#and the excuse is everyone prefers lunch to dinner
rowanhoney · 1 year
just a girl who can never do right and is always in the wrong <3
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cozage · 2 years
OP Boys and a Sick S/O
How your One Piece boyfriend would react to you being sick on the ship!
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Law
cw: female! reader, some angst, various illnesses
He noticed it as soon as he woke up. You were burning up. And when he made a joke, you barely chuckled. “CHOPPER!!! SOMETHINGS WRONG!!!!”
He runs as fast as he can to find Chopper while carrying you and begs him to help you. 
He’s got some PTSD from when Nami was sick. You look and feel a lot like how she did during that time and he’s worried. 
Luckily you’re just diagnosed with the Grand Line Flu, pretty common and easy to overcome.
He snuggles with you when you’re awake and paces around the room when you’re asleep.
When Sanji brings you food, he doesn’t even look at it. He knows you need your strength. He just wants you better.
Chopper advises Luffy sleeping in the same room as you but Luffy doesn’t care. He’s staying with you.
You’re really restless the first night, so he sleeps on the floor and stretches his arm out to hold your hand.
On the third morning you laughed at his joke, and his eyes started getting watery
Zoro didn’t really question it when he hadn’t seen you by lunch. Sometimes you just preferred to stay cooped up in your room or the library. 
By dinner, he was starting to get worried. Even more worried when everyone else had said they hadn’t seen you either. 
As he entered your room, he noticed all the lights were off. At first he didn’t think anyone was there, but you let out a small whimper of protest to the light.
“You okay?” He sat carefully on the bed and pulled back your blanket that was wrapped around your head. 
“Zoro…something’s wrong. I feel awful.” Your voice sounded strained. His stomach sank. Why hadn't he checked on you earlier? “I’ll be back” 
He grabs Chopper and rushes back down. He doesn’t want to be gone from you for long. He’s beating himself up over not noticing sooner. 
Chopper does a full exam and deduces that you have a severe case of sun-poisoning and possible effects of heat-stroke. 
“This is because we laid outside all damn day yesterday isn’t it? I knew that Summer island was hotter than usual” Cue even MORE guilt. 
He goes to Sanji and asks for him to make a hydrating meal for you. He doesn’t even pick a fight with the cook, that’s how worried he is.
He lays with you all night and hold you close and keeps apologizing for not noticing earlier. 
The next day you’re feeling slightly better, but he’s persistent in keeping you in bed with him all day until you’re fully recovered. He makes runs to the kitchen and grabs things for you all to do.
It’s really just an excuse to have a day together and he secretly loves it.
thought it was strange you didn’t come get breakfast. He was initially worried you were avoiding him or he had missed you coming into the kitchen, so he checked all your favorite spots on the Sunny, and still couldn't find you. 
He knocks on your door, and with no answer, he just peaks inside for one glimpse to confirm you’re not in there. 
Instead, to his horror, he finds you passed out on the ground. 
“CHOPPER!!! Y/N IS DOWN!!” His voice echos through the ship and sends everyone rushing towards your room. 
Sanji is afraid to move you, so he just brushes your hair from your face and whispers quiet encouragement to you. 
He’s so scared. Your face is so white and clammy and there’s nothing he can do. 
By the end of his exam, you’ve slipped back into consciousness, though you’re still groggy. Chopper diagnoses you with Low blood sugar and low iron. 
You’ve given some iron tablets to take and told to take it easy. Sanji doesn’t want to leave you, but also wants to cook something to help your low blood sugar of course. 
He picks you up bridal style and carries you to the kitchen. “Chopper told you not to use extra energy didn’t he? So I guess I’ll just have to carry you everywhere!” 
He makes such a good breakfast for you :) you’re starting to feel better already 
Sanji is secretly beating himself up because it’s HIS job to keep the crew healthy and give them a balanced diet and you of all people were his oversight (it wasn’t really his fault though you know that)
Even after the food and choppers help yo still have a massive headache so you and Sanji curl up in the fish tank lounge and rest all day long. He only gets up to make people meals. 
Sanji occasionally puts his hand on your chest just to make sure you’re still breathing whenever you’re asleep. He’s so worried about you. Vows to never let that happen again because he can’t bear to see you sick like this ever again. 
You’re not a restless sleeper. Usually you fall asleep against Ace and you stay pressed against him all night long. His body emits a nice warmth that you just love to snuggle into at night. 
Tonight’s different though. You’re tossing and turning, almost like you can’t get comfortable. Thats his first red flag. 
When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he reaches out for you, but only finds an empty sheet in your place.
He starts to panic and his eyes scan the dimly lit room. His eyes finally land on you, lying on the wooden floor in the middle of the room
He’s instantly out of bed, right by your side, desperately shaking you awake.
“Ace, stop…” you roll away from him. 
“What is it? What’s wrong, y/n?” He can feel that your skin is clammy and abnormally warm to the touch. Your hair is stuck to your face, damp with sweat. 
“Marco…I’m going to get Marco. I’ll be right back” he gives you a quick forehead kiss that emits a groan from your half-awake self. 
He dashed out of the room and sprints across the ship to the first division commanders room. He begins desperately banging on Marcos door 
Marco answers the door and he is NOT thrilled. Until he sees Ace’s face and how worried he is. “Please Marco. She’s sick. Really sick. She’s burning up and I…I don’t know what to do”
Marco follows him back to his room and sees you half conscious on the floor. He bends down next to you and starts taking your vitals. 
“Ace, it looks like it’s just a virus. It’ll run its course and she’ll be fine in a day or two. I’ll come back and check on her again tomorrow.” After reassuring his friend that it is not life or death, Marco takes his leave. 
Ace can’t sleep though. He grabs a fan, a rag, and a bucket of water, doing anything he can to keep you cool through the night. He just sits by your side and watches you when you’re asleep. 
When you wake up the next morning, he’s there, ready to get you anything you need. And he doesn't leave it until you're ready to leave the room again too.
“No thanks, I think I’ll pass tonight.” makes Law raise an eyebrow. You never skip dessert, especially when Penguin is the one who made it. 
As you excuse yourself from the table, he waits just a beat before following you out. 
“Y/n-ya. Are you okay?” He’s already analyzing your face for any signs of distress. 
“I’m fine, Law. Just tired is all”. It’s a lie. And he knows it too. He pulls you into his office without another word. 
His hand outstretches toward you “Room”.  “Law this really isn’t-“ “Scan”. His word are clipped, and you can see that his worry lines are deep. 
“Food poisoning. Seriously? I knew we shouldn’t have eaten at that sketchy bar today.” He’s already grabbing IVs and other meds. “You should’ve told me sooner.”
“It was the oysters right? I knew they tasted funny.” You attempt a weak smile at your captain, which is only met with a glare. “At least you didn’t eat any of them too.”
“You’re sleeping in my room tonight so I can keep an eye on you.” He’s already got an arm around you, helping you stand. You didn’t realize how tired you were until you had someone helping support you. You wish you had the energy to object, but you let him lead you to his room. 
As soon as you’re on his bed, your eyes begin to close. The last thing you see is him prepping an IV for you. 
He stays by your side. Sitting, watching. Looking for any signs of discomfort on your face. 
When you’re sick, he holds your hair back for you. He has water and saltine crackers ready to get the taste out of your mouth, too. 
After the first few hours, he starts to relax, and chooses to work at his desk through the night, but he keeps you in his line of sight at all times.
The next morning you are already feeling better because of how fast Law noticed you were sick. You’re still feeling tired, but your appetite is already returning a bit. 
Law had Shachi prep some light and comforting foods for you, and you see a smile pass over his lips when you ask for it. 
He kisses his the pads of fingertips and then presses it immediately against your forehead. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, y/n-ya”
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crazyunsexycool · 9 months
The Sun ☀️, the moon 🌙 & the stars ✨
Chapter 13: Cloudy Skies
Pairing: alpha!steve Rogers x alpha!sam Wilson x alpha!bucky Barnes x omega!reader
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Little bit of angst, fluff, the boys being the best alphas, smuttiness at the end (not super detailed),
A/N: I love these four so much. This is a bit of a day or week in their life.... More plot coming in the next chapter.
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The front door slams shut. You huff and stomp your way further into the apartment leaving three confused alphas in your wake. They can feel the mixed emotions through the bond but you don’t seem to be in a talking mood. Loud music comes from the ensuite bathroom in the shared bedroom so the boys know you’re going to be in there a while. 
“I’ll text Jonah and Ricky to see if something happened.” Sam mutters as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. 
“I’ll go check up on her.” 
“And I can start dinner. I’ll make her favorite.” Bucky offers before all three of them split up to do as they said. 
Sam and Bucky watch as Steve heads toward the shared bedroom. The ache in their chest doesn’t seem to lighten up though and they worried that someone might have hurt you. 
“Ricky and Jonah said that work was really busy. Maybe she’s just overwhelmed.”
“Hmm, maybe.” 
“Come on, let’s get dinner started.” Sam says as he moves towards the kitchen. 
A few minutes later Steve joins them with a defeated look on his face. 
“She just said she needed some alone time.” 
“Well work has been busy for her.”  
“Ok, so then let’s just try and give her a relaxing evening.” Steve says. Bucky and Sam nod their heads in agreement. 
Eventually you come out of the bathroom dressed in their coziest clothes. Instead of sitting at the dinner table the boys had brought dinner to the living room. You gave them a little thank you and wrapped yourself up in a blanket before getting comfortable in Sam’s lap. They give each other concerned looks but still try to give you a nice night. You end up eating a little while watching an episode of your favorite comfort show and falling asleep before it’s over.
 The same thing happens for the following two days. 
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Bucky, Sam and Steve get out of the car in front of your job. They’re determined to figure out what exactly is going on at work so that they can better help you at home. If they find out that someone is making your life difficult they’ll deal with whoever it is too. 
“You three, come over here.” Mrs. Levy calls them over from her place at a bench. She has her signature scowl in place as she watches all three men head in her direction. 
“Mrs. Levy.” Steve says with a small nod. 
“You must be Sam.” She looks straight at him. 
“Yes ma’am.”
“Hhmm, I would have preferred to meet you before you sunk your teeth into Y/N’s neck but oh well. I’ll still give you the same talk I gave these two.” She motions towards Steve and Bucky as if they weren’t super soldiers that could handle anything thrown at them. “You better not hurt her, you hear me. And neither of you better get all controlling alpha on her either. You know she’s a tough cookie but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have people that care about her.” 
“I would never dream of it. It’s actually why we’re here. Y/N’s come home upset and we’re trying to figure out why so that we can help her.” 
“Yeah, the end of the summer programs tend to get overwhelming for everyone. I bet it can’t be easy for her when she’s also dealing with being a new omega and being bonded recently. Just make sure she has her favorite things for her nest.” 
It was like a lightbulb went on at the same time for all three of them. They felt dumb not realizing what it was you needed until now. 
“We absolutely will. Thank you Mrs. Levy. Now if you’ll excuse us we would like to take Y/N out to lunch.” Bucky says.
“Remember what I said. You take care of her.” 
“Yes ma’am.” All three of them say in unison before going inside and taking you out for lunch. 
“Surprise.” Steve says as he pulls his hands away from your eyes. He had ambushed you at the door and covered your eyes until he took you further into the apartment. 
You blink slowly a few times as you look at what you’re being shown. 
“An empty room?” 
“Your empty room.” Bucky says as he stands to your left leaving Sam to stand to your right. 
“Well it’s yours.” 
“Thank you?” You turn to look at them, still confused. “Did you want me to clean it or something?” 
“What? No. It’s for you to do what you like. It’s the room you had your first heat with us in so we thought you might like to make it yours.” 
“Isn’t this your personal room Steve?” You say as you walk in and take a look around. 
“I took my things and I’m going to redo the study since I’m usually in there the most. We just wanted to give you a space that was just for you. You can do whatever you want with it and we can’t come in unless you ask us to. Or if there is an emergency.” 
“Really?” Your eyes seemed brighter immediately and they now know how dumb they had been for not realizing sooner. What you had needed was an alpha free space. Somewhere you could relax without the overwhelming presence of anyone. Most omegas had a room like this. 
“Yup. And even more importantly we’re going to take you shopping tomorrow so that you can get anything and everything you want for your room.” 
“You’re kidding.” 
“We wouldn’t joke about this, sweetheart. We want you to be happy and comfortable, this is your home too. ” 
You launch yourself into Steve’s arms and bury your face into his chest as you thank him, then repeat the same actions for Sam and Bucky. 
“This is perfect, I can close out my lease at the apartment and just finish bringing my stuff over.” You murmur as you turn back to the room and start making plans. First you call Jules and Wanda and they agree to meet you in about an hour to help you plan what you should do with the room and what you’ll need. 
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“What about a bed?” Bucky asked as you walked through the store focused on omegas and their needs. 
“It’s on my list and they have one here I want to check out. It’s circular. Just imagine all of these pillows and blankets on it. I’m going to make it so comfortable.” 
Bucky smiles as you walk ahead with the cart that’s already half full of pillows and blankets. He tracks your movement through the store as you stop by Steve who shows you something he had been holding. You scrunch your nose but shake your head and then kiss his cheek so that he doesn’t feel bad. Next you make your way over to Sam who holds up a diffuser. You nod and Sam places the item in the cart. 
The three alphas are more than happy to follow you around the store like love sick puppies. Grabbing everything you point at. When you get to the register they don’t even let you think about paying for a single item, they handle everything. The car ride back to the tower is filled with ideas and requests for help with putting everything together. You’re seated up front while Steve drives and Bucky sits in the back with Sam. You miss the way their eyes light up as you pull up another inspiration picture on Pinterest. How their smiles are soft as they agree to do whatever it is you ask of them. The fondness and love within the bond that connects the four of you as mates soothes your soul. 
After a few days of painting and moving and organizing your room, your nest is finished. It’s perfect in every way and it looks better than you had imagined. There are various shelves for all of your current and future books. The bed is a pile of soft and delicate pillows and blankets arranged in a way that provides the most comfort. It also helps that you took some of your alphas’ shirts and hid them in there. You also have a reading nook against the floor to ceiling window. 
Seeing everything in its place exactly how you wanted it to be and knowing that it’s all yours causes some emotions to come bubbling up. It was so sudden it almost knocked you off your feet as you began to cry silently. Just as suddenly as the wave of emotion hits you, your alphas are at the door to your room. The feeling  is too much for them to handle and they open the door but don’t come in. They don’t have to since you rush towards them and bury your face in someone’s chest.
“Are you ok?” Bucky asks as he runs a hand up and down your back in an effort to soothe you. 
“I’m sorry.” You say between sniffles. “It’s just so much.” 
“What’s so much sunshine?”
You just motion back to the room that’s filled with the things they’ve bought you and some of the things from your apartment. 
“Do you not like it?” Steve asks cautiously as you move to wrap your arms around him next. 
“I love it, it’s just no one’s ever given me so much. It’s always been me looking out for myself. I mean Jonah and Ricky have been there since day one but no one has ever done this for me. Nobody has ever cared this much.”
You don’t need to say who you were referring to. It’s always been obvious to them that you’ve never had a constant protector in your life. Now there are three. 
“I know this is still all new to you and you’re still figuring yourself out but we hope one day you see that we’d give you the world if that’s what you wanted.” Sam says as he comforts you. 
“I know that. It’s just difficult to accept sometimes. I was made to feel like I didn’t deserve anything.” 
Sam places his hands on your cheeks and tilts your head back. He leans down and kisses you softly. 
“You deserve everything. Not just the things in your room but all the love and care and attention.”
“And we’re going to give you all of that and more.” Bucky adds. “You’re just going to have to get used to it, Moonbeam.”
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 It had been a few days since your nest had been finished, the words your alphas had said played over and over. They were willing to give you everything you wanted but still there were times when it was difficult to ask for something. Your first instinct was to not say or ask for anything but you had to be open to change. You found your alphas hanging out in the living room. 
You clear your throat to get their attention. When their eyes are on you, you give them a small smile.
“So, every year at work they have an end of the summer party. Well it’s like a party and a fundraiser event at the same time to try and raise money for events that will happen during fall and winter. It’s next Friday.” You inform them. “I mean I understand if you have missions but if you don’t I’d like you to go with me.” 
“You wanna show us off, sweetheart?” 
“Maybe.” You smile as you move to sit on Steve’s lap. “So?”
Steve looks over at Sam and Bucky who nod.
“Of course we’ll go.”
“This is going to be great.” You kiss Steve’s cheek and get up. “Jonah told me he was going to ask Wanda to go with him. Now I’m gonna go and figure out our outfits.”
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Word quickly got to Tony about your job’s small fundraiser and he reached out to your boss Mr. Burke to make the most of the event. He seemed impressed that you knew Iron man and you realized that he had no idea how many times your mates and Avengers came by the lobby of the community center.
Friday night had rolled around and you had your arm hooked around Bucky’s. The ballroom of the hotel Tony had chosen was decorated in such a beautiful and elegant manner that it had your jaw on the floor. It was definitely far nicer than any end of the summer party your boss had tried to put together. Then again most of the guests were very wealthy people and before you even arrived at the venue your boss’ secretary had messaged you that the community center had surpassed the donations goal. It was great news because that meant that more programs could be held during the fall and winter months and more families could be helped too. 
“This is amazing.” Your eyes travel from the people to the venue. 
“You should see what Tony can do with more prep time.” 
“Mr. Burke would lose his mind if Tony had more time.” You lean into Bucky as you talk. 
“I think he’s losing it at this very moment.” He nods toward the direction of your boss who is shaking hands with the Mayor. 
Mr. Burke nods and smiles and has no problem talking the Mayor’s ear off, poor sap. It makes you smile though, the community center does a lot of good work and it deserves to be recognized. Bucky leads you to the bar where Ricky, Jules and Jonah are ordering drinks. 
“Jules you look amazing.”
“So do you.” She says as she gives you a quick hug. 
Wanda soon joins you and everyone begins to have a small conversation. Then Sam and Steve join. It was just the beginning of the evening but you knew this would be the best party the center has ever had. 
Your alphas take turns dancing with you. First Sam then Steve and now Bucky. He swayed with you. A dopey grin on his face as you stared into each other's eyes. You hum along to the song but Bucky is so into it. He sings along happily but only loud enough for you to hear. 
“Just the two- four of us. We can make it if we try.” Bucky mumbles with a chuckle. “Just the four of us. You and I…and Sam and Steve.” 
You laugh as Bucky dips you and pulls you back up. The song ends as you pull Bucky in for a kiss. Then he escorts you off of the dance floor. You lean into Steve once you reach him. Steve along with Tony and Nat are having a conversation with Richard and Jules.
“You ok, sweetheart?” Steve whispers into your ear.
“Yeah.” you look up at him and smile. “I’m more than ok. Are you?”
“Just a bit tired but I’m good.”
“We should get out of here then.” 
“No, I don’t mind staying a bit longer.” 
You smile and look around and shake your head. “We should go anyway.” You nod toward the hallway where the bathrooms are. Sam is pulling Bucky by his tie into the darkened hallway as they kiss. Steve rolls his eyes but takes your hand and leads you down the same hallway. 
“Let's go get them and leave before they get banned from this place forever.” 
You giggle as you follow Steve through the crowd. Following Sam and Bucky’s intertwined scent is easy enough and soon Steve stops around the corner of where Sam has Bucky pushed up against a wall as they make out. Steve brings you to stand in front of him and you both lean forward and watch as Bucky and Sam get handsy with each other. 
“Don’t they look so good together, sweetheart?” Steve whispers in your ear. It sends a shiver down your spine as you nod. “They can’t keep their hands off each other. What do you think they would do if they saw us watching them like this?” 
Steve’s hands sit on your hips as he pulls you back against him. He kisses you from your shoulder to his mark on your neck. His hands slowly bunching up the skirt of your dress and then disappearing into your panties. Your eyes flutter closed as you whimper at the contact of Steve’s finger on your clit. When you open them again you meet the darkened eyes of Bucky as he watches you and Steve. He murmurs something and soon Sam looks in your direction. 
As quickly as he started, Steve stops. You whine at the loss but he’s moving again and taking you with him. Sam and Bucky are right behind you. Soon enough the four of you are in a conference room. Steve pulls you up onto the table but it’s Sam that kisses you until you’re breathless. Bucky focuses on undressing you and giving attention to your breast. Behind him Steve and Sam are sharing a kiss of their own. It always turns you on to see your mates together like that. It didn’t help that they knew this and loved to put on a show for you.
The mixed scents of the four of you is intoxicating as it fills the room. Steve slots himself between your legs and pulls you closer. Next to you Sam and Bucky were already semi undressed. It wasn’t uncommon for the four of you to get wrapped up in each other. Just four people chasing pleasure and a connection deeper than physical.
 It was total bliss as Steve thrusts into you and Bucky kept your moans and his quiet with a kiss. Sam groaned from behind Bucky, his forehead resting against Bucky’s back as he rolled his hips. Soon enough you tense as your orgasm washes over you. Steve follows shortly after with a few stuttered thrusts. He leans forward and captures your lips with his. 
“You were so good for me.” He mutters against your lips. 
“We should go before someone finds us.” 
“You must be joking.” You say as you look at Bucky, still breathless. “My legs are jelly.” 
“Yeah, Steve tends to do that.” Sam chuckles as he starts to get redressed and then helps Bucky. 
With a groan you sit back up but you wouldn’t change the delicious ache you feel between your legs. Steve helps you fix your dress up. With lasting touches and giggles the four of you sneak back out to the party. Sam pulls you back onto the dance floor.
“I can’t wait to get you home ‘mega.” Sam whispers against your ear. 
“Mmm, maybe we should leave.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think it would take a lot to convince Steve and Bucky.” You reply and you both look over to them and they’re all over each other. 
“Let’s go get them.” 
You take Sam’s hand and you make your way through the crowd. When you get to the other two alphas you tell them how you would really like to go home and they all but sprint to the front doors. Hand in hand with Sam you follow them. You were more than ready to spend the rest of the night in a tangled mess with your filthy alphas. 
Ch. 14
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
Hello! could you do Tighnari (Genshin Impact) dating hc's? (sfw and nsfw if thats alright w/ you)
Dating HCs (Tighnari)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗶𝘁! 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗛𝗖𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗮!
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚!! 𝘀𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Your boyfriend, Tighnari
Oh sure, he likes his peace and his solitude- that’s why he lives in Avidya forest afterall
But the second you’re around? 
Yeah he’s attaching himself to you 100000%
Hugging you from behind, wrapping his arm around your waist, holding your hand- the whole nine yards
The two of you met when you were both much younger in Sumeru city and bonded over a love for the forest and all its beautiful creatures as two academic <3
Now, you work alongside him as a Forest Ranger and though he’s definitely in the field more than you, the two of you get to spend a lot of time together
Sometimes it's reading reports and cuddling, sometimes it’s you preparing lunch/dinner for his fieldwork while he refuses to let go of you, sometimes it’s napping while spooning 
Either way, you guys touch each other and hang around each other A LOT it's sickening!!!!! 
(seriously, everyone around you has cavities y’all are so sweet bleugh)
On the job though, the two are you are very professional and you’re practically his right hand when he’s on the clock
It’s still hotly debated who knows more about what among the rest of the Forest Watchers lol
But as the chief and your boss, he’s a little more lenient
I’m talking about letting you sleep in and miss meetings and responsibilities (mostly because HE wants to sleep and curl up into your side)
But overall, you guys have such a gentle, soft relationship that allows you to both be comfortable and live out your days doing what you love
With the person, you love most <3 :]
Your lover, Tighnari (NSFW)
He absolutely fucks you in the field
If you’re ever going out and working with him, he’ll 100% bend you over or pin you against the tree and fuck you like an animal
He won’t even care if there are others with you
He’ll just find an excuse to get you alone, drop your pants, and fuck you until he’s satisfied 
And don’t worry, he’ll take good care of you
Just try not to be so loud outside- he wants your moans to be for his ears only
But naturally, he’ll fuck you at home or in his office too
There, he prefers having you on his lap and writing him
Something lazy and sweet and allows him to watch your face as you take all of him <3
There have been more than a few times where you were almost walked in on while completely caught off guard
Luckily, Tighnari’s good hearing help alerts you two to problems like this so at least you get some warning
That being said, he’s not afraid to stay inside of you when another Forest Watcher walks in and tries to speak to you
You’ll fix your clothes and cover yourself up so that way no one knows but you and him but trust me when I say he won’t offer any help to you when the newcomer starts asking while you look so flustered
Don’t worry though, he won’t be too cruel and start rolling his hips into yours while the other person is in the room
But that won’t exactly stop his wandering hands now, would it? <3
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daddy-cake · 8 months
Krueger x Mexican!Reader Headcanons
Y'all already know the drill, this is all sfw and Gender Neutral!Reader
No use of any Y/N variations
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A/N: I'm Mexican and in love with him... I just had to. This place needed more Mexican!Readers anyways🙄
MEXICO RAHHHH🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
Reader is also implied to not be part of the military. Sorry not sorry <33.
Warnings: All of these just silly goofy
First time meeting your family is going to be Krueger's last.
The family wasn't so happy to hear that you fell in love with a white man.. They could have let it slide if he was American because most Mexicans are a suck up to Americans... but Austrian? Grandma was literally crying at the news and praying for the family, she was claiming that the family was truly doomed. The only thing that will get the family to calm down is you reminding them that he isn't from Spain or Argentina. Heavy on Argentina.
Family is going to be calling him "El Barbie" in a derogatory sense. You tried to tell him that it was a compliment and means that's he's tough in Spanish.
Your dad definitely tried to bond with him by taking him to rooster fight. However, the two came home and your father was beyond mad. He starts claiming that Sebastian is bad luck because his rooster, who has a streak of wining 20 tournaments, lost. Got rubbed by the egg afterwards.
Sebastian isn't too pleased with the environment. Parents are having an argument, kids are running around screaming or crying, music is playing at full volume, one of the dogs are barking, the tías are gossiping, La Rosa de Guadalupe is playing, Grandma rubbing him with the egg and praying, Grandpa is working on the roof, and some cousin is vacuuming.
When dinner came around... lord help this man. He wasn't prepared for the spice that only he could taste. Had tears trying to escape then he had to excuse himself from the table and go outside to regain his composure. The whole family was muttering "No aguanta nada" the whole time.
To say he was relieved to hear that you two were going home is an understatement. He preferred more of a quiet environment than one that is loud and makes it very apparent that he's not welcomed there.
When you two arrived at your own place he was ready to just pass out. He was warned that the place was going to be busy, but he thought he could handle it and it wasn't that bad since he was a soldier... he should've listened to you.
The next day was spent inside and not even letting an ounce of the outside in. Krueger dearly needed it to just regain his sanity from the pervious day.
Everything was going fine until when he wanted to prepare something for lunch. He was looking all over the kitchen for the pots and pans until he finally gave up and asked you where you kept them.
"Why are they in the oven?"
"You don't put them in the oven?"
Krueger at one point received a gift that was rooster from you and was so confused why you would gift him this. At first, he thought it was some sort of joke gift from you until he realized it was a genuine gift after a few seconds of silence. Doesn't even know what to do with it, so he ended up giving it to your dad. Dad was not happy.
The one time the both of you went out to dinner, he was not expecting other guests to keep telling you two to have a good meal as it wasn't a thing in all of the countries he has lived in.
Was told by you not to speak at all when you two were out on the streets or else y'all would get jump. Krueger doesn't listen to the rules though.
When you left your Banda music on while doing some chores, he was about to turn it off but he got really into the music.
Got a chihuahua simply because you begged for one and he found it somewhat funny that despite their small sizes they are very protective. Also it was between that or the stray xoloitzcuintli down the street that's been there for around 10 years.
100% brags about thechihuahua, saying he has a vicious dog that could kill anyone. Everyone thought he got a Rottweiler for a long time.
La Quebradita. Trust once you teach Krueger the basics, y'all gonna be making your cousins and their partners jealous. Considering he's part of a PMC and once in the military, he obviously is gonna have some strength. That strength comes in handy when you two want go all out in a Quebradita competition.
Considering Krueger was once part of the military, he obviously would be sort of tidy considering that they engraved that trait into his head when he first joined. So yes, he would help you clean around the house. HOWEVER, laundry duty is always on him. Simply the way that you'll probably fold clothes would just trigger something in him like a sleeper agent.
You'll always have to be the first to initiate any sort of "I love you"s. He doesn't know why, but he just can't bring himself to say it to you.
When Sebastian is away on missions, he often times receive texts from you that revolves around staying safe. He can't help it, but to have a small smile plaster on his face.
There will be some point in the relationship that he would just go off the grid and/or no contact for a few days. It's not that he hates you. It's just that considering the life he has lead, he definitely needs some points to take a step back to recollect in a way. Also to stay away from authorities, but let's not take about that.
Would never go into any sort of detail about his background besides being part of the military. He'd never once talk about his parents or why he's no longer part of said military. To you he's kinda of an enigma. You know so little about him, but he knows so much about you. You that it was unfair in a sense. However, no matter how much you try to get answers, he'd never budge. So after awhile, you start chalking things up to him having a strained relationship with his parents (which in a lot of Mexican households would probably mean that his parents were absolutely vile if you go no contact with them) and possibly leaving the military on his own terms.
Krueger would go great lengths for a mangonada. Me too bro, me too.
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shadowmaat · 10 months
Mischief and Misinformation, part 4
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Quinlan Vos was exhausted. His whole body burned with it. Even his locs were tired. But at least the training mission had gone well. There'd barely even been any explosions.
Of course just because the mission was over didn't mean his headaches were.
"But why?" asked an entirely-too-chipper voice behind him.
He bit back a groan. Somewhere in the Temple, he knew his Master was laughing at him.
"Because," he growled at his Padawan.
"Because why?" Aayla asked, unrepentant as always.
She was too old to be in the why stage, but that wasn't stopping her. When he'd asked her why, she'd quoted Master Yoda's bullshit about how Padawans learned from Masters, but Masters also learned from Padawans. The next time he saw the little troll he was going to punt him out the window.
"Because the Force wills it," he said. He couldn't even remember what the original question had been. All he wanted was bed. And a shower. Or maybe drag his bed into the shower.
"The Force wills many things, Knight Vos," interrupted a voice from his nightmares, "But some of them are entirely the fault of younglings with more hubris than sense."
He snapped upright, putting on his best smile.
"Master Nu! What an absolute delight it is to see your lovely young face out of the Archives."
Her look could strip the paint off a star destroyer. He tried to get his sluggish brain to work; had he forgotten to return something? Had Aayla?
"If you'll excuse us, Padawan Secura," Nu said, favoring Aayla with a frosty smile, "I'm afraid your Master and I need to discuss something."
Warning prickled in the Force.
"Actually, Master..." He started to back up. "Aayla was just asking me about some important after-mission procedures-"
"I asked if I could have a tooka," the little traitor interjected.
"Right, the Tooka Initiative, and I was just-"
Quin had never been so relieved to see Obi-Wan, even if his friend looked like a human thundercloud.
"Obi-Wan!" Grinning, he made straight for the little storm, preferring it to whatever cataclysm Nu had planned. "Right on time! Always good to see you! Come along, Aayla," he stage whispered before continuing to address Obi-Wan. "Why don't we go catch up over lunch! Dinner? Breakfast! Whatever meal it is!"
"Do NOT think you can charm your way out of this, Vos!" Nu warned behind him.
"Quin, do you have ANY idea how much trouble you've caused me?" Obi-Wan snapped, coming to a halt in front of him.
"Uh, I'm sure this is just some misunderstanding!" Quin raised his hands, his smile growing a little strained.
A crinkle of cellophane had him glancing aside to see Aayla sat on the floor of the hangar, munching from a bag of poppers. Traitor.
"Knight Kenobi," Nu said. "While I appreciate that your grievance is a personal one, may I remind you that it started because Knight Vos sliced my Archive and altered my information?"
Adrenaline was working wonders for his thinking. Slicing the Archive? He hadn't done that since...
"Oh, shit, someone finally found that?" He burst out laughing, ignoring Obi-Wan's hiss and hand-flap at Aayla. She'd heard worse language. Hell, most of it she'd learned from Anakin.
"I'm glad you find the matter of the Archive's security so amusing, Knight Vos."
Nu's tone was so chilly he half-expected his breath to fog.
"Look, I'm sorry, Jo- Master," he corrected, seeing the look in her eye. "That was ages ago and I honestly forgot all about it or I might have corrected it myself."
Not likely, but it was what everyone wanted to hear.
"This isn't about correcting it," Nu said, "it's about you doing it in the first place!"
The question was barely a whisper, but it cut right through his amusement to hit him in the heart. He looked at Obi-Wan and fought the urge to look away again.
His friend's renewed grief was his fault; even if he hadn't intended it, even if he couldn't have known what would happen, he had to own that responsibility.
"I'm sorry, Obes. Truly. I had no idea my little prank would remain undiscovered for so long, or that..."
"Half the Temple now seems to think Master Jinn was some kind of- of irresponsible monster."
Quin winced, moving forward to hug Obi-Wan. "I never liked him, but yeah, he was really good for you. Like, tooth-rottingly good."
Obi-Wan snorted into his shoulder.
"That was half the joke, you know. Everyone back then knew how amazing the two of you were together. If my edits had been found back then it would've been obvious something was wrong."
Small arms hooked around his waist and Obi-Wan's as Aayla joined the hug, her poppers abandoned.
"Life is always in motion, Knight Vos." Master Nu's voice was softer than it had been. "It's always changing, as are we, and what was once common knowledge becomes obscure." She sighed. "It's why the accuracy of the Archives is so important."
Obi-Wan took a shuddering breath and stepped back, looking Quin in the eye. Quin mouthed another apology and he nodded.
"You're assigned to the Archives until I say otherwise," Nu continued. "The damage you did has been fixed, but we're going to go through the whole Archive to see if anyone else took advantage of the security flaw to change our records."
Quin made a face, earning a weak smile from Obi-Wan. Going through the Archives would be so boring, but while he'd never admit it, Master Nu was right; accuracy was important.
"Understood, Master Nu," he said. "I think I may also write up a more truthful account of the Jinn-Kenobi Power Partnership and get it put in the Temple Tracker."
Everyone kept up with the Tracker; the fastest way to disseminate information in the Temple. Other than rumor, itself, which clearly had its downsides.
Nu made a sound of approval. "An excellent idea. See you first thing in the morning, Knight Vos." She paused. "My morning."
Bootheels clicked as she left.
"You know her mornings start at-"
"I know." Quin sighed the sigh of the doomed.
Obi-Wan's smile was a little more solid this time. "I'm still mad at you, you know."
"I know," he said. "And I'm grown up enough to admit I deserve it."
"You? Grown up?" Obi-Wan looked down at Aayla. "Is this true?"
She shook her head. "On Zug he got his head stuck in a-"
"Hey, now," Quin put a hand over her mouth, which did little to stifle her giggles. "Don't listen to her, she thinks black melons taste good."
An indignant squeal answered this.
"Oh, I think the two of us could share some very interesting stories," Obi-Wan said, winking at Aayla.
"No, you couldn't," Quin said, alarmed at the idea of them comparing notes, but relieved that for now, at least, his friend had recovered some of his equilibrium.
Aayla pulled his hand away from her mouth, careful not to touch skin.
"Wanna eat with us?" she asked. "We just got back and I'm tired, but also hungry, and so's Master even though he won't say it."
"Tired, yes. Hungry?" Quin shrugged, but the gurgling of his stomach betrayed him.
The hesitation on Obi-Wan's face melted into amusement.
"I was on my way to grab some caf and a muffin," he said.
"Oh, good!" Aayla reached up, taking his hand and leading him away. "I can tell you all about the tooka Master promised I could get."
"I promised nothing of the sort!" Quin caught up, draping an arm over Obi-Wan's shoulder. "Like I said, nothing but lies from this kid."
"Gee, I wonder where she learned that?"
They were teaming up against him. That spelled trouble for the future, but right now, he was happy to be with two of his favorite people.
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your-phantomfield · 5 months
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i .. ii .. iii circa 2051 for anonymous
Dating Hinata Himezuru...
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Loving Hinata Himezuru leads to the kind of relationship where everyone you know is calling you ‘married’ even before you’re officially dating. To be fair, that is what it looks like more often than not. Hinata takes anyone she grows close to and adopts them right into her family; anyone she runs into during the day is probably going to be invited over for lunch or dinner, anyone who stays for dinner sees a good chance of being invited to stay the night, etc.
Once you’ve got her heart, this behavior escalates. It’s already her love language! Hinata is a girlfriend who greets you at the door to her house as if you own it, tries to help you take off your jacket and/or shoes, knows your schedule well enough to already have a meal you’ll love waiting on the table, and will definitely want to feed some of it to you if the two of you are alone. This girl is 110% wife material.
If she had it her way, she’d like to have you spending more time at her place than your own. She may not remember it well, but she spent a painful period of her childhood alone, and she’s been very social since. She just loves having you around. She likes getting to see you and touch you as much as she wants, she likes getting to hear your voice in the house, she likes to watch you getting along with the rest of the people she cares about, she likes when you’re the last person she says goodnight to before she goes to sleep and when she can be the first person to greet you in the morning… It’s a nice way to live, she thinks. It feels like you’re already one big happy family! It would be nice, to do this for the rest of her life.
There are few days when you won’t be seeing her at all. Even when you don’t spend the whole day together, Hinata finds ways to sneak a little date in somewhere. She likes to invite you to join her on any errands she has, or ask if she can help you out with your own. If you can’t go together, she’ll still offer to do your errands for you, or pick up something for you while she’s out- that way she has an excuse to visit you while dropping things off!
It may feel like she spoils you too much sometimes. You don’t want to take advantage of her, or see her work herself ragged!
Still, try to let her help in whatever ways you’re comfortable with. This is how Hinata shows her love. She knows she isn’t the smartest or most capable person in the world- she knows there are a million things in your life that she can’t help you with. So it’s important for her that she has opportunities to support you in the ways that she can.
If we describe her preferred expression of love to give as ‘acts of service,’ then what she most likes to receive is ‘quality time.’ The sorts of dates she enjoys are focused on just being with you, rather than any specific activity. I mean, that’s obvious- what other explanation is there for a girlfriend who would list grocery shopping as one of her favorite date activities?
With that in mind; another one of her favorite things to do on your mini-dates is to just chat for a while. You don’t have to go anywhere fancy, you don’t have to do anything exciting- what Hinata wants most is to hear your thoughts and share her own with you.
Tell her about your day, tell her stories about you and your friends. Tell her about your hobbies or whatever you’ve been watching or reading! Tell her any fun, weird, or scary dreams you’ve had!
She’s a great listener, always visibly interested in anything you’re talking about. She gets invested in even your most boring stories, and has something compassionate to say at the end of all your saddest ones. It comes naturally to her because it’s just part of who she is as a person.
She genuinely loves life! She finds something to appreciate in every single moment. From there, it’s easy to put an optimistic spin on anything.
She’s been through enough in her own life that you’ll never have to be afraid of her diminishing your problems or not empathizing with them- she’s overflowing with patience and compassion. But from that angle of understanding and appreciation, she’s always able to think of a way to improve the situation, whether it’s a concrete solution to try and move forward, or a hug and something tasty to start moving on.
Being with Hinata means being part of a huge family. She has no blood relations left, but a large circle of ‘found family’ that are eager to love you almost as much as she does- as long as you promise never to break her heart. Yuki and Akira both enjoy making their fare share of “I’ll beat you up if you ever hurt her!” threats at your expense. Don’t let their brash attitudes fool you- they get attached just as quickly as she does. They like you plenty, they just also like to run their mouths.
In turn, Hinata is very interested in meeting anyone in your life. As far as she’s concerned, any friend of yours is her friend too! She’s grateful to the people that take care of you and, by defaults, trusts anyone you trust. Whether it’s your family, your friends, or even your chummier acquaintances, Hinata’s excited to meet them!
Hinata loves most types of handcrafts. She does a lot of sewing, she’s tried embroidery and knitting and crochet, she’s done a little bit of origami and can almost make one of those fancy napkin sculptures that you find at expensive restaurants. She just loves to make things and work with her hands.
So, get comfortable finding places to put gifts! Hinata starts making you something warm every time she hears a weather forecast suggest it might get cold soon. She decorates her own cute cards to give you every holiday, and sometimes just for fun.
She especially likes when she can make something you’ll be using a lot. Something that will help with your lifestyle or hobbies. Patching up your clothes (or even better, customizing them with some cute embroidery) is am always helpful option that she absolutely loves to do.
When you date Hinata, you have a relationship for the rest of your life. Even if something were to happen and things didn’t work out, she’ll always be your friend, and you’ll always be family to her. The point is, Hinata doesn’t do any relationship casually.
People are already joking about it all the time, but one day, she’d really like to marry you. It doesn’t have to be now, or any time soon; she’d like to go to nursing school next, and she already spends every day with you. You’re already family. She’s in no rush.
But it might be nice, someday. She could wear a big Western-style white dress like a princess from a fairy tale. You’ll be her true love, the sun shining haloing you like you just stepped out of a storybook. She’d like a wedding on a sunny day in a park, with enough space and food for everyone. You could send out a thousand invitations! Both of your ‘families’ would be there, everyone either of you have ever loved, all having fun together.
A perfect happily ever after.
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clochanamarc · 11 months
hello it is diner-loving hours once again so i'm gonna make a list of reasons why ur muse should work at the diner:
they get paid a good wage. and by that i mean like. a hell of a lot more than minimum wage. the lowest wage any employee is getting is twenty dollars an hour, and the senior staff (so stanley, aisling, ramsay and henri) all find so many reasons and excuses to promote and offer bonuses.
one time stanley gave rani a 50% raise because she was studying for an exam on her lunch break, and he called it the "academic incentive programme".
they also get free food. "but blue, everyone gets free food at the diner!" they surely do! but this free food is very specifically timed so that they all get to eat together. also, they can ask ramsay or henri for whatever they want, and they'll make it. one time ramsay made a salmon poké bowl that had stanley and richard arguing over adding a sushi section to the menu.
they get praised so many times! for being on time, for being late but still showing up, for doing their tasks, for smiling at a customer, for making small talk with a customer, they get praise almost all the time! except for when they're early. stanley hates capitalism to the extent that he just barely accepts the diner as his own enterprise. he insists it's a home, and if you're early because you need extra money, he'll insist that you take a nap in the staff room and slip a few extra twenties in your envelope.
unlimited vacations and sick days. no, seriously. unlimited. one year bella didn't show up for eleven months and she still got paid full whack for the year.
team events! barbecues, parties, vacations, dinners, you name it, they're doing it together as a team!
no uniform! except for a name tag, but that's loosely defined. during the month of december, etienne wears sweaters with his name on the front, and rani has a necklace with her name on a charm, so it's always depending on your preference.
you've got health insurance and dental. stanley's got a lot of money, richard has a LOT of money, and aisling has LOTS of money, so u best believe you're getting health insurance and dental!
henri's brother is also a licensed therapist, and since the blip, he's made himself available for staff members, especially since the new surge of attacks have targeted the diner. so ur getting therapy!
ur also part of a family now, sorry not sorry, aisling's kids are already adding u to the family tree.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Pie Day  
From chicken to apple, pecan to mushroom, indulge in classic pastry  stuffed with any filling you fancy by visiting a bakery or hosting a pie  contest.
We’re going to need more days in the year if we want to have a  celebration for every type of food in existence. Luckily, most of the  important foods, such as pie, already have their assigned dates!
National Pie Day is, as you might expect, a glorious opportunity to  celebrate all of the wonderful things about pie. Whether it’s sweet  fruit pies, meat-filled pies with gravy or those silly whipped cream  pies that people throw for comical effect, no pie is left out during pie  day and they all have an opportunity to shine!
Pies have been around for thousands of years and the recipe hasn’t  changed much. It’s still a pastry that’s filled with something, either  sweet or savory, and served on a plate or dish that it’s baked in. It’s  simple, it’s effective and it’s incredibly filling. But what exactly do  people do on National Pie Day and what is it all about?
Most people see National Pie Day as an opportunity to stuff  themselves with all different types of pie. This may be especially easy  during National Pie Day as many stores and bakeries have started to  celebrate it, offering discounts or even free pies as part of the  celebration. However, others prefer to use National Pie Day as an excuse  to bake something of their own, usually with the intention of sharing  it with friends and family members. Even if you don’t have a clue how to  bake, this might be a perfect opportunity to learn!
History of National Pie Day
National Pie Day was started in the mid-1970s by Charlie Papazian.  Papazian worked as a nuclear engineer in Boulder, Colorado but also had  experience as a brewer and teacher. We’re not sure why he decided to do  it, but he declared that his birthdate would also be known as National  Pie Day. Everyone seemed to agree (who wouldn’t agree to a pie day?) and  ever since 1986, it has become an official celebration that is even  sponsored by the American Pie Council.
How to Celebrate National Pie Day
Celebrating National Pie Day can be easy even if it is fairly  obvious–just eat pie! Whether it’s a delicious blueberry pie from your  local bakery or a filling chicken pot pie for dinner, there are  countless different options for giving pie a rightful nod, and they all  deserve your attention. In fact, you could probably serve pie for all  three meals of the day if you really put some effort and creativity into  it!
Consider these interesting ways to celebrate this auspicious day centered around golden crusts filled with tasty goodness:
Start Making Pies
Although it is possible to simply buy the pies from a bakery or store  (especially because there will likely be sales or even free pie!), we  do suggest trying to make your own pies. This will give a greater  appreciation for pie as you can learn more about the process, pick up  some new cooking skills, and maybe even learn the history of pies and  how they were made in the past.
Host a Bake Off  
Invite friends, family or co-workers to a National Pie Day bakeoff  challenge. Whether choosing sweet or savory, it’s always loads of fun to  gather people around a common interest (and what could be more  interesting than pie?). However, the champion of the pie contest could  win a creative prize such as a special parking spot at work, a free  lunch, or even a giant box filled with pie baking supplies. Of course,  those volunteering to be judges are the real winners because they get to  taste all of the scrumptious pies!
Watch a Pie-Themed Film  
Okay, a film centered completely around pie probably wouldn’t be that  great. After all, it would probably just make people want to eat!  However, some films have scenes that feature prominently within their  larger plots. Check out these films and see if you can spot the pie  themes (note: these may not be suitable for younger watchers):
Labor Day. Released in 2014, starring  Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin, this romantic thriller focuses on the  relationship between a single mom and an escaped convict. In one scene  (which was used in advertisements by the American Pie Council) the  making of a peach pie is featured.
Waitress. This  2007 comedy stars Keri Russell as a server in a small town who enters a  pie bakeoff that she hopes will lead her away from her abusive husband.  
Blazing Saddles. This 1974 Mel Brooks western satire includes a memorable pie fight near the end of the film, where hijinx and mishaps ensue.
Julie & Julia. Inspirational  for those who love to cook, this 2009 film is about a young woman’s  experience with cooking for a year from Julia Child’s cookbook. The  beginning features a chocolate cream pie that is to-die-for, but the  whole film is sure to cause taste buds to demand something yummy!
Play Pie-Themed Music  
Most people don’t think about the fact that many songs and poems have  been written around the theme of pie. From oldies to metal to pop, pie  songs have been made available for more than 40 years, no matter what  kind of musical taste a person has. Filling a playlist with pie-themed  tunes can be fun and entertaining with songs such as these:
“American Pie” by Don McLean 1971
“I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)” by The Four Tops 1965
“Wild Honey Pie” by The Beatles 1968
“Cherry Pie” by Warrant 1990
“Sweet Potato Pie” by James Taylor 1988
“Where’s My Apple Pie?” by Joan Baez 2003
“Apple Pie a la Mode” by Destiny’s Child 2001
“High Hopes” by Frank Sinatra 1959
“Custard Pie” by Led Zeppelin 1975
National Pie Day is a fun and exciting day to celebrate, and it gets  even wackier when you include fun music, films, and delicious desserts.  People get  up to all sorts of crazy things on social media. You’ll find lots of fun  pictures of people gorging on pies, you might come across some new pie  recipes and you might even learn a few pie-related facts!
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bippot · 4 months
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The Monarch Hotel - Chapter 11: Puppeteering
Story Summary -> How many times does Vigilante need to get injured before Harcourt finally gives in and hires a medic to help out with the squad's injuries? Far too many times, that's how many.
When it's uncovered that a fancy hotel is linked to, not only what's left of the legion of butterflies, but also a string of weird deaths and missing persons reports, the only two for the job are lovesick Adrian and the newbie.
Chapter 11: Puppeteering Summary -> The hotel's walls are closing and the pair have one last chance to do something about it.
Tags -> Canon-Typical Violence, Gun Violence, Blood and Injury, Undercover as a Couple, Fluff, Idiots in Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Summer Vacation, Butterflies, Alien Invasion, Stitches, Weird Biology, Creep in a Bathroom, Aphrodisiacs, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Drugging, Peeping, general weirdness, Human Experimentation, Eventual Smut, p in v, Human Farming, Kidnapping, Handcuffs, Vomiting
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Previous Chapter -> Farmville
The results from the lab came back and, yes, the milkweed was laced with some alien compound that was changing human biology every time it was consumed into the perfect habitat for butterflies.
It also increased the likelihood of pregnancy-like symptoms, including the swelling of the breast with liquid. An incredible amount of prolactin was found in Y/N's hormone levels, despite the fact that she wasn't actually with child. Her progesterone and oestrogen had remained at their usual level, which is normal for a non pregnant person, and that was the reason why she hadn't been overcome with morning sickness, cravings and fatigue.
Though, it would only be a matter of time before the Milkweed would change that. There's only so much fight in the body. It would give in at some point. When those symptoms appeared, Y/N knew she'd have the same fate as Sam O'Donnell had.
2 weeks after the O'Donnells disappearance, the 'Bardot' couple were casually eating breakfast and chatting quietly as Y/N scanned the room. Something was off but she couldn't put her finger on what at first because clearly not everyone was awake and in the breakfast hall. Then, it came to the end of breakfast and there were still a few seats that had remained unfilled.
It's not a crime to skip breakfast but the couples who were absent were marked into Y/N's brain. They didn't arrive for lunch either. Or dinner. Or the evening gathering.
No, they were missing. Just like the O'Donnells.
"Babe, you're squeezing the shit outta my thigh, you cracking a case wide open in your head?" Adrian mumbled as he glanced over at her, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips when Y/N blinked herself back into focus and realised she was squeezing him pretty hard.
With an apologetic expression, she released her clamp on his leg and snuggled into his side, looking up at him as he wrapped his arm around her protectively.
"There are too many empty tables," she explained, a frown etching its way onto her face. Adrian also glanced around the room and, yeah, there were enough absences that it was noticeable.
And then more couples vanished the next day. And then more. More. And more. A group of 50 couples halved in just over a week.
There were excuses thrown around that a handful had caught a bug and were staying in their room until they were healthy. One pair had gone back home because a family member had died. Another because their dog sitter had to abruptly leave. Sparrow claimed that two of the couples had formed a polycule and wanted to figure their new arrangement out in the comfort of their homes. And one pair just wanted to go to an Imagine Dragons concert and who were they to say no?
Obviously, those were lies. Or were they?
As the Bardots were hanging by the pool, both anticipating the inevitable moment when everything turns to shit, an unlikely appearance happened. Sam and Steve O'Donnell walked out of the food hall and out into the sun. They were talking, laughing, smiling at each other like a couple in love, and Y/N had to restrain herself from reacting too obviously.
"Marty! Sidney!" Sam greeted enthusiastically. Far too enthusiastically. Sam had always been chirpy, cheerful, and annoyingly outgoing. But today, there was a certain quality to her voice that was uncertain, maybe a little confused, maybe a little too much of a caricature. It was so easy to see that it was fake. The Bardot couple eyed each other curiously for a second before breaking out into manufactured smiles.
If you think about it, both the Bardots and the puppeteered O'Donnell had one thing in common: they were wearing masks. One, a physical meat suit mask. The other, a cover story and phoney identities. Both had chosen to play these roles for the greater good of their species.
"Sam, Steve, how are you?" Y/N asked with forced cheer. "We' missed you guys."
"Oh, we missed you guys as well!" Steve held back the urge to roll his eyes and pretended to care. He punched Adrian lightly on the arm. "How've you been holding up without me, bud?"
"I can't complain, I'm in marital bliss," he quipped in response and that wasn't exactly a lie.
The marriage wasn't real but the bliss was.
"Bet you are," Steve laughed, "We've got some business to sort out but I promise we'll catch up at dinner. Cool?"
"So cool. Psst, like so so cool, yeah," Adrian responded awkwardly, wincing once the words came out of his mouth.
Despite Peacemaker being his BFF, he'd never been good at the whole bro friendship kind of thing. He was too awkward, too blunt, too unhinged, and had all the traits of someone who was obviously raised by an elderly woman. He'd known the sinking feeling of being far less cool than he'd hoped he would be - hell, that's the only thing he felt throughout all of high school - and the thought that he'd acted such a way, not only in front of aliens but the love of his life, left him feeling utterly defeated.
As the O'Donnells walked away, Adrian let his shoulders slump and touched his forehead to the crook of Y/N's shoulder. "I suck. I suck so bad," he whined. Y/N laughed softly at his reaction and gave him a kiss on the temple.
"You don't suck. Not at all, babe," she cooed with a grin. Her hands reached up to cradle his cheeks, thumbs brushing along his jawline gently as she brought his head up slowly, pecking his lips then his cheek.
2 simple sentences quelled his self hatred for the moment. 2 sweet, short, innocent kisses and he immediately felt better. Adrian chuckled, a soft sigh slipping through his throat but it died as soon as he saw another one of the couples who'd previously disappeared was floating on an inflatable lounger.
"They're all back," he concluded and nodded his head in their direction. Y/N hummed in acknowledgement. She turned Adrian's chin again so he would look directly into her eyes and not gawk so obviously at the aliens.
"Don't stare."
"Look at me." Her tone alone left no room for argument and Adrian complied, locking his eyes into hers. "We need to make a list."
So that's what they did. Once they were back in their room, the pair wrote a big long list that contained every single person in the entire hotel, staff and guest, and separated them into two succinct categories: to kill or not to kill.
Now, they knew for a fact that Sparrow was a human but he still was firmly on the kill list. Even if he wasn't conspiring with the Butterflies, Adrian was going to kill him because he was so weird. The guy called himself Sparrow! The only people who do that are bird enthusiasts, religious zealots and cult leaders (and some may say that the last two points are actually one). He was a dead man walking. It was just a matter of time.
But, there were others that they couldn't quite pin down. The more recent disappearances had only been gone two or three days. It was entirely possible that they got some bad news from back home and had been secluding themselves out of grief. Or maybe they ate some bad seafood and would only re-emerge when it was possible to not shit themselves in public. Or it could be that they've been on a weekend- long sex-athon that must've consisted of an uncountable amount of rounds.
They were considering a mass murder, they needed to be certain about who was a danger in need of elimination and who was an unlucky, incredibly rich vacationer. Blindly shooting everyone in sight was a violation of their mission, and a sure fire way to either end up dead or in prison, so the pair needed to come up with a way to separate the weak from the extraterrestrial.
The gadgets at their disposal were a signal jammer that looked like a smartphone, the broken 'gay' bee, and a radio that can make humans puke. Y/N looked at the devices and hoped that an idea would come to her. And then Adrian turned the puke radio on. Honestly, he forgot what it did and impulsively turned the dial.
Y/N barely had the time to mutter "Oh no," before the pair of them were heaving like a cat with a furball lodged in its throat. Just in time, Y/N slapped her hand over her mouth and rushed to stick her head in the toilet bowl. Whereas, Adrian had no such luck. He spluttered violently, his eyes tearing at the force of vomit that rose in his throat like a raging volcano, and had no way to stop himself from making a soon to be stain on their hotel room floor.
"Turn the dial back!" Y/N urged between lurches. Whatever she'd had for lunch was sitting on the very top of the toilet water and just the smell was enough to set her off again.
Adrian scrambled to turn the damn thing off, his movements languid and woozy. Once he managed to save them from another round of vomiting, he sighed, leaned back against the bed and closed his eyes tightly.
"That...that was disgusting."
"And helpful." Adrian cracked an eye open to glance curiously at Y/N. "Whoever pukes is human."
That was the plan? Make everyone - themselves included - spew up whatever was remaining in their stomachs to create a clear divide between vomiter and those unaffected by the signal? Surely there was something better than that? Something far less gross and projectile.
With time running out, that was the best option they had - it was quick and easy (minus the cleanup time) - and the two decided to take their chances at lunch the very next day.
"Did we pack any baking soda?"
"Do you think we had time to even think about packing baking soda?" Y/N replied sassily.
"Yeah, good point."
Grumbling as he surveyed what cleaning products they had in the room, Adrian decided that they could clean away all the vomit but they couldn't get rid of the stain nor the smell.
"If our room cleaner is a butterfly, they'll be able to link our test run puke with the mass puke. They'll know we are weird - I doubt they'll immediately go to us being spies but it is suspicious - but we'll be put under more scrutiny," Y/N posed, kneeling next to Adrian as they cleaned up the mess.
She was right; this would definitely raise more questions if they did have to explain themselves and Adrian still wasn't great with coming up with lies on the spot.
"Maybe we'll have to do the list then go guns blazing?" Adrian suggested with a shrug.
"This could be our last night here."
That sentiment hung heavy in the air as both of them sat in silence, thinking about what was to come next. The couple had spent so much time together in this very room, planning and plotting. Now with the possibility that the moment had finally arrived, neither one knew exactly how to feel.
Yes, this place was weird and perverted and a bit creepy but, in all honesty, they didn't want to move on. The Monarch Hotel was their little bubble - their haven - which was where they'd fallen in love. It may have been a ruse on the surface, but the underground foundations had always been made up of very real feelings.
So, as the very last remnants of his fragrant vomit were wiped away, Adrian got to his feet and pulled his wife up with him. Y/N smiled softly at him and rested her forehead against his, closing her eyes while he wrapped his arms around her waist. His grip tightened slightly, afraid she would disappear should he ever release her from his hold.
"I can't believe my sick smells that bad."
They both broke out into a batch of giggles at that and the sound of their laughter echoed throughout the hotel suite. After a few minutes, Y/N lifted her face slightly, her smile fading but her eyes alight. Adrian looked down at her and waited patiently for what she would say. There was a beat of silence that stretched between them before she spoke again.
"I..." she started and paused, as if searching for words. "We have to be careful. Don't do anything stupid, okay?" She looked at him with hopeful yet concerned eyes and tugged on his shirt a little.
"Me? Stupid? I -"
"I'm being serious." She scolded and Adrian shut up in an instant. With her brows furrowed, she sighed and stared intently into his eyes, almost pleading. "Promise me you won't do anything rash."
"...Okay." He agreed quietly, unable to fight the frown that formed on his face when he heard her voice wavering, "I promise."
Her gaze softened and she gave him a kiss on his cheek, pulling back after a few seconds to say, "Let's shower. I feel so grimy and gross now."
"Good call."
Adrian hoisted Y/N off the ground, revelling in the way she squealed at his sudden movement and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her effortlessly to the bathroom without a second thought, and would proceed to hold her against the shower tile as she gripped his shoulders for dear life, his hands roaming along her body and leaving goosebumps everywhere they touched.
"So strong," she murmured breathlessly, her lips brushing his ear as she spoke.
His thrust faltered as he felt the vibrations of her voice and the warmth of her breath caress his skin, though he regained his rhythm soon enough. Y/N watched Adrian, mesmerised by the way his muscles moved under her fingertips and watched the beads of sweat forming at his brow, dripping down to join the water from the shower that cascaded over them. He looked so beautiful under the water - like he truly was a god among men - that it was nearly impossible for her not to be awestruck.
And everytime he grunted or groaned, every time his hand travelled down her bare body, every time he moaned her name like it was the most precious treasure that anyone has ever bestowed upon her, all she wanted to do was sink her nails into his skin until the mark of her love was forever etched onto his body.
For as much bliss he brought her, there was this nagging in the back of her head. Their plan was hasty and far too broad for it to work perfectly. Something was going to go wrong, Y/N could feel that.
It was a gut feeling. A feeling in her gut that she couldn't shake off. As much as she tried to convince herself it was nothing serious, there was just something she couldn't quite put her finger on, something ominous and foreboding looming in the corner of her vision that she couldn't see through. It bothered her so much that she began to question everything.
What if everything went terribly wrong? Could the plan actually work? Was it worth it? Should they just run away? Could they just forget about the whole idea altogether and leave their mission unfinished?
They could claim that their snooping produced nothing of value, they could tell their superiors that they'd found not a spec of anything sinister, that the project was dead, they'd done everything perfectly and there was absolutely nothing of note hidden behind the hotel's walls. Of course, that wasn't the truth. Everything that lay behind those walls was something worth investigating.
But, was it worth the risk? As much as she loved him, loved the man who had come to mean so much to her, as much as she longed for them to start their relationship under their proper names, could she justify saving him over the prospect of an alien invasion? And would he ever forgive her if she chose to put herself in danger to save him?
Adrian cradled her face in his damp hand and his warm touch brought her back to reality. "Hey," he muttered tenderly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're thinking far too hard for someone who's supposed to be going brainless on my cock." He smirked playfully, his thumb rubbing circles over the soft skin on her cheek.
Y/N chuckled a little at his teasing before pressing a gentle kiss against his palm, her own hand reaching up to cover his. She stared deeply into his eyes and smiled at him, knowing that there was no better person to be worrying about in the world. He deserved to have someone worrying about him. Someone caring and willing to fight by his side, someone willing to sacrifice herself for him if need be, and Y/N knew she was that someone.
"You better fuck me harder then, my love," Y/N purred in return and pressed her lips against his once more in a deep, slow kiss. Adrian responded eagerly, and like he always did, obeyed her commands without hesitation.
Though the pair had tired themselves out, it would be a lie to say they slept soundly. Adrian didn't voice his fears out loud, yet he had plenty of them, and held Y/N close, hoping that the comforting contact and warmth would soothe any worries he might have. And when it came time for the new day to begin, he was less than enthused to get out of bed.
They had a job to be done and vomit to induce.
Lunch came. The dial was turned. Panic ensued. Vomit erupted.
There were a total of 50 couples in the dining hall. Only 3 pairs, including the Bardots, and Queen Caroline of Markovia were affected by the nausea of the radio device. In a hotel with over 150 people in it, only 7 people hadn't been infected by a parasite from outer space.
The Bardot's, the Jones' the Anthony's, and the Queen were surrounded on all sides. No one could escape from the others. They were crowded in a vast ballroom as they tried to regain their senses and recover from their sudden bouts of sicknesses. But, with little luck, none managed to pull themselves together quick enough to anticipate the swift knock to the backs of their heads.
Those who had remained human were wacked with plates and glasses and platters by those who were not, and hit unconsciousness in mere moments. The Jones' faces landed in their soup. The Anthony's managed to swerve themselves away from the dishware. And the Bardot's lasted a few seconds longer; long enough for them to attempt to stand before they slumped to the floor in a pile.
Queen Caroline, however, remained conscious and unharmed from attack. She simply dabbed away the bile from the corner of her mouth and rested her feet on the chair opposite.
"Ah, such a pity," she remarked.
An inordinate amount of time passed. Y/N awoke. Adrian did too. Yet, they couldn't see each other since they were in separate rooms, both strapped to an examination table and attached to machines with IV drips attached to their wrists. Their bodies felt heavy and stiff, and their minds were clouded by the drugs being pumped into their systems.
It was pure luck that Dr Yatz decided to flip a coin to decide which of the Bardot's he would experiment on first. 'Marty's' face was not one he knew so there was no reason for him to be suspicious.
Y/N knew there was only a slim area of time that they'd be able to escape and that was right now. Her wooziness would only get worse as her blood became more toxic and whoever had tied her to the bed clearly was in a hurry. With a little bit of wriggling and writhing and rope burn that would need some aloe Vera, Y/N was able to yank a hand free from its restraint.
One hand, then two, then her feet, and boom, Houdini would be proud. Growing up with two incredibly nimble Olympic gymnasts that are hell bent on making you learn the art in the family had some advantages.
Despite the wobbliness of her steps, Y/N was quick to find the heaviest thing she could hold and brandish it as a weapon. The examination room may have held sharper objects like scalpels and scissors, yet unscrewed the bottom half of a rolling stool and took the thick metal pipe that connected the seat to the wheels. It was crude but effective.
She listened at the door to make sure the coast was clear before creeping out, holding her breath and trying to move as silently as possible. It was a battle of wills to avoid colliding with furniture and stumbling over things, but the moment she passed another examination room with the door slightly ajar, she knew exactly what she was going to do next.
Dr Yatz held an oxygen mask over Adrian's face, watching as......Nothing happened.
The doctor hit the container of yellow liquid attached to the nozzle like someone would hit a faulty television remote and frowned disapprovingly. "No… No! Come on…" he growled impatiently, slapping his clipboard against his thigh repeatedly in anger. "What is wrong with you? First we can't put one of those fucking bugs inside you and now you're not responding to my gas!" he demanded and slapped the tank again and again in frustration.
He looked behind him, startled by another noise and whipped around to look at Y/N and the metal pipe in her hands that was quickly approaching his face. Bang! It hit him directly on the cheekbone. He fell to the ground, blood gushing out of his nose and staining the white tiles beneath him crimson.
The time had come for Y/N's revenge. With all the time she'd spent with Vigilante, he'd certainly rubbed off on her in all manner of the phrase. She was prepared to make his last few minutes on earth as painful as possible.
"Hey batter, batter, batter, batter. Swing batter!"
Another bang resounded throughout the air. This time on top of the skull. Dr Yatz groaned loudly as he attempted to push himself into a seated position. His hands clutched at the wound on his head and he grimaced as the pressure on his head eased, only to be hit again. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! It sent him crashing back down into the tile again. And again. Until, finally, after what seemed like hours of beating him senseless, Y/N stopped and took a breath before turning around to face Adrian.
His breathing was heavy and uneven as she untied his binds and pulled him off of the examination table. "That was fucking ruthless," he breathed, "I fucking love you. You're so hot."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love you too. Look around for a weapon. We need to find a way out of here."
And so they searched through the entire room, only for Adrian to realise that the butterflies hadn't removed anything from his person so he still had his gun strapped to his ankle and Y/N still had the phone they use to contact HQ stuffed in her bra. Obviously, the aliens had no idea what was happening or what had cause the fiasco at lunch and decided it was easiest to confine their remaining victims so they were easier to control.
Yet, you would've thought that there would've been more guards. Or aliens in general all over the place. That wasn't the case. As the duo kept their backs to the walls and snuck through room after room after room, they found no one. The remaining humans were nowhere to be found and had presumably been changed by this point.
Butterflies were scarce too. Had Yatz been alone down here? They'd witnessed through the 'gay' bee's camera that he had lab assistants, so it was hard to believe that he was completely alone down here.
But still, they couldn't afford to waste any time. Y/N collected as many papers and documents and medical charts that she could and stuffed them into the nearest bin, pulled the bin bag out, and tied it.
"Babe, that's the janitor's job."
"Come on," she urged, tugging his arm and dragging him along with her, "We need to leave."
Adrian followed her lead and followed her wherever she led, though he couldn't quite shake the uneasy feeling that the aliens hadn't left. They were hiding. They were waiting for the perfect time to ambush.
"Economos, are you there? We need extraction immediately. Everything has gone to shit! There's no way out," Y/N explained into her phone.
A couple of moments of silence followed, giving Y/N and Adrian a second to panic before, finally, "There should be a back entrance. Give me two seconds to track your location and I'll give you directions out of there. Do you copy?"
"Copy," she affirmed.
They waited anxiously as Economos led them in the right direction until they reached a set of double doors.
"I need to override their lock down operations to get it open. Sit tight."
With nothing left to do and nowhere left to run, the pair had backed themselves into a room that currently only had one usable exit. That is, what some in the industry call, a really good ambush point.
At first, it was just the 1 butterfly that arrived. The pair was quick to dispose of it. Y/N hit it in the temple with the pole and Adrian shot the bug that crawled out of his head
Then 2. They took 1 each.
3. That was a little harder, nothing they couldn't manage though.
5. Doable.
8. If Vigilante wasn't so skilled and agile, it would've been impossible.
12. They were out of bullets and had to resort to throwing anything they could find - chairs, tables, the odd lampshade, whatever - yet it wasn't enough.
More and more were on their way.
"I can only keep it open for 10 seconds. Get ready."
10 seconds? That's all they had?
Thanks to all the fighting, the pair were no longer by the door but had made it further inward and to make it back in time would be a stretch. The pair ducked and punched and shoved their way as close as they could possibly get.
John's voice was almost overshadowed by the roaring of The Monarch Hotem's security alarms blaring. Though, there would soon be one sound clearer than the rest. Screaming. Not one of physical pain, like the kind that had come from Yatz not so long before.
Many people would've claimed that Adrian Chase was not a smart man, but he knew how long 10 seconds was. And he knew that 10 seconds was not enough time to get them both out of the door. If there hadn't been an army of angry aliens grabbing and pulling at them, yeah sure, it could've been. But there was.
"Tell Emilia that she doesn't need to rip my prostate out of my mouth, okay?"
Even if she could never forgive him for this, Adrian lifted Y/N as high as he could and threw her through the closing door to safety. The metal panels shut with a horrifying crash, trapping himself inside the room with the insects who swarmed towards him.
A screech, a sound akin to a banshee scream, flew from Y/N's lips as she banged her fist against the door futilely. It was too strong; no matter how much effort she exerted, it wouldn't budge no matter how many times she pounded at it with her whole body. Her screams turned to desperate whimpers as familiar beefy arms wrapped around her waist.
Peacemaker was kicked and punched and thoroughly bruised as he hoisted Y/N onto his shoulder and away from the hotel to the getaway car. "Put me down, you bastard!" Y/N screamed, struggling against him violently. "Put me down! I need to go get him! I have to help him! Please, Chris!" she wailed, looking desperately up at her friend as tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably. "Let me go!"
Chris ignored her pleas and carried her to safety.
Next Chapter -> Feeling In My Gut
*Click here for my Adrian Chase masterlist, or here for the entire masterlist*
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27 notes · View notes
rachelkaser · 2 years
Stay Golden Sunday: Dorothy’s New Friend
Dorothy befriends a local writer, Barbara Thorndyke, who is lovely to her but unbearably condescending to Blanche and Rose. Sophia has an active love life.
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Picture It...
Sophia is cooking lasagna, and she tells a newly arrived Blanche that it’s for a cute guy at the senior center. Rose enters and excitedly says she’s got a costume for the upcoming masquerade ball. It includes a giant horse head. Dorothy enters and can’t summon up any enthusiasm, saying she feels like she’s stuck in a rut and her life is boring. The others reassure her, and Rose says Dorothy needs to find ways to make it interesting. Dorothy says she could go to a lecture where Barbara Thorndyke, a local author, is speaking.
BLANCHE: Hi Sophia. Whatcha cooking? SOPHIA: Lasagna for a guy at the Center. BLANCHE: Ooooh, is he cute? SOPHIA: Cute? He’s 84, doesn’t have a hair on his head or a real tooth in his mouth and his body’s covered with liver spots. To answer your question, he’s adorable!
The next day, Dorothy is laying out food on the coffee table. Blanche and Rose arrive and Dorothy says Barbara Thorndike is coming for a visit. The two met after the lecture and made friends. Sophia comes home with an untouched lasagna, as the cute guy rejected it. She leaves, and the doorbell rings: It’s Barbara Thorndyke, whom Dorothy introduces to Rose and Blanche. She gives Dorothy an autographed book that describes her as a “new and fascinating friend.”
Almost immediately, Barbara begins making references that are over the other Girls’ heads. Dorothy leaves to get coffee, and Blanche and Rose attempt to engage Barbara in conversation about a brooch she’s wearing. Barbara tells a long-winded story about it being her muse, and gets snippy when the other Girls don’t seem impressed. Dorothy returns, and Barbara makes an excuse to leave. As Dorothy walks her out, Rose and Blanche agree there’s something about Barbara they don’t like.
Sometime later, Blanche and Rose discuss the masquerade ball in the kitchen as Blanche reads one of Barbara’s novels. Dorothy enters, and they invite her to the movies. She declines, as Barbara’s taking her to a theater show. Blanche and Rose are a bit miffed that Barbara doesn’t seem interested in including them, and Dorothy says they need to respect her right to have outside friends, and promises she’ll spend time with them soon. As she leaves, Blanche and Rose agree they didn’t give Barbara a chance, and agree to invite her to dinner.
At said dinner, Barbara continues to show off how intelligent and cultured she is. Blanche mentions reading Barbara’s novel and not being particularly enthused about its metaphors (and has to explain to Rose what a metaphor is). Sophia enters, and Dorothy introduces them. Sophia quickly exits, as she’s going on a date. Barbara also decides to go, and on her way out invites Dorothy to the Writers’ Symposium. After she leaves, Rose points out that conflicts with the masquerade ball, but Dorothy knows which one she’d prefer to go to.
ROSE: Dorothy, the masquerade ball is Friday night. You know how much it means to me. I’m counting on you to be the rear end of my horse! DOROTHY: Rose sweetheart, this Friday I can choose between rubbing elbows with Norman Mailer and doing the hokey-pokey in a horse costume with your behind in my face. ROSE: . . . well which is it gonna be?
In the kitchen that night, Blanche and Rose are being passive-aggressive to Dorothy. Blanche accuses Dorothy of being cruel to Rose by not helping with her masquerade costume despite having done so for years. Dorothy counters by saying this is because they don’t like Barbara, and neither of them disagree with her. They point out that, regardless of how she treats Dorothy, Barbara is rude and unkind to everyone else. Rose says that she thinks Barbara is not a good choice of friend, which infuriates Dorothy, who charges out.
The next day, Dorothy has lunch with Barbara at a writer-themed restaurant, which includes a menu the size of a tome and very punny dishes. Dorothy confides in Barbara that she’s saddened by the divide between her and the other Girls. Barbara thinks this is because Blanche and Rose are “limited,” but Dorothy says they’re very good friends regardless. Barbara offers to mend fences by inviting Blanche, Rose, Sophia, and Dorothy for dinner at the very exclusive Mortimer Club.
DOROTHY: Blanche, honey, I hope you don’t mind. I borrowed your rhinestone necklace. BLANCHE: No, that’s alright, but I think I should point out it was designed for a dainty neck. DOROTHY: Yes Blanche, but I don’t know Mike Tyson well enough to borrow his jewelry.
On the night of the dinner, Blanche and Rose steel themselves to spend more time with Barbara -- Blanche is buoyed by the fact that the Mortimer Club will have some of the wealthiest men in Florida. When the latter arrives, she has a college student on her arm as her date. Sophia of course finds this incredibly amusing. The bell rings again, and it’s Sophia’s date: A man named Murray Guttman, who’s wearing a swanky AF powder-blue tux with ruffles. Barbara immediately tells Dorothy they need to talk.
In the kitchen, Barbara tells Dorothy they won’t be able to go to the Mortimer Club. Dorothy at first thinks it’s because Murray’s fashion is too strong, but Barbara clarifies: The Mortimer Club is restricted to Jewish people. Dorothy asks why Barbara would be part of such a club, and the writer makes it clear she has no problem with the policy. Dorothy, realizing Barbara isn’t who she thought, tells her to “Go to Hell” and Barbara storms out. Blanche and Rose enter the kitchen, and Dorothy tells them they were right and apologizes to them.
ROSE: Does this mean you’ll go to the masquerade ball? DOROTHY: Yes, and I’ll tell you something: After all the practice I’ve had lately, I’d be honored to be the horse’s behind.
“Please, black underwear and pasties couldn’t make me look easy.”
Now here’s an episode I’m sure most of us remember: The One With Barbara Thorndyke. Also known as the episode where Dorothy very calmly and confidently tells a stuck-up anti-Semite to go to Hell and draws some very deserved applause for it. But don’t let that description fool you: There’s a lot more going on in this episode, and Barbara Thorndyke is a bitch long before she also reveals herself to be a member of an anti-Semitic club.
Since I haven’t mentioned it for a few episodes, let me begin by pointing out how well-balanced this episode is between all four women. Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy are all part of the A-plot and, while there isn’t a B-plot per se, Sophia has her own storyline going on in the background about her active social life. Even if she’s not in most of the episode, she makes up for it by being the catalyst for the climactic blow-up, in that her date for the evening is a Jewish man named Murray Guttman.
The writers of the episode have admitted the main story of the episode, where an outsider causes tension between the primary female friends and is ultimately shown to be a member of a club restricted to Jewish people, is from an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Nothing wrong with that -- putting anti-Semites, fictional or otherwise, never gets old or repetitive. I would even say they improved upon it by having Dorothy tell the interloper in question to go to Hell, which Mary doesn’t (though she does extract a $110 check from them).
One thing I like about this episode is how subtle the writing is. At first blush, Barbara’s behavior is, while a bit off-putting, not necessarily rude for someone who’s in the company of people she doesn’t enjoy. It’s only when you dig a little deeper into her scenes that you can see her issues: Her wiser-than-thou attitude and putting a premium on making sure everyone knows she’s the smartest person in the room. I feel like we’ve all met someone like that, and while they’re rarely outwardly rude, they are downright insufferable to be around.
DOROTHY: Barbara is taking me to the experimental theater downtown. BLANCHE: Somebody dragged me to a show there one time. Three men paraded around the stage for five hours talking about God eatin' graham crackers. They wore masks to cover their faces, but other than that they were totally naked. ROSE: And you stayed through the whole evening? BLANCHE: Well I would have left but . . . one of the actors looked so familiar to me. But it was hard to tell since he had such a small part.
The bit that always gets me is her first scene, when she tells Blanche and Rose the story about being handed a brooch, which she calls her muse, by a mysterious man in a Moroccan marketplace while she was in the throes of writer’s block. I think it goes without saying that that’s not what happened -- she probably bought the thing in a Moroccan market and exaggerated the whole rest of the story. She’s fishing for Blanche and Rose to react with awe and empressement, and when they don’t she’s obviously put out.
Personally, if she just didn’t have the patience to deal with Rose’s simple-minded charm, I think that would be one thing. But the fact that she’s so dismissive of Blanche, who works in an art museum and is at least as conversant in art as Dorothy is, proves that she’s not actually that discerning. Sure, Blanche might be a bit shallow at times, but she did offer what I think was a valid criticism of Barbara’s debut novel. I mean, who the hell wants to read a wave metaphor on every other page of a novel? I’d throw the damned thing out the window of a moving car.
SOPHIA: Where’s that sense of fun? That light-hearted laughter? That devil-may-care attitude? BLANCHE: Sophia, when was Dorothy ever like that? SOPHIA: Never, I’ve been asking her these questions since she was 12.
Side note, but I find it amusing how Barbara can keep her nose so high in the air when she patronizes that ridiculous restaurant she takes Dorothy to. I know writers -- we would absolutely go to a silly theme restaurant that has dishes like “The Crepes of Wrath” and “Edgar Allan Poe-tatoes.” But we would recognize it as being precisely that: A silly theme restaurant. To call it “the hangout for Miami’s literary intelligentsia” smacks of someone whose pretentions are probably just as insufferable to the writers who are just trying to chill in their funny watering hole as they are to Rose and Blanche.
Then we come to the important part of the episode: Where Barbara reveals that not only is she a snooty asshole, but she’s a member of a club that doesn’t allow Jewish people. She does it in the worst way, too: Sophia introduces Murray to everyone, Barbara gives him a piercing look as she’s shaking his hand and immediately turns to Dorothy and asks to speak to her alone, as if she couldn’t make it more obvious to the poor guy that he’s who she has an issue with.
I think the most important line of the episode is not Dorothy’s epic “Go to hell,” but when she counters Barbara’s attempt at a defense of the club by saying, “But you tolerate it.” The important part of this episode is not that Barbara herself is an overt bigot -- but if she tolerates bigotry, she’s guilty by association no matter how much she might protest the contrary. And for that matter she doesn’t protest very much, and even compares her tolerance for the policy to her tolerance for Blanche and Rose, which I think is enough to push Dorothy from “I don’t want this person as a friend” to “Oh, I’m going to hurt this person.”
I bring this up because, while the bones of the episode may have been from that MTMS episode, Miami has played host to clubs precisely like the fictional Mortimer Club. I would hazard a guess that the real-life counterpart would be the Everglades Club, which excludes both Black and Jewish people. In 2009, then-club president William Pannill testified that there were no Black members of the club because none had applied, but that there were Jewish members. How many? He didn’t know because he hadn’t asked who specifically was Jewish.
BARBARA: I certainly hope tonight will help us forget what happened the other night. SOPHIA: I already forgot what happened the other night. But then again, I’m 82 years old. This morning I forgot my cat’s been dead for 20 years. Which makes me wonder -- who’s using the kitty litter?
I almost feel sorry for Bonnie Bartlett, who played Barbara (and, as of this writing, is still alive and kicking). She had a very successful role as a side character on Little House On The Prairie and won an Emmy for St. Elsewhere. But all a not-insignificant chunk of the population knows her for is playing Barbara Thorndyke. Also another side note, but writer Robert Bruce said in Golden Girls Forever that he named Murray Guttman after a real person he knew slightly (which wouldn’t fly these days). He later ran into the real Murray Guttman, and he was apparently very flattered about having been included in The Golden Girls.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰 (five cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
Miami’s literary intelligentsia apparently enjoy pun-based food names:
0 notes
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Always been you
eddie & fem!reader getting into a very heated argument? You could choose the plot but angst to fluffy ending please^.^
requested by anon.
Warnings; Arguing, Angst to Fluff.
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
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"I can't believe you're missing Hellfire to go out with that douchebag". Eddie says to her still as pissed off at her as he was yesterday when she told him she wouldn't make this week's extra Hellfire meeting.
"Eddie. I can't not show. Yeah, Jason is an asshole but my parents and his parents are friends. It's a dinner that they have once a month and catch up, do you think I want to listen to Jason's bullshit?".
No, she didn't. She would rather be with Eddie for reasons that she tried to keep to herself, tried not to let Eddie know how captivated she was by him.
That his beautiful brown eyes made her melt, feel excited and nervous and butterflies all at once. That she really liked him.
He would never feel the same way though judging by the few hookups he had over the years he liked the Uber pretty type.
His eyes narrow at her.
"Can't you make some sort of excuse? You know how important this campaign is y/n". She sighs because he is not listening.
They've been arguing like this all through lunch and he just won't listen. It's frustrating because yeah they have arguments that can turn heated but usually during Hellfire not after.
"Eddie. I can't okay? I have to go and that's that. You'll just need to get a sub". He shakes his head annoyed.
"Fine". He snaps at her and the others groan.
"Fine" she huffs hating that they have been arguing but annoyed he won't listen.
After dinner which is surprisingly quick, she rushes back home to grab her Hellfire shirt, tugs it on and heads off to the Hellfire meeting.
Maybe then she and Eddie could make up and everything would be fine?
She manages to make it in time after all smiling as she hears laughter ringing out. As she goes to head inside she freezes.
Looks like Eddie found a replacement after all. Chrissy. Who is in her seat and Eddie is smiling at her as she asks him questions about the game.
He looks so happy and her heart sinks, does he ever look that happy when she is playing the game? Half the time they are arguing about something.
Maybe he prefers her not being there and Chrissy instead? Mind racing she heads out feeling sick to her stomach.
Friday arrives and she joins The Hellfire table as usual. Eddie is still off with her and discusses the game last night with Dustin and Gareth.
"Last night was epic". Dustin enthuses then turns to her looking apologetic.
"We missed you though y/n. Chrissy, took your place, Eddie was doing a deal with her and she seemed interested in what we were doing so she joined. Cool huh? She wasn't all that good though".
She nods but it's Mikes's words that hurt.
"I don't know it was nice to enjoy the game without hearing y/n and Eddie arguing for once". Then his eyes widen as he realises what he said and everyone goes silent.
Maybe everyone preferred Chrissy being a member instead of her. Eddie certainly looked happier.
"Maybe, she should take my place then". She murmurs and shrugs out of her t-shirt and hands it to Eddie hiding her tears.
"I know you'll be happier Eddie". He stares at the t-shirt then her stunned and she walks away before he can say anything.
It's been two weeks since she left Hellfire and she misses it. She really does. Even at lunch, she avoids Eddie because it hurts too much.
She misses the way Eddie's eyes follow her sadly, the way Hellfire doesn't feel the same to any of the members when shes is not there but Eddie especially misses her.
That Chrissy was trying to get Eddie to admit how much he missed y/n though it was obvious to everyone.
It was natural that they would end up gravitating toward each other, the pull they had was too strong to ignore.
He walks over to her and she smiles up at him.
"Hi sweetheart".
"Hi". I miss you she wants to say but Eddie gets there first.
"I miss you, princess, campaigns aren't the same without you". Oh...
"I just figured everyone would be happier with someone like Chrissy on the team, that you would be happier, after what Mike said".
He softens.
"Y/n, Chrissy isn't you? She is sweet but she isn't you. I want you on the team and... I want you, I'm fed up with hiding how I feel you about you, the last two weeks have been hell". He admits to her and caresses her cheek.
"How do you feel about me?". She's anxious to know and he leans closer.
"You're everything to me, sweetheart. From the minute we met I've been falling for you, it's always been you for me. Always you. Not Chrissy or any other girl. You".
He kisses her and she returns it.
"I feel the same, I've been falling for you for so long". It feels so cathartic to get out but even more that he feels the same.
"Come on let's get to Hellfire baby, everyone has missed you, heck Chrissy has been telling me to say how I feel about you for days now".
This surprises her but makes her happy that Chrissy has been rooting for them and she reaches up to kiss him once again then they head to Hellfire.
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maaarshieee · 3 years
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➢ Hᴀsʜɪʀᴀs (Sᴀʙɪᴛᴏ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ) ғᴛ. Gɴ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ 1,888 Wᴏʀᴅs
➢ Pʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ ғʟᴜғғ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
For once, the Hashiras goes out all together and have their rare times when they all sit down, eating a meal together. As you’d expect, it ended with a mess... But hey, you got to spend time with your friends!
➵ Hᴀsʜɪʀᴀ Gᴇᴛ Tᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀs
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Once in a blue moon, when the stars and all the planets of the Solar System align, so does every Hashira’s schedule. Whenever it does, you, Kyojuro and Mitsuri take the initiative to invite every single Hashira for lunch, or dinner. The three of you went with your suggestion this time. A small restaurant right at the outskirts of the one of the districts you look after, surrounded by flowers and cherry blossom trees, run by a kind florist and a chef. 
The view was stunning and calming, perfect sight seeing for your friends who prefer to stay silent and rarely participate in conversations, and not so expensive food for your friends who have a large appetite. Since it was once in a lifetime opportunity, you offered the day as your treat.
Everyone agreed to meet up, to which you, Mitsuri and Kyojuro celebrated. After all, all the Hashiras needed a break, eat good meals, and tolerate each other long enough to have a whole meal together. 
Tengen always brings alcohol even after Shinobu scolds him countless times to not bring any in the presence of your youngest Hashira. Tengen’s excuse was always, “Relax, Kocho-san! It’s not like Tokito notices us drinking anyways.” He’d always receive a kick on the back of his head by an angry butterfly. Tengen would always fake cry to you about it since you’re one of the nicest Hashiras. 
You’d sweatdrop, give Shinobu a small, apologetic smile as you pull out a bottle of a much lighter alcohol that’s just similar to fruit juice, but still has a punch for Tengen. Tengen would smirk triumphantly while an irk mark appeared on Shinobu’s forehead, a smile never leaving her face.
To make sure Obanai actually stays until everyone leaves, you and Kyojuro have assigned Mitsuri to be his ‘chaperone’ for the whole day. Neither of them complains, one of them is visibly happy at Mitsuri’s ‘assigned work’ and the other is super flustered. Mitsuri would start sputtering with a red face when she sees you and Kyojuro watching them talk to one another with huge, shit eating grins at your faces.
Gyomei, bless his heart, would bring some sweets he made with Genya (don’t tell Sanemi)! “A little treat for everyone for working so hard,” He explains, holding out a small box of everyone’s favorite sweets, tears streaming down his face.
Muichiro actually tries to be more attentive, especially if you’re there. You’re like his older sibling, so he usually takes the spot next to you when all of you are finally seated, but stays quiet for the most part. Although, he’d talk to you in a soft voice from time to time! 
Sanemi was about to refuse when Kyojuro mentioned the owner having a dog wandering around the restaurant you picked. He glared at him, but begrudgingly agreed to come over.
Sabito would always drag Giyuu to these little get-togethers to improve his socializing skills. “He never had any in the first place,” Sanemi would say to rile up Sabito. It takes you, Giyuu, Obanai and Kyojuro to hold back the two men from starting a fight in a public area. You picked up the owner’s dog and put it on Sanemi’s lap. He’s been behaving ever since.
When everyone settled on the table, it was a good lunch that all of you shared. Laughter, sharing of stories, teasing, you name it. This is what life should be. Light hearted, carefree and having a good meal with friends. A silent vow was made between all Hashiras. Once the planet they walk on is devoid of any demon, they would share more moments like these together.
“Y/n-chan,” Shinobu called for you in a hushed manner, glancing at Giyuu, who was holding a menu. “Please tell me this restaurant doesn’t serve simmered salmon with daikon...” Her smile was stiff, brow twitching. You just smiled back at her, tilting your head to the side innocently. That seemed to earn a wide eyed expression from her, but instead of surprise, you could see butterflies that seemed to flutter in her eyes angrily. 
You had no regrets, pouting at her. “I think his smiles are cute, Shinobu-chan...” You admitted, crossing your arms. Her smiling mask turned into disgusted expression, making you let out a choked laugh hand over your lips to stifle more laughter threatening to escape your lips.
“My, my, Kocho-san! What’s with the unflamboyant look on your face?” Tengen exclaimed, a hand over his chest as he stared at her in pure disbelief, as if he just saw something he’s never seen before... Which is accurate to what’s seeing at the moment.
You mumbled an unheard thanks to Tengen when her anger was suddenly directed to the flamboyant, Sound Hashira. 
Almost everyone had conversations of their own with other Hashiras. Sabito and Sanemi would actually talk about whatever, Giyuu listening and muttering some comments here and there. It was like a temporary truce. What others don’t know is that they’d feel a bit guilty if they ruin their once in a lifetime outings all together. Of course they’d always rile each other up, but it always ends up being thrown into a different topic. 
“I hope we get to eat out more like this,” Mitsuri chuckled, eyeing the two scarred men scowling at each other, but speaking in hushed, yet sharp tones. “Sabito-san and Shinazugawa-san might become friends!” She chirped, placing her hands on her cheeks as she flushed at the thought, sighing dreamily. 
“As long as Tomioka exists, they’d never truly bond.” Obanai stated, scratching Kaburamaru’s chin as the snake flicks his tongue at Mitusri affectionately. It made her frown, but a hopeful gleam remained in her eyes. She puffed her cheeks into a pout, making Obanai’s cheers flare up and avert his eyes. You winced at the two of them being so obvious, groaning inwardly. “Well, maybe we could give Tomioka-san a hand!”
You hummed in a thought, tracing the edge of your tea cup, enjoying the warmth radiating from it. “Tomioka-san approached me not too long ago. He wanted to get along with Shinazugawa-san and asked for advice, since he seems a little nicer to me.” You recalled, taking a sip from your tea. Mitusri and Obanai gaped at you, as if you grew another set of eyes. Muichiro peered at you, brow slightly raised. 
“Alone? Without Sabito-san?” Muichiro asks, tilting his head to the side curiously. You nodded your head, glancing at the stoic, raven haired boy. “What happened?”
You laughed anxiously, rubbing the back of your neck. “I told him to offer him some Ohagi since it’s his favorite but... Tomioka-san recently rejected his offer to eat simmered salmon with daikon with him so Shinazugawa-san gave him a black eye.” You bit back a sigh as memories of Giyuu frowning at you while you tended his wound back at the Butterfly Estate. “I felt so bad...”
“EH!?” Mitsuri looked horrified, hand hovering her lips with her eyes wide. “R-really!?” Obanai let out a snort, shoulders shaking slightly up and down as he held in his laughter. Even Muichiro had an amused twinkle in his eyes. Poor Giyuu... “That’s not funny!”
“I think he deserved it,” Shinobu suddenly jumped in, a small giggle escaping her soft lips, eyes burning onto Giyuu. The poor ravenette glanced at Shinobu’s direction and began to squirm uncomfortably under her scrutinizing gaze.
Tengen let out a boisterous laugh, pouring himself and Kyojuro a whole glass of alcohol. He managed to snatch his bottle from Shinobu, a smirk on his face. Gyomei sighed, clasping his hands together and rubbing his prayer beads, but a small, fond smile was on his lips, just glad everyone was having a good time together. “Uzui-san, it’s only midday, isn’t it a bit too early to begin drinking?” He tried to reason but Tengen just flashed him a smile.
“It’s fine, Himejima-san! It’s not that alcoholic!” He grinned, gulping down a whole glass with Kyojuro, who was just grinning as wide as his flamboyant friend. Obanai sighed loudly, shaking his head and muttering, “He had to drag Rengoku to his antics... What a bad influence...” To which Mitsuri nervously giggled. 
“If you’re worried about Tokito, he’s not even listening to us-!” 
“I can hear you, Uzui-san.”
Tengen blinked, then let out a huff, a hand on his waist. “L/n-san! How about you take a seat away from Tokito and drink with me?”
“Just drink with Owl Eyes, Old Man.” Muichiro spat at him, though his expression didn’t change as he gently grabbed your arm, sending the message that ‘you’re not going anywhere’. You sweatdropped, but gave Muichiro a sweet smile, patting his head.
Tengen only gasped, offended at the nickname Muichiro gave him. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN OLD MAN!?” You can hear Sanemi and Sabito snickering at the young boy’s remark. That only pissed Tengen even more, tick marks appearing on his face. 
“What’s wrong, gramps? Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Drawled Sabito, smirking at the Sound Hashira with a glint of mischief in his eyes. Tengen rose from his seat, ready to strangle the peach haired boy. Giyuu could only let out a sigh.
“I’M ONLY 2 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU!!” Tengen screeched, pointing a finger at Sabito, disrupting the peace across the restaurant. Mitsuri’s face turned red, letting out a squeak, stood up and began bowing to the other customers, babbling embarrassed apologies. To spare Mitsuri from more shame, Obanai reached for her hand and bowed with her.
You almost choked on your tea at the sudden display of affection, completely ignoring Tengen shouting profanities at Sabito and Sanemi, as well as Shinobu landing another kick on Tengen’s head. You shook excitedly on your seat as you watched the two dorks in love grow even more flustered, looking away from each other as they continued to bow in apology. Giyuu buried his face in his hands, lighting rubbing his temples from the growing headache.
“Owl Eyes?” Kyojuro raised a brow at Muichiro, not a bit offended, just curious. Muichiro stared at him blankly, before discreetly pulling out a piece of paper you always carry in your haori, then opened it. Kyojuro analyzed the piece of paper, grin widening more and more as he stared longer.
“You’d be a tiger to be honest since you have that Fire Breathing form but your eyes are huge, so I decided you’d be an owl. Oh, also because you’re loud, it made me think of how owls are loud when they go ‘hoot’ at night.” The boy uncharacteristically ranted, totally engrossed in his drawing. 
In the paper were multiple drawings of all the Hashiras as animals, him being a wide eyed owl. “My my! I feel honored to be drawn as an owl!” The boy's dull eyes sparkled, the faintest of smiles emerged from his lips.
“Thank you, Rengoku-san. It helps me remember everyone when I compare them to animals.” He then turned his head to you, clinging to your arm a bit. “Y/n-san was the one who taught me.” 
Gyomei sighed contently, not even fazed by all the commotion his dear children were causing. Tears pricked his eyes again as he mumbled, “I thank you for giving us such a beautiful day to be together, Namu Amida butsu.”
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✦ Just wanted to write smth that has no implied romance whatsoever this is just some fluffy crack hehe~ This quickly got out of hand but i hope its okay HDSHDHA,, I had a headache midwriting this so have this kinda half assed fic,,, Have a good day/night~!
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Feel The Burn: Andy & A.J.
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Summary: A.J. is very protective of his Mama, and he’s not afraid to let people know. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, A.J. Barber, BiBi Barber, RoRo Barber, KitCat Barber
Warnings: Fluff, Protective A.J, Mother/Son Time, Father/Son Time, Minors DNI
A/N: In between other projects, I’m going to keep writing fics that hopefully allow you to get to know the Barber Twins little personalities. Hope you enjoy! Let me know and thanks for reading. Written on my phone. All mistakes my own.
You and your three-year-old A.J. were out and about on your weekly shopping trip. While all of your babies loved to cuddle, this one took home the trophy for being Mama’s ultimate snuggle bug.
He was like your little shadow, not that you minded. Katrina joined you sometimes, while Aurora and Bianca preferred to stay home with their Dad whenever possible.
Speaking of shadows, RoRo followed BiBi everywhere. She thought her big sissy hung the moon. It annoyed your oldest sometimes - due in part to that whole seven year age gap - but for the most part she didn’t seem to mind.
And as for KitCat…she wasn’t above dragging her little brother everywhere. She loved to read to him, and he loved to listen.
But back to your date.
“Alright buddy,” you ruffle his recently cut hair, “we’ve got the lunchables, the toilet paper, the lunch meat, cookies, ice cream…” You keep listing things off.
“What else are we missing?” You press your forehead against his. “Think hard for me.” His little brow furrows as he closes his eyes. You do the same.
“Ummm. I fink…cupcakes.” A.J. opens his eyes and grins at you.
Shaking your head, you rest an elbow on the cart. “Why am I not surprised, little dude? What kind of cupcakes?”
“Red wif’ creamy cheesy!” He exclaims.
“Fine.” You exhale. “But you must share with your sisters.” And me. You think to yourself.
You become lost in thought while heading over to the bakery isle, as you mentally review your grocery list. So you don’t notice the random man staring at your ass…
But A.J. does. And he’s not happy. He glares at the man over your shoulder and wags a little finger at him.
Instead of taking the toddler’s hint, the man chooses to smile and wave. This forces the little man to intensify his glare.
Back off my Mama. He thinks to himself. Gonna bite you.
Unbeknownst to you, the man continues to follow you around the store and even into the checkout line. And his eyes let everyone know that he likes what he sees.
In a rush to get home and eat dinner - Andy and the girls had ordered a of couple pizzas - you pay your bill and head out the door.
Your vigilant Andrew Jacob keeps his eyes on the man. His frown never leaving.
“Hey! Smile sweet baby.” You lean down to kiss his nose. And then you boop his little freckle. “Aren’t you excited for pizza? Daddy got you a calzone!”
“Watchin’.” He tells you. “Watchin’ for dah Mama.”
“Excuse me, Miss. I don’t mean to bother you and your son, but I think you’re gorgeous. And I was wondering if I could get your number?”
The man was attractive, you could admit that. Be he had nothing on your Andy.
“Sorry, but I’m married.” You hold up your left hand.
“Happily?” He asks.
Before you can answer, your son yells at the guy. “Away fro’ mah Mama! Now!” He growls. “See you wookin’ at dah Mama. Go. Way.”
The man slowly backs away. “Look, little man, I didn’t mean any harm. You’ve just got a pretty Mama.”
“Yeah haf’ pwetty Mama. Haf’ big, stwong Dada too. Go. Way. I keep Mama safe den tell Dada.” A.J. shakes his balled up fist at the man in what you can only assume is outrage.
“I get it, I get it. I’m sorry. Whew.” The man turns and walks away.
You sigh and turn back to your son. “A.J., honey, that wasn’t very nice. Mama was taking care of that.”
He crosses his arms, gives you a “hmph”, and looks away. “Den you no be pwetty an’ A.J. no haf’ tah be mean.”
“Oh goodness.” You mutter as you buckle him into his car seat before loading the groceries into the trunk.
You walk through the door holding your bags. Of course A.J. insisted upon helping as well.
“Too heavy, bud?”
“Nope.” He grunts. “I got.”
When you reach the kitchen he hands you his bag.
“Hey, son. How was shopping with Mama?” Andy asks from his seat at the table. He stands up to greet you both. Apparently the girls had already finished and were playing in the den.
A.J. just shakes his head before going to the fridge and grabbing two fruit punch juice boxes.
“Daddy. Office. Gots tah talk.” Your husband gives you a weird look before accepting his own juice and taking the boy’s hand.
You stand there perplexed, hands on your hips, as you hear the office door shut.
Once safely inside, Andy motions for his son to take a seat before cracking open their drinks.
“Alright, son. Tell Daddy what’s up.”
The little boy sighs and puts a tiny hand to his head.
“Men wookin’ at dah Mama. Haf’ tah tell one tah go way.”
“Mm. I see.” Andy nods, rubbing his beard.
“Mama too pwetty. No wike.”
“Been there son. I’ve been there.”
“Isa pwoblem!” He wails.
Both of your men emerge from Andy’s office with serious looks on their faces.
You didn’t know what they had talked about, but it must have been important.
“You boys want me to heat up your food?”
“In a bit, sweetheart.” Andy kisses your cheek. “Junior and I need to take a walk first.”
Your men were weird sometimes.
The Next Day…
A.J. toddles his way down into the basement where he knows Daddy is working out.
He watches for a moment as the much bigger man grunts as he curls a set of heavy weights.
Andy immediately sets down the iron.
“Yes, baby. You okay? It’s early. Something wrong?”
“Wanna lif’ wif’ you. Get musicles. All mah sissies gonna be pwetty wike Mama. Need keep safe. Musicles like you help wif’ dat.” A.J. gives him a determined nod of his head.
Andy just smiles and wipes his face with a towel.
“Alright son, c’mere. We gotta be careful with this, or your mother will unman me.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Andy hands his son a pair of 2lb weights. “Now watch me and do what I do.”
Soon they’re both curling weights, his little boy grunting just like his Daddy.
“Feelin’ the burn, son?”
“Yeah.” A.J. grunts. “Feel dah burn.”
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meowniee · 3 years
Osaki Shotaro - Noona
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Pairing: Female Reader (senior) x Osaki Shotaro (freshman)
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3,9k
Warnings: oral (f/m) | fingering (f) | penetration | protected sex | praise (f/m) | manhandling | pet names (baby boy, sweetie) | cum eating | rimjob | college au
Synopsis: The new campus freshman caught your eye with his cute chuckle and uninhibited look. Maybe he's not as shy as he seems.
Shotaro. That's the name of the new giggly boy on campus. According to your friends, he came from Japan to study visual arts and, coincidentally, he did some subjects with you, even though he was in his second year and you were in your fourth year. Probably the curriculum of colleges in Japan were different…
You generally didn't care for the freshmen because they were all fresh out of high school and still too young for your personal tastes, but the Japanese steal your attention whenever he's around. His extremely cute smile and his bright eyes infect everyone around him. He was a little shy, always preferring to observe the conversation rather than participate in it. His hands in his pockets and his flushed skin whenever they spoke to him made him even sweeter. His hair was a light pink, contrasting with his deep dark brown eyes.
Every now and then you would catch him looking at you in the hallways or during group lunches. He held your gaze for a few seconds before looking away. It was almost like he was challenging you. In those moments he didn't seem so shy… You started to notice that he loved showing off and being looked at, even though he blushed his cheeks and denied the compliments.
You had never talked directly to each other. Your interactions were limited to looks and laughter in group conversations. Freshmen had a hard time talking to you and your friends because you were seniors. But he seemed pretty comfortable with you guys.
A message from an unknown number arrived on your cell phone
“Noona, can you help me with History of Art, please?
Ah… it’s Shotaro!”
How did he have your number? You didn't know, but you were glad you now had an excuse to talk to him. You were typing the message when you bumped into someone in the college hallway.
“I'm sorry”, you said right away.
“Ah…noona! I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” the boy asked, his accent impossible to miss.
“Ah…Shotaro! I was texting you back. We have a study group tomorrow night. You can go if you want.”, you tried to speak without stammering. The boy really was too cute, too handsome, too tall...
“Do you want to have dinner tonight?” he asked, not hesitating.
Your brain took a while to understand what he had said. The question was sudden and left you speechless. What do you mean go out to dinner if we've never talked? You were still recovering from the accident in the hallway and now this…
He was looking at your face with a smile on his lips and those eyes shining, as if you weren't struggling to find the words to answer the freshman. He didn't seem to mind the situation. He didn't look nervous. Where's all the shyness he appeared to have?
“Hm… Yeah… Sure…”, you finally said. Did you feel your face get warm… were you embarrassed? My god… it's been so long since a boy left you like this.
"Perfect. Text me later and we'll set the time”, he said, smiling even wider and continuing on his way to his next class.
You stood there in the hallway, a little stunned by what had happened. You still didn't believe the freshman had asked you out like that. And you… ACCEPTED… And now?
It was late afternoon and he hadn't sent any messages yet. You were lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, ignoring all the activities you were supposed to do, thinking about him. You found yourself remembering the features of his face and paying more attention to things you had never thought of… Like his full, rosy lips, always delicately painted with lipstick. His eyelids slightly smoky with makeup. His soft woody scent that always left you a little shaken when he walked by. His light pink hair that matched his skin tone perfectly. And… well… you didn't know what his body was like other than that he was pretty tall. He was always wearing baggy clothes, but his hands were big and with some prominent veins drawing lines.
Okay… maybe you were too excited for the simple dinner he called you. Was it just dinner or did he want something more? How old was he? He was at least 3 years younger than you… That is, he was already an adult.
Your cell phone rang
"Noona, do you mind if I wear lipstick?"
You read it and got confused. Why would he be asking you that? It wasn't your problem what he chose to wear or not.
“Nooo. You can use anything. It’s okay”, you replied quickly.
“I bought a new one to use for you ^-^”
… What? Did he… buy you a lipstick? Oh god… what boy is this? You thought it was strange, but your heart sped up a little. Had he planned all of this then? Ask you out… buy a new lipstick to use *for you*. His mind was thinking too fast and now you were anxious.
“Meet me in the auditorium at 11 o'clock. Do you prefer beer or wine?”, you asked.
You dropped your cell phone and sighed. His way of talking was different from others. No fear, no excitement. You wanted to surprise him with an evening tour of the campus. The auditorium was a good place to start. It had been closed for renovation for a few months, so no one went there anymore, but it was still an exotic and beautiful place to spend time alone.
It was exactly 8 pm when you looked at your watch. The girls' dorm wasn't far from the auditorium, so you needed 15 minutes to get there. Living in college had its benefits, though.
You heard footsteps approaching in the moonlit hallway of the auditorium. He was wearing a blue and black coat, a loose shirt and jeans. The outfit was simple but looked amazing on him. His eyes sparkled as did his silver earrings in both ears.
“Hi…”, you greeted him, handing him a bottle of beer.
“Noona…” he bent down slightly, taking the bottle and opening it. You toasted lightly and you opened the door for him to enter the auditorium with you.
You walked up the stairs and up the sides of the armchairs, consciously moving your hips with each step, knowing he was watching you right behind. You heard the click of the door closing and his footsteps following you. You climbed to the first mezzanine, where you sat on the ledge, legs dangling out, arms braced on the safety bars.
Shotaro sat down beside you and in the same moment his scent filled the air around you. This time it felt a little sweeter than everyday, but it still suited him. He looked at you and smiled, drinking his beer.
You sat there for a while, swinging your legs and drinking slowly, watching the empty theater below your feet. The college at night was silent and you could hear each other breathing. Despite the silence, it was no stranger. Both were comfortable in each other's company, just enjoying the moment.
“Your lipstick really is beautiful”, you said, looking up into his face. He smiled and looked into your eyes. Salmon-colored lipstick was gently coloring his lips. His cheeks flushed again.
“Why did you buy it to use for me?” you asked, looking him in the eye.
He leaned forward a little so their faces were close together and whispered,
“That color would look good on you”, and he smiled naively. Your head spun. That boy would be your undoing. “Can I show you?” he asked quietly.
You just nodded, unable to form a sentence. You didn't want to assume what he was going to do, so you let him do what he wanted.
He took your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing your wrist gently. His lips were soft as they touched your skin and it made your whole body shiver. He showed you the lipstick mark on your skin, delicately drawn by the outline of his lips.
“It really… suited me…”, you whispered. Your heart was beating fast inside your chest and your breathing was short. Shotaro seemed to notice and smiled at your nervousness. He tucked a strand of your hair that fell into your eyes behind your ear.
Leaning even farther forward, he placed his lips very close to your ear and whispered in a low voice,
“It would look even prettier on your lips…”, you felt him gently rubbing his face against yours, inhaling the scent of your hair as you took a deep breath of his scent.
“Yes…”, you managed to whisper, not quite understanding why you were saying yes…
"yes what?" he asked looking into your eyes, the tips of his nose dangerously close. You could feel the warm air of his breath caressing your skin.
“Show me”, you finally said.
“Then kiss my lips”, he didn't smile anymore. His eyes were fixed on yours, daring you to make the next move, heating your insides like flames.
His lips met yours in a soft kiss, pressing slowly together. You started kissing him slowly and shyly, waiting for his body to react. You felt him twitch and sigh during the kiss. You ran a hand through his pink hair and threaded your fingers gently through the strands. His lips parted further, moaning softly. You slipped your tongue over his. His mouth was hot and his taste was sweet.
“Hm…” he moaned again softly. You pulled his lips away from you to look at him. “Noona… Can we go to my room?” he asked, looking into your eyes. You nodded and he took your hand and stood up quickly, heading down the halls almost at a run.
You guys laughed all the way there and had to hide from the boys' dorm guard, ducking through the door.
You barely entered his room when he pressed you against the door, locking it as he kissed your lips vigorously now. His imposing body pressing you against the door. One of his legs opened the space between your thighs and pressed against your hot nub. Unlike the shy boy you observed, inside the room Shotaro was bold, running his hands all over your body as his mouth explored yours, entwining your tongues and exchanging gasps.
Your hands were ruffling his hair, sometimes pulling at the strands or pushing him closer to your body. His hands were now on your hips, making you rub against his thigh, firmly pressed between your legs. You moaned a little louder as his hands gripped your ass hard, nearly lifting you off the ground, and you could feel the smirk on his lips.
He cursed softly in his native tongue as your lips began to roam over his neck, slowly kissing and sucking on his soft skin. He took his hands off you only to take off his coat and shirt, revealing his perfect body. You admired him for a while before greedily kissing him again.
He lifted you onto his lap and walked to the bed, sitting on the edge and placing you on his lap. His hands were under your shirt, caressing your ribs, and you took your shirt off. He dipped his head between your breasts, taking a deep breath and kissing down to your neck. From behind, his hands eased your bra free and he slid the lace over your skin, leaving you both bare-chested.
You pushed his chest slowly until he was lying on the bed. You started by kissing his lips and moving down his neck, alternating between light bites, kisses and licks, down his torso. When your lips sucked on one of his nipples, you felt his hips push against your core. You knelt on the floor between his legs, playing with the waistband of his pants.
“Can I?”, you asked.
“Please, noona”, he replied with a smirk on his lips, eyes fixed on you.
You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, tossing his pants somewhere in the room. He propped himself up on his elbows so he could see you better. Your little hands glided down his torso until they stopped on the volume under his underwear. You felt the contour of his already erect member under your palm, pressing down slowly, massaging the entire length. He was big, bigger than you expected. It was thick and long, and for a moment you wondered if you could get it all in your mouth.
You pulled the waistband of his underwear down too, gathering the pile of clothes along with the rest. His cock nearly hit your face, standing beautifully in front of him, his head reddened and the tip already slightly wet. You looked into his eyes and closed your fingers along his length, gently starting to move them up and down.
You licked from his balls to the head of his cock like a kitten, still maintaining eye contact. His head fell back and he grunted. You took the tip of it in your mouth, massaging it with your tongue as you slid it deeper. You closed your eyes when you had to concentrate not to choke on his cock. You felt his hand tangling in your hair and gently pressing your head lower.
As soon as your nose pressed against his stomach, his hips thrust forward, making you choke on his cock. He moaned louder and pulled your head, clearing your airway.
“Fuck, noona,” he whispered. He was a complete mess: messy hair, flushed skin, half-open lips, labored breathing. You had barely started…
You massaged his cock with one hand while your mouth worked his red head. He was sweet just like his mouth. Your free hand began to massage his balls gently, pressing your palm in a circular motion. He opened his legs even more, giving you more space between them. His abdomen contracted each time your mouth descended on his cock. He was even more beautiful that way.
Your hands slid down his thigh, gripping his back and pressing him to lift his legs. Immediately he slid his hips forward and brought his legs up.
“Oh… Baby boy like that?”, you asked looking into his eyes. He blushed and nodded. You descended your mouth into his balls, licking them and sucking them slowly into your mouth. He moaned shamelessly now, letting his head fall back eventually.
You went down licking his perineum until you reached his rim. He twitched as your tongue gently massaged it. Your hand reached for his cock that was resting on his belly, a puddle of pre cum formed just below his head. You started jerking him off at the same pace your tongue massaged his entrance. His body contracted more and you could see that he was already close to cumming.
“Be careful…”, he took a deep breath, “you're going to make me cum like this”, he said, a little embarrassed.
“And you don't want to?” you asked before licking his balls again, looking him in the eye.
“Too fast…”, he barely managed to say between the moans of pleasure and the tension building in his abdomen. You can see his ears turning red and his eyes downcast almost embarrassed.
“It's okay, cum whenever you want. I would love to see you melt in my mouth like this… You look so cute, all messed up for me.”
His cock twitched in your hand and you increased your speed, earning moans of approval as his eyes closed and his brows furrowed. His hand supported your head, pulling you even closer to his ass, fiercely licking his rim. You felt his whole body contracting as his other hand took yours and continued to masturbate until he came. Your head was pulled back as he ended up in your mouth, coming on your tongue. A few drops trickled from the corner of your mouth, onto your breasts.
He took a deep breath as he felt the numbness through his body dissipate like heat. You were amazed watching that scene and how he manhandling you so easily to finish in your mouth, just like you wanted. He slid the head of his dick into your mouth and you licked it clean while he watched every move you made heartily in his eyes.
He grabbed you by the ribs and pulled you up as soon as you took his cock out of your mouth. He looked down at your semen-filled breasts and licked it all up, swallowing as he looked at you. You felt your panties get even more wet seeing the scene in front of you. The boy was a danger hidden behind a cute smile.
His hands went to the waistband of your pants and opened the button. He started kissing your stomach as he gently slid the fabric over your body. His hands caressed all over your leg. Your black panties were soaking wet and he smirked when he ran his fingers down the middle of your leg and felt the wetness.
“Noona…”, he began softly, “do you want it rough or soft?”, he practically grunted with his head pressed between your legs, sucking in your pleasure. Your legs trembled at the question.
“Ruin ​​me, baby boy”, you replied.
He smiled mischievously. Your panties were fast pulled down, leaving you naked at last. Within seconds you were on all fours in bed, with him kneeling behind you. His hand squeezing your ass fearlessly, leaving red marks after letting go. The other squeezing your lower back down, making your ass buck even more.
His tongue went from your clit to your entrance, not paying much attention to either of them, just playing and delighting in your taste. Finally, when his lips sucked on your clit, it was like a shock running through your entire body. Your legs gave way slightly, but he held you in place, sinking your nub further into his mouth. His tongue was vigorous in the treatment of your clit, making your whole body tremble and eliciting louder moans of pleasure each time.
You felt a finger playing with your entrance, pressing down slowly. You clenched around nothing, waiting for him to satisfy your need soon. Your arms gave out and your face collapsed on the bed. You wanted more, wanted to feel him whole inside you.
He slipped a finger inside you easily and you pushed your hips against him, rolling slowly. His finger curved inside you and massaged your rough spot while his tongue pressed flat against your swollen clit.
He withdrew his finger and tongue, making you cry softly. But shortly thereafter, he placed two fingers, slowly moving in and out of your wet core, massaging deeper.
“Fuck my face, noona”, he grunted, going back to administering his tongue to you. You moaned loudly as you started to roll in his face. The fingers trying to follow your rhythm and stimulate you in the right place, the tongue trying not to lose your clitoris in its clumsy movements.
“Fuck…Shotaro…I’m gonna cum”, you started to go faster. He squeezed your ass with his free hand, pulling you even closer to him. When your movements started to give way, he continued on to you, punching his curled fingers quickly into you as he firmly suckled on your clit, exploding the wave of pleasure that was unbearably taking over your body.
Bright spots appeared in your vision as your whole body heated up. His fingers slowed but didn't stop, guiding you through your high. Your orgasms were so intense that for a moment you didn't see him flipping you onto your back and positioning himself on top of you.
“Are you with me, noona?” he asked, brushing the hair out of your eyes and lovingly kissing your face. The cute smile on his lips again.
You mumbled in response, snuggling into his arms for a moment. He stayed there, stroking your arm until your breathing returned to normal. When you looked at him, he kissed your lips gently. It was a warm kiss full of touches. His hands roamed your leg and pulled your leg over his hip, letting you feel his hard cock against your entrance.
“Don’t wanna ruin you, noona”, his eyes were fixed into yours, “I wanna be your baby boy”, he kissed your lips again. Your entire body rekindled with his words. He was hard again and ready to make you feel good. God… he really was a good boy.
“You're being really good to me, baby boy”, you ran your hand through his hair, kissing his swollen lips. "I like it soft too, don't worry, sweetie".
He reached across the dresser and grabbed a condom. He placed it over his big, hard member and dropped the packet somewhere on the floor. He repositioned himself with your leg over him, hugging you and looking you in the eyes, with your body right next to his. He kissed you one more time before positioning the head of his cock at your entrance, pressing down slowly.
You felt it enter you, sliding down your still wet walls, lodged deep in your core. You felt him throb as your walls squeezed his cock, trying to fit in with the size.
“Ah…noona, fuck…” he moaned into your neck.
“So big, baby boy…”, you pressed him closer to your body. The pressure in your pussy was great and you forced yourself to relax so it didn't hurt. He waited without moving until you let him know he could.
The pace started out slow so as not to hurt you. His strong body held you in place as his hips thrust into you, nearly pulling out on the back, only to put it back in again. He was so good you were lost in the feel of him inside you.
His body moved sensually, taking more and more time inside you, rolling his hips, pushing even more inside you, reaching more sensitive places. His name escaped your lips between moans. His hips making you drunk with pleasure. Both breathing laboriously with each passing minute.
He took your thigh that was on top of him and pressed it against your chest so that he was on top of you. In this position, he can go even deeper, making you whimper. A hand descended between your bodies and found your clit. He rested his thumb over it, massaging each thrust of his hip. He quickened the pace, seeking his orgasms as he felt your walls pressing against his cock.
“Shotaro… ah…”, you moaned loudly as your orgasms came unannounced, taking over your entire body, tightening your muscles and cutting off your breath. Seeing you squirming under him made him come too, painting the condom white. He continued in and out slowly leading them both through the orgasms.
He got up and quickly discarded the condom and returned with his shirt. He cleaned your legs gently as best he could and then lay down beside him, pulling you into his chest, stroking your hair.
“Please spend the night here with me, noona”, he asked gently.
“I stay, baby boy. You can call me Y/n if you want too”, you snuggled even more into his arms. His body was warm and comfortable. He pulled a blanket to cover your bodies.
“I like noona…”, he giggled.
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soupbabe · 3 years
hello so i know there’s one for the crusaders and the duwang gang but i was wondering if i can request a chubby s/o with bruno’s gang? please and thank you!!
Bucci Gang w a Chubby! S/O
I love writing chubby/plus size readers sm !!😌 y'all deserve the world. Also I think I might've gone a tad bit overboard w this?? Not sure lol
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno would love you regardless of your body! He's never been one to heavily judge someone's appearance
Going clothes shopping with him is a win and lose kind of thing
On one hand, you have your boyfriend to hypr you up when you try on clothes
On the other hand,,you could wear a potato sack and he'd still be like "You look radiant, tesoro"
"Bruno, you have to say more than 'you look great' after I show you a new outfit. " "Well, you know better than anyone, I'm not the kind of guy to lie or brush you off. I'm being genuine in every statement"
I just can't see him finding a favorite part of you
Like he adores the way your chubby cheeks are just on display when you're smiling, he thinks it makes your smile seem way brighter
And he also just adores your soft thighs, a perfect resting place for his head when he gets stressed out from work
Bruno is just smitten by you
Leone Abbacchio
I imagine that you'd have to have pretty tough skin upon meeting Abbachio
It's very easy to think that he'd make a few snide comments upon meeting and working with you
It's not a lot and he says very little, but they can be the kind of quick comments to get under someone's skin easily
But I promise you it'd stop once you two get to know each other and work alongside each other more
He has such a soft spot for you now omg-
If he's ever having a bad day he just likes to wrap his arms around your soft waist and rest his head on your shoulder
Maybe give it a couple of little kisses if your shoulders are exposed
That action is literally his favorite thing to do in domestic settings
I hc that all of the bucci gang have their own separate places instead of living to together, so Abbacchio has his own privacy to let his walls down and be more outwardly loving
He loves going up behind you while you're cookie dinner and ask what you're making, hiding his smirk in your shoulder when he feels your face heat up
I think his favorite part of you might be your wife waist/hips
It's the first thing he gravitates to and clings to when you too fall asleep together
Abbachio could be facing away from you when he falls asleep and wake up with your back pressed against his chest, his arms around you
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno has a preference for plus size bodies it's canon because I said so
To him your plush body just makes him think that you were taken care of in your life
Having some meat on your bones is something Giorno just appreciates in an s/o, you know?
I don't think he'd be the best at expressing how much he loves you through touch or verbal affection, so he likes to buy you stuff
It could be from something as simple as flowers to clothes you eyed at one time, but you decided to not buy
If he wants to buy you something special and it's not in your size it's no problem for him
His mafia connections give him easy access to a lot of businesses in Italy and he could afford to get something custom made just for you
I can see his favorite body part of yours being your eyes
Giorno just loves how much emotion they hold and how much they silently tell him how you're feeling
And they especially help him take notice if you're having one of those off days you know? It helps him understand so he can be there for you
Pannacotta Fugo
He's not that judgemental when it comes to an s/o
But he did think you were very attractive and did develop a small crush on you when he first met you
He can be easily flustered and it's so easy for someone like Mista or Narancia to tease him about his chubby crush
"Hey Fugo, I saw you staring at Y/N's shorts. Saw somethin' you like?" "S-shut the fuck up Mista! I wasn't staring at them!"
He loves your personality as well, I don't think Fugo has ever had a crush before and is struggling to remain subtle at times
Once you two are in a relationship, he's so happy
I do imagine that it'd take Fugo awhile to be used to physical affection from an s/o regardless, but once he felt a hug from you?? He wants you to hug him all the time
Was he missing out this entire time?? You're so soft and warm?? He loves it so much omg
I think his favorite body part of yours is your hands
Since he'd rather keep things professional in the gang, holding your hand is as far as he'd go for pda
When he's feeling stressed out, he likes to hold onto your hand for reassurance
Sometimes he likes to squeeze your soft palm if his anger issues is testing him or just to get your attention discreetly when you two are around the gang
Narancia Ghirga
Another gang member to adore and prefer chubby s/os!!
He just finds them comforting tbh
He's also very clingy, finding a way to have his arms around you at all times
If you feel uncomfortable with it and tell him, he'll pout but (reluctantly) keep his hands to himself
It doesn't matter how odd it might look, he will sit on your lap
He just likes snuggling up with you and having your big arms wrapped around him
He loves to share his food with you!!
Lunch breaks from his lessons are commonly when you can casually spend time with your boyfriend and give him the encouragement he needs to make it through the second half of his school day
Typically during this time he'd cut an orange in half, give one half to you, and he plays with the other half to make you laugh
One time during his orange smile act, he almost choked because he was distracted by how nice your laugh is-
He's also very protective of you
Seriously he's not above pulling a knife on a stranger who made a rude comment about you-
I fully believe that his favorite body part of yours is your tummy!
He loves laying on it so much that sometimes you feel like his personal pillow instead of s/o
Add in you running your hands through his hair?? You can already hear his soft snores
Guido Mista
I think he really didn't pay any mind to plus size folks, until he saw you
You were just in shorts and a crop top/tank top(/whatever makes you comfortable) to combat the Italian heat and his mind made that awooga awooga sound
I just know he brought out his old flirting tricks onto you
This man could be in the category of "annoyingly persistent, but not yet boarder line harrassment" regardless of your response to being hit on
He is your personal hypeman omg
While everyone has their off days, it's really hard to feel insecure when Mista is around
Just like Narancia, he's so protective of you
Even if you are 100% capable of handling the situation himself, he will yell and bark at the rude stranger
"Get your fucking boyfriend bitch-" "he don't bite :)" "yES HE DO"
Please sit on this man's lap, he would be so happy
Think you're too heavy? Mista would take that as a challenge and drag you onto his lap anyways
He would secure his arms around your large frame and give a teasing kiss on the cheek, "Haha, you can't escape now babe!"
His favorite body part of yours might be your thighs
Once he met you, he was a true believer of "thick thighs save lives"
Mista would constantly beg you to wear shorts all the time, using the hot weather as an excuse
"The weather is at a record high! It's best for you to wear shorts, Y/N." "Mista you're literally wearing a sweater." "So!? I'm worried about you, this conversation isn't about me!"
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