently reading: The Catcher in the Rye
Currently watching: Inside Job (I’m verrry slow and hardy watch anything shdhdh. I suck)
Currently consuming: Nada! Already brushed my teeth and that’s my personal moral
Currently craving: Anything because I brushed my teeth and I’m hungry. Maybe like a mozzarella stick or something
Passing along to @zimithrus1 @polaris-talks-fandom @aerislei! I knowwww that’s not 9- I passed kindergarten by a hair- but most of my mutuals have already done this lmao! For those who did fall into my lasso, no pressure at all, and plz only hop in if you’re comfortable! I know how annoying tags can be if you’re not into them.
Plz tho, if you see this and want to join in, you are welcomed to with open arms! Share your wonderful, weird and beautiful tastes with the world!
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scattered-winter · 1 year
i would be very interested in your aro buck and aro eddie aus and headcanons!!! i am aspec myself, and i have been enjoying aspec buck and eddie takes in fic, but i almost never see them being aro. if you feel comfy sharing, i am all eyes 😍🌈❤️
the aro eddie hcs are more based in what I've seen in canon (because he's sooooooooo coded <33) and the aro buck hcs are more born from spite than anything else BUT I WILL HAPPILY TELL YOU ABOUT THEM<3
so the thing abt eddie is that bro is NOT interested in a relationship. pepa's trying to get him to date, but he's just really not into it. now one could read this in many ways, all equally valid, but I'm choosing to interpret this as him being more comfortable with not wanting a relationship. he keeps comparing the dates to what he had with shannon, as a kid. and he can't find anything like that as an adult so he's saying he's Waiting For The Right Person (when in reality what he had with shannon was probably idealized + romanticized because they were KIDS. they were kids and they both had more responsibility than they should have had to handle at that age and so I feel like eddie is very much looking through rose-colored lens when it comes to what he had with shannon.) and I'm not denying that they had anything, because it's soo clear that they loved each other a lot!!!!! this might be a hot take but I think one of the reasons why they fell apart the way they did was because of how much love was there. but that's something for another post. but regardless, eddie is using a romance he had as a kid to compare to the potential romances he could have as an adult. which to ME is very aro coded because there's this framework of What Romance Should Look Like that a lot of aro people try and make themselves fit into, at least at first. and idk there's something to be said for how much eddie loves his team and his kid and all the people in his life who he doesn't have any kind of romantic obligation to. it's only when there are expectations for A Romance To Develop where he starts getting cagey
and the whooole thing with ana just really highlights this because the ENTIRE time, eddie was focused purely on what ana brought to the table in terms of chris. chris needed someone to take care of him during the blackout, chris liked having ana over, chris needed another caregiver in his life that he loved and trusted, so clearly eddie needed to keep dating ana because she gave chris all of those things. and when eddie finally does come to terms with the fact that he's keeping ana at a distance because he doesn't feel the things he should feel about her, he breaks up with her, and has been reluctant to jump back into any relationships ever since.
and for buck, I'm always fascinated by characters who are overly sexual/romantic because in the rich inner world they're compensating for a lack of those feelings. so buck in my rich inner world is both aromantic and asexual, and the way he behaves (or USED to behave) is his way of trying to Cope With Being Different. he grew up in the amatonormative world we live in, where kids on the playground are teased about friends of the opposite gender because everyone knows you can't be friends with someone without having Attraction (sarcasm), and with the upbringing we knew he had from his parents (or lack thereof), I really think a kid on both the aro and ace spectrums surrounded by all that would lean all the way into the other direction to Compensate. his parents only gave him attention when he got hurt doing something reckless, and I think this is kind of the same flavor where he thinks if he has enough sex or has a deep and meaningful enough romantic relationship, he'll be Fixed. and idk. for buck it's more about the Vibes than anything else but eddie is sooooooo aro coded it makes me insane
anyway my ideal buddie is a qpr where they sort of blur the lines between Traditional Friendship and Traditional Romance (like they already do) and they never really consciously make a shift into Romance Territory because they don't need to!!! they're happy where they are!!!! they love each other and they're raising a kid together and if people want to try and fit them into a box that's their problem, not buddies'.
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
I always feel like a shade awkward about these conversations because like. I'm not aspec, and I am bi. So on the one hand no, I don't get the microaggressions of people assuming romantic intent the way that ace people do - but I do get a different axis, as like, am I supposed to just never have friends since I could be equally romantically interested in anyone, theoretically. And I have definitely had an intense, platonic friendship that is on a par with what people describe as "obviously romantic" in media. (And one bizarre argument with an aspec person who I think was lashing out because of anger who told me that I wouldn't have let the friendship end if I was ace and didn't "abandon him for romance" -- I probably would have written this off as a rude person lashing out but it really stung deep because bro, he DIED). But at the same time, I've been popping in and out of fandom long enough that I have a really negative gut reaction to the "let people just be friends" line because I remember when that line was almost exclusively levied out of outright homophobia, so sometimes I can't help but bristle a little at arguments that lean in that direction. It's weird to see people using those arguments in support of something that frankly I completely agree with when I also remember people using that in support of how an Oscar Wilde-collecting, discreet gentleman's club-going, romantically unattached, "probably a [slur]" is definitely not under any circumstances interested in men except as friendship. Or that the quasiromantic relationship between two young men at college was definitely platonic even though it was known to be based on the extremely not platonic relationships the author had with other men at college. Like, I agree that canon doesn't support a romantic read of [insert ship here] but it makes me feel weird that people use the same arguments about something where like, if you don't see a queer lens you've got your eyes closed. And it isn't wrong to use that lens - because it's correct in this case!! It's just a weird position to be in.
I do understand where you're coming from, anon, and I've actually tried to find alternative ways to phrase arguments to avoid this but I just... haven't come up with any.
What's frustrating is when you're dealing with a non-canon ship, where definitionally there is a non-romantic reading, and shippers continue to insist there is no non-romantic reading. If they just said "here is my romantic interpretation" it would be fine! But no one ever does that, because fandom runs on hyperbole. (Which I don't like even for ships I do ship, because it loses its edge from overuse.)
For me, as a lesbian, being able to have close platonic friendships with other women without the assumption that I have sexual or romantic intentions is really important. I grew up around the "you're gay?? ew don't hit on me!" flavor of homophobia so it really hits home. And sometimes it stings to see something I have done or would do for a friend show up in fiction and then be called "obviously romantic" by a bunch of people.
Sometimes people being friends actually is just more interesting to me and to other people. How are we supposed to talk about it?
The best I've been able to come up with is people can use context clues to tell that we're not being homophobic.
Also, while I'm very aware of "just let them be friends" being used as cover for homophobia, not shipping a gay ship is not in and of itself homophobia no matter what, even if you're straight.
If you have an alternative way of saying "I see this particular relationship as platonic and I'm uncomfortable with the insistence these interactions have to be romantic" I'd love to hear it.
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daisyachain · 3 years
I don’t know how to say this but there are pairings that are equals, pairings that are opposites, and pairings that are equals and opposites. Most equals are portrayed as friendships (my preferred romances), most opposites are portrayed as romances (i usually don’t care about these), the strongest romances or relationship arcs are equals and opposites. Equals is where the characters bond based on shared experiences, based on being peers, they know each other on a basis outside of their individual relationship, their story is about them looking past the comfortable surface-level relationship to the deeper connection that has nothing to do with their circumstances. Opposites is where the characters are forced to bond just to communicate with each other because their viewpoints are so alien, they don’t know each other outside of that diametric opposition, their relationship arc is about trying to understand each other. Equals and opposites is where the characters have plenty of shared experiences and background, they know and like each other, but they are so fundamentally different that they can’t get closer without deliberately reaching out to one another and working to understand each other. There is the pre-existing relationship of the Equals and the barrier to communication of the Opposites, the careful negotiation of the Equals relationship where both parties struggle to move past the status quo and the direct confrontation of the Opposites relationship where they must come out and examine their differences.
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lovesjustachemical · 6 years
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broodybatboy · 3 years
House of Wind Friendships
Summary: I’m obsessed with the idea of Gwyn moving into the House of Wind. Can u imagine Gwyn and Cassian shenanigans? The Azriel and Nesta friendship?!?
Azriel + Nesta as BFFs:
Nesta and Azriel enjoy companionable silences and sit reading books/reports together.
Azriel is an EXCELLENT dancer. He’s the only person that Cassian will let dance with Nesta in Court of Nightmares.
After a series of unfortunate events, *cough* ACCIDENTAL STABBING, Azriel and Gwyn are temporarily NOT allowed on the same team during games.
Azriel & Nesta like to team up for game nights. They are SO good.
One time, Nesta threatened to withhold ~doing the dirty~ with Cass and he immediately gave up.
“BETRAYAL. CASSIAN, YOU ARE WEAK.” - gwyn vowing vengeance
Azriel and Nesta just ROASTING Cassian to the point where he’s like "plz stop" 🥺🥺🥺
“Illyrian baby” - both of them
Nesta being a major wingwoman and setting up situations for Azriel and Gwyn to be alone.
Nesta giving Azriel pep talks and supporting him whenever he doubts he is worthy of Gwyn.
Azriel holding space for Nesta and bringing her sweets and chocolate when she’s having a rough time (Az has a secret stash of sweets).
The Valkyries going on missions and Nesta hugging Azriel and promising
“I’ll protect her and bring her back to you.”
Azriel going with Cassian to Windhaven and on dangerous missions. He promises Nesta
“I will have his back. Always.”
Az resuming his chaperone duties and being the worst chaperone ever.
Azriel: “Cass is eating in the dining room let’s go somewhere else.”
Gwyn: “Shall we join him?”
Azriel: “He’s not eating food.”
Gwyn: 😳
Nesta and Azriel being softies and smiling and acting surprised whenever Gwyn and Cass prank them
even tho they totally saw it coming
bc look at them they’re so cute and gosh they tried so hard
Azriel and Nesta helping each other realize they are worthy of love and overcoming their trauma.
Azriel and Nesta going home to the person that makes them laugh, makes them smile, the person who makes them feel like home.
The House: 😢❤️
the Gwyn + Cass friendship:
The gang goes out to Rita's and Nesta, Rhys, and Az are being very protective of Gwyn the first time they go out.
Nesta won’t let her go & Az is shooting death glares at everyone and Rhys is just big brother energy
And Cass is just like “ok chaperones chill out. she’s strong. she learned from the best.” *wink wink* *points to chest*
it’s time for FUN
Cassian exudes chaotic energy
"Do you want a drink??? I’m going to get you a drink!!!"
And it's super fruity but STRONG
enter Mor with two more drinks
Azriel and Nesta glance nervously at each other
our sweet priestess is a lightweight
Drinking games? HELL YEAH.
competitive queen Gwyn absolutely annihilates
Proud Az
at this point, Cass is hammered
2 happy goofball drunks = KARAOKEEEE
Cass is a horrible singer. He’s basically just shouting. Gwyn is angelic and giggly and nothing but encouraging. She gives Cass the solo.
Nesta and Az are just in the background laughing their asses off
“Look at our idiots”
Nesta and Azriel announce that it's time to go and it’s like wrangling two very strong wobbly toddlers
“party poopers”
*sticks out tongues*
*imitates their icy rage eyes*
Cass realizes he can get away with teasing Nesta when he’s with Gwyn and YOU BETTER BELIEVE he uses this to his advantage.
Cass and Gwyn ganging up on Az
Cass and Gwyn teasing Nesta
Gwyn & Cass come up with these elaborate and complex pranks as if they’re plotting battles
But like they are not sneaky...AT ALL.. and they’re so loud… and laugh…and cass is just knocking into stuff.
the house: 🤨🤡
az and nes: ...
Gwyn learns from Nesta that Cass is STRESSED about all the Illyrian drama
She takes her butt to the library and creates this beautifully detailed research paper on Illyrian tribal politics and history
Cass is stunned and learns so much from it. And they just like bond over Illyrian and Valkyrie history
Cass asking Gwyn and Emerie about Nesta’s fave romance novels to ~spice it up~ in the bedroom
Cass will have no filter and just tell Gwyn all these ridiculously embarrassing Az stories. BONUS: Rhys will join in & use his powers to show the memories to Gwyn
Gwyn will casually reference them and Az is SHOCKED. AND FLUSTERED. How do u know that?? Was it Rhys? I’m going to kill Cassian.
“a great spy never reveals her sources” with a smirk
Gwyn will confide in Cass whenever she’s worried about Nesta
Cass and Rhys will feel so thankful to Gwyn for supporting Az
Both are SO SO SO happy and in love
Gwyn will just be singing praises about Az
And Cass is just like Az, my best bro, that brooding hunk, the other love of my life, my brother from another mother, that Illyrian bastard
He gets it.
Cass will be raving about Nesta
Gwyn is just like Nesta, my best friend, my queen, my sister, my angel warrior, my death goddess, the love of my life
She understands.
They are just GUSHING bc they finally found their equal and love them so much
One time, Azriel and Nesta overhear and exchange the most tender look
both of them trying not to cry bc they love these idiots so much
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eryiss · 2 years
Bromance In the Blackout
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Summary: Freed and Laxus were friends. Platonic. Bros. At least that's what they used to be, before they got trapped in the library together.
Notes: Hi All. This is another fic for Fraxus Week, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. Today's sub-genre is High School Romance. It's shortish and sweet. Hope you enjoy it.
Links: Ao3, FFN
Bromance In the Blackout
The lights of the library shuttered off with a churn, darkness filling the room immediately.
Freed paused where he was, blinking to adjust to the darkness. He placed the books he was holding onto the nearest desk - after he felt for it to be sure of where it was - then pulled out his phone from his pocket. The torchlight was harsh in the darkness and again, he had to blink to adjust. He pointed it upwards so that it reflected off the roof, then looked around the stacks and shelves of books. He knew that Laxus was somewhere, he just needed to find him.
He walked slowly, soon finding a window. The entirety of the highschool was engulfed in darkness, as well as the streetlamps and the houses in the immediate area. Clearly this was a blackout from the local powergrid, rather than the building's power tripping off as he had hoped.
With a tut, he placed his phone on the window sill and ran a hand over his face in frustration. The final exams of his final year at highschool were coming fast, and he had intended to spend the night studying all the subjects he felt less confident in. To not get distracted, he had gone to the school's library at nine at night where there would be fewer students to bother him. It had seemed like a good idea at the time and a smart way of making use of the twenty four hour library, but now the power was out the library was useless. He should have gone earlier in the day, at least if the power had cut off in the afternoon, he would have been able to use the sunlight to read. Now though, it was useless.
"Freed?" Laxus' voice caused Freed to jump slightly. "You there?"
"Yes," Freed spoke loudly, picking his phone up and walking to where Laxus' voice had come from. He saw Laxus, also using his phone as a torch, looking annoyed. "It's a total power cut, so there's no way of knowing how long it'll take for the lights to come back on. We might as well go."
"I think my place is on a different grid," Laxus shrugged as he walked in step with Freed. "We can go to mine. Gramps won't mind."
"Are you sure?" Freed asked, and Laxus nodded.
"He likes you, say's you're a good influence even if you get more detentions than me," Laxus grinned a little, and Freed rolled his eyes.
The two of them walked in step, something that they seemed to always be doing as of late. Their friendship was an unexpected one, both to them and to the school as a whole. Freed was, as much as he hated to admit it, something of a cliche nerd. He was top in most of his classes, unashamed to let people know how smart he was, and not interested in the parties and drinking that most people his age loved to indulge in. Laxus was on the other end of the spectrum, being the Jock King of Fairy Tail High. He was captain of the football team, treated with equal desire and jealousy, and seemed to walk his way through school life with an easy swagger that only the most confident person could afford.
Outwardly, they were the jock and nerd cliche. Inwardly, they were anything but.
Upon getting to know each other after being seated beside one another in chemistry, these cliches stopped holding weight. Yes, Freed was smart and didn't care for parties or drinking, but he was one of the most socially adaptable people Laxus had ever met. He could sit with Laxus' teammates and fit in while also being himself, and he did so with ease. He had a lot more bite to him as well, including arguing with teachers and getting into a lot more trouble than any TV show nerd would ever dream of.
Laxus himself was not anywhere near the jock stereotype either. He was smarter than most people knew, and while he could bullshit bluster and confidence to keep up his persona, whenever it came to someone he actually wanted to know deeply he became a bumbling and awkward mess. While others saw the sexy sports guy, Freed saw the adorable side that Laxus kept hidden.
He also saw the sexy sports guy too. He wasn't blind.
Ever since a chemistry experiment gone wrong where they both ended up covered in foam, laughing like idiots while the rest of the class watched in confusion, they had been friends. Best friends. There was an unspoken honesty between them, and while they didn't have too much in common, their differences melded together perfectly. So now they ate lunch together (alternating between friendship groups), walked one another to class each day, and spent most of their free afternoons with each other. It had become common knowledge that Freed and Laxus came as a pair.
That of course came with some teasing. Their purely platonic relationship had, according to others, a flirtatious edge. Freed didn't see it; they just talked freely and comfortably with each other. Other students saw a budding relationship, and more than once Bickslow had asked: 'When are you gonna take the B out of your Bromance?'
Freed had always scoffed but could never ignore the words.
As they walked to the exit of the library, Laxus looped his sports bag over his shoulder. Freed allowed himself a moment to appreciate the flexing of Laxus' arm, and then the tightness of his jeans, before looking forward again. Laxus was obviously hot, but Freed shouldn't indulge himself.
Laxus pushed at the glass door, which didn't move. He frowned, pushed it again with more force, and it still didn't move. He then pulled it, despite the fact they were clearly push to open doors, and yet again they didn't move. He frowned and looked over his shoulder at Freed, who was wearing a matching expression of confusion. The doors shouldn't be locked, that was the whole point of a twenty four hour library.
"Why isn't it opening?" Laxus asked, voice with a slight edge to it.
"I don't know," Freed said. He pushed on the door himself, saw Laxus roll his eyes, then smiled to himself. He pushed it away and looked at the hinges. "It's magnetic, maybe it needs power to release?"
"Fucking stupid design," Laxus mumbled. "Where's the fire door?"
"I think this is the fire door," Freed said, and sure enough the fire exit sign was dimly lit above the door. When he spoke again, it was to himself more than to Laxus. "Which is not a smart design in practice. Surely there's a backup generator that should keep the fundamentals going. Maybe it takes time to work."
"So, we can't get out?" Laxus asked, sounding panicked even if he was trying to hide it.
"I'm sure it won't be long," Freed tried to assure him, patting him on the arm in a gesture meant to be comforting. "I'll email building services, just in case, but the backup power will take over."
"How long?" Laxus insisted, agitation obvious in his voice.
"I don't know," Freed said honestly, opening the emails on his phone and finding the building service's address.
"Dammit, why the hell is this happening?" Laxus spoke under his breath, pacing slightly as he panicked. Freed watched him with a flickering gaze as he tapped out an email explaining the situation. "Shouldn't have come. Why the hell did I agree to this? Fuck."
Freed, once the email was sent, placed his phone torch side up on the table and approached Laxus. He placed a hand on Laxus' shoulder, tried not to think about how good that felt, and wordlessly guided him towards a chair. Laxus didn't fight, but he completely tensed up and curled in on himself the moment he was sitting. Freed looked at him for a moment, the clear panic on Laxus' face a true testament to how uncomfortable he felt.
"You're claustrophobic?" He asked, just to clarify the situation.
"No shit," Laxus snapped. "You're smart, get us out of here."
"I'm sure the energy power will be on soon," Freed assured him, quietly processing the new information in the back of his mind. Was it wrong to be slightly proud that Laxus felt comfortable being honest like that? Probably. "Until it does, we should distract ourselves and do something."
"Like climbing out a window?" Laxus offered, and it was said as a joke, but Freed felt there was the slightest tinge of hope in it.
Of course, it was impossible. They were on the third story of an old building, a building which cannot have passed any fire safety tests. Freed would definitely have to speak to the principal about the lack of a secondary fire exit on the upper floors, because if they were in danger then there was a very real chance they wouldn't make it out. That was the main reason for his anger, though the look of worry on Laxus' face was certainly fanning the flames of his irritation. No doubt that would be the deciding factor between Freed getting a detention after meeting with the principal; Laxus in such a state demanded harsh language.
Rather than saying any of that, Freed looked around the badly lit room. Laxus' main issue when it came to studying was how distracted he could become, and that would be useful now. Freed would offer him up something else to think about, and when he settled on the sports bag, the solution presented itself.
"You have a soccer ball," He commented. "Isn't that against some form of jock rulebook? Surely you can only have a ball from your specific sport?"
"What?" Laxus asked, clearly not listening, then looked at his bag. "Oh, Gramps says I need to do extra work to get into the college I want, so I started working with some kids, teaching 'em how to play soccer. Came straight from there."
So, of course the image of Laxus teaching children how to play soccer was perhaps the most wholesome and adorable thing Freed had ever heard, and his heart melted just a little at the idea of it. Then, the kids fell away and all Freed could think about was Laxus playing soccer on his own, slightly sweaty and raising his shirt to his face to wipe it away. His abs would be rippling and his hair a mess and -
Damn, puberty really didn't hold back when you were in love with your best friend…
Freed was attracted to his best friend. Not in love.
"I didn't know you were good at soccer," Freed forced himself to say, because all the thoughts he had just had were too ridiculous and contradictory to even consider.
"I'm okay," Laxus shrugged. "Haven't played in a while, but I'm better than a bunch of eight year olds. At least for now."
"Why don't you teach me then?" Freed asked, and Laxus scrunched up his face in a way that said 'you're ridiculous.' "You say you haven't played in a while, and since we've got time to burn, you might as well try and see if you can teach me something about it. Obviously, we can't play it properly, but you can explain the rules and at least teach me to control the ball. It'll certainly pass the time."
"Freed, you might not remember this, but we went to the same middle school," Laxus crossed his arms. "I know you were on the soccer team."
Ah, yes. Freed did keep forgetting that. In his defence, he and Laxus didn't speak once, so it wasn't like Laxus had a big influence on him during his middle school years.
"Okay, how about a keepy uppy competition then?" Freed offered, undeterred in his goal of keeping Laxus distracted from their entrapment. "We both get one attempt, no do overs. And to make it a little interesting, how about if I win then you have to drive me to and from my D&D game each week until finals are over. And you can't complain or make any comments about it."
"Comments like how much of a nerd you are?" Laxus smiled a little, and Freed gave a mock glare. "Fine, but if I win you have to come to the rest of my games, and cheer for me," He thought for a moment, then his smile turned into a grin. "And you gotta sit in the front and wear my jersey."
He wanted… what?
"I know you're not interested in football, just like I'm not interested in your game, seems like a fair trade," Laxus shrugged, clearly ignoring the damn point.
"Well first of all, that is not a fair trade because I'm not making you watch me playing D&D. Although now I think that I should, because I'm fairly sure you'd enjoy it if you gave it a chance," Freed shook his head to dispel the thought. He'd treaded this road with Laxus many times; he simply refused to admit D&D could be fun. "And that's not what I meant. Why would you want me to wear your jersey? Isn't that typically worn by the… the partners of the players."
"You think you could date better than me?" Laxus huffed as if affronted, and he was clearly missing the point Freed was trying to make. "You hurt me, bro."
Freed glared at him. Laxus knew very well Freed didn't enjoy the word 'Bro'.
Wait. Why wasn't Laxus answering the question? Was he trying to distract Freed now?
That answer came quickly, when Laxus pushed a table to the side to clear some space, picked up the soccer ball, and started to do keepy uppys with talent that Freed had no idea he possessed. His intrinsic competitive streak took over, and he pushed Laxus' odd wager to the back of his mind. He had a game to win, and a friend to distract. That was the priority.
Laxus won. Freed was more annoyed by that than he should be.
When he had proposed the game, he had thought it would be a good way to keep Laxus distracted until the lights came on and the door was unlocked - which still hadn't happened - and also as a way to get some free rides to the game store. It had not, in any way, been an excuse for Freed to show off his sporting ability to the most sporty guy in the school and maybe demoralise him a little. If that had happened well, that would have been a small, unintended bonus.
But Laxus had won, and Freed wasn't pouting. He was simply standing with crossed arms, ignoring Laxus' gloat filled performance where he kept pulling keepy uppys, and fighting back the urge to take that ball and hit him over the head with it.
"So, here's the rules," Laxus said. "I need you screaming at the top of your voice each time I score. You have to leave your dignity at the door, when you're watching me, you're my own personal cheerleader."
"You know, my team nearly won the league when I was in middle school," Freed muttered, quietly imagining taking the ball and kicking it into Laxus' stomach. It would be childish, but satisfying. "If you've been able to play like this all the time and chose not to join the team, I think I might kill you."
"You were fine without me," Laxus shrugged. "And you looked real cute pissed off."
Okay, that was even less subtle than the jersey bet.
"Laxus," Freed said firmly, and all of a sudden Laxus was looking away from him. Freed rolled his eyes, stepped forward, and repeated himself. "Laxus."
"Why do you want me to wear your jersey?"
"Why are you so bothered by it?"
"Laxus," Freed said it with bite that time. "Answer my question."
Laxus seemed to consider it, before letting the ball drop to the floor. He looked deflated, and Freed gave him the time to speak. "It was the only way I could think of getting you to wear it, okay?"
That wasn't an answer exactly, but Freed didn't point that out. "Is there another way you'd want me to wear your jersey?"
"I dunno," Laxus shrugged, then looked away. "Doesn't matter now, does it?"
"Why not?"
"Because today I was gonna-" Laxus' words seemed to slip out before he could stop them.
"You were going to what?"
"It doesn't matter," Laxus said, avoiding Freed's eyes. "If you plan on doing somethin', and then on that same day you get trapped in your worst fucking nightmare, it's a pretty obvious sign that you shouldn't say it."
"Okay," Freed said slowly. "That's one interpretation. Another interpretation might be that you've been put in a situation you can't get out of with the person you need to talk to. Maybe it's the universe's way of forcing your hand," He offered the words cautiously, and when Laxus didn't move, he spoke again. "Perhaps the person you want to talk to might be happy to hear what you have to say."
Laxus slowly looked at him. "You might wanna… wear my jersey without the deal?"
"Perhaps I would," Freed nodded. "But I'd need to know exactly why I'd be wearing it, Laxus."
"Freed," Laxus complained, crossing his arms. "Don't… come on. I ain't good at this. Words ain't exactly good for me."
"I suppose I know that," Freed mumbled, then a surge of adrenaline filled him. "How about actions?"
Freed took three steps forward, placed his slightly shaking hands on Laxus' jaw, and leant in to kiss Laxus. It was his first kiss, and the feeling of lips on his own was oddly warm, and Laxus' lips were a lot softer than Freed had expected. He could feel Laxus' body, strong and firm as it was, pressed against him. His hands seemed to move on their own, sliding up to Laxus' soft hair as he closed his eyes and tilted his head into the kiss.
He felt hands on his waist and took a further step into Laxus' embrace. The kiss was hardly elegant, and Freed had a feeling that in years to come he'd look back and focus on how fumbling it was, but in the moment it felt perfect.
Panting slightly, he pulled away from Laxus. Laxus was flaming red, and Freed felt like he was probably the same. He couldn't help smiling either way.
"So," Freed began, voice breathless. "About your jersey."
"It's yours," Laxus said firmly. "Permanently. If you want it."
Freed had to smile. Whenever Laxus got awkward, his sentences became very short and very monosyllabic. It was one of many cute idiosyncrasies that had made Freed slowly fall for Laxus over the year they'd become friends. Quite often when Laxus got like this, Freed would make it worse just to see how flustered he would get. But that didn't seem like the best thing to do right now. But, well, distractions had worked so far in the night.
"You know, if I do take your jersey, I expect you to take me to D&D each week. It's only fair," Freed offered, grinning a little. "And you have to make a character for yourself, that'll be enough time for me to convince you to join the game."
"Seriously?" Laxus grumbled.
"It's what any good jersey giver would do," Freed commented, not sure if Laxus would be ready to hear the word boyfriend yet.
"Fine," Laxus snapped, but he was smiling to himself and that made Freed feel warm inside. "But if I'm gonna be a good… jersey giver, then you have to be a good jersey receiver. And that means you gotta-" He cut himself off, before visibly stealing himself and speaking again. "You gotta kiss me at the end of the last game of the season. O-on camera."
Oh, the little stammer was adorable.
Freed smiled at him, picked the ball off the floor and hooked it under his arm. He started to walk to the door, looking over his shoulder as he spoke again. "As long as I get a lot of practice beforehand, I can deal with that."
"Yeah. Deal," Laxus blustered, jogging to catch up with Freed.
They walked side by side, as they had countless times. But this was different, and not just because of the kiss stained lips, blushing cheeks and private smiles they both couldn't tamper down. There was no suaveness nor coolness between them, and the cliches of a nerd and jock fell away. They would deny it with aggression and fervour, but at that moment they were too bashful highschoolers, a few minutes after their first kiss, enjoying each other's company. As they left the library, that was all that mattered.
Neither of them had even noticed when the power came back on.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Poseidon
Fishy fishy fishy… I honestly could write 100 more things for Poseidon MC and Levi. I just love the dynamic between an insecure, otaku shut-in and a chill California surfer dead set on becoming his friend.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon 
For anyone unaware, Poseidon is also the god of horses. I know it's a weird combo, but I didn't write the mythos.
They came out of the portal….
On a horse….
They brought the mortal down to the Devildom…
On a goddamn horse….
There's a demigod on a live horse brandishing a weapon and doing laps around the Student Council Room…
Congratulations, he already wants to pull his hair out!!
Honestly, it would have been preferable to pluck them out of the sea. At least then they'd just need a towel! What the hell were they going to do with an entire horse!?
And his nightmare didn't stop there. Poseidon is a notoriously mercurial god, prone to bouts of anger and spitefulness for reasons far less grievous than kidnapping his children… 
Their apology was swift and (seemingly) effective, though the tide waters around the Devildom did rise by several feet for some time…
As for the MC… uh… Well, they're an energetic one to say the least…
Lucifer hasn't met a more active individual since Mammon. They horseback ride, swim, surf, skateboard, and probably do ten other things - the point is, they Hardly. Keep. Still! 
They're also annoyingly easygoing… He can't count the number of times they've told him to, "Just chill out," or, "Hang loose…" What does that even mean??
Between having to order a stable made for their horse and just trying to keep up with them, Lucifer already thinks this mortal has caused him more trouble than they're worth… At least they keep Mammon busy...
Upon first meeting them atop their horse, Sunset, his first thought was of course:
"I wonder if I sell that...?"
After that, they nearly fed him to sharks for trying to take their beloved steed on same night. Safe to say, he never touched a hair on its head again…
These two had a rocky start, but their relationship mended fairly quickly. As it turns out, the MC is literally one of those "go with the flow" types. You can say it was water under the bridge soon enough.
Mammon actually thinks the MC is a hell of a lot of fun, even if they're super laid-back. Most of the time, they won’t take his drive for money (or fear of his bills) all that seriously and tell him that he’s worrying too much, but they’ll still lend a hand if its on their way.
He finds their ability to control water pretty cool as well. Levi has it to some extent, but the MC can make a whole-ass whirlpool or use water like a whip! 
He once begged them to call up some rare fish for him to sell, but they got all pseudo-philosophical on him about how “trading life for material wealth” is “not cool, dude...”
He also made the mistake of challenging them to a splash fight only once…. They managed to drench the whole family with a single wave….
The only thing that bothers him is their weird insistence on being Levi's "Best Buddy…" Why would someone like them even bother with a shut in??
Is it the water? … Probably water. Levi, that lucky bastard…
Thinks they're a big normie, no scratch that, a HUGE normie! The biggest normie he's ever met!! They skateboard and horseback ride for Devil's sake!!
...But they’re also, undoubtedly, the best friend he could've ever asked for.
To be fair to Levi, their friendship was sort of forced upon him. The MC took one look at him, his aquatic-themed room, and his pet goldfish then declared their new friendship status at that moment. 
Unfortunately for him, though, they're energetic, extroverted, and generally have little understanding of personal space… aka, an introvert's worst nightmare…
The next month could accurately be described as the MC doing everything in their power to make their stubborn "senpai" like them.
They would drag him out to the aquarium, beach, or pool; they befriended Henry so he could put in a good word for them; and they'd even bring him little gifts or trinkets they'd find on the ocean floor. Pretty shells and stuff like a cat bringing its master a dead mouse.
After he finally began to accept them as a persistent fixture in his life, he introduced them to gaming and anime and started accepting them little by little...
By the end of their stay, these two were practically inseparable. Not just because they like spending time together, but because they figured out they could have a telepathic link due to Levi being part sea serpent. 
No matter how far they are, they can always have a chat! (That no one else can hear so people think they’re just crazy...)
Satan honestly isn't the MC's biggest fan, he generally finds them too loud and gregarious for his liking. But their horse…?
He never really thought that he'd be a horse man... Yet it didn’t really take long for Satan to adore Sunset, their beautiful golden-maned mare. Apparently she's not their only horse, but by far their favorite traveling companion.
Sunset is a wonderful horse - brave, strong, and well-trained. It only took a few weeks before he was regularly sneaking out to the stables to brush her fur or feed her apples...
After the MC taught him how to ride, that was it. All other forms of transportation were inferior to him now.
Satan would ride Sunset everywhere and he looked damn good doing it! It takes all that fairytale Prince Charming thing he has going on and puts it through the roof.
It's a good thing too, because when I say everywhere, I do mean everywhere. Lucifer had to put seals on the House doors to keep Satan from riding Sunset through the hallways...
Of course, he’ll always let the MC have Sunset back when they need her!... with a little complaining but nothing terrible.
The MC doesn't mind much because Sunset likes him and they know he takes good care of her, but the rest of the House is slightly unnerved at how quickly he went horse crazy… What if they brought a giant crab instead?? No one wants to deal with crab-Satan...
Their body is just scrumptious. Oh, how he could look at their swimsuit-clad figure all day!! 😩
Between the swimming and the fighting, their form is toned to all hell and he can't get enough of it! Yes baby, yes!! Take those clothes off again!!! He'll help~! 😘
When he's not staring at them “totally respectfully,” then he's inviting them out to pool parties or begging them to take him riding...
There are parts of horseback riding he doesn’t like, the smell and the jostling specifically, but there is a kind of… romance to it, no?
He loves having the chance to snuggle up to the MC as they trot around the Devildom! It's so romantic, like they’re his knight in shining armor! (Or his demigod in a damp swimsuit, either works. 😏)
His Devilgram is just full of selfies of him and MC riding on the back of Sunset or sitting by the edge of the pool or them in the middle of a swim meet…
Yeah his Devilgram is now a one part him and one part MC-Appreciation account.
After the pact he'll eventually cool down some and stop staring at them like a sex-object, but even then he'll be at every swim meet. Don't you worry~
He actually really likes them! It's great to finally have another athlete in the House. 😊
The MC joined the RAD swim team just as soon the coach was able to convince Diavolo that having the child of a water god wasn't completely cheating... 
Since swim and fangol practice ends at about the same time, they walk home together a lot and complain about... sports things... (Forgive me, I don’t know sports. Uhm... Rival teams? Coaches? That one drill everyone hates? Stuff like that.)
Beel also can surf, skate, and snowboard so the two have a healthy competition going. They're about on equal footing so they tie often (except in surfing but Beel doesn't think that should count cause they’re probably cheating).
The only thing that he has to watch out for is Sunset… As in, he has to watch himself around Sunset because he absolutely could eat her on accident… 
Look, he doesn't want to and he doesn't even like horse meat that much, but even he has to admit there are times he gets hungry enough to consider it…
Of course, he knows that if he ever did Satan would rip him limb from limb then the MC would drown the rest so he really, really tries to control himself… but still… She’s a very healthy horse...
At least he didn’t try to sell her like Mammon. The MC hung him over a shark tank for that stunt… He’d feel bad, but Mammon kind of had it coming.
The first time they met, the MC smelled like beach water and called him "dude-bro…" He didn't like his prospects.
For a while, he genuinely thought that they had a lump of sand where their brain was. They were just too chill!! Here he was saying that he's being held captive and they were like, "Well that sucks, man… I'll help ya, but I've got practice tomorrow. You can wait, right?"
It's not like he expected them to jump on top of it, but some urgency would have been nice…
When they eventually got around to helping him, he was actually looking forward to choking the life out of them for the extra wait. Unfortunately, they apparently had a horse…
Yeah, Belphie found out just a bit too late that the MC could summon their steed to them whenever they wanted and ended up with Sunset's hooves firmly bucking into his back for his trouble…
What followed was Belphegor running circles around the attic from the weapon-totting MC riding their terrifying murder horse until Lucifer finally intervened....
Thank the gods he wasn’t near any water….
As it would turn out later, as long as he's not being held captive in an attic Belphie kind of vibes with their laid-backness… They say they approach life "one wave at a time" or something.
He could care less about what that actually means, but what it translates to is "Stop stressing out and just keep chill" which he's all about.
Everybody should just chill out!... dude…. Nah, he'll let them stick to the “dude”-thing, it feels weird...
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hacash · 3 years
for the ships - rohughes, mcahughes, two aces ! :))
let's go let's go
What made you ship it?
uh....you and your fics? plus general spitballing about the foolishness of shipping wars amongst the himbos made me realise that I could definitely pair my two faves together.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Dani and Colin are two of my favourite characters on the show: they're both funny, cheerful, affectionate, and ridiculously pretty, so I can't help but love the idea of them together.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think about three people ship it so I can't imagine any unpopular opinions at this stage! a lot of fics I read are quite cheery and fluffy, so I'd have fun reading some delicious heart-rending angst between the two.
What made you ship it?
I refer our gentle readers to gems such as this, that, and the other (seriously, my finest steed to whoever can tell me where the video for this gif can be found, and for what possible reason they filmed it. seriously.)
not to mention whatever the FUCK was going on between them in the background while Ted was giving Jamie a dressing down in Two Aces.
I'm also a sucker for cocky-little-shit-who-starts-off-a-bit-of-a-dick-and-gets-better-over-time. offer me two such characters - who also act as the troublesome double act and steal every scene they're in - and of course I'm going to ship them.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love pairings where they could be platonic, could be romantic, but what matters is the obvious love between the pair - in a way that makes the romantic/platonic status almost irrelevant. for two actors who had about a line apiece through s1 and not much more in s2, Kola and Billy really put a lot of affection between their characters, and I absolutely love watching them interact on screen.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
possibly what I just put - that although I would lose my mind at Isaac and Colin getting together on screen, I think the pairing would be just as compelling if they were 100% platonic and were just Like That because they're bros and they love each other and toxic masculinity's, like, some serious bullshit.
Two Aces
What made you ship it?
Rivals-to-friends-to-lovers is already A+. Rivals-where-only-one-of-them-knows-they're-rivals-to-friends-to-lovers is even better. Seriously, I love the idea of Jamie being transferred back to Man City and re-enacting that 'nemesis' comic where he has a picture of Dani nearby because Dani is His Nemesis (while Dani's just like 'ah, amigo Jamie; what a nice chap').
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
The emotional growth. Jamie's personal growth can actually be linked to Dani, where he stops seeing Dani as a threat to his status on the team and starts seeing him as one of two aces, as equals, is *chef's kiss*. Plus, 'muchacho' was such a beautiful moment.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Potentially unpopular because of how many fics there are with these two getting together in the present day, but I like the idea of Jamie and Dani having some close calls/flirtations/one-night stands but not quite getting together officially until years later - Jamie obviously has a lot to work out to untangle friendship and support from romance (*cough*Keeley*cough*) and I love the idea of one or both of them leaving Richmond for pastures new and losing touch. And not getting in touch until years later in their forties when they're both retired from playing - potentially Dani's widowed with a kid and Jamie's chairman of a domestic abuse charity - and they run into each other on a London street and both realise at the same time that oh fuck, I'm still into him...
('I can't ask him out now, mate,' Jamie bemoans to Roy. 'I'm old. I'm decrepit. I'm like the fucking crypt-keeper.' Roy, who turned sixty last month and was feeling pretty damn good about himself until Tartt started talking, glares at him until he leaves.)
(Shipping Ask Meme)
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We all know that the romance in Naruto is trash and Kishimoto himself admitted to not knowing how to write female characters and getting embarrassed by romantic scenes…so let’s fix that shit
part 1: NaruHina
(I wrote this down as my notes for the post but I actually like it this way so I’m just copy and paste my raw thoughts lol if you get offended you can write a letter to your local congressman, prime minister, or whoever rules over provinces in other countries)
First let’s shit on the original ship shall we
- what the fuck was the build up to this relationship
- “I respect naruto and I want to be like him! But I’m too shy to talk to him! I even fainted when I saw him after the blank period! JK I HAVE MEGA HUGE BALLS AND CONFRONTED PAIN TO SAVE NARUTO!!!! Confessed my love and got my ass kicked….then didn’t speak to him until the fourth great ninja war and now we’re married with two kids” what the Fuck
- Also can we just talk about how after Hinata confessed her love…and literally almost died for naruto…he didn’t say SHIT to her after he defeated pain, and it was like she never confessed in the first place Lmfao
- He still liked Sakura! But Sakura always loved Sasuke so wtf
- He even was like “YEAH YEAH” when Minuto asked if Sakura was his girlfriend during the war. Then ten minutes later he’s holding hands with hinata and their love and shit (ft the rest of the ASF) and going up against fucking madara obito whatever… what the fuck
- It makes no sense bro—people say Sasuke never shows his love for Sakura,…to me, naruto never gave a shit about Hinata, at least not romantically (he literally acted like her existence was forgotten for 3/4s of the show; at least Sasuke always acknowledged Sakura from the start)
- It also feels like narutos crush on Sakura was never resolved (I know that they’re supposed to be shown realizing that they aren’t into each other in The Last but…bro isn’t that way too fuckin late to make sense lmfao) He just suddenly shacked up with Hinata???? Bc her cousin died….Idk man that’s kinda fucked up lmfao
So let’s fucking fix this shitshow
- I get that Hinata is shy and stuff but that bitch is a fucking hyuga SHE IS POWERFUL SO GIVE HER MORE SCREENTIME KICKING ASS
- And can we??? Give her more lines in the first part???? Other than “n…n…naruto….” “N-naruto?” “Naruto!” Like wtf was that dude that shit was way more annoying to me than anything.
- We all know Hinata has thoughts feelings and opinions (as humans do) so let’s have her voice them sometimes okay
- Being shy doesn’t automatically make you mostly mute and constantly stuttering
- That stereotype makes me want to crush skulls bro
- Can we give her some balls before pains fight bc that made no sense
- Like maybe standing up to neji even a little bit and defending herself more during the chuunin exams
- I’m not saying she has to be like “HEY SHITHEAD IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS” bc that’s totally out of character but she totally could’ve been like “Hey you’re kinda wrong and pls show me respect as a member of your clan and an equal leaf shinobi”
- Also I get that Hinata was inspired by naruto but can we stop making every female character’s rise to power and want to be stronger related to a dude?
- Like fine if she was inspired by him but I think it would’ve been way more of a credit Hinata as a person if naruto simply REMINDED her of that part of herself that’s dedicated to proving her family wrong
- I’m just gonna write this as if it happened this way
- She keeps par with Neji, and does ultimate lose but it makes Neji see that Hinata is actually strong and a formidable opponent
- No more shit eating grins from that ego maniac
- And after Hinata battles Neji, she confronts naruto and thanks him for reminding her of her inner strength
- Naruto, who’s surprised that Hinata is talking to him, is like “yeah, sure thing, hinata. You did great!”
- And that opens the door for their real friendship
- Hinata is someone naruto can confide in about Sasuke, and he trusts her
- Hinata becomes someone that gives naruto compassionate advice, and he cherishes her comforting nature
- Then in part 2 after they’re all a bit older, naruto is kinda like “o” when he sees that Hinata has come into her wOmaNhOoD and he’s attracted to her.
- During the blank period he worked through his feelings and realized he only liked Sakura bc of his rivalry with Sasuke. End of that crap
- But naruto is dense as fuck and doesn’t see Hinata in a romantic way until she stands up for him against pain
- Hinata holds her own against pain for a bit bc she’s powerful in her own right but does get her ass beat anyway bc yk rinnegan and everything
- Naruto loses his shit seeing her cut down in front of him and defeats the last pain
- After naruto gives one of his MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHES and changes nagato before his death, the entire village greets him as a hero
- Instead of Sakura running up to him to hug him in that strangely intimate way that’s out of character bc she doesn’t fucking like him that way
- Sakura gives naruto a good hug and is like “you did it buddy you’re pretty cool ig”
- Then naruto talks to Hinata bc she??? Confessed her love? And took a massive beating for him???
- And they start a sort of flirty relationship where they both like each other but like waaaay too much is going on to actually date
- Like they try to between pains assault and the five mage summit but with the news of Sasukes massive downfall and the bounty on his head naruto is like dude I can’t do this rn
- And Hinata is cool so ofc she understands even tho she’s a bit sad
- And during the war when minato asks if Sakura is narutos girlfriend he says “😅 no dad, we’re just good friends”
- Then he holds hands with Hinata and the village and sings kumbaya to kick the fuck out of madara obito
- Then they get married and shit proceeds as normal
- Except in boruto when everyone returns from the battle in the other dimension she doesn’t run up to naruto first okay she hugs her SON and says “thank goodness you’re safe!” And then hugs naruto and thanks him for his work
God fuck okay I’m done
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wonda-cat · 3 years
for the ask game, c!techno?
How I feel about this character:
Hoo, boy. Anon, are you sure? 
Well, since you asked; I am utterly conflicted. Techno is a difficult character to specify my feelings on because they’re not dead-set certain. They change pretty often. One minute, I’m listening to ‘Woe to the People of Order’ getting goosebumps and thinking about how cool Technoblade is, the next I am gritting my teeth as he mocks the brutal death of my all-time favorite character. 
However, if I had to boil it down, I’d say I definitely do not like him. Both narratively and just in my own personal tastes. He’s just not my cup of tea. There is certainly a lot to admire in him, such as his sense of humor, patience, raw skill, and love for animals. His narrative consciousness and fourth-wall-breaking is certainly an... acquired taste. Although, he does have some genuinely fantastic lines and speeches. Plus, he allows for other characters to really shine in the story as they’re put into situations, solely because of him, that would otherwise not be possible (ex. Quackity, Dream, Wilbur.) 
More than anything, I just find him boring because he never truly loses. He always comes out on the other side the same, or even better off. He has won every physical fight he has ever entered and all his endeavors work out in his favor, no matter how morally corrupt they are. Every other character in his position has lost at least once or is dead. I tend to root for characters who are down on their luck or do nothing but lose, like c!Tommy. Because I desperately want to see the moment where they finally get the happiness they’ve been searching for. Techno... doesn’t exactly have that. 
What is there for him to strive for that he doesn’t already have? Currently, with static motivations and a zero to his losing streak, I will naturally root against him. In my personal taste, I prefer characters who are moral and do the right thing, even when it’s hard; especially when it’s hard. And when they mess up, they still try to do the right thing anyway. This is probably boring to a lot of people, so I understand the love some have for morally dubious or entirely corrupt characters. And that’s not lost on me. Evil is fun. 
But Technoblade’s brand of morally bankrupt is sometimes framed as righteous and is ever-victorious. Which only makes me despise his actions more. I’d be warmed and welcoming to him if he was just unapologetically a shitty person. And he is, especially in regards to the way he treats other people, how he deals with issues through violence, and allies himself with tyrants and murderers. 
However, it is his victim complex and flowery language that leads people to root for him more than they necessarily should. cc!Techno knows that his character is a bad person and I’m sure he’s aware of this distinct lack of narrative consequences. 
I look forward to the day c!Techno pays in full for his hubris.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
None. The servant of the Blood God has no time for romance.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
This section is rather unpredictable. There are so many great friendships and dynamics Techno has in the storyline. Philza is an obvious choice for obvious reasons and I do find their dynamic exceptionally endearing. 
However, my all-time favorite is Dream. Rivals Duo is absolutely wonderful. They match each other’s brand of evil, Techno slightly less so. However, it is their power and skill that leaves them on level playing fields. With them being more or less equal to each other, Dream is incapable of intimidating Techno, so he gets bullied relentlessly by this well-educated anarchist pig. And I find that fucking hilarious. On top of them just being absolutely unstoppable when they have a mutual goal, the ‘Dream’s Evil Lair’ segment between the two was just fantastic.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Tommy and Techno’s relationship was never healthy. I have never liked it. I’m tired of pretending I did. Bedrock Bros, while having some endearing moments, just filled me with dread every time I remembered Techno’s intentions for their partnership. The literal instant Techno told Tommy he didn’t respect him and only would when he conformed to his ideals, I yelled at Tommy to get the fuck out of there. The red flags were so blinding I was seeing red for weeks after they separated. Good lord.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I desperately, desperately want Techno to have a falling out with either Philza or Ranboo. Or maybe both at the same time. I want it so, so bad. Not even permanently or over anything major! I just want them to disagree on something; anything. I want Techno to be forced, kicking and screaming, into some character development. I want him to realize that not everyone who disagrees with him is out to hurt him or hates him. Sometimes loved ones will disagree with you. And that’s okay! I want him to realize that and learn from it. I want him to grow.
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shortkingvi · 3 years
I really am starting to hate the shouts of “queerbaiting!!!” Still ringing out about victor and jayce. Not only is it very much NOT that but I really actually like their friendship. It would have been so easy to make victor jealous of Jayces physical strength or Jayce make fun of viktors disability (to his face or behind his back) or just make their friendship really frat bro and emotionally distant. But no. They compliment each other and do science together and see each other as equals and genuinely care about each other. I can see how some people could look at that and see romance and if you want to ship them all power to you but I for one think they both need the platonic affection they give each other first and foremost.
i truly TRULY believe that people just straight up don’t know what queerbaiting means OR how critical thinking works
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